SEEM ftlatitinghost Inb - 11rinfing Office. - - CORN OF 'WORD AND FIFTH STEtils"lll. try" qlag oar Establiatimont, aphsudid litteaurrower Printing,Maehlue, we are propared to do, all kinds ac Newspaper and Book Work in a stylo of un surpassed beciaty_and' neatness, and upon the most tea.. sonabto terms: We taspootklly.tooliol ilea patronage ot the publiii.ti tlibiline of out tstoness.. , , . ativotisers aretsque.xteetto /land in therjavorobfarre 4 o dad P:4l. - This must as comptied.wia t in ordtr in-' 1101 %Nathan, Watnitispomble,tin sarti•gourutouid ur E. W. CARR, Vaned States r.lowarkaper Agency . Sun EultdlngeLN. E. corner of Third and Dock streets, and 400,North Fourth streer—isouroalyautborisedAgent in Fhiladolphja. FlteleoMt Limon Scosa.—Frepared by J. W. Kelly Walken street, N. Y., and for sale by A. JA.I10:15, No. 70 Founh strett,'Agont for the manufacturer.* , This will be fbund a deliglatul article of beverage:inlet:allies, and 1)&1lb:bin:Iv in sick rooms. • - • Dana% Ltnosrs,—An improved Chocolate preparation,' being a combination of Cocoa nut; innocent, tortgoniting , end paintgible ; highly recorareendedi pariculatly for invalids. - Prepared by. W. Baker, Dorchester, Ness., and for sale by A. bonnot, at thePekin Tea Store, No'. 7O Fourth street - • cairn- Ilituir•Gliiracensa - AND I l liZlNESl."•Wright'is Indian Vege table Pills-are one of the beet medicines in the world for the cute of 'giddiness, because they purge froth the body those stagnant and corrupt humors which, - When-fleatinr lathe general mass of the circulation, are the cause of a, determination of - rush let - blood to-the.head, giddiness, headache, lose lit memory, dimmers of eight, drowsiness, gain of, the head, and 'many tither symptoms of a loaded and corrupt state of the blood - - - VVrtght's Indian Vegetable Pills arc also ono of the very best 'medicines tor the - cure" of indigestion, and therefore will 410i3 t assuredly restore the body to a -sound .Betaara c ' eunterflits and Imitations.—Remitaber ilmt the Ongiuni and Only Genuine Indian -Vegetable Pills finve the writtr a signature of Wtz.raim Watatrr on be top label of each box: - • " • " - Remember, alscfi'that H. Smyser,Dmggist. corner of Market and Thinl itree s, is not an agent for this mediaeine, and we cannot gunrnntee tie Vanilla that offered ~ uine - I fo r W i gs PipOTe li9 Racestr r e, Phi a a D lpha e h d-by JOHN al THOMPSON, 156 Liberty 'street, Pittsburgh.'N Who is sole agent for this city, by whom dealers can be sup .plied at the wholesale rate. , marta ID"7.Constimption is-a' disease which is carrflng its victims to the tombs by thousands, without being arrest- ed in its progress - by the medicinesin common use at the present time: Hut a .brightet day - is-coming, and las come—as to successfully arrest this disease. Dr: Rogers' Livetivort 'and 'rar not only gives immediate relief in Coughs and Colds, but from the testitnotty of mien of-the highest standing bere'and elsewhere, it, is making some very minor/cable cares of Consumption. Improvements in the treatment of arc onward, and nothing cad arrest its spirit ill the .present age. - Those who are sitilicted with diseased Lungs, would do well to-cull ot the agent, and see the certificatcsof -Dr. Wm-J. Rich ards, Judge Burke, the - wife of the Rev. George W. Maley, and of Dr. Hiram Cox, lateTrofessor, in the Fe ' lectie Medical College of Cinninnati. - ' This medicine not only cures Consumption. bufhienks up the most distressing Cough in a few.hours time, or the money will be cheerfully refunded. For sato by r • - • & co, -• .. Wholesale Druggists, No. GO Wood at. IiaNF,ELANII & MARDIN, . Grant street. meit6:l3md&w. , ATICTION SALEIji BY JAMES MILEN.N.4, AUCTIONEER. No. 114 ; Wool) . TIIIIEE DO4)119 FROM F 117711 "DEAL ESTATS--•A valuable Lot of Ground corner of ct ashington street and Cray . E alley, is the ast or 3d Ward,City•of Pittsburgh, on erected a thick and Frame Dwelling House and Stable s at AUCTION . ..— On Saturday, March 94th, at 3.o'clock in the . afternoon,. be•sold, on the ;trembles, in the 3d Ward; Pittsburgh, a Lot of Ground situate on the corner of IVashingiOn st. and Clay alley, on which is erected one good substantial Brick Dwelling and one. Frame Dwelling, both finished in the best nod most coridortable manner. Also, one Frame .Stable. The property, is very valuable. being : located in. the best part of the city, and suitable either for a private residence or business stand, such as is seldom. 'oliered at Public sale. The terms will be accommodating. intuit) . - • ' JAMES McKEINNA, Auct. . PLENDID FURNITURE- 'Feather Beds, Mat tmsses, 0 Carpeting, China Ware, 'Kitchen Utensils, ern., of a Private Tamil), ut AUCTION.—On Saturday, March 24th, at 10 iiclockiu the tbrenonn, will be sold, without reserve, at the dtvellineCitsxasits.ltPliniata, EEtq • -Fourth street, lintweett Wood mad Smithfield, his entire Household Furniture,Feather Beds, Bedding, ere.,as he is removing to Philadelphia. Every article will c pos itively sold, without tury respect to, prices. It is certain- - ly as fine a lot of Furniture as was ever offered at public sale in thiceity, and has been kept in the - neatest and best of order. The greater penis ta use only. about four years, and all were expressly made to onler,comprising apart the following: rnallogany , sofus and - chairs, ma hogagy divans and rocking chairs, mahogany side board with marble top, 1 mahogany secretary and-book-case Mahogany card Mlles. mahogany side tables, mahogany centre tables, cherry dining and breakfast tables,mahog any wash stands - with marble tops; Cherry wash stands, fancy work stands, mahogany dressingbcreatis, =hog. any and cherry plain bureaus. 1 splendid mahogany pa tent high post bedstead, cherry high post bedsteads, cherry French bedsteads, 2 excellent wardrobes. Caney and common chairs, 3 large and splendid Mantel hioking glasses, fancy toilet glasses, gas chandeliers, efindela- - bras; a large assortment ot parlor, chamber, hail and stair carpeting, cif the - latest patterns and best quality; Brussels and .Saxony hearth rugs, feather beds of the choicest quality, hair, husk and straw mattresses :Vied ding of every. deseription, fenders and fire irons, Vene tian and transparent blinds, Chins tea and dinner sets, a variety of queensware and 'glassware, ivory handle knives and forks, common-To., I French manitd clock with shade,TOIIS .1 weeks; with a great 'satiety of kitch en utensils; 2 eldelle at cooking stoves, with fixtures. all complete; 1 - refrigerator, 1 wire Aare. Terms at sale: marl 9 JAMES McKEN?iA, Anct. PL EN DIU ' , URN ITU HE AT AU C ON.4ht Thins ° day, Ma. ch 29th, at tO o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold' at the'eubinet Wareroom of Philip Weis ' Penn street, second door . from Walnut street, yin Ward, his entire stock of 'Furniture, as he is declining that busi ness Among the articles arc. wardrobes, "card tables, dining and breakfast tables, wash stands, fancy work stands, high post bedsteads, French bedsteads, unborn pi dressing bureaus, fall column plain bureaus, cherry . bureaus, fancy and comsrum chairs, settees. marl 4 JAM FS Itic KENNA, :A act. N ACCOUNT OF WHO IT MAY UONCERItt, to pay hoarding and otheicharges ' on Saturday-af ternoon, March 3lin, at 2 o'clock. will he sold, withou „reserve, at ArNetina's Auction Rooms, to pay hoarding Atittiother.charges, unlessathe owners or thew agents re deem them before, 8 trunks, comithiing`clothingi&e.; 3 . carpet kags„containingclothiti ac.; .1 hat boiandlat ;* Ibandbo2-und .contents; 1 valise 'and contents;'! port folio; bat of starch; I gold watch. 'Those concerned will tithe Itotice of this advertisement: Terms, cash, par funds. - I/. R. MILLER, •, SL Charles BoteL JAMES M'KENNA,-Auct'r. iMrchS A r ALUAIILtS FARM I , olt SAL42.--Of 115 Acres, having 45 in a good state of cultivation, and suita ble Improvements the balance of the Land is of first rate - quality, and "well titnherecl—situated- one mile from the West - side-of side of the Ohio -river, 2 ztud twenty miles belew this city... Those desirous or securing a henithy location -end w bargain, in a good Farm, will attend, without de= S. CUTHBERT, Gen Agent; - JUSHUA RHODES, inotriale Fruitercr, Confationer and 'Dealer in Nuts rind nit kinds of Foreign Fruits, No. IVond street, Eastsble, between NS'ater and First streetii Pitisburgh,-Pa. All orders in his line.carefully. 1 2 , GG3-8 nbtn. fresh Eggs, Tee'd cousignment, and 111 for sale by -twar7 - 2j ' KING-&I4IOOIUM'AD. ' OTATOES--100.sacks, just fee'd and for sale by P mar -1 -; KING & MOORHEA D, CREAM osalEbp.F TARTAR-- . 6U_O i la_ t • . }: grci just re c ce x iv a e r d Lrne N , &nit WOO 4 lANNA-400 lbs. Small PI aka. jinn received and for sate by - B. A.. FAHNESTOCK - Corner Ist and Wood am DOPER'S ISINGLASS---B.eases, just received and !or 'sale by p.. A. FAUN &STOCK & CO., zritten - ' . Corner, let and Wood sta. TORIME YELLOW CORN-1000 bushels . , in store and for sale, wholesale Mid retail, by marn • ,RHODF.S It ALCORN, 30 Fifth at ri3ORNI&T:YHEE.A.RL-.500 litabs.'s Prime Yellow; ki rn store and for sule.hy RHODES & ALCORN, • nittal 30 Fifth street. iL MEAL—Of our own Grinding, colistantly on band NJllrut for sale by • 'RHODES & ALCORN, at 22 • all Fifth street.. • ". 1 0113--Constautly on build and for sale. wholesale u l ond" rend!, ' RHODES & ALL'OR-N, "' Insr22_ ' .30 Falb street. . _ .CHOPP'D FEB D , FOR .11012.513 AND CATTLE— Choo'd Corn and. Oats, do. Com and Oat-bran,- and Barley Meal, constantly on hand and for aaleby msr_• 'RHODES acALCORN,I3O Fifth at. AT MEAT AND 1113LVD BARLEY..—Of our own ij 'Manufacture. constaitly outland and for fella by • RHODES & ALCORN% 30 Filth at. inn PACKAGES T UBS, KEGLERS and 'RICKETS, Vt./. just received froarAiatieszi factory, and for sale by • - [mar22] . .W. & ACHESOLN. 150 113:ol3rIeSuiePbOyTitniT.OESTIInvfir.ncralamrd 160 B BLS., e o lots i N m ig .r. ‘ r/; ,, E1 . - 6 1 . n A sA;Zi .o r E CFI VED- Al , DI.: A. MINER:S.—The Carious, a_ Family Picture; by E. Bulwer Lytton. The Diamond-and the Pearl; by Mro. Gore. New York in Slices with splendid illuitratiOns:, - Tho Old Judge; or Lite 111=0. Colony; by Judge Hulibur ion. !Mho! of Sam Slick.. -The .4dientureri or Caleb Williams, or thMgi oe they arc; by. .IVilliatn Godwin. Dayisqlanuel of -Magnetism; new edition. hlerfithi Chemical_ and Pharmaculic Manipulations; leith.9.23illustrotions. A Hew. Description Califcrrnia,, complete . with all the useful information to emigrants to . that country; by L. W. Hastings, a resident of .Calicornia. 'maxld - ' SMCIRVIRLD sr., 3D DOOR ABOVE SRDOND. . PO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of. General Allegheny Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of The petition.of Elizabeth:Mink. of - the Ward,-eity of Pittsburg, in the county aforesaid, humbly sherveth, That your penuoner bath provided, herself with materials for, the accommodation of travelers and others:at her dwel. ling house, in the Ward, nforessidj and prays that your Honors will grant her a license to.keep .abottse Of pub. lie entertainment. And your . petitioner in duty bound,will pray. . -ELIZABETH. MINK. We, the. subscribers, .citizens of re the afosaid Ward; do certify, That the abovepetitioner leaf good rliputefor •• honesty and temperance, and is well provided with booze r room and conveniences for the.accommo,dation - of. tray.w. eters and'others, and that said tavern,is rtecessaq. , . .. J. Wilson,T. E. Kremer, Wm. Ketteab nigh, ROgarlb A. Reatz,./..Hay,D. Ross,D Neel, Thos. GrayW.War• en, W. Sehmklt, W. Peter, J. - Pena*. Std&W; MMO =WM • PASSENGER ARILIINGEIVENTS_POR 1848. '- dieru nbeatPaekethinor,leaveadally for Oincinnati,lollL Passenger' Paektyviti "BroWnrrille, ro: Baltirnorn and Fitiladellitd aid Gran, and drat- - r• PlailEoaehLine, direct to Philadelphia; tr A: 12 1 Watnem and Southern Mall 'Mach Line, et a: W. •-• NcirtiroWeetern, ataVlevelandi daily; to A. X. Erie and Weetern New York;daily,•l? A- 11 . Nortle•Eaaterroo Philadelplaia;dailr, except Eturditia,4 ARRIVALS AND DELARTURE Or MALLS. : Eastern - Malt via Philadelpkia, due 345 t., closes 12 u. I VesterNMail,Cita. stud Lonum., due 8 r.lut : , closest; A.*. Soutb.via Rai Land Washington, A. due 0 P.1111.i 6,50'5 A.ll. Monk-Western ids Cleyeland, dui 10 . 114 closes° A. N. Erie and 'Western New 'York, due 8 r. M. closes 8 • ss • - EITOCICS. - • Par. radar. ,Asked. Offered Datikor Pittsburgh 650,10 - 1560,00 150,00 Exchange Bank 50,00 44,00 43,60 Merchant* , and hi. Bank - 5000 60,00 ' 49,00 . Parraera , , Deposit Bank ' None fit market. - Hand Street Bridge 50,00 . : MOO . 49,00 Northern Libertie a Bridge ..... • • 60,00 , 36,00 Old Allegheny Br:dge • 23,03 30,00 , 33,00 Connellsaille R.Steek, paid on sharea,ls2,so 6,00 . 1,43 City. Bonds (0 cent?) 90,00 Monongahela Bridge23,oo .16,60 Oita Stock -• 60,00 OFFICE. OF TIM POST. • FRIDAY MORNING, Starch : kl. 1840.11 ( The weather is again very fine. Business is very brisk, on both the " - Allegheny and Monongahela wharves, andm the streets. The spring has thirty opened: - Thin Eletels are crowded with country merchants, and withipockets fully of rocks:they are . in the humor to buy liberally. :Wehave but little change to note in prices. ASHES`-Of Soda Ash;—,the mirket is fbil; sales .tolerably brisk at Omitted rates, MOM , In other kinds of Ashes there are no changes in prices. We take out figures of last - week: Seorehinge, 31031 I Pearls, f 4-051 Pots, - &damns, 6051 ALE—The demand Is very good, without any chano in. prices. We quote Common at $6,00, X X $7,00; XXX 68,00. Bavarian Beer (a compara tively new article in the market) is worth $6,00. - BACON—The market is quite dull; a few sales Made at last week's quotation; Hams' at 61-061 c.; Shoulders 4e.. Sides 5951 c. BRICKS. -Common are.worth $4,5095,00; Paving $5,5096,00; Fire Bricks $16,00. BAGS--=Sales of Cotton at $4,0094,50 el , dor. BLOOMS.. Reid. at $659170. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-No supply, and no de mand. -The season is ewer. 'BEEF..SaIes of Dried Beef at 7lc. in a retail way; but little doing: BERSWAX: .Some transactina reported at 199 29c.from first hands and from store. BUCKETS—SaIes of Beaver and Marietta Buck ets at 62,1592,20. '-Good supply in market; and de- Mand brisk as usual. • BEANS..SaIe of IS bbls small white at 62c. Dull; market well supplied. Common raised are worth 409L0.' BUTPER..SaIer oramall lots of Pibtrie Roll at . -121 e. Market almost bare; ink demand good. Lard is dull, and without any change in prices; No 1 is worth 6196 c. Bulk Pork we quote at 31 c. but the demand is nut so good. COTTON VARNS--Manufactarers have made a change in prices. - We give the table corrected. It is an advance. Short Reel— " NO • 7 N 0.5 to No. 10 " 700 "11 to 13. • • ••• . • ... 17 eOO.OOO, 1000 510— "14 18 Coverlet Varit fk 5.2041 Increasing 1 cent V' Hilo Carpet Cheju 2.0/3 N 0.120. . Cotton Twine WV Long Ree I P doe. - Candle .. •.. —7016 . No. 500 . 8 Bag Fillings sells at 15c.; No. 1. batting at 9c.; No. 2-at Sc.; No. 3at 7c. A superior article of Bat thig in sheets 91 by 4 feet, expressly for family use, and pnrfeetly clean, at 12Ic. CANDLES..We have no change to report: City dipped. . 9 DUO CineMnatido -- 022 Mould-.......... •• 10 0101 Sperm, best brands3o 032 finsburirli Star-.. -•,12 tiio:4 • Do. inferior 93 030 CORDAGE..There have been some alterations by manuracturors, which are noticed below: Manilla Rope, by Coil, 13c Do • do , when cut, 14c White Rope, by Coil, . 11c Do do when cut, I2c Tarred do by Coil, 10c Do do when cut, Ilc - Packing Yarn, fine, 9c Dodo - coinmon, - ' .Se - Manilla Bed Cords,..:, "411,7502,6203;50 p Do do per coil, 13 p Hemp do 1,54:Q2,2503,00 rp Do do per coil, MO SS 'Manilla Plough Lines, 75057 p Hemp do do 75 COPPER.. The ate, Broilers 27028; Sheath ing 27; Old 18019. 'ICHOCOLATE...SaIes at 52.7503,00, according o brand. CORN MEAL—The prices of Corn Meal are fix. ed .at 40c. to retailers; retailed at 45{850c. Kiln Dried at $2,00. CILACKERIS..The regular cites to the trade are at 'the icillowing rates: : Water Crackers 64,00 4S bbl. '..Butter do. d ; 7 'Pilot Bread 3.50 " Bozos and Soda Crackers ie. fp al. COTTON—We have no sales; in 0 e east pncer, which had advanced on the receipt orthe late newt, immediately alter receded. FEED—Theta is a fair-supply of Bran and Shorts; sales of Bran at 12c ; Shorts at 'Sane. according to quality. FISH-We have some change in prices this week which are noted in the following table: • Ao. 1, Mackerel, rp barrel $11,50 r. " half barrel..... 6,25 No. 2, " " 9,00 " " barrels 5,25 No. 3, " .. 600 Alt it half barrels.... 3 ,50 No. 1, Gibbed Herrings and Alewives 6,75 " Salmon ile' 13,50 Codfish, large, rp lb 4104 FLOUR-The market is very dull; wrine shipments east. We - quote at $1,M1(03,56 on wharf. We have nothing to say in relation to the market for Flour °wept that it looks down. FRUlTtfhe market is still fully supplied with Oraegeslind Lemnos; sales of which are made at very low rates.. We quote,Oranges at $3,00; Lem ens at $3,00. Raisins are sold at $1,6501,75. Dried Fruit is without change in prices, bat there are many safes: We quote Apples :at 59055c4 Peaches. at '511,0001,06. Green Apples are in fair request at 62{0'1,25 according to quality. -- FURS-The following are the rates at present ..- Red Pox, No.l, 25 0 60 t Etseeoon 0 Gray Fox 121. a . 2S 1 Mitik ••.. • 50 25 Muskrat......- u 3. - i Deer Skin, to 1b.14 0 S FEATHER-Small sales from store. at 33(034c. -The market is poorly supplied; demand fair. A large lot might not command more than 32c. FREIGHT-BeloW we glue a carefully compiled list of freights to the different ports. It will be ob- served that there are two classes of heavy freight. DGoods, H. Ft H. F't. To Cincinnati, " cwt., - , 20 - cis '' 15 10 Louisville, 25 15. • 12} • I. Louis, 30. 30 -25 Nashville, ' 60 - 25 Neve - Orleans, pound freight 50e -IP 100 tbs. Lumbar is shipped to St Louis at $5(115 50 p - Mr. To Wellsville and intermediate points 8c; to Steu benville and. Wheeling Sc; way freight below Wells. villa 10c; Flour from Wheeling and points below Wellsville 121 c 1 1 , bbl; from - fitellaville and points above 10c p bbl. BALTIMORE & 013/0 Ranaoan.-The charges on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from this city to Cumberland - are as follow*, viz: Hata, Boots, Bon. net and Medicines, 35 cents per 100 lbs. Dry Goods,'Groceries, Queenaware, Tobocco, 25 cents per 100 pound's. -Coffee, Salt and Fish 20 cents per 100 pounds: • GROCERIES--There was_ conaidcrable business in Coffee; Sugar' and Molasses yesterday. Sale of 25 barrels Monomer' at 28c. Sugar, we quote at 41 I We, according to quality. Coffee-Prime Rio is worth 71074 c., at which many-small sales. GRAIN-But. few 'lots of Wheat arriving;• we quote at - 65(3706, , --a PriMe article only wilt bring 70c and hardlyAbat. __Rye is worth 45c. Oat 240 25c..Corri, 30032e4" from Store 35c. -In small lots. Barley we have bad no sales for some days. and therefore quote at 45c. GENSING.-Reld at 25c. 'GLASS-There inconsiderable brisknels in Win dow Class.. SelesBglo itt s3,2stoxrade; $3,50 to country;:lo,l2, $3,50 to-trade I $3,75 to country. Black Bottles.. 8210;... .. ... . .. 0. 4,00 Quall,l9 , gross- --' rd 9,00 10212 •••:- 8 4,50 Pint. " 0 7,00 12218 '.... • 0 7,00 IlfacPa mina, 5,6 • Patontdo.lo2l4 togals •-•.st: . 09,00 -.; tolnign ••• • • - 0 CiaretAlogross;. 0 9,00. Country brands, -_ _ Window Glats_le box. 82.10 3 ,250 3 ,3/ City brands. -....L . _ . 10212........- 3,50 3 3,62 GUNPOWDER.. Sales are regular at the follow ' VFW--; . .4,75 . 0- SAO Eagle do. in pa- Eagle t* Ds- 0 . Ace per 5......:•. Is ...._ 3 , 37, Do.dx. 1 lb carilee 1,00 , Dock powder..., tattto 0 3 t 6 IF HEMP Some small sales from store at i 125,00 per ton. • • RONRY.'.We base bo Bales of cpili!Nieice.:= •-:. - /ILlLLgwakaumr,,,itnalitusaleest3o, pet 41;.. . earl , do. - at ft. . - ~.„.. ~:-..-,,_ :- . ..: . . EN= ESI=2M2 PITTSBURGH , no,iuw - qv TRADE.- BARKEIt t I-- • ,• COVartalroll FUMAY %V. ft. MORPLIVi ' • Weekly Review of the Slairkets. NM !-li.ttY - ;;;4tOt.. RUA 'Coining in; inilikliKiEtile'S iir $7,500.09. I - • , • BIDES -...W0 make a sineearteration in quote Missouri •••••••• i.O . s ' , Do•kiiMi;Pakin.l l oo4 l os SDpnetted an i s h—. .•••140 , 40 1 Green •-.•-• • a 51 IRON-The table belowlives the prices of Iron, which have not changed for months r. - . BarJuniat• -- - 0 , Plough wings: , • ..-1/0 s " Commo a n. -.3 -0 - " Slabs.•-i.• •.4 0 41 Sh ee t. 54 0 •71 Russian , sheet. •• • a 16 Boiler Plates.... .6 0 et , 1 10020 d Jun'ta 0 3,50- 3d "- •• • 0 0,1 90 9d " • • 0 400: Stall v lb. ••• •• • ti` GO 7d "• •• • 0 4,50 . " pressed.••• • - 4310 ' i t i‘• •• • a 0 4,76 Boiler Rivets.. ••.7 0 900 NAVAL STORES..There has'been no change in the market, and we quote'old prices.: 1 Rosin {'bbl • • 2,02 0 - --- ' " N,Cnroinia 4,00 04,25 Tisch, 3,00 alt 3,50 Tuentine,galz. 62 0 65; Par, Allegley.3.oo 0 3,50 Pariah, C0pa11,75 49 2,25 INSUR.ANCE.. The fol owing table gives the ratio' of insurance on good steamboats: To Phila. and Balt, via To Wheeling I . • ... ... 1 canal I ' Brownsville Cincinnati tI. Louisvilte •4 • ..... fI 1 Evanavilley IL- •• 4 11 , Naahville, Tenn., •• • 11} ; Memphis, Tenn, • • .1 1' New °dolma... ••- • 1 u.' Saint Lotds, Mo.- i 1 . Quincy, Illirlia,••• .4. 1F Burlington,.lown,•l 11- i Galena, ••• .....14 2i, Jefferson City, Mo., 2 I Indeperplence, Mo.-11 , ' k LEAD.. Regular sales of Missouri Pig at A c.; Bar Sc.. Sheet Lead $5 ft box; Cut 6. The follow ag are the rates asked for Patent Lead Pipe: .1 i inch acqueduct No 2Lead Pipe 6C... sc. iiv foot. lc " O. " 2 " " 1 " " , Nei . .37 2 " 7c. V “ 1,;« " N o.l a a G i o. p r. i i .... N o. 1 a " Ihe . ippi it i " , a N o. 1 lc r< sto.i p, ~ 1 a a N o. l it it 1 1 2144, a Another sizes 61c. II lb. LUMBER—We give table without alleration• There is no change, and nothing doing but a regular business from yards. Clear-' M 0400 Flooring Ido 19,0020,00 Common do 011,00 Common Ido dp_.... Clear 11, do 033,00 Oak 024,00 Common ado 015,50 Pine Shingles Clear 2 do 44,00 V 1000 2,5003,00 Common!! do 22,00 Laths, sawkl 2,008'2,20 LEATHER..There has been an advancis in New York sole of $l,OO per 100 ms. Dealers are doing , a fair busbies, and complain that they cannot get sufficient stock to meet the demand. The fol. lowing, are the present selling rates : New York Red, middling weights,.. do do Over ~do ... Baltimore, Harness Leather, AV Skirting, do 22023. 8ird1e,....d0 ts doz 633036 1.1pper,....d0 p doz 240727 Calf Skins,doz • .Ito 2 OILS-.-Fall strained L ard Oil sells at ssc4lb 4 OIL CAKE—Bought at $13,00 per ton. OIL MEAL-Regular wales at 40c. p bu. PIG METAL—There have been some receipts o f Allegheny; some by canal and, some from Mercer. The prices are about as last fall; but no sales yet.- -Since the above we have heard of sale of 125 tons No 1 Allegheng at 826; sales of canal at $24 . PROVISIONS—Butter is still very scarce; there is no prime being offered; we quote lair Roll at Ha 111 c. Prime Roll would bring 121 c. Lard is worth 5101 c. in keg. Bulk Pork is worth 4c. at which we have numerous sales POTATOES..Domand good and market almost bare; salea:at 87090 c; from arore RYE FLOUR..SaIe of 40 bbls from fiat hands at 82,75 which is a decline. RAGS..SaIe from store of country mixed at 31 . c. SEEDS—Clover is without much demand; we quote at $2,9503,00 from firafhands; Flax is worth 90a93e. STARCH.. Regular sales at 6a6/c. SPICES.. Very little variation in prices ; and sale at the rates sneezed doves.. ...... •33 0 3 Nutmegs 1,50 0 - 1,60 Cessinin Mnts. U a 25 Pepper 9 0 10 Ginger 10 0 11 Alspice 13 FP to SHEETING—Pend No 1,7 t. Norteitook . 6fc fe yard. SHOT.. Regular sal , s at $1,31a1,44. SALT..Regular sales at $1 ; 25 at canal; demand $1,28. TUBS..Reg tiler sales 3149 qr. doz. VINEGAR—•Regular sake Cider Vinegar, in bbls at 7w9c. WOOL—Prices have advances'; and the tendency . is still upward.. The causes are, the advance in Eu rope, and the increased demand for wu:olen goods in this country for Califoinemigrants, fa lac: .There is not much in the hands of Washington county far mers now—the' last year stocks havinebeen dispos ed of. The receipts are mostly of pulled Wool, which is worthi23a.24c.; we quote common at 25c.; From common to highest grade we quote at 25a40e. This is a very considerable advance, and the news• will be gratiqing to wool growers. TALLOW. .We quote at lane. in the nimente' of any important sales. TIN PLATE..Prices have odvanced. We now quote as follows: i. C. $11,25; I 17513,00. •. Tin basal. advanced in proportion. • TOBACCO.. The dealers report the following Crices, at which the, market is steady : igar heaf••••. 4 0 7 J2slump in box 11 @ 15 Munufe'd do.• •tl 0 71 as " k 2 Lll 17 Ladies , Twiit• D 0 10 16s " " f 2 @ 14 Plug in kegs,. • 610 7 Scotch snuff.• •14 0 16 Plug in boxes. 13 0 15 Rappee ..... • • 14 0 15 O Twist. • ..... 440 7 Cut & dry; lb pa. 0 :25 Cavendish...• • 0 • 5 WHISKEY—Raw is w We quote sale, it !SPIN Paper Hanging*. .7 IPg purchased atthree of the l arEesiFtrr l East „yorhiia l elpia.. y ta i ti more,) a large assortment of the newest and most im proved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDER& tie.,, and made arrangements by which I will be enabled. to procure all new Patterns, simultaneous with their ap• presence in the Eastern market, I would invite the at tention of those desiring to have their Louses papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and examine my stook, before purchasing elsewhere. I have now ou the way from the East, 20,000 pieces of Gold, Satin thated.and common Paper Ilangings, which I can sell at prices ranging from 121 cents to 82 #l l .' piece. marl 2 8. Al BILL, t 57 Wood at.. • DILL. D FP'S - WRITING AND BOOK-KEEPING CLA'Ni/ES, Akrandcr DaVo Duildings,cntraneefrom Llte Diamond. I,ISTII.I3LISHF,ID IN 11.40,—1t is universatls admitted by ail now practising Mr. Duff's , plan of Double Entry, to possess the following advantages over all usher mettods in LIAO :—lst dispensing with all books ex cepting a Day Book and L eger; reducing the cash and merchandize accounts to about one line for one' Au n. eft ..d; 3d, checking reduced in the same proportion4tb, an annual saving, ot forty or fifty folios Of the Leger; 5.h. greater security against error; oth, daily hosting of the personal accounts. An elegant Mercanttle Hand wriung imparted to all going through a course ofimm's, Idiom; l 0 to 12,2 to 4, and '7 to 10. marl!? Fine Clotho,' Casslmere• end Vesting's. salmi:rm. GHAT, 11ERCHANT TAILOR, Exchange Eta/dings. Sl. Clair street, Pittsburgh. has just retumed from New York att Philedelphin,lind is now receiving a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestings, of the best quality and latest styles, which ho is preprred to make to order in the best manner andln-the latest fashions. ittirltly- N;* IW BOOKS—Oregon and California in 184$ ; by J. Quinn I ntention, Into - Judge nt the Supreme Court of Oregon . and corresponding member of the American Institute. With an Appendix, including recent and au thentic information on the subject of the GOLD AIJNES of California, and other valuable matter of interest to the itamlgrant t etc.; with Illustrations and a Map. in two volumes. : RAPHAEL; or, Pages of the Book of Life at Twenty. By Alphougode Lainartiae, author of the " Historyof . the Girondists; or, Personal Itlemoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolutiou,7. etc. . . No. 4 of the Life of Franklin; illugirated. . Jut received and for gate b . JOHN S TON lc STOCKTON, Corner Market and 3d gm To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Allegheny.: The petition of Geo. Hatfield, of Robinson Township, in the County aforesaid humbly sheweth, That your peti tioner hath provided himself, with materials for the ac commodation, of travelers and others, 'at dwelling house, in the Township aforesaid and prays that 'your Honors will he pleased-l 0 grant hint a license to keep a public home of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound," will pray: GEORGE HATFIELD. We, the subscribers, -citizens of the Township afore said, fdo certify, that the above petitioner is of good re pute or honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the- accommoda. Om) and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary*. • • Wm. M'Connick,:Matthew Harbiscn, James McCoy, M John Nickel, John cFadden, John Graham, ho. lUrlr John 'Alison,' Samuel McFarland, John Stett, Samuel McCurdy, Jacob Drake.' •110 the Honorable the Judges of the Conn of General Quarter Sessions of thdPeace in and for thaCnunty of Allegheny: The petioon of Benjamin Boyd, of Militia Township, iu the County aforesaid, humbly sheweth,.That Yon e pea-, -rioter hash provided himself with matenals.for the ac commodation of travelers and others, at .his dwelling house, in the Township aforesaid, and prays that•your Honors will be pleased to grata htm a - license to keep a public-house of entertainment.' And your petitioner. QS in duty bound, will pray. BENJAMIN BOYD. We, the subscribers, citizens of the. Township Afore said, do certify that the Above petitioner is of good re pate for honesty and temperance, and is well provided :with house room and conveniences for the accommoda tion and lodging of strangers and travelers, and Outsold tavern is necessary, MiLees, John Gonld, Win. Anders,..l. M. Roberts, Wm. M'Goughbey, Peter Geo. Pilgrim, Thomas Scott,Jas. Cunningham, Wm. BPRoberts,, It. G. Curly, John Riving, J.'Feirell, N. C: M'Lees, Wat:.'hT. Zforns r J. H. EVElhany. - • - - pISSOLUTION.•—•The partnership of MTIB.PHY Lax is this daydissolved, by mutual consent, -The bu s tress of the firm will Im settled by IL:Gee - J. R. MURPHY, • Pitubtirgh, .10tb, Jan, 1849. , . .:.,..____-. , • - - liitgeTl CE.--The•underaigned , will continue the *eel tataittesiand. ittead' tallier sale Of •Woolen!Goodi f at the _01d9,...• •.. .-.H. LEE. :' 'blearing front•ibe litte•finnarltliarnlty lc i' eAreat pleasurOn recommending Mr. 1-Lee to the ttennaneteof mr Mends and to the patio:: i r 1in.)0„,. , ~ , .: ~, J, ft ; 14 1 4igilY , - • . , ' " 7 _ . ! j • '“lBciply ..;.17c ...21022 184 S. ' CINCINNATI AND PITTSBURGH DAILY STEAM P ACHE T.LINE. 'llll4 Independent Line of steamers is now composed J, of the largest, swiftest, best finished and - furnialled, and most powerful boats on the waters of the West. The highest wages are paid for the services of the best and moat experienced men engaged in the river business.— 'The lice has been In operation for six years; has carried nearly two millions of people, without doing the slightest injury to their persons. The prop:rietors challenge corn parison with any passenger line ut the Union for safety, regularity„anil speed. All that money can procure has been provided for the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. The boats leave for Cincinnati as follows: MONDA YPACKET.—The MoNo:mamma, Capt. Mane, win leave Pittsburgh every Monday morning at In o'clock; Wheeling every Monday ea ening at 10 P. x. TUESDAY. PACKET.—The it1117:0111i No: 2, Capt. Au. Elinecher, will leave r.itsburgh every , ' Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Tuesday everting at IQ • WEDNESDAY PACKET.—The- New FAGLAND No. g, Capt. S. Dean, wilt leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday manner' at lOo'clocki Wheeling every Wednesday even ing at 1.0 THURSDAY PACKET.:—The Eamt.latsr,Carir. R. J. Grace will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at ID o'clock; %Wheeling every Thursday everung at [Or. at. FRIDAY PACKET—The CurtriNo. 2, Capt. Crooks, will leave PittsburgheveryFridaystrirming at Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 P. M. SATURDAY PACKET.—The Atesusass, No. 2 Capt. 1. C. Woodward, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning etO o'clock; Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 P. Je. 'SUNDAY PACKET—Iie. /SAAC Di/WM; Capt P. Eltrot, vvill - leate Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 st. nay 19. rth 160161 c.; Rectified 13311=E3 . Hammer & hauler, CABINET WAREROOM, SMITII VIE L ft STREET. Ea trecra Screnth street arid Strawberry alley, Pituburg,Po. 41RAMMER 6; DAULER keep constantly on hand a variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture, warrantetrequal to tiny in the city, and sold on as favorable terms no Can be obtained at any similar establishment in .hc What. They have now on hand un miusualfv extensive stock. embracing an k Mils of Fund lure, trout the cheapest and plainest to the ntost costly and elegant. Allorders promptly attended to. millaim . Furniture. .4Tim subscriber, wishing to reduce his present stock of Furniture,•will, from this date until fur ther notice, sell all articles in his line at cost, being determined to lessen the amount of stock on hand. Those persons who may call on him with the intention of.getung a "good penny's worth," will not be disap pointed. His stock of Furniture is equal to any in the city, both in style and workmanship, and the assortment complete. ALEXANDER WCURDY, . . Furniture Rooms Third st.. Next door above Pittsburgh Bask. Boots and Shoes Selling off at Cost. ITux subscriber wishes to retail bit en- . tiro stock of Doors and Slums at Casr.-- , Persons vrishing to purchase, will have to call fOOll, as lie intnads to remove, on the Ist of April, to St. Clair street. His stook iclarge, and of the very best kind. The balance remaining unsold by the Ist of April will be auctionsered ott to the highest bidder. T. A. HINTON, Corner Itlarket and Liberty sts. [Chronicle and Dispatchopy 1 week.) riltsburg . h Gold Washer. riIHE subscriber has invented a machine for Washing out GOLD, possessing the following qualities:-11 weighs about twenty-five pounds, can be packed in a box 13 inches by ,17, and n inches deep ; will wash out a bushel of wet sand in about two minutes—dry sand in less time—leaving the Gold perfectly clear of sand and gravel. Those going to California are invited to call and sec its operation, at my residence, in Penn street. near Water street [marsl C. EVANS. — 77 - 71ra — Courstr9 Merchants._ . M. H . o ,o D u li re lhgr ia wo o ttl , r s e , r ( l.l . n e d o Lo tr u o tt i Tt you c a tt i n a n u o c u h r pricestisneverwere , heretoforeoffered " Leaf Tobacco, • gal BALES CUBA, just received and for sale by kn./ J. A. SIA ZURIE, mar 17 • • • ' ' No. 33 Hand at. TO MILLINERS — .—The subscriber has a large'stock of seasoned Timber, suitable for BONN ET BLOCKS, which he is prepared to turn to the Spring fashion, at his Turning Establishment, No. 27 Fifth street. rtiarl4:3m H.H. RYAN. FOUND—A ,Pooket Book, containing u considerable =went otmoner. The owner can have it by de ecribing.the book and contents, and paying for this ad .vertisetnent., ,, .- R. GALWAY, naarla . , No. 4 Commercial Row. ErS FOLIND--A bunch of Kaye was foulid,yester -11, day,iu Seventh gnat,. The ONVl,lercau have them by calling at thiemllice. • marls A.pprontliotio Wanted. - TEIE enteteriber mutts Apprentices, to learn the Cabi net, Chaimakina and Chair Painting branches of business. BOyil of steady, habits, about 10 years of aae, would be preferred. None need iapply, who cannot come well recommended; B.G. PAIINESTOCX, " mornlol Smithfield street. , . TATANTED.—Wanted, several goad Salesman, who . can realize from $5O to 8100 a month. Apply at ' Corner of Wood and Third sis. Parufirship heretofore exist ing.between the 4ubscribera, under the - firm pf.J. ti J.hfipavtrr win) dissolved on the 7th inst. Either Party is authorized ,to use the name of the firm, in settlement ' JOHN IIPDEVITT, March 10. - JAMES hiIDEVITT. ii:P•CO•PiftTNERSHIP.--rThe undersigned have this day formed, a Co-partnership under the firrn of JOHN 21PDEIIITTA BROTHERS, for the transaction of a O ro cery and Produce busineits. JOHN hi'DEVITT. JAMES ItPDEVITT, WILLIAM ItI , DEVrTT. ' March 7, 1840.-(=12) - xxyArcHE.s, JEWELRY; Ice.,;;;A large assortment of VV- Levet; L' Epine and other Watches; Breast Pins, Binger Rings;Earßings,Teneilsiße., just received and .for sale by, MOBANDLESS & CAMPBELL, Ala 11 2; . ;,- 07 Wood st, IILTOTICE.—Persoris indebted to the late firm Of R0n ...0 liars & Kam; ant requested to settle up: The books and accounts, are in possession of JOMNI COYLE. - feb2o ` Fourth street, near Smithfield. . OUBUS . HEGS DitY.APPLE Recd and' forenll . : by ''.' - ( mut) _ CUMMINS SMITH,, . - Caltforntans.- 11( RIFLES PISTOLS AND CABBINES; Allen% • 1.-&•Bigetts Aniolversigooditogether with a large assortment of other Pistols, Flaskaand Belts, and Cali fornia equipritetivi, - 13otaie Bnivetfiarilrbe - received by Express, las few.days, at JOHN CASTWRIG ars, •- marls:dlai - •.r Cutlery Establishment, ECI Wood-st. PORT' OP:PIT 19 crET WATER IN TIIONIANitzt, .. , . ARRIVED '.Steamer Michigan No. 2, Gilso",.SOiver.. Ftobt•Wightmani-1---, Beaver, " Lake. Erie, Sholes,,Beaver, • , Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville:. Atlantic, Parkinson,- do, ~" Camden Hendrickson, McKeesport. ..,;" Clipper No 2, Devil!, Cincinnati- Euphrates, Calhoun, Nashville. Wellsville; MeNeel. Sunfish. Ne TluslJltra,Phillips, Loin s , DEPARTED, Steamer Lake Eric, Shales, Beaver, - , • : . Micbigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.. " • Robt.-Wightman, ---, Beaver.* • " Baltic. Jacobs Brownsville' Atlantic, Parkinson,. do. " 'Camden,. Hendrickson McKeesport. 'Cinderella, Calhoun, Wheeling. " - Nelson, IROore, Wheelin g . .. ; Caleb Cope, Murdock,. Wellsville. • Hindoo. Campbell, St. Louis. Bdir T.,aat evening, at duels; there were nineteen , feet water in the chainel: . . . . t'aptjtr.l.Tiorialz is building anew boat to be called the Amon Hart. • Cap!". Richard'Phillips shin his arrival has been visited by hosts of his old friends. Dir Capt.: Menet excellent little packet Alle gheny Belle, is running regularly in the trade.. We hope she may, meet with ample veces!, acne doubt she will. - Lir The Ne Plus Ultra, Capt. RICHARD. Pltturrs arrived yenterdaY morning, and will leave on Satur. day, for St. Louis and St. Joeephe. Accturarr.—Tho splendid Pittsburgh packet steam er Clipper No. 2, on her trip down from Pittsburgh, ran foul of a snag, which knocked a hole in her.— She was detained in consequence, about ten hours, to Make repairs, and reach this ,in tinte--all right. The clipper goes up this moruing.-r-Cinein nail Commercial. Wm. B. Whee;eri . QTEAMBOAT AGENT, 'can be found at Wesley 1..7. Grier's' Counting Room; corner of Water and Smith field streets, Pittsburgh. mar27 110 Ifor 'California VIA ST. LOUIS, ST. JOSEPH'S, MISSOURI . RI VER. Tat fast running passenger steamer NE PLUS, ULTRA, rhenium ruilmis,:hlaster, wilt cave for the idiotic and-all intermediate landings, On SATDOXV, the Nth inst., at 10 O'CIOCIC, A. di. ' For freight or. Passage, apply onboard z or to . mar'23 . . , tViIEk,LEIL, Agent. Pittsburgh and Louisville Packet LIMO. • The new and Rpit'ildid fast passenger packet, TELEGRAPH No. 2, Mason, Mester, will leave for Cincinnati - and Louisville ' on Monday, the 2011_ instant, at 10 o'clock, A, M , For freight or pessage, apply on board, or to. ..BUREIRIDGE, WILSON ik Co., or GEORGE IL MILTENBERGER. ija• Steamer Peytona will leave Louisville for New Orleans, on arrival of. Telegraph Dio, 2. Passengers can go direct, and can have berths secured here if-de sired. mats Remember,lls.Wood street, 3 ioorsbefor. Sth. [MI7 •••1 • . • Olt LEMONS .60 boxeMust recd and for sale by_ main ; S.-B. BONNET, P ECAN N . 1717*-70*bbla:, just retfd and for sale by L ig m u n ogq wesyjust rie'4 B_ll4 . fo3. A LIIIOND9-6 balealtordenux, just recd anti for sale 111 by ' - J. S. 'SONNET, OIL -25 baskets, joss received and for sale by marl 4 J. S. SONNET. EMON SYRUP-11:H) dozen, In gore 'and for sole by ranrl4 . . J.. 8. BONNET. 170 boxes, in store !inn . fojr 100 ?4 ,te "(M I ; f air 9 AN:? . TlVN T G e dc 'd GL2) Ia te BU f L o and & ' ACON-300 pieces City Smoked, for ealOby . I_ll - ntar2o . - ARMSTRONG it CROZ*ER HMS. ROLL BUTTER—TO-day reed and for aa!e A.' Wet r2Ol : ARMSTROZNIGI& CROZER, nn REDS KEGS NO. LARDLFoi sale by mar2o ARMSTRONG &CROZER fIUININC-45 ounces, just received and for sale b mart2o IL A. FA HNESTOCK k. CO. IOPPERAS--150 bbls., in store and for sate arVIVAI--50 Ibs., new crop,just received and for sale by 11. A. I'AIINESTOCK & CO," inar2o • Corner lerand Weed ma. L'IL . O.UR—V,S barrels, just received,' uud for tale by .1..! niarl3 - SMITH. dr, feiINCLAIK. fit REEN APPLFAS-50 bandanna - boxes just LL e d and for sale by [marl3] SMITE &SINCLAIR. APPLES-60 sacks, kat received gad for sale [inarl3 . SMITH A. SINCLAIR. RIFD Dby. 1r) OLL. I.IIITTER-75 barrels, for sale by LL marl 3 SMTrII & SINCLAIR. 311(1 BUSHELS CORN—Rec'd and for sale by marl 9 CUMMINS & SMITH. . APPLE -61., barrel, Romanites and Milan Apples, received and for sale by marl 9 ' CUMMINS & SMITH. . . BACON-3000 tbs. new Bacon, just received and !or eels b iteb24) W. & J. C. ACHESON' SDOZ. CORN BROOMS—Jam recd and for sale by lJ rebid W & -.1: C. ACHESON. RECTIFIED WHISKEY-350 bble., in,,atioze and for sale by [marlo]. JAS. PATTON,Jr• OLH RYE WHISKEY-5g a superior article, in lJ store and los cab by (mr10) JAS. PATTON.Jr. TIOEVP ‘VIPIES-3* easks, pure °rape, in store ant. I for sale by - Etnartoll - JAMES PATTON, Jr. M. WINE-24 {:casks in store and for sate by ll rnarlo, . JAMES PAT'rON, Jr. K,AN.AY,Waiiii ntifiati l • ,LOW dust° Salm rrtnetria ; in store and for sale by tannin] JAS. PATTOINI, Jr. 1 - ,10 COFFER-75 bugs in stoic and for sale b 116 matO " JAMES PATTON, JR DYE FLOUR-10 bags, reccived and for gala by raaro , JA.MES -PATTON, Ja / littdol. GIiBEBE-34 boxes, received' and for sale ki by (marSIT JAMES PATTON, JR: 6 • blitls.Prlme received-and - for sale •. by ; • - ; ; JAMES PATTON, marl. • . • • • • • - N0.17, Liberty street. CIDMIS--115 bbla. Romantic .10 " Crait; in store and for sale bY maN - • JAMES PATTON, JR. LOAF SUGARS-5 bbts. No. 4; bbla. N 0.5; 5 bbls. No. 6; redeived and for sa.e by [mar9] JABIES PATTON, JR: I."Ar - TeliglS ANI) APPLES-- . ..j./ 150 bushels Peacbes• Appies; received and fOr sale by marb ` • JAMES, PATTON, JR. -- • iLLUSSET APPLES-37 barrels, just received by Whf. DYER, ruar2l N 0.158 Libeny streer. BACON -2000 bet. Shoulders; 2000 ib S. Hams ; just receiving from smoke house. For sale low. Imarn) W. DYER. DRIE'DFRUnI: t zl i ickrl us . DV:1 1 / e pp a fe h n e k si for D grai l . b unfill _ POTATOES -72 bids. Dieslitiugock; and Pink Eyes 100 sacks do do do do Receiving and for sale low by [oastsgi] W. DYER. L OUISVILLE LIME-20 bbls., in more and fin sale by wadi KING a c MOORHEAD. YOTATOES—IMI socks Potatoes, in fine order, ren'd per steamer IsattoNewton, and for sale by mart? KING & 7.IOOIIHEAD. . _ A i " OLASSES-515 bbla Plantation blob:mon in atom INJ. and for sale by KING & MOORIIKAG, VrINIXIW GLASS-400 boxes jest tanding and for ' y y sale by frnarftli •S. /r. IV; Ilts.fiffial/Gll.. r 4 liOUR:;100 barrels Extra ; • • , 100 do. Good Superfine; in-store and for f nutria) • S. & HAILBAUG H. II iETED APPLES AND PEACHES-100. busheli o I_, each received and for sale by . & W. HARBAUGH. my. b s y v eu re t Ptutt . Pu p it e :tr st . rec eiyed for marllt S. it. N 4 - HA ft.BA.VO H. SUGAII. - CCR.EO HAMS-20 tiereesof Stagg & Shay's superior Hams, just lauding from the steamer Bril limit," and for sale by 8. at. W. HARBAUGH, tnarl6 No. LS Watar and 104 Front street. ofi BUSHEL- SMALL — WHITE; BEAINIS—Io at 111.5 and for sale by W. &J. C ACHESON, febt6 . No. :4 Smithfield at. tibia. Penocks; 1.511 " Romnnites; fdr salo by . W. 'h . ACLIESON. EXMI333 PIORN MEAL—Fresh Ground Shied CortiMeul, just V received 4nd for sale by • - ' (0146 W.*. J. C..ACHESON • • , i and for sale by -mar.2o (TORN IN THE EAR-500 bushels, just received and J for sale by RHODES & ACORN, tnar2o . SO Fifth street. - TijiaNtivoN SUGAR AND MOLASSES—. 100 hhds. prime Plantation Sugar; 100 bbls, do. do. Molasses ; just received and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSOM, quart' no Liberty street... SU0!111 ROUSE MOLASSES-22 brls. S. H.Molasees, Louisiana Retineryfjust received, on consignment, and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON, marl 4 170 Liberty street. , LroNtri•-9 Obis -Honey just received on consignment Al and for silo by MILLER & RICKETf.I.ON, marli p 9 Liberty street. PRODUCE--40 sacks Dried Peaches; 40 kegs No.l. Lard; for sale by MILLER tro RICKS SON, 170 Liberty street. _ _ EACH. barrel.* Peach Brandy, just re- Y ceiced and for vale by , • 1110 ICE-20 tierces Rice, in store and forsale by .. - MILLER do RICKETSON, 170 Liberty street. 0, HELL COMBS.—A great variety of Bark, Dressing; 10 und Side Combs, new, styles, on hand at, ZEBULON EINZEV'S, 67 Market street. 50 Pa?inFanAurteltereAgSlprices; by. ID rfe h b a gP Pan.' 100 Vribt" % ' WOOL TWEE . /S—For 1 CASE GREY !UX'D CLOTH—Just ree'd, and for 1 sale at xnanufacturer's prices, by (feb2o) H. LEE. CArig AMERICAN A • I pi., I T and nod for stile by '' (rob 23) H. ISE. 50 PAIRS DELVE ELANKETE!ti - --Tbe attention ofCal• donna men is directed to tins article. They, will be sold low; to close consignment. by tte24l H. LEE. AN ASSORTMENT OF BLANKET COATING-:-For sale very low, as the season is far advanced.'Deal ers may expect baxgnina ' [feb2ol H. LEE. 001,--.The highest price, in cash, paid for Wool, by Lt Liberty street, opposite Fifth. To LET—A large Brick Dwelling 'Rouse, suitable for two families. Situated high up on 'Federal street, Allegheny. - Apply to IL LEE, &bat Liberty street, oppositeTitth ( \ RANGES tANGES!-600 boxes Oranges, just re eeived and forsale by JOSHUA. RHODES, LEalo.NSFGVAltiNst— eeived and for sale by _ niard:Ot • FRESH TEAS.--The subscriber is now receiving, at the Pekin Tea Store, FRESH OOLONG BLACK TEAS, by* the Saird. Russell mid T. W. Sears, the only vessels lu, this Spring, Also, fine Young Hysons, Impe rial and Gunpowder. A. JAYNS,' marl 7 70 Fount:rat. , AVE COSTS.--Persons indebted. to. E. TROIMLO, 0. Esq., late Shedd', foiCosts, are requested to call on the subscriber, and settle. JOHIsI.COYLE, feb2o Fourth street, near.Sinithfielebst.: T INEN 6001/B,—A, A. Mason & Co., No. 60 Market -1,1 street; have received ' •Lindh Sheeting.; Linen•Dtt mask. 643 and 10-4. Linen Hollands, Bleached and. Brown Table Cloths; Russia and Scotch:Diapers, Doylies, Nap kins, .&c., to which. they. invite the -littention of Pl= n INGHAM/3: GINGHAMS! • GINGHAMS !—A. A:' Muon 60 , Market, have in story 150 pieces Gingham!, mall plaid, and desirable Goods. . T„.IAMILIES, Economists- and. the Public, to- effect . a saving of one-third, and obtain the greatest bargains cuff, purchased, are most respectfelly Invited to visit ROBINSON'S CLOTH ESTABLISHMENT, Post Build ings, corner Fifth and Wocalstreets.- : • • .febsa3sv GtoOct Business Stand for Sale. TUE subscriberaffers for sale hieold•Busirtess Stand, an the corner"of Smithfield and -Firth streetu. - He witt sell his entire Stock and Fixtures:' Ending it in attend to both of his establifthmentsibe is dcsirousof felling one of them. For further pardonless, apply to . • ' • GEO: SOHNECK, marlsdf • • -Corner of sth and Smithfield Its. ciemior _ _ _ . . . .. COLT'B REV OLVER'Si with aPiokalatni; tiY Express in a fear days, by' " JOHN:ZARTiVRIGI-IT, -.. marlS. _ . ' ' _133 'Waal street. PRIVATE HOARDING.—A .private • fignily, residing . in,a fashionable part of,Penn.street r will receive a loathed number of Boarders; after jlite lost,af April next. Address A.. T. J.; Part Office: ratughli :• .„ . • litidtlooo -t~r::~::ro:cx~~~c~' `~~:` 6LUD--S(K) bushels, jut{ mei/ RHODES k ALCOItN, 20 Fifth street. MILLER & RICKLITSON, ' 170 Liberty street .1- axes mons. Just re JOSHUA RHODES, ' No. 6 Wood olj atount Emmet building - Lots tor Sale. QryBEAUTIFULLY SITUATED BUILDING LOTS fort:de, itt the plan' of the Mot= Emmetpropertp. Forlorn' desirous of 'lnvesting a aims!! sum of monoy,aaa doco to attypotagO, by secaraig choice Letts of various sizes. • • , ' . . This property, for beauty of location, commanding a view of the two cities, the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio rivers, Is unequalled. It has the advantage of an abundance of the choicest spring water. The new road, now finishing, will render it easy of access, and bring it within a convenient distance of the Allegheny market. As an inVedtment for profit, to say nothing of the de fightful situation for a residence, the buyer wall secure in a feST ye ars a TIIMIX-!OLD TO The above Lots will be sold for Cash, or on a Credit of one to fivoyears. TITLE CLUE AIM INDISPUTABLE. • • • • Plans may be seen and every information had, of Mr. litigll SW EENY, o n the remises ;p or of:JOHN COYLE at his offiee,on 4th street, Pittsburgh. ' nov3o Steam Boats for Sole. • It t . The splendid Steam Packets BALTIC ••••• and ATLANTIC, built expressly to run as regu ar - aekets on the Monongahela. between Pitts-' burgh and Brownsville, and having run for a few months are found to be too largo and powerful for the navigation Of that rivee,rire now offered for sale. vize following am thg dmenions of these TWIN boats; Length of deck, 170 i feet; s breadth of beam, 20 feet; wheels, 21 feet diameter, 10 feet buckets; four boilers, 21 feet by 38 inches diameter; cylinderA, 21 inches, and tik eet stroke. Each boat contains 50 state-rooms, and the cabins are furnished in the richest modem style. POT terms, enquire of J. K. MOORHEAD n°° 23 : ll- • • • ' Pittsburgh. ,IDARM FOR LALE-71 Acres, about-three miles froin i. tee .City line, on. the Turnpike., adjoining the old Black Horse Taverh property. near East. Liberty. The ground in well improved, and in ndelightful situation for a Country ueat. It has. thereon a good Dwelling .House, and three small tenant houses, and one of the how springs of, water in the country; and can be hal on very accommodating terms. Enquire of feb23. - THOS MELLON. L/MM.:NOE:VILLE' PROPERTY FOR SALE—A ' large and valuable Property. of -100 feet front on Ewalt street - by :I.4o;deep.ou Washington street to a 24 feet alley,.contalning lame story Frame Dwelling, well arranged and iu complete order, with bake-erven, wash house, stable,. garden and, fruit trees, all under good feline, and title genii.' Price 81,200. -' • - S. ,curn BERT, Gen. Agent, - Smithfield street. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE—A Lot of 40 feet front, pleasantly situated on the North Com mon, Allegheny, containing a valuable Brick Horse, in complete order, and finished In modern style-4 hailing a handsome front, a hall and durance, two parlors, dininr room and kitchen, four chambers, finished garret, good cellar, stable, carriage bones , wash house, coal house, eisteru and pomp, a well arranged garden, ropes, shrub. ,ke. Price, S 1,50 0: terms accommodating. • -- S. COTO BERT, Gen. Agent, Smithfield Attract FOR SALE—A fineßrick House, and Lot, near the Court House. Apply to C. SHANNON, marl 2 • Att.'' , at Law, Foiuth street. . . j. LET—In Allegheny City, a Bwelling./jouse,...Bta- We and Lot. 00 feet by 300, .now oecupie bY.Betti. GI de, adjoining Geo: Hogg. for terms. address the subscriber via box 140, Pittsburgh Post Office. (chili:di!' • ALEX. BRACKENRIDGE. • IL - IORSALE OR.RENT—A Two Story Brick Dwelling, .1: situate on Fifth street, opposite the Court House.— Enquire of . hrtiIULLEN & DOWNING, ja.nl7 218 Liberty street, opposite Seventh. P 1 with LEI—A Four Story Erick S,tore, with a attached, good Dwelling on Marker street, next oor to Front street. The subscriber will put in a new front to the Store ' on or before the let of April next, and give possession nt that time. Apply to WALTER.BRYANT, Ik3 Liberty st. 'rnarle-(w TAVERN STAND AT SHOUSTOWN, FOR RENT.—A commodious and well finished Tavern Stand, in the village of Shonsetown; furnished'in modern style, with good - Stabling attached. 'lt will be leased fora term of years. Addiess • • . . jant2 P. SHOUSE. Ehonsetown. rtio LET—A good dry CELLAR, situated on the Norih j east side of the Diamond, suitable for . an Eating Room, or Storage of any kind. Enquire of . . . ' RONAN & CANTWELL, fella 'BBlllnrket lA, Pittsburgh. 112=1 1 1 8 4 9 - aterrhany. Transportation Line, VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AND RAIL ROADS, TO BIICLADELTIMA AND BALTIMORE Tux Canali. and Rail Roads being now open, and in good order, we are prepared to forward all kinds of mer chandizo and produce to•Thiladelphin and Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and on as good terms as any other Line. C. A. McAN UMW & Co., Canrl Basin, Penn street, Pittsburgh. At:tarns—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia, • • ROSE MORRILL & Co.. Baltimore. fmrl7 atiblE2 . 1 8 4 9 . V Merehane Way Freight Line, For Btrairseilk, Jo/mimic. Hollidaysburgh, and all inovmedirite places. Tu,z Line will continue to corry all Way Goods with their usual dispatch, aild at tair rates at freight. • Aomrrs....C. A. McANULTY& Co., Pittsburgh. D. B. WAICEFIFLD, Johnstown. JOHN MILLER, Hollldaysburgh. • Rcrsurrass—James Joreon, Smith & Sinclair, Dr. F.. Shoenberger, R., Moore, John Parker, S. F. Von Romp horst & Co., Win. Lehmer & Co.. Jno.liliDevitt & Bros., Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Sumit,?dulhollan & Ray, John Gra& Co.. Blairsville. morn'. (Gazette and Journal only copy.] trnet Cititizeino of Pittsburg and Vlcliniltty. ITIHE citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity are re minded that they eau fit themselves with some of the handsomest FRENCH CHINA TEA SETTS, QUEENS. %VASE AND . GLASS—for beauty, price and quality, cannot be excelled to - this or ail y other City. Vest of the Mountains—at M. HOCKINSON'S, No. 115 Wood greet: There you will find some of the prettiest white and blue Stone-ware, in tea, dinner and toilet setts; or In separate pieces, ever opened in this city; and as the proprictorls about to remove from the store he now occupies, to a more central part of the city, (No. 56 Wood street, oppos site the Eagle Saloon.) he is desirous of closing out his present stock, previous to moving, as you are aware of the heavy losses he would natant by breakage, A.c., in moving so.large a stock as he now has in store, end baring but one day to do so, it will compel him to close out almost his entire stock. . _ He id determined to close out at an enormous sacrifice, regardless of importing Cost. Now is the time to secure your Bargains.' This may be the only opportunity . p.o may have of securing Queensware at such low prices. Remember ' • lit HODKINSON, marl 7 • IVOOd street three deors below sth st. Tiktre dr. co., (517CCTSSORS TO OllAßllri Er.TATE.) . • No. 10, Fourth, street, between - Ferry and Liberty south ItdrANUFACTHHERS of sheet lead, leaden pipes, by .IXL drams, pumps,- baths, water closets, leaden coffins, &c,; keep constantly on hand and manufacture to order, sheetlead from Ito 8 ths. to the *genre foot, in sheets of 6 by 20 feet, which they will furnish to the trade wholesale, or cut to order in any size, that may be wanted. They also manufacture and keep constantly on hand leaden pipes from 2 to I. inch exilihre,• aqueduct pipe, tor conveying ;water twin springs, furnished to the .country trade, and p.ut upon reels in lengths of from 100 to 1000 feet on each reekwith directions as to the, proper method of laying. Also, on hand, altirge supply of Adams' Pat ent suction Pumps, for wells or cisterns; Snow &Co's very. supeiror cast iron suction 'Pumps. . Hydrant work of every 'description exeented in the most durable manner, and on; the most uccoinimidatina termitl 'Orders from the errantry . for leaden Pipes, shet letitt or pumps, will receive prompt attention. je.B7-daw Colverte.Patent Concave Beater Churl:Ll - ' BUTTER IN FIVE INIINUTES!r. AITE call the attention of the public to the article head. VIV lag this advertisement, andinVite the enterprising and curious to call and witness its operation. - All adver tisements in relation to this invention, to the hitndreds who have seen it tested, is supererogation: •-lst. This Churn will -produce Butter, gathering it in a mass, from sweet milk, five to ten nunmes! and from cream-prepared, asfamilics usually prepare it, in. three to fivemiuntes:, • 2d The utility of - this invention is apparent, as better Butter can be produced from sweet milk, or cream; than cream soured- tu the usual way ; anti by Menus of this Churn, a littlegirl or boy. Can perform, in five or ten inutesoihat has heretofore required the labor of a wo man or man for one or.two hours, and sometimes half a da ' 3d y. . .Vy.simply turtling a thumb screw, the wholeinside dasher is taken out; leaving nothing but the Butter and milk in the ; [lain wooden box- 4th. It is the cheapest Churn ever invented as the sim plicity of its construction (though embodying - a great philosophical principle) makes it but little to immerse nate it. ; - fith. - It is a common•sensa Churn, as all ivill'admitwls: -We invite.-the public to call and - witness ita operation at ow office in the Diamond, near the Black Bear -nr.' erli,aud at J.' F. Beekhanee, Federal st., - Allegheny. mayo-dlonordm CAMERON PRICE.. rq '6:47 An W it a g l r i s P T a it%T r 7Pl a TT re S h ßo lls° ' " THOMAS PA RGII ' PENN'A RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and cue comers, that he has had at no past period ' so exten.: sive - O. Stock as he has at present. He can - offer to pur chasers, on :very" moderate' terms; at, the . a/it este:Ll/4W Steind in Market ilttit, almost every, ankle in his line— including counting.-room. bed ehamber,dining-voom, par lor andnail Paper. With Borders, Landscapea; Fire board. Prints, Paper and Transparent Window. Shades; lildninit and Binders' Boards; h,Vriting, Wrapping, and Tea 'Paper; he is abundantly. supplied, - and requests merchantaand Itousekeeperwto cull and examine his as- - Raga and !Thneet:s' Scraps talc_enr in trade, at the High Now and Important Workaonlltarritit: ATTIIAT I SAW IN CALIFORNIA—Being the Journal y y cif, a Tour, bY - Edwitt Bryant.'. New: edition, with Appendix,. containing aecounts . of the Gold Mines, various roates, outfits, Am., ' NOTES OF TRAVELS IN CALIFORNIA •:--Cora- Prit!ing the Prominent Geographiaal, Agricultural, Geo logical.and 'Mineralogical features of the Country.— - Alga the - routes from bort Leavbitworth, in Missouri. to San Diego, la;California. including parts of the Arkan sas: Del Norte and Gild rivers, from the official !epos of Col. Fremont and Major Emory. CALIFORNIA—Its History, Population,Climaie, Soil, .Prdnuetions and Harbors, from Sir . George Simpson- O'Connor's -.Tourney .Round the .W0r1d.... With' aa. ac count of the Revolution in California and conquest of that country by the-United Stacs. By.Tohn J. Hughes, A. B . r •Ai so ., mason's-Report, and other documents on. the Gold Region.' - The' above this day received and for sale by t Cornerof Woodnnd 3d ate.' • Pat.terson 7 o Carriage Manufactory, ailiy,betwaqi Wood and Smig4fieldstretts. WHERE may always be found an assort ant of Family , Carriages, Baronehes,, Buggies, , .and all ...kinds of heavy : work, •" 0711 solle'" frouka siz horse wagon dawn-to a wheel-. harroW... Rersoni wishiug Ito . purchase or contract. for any a thing jo the- abOve itnei are respectfully invited to FRESH' ARRIVAL OF-NIItRrODIP,%.,; DELA.antgri- NO. FORTY-NINE, LIBERTY BT., PITTBECRGH: JUST RECEIVED, an extensile and general assort-. meet of . French, • English, Belgian-and Amoncau Cknhs,Cassimeres and Vestings, of the latest and Mast desirable pauerns. •Amoug. st them will be fciand a vatic ty of entirely new styles . Fancy ,Cassimeres and Vest. Ingo, of the latest imponations—all of which . will be made to order in the most fashionable manner, at shim notice, and reasonable prices.. On hand, a large assortment . of READV:PME, CLOTHING, made. up in the presnt Spring Sqje,.oi? will be sold low for each.. . ' . N: 8.. To Tanotts.— Watt'S Gradnating htensure System. for sale at (rarlullkw) P. DELANY'S; 1140. - 60 ritAftlMT STREET, have received, by 1 ; 0- cent Importations, the following GOODS, viz:— Six cartons ['Whet Shawls, of vatioos qualities and colors; SO doz.." Alexander's'!: best. quality Sid Gloves; together with a good assortment of cold Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves;for Spring trade; rich stand ing straight 'mind torn-over Collars; 20i? pair Faabroldered Cuffs; from 50 cents* to 51,25; Mourning Collars, of va rious patterns . ; Demi Lace Veils, the greatest assortment ever offered by as; - French and E n glish "4.4 Prima ; Hoylo's Prinbt,Small figures and fast colors ; small plaid French Ginghattw; British Farnham. Chintz ; white satin damask Table' Cloths; Linen Damask, 0-8 -and 10-4;* green Bereges; Gent ' s black Gros do Rhine Silk Cravats, .T.,1 to 110 inch, the Piet •goods imported; Parse. Twist; Linen•Cambrlc and. Linen Cambric Hdkfc, from 03 to 'S 2 , SO ;WHITE;GOODS,such as Jaeonets, Lawns, Mull and Swiss° Muslim., figured and plain Laces, white and cold Tarlatans, &c.. &e. We ore in she daily receiptof now Goods, and invite the attention Grp : umbel/ors to our extensive stock. • . feb27 . . REMOVED; ••• .Fashionoble Hend itoorters, . Na. 29 Marker street. second door below Second ifrut. O. IVEUNEBURG, . . R ESPECTFULLY announces to his numerous:friends and to the public, that he has removed his Fashion able Head-quarters from Liberty street to hie new Store, on Market, tai door from Second LITCCI. AO Is constant ly prepared to make to order, or the most fine and hest matenals, in a superior manner and at cog/reasonable prices, every article-of Fashionable Clothing, of which his complete stock' riP choice and carefully selected French, English and Belgian Cloths. Cassinteres, Vest ing., &e., of the latest and most desirable patterns, are particularly designed.. . ' • •• . •• - He has also on hand unary large stook of Ready made Fashionable Clothing, which he will sell very lois , . - C. tVE RN EBBW feli27:y] 29 Market 5t.,21.1 door from Second st. Blenched Goods. ' - • . - A A. MASON & CO., No. 60 Market street, have just _Ms received the following . well know n brands* of Bleached Mullins , viz: • ' 7.9 and 5-4 Bleached Malin, James' Stettin Mills ; 54 Naninkeag . " " "Mason," "Pokanoket," "Carlisle," 'lllorchester,""Gin isigamond." "Grafton."."A," "Pittsburgh," "Lawrence," "Boston Pillow Case," " Farnsworth," &c., Ad. All of which, together with many styles not here mentioned, will lie sold at EASTERN PRICESage., by the piece or pack tetra Clothingg at Cost.',.,• AS S the stibicribers intend:enlarging their Store Hoorn, they will adhere strictly tothe anoveierms. There fore we would respectfully Invite the attention Of the public to our handsome assortment of CLOTHING. Oar Stock is . large, and of the best material and workman ship. M'MULLEN & DOWNING _ feb3l No. 218 Liberty, opposite foot of 7th et.- Shirting Dlnsina and tritah !Linens. ur R. MURPHY invites the particular auentiOn of V► • those wanting the above goods,to stock, consisting of the best make, Dim demon approv ed manufacturers, and the Inner warranted parer Sax,— He. hasjust.received an additional supply, and isadcring Shining Muslin/I of a superior quality at a:very low price. Also • Sheeting and Pillow-case Mnslins • • Dmpers and Crash; . . , Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins; - Blankets, guilts, Counterpanes; and • • , Hoinekeepuig Dry Goods generally. • LADIES' DRESS GOODS—Such as French Merinos, Parmettos, plain and fancy De LainesAsoute new styles net received;) Alpacas, &c. The season being far advanced, all these Goods will tic sold at pnces that cannot fail to please Wolesale Rooms op rain. New Goods, at Number F1ny.1111143 F OOIINIaI OF vorrra Axv MARKET 82111 SETS, nrnsBVIIGH GREAT BARGAlNS;—The. subscriber •has Just rc turned front the Eastern Cities, and is now teceiving a very extensive assortment of F A NCY AND STAPLE: DIeW GOODS, adapted to the present season, and em br -ing a stock for nchness and variety not surpassed by at ••• establishment in the \Veit. • . • • ' • DRESS. GOODS! , - • Very glossy black,Silks ; 'Cravats and Collars Handsome dress do. Black love Veils andHilkfa.; 'Rich changeable do. ,Jaconet and Camb. Rich changeable Satin detPlaid and striped Muslin:4: Chines; Handsome Ribbonsc Mode and high cold French Gloves, Hosiery, lec.;.. Alerinos; ( Cloths for Cloaks; Mode and high cord nualiriTerkeri Shawls; de Mines; Cashmere doa Newstyle muslin de Laines;,Plain Thibet. Shawls,- silk Satin stripped Cashmeres;" . fringe ; Fancy do. do. IPlack Thibet ShaWIS, da-dri , .• - Black and colored Alpacas; Black do, _ do„ , Plaid Ginghams, bright col Silk do.. .do, : - lora; Fine Drocha3 , NeWstyle Visettes; Cloth • • ; do. • Gala Plaids, bright colors; t Plaid i - Long ao. -, • • California Plaids;'t Low Prieed .• do • • ' Black Bombazines; - 'Plaid Cloaking's,' • . CALICOES—GREAT REDUCTION ±"--, His stock of Calicoes is very large.; it has been se. .'.. leeted with' mach care-with particular -ieference to fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, ,and • design. These goods arc lower-than they have ever,. been before, and are worthy the particular attention 0r...%' purchasers: - The beat Calicoes for di cts.'ever offered ; Double purple Calicoes,Engliah,l2l, cents; ' "„.",f ' ' Oil Chintz ; - BritishChiatzes ;, , New style Merrimack Calicoes; • • ' I Blue - _ do. _ .do: Blue and Orange-, do. Furniture - • do."' - - CHEAP DRESS GOODS. A large lot of low priced Muslin de Laines, ot.thcloW - price "of .12i cents per yard. . - Also, Black Alpacas for 12f eta. 13er. Tard. Very good.. ,and very haudsome dark and bright colored Piald • hams, for 121 cents, warranted fart colors. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE ,GOODS,T Bleached hlualies, 61. to 12* . - Yard wide Unbleached, 6f to Bed Tickin_ga, very cheap; . • Casinetts, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans, Checks, Linings, Plaid Linseys.; , Domestic Ging - hams - , Mariners , Shirtings; : Colored Cambncs ; Flannels,lower than ever offered; ' Canton Flannels. .;- • . Irish Linens, Linen awns ; L - Damask Table Linen • Do. do. Cloths; Russia Sheeting; . , .• . _ Do.- Diapers; Linen Dril - -; BLANKETS! BLANKETS!. A large stock of Blankets, from coarse to very finer; also Blue and Drab Blankets, fine and 'rely fine, far Overcoats. . - s GOODS FOR. GENTLEMEN. , . Fine and superfine French and English Cloths and Cns- 5 simeres ; Over-coatings; Silk and Lulea Pocket kerchiefs rind Cravats; .Gloves; snspendertr-Silk. and Nierino Under*Garments ; Merino and Cotton Half Rose, 't Tile subscriber baying made" extraordistirf prepare tithis for the Fall tuid Winter trade, and having purchite- .2 ed hit Goods under the advantage of markets unusually depressed,, can confidently promise his et:alma:sr the • 1 1 beat bargains he has ever been able to oder- • . ••• e • Customens of the house, and purchasers generally; tire respectfully invited to call. (nortfil • - - - - - - . • - To Country Blerohnota.:7—'--- .IVR. MURPHY, at his ,IVholisale . 4 - 4„. corner Of Fourth and Blarkit .streets; Pitts- 3 , burgb,-(up stairs,) is now preparedrnotler lion of Country.Mcrchants. an extensive supply of New Spring Goods, including thelli?Wellt, styles - or Spring t, Prints, Giugham.s,.Luvtns, Muslin de.Lainesi Alpscas, and Drees Goods generally; also, Groves and Hosiery, "4 1. Bonnet Ribbons, aces and Edgings, Ira. Prices low. - .4 Entrnnee to W holesale Rooms from 4th' melO )*: A aIASUN t CU., N0..00 11Ltaiar sutler, have. 11. this day received, per " Fast Line, ilho following it named Goods, viz:—Satin stripe, black and.hlue black plain and printed Bernges, all wool IV. de Laites, broidered Thibet Shawls,. black, white and pearl. Silk H. Hose; span Silk Hose ; kid, silk and lisle thread Gloves; linen, bobbin, cambric and muslin Edgings; Insertings; black silk lace . Edgings; bonnet Ribbons ; embroidered muslin Capes, 11411 , pattenmand rich. goods. ts, ..32 , the elnikeet vaiieiy ivei: l i ur . offerctl, and CADMLIA'CRAVATS; at prices, you caret hcav them . • • • - CLOTH - STORN, Post . u Corner [tub and 'Wooditts• inarlS~.iv • • New Goods. IN STOUR . and now recciving,our first supply of New SPRING GOODS. consisting of every thing new aud beautiful, to be bad of.the Importers and Jobbers:— • ' • • New Styles of rich Turk Satins; • t. • 1.: Wide Brocade Silk,,netuatterns; t Rich Chumelion amGlacio Silks ; • . - • Filed and plain WI Silks, all widths; • - . Bercges. Lawns. Mous do Leine's, &c; • • Fancy Bonnet Ribbons, new designs: •• _ • Together With a large assortment of Domestic Goods. 1 • ROVE D.•TROAIPSON r . t; • marISJ No.llo . Market 5t.,3 doors frontLibersy. . 101TRINTS.1caFe Cacheco Flaie Prints; . .‘ a. • 1 Merrimac 41 t' , t • " Hamilton — Fine desirable Spring styles, just renewed by. • • MeCANDL}..I3.a. CAMPBELL,' nanrl2 : • 07 Wood arced: irkins LAWN—cies* e" Dress . just received and for sale by . . ' MeCANDLESS k CAMPBELL, . 97 Wood et. !. Lrl3.3&w4tii P INS -1 nose Ame rionniPins, I not re c'd and for Gala by. Ale CANDLESS CAMPBELL, . ~'; . , To. 97.W00d strut. T HREAD -500 doz. Swan's 0 cord Spool Conon ; 300 tbs. Pat. Thread, Nos. 33, 40 Just opted and for sale by • . . /ffeCANDLES'S deCAMPBELL,' • . ;: z.:.• No. 9? Wood atieat S USPENDERS—tuo doz. , Gaszi•Stn eiv. villa manufacture; 40 dozen heavy Girth Susp enders; uat opened and for ante by : . • • • • MeCANDLESS & CAMPBELL,' •••• •:,•• No. 9 71V00t1. street - •rti t • .. • FRICE'S JOEMING.SHOP.—"TdaII persons 0 about to remove, and.wanungtheir, Stores orllouses repaired, Coanters;.l. 4 .helving. Doors, Windowi, and .• Hoisting, NVheels pat up:Carpentet work of all kiiids ;.• done ou short , notiee,. sin reasonable rerms• work made to Order, and Furniture neatly reptiirekattill.q Vat nished, on reasonable terni-Lon Fifth street; beivr tett, ; Wood and Smithfield :mitts, in the Coffin Warehouse. arc' John Liggett,' (late of Win. Trovillo,l oppoilite the:Alle!!:1 gheny Engine Eloase:,[fehLbdtar] JO SEPH PRICE • ianl6 ME=ZZi