The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 15, 1849, Image 4

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1, -- •: i '., -- -7,,,::t",- -- ...:,4,;-.. •-;: -0 . . A ',010. 1 , ji.< : i• - • , ,'
: -. -.:.v.iii, - -vielr-Gardarcr.e...iw.u.tv_z:.:s tat : AS C A44l
. -••- •••• ••..,-• -6,-1-;NEB7-1:11:1011,Sl NEW., COOPS!!
• -',- ••• ' • -• Greater. Bargains:than ever can now .be itad a.•.•
---.•--- theiegoisfrheisYsta golden Bee-Hive,pn Market ht.,
bertmen Third and Fourth;Where tslstst opened.
~...: Icsitt . ndid , stock-0 6 winter Dry;.Gbods, Cheaper than the
• . same quality.of Goods have ever been. offered in. Pitts;
---.- {Pill.• 1.... - RUSSELL, • No. 62 Market: Street, .between
• ''.;
Third Whitt'Fou r th' streets,sign of the - Big Golden • Bee
. Ilivei hoe now received, and offers to-his-numerous cus
• • . toniers • and-'theypublia - generally,. the lamest, cheapest
•• ' . and tarist splendid snick of 'Winter 'Dry 'Goods ovqcoffer=
•..'• 1-ed. lit dile city. - These Goode have been P - utchased in the
••.......•Bastef Cities since thelite fallia pricesontl - will be
• •, • • Sold to Cash. buyers arts great reduction, much cheaper
- - - than they could have been sold in the early part of the
Arnotig thiti:large - and: ekteusire 'stock will be • fotind
''.ziOnt'• choice and - fashionable 'Goods of • the -lateat 4n-
- '-•:--7Sentietraihineres, all wool, a beautiful article ;•• • , •-
••:...-..-•: •• • • - .Zherry colM• do. •, - • do. • -. figured and plain;
.• •-• Silks and Satins, plainostripedrind - plain ;
...•.:....- scarlet delmines, all wool, very cheap i -- . •
' . • 15Liszarine Blue Be •Laittes, low•prices• . • ..
.. .; • .
,:- :. •
~•Fratich Merinos, all colors, extremely ' low. •
• --. • Alarge assortment of .60 Cashmeres De Lainea,new
. • est designs, from 1 2 } to 50 cents per yard ; thesethese are very'
.cheap. Also, - a. large 'stock - of Alpacas. from 121 to 50
- . cents per ya rd, all colors, and a great bargain; with a
- 'splendid. assortment of bonnet ribbons of the latest im
- . portation. • Also, velvet ribbons all widths-and colors,
• :vary cheap, a beautiful assortment; plumes and'aircificial
flowers; bonnet satins- and velvets, all colors; French
--• -,worked capes and collars; scarfs, cravats, gloves and
. - .hosiery, all at reducml prices. • ... •: -., - , •
- - • •,.• • SRAWLSI , SI - I.AIVLS !I. .
- Bestrussortritent in the city, and very cheap g and
• s: :' . Sqtareßhawls; best quality. • .
• - Terkerie and Cashmere Shawls;' '
. •
. . ;Black and. colored Cloth. do . • , •
• •Broeha and Silk
. . .• - • . • •
•-: • -._ Fluid Blanket Shawle, all qualities:and Prlees.
',..",.::: 1 •'• -• BLANKETS' BldsisllCETS!!---•-Cheapestrn the City!
1-.. - • '.• A large stock of . Runaketi, all qualities, which will be
I . - sold cheaper than found elsewhere..., - . •
-, •:- .- -,•-. :• -.'03:44.P.E.R THAN-THE CH dP.E'SZ!.
r-- -. - A large stock of Calico.. Good dark-Calico. fast colors,
• - .. .. otilyJ cents per yard; best quality British and .American
-.--`.- - Prints, ato IU-cents per yard,- yard wide'; British Purple_
•-..-' •-• • Petits, 10 to 121; a large, white and yellow
..;-'..--•Flarineleisome-as low as•l2l cents per - v e ry cheat);
• . .
Bed 'licking, from 3 to rat cents per yard... Also; a large
' '-','•••• 'Steele
o f Checks, Shining Stripes, Casetnets, Kentucky - .
. : ..-jeans and Linseys, together with• a very extensive as
' -.; .. sortment of bleached and unbleached ItluAns,front 3 to
•.: -; •••-•',l3:eardaper yard, cheapest yeti good yard wide tribleac - h.•
•....•;:.; .ecf. Masai:us, only Scents. per yard; bleached Muslins
.- from 3to 6 cents per yard. All of w hich will be sold oil
, : .:tit reduced prices, at the Sign of the New Golden ;Bee•
•- . . 4-live in Market strectibetween Third ad Fourth - st.S.,,
-- - . N 0.611.... • (deelSitt _
, • ' . AVM. L. RUSSEL.
$o musT RI c
- 11711iCH tout - will-be proven by culling nt McGarns's
.." V Fashionunle'railorum EStabliS tune nt,,Third street,
St: Chnrles Building, , .
Sma..,pnahrs and quid . . sales,
V Aturry : Fresh and good.
- Co - 4carrrtott : Very far in the 'background. -
Day aid customers, and nll others, are respectfully in
rrned that I am waning fur theta . ftleqUl
ocr24. • Tailor. St. Charles:
- - -
uir-E WOULD LtEeIP.ECTIULLY invite the attention.
V, . of bur friends and fee public to the great variety
;of W.INTER COATINGS and other articles, we have
, just received--aniongst which will he found the greatest.
variety: of BLUE, BLACK, DRAB a: d PEARL colored
VESTINGS,,te. The above Goods having been bought
. far cash. at extremely low prices, we are prepared to ac
commodate till who mar falter as with their patronage,
with good Clothes, at low prices. Give us stall.
Rementber,2lB Liberty street, opposite foot of 7th.
Clothing s. Clothing i t Clothing IS
The Three Xig " Deers vi. The Western World! ! !
made and ready , sO , be offered on the
'most liberal terms to my old customers and the public in
general. The Proprietor of .this far-famed and extensive
establishment has now, after returning from the Eastern
titles, at much trouble and expense, iust completed his
fall and winter arrangements to supply his thousands of
corm:tine-Is with one of the most desirable scot ks of CIO-
Atm* mat atm ever been offered in thin or any other mar
ket west of the mountable . . For neatness in style and
wortnnauship, combined with the very low price which
they will be sold for must certainly render the old unri
valled Three BM Doors one of the greatest attractions of
- announce
country. - It is gratifying to Me to be able to
announce tci my' numerous friends at 'home and abroad,
that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which
have Made tOmeet the many calls in my-line. it is with
difficulty I can keep time vilth the constant rush that is
made on this establishment. It is a well established
.fact, that m 5 sales are eight or ten times larger than any
oth e r house in the trade, and this being the case on the
amount sold, 1 can ,brad to sell at much less profit than
others could possibly think of doing if they
cover contingent expeuses. I intend to make a clean
sweep of all my present stock before the beginning of next
_year; coming to this conslusion,l will make it the inter
est orevery man, who wants a cheap winter suit, to call
and purchase at ihe Three Ihg Doors.
oattit-thtw • JotiN nvolkshanr.
.v s j.T.l.7lll.ltVbl l S--.eceived at the Iron
n. City Clothing Store. a splendid assortment of Cloths,
Connisting of fine. Freneh, English and Atnerican Plain,
black and fancy Cassimeres, of the most Modern styles;
'fine figured Cashmere Vesting - a, Silk Velvet, Plain and
Fancy Satins—all of which we will make up at the most
reasonable pricep,in a durable and fashiepable style.
Ready .made Clothing, of all descriptions ; Lady's
Cloaks of the most fashionable patterns. Neck and
Pocket Hdkfs.; Suspenders, Bosoms, .Shirt Collars, and
every' article usually keptin a Clothing Store. Country
Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere, will find it to
their advantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store,
- N 0.13.1 Liberty street, immediately opposite the mbudt
of Market: foctlE--ul C. ItI'CLOSKF.Y.
Jasites Ur, Woodwell;
'...,N03..13 Tanta Brassr, Prrisauson.
A and --splendid asiortment of Furniture,
' suitable:for Steamboats. hotels, and Private Dwell
.,ings,constaittly on hand, and made to order.
the present Stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any
manufactory in the Western country Persons wishing
' to purchase,would do leas. te me a call, ill. I um de
," termined my prices sha ple Part of the Stock con
". - Tete a Tete • - Buffet Biocide.;
Louis XIV. ' Chairs . ; Queen Elizabeth Chairs;
Tea Payee ; Fruit Tables •
- Taller Tables ; Lords XV. COmmoder.
French Mahogany Bedsteads ; Piano Stools ;
• Sofas,,with plush and hair cloth covers;
L 0 hlnhogaay Rocking Chairs;
-r . 41[1:Oren Parlor' do.
25 Centre Tables ;
20tairDirans ,• 4 pair Pier Tables;
"15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; .
B Wardrobes; 8 Secretaries and Book Cases ;
' • 20 marble top Wash Stands;
- 4 pair Ottomans ; ,
8 pair Fancy= Work Stands.
A. vrey large assormeut of common Chairs and other
. Ftirniture; too numerous to mention.
o",,BtearaLßoatsfurnfithed on Alas shortest notice, and
._ cut the most reasonable terms. fihtt
City L i v ery
THE subscribers having purchased from
- Charles Coleman the above Stables, and M
..tending to increase their stock of Horses,
• .Carriaps, Buggies, ke.„would respectfully
solicit share ot patronage the
pnblic. Horses
kept by the day, week. month or year, and' additional
" • - stalls are beingerected, in the second story, for the tie
- comniodaticrn ot Canal stock'
Ia retiring from the Livery business I with pleasure
(from a long nermaimance ) recommen d suecessors to
the patronage of my friends and the public.
-,.lllgeloves'earwlage Manutaotory,
ad .a/ley,' bato ars Wood and Smithfidd streets. -
M. BIGELOW would respectfully
et: inform the public that at.hitiractory can
at all times , be' found a large supply of
- • Family Carriages, Itarouches, Buggies,
• And nil lauds of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance and
• - neatness to any found in the Zast, Contracts for any
nutnoer or Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be
- promptly filled. Alt work of his own manufacture will
-be warranted. • '
Ftssatuntces—Col. R: Patterson, R. 11, Patterson, E. D.
Gazzam, Esq., - lbabert Robb, Esq.,-C. L. Magee; and
' 'Aiderman Steel. • Ifeb27:d3m
BM D l/ F P 's .
ttoz7m-wasl comma ac MAME= BT. AND TUN DIAMOND.
ORTY-EIGHT PUPILS are now in attendance, and
s am ;
pi building,
p a a n i d im w e i n li t
a v e l l l n t . readiness n in a d feiv n ‘ t v h e t e k g
for Ladies, as.welt . an more extensive • accommodations
for Gentlemen... His new Treatise upon Boaz-keeping is
' becoming the st andard book in the Eastern Cities. It is
nuiversay admitted by practical merchants to be the
first complete work on the subjeet published. Hours:--
10 'o'l2, tf to 4, and 7to lil.' .
.Professional assistance giyen in nur•cose of difficulty
In Partnership settlements oropenin , books. febtXt
Wholesale and Retail.
"Elt OBERT IL HARTLEY, begs leave to in- •
.. fan* his friends and the public generally,
slim he contimies to occupy that lam and cont..-
Clodloas Store Room, formerlyoccuPted bySamne Fa
*stock & Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond alley arid Wood:
sweet wherehe keeps a lam and general assortment of
Saddles; Bridles, Harness, 'franks, Carpet Bags, Saddle
Bage,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other, arti
cies in hilline. - ' . • I
•He, also keeps constantly On hand, and it prepared
lurnithro order, all kinds of Riveted klose,manufachwed
'iaf the best material, and in a style of-workmanship equal
• " to . the eastern manufactures article, and .at 66 per Cent
c ou rarv . Mereltania and Farmers would do well fit call
andexamindhis stook before - purchasing. elsewhere, as
-he is determined to'sell• first rate articles at very, low
4 . - 117" . Don't forget the place; No. 88, corner of Wood
• ' freer and Diamond Ailey.' . • .
Gigs, Fourth 'Fr at—lloven & As-raver, Dagaerren.
tyPiats , frata the Eastern cities, would call the attention Of
'the inhabitants - of - Fittsburgh, and the neighboring teems,
to their•Dsguerreotypecof Citizens and others, at rooms in
*Atte third story of Burke's building, 4th
Persons wishing pictures taken may Tent' assured that
pains shell be spared to produce them in the highest
perfection' of the art, Out instruments are of the most pow
erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures udsurpassed
Tor high - Anish and - truthfulness to nature.. The public are.
solicited to call acid-examine. _
Persons Sitting for pictures are , neither requirred or
"panted to take theniunless perfect satisfaction agivea. ,
N. B. Operators will And thiS a gotid depot for
:and chemicals: -
Instrecarms given in the arti ontailtiag:thei more
reeettt Impretrattenti. • ittn7-
• '
k e .
: • ' • - - • "
. ,
Pating - 0 ,- (o and trotn s f o te lv gi A n t ert s ! , -ire_ltanat
r". the ¢, C h • SANDSOsnd the repaca
-7 . . 51. e. fl ArkaShips,
. W., ES .& LO., •
. • [Eirsimisitt rit 18242,
N. 83 South erred Nilo York and '3i Murk." Road
Peasant; sending to the O,d Country for , their friends,
Call have them broughtoat I.y theßegularLinti of Pack-,
etsatiling from Liverpool nu Ist, 6th, I l th,l6th,2lst Of
`VIII of every month, comprising the' following Shine
• Siddons, • Henry Clay;
Hottinguer; Columbia. Constellation,
Resens, - • Patrick Henry, Cambridge,
Isaac IVright. Waterloo, -- Constitution,
Ashburton, • New-York, - Oarrick,
West Point, Queen ni the West, Montezuma,
• • Yorkshire, • Sheridan, New World,
Liverpool; oAford, . John B. Etkiddy-
Or in the first class Atnerican Ships; sailing . from Liv
erpool and the Irish Ports every - day, comprising -.the
St. - Patrick, St. George, Andrew Foster,
Yorktown;- - Creole, Memnon,
Probes, Elsinore Wm. A. Cooper.'
And many others, which this limited space will not .ad
mit of here enumerating. .
p. W. BYRNES &-CO. are the sole. Passenger Agents
for theSteamthipSAßAH SANDS. Her appitinted sail
itig days,; for .1849, are no follows: From Llverpoel
20th January, 25th March, 4th June, 6th - August and Bth
'October; from New-York on 24th February, 241 May, sth
July,6th September, and 15th November.
Therefore, those .oiishing their , relatives out early in
the Spring. will find it to their interest to patronize this
Old Established House, our arrangements being so per
fect that no delay or disappointment can occur.
• Drafts al Sight [prang' amount on the National Bank of
Ireland, its , branches, &c., at timesfor sale. Ap
ply to, or address by letter, post-paid,
P. W. BY RNES & CO, fel South st., N. Y
and 30 Waterloo Road., Liverpool.
jan27:tf 155 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
. _
' "°3t. indaa
NO RE.SHIPPING:r-The Boats belonging to thiS Line
have beep put in fine order, and are now running .
regularly between Pittsburgh and Erie, touching at all
intermediate Ports along the Canals. A Boat will always
be at the WharCunder the Monongahela Bridge, and one
will start 'regularly every ether day. The People's
Transportation Line has every facility for carrying
Freight mid Passengers. The , boats will be -towed to
Beaver by steamers, and will proceed to Erie with great
dispatch, by the earmli. The 'boats arc commanded by
experienced and careful men—all of whom have an in
terest inthe Line.
irr.Goods sently the Line to Erie may be forwarded
to any point on the Lakes. -
For freighter paysage apply to
Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh.
- CLARK & CO., Beaver.
. R. W. Cuaarstonsm, New Castle.
Ssalcsrr WAERRN & CO., Middlesex.
Mwrox tirLL, Sherron.
JOSEPH MCCINIAN, Sharpsburgb. •
S. B. & G. Lowar, Clarksville.
S. C. PLUMES, Weal Greenville.
J. & T. KILPATRICK, Adiunsville.
W. H. Vassar, littrunown.
W. WADSWORTH & CO., Sherman'e Corners.
• \VM. Pewits, Conaeautville.
—.., Spring Corner.
AV. C. Warman, Albion.
-Wm. TYLER, Lockport
K. Fran, Girard:
KING, and B. Tema:tams & Co., Erie.
The following Agents in Erie will receive . and for
ward Freight to any Port on the Lakes, chipped by
this Line :
WM. Gallagher, . Jelin Ilearn,
G. W. kla!rerstick & Co., Josiah Kellogg,
• Kelsoe & Loomis, Walker & Conk, Jed
Pittsburgh Portable Bost Lthe.
For the Transportation of Prtight to ems/L.(IOM
BOISBIDGE ¢ CASH, Phiktdc/phin.
TAAFFR it O'CONNOR, Pittsbi rgh.
rip tit S old established Line being now in full operation,
the proprietors have made extensive arrangements to
forward Goode end Produce with despatch, and on the
moat favorable terms. They confidently hope, their well
known promptness in delivering goods—peculiar safety
in mode of carrying—capacious warehouses at each port,
affonling accommodations to shippers and : owners of
produee,—fogether with their long experience and unre
mitting attention to business, will secure to them a con
tinuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully
All consignmentsby and for this line received, charges
paid, and forwarded is any required diresiona free of
charge for commission, ad Vancing or storage.
No Interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats.
All muumunier.tions promptly attended to ou applica
tion to the following agents:
. . nom:4mm A cesic
279 Market street,Philndelphia.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
North street. Ballimore.
al bit, Cedar tame', New York.
BlerchanisTiansportation Mite
GGODS consigned It 'stir care will be forwarded with.
. Out delay, and au a lowest current rates.
Canal lasts, Penn street, Pittsburgh. .
272 and dt , Market street, Philadelphia.
3e.29 . . Sttuth's wharf. Baltimore.
7141ereheinte , Way' Freighter • Line.
atddan 184 8 . ! MUM
E x t, c e t w il e siv en p i . , , ,s y bu fo rg r h the u t iz .i zi rta e, tr o Lo . f lo way , frir i i o l i tr .
daysburgh, Water MfeCt. and Peterslitirgh.
This Lute was formed for the special accommodation of
the way basinms. The proprietors, thankful for the very
liberal patronage they have received during the last two
years, respectfully inform their old customers and the
public generally, that they are now better prepared to
deliver goods at any point on the Canals or Railroads
with promptness and despatch.
OItICIIS C. A. hPitzievri' & CO., Pittsburgh;
Jowl MILLER, Hollidaysburg;
• Pletworcru & Worms, Johnstown.
Egrzarecas—Smith & Sinclair; J. lc J. hl'Devitt; G. &J.
R. Shoenberger; R. Robison & Co.; R. Moore ; Bagalcy &
Smith; John Porker Wm. Lehmer & Co.; O. P. Stroenber.
ger, Pittsburgh. - jettl)
illeroliants , Transportation Line,
Flog Al i e ju ' u f i rl e n o ex a ort a a n tr
1 7 , :i t ic in ite r r o rha ir yte . aeon
s P n ro e du o e
i r t
our care will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest
rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all instructions
promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for stor
age or commission.
WANULTV Pc Co., Proprietors, •
mart Canal Basin, Libert y st., Pittsburgh.
IGuzette,ouly, copy.)
THE. Partnership beretofore esistin between JOHN
dissolved by mutual consent.
• The subscriber may be found at his office, on Fourth
street, between Smithfield and Grant eta , Pittsburgh, at
all tunes when not engaged in Court.
Eagle Saloon and Restaurant,
No. 65, 63, and 61 Wood street
The subscriber would respectfully inform
his friends and the public generally, that
be has hadthe above well known establish
mem fitted' up in a very etiperior style, and is now pre
pared with every requtstte,'to serve up all the delica
cies the season affords.
OYSTERS. stewed, fried, roasted, or lit the shell; to
gether with hot coffee; tea, chocolate, beef steaks,, , mur
ton chops, venison and game, at short notice, and at all
seasonable hears, in a style that cannot be surpassed in
XX ALE of the best brands. Imported &gan in eve
ry variety.
He would also beg leave to state; that he is prepared
to furnish DINNER PARTIES of any number, In a su
perior manner; SUPPERS for Balls,Societies or private
J 7 Parvsrn ROOMS always in readiness.
Nmospapera will be kept on file from all quarters.
rrio THE ENTERPRISING.—A rare chance is' now,
presented for the safe investment in a liusinesa en
tirely new; one adapted to the man of limited, ea' well
as to the man of extensive resources; yielding a profit
from capital and , enterprise beyond any operation of the •
day. It lathe complete monopoly of a staple article, ab
tiolutely necessary and essential to every family, as well
as indispensable to the mechanic, artizan. and profes
sional mart - To capitalists, an opportunity offers itself
for a lucrative :employment of either large twat/tall sums,
bringing immediate and highly satisfactory returns.—
Those estrum: of embarking in a pleasant, genteel busi
ness, are 'invited, with others, to call at the office of the
underisigned, examine'the article, and form their . own -
Judgment, from the facts presented. •
Ottee—k4ehtlige Buildings, St. Clair street, nextdoor
o Esquire Jcihns
Received. this day, .direct,froirt'llaltimore, 14 Es
press, Fine Fresh Oysters, which - I will sell low, taxpy
store, the Dirunond; also nrWna. Ketimer's;corner of.
Second and Smithfield streets, and • II :O. Kelly's, corner
of Fifth and Market alley; " - !
-I will receive thorn daily- at the 'above place* , All
Oysters'warranted ; inane) , retUrited, if not.good.!.b
0 ILAINIGEATILE SILK VlSlTS ii posi.Cluttorntlillusi-
Zirte.-IV, R. Murphy bosom and a few 'very kuilirdj
some changeable Silk V'isilii, - Te Or sniiabld (or Christ ..
presents, which he is selling at reduced 01:;:'1.1r
handsome Dteslt Silk*, Sa tin ,, B , l3 Plitfilfe , ml, 6
natal:aid 'Mkt's' &C. -- . ,
_ . .
A Card.
Oyliter Agalley.
- —New Comineretsl bine._
E. W.Kneall.L. & CO./ 5, Dinatta,KrwasziAs Co.,
84 Wall. sti, New-York , S Liverpeal, Englimd,
, Rmwarractrrinfortatheir friends raid the
-.Public, that they have commenced the Oen. , I
P. -fat Shippin g and Commission Busittris, to.
tfit rather with the Gineral Passesser
""-. 1 granting certificates of passage tram London,
Livierpool.Dubbn,Belfwft,or any Port of the
Old Country to New York, Boston and
the most reasonable terms.
Drafts and Bills of Exchange, from .£1 to any amount
on iho Royal Bunk of Ireland and its , branches, and on
The days of sailing of-the Regalia Line of Li'verceol
Packets, as fixed upon. are the Ist, flth, Ilth, Ifith,
and 26th of every month.
These Ships are all of the largest chum, and are, cons
mantled by men of character and experience. The
Cabin accommodations are all that can be , desired in
point of splendor and convenience. They are furnished
with`every - description of stores of the best kind. 'Punc
tuality in the days of - sailing will be strictly adhered to.
Packet Ship! Rasmus, Siddons, Sheridan and Crick,
are vessels of the largest class; and those desirous to
bring oat their , friends, cannot select finer or safer Ships.
PllllO4O can be secured at the lowest tales.
New Orleani Line of ?nelsons sail weekly. For p_
age or freight, apply as above. or to -
deell Corner 4th and Smitheeld sts.,Fittsbutg
• Hamden £ Co.'s
e •
, '
nig Eistampica ,
• I .
IE7 lifereatter, all. SaMrtige ,l'essengers coming from
Europe, engaged in America to come over, in , either of
the ships of ii-AILEIDIeri dr. Co., will be furnished with the
following Provisions, orthar egnivalent,in other articles
Tally good .—Sre des qf. Cenfrrauciday 17,1549,
1118 PLAN will prevent sickness on board. Hereto
fore, when Passengers found themselves in Provis
ions, Many of them came on noard entirely destitute,
which often caused much siclupeastunt death.
35 lbs. Bread, All of good, quali
vnd one •-nth
to " Rice,a
ty, an one- mitt.
10 " Oatmeal, of the Provisiotui
10 " Flour, • furnished will be
10 " Beans and Peas, delivered to each
35 " Pritatoes, Passenger every
1 pint of Vinegar, week, with a suf.
60 gallons of Water, ficient supply of
10 Rut:Salted Pork, free from bone.) Fuet for Making.
Each fillip in this Line volll lie properlY ventilated, and
a. good house over the pasinigo-Way leading the Pas
sengers,' apartment: The Calaboose and Cooking-triage*,
for the use of Passengers, are kept under cover. Every
attention will be paid to promote their health undeomfort.
Agent at Pittsburgh, JOSHUA. ROBINSON,
st.. near Wood.
&pie CAVA' Genera ...ICmlgraiiiipmo - Itliiiis.
ItEMITTANCI.I . 3 and Passage to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, by AV. St
& J.T. Tapscott, 73 South st., corner
of Maiden Lane, N. Y., and 96 Water
ing Rood Liverpool.
The subscribers, having accepted the Agency of the
above House, are now prepared to make arrangements '
on the most liberal terms with those desirous of paying
the passage of their friends from the Old °Danny . ; and
they flatter themselves their character and long standing
in business will give ample assurance that all their ar
rangements will be carried out faithfully.. 3 1 3't
Messrs. W. & J. T. 'Papscot t are long and favorably'
known for the superior close. accommodation , and sailing
qualities of their Packet Ships The QUEEN OF THE
leave each. port monthly—from New York the Mat and
26th, and from 'Liverpool the 6th and Ilthi in addition to'
which they have arrangements with the St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure a departure
from. Liverpool every five days, being thus determined
that their facilities shall •lrerm pace with their increasing
patronage: while, Mr. W. Tapscatt's constant personal
superintendence of diehusiness in Liverpool is an midi
clonal security that the comfort and accommodation of ;
the passengers will be particularly attended to.
The subscribers being, as usual, extensively engaged 3
in the Tranam?rtrition Business between Pittsburgh mid
the Atlantic Cities,. are thereby enabled to take charge or
and forward passengers immediately on their landttig,' ,
without a chance of diatippoinUrrent or delay; and are,'
therefore, prepared to contract for passage/iota any sea
port in Great /4421110 r Ireland to this city, the nature of
the business they are engaged in giving them facilities
for carrying passengers so Orr inland not otherwise att.
minable; anti will, if necessary, forward passengers fur
ther West by the beet mode of conveyance, witliout any
additional charges for their trouble. Where persons
sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage
will be refunded in full.
The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at
sight for any amount, payable at the principal cities and
towns in England. Ireland. Scotland and Walesi thus af- .
fording a safe and expeditious mode of remitting (Lauds'
to those countries, which persons requiring such facilk
ties will find it to their interest to avail themselves of. •
Applicattou Aif by letter. post-paid) will be promptly at-.
tended to. TAAFFE & ovoNtioit,
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
map97-d&w-1y • .
dia Roche, Brother*, & CO.
l a
Fekro:tsr.,' New Yens; EDICS QUAY,.
Duman; Sconaao Rosa, LIVERVOO2.
JAMES BLAKELY. Agent, Office on Pettit st., Camtl
Arrangements for ISIS.
I_IOCIIE, BROS. & CO.. sole Agents far the BLACK
Elt, BALL LINE. of Liverpool And New York Packets,
take the liberty of announcing to their old friends and
easterners, that their arsa interne uts for the year la IS being
complete, they are prepared to brim; out passengers, by
the above splendid Line, (rout Liverpool to New Nark
and Philadelphia.. They refer to their former coarse of
doing business, and assure those who entrust them with
their orders, that the same satisfaction will be rendered
as heretofore.
Drafts for sale, payable, on demand, at any Bank in
The undersigned has made arrangements to bring out
passengers to Pittsburgh, during the present year.
fetis4.mdatir* JAMES BLAKELY.
II -
ARNDEN & CO, ColltillUC to bring out persons from
any part of Englund, Ireland, Scotland or Wales,
iipon the most liberal terms, with their usual punctuality,
and attention to the wants of emigrants. NS'e do sot al
low our passengers to be robbed by the swindling scamps
nuiWest the sea-ports, as we lake charge of them the
moment they report themselves, and see to their well-be
ingrand despatch them without any detention by the first
dims. We say this fearlessly, us we defy any of our
passengers to shyly that they were detained forty-eight
hours by us in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were
detained months anal they could be tent in some old
a.aft, at a cheap rate, which, too frequently proved their
We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cosi
what it may, and not act as was the case last season with
other offices, who either performed not at all, or when it
suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to
£l,OOO, payable at any of the Provincial Banks in Ire,
Mad, England, Scotland and Willett,
European and General Agent,
Filth street, one door below Wood at.
qlliESubstribers are.prepared to forward money to all
partsof England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with
despatch, and at the lowest rate,
ICI Liberty street.
Western New York College of Health
207 ?Sao a7zerr, Buin.A.L.o, N. V.
T -
MS celebrated remedy is miasma ,y increasing its
fame by the making nil over the world. It has new
be-come the only medicine for family use, and is particu
larly recommended for Dropsy all stages of this coral
plaint immediately relieved ; no matter of how long stand,
tog. (See pamphlet for testimony.)
Gravel, and all diseases of the urinary organs; for
these distressing complaints it stands alone; no other ar
ticle can relieve you; and the cures testified to will coa l
since the most skepucalt—(see pamphlet.) Liver Com
plaint, Bilious Diseases, Fever and Ague. To the Great
West especially, and-wherever these complaints prevail,
this medicine is offered. No minentl agent, no deleterious
compound in a part of this mixture; it cures these discus,
es with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the sys
tem torpid. (See pamphlet.; piles, a complaint °fa most
painful character, te immediately relieved, anti a cure fol
lows by a few days use of this article. It is far beyond
any other preparation for this disease, or for any other
disease originating from impure blood. ( Sec pamphlet.)
Debility of the System, Weak Back, Weakness of the
Kidneys, &c., or. Indentation of the same, is immediately
relieved by a few days use of this medicine, and a curets
always the result of its use. It stands as acertain reme
dy for such complaints, and also for derangements of the
'female frame, Irregularities, Suppressions, painful merit
strultions. No article has ever been offered, except this,
which would touch this kihd of derangements. It may be,
sailed upon as a sure and effective remedy; and, did we
feel permitted to do so, could
,give a thousand names as
proof of cares in this distresamg class of complaints.
See pamphlet.: All broken down, debilitated constitu
tions, from the 'effect of .mercury,. will find the bracing
power of this article to act immediately, and the poison
ous mineral eradicated from the system.
Eruptive Diseases will find the alterative properties of
this article Pcatylcrssa at and drive such diseases from
the system. See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all
dizeases, which the .limits of 1113 advertisemeut will not
permit to be named here; Agents give them away ; they
contain 32 pages of -certificates of Idgh character; and a
Stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine, neva
er appeared. It is one of the peimliarfeatures of this ar
ticle, that it never fails, o benefit in any case, and if bone
and muscle are left to build upon, let the emaciated and
lingering invalid nuts on, and keep taking the medicine
as long asthere is an improvement. Theproprietor would
caution the public against a number Of_artieles which
come out under the heads of SAIMPAILELLAS, Snares, Ike.,
as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, &c. They are good for noth
ing, and concocted to gull the unwary: TOUCH me M NOT.
Their inventors never thought of curing such diseasestill
thieartiele had done it. A particular study of thepamph.
lett is earnisayisolieited. Agents, and all who sell the ar=
- tiele,oro glad to circulate gratuitously. Put up in 30bz: -
bottles, at,52; 12 oz. do. at $1 each—the larger holding 0
oz. more than the two small houles: Look out and not
get imposed upqn. Every bottle has " Vaughtes Vegeta
ble Litliontriptic Mixture," blown upon the. glass the
Written signature bf "G. C. Vaughn " on the directions,
and "O. C. Vaughn, Buffalo," stamped onthe. cork. None
tither are genuine. •
Prepared by Dr. Vii C. Vaughn, and sold at the Princi
pal flffice, 207 Main street, Buffalo, wholesale and retail:
NO, attention gives to letters unless post-paid--ardei
fromYesularly authmised. Agents tzeived,'. Post-paid let- .
ters, ot,:perbal conununieattons soliciting advice, prompt
ly attended tograns,
Offlcu,devoted exclusively to.the'sale of this
N. y. ; 295*Essex - et., Sale*, igass:; and
2' ipipal Druggists throughout the united States
, -HAYS * TIEUXKIYAY :iigenbs t
• !' No, 2, Libeily - st.Olear Ik9o.
• ;
h 'Prikiikl Fee - Insurance Cronspi437
3311 Charles W:.‘Eicaelier, • George W.. itietinels,
Thornaillext; Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias. Wagner, . /ulelphi E. Barbs,
Samara Grant, - Davin S. Browne,
JaSob R. Smit h, MortisTatterson. ,
_ .
Cues. G. BANClll.lll'Crelal7. . • ".
Irr Continue to nulke,lnattraoce, perpetual or limited;
on every deseription of property is town and country.
The Comptuty have reserved a large Contingent Fund;
which; with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
afford ample protection to the assured. 1
Tie Assets of. Ilia Coraparty. on January Ist, 1843, its
ublished agreeably to, an Act of. Assembly, were as fol•
Mol l Mos •-•!•••••••-•• ....... • . 81,047,438 41
Real Estate •• • ... .. ..... . . 94,734 ea
Temporary. Loans . 84,
Cash 85
, ace' 38,804 37-
$13,318,492 71
:Siacc their incorporation, a peiiisll of 10 years,rthey.
have paid upwards of One Malian: Four Hundred Thou-,
sand Dollars, losses by , fire, thereby affording evidence
of the ud vantagespf Insurance, as well as the. ability amt
disposition to moot with promptness, all liabilities.
Office N. E. corner:Wood at4-3d
Piro and Marine - ll:Mummer.
TllE , lngurance Company at' NarliAnteticsi, of Phan'.
delphia, through. tut duly,antliorited Agetit, the; sub,.
llcrhar, offers to make pemurient and 'limited Insurance
on property,' in this city and itericittily,tmd en ship:rents
tty.the canal and rivers. ' - • - ' -
• Arthur H. Coffin. Preet. Relatter DiMikej
Alex. Henry., Charles Taylor,
SamuelW. Jones, Samuel W. Smithi .•
. Edward Smith, Ambrose IVhite,
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Themes, I
; John White, ' John It. Nell
Thomas P. Hope, ' • 'Richard D. WOOO,
Wra.'Welah, • ' Henry D. Sherri:d i Deep.
This is the oldest Inittraace Dempsey - hi - the - United
&met, hiriing been chartered in 1794.. Its charter is per..
petual, mid from ire high standing, long experience, am
ple meaus,radavaiding all risks of an .extra haritrdoulf,
Character, it maybe conaidered as offerli4 ample eeeurl
ty to, the public. WILLIAM P. - JONES..
At Counting Room of Atwood,lones & Co., Water and
Protasis., Pittsburgh - may4y
- _
IM rd and Maul :south - EittaurgA.--Tho, *Ws:'of the
company on the first at . ..battery, iS49, as . published in
tonfomuty with an net of the Pennsylvatua Legislature,
Boudsand Mortgages-r 1 300 ' 61 7
i 93
:Real Estate at coat
Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash '207,499 7.9
. _
Afnking a total 0 f5209,1383 42
Affording certain assurance that 'all 'busies be
promptly met. and giving entire security, , to all who ob
tain policies from this Company.,Risks taken at as low
rates as are consiatent with securty. - -
oct2 • WARRICKALARTM I .4 ent.
0 ALL Afill Eit . i L ONG At. IN ILLItIN,
No. 109 Front rt., ttettotin Mod ond Smittfiell areas.
lk Ar A N IJ FA CTURERS of Bells of all sizes, detain and
Silvia action Force Pumps, Countei Miri
am! Water Pumps, fittings or all kinds for Gds} Fater„
Steam, &c., Brass Castings for Machinery - and oiti-auri
ton metal for same, Particular attention paid to Gas'
Fixtures, and a well assorted stoek - of Plain and Oroof
mental Pendants, Burners, Chandeliers, con
stantly on hand. . ontEl
AmE5 tttruraoxa. WOMMJCW4gx,
RMSTRONG & CROZER, Commission Merchants.
No. 22 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will attend
promptly to the sale of every description of Western
Produce, and other articles entrusted to theireare.
Mersa ro—Hanna, Honey &Co., Pittsburgh ;' Manna,
Graham & Co., New Lisbon, 0.; Merchants generally,
Wellsville, 0.; Rhodes & Ogleby, Bridgeport . Ski A. G.
Richardson & Bro., Cincinnau; J. F. Howard, Louisville,
Ky,; Guile & Dorwort, St. Louis; H. Boyles, Stephen,
villc. xleeS:y
Till , . Subscriber will receive at his office, young Gen-,
Beaten desiring to read lava. He - will anterintend
and direct their *lndica, and by constant supernsion,suld
strict weekly examination. prepare them for admission
to the Bar. 'READF, WASHKOTON.'
11115 Su bscribers have been in haltit of daily prefession
ul intercourse with Reade Washingtou,Esq, for many
years, and feel great pleasure in +maxim the itecunicy
of his legal information, and hits eminent capacity for the
undertaking set forth in his advertisement.
They - earnestly recommend to young Gentleinen who.
with. to acquire a competent knowledge of the legal pro
fession, to avail themselves of the advantages Which his
La* School will afford them.
Charles Studer, 0, "Itictralf, -- --
A. Rorke. Thos, Williams,
lYilsoultd'Candless, C. Mutat,
Robert Woods, Jetties* Dunlap
C. 0. Loomis Wm. B. M'Clute,
.1, b. Mahon, A. W. Loomis.
Gretie Iliirgiitis Cotner,..:: .
11111T1111.ELD .0 , 1111 FISTII litltSfilli, PITISBCf:OII,.T.A.,
llsibe most popular of all BOOT and anal; Es
tablisknients itt the West. This plate.bas gained
- its repot:Mow by its proprietor keeping; the very
best Boots mid Shoes, which are made expressly:
to °riles fur, this market, and lie is not antisAed only by
keeping the best assorted stook of BOOTS and SHOIc
in the "%Veatch,' country, but he is enabled. and deter
mined to sell his GOOIrS lower than any other house
possibly can, he cares not wind facilities they boast or
having for offering great . inducements to . the public. It
Is impossible to set north Willie advantages and.facilities
in tut advertisement, that the Grea t , Bargain , Cln-nerbas
over.others, which 'enables Its proprietor to Sell Boots'
and Shoes of the very best qualities and styles at Thom 10
to :VI per cent. lower than any other store In the city. .
'tile way to test the matter isfor all who hileitil parchrow
in , -'BOOTS and - $llOE$, to Call at 13ATET - GRRAT
BARGAIN CORNER, exorable the stock und . prices, arid
all will be satis fi ed that the Grterßargaiis CIITICT,Smith•
fo-ht and Fifth Atrrets ' is the place for the public one and
all. to gm good Boutsend Shocc clieop 4 for cash. '
_. .7. BATES..
44 rent Wtare
TTHE,subscriber •tekes This method O f informing his
friends and tlm.public in general, put .ho has the
largest stack of the following named oracles, of his own
intutufecture ' in this city---Saddles, Hamess,Trunks end
; all o f which he will warrant.tobe made of the
best materiel, and by the hest mechanics in Allegheny
county. Being determined to sell his manufactures
something lowerthen hat been heretofore sold lathe city,
he would inyitepersonsin need of the above named or
notes, to his AVarehouse, No. al I.iberty street, oppo
site Seventh. Also, bands model° order for Machinery.
oct3l KERRY
-7 Chtokerkng.a. ringlets. ; •
AMIN 11_ MELLOR, l g <nrfor'
Chirkeriug's Pianesfor IVestern Prompt
eanin.) No. St Wood street, Pittsburgh,
has received; and now, open for sale. the
following elegant assortment of - Piano-Porten, direct
from the Manufacturer, and for sale at Mr. Chickering's
(Boston) prices, viz
One superb Rosewood, tierce octave, carved is the most
elegant and rich s.yle of Louis Xlll.—new Scale.
One Rosewood, carved, seven octave—new scale.
One do. 61 octavenew 'orate.
One do. 6 octave, carved moulding—new scale.
Two do. tt do. round corners;
Two do. 6 do, square " 4t
The above are from the manufactory of J. Chickening,
Boston, and of the latent styles of furniture,. and with his
new and approved scale.
Also, on hand, and for tale low— •
Three Rosewood Pianos. 6 octaVes; from dhe inarinfac
airy, of 11. Worcester, New York, formerly bf the firm
of Stotlart, Woreester & Brinham.
Two Rosewood, 6 octave Pianos; from the manufactory
of (isle & Co., N. Y.
One Rosewood. 61 octave; manufactured bi Bacon &
Raven, New York.
One Mahogany °octave Piano made in Baltimore, and
left by the owner for sale, either for cask or In ex
change for such goods as will bJ as country store.—
Price 8306. ' jan3o
1N STOCKTON have Jost rebeivedthe.
following new works: ;
II istory of Congress, Biographical and Potato at, corn
prising a history of internal improvements, (lirvers, Har
bors, itc.,) from the formation of the Governnieut to the
present. time ; embracing aloe, historical -notices of va
rious political events of ' Ocean Steam Navigation; of '
the Tea and Coffee tax.; together with biographies, per
gotta! histories, &e., by Henry 0. Wlicaler,llinsfratetl
steel portraits, and foe simile autographs.
History of Charles 1, of England ; by Jacob Abbott,
with engravings.
The Romanceof Yachting; Voyage tbe Pirst, by Jos.
C. Hatt.
A new novel ; Mary Barton: a tqle of Mancitesteafe.
The Moral, Social and Professional duties ofiAttorneys
and Solicitors •, by Boniest Warren, Esg.; P. R. S. of the
niter temple, Barrister at Law. (lea
Iron Oity . Craoker and Bread !fakery.
NDID respectfully inform his friends' and the pub
' TY lie generally, that he has added to MS other' bud;
nese, the manufacturing of Cracker* of avery'variety.—
Having purchased one of W. It: Nevin's Cracker and
Pilot kiread machines, he is prepared to fill all; orders for
crackers or pilot bread at the shortest notice and hopes
by a strict attention to business, to share a portion of the
public! patronage. The public is. respectfully Invited 'to
call and OXIIIMIIIe for themselves.
BAXERY, No.lo COmmerei , Row," Liberty . it. oppo
site Smithfield. - • - •
N B. Superior family Bread, rye and dyspepsia Bread,
large and small rolls, fresh everylt orning mut be had at
the stbre, or my wagon, or at my stand in the'market.
Cakes and Confectionary on hand and made; to order.
Nolo Commercial Row, Liberty at.
at hi the beat Oong Illedittlue I eirOt tilawot
RP.AD the following proofof the superiority of Dr. wiz.
/antra Oriental Cough Mizell,* hom it respectable eh;
izonctvho han tried it
Prirkitiniou, Dec.4s, 1847.
Mlssus. Ils.vs 'es Bitoetws.v—After lab otingfor several
weeks under the disadvantages of it harassing ;cough and
moetdistreeeiug cold, which had, thus far, yeststed the ef
recta of several of the "infallibles,. I was induced to pur
chase it bottle.of your Oriental Cough Mixture, and give
it a fair trial. - -I'a my great surprise, after using only one
half of the bottle I fourtd myself entirely welli uitis
bssumsdieins I ewer saw?,
• Tree copy. • JOHN MINDS.
Bold by HAYS:BROCKWAY, Druggists, Comme
dal Row, Liberty street, near Cana/. - mat
• New Millinery,
Velvets e.'
44- JUST received from New York n choice melee , -
don ofelegant rich Saint, Silks; *lnterßabb - one,
Freneh' Flowers, -- -Pltmes, tsc. • A handsome , ae
eortment of Winter Bonnets, Hoods, Capes ardinals',
Vlachs, - &c., on hand and made to order in the' 'C lateet style,
at the shortest notice. MRS. DUFF,
.deed No.IO St. Clair at. (West Gide.),
. Fourth street, riehr Wooo, tviitild intim:tali e loailles
ttie4l:f•, P tl t r gli g i h n ' i l t a . l i a iril icini giitrige e
. . 64 %i i t ' i e i n i e l:1
and Winter Millinery. ; .• : . . , .. ;.:- ee MO
.MMAX--2- tar.,
.J:- feb2B
rectivedandfOrsale by •
surnt &_sermim•-
- -
_,____:.___.._"__._._._~.....n..._.~...~.~~ Kam..
..Lirium , ,Yoll'Eftiwary, DISEASE - OF THE P.! D
we./ nr 41 k 3 JIMA, and all edffictions - eirising• from
derangement or,disenieto
' Digen"
tivai•Yaieular, - Respiratory, and ..Neryous
- Systemis, such as constiliation, *Ward
pi.les,beartbittru,laisofeppente i coat-.
"red tongue, acidity 'of the Wpm= . -
ach swimbiing of tile. bead,
• ' . fullness, or oveightinthe....
Stomach dimness of ' ' •.•
vision pulpits -
. • tion of the
Choking ot suroCitting swanking: depreselon , of apthta,'
itudden•litishes of hent, peun in the side sac back, '
- weakness of the limbs, cold feet; constant iat
aginings of eyil,fever and-dull pain irt - the
, •-• pain And; difficnity . :.of breathing -
when 1 1 4 4 sale, frightful , ,
nese of the 'skin:and eyes,
deficiency; of pertVl- , . i
ThnirlntweVoVer thenbove eliseaies is not - eXcelled.—
.if Witialled=by any ; tither
. preparation in the llzited
Steles, asithe cures tu this -otty attest, in many cases of-- :
aa.alcalful physicians had failed. . ,
cranßement in the . liver.and -stomach are sotticea of
.insanity-from disorder or obstruction &morbid action nr
the sympathetic . . 'said other nerves follows,eind the func- -
don s of the brain are impaired and. detanged; as, nerves
are the connecting medium between 'urn& and matter it
follows from the reciprocal, action that bath must he
more or less implicated and deranged, •sixatiltaneously;
derang-ementthere will also_produce diseaseof the sitip,
LUNGS, UTERUS and KIDNEYS as well as the btam
The. - -thousands who ; die - :ICEMAN FEV E R,
CHOLERA •or INFLUENZA, is owing to the game ,
cattsetand the majority of eases of that most.painfal ;
disease,CONSUMPTlONintlginates from the same, lu
.fact the stomach is the important, organ iit*e;trielern of
matter, asupon it you depend for the success andall the
Xdvantages to be detived , trorw the administration of inr
team! medicines. Its functions .are of the utmost im
aortasice to every one in constimtingthe source and foun
tain. of life,wiliehis nutrition:. No orgareprisseesessueh
remarkable sympathies, none such remarkfkle rimier* :
'modifying every part of tlie system. , • '
The tare success iwtrettlnveliaeasee of the: liver . and
stomach sueectifully has not been wwant ofpathologiciftr;
knowledie ot their funetiorts; bat the-preparation lora,
compound, that, would act upon the amiall
sympathetic afflictions. _That Ipoint has peen gamed,* ,
these Efitteri; and they; are EItrnKELY-VEGETABLK,: ,
and will in everycase permanently destroy, cotstivaness,
and. give strettgth and vigor to the frame, at no time de
bilitating" the patient, and they are: grateful to the:niosi
• delicate stomach under any Wreunistencely,
Ur warns Tag powsa e sccauaroc) '
few months this preparation a.
has heenbefore the
public; has. from its infallible efficacy, elicited the eulogy
of the press through the land, theitobject being for the; ,
benefit of suffering humanity; Its idecesi has cmptissed
all precedents, and:it is free from all alcoholic stimaluntt
syrup „metettry, alone, tfluiniher,waids, and all injurious
ingredients; and especially adapted-to the diseases of the
variable eilimate of the Unite.d..StaMs, and the -West In
dia Islands. ..'
are made strong by Xiirit fact it is a family Medi--;
eine; and - San be administered With.eafety to child 'one'
year old the delicate female, or a man of ninety.
has - Philadelphia Democrat says :--" This medicine
an eiftraordinary virtue and efficacy, and is in'great
demand. Wa - cati - speak from experience, that it has
produced many
. vironderful cures."
The Daily, San say.:—" We believe it is one at the
Lest mediemetiofithe age—a friend having used it in his
own family with grealtlatisfaction in the Jaundice and •
Liver Complaint."
The - Spirit of the Times and Keystone says t--"Do our
good eiuzetWarhOSte idifalidcknow the many aston
ishing owes that.have been performed-by Dr. Hooftend's
celebrate.. tterirman Ditters? , :if thetdo not, we recom
mend-them to the ,German: Medicine Store, 37$ Race
street: all who are afflicted with Li ver Complaint, J siun-
Alice, Dyspepsia' Or Nervous Debility; tbe- Doctor has
cured -many .of our citizens, after, the. best physicians
bad failed.. We have used them,And they have proved
in be a medieine that every one should know of, and we
cannot terra* giving our testimony. in,'their favor,iut d
thatwhich giveeithem•greater claim upon our humtte ef
fort,' they areentitelyevegetable. -
The.Er e nine Bulletin sayst—The - Celetrrated• - .Girmin
Bitters are an invaluable remedy for. Jaundice,. Dyspep
sia, and nervous complaints." ,
Neal's Gazette imysi.--"It is "not often we notice the
various excellent medicines advertised in enrcolumni;
becarise we are unwilling to speak except from persona l
experience, and a good constitution fortunately tnalree_
us generally strangent to.such artietes. A-word, heti ,
ever, of Dr. Hootlaqdli 'German Bitters. This wx show
lithe an excellent article 31iIfilling in every respect What
is claimed *nit by the edvertiser. ' •
The Dail Newitsays: • r.
.....,`?A.,..ldszazarix...-,,,l,Ye..speak..kuwarioxiy-of. Dr. Hoof.
land's celehreted Gcrinall Bitters when we say it in 11 '
blessinger Chia age, and in - diseases of the billary,
doe andlterrous sysienzi,ithas not; we thfiik, enICQUAL
count, and to allinsralidit we ,would recommend it as
worthytheir confidence..." - •
What stronger testimony can a medicine have? At the'
Depot can be seen the evidences of many of our most
respectable citizens of Cures in all the foregoing di
Depot, German Medicine Store '278 RACE .
Skeet, and for sale In Lancaster by John KIT* Bar
eisburg,ity W. Gross ; and respect/to* de ert, gen-,
ergily throughout the cannily. -
are in dtiuger t the-wor f the destroyer has been
begun,therjeughof Constdsption bath a sound or
Aim TOV a Itiatugat Your darling child, your idol
end earthly loyor - now perhapi 'confined to her chumbef
by a dangerous cold—her „pals cheeks; her thin shinaken
fingers, tell the hold disease has aliendy - gained upon her
--the sound of her supulehral cough pierce' your soul.
Yousa Alms ' when puttabout to enter life, &Sense sheds
a heart crushing blight over the fair prospects.of the fu-:
lure—your hectic cough and feeble limbs lell of your
loss of hope, buLyou need .not despair. There is a Wm
which Will hell the'woundeil tunes; itis .1
Mrs: Avraxx,: die Wife of Wm H. Ariree, En. was
given up by Di. Sewall of .Washington, Drs. 'Roe and.
McClellan nf Philadelphia, Di. Roe and Dr:Mott of New
York. Her friends all thoiight she must,dte. She had
every appearance of being in consumption, and_ Was pa
pronounced by her-physiciane—Sherman's Balsam was
given and it cured het, -
GARPJAILIAITZ, of Roll's Perry,Wricalso cured of
consumption by this-Balsam when all other remedies
failed to give relief—she Was reduced to a skeleton. Dr.
_A. C.,Castle, Dentist, 231 Broadway, has witnessed its.
effects in several eases ,where no other inedechte afford-,
ed rellefbat the talgameperated like a charm. pr.
also Witnesred its wondertril effeenl,,in -.eating Asthma,
which it nevEr fails Of doing.'
,Spittiug Aden:air*
as it may be, is effectually cured by ' tbii _Balsam: It
heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, makes
the lungs sound twain. I
Rev: Minna Jon* 103 Eighth avenue, was mired kit
cough and catarrhal affection of 50 - years:standing. The
first dose gave him more relief than all the other 'Ertedi.
vine he had ever taken. Dr: L. J. - Beale, 19 Delaney.'
street; gave it to a who was laboring under;
Consumption, and .to another sorely a ffl icted with the
Asthma, In both cases its effects were immediate, soon
restoring them to comfortable health. -
Mrs. Leettani Witu.s, 95 Christie-st,". suffered from Asthina:ll2 years: ,S.henriun'e :Balsam: relieved her at
once, nod she is comparStively. well, being enabled to
subdue every ‘ anack by a timely , vise of this medicine.
This indeed Is the great remedy far. oughs, Colds, Spit
tingßlood, Liver Complaints, and all the affections of the
throat; and-even Asthma and. Consumption..
Price 25 cents andel. per bottle,.
Princivil Office 100 Nassau street:New York. .
Likewise Dr. Sherman'a celebrated Cough, Worm and
Camphor Lozenges:, Premium Tooth Paste , and Poor'
pdan's Plaster _
Sold wholesale and 'retail by WM. JACKSON, at his
Boot and Shoe Store' and Patent Medicine:Warehouae,
fl 9 Liberty street Pittsburgh„head of Wood, street, arid.
'by the following duly appointed :Agents for Allegheny
A. M. Marshall, Allegheny city; Jonathan
Manchester J. R. Jae9ges,Birmingham; A. S. Getty,
Wylie stree4'7. 6.l3lustm, cor. - Webitei et. and Elm;
Daniel NegleY, East Liberty' , P. Mitchell; Wilkins- -
burgh; Thos. Aikaii, - Shaipshargli; Clin.
Jon; Jamiris - lirKeei Stewattslown; John Black, Turtle
Creek, C. F. Diehl,.Fdizabeth; . Rowland &Son, MlKeni.
' port; MeEldowney,,Bakerstoviny -111 , Latighliii,
Plumb Township; Win. J. Smith, Temperanceville; Jas.
Fulton; Ttirenmin; H. Starr; Sewiekly: •
MOKE.TESTIMOV!—Dr. W . LANDT.,*oU Fayette.:
Ville; N. Y. says: "I am Well persuaded, and have
been for some aria, that your Pomestio Vegetable 1.41 i
are of great use - to ;all those who may have oceriaienici.
use them, andhave administered teem to my,'patients." .
Fever rind:Attie, Dyspepsia rind BiliousTever, are Mi.
mediatelk eared by the use of Dr:Ralph's Pine. Price,
25 cents a box. Sold wholesale-and retail b i r '
. : . Smithfield street, near Third.'
Alio, by Wm. Cole, Allegheny city; Smith Rix
mingliam; and Jobe M'Crackeu, Fifth Wiwi.
Jaynes , Pam y die diotnes. -
DR. S. B. C00K,..P10114, Ohio , writes . Nara', t 948:
AY "I have used your Vermifuge, Camziontfre Braman,'
and .t4pectorant, in my.practice,..for the last three years,
and have been ex.deedinglY,welipleased with and
. neirer, as yet, to my .recollection, failed of realising my
' fullest 'expectation in 'their curative properties.' ; Your
other medicines I cannot speak of from, experience; but,,
judging from those I have used,' I doubt not butthut they
claim, and are entitled to ail the confidence reposed in
them ' by . those who' have' used tnem: I was formerly
veryparfial toembis Vermifuge, until I beeameadqintin
ted with yours, which has my decided preferenti to any
other :Kiwis' ova. . , - . . _.;
Ressectfully, yours, &c., S. S..COOK, 111;
11,17'For ;sale is Pitusburgh at the Pekin Tea Store;-72'
Foururet. -• • febls
. paration has proved itself to be of very great etHeit.:
ay in the cure of obstlnnta Coligiut,-"Colds; Asttum4
ting of Blood, Snooping Cough, and othOr Pneumonia .
Affections; ,and the proprietors feel vransrited in recom
mending at as a safe and userill medicine; and tire prp
pared .to show 'certificates of Indisputable anthority,
It is pleasant torhelaste, and is °Mired also low a_price
as to place it within the retch of every person. There
are, perhaps, but few Cough 'preparations that wilt Pon
duce such decided el/ects in such -a shorttime; Pre= :
pared and sold by
• •/3 A. VAYINESTOCK CO - ., •
• Corner Pt nrist and Wood, also, confer 'or SiXth and
tilde, wholesale and retailiatllie„ . Sralthfield
Also, bY . Win. Cole, Allegheny elvii,L G. ankh, Bit
mintharn; John McCracken, Penn sßoeti,Fidh Ward,
- ' "N.
R °P
to _ e
N. B.—Oood.Stoblinrattalebed
PPI:O3-.40p bb . 0, endue. and .cooking Apple
11; ran% peritoimer '".Cotusut and.fot bY:
- •
• • ..
- (3HINEBE HAIR CREAM—h. diatiblesa erne lel far,
1.,/ growth,. beauty, anti. restoration of the Hair. This
Arena, when .once koown, will atioecccde an other arti
dell of the .kind now in! use.. ..M%ete the Iliac it'dead
,liitrah„thin, unhealthy, mot itarnlng grey, a few opllca.-
tams - will make the half soft and dark, and give ita bean—
tifall; lively, appearance; and will also trialce it maintain
its liveliness and .healthy color, twice as long es all, the
preparations that are generally need. Where the hWr is '
thin, en. has fallen mr, it Amy be reitored by usingis
Cream. Every lady and gentleman who is in the habof
using oila on theittitur should at . once purchase a bottlea
the Chineac'.Hair Cream, wilt is so composed Mat it wilt.
- Cot-jog:re the-hair like the, other pmptuations„bat will
beantifrit,y mid i give ' tieffogi' ,triertiptionlovery in . ,
Stance/ ' '''. ' • : ';'' • .... .'. .z •''' --: 1
For tesiiniony to its.titsrfittpifiiiisittintles;Wititetfol
'letter, rthd:the .. lllltirtjAri"Faill*P l / ,0131.14fT5;
Ileriderilicitt - & . fiireteb;l44;#l44e l l ll o l- ogeniirio
Southern Btalee:
• fetter claw - Rev: R. CatidtiV am 'aitvi of as Pweryteriiin
CAarcWzgismifirtnimswrztcilliercu: Gairtatalmer-I take
P.etumre in adding my testimonyfavoi of the excellent
prepareUon called Vv. .FarisiVs Chinese Hair &taw, for.
about two . years ago my hair was very dry, bristg, and
disposed to come out; but having .procured a bottle of the
Crenut,nnd used it accbrdingto the prescriptkatiit is pow
elpatic, son, and font to - the head. Many balsam, and
oils' Were applie . d, each listing my bale in a worse state
!Ben before: - Masi Cream, houraTer, has met myeslmc-
As an article for the toilet,.my NMOsyvelliPTirdrVieb
over •all others; - being - delicately pe rfumed and not dis
pelled to rancidity. The !tulles, especially, will filid the,
Clunese Cream to be a desideraram in Weir preparations
for the toilet. - - Respectfully; tr.c., • •
Pulaski, Jainarr 7,1847.
11:1 - Bo1d. wholesale and 'retail, In Pitisburgb, by Sohn •
M. Townse n d_ J 45 Market st., and Joel !alder , corner of.
Wood and Finksto . • . . jet5411194y
2AMES are eattloned against using Common l'i!pa
.a red Chalk : They are not aware how frightfully inju
rious itis to the skin ! how coarse, how rough, how sallow,,
yellow, and•unhealthy the skin appears after using. pre
-pared chalk! Besides . It is injurus, containing a large
quantity of lead! We have prepared a beautiful vege
table article which we call Jones' Spanish Lilly White.
Ids perfectl y innocent, being purified of all deleterious
qualities, and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy,
alabaster, clear, lively white; at the same . time acting
.as a cosmetic on the skii 'Making if soft and smooth.
Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of hlassachn
aetts, says "-After an alyaing Jones' Spanish Lilly White,
I find it possesses the most beautifol and natural, slid at
the same time innocem, white- I ever saw. , I certainly
can conscientiously recommend Ile nse to all whose skin
requiresbeautifyiug." Price 25 cents a box, , Directions
--the best way. to apply Lilly White, is with soft leather
or wool—theforrner is preferable. . •
A fINV-SZT OF Tann . ;rue 25 acors.--White teeth,
foul breath, healthy gums. Yellow and unhealthy teeth ;
after being once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber
.Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful
ivery, and;at the same me it is so perfectly . innocent
and exquisitely fine, that ti its constant daily use iv highly
advantageous, even. to those teeth that are in good condi
tion, giving ibeni benatiful . .polish, and preventing a
nrethatarc decay. Those already decayed it preVents
from becoming worso-1-ititho fastens such ails becomes
loose, and by perseverance It will render the foulest teeth
delicately white, and make the breath deliciously sweet.
Price2Sor.37l cents a box. .AJj the above are sold . only
at 82 qUithfirast., sign of the American Eagle, New York,
and by , the appointed Agents whose names appear in the
next column.
'Wm. van ammo and get a rich husband, lady? "Your
face is your fortune " Leant/fel, clear, fa ir!' Is it
white? If not, it can bo made so even though it be yel
low, disfigured - , sunburnt,. tanned and freckled. Thous
ands have been made thus who halie washed once or
twice with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. The effect is
glorious and magnificent: Bat be sure you get the genu
ine Jones' Soap, at the sign of the American Eagle, 62
Chatham street.
Ring-woria,Salt-rhe Scurvey,ErYsipelas, Barber's
Itch, are often cured , by Jones' Italian . Chemical Soap,
when every kirid of remedy brut ',failed. That_ it cures
pimples, freckles, and 'clears the skin; all know:.. Sold at
the American Eagle, 85 Chadian; stream.;, Mind, =dor,
this seldoni or never fails. •
. C. 1916ILISAt., Patterson.
Sold at /season's 69 Liberty it, head Of 'Wood, Sign of
of the Ili/ Boot. . • •_
.. novin.
. .
—Marriagv—CarvidentiaL—Any lady between twen
ty and thirty, possemingn symmetrical form, good fea-•
taresi&c., masked confidentially, can she suppose any'
man could Admire her while she has such yellow teeth;
Such:sallow, rough,' coarse skin; and such dirty, bad,
wiry hair; when, by speeding the above sum, shemight
have delicate white teeth, spore avocet breath, and a
. beautiful bead of hair. She can have beautiful white
teeth and sweet breath by using els. box of Jones' Am-
-b Tooth Paw; a skin white,. pure and spotless as snow,
by using a cake of the genuine .!ones' Italian Chemical
Soap; and a beautiful bead of hair by using is 3s,bottle of
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative: Do not form an opinion
against this before you trry, or you will regret in but he
sure to ask for Jones' articles. Sold only in New. York
at 82Chatham st. For sale by . .
89 Liberty. at., Pittsburgh.
Itenence has proved that no.combination of medicine
have ever been so efficacious in removing the above dis
eases, its DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. It has effe.cted
cures truly astonishing, not only of Cancer and otherdis
eases of that class, but has removed the. most stubborn
discuses of the Skin, Swellings, Dyspepsia &c. This
medicine enters into the circulation, and eradicates dis
eases wherever Imola It -purifiesthe bloodland other
golds of the body, removes obstruction in the pores of
the skin, and reduces enlargement of the glands or bones..
It increases the appetite, removes headache and drawsi
ness, and invigorates the whole system, and imparts ani
mation to the diseased and debilitated constitution.. There
is nothing superior to it in the whole nutterin medico. It
• is perfectly safe and extremely plcalant,and his nothing
' of the disgusting nausea accompanying the idea of ewer
towing medielne. • - . •
1(11C - I — For sale in Pittsburgh it the PERIN TEA STORE,
T 2 Fourth at.; near Wood. • : . mar3o
-6 Reclipts for irlimunals Hair •
in consequence of CM many things sold, set down every
article, (be it ever so good,) as a humbug -Aft people
could be made to try it 3s...botde of Joist's Coral liair Re
storative, and std how it makes dry, rusty, red, light hair
moist, - soil, auburn and dark, and keeps st so ; and by its
USA fur sometime, causes it to grow naturally benuuful;
if people could see the number of poor .respoctrible me
chanics that use. it, (aye, and find it thc.cheapest thing
they ean me i ) for - dressing and beautifying .the Iluir; for
keeping. it soft and in order three .times as long as any
othetiulticlemade; and. " - .
• Voices Waverer; stops its falling, >•
And oasts bur3obilliogs to try. • • •
We formerly-sold nothing less than St bottles, but we
wish people to try it. Sold only at 89 (mind S 2) Chatham
Street,New 'York, and by
meat .Whl. JACKSON,Agt.. ES Liberty it.'
OitE TkkerieltANY for la. Willard's Family Medi
an_ eines.—Theundersigne&eitirenSof
lug perSonally used Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough Mix •
tare; and experienced its beneficial effects, domost cheer
fully recommend it as safe • and eft - eclat& in all cases.
Speaking from 'experience we believe that What; no se
• perior iind'would reeetinitend ita we to all the athlete&
•' " - • . WM-JENKINS.
Pittsburgh, March 15th, 1848. •
trj — Sold by J. Schoonmaker & Co., John Hays; James,
A. Jones, .1. N. Cassel, John P. Scott, F. L. Snowden, J.
Mohler, Ogden & Snowden. - :. • ap22
-10 LAS, Barber's Itch - Chilae Bare Beards, Pirnyks:—
This 'Rutted by many physicians in this city i n cunng the
above, and we would not tonscieneinuly sell unless we
knew It to be all we state. • .• •
As a cosmetic, the true JONES'S SOAP is perhaps the
only article ever known that.removed impurities, and
cleated and beautified the skin, making it soft, clear,
Entomb and white u en Inihnts. But nand, it is sold at el
Chatham at., N. Y., and by •
- Will. JACKSON, Agent,
88 Liberty street_Pittsburgh.
CONSChIWION serieligre victims than any onici
disease in our country. The young, the bld, -the
heautillalond gay, are :all. alike subject IR its invidious
ravages, sad many a hectic eficek'has been supposed to
bloom with the glow of health. But every case mini.
Wes m a cold and a cough—perhaps deemed unworthy
of attention at first—and only met with remedies when
too late. Watch, tbe.first symptoms widkjealous care,-
and make immediate .use of the Cough - Balsam of IL A.
Fahaestock & Co., which will certainly check its farther
propel* and restore the inflamed organs to a beautiful
For sale by B. A. FAHNESTaCK & Co., corner Ist
and Wood sta.; also; fhb andlVood: deal
sigaisaxtee.4enr' Issalatx.99-1840, .
RFEIVED AT O.—A.-311NER , 13; taroithaela Street,
, third door above Second itieet. • ` •
Gaiters Lady's . ; Book; unusually hirge, with six at.
tractive engravinga; the litcmry department of the high
ell:Girder for this No commencing s new volume.
Sartain% Union Magazine, beautifully embellished,
and comprising 80 pages of Seeding matter,till
ClrahaiA'shlagazine, illustrated with four beautiful ea
gravingi; 'in size, a full double number. • •
Poems of:John. Quincy Adams, with - Notice& of
Life end Character. • .
. .
. A Critical Defence of the Grunt Street Baptist Church, '
against the charge of corruption, in the administration of
'her discipline; published by -order of the Church. '
Rose and Gertrude, or the Mysterious Wedding ; trans
,toted from the French of Rodolphe Toplier.'
• An Impartial - Account of the Life of the Rev. - John N.'
Matrit,wnarrative of his first marriage also,his second,
with many particulars never beLre pu blished....
-Second volume Paul Ardentkim,.now complete; by
George Lippard.
• Mary Barton, a Tale of Manchester Life,.England;
published by the Harpers. • -
Jaime De Clifford or Woman's Love ; ri Romance of
.Smiles and Tears; illustrated.
Angelina LUZMOre, or the Ljfe of a AseaatY.; by the
Author of the Jilt, Breach of Promise, &c., &q..
The Hanclaback, or the . Bell Ringer of Notre Dame;
'by Victor Hugo. . . . dect4
• • z • Notice to the Po .1110.
grim - sdbscriber informs the public generally, and
Housekeepers and Rona - Grocery particularly, that
he Is discontinuing the Queenstinre' business, and will
sell (a his present stock at reduced prices. Those who
wish'to obtain' China, Queen:ware, or Glass, will find this
a rare opportunity for gattlactiakticles as they want,
muetrobeaper than the.haunt rates. ; • ;
Remember the place, CHINA , HALE., No: tlB Wood
street, hearibei Auction store.
p. s. I will dispose of my whalc . ittoek to, any peTson
wishing tabnyit, at a -
janfinf ' WM; OUITY.
-STS4tiAlli SOUSE,
-WRESII , OYSTERS, GAME, and every delicacy of
X the season the market affords, served up at the
shortest notice, aad in Oa very best style.'-The house is
fitted up and the best order, under the moo
*gement of •• fsept7) 7 • JOHN M CAMPBELL
1,108 SALE—AII that valuable prOyerty where the
subscriber resides,rogether with the improvements
thereon situated on Sixth street;near Smithfield, front
ing on Ellitil . lo2o ft. , and in depth on Cherry alley 240
feat. Thisfp - roplerty us admintbiy. situated for a Ilotelor
a'Publie'Llali, and contains a half intiare orkrottud; or
0 , 12101 be divided' intol2 buildinglout, tots Of al feet
each on Sixth street, by 120 feet deep, and 6 lotiwith 'a,
front or 20 feet each on Cherry alley by.l2o' feel dean:
• Ittaktf.. i POWrER:
•' - - . —oi , g , 1 . . pi i i 1-....-- . ..
_ . . ...... . • ...._-. :
Tun 'OREA.I' ;REM ifiDif (Fir ,11&T‘ryfir
MERIOAN OIL, p rocured from a well in Kentucky • -..
11 135 feet below surface of the earth, a certain . r
and infallible care for Sprains,.Strains, Cuts, Bruises,
ScOlds; . lfurne; Tetter.'-ErysiPelab , and& IrcIuI,.CMIPI
Whooping-Cough, - Inflammatory Sore Throat, Sore and
Inflamed Eyes.Flatalence, Ulcers, Fever.Sonts, and ...
•whicb yields to its effeent 'kik stirpruting manner. ...
Ithas never yet failed srhen used acconlitqf to dime . "'.
000 S. Read the following:
' '. ••.•" . ' ' MairettEerkle. Allegheny r eogird.,
8,. i .;
This ilikteeirilfy, that my wife, Margaret Obriest, was
cured of althewmatic Complaint of seven years standing.
by which abe'yvas so lame as to be obliged to use crutch-
es. In one week she was cured by using the American
Oil, and could walk about as usual without berctutches. !:
•• following!. communicated by Mr:Wat.Naith,Mr.
Jackson's. agent for Steubenville, a . , . • . •
A gentleman near Steubenville,.whO had not been able
to put - either of hie feet to the ground for Melva years, in
consequence of lameness, by the use of ono bottle was • :
enabled to walk two miles to a towng i bip - election. It is '
likewise a sovereign remedy for , -.. I
The following iiec i: xunicated by Mr. Wm. Nash, W.
Jackson's agent abenville: •
A-lady residin an .Steubenville, the finger of whose .
hand was so contradted'es'to deprive her of the use of it
for thirty-five years; was entirely cared by the lase of one
bottle of the Oil, so that she now has the.. perfect ass of
her hand fully equal to the other which had - navel' been '
affected: It has also been found to be a safe andinvinci
'hie.agent in the speedL and certain eine of
. .
in all cases not organically inetrahle. .•• . ...
A lady residing in Allegheny city was effectuall y cared
of obstinate deafness, of years' continuauce,•by the use
•of less than one bottle of the Oil, so. that she, said sbd
heard better than she bad ever done before.
A gentleman well knows In Pittsburgh,' was ClitCd of
deafness of nine years' standing, by the use of a small
quantity. of -the Oil.. The names and residences of the
lady end gentleman will bo given to those who desire it,
at the office of the advertiser.
Its properties are highly developed in the certain and '
aurgnsuigly epeedy cure of all cases Of
Several cases of Cramp Cholic have been effectually
cured by one dose of the Oil, in the abort spare' of ball
an hour, when the parties have been agonized`With pain.
Ili curative properties have becareinurkably manifested
in the radical cure of ..
A lady, the wife of a planter in Kentucky, was. CUtee
effectually of tine of the worercases of 'diseased Spine,
which had confined her to hex bed for a considerable
time, in which she could not turn herself. It is also a
sure remedy and perfect cure for painsin the small of the
back, and - .•
• Read the following • " • - ' •
• Prennureau; Dec. 18, 1540.
This'is to certify that 1 was afflicted with great pain in
the small of-my back and kidneys, which affected me 50,
mach that I could not stand upngbt.By robbing extct
Bally, and using half a teaspoonful internal ly..nagbt and '
morning, I wits entirely cured. ' JOHN RIDDLE,
. ~. ... .. near Warren, Armstrong co., Pa.
.A llgentlemai.of Fittsbargb,afilicted with a violent in
flammation of Abe kidneys—the pain , of which caused
him to faint—was cbrupletely cared, in three days, by the
use of the American. Oil..
The qualities of this : Ai.,
is extremely penetrating and anti-inflammato ry, conse
quently is confidently recommended as a sovereign rem
edy wherever inflammation exists, either external ors n
-tented:: Used immediately after a cut, bruise pr wound,
ii will cure and prevent
It has, in addition, been found a salutary, pleasing and
effective remedy for those very unpleasant and ineonv a
uient discases,, - •• , . .. •
jja - Price, 50 cents per bottle. • , . - • '
Cantlots•-•l3c on - Yertir Guard: .
The surprising excellence and growing popularity
the American Oil, has induced some dishonest persons _.
palmrapon the public, miserable imitations o( this truly
valuable medicine, for the purpose of di:zeivirig the un
wary, and defrauding the Propnetor: - ~
In order to besure of obteduing the genuine, °bine
the following roue, lamas: • •- • ..- - -.'. .
let. See that the name "Wm. Jackson,B9 Liberty st
head of Wood st.," is printed on the labe l the wrappe
of each bottle, to imitate which is felony.. -
2d. That each bottle is inclosed in a pamphlet contain
ing fall dieectinas for rise; and also conlahung the name
and address of Wm. Jackson, General Agent for the'
proprietors; likewise, the name and address of the pro
praetors, D. Hail & Co., Kentucky.
3d. Purchase ONLY of the advertised Agents, all of
wham have a show bill, on which is printed the names of
- the Proprietors and General Agents—thus .t. D Hail &Co.,
. Proprietors, Kentucky. Wm. Jackson, •Pittsburgh, Pa.,
General Agent for Western Pennsylvania, and part of
Ohio andWestent Virgtnia; and the printers'. names—
M'Millin A Shtyock, Pittsburgh--priuted at the bottom
of said show bal. - '- '. • • -..". : • .
4th. Observe—the genuine American Oil is of .a dark
green color, without any sediment, and , its specific ri
ty lighter than water. .Ilie connterfens are metal of a
black color;—some white; likb Spiriur;ol Turpentine,
said to be refined and cla rifled •,:: !ante Ben ire Oil—oth
ers a mixture Cl other common oils; and one a block filthy
looking mixture, purporting to come Brno Cie .‘Plusburgh
and Allegheny Dispensary Co." None of. these coun
terfeits possess either the 'virtue or-the power of the true
. .. ,
it Sold wholesale and retail. Itry . AVM. JACKSON,
-General and Sole Agent for the Proprietor in Western
Pennsylvania, \Yemeni Virginia, and- Northern Ohio;
and by the following dilly appointed Agentain Allegheny
A. M. Marshall, ' - • . -
Dr. Binary, , Allegheny-city. -
J. R. Johnson,. •
• Jonathan Mutest, Manchester. . .-.. • •
Alexender Asilele, Wylie street. • - ..
- J. R. H. Jacques, tirnunghatn. ...„ • . * a..
Wm. J. Smith, Temperunceville. -, •:•: r. •''',' '-: • .
- U. H. Starr, Serwickley • '• ' -'• •• -.-- •
Edward Thompson, Wilkinsbargh....
'• Daniel Negley, East Liberty. ~ . : ..•.,-.i.i , ~ - •
.H. Z. Mitchell, Wilkinsburgli.• . .. ....:';>,'. .'
. •
Thomas Aikin, Sharp burg • .. • '.
11. Roseland & Son. Mlicesport. . . : ..
. •C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth. , . • . :••• .
' John Black, Turtle Creek.
- —lll'Eldtpartty, Bakerstown ' :. ;••• .' ': '
fiamuel.Spdoger, Clinton. . .• .• '
... ,
James APEte, Stewanstown. . .......
Riley APLaughlin, Plum township.
.. .
, J. Fulton, Tarentum.
Jeremiah Fleming, Lawretvieville. • • ••,-,. •';•• . - •
Robert Pirilliams,'Artharsville: . - '., ,•• -
EsllOhl the New York Gazette, Oct. L 939, 'a dimly
paper deservedly at the. headmf the Amity press in
:Drivers Extract of Sarsayari 2 / a .--tt were but courtesy
to call the attention of our readers to this invaluable prep 1
oration which will be found advertised in another column I
Mr. Bristol is a brother, and issues a highly, interestirs .
newspaper, every now , and then, One or two numbers of
..* : •
which we have already noticed; and the medicine Itself
has been eulogised by nearly all the press orate 'western •
country, and, we doubt not, rnstly eulogised. ;Blies in its • .
favor, moreover, very Buttering testunottials front the ' •
most eminent . pructiuonem in every . part of the country
where it Thas been used. There is beauty and taste
enough in the bottles, and in the engraved labels in erlh I •
they are etivelopcdoo induce a purchase, - even if the
-preparation itself were not one of the "eovereignest in 4.
the world," as every . person mnst believe it is—that ii,
every. one .toast .be lieve it is—that s, ovary .one who.
would not resist amass of documentary evidence concln;‘ l o
sive enough to, convert a Tusk to Chnstianity, . Buy one
of the bottles, gentle reader, ond see whether you do not
agree with us on. this 'Mint. . • . I
For sale by . B. A. FABNFSTOCK le Co., 1.
. ' cot. of let and Wood end 6th and Wood ets. •
A respeetable gentleman called at our 'offiee, as he I
said, to inform us that he hail-been a ff licted for 15 years
with -Rheumatism or Gout, and occasionally- with Tie
Doloreux; that 'he had been - frequently confined to bit
room for months together, and o ft en suffered the most in
tense and eterueialing pain, -bat that lately be had been s'
using Jaynes Alterative; from which he found the most sig
nal and unexpected relief. lie says he found the medi
eine very pleasant and effective, and -that beams' con
eiders himself perfcctlycured.—Philaddphia North Amrr-•
•''A.FAcr. \Com; Ktrowsua...- T A gentleman of Scrofulous
habit, from indiscretion in his younger days, became af
fected with Ulcerntipns in the Throat-aud Nese, and a
disagreeable- eruption of the Skin. Indeed, his whole
system bore the marks of being saturated with disease.
One hand and wrist were so much affected that he had i
lost the use of The hand, every part being coveied with
deep, painful, and offensive ulcers, and wore as hollow ;.
and porous as an honey-comb.. it was alibis stage of his
complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loath
some disease, that he commenced the use of Jayne's Al- i
te.rative and having taken sixteen bottles,ie now perfect- .I'
.. The Alterative operates through the circulation, and . 1
purifies the blood and eradicates disease from the system,
- wherever located, and•the - .numerous cures it has per- :
formed in diseases of the skin, cancehr - serofala, gout,
liver complaint, dyspepsia pnd other .ClRettic diseases, is ;
truly astonishing;—Sprit of the Timm; • •
Ws — For ...ale in Pittsburgh, Lathe natlyreksTonE
72 Four* street. . . 4
Fresh Arrival at Ble.llsslarood
HODKINSON has just opened." within the pat
week, the largest assortment ofFreneh CHINA
ever opened in this city; consisting in pan of—Fancy, .
• Whito, Gold Line and Gold Broad Tea Setts; an
extensive assonMent of White, Plowing Blue and Liver
pool Iron Stone Ware, in Tea Setts arias separate pieces,
as may be required. Also, a, bearniful asso rt ment - of
Candelabras and Lamps, of the newest shapes and put
terns, direct from the manufacturers. ,
Ladies would do well to give him a call; at f.
• Oct 27 • No. 115 Wood 5t..3 doors heloti Fifth.
Business Collector.
THE undersigned,encoaragsd by the libemil patronage
of the merchants. professional gentlemen, and me
chanics of the city, oltere his service' for the collection
of accounts in the city of Piunburgb and vicinity. Bay
ing attended to business of this kind. for many. years for
the Board of Trade, and being well nemutinled with this
and the adjoining mate, be feels confident of his ability
to give satisfaction, by prompt dud faithful 'attention to
all business entrusted to him- ' •• • _ ' -
To be found nt Mr. Wm. Bass's, Merchant Tailor
Third street, opposite the Post Office. . • .
Gabriel Adams;
J. Carothers;
1.. R. Livingston;
James Marshall;
George Breed; •
Dr. peo:D. Bruce;
Ceel :artd File Ifferistafatetory..
trillE subscribers have' enlarged their SteeL and Pile
1 Manufactory, on 'the corner of O'Hara street and
Spring alley, Fifth Wird, Pittsburgh, by erecting a con
verting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.—
Their. (eel, now being of a superior quality, and having
engaged competent operatives, they are prepared to fur.
nisit Files,of every description, ibat will, compare with
the best inipoited article"; and being determined to make
it the Interest of all who use Files In any way; to par- . .
champ from them,. they will sell. their Files et reduced
prleei g Air Cash. They will also re-cur Files, and par- •:
chasathoaawhich are worn and broken. -*Pahlinpatron
agge ti reepealblly invited, iio'7) /"..aT , HW Is CO.
P. Duff, Aceountunt;.. •
.Tae..ttleGuire Igerehn Toil°
Wm. IL Sede;
Dr. W. M.. ngt; Dentist;
C. Dodge. ' (hov7:3in