The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 15, 1849, Image 2

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2*B corner or LIFE.
0 I Jet Its slumber:break
Arouse its senses and awake, •
To seolow soon,
t Life, With its glories, glides away,
And tho stern foot step ofdecay
Comes stealing on.
BOWplessure,like the passing wind, •
tiloWS by, and loaves us nought behind
But griefiti hut
How stilt our ;resent happiness mityward fancy, less •
- Than What is past.
durfives like basting streams must be,
That into one engulfiing sea •
'Are,doottred to fall; • _
Thir.fti of Death, whose waves roll on
, O'er king and kingdom, crown and thrtine,
And swallow nII.
Alike the river's lordly tide,
Alike the bumble rivilets glide •
To end wave . ;.
verty and pride, • •
And rich end poor sleep side by aide •
Within thegrave. , ,
,•-•" X't
-. 11 • Our birth is but the starting place, •
Life is the running of the race,
And death the goal -
There all our steps et last are
t,. brought,
That path alone, of all unsoug ht, -
Is found of
• • -
~- • .
• "' Where is the strength that mocked decay;
The step that rose so light and gay,
'l , • The heart's blithe one f The strength is gone, the step is slow,
~. And ley, grow weariness and woe
' - , When age comes on.
:Sys then, bow poor and little worth
:4ixe al I , that° glittering toys of earth,
• That lore as here;
-Theantiof a sleep that death Inuit break,
Alas! before it. bide us wake,
Yo disappear.
- irrartn for the - Satunfi n t Morning Post
- About o'clock, A. M., on the hottest day of
40g01t,.1845, one as ' much: privileged as your
tumble servant, reader, might have seen the ex'.
tauisite Frank Thoreau sitting quite
, composedly
cin his cite* chair, enjoying the luxury of smoking
a prime 'Havana cigar. - He was yet in his morn
- 'big dress I his long summer wrapperand richly
wrought clippers giive him a cool and comfortable
• Offpearance. His feet - were resting upon a sup.
.Porter,' and his bead on the back of his chair.
While in this half sitting, half reclining position,
-• a slight rap at the door informed him that some
.• ime.desired admission. Frank had- no fear of
aonatables or those officious persona denominated
the polkete,"-so, without disturbing himself in the
least, he sidled Come in.'
•"Good Morning to you, Frank," instantly sound
ed in.his ears. •
£'`" Oh, is that you; Gus?-good morning I Come
;`End, take dseat: Will you have a cigar,"
penny for your thoughts, Frank A person
would suppose that you had actually been think
- in my opinion a subject worthy of
thought on Ibis tropical morning, is important
`Come;; say up! what have you been cogitating
"Well, Gus,You have made a liberal offer for im
portant ideas; bat 1...wi1l surprise you with fiber
. ality; I will let you have my thoughts without
your penny; and you can comfort yourself by re
fleeting that you have earned a penny this mom.
jog, hot and all as it is; far you know the old
;laying, .A - penny Raved is as good as a penny
earned.%—.But I beg pardon; yoio will find a
cigar in that box on the mantel, and a locofoco to
set it oo fire , on that witidow-sill. You see I keep
all my comforts convenient."
Aire right now, Frank—proceed," spoke Gus
es he took his seat.
"Well, I was just thinking, Gus that we New
.• Yorkers Me the most gullible set of peoPle in the
..woric!:•;,I tray we; I mean, you know, us hide
, tident •folks."
•. '-Truly, Frank, this is a great subject; but how
do you make out that conclusion,"
; Eztay enough. It does not require much re
'bastion; it only requires a slight reference to his.
tory apd existing facts." , *
"-But what are they, My - curiosity is , excited;
let'me have the process."
Well I let anything—l don't care much. what
4. 7 -come among us, •of a foreign coin, and at
once' it becomes all the rage. Don't you see it,
Gus? Our ladies—aid we have some fine ladies"
-must ape something foreign. Hence we have
gull Trope set in every corner of our city, and in
almost every department of trade. Mantua-ma.
hers;milliners, publishers, shoe-Makers, and all,
appear to understand this weakness, for we see.
advertiseinents.calling the attention of ladies to
fact that a dress maker, a bonnet-maker, &c.,
may be found at such a number, on such a street.
and the publishers of our ladies' books bioast of
having.made arningernenta to receive the Parisian
London fashion plates at the earliest moment.
We have Victoria riding eaps and coats, Jenny
Lind curls, &c. &c."
"You have made- out your case, Frank; but
• le - herein have the fair sex offended you, that you
are opening your batteries against them this morn
,lng?" - -
"Don't make a mistake, Gus. Thedear ladies
o t t ire; nor the only guilty ones; we are in for a
-:.where. , How many do you suppose, Gas, there are
among-el:m.old and young gentlemen in this city,
who wouldtiofwear a suit unless it was' made in
tiomb foreign country and style. Hundreds send
to Paris for a coat; our tailors cannot suit thein."
"This is a newnets train to me, and 'pon my word,
• it-Oases us in a ridiculods light," replied the vial-
- Bat, Gastavus Adolphus Dunlavy, En, these
are put trifles; and might pass by without cumuli
if there was not a more lamentable degree of gill
libility -displayed by our good citizeni... There is
ti; most abominable practice prevailing among us,
'l 7 and one • which every true hearted American
ithoUld discotenace. mean t h a t running
discountenance.- I of
efter and idolizing foreigners—both men and wo
*Men::, This. habit, to say the least of it, exhibits
" ,: tiistontenteduess - with ourselves and institutions,
Let an. English stage - player it 'French dancing girl
.... or an Italian opera singer appear, and the town
ai moved with excitement Leian English novel
writer deign - to visit our shores,and he 'is fairly'
:idolized. And last, but not least, let a count or a
..;;,lotd; or some real or mock European dignitary
with his outlandish mustaches and whiskers, con-.
deseetid to croft! the Atlantic and atop in our city,
and half the girls in town immediately commence
with love tor bim, aud.tbooung men cut
' tivatimi eirMlir. crops of hair' On their chin and
f ideciare k rrank, you have let yotlintagMa.
• thin loose morning; without either halter or
c!lmagitudireal Do you call this imagiqatioth
41 4 1 , 1 . 1 .
"Wiwi! have you forgotten how foolishly our
~., ' .-::•':..•.7 ,! -:';:r:7 : :. . .:',,:=:. , .
',-.k--'.''' -- - :
good petsiti:ncted wham Boz, the story tiAteriwits.'
here? you orgotf en vvlratninniest , many:-
made of themselves ntMutiatiny.:Elliter-,44,tiM,
divine Fanny, as pule Aerated liet? Zht Gnat
hai-yntii-psettlori.Permitted tkieseitemsstitiistoiy
to escape in soon?" " • ‘'
" Certainly not, I remember all that particu ,
huly ; but you have hinted that our people could
be imposed on by one pretending to be a lord or
a count; this, I think, is very questionable."
"I am astonished at you, Gui - --indeed I am. If
you Would onlY reflect for one momeht, you
would see that such-deception might be practised,
and that easily..'.And if• you would only reflect a
.little longer, you will recollect that it has been
done, and to your-knowledge,''. -
"You Eire right,_Frank ; it bas been done; but
what I Maintain i; it cannot be done again; and
my reason for saying sois t that the eyes of society
are now opened, and .I feel assured that the next
count that comes to New• York :will be thoroughly
investigated before he will be counted."
"That depends on Circumstances. 'lf the cause •
of disease is removed the disease will disappear
but;we have .seen that the rage for foreign things
has not abated; and, Gus, I would, be. wilting to
stake my watch agimst yours, that I could corn ,
pletely deceive my most, intimate acquaintances,
and pass myself off for a distinguished foreigner."
" "Done, Frank. take, you up. I will not
stake my watcii, but.' sill stake a thousand dol.
furs."' •
"So be it, friend Dunlavy."
•"Do you intend to try tae experiment, Frank ?"
"I dont know. If I don't try, its no Toss; that's
the understanding."
Mr. Dunlavy, looking at his watch, sprang to
his feet, saying: .
declarei time has passed apace; its eleven
“ Whet of that replied Thorton, carelessly
..Why I roust positively go to Philadelphia to
day; and the =train leaves at one, you know. I
would not be !aft for five hundred dollars. I just
stepped in to bid you a pleasant time during my
absence, which will be till Monday or Tuesday."
"That's nothing to make a fuss about, Gus. I
expect to start for Liverpool to-morrow; so fare
well, and reniernber our bet."
Liverpbol, did you say, Frank
Yes, I said to Liverpool; then to London, and
perhaps to Paris
"That's news to me. When did that notion
take you?"
" The matter was settled last night about ele
vcti o'clock. One of my father's vessels sails to
morrow ; I am going along, more for pleasure
than for profit."
then, you are not jesting?"
" Certainly not." Rising for the first time from
his easy chair, he continued, as he proceeded to
the bell pull, "certainly not." •
Mr.Dunlavy proceeded to the door, and 'cold :
"Good bye, Frank; a prosperous voyage to
you. '
" Are you going, Gus!"
" Yes, I must be off"
Well, farewell; I must bati a ride on old
Ocean's back ere we meet again; and it I ever
get back, look out for.that thou:an I dollars."
"I am not much alarmed. Farewell. I feel
certain of winning, if the thing is tried; so good
Acts and Resolutions, passed at the a go
- end lesidon of the Thirtieth Congress.
[Punttc—No. 17.1
AN ACT amendatory of an act entitled "An act
ainenitatory of the act entitled sAn.act to lacer
petite the Provident Association'of Clerks in the
Civil Departments of the Government of the Visi
ted States, in the District or Columbia,'" approv
ed 3d March, 1825.
•Bd it enacted by the Senate and House of .Represen
tatives of the United States of America in Congress
assembled, That from and after the firstday of Jallth
ary, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, the fonds of
"me Provident .AllloCiatioll of Clerks," shall be ap
propriated and paid to the families of deceased mem
bers, at the following rates, to wit : To the families
of such members as may die; at any time during the
first five years of their membership, the amount of
the subscription which shall have been• paid in by
such members respectively, with the addition there• ,
to of fifty per cents= of the amount so paid io by
them ; to the families of members dying at any time
during the nest five years, an additional sum of sev
en dollers and a half fur every quarter of each of
said succeeding - years; to the families of members
dying at any time during the next - succeeding ten
years, an' additional sum of six dollars and twenty-,_
five cents for every quarter of each of said succeed:
log years; to the families of Members dying at Any
time during the next succeeding five years, an addi
tional sum of five dollars for every quartet of each
suisce,eding years; to the families of members dying
at any time during the neat succeeding ten years, an
additional's= of six dollars and twenty-five 'canto
for every quarter of each of said succeeding years
and to the families 01 members dying at any time
alter this thirti-fifth year, an additional sum of twelve
dollars and fifty eents for every quarter of each of
said succeeding years ; so that, at the end of the fifth,
tenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth, thirty-ftllh,'and forti
eth 'years respectively, every member dying at ei
then of these periods shall have provided for hir fami-
Irout of the funds of the association the sums of
seventy-five, two hundred and twenty five, four hun
dred and seventyfive, five hundred and seventy-five,
eight handfed and twenty-five, and one thousand
and seventy-five dollars respectively.
Ste. 2...Aruf be it further enacted, That, with the
consent ofthre.e-fourths of all tho contributing mem
bers, the foregoing rates may, at any time, be in
creased or diminished, and subsequently altered, as
may. be deemed warranted or required by 'the then
existing funds of the association : Provided, That
any and every such act of alteration, duly attested
by the presiding and recording officers of the *asso
ciation, and under its Real, shall be filed• within ten
dayatifter the adoption thereof, in the office of clerk
of, the circuit court of the District of Columbia for
the county of Washington, whose duty it is,hereby
made to receive aid record the rsame in his office.
See. 3. And be it further enacted, That any mem
ber of the association who has been, or may hereaf
ter be, removed from office, may at any time here
andaftersuch removal, discontinue 'his quar
terly payments to the 'funds of the association, and
'instead of thereby forfeiting his previous payments,
as the original. act of incorporation • of
said association by such discontinuance, there shall
be paid to the family of such member, at his death,
inch an amount of the said funds es they would have
been entitled to had his death 'occurred at the time
be discontinued his payments.
Sec. 4. And further enacted, That itehall be
lawful for a member of said association who has a
wife' nd children to designate his widow as entitled
to receive the whole benefit of his membership : if
no widow, his children, or such of themes he may
designate; and if no child or children, then such
person - or persons as he may designate, (or adopt,)
by giving notice in 'writing to - the president and
board of officers of the name or mimes of such per
ion or persons.
Szc. Et. And be it further enacted; That so much
or the original act of incorporation, and of the act
of the third ofMareh, eighteen_ hundred and twee.
ty flve amendatary thereof, a* is inconaistent with
the provisions- of the act, be, and the same is here
by, repeated,.
Speaker of the House of Representatives:., G. id. DALLAS,
Yice President Of the United States, and
' '` President of the Senate.
dike's= March 2, HAS. _
.111i1r7 The - wife:of a Philadelp volunteer who
Was reported to have been killed in' battier, married
again some lime:since', but her first - husband. has re.
turned aniteleimed.her. The painful matter has
been compromised by the second husband relinquish:
inif aU title to her. yildotis - Musnle'be in such -a
iiVrio Patna E i?-The man who bait the $4O
on. Friday nighritaiin .Rooreiis net
under forty-yeanaof age, and has MratElllY•
patinas* had bete St Alegre dance house t
.......... .
- ...:4 . i.,•': , : , ;-4 . :.: - .,.
the ::::illiiiiiiii:4 1 -1166t4 .
: :„.....,.„ :,..,..,..:,..:,.„,.,....,,
EY!! For. Coiximeralal and News,
- lee next-Page.
The Latest'Newe, Market Reports, doe:,
will be found under Telegraphic Head;
Putsuantio- public notice, the Deinocratic Standing
Committee, met at the louse of Major on the
28th instant., and unanimously adopted the 'following •
Respired, That the Democrats of Allegheny 'county are
request;Ato hold prirnary meetings atthe usual places on
Saturday, the fhb dayof March, neit, to elect -delegates
to the 'County .Convention, to meet in the 'New Court
II 'use, In the city of Pittsburgh, on the follpiiing Wed
neidny, the 21st of March, at 11 o'clock, to elect dele,.
gates tothe Fourth' of July State Convention, to .nomi.
nate a candidate for . Canal Cornmitisioner.
The meeting* in thelownships to be held between the
hours of 2 and 4 P. M.; and in the vittrdeand borpughs at
7 o'cioek in the evening. , . .
Roolra, That the Demoemts, in their primary meet
ings, are requested to take into considemno• the contest
now going on between the friends of the Taa_Hintn
I,a*" and its 'opposers.. • And if they deem it proper,
authorize their delegates to take action on it in the Coun
•ty Convention. HENRY S. MAGRAW, Ch'm.
JAMES Vgarseit, Seey. •
117 , The Democrats of the , Fourth Ward will meet at
the neW School, Honse, on Saturday evening next.
Democratic Citizens of the Third
Ntrard will meet at the Cerro Gordo House, on Satarday
next, at 7 o'clock, P.N.', to. choose Delegates to meet in
the County Convention, pursuant to call of 'the •
marls:3l Cowan-ma or Coaassrosagma.
Gazette and Journal and the Ten Hour
'We* call ,the ,serious attention of the workingmen of
this county to the following extracts from articles in the
Gazette and .Tournai:
• • " But RESTRICTING the hours of labor to TEN,
WILL NEVER do this,".esc.—Gazette, of Feb.l4.
• • "Let the scale, howe ver,inclitie to which side it
may, one thing is very certain, that neither the preaching
of radical newspapers / nor the harangues of demagogues,
regulate the relations of labor and cepinil, or produce
the slightest Influence of a permanent charactc r upon the
rates of wages."—Gazette, March 4.
• • "We will furnish him with our files, which con
tain the PROOFS that' before the electinu, us early al
least as the 7th of August, WE DECLARED' OUR DIS
x al, of Februari 9.
itr.cmeTioN OF GEN. LASS.
In pursuance, of a notice in the Morning Post, a
meeting of- Democrats was held at the house of
Msj. Fickeison, on Wednesday evening, March 19,
1899, to make arrangements for the reception of
Gen. Can.
On. motion, Capt. .1 AIMS ATAIT was called to the
Chair; Capt. Frederick Seidenstriker was,appninted
Vice President; and L.-Harper acted as Secretary.
On motion of Anthony Bec'en. Esq., a Committee
of one hundred was appointed to receive Gen. Cass
and the other Democratic Senators, upon their arri
val in this city.
On motion oil Col. 9. W. Black, Andros Dote,
Ela' (1., liras appointed Chairman of the Committee of
On motion of. John B. Guthrie,- Egg., the follow
ing gentlemen were appointed a Committee of Ar
ningements, viz: Col. S. W. Black, Capt. John Bir
miogham, and . John D. Miller.
Andrew Bunko Major Fickemen
$ W Black Gco Cothran
Wilson 5-I"Candless James Irwin
Jacob M'Colliste r
a 1.1 Alward
, Rndy Patterson James Lindsay
Stephen Boyso - John Hazlett
Jacob Miller John Irwin
Charles Hein Charles Barnett
Philip Menthart ! John B Hazlett
Chu Cochran ' Backofen ; M Kane Ir
I Headman ' - . John Hardman
James Watson ' Alen M'Clure
R B Roberts Henry IVlVullough
Feliz Lafferty John Coyle
W W Guthrie H Dember
Alex Black H Fenderick
James C Hem ' Will Black
Joseph O'Brien Daniel Bern -'
Thos Smith D Campbell
Geo Thompson M Milligan
Wm B M"Conlogue James Cochran
H.S Magraw " John S Hamilton
J 9 M'Calmont ' 3 /Mitchel
P C Shannon Henry Rea
John Bell Charles Kent
J ft M'Cliatodc Wm Wilson, sth ward,
Jas Cadwallader Jos Watt
Andrew Scott Jos Birmingham
Jos Coppice John Layton
Thos Scott Win Bennett
'E Heidelberg .1 S Kennedy
Robert Potter Geo Dougherty
,C F- Yost II Lamb
J B Sawyer James O'Neal
B Flannegan C Mosier
S Morrow J Hunker
P Hunker John Anderson
JohnStrimp , Wm M Edgai
Win Johnston James C Ritchey
S Fleming . Wm Moore -..
N Campbell John McClay
James Long C S Hinkley
James Barr John Dunlap
A.Llarttie P McKenna . .
James McKonna John Taggart
Henry Cassiday R N Hazlett
John McGuire James McGuire
Wm Irvin M McCullough
S Stark Sam McClain
Otto Kuntz H Schreider
The Fleet Head Off.
Mr. WilliamS.Brown, Second Assistant Postmaster
General, has the honor of being the brat martyr.
He was a most efficient officer in the department
and a gentleman of decided abilities. Ile is sec•
ceeded by Mr.Warren*, of lowa, who is reported to
have been the employee of the Boston capitalists in
bringing in the Mormon votes at the late elections
in lowa.
Another Blau Shot in Stenbetrillie.
The StenbenvilleHerald, of Monday says:—"On
Saturday night last 111 o'clock, a middle-aged man
by the name of Johnson was shot down on South
street, directly opposite the dwelling of Mr. John
Sutelitr. It appears he bad been either going from
or to his wash-woman with clothing and was not mo
lesting the peace of Mr. Stitcliff's house. The shot
entered one of his thighs, which ivas horribly mutil
ated, and from which he bled to death in a very short
time. Before his decease, he testified that the gun
was 'discharged from a window in Suteliff's house,
and implicated Mr./di:dela in the transaction, upon
which Mr. S. was iminediately arrested, and on trial
yesterday, was committed for a further hearing in
`the Court of Common Pleas. Such scenes in Steu
benville, hbve been quite prevalent. This is the
fourth 'shooting match' that we have been called
upon to record within the last eight months. The
morals ofthe people must be progressing backwards."
SIIAII St. Louie Union, of the 27th
gives tbe following account of a sham duel that came
of near Rocky Branch, on
. the previous Saturday,
named - two men naed Holmes and Fife :
It appears that Fife is a dealer in stone coal, and.
had sold a lot to" a steamboat, of which Holmea was
a clerk._ Holmes disputed the bill, the parties Oar
reled,- and by way 0 . 1 .amusement, the friends or
Holmes induced him to challenge Fife. The chal
lenge was Accepted and the parties met near Rocky
Braneh with pistols containing blank - cartridges. It,
was arranged between 'Holmes and the secondi that'
the cartridge should be blank, and that when,,Fife
firedigoltnes . should fall, his second powder his
face with Sour, and wet his lips with a little Stotigh.
too 'bitters.
:All - of which' was done, and Fife trembling with
alarm, came ib' tawn and 'gave 'himself pp to the
•Sheriff, stating that he had tilled a man in a duel,
and apprehending danger from the populace, wished
to be . placed : in prison for ; Safety, The sheriff, not
knowing what to-make of the matter,it rs Said, Coe•
fined. him in jail, until:he lettinetl the facts in the
aim, When he released 6u prisoner. - '
Fvery'roof kamve howoften - he has been 'a
rgane.;_iat every fognelloes 'net know how oflea he
has 'been'a
clrreipcmdesseii4fitioi` gg . *iinin Post:
HovsE or ItErstarrrATMAß
... ..Erairisbur#, Mara 19;184.
Mit. ll All4a - - - .-Tfiei Senate had'under considera
tion-Loe inclinnd. Plano, wii:loh t ark§l4, debate of
more than two hours, was postponed until next week.
Some local bills passed which are of no moment to
The Row, op to the hour ; of adjoin:mucat, at 1.-
WelOak, dehi4d the North - Branch 'Canal/ Thie is'
the all.abaorbing question of the Legislature, and.
there ls otoreJaeling manifested on this than en any
other subject. The re-charter of the Farmers and
MechaniCa Bank, is a Part and ia'rcel of this *uniting
matter ;. and I think the people will diacorer that;
trading members of ate Legislature are not to, be
The new Bill, of which I have spoken in: former
letters, was submitted to-day by - Mr. Btill; of Erie;
There are salient! objectienable features in it ; but,
one in particular, that should condemn' it In the eyes
of every' good and sound _democrat ;--that is. the
section which ordeira and directs that the Backs are
to issue twelve hundred thoutand dollen in small
notes. Here is - another scheme of .frand to be prac
tised, on . the unsuspecting' people, by ., oorrUption;
and,that coming from a quarter not suspected before:
This bill will pass, and it will' be 'consummated by
the Whigs, apd a few democrats, or men elected hy.
Democratic constituents. Here we are again pros,'
traced by, those from 'whom better war expected..
What course Is to beadopted, I leave,fiarWiser, and
better beads than mine to think of.. Butyl' will here
predict, that those individuals who will vote' for Alia
pernicious and uncalled for swindling Operation, will
never havennother opportunity of :riding-off their
constituents again. .
.• • .
Another section allows 10 per cent on the capital
of Banks in the Commonwealth, and, any hereafter
chartered 54 per cent. ,This, you will find, gives to
these institutions more power than was - lever thoiaght
of. If the bill wasprinted I would rend yea acoPy;
I presume it will he on file by next week. Srftery
anxious are the friends of this South Sea Bubble-to
pass 4 the bill, that they psedevery , exertion toget it
through without being on the members desks. Bat;
thanks to the Democratic members, (thosereal Dem
ocrats,) that talked the hour out. Had it not been
for that, thebill would now have been in the Senate,
where, you know, the small note patriots .are in the
majority. Shame on those that could desert the'
cherished principles of a party thst gave those men
a name among their fellow-member.. JudaS betray;
ed- his master ; and we cannot look for 'better now
a-days. It is well said that the asa kitoweth
master's crib. I fear that there was something more
than eatables in the crib at the seat of goiernment.
The excitement that prevails is not the leastiabated,
even at this late hour. Legislation- is: becoming
more interesting every day. The great question' of
the session are always left off natal the latter part—
so that hurry, bristle and confusion reigns supreme.
I must say that I haie never yet witnessed in any
deliberative body a more decided, prompt and en
ergetic Speaker than W.V. Packer—always right
in his decisions and lever at a loss. With a clear
voice that rings throughotit the hall, and what is bet'
ter than all, never casting a wrong !met -at , all
times casting that vote for the best interest orhis
constituents and the welfare of them old State."
The attention of our convention soon to meet
should be called to this, and from what I know of
our Democrats, I think they will promptly cendemn
the unwise coarse of the present Legislature. ,As
soon as I can get you a copy of tho bill Lwill send
you it.
The Bank of Pittsburgh, (probably the best con
ducted Institution of the, kind in the Rtareats op
posed to.the issue of small Notes. This
Bon I have obtained from - ite talented cashier—and
in, my bumble opinion a solvent iostitution,riiuld be
opposed: It is only your suspended, or (Restate of
suspension Banks that grapple attheir tricks of trade. .
The Erie Bank will make by the operation, and all
Banks In a siMilaraituation will be like benefited.—
Your Banks that loan Men 860,000 at a time will he
glad to haVe a chance to put their rubbish of w Peal
Notes out on the people,,tind in a few years they
will be presented by sometlirector-with a presenter
plate for their successful cheat - on the pnwary--that
may be soroolish as to take their dotes (called mo
ney.) TRUTH.
From the Bedford (intent, edited by Gen. George rr.
"Pittsburgh-Morning Post to ,
fri•GRAND TRIUMPfI../.11
It is with feelings of peculiar pleasure that we an
nounce to our reader, the glorious fact that the
PEOPLE have TRIUMPHED in the exciting contro
versy that haseristed in Pittsbergh for the last two
months on the subject of the " Ten Hour Law."—
The controversy was conducted with great spirit and
animation on both sides, and even with malignaot
ferocity by the Federal leaders.
For the persecutors (the COTTON LORDS) all the
Federal Presses. anti Federal Politicians.
For the Defence (the POOR. LABORING CLASS.
ES) the Pittsburgh Daily Post.
This was an action brought by the .6 Lords of the
Loom " to compel those who - live by the sweat of
their brow, (men, women, and orphan girls,) to work
morn than 10 hours per day in the Factories, altho ,
the law of the land expressly declated that 10 hours
should be considered a full dojos work. The Labor
ing classes objected and put in the plea of " OP
PRESSION, " and, with this issue, an appeal was
taken from Cohrf to the Grand lnquest of the good
PEOPLE of Allegheny county. After full, fair,
and searching examination of all the facts, the Jury
returned an almost unanimous verdict in favor of the
Defendants, and thus the affair has ended for the
. present.
An attempt was made to overrule the appeal and
sustain the "cotton lords" by.a 4 .certificate of char-
acter," but a bare corporal's guard could be pre
vailed upon to sign the precious 406.emont, and one
half of them openly repudiated it as soon as they_
discovered that it was intended as an engine to in
jure the editor of the Post.. -
To counteract the influence of this extraordinary
"certificate," the Post appealed to the mighty mass
es for an . express on of opinion, nod the , lapse of 24
hours brought to its assistance MANY THOUSANDS
of the Freemen of Allegheny, who signed and pub
lathed a paper endorsing all that had been said- and
done by Mr. HARPER in behalf of honest labor and
the "Ten Hoer Law ! This was a clincher, and
closed the ball ; and the Post reposes upon the lau
rels, it haa.won in a controversy in which Ratted sin
gle handed against the immense power of the Cor
porations of Pittsburgh.
What has been the effect of the , lconspiracy to
crush the Poit t it has resulted in nearly doubling
the circulation of that able and spirited paper, and
has made for its editor thousands of friends that knew
hint not heroic.
Wa consider this .a grand moral triumph I A -tri
umph of Men over Money—and we trust the !attir
ing men of Allegheny, and elsewhere, will celebrate
the event'annually, and use all their efforts to btiild
up and sustain the paper that has so ably and faith
fully defended their rights!.-.
EARTHQUAKES LW VALll‘Watit.d..—"An article in the
Philadelphia North American, speaking of Califor
nia, says ' .
""After the gold mania shall have abated a little,
our emigrant, friends will discover another peculiar
. quality in California, which will, probably, not bo
much to their liking—nnmely, that it lea great coun
try for earthquakes. At Monterey, according to Sir
George Simpson,. no lees than one hundred and t wee
ty shakes were noticed during the two successive
months in the summer of 1841. Most of these, sis
May be supposed; were very :slight - ones; but in
proof. that they are , not always So, Sir George speaks
'es .having seen near the testa,. besides:shattered
churches, a g root in the earth a mile ores in length
and 90 or 40 feet in depth - , , the result of a recent .
earthquake:, .
tar The German Americans have issued a procla
mation to °their German brethredi- 'offering 30,000
guilders for destroying.the Emperor of Austria,
Opp do. 'King of Prussia, 16,000 fer'any other king,
prince or duke, and 10,000 for the head of the pom
mon hangman Windischgratz. The proclsmatiph
Is signed by G. A..Wollonsvcber, corresponding NOC.
rethrii. 277,North Third Street, Philadelphia, who ,
will pay the rewards.- ' The documentwim sent to'
Germany by_the'last stiamer,atid Willtlohtitless - bh
pronenncedlreedititius;l by the'potentatep end their
M 7711
- 1160A1, mATTORS.-1
abint4iiiteen year#fif agei/titunediliewnei, whose
parents Ostdo is the blelektin-Which-gic,.sl,6il'a-:!,.1,4
fi'ee, Aljeghinif, iiiiiicaied; assaultitil'and MOO
bi4i*ty„;beaten by a - fellow of eighteen years °Foe,
ittitneaSnowden. Th e attack was made near the
• -
"Pcitirth Ward School Reese, Sandusky street. the
'buy Watesoi Seriously injured by a kick in the ain't);
, .
: men, that he fell senseless. and be carried
home on a sofa. He is, now, however, getting tiet=
—oft nt V• k I All If
A Stenntour.. car c er,.o eg eny,
took a -German named Smither tw . #rison , ,yesterday,,
for seduation. • His victim was little 464 not Over'
fifteen years of ago. She lived: in the houee with
&either, wlin is a' married man. As be walked to
the bill he seemed reckless of the consequences ; he
smoked his cigar laughed "and would have talked if
STEALING SPOONG..—Lastevening, a needy fellow
entered the dwelling of_ Mr 41tiais, Second
it4et,betweetiiiirket and'Weilid,and took a set or
silver'spoons, - and made - off., In hiihasiti to eicapo
hi fell into a cellar, and:diopped-the L spoons i vvhiCh
wire afterwards'picked 'up' by his paraders. The
Police could hear nothing of him, and gave op; the
chase. -• '
The National PReformer is one of 'the
most readable papers in this city; and to those who
have imbibed the progressive ideas of the' edithr; it
,ie one of great value. Albeit, the last number - ,bad
a 'foolish editorial about Byer and Sullivan.
..MATO* 4 "o.!ileiftfreritrielailY Morning ---There.
were tie-casee—one etthem 'a map" charged
with' abusitig hie wife. They.; were disposed of, but
how we did eet.hear.
l I Mr. Webb will no doubt succeedin keeping
the Theatre going his 'engagement.
He is certainly a fine actor. We saw one- scene of
his Virginias * enough to satisfy us that, the actor is
still himself. He appears to-night as Master Wafter,
Dnrrator CouaT—March 13.—Barr, Kenyon & Co.
os Moor and Walker. Jury discharged.
McKee, vs Irwin & Robison. Ejectment. verdict
fer,Plaintiff. - .
Adcniaistrarix of .Tohn C. Clayton,. vii Hussey,
Avery &Co. Action -or covenant.- ,
March 14— Nat,bing doing
fldr The people of Monongahela city Will, in' SIT
probability, be gratified by the passage lof the new
county HAI; far we do not lea that our Citizens' ars'
doing any thing against it.. In fact, we guesi that .
but few put of the districts to be lopped off care a
great deal.
sail is reported that Orr and a young man who
has been strongly; suspected for having been con::
corned in the stable burning that oceurreu a couple
of years ego, were seen together on Monday, even.
i'eg last.
FLAG Pattrestartare.—Last evening D-'flag •was.
Preiented to Mess :9, 31 of the deStornia Comps* ,
ay, by - some of their friends. at Bannett's tiOnr,
ifottie. ,, R. B. Roberts, Bag, deiivered.the addrem. ,
The flu was received by Ja cobEsq'
OD .
tar Our citizens should 1101 forget to attend at the
'Exchange to day to heartbe addressor po I . S.' W.
Black, to the emigrants. We anticipairia great eX
citement until the boat leaves.
The address will be delivered at 3 o'clock this aF
Mirlt is catenated that in four monthefrom this
time not leas than fire hundred Pittsburgheri will ,
he in California. in five years—how many t •
A Eros Scsoox.. 7 -sOor citizens must bear in mind
that the meeting to consider_the vropriety of estib
iisbini School in this City, willAe held in
the 'Fourth Ward School House this evening.
. •
ear Nirs. Riogan, (or Kenyon, as some say' her
name is) ,is uow cousidered entirely out of danger.
.!13 husband - feels very 'oneraiy, as a cowardly seda n drel wonld.
ea- Our now musical with the voices.of
canary birds. There are itow about sixty of'these
Tittle cased siusgstersin . the Post .Beildini. Who
*ants to' buy.
gas-Youn g Orr was yesterday fully committed for
0:7.N. P. Wstas, in his 'younger-days, worked ,
at setting type for a couple of yeais in his father's
office L-the Boston Recorder. He thus gives hii
judgment of the craft:
Journeymen. Printers are, necessarily;
?traded and intelligent men. It is apart of a
proofreader's duty to
,make a "Query" against
every passage in a new book which ha does not
dearly comprehend. i...isthors who know What
is valuable, profit by these quiet estimates of their
meaning; and Many a weak point, that would
have ruined a literary reputation if lift'uncorrec
ted for the reviewers to handle, has-been noise
lessly put right by a proof reader's unobtrusive
taut" Of most books, indeed, we would rather
have the criticism of- the' workmen in the office
where it was printed; than of the - reviewers who
skim and pronounce .upon it. _
Mr The Hon. Abbot ' awrence quizzed even
at home fur declining Abe Navy on the plea
health, after it was notorious that'he went to Wash
angton in search. of-the Treasurythip.; The Boston
bhronotype,says: .
, . , •
For Tredslay,Taritf,"and pap,
Said Abbot, Pm sure..Pm the chap,
That sort of things works to a beauty,—
swapping of duty for duty,
But hang me,if out'erthp
I can see squeeze any gravy.
Will a man like me dine upon dry meat,
/ahem 1 . what a horrible climate!
Toadyism is the great failing 'of the 'Whip.
,chronicle..Toven Genernl'Taylorts winkkrg,tirid,
lie cannot open his mouth to say that tho weather is
pleasant, or the contrary, without being inacloto,nt
ter a ...witty obserration;22 era "profound - phßoooph-,
Leal reflection:2 . . -
JONATHAN UNHAONED.—We understand the Pitts.'
bOrglt,Catholic, Extra, containing the particulars of
the Bleeding . Lamb, is to be issued this morning.=
All those teeing interested will no doubt - , supply.
themselves wi tb copy. - - - • A.
. .
I We' Publia , illeetlwg...A Public* rileeting*of the'
School Directors of the nine Wards of the . and all
other citizens who feet an inteidst in the subject; will - be:
held in the Fourth Ward School Hotta* on Thursday
e Veuiug,* the I.sth , ffiat. k at 7i-o'clock; for the purpose of
taking - into consideration the subjeet of establishing a ,
Public High School, into which all pupils (who, 'upon ex*.
amination, are found qualified ' ) cau tie 'promoted, from
all the Public Schools in the City.. The:object of which
will be to place within the reach of every c the
means-of a more thorough business educationTiltan our*
public or even private schools afford. ' , **
The subject will. be laid betore the meeting lir the fol.
!Owing Cortunittee,who were. appointed for that purpose
by a meeting held at the Beard of Trade &tome, on the
Bth Instant: Imam; Srararms. 4
L. 11.:Livutoseou...
Joan Haaram Secyr. - - -W. W.-Wart.aca
Err - St. Patrlek , s Day.... The - Antaiversary of
Ireland's Patron Saint will be - celebrated orisSaturdnr
.evening , the Pit hurt., by a Supper to be given at the
house of Satz. Gamma Dotroxnurra,Mit.Ward,..where
the friends ollreland are respectfully invited , to attend.
Supper on the table at &o'clock, P. sr. foutriatat
(Chronicle please copy and-ch. `rost.p)'
CB. PORTER • .. ••'•••.• .. .•• . '•••••:••••i•mi:imnal.
• 1- - intern OP .Anittsetorr:
-Dress Circle and Pargnene••• • •-- •
Ftitnilk Circle or Second Tier'
ncri- • Third night of Mr . CHAS. NVEBB.
l'ermsoay, ?Torch - 15, to commence with the.,
Mister Walter•lllr. Webb. j4nlia:• • •• • • •-• •Alies Porter.
Helen • • .. • • • • . • .. • • • t • • • • • • ••Miss.Crable
To cenclude with the
HOttliy';'•••• .t •IlSr."DtunAJPottt;;•• - • • .;.41bieOruItie,
tri" - In rehearsal, " ptfETlci .
'";•• Doors open it 7 ;Certain will Age at Italf Part 7.
166, MS Wall .I)—Aincn
~.M„ day, in Seseinhlntent.
by isalling a; this sacs.
SO. eellti.
.gs a
'he emigres:nem theft
TiIhEMAINING in the Pii,_atsfihigh.PotittOMeeltom,the
At , , t or itiatet l o. ettlilfitii; Mareh r l/349. Pinions
calling for Litbitii•will-Itliaiteiey thdy arhi.adtirictieed.
• - •'..LaMesr blot* ; . t
-Abernethy Ittebeititidtiitnis CarlillneiAntleriOn*Mary •
Abell Ann M Adarns.Atiti,hl tilizays N L Auer)"
Aciti Mary ,Agnew Helletior
Riggs Mary Bennet L M Miss Boyer Emily C 2
Bair Margaret Benson Caroline • Boyd Ann ,
Bailey A:Clara Bicknell 'Piing .A. 7 Bradley EnielineC
Barnes ilenriettraßlaney Rebecca Briggs Mary •
Bayne Margt J Barra. Adeline • Briton Mazy Ann
Beaty Sarah .1 Borden Isabella . .Brown Sarah
112 Cir.. Martha 8 . Boren Margaret - .Burlia•Mary•J'
Bell Margaret . Bostwick Mary Barrel Leonora 11 - •
Ball:Mlen: Byrn Catharine
Bennett Jane
Cassiday Cadet% COtian Mantel' • Creole Martha .•
Canna Margt Cox Michel Crone lane 2
Case• Eliza M Cox/dull A • . Crowe POTCIIII A •
Cathcart Margt A Coyletathazinet Cuddy Catharine
Cleary Mary Craver Mary Cum , Elzbtli
Coffin Mrs N B CrevOr Alin •Carus gebeeca 2
Copeland Agnes • . • • ; '
Darragh - MI Doneboo .Naney PThrming Mrs
DavlsMatr, . • Donnelly SWIM Dnahane Ann E
Davis Sainte* Duncan Sarah naval piibth
. .
Early 1E404 Elliott Eliza • Erans•Ariri
Eckel' B Mistl- . • Elumbead Jane . Evans Marv.
Eddy Mary Ann' lEasell Elzbth ,Evans Ears Geo .
Ellis Nancy R ; .Evarts Mary C . . Elliott MrnChrs
Ferguson Cath'e —FloiningllriZ • cord Mr" Barnes
Flannigan Sarah Fla etMart R • Fritz Mary •
0 '
Galbraith Nancy GillespiaAnn 24 ; Griffin Sarah
Gallagher Mary Glenn Jane - 16 - . Griffiths Rachel
Garwood Jana . 2 Glenn &CAN! ' 9 Gwynhe'lliary A
Gearing Martha A Graham rIMIE • Gribbin. bin B
Giffin Mary . . .
. . . .
Hale Miss Harris Kate - ,42221:21;14 , E
Haim:lett Mrs Hazlett C.G.Misa tliteheoth Marv'
1111.111p1011 Ce.rolieellelmaa Sarah •• . - .Holland H A Mrs
Hartley Maria Hearn Sarah A tHonier
• Hartnpy Elias - Headrizson A hllHolsred Maria
'Hare Martha • Henderson finale - Hoot Amy
Harris Rachel Hemp-Charlotte
Haslett Isabella Hera Isabella 0 . llultzllary
.Hastings Clem'e 2 Heavy Hannah A RIAU Eleanor
Hatchwell HarrietUant Ilarricins Mrs
• '
/Cain . II Fannie . lohmion Jones Isabella
John Mary Jonei Sarah Kjualupllfannuh
JohnitortliasAella Junes Eliza, • • • • I
Kearns Susanna Keman Mary - ' Milli/21th*
Kelly Elizabeth • . Kinsloo Mrs •W- A :Kniiltle !Karl
KennedrEE Mit. lfirtbride J Mks' •••ii• ' ", :
Laiab Bridget , Lilly Catharine ,C
Lambert Reneeal Lomax Mary Ann Lupititi•Elzbth
Larkin Line • Love• Ann • • ,• • • Lynch Eleanor.
Loughry Melinda Lawry Mary .A • Lyon.Bininy , M.
Leech Mrs 47th sr) • . • • • • '
, : • 1 • •
.Mallon Alice Millei Autut Catbrine
MankaMary • Milville Julia Adorrii Elisabeth
AlarettusCharlotte Moarlay SainTs
. .....111orris Rachel
Mason Nancy Molony Ellen '• 'Moore Mary •
Martin Sarah Montague Lacy
_j• Moore Theres
'Martin Mary Ann Moorhead AlaryL Morrison Sarah: •
-Minna Martha Moorhead Jeannet Murdock Jane
Meet= Mary - .• 'Morrow J Miss • Murray .Elizabeth .
Meisenheimer Sas
APBride Mary /51 , Claza 11144 .11PFarllud Marge
APCah Margaret BRGovin.Cathernsie
11I'Ca11y Lavinia M'Coy Rachel McLatostiliniblhiC
11Peartney Ild'Curdy Rebecca llirltec Kato •
AVCanhey Ann ' MYCollthlargaret Elizbeth
Martha ' ill'Donald Eliza . •
iladieilla Eliza • EirAcobLlitne E
Ornaton Jane O'Hear Ann O'Neil:derma'
Oibun; B Mee Cutherioo O'Nelihtl6. Welk
'O'Donnell Ann
• .. • • •
Pangbarn Rachel Patterson Can ne et sr
P Riirgf reh 11S
Paiterson Alta Peters Ruth Poollniy . Vdalioe
Patterson Evlin WPettigrew C S hire ' • •
034kisimin ,
Rainy Mrs - Reed . Rehebca A : Richards Mrs R .
Rankin Sarah' Reese Jane Rieheidaou Reel
Ranti Mary Reeves Mary M Robinson Susan
Ray Mary J Rhodes Elisabeth Roberta
Reed Eliza "Renton.Hen'ea Rsisebasitleab!dlis
Seely Skeer EJimibedh Spenser th ; te B'
Shafer Harriet Smith Nifty • Stevick Sandi A
Sharkey-Ann ••. •
• Sollivatiaennette
Sheffield Mary A Smith Soplita 8 2 Sweeny Rosanna
Shoup Christina . Snodgrass Nancy Swetman Marg's
Shirenbaugh M A Sorties AL-a Geo Stew:am/diary
Simpsou Nally . Spencer Cath'ue .Stewast Jane
Simian Henrietta • . • • , •
Thoropson Sali E 15Den•Nargaret
Taylor Emily
Thompson Mary
•W, • .
'W‘AdiaBbsan Way Harriet t+ :,.Winter Catharine
Wadsworth Mrs \Yhtte Ann M.. Wolf Magdalene
Walker Orizella White Mary.. Wolf Amunda 2,
Wallace Mrs H Wler Margaret , Woods Sarah L' ,
Wallace CA W Williams Eliza Woodhouse Ann J
Wanton Martha Wilson Martha A -AYorX Haniet E
Watson L Mrs •Wimber Mary A' ' • ' .4 •
York Ann E 2 Young Jeanette - . ' •
,Tittunennon Fr's Miss jE W. •
Gesatliationli idea.
Addy Geo 'Allan John • Men Alex
Ainsworth.E rge S
Allan hi ' "Ashton John,
AinsworthA Tay=Anderson Jos IVni
• lor ; • Anderson Inane- Atkinson Geo
Addair James Ankeraon J A P/ she Win
Agnew David Applegabil Wm • Armstrong 31•
Abel Semi. Ankeraon Geo AllenderJoseph .
Addis Alfred Shea Appleton Geo E Allebone .1 A
Akins Win Andrew R Annor.David
Allister John •
. • .
Bacon WW Berthaer F' 2 Brady Hugh .• .
Bailey 3' H • Bender Geo "' : , Brannan Pat , k:
Barr Wld 2 Bennet 51 ;- • • Brannagen
do itlur-
Barber Ed 2 Blair Ross A - 'PhY
Barr C.E Blake .Gentill ,Bradburry CC '
tansnian S B BirclMatthertr . . . Brewer Ebenezer
Bateman SA . Biddle Josiah Bruer John -
BarrOws Win Blakely John . Bolt Win •- --
Barna Oliver Bingham Dr ' - 13nithin John
Battelle T S Blenthard.W,Ar 'Biekel Tohit
Etrickera S A . , Biattitt Wm Braiifftrhl
Barnes J . Blair night T ' = .Bunnemen AV
Barker'John Black Geo Brunton S
Barns Henry . Black W ' Ji
Bell James , 't Brook RS.
&UTE - Borr -J3
'.-ughman Reuben
-John Baffitnger John -
Bensoti.o ' 2' Doyle:Ohne ' A)nekmaster N
'Bilden AV W' Bowed Time" `Bodes R`
Beach R R l3oall Thos H Mucky 'N S
Bennet E Bort JOS liturford Eli'
Bennet Jas E. . Boyer Laomi • }hickey Capt
Bennet Jas Bose Beadict Burton S C • •
Bentley Joint Home Wm - • 'Byrne Thos.
Bellows JAI BoyerT B urney Thdi ' '
Bennet Hy BotorJ S. - :Burt AVM_
Bebb Stephen pay Jas - Rorke E,
Callow W Cornwel l Hiram :-_ Clark S E ,Cowtit James .
Catlenam James Clark Norman' ' - Coatoli Z H ,
Carly Jou{ ..Clozierslll3, ;Coyle James
Casselly Cloitie.j.lif& Co .:Coyle Edward
Carothers Iturtes: Coyle joint
James' W ' Crawford John
Canada Dennis Cole Charles . .
, ,Crirpen.Peter t,
:Canaan Jamel 'Coats +Charles '" -iCratthllW
Carlini • Cole. S "r= Craig' Ciril
Caton Lewis •:, Coleman Chas Piney Charles .
Carle avid Codlutgy,Chardt ; Craig Hobert
Carroll, Sammy -2.. & Co- _ Crowley . .. John
Campbell John .4 Cooper E CrowlC
Campbell Mr Pinkie Samuel -Crow - David
Campbell EC' Conwell 'James 4 Crookham II
CampbellThontaiConden - James - . - Crank HP •
Clitunplerth "Cot& "Samuel ' Criddify Richard,.
Chesman Thomal Cook John'` - - .Cushman David
- Chamber* John Connor Arthur . Primer Henry
,Cleryj 11 •, . Connell John .. Callen Tisane
Clorns Joint Cook 'l' H - ,- .Curtee'Cliaries
Clover George; • Cook 'Henry Culbert James
CloSey . W - 'Certain Joy 2- Calktettaon , Jobii:
PliineyJohnt" ' ColdinComelinscowan H A.
David 'Alexander Deviriney epli A 2
'Bethel' John ' H Doran John
Dealy piton John 3 'Donnelly Hugh R.
Dall/e James Dimond John Pips Thothas
Barnsley James Dinnan J.E - Duffy &U. •
Davia.Eli - .Dilworth"Dr • - Dunlap - G W' .
Davis SS. • - Belem:lan:F./1; -Dittman-John
Davis Lewis Hoene Charles - 2 Duane Wm
Davis John B Dolchy 2 A de Co; - Dahlitun L B
Delaney R „ , Dodds George"... Dunn W. O
Deal - Samuel' ' Deuglass A A 4 Duncan:Benjamin
Dempsey Patrick. Donlen James $ Dunlavey J A
Devine Michael : Pilau C, " ' Dunn Patrick
Beaty Jfunas Doneyhde John — Delmer John
Edger Alex Eaton - !Elliott Findleicapt'
Eegar James - -Evens Joseph , EistOn.Wl3l
Eddy Henry . Nand Evans Ebenezer
Edwards Thos Ensign Lewis 'Errettstephen
_EdgesW". '
.Ehershow F' ,
Fatnitbuy Dina 'Fisher john Forsyth-A '
.Farmer ;James - - Fitzgerald Jahn = t .Foy James W
I Fahnestockllo ;Flood Thomas . Foonhatiston H
Feeney Patrick" 'Flannigast•F C ,Frisbee Samuel/
Earguson R H 2 Flinn Patritk.' - • FraekerAlbert H -
Ferguson D C Flaunt:An Itlield FrewJohn '
Fellßamnet Folgant Semi PazierMaryland
FergusonThos Foarlet.lnsephas Fryer Wm , •
Fergation . Joseph 'Forward R.ostr:' ' , FreeintiaNatamen
- Fulton Wm .- :ForresteiC/Itis 'Fraficii tus A . G
Fisher Win. Forsythe John .F - - Fuedie joimph •
Finch Wm ". Fox Beniantin "FulinerJobriA -
FinneganF , Fake= H. " ~" . ;' . •• ".
GallagherDObi Gibson AA = Green Samuel
Gage Hiram 3 Gilbert :3 R,Graybill MUCUS
oinuther flogh. Gilehilinßotn C t Green Joao
Osley Charles Gibscd. non
.-Greenoufth John
Geo -
144ner Geo Gl
ean Tim r GriGffinsA
jfEith Win
GovanD Gorhom Nicholas Gnip David = - •
Garay lohn . A jOseph TV - ','Gray ILA
GrinfJohn ' `Goodwin NV ' •,' Graham Laia)4tte
Gates joseph Goslen - .Grahtra Tkarnas
Gates Thomas S ' GreggP ' Gray ':'lames A
Gillespie Tilos .. : Grant Brock*: .; Graham John •
Giles TtrogGreen, John • Gray:lV:lC
Gildertfinny AV A. Grain Felix • Gunning. Iffir3
Gibson Geo W :'' . Gustave John.AV.r •
Hamilton Haskins Finneis , Hill James
Hall Wm - • Hayden.alen , ' ,- Holmes George
Halt W Hays Judea '-`; Holton Azianew,
Hall Win Hodge-kC • ":
Haired IR-' . Hays C M 2 llobaggh fismnelF
NII /o1M:' Hays Wm ; • Hollenbangh John
Hannigan Pat'k C Hassey-5 Hansa John 2
Haigh Joseph P Heiner Reuben Howard Thomas
Hancock John 'Heirs Edwin Howard J A
Hancock Jo.eph Headley IV W Homer A L
Hone John Hekios Anthony Horner Robert
Hopper D Henry Robert Hope 'Richard
Harrison John Horsley John Hough John •
Hare Samuel Herlinger Frule K Hulben Geo H
Harbaugh H• 2 Herald John 2 Hoeing Evan
Hartley Henry Herrin Michael Hughes Wm
Harris Thomas Henry John Flambe/stone W A
Harris Theodore Henderson J K Hunter Robert D
H Hearington W H Hamer John
Hams Geo 2 Hellion Richard Hunter James
Harris RObl, Henderson I - V.ll H C
Hartzell /CIL r HilhA R• ;• i3iHughos David
Harvey Mr Higgins Torrence Hogan E
Hanky Thos Hickson Alex Humbersou Wm 2
Hawes Wm • • ; 2-HendersonJobn Hughes John
Hatch WB' iklujcihistm i Hawthorn N P
Hathaway .
Ilona Thos
~Iney Irwin John
Irsvin*Jc 'Fo . ier 'lrwin R - Irwin John R
Jarvis &Co • *John.Edware '.
Joitei 6co W •
Jack'Wni Johnson Wesli.y ' Joa n
James John Johnson John W • Jones Sand W 5
James John •2 • Johnson Matthear Jimes Pbllip
Jameson Robert Johnson Ralph 2 Jotter "H P
Jackson R Jos Johnson A T Jones Edward
'John David Johnson Wai - :Jones - Richard
Jeffry Alex Johnsen Wrstly Jones Francis
Joohig George)) Johnson A P Joned.John H.
Junor Hugh ' Jones B' "Jetty 'John • -
ltain'Hugh ' Keiser John J. Kirkbride Wotan 2
Kale Thos Keys ' Joseph Kissleh Most.
Enna Jacob ReeuttnEowd' King.D 0 2
'Kane George, Kearney Palk . Kenny D
Kano Francis Kennedy Robert "Kissel' Samuel
Kel"cr -Paul ;Kelly Amos '. • ' Kulcheen T T
Kemp Andrew • 'Melly Edirard . Kasen Saial
Kearns Johu :Richter Blftyle Wm -
Kent John H ; Katy:ore-Tamen Ronan thitinerd
Kernan James:. - ; .- Klienfolter Capt' Kunkle Robert
Kennedy George,: Ximbury Fdwd A Kuntz Phl
KeelinE RH &tocsin Rictmrd -Kyle Jackson
Larkins Thos, • Languish John S Leah° W C
!alliance John 'Loans Evan Leslie - James P
Laken John W . Leonard-Win , Lennen Peter
Lally Anthony • S Lebbitt L ' • • Lewis David
Lamasore Sami Leonard Jame Lee 'W . *
Lawson Inane ". ..Lewfs Lewis Lindsey James
Larcombe HawardLeidy Jacob ' 2 Light Munition
LavrrenceJohn'VLeo A K 'Llano James
Lite Jos B .lieng,John . Low J. W
Light Isaac . ' > Long HH • . Lyttle Henry
-Lighrenp Jno C Lougslati Jnci Lyttio Semi
Long-Henry Lynch . Chas _ ,Lowry.Jas
'LongliC ' ' Love /is •
Mattidat bad Morgan J 2
Matters Chas Al.llling,ion.Geo.T Aroma Chas
Alaiseing Fraacis Milligau A R Moore JOllll -
Maga Jos 2 Moore A
Biarpote Geo W -Miller A -3 Moore G P •
Macbeth Agnew Miller D • 2 • Morrison'S R
Moreland. Jno .. Miller A B , • Itloore SR.
Mackun Jaa . Ilillef Hiram Moore
Matthias Jo* Mitchell Wm Manner David
Matthew' 5.14 Mitchell Jno • AluitiOn R H
Manning WM Miller Fred'k
~2 1 Alurdock Isaac
Alic Nary Wm Mitchell Chas Mule nOW
Martin GA C Miller John•W Mullen' A •
Martin Alex Miller Peter • hlulloy,Thos
Meslerson P ' Alouret N • • • Mulligati•Jas
Merril ' Morris W ••• Murphy ST
'Myers Chas Mohler John' - 'Murphy' Jtildi
• hlellen Thai, • Illoorqead Wan Murphy Bernard
Itierril.R: Moss Nelson 2.-Mooney:. 2
.Meeks J C • hiOren A C • Murphy Sas
Myers Alfred Monet Israel Money Bart ey
Messick Joel ' AloonJas Iduueny J , S C
• Meren Stephen -- Mills Geo S • Mintier SC
AlployJaeoD. . .
•Mcßride Win " McDonald J . • McLotighey T
McAteer 8 McDermott - 114h : AleLaogqiin Jno
McAdams Geo licHagh ".
AlcClelland D McFarland TTr *Met :mired Hugh
McClure NV W 2 Johu •• • . Mcf3ulreE
MeCadden Geo 31cFaPrlen • Jai; . - IbloGairOzJahn
McClure Wm SleFaren John • McGinnis p
McCarthy M • hicHayiren Jae • MeGregoi W W
F C Alclitsvalhl • McKilvet Wm
McCloskey hi •2 •'• ' McMullen' A.
McCutock D Alci kcal ue I
hicCoratickJ ; McKenna P .21eMardnD
MeCreight Jaa hiclinine D. . . McVay .Sciral . .
McEvrea .- . hicKain Jas • . Alchlartin & Stott.
McCready Jno McKee Thos. . • McNeal Hugh .
• MaCatcheon 313 : McKee iMr AdchlallcA L C
ItlcCreight JO* hicKown J -. •
McClure Jan hlcKown F AleArinlry. P •
McCormick C • :McLane J • •• MoPearter
. . - . . .
Naithwell F : Neill Thomas • ' Nutt Jahn -
Newell Jamas : Neugent Jantes 'Nassau: - -
Nearen H A • . Nicholson W• ". Norton AP
Newland- Wm . NoWlcu James Nicholson &Payne
.. • . •• a
O'Byrne John O'Hortijamett 4Plione T 2
0 Sena W Oat Charles . OBletd.Michttel
Oliver Robert Obi . Anthony . • • • •
Parker John - Perkins Wm Pikelfen
Paul Wm Pe actor 'John . Pollock n . H
Pave Realism Peacock /BD , - Pool William
Pennenton W H Petrie-Daniel.. - Pollock tianavel
Parlous H F Peeples John Poorter Joen
Pepe S P Peppord Standish Preetor
.Payne . Perry B. _ Proctor N
,Pant Isaac' Penes-S . Price James •
Parker Levi Fennel J . Price John
•Pattersou Jas 2 Peltand Daitthz-, - Potter Thonia a
Patterson 1 Plenn Moses PoiturThbums
Patterson AI Prodce Mr . -Price 11 T
Parker Samuel Phelps Edward- Potion F.;
Beer Thomas Reed &Co • Roar Lemoel
Ray Henry Rinehart Andte.*:RoopW ,W
Randolph John Reily Gwen -Robb Isaac
Itedsy 1 / a vid . Belly Phillip :Robinson T-
Reed Wm Binge A - Rodgers James -
Rees Alex C Repparti TA • - Robinson J B
Rees & Ilartupee Rigly Joseph ' Roble/Da Mr
Reid James RicharSsou Wm: Robinion James
Reed J mes Richardson John Rodgers Fraucia .
Reed H • Richerd Wm Ryanllllehael
Reed Thomas Richy R P • Peek Geo' •
Bnymsldi C Holly Jamen , Rutledge John
. Reed Robe r. Robison,Wm Russell &- Lynch
Reynolds JB. Roberta Charles Billong James
Reed Charles 2 Rowland E ,
Rupert.° /I
Reed G M . Rovilaud!Wra
Sicken C • Smith Thosdast 'Mean Da;rid
Sample Chits Smith George' Shititon/,''Samuel
Sample Chad B Sint th. Michael ' Stevens Henry H
SawyerJohit W Smith•S ' Eleven 13
Sargent John Smith Nicholas --Steen John
.Salter Thomas Smith John Slogg john
SaalPson•lnS: Smith E stevetutpavid
Samuels RG. • Smith Juo Geo A'. Sleets Thomas
Sohger Abraham .SaiiitsSeennel T :Stephens David, 1
Scott James .2 Smith T• • .: Stevens Elijah
Scott Andreiv . Simmons Stark'._Stewart Mr
„Scott Benjamin Simpson Goo S ..Stearea George
Scott W A 2 Simpson Thos' •: Stevesson John
Scott TH S •.' Sitehlink DS. Stewart Samuel 2
Scott /dm ' ; Snively Dashl . "StepheniouThos P
Seaman Wm H Snyder John, Stewart Francis
Seauor Wm Spears J 5 StOart A
Sendder I G Speers A Stewart Thos
Seer J : , Sprier Joan C . Stuart C C
Soule George • Spence Mr •Stewart James
Shaffer David : Spencer •' Stewart Robt W •
Shand Wl2l G Spear. James A . Stewart George
Sheen Jobs - Spear II N .• • Stokes John
SherbournThos P Spiticer, -Still Samuel
Sheack Joseph E' • Speer linnes• SturgeolijohoP
ShotiJoha K SpeerJolM State J (A
Sheriden Geo W Spence Nicholas Stone Edgard 11
Shelly-John Speer Edward' Stone Z F
Sugateed Robt Stephens'leseph HSuilivon Edward
Stone Arthy.. :Saudi Janice • Snorire Abraham
.811der JOSS.: • - Saadi& W Smith D J
Taylor Spnge Thorto.s4 Ti : nits - sae Tho 3
Taylor J.H Thomas licolt,AV'Thuns RT
Thompson Wm H Taws Wm. Tinker, Wll
Thottle Chri..t Teeters Marshall Tilghman Thos E
Tit rancher Jones Theruling Cba ties' Patron Jame s
Thorn Thos A ThysouKobt,W 'Tattle Thos F
Thures Richard WTimmas Ditties Tenn . :sla rtin
Thorns Rufus Thompson Wm Todd .W AI R
ThUres George Thysan Wm ."Turnaonatunes
, . .
. .
UpdiguitiPeter. Upton Saint . I.l"pdegraff Unah 2
Vitildmier I.eicis Vance Amp:alas; • Veatch Josiah W 2
Wall John
" "Weivall John \V Willianis Thomas
iVatton Georer- • •Watuich Joseph , `Williams 9 H
Wall Francis .Whiteltichard , Williams Henry
Watkenshaw H White Isaac 'Withal/is 11 P
Walker Peter 'Wbitesides Robt C
, Waltersfeter White Wm
Wallace A udw J.. Whipple • AVilliams John,
Wallace Hobert " Whiteman ReubenWilson.Wm
• Wauson Charles NVhite Ambrose NVilson.B C
Wardell Win . 'Whalen Michael Wilsonalomas
Ward John- ' Whelps Alex - . • - Wilders James
Weaver./ • Wilkentori H Br= Willock JO= 2
'Whigard Henry Williamson-Geo - ~W olfe Joseph
Wise. Emanuel Wier Francis.- - . -Woods-Witliani
Willard , Woolfolk It C -.• WrirylktiMerr
iVilliainsonDavidWolfe Andrew - Wreath.Sanuiel
Wible Andrew' " Wepdbrilige J. 51". ,'{Vriglll:ll
Young John
Yciting R R
Lawseneeville Division of Solis of Tensprirance, 2
Day Spring Div, S. T, 147. - 3
Pittiaraigh ' "
Win • Tell totige,l.O. 45, - • 2
Cotner Lodge, 140.64,Congena'
Union • ." •a - - ,
Allegheny " . •
To any Dagtterreah Artist' 4
Harmer of Poach- •
-,• . M
Parr Ova Pittsbn h Mare 1842
' - Elltnatlon'vraitted. :
YOUNG MAN, eighteen pears of 'lige; who has had
some experience in a-:country store, is desirous of
obtaining% a Wenn:Mit in iv,' respectable .. .Moro or ware
honseorhero he may be properly brimght upto business.
Refereneeconquesuorumie. Addict's, ;Oa," box 64,
Yost Office. . - : . • . ; tumid:dice
poixs .REVOLVER'S, with apparatnnaa,, by Express
irt a fdordaya r by. 'JOHN CARTWRIGHI' r t
rbaos.- - • - - 83 Wood street.
& Blunt's flevolvere, good; 'together with large
assortment or other . Pistols, Masks and gelur, 'and - •
&rails equipments. • Bowie , Knives -will be s.ettelved by
Exprestp m llievediveczi JOHN CART WRIGHT'S, 1 .
.marl&dtw] Cutlery Establishment, P 3 Wood et.
600t18uslnesa Se . . toe
.T ' subscriber offers (Grind° his xad Easiness Stand, /
on the •coneer.of Smithfield and , ffillb streets. He: ,
will sell his entire Stock and Pixy:des— Finding it to
convenient io attend to both of his establishments, he is • J.
.desirnnsedeelliag onecif-then, For fertAer Purlieuiara,
apply to • •• GEO. SCHNECE,
marldaf Corner of 6th arid Smi th field sta.-
Tmeo. win
. rsi-r
To Californians.