The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 14, 1849, Image 2

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-Itlii. l . - .M.04iit0..13p.s
Er - for Commercial and River News,
',IMO -nen-
Ltraiablitelit'Ohrick, Starke% Reports, ace,
w -60 Itb=aflilitler Telegraphic Head.
.. _ .
PursuauClO Public: notice, the Democratic Statiding
• I klifialltFibt . irtiitatithkarcititte4Hetior &sera on the
`" = ittth'ittstitits,' indithanimodsly adopted the renewing
, That the Democrats of. Allegheil courtly are'
• recpthatodthhold primary riestiugs at the usual pliceson
Saturday; dielßh dayof March, nert,'m elect delegates
`Sethe Idciinty COuvjarion;to meet at; the New. Court
Ame,ita the city or Pittsburgh, cus.the following Wed
rtiedtry, the 21st of bfarti, itl.l.' o'clock, to eletudele
, .
tr• e Fourth of July ;Stat e Convention,
,::nits a candidate for Canal,Cinmissioner. .
I . las meetings Mete townships to be field between the
*unser s and 4 P M. wardi and boroughs at
1 riAltriii the rtveuintr
Diabkort; That the Democrats, in their primary meet=;
v.ltargai.Matierruksted to talte into considerpUtr Abe earnest
mew gong , on -.between- the - friends:of the.-1.. Tim Hots
Isessr euid-bs. opposers. And iftber . l4eemAt Itroper,'
• adaistrise theizdelegates to takeackup on itirtZt Coen-
ArConvention. ' HENRY 5.,.M.A0R..11...% Mbu•
thlns:Wstatra, Sec p. •
TL-...ilirrliet setteeleis of the reeesi Ward will ;LRietlit
u new ßF/icita Rattle, on Saturday evening next.
• imamate a* seams& anik-tai
.1/". seiioos sdieritlon.of the,irertringtnen Cr
,:• 2. 4tifcounty to the foDoning - extractsfmen articles the
. . . _ . •
l it :L ii, DailiESTEßLTirldthe home labor to TEN.
"-• WILLTiEVER'do this," rta—Gasette, qf Prb..l4. . ,
Ek /stake scale, however, r incline to which side it
isLay, Ontothing Ir very certainithat neither the preaching
-_stribdtts l Ilaw_MaPera, nor the harangues of demagogues.
„..-IttlriholPtitaucites, OF TEN HOUR f.3YETEPda.can'
Apatite, the,..relstious of labor and capital,. or produce
she slightest in fluence of a permanent character upon the
nikletatof wt t,"-Guam,e Earth 4.e , •
W. will furnish him with our ilea, which' con.'
NAP %AO PADOFS that • before the' eke-din t , •
.I:44fiasi as the,lth of August. WE DECLARED OUR DID-
it 4 .
•'ll'hna . .. itentirioncitt Colisseonnane.-..tior friend
fc i iiisitib. is io candid in his strictures, and is ',midi
-4,li!Sititrecternin :in' Olsprejudices (For. all • men
: iirsiiiimied with prejudices) that we dislike to clan
.•, . •
- 'ins..irrOngs ;but prefer to, let him have free scope:
ihernfare, Ise permitted him to' come out' io yetter
,:.!*ll"ii:Ospel:;nrith an.insiountion against st . odge Long.
iftror., We;:slid not notice this paragra ph until our
4-s 'ittilituoOSiiiolt jibed to it daring the day. , - We knew
)enip* . leir vibe public'er private tries of Troth, ,,
aid -tan not linvstiny ppluipp,on,the subject to which
~:Inerstfers. iejudge L. has acted wrongfidly , in , any
we tire :open moUthed 'to 'Condemn :thi act.
ask visi,butso reason to change tho opinion or him
, tti - int!driAinilaittoally. expressed previous to the O*-
.: , -46teas. Cass.
piiirate hitter , receised yesterday by one of
,--- i r ilte , 'PrOinlitest - :eitiserm, we learn that Gen s ,:tats
May impeded- in , this eity on Thonalay or Friday,
tini q blearaiimtnic. The Gineial Will be accompani
' edby Seinmesa Atitssetr; Joists, AMOIC aad Fuca.
It wii( be ri the folloWing notice -that a meet
itis :mill 'be iterd dal 'reining, at the.Hoose or Maj.
to make arrangements CO, re
these dininguished Sisteameri,,, ctroat 4ar
' - 'llitinotolitte fall coral:titans will tern ant on this
etttt - . • - • -
tn' 4 - ' • •
4t the toga* of a number of Democratic 'Chi
tvoseeting will , be held at the house of Major
- .. 4 lDickleyeni - in..-she Diamond, it hallTpast . 7 o'clock,
u -- .4o . ivrtathle-stryantptatentr . joi.thst reeiption of
and other diatingiiished Sanatory whn are
aitfeitialt Nro ea Thursday-tent oing. marl 4
- • Lil ia lt Y 4
Disosieg of 844itif of w ir
The mentbenanfllisßoant o f :Trade of this city,
Sivirning, in piansuance.of the
calk Published in the palrefa, for the purpose of ta
king into consideration the present condition of the
Portage Railroad. -
Thomas Bakewell; Esq., President, called, the
4.,110,n htt , lA.' .; i.
teg,,:r_Secretary,- read the letter
thtt President tiycertaih.citite 014 fl,ging
Sheltricisitaitiihr the' mee ti'ng, , Sna explaining the
.Weise* audition aricisequirementsof the Railroad.
Thefrnsideut cella upon Mr. Miller, Engineer
..S;ftheiEritage Railmad, to mate a statement in re
itt.ifillar stated than he had , furnished „Mr- Big.
dam doctintents on the subject,ho would
, sr.
to-thena and mane Known the facts in the ease.
.af t ,.,Rigitries_arose and read a seriesof Resointione
preparedifor the Conidder.itien: . of the
'44 6l kr the reading, he proceeded to make some re
sittimw Re 'said the track was, laid in 1832 ; and
' Whatastonished him most, Wall the fact, that it' bad
, .
bemk istade to answer the purpose for so many years.
is proceeded to explain the condition of the goad,
, .. ,
llntl - 16nb ,
oo,r that Alt jeurelpLat appropriations for
4//prioire ilietit had been urged. The Canal Commis
iifes 4s paid' year* had' unaided milting 'the tegni
. ...
laksitAiiiiiiproptiations Tor this : object, forthe par
. 4 . ..pees; bethought; of making favorkbleireports al-to
1a° 1 14414 41 condition - or the public worts 'of the
lbsti. < But there hi - flow an Imperative necessity for
aw,rippeofpiiitiori of money by the Legislature for the
leadayleirof this Road. bir.S. proceeded to read
ivy 1 t rus t foll o w i ngße ' • 'rs '
--twts th e ports, via. o uper
...-'loteofent %Mien, of ,1845 ; of Bupelintendent Per
gums, of 1848; of Superintendent Power, of 1843 ;
. ,
eta att? gen
unetleman in 1848. In all of • these the
_ .
aPprcipriation was earnestly urged upon . the 'uteri
' tioa of the Legislathre. Mr. Bigham etintimieki his
temakkii, - and concluded by saying that =tiara Must
. ~,
b• MO lilt 6141 dessiDn., ,Whnt say be doge` at the
soli" ill be too late. The road is now iricapabli of
d L
' . ' this eiaal.tritde. •
.. A • usios of ir desidtory character sprang up ,
......)tiii4iii4lesisis.'l'otten, bbiller, (Engineer,) Bake.
weiiiiCtiticitltere, Sheriff and others. - j
.. ..
--- , TU-Itesolutiou albsrsome unimportant-mead-
1 ..mama, were adopted.- -They are as follotvs i ' -
,- < Mends, It Splicers evident front, the successive
Report! of several Bopetendents, that the present '
Condition ortbe Portage'Reilioad is 'stich, as to offer
unmet obstruction to - the trade of the Pennsylvania ;
Gala! ythettetiy, - injoritiusly a ff eeling,the revenues of '
tlitiStattibsdtheriouimerce or thecityarPitteher g h ;
aild,siiiterithatanding this subject has been repeated
irbrongbriteromforreenidegisintures by the Canal '
~, Ppeoti and' Officers of- the Railroad; and the inipb'rt
,•autee and urgent messily 'or eztettsiire and - perina. ,
ssot Improvements hake been Clearly demotistrated, -
it hue been suffered still, farther. to deteriorate front
: . :3eittrto, Year, in 4ellince of the dictates of a sound
`sad judicious econeuty.
2 ettsdi WAresuk, Tbere cans sew be no redeemable J
donbtabat thettuaplettion 'or the Pennsylvania hail.
*414 I#}l9iiidllyablarg 4 isill;in the epilog of 1860,
„Ihro: l **Pen. the Portage' is.4asge lidditionii mono' "
al :trade and travel,irtnek, wt. itspresent - condition;
- the Roikrzt.vilWB4hitsiblti,to Seat, witlibut such de.
; zip, 4apgrmy sad inconveniences, as will hake a
,bluttbincy ; to divert the thisitietsba other channels to -
, 'the great' 'Vary of the State; and of the cities ; of
Pittsburgh'end Philadelphia. Therefore, be it
: .%"....Rattibed; Thetthe.toard of.rade and citizens of
, : the city; of Pittsburgh, do earnestly petition the Leg
kahunni not to adjoarn"nntil they have made an 'ap;
, propriabon of at lent 0105,200,, descried . requisite
.rbriptittfog ' the'Portageltailroad into thorough and
stBcientkepair, so that it shall be capable of pass.
.itig-onyiismo.unt of trade and •• travel which:can be
Tcationalalyezprected in the spring of 1850.'- r .: • ,
.representatives ' in - titer Legit
riatureittiresPectfirn 'requested to - piesirtii l:inkles
sans % tnOjecrapctlV ca Ali lutekitlori of the Senate, and
Hotted or Rept esen'tati irelq - and to use all proper and
iiiiiitiiitlati means to obtain such PeP tc rilli°°- . .
t.l4iiitre.4 l liii- . 4iiiii of the .Legislaturi-liini
•.aeor its closei. Ilia of the importance of energetic'
'atitioti _at Wee. Be 1: thought the people of Philr
. . , '
#jelphia ofilirell auhe. people of Patsbiney shoo d
ric lll6 atter -" , " .1 ; '
11;1 . 113 *g!ilro -A° *. 1 ' ' 1 I)t 1' 'i
t, ”.: -.1 , - .. - - ,-,,, A •, ,--, ~. ~, -..,, - '...,
I i
M. Tan& e some suggestions in relatijilai .,respost
the bad ccindiEt flhe Columbin Rail Road .;r I 'i: 7 Z: r .
Mr. Miller': editt,Tauffealitatementl : ;.l,
The rollowin4esolutionOens tAtOn #oplei#4 _
Resolved, Thai he jilidnt;:tif Tilde k - philidel
nhia heynuestditto eitteatizr, , to ii:fdaii,Auch;liadi.,
Ilona! EValmo s itietniiii'ditt!syltittativairea'ls4
the Colombia Rail Road
On motion,
Raotoed, That a copy of these resolutions be
transmitted by the President to the Board of Trade
of Philadelphia, asking for the co-operation of that
Board, and the citizens of Philadelphia to obtain
the desired legislation.
!Po* Pritipriiiii:-:-XdVsistee in Prices:
-We-call-the attention of our country readers to
the following from the Ohio• Patriot: ,,,.
"Whatever relates to the price ovimproveinent of
ATOolisheuldbe of particular interest to the people
of this county, for the census of 1840 showed the
but une Other county (Harrison) in the State, Was en
gaged more largely in its prodtiction than Old tel-
I.' -, ..... . ~
umblana. 'Stich being the extent of interegt which
our people have embarked' iii Wool 'growing and
selling, wiagisclly copy, into ourcolumns the follow
ing: ~.
article which appears , in a l ate number of the
" Patriot," ea - aholifien piper printed in Washing
tonceenty, Pennsylvania; where the subject is of
more . vital . interest , tha n even here. The pope,
which.tive have named, says
. e
" learne from New York that the prices of
woolen goods have„adviiiice4l . koin,ls to 20 per cent.
—Marl private letters received from the east here say
that there is not fine wool enough in all the eastern
`cities to 'ripply any one of The large manufacturing
companies Ull thernext , clip conaes in. In cbuniic-
Orin with this, we may state that the agents of the
Messrs. Lawrence, in this county, are buying tip all
the *col they can get, at prices considerably in ad
vance of those pairs last summer and fall.
The causes. of the low prices , of wool is easily
explained. The revulsions in Europe last year
threw upon the American market large quantities of
foreign woolen geed., which were sold at ruinously
,low rates, for the sake of realizing quick returns.—
A necessity which is not likely to occur again, for-
Ced the.foreign manufacturers to sell them far below
actual cost. This drove the American manufactur•
ers temporarily from the market, and as they bad no
.. particular necessity lbr wool, they did not buy; ex
cr pt. where opportunity offered for getting it cheap.
"-These facts, in detail, welaid before our read
ers last year, and advised them to hold on to their
wool, presuming that when the foreign pressure was
removed from the market, prices would go up to the
old standard. Our apprehenvions are beginning to
be realized; prices are going, up; and we doubt not
that before the next clip comes in, wool will com
mand.the prices of 1847. _.
"'Many of our farmers, in order to meet pecuni
ary obligations, were compelled to sell their wool at
the .low prices which the speculating maaufictorera
choose to give ; while not a few, believing the al
legations of demagogues made for political effect,
that the low prices resulted from the tariff of '46,
sold their wool under a conviction that it was no use
to hold on. Let them settle their account with the
" The eastern manufacturers cannot do without
Washington County wool ; let all who have it, hold
on to it, until they got a fair price for it."
Oetoticratic Victory I
ISAAC BUCKIERIMIAIt, Esq., Democrat ,has been
electp4ltteyor otAlexandria by seven votes over four
Whig competitors. This is, indeed, agreat victsry,
since it is the first time almost within the history of
that ancient town that a Democrat has succeeded to
the Mayoralty, and it is more particularly gratifying
since that result has been obtained by an election
immediately through the people. Heretofore, or
some five year. ago, the Councils elected the May
or, and the people rarely ever had any agency in
the matter—generally elected the Council without
any reference to the Mayoralty. Mr. Isaac Beeh
ive:lam:is an excellent citizen and anterling Demo
crat ; and we doubt nor. that be will make 'a popular
• I
Mayor. , ,
The Gold wines Air ' Borneo.
• • The great island of - Borneo iaas rich r perimps, in
the piecious metals as.Meiico,or Pero, possessing
I in one cOnvenittat 'spot a'popolation of nearly - 1014-
000,thintme, who avesitssisitteloli nsisiesee their
own accord , and for their own beneSt. The anneal
prodOce of the miens on the west mail, is estimated
. nf $4,794,000: The quantity of geld iirocuted in
Sumatra, the supposed chersoneat of the ancients,
iicciording'to Mr. Marsden, shoot 30,500 °paces,
which, at..£4 sterling the ounce, is worth £123,200,
0qt:13114;492,000 Spanish dollars. Vrom a calcula
tion rFeentli made, it appears that the number of
£hinese employed in Olt gold mines - at' Montrada,
and other places on the western side of Borneo, '
amounts td'iot loss than 32,00 working men. This
island has lonesapplied in the form of gold dust '
iq ilial ingots, returns in barter for a considerable
portion of the trafio in opium and piece goods to the
small trading vessels amongst the eastern islands;
and there-is no diatibt of the existence of considera
ble deposites of gold in the interior of that vast isl
and in various localities.
/HIM School:
We call the attention of our readers to a notice
Gir a meeting o" the School Directors of the city,
and other citizens, tohe , held in the New School
3HitiM on Penn street,p-morrowtivening, to curette
or the propriety of establishing a High School in
Such of our readers who take an internt in the
subject of Education we hope will attend. Let
those who are opposed to a High School go, as well
as those who fAror the measure.
Tho'people should hear the arguments on both
sides, if there are two sides to a question of public
edimatioo. The object of the High School Is to
teach the esir.t sciences to children fitted to enter
'the same fromthe Ward Schools ; in other words,
to be to mechanics and business Man what 'universi
tier are to,professional men. •
Prrrcatraas, March 14th, 1849
L. BARMY, Esq.,
Dear Sir :—Please accept the accompanying
Hat i ,ns a slight acknowledgment of your services in
theiGtoo Came, from it Working Ratter.
Yours, very respectfully,
72, Foorth street.
! • glir-Accompanying the _above note, we received
a splendid silk Hat, finished in the most fashionable
style of workmanship, for which the generous donor
will please accept our heartfelt thanks, and warmest
wfthea foihis encoeq In business end happiness thro ,
fife: :For °lir advocacy of the Teo Hour Law and
the Rights of Labor, we are daily and hourly receiv
ing the most tangible roofs of sincere friendship
and gond will, from the workingmen of Pittsburgh
and vicinity; and it. will -be the greatest desini, of
our life to secure a continuation of the confidence
and esteem of this worthy and respectable class of
ATITXPT TO MURDER A Pratra.c.—We learn from
the Cumberland' (Md.) Mountaineer of ThUrsdayr
that Jesse D. - Quantrill, who had just served out a
leak term in the Pennsylvania penitentiary, for for
gery, made an attempt, on Tuesday evening last, to
Murder the wife of Arthur Cowton, Esq., proprietor
of the United States hotel, of that place. Quentin
i t 'simi le , wits at one time the husband of Mrs. Cow•
ton, but during hil imprisonment, she obtained a
.divorce “onq married the gentleman who is at pees
eel' her husband. On his arrival in the cars on Tues
day, he mode his:wart() &ell. b. hotel and enquir
ed ore :female s ervant in attendance, for the room
of Mre. CoWton. The servant not knowing who he
was, led hiM'direct toter apartment. He entered
the room quickly , and locked the doorafter him, and
as is sappined, began the assault upon her. Mr.
Stoddaoce, the bar-keeper, hearing that he was
in the honaeirmmediately repaired to the room of
Mrs. Colvton, antifinding it locked, and lbw hear
ing some unusual iitilte,htiretell the door open, and
caught llm in the .act of cheakingter deith;,,Alier
/filed hie etteln t ' g - a
1 14 4 !.00 • P - 1 4 1 4 re
Atka was immediately rest' withotit any
Injury, and Qtiani;3l) was committed to
••' • • I
~..`:4tHarris6urgh, Thursday Night, itfurch.l. •
asst.= Thiti - ‘f ikas thildOlt itOtirkt
Are:session; from the iiiien - fng orAhe - LitouOunq
tkietr.fte, at 6 otclock,it , witytrdinithattal,clatner .
aticiawiiil to the re-chartern4arnttlis hie:
it Ivies Bank of PhilideriOs It was the Senate
bill thatwas under consideiation. The great ques
tion was, will the I , liability clause (as it is called,)
be placed on 4118 bat% or charter it withoitt The'
pure Democracy, headed by that good and sterling
son of old Westmoreland, Mr: Laird, taught it inch
by inch t and I regret to Bai t the hireling democracy
did not do their duty but voted with the Whig..
The Seal vote was, yeas 63, nays 39. So, the Dank
is now'ehartered without the 'Democratic proviso,
the only safety for the people—i. e. the g.
With this,, you will receive the yeas and nays, that
you may publish them to the world:
• • • • • •
The excitement here to-night is not 'the least aba
ted. Even while I write, there is loud and angry
talk going on with members. .The traveler "most
lose sleep. Nothing else will purify the party, but
to cut clear of all such alliances. No bargaining
with false men. Yoh must remember that even
amongst the false there are Choice spirits left. .80,
never despair. October will bring perky, love slid
fidelity to the ranks of the Democracy. TRUTH. !
-- The following are the yeas and nays on the
passage of, the Fanners and Mechanics Bank Bill:
YEAS—Mesara. Baker, Ball, Dellis, Bent; Biddle,
Bull, Carl, Cornyn, Diehl, Duncan, Elliott, Emery,
Eshleman, Henry S. Evans, William Evans, Fisher,
Frick, Fuller, Gillespie, Gordon, Grittinger, Grove,
Henasey, Herring, Higgins , Hertz, Hower, Large,
Lewis, Little, Hugh loh n MlCee, Ild,Laugh
lin, Martin, Otto, Pratt, Robb, Roseberry, Rupley,
Rutherford, Ryman, Schoonover, Sharp, R. Rundle
Smith, Snively, Steel, Stubbs, Stifteman, Swartz
welder, George T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Weir.
ick, Witmer-6S.
NAYS—Messts. Blooin, Courtney, David Evans
Faux°ld, Hampton, flutings Henry, Kirk, Klotz
Laird, Lambent's!, Laubach, Long,. Lackenbach
M , Calthont, M'Cartney, MlCulloch, M'Kee, Mart
Meek, Miller, Morrison, Myers, Nickleson, Pearce
Porter, Redick, Roberts, Shaffner, Smyth, Soudor
Stockwell, Taggart, Walters, Wattles, Wilcox, Wil
liams, Zerbey, Packer, Speaker-39.
Harrisburgh, Friday afternoon, March 9.
Ma. Hearne :—Thia day, like many others, has
been entirely' devoted to the re-charter of 'Banks.
The Farmers Bank of Sticks passed through at the
late boor of 6 o'clock, after a desperate struggle,
the yeas and nays being called aboat filly dines.
There is no use in giving them.
The Senate to-day had a stormy session for some
time in relation to the new county of Lawrence. A
call of the house was ordered, and the doors closed
—all out had to stay out, and all in, had the same
privilege of remaining in Oahu quo. Finally, the
vote was taken, when the county paned by a large
vote. The new county men are combined and de
termined to carry every county asked lbr. From
this, yon will Sad that we are in a bad fix—solely
owing to the indifference of our people at home.
Their especial attention was called to this matter in
good time; but they heeded not my warnings; they
will yot have time to repent good for this. I des
pise the stupidity of men, holding office, that are
fearful of exerting themselves to perform their duty.
Letters have been received here from. would-be dis
tinguished (but extinguished) Alderman, reflecting
on the Ten Hour Bill and the Homestead Exemp
tion; but states that be is decidedly opposed to sur
rendering one single inch of our county. When I
return, I will give you his name.
The Usury Bill was up for discussion. On taking
the vote, it was found that the law will remain as It
is—only nine Senators voting for its repeal.
The session is now getting interesting ; and should
I remain here, you may look out for interesting facts
and figures, as the future President (Cot. Beaton,)
would say. Speaking.ot the Presidency, there is no
trite rlrthi cettetrylinit
.would !Win to our cause,
juit now, more sterling worthrend none more gen°.
rally beloved for strict adliereoce to coned radical
truths, than the great and good Senator from Me
If wisdom and love , or that which I. pure. will
have any Ming to do in Opr National Convention, I
trust for the honor and welriire of the country, that
Bergen will be oar candidate.: Every friend uf just
ice would /ally round him. My friend, Latimer, and
his friends, would vote with us—no small party just
at this time. These are my own opinions mad I care
not for others.
Letters have been received disclosing more frauds
OR the Canal. The Sergeant at Armsis off again op
a tour of search for men.
I must not forget to thank you f.,r your note, sta
ling that lam industrious. / am working for noth
ing and keep myself. This I have been doing all
my life fur the Democratic party, and why not con
tinue it t
mar It may be some satisfaction to the Factory
operatives in this County to know their fellow labor,
ersin the east aro moving for the needed reforem—
The Pennsylvanian of Saturday publishes the:reso
lotions adopted at a meeting of the. " male and fe
male factory operatives of the city anrcounty, held
oq Wednesday evening."
We copy the following :
Whereas, A sufficient time having elapsed of the
present session of the Legbdature, to give them no
excuse for further delay in their action on the ten
hour law, thereby withholding, from us a boon, not
only promised, but merited. Therefore,
Resolved, That this meeting, male and female,
canon the Legislature to amend and repeal the pro.
vise now attached to the bill, and substitute the
amendment now upon the file, offered by Captain I
Small, and as amended by Thomas Forsyth.
air'We have - forwarded to Mr. Swartswel der, with.
in a week or ten days, the names of some hundreds
of the female operatives In the Allegheny Factories .
None have refined to sign the memorials. To sup
pose that any one of them prefers pwsLve hours to
Tca is preposterous. We notice this matter on ac
count of having heard that some of the Cotton bor.
ers in Harrisburg have circulated the report that the
girls in the Allegheny factories are opposed to the
ten hour law.
Father Ritchie.
The habits and personal appearance of Father
Ritchie, editor of the Union i are thus described bj ,
a Washington scribe. He has long ranked as one
of the distinguished editors of the American PresS
" Mr. Ritchie is seventy years of age, more or
less. He admits that he is " agretable i ", but doe
not fancy being questioned closely on this pnini.
He goes into his sanctum and seats himself in hiS
funny chair at 11, A. M., punctually, and very
rarely leaves it when Congress is in session, before
three in the morning, but for an hour to dinri.
Indeed he inorefrequently continues his lablirt
till 4, A. M., bringing the grey dawn around him,
than quit ten minutes before three. .This is :hilt
life-from one year's end to another, and for six
days in the week. He appears to carry - no more
flesh on his bones than just enough to pievent
them from falling apart ; yet though he has led
this life of Herculean labor for forty years; he ip
more rarely sick than the hale man of thirty-five.
He still preserves his passion far classics, obtained
for twicking and Homer into unruly boys,
and he can yet - devour a new poem of merit with
as much enthusiasm •as one might look for to be
displayed by -a young lady just learning to be h
Gold lits Peamity/vanta.
The Clinton county Democrat, published at Loch
Haven, learns from a reliable source, that a gentle
man in Sugarvalley, Clinton county, while digging
a well; came upon *vein of Yellen , :mineral, which
is heavier than lead, nod, has every appearance
being pure geld. A sample has been sent to Skin
,detphis for the purpose or testing it. Should this
tabstanee prove to be gold; &snare entertained dist
Clinton county would Neon voistrip • bathe
variety•of her .population. The Witareitys
aver, - that he is by ao means ceitslit-that th e: e
utiliTr:faluid is gold '
Mr. Polk'. Spacettq!•
1 4112 d
The Inquirer gives the, altitek of the
re P l X 3; !fr 4 -PlylloentPolfilt(fliiieSpea*Tickthe
''gtnta Uou e e o f .6ilegaiiiiioEiiii4* - 41 the
occasion kritieneeePtion atiticlititand by i , ie State
`Mr. Polk, in reply, spoke very seemly elo.
gently_ of the very Nigh compliment in being thus
received - by the legislature of - a State, for- which ,
he held. the most profound veneration, apitfarn
'whose Sir/Sties:he - had sdriWn andirathertyta
tio tjp.d
apprecian of the - princiPlei of constitutional
liberty. He said he was taken by surprise in the
flattering reception*tendeff to him by the repile
sentatives of Virginia, and be should regard it as
the highest honor - of his'life,. •To beisto =received,
having- just laid &sin power ; and no, longer
clothed with the patronage - of the govermient,
filled him with gratitude. He had been moat la
boriously engaged during his administration, and
had endeavored, to the best of his ability, to dis
charge the arduous duties that had devolved upon
him as . President of the United States. Measurea
of greater magnitude bad beets crowded into the
four years of his administration than had fallen to
any, that bad preceded; and. the benefit of the
country alone had guided him in the conduct :of
affairs. His principles belted learned In the school
of the illustrious statesmen cif Virginia. lie was
no longer a servant of the people; but had now_ be
come ; a sovereign. Be spoke of .th e greatness Of
the country, and, in connexion with the extension
-of our territory, of the value of the Union. The
Union would be preserved by maintaining the emit
promises of the constitution Preserve the Union,-
and the - march of our country - in prosperity and
greatness would be immeasurable, and aurpais
the glory of ancient Rome, the mistress of the .
world. He referred to the vast commerce tidit
would flow from our newly-acquired possessions,
making six hundeed millions -of people commer
cially tributary to us. 13. k continued to respond
at some length, in fine taste and with much force.
Prom the Jeffersonion, Broakrille, Pa., edited by. R. R.
Brady Rag.
The Pittaburgh ; Kerning Palm i
For some time, we have been silently, yet care
fully watching the controversy , which has been
going on between the Editor of the Pittsburgh
Morning Post and one •or two of the hireling
trumpets of the cottortlords of that city, in rela
tion to the " Ten Hour Law," and the "Factory
Riots." We had concluded to remain silent on
the subject, but when we saw the attempt made
to destroy the private business of an ipdividutil,
for raking up arms on the side of humanity; add
in defence of those whose lot to thisworld'requires
them to work for the means of subsistence, vle
felt that to remain neutral-any longer would be
an act unworthy of the position which we hold.
On the 20th of February ult., we published the
names of four firms who thought proper to with
draw their patronage from" the Minning Post, do
account of the course purzued-by its editor; add
have since learned that powerful exertions wets
making to decrease the circulation - of thatpriper,
and force Mr. Harper to abandon its publication.
These exertions were not only carried on secret!'t
but received the open support of the "Pittsbur
Gazette" and the "Commercial Journal;" 'pies s
controlled by men who would resort to any act o
procure the almighty dollar, and who,are,now en
gaged in advocating the 'cause ofjliiiie who' - ;
" Would strip the deed, i
Or rob the orphan of his crust of bread ;
Pillage the palace Of the Ring of Rings, - l
Or strip the gilding from an angers wings I" 1
But notwithstanding all the bold array of oppa
sition, the Post has obtained the sympathy of rife
people, and they will support its editor in bin in
dependent course in such a manner that he can
bid defiance to the aristocracy of the loom at
spindle. And in proof of this assertion it is on
necessary to place before our readers a_ resolution
passed by the citizens of Old Westmoreland, Wile
assembled in county convention, viz: -
"Resolved, That we admire the stand taken
Leaky Harper, Esq., of the " Pittsburgh Morni
Post," in regard to the" Ten Hour Law." and t
so called factory riots; and conceive the attem t
to break him and his establishment to be strongly
anti.republicao, and worthy the stern disapproval
of the whole cputpuniff."_.
Nor hithlealeffinly Place fr omwhichthe pe
pie and the prat have spoken in favor
_of 'h
course—the entinf,press in Pennsylvania (excep -
ing a few mean., groveling spirits,) have skirt
with the "Post," and also numerous others ii
Obio, New York*c. . !
The course pursued by certain editors:in thh
city of Pittsburg in endeavuring to destroy a pa
per which was not afraid to sympathise with the
unfortunate girls :Who ‘s•ere incarcerated withib
the walls of a,eotinty jail, (one of whom-was
only thirteen years old,) is beyond the power elf
language to condemn• and each one should hav
the mark of Cain placed upon his brow,
Fos Csuroners.—Theateamehip Falcon, which
sailed from New York on Thursday last, for Citil4.
res, took out 106 Californisadventurers. The barque,
Palmetto, Mousantend Henry Harbeck, railed froM
San Francisco, with an aggregate eT 191 passengers
and the barque Horurribeag sailed tor Galveston',
with 96 passenger', who go overland from therm re
the Gold Region. - -
An occurrence or Ibis kind took :place at New
leans on the 29M , ult., Bro. J. C. Larno . deliverint
the oration. The Crescent says: 4, Never have w
witnessed any thing more beautiful than the Odd
Fellows' precession yeaterday--more solemn and
impressive. tbanlikte eareueoniss attending the conl.
serration of 'Odd :Fellows' Rest,' the burial groun
which the Order has provided for the last restie
place of its memeers. It luirpediatelit adjoips tb
beautiful 'city orals dead,' Cypress Grove Cemasetd
ry, and Is capable of bdiag made equally beautiful."
rilf`lion. Wto.'M. Meredith, says the Philadelphia
Pennsylvanian, was one of the ablest opponent* of
the effort in laver of negro voting daring.the session
of the Reform Convention ia this State. This trait
in his character, -however pleasing to General Tay
lor, will nOtMate his apnointment ley more palata
ble to the . Cheater and Montgomery county aboli
ilWr• Public /Meeting...A Public' Meeting of the
School Directors of the nine Wards of the. City, and all
other citizens who feet an interest in the sabject, will be
held in the Fourth Ward School House; On Thursday
evening, the 15th inst., at 7} o'clock, for the purpose of
taking into consideration the subject of establishing a
Public High School, into whiclrall pupiiii(whoixtpiidei
ainination,are fond unalitied.) can be promoted, from
all the Public Schools m elleCity... The object of which
will be to place within the-reach of every child, 11.. e
means of a more tharougb business education than our
public or even private schoolsafford. ' • - •
The sabfact wilk be laid bittore the meeting by the fed-.
lowiig Committee, who were appointed for that puspoie ,
by a meetingtteld at the.Boird of Tradtillettunts, oh the
Bth instant: LattraLSrstramiti.
WnLtic.►rr J. Torrxx.
Booze Hausa, Seey
11TANTKIk-A.Partner, with 9809. "capital, to enter
v V into the Wagon -making trisinert; now in fall and
profitable operation in the city. One . to take charge of
the *acid . departineta, would be preferrdd
. S. CUTHBERT, Gen Agent;
,Sddthfield street..
TATANTED—A Place, for an honest and industrious
-• 1/ `poor mita, aa agorter or drayman. This notice is
inserted by a 'friend., who will guarantee his integrity:—
Address T. ht.t, through the Post °trice. marl4Xt
110 the Honorable:the Judges of the Court of Generat
.4 : Quarter Sessions of the rettee in and for the County,
of Alleghenyc , - --
of Alexander Wri humb l y townsh4i Of
Haldols, in Ma county aforesaid,sheweth, That
your pa uumiew.hath provided himself with materials for,
the accommodmind of travelers and others; at his dwell- '
ing house t inatt:ship aforesaid, and prays that your
Hotiorowal kn ato grant him A. Remise to-keep k
public house of entertainment.. And your, petitioner,: as
urderty boundtwill pray: ALEXANDER WRIGHT. t
We, the subscribe% citizens Of the above Township,
do certify, that above petitioner is of good repute for.
honesty arateroperigtee and is well provided with house
room and contrealeaces for the accommodotinuAn4:l°dt
Of travt!ofs end' others, MA 'that ;pad itiveill'
Wln ' paYis ::ilfirti l :NOt. Sin clitir;B:Reattill 0ui1,.:.
A. Long, J Li ',Ton Mita riT.',lforrte, 0,1. • A l 4--
ulty, Jr J. COLIC - H:Afmstr g. •• ' '' - marl4 - 414 t ,
I ,
O the Honorable,at Judges ofAke Court, or 1 14euarel
1 Quarter fataiionaof tke Peactiis and for Ilia Cannot
of Allegheny :I :• : ! - ,
~ . . . ,
The petition of - Geo. - DiMiglietty, itteirei 61i*Ifid; Pit
burg, to m ihe County aforehumbly.-:ribetweth, Thin
your petitiotteritikthpitgandedefernk niaterilasdde
the accommodialan of Iveleta-and ethers, et hiiidweiP
ing house in the Witt life : fatale, ini'd `prve that YOOr
Honors will biLpleased to.grant hipra licernte to' keep a
public house of gritertatutnent - And your petitioner, es -
In duty bound,:tv,Ul pray, GEORGD DOUGHERTY.:
We, the statisMeMen,' citizens Of the aforesaid ward,
do certlfyi that the above petitioner lief good repute 1' l' - '
honesty and teraperunceituidie wellprevidedau hp
room and Minireitiettees tor the leconimodirtunt or trl -•'
eters and others, and that eMdtivernistmesisitv-
Ches. - Id'Hinitati - tF,T.Asyde,':l. Makin, 1-I.erwiltifij
R°gerg, P. Dohnoll4R , 'WEeiveri Arillachet t LD .
her;GetaTeliDDinatit E:R aite,„?... l F* l *!!l•" ' • .
marl4.,ltitite. • '' - -..'''-,' ' ' "-- ''' ''
BY - . lIIIORITY -.-,''' - - , t'-'
1 , p; 4
A..t....40* =t w o. % w 7: '. Mlle'
onaktte 4
. v
~ AiwiteptC l ,2„Airsts!:
'VF , ' ~ .- ~.... ..y.,
err— re-, a. • .
1 y flitanownori.fv..rumac--A law r f
1604 -at'i CO ',. , •:4
t, REtilo Jiaderrny thfre ses f• •
1 Chi a Indians and their interpreter.
the Senate and House of Pepresenta
titles 0 _the United States qf . America in _Ctmgress
ip ia
- rititoTeri, That the sum of six thousand dolinrs be,
lan* the am la .heieby, appropriated out of any
rnotiny'iti-the tiesinui not otherwise appropriated,
or the,purpose of defraying the expenses, of a cer
delegatiori of Chippewa trititans and their in
terpreter, lifted:ling th-Wishitigton city upon buili
nese of their tribe with the government of the Uni
ted Staten,- add their l 4i l iensei Whilat:pogaged in i
iucti'businessin the city, and on thierattWO-liomis 1
the money to be into the hands ortiiiithilfs of
Said delegation, or, to an agent to be 4140iir6i7d9
the Secretary of War, at his option, to conduct sa id
Indianson the , way holm as: feria. Detnsits ;who
Ann' be allowed a reaaonable:componsatioriffer Slip
'services out of miiniwiippropritatef a., 4c,fir , lni 1 -
APP/1011iD February= 1)349. f -- ,
r • • - [Pttuto—lilw 13.] , •
AN ACT to establish an additional land'offiee in tee
State of Missouri
Si Jr Snlicted the- Sirlate ^ (buT4reitstirtle Reprtsee
the thsitos4o4:qf 4merfedl,fii` Coftgrers
essembied, Thit so muCh'Orthe-,Publie.latffit
United States including -in the present Fayette
trict, in she. Stain of Missouri, as lies within-the rot=
lowing boonilaries;to wit : Beginning tribe. point
on the northero boundary of the State intersected
the line'betweeit ranges' thirteen and' Marti:en
thence south along that line; peal it intersects' the
line between townships fly-five and, fiftyrsis thentle
*est along that line until it , intersects the line be
isieen ranges iweittY-Ilireir andlvienty-four, thenne
north along the last mentioned line to the northern
boundary of;the Statet.tbenechast with said , bone-,
vilify line to the beginning, shall= be.fortued, into ti
new land dianict, to be called , the ar Chgriton Di
tricipt and for the sale of the public -- Jandr withi
the distritt hereby constituted sland office shall be
established at such Most convenient place within
the sail charier. as the President of the United States
• may designate.
Sec. 2 Athd . be It further enacted, ;That, for the of-
Bee in the land'district hereby" created, a register
and received shall be appointed by the President,
by and with the advice and consent of th° Senate,
who shall severally give bond and security, accord
ing to lan, before entering on the duties of their re
spective offices. - They - shall receive the same cont
pensationi•fees and emoluments, and shall 'perforth
similar:detiei, and possesses the - same powers With
all oilier registers and receivers of land °glees, and
Shall, in all respects, be governed by the lawsofshe
United States providing for the sale of the public
Sec. 3., And be it/or:her' matte* That the Cod
missioner of tbe General Land Office shall cause to
be transferred to the land office hereby created all
such books, maps, records, Sold notes, and plate, or
tiranseripts thereof, relating to the surveys and en
tries of the public lands in
-this distriet,.,as may be
necessary" or the sale of the p u blic 'lands, in' cent
pliance with the 'provisions or this act.
Speaker of the loose of Representatives. ,
Vice President of the United States,..and
President of the Senate.
APPIOVED February 2Bit-1E149.
[Punttc,-Ne. 14]
AN ACT , to provide for carrying -into execetion, iii
part the.twelfth article of the treaty...with Mexicti,
concluded at Guadalupe Hidalgo 7te .
it'enaeted by the Senate and limn of rtgrefe+
retires if the tinted &On Arneeten in Congress.
arseniMed, That the following sums of -money be;
and the same are hereby, - appropriated oat of any
money in the treasury
p ot otherwise appropriated,
Air the purpose of carrying into execution, in part,
the twelfth article of the.treaty between the . Gaited
State, and Mexico, Made and couchided at. Goads.
Jape liidalgo.on the second , day of Febriniri, in the:
year of our Lord eighteen hundred .and forty-eight:
For payment of the instalment and interest which
will fall due, under said article , on the thirtieth day
or May, in the year Or our Lord - eighteen - hundred
and-forty-nine,. the sum of three million seven hun
dred and twenty thousand dollars; • -
For payment of the instalment arid interest which
will fall due, ender imid article' l on. the . thiitiothi.d4
or May, in the year, or our Lord eighteen hundred
;led fitly, the sum of three million five hundred and
forty thousand dollars. I
, .
[Posmo—No: 151 ,
AN ACT to'extend the proelitOnsi of an ant zippier'.
ea the third of March,_eighteen•lfundred and foe:
ty-sevca, for carrying into effect the eatOting corm
pacts with the State,. of Alabama and Mississippi,
with regarcho the five percent.. fund -and school
Se it,.eneeeted by the Senate and Howse . ofßepresen
tatiee v ,o4,fhe United ,states of America in Centres*
attembled, ,That ihe . provisions.of "An act io amend
au heti:rattled 'An act .to carry into effect, in the
State of Alabama and - Miminippiil . he Aur
m - Ring Mimi,
pacts with Wove Statea,'*iih - regard to the' Sve per
cent. fund and the itchool reservations, approved
March third ei&litcen hundred and Ciiil l 4-arsven,.... be;
and thosame are hereby extended, so as a r a
the; State of Alabama to have three years from the
passage of this act in which to make theselectiona
of hind atithbrixed by the precedhig..acts , to which
this it an amendment.
Arenovan, February 26, 1849 . . .
. _
; (Ptiattc—No 164
AN ACT in addition to the act entitled °An act to
incorporate the • Washington Alexandria, and
Georgetown Steam Packet Company,” '
Be it enacted by the Senate and /loom tffßepre ,
tatiees re therfaited States of America in Geneve*
assembled, That the act entitled itAn incorpe4
rate the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown
Steam Packet Company," approved the third March;
eighteen hundred and twenty-nineoO, and the same
hereby, is, extended and.continued in full fume' and
efface for a. further period of twenty years, com
mencing with the Grin day of January eighteen hun
dred and forty-nine: Prorided tatipertheiers That
Con,grets may_ at any tune hereafter iriodiny Or.;"re
peall thename.,
SEc- S. Sadie? ilfurther enacted, Ili - at-AC',Suit or
action depending handy court whatsoever, in which
the said'corporation is plaintiff or defendant, shall
abate . Gibe diimintinued by reason tirthe expiration
of the original character of the said corporation, but
the same 41611 continue and Ito prosecuted in all re.
spears as if the said character had not expiredr and
the president and. directors who micrelit.orfice atthe
time it expired shall; continue in office under and -by
virtue of this act; until others shall be duly otiose*
in their idices:
.Itiiaosin February 26,.1849.
'dome Greeley hie written aUcing, address. to
his cbnitittitrits on the subjects of Slavery, postage
Jteretmcand.ltetreitchment. the expenses of,the
general government, mingled with nottt little Pod
retitle), red repeblicanism, _
and other °di;
By, the. fte.v., Nathautut Weitt, 431 h,
JoAnK atir4 l 2 to .laut , RAA4a.i. AttAettsiktiatthis
117•13 t: Patrick's Dui. raversar3r I rk
Irelana'S'Petran . Saint will .be , celebtered on Saturday
eveningi the 17th ' inst., by a Supper to be:Eiserea the
house of Serkt.,Gacatat Dnuoruzias
4114-°fl:er e thafriqP.di:crfralaudArp risrtctclly7;ntbi i nd supvorcntietabieatBoook.mE 13 s
• . • AChronicle lease c "
C. S.;PORTER ' 't 41.4.1Ti.131111.
, ralcss ov itIMESSIOIIt
Dress Circle and Parquette---- .... • • . "•• • • 'W. L etS2I4..
PtindlYTatele - or-Seoond Tier - .... •-•-•
117 — Second n i ght of Mr. CHAS: WEBB: ;
archl4,-Avlll he acted -
Othelle,• .... OTHELLO. ,
Webb, I- logo Oxley.
Desdemows Mien Porter. Amelia Mrs...MO[on.
Clog . -•-•••••••-• •rtfrutter r.
To conclude. ith the, • , • - .
Mr. Dunn. Nati Teik Mr. Dunn.:lLiseue•-•,,:+ifiss-Crtuise;
• •11-77"-In rehearsal, t ,
itr Doors open at 7 Curtain will rise at balfpest.7. ,
li i a P i tT h iorr.
New Yoik.'pratlihg fe,r21114 extension - of patent
granted ?to' saittvi•VEliam Steele, for* an improvement' ih
making brushes, for seven years-front the: exp i ration of:
-eiddpatent i ztslucb anti/ plane omtbel7tlr dayafAamtat,
~484 9 ' •
~z '
iLottcleretiiiiitbe be:heard:at:the
taut on the Ist ,blauday,.lin l anguor. atat i , eta .IM - '
cg a o O/St+ALl 111 4 - qa/I persons era nottruntio .I,P,Paelquot
A how)v-aNic. , :: V. Par they baVo i why, Said _pennon ought
not Mbegranted., . ;
. , pidtred,;,stligy: dist iitts, notice PtMludted.iii:-tlie
Union;•Olebe, and Na tionalaejnoklltt,..w_ asblitrota, Be;
Ral t ir aoreirettasylvaruan,-valtadet-
Paii - hz;a Pl ; ls bugzh; , Trae.Men,--New York; Post end .
1.4434 tatt_4,,,,tOnaatte, Portstatintb,-,NewoHlunpablre;'
once a cieek for three successive weeks previoasAo the
Ist Monday in August next. EDMUND BUENA-
'.'Ocatortairkaier et Patentt. -
P. M.—Editors of above papers will please, tript9 -
.arte s e adAbeir•Onktotbe:Pruent OrMee,ilvitkispapereov.
or Tohn aceettickipo;
Int kip teeither of tftis,, 040114004
!fiitidngt pasigAp ol , rA i t•
JO ,
A td to , r at e eed na.
• il.Stvtlii
1 G
;~;.,g a x n Ez+s s.+.,iu,Hr't 4 ~,.v LL .~ , F. z~~! ,
:::.. - Isczantostr - ' ':- r • r,rfo •
1-- . '-`. - .. x ,• - f> ..;
d a part last night q q•“ • e toiltra ea • •
that distinguished '', ara t ellite''d. :it ,„,'
r .—"iticliardsoltnal, ki4r l ,49l eurr ,
....vv :1 ..,...r.
... 41 .T.
o deserving credit. , -
-An incendiary was caught by them. His name,
Joint Oita via a -son of a watchman. Hi is about
seventeen or eighteen * years of age, and is a bran
founder. - - '
__On tdomlay.eveoing theorisers were on the look
out for inkimztd9ies i ka#4lilNser Rich s ardson discoe_
ered-thitiyauog man-under- very anspleions , ipircaut..
Wooer: -- tkeria'irtiqiedlii - IMarif 'ciirphatei
shops, acc
..T;± 3
On last livening he diricovertuf bim agalii, 'and
again=olloWed him. T; )lef*ria'faiia, gemg Iblo pt.
chan g e _Rae the Mayomind ilia pease pot.
gregated. Two took their station at the mouth of
the alley j trio t4tbe:ruilher end i*ls4:tbe:Mayor
himself:entered - the ;Schapiro:stable -and i9enked .
//stn. , ' He spied Orr attempting to apply'the thatch
to a stableappoinie.'• attempts.'; but '
both erpre then Aroused peer, E and..i
pushed open - the door of= the Exchange 'title;
Iwhere the Mayoe•wai'maiilliog,/:26 1 ! aeree sly
4iglted-a match._ He was gr . a411,..,4 • Kit plrzyk
ted to escape, as hisLe.captire was - certain. ; The,
alarm was giVen,Mid the orMeieeloked;*ti.
On his person was ruled a bunch of - matches. IRe
was asked Jr he smoked Ole tfaidcao ;1
He .will be examined thkedio - ruing.
Mal - oafs Orne...-TtairdSl; Afeisting.!--The at
tendance was PausUallylaige this par
ty Of black ;fanners ; was takenfrom, Lawson?" , on-
the hill. ...There were:ea usnathriaten 'and
-Old Lawson himself was there, wifei
and the poor little fiddleiiiio. 4 : One cpiPei - ,itilti - red
tuan.told such plansibleatorynhout,butconniaction
with the transaction that he was - discharged.
son hid - a singular idatetienttchia 2 licf: haviit,he. en
whitewashing in Nashville; just got home ;.eone of
my colored friends asked me to give a ball;'tofu
sed at first but at 41St consented; Bittalikkfag:time
there with a flask of whiskey she : and Sissun got to.
quarreling about a &flow, that is in the States [iris
on ; one wanted , him , when he ealtunaut,pod the
other wanted him; so they began icy's:. and tiny fit
away; I put them out and they: elled murder and
- watch and every thing; the 'Water Caute - 4 and
tiook Waichibin came toCity door, aid giOlte
it-in; when they got in they took our calreiraddior !
angel; and swept the ` table`; ikc..fitc., - The.. result
of theletrestigation was, that all had Atageuk t for , ,
twenty.four hours each.'
There were a number;or white folks in. - charged
with drotikennen and'iragrarrci. Some_ paid fines
and some went up.
. • .
Ma.Caistot grzwir:—Weiiii hefdw the .s ieeh
of - Kr...crisp lo the audience. that Called
-.frier before
the --certain en, lire ir , e*ente Othis ,beraefit: - 41 F
about as neat as any thing pt, the tried we haver-erer
Indies and Gengenten---liciinout allow the pres
ent opPartunity,
_to pass without roy ,
acknowledgement or the 'llattering„-recerion with
which you have honor*
,from my. first sppear
once. a Came among your: a; stranger; unheralded;
unknown ; you have excused my, many &lilts, ,end
cheered me in triy.efforts. I hare ntritreri,: to - - the
best of my ability, to mite: your approbatioui =Min
looking around this brilliant asisemblage, believe
me, I. feel proud in the conviction that my - endeavor
has not been entitle's.
The urbanity of the Manager, tho'kindiem Oemy
feilo*-performeniiadded to your satires; has tende d
to render my visit o most plttainieable on 4 not
ly to be-effaced. ,
I look forward with .ausiety tit the tiino* I
may again have the honorpf appearing before you;
and if the bright present is tinted.with,
Ladies and Gentlemen, turi I rearmtlidly. utter An
word fireriell. .
he:fron City Rangers,iitit ~yeaterilay
morning on the, steamer De Witt Clinton for St.:Lea
-1 it and thence to CatilbroW:iiia . of Indelie'ndence.
Quite a large concourse of people were present to
witness the departure of f the young andrenturera-...
ao 6 g w 4 .zette wei = eial Who areweD known
to our citizens, and who leave.lekind maer werm
and sympathizing frieiids. Wiiih ace.
eesa in.their, perilous enterprise,.aed: hope that their
most ardent , wishes in regard to the riches of their
future home, may be more than realized. qur friend •
DronkiraY end Mr..ltandolph the chemist and miner.
ologist, both members of this Company , will remain
until Fridai . neit, at which dine they will learn to
join their Company in St. Louis..
PITTS/HOL4H - CATHOLIC Erra.A:—We are anther
ized ro atom that the Pittsburgh Catholic will ha im
aged to day,', about 000 n, containing air...Tok;nstEuta
"Shoption2a et,atemenl, written by hintaelf. It wilt no
doubt be a rich treat to the Corritaishiti. - Copies an
be had at t!te Catholic Bookstores, of.the nowaboys,
and at the olicoof the Pittabargh Catholic; ebrater
if Wood and Virgin Alley.
Hepburn was no doubt very much as•
rounded to,/• yesterday, morning's J.,.?a,rnal
that he hall tiOn holding a special court inHanphin
o.ounty. That complimentary. resolution was , rery
strong in its ite ms . . . • ..
fleir Dan Rice, the .mirth provoliingSbakipetian
clown iein town, we believe. If he ikeet;*very
near relation of his muet-be in,•.the. neighborhood;
for we do say we , saw. something s very;iniich L .l44
Elan yesterday. Where's the horse:li en . ltd. that t
We hexed n kenileti l "ol:44aini9g that ids
rife bad a June stolen from her in the Diamond
market, esteiday aruirnoon. Strange that
nyi id, of peity tinire hairs ;been. eiMunitted within
so short a Oa° during market lours:, • ; '
Isar There'is agoo& sal of, iii it know who
that young lady in who designs making , her Ersc,ap
peaiance upon the stage.:-Welarer not atlibert.t to
_give the name';' ChM our fricadit ;alight be
":Th a t print in tII P,YOo4 Atrcet: window/ ft( a
Oaaortae emigrant lobita decidedly clJneofwVnkr
-11 'On 0.4 Irlitivikeett4intditited4niii:atter,pl6-.4ei
partutu at' thatorangetec
Suer &roaz:.—We all attention td'theadveriinc.
meat of TRPi. & ol ) Tr• ) 2 !1 1 -OrP. satisfied-.that :
thoiewhititumnize the•vitablithnent be,
diesatisfied with their
Herring ,of.the Seventh Ward; lair
'been united with Hague in the Independeht
beaioesa ' ' ' ""
:,P101! The: Mayor and Inaufaaco 7 Cotaßaofrf fivft
offered a iewatti of $1,5C0, fort he
. it ea l jr " .1. 711 121 m :mYber7l3 110.-^itay
has pce shat..
„ -
. , .
I. There were no fires on Monday oveoiog;
and no talseelrnew noire
104.104ed-iri.siispendtheor, operatives
A PPca Reason, pig which' he'
iraw otohe wharf on htijudity.' , l6 i n e 6 • pe tle bat
ofr pet, inikeiuthou 17; ,
:4110,1414 kk o pip es i „ Nigithit - hastkiiol , l4Wiribligiat ,
A.M..3thhfir:Wr 4144444 h inkt*iff.ry•
• with 4
kilt -9teq it •
upon Juan or , Nirest Doer
114 r Ttlo Aoluitalieas tirbis titles& the market...fare
paitieularlitesere'oe #lie ]hucksters. Bark) , a ' - day
pangs-thet. there Rae mot several arrest!. •
ldfs-Cht4lo,Webb 44140nr-li gain - ja fate
Jaime /leen Irminger-,
ti lmr-se r oluagddbla caiiisred
Alt.%Asir bum.
+'S '.Ui
WAY•~i'`kYCS'C,w'~~a'>~MS.Y:y" : w.w --
~ ' 'ews by Telegraph!
Reported for tbeolltrtmdi3g Post.
Mseeutivie Session.
Wmistmosorr, March 13.
The committee appointed to enquire into the ode
gibility of Gen. Shields, reported ogibitt him, - The
denote will taksacnoit on tliyitesallitioh !Drib:prole.
Mr. Shields IntdrMmcd i tfie l flenniti, l nktwing his
willinimnis to - abide' their decision, Be tdatedlbst
iiill,,facAr tnAtituitiorite ) e,ntolhe Sid Oiticifitn that
'he would assassiiiate him: -lie vi`oithr lohk to the .
State of Illinois to gliejtin) a pfai‘iii 'Mit Sithairs.
-.. Ms. Evi iiig ,s oehfaine,llll..iaiiie, l of N. c,ar,Oline,
AAA l!iir. , Slithy.or inclimia, hare , Luititii:VcirAipated
. • CinntrAttii tosettle Met idSit OArni,' - ''''''' r "
U. el)
4est Rime tia;the- /111astiripp1,.....14iindoins
R i t a q t ge,y..o — Plaulal.ntlpska.
Igows had ja at 6itinireSeiredPiro.i4N9ii.,o4,llllll6.
giving an account of the river at Bri!cire'llbnie , and
iaaidaoa .; The iive‘ give tiay;.Onfilnitio.ions
wiiie'inandafedi'eauaing iinine n eti''dantifki;c4 Tbe
water has nix been so high for a long"tlme.
:•' 1 :7: r
Loma ;
The:stearii6sPikeaiSj,hlioniiiiseer Cumis
fillips eight miler belowter :city: ThS" : 6piOn*sd
goard.andsvhCal.hoiise oti a hitountainesr
Tied atirAy. - , IFo
, .
Pamisitip , iitayMnrett I/144;
Floar..Tbe market; 'with moderate buaineau4t in
favor otitis, boyer.. ' Karen have. eien made of 4200
brill at 4,75 per brl:
Orain..Sales of 2500 bushels of Prime Red 'Wheat
at X 1,05 ' 'Corn :'siles'Of Yellow at 531.,
Whiskey: Sale, or brls at 24a per
— Money .- blarkeU-rTbe:-Inarket- is- tumytell7 - 101th
sales of Treasury,notesAt sk per cent. prem.
1114.11.1KET. „,
The marketOurcisitrars. March Pi
is steady Ll : at:mot
..actArtn 4a: prices
there-ism° reportable change-from 'prittrimis -gohta
tion4: Sloar--.The ,demandi is _Confined -to small
lots for , cityconsamPtion at-1,141(33)n PriceiVere
on•the decline..e
gain—The market is without ; chinee..
-..-Whiskeyr,Sales at 151 c :Ars 'gall The ligtrkei
clued heavy.
Coffee..---Salea of 100, hags of itair RiMat
Freight to Orleans i. scarce.. A 4
Floar ... . .
. _
• apur
• . ST:LotsfirOdarctplt.,
Floin.. Sales to moderate extent at $404i25: 45
Grahr..Saleir-oriVhe3t, ittende'PritatrV?hife'yn
Laid .No sales • • xt
Hetnii..No Uhaege. - ; •
Port: .Baltwiti a
.moierate. catgut, in c ludin g
ippladjed A eas
at 8,4515013,75. , • • ,•
Lard..lteceipts mall, with •tales-in 4tege•Jitt34e.;
in We at eafic.
Balk-•Meat.:l3alea • • Shouldere at - '216210 : : saes
gabs at. 3104 c. • '•
• -The upper rivers are verPhigh,; , i -
_ . - .
Heald 44.1iiiiiiiiii far: - Übotn- nitird'A iltuitik
coax= VOIIR7II AND WAtifilF76,lillll62;il 7 PI k 2 .4119:01ti A.
- - TROUT& SCOTT having commenced .e a -... z .. -
the general BOOT and SHOE btishiess • - 411IBBMIO
wholesaler and - ietail, would , respilet(silly 1 tie
• the attention of th eir friends and the public' ea
ridly, to their - splendid new atonic, consisting of ft en's,-
-. Wonteds , •Bo - ys'chlisses'-and.Children'i t Weir, of iiWill -'
frariety r sultable for.the eensonicuid at vibes 'to suit e
tintec • Also. a splendid_ - article - of. home•nniiie. Wink, '
i t
'each as Gentlemen's flue htoots,nndiadisp , ...hThoje l e An d
' • ;Please call ntor. ernl:nine' for yonraehrei, -:. - .. ..,,..1
N:ll..Traveling Trunks, Carpet•Eings44
. ...hi f oll..
Ways on hand and for sale - low for rash, ; ! ''. ',, ,1. • •
1 -, ..117" Country Merchants nrould•fitrd it to: their' fnierest • ,
, to give us a call,'.when visiting the vi ' -•-" i'" •• ' -
Conier dthtuniStitithfierd Ili • - '
IILIEW ROOKB—:Oregm and California in 283!'; ; bp-.
Quinn !Thornton, late Judge ot the s4rathic. - COIIII,
of Oregon, end eorrespetatng - taetUbei
duturtie hifonnation on Abe =lnept - of. theiGOLD:MrNIO3
' pl,Pgitataits r asit other vatutble imatter,of One fa/jai*.
Ammtgrany. etc.; ; with Illttstrations an d n Mar , ‘ll3. bra
ioIatnes.ILS.PHAEL _or, Pages of, the Book a Life ut Tssnuty.
By - Alplibuse delasuartige, ati ru ttior laistanedflbir
GRondiets; or, remittal 'Meoini • orind Patriots - a the
French Revolution," etc
.N0..4 of the Lira of .Franklin, Ilfusirated,:.;
JustreeeiVed and for lade. by
rearrt , - ' Corner Market and Wed!
r pa . MlLLlZiklitet.-;:itheviutrseritteurtsotAkr i te i strtek
Stfseisonettl'inibei v if:dist:de ler BONNET BWeat
which he is prepared to tarn to tho Spring frishlowat 3is z
Tutnin,mtiriigstablt &taint, NO; Z" _
- - -
iniaLING&3,-250 boxelhPast rec , d Sind tot said by
mar. 14 .1 • • ..,7: BONNE
T EMONS:-50boxes,just reed-did for sale
marl4' ;‘' 13:110NNPre.:
mart4 .:2ll,l)b)s. i juat vpc."4l.and for sate by ,
LIQtTORICE7,ScasebAu44 reclrasid forigal..pias4
L5102 , W3-6 bales lioraeaax,j4st reed oak Car. safe
jntt recivqd null for tale hr.:::
Ur , raorl4 , -
, , . , „ . .
. .
. .
T EM ON sysusz-lOU dozer!Oit, store and filtifale 'by
marl* •' • •••- • - • SONNET,'
ALSINS=I:7O boletri. in store and fore , llls
4.lllL__ _ -
4111BLS. FRESH ROLUlRlFFER=TailiyAideitted
4 , ...:5ttd Air thJa by final) ARIRETRONG.triCROZER:
3 0 &Lc K S , DRLED- A HPL4.IS- - Jrmt an4;for site
bY ImArt4l ~,•* ARAM/TONG &Cl/OZER:.
_ • ...
. _
1 0 IBBLS. GREEN, APPLES—Tokrar - ree'di , and for
Jude Irk; (mait4r ARTSSTRONG* cfrozER-
.100 bbds. prbreePlintAlleallegas.l"...i •
100 bbls_ de. . -Molassesi.jiiirseceired
and for sale by , MILLERNISGIOIIMSON,
'lni , k 44 . :1701Abertt stseitl
V. (MAR HOUSE it--Molassea,
- LocilienaßeOnOyilasr
and. for sizte by big.t:Eg - &
mart 4
,IjilrONE.Y 7 4
JUL bbelfoteiibtt reeeite4 omeotr
agent tbr eqe 11114;EgkRICKErt,eir14 treet .
•bitODUCE-40sacko Dried i f eattie4;‘ l,-
• 40 ictsti. No. 1 Laird; ferrule bp..
i i i/LLER&.I I . I OKRI . B94I, z
- . 170 Liberty.4gre6L
)IEACH BRANDY ' 15 btipelsPeiteiltratiii,jit#re
,ceive4 smd
.., for lABI q ua
menu . oterstix
mart 4 '
. . „ .
ICE- , -20;t4eTces - Blee, in
mol/ill far c al itv, ..
,- 170./AborlY; -Mee
Q gip Honoretie the Judges , of the Connor General
Qua tier Seildediti of the Yenceinand for eoenty-,
oC Alteghtlay; t
Ittomai.lo)sapp, _of „the Towitnhip et
ndiana, in, the Corday 'aforesaidyaliettreih
hat your petitioner batOproykled hircpselfittAtOinnterfals
00,,,t1m4utecnoutodationoftrAmyclem-po,cakerkt,; it. 4re
ifvfelling,_ thit - towneldp-trforestudotticrprayt that
your Moors will be plereted.-10, grunt,htni 0 lice* -
oep a
,pitlitie house Of entertalproeut.-, yi*, pCli
uone r, as in ditty bound, will pmy. '• .
*4; i 6 saltectibers, eitizint thv.,,toWnshiri gonetaid,
do eegtlfy , thttt,thoi4OVe,Pctitialler 140 c, good repine (or
OPnestyand temperance, and is well,providejliivithlunxia
- mom and convementes for thwateoramodation andliidg
lagof= trireef ers'artd , otlierst, , nad4hat.taid,meratt.i s ne
eessury. -_c-
Thos. N.ritletver, Wni;7 Wlloou,JaracalliekeAn
hn os.-
liulings,..Soieph Boyd,. Edward. Cablei George,
JoHilt, fieorge,P,awer,../laul-htninsiA,l4,ffroOks;l4l.
1 1 °'thrlisinctrubleilte. Jrnliesofihe Cour t f Genera'
Quort.e.r-liessinnsof the Pettee in dna Comity
Of`Altegheitr: -
The petition oflarees tynelf„,;of-r- the Fon-th yirard,
City of Pittsborghi , io- the . - Contity' stforeint44=lY
slitivenh, , ThOO:your • petitioner • bath. provide& tt
with materials for the accommodation of travaletir•and
athtirs,nt bit dwolling hoastOolbe , Wardnforeent, and
pray* that.yourifonors Wilt be -pleased to groo: a
license tolreep . n..pahlic totem • of enantaiam egC d ,
your petillemet, its in duty hound, will g i m rz
We, the tuhteribers, citizens of the Ward aforesaid,
do certify, tlint.ther shove petitioner ittof:goo , J , l o lo , 4oelllt
honesty and, leroPenttke, ,, ,runi, is well -M*lO , l , lElll,
house:room•and chneemences rot, the,oceoz atodgtact
ohnhlod4ing ot travelernaltd othera,sual end raid , Wfara
ItPCtdieuelt;.T. Scott, M. Connolly, Jos.
J. V p dtW att.
-61'Shant,.t .filimuer o fl.2d*Clai%J.A.Verner,-.1. ht He
I).,ebnird. 9.W., SMOE Thos. .0 witen, foirld:lltd&- .
mt.tte Honorable tho..tungee ot:yleA.toont ofhleatval
Otytertee Seinionsof_the recce to sztd AlT:thaVotßir
of Allegheny:.
Thep:n/Ikm of Si/limns Attar, oft the eat.Wo n ai city
of ifittobblgh; rho Crigaity aforesaid mazubly4beino,
TLut door petitioner . Lath ylmiided tumult with, Tame-
xi els ?or tha, accoratmodatigirof traveiora4n'l4.s4
m a - dwOunir, - )Jousei in-the Ward .40 - Oceanid, hol
that your flonoti beipleaned 16. Ow:4d mo o.
to keepelitertoni!!Fu,s 111
titiooer, no 4 1 .4uty.bpunilt 711A,Oray. - • •
ifteaubsetibers, c cuzen ' s of the Yard
for: .th dt
ceni(y,do that the aaava-pe
.acid unwetaties ~avidesue ,76: 4 4unallie_
and. cettvemeceee 4°' TaiTiluzd F lial
muigere niat matte
atal,lenwr n
lair Mill
T LAV S 0 ka MU:IM 1
'l3;i3usmtqeiTPnV; maw ,
,117191thzipb,. wade
. ~