MOE BE =I ME =SUE ~.1 „ HIM • . " `1" . ; • I • '•••• .t4;^" • L. ‘ 't "" • . • • ;, • .4 I ••••• r .• • . s' v• • .yr.' -. ' ' • •,;• •;.:.. s • : ' . • I/E =l/11 OWE • A. • 1 .• i . ..:, ~, ~.., ' . . EMI , • ?•.• • •4: „r• .• .‘•; ;.: s' . . • s, 11111 El ,:; ,~ , -. .., , .' , ME MEIMMI ••• MIN MEM • ..; -' - , - ME=t= MEE EEO =MEI w ;;: ~" . ~ ~ ~. • -!.. + , En BEM • '~ FIEM M BRE ME BOUM Mil OREM _. •-, 77, . .T NAME • • • . •-• ••• "- , - • • , • ,• • .. 4 • , , ; , •••• • - • , A 4 YONV• , k,avc1,...e., , 11*,v4•4•:.; •- • ' • •Jko,,,,,fiti • • V 'iftW k ."4",i , 44Vifens.,:t4 • , - , 4 *. = 7. ; t.ekt• - ‘ l - 1% . / 61-7:;44 t4;it i ` Of : 4-r.t ri ;' ......1 . ...- ( "4 ' • If • ...'•"r• • - • - •". " SEMIE MEI BM MS SEEM • , NE EM=I ME ME ‘:;. 01111 EVE MI MO 1111 IBM MEM El OE MEM BIM =ICE EIMIlli =I MEM MS MEE EMI ERN =I ME a; _ EMI lIME =ill Mil - I' - .~ ~. ..\.~.i ~; '., MBE BM MI :Tho'New GOldetf rick...NUN:a StAlkAnaadj ••• • CIOTIMTEW * GOODSP, -- • - Greater Barguipiethan ever can now be bath', ,:hab.*adoi Eke-HA•i,ptt:lllaTkei st. - between. Third and Fourth, where is just opened a splendid stook of, winter Dra Goods,cheaper than this .1 1 mal i gnality,o1.0ecuts.haveetre theca offered In - Riau; urg WOr..,.rmIGISSEL.,.No.. ell Market. street, between Third, ;30 . 41',Eoartif etreets,eiga of the Big Golden Bee; Rive, /111.111 now received, and offers to his numerous mull ,totntr.s.and the. puhlic generally, the brace,cheapest aud,uMst tralciidid stock of 'Winter Dry Goods ever offert . edia this city.. These Goods have been purchased irrthe Eastern Cities. since the latc.fall iu ptices, - nuff will be sold to cash buyers , . et'agreat ratraction, mach cheaper than they- could ' have been soldin: the early part of the • Among this large and extensive stock•will be 'Maud many choice and fashionable 'Goods of . the -latest lIIIMIMIGI =ll =ll INN . LADIES ,. DRESS GOODS... mule! Uttabreeretli aSnatfoli a bettatifel article ; ',Cherry•vol'd•do, . d 0... .6garedand plain ; Silks nal Satins, plain, strlied and plain; ' ••• • `Scarlet de Lairies. vool. very cheap; • Maudlin, Blue De Leine', low prices ; • . ' French Merinos, all colors, extremely , low. - A - lame - assortment of 60,1 Caaluneree De Lainea,ifew cat designs, from 1410 50.. cents per yard; these are very. cheap. a large itock s isrAlpacas fr a m 14- to 50 cents per yard, all colors, 'and a great bargain ; with a splendid assortment of bonnet ribbons of the latest im portation. Also, velvet ribbons nil widths and colors. , very cheap, aliaartful assortment ; plumes and aitificial flowers; boimersedins mid ,velvcts,- all colors; French worked capes and collars; scarfs, cravats, gloves and hosiery, all a. roduccA prices.. . •"' . - Best assortm inent the city,-a SHAWLS!!. and very cheap Long and Square Shawls,Arest quality. , . • Terkerie and - Cashmere Shawls;: • •••• " black imci catered Cloth • do. Brooha nod Sill- do.. * ••!, i Plaid r3lanket Shawls nil oi utilities and.prices. . " • .13LANKETS!.13LAliir.ET3'--GAcCTMll4the Cifit! . • .A large stock et lim -n ekets,ti rjualittes, which will be sold cheaper than can ha foandklseivhere. ,• , !: • ' • yDOSIF,STIC now*, ' •CHEAPER TIIATITHR ORRAPEST! ; • ...A large stock of Calieo.' Good dark Caljeo, fast talera, • only 3 centsper yard; best quality Britila and American Prints,t to 10 cents per yard, Turd wide ißritish purple .Prints, 10 to 12}; a large supply red, whiO:iiiiasseilow Flainfelsoionte as low OA 12} (Tata per yard, very cheap; Bed Tic k ing, from i 3 to LSI cents per yard.. Also, a large , stock of Cheelcs Shirting Stripes, Cassiners, Kentucky „leans and I..inri;isoogeiher with a verrexteasiro as sortinclut of ideached and unbleached Muslin', from 3 to • 8 cents per yard, cheapest yet; good yard Wide unbleach ed Alwllus, only 5 cents per yard; bleached . Mastitis from 3 Wei cents pee yard. • All or, w hich will be sold off at reduced prices, at the sign of. the New tOolden Bee Hive, in Market *tree; between Third and Fourth. sts., ' — (declB:tfr • . ':WM. L. RUSSET,.' .. : ' ~ MEI RS HHit S'ELIL PNG OP MOIL CASII. D . - IDI;I..ANY,:io. 49 Libertystmet,llitsburih, having . reptenilitted his Stock within the last and present InciatliS with the latest styles of Fashionable Goads, nt execedieirly (ow prices, offers. the best assonment of CLOTHING to he had tn. the Citi, et the lowest cash price — .Anion• et them are every description of Dre‘s ...:auil Frock Coats Sack and Overcoats of all fashiouaide `colors cold Material, each as French 'beaver, heavy Broad • Cloths,;super. bier, brown and drab Blankets and Caen- da Frac Coats, of the !aunt styles. Every description of l'emtalcio n e and Vests, and other articles ittkhe Cloth- Also, a general assortment of, .3 }ltch will be made iu the most fashionable manner. on . &oilier:est umiee. [decal .P. DELANY.•. . , strait:lsiah e tiotfirne kittss. • • • I'l I VERNEBURO begs leave to inform his friends and Vail/a...public in genm-al that be has aPerted a NEW READY-ItIADEFASHIONABLECLOTHING STORE, • on Market street, second door from Seconifetreet, where ha has, and always keeps on hand. a full assortment of Ready-made Fashionable Clothing. which he will sell on . he.most reasonable terms, (or CASH: • • • _ He also .wishes to call the attention of his friends . and he public in general to kis very extensive selection of _French, English and un ilelzian Cloths and Casseres, in endless variety, and Vesuugs for every one's use, which he has selected himself in the East, and which will be made in order in a superior manner, nt his Fashionable head Quarters, .= Innerly street, (lam McGuire Ec,Co.) and at prices teat will not bit questioncd'•by alie best of bargain-Makers. iI•WEIMERURG, • 0.d51 Liberty street,and Market s street. ild door from Second. Bei/sines, .Card. ' TYRANTS AL WELL .d.S.II(O2COPOLIES Id77S7.FALL: $0 'M be UST ES; TATHICII it will gravenPßl C by calling at MeGoniall Feb 0 1111 yle Tailoring Es tablistunent,Th ird street, Sc. Cliurles Building , .Morro:. Snub, profito . and 'quick redo, ' ' Vciancrr It and good. . . Comorrvids : Very far in At background. My. old:toatomers,anct.iill others, are respeeithily-in• mad that•l'aca waiting for !horn, - NeGUIRE. .oeue : • • • Tailor. St. Charlei• ...) - irpwa ti D eu f L E. 7lE FU u l tt i to in li t ee the attention AVINTER COATINGS and p other artletZ e w l e 74 II I II r V I TO just recertedamongst, which-will he fouad,the greatest variety of 'BLUE, BLACK, DRAB. st.ll PEARL colored BLANKET, MACKLNAC, and brEAVER FlZEilitiCaivl ENGLISH CLOTHS, C49SLIIERSA 'PES77NGS;'¢e. - "he above Goods having been bought for cash; ht extreately low ilrices, we are prepared lose. cbramodoleall who may faaor us set* their intro:loge, wish good Clothes, at low prices. Give us a call. Irrilemember,•2lElLiberty street, opposite .foot oflth, nov3o • ' AIcMULLEINI It DOWNING. .T. & lIVONOir SO. 77 & 79 CORNERBIXTH AND & LIBERTY &TEETS:. MI - eying enlarged and newly fitted up their establish meat, lathe above well known stand, respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the public to their Choice selection of New Goods; comprising every varie ty for spring and summer wear, selected:especially for their mistimes department. • These wishing to leave their orders will find at this establishment every style of new and desirable goods. Their stock of ready made Cloth- Jog is extensive gat op in the bestmanner. of durable ma tenal, and well worthy the attention of those wishingjo purchase. All are invited to call, and may rept assured that they will be pleased with price, quality and variety 14 large assortment of shirtskept constantly on band. apnllo &no. Gloating t Clotyang I i Cloth wsr r The TArte Big DOT I . t. The Watern World!!! 150,000 I made ti S ndtr E e ady 0:17, Uncivil terms to my old customers and she public in general. .The Proprietor of this far-famed and extensive establishment haiinow, after returning from the Eastern cities, at much trouble and erpense, Just completed Ins fall and winter arraneements to supply. his shoo :mods of eustdmerit with out a the Most desirable,stocks of Clo . Ling mat has ever been offered In this or any other mar ket west of the mountains: Par neatness in style and ' workmanship; combined 'With the very lots price whi c h they Wilt be void 'tor must certainly render the old ;mei veiled Three Bie Do ors one of the _greaten attractions of toe western country.; It is gratifying to me to be able so announce to any ricunerous friends at hcnne andabroad, that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which hare made to meet the many calls in my line, it is 'with difficulty I can keep rime with the constant ith that is made On this establishment: It is a well established feet, that my . sales are Mentor ten times larger thaassny other house m the trade, and this being 'the case onlllWe amount sold, lean alfrixi to sell at much !els profi t than others could , possibly think of doing if they wished to cover contingent expenses. I intend to make a clean sweep of ell my presentstoek before the be of next year; corning to this conclusion, I will make it the inter est of.every man, who.wants a eheap winter shit, to call and purchase at the Three Dig . Doors. - • ' • • oadt.d&tv • • • JOIIN•M'CLOSIIFX. KrElf , ‘ DOODs; NEW 60016 , -.Received at the iron . 'City Clothing Store. a splendid assortment of Cloths, coniiating offine French; English and'American black•aud 'fancy Cistimeres' of the 'Most modem styles; fingiligured Cashmere .Vesti n g, , Bilk Velvet, Plain and - Panes Sauna.-1111 Of . which' e will make up at most tationahle'pricis, in tydamble and fashiquable style. • %Ready - made 'Clothing, of all descriptions; Lady's • Clbsiks Of the most 'fashionable patterns, .Neck and P ickei ridkfi.; Suspenders, Bosoms, Shirt Collars, end • every article usually kept in' a Clothing Store. Country Mercuanta, before purchasing elsewhere, wilt find it to their advantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store, tio. 132 Liberty street, immediately opposite thr. mouth o f Mirket. • ' ' focitlE4ll C.'hI'CLOSKEY.. . , . Duff's New System of Book.liesping. JUST PUBLISHED BY HARPER 4. BRO'B, N. TORS r 4 . IHE first pent of this work, embracing the Most com plete course of instruction and practice, on both Sin g a and Double Entry. ever published. Price 75 cents, The wnole work, embracing the Author's well known improvements is the science, llestrated in two addition al setts of books, with a ghapter on partnership settle ments, and a Key tattle oral exercise s,—fal l clothbound, 81.50. The following extracts from the written opinions of some of the most eminent Merchants, Bankers and Ac coantants in New York, indicate the public senthnent in reference to this work in that city: "It contains matter that is important and intestng o the merchant an d man of business, to whora I re think it will be found highly useful. C. 0. HA.LSTBAD, President Manhattan Bank, NewcYork.', "It is calculated to be exceedingly useful to practica Accountants and Teachers of Book-keeping. RICHARD IRVIN, Ship owner and March'', No. D 3 Front street, New York." "Remarkably full pad complete, and certainly convey a thprouit knowle!lge of the subject. The un dersigned intends tiling it sulfas Text Book. JOHN H. SHEPHERD, Teainerof,Hanii-keepitig, Colombia College, N. Y." . . • • It to fn everyway calculated to give a clear and sat isfactory insight into the very =din science of which it. treats, through all its gradations, from the simple styl e . suitable to retailers,.to that requisite for the most varied mad ccunplleatedcotmaercial business. - . A. 8.-FRASER, Cashier 7th Ward Bank, Now York." • "I believe it Will be of great service, not only to. the now beginner, butp,the.mbst experienced 'met/1211MM. • • • • • .F. W. EDMONDS, . ' - Cashier echanien Bank, Wall meet." • • consider it ttie i have ever met with•from which a thoroughpracticiiikn9w/ edge orthe science can be obtained.. .• • . JOHN CAMPBELL, . • kierekant,s3 John at., New Park." For itale at the Book Stores, and at the Author's Acad emy, corner of the Diamond and Market street.; °mat fig Steel and File BlanufaatOry's risHE sabscdfterii have enlarged their eteel and. File rinufrictoi7, on the corner of O'Hara street and Spring' alley; Fifth. Ward; Pittsburgh, by erecting a civil . verting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.— . Their Steel, dovrbeing of a superior quality, and having e , i i t a irife a d e to competent evary cie operatives, sejo prepared cim pare to t Ail the best imported article; and being determined to make it the interest °Call who use Files in any way, to pur chase frorp the.y will sell their Files aureduced prices, for Crash., They , will also re-cut Files,. Bud pa chase. thoia which are tveru null broken. Pultucpatron age. is respecriallyinvited; itovT) J. ANKHUII CO, • 4,PPLES.-400 bbls. fine eating and cooking 'Apples, • seed per steamer "Conan! "and for dale by ec syr • • • • 1615(3 1 4 IijOORMEAD. • • 1%! ~,•..•• • , eAt in v."! rc:;•• • ; rt . ", • .••••• MEE MBE OM ..:ir INMS =1 _._ -.-......... .--. ~..,R aillEtfartal&--Tailkillir-dillikTATl-015--LPSE, _ ..... ~_ _. -... ~... ..... . n r m :! .-. . :•__-• _PITTSBURGH TO' ERIE !-- - ! ‘TO EE - BHIPPING,The Boats this Lir i ii VI have been put in • fine order, and aro now tenni zeFularly.between •Plitsburgh and -Erie ; toneb3ng• at a intermediate Ports along the Canals. • .A.Botit will alwayi • be at the wharf, under the lilonongatiela Bridge; and on , will -start. regularly every other day.. • .The People , , Trenaporttuion Lino has every. facility -for carrYin! :Freight and Passengers. . The nbala 'Malin, lowed to Beaver by steamers, and will;piOceed to Erie with great :dispatch, by the canals. The. boats are‘cornmandeil by !experienced and careful men=-all of whom have en in , , lerest in theirine. ' , -,,'. '•0: i . •••- r• -' • • • • • Mr' Goods sent by the Line to Erie may be foreiarded :to anYlkoint on the Lakes. , •, - , •,-- ' , -.- - . i .. For freight or passage apply to • ,__••'• 1 ., - •••• •-• " ." "• -. I - • 1 ' • •, • • -.1• R. KIIIRPATRICIt i • .-• : • • - Agent, - Wateir,strobt, Pittsburgh: t Carat* Co,Beaver. - '• • • .••• .: I ' I It • • .. . IV. Ceurnicaussir,Nevr Castle: ••• - -.•- • ! , Taatrriturd. .11Irrcnevrads, Pulaski. • , • ; •• • lumm-r Warms:e' Cd., Middlesex:.: . • •':-. :••• ! . • -liin.roa Her.4.Sherron.. •• *- - • ,•• •. , ; Josarn McCtraa, Sharpsborkh.•• •,• '; :•• •• • . t • ... S. B-A G. Lower, Clarksville . • •-' • • 1 I • Kurt & McFsatarra, Big Bend. ~ ••-; •••• t• ' I S. C.•PLesisn,lVest Greenville. ••• ••.• •" • ! •.J. & T. Kn.r.trarea,,Adamarille. •• • . ' ••• ; , r; W.ll. Hmtar,2lartinown ,- '. -• .•-'. I :-• ••.: -• W. IVanswourn & Co., Sherman's Corners. •• - i ;..: :,. WX , Poiriat,COrtneaUtrillo. • • '- • • I ... ••••-•,--.--.-, Spring Corner. • - ~• I - • .••••••v.r. c. w.i.-...,iubia... „ _., . • . . _ ..... • - • • ---- --.., cmaeiv.iii.E. Fua • . W---ti : : .;' - 77;": - : 1 •._.- A. Kant, and il- Tostr,nrsou le Co., Erie.:: , • The following Agents in Erie will reeetre and ibe ward- Freight- to; any-Port on the! Lakes, ablpped by ,this Line: , W /41. Grafailker,. . • . John Hearn, O. ‘Wiiaversftiek,&Ciii , Jaslah Kellogg. Kelicie/k:LoOnde, __,_.•,• :. •.- Walker le Co ok, . iek . • CAMb • 1848. F., the Tratvriashis'r'Freigketo andfrren PITTSCURGH, P ILADELPHIA, HALTHWORE,NEW YORR, ROSTO, am BORRII)OR N CASH, Philadelphia. TAA.FFE et &CONNOR, Pitneurgh. THIS old established Line being now in fall operation, the proprietors prodde extensive and m to forward Gooilt and ce with despatch, on the most favorable terms. They confidently hope, their welt known Promptness in delivering goods—peculiar safety in mode of carrying—cepacious warehouses in each port, alfonling acconunodations to shippers and owners of eroduce,—together with their long egparienee and unre mitting augntion to business, trill secure to them a con tinuance of that liberal pattonage theyberehy gratefully acknowledge.. All consignments by and for . this line' received, charges paid, and forwirded in any required directions free of charge for commission, advancing or 'tutelage. No interest. directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All conunaniettions promptly attended to on applied eon to the following agents: • DORBTEIGE & CASH, • 275, Market arroet , i TAAPPE & O'CONNOR, • .• Clo CON nal NORS & Pittsb Co., &., • . North street., Dallirnore. al WILLIAM B. WILSON, ' • lig, Cedar street, New York. Jlierolaaau. Trioasporgtinto u Line. ' CANALS 'AND RAILROADS FOR PHILADEL PHIA AND nAllrutow— GooDscon.i g ued to wreath will be forwarded with out delay, and att e lowest current rates. AIE A..APANELTY & CO., • :Canal Penn street, Pittsburgh. SEILLES Rin e Nocas t 27l and 3t , Market Street, Philadelphia. RASE, MERRILL & CO., Smith's wharf:Baltimore. - eltatesta. fty IPrelight " Mum. RIMS 1848 . MIXCLIPSIVP.LY (or the transportation of Way freight „Et between Pittsburgh, Johnstown, Rai. daysburgh, Water street. aud Petersburoh. This lane waslortned for the special accommodation of the way business. The proprietors, thank ful for the very liberal patronage they hove received 'dining the last two yeatu,„gespectfully inform their old customers and the public generally, that they are now Vetter prepared to deliver goods at any point on the Canals or Railroads erith Prottiptuem, and de.p.sZch. raorsuaTo. JAS.. A. LoRE. GE ** ORCIP TTUNDLE, • JOILN 101.11F.R t Co. AarcrsZ- C. A. &Co., PM isburgh; - • Jon% Miura. Hollidaysburg; • • Picaorosra Woousilabapteiwn. Rtricassma....Smith Sinclair; J. &J. 31 , Derin; OAI H. ShoenbcTer; Rat,i.inn .Co.i R. 31nora ; Beiraher & Paiietn . John Parker; WltlLLebsaert Co; G. P. litroen DO is ger, Patbrbargh. • . • • JeZl oreb outs , Transportation Mita, Ata=l • Mt= L'OR the - Transtrortatlmt of Afrrebandtse and Product J. to Pbiladelphia and Italtorionn. Goods eonstened oat care wilt be forvrarded VlPialtros delay. stihc Lootit rams. Bills of Lading transmitted. and all imaructions promptly attended to, free from any • extra charge for stor age or commission C. A. ATANULTY & Co., Proprietors, marl Can ttl 13asin, Liberry t, Pittsburgh. , ' • • ificretts.only. eopy.l . eateraillfezeireglit College of 11 INC 74.0.1"; truer. Benet°, N. V. ' DR. G. C VAUGIIN'S VEGETABLE LIITINONTIRIP TIC , MIXTURE. 'FIBS celibtated remedy i* roaster :y &eremites its I fame by the making allover the world. It has now become tha only lewd/rine for family nee, and Is partite. tarty recommende d for Dropsy : all mimeo of this cam/ plaint iminedlately relieved. no matter of brisr tong stand. ing. (See pamphlet foriestimony.) • . Gravel, and all diseases of the urinary organs; for these distressing complaints it stands alone: no other ar ticle can relieve you; and the cures testified to trill eon. since The most skepuealr--(seis pamphlet.) 'Liver Com. plaint, Bilious Diseases, Fever and Ague. To the Great Wept e specially, and wherever thedllcamplaints prevail. this medicine is offered. No mine re tagent, nodeleie rine" compound lea pan of this mixture; it cries thew dismal, es with certainty and celerity, and does not leave thee'''. tent torpid. '(ike paambles.) Pile., 'template' Of& most painful character, is =modiste ty re tiered, and a enre fol. lows bra few days use of this article. • It Is tar beyond any other preparation tot this disease, or for any other disease originating from impure blood. (See pamphlet.; Debility-of the System, Weak Back, Wee/mess of the Knineye, &e., or IntiaMetieti of the same, is immediately relieved by a few day. use of ibis medicine, and a rare is always the remit of its use. It etands as a certain ream dy for such comp laints, and also for derangements of the female frame. Irregularities, Suppressions, painful men. stroatlons. No &rue& has ever been offered, except *hi" which world touch this kind of s6grangements. Itmay be relied upon se a sure and effective remedy; and, did we feel permitted to do so, 'could give a thousand names as proof of cure* in this distreseulg clan of complainte. get pamphlet: All broken down,' debilitated comititu• dons, from the effect of mercury, will 6nd the bracing power of this article to act immediately, and the poison. ous mineral eradicated from the system. Eruptive Diseases will find the alterative properties of this article rue try 0115 bum, and drive such disea.sesfrom ibe system. See pamphlet for testimony of cures In all diseasee, which the limits of an advertisement will no, permit to be named hero: Agents give them away ; .they contain W 2 pages of certificates of high character; and stronger array of proof of the virtues ore medicine, nevi er appeared. It is one of the peculiar features of this at , tiele, Main never fails to benefit in any east, and If bone and muscle are left to build upon, let the emaciated and lingering invalid 11UPC ON, and keep taking the medicine • as onge is all Improve in kat.. Tbe proprietorwoulii caution the public against a number of articles which come out under the heads of Stasseesuum, Sewn, e, as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, &c. They arc good for noth. ing, and concocted to gull the unwary; iroven tams nor ;Their inventors never thought of curing such diseasestill this article had done it; A particular study o f Ms pantpe• ,leis earneraysolieiged. Agents. and ell who sell the er. ticle, are glad to circulate gratuitously. Put up In 30 oz. bottles, at $2; 12 oz. do. small dach--the larger holding or. more than the two bottles. Look out and nof get imposed upon. Every bottle hass" Vaughn's Vegeta ble Lithontriptic 'Mixture," blown upon the glass, the written sjgalture of'i..G. C. Vaughn" on, the directions, and ",0, 0. Vaughn, Buffalo," stamped onthecork. None • • other.are genuine., • . ' Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Pried - pal (Mee, 207 Main street, Buffalo, wholesale and retail. No attention given to lettere unless post•paid—,order from reeuktrty authorized Acenu excepted. Post-paid let ters, or verbal commanic anon" soliciting advice, prompt. ly attended to gratis., Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this...article -1T.2 Nassau st., N. V.; 2)5 Essex at., Salem, Mass.; and by the lirinelpal Druggists throughout the United States' and Canada, AS Agents. . • . RAYS & BROCEIVAY Agents ft • No. , 'Liberty st., near Canal Basin. • 'Wholesale and 1161.1111. ... 1 SADDLE,HARNESS AND TRUNK :HAM/FACTORY. l f - 3 OIfERT 0: HARTLEY, begif leave no In .Cl, form his friends and the politic generally, shat he continues to occupy that large and com modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Sam an it. !stock & Co., No. SO, corner of Diamond alley an Wood street, where he keeps a large and general assortment of Saddles, llttilles, Harness; Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags. Valises, MINI° Robes, Whips, and all other arti cles in his line: ' • . • ; He also keeps constantly on hand, and is prepared to tarnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, manufactured of the bestrnaterial, and in a style of workmanship equal to the eastern manufactured article, and at Ettl per cent. cheaper. Country Aferolants and Farmers would do well to call and examine his stork before nurchasing elsewhere, as lie, is determined to sell first rate • articles at very low rices. • , . ~, rate: a rticles Don't forget the place, No. 80, corner of IVood treat and Diamond Alley. • . an% .1-1.1„ i, - ,i,.-. uo. ; 4 nac Brandy, "Jae /fehnessy;" • 4 0 li ht. pines Cogase Brandy, '35. `` Otard, Dupuy . '& c 0 .,. 3 u • T.• Pinet,Castillon C 0&,,." 12 octaves Rochelle "" ' "4..Selletteite." 4 pipes Holland Gin: ' ' 5 qr. casks sup. Pale Sher!yWine„'‘DaffGortion & Co." s u 10 " us . a a • •"- "Beiglieder;" 10 " " - " ' "" L. P. Tenerife ' " t. CarPenter; " 40 " • 30 " " " Lis Op b on " various gradpi; 10 hhds., 20 half do., and 20 bbls.tHaut Sauterne {Vine; 10 ." Bordeaux Claret," Tfootfetind;" . ' • f 15 ": Marseilles ":Bsrgass ;" • ~ . : ' 15 15 baskets Chatnpune Wine,.'t Heidseiok;" , .. "; -:,... " •. ' " ":P:A. /11 1 / 1 11131 4 C 0 .4 - • 10 -1 4 . .i' ••: '; .. • " aslueron & Sons 50 cases Cliret, of various grades *ported in bottles;. 10 . a Soideaux Clive .Ch I, crop • SlB,:"Lurands Pi . 5 u . - u u II • .1, 1 . ~ 1 1 Latou . rNI . .., e -2g 7! lipliteme• 4 ' .. . 4 ' 4_, 2( bat:resolved and kir gal fir . ;- - 001;21) . :, .*IITIER,'.ik RICRETI3ON. :•:,.::-..;;Akii „-r.m itwasiiiiiiiiirolia . t.iiiii:. • - - ga" . .nr ... .. 1 : 1 1 1 ..• L..... 4 •Cart. Denim, Bateau. Co.; '-'..".!. 1 1 14•___awtx.rk •.• • li: - Liverpool, England, ..j.--• . ..; ommope rvomivinformtheir•friends B.nd the • "" 4 7.Priblic that they haVe corgaienced the gene ' . i •67 , 117Pinr and Commas,* Bumnext,, to; re , i.4` 'gullies with the ' Genera; romenkei-,.Baliness. '.....'- 'gr a ntingcertilleitids Of passage from London, Liv erpool:Dublin, Belfhst, or any port of the •01d•CoOlatry• to Nci? York, Boston and Philadelphia, an the mostreasonable terms. . • . •• • •::; , Dralis and Bills of Exchange; from LI to , any amount .. owthe'Royal.Bank of Ireland and its branches, and on ..r , The days id sailing of the Regular Line of Liverpool : Packets as fired upon, are the - I/n;(lth, 11th , lath, 21st ondfifilliof every month. • .• , These Ships are all of the largest class, and arc com manded •by men of character and experiemee. The Cabin accommodations are all that can be desired in ant otsplendor and convenience. They are furnished 1 with cverydescriptlon of stores of the best kind. Pane , ' •taality in the days of Soiling will he strictly' adhered to: "if Packet Ships Rosales; Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick, Ore vessels of the largest class.; and those desirous to bring out their friendlyeannot select finer or safer Ships. Passage cap , be secured at tho lowest rates. • - . New Orleans Line of Packets sell weekl y. piss; For aga . or freight, apply as above . or to • . JOSEPH sNowbli_ ,N or ~...., ... . • ..- • • EDMUND SNOWDEN, ileilari:•toinei4th and Satithaeld sts., Pittsburg- • • • Mairsiden de Costa s I New eassamita A.RILANGEIIIENTS. I I 117 - Hereafter . , all Steerage . Passengers Coming from Europe, ensaged in America to come over, in either of . the ships of laana & Co.; will be furnished with the . following Provjaiorui, or their equivalent,in other articles equally good.--.9teArt qt Convex!, May 17, 1849. . 13 PLAN w ill prevent sickness mu boards. Hereto . 'fore, when Passengersfound themselves in Provis ions, many of them came on sward entirely desUtute, :which often caused much sickness and death. 35 lbs. Bread, . 10 All of good quell ". Rice, ty, and one-tenth -10 " Oatmeal, of the Provisions 10 " Flour, furnished will be 10 " Beans and Pea, delivered to each 33 " Potatoes, Passenger every 1 pint of Vinegar, week, with a suf-. 00 gallons of Wailer, • ficient supply of 10 s: Salted Pork, free from bone. ) Fuel for cooking. -- Each Ship in this Line will be properly ventilared,and a good house over the passage -way leading to the Pas seagers' apartment. The Camboose and Cooking-range', for the use of Passengers, are kept under cover. Every attention will be paid to promote their health and comfort.- Agent at Pittsburgh, JOSHUA ROBINSON, Flyat, near Wood. ~mise ~ITTANCESind Passage to and from Great Britain and Ireland, by W. & J. T. Tartscon, 7.1 South at., corner . /4 1 15 .100 of Maiden Lane, N. V., and 96 Water- . Rood, Liverpool. The subscribers, beving accepted the Agency Of'the above House, are now prepared to make arrangements on the most liberal terms with those desirous of paying, the passage of their friends from the Old Country; and they tlatie r, themselves their character and long standing in business wilt give ample assurance that all their ar rangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscon sure long and favorably known for the superior class, accommodation, _and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN OF THE. WEST, SHERIDAN, GARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ROSCIUS, LIVERPOOL, and SIDDONS. two of which leave each port monthly—from New York the Mat and Mb, and from Liverpool the 6th and 11th - in additibu to which they have antangentents with the St. (leered and Iltuoli Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure %departure front Liverpool every five days, being th us determined that their facildiesshall keep pace with their increasing patronage: while Mr. W. Top/eon's eonstantpersons) superintendence of the business in Liverpool is an adult Lionel steamy that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be panieularly attended to. The subscribers being, as amid. extensively ensaged in the Transportation Business between. Pittsburgh and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge of and forward passengers inunerbately on tam landing, , without' a chance of , diseppointment or delay; and are, therefore, prepared to contract for passage/mu any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this city. the nature of the laminae they are engaged in string them 'COI: tarrying passengers so far Inland nototherwise at I tamable; and will. tf neeesstury, (onward passengers fisr ther West by the best mode at conveyance, without any additional charges far their trouble. %Them persons sent for decline corning out, the amount paid for passage will be refunded in full. =:M REMITTANCES. The 'abet ribers am also prepared to etre drafts at eight tin 4,, =mum, pal able at the principal cities and towns to ErigLand, Ireland Scotland sod Wit'Arai thus af fording a safe and expeditious mode of renaming Amato to those ecivatnes, whiek.persori• requiring such facili ties oral And it to their interest to *sail themselyes of. Applatation Of lay teller. patioaraluO wilt ponaptly at tended to. • TAAFEIR A O'CONNOR, Forwanithg Couttattosion taapl7.lkw-ly Pailade his. _ limbs. ilrotiiirs. 11, Ca if i f& i kPrreox or , Vomit Eats QrA Deouni &WWI, RoAll,i4llolNinu JAMES ULAILEIN, AVE% Office on Penn at, Cum/ auk,. rtutbutib. AMPtvieersgt3 for nocric., BROS.! CO.. solo Arent. for the tu.Acit 1.16 MAU. LINE, of Liverpool *ad New rork .10. tit, the liberty of announetne lo Siete old (bead.r*Csk aael eutioate es, that their arrangeraeuu tor the year being eixopletr,they are prepared to bnna out paererapers. by toe above apleadif Ulm, from Livoypool to Sow tat' and Praladelphyt. They refer to thole former tower of dub); bownew, awl 'Mbar, 114uut who entrant thew Mete orders, that the name satisfaction will be rendered as 11C11114.1010. MINUTIA NfICS TO ENGIANDOrigioAMt rawria.vii) wALEs.. traits tot taxe r W ort &wand, alSour. Gaels :a Ireland. ' • The undersigned has liras to bliAg out passengers to kit/sharp, ilatrag the present seat. ter-masdase• JANIE'S Sul:my Waisisgia.o _ Act GREAT GRITAIN & IGE,LAND. AMR Otemalt itlriAku Jc So; tie- Ili Waterloo Road; Li vropool. CAttLISLIC Iltrrattn, No. Os Some et, V. H}', Subscribers, baring ate-toted tho Agency} at ibis city of the abort well knowa and ttiAecemble Houses, ate prepared to nuthe engsgeinents for etZscittrerti to comet t from any pare of (Meat Britain or lreluoil, ley the to gidar Line of t aeket Ships sailing from Liverpool weck iy. Person* engaging with ' us may rest assured that their, Wends wilt met -- with'kind treatment and prompt ate patch at Litttpool. as welt as every attention necessary on their arrival in this country. Apply to or address sAmun. .SPCLVIIKAN 8 ( 0 0 142 Liberty at., Pt:whin:b. r N. ft —Passages engaged here from Literpoot to Pour burgh direct, and drone for.any amount fort:rank* pay able at eight, throughout the United -110. 1- 4 Y 111A,KIIIOXIS .It. CO.'S .141-. c. " I 1 . 411111M01:11 AXD LEILITICYCS ilia I • °e. lar MINDEN.* co. mun Me ition to bring oat perm:ins from ..L, .any part of England, Ireland, Stettin/War Wilk.. upon the most liberal terms, with their usual punctuality, and attention to lb* windup( etnigtillite..lVa do not al. tow our passengers to be robbed by the swindling 'tangs that ingest the mewports,ns we take charge DI them the moment they moon themselves, and sec to their reel)-be ing, and despatch thorn without any detention by the firm ships, We say this fearlessly, as we defy any of our passengers to show .that they were detained forty-eight hours by us In Liverpool, whilet 'thousands of inherit were detained months until Ahoy could. be sent in some edit at a ahallf. rale; which, too frequently proved their Cotofmllae. We intend to pedal= our contracts honorably, neir tehatit may, and not act as wag the ease last season With other others, who tither performed not at ail, or when it suited their COneCidellee. . 'Dia/la drawn. at Pittsburgh for any sum from X 1 to ..f1,00( payable at any of tho Provincial Banks in Ire. land, Englimd, Scotland and . Wales. JOSIIUA ROBINSON, European awl - General Agent, 1an.29 Pink street, one door below Wood at. 'NN IiBMITTANCE. 1 1 .BEStihscribers are prepared to forward money to rill pans of England, Ireland, Stotioud and Wales, with despatch, and at the lowest rates. sAItIBBL ArCLIIRKEN &. CO., .fehl9 142 Liberty Area 11HE Partnership heretofore existing beitwani•lOßN B. MAHON and REALM WASHINGTON,:htis been ...lies*, red brmutual consent. The subscriber Smithfield found at his cdEci, nu Fourth ktreet,betiireen Smithfield tied Grant , Pittsburgh, at when not engaged in Court. deels4m • HEADH WASHINGTON. • ' Eagle kikaloon and Restaurant, No. BS t 01, mural. Med street The enhseriberwould respictildly inform i hie- fiends and' the public generally, that beOl ,w 4ashAti bovoell known establish. Mein fitted ;up in a very superior style, and is now pre pared with every requisite, to serv e op all the delica cies the season affords. - • - OYSTERS., stewed,fried, roasted, or In - the shell; to gether with hot coffee, Ica, chocolate, beef steaks, tnuo tort chop's, venison and game, at short notice, and at all xestionabie boors,' in a style that cannot•bis surpassed in Pittsburgh. - XX AL E of the bert - brands. , ,lmported &gars in eve ry variety. - • He would also beg leave to state, that he prepared furnish .D.UVIVER PARTIES of any number, in- a stt- V rior mannST; SUPPERS for Halls, Societies or private Wr" PRIVATE itacmc - alwnyc reudittecs. Newspapers wilt be kept on file from all quartet's. decls - • ' JOHN T. DONNLLEY 0 THE ENTERPRISINO.—A rare chance is now T presented for the , safe investment ima business en tirely new; one adopted to - the man of limited, as well is to the man "of extensive resources; 'yielding-a profit from capital and enterprise beyond any operation of the day. It is the complete monopoly of , a staple article, ob i°lately necessary ned essential to evert/ family, as well as inthspensable to 'the mechaulerartican and proles. , sional man. - To capitalists, an opportunity offers itself for a lucrative' employment of either large oramall sums. bringing Immediate and highly satisfactory rettirlic;-: Those &siren.: of embarking in a pleasant, genteel husk noes, are invited; with others, to call at the office of the" undersigned, 'ex/Milne the article, and form their- own ;admen; from'the facts presented. • 101Ece— y elvange Buildings, St. Clair street, nexudoor q Esquire deedaf ----- lIQ COACH IHAXERB,-,The undersigned.haeon hand and will eel!, to dose: the to;, and greatly reduced; rotes, alt Wool Itrals/Clotbeall wool and union Deimask. fitioltrams, Am.' R. O. THOIHPSON,,r , 110140 km et.ftbroe doors from Liberty , • e ^ LL * } 1- } Z=MM Menses.Psi...sangtos, D153€0, If xis & Rsoca.way:-.After laboring ie. for several weeks under, the disadvantage:set a - hamssing await and most distressing cold, which had, thus,far, resisted the ef feats of several of the oinfullildese MIN induced a n d a bottle of your Onental trough fifilifirth andSive ' it a fair trial. To my great surprise, aver using only one half of the bottle found myself entirelY wlfiL ' best medicine /grer ante." True copy, • EINDS..I Sold by fIAYS. /V, BROCKWAY, Dt!ggislih Conimer; civil Row, Liberty' street, near Canal. . Jana 1111/o•;;WVWDE lketiTirlfißODlft — clitTrWiTti - iTd: 11 int', PourthstiHOUQll & ANTnoNT, Daguerreo typists (rem the Eastern cities, would call the attention'of the inhabitants of .Pittsburgh, and tho neighboring-towns, to thetrraguerrentype of ethrons and others, at, Ome in the thit story of linike's building, 4th•-st, _ persons wiehlog ptchires taken may rest assured that: no pains shall be spared to Mudge* them ia the highest perfection ofthe art. Our instruments are of the most pow erful kind, enabling us to execute *Mel InisurPaalted for high finish and truthiblness to nabitre.:.7hipablic are solicited to call and exentine. Persons kitting for ptc tures aremeither:reguiiredOr ex pected to rake them unless perfcdt satliftiction _ N. U. Operators will find this a good depot for stock, and chemicals, :. • • • • • • • Itrlnstructions given in the art, containing the more. recent Improvements. • - Jan 7 ' Dieter Agency. OYSTERS CHEAPER THAN THE ottEApEsT.— v Received this d4YI which S Baltimore, by Ex nreas,,Fine Fruth Oystere, will sell low, tartly store, tu the Dian:Mild; also at Win. Kramer's, corner of Second and Smithfield streettrand; enrner of Mk and Market alley. • ' t will•receive theta daily. at the above. places: ..11/1 Oysters warranted ; Money - returned, if not good.- .• ' New Millinery, Silky Viiivetar,Siric. Jon' received . from New. Yorls,aano,teu seise tion of elezenisieh Satin.," Bilks; ;Maw Ribbons, Fronelt Plower., • Plumes; handsome torment of Winter llonitet., liocids;'Cripes Cardinal.; Vbfetts, itc., on hand and made toarderiti tho ' leekt at the Shortest • MRS. DUFF & , ... ea ' *No.IO §t'. Clair St.'(WeiiShiti.) • FASHION4BLE MILLLNERY—Airs. Biwa • I - 1 Fourth street, near Wood; would inform the Ladies _ of Pittsburgh and cieinity, Mit she nin *pen on Tuesday, the 2itli Anti au eittonsiye 'assortment of Pal and Winter Millinery, .- , c. eat2o COLVER tr.• MYERS. •'CI Fi Ati9E4OLl t riAt . V 031* $ 7 igii Cipq I i nif t s i 1•...4 uw sYnircira.i;- g eniail.S llVVil t it l 3 l4 , l :3 ,ll 4 l li 4 a& f a e Ai l :Rrist t r i a lc ii preients, which he ie eeliingat.FeiliiieuVp,riges. . Alg ol han'dstime Meat Silks; Snthi, dimarhhe hoyr:st.T/c Aided.. cambric Hdkls, &c: '"'''f•' ' : '" ~ . , 403 • 1 • - 4 . • 3nlnt ratite Itompaints- • • T. HE Insurance CoillrialyorlSToit!iiiiiieriis, of Phil!AT• delphin,throughat s do •uthi Am"' ' _•,•• • • r ut,do )i.-authotizid Agent, the auk silitic—r. offers toirilariiiteillianetftluid 'limited Insurance on proPerty in thiscity and Its siejnity t and on shipments by the cnnal and rivets ; - - • • . • • • DIRECTOS: • `•!••••Arthui O. Coffin, PreAt — :-Sam ß ue I Brooks,''' • • • Charles Taylor, •• Samuel 19, Jottes, • StunitelV: Smith, Edward Smith, • Ambrose White,. John A. BTOWITi Jacob . Thordai, John White, John R. D . . Thomas P. Cope, , • .. Richard D. Wcod, • Wm. Welsh, • • Henry IL Sherrardi'SeeT- This is the oldost insurance Company in the United States, having been chartered in 1794. Its charter is per petual, and from its high standing, loog experience, am ple means, and avoiding, all risks of an extra hazardous character, it maybe considered as offering ample securi ty to the public. . WILLIABI P. -JONES. At Counting Room of Atwood, Zones & CO., Water and Pront sta. Pittsbargh • • •' - ' • mayfly The Pe llalain Ininitimee Vompany CHARTER PEEPETUAL.—S4OO,OOO paid' in office 1631 Chestnut at; north side, near Fifth. Take Insu rance, either permanent or limited, against lose or dam age by fire, on property and effects of every description, in town or country on the moot reasonable terms. Ap- Plicallon ) made enhor personally •or try letters, will be promptly attended to. • •• •C. N. BANChTft, Prest. ' C. G. Banctsit, Sgeretary. '' • DIRECT MS t • Charles N. Baneker, . Jacob R. Smith . 'Thomas Hart, " George W. Richards, ' Thomas J. Wharton, : Mordecai D. Lewis, •• • Tobias IVagner, Adolphi E. Boric, Sentinel Giant; • • .David S: Brown. • •.• •. • P ITTSBURGH•AGENCY. •! ,• • N. a.—Office of the Agency on the North-East corner of Third and Wood streets. Pdtsborgh.• • Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents .'n Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding coontry. Ns marine of eland navigation risk's taken. -aagt-ly A GIENCY OF TUE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE: COMPANY OF PHILADRLP, A.—N. R. corner of . Third and. Woad strats,•Pittsburek,—The %assets of the. Company on the Grist of January, 1446, as published in conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, Rands and hfortgages• - ..ssoo,ots Real Estamoit . ; 400,907 Temporary Linos, Stocks and•Catih•-•. . RJ7,498,71t Making a total of $0041,68:1 AR Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met, and giving entire security to all who ob. tail policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with seventy. o cift WARRICK. MARTIN, A at. U. ° A 14 • 01111 1r(7. I. A. mum' oALLAanten, Lomm.a. !KILLER, No, 109 Frew at. . Drrirresi Wood 'Ta u Imidifteki e dßubra e d M A wi l l t i i re A Ui tP o ßr! lum i p l i. ° Co l tnibr i r iinri e lkli n n. eral Wafer acti o n Pmps, fittin e ga of all kiwis for Gas, Water, Steam, &.c., Braga Castings for Machinery 'and anti-attri ton metal for same. Particular attention paid to Gas fixtures. and a well assorted 'stock of Plain nod Woo meow Pendants. Burners, Chandeliers, esc.,tr.c.,.Con• vainly on hand... ' • Oct) ALES ARMSTRONG, ■►]lcKt caozgi- ARMSTRONG & CROZER, Communion Meragnt, No. 21 Miirbet street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will attend promptly to the Salo of every description of ,Weatern Produce, awl other articles entrusted to their cam: . Raw ro—Hanna, Hassey & Coy Pinaborgh; Hanna. Graham k. Co., New Lisbon, 04 Merchants general] , Wellsville, 0.; Rhodes & Ogleby, Bridgeport, 0; A. O. Richardson k DTD. Cincinnati ; .1 F. Howard, Louisville, KY.; Guile & Dorwort., St.lsoois; H. Boyles, Steuben ville. . decP:y LAW AlnilUOL. rpflJ Subscriber will reeeive at bis (Ace. y °aux Gen t tletnen destruts to read 100, lie Witt superintend std direct tbeir studies, sod by constant supervision, and Erin weekly examination, prepare them for admissioa to the Bar. READR• WASHINGTON. . • The Subscribers hare been inhabit *litany profession . : nl intercourse with Reado Washing ton. nig., for many years, and feel great pleasure in attesting the accuracy of Niteroi Information, and hie ettiliienfeapecity for the undertaking eel forth in his advertisement. They earnestly recommend to young Gentlemen who with to acquire a competent knowledge of the legal pro• fession, to avail themselree of the rldrholegue which hie proposed haw School will afford them. Charles Shafer, 0. Metcalf, A, Rorke,. Thos. Williams, Wilson IrCandless, C. Darragh, Robert ►%bode, flanl*p C;O. 1.01,11111 Wm. O.IIVIOtII ' - .1. D. 3lohon, A. W. Loomis. deelSZtnt -- - OV - e - ail iliailiaatioiri - t tev,, -.. -- ----- renntrtr.wei sap stria *roma. antrairotton. Pr. 1 i la the eiroat pa:polar of all IhNils and SHOHEs, tablithropent, in tha We at 71,4 glare how gained w its regal- slim 17 . 14propeietor keeping dm very i i heat Boone and : hue s. whieh are Inside expressly i to °Mar for this market, said ho to not .ladled only. by i kearring4lia heti asserted stork of BOOTS sad silo/KS 1 , In the 'Warrant country, hal he is enabled and detai nai nt.4 .to earl tda. troo.os . lo wer • Man Any, paler lnza t se , tnneritty ran. - he irdes not. what Iraiiliutv they trills; Of 1 r htt V inic Car offering great iti , ineerneute to the ;whirr.. - .. it Wis itnporribla to o" rth *lithe ad raotagar stud foci/Wes lln un ail verti*rintut, Mat Mt Groat thug twin Corner bar aver °Oates, lalliwk enaLlts its kraptietet 14 411 BOOM and Shoes of ilia wary first nnalt des and "miaow horn 10 1 i to "OZ. per tent raiser then any other inland tho• any. The way to teat the 3211aZej it fill nil alto purthar. rln ruxrrs and 81100 A, to poll at DATES' OMNI' ; BARGAIN CORNER, examiner* stock andidieva. gild 1i all atilt to aatirgad that Oa firfitirti.Tai4 row., Sersiste. ~04taa41 Fiji* *Witt, it the plate rat thepottlre. arra and all. to get grd throta and SUTIO Cheap. far titg4t: - 1 deco '. - J. HAWS, _. ) - Gnu i Wiiiiiaririairtii, -- ---- - 1 HA 11N1r..91 4 .• TRITNK AND -WHIP. MANt.PACTORV. 1 crwitil itnitranter wake* this method or Jamming hi* I I friandr itei whir - waddle it: gearral, Oott ha 'Lea the I la reel latatk of rho folletworg named atlielea. or Ina own ; amour orture. 14 atis arty—rlawidies. Han:teas. Tiatilt• anti j Wisior : at; or which he wilt warrant to be made of the bawl mate hal, Anti by Ito, beat atreltaniet - in Allegheny i roan!}} - ' , . Dahl_ determined to *all his tuanuraahates l keurthing low ar,thalias heart heretofore yard tin arty, l ha would ratite per*Olki, itt need of the aletwo nor:all iu. 1 *tate,* to ids Warehouse, It O. tl4l liberty watt two. Ann Sweenill. Able, batkl a wide to *Wet Mernat)nneer acrdt ChlilieriGirarliiiiiliniriiitlarliiiiiiiis. i i i Will Vr i gti .t m .r icl ot l alu N gt; ' l i:ry °ll T2l„ ( ,r za , inc./T*oot/ ; with the haw nalienVea ci t. ea/PIT stale, fait revelled and mow oyan„ Poi , Mir At at Mc Chiekeriagli Parton gri tta y by Osa ._ J 1.1.1. H, No el Wood creel, Plll4nupt. le A HN Al gent ravelloicket int'', ai and and *attar. Pianos. tor I'Vertentl'annt.' oat? • _._ I ol!Ns - rx:nsi a STOCKTON litres lcust receivedthe ktlioisiss arta *gags History of Congress, thagraphical,a-04 Patitical, cora tithing a history or . totaled uctiftavernittitslititiers, Ilar bats, tte .) from the fah:nation of the, Oareriament ro the present Mita; embracing, ato.C. historical notieas or To ruins 'MU* Ot Ocean Atonal Navigatitin; the Tea and Cott se tax; , apathy.' pith WOMIEtie., Per /tonal histories, &c., hp Nears U. Wratiebtr, !Moira-test by steel portraits. and foe simile ainagraphs. Moors' of. Charles I, or, England , Jarob Abbott, ssil.b engravings- , Vie !butanes - of Yachting; Voyage tp , Jos. C. Hart . A hew Mary Darion : a tale aritTaneheller Tbn Moral, Social said Professional duties of Attorneys tiolic hart ; itatrinci Worremtaqi or the n"er TernP 4, , ilsroxierat Gass., dec.: Irritie'Cleiiilriiiii-a-i-iind figural*, filassii - y. .ilt ol7l .Drespectitli V y l i i nfort i tt A ht p .fltentfil siltdtti e pub , . V V he tiess.the ma e n ne l r fe a e y r i th go e Cr a ac kedrde d o o e M ey hvaribyl— l Havingpurehasedone orAv. rt N"l6'*Cta°lei and Pilot 'tread machines. he Is prepared to fill all orders for crackers or pilot bread at the shortest notice and hope* by n artic I attention to lintlintlilDallarn Aian of the r public patronage. ' Tbe public is r espectf ully invited to evil not examine for tbentirelex X ' • 11 AKERY, , No. 10 Commereial Rose,. Liberty at, oppo• elm ensithfield. N Di SupelMor family Bread, ryst and dyspepsia Bread, large and small rolls, fresh every rooming can be had at Ilio atone, or my Wagon, or at my stand in the Market. Cokes and confectionary ' on hand and made to order. J. 811 1 1 . IPHAilID; -- ..........._ 111*.10 Commerelat Row, litheijr st.e ""It is the beet Cough Otedlohla rover 71 M) the following 4 rh th e g P ir e tt l e ° f t i atiC2l,: !son who hat tried it; ' • - LIVER -COM 'JAUNDICE. :DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS 'DEBILITY, DISEASE: pF,-,IIIE KI NEVS,jASTIIMA, and 'all uffectiond'arising froml 'derangement or disease in the Bilitiry; P,goz- I ::tive, ; V aseelarr.Respiratoiyi , and. - NerVons - • Systems, such as constipathm,iinwhrd -- - • • 'Piles; tiertztburniioss of apitetiteicbitte - "ed tongue acidity 'of e atom: I .ach, swaintaing of the head, . • - fullness or weight in the` .: stomach, dimness of.' , vision palpita- , Choking or auffbething sonstiting,.. depression orspiritt4 .sudden flushes. of; heat , pant , in the.; side or back, ; • weakness of the limbs, cold leet, constant; im ! • !. aginings of evil, fever and."dull pain in the and.rttifficulty 'of. breathing . •-• . • when lying, upon - the side, frightful . I dreamssoureructationc;yellow - • -; nese. of the akin' and eyed, • • deficiency - of per.mim- z effectually by- DOCTOR HOOPLAND'S - - 1 " -- . • - CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Their powerover the abolie tiiiseases Is not ctraelled-: if ; equalled—by - any other : preparation in ,the Uniteil States, as the cans in this any attest, in Many - eases of ter skilful;physicitas had failed. • Derangement theliver and stomach are soureeiiof insanity—from disorder or obstruction a morbid - action . or the sympathetic and other nerves folicrws,tind the folic , dons of the brain use impaired and . deranged . ;: - tiervet -are the connecting medium- between mind and Matter; ii follows front the reciprocal action that both must be ;More or less implicated; and - deranged simultaneously derangement there willalso produce diseaseof the SKIN - , •LUNGS, UTERI'S and KIDNEYS, as - well - as the brain: The thousands' who die • - with' YELLOW • FEVER, CHOLERA or INFLUENZA; . is owing, to the same zallsoiand the, majority. of .eaces , of that Mast painful disease, CO NSUMPTlONotigiffate s from the same. In fact the/Jim-melt-is theimportant argan in the system of matter, es spon•it you. dcpend.for the suedess and all the advantages to i.e derived from the. administration of terna 1 medicines. functions are of the neatest lin penance to everyone ia Constituting the scarce and fotuf min orlife,which is nutrition. No organ,possesses such rii ' rdark able s ympaths, - none - istieli rem arkable, pOWer in modifying every part of the system. r. " The rare successin treating disease, of the liver 'Una stole deb successfullylias not been a want Mpatholegie al knowledge ot their . -functions, :but : the prepartuinnaf compound that would act upon.the disease. aal all, the sympathetic afflictions.' That lioint litis been' gained in these••Bitters,.anil they.are ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, 'and Will in every ease pernufnentlY-destroy costiveness, and give strength end vigor to the Crane, at tietime de bilitating the patient, and ther•are.gmteful - 10 DIO ntost delicate stomach under-am circumstances. • ALL:, CAN RECURED - WHO WILL USE THEM AS DIRECTED, , tenth* vita - roWait OF AtEDICiT/L) • The few months this preparation has been before' the public, ba,s,firom its infallible efficaey, elicited the eulogy of the press through' the land; their objectbeing far the • benefit of suffering humanity; its success hasi.turpassed all precedents, and it is free from. all alcoholic,stimulani. syrup . mercury, Moat, di - aline; acids:, and 'an Mimic:mi. tugnsdien tistandespeciallyad opted to the diseases of the - variahle:elanateof the - United States; and the ,IVestilrt dta Islands: -- • -WEEK 'AND PELICATE,CIULDREN; are made strong by using feet. it is a faniilymcdi eine, and can be administered with safety tort child one year 014,11 a delicate famale, or a map of ninety. I The. Philadelphia Democrat says,l•-eriThill has an, extraordinary virtue and plificithy,.:and is fa great We ran speak from eXperienCei-lhattl hat produeedmany wonderful cures." : The Daily Sun-days We belieie if . is one of-the best medicuies of the age—a friend haviug used it in his own family with - great satisfaction in the Jaundice and Liver Complaint." • ' Tbe Spirit - of the Times and Keystone says .J...aiDd oar good tits:elle:who are invalids, know the'Many MOOD, -fades cures that have been performed' by Dr. Hooilandls celebrated vermeil Bitters? If they'd° not, me;reectin mend them to the German Medicine: Store, - .278 • Race street; all who are afflicted with Liver complaint, Pan - .dice, Dyspepsia- or. Nervous Debility; the Doctor bas cured-many of our citizens, alter the best 'physicians . had failed. • Wc have used - them, and they; have proved tabs a medieine that everyone should' know of, and we Cannot refrain giving oar testimony in, their favor,- an d diet tshieb gives them greater claim upon our humble of, fort. they are entirelyvegetable. ; - The Evening Hulletinsays:—The Celebrated German. • Bitters are an arab:able remedy for Jaundice, Pyspep xis. and nervous complaints." Nears Gazette saga:—qt .is not often we notice the various errclient medicines advertised in our columns. because weare fawning, to speak except - from personal experience, and a good entonation" forninatcly makes, as generally strangers to stich'anielea: A - word, holy eve ,r of Dr. flood and's German Bitters.; This wa ,vow to Or au exceltentarttele fhlfilling in every respect what Is cleaned for it by the ad vertiter. The Daily Nears Rays:. • • - "A • ilistmetsx.—We speak knowingly of Dr. Hoof land's eelebrated German Bitters when we say it is; a blessing of this age, and in diseases of the biliury, digea tire and nervous a7Plenan,itbn* not, we think, an LIZOI!. —itin it vxorriatt ntia•AnaTion esa RIAD* Wall - OCT collat., and to an Invalids .we - would ;recommend it as ; worthy their confidence. - . What stronger testimony Can a medicinehave? At the Depli ean be seen the evidences .of many of our most respectable entzems•of Cures in all the foregoing, dis- Principal Depot, • Denman Medicine Store, 773 RACE. Alive; and for sale in I:asteaster.b. Jobn F. Logan; Bar , risburg, by D. W. Gross; and replicetatilo dealenigen.• evilly tbronzlinut the count . Q..ILEHAT DABAIifI.:L Cl - 311( 4..7 ate in danger, the work of the destroyer has been death. begun, the Cough of Consumption limb in At . a sound of Asa son A . 711171-1 1EAr,IrOdj darling child. your idol and earthly joy. to now perhaps eonfined toper chamber LT a itangeronieold*tior pate cheeks. her thin shrunken fingers. tell the hold disease has already gained upon her . so ssdlie tad of her sepulchral cough pierces your tout. Torso :eds.'s, when jAllabzut to enter life, disease sheds a. heart crushing blight river the fair prospects- of the fa lure—your beetle coagh and feeble limbs . tell of your lose of bope, but } ou need not despair. There is a balm which will healthe wounded tangs, it is. ' • Sherman 's AIII-Realling ealssam: Mrs. Amite,. the .wife of IVat. IL Attree, Esq.-was girenvp by Dr. Sewall of Washingtoit..•Dr.s. Rots and Metlelltut of Philiulelphist. Dr. Roe and Dr. MotrofNew York. Her friends all thought she must die. She . had every appearanee of being in consumption.; and was so psononneed by bit r physicians—Sherinalf. Balsam was peen and it cured her. Mrs. Oassaart,of Roll's Perry. was also mired coniumption by this Balsam when an other-remedi es failed to give relief—she was reduced to a skeleton: Dr. A. C. Castle. 'Dentist. 'IA Broadway, has witneswil its etjerts in wieral eases 'where no other mederinealford ed • reliet.sbut the Balsam operated liken cilum, Or. C. also witnesred its wonderful effects in raring Asthma. Which it iieter fails of-doing. cared. Blood, alarming as it may lir, fir effectually cared by this..ralsant. It beau the ruptured or wounded blood vesiels, and makes the toftgit sound again, Rey. Iftsur Jossa 11:6 Eighth avenue, was tared 'or , rough and catarrhal alfectionof 50. years standing. The first dote gave him morn relief than all the other Medi. eine be bad ever taken, D. L. I. Beals, 19 Delaney street, pave to it sister4odaw who was laboring under Consumption, tied to another sorely afflicted with' the Asthma. lit both cases its effects were immediate, soon' reMen :L storing them to comfortable health. . , eterrts, Wama, 93, suffered .413,711 Asthma 4: years. Sherman's Balsam relieved . her at once, and she is ernitporatively well, being. enabled to • subd: every attack by is timely_ use of due mediciae. This&cd to the great remedy f or Coughs, Colds, Spit ting th e CoMplaints„. and all the au ' c'tions of the - throat, au even Asthma and Consumption. Priee 93 cents and St. per bottle, . ' . .. Principal Mice tort Nassau street. Newtork, ' . ' I.ikevetie Dr: Shernutn's celebrated Cough, Worth and Camphor I.ozerges. Premium Tooth Paste and Poor Man's Plaster. ... Sold wholesale aml retail by W.hi. JACKSON, at ;his Boot and Shoe Store elm Patent Medicine Warehause. 59 Liberty street Pittsburgh. head of ll'ood street, - and by the following duly appoieted Agents for Allegheny county: A. M. Marshall, Allegheny city; Jonathan Wiriest, Manchester:J. R. H. Jacques, Binttingham;.A.-8; Getty, Wylie street; J East ania, CO,: 'Webster st.- and Min; Daniel Negley,, lsibertr, H. L. Mitchell, wak i ns . burgh; Tbos. A iken, Sharprburgli; Semi Springer ' - Cita.' ton; James hl'Kee, Stewartslown; John a BinTurtle' Creek; 0: F. Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland &Sam it'Keete.• pott; MeEldowney, Bakerstown; Riley APLatighlin; PlaMb Tirwrothip;lVM. J. Smith, Temperanceyjlle; Jim Felten, Tarentung 0_ ‘ .ll Start Sewlehl • .: •' niarttay gtenrisSitl4loZ—lfiTlV. sans, of tiiiiii - e7. ville, N..T:., says: "I run well persuaded, and. have few some tinte, - that your Domestic Vegetable Pills are of great use to all 1,111030 who may btive OCCAiiO/110 ate ma rind have administered teem to my patierdaJ'• -Fever el and -Ague, nysnensta alit, ElDiotta Pever; are ire mediaty tiered by the lite of . Dr. Ralph's Pills. Price, 45 cents a bog. Sold wholestiteMni retail hY" . , S. L. cirrtißEtt+, . - . Smithfield street, near Third. Also, by.Wm, Cide, :Allegheny city ; J. G. Smith; Bir - Mlngham; and John hPeracken. Binh Ward. . • febl7 . T'Llt. S. li, S. COOK. Piqua, Ohio; Writes, Afere .1,./ "I have used )''our Carmulaties, Be/torn, and Roreterant, in my practice for the lasi three yenta, and hare been e.xceedingly wen pleased with them, and never as yet, to my recollection, failed of realizing my expectation in their curative properties;-:Tour ether rtiedmines I cannot speak of front experience; hut, Judging from those : I have nsed; doubt not bat that they claim .aud. are entitled to all the confidence reposed in them,' by those who have used them .- I was formerly very partial to e.morr Vermifuge, until becaineacgutun tedvith yours, which haemy. decided preferene to any other now in use. • , ' • Ressectfully, yours, Atc.,, • S. 8. 'COOK, hi, s." For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 711 I;Fourth at. - ; ftibls- 1 JCT.ARNE:STOCK'S . COUOR EtYRUPT.-7ThitTifeT-' partition has proved itself to be of very greet effica cy in the cure ofebstatate Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Spit,' tom of Blood, Whooping:Cough, andlother Pneumonic Affections; and the proprietors feel wartanted.hfrecom— mending it'-as n . safe. and .useful medicine, atidare pre- arid to show certificates Of indisputable authority, in It's Pleasant le the taste, and is offered .also low a price Its to place it, within the roach ofevery person. There are,,perhapa r but few. Cough p reparation*, that will-pro-- duce each decided effects in such a short time. ;Pre pared and Sold by B. "A. : tkiiNEkocii7E cb:,, • dorner or FirSt and Woodl' also,' corner of Sixth and. Wood streets:-., DR. RAI/PIPS CHLEORATICO„VEORTABLX PILLS are for sale, wholesale and retaif t 'at.the • • REAL ESTATE • No. 50 Smithfield , st.. ;430,by, Wm. Colo, Allegheny, city: 1. 0.. -Smith; minghan4J.ohn McCracken, Penn street, Mb teb al, OR,SALF.-- r A brick d!.*elliog house andltit,lnapltin .P . X-tint'loentioni'sinitned 'tin. Knoll stseet i . Allegheny.. The house re welfiriangel, having, a OS cclleiTivr,kitOlv, en and (lining rocifnOlnit tind tivobarlomtitreqtmctivonli andEhrished gorier.' Lot ia 20 feet; bi? 'no!bac,', f street. Prjee, $1,200.; Teirrif, spoo to ticvW,tktiltineg in_ filarrtititall•qaxlkphpnerkin:-,-. ~ , i- „, 1 . ' - , , S. Ipt77ll:Bpp.l';'Oirieral Ageirt„,; A ',aciES .:. - . ;; MIZE - I-1 4 IMIN Drugs. andillieticinti.. _ • ivuNEsE-immuittoti-•4- iiudeAb Sia'4lb; Leninis t and ressonitian ;Orrice I Cream, when puce Sr a o ggsratilksupereedeall other art `ties of th e land' slaw in ,ase. 'lless hak Ade harsh, thin; unhealthY;',llOr lthrniskfteng feWaPreet hone will make thahtur itherlindddrle,uirgiritis ttifgh-livoly-appearandej ands*lll also thulairmhintal its liveliness and healthygator, ;whits noising as thin - prePiirtitions that are generally nsed.; 'Mere the,hairi thin, or has fallen''olf,, it 'May be restored liyaeing Cream:- Every lady and gentleman wrlo is in tbe Wilt cif , ;swing theinhais should at on tseptrehasssibotthi cif the Chinesp Hair cream:ask at stop:imposed hist ibwill not injure the hair , lika the tether. preparations, but will beautify it, and • o;6' Perfect imitsfaction in !Arn o , stance,- - •tk For testimony to its yory snporior qualities, ace this fai Jawing letter from .the Rev. hir...Caldwell blesrrd ilenderslnitt ',E'Stretch, ta nl firrth Scmthern States: • ' " Church; Firtatht • s 1 ; 1 :i .i tl nsite.limstactorr tc Branch: Glirrurairsl44 tak .p.easureiruidding my testimonyin favor ofthe'excellent preparenon called Jr,. Parish's Chinaleirait.Cmato;'fior, about two :Years ago my hair was very stry; bristly i 'and dis Posed to come atth-but having Placated ajuittropfshe, :Crpam,ami used it nacortlingto the p rescrilair ttl now soft; and. firm to the head.. litany bltsnlns and .were, applied, each leaving my hairan a;worset state Asa:before. This Cream; however, has .met - my AAss ansirxicla for the toilet, my wife. gives it prefcrenc avrif alLothers, • being. delicately perfumed and notths: - posed to. rancidity.. Thu ladies; especially, Will find , the Chinese Creconth beadeatderatuns in their Otepamtions for the toilet.: • - '• Respectfully; dreg - Fulaiki,Tanuary 7,4847, • . :• • . :•_111 1 39301d wholesale and 'retail, in FitisbiMyhi bit 'Jan .111. Townsend, 45 Market st:, 'and. Joel.ltiohler'cortWor Wood and Fifthsta iels2docw-ly . . • ADJF2 lIIC cautioned against' using toMiniiii'Preria ..l4 red - Chalk': They are tiot'aware how frightfifflyinla nous i t la to the akin ! hoiv coarse; haw rough, yellow and unhealthy the skin appears alter using' pre pared Chink I ' De Vides itislnjlitotio; eiiatgiriingallergy quantity of lead! Wwbavo!preppredaxbehatifultege table artiele,Which we call Tones' , SPhiusli' Lilly White.. • -It is perfectly innocent; being puti fiedof • deleteriouit • - qualniesinnd it imparts tolliy skin natu ral ,; healthy, alabaiter, clear, itvaly white ;: at the ;same 'me( acting as a cosmetic bn the skin ' making it soft and an:tooth. • Dr. James Anderson; Practical Chemist Massacha- Arens, saYa : "After analysing/ones' Spanish Lilly White, I find it possessei the mostlieuntifalmid 'natural, and'at .the same time iunocein,White cyst rmitainlY Van conscientiously recommend Its ace total whose skin requiresbeautifying." 'Price2s cents a box. Directitins" --the best way to,apply Lilly White ; is ivitblioft leather or Wool—the fanner 16 preferable. • ' " ' A nits err or Terra role 2.5_ cm - vs.— White teeth, • , foul breath, healthy gnats. and Mittealtliyteeth, after being once or twice cleaned , ,wier Jones': ber Tooth Paste, have the appearance of dm. most be autiful' ivorsoind,at the same bum it is Ito perfectly, innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily, 'tufts highly advantageous, even to those teeth - that are in good condi tion, 'plying them a beautifulpolisti,• andpreventing ' premature decay. Those-already: decayed it, prevenus - from heeoliting worse-rtealsofastens such-aa is becoming loose, and by . perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath deliciously sweet • Prioe 25 or 37i cents a box. All the above are sold mill at 82 Chid:nun at , sign of the AMericatiEagle,liew.York, and by the appointed Agents whose-names appear in' the WILL y ou 7111IIRT, and get a rich husband, lady'? "Your face lei r fortune." -lief beautiful, clear, fair? Is it• white I If not, itelin be made so even though it be yet- . 1 0.4's diafigured, sunburnt,: tanned and. freckled. Thous* ands have been made thus who have-washed once:or ' twice with Jones' Italian. Chemical Soap. The effect is _glorious and magnificent. Bat be cue you get the pun-, 'me Jones' Soap, at the sign _ of the American Lag,ll„B2 Chatham street. Ring-worm, Salt-rheum, Seurvey,Erysipel.a4,•Roxlier's Itch, arc. often cured by. Jones! Italian Chemmal &nip, When every 'kind of remedy . has - failed. That if cures pimples; freckles , and clears the akin, all know. Sold at the American •Eagle,'Bs . Chatham street: Mind, reader, this 'seldom or never Ails. ' • ' ' • Patterson: Sold et /actititiltfOtibiity tit,,tiend ? Or I VOodi SIS of ri NE DOLLAR TWELVE D -- CEN'S. Tkj.llfarriage.--Corttftdentialnylady between twen 'ty and thirty, possessing a syMtitetneal finnt, good fea tures, Zec masked coafideittudly,Can she suppose any •mart coul d admire her while she ha!, such : _yellow Meldc ; such tiallow„yough,, coarse skint. 91 14 'Baca 'LlirtYr bad,' wiry htqt. when, by spending the, tibovet sum; She might have delicate white teeth; a par° sweet 'breathf.and a beautiful head of hair. She can have beautiful white teeth and sweet breath by using a Ss. blit of Jena' Ans. ber.2both Poste; a skin white t pure and arpotless as snow , , by using a cake of the genuine fence Dalian Chemical , ≈ and a beautiful head of hair by using 11.33. bottle of Jona' Coral Bair Renoratise. Do not form ail opinioa . against, this before you trry, or you will regret it, - . hut he sure to ask for Jones' articles. Sold only to New York at EnClurtham ^34' For salohy • • , JACKSON, Agent,- • • 69 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. - - CANCER, SCROFULA AND GOITRE.--Ample perienee has proved that no combination of medieine bate ever been so e ffi cacious in removing the above dis eases, as DE. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE.. It has elrocted mares truly astonvilting,,pot only of Cancer and other dis eases of thalplass, but has removed the Most stubborn diseases of the Skin Swellings, Dyspepsia, etc- This medicine enters intothe circulation, and emdientes dis• eases %wherever located. • it purifies the.blood and other Iluido of the body. removes obstruction in. the pores of the skin, and reduces enlargement of the glondsorbones. It imereatectbe appetite; removcabeadache and drowsi• ness, aid invigorates the:whole- system, anditeparts ani uutuois to the diseased and debilitated,constenuon. There tit nothing superior to it in thmwhole. materm mei:hem - A t as perfectly safe and extremely pleasant,aoe boa nothing of the disgusting naoserraccompanying ides , otewittf lowing medicine- , . • ' DelPrror sale its•Pitteriligit nt Ake TE.A STORE, z 9 fourth, sk, near'Wood. " ' mar3o I TO i -s o*lic; CitiiinA n Art= i 4r,li,kt A. IT SOFT,'SILKY, CLEAN. ANT/ FlFE.—Persons in consequence of the many. thins sold, set down every article, the it ever so good 3 -sts a shonibug. If peoPle coulirbe made to try a . s. !mtge. ogruiti:o Porpljilair Rs storativa, And sed bow it makes dry, rusty, rid; light hair moist, soft:auburn and dark, and keeps it so; and by its . ate for soiamite, caws it to grow naturally beautiful; ' if people could Feu thenumber of poor chimes ra a t hirmong they ear n a x,y f e r dressn m andb fin ut t fyi h gh a A nti for keeping it soft and Minder three 'Mines= long las any other article made; Ind .. •• • Forces hut grow, smash.; falling,. .i-i , .' i ; -, 7 - . ' •n .. .Ahl COStit btlt 3 Shillings to try. ;• • - , ....' : I ' We formerly sold nothing lco lbws SI .bottles,- but are Wish people miry it . : Sold only al.e2 [mind 62).Challtra. "Meet, New york, and by •,_ _ -• t • • ... .1 • mean \\'lll.\\'lll. JACILRON,.Agt, 69 Liberty's*. ... _.. . t/Rt; Ths'IIMONY for Dr: Watatmaramily-Medi• 111 eittes.=—Theundersigned, citizens of Pi ttsb druh.hav- Mg personally used Dr. Willanrs Oriental Coug h: • tom and expenenced hi beneficial elrects%db Ifleskehter- Tally recommend it as safe and ellectual, in eases. Speaking from experience % we believe that it has no su periori and would recommend,as use to all the. afflicted. , .S.I.F.S LEWIS. • s: W31,,J/4NRIiS.• Pittsburgh, March lath. 1619. r. I' TSold by .1 Sehoonnialer & Co., John Hays,-Janes ' J. )1. Cassel, John P. Scott, F. L: Snowden. J. Mohler, Outten & Snowden. ' • • bpi; 113MilflifM Ml's! pg. kJ LAS, Barber's ltch„,chaps,'Sort Rceetts, Piegkt This is used Ivy many physicians i this city n cunng the • above, and 'we would not consciencimutly sell unless we • knew a to be all we state. • As a cosmetic, the true : 3o9lMM SOAP is perhaps only article •ever known that - retnoVed 'impurities,' and elearrd and :beautified- the slait,'lntiking-it 'soft, • clear, smooth and white as an inftutts. Ritt mind, it is sold•at•K , Chatham st, arid by • •'• • ' •• • - - MI. JACKSON, Agent, • • 69 Liberty street.-Pittsburuh. mar2.s ' ' no:oll:CtOridgiti.Tiesinctre than.quy. other N.) direaie Au our country. The young, the old, the beautiful and gay; are all alike subject to its invidious ravages, and wavy a hectic 'check huibeen supposed to bloom with Alm glow .of health:. But every mum origi natesitt a eold'ind patigh- • —PerhaPe deemed unworthy of attention at firit•—and only met with remedies when too lath: 4 ' Tilatehilie first hymplowithleafoits care, and make immediate Us e of the Cough Hallam itif.B. A. Fahaeounk lA, Ow, which will ectelaiultsbeckitifutther progress, kind restore the inffataed - octaitt'lci-.11. beautiful Poe sale by'la.M F'AIINEZTOCK 2 & Co.; comer and Wood stai aliO, corner o t h had Wirieut: • • ' OR, SALF,L,AIt thni.-Caluabla .prciper improvements thFe .nabscriber resides, a:Tether wi th the thereon,.sinsated OR Sixth street, near Smithfield,•front. lug on Sixth la. 10) ft, and in depth ott Cherry alley. 240 feet, -This property-ie admirably situated for a Hotel or a public fall, and contains a half, square of-groand i•or It ' ol 6h4bo divided iatO 42 betildiug lota, 6 loin of 20 feet eneh on Sixth emet, by lA* feel dew and blots with a front bf 0z feet ene4t , on . ,Chezty alley by 120 feet .deep. jf IVIII. PORTER. nag+WNW% 2roVOcittuarro4e " "ECEIVLD..AT A,hIINER'S, rqrac!,, ohird dooratioveGoecidd'alreet—: GotklY'a Baok, antlititallk . ,thige, with isix at tractive chgrannge; the literaitdepartatentof the high. eel order for this No:, commoneing a nevi volume. Sa rtain' , •lltagnaine,.. beautifully embellished; and comprising SO pages of reading matter, all,eiriginal.. Graham's hlnghltue, illiistwited with four lieauh.fulen 7. ravings; in site, a full doable number. . • Poems of Jahn Quinc y Adams, with Notic es of hia" Life and Character.. A A Critical Defence of tlie,Gmni Street' Rap at Church, agniaistthe charge, or correption,iwtlid adritinieaticiu of her discipline; published by order of we dd ing ; • Rode and Gertrude, or the ftlysterioue .gf trans toted from the'Prencti2)f, Rodolphe Tardier. Au JaapartlarAccouitt of the Life of ; the'Rei.‘;,othi N. 111a4t—a narrative of his first markt& ; also,l44pecond, with many particulars never before published ~ Geo See rg ond e volumrd. e Paul Ardenheiruk tta:W . , , eeTtplolttf by Lippa •• Mary Barton, a Tale' iot, twailtutie'Afer,...Life;.r4tat t id ; published by the Harpers: °' , • Julian - De Clifford, or Wi5 1 40 2.. 4 . yp - i• R . XtdiAtßap of Smiles and Tears; illustrated. ' • Angelina Luxmore, or the Life Or . the. author of the Jilt,Breach of Pristathelk.c., &c. The Hfinchbatk, br the Bell Riuger of Notfe . by Victor Hugo. .2" . 1 'IIE • sabscriber informs the public. genealli; eituk 1 Housekeepers and Retail Gil:jeer - 1r particular Tithe, he is•discontintung the Queellosirre butane - Bs, and %ail!. sell off his present stock at reduced, prices.- Those'Wito wish to'obtain Quernsteart; or Gkfr,;tvili find this a rare opportunity-for gettlitteh tilttieleivatithey numb cheaper than th o uStut teal:" Remember the place,CHlplk'p:ligrvroto street, TlCOUthlr Atction store: -." '• ,o.•• •-•- •:- P. kwill dispose of my whole' clock tiny person' wishing to buy itJan3af, at bargain: • • ' " ••,; '• • • • WM: GRITS': • ' '''' ' ---- ST. j!--'"B-4-1,"ic,. - • • •CollftfElt - OP. TENN AND .i.mpt ':STirtE4;ra'. tiIIES!!'OYSTERS,!'GAIMiIt :add: P.v417.4c4c4CY °r" 1' rho- tteasoli:the,lnitirket‘airprcia, .atvedjup.44 le. .shorioit'Aptic tl l ' and 'La 'thi; VC, ir . best stybr:, l'be,liOUSt I fitted tuid'arrofigna in the best bider, Under ~.1 agemen of . pseptin . , . 7011,N;;1d,,,0ANK1F44,..1 , I A , ;:q - :1 ., 1....'1i , .:•,. • ,:,:j ~..~ ~ . ~. 1) Drugs an illtbitinta. THE Salit../KAT -. 1111:51111GDY - erlifii-stmp var. ' IV..B,lpft),N.'ol7 o ,ritrSenied trent a - Well tn:Rentuc - deis k y Its )33 t I:6lhtd filo isitifitee Of..ihd darthl Weertaln and infallible cure for. Sprains, Strains, Cats, Ilsoises, ,Bcaldsi •Busue,..Tettet 2F4YIIO•IOAs ecaid'Heet'Cletil IVti oopingregh,.Jetianatnatovy Sore .Threet. 9 _ o re an : 1 1niiiiiiied k. et4Platial hie' tilleent.PistoriSetetjand c :, ,t ,• I SI4AI4I4IATGILERRRRIAZSIs: :1.2'..,. whiC4; yields to its effects n a snrprising manner. 1 ..•1t has iiever'yet• failed When 'road' deeorditrg id distil ,tiamt. - Read, the:following; - •• • - - t •• • : • - "•• ~ • t II -- • • • Blanco/Mix; AileglieMy co.,__Pa.', i . : . i I.:. •••• '••: •"'•••-•' ILs.a.:is',./ Novembir 18,184 EL I•S • • This is to cortily;tiltit my wife, Margaret•Ohriestoras cured of a RheumatieCompleint pfsiciven•years Standing. by which she was solastie as to be obliged to me crutch. el!. In one week abdavistittiied bytiking the Ameri c an,.9l, itadiepyldt -- about a&gpmeaffintith -srsuathea. ' • •• • ro.sATRANGLIM ST. 7 F Theffolltrwing is coniumnicated by jtir. ^ .Wsrt:Natth, Mr. illtelmon'sneat forStohbonVille, a z , , i, :.,•-...i• -.....,,,;$ ..; A . gentleman near Ellosehenvilleg who hart Fo far''''' ~les pm either,of his festlokhe.groundrottweite, , slain ' • • consequence of Tatetiel by thh. dee' of one 'I 6"euts enabled to wallento mites tna tutrishipltledtfilii: 7 lt , is Likewise a sovereign remedYlor. f••... ~ -.,t .. • t - , .. ~;•:- P ; • 1 NT44..M0D.; 0 3FLTDE 3 11ISCLE'd. AND TEN. . - 1 , I . 'The foll divingis'eoininahinatidly Skr..Wiii: Niiii; V. . I . lackson's agent foellieubedville i 7 •'. ' ' ' ' '.' -: ' '- ' . 1 :',)-Al lasi r re siding•in"Steubenville, - the - linger -dr *bola - t• thand was e neoutfactedls to depnve Inn of , thd luta. alit ' for thirty-five years , was entirely cured by the USC Of I One 1 : bottle or thp (Moo that she now tins. the, perfect, use at 1' - -heir hand fully etanff la the *Sidi - winch had nev'et been - ; affected. lilt Instals° bee ri- fotuid to be a tafeirldineillei hie agent in the speedy and certain intiaof ..• i 1 • '•••7•2 i. i - sn al mutes not orgeniialltineu te:. ,t t ~.,.. ..., .; i ; :1 • 'Alai - residing ufAllegaeny e i ty wins effeelliaiVeted. •• •t . of obsunate deafnesM'of years' tohtbitutnee, 'hy. t ) e ate; •••• ri -, or lesattllint one Ventre of the •Oil, so' thatlille• aud- tote' ..... .r. imird better than she had ever done befsita... 55.•••2:•1;,.. L f..... • • • A gentleman well known in PittsburghArati~ot : • . 2 . - . deafness of :ant years' standingepY 111 6MS/red a innall - .. ' • 7 - q"di2liVor the 'OIL The 'names and' res/denent of tIM• ;Ind andgeritlemait"Will be'giVento - thOsit who Sesritils s i; • . 'at a office of the aildirtiber: 7 li. .1. ;,. : . .; ••:::::...• - ~. its ptopertiT are , highly deptioptd in Certain and ,s• I mapneing Vs eat core of all cases of . . • -.....- r i _ •i• ••I ;- CH LIC, CRAMP, AND - SPASMS.' ;•"` '• ~ !, , •;:dileverul eases of Cramp - lA.ISe have , been effdetnally t; eared by one dose ifflbel Oily in • the short spates Ofbal t .an hour , when the parties have , been .agonized with.pain. 't • tut eurativaproperiics have been remarkably,ustutifestfd 4 in the radical cure or '"' ' ' ' l_''' '''• ! ' . •.• • •"' ' !.. DISEASES OF . THE S PI NE.I ':• ". '.. • effectua ); A lady, the wife of a planter in Lien tuekyv yr/wet:ma i l • lly, of one of the worst cases of diseased. Spine, i, which _had .64infined her to her bed fer-a cansidumble -'• ' time, in which she could - not turn heiself. ',lt ii•also a .1. sure remedy and perfect cure for painsin the smith of the .• • •t: INFLAMBIATION OF TIDE • KIDNEYS.. -• . • 1 . - 'Read - the following: • . Premise:son; iki. 1.8, RAO: . t'''' • . . . . t - ' Thiels Us/Certify that 7 was afflicted with great Pain in L 4. r. die-am - all of my back and kidniysl, which arrested Maio •). much that I could not stand upright.. Hy• rubbing. extet 1., r nally, and using half a teaspoonful internally, rughl and morning,l was entirely cared: ; JOHN .RWDLE, - -•-''• ' ' - ' - near Warred, t Pa. r . , ' -• Afgehtleixtarrof•Pittsburgh,•aillicted With u violent In. .L 4, Summation of the kidneys—to pun ,of which; eittsed ' I."A . hil:a total:it—Wm completelyeated,ia threo days, by the t use the American Oil. --;- • ...; -:,. • ~ ; r . 'Tho.4tialitits of-this' ' ' -•-• ~.... . . ; • ••-•• • • - NATURE'S 'OWN RLIIII/j1" '— ' ' ,•• '•; is extremely penetrating ' And anti.intlammatory, cootie- ;"; quently is confidently recommended us a sovereign rem- i 2. ody *hemmer Inibunraatiou'exisite, either external Oct n- F ) ternaL-: Used immediately, after a cat, bruise orwiladd, 2.: • it will care and prevent _. '--. , , . 2 -• ,: , ' • .... .1 . • GANGRENE AND MORTIFICATION.. - ;;i 'Nl:akin addition, been fo und a snintary, pleasing and effective remedy for those very itnpleaSant. and ineenve. i . ; uient diseases, •t.•• •• GRAVE L AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. - _ Q. ; . .11:77 Frice,.so, ciente per bottle. :t •• • -; Cautlan--Be on Your Guard. The surprising excellence awl grawillepopulariti tt •- the Amencan.Oil, has induced some dishonest persons •.: .paletinpou the public, miserable, jmittitimus, of this truly - vale/Mile niedieme t for the_purpe_.4o nl.ibufpiag: the tin' I 1 117 Z rlfe d r I I:: fsleindusg o tlte Proprietor., -.• . • ... - ) : , 2 sureobtaining the glainine,pluen , ,. the Cdlltiwing Irmo. minas: '• .- • :•; -•em ••1 •,• i ;a. SeeLhat the nae p ri n t ed..Jcs, SJl.iberry st 1 .1. ' head of Wood 5t.,.. ison the label of this wraPPI .i•-- 'of each bottle, to imitate Whichlsfelony. ' , • , i,. ' 2d. That euelibottle is inclosed tan painphietccintain t 1 . ' . lug fall directions for use- and also eontainingthe Mime ', and address crf ;Wrp.,lttlicson, Gencfal .. , Agent for the proprietors; likewise, the name and address of, the, pro .." ' pnetors,'D: Hail '& e4a.„'Kentacky. ' • . : t ...) 3d. Farektile oxer of -.the ativenised Agens,' all' of ;'• whom have a show bill, on' which is printed the t names of • the Proprietors elnlipeneral Agents—thus :D. Hail di Co., ' • Psoprietori, Retitticky.• Wm. Jackson; Pittsliergh,;Pa., General Agent for Westetti Pennsylvania, and part of , Ohio and Western Virginia; and the Peden'. ;tame..—i PAllillin flerShryock, Pittsburgh--printed • nt.the: bottom Of said show bill. 4th. Observe—the genuine. American. Oil is ore 'dark* 0 green color. without any striliinenr, and itit'speelfic gravi. 14 ty lighter than water. • •Ilie. counterfeits are mostly.of a LI„ blank color;--some white,' like IFilitil of Turpentine, 14. said to be refined and clari fi ed ;- enure i Seneca 011.: .1 -Oth- 2. era a ini x toreiof Other Common Oils; Undoes Al/luck filthy looking, mixture. purporting to come from Csi•••Putsbnrgh f... and Allegtnsny Dispensary . Cs LA ;None of these• enan- ,). ' terfeim possess etther the v . irttie or the power . of the true '2 AMERICAN OIL. ' • " ...,....., i 117 Sold wholesale' and • Mitair by Will. JAC KSO N, fi. General and Sole Agent for the- Proprietor in Western ....y. Pennsylvania, ill'estem Virginia, and. Northern Ohio; it; and by the follovrihg duly ipoointed Agents in Allegheny E c. .. • . .. • ccqukti A TlL: • •:i !,--- • •:. —•.., , ~ • .•• .0 , • . -, ' Dr. /Wolin, •.. ,Allegii'eny .eity. • , ; . •':"• -. .1 . J. R. Johnson; ' . ' ' • • . •• -.7 . : Jonathan Ghnest, -- Mancheiter. • . - • Alexander'Asdale; Wylle street.. J. R. H-Jacques, Birmingham. .'! • Wtn. 7 .:Smith,.Tempensaceyills: ) , • : G. H. Stan', Stwieklny.' .• .',Edward ThompmnilVilkihslizargb::i Daniel Henley, East Liberty-. , , •-t • 'IL Z. Mitchell, WiThinsbargb, ) • ! Thomas Alkin, Sharpsbnigh. ' ' • r iil.•Rowlind .t . Sori. Al'ffsesport. ''' . : C. P..Diebl, nizabeth, ,'. • •• - - • - Jobo2.l3laek; TurtlA Creek... 7 ; ... _ lt lEldownyakartstown, Samuel Spritiget, %libitu' • • • . . James APRee,.Stessnuoltovim. ..• • ' . .• •"Riley.lillauglilin,Pium township,. • . • J. Patton, Tarentudi. • Jeremiah Pleating, Lawrepieville, , .. • . i Hebert WSOMaseArthurivillsi.: .`? . I.' .1 aN g ls 'd.k7Ntin • 1 • - - rtittm . ph e countlB39,•sedal y .. aper descreedly at the head of the . daily ',reap in /bigots iV: .§arninpaninii.—lt were but courtesy to ealljhe_attentionoLourreaders tOthieinvaltlabbaprep 'oration which will be found advertised, in onotheroolunto. 1 ii 1W Bristol' a broiher, - and iaities a highl y infereating ' 3 newspaper every now and then, one br two !bombers of . . ' which we,iflave alreadytpoliced; and the medicine * i cult ims been: en egged hy nearly' nit the press Of the,western - coulltrYi a nd , We , doubt not, y astir eulogised.' ft hattin its # favor, moreovert ver y flattering temmunn s ole from. the . most eminent practitionera in every part of. the , country I M where it (has been. used. There i s beauty apd,,%taste :. enough in e bottlea, nod tri the engraved labels in which they We enVeloped, to induce a :purehtute, 'even if the p hereparaworl d tion itvelf were not. one of the' “aoverelgueat In as every penion most believe it is—that is, -; every one Jana b e it ia--Mat is, -every one who would not rebiat omassoldoeantentary evidence conelu- sive enonchro convert a Turk • In gitrzatiOnktr.• i liuj , One of tht bottle& gentld reader, end ide Whether yell do not f - 4 agree:with. us omtilispoint.-• ' • -.- . • • • '• ' i For sale by. ....; -. ; „B.A. F.AIINESTOCK &Co.. - • • re . b 2 ,1 • • COr• Of ISi told AVood undBth anii Wood its.( - , ~' jaIiEVIDC) IiZIM.r.- AP .11. respectable gentleman called at ens olSco,-aa, he , said; to inform attain ho had been afflicted for IS years with Rheumatism or 'Getup nail • oeCuslouidlyrWilis; Tie .DPloreux;•that he had been frequently - etnifined-to'Mis room for mouths together, and often antlered thil Mart in tense and excruciating pain, but Mat lately he hati:been. using'J'ayr e:S Altercitire. front which he found.the most dg nal and unexpected relief. - He says 'he' found the medi tine very•pleasani and•efieetive,• and 'that' he' now-con siders himself perfcctiy cured..-Philaddphio North Amer- A FACT WOVneK*MiklfliA.- 6eaoemin of Scrofulous habit, from indi stretioninfils'younges days, beeante of wfits ; Ulceration, in lite Throat and• Nose; and n disagreeable eruption of the Skin.!,' Indeed; his.. whole system bore the marks o f bePig• santratcd,widt.disease. One hand' and Wrist %vete .f 0 much affeeted, ihtl be, had lost did tree'of the hand, - every part . being covered With deeP, tpainftd; and offensive•stleers,• and west as hollow and porous as au honey-Comb. It was at this:silage Wind complaint, when death appeared inevitable Rota a loath some disease, that he einam'elleed' the.lk6 of-Jayne's Al- .. Lenitive bud having taken sixteen bottlesjis stow perfect- The lenitive; operates dispatch the ;circulation,. and purifies the blood and 'erddichfee disease from the system ' , wherever Tocatefl; ; ofld r altstmlineisius`cure s it has per.. formed ,in diseases of tho,skin, canser,essof.plib Isf;l4- liver eompfainitdyipepsia'pod-other ,chiorue diseases, is tratrastostishingSperir ofthe Tifiney. ---- s•• • •Iff •-; ' '.. • ?9 IV.- For tale m .• Fittaburgh“ittlieTEßlN EA:STORE.'" Darin street. '. ; •••• ~.... • ~•• , .-., • • Fre I, 11,& rr i," 11,310 .. ... ar, oar* eau. lur HODKINSPA Atte „mit .ppepcd, witlan,the M.. .. In,. iriek,i ale largeatttsibittneh t oil Frenehl CHINA ' 'ever, opened in , this cityj. consisting in vat p — FltD l / 3 's. - ' 3 :Plitiar,' Whliel,:Gord Line „end - Gold Band Tea. elm ' : :ezteerive tiasoitment•of I Vhite,Pleiviag Bldeihd Di v ers.. _•:. '. :pool Iron Stone ,IVute,ol Teti.Sely or,ln ferr)t{tde pieces,: . - 111 mar 1/e reqUired.. Also, 'a tteautiful tuKrunent,er • Candelatritte and Lanais,•of the ruiwest /shapes CO 'pat— . ; ' terns, direct from the , manut:acturere.,, / '' •• • '•"•:'• " path _ : $, s e Ladies would do well to more him a ealliat .. ... •• ' .;.•=' r • . • ; oca7 11b . 1-15 - Taal At.:4 doors Screw Was. .- $ uietitor `-' I rint th thereigrted,thMi, ' ged byth&libeislitatintie- c i -1.-iefithe Merchants., prothesiounl .gentlemes, and.'inel ? ebonies of the ciiy,:offers hikserricee for the collection. ' .of accounts' ill the of Pittsburgh and. Wally. liav- ' ...: t :lag title 'Wed .td tattiness Of thillthiod for 31 yea" fore 6.'4; 'the Board of Tnide,and being welt accinted with, this ' IrL,,•-• ftliti the'adtoft ti ~,. cities:he feers cond en; o( his ability ) it: i ; •ta afire' st rusfitetton;bforompfSild fol ful'atteht.i/g to ~..• ;all liminess entrusted to !limy •', •• ''''''' " ''— - ' . s.,- • ?' .'•,„_ . ., , i -; .1 ~?, tt . t , ' . .,nittililiatfifALßßATH,•Jr:, .4 ;/.' ; . .rre De ,( at Air, Air4tttlatt'aiMexchaa!,Tailor.4 .IffaitijeTit o PPP I II=III;c.e , .. ,- - • ••: •.: ; . 4.-...,% . ..., . !'i - ' •••' " " -- - • I '•. Gabriel Adonis; _ '1 ;:. pi Dar, AOteiraimaii iJ. Catotbere; ' . lifooniusideott, Minion; • .'„•. i ' I! t li:R. , Livingstonl .;,•''' ' - . lll 4l l leGa7l'tterchl Tail* • ..• 1 . • James iltiatsbali; .•• -• .- Wra:B. @eat ek•'. ' • •'•"'-'.'".••• . ' .. . I George Breed; Dr. Wag. I TIP; DeatilS • ' ' • • - I Dr. Geo. D. Bruce y- •.. i . Flpftd,ss::. 1 ; . 1 . [notr7:3m - ..1 • ~,poems, Diastrated bT Lenize...; , -• • .i;!•i'u 1 . 1 'Re'ait's Female Poets of America, with pe ' riptite:•( . The Fist of the Knickerbocker!. • - • ~ • A 'Fable fm'Critice •• ' • •- •1" -• •Ellteltletrical . Komodees •• • TherChitcl of the Sea.' • • Lamb's Dramatic feet,. Lowell's conyorentione on - .3w Oid Poet!. • •/: Drenontic'Wo'rktiol'lletnimcntrand Pletebei. ;PooncrtbWarks of.Bpenear. 1..., I . • ••• Po-/iCal 'Works Of .D4olocer,. ? •••,, s! ,:t " Pieirsal W.4qcn,iit Ford andlitacenNer. •, , For 'late b e • aossvoßtu • . novl6 -" sfilr 'Weer, neeiptrice;l4 • ' ..(,; E=N=MEMffIA MEE OM Ell ~;. .. n . i:4