.. .• •.... New;,by Telegraph! Relititte4 . for 'the MOM:9V Post. COIRGRECASIONJM:BEWS. WAsffitth'rorr Febri/aryl, 1849. SEN4T.E, Sundry pCtitititnand tnenterialti Ware presented, whichrisere rend and reterred.- .: Me.,Dnoins presented the . , credentials - of the new Senator from--Wisconsin, -: , Mr4Plitan nithihitted a ReSolution; repealing the law retiiiirinithe'Senntele elect Sergeant - lit Anna, and -,Doer, l 'repin, and:making them 'permanent. Mr toi, from the Committee on Military fairs, re rted ft , ,bill'to construct a National' - Road' from St: 'omit; tnthe Bay of San Francisco Thn'Seri nth then *Val intn - executiltneession. Adjounteit, , . ReiiotrkionriieFeiatised,.ai t po:inting a committee to count Freeidential•'votcs. Several'iCsierts of. kiiiiii'teicharticter were nub mittte4 zed commtiterl..-'• -'`• - Onartotiopi the liouni resolved itself into a Coin mitten drtiie-Whele. on.the , Appropriation Bill: wail discussed tyithout conclusion. V vs-- . . Th 6 ,, ght;between Sullivan and Meyer. for SlO,OOO. - • - • Wwmtranci,, Feb. 7. The fight Jaok'placelto:day, near Baftimote.-- The police rind military interfered stopped the combat ‘;.The parties fought nine rounds The first and Seeded reniidsHeyer was iforin ; third Was down ; also eourth and fifth ; Ifeyer down ; seventk, , eighitiind,. ninth, Sullivan !town. At the eloin'of : the ninth the Police 4d4 three connia hies oehtiriland. volunteers arrested .fister„; who afterwards escaped.; Tha, impiession is that foyer would have won. It will be resumed on Thunalay. The atrittierisi the State's:2,oo.o.. • Fire 'ln flew -York. Ntr.lroar,, February'. : The large machine shop el R. Hoe & Co., Gold etreelYsktte totally destroyed , by firo. last evening.- (We did-not-hear the amount lost.) Hoe:is the eel. ebrated Printing Press manufacturer. Arrlimit - of Oen. Taylor. lifisit*it; February P.. M. General Taylor arrived here today on -theatearn or Nashvillo.;ifelvos,tnet on tho wharf by a Corn mitteetorßeeelition. .He leaves far Louisville to morrow, with a Committe e of Reieption front tba . . .. . NEW. .YORIC MARKET- ' • •-- • . . Nr.w Yvan, Feb. 7-12 A. Flour The market to-day is unchanged, so fermi prices ire aanierned. ,The sales were 1400 bbta:' Provisions.. The sales to-day have been to a mode; rate exteet; including Mess at $12,60013,00 -ix bbl. Sales of Ohio Prime - at'12;00012,25. There , ie Change inother articles usually spok en or itithe markets; -- • dVew Y o ng, -Feb Flour The market is steady but. nolactice. -Pri ces are trcranged. The sales to-day were limited. Grain,. Wheat is. doll.' The sales; or.Cortf clude.PtiMe.Yellew at 590 perbti. Prorisions...The 'salmi of Pork are- confined to smalllets.=tor-the:supply. of the regular trade de. milted. , Prices remain as last nuoted; Lard—Sales were made to a'widerate extent at 607. Whiiikey..Sales or26u per gall.' ' Ildeney Market: -Sales of Treasury notes at 1,071. . This lima adrance. • . . , Finny Market quiet ;small sales Western brands at 5,374 '.. , There lea - deemed for exporting but buy ers refule to give over 5,00. Grain.,..No change. • Provisions.:.No change ; sales are confined •to lots to snit the 'country trade. - Orocerict..:No :change ; regular business . et for mer prices. Co tton..The market is quiet with rates oh Upland at former prices.. Salea of Orleans at 71c. Money.. Sales of TfeaStrlt notes at - LW CINCINNATI MARKET. • - , CINCINNATI, February 7-6'P. M. Flour.. The market ban: been ' quiet to-day, With a moderate business at 3,803,90 ft, bulk Meat—Sales of100;000 of Shoulders and Sides at 31{a4Ic. p lb. - 'r • Whiskey.. The market is active , with sales at IE4 sage Pas to and hoist Liverpoed, Br the "irell known, fast sailing fa vorite Steamship SABAH' SAN/DS /./( hurthenl7oo tons; War C. Tztosirscizr, , . Commander. Will sail from New York positively on the'24th"February, mid, from Liverpool on :nth March--tier regular days. . , • . : • • A few respeetablepersons can be handsomelyaccom modeled in the f.id cabin, and found on 'moderate tetras. Cabin, gd, cabin and steerage passengers visiting the Old Country,ar /hose sending for •their relatives, should in s 'weet the aceommodatious of this flowing palace, before eng - Sgigg elsewhere; and the p rite of passage to and m, fro Liverpool will holittle more than in a packet ship. Apply an board, foot of Peck Slip or to the subscribers. 83 South st., INT;Y., and 33, Waterloo Road, 'Liverpool. Orin Piustnugh to .JoHN.THomesoN, febB:9l - . • , , 156 Liberty street TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter SOBRiCII/S Of the Peace in' and for the County The petition of William Ferguson, Of the Fifth Ward, city of-Pittsburgh,. in the County aforesaid, humbly sheweth,That your petitioner hat h p resided himself with materials for the aecommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house, in the Ward aforesaid, and prays that your , lionors"*ill beTleased to grant him a license to keep a public house.of entertainment; - and -your peti tioner, as in duty boand,will pray.. • 'WILLIAM FEBAUSON. We, ~the:spbseribers, eitirensof the aforesold Ward, do cenicylltat. the. ahove petitioner is:of, good repute for honesty, aridieumeituade, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the ae.Commodatiori and lodg-' ing of stiangerisr/ral travelers, mid rhat said tavern is Ite.roek.Jos, Jenkin son, Jas. each._ ran, HOberi hl t llwatne, JIM Felicolt t 3. Wilsou,-J. Ger wi i g Joint - Beek, Dairal 844;J, Ailken, B. Buerkle. XWORT - RENT—A. goott-Briolo Dwelling House" conve- X niently situated for, business men, between 33 and 2d, on Bersystreet., , , • S., CUTUBERT,. 0 en" Agent, febB Smitbffeld stfeet., • N' hhdg. new crop N. 0. Sugar justteceivptapiTor ante '•;',, "'' ' MILLER by & RICKETS N, febB' ' • - 170 Liberty st. . . CRAB %DEB,'" bbis. Econorny, Crab Cider, just re ctiv:ed turd fotisale bY: - feb9 - MILLER h RICKETSON. Brearerfs 'Panoramas CO THE MAMMOTH ,CAVE, .NIAGARA ILI and Ohio' and Missuutipßl'SeeneV, now Exhibiting at PHILO HALL; ecninnenethg on Wednes day evenn*rifinlituf Mat. 'r • • • Among-the Vie**, m comiliseithofollerOine:— _ The FollOcif Niagara, comprising'a full vi ew- VieW of the City,ofMnzieo,lam the Convent oc , .ftn Courtoi: Panoramic -Nriaiv• of thb Falls of tlie.Ohlo, - , HO). the In diana side. City of Louisville. The MammotliCave— Hotel and:Cat:ages for sriiiitere and' frankient tbarders. - View of-Ashland. 'View of the Hermitage; Together with a dayrivicittroey 'through the Prairies: - ' - Admitiance, 4 2s tents, • - ' - •jan3Liw ,„ Gold. Washers. H - 1101 - ; PARRY hisinitented a machine for washing Gold, . fervrideltlie.has made appliCation for a patent.—: They are ti*•odered• for. sale' at :the Warehouse of PARRY, SCOTT & Co., No.loo Wood at., Pittsburgh.. ' Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex— amine these labor,savingtaaehines...:Theyare simple in their construetion,- easily_ transported on the 'ffaack of Mules or horses Weighing - eighty - poutflo'enthr,'ind can be put in operation tre Malin hour. - Thet can he' filled with provialons. it itr the opinion °ribose who have seen the trial of orte'of these machines of smallest size, • that two meti'.will'tvosh the mineral;from 150 bushels of • sand ar earthin a day; without' the loss' of a particle of the rai t iesat •Toey• canfbelncreased in site and worked ' by water nr 'rattle power, ireipedient.• The operators . work without going into the 'xirtltteitril being - exposed to sate or wet. and consequently,without endangering their libalth: ' They' ;hill rmipire bat is )3 mall stream of water, and carthe••ased•the whole semloo, and can be Put xinto operation where there is sot water to wash 'lti the usual wayy. Price of4Mal est size $35. Clyde& from ahrotid, ac, companicd by =tali will belpforafttlrBlled. ' , IL , PARRY,rat Parry;Scott & .• feb7:dtf •No• 103' World st. Pittsburgh:; HEMP SEED- 7 44 bbls. landing , from steamer New England, and for sate by. r e b 7 •I A.. FAN 'NESTOCK & Corner in end Wood BM., TAMES' NEW NOVEL.-'rhn Forgery - , a Tote, by P. It. Stunns Egg: For•sole by- JOHNSTON' to STOCkTON jeine3 . Corner Market had ete. yr NDERSHIRTi AND DRAWERS.—Vir.I3. itlarphy l s ) has -constantly on hand a 'supply of. above Goods, consisting of Silk, Merino,' Lamb's Wool, end Colton Undershirts, saran_ of which are ;of - .extra 'width and length, with double Bosotas , -aannleaWaol, natio* And Cotton Drawers—Merino and. Silk Vests, for:lguana and - Also, white mfehrinkableFlaunpla; heavy-borne made do- honte-nnule -white -Linseys„ _Catnap, tit s tilktivest prices, at North-east s corner of Foiniblind Mallet istreets. Wiioleeala ROoMsup st a irs. Jan3l • • • • .• . * . - - t1),;:.P.4,.4t - :. - #p; -. !Oli - g.:,:i).0.#.4::: - .... 117•Ci.icaszista's SIIGAII•COATED VEGZrilltE Plttll -Al' diseases have in impurity•of blood. ifow ever excellent the general' health, there is 'no security against fever; where the blood is impure, as indicatedby 'eruptions cif the 'akin, vertigo, headache,. lassitude, ire The best best purifier ofthe blood is Clickenerlslitugar.coated Fill; which is so skilfully compoinded,•that it *dots not cause griping, the great objection to all pills. The en tielope of sugar prevents- all n a usea; so that, save front the powarful, yet easy operation, the patient would hard ly be aware that he had taken any medicine at; all. So well convinced is Dr. Ciickener of his pills in all speci fied entice, that he is pledged ta return the money, whe' the promised effect is not produced. • . t[Fr'liold by • • WTtf.JACKSON, Gen. Agent, feb.3 . • . 89 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • [For list of Agents see ndvertisement.l •• . . • • rtr Cold feet are an evidence that the, blood is encum bered with morbid humors, which.not• only render the circulation sluggish and unequal, - but 'prevent h‘• • et supply , to the extremities.. Hann near of„-.25;7.4.1 act, accompaniel.With headache; `giddiness; sad many_ other unpleasant complaints. • Wrights Indian Vegetable Pals-are one of the.best pre ventives in the world against Cold Feet, because they- hot only.cleanse the blood from those impurities which are the cause, buithey impart an energy to the eircula- , lion, which carries with it vigor to every part of the sys tem. • Remarerf Counterfeits anttimiTtations. , --Remember that the Original and Only Genuine Indian . Vegetable Pills have the written signature of WILLIs.ht WRIGHT on the op label of each box R . • emember, also that 'Messrs. Fouchtwattger & Co:, of New S . Glascoe & Co., at Cincinhati; and J.. B. Wilder & Co., of Louisville, are. nor - agents for this medicine, and . we cannot guarantee the genuineness of that oifered by them for sale.: Thegenidne is for sale at Dr: WrigfulsPrinelpalOace, 10 'Race street, Philadelphia; and by JOHN . NOICPSON, 156 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., who is sole agent for this city, by whom dealers can be, supplied at the wholesale rate, Mrs Courrrwavxres! COITNTIVISTITS!—Betvare Qj Cout4 trifeits!--Citizens of Pittsburg, counterfeiters of WBIGIIT'S celebrated INDIAN Vsorrantst Pats are still abroad, and of the worst coaceivable kind. • We would respectfully "invite you to call, on the Agent for - Pittsburg:Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, .166 Liberty street, and examine a box that was purchased at w Drug Store in this city. It is ab solutely enbap,h to make one blush tor poor, frail human:: ty, but at the same time to - grtarttall against the Villainy of tbe counterfeiter. • The passing or counterfeit coin is 'not a touch to it. It is' as much inferior in the degmc of criminality, as petty- larceny is inferior to downright , Always remember that the Original and only Genuine INDIAN VEGETABLE. PILLS have the written Cigna tlae of WILLIAM WRIGHT on the top label of bor. Remember, also; that -H. Sarxssa , Druggist, Minter of llarket - and,-Tbirs streets, is noi an agent for this.medi eine, and , we cam.at guaranty the genuineness of that offered by himfoi JOHN THOMPSUN,IS6 Liberty street; is sole Agent. - Purchase only of him. Anil:ditty --" - James W. Woodarent hILODER24,AND ANTIQUE FURNITURE. • No. 83 Tann Brans, Pirrammotr. A Lazar. and splendid assortment of Furniture, suitable for Steautboats, Hotels, and Private Dwell ings,,constantly on hand,,and made to order, 't be present Sloth on hand cannot be exceeded byany manufactory in the Western country. Persons wishing 10 purchase, would do well to give the a call, as' am de termined my prices shall please. Pon of the Stock con- Tete. a Tete ' . - : Buffet Etagele; . .., • ... :Louis XIV. C hairs, Queen Elizabeth Chairs; Tea Poyse; : • • : Fruit Tables • . . - , Toilet Tablei;. . Louis XV. COmmoder. 'French Bedsteads Mahogany, ; • Piano Stools ; • .50 Sofas, with plush and hair cloth covers ; ,50 Mahogany Rockin g Chair' i • .' 40 dozen Parlor. " do. 30' , Faney _ do. ' '25, Centre Tables; . . • . • •- .. .20 pair Divans; 4 pair Pier Tables.; 15 marble top Dressing Hamann ; . . . ' 8 Wardrobes; 8 Secretates and Book Cases ; .21 marble top Wash Stands; .• - . ' , . 4 pair Ottomans; Et pair Fancy Work Stands,. • A vrey large assorment of common Chain and, Othei !Witham, too numerous to mention. • . irr Steam Boats furnished Mt - the shortest . notice, and on the most reasonable terms.- . febli 'GRICULTUftAL.SCICIETY.,—In. pursuance of the ja, Reiolutions of a hieetingor the Allegheny Agricul -tarot Society at Perrysville, era Saturday', ad hist:, there will bean AGRICULTURALCONVENTION Addax she - new Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Wednesd ay, the2lst of Marchi.lB49, ea lU fn., for the purpose of establishing a County,Agricultural Society. All who feel interested are 'respectfully invited to attend. SA 'MEL hicCASLIN, Taos. S. Mari Corresponlg Sec‘y.. [rbel TTIVSHRINKABLE FLANNELS:—W.R. Menem , in t) Mies the attention of buyers to his stock of the '• above Goodsi of all the different qualities, said to be as unshriukable as the Welsh, and at much lower prices— Ge nuine,Welsh Flannels also constantly on hand. Gauze and Silk do. 444 and el-4 do., for Shrouding pommies. ,'.lllso, Home-made. White Flannels and .Lumeys, con stantly on hand, Ea tbe North-east corner of Fourth and Market streets.' r - WithIILIFA, Economists and - the Piiilii.iceffr e c b ta .osaving of ene-third, and-obtain. tha graitest bargains -erer purchased, arc- Most ieswtfiftly invited to visit ROBINSON'S CLOTH ESTABLISHMENT, Post Build ings, corner Fifth and Wood streets. - febs:2w 25 sole DRIEOPEACHM-This day 'we'd ind for 24... 1 sale by tfebsl AILATSTRONO & CROZER. KISEES PRIME LARD—For sale by i febS , , , AIOIBIIIONO CIZOZEIL F, ILO R—Just received 'and for isle by el febs - ARMSTRONG & CROZER. N' Lt.. Murmur has opened this morn ing-a lot of NEW GOODS, embracing many scarce and desirable articles. Persons wanting Dry Goods of almost any deseelption, will find, *obis advanced rairtof the season, a much Larger and more general assortment at this store than. elselehere. . Among the Goods just opened is a lot of liiazarine and Gree'n small - tlg'd Mouse de Laines, Terkeri and bl'k Cloth Shawls, new Printsi&e.--at North-east corner of 4th and Market streets. Er-Goods at 'wholesale, 'upstairs, - very low. thud° 'A. A. Mason - '!a C0.,N0 60 ntATIKET sremr, - M continue strEli , llll4lllli sale of DRY GOODS for thirty days longer, (hiring which time Abele extensive Wholesale Rooms will be thrown open to their Retail Trade, as heretofore. . . - A. A.IIIASON & CO, knowing that they are selling DRY; GOODS of every. description from ten to fifteen per cent less than aver before., do invite every person in want, to examine and purchase from , our Stock, at the lowest Wholesale mime. . - Our great object in reducing Stock is te mate room for Spring Goods, it being ourintentiod to exhibit in March the largest and the richest stock of Dry Goods ever offered by'one concern in America.' • We shall continue to sell our Bleached and Brown Unsling, Tickingsoind other Domostic Goods, at our for• met low rates • notwithstanding the recent advance of Sheen per gent! upon the same ; in the Eastern markets. ' Clot og'alt Cost. AS the subscribers intend enlarging their Store Room, they will 'adhere strictl y to the above terms. There fore, we would respectfully invite the 'attention of the public to our handsome assortruentof CLOTHING Our Etock is large, and of the best material -and workman ship. • WitiULLEN tr. DOWNING, feh3] - No. iIR Liberty, opposite foot of 7th st. the Honorablethe Judges of the Coors of Quarter Sesstons, of the Peace, 111 and for the County of Atte gbeny:The. petition 'of Dattrzi, AEIL, of the Third Ward, 'city of Pittsburg;in the coutny.aforesaid htitably she weth, That your petiuoner bath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the Ward aforeittid, and prays that your Honors Will be pleased to grain him a license to 'keep a public - house of entertainment. And your peti tioner, as.in duty bound,will pray.. DANIEL, All L. We, the subscribers, citizens of - the aforesaid. Ward, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is welt provided withhouse room and conveniences for the accommodatiOn of trav eters and others, and that said tavern is necessary. Wm. Mitchell, A. O'Brien,-A. P. A. Hauptman, GI Lei bald, J. H. Corless, D. Peoria, Chas. Raynor; P. H.:Hun ker M. Lawman, C. hlelcher, A. Leech.' O the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Cieneral •M Quarter Sessions of lho Peace la Owl for the County. of Allegheny : - The petition of Thomas Karr, of the Ist Ward, city of Pittsburgh, in the County aforeaaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitioner bath provided himself with mate rials for the accommodation of traveler* and others, at his dwelling house, in the AVard aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased, to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your pe titioner, as in duty bonnd, will pray.- • TIIOMAS HARK. .IVe, the`subscribers, citizens of the aforesaid Ward, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for' honesty and tetrperance.- and'. is well "pmvided , with house room and conveniences tor the accommodation.of _travelers and'thers,and that said several, necessary. R : C; Townseud, Thos. Rose, John Boles, James S. McKee, Peter Coole, Thee. Donaghen,.Saml. Roseburg, %Vac Gornian, Allen Cordell,'James Gray, 4th, street, A. Morton, Patrick Manny.- : ..feb3:3ld&stri. PO the Honorable, the. Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions ot the Pelice,:in and County of Alle gheny: The petition- , of Moses -Eirt.vlV, of - the lst Ward, pity of Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid humbly shewitith,. That year petitioner bath' provided . himself With mate; rials for the necornmodittion of - trim .em - and others, at his dwelling house in the Ward aforesaid, ands prays that your Hollers will.be plepsed to grant him a:license to keep a public house af entedalatnent. And rota - pe.. titioner, as in-dity bound, will prey.- • • • • - OSES iIItAWDY. We, the subscribers, citizens ' of the aforeinid.Word, do certify, that theabovepetitiorierit of - gatid :repute for honesty and temperance, and is weliprovidedNith house room and conveniences 'for the acconittiOdation of iray.: elers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. _ Peter; Caul;Peter Hart, - los. Harrington Ir : Henry ur-: heller;John Seetin, Henry Stafford . , .incr.' Llichilelii,Joliti Caldwell;lames:Crewford,lohn 'Bor/11 1 8 101 14 YroY. 4ty st. In°. Bryar. • •• '• ' febVdtddcwo. DOG LOST—Lost, on Fifth street, arnitilt: j• -4 4-:._,_Y white curly -Lap .Dog. She strayed.lrom ,Carrau's Tailor Shop sheet 4o'elock pester. day ritleinoon. 'As she isso,rnuelrprized.by the owner, a:liberal reward ba.given and twirl/maks ' on. bungseturned to this office.- - few, , , T WE OF FRANKLlN,lttustrulan--In course 011:41.0 , =l:4 lication in'the social form; by Harper ec Brodiors,X; York. . The Life of Benjamin Franklin, consisting of Autobiography; and a narrative of his 'public life told set viees,.by the Rev. H. Hastings Weld; splendidly etnbel=- Balled by numerous eximisite designs ; by John G _Chap man—engraved in the highest style of art. . The work Is printed. in the octavo form, on, superfine paper, front bold :and legible type. It will he . completed In eight Parts,„at ate= bich, and'lssued at brief intervals: , Bly6b p a t t i *ill he received by express immediately. C(11i013. Pair Ist just received'and for sale by - SOHNSTONIt. STOCKTON- Corner-or Market and 3d MIL A a 4 sACKS TOTATOE.: Reed per steamer devre.e;` `AU and for'eale by (inn3l) I,CUMMINS & SMITH. . - • ..•- - . . . . • . . _ . . .gammercial an 4 PITTSBURGH BOARD • Or TIVADE: , - W. BARKER. Comm -11:i VOR Ftsirotatt: PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS 'FOR . 1818. 3tetunboat PacketLiieilCavesdailyforChicintiati,io AIL Passenger Packet, am Brownsville, - to. Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 A. NE.ollid 8 P. X.:' Mail MeMI Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia,' 9 A. ss., and 121 Western and Sonthent Mail Coach Lihe, 8 A. K. North-Westein,aia Claveland, daily,lo A. 1114. `Erie and Western New Yiirk,daily,. 9 a. at. North-Eastern, tti'philadelphia, &lair; except . ' ARRIVALS AND DEI...\RTURE OF,MAILS. Eastern Mail via - .Philadelphia,-doe 34. m., closes 12 Western Mail, Cin. and LislllBl%, due.B P. ar, closes 5 .s.ar - South. via Ralt.andWasidngton, duet 9. ar.,elosess m. North-Westent via Cleveland; rice 10 A:11., closes 9 A.. U. .Elie and Western New York, due 8 P. at., closes Ba. m. . • wrocacs., - • • . . value.- Asked. d Bank of rittstnergh _Par $50,00 4190.00 .01nre - 19 0 % 00 ..Menhenge Bank .50,00 v 44,00 - - RAO bleenhants' and M.Bank ... 50,00 - 4700:' 45,00 -17erntere , Depoeit Bank. None an market. 1-I .ntad Street „Bridge 00,00 50 , 0 0 49, 0 Northern Libernenßridge - 50,00 35,00 Old Allegheny-Bidge . 25,00 36,00 -85,00 Connelleville R. R.Stock, paid on - - - 90, - - ehares;s2,6o .. . .6,00 . -1,41 Ciiy Bonds. (0 fe eent;) • 00 • Monongahela Bridge 25,00 . - 6,50- Gag ..... 50,00.. • - • . • Deily Review or theltiaViiete: - OFFICE OF THE POST, . • Triessasy Monstria; A brtlary 13, 1849.5 i The business of yesterday was scarcely worth no. Lice. The weather was exceedingly cold, and un pleasant outside of counting rooms. , FLOUR—SaIe of 100 bbls. to anise at x3;60; sale of 40 bbls. from store at $2,62. BEANS--,Sale of 13 bbls. small white at 70c. go bus. Market well supplied, and very dull. • FRIIIT—The market is still supplied with Green Apples; sales at- £17a1,25. -Prices are advancing. Dried Peaches are very plenty; some sales at $l,OO aisl,l2. Dried Apples are worth 50056 c. 'Willits aro dull at $1,75; but CIO large sales2liothing doing in any other article. POTATOES--Sale at 706i71ic. for best quality. BUTTER—SaIe of 2 bbla. extra Prime Roll o in clothe, at 13c.; other sales of Roll at 110111 e. , . Passage to and from , 1012#Fland, Irelandi _ _ 0 . SCOTLAND AND•IVALES. ID • • ". By ...Steamship • SARAH.SANDS, and ths•repaar Packet Ships, 4-e..Ea • (10 . w .•• - • P. W. BY)iNES CO., • No. - 83 South sows, New York and 36 Waterloo 7i0a.1 • PEusons sending to the Old Country for _their friends, can have them brought out by the ReularLine of Pack t - ets, sailing from Liverpool on Ist, lath, 113th, 21st or 'H,h of every month, comprising the allowing Ships:— Fidelia, Siddous, . Henry Clay, Hottinguer, p Columbia, Constellation, Rosmus, Patrick Henry, Carebtittle, . Isaac 'Wright. Waterloio, Constitution, Ashburton, New-YOric, Garrick, . Wert Point, Queen of the West, Montezuma, - Yorkshire, Sheridan, New World Liverpool. Oxford John R. Skiddy. Orin the first class American Ships, sailing from Liv . the '.,St Patrick , and the Irish Potts every day, compr ising the-- Patrick, Si. George, Andrew Foster, Yorktown, Creole, Memnon, Probus, Elsinore, WM. A. Cooper. And many others, which this limited apace will not ad mit of here enumerating. P. W. IIYRNM & CO. are the sole Passenger Agents for the Steamship SARAH SANDS. Her appointed part ing days, for ISO, are as follows: From Liverpool on QOM January, 2811.1 March, th Jane, 6th August and 6th October; from Neer-York on filth February, 3d May, sth July,6th September, and 15th November.. Yherefore, those wishing their relatives out early in the Spring. will find it to their interest to patronize this Old Lstablished House, our , arrangements being so per fect that no delay or ditiappoiutment can occur. Drafts at sightfor 'any amount on the National Bank of Ireland, its branches, fie., he., at all times for sale. Ap ply to, OT'addtesig by letter, post-paid, P. W. DYRNI & CO, Ft South st., N. Y., . and 36 Waterloo Road, Liverpool. JOHN TIIOhIPSON, LSO 'Liberty street, Pittpuzgb. Or to-- jan27:tf ~10 ts le Ire ran yea Plasserfir , JOHN H. MELLOIt, ( sok AprU for 11111111 . Chkkering's Pial4o.llfor Western Pennsgt. canto.) No. 81 Wood- street, Pittsbrt, has received, and now open for sale. following elegant assortment of Plano-Portei - direct from the manufacturer, and for sale at Mr. Chiekering's (Boston) prices, viz: - One superb Rosewood, seven octave, carved in the' mast elegant and rich s.yle of Louis XlV.—new seals. One Rosewood, carved, seven octavo—new scale. - One do. 6} octave—new scale. One do. 6 octave, carved moulding—new reale. Two do. 6 do. round corners; :1 Two do. 6 do. square .‘ The above are from the manufactory of J. Chickening, Boston, and of the latest styles of furuituro, and with his new and approved scale. -Also, on band, and for sale low— Three Rosewood Pianos. 6 octaves; from tile manufac tory of H. Worcester. New - York, formerly of the firm of Btodart, Worcester it Dunham. Two Rosewood, 6 octave Pianos; from the manufactory of Gale Jr. Co., N. Y. One Rosewood, 61 octave; manufactured by Bacon Jr Raven, New York. One Mahogany 6 octave Piano; made in Baltimore, and left by the owner for sale, either for cash or in ex change for such goods as will ss . m country store.— 'Price WOO. . ion.% j - 101111RON TEAS FOR t2l, CENTS PE 1t subscriber, wishirg to dispose Of his entire stock - of Queensw,are as soon as possible, will sell common Cups . and Soarers at the extremely low price of 12,1 rents per set, tilting with other articles. :Now is the time to Secure' a good assortment of Ware at low prices. Store-keepers and families should improve this opportunity, without de lay% Er Remember the place, CHINA HALL, No. iiS WOO 4 Ntree.. Oman) WM. GE TTY. • (1 CORN 511 4e 1 harr e kiinriedl nrrel 3 Brighton Mills, in store and for kale by - febl:dat JOHN BL&CK SE. CO. CLOVER SEED-7 barrels, ito.l rocerved and for male by -'0a201) SMITH & SINCLAIR. To. Lumbermen. undersigned desires, upon his . . return from the 1 East, which will be about the Bth or 10th of Febru ary;to contract for from 20 to 30. Thousand pieces of LOCUST VhlßEß.suitable for Cross Ties, say-9 feet in length, and of sufficient size to square ft} to 61 inches.— The 'Timber to be delivered either at eituiburgh or Madi son, Indiana,— the latter preferred. Communications may be left with Messrs. Church k Carothers, before-the dates mentioned, Payments cash, on delivery of Tim 3 • :JORN , BROUGH.. ianal Pres't M. and i. Rail Road Co. (Gaiette pab. th deal and 1t weekly and eh. this office.'" Saw 111111. rting subscribers havutg taken the Saw-mill above the p'ifth Ward Bridge, tormerly run by Mr. John Cham bers and having a - good stork of Timber on hand, would solielt the patronage of the public. Orders thankfully received and punctually attended to., • SAVARY & SPAULDING. The undersigned having sold his interest In the •above Mill to Messrs. Savory & Spaulding, would - recotameild theta to his formercustomere and the community, en being well qualified to give satisfaction to all' who may deal With thom. /0111 t/ CHAMBERS.- VOR GENTLr.MEN.--ly. R.. l'dvanry has recent! la. 1: teived is further supply of Orritkmetes Fancy. WU VATS, including some yery htutdeome. Also, black Cravats; several qualtties, and Including some su. perior. Also, Gent's Linen 'Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain and with colored borders; super Silk do.; Under• shirts and•Dravversoneriro, silk and cotton, some of the former extra size. Especial attention is asked to his stock of French Broadelothr and Ccusimeria, of the latter .plain and fancy; Velvet and Satin Vesting*, &c. At NCrth-east corner of 4th and Market its. .Ijan26 SRAYED OR STOLEN=Front LighiCail'a Tavern, 3 miles from Allegheny, on the Franklin Rotid;oticYtled ne sday evening last, Sept. 27th,.1848, a Bap Mare, about 14f hands. high ; has a small winter ipot - owherforeheat4 and some white On, one of bee bind feet; bad on , a halter when she left. fillets about 5 years old. ' Any person who will_ return - her- to the subseriber, or to John Agnew, Second IVardllouste, Alleghenv i oreend him - information where she can be obtained,wiltbe ably rewarded.. JOHN FERGUSON Shirting . l lllitsllnri . Aisti , lristi,atantle • -Ur R. MURPHY invites •the panienter. attention of I', • those Wanting the above Goods, to hisdesirable stock,. consisting of , the -best mince, from 'the most uppity ed lualillaelafera, and the •Iritter warranted pure flax.— He has just received an additional supply, and is offering' Shining Mullins of a superior -quality at •ri :very low, -pride. . SheetiaLand Pillow.case , Muslinst • • ' Diapers and Craitli; • r'' • Table Cloths t rowels rind Napkins; - - : • • Ellankent, citnitylConnterpanest.and - • • • ficiusekeepmg Dry Goods generally. 'LADIES , DRESS GOODS—Such as French Merinos, Parmettos, plain and fancy Be Dailies, (some new styles use rscelyeda'Alpricas; . • . •.•. • The semen. being Dir Advanced, all these Goods will be sold afpneesthrit cannot fail to Meaie.. •• ••• --• lyltillisale'Rooms up stairs. Di . MS R: , 4.110r1, hr"' ti latqt - SINC L AIR. TAMES KERR, Attorney at La w—OtHea natwooti. to ' Fourth street, between SmittiSeld'and Grant streets Pittsburgh, " jan3:3m TEAs-Th, attentior of families and dealers iu invited stock,of fresfrcfreen- and Black Tedsi pat up In Minster, half pound, and pouud ,lackages, which we Will to, if not ben., than the Teas sold by the :Pekin "and Canton . Tea Morel. We have, also , on; hand: a fresh supply of Imberks l 4 90 , 4lowdert ;Young Hkfibn and Black - Tea/4 - 40r la*packages,whichwu cannot be egtialletrinßils citY. .Call and try theln deaf, - , _'RING* MOORHEAD Diadiondi IhAritrrbHAVANVAND BRAZIL --, 25 boxes White Havana Sugatir, • ,•- • 75 bags •-• "'ln'itore and for sale by J, h J. hI'DEVTrT, dec27 No. 13 Liberty at. :wave uzidgente. Jae Idifig PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED, Steamer Lake Erie; Sholes, Beaver. Michigan k' o.' Gilson, Beaver. " 'Baltic, Jacobe l Brownsville. " Atlantic, Parkinson, do. • Beaver, Clarke, Beaver. ' " Brilliant; Grace, Cincinnati: DEPARTED, ' ". ~ Lake Erie, Sholee, Beaver. Baltic Jaeobe,Browrusville.r: " Atlantic, Parkinson, •tto. ‘• "; • Michigan N 0.2, Gilson, Beaver. • • • " Beaver, Clarke, Beaver.... . • :- New England No. 2, Dean,,Dineinnati Item■ troei Haver Pistiheis. The Cumberland River is falling, and is now with in ila banks. The Riveris rising opposite Louisville, With" an abundance of water on the falls for all naiigable ,purposeti. - 1' The steamer Mary Stephens after laying high and dry on Picayune Bar for several days, got :olf.on Saturday and left for Cincinnati ) She sustained no injury. STEAIIDOAT ACCIDENT.—WO !DIM froili Mr. Fu the Clerk of the ttencoe, that the iteaMer. North America came incollision with a vessel in tow of a tow-6ot just aboie New Orleans on the 25th ult. The bowsprit of the vessel carried away , the chim neys of the North America; and tore oftetreat por tion of the main cabin, and otherwise . injured the steamer so seriously that she had to be towed to the dry-doCk opposite New Orleans to be repaired. No • lives were lost by the accident, but one of the crew crap sorionsly hurt. The North America had just left port for Cincinnati. We learh from the Terre 'Haute Courier of the 27th, that the Wabash rose in twenty four hours about fourteen feet. A mere rapid rise than has not irobably.kieen known fur menY Years. ~ f .,bettiry.rain of 24 hours durationliad suddenly fallen, upoethe frozen earth, all of which ran , immediately , into the river, cooling the flood. The :weather since Mid turned cold again, and the rise was materially check. ear The Louisville papers are again in ezetacies about their boats. What an enthusiastic people Louisville retains. " - Mr On' her last run up, the fine packet Pike No. 7, was only fourteen hours going from Louisville to Cincionati--and this too against a big river. :/ • . DAILY CINCINNATIAND PITTSBURGH,. PACKET LI NZ. ?FHB Independent Line of steamers is now composed of the largest, swiftest, ,best finished and furnished, and most powerful boabi the of the West. The highest wages are paid for the services of the best and most experienced men engaged in the river busutess—_ The line has been in operation for six years; has canted nearly two millionsof people, without doing the slightest injury to their persons. The proprietors challenge eons panson with any . passenger bile ibe Union for safe:y, regularity and speed. Ail that money Call procure has been Provided for the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers, boatsleave for Cincinnati as follows: MONDAYPACKSZ—The Monononinar,Capt, Mons, vvi li leave Alttsburgh every Monday morning o[lo o'clock; Meeting every Monday evening at 10 TUESDAY PACKET—The Histains. No. 2, Cm . .. 4 liens Xlineehrr, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday. utorrthig at If/o'clock ; Wheeling even.' Tuesday evening. it 10 r. x. WEDNESDAY PACIUM—The Nilo ENGLAND No. 2, C a pe. ni S. Dan, willleave Pittsburgh every Wedobsdity zo o at lOo'cloc k ; Wheeling every Wednesday even- THURSDAY PACERT.—The Binsaaarr, Capt. R. J, Grrqe wilt leave Pittsburgh every Thursday' trurrning at 10 o'c l ock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 r. at. FRIDAY PACTERT.—The CmPrzs No. fit, CoPt:Orookr, villitati, Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; elingevery Friday evening At 10 r. ' 11811TRDAYPACKIM--The Dikurznoira No. 2 Capt. .r. C. Woodward, will leave Pittsburgh `every Saturdny morning at° o'clock ; Wheeling every Satinday evening as 10 P. Y. 817ND4Y PACKET.— The hate Nawvoiv, Capt. P. D'erd, will leave Pittabtugh every Sunday morning at o'eloek;Mbeeling every Sniulav evening at lot. xt nov 19. --a-7 FDRAVIIEELINO, ciricuoum LOUISVILLE.& . inasetwiitmtit fixX*loWe Pxcasir-Tke No Irma and fast passenger steam Pac ket;TELEGB,APH, Ifetlep, Com mender, will leave Pittsburg for Wheel ing, Cincinnati and Louisville, and all Intermediate Ports, every Saturday-, at 10 o'clock precisely. For freight or passage , apply on boatd, or to. FORSYTH & DUNCAN, Agents. The Telegraph has been.built .expressly for a regular Packet, and with a view entirely to the comfort of pas sengers; the accommodations are. inferior to no . boat on the western waters. The Telegraph will run in connex ion With the Ben Franklin No f and Pike No 9, to Sant- Lottir- , tim e through,vms usu. apol4 1648 1848. igttAbu f libt Sind lireavapsy l lle Dolly Pax,*et Pareattaat let, itklb FILDIVAIT Ist,lBlB. .LEAVE 'DAILY AT 8 A.Bl. AND 4 The following new boats complete the line for the present season : A'I'LANTIC, Capt, lames Parkinson,• BALTIC; Capt. 'A. Jacobs; and LOUIS wrie.Nr,, Capt. E. Bennett. The boats are , entirely new, and are fitted up without ragard to expense. Every comfort that. money can procure has been provi ded. The boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat, it the foot of Ross at. Passengers will be punctual on board, as the boats will certainly leave at the advertise hours. ew Wheeling Packet. The new and splendid passenger steamer Z. TAYLOR. M."1: - . Lrc•s, Blaster; will run as a Regular Packet between Pittsburgh and ea lag, leaving this city every ?blonds y; Wednesday and Friday, at In o'cloCk, A. M. and Wheeling every Tuesday,:l'hursday and Saturday, nt R o'clock, •. W. For freight or passage, (having superior accommoda tions,) apply on board. The. Z. Taylor is an entirely new boat, and for speed and accommodation is not surpassed by any boat on the river. (Jan3ol ARMSTRONG k CROZER, Pittsburgh and Wheeling Pachat. THE' swift running steamer CONSUL, Weems, Master, ,Wilr leave regularly for Wheeling,on Monday; Wednesday, and Fri day, a! ioo clock,preeisrly. Leave Wheelingevery Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day, at 7 o'clock, A. lt. positive/y. The ponsul wilt land dt lin intermediate ports. Every accommodation that can be procured, for the comfort and safety of passengers, has been provided. The boat is also provided with a sell acting safety-guard, to . prevent explosion. For freight or passage apply on board, or 301 IN FLACK; Agent. , • : ' Franklin Packet. .. • r o lk . • The fast - packet ALLEGHENY BELLE, Capt. -Wm. Hann, will run regularly be tween Ms nrgh and Franklin; on the - Allegheny River. Leavei Pittsburgh each - Monday and Thursday, at 4 o'clotk, P. at. For frelght - orpassage, apply on board. ' • : egular Packet - for 7 Blinflte h. • , 7 - THE fine ineatiter WELLSVILLE, paps. Hatton, will leave forthe above and niter• mepat portion Wednisdays and ' Saturdays. pt For freight Or passage apply op board, or to a u ,25 ' GEO,,,H; MILTENSERGE, - ' . New. Arrangement. oatTHEateanter CALEB COPE, will leave for Beaver, Glasgow, and Wellsville; on Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday, at a. at., re ttuningnn Monday, Wednesday, and Fnday.- • She hu a boat at the landing, between Wood street and the Bridge, prepared to receive (knights atany time. .' • ' S. & W. HARBAUGH, Agents, 21 0 6 . • • 3a,'W.oodstreet. . ; , '• finals:nor A Itgangesuent s ; T 7. THE steamer BBiATEß , ,Chas.=B:ClarkO, Muster, leave Pittsburgh ;for Beaver, assgow, and 'Wellsville, every Monday, Wednesday, and Priday 7 -and ;returning..on., Tuesday, Thursday,: and Saturday , at 9 o'clock, A. ti., ; Having a boat at the , landing we are prepared to receive, freight; at any time. Yittfreightiozpwage - • = • • , mal74lr •-: ; O.;W.ILAItToN it CO., Agents. For Louisville. • • , • The finesteamer VERMONT, Captain thrmyrr, will leave for the above and, all intermediate ports, TEM DAY. 4aprilt 'on board.'' febO ' =~~ - 1, L TlO'.—The partner. p ot napur La t .Is'tbis day dissolved, by cauutat. consent; Tb u 7 - ank — ess - dm firm Will be settled by ' J. R. MURPHY, 'N!tibOrghz 30th J 16.1 1E49. NOTICE—The umdersigned Will continue the WoOl bulineitaancrittemi to the sate of Woolen Gooda, at the old tacq . H. LEE. retiring,froni the late &mot Murphy & Lee, - .1 e ta great pleasure in recommending Mr. 11. Lee to the confidence of my ftienda - emtl tp the - ••••., R: BEURPHy.' - PPEENTICES WANTED,- - Fiftean to twenty, young lade Emu to 15 years 01 - age,,ui learn the Stocking manufacturing 'business. Apply at• M HALY'S Store, on Fifth Street, at at hiaFactotx.lnLaw - renecville. novl4:!tf • Janl6 e,NU'Ell—Three'Llusiness Men, as partners in e lalilishments now - in - anceessful nperation city. - Esieh will pp ,reiluiretilo'arnducea:pedinapitaln ' business Will be sotd at iilergcaacio one ontwo.enterptialarteri of toed business habits. J= 6 ' - -steePt, ,[..NEQRII.h.TIOIII AVANTIM;--/ittp person:acquainted with, tie children of John Clark; an Englishman, (an ro n ibun er by tride,) supposed qo litrve worked in or about Pit burgh, and twhave` died , within. six ofr seven yeat4Nvlll do them a kindness, by informing their% they can hear of something to their advantage, on application to this office. pec3o-ti- ~:;:^`. !_== _fur-- t cilte..s , i-' , ..Zi.:v:l. , :iit :-.- Stount Eimmetlldi ng Lot* for Sale. 9sgatuTIFULLY I 3 'tTILDING. LOTS S...yi I for sale; in the plan of the Mount Emmet property. Portions desirous of investing a small sum of money,:ean do so to advantage, by aecunng choice 'Lots of various This property, for beauty of location cotnnianding a. view of the two cities, the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio rivers, is unegualkd. It has the advantage of an abundance of the choicest spring water. The nem row!, now finishing, will render iteasy of access, and bring it - within a convenient distance of the Allegheny market. As an investment for plufit, to say nothing. of the de. lightful situation fora residence, the buyer will secure in a few years a TURIE-VOLD return. ' • The above Lola will be sold , for Cashior on a Credit 'alone to five years. - TITLE CLEAII4OID INDISITTABLY. Plans may be seen - and everl , infarmation had, of Mr. El l OfiBWEENY,onthe premises or rJOHN (-10 YLEa at his office, on 4th street, Pittsburgh. ,- hov3o VCR SALE—A Two .Story- Frame House and Lot, 10 by 50 on Wylie street, near Chatham. . Title war ranted. Will be sold cheap, if-applied for. soon. • Apply to JOLIN.COYLE,— Conveyancer, Fourth street, near Smithfield. -- Or t° — • 'JAS. McGuire, Tailor, land 1 . Third street.-St. Charles Building. I - - - RON FOUNDRY FOR SALE,—A small Iron Founary, with Patterns, Tooht, &c, all readylor oPeration t wtll ib b r e g to o l d d s op accommodititig terme, Or eichanged for Iron' This offers an excellent opportunity to a young man tO commence the Iron Foorndryhusiness. En i cige of near-Wood street. AHOUSE AND LOT Al A BARGAJN.—Any person in want of a comfortable Dwelling House, ma good neighborhood, on Wylie street, a ahort distance from the Court House, can provide themselves for the small sum of S7OO. A very desirable residence for a Milliner, Man tua Maker, or Retail Trimming Store, Apply to . • JOHN COYLE, 4th street. near Smithfield st. - HOUSE FOR SALE.—WiII be sold cheap, if applied for soot,, a Two Story Frame House, sit uated in Wylie'street, near Chatham, having four rooms, good cellar and yard. Lot 10 feet front by 50 deep. Title indisputable. Price seven hundred dollars. Apply to '- JOHN COYLE, Conveyancer, 4th street, near Shaithfield. JAMES McGUIRE, Tailor, Third at. FOR SALE—A small two story frame - dwelling house, conveniently situated, fronting on Pride street., one street beyond the Hospital... The lot is 24 feet in front, by 123 feet deep, and will be sold on accommodating terms, For further particulars apply at the house.or to sep2 . JAMES MAY, Water street. otsam , Boats for Sale.' - alili o LThe splendid Steam Packets BALTIC d"ATLANTIC, bnilt expressly to ran as reg r ackets on the Monongahela, .between Pitts , loitrgh and Brownsville; and having run fora few mouths, are found to be too large and powerful for the nnvigation of that rive r,are now offered for sate. • The following are the dimensions of these mug bents', viz : Length of deck, 170 feet; breadth of beam, 26 feet; wheels, 24 feet diameter, 10 feet buckets; four boilers, XI feet by 39 inches diameter; cylinder. , . 21 inches, and Oi 'eet stroke. Buell boat contatns 60 state-rooms, and the cabins are tarnished in the richest modern. style. For terms, enquire of I. K. MOORHEAD nor2l:tf ,Pittstnirttb. -Far Sale or -Exehauga: CFFER FOR: SALE the whole 'of the property -on 1. which Imow reside, in the Sixth Ward of the City, consisting or the Dwelling House, Out Houses, Ike., with the Garden or I would exchange the same for Property in the neighborhood of the City :---or i would divide the Property to suit purchasers. Persona disposed to pur chase or exchang e , can call on me at the warehouse of Cummins &Breit Smithfield street,Cmposite the Monon r abets House. ( clLltaanl) JAMES. C. CUMMINS. - - UORSALE OR RENT—A Two Story Brick Dwelling, situate on Fifth street, opposite the Court House.— Enquire of MIVIULLEN & DOWNING, • Janl7 218 Liberty street, opposite Seventh OR SALE--A valuable tottery of 40 feet front on F Penn street. by 120 deep on Barker's alley to a 10 feet alley. The above desirable property can readily be im proved, either for business purposes or private resi dences, or for renting—will be soul at-a. Bargain. Also, a lot of 20 feet front on Webster near Grant Street, by 80 feet deep Price 41700. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Ag't, - febs , . Smithfield st. - - - - OR - SALE-•A desirable Farm of -74 Acres, with Dwelling Rouse, Barn, Stable, and ant buildings, Garden and Orchard, and from 30 to 40 acres in- cultiva tion-11 miles from the city, loni the Franklin Road.— Some stock and farming implements will be sold at a fair price.. Price of the Farm including the Grain down, $l4OO. Terms, easy. S. , CUTHBERT, Gen. Agcy jan49 Smithfield at FOR SALr—s 'OR SALE—A valuatie cornet Lot of saket Ironton Borough street, by 75 deep on North street, in Law; rincevillo—contais lug _a new Brink House, conveniently, wronged, with wide hall, large'parlior and kitchep, thiee bed rooms, upper and lower porches, good cellar, bake ovan, ganien, tee. Price $1500; $5OO in hand ; $5OO in I year; 8.500 at 2 years'. - lent.; S. CIJTHBERT, Gen. Agank, , . Smithfield. street, NOR SALE.—A valuable property of a Brielc , Rouse and. Lot, trohting on Lacock street. Allegheny. The o l use is well arranged, with a good dry vault and cel lar, dining-room and kitchen, hall and two parlors, two chambers and finished garren. Will be sold at a bargain. rrice sl2ooleoo Ir. hand...WOO at a' months. -• S. CUTHRE,RT, Gen. Agent. Smithfield street. TO LET—A pleulfingliouse, on Federr street, - Allegheny, near the Market Equate : . and' a small House'on Penns*lvanla Avenue, near Mrs. Mur-. ray's Tavern, Pitt Township. - Also, a long Room, .3.1 story, Market street, Pittsburgh. Two small Stores on Third street, and several convenient Offices, near the Post - Office, Apply to E. D. GAZZA-ht, fehlffiw Office, Third street, over Philo Hall. mkTA ' STAND AT SHOD TWN FO. RENT...--A commodious andwell finished Tavern land, in the village of Shonsetawa, furnished - In modern style, with good Stabling attached. ' It will be • leased-for a term of years. Address ' • • P. SHOUSE,'Shousetown; ......____ .....___ M TO LET—One Three Story and one Two Story Dwelling House, finished'tn modern style, marble mantels in each of the parlott; and - bath houses in each; situated on Wylie street, second and third houses - from the caner of Wewhincon st , 1 gni P. PERRY, rn Coer of Li fly and Irwin sts. An2:3:lwtl• rt.°. LET—The Dwelling, corner,of Wylie and Chain am street; baying parlor, dining room, and six bed rooms. Apply to ,JAS. MeGUIRE, iont3 Tailor. Third.st. Mr. Daff>allook.Keeping A ND WRITING ROOSMAkiander 3r. Day's Build ing,, corner of Dianiond and. Market street. For day and evening claims. Mr. A's improvements in teaching, embraced in his splendid new work on Book-Keeping, art howattracting general attention in the Eastern cities. " Numerous as are the publications already before the public on this important branch of mercantile education, we think, from the emphatic testimonials appended to the work. that Mr. Dull has succeeded in electing a-more ready and desirable method of teaching and reducing to practice this great essential in the conduct of mercantile elfairs.—New York Evening . Express, Oa. 30. • Professional assistance g iven in opening, posting and closing Merchant's and Steamer's Hooks, adjusting de ranged books, ecc. Class hours front 10 to 12 a. m., and Irma 2 tog, and 7to 10P. M. • nine February !Magazines. 111611:CFAVED AT M. A. MlNER'S.—Godey's 'Lady'S 1 - Ir, Book, for February. Graham's Magazine, for February. Ladies' National, for February. All the above are more than'equal to the January numbers,' . Illustrated Courier, for December, Living Age, N 0.244. • The Gobi Mines of California, and also a full historical account of thateountry; edited by 0: G. Foster. Also, a largo correct Map of all that region of country; engraved by Atwood, New York.' Also, a new work of 150 pages, giving a full history of Califortua and itaGOld Regions, with , the lleographical, mineral and agricultural resources, including a map of the whole country; by Fayette-Robinson: Part first Ifinsupted Life of Benj,.Franklin ; to be com, plete in eight. bombers. Publisled hy the' flamers. - ... Charles Dlekena' new work, the Haunted Man and the .Ghost's Bargain. Price - O Cents. . . BERFORD of Allegheny City, bas' all the above. Ire Smith fi eld street, thud dour. above 2d. janl7 YOttrttAlit., graved from Daguerreotypes, published by E. Anthony— Daniel Webster, Henry Clay (in his. Hst year), General Scott, Gen. Taylor, Millard Oen. Wm ler, John C. Calhoun, James Buthanan„Theodare Fre linghnisen, John Quincy Adam, Andrew Jackson (from Dodges celebrated miniature) Washington, (item Stuuri'i painting) Plus IX., Lewis Cass. • ' • A supply of the above excellent portraits just received' and:for sale by. .jOHNSTON , tc STOCKTON,. jantl) Comer 'Market and 3d sts. vrAcAuLErs ENGLO=Vh - illistory o Haglund UVl,lrom the nouns/inn of Janes; AL, by. Thomas Bpy bingion Macaulay. Just received and for sale -by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Corner 3d andad Market ist46,. A HBOTDS ALEXANDER THE GREAT—HistOry,il 21.:0f Alexander the Great, by Jacob Abbott; with en, gratings. Just received and for sale by - -. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON ; • Corner.Marlret and 3d sta.?- ian2a . . . . Pattersonts Carriage Illauxuraetary, .. Diamond , alley between Wood and . 9 7nitkfieklsoete, _ , 'Win= may always be found an assort. : .5. „:.. ...,, J. eat of: Family _Carriages, Bar Ouches, $....:_ _,-..: 1 ...-: — . Buggies,' and all kinds of heavy work, from a si.x.horse wagon down to a wheel .barrow. Persona wishing to purchase or contract_ for any thing in the, above line,are xespeetfuny Invited to call._ oet2thtf : A FURTHER. REDUCTION. Jas. Muspratt & Saimar.Pat,atit Soda 'Amhr ITO 5 TONS; 3f, each , currenc y ror 4 mos., approved bills. 6 tons or upwards lido., par, or 6 mos. do., In; terest added. For the superior quality Or this brand, we refer .to thb glass and soap manufacturers °NM' city generally. MITCHELTIIED, _decd - - No:160 Liberty street. . • . WILLIAM - TA'l9l3lCit, , lIS suCCSBOICS SO No. 10, Fourth sired, betivith - Reny and Liberty VrANIJFACTURERS of sheet lead, leaden pipes, by al dainty; pumps baths, water closets, leaden coffin:4 • he;; keep congeal on hand and manufactureto order . sheet lead from Ito Mi . ; to the moans lbot t in sheets of d : 'by 'ffilfeet, which they will furaiek to then,* Wholeilal#, - or cut to order in any size that may . bewanted. • ' - • They also manufacture and keep constantly on hind leaden pipes from 2to inch calibre 'aqueduct pipe; for ConVeying wateitiom springs, furnished •to the 'conntry trade, and put up on reels in lengths of froniloo' to 1000 feet on each reel, with directions as to theproper method •of laying. Also - , --- ori hand,ir large: supply of Pat ent suction Pumps t for wells or cisterns; &mar ilt:Oti!if= very.supeiror cast iron suction Pumps: 'Hydrant work of everrileseripuon: eteented in the most.durable manner, andi an the most accommodating • terms.. Orders from the country foe leaden pipes; shit, lead, or pumps, will receive prompt attention. Je27-daw MMW3NMffißffl 'GOODS NOTICE. , ' - A.A.MASON & ~ No. 00 Market street; Pittabitrgl4,ga., EG leave most lesketffilly to announce to their' nu. , fttelon*patrohs and the 'public that - they, in . Come ence of contemplating a c hangein their busineiss, pro pose opening the whole of their extensive WirehouSe, (including all their Wholesale Rooms, ) for retailing, and will continue open until the first of Feruary, commona ng..oo,Near Year's Day, 1849. Our whole stock, Com .2niung one of the most extensive and varied assortments of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS ever exhibited 'in the Western country, will be offered nt loWer, prices than ever before known. Upwards of fifty thousand dol tarn of. our stock has been recently purchased, the great' er . portion of which are foreign Goods, received at New York by late European arriVals, whichi frelailie' lateness of . the season, as well Mr the well known pressure in the money market, were .sold at , immense sacrifices at the public sales, at rates varying 'from twenty-five to fifty per cent. less than similar goods brought the first of the sea son. We therefore confidently - believathat ourpriCes for the time above mentiintedivill be found lobe even lower than any Eastern wholesale rates We anxiously invite all persons to visit oat' establish ment, whether they purchase or not, and test the of the above—assuring them that they will incur tinoblign tion thereby, but confer a favor apon 'the proprietors._ Cir mamma nt of SILKS, SHAWLS and FINE DRESS GOODS will amply repayone fora visit ; added to which our great displaLof DOMESTIC GOODS Will, we hope, inches all to cal irr Our system of One Price, will be strictly adhered to. (iana) A. &MASON. & Freak Arrival-..filew Goods I w. 65 BURNET BT., EIZTV7EIM 4TEC sr . AHD TEI2 DIAMOND ANC Y AND STAPLE WINTER DRY -Goons!' The subscriber has just received, his second supply of NEW GOODS, purchased in the Eastern cities since the Great Fall in Prices; and far below the cost of maw lecturing, and will disjiose of them, WhcilesaleSind Re tail, at . GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS!. Bleached Muslin, only cents; 4-4 Bleached Muslin, from 8* to 12CCents; , 4-4 Brown' do: do. sto gents; 4-4 Double Purple Calico;l2f do; ' ' Prints, Merrimack patterns, only -' 61 cents Furniture Chintz, only Of - cents ' Red a nd Yello* Flannel, all wool, ISI cents British Chintz, Blue and Orange,lo cents _ Bed Ticking, only 45-/- cents; • French Dress Ginghams, 12k cents ; French Work COMM, only in cents; .. • 4-4 White Flannel, only 25 cents. LADIES'. DRESS GOODS. Black Plaid fielks, rich lustre; . . Wide Black Manilla Silks; - . att . - • Chameleon Silks, all shades; - - - Satin stripe.Cashmere,new style; French Lamartine, Plaids; . - . • Lyonese Cloths, rich lustre; -. • . . Black Plaid Alpaca Lustre ; . ' Gala Plaids, high colors;, .t , •. Coburg and Tlubei,Gloth,mariona shades ; .• • " Paris Printed Larilllrtine Casluneres; French Merino z all colors; -. . • Chameleon Saun, all *hada' ; • ' Black Plaid Gro.V.Armoter Silks; Chameleon Thibet Cloths.. SHAWLS: SHAWLS . . Plaid Long Shawls; Brocha Long Shawls; Embroid- - ercd Black -Cloth Shawls; new style all wool Brach* shawls; Embroidered, black and-tolored Mons de Leine Shawls ; new style Stradilla Shtzwls ; plain and embroid erer black sand colored silk Wage Thibet Shawls, and new style Paris printed Torkezn and Cashmere Shawls. 'FANGS, GOODS. ''French work Capes ; Collars and Chemizettes; new style Bonnet Ribbons; Revere bordered linen cambric Efaadkerchiefs ; Ladies' CraTats and Scarfs; black, and colored Kid Gloves; Mohair 'rind • Wiersted hfitts; white and black. Silk, Cashmere. Alpaca, Ingrain. end Wore , vine "Hose.; blaik Silk Fringes, and OiMPIC Edgings and Inserting& DOMF.STIC AND STAPLE GOODS.: • Damaik Table LineUr t - and Table, Cloths, perand Crash; Irish Linen end - Linen Lawns; Bleached and Brown Muslin ; Cassinets; Kentucky /elms ; Cheeks; Bed Ticking; Domestic - Ginghams; Colored Cs ; Red, White and Yellow Flannels; Welsh Flannel; Plaid Linseys ; Canton Flannels; Brown, Bleached and color ed GENTLEMEN'S GOODS: last received, a very fine assortment of French and English, bineibleek and brown Cloths ; blank and fancy French - Caisimeres -' new style ftineYVeStitigs and - Cra: vats ; Mennt — iShirts!artd Drawers • _Linen, -Cambriannd Hatidkereidefsiand a splendid assortment of IfiloYes; Hosiery and Suspenders. A splendid assortment - of- superfine '(rilibon -boundj Blankets,just received. ..„ The above GOODS , having heen-purchnied sjnce the recent grila Jolt in prices„ Merchants and others are re quested to call and tiuspect them, as I feel confident that on examination they will be found much lower than they have ever been offered-in this City, as I intend to. sell them wholesale and retail, at a very small prof: nt.,the Eastern Cost. AUSALOM. MORRIS, n0v423 No. 65.7darket street:Pittsburgh. , New Goods, at Number ITlfty.nhae t e citastat or rurarit Asti. at mu=F . nocrrs, ernsanaom. REAT BARGAINS !--The subscriber has just re -15 turned from the Eastern Cities'; and is now receiving a very extensive assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, adapted to the present season, and em be sing a stock-for richness and variety not surpassed by at sr establishment in the West. DRESS GOODS ! . • Very glossy black Silks; ' 'Cravats and Collars; Handsome dress do. Black love Vella ruldlldlcfs.;. Rich changeable- .do. : Jaconet and Camb.llltudinc. Rich - changeable Satin delPlaid and striped Muslins; Chines; . Handsome Ribbons; Mods and high cord French Gloves, Hosiery, - . - Merinos ,• . IClothe foiCilmiks • ' Mode and high cord Muslin Shawls ;"- -• deLaines; Cashmere do. „ • . • - New,styie mualixtdeLainergiPlain :•Thibat Shawls, silk satin striped Caahmeres; . fringe; Fancy do. do. Plack rhibetShavels,do.do. Black and colored Alpacast Black do.; ' • do. Plaid Gingliamst bright co- Silk ' do.:` do: Mrs; - Fine Brochm do. - . New style Visettea; • Cloth ' do: Gala Plaids, bright colors; Plaid, Long :• ao. California Plaids; • Low Priced do • - •'' Black Bombazines; .>. • Plaid Cloaking'.' -CALICOES—GREAT REDUCTION • Hii stock of Calicoes is very large; it has been lie , lected with much eare—with particular -referetice to fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and beauty of design.- These - goods- are lower than they have ever been before, and are worthy the particular attention ot purchasers: . The best Calicoes for si cts. ever offered ; • - " Double purple Calicoes, English, in cents; . • .Oil Chintz; BritishChintres; •• 5 . " New style Merrimack Ctdicoes;: . - • Bt de and Orange • do. - •• - • 1 Fnraiture CHEAP DRESS GOODS. A large lot of low priced Muslin de Woes, of *helots , price of 12/ cents per yard. • ' ' •-• •• Also, Bleak Aipaens for lA. cts. per yard. Very gbod. and-very handsome dark.. and bright colored Plaid Ging hams; for 12} cents, warranted fast colors..•••• DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. - - Blenched Mastitis, ot. to 12; • • Yard wide' Unbleached, 8} to ; • lied Tickings, very cheap; !. eosin etts, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans; • • .••- ...Checks, Linings, Plaid Linseys; ••• - • Demesne Gingham, Mariners; Shillings; • • • Colored Cambncs ; • Flannels, lower than ever offered; Canton Flannels. • , • , : LINEN GOODS! Iriab Linens, Linen Lawns; • Damask Table Linen; Russia Sheeting; _ • BLA BETS: BLANKETS! .A lahre stock of Blankets, from coarse to very_llne, also Blue and Drab Blankets,• fine and very • finejor GENTLEMEN. Fine andsuperfine French and English Cloths and Cas simeres ; Over-coatings; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand kerchiefs and Cravats; Gloves ; - Suspenders Silk and Merino Under Summits; Merino and Cotton•HaltHose, The subscriber hamg made exit aordinarr PrePara• lions for the Fall and Winter trade, and having ;rumbas .ed his Goods under the advantage of markets . unusually , depresUed,. can confidently promise his custoiners the bisibarganut he. has ever been able to over. : • • • •Cdatorners of• the. house, and purchasers generally, are , respectfully invited to call. (nov2o) THILIPROSS. t!Vanter Goods at 'Eastern Cost GEO: R. WHITE, N 0.51. nrret, intends making" a 4banre in his - business, on the ISt of Jai:Mary next-.-will dispose of the following styles of GOODS at original' cost : . . . Brotha Lang and Square Shawls; ' • Preuehl'artan - Long do. ' Preach' Printed Cashmeres;, 3-4 and 6-4 Gala Plaids; High co:Mil French Gingharas; and Fancy Dress Silks. Those wantlagEorgain.s.nreinvitedte [ao27:tni . Reduction In Prices. uriLL BE BOLD, from this date, the.balruice of our Wrwrim Dams Grimm, at gremly.reduced p'ricea; consisting of scarlet, maruon, maaarina - .lalue i lTk,brawn `sad.- other colors Eraneh - Afetinol,' Lamartui- ;814Peii r litahair Stripea;and btir'll Alpacas end fancY triton; Franck all wool Cashmeres and De Dalnea ; Tow price d . Cashmeres and: - .Da LaMea, in_Kraal variety.; . Long atul Square Plaid. Shawls;' Turken, Cashmere De Lame Thibet,Cloth, . m Taopsolkr, tiecatlo Markee at., 3:doUns from Libert • - - - - - 'DAM) & lIROTRERS' PREMIUM. GOLD. PENS..., dom of the abOve warranted:brand of Pensi just reCetvadi and for Mile to itte trade at New York prices. •Tholtbove Pens have, received the highest premium ever isatirded.ott Gold Peus,Und are'artruin e d . by manu . factoker We Obit earning - Forisaletr., , . EDWARD VODD tr: . Northteakt corner Tot Fifth and "hlarket sts., up stairs. InLACK ANA PANOY;CABSIMERES,-147. N. Mm- Di . inv has lately _received a large assortment of these and is opening them at prices unprecedentedly low, lashing from 75- to .82,60 per yard.. Also, French Doeskins, of all qualities. Also, French and: - English Etroad e ltiMii r Cdivi invisible given; and Among thew°, are some very handsoma,French 431tielc,: suitable Air Cloaks, at a very.lo* price', andl,rownn 411=1)16gram:1, and Pelisse Cloths; for Ladies' Cloa ks. Also, silk cotton and merino trridershirts and Dtaiieinq MarinerslUndershirts, Colll3}lMlir on hand. e ittentioriof Merchants and Me rcharit.wailors.,, who the pied°, is viecitaly invited to the above. decl3 By Express. .—S G"' SUMMER GOODSuper...single:-Milled • 'Frmek Heat Cloths; kish Styles Cassinteres; - black and colored Cashmereits; Queen's - and Summer Clothe figured and plain Drap Ems.•Vestings,"irmy choice- Marseilles, Silks and . Satins, and - figured Linen-Drills; Cheaper yet! 1 , • ROBINSON'S Cloth Store, - may2s • Post. Ruildiuks,eorner Fifthltnil-Wbod.-„ : BASKETS At 'O. 613 ARM rx,--Cort kiting of Rosewood, litabogmly and oilier valua ble materials. Also,m superfine quality of Toilet and Straying Bats, Writing Desks, Fanny Building Blocks and lames of every description 'with a large assortmen of Toys snd Fancy Articles. suitable for Chrtstmesres anis. @sold] ROGAN & C MWROMM EkV 6060. .13ariliert anb exibans . i Broltero EX C N W E DI BANKINGAD - OFFICE:,_ N. B. comer ofj. Third anci.lirciod strati, WET and Time Bill/rotEtehangeißank - elates and to foreign and domestic Coin brraght and 1101 d od the , most favorable term,. Collectiolus made mall the prinelpateities etas lialon4 at the loiva - st rates. Jan- BILL OURSY r ANGE 4n4 li c ßL e ßrr g t i coo ' iv. tate Deposst, 13ankNotes,Gald ern Wan', M. 65 Wood strea,arcrdodrbekna Fourth, Westaidc Pinatesh, Par .821 7COWLEID. IIA1134•: . KRAMER et. It/LUX. Bonkersand Exchange Broken, Dealers in ,Poriirt and -pomade Bak BAT Of Exchange, Certificates tf ettOos st, Bank Nora, and Coin. Corner of Third and Wood stn.; direody oppoidio the Bt. • .Charles Hotel. N. IiOLDIES dta. BON, • . ... Bankers and Beaterr.in .Ezehange - Coin and Bank NOUS, No. 55 Market street, Pittsburg& ' e ' - WILLING RA:lli. , , , itacriarraz,. :. • Now York 1 : . , ~i pr I Cincinnati Pnibaia l Pilla - ' ". Lonisville...' Baltimore .Buying .1416 .-. _.-, 1 - Buying- fatal -; Ohio . . Indiana •' ' I " Relief - Nodes Ketuc • . * ili, , ,Pennohrazda CO. 1 Virginia ' -• ' ... " New York: '*: Wheeling ' • i ' Maryland ,- - ...* '‘ t 'Tennessee - 3 ii . _Nam Orieruis . ' au.l9-y ' 11.1100 N. THOS. MAJWINt. /1 00 N SARODIN T. • RIMERS AND ,EXCHANGE: BROKERS,- K. Coeur of Woad and Higth tams.; Pittiburgh, TIEALERS in Coin,Bank Notes,, Time Foreign and Domestic Exchnnge, Certufidatea of Deposit, ate: EXCHANGE on nil, the, principal Citieff. Union and Erope, for sale in sumo to suit parchasera: : ." " • ',. - .CURRENT and par fonds received on deposlie. C UR E and madeon all parts of the Union, at the lowest rates. • ' - ' 11 , PR.t ATE DISEASES.. Dr No . ; 1 OS Diamond Ailey, can- bif.const rn d v te u Al tilt • • cases of a private: or delicatenatatsixteidenta • ' • to the human &Mae: • ; • Sybilisand Syphiliticemptions,gotorrheett • and Its ccntsegnences, together with all Vs. turret • masts, impuritiesgfthe blood, with all diseases o - • enured origin, elan direases,with strictures, gleeurethral:, discharges, seminal , weakness and impotencr, atm; thearnatista, female weakness, diseases :of. the :womb, monthly suppression!, disease" of the joints, &tole ano, nervonssfeetions_,paius irt the -back and loins,' cations of - the neck of the bladder and kidneys, scorbutic.'. rt• eruptions; miter ringworm, meicutiel diseases, .10. , TWELVE YEARS , _ PRACTICEI- Excluilvely devoted to the study andtreatment of yeast" real ditorders, and those arising from yyyouthful excesses". .; gaiety, ~climate, or impurities of the.blood i a herebythe •, . consutultott niay have been eafflebled,enablesDr.Browtt Mater assurances of speedy relief: to all whomuypisca themselves under his care. '.' '• •-; ' Dr. Brown's otseea are convenientlYarisufgedinto sep arate apartments. ' Patients can visit .1;',4•,)3. without fear ; of exposure to other visitors. - • It is of importance to many persona in need ofmedic.if..._ aid, to obtain toed adVice privately and promptly., ?Paoli . such, Dr.- Brown's ready skill in. emoving caneeal,dis., `ease , in their various forms and Stages,,oflers iriducernents which can rarely be eguelledl- - Strangers 'sit:hereby prised that Dr. Brawn' has' been regularly educated in „ ••• emery branch of medicine; and for the lam( twelve years - confuted himself exclusively to the, treatment of those Dr. Drown is the only regularly edttcate.4l surgeon in -' Pittsburgh who gives bis whole attention to those earn-, plaints. Ertoe ,safeandspeedycure,will,lnalleases,be Recentcases are relieved in a shorttline;withoutintett.., - • ruption from business. • Hernia or Bupture.=-Dr. Brown 'alio invites per-, • 'Otis afflicted with Herniate calljasife has paid purlieu) ler attention to that disease,:' ' - • • Letters from a distance,askingadvice, moot contain • " fee, or they w il l not be attended to, Wpr-Office on Diamond Alley, - tt few doors from Wood street, towards the market. strictly con& dentist.' ' - . ..; oct2S.dlowly EUDIATISAL—• Dr. Brown% 'netVly seov erect:ern -edy. for Rheumatism Ira 'speedy and cattail:4 :remedy for that painful trouble. It nevertails . - Office and 'Prtirate Consultation Boerne, NO. .433, thit mond alley, Pittsburgh Pa:. 'The Doctor - is dump. ,st Lome. ' Innll3.4lavott- Dailey'. Mag Soak Pain ketatracsar. • - To THE PUBLIC—This is to certify that I have found • Dances Magical Pain Extractor to prove a cure iii" the Chronic Rheumatism, which I have been afflicted- - with for ten years, in, my hie joints. , ABRAHAM 4:NrasEteNit.;: Acquarkancok, N. r; April 348 Na. H. Diuxr..;;Sir; havebeen" troubled With the,. Piles for eight months, and:Could get'no relict. Your hlagical - Pam Extractor Laving been reetnzuneridetl to we, I applied it but twice, obtained instant relief, and in a-short tame , was perfectly cured! "Couldl riot vit., any more of would -not take a bandred dollars for the balance of pry box. " — IVILLLISI HALL: 97 North Moore ikpr . c INIC.w. York, JrCusl9;.lf4Y. ' 07. CAUTION. ) whey's only Depot imps rtry 4fAr g u k . - - York, an 4 whew the genuine Artie' Is can , be obtalnedk, wholesale and remit, is at 415 Broadway.- • - - H. Diu.= is the inventor of this truly invelbehlo tow . • paundoladte never Ma, and asecottelf coortannieste The. secret of. its. preparation to any man living; and, there: fore, no other person ever has madejorerrercw4 wake: te-, grairtof it himself._ . . . , .) .Countevreita atouund! Every truly-valuable article is subject to be depredated upon by counterfeiters and 1121' posters; and.nothing, War we know bf, has more exten-' vely experienced that fact.than Drillers Magical Pain • • • A Tiltm , —Thugenuine.Daftry, in cues of tlre severest • Burns, Scalds, Piles, itc will afford 'finsianstelief, and • prbduce at once a coolinZand sootbingeffeet—extracting 'pain in and from one to &Peen minutes: but be'sure, al ways, apply it on linen—nover an cotton claret • • • . And now mark the differencr!—Coanterfeit ExtractOriti no matter ander vebatuamo, tbsy may nppirar,,or hawaal plied, alwaysirritais and increase thspoin! , • Pamphlets, containing certificates of cures,may Le Mitt. . • F gratis, on application to ' JOHN D. motto/kw,: !,. Wat. items. Agent Tut.. • Dalleyir Animal Galvanic Clare.Ali t i • For Horses, Cattle, Ste., cures spasin, quince, grcace.:', poll-evil, sores, galls and bruises. Pamphlets contaunag certificates of respectable parties may be bad on applt- , cation to JOHN b.. mortco oetlfcd& ' ' Aen Pittsb •b. Tile Grand Purgative. . .•. DR CLICRENEIVB SUGAR COATED irEOETA- • BLE EXTRACT PlLLS.—These colebrateff , Pßia: have obtained an enviable notoriety in. the Valued Stalesi .. • ass curative for Giddiness, Dyspepsia, Boar 'Stomach, • • 'Headache,' Fevers, Piles, costiveness, Coughs, Heart: . •• burn, Liver Complaint, Scurvy, Bore Throat,- Inward.., Weakness, Palpitation of the Ileart,, Indigestion, and a'. varier, of other diseases to which flesh is heir loess a:.. medicine for the million. In all. seasons of year,r. , spring, mourner, autumn, and winter,-Tand under altar carnmences;.ther can be taken with petfect safety and. success. As aVennifugeandgeneralmedicine for chill- c . - dren; they are unrivalled. Being coated-with pare white. sugar, claidreri emily take them•: they neither grips • ;I. nor nauseate; are gentle, but thorough in theiroPerallau. .c: For adults, by increasing the.dose, they are benj ••• :•• ificial. .As an Pill th ey will be (ovoid Data superior. ' Aak any one, among the thousands who ; • use them, and en unqualified approval willbethe certain • result • Remember Dr. C. V. Cli ekener is tle original inventor ' ' .. • of Sugar Coated, Pills, and that nothing pr the sort was. . . . ever heard or until he introduced, them in Jane, 1843., Purchasem should, therefore, always ask for'Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable. Pills, and take noothem, or they '• will be made the victims' of a fraud. fille•Trice, 25 cents per bor. ' • . ; ,;; Dr. Clickener'a v principal office for the eale of Pills; ti . 66 Vesey at. WM: JACKSON 89 n Liberty , or.wood,Pltta •, burgh; Pa.; General Agent for Pennsylvania, Northern . • I - Ohio, and the river counties of Virginia.' • .• : The following are the duly appointed Agenta for A 'li' gheny countA i Ta.: rshall, . Dr. - Btown,' Allegheny city.. ' Jonathan Ohmic; Manchester. •-• Alexander Asdale, Wylie street. ' R. H. Jacques, Birmiugham. Wm. J. Smith, Ternperanceville: • H. Starr, Sewickley. . • Uwe/A Thompson, Wilkuutburgh. Daniel Negley, Fast Liberty. • ' H. Z. Mitchell; Wilkiasbargh. • •-• B. Rowland Z Son, hi'Reesport. , C. F. Dield,Elizaheth. . . John Black, Turtle Creek. . • • hPEldowney, Bakerstown: springer, (gin nn; James bl'Ree, Stewartetown. Riley Bl'Langlilin, Plum township J. Fulton, Tarentam. Jeremiah Fleming, Lawrencevillet Robert Williams, Arthursvilbs. : abo44-dafwiten ' Presta, Puke Taos,- • "•• ' ••• INTEIGLESALE AND 111.TAIL, - AY anti Pam Tsts. V. STORE, •70 Fourth strett,• near Wood,' Pittsburgh.— Theimbscriber, having just returned from New Yorkilj • ' no* receiving a large supply of FRESH GREEN aml • • SLACK TEAS. from Ne* York Pekin Tea .Compa ny, selected with' great care for retail aoleaaOur stoclr• - •' • • being now heavy, we are prepared to supply Grocers, Hotels: Steamboats and Families with' any quantity, an d at any price they may wish—pneked it •1 and 1 pound: • packages, S 5. tin: cannlsters, eT and 13.5. catty boles, '•' and in the half chest.. • - •• :. .• • • Retail Grocers are invited 'lO tail, na we min and will • • • • • sell better Temi at lower prices than any other b nose in • Oar stock of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and fm- . penal Green, und.Ooldng Black Teal,maths in the American market • Lovering's doubld refitted *knit, Crushed and, palver ised SUGARS; at retail.'or by the barrel: • •- • • COFFEES.—Idocha, • Old Gov. Jaya, Luguyra, St. Domingo and Rio: Cortes,' selected try•tbe most expe rienced Crake Broker to New York. • '•• •-•::- .-• • Sweet Spiced 'Chocolate,. Pickled Cucumber s and Onions. Fred! Peachaj put up in their own juice. D: Jayns's•Fainily dfedicfaci&rtas. •• • - ; deeihdltw - • A.../A l.tv ERIN W 8 DOODLE It EFIN ED, EMI/LW:le-211 LI Ebb'. LON't (111.11'6 Poul{le Refined Lost i Crushed and Pulverizad Suers, just received and torvale tu the pekin Ten Store; 70 roneasteeeh by. • deeS:dtew .•A JAYNV3. TIRINTERS.INK^IIO(I kilo** rroara News 20' x-. keg.; at 85 p er . ked, Just zsceivedand-for.sabe kialreaStore Lp..ldecS ikar) - A:JAYNE& -• IIND COFFEES.. — Mocha, , al4ocrv.,Jave;Tirolif ik F si, Domingo and Rio Cone'Oust reteivo; and for • lo at tho Pekin TettStore 70. Fourth ottaat i llu • •Es— • . . . ' • !. e I "..IEROWN , IIIIOItELV • k e q , sprat:o4'../DITTEFITILD AND"T.N.TRD BTS., .• .'-'• prrrantractr, Pa. Damn.; & CONNELLY, PROPRIETORS, N. 8.--Good Stabling punched to the hour. lianZi 1.1; BDTISG , a•VS' -- - V .: ]......:i:'