The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 08, 1849, Image 1

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indPublahat' eVerlikt 4 4 6 4;(64ntfays axep'
- ' UT I.6. 7 HII.ItPECIV;
-‘ •,
Notrrn-arzsrr.coarnta os.woon Ann linrrn sTarTrir:
U:r TSRAGS.—Vivo, Dollars a.year,-poyabloistiouy
in advance. Dollard will inquired
not aid within the year:. • - : • -
fr-- . Bingla 'copies Two czars—for talent theionntai
-11.66 Office, and by,tl . le Nowa Boya: - . ,
spublished",froinAlte same. office; .on - alarge - bhuiket
. ze
sheet, at TWO 1/01 0 1„Aas, a :3rearr i n a d ialot) ._,,,
sia to e'optei irma, tsars: .
NoVaper Will be discontinued (ntileis Attie -.
erenon of the proprietor) until all arrearages
.nro paid
• CEr No attention will be pidd w any *order unless RC
eampaniedly the money, or teadsfactory I'CietINICO inthis
.._.. _ .
l ' -E RMS'''OF'ADVtEitt,SI NO.
-- • l'int SQUAIIIZok 7*BtAiB xtiro OU L} 1.
One Ing;rilon, .:. . ...:.30 '3O hiorith,:;•••, .r.. 84 oo
Twoc. d 0..... . . .. !..... 3:1 73 Two - u0... ,, ;•—••• 600
Three- do Ixoo Three do•';'•• . ';• % . •'..... 7 00 .
`'e Woo*. t• .. -....: ISo Four do - 8 , 0 0
Tw o do i• 2 50 Six do .. t•id ,t, l d
P. ,
Three rm
do '2-00, One Year, 15, -001
, - -
- DvETisENEtsmg::
Charigrabir ai Flamini.
~,3 E wriring. l ~• - - - ~ T wo SC;i/111125:'
Si; man t4 l 4`,'_••.°'•? • 41.5,00 I Six Mud's, ~. .... •', B`:D 00
One Year, - 20 00 [Dna Year,!—, •,•,-,±• .30; 00
tionSer.adviiiiiitrinintii in - proportion.. -,.
Carrisvf Pouß 'LINES; l'iis .Ikda ra ci - Yetr.!
, lento ujiloot tie' inserted 'unless en extra pride
_...AAveithiementii upon which thenumber of Moms.
tions is not marked, win, be inserted nod. obantrd until
ordered out:
Ptofessitoticit &tbs._ - „
.... , ~
w. AttAlwit, Attorneg:at Ltitn:—Office
S street, near Mout Piushargh. ' o t2s
TAMES ditornsy at Law; Office in Oa;
Buildings, Grant street: - inayl74nt.'
AIISCAL4IIO, T, Attorney at Late.AJtbee, Foarth
street, ltear li , Patterson's Livery Stable - ,ibbl7'.
GEOEGIE WATT.e , -Othee, No. 77' Smithfield st.,
aunt Sixthat.,ltittehutgh. au:' -
DA. W.' °LIVER,. Physician and Surgrart:—&c
at. Clair street, Pittsburgh. aug2l-y
TAIL JO/1N CRAWFORD, office on SC. Clairatreet
opposite the Exchange. • , . ungto-y
ft ,ORLANDO LOOMIS, .4ssoviebo i es Lor.7-Odkce 4111
above Wood. lo l Y4 Y_
- - - -
IHOBLA.S SLilt.SHALL,'Arictrary
Low/10'10.13WWhams, Fourth ' o'. PLO7y—
JAMK9 CALLAN,..duornerai Law,. comer of.Wylin
and nth istreets—“Lti* Corner.'" feblo.y
C.DABBAGII, , disorneyarLass--Oiftee
. Buildings, on• Grunt street,--opposite the Court
M. KENNEDY, At:Wady at Lave.--06iee in Me
Ale tame building with Alderman M'Mamer, F-itthat„
between Wood and Smithfield eta, ..nlag/74ine
tORNAMItTON,_Atiornfy 411-awl--Otfice, 'North aide
of Fifth street, between Wood oud Smithfield, in the .
UM building With Alderman Morrow. - sep3o4
.1 - o.4BPki C. blqil/3131N, ,Anorney a: Law—Odic° in.
j Wallace's building; on Fourth at., between. 'Wm!
and Smithfield its.
„movie-Y. --
CIEOR.GE. W. LA.YNG, Attorney and Counsellor s •to
'Uf and Notary Public —Office at-the Corner ct•.4W titul
Wood sta., over Sibbet teJoheellachange office octl4
'EDMUND SNOWDEN, 'd.eorneg at Lara.—Oftiee in
„Va the building an she North Elise corner Founh end
Smithfield ats. ;,
:41•• I*, .1 , man. c hop north st. e o ll
• s;reet; betweeti Wood'asal Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
I A. a: & '; . . lugs a • • •
- :ors at Lam.—Office on Fourth st., opposite IL ee ;
Patterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. saplo-y
FORWARD & SWARTZ WELDER., eliterneys al Lam
Office on Fourth street, between Wood. and Smith
field, opposite Patterson's Livery Stable. oP7-Y-
E 0 1 G GILLMOILE, Attorney and Coonselktrot
removed to the 24 doorbelow Grim st.,
ou Fonrtho&the office lafely occupied by Aldereucb .
wi:. .
` - r •NAIIVLOWRY, Attorney and CounseUor at Lass.
ti • Mee in Balcewell's Buildings on Grant street.
IDC. 8.. 0, ".4•• •, ••id O , . 4 7 f , • •• .
JL • Office. ort..4th it between Wood, and. Smithfield'
and nearly apposite the Mayor's office. . norfi-Y.
y SCOTT, Bettis; Fourth st,live doors west of Mar
t, • tel. Ali work warranted, and if ust perfectly sat
isfactory' no ehargeadill be mute. . feblo
r EIbEASOVAL.—Dr. Robert Snyder, 'hne Twittered his office to Fourth Creel, betrreeb Wood sad Biriit *
field streets. • utarl&ly.
ILir Beelen has remosed his commission
and forwanhns lustiness froin the Canal Basin 'loth;
new warehouse, on
,Third /drew, nearly opposite the Post
REMOVAL—jOHNJ. MITCHEL, Attorney at Law;
has removed to South at, next door to the office of
Alderman Steel. -' ap7
T . LEET,. Attorney at Law, Weahingtaa, Pa. Cat
J. leetions made hi Washington, Fayette, Greene and
adjoining eernuieit ,, ' aplsl,
HONIAS S. Ke.NNHDP, Attorney or Law—olliecOn
Ponrdt, between Wood and Smithfield. .
Rtinstursem—Gen. 1. K. Moorehead, John Graham s
Pres. Pidstrurgh Bank; Mr. flurbridge; :Logan,
Wilson, &Co.,SteCord A Pittsburgh, .
NBUCKMASTEEt, 41/stersoutit—office: Fourth street
Cilthirtldoor above 'Smithfield, South side.
veyalicing of all kinds. done with the greatest care
and legal accaraeg.
Titles to Real Estate examined, tr.e.
JOHN COYLF, No t ary and Conregancer.--tAbco in
hfetealt's Scalding; Fourth street, near Stnithilel4
Yittsbarst..• Deads, Bonds; Mortgates,Artieles of Agree
ment, and all other instramenwortstiuntt drawn up with
ae gt e r =d r tlispateh : . Titles to-Beal }Attila eatinataittl7
LeDWiN C. WILSON, *keno and Cearssdior su Law,
_EA Franklin, Tanana county, Pa, wilt attend prompt
ly wall business entrusted to his care. Collections blade'
in Warren, Clarion, and Jefferson counties.
• Mgr= so
J. A. Stockton lc CO •
Murphy, Wilson & Co., - •
Hon. 'mei Kinnear,
Hon. Alex. M'Calmont,
" O.
JOHN A. PARKINSON, Akin/mars, Filth Ward, Pena
st.. between Walnut and O'Hara sm., ;where 'he mar
be found at all times. Those having houses or other prop.
erty to .sell or renticaa,have the same anctuallrattend..-
ed to; debts collected, and All the dunot of an Alderman,
will receive prompt attention. 0e47 yi
• ••• T , AtELLOSt'. • a
ALMellon'sßuildinp, corner of Wylie and Fifth *teas
cut aide of the court, !louse. .
1 Collecting, Conveyancing, eaantinatititui of
cords, tc: - .protriptly and accurately attended to: • niytg
.witftY. W. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Count,Aor
uy, (successor to Lowrie h Wiplumy °Mee at
the old stand, Fourth st., above Smithfield:-
THE Partnership haretnfont existing.between Henry
W. Williams. Esq., and mystelf,in the practiceof the law,
was dissolved by pinup.' coasent on the 2Gth idt4 and the
bush:tem liereafter becontinned by Henry Mr:Mil
l/lE* whom I most cheerfully recommend to all, for
whom I have the honor to do bus ines a rtts asenticfnah
every watarcirthy of their coridenoe. -
deelS4 _WALTER H, Lowais;
- acing° rd. itasidiet Otantweretweier,
nFFICE in Avery Row, Fifth street, above Smithfield,
lJ .Pittsburgh.
Damp% tdorroaors,Acmaitunna„Boanx, RicutastaNwnd
other mann:acme of writing/druivit wilh neatness,de gal
accuracy and dispatch.. He will alto attend to drawing
and filing /reek:luta Lisiss,Aeectunu Faseutors , Admin.
istrators, dq Rzamthing tides to Beal Estate, ,Seareatag
Recordsfor Lie, u, 4e. 4 r . . ...
nom his long expenence. and intimateXeitthiatiulee
with the manner or keeping the public: 'records he ex
pects to give satisfaction to those whomay entr us t their
busineut to his care.. • : decl4
Valley and Domestic Massa atoret
115 WOOD STEW; OPPOsn't I. D.' Dine AUCT . TO3. =MP.
L H .,
33 suseriber respectfully Invites all lavers of beaaT
vithl China;to , call and examine his stock of Fancy .
Nimble! and Pier Lain e, pandej 0 ias,ciiroudple,
Japan Waiters, Britannia Virare; Castors, /ce.;&c. • _
Likewise, Queensware of every, .vaticty..and pattein,
at the lowest possibleptices. . j ..
Jas . . . .. m: flopittNBoN..
Another oltanteer. . I
IWOULD beg to call the attention of the Military; one
and all,to my establishment, N 0.33 Fifth it., where
they can be rigged out in a. new. ingt`ol•iny style, quali
ty or. dhnensions, at the lowest passible poets, If yeti
wi'sh do save • your dimes: and: get.well servioVecimeto.
Corm" No. 30 _Fifth 'street; opposite the
Post..^.. -JNO. OuRRAN,
Merchant Tailor, late of 'Cowan le.A.lgeo,Liberty st.
Rini - OVAL.---On account or our pent' up, market, and
a demand-for vegetable stands,' I have been com
pelled to remove my Bread Stand•ta the opposite aide of
.ritet,streeS in front of Atexander . & Day's Dry Goods
Store where I
.shall be glad to see iity _former customers.
N__ HOOKS BY EXPPU Tlie Planetary and
StellarWorkt; a popular exposition t ifia
tummies- and theoriekof modern Astronariayint s i sevi e k
of tanJeetares. By 0. M. Mitchell ' 4. MI Director of the
Cincinnati Obserratory:;:..
Lreterafroin Itedy—A: new- and revised edition, by
Headley. Pm sale by ELLIOTT , & ENGLISH, -
Jo . - 78 Wood -and 58 Market its.
11,B; MSTEIL, Agentfor Alaskan Saditri t to pro
cam Land Warrants and Pensioni for widows, at
his onice
lionse,eakeeselPs Building', opposite the' Nein , Coag
My sort, Id the teaeral .Land Mee, at Was a''
willattend sataybasinesus there; free °Pelmet° apPri.'
- utoaFourUss---Boipulectliy Liberty
and Hay sta., each lot haruig 21 feet front, and ex
tending back 110 eat. ' Two-of them are corner lot*, and
be position of the whole
_P Weill' is ode of MO militia.
vanuigenas in theeity._: . FOr further.infcmnation spiry' to'
0i .34 - lostareen WoOd ik it,
,__ , • -
.:Y.l"-TiTiZ7-452;-:.,..7th"-:,-I.'4;;N-=',-1 - ,
, , 4 -
• -
.w 1.11 fl
. ,
L ,--'::jloii:ii4-:'..;:eii.iit,ii.
!TAR. MCGUIRE, rallataitAßLE Tam* Third 'in, near
Wood- , -Gt. Charles Buildings Tseli/gT
JAMEG - MCICEMEA, Argt.r:i and Cox,
dont, No. - 114 Wood street. -
1101N - Vb.TitylS, dr retiOneer and ContraLition
U'canter of Wood and Fifth streets.
elntrairrrntr7Do_, skier Fancy (foods, and
:46 I.'buningsMo:67 ANiket stieret. •
' ' sani, Third
" ' rebi •
CIifeCLOSIKEY, ty a City ,C.tothi .64irt,„ No. 122 t
,Libeity 'ettiliwopposite tbentintiii '0 Market. febl-
oSIIIJA ROBINSON, Agent fi,.r /Jinnilett Co'
,r,ineof PC:V.l:d*, Fifth at., one doorbelote Wood. AM
on "lA', A 'l_s , o:treng . .
arty strpet,,head of (Y IL, • •• tab' •:
EORGE COCHRAN,- trorteardittrttsga
ISXMerrkent, Wood street.. . „ febl
riNGLIBiI& F.Ll4oTT,Booksettere arid Statierichno
Mod, Afar beirtei . Third rind Fourth. febl
- ' -
D Fashionable Clothing Store, N0.,49 14)-
TR: :bettr street' ' • fetil '
itiaN z N-}4 corner of Eind
.XT. HO " & BON; BankerrandHaaerria Fzehtingi
Co arAgiltank lima NO. ,Nuke street? kW.;
A- FULTON, Bell and .17rass Fout4m, No. 7U Secoud
street; lietneeti Mulct aiurFurTracreets. ,Sabi..
% TE, Clothing Stere,Na.l.67, comer efAiiberty
and Sixth streets. ' &hi
fiIIYWNSEND, CARR' COatkaa# Wagon maker,,tr; Sweltak-streilt, ha:tithe btidge. td b l
R. DROWN'S OFFlCE,No:6si.pie.zeond"klieYtielgrit
Air Wood , el.
Y • • OpEnshionabis - ctothinirßstablishmens,
law No. 43 Ziberty street. . ; MY2 4 L
ILIVIO Pi l)U l Kki Wialualq-Chrxer; Liberly street, ,
_Cs opposite Smithfield. , :raY23 • •
troHN C,URILAINT, Falltioneate 21;iikr, Fifth street, near
cif IVssid,oppOsite the offich Of the Post .-my23
liffeDbl4 EU. 304iiStS034, ..trause r Alps a RIC Orrin.
Jyl'insoriaPsinrets,eorner of Gituit and Seeend streets,
Ik4ILLER & ItICKET'SON,IVAakzakr 4 - roeers and Com, , mission Aferthants, comer otLitie Ind Irwin sti.
• •
A IIIeNULTYA CO. t Forwarding and Coinrnission .
.'..Aferchanti t Canal Hama: , tiara.
TWIN ACCLOSKEY, Tailorand Ctothier• ;Liberty street
.betvvesn Sixth. and Virgin alley, south' side. - trig°,
bi - MULLEN - & DOWNING, Fathisnarde Clothing
•Siare, Nc k . 218_Liherty street, pp'posite Seventh qt.
CUtithllNS, Forwarding and Commesston
'ltterckemer and Dealer:in Produce, No. 3 Smithfield it
opposite the hietwbgehela Douse. Jen
.V - 41413- & MOORHEAD,. IrAgdaude and; &LW , Grocer%
and,Produm Dealen x . comer of the . Diamond „and
Disniontl , my 23
lE'tTODdieSnF7 --- snen Furnishing Goods ,Sa-
Lleei teadtthenew, owner of Market itiadlitth streets. rip
e_iuurs, entrance-on - fifth - street.. reyt3
rii-- do J. T. McCANCE, Fatitimuitole einking..F.ssabiisn
1. lams, Nos. 77=4;9, conSei or Sixth and liberty.
streets. Iny23
TOUN LITTLE, Ja., Witairmle erwar Produce Deale r
ti and Voincdariode Merchant, Third . in., ' between Wood
'and Market. • • ' • '
A my
lI:SALMI MORRIS, WAMmale cud both? in
.11 Fancy and Staple Dry Geode,' 65 Market street, be
tween Fourth and U, Diamond.- _ my 23
I .o lol:B.l.)UbiLEVY,tiokt Iteatcri No. - 129 W Mid
tlf Goldlomf Dentists' Foil. &c. tonsuuttlyon band and
rannuracitirea 10 order. - 0172 3
ltAr UH.PHY 3 LEE, Wool Plana! and .Xmarnission
..13.1, Merchants, tor the aide or American Wooten Gsmds,
cornet of Liberty greet and Oicil'a novlo
CHAS. H.T.A.OLSONEfotand Cap ufamtrer, and
dealers in rdit'Of all , kinis, NO. Z4Wood !vein next
door to th e corner offourth. • . •
BLUalt.; Piano Porto 22anufaciarey,aad dealer lu
i•Maiicallastrumenla t -Na. 112 Woad itreet, hear,
WOODWEAJL, Impener and Dealer in For
and Domeoit Hardware, corner of Second and
Woad streets: • 0c29
~QtAhtUIid.DdcCLURKAN.&CU.; Agents for Carlisle
33 and flippant's Regular Line of Packet Ships, from
New York to Liverpool, No. 142 Liberty st. feta
10a - 1 1 1thriJOR, Boar - Stew, Ship Chandlery and
'0 Agency of the Pittsburgh Lan& Oil Pactory,,No 4,
Market -street, Pittsburgh.: sun
r rthAFFE t tPCONNOR,. Proprietors ofthe Pinstrurg4
Powebleßoat Stare corner of Penn and Wayne "eta.
A. i AT AY, Whoksak Groerr, Forwarding and Com.
" 1 ":"" iferacns, Water Streetfbetween Market and
Lt k 7.ifaitiorsiiri-artikents -Stokers, No.
-GS Wood street, third door below Fourth, west side.
iy • ALE z a H Ban and :Z" , • thoiG7
k corner ofThird and WoOd lhreets, o pp osite the Si
Charles Hotel; fehl
TO/INS6l4ic STOCKTON,SookulierriStarioncra,.Pran•
.o:tcrs and Publishers, corner of and Third sta.;
TIOTOR SCRABA,,ponindikr, Siariantr nod hinder.
V Fifth 'street, between Woosiand Market. • jan7
AIeSTEIN, Brau Fauadrr and Gas Flitter SmiLb
field strettibetureen Dinmoud alley and Fifth st.
k J—WMIVITA Malaga* One= dealer* In Pro.
• duce and Pittsburgh. mannfacturea:No. 214 Liberty,
- eosin!, 7th it. aplB
L a
o ste neer Liberty: - CJOHN PARRov24el, "
I Proprietor.
.0111 N D. MOIL ; AN, Whole:rate and /Wail Orkerstt, PO
03kr Wood street, one doer tomb of Diamond alley.
kb I
IGIOLLANSBEEtc HAYWARD; Whokrate and Mild?
rr 1 - kaki:sin Boot! drut Shots, No. ISO Libeng street op
polio W4Xyl.
Ti TIC Drug War;
.1.10 AOUNt,r.orner of First and . Wood strecu, and corner
Of Woad and Sixth.. teal
11711. ALEXANDER k,SON S. Coffm lirakers and Fur
nishing fineterstikin, corner of Penn and St.. Clair
'streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn treat.
TENN H. MELLOR, Who/oak and Retail Ikaler
If %Marie andMegriadhuoirdwal,PiaiNothSchool Rook's.
oA Stadouery, No. MI Wood street.
t rAzd&A PArressoN, Jr" corner of First and Ferry
irtiveucniminfieturer of Leeks, Binges, and Wt.
Tutineed,. fuer . , Mill and 'rind/et' fierevrt, Housen
orews for Italluitlitilis toe. -
T! BETAIL, ataaffyingiDiailtatitnd Wholesale Denicr
'id sin Forcio and . Dosriestio,.3Vinea' and Liquors, No.
11,4 , Libertrstreet, ita sa Diamond, elley.. ji2l.
'Li. iVILSULIitEI, Lumber &means. Office on Penn
Arnett', between Irwin and Hand. Conuninications
pr.:lmply attended es. ' ' rnals
- _
IV le hi. gifiallaTTßblitifttoleside Grocers, Rec.
: .4 Ifying Distillers , an Wine and Liquor Met
e int,. Alms, lingoticts of Soda Ash and iltrachtn ,
Powder'. Ilk 160 Liberty street. Pittsburg/h. Pa. I
VIGIL/ME iitYpEly Exchange - Place % ballt:Lore,
D. ,Dotterr % Proprietor.. , Coaches will be en readiness
aOkil the landing to convey poleengeo, free ofeha
dee y,
to the Hotel.
lan /Ng & PINNE,Y, Awls tor 'km .11siansars
insuianco" Company, of Philadelphia, as sho Ware
house of King & noiraelli Water street, uearhiarlret.
'•ON & NcKNIGH. tilsokrate Omura and' Com
. rniuion . 11 fecchantr,Sialb street, between Wood and
Liberty, . • ' - deco
GLI4NN, iketidridert 0011115/ Ot rd and 'cod. streets, above C.' a. ICay, where - be la prepared to
do a very Zeficrittt:at of rains and•binaios.
_pea _
POIXOEI6IIEL... • ...... i...... 7. toiinniirp.
11010INDEXTY31,& CO; Wholeiste Onoofis and Cont
.". miaaion and Forwarding Merchants; No. 41', Water
street, Rittsburga., . • .• • -atilt
WR. MUR • I Pii - iVholeaa find Retairriestler in
...mitat,aooo3, Northisastvortabi or !dirket and
Fomb its. - • - ' DP2O7
Qiectlikl, _MORROW, Manuittetorerr of mi t ' Copper,
'Oland Sheet Iron Watts, 1Ytt. , 17 Filth street, SR tweet]
Wood Sodiffarket;,.., , feta°
E. mars. '- :AMU Aretssort.
V. AIFE & ATKINSON,. Maiinfaeturers of 7 n,. Cop
-1.3 ,per, and Shut InvE Wart: + Tiieralareteente every
deneoption of Bbickeadtb. Work: -Mot otreet, between
'Wontiniftl:Mornetainsbargh.-- •- ~ - '.. - '• 00311
eatsosa munsarrott.%'—•= •, • • .sult.t.r.sts asubsuou.
00dc - W. iIAILISAVO an ythilition'ighd fiertearains
1. sferchancr o 'mad dealers' in Flottr t Wool and Produee,
1 53 Water,.and 104 Front street, between Wood and
Brnithfueldstrentra A;. , ringely
Cte..) , ARTNEIIOI4.IP;AIre natterstgned has associated
• 1.L4 with a nd
ohn' Nicofs,Jrain Daltonoce;' in the'
Grocery and GeneraLeorrunisscen'Buslitest,'anaer the
- stria of_Sellers Dated Ist lantati7,lB4s:
Jdza ].., 't Plt'Al3i SELLERS.
IC • : T. , LE Cki, - Jr.,.Jinparter, 'a • • • in
- ' li'ortirrii and Dconesile:Sadry, Haidtcaiv;anit Car
e 21 , 1mtnings, of airdesciiptland;lVo. 133 Wood, l•
Pittsbn : h, seven doors'abovik Fifth, iTilcyle doorabove
1011,AIR h CO., Lima .d.taritifactOcant,,Noa2o,lood-st.:
_UP haVa conigikty onlosod4t,tbliassOrtment of every,
. des c ri P ti oll - aCESIUSHES, tP which,they solicit the alien.
lion oVdealitts' so , alesgo,stook .sif SHOE FIND.
INQS, - which is e&nstatitly renewing with tbc beet int
prroyed Kitt. FISHINGTstiCKLE and Sporting EQuiP -
Th .„ e ttst vlittetYr-lgt oGwhiehtiilll6L col/whole=
1.:4 nod . , g
Sl3 Tli du
, ! SINCLAIIt; Oath Martin ktlinith,) tl'hoksais
Ur, ocen, Produce and Comminion Merchant/ t at Woad
street,Tittsburgh. The undersired having entered into
partnenthip ender the above' le, respectfully' 'est the'
attonage of : the friends of 'the ate firto;rand:gt the Purr
cliatterstenerally. They feel witratateir to protnisl,
'that they can: gtve satilfactlon)to alt may bnyPt-,
Item, or confide bash:m*s4:o tkteit care.
' W. M.
—.44LETi - Hoots - Aigod oftugae.4.lokporoa7;
„.„,14, and dealer iii t Pio. 44 St. Clair.
al, Pttta
,burgh, has constinthe Lon taro all kinds of Pararsi.either
, Dry or Mixed_; Japan andCope] Vards, LuuteedGil;
Balled Oil; Spirits Ttirpetitine ; . I ‘ 7 .4lUleW Glass, of all
I sires; Puity, Paint 'Brashes t iti...., A ßpf the best'SlualilY;
."?,and for tale Sit talsonable prices. seal -.
... . .
a 7.,: - 5 ,. .1.';` . ..,
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- J!t.' nei : ..' . 1 i1't ,• !•:.;,`.i1.4. 7. i 1
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r.4671if4'1'..z: f.1 1.2i.::-. 4 ',•-!; . ,• ••• ''',.•-' ..,,-;;: e:;":‘
... * .iTiViAtAr';••; 7 -1. , ..,, , ,•.---; • • •, - "•:- '.: • -. •_ , -
,-, , 1 1, .. 0 4...x;141 . , N -,.., 4 , ..,?...; 0. - T, -...• •••• ••
--• ••••- 1 . ,.q ~- -- •.• 4. , , , . • '
- • „i , .--f ., i.‘ , . --, - - • '
, -,.-t•, - e• • -•-•
%Must darbe
gi0,11,, ORRIMIUMNG * Dealer` tit: Imported
and Domestic Secirs, Snuff and. Tobacco)
Wholetate 'end 'ltetail; . Liberty.iireet, six
doors above Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Ps. r....
.E:rAll orders from country Merchants witlbc,promp .
y attendedici.::- - , ' •' • . ' .';Jy2Otly • -
- riff
RUGS MROOS 1 !—Jono Bloarma, ,Draggin and .
JJ Apoffiecary, north-west corner of Wood and Fifth
Putabtugh, - *lll keep constantly oh hand'. Drop,
Taints, Oils, Dye-Staffs, /cc.- ; ..• • .
_.,- • ~... ,i
IN. B.,Thysiciansl Prescriptions caret - tali compound.:
led , from the best materiabi, at any bottle tbd . day or
Wight. Also, an assortment of parroznam , ,fule tooth,
(haw, and;clothee Etrniltes,"kc , keyitc., which; will be
lsold• low'for -cash.- ' ,•.' •-- .. .. . ''' '''*P 2o : l 3? .-
- . spring Pashto= for
iIUrtORD & CO., (late IWCord King,).I4ATTER4 .
, 111: will introduce the Spring* &xi', of HILTS this day,
Ssturday % March C11,184E14 . . : - ; -
1 Their friends and customers are requested to call and
examine their stock-ef Spring Hats; rust received from
New Yorkist their store, corner .•f Fifth and Wood ate.
mar 4
livrawati TROVLLLO, Uitdertakir,Tifth street,
znediately -oppositerthe Theatre, respeerfully
forma his friends and the Dahlia in general, that he hats
mesa:bed hie bittitiels ati - n - Furnlibing Undertiiker. He
is supplied :with and'always keeps.on hand Coffins of all
sizes,and kinds, Shrouds, and. all other articles necessary
on such occasion's. , • • ' '
Sihrer plates, ice boxes, atia leaden.coffina will be sop,
plied in order. • A fine bearse and cuisine always ready
Yto , attehd Anierabt: - ' geo29l-
`-',Exchaistra Ho
Corner Of Penn and . St. Clair., sirens,
THE subscriber, having mourned `the management of
this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully
announces to travelers and the public generally, that, he
Will , be at all times prepared to accommodate' them In ell
things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. , The , Haase
is now being thoroughly repaired throughout,, and new
furniture added; and no pains Will be spared to make the
&change one of thnieery, best Hotels in the country.,,,
The nndelfsigned 'eery respectfully solicits a continuance
of the liberal patronage wide, the House hail heretofore'
received.. . THOMAS OWSTON,
feblo:da* ' Proprietor.
• • 'John 'RI. Townsend,
street, three doors above Third, Pittsburgh, will have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best
and freshosilledicines, which he will sell on the most
reasonable tetras. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly sounded to, and suppplied with articles they
may rely upon as genuine.
Physicians prescriptions will be accurately and neatly
prepared from the best materials, at any hour. of the day
or night. •
Also, for sale, a large stock of ftesh and good PERM+
)VlERdeal/ •
Late of Pittsbn , Pa. "Late of Nashville, lenn
LEATON h VIERSON,..UttaIers in Anton, ; Forward
ing and - Conamisillin Merchants, No. 8, Proat street
above Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- 211[11111i TO
Merchants generally, Pittsburgh. Fax
Merchants general] y, Nashrille.Teutt.
W. F. Lane & Co, Louisville, Ky.
Springer & Whiteman, I Cineinnntt; Ohio.
James Johnston & Co., y
Hewitt, Heran & Co. New Orleans.
Magregor & Morris. New York.'
Duval, Deighler & Co., Baltimore.
Smith. Bagaley & Co., Philmleloon,
Daniel Deshon, Boston. sepSILIY
TORN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer : and Coomnisrion Merchant,
of corner of Wood and }I n streets, Pinithurg, is ready
to receive merchandise of-every description on consign-
Ment forpublic or private sale and from Tong experience
in the above b laineasslntters himself that he will be able
giVemntire satisfaction to all who may favor him with
their patronage
_Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Fancy Articles, at 10 o'clock, 5,1,
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and second-hand Furniture, &c., at o'c lock, r. x_
"Salesevery evening at early gas-light. auglaiy
AFULiON;AieII and Brass Fount:4W, itiirotinliTand
commenced busineis at his old stand, No. 7D, Se
cond, Market and Ferry streets, where he will
be pleased to see his old customers and friends.
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, (rout 10 to
10,M0 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved
models, and warranted to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, &v., Ike.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if requir
ed; turned and finished In the neatest manner.
A. F. is the tole agent for Babbitt's d*N•Aftraefioa Me
nd, so justly celebrated for the redaction oT friction in
machinery. The boxes end composition:can be had of
him at all times. norT3.7
Leeching, Cup_pizig and Bleeding.
o. as, Flrmll
V" U. NORRIS, (Successor to PiL R. Delany.}--Preab
Mk... Leeches received monthly ; attendance stall boom
Reference: The Physteians of Pittsburgh, Allegheny,
and Birmingham. March 13,1849.
I most ctieerfully tecomrtund to Physicians,
• and all my former friends and patrons, Mr. K. D. Nouns,
an heing thoroughly amontin!ed with the business. and-
Worthy of patronage. ALB...DELANY.
"DOETRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTING.—Air.Coffin, tenders his thanks to his oatrons, and would
intorra the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has
on band, a large variety of Landscapes, for sale at the
Odeon, on Fourth street, between Wood and;Stnithfield.
riIOWNSfIND, CARR& 4.10., Suceessors to the old tine
of C. Townsend to Co., and Carr t Rowland, beg
leave to announce to their friends and to the public gen
erally, that they are now prep ared to execute all kind*
of work in the Coach and I% agon•making business, at
the shortest notice , and warranteirto be of the best quali
ty The very large quantity of seasoned Timber with
which they are prepared, and their facilities for business,
enables. them to Insure the public that they are inquired
to carry on an extensive and promyt business in.their
line, and they respectfully solicit a continuance of the
liberal patronage bestowed upon the late finite. %qui
riIAN BUN Ik4.—A. S . :Dina): A. CO. have re
noveil to the corner of Wood street and Diamond
al ey, over S. M'Claln'a Leather Store. where they are
prepared to furnish Vrtiiiirm Blinet, Wholesale and Re
tail, et prices lunch reduced; having a very mermen mode
of painting, and other advantages unknown to others In
the trade. Besides giving a superior finish to blinds, they
trim them with the best materials, making them rich and
N. B.—Wide or 11 .. :rrcrw alats—portable or permanent
fastenings furnian..4. Old Blinds roitted. dengt-y
hers, having enlarged their establish nt forth e man
uhrenue of STEEL and Flute—on the corner of O'Hara
and Liberty streets,
,Pitteburgh—are prepared to furnish
Files of every description, of the licit quality: and being
determined to make it the interest of consumers tb par.
chase Files from them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who use the article.
TRUSS, for the immediate relief mid permanent
cute of Hernia and .Rupture (Suited to all sues.) The
superior claims of this Truss consist in the-comparative
ease with which it may be worn. The pad of Wood be
ing neatly balanced on springs, yields to the pressure of
any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move
ment made by the wearer. It, can be worn without any ;
intermission, mull a cure is affected The subscribers
Mite made arrangements for the munuftieturit of these
valuable Trusses, in a superior style, in Philadelphia, and
have them now for sale at their office, No. 77 klmitlifield
street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEOHOE WATT,
XTI,W DRIRTi39'ORK.—J on rt D. Mouse, Malt
jr rale and Retail Druggist, N 0.031 IVood street,
one door south of Diamond alley. Pittsburgh.—T he
subscriber has just received from the eastern cities, and
is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye
Painu and Garnishes, Chemicals, &e., together
with all tech articles as are usually kept for sale at a
wholesale and retail drugstore.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with
mire. lie is confident that his articles, both as to quality
-and price, will please such as may favor him with a call:
•IkArONoNuntiELA. PLANING 111ILL.—JAsits Mau,.
tNGSR Would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that his new establishment is now in full opera
tion, mud that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins; and
Gil all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude, and
at the lowest rates.
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, ton
stoutly on hat d.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, irtnde
to order.
Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advan
tage to give him a cail, as be can now furnish them with.
planked stuff, -s uitable foroveiydescriptiMia Work:
• decff-t(
CHEAP BONNETS.—W. R. MURPHY jsaelling og
ll his remaining stock of BONNETS at greatly redu
ced prices. Bonnets of last winter's. shapes at from 2$
cents to 81,00.
• Cheap Lawns.—A lot of Dress LRWlill reduced lo 1,21
coots peryard. - • •
who Good, PIT Dcesrat —Aaapply juts rocuirod, and
offered vary low.
• Dark Gingkams.—Rich dark styles of Glinghatas.
Minchemer and Domestic do: of choice Patterns.
•Ilifatuua Jtibbone—An assohmeht JuSt received lathe
Wholesale Rooms, 24 story, and offered low by the piece.
Aldo, White and Colored Satin do.
Print, aeif kfuslin.r.-=An excellent stock on hand, from
9e. per yd. up to the finest qualities.
;'.4t the conk-east cornerof Fourth and Market streett.
t ll f rit iTlTLElllE.N—TheTeiliscribers beg leave to inform
you that they have in /core a full assortment, of:fine
Bbi Bosoms;Collars, 'Cravats', Stocks; rocket Bead , '
keruluefefOloyee,Dosiory, klaspanders, Umbrellas, Urt•
detiShirteiDiaWers, /cc.; in fact every thing included in
Gent , sWettrittg.Apparo4 to which they iwilte your nt;'
tebtion. They also manufacture to order, at their factow
East, everyvancty and pattern of SUIRTiI, in quantities
itnd qua,fity to 'tut purchasers. . •. .• • ,
.makero give . its, a rind examine our, Goode ; ILO
o t tiWarc4room,l'lOrtli-east dorner of Fifth aril
MarketstreebEttpistaird,' EDWARD:TODD ti Co. ;,4‘.
drfASEPAIGN OPENED:L-4CW Grear_Bargan - Cerneir,
cliji where there hits itrit been 'received; a isplenOld' ew:
stock -of BOMandS.l.loEffi'ef.svery variety; which
will h, polikcheapo r„Mma ver ; ,as our-motto ,is! oda,
aalas and'somil profits:.,
_ Alio; alarge Idt of TRUNKS;:IIrEt . S746S.
14SEei 'All - Wenßent Cells/ince' The public ' of t ile
of selling cheap, is to have them giveitieti , eall and - brier
the Wash along. . . . . I , .
jjl2'-Dim'tfarget the - place eigoer ‘S.thiitifteldindath
str Pain
. 4 1
poiosspot tntgrisdnal .
edrati , aizi t Wtt
.FOR m_rear;AND 011E8 FOR . Poae.-TU , S is the only.
wsrument of the kind tharhas ever been presented'
in. this or Europe for m edical parPePePraml.ielbe Otk One dieribOwn to nan'by
Which the galvanic fluid
cats bli conveyed:to:the - Mimeo eyei thteari the brani;Or
an part of the body, either externally or, internally;
arts deftnite;ginitle treabi;without Meeks - or pat ri-•:With'
&deer safery•••,and *idea with.the-happievf effects. ,
Thiel important Impamtus le now highly. approved of
by ittslir of theblost eminent physicians nftlts - country
and Entope,„o;whOM..themlibeted :and:others:whom Al.
May elincern . tan be referred. Referebce will also .he,
arien , to many- bleak respectable citizens;' *be have
been Ored, by niggle, of, tins mop; valuable. apparatus i ot '
retitle 'of the most Inveterate nervous disorders,_ which ,
tauldiltal be removed by any other known • '
4Mong Notions others, it his been be;adrair-.
ably'adepted for the cure of the following diseases, viz:
berzoLusheadache and other disordinthf the brain: -His
with this apparatus alone thus the operator: can convey •
the galvanic Raid with'ealte dad - Safety to - the , eye, to re
store sight, or carom:neuroses; to the eartorestore hear.
big; to the tongue or other organs, to restore !Teeth ; and
to the various parts of the body; for the cure of chronin
rheumallim, asthma, neuralgia, or tierloloureanioatal:
yaiiktir plilsy, gout, chorea or SL Vitus', dance epilepsy,
*anklets from sr talus; some disea s es - peculiar to lc
contraction of thelirabsilockjaw, etc., •
Rights - for surrounding co unties Of 'Western Pa., and
privilege!, with the instru ment, may lie purchased, and
also tested forthe care Of-diseases; •- •• -
• Full' niqructiomiWili be given forthe
eels toliebsed for various diseases, and the best manner.
for operating for th e cure of these diseases; *ill nlko b e .
fully explained to tha.parchaper, Dud a pamphlet put into
his liande."expressly fcir these purposes, carefully pre- ,
pared by the patentee. . Enquire of • _ ,
S. WILLIAMS, Vine - street,
-' - near 4th at. Road, Pitbsb,g,
. • - &Unto, Caps & mind Muffs.
Tim subscriber 'l3 no* rUeeiVirig-tro'm the of New •York' a choice assortment of Hats
04s and MuSs*.Latest Fashions,..ln pear va
riety mad vary Cl/IGA.P,Neholeilalp and retail.
nova stteet,ld door South o f 4th et.
• ' Falblons
Q. SUPATILSON,IVo, 73 . 1Tmid Bt., 2d iimir'from
the mailer of Fourth - , has te ecivedont& will this-day
introdlite the F.4 1 . 1,,, Y21YL.E.,0f-GATJYTLEEEppy
YAZS and Uroeld respectfully Lamm -his customers - stud
the Pubhe. ger:12110o call atut exit-mit/U . o : e same...
anr26 '
tiALL FASHIONS.--S blooms has insfreielse. l from
New•Vcitt the Fall Style of HATS, which ho will
introdnee'thhfday,'Smarilay, August 2Sth, All those in
want of a uea(and superior RAT, would well to call
Oeur29 • - ttootabove Fourth.
'A • 'AS - TOY - F
HAYS. FOR 1 Slit
B/ 0 0 ORD gt, 130, 4 (late 111 , Cord ik,. King') -
4 WILL Int ro duce, on Saturday , Aug. 26, the FALL
1 STYLE OF SATE, just received from New
York. Those in wantof a neat and beautiful HAT,
are invited to call at their store, corner of Fifth and
Wood streets. t nug24 '
TfIE subscriber hoeing returned 11 / 1.11111
from New York; will Introduce,THlS A
Augast2l3th, In% News. Breen 4- i'n.'s FALL
STYLE OF HATS, to which he would call the attention
of his customers and thit publier 4fe is dully experting
the arrival of his fallassoroneat °CHAO, Sapr i and diuffs,
all of which will be disposed ofat unusually low prices.
MON. CILASSOOW, 102 Wood at,
.......aug2o 3d door below Davis' Auction. gowns, ,
Blear gat and capistore.
4 JAMES V4LSON, Hat •Ma is tifurturnyilliti b
(formerly of the corner of Diamond alley
and Woddstrres ) Legs leave respectfully
to inform his lid coluo nar". friends, and the Publ.-, that
he has opened - A NEW STORE, on Smithfield , st., where
a choice assdrroitin :if HATS, CAPS, and' LADIES'
FURS,i(as good, neawfashionable and tuner as any in ,
the city.) may be had. J. W. very cordially invites his
Newts and the public to remember his new location and
establishment and give him a callus hearty Ili he intends`
to Welcome th eta.' mar3l-ly
irasibionlible fiat and yap leassuraotorg.
PIFORGES. ANSEUTZ, Agent, respeetfully t ok
NJ informs his friends and the public gencra4
tx, that he has eommenevd the manufacture of
Hunts and Caps, at N 0.33 Wood street, one door from the
earner of Second, where he has uoW oar hand a fine as
sortment of fiats and Caps Of hie own manna Oil re, which
be will dispose of, wholetale or retell, on the most rea
sonable terms, Inc ea or city acceptance. Hats made
to order at the shone nonce. apl9-3m
1 1
la son .& Favvraug, Tonsorial Prof:gam, have fated up
the *albeit on die corrals of Cherry alley and Water st
mulls° Nastonal itotjC fonnef/y occupirSby Ciment•
Atiliter, and are prepared to wad on gentlemen at once,
with ease, comfort, and politeness. -
In connection with their saloon, they have flied up an
excellent sheerer bath, where persons can have shower
baths at all horos of the day, ,
They atilt totahlllo to serve their customers also at
their Old Stand, corner of the Diamond and Union at. '
bk.. 1.74
Mao Slop Sotlee.
BE subscriber has paid into the Menu 7 of the
monwealtb, the amount at license required by law.
He treegiven the regularly approved seem-fry, and taken
out a commission of the first class, as an Auctioneer of
the city of Pittsburgh, and rented that spacious ware
mom belonging to Sylvantuitotbrup,Eug,No-11-1 Wood
street, three doors front Fifth, where be it:prepared to at.
tend to the sale of every kind of Merchandise, Furniture,
Real Estate, Stock*. Slapping, ke.. either at the Auction
Rooms or on the prettites, and will in alt eases egert
self to the anima' for the benefit of his employemott the
mot reasonable terms; he will sell exclusively aucl only
oticommission; neither parebturing - nor having any in
terest whatever on goods en the stare, but merely the tom
saiesion for selling, ereby giv,ing all owners taircbtuice
without partiality of haven- therein property disposed of
to the best advantage-
Sales will be promptly lettled when made. MtikIIICCJI
will be given at any time, on the mast accommodating
letutth Merchants will not be charged far advances.
• Regular sale days: Mondays and Thursdays, of Dry
Goo&i, Groceries, Furrtirate, &c.; and every evening,
Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Guns, Pistols , and Fluter Articles . Articles . Books on Saturday arcatuo.
OM TODD would respectittlly inform the incr..-
H. chants of city - and our customers generally,
that we have removed air stock of Shirts and thins Fur
nishing Goode, to the comer of Falb and Market streets,
20 atom over - W. it P. limos, 'entrance on Fifth street,
where we intend t 0 : keep on hand a large stock.of Shirts,
of our own manufacture, with an assorunent of (ientle
merit' Furnishing 'Vomit, usually kept by Eastern Whole
sale Fuenishinx
very thankful for the kind patronage heatoweil
'oh us foe the past year, we would be happy to receive
eels from our old cattotuere and merchants generally,
Anil would intend them that we intend nothing on our
part shell inducts them to look further, as we expect to
ad oil largely toour. stook, and diminish our prices, •
Merchants and dealer* are solicited to exarnine our
meek of G00d5.... ' aria&
-7 . ero — y asps' .
im INsTrrtrrioN, under the charge of the Sisters
of hlerey, situate onOtevensou street, south of Penn
ey ironic' Aveuup , Is uow open for the,,teceptiou of Ps.
items.. The tueatcal geritleutau attauheil to the Hospital
Daft. J. P; Ditaxsith ' I)oet. Artontoti,
Weastaxxo, Itlettlist.,
Noq•paying, patients rwill be received asfor s merty,
Pay patients yrill lie .received At the rates sltiptcd:for
- the temporary liosintit
, Lower Waretit,..- , ... .......... •-,.,•• .1 , 3,00 per week.
Upper Wards, (in which each pa.
. . .
vent bast a separate apartment ' ) 45,00 per week..
These terms include Medlesd attendance and Medicine..
Pay patients cite titive any (regular) Physician to at
tend them that they may male choice of, at their owe
expense. ,-- i- ' - - • •
Olsrgymen oCruty denomination ars allowed to visit
patients when desired by them._ , , „ .
The Mercy Hospital is delightfully situated in an open
and airy part of the city, and within ten minutes' walk or
the':Court House, - - • - .
Application for the admission of patients can be mide
either. to Dr. Sarnia; or - lAMBS DLAKELN 7
}rd.. - • •.• 1 CiOnof Coaunittee of Mercy Hospital.
Splendid Illitalfl Kin t. ,
JWES '.V WOODWELL, would. respectfully
anform the public that !What removed to his
new location, No. 818 7 Third ,etreet, (next dooraboirct
Ike nld' stand.) Neither expense nor trouble halt b en .
0 1
spayed; -to t o
w m ax e ma ke It the
t itnoe o
be t_ extensive fQun4ly ri, , nl 4 m , :gn e lli t e o n r t
weStl' The stbek on 'hand, for variety, taste and ele
gance, is such as has never bead offered to•any,public.
Prop' the most costly outfits at $l,OOO per set, down to
oha)nber and kitchen furniture, may be found in stylei
.lid patterns, to suit any and every taste. J. W. Wood-
Welt nopeefor•st continuance of the very liberal patron,
agelextended to him heretofore,. and pledges himselt to
rye entire satisfaction, both 99 regards the solidity,' du
:rability end style of,his articles, and the liberal
~p,nd ae, ,
coMmodatiagprinalples upon - Which he does business.—
His reatensive henr"wareltouse being now filled from the
'cellar to.thefourtit story, with every variety of furniture
and,Enirlia, he would solicit a call from all in Nalint ot
sirtieles in Luanne. • -,,-- ' . ; - . •-- L'itp27
West Polni, orki. .
IittESTON & WAGNER, Engine Build ers, have con
,' menoed business on Penn at.; near the Point, at.the
establishment formerly carried on by Steakhouse kNel
soh:, Persons wishing to purchase Steam Engines fOr
Boats, or for other purposes,wilrpiease favor us with
call as we flatter oattelves to bele& loturninh.thein on
fivoroble terms as any otterestablishment in tho city.
• A so, 'tolling railroad catstßiga °revery doseaiption can
bd had at the shortast notice. • •
Rtvxmtarts-Copt, Robert Beer, Thomas Scott, Esq.,
Oliukch, H. Denny, EEq At. Allen & co.
:V • artmatraistl+Rovr Cabinet, •Warevroom
itT. 11 , 1 (RUN0,44 Co. • . Q . : , il me
AVE removed their CABINET
WARE-ROOMB to Commercial Row, Libeny
streetomPosite , the head of • Bnnthfreld i s where they:will
keep constantly on hand an extensive assortment or So
tas, 'Fables, Wanlrohes, Bureaus, Bedsteads t Chairs and
every their tine of businets. - - '
a `Undertaking' promPtly , attended to; at reasonable
RD..rhuttreceived. byy. Express three pieeespltZ_
pitfirie BRAWN LUSTRCCLOTHI3,Ibr.Oret , ebabi,
endiSibky'wbkh wilt beitobt to*, it 251 Liberty tinier,
by 3 - 4 111014 , 9) , • C. WHRNEIRURG:
..; hroakte and Uncial copy.]
_ "~'k' _
Y~~ ~:.). {'.~.e
~risiri~s~' ~Q~x~~;
. .
:-•!- .. ~. . . .
. ..,:?'..-..,...-:6-,,...4,..-.-
:',-;:.,?•..; ..,,7,-,',-:',:ittl,?..L:
- ,
, . • Anniisals .-15111 ft ! . cict e t
!QUTrABLE FORPtrESENTB.--Oems of Beauty "and
Literary Gift. for 1849,, .•;• ';••• • • . •.!
Friendship's O ff ering, for 1•849
i Christmas Roses, for 1849. •"-•
Christmas Blossoms,for.lB-19. ..• ; .
Amaranth, a Token' of Retticinliraitce, for 1849.••
The Young hLnn ' b OSenn
- Lady's Offßring; by; Uri. Bikounicyc - tiri4
others. - . , • _
; Leaflets sot Memoiy, - .ir:stierb itninn4l ToZTl34ga
ti R El ly kir . 1849 • '
; The - yac •
• The 0 ~a Splendid gift book, for 1849.
inth, forr349: • . • ';
The Scrap Book; for 1849.,
The Snowflake, f0r1849,. - • .;
The Book of Pettris..:• - :
'Thelady's.Annuttt, for 1849 ; try
i no - Women Otthe Beriptures; a beautiful .
The Wreath orFriendship; for 1849. .
The Cliristinn:Xeelistike;
Read'so f Potato; Poets of America, ContaininA portraits
Mis.zE. 'Cake Bthillt,-11Tri..1r.; S. Osgood Mrs H.
Idigourney, Mrs. E., P.;Elle I, Mrs: Emma C. Phntrury, Mrs.
Amelia B. Welby,•Nrs: , B:/.!•Bale; 0. Kinney,
Miss -Anna O. ;Lyrich, Sarah' J. 'Claire, (Grace
The above;•with a large 'collection of Poetical Woiks,
Prayer Books, Bibles and otherworks in splendid styles
of bindings, minable for Christmas and New Years pres
ents, for sale at the bookstore of . - •
tlec2l : . - Corner Market and ad cis. -•
• Notlce.
ATI - old . cuatomers,:strinigers . 4siting.thcisity, and
All. others wishing' to Provide'themaishrcs with a .band-
Some DRESS COAT,' PANTS., VEST; or nny elite r. art
.s.te in 'the - line, can do `l4 leniing• their orders with ,
JAht nrcuirtE; •
Tifra ±,t;St - . - Claarles
Imrr aacErvan, by Express, anotherpiene' Omit riaPpkt
Black, the very thing for Clottlar - tond Justin season.
• -
hint° Third street, St. Chnliskßu4ditig
35 shares of Hand Street Bridge Stock;
40 " • Partilefhinnd Drover's Bank'Stock ;
" _ Northetml4berties'.Bridge . „ , i "
4000 VVatitiatit Stones • '
.500 " " ! finished.. ' ' •
• • S. GLIT,BBART, Gen. Agent,.
jantfi - Smithfield street.
OR SALE—A valuable property of a Brick House
Lotiof'2o feet front by 'loo'feet - deep to an Wiey,.
pleasantly situated on Tomato.street, Allegheny. - Tha•
Houlin - friss - 00d order and built of the best materials,.
with dry cellar, garden. &c.
- 8. CUTBBE.B.T, flen. Agents
nuthfield street.
Worcester", Pianos. • ,''-
RECEIVED THIS DAY, and for/eale .at manufamar.
er's kites, three elegant Itiosetroild PIAIVO4, made by
H. Woumerrra, New York: Theee instruments aie'con
sidered fully equal, if not saperior,to any now modern
.New York,' having a delightful tone, full, round, and
'melodious; 'warranted to wear well and give latilifiection:
The price of these Pianos is believed to be match
er than any other manafactuncitin New York. ',Mesa
who are in want of a good aini. elegant Pisifo,' at"_ , a
,moderate price, will please COl3lO and examine • the
above, at the store of the' subscriber; wher e , a largi'ns.:
torment of Chieke ring's celebrated Pianos can theatre
be found. JOHN htELLOR,.
ddeems' NO. Tit Wood' sireer: .
Terrlblerltevoisttlen—Stan Trains:mitigate:
IaTOGAN A. CANTWELL, (*ign of the ...**`,),No..bll.
Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call
the. attention. of the public to their new stock of Goods,'
just sencived and opening from manufacturers, and im
porters, of which they feel confident that 01de - owl qual
tty wil l entire satisfaction,aa on, mottOin-e. Quirk
Sala and Small Prndis.' ,
Our stock - consists, tisrdy,'of the, tollowideartieles,Vii:
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast rimy Into stYles; Guard!
and Vrst Chains; Bracelets,. Clasps and Locket*: Fin-,
ger and Ear Rings; Pencils and breni; Slides and Studs,'
Steel Buckles, for Ladies' Bend . Drenses ;
Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet: Coral Beads Ala
baster Bores; fine Rosewood and Ebony ShaVingeases,
foinished ; Slyer Spectaclet;Silver Symms, ail kindsi -
German Silver Spoons, all kinds': Silk Steel Bead BaKs
and Purses; Cotton Burt and Purses; litirTooth Nat
and Cloth Brusher': ,s Acconie_pos,, Flutes and
Fifes: Mai Penknives and Scissors' Grebes end Paper
Holders r Shell, Dress and Side &nibs, /*lest !tiles;
Chide Vases, Fruit Buskets,
,Agate and Glass vases,
Molt.. and 'Cologne Bottles; Table .Cheffantati and
Backgammon Boards: Silk T , ;_ Brunets and In- I
gra ctol in m ea m sr . e x t, .13 . az e s; m 1 d V 1e. 1110 ,, w 4 h ,
te ark , et iri au th d
a; large assort.
went of Test nod-Fancy Arfintes, tee
,unmerous to men-;
cian. sepln I
EAIJ THltd LtirrEa.—Who will be without *bean
tiful head of hair. when they can hayAcnipAr three
stillliattst -Twenty lava' 11/WorhiHrlatil`Wweffewlil .
* " BAISIMOZE, July [7,1E47.
"Dyer Sir—The wonderful effeets ofJonts , Coral
Restorative has been deeisitrely detrantstrated inttlmes,
ses of several respectable rititeris of the town, who, on
Oceotint of roar selling three shilling - trial bottles, tryit
without fear. One instance which has auraeted.parne.
ajar attention, is the ease of a gentleman who bad little
moo hair for twenty yenta t he had, tried- atunarous pre;
parations in vain and ultimately had pithead shaved and
wore D. ta t my recoinramolation; he tried the 111:
InaTilliCe, and after. using It, according to the direetion
for a short time, the young hair appeared, and he hasnow
WA fins a head of taw as any person in Baltimore. '
It causes evelifows to grow, prevents the heir from
taming grey; and the first application elutes it to earl
Iteautitully, frees It from smut, and stops it from falling
Fob' with full iiirretiolut 40.62 Cirattusin4t.N.Y. and by
Wm. Jackson,. Agent, ttlio Liberty it, Pittsburgh, (ser.V.
Greta( argaln Corner I
iJ, BATES, Wholesale and Rrtgillkaler
in Roots, Ghee* and .Trun.lis, Store COMO!
of Fifth and Smaltfieltt sheen, Pithiburga.—The
sanieriber respectfully announces to his old custo
mers and the public- generally, that he has removed his
'Boot. Shoe and Trunk Story to the large new warehduse
lately emoted et the comer of 1 4 1 n and Smithfield sts..i
opposite the old Pittsburgh Foandry, whom ha will keep.
on hand a large triviiiirtmeut of LICKITS. SHOES. HAIR.
Au, of ail descriptions and sizes. which be will sell for
Bait as cheap as Can be bought in this mayket.
Being connected with some of the largest manufstitir
big catatilishmehts An the eastern cities, and receiving.
goods almost every, week during the season, he, offers
great inducements to purchasers, either by wholesale or
retail, as he otters his goods at lower prices than those of
the same quality can be bought elaewhem in the city.
I 111111.11U1SICIUM and keep constantly on - hand, Boys , arul
Youths' Calf and. Kip Boots, a very neat and *traceable
I,U" Itemember the place, "Great Bargain Corner."
J. BATI , A;
a S-y Corner Fifth and Smithfield streets.
Important. -
SFA I.IMA hi, haying purchaselthe entire interest and
sleek in trade of Mr. John W. Blair. be; leave to Inform
hoir numerouSfriends and the public that they have this
day entered into partnership under me firm and style' of
" Bt.r.lak C 0.,. for thamanufactore of Srushes.of every
description. Being practical workmen. they will make_
up every article of the most durable material, and in the
first style; and will keep en hand, for sale, ot their store,
No. ItXt Wood street , a, trerry large assortinent.of every
thin; in their tine of business—which, with their even,
sive stock of Shoe Findings, Fislanc'Tackle* and
Shot and
Pocket Knives, Powder, Variety ; G oo ds,. MeV
will sell cheap, wholesale and retail.
Machine Brushes made to order, with despatch. '
'The encouragement and patronage of their friends and
the publit is earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully re
ceived. Observe? - ;." • ""13LiAllk fk- CO.; ."
Pittsburgh Oct. 2SIit,ISIS:(oc3OI .I.RO Wood
yTOM(BPATIII - STWOKS.—J wit received, at the Book
,Li store of the subscriber, in Fifth st 4 neat Market
afreeria Mrdien,pura, by Samuel liahuemanitrauslated
end edited by Charles Juhus Hempel, M.D. 4 vole. '
ilartmart's Amite Diseases, by Dr. Ilernprel,
Homeopathic Domestic Illechcine,by J. Lowrie, enlarg
ed odd improVed by A. J. Hall, M • D.
Jahr's New Manuel, vol. i ; Nosr. 'I and 3.
Herings Dotnestie Physiaittn. ; •
A Manuel of Domestic Cookery, for the use of persons
who are under Ifomeepritle trehttnent. - •
Booninghausen's Therapcmin Pocket Book, for llcenca• •
pathists, by Dr. Okie.
1-Mbomou's Chronic Diseases; vol. ' ' • •
Together with Medicine Chests, of different sizes; and
_Prices. . tapll3l VICTOR SCHWA.:,
George Armor,
ASIIIONABLR.TAII.OR4 Nb: 43, , brarkei street. •;+
•Having removed hisT n lioring Fianiblishinent ia the
rooms on Market et., littely occupied nit a Bookstore,
Bosworth ik Co., the undersigned is preparellinfill all oil
dere bilis line whielt may be entrusted to his carebyhis
old friends and etnitoniets; and the public generally. Hii
long experience, in the' business and' the . snonees with
which he hasprosecuted it in Pittaborgh, emboldens him,
to hope for dllberit share' of patronage.' lie Will make'
all descriptions of Clothing in the:best manner,.end most
hiabionable style, FOR CAS H.
, g p.254.i, • • • - GRO.
Ilturchstut, . 7 " 7 - - - - - 7 • ' "•'
tiE subscriber respectfully announces to his custom
_ll:' ors, and to the gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity,
generally, thane hull receivedlis neevrtmeat• of
Springcipo4h , for gentlemen's. wear, to which.he, invites .
their attention. ate 'stock coniPrisee fine Broad Cloths of
all colors iCassimeree , rich 'Veetings,'of Plain and fancy
pititernai. all of whinh'he is prepared to manufacture in.
tho best • and Mos t fashionable kyle. 'Also, 'Children'i
Clothing kept constantly on hruia and made to order. •",.•
Wider et.; 3ttdoor - ntitsVeNtit onni Hotel.
• ashtoitableAllothtlag sisorret i -
Na 21.8 ,LISERXII,STfIGET,..,oy.rosrui su. B.N3111,)
frlllESnbacribers respectfully Inform their, frnapia.ilnd
the' public' generally; that they , have ' l ust tace m oresr
a new .srpply,of French and.English' Clo s, and
merer . ,—Yesungs . of all styles and quality-Ready-made _
Clothing of all 'deaariptiams; neck and pockeyilandaey- ,
chiefs,. Shirts; in ,s4ort, qtroty_ortielosi 11.6inqty , kepi An :
,Clotaing Stores, constantly on hond. _
Gentlemen wishing to hare Clothes.. Made • to or der;
a fashionable style, will funl 4 IAIYen PAllu. ll :M
And examine our stock' bdfore going` elsewhere.
Arit RORGH COCHRAN. Coinmision,and Forwarding_
AJI" , Ilferehtmr, No. gaMOodlartet; Plltsbargh,croirthifies
to traumas geaeral Chnunissign Bushiessi.aapociwy i sm
.the. Purchase and sale , of Ainerletui manufactirei cad'
producc,andln reeeiyingiutforwardinf e arkasconsigp.i
ad to his care: rAs Agent forthe menu turcra t grill
'be coastantly aitielit of Inds.
burgh mannfatturc,at thelOwystmholimahl
Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited..,
,!,s , :! ~P ,;''=. 7 ,: ~ 4 '
p d
~.; ::
- , • ' -.. •
, :1: . C; - ;•:'•.'' ;, •••
'• 4 7'_ ,
• - 1"; b.:, ,••••
' ' • • t „4P',
i., ' -; ' - ' ,.-- , - '''';', -- -; - :;:''..'; , „ , . ; ,.• - ',;: .
B r
olvea :Patent Primitive . Beater Blartrts S.
'. ntrrrEß . rN 'FIVE 1111s111TES!! ' '
call the:intention of the public to the article head
! ..., fag this adirertisetnent, and invite the enterprising
an carious to call and. witness its operation: - All adver
tisements in relation -to this invention, tolim hundreds
:w holnive'seen if teeted, is' euPeserognuon: ' ' -' '
Ist. This Churn will,p,roduce Better, gathering it in al
inass;from sweet milk, in five to ten minutes! and from
cream:Prepared, as families usually:prepare - it, in three
to five minutes!
2d-:The utility of this invention is, apparent; as better
patter:,can-be produced from sweet milk, or than
yearn strred-4a 'the. nenal way ; and by
„means of this
Chinn, a little -girior boy-an perform; in. tvis:or ten
minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of a we
atilt or mita ror one or two Yours, Ond'soinetimes half a
! 2 d. Ily kinlay turninga tliniati" screw; thinlioleinside
dasher, is taken out; leaving,nothinrbta the'Butter and
Milk in the plain wooden box.
ttlil If illthecheapest Chninever invented as the situ
plicity, of. its construction (though embodying a-
philosophical principle). ina.kes it but little td - manufac-
Sib: It is acoautionsense.Chanctui all mill admit who
will examine' - . - .
11:77 We have purchased the monopoly, of thitivaluable,
improveinent fromliedsrs,Colirer&Myersthepatentees.
We are now offering the complete rasnopoly . of. &la
styled article for the States of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New
York, New Jerseyi - Mtuyland . tirid Delaware,' Which will
Insure certain and large profits to the mannfacturer. and,
a speedy reni of intestmeitt: Tke Wale are invited to .
tall and witness its operation, at, InYittsbargh,
every day, at 4 o'clock, P.. 74..
' . % .‘ ' •J. IL CLAYTON & Co., Proprietor's.'
Office, Exchanige Buildings , St. Clair street, next door
to Eicintre'Jolune offioo. • • - - nov22-
ON the night Of the 16th of ,October, a Canal Boat ba
longing to the Union Line); Was destrOyed by fire,
near.Duncanla Islandr , acestdoled, it
is believed, by l!u
-cifer matches packed - hi - D . ly Goods."
The undersigued : deenvitritt act-.of justice to- the -Pro
prtitoni of that Line, Meisis. Dinah, fluraphreys &
Philadelphia, and Henry Graff &Co.,Pittsburgkwiffmat
knowledge or solicitation on their part, to make known
this'manner the'promPtand satisfactory settlement by
Item of.the full - amount - or our respectiire lossessYthal
necideni 'ringing in amount from three hundred to fifteen .
hundrescdolkany and Pi the aggregate to , - over' twelve
'ithousan dollars.
As far'tiarpossible they had sonic , of Melons duplicated
'and inpaediataly_torwarded and where it was known.
that this &mid not oi*ns not desired by us, they
'have paid the amount in cash, or settled with the:mer ,
'chants in Philadelphia, without reverence to as.
certain insurance of his Goods . While 6nthe
is always a matter pf anzietnto the Merchant, and , that,
if deatroYed, he stud' ho instantly paid the - amount Of his
loss. We therefore wish, without the, least disparage-
ntentinteudedthe other Lhaes, to give this public testi
monqi of.tholisritifactory settlement at o henry lissliby the
- - - .
Flnsaanoti. -
Iriticipton, Smith & Co., 'John Dean. •
Alexander King, A. M. '•'-''
- .Drown & 1 4?CiVe!'".°P:. , •
'Rein. A. Cunningham, .
,T• • • • '
C. AAA:UT:mot. ' - • . ino v . 14'2
Hooks for sLTI Imam - anti New 'Rea 44.lll. rs.
SPLMHDASSpRTMENIT scsr sr:cravat:fay Al•
The Gem, f0r.1549;• . r . ••••.'
The Hyacinth;
•The Forget-rne;tiot
The Gift of Priendaltipj , •.1 ~. • -
'The Faire Ring;
The Christian Seeptsake; • .
The Garland;
Mar ReePiakelof Friendship; - .
The Rose of Sharon ;
The Snow Flake; ,
TAPtP;i l 9Plean- - ~ • •
Mao, an extensive variety of email Javetule Beets:—
Toy Booksilt great vai•iery,last issued for, thellolidays.
;- Rims, fancy Letter and Note Paper; fancy. Envelopei
from the lowest to the highest priers manufactured. Ned•
dud old Litprutore o ccipsuuitly on.,lnurd and receiving, as
113"StnithSeld.itteet, third detor aboveAl.' r
a OLIDA 8 t 1 - 101.1DAr4:;—The subscribers-are
`Jnstopetiing traplendid collection of Toyis and fine
Fancy Goods orevery description, snitable for Christ-,
ISMS. and New Year's presents L eonsisting in part, viz:
.Terwelryand Watebes; Work, Dressing and fi
Boles; Card Cases; Pearl, Shellvlvory Ind Velvet Cent
Dairkets;"Steel Dend"Purtles Ctiutcher VervifilagsOlu
siejßoxev; Citese.Men; Doratnoes, Am;
- with thousand_
other artlelei. too numerous tb mention.
The above Goods we will sell extremely low, previoni
to the Isl February,lB4o, as we intend making somenta
lariat alterations In our story und,ltuitingss.',.. - WO.Linvile.
all 40‘4118 sato *rant lats./Lout; at 8d Market street;bil- -
tween Fifth and Dia1:40941. _
dee23' • `• IiodAWIC6A_NTWHe
OF COUGHING In the night are eery utable '
12 some. They break in - upon the hours of repose and
whop the strength of the sitiferer. B. AfL. FabitruMell •
& Co.'s COIIGII'UbLiSAM hatilmeif eminently success
ful In easMg and- curnig„these unpleasant spells. If a
pereon is roused in Me Aught by a sparm aE.coughing t
teaotiocmful of the Cough Balsam Will soothe it, pie him
relit 4 and, twit is patatable,leavel3lloUCplerabillll mate
behind. If once used, it will take precedence over all
others, as a remedy for coughs, colds, &c .. •
•Prepared and -sold by. D. A. FAHNESTOPIf &•CM.:
corner Ist and Wood streets, and corder 6th . end Wood
Glop . . •
TINT., • RECEIVED, by Expresb,. one piece sho rt nap.
bl'k Clothomitalde for Gentlemen's Cloaks, which .1
will make to order,. cheap. • McGill - IT, Tailor. ,
Also, one piece- tight • short' nnp, a very damnable arti
er," for Ladies' Cloaks. !,Colors warranted.
a'good assortment !hie French t'ashmertt 'Venting;
together with a. good assortment 9ffancy,and black Car,
umerea for Pont.., which will be Made to order as cheap
and as well as at any other establishment in the city.
hIcGUIGE, Tailor,
Third atreet,St: Charles Building
FlO H. EATON - & Co. having renioved•frons Market
. it. to their New Store, No. 62. Fourth at between .
Wood and Market streetsi, are vow' opening' their Va .
Stock of and .Variety. Goods, anion which
Cloak and Diets Fringes: of . • ; • •
Embroidery Gimps and Velvets; '
Embroidery and Needle Work ;
2ephyrsuubTapeatry Worsted si Cheutill Floss; _ -
Steel Begs and Panes, S teel Trunminp;
:Lad. !..s` lilerino.and Silk Vesta:midi:lmpiety;
Cfulth ens Coats, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery;
Gent's Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Welting Gowns;
Childrens dresses of latest patters; which They o ffer
, at,
ow'priees, both wholesale and retail . octs
From Rer„Ara bluii — of the Protestant Methodist Church.
yHE undersigued,having been afflicted during the past
winter, with n disease in the stomach, somehmes prti
acing great pain, in the stomach for ten or 'Weir's hirers
without interinission, and having trim, serious remedies
with little effect, was furnished ;with a bottle of. Di..
.Jayne' carminative? Bahem. This he used Accocdin to
the directiOns ; and found - insariehlY that this medicine
caused.the pain to abate lit three or four minutes . ; and in
fifteen or twenty minutes, effiry uneasy sensation was
entirely quieted. The medicine was lafterwards!used
;whenever Indications of the, approach Of pain were per
•eeived, end the pain was therebyritresente d. contme
'ed to use the,medicineievery,eventeg y and sometimes in
the morning; and in a feW weeks health was so far re
stored,th at the sufferer was relieved from slaw amount
'of 'oppressive pain. From experience, therefore!, he can
confidently riceottnend •Dr:'D. - Joiyties' Carminative Bel
em% as a salutary medicine for disease,* of, this stomach
and botvele: • SHINN.
Arbkheltll MP, Jab* 16,1643, • . ,
137' For sale at the I'EKIN TEA STORH, in Fourth
street,near Wood.. • ;. •; •• • sugi-d&W
TT. ba:ve, Mitered It2crpartrieirship, ander Itiefinil'irt
and will cam on 'TIN, 'COPPER 'and SHEET-IRON
ING in all its M branche s , at e - .la stand or W. B. Senile;
First street, neir.Woott , :Pbrtieular: Attention. given to
steamboat .work. , . pet 2 42w. -.
'HAVE you a bad complexion, coarse, dark, yellow, or
sallow ? If you have, you will by using If, Cake of
Jo4es' lialian Chemical SAPP, A Week or two, lOLA' idt . in
becomes clear, White ' dAd'imooth. If yon have any 'di-'
'ease of the Heal', Face or Beard—such as 'ilingapyrga i
Scald - Head, Scurvy, Rrysipelas, Salt Rheum, Barber's
- Itch—yon can be cured: for L have -Seem persons who
had filthy skin diseases for years, and after trying every
thing iti Vein; have beed clued by washing the part with .
- Janes'. Italian Chemical Soup,mud ,eau conscientlausly
offerii for any of the 'abolie complaints, which I would
I . not do, unless I knew it la be all I state:, R.Toit have
''Sun Spots, Preekles,l'ilorpliew, Tan, Sun Burn or diafig.
,uteutents or alij- kind, it Will dispel darn' and ittahit 'the
sure al!lld9 l6 ..ang cP.TI for tlio.hites.
of tYlittle ort g o l unteifeiti. -.Particularly cheap onea,
'L imit for ,Jones' Soup, and see that the name of T.Jones,
is on eddh cake. Persoais front or the Boattilind'olbei
„ uric climates, would, lad this, not Only. foe thPuselvas,
'bail hi a tiever.failinr iCmedy for chaps ana ehafet in'
infants, ,Atiad.naNyi xeader, Or.giting - thillo . ne.triat you,
will find it all or even more than we have stated above;
Sold'At,92Chatbant strbet,-N4lr-and by IVia, JAW kson3-
agent,S9 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 'WO*
• Dps,aotatt !) n, . •
/TIRE FIRM Of Aeheson'ib . That / this da`y . ,niiiiolied
' .L' by mutual consent. 11.1 S. Jai. T. Dagg haeimcdeclirs:
pa business on, account, of health, has disposed of his,
mtertst Aeheeem. The . basinesehrexelide.eibip -
Ilb'conducted,hl the nameorVir.&•J. C. Acheson. .
. . .-.„ AcilEsoq,
rityardrvh;'sui s OslB.- JAB.
.11:7 - ri!hilr!winz frorq oe,fur pfAcbqaopkpagg,
I take pleitsure• itr'iecdnirilizidifig my tu6ctssaiir to my
frionda,4id thoPtlh.lic sepetally,,, • .JA*..T,PAGGS : :
4ply:4,lB4B—avg. . • .
14 0.4 r
• ! "'OI.Tr*LIVERY''STABLE.;;L-The inbicnbei
Teepee trolly informs his friends And sm. p u b li c ,
neroily. that he has removed to a new and ex
lentspre .. table, on Liberty alma On - the Fifth Ward,nbove
thstesusi Brisige,whero he keepa 9arrfttitcp,Barnoshes,
Bugglea; h Ifearift.,l3ldin'endrabs,' 'etc. Hai**. added'
largely to his former stock, he solicits the patrons& of.
.Ae public. . . _ , ' ••• -. . , .
'N. EL tHorieskeptbY. the 7 dl,446ek , or Yerr't.: , ' =,'-' ',..- •
Pir4' ~t.
.I,:diT „..., 4 , ., t , ..,.. tg441.14: .COLEALAN. t -
~O COFFEE — bags uor a p,
iro oyr Co3'ee m store and
for eo ' ab .; i r trr [ J 'dc Ji bI~~EVITT, ~
-' dee~j No : } 3 Liberty et ., oppoette bead olsnu } bf~etd ,
. r t
1 1 ).
t .•
00 . tell'Otoits.
:Ncw. Corner of Wood and Elfthßtireettarii
rilHE` Proprietor of the Mou.snio 'Porm and IthiscraY.
! I.AND ALtataraertnuat, respectfully' nifornarlds Meads
and the patrons of these papers, that he has a largo, as ,
ed sary . to a Job printing Office, And ' th lit'ho. irTre`i
par to execute ' •
• Lamas P* vararrso Or. zysmie tixamininorti`.
BOLT qf Lading, „ • !Circtelars,,....,
PornpAirisi • • 'Heads,' , ' 'Cards, •
Handbills, Blatag7,' .
kiodseflllanks, - Stage, Steamboat and Cadil
Boat Bills, with apprepriate cutsipriatednn - th e shortest;
*nice and most reasonable terms.
or . • •
He respectfully asks the planning., bis v fgiend e end'
the public generally, in this brunch of his,.budness,:
sep22• - • • L. HARPER.
Ca` ; m
at' Akaiata ASD, Fun
lisatormagris; earner of ;peon end.
~„_.•••.._mnifk-:e- St- Clair,sts, opposile der Erdante
if IMF Hate{ Entrance cm,
• .pcetftilly. inform their friends'and
the public, that . th ey are prepared to. fitnash and
to everything in the line of . Underiakeri, as 'they hae•
quit the business of Cabinet Waking,: and their attentiba:
will be devoted altogether to the.aboire business, keep,h
large assortment of COFFINS . made ' and•thilshed,'Covee^.
ed, and lined in the 'neatest manner, with it , variety .04
materialis,.arid at al/ prices- we.keep.SELROUDS
made, of all sizes, of Flannel, CarribnC,. and Maslin,*.al ,
all ;meets, and' made in the eastern style, and all other.
articles neccsdary thr.dressinethedead, aniffuenixidng •
(uncials, of quality and yrice to ,
or engraving th e twine and age i ICE CASES for hying"
the body in ice s by those who wish to keep their , frieuds , :-
aaylength'of time; • and basic, ZINC - PANS to put ice,
for. 4 l yin_l6 on the hudyi LEADEN Coffins' , alwityann - :.
hand. Via have a ppleudid new REARSE mid appigqii. #
fino horses; and any number cif the hist carriages, ste.,
etc., and will be . prompt, punctual. and reasontible.l
eagle,- •• •
• •
*Of • the Untied 8 tritest E ehateiChtiambeis"...l',
lIIIHB SUBSCRIBERWouId ioispectfully 10=AI:to eli
J. izenso.f pittsburgbohat: he hirfair iglu; et the , Ltha ,
artiste HO - use, corner . of .Grant and F:o utreets, (where • ,
be hill.remain bait twa 'idayslohger,) the celebrated en; .
graving of the United States' Senate outman . , published,'
by E. • Anthony;','lb Broadway; N. York; the , life-like ...
likenesses of the different States and Military merref the •
nation,. neatly Set in 'enamelled glass frames, at the .verr.i
low-ppee' °LSI cacti Aniontstibieh may tie' fourid the
' •
superior likeness , of. Henry Clay,. in. hie net; yeni; Idilli';
likeness of Daniel-Wender, Milliaid"Pilltuores•Georga
Washington,. J.Q. Adams.. 111, Van Barens:J....C...Calhimili'i•
.I. "Bdcbanatt, R. C: tVinihrop, Generals .Taylor‘Criaiii-y
Scott, Butler, he.; ice: Also, TrumbnVoingraving ofthe'!'"
Denlaration of Independence, Langley?, mag:dficentfullf-:.
length engraving -of George 'Wbuthiagtort;wab •several '''•
others. Theuubscriber.pan fismish:every.artieluriathe
iliony's wholesale prices. . -.-I VM3FL . BUSTEED, • • : ...
Lamartine House, ear. Grant and 4th sta. ..
I:l7*.For sale at this office: ' - ' 'oe . :
'.s Lnlnzartistrigaorriae,,
coalrtn[ ' op ioutrarn AND. nicks'? sragersoli•ivution.
/TIRE subscriber •respeatfully announces that be has
I°how opened this,near and.excellent Hotel for.theltJ .
conutiodatiodif traveleri, boarders, and the publie gen
etally. The house and furniture are entirely new; and
no pains or expense have been spared to render it one Ot
the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city.
• The subscriber is determined to deserve, and dictators'. ••
solicits, a share of public patronage.
oetll:ty JACOB HOl.l •
2'.r. _ .. . Take. AlOttear 7- -,;; ~ ...".4.:7. ..
A 'LL Perions kiitySdng themselves indebtedA Aphurs, ; *
21, Nichorsom.k.Co., (Eagle Ponndry,) are re/Ideated:so ';',.:
_call at their old Warehouse, on Liberty xtrect.l:4V. : lil-lig:
. Ail unpaid-accounts will be placed in the food!' of 11 ;...
Justice of the Peace, on the Ist JulY next. :: ; 3. .:31.....
Nay ie. • -ARTHITIIB, Pi l C l- 10LSON N & C0.1....';';.-
ID-A general assortment:of HetioseVi r iiie, - arc: - ; atibir - 7. 1
lowest market rates, Liberty st, head of:Woinkst.- I .lr - tl:..
m i. 22 :. ~ ~ -.- ART,ITURS Ie IaCILOLSON.:Y.:' .
.1399 71
EIIiOES, TRIMS, itc—Patkuutie" "*.' Rait
ward, 1 01o:cattle and Retail Boot, Shoe ancl-Zunki il.
SIOTCiNo.IB6 Liberty street, nearly opposite the head of ,-,-
W00d.,,F.A 8., hare in store .andreceiving Aar' -!
'Fall rind Winter stock of BOOTS and SHOE.% conststiog,i.
ofthe largest .stock they hare ever been able to bring to". '.
this market. We also have constantly on band n's•pren t i , , ..
• diffsinekof Ihryvrard's Idetalic Gnm Elastic Shoes, liolh'' , -•
for ladies and gentlemen's wear, the moat bertatifubattW•l'.'
ele ever manufactured: IVe would solicit au examine.
lion of our stock of goodi, by all who tvish so purchase '`
• either at wholesale or retail, as we will sell at a .smail,e', ;
'advance above cost. Country merchants Will End-it to.
their interest to call nod examine our mock before par.'. -.'
chasirm. . ' FOLLANSBEB & BAY 1 VARD,.?'"
4nuff,.....J1 ' .4...-'..i. - -, tt•-:,,cyt-::7?-'1.7:1136Litteny si. -
:TROCE ‘IIII W/te.— ------- " -“ . - ' 't - 1 - -- :---
uf - : 7 : 400 bbia:14:11l. hibiaieS• . ."
1 50 bbls. do S. H.lllolasilets
-.- do do; hr. do •do . • . .
.. • :200hags Coffee, prime green;
75 hf. chests assorted Teas;, . • ...... - -".• , "? . .v.
• •.- 110 !tit pound caddies T. H. and Daperial Tea,,,,-
• 1580 do . do' do • • do" , -- •
. ' •• 50 hltds. Sager; . . .
.. . , • 40 bbls. Tea; ' • -
100 boxes Bxlo IVintlow =awn •
-10 do 10.51.2 uor .
50 .do -Tobacco.; , . :' :.. i ' ..... ...
A large'essortinent Oran kinds i t rOntieriestMland st .4';` , ,
the:new iwarelibuse of t 'EDWARD 'HAEL_ETON;
ap24 Borth-east eoniernf the - mam m a 't,
LP The geneinlproperties or these Pills ilil, Cannilla ~.-..:.-.
live, Pumative. and Tonic. In the .common disordetej,”l
art:nog-Imm Impradence In diet; :ie., such as sickness .`'..::
and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaches,lke, ':-,!..
.where a meMoine is required, this preparation is very ..,• .•,,
applicable, for its carminative or soothing effects ; give 1 '
almost immediate relief, when nausea or sickness' exist t•
its purgative operation upon Me stomach and bowel, a -
gentle and effects:di and L ist ';'untio ; properties impart - • : - -
strength to the dlgesuve organs, thereby enablingtbete ,:q!
organs to perform theirproper functions With Order. and :' - ,
emusty. The price has been reduced, Gum 50 Ito 07.1,.
For sale, wholesale and tetra), by B. A;FAIIIiIF23-"""''
TOCR ft Co corner Front and 1 Wood and .12,iixth rtd;;;;;,--.
Wood atrects', Agents forPittsbargh.- •• ' '' jel4 . ....,
PLANING Atuareetancrrtratesifsins
. (along Chattier st.,)Flrst Ward, Allegheny city, neor
11q.nchester.—GEORGH MAIM; having foamed ba
airless, has erected the necessary machinerynt the above
place, for finning out all Work in bin line,and is prepared
to take boards to his mill and deliver themto•;catitcuntre
on reasonable teems.
Dressed flooring boards. siding, /cc., alway handad.
A large quantity of driell flooring lumber on •
Orders from 'Western Ltimber Merchants prompt
iodated, . • • : :• • • •Itiotf••
LAMES °Remo cc yr, - or the late firm of Keller it, , „
Greenough, continues the 'business or Condultiog Engi• •' ' 'i
neer and-Patent Attorney, at his 'office in the city 0f , •.:,..:
WASHINGTON. He may be consulted and employed'
in making examinations in machinery in the PatentOr I l'
fice and elsewhere, iii furnishing drviaings and specifirli,• .. . 1
lions of machines, and all. papers nocessatyi to secure' ' • .
transfer amend , reissue or extend letters patent in the ..;,1
United States or Europe. .He can'also be consulted pro
fessionally on all questions of litigation atising under the .:. ti
Patent Law; and 'will argue questions bcforo the Paten; . 1 i
'Office or an appeal therefrom, for.which bie long aixpeli , ''.••„'' '
ence In the Patent Office and in his profession, have pe..,..,..;
cellar/ y fitted hie). • The professional' businexiof the late" ,
:Dr. T. P. Jones having been. placed in his hands„All iex,,, :, el'
tens in relation thereto should be'addressed to kum:post -
. ,
~. ~ ~ , '.. -,x •i.• 1: , "1 : ' . l
V. Pittsburgh Galette, Pittsburgh ldotning.Post, and. ...': i
St:Louis Republieu nicer. copy six months;•itend ynkpere;" '• ' -,
and cAlat the adve.- 7 ,Nn e Yin* Ezrreksi king.":2l,.
. • .
;•. Illodkinson,uv ed
011LD earl the attention of the, public, (the,
especially) to hisyrellveleeted assortment or bean;.:
Wu French and English • CHINA DINLATt. ANA 2714.1141:
SETTS. I Consistin in part, of Gold Band Gold
Fancy and Plain White; also, Indian Cldna
altgi hoeing West es imported this on, and nze of the moss ;;<., seas on
siugs,3, 115 Wood et, 3 doors below, Pala :•': ' , tit NI
Bard it. 7 -1
-on Do2.e.saoned sizes, vvarranted , brands:' 20' dor.
AA.) Vielolia Fens, just received and for: sale to thrt.i:ptt
trade at New York prices, by
N. E cor. Fifth a
arkeßD TODD u & CO; • 7 ", •
a .
Mt ate.. (p stirs,) •• - The highest premium ever nivarded ott GOldTeta., ryas
given to Bard & Brothers, at the last (air of ..the: ribissit,"l.
chuseu. Charitable !treatable Association; at
) Also, the highist premium at the Franklin Instit •
• • llowe's Cough.andy.
nrui IS celebrated article, so favorably known lei* win=
7 „
1. ter, is again offered to the citizens of Pittsburgh as a •
• certain :remedy for Coughs and Colds ; so prevalent alibis':
semen of the year.
• How Eli COUGH CANDY- is' ibh beat 'ardcla of the..
exer offered .to the, 'lnd.:ureic tuillenge
personm iho United State! to produce a cheaper., more . •
pleasant Dad frec turd ketnedy for the- cu ra of Conkhli'hitd'
Cods. ' , HOWE & CO. Ploprititors,-;
• „ • Depoi,No. I College Halt, Cincinnati, 0'
L, Sold by H. Sm •ser L. ilcoa, Jr., J. ELMoanasetid—
a idlCkDug e4.„Abena 'eta; and at Iymlack ,
der, n . , ,
I • _ E . , Lots cork rerpt
.igliai Z i en' i --- a"Tr': --- - .: ,,,,,. :
T A FWLCYI'S Yet remnin undisposed of, eind.tct be let —. ...
11. od'pOPetual Lamm, '.ttettO 'Heating's' old ! Minfidlni :-..."...
.wattle; '/th Ward, Pittsburgh. They- ate the ,clieonaat i ;In
Lots In the market, being of large size in 'a healthy. eon. ;..
yeniensandstroaperoua Ideatlawanddttiptireirtmernoneyzr .r. .
,oever tiqinred -ISlo paid; only the interest or ground ~ 'Li;
eent, from $l9 to 82.1 a y ear, nee.eisling to ihe itivrand po:' - :
'Alan of the Lot, with the privilege of extinguisittnont- ps -,j•
the y
well b time by payment of the principal. The privilege of: , •" •
ill eompleted .to said Alanolort' . Jlouse will:be giveal....
ilntil The new Basin
• ' •••• .....
• •..
THOS. 11.TELLON, Aid .
r,a -, • • , ' - ' . . 1
Corner of Wylie nod Pa flit etreela..z
.fif ".
. -. •
I 881L.8=3 LOTS . FOR ALE.—,li 1.,0t la. feet orr, 1;;••‘:
ra tocuatiltreei, fib Wardilay.Go deOp—ms, A LOS 20 • •
feet oo East . 'street, by 114-8175 : —ka,2 1/A2heinit..:A Lially
21 feet on •UniowstreekibV43lBs.:4l2s—in Allegheny... , .-,-...
8. CUTIpICRT, Gen./Wray ..I; 1..'2 . 4,
I •
_.„......_...,_ . ; • . Binit hfielitrreet.,:6? . ;• LI.,
lapp.alftEß fli . .doN'TED. "V E ,2te•d; * if iTpUip • eatioUre • :.......
ji. mode noon, a, Paftnefewitie d clapitar of.figeaff'fillii: '':U.,.
Med dollare; to eligiago in alprofitalite tnanufacturig,bn.: a ii,
47utthiie.ity;nikiieli•liatbiien *ell aatiblialiocr fo r ...
wane e ar 's.. . 8.. 01J71.18Ep.n Gen..4geifti;
..41Eo at : : ::_ i ..; t• . -•"' ,•'..- . • szl!lifield elyeet.
4n •
... vvott
7 -and Rlr sale by. Canto CIIIIIIIIINB &MU
.. .. . ...
i't :4 -. : - -;--•',.
.: , : : ::.-.....,t;:17; . ... - ..::., ,, i n f , 4 ": , _ , ,,-4-•..;, ,, , , f.,,,, , -- , 4
- -i,"-•;; - .-......,: , .._, --, :.E..,. - -: - ...:1.- - :.1::j. - ..Z.,'::, T!...
t 1 .
.:. w , 4w..
NO. 273.
. i '