Thti Nevi- 4 0°1424 . 31v Bee ftnicrei Still Aliecull X . NEW GOGD2i - NEW GOODS!! • Greaterßargains than ever eau toW be had the signor thi.Nett l.Golden Bee4Ere, an Market at., - .1 • between Third and Fourth, where is jtistopehed a splendid stock of ninterßry Goods; cheaper that same quality of Goods have ever been offered "in' Pitts - WM. L. RUSSELL, No. 62 Market street, between „. Third and Foariti.etreets, sign of the Big Golden •Bee- Hive; has now leceive4and offers to his numerous can . homers and the public.: generally, the, larcest, eltWeal sad most splendid stock of Winter Dry Goods ever offer, ed in this city. These GocidS have been purchased in the Eastern cities sincethe late fall in prices, and will. ha sold to cash buyers, at a great reduction, much , cheaper than they could have been sold in the early part of the Among this large 'Anistextedsive stock will be foqid . many choice add 'fashionable. Goods of the latest thV.. portation. : • • LADIES"DRESS GOODS., `, ScarleiCashraereti, all wool, a beautiful article; . Cherry col'd -- 'do.'figured and plain ; • Silks and Sathis;plitin, striped and plain; ''Scurlet.da Laines t. all wool, very-cheap ; lilatarine Shin De Lollies, low priCes ; !•• French klerinott; ail 'Colors. extremely low. A. large assortment of fig'd Cashmeres De Laineameyw est designs; from /21. to GO cents per yard'; these are very • cheap.l. -- Atta, a tiarge stock $f Alpacas from 1.2 i to GU cents peryard i - alt colors, and tigreat bargain; with a splendid 'assortment of bonnet ribbo»s at the Intuit im portation. -Also, velvet .ribbona all widths. and colors.' very cheap J A beautiful assortment; plumes and artificial flowers; boniniCsatius and velvets.- all colors p. French workeil-.Oapes and collars i scarfs, cravats, gloves and horieryi all at w i duccifirices. . • - FLA LS! SHAWLS!! . Best As s ortme n t in the city, and very cheap Long 11.110 Shawls, best quality. . • • . 'Derkerie and Cashmere Shawls; Black mad colored Cloth do. t Brocha and Silk -• • • - do. • ttlitniet Shawls. all qualities and prices. BLANKETS! BLANKETS!'.,-Cheapest in the City! A large stock of Blankets, all qualities. which will be sold cheaper than can lie 'found elsewhere. • • DOMESTIC GOODS. CHEAPER. THAN THE CHEAPEST! A large stock At - Calico. Good dark Calico. faetcolorty only 3 tents pc riard ; hest quality British and - American • hits, 6to 10 cents per yard, Yard wide; British Purple Prints, 10 to /Ski : a: large supply red, white And:yellow • Flatatels k same uslOw as ISt cents per yard,•very cheap; Bed lickitig.ifrom dto If 3 cents;per yard. Also, a large stock of Checks. Shirting Suipea, Cassinets, Kentucky 'Jeans and Liaseys, together with a very extensive as sortment of bleached And unblea,•lied Muslitts, from 3 to: emits per yard. cheapest:Yet: good yard wide unbleach ed only, 5 cents per yard; bleached , blualiits" from 3to deents per yard All of which will be sold off at redacted pates, at the sign of the New Golden Bee Hive to Mar Vet street, between Third and Foarthoots, WM. L. RUSSEL. '' Kt AUl'-nial)E CLOTHING, ki:L LI NIG OFF' LOIN' POR: CAS Its; PttELANY,'No. 49 Liberty street. rinstryrah. lateirtg replenished - his Stock within'the lust 'wilt prevent months wall the latest 'vies of Fashionable. ,ficiods. at exreedinglY low Prices. offers the best assortment of CLOI'HING' to be had in the coy at the :crwyit - ettAit . . :Amon st them are every description of Dre” au‘l , Prociz Coats; Suck und.Overconts of all fashionable colors:and material such as r'renbh beaver; heavy broad Cloths, super.,blue, brown and drab. Blankets and Cana da Prize Coats:of the lute styles.... styles. Every . description of Pantaloons and Vestett caner articles trithe Cloth- . . . . . . Abio, a gr nem! assortmentse of Goods to make to order, bleb. will be made in the most fusbionable manner, on Me ahorteat nonce. _Ldeelb) . - .. P. DELANY. ; Fst,bilinable Clothing -Store. n.WERNEBURG begs leave to inform his friends and the public in genarat that he has opened a NEW REA Dy.MADEFAsHIt iNABLE CLOTHING STORE, on Market sir eei.secund door from Second street, where helms, and always . keepsoit haud..a full assortment of Ready-made FashionebteClothing:Avhich he will sell on hemust reasonable terms; for CASH. , • lie also wishes to call the attention othie.friends and he public iu general to-bbi very extensive selection of French, English and Belgian Cloths and Cassimeres t in endless variety.-and Vesungs for every one's use, which tie has selected himself in the East, and which will Le made to order in a superior mannerott his Fashionable Head Quarters4.s Liberty street, (luta hicGaire & Co.) and ut prices teat will uot be questioned by the best of bargain•makera e, WEBNEBURG, ' ••• N 0.2.51 Liberty street, and Market street...ld door from 'Second. • iiustnesivenzd. - T / * RANTS At WELL ASDIONOPOLIES MUST FALL: St,AICIST PRICES; AxrutcH proven by calling at Mciirtaa's Fashi °intuit!, Tailoring Estahlishmeut,Third street, St. Cl4les ' prqjzte and quick sales.. Vs.turri: Treeh and good. einlrrilTiOff : Term jai in the background. ' My old thistoniers t and all others, are respectfully in anted that t aramluting for them • NcGUIRK, oct23 Tailor. St. Charles. _ W- "F. WOULD RESPECTFULLY invite the attention , our friehds and the public to the great variety of WLNTER COATINGS- and other articles, we have just received—arithugst which will be found the greaten variety of IILUE,I3I4ACK, DRAB, a. d PEARL colored BLANKET, MACKINAC. and .AVER CLOTHS.— FRENCH and Ezvatasx CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FRSTINGS, *e. The above Goods having been bought for cosh, at extremely low prices, we are prepared to ac.. commodate. all who may factor us with their - patronage, with good Clothes, at low prices. Give us a call. • irr Remember, 218 Libeny street.opposite foot of 7th. nov3U. = • MCAIIILLEN & DOWNING.' ilk. J. 7. - MICANCE;' ' • ' No. '7'7 tr.. '79 CORNER SIXTH AND LIBERTY STEM'S. "[raving enlarged and .newly fitted up•their establish ment, at the above well known stand, respectfully invite, the attention of their friend'sand the public to their choice selection of New Goods, comprising every vane ty for spring and"summer wear, selected especially for their customer department. Those wishing to leave their orders will And at this establlshmein every:style of new and desirable goods: Thelistoct Of ready made , Cloth ing. is extensive got up in the best manner, of durable ma terial, and well worthy the attention of those .vvishing to purchase. All are, invited to call, and may rest assured that they will be pleased with price, quality and variety. A large assortment of shirtakept constantly on hand. anon° (him. . Clothing I Clothing! t Cloth ngrti The Vine Big Doan VS. The Western World ! ! 150,000 made ready to ELL - be offered L' c l in n h w e most Duero) terms to my old customers and the public in general. The Proprietor of this far-famed and extensive establishment has now, after returning from the Eastern cities, at much trouble and expense, just completed his fall and winter arranvements to supply his thousands of customers with one o? the most desirable - mocks of Clo wn mat nes ever been offered in this or any other mar - ket west of the mountains. For neatness in style and workmanship, combined with the very low price which they will-be sold tor, must certainly render the old unri valled Three Bic Doors one of- the greatest attractions of tae western country. It is. gratifying to me to be able to announce to my numerous friends at home and abroad, ,that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which .1 have made to meet the many calls in my line, it is with -- ilitficulty 1 can keep time with the constant - rush that 'is made on this establishment. It is, a well- established fact, that my sales are clot or ten times larger than any other house in the trade, and this- being. the. case on the amount sold, 1 can mired to sell at much less profit than others e , nild possibly think of doing if, they wished to Cover contingent expenses. I intend to make a .clean sweep of at toy present stack before the beirinnitig of next year; coming to this conclusion, I Will make the inter est of even- man, who tarnins.a cheap wintarsuit. local? one ,-uretiuse at the Three Big Door& it JUN APCIAJSKKV. I\ • }'ll, GOI IDS. NFAV ( MODS.—lirreiv,ed at' the Iron 011' City Clothing Store:a salendid'aisliortment oi Cloths: • consisting of title French. English and American Plaip. black null. fa Cossimeres. of - the 1120d1 modern ttyles. fine figured Cashinere Vestings. Silk Velvet, Plain and Fancy Satins—all of which; we will - make up at the most reasonable prices:hitt durable and fashimtable style. Ready made Clothing, or all . descriptions ;'• Lady's O ouka ' at tine inusi fashionable patterns. Neck and P tact Suspenders, Hosems. Shirt Collars,' and ov'ry article usually kept in a Clothing Store. - Country .14.-rentulta. tierore purchasing elsewhere, will find 'it to their adimatage to cull at the I ron 'City Clothing : Store. ...No. Liberty street; immediately opposite the mouth o f .11urket. . , tattle-li] , C. hi'CI.OSKEY.` . . Duff's New System of Doak.Seeping.. JUEir PUB LI. , tiED BY HARP Elt 4- BROW, N. YORE 1 e r I HE lirst Dalt of this, work, embracing the most cow . plete Bourse of ingruction uud pracuce, on both Sin g and Double .t...ntry. ever published. Price .75 cents The,whoie work. embracing the Author'a well.known improvcmeutsiu the science. illustrated in two addition al sena of uooks, with a chapter on, partnership settle ments, and It Key to the oral exercises,`-full cloth bound, he folloWing extractslrom .the. written opinions of sonic of the most eminent Merchants, Hankers and Ac. coutnanta in New. York,.iudicnte the public sentiment in reference to this work in that city " It contains matter that is important and interesting to the merchant and man of business, to whom I think it , will be found highly useful:. -.C. 0. HALSTEAD, . , ,President Manhattan Bann, New York." 1 i{ is calculated to be exceedingly useful to practical ACV:W.III4IIIb and Teachers of Book-keeping. RICHARDIRVIN, Ship owner .and &larch% - No. OS Front street, New York?' "Remarkably full and complete, and *ill certainly convey a. thorough. knovrledguot the. subject., The, nu dersigned intends uaiug it ea his Text Book- , • , .. • • . JOHN H. SHEPHERD, Teacher of Book-keeping. Columbia College, N. Y.l, , "It is ih every . Way calculated to give a clear and gat isfuetork insight into the very useful - science of which it treats. 'trough all its gradttiouit,ifrom the' simple style guitable-to retailers, to that requisite Tor the most varied and complicated commercial business: A. S. FRASER, ' Cashierfih Ward Rink, New York.": - 1 . . 1 T believe it will be of greatserviCe, not' cnilito the new beginner, but to . theirioet experienced accountant F. IV. EDIIiOND3, ' Caishldr Mebbanic'e Bank, Wall atreet.n ." 'consider it the Itrat work I hare ever met with front which a thorough practical knowledge of the science can be obtained. - • JOHN CAMPBELL, • • -• ' • Merchant;s3 John et, New York? , Par Ole at the Book Shires. and at the Author's Acad emy, eo er of the Diewtoind and Market street.' elet3l no.-f Steel , aitd File Manufaotory. r HIE subscribers have enlarged their Steel'and File J Manufactory, on the corner of O'Hara street. and Spring alley, Fifth Wald,. Pittsburgh, by crecting . a eon vetting fornacel a toelting.fu.rnace and a tiltrhammer.-- Their:Steel, now being of a superior Chilly, and having engaged competent operatiyes, they ate preparad to fur . Piles ,of ovary description, that will 'compare with the beat imported article ; and beingdetermlned to melee it the interest of all who, use Files in any: ay, to par, thins° ftom-thism, they sell their Files at reduced plea's, for Cash. They , will also,re-cut Files, and pur, °has!, d iose ,o,i c h are worn and broken. Public patron, ' agge is resPeobralivinvited , gov 7) ..T. ANKRIM C O;; ...N.132-400 btda. fine eating and cooking Apples, , reed"Consult" and for Ale by DING do MOORITtAts, 4 a f t • ..... . ':';.• '4%•;. - -B' -- = %*'•': ''''''''`'' - 'rt ''' 4 ',•t`. 4 . -4 :''','N '-',••,,` -,v' ' '? "' ' ---'• '-'•'''-''''''. .•-Y-44«;t..*:.''''''7'''''4-.-'-' . . . -... ~ , ... . '''.7 ,-, •' - • ,- -....• -- i'..'.'l ''.. ~.;1--.',,--,-,••••,.,-:.*.'.;.,,.;',--.'-‘•: ME 1221 v•;:', - -',;. - : , ,;e - ,;. , •,: - ' . ;'. - ,;:=,v'i , :7:::0 ,. .W.,,,7;M::.'..'..?•,7.,-;!: WINES , BRAN 111 tilN 6, &0.-1.1.1 law pipes cog nee Brandy,,lat-Mennessyr -2 ht. pipes Cognac &S hay, " Chard, Dupe) , & • 3 " Castillon & Co." 12 octaves Rochelle' " "A. Seignette." • • 4 pipes Holland - Gin: gr. casks sup. Pale Sherry , Wine,"DaffOordon do Co." 5 o o • - 14 ÜBeigbed.r;7, 10 la " " Madeira • ; , " 10" " L.:P.TenerifFe " " Carpenter 40 f' " " - Oporto - Ivarsous grades; 30 " ." Lisbon to bbds ., nal.fda, and 20 hlshs. Haat Sauterne Wine; 10 " _Bordeaux Claret, Montferand;" 15 " .Marseilles . " "Bergsma . 15 baskets Champagne Wine, "Heitiseiek;” 15 .• ii" .• • "11 A-Mean/Oa:0, • 1.0 " • "-.•-• .."Jalopseron &Sons ;” • 60 easelsOlaret, oF various grades, imported in bottles; 10 • " }?ordeator. Olive Oilicrop 1842, "Larantise!;, ; •; .. "Latettris;" " ' 29 " Marseilles " " Just received .anst Ydr B3 / 4 1 1 7. ti,:e 9 .211) MILLER RICKSTSON. • - lin EMI ME 1: , -- ; ,.. i °[.l t • KC ; 4,4 - - PEOPLE'S TRANsPottgrAvtos LANE YROSt • - PITT SEU R G H'T TO I\lo fiE-SHIPPING.--The Boats belonging to this Line- 'l. l lhire•been put in .fine order, and 'are now running re gale ly between Pittsburgh' and Erie, touchin g . at all 'inter m Ohne Forts along the Ganals. , •A - Boat Will always be at the wharf, under the Monongahela Bridge, anti One will start regularly every' other day. The ' , People's Transportation Line has' every facility- for carrying Freight rxed- Paseengerth The boats will be towed to Beaver by steamers, and will proceed to Erie with great dispatch, by the canals. The • bog ts are commanded by ,expelenced'and careful men—all of whom haveati terean the Line. fErlGoods sent by. the Line to Erie may be forwarded to. any; point on the Lakes: - ' ' • For freight or passageapplit R. IaRKPATRICK,_ '• ; Agent, Water Iltreet, Pittsburgh. ' , • AGENTS: • • Clans & Co., Beaver. . • . R. W. Curiutteonagr,• New Castle. !Taotnatart & Mrrcazi.tairs,'Pulaski. Sanwarr Walnut-a & Co., Middlesex. Jilt - mutt Has., Shemin. . ' • • TosErn McCr.tras, Sharpsburgla • , - S. B. &G. LOWRY, Clarksville:. • • •Kmo & McFarimirm;l3ig Bend. S. C. Plasma, West Greenville. •J.& T. KILPATRICK, Adamsville. • ~W. H Hayitar, flartstown.. W. WAIISWORTH &CO; Shermateg Corners.' ;Wat. Poway., Coaneautville. . • - •- • Spring Coraer. • W. 0.-Wideura, Albion. • ' • IWlt. TsarraLUCkport. e `. • ' E. Fisk Guard: ' ' • • A..; Elio, and B. Toitunsort & Co, Erie, • The follownig , Agents' in Erie , will receive and or ward Freight_to any Pert Oh' the 'Lakes; shipped by this Line• . John Reim, • G. Wenatterstick & Co; Josiahß Kelm* telooatid, '" • -• Walker 'le6 Pit tobturgli' PortabiellOWLitact. 1848 For the .Tretnapertgteon. of Freight to andfrom_ PITTSC GROH, PHlLADRLeHra,untawitortz,riEw YORlc.BosTorr,&c. zsbintroGE.t maw. Phaadera - • TAAFFE,f TOIVIVOR, rgh. rr HIS old established Line being now in full operation, the proprietors have rnnde:extensivearrangementa to forward Goods, god Produce.mith despatch, and on the most favorable terms. They confidently hope, their well known promptness in delivering goodsr—peculiar safety in mode of .daming—eapacious ware houses at each port, affording aceommodations to shippers, and owners of produce,—together with their long experience and unre . mitting attention to business, will secure to them a eon'. tinuance of ',that libarul patronage,they hereby gratefully acknowledge. Ail consignments by and for this Sue reeeived,charges paid.i and tor Warded in any required directions free of, _charge for commiesion, advancingg or storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. Alt communications promptly attended to on applioit- Lion to the, following agent*: BOR.BIDOE & CASH, 278, Market street, Philadelphia. TAAFFE: es s O'CONNOR, Canal 13aiin; Pitiabergh. • &CONNORS & CO., North street, Baliimore. • WILLIAM . B. WILSI ' . al' 86, Cedar street, New York. Merehants.Transportntion lane. VIA CANALS AND RAILItOADS FOR PRILADEL i PHIA A s ilY BALTIMORE. • GOODS consigned ti tar care will he for Warded with out delay, and Ott e lowest current-rates. 0* A. Ari,,Nroury & co., Canal tasin, Penn street. Pittsburgh. ME SEILLES A REYNOLDS .272 and , Market street, Philadelph i a. RASE, MERRILL Zr. CO., Smith's 'w hart: 'Baltimore. Dlerchantrr , . 6 Way Fre!WU' , Line. .karrar .1848. Eadan . E x b C et i,,, 4 U, e 'S e t el V tiits Y bu fo r r ie: a ll=2i o ll; a ti fo n lu o „ r to wil wi: & IV! Saysburgh, Water street, and retersourch. This Line .vas formed Mr the special, accommodattonof the way business. The proprietors, thssakful for the very liberal patronage they have received during the last two years, respectfully inform their old customers and the public generally, that they ere now better prepared to deliver goods at, any point on the Canals. or Railroads with promptness and despatch. PapPaIROBS. JAS. .A.;LORE. GEORGE TRUNDLE, ' JOHN hILLBE'R & CO. A or-yrs— C. A. M'A-5171..TV & Co., rittsburghi Joan: Mit..tra, Hollidaysburg; Piesworrit & Wimps, Johnstown. Rxyzassics—Smith &Sinclair; J. &J. NrDevitt; G. &J. H. Shoenberger: R. Robison & Co.; R. Moore ; Dagaley & Smith; John I"rirker; Win.Lehmer&-Co.i G. P. Stroenber ger, Pittsburgh. fterofiante Transportation Liner • nmass. MiESI FOR the Transportation of Merchandize and Produce to Philadelphia and Bnltimore: Goods consigned to. oar care will be foniarded without delay, at me Icrtreat rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all instructioild promptlrattended to, tree from any extra charge for stor age or commission. C. A. APANULTY ik Co., Proprietors., marl Canal Basin, Liberty st, Pitisb 'ugh. ( .copv.l Western New York College or Iteatth. 207 Kum'granr.livirrazzk DR, G. C VAUGHN'S VI GELTADLE LITHDNTRIP TIC MIXTURE. HIS celebrated remedy is consta, :y increasing its I fame by the making all over the world. It has now become the only medicine for family use, and is laartieu larly recommended for Dropsy.: all stages of this camt plaint immediately relieved, no rnatterof how long stand ing. (See peuriphtet for testimony.) Gravel, and all diseases of the urinary organs; for these distressing complaints it stands alone; no other ar ticle can relieve you; and the cures testified to will con vince the most skemicali—(sce parriphlet.) Liver Com plaint, Bilious Diseases. Fever and Ague. To the Great West especially, and wherever these complaints prevail, this 'medicine is offered. No mineral agenr, no deleterious compound is a part of this mixture; it cures these dismal'. es with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the sys. tem torpid. (See pamphlet-) Pilert, a complaint .3f a most painful charaMer, is immediately relieved, and a cure fol." lowa by a few days die of this article. It is far beyond any other preparation tor this disease or for any other diseaie oragmating from 'repute blood. See pamphlet., Debility of,the System, Weak Back, Weakness - of tht Kidneys, kc.; or Inilamation of the same; Is immediately relieved by a few days use of this Medicine, and recure always the result of its use. It stands as a certain reme dy for such complaints, and also for derangements of the female frame. 'lrregularities, Suppressions, painful men struation*. No article hoe ever been offered, except this whiph would touch this kind of derangements. It maybe ` Jelled upon as a sure and effective remedy; and; did wr feel permitted to do so, could give a thousand names a.' proof of cures - in this distressing class of complaints.— See pomphlet. - . All broken down, debilitated' constitn• lions, from the effect of mercury. will find the bracing power of this article to act immediately, and the poison. ous mineral eradicated from,the system. Eruptive. Direasci will find the alterative properties fit this article Mat - Tilt B,inoon; and drive spch diseases from I the system . See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all disease*, which the limits of au advertisement will not I permit to be named here Agentit give them away; the) contain 3 2 pagelof certificates of high character; and a . stronger orray of proof:of _the virtues of a medicine,ineti er appeared. - It moue of the peculiar features 0(4114 ar:j j :tide, that it never fails to benefit in tiny case, apd'lf bone' -gild Muscle are tia build upon, let the ematiated and' lingering invalid noels es, and keep taking the medicine as long as there is an improvement. The proprietor would caution tite public against a number of articles which' come out undeethe heads - of SA.RSAPARILLAIS, STROPS, &C.- , as cures for. Dropsy, Gravel, dee: They - are good rot noth ing, end Concocted to gull the unwary: TOUCH 211812 Their inventorsnevor thought'of curing such diseasestill this article had done it. A particular study of the pamph• leis is etrenally solicited. Agents, and all who sell the ar ticle, arc-glad to circulate gratuitously. Put up in 30 oz. bottles, at 52,; I t do. at g 1 each—the larger holding g oz. more than the two Schell bottles, Look out and 'not get imposed troop... Every bottle has ‘-`VaUghil'o Vegeta bin Litholitriptic - Miiturr',".bloWn „"Pon the' gulag the written signature of .* G. C.:Vaughn on the directions. and G. C, Vaughn, Buffalg e stampedonthecork. None other are genuine..... , Prepored by Dr.. C. Vaughn; and told at the Princi pal Office, 207 Main street, ButTalit,.. wholesale and retail. No attention given to letters tutte.e post-pai&—erder freers - ego/arty authorized Agents, eXtepled,. „Post-paid let ters,Or verbal commipiMationssolialung advice, prompt ly attended to grout. - .r Offices devotedexelusively to !lie sale of this tuff cha—. 132 Nassau at., N.Y.; 295 Essex Cl., Salon, Mass.; and by the principal Druggists throughout the United Stater. and Canada, as Agents. - • HAYS toBROCKWAY Agents, No: - 2. - Liberty at.. near Canal -Basta. WM:deviate - and SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. OBERT H. HARTLEY; begs leave - to iii• L , 11, ;form his friends and the' pablic generally ) .bat he continues to occupy that large and COM triodipue Store ROom; formerly occupied by Semite - retook & co.. N0..86, pArner. of . Diamond alley, and, YV,ced street. where.he keeps a large and general assortment of Saddles, 4- Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags...Saddle' Bags. Valises, Buffalo Robe's, Whips,, and all other nell acs in his line. . He also keeps constantly on hand, and is prepared R furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, manufactured Of the best mate rind, and in a style o Ewa rkmanshiti equal to the eastern manufactured article, and at (Alper cent.' cheaper. • • Country Aferrhanti and Fanners Would do well to call and examine MSStock:before ' ritirchasing elsewhere,"es' he is determined to sell first rate articles at very low pricts. Br Don't forget the, place, No. 86, corner of Wood trees and DiamondAllOY.• no% ' , 4 - ME LMil LW 1 EMUS ..-..- `''. --, -.. 4 1,-. • 1 : 2 '... 7, :' , ..,,,- , ',..,,,,,..i...-_, ',, .- , - . .-.,-. - - r:', -,::::. ''. ‘::,',:;;.% 4 '.' ' ! ',...• - : n y._ :,-,,--e:4,i1;.!:,-.... z . ,-- :i . .:1. -, 7 - -4, - - ,,, ;3 , --i'...- ; : f 7i . . , :.., .i. i., , -.-•4 : -.., .., - :- . .-'i , .17-4', - ,;.i..: A t i..d . , ,‘,.:,ii .. , ,•,. , ,:',.', 7 ,-. ~....". . .`,:f". -....c.,'-ff-A,•7r.i,V.,..,.-.-7-!-'-r";:;-i-..; ^.• 1 :•,,•,, i-;,,!:,--.f.,.--.;,7''44.V7Y.;:,.:;:.:;e..i1i.,!--i''1.,%1:4•':'.',:. - - - ..t.7..:‘,-,i.,;,?....1:-..,7.:',.,..=,..;;,-..,:rp::-.4-;,-?,i.:,!:--X;: '.•: ,. .. ; : -. •_:? - -:,..',i-jr'::,,: , '.. - 1 , : f7.!....•CA': k • : *.ii.t.' 4: : 47=: . -4 ::: 4 : 4 !. -1 A4‘, 4 '1''' 4 4'-i - ;i5 . '14' , `,-,1,,,t'4 •::::: ;: ' ~,:• i:::_ , We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost to/twit-may, and not act as was the case lest season with other of aces, who either performed not at all, or when it suited their convenience. Draft b drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from 111 0 • 41 ,0 00 , 'payable at any of the Provincial Banks in Ire land, Ragland, Scotland and. Wales. JOSHUA; ROBINSON, • ' European: and, General Agent, IRMO .v . ifth street, one door below Wood st. hEiIIITANCE. . . r rHE.Sabecribera are prtikatt , to forward all • 1. ;parts ofEngiand, Ireland, tichand and Wales, with •despatrn, and at the lowest rater./ An A. ti 19 WASHINGTON, ATTORNEY; AT LAW. rp BE Partnership heretofore existing between JOHN A.D. MAHON and MEADE tVASHINGTON, haelecti ,titssitlved by manful consent. ,'The subscriber may be found at his office, on Fourth street, between St nithfidla and - Gritur sie ;'Pittsburgh, at all times token hot. engaged intourt. deals-3rn_ HEADE WASHINGTON: . . . :Bagle.d:allOon estaur ant, No. 65, 63 f ^ ._ and 61 Wood street e t , The.eubicriberWould respectfully infortn his, friends and the public generally, that he has had the above wall known establish- Mem tined ~up in a very superior style, and is now' pre with every r equmito, to serve up all the dolma-- cies the - season affords. OYSTERS, stewed, fried, roasted, or in, the shell; to gether with hot coffee, tea, chocolate, beef steaks, may . ton Chops, venison and gam a at short notice, and at all .. seasbnable hours, in a style _!that cannot be surpassed in `,- Pitty c turgh. LL' of the best bran ale. Imported«*gars in eve .X. A .ariety. . He would also beg leave I state, that be is prepared to.f DINNER PARTIES of any number, in a sti .perik manner; SUPPERS ft ar Balls, Societies or private Parties., Fggrviaz. Room; alwa}rn in rendineks: fwtpapers will be kept on file from all quarters. ;d o c/ 5 • . JOHN T. 110NNLLEY - , A. ant rd. ,rjr6 THE ,ENTERPHISING rare chance in now- : for - the safe invelstment in a business en tirely new; One adapted to th,t man of limited, as Weill as to the man of,extensive resources; yielding a profit 'front capital and.enterprise 'beyond any operation of the day; It is the complettymonop oly if a staple article, ab solutely necessary : and assent' at to !every . family, as well as indispensable to.thivmeal ratio, artizan and profes sional man. To capitalists,:an opportunity offers itself for it lucrative 'pniplayrrimai . of iejiher I argc or small aunts; bringing imuiediata and,lngl satisfactory returns.—L Thoiie desironi. of.embarring in a Pled sant, genteel busi ness, are invited y With oth o rs,i call t the office of the undersigned, examine ' Ike form their own' itidkrnent, from the fae.ts pres pored:.• ' Oifice,Excliangetßuilding.i, Si.Cair street, nextdoor 0 decd'af Eirquire Johns' Deice, , - . COACH BLAKERS.:—TI Ondarsigifed has onboad And will mien, to clos q t 19t, r educed .rittet, wool Drab Cloth, al a wool and.union Dantaik andr.oliarm,Backtams, , R D. THOMPSON,' dec6 110 hlcarket qt., thi;eo doors from !liberty), 4 :• • t • • '' MO . b . Y {..i , MS = -:New Commercial I ,la E. Wt KISUMU Ile, co t i Liverpool 'D n a Lt i c ;lr j s tgAz ik,- doe; NvALI ' st.,NeW,York; • ther Led the' pnblicohat they have commenced the Gene- I rat shr/Milig and" Commission "Busincis, # it gether,with the General Passenger Business, _ .....t' t e• grattlingcernficates of passage from London, Belfast, or any bpit'of the bid O • untry to - New York, Boston and Philadelphia n , on Ihe meet reasonable tents. Draft atiamiu, of Exchange r from LI to any !menet, On the; Royal Sank', of Ireland and its hianehea, and on Liverpool. - • Theidays of saTheior the Regular I-ine of Liverpool Packets, es fixed, upon are the Ist, 61h, 21st rind 2 fi th "every kainth. - These Ships nre all of the. largest class; and are corn=, 'mended by men of character and experience, '.The Cabin necoMmodaticies are all that can, be desired fn point of SPlemie.i end Cenvenience. They, are fOrnialied with dverydescription of stores of the, beat kind. Pune; tualitt in the days-of sailing will bb"- strictly adheredlo. Packet Ships Rosales, Siddons,Slieridan and Garrick, are vkssels -of the largest class and those dealt - maw - to bring-out theithienda, cannot select finer or saferShms. 'Passage can be the lowest rates. • New.Orleirts Line of , Patke4s sail - weekly. For pass. age of freight, apply as above, or to . _ _ "- ;JOSEPH SNOVVDEN, or " ; ' • • EDMUND SNOWDEN, decli]... Corner 4fit and Smithueld etc, Pittsburg . . . , .11eurnden . • A.R;RA*oll3l.ll#.lli4.'t2i. Ift Herealler, sill Steerage). Passengers coming :front , _Euro eiettga_ged in Amerieis in - come erre?, in either - of theships ruPaimapt wilt be 'furnished' with 'the" relkoking pro Visions, or their eilpiittleittiiit other articles ertly g00d.,-Bre Act e t y .17;1018. . . JS PLAN Wißlirevent amblees - on hoard. 'Hereto, 1 Ore; when - Passetigersitauntl , themjelves in Previa lopa,• many, of. them:- came on timird entirely 'destitute, often'enitsed.maCiriiicicness and death. .135 Um. Bread, - - • , • All of good qttall-• 10 " Rice,' tY, and one-tenth .10 " Oatmeal, ' ' orthe - Provisions . • 10 • Tarnished will •lie 10! ". Beans and Peas, delivered to each' 35 " Potatoes, •• • , Passenger' every 1 pint of.Vinn. at, week, with a mit; 00 'gallons °Mater, fleient supply of . Hips. Salted Pork free fret bone.) Fuel for cooking; Ench ship in this Line will he properly ventilated, and a good hOuse over the passage-way leading to the • Pas sengers' apartment., TheCamboose and Cooking-ranges, for the useof Passengers, are kept under cover. • Every attention will be paid to promote their health and comfort. 'Agent at Pittsburgh, • JOSHUA. ROBINSON,, - st., near Wood. - Tr "Ger 4 , apsoott t sGeners.BmigratlostOdies. alb REMITTANCES and from Great Britain and Ireland, by W. W - V ' & .1. T. Tapscott, 75 South at., corner • of Maiden Lane, N. Y.,-and 96 Water loo Rood, Liverpool. - • The subscribers, having accepted the Agency of the above House, are now prepared to make arrangements on the most liberal terms with those desirous ot paying the passage of, their (Heade from the Old Country; and they flatter thentselves their character and long standing in hardness will give empleassuranee that all their ar rangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. tc J. T. Tapscoti erelong and favorably known for the auherior class, accommodation, and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships, The QUEEN OP THE .WEST, SHERIDAN, GARRICK. HOTTINGUER;• ROSCIUS, LIVERPOOL, and SIDDONS, tivo of which -leave each port monthly;--from New. York the :list and 961 h, and from LivetpOol the Oth andllth; in addition to which they have armngeinittps with the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure a departure - from Liverpool every five - days, being thus determined that their facilities shall keep pace with their increasing patronage: while , Mr. , W. 3 l'apseott , s constant personal: superintendence of the business in Liverpool is an addi tional security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be particularly attended to. - . The subscribers being-, as usual, extensively engaged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge at and forward passengers inunediately on their landing, without a chance at disappointment or delay; and are, therefore, prepared to contract for passage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature ot the: business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers so ; far intend nototherwisc ati minable; and will, it - necessity, forward passengers fur ther West by the best mode of conveyance,Withont any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid forpassage will be refunded in full REMITTANCES. The subscribers are also prepared to, give drafts at sight for any amount, paynbleat the prineipar cities and towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus af fording a safe and ezpedutious mode of remitting funds to those countries, which persons requiring such facili ties will fund it to their interest to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter, post-paid) will be promptly at tended to. 'FAA PE% & O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, rrßap.27-41k,s, I y • Philadelphia. ritibßoche, Brothers, 4,C0. PoLTON st., Nitur Vous; EDVS Qt"" DCBLIN, SCOTLAND ROAD. LIM/POOL. JAMES 13LAKEIX, Agent. Office on Penn st., Canal Pittsburgh. AtlAngrmenn for 1949. ROCHE, 11110.4. & CO., sole Agents for the BLACK BALL LINE, of Liverpool and New York Packets, take the liberty of announcing to their old friends and customers; that their arrangements for the year 164 d being complete, they aritstrepared to bring out passengers. by the above spienditilAute, Stoat ifleorpocol..lo New York and Philadelphia. They refer to their former course of doing, business, and assure those who entrust them with their orders, that the tame satisfaction will be rendered as heretofore. ENGLAND, IMAM), BCQTLAND AND WALE", Draft. for siarrpayable t on demand, at say Dint in Ireland. The undersigned has made arrangements to bring out passengers to Pittsburgh, staying the present year. feb.s.2mdasst IILAKELY. Passage To an • Prom ith GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. kfitk Gamma RIPPARD k SON, No. i 34 Waterioo Road, Li vespool. • • - CARLISLE & Rrersno, No. 58 South et.. N. V.- rIIHE Subscribers, having . accepted the Agency at this j city of the above wellknown and respectable Houses, are prepared to make engagements for passengers to come .out from any part of Great Britain or Ireland, by the re gular Line of Packet Ships, sailing from Liverpool week ly, Persons engaging with us may rest assured that their .wends will meet with kind treatment and prompt des patch at Liverpool, as well as every attention necessary on their arrival in this country. Apply to or. address SAMUEL MTLURKAN A. CO., 142 Liberty. st„ N. B.—Passages engaged here from Liverpool to Pitts burgh direct, and drills for any amount forwarded, pay able at sight, throughout the United Kingdoin. 33420Liy HARNDEN &. CO.'S dlikk }AAIL•fiitR MVO INZUrtaltal.. ' ra h • Ofllor. ; [TARNDEN 2c CO. continue to bring out persons from any part liberal, Ireland, Scotland or Wales, upon the most terms with their usual punctuality, and attention to the wants of emigrants. We do not al mw our passengers to be robbed by the swindling scamps Mat Infest the sea-ports, as we take charge of them the, . I clotnentihy report.themselver, and see to their well-bon nig, and despatch them without any detention by the first, dups. We say this fearlessly, as we defy any of our pitssen,gers Ito sham that they were detained forty-eight noun by us in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months until they could be sent in some old, waft, as a cheap rate, which, too frequently proved,their coffins. SAMUEL M'CLUREEN & CO„ .142 Liberty street COINER & AnrEßs..„ -;i' , l.-l'i -'7:;•:'',. - • =I M= = t.rtsnrcinte - (tiOtit: ; T BE Insurinee Company ofVordiAmerica;orPhila-... delphiti.dirtutglt;its duly authorized 'Agent, `the scriber, orreistolthakdpennenent and. Junited - Itnit . itance:, - o n.illullttr, in thin city and itsylcinity, iidOrt - shipme me. by the ennu i and rivers • • • s WREcTOR-9-:. • ; • '4A2rdjur Ci . Coffin; Preiet. : 2 .Etaltimer".Ntooks, • " • , A l et• Beery-'-' Chailderaylort Samuel W. Jones", - ; Samuel-W.; Smith; , • Edward .2 .ittebrlite White, • John A. Bro Vin, Jaebblat ' • johtt'Whitgo J o h n rrijcle , • Richard D WV od , . Benryjj, Sherri:ad, seey: Thiti is the oldest --Insurance - Co a npitps, ,united; stated. hiving been charteredinaP34- its charter is per 'pettier, and from italighistan.ditiv.ieng experien ce, am-. pie m ens , und avoiding at rio s or roe .ezirte,herardolt. chute terfit may be considered tor OtTeringentple accost tylo t - - WILLIAM P: JONES. At Counting Room of •Atwood;Joires Co:; Water and. Pronfsts.;Pittsberght • . "T'PaY47 • ,The; Franklin! 'Fire Ispaurtiace ConllPanT or rats taaLr rIFIARTER PERPETCAL.--.9400,000'.Paid in. office` 1631. Chestnut M.., north side, near Fifth.. Take ' luau parted, either pennanentitirlitinted,transt lose ' IT dam age by fire,on property and effects of testy de,Seriptiliti„ in tazn, on the most reasonable retina. At?. plica 'on, made either personally:or,byjetters, will be: piomptly attended to. " C, '4l R. ByLICEILER t BeCtetan... Charles N. , Bitneker, • -jaeob,R; Smith • - Th°m°s }l 4ia ' • Gabigit-W. Richards, Thomas J. Wharton, , Lewis, • , Tobias Wagner, , ,Adolphl E. Boric, - Samuel Grant, David 6, Brown. • P ITTSD TIRGILA GDR° Y • .N. frt.—Office of iho - ltkene. on the Noriti , East corner' of 'Third and Wood itteets, Pittsburgh. ' • Fi4e risks taken - "on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country .; N. marine of 'Wand havvitliolikiske taken... - aug44Y. • cit;Nev OF THEFRANKL FIRE INSURANCE A MODIPANY OF . PHILADELPLek,..-N.B. cainetelf Third o - poi wood Jersey, Fietsburgh:—Tbo:asseta, - of - the, company, on,thet firstpflanstary; . 1945, as pnblisliell iy conf , tnntty with an act of the PennsylvanketTeegialaturl, Bonds and Mortgiies • ' 'f8600,616.93 : , Real Estate, at cost • 100,96747 Temporarx Logns, Stocks and Cash .... • • • e - .; .207,499 72 Making a totarof --540 9 3 W 42. Affordutg. cenain assurance , that all lotses will_ promptly met, and giving entire security. Ao all - vtititob-: tnin policies from this Company: nista 'Mired at as lerre . rates as are "consistent With security. °Cid Z U -L. °AREN.' -A. 11171.5. • I. 71. 1111/1.811 GALLAGHER. LONG itt nitta.r.u, .No. IU9 Fiont between "Woad and 'SnnitiOetd - street., ANUFACTUKERS of Bells of all itzetscdouble and single'action Force Faray.a, Counter Roiling. Min oral \\Tater Pummt, finings of all,kindiforGas, \YAM*, Steam, esc.,l3rass Castings : for Machinery:and and,actri, ton metal for,same, Particular attantiOn Aid to Gas Fixtures, 641 dwell ass - orted"stoerof.Plaitt and OtnP.i mental Peudanta-Buynars, Con stantly on hand , ' • OCI. mks Arcarroon. AM AriMSTAURG. Lomat. esozza. ARMSTRONG 21., & - CROZER 6 C o meairsion: Merchants, . No. 11l .hittrltet street,Tit burgh,' 'attend promptly to the Sale of everY description of Western Produce, and other articles entrusted to their eare.:. Revr.o DO—Minna; Hussey & Co.. Pittsburgh; Hanna, Graham &. C 0.,. New Lisbon, 0.; Merchants generally, Wellsvjire, O, Rhodes & Ogleby, Bridgeport, 0.i.A.• Richardson & Bro., Cincinnati; . 1 F. Howard,f,outsville; Ky.; Guile Dorwort, Sr. Look; H. Boyles, Stenben yille. . LAW SCHOOL. ' • • TCIE Subscriber receive at his office, young Gen- Bernell desiring to read law.. He will superintend and direct their studies, and by constant supervision; and. strict weekly ertintination, prepare them for ednussion to the Bar. • IIEADE WASHINGTON. •• - The Subscribers have been in habit of-daily profession* ul intercourse With Retitle Washington, Esq.. for many years. end - feel great pleasure in attesting the .accstratty. of. Ms legal information, nod his eminent capacity for the undertaking set forth in his advertisement. :.'phey earnestly recommend to young Gentlemen who wish to acquire a competent knowledge of the !ignitors., fession, to avail themselves of the advantages which his proposed LAW School will afford them. Charles Shalor, . 0. Metcalf. • A. Duke, Tbos. MUMMA, " Wilson Areal:idles., C. Darragh, Robert Woods, James Dunlop C. 0. Loomis War. B. M'Clure, .1 D. hlahon, A. W. Loomis. deels-3m sirrromelm axle rts - nt siltena,•Trersittrltti. PA, !..the most popular of all BOOT and SHOE Est, tahltshmente i n the West,', This place has gained its reputation by its proprietor keeping the vary best Boots and Shoes, which are made eXpressly to Order for this market, and he is not satisfied only by: keeping the best assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES' in the Western country, .hut he is mudded and-deter mined to F ell his GOODS lower' than any other batiks! possibly 'can. he cares not Vital facilities they bout of haying for offering great inducernents to the public.' .Ij. is impos.ible to set forth all the advantages and facilities' iu on advertisement, that the Great Bargain _Corner has over others, which enables , tts proprihtur to sell Boots', and Shoes of the very hest qualities and styles at frorrilo to 12.5 per cent,,lower than saw Other store ' in the. city: The way to test the matterie roe all vehotntend parebte tog ROOT - 9 , and SHOES, to mill tit , BATES' GREAT HARGS IN' CORNER, examine the stnek and micea,and air. will be satisfied thar the GreatitOrgaitt Conger, &nig 'field and:Fifia street:, is the lance for the puhU ,e one and all. to get good Boots and Shoes cheep, for tub dee9 • .1. HATES. Great . Wool/I=V Si . IiATINESS, TRUNK- P 'ItI..A.NI. AND WHI4".A.CTORF.. I :IIHE subscriber takes this method-or informing his friends aid: public genestalohas hr has the largest irtock:ortlie following named argyles. of his own manufacture, in this city—Saddles, flarriess,Trintks and Whips; all-of which he will warrant to be made of the best material, and by the best' mechanics in Allegheny county. Being deterinined. to sell' his manufactures somethinglowerthanhaaheen heretofore soli/ in the city, he would invite personS in need of the above . .nivined ar.. - ticlei, to his I.Varehoasr. No. 4,44 Liberty street, opp,a site Seventh.' Also, braid* made to orderfor 0ct31,• 4 - 11iickertmrs'itiew clroniaiiiiiskle Pianos.. - EIGHT NEW PIANG-FORTES,Irenn the celebrated manufnetbry Of Chicker e. ing, Boston; with,the new improved cuter scale, just received an& now ppelLt Foe sale' at at Ur; Chiekeriaes Factory f i rices, bE o -JOHN R,- No. SI- Wood street, Pittsburgh "tole Xgent (or Ohieker. 111¢'s grand and armare Pianos. for'WesternPenno. oetl JOHNSTON tsroctcroN have ,idtst receivedthe 0.1 following novr works: ' ' History of COngrens, Biographical and Political; earn p risina a historrof internal improvements, ;:avers, Har-; hors. tte- t ) fronithe Yorraatian of On Government to the present time; embracing, also, historical - 4106cm' of ve nous political events of Ocean: Steam. Navigation; of the Tea and Coffee tax ; dogether with biographies, per -mount histories, &v., by,lleary O.,Whgeler, illustrated, by, steel portraits, and the simile =tog - Mahe, History_ oC Charles of, England! .T cob Abbott, with engravings.'.... , The - Romance of Yachting; Voyage the First, by Jos. C. Hurt." ' ' ' • A ne* novel ; Mary Barton.: a - tale of 'Manchester life. The Moral, Socini nrid Professional duties of Attorneys and Solicitors: bySamuel Warren; Esq.; 'F. R. S. of the utter temple. Barrister at Law.. r derA to - inciter axstrilread Bakery. ' J.' SHEPHARD WOULD respectfully inform his friends' and the pub lic generally, that be has added to his other heel ness,the manufacturing of Crackers of every variety.— flavtng parchased one of W R. Nevires Cracker and Pilot Bread machines; he le prepared to fill all orders for crackers or pilot bread at the.shorteet notice .and hopes by v strictattention to business, to, hare a portion of the public patronage. 'lle public is respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. BAKERY, No. 10 Commercial Row, Liberty st. oppo site Smithfield. N B. fiJperior family Bread, rye and ditpeptia Bread, large and small rolls, fresh- everymorningeatibelhad ai the store, or my wagon, or at my stand in , the market Cakes and Confectionary on hand and Made' to order. J.SHEPHARD. No 10:Commercial Row, Liberty FL , clt lathe beet Cough,":fedi One i ever S4ltv."‘ -DEAD the following proofed' the superiority of Dr.. Wa lla; lard's Oriental Cough Mixture, from &inspectable cit izen, who has tried It: - • Prrvsscaorbillec. 15, 1847, MESSRS. Rats tillitatttwAT:After laboring for several weeks under the disadvantsge4 of - a harassing cough and most distressing cold, Whieh.bad, thus far,yesisted the ef. fects of several of the l'infallibles.v I was induced to pur chase a bottle of your Oriental Cough Mixture, and give •it a fair trial. ..Toirly great surprise, after , using only one half of :the bottle I found myself entirely well "births best medicine I ever saw." True copy. . JOHN , fIIN bs Sold by 1-IAYS & ;1111,0CEWAY, Drutgists, Commer cial ItriivkQbeirty street, near Canal. . Jane - MW DAOITER — RECiTYEE'ROOTIAiri3prker ings, Oen/llnca—Hoven & Arracinv,.Daguerreo - typists from the Eastern cities, would call the attention of the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,- to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at rooms in 'the third story o( Burke's building, 4th st. ' Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured that no pains shall be spared to nroduce them ilv the highest perfection of the art. Our instruments areof the mostpow..., erfuf kind, enabling us to execute pictures udsurpassed forhigh finish and truthfulness to nature. The public are sOlicitedve call and examine. 7 Persons sitting for pictures are neither regifnad or ex "iieeted to take them unless perfect sansfacupn !given. N. B. Operators ; .will find this o good depot for stock and chemicals. lrrinstructlons given in the art, containing the more recent improvements. -• • = ' ianr 4 11 lrateir , Agersoy. OYSTERS C.HEAP4II.THAN THE CHEAPEST.-- Received this-day, direct from Baltimore,, by Er:- prass,Fine Fresh Oysters," which I wilrsell IoW, at my' atom, iu the Diamond' also at Wni. Kramer's, corner of Second and Smithfield streets, and 11 C. Kelly's, corner of Fifth and Market alley. 1. will receive them dally,;-at'llM above places, All Oysters Warranted . ;btoney returned, If not good. nov2s ;,, -. • .. .F.. RI DRAVO. New Millinery, Silks, Velvetsi . '&o. Joss received from New York, a choice select, tion of elegant rich Satins, Silks, Winter Balboa'', French Flowers, Plumes, &c. A hOodgeme:as sorjment of Winter Bonnets,'Hoods;, Capes 'Cardinals, Visetts,&c., on band and made to orderin the latest style, at tho shortest notice.. : ', MRS. DUFF: :deo No.lo St. Clair at: (West side',),:' AriFASHIONABLE MILLINERY.—Mrs.S. Beni Fourth street, near Wood, would inform the Ladles; of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that she will open - on' Tuesday, the 24th inst., an extensive assortment - or -Fal and Winter Millinery. . . , . t. - eset.W. CGEADLE AMR VISITS, roi,Cinusmus Ears—W. R. Murphy has on bands few very hand ; 'Some changeable Silk-Visits, very suu"able for Christmas pinsents, which he is selling at reduced prices, "Also, -handsome Dress Silks, Satin, superfine : mew style linen cambric Rdkis., dm. .4ec.23 • • tt'~Y , '-~&!~iFa4.l@=~erumnrsF a T~:~::: - - ~.C:-~.,=- 7-. ~- ~ '; Z - ... Mil WE ME ' 4 ... ... ' ~ .. tl. ~. _ .- , f , t,,4• 1 4,1•:!;5 01 . 5 4•"-4i.,4 r - ' '-"- ME &rosin Corner, sl' :',•'.7-::;;..--"''''', ;:i.„:,f0`.,,?..,,), -, : c i - ,7.4 , ,,;:, - ;•: v t, , : , ~.,7-, - . ,- : 2 :1 . ,:1'' . . , '7 . :,.7;::'t - •.'t ,;?; ..; .' '...,.-,,-,-..••••- 1.:;v . .1' '].,,'-,;.':,• •i,-..?i:',, MEE .... • . 4 ~aueg T ,II M , R.COMPLAINT,J JAUNDICE; DYSPEPSIA-,. „LiNERVOVIII'DEBILITY-,-DISEASE OrTBE KW NE.YEti„...AST_IIIII.k., and -all effeCtions• arising from '- l ithangentent or disease iri-the4riliart,Difies' ' t fine, ,Y , pectilitr, Respireto7,4if N ;,and' - ms . - . ' Syste, such, as , consepthiori„ inward ;_Y , piles;lieartbuith,toss of appetito...dont , - ' • • ed tenigne,, acidity of th e. stoin, • ~ aeh, swmuning of the head, fullness or weight in the - 3. stomach,dimness of ' . - vision.`pillpita• h '- . !ion of the "' s ., Choking or suffocating sethlating. depression, of spirit's, ' Sudden Bashes', of heat, pain iir the :side r back, weakness of the' Width, 'cold - feet Constant int- " :aginings of evil, fever - mid litil_lpaitaliathe - head, pain and difficulty' of breathing •. ' when lying ulion the "aide, frightful d reama„sourenuctitiarra,Yellow- " •` ' vi ne Tor the' skin and eyes,, ' deficiency' of . jierispilpf- r ' •, tion, he, fee.' ad be = cured . • . . . ____.• by , DOCTOR'IIOOPLANDtS I ''' • '•-• !, c ELEBRATEJY GERMAN BITTERS. ', j -Their Posner overtheibtiverdifeases is not eretilled . — triequalled-‘-by any - other - preparation-in the-..-United States, an the eakessdn this' eity attest, in many cases'af ten: skilfalphysicians had failed: . • Demlfgementin the liveratid•;strinittili are sonnies of intianlty,-fritin disorder or,obstrue lion a morbid action of the. sympathetic` and other nerves follows, and the rune -dons of_the.brain Are impaired and deranged; aaaternes arsthe - edintectiarmedinin 'between minsined triatter;it Wilma from the reciprocal action: that -both must be thore.or less implicated and deranged. simultaneously; detangenpinttlfere willalsciproducediseaseof _the SON,- LUNGS; UTERUS and MDNEYS. as well as the grain. .The - thousands wee die with YELLOW:' FEVER,, CHOLERA or INFLUENZA,. is owing to the same eatisejand the majority of easels" Of that most painthl dillease ; coNsum.pgapN, originates from the same ; In fact the stoirinchiti Me important organ in the system Of in atte pas ' , Montt pie depend for the success and all,thel • adirantages to be derived nom Me, administration of in leinal Medithitie Itifunctions are orthe• illittost tin' Itortaneeto t every one is constituting the source Mid faun-, min of life,which is nutrition. No organ possesses such tr*arkable i rympattiiiit; none auchrelmarkable power in" rn Tying every ; part °tithe system. _ , i' he tare swags in treating disease of the liner and st mach successfully his net benne want efpa th ologital r 'knowledgent'theirfunetionsi, , hat' the' preparation -of, a ,cotupound.that Would act:upon the disetute,and ail Me; sytnpatherie afflictions. , That point has been gamed in. :these Bitters, and thOy. are ENTIRELY ; VEGETABLE,' Jed will in every base permanentlY'destrey ,costineness and give strength; and vigor to the traithei•-'at no' timeffle , Itilitatteg 'the patient, and they are.grinefalio thremosf rdelidatestomachunder any circtunstances.. - .. . , . - . • „.- .ALL CDE CURED, . . . WHO WILL - US AN E THEM AS DIRECTED; • ' ' ' . • (firwinnalv min noivii on ammems.)' • • - . • The few' months thisTrepanition, has been before the pub lie, has, from its infallible efficacy, elicited the eulogy • f the pressahrougb the, land,. their object being for the bethrfit of suffering humanitypts success has surpthsed OSlpieeederns, and:leis free front all alcoholiC stitaulint, syrup', merenny, aloes quinine, iteidsoind all illitiriOilf - ingredients, and especially adapted to the diseases of the snriahle climate of the -United States, and the West In ; 1.4 WEER AND DELICATE CHILDREN, ' litre Medallion g :by Using It--in faetth is a family medi -eine, and can be .aprainisteratt with safety to a, child one year ola.the delicate female; Or a Man tif ninety. • ' 'The - Philadelphia Democrat'setys:--A This medicine -has an extraordinary virtue and efficacy, and Min great th demand. • We can 'speak fro 'experience; that' it has produced many wonderful; cures.".,;;- - - . , : The Daily Sun says : "We believe It is one of the lust medicines of the age—a friend having used it in his Own family,- with, great satisfaction in the Jaundice and' Liver Comp . lititit. , "• • '- '•". ' • ' --. . The Spintot the Times. and Repaint; says?-"Do our :good citizens, who are invalids, know the many- aston !thing cures that•have been performed-by Dr. Hoofland's celeurati.... ii.ennan Hitters! If they do not, we teethe peed shere to ' , the Gerrorte Medicine Store, Xi Race street; all who are afflicted with Liver Complaint, thm dice, DYspepila or. Nervothi "Debilnyl the - Doctor has 'cared many of our citizens, after the best physicians hid failed. We have used, them, and they have proved to be a medicine , that enery one should know of, and we cannot refrain giving our testimony in their favor, anti atwhicitgires them gieate te lane upon our humble ef., rt, they are entirely vegetable. The Evening,BalletinsaysThe Celebrated, German . Sitters are an invaluable remedy for Jaundice, Dyspen nA and nervous complairret.'l • • ' ; Neni:s Cotzette_sa,ys:-,"lt is not often we notice ,the, various exnellent medicines advertised in our columns. because we are unwilling to speak except from personal experience;' and a good constitution' fortunately makes us generally strangers to such articles. A word, how ever, ofpr. Ilooftantrs Germanilitteref This WY Know 1 to he an excellent article 'fulfilling in every respect what is claimed' for it by the advertiser.- The - Daily News says: "A hlinietror..—We speak knowingly of Dr. Hoof land's celebrated German Bitters when we' say it is a blessing of tithing, and in diseases 6f the biliary; diges tive and nervous systems; ithas not, we think, an EQUAL —4l is A rsOirTAZILS PNEDADATION . AND MADE IPTIFIOUT Aro ;COROL, and to all invalids we would- recommend it as worthy their confidence. • 'What stronger testimony can a medicine have? At the 'Depot can be seen .theesthances of many of our most respectable citizens of Cures in all the foregoing - dis faiths. Principal Depot, Gelman Dredieine Store, 278 RACE Street, and.for sale in Lancaster by John P. Logan; Har risburg. by D. W. Gross; and respectable dealers gen erally throughout the country. .' •• " ' '' ' • -- -- O.IIINCE THA:r IAftEADFUL COUOI-1!--The Lungs 0 ore in clinger, the work of the destroyer has been dbeat h egun, the Cough of Consumption bath in U a sound of and As s vou ii. wi pe Marit Year darling child, your idol earthly jey, ts n rhaps confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold—herimie cheeks, berihi4ahranke.a pagers, tell the holdZiebselias nrreidY gained upon her -.the sound of her sepulchral cough pierces your soul. Yomso MAX, when rag about to enter life, disease sheds si heart crushing. blight over the fair prospecti of the fu ture—your hectic rough and - feeble limbs tell of your loss of hdpe, but - you need not despair. There is a balm which will heal the wounded lungs, it is S her mairsts All-II allist Mrs. Arra', the wife of Wm. H. Attree, Esq. was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Drs. Roe and McClellan of. Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr: Mon of New York. Her. friends all thought.. she must die. .She had every appearance of being in 'consumption and was so pronounced by her physicians—Shennan's ' Balsam was:, given 'and it eared tier. Mrs. fLuntsmis:strit, of Bull's Perry, was also eared of thiled to tts Balonni when ait2el remedies r s reducedto skeleton, "Dr. A. C. Castle, ;Deniist, 291 Broadway, has ,wituessed its 'effects In several cases where no.other_ntedeciatt afford 'cd relief—but the Balsam operated like &charm. Dr. C. also sviuteared its wonderful. effects in. curing Asthma, which it never fails of doing. ~Spining Blood, alartain3 as it may, bb, is effectually cured by Ibis ;Babaurr• - heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes the lungs sound Rev. Ilmair. _Joxiss, 109 Eighth avenue, was cured of cough and catarrhal affection of al years standing. The Ifirat dose gave him more relief than all the other medi cine he. had ever taken. Dr. L. .1. Beals, 10'- Delaney greet, gave into a sister-in-law who was laboring under Consumption, and to anbther sorely afflicted with the `Asthma.' In.both cases its effects were immediate, soon restoring them to comfortable health. Mrs. Lumens Weiss, 95 Christie-st., suffered from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her at once, and she is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine. Thisindeed is the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spit ting Blood, Liver Complaints, and all the affections of the throat, and even Asthma and Consumption. Price 25 cents and 81 per bottle, Principal Office 106 Nassau street. New • :Likewise Dr. Sherman's celebrated Cough,Norm and Camphor Loienges. Premium Tooth Page and Poor Man's Plaster Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSON, at his Boot and. Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse; 81) Liberty.street Pittsburgh, head of Wood street, and by the following duly-appointed Agents' for Allegheny county :_ _ , •A. /11- Marshall, Allegheny city; Jonathan Ghriest, Manchester; J. R. H. Jacques, Birmingham; A. S. Getty, Wylie etreetr.J. 0, Alustin, car. - Webster at: and - Elm; Daluel Negley, East Liberty; It'L: Arachell, Wilkins burgh; Thos. Aiken, Sharpshurgh; Sand.. Springer, ton; James ArKee, Stewartstown; John Bladlc, Turtle Creek' C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland & Son. Alliaas.; port; 'McEldowney, Bakerstown; ' Riley , APLaughlin ; Plumb Township; 'Wm. 'J. Stnith, , TempergOeville; Jas. Fulton, Tate:dam; G. R. Starr, Sewickly. A 4 ORE TESTIMONY!—Dr. W. Lams, of Fayette -1,1 villa ; N. V ., says: "I am well persuaded, and have been for some time, that your Domestic :Vegetahle Pills are of great use 40 all those who may have occasion to nselthem, and have administered' teem to my patients." } l ever and Ague, Dyspepsia and Bilious Pevera'arelm inediately ciiied by the use of Dr. Ralph's Pills, Price; 2d cents a hoz. Sold Wholesale and 'retail by CUTHBERT,. Smithfield street, near Thittl. Also, by Wm. Cole; Allegheny cltk; o.43mith, Sir Mizighanu i end John 11PCraekeh. - Fifth- ard. .relil7 Jisysieal Pam ly Ale DDR. S. 'S. COOK, Piqua, Ohio, writes, March, "I have laded your Vermtfugi, Carmiattlies`R.alsain, and Par4terant, in my practice, for the twit "three years, and have' been exceedingly, well pleased with ' them, and never, as yet, to my recollection, failed of realizing my 'ffillest expectation in their curative properties. Your other medielnes:l cannot speak of from experience ;.but, judging from those I have used, I doubt not but Mat they claim, and are entitled to all the confidence reposed in them, by those who have used tnern. I was .formerly very 'partial to Vermifuge,.until I beccuimacquam ted with yours, which has my decided preferene to any 'other now in use. Reissectfully, yours, &c., S. S. coot, m: D.7> 1:17- For sale in Pittsburgh at the'pekin Tes,Store, 72 Fourth st. ' ' • BA. FAIINESTOCK'S COUGH SYRUP.--Thispiri; paration has proved itself to be of very great effica cy in the cure of obstinate Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Spit ting of Blood, Whooping Cough, and other, Pneumonic Affections; and the proprietors feel warranted in recom 'mending it as a safe and useful medicine, and are pre pared to show certificates of indisputable authority, in testimony of its value. It is plessantto the taste, and is offered atso low a price as to place it within the reach of every person. There are, perhaps, but few Cough preparations that will pro duce such decided effects in such a short time. Pre pared and sold by . • • 1 B. A. FAIINESTOCK lc CO., Corner of First and Wood; also,• corner of, Sinn and Wriod 'garnets. .' decl3 DR. RALPH S -CrIXEITULTED VEGETABLY. PILLS are for sale,wholeaale and retail, at the REAVESTAST 0/MIC; No. 50 Smithfield at. Also, by 'Wm. Cole, Allegheny city: J. G. Smithiair milghtiratiohn McCracken, Penn street, Fifth Ward. OR SALE -A brick dwelling house and lot, m a plea ' sant location, situated on Knoll street, Allegheny. The house is well arranged, having sr geed cellar, akitch-- en and tuning roorn,halcand two.parlo ,rs Area bed rooms sail finished garret. Lot is 20 feet; by t deep; to a back stmt. 'Price, 81,200., Terms, 8300 tn.hattd, balance in' four equal yearly payments. • S. CUTHBERT, General Agent; ' • ' Smithfield meet. " i ? ~.t.;~ .Wl--. i<~. - e .a.. .-