The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 25, 1849, Image 1

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. ,
Printed and Published ecerOtorning, (Sitneleiya izeepted.)
10- TR RMS.—Fire Dollars a year, payable strictly ,
in advance. Dollars will invariably be required
not paid within the year.. • • •••
1j77 Single copies Two 'cattra:—for sale 'at' the counter
of the Office, and by the News Boys. '
A. ls published from the same offi .
cei on. a large blanket
size sheet, at TIVO DOLLARS 'IC year, iu advance—
sin le copies FlIrS. CENTS.
No paper will be discontinued , (unless . at the dli
cr tion of the proprietor,) until all arrearage s are paid.- ;
No auention will be paid to any order unless ac
e° pealed by the moiler, or satisfactoryrefcrence in this
. ._
.., .
11. - Pra , S 4 ratrAtE OF livEvrE'Lrass oa mut. - •
One-Insertion, ;•-•• -- ••$:0 - 5 0 C ite rtiba* " 6 00 130.
Two do:. .• • ::,:.• • • 0 - 75 Two do
Three do - ' ' '''.... I.o ol:Three do ' '7.00
One Week,'—. ... . . ... 1 50 `Four do- • - --••-- • . 8 00,
Two .do • "' 250 Sir - do— • .-- :10 00
Three do ..... -.. •
Chan - gedbie at Pleasure.. , . ...
.., . OITS skeszs. .... •,• •Ma iiglaiti. .
Six Mouths, • 81500 i Six Alonths, 520.00
One Year '' "20 00i One Yearo • • ..... 30 00 I
'Larger advertisements in proportion.
.11:7- Cards of FOUR LlN.ES;Piek..Dollars a Year. '
. Lame.ents will not be inserted unless en extra price
irr Advertiseatents upon whichthe-number of inser
tions is not marked, will be inserted and: charged: until
ordered out: . • " . .
professional (Curbs:,
AMUEL AV. 1ir...21VA; Anorney:az Loto--4318ee on 4th
street, near Grant.•Pittsbargh. 'oetILS
jAid'ES FTKERIIt, Attorney"
men Buildings, Grant street..
13 . , :at , CALoSIONT,Atierney at Lam—Whea t Fourth
street; tear Q ,FattersonYe Livery Stable, febl7
R. UEQRNE I.VATT.--,Otfice; No. 77- mithEteld
pear Sixth st., 'Pittsburgh. aug2l-y
_11". No §,§t. CJa4
VEIL, Physician and Surgeon.—Offxce
'greet, Pittsburgh. " - aug2l-y ".
el ORLANDO LOOMIS, Attorney. at late.-otEce 4th
vt-le, 81 , , above :Woba. • july4-3,
rpHOMAS ffi. INIARSHALIA,..4Itonsey as Latc.-;-Ofrtee,
Loavie , s 13tahlings, Fottith'ot. ' jaa'My
TAXES CALLAN, Attorney at'L4lo, corner WytiC
and ,Fifth streets--" Law Corner." • feblo.7.-
R. JOH.tifellAWFOßDl.iiir street
oopposite ituglol-
tlie . huge;)
rt DARRAGH, .Artsrney at Law--Otiice 'Llakoweli's
• Houxe _Buildings, air Grant . Street, opposite the Court
i f Ai. talisilViilJY, Attorney at Lato.::lttico in, the
-LL. same building with Aldermaa AV/Vat:T y FifiAst..,
between Wood and Sniithfield sts. ugi7-00. •
TOLEN BARTON, Attorney at Lam.—Otrme,„Norat sale
tl of Fifth Mae; between Wood and Smithfield; in the
t me banding. with Alderman 211oriow.' sep3o-/Y
TOSEPHAL lipsley at Law ...-Otliee . .nt
j . Wallace's-building, on Fourth at., between Wood
and Smittiffeld norlBl
EORGEand counsellor at" Late
arid,/ti r etari '.Fahlie.--Ottice' at the coraer of dth and
iVoodats., over Shaba: .fe Jones' Exchange orfice. oetl4.
DARIND SINOWDEN, Areorney 'at J-rtio.—Otier itt
the building oil the North East earner of Fourth and
Southfield ats.
M0R.H.0117, Ahicrouto.—(lltfice north side of Fifth
• street, between Wood an d Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
. •
ATlca.„, Attonteys arid Counstl
jyi tors at Cutv.::49:fiee on Fourth sr.. - opposite EL ec - R.
H. Punerson's Liven- Stable,' Pittsburgh. .
1, 1 u11..W.411.0 4r• S WARTZ WELDER, .42tarneys at Law.
• Unice on Fourth street, between \Kona and : Smith.
field. opposite Patterson's LicerrStable. - • ' itp7-y -
11.:Uttti E. -N. GILLAIUKE, sluorno and Counsellor at
Eath.--Office removed to the !Al door below Giant st.,
on Fourth ; to the office lately occupied by Aldermanl4fil
T N. 11I'CLOWRY, ...titeenycosd Counseiter or Late.—.
Unice in 13akeweil's Buthlirto's on Grant street.
- - -
13 C. SHAINiNUX, Allen•nele and Counsellor at Law.—
°Mee o ' - - .4th St.,' betwcon Wood and"Santhfield,
-and uskrly oprwsite the MayoestnEce: ' norfry •
ket. Fwork warrknted, and if not perfectly Nut ,
isfaetory no charges will be made. Teblo
itcd — Te7E, Snyder, has removed tus.'
office - to Fourth street, between Wood and Smith
ct •
EMOVAL.—A. Beeler' has removed his commisssion
lA, and forwarding, business from the Canal Basin to'his
nevi warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite the Post
A,.EMETV AL.--JOHN J. MITCHEL, Attorney ut Law,
AA,. has removed to Fourth st., next door to the 'office of
Alder Ma n Steel. up7 -
LEar, Attorney as Law, Washington, Pa. Col.
Js lections made in Wasjtingion, .Payette, Greene and
adjoiaing este:ales:
rpSOMASII. KENNEVY. Attorney at Lam—Office on
-Fourth, between. Wood - anti Smithfield..
Rrezazs.--Gen. J. K. rehead, Jhn Graham,
Pres. Plttebu ace rgh Bank; filr. Moo W
J. W. Burbri o dg,ei Logan,
Wilton, tr. Co.,McCord &Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. octll
BUCKMASTER, Alderman—Office: Fourth street
third door above Smithfield, South side.
....4.k7nveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest care
and:legal accuracy.
'rides to Heal &state examined, &c.
J WIN Ct./VI...Ey :i.Voi,tiry
.and Coneryanor.—Littice- .
Metcalfe' Building, Fourth street, near Smithfield,
Pittsburgh. Deeds, Bonds, lidortgageri A rtic les of Agree
ment, did. all other instruments 'of writing drawn up. ith
accuracy and dispatch. .Titles to Revd Estate examined.
ap22-d&w..ty . ' ' • ,
y . ,•D WIN W LSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Arc:tango county, Pa., will attend prompt
ly to oilikusiness entrusted to his care. Collections Mode:
in Warren, Clarion, and Jefferson counties.
tummt tu
I. A. Stockton &a
C, Pittsburgh,
Murphy, Wilson & Co.,
Jarnee Kinnear, F rankl i n.
Hon. Alex. Ill'Calmont,
Mon. J. Wilson, Steubenville, O.
TOISN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Filth %Yard, Penn
st.. between Walt= and O'lltirit sta., where he may
be found al all times. Those having houses or other prop
eny to sell or rent, can have the same punctually attend- I
ed to; debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman I
will receive prompt attention. . cm:l7-p
A /TORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW;,o ffi ea in
jot. Mellon's Buildings, Corner of Wylie and Faith steal'.
east aide of the Court House,
117' Collecting, Conveyancing, examinati oat; of Rp
cords, &c.. promptly and accurately attended to. myl9'
"ErIP,IRY W. WILLIAItIg, duorn — iiiiiarremiii — otior at .
law, (successor to Lowrie & Office at
the old stand, Fourth st, above Rinithaeld.
THE Partnership heretofore existing, bet Ween Henry
W,. Willa:fins. Esq, and myself, in the practice of the law,
was dissolved by mutual 'consent on the :6th alt., and the
business will hereafter be continued by Henry W. Wil
liams,- whom- I most cheerfully recommend, to all for
whom /-have' the honor to do businers—as a gentleman
every way worthy of theitconfidenze„
deel&ly . WALTER H. LOWRIE.
George R. Riddle - , Conveyancer.
OFFICE in Avery Row, Fifth street, above Smithfield,
other instruments of writing; - drawn with neatness,legal
accuracy and dispatch. He will also attend to drawing_
and filing lifteltatuce Liens,,,lecognt sof Exteittors,Admin,
istrators, 4-e., Examining oiler to Real Emir, Searching , ,
From his long expenence, and intimate acquaintance
with the manner of keeping the public records, he ex
rcistcVrtrtit satisfaction who may entrust Weir
snesicticat dee
Fatasir and Domestic. China Bloke,
115 woou man, orreostrx J , n. Dans' Arroyos zooms.
rprlE suscriber respectfully-invites all lovers of beau
tiful Chinuito call, and examine his stock of Fancy
China, Mantel and Pier Lamps, Candelabras, Girondoles,
Japan Wallets, Britannia Ware, Castors, &c., &e.
-Likewise, Queenswareof every variety and pattein,
at the lowest possible prices. - _
Another Voicunteer . . , ,
WOULD beg to call the attention of the Militar y one
and all, to my establishment, No. 30 Fifth st., where
they can , be rigged out in a new suit of any style, quali
ty or dimensions, at the lowest possible prices. If you
wish to save your dimes and get well served, come to
Curran'a, No: 20 riilh;street,vopposite the "Morning
blerchantTailor, late of Curran & Algeo, Liberty et.
. . .
EMOVA.—On account of. market, and
our pent up marl
a demand for vegetable stands, I have been cam- I
pelled to remove my Bread Stand to the opposite sideaf I
Alaiket street; in front of Alexander & Day's .Dry Goods
Stort,.where I shall b 6 glad to see my former customers.
EW BOOKS BY EXPRESS.--The ,Planetary :and
Stellar World; a popular exposition of the great die..
coveries and theories of modern Astronomy, in a series
often lectures. By O.M. Mitchell, A. M. Director of the
Cincinnati Observatory. - •
.Lertsrsirom isaly—A new and revised edition, by T.
Headley. For sale by ELLIOTT Zs ENGLISH,
is? IS Wood and 88 Market sta.
WM. B. FOSTER, Agentfor Mexican Soldiers, to pro
cure Lind Warrants and Pensions for widows, at
his office, BakewelPs Building, opposite the New Court
House, Pittsburgh; Pa.
My son, in the General Land Office, at Washington,
will attend to my business there, free of charge to appli-
DOR SALE, Four Lon.-Boanded by Penn, Liberty
AC and Flay sts each lot having et feet front,and-ex ,
tending back 110 feet. ' 'rem of them arc corner lots,-'and
be position of the whole property is one of the most ad
vantageous in the city: -:For farther information apply to
itt; SWABTZWELDER, Fourth at.,
. - , between Wood and Smithfield.
. ...
-.-••, : • •; "
tr4 7 - - ,-- -g • - ' •
iv; Office in Bake.
CHAS. H . PA LSON,Has a.ut Caps/tlonufaerurer, and
dealers in Furs ofall ifinda,Ro.73,Wood etreet,.nort
door to e corner ofPourth. • feb
• •
Peas Ataistifasterrer, and dealer in
Muskat Instraments, Wood street, near
eem - -
I 'P. WOODWELLa, IntArter awl Dealer i,i—F—or
-t) eigo, orad Domestic Hardware, airraer of Second' grad 'streets. • - . .
..QAMUEL IIIeCLURKAN Cti, Agettia:lo` CaNiale
Oland Itiimard's Regular Line of Packet - Ships,- from
INdvVYork to Liverpool, No. 142 Liberty -- 'fell.
JOSEPH 'MAJOR, — Boat Siert; Ship Chandlery mid
4): Agency of the PitEstnirgh -Lard , Oil PactoryilCstA.
fifirkeit street, Putshorgrh. Jal2
r vAAFF.CirO'CONNO.H., Prontietora °into Pa/Abut:LA
Portat:4 Barn Scare corner ci Penn and Wayne ats“
aey,-ifitolmale r, Forwarding and — 67:rin:
tf mission Merchani,Mater street, between usket and
Ferry. M
& CURRY, Bankers sad Exchange Brokrrs, — NO.
G. 5 I.lrood street, third door below Fourth, west side.
12---TaKilj a . itiiii:til,ifiiitiiiiriiiiiiitsiii,iiiii,
JO...corner of Third Bald Wood streets, opposite the St-
Chariestrotel. , ' febt
JOHNSON ,S; STOC KTON,Bookralers,Stationer,,Frt
cm and Pubtarkers, corner of and Third sta,;
TICTOit SCRIBA, Booksellcr, Stationer aad Binder
• V -Filth atteet, bitween NVood and Nlarkee. jan7
TT lc J. AieIIEVITT, Wlioresalc G-rocer,r, dealers in Pro
f) • duce and Pittsburgh manufactures, No. 214 Liberty,
opposite l'th st. •
Li iteet, near Liberty. L.JOHN Frauts,k,
nor 24 i.
I Proprietor.
JiiN D.:lsllllCtiAlsi, Irliciesalc anti &tad Druggist, No.
.3}, Wood street, one door south of Diamond alley.
rpOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, Wholesale and R..-cen't
Dealers in BOOM andon, No. LSO Liberty !street, op,
posito Wood. (OA
1) A. FAHNE*rodk" . ec co., Wholesale Drug Ware
"). iunese, corner of First and Wood streets, and corner
of Wood and. Sixth. fehl.
VIThl. ALEXANDER & SONS. Coffin Makers and Fur
y lashing Undertakers, corner ofPenu and St. Clint.
streett : opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn erect.
'TORN 11. MELLOR., If7toksale and' Beloit Deal.? in
11) Music and Musical instrurnmss,Pianos,School Books,
and Stationery;Nii. 122 Wood street. inn!
JY 23-Y
MEERSOPi . , r corner of First and Ferry
streenf, manufacturer of Locl:s, Ringers and Bolts ;
* .robacco, Fuller," Mill .niad Timber Screws, Hansen
Serews for Rolling Mills &c.
Rectify . ing. Diet(ller, and Wholesale Dealer
.in Foreign and , Dowettie Winea and Liquors, No.
. 114 1,iherty street,,tuids3. Diamond .alley... iv.2l
• WILMARTN, Lumber 2iftreltant: , - Office on Penn
14 street, betweenkwin and Hand; Canemanications
pmptly attended to.
AA T & M. RIPPCHEGTRE NVholestile Grocers, ffei• - .
V T • tifying Distillers, • and E,
Wine and Liquor Ma r
•chants. Also, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleachin•
Powder. No. 160 überty street. Pittsburgh. Pa, t as•nt• le
161XCH ' • ()TEL,- Exchange, Place, • aluatore.
_CAD. DORSEY, Proprietor; Coachessvill be in readiness
atoll the landings to convey vassengers, free of chaMe •
to the Hotel..
rar INI4 & INNEY, Agents for the Delaware. Mutual
Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, at the Ware
house of King & Rotates, Water street, near Market.
IA ON & bictojick.,Wh ate tiroeers arid Cain
-4,./ mission Merchants, Sixth street, between Wood and
N, 800 • inder, corner ot and Wood
streets, above C. IL Kay, where he is prepared to
do every description of
rulios• and bindkig. pec2
143,647 u-fin
and Co n.
"POINDEXTER' & Wholesale Grocers m
-1: mission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 41, Water
street, Pittsburgh. ap2l
R. MURPHY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
DRY GOODS North east corner of , Market and
AhlUkt, hIOAROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper
0 - aort Sheer Iron Ware, No. 17 Fifth street, tweet'
Wood and Market. - " feblo
/3. SCAMS. • .7AN185 ATKINSON.
C A l FEATKlNEON,.2tranufacruress qf C.
anit Skeei from Ware. They also execute overy
§sc rip titon of 131ticksra MI Work. First etreef, between
Wood and ArarkeLPittsburgli. Ost3l:y;,
& W. ITAREIALIGN, Connniuien and 'Forwarding
kJ* Merd l 4•44, and dealer% inFlour, Wool and Produce,
No. 63 . Wateri and 104. Front street, between 'Wood And
Snlithfield streets Fittsbur h bial •
eundersigned has associated
with himself John Nicola, from Belau*? ,e In the
Grocery and General Commission Daliness,"under the
style of Sellers le Nicola. Dated-Ist January, 1849. •
ian 2o - - FRAI3 SELLERS. ,
ipoictudtp LEECH,•Jr:, importer, and deafer in
.Forrign and .Dopiestie_ Sadkry, Eta rifteare and Car
riage Trimmings, of all. descriptions, N 0.133 Wood st.,
P ituibilrfith'scren doors above Fifth, anionti door abovC
H. Childs Is Co.'s Shoo Store;
_ _ _
'IDLAiit tr. CO, Brush Manufacturers, No. 120 IVood.a.,
..13' have constantly on hand a full assortment of every
'description of BRUSIIHS, to which they solicit the alien
lion of dealers. Also, ;-a. large stock of SHOE FIND
INGS, which is constantly - renewing with the best .irn
'proved Kitt. FISHING TACKLE and Sperling Equip
:meats, in every variety—all of which be sold whole
sale and , retail. will-.
• • I
O METH & SNCLAIR, (late /Martin & Smnh,) Mott:lair
Grocers, Produce•and Commission /Retch n ts, 5G IVood
street ) . Pittsburgh. The undersigned having entered into
partnership under the above s tyle,sespeetfully ask the
patronage of the friends of the late firm, and of the pur
that chasers gencraliy. They feel warranted in promising
' they can give satisfaction to all who may buy of
theia,or confide business to - their care. „ v
SAPKINLDY, House ,sivThr — i — Ornt,,ainkr , s
. and dealer in PAINTS, No. 44 St. Clair st., Pitts
burgh, has.consuintly on hand an. kinds of Psiars, either
Dry or Armed; Japan and. Cope!Varnish'; Linseed Oil J.
Boiled . Oir; ZNoitica TuVontillp LlVindoiv Glass, of all
sizes; Potty, Faint . Brualkaa; fcc.iall of the
.beat quality,
and for hale at reasonable
. )6(
Charles Bitildings ' - ' - TacP/e^Y
' - 1 - AMEglitirEN.N.etioneer arut Commission 111 - Fr:
ity ekant, No. llst AVcxxt street, - • febi '
JOHNTODAVl S`ommission Merchant,
corner of Wood and ram streets. - febt
Gooiti - and
Ttirnmings,No.67,lllarket street. • . febl ,
ALEXANDERJAYNS, PekinTea Surre, .72 Thinl
street; new Wobd.' ' • ' - febl'
MeCLOSKEY, Iron City Ciothing NO. 1.3 g,
.I , lh erty !street, oppoeite the mouth of Market...AM
JOSLILT2I-rROBINSON,. Agent for Hamden & Co.'s
Line of Packets, PM in., one door below' Wood. febl
AITILLIAM JACKSON, Patent Xedicine Depot, WIAb-
TY 'city street,tetta of Wood. •
EOFtGG COCHRAN~ , Fo rwarding anG - Cwnm arum
Merchant, No. 2TWOcei street. febi
- - VriGLISH & ELLIOTT, Bookselkrs and Stationera, No.
j 2456, Market at. between Third and Fourth. febl
P DEL ANYi.F.Olionakie Clinking Sem, ,Nojt9
'.erty street
:11 . 001 k SARI"
N. l N , tmE B l2„l.l,t'taMll,, kti:a4‘z=ge
AFULTON, Bell and Brass ',minder, No: Second
. street, between Market and Ferry streets. febt
WHITE, Clothing Store,No. - 167,votuer of LiberlY
U • and Sixthatreeter. J.% - febl
rfIOWNSENAcARRa CO., Coach turd Wagon Maim,
St. Clair street, near the bridge• . febl
BRON • FFICE, N 0.65, Diamond alley, near
JJ Wood street. lebt
:n WERNEIIERG,Fashionable Clothing B.rmblishrneru,
11,J,, No. 25 Liberty street. my 24
-1- 4 1.15W1ND GREER, Wholesale Grocer, Liberty street,
opposite Sinithrteld.
.my 23.
tHN CURRAN, Fashionable Tailor, Fifth strent,t2ear
Vood, opposite tke offie.eof the Post. my 23
"c.DOWELL JOHNS9N, H04.2 . e,./Sign and Orna.
menta/Paintirs,coindi Giaht arid Secend streets.
A IF 11. L ER & lIICKETSQN,D7wIssak Grocers and Com-
Menduants,aorner of Liliertp and Irwin sts.
•st-MOTULTY dc
.CO I Forsc , arding and C'onvnission
Merchants, Canal Basta.. marl
TOHN.IIPCLOSHEYTaiIar and Clothier, Litmty stree
11 beti;ieeiiixtVand Virgin alley, Muth. septa
MMULLEN & DOWNING, Fashionable Clothing
&ore, No. '2lB Liberty stroet . opposito Seve/ith
Cyhtmiris Ira, Forwarding and Commission
' ifferchano and Deciferein Prixhmt, No.l Smithfield st
opposite the Monongahela Howse, • • jeld
KING a 111 0011HEILD,,,Whotecafe and Retail Orme;
and Produce Dealers, corner, of the . Diamond and
Diamond • - ' • mrM
Qentkmen's .Furnishing Goods Es
rablichntent, corner Of Market-and' Fifth streets up
stairs,•entrffnee on Fifthstreet. ' • wYtl
&J. T. hIeCANCE. Pathionable Clothing Ettablish•
..U.Oren4, N05..77 and79,..eorner !of Sixth and, Liberty
.1011 N larricsale Oren, Produce /ka.k r
and Cananiesion-Xendurnt, Third et., between Wand
at .)Larket.. . TOZI
A asAwm MORRIS, inoksole and Kuala Locahr
11„ fancy and Staple Dry *ad; 65 Market street, be
tween Fourth had the Thrtotand. roy23
LTHICI,II. DUNLEVY, Gold dinner. No. Itnt ocnt. s
Gold Leaf Dentists' Foil, ece. eolisiautly oo hand and
minufacturedtbonier. • - • mr4
7 • • N' 'co le. a and orrtmarion
Xerchat i I, tor the sale brAineriCan Wealth Goads,
t ner of Liberty . street and Cecil's'. alley., no• 10
• •
.151cSTEIN, Brass Fouadtr fold (}as
field street , between 'Diamond alley' and Pt'ilh st.
Business (garbs.
P.III.GERBERDING, Deaier in Importe.
Dbniestic Segallff dT b
nu o 8.001 ,
Wholesale and Retail, Liberty street, MX
-.doors above Smithfield, Pittsburgh; Pa.
larders from country Merchants will be promp
..y attended to.
DRUGS !!--Jont. Mumma. Druggist and
Apothera4, north-west :corder of Wood and Fifth'
`streets, Pittsburgh, will keep constantly on hand Dings;
lifils,'Dye-Stuffs, &c. • ,
N. B:.=-Physician , Prescriptions carefully compound
ed from the best materiels, at,any hour of the day or
night. Also,
.au assortment of Perfumery; fine tooth;
hatr, and'elothee Breslies, he ; &c., which - will be
sold low for cash.- • • „< ap2oay
- Spring Faalotionllfor IS*Bs
ArcoßD sc: CO., (late M'Cord & Bing,) HATTEIts,
1.1 wilt introduce the Spring Style of HATS this day,
Satardoy t hlurch 4th,1848. •
Theirfrtends and customers are regueited Meall and
- euatuhte their stock orSpring Hats, )set irecei*ed , from ,
New Tort:, attbeir store, corner of Fifth and Wood ate,
'IXTILLIAMVROVILLO,'Underusker,.Fiftb street, mi.'
.thedintely opposite; the ,Theatre, respectfully , in-
arme his friends and the , public in general, that he Les '
reunited his buiineis tit a Furnishing. Undertaker. He
is supplied with and always keeps onitaud Coffinsof all,
sizes and kinds, Shiotids, and all otkeiarticieS necessary
on such oecasiontC-r.H t'. • ; -
Silver piktesiice boxes, arid leaden coffins will be sop
plied in order. A" find hearse and oniringe always ready
to attend funerals. sep29:ly
corner of Wood and sixth
, • , ' febl
. .
Exchange Hotel ',
TCorner of Penn , and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh; Pa. HE subscriber. having assumed the management of
this Jong established and popular Hotej, respectfully
annollnces to travelers and the public generally, that he
will beat all times prepared to accommodate them in all
^thine' desirable in a well regulated' Hotel. The House
is ; now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new
furniture added; and no pains will be spared to make the
Rohelige one of the very best Hotels in the tenantry.—
The undersigned very respectfully solleits a continuance
of the liberal patronage which the House has heretofore
received.' ' THOMAS OWSTON f
febtO:daw . • , Proprietor.
J o h n pd. Tovrnsend.
treet, three doorn ub ove Third, Pittsburgh, will haTe
conatantly on band a.well selected assortment of the begi
and freahest Medicines, whiehliti 'sell on the most
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders - will be
promptly attended to, anti suppplied with articlea they
may rely.upon as genuine.
Physicinne preacnptiOns %till be accurately and fleetly
prepared froutthe beat materials i at any hour of the day.
or night.
Also, for sole, a large stock ' of freehand good PERM.
MEM dec3fl
- -
J. D. LEILX,Etis N
Late Of Pittsbu ,-Pa. Late of ' shoille, Tenn.
LE.MON & DERSOM.Dankra in Conon., ForliKard.
ing and Commiasion lilerehants, No. 8, Prout street,
above Broadway, Cineinnati, Ohio.-
TOJIND. DA VIS, Auctionser and Commission Jiterehans,
UP comer of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburg, is ready
to receive raereltandlze.of every description on eonsigu
mem for public or private sale, and front long experience
in the above business ; flatters himself that be vitt be able
to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor hint with
their Patronage..
Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays- of Drp-1
-IRV& and Fancy Articles, at 10 o'clock,
f Groceries, Pittsburgh manufnetured articles, near
and secoud•hand Furniture, Ac., at 2 o'c lock, P. X.
SaleNeve'ry evening at early ft - air-tight • nuglftry
jAA FL LION, BM end Rrasi Bounder, has rebuilt and,
ilk. • commenced basilica* at his old, stand, No, :Wet ,
cond. between Market and Ferry streets, where he all
be pleased to see his oldNustomers and friends.
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, (rem „1 1) to
10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most apprthred
models, and warranted to be of the best materitils.o • •
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings,4c:,, Ac., together with every variety of Drusi Castings, itftquir.
ed, turned and fi shed tat the nenteit -
A. F. is the note agent for Baban't Mt,
,f.ll, no justly celebrated for the reduction of 4riction in
Machinery. The boxes and comporilion can be had of
him :tit all times. • • 4 •
Seething, Cupping' and fillecdtaag.,-
- No. 55, Ftnru Stater.
ISl2DMS,kSaceesmor,l6 1 1 t. R- Delany.
• tednine 4- ireatifettazontblylattendaneesaz
teicienE,t;.t 4814 44 1 1 1 )41004.411e e -
and Rirminglam. 'March t 3,
I most cheerfully recommend to Physicians ' Families,
and nil toy fanner friend!. sod patrons. Mr. K. D. Nostais,
as 'icing thoroughly acquainted with the business. and
worthy of patronage. M. IL DELA:IIY.
Coffin, louden!, his thanks to hia patrons, and would
inform the citizens m Pittsburgh and vicinity, that be has
on band, a large variety of Laudecapea for sale nt the
Odeon, on Fourth street, between Wood ' and;Smithaeld.
iIioWNSENb. CARR & CO., Siteccesors to the old firm
I of C. Townsend & Co., and Carr & Rowland, beg
leave to announce to their friends and to the public gen
erally, t h ut they are now prepared to execute all kinds
of work in the Coach and Wagon -making business, at
the shortest notice, and warranted to be of the best quali
ty The very large quantity of seasoned Timber with
which they nre prepared, and their facilities for business,
enables them to insure , the public that theyare prepared
to carry on an extrusive and promyt business in their
line, and they respectfully solicit a •cominuatice of the
liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firms. t!ep4
V moved to the corner of Wood street and Diamond
alley, over S. ACCluin's Leather Store, where they are
prepared to furnish Venirion Blinds, Wholesale and Re
tail, at pi:ices much reduced; having a very eccentric made
of paintmg. rind other advantages unknown to others in
the trade. Resides giving a superior finish to bliuds, they
trim them with the beet materials, making them rich and
N. E.—Wide or r iirrow slats--portable or permanent
fastenings furnismrst. Blinds refined. . dectlt-y
hers, having enlarged their esusblishusent for the man
ufacture of STEEL and Fmas—on the corner of O'Hara
and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh—are prepared to furnish
Files of every description, of , the best quality: and being
determined to make it the interest of couseutiers to pur
chase Files from them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who use the article.
. TRUSS, for the immediate relief and permanent
cure of Hernia and Rupture' (Suited to all sizes.) The
superior claims of this Trans consist io the comparative
,ease with which it may be worn. The pad of wood be
ing neatly balanced on springs, yields to the pressure of
any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move
ment made by the wearer. It can be worn without any,
intermission, until a cure in affected The subscribers
have made arrangements for the manufacture of these
valuable Trusses,m u superior style, in Philadelphia, and
have them now for sale at theiroffic ,e No. 77 Smithfield
street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEORGE wATT,
jy l D.-W. KAUFFMAN.
NEW DRUG STORE.—Joun I). Slonown, Wholeiit
sale and Retail Druggist No. 0.3} Wood street,
one door south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—The
subscriber has just received.from the eastern cities, and
is now opening at the above stand; a full assortment el
articles inhis line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye
Stuffs, Paints and Garnishes, Chemicals, &c., together
with all such articles as are usually kept for safe at a
wholesale and retail drug store.
. His stock is entirely' new, and has been selected with
care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality
and price, will please such as may favor him with acall.
isoza would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that , Ms new establishment isnow in full opera
tion, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and
fill all orders for Pinned Lumber, with 'promptitude, and
at the lowest rates. •
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, con
stoutly on hard.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made
to order.
Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advan
tage to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with
planked stuff, suitable for every description of work. '
his remaining stock of BONNETS at greatly redu
ced prices.. 'Bonnets of last winter's shapes at from 25
- cents 10 81,00.
Cheap Laums.--A lot of Dress Lawns reduced to 12f
cents per yard.
Mete Goods for Dresses.—A supply just received, and
offered very low.
Dark Ginghams.—Rich dark styles of Gingham. Also,
• Manchester and Domestic do., of choice patterns.
Mantua Ribbons.—An assortment just received in the
Wholesale Rooms, 2dstory, and olferedlow by the piece.
Also,.White and Colored Satin do.
Prints and Musliru —An excellent stock on hand, from
4e. per yd. up to the finest qualities.
firj'Att the nortk-eitst corner of Fourth and Markets:Twat
f 1 FSIITEMEN.—The subscribers beg leave to inform
ty - you that they have in store a full assortment of fine
Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Stocks, Pocket Hand
kerchtefit, Gloves,Rosiery, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Un
der Shirts, Drawers, ke.; in. fact every thing ine luded-in•
Gent.'s Wearing Apparel. to which they invite your at
tention.. They also manufacture to order, at their factory
East, every variety and pattern of SHIRTS, in quantities
and quality to suit purchasers. -
Please give us a call, and examine our Goods and
Prices, at our Wate-roorn,North-east corner of Fifth and
Market meets. up atnirs. EDWARD TODD k Co.„i.
A.MPAIGN OPENED.,--At the Great Bargain Corner,
where there has just been received, a splendid new
stock of BOOTS and SHOES. of every. variety; which
will be sold cheaper than ever; at our motto is quick,
sales and Small profits.
Also, a large lot of TRUNKS, CARPET , BAGS,
USES. All weneed to convince. the 'public of the fact
of selling cheap, is to have them give ue.a call and bring
the Cash along lD .
Don't_tergct the place corner of Smithfield tuaifith
otreete dem I. BATES.
Merchants generally, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Merchants generally, Nashville. Tenn.
js lV .pri , F. Lane
ej L ro ttn &lin e l,lt t oh. Co ilitem , C Lois
aon i i r c il l i n e e ,
i K a y n . a
Hewitt, Horan & Co., New Orleans.
Ttiagregor & Morris. New York.l
Duval, Deighter lc Co., Baltimore.
Smith, Bagniey 4t Co., Philadelphia.
Daniel Deshon, Boston .
' criid 9 h; Pei te ix tgiad no tett galvantivi .,, D ; ry -
VOR Neatest ANT! trruaa erravosis.—This is the p ly
11.7 instrument of the,kind that haaever been pre ed
in this country orEurope for medical 'purposes; andipthe
0,4, 1 , 04 ,p r known to man, by which the gall:atilt:Vapid
can be conveyed to the human eye, the car, thee bratmor
-o auy part of the hoitY, either externallY or Internhily,
tit 4.definite,telitle streatniwithout shocks or plaitith
perfect safety`--and often with the happiest effects. -,
This important -opparatuiV is now' highly approv a. of
y .
by manof, the most eminent physicians of this eo try
and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others Wh 'rt
may concern Can be 'referred:. - Reference will at ' :he
swan to maim highly respectabie citizenii who ' 'Ave
beep caned, bymenne of this most valuable allParal,bs,at.
some ; of the most inveterate nervous disorders, which
could not be removed by any, other known means.
Amohg vorioaa others; it has' been proved to be mimir
ably adapted for the cure of the followiug diseases k tiz:
nervous hhadaihe and otherditiordarsof the brain.'"ai is
with this apparatus alone that the operator can corm
the galvanic fluid with ease and safety to the eye,.re
store sight, or cure anneurosas ;to the ear th:testore Mit ,
leg i to the tongue or otherhrgans, to Atmore:speechtated
..tothe'vatiottel parts of the body, for the 'Care of 'break.
*Omni ism; asthma; neuralgia, or tic doloureaux,pariil,
ysiet, or palsy, gout f chorea or St. Vitus' dem., epilepsy,
: weakness from strains, some diseases peculiar .6-
males, 'contraction of the limbs, lock-jaw', etc, etc.
Rights for surrounding . 'comitiet of Viresterrf.P 'Sind
. privileges ; with the instrument , may be purchase Ind
also tested for the cure of .diseases. . . . :•.-.''; .. ,-.: ~-.'
. Pallinstruclions will be given for the various , Ml
'cals to be needier various diseases, and the beer* "her
for operating , or the cure of these 'diseases, will bp
fully expleineit to the purchaser, and a pamphlet p Mei'
'his hands 'expressly for these purposes, careful! re
pared by the patentee....Enquiro of - . - ...
. . - .S. WILLLAMS,'Vine etre
near dtli at. Roa d. Pine
Rata, Gaps, and• • oftii; - •
IikTHE eitheeritretAtittow receiving fr the
eity of New York a Choice' assortmenta ats
Cape and Mutts, Latest Fashions in gre t va-
Setif, and very caw, wholesale and retail * .
novt I Smithfieldstreet, 2d door South of At It.
Fashions 1
..raig .
C. H. PAIJLSON, No. 73 Wood at., 2d dcio from
the corner of Fourth has received, and will th day
introduce the FALL STYLE of GENTLEMEN'S
RATS, and would mspeittfully invite his customer* and
the public generally to-call and examine the game.
FALL FASHIONS .— S. Moons has-J ant received
- New York the Fall Style of FIATS, t¢hic heNO!
introduce thin day, Satardny,_August rhoila 'in
want of a neat and natterior HAT, would do !yen to call
at - ' • • . IN/O. 75 WOOD STHEETt ,
ge anal ad door above YouLalt.-
: k'ALL: .FASHION OF ItATH-WH71:14--$.,-...
• 3 / 1 00ILD CO., (late Alleord
,WILL Introduce, on Sato Way, Aug. 03, the. PALL
STYLE OF HATS, juet received front Nett'
• , York. Those in vrantof a neat and beautiful MST.
are invited Hi call at their store, corner of F ifth`: and
IVood streets. - aut24 I
` FALL • — st
THE subscriber, having vetuthed • ••••
from . New York, will introduce, tuts DAT,
Augusth,lB4B,..3leurs. Rubs Co.'s FALL
STYLE OF FIA TS, to which he wOuld calf the attention
of his customers and the public. He is daily expecting
the arrival of his fall alisentneul or Hatt, Caps,andlll . 4ffs,
all of which will he disposedafial nnureitl4 low Puce&
O. Wi HLASSOQW, 102 Wood at.,
au O3 3d door below Davis' - Anction Roonm.
Newa d store.
*JADES WILSON, Hat antffaetusis,M
(formerly of the corner of Diamond alley
and Wood gives.) begs leave respectfully ..' 111 1 1M ,! 2 . 11111- 1 11
tift litre= his old custo.u.iirs. friends, and the public, That
he has opened a NEW STORE, on Smithfield st,, where
a choice assortment of NAM, 'CAPS, and 14.111ES'
FURS, (as good. near, fashionable and CUE&P as any In
thealty,) may be had. J. W. very - cordially invites is
friends and the public to remember his new location esti
establislunenuand give him a cell as heady heinteads
to welcome them. rear3l,llt
Fathlonable Hat and Vag Blimufaolarif
f ,
GECHOS: S. ANSHUTZ, Agent, respectfully Atli,
informs his friends and the public general.
ly, that he has commenced the manufacture of
Hats and Caps, at No. 9,1 Wood Street, one filoor f .
rcm thit
COTT:I of Second, where he has now on hand a fine.4ll
- of Hats and. Caps °Chi s own manufacture, wltroli
he will dispose of, wholesale or retail. on; the raosttea
sonable terms, for cash or city acceptance. Hate made
to order at the shortest notice. aplg.,lm
•surr & Focarsni, Tonsorial Professors, hare fitted pp
the:saloon on the comer of Cherry alley and Watsl:
near the National Hotel. formerly occupied by Qement
Atelier, and arts preparea to wait oultenthenten at once;
taidr easei`cofnforvand politeness.- :
.......Jalconneetion" vitt* their saloon, they hire fittedinpiin
excellent shorritTatiri-iritera-persentseirwhatte,sistorer
baths at all hours of the day.
They still continue .to serve their customers alio at
their did &and, corner of the Diamond and Union st. ; I
auction Notice
'TIME subscriber has paid into the 'Preasu - v of the COM'.
monwealth, the amount of license. required by law.
Ile has given the regularlyapproved security, and taken
out a commission of the first class, as an Auctioneer of
the city of Pittsburgh. and rented that spacious wate
rer= belonging to Sylvanus Lothrop,Esg., N 0.114 Wood
*tram, three doors from Fifth, where he ir.prepated to at
tend to the sale of every kindof Merchandise, Furniture,
Real Estate, Stocks, Shipping, &c., either at the Auction
Rooms or on the premises, and will in all cases exert h
self to the utmost for the benefit of his employers. on the .
most reasonable terms; 'he will sell exclusively and only
on commission; neither purchasing nor having any in
terest whatever on goods in the store, but merely the com
mission for selling, thereby giving all owners a fairchatice
without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the best advantage.
Sales will be promptly settled when made. Advances
will be given at anytime '
on the most accommodating.
terms. !Merchants will not be charged for advances.
Regular sale days: Mondays and Thursdays, of Dry
Goods, Groceries, Furniture, &c.; and every evening,
Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Guns, Pistols, and Fancy
Articles. Books on Saturday evenings.
H& E. TODD would respectfully inform the mer
• chants of this city and our customers generally,
that we have removed our stock of Shirts and Gents Fur
nishing Goods, to the corner of Fifth end Market streets,
211 story over W. P. Hogue, entrance on Fifth street,
where we intend to keep on hand a large stock of Shirni,
of our own manufacture, with an assortment of Gentle
mens' Furnishing. Goods, usually kept by Eastern Whole
sale ,Furnishing Stores.
Being very thankful for the kind patronage bestowed
on us for the past year, we would he happy to receive
calls from our old customers and merchants generally,
and would inform them that we intend nothing on our
part shall induce them to look further, us we expect to
add largely to our stock, and diminish our prices.
Merchants and dealers are solicited to examine our
stock of Goods. apleif
T Mercital.
the charge or the Sisters
.1 of Marc y r situato on Stevenson street, south of Penn.
Sylvania Avenue, is now open for the reception of Pa
uents. Themedical gentleman attached to the Hospital
• Doet..l. P. HAtmus, DOct. ADDISON,
on-payingpatients will be received as fo or rmerly.
Pay pauents will be received at the rates adopted:for
the temporary.flosPital
Lower Dams, • • 83,00 per week.
Upper Wards, (in which each pa
tient has a separate apartment,) 85,00 per week.
These terms include Medical attendance and Medicine.
Pay patients can have any (regular) Physician to at
tend them that they_ may make choice of, at their own
ez& ense.
orgymen °Carly denomination are allowed to. visit
patients when desired by them. ,
The Mercy Hospital is delightfully situated in an open
and airy part of the city, and within ten Minutes' walk of
the Court House, •
Application for the admission of.patieuts can be made
eiSicr. to Dr. SNYDER; or JAMES BLAKELY,
ohtnof Committee of Mercy Hospital.
Splendid' :Establishment., . .
JAMES W. IVOQDWELL, would respectfullyi
inform the public that he has removed to his
new location, No. &9 Third street, (next door above
the old stand.) Neither expense dor trouble has been.
spared, to makeit the most extensive and magnificent .
Frtmiture warehouse to he found any where, east or
west: The stock on hand, for variety, taste and ele-
Frnce, is such as has never been offered to any public.
om the most costly outfits at $l,OOO per set, down to
chahther and kitchenfurniture, may be f o u n d i n styles
and patterns, to suit any and every taste. .1. W. Wood
well hopes for a continuance of the very liberal patron
age extended to him heretofore, and pledges him se lf to
give entire satisfaction, both as regards the solidity, du
rability and style. of his atticles, and the liberal and ac
commodating principles upon which he does business
Dig extensive new warehouse be'ng now filled from the
cellar to•the fourth story, with every variety of furniture
and CHAIRS, he would solicit a call from all in want ox
articles in his line. ap27
Watt Point "corks.
D RESTON & WAGNER, Engine Builders, have corn
menced business on Penn st, near the Point, in the
einablishment formerly carried on by Steakhouse & Nel
son. • Persons wishing to purchase Steam Engines for
Boats, or for other purposes, will please favor us with a
call; as we Hatter Ourselves to be able to furnish them on
as favorable terms, as any other establishment in the city.
:Also rolling mill and castings of every description can
be had at the shortest notice.
Rsemummes-Capt. Robert Beer, Thomas Scott, Esq.,
Church, Carothers, & Co., ll.DennyEsq., M. Allen & Co.
Commercial now Cabinet W areroom
!if T. B. YOUNG ,k. Co.
VI - AVE removed their CABINET
'_IJI -WARE-ROOMS to Commercial Row, Liberty
s reel, opposite the head of Smithfield, where they will
keep constantly on Hand an extensive assortment of So
fas, Tables, Wardrobes, Bureaup, Bedsteads ! Chairs and
every article in their line of business. ,
4 ,,* Undertaking promptly attended to at reasonable
ices may 27
ClAßD.—Just received, by Express. three pieces of au
laerfule BROWN LUS FRECLOTHS, for Over-coats
sad Sacks, which will be Cold lc*, at 251 Liberty street,
by (nor 18) C. WERNEBURG.
EgkrotaMP and Jotinial copy.]
-!- • , •
Businias. (turbo
• • • - -4 • "
. . ... .... .
J ••• - ::;... -,. .....ii,, , ..,,; ; .,-; - - - :, ; :: , .,:-
i' -, i,. 4j6.'.• ,- .•
!ff ie4Uai)p its
, • Annuals , anAClfiillft , Bookiy,
QIJITAELE FOR PRESEITIE--pems of Beauty, and
►Litditity Gift; ferlB9l7wl • •- •
• Friendship's Ofibring,-Thr , 4. 8 49- . •
Christmas Roses, for 1849.
"Christmas BlesseMsvlbrlS49-
- Amprauth, a Token of. Remembrance, for 1849.
The Voting Mali Offenzig. ,
~;,The Young LadyWOffenng; by fibs. Sigourney, and
others- • .
Lealleisof Mentory, a superb annual Ter 1849.1'
The Fairy Ringi for 1849 .
The Opal, a splendidift book, for 1849.
The Rylfeleah,for 1849. • • '
The Serairlrook, for 1849.
The Snowflake, for 1849.
The Rook of Pearls. ' - '
The Lady's Annual, for 1849.
The Women of the Scriptures; a beautiful work.
The Wreath of Fhiendship,lfor 1849. '
• The Christian Keepsake, for 1849. •
RettiPti Female Poets of America, containing portraiii
of Mrs. E. Oaks Smith hittn . F. S. Osgood, Mrs -L. FL
Sigourney, Mrs. E. P. Eller, Mrs. Breams O. Embury, Mrs.
Amelia B. Welby, Mrs SJ. Rale, Mrs. E. Kinney',
Miss Anna. C. Lynch,' Miss - Sarah J., Clarke, (Grace •
The above, with a large' Ooltection Of PoetkaiWcirki,
'Prayer Gooktyßibled and otherwork* in splendid styles
of bindings, suitable for Christmas and New Years pres
ent*, furaale at the bookstore of --
dee2l, •'
, - Corner'Market and3d A
NNAJALS, ~ - • yea 1849.
The Gem of the Season,lB4B. .Book of Beau d, ty, f0r1849.
Opal, , •-. ... a The Garlan
Gemi is . of Beauty, ' ' The Aniaranth; - • "
B o.(
P hite cf. and case) "
44 L I chnatraas .Roses,. . 44 .
ook of earls, „ , Christmas Blossoms, "
Porget-rat;not, ' . a Florae Gems,' - "
• Do.;(white cf. and case) 44 Christian Keepsake, - u -
Frletulehip's Offering, . • 44 The Snow Slake, "
Keepsake of Friendship, " Thent
Ge, .' - , .4 , 4 '
Exeejsior Annual, . . " I The,Aloss Hoe, ... - ."
Do. (white cf. and box) " Gift of Friendship, `<t
The Hyacinth,. " The Pearl; • •.. 4 . 4 a.:
: The Bosc of Wastrel** of the Bible;:
tidy ot the,Lake, illastmtedn . . - --; •
Moore'w"Poetical Works; 4 . -- ' ' .' ' • ' '
Leila Rookb; ilkuttrated • ' '
Poets of Connecticut, (qt ed.; ,
Pic torial.,Franklin and spoken; •
Willis' Poetical Worki; ' ''
Lays of Sabbath. '
-- A large alaortmeat of soggier Juvenile Books, many
of whieb. are nut from . the press Toy Booksand Color
ed Picturei,_Gnmes,Ac. ; fee. Just received by Repress,
and for sale by, - , . ELJ,IOTT &.ENGLISH,
de ' ' ' Wood and Harter MA-.'
Worcester's Pianos.
VOEIVin) Tills DAY, and for sale at manafactur•
errs prices, three: thgan Rosewood PIANOS, made by
H.Woacssrta, New:York. These instruments are colt.
sidemd fully equal, if not superior, to any now made in
New York, having a delightful tone, full, round, and
melodious; - warranted to wear well and give satisfaction.
The pike of these Piamis is believed to be much low
er than any other manufactured in New York. 'Those
who are in want of IL 'good and elegant. Piano, at, A.
moderate price, will Edemas- come and examine the -
above, at the store of the subscriber, where a larga as=
sortxrient of Chickering's celebrated Pianos can always •
be found.
No. Al Wood street.
Terrible Revoisition--Stara Triumphant*
Ir GOAN & CANTWELL, (sign of: he No, Fey
JUL Market
public l a beg leave to Call
.the,attention of the public la their new Stock 'of GOods,•
anti letelved and opening from manufacturers and Im
porters, of which they feel confident that price and CM/g
-uy will give entire smishatlonias our motto Quick
Saki and Small Prete'
Our stock COUHists, partly, Of the following arlieles,vii:
Ladies" and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, late styles; Guard,
and Vest Chains; Bracelets, •ClaspS and Lockets; Fin
ger and Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens; Slidesand Studs ;
Steel Buckles, - for Ladies' Head Dresses; Mailalcufs•
'Curd Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral Beads; ;
.Ala- ;
lamer Rages; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving Case
furnished; Slyer Spectacles; Silver Spoons s,,
German Silver Spoons, all kinds; Silk Steel BeadDags
'and Purses; Cotton Bags and Purses; Hair, Tooth, Nail
and •Clath Brushes; Violins, Aceordeans, Flutes and .
Fifes; fine. Penknives and Scissors; Globes and Paper
Holders, Shell, Dress and Side Combs, - latest ao - les;
Chide Vases, Fruit Baskets, Agate and Glass Yates,
Muge; and Cologne Bottles; Tables-. - Chessman and:
Backgammon Boards;
. Silk Tapestry; Brussels and:111-:
grain Camel Heusi- Willow, Market and_Side Baskets;
Choirs, Wagons, Cradles, kc., &c., with a large assort!.
mein of Tow and Fancy Arrides, tea numerous to Merl
REAL TifiS LRTTER.—Who wall be without a beau-,
lira' head of hair, when they ean have one for three
Twenty years' lone of hair and wonderful
u lkai Rir—The Wonderful ß eff 4 e -tlim ets o c rion ar e n s l rC i o 7 rlrliir
estorative has been decisively demonstrated hithe hn
set orseceral reapectable citizens of the towni-who,
account of your selling thrt.rihnlingeriailiortilesita
without fear. One instance, which has attracted parde
ular attention, is the case of a gentleman who had little
or no hair for twenty years; he had tried numerous pre
parations in vain, and ultimately had his head shaved and
wore a wig. At my recommendation,-he tried the $44
stomtive, and after using it, according- to the direction,
fora short time, the young hair appeared • and he has now
as fine a head of hair as any person in Baltimore.
It causes eyebrows to onse t prevents the hair film
turning grey, and the first application causes it to curl
beautifully, frees it from scurf, and stops it from tatting
Sold with full directions at at Chatham at.N.Y. and by
Wm. Jnekeon, Agent, b 9 Liberty at. Pittsburgh. iselra)
Great Bargain Corner I •
iJ. BATES, Whokrais and Retail Dealer
in Boom Shots , Sho and Trunks ,. Store earner
of Fifth and Smithfield Streets, Pittsburgh.—The
subscriber respectfully announces to his old custo
mers and the public generally, that he has removed his
Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store to the large new warehouse
lately erected at the corner of Filth and Smithfield aut.,
opposite the old Pittsburgh Foundry, where he will keep
on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HAIR
Ste., of all descriptions and sizes, which he will sell for
Ckfilf as cheap as can he bought in this market
Being connected with some of the largest manufactur
ing establishmehts in the eastern cities, and receiving
goods almost every week during, the season, he.offers
great inducements to purchasers, either by wholesale or
retail, as he offers his goods at lower prices than those of
the sane quality cattle bought elsewhere in the city.
I - manufacture and keep constantly on hand, Boys' and
Youths' Calf and Kip Boots, a very neat and serviceable
in — Remember the place, "Great Bargain Corner.”
Corner Pitlth and Smithfield streets.
SPA flitIAN, having purchased the entire interest and
stock in trade of Mr. John W. Blair. beg !entre to inform
heir numerous friends and the public that they have this
day entered into partnership under the firm and style of
" BLAIR & C 0..” fur the manufacture of Brushes of every
description. Being practical workmen, they will make
up every article of the most durable material, and in the
first style; and will keep on hand, forsale, at their store,
No. lt.lo Wood street, a very large assortment of every
thing in their line of business-which,-with their erten
sive stock of Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, Pen and
Pocket Knives, Powder, Shot, and Variety Goods, they,
will sell cheap, wholesale adretail.
Machine Brushes made to order, with despatch.
The encouragement and patronage of Their friends and
the public Is earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully re
ceived. .Observe! BLAIR er..CO.,
Pittsburgh, Oct. 23th, I848:(oc30) 120 Wood st.
fOAREPATIiIOITOOIif3.—Just receiTiet ; atts ik,ok
store of the subscriber, in_Fifth st., near Market:
Afoieria.Medica,pura:by Samuel Hahneman, translated
'and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M. D. 4 vols.
Eastman's Aeicie Diseases, by Dr. Hemprel,.vok 1.
Homcepathie Domestic Medicine, by J. Lowrie; enlarg
ed and improved by A. J. Hall, M.D.
Jahr's New Manuel, vol. 1 N 03.1 and 3.
Herings Domestic Physician.'
A Manuel of Domestic Cookery, for the use of persons
who are under Hotncepatie treatment. ,
Booninghausen's Therametie Pocket Book, for Homce
pathists, by Dr. Okie,
Habeman's Chronic Diseases, vol. 3.
Together with Medicine Chests, of different sizes and
prices. [nplo) VICTOR SCRIBA.
George Armor,
WASIIIONABLE TAILOR, No. 43, Market street
Having removed his Tailoring Establishment in the
rooms : on Market at., lately occupied as a Bookstore, by
Bosworth & Co., tae undersigned is prepared to fill all orb
dere in his line which may be entrusted to his care by his
old friends and customers, and the public generally. His
long experience in the business and the success with
which he has prosecuted 'Liu Pittsburgh, emholdens hint
to hope fora liberal share of patronage. He will make
all descriptions of Clothing in the best manner, and most
fashionable style, FOR CASH.
ap2s-ly ,
Merchant Tailor.
TEsubseriber respectfully announces to his ClllllOl3ll-
ers, and to the gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity,.
generally, that he has received his usual assortment of
Spring Goode, for gentlemen's wear, to which he invites
their attention. His stock comprises fine Broad Cloth's of
all colors; Cassimeres; rich Vestings, of plain and fancy
patterns; all of which he is prepared to manufacture in
'the best and most fashionable :style, Also, Children's
Clothing kept constantly on hand and made to order.
‘Vater st., 3d door above National Hotel.
my 24
Pashto's:table Clothing Store
MBE SnbsCribers respectfully itifortwtheir friends and
I. the public generally, that they have just received
a new supply of French and English Cloths, and cassi
merer,—Vestings of all styles and quality—Ready:made
Clothing of all descriptions, neck and pocket Handker ,
chiefs, Shirts; in short; every article -usually kept In
Clothing Stores, constantly on hand.
Gentlemen wishing -to have Clothes made to order, in
a fashionable style, will find it to their advantage
and examine our stock before going elsewhere.
jytt-tf ArnnILLEN h DOWNING. •
GEORGE COCHRAN. Commission and Forwarding
Merchant, No. tad Wand streeo'ittsbargh, continues
to transact a general Commission Business,' especially in'
the purchase and sale of American manufactures and
produce, and in receivingand torwardmgCroodaconaign,
ed to his care. As agent for the manufacturers, ha will
b$ constantly supplied with the principalartieles of Pitts
burgh manufacture, at the lowest wholesale prices.
Ordeng and consignments are reipectfuilv solicited.
Cr - 10 7 - verPa Fattens Concave Heater Churn:
'WE call the attention of the public to the article head
,. • ing this advertisement, and invite the enterprising
ell iatrioila to call and witness its opemtion. , 4 All adver
tiserpelltaAll relation to. this:invention, to theamndrads
whohaveseen it tested, is supererogation. - •
Ist ,
Thii Churn will produce Butter. gathering itin a
mass, from sweet milk, in five to ten:minutes ! and from
to fveminutes!
cream prepared,. Its families usually. prepamit, in three:
fid. The utility of this invention is apparent, as better,
Buttert can beTproduced from sweatmilk, or cream, than
credm soared in the usual way ; and hytnetlas of. ads
Chain,• n: little girl Of boy can perform ; in' five tit' ten
minutes, what has heretofore required the lithor of a tre.:
man or man for one or two, hours, and sometimes half a
themb scieW, the W 7 little
dasher is taken oucleavinghothing butthe - Butter and .1
milk in the plain woofieni,box.• , . • j
4111- It is the cheapeptChurn ever invented, as the shit-
plicity alits constraction - (though enthodying . great
philosophical, principle) makeb it but little. to. nuntufac-:1
Sib: it is a common sense Cl4rit, as ill . will admitwho'
will examine it
35r,i have purchased the moncipoty of tills Valtuible
.littiproventent (tom hiessrs:Colver&hiyersithepatentees,.
We: Etre.. new :offering the. complete nonopoly of • 1111 § ,
style a article for the States of Ohio, Pennsytvanni;ltiew
Writ; New 'jersey, Maryland and . Delaivate, Which Will
insure certain and large profits to the manufacturer And
a speedy return of investment The public are invitedtd:
call and. witness its operation, at our otfice,in Pittsburgh;
every day, at 4 o'clock. P. X.
cLerros & Co.. Prpprietorg• .
OfSee,. Exchange Buildings, Si. Clair street, next doer
to Esquire/ohne otfiee. nov22
INN the night of thileth of October,. a Canal. Boat be
: NJ long:mg:to:the. Unioh Line, was .destroyed by fire,
nees:Daum:ft island—occasioned, it is helieved,,by'La
iffer_matettet packed iu pry. Goods ..• ~:: :.. ' . .. : : .
.: The undersigned deem at an act of tisticato' Col .ttl::
1 Vb t rl Tacidliflfinfra tiVire ' hY'y'a l ifi'l lui eti t! !P= P tt r h Er it'tt=i
knowledge or solicitation ' am their al 5 linawn:
ri this manner the prompt and,
' 'arm of.the foliatin:int. of our respective losses by that
accident, ranging in tan:aunt frOm three hundred tofifteen
hundiett.'dolitirsi and hi-lhe :nggingati, tit 'over twelve.
thousand dollars. , : ',.. :.:.... .- .•..... :' —.-- • . - .
As far as . possible they bad' Solite Of thelota duplicated
anti immediately tailatSoidett - end-Where" iticas- known
that this could n o t(hadoue,oiwasnAllesired bY ns,they
• have paid the amount in cash, or , tiled ' with the mer;
:chants-in Phillidelphiti,Witbott renctistla US.'
The certain ineprance of his oda..while on the way,.
is "always h matter of ana.fety to IluMerchaaLand that;
if deatroyedf barbell be inatantly.paid the amount of his.
~t4 e
loss. Re therefore wish, without the least dit4Parage
ment intended the' other Lines, to &re ibis public' testi
mony of Ow satifiselory settlement of a heavy loss by the
, .
Union Line. : , . • : ' -
PittsburgAlloiniaber 7 'IB4S.
- . Hampton, Smith fr. Co.,
Alexander King,::.-• ,
... D. A. Grier, ..: 1 .- ,
Robs: .A. Cunningham,
:C. Arbuthnot
I - Books for Ohrlitmus anti - New Years.
The Gent; for
... • .
The Forget'mo-n t•
. 7p; '
Thu Fairy
: The elms epitalic ;,
TheGarl ; ' ' '
Th"cEre pike of ;
The-Stiotv Fla S
Theßbse of haron ;
ke ; ' - •'• .
• ' The-Philopienti. _ • . -
" - Also,art - extensive variety of small Juvenile Ekooks.—
"Toy Books in great vasiety., just issued for the Holidays.
Also. fancy Letter and some raper; fancy Envelopes,
from the lowest to the highett price truinufactured. New
and old Literature; constantly an: hand , and seceiving, as
trr Slitithlied street; third door above 2ml. rdeen
;OLIDAVS! , DOLMA Yt 3 t.t...Tlre , :subscribers: = are
just opening a splendid collection of Toys and fine
'Fancy Goods of every' deScription; for Christ=
'lnas:and New Year's'presentswermsistin g in part, viz :--
leivalryand Watches ;Work, Dressing and Fancy Glass
Bokes; Card' Cases ; Pearl,'Shell, Ivory and Velvet Card
Ilasketsr,StetL Bens!Purses; Crotchet Velvet Bags; Mu-
Sie:Bexes; Chess Men; Dominoes, &c.; with a thousand
othei articles, too numerous to mention. •
' • The above 'Goods we will sell extratucly law, previous
to the Is; February; 1849, as we intend making some ma
terial alterations'in nut store and business. We invite
all to - dall who, want bargains, at Eb =Market street, be
tween Fifth and Diamond:
F/I'S OR COIZHING in the night are very trouble
.some. They break in upon the hours of repose and
exhaust the strength - of the sufferer. B. A. Fahoestock.
do C ° - 7 4 C OUGH -BALSAM baa been eminently eueeess-.
rutin °aging and curtnreheeo , tatiPleassun, spells
person is roused in the fliglat by a spasm oreolityink r a;
tea spoonful of the Cough Balsam will. soothe it, give him
relief, and, as it is palatable. leaves no unpleasant taste
behind. If once used, it will take precedence ever all
others, as a remedy.for conghs,-colditolke...
Prepared and sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co.,
corner let rind Wood - streets, uni t corner 6th and-Wood
ew Goods.
JTIUST RECEIVED, 'by Express, one piece abort nap
` Cloth, suitable; for Gentlemen's Cloaks. which I
will make , to order, cheap. McGUI ry R, Tailor.
Also, one piece light, short naP, a. ve' desirable esti
.clefor Ladies' Cloaks. Colors warranted.
Also, a good assortment fine French Cashmere Vesting;
together with a good netortment of fancy and black Cash
stmeses; for Ponta, which wigbe made to order as cheap
and as well as at any other establishment in - the city.
MCGUIRE, Tailor,
Third street, St. Charles Building.
• Iftetuckvitl..
fr. EATON lc Co: having removed from hlarkei
. et. to their New Store, No. 62 Fourth st. between
Wood and Market streets, are now opening - their Fa
Stock of Trimmings and Variety Goods, among which
Cloak and. Dress Fringes, of all kinds;
Embroidery Gimps anti Velvets.;
Embroidery and. Needle Work ;
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Chemille, Floss; '
Steel Bags and Purses, Steel Trimmings
Cht ;
Latt,:.o Merino and Silk VestS and Hosiery;
ens Coats, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery;
Gent:s Shirts, 'undershirts, Drawers, Dressing Gowns;
Childrons dresses of latest patters; which they offer at
ow prices, both whoresale and retail. -octs
From lien, Asa Shinn, of
. the Protestant Methodist Church.
...1111E undersigned hav i ng been afflicted during the past
winter, with a disease in the stomach, sometunes pro.
using great pain in the stomach for ten or.twelve hours
without intermission, and having tried various remedies
with little enct, was furnished with a bottle of be.
.Ta'ynes' Carminatine Balsam. This herused according to
the- directions, and found invariably. that this medicine
cabsed the pain to abide in three or four minutes; and In
fifteen or twenty minutes, every uneasy sensation:was
entirely quieted. The medicine was afterwards used
whenever indications of the approach of pain were per.
ceived, and the.pain was thereby prevented. Re counnu
ed to use the medicine every evening, and sometimes in
the morning;' end in a few weeks health was so rafre
storrel.that the inifferer. was relieved from a large,tUnount
of oppressive pain. From experience, therefore he can
confidently recommend Dr. D. Jaynes , Carminative Bel,
spin, as a salutary medicine for diseases of the stomach
and bowels. • ' ' A.
Aitighmy City, Ju1y16,1813.
137 For sale at the
_PEKIN- TEA STORE, 70 Fourth
etre et;near Wood. •• ' • aug7-daw
have entered into partnership, under the firm of
and will piny o n T IN, COPPER and SKEET-IRON
ING in all its bnutches., at the old stand of W. B. Scaife,
First street, near:Wood. ...Purticidar attention given to
steamboat work. . , act 2 d2w
Av-E you a bad complexion, coarse, dark, yellow, or
11 sallow I If you have, you will by using a, Cake at
'Jones' Italian' Chemical Soap, a week or two, your skin
becomes clear, white and smooth.' If you have any di
sease of the Head, Face or, Beard—each as Ringworm,
Scald Read, Scurvy,. Erysipelas, Salt 'Rheum, Barber's
Itch—you can be cured: foil have seeppersons who
had filthy skin diseases for years, and after trying every
thing in vain, have been cured by' stashing the part with
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously.
offer it for any of the above complaints, whichl Would
'nOtdo, unless I knew 'it to be all I state. If you have
Sun Spots, Freckles, ?Jorphew, Text, Sun Burn or disfig.
.ureasents of any kind, it will dispel them and make the
skin beautiful-'—it is a sure antidote and cure for the bites
of mosquitoes, bugs,2sc. .
117. Beware of coluiterfeits: Particalarly china ones
—ask for Jones! Soap; and see that the name of T. Jones
icon each cake. Persons from or in the south and other
warm climates, would find this not only for themselves,
bet it is a never-failing remedy.for chops and chafes in
infants. And now, reader, by ; giving this one trial, you
will find it all or even More than We have stated above.
Sold at St/Chatham street, N..Y. and by :Wm:Jackson,
agent,B9 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. sep2o
rtIFIE FIRM* at Acheson & Daggjd this dap . dissolved
by.mulual consent. Mr. JaiT.Dagg havtugdeclin
ed busmen en account of ill 'health, has disposed of his
interest to Jas C: Acheson. The business hereafter will
be conducted in the Tian:teat W. & J. C. Acheson.
Pittsburgh, Jhly,lB4S.
irr In withdraWibitrem the firm of Acheson A. Daggi
I takepleasumrin, teeornmeridlng my succesesor to my
(heads and the public generally. JAS. T. DACG.
•July.2o. 184S--••atlP - •
OnY LIVERY STABLE The subscriber
respectfrilly informs lii friends and the public
generally. that he has removed to a new and eX•
Must've Stable, on Liberty street, In the Fifth Ward, above
the Canal.
Bridge, where he keeps Carri ages, BarouchMi,
BUggies; a Hene,'Riding Horses, etc. Having added
largely to his former stock, he solicits the, patronage of
the public.
N. B. Horses kept by the day, week or year.
jy2l:dly CIiARLES COLEMAN....
110010 COFFEE-250 bag,S Rio Coffee ;
AA, . ;74 do. Loguyra.Coffee; in store and
tor'sale byr J. a . J. m , DEvrrr, •
1aec2.71 lid. 13 Liberty EL I opposite head of Smithfield.
..;...,i..- - ,:.c ,-, -.;-.-L-:.•,-';'.'-:-.:.,-,:.:.,-,--,,:,
John Dean.
AL - Idarshall, '
Brown & hi!Queston
~i >. f:
. .. ...._ . ... . .
- '•, - .;.';' .. 'c. , ,.;' . '-:.': - . - ;i'''...:-
-'j'{ i '~ x ' t
' • Altatellantotto
'2l)lolr.' Corner.of Wood and Fifth Streator.
rp • Proprietor of the Moasuco Poet' and ititactar
IL. AND hlsarrsercarm respeetfally informs his friends
and the patrons of theso papers, that he sea a buys as
necessary to a Job Printing Office; and that he: is• pm:
parld to execute is
Books, Bills ofLading, . Carrutari, •
PrempAlea, Bill Heads, • Cards. •
Handbills, . Blanks, • . • • • _Hat Tips.
[l7 - A 11 kinds of Blanks,. 4tage, Steamboat and Canal
Boat Bills, with appropriate cuts, printed on the shortest
'notice-and moshreasonablo terms.
He respectfully asks the patronage of his 'faiends and
the public generally, in this branch of his business,
- tep22 • - '
Y'suld Paper
Bois ent,
N0. , 78 'Wood atiek:beneeeft. Fourth and Diamond ailel.
tIE subscribers have juit opened, at the above stand,
a large stock of digerent qualities Ruled and Plain,
White and Elite 'Writing and Letter Paper, Commercial '•
Nido Mickel Post Plat Cap , Demy and 'Medium Writing'',
Paperfor Blank Books,ldeditunand Royal Colored Prink
lOrPapers, Printers' India, Enamelled and 'arl Surface
Cards, Nos. 2,3, 4, small and double small; hledtura,.'
Demy end Cap Day Books - and Ledgers, supetioraper,
•andbost °einem binding; Schoollkablis, all kinds; Quills,
Gold Pens, Ink, Waters, Wax. Bill Files, &c. , •
, Blank Books, of all sites. tilled to pattern , and bound '
' lst,tbe most substantial maitne'r.
Merchants supplied at the lowest wholesale
Viiet s lifor cash, or RAGS at cash prices. • • •
**lag o.• Job Office it' connexion with our ' establish
intittliare prep oo ared to execute all orders forplain and • '
fane.y dating ; Bks,am
Pamphlets, Circulari, Business,
Cards, Is of Lading, & c., with despatch and at low
prices :, ELLIOTT & EicOLISIL •
. . 40. 78 Wood at. , bet. Fourth and Diamond
- "At our store on Market street, between Third and
Po4rth, may at all times be found a large stock of Theo- •••
logical and Miscellaneous Books. New Books received
asoh as published, and sold at the lowest prices.
I , The publicidions of the American Sunday Scheel Union
and Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, always on
hand. C'aialogues famished on application.
- nita Market e t, bet. Third and Posh.
, LE3C..ANVERTS , COFTLN hiAKEEtB Ftratmatmo
x,c,t,•4,-.24.4..,.? UnrEtlEllllB, corncr i r Penn and
Sr. Clair co,' opposite e Exchange
f .igtlig; gad, Entrance on Penn.' si.; , res- ."
pectfully.infonn.thir erals and
the public, that they are prepared to furnieshlit and attend
to everything' in the line of Undertakers, as they tave
quit the business of Cabinet Making, and their attention
will be devoted altogether to the above business, keep
large assortment of COFFINS made and finished,oover
ed, and lined in the neatest manner, with a variety o.
• materials, andel all prices; we keep SHROUDS ready
made of all sizes, of Flannel, Cambric, and Muslin, at
allprices, and made in the eastern style, and all other
articles ueeessair for dressing the dead, and
funerals, of quality and price to suit; SILVER fuinishing
"ire rai r y a i iii in i g ite by ni n e se - w d h e o g w e islhCtEo fettgetrilgut
any length 'of ume, and have ZINC PANS to put Ice in
(or laying on the body; LEADEN Coffins always on
hand. We hove a - splendid new HEARSE and a•palr or
fine horses and any number of the best carriages, etc.,
etc., and will be prompt, pimento]. and reasonable.
. .
OT 'the' United States ' Senate' Chamber.
THE SUBSCRIBER -would respectfully inform the sit
- items, of Pittsburgh, that he has - for sale, at the Lam
artine House, corner in' Omit and Fourth streets, (where
' be will , remain bat two days longer,) the celebrated' en.
graving of. the United Statei' Senate Chamber, published
by E. Anthony, Broadway, N. York; the life-liko
likenessei of the diderent States and Military men of the
. nntion t neatly set in 'enamelled glass Games,' at the - cry
lOW prim of SI each: ..Among.whieh may be, found the '
supenor likeneis of-Henry
.Clay, in his 7lst year' the ; ,
likeness' of :Daniel Webster dDllaid Fillmore, George , , :
- Washington, J. Q. Adams. 111 Van Ehnen, T. C. Calhoun,
X.' Buchanan, C. Winthropi Generalairaylor,..Cn ss , •
Scott, Butler, dm., Ik.c. Also, Trumbull's engravi ng oftha
Declaration of Independence, Langier'smugfifitent fall
length engraving of George - Washington, with several
others. The subscriber can furnish everraniele_itt-the.
Mony's wholesale prices: -- WAL H. BUSTEED,-,'
• ' Lomartine flange, cor. Grunt and 4thels.
[l:7•,For sale at this o ffi ce. . °CM' .
•- • : . . LesrmrW"-----e mwse, ,
contra Or . VCrcliten AM) GnAll - r Srtangrf,„ PiTTSISItat..
'MLLE 'subscriber' rekoectfally announces - that he has
.a now opened this nets. and excellent Hotel for the vet .'
conmusiallatt o rtra'm'intsiboarders, and the publiagrak A- -
erally. The louse and furnimm are entirely netr; and
no pains or expense hit*abeen spared to render itone of ".
the most comfortable and pleasant Eitel& in the bity.‘-- ,
The subscriber is detemunedto deserve, um) Oerefore
solicits; a share of public patronage.
oetll:Iy - JACOB FM"'
Take ,
_ .. , .
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to :arthurs _.,.
Nicholson& CO.. (Eag)e Fount y ,) ate 'requested ti!.. '
call al their alt l 3o7bighouse On Liberty. Hatrt.--:‘.--,-,-,...,
MI unpaid 'accounts will'be 'placed in the hands of a :1
Justice of the Peace on the Ist July next. -' ' ' • --"-- •-..
May 10. • ..tiratitals, Nwilaisom tr. .Co. • . .
11-0. general assortment of - Hollow Ware, dce.,11111113 ~,
lowest market rates. Liberty st:. he'ad GYM/boa stn . '
mm • ARTHUR% & NICHOLSON.' ' - -
'0001378 -- --------------- -- HOES, TRUNKS, &c:—Foltantbes -4. Fray
' J JI I :tr, a rd, Wholesale and Retail Boot, .Shoe and 'hunk f
Store, N 0.186 Liberty sireet, nearly opposite tbe head ot
Wood. F. k H. have in store and are receivirig 'their
Fall and IVinter stock of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting .`:-
ofthe largest stock they have ever been able to bring to .
this market. We also have constantly on hand a spfen...
diestock of Eirtyvvard's Menthe' Gmn Elastic Slioes, both
for ladies. and gentlemen's- wear,,the most !remnant. nen:
cle ever manufactured. We would solicit an examine. .. ,
lion of ram stock of goods; by all. Who wish to purchase
either at wholesale or retail, as we will sell at tri small
advance above cost. Country merchants will find itto - "
their interest to call and examine our stock before par. ,
chasing. ' FOLLANSBEE, & HAYWARD. . ~
aug2l . ' - 138 Liberty et. i . ':
; 400 bbls. N. O. Molasses'
-60 bbls. St. Louis S. H.'Molasses;
12 ht do do do do;
200 bags Coffee, prime green;
75 hf. chests assorted Teas;.
110 six pound caddies Y. un d Imperial Tea
15 30 - "do "do do do; .;
50 hltds. Sugar; '4O bbls. Tea, -
100 boxes Snit; 'Window Class;
10 ' dd ' 1042
A large assortment of all kinds of Groceries on hand at
the new warehouse" of EDWARD HAZLETON,
ap24 North,;ast corner of the DMmond.
ljt The general properties of these Pills are. Carmine
five., Purgative and Tonic. In the common disorders ,
arising from imprudence - in diet, &e., such assickness'
and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaches,
where a medicine is required, this preparation is, very;:-
applicable, for its carminative or soothing 'efects,"give
almost immediate relief, when nausea or sickness exist !
its purgative operation upon the stomach and bowels is
gentle and effectual; and' its tonie Tropertiei
strengih,to the digestive organs, thereby enabling these - -
organs, to perform their proper functions with order, and..
regularity: The price has-been reduced , froth SO to
Por sale, wholesale and retail,- by B. A. FAHNES-;
TOCK le Co., corner Front and Wood and Sixth and ' -
Wood Streets,____ Agents f oittsburgh. Pittsburgh. "jel4
IL l, ,Rttetva aura and Wateziane;
falong•Dhartier st.,} First Went Allegheny city, near_
Manchester.--GEORGD - DRA.IfEIt. having resumed bu-
shwas, hag erected the necessary machinery at the above •
place, for turning out alt worklu his line, and is prepared ,
.to take boards to his mill and deliver them to customers -
on.reasonable terms. . • • . ~. ',
• Dressed flooring boaids: siding, Ike., always on hand... .
A large quantity of dried flooring Inraber on hand. t . ,
Orderafrom Western Lumber Merchants promntly is' •
ecaled. -
J AIRES'GREENOUGH, of the late firm of Keller &
Greenough. continues the business of Consulting Pine
neer and, Patent Attorney, at his o ffi ce in the city at.
WASHINGTON. He 'may be consulted-and employed
in _making examinations in machinery in the Patent Of
five and elsewhere, in furnishing drwtungs and specifice. ,
irons of machines, and all ,papers necessary to secure,
transfer, amend, reissue or extend letters patent in the
United Staten or Europe; He can also be consulted pro
fees ionally ,on all question et of l ifigation arising under tba ,
Patent Law, and will argue questions before the. Patent
Office or an appeal therefrom, for which his long etperi
once in the Patent Office and ill his profession; have • pe
culiarly fitted him. The professional business of the late
D. T. P. Jones having been placed in his hands t all let,
teis in relation thereto should be addressed to him post
irr Pittsburgh Gazette Pittsburgh Morning,.and
St. Louis Republican will copy six months, send
and c it tac the adve r t i ser . 7 -iVeto York Emus, dug. 2t.
•• 0. 125 Wood ii.,
OULD call the attention of the public (the ladie
especially) to his well selected assortnient °Chaim
tir ren
T French and English CHINA DINING AND 7"Bet
SETS,, Cotugsting, in part, of Gold Band L Gold Line,.
Fancy and Plain White t. also, Indian China Dining Gen*,
adesirable Styles::.ll ha ving - beenitnported this season, and are - of the ottist
ong26. .; .:115 Virood st.., 3 doors be SO
13ard a. rc uiv istoza
O DO2. assorted sizes, warranted brands. , 20 doz.
Victoria Pens, just received arid for sale to the -
trade at New York prices, by . -,
N. E. coriAtib anti Market vs., olp stairs.) • ,
'The.ltigheni preminni ever awarded on Gold Penb, was ,
given to Bard & Brothers, at the last fair of the Massa-
ChUSElts.Chtiritable Mechanic Association, at Boston: - -
Also, the highest premium at the Franklin Institute
Philadelphia: , „ evil .
0 naT012.13. , 0f the 4.111ttiV1.71. Berolutichl, Ar a , _
gam; with plates ofi.riunnel Adam s;.foeephAVairett,
PtunekilaitmAlexatider.litimittont-Fliber - Atitet and
JOhn Randolph, dedicated "To -Sindems who are. nat
drones, Christlani. wlio; . are not bigots, and Citizens who,
are not demnp.,ignec.o,•, -
T :S. from Businessi or, the Ai
Rich tan'arr,
' ' • -
The abovejust received-mid/Almelo
end so Mar ket. and 78 Wood u!icet.
_ •
No -2615.