MM=2== .(gabbitt - 'lt . DY-ItIADE CLOTHING, P SELLING...OFF LOW FOR °Asti. DELANY, NOiCi Liberty' street; Pittsburgh, having . replenished his a teelrwithinttid list and present -months with:the latest styles of Pashitutable Good!, at . esdeadinclrldarritriteie, offers the tieeritesOroneid• of CLOTIIINGotot tie'had'an: the City, at the .lowest'eash . pries. Amontst them era every. clesetiptibn 'or Deefig aucl Frock Ceara; Strektuul Overcoats of unfashionable colors 4ind material, such as French beaver, hetivffiroatt Cloths, snap ., brown. and drab Blankets and Cana da Prite' Coati, of the , lutmotylcs: ;;Every deScr4nion of Panuiloonstand.YestalW. td,other articles-in the Cloth ' Alai:y.lx general assortment of Goodi to make to order, p hieh barnacle in the .most fasltiouable manner, on te shortest nonce. Itleels) P. 0MAN1..., S'amllionable Clothing . Store. WEB,NEBUIIabcga leave to inform his friends and the pnhlio in.gennral that he has opened' a NEW 11 .E. 0 17-IITAI:I4FASHIONABLECLOT.H.HIG STORE; on (Flatlet street;seeond door from Second street, where he lits; and.nrirays 'keeps on band, a full assortment or ReadmadaFaittionabie Clothing. which he will sell on he mosfretisonable terms; for CASH. He also call' he attentionof his friends nnd. he public in general to Ws very exteesive selection of French; English. and BOOM Cloths ansi Case meres t in endliss variety 'and Vesungs for every one's use, Which he has selected himself in the East, mad which will be made to order in n superior manner, at his Fashionable Headt:lnartere, t. - 1 Liberty street, (Into McGuire Ki Co.) and at rices that - wilt net 'be questioned by, the best of bargain-makers. C. WERNEBURG; No: 251 Liberty street, and 0023 1' - , Market street. 2d door from Second. 'llitialuss . 2714NMAr,'WELLAS:UOIVOPOLIESIVI7StFALL: . • SO. MIT Sy 'PRICES; - urrincEittO I will be p . roiran by calling at hlc.Gutues Fashionable TrdlonneEstablishment,Third street, St. Chtirles Braiding, . Marto: Smatemmhts and quiet:saes. VesraTY: Fresh and good. C°VnTilleri Teryfar in the baekgrottli . a. My old .t tatuniters t and all others, ate respectfully In rmed that I am *toting for them hteGUIRE, 7. °et:3 ' Tailor. St. Chitties.: E WOULD 11}..PECTFULLY invite the attention our friends and the public to the gveat varictr o MINTER COATINGS and other articles, we. haw jast received—amongst which will-he found the greatest variety-6113MR BLACK, DRAII., and PEARL colored BLANKET, MACKINAC, rind ic.A.vv:R. CLOTHS.— FRENCIParni-ENG , LISH'CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, WESTLII7B, kr.. The above Goods baying been boUght for relb, -, at extremely low prices, we are prepared to c- comtdedirte . alt Who Inayquizor with' their patrona a ge, with'good Clothes, at low prices; 'Give us a call, Remember,2lB Liberty street, opposite foot of.7th. nov3o ;L..; .'. • • ' MeMULLEN & 'DOWNING. No. T 7 &79 CORNER SIXTH AND LIBERTY STEEDS. lliaravingenlarr,ed and ;newly fitted up their establish ment; at tho Oove well known stand, respectfully: invite, the atientiou'Of their friends and the public to their choice selection of New Good. comprising every varie ty,forspring and summer -wear, selected -especially for their ens tome r department. Those wishing to leave their orders will find at this establishment every style of 'new awl desirable goods. -Their.stock of,feady made Cloth- Ingii extensive got up in the bestrnaimer. of duralile ma tenni . nod well worthy:the attention ;of, those re wishing:to purchase. l are invited to coil; and May, rest .' assured that they will tip pleased with price, quality, and variety. Ali.rge assortment of shirts kept coustantly on luind. Clothing.t_Clothing Cloth gilt • The Three Big Doers . vs. The Western World!'! 1.50 0 - w nit WELL SELECTED GARMENTS no: s V. 1./ made and ready to be offered on the most, lateral terms to my old customers amitheopublie in general: ..The Proprietor of this far-famed and extensive establishment has now, after returning from the,Eastem 'cities, at math 'troubleandiexperise • Just completed his fall and atimerarrangements to sup ply his thousands of customers with one of the most desirable stocks of Cla nung.mat bas ever.been offered in this or any other mar ket.veest of the -mountains. For neatness in style and works , Rnship, combined with the very low price which they-Will be sold for, must certainly render. the old unri valledTbree fair Doors one of the greatest attractions of met Western country. ' , lt is gratifying 10 me to be. edge to announce to my numerous friends • at'lhotne and - abroad, that notwithstanding the: ex - traordinary efforts which I have made to meet the many calls in my line, it is with difficulty Lean - keep time with the constant -rush that is Made on . this .establishment. is a well. established. fact, that my .. sales are eignt or ten times larger than any other house in the trade, and this, being the case on the a:Mount sold, I can affrod to sell at much less profit 'than others could possiblrthink of doing • if they wished to cover contingent expenses. t intend to make a- - clean sweep of all my present stock before the be of next Yenr coming to this conclusion. I will make it the inter est of every man, who a cbenp wintersuit, to ear and placharm atihe Three Big Doors. • . .•.. • JOHN. ATCLOSKEY IVIAIGOODS, NEW. ♦ ....drd—Received at the I ron - City Choking Store, a splendid assortment of Cloths, can't:Stutz 'Sne French, English and American Plain, biack and Laney Cassimeres, of the MOAT modern styles ; fine Spred Cashmere Vesting's, Silk Velvet, Plain and Fahey makil at the most reasonable prieets itt a darithleiliiid 4141 le style. Readi ulogangi of all descri tiaras; , Lady'a Cloaks. of the , most.fashionable patterns. Neck and Pocket Hata., Suspenders, Bosoms, Shirt : Collars } •and every article tuttrally kept in tiClothing Store.. Country hiezetoutts; betorwpurchatlngoelsewhere;tvill.•find it to their advativtgetti call at the 'lron City Clothing Store, No;l3SLiberty street, immediately opposite the month o f Market •- • roctlikti C. 11PCLOSKEY. ,„ ,N Duals ewSystein iltatsk.Keeping. JUSTP DEL/SEED SRO'S, N..YORR PUP. fiist trekker this work, embracing:oo,llEola com -I.plete'conrse orintikructiontutd pracuce, on both Sin gle audlllouhle Entty, ever published. Price 75 cents. tit whole Work, embracing the Author's well known impioiamcats in the,scienee, illustrated in two addition al setts, of books, with. ,chapter on partnership settle ments; nd a to the oral elieLcises,—full clothbound, gJalloWing, eitrams from the written opinions of Umna ..of *most eminent Merchants, Bankers and,Ac coca:name in New York, iadiCtUe the public sentiment in refe'rence to this work in that city: "It contubui matter that is important and interesting to the merchant and man of business, to whom I think is will pc, found Lughly tuieful. C. 0. HALSTEAD, 'President Itltuthattan Bank, New York." "It is calculated to be exceedingly useful to practical Accountants and Teachers of Book-keeping. RICHARD IRVIN. Ship owner and Aterch't, No. 68 Front street. New York:" "Ritnarictibly full and complete, and will certainly convey a thorough knowledge of the. subject. The un dersigned intends using it tusitio.Tezt Book. JOHN H. SHEPHERD, Teacher a Book-keeping, Columbia College. N. Y." "It is in every way calculated to give rs afar and sat isfactory insight into the very useful science of which it treats, through all its gradations,; frosasho situp le style suitable to retailers, to that requisite far the mom -varied and complicated commercial bitsumss. A. A.FRASEE: Cashier7thltieWil Itank,Nets York." "I believe it will beof. great service, not only to the new beginner, hut to thermal experienced accountant. F. W. EDMONDS, Casbitz Mechanic's lank, Wall street.," beonsider it the fast work I have ever met with from Which, a thorough practical knowledge of the science eau be obtained. . • .. , JOHN CAMPBELL, Merehant,s3 John st., New York." For seiner the Book Stores:and at tho Author's Acad emy, earner of the Diamond and Market street. of !AM Magazines for January, 1849, "DECEIVED AT , M. A z MINER'S, Smithfield street, - third - door above Second 'Street-- Gridey's' Lady% ,Book, unusually large, with six at tractive anginvingif; 'the literary department of the high est Order for this No., commencing a new volume. Sartain's Union Magazine, beautifully embellished, and coinprising S) pages of readingrnaiter, all Graham's Magazine ; illustrated with four beautiful en graving.'irf size, a'frll double number. Poems of John . Quiticy, Adams,. with Notices. of his Life . and Character. Xeritieal Defence of the Grant Street Baptist Church, against the charge.ef corruption, in the admmiormtion of her discipline; published by order of the Church. ; Rose and Gertrude;oi the Mysterious Wedding ; trans lated from the French of RadolAe Toptler. An impartial Account of the-Life of the Rev. John N. Matilt--Onanative of hilt firstmarriage ; also. his second, with many particulars never,before publishe &Coed voltime Paul ltri . lenheirn, now complete ; George Lipper& Mary. Barton,. a Talri-,of . Manchester Life, England; published by the, Juhan De Clifford or Woman's Love ;,a.' Romance of Smiles and Tears; illustrated. Angelina LIU - more; or .the Life of a Beauty; by the author of iltd Jilt, Breach of. Promise, dec. Az. The Hunchtinelr, or the Bell Ringer of Notre Dame; by Victor Hoge. . . ' , decl4 Wholesale and Retail. SADDLE ; HARNESS AND TRUNK M ANUFACTORY. Trona? H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in- , .11, form his friends arid the public generally, that he continuesio occupy that large and com modious Store Room , formerly occupied by Samue n estock &Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond alley and Wood streetovhdre he keeps n large and general assortment of Saddles, Bridles; Harness, Trunks, Carpet Rags; Saddle Bags, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other att• ales in his line. . He also keeps constantly on hand and is prepared in urnish to otter, affkitidSof Riveted manufactured of the , best material, atutin o style'of workmanhhip equal to the eastern .manufaritu.re4' article, and 'at 66 per cent. CountryMerehanet mid Pailliers would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined, to first rate articles at very, low irr Don't forget the , place, No. 88, corner of Wood treat and Diamond Alley. • 800 For. Rale -or nrohangii. OFFER , FOR" SALF. the whole of the printing , ' on which now reside, - in the Sixth Ward of thy (i!y, consist - Lager ihettwilltng House, Out Houses, dre.,'W.ith the Garden.• or I Would exchange the same for Property' in thaMeiglitiorhood of the City ;--or I - would divide the Property to - suit "purchaser ' s: Persons dispelled to par; chase or exehaage, can call on me aP the warehouse of CumMinsir.Snlith,l4mithfield street, opposite the . Monon- FaheliHousa. • fdee9:/ta yeti) •SA It C. CliftittllNSl • 910 THE ENTERPRISING.—A ram chance is now presented for the safe investment in a business en tirely.newt Atte. adapted to the man of limited,' as well es to the man of• extensive resources; yielding a profit - from capital and enterprise beyond any operation of the day. It lathe complete of a staple article,nb " solately necessary and essential to every family, as well as indispensable to the mechanic, artizan and proles sional, man. To capitalists, an opportunity offers itself for a lucrative employment 'of either large orismall sums, bringing iminedinte and highly :satisfactory returns.— Those desirott. of embarking in apl etwant,gentee I busi nessiere invited; withothers, to call at the office of the tmderelghed, examine the article, and'form their-own indgMent, from the &cis preheated. OtEce,-,EAchaugcliadilingst, Bt. Clair gime; neitdoor - - Zr - thitgettlititd - I:ints PEOPLE'S TEANSPORTATION LINE I. , • p l um— r ,Y " 1, ..'-ft'' ,4 ll • 1' TT:s RG T 0 ER kEI - RE-SHIPPING.-:-The Boats belonging to this Line 111, have been 'pat in line order, and are ROW ruining 'regularly between. Pittatturgh and Erie, touching' at ail intennediatePorts all:Mg - the Canals. AlSoat will alwuys be at the wharf, under the Monongahela Bridge, 'and one will start regularly, every Other day. The People's Transportation LineThas }every"facility for carrying Freight and Passengers: The boats' *Ol be-towed to -Beaver by steamers; and will proceed to *Le vrith &at dispatch, by Ile canals. • The hosts are commanded by experienced and careful Men-1411 of whonyhaVe'an in• tercet in the Line. - ' Er Goods sent by the Line to Erie may be fOrwarded to any point on the Lakes. ' ' For freight or passage apply to • ' ' H. KIRKPATRICK, Agent, Winer street, Pittsbargli.' AGENTS: CLARK & Co., Beaver.' R. W. Curra -, New Castle. Taorrsuirr & Mrrculttaalm, Pulaski. Wsint.c-t & Co., Middlesex.' MILTON HULL, Shen'Ort. JOSEPH McCimax, Shttrpsburgh. S. B. & G. LOWE; Clarksville. Knit; & hicFstuarro, Big Bend. S. C. Pramica, West Greenville. J. & T. KILPATRICE, Adarmwille. W. IL an:rimy, liartstown. • ' W. WAnswoarn & CM, Shentina's Corners. Wm. Powast. Cotineantville. • Spring Corner. • W. C. NV/annul; Albion ' Cranesvllle. '• Wm .Priam, Lock - prin E. Fun, Girard, A. Kitt!, and B."Toarr.tmson & Co., Erie. The follonnor Agenta'• in 'Thief will receive and On ward• Freight to any Port on the Lakes, shipped >by this Line : W M. Gallagher , '' John llearn, liaverstick de Co., Josiah Kellogg, ' Kelsoe & Loomis Walker & Cook, je6 Pittsburgh PartafiliiEltiiirhitie. itafigl 'lB4B • &Niko - . . For the. rermsporlation of Freight to antifrom • • PITTSCGRGO,PHIGADEILI'IILA,.I3ALTIMORE,NEW • • NORK,BOSTON, &C. POREJLIQR 4- CASH, Philadelphia. TA.AFW,E ..O'CaNNOli, Pittsburgh. rII I IIIS old Vslablis.bed Line being now in fall operation, I the proprietors have made extensive armngements to forward Goods and:Produce with despatch, and on the MOO favorable terms, ?rimy confidently hope, their well knownpromptnemin delivering goods—peculiar safely in mode of. carrying--capacious warehouses at each port,. affording accommodations, to-shippers and owners of produce,--;together with their long experience and unre mitting attention to business. willsecure to them a con-, tinuance of that liberal patronage they htireby gratefully acknowledge. . All conswnmentsby and for this line received,charges paid/ and forwarded in.any required. directions free of ehargf. for commission, advancing or storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All ceaununicutions promptly attended to on npplioa don to,the following agentst _ _ BORRIDGE & cesn, 278, Market street, Philadelphia. TAAPPE' & O'CONNOR, Canal'Basin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNORS & CO., North street, Baliimorc. WILLIAM B. WILSON, - SS. Cedar street, New York. Merchant. Transportation Ltne, VIA- CANALS AND RAILROADS FORPHILADEL PHIA AND BAL'T'IMORE. GOODS consigned le ntr care will be forwarded with out delay, andalt. e lowest current rates. C- A. AVANUIMY & Canal tlairin, Penn street, Pittsburgh. MER.SEILLES & REYNOLDS. 272 and atit ,111artet street. Philadelphia. RASE, .111F.R.1111.1. & CO., je4 Smith's wharf. 'Baltimore. erehants , • 4, ay Freight " 1848. 4 ' 14.. .7 • MA EXCLUSIVELY for the transportation of way freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, .Johnstown, Ifolli dayshargh, Water street. and Petersborgh. :This Line was formed for the special accoMmodation of the way business. The proprietors, thankful for the very liberal patronage they have received duringthe last two years, respectfully infonn their old customers - and the public generally, that they aro now better prepared to deliver goods at any point on the Canals or Railroads with promptness and despatch. EMBITEM JAS. A. LORE, GEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN MILDER & CO. A aims-. C. A. M'Aum...rt & Co., Pitubtirgb; Jonlyllo..tms, Holliday burg, Ptorsroinit Woons,'Johnatown. ' . . Resmtmcce..4- 7 , 4 tmith kNinefoill J. k I. APDeviiii Q. &J. If. Rhoenberger; It. Robison & Co.; EL Moore lingaley Smith; John Porker, Wm. ineliftlei& Co.; G. P. Stroenber.. ger, Pittsburgh. je•i) Merchants' , Transportation Line' • MIOR the Transportation of Merchroulize and Produce ..L7' to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods consigned to our care will he forwarded without delay, at the lowest rates. Bills of Lading traltstnined, and all instructions promptly attended n , t tree from any extra charge for stor age or commission. C. A. 11PANULTY k Co.. Proprietors Canal Basin, Liberty at., Pittsburgh. (Carette.only.eony.l Western New 'York College of Realt.h. 207 Mos STO.II3Cr, Iturrsto, N. Y.' ' DR. O. C VAUGHN'S VF.Gr.TABLE LITHONITRIP TIC MIXTURE. THIS celebrated remedy is comustao increasing its fame by the ?baking all over the world. It has now become the only medicine for family use, and Is particu larly recommended for Dropsy : all stages of this corm plaint immediately relieved„ no macro( how long stand ing. (See pamphlet for testimony.) Gravel, and all diseases of the urinary organs; for these distreSsing complaints it stands alone ; no other ar ticle can relieve you; and the curestestlffied to will con vince the most sirepueal;—(see pamphlet.) Liver Com plaint, Bilious Diseases, Fever and Ague. To the Great West especially, mind wherever these complaints prevail, Mitt medicine is offered. No mineral agent, no deleterious compound is n part of this mixture; it cures these diseas es with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the sys tem torpid.' (See pamphlet) Piles, a complaint of a most lainful character, is immediately relieved, and a cure fol ows by a fevi'daYs use of this article. It is far beyond any other preparation for this disease, or for any other disease originating from impure blood. (See pamphlet.) Debility- of the System, Weak Back, Weakness of the Kidneys, dcc., or Indentation of the same, is immediately relieved by n few days use of this medicine, and a cure is always the result of its use. It stands as a certain reme dy for such complaints, and also for derangements of the female frame, Irregularities, Suppressions. painful men imitations. No article has ever been offered, exceptthis, which would touch this kind of derangements. litany be Jelled upon as a sure and effective remedy; and, did we feel permitted to do so, could glve a thousand names as proof of cures in this distressing class of complaints.— See pamphlet. All broken down, debilitated constina tions, from the effect of mercury, will find the bracing power of this article to act immediately, and the poison ous maniere! eradicated from the system. Eruptive Diseases will find the alterative properties of this article PURIFY Tug BLOOD, anddrive such diseases from -the system. Set pamphlet for testimony of cares in all ' diseases, which the limits of un advertisement will not permit to he named here • Agents give them away; they contain. 32 pages of certificates of high character; and a stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine, nevi er appeared. It is one of the peculiar features of this ar ticle, that it never fails to benefit iii any case, and if bone and muscle use left to build upon, let the emaciated and lingering invalid nom: ON, and keep taking the medicine as long as there is an improvement. The proprietor would 1 - caution. the public against a number of articles which come out Under the heads of SAILISPARILLAS,SYRUPH, StC., as cures for Dropsy Gravel, &c. 'They are good for noth ing, and concocted to gull the unwary: ro cn TILLY NOT. Their inventors never thoUght of curing such diseiusestill this article had -done it. .A partirukt study of the pamph lets is earnestly solicited. Agents, and all who sell the er ludic, are glad to circulate gratuitously. Put up in:3o oz.. bottles, atS2; 12 on. do. at $l- each—the larger holding S oz. more than the two small bottles. Look oat and not get imposed upon. Every bottle has "Vaughn's Vegeta ble Lithontriptic Mixture," blown upon the glass, the written signature of "G. C. Vaughn" on the directions, and "G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo," stamped onthe cork. None other are genuine. • - Prepitredby Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Princi pal Office, 207• Main street, Butlblo, wholesale and retail. No attentions given to letters unless post-paid—order from regularly authorized Apra: ezeTted. Pont-paid let ters, or verbal ctimmemications soliciting advice, prompt ly attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this article -132 Nassau st., N.Y.; 095 Parlez st., Salem Mass.; and by, the principal Druggists throughout the limited States and Canada, as Agents.. - • HAYS & BROCKWAY' Agents, No. 2, Liberty at., near'Canal Basin. CM Be-opened. MIOLLANSBEF, & ILAYWARD,, WHOLESALE Boor, Sane and THUNS MEUCILA STS, No. ISE, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., have re-opened again with an entire new stock of Boots, Shoes.,'&e., which will be sold at the very lowest rates. Our goods are of a superior quality being ntrumfactured mostly to our order, for the retail trade.— Country , Merchants and-others, who buy to sell again, will find it to their interest to call and examine our goods before purchasing, us we feel confident they will please, both in regard to quality and price. We alio have on hand a large supply of Hayward's spring tempered metal ic gum elastic Over Shoes and Buskins, which we are enabled to sell as low as they can be bought of the man .ufacturent. , These shoes are manufactured by an entire new process, and warranted not to melt by exposure to heat. FOLLANSHRB & HAYWARD, seplo.3m ' - N 0.186, Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' worES,I3RANDIES,BINS, pipes Cog- Mtnßrandy, "Jas Hennessy;* 2 ht. pipes Cognac Brandy, ' Otard, Dupuy & Co." .3 o ' " Pinet, Castillon & Co." 12 octaves Rochelle " "A. Seignette." 4 pipes'Holland'Gint 5 q r. e ask s sup._Pale Sbcrry "DafrGordon & Co." : 5 t 4 -4, a. •• ~ 4, ~Beigt,ede,,, 'lO " " "-Madeira • 10 " " ." L. P. Teueriffe ." " Orpenter " 90 " " Oporto " vamps gracies ; 30 " " " Lisbon 4. " " . . 10 }dais- half do., and.2o bids. Haut Hauterne Wine ; 10 " ' Bordeaux Claret, " Montferand;" 15 " - Marseilles " . "Bergass 15 baskets Champagne Wale, " Heidseick ;" 15 " " - "P- A.Mumm & Co." 10 - " io " "Jaquerort Son s;" 50 cases Claret, of various grades, Imported in bottles; 10 " Bordeaux - Olive Oil, crop 1848, 0 1,arands;" 20 " Marseilles " " just received and for sale by ttep2l). MILLER & RICKETSON. - - - - • WE ET POTATOES-3O • tibia. Sweet Potatoes on consignment and for sale - vela ' • " • ' •IHNo & 11100RHEAD: ia~ c .~~ ~igrat~ni` ~ttu~ New Commercial Line.' W. R.IbIiALL CO., ./ 5 DOXiCIS; KECEBALL & CO:, ..94 Wall st., , Likepool, England, '....REXPECIktrizX iritbrin - their .friends- and the r tthatthey..huve commenced the Gone" i. tat &Upping' and Commission Businessoo . 4 Y 4 istUidriwith the.Gttisral.Perisinger'..Busint.wi Ili- grontisLecerti fi cates of passage.irordLoadon, , Liverpool. Dublin, Belfast, or. any, ,port. of the Old ConntryiriNew York, Boston and Philadelphia, on the. most reasonable • ' ' Drafts and Bills a Exchange, trout .£ any amount on tne.R o s , ll :Bank of Ireland: mid its ,branchesi and on The.days of sailing'of the Regular Line of Liverpool Plackets, as fixed upon, are the -151,6 th, 11th, 16th,:21.5t and26th ntevery ; month. '' ' ' ,These .Ships arirall of the largest class, and are coin ' Wended by .of oharacter -and experience. The Cabin. accommodations are all that can be desired in point oti splendor and convenience. They are furnished with cverydescription of stores of the best kind.. Punc tuality in the days of sailing will- be strictly adhered to. ;Packet Ships Roaring, Siddims, Sheridan and Garrick, ate vessels of the largest class; and those desirous to. bring oat their friends, cannot select filter or safer Ships. Passage can be secured at the lowest Tates. New Orleans Line of Packets sail weekly. For pass age or as ab'SYggiti':"B"N*wDE_,N ": • • EDMUND SNOWDa.pi, c .. tech] Corner 4th and Smithreld sts., Pittsburg • t ilaraden &Go ta • 51' Inrw P611.58.NG1S • . • gi ARRANGEMENTS. 117 - liereafter, all Steerage Passengers coming from Europe, engaged in America to come over, in either of the ships of Beartuarvfr. Co., will be furnished with the following Provisions, or their eqnivalent,in other articles Tally good.—See Act of Canvas, May 17, ISIS. HIS PLAN will prevent sickness on board. Hereto fore, when Passengers found themselves in Provis ions, many of them came on uoard entirely destitute, which often caused much sickness and death. 35 lbs. Bread, All of good quali -10 " Rice, ty, and one-tenth 10 '" Vaumeal, of the Provisions, 10 " Flour, furnished will be 10 " Beans and Peas, delivered to each 35 " Potatoes, ' Passenger every 1 pint of Vinegar, week, with a sut -60 gallons of Water, ficient supply of 10 th .'S srdted Pork, free from bone.) Fuet for cooking. Each Ship in this Line' will be properly ventilated, and a good house over the passage-way leading to the Pus sengererapazUnent. The Comboose and Cooking-ranges, for the use of Passengers, are kept under cover. Every attention will be paidto promote their health andcomfort. Agent at Pittsburgh, JOSHUA ROBINSON, Fifth at., 'near Wood. 3 _ _ ifiIkREMITTANCES and Passage to and a from Great Britain and Ireland, by W. & T. T. Tapscott, 75 South st., corner_ of Maiden I.mne, N.Y., and A 6 Water 'oo Rood, Liverpool. The subscribers, having accepted the Agency of the above House, are now prepared to make arrangements on the most liberal terms with those desirous ()roving the passage of their friends front the Old Conntry - , and they flatter themselves their character and long standing in business Neill give ample assurance Mina their nr tangements will be carried out faithfully. hlesarti. W. & J. T. 'Tapseott are tong and favorably known for the superior class,tiecommodation, and sailing qualities of their Pneket -Ships. The QUEEN OF Tab. WEST, SHERIDAN, GARRICK, HOTTINGUEft, ROSCIUS, LIVERPOOL, and SIDBONS , two of which leave each port monthly—from New York the Met and 26th. and from - Liverpool - the 6th and 11th; iu addition to which they have arrangements with the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool PaCkels, to insure a departure front Liverpool every five days, being thus determined that their facilities shall keep pace with their increasing patronage: while Mr. W. Tapseott's constant personal superintendence of the business a Liverpool is an midi donut security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be particularly attended to. The subscribers be ing, as usual, extensively engaged In the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge at end forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay; nod are, therefore, prepared to 'contract for passagefrom any sea port in Great Britain ot Ireland to this city, the noture of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwiFc . atj tante-Wei and will, if necessary, forward passengers fur ther West by the best node of conveyance., without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid Inc passage will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES. The subieribers, are also prepared to give drafts at sight for any amount; payable at the principal cities and towns in England, Ireland, Se.otlund and \Vales thus af fording a safe and expeditious mode of remitting - fonds to those countries, which parsons requiring such facili ties will find it to their interest to avail themselves of. Application Of by letter, post-paid) will be promptly at tended to. TAAFFII k O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, rnapV-titr.w4y. Flidadaiplurt. a . Bache., Ildrotheeas & Co. PVLION ST., New Youx; Eliza guar. Deaths; Scomsrin Roam, LIVERPOOL. JAMES BLAKELY, Agent, Office on Penn st., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. • Arrangements for ISIS. DOME, DEOS,JOCO., sole Agents for the BLACK BALL LINE, of Liverpool and New Yore Packets, take the liberty of announcing to their old friends and customers, that their arrangements for the year lOU being Comptele, they are prepared to bring out prisserumrs t by - the above splendid Line, from Livarimot to New fork' and Philadelphia.. They refer to their former course of doing business, and assure those who entrust them with their orders, that the same satisfaction wilt be rendered as heretofore. ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES Drafts for sale, payable, on demand, at any Dank in Ireland. . . The undersigned has made arrangements to bring cal passengers m Pittsburgh, dating the present year. feb.s-3udayll JAMES. BLAKPLY GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. Zifk Gamma RIPPAIL.I) & SON, No. 134 Waterloo Road, Li vespool. CARLISLE& RIPPI.ILD, N 0.58 South at. , N. Y. THE Subscribers, having accepted the Agency at this city oldie above wellknown and respectable Houses, are prepared to make engagements for passengers to come out-from any part of Great Britain or Ireland, by the re gular Line of Packet Ships, sailing from Liverpool week iy. Persons engaging with ustnaytoil assured that their Wends will meet with kind treatment and prompt des patch at Liverpool, flit Welras every attention necessary on their arrival in this country. Apply to or address SAMUEL M'CLURKAN A. CO., 142 Liberty. st., Pittsburgh. • N. B.—Passages engaged here from Liverpool to Pitts burgh direct, and drafts for any amount forwarded, pay able at sight, throughout the United Kingdom. jythl-ty ifirk - INISS/MGZSI AND B.S24MANCE HA RND EN & CO. continue to bring out persons from any part of England, /Inland, Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their usual punctuality, and attention to the wants of emigrants. Wo do not al low our passengers to be robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the sea-ports, as we take charge of them the moment they report themselves, and see to their well-be ing, and despatch them without any detention by the first ships. We say this fearlessly, as we defy any of our passengers to show that they were detained forty-eight hoars by us in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months until they could he sent in. some old craft at a cheap rate, which, too frequently proved their coffins. We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cast What it may, and not act as was the case last season with other offices, who either performed not at all, or when it totted their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from .£1 to .£l,ooo t payable at any of the Provincial Banks in Im land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Agent, Fifth street, one door below Wood st. 0 61Cilicirri . REMITTANCE. 4 1. -$3 TEE Subscribers are prepared to forward money to all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with despatch, and at the lowest rates. SAMUEL M'CLURKEN & CO., 142 Liberty street. RIGA.DID W ILSHINGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MITE Partnership heretofore existing between JOHN 1. D. MAHON and READE WASHINGTON, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The subscriber may be found nt his office, on Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grunt sts., Pittsburgh, at all times when not engaged in Court. decls-3m HEADE WASHINGTON. Eagle Saloon and Reataurant, ' - No. 65, 65, and 61 Wood street gThe subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has had the above well known establish it. men t fitted up in a very superior style, and is now pre pared with every requisite, to serve up all the delimi t:MN; the season affords. OYSTERS, stewed, fried, roasted, or in the shell; to gather with hot coffee, tea, chocolate, beef steaks, mut• urn chops, venison and game, at short nonce, and at all Sc [atonable hours, in a style that cannot be surpassed in P ittiburgh. XX ALE of the best brands. Imported Segars in eve -17: variety. lie would also' beg leave to state, that he is prepared . tofurnish DINNER PARTIES of any number, in a su perior manner ; SUPPERS for Balls,Socie ties or private Parties. EPRIVATE ROOME always in readiness. spapers will be kept on file from all quarters. dean, JOHN T. .DONNI.I.EV • ST. CLAIR HOUSE, CORNER: OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STREETS. FRESH OYSTERS, GAME, nod every delicacy of the season the market affords, served y up at the shortest notice, and in the very best style. The house is fitted up and arranged in the best order,.under the 111 3 / 1 1- 4geMellt . Of facp27] • JOHN M. CAMP-BELL. Few Millinery, Silks, Velvets,' eve. JUST received from New York, a choice li elite tion of elegant rich Satins, Saki, Winter Ribbons French Flowers, Plumes, &c. A handsome as sortment of Winter Bonnets, floods, Capes, Cardinals Visetts, &c., on hand and made to order in the latest style at the shortest notice. MRS. DUFF, dec6 No.lo St. Clair st. (West side.) FOR SALE—AII that valuable property where the subscriber resides , together with the improvements thereon, situated on -Sixth street, near Smithfield, front ing on Sixth st. 120 ft., and in depth on Cherry alley 240 feet. This property iandmirablysitanted-for a Hotel or a public Hall, and contains a half square of ground,' -or it might be divided into 12 building loth,tl lots of 20 feet each on Sixth street, by 120 feet deep, and 11 lots with-a front of 20 feet each on Cherry alley byl2A feet deep.' jans:tf WM. PORTER.. =xr r;. ::`' •' ‘4 ,etlll .4. . , 11==EMI1 Passage To and Prom HARNDEN & CO.'S 3nynrnttce~;dum~aixus .~~`_ e. THE:lnsurance Cornpany•of-Nonh America, ,of delphia,througb its duly authorized Agent, the, sub sOriber, tiara to make:permanent und ,linuted:lnsui.onqe, on property, in this city asylite yieioity, and on . Shipntente hi the canal and rivers. • • • • • . Arthur C Coilii Pie 1 Samuel brooks; ' • !Alex. Henry'" CharlesttiYlori:. :Samuel W..Sones`,•• SarnuePW.' •'. !Edward Smith, • "Ambrose Mhite, • • • • !John A.ltrown, • " ' Jacob AL.Thomas, :W ,Johnhite; • .. John R. Thema:P. : s • Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, . , Henry D. Sherrard, See'y. This is the oldest:insurance 'Company in the United States, having been chartered in 1.704. Its charter 119:Per ' Pound, and from its high standing,•loni experience,:am- Pie means, and - avoiding all risks of an extra hazardotis character, it may be considered as offering ample securi •ty to ffte. public. . • • - .WILLIAAI P. JONES: At counting Room of AtwoodyJones & Co., Water Rad Front sts Pittsburg mtlY4Y The FirinkEin Piro Insturanoe Company nUARTER. PERPETUAL. , --5400,600 paid office NJ 163} Chestnut st., north side, near:Fifth. Take 'foga ranee, either permanent or limited, ugainit loss' or dean- ago-by fire, on and effects of every description,. town or country, on the-most reasonable . terms. Ap plication, made tuber personally. or by letters,will be, promptly attended to. C. N. BANCKER, Frest. C..G. • BAZICSIII, Secretary. - - DIRECTORS: ' Charles N. Bancker, • Jacob it. Smith Thomas Han. George W_Richards, • ThOmari.f.'Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, : Tobias Wagner, . . Adolphi E. Boric, Samuel Grant,. Ditvid S. Brown. '" PITTSBIIRGHAGENCY. Waimea hfarna,'Agent, at ' the Exchange -Office of Warrick Martin lc Co., corner of 3d and Market sts. Fire risks Inken on buildings and their contents-in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country., No, • marine of inland navigation risks taken. ang4-11 AIiENCY OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PMLADEGPIA.—N. earner of Third and Wood struts, Pittsburgh.—The' assets of the company on the . • first of January, 1.4.15, as published in . conformity with an act of tire _ Pennsylvania Legislature, Were • Bonds - T R e e m al po;a3, r. at Cost. '4600,615 %I 100.967 Estate, 77 Loanix, Stocki and Cast' 207;469 72 Making a total of . • . e 922,0 342 Affording eerniiii assurance that all losses will promptlymet, and giving entire security to all who oh- • coin policiesfrom this Corimauy. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with security. oct9' WARRICK. MARTIN:Agent. - Located its Alloghtii:o , City; Ffemingstrea,Aconnntratioit Ors. - • Sandusky, ahocitheNarth Common. " - S iNsTrruTtoN is now in successful' operatiOn. T under the management of a _competent Matron end. , Nurses. The Medic:ill - Staff is composed of the following Physicians : Drs. Dale, Brooke, Mor gan, Bell, Lange and Conan:4llßM two last of whomat-' tend to the German , The object of the Infirrnary:is not to be a mere rrecep-; mete, but a enratire retreat for the suffering and the sick.': The charity is, therefore. thoiteg to . accidents and. acute" disetmes, creep:- in As' many Costs of thilq character will he received g-ratis;a4 the funds will Individuals,'Churches,,'Beneficial Societies, Fatnilies,, &e., Who Wish to provide an asylum for sick , friendi.i members-, and domestics, can do, so at from •t 4.7 to per week, according to attendance, roosts, &c." All applications for permits must be made to the follow ing gentlemen . . Dr. Addison - Dr.. Garzam, Sixth. slreca; Dr.- Brntiktk, Third street; Tin Morgan. Penn street; Dr, Lange, Band 1 street ; Ur. Cormnan. Penn street. Fifth Watd,Pittsburg; • mid Dm Dale and. Bell Second Bank, 'below PederaV strcet,-Allegheny city. . Subscriptions and contribitiong tOr thi% - Chftrity, may, be math, to the Rev. NV. A..Passavatit, Director of the: I nstitabon, or to the following liankers*lto hare- kind ly offered to receive them: • MilAsni. Kramer & Rohm, N. Holmes 8 Sons, S. Joilei , & Co.. Wm. I.:wittier, Jr:, Ildl & Curry,ll.D. liutg, Nunn. & Sargennt. ,„ , dectS:lin A RitISTRONG ,Ic CROZP.Ft, Commix:don Merchants, „rt.lstiket street, Pittsburgh,. Pa, will.attend promptly to he sale of every description .of -Weslett rcsfue he r articles entrusted to their . REVei: vv-11.41111/t., If mosey & Co., l'inabargh ; - Hanna, Graham A. Co., New Lisbon 0.; lticretunita generally 04.10 odes & OglybyUtntgeport, SC - 140,, Cincinnati;J.F.F Howard, how a il le Ky.; Gully. & Dnrwurt, St. LOUIS ; il. „Bnyleg, Stettben vile. ' L - A - W" Tii.s.s„tibor will TOC , ire (Alice, 'Young (jell tleuten dr/Urine to read law. Ile will 'ouperintetttl and direct their studies, and by conmunt tttipervitioit tital strict weekly examittation, prepare them Mr mitult4ion to the liar. RIFIADH WASHINGTON.' The Sltbseribera hare been in habit of daily %%rare...dote 111 intercourse with Reath ‘Vast.ingten,l , ...q., for twiny 51”1/ 4, and feel great plea.sure in attesting Itie neearacy. of his teem inform:llion, and bin einioritt rapacity for the: undertaking set f.%rtls in his advertisetiteur! They earnestly recaultnentl to young tfeilthatten who wish to necptire it competent knowledge of the legal pro= fession, to araiLtheztiselrea of. %I.e.:advantage* which his proposed 1.11%.* School %.rill atford them. . . Charles Shaler, . 0. Aletenlf. A. Ilarke. . . Thos. Williams, Wilson Nrttantller,a, C. Darragh, 'Hobert NVOods, James :Dunlop C. 0. I.oornis Witt. B. M'Clore, 3. D. Nfahon. A. W. Lootnia. deels-Ilta .. . . - . Great Bargain_Corner, calcium/us , AND FIFTH trittEETS. rtrreargutt. DA• I 15 the must popular of all BOOT aud Silnerfild m tablishents in the West. Tltis place fins gained its reputation by ilk proprietor keeping the very best Boots and hoes. whieh tarn 115:01e'rxiiref Air. to order for this market, and he in not satisfied only by keeping the best assorted stork of BOOTS and SHOO" in the Wooten, -country, but he is enabled and doled. mined to sell his GOODS tower than any other house, possiblyean. he cares not csihtit facilities they boast of having for ottering.grent inducements 10 the public, It ill impossible to set birth all the uttpantaita null facilities in on advertisement, that tbe.Grrat Bargain Corner has over others, which enables its proprietor to sell Boots and Shoes of the eery best qualities and styles in fromlo to 01 per cent. tower than any other store in the city. The trap to test the matter is fot all who intend purchas ing BOOTS and SHOES. to call at BATES' GREAT BARGAIN CORNER, ciatni lie the stock and prices. and all wall be satisfied thnt the shout Bargain Corner, Smith field end Fifth stetter is the plitre for the public, °invalid all. to get good Boots and Shoes cheap, for cash. s , deed J. BAS! Great Western eSaddle HARNESS. TRUNK AND WHIP MANUFACTORY. rpriu subscriber bikes this method of informing his j. friends and the public. .in general, that he has the largest stock of the following named articles, of his own manufacture, in this city—Saddles, Harness,Trunks and 11.'hips ; all of which he will warrant to be made of the hest material, and by the beet mechanics in Allegheny county. Being . determined to tell his manufactures something hisv tir,,thanli as been heretofore sold in the city, would invite pctsons'in need of the above named ar ticles, to his-Warehouse., No. 24.1 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machinery * octal G. KERBY. t hiekeringrr Neve , Circular Scale Pianos. EIGHT NEW PIANO-FORTES, from the celebrated manufactory of Chicken. V v i enola . e n Zu.l, 3 ,l,` h ee),,,ue7ahm(PiTvweg;c l „T - For sale at at Mr: Chicicering's Factory prices, ' by JOIIN 11. MELLOR, No. Ed Wood street, Pittsburgh Joie Agent for Otticker- . files grand rind square Pianos. for tVesternPottim. oce JOHNSTON At STOCKTON have lust reccivedthe following new works: History of Congress, Biographical and Political, com prising a history of internal improvements, (Rivers, Thu bone, &c from the formation of the Government to the present tune; embracing; aloe, hikorical notices of va rious political events of Ocean Steam Nairigation; bf the Ten and Coffer tax; together with biographies,per, n soal histories, &c., by Henry G. Wheeler, illustrated by steel portraits, and fee simile autographs. History of Charles I, of England.; by Jacob Abbott, with engravings. The Romance of Yachting; Voyage the. First, by Jon. C. Hurt. A new novel • Mary Barton : a tale of Manchexer The Moral, Social and Professionaldatieet Of Attorneys and Solicitors; by Samuel Warren; Esq.; F. R. S. of Oka' none temple, Barrister at Law. gIeCA Iron City Cracker and Bread Bakery. J. fiBEYBARD WOULD respectfully inforrii his friends and the pub lie generally, that he has added to his other busi• ness, the manufacturing of Crackers of every variety.— Having purchased one of,W. R. Nevin's Cracker and. Pilot Bread machines, he is prepared to HI till orders for' crackers or pilot bread at the shortest notice and hopes by a strict attention to business, to share a portion of the public patronage. The public is respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. • BAKERY. No. 10 Commercial Row, Liberty et. oppo.. sit. Smithfield. Nl3: Superior family Bread, rye and dyspepsia Bread, large and small rolls, tresk every morning can be had' at the store, or my wagon, or as my stand in the market. Cakes mid Confectionary nii hand and made to order. J. SREPHARD. ap2oly No 10 Commercial Row, Liberty st. 66 1 t to the beet Cough Medicine I ever thrw - iii - DEAD the following proof of the superiority of Dr. Wa it lard's Oriental Cm gh lifixture, from a respectable cit izen, who has tried it: ' • Pt, & batman,, 1517. Masses. RAPS & BancKwAv:—Ailer laboring for several weeks under the disad'vantages of a hrtrassing•cough and' most distressing:cold, which had, thus far„resisted the ef fects of several of the •"infallibles," I was induced to pur chase n bottle of your Oriental Coughlakture, and give it a fair trial. To my great surprise, after using only one half of the bottle ! found myself entirely well. "It is the best medicine I rrer sate , True copy. • . JOHN HINDS. ' Sold by HAYS & BROCKWAY, Druggistsi,Commer cial Row, Liberty street, near Canal. NENv DAGuEttßgilffiriUnboms, Burks's Rai/ti ings, l'ourth street—Holum & Ayrtiotor, Dagnerreo. typists from the Eastern cities, would call the anenuon of the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns, to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, ut rooms in the third story of Burke's building, 4th st. Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured ;that ne pains shall be spared to produce them in the highest pdrfeclion of the art. Our instruments are of the most pow erful kind, enabling us to ,exrectite pictures ,uilsurpasseil for high finish. and truthfulness to nature.. The public arc solicited to:call and examine. ~ Persons sitting , for pictures are neither renuirred or ex pected to take them unless perfect satisfaction sgiven. N. B. Ofierators will find this a. good depot for stock mid chemicals. 1171netructions given in the art, containing the more recent Improvements. jan7 Oystei',Ageney. OYSTERS CHEAPER THAN -- CHEAPEST. Received this day, direct from Baltimore, by Ex press, Pine-Fresh Oysters;whlch I will sell at* store, ia-the Diamond ; also , at Win. Errimer'S,. carper of SeCond and Smithfield streets, and .'H ;C: Kelly's; corner of Fifth and Market alley. I will receive 'them daily at' the' above places. All tipsters warranted; money , returned, if not good: • ' ' ' • . ' • - • A LUgg . lang Mttanr IVIR COMPLAINT, jAIINDICE, , DYSPEPSIA, -LOUSNE .D EBILITY, - DISEASE OF THE -En.). R . V ' NETS, ASTHMA, and - all uffectirms arisins from deningetnent or disease in the ,Itilhiry, -tire, Vascular, .Respiratoty, amt.:Nervous' Systems,snich as .constipation, inWard, piles,lteartbuitf, loss of appetite,eont- ed tongue; acidity of the, stoms ach; swimming of the head, fullness or weight;in the stomach, dimness of vision pelpita. • ' • ' iheart,. ' Choking or suffocatingssensating,•depression of spirits, sudden flushes of lent, paha in the side or back, weakness of the limbs, cold feet, constant im aginings af.evil, fever and. dull pain le the head, pain -and j difficulty of breathing • • when lying .upen the side, _frightful dreamsssourcructations,yellow nesa of the skin -and eyes,: - - deficiency - of perepira • - tioa, &e, ikeS eau be - effeetually . • . •; cured . s . by DOCTOR HOOFLANDIS CELEBRATED, GERMAN ;BITTERS. :Their power over the aboVe diseases is t not. excelled if equalled—by .any other -preparatien in the United- States as .the cares in this city attest, in many cases af 'ter skilful physicians had . ; Derangement in the liver-and stomach are. sources of insanity—from disorder or obstructions morbid action of the -sympathetic and other nerves follows,- . and the func tions of: the brain are impaired and deranged; as, nerves are the connecting medium between mind and matter,it follows .from the reciprocal action that - both must-lie more or less implicated and -deranged simultaneouslys derangementthere willalsoprodueediseaseof the SKIN, LUNGS,. UTERUS and KIDNEYS, as wallas the-brain. The thousands- wile die with NELLOW FEVER, CHOLERA or INFLUENZA, is' owing to the same cause; and the majority of cases of that most painful disease,CONSUMPTION, alienates from the same.. In fact-the stamachis the important- °rennin the system of matter, as upon it you depend for the success and all the advantages to be derived from the administration of in terne medicines. Its functions are, of the utmost im portance to everyone in constituting the source and fenn tain,of life,which is nutrition. No organ possesses such 'remarkable sympathies, none such remarkable power-in modifying every part of the system. . The tare success in treating disease of the liver .and stomach successfully has not been a want ofpathological knowledge of their functions, but :the . preparation of a compound that would act upon -the disease ai.d all. the sympathetic afflictions; -That point lias been gained in these. Bitters, and they are ENTIRELT-VEGEPABLE, and will in every case permanently destroy costiveness, uud give strength and vigor to the friune, at no time de bilitating .the patient, and they ale- grateful to the most delicate stomach under any circumstances. ' • . ALL CAN BE CURED . , WHO WILL USE THEM AS DIRECTED, Or wrrinst TitE POWSIt or staincnia.) The few months this preparation has been before the public, has, from its infallible efficacy, elicited the eulogy of the press through the land, their object being for the benefit of suffering humanity; its success has sutpassed all precedents, tual:it iS free from all alcoholic stimulant s syrup . mercury nicest quinine, acidi, and all injurious ingredients, and espeetallyfidapted to the diseases of the varialite.elimate,of the United States, and the .West In dia Islands. - IYME;-AND",DELiCATE.CHILDREN, - M - areade strong ,by using, it--lit feet it is s afamity medi cine, and den be administered with safety to a child one year old, the delicate tamale, era man of ninety. . The Philndelphiii Democrat, says This medicine has an extraortlinaty Virtue and effcacy, and is in great demand. We can .speak from experience, that it has produced many wonderful eases." The Daily Sun says:-"We believe it is one of the best medicines of the age—a Irked having used it in his own family with great satisfaction intim Jaundice and Liver Complaint." The Spirit of the Titnes and Keystone says:—"Do:o ll7 good citizens, who are invalids, know the many Raton ishing mires that have been performed by Dr. ttoofland-s eeleitrateit oerman Bitten'? If they do not, we TOO. o . l °' mend theta to the . German Medicine Store, 27$ 'Re& street; all who are afflimed with Liver. Complaint, Jaun dice. Dyspepsia or Nervous Debility; the Dopier line eared tansy of our citizens, after the best physician* had failed. We haVe' used hem, and they have proved to be a medicine thnt every one should know of, and we et - intuit refrain giving our testimony in their favor, and that which gives thensgteeter claim enmities hunible ef fort. they are entirely vegetable. The Evening , Bulletin says:—The Celebrated German Bitters are un invaluable remedy for Jaundice, Dyspep sia. and nervous votnitatints.s Neal's Gazette says:—slt is not often we notice Me various exeellentinedieines adVertised in out. columns, because we are tuiwillingto speak except from personal experience, and a gaol. constitution fortunately makes as gene Mlle strangers to such articles. A word, how ever, of Dr:lloolland's German Bitters. .This WX KNOW . to be nn excellent article fulfilling in every respect what is claimed for it by the advertiser. The Daily News says: 'A Mehlet . Me. —We speak .kitowingTy of Dr. }Tool lund's celebrated Gerstein Bitters when we Say* is a blessing of this age. mud in diseases of the biliary, diges tive mid nervous systems; it has itots we thiiik, =scat. —it i*A VltOttAeLtt PIIV-Pe RATION AND 121ADR WITHOUT AL- Cosine. 1111 d to all invalids we would recomniend it as worthy their confidenee. ' What stronger tostiinony can a medieinehave? At the Depot can be seen the evidences of many of our most respectable citizens of Cures in all the foregoing dis eases. . Principal Depot, German Medicine Susie, 27$ RACE Street, and for sale in Lancaster by John F. I,o,'elet m risbu by W. Gross; and respectable dealers gen erally throughout the country. ;" Q 'VENCE. THATDitEADFITI, MUGU! •• , -The Lungs are in danger, the work of the dOstroyer has bean beg - on, the Cough of Consumption bath in it a sound of acath. ARR 7011 ♦ MOTETRII? Your darling child, your idol and earthly joy, ts now perhaps confined to her chamber by a dangerous col-licr pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers., tell the bold diseasnhas already gained upon her sound of her supulehra I cough pierees your soul. Young. MAX, when last about to enter life, disease sheds a heart crushing blight Over the fair prospects of dm fu: ture—your hectic cough and. feeble limbs, tell of your loss of bope,but you need not despair. There is a balm which will heal the wounded lungs. it is . . . Shiorznarirs Ali—Healing Balsam. hlrs. Armee, the wife of Wm. H. Attree, Esq..was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Drs. Roe. and McClellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr. Mott of New York. her, friends all thought she must die. She had every appearance of being 'in consumption. and was so pronounced by her physietans . —Sherman's Balsam, was giveleand it candler. Mrs. Ganmiamtsrri.ef Buffs Ferry. was also cured of constunption by this Balsam. when all , other remedies failed to give relie--slic was reduced to a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist, 2:31 Broadway, has, witneised its effects in several cases where it,, other medicine afford ed relief—buf the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. also witnesrecl its wonderful effects in, curing . itsthrtia, which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by , this' Balsam.. 11 heals the ruptured or wotmded blood vessels, and makes the lungs sound again. Rev. Han ttv Joss, 103 Eighth avenue, was cured of cough and catarrhal affection of 10 years standing. The first dose gave him more relief than all the other medi cine lie had ever taken. Dr. L. J. Beals, 19 Delaney Street, gave it to a sister-in-law who Was laboring under Consumption, and to another sorely afflicted with the Asthma. In both cases its effects were immediate, soon restoring them to comfortable health. Mrs. LvcreartA Wr.u.s, 9.5 Christie-s i t., suffered from :Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her at once, and she is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue every attack Sy a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spit ting Blood, Liver Complaints and all the affections of the throat, and even Asthma and Consumption. Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle, Principal Office 108 Nassau street. New York. Likewise Dr. Shernian's celebrated Cough, 'Worm and Camphor Lozenges. Premium Tooth Paste and Poor Man's Plaster Sold wholesale and retail by WIT. JACKSON, at his Boot and Shoe Store and Patent Aledicine Warehouse, SO Liberty street Pittsburgh, head of Wood street, and by the following duly appointed Agents for Allegheny county >, A.M. Marshall, Allegheny city; Jonathan Ghriest, Manchester, J. R. H. Jacques, Birmingham; A. S. Getty, Wylie street; J. 0. Mania cor. Webster et. and Elm; Daniel Negloy, East Liberty; •H. L. Mitchell, Wilkins burgh; Thos. Miran, Sharpsburgh; Saml. Springer, Clin ton; Jatnes ItPKee, Stewortstown; John Black, Turtle Creek C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland . Son, M'Kees port.; McEldowney, Bakerstosvn; Riley 11PLaughlin, Plumb Township; IVEn. J. Smith, Temperanceville; Jas. Fulion, Tarentum; G. H. Starr, Sewickly. marl:l-ly 4 . V..S.TaION CT-Dr- W. L4.NDIS, of,Fayene- M, N. Y., says: "I am well perstmded, , and have been for some time, that your Domestic Vegetable Pills are of great use .to all those who may have occasion to use them, and have administered teem to' my patients." 'Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia and Bilious Fever, are im mediately cured by the use of Dr. Ralph's Pills. Price, 25 cents a box. Sold wholesale and retail by S. L. CUTHBERT, Smithfield street, near Third. Also, by Wm. Cole; Allegheny city; J. G. Smith, Bir mingliam; and Sohn Metuchen. Fifth Ward. febl7 Jaynes , Family Medicines. j,/ S. S. conk. Piqua, Ohio, writes, March, 19.16; "1 have used your Vermifuge, Carniiaanire Balsam, and Expectorant, in my practice, for the last three years, and have been exceedingly well pleased with them, and 'never, as yet, to my recollection, failed of realizing my 'fullest expectation in their curative properties. Four other medicines 1 cannot speak of from experience; but, judging from•those I have used,.l doubt not but that they claim, and are entitled to all the confidence reposed;-in them, by those who'have used teem. I was formerlT very partial to 414 *** Vermifuge, until I hectuneacquam led with yours, which has nly.Secilled.preferetfe to,ritrY bther now in use. Ressecifully, yours. he., $l. S.- COOK, M.D." ID' For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth at. DARN STOCKS .COUCH SYRUP.—This pre -13• partition has proved itself to be of very greracflica crin the cure of obstinnte Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Spit ting of Blood, Whooping Cough, and other Pneumonic Affections; and the proprietors feel warranted in recoin mending it as a safe and useful medicine, and are pre pared to show certificates - Of indisputable authority, itt testimony of its value: • • • • It is pleasant to theytaste, and is offered also low a price, as to place it withinithe reach of every person. There are, perhaps, hut few Cough preparations that will pro duce such. decided effects in such a short time. Pre-' pared and sold by , . - B. A. FA IINESTOCK & CO., Comer of +First and Wood; also, 'corner of Sixth' and Wood streets: decl3 DR: RALPH'S OKI:STRATUS VEGETABLE PILLS sTe for salemholesale and retail, at the - REAL RSTATR WEIR; No. 50, Smitldield Also, by Wm. Cole; Allegheny city: J. G. Smith, Mr mingham; John McCracken, Penn street, Fifth. Ward: fel) 21 • FOR SALE—A brick dwelling house and lot, in :a plea sant location, situated on Knoll street, Allegheny. The house is well arranged, having a goisil cellar, akitch en and dining room, ball and two parlors,three bed rooms and finished garret. Lot is 20 feet; by 120 deep,lo4 back' street. • Price, SLAV. Terms, $3OO in hand, balance in four equal yearly payments. : . . • . , S. CUTHBERT, General-Agent,- - • • - . Smithfield street; :Dings anb friebtoug CHINESE HAIR CREAIIi—A, Matchle ss article' for growth," beauty,:and .restoration of the Hair, 'Allis ,Cream, when once known, will supercede Elli other arti cies of the kind now. in use.. Where the halt isdend harsh;' thin, unhealthy, nor turning grey; afew applica. tions will make the hair soft and dark, and give it a beau tifult lively,apPearancer and will also ma - keittnahitain its liveliness arid:healthy dolor,' twice as long us all piepaiations that are generally used. „Where the hair is thin, -or hag' 'fallen' off; it may be restored by using this- C icon'. Every lady.and gentleman who is in the habit of using oils on their hair shoiild at once purchase &bottle of the Chinese Hair Cream, as it is so composed that it Will.' not injure the hair like the other jireparations, hut will beautify it, and . give: peecct satisfaction in .every in:, . ' :For testimany'lo "very' 've superior 'qualities, see the foli lowing letter from the-Rev. Mr. Caldwell to hleirrs. Ifenderehott es Streteh,'Nashville,igenetal agents for the Letter ofehe Bev.ell„P . sutr: of: the Presbyterian Church ' .Pularki. • . . Harnmatatorr 16.1 J 3rarrca Gammas:my—l take p.easure in addingmy , te alimony in favor of the excellent preparation balled Dr. Parish's Chiness Hair Cream; for, about two years ago uty, hair was'irery dry, bristly, and 'disposed to come out- but having procured a bottle of the . Cream, and used it aecordingto the prescription lit is' now elastic;. son; and firm to the head. -Many banana and oils,.were applied, each leaving myhair in a Worlia'state. than before. This ,Cream, however,-has met my expee ' tenons: . , _ . . As an article for the toilet / my wife , gives it preference crier, all others,: being 'delicately perfumed and not dis posed to rancidity. The ladies Etnd the .Cbinese Cream to be a desidaratian- in their preparatioruf for the ,'t Respectfully, key" ' ' CALDVirEILL.. Pulaski, January 7,1847. 137•13 ol- wholesale'and 'rettliklnTiltsburgii,l.jjobit • M. Townsond,.4s ?dulcet at:, • and Joel lilotiletictirrier of Wood and Fillhsts . iels-d&vr-ly ADIE9 are • cautioned agtunst taint Commie Prepa red Chalk; They are ; notaware how.frightfally. emu.; rious iris to the skin How coarse, bow rough, how salloti, yellow, end:unhealthy the' kin appears after - citing pie.- pared chalk!-Besides it is ininnous, containing e largo quantity of lead We have' prepared it', beautiful vege table article, which We call Jonee' Spanish Lilly;Whne. :It is perfectly • innocent, being purified of all, deleterious 'qualities,and it imparts to` the, skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, ; lively White vat! the same. time :acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. . Dr. James Anderson, Practical; Chemist of Massachu setts, says q A fter, analysing•JonceSpanishlidlY.White; I find it poeseiees - the mostbeautiful endstature], and at the same lime innocent, white r ever ESW: certainly' can certscientionsly recommend its use to ell. hose skin require s beitatifYing"' Price. 25 cents" a box. Directions -,--the best, way to apply Lilly . White,. is with lieft'leather • or wool—the former is preferable:,, • •...; •• - - A Its's sm. at Teem liOtt cxsts.—White teeth, foul treate f healthy gums. , ',l7elloiv and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth'Paste, haVe the appearance of the' moat beautiful ivory,end, at the. Caine, time it so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant use, is highly advantageous, even to thotse•teetlithat are in good condi- . tion, giving them a beautiful polish,- and:preventing; premature decay. Those already, decayed it prevents from becoming. Wors&—ilalso fastens inch Mils be cOmmg loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25 or 37k cents a box: 'All the aboie are sold 'only at 82 Chatham st, sign of the American Eagle, Neor and by the appointed Agents whose names appear in the WILL Tor tialOlT, and gets rich husbandclady 'TOr. face is }our fortune." Is't beautiful, clear, fair, - Is, it white I : If not,it can be made scieven 'though it be yell low, disfigured, sunburnt, tanned and freckled. Thous ands have been made thus,whci have washed once or twice with Jones' Italian 'Clietaioal'Soap. The effect is glorious and magnificent. Butbe sure you get the gene.- ine Jones' Soap, at the sign of the Ame - rican„Etigle, 82 Itink--wortn,Salr-rheitin:Schrtey,pryshielas, Barber's Itch, are; often cured by Antes'ltaltau Chemical ;Soap, when every kind of, remedy „has faded. !That is cures pimples; freckles mid clears the skin; all know. 'Sold at the. American E.4gle. 85 Chatham street:;' Mindy reader, this seldom or never rails. , . Sold at Isessox's SS Liberty st,Leati or Wood,-Sign of of the BM Boot._ ; . - - n0v.23. 0" DOLDAR TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS: —Marriage.—Cenpentiet,=Any lady between men.; ty and thirty, possessing a symmemical form, good fea tures, &a., wasted cbufideatially;ean she suppose any man could, admire her, ,while„she has such yellow teeth; such sallow, rough, coarse skim - And guilt dirty, bad, wiry hair; whenvbyrspendini; the abotre•iann, she might have delicate whim teeth,,a,pure sweet,breath Add a beautiful head of hair. She can haVe beautifu ' l white teeth and' sweet breath by aging- a 2i. box , of :knee Am '.l.'o'ath Paste; a skin white t pure and•spolless as snow, by using it cake of the genuine : Jones' Italian Chemical Soap; and a beautiful head of hair-by tsinea3s. bottle of Jones' Coral. Hair Restorative.. Do. not form an opinion against ibis before you trry, or will regret it; but he sure to ask for. Jones+ articl es. Sold only on New York• at.S2 Chatham at., , For sale by_ • . Wilt. JACKSON, Agent, 83 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. • • CANCER, SCROFULA — A.ND GOITRFAmpIe ei- - periettec has proved that no combination of medicine have ever been so efficacious in removing this" above dis eases, as DILJAYNKSALTERATIVE. . Jibes effected cures truly astonishingynot only,of Cancer and other dis eases of that elass,Lbut has removed the 'most stubborn diseases of thel Sim, Swellings, pympepsis," &c: This medicine enters into the circulation, and: eradicates dis eases wherever located.. it purifies the,blood and other fluids of .the body. removes, obstruction. hi the pores of the s ki n, and reduces enlargement of the glands or bones. It increases the appetite,. removes headache had diewsi ness,and invigorates the - whole aystem, and imparts ani mutton to the diseasedandriebilitated constitution- There is nothingsuperiarrit it in the whole =aerie medics. It is perfectly safe and extremely pletumnt,andhaanothing of the dingo:3*g nausea accompanying the idea of swar irrlowinggPor sale in Pittsburgh at the rum Tki..FfORE, 72 Fourth st., near. . , .mar3o..: A Rectpe for the Human liatr i TO FORCE ITS' GROWTHAND HEALTH, MAKE IT SOFT,' SILKY ; CLEAN '.AND FINE.=-Persons in consequence of the mazy things Sold, set down every article, (he It ever so good,) as a - humbug.' If people. could he made to try a 3s. bottle; f Jane's coral Haw Re sanative, quid sed how it makes dry, rusty, red; light hair moißi, soft;auhurn and dark, and keeps it so; and by its use for sometime, causes it to grow naturally beautiful; if people could see the number of poor respectable me chanics that use it, (aye, and find it the cheapest thing they can use,) fordressmg and beautifying the - Dein for keeping it soft and in order three times as long' as any other article made; and Forces it to pow, stripe its And costs - but 0 shillings to try. • We formerly sold nothing lesS than Si bottles; but we wish people to try it. Sold-only at 82 (mind 82) Chathant street, New York, and by ••• mar2O WM. JACKSON, 1titt...:89 Liberty at. ORE Tk.:STIMONY for Vt.: Willard's Fatuity' Iffedi 77 tines.—The undersigned, Citizeas cif Pittsburglt,hati ing personally Used Dr. AVillard's Oriental - Cough lure, and experienced its behefiCial e ffecti,sio most cheer fully as safe and effectual, in all cases. Speaking from experience,. we 'believe that it has no en perior i and would recommend ifs use to all the afflicted. LEWIS, WM.. JENKINS. Pittsburgh, March 117• -.- Sold by J. Sehoonmaker & Co., John Flays, limes A. Jones, J. IL Cassel, John P. Scott, F.'4.S.nowden, J. Mollies, Ogden & Snowden.' ag2ll, , Q ALT RHEUM , SCURVY;OLD SORES, ERYSIPB. 0 LAS, Barber's Itch, Chaps, Sore ikards, This is used by ninny physicians in this above, and we would not consciencionnly sell unless we knew it to be all we .state. ,-.. As a cosmetic, the true JONES'S SOAP is perhapathe only article ever. known - that -removed impunties,.ami cleared and beautified the akinimaking it salt, clear, smooth and white as an infanta But mind; it is - sold at 82 Chatham st., N. Y., and by- . . . • .WM.;JAtMESON,- Agent, .. 89 -Liberty atreet,-Pittiburgh. DOCTOR .YOURS!EGI.I.PI BY means of the Pocket ,Esculapius, or, every one his own physician! twentieth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, showing private- diseases in every shape and form and Malformations of shegenera= live system, by W. YOUNG, The time has now arrived, that persons suffering from secret diseasee,need noinore become the 'Victim ofguack-- cry, as by the prescriptions - contained" in this hoot any one may cure himself, without id ranee to businefs, or the knowledge of-the moat intimat friend; and with one tenth the gaunt expense., ; In-addition . to the general rou tine ofpriv ate disease,itfullY explains the Caul% 9r inan, 'hood's early decline, with; observation, pit marriage-4 besides many other derangements which trwouldnot be proper menumerate in the . public prints. Er ,Any persen sendingrwmtrx-rids eirmi.encliised in a letter, will receive one copy of this - book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar; 'Address, "Dr. W. YOUNG, N 0.152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia;" post 117!WANTED—Proprietary of Drug or Book ,Stores, and Pedlars 'in. every town in the 'United t - States, to ac , . as agent's for the ' a b ove work. oct7:3m CONSUISIPTIO seizes more victims time any other • disease in Mir country. The youtig,•ihe old, the beautiful and guy, - are all alike subject so its invidious ravages, 2lnd many a hectic cheek hat been supposed to bloom with the glow of, health. But every Cade.origi• mites in a cold - and a cough-perhaps deemed unworthy of attention at kit-L-11nd only met with remedies when too late: Watch the first symptoms with jealous care, and make immediate vse of the Cough Balsam of B.'A. Fahnestock &Co.; which will certainly check its further progress, and restore the inflamed orvans to a beautiful For sale by B.A. F.AANE.gfOCK' &Ati:ieorner and Wood sts.ialso;ccirrisittla and Wood. ' deell . ' Veneers, Varnishes, Ligntanivlttei A ND TURNED MATERWS, el every.description, 11., kept for sale , and on betterterms than can .bit had. nt any, the city. The, subscriber has just received fittit thousand. feet of Mahogany Ve neers, which ,Ile- is 'determined to sell" very. low. Call and:examine them. Also, 100 'Ten-piit Balls, all blach,, and a splendid:article ; and : much cheaper than ever 011bn:ilia this market. , . , ,-. De also keeps on hand, and , ppe to oriler, ail-kinds of Carpenter's and Cabinet Maker 's materials, such RS , " Newels, : Di . ' eweiSir 7 : Baldstrett • . - ' fastenings, or the hickory : Platilffor itaiiing,dtc.. . screw... ~ . . .. . B enc h Bccecrst, Alse,...Table _Legs. Hand - Moulder's Ratanien3. 7, • -.Screws, Randlett,'Mallets. - Together with all. 'whet 7 things genetallylh.eht i n - n . Turning Shop. : ~7 • ? • • , -Ai. ,w,.BLDBLE , .. , ....:Ryan's Laidings,.Ncuil Fifth at Persons buying Poets and. Raits;-. with. Gazzam's fast eningsi have tbe tight to sell fiterei when . fitished. .- . - OTHAYED iIK STOI , I4N.‘-'_Tront'Lightc opts Tavern, 3 'ldles front Allegheny, ottilteXianklin Rottd,on Wed nesday evening last, Sept. 27114 . 11349, a Hay Mare r abont 141 hands highlbas,a small vaute'spot on her forehead; and some white- on ,one of her bind.feet;.had oa &halter. when she left.. She is aboard yenta .1. • • • Any person who will return her, nt the subscriber, or to John Agnew, Second Ward House, Allegheny, orated hurt information where she can beobtalned, will be suit , ably re.warded.: . JetiINIVERGUSON, • ~ "ct 9 Pine Tovinalupy. • 01 14 4 lullr ineWlitto. Xii GP, E: A.V`:I.S.E.RIEDY •OP NATURE "MERICAN - OIL, Tree - tired from a Well inßentucky - -1M feet below tha surface :cif the eardr,•a certain - and infallil.6 cure forSOrains, Strains ; Cute, Bruises, ScaldS;Buins, Tenor,' Erysipelas;Scald Head, Croup," Whooping-Cough; inflanirnatory•Sore Throat Sore and Iritlemed Eyes Flattiletice UICerS. Fever Sores, and • 'iriFfammeroitY RHEUMATISM, which' yields to its'effectio in rionrprising manner.. • . It hannever. fef -failed when used according to abet; - tioni." Ilettd'the:follownigi ' • , , • - ••• lukiemtariat, Allegheny eo.,Pa,- j. This is to certify, that my wife; Mergaret hriest, was cured of a RheumatieCrimplaint of seven yeare stunting. -_ by which she was se ladle as to be obliged to use crutch-. ea. In one week she was cured by using the Anwrie Oil, and could walk about as usual without her crutches. ' . JONATHAN GHREIST. • , no following is comlnunicated by Mr. Wm.Nnsh, blr. Jackson's itgent for Steubenville, 0. • " • .A gentleman-near Stetbenville,.who had not been able. to put either of his: feet tathe grOundfor twelve- years, in consequence of lameness, by the use of one bottle was', enabled toWalk mYo'neles to a township election. It is likewise a sovereign- remedy for- - CONTRACTION OFTHE MUSCLES .AND TEN- The following is communicated by Mr. Wm. Nash, W., -Jackson's residingr Snville: A. lady in SiSteubenville - , the ',ltriger of whole: nand wasso contracted as to deprivalter of the use of . it far thirty-five years, wasentirely cured by the use of one bottle of the Oil, so that shet now has the: perfect use trf her hind fidlrequid 'to the other, which_ had never been affected.; ,It has also been; found to be a safe and invinei ble agent in the speedt and certain cure of EAFNESS In all cases not organically inextratle. •• ,A lady residing' in Allegheny city was effectually:Mired ' of obstinate deafness, of years' continuance, by the use, of less than one bottle of the Oil, so that she said' she heard better:than she bad ever done before. mintlestain well known in Pittsburgh, was cured of ' deafness of retie Yearn' standing, by the use of n small quantity of the Oil. The names and - residences of the lady and gentlemen.will be given to those who desire it; at the office of the advertiser. Its properties are highly deVeloped in the certain and rP of risingly speedy cure of all cases , . _ CHOLIC CRAMP , AND SPASMS: - , !Several eases of Cramp Cholic have been effectually Mired by one dose of the Oil; in the ; short- space of halt , art hoitr, when the parties have been agonized withpain. ,ns curative properties haveteen remarkably manifested ie the radical cure of=. • DISEASES OF THE SPINE. , - , A lady, the wife of a planter in' Kentucky, WAS .cureck, effectually of one of the worst cases of diseased • Spine, Which - had confined her to herbed for it considerable time, in which she could not turn herself: It is, also a shire remedy and perfect cure for pains lathe small of the INFLAMMATION OF . .TIFE KIDNEYS. head the following: . Prnsactuompee.lß,lL46.-_ Varna to certify that I•was at:Meted with great pain in the small of my back And kidneys, which alleeteil me so Much that I_ could notatand upped. By ruhhing , extol rtally t and using half a taaspooniblinternally; night and: tionunk, Iwas entirely cured. JOHN RIDDLE, , near -Wine 11, Armstrong. co., Fn. Aigentlematiof 'Pittsburgh; afflicted with n violent ist• flovemntion of this kidneys—the pain of which chnsed hina to faint—was comzletely cured, in three days,by the use of the American`.il. NATURE , S,OMTI REMEDY ie extremely penetrating and anti-inflammatory, conga... itueritly is tonfidently recommended:as a sovereign rem edy whertwir inflammation exists, either external ori tenant: Used immediately after, a cut, bruise or wound, it will Mire and prevent - GANGRENE AND. AIORTIFICATION. - It has, in addition, been found a salutary, plait!** and effective remedy for those very unpleasant and inconvo. • OFtAVEL AND URINARY - COMPLAINTS,. • ; 1177 Price, 50 cents per bottle. Caution—Be.on Your Quarft, The sutprising 'excellence and'groiving poPularity pae American - Oil, has induced some dishonest persons • - lm upon the public, miserable imitations of this truly' Valuable medicine, for the purpose of deceiving the un- Wary, and defrauding the Proprietor. ' ' la order to be sure of obtaining the - genuine, arm the follbwing Po= vintras E f ist. See that the name " Wm. Jackson, 19 Liberty st' head of Wood at .," is printed on the label of the wrimpa of each bottle, to imitate which is felony. , • 2d. That each , bottle is inclosed in a pamphlet contain. ifig full directions for URO; and also containing the name dad address of Wm, Jackson, General. Agent for the 'Proprietors 1 likewise, the name and, address of . the - pro pruners, D.-Hail & Co., Kentucky. 3d. Purchase ONLY of tie advertised Agents,, all of' whom have a show bill, on which is printed theunities of the PrOprieuns and General Agents-thus: & Co., Proprietors, Kentucky, Wm. Jackson,. ,Pittshurgh, Pa., General Agent for. Western Pennsylvarda, and part of Ohio and Western Virginia; and, the printers' names.— hPhlillin &,Shryock, Pittsburgh—printed at the ,bottom cif said show,btll. , . :4th. Observe—the genuine American .oil is of a dark . green. color, without any sediment, and us specific purl— ty lighter than water: . The counteribiti are mostly of. a black color ;— same white, like-Spirits of Turpentine, said to be refined and clarified some Seneca. ere a mixture of other:common oils; and one tthick filth lhoking mixture, purporting to come front the "Pittsburgh , Bind Allegheny Dispensary Co." None of these, coun-- tqfeits possess either the yirtue or the power. of pac'tner 4.amRICAN gIL.: jUbiSold wholesale and retail by WM: JACKSON, General and Sole Agent for the Proprietor in Weitern Pennsylvania, Western' Virginia, -and Northern Ohio; and by the following duly. appointed Agents in Allegheny county Pa.: • • Dr. Drown,. Allegheny city. I Jonathan Ghnesr, Manchester. Alexander AstialeiWylie street. • • J. R. H. Jacques, Birmingham. Wtn. J. Smith, Temperanceville. - • G. H. Starr, Sewickley.. Edward Thompson, Wilkinsburgh. . Daniel Negley, East Liberty. H. Z, Mitchell Wilkinsb h Thornits'Adrin, Sharpahurgh. IL Rowland k Son. M'Keesport: f C. P..Diehl,Elizabeth. • John Black Turtle Creek: ---111 , Eldowny. Bakerstown. Samuel Springer, Clinton. James Stewartstown. 'REey rit'Lalighlin, Plum township. , J. Fulton, Tasenmm. Jeierdiah Fleming, LaMienzeville i. Robert Asthunville. ROM the New 'York Gazette, Oct. 6, 1839, a daily . paper deservedly at the head of the daily press in s country 'ait of Sarsaparilla—lt:Were but courtesy' ter call the attention of our readers to this invaluable prep oration Which will be found advertised in another'Column.. Mr.,Bristol Is a brattier, and isanet a highly intorestirg :news apes every now and then, one or two numbers of . Which weave already notieed; and the medicine itself lilts been eulogised by nearly all the press of the western, , country, and; we doubt not, Justly eulogised. It hasill its favor, moreover, very flattering • testimonials . from.khe: most eminent practitioners in every part of the country, i Where it [has been used. There s beauty and taste enough in the bottles; mid in the engraved labels in Which' they are enveloped, to induce apurehasa even if ,the' preparation itself were not one of the "sovereignest the, world," as every. person must believe it is-7that to, every one Mars believe it is—that is, every one, who Would not resist n snag of documentary evidence conclu sive enough to convert a Turk to Christianity. 'Buy one of the , bottles, gentle reader, 'and see whether you dohot on this " point. ;Teel* wide e big!' . PAHNESTOCILk C ifeb24 car. of Ist MidW . ood and 6th and Wood ate. tiEuzg.zerisra, GOUT, AND TIC ,- DOLOB.SLIA. ..t A respectable gentleman called at our office ;us he said, to inform us Oat he had been afflicted for /-5 years with' Rhentaalista,or:Gont, and Occasionally Itthh. Tic: Doloreux that he had been frequently confined to his :rOoniTor months together, and often suffered the most in binge and excruciating pain, but that lately be had been using Jayne Alterative, from which he found themost sig. ..nal and unexpected relief. He says he, found the rnedi-, eine very pleasant and effective; and that he now ' , con-, alders himself perfectly cured.--Phikidelphfa North Amer-. iA FACT WOUT/I ILstawmo.—A gentleman of Scrollslints ithbit,'from Indiscretion in his younger' days, beeturie of with Uleeratioris in the Throat and Nose, and a: disagreeable eruption of the' Skin. ".Indeed;'his whole :system bore the marks of being saturated with disease. One-hand and wrist were so much affected' that lie had last the use of the hand,' - every part being . covered with deep, patina :11i , and offensive ulcers, and were, as hollow -and porous as en hathey.-eomb, It was at this stage of his cOmplaint, when death appeared inevitable from loath same disease; that he commenced the use of Jayne Al terative, and having taken sixteen bottles, is now Perfect -15; cured. . . . The - Alterative operates through the circulation, end ptrrifies the blood and eradicates disease from the (system, wherever located; and the numerous cures ii has per formed' in diseases of the skin, - cancer, scrolida,.gout, liver complaint, dyspepsia pad other chronic diseases,' is truly astonishing.---Sparit of the. Timm . Ir For .rate to rth Pittsburgh, at the PLISIN TEA SPORE, Fresh Arrival at 115 Wopitstreet.. lIODItINSON has - just, opened,. within the j i as t, week, the largest assortment of French CHINA, ever Opened hi:this city; consisting in part of—Fancy, Plain,- .. lVhite, Gold lAum and Gold bland Tea Setts; an: extensive !assortment of White.Flowiag Blue and Liver pool Ircin, Smite Wore, in Tea Setts o ran separate pieces, as may reMdred. Also, a beautifulthssortment .01 pandelabras and Lamps, of the newest shapes tmd pat tern s;direct from the manufacturers. - ;Ladies would do well to give him a eall. at oct27 'NO:115 ilromi st- 3 doori below . Fifth. Saetneas Collector. THE undereignidencouraged by the liberal patronage of the inerchadts; arofessional gentlemen, and me chanics of the eity,affers his serviceslor the collection, of accounts in the city of Pittsburgh'and vicinity, H a , .iag attended in business of this kind for many' years for ,the Board of Trade:and being well acquainted with this add the adjoining cities, he feels "confident of his ability. Waive 'satisfaction': by prompt and faithful attention to all busiaessentrasted to him . - . . - . • JAMES GALBRATiI,-Tr. To be found at Mr; Wu. Asso!s ; hlerchant Third street, opposite the Post °Mee, ! !'•• animal:was. . , Gabriel Adnurs; ;' ' P. Du ff ; Acconntain; J. Carothers; ; ' Thomas Scott, hlasoth L. R. Livingston;. Jas. McGuire Merchiyailori • James Marshall; -• Wm. B. Seni le; . George Breed;. Dr , W , hi. Wright, Dentist; Dr. Geo. D. Bruce; C. Dodge, - (nov7-..3n 1 . . „ BOOiLS" In'ing'e Sketch Boole, illastrated Willie Poems, illustrated by Lentze. Female Poets of America; with portraits ' The Fist of the' RnickatbOckers. A Fable:if& Critica: - , • ; Effie ?Serried 'Romances The Child of the Sea. " • - Lamb's Ditunatic Poet's:: LowelPs Crinsersatioas On ' tadaets. Dranuatie Vc , rks of 'BeaumontFleteheer PoetieatWorkii of Spencer:. . , • , Poetical Works of Chaucer:' ' - • ' ' Poetical Worker - of Ford and Maseinger. • ' For:safe , H. S. BOSWORTH lb' rnotrk, r - 4tketreeti•uctullarketo =OE