C/e Miming 13°st. • . _ Worms -cannot exist he the syitem, sf - a libelist use be nutde • orehe Clickener Sugar-coated Vegetable Purgative Pills.; They not only destroy the worms, but ,thoroughly eleause . the stomach' and bowels of the mu- CCU or :slimy - substance which supports Their operation is so gentle, that 'they may ,be administered to children of the most tender age,. -without producing those Anjuri one effects upon the general health, Which have always constiuted the most-serious objection to Vermifuges. Their metallic base is generally so Violent in its operation; that _the system seldom recovers from the-shock until-the. patient hag, rrived- at, years, of ma turity.or actually-outgrown it. , We know several at this moment:whose. constitutional vigor bas been - so com pletely. paralysed -by the injudicious Administration of metallic .Verznifuges while young, that they are almost totally unfitted. for. the transaction of ordinary business: Thclickener Sugar-coated-Vegetable. Pins. on the con trary, have never been known to leave any injurious ef fects behind them. They rushee serve so invigorate the, system, and render it proof against the racist. inveterate 'Sold by JACKSON, Gen. Agent; ianZt SD Liberty street, Pittsburgh [For list of Agents see fl nthoWITCIiLIC Cm ov.Consumrricev.—Mr. Scorill: I was taken with a most distressing caugb, andmy longs became EA 'diseased that I bled in - n short time' several. quirts. I was reduced so lowthat• all of my friends, and even ray Physieiansithought I must die with Consump ; lion! MY brother hearing of tbe - remarkable cures made by Dr. Rogers , Livrerevort and Tar, procured °bottle, and befare f had - taken"onc-httlf of it , . it seethed to, go to the very" seat of the. disease; I tuned a large qtatutny of phlegm and .matter, and - jnyeough. was stopped as by. a charm; and by its use I teas restored to perfect health. Granata. Wirrrsamsn. Swan' and stibecribed: this -4 20th day oft Novenaber, • lira : Yet. of . the City . of Cincinnati. rot • J. h.MID & CO.; - Wholesale Druggists,'No. 60 \rood st. . ' KNEELAND & HARDIN; lan2.ltinaktav Grant street. '• - , Coon - rat:macre! Coonrsarmrs:---Beteart of Cows te Veit s !—Citizensaf Pittsburg,coanterfeiters ofWaroar's celebrated' la-mate VzorrAteta PILLS are still abroad, and. of the vrorst - conceivable kind; :We would -respectfully invite you to call on the Agent for, Pittsburg, Mr.-JOHN : THOMPSON,-150- Liberty street, and examine a box_ that was purchased at a Drug Store in this City., It is ab solntely enough to make'one blush tor poor;frnil human ly, but at the same time toguard all nguinst-the villainy of the counterfeiter. - The passing of counterfeit coin not a touth to it. It is as much inferior in - the degree of criminality as petty larceny is inferior to downright Always remember that the Original and only Genuine; INDIAN VEGETABLE PlLL.S.have the written signa ture of AVII.LIAIII 'WRIGHT on the top label of box. Itemember. else., that IL Ssicsna, Druggist, corner of Market and Thus streets. is not, an agent for this medi cine,-and,we can. st guaranty the .genuineness of Hatt offered by him for , JOHN THOMPSON,IS6 Liberty street, is sole Agent, Purchase only of him. . - junlltd&w' , . • cough should never . be. negleeted.: It Mar ap pear trilling and unworthy, the .attention at .firat, bat it will nut remain stationary , long: it may progress shirr . at first, and its augmeination may oe scarcely perceptible; yet when it once seizes the lungs, all the other parts of the body will be sympathetically affected; anda confirm. ed Consumption and premature death will he the Mori able result. A little care would save maul' a life.; and he timely use of n proper remedy might have arrested many aeons-amnion._ But many persons hai , e an Lavin-. cible repugnance to taking any medicine, and rather than use the -means towards ,arresting a disease, .simply 'because the remedy may. not be a pleasant one. Would suffer and languish far a long time, before they would re; sort to the aid of medicine. . B. A. Fahnestocic at Co.'s Cough Balsam has a great advantage in this reapect over many other Cough prepa rations, as its pleasant taste permits it lobe used without inconvenience.. But its value as a Balsam consists in the speediness of its cure. We have known some. of the most desperate coughs, some of which had been running Oafor li conSiderable length of time, yield almost /mine diateb- to its power. , • re . . P - Pared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by. • la. A. FAHNESTOCK It Co. • nort7 cot. Wood.and stiand Wood end sts A AIE - ilia:CC EOICALL SRASONS.—Wright's Indian Vege table-Pills suit all tom pLaints and all ages, and may be taken at all times, and under ali circumstances, with perfecteafety. Theyare'as natural to the human Colllql , tutlint as'fotid; and while they do not injere even - the most delicate, there is scarcely n' malady in the whOle catalogue of human ills, bin will yield to their itillnence. \Wight's Indian Vegetable . Pilts thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels froutbilious and Mitrid - huiriofs, and purify the blood; and are. therefore, certain to drive pain• or distress of every description from the body. Bettiare of Counterfeits end /pilot fa lin:—Reinember - that the. Original Mid Only Genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Witate.m,Wittotre on the emember nlso that Messrs. Feaelitwanger C0.,0 New York; Ai. S. Masco° ken., at Cincinnati; and - .1: B. Co.„ of Louisville, are ivcrr agents for this medicine, and we cannot guarantee this genuineness of that offered by them for sale.' • The genuine . ;it for sale at Dr. AVright's Principal Office, 169 Race , street, Philadelphia ; and, by Joux Tuostrami, 156 Liberty' , strec t. Pittsburgh, Pa:, who is sole agent for this city, by whom dealers can be supplieilat the whole:. sale tate::- Multi • • • • Notice. MV old customers, stran,gers 'visiting the 'city, and others wishing to provide themselves with "a hand some MESS COX PANTS., VEST, or any other 'arti cle in , the line, can do so by leaviiig their orders with JAMES 111'GUiRG,-Tailor, - Third.street, St. Charles JUST -Rgcervs - n, by Fspress, eatotherpiece short nupp'd Black, the very thing for Cloaks, and just in vocation. ' McGUIRE, Tailor, janl 0 • Third street,'St: Charles Building. LARD OIL-12 Winter Stra i ned Lard Oil Just received and for sale by janlB . HILLER & RICKETSON. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES.-15 bills., La. Su ga House Molasses, on consignment and for sale by janlB & RICRETSON , FOR SALE OR RENT—A Two Story'Brick Dwelling, situate on Fifth street, opposite the Court House.— Enquire of MYMULLEN - & DOWNING, Jant7 216 Liberty street opposite Seventh. ' . . Administrator's Sale. BY " virtue n' of a order of the Orphan's Court,. the un— dersigned,' Administrator of the Estate of James Oilmore,-of South 'Fayette Township, Allegheny Coun ty,:Penna., deed, and will expose to sale, - at Public Outcry, on the premises, onthe third Saturday-of. Feb-, runny, A.' D. 1240, at 12 o'clock, 74., all that valaable FARM situate in the said To *ashy of South Fayette, bounded by , lands of James He:rimy Joseph Hickman, Seattle Kenney, James /11'ficovrn, John Alexander, the Rev. William Jeffery, and others, cementing 270 acres, and 107 perches; on which is erected - a large and value hie. Brick Dwalling House, and a large frame Barn and fra - me Stable, a stone milk house, and tenant house.— .Aboutl7ll acres cleared; the residue has fine timber; an Agate Orchard, in its prime, all grafted fruit. The Farm is to a good state of cultiVation, and the soil is welt adapted to small grain. The Farm is well watered, and has an abundance of excellent Stone Coal. his situated about ten miles from Pittsburgh, and about two miles from the Pittsburgh and Washington _ Turnpike Road,— The Land will be sold as one Farm, or 14 two tracts, as the sarnewaa divided hy the inquest of partition- Teems e t- Sala—One.third cash; one-third in one year, with interest from the day of sale ; and one-third in two years; with interest from the day of sale. The tivo last payments to be, secured on the promises, judgment bond and mortgage. Persons wishing to purchase, can call, for farther information, with the undersigned,insaid Township, near Ramsey Ford, "on the said Turnpike Road .SAtIiIIEL STEWART, Sanlo:wswo • Administrator. To atent. T. on i e ., 4?a ,e vv. ,eie Ter fe Rieeat on She Frfollowingan rolin K.r,tzt, four - Miles from l n eetY g , with l one hundred and thirty Acres of:Land, improved, ;principally .in grass. Also, one and Lot of Ground, with a Blacksmith Shop and Tools. .Also, one House and Lot, suitable for a Shoe maker or Tailor„ Also, one 'fine frame House, with six Acres of Ground, suitable for a Gardner. The above property writhe rented separate. For furtherparticulars enquire of the subscriber, on the premises. PETER IVORY, Inn-Keeper, janl9:4tw* . Ross Tp., Franklin Road, . . rro the Honorable the Judges of the/Court of Quarter .1.. Sessidns 'of :the Peace, in and for the County of Atte-, gbezry: The petition of John Conolly, 4th Ward, city of Pitts burgh,.in' the 'County 'aforeiaid t humbly sheweth, That yourrpetitioner bath proVided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others at his - inghouse in tie ()resat ~an prays t at your Honors will be Pleased to'grant.hun a license to keep a public:house of entertainment. And you' petitioner ; as duty hound, will pray. JOHN CONOLL I I, , Weohe subscribers, citizens of the aforesaid Ward, do certify, that thiti,ia.bove petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house roomand conveniences for 'the accommodation of trav elers and others; and that said tavern is necessary. L. Wilniarth t John Christy, Martin Connolly, Neal Kellohan,. J. Hill, Thomai Sill, And. Jackman, imams Al'Shane, Thos. Parcell; It. - Watson, Tlios,.Owstiin, John ►LF.r---The Dwelling, corner of IVytie and Chath .l. ant street, having partor,ditt d sixbed mi "or , rooms. Apply to Tailor Third st. ist __ TAVE RN STAND AT SIADUSTOW ,R N, FO commodious and well finished Tavern Stand, in the village of Shousetown, furnished in modere style, with good Stabling, attached. It will be !caged for.a teem of years Address jint.2' P.'SLIPUSE, Shonsetown. riOMMON 'TEAS FOll 1 , 24 CENTS PER SEM—The Uubscriber, wishitg to dispOsti. Of „his entire stock of Queensware as soon as possible, will sell common'Cups and Saticers at the othetnelr low price of 12} cents per, set, along with - other articles. Now la the time to secure a good assortment of Ware at low prices. Sicire-keCpers and families should imprOve,this.opporUmity, without de lay: Remember the' idaci *CELINA HALL, No. .118 ood street: tianlG) 11111 . GETTY. POTATO -58 sacks just received and for sale by inn l2 , ; ARMSTRONG &CROZER. Allegheny County, as .IN THE NATTER OF THE 'ESTATE y • S surr.L. 13 kovrer d e c'e, a s e.4l;* itp .lun ; L . ecensber nth, 184 :on notbini•lnliPS • 4 Rule grauttol_ on the hei , rs and those inlet. eared, to come Into Court on SattiilleY the 27th of January, 1849,. and accept or r.epot under the valuation and partition. Personal dotienlb be given of this Rule to those interested who reside. in_ the County of Allegheny, and notice by publication iaths . S aturday i‘r om i l ig Post; weekly, until 'Jim: t ory 27L4, 1849, to those interested Who reside out of the Consular Allegheny. By the Been. jan4:whan27 . • = DAM , : I BectJUDY, IL - IRE.,SH" ROLL: BUTTER lb? X sale byli- 'Ajanl2J': , "ARAISTRONG & CROZER:' ',AA.. 14.7 % . apintitertictl and PrETSBUROI-1 BOARD OP TRADE - w. H . DENNY,I- -- • J . HANNA. __ Comurrim von Dueszwatu MURPHY PASSENGER' ARR - ANGEMENTS E0R1648. SteanMoritPaekeiLitie,leavesdaily forChicinnati,lo.lo4. 'Paseeriger Packet, via Brownaville, to Baltimore: and Philadelphia; 8 A. at., and 6 Mail Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. N., and 114 Western and Southern hfail Coach Line, 6 ,Nortb-Western, via Cleveland, dal/7,10 A. Erie and Western New York, daily, 9A. at: ,'- North-Eastern, to Philadelphia; daily, except Simdaye, 4 - - • ••AREIYALS'AND DEI.AB.TURE OF MAILS. Eastern Mail via: Philadelphia, due 3 a. N., closes Id st. Western Mail, OW. and Loulair., due BP. closessa.nt. Sonth.via Bel t.and Waishingten, due !I P. M., c losess A. M. N011.04‘70100111 Cleveland * O ne 10 A. 10.,, Closes 9e. x. Erie and Western New 'York, due- 8 at.; closes BA. K; STOCICS. Bank.oCPittrLnrPar value. Asked. , Offered. ... .. ~;3 50,00 850,® $50,00 Excbange Bank. • • .. ... 50,00 • 94,00 43,50 Merstaints'sitnd M. Bank ' 50,00 . 47,00 • 45,00 Fanners , .Thapositßank . None in marlret. '- Hand Sireet -Bridge 60,00 50,00 40,00 Northam Liberties Bridge .. ... 60,00 35,00 Old Allegteny Bridge 25,00 30,00 35,00 oConnellsyslle R. R. Stock, paid on shanss,ss2,so. - .. 5,00 1,43 City Bonds (6 9fr cent;) goGo Idonongattela Bridge - , 18,50 • Ono Stock Daily Review o! the OFFICE OF THE POST, - WEDNICSDAT Ittoarmeo, January 24, IS. 19. S There *lts some animation on 'the Wharfyester day;; the arrivals of a few steamboats from below, gave'an impulse to business. FLOUR—The ntarket is looking downwards, and dealers are: shy at the prices milted. The lowest taile jesterday was at 13,87; the highest at i 54,00, for an extra brand. PROVISIONS—BuIk Pork is arriving in large lots, =lsaias are regularly. made . a t 4c. Bacon ; none in market; andrno - prices. Cheese: no changes; sales of W. 11. at 51051 c. Lard ; sales of Kegs at 51c., from wagon; sales from store at 6lc. Butter; sales at lOC. fovordinary. Roll ; for Prime 111012,1. CORN MNA:I,—We heard tif a small sale at 40c. SERBS—WO have no sales of Timothy or Flax ; but several lots'of Clover have been taken at $3,10; sold from stores at $3,35. GRAIN-4'ales of Oats from store at 28c.; but • . regular retail gales at 30c. Barley is worth 45050 c. but no sales. Wheat is taken at 70a.; but little Coming in.' FRUIT--small lot of Lemons bold at $4,25, but no demand. • Apple's are advancing; sales at 75iiit $1,00; and "a very superior article is worth $1,25. Eloikey 31Fttters. MisssiunitlßANic.--The Ohio Statesman of Satur day says.: “Rumors are rile against the solvency of the Micelilon Bank. May as well stand from ander." A Ntw Barizt.—The Maysville Herald says that it is in contemplation by many respectable citizens of Maysville, to apply to the Legislature during its present session for a charter for a local bank, with a capital of front two to three hundred thousand dollars, to be established in that city. Daarrit.—A bill has' been presented to the Legislature of,New York, making a bill or draft &awn at sight, payable as sPecified,;:tad not as has beeniudicially decided with the allowance of three days* grace.' .This will put the question at rest, and relieve the commercial community from all doubt-relative to'the matter. Bamitionc Buitics.--The Baltimore- Banks are discounting . tuore freely and money is abundant. Large sums have been seeking investment during the week in 6 cent stock.—Money on the street will not command over 6 cent. • "NEWYontrCrrY.- - The True Sun of the 20th says: "Money isgetting continually more plenty. It was but a few weeks since borrowed upon stocks at 7 per cent per annum and a. commission. It is now refused at 6 per'eCnt., and in sumo cases put out at 5 per cont. The demand is not good for it, not withstanding the speculative spirit which evinces Itself in tuany articles of produce." -- The New Golden Bee-Hive Still Ahead! '.: •-• NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! • ' Greater Bargains than ever can new be had a the sign of the New Golden Bee-llice, on Idaeketst, - between Third and Fourth, where is just opened a splendid stock of winter Dry Goods, cheaper than the same quality of Goods have ever been offered in rill", I, M. L. RUSSELL, No. C:t Market street. between Third and Fourth streets, sign of the Big Golden Bee- Hive, has now received, and offers to his numerous ells towers and the public generally. the largest, cheapest and most splendidstoek of Winter Dry Goads ever offer ed in this city. These Goods have been purchased in the Eastern Cities since the late full in prices, and will he sold td cash bayertt at a great reduction. much cheaper than they;could have been sold in the early part of the season. . . Among this large.nntl extensive stock will be found many . choice•and fashionable Goods of the latest im portation. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Scarlet Cashmeres, all wool, a beautiful article ; Cherry col'd do. do. figured and plain ; Silks and Satins,Plain, striped stud plain; Scarlet de Laines, all wool. very cheap ; Maxarine Blue De Laincs, low prices ; Freneh . hlerinos, all colors, extremely low. A large assortment of fig'd Cashmeres De Laines, new est designs, from 121 to 50 cents per yard ; these are very cheap. Also, a - large stock of Alpacas from . 121 to 50 cents per yard. alLcolors, and a great bargain; with a splenditl - asstirirnent of bonnet ribbons Cl the latest im portation. Also, velvet ribbons all widths and colors, very cheap, a beatniful assortment ; plumes and artificial flowers; bonnet satins and velvets, all colors; French worked canes . and collars; scarfs, cravats, gloves and hosiery, all at reduced prices. BRAWLS! SHAWLS! ! - - - Best assortment in the city, and very cheap Long and Squire Shawls, best quality. Terkerie and Cashmere Shawls; Black and colored Cloth do. Brodie and, Silk • do. Plaid Blanket Shawls, all qualities and prices. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! !—Cheapev in the City A - large stock - of 13Sankets, all qualities : which will be EOM cheaper than can .be found elsewhere. DOMESTIC GOODS. CHEAPER. THAN , TRE CHEAPEST! A large stock of Calico. Good dark Calico, fast colors, only 3 cents per. ard ; best quality British and American Prints,- 0 to 10 cents per yard, yard wide a British Purple Printis, 10 to in; s: large supply red, white and yellow Flannels,some as low as in cents per yard, very cheap; Bed Ticking, from Bto t 2 cents per yard. Also, a lurgq stock of Checks, Shining Stripes, Cassineta, Kentucky Jeans and Linseys, together with a very extensive as sortment of bleached and unbleached Muslins, from 3 to Scents per yard, cheapest yet; good yard arid e unbleach ed ,Musl.ins, only 5 cents per yard •, bleached Muslins from 3to 8 eents per yard. All of which will be sold off at reduced prices, at the sign of the New Golden Bee Hive., in Market .street, between Third and Fourth its., -No. 82. (dec18:111 • WM. L. RUSSEL. A NNUAL . SUBSCRIPTIONS will be received at the 1.1 Bookstore of &lion & EttaLtstt 78 Wood street, •for the JEWISH CHRONICLE, published by the Amer ican Society for the hielioration of 'the Condition of the Jews, and edited by Ste Rev. A. IL Wright, Pastor of the Aturceiate Church, Jane street, New York. decl4 PRINTING PAPER -50 reams Printing Paper, 24x271; 100 Fine Book . Paper,l9x24 ; 25 " F. Book Paper, 20x25 ; 25 " Medium colored Envelope; received and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, janlo No. 81 Wood at. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exillUng between Hale, Heineman & Co. was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by Heineman & Co. JAS. HALE, SANDS & HEINEMAN, Sept. 27th,1S4S. JOHN VOEGTLY. The business will be continued by SANDS & SKINEVIAN and Joan Vosunv,, under the style of REINEIVIAN tic . . sept2S APPRENTICES WANTED—Fifteen to twenty young lads from 12 to 15 years of.iagc,..to learn the Stocking manufacturing business. — Apply at M. DALY'S Store, on Fifth street, or at his Factory in Lawrenceville. 'novl4:' f . - ANECDOTES -Cyclopedia of Moira and Religious Anecdotes, a Collection of several Thousand Facts, Ineidentti, Narratives, Examples and Testimonies. em bracing die best of the kind in most former collections, and some hundrees is addition original and selected; the whole arranged end classified on a new t3lan, with co pions topical and scriptnral indexes, By Rev. IL Arvine A. M., Pastor of the Providence Churth, New York with - an Introduction, by the Rev. Geo 13 Cheever, D. D Just published. • ' . - The above, with n ninnber of new and valuable publi cations, for sale by ELLIOTT & JPINGLIEIf, hv2s 7S Wood street. TEAS—The attention Of families and dealers is invited ID Our stock afresh Green and Black 'feas t put up in, quarter, half pound,. and poand packages, winch we will warrant equal to, IC not better, than the Teas sold by "the Pekin and Canton Tea • stores.. We have also on -band a fresh supply - of Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hkson and Black Teas, not in packages, which we think cannot be equalled in this city. Callaud try them. doc 27 • - KING & PAOORHEAD, Diamond. R Mauna has opened this morn ring a.lot of NEW GOOLO,embraelng many scarce and desuable articles. Persons wanting Dry Goods of -almostany description; Will find, atthis advanced part of the season, a much larger and more general assortment at this store than elsewhere: • - Among the - Goode Mat opened is a lot of Mazarine and Green -small: figl AtonseAe .tatties, Terkeri and bl'k Cloth Shawle,me*: ac.--at North-east comer of 4tli.and Piarketitreets. 11:1- oixide at wholesale, up stairs, very low. panto =E=M== Ala Aka Alit 1840. . 1.10.10. CINCINNATI AND PITTIIURGH DAILY STEAM PACKET LINE. r HIS Independent Line of steamers is now composed of the largest, swiftest, best finished and. furnished, and most powerful boats on the waters of the West.. The highest wages are paid for the services of the best and 'most experienced men engaged in , the river business.— The line has been in operation for six years ; has carried nearly two millions of-people, without doing the slightest injury to their persons. The proprietors challenge coin pttnson with any passenger line in the Union .for safety, regularity,.and speed. All that money eau procure has been provided for the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. The boats leave for Cincinnati.as follows: lIIONDAYEACKET.—The Itlonoricisruna,Capt.Stone, will leave Pittsburgh every Monday morning atlOo'elock; Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 P. M. TUESDAY PACHET.—The Mamma NO? 2, Capt. Riineeltrr., will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 P. m. WEDNESDAY PA CHET.—The New Ertotam, No. 2, Capt. S. Dean, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday momtng at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Wednesday even ing at 10 P. THURSDAY PACE...ST.—The BRILLIANT, Capt. R. •J. Grate, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Thursday evehing at 10 P. M. FRIDAY PACKET—The Cullom No. 2, Capt. Crook% will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 P. it. SATURDAY PA CRET.—The MEssmvona, Capt. Hemp hill, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturdays morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 P. IL SUNDAY; PACEBT.—The iSAAC NEWTON, Capt. P. Devol, will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 P. at. nov 19. 1848. 1848. Pittsburgh and Brownsville Daily Packet Line. Frmausur 15t,1848. FEBRVATIT Ist 1348. LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. M. AND 4 P. M. The following new boats complete the line for the present season: ATLANTIC, Copt, James Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and LOUIS 3PLANF, Capt. E. Bennett. 'The boats are entirely new, and are fitted iip without ragard to expense. Every comfort that moneyean procure hall been provi ded. The boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat, at the foot of Ross st. Passengers will be punctual on board, as the boats wilt certainly leave at the advertise hours. js3l For New Orleans. THE splendid new steamer IVANHOE, Cocnana, blaster, will leave for the above an intermediate landings, on Thursday, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board. jan2l The fast packet ALLEGHENY BELLE, Capt. Wm. lisatut, will run regularly be tween Pittsburgh and Franklin, on thu Allegheny River. Leaves Pittsburgh each Monday and Thursday, at 4 o'clock, r. m. For freight orpassage, apply on board. dre.27 AR,The new and splendid passenger tit Camer IA NIES NELSON, G. D. Moore, !droner, will run an a Regnlar Packet between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, leav ing this city every Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrainy, at Id o'clock, A. ta ~ and Wheeling every Monday, Wednes. day and Friday, at I 0 o'clock, a. 'at. Por freight or ptutsage, (having superior aceommoda lions.) apply on board. The James Nelson in an entirely new boat, and for speed and accommodation in not surpassed by any boat on the river. AMSRTRONG & CALMER, dccGlf Agents. Regular Packet for LaiTHE fine steamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. llimsts., will leave fortlie above and inter mediate ports on Wednesdays and Saturdays. - For freight or pals:ore apply on hoard, or to GEO. H. MILTENBERGER, Agt LOUISVILLE: PACKETS, FOR WHEELING, CINCINNATI k LOHISVILLE REGULAR SAITIIDAY Paccar.—The A • f j , No 16 ne nod fast passe nge r steinn Vac •Pls.t`t: ket TELEGRAPH, .1. Hezlep, Corn ••.. • ' •-•- mender, will leuv e Pittsburg for Wheel ing, Cincinnati and Louisville. and all intermediate Ports, every Saturday, at 10 o'clock precisely. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to FORSYTH & DUNCAN, Agents. The Telegraph has been built expressly for a regular Packet, und n view entirely to the comfort of pas sengers; the accommodations are Inferior to no boat on the western waters. The Telegraph will run in connex ion with the Hen Franklin No 6 and Pike No B. to Sant- Louis—timethrough.viva DAN'S. aptlt-iy Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packet. ArgatTHE swift running steamer CONSUL, IVSII3DIIII, Master, will lento, regularly for Wheeling,on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 10 o clock, precisely. Leave Wheeling every Tnesdny, Thursday, and Satur day. at 7 o'clock. A. at., posiriedy. The Consul will land at all intermediate port*. Every accommodation that ran be procured, for the comfort and safety of passengers, has been provided. The boat is al:40 provided wit s h a self-acting safety-guard, to prevent xplogion. For freight or passage apply on board,or to oct9 JOIIN FLACK. Agent. _ New Arrangement. Tilt:steamer CALEB COPE will leave for Beaver, Glasgow, and Wellsville, on Tues day Thursday, ttud Saturday, at 9 A. sc., re turning on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She has a boat at the landinS, between Wood street and the Bridge, preparml to receive freights at any time. "sk, S. & W. HABBAUGH. Agents, =ad No. 33, Wood street. Summer Arrangement. AlasscliTHE steamer BEAVER, Chas. E. Clarke, Master. will leave Pittsburgh for Heaver, ow, a nd Wellsville, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday—and returning on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Having a boat at the landing, we arc prepared to receive freight at any time. For freight or passage apply to ratil7-tf U. W. HARTON & CO., Agents. CHANGEABLE SILK VISITS, run Otnistsiss Pass- sacs.—W. It. Murphy has on hand a few very hand -some changeable Silk Visits, very suilable for Christmas presents, which he is selling at reduced prices. Also, handsome Dress Silks, Satin, superfine new style linen eumbriO dec23 H. GALLAGHER. B. A. LONG. J. H. KILLER GALLAGHER, LONG & MILLER, NO. 100 Front et., between Wood and Smidtjteld streets. AI:sIUFACTURERS of Bolls of all aizes, double and ,J3l single nation Force Pumps,Counter Railing, Min eral Water Pumps, fittings of al kinds for Gas, Water, Steam, ke. ' Brass Castings for Machinery and anti-attn. ton metal for same. Particular attention paid to Gas Fixtures and a well assorted stock of Plain and Orna mental Pendants, Burners, Chandeliers, kc., &c., con stantly on hand. oct JOITN DIIIMAP. 301111 masinso. JOHN DUNLAP having, on the tat inst., associated with him in his business Joins Ftrzarso, they will hereafter carry on their Importing of House Furnishing Hardware, and Atonal:towing business, under the name and style of John Dunlap & Co. The business of the old establishment Will be closed by.the senior Partner of the present firm, at their warehouse, corner of Market en Second streets ijant&dat) JOHN DUNLAP & CO. NFORNIA'CION WANTED—Any person acquainted I with the children of John Clark, an Englishman, (an iron founder by trade,) supposed to have worked an or about Pittsburgh, and to have died within six or seven years, will do them a kindness, by informing them they can hear of something to their advantage, on application to this office. pec:lo-tf CLOTHS -1 case black mixed heavy Cassimere : I do. fancy do. do. Tweeds, fancy colors. For sale at manufacturer's prices, by MURPHY & LEE, jann ' Liberty street, opposite Fifth . . ,03.14„ IN THE DISTRICT COURT, Allegheny s').< • -4. j County, Nov. Term, 184.1 ; N 0.233. r Henry W. Auftcrltaide, ... V' s ... es. Execution. .4.+. lb ki an y am . ir •••• T. W. Kolwes. 1. And now, Dec. 16, 1949, the Sheriff pays into Court the RUM of $666.M ; same day Retitle Washnigton appointed' Auditor, to distribute the money in Court. From the Record.' HIRA fit lIDLTZ, Proth'y. TAKE NoTtcß, that the Auditor will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, on Fourth street, be. ween Smithfield and Grant am, Pittsburgh, on Tuesday, lie tklil day of January next. at 2 o'clock, P. M. dee2S:w3t HEADE WASHINGTON, Auditor Fresh, Pure Teas, VirHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT Tun PERIN TEA Y STORE 70 Fourth nrert, near Woad, piusborg&— The subscrib er.i having just returned from Now York, is now receiving a huge supple of FRESH GREEN and BLACK TEAS from the New York Pekin Tea Compa ny, selected w ith great care for, retail sales. Our stock being now heavy, we are prepared to supply Grocer s, IlmelsiSteamboats and Families with any quantity, and at any nripeAticy may wish—packed is /, and 1 pound package SM. tin ministers, 0 and 13 ib, catty boxes, and in dielialf. chem. . Retail Groeers are 1111/Red to call, as we can and will sell better Tees it; lower prices than any other house in Pittsburgh. .•' Our stock ef fine Young Ryson, Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas, are the best in the American market. Loventig% daub e-refined Loaf, Crushed and Pulver ized SUGARS, at retail. or by the barrel. COFFEES.—Mocha,' Old Gov. Java, Laguyra, St. Domingo and Rio Coffees, eebcted by the most expo• neared Coffee Broker in New York. . . Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers and Onions. Fresh Peaches, put up in their own juice. Ma laga Raisins, in 3 lb. bores. N. 11,-,421.Dr. D. Jayne's Family Medicines for sale. dec9:detw A. JAINE 3. Hiner litteltigetut POWI OF.PITTSBIURGH. fi viczi WATER IN TM , CKAMEL ARRIVED, Steamer Lake Erie, Sholes, Deaver. • New England No. 2, Been, Cincinnati • James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. " Z. Taylor, Lucas, Steubenville. DEPARTED, " Lake Erie, Sholes, Beaver. " Caleb Cope, Murdock, " James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. • Germantown, Conley, St. Louis. • Union, McLane, New Orleans. " Pilot No. 2, Shank, Gallipolis. Franklin Packet. 4v t. MEM Go-Partnership Notice Auditor's Notice. .=;a iiTh stcllaueatts Aims BROWN. •, wm. c, comnrux. 'DROWN Ar.. CONNELLY,. Whohnale.and-Retaa Gra ars, Produce and' Commission Merehanis, Diamond market, Pittsburgh. ARMSTRONGPc. -CROZER, ecnnmistion Itierehann and Dealers & Produce, 4-e.-No: t 2 Market at. tea A LARGE LOT OF SHORTS AND INIAPPLINGS -1-1.. Received and for sale by jan3 CUMMINS & SLLITIL 2UO and VERY FINE Li - OIEN IHEAL—Hee'd and for salo'by (jan3) CUMMINS &'SICITH. BBLS. EXTRA - FAMILY FLOUR—Rec'd- and for 5 side by (jan3) CUMMINS ac.SMrTH. f?r, APPLES—Redd and for sale. by Jana . CUMMINS & sAntri. NINE FLOUR--36 bblv. jag received.by . ARMSTRONG & CAGIER. 6)9 BRLS. E XTRA FAbIIIr4 F.4OUR-4ust received and for ,sale by .jan3 - ARMSTRONG &-CROZEN. 30013131.5. POTATOES—Just received und (or sale by (jan3) ARMSTRONG & CROZER. A ELMS. RYE FLOUR—For sale by jua~- ARMSTRONG & CROZER. QWEST OIDER-35 bbls, to•dayfeceived and for Sala 1.7 by ' . ijari9) ARMSTRONG &CROZER„ VINEGAR -19 bbls. for sale by jan9 ARMSTRONG & CRGZ BR. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR-- 55 bbls. 10-day,received. and for sale by jan9 • ARMSTRONG & OILOZEIi. 4d 's SACKS DUCENYHF.A.I .— FLOUR --4 ast roc'd and t , for sale by (AO) ARMSTRONG CROZER. FAMILY FLOUR-20 bbls. Extrii, for sale by J. a WILLIAMS, janS llO Wood street. OA P r -20 boxes No.l Rosin; 17) , L I Yellow ; for sale by ianS , J. D. WILLIAMS D RIED KRUIT-410 bus. Dried Apples; . 30 " " Peaches . , for sale 'by /1101 J. D. WILLIMIS. B"' Ms-, dozen Common; 25 " Patin quality ; for sale by jenBL D. WILLIAMS. S .-- .__ T AIE d H --itibcifeir Extra Pure, for sale b - janB J. D. WILLIAMS. JUVENILE AND TOY BOOKS—A. fine stock ut • H:.S. BOSWORTH & CoJs, nec2sForth street. _ ......—.....-.......... ------- DRAH COATING - 1 ba tab • trinket oattng. decla • MURPHY & LEK. BLANKET COATINGS—Drab, LAvender, Grey Mix- ed and Blue; for sale by the_piece or package, at manufacturer's prices, by • hIURPHY & LEL, jams Liberty street, opposite Fifth. IRISH WHISKEY— Eight bbls. Irish Whiskey re ceived and for sale by I an 3 JOHN BLACK & CO. 400 HUHELSNESHAN t9 NOCIC POTATOES—Itee , and S for sale by (de) CUMMINS& SMITH. L_ dee ; kegs No. I, justjeceived and for sate by ARD—°° SMITH Sr, SINCLAIR.. BUTTER --d bbls. Fresh Roll Butter, received this day 13 and for sale by rdect9j SMITH ELLNCLA.M. DRIED APPLES-20 sacks, Prime, for sale by deer!) SMITH & SINCLAIR. APPLES -200 bbis..Romandea.:ric .C C. . - M - Ore — and for sale by (des2S) W & J ACHESON. - 100 BUSHELS CORN MRAL—just received, and for sale by dee23 W. &J. C. ACJI ON. '~YE WANTED.—Cash will be paid for 3000 bushels 11, good Nye, by [decal MILLER & RICKETSON„ 1310 E .-9 tierces new crop Rice, in store and for stilibi LL dec2l MILLER tr, RICKETSOISI. . 4;2 UDAR HOUSE MOLASSES---30,1ibls Sugar House Molasses, .` Louis'a Refinery," in store and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON. PRODUCE -100 bushels Clover Seed; 60 huge sized Cheese ; .00 'kegs Butter; in store and for sale by dee% MILLER & RICKETSON. MUSTAM— tb .. . RD- 150 boxes I . cans Long Island Mui - - tard ; 60 kegs 03 ibs.do. do. do.; in store and for sale {dean} MILLER & RICKETSON. -- SALM) Olh—lo buckets Bordeaux Salad Oil; . IM .b Alarseillei •", In store and for saintly deal AIILLER & RICEETSON. ,OD RYIrWIIISkIfIr--6 bbls. old Rye Whiskey, warranted Syears old—pronounced by good judges to be the best article ever offered in tnis martet. For sale by the gallon only, by P. C. MARTIN, Ag't, decl4 Corner Smithfield and Front its. OLL) IMAM/1 AND WIN} .—A large stock of fine old Wines and Liquors for sale, in quantities to suit, by Ideel4l P. C. MARTIN. Agl. WF,ETCIDELL—A few bbls. for sale low by S deal . P. C. ISIARTIN, I)EA.CII BRANDY—A le* bldg. old Tenneenee Peach Brandy, for sale by I.&c. 41 P.C. AtARTIN, A Wt. "DUTTER-- lib's. Real Butter. (veldt, and In good OP. foT gale by (deet) KING & MOORHEAD. APPLES—Ramboes,Gitei. Vaal:vers. and many other varieties, just received and for vale by S. & W. 11ARBALF1311. deep 53 Water and ILtt Front 'street. - DueKwitrxr FLOUR—aI sacks hulled I3ackwheat JD Flour, received and for sale by dean , S. & W. IJARBAUGII. BARLEY—Mt bushels in store and for sale by droll • S. & W. IiARBAUGH "LILOUR—I?KI bbls. Spears , Mills Extra Family Flour, X in store and for sale. by S. &W. lIARBAUGH, 53 Water and 101 - Frolit street. 116Wirg — tlikA11l CHEESE.—A few boxes superior Cream Cheese, just received and fur sale by dent 1 S. & W. HARBAUGH. TARIED FRUlT.—Just received, a quantity of Dried 1.1 Peaches and Apples, and for sale by droll S. k W. HARDAUGII. A fi BOXES -WHITE HAVANA SUGAR; `11../ 60 bags " Brazil " received and for saki by (ilea) MILLER k RICKETSON. S EGA ks=so RI. genuine P "rincipe, Cruz kons. , 20 CC " I usto Zanz." 10 " Havana Regalia. 5"„ " Fragancia. Reed and for (sale by . (decd) MILLER & RICKETSON. MOLASSES -21 Ibis. Sugar House; 40 '• new crop Plantation; received and for sale by (dec4) MILLER & RICKS 'SON. bastkeo sap. for ‘_l dettax, Larands ;" 10 baskets sup. Burdens," Latours;" - 15 Marseilles; reed and for sale by dec4 MILLER , /s RIeIiETSON. LAMPBLACK—Superior Star, in barrels and laids., assorted papers, for sale by ' 13. A. FAFINESTOCK A. CO., nov23 Corner Ist and Wood sts. IRISH 111.08..)ne bale just received and for sale )y B. A. FAHNIITOCK.k.. CO., n0v2.9 Corner lst and Wood sts CASSIA -200 matte just received and for sale by U. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., novZS Corner Ist and Wood eds CURRANTS -4 casks ZantePurrants, new. for sale M by dec27 KING & OORHEAD. R AISINS -70 half bones and 20 boxes new Rainson hand and for gale by dec27 KING & MOORHEAD, Diamond. APPLES -400 bbls. fine eating and cooking Apples, reed per steamer "Consul," and for sale by decY7 KING A: MOORHEAD, BEXl'RE,SS—Received et HegelDe Cantwell's, % Market street, and for sale low -1 dozen fine crotchet steel worked Bap; 1 " " velvet 2 " " crotchet " " Purses 1 " " net ,c , (dna TORK BASKET? as No. 86 MAsturr starer—Con misting of Rosewood, l'itahogany awl other valua ble materials. Also, a superfine quality 'Of Toilet and Shaving Boxes, Writing Desks, Fancy Building Blocks and Games of every description4with a large assortment of Toys end Fancy Articles, suitable for Christmas pres ents. (dean) HOGAN & CANTWELL. siFASHIONABLE MILLINERY.—Mrs: S. Bean Fourth street, near Wood, would inform the Ladies of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that she will open on Tuesday, the 24th inst., an extensive assonment oY Fal and Winter Millinery. ect2o I WHITE HAVANA AND BRAZIL SUGAR -25 boxes White Havana Sager; 75 bags " Brazil 25 bbls. " In store and for sale by J & J. 3I'DEVITT, dee27 No. 13 Liberty st TO COACH MAKERS.—The,undersigl72i - 1 has mil - la - ail and will sell, to close the lot, at greatly reduced rates, all wool Drab Cloth, all wool and:union Damask andEolians,Backrams,/kc. R. D. THOMPSON, deco 110 Market at.; three dams from Liberty. SHARPSBURGH PROPERTY FOR NALN.— IF I, The subscriber being about to remove to Pitts burgh, will dispose of his property in- Sharps burgh, at private sale, upon the most reasonable terms.— The property consists of a double Brick House, (suitable for two families) two stories high, with a kitaben in the basement. Each House has tour rooms, furnished in modern style, and very comfortable. For terms. Ice., in quire of the subscriber, on the premises, in the Borough of Sharpsburgh. VICTOR GUTZWELLER. janG:lmilk.w Notice to the Public. HE sabscriber , informs the public generally, and T Housekeepers and Retail Grocers particularly, that he is discontinuing the Queeusware business, and will sell Mt his present stock at reduced prices. Those who wish to obtain China, Queensicare, or Glass, will find this a rare opportunity for getting such articles as they want, much cheaper than the usual rates. Remember the place, CHINA HALL, No. 118 Wood street, near the Auction store. P. S. I will dispose of my whole stock to any person wishing to buy it, at a bargain. _jattB:tf • GRI"I'V. Mr. Duff's Book-Keeping A ND WRITING ROOMS Alexander & Day's Build ing, corner of Diamond and Market street. For .day and evening classes. Mr. DA; improvements in teaching, embraced in his splendid new work on Book-Keeping, are now attracting general attention wi aro intheEastern;cities. the publications already before the public on this important branch of mercantile education, we think, from the emphatic testimonials appended to the work, that Mr. Duff hatisucc . eeded in effecting a more ready and desirable method of teaching and reducing to practice this great essential in the conduct of mercantile adhirs.—Net,, York EeeningExpress, Oct. 30. '. . Professional assistance given in opening, posting and closing Merchant's and Steamer's Books, adjusting de ranged books, &c. Class hours from 10 to 12 a. st., and from 2to 4, and 7-to 10 P. M. jalln ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Lettersof Adminia. trntion having been granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of. Isaac .Hesson, deceased, late of Moon Township, persons indebted to said Estate, are reßuestet., to mute immediate payment; and all baying claim will psesent them for settlement. , • • • 'JAMES HERRON, Adms's JEREMIAH MEEK, ) detl3avEto . . . .....,.... ~.......L.r.,, , .c4- 5 , . .1...', e ;, : ..=*.... . 7 54 7 ..4 7'..."4'-'- . ‘ ,-, ~ ~ -'-, ..i,<- '.--'-.''"--....' '''.,." '-.,,- . V , .4,---,te-.-37,;,- .: .- Ir- , . ^,. 4" - ;h -1: ,- 5 1 .. ; - ..,,-,-4t,4- -.t.-." .:--4i . - l -- : S t r a l g 7:7 - .'Z ,i--ry.„.7.;*j, --it,,A.6,7,-,r, =ERZ -Salta bp auction. . • AUCTION stimir.s, • . _ BrJAIITES .AVEZNA T A,.AUCT,TOIYEIR, No. 1.14 WOOD STIOM, ?DlME:noose FROM FIETI "INET -MAKER'S-STOCK OF. SPLENDID FUR- C .NIT,IJRE, Cabinet-maker's -Tool4. Venars - and ;Fizi. tures, tc., , tc., at. Auction, without veseree—OmMondar next.. January :Nth, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will positively he sold, at the Cabinet Wareroom of 11:-8. k W. Itl, Hennaford, Fifth street,. adjoining the. Exchange Bank, their entire stock nf.splendid Furniture, Cabieet maker's Tools, Veneers, and fixtures, us they are remov ing. from that establishment with . a view .of enlarging their business. All the articles are made of the best ma- Aerials, in the latest modern styles and .patterns by'the best workmen in.the 'eountry . i and undernhe particular superintendence of the.p . roprieters,intendedexelusively for customer trade..- lt ts the most extensive . and best stock of, Furniture_perheps „ever offered in the city of. Pittsburgh, and . nffords .en excellent opportunity to housekeepers and others wishing to, purchase, very rare -ly to be met.with, and the sale takes place in good time for families to furnish theirhouses previous to the Ist of April. Cabinet-makers are invited .to attend,. and should they purchase by the quantity, a credit will be given, which will be . ade known,at sale.% The Furniture will be arranged and ready, for exanduation•three days be. fore sale, on the first, second and third stories of the warerootn,. when the proprietors will be happy to show the articles to visiters. 'The ladies. in particular are res pectfully invited to call and examine the stock, among which may be mentioned, itt partithe following: Splendid Mahogany Dressing Bureaus; • Do. . do. Plain ' do. Do. do. Sofas; Do. • - Card and Centre Tables r Do. do. and Cherry Dining and Breakfast Tables; fancy Sewing Stands; Mahogany ,Cherry, Poplar. and Pine Wash Stands;llo Patent Hitth.Post Bedsteads; 122 Patent French High Post 13endsteads; Mahogany. Book Cases. Fancy and Common Chairs; Boston Rocking ,Chairs and Settees ;-together with aim of second-hand Furniture, left for repturing.within the • last. few months, by various owners, if not taken and charges paid, before the above date- Also large lot of Itlsmogany and other Veneers,Cabinet-maker's Tools, a small lot of hardware, store fixtures,&c., dec., &c. Tense at sale. • . in.nl.9 . JAMES McKEIsINA, Auet. ior sate mount .r.iniaket Building Lots far Silo; 9P7 BEAUTIFULLY. SITUATE:O BiIILDING 'LOTS 5.) 1 for sale, in the plan or the IVEount Emmet property. Parsons desirous of investing a small stun of money, can do so to advantage, by securing, choice Lots of various sizes. . This property, for beauty of Ideation, commanding a view of the Alva cities,-.the Allegheny; Monongahela and Ohio trine, is totegualktt. It has the advantage of an abundance of choicest spring water. The new road; now - finishing; will reader iteasy i ef access; and bring it within a convenient distance of the Allegheny market. As an investment for profit, to say nothing of-the de lightful situation for a - residence, the buyer will-secure in a few yeari a vaars•rott. return. • The above Lon. will be sold for Cash, or on a Credit of one to five. years. TITLECLUIt AND MiSITT.CI2I%. Plans may be' seen and every information blid, of Mr. HUGH SWEENY, on the premises ; or at JOHNCOYLE. 7 at his oftlee, on 9th street, Pittsburgh. nov3o FOR SALE—A valuable corner Lot of 50 feet ironton Borough street, by 75 deep ott North street, in Law rencevillA--cositaining a new Brick Home corWenieutly arranged, with wide hall, large parlor and kitchen bed rooms, upper:and lower. porehes,good cellar. bake , ovan, garden, ke. Price 51500;8500 in hand i $5OO in 1 year; $5OO at t years, . • S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, Smithfield street IRON FOUNDRY FOR :3AI..E.—A small Iron Foundry, : IL with Patterns, Tools, alt rendyfor operation, Le sold on accommadating terms, or exchanged for iron °Floods: nit; tame an excellent opportunity to a young man to commence the Iroit Foundry busineano Enquire of SCAIFE tr:ATIt.INSON, - decti Ist, near WooAstreet. AROUSE AN IAYr AT /CHAR 'AI .—Anr person in want of a comfortable Dwelling House, in a good neighborhood, on Wylie street. a short distance from the Court House, can provide themselves for the small sum ofs7oo A very desirable residence for a Milliner, Man tua Maker, or Retail Trimming Sbare. Apply to JOHN COYLE, • 4004 4th street. near Smithfield st, HOUSE FOR-SALE-Will.be sold cheap, if applied for soon, a Two Story Frame House, sit uated in Wylie treat, near Chatham, having four rooms, good cellar and yard. Lot 16. feet front ' by 50 deep. Title indisputable. Price seven hundred dollars. Apply to JOHN COYLE, Conveyancer, street...near Smithfield. Or to JANES MeGUIRE; . janlo Tailor, Third Bt. WOE SALE—A. small two puny frame dwelling house,. .10 c onveniently situated, fronting on Pride street, one street beyond the Hospital. The lot is 24 feetin front, by 122 feet tleepoilid will be sold on accommodating terms. For limiter particular& apply nt the bonee.or to septl JAMES MAY, Water street. ANTI --Three Business Men. aS partners in e TT tablishments now in Successful operation in th city. Etith will be required to produce avast* capital .o $3OOO. Also, a profitable business will he'sold at a bargain; to one or two enterprising men of good business habits.' S. CUTIIDERT, Gen. Agesit t lan6 ... Smithfield street.; --_--- Charity 64itrice, FOR TIIE BENEFIT ov THE. ORPHANS or ST. rAUT.:B CH11=11.3 , 411 be gydn at the Lafayette Assembly Rooms, on Friday evemng, February 2,1249. MANAGERS: -11013..-C, &ULNA, . ANDREW DIHOIR, Eer4., Joint B. GUTHRIE, J. J. Rooom , JOHN LAt - ron, T. W.tan, W. A. Al'ltluttmt, JOUR J. ldrrenEl.t.,. E. Jontai, Jens( 13coTr. Wtt. MITCHELTRF.E, Jr.. Heart KELLY ' JOHN DOWNING, A. 111Tou.tsrna, C. GoEHIGAN, . M. DILIONA..N. ft r Tickets can be bad at thin office, andfrora the Manggers. . - decl9 , Old IS.rhoskingle has Come Again: TULE Subscriber remectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that his Toys and - Taney Goods are now . open, in, the large room formerly occu pied us a carpet warehouse by R. D. Thompson, where can be seen the largest assortmentof Christituts Presents ever offered for sale to the city. All these Goods are int." ported direct front Europe, by myself, and will be sold cheaper than at any other establishment in the city, wholesale and retail. Call runt see the fine assortment. C. YEAttER, 108 Market street, near Liberty dee2l:tf] Going .to California. PERSONS purchasing Goods, on time, are 'compelled to buy where it suits them. Those having the Cash to lay out for Clothing, can save 20 percent. at least, and in some cases 40, by purchasing, at my . establishment. I have a fine stock of French, English and American Goods, all fresh and fashionable„ of qualities to suit all tastes, purposes, or pockets. 1 am datermint.d to close theta out before spring, at some pride. t If purchasers will take the trouble to call they may be convinced of the fact. ]NO: CUR 'RAN, 20 Fifth at. N. s.—There is not a piece of goods in my stook either old or unfashionable—all, warranted fresh. dec2t- ILLUhr..CRATED ENGLISH EDITIONS OF Gulliver's Travels; Treasure Trove; Handy Andy, Tower of London; Windsor Castle ; Percy Reliques; Godfrey Malvern ; Gil Bias Chambers' ; for sale by H. S. BOSWORTII & CO., dec2s Fourth st.. near Market rlO BOATMEN—A large,Cable for sale cheap. Apply Ito . SCAIFE & ATKINSON, . decal Itst, near Wood at. Steam Boats for Sale. iliMait The splendid Steam Packets BALTIC and ATLANTIC, built expressly to run as regular Packets on the Monongahela. between Pitts burgh and Brownsville, and having run for a few months, are found,to be too large and powerful for the navigation of that riVer, arc now offered for sale. The following are the dimensions of these TWIN boats, viz : Length of deck, 170 feet; breadth of beam, 26 feet; wheels,24 feet diameter, 10 feet buckets; four boilers, 21, feet by 38 inches diameter; cylinders, 21 inches, and 61 eet stroke. Each boat contains 50 state-rooms, and the cabins are furnished in the richest modern style. For terms, enquire of J. E. MOOR .AD. nov`Zl:tf Pittsburgh. IAGARA SOll E.—The fourth annual Soiree of the NIAGARA FIRE Confreres, will be given at the La Fayette Assembly Rooms, on Friday evening, February 9th. 1048. dec2o:td LOTH-1t) pen. Drab Blanket Coating; ' !Et • Lavender " I case " Blankets; 1 Gray mixed Cloth; 1 " Army Cloth; 2 " Tweeds, brown, black and gold mix.; . • 1 " Fancy Cassimeres • Vitale Blue Blanket Coating. Received, on consignment, direct from the manufac turers, and for sale by the package or piece, de e2O IjIIRPIIY & LEE Liberty st. LONG SHAAVI,S.—Just received, per Adame.E.l- press, another lot of those beautiful Lting Shawls, which will be sold thirty per cent. cheaper than 'former lots. [declG) R. D. TuompsoN. BALANCES AND. DIVIDENDS STANDING in. the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank of Pittsburgh, which have not been increased or diminished for three years: Names: Residence.* Date. Amount. Abraham Bennet,.• Deposite, April 20,1937, 814 S.R.& W. Morrison, " Dec. 13,1847, 10 J. W NiCholson, Balance, March 22,183 G, - 85 27 Willimn Campbell, Deposite, June • 3,1545, • 394 • Unknown. • EMEM! Names. . No. of Dividends. Shares. Amount. E. Limber, 1 32 16 E. B. hlixall, 1 .50 75 Thos. Parshall, -2 30 43 Thos. Fitch, 5 • . 6 13 30 Priscilla Barker, U • 25 . 56 25 J. NI usgriiv e & Son, • 5 . • 6 .13 50 I pettily, that the above appear to be Balances and-Di vidends, due to the persons named, and which bare re mained unchanged for three years. W. 11 DENNY. Cashier. Sworn, and Sabseribed,.Deeember 20th, 1319, before me, L 0 VERLNG'S DOUBLE 11EPINEDS - 1 . 141AR5. 2 0.7- bbls. Lovering's Double Refined Loaf, Crushed and. Pulverized Sugars, Just received and for cutout the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, by • decs:d&w. . - . A. JAYNES. _____ PRINTER'S : INK.-100 kegs Prout's News Ink, in 20 lb. kegs, at $5 per keg. Just received and for sale nt kin 'Pen Store by (dec.s:dkw) A. JAYNES., 'VINE COFFEES..—Mocha, old Gov. Java, Laguyra St. Domingo and Rio Coffees, just received mid for to at the Pekin Tea Store, in Fourth strata., by • " decsnlarn. A. JAYNES. . . AXTRITING DESKS AND WORK DOXES--Asplenr .VV did assortment, suitable for presents. .Kor sale. v ery low bp : . • C. YEGERi; .. , dec23 108 Market 91. "' --- • - . - rkg Orrobs. Fresh Arrival... Now Goods _ . rm. - 05,:rdailltET BETWESN Arn Sr. AND Tirs mamma ANC Y AND iSTAPLE WINTER - DRY GOODS! F The subscriber has just received his second supply of NEW GOODS. Porchased in the Eastern cities since.. the Great Fall in ?rimy, and far below the Cost of manu: factoring, and will. dispose of them. Wholesale and Be . tail, at • GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS! • Bleached Muslin, only 21 cents; .. ; - • 4-4 Bleached Muslin, from 61 to 181 cents; 44 Brown ' do.- do. sto 8 cents; 4.4 Double Purple Calico, l2}: do. .. Prints, Merrimack - patterns,on y 61 cents; , • , Furniture Chintz, only 51 cent, ; , • Red and YelloW Flannel, all umol,lBl cents • . British Chintz,Blue and Orange,lo cents • Bed Ticking, only 61 cents; - • French Dress Ginghams,l2f,cents; _ .„,• French-Work Collars, only 181 cents; - 4-4 White , Flannel, Only 2:5 cents,. LADIES , DRESS GOODS. Black Plaid ffilks,. rich lustre; .' -.• Wide Black Manilla Silks; Chameleon Silks, all shadeii • Satin stripe Cashmere, new style , • • French Ltunartine Plaidi; , :, • . Lyonese Cloths, rich lustre ; •.: Black Plaid AlPaca Lustre; - ! • Gala Plaids, high colors; . • - Coburg and ThibeL,Cloth, various shadei; • - Paris Printed LarMrtine Cashmeres French Merino t all colors; - - Chameleon Satm. all shades; - • Black Plaid Gro.'LP Armour Silkai •- • Chameleon Thibet Cloths. _ • SHAWLS! SHAWLS! • Plaid Long Shawls; Brocha LOng Shawls; Embroid ered Black Cloth Shawls; new style all wool Brocha Shawls; Embroidered, black and coloredMous de Leine Shawls; new style Straddle Shawlii; plain and embroid ered. black and. colored silk Binge Thibet Shawls, and new stile Paris printed Terkerit and Cashmere Shawls. FANG GOODS . . • French work:. Capes; Collars and Chemizettea;.new style: Bonnet Ribbons; Revere bordered linen cambric Handkerchiefs; Ladies , Craiati and Scarfs; black and s colored Kid Glove mohair and worsted Mitts; white and blank Silkicas'limere: Alpaca, Ingraln`and Mora vian:Hose. -black Silk Fringes and Gimps' Thread, Edgings nod Insertin DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Damask . Table Linen, and Table Cloths; - Russia Din- Per and Crash; Irish Lienand Linen Lawnis; . Bleaclicd and Brown Muslin ; Cassillels;'Kennickyleans; Checks; Bed Ticking; Domestic Ginghams*, Colored Cambrics; Red, White and Yellow Flannels; Welsh Flannel; Plaid Linseys; Canton Flannels; ; Brown,,Bleached and color- GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. last received; artery fine assortment of French and English, Ulric; black and browitClothe; black andTancy French Cassimeres ;slew style fancy Vestings - and Cra vats;-Merino Shirts• and. Drawers; Linen, Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs; and n splendid assortment of Gloves, Hosiery anti Suspenders.. ' ' ' - - A splendid assortment of superfine (ribbon. bound) Blankets, jut received. - The above GOODS having been purchased since the recentgreat fall in pi., Merchants and others are-re quested %wean rind inspect them, as I feet Confident that On examination they wilt be found mach lower than they have ever been' offered in this. City, as I Intend to sell them whbresale end retail, at a very small prof: m. the Eastern Cost' • „ , ARSALtRti. MORRIS, nov`23 -" • No. 65 'Market street. Pittsburgh. New Goode, at Number Flfty-nine COB:Mt Olir 80IIILTII 'Al4li IdAIIEST STBILETS, TII7BI3I7BGEt. GREAT BARGAINS!—The subscriber has just re turned front the Eastern Cities, andis- now receiving a very extensive assortment of FANCY AND.STAPLE DRY GOODS, adapted to the present season, and em lir ming a stock for richness and variety not surpassed by 8.1:v emblishment in the West. : . , --, DREES GOODS - - Yeti glossy black Silks ; . .'Cravats and Collars; - Handsome dram do. - .('Cravats foie Veils and Hillrfa.; Rich changeable do. Jaconefand Camb.Muslins. Rich changeable Satin deiPlaid and striped-Muslim; • Chines; .- ' ' IHandminte Ribbons; Mode and high cord French-Gloves, Hosiery, &c.; ' Merinos;"Cloths for Cloaks; Mode and high coed MusliwTerkeii Shawls; de'Laines; " - -'Cashmere do. -,- New style Muslin de Laines;Plain Tliibet Shawls, silk Satin sinned Caihmeres; ' . fringe; Fancy do. • do .. . Plack ThibetShawls,do.do. I Black and colored Alpacas; Black do . : . do. Plaid Gingham, bright co Silk - dm'', do. . tors; ' : Fine Brochmi do. - - New style Inseams; Cloth - . do. Gala Plaids,hright colossi Plaid ,-Long.' b. - .- California Plaids ; Low Priced " do ' Black Bombazines; " Plaid Chiakings. , , CALICO) GREATRLIMJCTiON • Ms !neck of Calicoes is very large; it has been se. lected with. much care-with particular reference to fastncsi of coloring, durability of fabric, -and beauty of design. These goods are lower' than theY have ever been before, and. are worthy the particular attention of purchasers:. , • The bent Calicoes for ctn. ever offered; '• Double purple Calieoes,English, le4 cents; Green do. Oil Chintz ; BritishChintres New stylO Merrimack Calicoes; Blue mid Orange do. Yurniture ' do. • CLIEAP DRESS GOODS. _ . A largo /ot Of low.pricedllluslin de Laincs, ot Ile low 'ne of 72k. cents per yard. Also; That Alpacas for eta. per yard. Very goo and very handsoma.dark and bright colored Plaid Ging hams, for 121 cents, warranted fast colors. • ' • DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Bleached Mu4ins,o to 12; Yard wide .Cnbleached, 61 to 9; Bed Tic kings, very cheap; Casinetts,Ytrillin Kentucky Jeans ' - checks, Linseys ; ' Domestic Gifighinni, Mariners , Shirtings; Colored Cambries ; • Flannels, loWer than ever offered; Canton Flannels. ' • LINEN GOODS!. Irish Linens', Linen Lawns; . . -Damask Table Linen; 5 Do: do. Cloths; Russia Sheeting; ; • Do. Dinpers• ; Linen Drilling. Crash. 'BLANKETS' I3LANKETS! . • A large. stack, of Blankets, from coarse, to very . fine, also Blue and Drab Blankets, fine and very 'fine, for Overcoats. • s - GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN. Fine and superfine Frehch and EnglisliClotha and Cas sinteres;'.over-coatings ; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand kerchiefs and Cravats; Gloves; Suspenders; Silk and Merino tinder Garments; 'Merino and. Cotton Half Hose, etc.., etc. The subscriber having made extraordinary Prepara 7 tions for the Ennead Winter trade, and having purchas ed his Goods under the advantage of markets unusually depressed,. can confidently prothise his customers 'the fiest bargains he has ever been able to Offer. • ; customers of the house, and, purchasers generally, are tespe c tinily vited to Call. (n oval) PHILIP. ROSS: Winter Goods at Eastern Coati G _ . . EO. R- WHITE,..No.M Illarket street, intends making a change in his business,. on theist of Januagy next—will dispose of the following.styles of GOODS, kit miginal cost _t c ; BrochaLaag and Square Shawls; ' . French Tartan Long do. - French Printed Cashmeres ;:', . . , English don do. Mouseline Da Laines ; 3-9 and 'll4 Gala Plaids; . . High coed FrenchGinghanis,guntrancy Dress Silks. . Those wanting Bargains, are invited to call. 1n027:1m Reduction In Prices. WILL BE SOLI), from this date, the balance of our INTER DItIZS GOODS, nt greatly reduced prices.— consisting of scarlet, maroon, mazarine blue.bPk, brown and other colors French Merinos, Lamartine 'Stripes, Mohair Stripes, and bar'd Alpacas', bl'k and fancy colors; French all wool Cashmeres and De DaSnes; low priced Cashmeres and De Laines in great variety - ; Long 'and Square Plaid Shawls; Ttirkert, Cashmere. De Lame Clad], Thibel, &c., &c. IL D. THOMPSON, 'dec2 110 Market st., 3 doors from Liberty. BAR.D & BROTHERS , PREMIUM GOLD PENS.— lid doz. of, the above warranted brand of Pens, just received, and for sale to the trade at Neve York pricbs. The above Pehshnve received the highest preminni ever awarded on Gold Pens, and arewarranted by the mann lecturer against thepoint coming off'. For sale by , EDWARD TODD & North-east corner of Fifth and Market its., up stairs.. itcor29 BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES.—W. R. Mutt say has lately received a large assortment of these Goods, and is opening tnena at 'prices unprecedentedly low, ranging.from 75 to $2,50 per yard. . Also, Frendh Doeskins, of all qualities. Also, French and English Broadcloths, black, olive, inVisible green brown, and blue. Among these are some very han dsome French Black,suitable for Cloaks, atvery a low price , and brown, invisible green, and bl'k Pelisse Cloths, for Ladies' Cloaks. _ • Also, silk, cotton and merino . Undershirts and Drawers; Mariners' Undershirts, constantly on hand. PICF - The attention of Merchants and ?Merchant Tailors, who buy by the piece, is specially invited to the above. deel3 . . By Bxpress. GENTS. SUMMER. GOODS.—Super. single milled French Habit Cloths; rieh styles Cassimeres; black and colored Cashmeretts; Queen's and Summer Cloths' figured and plain Drap D' Etc& Vestings, "very choice'. Marseilles; Silks and Satins, and figured Linen Drills; Cheaper yet? ROBINSON'S Cloth Store, . triztr.2.s Post Buildings, corner Filth and Wood. Pattereon's Carriage Manufactory, Diamond alley, bettneen ,Wood and Smithfield streets. . „ Wastes may always be found an assort , 'k ' J,- ment of Family Carriages Barouehes, 1 :1,..t. Buggies, and all kinds of heavy work, 7 4almlik"' front a six horse wagon down to a wheel barrow. Persons wishing to purchase or .contract for any thing in the above line, are respectfully invited to A. FURTHER REDUCTION Jas. Blnspratt . Sons' Patent Soda Ash. i TO 5 TONS, af, cash, currency; or 4 mos., approved 1 bills. 5 tons or upwards 3 do. par, or 6 mos. do.,in terest added. For the superior quality of. his brand, we refer to the glass and soap manufacturers of this city generally. & M. MITCHELTREE, &MI No. 160 Liberty street. niLS-1006 gall, natural colored Winter ,perm Oil; RIO ""'bleached ii Ci tt .. __ ,_ • VI 151111 ~ 500 " N. W. coast S'bbls. No. 1 Lard 5 " Linseed warranted fine). . as 20' " . Strait's Tanners' (wat.genuitie)" In store and fOr sale by "' ' ' . . pee2l MILLER . .k. RICKETSON Magnificent Christmas Cake. No. 39, Diamofia alley, re 'specßully in . farms his friends and cashmere.; that he is' premix.' ing, at the Star Bakery, the most magnificent Chnstnias Cake ever served up in Pittsburgh._ It will weigh 100 'lbs., will be made of the best fruit, and wilt be thoroughly baked. To those who are fond of drawittg- prizes, he begs leave to say; that three rich 'and beautiful ;Map, made of the finest Gold, will be :placed inside the cakewill be diSpoacd of ut 50 cents per pound. ECTOW 'hand;ti large stock of Sugar Toys, and Cakes decl9 Bankers anb Brokers WM. H. WEL piss EXCHANGE AND DMIKING OFFICE • corner of Third and. Wood scree 14. IGHT and Time Bills of Exchantei Bank Vales .intt. {'.foreign and domestic Coin bought intl. sold - Ott thei: :most favorable terms. " Collections made in all the principai eitien of the Union, at the lowest rates.- , , • •. . . 097.141 a. Mild • w,;c:, cinidt, • HILL' dr. curtavi BANKERS; EXCHANGE BRONEItIf• And Dealers in Foreign and ikM 7 . 43 ii4 Mx/ganef, Citilf/il , cause Dtpiust t ßi37lk Nota,Gold an Siirer,'No.lls'WoOli stra43ai door below .Fou rt h, Westaitie, Pittr,burgh, l• marl.4-17'•: , - ,• ••• , lingtt•D. Sing, •• • , „ . (fun or TIM FIRM oti•7ll , Cona & KING, ) • '. Eit AND EXCHANGE 13 . 1LOK•Eft '• Ofte—cornerof Fourth street:and Pau Ogee ai iy , TIEALER in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills;.Foreittn. _lLF•nrod Domestic Exchange, Certificates•of Deposit, ke :KXCHANGE oil all the principal' cities of the Unicin.".. i Annie in sums to snit purchasers. t. CURRENT and par funds received on deposite;; 'COLLECTIONS made on all path of the Union, al the • loartstrates.• - • • apll-111.w&w3m • • ,44.1.1011 XWaa . EDWASI4 mcaluiza a. lunar. Rankers and Exchange Brokers,//taloa in Foreign . andt Domestic Bills, Bias of Exchange, Certifiecues )f Depot. is; Bank Notes, and Coin. Corner of Third and Wood eta., directly ooYheite the Si. Chorine Hotel. ' • • may 2 3 • • - • - N. HOLIES Qz SON, Bankan and Dealers in .Ezchahga Corn and Bank Notch X0:55 Marketstriei,:Piwlmrgb., sawlia imam. ' NIISEING RATS ' New Yorkpr [Cincinnati . Philadelphia'" Loaisfille Baltimore " Louis HANK NOTES. .% Buying rates Ohio , . . die; Indiana ' " Kenttaktr : . I Virginia ' Wheeling Tennessee • 3 s, res. B. noon. . , , • sum I,I.IIItIFT. • itObtr dt."SA'RGENT.-. BANKERS - AND EXCHANGE . .BROKERS; N E. Corner of Wood and Sixth siyeeti.., - Pittsburgh, Pi.", DEALERS in Coin ; Bank Notes, 'Dime Bills, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of,Depasit,Ao EXCHANGE on all tne principal Cifies of the Union . and Europe, for sale in sums to' snit purchasnm „ ' , CURRENT and pus funds received on deposit°. - COLLECTIONS made on all ptirts of the Union, at the lowest rates. ' - aeon-1y . . x - A4 PRiVATE- DISEASES. Dr:Brnston, 1. GS Diamond Alley, can he 'el:insulted in alt:' cases of a privateer delkatenalttre incidents.' to , the humane/ 1 . 0 . 03 c- y man yp ceraptiorut,gonorrbrea \ ' andits consequences; together with all re: , , nereardtsedter, impannesolthe blood, with all &krises of eenereatorigin, skin diseasesmithetnctures,gleeytirelfirltl discharges, seminal weakness and impotency; also, piles,: rheurnatism, female Weakness; diseases of the womb, monthly suppreisioni, diseases:of the. joints, Ilitula. in' ano; nervous affections, pains in the back and loins' ten- tenons of the neck of the bladder and kidneys, seorbuti p eruptions, tatter. ringworm, mercurial diseases, tc.c. : . TWELVE YEARS' PRACTICE Exclusively devoted to the study andstreatmeat ofvefiell real disorders, and those arising tram yoinhful excess& gaiety, climate, or impurities of the. blood whereby The: constitniton may have been enfeebled,eriablesDr:Brourn, to oder assurances of speedy relief to all whammy place themselves under his care. . Dr. Brown's offices are conveniently arrangedinto setiv" arum apartments. Patients can visit Dr. B. Without fear - of exposure to other visitors. It is of importance to many persons in need of Medical, aid, to obtain good advice privately and promptly.. 'To all such, Dr. Brown's ready skill in remavingrotnerealifiss - ram; in their various forms and stages,offers inducements , which can rarely be equalled. Strangers are hereby ap Prised that Dr. Brown- has been regularly educated in every, branch of medicine, and for the last twelve years confined himself exclusively to the treatment of dime Dr. Brown is the only regularly educated, surgeon in Pittsburgh who gives his whole attention to those cora— plaints. . ElTTertain, safe and speedy cures will, in all cruses, be guaranteed. Resent cases are relieved in n short time, withoutinterr , suption frombusiness. 11711emia or Itaptnre.--Dr. Brown I also 'Writes per sons- afflicted with Derain to call; as he has paid pitrttetil lar attention to that disease.: . , Letters from a distance t itskingadviep, must contain , - fee, or they will not be attended to. - - trrOffice on Diamond Alley, a. few doors fruit Wood,. street; towards the market.. Consultations strict!? cong _ - BUSIATIOSI.--Itr..Drown'e newt rdis eovered rem A A, 'edy for Rbeematism it a Speedy and Certain tented); for that painful - trouble. It never fails.r'"' Office and Private Consultation Rooms, No. OS, Dia mond alley,Pittsbargh; Pa. The Doctor is ttitvttys afi - The Grand Purgative. . , • TAR. CLICKENER'S SUGAR COATED VEGETA-•:. L..BLE EXTRACT .PILLS.,-These.cglebrated Pine. , have obtained an enviable notoriety in the United States,,, as a curative for Giddiness Dyspepsia, Sour Stomachs; Headache, Fevers, Piles, .osuveness; Coughs, Heart burn Liver Complaint, Scurvy, 'Sore Throat, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, rind . variety of other diseases to which flesh is heir to, at ry, medicine for the million. In Fall seasons of do 'year.-- • spring, summer, annum; and winter and under all cir cumstances,-they can be - taken Velth'perfect safety and . : success. As u Vermifuge andgeneral medicine for chill , • dren, they are unrivalled. Being coated with pare white sugar, children will easily take them; they neither gripe • nor nauseate; are gentle, but thorough in their operation. - For adults, by increasing the.dose, they are equally ben eficial. As an Anti-Btlious Pill they will be found with: out a superior. Ask any one, among the thousand& who - use them, and an unqualified approval will be the certain result. Remember Dr. C. V.Clickener IsiLe original ll:menhir of Sugar Coated • Pills, and that nothing of the sore was ever heard of until he introduced them in •June, 1243.- • • Purchasers should, therefore, alwnys ask forClickenens Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and lake nowhere, or they. will be made the victims of a fraud. ' • • • nW - Price, 2.5 cents per bor. • •• ' •••• Dr. Cliekener's principal olfieefor . the sale •lif Pills, is 66 Vesey st., N. Y. • • • ' • WM. JACKSON, 89 Liberty ~t, head of Wood, Pitts burgh, Pa., General Agent for Pennsylvanli;'Northern Ohio, and the rivercounties of Virginia.. - ' • The following are the duly appointed' Agents for gbeny county, P a. : • • A. M. Dr. Brown, Allegheny city : ' J. R. Johnson, - • '• • - Jonathan Gbreist, Manchester. i•• • • ' - Alexander Asdnle.lVylie street. •••'. • • • J. IL H. Jacques , Birmingham. , " ••' -• ••••• ' Wm. J. Smith, Temperanceville. •" • • •••• •'' '''' • G. H. Starr, Sewickley. • Edward Thompson, Willunebnigh. •• • Daniel Negley, East Liberty. Mitchell,NVilkinsburgh. • . 1 I H. Rowland k. Son, M'Keesport. • ••' ' • • •••• C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth.. John Black, Turtle Creek. •• • • M'Eldowney, Bakerstown. Samuel Springer, Clinton. • • • '; James hl'Kee,Stewanstown. • . • Riley M'Laughlin, Plum township • • •••••• 3. Fulton, Tarentum. • ." Jeremiah Fleming, Lawrenceville '' •• Robert Williams, Arthuniville. • '•'• •''' nu e22-dhAvtm • . . .. •it . siassty , s =gagger's. Pain /Gxtractor: MO THE PUBLIC This IS to Certify -IL 'D011 , 5 5 4 Magical Pain' Extraaorto prpve a cure far, the Chronic I have been affliated . with for ton years, in my hip joints. ' • • • ABRAHAM R.NREELAND. Aequirehaliock, N. E,'Aptll 8, 1345. • • , • •Mu. 11. - Dsrass—Eir: I have been troubled wjth the". Piles for eight montlts,"and could get no relict: Your: Magical Pant Extractor having been recomMended me. I applied it but twice, obtained instant relief, and in', a short time was perfectly cared ! Could I" hot zet. tiny more o f lt,l woad - not take-n hundred 'dollars for tho', balance of my box.: • WILLIAM HALL. 57 North Moore street New Ycirk,lune - 14, 1847. CAUTION.--Dallees only Depat'in - the city of New and where the genuine - Art-kis 'eau: be obt a i ne d, wholesale and retail, is at 415 Broad Wa y .. • - H. DALLE't is the inventor of this truly invalnabbScont - , pound, and he never has, and timer Will 'communicate the' secret of its preparation to any man living; andohere=' fore, no other person ever has mode,in ever can ake.'n grain of it himself. Counterfeit. 'abound ! EVery . ituly . valuable article Id subject to be depredated upon by Counterfeiters. and im , posters; and nothing, that we know of t has more exten;. sively experienced that fact thati•DallerslHagical A Tiffin-The genuine Valley, in cases of the severest Burns, Scalds, Piles, he., will , fifford •instant relief t _and produce at once a goolingandsoothingeffeet—extranting pain in and, from one to fifteen minutes! Inaba sure, alw ways, apply it on linen—never on cotton cloth. ~• And 'now mark the differenceb,-Counterfeit Extractors, no matter'ander what nmue theymay appear; or how ap plied,,always irritate and increase thepasn!- - Pamphlets, containing certificates of cures, may he had gratis, on application ; to JOHN D. MORGAN, • Watern Depot, Pittsburgh. , Dn. Wit. Titortx. Agent. - • ~. Dailey' Animal Gilvanlo, Gure.AU, For Mines, Cattle, &c., cures spavirt, quitiori.grease., poll-evil, sores, galls and hmises. Pamphlets conttuning certificates of respectable parties, may be had on cation to QOHN , IVIORGAN, octlB:d..twy ...Agent, Pittsburgh. . ILL 1.10i.al: !ICAT.V. At; GO., . • (StrbeitB9oll.B To'SrlBslBB & TAT'S.) •'" No.lo, Fourth street, hettceen Ferry and Liberty ithiets; TANUFACTURERS of sheet lend, leaden pipesby ! M drams, pumps hulks, water closets, leaden caning, lire,; keep constantly on hand and manufacture to crde r i. sheet lead front Ito lbs. to the square foot, in shcets.of by 20 feet, which they Will furnish to the trade wholesalo;. or cut to order in any size that may he wanted.— - They also Manufacture:and keep .constantly on hand -- leadenpipes from 2l to 'inch calibre; aqueduct piPe, conveying water trent springs, fur - rushed to. he country trade, anilpht up on reels in lengths of from 100 to 1000 feet on each reel, with directions as to the proper method of laying... Also, on hand, a large supply of Adams' Pot enisuction Pumps, for wells. or cisterns; Snow & Co's very,taipeiror cast iron suction Pumps. . Hydrant work, of every, description executed lie the Most durable manner, and:on the most accommodating terms. Orders from the country for leaden pipes,. stmt.,- lead, or pumps, will receive prompt attention.. - . , t;'. Whale. " 4t if Steel and itleamfactory, TII E subscribers lave enlarged their Steel and File ',Manufactory, on the. corner of O'Hara street and , Spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by creetingtieon:, verting furnace, a melting furnaee and It tilt hatturier.-4, "Pheir Sleet, now being of n superior, talitY, and batting engaged competent operatives,theyAre prepared 1p ,fur. nigh Files of every description, that' will compare ytitit . ,l: the best imported article.; arid being determined toMake it the interest of all *ha use Files an. any'vtray,„tn. Rai; gbsme from them, they...will cell their Files 'at tedudt4:, prices,for Cash."' They 'wilt also re-eat and Par:. ase those which are worn and broken-. Public patron is respeetfullyinvited, nov7 ) prKallti t o co. • -• • ' • Bissrinii rash , County & City ord'u , • Relief Islates Pennsylvania Co. New York 'Maryland ' • cr ,- Ner.Ctrietzts ' '