The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 24, 1849, Image 1

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and Filth streetti2;;;Law t3orner. , T' ' • f r ehlo:y _
G . IMICRAGii, Attorney at Lato-Othce in BakevrelPs.
Honse:Ektiddini, , d, on Grant street, opposite the Courti
jr 131) rittOrney
initne building with Aldernian Alltiaspaceter,Fiftb
between Wood and Smithfield sts_. - ' nnett".om._
..late-wywyaurtee,Northaid-0 e'
orFlith gireet, between Weed and. Smithfield, ill the i
Erie huihling wail Alderman Morrow. sep3O-Iyi
TOSEPti ze. dt forncy
Law ee'
Z. , Wallace's- building, on Fourth at, itelween Wood
I add Smithfield sts.
w.7l:9lM3.isellor arta to
ijr and. Notary F.'ubliefliee at the_ corner of 9th W bod gut; over Sibbet 3:',.la des r Esettangeotrade. ogt and
DMUND Aarnethe builthog,ohlhe NcrtfEtst ya r t
ex o—Othe a
ndSnithtiel/ -y}
1)- . AL P RRO AV ,2 I I4I ehnan.--o.tfice north side of Fifth
1_11.4 street, between 'Wood and Smitldield, Pittsburgh.
- A cicANDLESs & m'CLUR4 fAttori:l:igs and Couniti-1
.13'1. , lon at .L 4 to.-Oftice On Fourttren - ;opposite IL &II.;
H.'PattetSoll'A LiVC6l.3txible,-Pitiburghr '' .- seplOtr
rifiliivAiiiii: St"ir _ Al ii - Fitic;ittorne!iTizi - i.:ato.,'
°dice on Fourth l arecybetWeetilVolid and, ti,n4o.-#
field. opposite l'attersott'.§ Livery Sable. ' ' npitt,
i fLI Eultae P. GILLAIORE, Attorn e y and-t,:aumtrar:ar,
ki Latc.--Orliee removed to tbe2d docir below Ocala st„.,:,
on Fourth, to, the otfitie Infely occupied by Alderman 11111.!
'I ! 1
, i
N. AUCLOWRY, Attorney and Cnn
ounsellor at Lam en .
ItY • Office in Bakewell's Buildingti an Grant street...,
• Office on 4th st., 'between: Wood and Smithfietd,,
and nearly opposite the Mayor's office. novd-y
, nut; Fourth Et, five doors west of Mar.:
VP • ket- • Albwork warranted; and i f
. not perfectly sat
isfactory no charges will be math. • • • feblo4
- ITIEM--.C-Dr.. Robert Snyder, 'has retuoved,
lA, office to Fourth street, between :Waal and '
field streets, :•
ItEAIOV,AI...-A. Becton has removed his counuisasiolk,
and for:raiding business from the Coosa Basin_v_itts :
new warehouse ; on Third street, nearly-opposite Mar Wt.
or to the office of n ay at Law,;
' Ass removed to Fourth at, next do
Alderman Steel. • •
a. art,
; teeth:not-made iaN'Vrishington, Fayette, Greene and
adjoining • apl2-y
frtiftjA7-77--rA. /CHINNEDI", Attorney ar.LtteOffice on
X Fourth, between Wood and Smithfield. • •
• REvattExces.—Gen. J. R. Mooreltetul„ 'John Graham,.
Pres. - Pittsburgh Bank; Mr. J. W. Barbridget. Lo gan,
Wilson, tr, Co.,McCont lt PittOurgh, Pa.
NBUCKMASTER, Aktermdn—Office: 'Fourth street.
.1.1. third - door above Smithfield, South side. •
Conveymicing of aillinds done - with the greatest care
and legal accuracy.
Titles to Real Estate examined, &C. , 110•15
: OHAr 'COYLE% Notary a 4 Coneryancernice i.
U. Metcalf's Building', Fourth street, near Smithfield,'
rittsbuigh. Deeds, Bands,Mortgages, Articles of Agre e
meat, and all other itistrumems of writing drawn Up with
accuracy and dispatch. 'fides to Real Estate examined.;
ap22-4&,WIY -
i s ;DWIN C. W 'ON, Attorney and Counsellor as Late,.
AL; Franklin, Venango comity, will 'attend prompt-.
ly mall business entrusted to hiseire. Collections; made •
in Warren, Clarion, and JeTersen counties.
_ TO
.1. A. atockin & Co. ' -
Murphy, Walscin te ttsburgh.
C 0.,.,
lion. James Kinnear,
Boa. Alex. AFCalmont, F ra n klin.
Mona.Wilmot}, Steubenville, 0.
d 0 • - A. P : K/NSON, Akgerman, F if th Ward, Penn
et.. between Walnut and O'Hartt sta., where he may.
befotmd at all tunes. Those having houaes or other prop
erty to sell or rent, can have the same punctually attend
ed to; debts collected, and all the duties of an Aldeman
will receive prompt attention
T.. RIELL. ON. •
11. Ale Sou's Building!, comer of Wylie and Fifth steels
east aide of the Court House. •
corciCollecting, Conveyancing, examinations of It.
Is - , &c.. promptly and accurately attended to. mylB
T ENRYTY7 WILLI - ZVlX7dttorney and Counseaor jig
Law, ( soccesstir to Lowrie & Williams,) Office 'at
the old'ataml, Fourth it., above Smithfield. •
THE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry,
W. Williams. Esq., and myself,in the practice oftbe law,
was dissolved by mutual consent on the :Nth ult. and the
business will hereafter be continued by Henry W. WE-
liams, whom I most cheerfully recommend to all for
whom I have the honor to do business—as a gentleman
every war worthy of their confidence.'
declS-Ir • • • • • - WALTER IL LOWRIE.
rge 8.
ciecuaidie -Conveyanoer:
J riFFICE in..Arpry Row, Fifth street, above
Pittsbargh.• . . . .
• ElEdas,flioarriiitm,Ariardencsre, %dna, 4 ' glad
other instnitnents or writing, drawn with limbless,. gel
accuracy and dispatch. lie will alas % µtaunt tuidrowing
and filing Atechantee deconutidif.ii.tseotors,difinin
ittratow, te., Examining. tides ty, 7jfea _gorge, iSearckin g
Retordsfor e., te.
Front his long expencuei. and hitivitabs itiqUaintances
with the inanner,of keeping the Outifia " records, ex"
Licata to give satisfaction to th9le whojna s y /atral *lig
Fanny and Domestic obis& Store.:
rtiffE suscriber respectfully invitee all lovers of beau,
1 tiful China, to call and'exarnina his stock of Pitney
Chinn. Mantel and Pier Lamps, CandelebrasiGirondoles,
Japan Waiters, liritatinia Ware, Castors, &e., ho. . . • ,
Likewise, Queenswa es
re of every variety and pattern,
at the lowedpoos iblepr
jes ic. I • . -
• 10.
Another olonteerii
y WOULD beg to call the atenlion orthrfirditary,.one
I.' and all, to my establishment, N 0.30 'Fifth et . , WIWI°
they can be rigged out In a new suit of any style, quell
.ty or, dimensions, at the lowest possible. prices. of you
- wish to save yotrr dimes , and get well served, come to
Carron's, No. 30 Fifth - sheer, opposite' the "Jklaining.
Post _ . • • -• • • ]NO. CURRAN,
hferchant.Tailor, late of Curren & Alger>, Liberty at.
i nt l ' ia utt e sa i i i t::: t, c : m nd
pelted to - remove my thead.Stalid to o thy opposite Side of
Martel street, in front Alexander ADay's Dry Goods
Store, where I shall be glad to see my (Amer customers.
. . 1y mv... ______ ....._„,.... 12 . • . . ' • JOUN`SIIEPRARD.
I\r_..., Soo By
.p MSS- it . lanoutry_and
1.1 Stellar World; ripopolor exposition- of the great dis
coveries and theones of modern Astronomy r !n a series
of ten lectures. By 0. - hr. Mitchell, A: M. Director of the
Cinciunati Obicrvatory: „ '' • -N.
from Italy— . A new and revised edition, by .1. 'P
•:.- ii • ley. For sale by ELLRYTT..&..ENGLISIL:
.1 • - • 7S Wood and AG Mar et sm.
yiriTi o
yy cure Land Warrants and Penshilfrfor widows,. at
his office, Ilakewell's 'Building, opposite the New Court
House, Pittsburgh, Fa. • • - •• • ,
try eon, in the General Lend Office; at Rrashington,
will attend to my business there, free of charge to appa
-lot h--iliiunde, Liberty
1 , and nay sta., each lot havmg 24 feet •front, ex
tending hack 110 feet.. Two-of diem are corner lots,, and
be pointion of the:whole property is one of the most ad-•
vantageouri in the oity. For further i nformation apply to
- . .. .. X..SWARTZWELDER, oanmi t.,
h a.
0a34.- - between Wood aad Sthfield.
;, • _
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Printed WO Patahlit ,
eteryitfornieg .P , (Smiutejr3 4srierted,)
'' • - -.,' : sir "L . •HA ir z it,
. - ITORTir-V7ffir COMMIS OP WOOD, Alp/ rEPtEt Air Ems,,.
• 11 - 2" TERMS.—Five Dollars a year, payable etric.tly
in adizance. Sit Dollars will invariably...he required- „it
net paid within the Year. ' ' ' ' .-- - '•• •• • •••', •i
-_Lprir • Sinile' etudes Two asa-re...-fciitale at the coaater
oithe Office; and hy the Newe.l3Gyes..-.
.2,xx.E. sAiruntrAirinOnliflNG POST(' '' ' •
Is published from the' same office, on- a' large blanket
size sheet, at T WO DOLLARS a year, an advance—
aiegle copies ram:tans: .-..-...
oU''.• No'paper Will be discontinued. (unless at the .. dis
oration of the proprietor ' ) until all arrearagetrnre paid.
if.:7"'No •adention Will be paid to any order ableas ac
companied by the molter. or satisfactory rare ranee in this
. ,
..„, .
TERMS: 0 __
- P
• _ _ - - Pia„sstcutp,, oli rwat•Vg',Lltna.Oft.;ass
thle inieititntr __ •__ -15 . (i 50 One Month,. ••
-d0•'...,, 0 75 INvo do
OThree .do__ - ......... . 1 00' Three do .._ ..
Tne Week, ...... •. . • 1 50 Four do•---- .... -. •
wo do .. • ......... .2 ..W' Six'- . dd• v;.'•••C“'
Three do— .. ••; .. •.• 3 00 One Year, ' ' •16 00
... ...._ Changeabk at Plecuture... • ... .., ..•. . • '
- • I:Xi sotrana- - rtvaisquaarzt; ',. - •
OSixlliontiLs . • .. •S/ 5 ' 00 r•Six /I.lo4(43,'''''''—'B2ow
ne 'Year,. •-• .. • ... 20 00 I One. yeliT o -*, .* • •'• ••••• 30 00
Larger tidrertisenvents in proportion. .-: .••• , : • ~
Err Cards of FOUR. LINES, Eire - Dollarra. Year. ,
Lame cute . ill no t be' inserted unless nu extra price
is paid
uzi- Advertisements open Which the number of inser- L
t ordered out
ious is not marked, will be inserted and-chtuicd until
Ett ft ~ dirsorney:as Lai Oirtee.rt
-- -
street, near Grant, l'insburgh.____.___ 0e125
ifit-orWei•aTLaw; OtTike.
well'sltailding,s, Grant street: -nuty27-3m.
AA B. AVGALARt.,a —oniee,•Founh
street, /rear nlnerson'slbiery ttible; feta?.
nebx Siiila at., nu
DNo 8, St.'Clair Nlreet, Pittsburish.-ang2l-y'
R. JOAN dirkiffolf.ll,
,tilYce on St. Clair
.oppogitc lite Exeltaw.e.- auglo-y
L misoo ..duouitz, h
'O., above Wood: ' july-4,31 -
[MMUS iLI...MARSUALY, Attorney as Lam--Office,
Low-ries Buildings, Fourth' st. • jan74y
AXES CALLA?i, Attorney a/ Lain, corner 0f,114/if
Firth. e nd .
• •
•r rsti
ki: 34 -
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&SON, - Btifike
Coina n Bank No isr "aa d pea" in 'Pxe nge
te; Q. 65 Market street. tebl
AF/JLTON,I6 L andßrass Founder, o. 70 Second
• street, beta een Market and Ferry streets. febl
nt. I # l. T.E , CloreirSrer24.l9.l67, cornet of lA:NIY
and S4xth treeta m
TOWNSEND,CARR lc CO., Coach aad 'Waging Makers,
St. Clair street, near the bridge • febi
.IrlROl O FFICE; Na.G5~
Wood street...
RGFashionabie Cothing Establishment,
NJ. No. 23 Liberty street. ' c—D o 4 ppositmOND my 24
TOLIN.CURRAN, Fashionable Tailor,Fiftit street t near
EP Wood, opposite Ike office of the Port, inyta
M U WELL do faliNSON, 1147u7si,s0r zo
o mennaPainters,corner of Grant and Seeend streets.
-1t 47114:gRARICKETSON; Koko!. Groan. and Com ,
In. mission Mereharus, corner of Liberty and Irwin eto.
irl ifing and Comniissiol
j ilferehriiits. Canal Basin. • . - mar 3
:T - -
:TORN MICLASKEY,.244or and Clothier, Liberty @tree'
between Sixth and Virgin alley, @anal @id • @epLO
VTirIi.TLTE3r • sh g
INJL. Store, No. 218 Liberty street, opposite Seventh st.
seP 2OL Y - •_• •• '
ll ....ormiTdirig and Commulon
Mereluints aledDerairain Produce, No. 3 Smithfield st ,
oposite the dlonongahela noose.. • , jel9
IVh—oiesalesail Grocers
and Produce Dealers; Corner of the Diamond and
Ditunond alley.. , -
Gintlemess's Furnisitt-sti
-121. tab/ishment, corner or/Mari:et and Fifth streets. up
sttots,Crdranev 0 11}4fth creet- • . - mYi3
I t
a: J. T. McGANCE,..Feultionable Krtabisia
1. J.
Nos. 77 end ID, corner of Stith and Liberty
TUHN LITTL.A Wholisak Queer, Produce !hale r
70'and COMmuston /Verdant, Third at., between Wood
and Market.
./1711.StiGOAEfus,w/to(esate and Kest! .th to
Faney and Stapk Dry Goods, 65 Market street, be
tween. Foarth and the Dlaatand. . rnytn
t iO7llN a Beaus, No. 120 W ooi s
constantly on hand and
inuOufactOredksorder. • mr4
URPH Y LEE, Wool -Dertiets--i"-----Ind isso.
ILL Merchants, for the sale taf. American Woolen Goods,
corner of Liberty street and Cecil's alley. nor l 0
t7 alars 10
n il oftill kinds .N 07 0
o o u t
7tr t ee7 ' next the cornerniFonnh ' tehl
I:ll,,Lthlyial,.Piano'Fortelttanufarturse and dealer .
4 , ..M ni
asteullnStruents N 0 .112 Wood street, near
IOS .:YH-WOO/)WELL, imporua anti Ilraln O For
ty rivi and I.krinenic Hardware, corner of Socon4 and
14 and streets.
SUV...Ake L
.Agentstur Elf C
and RippairPs Regular Liiie of Packet - Ships, frotn
New York to Liverpool, No: 14:: Lil+eny et. febi
TOSEP/I Boat Slot' ship - 6haudlery nndd
' Agency of the Pittsburgh Lard Oil Factory, No 4,
Market street, Pittsburgh.
rilAlito.FoKTi r aryrietora °idle Pittsture*
I. Portable Boat Store corner 01 Penn and Wayne gtS.
nArts...mAy,.l44lexate Omer", .F9rwan fatal
ting and
itsionlferel!on 'Water greet, between Market and.
t:tabITRRY, i4oratra and .gzeh Bokes, No.
LO4Woodmreetfibird docir below Fourth, wig tide.
- 4. 4 r_aetsegit.A.B,Da pt .,.. d . % comer of Third and Wood streets., oppo,-6----,. firokt2 ,,-- --; site the St.
Claarice Houd.
L febt
jiiiiNi-iii V st.--.'-`7C)IS-kro v.iii
. . ~ s , . oo .ellers, Stattonm, Priti-
Irra and Publishers, corner of . .. Market and Third -stm.:
'tab 1
reTaloo Stationer add Bindrr,
.aireet.lagsvaen Wood and 11Inrket. ll7
and &u Ftu.,. StntUi•
P• field street, between Dim/ wad alley and Firtdliecsit.4...
Jc J.McDEVITT, Whoksa ie7Grocers, dealers in Pr
tr.- duce and. Pittsburgh ruam ductures, No. 214 Liberty,
opposite 7th st.
/ 1 / 4 7
steer, near Liberty. cJOIIN FARILO,
1 Proprietor.
713-4T):ll(cjraittiN,Wll..tiesalz and &tail 1-
kw:gut, ,
931, Wood street, one .loot south GI - Diamond alley:.
VOLLA.NBEE &ILVIWARD, Who:mak and /ir e ia - t r i
posite Wood "'tater:in .
Boots and Shoes, No. LEO Liberty street, op_
A. PAHNlttidliri Citl v inotende Dru 4% . Ware
1,. house, corner OM flit and Wood streets, and corner
AK Wood and sixth. •
, febl
11171 L ALL' fiiiliNST6affin Draken mut Fur.
V raishing Vhdertal as, corner of Yeah and tit. Clair
' g re e ts , ° PPc." 4 . IO the 4 :change. Entrance on l'enn erect.
TOHN IL MELLOII, Wipawate and Retail e in
U Musk Afii.tieo linwruments,PialiOs School Books,
and Stationery No I alWood t
•IVE jaol
TAMES PA rrEit: SON, Jr., corner of First and Ferry
0 streets mime:Let. xrer of Locks, Hinges, and Dolts ;
TobsecO;Palle r , M 111 and Timber Screws, lieusen
Screws for Rolling tie. seplo
_ _
r•I•BRYAR,Rtetii n g Distiller, and Wholesale Dealer
u sin Foreign and Domestic . Wines and Liquors,' No.
11 : 111A bPri.ralraal, hid 43 Diamond .alle r. jy2l
y nr7Lismber7 re — nt. ottictin peon
AL4 meet, between/rein and. Hand. COUSIMMiCatiOIIII
promptly attended to
. mals
71,1t7t. M. MITCH-Et •T EEKii i holeaaleGroceis, Rec.
Otani*. ls rs
T • tifying Distil, and Wine and Liquor Me r
Also, Imports qrs, of Soda Ash and Blenehiss-
Powder. N0..100 tab!, street:Pittsburg
2-1-CIMINTanreW4L h. fs eta. ls ,
D. DORSET Propristior. Coaches will be its readiness
acall the landings to , eonuey passen
to the Hotel. gars, free of charge,
•111 II: Agenuircn the e Mutual
busiranre Camp any, a(Philatielphia, at !hoe %Vase.
of Xing ik.Holr nee, Water street, nearillmrket.
' kb!
riforn,i Crea
k/ mission MerrAmtu, Sixth street, between World and
V M. GLENN, lloecotnder, carrier cq n: m i Wood
Erma, a be' le G. EL - Kay, where he is prepar ed to
do rimgt descripti on of rulihg and blndiog.
B. W. ronmzzura . ........ :-• • • • • • • • • • .- - • - i. F - 47 — nN ox ii ii:
IDOINDEXTVd. *.: Po., Wholesale Grocers and Co fn.
.I. titission'and. Forwarding Merchants, No. 41, Water
street,.Pittsbarth. ' • • •
ITNT R. MULIRoc ante etn~l De n i e r a:
0.14 DR .. Y . ::00 .. 01:18; North mat comer or Market. and
.SOU L' MO ROW, hisatufoctuter of'['ln, QoPlsrt
!ind.Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17 Fifth street, between
Wood and Market. . _
e .10
WIC B. ecm r &
QV CAME & ATKINSON, Manufacturers of Ttn, Cop
k.) per and Sista are sit e y also execute cvei7
description of Blackmh, Work. First street, betwerai
Woad and. Market. Pittstairch. . °cal :y
. !a W. 'HaItBAUGIL. Conuniisfon and •Forse allLlMssta
• - Mernites,a, and deale rs inFionr, Wool mud Produce,
o. 63 Water, and 104 Fr oat street, between:Wood and
t4atithfield streets, Fiusbcrah. • tue2o4 , .
.teaunderignd has nem:mimed
with hintself Jelin Nicole, from Baltimore, in the
Grocery" and General C ommiettion•Businesm, under the
myle of Rollers 11(.. Nicole . Dated ay January, IMO.
Jan2o ". • • • FRAS. SELLERS.
Importer ; and deakr in
_Lk 1.07C4071.ati.4 DOffi4 tit fladiery, Hardware L __and Car
rkige Trisnonngs t of all deseriptiona, N o. 133 IV° O4
Pittsbargh seven doots 'above Flab, and one door above
H. Childs Ac Co.', Shoe Elora. • •
Mani fiat No. WI) Weed
• have constantly on hand a full assortment of every
description of BRUSHES, to which they solicit the atten
tion of dealers- Also, n large stock of SHOE FIND
INGS, which is ecinstamly renewing with the beet im
proved Kitt- . FISHING TACKLE and Bporting Equip
ments, in every variety--all of whlehwill he sold whole
sale retail. • . I isT.
I Qhi---—it----uN"Auti (late Mania & hint Ult.) Inefesade
Groern, Prod.uceatut Coneriito s iferchi m, 6 Wood
streeti Pittsburgh. The 'Undersigned. having 'entered into
partnership reader 'the alove siyle, repect? ally ask die
patronage of' the'friends of the late firm, l of the pal_
generally. Thoy feel warrtanted promising
that they can give eatisfartion to eill who may buy of.
them; or confide business. Co their carte.. •
%VAL adi ran*
K sac c A IR.:
mar 20
irEY, Xouzr Si gn Ornetnen Pai ?stir,
SO and dealer iu PAINTS, N0'...4 St. Clair at, Pltets
burgh, hnireonstantly oa,land all ki - lidsaf Pint egi.eithr
Dry.or Mixed;. Japan GM' Copal V:antlith; Lin* red
Boded Oil; Spirits Turpentine ; lifindom Ghiaa,.of all
sizes; •Patty; Paint Brunhes,*e., all of the best .quality, and for sale at reasonable prises. •eepll
1 , ...,,,,^ ' 1
ti A B AtiGIJIRE, FeurradaArsit T4rcoa; Third it -. near
tl Wood—St. CharlieSaildln • • laeldEPr
j' — ' - idt.T.EBll - airgISTWA, 'turnout-a- and Contmit!on cr
, etuint, - N0.114 Wciod , ttrfle.t.,!. •.
TO D. I AVIS, Atuptioneer and Cominisive"ricn t,
corner of; Wood and FilThetreete. , -. 7 , fad
zkIiDLOWK.FINS - o,' neuter:la . Eatery OnceSt :end
, •21747.miegs, Zslo.o7Attrlret street.. - ; feta
LEXANDER JAYNES, Pekin Tea Et0re,,,72
Itreet,•nearWood, ;-:, ~• - _ • fob/
n McCLOSKEY, /nPr. city CThairag atom„ No.-1W 7
1-I•Liberty..street,opp93ita theancnith 'of Market feta-
J0M . ..18A ROBINSON, Agent for Ilarnden Co.'e
Line of Parixts, Filth et,one door below Woodi.febl
"lITILLIAM JACKSON, Patent Alidiciut Depot, EaLib-,
ary g4reet, be4d:of,Wood..., ,
ritC - IRGE COCIIR ing
Ik nd:NomrtuaX ru t No. 26 Wood Insee L. . _ • - tab ..
INGLISLIto ,Fr. l 4071; BOOkadkrilSll4, i St atientra3 NO.
slit, Market at bettirrieh Third - ruld Fourth. - fob!,
zsl!). 4, e 9„, Lib:
TIOON & SARGENT, N-E comer of Wood and Mlxtb
elesale ereet,
1 " H. GERBERDING; Dealer in Imported
all and Domeetic Segars.Snatf and Tobacco;
Wholesale and Retail, Liberty street, six
doors above Smithfield, Pittsbargfi, Pa.
illzpvill orders front country Merchants. will be promx
I attended t 0.... . .•,
TIRDOSI. DRUGS!!-lota. Notuatn. Druggist and
jj Apbthereirg,.. north-West corner of. Wood ,and;Pitlb
streets, Pittsburgh, will keep.constantly on hand Drugs,
Paintx, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, e.c. ..
' • N. B.=-Physionms'Prescriptions carefully consponnd ,
ed firom the best materials, at any hour of the day or
sight. Also; an assortment of 'Perfumery; fine' tooth,
hair, and elotheeDrushes, aro , Ac., /cc., which . will be
sold low for cash. ap2o:ly
Spring Parnionrifor 1848 s
itircoßD & co., (late hrCord & Kin g 9 ILATtERS,
will introduce the Spring Styleof gds-day,
Saturday, March 4th, 1848.
fiheirfnends and customers are re9nestedio sail and
eXimini , their stock of Spring Hats, Just received front
New York, at their store, cornet of Fifth and Wood its.
TROVILLO, Undentacr,Fifth. street, nu-
W i mediately opposite the Theatre, respecrfully in.
forms his friends and the pablin In general, that he -has
resumed as a, Furnishing. Undertaker. Ile
is supplied with and alWilys keeps on hand 'Coffins Of all
sizes and kinds, Shrouds; and tali:other articles necessary
on such occasions.
Silver plates, ice homes, and leaden coffins wilU be sap
plied in order. Afine hearse and eat rine always ready
to attend flinerals:
' ' JEGxel neri,
Varner qf Penn• and St. (.lair streets, .Pittsburgh, Pa.
PiTE subscriber, having a etqlrfled the management of
this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully
announces to travelers and the public genera:, that he'
will be at all times prepared to accommodate em Wall
things desirable in a well regulated Hotel.- The Rouse •
is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new -
furniture added; and no pains will be spargd to ntake , the
Exchange one of the very best Hotels In the country.
The undersigned very respectfully sot/chin continuance
of the liberal patronage which the House-has heretofore
received. -THOMAS OWSTON, '
Proprietor. ,
. John H. Townsend,
LP street, tbree doom above Third, Pitt*burgh, will have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best
and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and suppplied with articles they 1
may rely upon no genuine. e
Physiciansprescriptions will be accurately and neatly
prepared from the best materials, ut any hour of the day
or eight.
Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good PERFT.f-
D. LTJIMICIA C. W. Aannasoa,.
Late of Pittsburgh. Pa. Late of Nietheille, Tenn
LEmori & ANDERSON, Dealers in Cattrm, Forward
inn. and Commission Aterehants, No. S, Front street,
above Droadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Merchants generally, S
ttsburgh, Pa.
Merchants generally, Nash vine. Tenn.
W. F. Lane & Co , Looiseille , gy.
Springer & (Whiteman.
James Johnston & Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hewitt, Herrin & Co., New . Orleans,
hlagregor & Morris. New York.)
Duial.Deighler & Co., Baltimore.
Smith, Bagaley & Co. , Philadelphia.
Daniel Deshon, Boston.
TOM D. DA VIS, Auenofterr and Commas ion AfireAarm
0 corner of Vcood and Fifth streets, Pittsburg, is ready
m receive merchandize of every description on consign
ment for public or private sale, and from long experienre
in the above business; Halters himself that lie will be able
to Rive entire satisfaction to nit who may favor him with.
their patronage
Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Fancy Articles, at Di o'clock, A. W.
Of Groceries, Pittiburgii manufactured articles, new
and secondhand _ Furniture, are-. at 2 o'c lock, a.m.
Sales every evening at early gall-light. augl3:y
A FTEtiik,-ii;il-.;;/-iinli714.--Te-Qii-iiiiTs
. rommeneed business at his old stand. No. 70, Se
cond, between Market and Ferry streets, where
be pleased to Kee his old customers and friends.
Church, stearnlioat, and bells of every size, from 10 to
10.000 pounds, cast (tool patterns of the most approved
inOdels, and warranted to be of the best materials'.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if requir
ed, turned and finished to the neatest manner.
A. F. i 0 the Kole agent for Babfatrx Anti-Attraction Me
tot, en justly eelebrated for the reduction of friction in
machinery. The boxes and composition can he had of
him at alt
Leeching, Cupping and Bleeding.
yr NolllllB, Biaccerror to M. It Delany)rroth
LK. • Beeelles.reeeived monthly; anenclance at all hours.
Reference: The l'hymicianr of PittAlirgh, Allegheny,
and Birmingham. March 13,1819.
T most cheerfully recommend to Physician'', ramifies,
land altnir folsnerfritouts and - potrons, Mr. K. It NOIRM,
TES being, thoroughly arquaintod with the business, and
worthy of patronage. M. It. DELANY.
margl :Gm
j_ Coffin, tenders his thanks to his patrons, and would
intorm the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has
on hand, a large variety of Landscapes, for sale at the
Odeon, on Fourth street, between Wood anditimithfield,
TIOWNSEND, CARR & CV., SAlceegsors to the old fi rm
of C. Townsend k Co., and Carr k Row/and, beg
leave to announce to their friendi and to the public gen
erally, that they are now prepared to execute all kinds
of work in the Couch and IVegoti-making business, at
the shortest notice, 1111/1 warranted to be of the betrquall
ty The very large quantity of seasoned Timber with
which they are , prepared, and their facilities for business,
enables them to insure thu public that they are prepared
to carry on an extensive nod promyt bilS/lICAS in their
line, and they respectfully gotten a continuance of the
liberal patronage bestowed upop the late
firms. se(H
moved to the corner of \Wood street and Diamond
alley, over S. ht'Clain's B linds, . where they prepared to furnish P/titian AVltotesale and R
tail,R at price* mach reduced; having a very eccontrie motto
ef inointing, and other advantages unknown to others in
the trade. Besides giving a superior finish to blinds, they
trim them with the best materials, making them rich and
N. 13.—Wide or r.irrow slats—ponable or permanent
fastenings furnian.d. Otd Mauls rvitud. der2l-y
U-TEITIL— A - Firk.imAN — Ul.'2l - Cl — 'ORT .----- The subtleri•
0 hers, having enlarged their establishment or the man
ufacture of STEEL and Pn...vs--.00 the corner f of Oliara
and Liberty streets, Pittsbumb—u re prepared to Ihrnishi
Piles of every description, of the best quality : and being'
determined to make it the interest of consumers to par
chase Files from theta, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who ase the article.
marle.y J. ANKRIM & CO.
.0 TRUSS, fur the immediate relief and
. cure of Hernia and .Rarituou (Suite/110 all mead The
superior claims of this Truss consist in the comparative.
ease with which it may he worn. The pad of Weed be,
ing neatly balanced on springs , yields to the pressure of
any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move--
meat made by the wearer. It can be worn without any
intermission, until a care Is affected The subscribers(
have made arraugements for the maniffacture of these
valuable Trusses, In a superior style, in Philadelphia' and
have them now for sale at their office, No. 77-Smith ' field
sweet, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GE ORGE WATT,
`Vim'DRUG STORK—Joan DThlottosi, Whale*
11 salt and Retail Druggist, No. Mk Wood.street,
one door south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—Th e
subscriber has just received front the eastern cities„ - and
is now opening nt the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye
Stuffs, Paints and Garnishes, Chemicals, &c., together
with all such •artieles as are usually kept for sale at a
wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock Is entirely new, and has been selected with
care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quill&
and price, will please such as may favor him with a cal
Inv) -y
ONONOAHELA PLANING 6111 .L—.1asurs hfata?.
nom would respectfullyinform his friends and the
public, that his 'new establishment is now in full opera
non, and that he is prepared to furnish Dont Cabins, and
fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude, and
at the lowest rates.
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, eon
stonily on hard.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made
to order.
• j
guilders and Carpenters would find it to their ndvan
lege to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with
planked stuk suitable for every dercription of work.
CHEAP m, l . 71 , 8
. _ w . a . 5 reitirlii" i s ~-------,jwig o 8
his remaining stock of DON.NETS at greatly redu
ced prices. 'Bonnets of lost winter's shapes at front 25
cents to 81,00.
Cheap Latentr.—A lot of Dress Lawns reduced to 12)
cents per yard.
Mute Goods for Dressei—A supply just received, and
offered very low. • •
Durk Gin ghams.—Richditrit styles of Gingham'. Also,
Manchester and Domestic do., of choice. patterns. : •
Mantua Ribbons.—An assortment just received in the
Wholesale Rooms, 2d story, and offered low by the piec4.
Also, White and Colored Satin do.
Pnnts and Muslin.—An excellent sleeken hand, front
do,, yd. up to the finest qualities.
grAlsallersordi-stut eornrr of Fourth arid Afaria street
. ... _ ._
(,I.E.I4TLEMEN—The subscribers beg leave to infonit
fou . that they have in store a fall assortment of fink)
S 'My flosonts,Collart, Cravats, Stocks, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Gloves,.Hoslery, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Un
der Shirts, Drawers', /be.' In fact every thing included in Wearing Apparel, to which they invite your at
tention.- • Therulsomanufaetare loorder, at their factory
Easl,'cvery variety and•pattern of SHIRTS, in quantities
and quality to suit purchasers. •
Please give •a call, and examine our Goods and
Prices, at our Ware-room,North-east corner of Path mut
Market streets. upstairs. EDWARD TODD it Co..i.
C AMPAION 01%11E0.-4 ( 3 4tcu Bargain Corner,
where there hue just been received, a splendid new
stock of BOOTS apd SHOES, of every variety . ; which
will be sold cheaper tban evcr; na.our motto is quick
sales and small profits.. .
Also, a large bit of TRUNKS, MES, VA
LISES. All we need to convince thepub ic of hp
of selling cheap, is to have theth give us a call and bring
the Cosh along.
Don't forget the place ,corner of Smithfield andd r h
streets '1 001 J. BATES.
' I,'
- -
West Point Works.
DRESTON &WAGNER, Engine Builders, have cam•
mettced business on Penn et., near the Point, at the
establishment formerly carried on by Stackhouse & Nel
son. Persons wishing to purchase Steam Engines for
Boats, or for other purposes, will please favor 1.11.1 with a
Gall, ns we grater ourselves to be able to furnish them on
us favorable terms as any other establishment in the city.
Also rolling millind castings of every descniption can
be h ad , the shortest ifotica.
RerattEnc--Capt. Robert Beer, Thomas Scott, Esq.,
Church, Carothers, & Co., Denny, Esq, M. Allen & Co.
CoHmtleyrEaraer.iilaßuoLOirsicebAinon• W. aMeroOztt
T. B. YOUNG h Co.
BINET C;; 11
WARE- ... to C ommerc i al Row, Libe
street, opposite a bead of Smithfield, where they will
keep constantly ontiand an eztensive assortment of So
fas, Tables, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs and
every article in their line - of butnness.
**Undertaking promptly attended to at reasonable
ices. -
may 27
CIA RD.--J um received, by Express, tb iee pieces ofeli:
perfine BROWN LUSTRE CLOTHS, for Over'eoais
ead Sacks, which will be sold low, at 251 Liberty street,
by (noild) C. WERNERURG.
Nhronidie and Journal Com]
• ' . 44. r
.-.. --,.., „ ~..
~ - • • - _
boadtarinAN itenttrisdiratedosilvtinilC a B ety
oR.ldsnica PATE.Der INSULATED POLES I ;- : •
:oL,sanr:oxima etw eeszs.—This l is the only
instriurient of_the'kind that has ever b een presented
in thin country' sir,4 l /rOPefor medical plopping, and lithe
only one ever known to inan, by Which th'e galena ie ft ilia
can be conveyed tOtheimman eye, the our, the brans-or,
o any part of the body , either .externally or. internally;
, n a definite, gentle stream, Without shocks or pain—with_
'perfect safety—and Often with the happiest effects.
This important-apparatus is now highly approved of.
by many of the most eminent physipiann of this eolintry
and &trope,- to ,whom :the afflicted:and others ivhcirti it
may concern , can be:referred, Reference will also be
given to /natty' WOW respectable" citizens, who' hive
been cured; by means orthis moat valuable apparattuvi
Borne of the most
in nervous disorders, which '
coold not be removed by er known Weans: ,
Amoagvorious other's, it h a s . been proved to be fi r- ado '
ably adapted foetheture of the following diseases, viz V'
nervous headaehe,lindOtherdisorders of the brain. Iris;;
with - this apparatus alone that the operator can doniier
eige tasighvA4ni9erflcpwid:amribththaueoronsr.oseurganucpdto,ss,tafthoeerteey.siitotor
rs e e , pt e teo z er e oh ,
4 tr: e,ttax : e i
1 1
ing; to the tongue
to the - vatic/Os parts`of' - the body, for the 'cure, of throair-'!
rheumrheumatism; anthma,nOuralgia, or tie doloWeaux,"parat-',
atism; or pa s, from. lsy go t, u chore or Si. Vitus' done-. epilepsy,
weaknes sr rains a. ,
route. diseases peculiar to.:li-i
males, contradtion of the limbs, locloinw, etp., etc.. _ !
Rights for Surrounding_ counties of Western Pa.,
privileges; with'tho instrument, may be purchased, and'
also tested forth.* curelit diseases.
Falfinstnictions.willte given for the various cherni;"
cats ro be usedfor yarn' diseases, and the bent mannet4
for orieinlingfalthe cur ("these diseases, Will also .Ws
fully explained to the: p_ baser, and a pinnis/ilet out ilitb
-his hands expressly • f -
sire purpose*, Carefully pre
paredby•thepatentest.• eof . , • , ~
.s.. 14.1515, Vine street,
noyl3. • "I He .11 st. Road, rttsb'g.
; tr
;ruil4stnatitteCrilli'erlijisikritiodt;.4W g f ini s Th
• eity of Now' Yotir arehnfee rtistirttnent of lints e
• Cups and Ikluirt4 Latest Fashions, ill great va
riety, and very coast., vrhoiesale and' retaiL . .
'street, 2tt door South of 40 AL
' Pali trailtatois i
B. B. TATILSO&No. 7 3W00d et ., .1,1 door from
the corner of Fouttkhati iii Peed, and Will thin day
introduce the PALI STY of t7R2VTLEMI?N'S
HATS, and would respectfollyi Vito hi. cu.tomers and
the public generally to eau antexsimine the aame.
au1126 1
, .
I ALI. FASHIONS.-B,4,lgoart has just reeelyed front
New York the Fall Style if 'IIATS, which he will
introduce this day, , Satutdall August 23th. All those in
want of a neat and sup erior HAT. would do well to'eall
pia ane4 - 3d door shove Fourth.
tWASH lON OF I i Alcit—kilf 114—1 r.----
ARMOR.° & CO, (late ill'Cord & - Kingo '
.4 WILL introduce., on Saturday. A na.26, thONALL
STYLE. OF H ASP S . just received „from New
. York. Those to wardof a neat and heantifttl HAT,
are invited to call at their store, corner- of Fifth .and
Wood streets.
glik b
THE subscriber, havittg- raturtted
,from I , iew York, will itriroditce. rats liar,
Maori 9.6 th, 1949. Messrs. Bate * Ces,'s'FALL.
STYLE OP , HAIM, to which he would call 14441eflritlri
of his customers and the public. Ife i 4 daily cspectiux
the arrival of hint's!! assortment of /has. Cap/And 'Al . up,
all of which wit heyvtltsmcdsosfo.a4itrtstetial,4lo.lowt
3il door below. Davie A___incti______ ottßootals..--* J
! - New ,Illed y coca ie, L
4JAMES wa,sqN, Rat Abtottifaiturce, i.....*
(formerly of the corner or Diarmand slier r'¢. Ig>
.3d Wood streels ) begs leaverespietfully
to inform his old cu.sto.u4rs. friends, and :the public, that
he hari opened a NEW STORE, on Smithfield tit, who rti
a rboica (nutriment of. HATS. CAPS, , enA LADIES'
1 1 7 .4'.5. (Its good, neat, fashionable and ctlese as tiny in
the city,) may be had. I. W. very cordially invite.. h(
friends and the public to remember his location and
e stablishment,und give him a call an hearty as he inkluitt
to 'welcome them.
moral-ly - j
iPaushlotaiiiite iliat and eiii-ililimiiraelibry.
rt_ b:ORGY. S. ANSHUTZ. Agent. respectfully
ILY informs his friends and the public genera
ly, that he has munmenee,l the mannfiteture of
Hatt (11111 Caps, at N0....13 Wood street, one door front
corner of Second, where he, has now on hand a tine ai,
sort:neat of Hats and Caps of his own manufacture, which
he will dispose or. wholesale or Tel2iii, on - the most ; n'il•
sonahle terms, for rush or any acceptance. Hats made
to order at the shortest entice, • npl9-1m
4-yiriciTiCANliii-AiligliiiCiii.i.:\ --711taTii:
tj troN & I,ol:ltratlx, Tannerial Prefix:art, have Wed Int
the saloon on the coner of Cherry alley and Wnter at.,
near the: National lintel, Connerly ocenpirai by. Clement'
Archer, and are prepared to wait on gentlemen nt mice,
with ease, comfort, anditeness.
In Ctilineetion.wtth thasloon,Alicy have fitted ti p nn
excellent shower bath, were person.s can have shower
baths at aft boars They of ths.„4ay r .., 4 . .. .. .....
• stilt ecnitititio to serve their custome ~ ..,
their r.d.f .Stand, corner of the Diamond and Unionalto at
rritr: subscriber has paid into the Treaso or the l.Com
monwealth, the amount of license .rer,,,iired by law,
lk has given the regularly approved security, and taken
out commission of the first CID-411, an an Auctioneer of
the city of Pittsburgh, and rented that spacious ware
room belonging to Sy Ivan us Lothrop, Esti., No. 114 Wood
street, three doors from Fifth. where he is prepared to at
tend to the sale of every kind of Merchandise, Furniture,
Real Estate, Stocks, Shipping, Ike., either at the Auction
Rooms or on the premises. and will in all cases exert him
self to the utmost for the benefit of his emplayers,onfh e
most reasonable terms; he will sell exclusively and only
on commission; neither purchasing nattering any in
terest whatever on goods in the store, but merely the mom-
mission for gelling, thereby giving aft °eructs a fair chance
without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the best advantage.
Sales will be promptly settled when made. • Advances
will be given at any tune, on the most accommodating
terms. Merchants will not be charged for advances.
Regular sale days : Mondays and Thursdays, of Dry
Geode, Groceries, Furniture, Om; and every evening,
Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Guns, Pistols, and Fancy
Articles. Books on Saturday evenings.
ap24 JAMES M'KENNA, Aimi.
& E. TODD would respecublly inform the mei ,
1.1. • chants of this city and our customers generally,
that we have removed our stock of Shirts and Gents Fur
nishing Goods, to the corner of Fifth and Market streets,
24 story over W. tr. P. Bogus, entrance on Fifth street,
where we intend to keep ou hand a large stock of Shirts,
of our own manufacture, with un assortment of Gentle
wens' Furnishing Goods, usually kept by Eastern Whole
sale Furnishing Stores.
Being very thankful for the kind patronage bestowed
on us for the past year, we would-be happy to receive
calls from our old customers and merchants generally,
and would inform them that we intend nothing on out
part shall induce them to look further, as we expect to
add largely to our stock, and McMillin our prices.
Merchants and' dealers are solicited to examine our
stock of Goods.
apt ti-tf
Mercy Hospital.--
sTvanWS INSTITUTION, under the charge of the Sisters
of Mercy, sintate on St open for the rece evenson street, sout of Penn-
ia Avenue, is now pti h, on of Pa
tients. Themedinal gentleman attached to the Hospital
Duct. J. P. GAZZAM, Doct. Anotson,
Watt:maim, McMau.,
Banos, SNYDER.
Nonpaying patients will be received as formerly.
Pay patients will be received at the rates adimted:for
the temporary Hospital.
Lower Wants , s3,oo per week.
Upper Wards, fin which each pa
tient has a separate aparunent,) 85,00 per week.
These terms include Medial attendance and Medicine.
(hems can have any (regular) Physician to at
tend that they tnay make choice of, at their own
Clergymen ot:any denomination are allowed to visit
patients when desired by them.
The hiercy.Hospital is delightfully situated in an open
and airy part of the city, and within telt minutes' walk ot
the Court House,
Application for the admission of patients can be made
either to Dr. Swags, or JAMES BLAKELY,
Je2 Ch'n of Committee of Mercy Hospital.
lendid Eltablitipment.
TAbIES Vtr. 'WOODWELL, would respectfully
EP infor the No ublic that he has removed to Me
new locamtion, p .
83, Third street, (next door above'i
the old stand.) Neither exppnse nor trouble has been
spared, to make it the most extensive and magnificent
Furniture watchimse to be found any where, east or
west! The stork on hand, for variety, taste and ob..
gance, is suck as . never been offered to any public.
From the most costly outfits at &AO Per set, down to
chamber and kitchen furniture, may be found In styles
and patterns, to suit any and every taste. 1$ W. 'Mkt&
well hopes for a continuance of the very liberal patron. ,
age extended to lam heretofore, and pledges himself to
give entire satisfaction, heel), as regards the solidity, du.
rability and style of his articles, and the liberal and tic.
eommodating principles upon which he does business.--
ilia extensive new warehouse bc'tig now filled from rho
cellar to the fourth story; with carry variety of furniture
and Clients, he would solicit a call from ail in want, at
articles in his line. +lO7
... ....
:,: ~ ~:_
; ;
•11piness (Tarbir
Great Bargain Corner I
• I .BATES, Wholesale and RetailDrakr
in Boers, Shoes a n d TrUrikl, Store corner 4111•11111
of Fifa and Smit Mad meets, Piushargh.,--The
subscriber respectfully
to r e moved te.
mars and the public generally, that he has his
Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store to the large new warehouse
lately erected at the corner of Fla and Soiithfield stii.,
opposite the old Pittsburgh Foundry, where he will keep
on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HAIR
Ice., of all descriptions and sires, which he will sell, (or
cam 83 cheap as can be bought in this market,
Being connected with wee of the largest manufactur
ing establishraehts in the eastern citi es, and receiving
goods almost every week during the season, he offers
great inducements to purchasers, either by wholesale or
retail, as he offers his goods nt lower prices than those of
the same quality can be bought elsewhere in the city.
I manufacture and keep'constantly on hand, Boys' and
Youths' Calf and Kip Boots, a very neat and service:Akio
rSPAHMAN, haVingptirchasedthe entire interest and,
stock in trade of Mr. John W. Blair. beg leave to inform,
heir numerous friends tutil 'e public that they have this
day entered /MCI partnership under the arm and style or
BLAIR & Co." for the manufacture of Brushes of every,
description. Being practical workmen, they will make
up every article of the most durable material, and in the
fast style; and will keep on hand, for sale, at their store,
No. 120 Wood street, a very large assortment of every,
thing in their line of business--which, with their even=
,sive stock of Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, Pen and
Pocket Knives, Powder, Shot, and Variety Goods, they
will tell cheap, wholesale and retail.
Machine Brushes made to order, with despatch..
The encouragement and patrona g e of their friends and
the public is earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully re
ceived. Observe ! BLAIR & CO, •
Pinabumli. Oat. !Nth, 18484000) 120 Wood at.
„ILI store of the subscriber in Fifth st., near Market:
Afareria.Mrdira,pura, by dame' liabnernan,traaalated
and.edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M.D. 4 vols.
Harman's acme Distases, by Dr. Hempief, til: 1.
Hemrepaille Dottiestlc Medicine; by J. Lirwrie, enlarg
ed and improved by A. J. Hall; M D.
Jahr's New Manuel, vol. 1; Nos. 1 and 3.
Herings Domestic Physician. ,
A Manuel of Domestic Cookery,for the use of persons
who are under Homrepatic treatment.'
Booningbausen's Thereat:elle Pocket Book, for Homw.
pedalos, by Dr..Okie.
Ilabeinatt's Chronic Diseases, vol. 3.
Together with Medicine Chests, of different sizes and
prices. lapin) VICTOR SCRIBA.
, George Armor, ,
VASHIONABLE TAILOR, No. 43, Market street-
. .1' • Having reinoyeallis-Tnilorintr Establishment in the
rooms on Market nt., lately occupied us a Beokstore, hy
Bosworth & Co., the Undersigned is prepared - to fill all or]
den; in his line which may be entrusted to his care by Ins
old friends and customers, and the public generally, His
long experience in the business and the success with
which lie has prosecuted it in Pittsburgh,. emboldens him
to hope for a liberal share of patronage. He will make
all deseriptions•Of Clothing nitric, hest manner; and most
fashionable myle, FOR CASH,
ilteroaant. ilor.,—
/TIM subscriber respectfully announces to his custom
ers and to the gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity,
generally, that he has received his usual ass.,riment of
Spring Cloodi, for gentlemen's wear, to which he incites
their attention. Ms stock comprises hue Broad Cloths of
alt colors; Cassimeres ; rich Vestings, of plain and
patterns; all of which be is prepared lib manufacture' in
the beet and most fashionable style.. Also, cbildreit's
Clothing kept constanily on hand and ;nude' to oilier.
Water st., ad door above National lintel.
Faellbinable Clialfinioret
?FR Subscribers respectfully littbrro their friends and
the public generally, that they have just. received
anew supply of French and English' Cloths, and'ensid
riterer,—Vesungs of all styles and quality--Eendy-inade
Clothing of all descriptions, neck and pocket liandker.
chiefs, Shirts; in short, every article &Sillily' kept' in
Clothing Stores, constantly on hand.
, Gentlemen wishing to have ClotheS made: in order; in . •
a fashionable style, will find it to their ad vatttageftweall
and examitteqmr stock before going elsewhere.,
iIFORGE COCHRAN. Capinussion and piteard.
ilikiikant, No. 26 Wiufstreot. Pittsburgh, crintinues
to transact a general Commissitut business, especially in'
,the pampas° and saJo of American inatturacttirea' anti
produce, and in faceivingand ibrwardnicacsidacotatib-
ed to his care. 'As' agent for the manufacturers, he Will.
be constantly supplied with the principalartiCles of Pitts
burgh manufacture, at the lowest, wholesale. prices.
.Orders and. consigtuneuts, aro respectfully solicited.
- '.--.;1. :
.•:;;'.i.: - ::: _
', :•-•'' ,, t'::. - .. --,.
N ~
h;- - r, 2 ~
.''''....k ... -i'..- '.'
i - . i .. !",..., .i...-,
, ARy. , . : ..0' ; -. 21849.
•,,,, ~ ~ ..irain e•-*_ p'41,11 • ;131111 • Deka, • , ,-.•,'
QUITAI?r, E - r OA FRESENT- 7 Gems of Beauty, en
I, 3"Literruy.GA'firi 1849. • • • d
Friendsluphrthrering, for 1899. i . • - •
. -- Christmas,Boses,forlB49,-
-.• Xltristintisßlbs - Soms, fer 1899.•
Arnananthi a Token of Remembrance, f0r1849. '. • - .
The Young Man's Offerinift. . •
"The Yottlig - Lidk's Otreririg;• by Mrs..' Sigouro cy, and
Leaflets of ' Memory, a superb annul for 1899.1 ,
-,' The Fairy. Ring , - for 18492 ''' • - ' 7
C.l,n;splettdid gift book, for 1849. t , . • ,
The llYactoth, for 1849.
.•.-The SerarittoOkifor 4849:
- The Snowflake, for /849. - "
The Book of Pearbi. - • -• • • - '
fThe Lady's Annual; C0r1899. ~• .. ,'.- , • .
••;,.- The Women.of.the Scriptures ; a beautiful wprk. ..
..7?" The Wreath orFriendship,' for 1849.'
Aabe CbrisliataXeepshke, for /849. , .:, .. ;.,- • ..;.,
'4c/fined's Female Poets of Atherica;containing portraits
Ilf•Mrs. E. Ohke'Sniith; Mrs. - P. S. Osgood, Mrd. L.'. If:
t, M
Almigourneyy Mrs.:E. F.Ellers. Elam o.•EntbmT, Mrs.
din B. W J elby. Mrs. S.Hale, ,Mrs. E. C. Kinney,
i. This Auntr-0.- 'Lktich, ?disk Sdrali: J.' Clarke,' (Grace
A' - ... The above, with a large, collection of Poetical Works,
myer Rooks., Bibles and other workls in •sPrendid aides
Of bindiogs, - saitable Lor Christmas and. New Years pros- I
ants, for sale at the bookabare of-
dec9t ' • • • - •
... , Cotner IVarket and 3d ste.
GIFT .BOtsAiND AN-k-9.-CiArg, _ I
• • von 1840.- -' . --' t
F The Gem of the Season, 1849. i Book of Beauty,,forlS49.
The Opal, " The Garland, •
Gems of Beauty, " - The Amaranth • , .- "
Do. (white el. and case) " I Christmas Roses,
Book of Pearls, " Christmaa Blossems - , "•
Forget-me-not, - " Flora's Gems.. -.•
• "."
Do. (white cf. and case) " Christian Keepsalce, "
Friendship's Offering, " The Snow Flake, .1 7 9,
Keepsake of Friendship, ." :The Gent, ?"""
Excelsior Annual;
to The The Moss Rose,
Do. (Vrbite'ef. and box) "• • • 'Gift of Friendship, ' "
The lirachith, " The Pearl,
The Rosary of Illustrations of the Bible;
Lndy of the Lake. illustrated;
Moore's Poetieal Works;
' I.•alla Rookh: illustrated' -.
, Poets of Connecticut, gilt ed.;
' - Pretoria! Vranklin and Napoleon;
Pran Keeiepsake;
AVillis' al Works •
.1•44. s of Sabbath. ? ' ' • '
A. large. assortment of popularJuveitile Books ' many
of which arc just from the press Toy Books andCOlor
ed Pietares, Games, ko.,*.c. : Jost receivedky 'EXpress,
and fur sale by , ELLIOTT ,t. ENGLISH, •
' Wood and Market's -- t
• W a roes t errs - Plassoi.. -,
R"eTAE,D.e ,T,,,"„Teil)4l..iiti-‘B.ledkgT°2gr;
11 %Wildman. New York. , 'these instruments are,con
sidered fullrequal,if not superior, to any now made. in.
New York, having a delightful tone, full, round; and,
m eloiliouspwarrantert to nea r well and give satisfaction.
, 'rum prim% or thepm Pianos is believed to be much low
er than arty other manufactured' In - New York.' The. 4
who are m want of a good and ,olegant..:Rinno,-ar A.
moderato. price, will please come and examine the
abovo, at the store of the subscriberwhere. -a taiga tia
sortment of" Chickesing's celebrated pi Wlll7, CAR always
be found.
-. l:lei2S • . - .''' = ~ No. in. , Wootl Woo:
.reiiiiiiii, Rev , ol ution,---Stas•Trinnii
101160fi&N & CANTWELL, (sign of the ''.,!,) Npp
o. 66
.11.1. MitrKet ' , trent, would reAPentrollyleg leave to call
the mtardiorzof the public, to their',llC,lt stock of (bolo,
just tcceived and opening , from manufacturers and im
porters. of which they feel confident that price and qual
ity will give entire satisfaction, as our nontois— , Quick
Salm and Small Pimit..."
Our 1 110C1i e0n1,10.%, partly,of the ollowingarticlett.vir.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's thrust Pins, late styles; Guerd
and Vest mail.; Bracelets, , Clelps and Lockene; Fin
ger and Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens VSlides mad Studs;
Steel Buckles, for Ladies' Head Dresses • hiedalon's
Ctird.Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral Deeds ; Ala.
haslet Dozes ; fill,. ROXewood and Ebony Shaving Crises,
furnished.; Siver Spectacles; : Silver Spoons, all kinds;
German Silver Spoons,. all..kinds.;, Sills Sipe( Beast nt , ".
and Parses; Cotton fl.,ngs end Purses; Date r Tooth, ZYtall
and Cloth- Dinshes;- Violins; Aneoideons, Flutes and
Fiferi; lieu Penknives nod hteissorsz Globes and Paper
folders . Shell, Dress and Side - - Combs, Intent styles;
ilia Yeses.. Fruit thsketi, Agate-1111d 41111i13 'Nrxine,
Ardg.," and Cologne Bottles; Tables. Chessman and
trackganumin Hon rib . ; ; Silk TaPe'stry; Tintsselic and 'ln.
grnin Carpet Bags; Willow , hlarket 'and Side. Deal:cts ;
Chairit, IVAgillik Cradles,. k:e. ACT:, with a Itlffit moon
rneitt or Toil and Fancy. Ankles, Atm numerous .to men
ph, i yi i d i ihe'lal-dl3 o nL f h 7 rwh T n 71 th T yc ii a iT n i i hear i on i o for throeilltigs!
'Twenty year* , tons of .lutir s a d wonde-iful
r, Viii
-- `'
tsm mine , July 17, IStr. IrulOlern
of/ones , Coral Hair
Ibmintiftliell . firen doirisively demonstrated in the ett.,
scat at *iiyl peehiire - eitirens of /het owri. who; Oil
account of your selling three shilling trial hotlisi try it
without fear. Ono instance, which has attracted partic
ular attention, is the case of a gentleman who had little
or no hair for twenty years; he had tried nunterouspre
pamtions in vain, nod ultimately had liiis head shaved and
wore a wig. At my recommendation, he tried the lir
/iterative, and niter using it. according _ to the direction,
for a short time, the young hair appeared, and he has now
am fine a header hair as any person iti lialtimore.
It causes eyebrows to grow, prevents the hair from
turning grey, find the first application causes it to Ourl
beautifully, frees it from &curt, and stops it from foliblg
Sold with full directions at 82 Chatham st.N.Y. and by
Wm. Jackson, Agent, e".., Liberty et, Pittsburgh. isemle
Ha" Remember the place, "Great Bargfi l n u C A riper ; *
Corner nth end Smithfield streem
• _ .
' •
4 M l yt .~~ ~~. 1
, .
.. ,..,.. ;':.; ;. : i, . ,,,,.. : : :- - ;.::'-i•:::'f' 7 j.:,"1;;;'-:' , L' : '
800 s s• ci ,„,,,,symitri and
,Th-----r eu , y e
T l h tl e VlVirs.-
Gem, for 1849 F, • ,
The Hyacinth ;
The Forget-memot r
The Gin of Friendship; '
The Fairy Ring;
The Christian Keepsake;
The Garland;
Tti.r Keepsake of Friendship;
The Rose of Sharon F.
The Snow Flake;
Also, an ester:sir!, variety of ,small J uvenile Books.--
Toy nooks in great variety. just issued for the Holidays.
'Also, fancy Letter and Note . Paper; holey Envelopes,,
from the lowest to the hi ghemprieemanufartnred. New
and old Wetmore, con:gently on hand nut' receiving, as
ire Smithfield street,thiril door *hove Id. itiee 22
litir, Hil'-'rYSI li OLIDAIS! !--The ire
just opening a splendid collection of Toys and fine
Feticy.Goods of every desertption.. suitable for- Chrkit
mas and New Year's presents, consisting in part,' viz :
Jewelry and \Vetches; Work:Dressing and Fancy Glass
Boxes; Card Cases; Pearl, Shell. No and Velvet Card
Baskets; Steel Bead Purses; Crotchet ry
V'elvet Bags; Mu
sic lioxea: Chess Men; Dotninnes, &c ; with - a thousand
other zirliCkS, too ntunemus to mention
'Fieabove (foods the winsell extremely low, previous
to the 1,.i Felituary,l6 4 .l9, as we intend making some ran
tcrial alterations to our store and - business. We invite
all hi call who want bargains, at Se Markel street, be
tween Fifth and Diamond.
- deekl ,t, . lIOiDAN & CAW'
- 1 - 4 11 T,3 OF‘COIIGIII to ihe night are vei
- 1 - 8 " 10, `l44M,*(ll**ltft bnars'ogs
elitnntlirt4trenni o le sufferer. 11. AI Ealanestock
& Co.ts `COUGH IIALSAAI has been eminently SUCCenn
nil in easing and caring ,lien anpleasant'spells. If a
person is roused Si! the night by asm of roughing, a
tea spoonful of the Cough Balsam willsoothe it, give him
relief, and, as it is palatable, leaves no unpleasant taste
behind. If once used, it will take , precedence ever all
others, n$ a remedy for coughs, colds, &c.
Propstred end sold by B. A. rmixEsrocx & Co.,
comer Ist and Wood streets, and corner Bth' and'Wood
i 4rivac
11 ST RECEIVED, by. Express, one piece short nn
fill Cloth, suitable for Gentlemen's Cloaks, which I
wilt make to order, cheap. hIcGUIRE
Also, one piece light short nap, a very- desir ,
able arti
cle for I'mdies , Cloaks. CaCTS warranted.- •
Also, a good assortment Line French Cashmere Vesting;
together with a good assortment of fancy and black Cas.!
mamma, for Pants., which will be made to oider es cheap
and as well as at any otherestablishment in the city.
Third street, St. Charles Building.
Y. 8.-E&TON.
H. HAWN Co emov . having 'removed from Market
F. st. to their New Store, No. d 2 Fourth at. between
Wood and Market streets, 'are now opening their Fa
Stock of Trimmings add •Variety GOOlii, among which
Cloak and Dress Fringes, of all kinds;
Embroidery Gimps and Velvets
Embroidery and Needlework;'
Zephyr and Tapestry 'Worsteds, Chernille, Floss;
Steel Sags,mid Purses, Steel Trimmings;
Lad. 'a' Morino and Silk Vests and Hosiery;
Childtens Coats, Gaiters; Alias, Gloves and Hosiery;
Gent.'il Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Dressing Gowns;
Children dresses of latest patters; which they °Per at
ow prices, both wholesale and retail. octs
'TProm Re - wa.m riir; of r — Pnitaurar iirait dent eli.
HE undersigned, having been itftlicted during the pitst
winter, with 11 . disease lathe stomach, someturies pm
ieing greatintinln the stomach for ten or tivelvd hours
without - intermission, and having tried various remedies
with little effect, was furnished with a bottle of Dr. .D.
Jaynes' Carminative Bottom. This he used accOrtling to
the direetiona, and folind invariably that thin medicine
caused the pant to abate in three or four minutes ; . and in
fifteen -or twenty minutes; every tinaany sensat ion was
entirely qnieted. Tho medicine wins afterwards used
'whenever indict:diens of the upprounh of pain were per-
ceivcd, and the pain was thereby prevented: He continu
ed to use the medicine every evening, and sometintes ill
the morning'; and in' a few weeks health Weft , so far re
stored that the sufferer was relieved from - al:lry amount
of oppressive pain, FMIII experience, therefore, he can
confidently rtromineruf Dr: D. Jaynes' Cantninattve Dal;
sam, as a salutary medicine for diseases of the stomach
and bowels. •
AlkOrny City, July 16. 15.13. A. SHINN.
• Irr For sale at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth
street, near Wood.
have entered into partnership, under the Ann of
and [TM carry , on TIN, COPP.ER..and SHEET-IRON
ING in all its branches, 'tithe old stand of W.B. Sditife;
Fltst street, near Wood.: Particular, attention given
steamboat, work._. oct tllo:
HAVE you a bad complexion, con roe, dark, yellow, or
'sallow? If you have, you will by using a - Cake of
Jones' Italian. Chemical Soap, a week or two, your skin
becomes clear,,white and smooth. If yea have any di-.
sense - of the Head, Face or Beard—sued us Ringwornt,
Scald Head, Scurvy, Erysipelas,, Salt Rheum, Barber's
Itch--you can be cured for I Lbws seen persons who
had filthy skin diseases for years, and after trying every
thing in vain, have been cured by washing the port tvith
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously .
.offer it for any of the above complaints, which I - wouldnot do, unless 1 knew it to be - all I state. If you have
Sun Spots, Freckles, Idorphew,Taii Sun Burn or disfig
urements of any kind, it will dispel thena.and make .the
skin beautiful—it is a sure antidote and cure for the bites
of mosquitoes, bugs, dec. - • - .
.• Beware of counterfeits. - Partictdarly cheap ones
—ask for Jones' Soap, and see that the name of T. Jones
is rid each cake. Pemons troll - Corte the south and other
war ," climates, would find this not,oply kir themselves,:
but it is a never-failing remedy for-chaps ,and chafes iii
innints And now, reader, by giving this one trial, you
will find it all or;even more ;that we have stated above.'
Sold at S 2 Chatham street, T. and by - Mai Jackson,'
agent,s9 Liberty street,.Pinsburgh. ' Peps
.. I -7 - to sep'
T HE .FIRIII of.Acheson : k -Dagg is this day dissolved
'by mutual Consent. - Mr. la& T. Dagg declin
ed business OR account of ill littalth,:has. disposed (Whiz'
interest to Jas. C. Acheson. The business hereafter will
Sc conducted In the name of W. J. C. - Achesolt.
Pittsburgh, J'u1y,1.94,9. JAS. T. DAGO.
In Withdrawing tram the firm orAeheson
take pleasure in recommending my suecesssor to toy
Wends and the public generally. JAS. DACG.
• •rtilYl9. -1848—atig_
..1131Y: .LIVBRV el'Alltti,-4-Ther subscriber
respeetfnlly informs , his, fnends and the Phblic
generally, that he has removed to a new index:
tenswe Stable, on Libeny street x in the, klfkh Ward,;aboveL
the Canal Bridge ~where he keeps Carriages, thirouchi;
Buggies, a Hearse; Riding. ;tomes" - ete. , Haviti,g added
largely to his former stock,he Solicits the Patronage at
the public.
,N. B. Ifories kept hp the da'Y,_vretk oryeim - '.: i
. -jr.2l:dly :• ' -,. . CHARLES ,COLEM.AIST.
Idec27l/ No. t 3 Liberly iipposito head.
`~,A,.~„~;L:r x snLF . vi.'+r ° ~:.a~f ~ > " ' .. ` x.i'. ~.
11 !: - ,... 1 •-' ;', - .: "" y r . :, : .
. • ,4.', ":'',.. "i.:'-'..4,,.--,..'z.i.:,. , :.7.:,v ~....
'. ' • " --..“,-,-',"•:1-:',..,,::',' ir,,,.:".::::cz-;P:::-,%
..":",; ..-.7.,,,-.::.
' ',:-:,..:;-' ~'''',,.:;'- •',.:..". ,;. '.-,..',.-d-
ii ~
~, .A,..:-: ‘?, ,-.,, '"i •ki -";,,,'''''";----...; ;:-.:--,f,7"::,;,.
i, ' ~ .`i.:7%" ;,- ' -;•-', ''..V1.71.,:1''.5... -•,-,...1-1t74
"-i '= i
' - ' ,. •. 1- , ~..-;: ~., ' :..i,'.''.;..%`-,„`%1-.„.':,..,;. • . ~,,..- i: , .. , .', •
- r '
• A
tt. •
.1 •
Nuftellaittoits. , .
. .
tolviii l l --- 1 Patent Cow:lave Beater Churn 1
' ' '• ' . ..'BUTTER IN FIVE. MINUTES!! - ",, f
TyrE call'the attention of thepublic to the article heaff.
,' - -lag this advertisement, and invite the enterprising
an curious weal! and witness its operation. ~ 4.11 adv,er asements in relation to this invention, to th e_ hundreds
who have seen it tested, is stipereroganon. - • •• - ' r.
1 Ist. This Churn Will produce Butter. gatheringitin II
: mass; from'sweet rttilk, ins five to ten nunutes 1 and from
cream prepared,ns families usually prepare it, in throe.
to five minutes! • - •
.24. The utility;of this , iniention •is apparent, as better
Butter can be produced from sweat milk, iir ciennr that
cream soured in the usual way ; and by:means of this
Churn, A little girl or. boy can ; perform, in five Lok ten
minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of ii:on>c
man or man for one or two. hours, and sometimes half a
211. By simply turning; a thimb se'rew, the whole inside
dasher is taken out, leaving nothing, but Batter and'
noilk in plainwoodea box.
9th. I risthe eheapest Churn ever' invented, as the sini=
plieity, ,of 18 :Construction • ( though , embodying a, great
philosephical, principle) makes it bat little to manuftin-.
fithat is a common-sense Churn, as all will admit who
will examine it. '
1:17 - -Vje have purchased the monopoly of this valuable
improvement from Messrs. Calve r & Myers, the patentees.
We are now offering the complete monopoly of this
ispied article for the States ofDbiii, Pennsylvania, New
fork, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware, which will •
insiirc Certain and large profits to the manufacturer. and
a speedy:return of investment. The public, are invited to
call and witness its operation , at our office in Pittsburgh,
every day, et qiitlock; v.: Er, - -' ' ' • •- . -
Exchange 'n , fr.. Co., propriesoro.
Office, Buildings, St. Clair street, next door
to Esquire Johns' office.- ,- ' -, • : ' " ' ' nov22 '
• • . • • 7 -7
lON the night of the 16th of October, a Canal Boat be:
leaking to the "Union I:Mei - Was destroyed , by' fire,
near Duaean's Islattil - 7occasioned, it is believed, by Lu
cifer matches. packed in Dry Goods.
The undersneeni It an nt of justice to the Pro-
prtetors of that ig
Lin d
e, de Alessrs.. Da e tilh, Humphreys & Co.,
Philadelphia, and Henry Grnir Co.,Pittsburgh, without
knowledge or tMlicitation on their . .partito make known
this manner the prompt and satisfactory settlement by,
bemotthe amount of our resPectiveireises by that
accident #ranging.inrunount.from three hundred to fifteen
hundred" - dollars, and in. the aggregate, to over twelve.
Ilionsand'thillars; . '
AF,„ fur aa possible thephattsome of the lots duplicated
and immediately forwarded and where it was k - nown
that this Could not be done,'or wasi not desired by its;they
have paid The amount in cash, or settled with the mer
chants-in Philadelphia, without reference to us.
The certain insorance of his Coeds, while on the
is, alwass.a matter of anxiety , to the ltierchunt,,and that,
if destroyed: he Shall he instantlY - paidihe amount oftda
Joss., Ile=thereforth winli.. without the least.disparage
ment intended the. other Llnes, to, ive this public testi
mony Orthe . hatifieterY settlement of a heavy lisss by the
VIIIO7I Line .
Pittsburgh,Novernber 7, 1612.
Hampum,'Sraith & Co,,
Alexander Xing ;
D. A. - Grier,
E. Sr Lynd.
Rob'. A, Cunningham,
C. it.thathrim.
... . • .
New Book awl . Paper Battikllabineindt
TNo. 78 Wood /new, battens 'Fowl/cant/ Dkonona .
E subscribers have just opened, at the above stan d ,
a taiga sttn.k of different qualities Baled and.Plaut
White and Blue Writing and .T.elier Faker, Comlteraid
and Packet Poet Flat Cap, 'Derny and medlurreWrillng
Paper for Blank Books,Medium and Royal Colo red Print
ing Papers, Printere • lndia, Enamelled unit kortparface
Cards, Nos. 2, 3. 4, small and double small; Medium,
Demy and Cap Day Books and Ledgers, superior=
and best eastern binding; School/looks, WI kmdsi
Gold Pens, Ink, \Valera, Wax. Bill Files, &c. ' •
Blank. Books, of all sizes. ruled to pattern, and bond
in the most substantialmanner. '' .• •1
Couon7 Merchants' supplied at the lowest wholesale • "
prices for cash, or RAGS at cash prices., ~ r .'. -•
JONT/NG. , ,
Having a Job Office ß
in PR co l nnexion tvitli Orlf estabusa.
meet, we are prepared to execute all orders for plain and
fancy Printing' Books, Pamphlets, Circulars, Business
Cards, Bills of ' Lading, Ice., with despatch and at law prices. ELI.IOTP *:.E , NGLISH. • I
No. :3 Wood fit.; bet. Fourth and Diamond &I*. '
II At our store on Market street; between ha and
Fourth, may at all times be fcluad'a !lute etock'orTheo.. . !
logical and Miscennneous Books. • New.BoolurreeeDrea r
as soon as pablished, and sold at the lowestprices
The pubhcations otthe American Sunday/School Union 1
and Ma.sachusetts 'Sabbath School - Seel always'on .
baud. Ca taloguerffurnished on appliCation.. , • - - ,
~ ' ',ELLIow * ENGLISH, l
hiniket sjlie t.frbird' add Forth. I
. .. -_____
r__=-1,-- WhrIiTt3CANDE: pi eON S I
Apf..l-4 : t.-.../
.... COirn4 Mame atm stransti • ;
"..."--..;-.±.'=,-..:-.:, ;vs' .I.l:munsestm corner t r , Pain and
••••'"?.........__wramwrmerit 'Si., Clair ers, opposite e Bretiongs j'
7:4111,..40". ' Eogei, Entrance on Penh sr; res-
. pectfally inform their friendsthid
the publieobat they ;Ira. prepared to fumish and attend • ,
• toireverythin g in the 'line of Undertakers, as they . have
quit the linemen of 'Cabinet klak•ing, and their anendith
will be devoted altogether to the above•business, keep i , •
large assortment of copme made and finished, cover I
ed, and lined in the neatest manner, with a variety o. r ,
materials,"and• at ail prices; we keep SHROUDS ready i
made, of all aizes,• of Flaanel,,Ca mbric,andltlualin, "at
all pnces, and made in the ;eastern style, and all other {
articles neceseary for dressing, the dead, andllaraishing ;
(anemia, °file:2l4 and prier to suit ; SILVER PLATES •,i
or engraving the name age; , ICE•CASFN for laying ; •
the body in ice, by those who with to keep their friends .f
auy length of tithe. And have ZINC PANS to pat lee in ,
for. laying !on the body; LEADEN' CotTins-alwayivan '4, '
hand. We have a nrlendid new kIEARSEand a pairot !.
fine horses, and any nturther of the best came es, Ate., 1 ,
Cite., and will be prompt,' punctual. and reasonable: ': i
' ALLiGlirNy.
John Dean.
A. M . . Marshall;
Drown & ADQueston
. . ..- •I . .
• ..1 '.' • itriV'S NATIONAL NOILAYING_ •• . •
T.. l l)touili United Staten* Senate Clhonsber...
IfFIBITBSCR [BUR would respectfully inform the cit
.itens of Pittsburgh, that he has for sale,' at the Lam: ,
infirm House, corner of Grant and ourth streets,iwbete
hewn! remain but two days longe r, ) the celehrated en-
.1 1.
iiiiiVing of the United States' Senate Chamber;published
br F.. Anthony. 20.5. Broadway, N. York; the life•likd
likenesses of the different States nod Military men ofshe
nation, neatly set•in enamelled glass frames, nt the Very
Irriv price of St each. Among which may be found the .
superior likeness of. Henry• Clay, in his :Ist yea:n the l .
likeness of Daniel Webster', Mthani Fillmore, George .1,
Wanhingtort. J. Q. Adams, M. Van Buren, J. C.Calhoun, • '
J. Buchanan., R. C. IVintlirop, Geuentis Tnylor, Ceti, •
Scott, Butler, &c, &C.'. Also, Tru tabulPseingravin g 0(1116 •
Declaration ofindependence, Lnutlees tanguificentfull •
length engraving of George Washington,.with several
others. - l'he'subscriber can fa mlsh'every - oniele itt the
thouy's,wholesale prices. . • Ivar. n.. Bp
' I .amertine liOnse, cor. entiitz nd 4th eis . . ' - I
• ID. For sale et this office.- . -• • • ' .0ct2.5. • ' e
, • - , •- • Lailutiscr,
THEoint..vint. os rocarrn AND osts-vr trUsrs, crnotturt..•,
,subscriber respeetfully-ttanotmecs that he has
now opened this new and eent
for the ae- .
commodituon of travelers, boar ders , and the publie gen,- 1.
entity ; The house and furniture arOentirely new; and
no pains or, expense bare been spared to render it one ot i
the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber is deserve, and therefore
solicits, a share of public patronage. ..' ..
*.settlay -' - JACOB HOUGH,- Proprietor.. .
V} L.
rY igultdc,
Teir ----- N o m e
.• ALL persona knowing themselvis indebted to Anhui's,
•Nieholson & Coy (Eagle ) Found a reiitte to
call at theirold Warehouse, on Libe rty, stree re t.. • sted .
, • ••
All unpaid accounts will be placed is the hands of a .•
Justice of the Peace, on the Ist July next.
May M. ARTHURS, NICHOLSONk & - Co. ' •i'
1177 A general assortment of 'follow Ware, dke.,• radio 1
lowest market rates. Liberty st., head of Wood st. •..
triai.V. ' ' ARTIWILS '& N ICHOLSON... - • .'f
fBOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, del.-4•ulla.raske 4-beHasy
trard,.lViolesule and Retail Root, Shoe and ?wink
Store, . L ibertystreet , car y
IVood. F. it. H. have in store and are . receiving lb*
Pall and Winter stock of ROOTS and SHOES, non slating
of the largest stock they have evefbetn able 'to brink to
this market. 11 , 0 also have constantly on hand a 'plea
did:stoek of Hayward's Metalic Gam Elastic ,Shoes. both
for ladies and gentlemen's wear, the most beautiflif aid.
cle ever manufactured. We would solicit an eXamina
tion of oar stock of:goods, by all who .wish to purchase
either at wholesale or retail,. as we will, sell at a tualS4
advance above Cost. Con ntrymerchants will Ind 'it to
their interest to' all and examine oar stock before, Dar.;
eheithig. • FOLLANISLif4E.& HAYIVAD.
. 136 Liberty st,
• anlfzl
f 400 bb le.Molasses;
50 bbls. St. Louis 8. 11:18cilasiesi
42 hf. do- do .• do
.do; - •
200 f ag h
ors Coffee, prime green; •
'25 hf. cests assent. Teas, . .
• 110 six ;wand caddies Y. Wand liripetialtell'
• 1530 . do' ; do. .do:, . do; • • •' 2 ".
100 boxes Sib AVin dour Olass;' • •' .
.10 do 10x12 . i ~,,i„ :. , • , : . .: ,!.
SO do Tobacco. "• .
A large assortment of all-kinds eteenteeion hind it
the new warehouse of 1. EDW ItAZu&-rOM'''
ap24 Nortkeast norternt the Dianwrid. : : ~
The general properties of theSe Pins are Carolia'
nee r Purgative and - Tonic. In the 'eeimmon. disordent
arising from imprudence in diet.,:&e., such as hieknesa
and Poorness of the stomach, hearthtirty headaches; &ail
where a medicine is required , this preparation is vary
applicable, for its carminative or soothing effects give
almost immediate relief; when nausea or sickness exist :
a s
purgative operation upon the stomach. and bowels is
gentle and -elfectual; '13111.11111 tonic' propeniis impart
strength to the digestive organs. theretiy enabling these
orgaus to Perform their proper tone lions with order:and
regularity. 'The price has been rettiieed'o om
_5O to 2 u
cents a box.
For sale, wholesale and. tatail i ,by, X. -
"POCK & Co., corner' Frani and Woßd A. FAN NEs Wood streeis, Agents for- 4 4th : and
r- Pittsburgh. ! •" - • Jeri;
0 itle,a).?
hianchrster.--43EORDI aerai E
DRANZa having resumed bu.
airless, has erected the necessary machinery at the above
place, for turning out all work in his Ilne,:anui is prepuce!
to mire, hoards to his mill and deliver them to oustonte
on reasonable terms. .. .. •. ;
-Dressed floorinrboirde, &c.,iltvaya on! hand.
A largo quantity Of dried docitipg lumber On hand., .
Ordes front We toe ni•LUMber Merchants promptly-ex
crated.'... .,
xj-JAhI.FS G RFIENOUGH, of the late firm of K e ener .t,
Greonough,'continues The business of Consulting Engl.
neer. aud 'Patent Attorney, at his office in thecity oe
WASHINGTON. Il tions in e may be consulted and employed
in making •examinamachinery in the Patent(/' -
Lee nail ulsewhere, in tninishingdrwatngs and Specific's:
lions of machines, awl all.papers necessary tO scure,'
' transfer, amend, reishue or extend letters patent in that
United States Or Flurope.!. He can also bet consulted pro
• fetusioually on all questions of:litigation atising under the .
Patent Law, and will argue oneauctrut before the Patent'
Office or an appeal theretrom,for which his long experi
ence in ' the Patent O ffi ce and i n his professiottshave
culiartyfinedhim.. The professional business of the hoer
Dr. T. P, Jones having been placed in his handeval/ let.'
tent in minas's-thereto should be addressed to him, PM
• . ,
ID-- Pittsburgh °Rune, Pitistrorgh "MorninPosi, 'and
St. Louis Repnblican will copy stx months, send papers,:
and Zile' the a d vertitter.—Neto I:eckett,, Asto.7 21.
, tti. Hodki noon,- o. /US ood s,
IyOULD call the attention . of tha!pliblic (thei.
:i _.
' - especially) to bin wells:elected assortment of bean. ;1 •
ti u French and Eheisii CECINA' DnuN0,41.117) TR.&
, i!
SETTS. :Consisting,in part, of Gold •Band,_,Gold 'Lino,
Fancy and Plaia White ; also, Indian China Dining Setts, •••
I , -
all baying ' been imported this season, and are of Ma most.
desirable styles.
' 111. HO DKINSOIY. ~
t' ,
eerAl --
Bard & :others, ,reinittlii- ena.
;IA DOZ. assorted sizes, warranted brandsold 20 doz.
• 44../ Victoria! Pens, inst. received and for sale bailie
'wide at New York prices, by • • i
: . .. - EDWARD
t oOD& CO
nor. Fiftb and Marke sts., (up maim)
• The highest premiere ever awarded on G o ld Pena, Wit/I.
• given la Rani& Brothers, at de ingiTair or the Mina
chasms Charitable Mechanic s A seciatiou,nt Boston. ,
'Also; die. highest premium ftt the, Franklin-1114We% •
i,hilad_______............___.......____..___,qip.ry,ia,,, , :,.•: :-•: • • .. -•.- ' "aeon ......
Boon, with plates of tFarouelitdarna,Toscpb %he/2e.
Patnck Ileriry: Alexander Hamilton., Fisher.Eratpsait..
Jolla Randolph; dedicated "To .13tutliirati who ' not •
drones, Chnstions whir are not. bigots,- and Citizens .vrho'.
are not deatagaimean
Reating from Basinesi ; or;tinsltati ?trio s
The above iusisteivea aby •
- . • Ef..I.IO7recZVGLIB/4.'
,• 46414/IKeir 4114,n3Yorotoirt.of
.. •
•' • •
' • • .‘ •
•. t; • ii•_
i• •
• -
' 4 1,1*.1,r- •
•-::11/15 CUT us
• - - • • • -
its W. Corlier•oftWood And Fifth S eeeeee .
i rtHIE Proprietor ii(the, Nomura Porr and liiHripar
1 Aurp.l!ifAlAhmerimux, respectfully informs his friends l:and the p atrons of these papers that het has a 'large Si moment ofJOB TYPE AND ALL OTHER AIATERIAL
pnecessary to a Job Printing. Office, and :that ho 15 pre
ared to execute; ....- • , -: • ' ' ' ' ' '
Lanka roam s memo pi , ttv ritY ID simitrrioir.
Beaks, , Bill
_of Lading, - - Canaan,
Patfrillerr, " ' •BM /*ads,: .• ' • Cards,
Handbills, • Blanks, r • • Hat-75pr •
iii7".5.11 kinds ofßlanks, Stage, Htenzaboat and Canal
Boat Bills with appropriate cuts, printed on the shortest
notice and.most reasonable terms.
He respectfully asks the patronage of his 'mends. and
the public generally, in this branch Dribs business.
sep22 L. HARPER.
~ :`i
. .. ~ ,1.
~. ... .~
`{ . - .
2 . 66.
r •