The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 15, 1849, Image 1

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l i ara ' NOAN/NG - TQST "
;Print's:Unita Ptals/tortenoi72iforningi(Somdain grorinf.) .
SY ls - -lIFA. RPER,
•- -
;r-R6tie*ibir tit titioa'Sitt. firm etaxrs
CRAX.6.- , Filte -Dollars: yo?r7payithleririatir
in atirance..Sii'Dollfirs R ipvartably
noz•patd within the germ. , , ), 1,-; );
r But Single - copies - rrnweims—faranle nt the eonntr
of ntstillfteeptitkl*t tkeNeore
Vii.pA t lcarOTt XING ,POST
lepphlistied froth the ttlitec . biTiee, on a large blunkee
itze *lapel ) lit TW.o.l3o.l.l.ll.llS':at'yearsarvitduance+—'
sin le copies siva corn.
~ • ,
ur No paper will be discontinued lunic4.l4 dia.'
lit renal: of thalpreArie lora utatirhll arrearages- ate
ED' No attention will be paid to, any order unloss, n i b-.
compel:tied:by the metier. or salitiftratorkreferikieelli tits'•
__ .
.-EIRM-S " , 0 FTADV ER V-•T
FEE 13QtrOlE OF TWELVEASNOt.OE , TiIMq. fw, j:
ei - 2kil!ettliaertitim .•.. • • • - •$0 50. One. Matitbil.t.t.i •A". 'le'l t
Two , " d 0... .... --..':.'. - 0 70- 1 ,- s i.,; - 6 . d.:.,..-.,.... - 1: 6 .
.:: Three do 1 00 Three dd•'. l -•••;':•.k.:. - ',A 00 --
.I ; ;One,,neek,.. - . • • ......., 3-501 k'our , do _ , ,,8 00
Two . - 06. - :..... .. :. . 050 Six` 'do - . - g.lO 00-
•umte r e e ~t,”:....- , -,.- . .......3:00 Ono „Yew.% i... , ir. • ;•25 r ,
YEARLY Apyruvr asp.m:rq:, •
Ch at: ittigi-uii.' t . ' --, '
,-.• '''' : ...
. ONE 61211.&11F- . - ' TWO SQOARES., - ;
Six Months,
.. . Sl5 001 Six itlondyi,• .. ... .. .is2o" 00-"
One Year..'.• • • ;,;•':' 20'00 'One' ViET,. • •''•"" • 30 90.;
.14 raraidvortisethenfsin-proportion; ;-' '- :i ..ii ',.
Da' Cards of FOUR LINES, Fiat Di2in4 a Tiar.
`'. , cute will net beintiertad•unlettilinieittle- pride-
" A t
Er liileirifseniente up:in whichthe Miiiihal brlnsee.'
•-• 'lions is not marked, will be inserted and clueried , 'lintil
2 r ordered ont.;' 1..,. • ......, : ._ ,
... ~., .; . -„ ~
116fissittrat Vicirbo:
"street; Nv= I gl 4";di AAorneea , Lagt - Pilee,on34
street, hear - Grant, oct-5
ASHES` I . : 7 RE - lity 4 — tililiry t - Latzlitlite 'Bake
taell : iaildinga, Graut atredt:. : itnny27,3m .,,Low.,.4.)thar,rourth
•etieet, near fi. Pattemon'aLvierYl4. laliii.",-
-. X3E(IRGE WATT;-4hte6, No. Tr Sithithfietil'st
,near Sixth st., Pittshur&h.
rtft. A.. Iti: - OLIVEN, Physician and Surgeon.--43fficte
1.1 No 8, S. Clair' stiedi, Yiftsiolotht atig2l-y1
it.4OIINXICA.WFOR.I), °thee on St. Clair street,
Qp.osite the Exchati•• .
Oft t LANITO LOONITS, .dtiorney,a; erAth
'et..,'oboVe Woad:: ' • ",' '
rptiortus M. MARSHALL" ;Awn** al Tai;v..:-OtEnO,
Lowriealtundings'Ficklitin st jan7-ly
TAMES GALLIAN,- Attorney 41 Vatv;-corner of Wylle
Uk . Andfifikstfooto74Low Cooler." febla-y
L t 44orney at Ltsta-tOtfice.-in.llakewelPs
lf.'l . 3uildligs',` . on - Grant Street,' tippasite- - th''
M :KI NNF.DY,. Attorney at Law.—othcs xtre
Auvi n tssme.buildtlig vrath,Mdermutt M'Master,Fitth st,
and Smithfield I`4lm.
TOHN BARTON. attornry 4ciatt. l -4)ffice, North side
,of Faith- strqe4.betwqen •Wood
. a..Tl,§ p li!hgeld; 114 e...
*driptigilding With Atifpnimil Morrow. • .' tp.ll7.iy
TOSEfI C, IN,. Attorney
'oa peat** et; bit tieeen -- Wood:
and Smithfield'sl§:' "- ' ; nerje,,y
rtE,ORGE:- W. LAYNG, Attorney and,CounsOlor Onto.
' kjl 7 *a:UM:dig' Pubfie.;=-01fieer'at the-omter or .101 add'
ets., Over Sibbe offiee.betl4l
W th ATUNI.), SNOWDEN, -Attorney at -Lam:-()Woejn
e baildiarba the North East -docner of Fourth and
Smithfield „•
4 1 9 1 CROW,,,d4erman.-r-016co nottli ,Aide of;Fitlh
.1.11#... target, Ivelmr,eptt - WOod wad Smithfield Pittsburgh:'
...F9,ANDLF2itS & 51 , CLILTR.F;,, 4tuarneir arid Counsel
tOrt. atLate.--erlioecon Fourth' it.; opposite &R.
Patterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. • - s-0144y. _
VORWARD& SWARTZWELPER, Attorneys a t La tr.
Office . onTatirth sifeei; , lietiveenWciod and Smith-
fireltiraPPasite, PatleiSaa's-bivery.Stable-
CI F.:0130E ,F..,GALLOSORE, 4torigyAnd _Comm:liar at
iorLaie:--01Tice renioVed it. the 2,1 dooebe latettraut 1.1;
an Fourth; to'lltioffteetatiti'beeurlied
T N. 11VOLDWRY, , AukOnty atttra thisttlor at
U. Office is ,Ualcpyre . ll's Buildings on Grant street.
(iirel ilt3teit!-,UP°,:tlYetan d "Coisnii wt at Ltlwr
and nearly. apposita.the. Mayor's office.:" nora-11
SCOTT . , - Deetirs, Filattly4r4frali doors west of J .. Warr4nteil, and ilmipt,perfectly Ant
isfactorysio charge* will be Wade. feblo:
. ,
ItEMOVAL.-4-14. Itobert Snyder, has . removed his
office to Fienrth !Went, between Wood and Smith
giehi streets:
has removed hiccommiresion
,- :and rotwinfingbusinese from the Ouzel Wein to his
new`sienreltodseyein 'llfirdnAtekt, fien'qr opposite the Prim
AL.—JO . J. MITCHEL, Attorney at Law,"
111,, as removed to Feerth et next door to the office of
JT D. LEE?, Attorney at Lam, Washigton,
,lectioisa made inW.ap . hington,,Fayette, 4reene and
• . ' ' .apl2-r , ,
MHOMAS,iI. -- .TfINNEDY, Attorncy at Laio-,-Offlea on
J_ Fourth, between Wood and Smithfield. •
.... ,,, ,Raniummaa."....64l
ea.- , K, - fitocrrehead,--.Joha Graham,
Pros. Pittsbutagb, „Bank; W ,. Burbridgeir. Logan,
Wirihii;Ar.VO4ntebord'& Piltilittgh, Pa. ' omit:
Third door aboveStitithfield, South side. of oil kiuda done with_the greatest care
and legahiccurneq: • •
s';.:l' ell to IteTallistate examined , &e. ; ts trot-i 5
113101 COYLIy 'Apiary dna" CoWt.4)/cet..--11ttic a in
MetealPit,Btutiling, Fourtlf:Street i near. Smithfield,
rittithiugh: "Deeds, litoudhhfortgages t Articles of Agree
, ism; all:other inStrurnenti writing'drasvatip with
accuracy and Titles to Real Eltistp,e4nzruned.
N, disorneyand.Counsellor at Late,
'Mu Franklin, Vetoing° eminty . , wilt/attend prompt
lp.tonll butiriees entrusted to Inseam . Collections made
in Warren, Clarion; and Jefferson 'commies.
Itt9Eit TO
J A. Stockton &Cm. •
Murphy • W its= A. Co • at,urgb,
.Hon: James Kinnear, Franklin " • - •
lion. - Alex.lllVoiracint,. _ •
. t-• Hon. J. Wilson, Steubenville, 0. ty
TOHN PARKINSON,IIdsrmatt, Fitth.Ward,; Prost
er , in.: between Walnitt Mid O'Hara iststctehere be may,
be kilt:vita tilt ' Those' hairing houses ortathertatop
trty to sell or.tem;etioltat , e_the same punetdialk attend.;
- rd to k debts'eolleeted,- and all the-duties of tm - Alderatin
teceivelfrompt attention. cte27;p
„IlL; hrelloo's Buildings, comer of,Wyicand Fifth steels
east side of the Court House. . . , ~ • •
• .•.• Collectiog,-Conveyancing, examinations lo(
e.ords, prompdy.and accurately attended to, .my•IS
W. 114,1.0,15, Attorney and•Coueseas,ar•
••• Mtn; (successor .to Lowrie & Office at:
• -•rhe old stand, Fotirth st., above Smithfield. - ,• -• • .
-Pirtnerehip heretofore eiisting be.6reen•lienry:
W. Williams.' Esq.;•and titysolf,in-the practice of the law,
oriedissolied 6y rniunal _consent on the 26th:Alt.t And the:
blisinosswilLherrafter be continued by lienrY , W.W . 4 ,
:HAAN, , aliaen'.E..taost; cheerfully - recommend to 13.11 r
whoral; to therhonor to -do business—nos gontiomino
wity.'woithy of their confitterne*.-% •;. - • , t).•
; ". • ; •WALTER +l.-+LOWREEi
Geo*HP•ll,:;fillHdie, AltsksViegitsicieri,
TQL7CE in Ayekyltow; Fifth'strcht,,abotte'Sznitlifield,
other instruments of wiriti - 1. drawn with neatness, legal
.acenracyand.aispatch. will also attend to drawing'
.and filinglifechaincs' Li psi,. ,iteiouitti EXCellthii;Admin
iuratoi, *e., tiges 2stafe;_.Searphing•
Headritsfof kt., •
From his twig ersieneithe i and intimate ,
with the manner of keeping the public reeoridi'lle ex-7
,peon to File satisfaction to - those who may„enti-ust their
basilicas tia his care. — deeln
Aratnoji.sind ChintOiltoirei;'
115 WOOD b. 1.411 {:CPPUSLA: ' S: . ik5. ' 1441.5!: Al i Ctton Horms,
ryiHEiligefibirrespectrallY inViteh 'nil lovers of 'lean ,
tifuT China 6f Vanes ,
ana Piet Lampe,Candalebene, Or4lidolesi•
Welfare; Britannia Ware, Castore,
;•-,Llke**;l4oelfiware of every variety and pattern,
af 111610 - vireafja - leelliiaprices.
je3 111. 110DXINSON.
- AnocherAfoluAteer.
T,WOULD.beg to - eallihe attention of the Military, one and-, all, to lay 'establishnient, No: 30 ,Fifth where
. rbey Ottelm vlggeduatirt a new suit or any, style,
tYar,dimertslotta, at the lowest possible prices. you
wish to save. your dimes and get. well served, Coitte. to
Curiagoi ) .No, Ali fifth utreeti opposite the .t•Morning
MPreba Wtrit!gri ' ittta:4 3l. ,Pittalt all
/313 rr• . ;;;;
REMolfAh.',On'account of our pent up market and
11."dernand.-for. vegetable. stands, ;I _have been. cool,
pelled to remove my Bread Stand to the opposite side of
aaftrket street,•in front of, Alexander .& Day's Dry. Goods'
Store ; *here L sball'be.glad to see my. form eveustamers.
la„. BOOKS , BY: EXPRESS:llle*PlanetarY and
JA'Btellier Virorld popular exposition of the great dis,'
- coverlet' And , thebileti-ordicidern .Astronoiny,lb Le-series
' tehleefitria:' - By G. M. Mitchell, A. It Director of the
Cineiruuni. Observatory. •
Letterafront italy. new...and. revised edition, by J.'".r;
Batavia :For sale by ; 'ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
. - ...7S Wood and BO Matitatattt
'TIM. FL FOSTER; Agenrier..efericatf Sekliersitrtprn. •
• yr ' elite k.and Warranls,and Pensionsini.Neldtvfn
his, office,Bekeyreills •Sai '9pppsite,,t4eNpryopri
rEltititte; Ttltsburgh, ' • -
biy son' in the General. Land 'Office', at
Stifinttentllthiny btelries,sthertr, free of charge lIPPk•..
--E• - Etoß 11ALE.,...F.'41fietc—Bouwiesi ,by Penn, I f ibetty
• ,nrvi 074 qaAkt having gfeet s- front and ex
undlng. back Wert— 'A74 of them nee cornee'ldte;and
he volution o wholppropetty ohe'orthertaest,
mmt q ager p i p o,the s fitEL-For (talker ihthimlitioieniipty, to
M. SwARTZWELBEW, Pcrarth st.,
Ova ti between Wood and SmitUffel .
~ '~'
-, .~
.: ~ ~.?~
- .
: 1 • • :1" "-I - P _
. , • _
: 41 1 y f,
- • , - - - . . •• • - • '
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;.; -, :i• t
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, .......:., .. ,
~l-r.. :::..-'i',..fP.'ilir
,Cl` WERNEBURG,FashipnaGls,Ciocking .E,vabiiikment,
04 . 6:2.3 Litieftratre6t.ll t! : [yn.)-2.1i
TORN CUR.ISAN, Fashionabv Tailitr, Fitla want, near
tig;Wond,'britAito It:e 'Office ief the Post: , •_ ; Ittra
;It&allt3.tiELLlt 0L1.N.504 U 46, „Sign; and Dina
-111. fa/ Pqinurs,cornor of.Ggant aw.o4pcnc4 slLreeta.,
A 24.1 Fohnird Coitriniiiiop I
•Lls2tterchapiticetpttlllttnan, 7 , -Itttlta ;
i ST:IHNStei I etY4K - 41Y ond (leatiet,i.itterty asst'
ititteeeit xih Ottek i'd
:SOlithiso: '86,10
71ilt)iiiIEN'44 .ikiWIStICE4-=FitihtionstOte hadthing
;.0.L429 -y -s4ot#s#l64lft.:4l4.ny ipirgekorpQf49.slyß
8 ,
01./hl2llll , l`A•te ghtifl - 1; Portearttute Cettressiseset
Ketehttelsand..Deritersin.Pnehttet Liiit Smilpfld s 4
opposite the Moheng,tthela %sum_ 19: •
1711Nitker. 910011HhiAlh'ine:listkVed 'Retail . 'tit. "
~ .I.loen.l:Peoatte Aktiftot• ittiettee uits ; _Diemen& alk
Diamond alley : - „ mr2;
TODD til.,-titretiernin's- Furnishing GoodOE's
' tablislameist, garner tiflirasket rino 'Filth "iireeilt : 14)
eflikirt,CPlol3C rinh arreet-T , . • - • InYi3!
rji .1 - .J.'I'..MgCANCE, Fashionable, Clothing Estabii;h
-' :;ment, Nqs.,7l :Cad 70iresiinei Slith mid
i•-• - •. • , s •,0Y23
D‘alt r ,
• IttyM
AeILIALAMEMOILIUS,"IS7w/m414,.art4 /Utast .Ikistlr an
. /Taney alk," Stapl< Iksr Vpods, sl4 . p . Mttrket street, be
if PO CI rth "and the - Dlutxtotta: • ' ' mr23
`::'DUNLEVY,' Goldili;triM.-Nar. , tl,)(r-VJ cod
Gold Leaf, Dentists' Foil. ke. routs my on flood and
enanulnotaml to4:rder.
lk i Unt'llY Zr..•l; , E, '1r001 , . - Lt.tatrrit trndl Commtsaion
311, 2tferchaotr, for the side of A.Merierin ,Wocdeo (.;000,
corner br Liberty eared' nail CC eit's alley. noel 0
CHAS. H. PATESON,FtttecOiitetsp Alisoufacrorcr; mod
dealers ' , kit. Furx, au i I kitati t No. 73,W00d strve 1, next
door !lithe coroer of fouftlt. , .
. *OOl
..7 "..Lr:11: -
ISLll:llE.'Fitidei Forte iltattlefacturrr and dealer is
Wolid'imset,:- near
0S , Nll WUOIIIVELL,hooncr. and Lkakr
A i PmaqdlP 9 Yilgefjfa':d•wffrC , .FOrner,°f.Aennad and
Wciod kri?itts. OCLI)
!.151URL - PitderAtitii:AN di co., - kgeiles for Cirlisie
Rippattlhi Itegular. of Yorker W'49s>. from
,New Torii...
„to I.l.yrykool-N'o. fit Lit... rty tebt
Tua:Pli Store, slap Chandlery awl
.0 ''..kgeKer et . thi, .Pitt*borgh ri.ard '4)11. Factory, - No 1.
Alart,:gt Atroot, eistaburAlL. , • , jul2
11.ialikEall*CONNUtt., Pt.Frictors. of thi, Pittsburgh
rpTtaPle By,at, Slot: gerner of 11..m.t.ssu41,,Wayp.e sta.
fell. .
TAN MAT; Wholealzt Grde . rt, Po-titian:alig and Com
") misiion dlerthami.WAter street s betworn Itlct
LTICI7 arr , l Exchange Brokers, ;No.
UW)" AiTedd dons below* Voitith, west side.
. • .
t..Allakfttall. F.;7:sitarijiliiiiieji
13).corneir of Third n d .11food tqtreets,. opposite the ,qtarlefi , , fell
itNS,ON Pr+4
/61444.1'4444 . ,kgr,' onicr . 0r Alarket And Third cis,
IrICTOR SCHIISA, froak7riiir,Sku :ilit - gat4;loda,
Fifth street, between Wo,d and dig -et.
pMCWII:4II. Brass Fouudf r . pati Ulm Fitw., -*nab
. field street, between Diamond alley and Fitlb mt.
114cpp.11111.1% IV/wit:at, Ulmer; dealers it] PTO'
el. duce nod Pittethurgh inanutltetureA. No. 214 Liberty,
opposite 7th t.
sleet, near Liberty. - CJOHN FARRAN i
' • -4' Pmpritior.
jJOHNAIOIWAN t IViintestsir and .itriaikliruggast, No.
O.TL VVood streeitotte iloor stintb of Diamond alley.
.1101.3...ANSEEE & HAY W A Itt), Whotrsalo and if
_L. Deniers tit Boon and Shoes Na. In Libertt %tree!, op-'
posits Wood. febl
4 .13 • A. FAUN ESTAZIZ fr.. CO., Wholesale litru4 , trarr
hoicsioebritit of First and Wood streetn, and eorner
ot:%Vpod nn febl
ALEXANDER & SONS. Coffin Makin and Fur
l' lirTnisaing.UndertaLvp,corner-of, eccur and tit. -Clair .
streets, opposite the ExChange.. - Entrance on Peracreet.
O/111 11 , .. MELLoB4:l9kol;,aft._ and 'Rada ikukt in
cuUl Ardirad tiittrion , nu,P)Unol,,Sc4oollTookr;
And StadoncrY, NO- 122 Wood Mifeet.
TAMES. PA17.11.3t51.)N. , earner of Firstand Ferry
it/ streets, inunafaeturer of Lacks- Hinges ; and. Bahl ;
Tobacco Faller Mill and Tinder Screws, Hansen
T BRYAR, Beetifyinr.Distiller, and Wholesale Dealer
Foreign and .11onankie "Wineg and Liquot#,: No.
114 Liberty'street; and 3..1 Diarnend 7,r2t
1.1V11,11.LA 411, Lambe). 17 - 17"/Wint. Office ou Pena
s letteet r between Irwin acid Hand. Communications:
4)rortqf tb' attended to. ' ' mtils
r '
..M..-MlTClo.l:lllilif:iVii;les—ale Grocers, lien.
drying .liiistillers, and Wine and Liquor M o e r'
o ants. ,_' Also, ,Importers of, SOila Ash and, Litennh.n•
rOwder•Nrh' 1 ,60 Liberty sireel, en.tsliunrh. sOPII.IO
ENGEXCHA klTiehange' Pate,- Baltimore.
D- Hogan,- Proprietor. CO3 chea Will be io tortdineeit
atNi the lauilings to - convey pwssengersi free ofoharge,
to the Hotel. decd
& NNKY,'Agents for ,the' Detawari - Xtquat
Jl3;:litsurit ,I
ilte Company, of Philnde)pitio, ihollVore,
*wile of Kipg . &)...lolmes,.Wrqer toreov.oehylklaVieet
(71.&849.751 & 11 1c 1 4111.911'1',, IYnoksate tin:Kw:and, Coin.
I:iSitisf Fon Aferchrinis,Sixo, Atr o bp,trr een Wood and '
:1, streets;
Itaaindesieoriler of Third olid , Wool ,
:1, streets; above CJI..Kay, voliere he lepropitred to :
do every description. of ruling and bindirm- late. 2
w. T - • "- ..POSiCASXTEIt."
ADDOINDI3XTER. & CO., 'Wholesale Groceinatid Com!,
4 L, adsslon. and Forwarding-Merekointm,,Ncr:4l;lll:atei-
t'IATR MURPHY,' Wholesa le - and Retail :Willer In
Tr DRY - GOODS, North east corner Nirk'dt-Tuld.
§AMIJELAIOIIROW, Allinufaeturer of Tan, Copper
and.Sheelli" Ware, No. 17 Falb street/14e tween
rooff aittl Market. feblo
'Mnd=ll- . 15CA128..! - l ..
CALM, & ATKINSON, Maatifacturesv-ef Tin; -C6p-
Oiper and Sheet Iron Ware. IThey eXpeute every
deseriptioerof.theeksmith - Work. First stieet;betweeki
. :Wootlaied•Market4 ' , +4t , .40et3ny
AV,":ll.o.3Aralf,.Ciimmission and. arwardirg
alterehanvoille aealgtt itt Flour, Weal atiii.Preduce;
No. 53 Water, and 10.11Frmatinreotfbetweetf Wei:Wain&
Smithgehlatreets:Tittstrlirelf: .• • - iss2o4.
.CC-P.IIB,TN Elia3LllP—Th underisigned Inia - assoei ate d
with himself John' Nierilsr fto - Witallimbre;l its the -
Grocery and Chino - rat GbilMil6MOTllßutippsifolndes the ;
style of Sellers &Nicole. 1, MUM) . larlsmuityli349,
: 3.- LEEC Jr,, Impbrier, an • dealer ,itt.
`iiagdninvaings, 'of:fa Wood st.,
l'ilattlaikif,' pan'tlaart above[mitten& door
Childs,'& ShorS'StOrp -1104=
A.l • • Ca, Grua aarliVirerufrrs, Nik.4 2 4, Worg $ l ,;
• „hatesgnstautly...on,hEiiia a full'asslctraerip of, every
'deieriptioa of EMUS tits, to_whichibey the'atten
-6:5 0 1 diale r re,.!l - 4 , 11505; adiuTe, Kos lr..sift SHOE .fiND
IDiS; which tamorisraoSlY•tenAwing Vith..lhe 'bent irti
proved TACKLE,and' Sperriej,
merits,. etvfatsTTAgt,r -- 4 1 44( . ;*ItiehAviq.tlplo.14 whole
sale and • 7Y7
, l'horers,..Frre/nre and: erinitgission Arerelialgt - 1;60 Wood
street, eillsburghATheitinderidgned hatiiniteriterell into'
partnership under the above .inyleirespeelfalfy ask the
patronage of The.friends of thertatainniandof 1116'par
:chasers generally, • They. rept 'warranted in.pretnising 1
that they. , can give .satisfannan - to'sdloshawaY2 bay. of
Ahent, or-confide businessfo , therr oure,:s. • .
I, 'WV"H B 9b
,'; r-t.l.Viall4.BlNO R.
r •y, .H .as /;teinser,
an • either ht PAiNTS, No.' 4 , 1 - -St.:Cfitir st.,
:burgii;hai constantly on hand all kind! of Pktirm:eitbei
Dry:or Japan And-SPigArliXitiati,TainseectOil
Boiled ; Spirits Trirpenune.Ovindove Map] of all
sizes; Patty, Paint Brushes, &e., all of the best qualiiy,
and for sale at reasonable pries& sepll
'.;Pi.94, - AtoGlTlßEir,sstito4ralwzfrimeat, irhirtlati! near
A) . Wood,-9t. Charles Buildings:. . :..-,[sept.,E,4-y
itirAlit§lifFkßlC - Nl4 - dttetioneei. - and Commission M et
Atm:M:ll4l Mock fehli
TORN, 07D4V,ISoluetionter and Corarnitrion 111c7i7i - arh;
t/ earner' orlYtynl And Fifth streets.
WLITYPI - KINSEY, Dealerln Fancy Goods and,
.IV - 0267 - Market stceet.- fehl
, .
LEXANDER JAYNES' ,Pekin Ten.Storr, n Third
•treet ,near Wood.; ',I a • febl ;
. .
City, Cloaing. stoye„Dio,l32,-
'l4;jArtibetty - titet; hitptivite the hiduthbfltiiitiret:
40SHU.S: "RtithNSON, = •Ateiii . 'forqititiidelf"eleb. , s
Racketa, F r ifit(4tti mks , iiPmb blow :Woctd- :febi
, . . .
virp..444l4J.P§Cli:So2l,- Paola 4reAkina,.Depot, es bib
ertyeiieet,leacretWOod: " febt
gaIX/RGE - COCHRAN; - snV,arrting
VI - MerAan4NO: 20 Wood. street,; :!, , fettl
MINGLISII& ELLIE/I'T, 800 k el, ers . and Atat,icputs,N
',COG Maikel it. belween Thin!' and relit
,'' as ontt , te Munk tore;. '49 lb
u - OON & S+ • GENT, N--2 corner of W °°( ! a P d at
ra Btrees! '
IiNZ , Z 1 .0, , , a ' •rr ntS/1 erngs
Cofn And .13a4,Notes,,No ..65,:autket sleet. -telll
A . : FULTO N,Reil4ind Brass Founder, 9. 79 *t'eolld:
''.'' . 4trieStibdtrieill Market 'and Firry Istrertt:' fbbt !
•11 . • A ll' +L,'CZdthtne M0ri., Ni3:167, d'orwroflabeity
0.00 ShWilafe, Bll3 -, - C,44
TowNsy f riA CAR - Fllcea t -Purtafic4.)Npff Afakees
itt:Clitratreel;itpailite •• Jest
o .: Gs; Ripubsud auf , y; hed
.M Wood street:
MIDNIOND tiitgkity iv/n*lamLiborix
..CIPP.t.oSte.4Ti ll 4O ,l . • -•
.li;Lsrfrik., fUCKMQ.l,V,Flialmak,GTarcts and Cone
inish-61.Afetiiduits, cornet at Libati);_ and trtica' 14.
_:,, ~,, .-., ; .:l 3niines - 0.;-.4I.0-;.
H. GPRIILIfiDrIG, Denier to Imported
mad Doinesfic Siigurs;fltutif had Tobacgo,
Wholcsalc s andaletail, Liberty street, sir
diyarnalioim'Sinitlifiild, Pittsburgh, Pa.
fl All orders from country Merchants Will be pronip'
. Ysiltelldedlo• - •„.
T D' t A U ;p 3 lit l rc;4 l l l l l 4 t l:- .' We j Sri' L orr h i l e c i l ' i t i iNZlV.P a ift n fr
strepts,'PitFshorgil.wilLk.o l l , -C9listantli-ol? hand Drug},'
Pamir, Oils,,tlye-Stuirs; kc.
DE-El.-L-PhYsicidne Prescriptions' chnifully-cempound
ed; from the ,best inatezials, nt.any, hour ofthe day or
night. Also, an 'assattnent of Perfturieryr titio , tooth,*
hair, and clothes , Brushes, , Ite
gold low for:cash. . . -•. „rip2ely '
Spring S'atabtoneat cor .1.8484. ,
• Ikir CORD & CO.; (late 111Vorcl - Xing,t HATTERS,.
will introduce _the Spring'Sly le of . HATS:thie thin
Saturday,March 4th,181.9. ,
'Their friends'and enateineraitie - requeitedlb earl and
examine their stoek-of Spring fiata k lust received from ,
NOW York, at their store, corner of Fifth and Wood eta:
TROYILLO,../indtrutkar, street, , im
V medintely oppositp.tbe . Theatre, ..respeerfully is
rime 114 - friends and the pubire in kenratotitlt - be•hall
resumed his htudnesa a . .s a. Furnishing IlndertakeL.
is supplied with and always keeps on hand Coffins of all
sizes arid kinds, Shroutls,and all other ditielea necessary.
on such occasions..
Silver plates, lee boxes, and leiden coffins will be sup
plfed in'order; ,, A , fina hearse:end eatriageutwsyaready.
to auend funerals, . . ea MI •
Exchasge Hotel,
Ce4iiri - of and St. `Blair airtas; Pittiburgh;
TlMlE.subtleriberi.baying ‘ unearned the - Tnanagement of
this longestahlished,and popular Hotel, respectfully.
annintneeeratriwelees tintl the publiogenetallyi thay he.
he at manatee prepared.lo neeommednte them itioll.
- things desirable itf a well regulated Hetet. - The Rouse
is now being thoroughly repaired throtaghout i 'and Pew
furuiture added; and no pujus will be spared to make 110
'Etcbange one Or the very best Motels in the country...
The undersignodlvety respectfully sonde; Isoontiairaum
of the liberal patrenaga,which tho ilottso.ltailioretoLwe
received, ''THOMAS OWSTON,
5. . : .. John al. Townsend,: : . • .
D RUGGIST AND A P OT H ECARY, No. 45, Market street, three thiors Wbove Third.finithargh;will have
InoltsUtntly,on , hatidin,v*ll indented assottmetit of the beit
and freshest siedicine4 which he will sell on the most
le.iementit,N , ,iliirint i ll Phyaielnits 'sending . orders will be
ipetnaptlyattglideil ' and suppplt a with:articles they
..Dllay rel y . upon s ag inn :
.• , Physictons pres , ptions will be ecurntely and neatly
, Rmared froat,,A rat materials, t any hour of. the day
. .._ .
1 , Atro.forsides
~. ga stock o i ahead good:Pk:RFC.
-1itNp...,Y,,„ i 4 , ~..';,....',. .. • : -, , . , , dec39
.1. D. - LEEMICR,: . _ •- • • C. Pi•-..- -AIiDDIC.---
• - - till6 OrPIDDDIDWII.k fix ,1 . - 'l,to of Ntlehtrille;Tertn.
LEMIC)N.& ANDE N, i en in canon, Forward-.
. = in and eorrimi. if Mere. , ids, No. 8, Front 'street,
-above Broadway, Ciu innati * ,io. . .
• keret;ftnts '• nerally, Pi. • burgh,' Pa. "
,: • , •Iliferehankegerterally.,N•2. heille, Tenn. ' 1
W., F. I t one &Co , Lout ' Me, Ky. ,
.Bprlngera'Whiternare . , ' • . • . • .
JansetrJohastited , fotNsoi, P' 4 9 l ' ll, ( th''' i
. Hewitt, klerattdo Co.N, • Orleans.
Illogregiir & ltiosribt.Ne - - York .1
;., - Lluvali_Deighler.teCcq,; Itimore, . , .... .
PAnitli, ogoleY & Co, Philadelphia.
Daniel Deshon, Borden: -•.' . - •. . scp24:ty
TORN lt, DA VlS,..iturnattor and Comaratritnt Aferehortt,
ty corner of Wood and Fiala streets. Pinshurg, is ready
to receieo merchandize of every description on consign.
:meat tor nubile or: private sale. and front long experience
in - the above busineet. flutters himself thot he wiltbe able ,
to 'eke entire 'satisfaction 0.1 utt who may fnior him With'
their patronnet . . -
..Regolar sates .on lylondays and Thursdays of Dry
Grieds and rany Artteles;hit 10 o'clock, A- St.
Of %metrics, Ft trebtirgh manufactured articles, new
and second-hand Furniture, ke. , at 2 o'clock, .1.. at—
Saler. every ekettitig ttearlY dugl-5:7
FULTOIV, Bill - ii;igll2t; :Founder, his rebuilt A and
commenced bu.siecss at his.old standlo. 84-
cona,betwien Market and Ferry effects, w here be will
be pleased to hi/told customers and friends. • •
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to
10,000 pounds, ca.:lll6m patterusof the most approved'
models, and warranted ft/be of the beet
Mineral Water Furnps, Counters, Millings, ace, ke.,
together with everr'Ettriety of Braes Catnittge, if requit ,
ed. turned and finished in the neatest manner. '
A. F. halte sole agent for Bob/airs Arati•Attrarrion
so justly eelebrated for the seduction of friction itt
machinery. The boxes and composition can he had of
.hitn at all times. novl3:y
- Leeching, Cupping end Bleeding.
Na. - OS, 1. 'Eta •Sraltr.
. .
Tr It. NORRIS. Ouccef sof to M. R. Delanyl—Presb
. rehi. received nionth IF; attendanee at all huurs.
Reference: The .Physicians or Pittsburgh, Allegheny,
and liirutingharn. March 13,18.18.
I most Cheerfully recommend to .Physiciane,
and alt ray Cornier friends and patron+, Mr. K. B. NORMS,
as being thoronghlyttreptainted with the Itsiness, and
worthy of patronage.. M. DE ANY.
ma rtri:Gra
YotrritAl r AND I.A-NDSCAPE,
. Collin; modem IJOIMIKS. ID hit, patrorisoixtut would
unarm the citizens of Pittsburgh, and virinity,that lie has
on hand, n large variety - or Landscapes. for Van - at the
;Mean, on Fourth street, betereen-World and.Slll/thfield..
tIIOIV hitit END, CARR A CO., Isiteeriniors to the 01. tint
_l'M' C. Townsend Co., and Carr .I... Rowland,. heg
leave to announce to their friends, and to the public gen
erally. that they % are 'nom/ prepared to exeeute all kinds
of vrork in the Clutch and Wagon.making business, dt
the shortest Donee, and warranted to be of the best quali
ty- TIIC very large quantity of 'araimued 'Violin with
which limy' a" prepared, tool lIIPir facilities for ruttiness,
enables them to Wine the public that they are prepared
to catty on an extensiv e and prettily business , in-their
line, and they respectfully solicit it vontittuance of the
liberal patronage. liestowcd upon the late rams. ..p4
17 - PNITIAN & CO. have Te
l' moved 4) the corner-of AS'ood'strees stud Diamond
.alleyi over S. M'Clain's Leather Store. where they ore
prepared to famish Veititiaretlinds, Wattle/Lola rind-Re
tail, at-prices much reduced; havingayeryrerentriemade
of pointing, and either advantages unknown to others ih
the trade. Resides giving a superior finish to blinds - , they
;TOR them with the pest materials, tattl,lint them rich and
. .
N. 8.--Witle Or r elate , —pcirrabte or permanent
fastenings fitruisus.4. Old Blitub roitted.
QTEEL AND nix mANuFAcTott .—The ser -
'lo' hers, linvintr enlarged their establishment for the mew
ufacture.pfSram f anti Fuss--op the corner, of OtHans
and Liberty streets, Pittsburcli—are prepareibui furnish
Files of every description, of flit , beet quality: and being
Jetermined. ' to makem th e. katereet of consumers to pur
chase Files irom them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who use the article.
nutria-yr .1. ANKRIM & CO.
/.1 TRIMS, for the. immediate relief and
s permaneut
Cute of Hrro . a and Rupturrt (Suited to all sues) ' The
superior claims of this Truss consist in the comparative
ease with, which a, may be worn. The pad of wood be
idg neatly balanced on eprikige, yields to'the pressure of
tiny part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to. any move.
merit made by the wearer. It can lie tvorn.without any
intermission. until Mire is affected The subscribers
.hove made.arrangements for the tunnufueture of these
valuable !Trusses, in a superior style, in Ph ilade Iptdn, arid
have them now for tale at their office, -No. 77 Smithfield
street, neat Sixth, Pittriburgh. , GEORGE WATT
jyl 1)..W. HAREEM/kV
i t
`e',l - kt DRUG STolll , l.roirst D. Itlin — iiiiN, 11 - • — " .
sale Mid Retail Droggift, No. Vail Wood street,
one llocir south ,of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—The
toihketiberhas just 'received iiom the eastern alien; and
:is now the above stand, a full -assortment 01
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye
Stuffs, Paints and Garnishes, Chemicals, &c., together
with - all such : Articles as .are usually, kept for sale at a
wholesale and refalrdrup Store.
r' His StricricentirelyneW,cand has been selected with
care. .I.le is could ent that his articles., both is to quality
aiiirPric:e, will tlease subh as may invot'him tvith incall.,
cross would respectfully inform his friendi and the
public . , that his new establishment is now in - fall opera
tionfand ;bathe is prepared farnish,flom Cabins. Mid
fill all orderti ror Platted Lumber, rn with . promptitude, and
at this lowesCrates;
Board and-Plank, planed on eno or both sides, con
a kouldings,O - f e'very descriptiiin:msuic
Baader* and C
o rpentpra Jwould find to their advan
tage t 6 Win ri call; as lie eau oow furnish' them with
planked stud;itnitable for every desoriptiOn of work,
BONNETS.—W. R. 111 UR Yis selling dd
his - remitting:Steck of BONNF.J . S. at greatly reds
eel/ prices.. Bonnets of. last winter's saappa trout 25
cents to $l,OO.
Cheat Lounii.--A lot of Drees. Lawns 'reduced tok9t
carats per yard.
_Ai ,
White Goods r bresses.L-A supply jut received, arid
offereclvery . • . . .
„Park Gingltams.—Gich dark styles of Ginghams. Also,
'Manchester and . tionse slid de hhoide patterns.'
1.--wantea itiebons.—Ancastsidtment -just receivcdin the
, Wholesale Rooms, 2d story, and offered low by the piece.
'White and Colored Sinn-do: ' "‘•
, Frenitand. 2l furtins.-!—Auexcellent stook on hand, from
,4e. per yd. up to the finest qualities.
Mr - Arias northseart taints' qf Fourth nod Market Streets.
Leg leave to'lnform
you that they have in store a full assortment of fine
- Shirts, posomsr Collars, .Cravats, Stocks, .Pocket. Han
d kerc Gloves; Rissiery,- Saspenders,'Umbrella s, Un
der-Shirts; Itravrers„&e.; feet every thing included in
'Gent. , s 'Wearing Apparel, to, which they invite . your, at
tention. They 'alio Mannfitettirc onier- atthetr factory
everYYalletY and Pattern of SITIOS, in quantities
and quality to suniturchasers.
Please give 1113 - 11.' and'egamlne our Goods and
Prices, et,ourWa,r,a.-roopi,North-east corner of Fifth acid
Market streets. apataiis. EDWARD TOM) &
CAMPAIGN OPENED..--M the Orem .pargainCorni
..wherathere has Jul! been received, a splendid new
'sleek Of lIDOTS and SHOES, 'Of wren,- variety ; Viltiett
will be sold cheaper: rhea -ever; As our motto Is gulch.
sales and small-profits.
• . Also, a large lot of TRUNKS CARPET BAGS, VA
LISES'. •• MI we neeeto renvinee the public of the
i ci r itt
of sellintrtheap, Pito ba,erbetil gis'e Its a call and. 6 g
the Cashalang.
([TDoalkfitget - the Phiee,einneiof Smithfield' anttsil;
streets Deal] J. BATES.
, .
Doct. J. P. Ciszzsm, Dort. A DOTSON,
WEastsareo, ltlehlann,
Banns, Savona.'
Non-paying pnitents will be received as formerly.
Pay. patients-will be received at they rates adopted:for
the temporary Hospital.
Lower.Waras, 53,00 per week.'
Upper Wards, (in which each pa
tient has a separate apartment,) ss,ooper Week: '
These terms inelnde Medical attendance and Medicine.
Pay patients tan have:any (regular) Physician to, at
tend them that they may Make chince of , at their oivn
Clergymen orally denotnination arC allowed to visit
patients when desired by them.
The Me rcy Hospitatis delightfully situated in' an - olien
wnd airy' part of the city, and. within tell 11141[110B' NVl4lk ox
the. Court House, :: - . • -.„
.Applicationfor the admission of patients can be made
either to Dr. Savarra, or. JAMES EUANELT,
• ietl - "" -Ch'itof Committee of ercy Hospital.
TAMES W. WOODWELL, would respectAillyi
inform the public that he has removed to Ine
new lo c ation ,No. 83, Third mieetAnext door EIbOVO
the old stand.): Neither expense nor trouble has been
spared, to m es it the most. extensive and magnificent
Eurniture warehouse -to be found any where, east er
west! l'he•stock on baud, for variety, taste and ele
gance,- is such as kw; never been offered to any• public.
Prom the most costly outfits at $l,OOO per set, ,tioivn to
chamber and kitchen furniture, may be found in styles
and patterns, to suit any and every taste. - J.W. Wood.'
,di e ts h o pes fora continuance of the very liberal patron
age extended to him heretofore, and pledges hinuselt to
.give entire sutisfaction, both as regards the solidity, du
rability and style of. his articles, and the liberal and ac
commodating principles upon which he does business.—
Bis extensive new warehouse being now filled.from the
t cellar to the fourth story, with every variety of furniture
and Cusps, be would solicit a call from all in ,want of
articles in his line. • ap:l7
4 ~ bey
y;:~.~,~;.;„~:.: >_.:
Cillird. f alpistersttgiead 9 listbdigkills/hirittill3istiterF .
..L10.11. - 111rtmera. Attn: Oruarsiladii f i ttlx"*.irTitit tit the only'
instrumetit of the kbuLttoftmrectietm 'presented
in thili country ornifopefof ruellie piregtica•andis the
only 'One afar known - to Matti trY igli ch %hattilarttnie fluid '
can bistrintieyed to the !Mitten 'Oyls - ,4 tierkirr,liiiiiraiti, 011
..o any patt:of the•bOdy,either- extern:taffy-0c hte rit auk,
i .n a defiatte,gootlestrenta, iiPitilgOt 8 hymbl,txt u'ij.—.vrio--
- perfect Safety—end often mlllllll° happiest 6,ffects.„ • . <
This. important apporatusis.. now hiLklytiypinTed of
by Many:ofthe most eminentlibysielh iNt . f that tint ntry:
and'Europei'tof whom:the 'nfilieted- and tithaVslierlions at
may concern
-- C l2 :k s 7fetred
f - 4!ercndtatt4l!r be
ree7.. ,byd::;f tbuoM o nt o p i
.bias Of the MOM inveterate nerVMs diSorVitP,whicl
could 1101 be remcived'branyelheriritisivir meitele:-'-'' i
Antonk ItlitiOlDl where, tubas beeila*weiid trYttikighnir
ably adopted for thele - ure of filo foll4Corbdiseaidsi:Vir,:
‘nervousheadache and other diso.rd.eritaf j thc ; iiisca; . ,Xt Is
with this ajTtittatii - alone Out the operaarsangmtviir
the galvanic fluid 'Stith cane and safety t o the
rging ete,".l6 re
Store sight, U amauroaas ; to tbe - ear to relitrilehe
ing; ibithe toWor other organs, to rastorertitaati i a il •
to,thatrozions parts of:tho body, teethe, curer*_tehron c
ehenmedbuniasthma:neuralgia, or tic doloureaux„riarni".•
.ysis, or palsy, gold, Chorea nr St. Vitus' da l iels;'dwep,, y; .
.wenknesi from strains, some ' diseases - pectitiar to fc-
Males; contraction of the limbs,)ock4ate; ete.,,ete. ' - - '
-Rights for surrounding counties of Western Pa., tunt.
privileges, with .the instrument, maybe purchased; add
alio tested for the cure of diseases,. .-. ~ ~ .
Full instroctione will be 'given for the variitii.oherni
cats to he used"for Various diseases, and the best manner
for operating for the cure of life BO diseases, willadSO• lie'•
fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into
his hands expressly for these purposes, carefully pre
pared by the patentee.. Enqoire of
S- WILLIAMS, - Vine' ,
itireet';' i ',
' ' - ttear4th it: Roid,,Piitalitk.:
• • - • flatat'Ottipsk:iintl "Muffs:
Tux Jsubverihet-itt'llentr- reCei vin g fibril -, the
Caps and Muff ,I , iiteat Nror n ., i e n `a 4t,ec n t
, y a
iiety;itilti very onm.vovholesnie mid remit. ,
• • - ' JAMBS
• novil. • 1 Smithfield street, 4d door' South of Atli tot.
Fall PaolaOn" I
44 - 4 1• C. It. P.A.M,SON, No: 73 'Mimi 5t., , - 1 2.1 door from
the corner of Fourth ; has received, and will this day
introduce the FALL STYLE of GRNXLEMENtS
HA TS, and walla reaiiectfullt invite hie cuitorimrs.and
the public generally to call and 'extimitte t.heeentee
IPA FASHIONS. —S; Akeiteltati•justreeeivediritin
J.:. New York the Fall Style of HATS, whirkr he wilt
introduce this day, :iaturday, August t2Sth. All "base in
want of a neat aad suite tier HAT, sVould da to Fall
Faug6B_,_ • itil.doorahove Fourth.
WCORD &VD., (late 111.'Cord &,y
4 ILL introduce, on Situtilay,"Aug: 26, the PALL
11 A
STYLE OP T S Jett received from New
• .. Nark. Those in , wautof neat and beautiful HA%
are invited to 'call. at their more, corner of Ft 4h. add
Woad streels. aug24
~t -THE - antincriber, having returne 1111 . 1 '
-front New York, will introduce; nrISI
August 26411,1848, Afmrs. Bute 4- Cy): PALL
STYLE OF RATS,io which he would call the attention
of his 4' nstorneri end the public. Ife in daily eipecting
the arrivel of his fell siteertment of Haiti Caps,and
all of which will he dinposed of at unuenallvfow !niece.
:sited 34 door below Darin' Aucfien Reim PI:
evd • a an Cap *tore., -
JAMES WII,S.ON; • Has ...11fantifeettiorrAllew
iformerly of the corner of Diamond alter.
and Wood stree!ay begs knee respectfully 65111 !9 16 ;
to inform his old canto acts, friends. and the public, that.
he has openedA NEW STORE, Matmithfield st, where.
iv choice assortment of ..DATS, CAPS, and LADIES
FeßA.(us ,000, neat, fashionable and aims , as any in;
etty,) may be had. J. 'W. very cordially invites hisl
friends and the pnblie to remember his new location and.
establishment,and give him a Males hearty asheintends
to welcome them, 7
Vitionable //lan and. Cap dllanitrannotll./ :
.ifIEGRGES. ANSHUTZ. Agent, respectfully oit o
Ijr informs his friends and the public general-
ly,-that he has cormneocc;st the manufacture of '
Hats and Caps, at No. 33 Wood.street, one door from the
corner of Screed, where be has now on hand a live
"sortment of ufatsittad Capitol his own reanufacutre,whick
he will dispose of, wholesale or retail, on the most rea
sonable terms. for cash or city acceptance.. Hate mate
to order at the shortest notice. '
SON & PousrAtx, Tonsorial Professors, have' fitted' up
the saloon on the corner of Cherry alley and Wateeist—
near die National Hotel, formerly occupied by Clement
Archer, and are prepared to wait en gentlemen &dunce,
with Cate, contrcirt. and politeness, '
.In touneetinn with their saloon, they have fitted
excellent - shower bath. Where persons can have shower
baths at all hours of the day.
They still continue to serve their customers alto at
then Old Stand, corner of the Diamond and Union ft,
Auction Notice. 777
rrilEaubseriber has paid utto the Treaty vof the Coin
monwealth, the amount of license rey.dred by law.
He has given the regularly approved securny, and taken
Oa a commission of the first close, us an Auctioneer of
the city of PituthUrgh, and related That roach:Hai ware
room belonging to Sy / vanus Lothrop:Eso., N 0,114 Wood
street, three doors from Fifth, where he is prepared to at
tend to the sate of every kind of Merchandise, Furniture,
Real Estate, Stocks, Shipping, &c., either nittic AtiOtion
Rooms orontlmpremises, and will in all cases exert bin/-
kelt to the uttonsitiirthe benefit or his eiupjaye'rt4 on the
most renartnahle tempt; he. ceillselt h•Stissmoly end tmly
on commission; neither purchasing nor havinranign
terest whatever ou goods in the storey but merely the com
mission for selling, thereby giving all owners a tattchance
without partiality, of having therein property disposed of
to.the best advantage.
Sales will be , prompily settled when trunk. Advances
will be given at any time, on the most accommodating
terms, Merchants will not he charged for advances.
Regular sale days: Mondays and- Thursdays, of Dry
Goods, Groceries, Furniture, tec.;- and every evening,
Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Gnus, Pi,lnla , and Fancy
Articles. Books on Saturday evenings.
opilt JAMES hi'KENNA, Auer,
"rjr &E. TODD would respectfully inform the titer
chants of this ,city and our customer, generally,
that we - have removed our stock of Shirts and Gents Fur
nishing Goods, to the corner of Fifth and Market streets,
2d story over W. 8 P. litmus, entrance on Fifth street,
where we intend to keep ott hand u large stork of shirts,
of our own manufacture, with an nsftortment of Gentle
we us , Funzishinglioods,usually kept by Easterit'Whole.
sale Funtishing Stores.
Being very thankful for the kind patronage bestowed
on an lot the past year, we would be, happy to receive
calls from our old customers and merchants generally,
and would inform them that we intend nothing on our
part shall induce them to look further, as we expect to
add largely to our snick, and diminish our prices..
Merchants and dealers are solicited to examine our
stock of Goods. : • apt 0-tf
• Mercy Hospital.
TS INSTITUTION, under the - charge of the Sisters
of Mercy, situate on SteVenson street, south of Penn
sylvania Avenue, Es now' open for the reception of Pa
tients. Thernedical gettilidonn attaelied to the Hospital
West Point ',orks
PRESTON & WAGNER, Engine Builders, have corn:
menced business on Penn st., near the Point, at the
establishment formerly carried on by StaCkhouse &
son. - Persons wishing to purchase Steam Engines for
Boats, or for other purposes, will please favor us with a
call, as we Dauer ourselves to be able to furnish them on
as favorable terms asOny 'other est ablisinnent in the - city:
.Also, rolling mill: nd castings of every description can
be had at the shortest notice.. •
REFEignely.,C apt. Robert Beer, Thomas Scoll;
Church, Carothers, & Co., H. D 8 nny, Erick AL . Allen &Co,
Commercial Row Cabinet Warerooni
T. B. YOUNG & Co.
1101[AVE reatoved their CABINET 'Nern.
WARB-ROOMS to Commercial Bow, Liberty
street, oPildlite the head of Smithfield, where they will
keep ctingalitly OIL hand an extensive 'aesonment ; of So
ths;Tables, Wardrobes, Bureau?, Bedsteade,.Chairs arid
every artiele,hl theirline of bus:meta. • • • ; _
,! * * 4 l,ln d e nab g promptly attended to at'reasonable
CARD..—Justreceivecl A by Express, three piecesot
perfine BROWN LUSTRECLOTHS, for Over-coats
and - Sacks, which will be:sold . o* at 251 Liberty street,
by (navlB) C. WE NEHURb.I
[Chronicle and Journal nom!) . '
• -d.unualla and e Ift Hooks,, . . ~.. ,
c'elliTAtiLg FOR.. - PRES.F.llTSfentaot'l,leauly; and
I . 4ter .U1ft,f0r4.849-.. , ec -1(,..--..-,?;.,:l -,,.-.: --..... ....),-,
, . Friend tp'alOtrering,o3r xe4q.,.. :,,,: ~: L .,, .., ; 1..
Chile sitoseaffor 1849: 4 '-- '- " ''•J !
--, smtrisin# rejiloaserns f forip49:, • - - , ,t; 1:1-..tIs ,: ,''' i 'it.
.Amarantlb.a Token elf Remcnihrance, for 1849. ,
'''llie"Ttitiegi'MciiiliiiMie'iingt-4--' '.'"' ',.' ' ''' “ '
'Cno'NlAtilt:l44oy , A - Plrenpg; 4t.y. Airs t .Sigourney, ,„ a nd
others.:,, .
' ' Leal:len, * Maimert,'a superb annual for 1619:1: , , t
.111 The F ,Ring, for .1. -•849- t , - t ' -. ~ ,-; •t-t.;;,, - '
'The - 0 , a splendid gift bOok,--tiiilB4l:l.
' , ::-Thel cinth, for 4849:i ; .: -.-,;.' -..- .., .:.. ~, --;--- ,
;; The. Sap Book, for 1849,, .- . t.. • , .- , l
-' The S''' rindake, for 1S19: ' ' - ' ' - • -,,
. .The of , earls-, !..- ~ ti ,..• .! :1- • - ' . . ~ - -.: ~ , r; ; ,
ISThe Lady's Annual, for 1849.
The Women of the Scriptures; a beautiful work.
The Wreath of Friend - ship; To - r 1649 - .7
'he olitisfitwkeerffruidoisi iss; tA ,' •3':t.>' i
Rea& Female Poeta of - Ameripm!coutaining portraits
of Mrs.',F,. Oaks Smith,' Airs. ,c,.... S. Oagood, Mrs. L. if,
Sigourdeyt Mo. EVF.'Ellet, Mrs. Etruria V. Em1n1.1%,,/dri:
.• Amelin,l4.lyelby... Mrs, S. J. , l-fale, Mrs. E. ,O.,Kma,ei,P
Miiii":"Anna . C .i.Yuch, Anse Sarah - J:''''Olaike, IlTittea,
- Oreeitnbodd -.- ..'. .-- . ..; ,?: ;c:-. , :; il'n i 5 :1,48 i ,
.Theaboye„with A large eolleedpn of p.oetic ;„_,Allyorklt,t ,
Prayer Adoka, Bibles 'dud otherlworks in splenaffittyles.,
tzt bindings, suitable for Ohristnlasetiffir' a pre''-
, enta t for late at the bookstore of i- ..,,,,._---,
get.i. ,
.. :: , , . ; -;. Permit Mlldret antl3ll an.
' 'xi' taqk.§,AND,A.N.rstau.4l4,.-... ~
sea 1848.-
The'llerovf the Seasonvi.Bl9:ll3Ook' of Beauty , ro rie 4 .
,The Opal . • '...;: -!.,:ft, ; 'the Garland, ~ "• •
plemsof Beauty, - . ,• . " The - Amaranth.. ,', ": •
Do'Anhile ef. qncl cave) "" .I' Clniitnas',Rineli,, "; .
Biloltor Pearli, ' ; c" - ' Chriatmasillosionis,;.."! -.
, Fergibme-not;,; :-, ', 4 ' Flora.s - Oemit,... .- '• •••" '
•-.i Do: tsohite ef. and case) * .; .Christian.liceprake,-..";
i Prleadship , ,a.Offering, , ". , ThelSnon.Plake,: , .l` , -
,Keeztake . of Friendship, " The Cent, : ,:" i
'Plreefaier Annual, ' The'Arops' Roie,-'
'• ''
D?:' (white. ef. and, box) " Gifrof Friendship, .'• '
-The Ileacinth t •- ' . " The Pearl,
The Rosary-of - illustrations-of the Bible;
Lady of, rite Lake,',. illustiVesli, •. !-. *
_.Aloore'ayoetical .INroric,;
- I.altaltookh; iilustrided; - ' '- '- ' ' "' '
-.•- .
Poets of "Conneeticat i . gilt ed.; , ; . ,
Pictorial Fianiclin and NapOleon ; . . i
5 -:- Perpetual Reenloil:6; -- ; . - - --' - -
Willis' Pontieni Works; .- •-1 .. .1- 55- , - ,-: -,- r•i i
I.ay.a Sabbath. .
A' late - ass ortineut of pornitdr „hied:tile, Bord-A,'lAllur.
ar , "'hie" 1, "")." 54 . (1. 9m.1ht , press = Toy (Banks and Color
ed Pithures, Oantes, - ke., A c - . .fint'received tiy Einresa,f
and for tale by - ~. , , •Ef:i.loTY=- 6 ••••
deell:1 .
—_____.. . . -Wood, and. Market ala.
q'r.rcestccA P,lsllo/4.
ECEIVED TfilS'Tr./iY:rtiiii Tor filth
le Pricw , Atte <legator RosetroOdkgetA L OS, ovule by
11. o
Woncrita:Ncw York.' These instruments are con
sidered fally'equol, if not itiiperioritti - nny now made in
Nett; •York. horidr, delightful tone flillt,tirontul, and
ttieloOinux; warranted to WlfttrAvell and glee eakilfrfetioli.
The price of these Pianos is believed to be much low
er thin any other minute - attired in NeW:Vork:',Those
tOo .are in %ram of n. gootUrind. elegant Riano, ;. al,
iiinclerate price, will plen.e cairn , and examine_ the
ut the -f torn the'shbtretliier,:where-o larga as
sorment of Chickerioo,eolebrated, Pinuns can always
be found- 3011 N II: ATMLI4II;
Terrible nitride" tientc!—lltisrri Triletensdiaziti
HOGAN k CANTWEL,t y tnign, jhe:4;„ 4 ,) ei;
Marker sheet; would runlet - Wally ber learCet
;;tlte ninention
jwlt teceived and opening from nianufacuirers nu
pullers, of Which they Oar roancletif that l4e andrinal
ity will give entire... , atitt.factioa,,asp,ur trioll?..ta7s" Qpick .
-SMes and Small '
Our mock consists, pariti% of the tot - to - wing articles,Vi2i:
Ladleatinaliflouthstnen's Breaill'inoirltilestilesTOtterd'
and Meta, Chains ;.Braceltte n Claspe.auti.Locketsi Fin
grr nnd - Far flings ;, Pen rill and Peas ; Slidee ilia Studs;
Steel Ilucklek; ttir 'Ladles' Head 'Dresses 'llfaitilrin'e
Card•Ctters.. shell, pearl and,velvef; C 01111: Bead's
bamer Boxes ; fined:tom:Wad and Ebonr Shaving Cases,
„funiiibpl;•Sivcr,Spcetacles; Silver Spaous: kinds;
ilernaaii Silver .Spoarts; all kintlej"Nlk Steel Mad Bags
And Purses; Cation Bars'and"Purscs•,,Jfair;Tooth;Nail,
and Cloth Brushes; Miloliat4 ACdtirtlisnti r Flutes 'end
Fifes; tine Penknires and Kelssersl Globes' and 'Paper
Helder& Shelli-Dresr.atud" Side Combs,-latest atylns
Chide Vatws,. Fruit -Baskets,. Agate, and -Glass Vases , Mug., nod Cologne Routes ;, Tables, McFall/En and
Bo ckg amnion Boards Silk Taftestry ; Bruire ISand In ,
gralaVarpel Bags ;- Market Mid Sid6.llaAkel-±.;
Chairs; Wagons, Cradles,- Zce.,. with a large noon•
merit of gays and Fancy /Tricks, tee numerous men.
VII VA) :11118 I.Krrrit.--ASlip.will he withouLmbeau•
ticul berni of ItOr, when th,ex cap have one (Cr thre(l
chillitga? . Twenty yenrs' 1,6%3 in Iclic pod' ‘Ctnitlerful
restoration! -
' ORIT., July 17, 1647.
"Dear Sir—Thewonderfuleffects of Tones .
Restora lila` his been.derisively dcnionstrated in the ea
ses of Feveral respectable citizens of the town %vim, on
sterouniof yen'. ' Felling three shilling trial .bottlectiy
without fear... Our insulter which has attracted partic. l
ular attention, in the carro t u gentleman who had Ride
or no hair 4hr•twenty Ivan ;' be had tried:nanterous pre.
pa/Atil7lll in valn,and ultimately had his head nit aced and
wore a wig. At my recommendation, he tried the Ro;-
storatiie, and after using it,mccarding to. the: direttion,
for a short time, the young hair appeared, and he has now
an fine a head'of hair asanr per,on in Baltithore.
- Yours, Act. .• . • JOIINAII,VI2tIf3TON.'?
It cause. eyebrows to grow, prevents the hair from
turnip grey, and the first application causes it to curl
beasetil g
ally, fries it from scruf f atickstopetit frnmlalliug
off'. . . • - '
:toil *ith full 'directions at 8•2
Win. Jarltson, Agent, Kt Liberty s Ft 11
grata( Cosner
- J. BATES, IVholesale and &tail Derilir •
in foots, Shaer and rrtin.b, Sort corner
WO. and - Stniihfient streets, Pittsburgh.—Thei
subscriber trapectfufly-anuounects tqftia old custo.;
mere and the pbbliogenerally,'thaf nem:feed his
Root, Shoe And Trun k. Store tothelargenew-warebouse
lately erected at the corner of Fifth and Smithfield Its.,
opPonite the old Pittsburgh Foundry, where he Will keep
OIL hand n , ,large assortment. of BOOTS, SHOES. BAIR
fie:, of all descriptions and sixes,Which•he will - eell • for
coin at cheap as can be bought. in,,
Being connected with some of the largest manufactur
ing 'establishnietits in the eastern eittesorinFreeeiving
goods almost every week.during.the season, he oilers
great inducements to purchasera, either by wholesale or
retail, as he offers his goods'at lower prices than thane of
the same quality can be boughtelsewhere in the city.
Imuttiufacture and keep constantly on hand,l3oys' and
Yodthe Calf and Kip Beats, a very neat and' serviceable
117 Rememher the place, "Great Bargain Cortfer.”
• . 31 BATES,::
.a ' • Corner Fifth and Smithfield streets.
SPAHMAN, having purchased the entire interest and
stock in trade of Mr. John W. Blair. beg . leave to inform
heir umberous frtends and the.pUblie that they have this ,
tiny entered into partnership under the firm and, sqle of
" BLAIR & Co.,' for the manufuOtitte of Brushes of every
deseription. Tieing practical workmen, they will male
up every. article , of the , most durable material, and in the
first style; and will keep on hand, ferrule, at their Store,
No. UM Wood street, a very large masortment Of every
thing : in their lice of business---whiMi, with their erten
fiVe stock of Shoe Findings; Fishing Tackle - , Pen and
Pocket Knives, Powder, Shot, sad Variety ; Gpods s they
will sell cheap, wholesale and retail.
""Machine Brushes Made to order, with despatch: ;•
encouragement and patronage of - their friends and
the public is earnestly solicited, and Will be thankfully re
-ceived. Observe! ' CO:;
,Piushurgh, Oct. 23th,11248:(0c30) . ILA°
Just received, the -
' store . cif the rubscriber; Maiket
• •Medira,purrt,, by Samuel
and edite,d, by Charles Julius Hempel, M.D. 4 vols.
ilartottin'S Acute riisecis'ex; by Dr: Herein-el; vol. I. -.
Homceprnhie:Domestiolkladicine,by J , Lowrie, enlarg-,
ed and improved by A. J. Hall, M D.
Jahr's New Manuel, Vol. I I NosA and 3.
"[cringe. Domestic Physician-, . _
A Manuel of Domestic Cookery, for the use of Per Sens .
Who are Undeilloincamitic treatment: . I;
BoOninghtioseu'a.Thetapcctie pocket BoOk, for Borneo
prithists, . •
• 'Hultman's Chronic Menses; vol. 3. , • .
Together with Medicine. Chests,. of different sizes and.
prices. (nplCi) VICTOR SCRIBA.
• George Armor
Market street.-L.
AL'. Having removed hisTailoring - EstablishMent'in the
roomvon.Market st, lately occupied, as a lilookstore, by
ilom ik.
orth .Co„.tbe undersigned is prepare - dm fill all or , /
ders in his line which may be entrusted to his' care by'his
'old friends and customers, and the publiegenerally.
long . eiperience. in the business , sind: the. success with
ivlnelf he Chas prosecuted it in _Pittsburgh, emboldens hiM
to hope for a liberal sharepf, patroune„ .He will make
all.descriptions of Clothing in the hept mounel, and most
- failiionable Style FOR CASH,' '
.`,'lip*ly • • • • 'GEO. ARMOR.
THE subscriber resPeetfullf annouficed 19-his custom
ere and to the gentlemen of Pittikurgh and-vicinity,
generally, that he has received his ,usual ass. rrattint 9f
pring.l3txtris,for.gentlernen's ttmat, leiFhich he invites
their attenuon. His stoat comprises pe BroWd Cloihs tif
oil colors CaSsimerek; rieliyestings, of plain and fancy
patterns ; all which be is pretinted to manufact air, in
the best and most fashionable. style:.-iAls9;.Childrenls
Clothing kept constantly on hand and tntule-to order.,
r Water door',Obve Natipinit Hbie).
Fashionable...mooting s tore, ' •
No 210 LIBERTY sTREET, orrersrr,gsErvtwr}i,-.
?TIRE Sttbderibeni resideetffillit'infoinf theit.friendaand
the public - generally, that they have just received
a new , an_pply, of French :and - English Cloths, and eassi,
mererr—Vesungs of all atyles.nntteuelity—Ready-made
Clething',.of all deactiMione, net:lke fid, pee ket Ilandket:
,`Shifts abort, every Crude usually kept* in
Clbtlung'Shires constantly on htntit- •
Gentlemen Wishing - to lave Clothes .made to order, in'
inshionable style,mel find it to their.advantageto call
.andeiamlneptq Meek before going. elsewhere.
jyg.. t c Al'ltßiftLEN 4 . DOWNIka, ,
COCHRAN— 00 . anA.rorta¢rding
,Metchant i 24 NV,OO it re et, rittotirrriihVerintinnea
,to t r amper azenetal Conuniseioir eenetialf7
the Jontelanie And 'sale of Arnett - era Yntirinfzietttive 7
produces arid in reeeivingend tbiltihuilink Good e consitt ,
ed to Madam. , .ngent for the Invontfactarer,s, he atrOf
Jid constAntlynoplied with the prinnipalartte les or' f:itte-',
burgh manufacture, at the lowest Wholesale prices:'
Orders and corutignmentsAre Tespeetfully eoHaled. i
' l- t r i - tfire:Trta- Patent- Concave 'Beater ; Chtsrxt
E call the attention of the public to the ttin . cicheito
thia advertisement, tylit;iiprite the enterprising'
an cilitoinftci *till tifid WiniesiliteOperation.7:Mtvdytar,,
tiseinelits in relation' to this Inventioni..tolhe hinutrede .
' who have Seen it tasted, iestmerarovalion, I
Ist. This Churn will tiFfiditc.e ButtPY;Oatheiiiig
; mass, from sweet milk, pi 'Aire to ten itunutes and frets
.tram piePtiretl, 'fitnnlfesiantrillr' tirdpini h i In three'
,to five minutes! --2 d .The ,
utility of thit 11Pantionjs appArenti as ,netter
Ha ttettialietredatillYout'in - e4nAilki...ortretan j than
'urlitra Ina:tied - fir 'the 'intuit mleanmofl' tlds
'Churn,. a little- girl or - borearr - pnrrorm, in five or tan.
trtinutesrahn thatteretttforetetipiredthalabor we-; man et man [brume or two hours, and sometimel half a
I,..34l.l.lly,ttimitty tprailagn, thuntb. screw,the whole inside
ditshiris lain out, leaving nothing but The Butter and.
milk in the plain.woodeu box.. r. , . .!
4th. It is the. cheapest Churn ever invented, as the situ ,
.plieipt.itidut.eortstroottcur Athongit.einhodying a great
,philosgplical,principitij.makes ft but little to rnenufne-
tuFtiff.' ' -
ree, Ommon-stna6 ChuraitS ail arilitulmitalto
examine it. ... • ,
11:7•11/ei have purehtuted the monopoly °tilde valuable
Aniprovemeni front nestirs.Colver 4c Myers, the patentees
We are, now I/Tering the complete monopoly of thie
styled article for the tltates of Ohio, PennsYlvanirt, Near
•Yorti, Neyv Sersey,aryland and Delaware„whic.h will
ineilre certain and l 111 arge profits to the manufacturer an
*speedy returnotinVestment. The public are invited to
. call 11 nd witneas its operation, at our Mime, in Pittsburgh,
every day,
at oclock, v. sr.
J, if. di,ArrtlN Co,rProprieton•
Office, Czchange Buildings, St. Claw street, next door
lose. turolohneoffice. n0v422
Qrslthenight of-tholfith of!Octobey,a Canul Boat bf
~hingtng to. the Union Line, was destroyed by 'fire,
neat . DuneftObilslatid-i-Oceasloned, it to believed, by Lu
cifer matches packed itiDry • Goodu.- •
The tutdersigned deem - it an act of juslicath the lira- -
prtetovs of that Line, Messrs- Dmilh, Humphreys & C 0.,.
• 'Phi Indelphini'aud tlehrY'GratT& Co:, Pittsburgh, without,
knotyledgnov solicitation on theis . ;patt,4o 'mike knowirt
Si this manner the prompt and - satisfactory Seitteragnitiy'
, hem , 6l4he full etimJunt of-our teSpective ittsses-by tint
necident,ranging in amount fromthree hundred to fifteen
hundred "dalletrsr, and - in the aggtegote to Over t*elee.
thousand dollars;_::.,. I
As fares possible,theyiatisnate of „the lotsduplicatd:
iinmedidloly mieWhefa it was - knovia
that thisueduldnoChi/loheyns was not desired by tis, they,
have paid .the - ^ nottut in ,crtift, or, settled with the. mer , j
chana ia irnPhilatYelPhia;'hoUt Veference to us.
Thacertain insurance of:his Goals, while on the way,,
is always a matter of anxiety to the Merchant, and that,
irdeistroyidi-lie'sfr.iliVe instantly phidthe 'amount of Ms'
loss; 1 7e ,, ih.refet' kS tYiSib without the least intended-thedisparage
ment other Lines, to give, this public mni-,
many Of , the satiftictory settlement of a heavy losS by the
Union Line
Pittsburgh, November
.. - zressarritolt. . A IIIiGIFIZNY. '
Ifamptort,,Smith & Co. , Jahn ; Pratt, .‘"
Alexaltder ' ' M. Marshall;
• , - ..lBrawn &Aliquesion,
' C ArbutLnM.- •
,!. ! inovl.4.
Dockrs,for ()tart's matt ants New 'Years;
- ''V'S!PriENDItS'AAVORTNIt:NT Irisiivitireritt AN AL' . l4;
aLatfutan'f.- , .:•••... • ; ..1 ~• 4 ,- •
The Getn,lol"
I'f c~Rpoeinth,
.!•-• - ; •." ;
The Gift of Friendship; - •
The Fairy Ring . ; - •
. •! Tlte..ehtwiatt hpetutpke
- The Garla'ad; - • •
Thlleeptake.-rif Pftendsbip;'•
The,Rose of Sharon;
- 'The Sditrit' ' • '
l'ltitopwan. • .' ,• T. , - .2..
Also, an extensive variety of small Juvenile 800k5.4
Toy Booka in great variety. just issued frifthe Holidays',
I;erbgr and Nate, PaPerl
from the...lowest lathe ltig•lte_st price manufacture d. NeW
and old Literature; Minstantly on - hand rind reeeiVing,hs
Smithfichl street, third door above 2d f
—IINAYS." 110LIDAYSli—The subscribers 'Me
just.opelgag a splendid" toßection of Toys and line
antsy Goods of every ;description, suitable for Christ
,'mac-and Nerir'Vearisoresents, conSisiingi&pirt,..Vir:--
JewxlsynudWiricites;lVork, Dressing:rind ;Fancy MOSS;
xes; Chrd Cases; Pearl, Shell, Ivory and Velvet Card
xteTS'; Steel Bend Purees; Crotchet - Velvet Ilagit; Mu.
( '-lifiXeTiChesAren.; Dominoes ; &m; with, rt,,thoastind
titer articles, ton numerous to men
The above Goods we will sell extremely low, proVions
q the February,lB4o, as we intend ; making apron-ma;
eria I ulteratioris in Mir sttire and btrififeis: We invite
-7111 ID call who crime bargains, at.ilts dtlarket,ssreetilrei
ween Fifth• l and Diamorid., -
• dee!n •• iocAN - sc CANTWELL::
Fli:Wokrzl "street.
TUTS OF COUrilliNti in the night are verrtrotible.
•They' upon the hours of repris e and
exhaust ihit'strength of .o - 6 sufferer., B. nitine.ock,'
' COC(ifl.ltALllAht lins - been. - eminerttlfsitheeSs4
ful in easing- and_eurilig , these' natiled.sawf spellit;'' e
person is roused in the-night by a spasra,of goughirtg;
ten spoonful Ofthe Cough Balsam,will seethe it, Glce bug
had, as it irpadatable;leaves ho - u4tietisartulastei
behintt:. once used, it will takirpieeedenemie*etall
ottiers,,us a remedy for goughs,,colds,;&e..:,.
'PreparCd and' sold' B FAFINESTOCK:&.Co.:
corner Ist and Wood 'streets, artd to - rner Gth hail - Wood
streets.'-' rm.- botllh
; .ooodo. ;. .;.-•
JUST `RECEIVE D, by Eipress,.sar.--piece short nap(
bl'k Cloth,.suitalller r geatentertql loafs, *Mat t
will make 'to order,:oherip. McGUIRE, Tailor.
Also, onCrdecia heir shoteriNNti. very desirable nisi=
'Cle:fok Ladies'•Ulfiaks. ; Cofars warranted, ;
Also, agood assortment fine French Cashmere Vesting;
`together with a goodassortment
nt of fancY and black Can..
inrrierce,,for. Pon be,rnado to tad eras cheep
and as well as ninny other establishment in the city.
IICOMRE, Tailor,
der23' Third street, St. chariesßuilding.. •
71, "E.Frint."^: , ,-..,, . P. MARSHALL,.
•• •
P. II: EATON St. , Eo4ol,ving, roMfiveit from .Martat
W0..3131 I ,l ) l l Tr e ila r l:gli S er e g a ng l a ,
tock of •Trimmiagg an& Vacjety
,G'opda r . among , whirl':
• -
and Dress Fringes, of all kinds ;
Embroidery,Gimps and Velvets;
Embroidery and Needle'Work ,
Zephyr and Tapestry Wortteds.:Chemille, - PlosS; '
Steel flags and Purses, Steel Trimmings ; .
Lad, , It.'Merine. and Silk Vests . and Hostery ' -
._.Cluidtens Coats, Gaitetisi Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery;.
..Gent.'e Shirts, undershirts, Drawers, Dressing Gowns;
'Children, dresses of latest patters; which they'oder at
ozdtriees, both wholesale and retait.. , • • •oets
From Rec. Asa Shinn of the Protestant .Itfetoodist Chureri.
r IIE undersigned, having been afflicted &Wing the past:
winter, with n. diLsense in the stomach,e ometunes pro.'
acing great p.nin in the stomach for ten or twelve hours:
withont interrntssiominid having tried variousremedies,
with liule effe-ct,-wris furnished with a .bottle of-Dr. D.,
layers' Canninatire Valsaps. This he used
the directiona and" friend invariably that thiS medicare'
c allsed,the paiit:to ;Maw in,three or, four minutes; =din;
fifteen or twenty.ounutes,,everi uneasy sensation was.
entirely; quieted. The' medicine" wai ' afterwards Used.
.wheneyer indicutions_of .ffie , approach of pain were per-,
relied. and the pain was thereby ruevented; HO Conuno-.
ed to use the medicine every eventrig„ and: sometimes in
the morning ; and in II few weeks health was so far re-:
stored that the. suffere rwaereliexed from a large amount,
of oppressive pain. From experience, therefore., he_can'
confidently recommend 'l3li',' D. Jaynes' Carminative Dal-.
stintos is salutary medicine , for diseases of the, stomachand bowels. . . A. smmt
Allegheny - City, inlYlo;lo43.' • " . ', -:-;- ' -- .
,' ire' Forsale at the PE.Traii,,TEA STORE, 70 Fourth
street, near Wood. ' " ' . .aug74kur
knve entered into partnership, under tho firm of
'' •' ' SOMIVID •&.:-ATEINSON; •••• 'r •
andAvill carry On TIN,I COFFER o,rul SHEET-IRON
'lNt3inrill ifs branches:lw old Rutin! of W. B. Seirifei
, F3rststreet, nent:3Vood,:,-Particular - attontion given to
stehmbont work. Oct 412 W
.AVE you a bad coarsr, dark, yellow, , or
1 sallew T• If youhave;y - ouwiltby - usinga'Cake-of
Jones' Italian ,Chemical Soap, a week or, two, your skin
hecomed - clear, white and smooth. If you have nny,.di=
seise or the-Flead; Pace' cir Beard—such as Ringworm;
Scald Head, Scurvy, r Erysipelas,
.Shit Rheatra,. Barbers
Itch—you can be cured : for I have seen. persons Who
had filthy skin diseases for years, and after trying'every
thing in vain, have !measured by.washing the pat with
Jones' Italian ClientiCal Soap, and' can conscientiously
-offer it tar any or the,above: complaints, which :I would
. not do, unless I knew it to be
.all state. .1f you have
San Spats;Preckles, MorphowiTtin;Scut Burner disfig
areinents of any. kind, 'twill "dispel.them end m a k e , t he
Akin beautiful, n is a sure antidote and cure for the bites
of niusquiroes;bugs;&c. • :` • • • ' '
itr,Bownre of counterfeits., Particularly cheap;ones
ask for ,Joitei? Soap, and see, at the name of T. Jones
is on each cake.- 'Persona from or the Solidi' and other
Nu t .hietimates, would find this not oply.for themselves,
but 'µ is a never-failing' remedY-for chaps and chafes in
infants. And now; teenier, by , giving -this, one
will find it all or even more than We have stated above , ,.
Sold at B'2 Chatiuun street,,Ki,Y. and by Wm. Jackson;
agent,S9 Liberty'street,'Pittabargli. scpo
. _
IRMotAthestur& Tragg,is this day ; dissolved
o c nsent. hlr.,Jas:R.Dagg h"avrtigdeclin.
1 11 . h a' ; F rninual
ed account ciflll"healtb," has disposed ofhill
interest ictviasAC. Achitsoh.. The liusiness bereafterwill
be conducted in the name of W. & J. C. Acheson.
• ' "- • ," l'lrttft" ACHESON, ,
froiltThb tirtil of Achesori &*Dagg,.
tuke:plensare in ,reeentraending,.my successsor to my
friends and the public, : ;enerslly. JAKT:MACG.
• iltily29,,lB4,aug:'
PTY .LLV.EitY tSTAJ 3 L:4-,The.,enbseriber
- reipeotfrilly infrnoms hie friends and the public
generally, that he haeleincived-to wile* hnd ek
tensitre Stably., oat Liberty etreet,in theflahlVard,nbctve
the Canal Ntridge, where he keeps Carriagescnarouches,
Thiggies, a . flearse; 'Riding Heirtieti,'ete,. Having added
In f rgelvolis-fonner stoek.,ie kglieite.hhe patronage. of
til V u Etters kePrby flie diry,'-wieVo r r o ur. - —.-,, •,,
• ;,-, ,:tY 2I :OY . ' :'.. • .:=•P . I44'IX,E,S C O . I . , E*S II .- ! -
..11011:14 COFFEE--250 tiegaltio CofriepN it
'.l9PrBl 2 7T a n c_ 61°",F -9
'rd 1
dec27].a.l3j.iberty et ; of Smith fi 6dl,
..... r
~.. -- ~. n r rt" :tr y - ~L
.T.. 1 V.I . V , Cnf:ntfrSrt#.og§looV .1••• vt- -
~ • "
• •
4` l
Dissolution: -
n~~. r.--~ :- ~..
ji; ,•t :ft
~ ...
I '
G:. ',
Ni W. Corner tor Wood and Virtu streets
rplig. piaprietot of she! Illonsuro Posz at 4 hipigara
J_ wan MANIIIACTUREB, respectially in&rms*s friends
ahif Sic matrons of these pariahs, if he had a laZe ` i tti t.e.i."
necessary to a*.Job Printing Macis:id that ha is p
mi rel -
pared to eremite
. ' . .
Books, , Bills of Lading, ,•• ' • Ctretagrar
Pamphlets, .- Bill Heads, Conl4l- -
Handbills, ' ..Blanks, ' " ' ' Hat TiTis.
.. naAn kinds of Blanks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal
"QM Mill) with aPProPriate alas- Printed an the danceet!
notice and most reasonable tonne. ,
He respectfully risks the patronagd of his Itiehde (and
„lhopublics getforally, in this branch °ibis butanes*. - a
eep22 _ . ..:, :. . . ,L, HARPER. ?
XeP Emak.andlresper; Establishment ' *. ..
No. n Wood.tirea, brimeen Fqurth.- and . fliamoryi, al , '
IllifF.iubsciibeti h iiiik) ilia' o pelted, at the abOVe ela nd,. l
..k . a large stock of differint qualities tßiled ; and PlaM ....
:White and,Blua Writing and Leifter, Papr, Commercial ~.•..
and Packet Post Flat Cap, Derny dnd liledium,Wziting .•
Paper for Blank Rook 3,3lcdium and RoYal Colored Print- :
ing Papers, Printers , India, Enamelled and Ivor y" -
Cards, ;Nos.• 2,2, 4, small and. double small; ',Medium,
Demy 'and Cap Day Books and Ledger& nuperiorpaper,
and beafenitern'biniiing; School Books: all kinds Qiu,ll4 •
Gold Paine,' Ink, AVafers,Wax: Bill nal, leo- •• 7 - ••,_ 'I ' ' '''•
_ Blank Books., of all sizes- ruled to petteravarid t bond
.1 •• ..
in the most substantial Manner: .. , • • ,•• • l•
'Country' Elerchannt supplied' at the loivait wholaiali •
.prices for cash; or RAGS %I Cask prices. ;• :• , •,'•.:!' '.
~ - jaii.. :- '•
Having, a Job Office 'in Connexion With oiii,estaoush- ~.
Mei:lc-we are prepared to execute all orders tor Plain and
fancy ?dating; Book.r, Pamphlets:. Circular:4'. Busbies" /
Cards„Bills of Lading; Ike., with despatch. and allow - '
prices. ELtkrrr *. ENGLISH.
No. 78 Wolidst., hit riiitith end Diamond alley. •
....i• -, ;,(:,...i.: , ,,,,,a, ni: .•,;•\. 1 .
irr At our store, on Eiarkersttect, between Third and . ; '.
Fourth, may•at all' lilacs. be 'found a largusuick of Theo-4
leigictil'andlffireelltdieoue Book,. New 'Boliks received, ,
as soon as pabUshed,' tinilsold at 0 e lowest flrideli,i. i ,
. • The publletuions of theq American Sunday S.abool Malan 1
and'hlasegichusettie Sabbath Scheib' Societ y, always on .'•'
hand.' Citaloguea finnished•on al4 r a . atlorn .•- - ' i
rtia.2. . :
,lic t. 'Third and Forth. • ,
--- i _-,.--.,—, 7 . , , WET. ALEXANDER 4 SONS '
10.-.e .. : - .. ., , --- . .' 1 1.-.A . r . 1 9 1,i ! "Cosi - Ln • hist sm 'Arm ' Farman=
.-• 7, . i . : 1 ` 3 -;1.• , • U:MbirtillZElS, tOrtstief , Perin . ignd '„
;.::• •••.:,7, 4 ammig ,Se. Clair sat, opposite Me-Ric-Wangs a...
..ediztAlliew ; ' Hotel. ,Entronee on Penn iic, , vcs- •••
• peethilly infbrtA.their friande•and r'.,' •
' the public, that they: are , prepared to furnish sad attend t
to everythiag in the line of Ihidenakers,- as. they ,have '
*g the business of Cabinet Nuking, and . their otteation ''.
'will be 'devoted' alnigethei'nD the above' bnaineno, keep a
large assortment of COFFINS made anal :finished, colter 7
yd, wid lined in thc • neatest manneri, with. a. variety o_ ::. ,
materials, and at all laicea; 'Nre keep
.SlillOllDS'rerdy A
made, ef.all Si7C 6 ; of A:urinal; Centime,' andlibuilin, at 'I •
. all prices, and made in.the , eastern style, end-all vither,l .
; •for dresging r Alite•den_,a and.furnisluing Iv
'funerals, ofsfunlay and pries 1 - 0 shit:; .SILVER PLATEII4• 1 •,
Or engravnig the - nanieerillege l rllVADESflitilaying 4 .
the body in ice,:tivthosexclioxrishact leap' their friends I'7
arty lengt . h !if ante. arid,have-nsc - ViNS to ,put fre sit • .
(or laTeg on - the 'ldly; • LE/CDPlNGdirms• aliviiits l on: ~:.
Nandi' We lame a iplenellitnehrilEAßßE attic - 6par GC I
felts, horses. ohdeny , noMber p(; she. heit earriagelloPlen . • "tr:'
etd will be prompt, putielpal. and reasonably, ~..„ 'i •
n tt n
Of the United SimiteiViSenate Chaanbess
HE SIIBSCIDDER would respectfully isfonn..tho pit
Pitistiurgh;that,lkehris for sale, at lbe Ltuel•
, nntne Floirstyeorner of and Fouith litre ete, (where
he will remanf bra two days longer,) the celebrate!' en
ravingEeE.riv of „the United States' Senate Chamber, published-
Anthony Oki '
,Broadway, the
nees'er the differeni Statesnild-Military men of the
elltioui ;featly:Set in enamelled gluss frames, at-the very
low price of SI path.. Among which may. ho
stmerior . fikeircks of 'Henry Cray; in'his ?ISt Year; the
lateness OP.D.Sulel Webster, - Fillmore, !George
Weibiugton, J.Q,Adatne,ALYan.Burety.l.,C.Calboun,
J. Buchanan, - It. C.. Winthrep,, Generals Taylor, Cass,
Scott, Bader; Also,"TrtimlnilTetenmving of the
Declaration of Ind ependence,-.• Laugier's mugrificent full
length enurnlinfl. of DevrgalYaidungton, with several
others. The subscriber can furnish everyartiele in the
'DAGUERREOTYPE line, to OPERATOR'S, at lilr.An
.llkonVe wholesale prices.....: :BUSTER,
Lamartine fion.;e r cori Grant and 4th eta.
Parsee ht thiSofEee: - : "
• L'amsortine $ .
Comixa• or;Mirorn deli GiLlurz •slifirirri;
THE subscriber respectfully-. announces. that he has
norcopcned this new nnd excellent Ho tel for the tic
coirunodatibit of trOvelers, bbar4ers r ana the public gen
erelly.. The • house and itaniture are entirely nesstrand
. no name o 4 expense, have been spared torander it aneot
the most.comklthble nail pleasant Hotels iti• the city.
• • The subscriber is determined to deserve, and thereare
salieits;tt sltike•of public patronage: • $. • • $
; JACOB; HOUGH; Rroprietati
'Valk° NOttco.. $
A hi inn'
ilii T s ig e n i tl i r , r ,c ra b re ted . to: 0 1117 z .
callus Lath' old Warclouse, on Liberty street; .."..1.'!"
• All unpaid acconuta will be
_placed in the•hanytt ill a
'"lnstke ofthe Pence, on the Ist July next.
A-geniral aaaortutent of Hollow.Waro r a:c.,at the
iorveatt . rates. Liberty et., head ot Wood at.
:IDOOTS,SHOES,'I'RUNICS, ke , —Follansbre•¢ New
ttaird,-Wholestdr and'Retail Boat, Shoo and Think
.StorNo..lB6 Liberty street,' nearly opposite the head at
Wood. F. &,11.,bave in atom and are receiving th.air
'Fall and Winter :noel °MOOTS. and SHOES, consisting
• ofther largest' sleek they Pave ever heen'able tobringlo
thisvaarket. We also have 'eonatantly on 'hand a slava
. did. stdcb,of Hayward's Metalin"Qturi PastioShoes.lieth •
for Itidiesnad gentlemen's Wear,ahe most - beantiral arti-
•ele ever nasitufaetared. We would. solicit'arientlattd
.tion of oar stoek.o.fgoods;by alliwbo wish :to pnirchati•
either at wholesale or retail, as we will. sell avarmall
'advance above cost. • Country mereheinti will End it o . `
their call and 'examine bar atoelebeftirti ptot.
chasing. ; •FOLLANSRE.EIk kld.1W41111:".
ang 9 - 1 •: ; . Liberry.,sht
GROCERIES, &e..— • • --
400 bb s. NtA,
50 bble: St. Mins B,ll:ruoissirea;,-
:•11..bfqlo • do.: -• do dor •
• +.200 bags•Poffee, prime groottp :11
75 hf. cheats assorteA Mena; • I .:
• • • 110'sizporind Coddles V:H.ntidrispesial Tel
-15 30 -edo • 140: •'• d o;
50 Mle. Stigarvl
4O bbliTea•
/00 /iotes'griONVai464..;
• /0, do, • •:.
do ,Tobateo.. 1.2 • •
A fasteltssonmeat Sit all kinds ot tiroceries on bandja
the sieirwaiebOatetif"'.RDlVAßD HAZLETON; . •
• Etta arearner ofthe,Dituriond..,
The general properties a f•t,heaePale aro:catmint
five, Purgative and 'Tonic. fn . thq ,common .disarders •
arising , from imprudence diet, 464 SuCA'ass iickness
• and sourness of the stomacifi heartburn, headaches, &d.,
whero a medicine is =gaited, this!preparation Str.Yert
applicable, for ha carminative or soothimfetrepts : gilts •
almost infinediate•relief,'Wfierenbusea or istchaesi r egist :
its purgative operation upon - tho•stomach 'and bowels is •
gentle and effeetuali, and its tonic propertiectufmt
strength to the digettive organs, thereby enabling those
organs to perform !heir properi llanctions with Order 'and
regularity. The price has been:reduced• from 60 .tet Z . •
cents a box. , • • .i.
t E
For sale, wholesale' Mid tetail,br IS.'A. ~ t e POCH & Co., corner '..Front and wo6d iheinstki. and
M -
IVood SITCO, Agents for i!;ebnrght: 1: . .
OVIO PliAtiliNiP A 111 . 1 .. --- Reberr3.striaseistli Trate.ilant,
(rdintg.Charuer st.,) First Ward, AUesherty. ekMnaar
iilnnehe44er.-4.ll:oftuE DRXIIER haVing :clamed Du•.
sines bas erected the nec essary Machinery atthe above
:Place, for bluing outoll wOrk in his line, and Is preparid -
to take 'boards to his mill a ni? .deiiver them to casmjusn,
on -r4asonable fcrtne. - . • ...
Lb eased flooring boards‘k:sidin . gette, Wimp' on tiolid.
A large' quaintly of dried floonitg lamberdn band.; i
Orders from WCAie Ili Lain6eriflerchants promptly ez
ecuted. -- ._ - .ruallit-if
JAMES CREENOIIGIker the latelim of Kelierk
Groceough. continues the Consulting-EQ{l
neer and Patent Atteruey, at hilt of7jee . ,in rke city°,
wastirburrorc. Dc maybe consulteania ernployjd
lit making; eznmintnlotil In nutehitielt in Vie Patent Gt.
flee and elsewhere, in•furnishirledryratugaandepetifirm
bons of Machines, and nll papere.neeessiry,:fp.recnrc4.
transfer, tunendorbano dXllOld r etOtiratenton the -
United Stet/Jeer Europe Ge'eda atshlbdeottiuTted-prd
fessionully qn all questionkoftitiotionnrieitig under the •
Patent Law, anti I argue.questiond . hefore the Patmt...
Office or an 'Wriest therefroin,!orWhlelrhcClong eXPed
erica in the Patent .thfice and is his proßsenotri hatie ;Pe
culiarly fitted him. The professloM4htleiness nterlate
'Dr. T. P. Jones haring been p inccd . i n hie, hande r t 74.
tern in relation thereto should be addressed' lolih
' Phtsburrg,~h Gazette,. Pnlfhtargh Morning Ppm; and
St. Loofa Repnbliimn will copy
_VIZ months, 11;114 papers,
and charge the advertiser... New York :Exprau; Aug.' 21
• •-••••
M. Hod boson, -1110 . - 125-VVOod stet "
yOUp rail tbo .attepriOn. a the •gu/dief.(tho ladle
eepeeialli) !olds well selected nnseruneut of bpau
tiftli Fventhia!ta ROOM C IIINA 'DINING AND' T.E4
SETTS- . S o nits 4 4l. l 4.Patt,lif Hold Band,pat thih.
Paney'litiaPliin Wilde ,• also,.l.odinn Chins Dining •Vehn ,
all hiving beep imported thli season , and menillieeanhl
desirable stiles. ; ( 1 1 1 . 1 HODUNSON, , •
nug26 ll5 Wood it, 3,doors below.rifthr
Built BrotherzifiM
on .DOZ. tumefied bases, warranted broads.' AO dox.
.4V Victoria Pees, jnat receive-4 sad for•sale to the
trade at New York prices, by •
- EDWARD 7 6 P Oak
' N. E ear. Fifth nut Mirkekii • ..jork Mire.)
The highest prel i m ever awarded bid Pens, was
given to. Bud &Brothers, at the last fair of the Mush. -
choselts Charitable Mechanic tunatilniatti at Batton.*
Also, the highest pronoun at deFronkan IneUtato.
RATORSaf rheArneritein Resolurion.-by S. 1.e...11 - a
goon, with plates of FamelAdamlJosephlYarren,
Patrick 2H Alexander Harnitton,,Fisher ..Autes
John Randolph ; dedicated; "„To Students, who, - tint not
axe not
drones, Chri ti s
eswho arrant bigots; and. Citizegp } yo
demeg ~Au.” • • •• .• •
Retiring from Business ; or; the :Web Mites Iltnkitlliy
T-13- Arthur. . - -; • • J .
The above just received artd for. Sale by.: .
- .m,raorre.witilusk,
aep3 58 Market, tend 713 Wal, lOW
1 ,