The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 13, 1849, Image 1

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u 6.1-k ;31
l'‹Gq bn:f;
• 4
.11 1 : 7 41 •5 4V.;:1r.. - :::::: f-UT . , i0 41',7.11:1,1iL
DAMlitQADirop post'
• .
Printed and Pu !dialled entry Dfornirmr, (Sundays =cepa:o
'BF 14 „II ILA RAM, • •• •
, Norrworsisx conirms or, WOOD AND. Tula PrafIETN
n'yeari` payable -- citicUy
in Adva 'EßM nce_ Six' Dollars. !will • invariably be Ertatired If
not paid within the year. • , . ,
• liWr' Single - Copies' 2•Wo etcrs44 - cir
of the Office, and by the News Boys •
' ••••: • 10111 d• SAT 11101itiliN11 - 4 6 014
Is published from the same - rifficep - aniTa • largo
, sise cheer, at TIYO-DOLI I MI.Eir k , sos . —
dinsje - topiei ifit>tt'ciirre. • . • - - '
IWr 'N60006? Wiltbe disccudianed: furless atibil dist
cretton of the proprietor;) until arra ranges are paid. ~
• - 117 6 No tittentlOn will tiepmd tolittrar3SeirnleSs tier
compamed by the money, or satisfactory referedecin this
• ,
O,F P 1
One Insertion, 50.50 One ?di:mill, ' 44 7 00 '
Two •,, da• i•: - • ••• .0 '35 -- Tw0,"55f..V. , .'2.t..:•;,••1 - 6110
Tbilke• do i 00 Three . • 7 . 00 .
One Wee kc• • •z• 1 1 - .1:• 'lso' FOR( a oto`; •:•• i• 'o'oo'
Two ' -- do y5O Six do. •• •40 60
Three do 3.00 .one •• •
• Ja.po
earri, its. ' trAttra.
cm:Qg _
• Siiidiinithir,• • • •,• • ...sls'olt# Slrldrinats, $2O VT{
°ale Year,. •,,• • • • •2tl-09 One". •a•-• .30,00.1
-• l4iirger`adiertigeinents in proportion. • ' ,
Carat irI•POIMITINES, FietDoiktri ti•Tiar.• • • '
is Alats•svi ot be•inserted , pnless an •extra •
i . -' •"• • • • • •
asirreriiStimenui upon eh 'the - number ofinsei ,-
tionsfs not..marke , d ; be•Joserted, and charged iouttil
ordered Ont. ' "
~ P rcifessioucti AlCarbs. `f
0 - AMU I; %V: iCat tor-Office on 4th
-Kteetv icestrGrattt, Afttithiugh: • • 061.25.r1
TOMS E,,KERII .. AtMmtp, l arLaw;;.Otsce'irt<.B
ity Gratit street rnay27-3m,
All. &MALMO. '1", itgorne,katLesu.—Oittee t Fourth
`sat eti - ut , ar PtittersorPg-Litiry Stable;,,febt7
77 . tSinithfichi
Li near Sixth et., Pitistotatvh. aug2l-y.,
TNEL A. W. QM VEU, Phtoician, an4,,Surgeßn 7 r- Of fi:ce
jj No ": iiUg2CY
• . ___
D''IOHN'CRAWFORD,' intEnb• on' St: ' Clair otteet
.'. oppositnAtte .klxtlltttnge. - ~., n ~-'. ..:,.. ), ouglol'-'
,IPRLANDO LOAN4l.l:4:4yrn-ey as,Lefe,—,o • e 4111
ritHomAs 'AL' MARSHALL, Attonity aiLatti.—Offlce,
Lo*ria'A litißdings;-Fourth at: .jan7-ly
.44 1 E.3 ditorary OF Lowy corl*r of -.lV3liy.'
and Filth etreets— , Law Corner." • • feblNy
..CDARRAGH, Attorney at Latz , --thrice in Bakevren
• Buildings, on Grant street, , oppcisite — the 'Court
House. . .
"LT Al. RENNETlicTraonsey - Low.—Abbce in the
same building with Alderman M'Master, Fifth, st.';'
between Wood and smitufield itsl augl7-6ms;-...
tjORN .B4RlVN,iAttorwey atLaw,--Otfice,North side
of Filth streett,, between . Wood
ante builftg.with Akletintiti Itlohrow.• ''serat=ly
JOSEPii V.:111.1(11)01N,. Attorney .at Lute --Otfiire'in
Wallace's building, on .fourtliotLi be.tween. Wiaod
and Smithfield ate. • noVIS-y
. .
GEORGE W. LAYNG; AtiorneyOn4 Counsellor afrato
aod No tary ..RO-Otie.—thßeet tu.,the.eorner of 4AI nod
Wood over Sibbet Jonea' .Exellange o Irmo. occl4-
- D.. UND SNOWDEN, Arhyrney at .Low.-:-Othee
'the buildiug,on the North East corner of Founh and
bailhfield:ant.' "." • -noil
- MORRO IV,.;lln.—llttice:uenh 'side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
seplo•y •
VOANDLFSSA liVeLlatE, Attorneys and Counsel
tors,atßsto,--Otrice on Fourth st., opposite , k
H."Pattersoit's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. , sepit}-y
FORWARD .le SWARTZ WELDER, Attorneys at Law.
Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smith
field, opposite Patterson's Livery,Ftable. ap7-y
EORGE r.:91.44.MUKb,.:, Attorney orttt..rounsa . r at
Low.—.OffiCe removed to the 24 door below Grant st.,
on Foarth f to die offiee lately occupied by Alderman Ma
ser. mar3o
M'CLOWRY, Attorney and,Cauasti.lar at Law.-.-
Officeitrßakesrell's Bniltlings‘on Grant street
P O. StiA, NON, Attarney and Counselor at Law.—
. Office, on . 4th st, - between Wood and Smithfield,
and nearly 4ipposite the Mayoi , s office.: ' novd-y
- rz , ;scars*, Dentist, Fourth st., live doers:west of alnr4
ket. dlt work warranted, and if not perfectly oat
isfaeterty nO charges will be made'. febio
MOLIMOVAL.—Dr..Robert Snyder, hnetemoved his
°trice Fourth strehte, betweenStod mid &Wit
field streets. ' marls-ty.
• • • • • •••i. 4.
and forwardin4 hpainess from the Cstml his
nevr,wnrehonse, on Third street, nearly opposite the Post
OfEets:;-'; .; • inavm4s ,-
,• 0 J...IIIITCHEL, Attorney atl..avv,'
116 . haa removed to Fohrth at , next door to the otficosof
Alderman Steel. ar,7
J‘l.l. LEM`, - Attorney at Law, Washington; Pa. Cor
. leetiona made is Washington, Fayette, Greene and
adjoitiingxonnties. apl2-y
tionas B. KENNEDY, Attorney at Lao—Office on
Fourth, between Wood and Southfield ...I.',
- Rit9ustitscts,:—Cren.4."K..Moorehead, Zahn Otihoin,
Pies, Pittsburgh .Bank; Mr. J. %V. Burbridge; Logan,
Wilson,* Co.,fileCord & Co.; Pittibur,gh, Pa. octill.
BETCYRIASTER; Aldermantrice : Fourth street
third door above ,Stnith4eld, South aide. ..
Convey-aiming of id! kinds done with the greatest care
and leganteenracy. ' -
"Mks to Real Estate examined, tce.
1014.(i COYLE; Notary and- Conrcyanecr.--4)thee in
Metcalf is Attijdingl iFourth street, - near Sulithfield,
Pittsburgh. Dee ds,Bonde, MortgagesAnieles of Agree
mein,- and rill Other _
utitirtanents of wnung drawn np with
aceunseitinddisputeh,_-Tities to Real Estate examined:
apte4-d&wly , ,
LeDWINV. % LEON, duonuy and Counsel/o%w Laic,
AU .ftsaklli, Valuing° county, Pa..; willomend prompt
ly to all beuuness entrusted Aphis care. Collections ma de
in Wtrren Clarioil, and jeirerinsa, counties.
?'-'' ' ' eared 40' -" ' '''
'. ie. &pattern /i. CO.; -
.i att b ur ,h .
lltnephyiWilson C. 9., . ., .
— Hon: James Kinnear, - Franklin.
:. I.lllotildlex. lillealntem4: ••,.. • •
Ron. J. Wilson, Stanbenviile, 0. , . -iy ....:11; ~
TI • A• PA • KiNSON, Aidermon, Fifth Ward, Penn.
ULid..botweew Weida' nal:Mara ate:, were he may'
befound at all times. Those having houses or other prop
erty to sell or rent, can have the same punctually attend,.
ealta;,debtsialeated,'and all thedaties of an Alderman
will , calve prompt atteati• . 0c27,p,
ITORNET. atid'COITIISELLOit at LAW Office in
_LPL .Meilatt'aßoliclings,norner of. Wylie and Fifth stem
outside of the Court Haase. •
Er Collecting, Conveyancing, examinations of Ro
cords, &a.. promptly and accurately attended to. mylB
W. WILLIAM, Attornemd Con nstitar at
Latq {successor to, Lowrie ,tiWilliams,) Office at
Atte old stand, Fourth it., above Smithfield.
rialmershlikueretoftire.existing between :Henry
Nit. Williams. pig., and myself,ln. the practice of the lavv,;
was dissolved by mutual consent on the Nth ult., and the,
'business will herea ft er be continued by; Henry W. Wil-'
/lama, aled/Olft q' Most cheerfully 'reCommend to - all. td
whom I have the honor to do basilic - 46 , —as a gentleman
evely..way ?stonily_ of their .confi ,denze. .
kt,Rilddlle i -Vonveysiater 4 , I'
OFFICE in Avery Row, Flab street, above Smithfield,
=DS, MORTGAGES, Adsznints;toicin, gammas, and
sitherinstlYtatento of writing,Arawn with neatnessi legal
accuracy and dispatch. He will, also attend to drawing,
and firing Mechantcs. Law, Aduninis' of Rxiiu ton, Admln-
Slimly's, Examining sittes to -Real Estate, Starching
Fromfor..44 , l 4 s.kksitc.-- -
sficpxpepena, : tuvflotimate ste7gitatainnZe
with the menitit. or teetitntthe'pahlin renords,'he e -
penes 'Satisfaction to those who mafeatruittliers
. - 2insiness to his - mire. - ' , ' . ' decls
trainar and' Ltirtniestin China: Stara.; -'''•
.11.5 'noon -crrinicr, cdTosrrn'7. - D. DAVIS' AttCTION
/inscriber reapeetfallpflivited all lovers of 'beau-
Chiun;to call and , examine his 'stock of-Fancy,
-China, Mantel and Piar.Lairips, Cand elebraa, °iron d oles,
.Japan 4 Wilters, Britannia Ware, Castors, &c:
lace/die, Queensvrate of eVery.variety.and•pattarn,
,a/ thedcffeat ,
•"- • - • id- 110DRINSON:
' _ Another Vothntrer. _
I'WOULD call the attention Of the Military, cite
00 ; ell, la', my establieliment,Ao. 30 Filth it., where
biley,can. rigeo but lb S new suit of,, any Style,quali
rty.or dimensuotul,•ai - the ioytest'possible prices. if you'.
-wish to save yOui.iliitte.s and get 'Well ertrell, Came to
Currants,No.3o opposite 'the `• Morning
Mercieird t To t ilor late oeCurrair & Algeo, Liberty at.
tte,co.ti Fa!!! f our pelt t' up tti a rketi' end:
etrutud • for yegetablu_stands, I have been cbrei
pelted to remove my' greed Stand-to - the opposite side ef
Market street,in front of Alexander kDay's'Dry Goods
Store,'wherillhull be glad to see - my 'former C13100111CTS:
ITI2 , . - ;•41:MIN . SHEPHARD:
- www..600xt3 . -zy EXPRE4E-t-The Planetary. antill Stellar Wcirld - . ; Apo - puler exgriititiotioithe great dis
coveries and , theories of , modern Astronotny, in U series
of ten lectures. 0.111. Mitchell, A. M. Director of the
Cincinnati Observatory. • . •
Ldtersfrein Italy - - , -A new and revised edition, by
Headley .J For sale by "- ELLIOTT dc." ENGLISH,
3YB- •• • •• • -• 78 Wood and-50 Market 'eta.
"INTR.. 8. - FOSTER; Agentfor dfairarrßdkfiers, to pro
VV. 'ewe : Land 'Warrants and,Pensiona for ividoWs, at
his °See; Bake*ll's' Building, opposite the"NeW Court
Hanle, rinsborgh,Ta: • • •
My sonLiii - flie General Land Otitei; ar"Washirignin;,
will attend to raybasinessthete,free of cluirge to appll.;
FSALE, .Four Lou—Bounded by Peon, Liberty
and Huy sts.., each lot having 24;feet front, end as:
tending beak - 1W feet.::TWO of theta ace comer.lots, and:
he Malian of the , 'Whole:property is casb of the most adr
tamageoas in the nitv_. For farther information apply to
- - kI. SWARTZWELDER„ Fourth st.,
'between Wood and Smithfield.
, _
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, ,
AN: FAssiolgazi4 TArt.tat, , Third'at.olettr
Charleg Builds . , rsepl.B., r t
.17.1rh.targts;one 7r., and Comm/Aston .fflet
/1/1101, DA:hl.7llB,a4tictionera and Con:minion Merchant;
tr comer streets. ; slieets . febl
Wt.:ll7)Fry.ilslSKTDetler In fr . oncy. 'Goods and
Virelliiinfiltg,Nio.Bt , Mtritel'siteet; •'
A - LEXANDER JAYNES, Pekin TemStora;
„tistreet, near Wood. - ' ' febj
ARCLOSK ' Citii - Clothing Sioe„ N6:122 2
I. , ,J;;Libtlrtrstrieti oppOsttotleloOoth of ➢lnrkof:::febl:±
03.13.Uk4 ..,RQUINSON) Agent: for,iiinrudon,&:Co)e
Line et
,Packt,tt,.l , inb et:, one goor below 'Wood.. feta
dritrandEcCCHßA.ll,,Winvarding tind;cromintshou
UtNetr-han 0.28 Wood street. feht
"LtNELISH • EL .10'17, - Boakießers anil Szationers,No.
X2so;ll6llceret:• - befwbertrrhitd'untfFolutb. febt ;
PDHLANY, ilsthlenttblit piething Slore,'. No, .4O LOA
.erty street. febt
CON WSARWINT, N-ReOrner.of Wobttbhtl thin)
HOLATE,§Ar. SQN, nkers izsed Dealers in I.‘xchange.
ril• c i. Caw TOW Ncitet, No' 'OS EttrOet. tetit '
• FULTON4leti.aftd Stars PI/tinder; No. 70 , Seeond.
street,...beteu Nazi.3et. and Ferry streets. .febl.
T M. ‘VIIII`E, Clothing Store,No. 167, corner of Liberty
. and Sixth streets. fSbl
riIOWNSEND,CARR &CO:, Coach aad Wag k Makes
t.O a i:t• !Meet, ne r the,b ridge. feta.
TIFL.BROW.''S OFFIOE,-No. 05, Diamond alley, near
Wood" street.` fob].
WERNEBERG,,Fashimid. g Clothing Establishmgitt,
. No. 25 Liberty street. my 24
Lugm., itEER, Inoksolr Grocer, scram,
_ol)P94ite.Smittifteld. . • cup •
TOON CIiFULA.N, Fashionabte Tailor,Fift.ll street, near,
Won& opposite tke office of the Post. my23
ic Do WELL 2c. SbIiNSON, • Irons; Sign' ayrd' Onus
mensal Paintenx rofftrzrairrut ISe ce nd streets
ATILLIM & , RICKETSON, Whale:ale- firocer3 and Corn
ai. In inilitilder.chgntc, corner pf Mho riy.n ad Irwin; sts
A. MeNUL'lnPit Cai Forwarding and Commission
ki.'Afiriheirits/Cryral ' ' ‘mar3
JOHN :51;CLOSKEIr71r.fior'a34Ciothire, Liberty street
lieraten Siktli and Virgiii tilley;south gide. • seiilo
MULLEN & DOWNING, Fashionable Clothing
4,1. Store, No. 213.Liber.y stseet, opposite Seventh et.
UMALINS - & .S.MlTl4, — Ronearding and Commission
Aterchantson &Deo lets in Frothier, No. ..3 Smithfield st.,
opposite te onomralielH
s ouse.
hM jel9
/TING &AOC/DUBAI), WlTalesitte and - Keith! Grocers
and Produce Dealers, corner of the Diamond and
Lrnmoedttlfep T, 0...
- - -
TODD:47:Od., 94411emq44, Evrnishing (Foods
tabli4toneut corner of Murlag and Fifth >areetti up
laws, entrance on Fifth street. rnYl3
l; d; J. T. MeCANCE, a:Mailable Clothing 'establish.
mon; Nos. 77 and 70, comer of Sixth and Liberty
streets. m y
JOLIN LITTLE, Ja., 117zolesair Glaser, Produce Deals'
and Corntnission'lljerehant;Tbird st., between Wood
and Market.- . - Any2:l
13: ALUM MORRIS, trhol,xate anct.tirimi Veal'? rn
t I Fancy and Staple I)ry Goort., 6,i Merkel otrect., be
tweenTdurzli and the Dlantopd. . ray 2.3
JURN IL DETNLEV IC, Gad Beater. No. 120 Wood
Goldlicaf, Dentist's' Foil. d. - e. eowdnotly on band and'
adtnufaetured to order: m)"23
Al PH Y Ac*
Wool . p4:,.,.u r. . ! nod .. q-C1M;71i54 011
111,. reoa ior th e sale o f Atnerseau ‘ll °oleo G oods.
cortieeof Linetty street nod Cecil's alley. , posit;
LIHAS. t 1 PAULSON, Hot nip/ Cap Akron/roarer...7, tout
l,jdealers in Fartnorall kinds, Noi 74,1V00ti street. next
&mut° Ike corner of Fourth. relit
1, 1 117,1-11, Paulo Forte 111a.a44fqaurtr, and dealer in
Musliallnstruntenti, NO. 112 Wood street, near
I usE:Pn IVOlilll%'ECC:finparier and /k.ater in For
el six: . rind thoultie na , dicafr., corner of Second and
Wood gtrcets. , 0c•29
QAMMLELMeCLLTRkAN k 00, 4Vrciits - tor 4...!arlisk
0 and.RippanYs Regular Liar of Packet Ships, froth
New York to Liverpool,. No: rill Liberty s;.
TOSEPII. MAJOR. Boat .Bros, SILp Chandlery - sine
e) Agency of the Pitlabergit Lard Oil Factory, No 4.
:Market street , - ,Pittsburgh. pat
,I AARPti it O'CONNOR, Proprietors of ale Ittabtare,
I.Portab/c Boat Story corner of Penn End. \Wayne ate.
JM.I ,s MAY,' 1177ro:ester Gro , rr, Forwarding. and Com.
mission Merchant Water street, between !tlarkei and
Ferry. feta
sctditttv, Bankers and Ezchange Broktra, No.
jj: GS Woad street, third'ifoor below Fourth, west side
Ka.llli'" 11.11 llt, Rankr., aid ,E..rehrtnge droksrx
_Meorner of Third and ♦Good F treett, opposite the St
Charles Hotel. fehl
JTotiNs•os STOOKTON,Eonksdkrs,Stattourri; .Pr s 4
ten; dni4Puliiiriters, corner of Ainrket niid Third sit.;
111CTOV, SCRIISA, Bookie:kr. Station, and Binder
V Fifth street; between: %Vona and Niarket. jan7
- Me STEIN Eracs FOli II:ET /14nTa.75
. freld stiect, betyrs , eit . "ollll3lul ul)cy mid FiOh Ft.
' 3.IIcIIEVITT, Wholesair tiruerrs ' dealers l'ro
tl . duce and Pittsburgh inanudiciures.No 214 ldberiy,
'opposite 7th st. • upls•
SEVEN DIO DOORS et.o.TiiING sToti.F., No. a",attstlt
ateet, gear Littorty. cJOHN FARRAN,
nov24 I Proprietor.
TOHN MORGAN, traealate and Retail Drtiatr.u. No.
934, Wood atreet, one door .oath 01 - Diamond alley.
VOLLANSBEE&RAYW Allik Wholesale and Remitßemi t
Dealersin r . .. 43 and Shots, _No. 131 Liliehy street. op
posite Wo od. _ febl.
D. A- FAHNIt'TO t r kiik ('.O, Wholesale Drie4e Ware
&ruse-corner of First and Wood streets, and corner
of Wood and Sixth. • felil
. _
WM - . ALEXANDER &SONS. Ceen.lllokeTs and Fur
, 11' nishing lindtilakets,cotner of Penn and St. Clair
- streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn sreet.
yOliN H. AIELLOR, .IV/irderali and liana Dealer in
Aiusie and Musica/instrunionur,Pianos.Sehool Books,
'and Stationery, No. IV .Wood street. janl
pArrERsoN, Jr.. corner of First and Ferry
streets ' manufacturer of I.oCks Hinges, :not ,
'Tobneco,Velleri Mill and Timber Screws, Hansen
'Serowe for Rolling iNfilbt ace. • sep t 0
j BRTAR, Itectifying Distiller, and IVholeAale Denier
in FoTeign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. No.
1.14 s Liberty street, and 53 Diamond alley.
NV I L KTH, Lumber Melchor:E. Office on Penn
street, between Irwin nod Rood. Communications
promptly attended to. mals
W . & M. MITCHELTREE, Wholesale GrocetsTßec•
i'llfying'Distilleric and Wine and Liquor filer
chant.. Also, ImPorters of Soda . Ash and 13tenchtn.
Powder. No. tba Lillerty wee'. Pilinburch. Pn. I •
EXCHAINGHJ iityrEas, Hsehange iitlitlfhOre.
D. DORSEY, Proprietor. Coaches will be in readiness
at all the laudtfigs to convey passengers, free of charge,
to the Hotel. , • deetnt
&, 'INNEY, Agents for the Delaware Mutual rnstrranee Compa n y, a Philadelphia, at the Ware
house of King & Holmes, Water street, near Market.
- •rr
CAILSON & hIeKNIGLIT, 'Wholesale tieoeers and Como
mission. Merchants, Sixth street, between Wood and
Liberty: • deo4 •
W •
Id—GLENN, Bookbinder, corner of l'hirtt and Wood
streets, above C. H. Kay, where he is prepared to
docverydeeeriptionot ruling and , bin di n pec2
tOINDICSTETC. , .............. ••• . • • • 00.
.• . •
- DOINDEXTER & CG., Wholesale Grocers and Com
' •. mission and rarwardlng Merchants, No. 41, Water
'street, Pittsburgh.apt
- 117 . -AII.7ItPHY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
. DRY GOODS, North east corner of Market and,
Fourth sta. • up2lty
QAMUEL, MORROIV, Manuftiettfrer of Tin, Copper
la - and Sheet Iran, Ware, N0..17 Fifth street. briween
:Wood and htinr4t,' '
, SCALFE. ' • .113•1010 ATELLISON.
•C PA/FE, A.TKUSSON, Manufacturers of ..rift, Cop.
IJ. per ppd ,Sheet Iron Ware. They also execute every.
tlesertpuou Illacksmith Work. First sireet,tetreen
WOW and Market, Pittsburgh.'.... .bekli:y ,
& - W. HiIi.II,AAJGII, Commission , on 3 Forwarding
Merchants nodllealers in Flonr,Wool and Produce,
No-53 Water; and 104 Front street, between Wood , and
Strtith field sweets, Filisburgh. '.ns2o..
GC-I'ARTNEk'SHIP- , -Thelindersigned has ttssotiated
.vrith himself Sohn Nicol.Vfrom Baltinidrd,' in the
Grocery and General. Communion Hligllf.4s; finder the
style orBellers Dated'lstUaimary,lB.l9. ' •
Jan%) • - • FALAS. 9E'LLERS.
11.1CH41L11 - I'. LEECII., Jr., Importer, and rfrakr tn
- "JUL, Farrign cind'Eatnititi e Sadlevy, hardware, and air
tinge Trimmings, of all descriptions, No. 133 Wood. st;
Pittsburgh,' seven doors above Filth, and one doprjabove
H. Cbilaa'ta Co.'s' Shoe Store.
131..&14.& Cf..)„ Brush Marirtfactunsrs, A . o. i nto Wood sr., ,
I„have o:instantly. on hand a foil assortment of every
doscrintion of BRUSHES, to which they solicit the anon
noir of dealers., ,A,Jso, largelatoak of SHOE FIND.'
..INCS; which is conatantly reriewing with- the beet int.
proved Kitt, FISHING TACKLE and--Sporting Equip:
mem* in every variety—all of which will be Sold whole
'sale arid retail. •
& SlNClSAiitdiate /11nrtin"&"Snatti,) iflultesate
'II.D Gincers, , Produre and Commasibn ilfereizaid4s6 Wood
,street, Pittsburgh. The undersigned havinrentared into
partnership under the -Above\ style; respectfully ask 'the
patronage of the.friends of the latofirm, and of ihe.pur
chi-Safe generally. - They feellwarrauted 'plamtsiil;
give.!Fatisfactiolt to all who may , buy o
them,pr.epatle business to .theitonte.
n .IVM: wait ,
• : . • . W, ALSINOGAIR.
Sign'and' Oinaotental rainier,
#i7, aid(ilealor.ta..PAlNTS, No. 44 St. Clair st., rats
brirglt,ibent eonstently on hand all kinds of PAtters:either
alrror Miredr4ttpan - and - ecipal Varnish; Linseed'Oill
.Bolle&Ahl v§ptrusi Tilipentino j . Window - (lttlit of all
.IzeObalty. raint Brusliekfft4 all of:the best quality,
and for sale at reasonable times. sepll
-111au otie
ArILLiAAt TACEAON . , Ptitetif .DOO4 St - Mit) ;
trendrtif •• ; • •••• • - :rent,:
, P.irtgEtaGitrATY4P*T.irii.4l,4iN.. - 0. - 4'4Y.'cl': l3 -:: :1849 ''',
Business tc
H, GERDFIDING, Dealer in.lraperted:
and Domestic Scr,ars, Snuff and Tobacco
Wholesale , tnnt 'Retail, Liberty' street, six'
•rdoors aboya stpithfield, Pittsburgh,ra.
1177Allaideri from country Merchants will he promp
y'anendedrei' ' • 7. ; Jy4olly •
Dgudif.J. !,-Jost. — .7lfruggili and
13 Apothecary, north-West coiner of Wood and Fifth
streets, P,iusburgb,.Will keep 'c r onstantly CM hand' Drigii;
. • ,
N. 11.—khyswidus' Prescription's carefully compouod;•
red (thin" the 'best mtitetitak, at-arty bobr of ilia AaY•ch l
Also, An.,assortment ? af- F,erforneryt . .fine, tooth,
hatr,muVelothet'Tliuslies, & c &c., whal - i, wi ll be
' sold' low forcash: , • -ap2ikly -
Spring Faattiona,ltforA
I'OORD ft.. CO.; (late .I%Mord & HATTERS,
. 11[arch4tL,i c S Sa
rillg'Styte of " BATS title d i p,
8. , ; , • ,
Their friends end customers are eall and
eiranine Of Spring' Hun, put reeelved .. l"&tm
New York, nt their stere, cornet of Fifth and Wood ma:
TROVILLO, - Undertaker, Fifth street, int
, Ity.r.ritediately. opixtsitalhe •Theatre, reipeeriallyln.
fornaskis .friends and the public in general,.that.he has
resumed his litistnens its 'a Purigshing• Undertaker. He
is supplied with and always keeps on. hand Coffins of. all
.sizes and kinds, Itrouds,and all othernecessary
articles ,
such oen'aidons. 4 • •
Silver platetyice boxes, and leaden: coffins will be imp
plied in order. A fine hearse and cat ridge always ready
to attend funerals: sepThly
Exchange Hotel,
Corner of Penn end, St., Clair • streets, PittsburgA,
TH subscriber, niviit assumed the management of
this long established and pop - ales Hotel,respeetfally
announces to travelers and the public generally, that ho
will he at all throes prepared lb accommodate them in all
Things desirable- in a well regulated HoteL .The-House .
'is now being thoroughly repair e d throughout, .and new
.furnitnre added; and nortinswill be spared to make the
Exchange. one .of.tho.very best. Hotels in the country:4-
The undersigned very respectfully solicits a eentiimartee
of the liberal parrettuge which 'the Muse has heretolbre
'received. . ' ' ;THOMAS OWSTON,
feign:da Proprietor.
.lohik ToNvniend,
street, three doors above Third,Pittsburgh, have
- constantly on hand a well selected asmortinens of the beat
and.freahest Medicine.; which he will sell on the most
reasonable . terms. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and suppplied with articles they
may rely upon an genuine.
Physicians prescriptions will be accurately and neatly
prepared from the best Materials, at any hour of the day
• Also for sale , a large stock of fresh and good PERRI
'zsrERV., . • decll
Late of Pittsburgh Pa. Late of Nashville, Tenn.
T EMON .& ANISERS.tON, Diakis Cotton, Forward
ing and Commission. Merchants. No. 9, Front street,
above Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Merchants generally, Pittstrurgh, Pa.
Merchants generally, Nashville, Tenn.
'W. F. Lane & Co , Louisville, Kr.
Springer & Whiteman, Cincinnati, Ohio.
James Johnston & Co.,
Dewitt, Herrin & Co., New Orleans.'
Magre,gor 1c Mord... New York 4
Duval. Deighler & Co.. Baltimore.
Smith, I.lagaler & Co., Philndelphin.
Daniel Deshom Boston. sep24:ly
Jv is, Auction«, and rommission 11frehant,
corner of Wood and PM streets. Pittsburg, is ready
toxeceive incrchandixe of every description on consign
ment for public or private sale. and from long experience
in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able
to give enure satisfaction to all who may favor him with
thew patronage
fLrgalnr gnira nn Mllnndnyr• and Thnmittyn of Dry•
Goods and Fancy A rtir.les, at 10 o'clock, A. X.
Of Grotteries, Pitistrurgh manufactured articles, new
and second-hand Fermium, Ste.. at tlo'cloelc, P. `4 , 1
Sales every evening nt early gaslight. nugls:y.
4 FULTON, Bell and Era" foundry., has rebuilt and
. eommenced business nt his old stand No. 70, Se
cond, lietwcen blanket and Ferry streets., where he will
be pleased to sec his old customers and friends.
Church, steamboat. raid bells of every sire, from 10 to
10,000 pounds. east from patterns of the mutt approved
models, and warranted to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing., dm.. ke,
together with every variety of BM. Castings, requir.
ed. turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. ic the 'tole agent for Fabbies Anti-Aurnetion Na
tal, so justly' ceichrnted for the reduction of friction Ili
roorlOorry. The boxr, and compontion can be had W
him nt ail time... ncyclaty
Leer hing, Copping and Bleeding.
K. L e
NORRIS, (Ftnecearor to M. R . DolaPY.l—Freah
erhea received monthly; attendance at all hours.
Reren.nte r'The. Phykiciana of Pittsburghi Allegheny,
and 'lumina:lm. Mara
• t moot aeeritally retort-mend to Phyrieinna, Pan:Plies,
and aitilly former I Rena. , nod patfollS..Mr. K. B, Nottals.
2/S heti* thoroughly aranaislied with the intsitteritti4
worthy of patronage. M R:DELANT.
mn r2l dim
Ijown{ A f --- ).ci) 1, A N Ds° APE PA I N
• reMii, triitior. hi. thanks to his patrons, and would
Intorm the C/1i4C11.1 01 Pittsburgh and victatty.that he has
on hand, a large variety of I.antiseapes ' for sale at the
f.bleon, - on Fourth street, between good and
FrowssON D. It & CO . Successors to the old firm
1 of C T ovni.e ei ('O. and Carr & lima - land. beg
leave to KM/Online to their mends and to the public gen.
orally, that they are now prepared to execute all kinds
of work in the Coach and Wagon-making btoineas, at
lie shottot pollee. and warranted to be ofibe best quali
ty The very large mummy of seasoned Timber with
which they are prepared. and their facilities for busineaa,
citable; them to insure the public that they,are prepared
to carry on an ern-naive and prontyl ha:ooe , , in their
line, and they rcapeetfully soltrit a continuance of the
liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firms. Kepi
ArF.SITIAN7 ( 7 ,11131CP1 & CO. hove re
, moved lathe earner of Wood street oud Diamond
alley, over S. :%renrill'a Lentiler Store, where they are
prepared to furnish Prnition Blind... Wholesale and Re
tail, at pricer ranch reduced; having a very ireentrie :mod.
of painting. and other ruivuninges unknown to others in
the trade. Besides giving a superior finish to blinds. they
tritn them with the best toritertals, making them rich and
N. B.—Wide or 1-;rrow slats—portable or permanent
fastenings furnistinvi. Old Rlind.. refitzed. I declilq
LiTHEII. AND ME rtIANUFACTORN: r .—The antiseri
-1 berg. having enlarged their establishment for the man
ufacture of Starr. and Fri-P-s—on the corner of Cilkim
nod Liberty streets. Pittsburgh—are prepared to furnish
Files of every description, of the best quality: and being
determined to make it the Riterem of consumers to par•
chase Files from them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who use the article.
marl i-y ANKRIM. k CO.
TRU,SS. for the immediate relief and permanent
cure of Martin and Rtqaurri (Suited to all sizes.) The
superior claims of this Truss consist in the comparative
ease with which it may be worn. The pad of wood be
ing neatly balanced on springs. yields to the pressure of
any part of it,, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move
ment mode by the wearer. It can he worn without any
intermission. until n cure is affected The suliseribers
have made nrranuementa for the manufacture of these
valtiable Trusses, m n superior style, in Philadelphia, and
have them now for sale at their office. No. 77 Smithfield
street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT,
—Jolts D. oaosii;
sole and Retail Dry. esist. No. O Wood street,
one door south of Diamond alley, Pittshurgh.—The
subscriber has Just. received from the eastern cities, and
is now opening at the above stand,. a full assortment of
articles an his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye
Stun, Paints and Garnishes, Chemicals, tee., together
with all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a
wholesale and retail drug store.
His stockim and has been selected with
care. lie is confieent that his articles, both as to quality
and price; will please such ne'rnay favor him with a mill.
isorri would respectfully inform Ms friends and the
public, that his new establishment is now in full opera.
don, and that - he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabill.s, and
orders for Planed Lumlier, with proniptitude. and
at the lowest rates.
Board and Plank, planed on ene or both sides, con
straitly on bard.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made
to order.
Builders and Carperiters would find It to their advan
tage to give Min a cull, as he can 110 W. furnish them with
planked stuff. suitable for every description of work.
btONNEI'S.—W. R..MURPHY is selling ad
lJ liiit'temaining stock of BONNETS at greatly redu•
ced prices. Bonnets of last winter's shapes at from dS
cents to 81,00.
Cheap Latens.—A lot of Dress Lawns redttced to
:cents per yard. ,
Mine Goods for Drewer.—A supply just received, and
offered very low.
Darrk e3ipghamt : --Rich dark styles of Diogliams. Also,
Itlatihester nod Domestic do : , of ebidee patterns.
Mantua Ribbons.—An sasciriment just recanted in the
Wholesale Rooms, dcl story, and offered low by the piece.
Also, White and Colored Satin do.
Priors and Mu sti ns.—An excellent stock on hand, from
4e. per yd. up to the finest qualities.,
- Attie north-east corner of. Fourth and Market street!:
ENTLOIEN—The subscribers beg leave td inform
ur you that they have in store a full assortutent of fine
Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Stocks, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs; 010V6Il, Hosiery, 'Suspenders, Umbrellas, lid
der Shirts, Drawers, A - .e.• ' m fact every thing included in
Gent. 's Wearing Apparel, to which they invite your at
.tention. They also manufacture to order,'ut their facto ry East, avery:variaty and pattern of SHIRTS, itt quantities
and quality to suit purchasers,
Please give us a call, and examine our Goods and
Prices, at our Ware-room, North-east corner of Fifth and
Marketatreeta.up.stairs. EDWARD TODDAr..Co.
VIAitTPATON'OPENED.—At the Great Bargain Corner,
kJ , wherethere has jUit, been received, n splendid' new
'stoik of 110.0T,S.aut1 SHOES, of every variety . ; which,
wine ktld 'cheaper 'than ever; as our motto is quick
-sales and shall profits: '
a large lot of TITUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VA
LISES: All we'netid'to 'convince' the public of the fact
of 4elling to:have them givens a call,rid bring
~the Cash along.
Irp Don't target the place, corner of Sutithfleldiindsth
streets Ee3ol J. BATES.
Ihtetnts# 1.1 arbs
: EszrzskoaitAf,esat -- .
Sr adilftted ;PRIX ante Battery.
ArittYATENT , INsuLATED- POLES, . , , , „ ,
FR:Mtiancii: Ann Dynan eracosils.-LThii is the 'only;
instrumeirit of the kind that has ever been presented.
mthiaconntry or Fiuropefor,medien.purposein.and lathe
I milk one e vex Irnow.rt ko Win, br wk. eh the gal vanie.fluid;
ean:lie conveyed to the Notion eye,lhe ear, the brain, or.
l tinny p'art'of ilin'hady;'either"eitr a nally, or - internally,
!in a definite, gentle stream, without shocks or pain—with
l perfect safety,-and ofteti wide the happiest etfeets.
i This" important . aPparatils IS now highly. approved" of
bYlmarty - orPte mo'sretnitient physinians of this country'
tem Europa, .:to •Whilm the-afflicted and •othera whoM it
lmay concern can be referred. Reference will alscithe:
aril highly reSpectiable eitizens,„ who hare
lg i /eVii4Cl ' ;'by . titenits of ihti'MOst Valtintit ' p'lintatils "of
1 '41)111d of-the •mnst • inveterrllit' nervoits- dis e tAent, which'
eoald, temoved by rtny.other )rnovvn - means. . '..
Among vorious others, it has beca proved. to he.admir,
ably adapted for the cure of the follnwiug diseases, viz :
Inervons headache - and other disorders of the'britin, • Ifis
;with this apparatits alone , thatiho operator nun convey;
lthe_galvaninflaiii with aanc-nnd safety to eye,.to re.,-,
store sight, , or cure amaurosas; to the ear, to.festorehear; .
ling; to the tongue orother iiqrans, tO restore speech; arid
ltcpthe various parts of the ,botly, , fof the once of chronic
lrheumatisto, astbunt,,neuraigia,.ortio doloureaux, petal
!vats or palsy, gout, chorea-Dr tit. Vitue,Pancr. epilepsy,.
weal-sees from 41 rains, - Some - diseases 'peculiar to fe-,
males, contraction of the' limbs, lock-jaw, etc., iite.
Righto far , surrounding , enmities, of. Western Ea., and
privileges, ith the instrument,rua", be purchased, and,-
also tested for the cure of diseases.
. . .
'Full instructions will he glVed foi the . varieui chemi
cals to be used for various the'best manner
for operating for the cure of these diseases ' will also be
fully explained to the purchaser, and a parnphlet put ipto
'hie hands expressly for these purposes, earefully,pre
pared by the patentee, flmptirc'of ,
S. WILLIAMS, Vine street.
.novl3 - near 4th st.. Road,
„ Hata, cape,. and Muir*.
Tim subscriber i n now receiving from the
01Lcity of'Nevc , liorlt a choice assortment of Hats
1 Caps and Muffs, Lntegf Fashions. in great .s.n.
rimy, and very CHEAP, wholesale and retail. .
novll Smithfield ottreet, 2d door South of 4th at.
Fall Fouthiati,a
'C. H. PAULSON, NO. 13 Wood'at., tld tiOor from
the corner of Fourth, haarecebred,And will this day
introduce the FALL STYLE of GENTLEMEN' S
HATS, and would respectfully Invite his customers and
the public generally to call and examine the sarne.
aug2 6, •
FALL FASHIONS.—S. Moons has just received from
New York the Fall Style of•LIATS, which he will
Introduce this day, Saturday:, August. tNII. - All those ut
want of-a neat and superior FIAT, would do well - to call
',43d door above Fourth.:
}ALL eA.SHIIIN OF }air FOR 41445.
111 , (CORD & (late Weer(' & Ktrig,) WILL intioddce, on Saturday, Aug N, the PALL
STYLE OF H t&T 8 just reteived from New
York. Those in wan tof'a meat and beautithl lIAT. ,
are invited to call. at their more, corner.of Fifth and
Wood xtrtetz. ung:24
IFIA fat
THE subscriber, haVing returned
r _
from Now Yore. will. introduce, TIM/
August 26th, 1945, Mo r m. Se4b , Co.'ll FALL
STYLE OF FLATS, to which liestimld call the Uncial:id
of his customers and the priblic. , Ile IS daily expecting'
the arrival of his full assortment of Hots, Caps andA/ulth
all of which will be disposed of at unusually low prices.
6.• GLASSGOW, imyVraod
fTg2l7l .Itl door below Davis' Auction Rooms.
Kew Hnt
a - n — ( Wiz iffitTie7.=
4 JAMES WILSON. Hat nufaeturrr, ,
(formerly of 'the corner of Diamond alley - 1 ..
and Wood mime , ) begs tense respectfully
to inform his old collo friends, and `the pantie, that
hr bas opened.a NUAV STORE,'on Smithfield at., where
a choice assortment 4( HA 7'S; CAPS; and LADIES
FURS, (as good. neat. fashionable and came as nny in
the city.) may he had, J. W . seyy '7,onlially invites his
(fiends and the public to reniember new location and
establishnient„ and give him a caltbs hearty as he intends
to welcome them. - ,
Fashionable that and Cap Manufactory.
CAW/ROE S. AN:4lll'l7, Agent, respectfully
informs his friends and the public general-. •
that he has commenced the 'manufacture of
Hats and Caps, at No. h.: tCood street. one door from the
of Second, where he has now-on band a bite as,
sortment of Rots and Caps of aiseorn nuanufarture, vrhich
he will dispose of, wholesalobr retail, ou the most rea
sonable terms, tor eash.or rill' acceptance. Ram tends
to order at the ShorteA notice. npla-fim
f, sea & For:crecr, Mascara:Professors. have fitted up
the saloon on the corner ofChehy alley and Water at.,
near the National Hotel, fortnedllr oce spied by Clement
Archer; and aro prepared to-walt on_gentlemen at once,
with ease, comfort, and politeness.
Fn connection With their tabanis, they have fitted up an
excellent shower bath, tvtiet. persons can bare shower
baths at all hours - of the day. .
They stilt continue to serve their customers alto at
their Li Flan t, c SnWAtt ,the . 94lpCiait and Union it.
Auction Notice.
THE subscriber has tiaid innathe Treasu .v of the Com
monwealth. the amount of license required by law:
lie has given the regularly approved security, and taken
oat '-a commission of the first clans, as en AuCtioneer of
the city of Pittsburgh, and rented that ;spacious ware
room belonging to Sylvanto, Lathrop. Es., No-114 Wood
street, three doors from Filth, where he ',prepared to at
tend to the sale of every kind of Merchandise, Furniture,
Real Estate, Stocks. Shipping, fee.. either at the Anction
Rooms or on the premises. and mtilin all cases C rert
self to the utmost for the benefit of his employers, on the
most reasonable terms; he will sell exclusively and only
on commission; neither purchasing nor having any in
terest whatever on goods in the store, but merely the com
mission for seiling,thereby giving all owners a fairehanee
withaut partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the beet advantage.
Sales will be promptly settled when made. Advances
will be given at anytime. Ott the most accommodating
terms. Merchants will not be charged for advances.
Regular sale days: Mondays and Thursday., of Dry
Goods, Groceries, Furniture, Ice.; and every evening.
Hardware Cutlet*, Watches. GOON Pistols, and Fancy
Articles. books on Saturday evenings.
& E. TODD would mspecthily inform the mer-
Lis chants of this city and our customers generally,
that we have removed our stock of Shirts and (irate Fur-
. .
wishing Goods, to the corner of Fifth and Market streets,
2d story over W. & P. Hugus. entrance. on Fifth street,
where we intend to keep on hand isjarge stock of Shirts,
of our own mttnufadntre. with an assortment of Gentle-
ItICIW Furnishing .Goods,.usual ly kept by Eastern Whole
sale Furnishing Stores.
Being very thankful for the kind patronage'bestorred
on us for the past year, we. would he happy to receive
calls from our old customers and merchants generally,
and would inform them that we intend noticing on our.
part ^hall nature them to look further, as we expert to
add largely to our stock, and diminish our prices,
Merchants and dealers are solicited to exiiinine our
stock of Goods. • nrao-if
Dlercp Fioaplt al
THIS INSTITUTION , under the charge of the Sisters
of Mercy, situate on Stevenson streetooinit of Penn
sylvania Avenue, is now open for the reception of Pa-
tients. The medical.gentletnan attached to the Hospital
Doct. J. P. Gizzsm, poet. ADDISON,
Wasnacao, hichtast,
Dacca,' Strvnan.
Non-paying patients will be.receired as tbrmerly,
Pay patients will he received at the rates adopted:for
the temporary lipspital.
Lower Wards ' $3,00 per week.
Upper Wards , which atich pa.
tient has a Separate apartment,) $3,00 per week.
Thes - e - in'im — a - 1 - neini - e - Medical attenaajaie and Medicine.
Pay patients can have any ire-oder) Physician to at
tend them that they may make_ choice of, at their Own
Clergymen drany denomination are allowed to Visit
patients when tresired by them. , ,
The Mercy Hospital is delightfully situated in an open_
and airy; part of the etty, and within ten minutes , walk ot
the Court House, ,
Application for, the admission of patients can be' Made
either to Dr.' Srltiatt, or JAMES BLAKELY,
jel ChM of committee of Mercy Hospital.
Splendid Establishment. •
JAMES W. WOODWELL, wctuld respectfully
inform the public that he has removed to, his
new,locatiOn No. Ea, Third street, (next door above
th e O ld Stan d.) Neither expense nor trouble has been
spared, to make it the most extensive and Magnificent
Furniture Wareffonse to 'be' found any where, 'east or
'Th e stockon 'hand, for .variety, taste, and et , .
game, is has never been offered to; any public.
Front the most costly outfits at $l,OOO, per set, down to.
ehamher and kitchen furniture; may be found in styles
and patterns, to suit any and every taste. J. W. Wood
well hopes for n continuance of the very liberal patron-
age extended to him heretofore, and pledges himself to
give:entire satisfaction, both as regards the solidity, du-
Anbility and style of his articles, and the liberal and ac
comrnodatingprincipies upon which he does buiiness.—
Mis extensive new warehouse tie'ng now filled front the
cellar to the fourth Story, with every vnriety.of farniture
and DRAMs, ; he , Wbuld solicit a cull front all to want 01
articles.ip lilt line. ap'27
West :Work.. '
, RES'PON'&'WAGIsIEE, Engine Guilders, have corn
, menced business on Penn st., near the Point, at the
es ahlishment formerly carried on by Btsckhouse kNet
, ', mo p s wishing to . purchase Steam Engines 'for'
Brims, or , for other purPbses, will please favor us with a
call, as we: flatter ourselves to be able to furnish.them on
as'favorable terms as any other establishment in the city.
Al s o, rolling mill and castings of every description ran
be had at the shortest notice. , ~ ,
R EFKRzst ess....-Copt. Robert:Deer, Thomas Scott, Esq.,.
Church Carothers, i Co., H. Denny, Esq., M. Anerl a:Co.
"22 ... - . ' • ENOCH WAGNER. •
Comut Oro II al. 'Bow 'Cabinet; Warercim ,
• T. B. YOUNG & Co.
VE removed their CABINET
W,A.ILE-ROOMS to Commercial - Row, LihertY
street, opposite the head of Smithfield, where therwill
keep constantly' on hand tin extensive assortment of So
fay', Tables, Wardrobes,.Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs and
'every article in their line of business.
!..*YUridertaking promptly attended' to at reasonable
lees. , - „nay 27,
- .
rIARD.—Just received. by Express. three piece& ors - 17-
V) perfine BROWN LUSIMECLOYHS,for Oyer-coals
and Sacks,-which wiltbe sold low, at 251 Liberty - street,
tri2 , titorlB) • . • WEBNEBURG.
[Chronicle and Journal coat
lUiEcrellaittotto. •
t ; Alarsuritto.arad Gift- - Books, .
0,.1.11T.A13LE FOR PRESENTS- 7 -Oct= of Beauty Mid
A 7 Literacy f0r1849 • • ' ' '
Friendship's Offering, for 18.19.1'' • • ' '
Christm'asßoses, fortlS49. , - ' • '
Christmas Blossoms, for I Rid.
Arnarantho 'Foken of Ilenleanhraece,for 12849.4 % , .-:
Thd Toinig Miring;
— The Young Lady's Offering; by Mrs . .' Sigourney, arid
others.- - -
Leaflets of.Sleznory,.a superir,anmzalforlB49.l!
The Fairy Ring, fee 1849.! ...,.,,
The Opal, spindid gift . book, for 1q4,9,•,
- The Hyacinth, fdf 1849: ''
The Scrap Book; for'lB4o:' !!
~Theffnovrflake,kir4Blo;! • '
• !. "
-..The-}3gokwf Pearls.
The Lady's Annual, foi 1849. • -
The \Vomeu of the, SCriplores ; .140utiful work
!The' Wreath of Friendsbipi' for 1849; !..• • . •
•J'he . Christititi!Keepsake for 1889. ' '" '
Eena's Female Poeta of - Amerieaveontaining poriraits
of 411:8, E,l-40ak,s Oirgood,. Mrs.,
Sigonrney, Mrs. E. F. Kam, Mrs. Emma C.,Embury, Mrs.,
;AMelia WAVelb . y. Mrs. S. Hale, Mrs. E. C. Kinney.,
Miss. Anna C. IhMeh,"Misi 'f.lcifah' Clarke,,Mrtice
The (rove, with.a large:collection of Poetienl Works,
'Prayer. Books, Bibles, and splendid styles:
of 'bindings, suitable forebriattnas atulNew Tears pros-
ents, Torsale at the' hoek'store br . • ,
• - • — . JOHNSTON & sTorwrotv, •
dec2l.. • .-Comer Market and astraut.-
The Gernof the ;Season, 18,10..1,80ek of BeautY r forli,lit.,
The . Opal, ' ' ' The "Garland, - 1
Gems of OcIMIS, ' '" ' The Arnaranth, 44 -1
Do. (white cf. and ease) " Christmas Hosea, -'"
Book of Peoria,: ' 44 i Christmais BIOSSOMM, 4- 4
Forget-th-not, ,• " Flora's Gems, ..: 7 . i" ,:,
Do. (white cf. and ease) ".,,..Christian Keepsake,
Friendship7s Offering, , '
" The Snow,Plake, , . 4,
Keepsake of Friendship, ". The Gem,
Excelsior Annual, " • The Moos Rose,' * 4 4 •
Do. (white cf. and box) " Gift of Friendship, -. 44 -
The Hyacinth, .-.4 • " The Pearl, ; ; . , 44,
The Rosary of Illustrations of !hepatic;
Lidy'or the Lake: illbstratedj,
Moore's Poetical ' Works;
' Lalla.Rookb, illustrated ; , - • - , •i ..
' Poem of Connecticut, gilt eil4. ... ..• . :: ..,
Pictorial Franklin and Napoleon; : .
~ .. • •
Perpetual Keepsake; ' -
, Willis' Poetical Work'S'; '-" -' ' ' '
Lays of Sabbath. . ' • 1 " •' ' ' -'
A lare assortment of .popnlar;.luyettile Bookshinany
df which are just from the press -.Toy Books and' Color
ed Pictures, Games, &c..,&e. Just received by. Express,
and forsate by ' ELIIOTT'ti ENGLISH,
decHi ' • ' ' '' ' ' Wtfod dad Market Ste.
Worcester's 1-ia2lo/11i
RCEIVED TIHS- DAY. end ' -for sate , at Valuattfaetur
er's p rices. taxer ekgantßosetuoad PIA NOS, made by
, H. Wonexwan, New York. These instrumente,are.con
tattered fully equal, if not sarterio,oo any 11 9ve mode in
New York, having delighiful tone, full, round, - and
melodious ; warramed•tb wear Well arid gice , satisfaction:
The price of theta Pianos is believed to be mu+ low
. cr than any other, mannfuetnred. in• New -York. _Moab
who are in want of a good and elegant Piano,. at. a
Moderate price, will please. come and examine the
above; at the ninth of the rtubscribei - w
chr4c larga ilf•-
mbrtment of Chickering's. celebrated Pinima can always
be found. JOHN H. MELLOR,
Terrible ltevol I lon—Statesrittruirapis t
OGAN k CANTWELL,.(sigu, of the '
11. Market street, Would res pectfully beg leave to call
the attention or the public -to their 'hew stock 'of Goods
l"eiv" and' oPrlllag from , rhannfuctureni and int 2
'po r ters, of yrbicht hoyfecliconficleat that price and qual
i;ilgvoenurf4atisnfaction, as our motto is—" Quirkz l l n ; sn4nifit‘
, •
Our *stock crittsists;parllV,'Of the follnwing - arti eieS. V it.:
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, late styles; Gitard
d Vest Chnirtri; Bracelets. Clasps and Lockets; Fin
ger arid Ear litngs;.Pvtiellsind Pens; Slides and Binds;
Steel 'Bucklesijor,,Lodiee Head Dresses; Martalo's
Curd Cases, shelcpdarl find velvet ; Coral Beads ; Ala
hater Boxes;' fiiih•RciSetiood and Ebony Shaving Cases,
furnished; SiverrEpeoiseles; Silver Spoons, all kinds;
German SilverAmons, all kinds; Sill:Steel Bead Bags
and Purses; Cotton Bats and Parses; Hair., Tooth, Nail
and Cloth Irnslied; Violins , ,Accordcons, Flutes and
Fires fine Penkilives and Seitisors:; Globes and paper
Holders'. Shell. Dress and Side Combs. Iniest styles :
Chid,. Vases, Eruit BasketsiAgate• and Glass Vases.
Mugs, and Cologne Bottles; 'rabies. Chessman and
Barka:unman Boards: Silk Tapestry; Brussels and I ti
grain Carpet Bags; Willow, Market 'and Side Baskets
Chairs. AN irons, Craille-i ; &c.. with A large assort
ment of Toy, and Frinry Brides, jeo muncrons to men
k.A -- D-1 , 1111!..-1,1•71`1111L teat
—sWhoe without n beatt
1, uful head of hair , when they enn have one for three
sl Ilioeml 'I ccousy yoart,' lompl hair and, wonderful
restoration - . , . .
"BAL - ftnoar, Jul 17 , 1647.
"Dear 5ir....-The wonderful eft - ,TIN of Jones , Coral
,Iteszorative has been deeiiively demonstrated in the ea
ses ot several respectable citizens-of the-town, wbo, on
account of your selling three shilling trial bottle, try it
without fear. One instance, which hut attracted partie
idar is ' caceot a gentletualt,whci had... Rare
Or iio hair for twenty years; he had tried "numerous pre
parations in vain, and ultimately had his head shared and
wore a wig. Al- my- recomummintion, he tried the Ile
start:dive, and alter rising it, according to the. direction,
for a short time, the young hair appeared. and he has now,
ps fine a head of hal; as any per , on in llaltirnore.
.Y 4111 1 .5, &c. JOHN KILVINGTON "
It causes eyebrows to grow, prevents the' hair from
turning grey. and the first application CaltßeS,ll to curl
beautifully, frees it from seen, rind stops it from falling
Sold with full daemons, at - V Chatham v.N.Y.lirsd by
Jaellgon, Agent, F 1) Lthertr st. Pittsburgh. lsep:2o
• Great Bargain Corner
J. BATES, illudesaie and iiirtail "kale?
in Boat, Shoos and Trunks, Store corner
. of Fiftlt and Smithfield Streets, Pirtsburgh.—The
subscriber respectfully announces to his old eustre
mers and the public generally', that' he has removed
Boot, Shoe and Trunk Stos6 tozhe•large new warehouse
lately erected at the corner of .Filth and Smithfield st.s.,
opposite the Old Pittsbnrglzrobrldry. where he will keep
on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES. BAIR :
.57. e.. of all descriptions and sizes. which he will sell for
resat as cheap as can be houzht in this market.
Being connected with someaf the /amen manuftetnr 7
ing establishmehts in the eastern cities, and receiving
goods tautest' every week dbring the beasdn, he offers
great inducements to purchasers, either by wholesale nr
retail, as he offers his goods at iower prices than those of
the same quality can he bought elsewheve' in the city:
I manufactuer and keep, constantly on hand. Boys , and
Youths' Calf and,Klp Boots, n very neat and serviceable
EU' Remember the place, - `Great I;F:g3in ß cz4v4."
noB-y Corner Fifth.Onil Smithfield stree'le
0 SPAIINIAN, hay higituteliased the untirginterest and
Mork in trade of kir.•John-W. Blair. beg leave to itiforrn',
Their numerous friends and the public, that they have this,
day entered into partnership under Ilk ' “ firm and yle 'of
BLAIR do C 0..” for the manufacture of. Brushe.-nf every
description. Beingpractical workmen. they will make
up every article of the Intuit durable material, mud in the
first style; and will keep on hand, roc sale, at their store,
No. WO Wood street, a very large as s ortment of every ,
thing it, there line 'of hneiness—which, with their exnett
alve,stock of Shoe Findings, Fishing. Tackle; Pen and
Pocket Knives, Powder, Shot, and Variety Goods. they
will sell cheap, wholesale end ire - tail.
Machine Brushes made to order, with despatch_
The encouragement and patronage of their friends and
the public I,t earnestly solicited, and Will he thankfully re--
ceived. Observe! BLAIR Ss.
Pittsbitrgh, tic t.. 1.3111 , 1845:(och0) 120 Wood CO., st.
omcs PATRIC BOOKS.---Jest recetve k
d.ot the 800
Hstore of the subscriber, near Market :
Atateria .111edica,pttra, by Samuel Hahnemau t translated
and edited by CharleS Julius Ilerimel, , hl.D. 4
ifortman's dtrote Disralcs s liemprel, vol.
DoMestic Aletlicine,by .1. Lowrie, ettlarg-*
- ed and improved by A: J.' Hall, AI •
, Jahr's New Alanuel, vol. 1; Nos. 1 pied 3. ,
pentenic - Physician, '
.A Mttnittl of Domestic Cookery, for the use of persons,
who are under. llomcepatic treatment. •
BoOnitighausen'a Therapaitic Pocket Ifolik, for Heinle=
pathists, by•Dr..okie. •i• . ;
Thibemnit's Chronic Diseases, vol. 3.
Together with'illerlicine'Cliests, of ditfeient eit and
Prices- • . (Agin , VICTOR- 5C111134., ,
George Armor.
FASHIONABLE TAILOR, NO.' 43, Markei street.-L .
Bbsving removed his Tailoring Foliablishment, in the
roams on lUarket it., lately occupied as a Bookstore, by
Bosvcattli& Co.; the undersigned is prepared to fill allot:
des in his line which may - bc.entrOsted to hill care by, his
old friends and customers, and the public generally. His
long experience do ' the Vusiness'and the success with
which he hits prosecuted:d in Pittsburgh, emboldens him
to hope for a liberal share of 'patronage. lie will Make'
all ; descriptiOns ON:Nothing in the beSt manlier, and most
fashionable etyle,. FOB 04.511_
Dlerbhant Tailor
subscribet.respeotfullymanounces lo:his custom,
ers and to he gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vioinity,
generally, that - he - ha's feCeitied Inn nine! -asStAiMent rrP
Splitig.Ooodsfor gentlemen's wear, to which he invites
thdir attention. His stock comprises tine Broad Cloths of
al 'colors,, Cassimeres; rich Vestings, of plain and fancy
patterns; 'all of which he le prepared to manufacture in
the best and most iashionable style. : Also, Children's
Clothing kept constantly on hand and made to order.
- • ' WM.I3. SHAFFER,
taY 24 '-• Water st..s'ad doOr.above National llotel. •
treosialooable ,C Lathing Score,
rip HE Subscribers reaneetfally. inform their frie tats and ,
.Ll 4 ,the public; generally, that they hayo just received,
a Dew supOly en French add 'English - Cloths, and Caslib
gn erer,Veslings - all. sty le A; and 'qua li tr.... Randy-made
Clothing of all .descriptions, neck, and pocket gandker
chiefs, shirts; in short', every 'article- nodally kepi' in
GlOthing Stores, constantly onlhand.
Gentlemen whing to have Clothes nude to order, in
tauttionnble . style , t will fi nd it to their adiraiitake' In call
add examine our stock before goinz elsewhere:-
. .
FORGE COCAR AN. Commission and Forwarding
,11,7 Merchant, No. 20 WObd streetaNtisburgh;colitinnes
to transact a gone ral nission.Huainess,eapecigil};in
the purchase and sale of American manufactures, and
produce, and in receivii4, raid 'forward mg GoOds ettasignJ
e 4 to his care. As, ager 4 ior.the.s . s;tamilaetarera t wig!
be constantly Supplied with the prummal articles of Pitts
burgh manufacture, at the lowest wholesale prices. •
Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited.
. call the attention of the public lathe article tend-
• lag this advertisement, and jnyita.lhe,enterprising
an eurtons to call andeivitnesiitstiperknOtt,,All adver,
- V}FF
tisereents, in relation_to this, invenfionOn the hundreds
lst. This Churn will, produce Oullar+.ffuln`"ng
who hnvoseertit tested, is ' supererognllol3-„,_......-.,,,t it in a• ' ~
mass, from sweet mill: in five to ten. rrup,mes,'. ; rip). from
. erenin trrefiterdtkns htitillici usiittlV'plipare 1011 Three,
:• to five minutes!
i 2d,„ The utility.
from is
of this,iti,ention is apparent, us . ,better
; Btitter.,enti bieProdu6ed - froweal Aida or prdam,lprs
eMara' Soaked In the n:Mill siiiki'iMd . by',,inertifsoi this
; Churn, a little girt or bey-can - perform, in five or ten
' minutes, ychobamheratofote vequi red - the labor:Of a vvo,
mart or man for one or two-hours, and sometimes half a
. 4 1 1T, - .
_.; : ll' c; '. ',if 'i' ?:`i . . .f f i • 'l' /-:'l, ,' "
3d. fly iimplytlarning athumb screvv,the vhole inside 1
dasher is taken 'ont,leavitig'nothlifelittithe.Battei aria , 1
; milk in the plain woollen .box: - ...- :‘, ~ :.2; ;;,- i- - r ,", -; 1
; 4th. li is the cheapest Churn everinvented as the aim
i plicity of its construction (thoyugh. embodying:a' ,greal,
Iphilesophigtfi principle) rnakes it little to manning
:titre it.
1 sth, It is a common-sense Churn, as all will.admitwho.
-.Tr We have purchased the menoPoProf this valuable
improvement from MessrsiColver&Nyers,the patentees.
We are now offerieg -the. complete" mononoly,of this
styled nrtiele for the'States of Ohio - . Pennilytvama; New
.York, New Jersey., Maryland andTelaware, Which will
insure certain and large profits to the.manafacturer and
a speedy retdrh of investment.
.The public are invited to
citified wittiest its operation; at - our olfice,in pittsburgh,
every, day, at.. 4 o'clock:P. 74. , -
& Co, Proprietors. •
Office, Exchange thuldings, St. Clair street, next - door
to Esquire Johns ,- oce. • novP.2
IC the night of the Mika Octobet, a Catial , Botu be
longmg to the Union .Line,was• destroyed , hy. :fire,
near Ddnean's ISland 7 :Cmeasioned,it ig belieyed; by"lur
eifer matches paCked hi Dry Goode.' '•• ' ' •
The undersigned deem an act of justice to the Pro
:prtetors of that Line,, Messrs: Dutilh, Humphreys C 0.,,&
Philadelphia. and Henry - Graff& Co., Pinsburghovithout
knowledge or solicitation on their part; to'ntake -knewn .
11 this manner the prompt andzatisfactory.settlementhy
hem of the full amount of outrespective, Josses by that
accident, ranging in amount froth three hundred la fifteen
hundred dollars,
.and itt•the agg,regate tu..av , sr ; tnlve
thousand'dollars. • • '• '
As fares possible they bad :some of the kits duPlicitted
and immethately forwarded and ,where. it wits known
that this coulc, not he'doite, was'n'ot desired by iii,they"
have paid the amount in cash; or settled' with Abe mer-'
chants in Philadelphia, without reference to u 5....
The certain insurance of his Gaols, While'Ort - the ay,
is always a.matterpf anxiety to the.igerchant, mid that,
if detitroyed, he shall he instantly paid the amount of his.
loss. We therefore wish, wiihodt the least'disperage..
meatintended the other : Lines, to giye this public. Mid-.
mony of tlis , satifectory settlement of a heavy loss by the'
Union .Line •
Pittsburgh,Novemher 7, ISV ,
Hampton. tamithlc. - John Dean, •
Alexander King, A, AL Man-hell,
D. A. Grier, . Movie & AFQueston.
Robt. A. Cunningham,i
C. Arbtnlmot. ' ' - tnovtl —
Banks tor .Clartor rnas and New Yeursi".
The Gem, for 1649; .
The Hyacinth;
•The Forget 3 me-not ;
The,Cift.of ,Friendship;
Tho Fairy Ring;
The C.htistian Keepsake: .
TheGarlatid; . '
"Th., Keepsake of Friendship; .
The R 031) - of Sharon; • '
The Snort • Flake.;
The Miami:ha.
Also, an exiensive variety of small .Tuvlnile
Toy Books in.great variety.Mst is.sucd:forthe Holidays:,
Also, fancy* Letter and Note Paper; fancy Envelopes,
from the lowest to.the highest pricenianufeentridi. New
and old Literantre, constantly on hand end reeciving,:,?s_
ID — Smithfield street, third door above 2d. 1ded22,1
OLIDAYS HOLIDA VS.! !--The . subscribers. AM
la 'nit Opening - a splendid collection of Toys and fine
Fonev,Goods of every 'description, suitable for Christ
tnas and New Year's presents, consisting in pritt„viz,:—
Jewelry-mid Wotches: Work.: DieSsing. and Fabey . Glass
Boxes,; Card Cases; Pearl. Shell, ivory and Velvet Card ,
Baskets; Steel Bead Purses; Crotchet Velvet pngs; Mu-
S , C Boxes • Chess Men ; Dominoes. 3c.; with a thousand ,
other articles, too numerous to mention.
The above Goods we will sell extremely low, previous
to.the lei February, ISO, as we intend making some ma-.
tetlal alterationsin'our store and business. IVe invite
all to caliwho. Want .bargains, at 80 Market street be
tween Fifth and Diamond.
tirrs OF COUGHING in the night ['revery trouble"
some. They , break in upon the houra of repose and
exhnustlhe mreoph of the sufferer. H. A. Fahnesuielc
& Co.'s COUGH GALS:MU has been. eminently success
fill in easing nod curing the ‘e unpleasant spells. If a
lerSoolis4Oned in 'the , night by' •spasm oreoughttig r a
ma Atioonful of 'ha Cough Gals= will :soothe it.r, rye ham
relict, and, as it is Palatable, leaves no unpleasant mete
behind. If once 'used, it will take precedence . eYer hlt
others. as ti remedy for coughs. colds, &c.
Prepared and" sold by. II A. FAHNESTOCK & Co..
cornet tat and Wood streets. and earner 6th Mid' Wood'
• - •
TUST RECEIVED, 'by Express; one piece shay nap
t) hrk Cloth, suitalde tor Gentlemen's Cloaks, which
will muke order,.cheep. _
One piece /tea hort nap, n very desirable afti.,
cle Ladies' Cloa:ts. Colons warranted. •
Also, agood assortment fine French Cashmere Vesting;
together with a good rinser/mentor laneyand black Cas
stmeres, for Pants., which will be made to order as cheap
and as well us at any other eltablishment in the city. .
IticOUIRF,, Tailor ?
decSs Third street; St. 'au:tiles Buildtng:
' .11. RATON having .removed from 'MarkeFt
St. to their Deis - Store, N0..82 Fourth st, bet W,Cell-
A.Vood and Market 'streets, are now opining their Fa
Stock of Trimmings and Varietr Goods, among which
Cloak and iiiessFringes, of, all kinds;
Erribinider?Glinns and Velvets ;
'Embroidery and Needle Work;
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds,,Chemille, FlOss;
Parses, Steel Bags and rses,Steel Tnnuitings ;
Lad, 4111le duo and Silk:Vests and Howell', • . • •
Chihli ens Coats, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloyes and Hosiery;
Gent. , s Shirts, Undershirts, Drawets,HressingGovens;
Childrens dresses of latest patters:. which they offer at
ow prices, both wholesale and retail. . octs
From Iler. Asa Alan; of the Protestant Methodist Church.
TarH utidersignec, having, been afflicted during the past
winter, with a disease in the stomach, sometimespna
ueing great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hours
withoutintertnissien, and baring tried varictus remedies
With little effect, was OnliShed with a bottle ,of D.
Jaynes , CrisminatiiiSitUatn. This hensed nteor,iiirK to
the directions, and. found invariatily.thlit thismedieme
caused thepain to abate in three'or fourminutes; rmain.
fifteen or twenty Minutes, eveyy uneasy, sensation was.
'entirely 'quieted. The Medicine Was aderWards, used
whenevefithlications of the approach of pain were per
ceived, andahelpain was thereby prevented. He continu
ed to use. the-medteine every evening, mid sametirnesin
morning; and in q. 112 W weekailea4h was sofur re
stoted-that the sufferer was from a large amannt
'of oppressive , pain,' From etperience, therefore, he cal'
confidently rtvoinfilemi , lir. Ili. , Jnynes' Carminative 13all
as a salutary medicine for diseases of the stomach
and bowels. A. SHINN:
Allegheny City, July 16,1643.1 - • -' •
LID — For sale at the PEKIN TEA STORE , 70 Fourth
, streetinear IVood: ' -
vv , have entered into partnershp;inder the grin ,
and will carry on TIN, COPP,BB,and,
ING in all its branches, at the old stand .
Flint sire'et,near Particular attention given; to,
steamboat:work.' • ' ' oet
HAVE yona bad complexion, coarse, - dark;yellow, or
. sallow ?, If you have, you Will by using a Cake. ot.
Jones , Tudian Chemical Soap, a week or two, your skin
become§ clear,-white - and'encooth. 'lf You have any 'di: -
sense, of the Bead, Face or. Beard—such tis
Scald Read, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Salt Rheuna, Barber's
Itch—you can be cared:- for I have seen persons whoa .-
had filthy skin diseases for years, and after tryiug;every.
thing in vain, have been cured by washing the part with
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously .
'Offer it for any of ihe-above complaints, which rivoiald
not do, unless I knew it .10,,he all I state.. If, you' have
Sun SPOt".4, - Freeklei,-Morplieti:', Tan, Sun. Burn or disfig
ureiriefits of anrlind,it will dispel them: and Make Me
akin beautiful it ism sure antidote and cure for the bites
, . .
of mosquitoes', bugs, &c: ,
' LEr :Beware of counterfeits.- Particularly- cheap does
--ask for Jones', Soap, and seethat the name of 'l'...lones.
is on eaCh Mike. .Perscisis from or in the south and other
warm clinaatcs,:would find this;; natMulyfor themselves,
but it is a never-failing remedy for cheps,and.chafea in
infanta . : 'And mire; reinter, by 'giving this one - Irbil. yeti
or even more thou we.have stated above.
Sold at fid Chatham street N. V. and by Wrn. r Atickson,
iv , ent;81:1 Liberty strei ' - • sends'
ITE FIRM of Acheson & Dagg is Mils day.d.issOlveil
by mutual coitsent. Dagg haring declin
eit business on account'of ill hettith, hos disposed of his
interest to Jos-O. : Acheson. > ne - busineas hergnfter will
ccaultieled i.a tlie.iimpe.or. WI &J. C. 'Acheson. .
Pittsborgh, - July;IS18. ", JAS. T DAGO. , -
.1 - o'"lii ivilltd 'faering from the firm of Acheson bagg,
take pl9niureArt'recommelidine my surto:4er taw
friends and the public generally.
July 29, I 848--au..
• CITY - MEW,: STABLE.—The suUseritier
ri.,speetrally inthrms his friends amine public
NIP) generally - . that he has retnOved to anew and - ex
tenatee Stableon Pherty street, is the Filth Ward, above,
the' Cnitaltgritige, whernhe keeps carriages, Bewitches,
Baggies, a Hearse, Riding kiorspk, htG itaviiig - addod
largely to his' former -stnekche Mitt - Its the pritrbange'at
II COFFEE -250 bag,. Rio Coffee;
Cl'j'n wrsaleliy 9 Y .
r k k
iiee27) N 0.13 Liberty st., opposite Lead of Sinitli6elct '
._ .''gip.' ; aa~hzxs~ '~`~... '- .-•4.>....-.
bolver's Patent Coney:via• neates...edlturnl
N. U. „Ilorses kept 1,5 , the dap,eek or year.
ji2l:dly _ xv
Ir 2
: _ l3 OO/rAND'4O/1.1 .."
fWodbhleh6 •
ri IRE PrApiiejoi of the' 'Monate° .Poeraird Meant=
I sariMsecosoreans, respeetfull'y infonna MI friends
and the pntronsof these papers. that he Ina 40 , 1drFe as
necessary to. a... 10!) yrirklipg OiecN and !bathe.. is, pre
pared to entente, • ,
inerca PlLESlel'ithiTiNa:Cli nisciiipnotr.,
Boob'. ;hits of Ending ; ' Critulars,
Panwaleis j •• . : Hilt Heads, •• • • *.. Card,
Handbills, •• .. Blanks, •:: • Rat Z ips.
ft7•Ail kinds otßlsnks , Bulge ; Steamboat and Cnnnl
Boat Bills, with npprdpriate cuts, printed-on the Shortest
notice and most - reasonable lerros. .
• He respectfullyisks the patronage of blis-friends end
the public generally; in this brunet' of his busineis.
is ZieVpitabk andAesper.Estabitahment,
N 0.48 NopfAstrea,,beiteeen ,Fou rth and. Diambnd :alley.
it ?BF subscribers have just opened, :it the Shope stand,
I. a large stock of 'different qualities Ruled and Plain
;White and Blue Writing and Letter Paper, Commercial
',and Paekai•Pdsti Flat Cap, Demy - Medium Writing
•Paper for Blank Books, Aledium and. Royal Colered Print-.
ing Pepers,.printers' Ind ia, , Enamelled and Ivory Snit:me
:Cards, Nos: 2,3; 4; small .mid, double .small; Medium,
Demy rind Cap Day Baoki 'dna Ledgers: superior paper,
;llnd hest eaktitrn binding; Sehdol Booker, all kinds; Quills,
Gold Pens, Ink;Wafers,..Wax, Bill Files ; '
Blank Books, of all sizes. ruled to pattern, and bound
In the moat sub stantial manner. •
Country 'Merchants supplied. at the . itriV,estcvholesale
prices for cash , or RAG P at edikkrices.
• 'JOB coehNpt. •'• •
Having •a dolt Office in conne NTl xion with our establish-
Meth, we, aroprepared to execute altorders forplaiii and
fancy Printing ;.Ilooka, Pamphlets,. Circulars,. Butanes'
Cards, Bills of Ltiding, &c:. with despatch, and ationt
prices. - ELLIOTT ek... ENGLISH.
No. 78 Wood st, bet:l - burgh arid Diamond
Arour store on Market street. between' Third int..
Fourth, may at all timeabe foubd• elnrge stock of Theo..=
logical.and Miscellaneous Sankt'. New-Rooks received':
as soon as published, and sold at the lowest pricei. •
The publications of the American Sandity School Rniti . til•
and hlassachnsetts Sabbath School. Seemly, always on/
hand: Catalogues furnished on application. ...,•
• • ' ELLIOTT* a ENciu§ii; .
mat , $ lilarket et.; bet. Third and Faith;
':UNDERTAR*EIS, corner of Penn and.-
, .7.;
opposite the Eichemge -•
14 11110 . • Hotel. Entrance on' Penn sr,• res. •
• ; • eetfally, inform their friends and•;'.
the pnb li e, that they' d e prepared to furnish end anent .
to everything' in the line of Undertahare, tut they have, •
. quit the bosmess.of Cabinet Makin,g„ and their attention'' ,
will be devoted altogether to the above business, keep a J.
:large assortment of COFFINS' made'and finished, cover.. •
ed, and lined in the neatest manner; with a' variety o.
materials, and at all prices; weleeep SHROUDSready.:
made, of all sizes, of Flannel, Cambric, and Muslin; :at
allynices, and made in the eastern style,:nrid all' other '
articles necessary for dressing the dead, and
funeraley of quality and price to snit t ' SILVER PLAIT-%
,or engraving the name and age ; ICE .CASES for laying ,
'the body in ice by those who wish to keep their' friends
any length of tunev and have 2INC•PANS to• patice, in •
for laying on the. body;, •LEADEN Coffins always:an
hand. AV e hiVe a splenditlnew HEARSE and p pair of •.
fine horses, and any • number of the best' 'camases; efc,
ere., and will be prompt; pimento'. and:resSiontsato,-
. Of the' Veit ed States' Senate Chttritliee." : •
to SUBSCRIBER. wonld - respectfully infdrm the Cit
• 1 Irene( of Pittsburgh, that he has.for saki= the;Lanr..
[mine House, corner of Grant arid Fourth street% (where.. - .
he will remain bat two ditys longer i Titie celebrated en- 7
graving of the United Slates' Senate .Chttreber, published;
by E. Anthony.. 205, Broadway, N. York; the. lifeMke •
likeneises of thedilferent StatesandMilitary men of the
uation. steatly'sef 'e neatened' gl s frames, at the very'
low price of .SL each. Among which maybe thuhd The' ••
- superior likeness ef :his 7lkt year; the'. •
likenesii of Thine! Webster; Millard Fillmore, George
IVashingtort, J. Q. Adams.'lM•Varr Awed, J.' C. Calhoun,
J. Buchanan, FL.
• C. Wintbrop;Aleeerah•Taylor,"ol66,• •
eott, But/er,&c.,ite. Also, Trumbull'sengroving:oftber..
'ticeleration of Independence, tangier's magfificentfull
length engraving of George - Washington; with 'severer -
others. The subscriber can furnish. every arthile is the'
thoityll rholehale prices, H. BUgTEED,
rune House; ter. Grant and 4th sts:
. 'll7 : Fcir,s4le tit this • • ...oct2S% '
:LemursSue •
111 HE respectndly 'announces that he has
now Opened this new and excellent Hotel for the cc
commodation of uavelers, bogniers, and the public gen
erally. The heuseand furniture are entirely new; and
no pains or expense:have been altered to render it one or
the most comfortable arid pleasant Boleti in the city.
The subscriber is determined to deserve; and therefore,:
'2oliCil6,.re share' of plibliurgatronage •
• ' JACOB - HOUGH; Piirprietoi.
• ' • • --Take Netter: . .
persons knowing theraselrMsindebted to.Arthurs,
' Nicholson & Co-,(Eagle Foundry,) are requested to • •
.eill at their old Warehouse, on Liberty . street.
All unpaid. accounts *abet placed in the bands . of
• ,
Justice of the Peace, on. theist. July nem.: •• • ' • •
• :May 16. • ARTHURS, NICHOLSON, ,&, Cp.
1:17* W
A general assortment of Hollow are, &c . ., at tho
lowest market rates: Liberty st., head of Wood at.'
Dop . rs 7 slloEB ; TRUNKS; W-Falanthee HaO.
- .IJII ward, Wkolesaletand.R.etail'Boot„ Shoe and - Tit:We
Store. N 0.150 Liberty 'street ; nearly opposite the head, of
Wood. -F. H. have in stere - "and are 'receiving
. their,'
Fill and Winter stock- of HOOTS and SHOES, coinusting• -
'Mile' largest stock they have ever been able to bring -to
this market. We tilso have Constantly on hand,a eplOn
did sine& of Hayward 's IMetalic Omit Elastic Slioes, both
for Indies and gemlettiereit wear, the-most beantifttlarti;
cle ever' manufactmed. We. would solicit an eznini'ria.-
lion of our meek 4:if goods; by all' Whit Wish td purchase
either nt wholesale or retail, as we will sell at rt..small
adviince above, cost ~c9nutry 'merchants :will find it id
their interest to call:
and-examine our, stock before pus- ;-
chasing. • ...•FoLt.ltivspEr. & 1141/411V4RD.
400 bbis. N, 0•'/Volasselq - 2 • ,
SO bbls. St. Louis S. 11.11IolassSC
200 .bags;Cotree,primegreenr '
75 hi, chests assorted Tens, 1,. •
110 six pound caddies Y. IL and Imperial Tea
: :15,30; • - do, dd do • • do;
50 hhds . Sugar .
40 . 1iblit-Tea•
.100 boxes Sxlo Vindow
• SO do Tobacco. -
A large assortment ;scull kinds of Groceries on hand-at'`;
the ne!sv wafeliiniti EDI I 76IID. HAZLETON; ;
apdt; ; North-east ebrner of the Diamond.
ILP The .general nroirekties of there Pills are Carmina
tiVb, Pur,, , ntu r e and . Fonie. Abel:common disorders -
arising from' imprudence in diet, lee, mach as- nicknesa
and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaches, &e.,
where , a recuired,-thiii Preparation 'is' very-,
applicable, applicable, for its. carminative or soothing-etrects-giviS
almOst immediate relief, when, nausea or sickness eilat
itapurgative operation nnon the- stonnieli 'and bovsels
genile and .mrectuali and its tonic properties' walnut 7
strength to the digestive orgads, thereby; enabling theie: • ;r
,stganstO perform their proper functions with order an&
- regularity. ••The mriee has been reduced - tembo to .15
cents a,box. •
For sale.' Wholesale and. rerail,by
TUCK it Co - ..,'6orner Front 'and IWO And
Wood streets, Agents; for Pittsburgh: • • , jel4 .
lit° PLANING 141.1.1.:—Hebecea stied and IFourkine,
(atc , Fig;Ohrirtier,sl..)Tinit Ward', Alleghen kgity, near
Itlanclfeeter.--G,F.OROF DF,611F.111., having resumed
hair - crec red the necessary machinery at the aboSet'%
pldee, for turning -nut all Work hisline, and is prepared
to take ,boards to his mill and deliver them to customerS •
on reasonable terins., „ ;
-Dressed flooringeztr: . thi. &c., on.
6 large nunntity - Al dried flooring lumber on hand.
Orders from 'Western lumber Merehtints proxiiptip . ex
emited. - • - • •• , ; rupgn.u.
.; ;
JAMES GREENOUGH, ottim_lateftratof..Keller &-
Greenough, continues the baniness stf Consulting Engi
neer anti Patent Attorney, - his office in the city ot:
WASHrwro.N., He, Many be conaulteditnd."cmPloyed
in 'making examinations . m .ma c hinery in the Patent Ot
fico and elndschere,in tunilehingdnyaingsmnd Specifies
bons of machines. and nil papers necessary .to secure.,
irausfer, amend; !reissue or extend letters patentin the,;
United States, or Europe He can..nlso, be consulted pro.
fessionally - oat alt.questiona o (litigation arising under the- -
Patent Law, and will argue questions before the:Patent,
'Office or an appeal therefrom; for whiih his hinseexpe r i,
CliCe in - the Patent Office and in hisprofession; haite, peL:
culiarly fitted " Th e professiona l businessorthe
De. T. P. Jones having been placed tali& hands, all let
tern in relation thereto should be addressed - to larnyPost
paid: lT:rriltsburgh dixelter, Pittsburgh Post, and ,
St, Republican' will copy eirmonths, send 'papers,"
and charge the adyertiner.—Ateto l'ark - .Erprior; , Atg;
. .
_No. 115 Wood alt.,;
WOULD eall the .attefttion of the Bulk,
esre4 l 4 ll rl to his seleetedassorttitent itif beau=';'
.Piench and ,EngUsh MN/1M AND TEA , '
SETTS. • Consisting, In part, of Gold Band, Gold .L~ne.
Fancy and Plain White also, Indian China ,
all hiving been inwo.tred thin season, and areal the mast --
desirable styles.. , 110D11.1118.0N,1
tinittZ - - 'lls'l-yoo'4st., 3 doora below Fifth:.
Bard ;&,, Brothers , 'Premium ?
20 4..
assorted sizes, warranted`brande:- 20 doz .
Victoria Pens, )eet. received, and for sate - to- tit* '
trade at .Nevr York protes,hY • ~
Et IVA.FiD TODD tr. CO •
N. E cor. Fifttrann Market et (up stain*
The hihest.prernierneker awarded' ori dold Petie,imaz .
given l; bard et- Btothq.,At the last'fait .of the Massa
chneetts'Oharhable 11!echanic Aszociatlon, at; Boston
tEc; the highett 'prentitrr-at-the -Franklinlnettuter
ORATORS of _ lhr American ."
K 4 04 , with'plide 0 Sofiael Adams, Jo4eph:Warreni
Patrick' henry, Alex:ill:req . Hamilton, Fisher Alaes. and ;
*Jolia Randolph v thtdientedr"To srudebl4 'who" ,are -not:
dronps. .1.V1,0 are not,bigots,•Ond ettizens.who.
Retiring front uienutttetnnc-. :llainet,s;_,ay i thq,Ati.a-Atan's
The above inatteCeicid fdr iftle,nV=
• seps .
.-aT>'. - ~rtA~r
; "
.7,OI E , Isf , tO4eTtr.ENOLISIG'
58, Market; and 78 - Wood vino{