The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, December 28, 1848, Image 1

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® -v '- yJ| :'■ i 1 ’.^
,* 5. .* a* »*
.fin t”' ■>
Priruid and ivitiiiatmn ilamini, ISunAjyx
soitß-wn* CoaSaaovwooD iTO toth trrszm.
. PptlwiKyeaiuipayfcblaislrfctly
In advance. ■ Six Dollars .will invariably be: required tS
no;pajdyrtlhiri thaycari-' - 1 ' “
(□* Single .copies jrwo.cxKrar-for.Bele bi thocbanlcr
of me Ollice.daJbythc Newsßoyg. ... .
TliV Weekly Hoxo«»Tjr;ax>d Manufacturer
I;^bliahid^fioiinti^ayme^offief!,,on medium,
sheet, tt-TWu IK)LLAHS a year, in advance—single
copiesnnc cxirra. ;! : :J u-J-.nun:
ID- No paper Will be discontinued (unless at the dis
creboa or the proprietor,! until ailarrearace w lire naid.
IU" No attention will be paid to any order unless ae
compameil by the money, or satisfnctory referencem this
t,erm sofa dver t i s i n;g.'
PDt sptraan op TtVttLVE uses pa t-tss., ~
: S' o uJ o 'W!'''iW.<(?S ITikk db.e..— OHO
"••••• 1 w Threedo-er-v.-r-.l 7,00,
S“a.W?«h>».e«*v |(H (Pour do- -- ■■•*: 8 00
two do-...a-60 Sißiiidoin-.^.i-tiloOO
;■ , ■ tv
J r r -two sqoiOEs. »it-t.
One Ye^.-,y.. v . WM;
Lhweraavritisemeiiiirinprtjonion; . ! •;
Year. -’ ‘
. vht-ge enis,will not be inserted unless an extra price
is paid. ...
. apon wbich-tbe oT
UonS is nbt marked, will be inserted wd -chaTged, until:
otdeki«t : «n.v :v;. t,l, 1 . 1 --" 1 ' \ - •;. .
ifesstouai iCarbs.
SAMtJKl i : W. tollAv&lAmtnetffuLdw-- officeon.4tb
ftroetp-ow GHatitpitabaighv ; ; oct2s^
F, KEB&veAmnrKa ai Jaw; Officb in Bake
tl wclWpnlldingß, Grant street. • , y raaygT-Cfan. ., 1
'A < B^JH 3 OAIIMOi4T r , Attorney at Law.—Ofiice, Fourth
As Streetj near;& PmtertotfsLivery Stable, ' febl7 n
R..GEORGE, WATOr-Office; t Oj.77' Sffiithfle Id sti,
neirSixth st,Pimhnrgh. , t . .. ,aegSl-y.,)
f\%’ A. W.' PAyrieian and iSurffren^T—Office,
X/ " ' augtlt-y
DR. CaAWFOaD, . office ‘Oh St : Clafr surfeei;
oppo»ite.lhe : ~.->? . , auglO-yn
CGRBANOO LOOMIS, Attorney at ZcuHOffice 4th,
♦ st, above Wood. , , jaly4-y
THOMAS Itf. Aaorney aiXait.—Office.
Lowrie’t goildingSy Fourtnst .r>' janT-ly- 1 '"
AMES C Abb AN> Aterngt 41 jsta coiner tfi Wylie
and Fifth^ti^fe Law CemeT. M : febio-y. ; ;
CJJARRAUH, Attorney at Xmio —Office in Bakeweli's
• Grant-street,.; OpposimthaCaart
li oag j);u. l u ..i,., .;?• . -|yS4:i y
HsirKKi?NKiF?7^ssm^os™LSw^oSMja r iEe
• tome bnUcUngwithAlderthanAFMasier, Fifth st.,
betwcon WqpfljutdgffiWohl «tn-:'*s j angtiMta*
TOH&BARjTpNi iAtypify,xaJAtoir±Ot&ctj North iflido
U of Fifth'street, between .Wood and. Smith field. ifi the ;
kidc bonding WiifrA!dc^&ii : MdrtoW.~ ' scp&My
TOSKP/t C»~flL ? KmmW, ,AUonUy
bonding, on. Fourth between! Wood
1 »• * :• novlB-y.
/"TEQftQE W. LAYNG, Attorney and Counsellor atLato
VX attho cottfertot 4ih and
Wood over Sibbet A/ones’Exchange office. ocll4
EPMUND BNQWBKN,; Attorney atLaio , —Otfice in
-the pUiKtingun'tne North East comer of Fonnhand
-. ytV. -H i novll-y
'T>r MORBOffi,; AWmTtqn.—Office: north fide af'Fifth
JCva *treeVbdtwceaWbod and Southfield; Pittsburgh.
fe-APUbpiUiV iAaontjf* and Counit^
JLuL Icrr.oiXato.—Office on : FoarthsL,eppOEiic,R.&R,
fi. Fotifertoa’sl«iveryBtabTe,‘Piitibargh;- r " seplO-y .
8 WARTZ \VELT)£R, at Law,
JC. Office on Fourth .strecv'beiweeu Wood hud Smith
-6eW*oppoiijePanerson^Bjuivc£ySt2blo i 22L--®silsL.
r to the 8d door below Grant *C.
on roart^ t iqthcoffice.lafel}'occcpied[ by AtdermanMU-
Attorney and CoumtUor at Law.-—’
• Office in Bake welPAßoildinse ou Grantstreet. -
jeafrMy; 1 .; v : , w
T) C StUNNON, Aixorneynnd
JE'9 Office'ort 4ih it J , 'betweenf'Wood’ and Snuthfielfi,
ana ncarijrappoiito the'flffayor’s Office. ;, ‘ ; novfl-y
J SCOjPP, JPenrut, Foarth st, live doers West o£ hlar*.
• ket -Ail woik aranamedjHhAif’iidt perfectly sat-'
isfactory nochages will - ■ ;febt(r '
pEMOVAL.-»Dr. Br>hew
LV office toFcarth nreet between Wood and.- Smith
ieldstireCtit. '.' ; .. . . ~y. -ti«wn^S-iy' •
T> EMOVAU—A. geelen bos removed his commisSsion
Xv ofidforwardingbuainMs from the Caaal Basin to his
new watehouMr,' tmThird street, nearly opposite.the Post
Office.^'rS’i* I .!' v--< :'- ; ‘;i :i *''* *• ■ ■ tnayffi>-ly
EeIMOVaI*.— J OHli J. MITCIfEL P Attorney at Law,
has removed to Founb'st, next door to the office of
Alderman Steel.' ~ • •, . ap7
JU LEBT, Auorriey at La\a t Washington; PaU Col*
• lections made in Washington, Fayeue, Greene and
adioiningeaahties. • • 1 ' •'ap!2-y
rpkOHAS H. KENNEDY, atorary ot iato—Office on
Fourth, between Woodland Smithfleldi- >
RstusncES.—Gen. J. KlMoorehead, John Graham,
Pres- Pitttburgh, Bank;' ftfr. JiW.Borbridge; Logan;
ACo^Ft tokurgkyßo. ; , octll.
NBUCKMJySTER, Aidrnnar>—Office :;Fonnh street
* third door ibove Smitbfield, South aide. - .
Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest care
and legal accuracy.
Title* to'Beal Estate examined; Ac; ■ v; 'nbv|s* 1
JOHN COYLEL Notary and Conveyancer. —Office in
MeteaiTs Building, .Fotirth-street, near Smithfield,
meat, tma^^Oter-tiuitninieutiorwriting drawn-up with
accuracy bxhmmeit
Vj'DWIN C. WiI*SON, ACor«ey arid.Counsellor at Lots,
Xj Franklini Venango county, .Pa 0 will attend prompt*
ly toallbusiaesseutnmed tohif eare. .Coilectionsmade
in WarreiljClaridiij'and JeSetßon counties. .
. 'B&kßia '
J. A. Stockton & C 0.,.. : ;
Muroby^Wi!Sb‘ti*Cot > > i FlttabUrs .
Htm.J. Wilton, Slcnbcnviile, O. . iyB3-y .
TOHN A-FAHKINSON, ALdermaA, Fifth Ward, Penn
V sit befwee* Walnul ana O'Hsratls., where he may
be found athlliimei. Those havioghausc. or other prop
erty 10 same punctually attend*
ed u; debt*collected, and oil the duties of an Alderman
will receive prompt attention. . ocS7-p
tT.BSIiI.UN,’ '
ATTORNEY and LAW: Office iit
Mellon 1 . Buildings, cbtrier bf Wylie hud FifUtalent*
east side of the Court House. : '
B 7“ Collecting; Coriveytul'eing, examinations of, Re,
cords, Ac., promptly and accnnuely nttendedtn. mylB ..
Th ENfcY W. WILLIAMS. Avjrmtf and
ini Law, (successor. 10 Lowrie A Wiliisms,) Office at
the old stand, Fourih J stl T ab6ve Sraithfield. ~
THE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry
W. Williams; myself,iit thepracticooflhelaw, ;
was diisolred by tnutnul consent on th« 26th nit., and tbe
bnsineil-wIU hereafter be continned by Henry vV'. Wil
lisos, wham-1 most dheerfuliy: recommends to all Of r
whom I hsCe the honor tO do business—na agontlent'
every way Worthy Of tbWV confidence... .■, • .
, deClB-ly^V- WALTER H- LQWBr.E.
Qeorge K. RtatHef OonVeyonce* . " ..
FVFFICEin Avery Bow, Fifth streetiabove S»j iihf.eiA
\J Pittsborgb. ' ‘ ." , . .
umia, Mostosoes, AaKatatEjsTSjßOSns, Rvsj,..ct,. ttn a
other instruments of writing, drawn With nearness, legal
accuracy and dispatch. He will also attoiid/tddrawing
sM£ling_MecAanKS'.£tttU, jtcentinuc/EzveG’rOT,, £fmi£
tides to Seat Eitai £ Searching
. From his long expementso. and ihtinaitftii'eqfiuntance
with the manner of keepingtho pbblle rocords.ihe ei-.
gccts to give sstlsfacthmto those who so* by etttrast tlmF
Dptneatlo Cto» 0 o store,' "
oycow* j. ; n..tsayanatiertos- Moom,
fit HE snscttber,respectfnlly invites nll'lovers nf bean,
ltifttl China,to,caqMdeianane^-'^^fw^:
Japan W«s»> Ware,i’Castots l tuU Sc: ' . 1
lefi ~ -v. t-‘■ - '• M. HODKINSON.
. KAnotlwr VoiunteiTkVy.. •■ •-“•
I WOULD beg 10 oaltthb O' itentloil of this Military, one
end e)|(U> «ny e*uibbsto;aejtt, ! Nd.-30 Fifth. st:, where
they can be nggedoat ! in 0. ‘now soil of any ftylecnnali
tyor l(te;Vjwe»l.pbe«ißl If Vod
with to save your dimeav-add get well served, come to
, Carran’t, No. 30 Fifth, sireot,,«ppoaite,the“MornliMt
\ Post." • JNO. CURRAN;
Merchant TirifoY, nrte or Curran & Algeo, Ldberry st y£
~ jyX3 •*"*'' ‘ u :v : '-, r - ‘
accoaui.of oor pent up market, and
XV a demand for Vegetable stands, I hare been xom-
S filled to remove rnyßreud Stand to the opposite side of
larket streetlnfront of-Alexander jJryGoodfl
Store. wbue’}.suat bo.glad to see my former customers.;
' jy» v„ , John shetphabd. ~
NEW BOOKB dy EXPRESS—The Pltu tetary aid
StellstWothipa pointlnr. exposition of tf.e greatdis-:
coyeries and theories of modern Astronomy, in a series;
Letftnjirat Itatyr-A new dnd iretiised'e'jitioh; hy j. T.
Healey. For sale by ELUOFT fc ENGLISH,
if* • W Wood and 58 Market els. ,
TREM. B, i FpdTEB, ~e r Merten.* Soldiers, to pro
' « n L n dl ;Y ar !? t !Hl and Tensions for widows, at
My son, in the Generai Land Offic*,’ av Washington,
will attend to my business there, free. Of eh arite to impli
gmt»- - febffl ~
FOR SALE, Four by Penn,. liberty
and Hay sls-each lot havin-g 34 feet droni and ox
leading back 110 feet. Tyo are norneciots, and;
ho posiuon of the whole propecty is one of the most ad>
vantageoas in the city. For fitnher informs tionsuDlv to
, Mf FWhIC
4 L -V; U mndf ShmiilT^H,
. Wj£gdmr gff| WLS
’ t Bnomtflff ditria.
iAB. McGUllttijFAsHiojuaLE Tailor, Third su near
Wood—3uCharlea Btiildmgft w . (gcplß-y.
T AMES~MckRPdN A T AucUowct and Commission Met-
Stf cham, No. 114 Wood street,. V, ./i „ ■ w•;• febl r
TOHnD, Aferdtoai,
tffcdirherof A . v ; febl. <
KtNSEYjT>ealer lu Fancy Goods atuf
>.Mi7YbraHng9i.Hio t Q7 Market street , , febl
k LEXANOER JAYNES, Ffkin Tea StofSj.TSThird
AfeiffefeynefrfWbdd;- - ''.y.-;*/- fobr;
ftV> McCLOSKJEY, Ifot City.pialhing
V[/,Liberty 6ireet t or Market. ifebl :;
aOSHUA : EQBJNSONy Age tit Tor HdVndeit-ft r CdJs
Line g/* Parted, riflhsuonkdoor below Wood, febl
•WKrilihlAhj JACKSON, PattJtfMedtcmd'iSdpcfjeSldb- 1
TV er^atrae<fJipftd ; of.Woodj,"-- •;■••. ?. i - > ;fabl t
gS Woodstreet.,; ’;•' ,febl
NGMSHA.ELtUQ'r'r, Booksellers and Stationers. No*
56,Matkctst.behTeen Thifrd and Founh. . febl-
i ; 4>Kt»ANY, Ffl«Atimoh/e Clothing Star*, No; 49 Idb
:JT»<ity aitget; •••■ y-y-Tfcbj^l
fITFUON ASARGKN'iyN-K Corner or Wood end -Sixth
"ITf atroett, vj-.'-y <• •• •• - ftbl /
HOLMES tfc 80N, Bankers and DtaUnin Fxchangt
t Com and Rttnj& A r Qg Marketgtreei.; tebl .
>< A • FULTON, BtU and Brass FjnmdefjNo.TO'Second
xkU Street? betMfeeh.Marlcai-.and Ferry street*. - febl :
'■fi * ftL VVlilTiS, Ciothing Store,No. IG7, comerofUberty
tlU.ond Sixthstreet*.' v •- -'vy Tebl-/.':
ifTJOWNSENDjCAHR ACo~Cea«Aoa<f Wagon, dfdim,
A 8u Clair street, near the'hrulgo. febl:
,R. BROYYN’SOFFICE, No.os,Diamond alley; near
* Woodstreet• ■ •-••- •*-^.' •’, . febl
WERNEBERQ,Fa*A*ona6fe Clothing JJstabftiAmeni
Liberty - - -r -*' r rC 'my!B4
DMUNDGKKKfL, iWfroittate Grocer, JUlbedf street,
iOpposiVaSmiihSetd. , ... . ... • mySS-
i! TpHN CURRAN, Fashionable Tailoty Fifth Streep near
tfcflWoodyoppoattetke office of the Post- mySfr ;
MODO.WELiL A' JOHNSON, House,. Sign. and.Oma
‘rntnlai PaMUTs } tomer of Grant and Second street*.
ILLER A ffmtd'itMd (kfflr
.mission, comer of Liberty andlrmrinste.-
/Tt A. McNULTV’ A CO>; Forte<^ji^and Conuwsmn
y/« JfrrcAaotr, Canal Basin/;', m*t3 ,
hrOHN - M’CLOSKEYt JhitorandPiothitr, liberty street'
tl between Sixth and Virgin alley, soath side. > cplQ.:
M 'MULLEN & DOWNING; ’ .FoiAtonaUc Closing
,£&>?> No. SiyLibertystreetjoppqsite Seventh's^;;
OUMAQNS £7SMITH, J?CTvwjiing and Commi Wm
ilerchantsand Zfeo/^m^PhWue*,'No. 3 Smilhfleldst,
oppcgltg.the'Mtm’ongalrelg Hamid. - '; ;' ' " jeffirs
f - |?piV 4 MOORHEAD* WKoUmU and. JUtati ; Gn*e*r»
JOL ***** Prvdxzit Dealer*, cornerbf the Diamond and
Diamond alley. - ..,,' ... myg* ;••
*■*l7} -& furnishing Qppd* , jS*t;
,iE/» taWwhmrnijCorfterbf&Xartet'and FlAh streets, lip
•stairs, etttfaneeoti Fifth street. . .. .. my^
, & J*T. McCANCB, F.aakicmtibu Cfathitig EstabwtA*
„ * whij No£ coinei .of Sixth aadLi batty
tgtreeti: '■ - f tny23
TOHN Ll'lTLEi Jal; WXofexatefrnxWi.Froduc# JMmitr
si, between'’ Wood
‘and Market. .., , Whr' pygr,-
-i [ BSALOMMpaEJS I flndiJ<M»-JDmto'feJ
iJUI Fancy and Suxple\Dry Qx>ods,Hs Market street, ba*
ahd-tho Diamond. ‘ myB3 ?>
1 TOMN it. DUNf&VY,' Onl4~JleaOr, No. 120 Wood w
■v Qofd Leaf. Denims'Foil/itc. constantly da baud ahd
roaqufactnredtobnlor.- V "' , myjg,.
-WW Dealer* ’and Commission -
. X*i| ittfreAanir, fottbe sale or American Woolen Goods,
: corner pf.'liberty; Street alley. ; novlb.,. :
Ofl ASv K-.fAll LSON, fiai amt CapManufaeturtri god
dealers in Furs of all kinds, No; ?3,Wo©d*treet,iiexi
tloOr to thCcomcr of Fonrth. :•; : febt "
f : iJLUMK, Piano FaruXdatiu/acturtr, and dealer in
d Musical Instruments, No. 112 Wood street,, near
Fifflj.- •-- ■- y. novlQ. .
JW3KI*H WOOfIWKUL, Imptmrand Dealerxn Vor-.
fieri aridDomuuc Hardioarcy comer of Second and
Woqd streets.’ . . v 0 c» •
/OAMUEL. McCLURKAN & Agents for Carlisle;
O.ond Rippard’s Regular Line*, of, Racket Bbl p», from
‘NewYork to Liverpool, Nol 14» Liberty St. ...*>• fcbl
,TO§EPH MAJOR. Boat StoVe. Ship Chaodleryand
W Agtncyof the Pmsbnrgb "Lard Oil: FactOlcy.No 4,
Market street. Pmsborgh; ~ ♦ ■, • ...; :\ ; jhl3;
of Ute-JI s&frwrf A
Store cotuerofPottn and-Was no. stt; 1
v ;« .... \ ■
' TAAIE3MAY, .fjWoiittale QtoceeyFortoardiHgSttd- Coo*
ymtofon street, between Mark et and
:Ter rt: *- M-*"-* ?• \• fcbl' •
JLA ps Wood streetj thtrd door lielow Fourth, wi si side,
Gankin and "it?zhangr‘JiTo)trrs,
BkjttJmer ofThird andWobd streets, opposite tbeSu.
•Ch«r|esHotel. / . •-_j • rrr -
3?JF^tr€?T oCH:L ' os tfruiew.
tF teri and Pubhshenj corner of Market and Thi. ro stai
—j. »' - * -
yctrti SGRIBAy &OoJacU*r, Stationer aad Joinder,
FIAU street, between Wood and Matket; JanT ’
Brow Fowultt and Gas Fitter. Bipitb
• held street, between Dimniind alley and Fmfc it
- ‘ -* • : "' ' 1 ~ decl8 ‘
Jr Ic J, McDKVnT, WhoUiaU Qrocm , deaJera i n Pro*
* d J ce J Kmbuigh maumaclores, No. 214 L Iberty,
opposite 7th st.' _ , ,*plB ’
O «eei, near.laberiy. . .CJOHN KARKAiV,. /
"_ 0Y * 4 | Proprietor!
MORGAN, WhoUsaU afid Retail ;«o.
V a»t, Wood street, oae door tuittth ofDiamond
.-j • feb 1
rl?S?*W 8 9^A'“AVW ! *»D, WkaladU and tU fail
BootfdAdShoes, No, 190 Liberty op-
Tj[\ CO., WhoUiale 2>rug ffl ire-
XJcaevM, corner of First mart Wood streets, and corner
Ofjvopd and Sixth. .■ , . fob l
SOWt Cb« M hfaJfcmonrf W «r
-'f J( nuAmg Undertaken, comer of F'cnix and St. CJlair
streets, opposite the Exchange. Enr ranee on Penn m tit
>■:' '■ ' -\i r,i^ !•: - ' • felt 1
JOHN; tf.iMELW)tt,_ Whotnai i and. JUtail DMeri tri
Mrnu md Musical Initrumtr WFianOJ, School 800 *«,
madßlauoncry;Nb/122 Wood direct. jutl
*/p ciirutr of First and* Ret xy
°X J -«*!».■• Hinges, end Bolts;
‘•T iiJlitt.T; aiiil Wholesale Deo) or
U4‘uh«?S£?.«‘Ltf f / IMlic I^ne " " B fciqoors, K.o.
IH Mberty (g Diamond alley. jy2>
| tittTchant. Ollice on I‘eon
W •', MTreUBLTBEE, Wholesale Grocers, Be*-
Chmill’ - ?^ stil . I l !r *> : ° n ‘ 1 'Vino and Liquor Met.
; SJfJJJJt Also, Importers, of., SodaV Ash nod. BtesHjbm.-
yjy br.No. tOO, lt^tMTtv l Ktfeffi. Pin»lnirgh, Pft.fsgpt.l?
’ Tv- llOTiiL, Exchange Pluce, Baltimore.
iD.;Doßsrr, Proprietor, : pouches wi|l he in readme**
,-iali the landings to convey mtsse uirers, firee of charge,'
>o ; y.; 4 / T i; flecgF
|/vING &..FJNNiSY,Agenis for HicDelatoar*-: Mutual
- Company, oLPhdadelphiayAt ike-Ware
hoasejofKing &• Holmes, Water street, nearMokeL
■••'.'•'..vt <•-.•••• . • ■.•'febl ••;*
• & McKNlGri’i’, Wholesale Once'rt . Wd Com
\J mission JlfereAont*, Sixth itreet, between \\ T ood and
Liberty. ./ •••>•• --V” - • deed
Vir At. .GLENN, Bookbinder, corner oi Third am * Wood
.ij.-T greets, above C. H. KaV,‘ whfere'ho js prep* ve* to
adevery deseripiionof rulinK hndbiiidlnff. i.'eeS _
E-vv. yowpMCTML^Vf
IjOINDEXTER Grocers and C 'bnt-
Jt niisßlbn and Forwarding Nl«rehaMs,Nd.4LWe W
street, Pittsburgh, ; , a p23;
w I • an ' l fteiul Pealer t. *.
Jr 1 a DBY GOOpS, North comer oC Market ana
Pdnrtfrsta. ; . -. V . \ ..... ... ap2o.-y
C[AA|U£b Manulacnirer of Tin, Copper
Sbeei Iron Ware, No. 17 Fifth street, between
Woddiand Market, . . . feWO
Cj CAIFEj A o/’ Tin, Cop-'
fj pet anif Shjet Inn .Wan,. They also execute every,
description of Blacksmith Work. , First street*between
Pittsburgh. ■ r octSliy
S 1 •••&’• W- HARBAUGH, Commiisum Fdtmxrdbtg
• Merchants, anddealers in -Flour*-Wooland Produce;.
1 No-S3] Water, aad 104 Front Street; between Wood; end*
waithfietdgtrceia.Riusbargit. ;■■■-. .asgfr.y-'
unUertitnedhas associated
wiih biauelf John NiColgj from Baltimore; hi the -
General CofaQmlsslon’Baßinesk turner the
,«tvfe or Sellers A Nicdls.DatedlstJanuary,iß4B. * V
y foflgQ FRAS.^-Tt.ERB.
vrt T. IrfEBCH,' Jf i, ‘ Importer, an# dealer in. r
’ ‘ )SadUry, Kanhfiartjthd Car
istriptignß, No. 133 Wood *t.,
)ove Fifth, and ode door above'
>re, , , . , ~ y t .,*ap24TV
\'anufacturers, JVo. liHi Wood #L,
md. a full assortment of every
to which they totim* the alien-,
large stock, of SHOE FIND*
H the best im
-■vUi***r . .ACiCLB and Sportinr Eooipr
which wiU be *ofdwfiSa
sale and retail, I jy7v
Marlio &
V «n Afei ctonti, 56 Wood
ctreet, Flttsbuttp. ; Thei undersigned hai 'ang entered Into
-partnership anfcr the rahove style, reap eetfully.aak the
patronage of the friend s of the fate firm , and of the pur
chasera generally. Tl ley-feel in promising 4
saulamction to alt‘who may'buy of
. and On lamsntal Painter,
J, No: US it Clair'iti Pin*-'
and nil kind! ibf P*nm, eiiher
.. . dCopaJVam ish;tanMedOll;
_. Bpinu Toitpentino | Win* low Olait, of all
»i*e»i Potty, Pain* BrtulMa,&c.,'KUof the ban quality,
aii4for* r«aaona ltl«.pricea:>' u;U
jrf^^Bfe.andDomestic Segnr^Snu&and,Tobacco,
Wholesale and IfctiuVLfberty street, six
■BH^:<do6rt*bQ*e:Snutbfield fc Pitisbtnttb/FB»'
firpm couairv. Merchants will on prorap,.
j .attendedto; : : t “»•*. : - r •• jyi®:ly
DRUGS !!*—Jow. dnd :
J J'Apoikmfrjti KJOrth-Weat.eonier. Fifth
streets, Pittsburgh, wiU'keep coitstainly oh hand Drags,
PaiatSiOils,Dye*Stilffs r d^j:>J’ , n r:/r'.’" r
. j N. B.—Physicians' Prescriptions t carefully copiponnd
,en from the best materials, at any houi of the day or
night. ;> Also,. an.assQrfmeiu of Perfniniry; fine toothy
hfeur, and clothes’Broshes, .Ac, &c,.&Co which iWULbe.
spld low forcaarf. < u:: ‘ 1 atjShtr
T^rr?TT^sSttgr*s*iikAi^i 4 'g|Mtf r <: --
JKL will introduce the SpringStyfe of fIATS thisday,
T ' .ti. ‘
{Their friends and cpstomere ara
ekamine their, stock bf Spflng Hals, just received from
NewYo<k,jhttheir store, comer «f Fifth atid Wood -su.
'■ mart ' , • ■ .
fnriLLtAM TROVILLO, UndertaJur > Fifth street, im
. y f n&dlately oppoßie ibo 'Theatre; TespecffnUy In
forms hia friends and the. public in.general/that be has
sdadrned'his business a*f .Uodettakeri >l He
fa: supplied with and always keeps on hand
■sikes and Shronds, add allothferarticfeVneeeisary,
«*: ifriw.
■: Silver plates, ice boxes, and leaden willhesuo
plled in order. A fine hearse and cat riage always teady
.-to(attend fanerftltfi».•[:' t »-I ■-. =--.-.-vwtpBBtly «>>
■Comet 6f Finn'and Sl' Iftair streets, KniimrgA, Pa.
X this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully ,
announces to travelers ind the that he]
wilt berataUtimes prepaid to acoommodateihetn In'aU
.things desirable dn a well irrulaied lHid;House
Isjnow being thoroughly repairtfl’thrOugfibur, and dew
fornitore aduedi pains will .he spared to nuke khe
'Etchangeone of the very best Hotplg iq the ,cpamry>“
The hnaeTsldiidd Very keapeetldftvsolictu a continuance.
of riattofaage:whicbtbeHofll»ebasbettttbfbke
roheived.. THOMAS .OWBTON, M r
• febtftdaw**' ' * ' 1 Proprietor.
1 ' . ;T -. Joins M. Townaentf. - ; • "• ,
|t/ street, three doors above Third, Pittsburgh, will have
Constantly onhand a assortment of the best
jLßHjfttsheßtMedicine*. which.,hejvULgell on ihe most:
reasonable tennsJ‘Thy»lcian» ‘sendlng orders will be'
prfoptly attended to, and suppplied .with: articles they
.^l^&amprescSpticSi'willbeaceuratelyimd heally
prepared-ffomthebesimaterialsrat jmyhdar of the day
° r Al»! for sale, stock of fresh and good PEftFU
-:-|g£RrY.- :? f ti
TJEMQNJf AHDEESON,ftalfrain Conoß.Forwmnl-
Xj ingandCanuniijiotiMerchanta, Ns. 8, From alrret,
abortßroadway,Cineiiiliatii Oio6:‘ ■
»*»**,*oo >••' x< ■' r.T.'O
• i Merchant* genfraJly,.Ktl«bßr£}i, P». ;
i i Merchantsaanaraily'. NaihviHe.Tcmi.'
: r,W, F. tane tCo ,UJ»liTillerKr. ■ ■
| ~i jQwci.aatf.Ohio.
„ ;-■ Dnvml, jDetgfelrt&Od.^Balilmoiv/-
* * , Smith. Burley & Co, PiiihwlelpW*.
, i . ;’ Paniell)e»bon»Bo«ton.
JOHND.' DAVES, 'diUtUrtUtand Commission MmAant,
• corner of Wood mud Fifth streets, Pittsburg, is ready
to receive merchandize of eTery descripUon.ou jeajjiign
raent for ptibße or private said, ana fttHttlongexperienoe
in the Above himself that he wiu be abte
so give entire satisfaction to all who may favorhim with
thmrpatftitaire? ,M "
■ Regular sajef on Monday* and .Thursdays of Dry
Goods and Fancy Article*, at 10 o’clock, a. *.
:Of Groeeri*i, : Prtt»barfh m«nafactured article*, new
and second-hand Fnmimreyftc,,
... Sales evfe'ry evening af early gas-light attglfcy
A. ‘ FULTON, Btß (UidßrcutFoundtr, hju rebuilt and
,£iL«: commencedtonsthttralhisold stand. No.
cond, between,Market and Ferry streets, where he,will,
be pteased tosee hid old easterners and friends; :
Church, steamboat and bell* of every size,from 10 to
10,000 pounds, cast Cromoottema of the most approved
~nbJefr, Arid'warranted tota of the best materials.
htittrxaf Water Ehilings, fcc n Ac.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if requir
iep, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
i F. is the sole agent for ZteMttfjr Anti-At&aciion Jtfir
tat, justly celebrated for the redaction of friction in
machinery., The boxes and composition can be had of
-hum at blftimes. novlfcy
. ' llttcUtiri Capping nl
■ I . No. 86,T?i»tb-Bt»*rr: ■
TTi B. NOMUB, (Sacceuor to M. B- DeUny.)—Fmk
IV,- LetwbM reftiTedmonthly; anuuaneau*ll bfnnn
Reteiroee ; TlJr j?bj»ici«n».of;PilUbOrgh, AUMbtW
Bndliirraingliam. March 13, 184&
v’ I loon cheerfully recommend to PbyaicUiu, FomiUee,.
auditl my former mends sod patrons, Mr. K. B. Noma,
nx heing Iborojjfihlymcijuaiiilfdwilh the bttaine*«,'nnd
worthy of pettonage. . . . M. H. DKLANV.
/mOtMtSm ' -
JL 1 CqjS*, leaden hi* ihaake to.bis patrons, and would
imofmtbe citizens ot Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has
■on fca&d, a Urge Variety tif Landscapes, forsale at the
OdeoQ* on Fourth street, between Wood aodiScuthfieW,
■ "■«» _____ , -•■
fftOWNSKND, CABR & CO:, Successors to tbe old firm
' _|_ DfC.Towruend & Co., end Carr As Rowland,. beg
leave to announce to their friends and to the public gen*
eralty; that they are now prepared to execute' all kinds
of work in tbeCoach and. WaQbn-makiurbusiiißSSf'U
the shortest notice, and warranted to be of the best quail*
iy. The very UTge quantity of seasoned Timber with
which they are prepared, and their facilities for business*
enables them to insore the publip that they are prepared
to carry on an extensive and promyt business ; in their
line, and they respectfully solicit a continuance of the
liberal patronagebestowea nplon the lam firm*. :: sept
V moved 10 the comer of Wood street sad Diamond
alley*over 6/M’Clain’s Leather Btore,-whete they are'
prepared to/umish Firnitfan Blinds r Wholesale,-ana R** ;
tail, at prices ranch reduced; having ft very tteentntmoat
qf painting, and other advantages unknown to- others in
the trade. Besides giving a soperior finish to blinds, they
trim them with the best materials, making them rich and
durable. *.
■ • yj,; B. —Wide or r.-irrow slat*—portable orpennanenl
fastenings fumisitud. Old Blinds refitted. decSl»y
hers, having enlarged their establishment for the man*
ufoeture of Steel and File*—on the corner of OjH&ra
and liberty streets, Pittsburgh—are prepared to foriush
■ Kies of ever)* description, of the best quality; and being
determined to make It the interest of consumers to pur
chase Files from them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who use the article
ll TRUSS, Sot the. imnfediate relief-Arid .permanent
‘hftra’nf Htmia and Ruptufgl (Suited ; tO all SUCS.) The
fdperibr claim* of this Truss cotisin in the comparative
easefwilh which it may be worn. The pad of wood be*
ing rieatly balanced on springe, yields to the prcssure.ol
any part of it* and thoroughly adopts Itself to any move*
ment made by the wearer. It can f>e .worn without any
intermission,’until, a cure 1* affected The subscriber*
have made arrangements for-the manufacture of these
valuable Trusses,to a sqperior slyle, in Philadelphia, and
have them now for sale at their office,‘Nb. 77 Srailhfieid
Bi " h - Pil - b ”* fa -
;l\ I sale , and. Retail Druggist , No, 03i .Wood .
one 4oor south of Diamond alley,' Pittsburgh.—The .
-subscriber has just received from thaeastenLcUiefyami
Is ndw opening at the above stand, a full assqrttnentol
articles m his tine, consisting of Drugsof all kinds, Dye
Stufih, Points ana Oarnishes, Chemical*,,
with 1 all such articles as. are usually kept for sale at a
wholesaleand retall dnigstbre 1 . • - ' ‘
vHis stock is entirely new. and has been with
chre. He is confident that his articles,both os to quality
sud price, will please such os may favor him with a call.
.. myS»y .. •• - .. - • •
Jj|j isoka would respectfully inform bis friends and the
public, that jhis new asiablislnnejn is now in full operas
turn,and that he is furnish Boat Cabins, and
fill all orders for Planed Lumber, wiib-promptitudeytad
aljhe lowest rates. _ , t 'jJ. -
„ Board and Plauk, planed on'ane'or both tides, con i
. 'autlyoivhaTd. ■
Sash, Door* and Mouldings,of every, description, mada
B, videra and Carpenters would find it to their advan
t&ie. g* ve bira a call, at he cau now furnish tbemwitit
plankj waiuff, suitable for every description Of work.
TsWa J*'BONNETB —W. RMURPHY is selling oil
\J hlar Stock of BONNETS at greatly redo
cedpti«u.V, .Bpyiuata.of lasi.wmter’ashapesat from 25
ceiua to 81
f lot Dress Lawnsredueed to 121
for ihasa.—A supply just received, and
offered very low. : 1 v!: -’
Stork Oinc&amx.r-Vlich dark stylesof Ginghams. Also,
Manchester aY»d Domestic db., l of chbiee pattern^.
nuArnis.— An assortment just received in the
'Wholesale Rootns, 2d story, and offered low by the piece.
1 AJao, While and Colored Satin do: 1
1 Prttus and Mu&ti ns.—An excellent stock on handy from
ic.'pei l yd. op to the finest qualities.
• * jp»i{ ike north-tost corner of Fourth and Market streets.
/G ENTLEMEN—The subscribers 1 begleave to inforra
VX you that theyhaye in stpre a toll assortment of; fine.-
Ehixts, BpsomsVCoiiars, Cravats,-Stocks, Pocket Hand*,
kerchieft,<3loves, Hosiery .Suspenders. UmbreHeS,Un~
der Shirts, Drawers, &cv.\ in fact every .thingincluded ip
OcnUs Wearing Apparel, to which they Invite your at*
teution. They also manufacture taorderiat (heir-factory
East/every variety,and partem of BHIRTS, in quantities
‘‘S3 quality 16 edit purchasers; '
give us a call, and examine our Goods and.
Prices, at our Ware-room,North-east comer of Fifth and
Marketstreets. op stairs. EDWARD TODD & Co. g
tiyil -' f ‘
iAMPAIGN OPENED.— At the Qrtat Jtaryofo^femsr?
> where there ha* just been received, a splendid,new.
stock of BOOTS'aiurSHOES, of every variety wbrch
will be sold cheaper than ever; as our motto U tjuick,
,Ll9EB.Alfweneedtoconvmcethe ; public©fthefftCi
o£ celling cheap, is to have theragtae us a cal! and briny.
ii.fTT* Don’t terget the place, comer of Snuthfieldudftb;
streets |e3ol J/BATSS.
. |JpBfW#DICA|. J .AKi> ; oifftBJt FDjtfoail-rrTiua isibttonly
J? instrument of the kind that has ever been presented
bn)y,ow? eVer known to ipa»,hytvhfoluUe galvanic fluid;
= dsn be conveyed to Ybe hujnan eye, the ear. the bratn, or
oany'nart-of thebody* either externally of internally,”
tit a de unite,gentle stream, witbonishbckabrj>ain-rwith:
' perfeetaafijiy—and often with' the happiest effects.,
. ; This! Important pppafattis is now highly approved‘of i
by many of the most eminejitnhysicianaoftbis country.
andEnirope; to whotolhe afflicted and others'whom. it
mayconcern; v Teierred.Referencewnialw>be'
given u* rtiany. highly respectable citizens, who have,
been birred, by mean* of this raotf Valuable apparatus,of■!
. some «of the ; mDst. jnveleratei nervous disorders, which I
could.not be removed .by iny other knowp,means. ~vj
. ; Atnon| vorions bthets. ithasbeeh proved tobe admir
ablyedapte&for.the. oorepf .the folio wiug diseases; viz tl
'riervpus headache and otherdisorderaof the brain. ,Uis j
wiihthls.tipptratus alone thfctlbe operator can convey i
the galvirtic fluid with ease to. the eye,: to re*
store sightf Or care flmourosa*; to the ear to restore hear*
lag; tothetbfagafeorother organs, to restore speech; and
tp-the various parts of the' body, for the cure of chronic
rheumatism, 4sthma/rieura)giff, or tiidblonrenox, paral
ysis, or palsy, goat, chorea.orSt. Vitus 1 danc-,
weajcutH frioTn srfalns, some diseases peculiar to fe*'
males, contraction of; the* limbs, lock-jaw, ete.yelc;; > r
Rights for surrounding counties of Western Poland.
privileges, with the'instrument, may be purchased, and
ajso testeju for the cure of diseases. -
Fullinjtinictiouswtll be.triven for the various chemi
cals to be tiled for various diseases, and the best manner
for operating for the cure of these diseases, will also, be
fullyexpl shied to thcpUrchSser,andapamphlet put inter
hli-hoads ..expressly for. these purposes,' care (buy -pre
pared by the patentee. Enquire of . ; .
8. WILLIAMS, Vine street.
near 4th si. Road; PittsbVr J
mbvtS i*
viHstirOtpi^andHoffs. •:*•
Tin subscriber is now receiving from the
city of New York a choice-assortment of Hats: .
and Ma3§, Lalest Fashions, in great va
riety, and very cheap, wholesale and retail. • -
. fabvll f Smithfiefd street, 9d dopr South of 4th at*
gall Faihiom {
Pm -• 0. tf. PAULSON,N6.7a\Vood*t,2d door from
: LM the comer of Fourth, has received, aiVdWill this day
HATS, and-Wbuid respectfully tpvite his customers and
the public generally to call and examine the same.
•apg2s;. -y,- .. * ~ r-~ ' r \ - ■■
EALL FASHIONS.—S. Moout has just received from
"New York the Fall Style of HATSi which he will
odoce this day, Saturday, August 28th. All r those in
: want of« o<at ana superior RAT, would do well to call
i faLL fashion of hats fob»8*«.
M'CORD *, 10 O*. (Ute H’Car<l(£ Kino)
tutroduce, ou Saturday, Aug. SO, the FAJLIi
jWSTYLE OF Ef ATS« jtul received from New
7 Those in want'of a heat arid beautiful HAT,
Are invited to call at their store, corner of Fifth ana
Wood streets. .-m augSt
subscriber, having returned
New-York, will, tbs pay.-
.... t I34B,Mkuri/R«jA* Co>»TALL
'STYLE OF HATiS,-to which he would ctlnhe attention
of his customers and the public. He is.daiiy expecting
the arrival oThis fhQ assortment df Hats, Cdpr, aha Muffs,'
nli of which Will be disposed of at snhstuiily low prices;
aW. feLASSGOWi tOS \yood ft, ,
augflfi door Rocros.
: vV.;w Hat and €apAtore> : > \
Jm (formerly bf the comer of Diamond alley
40 inform hls old customers, trieuds, and the public, that
he ha*opehed : aNEW STORK; on SraitHfiela sr., where
"a I choice assortment of HATS, CAPS, and LADLES*
: FVJtS, fa* good, neat, fashionable and canal* as any in
thc city,!may be had: J. W. very- cordially invites his
friend* andwe public to remember hisriew location and
e*tablUhmcnt,and give him a call as Hearty as he intends
io welcome them. • - mar3!-lt ’ ■
Fftihloasble Hat and Cap Idsnufsetory,
■\J( informs his friends aiid the
ly, that he £** the manufacipre. of
Holland Caps, at No. 33 Wood street, one door from the
comet of'Second, where he has now bn hand a fine as*-
•Ortmeotof Hataand Caps ofhis own manufacture, which,
be will dispose of, wholesale or retail, on the moat rea
sonable terms,for cash or city acceptance. ' Hatsmade
to ordpr aubo shortest notice. , ' . . apHKtm .
O sav AftHraTAta, Tbnfandf Pro/ajurj, have fitted up
the-saloon bbthe corner of Cherry aUeyand Water
near the Notional Hotel, formerly occupied by Clement
Artier, aip|«Ni prepared to Wait on gcnsemen atunffc,
Wire eascjcaMfecumudpoUtetesa,'
29 tBSTf aalbon, they have fitted up an
excellent shower bath} where persons can'havfe shower
bathsataliboqf*ofthedff. . «■: . •:
Theyhtltt'contihtie to serve their customers also at
iheiruU Stand, ccrherofthe Diamond and Union si.
. febl7-tf ■- ; . .... . ■ ~. . . = , < - ?
31HE ittbacriherha* paid into -y of the Com*
L mpnwealth, the amount ofiicfnse required bylaw,
e ha*given the regularly approved security, end taken
out a commission or the first class, as an Auctioneer of
the city ofPftttbutgh, and rented that'spacious ware'
room belonging to SylvsnusLothrop, Ksg., No. 114 Wood
street, three doors from Fifth, where be isprepsredto at
tend to ihe.tale of every kind of Merchandise. Furniture,
Real Estate, Stocks, Shipping, Ac., either at uieAuetion
Rooms or oothe premises, mndwill in all cases exert him*
aeif to the utmost fpr the benefit of his employers, on the
moat feasonable terms; he will sell exclusively and only
on commission; .neither purchxstag : noFhavingany in?
terest whatever on roods m the store, but merely the com*
misaibttfor selling,-thereby giving alt owners a fairchance
without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the b«*st advantage.
Sales will bh promptly settled when made.' ‘Advances
will? be riven otsoy nn*you the most accommodating,
terms. Merchants vrilt not be charged for advances.
, Regular sale days vModday* antr Thursdays, of Dry
Oboes, Groceries,, Famijure, Ac., and,eye# evening,
Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Guns,Pistols, and Fancy
Article*. Books os Saturday evenings. ' t
ap24 , . . ,JAMES BPKENNA. Aucl r .
H, A R. TODD would respectfully inform the mer
•" chants of. this city and our.customers generally,
that we have removed our stock of Shirts and Gents Fur
nishing Goals, to the cornet of Fifth and Market streets,
2d story over W. A P. Hugui, entrance on Fifth street,
where we intend to keep on hand a large stock of Shirts,
of our own manufacture, with an assortment of Gentle
mens’ FumishingGoods, usually j;ept by Eastern-Whole?
sale Furnishing Stores.
. .. Being very Thankful for th&kind patronage beftlotifed
bn us (or the past year, we would be happy, to receive
calls from our. old customers and merchants generally,'
aud would 1 Inform them that wb intend nothing on our
part shall induce look further, as we expect to
add largely to our stock, and diminish our prices.
. Merchants and dealers are solicited to examine our.
stock of Goods. • ■ ', . , )r! ~ aplO-tf
. Mercy Hospital. .. . . i, „
THIS INSTITUTION, under the charge of the festers
of Mercy, sitpate ou Stevenson street, south of Penn
sylvania is now open (bribe reception ofPa*
tients. : The medical gentleman attached-to Ute Hospital
'areA- ... . .}
Doct. J. P. OxzaxM, Doct. ApmsoJf,
Websosug, ‘ * ' McMsxl,
Buucxj • • 4i ' • ■ Sxrtnnt. • *
Non-paying’paiiUJi.tswiUhe received as formerly*
/. Pay patients willbe received.atthe rales adopted^for
the temporary Hospital . s j
Lower WarflB,r‘*- week. ,
r. Upper Wdiffll (in whlch'eidhpb:-’ " 1 ;
tfenthns ttsbparateapartment,yss,ooperweekr V
' These terms incladaMedwalaUenaanceand Medicine.
, Pay patieuts ct*have any (regular! Physician ( to, at
tend them that they may make choice of, aiiiheirowp
-expense.' * ,
. CMflXgymeuoranydenomtnationure allowed to visit
patfehuwhen desired by them.*- I '' * il; \ : '■
■■The ftiercy-Hotpitai iaddight/uUy situated in an,open
add dry part of tbfirity, and within ten minutes’ walk of
the Court House,
.. • Application for the admission of p&tieuis fcanl3etnade
either to Dr.-Sjnijxo, br - ’ JAMBS BLAKELY, - o
left. ’■.;43ynbf<?omnuitee t ofMercy’HQSpital L . v
!* ! BpfsnduT^sUhUiluQ.ent*
•TAMES -W,."WOOBWE&L, would' respectfally®
#| iiifonti ihVpumib'ihftt ne has removed to hislL
new locaftoufm.£3 i .Third‘«treet r lnext door aboveS9T
■ the old stand.) Neither expense nor trouble .has been
spared, to make it the most extensive and famgntfieem
Armture warehouse U> be found any ,whflref enMi«J
The stock oQ hand, for variety, taste and ele-
Ece, is such as hasneveFbeert offered to any publici
ra tbepJosifiOsUy/oulfiig :81 t QPo,pej seu jjownto
mber and kitchen furniture, may be found m slytes
■ and'patterns, to suit any and every taste.. & WUWood*'
well hopes for.a continuance of tbe-very. liberal patron
age extended tb him heretofore, Und pledged bimsell to
gtvb entire satisfaction, both, as regards theaolldity, du
lability and style of his articles, and the liberal arm ac*
cothmodating principles upon which be
His extensive new warehouse being now filled Jrom.the
.cellar to iheToorthAtory, with evrry varierv.of furniture
and CHsriivfae would’solicit a -colt from tiU tn wdut of
.articles in his line. . np27, -
TiRESTON i WAGNER, Engine Builders, have cdm
r mertced business on Penn su, nearthe Point, atthe
establishment formerly,carried on by Stackhouse & Nel-.
son/ Pfersorts wiihittg t 6 purchase Swam' Engines for
Boats, or forotherpurposea,,-wili please favarua with a
cal), as we flatter ourselves to be able to furnish them on (
as favorable terms as any otherestablishmetitirtthe city:
RbbWt Beet.Tbornas Scott, Esq:,
Church* CroUKr.,* Co.,
g? ; •T. B YOUNG A 00.- v ~; :-?
OL TTAVE removed their CABlNETmatapaVi^* l *
MS M WARE-BOOMS to Commercial Row,' Liberty'
•treeU opposite the head of Southfield, where, they will
Keep constantly on hand an extensive assortment of So
! fas, 'rubles, Wardrobes, Bureau*, Bedsteads; Chairs and
i«veryiariicle in their line of business.'-
- *' v Undertaking promptly attended to' at reasonable
v'Uce* =■:■■••••«
jrtAßD.—Jo*i received, by Expressjihteepieccsofsa*
|j pfeffine BROWN LUSTRECLOTHS,forpver-coats
■ and Sheicti which will be sold low, at 251 Libertyirtreet,
.>iT (novlS) C. WERNEJsIJRG.
’ i [Chrouioli and Jouraal eopyrj
Bttstibss €arlts.
Auction gotlee.
effeu foi sale-tuiiw lowr«»i ttKulftttiJ
ig,-Boston,Mo*s.:-;!- £ 4!
.No! V A Rosewood iron fraraVG octavo Piano, ' .. ®®o
' A - • M • o-, ----^‘3oo*'
• A ‘ 6* « : 350,
11 ---4-A : \>' v U " '•350
: .« ,fi.A. u.. j.? 1 carved « •
, k‘ B A “ ' ”.'*L • f <* ’ gj ? “ “ 400
' 5‘. 5 7.,A. ';,ri“ ,:-t . --400
' ! atsotoclosk coxaiomnorre,
; A Rosftwoodjcarved Gothic base, B‘bcfavo ; Piano, r
. jmadcby,A.Jf...GaleA Co.;N,;Y-
A Kdsewoodrcarved mounting, and moulded legs 6t. :
, • octavo.madebythe ftfanhanapCobN! very> •
, : powerful and substantial made Piano, at the low ; .
i price of. l-.u . - . • f - • 28S-
A very niperior iiemi-graiid P(an».m»4«
, cßi«r'
A mahogany .econfl haafl.9 ohlaTOj' Jhade .by Fi. » 1U
Blame, „ 150
A mahogany second hand tie
Clark, ,M
A mahogany second hand Piano, made by Nold, 100
For ;.M JQHNviL JifIELLGB,? ! I '
6i Wood street; sole agent-for Chicaering’s Pianos, foTj
WestemPennayivanuu/--::4 ‘ ~-jyiS' r ‘
HOGAN 1 A-CANTWELt; (sigif of the %*»)No. 80
hiorkei Btreetj Wonld respecifuUy beg.leave,tocali
the attention of,the public to their new stock .of poods,:
just:teceived aud opening from'manufaethreTS‘ and'im
potiers, of which they feelconfident that,price an4qoal'-
ity will give enure iatiSfacdoif, as our motto is— Quick
. Sales and-SmnUProfits& - U(i *u ! ? --
Odr Stock consists, partly, of the following articles, viX:
Ladies’,and Gentlemen’*Breast FiKsi latC styled; Guard
and Vest Chains; Bracelets,.Cljymsmnd -Lockets; Fin
ger and Ear Rings;' Pencils Ahd Pehs; 9lideeand Studs;
Steel Bocldes, for Ladies’ HCa4 J -Dresse»].:'Madalon’B
Card Cakes; Snell, peart and velvet; Coral' Beads Ala*
haster Bpxci; fine. RosewoodandEbon'y Bhavingtiarea, 1
furnished; 9iverSpectacles; Silver
German 'Silver Spbohe,a!ljnhds f SilkSteefßead'Bags
ahd'Cldth ‘Brushes; VjOJtns,'Acc6rdeons, Flutes and
Fifes; fine Penknives and Scissors; Globes And Paper"
Holders, Shell. Dress: and Side-Combs; latest styles;
Chida BaskeUy Agate-ai\d j Vasev,
Mugs, and CoiogVik BdlGes; Tables, Chesßman and
1 Backgammou’ Boards; Silk-Tupestry j Brunets ; and In-'
grain Carpet Bags; JVijlow,^Marketend,Sldc.Ba*keis * t:
Chairs; -Wagons, Cradle#, Act j 3bc^ k wi that argeai sor t
raent of Toys and rep.aomerDuaiiomeh*
•tion; .. '* ... t. Jsepld -
:• Thrte Blg IMbr*l” * ! “ r ‘ ‘ :
Number 131 1 Liberty itreet, Pittritfrch,
CLOTHING!' ' ■si-vil&ttk
THE Proprietor of this far famed establishment would.
. raostresp ectfolly c ail the atteritidhof riuradrtrod eta*'
tomersahd the pubue in geuerahlo.onepf .the-largest,
cbenpew/ tmd mbsi tohiooable, stocks .of Resdy?made.
CLOTHING that hasever been' exhibited' by 1 any one 1
fcbncem-in<ibUi-or/ijiy:4tlimrcftK£MlorWditt'- < ’v‘'’" : i -
»*; I will hotnmlertake to describe to the readertfce yarjott*
assortment^of attieles'Whtch t now haveito offer them,
bat will limply say to them, thatlf thet omy'favofhim
.with a call, I will lay before, tbejnrlWr/fwrtdflwfttttA
Fifty Tftousand ftarmtnii, in~w.hich 4ber will .find froiri
the richest in quality and style id the"very lowest in price;-
oat of which they can select tO'kail'the most faStidiotis
taste, both in pricct and quality;; i t?i 1
A pricedcatalogueorihe numerous gannenisin |be.
various departments, would occupy too mocb space,- and
after all, give no correct idea of their real value. ;■ (The'
article* in iny stock will be marked; and you are invited
to inspect and compare them wiih-tue price ‘attached'
which will be the best test of their cheapitess. _-The lrue (
principles of trade are to serve the public well, and inor
dor to hold (heir confidence and patron »ge,to study their
interest and convertlencef theseT am determined to act
on, and I look, to an enlightened community for a liberal
support. - v ;
A word jo Country Wholesale Purchasers Irr the trade,
especially those who purpose going East, os they will be;
convinced they can save the expense of time and money
spent in going East, as also thoit bilUof freights etc.—■
r\ on wilt also find Clothingmore substantially made, and
the style apdeot much better the" ritste and-'
convenience of the different localities of the Western;
.country; •> ' " > ‘
I nm constantly receiving accessions tamv stock ot
'Goods, and dhi uways supplied.with gnextensive varie-
of all fabrics aud articles inmylitm, Which we make
up to order in the beat style, at abort notice. - ; -j
. octiu; •: v, - * JO HN McCLOSKEV.
tlfal head of hair, when they can haveonefoythrea
.aUlCajrst Twftnty years’ foM of hair J and wondfirfor
restoration!; :> .i .., - t *- r ; f
- “ DearSir—'ThewoodetfhleffhctMrf'JonerCdral’Hair
Reitorativehas'been decisively demonstrated in th,o .ca
se* ot several respectable citizens of the town, who,’ on
'account of your selling three shilling.triai ; txy it
without fear/ On 4 instance, .which has attracted panic
alar attention, is the • gentleman: whohad; little
or no hhlr for twenty years; he had tried numerous pre
parations id tram, and ultimately had hU head shaved and
wore a wig. At my recommendation, he tried thp,Be?:
storaiive, and after nsittg it, according to 1 the direction,
for a shon time, the young hair.appeared, and he has now
as fine a beadof hair as any. person in Baltimore- „
“Yours, Ac. JjOHNKniVINOTpN. ,,i
It causes eyebrows to grow l ptevents the hair from
turning grey, and the £ rsl - lo curl
beautifully, frees it from scurf,'and, stops it from falling
Off. . -I •;
Sold with full directions at 82 Chatham
Wm. Jackson, Agent, 89 Liberty at Pittsburgh. ,{aep2o
Great Bargain COrtterl
• J. BATES, moinak andßeaUDeakr
; ■in Boot*. Shots and JVwnfa, Ston.comtr
M &' FifiA and SmitMUld strttls ,
subscriber respectfuldv announces to hirold easto
me rs and the public generally, that he haa removed Jus
Boot, Shoe and TrUR* Store to the large new warehouse
lately erected at theucoraer of Fifth and Smlthfield s»4
opposite the oTd Fiushurgh Foundry, where he will keep
on hand a ; large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HAIR
Ac., of all descriptions and sixes, which he will seller
cisa as cbaap aaoan be bought urithis markets
. Being connected w’ Ji some of tbe.largem tnanttfawut- j
ing establishmehis . the' eastern cities,and receiving,
good# almost every-waft during theVeasoh,he offeM
.-great inducements, to purchasers, either by wholesale, pr
retail, tahfeoffers hi* goods at lowerpirices'thati tho*e of
the tame quality can he bought clsewneTeinthe city;
v .I mamifacnire and keep .constantly on band, Boya’and.
Youths 1 Calfihd'Kipßdots, a Very heat and serviceable
article....... *• /«** v ;
JET" Remember the places “Great Bargain Corner,”. A
•’ 1 * I.* 1 ■ 1 ■ £ _ • j,- bates,
; apS-y . . Corner Fifth and, Smithfieid streets. : I
SPAHMAN, having purchased the emireinterestand
stock in trade of Mr, Jphn W. Blair.,beg leave to inform
heir numerous l ririendsundthtf public Thar they Have this
dayentered into paitncovhipt under, of
“Bxaiu A CoJ’ for the manufacture of Brushes of every,
Being'prtclicttl’workmerti'thcy will tnhlre
up every article of themoßrdurabie'materialj'and id the
ftrststyfe; and willitefcpioilhaiid,fi>Tsale,at'theifstore,
; No. ISO..Wood street, a very.large.assortment; ofteyery
thing InthetT Imfc with'their eitehr
siyei Stqck of Shoe. Findings, Fishing Tackle, PnnatuT
Pocket Knives. Powder. Snot, and .Variety .Goods, they
will sell cheap, wholesale and retail.; ;
Machine Bnuhesmade fi> order,with despatch- <! 1
. The encouragement and.p&tronage of their friends jand..
•thepubile is earnestly solicited, and will'be thankfully re
ceived.; Observe!.•• , ..•> .".‘-’i IBLAIRtACO., ,
• Pittsburgh, OeY.'fiSth, 184Q;(oc30) 130 Wood at.
TTOMCEPATHlCROOKS.^—Jastrecelved.atihe Beolr
"Jl store of ihp subacriber,in Fifth st,, near Market:
• • Mburia Mtdkarfura, bySarnuel Hahueman,translated
and edited by Charles JuUns Hempeli M. D. 4 vols. '
■ Hpmcepatine Domestic Medicine,by J. Lowne,enlarg
ed and A. 1 J/HkW, *f. D.
Herings • - , -- ■ f
"- A Manuelof Domestio'Cookery, for the us# of peVsons
who are under Horampatic treatment.
Booninghaasen’s Therapcetic Pocket Book, for Horn®-
hathists, by Dr. Okie. ,
Haberaan’S Chronic Discuses* v 01.3. 1 '' t -
Together with Medicine.Chcsts, of-different sizes x apd
prios. 1 1 ’ VICTOgSCRIBA.
; v•;j Ajrmor, r, ‘ v_ i" ;r/: '' >0 .
-THASHIONABLE TAH.OR, No., 43,;Market etreetm
J?. Having removed his Tailoring Establishment in the
rooms an Market st.i lately, occupied us ; a BookstoreV by
Boswonh A 9°‘> the undersigned is prepared to filfuilor}
detain his line whlch mny be ehtrOstea to his citre by hls
old friends and customexß, and the publicgenerally. His ;
long experiedee* tn ! the' bukihess aiid the success with
whichho prosecuted itln efatholdens hiu^
io-hOpe for a liberal share of patTOuage. He will make.
fIU descriptions of Clothing ihthe best inEiirietyUddmoHt
fashionable style, FOR pASH-v , v »' •
-r:: npsaNty. . geo, armor.
Iderchsat Tailor*;
THE subscriber respeetfdlljpajmoiinces to'his'cdstom*
crs, and to ihs gentlemen of Pittsburgh, and‘vicinity,
generally, thathe Has fecehredVis J uioar riss'i/riirieiU’of
Spring Goods, heionites:
thsir attention. His stock comprises fine Broad Cloths of
all colors; Cassimeresj rich Yestings.-of plaik arid fancy
patterns; all of whichhe is prepared tomanafacturein,
the best and rribst'fashionaSle style. Alio/Chlldretfs
Clothing kept constantly onhandand made to order
Water st., 3d door aboveiNational-Htnel. 1 ';
j tftore;
mHB Sribscribers respectfully inform their friends ana
_L ’tbe pnblio generally; that they; have justreceived
anew! supply or French and Enghsh Cloths, andcossi
riiereri— Vistittgsof all stylesand qualtty-Ready-made
ClotHirigr of ; all neck and .pooket Hnndkeo
chiefs; Shirts; in short, every article usually kept in
Clothing Stores; constantly ion hand.* - 1 r -'
Gentlemen wishing to have Clothes made to order, ii
a fashionable style, will find it to their advantage to cal
arid examine our stoclrbcfore goins^elsewbere.
n EOEGE COCHRAN; CovafuAitn an&i&nodiding
HJT Jtyercteat, No, 26 Fittsburghjconimnes
to tiransaitu general 'Commission Business, especially »ri
the purchase andijata of ■American.mAnufacrares
produce,and in receiviugahd forwarding Goodscontign
ed to hisoare/Aff ahentforihe VhanUmcttrrers', he Wil
.bo constantly supplied .with the priiuapalarticlea.of Pitts
burgh manufacture, at the lowest wholesale ptujes.
, -Cmtywand coasigrimehtjs*re respeetlhllysoUeried:'
C6lm r i ounciive Bwter CliMiu
r r ‘- fc Ji-
Wiing i&SwfeSisemefUjftndiihyMe'ibe enterprising;
T ahiUrtViouiW ; «;aU^W'witn6Bftiti<jperatjpn ; > * All adver
tUemeMrinfelatibtf lathis invention, to thehundreds
drho.haye,*eenittcsied,i»Bup9rerogaUon., c: * ;n
i Tin. This Chpro will produce gathering it in A
mass, front sweet taQk, in five id ten minutes ! and from
as : families usually prepare it, in uifee^
3s§?^Se l uS?^bVtkis indention is apparent, Metier
.Butter can ba.prodocedfrom *weotrailk,or cream, than
cream sdnadlin’ibe asual'vray} andrbymeans of.this
i CSmnt a. litrid girl or boy can perform, in five: or, ten,
thin tiles, wh at bas lie re to fore required the labor ora wo
"ntan oT tnQn for otid Or two hours, and sometimes naif a
simplyturningalhumb screw, the wholoinside
.dhsheris tniehout,'leaving nothing but the Bdtter and
milk in the plain wooden box; ; 1 ’ ,k • " :, v l ' J .
' vet i thfl aUn--
.plicity of iu construcuon -(thoagh embodying a gTeat
pnilofophical prineiplelmakerir bui, little, to manufoc*
(sth. It iff a commofifsense Churn, as all will admit who
*will examine it- ' » t-i '
improvement from Messrs. Colver A Myers* the patentees.
i"We are now offerin® the-complete monopoly of tnis
styled,article for’the Stales<sf Omt^ehnsylvani.avNew;
Maryland,arid-Delaware, wlnebwill
. itlswa certain And large-profits to the mnnafacturer.ana
‘ a return of v The public rare inyitqdin
• caftAiHlWfnesaTta-'Opbrßtion, at'our officb, in Pittsburgh,
every ' / n.i ‘j-: '■
• 1 r H.CLAYTON A Co* Proprietors. ;
.Office, Exchange Clair street, next door
to'EtqiuKi Johiiitofflce. i, nov&__
;• lCara. ■. ■v- ■ ■■■• _
/»%N the nighttofthb 13tb of October, a Canal-Boathe
longing to the Union line, was- destroyed by fire,
.near Duncan’slsland—occasioned, it is believed, by im
ciTer matchespocked rnDry Goods* ' -m- •' > ' V I
;/ The under signed* deem :i ton act of justice tOctne i*ro
prtetoHM>f that Line,Messrs, DuUlb,HttmpbTeya * Co.,
• rhiladelphia, and Henry Graff A Co., Pittsburgh, without,
knowledge or solicitation on their part, to make known
• tilth is magnerthe prompt and satisfactory .settlement, by
. him -of the foßjamount of pur,respective Josses PJ that,
ac&fe&hgan&Rg iii amount from threehundred tofmeen.
hundred dollars, and' in the aggregate to
thousand dollars. —
A£f***tf pQssibte they had ibmeof tbelotstiopucuted
and immediately forwarded, and wberevitwds Jcnoanr
fbit thi*could not be done, orwasnotdesired by osjthey
, hay p paid thd smpuKt hr cash/or settled; With the mew
>' i The certain insurance.of hia,Goods* whileonihe way,
is always a matter of anxiety: to the Merchant, and that,
dT dettroyedyhßJ&ollh&iuSiaJltlypaidtbeaitioant of his
!o».i> we, tnewferQ 4east .disparage-
this phbhc testt
seitlqnent of a heavy loss>y the
Union tdue. • •" .
'■ &£*&:'■ ■ ■
•'-AlewhßerKingv- <' :* lA.SEMaraHall,
. D. A. Grier, ■ }jrown & M'.Qoeaton-.
WfcjfaJ: ;■ ' ' ' ' • •••- r ’
)buA« Cuimiqgbwn, j.. i
‘Arbutfinot. , - ;
‘tl ft. fcftoNfW Co* having. removed* from,Market
J?I» sMtftbefrNeW-Stote, No! d^Taurihsl?-between"
Wood and flow opening ;iheip Fa
SiofckdfTrimmingaand Variety woods, among which
;■!i *•-s' ; » : i -t: ■- r-‘>u
' ;aoa,k r end I>re»B Frihgep.pfaUkinds; . - , , , ;
iihbwMery<3inroa '. ' . .
Bqbfbiden'and Needle Wink} ■» >
~ZephyjA naTapostryWdratedsjCliemiHe,Floss; .
'^(p^i-BihsvandnPurpesf. SteelTriirimirtga
I^hdi»»’, Merino ajid Silk VeetaaiidHoaiery/; • !
ChtJdientf Coats, Gaiters;fttttis,Gloves anp Hosiery;
- Shirts* Undershirts, Drawer*,DrtssiiigGowns; ;
Childrens dresses pflamst patter*.; .which they offer at
owjpriccsybpth whoiefcnle’afldTgtall- -v octs"
; n [*»-/.Excitement. *•
CjIN’CE the arrivalofourgaUantvolumeets/rqmAlexi
' )3 pd, marked ‘attention has been paid toraiaiiy ortjiem
respecting personal appearance, on their! arrival.m-ouF
city Jr Numbers of them* have appeared in the atreets
> wearing Citrrifhi drtss of the latest and most fhshidliable;
cut a?d approved* siylya.! The iuouiry. becomes general:
-tanobgst their iiinbw-sblcliers, where did you get that;
Clothes? f Answie? :~at Pi-IfelJtKt’s, 49
Liberty street,where you can.gefagenteeUuit of Clothes
front 3tb 9'dollars;thai'wbula' i'eally.astonish, you. A
salt bffine.cfcojhesctmbe had Bto IS and 20 dollars.
Tbejstoekon hand is larger consisting of every article
ibr gentlemen's weaiyaiid wittbe sold atextfCmcly low
pries* for eash, as the proprietor intends selling-out ihe
presfent stock in order taraake room for fall goods;great
barfl|Uji< intay be expected and 1 nqrrtnstake.' Caff and
, ? p-.V,:.v. , k manner's inn, - .• .•
'• of tferryanii'Fobnh Streets, Pittsburgh. ■■.
. mRE undersigned, prbprieibf of the above well known
■ : X' Hotel; Wspectfully* informs the 1 publicrthat ihejias
gpne togreai expense induing up the house for the re*
ceptiDn and’accommodatioh of Eeroldcpstomera, and all
who may honor her with their patronage! Shd is deter
mined ihsuthe Hotel, as heretofore, shall sustain jthe, jre
potadoo of 5 beings quiets brderfyiund well conducted eS*
übUshp»ni.. I No,ptunjor> l rpense will be spared daUer
'parvto render boarders and travelers as comfortable os
they csn poi£bly he mtanybtherpnblic house intbeeity.
Her table will be provided,with every luxury the market
affords;'bishort, r bet guests may rest assured that she
will use everr. exertion in htr power to renderlhem fall
r ahd entire tatlsfcction. A shore of public patronage, 1*
resuectfidly solicited.’- J ' ' •'
.’The subscriber is also provided with sufficient room
for this accommodation of about sixty, or eighty,
, nyDon’tfofrelihe place—corner of Ferry and Fourth.
nia3o*3m . j * '■ >.
From Ret. Aia Shinn , tf. the Protestant Methodist CkurefL
ITIHE undersigned, having been affilciedduribgiKepast
I . winter, with a disease in the stoznaeh, sometunes pro- :
dooing great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hours
,without intermission, and having tried various remedies
withEtile reflect, wasfbfniphcd. withabottle qf Dr, J>.
Jaynes' CarmikatttißaUam. 'This be used according to
.the .directions; and found 1 invariably thatlhl4 medicine -
• caused thrpam to & three or/our minutes; and in
fifteen oi tweuty mmuies, every Uneasy‘sensation was'
entireltf.quieteai'; The: medicine; was:afterwards Used
whenever indications of the approach of painwete per
ceived, and the pain was thereby prevented. He continu
ed to use the‘mJKUcine'd7ery , < evening, and sometimes in
the morning; and in a few weeks health was so far re
stored that the sufferer wa* relieved fironroiargeamount
of oppressive pain. Rom experience, therefore* he can
corifiaently rtcommeruf'Dr/T>, JaynCs’ Catralnauve Bal
»am. dsasalutkry medicine ibrdisesses of the> stomach
and bowels. - * - A. SHINN..,
■ARegkeny Cityi JulylAlB43. - - . •
CT For eale* the PEKIN TEAJSTOBE, 70 Fourth
sfreeuneariWood. - ’ , . - aug7-d&w .
rV have entered into partnership, under the firm of,.
r ' • ; BCAIFB & ATKINSON* 1
and will carry on TIN, COPPER and SHEET-IRON
-ING in qll its branches; at the old-stand, of W. B. Scaife,
First street, near \yoqd.\ Pujticulpr iattenticii fOven to
slearabo atwork'., t ‘; "• ,\y.y .. •- o&tlldgw -
nTTAVE youia bad complexion, coarse, dark, yellow; or
n sallow,r If you nave,.you,-williby using a Cake of
Jones* ItaTiah'Chemical Soap', a weetoftwo, your skin
beeonies eldiiri white Uhd 1 smooth: ‘lfybU have any di
sease of the Head, Face or Beord4«tioh'as 1 Ringworm;
Scald Head,Rcvrvy, Erysipelas;-Salt Rheum, Barber's
ilcbr-you can be cured: for I have: seen parsons who:
bad filthy skin diseases for years* and/after trying every
: thing in, vain, have been cured by washing the part with
, Jones 1 Italian Chemlcal Soap, and l ean' conscientiously
offer it for, any of the above. coraploima,. which I ,would,
mot do, unldss l knew It to be all I state. If you have
Sun Spots} Freckles,‘Morphdw, Tdn,' Stm Burn br disfig
ureraents of any kindj it.wilf dispel them ,and make the
skmbeauuftiV—itis aaure: antidote and cure for the bites
I * ; ;;K ':
' ICF?; Beware of counterfeits. Patucularly cheap ones,
i-r-mak forJonea’-Soap', and see that the name of T. Jones
is on-each cokeV Persons from, dr in ibe south and other
Warm climates, would findthis .ffor onlyfeT.thcmselyes*,
but it is a never-faiEn'g'fetnedy for chaps and chafes in
infants. , And ; now»;«»d e k> bY. giving this one trial, you
will find it all or even more than we have stated above.
- Boldiat-SS'Chithanf street; N. Y. tfnd by Win; Jackson,
. agent,B9 liberty, street; Pittsburgh/, ” r„ .-/i ; ysep26
JjEVV BbOJM.—-ftoneer Jtßstory! ; being an accpuntof
Ij the'fifsi exarrimation oftfce Ohio VallfeY, arid thfe
early seniem*ntfl(lh®iNdrih\yestTerrimryvchtefly.fnjra‘
original manusermu containing the papers of .Mr, Geo.
Morgan, those of Judge Burlr, die diaries of Joseph Buell
and John Matters j .tpe records ; pf ; the. Ohio .Company,
Ae.;A(j., with numerous plates and mrp&., By S._F.:Hu
dreth. ; .•
‘ ' ,s Oratorsof the Revolution, bwE-.tviMagpon/
IVith;pprtraits ‘6f Sarahel Adams, James Warren, Patrick
Henry Fisher Antes arid'john Randolph.
. Retirii&frtm
T. S. Arthur: ;]ij>./-1 • v yl-oi. vi-i, izr-x-- i
A few copips of each of the ab ove .WOtks re ceived this r
: day and for sale by' ' ‘V"'
® JOHNSTON A Booksellers; : ' :
. eepg; • . coiTier.MarketandThirdsta. ,
.• ; Dissolution. ■ .. .
fpHE FIRM of Acheadfi A Bagg is this dtry dlssohred
JL by mutual consent* Mr. Jas.X» Dagg having declin
ed husihess on account of ill health, has disposed, of his
interest todas. CiAChesOn.Thebusincssheredfterwill
be J - c-1
1 » -■(» WM, ACHESON,
. {Pittsbur^VJuly, 1848. : JABI T. DAGG. r
.tpr* In whiter 6m*
f take pleasure in recommending my successor to> ray
friends and the public generally-:. ,i, - JAS. T. PACO.
:• T“ " ' V ‘ -
r. CITY iLIVERY I STABUKS-The sobscribcr 1 ;
respectfaHv his /riendrand the public ]
ilenuve Stable,’Oft Liberty street in the Fifth Ward, above
the Canal Bridge, where he keeps Carriages, Barouches,
Hearse, Riding HOrses*'eldi • ’Having added
largely l tobU.fonner stock,he solicits the patronage oi
tbejmblfc. : - "••••••*
b^ e ■
valuable Woperty ors» : fe«t-ftOßt on
X; SWvenaon sUeei by %U) deep lo a4Q.feevetfeeU cpn».
leihsteJiCWßrickHousew 4 roomir/and'good
Aluha good frame Dwettipg; with doiQven, kc 4 ail in
good oraer. Price, 51500; $6OO in band; balance in five
eqaalyearly payments, j! -jtf. V-
t _S. CUTHBEET, Gen- Agent,,
decs ; flmithfielostreet*
, ii.^!
2ff»W.Corner of Woodland BTfitaStTcetiß.
fpHE Proprieiorof,ihe ,MnasSf& Boss: and?. Mxscrtv
JL ass. MAJftwAcrnrßEtt, respectfully informs his friends
and the batTOhs oftliesepapere. ihathe has al lOTpe as-'',
decessary to. a Job Printing-Office, and that he is pre- .
pared to eycme y. .. ;
Books. i BiUt of Lading) ' i Chrcu/flrr,.
Po»^Wrti > ..{ , ; fHiUßcdds. . Cards,,, t
: Handbills, Blanks,. ' > . Bat Tips. -
i ID* All kinds of Blanks', Stage, Steamboat and Cdzrnl
Boat Bills, with appropriate cats, primed oh the shortest-;
"notice ana most reasonable terms. ; •?;> ; : » ' \
\ Herespeclfnlly asks the patronage'of his /trends and .;
•thepublic in this branch ofhis basmess. ’
;.Ssep22 ■■ n - L:HABPE^
. Netvßook and Paptr Bfltabllshinflntt
No: 78, Wood street^. bttwtcn Fourth ani.lHafmmd-aun. •
FTtHE subscribers have just opened, nt-the above Btana,..
1 a large stock of dissrehf qualities RutytTand Plain' <.
White and Bine Writing andLeiter Paper.- Commercial
abd Packet PostFlrit Can, Bemy and Medium Writing
Paper for Blank Books, MedinipandßoynlColored Pritt- '
ing Papers, Printers’ India,Enamelled and Ivory Surface
Cards, Nob. 2, 3* 4, srnall and doabletmall; Medium,
Demy and Cap Day Boobs and Ledgers,*uperiQrnaper, ;
and best eastern binding; Schoolßboks, all kinds; Qtulls,
■Gold Pens, Ink, Wafers/War.'Bill EilCs, Ac. ’*
Blank Books, ofall sizes-ruied to pattern* and bound
in the mostsubstantiaLtnanner. . r •
; iCountry/Merchanta Bapplied ritthe lowest wholesale ...
-prices for cash; or RAGS at Aash prices!
Baviriga Job:. Office .in connexion with onr establish
merit; we ave prepared to execute, oil orders for plain ana .
fancy Printing; Books, Pamphlet, l Circulars,- Business
Cards,Bills, oFLading, &c.« vritbvdespatch, and at low
prices.; - ..... ... ELLIOIT&ENGLISH. •.- _■
' ’No;reWoOd bet FotirthajidlJißinoridalloy.-
pnr store on Market stfeetiibetweeriiThird and’
Fourth, may at all times he found a large stock of Theo- ::
logical arid Miscellaneous Bo&ks. Newßooks received
as soon as pabtish&d; arid sold'at the lo!wesfpriees.
The publications of the American Sunday School Union ••>
and’Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, , always on ••-.
hand/(Cataloguesforntahcd otinpplicatioif.
:, nta3 . .. , . ? - ;MarketsL,bet. Third, and Forth. • -r;
, WMT2LEXAWBR. a sons *■ x
Makers Aria Funsmmsh *..,
' •MPfcpSScß^Ry'JUwDgaTAgSßs;-' corner o f PhiU dnA
CWgl. ii I, rjflni Nxch'angs
-Vlv ’ ' Hotel*’Entrance cn.Fert*Vjx;,ircs*
" .: -pectmHy l Iworm thelf friendsand,
the public, that thPy are preparedtorariitsb arid attend"
to everything in the Une ofrUndertakcrs, aa they! fadve v: /
quit the business of.-Cabiriet Making, and their, attention'
will be devoted altdgetherto theahove business, keep a,
large assortment of CHJFFIN&m&de and finished,Uover ■
ed; and dined in the -neafest mannCr,. With a wmßQrPd;*
materials, arid keep SHROUBSreadjp-.;
madCj ©fall sires; of Flhnnel," Cambric,; and Muslin, qt -
iall pnces, and the eastern style, and all other
articles uepessarya for dressingthedeadi and furnishing
federal*,ofqtiality arid price to suit: SILVERPXATES*
vor en«avingthe ( nairietuid ageflCE CASES'for laying
the body in ice. bythosewho wish’lo keep their friends i 1
any lengih.of ume. and have ZINCpANS to police ini
: for-laying dn"the body 1 ; LEADEN Coffins, always-on >-
fine horses, and any ntunberofthe best* carriages* etc.V ; ''
etei,pjid willbe prompt, punctual. and rCasoftable. ; ;j;?;
/ ’ ; {noyli
pf tht Palud Stated Senate Oliamlier.
SUBSCRIBER would respect&lly ; inform the ‘
‘ of jPittsburgh, that, be has for sale, at the, Lant*
.OTiihUTlOasej corner of Grunt arid Fourth streets (where" -
‘be t??ll remain but two days longer,) the celebrated A en- ‘
igravingofthe United States’ SenateiChomber, published -
•by E.* Anthony. 205 j Broadway, N. York; the life-like < .
ItkentßseScfthedirierent States and hGJitafyraen of the
Jiauon l neatly set in enamelled glasi frame's, r ai the very
low pnce of 31 each. Among which mriy bo iotirid the- .
snperiorlikehefes of. Henry .Cray,'ln his 71st year; the -
likeness-of Daniel Webster. iMulard Fillmore; Geonrc ’
Washington, J;Q. Adams. M. Van' Bnreri, J.C.Calhbmt,
J;.Buchanan, R. C. Winthrop,, Generala ; Taylor,:Cass! ’
Butler,&c., Ac.” Also, TrumbuU’s engraving of the
Declarauon of Independence, Laugier’smagaificentfuLl
length engraving; of George
J“ e can furnish every article in the
DAG UERREOrn*E line, to OPERATOR’S, at Mr. An- :
thouy’swholesalepricesi • WM. H. BUSTEED, •'
' Lnmartiue House,cor. Grant und.4th sts.'-
.; |p* For sale at this office. octgfi-
;Lamartine House,
fIiHE subscnber respecually.nnnounces that he has'
X pow opened this new and excaUentHotellbr ihe ac
commodauon.of travelers, boarders, and the pablic Uenr
eraßy. The house Und furniture are entixeiyaew; and .
.na baias or expense have been spared to rentier it one or
memos!comfortable endpjeasant Hotels in th&city.
• Tto determined to deserve, and therefore 1
solicits, a share of public patronage;'' ' . ‘
Ocriiay. : ; V JACOB HOBGH, Prijprietori
-TaJco-Notlce^.-': 4 - : -
: A ™ P L r ? ona
Wa?iffil' e onlSe^ ) .lfeS SUCaled
AU unpaid acconms will be placed iit the handi of a
Jostice of the Peace, on the Ist July next.;,
; May lft ARTHURS, MOHOLSON, A Co, r.
U 7“ A general assortment of Hollow Ware, Ac., at the •
lowest market rates. ; Liberty 1 of Wood «.
Ti 00 T?'^, i i 0 , KS '. TRIJ ?I? S ' kc—FcUarultt-Ir Rav. ■'
A> Wkoleaale and Eetail Bnot, ,Bboe and Trunk
: 8101^. NalOTLiberty neariJrappdMUj•Behead ol ,
hav ? m slor<l “d areTeceivingtheir*
FaU and Winter mock ofBOOTS and SHOES, consisting.
?hi?mirKr &° c^ lhe ,> bave 6verb ?' a able to bringto
alsohave constantly on hand a Bolen-"
(hdretnckof Haywnrd’i Metalic Oumia attic Bkoeevbhth'
■ for ladies and gentlemen's wear, the most beautiful arti-i -
■cleaver manufactured. .We would solicit an examina
tioo-of oar stock of goods, by all who wish to purchase'
either at wholesale or tetailj .as we will sell at a small
adyaooe above cost. Country merchants will find it to • ;
taeir_ interest to cnlrand examine bur stock before our- 1
chasme. -: ■/ BOLLANSBEE&HAYWAED. '
.'Aangkl., v ■; ...... ISO Liberty it. .
ROCEHIES.&c.— v i >,
I 400bills.N..O.Jtfolassesi ■ i! ■■> '■
52222^^’ 5 - H -Molasses;
:, i Whf. dO -do do ' "dd: ’ ' •
• s 2?J > JB |, ,? <, ® ! «iPri®«gteeni - ■■ ■ ; ■
70 hi. chests assorted Teas:• i.-:;
' , ."'^g r ?S^ ! f^£ le, V-^«wmaxtai
COhhds. Smr t *
40bbls.Tea; *:• ,
. : To .
• » fiO, do Tobacco. * t v ,
' A large asßortment of all kinds of Groceries on hand at -•
sourness of the slomaeh, heartburn, headaches, *c' 3
TSiv 1 "?''? “■ pnftmSaW ttW” :
*P£-t P’ {o I, or soothing edicts give. ■
olnaist immediate relict, vfhen'nanseaor ßtclcness exist- .
rts purgative operation upon the stomach and: bowels is ’’
dfeeW*} and : •.«• f tonic a properties impart" 1
iMMngfh tofts digestive, organs, ftereby cnabUne tSss?
organs to perform their Moper /dnciitma with an!
regularity.. The price hasbeeh reduced fTom dOtoffl
cents a box... “ r~ ...
' For sale, “wholesale' and retail* bv B A ■piimix’ai "
took; & do, comer. Front and Cod sTd
Wood streets, Agents focPittsburgh. -ip t" del° -' ;;i
4 9?*M* fl<K>riag boaMj. iidirik ictY always on hanA ‘ !
'eentrld ** rODI ' VeBl . erT, L P®ber promptly es■ ■■'
.JAMES GRpENOUGH, of the late fiimof v
™ Q^ h t> C y ntina a eBllie bQsiDess ofCowrahmg v. ,*&• ;
washinttSiS t? 1 ’ *“*• °, ffic * ** the:<tftyof '*>■
He may be consulted and; employed
in malone exaroinaiidtis in machinery in the FatentOf
, Bee And cUewhere,in:fixrnisMng4rwalnga and specific- •
uons of machines, and all papers necessary to
U a PBft 8 ft r» amend, reissue or extend letters patent in tha
, ynited states or- Europe. He can also be consulted pro ~'
fesstonally. on. all .questions of litigation arising underthe*
• FatenlLaw, and will arene: ; <juestioaa before the Patent; : -l
otrv 0 t r v a tt ppe ® l^iWon h^ whi chhisJongcxperi-' *
elite In: the Patent Office fcnd irflus profesflion. Havo' ne-' " •
cuharly fittedhinL .5
,W‘ P. Jonesbamng been placed in his hands, all Jeiti i*
toni in relation thereto should be addressed to/Snu Dost SV
-1 paid. - L : •“i 4 ‘ l l ‘C . ■
a U?’? i "J bur & G * it: PiKsburghMoraing PoEt. and
St. Loins Republican will copy six months sepd papers, . -
and.charge tie adveruser.—Netc. JVi £roroi‘ Aue 2l
,i:f: ■ ■'>
. Mi iBwaiMOH. aoiiHg jynmt w., , '.,
the aitentipn-qf.thß pnblie (the ladies < i
.f T especially) to his well selected assortmentof bean- •
dial French and English CHINA DINING AND TEA'
SETTS. j toim»unß,inpim,of aoia Lin£ -
5 11 having beenntiported this season, and an of the most
desilible styles. M. HODKINSON
augv° '■ ' , .115 Wood st., 3 dOOra beloey Pifiht
B**s~S^fotEi™ r jii£Ei3H~aSi*rpSHS.
on 5^ Z ' ““ rled «“», warranted brands. 30 dor
Viciona p en», jnst received .and for sale to the
trade at New York prices, by : ; i .-/ ;
„ „ EDWAHDTODD 4 CO. . ,
N E oor. Fifth ana Market sts., lap staiis.t ■
■ TKe , hl i h 'if t™*"™ ever awardedOnGoltfPeha!vraa'
given toEard A Brothers, atthe last ialr of the Mnisa.
chusetls Charitable Mechanic Association, at Boston.; -
Philadelphia! l^ 631 , A*, tb®.. Franklin Institute *
QRAW 1 ■
|RATQRB 6/ jhe American Revolutitnu bv E. T,. M».
John Randolph; dedicated « : To Students who are not
drone*, Christian* who are not bigot*;'dnd Citi tens who
fcre not demagogues.” - , , uu
Business; or, the:Rich Man’s Error. Bl
Ttat above jnßl received and for sole b>'
.t !
S 6 Mailt.t, and 78 Wood e«|
► I’liJ A.'-# l ** V'.R i-i •'>• i\
NO. 237.
i i t