The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, December 15, 1848, Image 2

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    \ - ..A 5 - f * , v r ' ~' l ~ - „ ' '.ni’,> )V „ ~1~ fj o. ~ f/tf’ , ' ,s ? * * - , ’■* * L -.- ”/‘ , +* f ~V> *-v “ ift if *f i*, yh *■* k 5 A-* ’’V-iT .*- V-v? 5 ■■. ;■
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Bfegfe-V" •,. :• :\. r^V^. : -'< s •-. /"Vf ~- ■/;=.-.• =>;■>, •A\ * ,V:. •■'■ ' -/A- :"• - ' '-T -■’?%s l - '”=&’*• % fnGME&»£
BBf§sjS ♦„* f * a -c * v *■ l ’'x- f >v--- * ft J - Vk 1 <- -. >f ' ' ‘a > -/ 4 ‘ ,■' I '\ V *‘ f * ' ? % 'V x< X
WEjjgPg* f' IS. ’*- , ' X , * , J > /*• * „ \ - h - i ' t --
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Ifer: '.: '. shTS«^a , stt3!^ ?! S3 l S c=s l!^SirJ^C^S™ , ~ _ News -br „ „ “-**■• ; v ■.' : .-"'/'.r
!■-,.:> KUJi; W ArSKETCII FHOM REAL L.rp , , toto p/ 10 . i«3 ff» The m. h»un , «U«J the »rii. Ph,l .del- , /.‘V
W\ =. •.. . (l C , -w',., L IIARPKK, roiTOR AND PRQPRIPIOK / A m'«loflhat penod iq l.fe froinvhence I Can H a wor . h l grtri0 a, young m.n and reside **'*' J % P fil * N«w York, We cwnot B „e cowect qoo
■’- * f *- v , f f- cainiy and tlispassionalely look hack upon ihe ,„t Z7 3 \,, Reported for tKe Mornlrit tations to-day. - _
■Wv <*■'■'-• ‘ '-< , .’- ‘ ’ J , , / PITTSBURGH: / fast, and conlempUte the xalrleJ scones Ihronilr on count) .Vd,] ib personally Inownjo tea y > ■ ■ yiUn g *^ S — Gorernor Jehnrton ha* divided the eppointmenU * ' »- ' -' v
- ’ ,* *> ‘ *■ V ■ FIUDA.\ MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1888, tthiCfrl have joamiiygdrl otn strongly Temma«d, c,l,zeDS n hofereengaged in thoAliegheoy 17 OT?T? T (r IVT' ‘XT T>TPlr C! of thi» city amonjit the Whig* and Natives. " '* j.
»•% 1 .. ■ .-■ ’ '-t •/ -rr=. aod ffel deefily convinced, that it ha been through Clarion river Ira®, who can bdar leatimony to ■*■ ”XVXJ X \J Jj WO { *•■ ■ . \ L . '
■ .’. - *„ * > 1 ’ ' fHnrniim West 3oh UrtnthlQ roffi« 8 contident reliance and an un wervenng “Truat Ju correct and mduatfcptfa habit*. Aaecondampu- ARRtVAI, OV THE CASAOA: 'CINCINNATI MARKET. £ ’„ s
l‘t' rf r:'r„;,^v* r7 , , -’ r . 11 ronOTK OF WOODAND FUrrtl SiaferS) 1 * ln Go<i ’ ,hat 1 ha ' e befn enabled w surtnouht the ration rvaa performed a Doclor* Gross and Hazlett, „ rl ~ <?«*■"«»■ f<f* >«S. ' a '
■ ‘that's % I '. '‘O -W,’ Having nMcdio oar F D many diffieuluen, and bear up under Ihe afflicting and |, e , now m 3 of recovcry . Hj3 ls an New Yobk, Dec. 14. Bteady» bu| not acUve | «ale» at i '
■ *. 4 »■* - ** j- >; '} Sieam-Tosvcr I‘runuie Machine, sve ure prepared to do mala that have m\ pathway through , A 9 M . u ~ The steatner Canada arrived at this port to dat. *ijipwooK » , j . ■*■ - 3 4 V
Vi I '*' kind* of Nev? c parer and Book vt ork in a sijSe of an hfe “ >l * B unaanall, hard case, aniKmenis fhe eympathiea of brinmn* aeven diva later new* from Livernonl * Grain-Fair ddroand for BarMy, with «ale*'atßoe. ' 1 / T . ,' !
V . T '*" »* *>T + *i a - s gurpassed befltav and neatnes , and upon the mo 1 tea n'.ma **««» l, . 4 . u nt, » # • our citizens* The Jeff waft cut entirely off. and float* ** ® %, Idiverpooi. per bushel. J h
.■s-ai.-a.bsß.faa-' 1 .. “""5 l assrSSSSTffiSs&sw
■3? H C-f I'* 1 ‘ ?V 7 fiity'never'pCT , etrated othel^Bhi 0 the l^8hiel id er |nt l crposedby a ro , LA n CE NY-On Wed- There haa not been any material change, m the with aale.atlfi^ldlc. ‘ " /'
<***< - Ji* t^»> iJ ..Yunanhisfriton. ’M7ienuispoyis>& i antaihe.Tbt>urjcould molhers orthe protecting influences of a To> . , 0 - • "' -'-''j ‘t 'W otaio of afiaird, amce the last steamer. Cheese—Sates Moderate df6icf, i r
» iT'i an U* e . &ip ff/errcJ r - ther Y s health Irom the one I inherited a love for DCB o a y» a vcrrgentcel looking woman, named John- Colton has been tn very good demand, and pncea nogffr*-8alc» at 3,56. , T ** , .w«
*■»* '• terv W CAKK, l mted States Newspaper Agency Wanhind* from the other the means lo which the £o »f "as arrested, on the information of A, A.Ma- hive again advanced. x + fiS^ s f.' / f l
** i*r .Sun tluildmgs N sawer of^ Vuzd tindßock sireeta, worldeverpay diffeience and simile adulation son, Dry Goods Dealer, Market sucot, who charged The Corn market is les firm, and prices are on E.W CamimeMliul fci«e* % *
*i> i!rj* \ l •i'T v?a and IfKl \ord. FouribMTeei—ißOUTOiilyauthomedAgent I had troop of friends —they clustered around me her with Bleating a Shawl After her arrest, it wqb the decline. Sl'W’all st»New-Vorkl j J liiverpool,Kngfand,""■ 'J'
• -ID* For Coramerolal - andltlTer New*, h' 0 " 8 The aecouata from the manufacturing diatrictsare . *- J ,
■ ” U .-1.1, *«e next Page. r w |,. r,|._i ln f’.” 1 C o’* e * .. i of counterfeit Bank Notes; and that she- had been more encouraging. * BUnnaij io- « ‘ t >
■ The Latest NewarMlrietßeport*, Ac., all mine, yet there in" my heart; 6 there dcavor,n ? lo P“»*thcni- She was cotniniucd for The Produce market remains .teady and lair. “''‘‘l.*.’
-1“# ;’C ir t r l, ■ *•«»'«»der Telegraphic Head. was a Bomelhmg waiting which I sought and forthe' hearing: and yesterday afternoon was apnn There >a an abundant supply or money, and a good BS? *S - -’ - J - ■
j f 'r* .-’’■r - ... ■ '■? ; found in a creature fair as ever bloomed upon an brought ont. Another female wob arreßtcd on ans- business is doing. The current rate far money is the most reasonebje terms 11 Jr * -.V- ' ?-
.*■ ./■»*» .- J _f r.u T **‘ yt ‘ earthly soil; heaven smiled upon our union, we picion or being concerned m the gang—for it appears «I per cent, for prime bills. ,on itw Royal Baijt ani <"
' office I,older of the American isamndepend- w ere blessed with children, and our home was'a that Mrs. Johnson nets for some men who are pro- The sale, or Cotton during the week amount to ~ brttehe ''^".'’-'a-
limes/eten though* it should he unpleasant’ to the ‘h"* “l “Tw' T" obtainerlon American descriptions, helo’wfaie-and ISttSis latest eiass, and ere oom- \ "*‘V’ AS >'
KE^P RJ ‘i’’ifc , ij*VJsJ!’* 1 • cars oMns own ooiilical friends In tins resnect womcj in tins city, in iho neighborhood of Wash- a large business has been doing Middling qualities mimded by men of characlerand-experience She . 7/ ’U'
V 1 ir U y „ P _, ington and Prospect streetß, are concerned. Mrs. have improved one farthing, with a steady and ac- Cr,bl “ ccctnnmodauons are nil that can he desired m rji r »ls s ‘'.'.
* J■-* t* ‘.l:l|"* ,e,iheis-nniiho his brother whig of.the-Gazette.-The -««i.aa r u - . . , 1 , laruuug, wim a sieaay ana ac- point of splendor and Convenience 'TheyarefarnlsEed . . . „ l. i '■*Jv i i l '
ft v'*- T' h ' Beacon defends the whies whether neht or wronir- Johnson was finally committeu; and tho other lady tivedemand. Good and fine remain ss nt last ad-' 5 wiihcverydescnpiionor stores of ihebe-stkfnd Pmiv- '-<> , U/ '? «
B s >-0 ; .; £ . Ueacon Helenas me wings, wnemer right or wrong, was discharged for want of sufficient testimony vices. ~ 1 tdaliiy iirUiednysof sallinywill be sirieayedhertdm. ~ ->4m\ ‘ 1 ,
1' f • > nnd the grosser the wrong they may perpetrate, Ihe 3 „ IT , , „ PackeLShiMKoscma, BjddonS, Shendnn ond Garrick, . .it 'l 1 ' 1 i\ -
V^ ! ’~ more enthusiastic ho becomes ,n ,he,r defence. Jot agamsther. Paw Upland and fair Mobile are qnoted at 3}d. i Sf,.^™“!heSr^^e„d.^rnnlf,SieS?L?r o S^? >! 4j'<~
an instance of this, see the Gazette, for the last few US' The Boston Post says lliero is no truth in the fair Orleans 4}. Scarcely any thing really merchant- Passage con be secured at thedowest rates 1 - P ''' '' *-r
days, wherem tho Editor volunteers to defend the report that there ,s a gambling hall in that city able is quoted at less than 3d. , 'v' ’
. outrageous, illegal, nnconsmuuonal and, revolu- supported by respectable ladies. Glad to hear it. The homo trade has conUnued m a dulland'de- - , « JS^IS t „ S iS}^g& 0 r 1% - jX. . i'v"4' , 1 '*<'/ f -
f “"'V*’ ‘ tionary proceedings of the whiga indhc Ohio tegia- c ining state rong out the weei. > d Corner 4ih and 1 ' ’’* i.' .*; -'t-, "- -
lature. Tho Editor of tho American, on tho eon- The following are the quolauon. for Elour.— *„■- S , ' AjV \ - f'\
■ vtiaryi laßhes his own political brethren,- occasionally Western Canal, Richmond, Philadelphia and Haiti- j ‘V <-*» s.« <rs*bV^.-
-*!.■ 4!with a-<-cat.o’-'une-taili»; and this, wo presume, is more 28®295. New Orleans and Ohio at »s.6d. 0 ' • C
thereaaon why they fdarhimsomncb. Hear: what 28s. fid. v '* , s * ,* JV'^i
s'* V*’ 'i limited sales of Indian Corn have occurred at l-, '< * j - -, 'VS/' "Vjfr *
‘.' s rX'liy Si* V Indian Meal is quoted at 17s. pbbl. 1 X’ *" ■ ‘ ' T
American Whealin hand is quoted at 7*. 3d 08s. j i ~ "V \T
‘ ‘‘ A % l> 1 FROVISIONB—The imporu ofeured Provisions ' C,, ' J ‘
’ om America for the last weeh, have been limited.' ' - ; *■ * J A.'vV^V''
** -vJ|.JV, * k is m good demand; and fine now is anjiouslT i
‘‘ i-'-- 5 ’•■ - \ edfor. United States Pnmo Mess ia worth 36s , 1 % x
X O'' - '-“'" -J r r -. per 200 Br. Old Bacon-is dull; bat some ‘j _ H r" '-’‘-‘f'-Ol"'
V,s 7-* ’ *•« OC. ’ new are reported at 635. There ttpc ”
l"0 'i- *>*’ '“ ' ■’ r’ ’nquiry for Lard; in the early part of the vunriwf
I'-r-O t ”«.<** 8 wus a ppblu! sale.of,l6Q:ion*atadechne' J^icHtilsi
t *r " Itpcwt. Cheese ia declining. I '-'iq'VJi},'
" *<‘/t 4*2 :. 4 .r ?w*ideiiqre SsppH
■^»”£ l r’’ r A < * '.< ■ *'/l itatcs.hasdiirused unspeakable saus- sj-’jfiatesp.
ll* ’ ‘ ‘ " ’ Britain. The manly tone which ttssksf^n
r i u'*--Tx“ip,ii.' | sii.i.inii -sseato hia countrymen, marking I r-'t
1 ’V .’ ‘ < to; qf peace, has propitiated the-!
ry, generally. , '} '
■’ -v '{'*'■ FRANCE. '
qv, _ '4l»t , ' r Tr‘o'; > ’I s ' for the election approaches, *• •'
0" x jl'i alarmed; and arexemonng *' "
*’ t ■'i ! .V result of the elecUon is -
iS K ~~S -}‘ ‘. ; A- .'r -Of the Red Repuhliean. f'' '
** v * f ?/? 1 't- **i 1 to arrive at ihoCapi- J ' J1
'*■s+■**,,* tia r , ■*■ .< I
'raof ihe Aseemblv ' ' -
-» a - * « vf J * ‘ " tt. > ' * t *
* u ./ 'j- ' - miltO:lhq.A*Bem*. ' ' v c‘‘
‘‘•*'4 Si r i,hot he.rcfiised- . I . V V
„* t : %”' 4 >o of eiege. '
- s '.v >, -tt'- 1 j > 1 b'
ipip h>» Va V,,*- 4 " TJ , 'r l V; ha * f-' . >.' ■'
r-**'" . * ' ' ' nff ‘ - ■ ,*.•■/'
.« >. _ & j- , s - A RMSTnoNG A CROZF.R, CrnmixtUm Merchlmli, '
-'’V *> i'rm 4 L - yr { r "* - + * XJL No Mnrkel street,PiUsliurgli« Fa, Will ntteud ~ /'/„
1 \S~~ r ' ' n -r ‘ i\, -c, ¥ tT ”' 4 T, \* •- , * v - pt-ompfty io Hie <ale of .every tlescrjpfion “ * ,
t t *, a, Produce,ainl olheriirtiol«emru>ileil jo'|be]rtsa>e;"c * * • * "-. v- *r
" *■ > *VV , ,; Rkfektiv—lhiiniQv Husßey ACo.;tPinftburglr; Hftnna, ' •
* ~~ 1 i ' k 4 s k ’ 7ral»ara yCo.y fte\r-Lfsboiii- O.T Merthaivjr generally, * ' J ,
'•et* * v ' % ‘ » r ' v ’ VifHs.villefOij'Rhoiltti'ic OgflebydUrHjgftpbTl* m ■•■•. i
*• X + r * . Srz
’4 K - % * » * \ , f i Guile A Donvon, Sr. L<yii«j H. Boyles, Slenben- ’ > 1
? v i 1 a , **■ * K j. deegy , * 4 - i
»' 5 \ ‘ FreeU, Pare-Teikv, '> . ' l r
* , v * >tobk, 7U faurikstretif near Woodi-BiUs&urgh.— .
f . v i * , u * renliertiiaviugiusireWrnediromNewrVorifJ'is /* /
! ", r l * v . >■#**. b r W iviug o large'Rupplv of FRESH GREEW am! ,T » *> ' *
-a, * 1 . ‘ 4, v,‘t. r "EA s, front the New York Petm Tea Cohma- \ ~ ' '
* lv . #_ - j r X” 1 s t f' S* t ' t Iwilli great Oilrftfor.Telansaleß. r ”
‘ * •<, 'j, ' s « » heavy, we are prepareAfo supply Grpeere, 4 - -
v * - * *• any quantity, oiiu *■[ 1 “ *
s V-ymay -Jr
~L ' !rr , tin eiumiciersjß and II Br catty boxes, iL
\Ct t ’ T*'*i f *-)* * h r , -he« / o i “/ * - f *'
«,’■>». uremviied to en!K as wocaa nnd'will [. r *
, *' • - * j v l ”, 1 ,» *“ lower pnce» lhaii any ether hoa«e in i ar (
, *w Y «• * **» J+ t >r t ™ - vYbQnff' HyxanyfiunpQwderyaud Tm~ :-■ L^.i
*'•' ,» V «.„ts\ « 1 toJigßlock Teas, are thebettfr .the 1 ' - “
7 ;J -] r ' -K * t *
•% i J- x S' -r -v ’fined Xfonf.Crushed andrPulTqr- . / ■: v' - *
7 * * r -'f 7 * t ' * * t • 'or by ihe barrel.' » „
+ -< ,S T v c 'X, ? J Old Gov. Java, lag9>r* >r Sb .
* k v , - Sv'seiecied; by ‘.'v -'••■'.•'■."'.•/‘.‘•r-. !
' v , W York, . - k '
l*- rCf i•» {. ♦ 4 < -> 4 *y-Pickled-:•CaconAfewl' ¥nd ••.••■:. ; s ;'4-..v::.nvr:'>;
r l" , J *f «• ♦ y , * : i v? up in iheir own julcei °Ma- a:
k >%4\, . -j» 1 * „ - * :5'
; * a.ja/nes.
t-V' * J.,; -I >- . to.a Company.
he says in relation to the difficulties at Columbus,
- Ohio. After alluding to the unconstitutional law*
districting Hamilton county, he adds*
w We arc not disposed to say which party, undc r
the facts, is right, but. every one must say that the
-’Whig* acted like dolts in not having made the Jaw
explicit at least, while they bad the making of it.
ifMach of the sympathy we would extend to them, is
necessarily withheld for their b!undenng-~an inhib
ited sin in tho political calendar.
j <if To be added to this is another one, even more
- . ::The constitution expressly says that no
one holding office under the laws of the State
tfaail%e u a -candidates fur the Legislature.” In the
of tins express provision, two of. the Whigcan
dtUates,io very decided. Whig counties,'were the
, fehenffs of those counties One of them discover
ed his ineligibility imraediatclyafter the erection—
v,-* .resigns the seat to which he was wsb elected, and a
/ vofew:wrjt;.was issued for an extra election, as in-the
case of a vacancy, and the new member comes for
ward to claim his seat. The locos contend that the
" Sheriff was not amember and could not resign his
seat,and ihatcotiaeqacntJy/A«r candidate who ran
„ against him atthe regular election, is the member
entitled to a seat, ’ihe whigs, whether right or
wrong, appear to us to have completed a chapter of
1 blunders ’*
-A chapter, of.bJundcrs!?V;That.‘i3 a mild expres*:
, eion to use in reference to the outrages of an organi
sed raob-siscLof men who have trampled sthe Con-
stitution under their feet } and have outraged law,
, decency and every thing else. But it will do for a
Whig paper.
The following letter, purporting to describe an
for cholera, is translated: from the
v « Cottier de Constantinople” of Oct. Mih:
t( Sir.-—Having bets, in the bands of Providence,
an bumble loauunient of discovering an infallible.
''remedy for cholera morbus, even in the.mosidesper
ate cases, I hastened to communicate to your esti
mable journal the treatment by which, with God’s
assistance, I; hive quickly succeeded in curing the
- patient Ll is as follows * i '
41 Aasoon as ihetomiiingand dtarrhen
the patiei t’s legs up to the knee in water, as hyi as
the hand can hear] throw Into it six or Beven s lfaod»
3 fills of epurse tali, let the legs be rubbed for half an
-hoptby two stroog persona, using both their hands.
Open the )a>gc vein of each foot, and let it bleed in
the hot water from twelve to twenty mi&ulds/ac*
cording to these*, age, andetrength of the patient.
Paring this time, add more hot water as it bepames
cooled; the natural animal beat will return «u
* ptely throughout, the whole body as well ai
•• scloufiness., .The patient jvdl soon speak al
for food, Ue will be perfcctlv able to rcsul
ordinary duties after one or two days. I
S( Of sixty peasants attacked with cholera wliom I
several had been suddenly aUackednvhtle
working in the fielJs, other , after having xejutcd'ui
perfect health to bed und been asleep part djf the
night, were awakened at dawn of.-day. with the Visu
al symptoms in the grtaiest uncostly; and slthtWh
assistance was rarely pbtained-before the expiration
of half ah hour or even one or- two - hours,{aonffc
i. :- times six or eight hours, and once: ten; hours hay
r elapsed,>ail have been restored to perfect health iifl
speh wise as to be-able to resume their business five
or six days after being attacked in some cases on
the next day or third day. It happened, though U
. • :tarely^~Unt ? the blood notflowiog Jong enough, the-!
v patiepthoV been bled a second times this second
time in the arm and not in the foot. In no case has u
. the treatment failed.
f J
*J ■ V.? : *'*_
i «
» . J
. <e A-ren).irkablc ;f€otnrc of ihe efficacy, of the
treatment is the immediate and perfect re-establish
ment of their health: in s|l of the patients, who, in
stead of losing their strength,, seemed on the con
; r 4rary, to,haffo acquired new vigor.; ,
. : “In future the visit of the cholera will excite less
apprehension in ihcpublic than an cquidomic of in
fluenza. : -«I havc the honor, fac. i
“Former Consol Gcu. of Eogland in Egypt/*.
r Pay of the Associate Judges. .
• PetiUODsarc now in circulation prajirig .the. Leg-.
- {stature to incrcasetho pay of the Associate Judges
of liiis county. Tho pay allowed at present is but
- $l2O per annum. Wlicn wo'take- into' considera
tion tho increased and increasing business of our
County Courts, requiring the attention am! service
of the associate Judges for about one half tho year,
efery reasonableman will admit that their compen
sation shouldLeincreased. In fact,the Associate,
wbo-resides in this country, to meet the expense of
keeping a horse, paying high boarding, '&c.< in the
city, finds that he .must resort to his private purse.
Tbit should not be the case. Our Legislature should
grant the prajer of tho petitioners
Lnr School. ,
By reference to our advertising columns, it will ho
seen that Reads Washihotoh, Esq., has opened: a
Law Schodl, in this city, where young gentlemen
who desire to follow the legal profession, may ac
quire a knowledge of tho mysteries o f t£ bhck let
tered lore » Mr. Waohinglon is fully competent to
' perform all he undertakes, and there is no doutt
but that lie wi|t meet with success, unless ouryoung
men throw my Lord Coke to the dogs, and start for
California, r
School for young Ladles.
Mm- N/D. Coffin, the lady of oitr esteemed friend.,
Coffiia the Artist, intends opening a School, on the,
* : 2d of-January, 1840, in the . Bev., Andrew Block's, |
Buildings, on Fourth street, to teach the Ornament
taf branches,~-3Ucli as Drawing) Landscape and
plover Painting, Worstrcd Embroidery, Wat Fruit
-' - and C. ,is en
tirely cowpe^ o * l cssons in ihese bunches,
and wc thisl that she will meet with an abundonco
or peonage.
iB2PA mceslng ortho citizens hf Brooke and Uan
coc Jj cope ties, Val. Was held at Holliday’s Cose, on
tUa 7Kin»t,, filr the piitposi prtakmg dcliob ln ( rt-
IstlttnYotUe construction or a Railroad throughthore
Counties, ns or |hc connection‘between Pillt
borgh'anl Stcub’envillo'. Thomas Orr, "Esq , was
: chairaian.'and
tee, consisting ol Messrs. Jesse Edgtpgloo, John
PrawforS, Joseph-Gordincr, Thomas Myion, J. 11
•- • Miiier/ThoniasQrrnTid Wm.;Bro)vn, wasafpnlntcd,;
for ttui purpose ofobtttningtbe necessary
action ftom tffhlfoff tjie
- consuueuomorsuch . 1 \‘
This gold rarer is ill the
' the city is flooded yvitfrhand MU
*X «erous captions to fbe California mines,
' ~
-Cute .for Cholera.
The spider’s moßt attenuated thread
v, vla cord, ia ; .cable t to man’smost lender .tie
On earthly bliss—a breaks at every breeze?
It was not long ere I felt the full Jrulb t of the
above quotation. A crisis arose in: the monetary
•affarreof the country* it Bwept-tornado like,w»th
desolating strides, from the chill waters of the
Aroostook, .to the: regon of eternal, dowers, and
when the stortn had passed, tind • the' sun peered
forth agaui/the turbul stream of bankruptcy bore
upon its bosom rthe wreck and ahatteied Iragments
of health, wealth, peace and’ happiness. ’Need I’
say.,that my fortune was a wreck, my ruin (in a
pecuniary point of view) complete: How, could it
be otherwise? Nature: had endowed nr,e with a
heart:.susceptible to :the wants an .ear
neverdeafto pleadfng, and a hand ever willing to
execute the promptings>of the soul. I
and the oft told tale was repeated. Some for whom
I suffered now foil ,in.«’eatlh, but are no; longer
friends to me. Thank God lam enabled to live,
and ,would scorn their friendships asl despise their
grovelling souls. : i leave them to theircunscience
and their God, with an abiding trust in mine.
- vll wealth departed and friends forsook rne, I was
.‘'richly rewarded, doubly recompensed by the: love
ol wife and children, which, rose superior to mis
fortune, .and .if .poasiblei burned with a brighter
flame as trouble thickened around, beautifully re
minding me of the evergreen, which, twining its
tendn.s around the sturdy oak, seeks beneath its
protecting foliage a shelter and a home,andwhich
loosens not its grasp, b(it dings with yet fonder
tenacity when the tree has been blasted and riven
by the thundeibolts of Heavcfu Strip it of it
verdure, it.stands forth, exhibiting- to every eye
tbe.plant UDseen, seeking with us tiny torm to pro
tect the strsctuie wlucn bad sheltered it.
« / Reduced in circumstances, and deprived of ma
ny oMife s comforts, but stilt trusting in God, I
sought and fouud employment, which love render
ed sweet, and here, I honestly affirm, that at no
period, did I enjoymore unalloyed pleasure than
when the day’sof labor was over T returned to my
humble but peaceful home L \velcomed by the smile
ol my angel wife,and the glad hands of my: little
flock,a rich recompense for the world’s cold frown.
But the; golden bowl was broken, the blissful cup
dashed lo.the earth and -shattered into fragments,
sweeping into the outspread ocean of eternity—ait
that jnade /life sweet, or rendered it desirable.—
Disease of a- cootageous nature crossed the thresh
hbld of my-paradise, and its- inmates sickened and
died. . 3 ime has mellowed but cannot efface the
remembrances.of-that period. The anxious solic
itude with which, night after night, f watched be
side their suffering, forms «*m tears of agony,' 1 and
when the but pulse had -beat, when the eye re
turned no answering glance.when the hand reltmir
*d no pressure, .and .the lips no. kiss-.when the
beautiful-was stiffened in death, amt ail was cold
aod silentj even then qur grief waa. bushed, and
we turned from the.dead to the living with hope
still.spnnging in the heart* we strove with des
perate energy to rescue them:from (lid grasp ol
death. But crushed was every flower* andbligh
ted every bud, within ' the shortispacc of ten days
vanished the blessful dream of years, aud our chil
dren had passed into Heaven bbe who bad era
died; upon her bosom-the.tender, flock sank beneath
die blow, and the mother.slept beside her babes- 7
. I have wandered in other lands but have return
ed to watch the flowers ol Spring,~an<t tend the
mossy verdure which shrouds them from my view';
.still Trusting in God-that i have a treasure laid up
to .Heaven, whither I trust, after having suffered
and done.hts 1 will, I shall be called.
i con*
d ask
SST John Cook, Jr. is now on Inal; at Worcester
Moas,,on an indictment charging him with the
derof his wife Hosanna,in February, 1834, nej
fifleeo years ogo* by administering to her a
oCwhitearscnic.Tlie evidence is pure!
audio of a most singular elm
Captain David-frine) a rj
t, Mass,, comm
1c citizen of
; on the 9th
tnsi at Boston, by cutting
bn thioatwithanior. The cause or this rash act
is not elated.
B£T At the Philadelphia Mint 316,000 worth of
pure California gold has been deposited by a gentle*
man from Panama. A larger amount :of the sama
precious metal w in the hands of individuals just ar
med in Philadelphia. ' . • : ; . •
BSETOa Tuesday, the 12thuit., Thomas Kennedy,
Esq., was admitted ip the Bar od motion or Hon.
Charles Shaler.
83T The Eagle Saloon has been re-opcneJ by Mr.
Donelly. We were through it.oh Wednesday even*
ing,.and we must say that it now surpasses any thing
of the kind in Xhc city.. We call atlcation to the
lExT* The. Merry Wives of Windsor drew a good
hoaso last flight. - Wo, protest against the mangling
t)f this piece. --Why not give it in flve aicUt It is
too good to be contracted.
(-. JEST* A bhck woman, named Mar/ Bmgham, wa®
yesterday arrested by the Allegheny Police, and
brougbtbefore Mayor Campbell, on the charge of
seducing from her home a young girl named Beaaon,
for the purpose of prostitution.' She was committed.
For the Morning Post
p Ms. Haefes : I would suggest to tlie proper an
thorilies of tho cily, the.propriety of having the bed
of tho/canal thoroughly cleansed as soon ns the wa
ter i?lef off., The Cholera is in our country, and
may bo soon in our midst, and it should become the
imperative duly of Councila to seo tfastall nuisances
are,immediately removed. The lives of citizens are
not to-be estimated by dollars and cents j and from
tho-rpresent filthy condition of parts of the city,
hundreds,of lives may be lostby;a delay in carrying
out those sanitary, provisions, which aro reedm
mended by physicians and experienced persons in
rcgarif to. the Cholera. If the bed of the canal is
-.not cleansed,.it wiil-iufcctvinjuares.-around- It- But
there are moro plague spots than tho canal; and it
I will be found jpn examination, that the .back yards
::of.n majority of the oldrhouses of tlie city have lo
cations In them that will breed the poalilohco. Kbiv
is the time to look 10-all ihoio things, for vve' know
not the day , or the - huur when, the Destroyer will
commence Ins work; - ■ WA RNING.
TiiE:.MifßosqppE.—3;hiB evening will bo the' Inst
oppqrlunity our.citacM will have of-witnessing the
MJcrosiinpic eiSibilfons of Piiif; Stephens, in Philii
K <1 tl
; CuU J}/ ti. la}'lor arrived here "on^yestetJoy
xnormngv ond uiok lodgings. at ihe Mooongahela
pousc. . ilc Dppßarraa nlfeht;: - /
/ ~Jr *-»! I g |
; ) Ist Attention, Niagara l—The membm or (he
Ni»f»>~»Sfie,Comihinjf( art hereby jioilfiea lo'aufhiif h
on sUrdaVfvemng, ihe
tcA Inftanl arfi} o cloce jj y ord „., " M '
' °srU.\VAlNE,See',, i _
Hj~ Spittjko op -Blood.—' When the stream. of life is
encumbered ■will* morbid humors, its volume or quantity
is increased and the blood-vessels are filled IQ overflow
ing,hence atuptanng of xhose which' terminate in-.tbe
longs, and spitting of blood; consumption; and other
dreadful complaints. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillj arc
certain to pat a stop 10 spitting of blbod; because they,
expel from-the circulation those corrupt humors which
are the cause of the. bursting of blood-vessels, and of
every rmalady incident to man. From three to six of
said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken at night; on ; going to
bed, will in all eases give relief, and, tf repealed a
times, will most assuredly restore the body -to a stute of
sound health.'
. BewareofCounterfeits and {nutations. —Remember that
(he Original and Only Genuine Indian Vegetable Pills
have the wmten signature of. Willlsm Waictrr on the
lop label of each box.
-Remember, also, that. Messrs. Feuchtwanger &C0.,0f
New York* Jas. S. Glascoe & Cmcimiati; and J.
B.‘Wilder 4c Co., of Louisville, are. not agents for this
medicine, and-we cannot guarantee the genuineness of
that odered by them for sale. .
Thegenuiue is for sale oiDr.-WrighPaPrineipalOiTicej
ICO Race street; Philadelphia; and -by John Thompson,
156 Liberty Pittsburgh, Pa~ whois sole agent for
ilu&city, by whom dealers can be supplied at the whole
sale rate deeti
C. S. P0rter,•......... ...Manager and lessee.
Private holes* • • • • *Bs,oo,— Single ucketv •••-*-•• *?se.
Dress Circle ***soc. | ‘iland 34 Tier**........36c.
Pit •*•• *s*sl'. j Private Boxes**.•--*•81,00.
. ID* Benefit of Mr. HACKBTT,- and last -night of lus
engagement. . ....
Pmo&T,.December. 15, will be presented
Hip Van Winkle*Mr.Hackett.
Von Brunt- ** - • »Mr. Prior, j Peashell .*. - * .Mr. Archer.
Gerirude --• • • Miss Porter. I Alice ?*. -•* * . -Miss Cruise.
Comic Polka- • • -Ni&sAv&lters and Mr. Goodwin.:
To conclude with the . -
Dr. O Ca11aghan............. - -Mr. Hacked
Notice —The Gallery will remain closed during, ibe
cold weather.
UJT Doors open a! 6|; Curium will rise ai ?& o’clock.
A .C.OMPANI willhe given at the La
uly Rooms, on Friday Evening, Dec. 28th, Music
.by E. Moronge. • ■'.
J.Lorkart,Waidimgloa;. S. Cameron, Hope.
A. Meliviile, Uncle barn; ... H.Gilland, • . f .- .
VV.Montgomery. W m - Penn: .*■ Jan.; Appleton,- a •
John Marshall, President; Geo. Wbrefer,’:
George Lowiuam Eagle; ,rM. Lottglirait. •:
M.MjMenj.Allegheny;• ;Ju* Kelly,' ■
A- P. AitPhut/-, Duqur.-me; . • • Timm Ward * • 4j
J. M. Porter, Neptune ; . . . J. ILC- PhmkiMl, •'* * :
.R hayevNiiotfara; Chin?. Appleton. I * 4 • .
Wm. Alexander, Vigilant;
J, M. Kenny, Good Intent,
JolmT Sjmmci*, Thom R. Appleton..
Tickets can be had by application 10 any <tf.<be Man*
after*. ■ ~ .. «>, depls»ld .’
Kagle aaloou and Ueitanraat.
j _ t _ Ao U», GJ, am/<)I Wood strttf ‘
The snbscnber.wauld respectfully inform
, «gbBMBkS lun .fncnUrt and the public generally, that
be lias bad the above welt known establish*
meiit tilted, up.m.a very superior style; and Mtrawpre*
pared with every requisite, to serve.upoll the delica
cies the season-atiords. .
OYbTEßSj&tewedjfricd, roasted, or iiv tho. shell; to
gether with but coflee, ica, chocolute, beef Ktcakft, mut‘
ton chops,-ramson and game, at short notice,- add nt all
seasonatd/hourn, m a style that cannot be .surpassed in
.XXAXEofthe beat brand.*. Imported Seg&rt mevc
ry variety.. . , ... < .'• • .-....«■ • .-.-v ?■■:
UoAvould also beg leave to stale, that .be is prepared
tojontiirh MlUNEr FAHTIES of any number, 111 a*su
pririor manner; SUFFERS for Ralls,Societies or private
parties. •
ICT- Peivatk Rooms always in readmes*.'
Aruupapcrj Will be kept on file from all quarters.
IO at Auction.—On. Friday morning-. Decemberlstb,
at 11 o clockfOuthe Mouonguhelu wharf, near the mouth
of Wood street, will be sold,- without reserve, for cash
currenc y.lB hogsheads Prune New Orleans Sugar,which
is expected to arrive on steamer Messenger.-. ■ : ; .
_decls JOHN DJ>AVIS, Aael,r
It? IiABREbS OF,APPLES and 1 castSucrarCured
J.VJ Hams at Aucuon-—This day, Fnray.* December
15th, at do clock, in the -aOarnonn, will be sold &t M’Kcn
na s Auction Rooms, NO; 114, Wood street, 3 doom from
tsh,ou account of whom 11 may concern, without Reserve:
> 2bb)sj Apples, (Elizabeth Sweetings;) • •
5 ‘ 1 tWiitd Russets,)
5 r*. {Blue Pe&rmains;)•
2 -« m . (Motley’s;) -
2 <•. *• (P.-Kambos;) ' •■■••••■•••.>
They are worthy ibu intention of Dealers; and as it
is very seldom Green Apples are offered at auction,- the
sale will be positive; •
Also, at the Rome time, 1 cask Superior Sugar Cured
Hams, m good order; :- - JAMES M’KENNA, ; .
deciS Auctioneer.
P DELANY,No. 49 Liberty street. Pittsburgh, having
•- replenished hL Slock witlun the last and present
months with the latest styles ot Fashionable Goods,al
exceedingly low prices, offers .the best assortment ot
CLOTHING to-be.lmd in the City, at the lowest cash
price. Amoiu'st them are every descnpuou of Dress
uud Frock Coals 5 Sack and Overcoats of all fosluooablc
colors and tnatenabshch as FrcnchLeaver, beuvy llroad
Cloths, super, blue, brown and draU Blankets and Cana*
da Prize Coats, or the latest styles.. Every dtscripiion
of Pantaloons and Vests, and other articles in the Cloth*
■mg line. ; •
Also, a general assortment of Goods 10 make to order,
which will be made in the-most fashionable manner, on
the shortest notice. • • [dec!s) ■ P. DELANY.
O BBLS. FRESH LARDr-On consignment by 1 -r. ;.
declfit . . • - . No. 23 Market street. . 1 :
O SACKS FEATHERS—On Consignment by
TTT'ORK'BASKirrS at No;:80 Markw sraEKr—Co»i*
TV : sitting of Rosewood, Mahogany and other valua
ble materials. Also, n superfine quality of Toilet and
Shaving Boxes, -Writing Desks, Faney Bailding Blocks
and Games of-cvery description, with a large assortment
ot Toys sml Fancy Aruoles. suitable for Christmas pres*
ents. [declS) HOQAN A CANTWELL.
fpIIB Subscriber .w»M receive at his office, young Gen-
X ileroen destring to read layr. He will superintend
mid (lirecuheirsliidieft, and by constant supervision,nnd
strict, weekly examination, prepare (hem for admission
to the Bar. - : RKADE WASHINGTON.
The Subscribers have been mlmbitofdaily profession
al intercourse wnfi- Reade Washington, Esq.* for many
years, and feet great pleasure in attesting the-accuracy 1
of his legal information, and his eminent capacity for the
undertaxing net forth in his advertisement ’<
They earnestly recommend to young Gentlemen who
wisli to acquire a competent knowledge ofthe legal prog
ression, to avail themselves of the advantages which hit:
proposed Law School wilt afford them
Charles Shaler,
- A.Bflrke, Thos. Williams/ -
Wilson hrCandlesSj v :vC,.Dajracli,
Robert Woods, , Jame> J3uulop -
C. O. Loomis. Win. U. M’Clure,
,J D.: Mahon, A«\V. Loomis.
decls*3m ..
mHEPartnewhip heretofore existing between JOHN
disol veil by mutualconsent. . • •: *.••• r • '
: The subscriber may bfe . found at his office, on Fourth -
street, between Smilhtield and Grant sis., at
oIJ limes wbmnotengagedari! Court. . v- ; : i ,
Taven» umi JLea«e for Sale. ;'
:fTtHE undersigned wishes to sell the balance of n Lease,
.■ X • together -with his stock or. Liquors/Bar Fixtures,
Household Furmtufe,A:c.vTliisplacu holds inducements
for those wishing to embark nr the: business/. Terms,'
cash.; This old Tavern has been In operation for twenty
years and ujnVerds—shunted in ibatthrivingporuonof
our city tecewily formed out of PilUownshlpj.Allegheliy
coumy. 'lt kola ai private sale, possession given on the
Ist of January. ' : [Uec|gt3i*3 " JAME9 1 CLARKE.'':
11*1)04 COKN iJRU&HLS—bor sale b>
-'IkiiACK>ALPACAS-'Attbe vefy low pncoof cts*'
J> piece just received nt No: DOMarketst
rvrEW JEWH.RY.—I.abvGoM PatLeverV\Vajchea
1\ * |“, rt DctcSd ‘ »
1 I « SUver « ‘ r v «
; Also,fcdornprete,assortment ot otfietJewelry, at
dUS Z KLVZEYS,67 Msflret *t
V W--V4-..'. L-'J
. . •-..V V>" • ‘
T>EMAINING'-in lie PltfasbuWbrPosf frSjeo. from the
•vXVl**.• pf December to thelSih ot Decerobgl£j§4B. -Per'
:«njJSafUp^<br>lrftt#i«i l .wiU pleaitftsy a dver *
l I*, 1 .fcadieV M*!,-
A sPCa£tie Rebecca
/Amber*nn Sarah-GsTawny Louisa-v APCottnell Sarah X
Anderson MarthaGillmoreftaucy . M’Denfloit Rosan
.Anderson Miss Gilchrist Reb C-v W’Dermott July' /
Anderson A. Mrs Givens Sarah •■ AFtlroy PameliaE
Bailey. Mary SGoscrDellTuh ...Al'llroy EUzn ; -
Baker Anna . GnzplAnn- - ALKibmn Mary R .
< Bayard Amue 0 . Gruyjlarnet 4 -j. AlLaughlin Alrs-D
•Bernett Annie ; /Graham OhveretiaM'Mitlin Jdrrfe
Beany Mary • Graham M S Mrs ADPhersou Rachel
Batty Hannah \ -Hele: Martha : Neal Sophia .
Bicknell A Mrs.v HnnnaMaiibavr :NeolFolly
Black Martha :• r-Hall RachclA- Niblock Ann ..
Black M Alrs Hall Mrs Noble Christina '
Boston Anna Hall Phoelie A WBfolU M A 1
Bowers Elizabeth Hamiltdn Alary* > Owens Nancy
..Bradley Etnehue-EHareMartiia-vOwstou II AH*
Brannon AlargtE Hart ATarlha Jane-Packard &?5I •*•
Bramior.Dulceina-AayEhz&betlLY/'Pardee Elizabeth
.Uremlinger Ad-lneHeury Hannah A lParker M L v ' • •
Brooke Mar- .:.-. HandersonilarriO Peoples Mary”; >/
Brownn Mary- HemckAlurthad J] •-/
Brace Eleanor A, Havron Rose; v :.r*. ! -‘-PortCT Catbnr»ns
BrownJCarohne HillisJane ” Preston Christmwi
Buckmastcr. Ellen Hinds Saroh.E- .Price Susanna $5 >;
Bu.d4 Adnhne : /Hogan Margaret Pnce Hannah- t /- 3
Burton Sarah u ■ '-Hopkins Angeline fionjacp SEJ /
Bader.H Miss ; . Hopping-Mrs- • ■ ■ Kced Sophln :
Cain Mrs .’Hultz.fcJleuK'/ Heed Cathnrnc .
Calhouu.MMiss : Hunt Sarah ■■ ' Riddlo-Mary . 4-
Cane Mary,: /. -••Hunter Ann -m ;RobbEliza; *
Cannan Lydia ; .Irxln -Anua-; /Roberta Mary 0// ;
Casey P-Alrs Irwin Elizabeth Roberts B W Aljs
: Clarke Mery ... • -Jarvis Anna ;; •; RobinsonHannali
.Clarke laabella - - Jackson RebeccaAßohinson ATary A
.Clarke ft WAlraJenkiusEaiiny A* Robinson Mary T.-
Clark J B Mrs i v : Jmkms Ann: • /; HockefellowE G
.Cypher-Amanda - Joiner Charge.:-'-. Rose Emelme - i ~
Collins.T.Mrs - ■ JobnsMnrgarct . Rose Mary; . -
CollmsElizobih A JonesAimMO.RuterC Miss . f- /
Collins Eliza £ .Jones E Mrs . : Rutherford E Miss
Cook. Harriet Jones Eliza. - - Savory. Betsey J .
Cooper Mary. June Johnston Calb’e-- ScouEhzabeth
Cox Mary - . * Johnston Mnrgt - 2 Scott Mary Ann ;
Crawford.Margt> Johnston J-Mrs Seth Sarah- *
Cnhs Margate t KarnsL Miss Shannons Mr*:
Crouse Jane Kearns Rachel : Shaw Mary v;
CunmnghamMmrsKelly.Margare.tSheridan Ann 1
Cunningham N-J Kennedy Martha -Shorter Aim B - ; :
Curran Eleanor*. Kerr.DC Afrs v Shore Mary - 1
- Darram Mona Keato Elzbth A' -. ; Shroff-Alary ’ i -
Davidson Nancy KincaidElzbth .. -SiU Alary'- ;
Davidson Mary J KmganSarah Simms Samh S -■
Davis Nancy /. KiscaddenAlary ASmnottLuseita :
Dean Barah AI -<.King Emma; Smnott Henrietta,
Demgnl Alary,, . Kipe Mrs .. .>• Catharine •
Depben Sarah : - Kirkpatrick Jane Sliker Sarah-
Devine Bridget. Xataliaw Eiea’rSmnb Eliza* ‘ -
Dickson M JMiss LaughlmAnna M.SmithEmma >. -•
Dickie Joanna .< Laaehran Susan • Smith Lauretta 4.
DimondMary AnriLeel/emia : Smith Margaret A
Diver Hanna :: Leonard Mary. Jv Spargo Mary
Dodge Mary . Linch Mary - . Squires Elizabetli
Dougherty Jane ■ Livingston Mary. ASteelman Eliz’h
Dougherty Martha Long Rebecca ' Stene Margaret
Downer Huth v LostetterCatWe • Sulton Anne ; s /;
Dagan Abignl . - - Uadeira Alary Stewart Alary.-
Dnskell Margaret Marquis Charlotte Stewart J Mrs >
Dubs Margaret Marshall ifaTy Thompson FR
Enklna Mary AMenmn Mrs Trpsly Jane f S
1-klmond.Hannab Alellm Susan E jTuuleManhaE
Emerson J M Mrs MiUnrAlaryAnn V an amp Mary
Finery Mary Atvu MeskerElizbth Vanarsdale Esther
Evans G 51 Mrs Might Sarah A - Wall Martha J
Evaus RMrs . r Alitcheil Nancy West Lydia
Kwmg Mary Jane Mootflie&d Sarah JW heatproft E
Ferguson Jane Moreland Elzhth Whitmore Mary ■
Ferguson ATary J- Moreland Alary. Wiehtroan Maria :
I'iUeySßMrs . AlosgraveßebpccaWtuson Sarah B
Fletcher Alary R . Moss Ellen ' Wilson Anna M ;.'
Fitch S Mrs . Aloore Acbsah Wilson Klcndor
t-oord Ann • - Aloore Mary Wilson Ellen
Frazier M A .Moore Sarah -WodtouMaryA
Fcuiston-Isabella Mullen M R - - -Wriehl Khzaheth...
Glbaou I Jztih ; Bl’Cake Ann Wright Mary A r
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Gentle|uet» f a Lfat.
ABncxvDanlel CroumerWm . - Ilarshman John ;
Aikens John 2 Crosby John - Hnron Miehael- -
Adams Robert . Crouse &Co ..HamplonSG.: <
Agnew John . Crook BP. M Hams Samuel 1
Adorns John S . Cunningham C. Morris Johu > .
."Aid Daniel c Curry.Wm- Jlordie.George .
AtmourenEß Cummins Robert J Hnrdie J F a. i
Alden HP- - I>ay Johu D. - Hartman John ;
Alstin Afr : David Alex - S Harris John .
Alezamler II - Dali Thomas Barker L .-j- >
Aliaud Morrow.- ’ Dale. Charles II . Harper- James' •
Applegate A Ale* DavidsmrWm Hossinger&BarrS
Coulm : DuvisGvorSe : , Hazenfi W L : :
Audrews Robt Davis John Dilation Henry
Andrew Robl H. 2 Davis E Thomas Hawkins Richard
• Andrew James • Davis James - Hasßtngcr Wiq ' ■
Andrew B F • Davis David R Hasliugs Abel ■
Artly Alexander- Davis John P * HathavvayUradfd
Asdale A Tnmble Davis Bcnj Hays R .
Aull James . • .Dcnsmorc Henry Hayden A W
-Bulaly 8,3 1: - .Dean 7.W • HemliEdword
Barker Lewis ■ - Decker Jacob • Uently Wm s
BakerTliontlon .Dexter JIG O . Hershey Henry -
BaieyJneub\ DernnttJ • : HersheyHS .
Bauton Wm -. •• Detweller Alex Ilershay John S
Banning E P • Dennison Ivlquh ; Henry Win -■:* 1
UamettJacob -Develen Charles Heane James’
Barrett John . Drake Edward/ - Henley E >
BarlowFD ■ ; Doan Peter - . . .-ilendnekeon J L>
Barrows William Deltoid M J lferstiue David
Bassett George : Diekaun Tbps G; Hessou T ; . ; ;
Ban AP« • J>iron James M Henuuig Henrysl
Raamao ReabenDignan James. >. v Henry .Robert. :
Batchelor Fred • ■DonnelJy JTv . . . Jlerlene John 51
Barclay Jobn .. ' DoDovnn Robert . Hyland Hornce.L 2
Rarheu Joseph Donnelly.Tbos llildebraudChnsi
Barlow F. 8 ; Doughcrty-Neill Hixson James
Barret David - Dougherty Jns C HtUSamuel' -
Barker George Doyle James . JIltssGRL :•
Benny. Win Douglass Henry . Holien Calvin ;
Beech Joel M : Donaldson Henry Holmes U •. , i -
BerryS P: . Dougherty Mr Uogtr Hugh' -2'
- Berlin Jeasee . Donogue Daut . «. Hoinies Jmnes B <
Beers J G Donougbue Robt lfpgan T M -
Ucltzhoover. Jobn Doyle John . Hover W H s
Berwick Allen • Donlen Stephen Hood CUnstopher.-
BennetEcopt Douglass Orson . flussmgcr WH -'
Belton 1 ssaae Donaldson John llorwitz J Doet ’
Biard Alex , Duling Jolm 5 Host NH v v
Bcriboud Francis Dunlop D . Huey Robert .
IJeaty W- ... Dunky John ~: HbgfiesNaihan
Beech EM .- Duvall James - Hughes John If--
Breniill Jacob Danlap S B .Hull Jacob s
Biitdic Rofjer? Dunn Edward llullJohuF. /
Buhop William Dunn A - Irwin.Wm
Bmekbum Fi E Dunn Arcb d - Ingram Thos
Blackwell . Dunbant Jacob K Irwin James
Umsldyßobett DuncauJohu II JacbsonPanl •
Blatherwick MnrkDunlap C L .. Jackson Joint -.
Black-Andrew- DushawßA James Enoch G
Blair J L ; - Duncan Thos J ; Jackman Robt :
Black Audrcw Emery Dunl. . Jackson <
Black Lewis • . Emerson J M 8 Jordon Altchl .
Boyle B ' Emmarts JT - . .Joseph Simon • :
Boyd Samuel , F.lliott Jolm . - Juda.Tbos .. 2 »
Boyd Thos W. ; Evans John/ . 2 Jeffry Jackson -.
Boyle Neel . Evaus Jenkm .Jewell Clark -
Bowns Guo .H Kwen Isaac . Johu Wm
Bolted A Fairmtm Jas Johnson Wm - 2 . :
Boyer L FafcOifer-Arch’d 2 Johnson Ralph
• Bowite Elijah Fahnestock HG 3 Johnson RB -: -
BoulThos l'alvcy Jeremiah Johnson John ■ «■ <
Barker Stephen ' Ferguson Ben J-v Jones David
-Boyd A N • ‘ Fenwick David . Jones Wm ■
Bowman GeoAV- Fcnn Seth v- - Jones W'C At ■
•Brown Nathan . Ferguson Robt R -Jones W A
Brown Thos E FenTaii,Swan ACoJones John
Brown John W : Feiga George L Jones Benjamin J
Brice Thos J Fitzgerald E. ' 11 Jones R M ‘
Braekcll John • ’ Fesh Orlanda -Jones Charles • • 1
Bnce'Thomns 1 FitzimmousEdw Jones B E
Brittain T Fesh Henry W Jones Henry
Bradley Hugh Fleming George Kanagh Jos
BnggsGE * - Fleming David ‘ Katou L* : 2
Bridges Robert Flannigan F C 2 Kaiu J .
Breen James . FlewerGeorge -Kennedy James
Bninstrunp J W Fleming Snmuel Ketfer Jolin
Brewer Eheue/er Forrester James ’Kearney John
Braden James • FolgauckSamnel Kelsoy tV R •
BuckdlSnml -Fowler Joseph • .Kergen Wnr . •
Brunner-Pratt : Forsythe A Baker Kennedy Sami
Brnwdy A ; .Fowler JobnL . ; Kelsey Wk
Brauff William Foreman Geo D Kennedy Gea
Broad Avon 1/ Freed David- / Keevill-W H-
Bryan Charly- .Frederick John WReena-Bernard
Buchanan John.. Frank John -. . Kelly.Patnck-
Bunn Joseph . ' Frost Zedediah - Kerr.John 7 •'
BahoapJW :. Pro>* David - Kelly Hugh : »
Barger Andrew Froize Isaac v Kelly John -
Butler Robert Fiacker A-H • . KcllyAVm '
Burns John . Free .Samuel -KerrSamW/
Byingion Albert Fullerton:A -; Kerr JamesW
Byers Jamc»2 ■ Geyer John A Knox-John L >
Calhoan Jns- GeyerJoba Rev Knipper Andw
CalbounWD. Gal lawny Samuel Kierimn James
CulhounWm : Galloway O . : Kiscudden J ••
Cavanaugh Jos Gallagher Robert' King Jacob v-
Carroll Michael Gjorge Philip 9 • -King-George W .
Cameron John Goehrmp Audrew Kirkpatnak H r;:
Carpenter J D Gebhart Henry Kirkpatrick J |*
CarterTC Gallagher James Kincaid Jos M' .
Cargo J K ‘ • GavairX) • v S Kinsey Joh»: ;
CasoidayCharles' Gardner Richard LKmg Frederick
Cornell John-; - Gorleu D W» KurizGeorge r
Carter Mrs C S 2 .Gorreti Jonathan:.Kurt* John .-
Cannon H M. . ■ -Gutes William, .; ,;K»tchm TT .
Carpenter; Abhhn Gault John Latahaw J H
Cameroon . - - Gaieslsasc Lay James
Cannon Charles ■ Gardener Michl- Leiiimmen Motley
Carlen Jacob ..Gnsien Joseph - Lnuumr Hugh
Connon H M Gaston Josiah . LaumerW J :
Campbell Wm .Gnrbck, Humiilon LalTerty Patrick
Campbell Eph C A Co,. ■■■...■ , Lawler. Duiuel
Campbell Tuos Garrison Wm... J-aughrey H :.
Campbell Peter Gilchrist Jnmes Lnyion John ~
Chidestor Eph 2 Gibson RP -. Leslie Inward - .
Charleton W B 2 Gilnmry W • 2 Lewis Charles W
Chadwick Samuel Gibson Richard' Lewis Ben). ,
■ Childs WE v ’GishAbrm < LeggctJohiiA
CbarletinW A .. Gilchrist RC -Lewis.Philip;. :
Chartley Edward, Gibson. J N .-. , ; Lewis John , -
Clont John M: v Gibson A A: .. ..Leybuyer Jostah »■
Clurk John > . ..Glenn Alex. Lesiurt Lufuyeite
Clark A D Cleaves RicVd 2 Ltroke |l A. .
Clare James Gory Hugh Leii W ;
Clark Joseph B 5 Goodman W B Leiinrd Jutnes -
;Clark E ; 2 Gorman* John' • Leonard Goo W
Clinton Jaeoh E Gofdon A RnllertyLeiglc, Danf • . .f
Clark Edward Gordon John Little James ; •
Clark James. Goff Capt . Liggett Jume/r • ;
Coalo Hannah GoshotirJohn S - LniveU James W"
Coltarlßobert '.. * Goslin George-•' Linn James • :
Collins J W ' " GoWkirk Baml H Little Henry - 2
Coffin G W-' - - v Gregg Thomas- ■ Llcktier James:- •
Collins Sami < Graut Brock 1 LoomisO A I W:
Collins John Gregg Tholuas .- T/oinar DavU •• •
CoopcrJohn N ••. Grant-Nock - Lyon A A..,- -
Cbokßobert Graham Win* • •Long-11 IF
Conowry JamesßGr&vDavid \ Lile Calvin c -
Cook U S * " * Gray James A 2 Lyon G W
ConlenPatrickvV GranamiThos* r
Conner John*-'*-2 Graham Jaifres-‘.£ Lloyd John .. *w.
Con.versJJw.- -t --i Graham Edward.-.-. Lloyd; Abraham-
CpeteloWni'M ■ Grahamßenj-/.''>
CoxG W , Hamilton W Morgan Dovli
Gowns George.-. ;.. Hagan,Joseph;,/ Morgan John A. -:
Cord James il;., J K.-. . .v
Coyle Joseph C Haren AMntihewsMowiy-Nicholas •
Cowley Hannah R
Corwin HW Hammett Samuel Montague John A
Covert Joseph- Montgomery.Sanjl-
Cotilfcr John Hart Henry, > MohletWm
Corr Won Damel ' Hart Henty ' Jacob
CraneJ P , ,;. :-Harger John : 'Morns Thomas
Creighton;Jdhti; 'Rains Cb»r]es . Moloney Timothy:
v * * t * r ,
1 *- t, #rt
• ~’Y' YY"
SEN DOM.ARS BpWABD«-FQr a Watch, iliai
loAt on Friday evening laMxbctwcmi tboiiewCoari■
use utiq Seveniliairert. The.,Watch inaitufee*
fd by.R. & J, Beeslcy. and numbered IMlS—double'
.The, in
bn>- pejjsoa firldlng.sald Watcb^and’leaving it at this
«&«•* ]deci3 at} Samuel S’olan
. . . . . ... .- ~ . .... ..
-....::-..-.'.,'' ~...',.; - .;.'.'., : , . ..::i:.- • :..',.; .',::......:..-.7.:
i I J-»v' >1 *y i ' >** < •*
« *r O’ •* $ \ s- ' U %**_ 1 ‘
5 * *- V .. f * * .\ f „
** ‘.lt. ' %-(.
„ V * ‘ ■* * 1 ?
, v 4 *
Mowry John i. Petltcord Dnyjd Sneer Samuel
Morun Pea«oa John J 2 Stark Henry »• : :
Moore. » Pcxmmvlonßobf Steel James
l* Stephen* Hiram- fv
Morrow ATex " Perry John Smrr Robert Ii
MoribwWjn Petty H - << Stewart Jameh
alyer J CUwon;:;- Petty James< '•••</ StewartWm-A-'v
JlillerGG v- 4 Penney JP Stephens Joseph.H
Murdock JJaiil^rff'P^lhuri%eoiyeStewaTtW : 0- ; t -;
Miller Ifagh PettockFrederick Stewart Hamilton /
MtfißpekJmmesE Phillips Thomas : &Co ; v .'•^r" jr
. snixp)fy3?award Janies . Stevenson WE.3
Murra> Daniel Phillips J A Stewart Daniel.
Murray Thomas. Prutntz Putnek . Slekart R M . '
■Murphy; Jp)in:?. • Prat.George Sterling Mark
M*AD«c:ThoiuasPrjce Alexander -' Sterling Thomas '
TVl’Anully John ; 2 PurcelfTboS ns Stone David M 2
M’Bnde JamesPUrviss John- - Stranger John II :
APAvery Michael Porter Sohn * Stricklan Wm
M’ANcster Jobu/PoncrWilliam-- StoilerCha»A :
M’Bune A PowerTß SulUvanJolm
-M’CuUotigh JosepbPorterfteldßobertSwazy C B ,
AvChcsneyJomLsPoflerWP i SwapyCiarcy
JvClnro James TQnlgley.W.R: Sifraitey.Geoige ; ’
MCaitn,George./.Swaion James-
M’Cloy Wm Kanfgey Isaac Swanz A * 2
. MCloskey John ARankm.-Wm «v- Suramcmlle A
•M’CJaren Patrick Rafferty Henry- Summers StephF
arClurc Jaa-11,. Ratbgan Thomas Swan Charles ;•:>
M'Cahe Johu i: Ralston APhell Tague Patrick
M’Cabe Owen. •/, Rferdon Wm - /Taylor. Fowler P -
. M’.Cnllam George. Reever. Suhus MTaylorDavjd
M Clure A H Roney David Taylor A R
Al’Candless MathYßcauey Richard -.Taylor John C.
M Carty Jerfimlali RceilTuosus. r-> Taylor Win If ' /■
MlCnrtneV John- RiecbcJ Wm- : viTaylor Joseph A ?
JvCiirdy.-Aiex . Ridcart Wash. Taylor IVm .....
“PCurdy-.Johtrr. vi-ReiflSinget IVm J Thompson Xas .2
.M’Gready. John. Rico Elms . - -'Thompson George
•WCready Wm- ;> Riley. Bernard -' Thompson John P-
M Cracken Wm ■ Rabfond E ; -.: • .-ThompsonßlL
M/Curdy Je&se R Roberts George ;; 1 Thompson Eawin
.M’Cracken.Wm - Ross Michael L- -Thoma* John
Vi’x°y He-ry • \ /Roseburgfa Jamns Thompson Thomas
M Conncil F A Roberts Joseph S Thompson R-'N -. i
JTOowcU Win T Rowlett GM-" ThomosPhihn
M ConneJi Chrißfrßowlond JoImV Trmker Waiter H -
M’DonnellMtcbl 2Robert* R B Tilly John
M-«?ury ; Dayid .. Robb Joseph v G D ;.!
M C ; j; .> Ross Sami W -:•••• Turner Jacob ’ '
M'Fadden James Rhodes Joseph TopperWm 2 '
M’Farland J G .RhodesWß - ToppeiThomasC -
-M’lllwaiue B . /Robinson Samuel Totes Wm;
iM’Kelly James . RobinsonJ J.-/. •: Tower'Ad am' i;* •
M’Ketndge J L . 2 Robinson James TrCssler Fred’k' v
M’Kether Dauid . .andßobert; Turley Geo W i
• M’Kee Alex : ;.;Roar*.Samuel A Truman Thomas --
M’Keval Daniel . Rogers HG: Tubraanß •
S’Kee Mr Rodgers J ames C.TyleT, Davidson &
McKay NA W /Rutledge John W Co »
M’ReeAdam., ..-RnssellAlez W. Tracy David
Hugh Ryan Michael Tnruer Wm
M Kntgbl H.C .., Rusk Samuel Tym Aaron
M’Lee Thomas Ruleerford John ; Trimble James
M’Keang James Sam: ion E *'?■;. Vase Henry-T 2
RrKee Robert Sawders Wm Vmdeck H
■ SawyerNathl., Vincent Joshua > •.
ArDaughlin John Savaaool James Vera Joseph N /
A11en....... Savem D Vonsulur Charles
M’Mullen JohnA. Sayer-Wm Waln-wrlcrhr
APNeelly Thos M • Seahill John Joseph
/MWeely Thomas Scott James •>: • \ Wall wm CJr
, Scott JM Warner John
AMlugh Bem 1 d Scott Wm Watson Alex M
MGuire Samuel ScottTi S Warebam Job
M’Gill James SchustcrT H Warren Geo
M Graff C A B Seabrook H A Ward Patrick
M Gowan P ; Seaman John : WaymanAme* P
M-GarveyWra : Semple AlexY - Warner® / • -
M’Ginness Dazil . Sha*pe George - - Watt Ged - '
M’Hugh Bernard Sharkey John - Wakehoiri J E 1 •
M!Gec James Shaw LA Weaver Charles;
aeill Thomas Shrader Samuel White Richard 1
NetlerJobn . Shields Joseph C. -Whitmore F 3
Aagal.John... Sbunleworih John Wbite A Herne
Nance Thomas Showman Joseph fAVhcoler George Jr
Newld Stewart Shipler John -.'. ;, Whtte Waller' -
Alelson James Shouse Jobn . . While Jame^jr
NedlJomcs Shields AAI . v White James
Nessley John P Sheildan John; ./.Williams; Foster"
Newell WN Shore WW ACo
Neniont Prances SheneckJames Wiliams John , ;
Nicholson Hcmler*sloan David *.Williams Edward ’
- Sill. Jeremiah . . Wilson William ;'
Nixon John Slack David Wilson JH
Norton Jacob . Smubers Capt • C Russell
Nowlan John . Small John L ;:; Wilson Peter •
Noble LCJ. .. 2 South James , WiUThomas r >
•Newman Wm Smith IleiiTyv ."‘ Wills William ;
-O’Donnell Mr Smith Oliver P - ;iWiJlin*oii Wm
O’Neill Bernard BmiihCCP WUkenryWm :
Owen Morns : 4 Smith Adam rtVi!kin*Dlivu!
O’Betlly’Ji'lios.T .; Smith Valentine IWillock John '
O’Sullivan Dual Smith C J : ; 'W jngnrileu Peter
O’Reilly E 2 Smith James Wiskimon E
Ogle Jnmex . SmitlrGeo ; WilliantFon W W
X> Whalen Dennis Stnuh Richard Watkins Stephen
O’Neill Cyrus ’ Smith Horace Wilcox J R *
OptaJ Smith Alex WoastreWm
O’Bryan Hugh, Smith Vincent H :Wolf TSI -
O.Brien James. Simpson Geo -Woods Patrick '
Palmer O P Sinclair John N Woons Jesse 2
.PayneThos:Uev Simpson Geo S ' Wnvrell John '
Palmer 11H gimpsonAG WoleotJM 1
.Pagau-:Lcwis Sinnolt Richard - Woods Wm '
Pagan Samnel Simpson Robert : Woodson lionis -
: PattersonG A, ; *-Sisler Peter • 1 • WyneMichael
Parker Levi Snyder Joint L Yonug Jacob :
Parker Inane hnyder J., Young Andrew •
Aerry James S Snyder S ’ York Thoiiins 2 -
Capt 2 Spear H N Young John
Peters Wm Speuce.Thas 2Seog«r Alichl
Peterson Charles Joseph Pimmtrmrn W L
■ :Amenean Division Sons of Temperance, '
Ocean Wavedo do ; do : - •
Young Men * Hope do do Q
•Du> spring do do
./ Fort Duqtiefine do do *
Siarof the West ... do:. ..:. do ■• - 1
. ... Clerk of the Steamboat Isaac Newton
do do . do Atlantic: ' . - i
. TaslOfirey PiKr&MfgA, Pa., December 15,1648-
J|>WO CASRS OF-GERMAN TOYS, to pay Freight
J_ and Charge*, at AncHon.—Will be*old, on uccount
ot whom u may concern, to nay treiglitand'cbargcs. al
McKeimn’sAiicttonßoom?:, No. 134- : Wobd'street? three
OoorAffOih Fifth, on Saturday afternoou'iiexi,' December
17th, two I arge cascji of German Toys; npsorleil. Termii*i
cash, par funds JAMES McKENNA,
■■ dept 4,, ;
JUagutnes for January,’ id4U,
EECEIVLD AT M. A. MINERS, Smuhficld street,
third door above Secoud.street— - .
, Godcy’s Lady’s Book, unusually largo, with sir at*
tractive.ergravings; the literary department of the high*
est order for tius No., commencing a imw volume- '
. SartouiY Union Magazine, beautitully embellished;
and comprising fcO,pages or reading matter, all Original.
» .Gralifun s Mngaziue, illustrated with four heautifuleli>
gravingfi; m size, a full double number.-- -
Poems of John Qumcy Adams, with Notice* of hi*
Life and Character.. - ...v; 4
A Critical Defenoe of the Grant Street Baptijll Church,
against the cbnrgeof eorrupiion, in the.administration of
her discipline; published by order of the Cburch-
Rose and Gertrude, or the My Meribus Wedding j trans
lated from the French of RodolplieTopfler- .
An Impartial Account of the Life of the Rev.'John N
Mnffit—-a narmlive of Ins first marriage; al*o bis second,-
•with many particular* never before publiKlted -
Second volomc Paul Ardcnheim, now complete;-by:
George Lippard
.Mary Barton, a Tule of Manchester Life, England;
pnblished by the Harpers
.• Julian De Clifford, or WomanV-Love: a Romance of'
Smile* and Tears, Jllusiratcd
: rAngelina.Luxmorc, or the Life of a Beauty: by the:
author of the Jilt, Breach of Promise; Ac , Ac- .
'The HunchbackfOr ilie Bell Ringer of Notre Dame;.
;iby Victor Hugo decl4
r\LD RYE WHISKEY—-0 bbls old Rye Whiskey,
v/ warranted 8 years old—pronounced by good judges
to be the best article ever offered m tni» market: - For
sale by the gallon ouly.-by .p;C. MARTIN, Ag!t, .
decl4 . ■ • -v Comer Smitnfield und Frpnt sts-
l»D BR A N DIES- AN D WlMbb.—A lurge stock 01
fine old. Wnes and Liquors for sale, tn quantities Jo
suit by [decl4] P C MARTIN. Agt
SWEET eiijLß.—A few bbis.for sale low by -
decU P C MARTIN, Ag t
TyEACH-BRAN DY—A few bbls. old fcnnes*ce Peuch
X Brandy, for salo by [decl4j P. C, MARTIN, Ag’t-
TYOTATOES—ISO bbls., Piuk-cyc PotatooE, of good
X-. quality, just received.and for : .
til/ and for*aleby v[decl4l W. A J. C. ACHESON^
A NNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS will be received at the
ji Bookstore of Eixiott A ExoLisn: 78 Wood street,
;tor tbe JEWISH CHRONICLE, published byithe Amer
ican Society for.lhe Melioration of the Condition of the
Jews, and edited by the Rev;A;H. Wright, Pastor of the
.Associate Church/Jane street, New York. •/ . dec!4
New JUllllnery, tlUka, Ve>vet«, Ate*
, /VY - Just received from New .York, a choicfi solec-
Qagtion of elegant rich Satins; Silks, Winter Ribbons,
’MS* French Flowers, Plumes, Ac. A handsome as,
sorunent of Winter Bonnets, Hoads, Capes, Cardinals,
Visetts, Ac.,on haud.andmaae laordenn the latest style,
at the shortest notice. . ' • ; MRS- -
- - No. 10St. Clair st. (West side.) ■
Exhibitions with the Microscope and. Lanterns
X will Philo Hall, on Tuesday,Thurs
day and Friday evenings, of this week, which will he
the last-* The Thursday evening Exhibition will be for.
Children—the tickets at half price
Tickets,, at 25 cents, to be had at. Mr. Richardson’*
Jewelry Store, or pt the door.. : .: . . decllultd ■
. X) put has lately received a large assorimcnt of these
Goods, and is.opening tftqm nt ’ prices unprecedentedly
low, r&tueingfromTS to 52,50 per yard,
- Also, French Doeskins, of all qualities,
-. Also,' French and English Broodcloths; blacky olive,
invisible green, brown, and .blue; . Among these ore
some very handsome French Black, suitable for Cloaks,
am very low price , and brown, invisible green, and bl’fc
Pelisse Cloths, for Ludtes’Cloaks. ■
Also, silk,cotton and mermoUndcrslnrtsaml.Drawerjs
Mariuers’Undershirts, constantly on^hand. »..--
' 0“ The attention of hlercbants and MerchnntTailor*.
who buy. by the piece, is .specially invited to the aboyei
> dec!3
/'!>() the llpnorable lhu Judges of the Court of Quurier
± Sessions of the Peace, in,and for iheCoumy of Alle*
i: The petition of Mrs, Alary Melntire* of the4tb Wflrtj
t Alleghenycity, m.llir Cauuty aforesaid, humblvsliewetli;
! Thai ytfur petiuoncrhath provided herself with materials
‘for.the occomtnodatioji oL lravelers and others* at her
.thyelhjig-house jn'tlie,.Ward aforesaid* atul<prnyst]iat
}Vpuf Honors M Jlt bp pleased to grant ner a,.licence to’
jlveen-u pubhe of entertßinineuL Aud your peu
fUoher,a.slJt dutyJjimmhwiU pray,
, , * , , ; MAR} M INURE
I . }»e,tbe subscribers) citizens of the dforesmd Ward, do
|«-ertii} , thar the aboV-o pemioimr .ia= of good: repute fon
[hone<tty.and^cmpetance > uud is welt provided with house- 1
jToom-nnd cdiwenfentes for the accommodation of trav- i
•jelers, nndlhat saidtnvcru is necessary - i
p'Wuv i Esq...Geu:-G;-Ctovcr,'Jos.’Forrester,'.!
ksQQ.~P<wluelly,» U. HacJrey;: I
[Hnnnltoivli Kennedy;* R/WvAttnstrong.lX'W; Gilbert "
jL Miller, , ’ decl3 3td&w '
PROVISIONS—The imports o floured Provisions
from America for the last weekj have been limited.
Port is m good demand; • and fine now is< notions)?'
looked for. United States Prime Mesa is worth 36s
@3sa, per 300 9fs, Old Bacon* is dull; bat some
sales of new are reported at 63*. There nan im
proving enquiry for Lard ; in the early part of the
week there was a public sale or 15Q tons at adechne
of ls(3l8 6d p cwt. Cheese is declining.
The election of General Taylor to tho Presidency
of the Dotted States, has diffused unspeakable satis*
faction in Great Britain. The manly tone which
pervades bis addresses to his countrymen, marking
him as the advocate of peace, has propitiated the
people of that country, generally.
. In.Pariß, as the timo.for the election approaches,
the people begm toTcclalarmed;'and areremoiing
from the capital until (he result of the election fa
known. An insurrection of the Bed Republicans
and Socialists is feared.
M. de Lamartine is expected to arrive at tho Capi
tal before the election
A great number of the members of the Assembly
have urgeJ-Gen. Cavaignac to submit to the Assem
bly a project of a closing the clubs, but he refused
to comply.
Funds still remain at low figures;
DusseJdorf has been declared ib a stale of siege.
On the 22d, the civic guard were ordered to give up
their arms, and the droops occupied all the square?.
The Arch Duke John, Regent of Gcrmany/har
published a strong address to the German people, m
which ho deprecates the late proceedmgs in
and commands peace among all uac Republicans-.
Masses have been performed at Vienna for the >e«
pose af the sou! of Count La Tour,
A nattempl has been made toaasassinalc the Dube
;.of Madrid. The culprit was seized and-imprisoned*
-In the. caße-of Marlin,.the Court pronouncedjudg*
rnent on the eleventh. The argument on the ca c e
of Smith O'Brien was opened befirc the Judges of
Queen’s Dench on Tuesday. In the case of O’Dough
erty, a memorial, signed by ‘ho Jurors who foiind
him guilty, was presented to the Lords Justices,
praying a commutation; of sentence jif transports*
tion to a term of imprisonment.
Breslau and other towns were perfectly ripe to
take up the sword. Wraagel has followed up Jus
directions for disarming the Burgher Guard.' Depu
tations have been goiogio Potsdam and hack to Bei-'
lin, imploring the King to dissolve the Broaden*
burgh Ministry, and to throw hunself into the arms
of the radicals. On the other hand, it ts feared that
the King will dissolve the Assembly and “ex-propna
matre,” grant a Constitution similar to that of .Bel
gium, which is highly liberal.
•; Letters from; Lisbon state that * conspiracy hast
been defected by the Governor, whose vigilance had
saved the country from an outbreak which was, to
have taken place on All Saints Day. A number of
disaffected had been put under arrest, to be tried by
a Court Martial. ",
There is a reported insurrection among thc,trtfnps«.
Letters from Rome announce thatan insurrectionary
movement had taken place among; the Pootifica!
troops m garrison on their marches on tbo Auitriin
.: Lamartine, it is ,said, becomes a candidate for the 1
Presidency after allj and his friends are now taking
measures to secure his election.
. As we become more correctly informeiTof thortv:
cent frightful events at Vienna, we are struck with
the awful crisis through which the peoplo have pass
ed. The details furnished by some of our country
men,, who were compelled to take .op arms during
the late siege and bombardment,' enlft ihey: could
make their escape to the Imperialist army,' alfproVe
that the Students and the Democratic party weropep* ;
fectly reckless ,of human life, and only aimed at
tying the Imperial mandates.
Wabhikotost, Dec. 14,-1848.
In Senale,Mr. Webster appea/ed and took Hxeea’.
Several peuriona were read and referred.
It- was agreed, that when the Senate do
■o until Monday.
Mr. Cameron askedand obtained leave to bring ift
a bill for taking the next census. 1
Mr.' Benton introduced a bill authorising Aspln
well and others to conatructthe Panamaßailßoiid.
It the House, the death of Mr. Simtna wagannouit
ced, and the customary resolnfions being passed
they adjourned over until Monday.' 1
" nnr ~"' *•' , V t
Ohio I<egttlatnre. ' (
CotDUBBs, Dec. 15, ]S4sl
In iheSehafß, Mr.WilßonrnlroducedsßcßOlu
non inform the Mouse tbit the Senate »as in sea
aion amt ready to transact business. 'debate
.wao ( pending- on the motion’, tvhen the Senate ad
journrd. __ ,
calion of hie previous project of A lt
'vill be dchatej to-RioiroWj and may result in EDtub
tlt ng. 'i- < -ii
-* *** - , i.l r
- "Indiana senator. 1 ’ \ r ‘
CmciimATrp t
States Senator. The Whigs voted for Caleb Smith
,1 -
n j Is , c / Vn, 1 H - ' * * JT
'i ’< t‘-* V'* ? f N
f ' ’ , */ i s *.r c s i
\ 4 * , r i*
" V/s' '’ “ \ K Vt,
: --
(f «= '
v r *■ * T t ‘~' 1
-l-a-* *'^’^.’,r--f*v *; f '. /’-' r ''.jr -■■ v'-L. : .->„"-'’ ; .'T-'.,- v ..; ; '-,-^t:~'iV.-L.J' v,r ;
- : ’"'-‘ Y - , _' £~* liv''S-vV^-v^-v
Great Bargain Conner* ”
sirrr roman A*ra virxn sTBfcETS/’prrrsatraoii, **£•.'•.
@ Is the and SfIQJBEs
- S la^^*^ullon,B in^,s ! hasffttined v <
■- la itsreputation bp-ifrrprbprteidr keening the very
best Boots and Shoes, which are made expressly'
keemngthebest/assorted ftioclr of BOOTS and SHOfeS: ; ?
JathQWestemcoantry t bathej*enabledandiieter»''
mined to.gellvhiS.GQOOSJower thßD'any piherihouße
possibly .eon, he. cazra ndt cwbat faeiliUeir they boast of- ;
having for offering great inducements *lO tb6 public* It
is impossible to-sat forth; AUthe adv&iiiagehißtdfacilhies : ,: "-
.in »n advertisement* that.the Great Bargain: Corner has
>over>otherSj’ which enables its seUßdots' "
and Shoes of Ute very best qnaUues and aiylesotfromlO
td :25 per cent.- lower than nnyother stareiAtbercuy.
The way. to test the: matter is tbrall -whoimend pq#ehas-' -
ing BOOTS and 8HOE&;io poll at: BATES' GBEAT
.all will be satisfied tnatthe QreatEargtnniyometr&pxith*
Jiitd- anSFiJlkstruts, is ibe-placfe for. iho public/one and
all. Id get good Boots and Shoe*xbeanJ&c cash..,, * v
To Contrceftort*
-OEALEDPROPOSALS will be received at the office «
“i 3; ofxhe Count y Comnussioners until noWtofThnrsday.
14thdayof December n«xt, for ibe follrtfnig work.|o be
doueon the public groundsatnew,Cotfh*lioasc}vi*?:* -
v Tfekmg the railmg and capping off.the terracewaUaon
Pifih:street*-and replaeing-thesarae-onTiew : •
yard Jmeal.Ateo, taking down and replaciufcgates j
- Taking down ibe present terrace wail on Fifth street
-andao roach.of; wails onjGxanl imd-.Roas gireets-as the': /"
Conumasumerstnay direct* * 1
; /Excavating, foundation three fettvbelow the Pre&dnt 1
ment to be cat work of ibe same as. present wan, per i
/perch of 95 cubic feet—the: walls tobe three or-of > I
; "’-Additional-steps o£catslone.&tgute»w&ys, same os ibe
present, per superficial Tootr - Any amterpimung that
rmaybenecCßsary to be done under the:direction of the
r CommiMioucrsi. AU material necessary for (bo above
( specified work, to be famished byiheconumctors: andto
be approved by a competent person oppointed by the
Commissioners, under whose superintendence-the whole
I work is to bddone. /Bidders wilt also,state whatfsnm'' . /.
1 they Will allow for material in prpsent.walls,: v/ r - v ~
i The work to be- commenced in the ensuing springy-at
> such time .os tbe'.Commissionera msy thinkpracifcabie
1 /••No bids willbe receivedfor auyportiouolhef th&nthe
wliob* of the work eo specified to he done ’
./•a.-. }.:••> l /.THOMAS'-PERKlNSiS;Commissioners
CovansstoxEtfs Office, November TQ r IS49 [dectdid
NOTICE.—rBIds for the above: work* roriaking a&Jhe -
roihng and coping am! replacing the .same, ana taking
.down, and will be received, separate
from stone work*: Bidder&wlil staiehovrmaeh.perfoot .
witl nliow.-for materials in present wall
' WM r BRNSON. <>
[CE t Dee; 8,1849,-^{dOl
. fiivvnnss*trxga*3 Off
AHKB AW«srretime - * mmobl cs«a**
r -v A RMSTRONG- Jt CROZF.R, Canrm*xsuinr:Merchants, -
[ : JjL No: Mnrkeistrcer, Pittsburgh/-Pa.,;\¥illntieua
'promptly io »]ie sale.:of ’every description of Weslern :
Produce, nml otherarticleeemrusleU: jo v ;
t- •• RKFEttTtv—JhijMia. Husßey &Co.;?Pinst>urgh;.Hftnna»
i Gn»J»ara & Co.i Ne\r- Lfsboiii- O.'r MerthaiVjr genepUly,'"'
rW f ellsv»llefO;;-Rhod«i'*:
Ky ; Guile & Bonvort, Sr.; LoiibjH. Boyle.?, Steuben-:,:
ville* , t deegy
‘ - ' FresU* PDre “"i
IT Stork, JU Jr'Hiirik street, ntar ITootf, PtUs&utgh
•The subscriber* hav.tqgiust returned irutt : N<rcr
noTf receiving a large l;upplr nfFRESH-GREENf/.and ;
ULACKTRASj front the New; York. PetmTea Compa
ny, selected with great tiUfe for retail sates. Our stpek
, heuiKMicw hea'vy.we are { :.: ; -
( Motels, Steamboats flnd;Fumtiies i£tllt any quantity, and’ : .
atany price*h—pocked iijifrandlpcupd : ■?.
boxes,. i
nml m tilth'll! ?hert
.. RetailGrocur&:um.)rtvjled ta call, as we CQit it!td‘‘wi]l :
sellbeuerTcasat.lowerpnces.UiatianyUtberfaoartm' .:
r.Oarsiockof fiiie.vYOanffrHyxoiir Gunpowder,*ud Im
penal OreemondOoloiigßlack Tea j are the besUn.the
Amenc&Rjnarkei. \
Ixjvenng's douhle.refined. Loaf. Crushed and.-Pulver
ized SUGARS, nt retail or by the barrel' r
v Old-;Gov. J . •v' :
Domingo and:Rto Coffees, selected by ihettnjakejfpe-:
neuceaCoflee Broker uiNewYork
' l.
'Omons. Fris/t PeacKesjpai np in iheir own juicel 9Ma
logi Raisins, id 3 fit boxes <
•N. B^— AU Dr, J&yne's Jraftniv&ledtttnes'farsixte- * .
decJ d&w ...A JAYNES-
Hall Hofttf Company, :v : ;
rVTOTICE ia hereby given that tlm &c«a& lnstalment of- ; ■
llFtce *har^oitibe-^OpjtftlStockorihi«
of:Janaary. the Eighth Tnst&imeut.Five .Dollars
.peitahaTOjonrorbefore theSW oCMarcfaixeai: thfe'Ni&ih
.inaiftimont-bfiflve.DoutiTS'pct abarCj od qroefore tn& - ;
; IstduyofMayriieactiaitdvtheTeMh Instalment,'orFive;
3X>)tara per share, on or. : before ihe tstdaVof Julyfiext.
at the Office, No 70 Walntrf slteet, Philadelphia
‘ _ , , GE»ROBV BACON. Vreasutek
. .N.B; received by \V H-DENNY,
at Uie,Mercbaut> > -
decll Han I /*
Tf OHN&iOi><.*.-t>l , OOKrON'hav&.jui‘n < Tece*ved'tins'' '
V ’followjiignew'worka* > ~
~ ,:llisioryof Congress*’ Biographical and : Political: cbirt- :
P.n*lP£ a. history of.internal itaproveraentsylßiver^fTar-■•hv:;-
formation ofiheGovernraenuctite 1 •
present , lime» embracingvahe, historical notices of vv*
nouspoUiicaL events or Ocean Steim Navigation; of
•'he'Te&nndjCJoffoe tax> together wiih'bj&grapWsrper
sonal historie* r &c-, by_HenryG;WJu!eler,idusirciea:l>y t: «
and fac simile autographs ~
.Jiistory-pf -Charles I, of England; by Jacob Abbott,
iWitbengravings., ..v.-.-i:v ■■ r.i .• ..:■-.>i >*.
if. Th» Romance of Yachting, Voyage the Fir«t,hy Joa.
C Hart v
::. jA new-,oq.velj :Maryjßartcm ; a tale of Manchester life- -..v
:Tlie Morol, Social and Professional duties of . . vi ;
p»dSolicitors, by Samuel WarreiliEsq: the
niiertemplfc.barrister atl»aW> Aiss\
'/'IONBLMPTIQN mjms more.victims than- cuy-other- •- r • i
disease In our country. The young, the old, the 1
beautiful abd gay, are. all alike sabjecttovitsinvidious'
TaVoges, nnd. many a hecue. chepV has been, supposed to
.Dloomwun-the.glowofhealih.yßutcverycaseorinf 4 ---
t nates in a cold and a cough—‘perhaps tSeflmed nnworthy
pf attention ottost-ai d only met with.remedies when
too,late \\ alch tbe first symptoms w ith jealous can*
andmake immediate Use of Cough Balsam of JB. A,
FopnesibckA Co.,'which wiUceiiainly dhecfclia further
[progress, and resmre the infiamed organa in tf
action. u -j, i v x \ m ’ 3
For «ole by BA. FAHNESTOCK* CoVrarner 1«
and >\oodalr.j cJso, comer OUi Cud tVood -.dccltil
WINES AND I.IOUOES.—A largea’ndwrl] relcclfd ;
ff stockof Brondie. onaTYine.rOf-diaSrfSsnrgrade#”
and vinisgeg, embracing—. , f- „ > . ;
i A-Scigncne Brandy, FortWinea; V-
OlardDnik « Mdqeira« .- i
Iky Pale *■ Sherry “ '
lienntsay , ,<> , , 7,& Malaga Wine«,
Pmei Oasiilloai Co Brandy: Lisbon « r
Stp'rac . Tenerife «i J
Old Pcaoh “ Claret f “ i i
Gmsj.and For sale, *ery low* by i *■/
n a C MABlift Ag I *,- -»
-it Corner Smuhfield and front-sis./-
ANECDOTRS-^yeloped ta of .Moral and v fleligiou*
:;A . Anecdotes, a Collection ofsevefaiThousandiFiicts, ’ l. .
liicidemju EiOJtiples ■■
bracing.-toe best of ibe kind in mo ('former collection*,
aud Rome hundreds in addilion;orrgiDaUndsetecied;thfr '
piousiopieoFamJicrJiUuralindexes'.By Rev;tL-Arvine:
theProvidence Church, New Vork
WJth ao Introduction, by-ibe Her. Geo B-.Cheevejf/prlk
Jp«ji published. , > V ?
The aT>ove, f wuh o-nonibeE Of nevromi.vaiunblepabli'y^
c.nuong, far< j|e by < 4s- ENGLISH, <,
nv2s ?&AV,qq& streeti^: ;-:w
TTlEACHlaS—so'«aOi»,hne.ft«w iiPMore oiitl v
Xfe sale by * * 1 KING & MOOHRKAD, ,*H/f
decs i i * Dinraaiftl 5
GUN MKAL—A -small lot srted Aleut, <m coAstfur
.jnerttby ftlecUKv ABMSTBONQ'&ORQXEft-^
COUGHING in n» V«nr fnjWlii/
:JP some- r ;The> .i(i upon, the hoarsf of'repiMe ftiid i ' ' r
has: been, croinemiytacic**-' ;:
will aooibeily give End -
mid. piuMa palatable, Jc&yes^no unplcaumt.iaite;
Jjehwd- if opee u*ed,it wUUafce precedence ore*
pjbefm-aaareuiefly fqs<oug!j*»lcoWsAc,f > * j*+si «t
Prepare*andjold by, fr PAttNESTOCK & Co*
:corae£UijmdfWw '*Pt*l*r4irtcoraer6ifa on<M\\oa v . >
streets. «qy3o
r '
£ i.
• T- 7’ V.
tr, v