The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, December 08, 1848, Image 2

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•RIDAY MPRNINfi) DECEMBER 8> 18 * 8 - '
loniing 'Post 3ob Printing ffffitt.
rry ilavius added ta our Establishment, & I^ e .
SSp-Povrcr prihting Machine, tre are prepared to do
CTy JLdtertimtaHrßii&tt£ ttf Wf/awri
i'cioc± r &M' Tkhjtnvsi fc* eampUtd
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(HOD NonhFourtti»irMl^ssUTtmlyattlbon*enA£eni
Pkriddoipiiia, » a* * 1
By For Coumerclßl KiTer srewi>
>e •-.»• » - v
The LMcitSewi. Market Repprtt.&e.,'
lUhcifOMd^nti«r , r«l«gr»ph | cH»«d.
i ’ l, Our Allegheny, Suhaer there,
*»Sipti»itlwiAlctoeaa ofonejofonr camera; hare/
tlie fioat for thelastthree dajt.
* reg£| si*;tary,tnutyij—bat I »ii* nnaToidable,
til the carrier it able to resume his duUesj we
II leare an urn her of copiea of .the paper *t the
II tTonae, north end of the old AHegheny'Bridge,
rat' (he'Drpg fitorejof Mr. Mirciuaxy onFederal
ect; fcalhvf the Dintnond. Sobwrtbera, by calling
l either‘of these placea, Trill find the paper, early
the morning oflla pnblfcation. )
Thu document wasjgiren lo oar readers,'yester.
iy morning, at lhe usual hour. We got K oat with
: Itis n long 'document, and;we consider it
idt JPolk’a he»t.::Tutonfe he»r» )Ui thedignityof A;
' eartndfbreible-langaago jaetltiiftargnmentsare,
i o«r oplaion> »"M'«*hlei W 6 trust the people or
■ e edbbiry will read it with care—will trust, to no.
swtpaper aba tracts, but tread and study the whole
iMmenlj'iromjbft congratulatory sentences at the
tgiaiupg, to the end* It utay J>e the last Detno
■a life Message we will giro lor four years.frpm ia
emocratic {’resident ,* and therefore we trust oar
empcratlb, brethren will 'treasure iu coatculs, aud |
solve to stand by the great truths which-it urges
ion ilitr consideration of the people. It embraces i
ie whole of- tfarP" Democratic Platform,” upon
; Inch'the'lntelligent friends of the Union can reat j
ltb StusUeudn. , " 1
We wi'l hriuflf. review its leading features,-as a
: or. <^ il«les , ” to those whuare tod: thoughtless I
work through lie entire length : <
The condition bf « some of the principal Eoro
:an powera”is,refer red to; andthe results de- 1
cted artddhticipated. The turmoil of the people
' the old world is held in contrast with the peace
idsecurityof oqtpwncountry. ''Tonur wise and
ee institutions is this to be attributed.” 1
The relaxation o? the commercial policy of Gteat
riiaih-i»xeferrcd to.;The great changes going on
(Erirope—the establishment or the Republic of
anto—the struggles pf-thc Germans far liberty—
. hailed with delight. These changes will promote J
ace,‘commerce, civilixation and: constitutional lib. I
ty thrqpgboutihe world- 1
Qur lhtercourse With MCxico ia now of a friendly j
aracter;. the two republics upon thia continent
' ve every motive of sympathy and interest to bind
em together. " ■ * , ,
TheJ’residCnt pilvhrU to the rcceniwar with Me- I
», One' of itimosl important results it the demon- ]
ration aims.afforded or the militarj > ‘etrengtb of J
i,r country." .Citixen soldiers are.equal to veteran
mpa-‘~arJ*eqinl to any emergency. WC are nn
x-no oecessity'of resorting to drafts or cohtcrip- j
ms. He pur institutions has heen
■played in tho valoP of our troops.- Theeffictency
those execnUvc_branches, charged wilhthedireo-1
in and conduct of the war* t* also displayed, j
eat praise is doe to the officers and man who
light lhe halites. The services of'the navy in the
: it with Mexico, were as: brilliant: as those ; o£.the-,
id fore©** *■ ;» r # I
The recentacgoUitmS of Temtoiy arc referred to: I
mb, New-Mexleo,California; and the settlement j
the Oregon question is noticed.
1 The several lorritoriesj coatains j
193,06 b square miles,or 763,569,000 acres j white I
; 5 areaoflhc remaining twenty-nine States, and;}
j tcrrUnHe* not jet orgnmied into states easl'of the
icky Mountains, contaiaa 2,059,613 square miles,
1^318,186, 053 here*.’ The information contained,!
the Mesisge : initelaUnnlo.these;territonee Willi
of grhatlintercst to the reader. A considerable j
rtibh is 'devoted to i theiHieeutly-discovered gold |
nes. JtelnCtanttn credit the reports in general I
; eolation, as to the quantity of gold, .the officer J
mmending our fortxa in California-visited the min
al districts in Jnly Hat. ..His .report to tho War
pertinent will be laid bcforcCongress. When be I
uled the 'fcoantry,' there wcre abont four thousand )
■sons engaged id collecung gold. There Te every.
■ . Ison to believe that she number ofpereons so em- j
. i eyed has since been augmented. The qpploratiubs I
..'.■. -r .; ;; ;:-' '.-:' '--..... -eady,mado. warrant the--belief that is.j
. r^"_v N : 'I ’ ryjargc,tmdthatgolcf is found at various places in I
T President strong 1 J
■ f- T 't-, -* recommends the establishment of a Branch Mint ,]
', * ■,■»> i California. In relation to the gosernment-oftbo
. f' V ': x ;lv initones tbeanggeatioOa of thePrcsidenl are im- j
’ V * '- i riant. jJa hopes the question ofgovernment may
5 settled during the present session. The slavery
T * v‘ •» ~J?' is argued deeply. It is fortunate for the
/» <v ’ ace ahd harmony dfibe Union, that tiusqneation
f in its naturq-temporary, and can only conunne for.
.■jiVy ? Bbtl erperiod whichwilHol«»ene before California
’4 id New Mexico'may be admitted as Stafea into the I
a)on> Fjom tbc udoof population now flowing t
to theip, .Usably probable that this will eooo
f :eur. ! |
In anticipation tha citablishment of regular
' < 'o' >. f acquired territories, the joint I
} j . ,\ , \ .mmtssioa or officers of the Army and Navy; has
*'■ ieo ordered'to proceed, to the coast of California
v , id Oregon, for the pnrpose or making recommit
,ce, undo report as to tho properslle* for the Wec
r '“ r m of fo s lificaliona‘ or other defensive- works on
‘ 1 I’ nd, anil irfßnitiible situations for naval stations.
. Congress it rico'ipmended to make provision for
fjf e liquidation of the claims of oqr ciurebs pgaipst 1
exico.'. i. • ...
V ' 1' The gbverntaent of Oregon will be orgamxed |
-;„W out the first oWanuary. v . - I
' 'V'-' Jw! V Tha spbjept, of thelmlian-wnrs .in- Oregonj their
' ' " uses and tesolts, are referred to. The Presiflent
‘t " commend* that provision be made for the appoint-j
k ent oflndian agents, to resjde among the tribes of
‘", v " V ' > regon, and that a sranll enro be appropriated to j
J -- , ; able those agents to cultivate friendly relational
‘-Ji; itb them.- If lhia bo.donc, ofa small
-A-‘ illtarj force, willbe all that is neceesarjj to* keep j
V . f em in "check jmd preserve peace. -
fJ <; \<? Thc geobflkorUfe Heads of 4 Departmenls are rc
rred tp.' ,They all exhibit sa'tisfactory resolts.
A*#*#'. A* bo sn report*Vill be pbblished in a few days.
ABrancltMintts.recofnmtnded to be established
tNowyoHr.- 1 - -
The great'Tsriff question Is fully and fairly, nr.
Siff'fi. ied.~ No cdhdcbsed statement;eonld do j*oatico to
ePrtsidcni’* views, and we therefore earnestly
' commend all who fchHolerestfid in the subject, lo
tarolne abUpnttioaof the message with care. .
i The imidense advanUges of the CoaeUtullonal
»f he derign* or the aristocratic party of thiscounV
U bare
iscribedopon their banners, are setforth, 2h*la : ,
««»»* Improvement scheme is _one of these mens.
‘ 1 (
' >f
v " 'U'n ’‘''r- n -. “■ '' " < /- L
,Th® exercise of the Veto Power is ably defended.
We isgsla “flPTOjSpNyj s
ofallcUßiei|§Mtudy the Messagtun , s -j
'*" - T&fef I
Wearied *l® ll#ip’«M e # <ir £« la, *l
presented itself. . ■ Our .excellent friend, Capt. It. If.
Gbace, the popular commanderofthe.beautiful.and.
"sirift riinniftg atesmerFßiirtUAßTj had ;the gopdnesa,
to extend to m a polite invitation to .take a rtdo to.
Cincinnati, on board of bin n floating palace,*’
whichwaagrucfauify aceeptedon uurjmt ; and. on
Thnrsday laat.wo’baSeSaidifttwnf <4ia arm chair.”
The to ,tl}e.q, .‘‘City, of
the Three Rivers,’’—friends, politic*, ffirowell, for
ifewdsy*. " l>m. nflp->t,l’oi afloat.” Uow Pitta-.
’burgh becomes “ small by degrees and beautifully
lea*,” until it finally'disappearsfrpm the View. And
now commence* the grand « confusion*” incident
to the pelpctipn of state rooms,anti removal of bag'
gage. _ ~, , ,1 . . .
fiah t Ic)hpdrt* a largenew boiler: was roiled onhoardV.
A* we were watching the operation,an unsophisti
cated gentleman very innocently inpuircdi “if they
were going tofiilo stesm indhaltool” Our gravity
bavingbeen ioached by’ thoaimpUcjty ,of.the ,re-,
bsAcEgeneraltyearriedan extra ,bpiler:u|ong,that
ip caseoneofthosein nseshonld blow up, he would,
have a new ono to supply its place,. withoul.detain
:ibg the boat andptiesepgerß,,.:“!Wel[,now,taw’ear,
that irconvenient —l allure heerd the Capting rvag a
Ucerful man, and now I’m damn it’* true. I gtieaa
I shall lell att my frienda to travel’ aboard- this 'ere
boat.” ’ 1 •>
Meetimo old Fbiekds.—Nolhiog'udds’more to
the pleasure nf a journey titan the re*uninn ef old
■acquaintances.’ It was our good luck to have quite
a -number pf old -and .vsloVtl'irieuds on. tjoard the-
Brilliant, on herdownwara passage.v'Falliag in witb
friend*,’under snch circumstances, tends tPibrighten
flfalliuk* of. memory's chain, and hangup
one imagihatlocstheucenesaodUiocidentsiof.other.
"'days. The boat was crowded with passengers—old
sod young; raalo.andfemalc, from all narta ot
the country. 1 And a marqmerW portlonoFthiaGen
tilc world-wore’never before - collected together, on
fa Stilt Rhip-t- - ,
fa-bet Tea, that?# the question! .We have certain
ly seen that little man With the little cap perched
upon the apex, of- his cranium, before;.'His face rs
ftfailim; ,;i We J bave.mei;him;at least ndojen ofiiraea,
and yet no“cbange hascome<i’cr the spint of his
dream.” He stilt walks, the cahin like,a.lQcomotive,-
; nor stops for a moment to-look at any one; and avia
time past,he still -carries a blank book in which ho
wntea a page abobt every hour in the day. He la a
“dlstingoiahcd stranger;” some traveling
doubt, who ia“talin* notes" aahe passes through
the world. ‘ .T-.'.ioJt
'TneCouifraVAtosoTHcßiYCS.—There is ho.
thing, atshis season or the ipar to particularly *t
’tj jet the attention of the traveler / along _the ’riVer—
banks and hilt side* preserve - the ~ same mono,
inhons appearance, every where', ,J)escfie3-.fiyds,,
leafless trees, pud tOcksj rconstanlly imcet. tbe pye,
•But spring will come again; and 'ils .batmingbreath
.will once more give tile, and beanty to nature.—
Quite a number of towns apd,villages nre pasted on
I trip to • Cincinnati.!, 1 the most considerable of
uth,Mnyatille and ( The latter place
ientsw miserable.'ippearaneo from the .river. It
ks dilapidated and sickly, sod brings to tbemem
recollcctionsordppreciated promises a nd broken
V Friday night or Saturday morning,
mf 10-mile* below Pprtamvnth* the-Brilliant en
intered a severe and dangerous storm. The rata
1 -in torrent*; the. wind blpW furioukly, and the
lackness of darkness” reigned around. The boat
tame perfectly unmanageable—the engines were
pped, and all was left Ip.lhomercyof the wind,
ewaa dashed agalbst'the shore on the Kentucky
e—the- wheel house- was. moved fronr ils faslcn*
the pilot; fearfy thtfthe large chimneys,would,
blown over, forsook hit post, ant) ran towards the
to for safety. All .this time Capt. G*ace was on
ly,iathemidrtol the greatest-danger.- His voice
it silenced by the morn load pad boisterous voice
the storm king, luckily, ■ however,- no .ioju-
Whatever ,vm done; and what seems atranger stiil,
t ; a single’passenger on board .-..wa*;conscious ,of
0 dangerapfthe.mghl, although: the .-stormfasted
r neatly three ■ hours,. They all .enjoyed “tired
lore's’ aweefrestorer-balmy aleep,” without the
gh'tcst molestatloa, ■ About 10 o’clock on Salop-•
j, the Brilliant arrived at the
Ctrr op CnrcrapaTi —From the river, Ctncin-
U by no means presents *1 beautiful 00 appear
ice as’Pittsburgh. - The-wharf-It very. BmaUcom’
ired to.oura;. and is steep, muddy, ami unfinished
al the disappointment created by the fifkt.view;;ii
ion overcome,- oiler .pasting through a,few of Ibe ■
’incipaf streets. Ctnciupatl is emphatically the
QuecnoflheWeit/’andproudlydocsshe wear
srjewel*. -The great benutydf principally,
jniist* in-lbe extreme regularity lOwhieh tt is laid
at, thi* respect, the city of Phiiadeb
hi*; more than any otber plaee we have ever visit
J. -The street* ,on -which the private residence*
ro sitnatcd, are “ bcantifufor-ceodingly,” Fourth
trejtj weSfbf'hlawJ.’i* promenade.—
'heWelling bouseaard fidu&ed’ln the fafast'esqm*-
e Style pfarefatteciqrp i ,aod- tbe’-respectiveproprl
tors appear to havp vied with each other tn taste
nd ncatness. - The houses arc generally built.some
iStanea apart; and areenreonadedwitb-gveen yards
hd tree*.-If'it is true that
ion who plants atree," tbO-old eitixens or Ciocio
>sb will die in the midst pf’tho' blesqiogs of their,
rand children. ' >
PcEuc r cap pxcel
>UbUc Biiilding*, but not in Masonie Hall,
’oilege Hall, Apojlo Hall,: and many .others we dOj
ml now ,remember, ’ are magnificent xd.lficea,-and;|
idd po little to the character’and beauty of tho city, I
fhe Post Office is kept in.the, first,«lprjf:Pf hfuaopip, j
Ml. i-Ia CollegO.Hall, it the Merchants*,Exchange;, 1
m extensive Beading Room,* Hill for exhibitions,
tnd-the-Msgnetie Telegraph- office;--Ttleprlncipati
Hlieis are the Dcnnuon Honse/lhe Henric House,
and the pearl SlrdeL House, all of which would
rcnreely-jpake one Monongahela'Hunse.- . iipwPKpr; 1
an immeese Hotel is now being erected in Third
street, west orlvtam. It i» to be calterf »< Burnet
HoUBe,”-(mbonor or’Jadg« Bdrnet,l ntfd it is sold
thnt it will -be the largest .establisbment of tbo kind ,
in the Untied-States. ,
• jßEtns add Peice or-PaoPEBT*.—Io Cincinnati
rents aremnch higlierthan ln fact,,
if is 4 liifflculi-mauerloobtain-comfortabledwell
jngt without paying exhorbitnnt prices for them- A
htfUse in Pittsburgh, thnl rents for S ISO, would rent
in-Cincinnatrfiir.,B2so; snd. oneithal would rent
here for the latter sum, cannpvb.o|pblamsd for, leß*
thSp 1 sdso; there.willore rooms-are held equally ns
high. A great many married persons, particularly
young business men, “-commencing tho world,”
ate forced to xeehkoomaja private houses, in order
to avoid the cipense* of hPuve rent. Property is
held in wtfhigh estimation by its fortnnate owners
in '-Cincinnati, they ,fflay ask any price their cop.
sciences will allow them, and yet they have no dif
ficulty in finding purchasers; ' 1 ‘ ' ! -■ 1
■“ There-prc,many-other things connected with-Cm,
cmnati, of which we Will speak liereafler.
alwoysa pldas
uftblesenaatlon coSnected with the return, ofa per
jon to his home, it manors not how short- tt time he
may base been absent from that l;omc.'. On. Sunday •
morning we ogam fuond ourself on boArd the Bril-
Kaqt, with'stoam up, cud her how poioted towards
the “ Smoky City.” Nearly all the pa«sengcrs, On
the return trip r whom were
'members nf Congress, on iheirway to Washington.
the nufnbcr,vvasGen.Rut>K, 11}% distin*
jjaished Senator Bom Tesas. - ’ . V
F< O
pissing ss*^mbtoatB .;
jX, few miles below '.Marietta, bit IJnndaJr Slight a >
ifiSSte fog arise on tb»’rlto,' T ißi-4
-(jnut through. The Ufat’thlhg we knew, the bow of
the boat was smelliag its wiy into tho woodtgnttlie
fool of an island t After being detained for on hour
or two, welaanched onco more into the oiesratmos
phere. A few miles below Beaver, .we ran.mlo the
fog again, thick and denseasntft) jini| after moving
sldwly, feeling our way, inch by inch, wo were com
■polled to lie up, at * r Dead Man,” 7 for twelve long
And weary hours.
1 A Fish Stoey.—At Point Plesbint, Va.,tbe;BTtl-.
liant took on board about an hundred passengers,
belonging to the aquatic family- The most of them
were of the grimalkin tribe of the finny race, all
•« alive and kicking,”' and weighing each f<om 50 to
80 pounds. There were also several of the sturgeon
Bmily in company. These gentry, will no doubt,
make their « first appearance this season’* at the ]
Monongahela House, St. Charles, and Exchange, 1
and will have their arrival duly registered in the—
bill of fhre 1
“ TnEßniniAnt.”—Wecannot cloSothiS; hasti
ly writtenjand very imperfect sketeh- Of our trip to
Cincinnati, without Baying a few worda in relation
to thn«BaarutST.” Capt. Gbace is the Napoleon
of the steamboat commanders on the Western. w»-
ter, 4dd under his control the Bnlliant has become
celebrated as a BWill,sare and boat.—
•He iaW cnCrgetip. busmens man, tand a* an officer
is polite and agreeable fo travelers. Mr. BELTZlftfo
vw. the first clerk, is every inch a gentleman. He
isquito’osgrcat a favorite with traveler* as'theCap-,
tain himself, especially with the ladies. - The pilots
‘and engineers are sober and skillful moo, who are
• thoroughly acquainted with'their respective defies;
Voder such control, the Brilliant must continuoto
to occupy thepbsition that tufa been assigned herby
‘ public cansent f pa :tho; fDremoatiajnDiJxat.thc firrf
‘claaa of Western' steamboats.'
The Detroit Free Ptesapublishcathe.official -tq-:,
: (urna of that Btatej from 'vhicb it will be aeon that
Can’ majority over,Taylor la 6,717, and over Van
Boren 20,293.
Mr. folk's majority over Clay m the State in Ml
was 3,166. - ... vtJ ’ 1
The tnereaae ol vitea aiqcc 1811 U 9,444.' orihis
increase,the detn ocraWireecive, 2,981,-as (J-theYan-
Butenpatty, over the abolition, vote, 6,737.. The
whig vote is not os large by 297. The following it
the oggtegnto vote in the State at the two last Pre
sidential elections.
' ' , 1844.
Democratic) 31703 -
Whig, • ' - 24137 >
Free Soli and Abolition, ; 3631;
- t 65p72 65016
‘Coi'imEJ. Cars. TaTto*. V. Buses
Allegan, 304 274 - 174
■Barr?, 381 243 ■ 93 .
Berrien, 1147 9j3 108
Branch, 1034 665 400
Colhoiitt, 1487 1254 745
Cats, ' 902 783 191
Chipper, a, 43 51 O
Clinton, , 340 213 131
Eaton, 045 - 356 218
tlencaace, 823 876 315
Hillsdale, 1290 - 1027 452
Ingham, 1 602 473 33-
loma, 60S 379 477
JacVson, 1547 969 107-
Balamatoo, 880 1010 • *93
Kent, 763 652 337
J-apeer, 542 360 20j
Leaataee, 2171 1386 795
Livingston, 1128 7i>4 -80
Mackinac, 127 61 ® ,
, Macomb*.- . 1340, Sso -04
Monroe, ' 1165 800 39S I
Oakland, ' 2731 1942 633
Ottawa, 269 142 63
Saginaw, 133 118 47 |
Shiawasee, 426 281 19-
St. Clair, 814 b 65 b 2 ,
St. Joacph, . 1011 . 963 418 ; ]
Vlji Boren, 609 353 117
'-Washtenaw, ~ 2081 2029 ' 917 .
Wayne, 3308 2544 42D
30637 23940 10389
<• <1 « V. Boren 20298.
Hoo> W.
The Wheeling Time* is-ont To liror of our towns
men, A. W. Uoouts, Esq., o» Attorney General, un
der Uie wTajlor Republican ” administration, The,
any opinion of earn would
have tbVsligfiMat weight with the in-coming admin
istration, we-’fonldMrtainlyftei disposed to says
few word* ii 6vor orMr. Roomin' appointment.
He-would' b > an honor end *n ornament to the
'« Taylor Be labliean*.’' -Bnt there are.. no .many
« nltra whlgl*’ inlbii State,* applying for, randei
- pecung appoi attnenta under .the new administration,'
that it i* im possible to iujipose that the claims of
Mr. Loomis will be Curly considered.
> Coal*
h. ...Tjhe Ohioriver Jm beon covered .with cwJ boata,:
during thelast thrcedaya, which have been act afloat
in ocnieqoetten of the -rue id the trateia. At all.
■ibn citiei below, coal ha* been quite acafee, during,
the pait acaaon, and the price eery {ugh. - On Mon
daylnat, at’Cincinnati, good coal waa readily jelling
at'tt cent! per buahel. Itwai feared that the heavy,
fog,-on Tuesday night* would provefitalto the coal
' boat men; •We noticed • two boata aoek bettreeo
j Baltimore Republican and Argut.
■-Tbit «taunchr..un#inching» android ettabUahed i
Democratic journo!, comes to us in an entire new
dret*i : considerably-'enlarged,.end othorwiseycry
mocb improved. Wp are pleated to perceive thin
t«l)i«aotial evidence■oF the. increaiingprotpcVity of
tbia otcellent pnpcrj‘which bat-ever dpno good scr
y,ce in ourcauso. VV. H.Hope, K*o’i 15 now aato
ciated with thje- MeMM, Ciooo f in tho. publication of
the Argot. .
Tbe Young DtmoeHty.
yfe observe by the proceedings Jo the Timet tnd
Keyatdneylhal the YoungDemocracy.orphiladel
pbia, have held a tenet of meetings, for the purpose
i nfhringing about a more thotdugh org4bi*a|ion_.o
the party.. Wotruaitbe.movemootmajrnot be con
fined to one section of iho State exclusively. Let
the Democratic party,old and young, participate;
Olid let there be a perfcciond effecltial organisation;
thfOtlghoui the enlireo s tenloflhe Corntnqnwea jih,
„ % TW EM of'Nnttvtsm.
The Philadelphia News, (whig,) ofSatorday, says;,
<f Tliti Sun is no longer the organ or that (the Native
party. It is now said to be owned by the
North American concern T -and.'ot eoorao advocates
the plot, (the abandonment orthcname or* Whig,’)
formed by its masters. • >
‘Mr. Harper, of the Pittsburgh Post, honored our
city'with a flying visit: yesterday; and Saturday.—!
Vyllfhe spot ust —Cincinnati Commercial*
-“US' Spot ‘who7 T .Wc would not place a black
“ spot ” upon a-Ctncinnauanforthe world. -Your,
i city •&> a beautffai vf.»poij>»*.«spj?eially’:lhff'ilUeel»y
about this hog hilling season. _ -,,, . • '
■. BS* The Pennsylvanian hays': «
to a‘gentleman a lew days since, at his residonco in
New Jersey;.-that the fifteon'millions of dollars paid
for the' acquisition of our newly acquired Mexican
territory was tut a drop' in the bucket, compared
with-the incalculable benefit the * possession will
prove to the United. States.!’.
Sir Gen, Worth has removed hi 3 family ,to
WanWngton. He is nnWßnhi* wayto take com
mand or the,-Bth and 9th deparimcnu.’epbracing
Toiat end New Merncoi , ' r ‘;
_ <1 1 - v' ' '
-ftt**tfTT i~? f#r-rr m V""
i >** , i
1 r> m
TltO World,ln it Kartell.
BarSwfcedisti namberrng
"300 i havosallciLfrom,Sllffikbof®fprjt!nEMSL®r/W,
XitSe.l ©3e'D)|il®j4r^^ ,lbrlir J?
/ WMe't&dnfturySl Lsfaj§hlefqfjght# give *
.Yudenlarged in 1?l4, since which been
done to it. ***
SSTThe ship Sweeden, at Boston, late firom Man"
illai was absent42o daycphaYingsailed 43,600 mil es>
visaed 5 ports, nod hai beenon the ones n 354 days!
an average ofjip 1$ ms. per day. t£ f s t * ;
tesTNew.Yorkcity isnow Becond ooly loLontlon
and Paris, of. all the .cores of jEnrope.r-hondon has
a population of 2,000, OtXfjPnriß, 1,000.000 New.
York.over 600,000.
J@* The -word craVlt originated frontline word
Croats—a regiment of that tribe appearing in Paris',
|n 1660. Appropriate origin..
US'Jamts L. Frea'ner, -Esq., better h’nowa as
i‘ Mustang," of the Delta, is about in elartipr Cali
fornia, with ihe view nr,establishing » press m that
country. . > J ’ 1 _ , ’
BSrThe population of Arkansas, by tho Govern*,
or’s estimate,'.is 300,000, which will give it three, in
placeofonememborof Congreas,inthe.heitappoi*-.j
tionment. , |
* BS'Ttie deatbof. Thomas J. Famham is announ
ced m lettota front California. His journal ofa jour
ney toOregon,lhoSandwhichlslandß, &c., is .well
known. ‘
S2T A New York Journal aajs, thorn aro thirty
-thousand persona; roenand wortten,ln that cityt at
'this Umei'whoieUher,cannoVget'any
’prices bordefing’da starvation. ’, . I
BgTAccoUntafront Bt. Cron to tho 9th of Novem
ber, have bcen'receivcd.,A amart ehock:®f,aD.
carihqunkewd* fclt on the morning of the Btb,at
abo nt half past seven o'clock, which passed over
without causing the sligitest injury. ‘ ,
RiT- Tho rcceipls of ilour for the'first half of .the ,
presen tweekhave boon' 41,422 barrels per. Western'
rail road,’and 12>376. by. watekj.-TberepeTpta of corn,
for tho same time have been 92,910 bushels, and of
whea14,339 bushels. ■
--BB'TheWastunglottcOrreSpopdonfAf-th o Phiia
delphia I-edgcr says that the postal arrangement be-:
twecniGreatißritain and this-country tklHd d.f,rtf;
not concluded. Freeh instruction? Wve.gpjitt QUtlo
Mr. Branproil. ~ \ -
1 B3“Tbe official of Miasisaippi ia
for Cass, 22,498; Taylor,'2l,Bps; 3 iS .
SiTHon.John M.' Bolts was complimented with,
adlnnerby Ins personal andpofilfcal friends at Rich,
mnad, last Saturday! >
. New York State Canais are to bo closed
! Dec.<9. i.Tho tolls for -the.year wilt.reachvrery neaf
I $3,300,900., ‘
• rUSTA- Disaatridua Firo wa* raging in the village Of
Hicksford j Va., iiiit Thursday nigla, when lire South
ern tram from the South.paspedjthrnngh. . , ‘
wqa arrested ip.Ncw York,.on gatorday, immediate::
lyaficrpicking 869 from tbo,pocket<qf a lady.
SiPDurlng'ttieGale in New York,,on Saturday
ipoming, James Siglar w;a .killed by o blow on the ,
head lroini'fil|iagnwn»ngpost,’ -t ’ - *
Mr.' MaeVhady has it 10 contemplation to take up
-hit residence iothri country, andxeside permanently
ut Boston or Cambridge,
. , i ; From fkt tVoiAlHgfcl/l IfojOM.. r
V BmUltkn Ten* ;
■•*:■ We
ch*Tge d'afrair* foriwo fpecinftps eftrrayCTpen and
black,grown Ufii*beau(»falcouhlrjr, ? W.ehav* sob
milled thea-competent judges, who jjoin, us in
pronouncing stoy favorably opon their quality/-*
: Tifty bWK fair torft allhe produftUau* of the Celes
tial Rmtnrc;\and%vc feel no hesit , ii; o o ; 4n prcdM:l
ing'rtiatwhbftihe,be*kinodevplpr.cj>a ration pf-tiiait
celebrated lea «pnnU , y sbBH:.Ua»e>bceo- ißtroUoced
into llrwU, Iherts will no longer be the univtnal
which hue heretofore existed. \\ t» hail thT*
firil attempt u> cultivate American i£a with g*eet 4
“ L \ *? "C ' n ' „-*** . > *
■ .Wo have-long hceo.-dc»ifou9 of-aecing:.thC;iea
•plant ypuodoceulinto(Florida*vahd'.perbapSrplhe*
:.‘lirazd,-haa precedp*ruei-pnd. .'wp
hope the tinned 1 States will not be, long, in r immiu
ting ftef noble example.. Indeed* the New York
Journal pfCommfirco jriforms u* that- " ***** W**
of bUet and.grpeo-stea plants^Chinese hariiLj
gle # shipped Jbs Dr. Joniov Smith during his visit to
‘ihiicrty. >-There ero 606 plants* frt>m r seven j
ycXt•# growth. 7 All aredealgocd by; the Doctor for-i
»*eed pianist ; A- sruall qoaplity. of : (ea.sccd was,
brougbt 00l by hurt io the siearotthip BnUQnia,.
wfiieh: was received:-an :LOodoo *- overland* f r otn the
'noiihiveft province* or lndn|*:- Wo ttnderstand tbo
Doctor design* Ip proceed |oon to.ihft.Koaln>. with:*,
view of lbrmTiig'n ptaotatimjv blorp planls.are ex-,
peeled from India and Qhip*, Jihft**nWo ; and v lf
; TrCTnaj jadge from tho progress aiready msde, «?P
bsvn now the means in hindpf extending the lea:
plantation* throughout sneb teeUanv of our country
as maybe found, adapted to their cpUore.'i >
Bar- Yeitanlay’n Amcricne contained llireo enure
column* of tending muter, WO of which were oc
cupied eicltuntely with - the Pfendenf* memage.
The office holder who control* that paper, make* e
very inlertitingebect. ( '
' S9T A WaiMngton eorrerpondenl of tie fhi W«i*
ph»Ledger «J« LewieC.Lenn, <l)9 greatNahrlxl
leader, will nut accept.* Cabinet appointment under
General Taylor, bnt will probably be eent abroad,
In the capacity Of Charge to Rome I We think we
aee him on hit winding way! ' * ,
A gonna Cabikct.— la nae.tijing which re
quire* noanwworlt lo ttilre c.Tajflor^wjJbqallina
mao into hie cabinet who in noibottnober nod cf.
Oeienl —Carrttpandmt Balt. Patriot. .
-i %e percelte that the aenbo whpintteM tbii proi
pheejr, aedulondy exelndea the name or Andrew
Stewartirom bit role of cabinet »piranU«
ttSf The Conrtof Quarter Setslona adjourned yea
tpr|ay, ijflor (ran meting aamc uoimpottantboilnea*.
i ; Death orCm-tWin. PaUo«-S/atif JtrieWiira—The
Memnhia Appeal,ortb«'23d nlt.safatc*lhat Colonel
Wtti Polk, TE&lifingnt Walnut Bend, Arhnn«a»,diod
on tbe prerioardey, u«d > lhylhi».*i**pnji 1 3Q0ia num
her, rebeiliani/'AlWljiiideathiihef
broke'inlo,thiwitore-hoDie,.and freely;helped: them*-
aoltea to itaj content*—coniiiting oficlothing And
grocertet ofvariotiahlnde.vSoineeßaittneroniade
bj tho Tew white pereonsnbpuLthe pretnitee, to ye
•train them, bat theio ,wero or no avail. The. rtb
groca allego thatitbeir’laie maaler promiaedrtbeni ir
. they aenred him faithfully dining hin lifeitlme, they
•thoujd belVee'oihi* deathr and'they eipreann do-:
termination tpfreotheraaelvea, There Wntiiojirapf?.
Jicient wbiiea, within many rnilce of-tbe place,' to
put them down, and tnadi tronble wM unttcipated.
— Ball. Run'. ’ 1
-.■■-.-r v. ‘i* w .- -t
, x fi "N y 1 —-'1
irriiAßoVcTioM rao*i Pactobibb,—*The T»*nor
tta(e# the
adoifeu girls BeUbce,d JV6o\ thjfe\f ( finjp)oJ--
;snant Qt LovvQlly bcd pre aay ip>brolM* iVpflßton
tawe omplnymfcnt et » b:p>iy th»t
is not JaVf fof
theAusirfatf troopa ii eococdingty rteh|Ttodldeßcndd
on‘ibe material auto from the dtOcbruiqd WaJ|eny*
tern; Ho in chiyalrous,and nrthc'grealeatbravery
and fri> devadontothe imperial family w.uoliauiw
•alUiougb 'ihaa-4patittttcid - a-procea* figainat* that
ramify forihn r6nowat ofibename*ndmtafutstmof
WaUolialelp^; t heAdi.pft
iiiilSH, nnd waajdecbrnted iwithdhb croatf OP
T’Ubreie for rtiftptlng Bucpe*B|blfy:r«>i‘‘lhrfte i ho]iTrt > l.n
a pasa» T a of quadrdplb.j^trpn'gllN".’iVyindjaligatZi
is o|)outßix‘,y*twoyeiu-flofflge. ,
! 't'iD^BEspvtm'NoTt^ihoueti'yoiSrPh^iclana'aMtUrnfnds.
•give iyou up (a .die! J l -Your comtuiou.cjuuiot ou. more.:
'TioIpJeRB ihanilmt of Mrs?Ala\v*f:- i - < ' s /'\t. ■*'■ ■ -
u toocriity ibut Twaatakeuwilau^niuin.iny
-aide and broastiauaHd«d ? wMh A 1 digri'as4iMg'ooughv?nuu
ifor the space of oufryuUr uAlmougm
1 bndiil
cobaiderediVery akHlfolv-nltibelrefforiß proved ftllka-uJV':-
avaiHnjr.v.AtittßioiHaofiihOiphyslalnDfoanxfciti,-ana do
sided that!-could novdlVe
Alf ofJmy Mend* .believed ihai.n-.few* uaysj: ai : inosi<
Svoiild end my enrihly career! !> i J
’’ r boariuß of tbojaaioiuiiluni
cutes made by and Tar f
CliiUlcotber-mimm'*l6irly.dinile}» l ! io procure, liie. auoye
medicine; andvstmngrf■'tOriellrbafore I.had uwd half-a.
cnlious, e,un:al,M ... - ti .11 a'UtXtkt Goive. -,
‘ We,'tSe l uhd l erSifeiic4,‘do.Cfijr'lify.tfiat' tliia'nic'puhl'o
)Mr». Howo’eiihomie); W.belnSjeraonnllKocqnniiilfo;,
wiih.nll the tireiimst^nceefi F.TrJonvspn.. -...
', > , • ' f ■ ‘ PRTfcRD.MiTTin^VS.
, - •
■ 'fei hy^ h,att ? - ?
'<■ ! DraiK»WN’o-Wy!bcA«.'”.
. -Aino, by <?. ;• ■? ;■';<. knki3.ani> k hardw, «■
' riovUDdiibditw i ... rtJtaHHjtreet,
ZyjuiEatiK fe"
viS2|jjr Uu«raiSrable rfian'siir'his’* celj.'iif eorajMlriy'
hvsa a bltffa ndi pd listr ions Couhßel, MV.
HeMloberg. Yfs cootd odl,feel Stiierwrfa’'thsti
i glotfmyriifSncini
of ho has been doomed to death. Zimtner-f
'leedook'ed remarkably well,-bat rather-sombre; and
our fnendlyvisit seemed to bo received by him with
deep emotibntofrgratitudeV-He took our hand cor*
dtailyjand we do sayihat, knowing the circum*
'stancesof his case, wefeltno degradation in return*
i log the grasp. Be WaßdtesscdintfreGermaiiHtyle,
jyilb a longbluo.overcoatjibattooedepto the neck*
jUicaiofience,ihanacomroanmurderor..W i ectii:id
nof understand hislanguage; but we were informed,
by ! Mr- H,, what the substance of hi* answera were,
In 'reply to queatibns touching the death of Blrwife,
ho flaid he recollected the stabbing, bnt could think,
of no cause he-bad lor the deed. He said he never
quarrelled with her in hu life; ebe never gave him
cause of quarrel, and waa not afraid of him. On
. lh4 evening- he snfltctqd’ the jVfognda, ho;, srns. not
angry withdier.-; The.
down stairs during the day; he wanted” to shave
hiiiiaelf; the sboe*knife;'ho 'had used in cutting
, his finger nails. .IHe.qeat spoke ofhUchildrep ; and
hfire we saw tears trickling downhis.cheeks-rccr*
Jtaiji evidences; of goodness Jifihenrf,.-;;iXhey.:.reruae:,
to visit him 1 This distresses him more than the
verdict of the jhry. Indeed, he remarked, that it|
.was well lor him he had been found guilty, for life |
-and liberty wauid bo bnrdensomo lonium where he
wouldtneettbeinveleraleenmily of his children.
The priestha'd promised to makpjip jqffort at rccon*
' Zitnmerloe is oVidendy mors than -an ordinary
mab, id point of intelligence. He ha*a fine flow of
langhagot) Snd> wo arp told, has had good advan
tages of education. Thowtrho-saw-him-in the
Jirifaner’s box, during the!trial, were favorably ins*
.presied wiiir bit 'appearance. Wo have beard iotno.
aay.thatho jhnsysincetheiverdict,. complained more
•of his faro than Ofthe unnatural decision of ibo jury,-
He said
4arop; and, to purify Ub atmovphere, lime
was strewn open the floor. In one corner there
were threo loaves of bread, and atm cup. la atm
pan, on the floor, war some tobacco;
cot, wo saw an old pipe. Tbcse were bis luxuries.
A Gertran Praydr Bonk lay open upon the bed. He
has; no dpnbl, t«aec be barrecovered partialiyJrom
• ••the seseri offlictioa which drove him fothb commis*
■ 'sioa of the horrible murderof his wife,Hound coo
< ’Siilation mtbai little bodk, aS-well as il?the words
of tho good priest who has viaited him daily.
Mayob’s Ornct- Thursday Morning. —Tbo bos
fcj were «ell filled tbiw morning—thirteen persons
ref ill color*,seies, igcß, , cr,ced»,itt:., appCared.fbr
judgment before tho Honorable Cblef Magistrate el
thi> city. The elimination might have been amus
ing, bad not the details exhibited inch degradation
and vice. We had before o» men and women of
idle and dissolute; incorrigible cbildron;—
•thieics and others who lire bj outrdging law and
v- uThe first: pe'non hrooght up' waa a stout.lellow,
: wlio hie a goodirade jibut heing addicted to liquor
■ swilling,he'dcrotcs himself to dissipation, and does
no for himself. One half lus.dsys ore spentin ]
prison; and it would be well (or him if he should
nevrr be permuted to canape from the bars. \Ve
liaise obserred that such persons areuerer without
an eacuse of apme hind. This creature said he had
been at Work at many places,but ” f can >1 get paid
for whalT do no where.” He was sent up in de
fault of payment of Cpe and costs.
A youag while man, a middle aged white lady,
Bud’s colored lady who has seen the frosts of thirty
' Winters; wore catted on touccount tor certain" car.
ryings on* 7 in a dance hence of the latter, in or near
Virgin alley. The whole parly was sent up fur a
few days.
" A negro with a scry French name was bronght
ib for abusing his wife) the fuss originated at a ne
gro dance house belonging to Williams. He was
sent op. * ,
{Next came about a half doreq common cases of
vagrancy and drunkenness.
A few weeks ago we noUeed a singularly had boy,
who W been bronght in by bia tuolhor, and was at
that kime taken to jail. He was released on Sunday
and {walked 'directly to his mothers lodging house
nand commenced his capers; -She.was compelled to:
: leareher place—the place rwherd she. earned ;her
[ iisin|—and goto thestreets with her bundle. She:
applied to the Mayor Tor aid—she'wanted him sent
(o the House of Refuge, io which he did lire fora
year; and was discharged on suspicion of reforma
tion. 1 1
fmitjEST.—-Yerterday morning, an loqnoat waa
bold io the Jail, upon the body or a man oaued
JameitSwith Sinclair, who wax committed by Mayor
Adamron la«tSundayfor'V»gtancy. He wan afj
thß; mania poiu, end from that diseasei
i died.; When they entered tho, cell he waa. lying op
onthe.floor, Taco downward*, 'Thexerdictwas
i death by imitation Horn Bod, ’ s '„
ASP Geni-Worth did I ,not arriro on Wednesday
ctening aa waaexpeeted j nor laxveveniog; butwe
are aaioted that ho may- be expected nl'4 or 6
o'clock, - Oiircitiseot. may; therefore
actable at |li« Motionge heia Houie at that time, if
they moh to acethe man who not only whipped the
Mexicans, bttfworated Ben, Scott. ' lt
B9* The DtalrictCourt has teen engaged forwme
2aya id (ho trial of (he case «l Btnj. Clyde »*. Sami.
JHlft. The plaintiff resides In (hit city £ the defend
ant 10 Monongahela city. The cue originated In e
cnotrOet Ibe'gopd*j which .were forwarded by 01 jde:
to the defendant. Wo know nothing Of the menu
' Tin Oniyir StAb.*—Booth appear* in the charac
ter of Sir. Edward Mortimer 10-mght. Wo believe
bejia engaged for only two night*. . - ,
t \ v j ** 1
Died— On the ?ih in«u Mr* Maasaacr, wife of John
''LabKhryrdccftftcd/ftgeA 83y«aYgrv> • t -v, ■;
{h-'nig.wtrtd*. of:tbe‘toily*fliO,4tmtfcdto attend ihe-.AK
neral, on to-morrow* the«thyO* B* o r c»ooV, a « - from the
YeiUdehce Of Thos. BoJana, near the corner or SandusKjfii
a ml liacock fltreeiij AUeghenyCUy;'' t * '
ft t i* ff -ei ■* *\
-Mi!ct!A*icfr first-laeiufttbetoreibisJnaU-:
nue will be delivered by the Holt Wai nraFo»\VASD,ott
-TbqrsiJ&y eveningjlhe Mih mst. ol 7i o'CloCk,at A?OU|O
|hir | „ t £ -£ i* f , nl *■
•>: >Single Tioket*
compnnylitgriiwitear-to Book*;
' Store' mid at th»* door Jacob *V ra> kb Jb-» -
drcdtut f! * ’j i Chairman of Cotbmmeei
- lil. i- - -----r,fi—^-I^.—-I—-*■•*■
C a PofcXMi • * **r***-WM ftwMuessee,
J 1 t ipwcw o«* awwMitu*
Private Uo*ea - 4 ‘* s J!°> 18»ngje uckew» •-■•••!
-Circle* Seconds. Tier*'•♦3s;jPii«-.^>2sc*'
■Gnller} .*-«•** J Pfivateßaxea
ID" Mr. BOOTH for wo mghts only ■>
lEjT First appearance of Muster KNKASS
■ Fkidi.s, Dec tt, will br tirosenteil n-Plai’. cnlltul ihe-'
Sir K. Mo*tinl«r.Mr.Booth 1 Frulmriling. "Mr Roys.
Wluietlon "Mr Archer I Helen • -MlssJPorter
Blanch > •MusCrutsr
•paiiee - Mu* Walters cml Mr Qaodwiu.
To conclude with . . i
Tri-imn Fickle •Mqster KncnßS,
VunfUHwntlrsongei, ■ , ■ MiisCrm e
ITr-SVntotrow'tnu Outfit af Mr BOOTH
£/' Dears openclfll; Curium will the nt /I O'clock
B i-STA rtaidiiifr-iiv.
HfoVonV Mau’MffcWeateni; Totonshln; ortlba
nlg:l»l a large Hed C3\y!
alr^?hite’«nne ; a!ong.lbe AineMtt: i
old. : Any mwnnaiionubat w»H be»]iaU fa hen
vfiiHje wa'aMiN* received, by "
,* «is' ' ‘'WM ° HARVISON ;
srWafehlngionKxhrnhier cdfrfr three uroea and c.h?* Porr. 1 !
Ott jnm conaißWttent, by *•'***'* * r ' *
* if JjglCAt aiiclraMlJniinnricoyer-,
dies’ ‘ i ECUwkei rtrteu"
auction ty&teg* 1
f corner of ITocy,<wd *w
-ijL^— ‘At the Cftqtil WarebauseripfMesqr&ihbn jßFart*
dcr of
I2ih. at IQ o’clock,
Goodfs which hdvejtawn
ofa boat in the Fenn*ylvOTia Cuugl/.TCOnfislingof Sur
bric»,CallcDb^-Prints. Ginghams, Detains, Swiss. Jaco
■jiei-Book-tuid Cambric lTwh i
and Handkerchief* of yanow dejcripnonn,'Bleached, i
and Brown Jluslihs, White,Tellow .and Scarlet-Flan-:
nels, Canton FI nnelw. Checks, Shirtings, Sheetings
Drilling*, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Sewing Silk,
Threads, Ac. . ... .
Goods wiII ho onen for eXaminauon 11ihif18t......
■■ Sale positive, and will'W continued: until niline Goods,
Tcrfns—AllsuraamiderSlOO, cash curteno> J fr9»Sl(»'
lo 8200.CQdaya credit and on nil Simla over SHOoj.a oredu
-of DO days will be given for approved
decS 1 - JOHN Pi PAVI3, Aneuotidef
Jit Accno'c—Will be bddedlo Ibe Mtfie sale, of
.Goods at .the Commercial Sal cpmerof
Wood and Filth streeis, this niDrmng, at iGo’elockvailittr
voice af MoslinS, sughuyx
injuied by waicfjrWhichwrUl bo sold,withoutteeeryej hYf
order of underwnterßvmr; .15 pcs.4-4u»bjeachea biua-.
linB r lS pcs. superfine blue and- orange prints, Opcu. uppv
cloths.“piecesSue mixed SatUuets '
decs ' JOHfJ D. DAVJS, Auct
;| J Maridaymotniog,: December Hlh,‘al,lQo?elock,;av. <■
t theiCoipraercial Sates Room,«onierof.Wood,And:Fifth •>
'itreetti WiH-lJe soKl. a larffe and.genejral asgortmeux of ■:
f Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, embracing dress silled
[•satin and niantua and Taney Testr: ?
|Triff*,figured«ndnlaM Swiss jtmonetsJioolfaaAearabncr. v
[ ;nch; ; English and. ;
I American gingham*, lie laines* meruios, alpoefW, cash- ;
r ifteresf shirting, sheeting, Irish jinensj damaskUneu tabje ■ .
tlotbs,linencainbncpock<jt hdkfB- r 'flhflVPlsftpd : hdkt*.t>r
Tanou<'description'B,-Klove s? boiier>' t xicklugs 7 checkr,
i *aperfinßClotbs t palotcloihs, caMimereg 7 ftamneiu,}coa«v .
Kibreadj‘ «wing sHk;-pm», needle#,' bn«ohsj\tapa,: jhoeK ?
i lacings &c<s „ 1 '
k .At *J o’clock— Aev
llouseholdfarmture, table cmlery, cooking aiove* Ac,
| At 6o fcldck—
iand sliOes.Dnehats, caps} shot > gans, niles* pistols, gold
lnnd»Hvcr : waicbe#rsanlcry r fine,tabl#.ftnapocket cat--
I'lefv, hardware, musical
, decB JOHN D. DAVIS, Aact,
1 1 J nrdor evening, December «b,nj 8 o’cloclvattbe
l Commercial Sale»TU>oro, conier of
will be #Old, without reserve, B large collection of valu<
able Mi#cellaneotrs Worksinihe various deparhiemy of
t’litetotureaijdscienCA.i Jplendld anndalsvaiid/fineTllua* •
lifted book# iu neb binding for holiday presents t family
: ond:pocketbible»,in gieai-vweiy; ft-flaanuijr of<npveU, ; f
t -rornancesnnd cheap publications, blank book#,.fester an.d.
enp,writing paper writing quills,
wafer*, At. JOHN D DAV.ItJ K
, dSrs Auctioneer/ 1
Attue SALK OK DKY> UOOlW.frOn MOndayneXL
d,i DecembgglOih.atlOo'cloeklnme forenoon,.willt*
-sold etMeKennaY Auction Boonw>No4W'W<»d*tredl*
three doo« from : Ptftbf a large lot
•every de&?nnUon;atid at 2 o'clock,.
' viz i .Sofas.-Bureaus, Bedsteads, fcc* ;;At early, gas .-lights
*aniß:eTening.aad every evening'dnrioe the weekyaloi
ofTOYS/for Chrisrraa* and "New YeaT’sfiirt*. ■:
deeS JAMES McKENtt*. Auct-
(Tompasyi „ 1
, TN compliance willribe Sixth Section ofao^ActoFAs
t:X sembfy, approved: the. following ataM>i '
i meat of the xesourtCft of ihevPiu&bnrgb-Navigauahitfn.’h
l >Fire Insurance Company, is published * ,
notes, With approved endorsersi?>€69,2S9<4p:
Premittm notem wtb approved endoi»ers»v.v>{ ;
344 ; *hnres.atock •in. toe Exchange .Bank oftw;?
Pittsburgh,- - - * 17,260 00
223 shared stock fit the Pittsburgh Navigation
eqd Fire Insurance Compduv - * 3^950,0(1
84 shares slack in the'Mer.-andftlaiir. Bank of
Pittsburgh,. * • - Ou
Outstanding premiums daefromptberlnsur-: , .:c.y r
once Companies »• • * "i * 3,450D0
Outstanding premtums due from individuals, 4J54 C0 t
Domestic Creditors* Bute Scrip* - ■ * 4 | : Q2fl;.oOj
Bond.and.Mortgages, * . . 475 00
Cash, *7
.December Ist, 1543—<i3ec7dUA.W&} J ~
TfriNES AND LIQUORS-A largeond well selected
.Yy. • ot Brandißft and Wme« t ':or diSereov
and vintagea, embracing—'
A Seignetle Brandy, PottWmes;
Otard Dirk i 4 Maqeira rt
Do Pale « Rherrr «
* licnnessy “ S MaiagaWmes?*
v-PmetCasnllon tc Co. Brandy Lisbon 11
Sawrac “ ,Tenenffe ‘» ,
* Old Peach “ . Claret u 1
Together with■.* large qbamuy or Demesne Brandies;
Gui*. amtCordiais For- tala, very law«-by
defcS Corner. Smlihfield and From str.
JOHNSTON & STOCKTON hare just received the
following new works
.•r;- ; Hi«tory.of Congress, Biographical and: PoUtieaboanV';
orwug amstaryafiniernal improvements, IRiyeta,
born Ac:.) from the formation;orthe.G6veraitieut.ia .the:
present time v embracing, al*a« ; h»stoneal . notices of vik
nous political event* ot Ocenn: S;eam of.
. the-Tea ; logelber wnh Wograpme^-ne|B : ;
scant! bistoneft, &c-.-,.hy'HmiryO. Wheeler, illoKtraieaby'
steel portrait*, and fac simile outogrnphs • • -
History ot Charles I, of Knglarul, b) Jacob A,bhqti,
with engravings s
The Romance of Yachting; Y«> occ the First, 1»> Jos
C. Jfart.
A new novel Barton * a tale of Manchester life'
The Moral, Social and Professional duties of Attorneys
ami Solicitors, by Samuel Warren, Esq, F R Bof the
inner temple, Hamster at Law* deefl
AlUffhenyCountr, ut
fo lliemauer of the partition of.lhe Eav
♦araaiHKtatßiOfSamoel ierßO,;
And now, to -wit, November 29tb, 1348,
ox thejiToceedings mthiacase being etmfirm
nite oa ibe and tbo«e iotereMed to ednie:iiitp.
Court on .Moiiday. the-20tb of-December.lB43, and no
cent or reject—*uiderthe
aonal uoiieo of thie, .tUoieintereatcOt
■who reside In the County of Allegheny, and notice by
publication m the ‘'Weekly Mercury and ManufattUfar,’
lolhoae vrho««deottlof the County w ,
-;it '.By thoCoutlj!-. * DANHSLIkIcCURDY,.
"dccu wtdeesa Clerk.
>i£o« .ou.ignmcntimd CROZFR -,
)M—Oil cou!iunmpnt,hy >.
S «BU| & crqz£r .
■jV*>CKERAU— labbts. No, l Maduial, Tery ,
40 “ - u 3 “ ;
Jiut received wul for enle by
: dec9 : ■ . IBROiVNA CONNKLI-V. -■
SALMON— O .bbli. iitto eitre No. l Salmon, m ntpre
end for able by [decs] BROWN 4b CONNELLYS
Codtieh juflt received ami ibr.Ba]
if ~u
[decS] , BROWN »;COSNEUaa -
nP\K-tsl)b!n.Tor iu ntor* and for tale !jv _ -
1.-d«cB brown * cognogay.
TVARD lihlf. Cincinnati No. ILaril Oil,jus> re-
Ju cflvcd t>y tJccS) BROWS A CONNEULY.
«VAnoybajceitmperi aland Ycmttg-Hyson
Tea ,10 half chests do do ‘ v * *
"i.-. lal mat* Cooklngßoinns,
.* < ! \>r: 2Qboxes W. R;jliuaiMj v: ■ .
- 3U half boxes At. IL*
r '.v Hboskeu Olitfe Oilj
>7ialmrtel»Scoteb.6nuffy> •
' 1 Itey Rappee 44
•■.•■ .. v:: Maeottbft 1 ' •?*
1 bbf Mason’* Blacking,
,1 ceroonS. F.lndtgor, *> < ' >
-f-ibblvOam Camphor > *'•’
ml* by [jecß] BROWN A CONNELLY.
i ghony, tu No 37
• AbrahamS.Nieholfton vi.-Jbhn BiAVdiv:
'«SUKWmS*' And 2J.1849, on
■nlffSlfElww Atioiney
iT appearing JO:iba.Coon ;
■Sy*3SSjMK*; lUai’William Martat»>oue;t>T ilmyDeiendr;
v &m* in ilals sum reside® out of the Conwy,
bPAlld'gheoy; hud oufofJlie Smie:ofPdnasyl7amo» ibe
iCoondoorderanddirectihaiihe wniofeumraonßjsautd-
published) accord tngtothe AotofAfisera
tur*r» anewspaperpublisUe4.intheCity-or-PjitisbnTKb,
dad oouuiy ofiAHegbenyv otic© a weeV,/brsir^weev®.
previous 10 ihft l-eiurn day thereof. By the Codrt
*< From lha Record. HIRAM HOLT/, 1 _
decS-Ctw' ,ProtUoapiar>\
' Y"assonedi.«oloiß. ■■ r i. 1 - _ >.■" ■
t- . 30 pee. Black Velvet Ribbons. - < ' t ' ’ j>X J’
■*; ErabrouleryGunp.- 1 *. “ _ *'ij J
- ! JU ’ ,r . i .‘ . .;Ptam Gimp. Ac.iiasl.TeerWeiitttr-' > .
. decs -i ..ZEBUItQNKINSEYS, fl7AlSrketit,i/ < t
i nl;;wlUrPuiterns,Tools,4fe. 1 allrandyi&f;operatKm,wur'.l.S'.r:>*:
■ , ..... ...hi ; ,t>e’Sold ou‘'accotmnodsung’lf.rm?, or exchanged for (roil
lUlbgbeny County,-ear '- r t ' . otifood*. 1 ..(.irf*
1 ,„««*»•' She Cmmmietalih ttf Fenntyfronra ■, uhis-oflers on.Mfellenropponnuily to ayoungmajS .'f if
Shstlfftf taiiCouAfy,attains. , eommsnce the lronFoutidry business,.. Enquire oft • c l
■■ If Abraham S. Nichotam moke you, se- j - 1%1 . ... SCAIFE & ATKINSON, >
•BSSl'SlMß?eote of-presenung his claim,theh we com*- , .'.} mji, ~ : Ist, near Weodstrtel. ' h
SKgffiM? muni you that you ‘Uramoti, Mrgood Ilna , ,
„ l awml aummonß.Johy »MCTjKoue£ »b*i«'‘to>n»vld*‘ft*B«el*»» With t >
**«* Leu, and judee* at VJT Cunuw;for tiUe-coining season) are iespec|fally 1
John S, .Warden, Robert fChitmielecopyi ' m!i
geihfr /jjtßENetl BLACK ChOTHS ) EOR r ‘CLOAKS —W R m ' K.
or ground linote m the City ot Mus {Mnapiy,vomer 4tb ahd HnMlstteide babwdeittfrJ - v'",
Jeghenr. btid;BgJ' SJeVfitoWHiSSffi^w: nwrfhcr 10l if lhb«tkdj3rM";btaekJSreuch Cloths, for' - -
’ ?<t*?u f Srlnehß dl, No> •1 S 3 and ISKißwlSpi&jed Cloaks nub»sarne lowprfeeoLibe previous looi-'< -, '•
° in follows,yiJtTteglniungat'Otecome? ju«) t pitVe )^3Uve>Greeo.OUve ßrownjandInvisible - f ~
fagdieaVtJoulnr .‘U r ,/ T.
Rn.s street southwardly eighteen fek (hence jffalipq, , SA<n>PwM G4»uc-A few down, verysUpeuor.Te- i,i
TOrdeWwoaiyfotty-eighl feeV;lh f ceiyingthisinoißin* '
'FiS’b'lfiie Sdral'el with Koss.stieeutorlhwatdfyreichv; •;•. }fO;R& M AD K J *vcd ttu * Jn#t, “ n S>' .
■tfen feet. and thence ateng Fohrth street-wsstwarSlV kFurthersui>rdKof.tuowulMie.rnndS Fiaoiu>l»,raa4pa ; ,, •- <i .
fo&v-S Ihet) to the'placeof beginning; on which buoi batted‘honus-made JlaaiyteF white, dot .white
utereeted a frame, dwelling- 'house? The hom?-niode fanggy, Far sole atljrgettfnicegi ,tidjV2!hr ( , t -r
B, syorden, .Robert 100, naff /Writhing Matbm,Mar- Ti' NEiaioTKS-'-Cyclopetßa'or.'iaoraltaod'RielitrioOe V f
aiSm theteof between them tb be-taltae.'tacedtdlng Id* -A;. 'Anecdotes.
I the laws andthequstomeot thiSCdmmoirwcallh, insuch Narratives, EamplMlwna’Teaiinaßdstr.-dliis ,<>rsi. -
|,case,tnnde and ptovidedjidoghinsayantf the santelob* hrnciiib the beat of.'tliejVitid iit'-ntost rarmertcOilecliQns, -/; "
dottis Do not petratt, vety nnjaetly, add against the oud some'httndrtSdMßaddltttm.origltmtandseleeied:the> t.’ »v
. same la\isaadcustoms,(oa-it lasald,&c.) t osrhple arrapeed and classified on a jtew plan, with eo* y --
~ Aud then and Ihere-haveyou the names of those Sonf-- Sous topical By -Rev. R. Atvltt .
imonets, and this VB>t. 4 ’ j i , t- ' %. liPnblor of the Providence Church, NewTk'oth' -|
i,..-:Witneas.,the j.HanorabletHQßEtWSDls-.IHJERMUfIN,! 'wsfh nn In trod,action, tiy the jHeg-Geo BCheeverjD.'D '.7;
RsdoirerPestdent-Judge of onr said Conti otPlnshnigbr jost Published: , ;.. . , '*
i thisdlh dor.ol DeqeJnper A. D. IS4B. L, ■, ,t.t , . tlij above,Wulhanumber oFnew'aud viluafelepabll-. ' \
( ... , , m££»«£frW i ?ndh'J « •caiiffie.t&i'ialeW, .. H.LTOW'.feENOUSft
r-deca.vtfll I ~ • JOHN FOttSYTH.ShenC pv2 j. .V 'Vv”^• -/i PfVfWStreet.
U*j aV of 3 j *• t, 1 * 3 ! * \
,111 i)■ ■ ■■'■ 'J4' -I" 1 1 1 r r ~ .n-
OLAOK ALPACAS-AUbe very !■ n once of )ii tls.
H One hundred piece ju*t r?cr > veti.iNo. &OATa riret *r,
dec9 A A MASON * CO.
|»Y UtPKlfliS—Received u Wogun* Cantwell’*,»
I > Murker strecT, ond for *nle Jove— ■
I dozen fioe crotebeteteel worbeduagej i
1 “ “ velvet 1 “ 1 *
2 « crotchet “ “ Pnroez, ;
1 “ “ net “ “ . Wee? , I
T1LA11) LONG SHaWlS—Arrived thi« morning, e J
f~ lot of above Goodv,«f new end Imndtonte palterae 1
Black Thibet Lang bhatcU —A fevr on hand ,
Fnneh Mtnnot— Black, green, (of vatlou* ehjfdej,) , {
cltne, drab, itonici, maroodjbrowit. werlet end chert}. r
Alio, Parmetlos, of dwindle colorA ffl® ® fli U
tnentof plain, fancy etrfdeit l
* i
PM»r c ■ r
dec& Diamond. >-
__— " *.'l f
| »**«« arrlt»«-.aHff Bowli t t -y * _r~ ~»
so p* »jb»w st.r nrnnt 4tk *r: aSL™' SSSf® •
at. The «uh«c»ibet has jut reeeivtd hi* »»eoßA*nWujFj
J>S NEW GOODS, pnrnhuea in the Esstetiteitie* Mare .
W Breatfatlw Prices, and fttbaltiw IheinUpf rotsm ? <.
ftclnnuß, and «ilh (Uaposeof lhem, AVholeBole nnd Re,
,toil, at “ TO RWYERSIf * H *>IV
' Blenched Mimin, only SJctnln,, , ; ;
■» M BlenchedMusllh,Jjrom(!f to 12|ceumi \ y ~ .
s 4 4 Brown do. * do, 'S taro cents; v .»i ■*
-—r44 Doable Purple Calico, J f dp. , « r 11
PnriU,' Mernmactjiatfeini, oirtv 0± cents, »
itHFarmtarerCfimts.onfyGi'Cettis, ' h s * r
r* < RedundYeUoW,Plannel J aUtifpol,lMfenH “a*" t
CmntXfiflMrahd lO cents * r!
’Bed Ticking only C± cents; ,
% FrenchDreßaGmghams,l2H;e.ntAri f. J/ y ,“i T
r * Frdnfih Work ColTaVi, only Tfil eiaiar: 1(
•;■ t rt«4-4 WbiteTteime?, ofilygS cent* * .
Bfoek PlaidSllkSrTieb laafrtf; - '• 5
{ Wide Block Wtailla Silks; < • , r ° *
‘-> , J't:-::Ch'uneleoQ'6ilk> I Bl!«hndei's * y "* T ~
►5 Salih stnpeC&shqiete,new style; ’ -»<
h■■*■■.■ ‘ltanch-Lamartine Plaids; r ‘
|“ Black Plaid Alpaca Dartre a r *
, ' Gala Plaids, hteh*nlor«i ~ r rt <
{\ Cobuftr and Thibet CtofyvaxiOUs shade ■; <■ / J
T ParU Printed Lamartine Cashmeres j V. ,
KFrenckMenno, all*olors: v ~
Chameleon Saihi, all shades; *' - ’ J"
v^BlackYlaidiGroe.D T Annodr:BlJkBs ,
Chameleon Thibet Cloths . ,
. - < *-SHAWLS! SBAWIi9 r t ' ,
ered Black Clo'ih Shawls; new style oil
fShawlk| EflJb*trf44 and colored Mott* deLmnD
i \ naw «iyf»SfrocUl]aSbawls}pl&m*ndQmbfQiu'r
-ered black.and;coloM<rcilk Bhawlsj end-
azid CashmCrejSba^Mfs^t^.;-
s.y • 1 ■'>■■■:■:' • jS' FANCV-COOD3*;''. -r- ':-Vr‘ l, ; r
IFrench-xpork Copes r Coll ora and Chemiutteariiew' (
flU’le.BpnuettHiblmasf bnen cambrir *
: Handkerchiefs f CravaU and ScarfsT *” 8 ' - !
Colored -Kid; Glove e; mohair alid wonted Siihi whttf
and black Silk, Cashmere. Alpaca, Ingrain, jmdMbro-. i e >
,yian Hose; black Silk Fringes and Gimp*- thread,
Edging* - j .
Table;Linen, andTabfe \
■ , „i
: >attd Brown Mnalin; .-- - ' .
■; Bed , I Tiekmg j.Domcsuc Gmahacis; Colored'Catabnck;, % «
tHed, White and Yellow Flannels pWfiUb’Flannfcfc
Canton FiaurtelajßrownvDleocßeiranacolor* .; S. ,j = •
= cd Drillings* ' - ' -
1 X - '. ,-/;/{ »l’V
-JastTCceived, a''veryfine,aaßarunentQCT7?nch:aHd:i,^- h -' ; .;
t Eftgllsh,'blu , e. J black-aMJ>rowH a. ;■
FrcuckCassimeres? new etyle fancy yesudgs aamCitt* • |
yats? Merino Shirts and Drawers; tinen,Combno-and
Silk Handkerchief*; and aepiendid assortment of GloVea, r r
Hosiery,andSiwpeudera- ‘ f r i v - -
■V a BLANKETS.- _ „
' A Fprendid-assartment-'or snperfiae-inbben oonnoi *'«
'Blankets > inst nceixtd** ,> < - «. ,>sn. ,-?- 1 .-vs * .
f 'The oboye GOODS naviiw beenporabcsod since4i» »a,v? w *
, r/^f^<'s':%,vr;. : '. i ,'f ; '-'!:',-
, quested to call and inspect ihenuaslfeel €h^aent'mw-, r .‘l «> ’ - Si ' ■
xm examinauon tbey.wiU-befbnnd lower than,pjey 4 c-- ,v ■ -. : v
r have ever been-offered’i&.this Citjvw* l intend 10 JW - (
them tc>Aoluala^ndj > /Uu/«-ai4>vajry.4nsaU>nrnDt^t£^u.a-r^. : v;-.:;
Eastern Cast* '» i , ABBALOftI A&BBISz. - * ' '
'nor23-. : Nq. 05 MaYkeLsifeeaPmitiorkh;. ■*. i
~jSisi£rßSssr«rsigns} t %
~lk ifADEruV »absMi«erj*ran<ijr * J
Jj& preparedipfijroiah«sttperv»rjmiclem»jaedl*CT- <- -
tebs» hi ihefollowing very losr pn«*,'Vte _ < J v ?.i
FortCi^chplain round giU • * *- * SMSi#* - * »•*.,s
,; « 1ff * « .. u V* • t{oo . »
hh V I4 s *" $ *3t ‘i l£f> 5 u £
, *< |ft *t *«.► u « , v» J ii.‘ 05
; * 8 * « “ « _ 53l „ -V r
% »* 0 S. •* « « «* f 4a <1- "> *,
« 5 * *. “ <> *% .<« . r » 3& _ f i?>*
« 4i* “ r «* ■*►*.,».« ** S 5 * V “' *» >
■ *. «■ a “ s 4 so- *“ -1 ft.
''*«♦* 6 - *■*, wl, 6*4
> II u> -.1 « .. . t I0 3iw —V. *
*. c -¥Ve nffeMbc aLoveplatatoiin '
and Fancy keh*m made to order -
... -■
/ Type* m«de 1»f s
ff'HE‘>ub«nbe«,ftoiivtliepetft , cUoftpflhe*rMwauter- t K
X ry, are prepared to furtiebio Ptimets. , <
sapetior -article of TVood Type, much cheaper loan it
■cau be bongltf in tiietXmtfrd State TheyJiarem*posed « £
of large-cmantmea m the Eastern Cities, »rtd ifr«T>ro- * *
- ; :
feci in height amt nnoptbet on the fee® jr
hftdeTernscd i >- . „t * t ** *t*
. J r_
agents for the a&otc, »o ibwoliv. ? « " 1.-j.’ ,
decOtSw * qCltOlfKb fc RYAN> t
J , • VciKCti,Vatnlilic>. Clunuravltee, >'
A NDTUBNhD every description. u
A kepiiofiltUe.and on better icons than cm be bed.. ,t
idauiyolteertalpbllstimeni in ihe cli> 'The: subscriber, ,
Bars just received finy IhbUsaild feci of Mbbognny Vf* Kr
neers, wlti<,li;ie is-detenmned to sell, very -tow. Call __
Md examine iliem Also, ICO iTen-pfn' Balia, all black, v *s
add a splendid article-, and much cheaper tlnm- ever ‘ *
offered lathis market ’T > ..‘
He alfo leepa on |utnd T and loins to order, eat Mods of. i
Carpenter's undt Calmiel.Mnkcr’a materials, sucßJ»-', »a*
, , Columns, 1 ' Bed Posts and fitted
Newels; up with Gaarnm’a pitcni . . .
' ‘ - "fititchhige, brtfieTliettory ,
-Plank for Bailing, 4c 'rcrew,
> BenchScrewa; Ar»o, Tab)*' ..
■ 'Motddcrt Batnmerlr' ‘ Screws, Handfes, Wallets.
Togeibei twuli aU.’othcr ditngs icnetalts icnf tif A
Turning Shop , ‘ tid \V« BfPD»B)> * *
" ByAu*« No*.27 Efttr*. - r
Persons trying Poaujpftd Baiis, snth.Guaun JasW
«mng*,have the right to sell them, when fintaued. - , ■
sgcO Up t " ‘' -- 1 <
Sow Millinery, MtU, >«• «t«, ' t
a' JcstfeeeiTed ftom Now Vork Ochowesolee* ? i«
lioncfele*«itTifchSaua»,Biike,WlniecHilibwi*r 1
french. Harare, Planter, Ac. A hnnftonje m
soruneot of, Winter Bonnets, Hoods, Chras, Cartful*)**
Viteils,&c.,on hand ftudmadetooraerinutelßte«w»%
*tthe anoiwi uoueft. . 1
deed Wow-iaSt ClattjMWfgjddqel , £
* jT 1
NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS—In pursaatefc of.' ■£* -
the provisions of the Charter of Incorporation, the
i anmul'meeting oflhoSiockhoUers-ofthtfMoaongaafelaL:;, -vl
Navigation Conipany<wiU beJieUl.on , ,
dak ot January, 1849, (being the Cm JMonau'fif ihei
, mpntu,) at the office ofihe sxud Company, ut the Qditus.
Builffing, Fourthstreet Pitt»ba^*iutf«nloek.inrtfe^^r-..^;.:j-,'.:i.r
d«S. ; ' Seirelffly.
[The TiUaknroti Klaral Post, !hh “Herald - ’ orßrowu*-^
. TjUe. lhe-WnlhlnCiao tlraOuner. pnd.WayifeshnrgMea- „ i■,
i. , aeqger,puhbsh l election,
[gecratari~r , - ~r . .—-f
: T 1 T , a on**; r„ • »vsm 4 *
rrb THE rare cTianee f* now,' ,J\
l prcsmued'Hn'the I saffe invesuneut ro a buuncM CO- - j <
nrely new'.; one stapled, to the mail of limited, at- well-'
as to the mat) or extensTtre'wourtcfj yjaldlng a profit
frok capital dud sutetpuse beyond any operation of tfie F ,
day. It lithe cmnplite monopoly of n stapleifrti<le r h&-.-
solutely necessary Olid essential to every (amity, nawelt >■ -“■* ■"
iiindispensable to the mechanic, urtiinn and prows
stofiol man : TO’oapluUlsts. an opporionity offers itself _
for a lucrative etftploytnent of either forge orsmal) sums, \
bringing iramedJaW’-asftl'ltighiy hatltfttcioty returns.— ‘ '
Those deilrounnf emHniWtlg ln-o Mens nut, gent eel busi
ness. are mvuedrwilho there, ter bat! at the ofEee trf the - ,
UudtrsigneSj'eiamittethebrUctov-BMfonn.thilr own, ... ; ,
j odgtnent, lYotn the fteigwesemeAr ' l ' ■ ‘ *
OWce—Exchange Buddings,St-Ohur street, next door *
“feMYERg. U ’ '
T, k
.r' E'totTeri rortfce Winter Season". I ■* -j i
Tueaobtcnbert prepared to Ainlißh—g*- ,
'M^wfatoaouetr-fof | ■.Vij.
3rE<BtsUeit, eontpbsed ofncff, fam« FTOtr-JMWt* ’ ,
era- Order*left with W/T Bawrt, Jr, Si. Clair street,"' 1
lor dirongli ihe Po*r O3)ce, «nH he deuyered protnptly, '
I ‘ novZfclm* '- 1 JAMF.9 WARDBOP. Mhnehealer J J
| "jvit«‘jt'vrJ,KV,—l stoi.UolcUTii Lx vet patches. ‘ - “
fjlf - i il i Petehd * ' lt
* I « Silver « ' ' ■■
I 1 Altd, h complex aßsottnieittor at,
. _ij r cs * - —r' Zi'KINZIjY'StO? Atsikcl alt „ v .,
.i' . J-::': . V.-.::::'.''' ,- :',.': . :::'.: . ;- . ,•t...q , t,,