-> " * * ! :*T? - .Ife v *' 7 J \ " # *«i * ~ > */* 5 A , *<*&- f , -^^J JSSii?' V* ’-'* : ■' .-;. -■' •-■ ‘"''‘'’■ s ',— •* >*>, : r,-' -i -' * "t, , , .‘ 1 • *- "' l - , '''•'’ ~ ■ ~”.; v-i* 't %tQ§fAly§g^ ~ 0 v r ,_ # v -*d* •< f l * t*. t *> v- ~* li'*"* Jk, a\ 1 - ' % - 1 > . x ? ' - - o .”r ' ' * ,rNi i f - , , t x «>, w * "> - '*%& mj\ , ~ < „ - v‘s r ..'- t \ . " 5 v r , % k * t, *- ~ - ’ " - --***. /f ». <£. „ , 1 > ; a L .» f - . t i ~ *-^4«- * ’,’*' I*" ~ ' * ’-ViJ-v. 1 -’' \ t ” ' , •'**_-'• ' J ¥l|r- ‘ L> ~ J * «V * t 1 S . S U '•*- , v 1 > ™~~~^ , - , * ;a:a;;,>,;^ *> . ' ■; Lg__ , *. ' -.' *“ ’’■ *• * ■> ‘C„* * >. »\ ' " ,- r -i " h ”' * , «- * *\ ; _. :.] - . : : :'-v '-'y yM Byi J ‘ ■■ ' I J JNttaiidii:" ~~ 'IZIjT I ~ -r^rrT^'^T^-', • K* - - w.J.tottkn, i c««,H,*;.„ a v i - V' r‘, ~~ . .- ~&ttßin-J3ffttkl&{lt}mf. J { "* '* . /* \ " ma-Zd-l 5&&B&: PPM® 2BiliS@illlSsil - ; 7| »W. ■ j mush-. fea? - %MWW& ? " i'A nV 4 *. -v -‘‘> x i Ene*nd Weataro New Br m,doSs|?? c Lon.? I M*i P,ar^?fp^BrowasTini TlieboalsleaWibrCinciiuiaUasfoUow BAN^pl?s Jk ITaraj w . <. . - '"- '-:.xv.v...j. • ' ---'A V;'4!vj7‘-:-> V-■ ;7 •;: ittg.S I .(SSKsasaHStffc ' 1- - '•>. i. '.te-S?: ,’U' -.'air.ir ' ' ’ '•: ' : ■••>**: ■ -- ■• ■'■ -: ;.: ' b -°™ certainlyjeavca.adveg, e ■ ‘ \ ; -;' fy' ; " * r ’ *, ■ J A’A iVvflv.fi v’A : - ; /r':* ~' ,j ’ §ok vif'S^lsf-li-^jp^i SIV- 5- ■‘V* * -’ ‘ ' *v *. \.^.-.;- #.Arv,, , c Ik * ST-f ' l s f \ t ' s ’« » >-*••< ’ . „’■ ‘ % -i* v >'" i* / ! ,’- 1 s* t m£ ot r t i r a*- itr* ; t i I?/,,., 4 r* '■» .*v.-* *■ > Sr, i , , , , i- v \ ' ? * k \ * V ( l * i ;wVir*V;is •.•••Vfj-J-r.Jf - -'.\’.,'-r -, ‘j ft’;i;.:-. ,: vi * - J - /vW^ , ’.j4'^y:;^^.'^, i . l; :.:-?...'- ‘i-y ■*■*.'.■•* '?■■'•■< .._ '. *■»'■■•.• ■•:••> .'••."':, '.'■'..•■ ,-..•-. i ;■•.• .:■/ i'...,"w , 4 T •r » t 'rd ; -~*.w.■■■■■ r .r: ';•'... r-.f i 1*“ J „V T - , ‘ , ;-f;j*Tv'/., 1 - ' ’* . < *■ 11 i <+ T • ;'>»r./j-vTt:«.- 57 v.--. v,. . 4 .. v; n - v.-v... ■.; ;'v*V\ " /- s,'.«J l &%y?> >,,«- K ' *'l (S-N-l-'f t' *,,.!. V)4'. >1- <, .- V; ‘. t v 1 V ■v 1 -' 'i>, A‘4 %~ 4 "r 7 •■ v •4& rf. *- . , ,( \ " f k '*•, ■" ’ ” » .. % »u 4 =»*}j »i 4 < *'>-. , t " 7 -‘t * ' < ‘ . 1 s£ T ‘i -^,i' ; (v,-:;>..-;:-... J u.'-^-- J - ; -'-.-.-^ £..J-Y!i f ff.r"» r J « -t? »‘ > . Xm -x' r ' , ’ * 'WP'-f<4 >■' -v'% .* .>i*J»>- :•* 4' J £’‘", »' X * W .’;? '■^w7-7 i '*v.s . : :~yv-y-.~:-y-- y ? -A >»>'»•** *t S . » v rnpjm^- SfflS6te," AT”' -tuA s *- . r% , ..*. *' 7 '- “’ 1 •! ’ itV'v . r */ ; ■ . - . '. ;a '-• V v-;v-;'.v= ' 4- t v- r / ( , ~ .7.7.;:;i -.-•- 1 •. . Pxnflßtmen,, > t thm'driv 1 Wj rc !jl» I >l , S'and ias I r„ l ;,SS y «f a , Pf Com Per eewuinX } ; - last-six months.' , llov9 _- r »t,ff H DENNY. CaScr Lnr and unworthy the ahetlUon at jh-st, ini it “« reniMiLstatlonluy long n majfptogresielow o( “Jjogmenjatipn may.be icarcely porcfibtiblei i turigtf,alliheotW parts ofl ; : 0 -WnippthtficaUy affected* aud a confirm- | •;, turt wjU.be.iWinevi-1 I - J o£ji:pMpei\reidedy.mtghr.imY« *tfrested ; mojiy a cQusunjpboo v Bat many persons We an «xvtn- t(^ I taljing-mjy , dough,St»J«ain has agree! tmvantagOjinUii.ireepmovtympTiy.oatrCottirhprepa rattons, as its pleasant taste penmtsjtfobe lisitlfwilhottt lnconvetnetipe, •JBpttur.vnlaa aa'a Balsam cotuiiwSilio speediness of its care Wc.haye known Some’ of the “°i> HmumMSHiSi *onic,of::i.shieK hua heetiruiuilnr on fora considerable length oftime, yield almost imme diately to its power, _ ' > " and for sale, wholesale had retail,'byV" 1 "*• W f cor. tVood B v«u<' acare*opoi« »Vc thautnewhM.ri«icd,nna never con, fiul.if proper 'y n ,^ I t'‘f'fTQd. , .iproofwhereof, themoney pafe!c;PilJf,,ara.a,ceriatn core for JvISL *E.\ e “"f.'casniit'compTotnls heeaose they purge aymptonWjOf a torrent %tote of the blood 7 ,Uct Ivrffhrt J/wiap. Te+ctahfe JPtfls are onq of the verv be si medirmt;* yifis rcorld jpr.Jie cum ofindjeeaiimf =Sf'SlF““"^' s S*?fe i£&®F^&SS£srfss?3S ’!■: ““ejencilwiinger & Ca, of I SoSrelhy them’ltt™?? 4 ™ 1 ' 1 " for-saleat Dr. lb?, mI"K t ,K , W( Kh Pn ,Vo t*aSe agehTfS ale rale’^ y ? dealers tap be supplied*4nhe whole- ?*“.?* f ' a 5,,' Ql,a ' llc ciolhiijg- which he willseH 00 ho mo« reasonable terras, At c£sii ’ ou „ sf* St I "'* to Call the pitemton or it* friends and • Jr e P U U“C m general to->isvery eju»(t4fre jelecrinn ft i ; Freneh, English and fejpau Cli&f lltJ cwmem In • C 'dless ytmeij.eniLVcsniics tor every one’s use. which 1 i* * m » selected himself r* Hie Fra u oudwhichCSba sdnerior.maniter, nvhis FashionatUe* i nd a?an^V^ ! W«. & Cq > -iMJ" “’P" l lf* ‘llP> will not he qaestiqncib by the best ol rargnjn masers. . ft tVEU^UHO? r v. rvo 251 Libertystreel, nod .ajfcetsirec.t,s4-dooE from&rcond--' reeptclMly aimoatfct to tie ciutens of ■ V J* PitlßbnrKlr ntid Alic™]:eny f ilr. that hr has laVrh fi «lte fenckltWliNof.i^LClafritreeC' Violm mii" ! OElri lc»sonttT mrirucuouon the , Gu,w 'r° !,<) ' repair Violiufs, traijapoae aal PttP&rea to farni«li Marie for N»r*o:-Sma.pmfttt and quirl Vsttjen’-'.Pra/i and goad IjMtrEtTrtov Very Jar m tie hatScerowut oi!&dli J*H ojSenif are. rcsjiectfully;jnJ cnnedshat Irua-waiting forihcra. McGUTUK XTHV-iinmX-, -- Toilor.S*. Chari**. N i jSrl* > ° OKS_ r ' 1,,? “ <,U,c)> v - illustrated h r Willis’ Poems, illustrated by Ltutzc ’ ~ f'Kr ,t A taiic-for Crmcß. : .-Eilw]' Melncol Romance* The Child of iho Sea ■ . luimh-s Dramatic Poets : on li « oU Po*’« P o "ucaiW o ruofS^re?r 0 "' a,, ‘ , I ’ lrl< Wr Poetical Wowof Chancer Pi£ TVorla ° r^ Qrd «nd Alanincer, F ° r *™ bJ 11 s ' Boswpaw, & - ~j _ £tb»ircet*;ne* r Market. ( * ** * ATCJtSb—lop Backa’GaJeoartesa ' v* . 'flocKs, m store nid ior sale liy KINO 4 MOORHEAD, I’l’MjS—axi Dl.ls.iine •Apple* ut .lore and foi tats (ugvir) KING 4, JIOOBHEA.D )EARLUA .by nov!7 J£»t rprci7cd arid far sale u A Fahnestock* co, - . Comer Ul auil Wood-ato, EOC3 WOOD— sSaoscajun SceiveiTand forule tnorlfi 1) A >AHNE3TOCK *ro “ TUaN-tUb GHEAPEaTi si&sssr" an ' 1 H c K ‘ ih -«.«™r I will receive iliem tally ot the above place. All >} »-era war coated. monej returned, if not mod A " novtiS . „ - p. KT SRATO lhey ogerl ° l'i'JjKS-frflllbU?. Hu6smAppicsflor4mlo by i d wiiiiAaiSr ■ 110 Wood ytrec] EHBI-.3b— 76 Ooxes t-reum Chile, ftr iu by ' noTa5 ' 1 > , < J R WIIJjAMS 011 hand and for tale low bp nov2s xßb bbls;NeAhan n °ekPo{Qio€»ja*t t€c*& - n *2? for «(e Mr > KINO & MOOBHkST *l . j Diamond. 1 P / X ' tl& 7 2 ® 0 . I, W* l Ime Apple* in «jor»'ajm&riaia X by *- [nb«a) l Aing t HOORHEAD j JOHN* BROOMS—MO do2sn common, arid SO dozen ’ cnra, for gate fcj (n IS) KING StMOORHEab! F, o o f!«»i*perlo)- grand, Bimore and Baekj f Hull > «d, for rate bf (nows) KINg jfc moouhe in BGrrlOV; >5 ' , W e « Wp.- liu lariale'bY' KLNS it MOOHHEAD ‘ nnrortollM Winter Seai'dn. '^elstrstl (Mirecewtd mid ior«aj e iiy B A .FAHNESTOCK & CO fogßgf•?«£ gnd Wood [ RrCK ‘T J“t rccci«.aa;ia roflSiTE) av 23 U "*• FAHNESTOCK & CO, * Cqmefigt and Wood It*. ■< 0V 23 " ' B A FAHNESTOCK tc CO ™ ! - Ca»gerl«t ond-Wapd «, ■• BelLorexcUaai;e : for'Ciiv’‘i*rnh?Mv dencf iHLawirSjyil Thw p£neny "K*? °" ; hc Oxee/wSm* TampSie, dnvu from il»e centreor ihepitv- IW * n! > »u J> Tjitmpso?*, No HOMarkfu n; $ k tTi —-1 rg ifi iir mjr itcc 11-AI»o, -AI»o, a large assortment oCFoI-rien Domestic Liqnors. sc, for sale Tore!? 8 , P C MARTIN, Ag-t, . Comer-Smitlifield aflB Front «t In HV-B-Kec'd ilnd IoT eale by. W nor»_ _ CPMMIXS & SMITH. . ■ BfrAtrfor Bale*- : zrz~*" Vacka » SaLtiC faariafcSSfMKs Jiaeh boarconiSiS!» in<:keil - “nil 01 iff iimufliful i:ilj!e ricbcßl m*n^ 1001115 -'' Hm * ’^ e rms, enquire of r M "todern style. > :tf ■ .* >V MOORHEAD ~— Pi,, *V>nrh~ 01LS~Sal M ,of Wmtcr Bleached Elephant Oil at wSe^jT - ' Bt,e, orWl °« r Bleached FtOOR~We rosed nochangolnUromaritoryes terdsy. The receipt* were tight, sad no uquirv or ,»oy importance. Sales or eitra on wharf at «4 M SS£St- u "*' -£S BUCKWHEAT FLOUR— •The market remained TiTEA***" di,mindA ® ooi.»wF« CHEESE—The market is overstocked withal) vs rihea of Western Reserve, and sales are rathe,, brhk at 5106 c. for Common; for Cream we quote 7e. 1 FRUIT— The Frtit market is very brisk. Sales I of Dried Pcachet from fir«t haodr at SI,OOOJJ£* lined Apples at’SOc. Market foil/ supplied with both, or Pea Hots the market is glutted ; prices base declined to $l,OO for large lota. Raisins are aa before quoted; 91,7602,00, accordiegtocircum stances. Cranbomes are in good request at $2,50, which is s high price. The market is almost bare, and the demand is great. We understand that roads of tho “plains” bate Faded this season. Xante . Curiantshavo declined to I0»c, 'Cheiantsaxcdewn 91,75, , LUMBER—Several rafts haTe arrived since Inst treck, and readily token at 98,00016,00,' Sales o f Poplar Scantling it 814,00015,00; or boards'*! 98 on wha-f.* Shingles have declined, and may nowTir quoted « 32,0002,25. r money matters. Cnmm^H. f,0 5. I ‘ 0,1 u d 0 th ® Now Turk Journal of the «m™’S ‘ hM . dur, »E »ie weak pretioo. to nfrk ' rJ! a ,h# C * mbm > «bere baa be* an wove B aecunne*. Tho demand for o ' bo , lld * *"’***'»' groat, while the i 0 Pceoajlnma atocka bad been numer ’ ~>r* V«l e - Con..derablo"purcba.- Siaie'itork. be £? l , a, ' >d ® ®f ®ilo <>’•. and New York rqVV e tl * Theejontationa are,—U. 8.6>», J 853, | fpl Pa «* s ’*> BB® 'of 5 ®? 6 ' OHo •’•a 1830, 86087; d O . 1 IMaolJ 1 *l™**'** alerlmg 8310341; Jllinwi Banog>» 84085; do. Palmer.. 6% 50 •' Ah £ B ®**‘ d ;®*“l , »r 66J067J | Ml.*. B>l’f&SB9 v & v 080601 Va. •bore/ 9; NYI ci *? 5 • 83 5 S. Bank 7*33. a Yoritl:i P«**, t> r Saturday e»enln ffl ta,. ; »o Gm «toek. bat not been Wote.elo.edat IM},ad" 18G7 °J t.l. U 2‘, t * d Sla . ,e * 6 ’*» at 18M, i i do. or 18 "> ™MO V, rote, i j Canton, f.» ’ ’ ™! Ne * York Tnbune or the tame date, tay. -. Tbc Bank, ore direorered B im^2L of i! bn L ed P ,p " h “ fc eenUy been “ “ on * * he 6 »u« and broken/ Tb. bli na ? ed ®urjee,whoforged tier bw abL^d^l*® 6 ”.* *S 61,0w0 B0,e «- The lor IsaiWssss |U T!iim! | P>C fof the wore $181,165 D 5. .™SKME?ya? skveps OoBd . SSBa^gaS^jSS a^aS^sass ° ct2 ° J«0. CUKKAN BVTHE CAN* *i LOWffIICR c ‘^»«^^ y »»eT.fpm«toch oj '' , ' r SL novll In, Hol,T 4 MAT.TBV. bSKshssesseis b ‘ l0 J n * ln? “* ih ‘ S'*"* Printed to '’V order of ofJJambuiir, orlb“^co^S>t?(^ao. om,n ' anotal,ol, < ’ flhe «““**»»• nme. . Sa-Cf 4 * dcu, wfro m a. Gol4 Medal einjrlc la Yen In 1821 1 0110,8 Pl^a pZi&°LT ro{llOK ‘ UkcT eX,r * *""■ *“ 1116 GoU &mVVND BUHKK, Vmm, Sr.w p 4Ww oSS«~ of *«««■ r®?S3)3£SKiS!K-i £»EX sg a ”»«=t-"aaa ■ ■ ■ - f 110V23 sesss X 1 “* nov23 \ M&X6HBNY c?Kwnr,’V^°'*‘ ■ 'ORPHAN'S COURT, No October the. Estate of Ma»be«rPo?r«> th, tlfco*4 mioix.of j[ohnltaftonj.EiKi.il{e«Ufr-.W«h^. creditors claims distribution amongst 4?e **«s oZiave tsMSi u wilt attend* street, neSS?hSliS>Si* u PP°iol®ejU, at bipffice on 4th i Of pcccrabJ7n«',fi t *to“&k*? , ? ond,,yi a,h -- and* differentl>nwd#Vn4 vinSee* and pa,c * °* • • S lp ts »? nd G in, diflareut brands A h ,?s^* ne - ’ JSsassstes^ n • *"' ' D,mauc Brandy, J.'ri Bua pale , OTiron bound bbla. Old Hy« wiu toy. very old -v£!s b V •oPonet Rectified WhirterY 04 * Liquor Idle, for .alt lowiy P A»v " ld Cornar of * , T « A JEJUStoraNEb «ocic of Fall -1 ■ Vciliiimi <«» ,v,- Jowcstraarlret price,) to whicwWSoW invKft&J «*£? SbS2«S«!r c&'£d «Ks 2oo^^ N ro“?, oc,r>o c^« 4^M ™ l V -4. A l -**- •. lit ii umbcr r^ : RBAT : -- Bn“ p ( ? «niS Ve ,f sBor l mem ° f PANC» andstJJw¥ •I; «, :?*-~estabUjiirtem ; JS ihc'iWtfrt '. , ,* 1 BRKSS GOODS* 1 'n aa-ssis}"*"^ H. ..: rßidi Chongenble -i doj*! i ]^AHOO AN v7no^yobD v J B!acfc Xl lio e,^^ V,lS,^o ‘ do ‘ pi £f^ r ,wfc:* t n a - s IMiSh "'i 1 *, r ° r f llo °?.wilf be d E e f r gr ,e v “ elle »; cfStl. 13 ™'“ 52 |«»r tcolorl ' EztiS! ? ssssSss-Kfea .rasftafei^. ■ r ’*sasaa£Ptm& g^Sis^iggs i\t&‘r l, ,'f Goofoploih \intsSta!th}&l SSSbu n™, for 6} «* «« °ai«d. "“9 Kooma.Nom firSbd sired, ihrei d&rePromnftb «1 " “ y,e Me l m,aci Cahcoe., ! or):niioot!niot ; l.udersrnters.paxlt>f:iißt« e i/ o faisil!?' H?J' . J do do flnik in 1.3 l,e Erie, aoione winch are drr *.*•* "Jae and Orange • •do boownod“ boo,, ll’swVMr toifco •*7 S’ Furm,aro ' db : pnt lllm| A ■ (any»j--“5jA , MEa i lfeKKlfffei t 1.S 1 . A , . CHEAP DBESS GOODS 5^55*““5"-S55!S—„ AUCTION SAXES, ' ’ price o?J!JJceni»pe £sls Muslin deX«iiM,ol Ihelow , DAl!.^o^”J 1 g 6 lV i ’r' ,Kht 1 gourt-g«( H rern°r o/ ’ todtoglft‘colored VSfciffg 1 |JMHL& 1 '"" fori” OVltaCe’ DAYM ?£? IJ p G " Nov “A.wWoVloeV < 1 bLoS, O^^®' STAPLE GOODS f.. ~- ruße|rt|i*y‘,'wi | t^it «» 'jl' ... i... d&yfcoii all sums - ■ ; i,,| ,fi *l cheap l i I iJIJEIiMT^NTH^^^D^K 6 nr limef ‘ c F i ” d ftro Kwt^MtSSS'SSoir®?£j®fe}“l£a*- < ' t Linm l M l ¥iafdLlnrer^' o " 3 ’ ■ ' caXter. ,hatte j eio,re " d ’ sam.v,W;sKS3(g”' , 2“'^ % ”"-' ■ »S”ai'£!s““ s ' ■£x^aau#&!Bs Tn®'" — i l , l ‘”,, al f mca ’ cn«hmeres, In.h linens, dsma.kimtn Sw. Jt,lntn DnlW'Cra.h |i“ot rond "L C ° mforU ’ tood, > u”f“ b A. I,U B , “LAiVKETS' BLANKETS' tw?V n^4^i*v er ;ivatQber, maniel clooks blank " r - : ‘ty a -GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN , bSsSS»ssi*biws» UOTs°or I |hß ? Pd'4na'xv l £ 1 ““f® rt ' x,ra S , ? WBf y Preparo fepSiSSS®. sft V»ri‘ri,l.. f GOODS! -W::-- ,_. ___ “tss^iaSEe^ .l 1_ „■ ... ~ THOMAS ATFi rny ‘ t OQtlneiM Collector. ■••'.' '1 • *msll dw-eilin»‘hobi7 T Emf €O, Shawlt; •/ l'iilSSf"®' laajsssff.Bt^;'ttK*s"«s», j mmksw'S EpstiSSSS I • . fT d , Dr VfillAjKS V “^ r,nr ?" mid TOMC-VERM!Fl»ftii'l?r2 ,SAXAT,vp „ Pnnneito*, nmtooM.« ll^S™£ L^J^ c J»grP»J«i» : J , Alpaca, -tippl’d lit 10V cv'xtrtu »•«.« Siz«» a u * • Wft : u ' .Cwlimpf** • >.. 5 M«UWd« lilac., JOHS 1 DKHART ;; “ ■; erode Nop, ftl ld Florence, HVE acij. toic VERAHFUGE^Tb^kiI' * »?fIkPRS rq,per Exprea»a ' " c.i ? ,ja, ! dcr my , mi , lpdl „. B obxerv.iloii,and I Mnclf ftr 1 •frtMW’W.'ihßWKmbniulf .be irmb of cvcr> word conulned in U-' 00 1 “ ,r i d f-occ Cope., Lmbraiilered SlU,tin do i ! . w Bcrncci/ulijrvoare.Ac.. B D V.ri -'■ '-"■{>.- : 2? <,0 * e,, S)*»>SbtCollar*, I&“1T«5 l ‘"*” nr^ « lh * mMS T «ASTORR*. % : Owcllr, t No Sl 1V«-d ; ~rcr,.l*imb U r ? b «?”icr ) 'i for^Bß, ,*»sK»jSnJ.ir -< ?£5S-l 1 I I BLACK^SA'n^Ribb'd.Secded'ond IX l lain Silk, Sirlocd ntid Plaut Riik. «> i e Scotch Plaid,fVhaw)llvie oFci.bmi™ SSi?«;=s^ FOB WHALING, CimNNATl^^LOuisvif.r.f oiilo utg. t , {£»•** h» Bsobiab Smoiiut Piocrr—The A fis«ssssfiaiffnrisras: ■ ■ PA3.4O&R hpph- on QMo ■ • f Kiigi ta'fela a a s„ pgasaLagfeaegife taiiln—timeUmmgti me nyra •Jjii ' Zi M,,,n SEP. WUntlug facutt."- I rdrunmr simmer CONSOI,, 4v!«w?cSts!SS, Uo,i,t " r > ' vv!Kvi!W;’rm"'ruS« + JnSKS. 11 * I ',- «■ "i"! 'fcmiffcr V. a J\. “If . si W llAfilU! C.H Aitrnu, Jr ««?...,.tal ».£.S'^^CtS^JSISyK No S CI^UBEHT.TjS"VSSr : ' "°' J SmlihfiflSSL mart! O’abneJ Adam*: UvhigMcm, June* Marshall, ttwrjre Breed, Geo. B. Utute; \J od ftoarof»ai«l V \V * j 4X ACm^tiS HfSlpsSS^-r-'-s: rl««««c*t Vm« J “ oneusorixl ,“ “ “ moaning umHn» • » " mwined nione * [ ,|, “ “ KalSingt, « <1 .1 (tone ami plain Rm-. _ 1 • V- cornelian »rh Together with a largo uni) rorlril much nfl-uV..' „ ! (ha miamionof Layer* -/* l>onle*ltcaj»dKi#rciOT Giii2haDt«* : - Ft e»id» unj BdgmivCfor}* * 7i n P* 0 " 01 !* B IV e ® anJ W»‘ck noihi cri’ih*? “>■*« Corning m p „ Matk Cn.ior wtak"SnSt r a S!IS?,::“« R " d ' w««h prr« vy 8 » s ;? 1 i M ' Vat,llfnT z tius ''' *»“ 1?*'? CfoakmgT, ltnl> RoJ Bloc md hearlei do JSSgttfcg**’ p * ln " nd Mod ' a 'p»<-"« «r «- DU ' l ' VoOI «=>U Shawl., :■•>: Ar«x.of wpoUen.Comloris I G{gvc> l .TiiK^a n ,» ( , : i* 15ad.e* Doo.lcm, an d Ciniou FlttiliS, ’ Ac j^-jasafs^aaarojs: ■.aaaffiaaraiaf^iaatea^ aiasss^ r w^rc.jgini.sss novB t SOpPiiTU «x EBSHSMS^afe wMle TAffc fij ttiT-n??. 2?nL* 01 ’ ■ W 6la ? k . Ml) THBEAD SO pk» PINSL T ?j, a I ' ns Wspi l palest COTTON COBS) M STbS. V,™. b *'i»S ,lM W* «ud Eye*, L aa»’d together I w '"' &c ’*! ,ho "'PtorraßSPAßs'gS — :——-■ •■ -■■■• ■• ■■•■• •- novrt' I ever xsiucd’/rom ihe nres*. Th? lri,.t ff * * xhoiJsmd oryfjiat; fend or die m<£t chaS? n? >ffi WJ ttr Stmthfioid «1?« '“ ,f t/r FASIHOHABiE MILLAY “ w ,. J'lJ 111 JagfFfirt ftreet, neni Wood VCiMiSm' 1 «• MfSS'—^SS ■ A — ——— r -rrtSO j tiovll' ’ ' JAS i'fcOUl^RJß.Tu.lor, (Clireiilde ranr f^ nr e ‘ fl«ldiuc« .MINER'S.—(Jodc Latly'a Ilnnir r„. n„ A*- CnW. WwKl, lO( forD“cemb» *"Decen)lw, __ LllleJ'i Uvinff Age, Nos a}] tt „d aS w '- Review, for November “ T W d l I l>y lewd Byron - • of f flndfpr «ale ATeo, gi Bsbfoixi«l aih fiS?I”** 1 ”** ° n Imnti nyBm..hßed ..,.mrddoaf a^!.fi hen> „ Bran*tt*» Uenaaruit aijmdtD «irr, betwh™ wooD *■' QHKLI» OYSTERS, Con iOvL» n “ r T A ,L d mh»m> OjwmOamaof all klnda,«errad un!n fl Vw " Wlh nlLthe “ fixing. > ’ , U P ,n '»« beA ju s Ic, hox«»pplies"wllh:Xjßn V^-itoa'hi°fii^/Dlm shape and Ibrm.S’d“« *“ tivc-fjßicm, by w I OVNO, M D uon * ° r, “ e Srtera * 'icUinoliajiiow arnvedihnt n*r«r.H. „<** BecfifT dueucMscd 110 more S?* fr °, ra ®»liy the prescriptions, cautahied in ibbn?hiS?* ek ’ one indy pure iuaiseU; uritfcoui hiifirancS to hniS?. n> SJ!S*fr h,l^ or ,ho mo «* inumuftfr"endand«■?? lenlhjlie usual expense In addition V mi) •it tunnel (to>vu to u mirle pin- ; r -_ j .^*?l b i from 1h..» «\Jidiog ,S life B uJS block. »„J .«cifo„Vtam m“'l, r „ „ e „ f n ,cd 01 mutual con.cm The linmeJi S, tLc * ° ,C(I b > tolllokbj Rimrmait X. Cp 1 JAS HALT:? mt Wl * bf? ■■■•r' SANDS &RKnVE t \fAN JOHN VOKGTI.Y ' ’ Pepi 2*ib, .11 the riche I color, or ho £iv. ~° r comprising G unp., and Fringe moimruciore^ro W rJ* H ■ P M fc. tWrgmuUh ,r, .. j ■ - 'GEO.B. . ’ ~ -- as 4 ["T"“' ,,? t-5 _> j :,r >^- real X W%"m! r^7, “ flr ' ao i | * ,“- f •> r ""’■v 1 gtueti, clunaie, or iiMnr" l eSfr ,h^n?™J h S;{ M i eM “' f , ’ „■> ~~i- , \ t 4 p£B£nnflflßß j - ’•..••• .- /'■*; #S£S«“~s"«sa I ■ .-V- •-, -• V-> • -•'.- ' '.:. ■ E«*ssfi&Be3sS J-. —a— _ •-- - ' !,' ''V' \:i/ n, “ fc " dspe *' ' *<■•:..:■ 'rv w»j; ; o-; •• •>...., , *•■..•■ r.-'.'.v..-. *:: .'.< ?vi .’ j..“■-■■».• 'L'-.'..’.7: ......1 ...... ..._.. - , ....... ... .?..•? : fiilliiiifii;®iiM#iii Sa f .• • “/*7i„.vl!*.**.*v/• j di. , «*.lr-.-r.": r , -V 1 y i'' . ' I , ' ' '^'J . * *.*v > r '• ‘ x .V,, .* t >, *r r ' •:V' ’r& ; 7 7c7;-;,^.-;-v-.'Vt.i"v^^^£-7'- t 1 fv. ‘* 4 - * t V r: V-’ V*? - Jr J,* v *-*« , K * t T,V 4 - Cl - < * - f * V . - * ; : *.> v'-.-- --c «•-*' ' -"v ~ * / -' - * ’' i\ ;* i * * y"'* - J > * 1 - e -a. ~ >■ Jy*~ ' ' . * ' r'-"' t ‘ ■» • S a ■» + 0 .r -: ’ -r s .;■ ,r J 't: -i *•- .* j ~\ * """>■ 7 . - T.- -• 1.•.::•;• J-.. X... 1:. ■■-..' -e‘. -. .n-iL.".., t'ty - s:v ; . .'r: r 1 '■yiV^?.;- i 5-.^.J7s:j>*>v«.«!SS»Hi;!i , ::f?iu. i ;4e.*.C>»i? "_ r r ■*■ r- cin i -t 5 r ’ " 'S Ji v " r > -» 4. v * -» * * iwr,,'!r - ” » c c n - " ' X7* ? ’■ , T>’-?;-rn^.-r' v J» , -- T ■*«. « " ri " fc \Uv% s f ’ * 0;77 »*i \ * - , _ ,vS£*~ *- L «cs ~ ” V -w ' ■ i . j .- . * f / ' ' V *~ 7 *r~** i t ri $ ?p -~~ ' r vf-^v c * i* * y». 1 " a 1 \, :! a>\ r l * '*“ f M “- j '*• >- 1 - „ f - ' a V , - a*< .' , ? v ~X j >-%-’ 1 ’ , ”"’'' %l^ ~ v ■> * ■>,*!' > ' -'-*».a. % -4 *4-4 ‘ , a- ; * ’ " v‘ s’ v 1 ‘ f - .* . > % ■ t a- s - % • I.l' * ’ * ? , a * , / ~1 V - ' ~f* 4 \ » 1 * V * t- ''’V-a ”* '‘atv,'' 4 S, X * Tt -•? £%< i ,'~" : \ ' Y. ; -. * \ \ i ' . rf *vvv ' OMAJ.L FAMI FOR SAJ.E~For«nIe. . deniV.M. }/ Form ot- £3 acre*, preaenMly'-ritijateci bn iti. nM Jlnimon} Boat),lSnulcafrom iheCity;about30 arrr« in CO mroiiou, a mull orchard and ffardCmwd dwSnS Sdase, 4c , with good apnon of l4|orJ *w,£ TR iugood repair ad re „ S CCTHBE'bt’’ U 9 Gc» Ageni.Jßmuhfiold atrei.. IHCHII> arranged alto a Stable, Oarfea,“nH in h ?%i £ lulaure-ittenortwilictenr*. V r *" ” “ SIld > * CUTIIBERT, Can Agent, ll» • • SniiAfiglj *ty» . • -®-, dtOtetofirtiprotY w>fhf ’' 'Th* tAi ; a rood two MoryDwdUnrHeiS* runL kitchen, Itorn, Stnble, nnU.-oibcc out*haaflr»‘ with kunlen. find X)rc*har .■■■ y-> ' : v. ... -y L 5 ■'<: /: ■/ i'vf -V. rir-. r- JfenoyjLmatMtipt#. : ■ , r ... "CR Chanwicon-Fnit/res: ■ ■•• -: • • J Heavy Black do ! i • ; Jenny Lind Buitem*; n, ‘ eurB F “ nr > r '< m "“"s«yr i 2£S*^3Sj£j Comjon french Men no: Strawberry do do . . Megnane blue french Mennof Mode, llrown,,Green and Block Freiibh Merino ; " wf wi° r Furonißna Cloths ' •Msgaziuo Bine Airmens nud tlo do 1,1 J . ■ , *L „ i"- “<1 Crun on M tie I.ninrs, tc n “ ru “ e Slnpcsi (a new emele forladtes'dresses,) * -i. . nnvll rrtmrVnX tll i®* /*«•▼»> of Sew~aooOi7~ '■ T' , Ri‘A n svi'^,' f ,v !10 'y. r «'‘nnghij Fccoud supply 01 :• •. Yi IW® .jMpnnidiu dr. lonjfand square Shawl o ■ forßonn\unt , “ PP> ° f Uncut Velvet, ocSl ’ ‘v„ i.n*r ß P ß Tc? THOMPSONS, ocuu No HO Market 3 doors fronTJ.uiem «t TI 13 A - NU MtAtVLKs _| hMutacrnli: t^j nf er^prcnow receiving’ iboiflarffe etock rfFall nrid ' sfD SnBr 'r hsh «" '» found- “ n,i Henvj Wool tldder-shirla and Drawers, p!Df , S-’iJ < «^PW!wli*ibw.Under-shirls and Drawers- Fine Silk Under-shirt. and Drawer., some Mira ™ ' W™E’§W> «J» &o™, Sl ’ Wool and Merino Half Hole, 4c H 4c. ' K -~®{P® Pfnie above Goods are well adapted’ to the Pirl ®^(^'^^®^fon^'5eill !. raWe «Tloof Woolen Goods i SJnJJ*P !| fl l ed toexamine onr Stoek: a- ; we 1 iSISj,".? P arcl >n*“i dt low rate., and intend to sell of o °° ds «“ S2SSS ■S‘“ e Kr ico e , - ggSffle ?ss= superior Blankets, laleiyreci’ivcd, large and fine -• i’ i ■■ ’ from two to three dollars puppr. do,, from, jour to uinudollara. , . Mrrtmes and PiUoie-eore Mtulau Linen end rv,n.„ Diaper. Table Cloth* and Napklns&c Col,0 “ optniS" ,UPp!> '? r NEW fiooD 3. °f o» kmd., ju.t llovts G F ™fc rfe,W« P c".. S3&?} lh S g..ji colored CdsUraere $ QmVoV oud sZSrt A'. 1 ' foorod o.ldplam Drop D’’S » w P > Marsel lit-*. SiiLs uml Satins, and. fienred. I,jnt*iv Drills "moTS*" P„„ n , ROMNsoSi'acio.hsLo 1 ' . ... Port Buildius*, corner Fifth and Wood TITUSIC* MUSIC’ MUSIC'-J m Mbllo» v„ ei ixl Woodstrett, has just received bv pTrir*«i^ g^2^;BSi£Mi*S SSgSaMS’s®. .^gsssssg: £&& sswjsrsss !;li ff 018 above Ime, are rtupectfull), invited to octafttf -i iSiilpiliis • o. WKRNEBURG A ? he »nwa reoeived ami for sojs l»r - c *- 110Tl7 CUMMINS & SMITH •4 ~ * ■* » 4* ✓ - > •; .• .V Oli=gl= ? c-t..' V J vV~ ’ v"-i -• : . n * t .j l, • T'M „* ■> r v * ■> W Lll ”'f i\ * For Cincinnati. ~~ DlrCportdßrinK ,lu! rre»ein Tvefk,at-B'i,*, - For « P«»»agt. applyoo bbard VebS _ Fotr St. JUouU* ; 1 JCg'-fc "“MierOHIENTAL, -Zw- *l?°** .Mmloir.mil leave tortile abovif 6,1,1 Wlcnuetljata porli y rf«ilarlv; ' - ' tghiorp outgoapplyonboattfcr, .: -m*ls • Jfw UrownsvlUe, WlSEßßseass* _, For freight or passage apply go board' 1 ' 9 - - r Mfior JClncinaait. c:. r I f!2P» steamer JFIUEXU3 If IP ojLPwwge B pp]y on board oct23 Tnfemln£J.iof h, * wort ’ tbomdat com 4ES’^ al »ett* of hook*. With a ehaptor on Mrtner.Ho itnhL menuf nnd t>T£r> toihe ora] tiercurj,—Cull elotChonn^ e v ta^~s .** i ft'ndiiiterMifiia- : tA- Ibr mrrchau. and man of hlnnU* toThJSTtb Sf if willhc found Jnjthls u rtnr C O HALSTEAD, :-, .Vrefjdcntaionliairaii Hank, New Vofi«^- 9 ——• -* «- 1 is ca{a ho exceeding!v rarful lo'practlc'i] Arroaulonu and Ttnchcr* of Book k«cnimr P } RICHARDIRVIN, Ship owner uhd Merck'!, No Front alrteL New Voik n foa! ! l fT a r?hn^,/hL calculated lo ciec a clear amt t-u -i!“5™ l 5 h K , , , , ,,, ° 11,0 T / r ' nwroririence of,wilchft swdnuotta, from the simple «>/ e „ - AS PJSASEtt.iy Bnthier 7th Ward Bank NewYorlb w*«-|k°i lr ' c A 1 he of greatservice.iiot oaly to the’ ntw r, hut to the most experienced accountant 11 „ , F \V. EDMONDS,' r Cathter Mechanic's Bank, Walistreet h‘ 11 Sh'iJh 0 . o ni~ “?' fir *? "J? 1 *kavi evermerwith from heotn n^ , S.t Wt ' |!h P rac,lral knowledge of the science can he obtained JOHX CAMPBELL ' , , _ Merchant 53John«t,New York''' to. ' ?' Slorts “nd atjfte Author’s Acad gQi> t corner: of. ihepmmoud tmtiMarkcrt stTecu'oeUft' Saddle. 4 “ “ TBtJvK and WHIP 41 ANT FACTORY. ,ake u “’ Wtihod of utfonmiiff hi, i n i i. 8 8? mgenerat, (liar he ha*, the [ “°*v Si ( ■: , s? , !<> l*tn«g named arimieiVofhis owir hni m»« . b ,"\ h h * will warrant tahb made qJJlie eoanit ' , |£h, R '"tV lhe b T ? * "lechamea iu Allcgßiij coonn I-cm .hMermiaetl to jsclt hi* manufactures r Huuii ir l>eeit heretofore wliHitlha city! 1.e!« re d ul% V ' r 1 i K '>* ahow'..oSea «: ". rell J U3P ; N» «* Uhertj airnt. ojipo*- ' octTiV elt, f Aso ban d J, h a< l B W> order lor machinery; •■■•■•• " ••• ' fc»i JCSRHYivK-y S'l'OLivN'—l- roai l.ielncun’s’favern, ;J' ,■ J n, l fTO A! ,e Sl>«'Vvon th» l ? m»&ii« Roitrfjoli W*!).' wfhiM.Uh'l?L®'"’ S ' pl P'i. 1Ms i a “boot ’ ■ V" BU W i-k“S » Stnall whtle »pol on tier fotehcdd •' nml seine white on one of her hind reeff hhd oil n liaiter when she left She 1* about s’leafs old U " r X‘”’cT‘ ""° re '“JOHN* pisox Ul '- OCI3 Pine tWiirfiEa. . Over-Coating*. v " ■ . ; 1 .® M d,Block,. Afplmir and-Blanket jJ. Cooling:, n}Qilc 10 ’order, very low*- al nor ' JNO CUHRAIS 3'ltir.lili «!." i mr p. e cSSS. <,T “H a,ueM Coato* A des l raWe ® 1 >1« or plain And for cvery day busniws wcan tylilob 1 Ofid lmndsomely, nt very jratee.,. Cull. «oou, ami oue-oflheFeVirvdesirriM«- and-mdtfpemiable Carmems, at CI/rBan _ _ aopinSWv’ Mill) UUSHI.LS SHI.LILu UUKtk-Jun ruft.r«d * W mKlfof talebt (n!5) W & 1 c ACHESCW HetqoTAl> —J T & J- rcmovciKto'No 13 Vf.t> *L l»orit a *tof ihcir oM i do a "np!o!Slrt dialr 1 ° Pl> ° Ile lho 1,1 “** ofSnuthlWd at * 1 * 1 *'' -Applv Jll M-/pA f QfAfcJ^' on rah ° f arhl* Fu.Sr? u ? L * £*&}£**'*> fWft VARM^H—.jli linrrcl*ju« ronivtu Juo 10r V B-jlehi J! A FAUNBBTOCK & CO? r i ' n ' rlz Corner I «mnd Woodsr. cauduna tah-i,, ulfe \>nn “ws* - wU(J bbl* mi _"® ra taapfe * ocona*or T-) EOTIFJ ED WJ il 1 n(su perior [jumiiy ~-im IS Ms " nd fDr 11,1 e ’ 5 '' & M Sl ircHr?i,TßEE;^ i-Ms? ss*.i , SssksSS s, »v Ss n.tncd.M ,«liC6u,,) uiidrr ,5P“,n48,t 5 P “, n4B,t sreirr - ••Always Heady. Always Willing.” SSiflslipsi JA9 MIUIRE, Tailor, . wr .„ Alllllltcrys Ac, .s; :r V;. ■'■A «eiection.of elegaiuwiiUrr ribbonefesihpr* ® r ?» r c!«enu»e(l^.fnnge».CTinp3.2ke« l ‘ Alt SMS'S »"•» el'etuil iLerlgns orCardinS, oml Visiles, which will he made unlo order in andtrmteriul Al o, Bo,mei,'Hoods nad e?"A?aXrte 111 llir milliner) and dress mnllng huniies. at rJ artlcle 01,17 DUFF'S N’o,lITSi Wirsj: MtncrsviUe Nov C, 1649 Treasurer '• I,*.'-'-:•. :.. .-. t 4 , 3 , v < -‘; i* •.-«•- SSpSSpes-- JgJjJiTOfcwtai*, l‘tr, «,, - ——; —£—— —jr * ittiUfrdaqrtt. I) I bw ream- ’ Headaebe.'Perem, Pil <>■£»(?’ n OU S. S,O . l ?* el, f * j Wni. IdverCotnpW. SforeVh!Sfl ,, ’r ,fc " 1 , - We*»Jw«^PHll«taTl4bofrh/IteW fnw ? nt *£»W«fWi dtasawia to vi'A deTFtf.r L* 1 ? a ranllcme for the jnifooh ftLall »e“ Mn nr .if-*?- * ll •f nogv rummer, nutrnnn, and Vtnler-mid tf T *~ - cuinruincea, they carte mien w.ti. h,lT'f alU ‘r, •UCCCM Aa a Venmfue* au u "'Tirl »9Jety and „ tdren, the} are unriralkj Be/fm cMltd for •agar,childrenw,H easilyfoie K? b SS rew!ul F ■' KSdSfe&SSMS B *® -.- winto made the rtfim! Jr a frtid n “ oflll>I -s ** the> lp*Pneei SSeeut* per boh or M 1..., ft? ' V °Z?' Kirn °tSi fofi' Ul ® n, '? rco ,™ , "»or Vn^nra™’” 0 ’ Xot,hetl i Shin? rfUl s' d ar te c . ", , A M Slnrshelf,} > . t - < JonathaaGbrel.t Slancbern „ . , ' , , * J wJr t o a< L “inniiighum oh s£Tte?.? n " r,l> , Ttompsou, vfiUnnsbnrgb fe»^b‘sr tl ■-CMiS*" , ' ' John Black, Turtle Credit < ‘ M BaJcerstou n .i.'-iSaamqlSpnagcr,ciimpn , > Jnm«M>Kea, Stewanatown 1 1 R>'=r, M’iamtblifl, Plant ioremh,n , , , , J Fulton, Tarentin, 1 ■-, nSJIS ' ang^lA^to^* in,,Ar ' linrßTlllls rpOTOEPUßUC^SrhSssm^e^ftoufj l ' o^' yJk*: Daileys Magical Path' e itfUwJ iftchrotTtc RhSmatt T wWrt I bavTCeS CU « re for ' ~ with for tea years, m tny inn-joints “ ® n "" AMuactatwcij jr T, April seal's R V^ERr -'^D S 1 ** for eighfmaatfu, adtj“«n^eJ f ° ab, “ i l j ‘" '* Um ' •MagjcaJ Pmu -5S lle * Yout MBS* 1 * bui,mco - ob,a “‘' rt^>»«Xtad, d, l , < : JTtlmwl wMiwiftcili-cured- 1 ConM r r ra grjimofuJiunjelf -,. ,m,e o'evciVan male u sal)jecH^ B nf ''' l,,J "* ' ' posieti, sri no'ihuiftttn TO sSita” n '“ 1 im ‘- e3&~ fhat *»* » iS®3SS?SK!||-3ss» <* ft. product aumca ftcotohngntat d from out to fifteunmiimi 0 m?,!T exiracllo « uo maUeruuderwliattimmitluwiv.^’w-—-■"! 1 ... «M c .s£ o^ DB.WM.THiiM.Agfm Jr °“ r '''D^4J»„ 4 , , , , DiUey’i Animal Galvanic Cnu ~, rorbficttjew of T^e6tol>lep&rU«*m^ft I Srt° inBam * S?kcaL_. ,,, ~ ..-i w*«fin*a» J A'A'A‘i& a. »},-7 S£- ' *®»itKA»rv A ..Lj ]^AWFACTUB^RiJ^'f“i,Su?ad''i i L .‘ l ' erl i ibfi; M drams, praps. baths! vnuercloai’ra “i*" i Me’**}* Acs keep,constant]} on hand amlm. 3 . U .?’ I*®®*** dodlnj, f abaet/aodFron)AtoJj»" ioU* ! laittsi ,^!.'J' !l i? r ? ,OOTdl!t i ’ “ by Sdfeet, winch tlroy will fa 'Cheats of d mb ««‘ * - ,«o|iviyuiff waie^ l^fom*prinea^r« r i^«1 U w d » i !Il tp,pe,^r * 4 } jeet on tact icel.a*jiji Uirqcuoaaaa to ifiewonMiStJiSSi * 3 Also,feu bami > a!4r£tt»aunnl\ aV A^nl^n ’ I •mnaipn P/i Wr fpr VnU or cffiu; „ * „ v ®*y* aupeiroujustmm suction Pumps * Snt ™ Coii * 1 | ' ", r, 1 ? s - * & \ “ ‘ - ! r'«wr£f^v' srssaaa 4t . i v I J. + t , V J *- * ‘’ '*■ -r* . • * I -jF •:-f. y j. - v \ r \- k: * ' >L. ~ 'i ay:' — i '«• r.Y r, , ,-. Jr «■>"» -t>:> —r'; ( * t