-£r>vqry,,y.yt:-:.r r ?- a - , "c. j .~: .i^-r -~ J y^fes»^, 'timimaimi*?* J * ' ■” * 1 , -« . ' <- w ’ ■» „ - «.' *J* ?* > 4- ' a .•> * v j < > - n. T w * \ * , 4 ''V J ' i i*. %> v * -w _ *>•> u * J r : -y - '* 4 ■.r**’"' yJ V 4; ' V- 4 .y r ‘ ' „ v " : ? V -.s? * >:4y >yy~ ‘ . ‘ - ‘ w,> -y ’ ' - *’** 1 - V-V .. >x^ ~ v Vl • <••••■ \;,¥> ~y;y. * y . >v . ,y: -, « y -y/ y - <„ . v r > - , v - Sa, .. 8 ?. ~ , -, Ji c * "a p Y h f ¥ y p ■•■-- s r p . ,p 8s* 3 -*■ J . vT ij££»¥' 1 f *•t V" J ’ t i■% « 1 r . •■ r " p, ’ * »,; -, s , s<-» , « ‘ ». ’ ( p t { * f - -- f 4 t 4 '4-'. V r- - * l ,V s - > ~ * Y 1 t*. ’, ~ ,_ t \ " * , - H^. i L f - * , V 4 ' ■•' £•+ ~ V Y , ‘ 15 - 4 " T ' 'f r V’ 1 - 4 , , , -; , ~t-\!r. , r f •v:.*'* ' «' ’ . < .- - £* „ •>- , - 4 . f t * • , - ‘ p t. Y M IrVi v* * t - ' « -. ~ t viV,V4% s»tfe w ; * - * , v 11 , , ’/ - v>' j ' , - ‘ ' 1 5 f , _ fj ii z Cv.%. Vf " 1 *’ h * -v, - fc > 1. 4 * 1 ■* "* « 1 r > r .jV' y 1 f ~ r a > * - , * 4 -~, ’'*' ' -* , iv*. v ''•fttv* 1 - t'Jf.M V ' ' r " '- 4 1 - " T * -'V t f ” } ’4/ ‘V r „» v ■ L v jlt / " 'J^j. feri’ 5 < * <4 - 1 lJost. whjgger y * l ir r 4n*ruLT S bu!gh^iiMv I5{ « I 1 —• • _ * *« ■. ■- ■ . .. *■ ■■■■.T= * bd lWii*t JnkOio up 10 * Erie * InrtmonlK/wiU be *o!i| Mft n«k * ,MIb * wlT * U * - W „"' a f . - ••..,■ " ~T::~'°' sTOa^>~gs»»ga|.-pfeas^4?asa^i&s” •••: t IL *t‘* *•* i U hwpw S i ? BUYEH 8’ , V> , --%< * ■. , '- 2* - *gb prim or federalism, Thaddena the C-inal, aiid preparations of the goods; and hi« instractions arl to have Aern nnw 4^ I ‘"' f i om 2* 10,2 i cea t«< ' - Ci^2!X2t£3ri:agggfffi^? 9^?? gg^agfe--— ~ .. -* ,-:•■? &*%?£& • SiSsagBgß%?* »• '-• i i. !• . ••*' - V“; ■S-Vif-CV* ‘ • V’'VJ J VX”*’4 , "i < '’,iL"' ’i , ' £ * 4,0,, ’ our BteTOts, ogain comraond a “Wunortt girl m kiesodj she *aya shew CroiOMPfifig." Tflo tnalie lived wo or three dajd Cl y ‘ 6 * T ®.^ eaif ? DunlSriJ iH complaints of the . IL&DIEB* IMEBS GOODB. I ' t } P -J* 'i 1 ’' T ? 4 f>» i^- , f '"iYT v*" 4 1. |H L _'V*V* JOT to “Ihrtvfipfcfcjetets to ihe devil,” anif'lito * akl "ff c '>l |: > r ofd ja new preserved in spirted | na OT er *» w m=h work has been performed— particu- j SSS?f? ai tS k ’' ? c i 1 ,? ,re ' . t T > . "’ *’ ” “ Iho operation la«n.” \ .tree., „h«e,ha , totte , 'gSSSfSSSgtt, ./. . * Thare *re ulrerfy-two candidates Tor Slate T?ei», Beneathihe -rul > fe ’ 1 ?p4v».;-< J . ,»W, Nor,Middle«warth, of Union county, a*d Gid- ‘ho pen is mightier (ban the swar^! pre»en*ii a gloomy, picture of the condition of the' ** " , rihlnatiJr rT 1 " ZL™r/' E ::r°r 'r^% 0 4W,e% p P lß Zm^ m °-~™rr cheB ° - IISS4S^ : " - - ; * s r ■ ;< *. * Af l i u 4*pJog up before the {.egislatdtn convenes, it m im- To paralyre the Casare, and to strike the repudiation of thenatfonal debt. n theManlce case, occupied the entire of yeeter- Pari?frinteTi l iS„^! t,! h)2 a OT B * »hadei; ’ . ' pbAAle to teir. Anhnndrca, powiblj* Qanpot, earth breathie,,! p „ , day. Mr. M’Calmont, a young member of the Bar, 4 , Allegheej-couotj furnish a'few? Ton cannot ail' £?»«*, y * tte j ■ FbeeSchoois is InnrAWA —The poople of In- opened on the pait orthe Commonwealth, in a , ml!!!* a ' J r ' ] v “ gi< ttoPoat offieelgepUeman-U.lt «cem.n “ ? h M&tffj,??: i'SSTi'SSrc: .-SS-Sif- SISSaMfS ■ v* ..., tesSiCH®i;'.Y’i ■ • '-"' f \V-jT? 5 ' ■ eje State, although Whig at almost orery election *^ C mor< * w »obliinn. 8 ’ painted by Mr. Coffin; and 1., Indeed, a very pnet.y I- . V 'IX* *V» ! heretofore, haagitea.hnn a majority of 16,466 over A DiOHiTAnv —A conatabfc in Pennsylvania hnd picture. It represenU General Taylor; and “fi)d fi 9 \orh Kid ma^atrMd^otttrtTi;^ ck S*l a , " " 4lf *'**‘ f f".' GCn. Xajlor. Ho m now o ciUien of Michigan, jmd f r \ l ? s *' P rei: np‘ «r aoma eort, on n particular Whitey,” both as large a» l,fe, and almost ns natUril. b'lnc'k Mk s'ri^' J n S? U^«1<1 ’'■ . ,-,. ' ' 4“\ ■**! *■ ’ ' he pamed die Slate by thelargentmajoruy erero,,. S° f . h,a *, h L‘ ,u ? or,or ln a,fe ”S>hi We understand ,t belongs to Lower 8L Clau'town- ©?aS,S F ' i “ sU nndlllmp* Threw), ’ . . . ,^Lf en to democrat He earned hi. own ward, (hero- Ih- ’ hlp - * ;•,* 1 M jf’^ tofotnwhigjl bja majority of 60; hie own city, Do- nhaking Mm as thoagh ho meant to shake htm to B9“Tho old Washingtonians tti making despe* re«^r-W®,>»srt»«sttsa^!tias(as^S@^^|^j*Bt«9aEg^fc« - i N 'f' •■ i' '' “i * troit, hy 200, which was herctotore whig by 400 ma- fn« C^nv, n i!l 0 P* r ‘ lcs “oehng a few days ailer,' Jim, rate efforts to revise the agitauons. We hope they lw jkJ»OTyotecksf - i ff, '> iti- '' / /ft jontjd andliaa a handsome majority in h,s congres- «'r^ S n ,T& e '- “H may succeed, ,f they canlo a. much goodW a, :7 V ’ *‘« *V atonal district. Heha. carried .UtheNorth western you so’ ,f tSStflSi d°niy SfedS** d * d formerly/ Meeting, have been held " Manuels,Brown,.ud®“ _ , - 5 -' , vL#W. **■.'\* '-*/ ,*'■’ Bla tea, and all ibe new States with the exception of ,ak . 6 ? dldi 1 t "H” Theofficlalatlutmoliifiedand the Ark, Allegheny, and on this side. '< Ju s /rererJa J s r JF' K s lErlso,>6jl)B - - i' ifife. V’ A'"H % ‘-ftA'a-"--'' f t', EtHioriAH Cottooin.—ThoN. O. Picayune has m Allegheny city. , BltnkSSSt SSSJSf ° r '■"’Perfine (nbhtto hound). P -, ,- ' sawwanrsaflasns * u JohnwDg—« Aod did abc lub you P’ -d ertremel Yt t *VV ; r " ; , s h> I Ay # there’*ibarub*— ojyonngnie . , -/i rj/ a> 7\ '*■ s % J ' i.te™ti?OTi ol4te “* * i Kye Flour T Tbero a demand baf 6v P .... Na^eg Market girwfc Pmri?nrei^" f a ~ s + , -T'* V‘ *V r Gnawton her damaged cheek... * * «-i 1’ I ‘ - «Ma*|siss?3^fc iij "'j w/.:;;vr , - j - - L ?*. •»;'>iv-'¥-; , 4(¥-:.r ■J,'..d! ',vsj4Bi , ■■.' ¥' - Mk, , r *, . , »■•>' 64¥¥v:»>i. C-iIK •4;ar?&.> 'f ■.4 Jii- 4>. f Y. ii.ii; 44^y¥‘<4- i '-...;4‘-'?>:-,4.r- —.' -'■-. ..-. -4. ..,/;.,;. :; P* . .:v v.yiSpjs^&vi^'i;'^iA : >:vfvd •:‘,' > i?^'.:-^? } :.-Ai..;x-i > .v.'" l f^c;' - ivi.‘4'.4» l ; ~ . '•■■•• • ... v,-.,,:; pfet-;/:'—'• KVu ? > e ~ *.:»t:»^ afali; .f. 1 • / i-jT 'i-.. w» if i?". < :.A i;* r •-•• 4 f.. ' -' .•-••.1 rWV, > ! Ar ,-w " 1 ..,..-- ur '' «;■ US# / «*»’ /'t 4 , ! v -V'- lei ‘OS?; n '-*■*: *'■• h ¥i;-r ■ ' hl J i.ii;; V-i ¥ :v.i ; ■<•.. ?'¥¥s .■■■¥,..-y. *< ■ ■ ht !Y. .'? V ' I® 4. y;x/;:< * ’4* f - u V i?*L iVi? Vfy r ? i;V4>; ¥V; i V; p ■ « Ijir?.. ‘?1-<'|.J; ir.'.n .I-..y;.' s 4 y<*; .;¥•.■. .s ,-r 1 -..-. le J . .4:4i'.::.r. i. ■:.“_ : „ v:;y...,v, , i>•• ¥•. ■ S«sp|3fK^SVis4vfffe : hi. ]••¥.?.'•vVi.-fif ¥ --.v i.:-V'y.ir'.-.'rr'-;v; -Tv \ i .v . i ,f' /j 4 ~• y -.-. ,• yyy v< 4 t 1 - • ■-* ■ 'i -w’ V ,J . v, 0 ‘ - ir¥ V H . ..::■ ;-4 -1 11 -v' ’ ...44; .'.; v 4,K n , A 4*; f 44%., V .’, y r.■ • - .t\svvy<4-/' - / - * : v- ,c e. 'v vi >v y « t.- vuivil / d' " >,v;*;" , ' r rr ;x % Av;:C'a;-'|'’'' : '-''-.-..- **—. <>.. .. -•- '. , ¥„. zu-' **' ';vv ?\ --.’f 4:- , •*'--. vt . t >,* y v ~,,..# :yy ~ p ' .v. , - », **Z , « 4 (. n < - 4-/>" V.. -•V < . •»««■>* ‘ V/ «v y; ( t *■ ’ t 4 > ■ ’ * ’,*■ > *h< . . - 1 4.. - / 4,1 • *• 1 H - 5 r-r- *.» ► , * , ‘ S “ <- ■■¥!,. -«*»... ...F.H., V/y-v/y./ * ry y ,* ~ - ~ - .v’ * y “ - j -4%, "■/> - m%S&pSSe’^ a e w ,f^-~r > . C * -er , -s b UJ ,»»,» l*" . * f -r A--'.-. i < -Rv •> t^ - V* t b -*> * (•**< ,* 1 ) * * *, **• -I h t *‘--■'4,. ij,- t: ’"-.v.yv.v',; ‘ ,',y’ '4' „ . **<> *• * ' -ivyyvr-y -v'* -y - v v / ~ ' *' ; H t 2 *. m '> y ; - ► ''‘‘^yysipyi^sv ■''•“v’’ ’ /vH r y/t '4;y r t yAi .« .' r ’* . styyy- t - t ' ,c ' * 1 1 *w> J . ~ 4 J t‘, ». J 5 .- a .vv&fr* viyy.l . , V fiUonutuj |Joßt'Job printing PO&NEK -OF WOOD AND IIFTH STKEETS. Q7* Jlaviug ftdded to oar Establishment, a, splendid i'^^^V!.9uam^<^sa]tßl>aflllf■Uilellllla t .’9re.aT6l"prepftl l -,nttAlndsprNewspnpcrand Book»*worfc ofatts-i ./.*•■■ -sar|JWSfapeantyandneatness, andupoirthempstwa-! WrftfenectfitU? solicit the patronage of the pnbuc intmaiiaje-orour j 1 'in. ri~ C- s < jg l i^ ur,1 ‘ By G-y- we’ll change their natfle,nir,’* * The party opposed to the Democrat?, to this couh- 1 'OTj-hj! whatever name they have chosen to adil un t^er./'o^J^c mc . hciogl liavd.ddoptcd the sentiment ■ epetaieecl in Ihtf lines of. Mr. Adams, to enable them fully to carry out their purposes. ' ; , Afctho"lime of the Rcvofetion they were the Tor; fa«y, amf, Openly tyck side* with Croat Britain, flubsequently, at the organization ofthii Government, they rallied under iheir great leader, .Alexander i Hamilton, and bccambknowqas the Federal Party, - aai «*““* >a the name. They endeavored to es tablish 0 strong Government, and.JO place all its powers jn the hands of, a few mdiTidnals, who might lidld’Office during‘“good behavior,” or for •hew natural lives-i But the Democracy soon after; wants arose in Ibpir strength, overthrew the Federal party, and elevated the parotic Jefferson to the President? bfyhmUmled Stales. r Since then-,the Democrat! eparty, wiih the creep. Con’or ahbut eight years,'have been in power, and controlled the affairs of the coonlry. : Meanwlfijo./the "Federal party, at each Successive Presidential have Gy - every trick and strategy, to defeat lhoTeopTc=-thb great Democraej— and to'ohtain'power.so as to adminis ter the Goyynmont toauif theirownselfisband sec tioaM views After tnectingwilh disaster and do. teat, atvrach election, they never gave up ; bat would Tilly agSii} u’ndcrsotue new name, murder, thereby, to deceive the People* It WopJd he- impossible far us to enumerate the. d.fforenteamen the h>ld Federaf party have adopted, at Various taqes, to tall, under.' After drhppiugtheir genmneold bnphsrpal namfc_Fcdertilstß—they he caihe known, successively! -as Constitutionalists; Fnenda of Order and Regular Government; a Mor al and Religions People's Party; Amt-Bemoerats; AnuJacobrod S< the Federal Burnte Party; theTed eral Republican Party; the Peace Party ; the Peo ple’apany; the Church and; State Party; the Sn prepacy qf the Lawn-Party; rhe National Republi can party {the Anti-Masonic Party; the Farmers* Mechanics’ and Working Men's Party; the United StatesßnSk Part?; the Independent Republican Party; the Native AmeHcah Party; the Hartford Convehpod f'arty, the Arncdctn Syrtem Party ; the WhigPartynhe Democratic Whig Parly; the Con aerVativ'o Party- the Harrison. Democratic Party; the Anti-Van Bliren Party; the log Cabmapd Coon Skin Party; the Anii-Tylw Party ;jhe Clay Party; the Anfi-Mexicaa War Party; and last, ihongb not least,the TATtohAurvnucaßPAsrr. ‘‘ ” . This last ipgnomcn t/ocea its patcrnity to those - honest wizards, John M, Clayton: of Dels-' were, and Rhvei-dy Johnston, of Maryland. These gendetncflpropcrto, tliatheroafter, themneh-abused' name of “Whig,” shall be blotted oat front the vocabulary ol* Federalism; and the more deceptive title of Taylor Republican Party, eobshteted. Taylor RepubUam Party’ How'do■ Wall; since the « Whig” party has become ex aact» >1 ** a. mattSr of no conseqnence ;o na by what lomenclatnro our poll heal-opponents may choose o be deagnsted hereafter. We Teel disposed to adgethe.new acfminis ttahon,not by its tame, but' by 1 tsaetr. If it adopts the old exploded notions or' ho oftuu-umes defeated and repudiated Federal far y.weahall-war agamßt it « to the knife, and the ;mfc to thejnlt. l ’—But, on the contrary, if it shall dopt genome Democratic Republican meaanrea, we ball take pleaanre < id giving to it onr humble, but tatneat suppartl iWnrcpflflsssyhowever, that wo have hut very alight < opes that the new administration will meet the ap robanon, and merit the support of, the Democratic arty. We believe Gen, Taylor"is an honest man; at weJmvp apprehensions that be will be surronn ed by a faction who arc destituteor either moral or ohtical honesty,—who.will endcavor to fastenup n- the country, all the nefarious end -obnoxious i ensures which the People haveso often condemned. ' The Public haudst The sale of tho Public Lands, Bering the year 547, as sppears by returns to the land Office, nonnled to acres, pnncipstly m the atd of Illinois, Indians; Missouri, Alabama-Lou-i ' lana, Arkansas, lows end Wisconsin. We hard i data upon which to estimate theßales oftbe past »r«. hnt we presume: they have been equal,at leaat, those of the year previous. Wehave always been of the epidioe, that if tho iremment wonlddispose or the Pnblic Lands to Inal-settlers at shell rates ns wonld' barely defray o expcuscsof surveys and would res nit to e benefit of all concerned. Asu is, the reVcnne rived from that source, amounts to but a trifle; d whether pjfaced in the National Treasary, sa at esent,ondistribnted amongst the different States, proposed bytbe whig parly, the People at large mid-be very tittle benefited. To graduate the CO of lbePublic Landa.in.the luanner wopropoao, eld have the undonbtcd cffect bf rtpidly peopling s West with an lio'nest, hardy, indnstnons, repnb- J an population, fi-om othdr countrioi; who wonld ' t only add to the wealth and strength oftlm fcoun- | ; , but wpnldpiake up for any supposed deficit in I public revenue, though an - increased coasamp. i of fercign importations, upon wbieh-dely would • collected. * J i 'be Public Lands arc tlm property of the.peoplo of U. States. They alone, through their nnthotixed nts,Tiavo thc right to direct the manner in which fr f shall be disposed of. It is notrighl ftr the Pen tospecnlate upon themselves. Evfcty citizen, > desirostoinafir an ncthil, permanent settlement npny paittsp Sf Jhojeilands.'ehould be 'perßiit-- to dn, ao, by paying to thu Government the mat necessary taraaka him a snrvey and title ins not fair and right t fe trust thatohis subject will be brought befere greas session; and that the reshonp wp have made will .bt lakeu-up, and ited ad the-law or tho land." * 1 •'•J'-t'r. v _ V Wilg ontce Ilnnterit 'Read.! ' [P EVER t FILL THAT HIGH OFFICE, (He JJJtJgT RE UNTRAMMELED TH PART? OBLIGATIONS OR INTERESTS ANY KIND.” [Zjichaky Tahor. L HATE Nq FRIENDS TO REWARD," ‘AND ENEMIES TO PUNISH."— Z. Tailor. T Inhere «the man, ’onthe face of the green el or.God’o footstool, mho beheres"Zichar; or ofer told nlie ?—Governor Jones. vr H ■*» r* a * itH tbelr.Promliet be Reiu embtred 1 the people of the Hot threw ember \\ hat has been ,Jqr*n> change of'administration.—- .Higher pßcw for the produce of the farmer. Ad increase of from £te to tea dollars per month on the wage* or labor. The abolition of slavery. The pottage or the WiJmot Proviso. A high Tariff. And, ;■ Bwth remember whm haa heen promised them by a change. No internal improve, ments. No National Bank, No tariff. Defeat of the WilmotDfOTiso, No abolitionism, Remember nil— and see that their promises are fulfilled to the letter. T So Sore OoTeramentlioaiia Wanted. In reply to an Intimation inonc of the papers that Uncle Sam woqld soon be again tbemarlous ahor rower, the Washington Union saya a—“ The idea of Me. Walker dewing anew loan \ntmttfptaee,nnd when nearly one-half the loan of 1848 yet to be receired, end erpetially when the nr/ ratmte fo> dniiei (or the firet quarter of the Great year foe pub lished officially) exceeds nine millions or dollar*, Being at the me pf upwards of thirtysis millions of dollars a year from customs alone, would seem to Be rebat prosperous. Eton Daniel Webster, in his Speech fceeully published, admits that Mr. Walker's estimate of the revenue this year will be realised. There is but one event id winch o loan may be and cipaled. A. loan in one contingency might possibly oe wanted—namely, by restoring- the anti-rieenae tonyrof 1842, which, as shown by the records of the treasury, produced sex millions ordollsrs less per annum than the tariff of 184 G.» J - 1 Kona Canotraa OrmctAi.—The official returns from all the Coontieshave been received, (Ysncy, county excepted , on account nreome informality io the tetarn:) Tajrhr Can*.....*.., ~34,869 t Add Yancy, forToylpr. 31 majority Making Taylor'# majority r< ■ iBjoBi V Ve **“>« OryctyL —The following i. the official ciavese* taking tbehfgbert on each ticket: Tajrlor..., ** 23,122 Van Bdreq 13,857 Taylor’apldrality over Van Boron, 9,286, over Cu>, 12,174jCa»a andean Buren*otcr Taylor, 1,663 Clay over Polk, 8,729. Every Congroaaiopal district lias given a plurality for Taylor. i 1 | Vttoww*—The Richmond Enquirer maiea.thc nujonlj fbrCaaein 137e 0 nDtiea},3G9,leav,ngBrar. (oo county atilt lo hear from, which gave Clay a ma jority of 30. TheTimca makes it but a few votca lean. f Geoaora Official —Pelt return. (Von> Georgia hare Been received, and the vote bj Congroraional di.trietai. a. follow.: Casa, 40,089: TaJlor’a majority, 5,061. -Taylor ha. carried all the £opgre..ionaldiitricte except the fifth andamfi. MAr»B~.£^eiir/^_'Xbeofficial returns a« given in he Angu.ta Age, .how a plurality lor Ca.» 4,859 over Taylor., Van Bqreo>» yoto ia 16,121. The ma jority ngainrt_Ca.B in the State i. 7965, ■ We find the following in. the lost number of the Naihville Union- The Montgimcrj King, oftho 16t|, t atatca-thai Alabama haagone for Cana by 900 majority. This i» oa doubt reliable. - <> i r-i-'Ak r - v.- r -»-c - S™*™* -Borland b» been elected rteS* We,,,,., tmexp.red term, and Sn bjatian far Axhley’s recincjr. It „ thought that Se vier wtll be elected for the cia year, after the 4th of .March neit^ l| IOWA L ~ Tb, ‘ S ““° has g,vcn “ of proba- thousand rotes for Cars and BuTtca. Tlic Mormon rote was given about as follows • for Cass MO, for Taylor 80(1. BarTheAifburn Daily Advertiser, ,ba. every colored voter In that c,ly, five npmber, >o ted for cen, Taylor; and the Albany Jonrnal re marie lhai“ there la lmle danger that colored elec' tOF* wdl mistake Her duly'on their fnende'” "*! ° Bb 0f^ e P 0 " 1 coneplcuoia guests a( the dinner at New York ,n honor or General Taw ,or ! a election «ao the eon of an English lord. mV* ' An rnsnlt. The Worth American, (saya .the PenoaylvantaD,) alluding to tho nominations for office) which will probably be made by Gen. Taylor Tar continuation by theSente, addresses this insulting language to tha gentlemen named below. Wo bchero these gentlemon to be high-minded men, who will perform their doty, and are not doerring of the insinuations thrown outt—«We natif/Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Butler, I Mr.-Hunior, Mr. Jedbnon Daria, Mr. Mnaon, Mr. SOnlo, and such like, to attend Wnahiugton ot the special session after the inauguration orGeb. Taylor, in full uniform, and with sharpened axes, to com mence the process of decapitation.*’ j How Gei. Taylor Obtained Democratic u Votes. * The ffejrYorfc. Globe (Barnburner) Bayii^—<*Many Van Buren men of Uiat State voted for Taylor, fear ing that Cats might carry tho State, and many Cass men roted Ibr Taylor, rearing that Van Buren might carry the State. ” ’ Then, notwithstanding the heary Dcmncratie vote Tie receired from these and other causes, the I Globe proceeds to say: | . Gun era! TajlorwilJ fall abort of having araujor. I tnerotes of the Union, by fully nno hundred j tnouaand. He will be ihe largest mmontv President I tho country ever had.” j SnAMFEABr. FoEKCBmto,—A Frenchman, who aapircd to it the leading parts in anTlnglishthoatrr, gave the following an a specimen or his ability to play Richard the Third j * i 1 Ifow is do winter of dam nneaslncss, ' Mado into hot wcdtlcr byyork’slitilebbyY (Dat is rot you call de son of York i And de dark eland which stick at top ' Of de houso, 10 do bottom orde sea. Dead and buried. But a* Tor me, aha I I are do bump upon my back—lave Dam bandy leg— l am unfashionable; and— And, for nil dis de dam dog bow vrow at me, As 1 Talk by him.*’ * MABstrrtEin, which recently wept »o Wrongly ac cording to Mr. Webster’s wishes, hut .against hla r r «’a? 0, L bo ,? truly what happen* to every enu oneman. Ho may.perhsps, throw down his rival’* glory, but he is crushed id hi* whole aoat beneath ■ the glory which he overturns. 1 ; ■ Austria. The Auairran Empire is competed of tlio follow, mg nation*, to each oi n loch 1* a Aired ita pretent population, indicating, at the tame time, Ita den ari} : , . Poputanoif. Lower Awtna mOCMWO Upper Austria.9oo,ooo Hungary, 9,000,000 Galacta -.4,400,000 Lombardy, At 4,400,000 Bohemia 3,900,000 Traosylvanu. 2,000,000 "Morana, Ac .2,000,000 £«« , 600,000 TJ«I 780,000 JDalmatia 340,000 Sclosoala 370,000 Styrfa 850,000 CannUua and latria,.. 1,160,000 Military fr0ntier.,..,1,000,000 BSrrn Knoi county, Ohio, tickets were circulated headed Van Boren and Adama, with the twenty-three Taylor electora under. Ticket! were slao cucnla led headed Cass and Butler, with the tnrnry-lhree Taylor electora neder. Of this latter kind Iwtlce were found in the ballol box of Fcipio township 10 that county, and in the ballot bo* of another town *lHp/fltfr. ttiTThc Ciacinnati Globe «y* Judge McLean did not go to tho polls on election day; the tamopsper aaserta that his sympathies were with tho Freo Soil party. ••Tnn Dou Stab Raoei The Mercer Whig of the 37th mat says There was ijuito an eacitemcot tn our town last week, on tho subject of Mad Dogs. One, Which was supposed to be rabid, had bitten quite a number of others, and an mditcrimioale slaughter took place. Some thirty or forty were killed in one day* Mustabo. -Mr. James D.Freaner, the celebrated Mostang ortho Mexican war, armed 10 Hagerstown, Md , on Thursday, upon a visit to his relatives. S 3" The corner stono of-u Reman Catholic Cath edral, wqslaid, with imposing ceremonies, at Clove land, Ohio, on tho 22d ult Tho edifice will be J7O feet by 76, and will have a tower of 200 feet high. I Aermt, or the Bva.-The illumins hU?Ja^ aea !! e °[ lhc , s “" I* displayed in a remarka ble drgreo by tho plant cacalle fitodet its leaves t C n n ra e,eh, W al h | ‘ be °’W !n of ,he ••"***», dnrmg tao night, and are soar as sorrel in the morning • as thosna Uses, they gradually 10.0 their oxygeE® and nr the Cl n',* ft T" f aD,r b # lb ° continued acUon of tho light, they lose more ond more, till inwards evening they become bitter.—Mr*. Somtrtille A,fn?nh N .°H, ! F VtLaCTA ™« AHD CltltAT&il—M, Adolphe Brongniart considers every thing to nrove on tho ono hand, that the different vegcmblePcrea tienß which have succeeded each other on. the glnbe havo become more and more perfect; on the other hand, that the climate of tho surfoce of the earth is f.nn i" o ib « earlier times'of thacrea ibopresenTcpochT “ P *° ,h °’commoneement of S ! AT,SIIC3 r?" ! Sloto «<* Ohio, according (0 oßicial returns tnodoby nssesiors during Ihe present 25n r >?r?fc W,th, fc 1,1 , imitB - lbe »<»S* number or 1.- Va’lll h °H' h ® ralt, ° ot whrcl < iaso ‘ <>o»n >t s2^ 459ftngs Ti *— 113,- nf jn'L'L p f|® KU, ° ef *»0" commenced tract* for -J,'" 018 ' Th ° Te . le ? ro Ph eays that toil- ... aboul I,GGO bead Jiave t>cen enl6red : ‘inlb ?* lhe , r V c from ® 2 >soto 3,2spercwt., according Pootr-iipta havo likewise been made for ?n°9°rn r 10,000 ho instant of the last dsy or the 21 st year next before the anniversary of hi. I birth. > It seems thee that tho officers or olection above inferred to were wrong. T “*\ We “ Wool oo a steamboat, J torday. It belonged to a very ccecntric old fcl low, who-r»ncied that disease and death would re sult from sleeping upon any? other kind. This | brought to nur mind the observations ora wnter. Whoso Jetter it published in tho last« Patent Office new rt '" t ° PpCar ‘ w ,Unit lht “ ibis application of Wool will not only be salutary lb health, but ed- 1 vanlagcous likewise m opening a market for our I Wool-groAere. Wo call auention of our ctpon discovery 8 *° ,h '"' D ° W d “ cove 7~ lf ‘ 11 be now, or a UST Somo of the morning papers appeared yes lerday with very extensive report. of the proceed ina» of a meonng of Iho Young Men’s Bibio Society. The. meeting was held ,n Dr. Herron’. Church, on Monday evening; and, from the report., it mußt have been unusually interesting. ' ■■ W ‘ Ir " ,n Kaq.,yesterday morn ing mode information bofore Mayor Adam., again.t some person, teho is suspected or having entered | «>», duelling house of Mrs. Agnca Invm, of the pejenth Ward.ond taken a set of silver spoons, and t>tbor.Arlic!qt, on Wednesday nigbt. :W!\ i ® >rc6s * iif ,all diroctioae, unite in con demnfDg Forint'* cprd in /efcreneo to Macready. ■ w probably the eiUieat act he orir was guilty of. Wo regret itj Cor forrest hat stood, in our opinion, among tbo great mon of this country. ' w-(Tie jml is filling up protest, So that the December Term or the Copr| ,„|| | )0 Jongor lhan ssuo . A good many heavy cases are now on hand. ,* arC °! TayW *n our The sire next Wednesday ovemn/j. '"V'i ZxZiJLg ,>£?*? * wJ» - v h f '*'l, "%, **• 1 ■*» * *\ >r £ . -» T -*xt«i V - * 3t ?£, *££Jt :. -* i Vf FYY ~4 > / f /^ - ,- -C i V 1 i*- * .“i v. ,t...-*:c -„•* ».»-4* =£•"* :-: r u oi *• • t* 7 ?* -- r <‘>j ' .*. >-.. i -cj fr «r“_-_w.; \,*>-".i>i s < Y , a sl w\ -in '*?%-><•£ V\^s/ r " *■ r*f» v#r - < Af _> *■ rf* ' n s ■ti -14 /** [ s r -in -s -X v t ,K* / ‘< U-siL* n^ hi \ \~^*7 "-•• * /»4 a '" V 4 *. V*\. ** " *KT^ * , r ‘ ?" F , ."4 V _ * A ~ „ % Z,\ f - ' '" 'F * r4%* T. A *t f V -W »L« -‘ > * &r- ' r r-«- ■> *. t -> W x, -TIJ* fcf *"V 4- ? r “ i s. a -if 5 v x- ♦ - _‘, i‘,r *j /* - , T •- ■■ - t ! •<• V * - - «'f " 1- _ h - " * - 4 1 f ‘ * T’ ■ -t 1 > t y f U,t -* ’'l=4 ‘ IJ V'p - . * -*■ TV * 5 o.'J V 1 s -♦* \ 1U » - - - c 4' r T Vo u , \ o-r 81 j * -v-v -t r^i » 4. -N X -\ 4 f $ -w # r f -k «»• - 11 / J*V It. * * i ■* * n A r • v -f'- ' J l -*- \ *- i **• TJ-t - ’f ~ ‘ *?!»<« T -V -v- .•'•-• ~ ■ T. .v^v.:-ri/;--i--«''—>;jt.. •*>:.• •<-<;'jtf , :’''<*-«'.-{;i4.i-=-.r.'^j'.? : 4.'.=»«-K\r»'T-r?*a.-: • * s*- - - >?»^ A ' ‘ ' ', %. ,*V ;;■ i= . “ i tV E > J 1 1" JE',l ■• ■'. g * *E *_ I' l . - f f -E Ln / ,/'■ 1 A “~ ‘ Va kl^A*' 3k ! „ V , s n/r '‘l 1 -< 0 5 f i ~ „ l‘- \r } ~ ! * ~S, . ifstac s *"7 I 316 L • t , f r ;V^' ! r i ‘ \ • 5' J / '* - . K 1 /- i z -^ ' " x ~ « r (» - , V- *. t - • ‘ /< v> L - .' -V ' . rf - %- f -. 5 *■*■'.- r , , , 1 v ' "■ I’-v *.>& V- , *!■ . , t u. » »>- 7 . - v-vO'. |. -*'- ?7 -,Mm - - v tl - ’ t, v ' - rJ ‘ i • . V,= 5 ' * - - , & i -'/r - * : j -T J T '"e'’ 3 - * , '*fe'j '=4 i^. ' » *■ J >=• =>■ Sg I ■v, /-»* *f - 1 * *v Vo S}*^ ’ 'iv - ■» J** . 4 ir-^M . . ; i t -v, . l " 1 '4' & **■-' a H‘ f v - - - / “ . >^Ynv;f-' ** %fik ■» y 1 * . tF ', ■ ■»•' v v'YL.'\ - ~»-v. , - JV* *-J?, -t ’ j 'e.:X -•¥'**-»■ -< d \n*> / *. ;. v v ’ ** .^t«sB^*saH*»^MF"MsS ! [ *''■’” -i * • jft \ * * x. < * < “W’ T * «>*=vS 7 < v . *A. : 15 “ s ‘“ 'x i* r '“r”V /! .' ‘ ~’ FES-^EEf, "' ’4 ‘* ( -',VA’«t.Y ■'“> » «v ' '* Ft r f J C' 5 ; -- '”• ," * ' i -E 4 '/ *P M* ... -j - v F 4 s % r '4 V ,4-. r>-" i '■' ~ ,'J t) s <4 ‘ v - .. ''F-• - v /- >r cT' -'4 -41 <&%*’ ’ «' u- *», |_ **- ’i tV ' v -V v:‘ V„;, t F _,- ~:*y 44-4-Y 14-x vv-*sp-^ "> ,' i -,’■ J - ?v 4.v r H'-FsCl i ’* * r * * V M -v S| J ~ - - ,,r r ‘ y , ’ r ' IV v ’ ’ 4 ,‘ - ♦ 4-V » \ Sv J-F -‘ . v . j, 4, *44 'a ‘v V » >w v v.f4 V-tV *f'\ & *■ >Vy/,k7/U\>^?7:C^ —• " v v •% ’"’w 1 * v l *, 1 ' 7 .SSTMiss-Waltersia the cleverest Itttlo dancing woman that over appeared id Pittsburgh. 8bo« young.handsorne, nod extremely gracoful; and baa won tbe hearts or all the (young men, and turned tho heads or tbe old ones. J Dnrraicr Coubt.—The Hays rs.Hhys was contio ned yesterday; fliyl will occupy tlie whole week, from present appearances. tar v "There have already been four Balls announ ced for December. The first is the flrest Neptune Boiree, tvhic fa comes off on the Bth. \ Theatbe.—A tremendous bill is offered Tot to mgbt. Bratus, bjr Mr. Addama; Tullia, Mra. lew is. See card. ■V’.Tbe people of Wcllsvillo ate holdingmeetings to uke into consideration how they may get along without a railroad connection with Pittsburgh. S 8" The Good Will Engine House la a hard look ing place, w* rather guess it has a’tiard company. ■S' The Shaker Family is creating a no rid of as tomshmont m Wheeling. Mr The alarm of .fire last night was false. I officers nml members of the ISr wiKSfi, I Knn nre notified to meet at the Hall, corner r iS?Qtv Jli'SS V, “i 1, ' 5 V n 11,9 following order i , »rou ViiyyNo, If®,oa.Wednesday uext;-at2 HNo 24,0 n WcdaeAsr« jn * oi§ “ . 64, '• Thursday, at 2 o'clock ’ No 9 oaUjursday,attiio clock S® Tell,No 45sOnFiu!ay.at8o*cioek wv,OCh oSZtUtt**’ N ° SM *°" F " J “ > ' 01 *» oc '«k, I « iheir Per order of M tv n,M InfvaJA 3 ' JV” Third Annual Paacv nrrißßaii. Jsnnnr? 115 v r n Jtt, o U,Ell> Wll * '*k e Place on the Bth of fJen,tenmn oomitted, unless accompanied oynmdj- noveotd _j thoorii your Physician* amlfriemU con«!de»dm»lliv7* fi l“ c “S-** ° 1 " ! of wllam w« if ?* WWt »' lthe»r effort* proved ajik*ouJ tided ifii f , iiSS? n ® ?{i lhe P h r»''«'i» came in, ondde i!! ™l ‘'OuMnot Ilvemore thunone dayloncer’ 8 ,cw ***.•• ip«, • h >« tnita, beano* of the anoniahmi: Chlflfmifc!. 0 P f B ?? eni ’ iimwort and Tar ( iwntto mcdS' ’n«X “*,2 ti,ny » procure tbe above ssJsrJssa 1 ffW “ “hsr *• wS\l^.^?. drrs J£!' eil * *< that line acfcounf of H Kss “TOSSir" Pptskß Thomas Giur. Stetmto*, OArtf, February 0, ® ,r,fc,ra * Foraatebr J KIDD A.CO, wholeule Draramtu. No SO Wood at KNEEUAND A HARDIN, '■' Orautstrcet. Alto,by": ■novSOiCnjd&w fnivn'Di/io' T on%£ A Fi?’,S, 0m ' ltm £ ff f 0 ®«**»Peni were put Mr on ,rom Ihnueamlwllt Clip.' El'fiS J?vJ TOOrtlin ?' ,ho >Bjh instant, winch were tMMi Jo fu f ■'JV by remake, I presume, as their S m“.df h f bul “ utol “» «> «»» other person bfThJm^S'Sr?.?^ Ibree bushel Bags; a name is on one-' eoni»ta;,f rt\ 1 , lBu<: ' lo me > ‘ ihem fl i l mf!nn,™ n «? o|l ' , i.” 1 r My P*" 011 **< at *>N JM “'“•i”? .‘SCpnu me. whore I;can gel them. , _nov« 4t * ROBERT OHR. C 0 Pe.? ITTBnCIIGH ™sstre: STosim,- —Manager and Lessee. pjwjl w. rmeta or AUKtssior p K® 1 ' e-»f.00,1 Single tickets, - /-fSc Srr V’*’* l*f c <> ad Tier—36, | Pit- Sc uBuer » * 20c. | Privaleßoxes - 81,00. mghtofJlr.A A ADDAMS. Mrs LEWIS Act* Su£5 ,Not *■ " in be P«»ented a Pl»y,m fire . ~ BRUTUS Brota« -Mt Addons (Tnllio .... , Mrs. Lewis. ■ I "^’- _ „ SKETCHES IN INDIA. %^j£.ft” t * <| I^ lt dt<>tiCunoiii wlllrise^trtd’c^ock" 37BK£-SffißS SMSKSSS to^sassftaaßSKasS do so 10 advantage, by securing choice Lots” fvano“ a few J ears a ramat nto return y “® m ol?n”o b^X W,l,beaold C “ hl ° ron “ c <*»‘ S™ CLKASAMI ISDISTOTAIhI ; HUGH I t!w&'vvf l X d ever y information had. of Mr. ba " B '"'VhX&Wc# ,bt HOV3O nnw l* CO * CO Market street | QQ Market street , *« cases colored Cajnbriet* 64c 10 '• P ll „‘„, a ® ,I,,me ' , - 37 * loSte ® Chintt Print*, 3Jc Anti mall) otber Goods, not enu mernlcci A A MASON & CO, 60 Market street- • v A y^-! .^ASOXV , A LO,, Ac. AO marketsir it t li!iri> «■ l * ?d, h pe^^xp^\?n(l,yi,lo P e « tM»&oiSn*-£‘ u\ P « s T r * h «ogreable pare Sutin, Unff i?„ Grodc Rhine, 7*8,4*4 ana 5*4 wide 50 artd plam Sllka ' * Cashmere Shawls D.!”’ a »a«niedyrot coughi, coldL&c corneM^n^ n w' 01 ? by A FAHNESTOCK * Co. I 1 d Wooa slreet8 J ™a corner flih suid Wopti r eia * nov3o I •vT7^ : . *lj * t S V ‘1 * it r r -V 4 4 «.'*■“ t *,l V'’*, A > « WOULD BEsSpectfullA- invite the attention Sffico .josi «cewrf—wfiicb will hdTomidlfe OTeaiSr Sa&fsa fe®jraS£. v e * , «.y? wpneefc CiTbusacaU XJjjgjfgßPgsg; fisisSy«sf^ssssLfc r« con * E “ t rlls t>osSite»* will He 'ieitleJ by J C * ,lohe, ~ JOHN«AU.OHEB. * „ CONHOOD BDP - ■ «v v; SSSgffafflffisgsssißsa o^Si&^s^SsSs^S^^'^r^ cefe B th«“moSiTO' J “ A fW dO -“ O> Wr F ei H >eßor T**- ajsriis^.iaeajMAVsy fesair^ssawSHS bit ,O ®SS«^ ihe •ttficwhmod'atiS ??' i!i!?i&v **** wd; ini ■tud'UTerui* tyMetsaite. *. Do ™^l?d4^ ek " ,lß *£’i&teV ' "*> * ' 'PSSteisssrsi^^&isffik Sfi^***^3Ss nova> - -^ 3 - CTJTHBEBT ’i TASSEUS --idoz Mohau-lbiSe!., 3 down ailcTTaMeU n sorted * u ' ‘‘ ift t Exit* Fine Ttaml*. hiotte*'* * * 10 Lad*. Cloak Tassila ' 1 1 -•" i, cofbred ' 1 ‘ f , WOOLEfr GObM > ’ -*0 d ““ n ci ‘! llKn, » Woolen Coats, assorted f in <) w , «?» ** ‘V lfi “MVo ii<-v\^' 1 f ‘ ; * ' - ■, >W „* ***—«’ S*. ~ /J"* *** :>*•£..: • :■£ v-v-l'r i : " :>• % T t * i ,-; - s'- r l * riIIIEM • • •-' j. - r —i- i8 • Ciwcitwati, N0r.29—6 e. x. The a learner Wyandotte was wrecked above Vicks barghjoa the 21su The boafis-a total loss. T-biny i lives were lost. >* 1 J » hi a * CutmifkA'nJNoV.,2B? i 'The Theatre at Vicksbafgh wa s totally deiliovkd' hydra on'the 23d last. ~ Vi*'’/trir'.'V• ' “j'i !» Ewetjinajri, ifqvi 2&I, ** All the Youghiogheny Coal.KfloatVbU'heeD sold at I2|c, pet bushel, 1 .. • 'Zt/ W J- Congressmen are parsing 'th/dog!) ,R||J city’rfnfiy, ion routeta.Washingtoa,, J t u ; a , a , i i ' —n,r .'winot i, ,« r, i. \ ' > r BALTIMORE RttSKBZf fJ> -oy ' f Bartmoni* NoWmbifoaiLß J.ii,' Flnur-Tho d»K* <*hfr bnstnemlone i*?t a shsht The rg Mte‘ n, . Ce H 1 °'“b 1 Gram—Tht T * k* * poried rOIS 130 ck3tßer ltt ri ; > , i - -<-. *. ;t'u. '■*/ of *. NEW YORK-MARKET;* * -* t; i ", New Yohk, Ndv, 28t-rB*,’fe; 1 Flour—The sales to-day amount to JDOQ prices rangiog-from 6)31t0 6,34 pdf HbV-J‘< < t x uGraid—The sales or Wheat rftehrdfrP/Une'Hcd.ll the extent of 13000 bhshelsst't.ie Aer blftlmMSafii oflnronornttjOaperbu. SdlhsoFPrimeWhile**] lv26c. -Sales er«bioaft,To®l,tSft4«Cor6f «l& I Prime 'White »t 67c. per bcshtd f Aafe6*'ori4nV 1 Yeliovt at-30073c. * /tWtt >\ f j »*/ju j/ Provisions i-tTbe Mitricr'ilSr RbrY is »i&Bnt ck Ss?f'. a ." 6er 48 rc pnees orders end;' ‘ at if Whiskdy—The delnand is Fair, with Sales' dfsdo bbls. at 24fc. per gallon] /--n-u/’i i- i X Rye Flour—There i* a mtJdehito demand bof prices droanchaoffed. Wf ’ r: ' , '- ,lkV * f £!}•>'/ i *IL— 1 ».>** ’ PHIL ADEIiPStA ‘ Jii'RSSTv ~ J Ilf >, ' fnK.AtiEtpftiAjNov.2d—e’jea*J«* Flour—The «lee v to day has* jbpen to-s fair ex-, tent, including Opr brands at bbL This id a slight decline. * x ( J n ?*?iKrTS P ,al t 8 of'WieaUohlqde Prime Whitj at 1,1401,1 d per bug sale, or Prints Red 0f1,090* :liiO pOr.hushel; a declme in Cgures. The siies br Corn intlude 4500 bashels nf Prftno YAllo’* 1 and ter^rU^L°^ Ctats^Sc *' J ' h 6 f ' Whiakcj— Demand fair, with al 24c. per gallon. - J * * or tfTma B nd°*^ OaBC^anEC^^ll^^raffT^^B^t^ Groceries—l have nonportable change.^ \i' i SAINT LOOK MARKET. U ‘ I, ' St.Xocis, November AS—JS p^k.—- rh^ hC /° J *. 6 3 'Dciienwater m Trim this point to Cairo* and raffing. , r^ a ,e ! *°-**-*Jf have IwenAqrit fair ex r tent, including St. Louis at 4,1804,26.' t i 1 Gram—The salos or Wheat Include mued at prices ranging Rom 63083 c. , i ' - t i i ; > Pin Visions—Tbesules ofPorknre to nTair eiteot J including Mess al 8,25. Saiea oF Prime 4t 7,00. 1 here lasome inquiry, butt the holdersf prevents lavgctransaethnta. " - * *•' There o n good demand for ( tatjl,Apd tbe marJseV ; BnconX-There isi a good demand Fo'r hams stslw w Grleane; Floor shipped to-' Poib at 60c. „ « d >/- \ . - '***■" U 1 f Vtif CtNCm>?ATI MARKET, t , - CrscniHAn.Sov.ib-RKM. Flopr—The markeus steady,'hut 00l active tin* prices, there is no reportable change From yesterday. Gram—There ra a good inquiry for Wheat; For> rorlUog purposes; pncca are nacbangeif' - Provisinns—There is Borne enquiry Far Mess Pork, nt $9,03, with sales to the extent of 6()0 bbl£ ■ Hogs—Demand Fair; but prices are udebdnued. Barley: sales at 60055 c. per bushel, " , Whiskey—The marked ra an‘dVim“U dcclinettto 16e- * i , , or demand" “* onchllnEed a «*l t ? cr as regards pjmes %o fiver rose to-day Five inches. ** The weather ra cloudy, wrtlLthe ’opueaiautle’oF ram. . , „ , rr , mro, November- "PITTSBURGH <3 AS COMPANY—The Trustees of Fount, «trtei (ttOT2s.dlwr JOSIICA BANNA?’. ? ~ Sffites iaE '.: h John Marshall, -‘ , s,’ . M.M’Supi.AUeg /*■ 1 j 1 A PJbi6bntt,jJ i' , ' D Dalzell, Njac 'J'-' “ mmmim * ' 1 «. sj . ::»! - wr™ i&MSESU/ ppTs&td i wHPS^t 10 ’•if ?““i*** « , SrochiUmgAai Square Shawl v, r ' ‘ FcenckjTartau Loasr * do k t it f £ * French.FrmtedCoBtirtei«!i l _ ? English do do 1 * Mdotelmft De £oine*, <• £4 jmdfl-4 GalaTlsjd#, ~ i z [ Jifjw l co ’« FrencUGmghsim, and Fancy fiftafiijfo Those grammg ffargam s, are mvitedto ca!fcfcioS7Tm Frfcneh nos, all colors/ ’ , Farm«m«.jriuiirine K **•* gunarime Sinpet. for Ladles’ Dressed ' ChangeablaSlikSiTlpo Mohwrr * * * K . DRESS -nU Jciods* Mouse 1 de Cashmeres, Aforcne*, Menno£ £c£~ •*■ Sr losvpashas do. » s&s * nrt\ hntesalc, very loVr, npßiairs, fnot£& 1,0 •)(! WHITE BEANS-Juu receive* < * und for pie by (novgS) giNCft.HOOBm?An , 'l*'*?* I SAl **r-A*onndttiggj Hone—told forvreiifof 5 (novaaj BIDKPHY Jr LEE 7 Mona 1 " 11 ■ 1 < A ? P G ,??P N S* CONTAINING STONE, of t .aLlhe besi ouahtTfor Catting ard Cellar \V o *fc mid l'** I ** \ e O light atnpmffi wfll fa* retired for one-or »tm Possesion giPeo ft ;« located 1 i n £*t win chmle)tbcjnconvpmeae*d by the Quarry, . tl» U known Stone CJdajrtr on Nunnery HflL Forteiitef!e.Qanrritf*;*ncilnj!s «r a term oifoutot five years. » of jnot-ff 10 _ thoaias mbliJc>v.j IHISR1 HISR MOSS—One bslajiMt reediveduna " B FAHNESTOCK fc<:o, Y £?I" Conicrirt anJ IVbod et* ABSlA—suq mau» josi receded ancMor sale b\ ? 1 P- a Fahnestockft &>, ’ 1 - Corntr l>f and Wood »a. POTASH—soa flu mat received and rot - - BA FAHNESTOCK* CO, T JV * l _ Corngrlaianl Wora iaai j 110129 - MURPHY & lee. poMING—j bale Peart Coiling, T S' . » M Drab do , r 01 "'“"“(acuirer’i-imces - , ">« , - SW» w?l" - W wai«; 'on* convenient i o £h e anmhtSSn ' SnsgoMsr ,he cmt w - & . Lot* immediateTy Nortb of thesf •mimSSTi I !*.* iSSffis* 1 * 1 ? 1 « p**™* S3«?SJSS3SSS I S'' - oaAttfSte^ mte < • Jwtf biographical aw"..ban? 1 ffjJdler. U ' nlujirolertliy forly eaßntmtZl, B?7!3 jj! v ,\ ne, > •»■ asaS&"&*®**®ssSe!! -•• J &££&&&&& 1 ' Th& ptat eßooks jwrt weeiy ed «o&for ulebr Ji ~ JOHNSTOtf * STOCKTON * •■ ;v. ntg* '-'v i - vjT ~ crogbaitsviifOi The Cloy o ulof:tbownyd/!tlwreJUDif" ! ’ J --'i Aog«g» Pt oibff bmldiogg-. (ngfttel THO&.MELLON' K * (V WMS r ® u *P*nde» just received and far said low bv Repackage, TODD &CO corn©? of Fifth up J T>ARD & BROTHERS’ PREMIUM UOU> PFTC* "' -D 13 dor of jh(?. above warranted brantf of FVnt ,CT - * veeeived, and ft r sale 10 the trade tu The above Pensheve receiveirtbehighcftlnreminm 1 Awarded on Gold Pen»,