The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 27, 1848, Image 4

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    ‘Ti'Wi'F?:■ i f l.•.•-~ 4 >£-.> ! >? , 7-?s^®S^'f-;:'#;
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fe%;X , tt' . ,p; r . ~ *\-, f - \*j' * , r t - - ■■ - '> ~ , .h t_;a &
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>./- r •■ tvtvp’J - ! p - ‘ * - _ ’Ciius. j ' (Emi^ration-fiincs." | 3nsnra>tic-€o»npctnics. j glrcgs anb [ jpEnggianbliillfiiinuegi t r ~J 1 , 1 t ' r “’' _>,«^
ATVx I’ T f -’ 1 **-\','\l. ' **" 'A- riNAkf3S3»>« l^Ml fiKlrtir »treet. : PKaPI.'E’H TKAMBPOB.TATIOS I.INS Pa.sage to and Vrom Enclan'a.xt-clSua, mHE Infamy North Amenco, of Phila T ,^UVQL^ M BEmUT\ J C’^SSh r '? I ? m C? ® l ,^ ilr '*'«''li‘<w7lPs arttHTMt THE? GltKA't’ KKHEDV Or NATCKK ( " ' l‘v V
&L\ V**' 4 ‘JI » v* \ * ” ' IZ* 1 AC «trw, wl Epm Av * " teftrv jr&umttki SCOTI#A3SD ANI) WALtiS* . JL through m duly authorized AgeiiMlic sub ys ASTH«f nit frnm blaa “Viand reaiorauon of Ole KaU Thi« A MKEJCAN OUi v ptocarcd from o w cilia Kentucky p
* SiCi'Tw l XrTi r Si 4 * *> >t * ‘ 1 ~,>*, -*-i*a^w < rrtrivt:tusl T i«Z™??««fti«tih*.ttt of Cloths &feStsa: raow . c, n!, .?f -iferfS?” 1 S? oac A 135 featfeelow Uio of thaeattij, -ft certain; y L *., _%
<-w>® , "i? r 1 ,2 4 ** { r ■*■ «/« * * 1 *,<*» XU3T IECGEIVESr"A assortment ot 1 Liou»» ■»«■<*£•*■ <f <• rtt* on properly. mthiA city und iiayjcimtj.ajjtloHisnipineiiia ~•■ycrangeiacnt or uiacose hi the Cihan, cle* of tne knul now m use Where ibe hoici&Ufcnfl umV lufalUUe ewe far S(rai<t». Cats* Bruises* "" -
'Vlt %'VtVrV Xm!* J chimera* nnd Veaung*, o« Uie newest -style* And PirTSBIIBOH TX> ERfK 1 4 *U\ __ 1» iheVaniaaiidTnveM nve, Vascular, Respirator), and NVrvoua hnrsh, thm, aor SSTIS! Oimir Tanw, toli lfSigSoS - *
.-•?:• :.*i ,Tf,-A‘ , t-'t:rt' 4f-> .*.7;' v. .v.- • inostfashi,onol>lB co]or*j*ucn,OJiBuperfinfe Frcuch BTrujk Hc%ta .---., ' ' : •<* ■. •• ■•. ••; 1 ..-.i VIRtCTORS ■•. .• • • ooiulipatipn, m\\ aril ~.. iionswil] baip , Eo / ft , aml<inrk r v-ajj{j£nvc‘ittvi J 0 - Whopping-CougbT lnd.stntnatory ■ .-•,•/•:■•. .’••• • -•<'.•■■. :-,\ < ■:■.■"'?■" r.^v. 7^
- »iul, h>d> r andwjji oSo|iSlett«2asiJii
'- v ? t s xX<* V tX. v Beayer , Clotha,blae, brown and drab beiweep initabutek and I.neioadijng-ttMill Alex Henry, dliurlesTajior, r ed longue, aflidity of iha «tem- ita hxylmess, na4pnffas,nlUke ‘ ' INFLAMMATORY KHEUATATiSM? , ? * S > . ~
i& ~ ,X, i'-?>'%> J ;?*•*'** *i> 4V: I.A P c /“^ re " c l l^ l Kl?& p^^i^B l ntt^ ml S^ ltfr^^ lh Kr C^ al S^^ ?S?I Samuel W /ones, Samuel W Smith, ach, awtramnig of ilio head prepa-aiiona that nro generaUyius^Xmer&heSruris: «McMieWa lo itoaffectamii antprianig manner- J - i * . /j
i'^?\ kJ^', i- , ' ; V^' > T'' i ’*'' ;4 ‘ 4: -¥ 4?^ ’s4 ■■’u >. ..\ j' •' ■■: ,•;• .• cd.- L The. pjr, ®dT* .be nnderuio AToiiongoholn BndgfCj and ojw? . •,. ~ >• •: - . .-•. . 35dwaxd Sunth*' ■•»• ■■- ■ Ambrose "White, fullness ors* eight in.the . ihuij orhas-jallen restored brnalmr this / -Ithas'never'Vei foiled'when'Used according to diiee- 1 • vv:^rA';.:i,:;sv-(v;vi-}.iv-ti>--^:\' f wf I '..'*/^s-*;?.«:'ri^.r
X I \ **■ r? jiv i * OX* J **■ *f t/ f-*, pnssedin thq> Qflmpriae an-endfiss® vnnfety Of will atari regularly erer> other da) The Peoples i» \\ BYRM2S & CO, engage Pu encerft to and John A Brown, Jacob M Thomas, stomach, dirane of Crehm Eter> lad> aiidgenilSmau wboia mSiehafiitof' non* "Rifnd ihc'foliowing 8 > . *
jfVt* v y+*\ J£ x,4\**• *\ nX A»? PaUerpaMCaahraere y SilkimAßMma l Tnansporioucm Lino tacilit) for camnig fromLivertool by thy Regular Line of Ptrekels on ilie JohnßNetT vision nalpitu usnig oilson then; luir should at oni?epuichpjcnbottleof *°* >- 1 MA'tCaKSTEB, Allegheny 7 f Vj>i ' ftT *
-J* 1 ,v i li f ' s to plewc the flioatftauaioss tastes « A great Freightnnd The hoat-| will be towed to ujCih, lltk tmh, Jlst and iJCih of e\er> month 'fliomas P Cope, Richard B Wood, non of the the Chine e Holr 4 •/ ( r i November 18, " . * J v
--*• 9> f l* *-\t k l r ** i* /»■ other Goods iu the too-anmeroos to men- Beaver by-steamera,-nnd will proceed loTne with eseui> The regular line of Packet Ships sailing bawoen Liv- Wm-' Welsh, v Henry D Sherrard,Sec v, heart, not nyure the Wr A hU ijxeoihiscprenarauons butwiU i ThmiA to feertifVvthatniy wife. MannireiGhnest was *
itVV n U ’ V »’*\ {?&’“ w lion—all of which, will be made to order in the mqst dispatch The botrtsm commanded b) crpool and New York, damps eihe following Ships ThisisUie dldesl Tnsuroucd Compan\ m the Umteii Choking or suffocatinff sensatfng depfes«iion of spirit , beaqt»f> and gtte pLHecM%f4S»n in^eyerym? cu^ S of fc ' " * J" 1
> fushionttbltt manner, rednsed-pncesiforvash.. .. - -• expeneuced bjtd. careful men-~ull of whom have mi.s y.. . .••The FIBELTA. •• .... flip NEW \ORK, „„ vwn •S t atis 1 havinir been chart ered in \704-- -Jts charter isper- • sadden flushes. of nent, pain in-the. side, or back, : stance.: •.•.■: •••.•.. •-.-.. r, s yi be obliged toose crutcfi'-' -•“' • •..••; ■■!■■.■:?• .--r •.■'■■■.•< ■■.■ r •.-■•
W V r>’w' "• ' Oa hand, a geuerbr aiponmenl Ol 1 REABVMABE teresumthe Line y k HOTTINGUER, ‘ QUEEN ov TinsAVl'ST, petuul and irom its hi"h striding, loitg experience, am- weakness of the limbs, cold feet, constant mi For te umonj to ns ibefot rt !!l t« week she ww cured by using thoAmenean ‘
/ij|® k Vv *"* c CLOyiUNti «vsi Us Bf« 4, Froctaud Over-Coats, Bu- sentbv the X. me to Ene maj be-forwarded « ROSCIUS 41 SHERIDaN, pleinddns, and avoidme all risks of an extra hazanlau agmuigs of tvil, fever and dull pom m the lowing teller irorti thd Rbv Sr about as-USual without her cnncheT t - -«■
*--if t,VHP^M«J:rV'’ r 1 ’ sinc« Tm hlid Sack Cbow, of plaiu fcW point oa ihc takes 1 ISAAC WRIGHT “OXFORD. lipad, paia and Uifficuliy oftirfaihin, H e ,idi ra hoK£s™ lc h,N™LuL .O,t ’°“^ 4n “ ,
td BtaWr.aad after Cloth, 4 i freMVantir “f c “ta““ For (reightorpwragsnpply xo ‘ ASimURTON. “ HENRY CLAY. tylo IhepuW.c WILLmf P JO.NTS when lj mg upon the side, Southern Stale.’ ’ P ; f *„ nlff ,J,„ hf tr, ' 'V
S v . -.i.'i ‘i’" 'VS J * r *■* t- •■*« v ►* *'•’ and Sottlxh pants., hud Fancy Verts v Stocks, , . , H URXEATRICK, t WEST POINT, - 1 NEWSaiP, " At Cammng'Koom or Atwood Jones A Co, Water and dreams,MurentUaUonß,, allow- Luicr v/thtjln R OaUitrrffvPartoro/thePnsßSiman O. . ” ' ' -*_' > ’
’■*; Agent, Water tree. Pmsl.urgh < YORKSIIIRF, ’ ‘> CAMBRIDGE, , F™“ “Ss“™h Atwood,Jones a. , rno „es»of the skra. and », L , * J - , - " r F , J *J. k «Sae&«r . t
Cl^^ l ° rSra , “k!M 0L ’ “ company ‘tS» reSf£E&«ty^ f0 o - “ i - T ,
; '~ J »««>«»• * * ' 1 mJnSSE&nOTffiSfputaskt ,' PATRICK IiENRt “ NEwTvOM.D ’ /THARTER PERPETUAL—§4OO,OOO J>aid In oifee **“»"’ £Loul™‘o‘™ni- C \ a,r . Cra, ”’>' (or ! ennblejlo wnlkiwo tnlleiloa township election. It fs -t , -. _
S>ASliioNAmf»^C SnreinTWijmnsA C6,Middlesex “ IySeRLOO^ IS ’ “ JOHN R SKIDUy, O IfiJiChestnut sL, rude,nenr FiftS Take lAsu by DOCTOR HOOFI,ANDS deposed to^n, H ijSiifrirKj |l ‘comiL^noTop I TH&% T S f! «rF a TFhr. . ,-C / , <
*&%s&>* "IxAt: 1 < '2 It, I', ‘ STREpr f ™no|«ts 7fl» st The' Hetl, Sherron And in Erst clas Artertetrft or ilerchant Ships,sa'lmg ranee,,ngamst loss or dam- CELEBRATED GERMAN JUTPFRS CreainJnndntnduneVort.SMT.rMCTrnt.otf.'il.s n“w 1 C ° N J B^ CTIQN ° P SoNS-- S v ,- '
'** f i'* * WcjT/hey ot^rtol£tir^endsantt the * I arbj^hefuvlnws^stopl^ - ~- %
*•- -f.- v^&^r vi,k , l f * Q th „ u£sss2ffi , dS^^ , t* v -* .• r *
dZy ■** jr X 1 f * ~ • latest stiles ‘lHvdtfdJkSattinets, Jeanif&Csm great van- , ilteir rclatli es out extraordinor> nxuck, should selecttiua Charges N Bfincker, Jacob ft Smith, the sympathetic and other nerves follows, and thefune poiddlto ranciditi The Indies-clifcciallv - * t?
?' - -L' : 3 ’* - , , W»!,Pownt,Conheantvtlle eoat ejanee, the price otpa Mge in the Sarah Sands be- ITtorohs Hurt, George \Y. Richard., uonsor thebrnm areimparred and deranged,.ra arm. ClhmcseCrUmtfele fe -r * t ,;
J sj? r .'feib, *.* * Sere Vhlenma,^’turd^Cloth I Vesting tMdthbVheitSiehite »Spring,gomer __ ingverj lmlemorcthanPacketShip rates Forpassagc Thomas J marton, MorjlecaiD Lcwts, are the connecting medium between m.ntfaml.malter,H fdr'thetoilet 1 P r . i l l l t op I , t - |L ~ ;, '
1* -* VVT /t,' 1 % % t ' umlVtmci -apucT and under arltTwool- 5 W. 0 Wa&skb, Albion. aj!pl) to P W BYRNES & CO, 83 South Y, Tobias Wagner, Adolphl E Bone, follows from the reciprocal action that both must be ■ ?"- V3 “fcAL®WELt b l»^in u > < >''P«' J £“tSJgH*« reor jj , r - V
-3 r Vv?!'t' c J. f *, 1 . *■ r -x .'t en DraWers silk Imen arujeottm Hsudkerchiefs, Orsf - —r CraaesvlUe nnd 30 Waterloo Road, Liverpool Samuel Grant .DavtdSßrown more or less implicated nnd deranged s>raullancoßßl« Pqla«ki, ■. @ s , , fj. ■£ ‘r»
* J vats bcarf ’Glotesaud Sffitpcudets, of all qaallues and Wm Trua, Imokport. ,r P S—We have at nil braes for sale Drafts ar sight, for PITTSBURGH AGENCY derangementthere willalsoproducedisenscof the SKIN, in-Sohl whnle«abviuvt.r«to i. u n.a ra ak'nrtv TCMdJn&fn Alleeheiivcitv wa. effecioallr cared 3 ’. 1 ’-J i-~ ■''*'
Ki&ll-i-kl 1 {.’■ ’ ’ ,' s,2S.The nboxestoek ha?*en selected with great care KFuu, Girard ah> amount, ontho Nationalßankofrfeland.usffmnclt- Wajtmoa Jlabtiv, Agent,, at the Exchange Office of LUNGS, UTERUSaJdKIDNEYS nawella ihebram ' „l*l™F “, 3 I ™6 l g * 1 J 4 g,
,?s u -’ < °‘^ c J. a s o f£° h A TOMUSOIT&, Co,Kn( , , P ,Ac Ac. 'Apph a.abote.orto * WarnekMnrur. A Co, conmr of 3dandMnrSetsl. The thousands who die with YELLOW FEVER, »lihm 1 1 “ ’ aTui Jml Mohler, comer of ?£ S*X?S« £Ssa^o/fhe£hL»X?^^he ? .Sd Jht b v ' S'J- ;,±T ' .*
'Vi'*. * ortermastyle Sat cannot IhSl togtve satlsfacbon to the ’aofcUowmg Agents in Erie-will receive and for- JOHN THOMPSON, ‘ „Plre risks taken on bmldiilga and their content, in CHOLERA or INFLUENZA, i owing to the same Woodand julllytq,), ~ , u , iclM&w ly ot re.*B.anone botue.ofthe WjSO that she aaid ahe- _ - -Mr, ’ ca
‘’ft,'," SY s . , * , l lt 'i it,' ‘ i a *f > mostfasttdfouß* Wehnve nlno onhand a large and com ward. Freight to ani Port on the Lakes, shipped lij o ctlL3m ISOLlbenyatreet, Pittsburgh Pittshurfeh, Allegheny nnd the surrounding country No cause, and the majority of ea es of thnt most painful _ .aJ," t T r—V —ryv*' h *s ecnrtemnnwcll known a PntSnrvhTwas cared ot " 1 . ,v ha v - - -
,; a "™"-r a Tms®m39&& s^^sss^asgUggggsgegs:■:■■'.
«<f‘>A!:Vl -V anvfifl r JOHN E DOWNING. .' . KeUoc Loomis, Waßer* dock, |rt_ &£& sVxwpxmexg t& Jg\ m^andwSdsXL. ""ffiS-Tlic as,lts of thi advantages lobe Jenvcf irom the admuiutruuu of in- P*' 4 3*.' ~
*? i *'i K * t „** V * ■ —Latest Arriral New Uoodi, A Plltiburgh Portable Boat Line. MSfe- - n . dS3ih* compam on the first of Xundafy, 1945, as published In tcrnal mediciues Its Ibncuons are of ;he utmost im SaLmiv ofleud “we e-lia properties are highly developed in the certam and *. , \ ~ ! v :‘ '
-»i| A-SreSiSSSS&s «■* - 1848. 'MS roffl?4astfßßßa® SSS£“S3=Ss~S gj^^a&e&MisS • ' ‘.- '.'i
-V'"' saasaasist.iafes;«ir»
‘T fc logcihcr *vh& large assortment of new Btyle v«sl- - JEJS^SSiJJ“Si'dlhet VI^C F* the X 1 Sr' ** i" t
liiK*''i. i' S' * ' ~ ings, all of winch will be mudoto order mXhe ihostfanbi I ihaprppnejorshave made expensive UTrungemenlaio often caused much slckncs auddearh mm policies rromthis Companj Riska taken at us low Jff® mSS nJiSL cab eflecmailV of one of the worst cases ofdiseased Spine, -* c _ r " V’ ~ t l
> ’ iouub!ejn aimer, at short notice GimlMMrtfavoritfgßn* ; d » ll rates n? are with scuinty •^-KSS^S??fc.SSi iro 2* Squiresbeam Niug cuiSobox lSra?floM winch had confined her to her bed for a considerable ** - > ' •. VKV
:; • 2£Kra h - - - vv;
- P «a v &^ EO b t’>l^ MMA ’ noNoi ' THBjuDNEVs - ■ V
®sss««pgM£S SsSSfer . B w SH B .«?S3SL*i Z T'Tl\, •X-;. ‘-;*
.*•-»!' ..’H., blouses, fce. Also, a general assortment ofpantvvetls tmaanco of thai liberal patronage they hereby gratefully SCv” “““S - part of the lollowrnrr Ghods J,w.hT,.™™,SE tvor>, and, nt the lame time ft is so nerfeettv utnoeeid .. This afflicted wthgTeappaintir .£*< i'., . 11.
TVV Vv/t T '■ a„d ft r UOsltae reee.ved,charge, £^2£&2£*m TXTX
' *t\ *"” ■ ' salepurchasers will find ‘tmuehtoUteiradvamagelo pud.and lorwarded In anyireqatred dljeetton free of sdo steel and gilt bead purse , SlVmimdeStt, Sts>t«frw feim all aLohobe sbrnfflanf Uou, b nv?n“tllem rbeauirfalpffltffi-aifrpMvennrtg a mill t andnsil.g half a leasiwonful ruternallymriit nnd
&h‘ f Si %\ *-<. ' ’ s-V l '-/i.' X ‘" h ' '- *• call rntdexamme before purchasing clrt where. , “rSe k“pfMda?wi« Tv?r? Ido finest embroidered ,do, prematore decay Those alrcSdy rfeenyea ItfchvAu mommg.lwasenuretycored JOHN ’
,Sfc-s9r *■ ~, ‘ t i * i I*l° “ arrsUAwr, fauot No Interest, directly oruubreqj), ip sleomeoats. attention will be nald to promote theirhealthßirdcomforl. 4do assorted ro tnoodworkbows, ingredients mid especially adapted to the discuses ofthe frojahecomnigworoc—nal o fastens such nsisbecoauug , near Warren, Armstrong eo n Pa . - . -.,
y s \ i ,frT -Cl r - * i- , '*' f" Krencli Goods, <or Oeau. Wear. All eorarnunicauhns promptly aneaded to on applies Agent at Piltshurgh, P JOSHUA ROBINSON, Ido do finest do fnnuslied, viwmhle climate of the United Slates, and the "West In- loose, aAd liy perseverniice-tt will rentter'Ufe'ffiunest feel A&entlfman of Pittsburgh, afflicted with a violent in- '’'?*,?'*?* I
( %s t , ; mHE subsenher appeals tirlusshelveatobeayhim out Uon to the following agenu Agent at rmsnurgn, auanun. , do iowri „„ stabillUldiiei dialsland. ’ del.calely vrtfle, oudmako fliclireaib.dehctaaaly sweet-, flaiamauon of the kidneyS-’lhC pnm of which caused * J ' f % U&1
F t 4w' ,4 > V rf*i% !n s ■- J . >H - i >' ’V ■ X vtn. the assertion that be has the largest lot of BORWOGh * LASH, ldo do dressing cases, gents, . WEEK AND DELICATE CHILDREN, Price SJ or 37J cents a bor All the alum ear* sold only him to- faun—was completely cured, in three ddyMty the , “Vs
SpJ.’lj'riT-. !'•*.' *EVb ’■ f t '* '»•’'• V French Goods, adapted to men’s wear, to be found in any S7B,Market streenPhrladelgia. ,e ßE.Mmss?CraandPaSaaetoaiffl lße rTP- * .tafino inlaid (luuna accordenns, are mode strong by using it—in fact it la a family medi- stS3Chathanisr,si-lioTUie-Anibrica!! Eagle, New York, list of the American &} >, „ r ' .
®v r £ l-f's-Vi k *" .-T .V. , , (■■.». Tailonag Estabbshmenrm the euy-maay articles ana TAAFFE & O CONNOR, , «4SS Ido plain do do, cine, and can be administered wiUi safely to a child one and by lheappoinledAgcmswhose names appeunn, the The qualiUea of this , ■
s>• jrtfe.=4t‘> “'sc, 4 many atyles laclmleilin the same, cannot be found else- s Canaißasm.P.i«hurgh Great Bni^nM«rtlana, by gdo common doassoned, I yearold.thodelicuoSmlue, oramanof mnety next column . __ . NATURE’S OWN REMEDY , - C'V- «M
i'i ~ £ f. s - , \ : where Afowof the leading articles will beenumerated ' Mmd?n? anc ’\ 5 IOW bunches steel beads, 7 The Philadelphia Democrat any This medieine Wiu.ToostAnar,anif getp rjcßTiasJfajiKJady * ‘ Your, is extremely penetrating and aim-uifiammatory, conse- „ 1
V 1' .- '' - *• - acre below. North , ot hidden Lane, NY, attd SO Mater- jB do aasonedtueelmssels, has nn eitraordinary virtue andedicaey, and Is 111 great f»«» >«ar fortuile'aifs't'bfclutildy, ielAir, fair! Is tt* qaentlyes confidendy recommended asasovereignrem- -
m'-vfc- '* * J - Bonjohn«Fiaeakßlack Cloths y » WIUJAKI B. >VIUsON. °y «T«S| SSSf Lvt n< y nc/srenireri «*.„»«. ih,» W tfo Bteelpurse nng*, detnand Wccan sneak from experience, that it ha 3 whue’ If uoMt cun be moOsso evomthough it cd> wherever inflmjjrflaUon exists, either externalotfn-. n j 'i
f >g h ~>M ^;;it^-|r-|ii' [ ,: ij-i>;iirj|i-|| ~ji -.v Johaunea AbhPO ? a : >•>» i;-- •:■••••■'•••• . - S 6, CedaT atxeet, New YpTk> .• , - tarualsi Used immediately.after a cuVbruiaeor; wounds: -i, i
.1.1. Bonjobn * Sunoui*a Boeskin Cassimeres, 5»1& «» Oosilvcrdo, P Theßaily it is one of the beteainade draft uHo have Or it wdlaure and prevent - -
W V* * * 3 - * « CrapeElaauquea* C P fit nJ.Sii *V b ?w sn« 5 n « 12 doz Jean mane oguc, belt meffebnof 5o ureJafhenS havinaused it m las Jones’ Italian UheraicnJSoap. -?he eftecMa GANGrVaNE AND MORTIFICATION. v > * ~ "
v'.T--: Vt , sfiassas w s ssa»c«., 1 gri^ a s&H e S£SS&iy »“ff"‘' a,,or,ri v,
• ,'fV -■ - aasr*,“ - » m CANALS «D «.LROA» - J
T*:uTv>r; t ftooMtiSi issr w ”"" asß^s^-r - *» j eycry remedy has 1 faded cures ° - g '
V 3 **» i: rn * *-/*"'» t - ~, L ? Brocades, emboswed end needle wrought Shapes, white tjT out delay, and atte lowest current rate* ?v?.S”riiiFRmAV 3U do pufn ami Hbaded t?oa\ »\u«t, mend them to the German Medicine Store, 278 Race pwoplesffreeWWs, and ‘elearaihetihm J tm*now Soldat _ t CapllOn-Be on Ydur Guard* , o,». . i-
‘■V/n'-sii ■hi Hityf ** * ’ and agreat variety of other Vesting* CA M C6, JXfcgJj f ß ii?SLßpnh r sdo assorted ebuja mantel ornomenu, street, nil whoare afflicted with Liver Complaint, Jamv- «*>« Amencau Jmghjj SS Challmm strettd Mind* leader, » The surprising excellence and growingpopalanty * v r r
IfAVV.- f t ‘ V i- besom, ow,oorfier, SSffir ,
v; : v SSSSS3SESES - '>
(i y \ M , i. t a + *4 \ ? Wn 7? CORNER SIXTH ANP - Vy—Marriage CanJhicnriai iad> beuieefttwen* fst See that the muno *• Wro Jackron, 89 Libertyst , - v
-^4’i.- i l . '-c ..- J TTfivin- -"i n-i-rlv firicU sn ihnir.Mishllsli*: ■. jftftfcaSSSmjft.;i. .1 4Q . . patronage..while Mr. yv. Tapsioll* coiirlanxjicrional ,a ,n, n . c -,t I wL. i.’Y., T ,:. lr t, n i|p.:.. ?1... -phr Frlithniipfl’ ilrrrhTih' IV.-anil thirty, possessing a aymineiricnt.forni...eootl Tea-- head Ol'Wood 5!.," 18 tinnlcxl on xhc labcl of ihßwrannc : '. ' ,r.i .r-Xi'..,- ,
«*r.4 :, . ‘ ‘, > HSmSSs wellknoSn «umd,reJpSS3ly 58 10-40, ESSSSSSs! snpenntrndanee of the husuie, sin Liverpool uion add! no To ecmfortV, B.iiere^«^nfirealaaW«2,nrfv Haskell canfitlrtumlly, can ! she samosit any of each bolUe. to mmite which is felony. w , , ;
imdtc thcnxtcmionof Iht’ir friend sand the puhliclothtfr ffNXCLUSIVKLYJbMIie- transportation pC,yvny,.frelght. . tionalsccuniy thm the comfort ami aceoiTHiiodation at b go Indie,' fine zephyr cap*. I ~a ami nervous coninlfliiili!'’ ** .man could admire her white shu tins'such yellow teetlg: 'dd.'l’hax each bottle is inclosed m a pamphlelcoxilain:, ■ 'V :; c - <■---m,i.-.:v.i.r"
i 1- ? -r„> . f . cho'iee scleciioii of 1 New even* vsuxe- JC* between Pmsblirgh BlatrAille Jolmr oxvn, Holli- the passenger, wilt bopartienlhrly attuided lo W .l,nssxdwor*n dliiiu.. rnn r,ne„ we nonce ,I,c rveh sallow, toksli, coarge skin, anil sni duty, bad, mg foU direeuaiis for nsa, and also eomarmug the name ” „ -
4\;V „ o'- . ,<i- % < , ‘ .'I |‘... ,” ered%eSdlyfor Water street amlTetersbnrgh Iho subrenber. being, a.a»oall,e»ensUelvejwmred dqboyV dVSitere I wary tor; when ty spending the above sura, slirnfight and address of Wm Jaekren, General Agent for the - *,
.',-3. r . .-■* ~■ . tSeircUsioiiier department Those wtshmgtoleave their llns June was formed lor the special urconiino-danonor mine Transportation Basinets between I ulurargh and doossdbovsdocap , because wenreunwillme lnsacnk orccmirnm nrnumai haveielicaie while teeth B pare Aweet breath, anff-a proprietors; likewise, xbe name and address of the pro Is ■ ;
IM ;,-V- - ordure style ofnew the way to, are. The propneiorr, ttoihinlfor the very <i e Admilic Citiej,erethereb)ena “«4®‘»f«tereeor - SD |IOSIFRV «Mrte n S bcauufal head of hair- She .eaa have beautiful white pntiors, D Ha, I & Co, Kentucky ~ ' 1e“
‘ * .* r s , , t Vss* and tie irehle eoods Theirstock of readymade Cloth- liberal patronage they have received. Sunug the la« two and fora jrd nasrengers immediately on tlielr landing, ;(, gozlad a fiiTrrJinrd silk cloves, ns eenerallv atraneers in sneli anmieS" 11 * I ow* teeth and swieei brenlhl/y ti-iilgaas bhi bt Tonis' 'Am Sii Purchase ovny of the advertised Agents, all of * -
r l j' if.. - .;. /.1% - , Jut , ' .' InrtSexteiisivogot tip in the heat manner, of dnreble nta- years, respectfully inform their old easterners and iho wlihoul n chance or disappoinnnentordelai, and are. do«als do 'do do ev/r German Ruler? her Tooth Pain, a tin u Lie, pure and spotlesaassnow r whom httvea show biU,on which tspnmedtheirameßof ,> * ' ’
J , 2,7*-’' " ' - •1 » {[l t ’ . terinl oml-welt worthy the auantion of ikose wishing to pnblro generally, foot ihey are non heller prepnred in therefore, prepared to contract forpossageirom any sea- jo do lancv ton ea hme ra do, I lot r’an pieclleiiinriirh-fnlfilhm'inesrn hy using a cake 01 the genuine Jimu’ Italian CJimueal the Proprietors undGeneratAgents—thus-D HailACo., v 1
- - 'r ~ w&re AH are mmedwefflTiuid merest usined SeUverVodTat any ponit on the Canal, or Railroad, port 111 Great Ilmam or Ireland 10 Hus eliy, the tiatare or SitorKaJo "fo do peel what h?,d nbeannfal headollmlrhv ff iagil3s-I.o«reof Proprietors,-helitacky Wm Jackson, Pittsburgh, PaT, ' , " r . " >
/• .X~ 1 * r‘ ' . 0 * <- FlS,tfoev wail be pleased with pnce/flualuy and variety, with promptness and Sespateh the business they are engaged warning them fhriluies |a3S«Vuw ilo il” <b>. The © Ana Terof flo.r ReWerera-r.‘Do Sot fonn «n opinion General Agent for Western Pennsylvmim, and part oi- ,
t'-f .., * " H 'i,'" ,4 ‘ ** ramamrons „„„„„„ for eurrying pn.wiigrr. «, far inland itoloiherwiseaij Jj S2*d"lfcrhn lira dr “ A ESTltvi ssrsUsninn.l, of ifs H»r against Hits before yon trry o r yon will regretir, bul Im Ohio and Western Virginia, and the pnuW nines- " 3^'^
.i:" V r ;.V ' 4 'n 4 JA3.A .HIRER foro !Tm ' foc“\r’,lby foe’l '»*° ?<> ) 1a,,/, ccl“d Ge,m^ P
r :‘t bfvt'ii-'-'Ci, ' fiothlng I Clottalnol K Clethlne It I Abxarfr—C A IM'Asit.ty A Co. rms'.rjrch, addriioual charges for their traaliie. Where persona ’bi dorlnldreoss ockinr* as‘rnrd, j blcs SIJI a 0 f ill is age, am! ill disci.fs Oi-lic biSlir), L,i;;t's- r . 1 ,-l > i' r -' S ‘ a -- i, \\^ l pi'4AGK c iONfAtrejit;''i ’’ -ith Observe—lhfi'f-eimine American Oil is of a dark m.-.i 'ibm :m ’i'.- -v,' i/.i.-'e-'d .1.; --„ n.m
1 5 **, * . ? T IOU.UUU made and ready to be offered on the p t comol, anil to a!lmralid« we woot.l Tetfomuiena »i SCROFULA AM) GQi'ißiWtaple ex- - t ,
U. ' r si '* most liberal tenns to my old customers and tbe public, uj nfshoenbewenß Rolnun & Co., R. Moore Uigalev A Tlie are ai*o preratrd to draft*ui j* t Voliif!S A ° do' worthy Uieir confidence O pcnence has proved tlminocombinaiToii ofmcdicmc 6a ni lr»ba refined andclaSaedV Sum jacnSSSt-olb- 1 , , J i ' t
** , . j y - ‘ i c general The Prapneiorof ihU&r-famed andexteuwve gm.ii, John PnrtenWm iAchineri-Co., (» P hirocufetr ugh! lorari) amount pajabteaiihe priiuitml cme* and i rt An' stronger a medicinchave ? Aiihe lm\c<ver linen eocffloficiCwsiis-jeinotfmg th& above e ?s amlxtureoi oilier common black fiithv •» - ,
C? *' . a 4 -- h e tabhahment hw now, after Eastern SttiubSn* 5 town* in Inland Vicland. Scotlond uud B 1? i aikm *»««,/ Depet canibe seen the evidence*; m innnr of our nmM BR.JAYNES lihaatrffijcted footaSr^nSctunranonur? eaSo from the “aSfbnreh “ ' w -
6 “ y "*k . r 3 * < cities, atinuehtrouhle and expeme,3a#l completed hu * rg fonlm.( a and expedmoas modeof n-mitimgfußd* J 4 do mUnuGrlei land AUun boot , j reepecmhle citizens of Cures in alt the curesirulv astonishing boioillyof-Cdiicerimdoiherdia- and Afieffheov of these coirn* * A *
iAt , 8 ' r *jV ' ' ' fall and winter arrangements to supply ' hxt thousands of to - 3 di* fine iL P‘‘ VTO i >p <^jf7X C j^ r . < lOs j ra *C* . _ of iba! ci iss, bui ho* TCmovcil the mo t siubbam torfeiiiimsseiciSerSSeYfrtneorthenowerof tho mu ~ "*
***» wt a J t- v * > v » customer? rvilb one or the jtahstdeiunb]c stocks of Clp- ties will fitniato Utcir lmtrtst to avttiuhcmMdrr* ot o«r .ra.m. awv w I Fnncipal Depot, GennnnMedirme Starr J 7-5 R\Cl. d<>>ea«es o| Uie Skun Swctlmpa, Dyspengip, Ac, Thjs AMBrWaN dffL , <
V?***- v* v ’- *■ > e * jhingUmihas«vcrbeeaoircredmthi»or-an)fofliermor- Application (ifby letter pout paid] wiU be promptly *it *5 J>;e«reslJllf emurowpry gimp, j Street, uud for Lancaster bv John V liar- imd’crddniaterdis- whole ale and xetail bv W&I JACKSON I •» /
‘ b t ‘ - kei west of the moumainsy For peainessia style and teuded to TAAVFR A O CONNOR, irfdonhlu do, riobure by D• W, Gros. and re pectaole duW geu- caws located ' U pnnfieathe>-brood hnrf other GeJmrShandState^Awntfor^the Proonetor ia wStem ) . - • -
' */• - 1 * ' 1 workroansbjp, combined with the very low price which Forwarding and Commn«ou Merchants, \JJ *® f - e l t 3? 1 I thronghouhtbe country fluul* of ibe bod>. runovts Qbsuufclioa Ht-the pores M Fepnsyivaiua, Northern Ohior ” V Yk 'i -j ,
-V- , , e , b , * te iT^ b *^ d^? l mapCT-d&w-Iy Flnladelphio *“ *J“ b?k P moluir mnn. | QH.KNCK THAT DUh^DUILCOt OH'-fheLungn andTedu^senlargementoOhe S lamJaorboueß pml by ihefallowingdulyap^mSdA^iils ill i
-I galled ITiree Big Doors one of auractiona of Uoohe. - eodruykPa * * *
, >■ , ‘ r » * the western country* Itia gratifying to me to be able to uoone, urouicrsi & to, rjir 15 „ z ,« \ rt ' n „„„ I begun,the Caughof Consumnuon huh tu n a sound of »«», am] invmpmte thfc whole eystwn, and imparls ah:- A M Marshal],) " • * " - i *
-■' -r'v- -. i :-' v- v....-: v aanouaeft to n?y f npiperous fneifds at. honwamJabroad, 1 . lgjlf'Fvi-T<q st m N zw\ pox t Eoxx QcaVt _ii „ » I death S b w lnauonloiheuueaacduiiddebilnatedcoijwtluuoa.iTherc: :V: ' t-Br Brown.' 1: -* > Alleehenv' citv»'' ' '•' i/ -'* :':■?* ‘?‘.'i'.'.v.? : j-.’:*^i*'-Ti
r that notwithstanding ibe .extraordinary, .odonsr-whichL i,l bcmXAjfD Road, Livcarooi* A, Vftt) i. of colors of all widihxand j abb tou a. Your darling child;' your idol is nothing superior to iHujihowhoie maierinmedica j Jl, Johnson \ ? ? a 7 - 4 { r
’ . " . > ' ' » h have mode to meet the many calls mmy Uae, itr* with JAMFS ULAKLLY, Agent Office oil Pcim McCain) ,PrS,l!i^ » r„ m nnd earthly joy,is/no\vperhttp tonfiued to her chamber »?perfiecil> and extremely pleasiUitoatf has nothmjf Jonuihau-GhnesuManchester " *".*’*,
k , difficulty Icankeentimewiaiihecmwisat ruik2i!u a».i» , fc SniSfdo ' J 1 ’ !’ by adongeiiu* colder pale cheek* faertli.a Arunkta of fmUsea 6f sUaf- AJexSSer* V *’ J
? *»<« *■> tb»- * i v 4 i- ’ made on this establishment It is a well egtablaaed j Arr**izrments for ISIS i &- IjJ; "fJJ „ JJ* , L°_ Cnccns lell ilie hold di en?o has already emm-d upon bur lbw*»£ medieine. / •/ i \ JR H Jecnues * 51. «*
c\ s . ‘ : ftpV'katroy sales aw cignt or tea umea larger than juiy 1 Western New York College or Health. TkbCHE. BROS A LO- sole AgrMs for the BLACK M * \Jl\k- -the sound of her eunUchral cough piercT* ><mr*oul nyik>c«aloip rulsbUTgh at IherEEIN TEA Wm>J 4 . * % 4
<--• \r **e 4 " .-,8 other hou&e m the irade.anid t b^Vu..C^°fif, ;^ C 207 Maiv otrxst Bivtalo, N \ Jt U\U. LI.NU of Liverpool and Ness\»rk Pockets X £» do ’ Voi/so Max, when nR P ].*j. ..earWood. . » nnrOa '0 If Sii“Swc™>. f * « *
VV-irff ** 5 V * * 1 » amount sold, MllaimuchleM profi tUian jDU G C VAUGHN’S VEGETABLE LmiO\YßH> take the ld«crt> of mtioaucmg to titttr old irteuds M ii) «o?r rmnmohtnlt buiioni ' a heart crushing blight .over the uir prospecisoi Ibe iu A Hrcfpe for the Human Ustrt Ldword 'lJiompflon Wlkmsburgh v " ' r -»j
K~f r* ' * X < **,*<'* otheraeoufd s l thatthurarraugcraenlslorthe)cArlbl , »betnK S m Jo Tm»J turr-vpur ht cue and feeble limbs toil el jour FORCE ITS GROWTH AND HEALTH, MARE Darnel Negley/East Liberty '
Ut i fk.; “d f, , , l Ve l C s U iHfn7iL X . c f leb^ ated , reroed .P* eo il* l3 y,»nc/eaMns? it* complete, the* arc prepared to bring out passengers, Jiv i 7 nlMeeheatrv do hfnturas do, Mos* of hope, but\ou need not despair There is a balm All* SOFT, SILKY, CLEAN -AND YlNUpr-Fersans 1J Z MncbeO,"\VUkiuaburghs ■ v " , lx
Ji.** fc ) - ,• * *- 11 / ‘ ■ ftmebytheintthingttlloverthewolid ll hn now flu above spfeudid Lrnr, from Liverpool to Now * ork U pt«« heavy clo ft mtw»flo» winch will heal Ute wounded it tv u> of the mail) ihmg «mld set down ever) Thoma Aikin,Sham*buigh , ' * t * **. n
v v ’ f j 1 i < '*•* year, oommg to this concluAioa r lwflliaakeii theuiter- I become ibe only medicine for fam»l> use, and mpameu *>ml Puiiadt Iphla They ftfer to their lormer course of viniks, , n it ßl l i*. ,Uiin n Sherman** All-lfeallnor Uislaam* urijJe, {iiojl over so cood) n-taMiutnbutr Ifjieoole II Rowland ASon M ! lCecsnort l >
C - T - ' ». M est of e%ery man, whovrantsocheap wiiUersmtjtocaJl j larly recommended for Dropsy all staves of Uhp com) huvuins*. and assure- thuw who tntni« ihein wiU t I Mr Atwm, the write of Wm If* Attwc, Tkj wrs could bb mildc tolrv a m»r lie CF. Diehl, EUmbeth ' *
J?' t ' > 4*1% mid p t » T^ h . a *° ' he AI A TC » 1 s t?m« trrTAQm* bow long sum!- Anr orders, ibai tha saim. ui>«factiou will be rctult red Sr # V»JL iMin' P i* S ’ jmenupb) Dr of \\ Dn* Roc hud mafceadr), rußtywrcdaliriubmr John Black, Turtle Creet * t v J
t l \ \i i /• i * - J - , , ) ing (See pamphlet for lesUmon) ) osherttolore looo^iMnlcreuwoJettt? atnll Price# I\h VltUan of Dr Roe mid Dr Mott 6t New raoi*i,soft auburn Anddark ftudUopsUHo, un£-b> it« M s Eldowny,BakerBtown. " - . 7 f ’
*•"■44. *» ? * s s. a> , » * GOODS, NhSr UOODS.-~R*ceiTcd at the Iron j Gravel, add all diseases of the urinary organs, lor ?s*tJ T x. a »ssm*» _ lSOmrJajrAinpnpiwijms s os*d \o h, j Sork Her fnends nit thought site rauttt die Shi hid u*!e for somemne, causes two grow luturall) bcnuuful,, Samuel SMUger, Chilton *• 7 * t -.f*
* *.) „ > < *XN Cuy Clothing Sioip a splendid assortment of Cloth*, these djstreiwng complains u FlumJs alone. no orhrr nr ENGI.AaND, fatOTLWD AND WM.LS iSS f ;sVinS^io W ff*i/u«!rr-iwted every appearance of being in consumption <indA\asw> ifpiople could ec the number of po»r rispicialrie me- James .M’lfae, Slewartstown, ' r S l> :
~ *• t -* coticisungof fine VreKCh, LngUshand A»«riean Blajn, tide canrcheye \ou nnd tUeiure’ue«jficd to will co > Draft* lur *ale, payable, on demand, at any Bonk 1.1 }y“JJ*: Lul:.*,.. pronounced by her Ualsenr wit dmnlnrthar -<«3rtr,-nnd-€mHi the chenpest*thit«r 1 Riley VJum township* ' . * * *-
y’* .* - ' v '* Maekand fancy of« modernistyles, viupe the most painphht) liter Com Ireland . Ai»sa/?m.r 1a T given and it eured her tbty can use,) for dre spig and bcauuiymg tho'lfair, for J Fulton, farentura ' * ¥ Z ~ ** * r
r , 1 v - , ' * film figured Cashmere YcsUngs, Silk Velvet* Plain aud plaint, Bilious Dt»«ues,Fc\crund Ague To the Great ibe u iderslgncd ha* made arrangements to bring out "K K * SSi sV7„«m Mrs. CABRAaoAVrr, of Bulls Terry, was alpo cured of kcepiue it soft and m
, »*>*■•-* Fancy Salln*— all-of wbteh we will make most | West especiaU), and wherever these cotnp!amtspn\ail* Till burgh, during the present tear KfJJJ' | consumption hy this Balsam when all other rtmedies oibfr'arucle made? and ** " ri Robun WUluuqs,AUiwreville. "» >? »r
«* Zi * j reasonable prices iu a durable ana fashionable style, this medicine Istrffered Nom»neralagciu,uod» Utrriou* tchS-Jindaw* JAM I IU.AKKLV 4iin Z/un ,1 **.* { failed to give relief—she was-reduced ta a skeleton; Dr' Forces it to grow, stops its falling, ’ " t augls*dArwojn - r " *
* ’ - •*" 1 '* *" Ready made Clothuig, of all desenpuons; Lady’s compoundHiapanonhismixtore, it cares thescdiseos- ~~ Pamge'loiuidh'rum ~~ r ~£n£ r fi dn ifm! JiiftVr J.IV I JAC Castle, Demist, 281 Broadway, haa wuiie edit* And costslratbshaW towy fr^nWii. 1 . «;7; t i» m ri*t «' iyio » .„,.7 > » 1 *
r \ v 4 t * v * Cloak* ofthe most fashionable patterns.. Neck and eauithcertamt) and celerii), and docs not leave tbe hj« 10-do do * K!l 1 * effect* m several cases where no other medeome uiforrf- We formerly sold iiothiug less than SI bottles’,‘ but we Wninftr iWwdlvnt ihS'anl&JL.? 1 t K
*■ 1 4 ; 'v“ Pocket Hdkfs, Suspenders, Bosoow, Bhm Collars, and j tera torpid fSeppampbltU) Piles acomplamtafa most B&1J& GREAT BRIT UN k. IRFLA\ U \\?,S °n. vi.rl of evetx m wl, « f --bo*the Balsam operated likea «lmna Dr a wjsbpeopld totryii Sold only tU fe. v fmlim Si) Chalhnip Hh r P onntrv rr^dy 1 th ® LaJ of press in ,
, * r . e\ery article usaall) fceptui a Clothing Store. Country pamfu] character, is immediate}) relieved, and a cure 101 „ GUfcAi t>Ul 1 AI.N«IKr LAMJ 1 * , «lii!'' cr> bne DWOflm 1,01 CVr > ml a,M> wl » M red its wonderful effects In enmur street New York, and by 4 «}•; .. . , 1 t _ v r , -*
4 « -i- «. i * * Merclimts, before purchasing elsewhere, wiR Cudto tows by st few days u eof this axiicle It h fur be) mid GRoroK Rippaiu) & &ot, No 131 Waterloo Roid Lt wety line iiwutriY which *tiie\erfiulsof doing Spitting Blood alarming mars*) ©Libcrtv*# *■
1 r f Tl rr., ssw' S?? ??® * -r *
- ' ■>" l , *-» " L t t of Market focUB-tl] C M’CLOSKEY | Debility f of the System, Weak Back, Weakm s< of the T'HL “iubsaiber*, having accepted ihe Agency At this wnlchc* m eV4.r> t) ocA» j the lurfgs sound ntmuu iYL Mr Briatol is * brother, and issue* o highly hitemUnfi ' % 4 « £ ,
v'-ffrl - r - , - iTTJiJXrmroFFLOW FOR CASH v —WidlerUlcT Kidnpys,Ae n or Inflamation of m immalmte!> X nt> oi the above well knownoitd rospceiuUe tlousft, Iron City Criicfaey and Bread Bakery. Rev Remit Joves, 108 Eighth cured of wSm , MdA* , J!SllfJSfS®lSrff s > i " ”
r fl ?* B Jlr! t !SV l l.telref , si Si».«Y SSf! itself % *
vX V 4 3 if ' - 4 - St- Pilot and hcav> broad I alwajstho result of Us u&e H stand* osactrtammne OU J from any pari of Great Bniam or IrelanH by tin. re "YTTOLLD refipcetfully mfonn Ins friends and the pub- f>r»idosega\e lunxmore rclierthau-all the oihof tried.- 5 hu no J rauiir\aai?vedouLnmm?Uv^^^td f " ' V -
fr, i‘ ’ i ‘ r » T cimS, sum-VfinVclotbTdress, and ftocfc comet a large as-t P for such complaints, and also for derangement* of lire plar'Line of Packet Ships sailing JromLiwrpool with \V licgcnerali),ft«iho ha.addedio huoiher hadevcriaktn Dr L J Beals, 10 Dolancy £’ V?nr flittennJ
v * ' % < - 41 i «oruneat of iw ccd, sack and frock coats. female frame, IrregulanlUJ# Suppression* paiuiul incn b Ptn.on*engagiiigwiUttwmn> restossaml thatthur ness the manufaetunng of Crackers of cveryvinety «wei,ga\e itio a sister m-law who xvas luboring under l ,enor ) would recommend its use to oiniieatuicmd JrJ?. r > ”?”® l v l£ li ; l f 1 *J„?!* „ *S“ JK ».tT
< i /a.l. 4 J -* r ' °C)otli, and satinett pamaloonsi also, a gen* j stniaUons psoartrclehaseverbeenqTVred,cxctp»ihi4,* y\\ meet.with kind trcairacnt and prompt de* Hivinc purchased one or W R Nevi.Cs Cracker hod s°» oniptiom oinTto another sorely afflicted with the , * 1 AVM whcTeitfhaa CdS I
'A KS -* v ‘ 1 * i rralLftortment of vests; plain and fancy velvet, aloili, I which would touch tlus kindofderangement* linmbc at aswell aseterj attcmioci ntci s «r> Pilot Bread nmihine*, he is prepared to fill all orders for A«J,{ n oothcaws ttvaffecte were mtintdiate, oon Pmabunrh March 15th t 648 >W %ft enoagh in the JhSS 5 ~ S&
Jj <\> ' , - 4\j cossunere and fancy woofertiind plaid Mssunefewuh «]\ ed Wf«f f andtiTecnre remedy, u«id. did we °n thelrumval m tins countr> Apphtoor ald re« crackereor pilot bread at th« shorie ; t notice and hopes »^ f ?7 a iL c J? ,lUb , -, r <?o, John Ha> S James I - * V
. :...-, ; a CTcnt variety of superfinb Insh liften,: trimmed shirts, perrnjtted to.-do could giveaUiousand names, as, ■. v; CLyRJwVN Sc CO., b> a strict attention to business, to shore nnoruouof the ; A -?*ppKßrri a. .N\ su*s> 95 Chnsuc-st., xSUfTercd . from ■;■* - Jones • J--H Cas*erJohn ; P ; Scoft F LSnowden ; J - ; preparation 'it«clfwere'not : ane ortho' u ßAv*n»i<rri*«fi>v r -' ■••'&■ ■ ■••??»
--V. ' ‘ ( w' SS?rßluitSiniKMravau.eoinarta T an4all olher *«?. proof of eure. in litis ctos of cuiui.lumis~ „ „ l-lJL.l.crt) .l.Vm.bureh t publio pixtroimre Tho public is resputifully mxito In Ulnl “ V ¥"■ S b «ra™’« Balsam retoed her at to J h^r f 'VJI%SMwJ e u V ’ apV ihe wSd°’
' cos.iileV Sune line, which will be mid low forCa«!i Sen pumpixkl, All hrokcu donu, Uchiluuted con»mu. NB-l'us ugu 0,150504 here from lit erpooxa Pm». call mfooiamflio for llltin<t t .|veB once, and she is comparauvoly well, bemp eunbl. dxo T°P lor ‘ ‘ .gg-„ra- V -Krn6»h!nvcreu every"no mustThTlievel S'f,
ta*. , s „ • y - ' ■£>* - »■' , ta I. PureiiaL a villßnd Hmuch tolixeiradvaniaeeto call pious, from Uie effect of find the hracing Tjurgtui, reel, and draftsiorany umauui foraunied, pn)-’" BAKTRY.No 10 Ceimnereml Row, Libenj st oppo- lH Wue *'«? o>to'‘ b X « omel} use of this mediome S A , 1 '. I a It S L P''?’ °c Dbt i BE 5' L4lv ?} Pß - reSnotrSsi amass of dVcMi™t»ra«md™eSen,S,ta S , '
J*l J,>, - -1. ..' • l £ - .„‘„„,2ri.r„rm,!reet. P DpLaNY I power of UiisarUcio to act immcvlmieij, urn! foe poison- ohie at »islii,tliroii s !u.ut.lio Unntd Kinedom jvSfi i> site Sraithfield 11 | Tins indeed,l, e grea i remed} for Couglis, Colds, Spii O LAS, Barter's JicA, CTnps, &rs Prereb, P,mpla
s- ■>, ’’ L 1 ’ ..-' . - % • ’n A compieie assortment of good*. Suitable for ousmmenilerailiraieil from tho si stem UARHDBH & CO.’S . N B Superior fanuty Brcail,r)c mid djspepsm Bread, l ‘ n sUl°od Liver Complaints mid ullilie afircxionsofilie Husi u edliymanypojsicmiisintUisciiy ncumigthe of jh e h ot /L. gentle render
->.} -i' ta ‘ -t,; - .« ta' Eiopuvo D«ea«s will find foe ultemuxeproperues of .gfS. <S£ LO. S Jrg*: large ami s.uull rolls, fresh evir> moni.iigini he had u > hr out, mid even Asthma and Consuraption nhove ai.d we w-ould ..ptcouscienuoujly sell unle? we S'""® oudace whefoeryou<J*i.oJ »
i"’ *1 - Tta * S' ‘ lu,e “ * ,J,^“ld on C ‘ pimrt fo Te named toe? nSlTawaT.'fon, 1 IT 5 S?„, ,u r.,'l b , r „. 0n ap9D !, No 10 Cmnniorcel tomp£or"S e ng cleared ‘am! blauixfieTlhe ,km,mak.„g ~ soft,“r lean X) UtMl^.Lvm t - GOUT, -AND 410 DOLOREUX - ?
\* v -* „**■ r v x commoaftiHig »ww -_-r- —« . a * j contain 3° natres of certificate* of and n rrft J ' on ii wngiana, iremnu, ■scouamior \>aws, . r.kvrrr»i »nv «>u> na MnnNPlaster , *mooth and white oa aniufants But mmil,insapldniB2 Xv ArespcCtablegenUeraancalledat our office, as ho -s *. J 1
: gSilgigS spsssfesa
} fi ■ 6ts!?si^^^ss3»s^ss^^sas-'ASKraSSSE^ f - -- r n
v,-..-;- ■ ®,s;.=±eff,.-f= t i=; , isisi bys:afeisA?siasr*?sasss=^l s : !^i? i ff^® : asSE»fflss?sasi3issas
v-iESSakiSfSS| SSSSJSSHSS SSS=SS tei©SßisaSaS& feSSSSSS v :;:
V VVV : v.:;:.Vta * ,xik 1 - b ; S>
ln^ ifijltEfo l Ssmnn^ > 'M^urep‘hfo^?%p^i;£'riMsf < fol jS;HiSd I ScmlJS r iiSdm}(X >y ‘ n ‘' ial:lSaMltBilfl, ' ! ' r" 0 -*”' ■■ irekS?'a f ™.~ been for some nmmihai ftlS? pin, hoitle Soldwhofosaloayd refoil hy jtew, pataiiO, and ofinnra viMre, mSfnmnliJSw ?’ * 1 > -" rJ l'cP
ri;,; 1 , o C Vaughn, L sold nxfoe Prinei- UH2 ** f, | ,
:fVVVr'-'•:. •' •" kehStScb.' " cenlsabox Soldwho 7't r v“in E ßT, Dlltts^ r^r& h \ ciren] r on ' a " d I ■ ■Z'k'i'i
V, ta s rare for U»»«*^o r Po'st paid let- BB ® C uhi ill 1I l fl.lhli. plied graimrou'hOTfoasinuuycop «foem“£- I' ~ , , Simfofield streu, nearThi'rd vauiu.'lVm. Jaekfon,, Soberly streel, or xhfough sih- “® from Uie £ , y»“> n > S' , v '" {
.il ti '.V.V* ‘ \ 1 lew, or vcrtoleommunJculfoaSsoliciungadvice, prompt- mUESubscnbcrs are (irepnred to forward money 1o all ecssary losuppli foeir variouscustomers ’lheynreol- Cole, Alleglienycxty, J G Sinifo. Rir Ajpo** appouittdbi luinfpr ds ,ale, Ouch of whom will „ foe ska? >5 Per- J - J ,k
S' «ta., , ' SSSSPratSihm“demS.rSdMf«oSsrwhoJ l > ,n,lo ' ldcd ‘ o e r ' lH « , , ~ , , li pan. of England. Ireland, Scoilund and Wales, will, so invited, note sum,, nmn, msSml n cony of ihur ‘ n... nnngton, snd John M Crackcn. Filfo Ward feiil7, , lmve u showbill ana g eiteml.direeliODB in. pamphlet form “"reomlmm S fonn^kA^^r„ ro / u! “* sol ', 1 * t
-4 !i.l~y’t,-.s “'j*' 11 1 Hi - ItaHee ihemwdvcs 1 movuie ma jitooin 1 OfflcesJevoled exclusively»foe sale of this pfoiclo— despatch, and ntthe lowest rules siness Cnrd,"-w|iicb will be printed undplaccd on foe Jnynes’ Family Medicines. containing foe nmnes and address of ftp Proprietor nnd |re?it2Sil Xm»" ?w« ChromC dlseB " !, i is -. , " s „
>!' !■> ' ‘ta,V< -i - h ofthe® nr Nassau «L,N Y., 205 Ifosei st., Salem, Musi , and SAMUEL M’CLURKENT & CO, cover of foi Almanacs scut xl era, also without charge TYR S S 'cOOK, Fiona, Uhio, writes, March, IMS- G S? e ? I lft? ! ?, rof Merten. PennsylVtoi, as Allows-, 1 , t >
SSS— “° r ‘ “^ U ara lh r °U6hoUl ,hC V-“ { fcb g ■’ Mrhe“'^ C SdTeE- foe PEKTNTE.A STORE,
'-1 WOLLANSUEB Boot, gSh Ph, ' a ‘ KBSSS ' ',<’>4
- >. - : pre 0 o7so nofdc'a jmime l t!i!doloirefo#c^toSt^^ I '' J a'BUpenor’Juaht) S S S*KSS£3S I pSSfl? S ? o" 7 V
K‘*‘sf’ , ,v *■ i ■' - 1 ■ j , ! s - ta | mannfaclured mostly to.our order, for the retail irade—• real estate end claims collected and recovered. copies of —! Y 1 -£ I olher now in use 1 d cidcd preferene to any forJs CougA iftznirr,overn]lo!hers Reuaihofollowmg nl persons hero sneak well of IheHmr Tnn, < !. I *'TmJ T * r " ~ ~ -i
.Sfe* t, ' ta ’l ; . '■ , ’* , tata fcMS-ly No 15t Liberty aireet, | Copntry Merchants and others, who buy losell again, wills, deeds and documents procured, aeurclies of nil “It la tlie bestColiprtilYlelilclnel ever Haw,” 0 n e J e . P o tata,!i^ S ,--,.ta %„ a a v. ta cerufitoo fromoTespedmhleciUzenof foe RfUr Ward, n \ aunv men ill this npn,hl!n»hlvtai t= » 1 ta- .
‘ f f «' f <1 WKae.aieaSa ifawfo : wilj ffod It lofoeit inieresno calf and examine our goods kmd.made.ele Ho succeeds his relilive,lt Keinna, T> EAD foe following proofoffoe superiority of Dr BM- ^ K, S! a > ■ Pitisboumi, Nov. 3,1347. folifoKdby ScrofttlaXs^^PhvimiStSldme'tn n .n i fre ,: 4 v
'’ft” 4 * tali-""”-, ',»*;• uantlfF nAHNrsSANDTROTIK??M«JFACTORY purchaimg, mu.a feelcoufidem they w»l[pfeuse, ~owU S donsul at Dublin, who so many jeqrs success- XL lari', On/nu,l Cough Mature, from a respecmble cit- F S'J r ,alB m F< l '» b urgb at Hie Pckm reaSlore,7B “ThiaperUtics ihatforiorap wcekspasrlwimvonbfoir 11,e,J foat I Js^S.'aiSS?
'fri’Mßk'ii’h „‘- / •' f J .ta ■ it HAimCT heM Li-} Uofo in regard to qualny and price We alsotoeon follj conducted ibis Agency, and be uilf to upsislcd b> men, who haswied il „ tourinsr fcbia_ with a verj aenqus Gough, which was ouiden# becom 41 Would help him He'^«~ U m {j , ’
a^»*a > *^^K ,4r v .v- thv nn?lic ffeneraliv wtf g| ft i rg 2,* D ?. p^ lyofHuywiard sepringtcmperedmctal- Ijlm m aft bu«me« lran*aoiioas m Uuropc Timumefable Pxrttßtmhxr, Dec 15,1847 |R tAJINE&TOCKS COUGH SYRUP—rhiapre- mg seated F lr «ftsv World ? v r " - * **-2 1
1 * % U *~ •* *»*- •» i ‘ thnnarnfanaeom- <H!» gumelastic Over Shoe* and Buskiftß, which we are references pivui Address personal!), or address post Messrs. Hats laboring for several be of very greaicmca- eftectof qverj mvdicme wjutln b a <l V een <1 waa doiie with him I wzlLirv him £ n * ° » ; '** v **% " i'3'l
> tf. v «»aMcd to sel] os low as they caa he bought of the man- ptllt \ fIK>S J KEENAN, Agent, V weeks uftdcc the dinadvantuges oia harassing- cough and fS™ 1 l K?, ur9 tl ° r , o i > . al,,mte Coughs, Colds, Aslhma, Spa- finaUy persuaded to caii at & V Br6cUva>? 8 Dfnc *an core hum the medmfnaTi *( yoa t > X v v J ?
/* -4 t * I ufaclurers Th £* c Bboeafl re mamiTaciured by an entire P and Attomd) nnd Counsellor at Law, mostdistressmg cold, which had, thus far, resisted the ef- W®f XRood, Whooping Cough* and other Pneumonia* Storef ind cel a bgule of Dr fm*r<Ts OrxmM'Covsh Iho sickiuaaabotUeor voui 1 'A "
•iTV i iVU a i ie T P roceM » tthA fflPKSf**®*} ® PtfSX^P""™ t 0 Pittsburgh. Pa feels of severafof the “infallible*» I was induced to pur- ani ,he Proprietors Teel warranted iu recom- SUikhiH;winch, lo m> greo) sMrprme, relieved me t» *8?» J>
£?'s§ fili *+*- >I N Hnirl Raddle I caL iA a ~ Office at the Mcrchttnl’s Hotel, corner Third mid Smith-- chase a > our Oriental Cough Mixture* and gtvo I JL® ll^ 11 *? Al i Ma * a,,A dwlhl raedictue, and are pre- much, after lakiug-au]) uvo or three doses, audhefare l ncd.cines,however h« « K v 1 » „ 1 A
’?£eV taV" ’s' ta' * Madffles, " e L~ S-T , c "“ ficalcs of 'ndiftulublenuftorlty, m hmfused outoeW? I wea cdurelj curer L.. twashomuch. Jwifo yTO.foerefo refo Med memore " ft - x-' -Y" " " V '- Zr>
JenS--s#V'*■• ’ r 1 ' P'i an “ other artr I wtttjuES, BRANDIES, GINS, Ac—-10 half nmcsCom |o*Mr K may bo seen on business pt foe following half of foe botlie Ifouml m) elf cnbrcly well “Jitsrir I ?, u , m °ta 5 „ o 4 pleased wall itsefli'cbij'itarhheviii'hrongbr hlliers to buy tie. I nlso cave foe Allerauve in n°enre nf^-nTj^. Po,> ii -
ta L’ l ’ u.v.t, » *..nniiiantlvon hand and isnrenared in W hac Brand), “Jos tfennessy," ® limes and places Jn Cincinnati p| Rfoadway Holel,o|i ieM-nitihrmt I cvtrmio ’ I B*»plon»sntto the taste, nlidisotTerednlso lowa nnee il, undtaliulE'couuauO lo recommend itno my trie lids, aj f great sueceas In short alfoouehlitomhtve^fHi* 1 1 - \■» * - •vu’"? ‘
iy aa ‘i :^^ ies^ r >^:‘^a:^ c °' ■ V “S"‘ V, „ „ ,"te?sfcfr o i• ' -- c
S e T 4 \s J **V A 4 t>i im is determined to aell firtl rale articles At very low W u “ * Madeira- “ , - * , m the InUpbitapts of Pjitaburgh and the neighboring towns, L=r-_— 5Tr _ Ts —= , novlu Lawreneevilte Tor sale at the PekmT«a3tore,Np.7o-Fobnh r - f ~s ~
S^S*3^'3* r %^i2SL , S^V'^v'aS - vL i V ’*•* Vi a* n.ipse 10“ “ “LP Tcnelrffe ‘ “Corpenter,’ » ST. CbAIII HOUkE, "" to their DagacTjrcot>pe of citizens and others, at roomsiu t T^ R RALPH S Cllebratru Vecktabi,* Sot jPnisborgh. *’ *, « *t .% r "
1 in-Don't foriret the place, No 80, comer or Wood 40 « l “ 1 Oporto * various grades, ORNER OF PEVN AND ST. CLAIR STREETS the third stor) of Burke’s building, 4ih st \U sale, mid retail, ntthe 4 nrtHßßEis’a niamorons chik^fn^T-. — »epj7 v '* l » * t 4^
7*X* * trcotniid Ditunond Alley. ap2fl 30“ •« “ Lrsbon * ‘ “ “
* — "'Vnriltv Aflnjtt. 5T® 110 hhdv ,20halfdo, and 20 bbl* Haul Sanierne \\ me. X the season the. market affords* served, un ntjMf no pains shall be spared to produce them in tl(i highest No 50, Smlthfitld st Ift £%Vhemi^SaaoiitSSl&JuS 1 ? cra * * * j-z * * j
V*V - Also, by Wm Cole, Allegheny citj.i G &muh, Bir- [bitfSm sSih^a*’Tan pJKwP^i lO leases ol t -, y i. a P
SV,zT a ?%* w,lie 1 m,^;r JotoMgCracke ‘- re " nFaUw -' i ■' ' v- ;v ■
■ Hlhnvfog e Sx a, s' d | >' “' 'C’ 0RS A LR - A bnckrlwellilighou e nnd 10. inn p,eat lurgfcttto bl ßSsure7o ,l ~ ‘ '
,s* ssasss* n e , t f“T TV - - rV ” '4 ’
I : Razor Strops, ITO ‘ *£s*»*. ’ J “ Maples “ mfo “toi— given rn foe art oontu, mug foe more l *cpl3 , « l’
»l<SS£!KSߥ2<ti-V BOOO9 NPeVmlS’Cnns. Uirsaleb} (sepM) MILLER Ic RIChLTSON ! ’ s ’ in “tspo emns u uu ,on reuwname rorms. receul Improvumems Jan7_ street Pnce, 51,200 Terms, gjbu ill band, bailee m ‘ ~ }vv ra
■ ii«nArmion B CJWEEr FOTATOES--W bbl, Po-iSHSes'oTi »P® JSO Wood siree! CT°VE PIPEy-SMitt hilove Pijl>e.6. **«}'»■.{'«,, on four efiuol yearlj Pajmems , !F^TreeSl^m,v N^£ - r * * 'i f .' i
JS&itrfmi&i ■ - - - -- f.*.t v
S -S J ' ' . .-' ta - -ta- A'- “ . / a
’TV' ' ' , : ’ - £ ‘ ’ ’ r vV ’’ VV VS7 - ‘
ir K, ?**>■*' r - ,ta , - “ . r * * ' f ’* sx t *• p -i,-' "- r fi x r~ 1 -ta 1 > . - - - , " f ■- ta - c^a
' * ta- T » '’ta '•"* “ - , k s r * (C',, -4 - >-f 'ta ? .8.- - % X C ,X\ ““ta f , *■ , ‘•’•K _ v
- -'ta " ' n u ’ ’v £ *.* ’ tar' I , ' tv. <- -'i'/' , --- |
-il. t>>. ta tta ta i. 1 » ta.l- _ * -.“ta*- #j f * /*-'■, - -r tv' , \V” " ' ' tat 't. ! , <s. , u - S, ’ , , " , *» « “ 'ta> * u u 3i,sSs ' *
r "V» tv < "'s~ w J , ta* 'e' 1 V' _ » T ,4 ' 1 ' * . v V.. , “ , , : ‘ *t *' 'V*
ML. - i Jl 'ta,z ~ <r ta “ J * " ~ s' V “ ta ' ta ,4 ■*- ee r .? f- r -J ta -, ,v j \. « •/.* ' t* ' * ta* '’•l, *. * ~Ts v t\ “ * i ! ' *»' S’- i - , v-, ' A » »“‘-
*'- , *a«g^gA»^C T ta T -,s - '* F *v *i*;: *' v* v. I '* r . ' - - * - L i“ 3',*’ r 'v—. > tai
1 •* x .'Vo->;*■,' i , ;<> ta + ' b -\ r J -ta,'- 1 i '"“'iv s'-. * , ’.v-’-v' * -. . - v :
!: - ncrehantft' Transportation l*lae»
[ the Transportation of Merchandize nmlVrodnee
to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods crniMcned to
our Care will; to forwarded withootdclay. at thr lowest
rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and nil instructions
promptly attended to, wee from any extra rlmrse for Mor
ale or commission.
. C. A-RPANULTY k Co.. Proprietors, ;•■
■ marl ' Canalßasin, Liberty st., Pittaharfth..
(Gazette nnlfr copy \
.FporrAfthii'-of. i yoa'.dßr;.rtan^.attflertn^Gota':fte'Klected ;
v o ‘^j.. o r ottj'ObstTtfciion .and Of
the delicate luftng of t&osAbe* through" whlehihh tur
wc brcaiheja-dlsmhniefl'tt/Uie longs' Tin's oltsfruiutm
protlijces pom nndllfr^BsfchaatßenssSfedngfivdSffidttliy
qi'l«Siluftgjlieotieftfeet , ;»ii4 : a*pitimg:<>fWsod;(mai|eT
or pldcgm, whichfmaily exbauMs the strength'tifthe fax
licot—and xleath Jostles EXPECTORANT
«««• fails ip remove this dbktnleliort, and prodoeca the
most plea mg and happy result It is certintfm its er
feels and cannot fait to relieve J“ ‘
Forsaio m Plttsbntgh-nt the Peltml'eaStore.TSFonrjSj
9i, near wood > 1 jangt