‘S'--, ~' ■ ,-•'< ■'"' -'. ,/ Yw-"*:Y ", ' Y Y'Y : '“’ -’- Y • ‘‘’Y ’ -- %1 Y;YYY'.Y|^ll!f§^£ i * > *• \. -\ /i '" k / r v S'' ,- A * J_ i ' fc s r- ->*r ,- W Y."* > / «* i Y§§££is2 „ *\ . '*-; V—' *y , * r f ' r., „-y y f * ’ r , ' yyy *y‘ „y _ t * \. y \ 4Vy ' r :t\ . . -y -: /;- y -‘‘ ,• : v,, r . / " y-, ; ; * ‘ ~ Y 1 , T *. ' « - , * 4 Y - *VY\;Y y ' * ■* :j ,r ‘ v Y , “ ■ ‘ ' ’ * * ' ,£' '; l *V f'\ ,- r s - / - ,~t - T M ( | , ' o , 1 '" ’ 1 ,~?T i r ' •*.„ * ‘ , - " , , 1 ; l' ’ ■v’”" v r S~*‘/M t-~'' ' l ' ' >' ,'^JA ”v V -11,1' jM'.ii‘ini? ■ , ■ . ■y T ..v gr - sr^*t--^.4 u> I ' l ' _— > T I mj, mjj J W -r - ±'u Him t. * .jHHHpals-.*, > ( r .a» r 4. ii. A ' aa. a/ »a fa*- Ak 1 k. 4," .^k- -■ ■ - AiJ i r. ■ i , r 1 t , f - >, "% . .^•i?.: )>^-; ' ; ¥' 1 -^; i ,:l|^|' ,i 1.; s* ■•-'» 'r'.'.-' ,- -'."T^ |fea£d;\ »wm' *s^- —^'•..V-- : -^ ©SIS3S IBS®®illlftli I $ J _K|, I o der lT!! i (rz r «oc ro » “ram ,he e T,ol«cm J 0 o '' I ’?"^ m "’ n, ' J O * : -' . ' ’-vf - I DoUj>f» wdl mygtlnbly be tcflUjrea if J. ror^ro f AVoodand Fifth«»«»«. -f?BIJG8 r_ DHL(.S 1 '-Joil ftlom ;-“ v «,T mi'dFidh or e.lb er wtlorc«„(U rayltme, U ~ „ „ a k 150 conniryc.ly deafer', all old inonds 1o onll mul lctoth rasss-PaiaTpaOT xvsmr t,EC ® I - ~ ~ - “* , ,-) asggwaaa.^*.*«.-'i- »! aaspgsaja^"”•**«»; :» : :„;.i: : s ■Katss"’-" I%* H“ SC l ■;••: §§2§&s®o ‘ - :• • : n,..-0 igar.g«9»«gggisaggsssiE>sizrr;.:i:.r;r.» ®gs!ssmmM ' '• •r--;^ * - •• • •"-' il' - . .■ / ?g t ui*ni,e„,rfi,ne,a,s H IMHII / t ’ l, ‘ v . i v^ OFJ?lCfa ’"-S - ;- 7 r "\%: ~ * i-rr* # liousiliiibt marked, *n!U>AH«cneu , >m?um mm<*,F*swiai>uctoiitngbstabluhmtni ihings-desittible iua«f U regamieu » of a« tlc«pnpltoii» f which bp in t~ ' ~ - [ o so!’clHa jrr&iilm INlcr^”’ lll^- V-‘’i-^ fantf/l.KfßlVi'r’sp^’a'c'liMf °&'ri u^h“"Sldm?S™iwer C un | „'<~ . ’*, »|i;;'i .;-;r- OSZ&Sp S 3F asii&J S>S?“ ,l,f l -• V tV* :,.’n-,.‘ I Clair ..reel H,ilel.ur ß h attgSfey w -* myM_ ,£« STy 1,8 01' H \TS , jn-r received from New 4?c, &c, wllralarge ai«M . , ' . , i ' */", (i&mriZSm'C'MA .-e-H -—& ■■ ;; .., ,-*■ rr , ''-.^^“' l ' , '’ v , i r 4 rt H' °. u ' 1 > , * I '" r f i '> -. ’ a. - -v. r?l ' v JL\‘i-'{ 1 h ■> ’ t »* ■ ■ lt -.. VV i r ' *\ 5 *!V- L' fs‘ '• ■* ■ > »'ji - 1 'V V "k«. "ve^.v¥r; f A-r. i '*4- J !r ' C l , v if /V i v>t4 /r„* Tit f T •m ' :»x *■ *, • > 4 , *' > : ''- s ,“ - ", , i' - Jtfem.^ '*'■ 7 ‘ ■ I-■ “»V -. i i newyraren^ «e .V H.'K ■' Office: ' ■ «% ■ '.r7’.l ;r ’ - - - fcy^w . *r. t '4.-.v- :h'.‘ - - .._ : - a M.'*'- ,i ' T;','''y ; ‘ / ' ~ ~ ~ " '■"■ - - - -'S' t».’ -''* '■>'- A \'l , ' SJ.S t‘7 l '* ’l V, .. N - '< ' l . *■* - A. - ■ ■ ■>■ - ‘,' , .-. '■■. < l^ , ''^-. >^:Sa\ r t 7 !■: w ir ... ~._ .^,_ J . f .-, I -^ r .-. ;-y ; ;;\^;/'^>:^^.^.-v;-"''' 1 ' ! ’‘' J> ,• v I*.r *'}.,.«. ........... ak™.«e,i'rmrtSSin»eibrhe , lanrenewy«ntehea»a; k“?ji‘^fe,‘eldtnbw T it : To^Je U aili stale',; li yoadiaye sale,: wholesale aad relml, by- ;B,_- A. ■.■.?■■.■.■■« *.-(■<&■• t.vs w^nreaw/ nil' 1 5, 'V *:, '- „, .... ~ a:- ,:-■ Rd™f» Groceriep/Furiiiture/ lee.; and every evcmnßi ftjfc^Jf.^nftKtf-cfmer'if Fifth-and:SmiibSeW«lt, SP.VsnnK Frfeliloa.'Morpbow’il’ail, Bonßnrnor disfie- .TOCK,-<6- Cft.i comerjEronr amt AVood and Sixlli, and. ? «f.e»f-5»!(0iF -J -\S’ o<-a..r.v , r _ ... BoaiuiWood " febl’ patronage betlowej nj»n ihe laid firm;—«nd_ Waiebes, Qnn«, Furela, and Fancy Jidp,iubSgb Fodidry, wbere;b(iwill!te«> sS?iMnuifmy Lind, ll Will di*r'l >h« n Wood eireeie, Agems for Piijifaaigb. 3«M - - v K;/1 JSS2SSS *■?-* V* *, ’V I Fon J Wilron T Sienbeavnle f O _ „ :»*-•“ -r k, '}■ V o nil,ertiu AX« clmnu 01 im i_y t „,shi„, and Oeni. Far- ibTiSbtohmiM* »Utj* J : . ■» ■•* ft iff \'* ■*• iv j. f” c »; f “- --**n«nn. no, otters c.*»■ n n/*v«»r.f;iiliUE .renieuj Jar. cns|)s> unu _M;‘..- Al , :\vonup } the'smallest ooubl not Cave measured, less lhauT. » •• -v.;'-',.■•■•••/'' .* v- y>i M 1 i ► t .. ’ - •"*•■' • --—i»i.be.*■>i4^i:•w'V,; l^.»^K*;•»>,^i ■.■^ir'valr-';.^'^,-':'" TTl'Zx'l U e ,* « iM ' A'- : - fi-f - }»' i*» ; v < * $' S~ l t' . ] f S- V* Kr'"- -f" 'e ' i ‘H'A 1 ’ ' -f l£l .> ■* " - S’ . -k* r * v l . . .; ■ Pe'V, 1•> T • «,, ‘ r H yi.u.* » ' l '‘' 4> » I* fc» '- v e». =«;' ’V # v.*4 \ V ‘ > -f ■* 7 - Ji,^- -i ?y\{*t _. . * "• l- 4 i v \ i, , - ~— - ■ • f^3 f ~ . 4»&jk **4 t 'lt V v ‘V. ~ -7>. t „■ -. -1,; • ’ * ! >1 -> , ; rtf^te;'.: t'ZTAK ~ -,* 4 % ir^^': [ '’i' : ‘' # " ~ - - - . .. m - - llllSl t* » A *~* , _-“ "‘in- 1 ! v-‘y A «>■* ; .. ddxmyxM /% ~,x Sj '’g\Z yyxX'fX>y ;■*% ~ ,. f***. v;; ■%'>^r , V* H. ' H > . -ri» r -. \ ,~~;\ -Jf- v «• - r ' .S" V/ nv t ' % w *‘Vf J r A JH t -$ >. / rf * ? I < w» »*. *Vr v r^V ' k„- *•, •»a*--?’ -i* - ‘-.,r; t" r> <7 »'C~~7C ’-I r. 7• • ’ -•' ’ ’ - - k»i £7; V'T-?^ y. . J_- , & ' w " j> ‘ V'f* * --l ' - ' v.>/ •• ' v\u \ .f 7„ -* - . 'i-T^.-’.v.v „ y "^ 1 - "■' „„ , xS > , > * ' -*v , ■*-<«« ; V-.V?S ' t * * h /► * , r , , . : - C' ; .r.., fc ;-v. t:> - i* J > ~ * 1 s w M t -* - *\ ' 1&-* r - »“ * , 1 -i < r f - _ *r-a - * •'■ -y„ -*7-‘ >' - I ' '-(,»'T< - Ikf. *' i * ■ «• A 1 , " +■** Lr , 1 '■y ~ . " " 1 * "> ’' t ** 1 ‘J -f *** 1 s * , rY~ r " % / > ■ , < _ r M ~ft 'f r t >■ ’. 4 *l■ ** > rty’ - *" " - r s \\' - 4" a* - it?, *“ J'/ 1,-Si - 1 ’ i '• » <* i >■» v ’ “. s ;s ' X, J v * ,W X > v T ~ L >*■ r i u ? i'* - 1/ q S^4(r% - -• 1 “'i •» sr^-sV / ' ‘f IT -( ~’ , •c- -x : - -v*’ « 01lpr _ i. v v C * , : 1 lu'fe* «»»as'’ ' r ‘ ’ t^ > » >». - . -tipi*'' k 1 * r J V/H Kn r bf' ■'■ * ll '’’ v 7 " ’ 7 ■-'" > v . “? 7 ’c '“' ,--’’'>'2' _i£‘- >. ' ’ .1-’ „ ;. ' ‘ ,; ■&#>' . r -. r ■*?.' \ / .>•• -•■'Jfe.fe - T ' V .~.>a£. “ ml " ■' . , - - *i/ v >* 4 v >,■!.»“’■' ' Tv ' - 7 <-'' 7 f *vsJ ...Acl«=' r" i Sj! .•icon- ' ,;, o' 1 * -S'; ”'■■■- c.' ~ V v.r.-g v wry- J ’» " . 't>- -V. 'V-i.’lf'tV ' t -- 1 4 ’ 7-.- \ ygm nmr “ ~-,- ; " <’"if % £t ->i 4 «aT / u \ tefclt.^”' 1 * *' V H /V l 'rT ■'s4» ,l<: ' L ’■• wr -'* *l, •-■ -. =■ yy , ■* >' ieaye-' - ' . v >. .. J2AKF .S*-» t e -•K 6 '" -- •" s ..y.wll' 1 J V* . 't -iwead.' , tileled, - ‘ . > - «•, >4#* , ' J v>->’ it V - c'• r ,- ".'r-y^-rk, ...- - . ':'s s V*^r"tt > f - P#' -- * '. ->-■>- '•*'’' , . < K -■H-{s^iW . v':. ■-.- . r-- ! •:;;r-V/. e"* ?: -';-S4.*'s -d *, 1 ’, *, >■ V 7 r >, > * *• ‘ t 1 ' 1 &K- *—■* ■* „> *»<> > - - . r \, ... V l /. *•►-' •i ? i c v --* jy- 1 ', **•' " ’- - ~--,f* •'."‘.. r >, „-. •• .'■ ■ <‘ -- J ' ;- • ■ 3 - . •"d'j.Xd"* JlllfssfeMSA j;4'XX'd”~'--'' : d^r"dX y dxd i 'K '- ; 7m-, :v: --. .• ■• :-v J .-■ i, ' , •■.••r-.s,- 1 d>'-:: yd“. : ;. ‘'7; ■'- ■• ' \ .'■<■: s .,]■ ' - ,'. y* ", *i r £ "•* y J V*. s, 1 ie „ t „ , *<- A *£" i* »- ~ „ ’*' ,b », -»'■,. f { v 1 •. -v V kr“ J“/*- V y , V .-v * A s 5 ► ”■•<. >'••’ 4ki •» ■'*• 1 h A-v 1 ' t*- n < Vf<\,A*#v> j* v rr f V “V,*: ,r »*};: ;''M; , - ' ' 7i’, 'rv '7 -- "v\,V^ TAMKS ti'AU.AN, Anorney ni Lav, carnej <>i « yl><- ,j nnd Ttflh Law com'rr «'*-£>- ffsaSSSa;: SnH.ihßeWstfUi , : • ttU^ »BHf b'nilding wnk Alderman Wotrovr- wpaMy lOStSPH O. AfKIBUIM, jaonuj, MXW —Ort“-e 1» brnldSg, ,lw *?S v Ji?! >d tndßmldiStld«u- - 't.'.i L>. noY|g ~ i /TEQRCE W-ttKYNOyAtarntgand CoumtlloratLaw It and Notary Tubhc. —Office at the corns rot 4Ltiiiiul Wiod^a-arerSitibittlciolies’EJtchaiigeOffiCg.oclH DMU.NU SNOWDEi'i. JlW’Tl'S alAatc.^Umc^m Ilie baildlttg 6»thO'Nonh EaM earner orFOnrtlj anil Bmnhfielilrtr *' novl.Hr *H ’MUEUUW, MdcrmaiL-rQ&ce norih side 01 . Jtv»'*irc6V'^*wc* a Wood jani^SnutiifipMtlitisbujrgl». .; MptO-y :»OANIUjIiSS*M , OtjUKIV4J!mi«» II <«’ u * i - r bn at Law.— Office ait FoanU «t., opposite JU * «. FiliSotfa LiTetr'Btebley Piuslinrgi. seplo-y xf Offide WFdflrUi Street, betweenAVood aud.SmUh fieldfoppoote Pauer»on*» LI very. ■ *P •_&' S'IKOBGB XHUMilOrtfci, AuoriiegundCowutttvat. It Xflirv—Officr retimed to the ‘Jdiloor below Grant «U tp 3« office lafely occor»eU:hyAldernmuMu- MA - raanu AStonuftaul CauntrUoT a! Latv. t-M jbfficn in Balwnrelrnßaildiiigi! tmirnt *»« 1., je29’J?-ly '' - -O '<3 SHANNON, atol CourwUorai JAffir '■V''2%&ib tK I>BKT, ABOtitcgi leeucmq.fnade m W< .adjomtpgfeaormc*. • : • • TOHN COVLEi'lfoUtn.atta Vonvtkancers-ymtx. iu •I Mewair* BnUtliaff»-r oanh street, : ne»r : Southfield, meat end a» other initfamentsof wrlun* dwrnupwijh, •• dripMcb .l Titles to Beet.Kutate exennncd apg-ofcwty t . “DVVJN C, WILSON, AitorntfrindVcunscUor at La*, x | n Franklin; iVenauza coanly, Po.> will apeod prompt ly tonllbfaiinesa entrusted to Ins care.. CoUeenonstnaue. in Warren, Clarion, aad-Jefiersan counties. jv B&F£S.%O 1 ' J. AJ Stockton , }p(tttbnreb- . Maf'pbyr Wilson & C°, i rilu,uu, *“ Hon. James; Xmneaivt pto*]!*.' ‘‘' > .. ... ‘ -ffon-J.-Wilson, gtcnbcnvule, <}-• ■fQHN' A* V-ARKLNSPW* £? < Z nat >> F,ub i s 2if!£s •I •gt-- between and O Hara &ls.j_whereiiB,niayr i ertyiW’*ell'©r rent,-eankttve the'.aameptfnctaelly JWM'! 1 ecJtd:-tlebie colleeied. ttdJ all the dd.Uea.ofan, ; c will receiveproiKpiaitfenuon^- ■,.• •■■ r ; . ~ .i —*■ asuiufli . i TTOfiNBV* and COUNSELLOR at f‘A\V; Office io ■A/jffeltonißiuldin^cpraej.ofWiUewdßO^^ws!* eastaidcertbeConri Hoeih , ’ ... i ‘ ny; CbHeetlnjriConyeyencmg, cxatmnatidtia ofße ■ ' cord*; *>-■ promptly and accurately attonded to., mylß.. -r-i-tßlity- iv'WUJdAMS, Atronuy end Coutu&ef'tti ; JLL Xata. littcccßsoi! toLowne AWtlhams,) Office el. jhTold atanffilgoarth tu, above Southfield THE Partnership heretofore exittmg between Henr) W William*. Esq:,, nod rays«!f,lu the proeiicepfihe law, was dissolTCd by raatooJ etmsenlolt th. !Klholt,aniJ ilie business'will hereafterbeeontmtted by. Henry, W . }»■£ liamsj'whom J.most ..cheerfully recommend ,o ?**_■(” wbom l haTe the honor to do !>o*wte**seo».* E 011 ! "awr 1 ? H nwnas. Oeorte «. Kiddle, Oomwat»«r*' ’ rkmCEta Avery Hoar, street, above Smillifield, *-nMaMAlolroioEi'AoaapreTrs,Boatis,Eai.tt4si^nii(l j-SHgB'SStf^iSS'KW B fSmS r . ’ and mtunalc acquaintance twith the fttabuer pa?!nnistlhe& meets trf^ivt#satisfaction to those who day eßlrnst Iheif iis.tneiaii.hu care »- ' ' fleC j ) ,-rTASrMomed'^JifttCtlceof 'h' Ltmr, o«icf f/V Jttyoirrtfi «f ? between Woefli. unaßmrnitleiil t , - 13SSS3®!^ £gßaeS3S£s&& ? nd Wtprß, attliblrfwOirtvdinMipnti* , jif "tftibKlNSOlS/ ' ies. ,-,... l/~ - * wj"* ggjygg*^. P^^7^Sn|^ynorpl fjV^^r^fioAan fc Algeo, Überjy** _ S^masjs^fiss^ssd ■ §f@plpl --Afe *IUHN Lll'fliK, in I Yholnate Grocer* Product JaH/MV/rtmmum Wrrhant, Tlntd fit, Ictweui Ytoou nitfMbrKei - 4 ifi*Al.O\rMCJKK*Si, WHoiisnh rtnti KrUul VeaUrM ■A/JiVnjVj/ mM maple l>rg Foiirth'Hinlthe'Dfainonit> _,■. • , ..• ■ ; In )-y_: TOllN' ornUAX, JVAiWft* Taibr, Firth slrcenucni t| ofrc.eQfilhe • ■ ray** :f uhn at O <3oW Lear, manufacture* Ai3j5«VKiJ-fcJOHNSON* House, Sign and Omd IVI menial Piiinirtsittmet .01 Omni anil tjccend utieett. PXirLSU-V, HtU and CapMnmijacturer, inio Fur* of all Luids t No.7*JjVVoou street* ft®*.* 4oof4Mb«conwralFcamh. •- , »*P I /fLIiPU & RtUKl7ra6x,TV7}oZrta/f Grocsra and 41. wtofo'ri'^fr.y^rta*'cornet of-taheity. and Irwin nu. Ci A \Tc's-. i , c<'9 ..- 'To&UI'U WUUUWKLU .Importer nrk«U - J* n7 ' a R Metfi'fciN. 'lfraj* Fouadet and Has t fieldfetreei, between Dianjouil.rUley aml Fifth ■• ■ ■ ,v ctoitr. WTashtnfftonj l*tu Cptf i; FPyetw, Cfreenppna S t &.J McUEVmY \Vhol&aUlrrocrr£ dealer* in Pro* v « dacedod Pitubnrghsnamifactured, No. 2t4. Liucrtj opposite,7than ■ ■ API, BKViSN BIG BOOKS CIiOTIHNU Bltlßfa.No. &»>**£ sleet. near Liberty «. JOHN PARRAS, nov-34 . I Proprietor , iTOHN l). MUKUAN s iFioto«k and XfUutiVrpisgifti &o ; V 03fcj Wood street, one doorsouth of Diamond 130LLANSUE& &II AY \VA ill), Whotaak andJUtau I* JDealtrttn Soott atuiSh(HJ t Np-.Liberty.fitreei*op* twsiieWopa. _ _ f |£ l T> A- FAHNCSTOdI?* CO* mtfaale Drug ), Aou#r, comer of Rwi aul *irpeu,aud co™ er f Wood and SlxiU. febl _ * t & Trim ALEXANDER fc SOSS: CiMnilatmmd Fur \ W iiuhmg Undertaktrs, comer of T*enn and .Si* .UW eppoau&theExchange. Eutrance on I eui^»r«et. - rfaijNIf :'MBliUMfeHtoteafe , and O'Mutie ah*»» Kid gmifotieryvNo.Hg Woofl-Mteeu- . \ T J) AViliMAllTH,' ibumbtt Merchant. >.Oibcc : pu Venn I i*Btreei. between If wm aod Haod. Cpaimaincations nromptiyanentffed to. , , ■ > ■ •• • mal& T,’IX - tHI W.ToWDRXTEB.* v- «>»-.*.• •"*»T. POIKPCTTKR. ■OOINDBXTKR 4b CO-V Wholesale Grocers tfnd r 47 mißftion N0..4 1r Water *ircet_, "P 31 — MURPHYi Wholesale and Retail*ileolcr la W *• «OQDS, North east corner or MorkeranQ lutih to * ,npgD7_ Copper.; fttliJ Sheet Iron Wore, If* 17 Fifth street, between AViiod tiul Market - y ehrJiOKK UAEii*roD,- k v •• •tvaLUaitUEßA.cou, Jft) . ,M>rrAMfs» imdUealef* fri Fi^UTt WpoUnd Croducj, | pfo-M betweedAyowr arid j TgjrmhficUlsireftiiuFiUghMifrh/-: •:■ > ***°.y._ ?/TIU- k"AKTNKRttH4k*--; , l J hfi\m.derBigi»sil has associated, I]} with hirtiself John NScdU, from Baltimore, iu the xGrocerv and' General Conunlsfioit Bußwie9»,_ ollacf me /rylOHAltiy r, I.hKCM, Jr .JmMrur and fetter >t Irt Pertiffi-adriMiatu Baillery, Barilteari.ani Car 7!}in Trlfrmlngt, of all dejerljulons, No ITJ .Wood »l , PitubMirtU'SOtdli dooh ttnd ond dpofaVoye; . it. OMlifi l *! CA-'eSfro* Biort r __™|4_ -ni,A\iil!iCt);BhuhManu/a»urm,iia, ■ Tj KavO ion'Sfaliily oil hand a full anorunenl of ovary < dMcrinuon of BRUSHES,Which they Mliolilhe Men. Il4n or deaterv Alsff, a largo'ewcfc of SHOE RfNlf. INUS -Which i* ionelrilby rertetvlnlf with lhfc h«l im proved Kill riSinNO 'fACKLE hud Snoninir Hqnjp. of vvlileh .Vfjll.ho, aofd ynok.-. 'MlOhad rtthir- - i *»7 O MITU'i Stl»GLAltt.Uaie;M»rtiia*Btmin,) Whataait S ?< tf^*a«l. l SoWpod ItrecL Pimhorot) Tbe Cmderilgaeq hnvwgemered into ■sirutr 'rnSer tills aboyfe atyle, rejjnsplfojlr ask tjta - * 1 “'iuls or ttie lale arm, ana of the pur-. They (feel warranted,in, promising lailsfai; non to all. who may bay of iitesato theircare, .; . , :'. ~ ; WM.TL SMITH, 1 W;M. SINCLAIR. 'RE3S— 1 1’fco >L ! ?*tiKV V, dßorPAurrs,eitheri li'and.CopalVfiraUhjXmMeiiOjli ; Window: .Glass,, of all 4s, pflh&besJtjnaUty, inces. : :: GOCHRAJV* Commxuxon and Forwar&ing rmj&lvomnusjßlQQ Buriqw* a«pacialjy ut 4nd'asl&Of American telultifoctirea arnfc * receitringaitd Aa agent for iheroanfiwowreK*j hrwi!h Mea.withtbOflriQcmlanldesiof Piit»r i -uiSt^lot^irtoTeWoi>tfw;•' •f^tf*fgnT^ gft!aaraTet pßetftilty,AOllfit|flA/ -a * '_ '••' s «'a- - ” --' '' * l* «, -r\niir,GisT , ANn Aiw?ra?AUY?No Wei I• J itTefctilhfeeUoorsubovo Third, PJU*burgb, \\iHljiiJ e. and fre'Oie i Medic mea, which he will « * .K ' n>nu)iiQble ■ tenos- l’hysicmns aemlmjr -?V*' cr » ' Vl l| do promptly attended to, ami supplied \yilh nrmle \Ul\ «llbr neeararelynndi nen.tj prepared fromUie beet ptaierials, ni anyiioHfaf j!‘o °' f Af» V»r sale,o large etook or freehand good PrRFU MERY r ' _ V t. rvnvim ■ c. V.. ANORKSOV I MeofPmebiSr, Pa l.nle 01 Sfasl.vdie, Penn r FMOS A ANDERSON, Dtabn .ii Ceifon. borwnrd- L“gi«d Common Merchant No * ftbore Broadway, Cmcmuati^Ohio • Merchant* generally, l ,,ltf l tu T_Sb‘P? l ’ Merchaht»fe«ernll> Nodijilh le,m \y -ijnijc Fit or’h.m * »b "■SJSTSi?. <" Monday, and Thursday of Dry Good.ohd Fancy ArticlcMM.lt! oelock.n, m. Of Grocrricr. Piu>!uir,ilt,man ufni-lurrtl nruclep, T.ev. and sfccoiid-hQiidFurniture, Ac.. ul = ocl°ck.p.n. Sale, er err erennig at early yan-lißhi migls-y B'U and mol, '■“» “o" 11 A. commenced business ftt hu oW *l"td No Sc ‘ «S», between Market and berry street;,,where he will, he nlesned to eco his hltl emtomers nml irtemie. (jliurch, steamboat, and holts ot ever} aise. from 10 to 10,000 noiiudsj.cast from pratenis ui ilu.nKutnpi'ro'. ril ihodelbandwaTrantedto be of the best ruatt.rul*. . Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, R-ultnir*, together with every variety ol tbrass Cast.ii„.s, tr rerjuir : eiT turned nnd finished tif the neatest manner. . . 1 A P, io the sola aeenL for Latiiats Ann .tc.nt.un itfs tahso j£lH celebrated for the nduelton or mctuin in raarbtnery The bojei and composition can lie bailot him ot all umea imviuy^ Leecbtugt Cuppt#g and UkciUßg. v 7 N.ib oi and S' "1 1" u > I lintnUhettfully recommend lo rhyw.ian« ramiliw. 'randaH iny fonner mends and patrons, Hr. k. B. Ninwn. ' niTheras thorouglilj acquainted a\Y d uronliy of patronage M H UM.am raartltfra —FASHIONS s. Moons naa jaulrccrivcU l rein the’Fsll Style .Of. MAT*..'"*'* " •*!'! introduce tliix dny, Snlnrday. Aujrusl tttih. All J 'oso m a „ea, aid «>Pa'- ; r d g a vj^ca,, an**2S M doof ot>ovo_Founb. Nis~cXifil iCtiT^ iCcyftlori 10 l * lc iirrtl 1 n, C Tmvnanii 2Co it.cl Cart & Rovvlutd, beg JMWto anhonitceto tbeirTriendmind <°| k f'j, ernllr. tbal ihcr ard iiow pirputctlto ostciite at^Kiyua of worlf mtim Coach omi AVa,run-maVisijr n | r ;’ 3 ij Se.hort,. tnotice and warrantedtobe ol Urnbestmml iv The very large nuniUiiy' of seasoned Timber. with tlicv art prepared, ; anU their facihuesfor busm - mbleffim A*** ti poblic ***** *?*?*£?* io carry ou ati extenanre apd prom>l buamerS intnur tide, uid they r E «ptclfullyBohc.tacoj.lMiua,ice of the liberal pnttftnrg" »»*tnqrad apon the tnic . TrF\lT[A\ T BlilNl>S—A. Glllbbiib & CU. Bute rt' V^movedlo the corner or Wood street ami Diamond altev over 9 M’Claiu’* Jrfiathee- Store, where they are Drepared to furnish Vem|ian Bfirrdej AVhpksnte nml Jte lailfat prices tnticli reduced; bavin# “h Te 'iffindfeM ?u ef-iainting. and other ndyniitase* unbnowntn o hern m tVmirftfU riving a supenar finish,iol'lM.uSvinc) {rim them with the best materials, nwtut; item iich,mtd d N al B-Wide or norrow slate-portable or permanent fastening* furnished; Old Blinds rtjitUd- L? riTKI-X AND FH.E MAttUKACTORY -The sufiwn- S' hn'in* ell,ar f ed f “7 fvl'inra ufocturoofSrEei.am?Ftuss— all the corner of o 'Ultra; and Lilierty streets. Pittshurffhv-aro: prepared to. Pilcaof every desenptionyoOho host quality . ni.dbein„ detemmed w male it the interest of consumer,, to pur charoFile* from them,; respectfully invite Ihepntronm.e ,f rSirlOy U!ClllßarUel ' 3 ANKBIM_tCO_ iTKWLY INVENTED PATRNT block' spring IM TRUSS, for ibe immediate reliefand permnncui ciireof Urmia' a»d Runtor/l .(Suited to nil Rize».) Tlie superior claim* of lh» Ihj mm wiihwhteb it may be worn; iuepaa ul ytoaa balanced on yicW* to tlit.pa?fu^e ; ”l ove menfmadc b> ibe w eue* ft c*« U? worn wibout an* • iitterminsioivunlil a core. la.aflerucd . s £lm eubwTiber-. have mode ormiipement* for-lho mdnnrnciuw of . Valuable Trji*«eMU.Mt!M>;9! »*>' 0 > 111l 11 WiiS 2 ; have Uiom.now faynloßl^ciroffice.Ao.^rmltiKl^ 51x.1.,F, 1 ..bn, S h _ XTEWDRUO STORE—John D IVSfi, ■JN tale and Betall one door south of Diamond nllej, r«t»lioi*h The S» iSueonber ha* Just received iramthe ea 'cn c. lc» a,u is now opening « Hie olioie stand, “/“l! -ViKa »w article* m lus fine, consisting of Bnifts of nil Hmls ; I'S i giufft painu »nd; (ifir4i»his»yvChciTiiCft}»> ,<, p {, n > with\ll each article* ns are tumult} hept for win nt a wholesale and retail drug store mi!. '> Hit stock is entirely-new*- aud-lm* !pecu aiuii cirre? He is confident that ins articles,liotli as.to nunlltj ohd price, -will pleas* inch ttsPttry favor him »ith n doll. my»-y ■ • ii * ONONGAHISLA WANING MIU..-J AMK3 M moEE WOiild respectfully inform his friends nmliho nebUc.lhiU his new establishment is now m full opern tibn andllnif he is.prepared tafnrmrh Boat Cnlmis, ontl fill all order* for JPlaned Lpmber r vy U)i promptitude, and tt, Bourd and'pi'lnk, planed on one or bolb sides, eon Montdii)gs,of ever)'dc»eripiioi!,madc "‘dßandei*nnd Carpenters would findrtlo «dici^nr\vqn Inipe 16 ffitrh hlin'a! call) as he can now fimlshihenl 'pEiiked staff, suitable for every.description of work, n deefi-lf ' lIONNETS'—•VV. U. -MURPHY is selling oli I cedprices. Bonnets oflasi wlniert "hoiie„ nl irom -o ■■f“A lot of Drea Lawn. reduced to ISi for Drtuo -A su PP l> ju.irccoucd, and —Rich derkstylenlorGlnghams Also, Manchester and Domestics -dp-jOl ManSa iSbton* -An a«orimetll T Jti« ween ed in flip -Wholesale Rooms, 9d »UW, and offered low. jijfl l '®'P ,osre - : A^a?H^ire^e&m..«Vop,,:a,Kl,U l Marhutr,'* '7TENXL.KMKN—The sobscnbars Uegleavoio inform \T you dial Way have in More ft fell Bhiii«il s o | ! D ' n »iCollar«,.CrovaU,.SiocV«)'Eockei.Hnnii- Serehiels 'Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Uuiuiellns, .un-. d« fK Drawer* *c, in met es ery linos included in rJenlfsWeanne Apparel, lo ?■ Inch ilicy lnvilc yooT £ll They alsonvnmfocture toorder ouhoir factory Easteveo vnriely and patieruof SHIRTS,m quantities and nuelny lo suit purchasers , , ‘ «£rKive ns a call, and examine our nn , iyii — — W^troom S TTA’rtl«ni6?® I?CaWeT f- ■ jee# ■ -■ ■ Fall FasMott* ! i~l H PAUI«SONi No. clwsr 1 from 1 /- the earner received, >a«d %nU 4111* .mroS" "« t ALL STILE Of OFSTLEAIES’S IHTS miduoult rerprcuull> imue hi cuslqipersmid Ibf piiMic gcnorallv lo culi nml examine ihe »apic nugOu * : Tvm uasiiions s. lIA'fH ASD fcAPSI §E SSL Jgfci.., yhk jmhwrilier, liaviijjprriuineiV '£***3Bftom Nlew Yorlti'will inttmlßre,j.T!H»_»it, ■ AliftilrtSfllh, lS4*, Jirfl>r.r. £nli»<- Co.s PALI. vrn /''OF 7Vh in ivilK'li lie wouldcull ihenllcntion ofl.li cuftomcrK mill the public He i ilic arrival of lii»fall niworifliew m ffnu, Cow.-uiiil all of winch »*» t ioor Ih*)ow Dhvi* t Anetuw Room*. j,itr tlal anti tep store. ___ rr, JAMF.S WD.SONV Has Manvfa'mm r Aßm. JM (ibriuetly oCilic conwrof Diamond alleyTOggL bail'd Wood Mtcci:. Jbqjsreave in info-ni his old cfisto a-ri. Irlende, nod the |>ul>lie t that heh",ed anU onSmHhWd ,1^ a fhnirL- a-sorlirA'iu nil.liTh;. CAPS, and LAOIba. FUItS inn good-neat, fashionable and ciikapps nny.ni &e “Si 1 mas he had i V fn rordtallj unite.hi. fticnd J ana the public to remember hie new location and e«tiibll«liino4it,aild pec him a coll nil heart) aeheintende lo welcome thenu;« ~ . ■ , mawiyi T. n«l»loanble llgt »uJ Cop ManniaeiQfy | GKORGV- S. ANSIHTZ, Agent, reupcctfully/gßfe inform* lit* Irieniliitml 'lie PuWic 1 ly, Hint hfi Ims coinmt-iioeiHhe■ tnmmfnclnre °> Horn unit Cunt. nt No.ttt \Voml«lreel,onei3oorfromttie corner of ''rcoml, »liere lie Im now on linml a CneHio roriinent of 11.. i« null .CnMofou own inaiiufiwtuie,which 'it ttlll tlupoe. nt wliolewtlo or retail on lt ' r “ oslre ? noiinlile term*. for rnuli or city ;iiece|iiitiiee. Hot* mao' ] to onler nt tlte Hionulnoncci npia-jm _ DIIA VINt; AN nil A 1 SiU.OO.\-~BniCI- O sol & Kninfrilitt, lonmrin! Pra/rsnn, bnieTiilcd up the saloon nnlhc corner of them nllty niid Ahnier st., nevrihe Notional Howl, forowrlj occupied by C Archer, and ore prepared to wait on gentlemen at olice r '■wiili ease, comfort. nndpoluene**..; In connection with their snlpon, they. hare fitted up pn excellent shower bath, where persons can have shower baths til ullhours of the day. , . . , . They Hill continue to serve ihrircustomers also at hheirOW Siaiiit corner of the Diamond and Tjiiion st. , fehl? If v jl. .. ■ Auction Notice. .. ; THE fflbicribcrb** paid into the Trcasu *yof the Com moriwrullMh* amount of Ucen*c recurred He ho* given the Tfgularty; approved secuntj, and UiLeiV l , out a commission of the first class, ns up Auctioneer pi , the cityof Pittsburgh,tand rented that room belonging to fcylvnnu*Loili!rop,h«i.,No. street three door* from Fifth* where he **prepnjedto tend to the sale ofevety ktudofMerchandise, Furniture, Room(i or on thc.prciniacs, ami \vjll in all cnse?oxe*7l* l ™" «elf to the uimuin torihe benefit of bls.emplo>crs,©ivihe moarcosonabltvlernLH heAvtll sell exclusively and only on commission tl.ucidier purchaaing .nor havinßany VJ merest whatever pnfiood&Jn \he store, hut merely .»!* com* inißsionlorscinitS* thereby givingntl owner# a faircUance without partiality of having therein property disposed of settled when mode. Advancer will be civeH at any lime, on Uie most accommodating. Tenns Scrrhoptsw.il notbecharged foradvancej KetruWr Mile days: Mondays and rhursdo>s» of Dry GoSts Orocenei hunuture/Ac, and every evening, Hard warn; Cutlery, AVaiches,Q«n», Twmla, and Fancy Anjrlc HooVs«« Auct Mi ; Removal. r TODI> wuuld respectfully inform.the mer •> chants of ibis city anil our castomcn, generally. iii»rwe hale removed our stock of Shirts and fauitu For ilisiung in the comer of Fifth and Martel l streets, id storvovrr IV. it I’. IIuRUI, etitrnnee,o|i Fifth smb, where we intend to keepoji hand a Urge stofk ofSlitris, of our own manufacturer.wall an assortment of mens’ FnrnislimgiWoda, usually kept hy hasten! ft hole *"l)ehtS vety’-’iliank-ful Tor the kind patronage bestowed on us lor the past year we would be happy to receive culls from our old customers ami merchants generally,, am would iufoiin them that we tnlcnd uniliiugon our part slialt mdttce thiin to loot, further a nonpeclto mid luri. ly to our stock, and dimmish our ptict s McrJ.ms ami dialers nro solic.ied toeiaminedur slock of t.OOda 221521- “. lUercy Hospital. i i Tine INSTITUTION, under thec barge ofthe Sister* ofMetpy. siinnie on M«v;en«an s'rcil, mhiiH ofPfgn-: k\ lviiiti'i Avenue. 1 ' is now oped for tin; reception ul 1 a tfu™ 'I bem""»«t gentle,mu ntn. bed in Hie Ho-punl “ r ’T)oPr: J. P. llm-i An>HA fmufuw willlir umvfd mill* r Hu oJopleJ/oi tbe temporary Hospital. - Lower warts, —. .■ , _ Dimer Wnril*. (in which each pa- - . lieiitlta* oßPpftTfitc apartment.) .Ss,ooper Thoso term iniydenominationare nllDvvrd to Visit P ’TW\hu "llo'pTil'iv delightfully sumlcd in an opeh n „V”,J p'» of the cil> , nmUylhh, ten nannies’vv allc of ' b App™'JllS the admission of paueul* cun be made eitliertoDr Sk\der« or JA ?. i r S * u .. h . V ' irt ' : • Ch?nc>t Coutnuttebof Mercy Hospital. ’ gpVindfa fSutnWluhinenl. JAMPS XT WOODVVFM., Mould respectfully S[ ■norm Dio public tlmtlib has removed to htsl& iiev.tacnttoit.MO *>• Tbinl*>««.(next-dooriibnvefH Kc o d .tli d ) NMtlier expense- nor trouble line been snrtri d to moke ill!.* n)0«t extensive and in gnifici.nl Punntur. mrehoum to be found my when, enst or west' I he , Lqn band, foe variety. tm,ie uudelo »mrn is such a* ha never been Offered to any public fvemlhe most costly, outfits at 31,000 per set, down to chamber and kitchen Ihriuture, tnnj be found tit sty lea mtdnmtenu lo.mtany and every taste J XV Wood “bllCpei for a continuance ot the very liDerd pamm- TtS- cxu tided to him heretofore, and pledges hhnsell to £fve entire sauiaaoilon, both nsWgaMs the- solidity, du riibdm- and style of lus articles, aniUhe liberal and ae cotnmoilwng principles upon which he does lmsttiess lltsenen tve new vv nrcliousc bong non filled from the ccllaMolhVmh ».or S n t nnd Chau s he would solicit n cpll from oil In wahtlof articles in Ins line.- ■ ■ , - -i-i...; l ..■■“H” . . Twc»t pouirwMiu; ~ 11 HUSTON 4. WAGNER, Engine BgiMen. have eom- I J v.l? an Penn MU.n«»Mh» Ppm?, nijho L « * rl\°carried on h, SmcU.6u« fcTCel ™ "m™ «i lung » purclp»«; >»wra Engines for b *lUraEs.*^c r ip , | l Sort Beer, Thomas Scoll, Esj. Church, C-iro.her ,iCo,H PRESTO^?’ ,: l EN'OCH'WACSttERi -: V from, tenders his thunk* lo hi* puroiift, mid y oyM imom ihe Vm"en* ot Piiulmrgli nnrt v lumii.iliai he has imonuuic>i i• _ t u ,.; pf Lnndscnnes., for snle.at;the oieon, on rourlh street, between W 00,l ond.SimtllfieU a2rf l,tenmUbot llauery. v i leave .rdepittfally 1o inlbirt T^;^nmV(^at^m;li^>ncllhe-^lt^Jll |^Belt^.cnlly, Hot they ■■n?a™sß ttrTIAKBK Von Wpter mreeti between; ; nil I Will immediately bo-, prepared, to furnish, the, SSb?Md Yo tooX Thut ovenime just been com* « W «j± ,ug, sSSfa z°m*: Qrstrotf: bo> to ,r\i n TUK THUGE lUG uoohs AGAINST THE. WESTERN WORI,O' GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE ORIGINAL . ■ : ii grime Big Door* I” Numb# 101, Liberty artel, Pitaburgb, Ftmuyhama VaSHIOaAOI.It VAI4. *W};A7IM*K UttABT’MAPK . C GOT IIING' , , riMIF. Proprietor pf this rarTamed.esiablisbmeni wonlif. 1 mosi respeelfully call the atieatifln ofitumeTmiß cue renters and ibe pubfit? ctieapcsl, Biul raoel fashionable Hoiks CLOTHING tliut has ever been lekbibited by aiiy- ona concern ill this or any other city, East or West.. • ' I will not undertake todesonbe to the reader the v urlons : as,orimeiiie of ttrtlclee wbiehj ; now have to aftr Utem, but! will simply aayto them, that if they with U calhT wilt lay before them ,JW Humtedond Fifty Tbautand Garments, m which they will find from libs'riche,tin quality and style to the very lowesua price, - out iof Which they can select to suit the. most faatiJiou.. taste, both in price and quality !n Ik . i A priced catalogue of the numerous garment, In the - various departments, would occupy too much space, aim alter alt give no correct idea of their teal value The lartieles tiimy stock will lie marked, mui you are invited to'inspect and .compare them with nine, price .nttachcif ; j which will be the best lest of their cheapness Tbe Um princitlles of trade ateto Mtve tho publie,well, andin ori dertonold their confidence nndpatronage, losuitly their interest and conveniences the,cJ am dctcniuiied low on, und I look to unenlightened community for a liberal ‘ U A P word to Country Wholesale Purchaser in the trade, especially tlinse who purpose goingE«;t;.M WX-SlLSS convinced they etui avetheeipcntcpf time and money spent in going Kash as nbo lbeir bii scf You willalso fiiid Clothing mote substantially made,and the Style and cut much better adapted lo the tastc aiul convenience of the-aiflcrent locnliue of the Western C °i n am constantly recemog neces tons ““IfJ* Goods, and am mwayasupplied withaa extansts e i yane- : ty of all fabrics and articles mmyjtne, which make ... the best lyle,a.,l^ol.o^^ TJ EAJ) THIS liKri’Kltrr.Wbo .wtll-lm JfiUiout a . it tiffi head of hair, when ihc> can have one for niree jfilUiUfrs? Twenty year*’. loss o. htur restoration *. lUi/nnouE, July 17,18 H. “DcarSir—The wonderfulcffectt of Jonea’.CoroUlair, Reswmivc bn&been deciBivel>v4emonstrfltcd .wjjne.e*» aes ot aeveral ceepecinhlc.ctUMna of jovvn. yvhj» on , yobtscUlng Wlthoulfea/. Oue mßtauce, which has.attracteApaiur, irrri^ a ”saTh?e»i “opplKaMoa cao.e n » e«I leautiwiiy, frec< it from acurl, and slops It .from Ailing “hold Willi full directions at 82 Chatham M NY andbj Wm. Jaclraoii. Agcuti W l-ibcrl> jl-l.ittsbutgli- tiicPr _- Orcat Bargain Corner! ■fln J. BATES, TF&oXMaXra«d Retail Dtaler _ irWii i -H in Boott. Sloft top l *? 1 B of jtytt and- Smitfifield tltntij pittsburek.--f}te .AimonneeMoTiia pidcusxor, mersandtlio miblie genetbJly> that liß bas reraoved Jus lately erected; at the earner of Fifth- and oppoule the old Pittsburghf^”fe^ oil hand a 1 argeosso rime nt of BOyTBjtSHUbS. "Ai “ and LEATHER THUNKS. V AUCI». fcARPET UAGS fat, of all descriptions and stwa,wh{j’Ljfil? 1 cabu a* >heat> u# can bo bought in Ihla roaraei* ~ - • -i Being connected withi some “J' be . ine cstsblistimehts in the eastern ernes, and.tjceiving gwl, “moat every week Unring the «a ogjT 1 * <£" =" Steal inducemenu to purchasers, eitlterby wholesale or retail, ns he offers his goods nt tower pnceslhßO «>o«oI the same qualitycanhehongUtelMwliereinihecill I manufacture umikrep constantly on VoiiUis’ Calf and Kip Bools; 4 very neat andEorweauie "ttT Remember the place, “Great jpg.. Comer Fifth and Pmiihfielil streets. %TOMUIi > Ar»UCBOOKeO-Jii»'teceive,pura.by Somnetllahuwgtinjtraiislatca and edited by Cbailes Jaliua Heropet ; M D4' oi ifarwion’i dnifa i)ianwn,-by Dr. Heraprel, voi. t. Homtrpaihn! Domeatic MedicineJij £..LoV n*t «?**?•; JJ\ n XI Vand 1 l ;a n ery, for the ute cf pe.on, who are oruler Hoinffipatic treatment. _ lkK>fltafchau«nVrherapat»C Pocket, ItooWj for How® imth»i»U*ljy;Dr-'Okie „ . A •£.Tttflpor week, :■—? —’ GeoreeJirmor».. 1 FASHIONABLE TAILOR, No «, Market street - I Having removed his Tailoring Ei«alil|rfuncnt .iu, iJio robins on Muriel el t lately oceopietl as 0 Boilk«orf, by BoUobrtb * Con IhotinaereigniMis.rteParcatp OH SM S» dwirt hli linbwhich may boxntriletwolii«,uurckj iia oW friend* and euBtoraen»,-nnd Ihe publicgenerajlj,ll»- ione-Mnerienco in »h« bu«iiM» alii? Ihe sufceuis, with Winch he haiptoseepteditmKiisbuTghj.emboiaeiisbiip, u,hope for a liberal share of patronage Ho will rankc oil descriptions of Clolhina ill the best manner, anil ipoM (.jgAmii’Wicfeii geo armor. ltti'rcUont Tailor.' llielraUeuUon HTiiiodTcompriMS fine Broad Ctoihe of SkMe*?."* ’a?“of““w£*lS C^ Ctolhmg kepi consMuitlj on ■\Vater k, 3dfloor* abpye NttUoiml Holel. ; No 1 »1«W supply of TYefich and English Cloths, and on h meter,—Vesuiigs of oil Style* uilarinnlity-Rcndy made Clothing of airdescriptlon*, neck ond pocket Handler chief., Wuyih short, every article usually kept in C Cetitlemen wisWngm'have'ciothes mode to order, In a fashionable style,will find it to thett-Btlyamage to call 'knit fiiifflinfl Olir SlOCk KQUIK ttsO^Jlttt. l ! *•». f ‘ * & DOWNING G-AMPAIONOrKffEa-a. tlu (heat | where Iherc ha* jml been received, anptendid new .lock of BOOK and SHOES, of overj v-triety, winch wilibeeold cheaper, lhari -evernaa -bureniuo ia quick ‘“alw! a (mof TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VA -1 1 *AU vtrejaceilitQ bonvlucßithc *pubhOQf the.fact, if selling cheap, in 10 have them give us a call and bring ' h fl^Donh"firget J lhoplace,corner of SmithSeW nndSih etrebu . J. BATES Vrpaccfn Mnlpw, 3 ceil} Cfnico,ot on> such rrueu j\ > tmvcan nKvaVs be found a full supply of riclifnncy S>odß nud useful domestics Tils assortment comprise* emy style richJJressSilfcstfteuch.McrmoSiFreneli and EiigflsliOnsMmlStea midi PeXluncs,: Wp?<>cn?i every ''VorpSwSSyrrjJ-TcMe Linen, Steeling, Ticking, TUnilketd, riannets Blenched and Bro'.MtMiulins.Piano and Tnblo C6Vers, Floor Cloths, be M ggy ?P Mft.Ol»»pwu n VSS, T.iOR SALK, four Aou—tioapilitl b> fti% X? lantl Hay ita., eacU.loi iendntr back HO foat Two offtematei cqrnerlola.aai} Ibe position of Ilia wholeprpp«iy lion'o bnbfemoat-ttf, Yimmffeouain the Sltj: Foe fattier iurortnatiau apply to YOU geouam M SWAHTZWEUJEH, Fotmh.t, ov3-lf - " batwten Wopd and Sipithfield. . .. .. . .. . . W J t, \ L “V«fe -t- UStMt Bidiement, x - SFNCF;»I»e ftrtiyul B 3^un * volunteers, from ebiiriarkert jUtrmtioiihus hpcuipiiid to inniij re-neeiiiiff hcrspsaaV flppßuraiu:ft, outlietr ijrTU nl.w onr cit> P Nnmliers bflhem ba\e upptorca iu tlin sircej* weaniurciUzeji^alr* eH ot ” ie latent null ra«lnoiu M< cnt anSipWvfcUh Tbr uicnun T*ct>me "Hi ra SnndMmonilol Clothed -Anraw J&! Liberty aired. M litre j ou call cel -lLcntrcl suit ol clol|«-» from 310 ti dollorr tli t would rcillj nslomjh you A stntof SueclolliElirahbi bud from Rto 15unit Jlilolliiri : Tbe'Moefc'nii hand is large. connsliiifT nl e\ irj nrurl for ireiiitciiim'aat-eurjnnd will be *qld iil orircuiclvluvi nileVs for cash: ttMba; BMpruitor Aiueuda sidliiii out .the prefculflock in order to male room forfll roods.Rre. bargain! ma> be rkfeeied and »“ i;ml jadgelorjourfelterot 1 mdl-m <1 ■• -. ■■■■ ■ - ■, ; -lk- CcrntTof Firfirmid FmrlA %'rtel< PillihiirJ, TllEumlcrf’igne'h proprictorpi ihe aim** well lnon « Motel, jfcipeclfullj tnlointt the that 1,1 , L eone to great expeiist*.i>i fitting.tip tlie liou'-*. lyr the r* If pud? m'd uccooimoilntfon of l*rr oldleu v» .h?" rSiUslnticni. ■ No pomp or expense svill liij. spJrcsl onher nnrt, to repdr r hoarders olid trav clef* a* comfortable. is* they can pos-ibl) lie at out olMrp#Wiehon uneasy •oiunuoii wa* entorth V3e«a The medici .0 vn< aft »«» irdtuid Whenever indications of the approach of pain wtre per ccived, and the patawasUiereoj PTe'^P^J 1 ’ <*d ian&e the medicine every evening, and. *onu.umefl in S?i. m2Sn *- oudw a few week health was *o far re S«?d& e offerer » a relieved from a large amount r,r rtrtnrpcMvenaii! From experience, therefore,.]!? .can.. StwrtSnmdVx D Jayne*’ Carminative Bui iSLnn a stlutary medicine for disease _of the Momaeh and bowels.- ■■ •• •*. * • . . •• .*• , ‘S.tol rcm TM STORE, w Fourth —- ■mriUJAM B.SCAIFB ™APT JAS ATKINSON \VARK MJScFACTV’m°G Pfc Alß^ I BI.ACKsiuTH ‘TNG iiiall ; itßbrtinchcB. atthe old stand orW,U. fccoile, HwSSSffiwbod IMmcalar nU.nhon siearaboat none-.:: >■- • v—- g£&feSS^,Wi , lW ?,lh toucan bocure/ for I have seen persons who SSS^^atstawa; SiLSbslss^^.«^ *&K.'«iKw« W v nn.ll,> ». aeeiluSfl Libcrt> alter t. Filtshutgli _ "IC"_ “"Euro can Agency, m J KJsENAN, .Ei/rcpfa» X2 f7,l v h.is.ieiuniru , T citv. frain ibe.Souili, raid nid U:n <,ur •* i’’rv , cn Ihe HKUIyMtCiK* teilr nf lllis Agrm.) let ]-nrope thutYhe «ebt» legume, or claim to collet 1, : abifrl i rftin"i'iv.t.orrdnuiiancesafrnqae> ioiheirfriiml> r . mollurl.!. 1.- ‘l> r.i'«acHherr,viitltev», Ihtoad’i hit A'em* ■.. lie winous cth* in Europe, hutiui Eteiiltu led 10 Alt jnnlc sio>„Merch ml m ihy>-clii,t'dl beituli iovwer.l eil nndproinplly' n intil U> j KtTN \N Pittsburgh sfnlcinle-r Sill t-Ha _ ■ i'x i*vv onrtv iitxioTt} . item-.; annul oum oi ®SS»6iWs! ffisssajsm'fesssfflSia S-a=is dr Oratortofibe Amcrii.au Ito.olumm,b\ r L ’'L n =®°“, Web portrinm rf Samuel A;lam« Jain-t ll urrcm P itnck i Henry,A’cr-Homilmn,Tisbi rAiie-taielJaliriK rnlolph * HellMtdromßtaincsa.or iieH.cl.VniM trot B> T of each of .lie jboic t orU recent d lb„ tr 'I bqh commodious Oinm *^t jKsi' , s«ass«V3aa leaving ai ilie bcginningoi. c»ijl| hou;. itomß o tlocL *. nrnpriemr of ibia Lmd, liomiij u ln-nt, bridge mil m^^ihaialibeta. public milaustnm h.muiiU. “jcjE Hall Dime «nino. bpilUnfotarnstngencro * "‘jiy sScltnwlnullyw.il be ob end in fianlmtf ' - -- ——;, . . „ ■ :: ,1 — maiolutioui , , , , mils FIRM of Ackcaon & Pagans dissolve* l m mutual consent Mr Jai T Dngg hm mg declin ed business *taccount mill Kea Ui, ms lb posed of Ins f ,ifre« toJ® cAc he soil The 1 business bcrenfur nill teSSif.. *« uanle'oTV AJC Achewn ‘ , Pittsburgh, Jul>, 1843 J-VS T DALC 1 ti\V il hll ratv 111 g from the StmofAchcsqiiApngg, I take nlduSCre tn recoiltmeititing m> to io> ’(Hehdft nttdAeiiulihc jicn«raUyv v JAo;. 1. J/Atru. Julvftg IW— ftiig - „, c«y hlviaiiVjsl’AHlik;.—The subscriber ,mform» bis fneuds and ihe public thni ho has removed to anew noil eie tensive stable. on Liberty si reel, ill lilt! Fifth kVacd, abo\ e the Calm! Bridge, where he keeps Cimagee, Barouche . • Biiggiei; niHearse? IliiUuß sHoraes,’ cfe. c tiaving ridded largcij former mock, ho eohcita the patronage ol ,^;I, l |^ caept '' > M ’ ' I"SxTi4NaIVB COAli V IQ I/E&QRFOR K SAliß.—‘About 50 nvre coatp/ beat qqhlU}'—vein, Wti leetthioV—siiQtitu two mite* tlie r canal ■' ■ Thft'main -Cnir>' i* optiied 100 > urds the , solid Cone; and abaetu far.the flaw •exfca?tM e d.tu'tha judo_ ;j ,3thicS»VMrt«e month of the P« ; «U‘Um pnmnlete bflUr for running coal. rhere.\s a-l^.acreß^o ; f. rn o of^e a Sa. N propcr,pon,heca„ o ai :OT[AoN i **riN AfiaKf rfflt: Wine) \, T W . . T" <•» ,10 Mhileira * for*nleby I ee^ 5 * \V A. M MITCIiEM KkE. JSew Itook nua FBpein EjitfttillsbinQnir tfo l& Vroed -stcuii 'bttoun Fourth and-Diamond .Qlffirt-iWt subscriber* Ithve jiwt aboye v . X' a Jawe stock'Of difTereut jiualibes. Kuledifllta rlnm <>: .j White and Blue Writing and tetter Paper* Commercial and Packet Post Hat Cap, Dcm> pad Medium Wijtfiii? Pcpef for Blank BooksTMcdiumnnilßoyaiColarcd Prim ihff Paper*. and Ivory .SuTfacc Cards, Nos 2. 3* 4, fcmoll'iuid double *mnU-; wedumt, Demy and.CopJDuy Books^mtdJjedsjsrs.su^enortmper, "andbefttcnstern Books, n,Ukutas,,QuHla, , :r Gold Puis, Ink, WafersiWn* Bill File<> ■ : Btanfcßopkß, of pll sixeai julcd to pattern, and bound r in the most substantial ruumter- 4 . , , Country Merchant* supplied M the lowest •vUiolesaJc V prices tor cash, or 11 AGS at rash prices JOB PRINTING i . Ilaviag ai Job Office-in ronnexion vnUt our«R!My;: price* ELMOTT & ENGLISH v; Kt.ybet; rourih nrtdUmmond nljey. „id=-Ai our store on Market street* between Thirds nd ." Fourth, nmv nt aU umes bo fouud tt largr stock of TJieo logicaHiltd Misctllnncons Books. New Books receiviri ias&oon a* published, and sold anbe lowest prices. ■ The publications of the American Sunday‘Be)ioolUn»on and Mnst«ncbtiFejls.Sablmth-Scboob.Society,ialwaji.on ; ; -faund: ■ CiiwloEUcftfiirntsbed on applicauoii. i: - .fV:- n riXKXTP & FNCLISH, mn2 Mnrkri t, bci Tlurd and Forth \\M ALEXANDER & SQNS ‘ '.l’CfittSHlXa rornirtf Pftmanit * ‘ >y •'•■ Vrv 'intranet on Ptnn si, rr*- ... T; • 'T .. In . r .-peel.fiilly'ufortn :tnends:aml. tbirpuMif tlnf ilut in. pr pircdlo furnish mid attend ipicvcryibntjfdli Jhedmexif’ Inideitukcr* ns "they have qmt.ihehusiuc** oi Cabinet Mnhnw*. and iheit attention :tVltl'JU* dcvouahlihfteil»cf lo iho aTiovri bns>»nc**v Vccp» lun;«* ,lni»ftrlinrnti>t'(:OPblNS iiiudLvmuLlim*bed,coVdl<- - .. •ed. mill, lined in ih»? aiVarietjJ*o.f .v in:uerloN;.'niidntaH|>ri» , ysi:W\!.keej»SHßOtnJS.read}:,;:.- tnnde.m ull si/r*i ihl Irlamiel, Cnmbucriuid Mu*lul,j ul • aU price/*;..'mid ■-■mndeip .the i nruclt'fvn» i ee*- , »iiry--.ior dressing the diMid.-auifluriiishing ■■• ■!•:. fmicjal!!. Kiul i SU*VhR .- or eiif?r;ivlmr the mum 1 und ngis -ICB CAShS.fordny next Mn, U» AKTHUHfc MCHQ\£OXi & Co” 4 ICr" A genera! assortment of Hollow 1 AV f are,.&c t v aMJj.&n' lowcsi inurket rdies.- ' liberty st; head of-Wood-si.:: tnn*sJ AUTUUBS & NICHOLSON 1 BOIXIS 7 snub* IKUiVKS, lc4*—FoUamlHt $ Hap* tcart/;.. Wholesale mid Retailßoot, Shoe.and Titmk -.:v'. >dore. No.l MJT.iUerty street, nearly 1 opposite the head.oi... W ood.-. K & II; have m store'■ami "arc: receiving; theirY? 1 . Fulluml W mierMocWorilOOTtiandSlTOLS, consisting onhc largest stock they ha ve ever been nbletcrlrrinirta.V this market. AVc also have constantly on- hand a-spJen-• • , did stock of lfayward * Mctahc (lutn Elastic Shoes, bath lor Indies and gentlemens vetff. r;; t cle ever inainifnciured. WiVwoutd eolieil.au £raroina*.y nil' .who rtish 10 purchase • I either oiu*hn!csal*or retuil r uk we will i advance above com. : Country raerebuntswillinidiMp-: I their interest to call dml'exainme our-stoclc before nar- v - 1 chasing rOhLANSBEE & HAYWARD 4 I nugttl 130 Liberty st. HOCfIORIES. AT : ,'4oobbls;N.'O. Mol a *e«, on bbls.St. Louis Molasses, 1 12hfdo do do flo, 200 bags Coffee, prune green, 75 hf. chests assorted Tensj: i; - -'V I! 0 fox pound cndthesiY. !L andJroperia)TenV -1530-'do T do do do. SOhhds Sugar, "* "'’*■* i • 40bb!»;Tea; > - .-v, • i . JOOboXesSxlOWmdowGlassj - 1 I 10 do 10x12 do r 50 do Tobacco < - - i ••■■■■. A large assortment of all kinds mhe new warehouse of- • / EDWAR£) HAZLRTOI^ } --- :'-■ kpp24- T >• •: : -v. North-eastcomcrof thaDiamoml.^^, l YiREOFFSTONIC AND i:i/ The general properties onthesePiUsiyre CJsrmnui: - f. Purgative and Tome lu die common disorder? i: arising from imprudeuee m diet, &t% such a* sickness t amlKOiimefisof ibe huadnche*,/frt?-f-— - wlicre a medicine is.requiredf.this preparation.is*ve^.r^ ■ applicable, for its carmuintne or soothing effects f.alinoßt immediate relief,Avben imasea orstekness exub:' ' f . -v i. ua purgative operation upon the stomuch oud.bowels ! gentle : and feffturtualj aud-its -ionic' properties Impart. :' » r. strength to Uie digestive organsjthereoy. enabhnfr tliese orguns toperform their propcr iuuctions wtiKordervipni.T— -j. pnee-hbs been reduced from SO to 25 ~ cents a box * For sale, wholesale and retail, A. FAHNES- - TOCK&CO., comet‘Front amf 'Wood and Sixth- and Wood streets, ••AgentsToi l iPilt inches The eldest passed so a number that we coaid not begm lo count them.Umveusedall the-popb* .lor-remedies hciore the public. for; worms, but can siy .with a clear oonsciimce,Morgan's Wonn KtHer Is far nenpr manj now before the public^ SAMtrEbJonxsrof* TlfikerMnwnj Allegheny county amUsoW, vvholescde and retail,.Uy the ? pro*V> prietor JOHN D. MORGAN, ir it jel? Druggist WootPstreei. Pitt burgh Ai/ (along Chattier si.,VFirst\\ ard , ,Ai!e£bcjiycUs-vuenT- ? Mancboftter.~tiEOßOKT)ltAUl3R Imvnic; r<, xumcit bu rmcra*li«s.ctt>ctedihe.iieeeß!»nry machinery uiiheabove ; , • place, forturning out nil woiLin,hisluu?, aud tsprep*ie•• x i . i -u Orders from \Vts*iCfn;Lfimbcr Merdiama'prnmprty ex s • tcutrri V'\l'TlCr':or AMERICAN;i:i''OIIfiICJXV , ATKNTS. -'v thft lnte firfiiof KeH«& v l-Grecnougli. continues .tho.J>iwiuci't»’aC J Caj« uugvnndftpeufie« \ r;iions.oC nwiclnnesi:andAH.pope» nec , cs!tarc’: io - . trnnstor. amend ms'ju or i Men liunrs pmem m iho *■ s : United Suites or Eurup«* >; He ouu yko oi JiUßtiiiouiirlsTji'fundeHUe Vnten,t X;aw, mul will lifcfore iht , ‘4‘alefli‘ . : ' Othec.oromfippeufthriTeifupu'loc .which''his Jon^*rperk/;:-vvii7.‘ v nadnn r.nliarly fined hmi-vTluproieswoimlhusi»es*oUlie'Uita'* ii,:;!? Dr V i* Jones ha”iii£» htt u p| u ert m liu li imU, alt ]?{• ter*m phouM kt nrirtrfe ul to Imp potl p utl *. - Si. I.ow,ißepuUl\CimAViU cony fixiuonths, << ml pjpefik * ftjul charge tlie-pilveriLier,—Nv«> lork.Kwt**: ;vv- • •’ v i. u*Wood biir .■“tXTOULDcall'.ihe' nUentton 01 |lio jiablic (iw 4aUieii'W.> YV 7 fiHi'ecwUvJ toMiisAvtSll wli*cietlaasornncmof !>cnuvf\ t;v »v-,r .v' mill ittnri <|n ,l Bng’uh < HINA OWING AND TEA SETIS: . Constslmg. mpafl, ot KaticyanftPlaia Wuitc ..all huvtnir been imporicd-tlu* season, andaieoitlio most desirable sl> lea i\l HODKISiSQN,r-> * > i aug2G 115 "Wood si Tdobrsbelojy 1 ifth Bard do Qrotlicvt’ Prciuluui Uom L‘eu*. 1 * OH dddo2/>-A ! w*/; Victoria Tteni; lust received mid /or sule io • trade pi S*cw\4>rk prices, U> EDWARD TODD & C 0» •> 5 * N T 7 cor nflh amr Market si*, (op ■sum!) - 1 The htgbcAi prexplum jivortkwarrtnl oft Gold Pens; \ru * to ward «fc-Broihen*i:a» iha la*i;ftur. of ’ cliusetts Charitable Weehwnc Association, ai Boston Also, the highest premium at t|ie Franklin Ifl simile ‘ 4 Philadelphia, r sepH " Anduwt’ KiKSle Sttloo»VWoud street* ~ cornual greeting 01 our ihoQsaitdfrieadr/,-,--, ■Xr' and the unexampled bcaiow^iipdrones,Chmunns who are.not art not demagogues 1 _ - * x or.'ihe- Rich y.; -vj T.S. Arthur ( _ , , «* timrt Tie dWve J u,,r«c=,vedahd(™,| Effßiig g. / f nS as Mbtlcm. amt ,8 Wood alreet- J i - ,i :V ■7r t •fir tifoeeii, tiee« •■Vw -- m lifyiog >Dmull«ri, and. Wmi-and. L hanw Al?o Importers «f Soda Ash and Eleacbuig i»owder,NOrtCo-Lib»*iiy street. Pm burgh, Pa. fsejtt.J “ r** r MEM - • • - 'MIKE I- r" J ' V J _ f J . ' V \\ ■:Vesr’^,vVl;V;