Jf<¥* «*w •'V^^W--i; '•■'/ - v , v f h®S?&@sgtr t -■ • --• v. / , -;-*•- ■■ *v-' y- r <- ~* - , -;, w^/-/v-k -"v* ~f r \* v C V'", -» < 7 V V Z4' "t'- i>V + - - ■>, 1 ~ > - 41, , j : 4 -, r - , < ' U ' ~~ jMr-r - '■ .•*.-./■ ;■“ ■.•i , _ ■ • l-r, ' ‘I V ~y,*. ," ~\ -' . ’*■-;,- ''"* . ‘'l:' < ' '-:y';-:; tzy \ -; ; , •.. ;--, '. -fo v -r>T v, .- ', 'tsP^/A-^ \“* sf - * 1 VC , iV .'>* - ~V? i i* .7* *\ ?* A ,v„ r .*' S,I , 1 , ~ \ *\r‘. * • * * / t iJ --,■***':'* "• ~ , 4, ’ % - \ 1 * *■ /; - 4 4 .*•„ **■ - ' - a- £ f & rft*'/, t' ! r -,4 ? * ,J . , * f J “ " ' r‘^v'yy~’ ‘ T "p;;.• \v '- ,i^»,, r- :i i-' A, y ’- r < \ j^.;:-r.f "■' ■ ; :.^oR^^Wh@^ol ; 'Vii’' M^* l jt ; >, ;! -; « b--._ ■ . " ■■ ■ , ■■, -1 - 1 ■[■' '1 ‘ 4 ," ' "?--"'r^- L ■'/■■■ 11 ' ' ,' ; *A '.4 ■ ■ I . r J\ . ■ ■■•-'A=»-? “ ! V, - 4- . vl-i^ gg" n TOLUME m ~ -»■;, » !_ titysbubgh, rtixjdm£s« i; t / ' « -t: / r ;M I |JjfftK-V^4\V , I BIILY MOBNING POSTt jjusinegg <£arbg. / _f_ 33g0in£Sg 4artg. f , Snginesg Cartts, ' " jntflttUatttong. ' ", iPisteUaweops. [ ' inWtUttmono., ’•> ~ l , . «" 4 V^>i; K J**» ,"" s Ais!sr^^ooeand job^rin^g. Jbfl&j* i* tt-'* t*? tjj**» ‘ j % _ .n.iiK.m irtrfu ...t. __ ' 'TAMES of Wood l9G££tana ofli,«forwl(J sUhe-Jowc iTaariufaciu TTniiLLiM GETTY (laieiv of i6e Jim et Gill & W»VF* Corner «r Wood on«l Fifth / * *- j. a i,} i.Vif.* ~< K l TroK-nvwisT i f nWH rer’upncep, the following nssorunentol W o#Sti hnrf nrJtlJ 4? ni nts • r r Hß^l»lmelorof 4ihe Tost ana,MKBCrtT | r t - * *, j |£3*,2X7UISr M Fira Dollan a yeah pmroMe rtnteih TtTHfTbnSAVIS |o*AUon3erBfromcouatryMerchome wilioetnomp X the best order, anifsviH be constant!} supplied vjUi ■lli.w f'l f * Pi4tib*f6ftat from the mmnifatitory oi QUEENSwARE sI?>RE on. Wood «tpei ; • ■ - : -"; .leaaar»-~ zaa.«?ai.-to »-■ asasy:«■ :■ :.: a 'SW'4»“7^ «?,?«».> *1 **n Ispubhshedfpprathe same office, on a doable medium mcGGOSKEY, Zroi Cttv Vlaihtne bivre„ No 132, ed from the best matenalSj at m»i hour of the day-oi v Baths amlParlorafor 6 A ““Ci 1 4W ; small profjs and quick *»oles,” will be ■* Handbills 1 *i}il£!? d *•* 1 at TWO DOLLARS a>ear, in advance-single {jj lIMI night V Alrt, an as ortfricm of Jbie toolb, 9 wWch th * 7A u ‘ 7 * ,* 40 ° JET Bditeihertkepl»ta I dHIN'A " Y i • »„ > T* rtL ir* e »%* i i»# 3Tt c * comes nn csscra. r t y* L..‘“:. t Lyr iWI> !i ,UBMWU ? u ‘ WBIM> hair nmt elnihes* Brafthftn *i* A* Acj\\blch tvillbt* attenuonof Ludidirls requested,andiheirpaironngoear , aisptocxo3k coNSioNafEurrs* 1 m9d2wfiw4t * o n omge, Steamboat ana Canal j . ' r r, k ‘ S4> | IJ3* No paper will be discontinued (unless at the dis- TO3HUA Agent for Hamden A sold'tow for cash * 1 ' op9K>< nesll/ solicited FemUleaaTeengogedjandfilway jnal A cur\ed ; Ool|uo J»ase f 6 octavo Emno, ' tVaRE ’ CUANCE F»» a bajw x)S'~IS?~COaZ S2*JEfI! pT ili' lß i P nmcd on sllorlM t ' t >- " , 4 ? 2 ?+•*&&!** s*\ Z* t ?~&-r.+ J i cratukh aftbe nronnMHr.) triiltr nil arri-Araires are tmid O LtnsRGE COCHRAN, Fortearding ond.Coatmusma Satard*) t March 4lh, passed by any otber UnlifedSintes x and ladles and price of < i ui. ’ j 285 t'T 0I three quarters Of t^eeltv, dlmctly oppo* ■ 1 ' —“■ , „ « ’ lT * ™i2!,^™ %L N tess& A &&vhzt^i±' maich ?*"?> si«ra|f.s^r 1 4 ' ' yte-E ■'■ :,..?S Ss.is —‘IS g ’ Nc b ~ fwgSSf 00 4 ' 1;^ Two"rfo k ’ ’2 50 5fi r do" -‘ ' w-ffi HJSeti' aAKOIuNI,N b wrn « of “W *l tuSsliis fnebds a P ndfbc public In hi has A few ttntrdert cattle accommodated with Bbanlittg A idahoghn) second hand Piano, made by Nofd, JOO u C ntiofi°of ! fe STaV^’ "" - * , ,V ' w'SKwV? J?*V It 1 V' t* do 250 Six do * * {?=( ,-Mr??f- c l* , ft bl jejnmedhis business as a Fanuihuu* Oiidertaker He by the \teek da\.jorsinßlejneai, Apply to Forsateby JOHN H MELLOIL Wcntipfiot ji# new noaa, wmen wnaertix aver> oesi - V fc*’l Three ,do ’ \ "JW" HQLMES&SON* Jtentanang Ftc/iortg« isSppbfed with and alwpjs keeps on hand Coffins of all u f^S^LTP 1 , ** s pN &VO* Prppnetora til Wnpd stree\, sole aceut for Chitkenng’a Pianos, for 111 , t m tMrd rnnb third m ore \ ear and " * a 1 A*"- A i nARL\ A.DVERTISEMEN i» ll • Co/n andiJanlsiVbur, No 65MarketslreeG leM suesund kinds,Shrouds,arid ollothetarucleinecesgarr (o“TicketsftrtrHaibsfotsale, single orli?the dozen, Western-Pennsylvania * Jvlfr l rll d /fS?A®?X^ ld ,n qrp 59aT * ond » - - ►*> . “ ** 9 <"V o-«*ciS? B *WdiPteu«« FULTON, beUandSTosi 7USbeond, on such accwioW ’ , ... atyedaccq price* A - > TerVlMo th For„ THQB ALGEO. w &&A-**AV*> r Sir Months, qis tto | ■ , «»00 A« street, betviecn Market and Ferry streets febl i^ e A°_ Z^il 4 JL U JI, CHEAP «A6P AZVPCftP UOPSE, & CANTWELL, (sigij ofslhd WNo 80 Zvil£i(% PP> at Fifth street s , ** * OneYeiuy? Sft OOOne Tm/— r 50 00 ThL \VHU^Ctoihtng&,ore I tio 107,cony.rt>fHbeny ® ftafwand CQlntt s° alwas n^ n V y JSI « 11 Market street, would Respectfully beg leaye to call j | - . . f' IS. c " ' •! Tv + Larger advertisements in. proportion f) ♦ and Sixth streeu febl *5.S I iSSP.?.?.S?sL JL wp will give entire satisfaction, as onr motto is-« Quick IIHUISItSHfIBIF A r ortA side oj if' { j v / P~\* \i / f t 10* Advertisement upon which the number of toser BROWN’S OFFICE, No 65, Diamond alicj, hear 1 this longestahlUhed andpopidarHoieljreßpectfJiny bnnglLg with hnn ib« most approved style ofHots, for Sates an 4 Small Profits ” r - C- a,., " '% tA " > v m t-" fl tf, t ~tionais itotjmirteih Svill be in erted and churged Until JJ Wood street febl ‘ aniimtuces «0 traveler* and the public genemly, that he William II Beebe; ; fijiiahrtobilfßcwmle a ?,Wli ft ’S!.V ao r,s° '£ s*ii ’** ft£y** * ** * "t** 1 ordered ont r^~wi wv'mPHh \ wtU be atall lime? prepared to acconunddote them mall llroadwaj, (late Beebe* Costar \ HowouMalsotnfena Ladies 1 aud GenUenjetfs BrCast Pina, laic styles, Guard and expeditHus manjier,-willfiud the Ci < ',ULA u ;/ mmJzlSSLmm —————» H %L™ffiElWjFasAumabl<. Clothing Kstabhshmw, , Wog> deiitnhle m a well rdgulated Hotel The House the public, that he m daily -matinfactunngllau ond Caps and Test Chains, Bracelet*, Clasps and Locket*, Fto* perfect West of ihaMoucCams * pn i;v* v - is now being jhordnghly repaired Ihitosghout, and new of all descriptions, *hich bci* determined to disposeof geT and Eat Rmgsr Pehcili and Pens, Slides aud Studs, PortneraUb seUlementa Bad balaneqifete madeoni* :-: i r.f«£ J W +% + r*' t f\ * ' jJlotC3S>oUrt» ViiaEUs. moMsducer, Libdfijt street, furmiuro added, aud no pains wl* he spared la make the ai prices lobleose the purchaser iha| il cheaper than Bteci Buckles, fox, Ladies 1 Head Dresses; Madalons Mills, Joint Slock Companies, tmd allkind of » ..\ * .*< . .-■_... ~. q miim ..-j:, ,-:rT-.-rr= XJ opposite bnuuifieid wyBo Exchange one of the verj besT Hotel* In the country— anv other Hat Fstftbhshtoent In the citv Ca«T Cases, shell, pearl and\elvel. Coral Beads Ala- business cm be fhrmshed with a specification of nc- _JO *> t*- ; 1 - r**u TAAIbB F lUlkB, Aflorasy Of Law, omce m Bake- Tyr MUU LN & DOWNING Fashionable Clothing Hi® nnderstimeil very reßpectfullysohcuta continuance jj^Couato-Merchauia,-wishing' to purchase Hals and baster Boxes, fine KosewoodandEbbivy ShaVingCases, counts, dratm vp in such a manner as to exhibit the Fotm ?:=: I f k *• ,>?V <**■* U, well a Buildings Grant.street mayg7»Jm JVI store.** o StB Ltbem street onpo itsSeventhst *of the Übpral patronage wbidi the House has heretofort Caps, by wholesale, **e to call and examine furnished. Slyer Spectacles, Silver Spoons, all kinds, opening, eortJueUngfclo hie and final seiUetnenl of the logica :y ■' ~^.v $$$&&&& * ' ‘-L % 4 A D Fourm sepoly ‘ * 1 recdlved » * THOMAS OWBTON, hi Mwrtment, as be fefcls Confident of being able to Oentian Silver Spoons, all jinds, Sillc Steel Bead Bogs affairs, the keeper of the books an un asaoor «> , L A. tv t *, »A» Bireel.uearß Pattersons Liven Stable, feM7 Q -r~gxrn~ii „ L-A ,\zzrj::r.7JL feblWawr i Proprietor nlease in nuhlm«-ouanmv-. and once and Parses, Cotton Baers and Purses’. Hair. Tooth. Nail erring guide? trom the commencement to the tonnMalion Thep *ls :s;>:v -^cia-< ißasajsr“-""ggg^^gf^ag.iSassfe. -- “V 1 JA^%^'iWwK \ U' , r\R- AW, OLIVFR, PhytKtan aud Surgeon —Office ING AhIOORHEAD, Wholesale arid Retail Groom flr |iJ , ou hand a. wellseleciedawortrarnt ofihajfesi FALL FASHION OF HATS POR 1848* Chida vases, Fruit Baskets, Agate anti Glass "Vases, mpft a;a-.!:; *A'ti X JG No BSt-Ct«r«treci,l'lTU'iurgh angfl jr JVimrfProJuw Dtalm, comer of ibe Ihawood «ml “hffh •m ih? M»COHD * COi (I«te a>Oo*d feßial,) Mo S ., and Cologne Bo!lle» T Chp small pnd, V -» v * -I ~ ..*. JJ OKPOtti* the KxchMv nnrfO > TWD»i CO, Omifcmmy f «rm»».7ijt fawto a- prompilj atte.ided lo.nnd «upw>llcd mth minis* lbc> «4S. i V I, L 0p il H**A* J, »» WV 4 “WAT l~vs ' Bis SL'n ,llo, s ! VSEt ? ’ la j* 1 J> 1 > .v .* . ,-r.TATn,~i;. —; ; — r-r XU. roHuAinraf, comer of Mntkctund lifthoueeu. up mavr«l\ udoii «»tenumc Ttmtolrt wauluf a Mai ami lieauufulHAr, Chain, AV ugoo«, Criillea *c , itc, -with u large anon- X-TT ’ "‘Ur'i ‘ 5 ■(•) IIS ’ * |ltJr a- anurancu on hifth_atreet ro>}a ncmiratfl) ami ntatlj- n« invhtd ip tail at Iheir ,!pie, cortirr of rifll. and n)sm at Toy, and Fani I'. aicUAPiCB, Faifaaaatte Ctoatnig Suatituh- prepared from Ihe beat tnatonals, at any houroftha day :Wood trc.ru , , ~,■ f| _ aupM. UD;K ~. •. - 1 .{eeptQ^, . •"]- ■' /’■ - ’ tpaoUAS M MARsIU Ll>, Attorney at Lam -Odice, 1. mmt, Noe «andlb, corner of Sixth aj.d luborty oriight - ~ t J * !~ ' ••,: .;;tv»X.vtoA - ne'aß.mliiliiKm Poqnh ati ? ■ ■ jah7-ly \ -eireete. : .■■■.v.'.Mi.i-i-,-.. -j-.t , mvfis •• . . Al«o, lor aale.n lanreatock «f ireahandirood'PETlFUr vV*,' Plfr-tIU; l *\4M kT •f* 1? "'4- ,*> TAilta CAUIjAvN, « La,r, cPrheral \, > l~.e L - MERV dec» -t X a! 1 «J milt ,l r-g Cum,, " r c LIQ.y ,v— ■■ ~ Wltelteiillittil ip> ' Jp l . s c' v * ,> ■■ «- Ajcrrassrs ii,N*- f ~y , "i t ' ** ■« .«■*'. _ * f v* ? AA'>£<■ t- \ -t •* x „«n *• *• * ) *V4^**&" ' ‘ m ' W&i!BS?F!h*e«Ci+s - «°. *»V.> ' v f ,'J* T. f , > r ■ ~‘ f . '->*l'., ' = 'T:?:“'- : ?''. i "'' f ' ; “'T':, —- * + 1 *\ . *iv <. r '«i H.~ . ,> “s&* , v 4 01 -- j *.- f ; „*,/,{■■ , - * . * ~, - * y:;y :^^97t~£x^7\ JB?sl3%£Z «~* 77 s y i^* : . .„r „> 7" ,1 Ir ~>;j yy.- ~7 ‘ -,, k • ~; f :, 7 -1/ - . - " , ‘7 ' n - \ ? 7 .V 7^ f •- , ' s 4 ; Vy\7 . ' ' * \ . -<;' '/7T : V7 '7 . ' , ' 7 . , ‘ . -/ h. ~ jß^irSJm&sW£-'^- : <- '■ > '•'7|s-'7 7-7 '- • ‘ ■ ; 77:7-7'7. 1 , ■,v ‘ •;-, 7■ • ' •■’ V ~- .- -.,. .- • _' •/; '-v-■ .' '■ ‘7-77 -,''7M^77.'S " 'V'7- „ ‘"7 y 7 y77 .-‘.,7.77 • "'y - • DaRKAGH, Attorney at Law —Oiticc-lnliukewell* r. ■. A_/»Buildingd, on- Grant:- ttreev opposite- the Court • House, ■■■•. . - : . ■ jyg4:ty S'-.-. M. h.JriSlNbli'i’y Attorney ot Zau’.—HJibce- ill tEc: •'came building with Alderman M’Moster, Fifth st.j between-Woodoud SmuTifieM sts."/.-augl7-Cm» TOWN BARIXLN, Attorney nt /a»e—Office, Nolh side . *' K '.YUbof-Fifth AVood.and-Smiihfield, in the • ■ sme building WiUrAlderrojni htorrow.. sepOU-ly JOSEPH O. AFKimHN, 'Attorney at in ' ■J Wallace!*, buildmg r 'da .FoUrlbst.. between AVood aud Southfield sts, not I*l > JTMSORGE AV.LAYNG, Attorney and Counsellor at Law AJT and Aomry~PaMie.—-Offico at the corner ol 4tb and Wood bis., OTcrSibhcl& JonesVKxehaiigßoffice. ocR4 ••.lADMUNQ BNUWBlsNj'Attorney «i LAW, —Office in •'V'. -jEi the building on the North liasi corner of Fourth and ‘ —Bmithficld-sts.' : : : ; , .. v- novll-y. r ' ‘‘ *1? L - ABiRKOWy.-Ates/inan.-—Office- norlh .«d« of !■ mb rXli» street,-between Wood aud Southfield, Pmsbnrgh. sejilO-y *Jiji 9CANDLK33 3c AFOLLfKfi, Attorney/ and Coum*!-. ■: iT,I .Tors at iaur.-i-OiEce onFoarlh st, * opposite K,.& 11. ILPaUersonV-LiiYery SialjlcvPilfsburgh.- ■ -septfi-y ’•Office* on Fonrih street, betvreeu Wood and cimih ... ’->.:held,oppo novC-y . l . J •bCOTTyiJmftjt, Fourth si., bvedobrn went Of Mar ; V-v'.kct.r; AH work, warranted, nnd -If not perfectly sat* v>dgfactory,po charges will be made.- : febl^ ' ' T> LAIOVAL;—Or. Koberisuyder, lias- removed, ms ■: Xi office to tween AVtfod • and Smith ■•* vficld streets..* • • .•: •. vv • ■ tnarlS-ly ' XJtBAIO V Ab.—A,. Ueeleu hug removed bis conuiusssion iV and forwardiuejmsinesa from the Canal Basin to but uewwardjousc.ouT]iird street,jiearly opposite the Post pffice mayftO-lA i r ,TyKMi)VAU—JUHtf J. MTL'ifJSLi AUoniey.at Law, Xv has removed to Fourth st*, next door to the'office of •: Aldermgnftiee]^v , •- ap7 J. I). Lt bfcTf, Attorney atlxikc, Wnstungion, Pa. Col • Jcclious madciui Washington, Fayette,-Greene and u . accuracy mid dispatch; Titles toßeaJEstate examined. apttS-d&\vl> L.'.i)\VlN C.WtLbON; Attorney and aiLntc, ■ JGj Tmnkliu, Venango county; Pa., will attend prompt ly lo nil business cujrusted to hid cure; : Collections made lu AYurren, Clanou, and JeSursun counties, v; BEPSS TO >; J..A. Stockton & C 0.,.. . • ‘ . Murphy, Wilson &Cp, J Vatoburpt .■ llou./ainesKinnear,• •llan Alex MCalmont, J |PranWin . Hon.Jr-AVilson^Stgubenvule;O; .• . jy 23-y , .JOHN; Aidetmanj Ftnli Ward, Pcmi **3 and CXHahi sts., where bo moy -ibefoand at ail umes..~.Tbose having houses ot'other j>rop- ot rent, cai\ havtihoßomc punctanllyaTtcnd -«d to;,debts coJlcc ted, and all the-duties of an Alderman -will receive .prompt attention.. oeS7*p T. UKliLUfl, jt TTORtfEV arid COUNSELLOR*! liA,W; Office in • _r\ i ‘Melton T a Balldinraj comer of Wylie and Fifth steer* east aide of.ihe Conn Haase. v C3^.Collecting <3onveyancinjr, : examinations of R* cords,**.; promptly anil accurately attended to, my IS SENKy’ w. WILLIAMS, Mtomey andVoumeltor at Late, (successor toLowne & WtlUanUj) Office at ■ the-old stand,Fourth at, above Southfield.//,. > . - • THE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry Williams. JSstj., and myself, hi the nmcticeot the law, won dissolved by mutual consent on the UQth ult:. and the business VriU hereafter be continued by-Henry \V. Wil liams; whom I most cheerfully recommend to,nil for .whom I have the honor to do business—as a gentleman everyway worthy of their Confidence. declB-ly WALTER FI LOWttIK U. Rltfdle, Canvcyancer. OFPICE tn Avery Row,-Eirth street, Above Southfield, Pmsburgh <■ , j xtcsDf, MoaxesoEtf, AoßKfcatKrrs, Boxes. RfiLsxßES, and - othef instruments of writhm, drown •with noauie*s,legal 1 ftccuracyanidispatch.; lid will also attend to drawing : aud: Muhstn\es\iLUsu\ Accounts of Extcttton, Adfhin-■ istntora, se., Examining tides to Real Estate, Searching Record* for Luna, se, 9ft Fnjmbis long expencnce.and intimate. acquaintance • / witb ihortnaunerof.kocpmgtJra> politic records,- hftex - pectrtQgive satisfaction to those who may.eritrost their •: business to his care;deci&r- , w. W* Irwin ttiq , -sumed the practice of the Law. at his Office in H "Pourth **v b&lwccn.Wood and Smitiifield. jjnO dAwlm -fc—« ■ —.— ffayg-aA. P° me>t l c c hta> Storei ’ J.Di HOOKS. • *fully invites oil lovers of beau* T^n,?rh,n» /„ P II n ,, ’ e»niln 9 In. nock of Fancy «L>a”l£n,K Jnpan Waliers, BrunnnmAvap, •?s?J®v, , ,r iikcwiw, CloccMwore or every vanel s r and P 011 ”"’ :; “Sr lo "“ ,p ° “ ble P r “ : '“ M HODKISSON .•V: . v Anothtr Volunteer*,;- - I WOULD beg to call the attention of the u ~ and, a11,.t0 my establishment, No. 30 Fifth '}:> - they crin be nggedout in;a, new suit of any style,-quart-; . iy or dimensions, at the lowest;possible,prices, wjsb to sftve your dimea and get .well served,* come j*?. •CunfartWNo. 30 Fifth street.' opposite the •-Morning, posV n JNO CUREAN, Merchant Tailor, Inie of. Curran & Algco, liberty jyi3 i ~T)I&fOV4L.-~ofi accpnnt-o-f our pent up murket, unit t\# a demand for.yegetable >standsj l have, been-cotn* ' ' pelled tairpmQVO ray. Bread Stand to the opposite nde of Market-street, in fronipf.Alexander A Doyt* Dry Goods Store where rihall to sed toy fortner customers.. ivl2 JOHN SHEPHARD Y- FANI^.-r-FcartUlue,Slone DruU, pure JLi ’WiteVplnlji and ribbed, clpaded.and plaid, just. :: rer. ceived hr express from Balapwre, Algo, a tot of Linen Gross fiat* and fine Plaids, suitable for prewm style bu siness costs For salt*low. andjmade joprdcr_b> iy!4 « CURRAN, No 30. fifth st XTEW BODKS BY -PJniietiiry and . 1\ Biellpr World t p pontilar.exposiuon,of«ha.greatdiBr : coveries and-iheortcaQf raedetnvAstrouomj» l,l ° *^l, 8 . ofien.lectttTe#..lly.O:.hLM3tcliell ) A.M.Djrertorofthe Cincinnati observatory . ... , r „ end revised,edition, byj. J «* ForatoW EU.WTT & -ENGLISH, i j * * 78 Wood and SO Market st* \I r M. li. fr'OSTKK; jigentfor Mcxwcm Soldiers, to pro . T¥ - cure Land ‘Wttrrartt* and Pensions forwidows* nt his office. Bakewell’s Building; oppopito.lhe New Court. House, Pittsburgh. Pa, > t My son, m. the General Land Office, at Washington, will Attend to my business there, free of charge to appli cant*. fehfifi r l jjtlNH.BHlßTB.—flic subscribers have jusi received JC fromTheir-Facioryin tile. Last, tfful! supply ofFrtiP . Shirt*, o&vorious qualities :tnd_prices—-wide and narrow; , Plaits..-. Gentlemen wishing Fine Shirr, and one thal.is ; warranted to Botwellnt ev-Xryparticular, and at a'very -low price, will do well to cn!3 and examine our rtnefc fore parcha log elsewhere EDWARD TODD & Coi; JyGl ?*.'>;■Corner. Fifth and Market streets." IOUN IdiTLb, Jr., Vfholesatt t*roeir % Pnxtue* IkaUr i}and Commission AfereAanl,-rhird at., between Wood aud Market ciyta A USAItOM MOKttiS, WhoSzsate antt Itetatl Dtaitr tn Fancy .and SuejiUDry Goods-, G 5 Market street, be tween Fourth nnd the - o TOHNpo9netke officeof the Pose ' mySSIJ -- JOHN B. DUM.KV Y, No. Wood st U Gold Dciittsis'Fod. Ac. coiiKtanily on hand and nianaracturedioorder. ».. ■■..... ; -mytJd MciXlW KH*A JOHNStJN, thus*., £ngn ami Or»a> mcnta/.Pamtm.comer ot Grant nnd Secend streets. H. /Zat and CapManujaetuttr, ami V/dealers m furs ot all kinds, No.TdjWood street, next door to the conierol Puurih. ■: . . - ■ . febl MilsLbß A. RlCKirrjsO.N, H'hohijft/e Grpcrri and Com rmSMon JLSercknnts, corner of Inheny and Irwin *t*. tl A. iUi-Atbt V iZisO-t frutteardtnganJ f owmiuwi f% . r. mur^ I,' Ul.UMt* Vsan\t boru <imifatturtT,o,niXil*a\ct m J? • Musicalln.sttUiai.-iiis, No.-ltd Wood street, near Fifth upvtS l UShl II \\ OUJ)t\ 1.1.1." iuiparur and- DeaUr in Lor ll eij?« and. liovmite Hardware, corner of Second nnd AV'ood streets 0c29 Q AMb hh AhCbUlUi.tN & UO. T Aifeai» mr vunnlc s Regular Ginn ot Packet Ship*, from New Aork to Liverpool; No. I4d Libcriy «t:; icbl • JOHN Tatiorand Cio:kitr % f*ibeny*«treet tl, iw>tii »mp L.-Uu>Vdle'ry' .mid vAgmic v.ot. the -I«ard Oil Factory, No 4. AloTket strectrPiilsbargfa.. ' • ■ 1 iufi IPAAt h li &, O tONhOU, FfupVictois ui me : X Variable JJual Store comer ot lVmi aud Wuyne sis febi JA&IhS WA V«, Wttoit/al* (fiwcr, LorwuTJtnf’ atui Uwi mttriun Jlfrrrftant, Water street, lietwceu Market and Ferry.’ .. . fcht - BILL & CURRAN, Hankm and Exchange HwLtrs. No. Cj Wood street; thifxi door below Fourth, west side. . febt J/' KAJMIvR-Sc. KIIAAi.- ManLxrS aruf Exchan gr" litaker JVconmr of Third and-AVood UIUUA, i>i)aksc(l*:r y £>iutu>ntr a(ut V. .Fifth street, between Wood andMnrket:-. ■■ jatiT '■■Uv MeSiF.tNv hraso Founder and (ras b'turr % SnntU- X • held street, between Ummoud alley and Fifth si. dcelS* J- A J-McUhV'l Vl*..lYJuuxsaU (grocers, ileuiers in Pro • duee and Pittsburgh manufacture*. No. 214 Liberty, opposite 7th si. : > . . . ■«•■ .. ap\B SLVhN BIG DOORS CLOTHING S'rOUK.No- 5. Sixth steet, ne ir Liberty IJOHX FABIIAN, ... • | Proprietor. TOIIN ii. AtORtiAN, MioiuoU aiut tif.tml i/rugfcaU No. U DJi. lV'ood street, one door south of Diamond aHcy. febl A HA V WARD, IVhoUsaU *nd Retail : Dealtfstn Roots and Shoes* No. iisG Liberty street* op*, posite Wood. : • -j febl B: Av FA UNK3TOCK & CO. XtoolrsdU Dm* Wart* • houMy corner ot First and -Wood street*; and corner of Wood and Sixih febl IIfM.ALKXAMIKK A SONS. CoJfirt Maktnand Fur- T » nisht/iq Urultriakrrx, corner ot Prim aud St. Clair sireeu r opposue the Exchange. Entrance ou Peim*reei/ febl TOWN H MMiLOJI, I Yholttal* ■ and Retail IkiUer tn tl Mane and Jl/urieol/nrirueirua r Piauo»,Sehool Books, ami Stationery. No, I£! Wood street. : Janl JAA(LsPAl r JLKßSON,Jr.,coruerot Firstand Perry streets, mairafacturer. of l«ockt v lltiigcs, and Bolt* { Tobacco; Fuller, Mill and Timber Screws, " Ilousen Screws for Rolling Mill# Ac; . : ' seplO :T BRTAB, Rtet*fyingJ>utilUr,iu\& Wholesale Dealer V»m Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors* N 0.114 .114 LibCrty sireet, and S 3 Piamand alley. jySl ‘ :XAyiLMAU Ml,' "Lumber Merchant. Uthce -ou Penn JLi »ueet t betweenJrwLaand Haud. Commonicabons promptly attended to.. ;• . . ,■ >, • - - ma!6 ; TjIXCHANUb HUTKL, l*xcbange Place, Daiumpre. JLli). Do&ssy, Propnetor, Coaches will be in readmess the ]au4rag& to convey passengers, free of charge, to the Hotel..v , .. .... • dee!29 .TTING A FINNEY, Agents for; the iklatcate Mutual lnjurance Company, of Philadelphia, at the Ware house,of Kiug-A Holmes, Water street, near Market frbl SELLERS a NILULS, J'roduce and Utneral Cotnattf itan.Menhanu, No. 17 Liberty street;- .-Sperm, Ltn* seed and Lard Oil*. janl (f^l ARSON A MchNlGll i , WholesaleUtoctr* and Corn- V Ptuston.ATerchanUi Sixth ytreet; between Wood and Libert} d ec 4 XirALGLENN, ifook6m(/rr, cornei r .oriiiirilaiid Wood .**. .streets, above C. H. Kay, Where he w prepared to doevery description of ruling and binding. pec3 p..w.ponnjsxraß.**** •r-poSstirsB POINDEX.TER A CO., Wholesale Grocers aud Coin* imMioir and Forwarding Merchants, No. street, Pittsburgh. ■• . . - 1 ap2l \Af 1L .AUlllßH^;:AVbolesule.and Retail Dealer Dr •JT,*. DR\ GOODS, North east corner of Market and Fourth sts. • . ..- . .. . . -■ - op2(Hy SAMUEL MORROW,: Manufacturer of /Jin, Copper oud Sheet Iron Ware, No,-17-Fifth street, brtweeti Wood and Market; •: •: ;- ’TeblO rnixoßauAKaAtioit.. . .«willu» nAHßstioji. C; .A- W.- HARUAUGH, Commission and Forwarding \jm MrrrAan4r r and dealers tn Flour, Woo) and Produce, No. 63 Water, mid 104 Front between Wood and . Smnhficld streets; Finshurgh. : • • * us^O-y 1 /IG-PARTNEKSHlP—'riicuiidersigneUbasassociated : \j wint himself John-Nicols, .from Balumorc, la the .Grocery and General. Roslness, uuder tho style of Sellers A Nicols;.;Dated let January, 1840.' ' • ' lantfO FIU9 SEILFRS EICHAKD IV LEEUIi; Jr., Importer* a?#.dealer m Foreign and Domestic Badlery , Hardware, and Car rtags Trtmihtngs; of ail descriptions, No. 133 Wood s*., ;Pittsburgh, seven doors above Fifth, aud one door above .H^OhilosA:On- , s Shoe Store.' • ~ - 1 ** * *; r *no24;. - BhAUI A CU. y Mrusb.Manufaeturen 1 \rood st t have constmitly on hand o full assortment of every dcscrip&w of.BRUSUFiS,io whichthey solicit theatten* tion of dfi&jere. A!flO,*a large sioek of SHOE FIND* INGSviwliicb m constantly -renewing with the best lm* .proved-'Knu FISHING-TACKLE -and Sportrair E/julp; nients; in every variety—aUofwhich-WiU hesoldwiiole* and retail I jy7 SMiiH A t!LNUliAlll;(lhie i>iimni A. fsnmn,! ivoouetUt Ommii Produce and Commission Merchants, GQW opd street, Pittsburgh. ; The undersigned having entered into partnership under the nbove MVld, respect Tully jisk the patronage of the frlemts of the ia(e firm, ami of the pur chaset|i generally., /Ihey, feel warranted iu promising Ihat tliey can give raUnfuctioji to all who may buy of jhcrq, or confide liusmes# to their care. WM II SMITH, jmar SO W M SINCLAIR S-MKINLEY, House, Sign anil Ornamental Fain fir, « ftnd dcaler in.-PAINTS. No.. 44 SU Clair St-VPitts* hurgh, has constantly on- hand nil kinds of.PAtXTs, eithor Dry of Mixed; Japan mid Copal Variurh; LuiseedDii; Roiled Oil; Spmis Turpentiuß; -Window Glass, of all sixes: PuUy, Puuit Brushes. Ac., ail of the be&L quality, And t, **• *>? y; ». tßfmra, • c. w, axdkbsox, .i Late of Pmsburgm Ptu :I*ate of Nashville, T«nn. - X EMON A ANDERSON, Dealers tn Cation, Forward- Jjdug ami Comriissmn Merchants, No. 8, Front street, .•above Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. r • ) ■ . 'REFER TO .V. : : t Merchsma generally, Pittsburgh. Pa. * Merchontagenerally, Nashville,Tcun. •.■■.• . W. F. Lane A Co,Louisville,Ky. , SWASISSS: l c —"-ot- -1 Hewitt; Hcrau A Co.*-New Orleans. .i. Magrc-gorA Morns,New York.] ■ r Duval, DeighSer A .Co. v Baltimore. • • -'Smith. Bagaley'ft-Coi Philadelphia. i Pamel Desbon, Boston. a ? *eps4:ly XOHND DAVIS, Atunoneeraiid Commission Altrrhont. vomer of Wood and birth streets, Pittsburg, is ready -to receive mcrcbundiT* of every description on consign meut tor public nr private sale, nnd from lougcxpencnre m the above busmers. datlers fmnselt that ho will be tthle to gtve entire satisfaction to all who may lavor him with theifpatronage. . . Regular, sales on Mondays And Thursdays of. .Dry Goons ami Fancy Afiiclc*,at lUoe{iH!k.s.«. Of Groceries, Pitishuruh maniunctiired arlndrr, new and sCcmid-bnud Furniture. ul docl tat,* o justly-celebrated:for the rrducnou o» friction, in marluncrv. - .Tli«'boxes and rmnj>oinnon caulxrdiad ot falmlatalftimes;, •- t ... . .novld;y , nbccctsUkgy Cupulug ftUd UJeedlug. . i N*». 55, Vswrif SrucxT^ tTTI B. NORRIS, (Pucewisor to IL Dflnnyd—Fre*!* ■ IV ! « I#eeche*rereivcd aiolrtblrvanendauveniaU hours. Reterence: 'Hu* I'iiysuemu# ot PiAlsbnrgh. Allceheny. and Bmainglnm u Mtrrhl3lM^ I roost eheerfullv rcrorameml to Physicians, Families, and all uty former inetuls oml patron*. Mr. K. B. Nwakia.; as hrlng ibornughly Aequaiuied with Air. bu«rae.«s ( aud worthy of patrouare. . hi. R. DEL A NY. ronnll'Om v UAbh FAMIIONh.-N MiMSi; ha* justrci'clved troin Jj - New York the Fall Style of HATS, .winch he will introduce tkisdav.-Satardny. Anstnst firth. All there in want of a neat aud superiorHaT* would da tnrll lo cnit a* NO :s WOOD STRUCT, door above. Fourth f| tOWN?TE.V&. CA RH A CU', Sutccreor* to the oD firm *X ofC. Towmcnd A and Carr A Rowland, beg leave to announce to their friends and to the public gen erally, that they are now prepared f© execute all kinds of work in the Coach and Wagon-making bu«ines*. nt the •hortciUionre,ajidwarrtra;rd bcstquah* ty :Thc very large quaauiy. of seasoned Timber with which they are prepared, aud their lacihuestor business, enables them to iusure the piffilmibanhey are prepared to cany on au extensive and prompt business.in their line;: aud they respectfully solicit a coubnuance of the .Überaj patronage bestowed late firms - «ep4 T7ENITIAN UUIHULE A CO. have re* ' V 1 moved to the corner ot Wood street and Disrooud alley, over 9. M CJala’s.Leather Store* where they are prepared to furatsh Vtiuiusu BUndx, Wholesale and Re* iai), atpnccs mneb reduced; bavlagaveryCrcenrmfnodr cf painting* and other advantages unknown to others i» the Dade,.. Besides giving ft superior finish to blinds, they trratthem with, the best aisle rials, making them rich and 'durable.’ *• . N. IL—Wide or. norrow alats—portable or permanent fastenings famished. Old Rlyndtrifitted* . . dvcfil.y STEEL AND FIIjKMANUFACTORY.—TTiesuhscri*’ l*eri ? barnig enlarged their estabUshmentfor the man* ufactaro of Stxeiv ana Ftua»—on the corner of O llarn and Lilierty streets; Pittsburgh—are prepared toftiruish ; Files of every desenptiou, orthebest quality ? aud being i derermiued to mako.it the interest of consumer* to par*. 'Cbarfe Files from them, respectfully Invite the patronage of all.who use the arliele. - ; . : ■ . : . ■ rotrlft-y . • J..ANKMM A CO. XTRWLY INVENTED PATENT BLOCK SPRING iA 'TRUSS, for the immediate relief and .permanent cure of Hernia andMunturtt . .{Suited to all sixes:) The superior claims of tin* Truss consist in the comparative ease with which it may be worn. The pad of wood: he* mg neatly balanced on springs, yields to the. presented ?any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move ment made by the wearer.' it can he worn wtthom any intermission, unul a cure « nfleoted The subscrlhcrs have made arrangements for the pmnufaetnre of these valuable Trusses,in PbUsdclphia.and ; have them now for sale at.lhetr office. No. 77 Smithfleld :itrect,neax Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEORGEAV.VfT. . Dl d w Kauffman \ri&V DRUG STORE.—Jonx D Moaesv, iX sah and Retail Dnmetst, No. 034 Wood one door sonih of Diamoud'allcy, Pittsburgh.—The SB - - subscriber has jum received from the eastern mile#, and is now opening at the above stand, a full ossartmem ol articles in his une, consistipg or Drugs pf all kinds,: Dye Stuflfc, Paints Unu Garnishes, Chemicals, Ac., together witE nU sucb aruoles as-are usually kept for sole nt a .wholesale and retail drug store. His stock U entirely tiew. and has been selected with care. He is confident (but his articles, both as to qonlity .and price, will please such os may favor hun.wuhacau. ; - •- ■ . . . 'VirtiNUMjAHfrU.A. Mll.l, Jijila Mei.l . XvXjxoes would refipecifaUy infonn lns.frieiidsflmltho public, that his new establishment is now in full opera* non,:and that he is prepared to furimli Boat Cirtuns- anil - fill all orders for Piuned. Lumber, with prompjituile,and at the lowest rates.-' " .Board and Plank, planed- on one: or bolh snle*; con ‘Stonily on-hard, : Bash, Doors aud ofevery description, made to order i Builders anu Carpenters would find it to their advnn tage to give him a cal), as he can now furnish them with planked stuff, suitable/or c very, descnpUouof work. >' • t -dec3*tf-' .. ■ GHEAF BONNETS.—W.' R. MURPHY is selling ofi hi# jemainmg stock of BONNErS nt greatJy redu ced prices. Bonnets of last winter's shapes at from 25 •centstoBl;oo. v ■ •.■■■•;?. ; Cheap Lawns.—A lot of Dress Lawns reduced to Dip .cents per yard.- ? Wfnte Goods for Dresses. —A 'iupplyjust received, and opered very low. Xktr£ Gmgftamj.—Rich darkstylesofGinghams. Alko, -Manchester and Domestic d0.,0l choice patterns- ■ 1 ' Mantua Ribbon*.—An assortment just received in the :Wbole*aleßoomft,'fidBiory,nnc!6ircredl6\vbyilienlecc. AlsO,WhiteaiitlCo)qrpd»qUudo- v- : .. . Pnrits and Mushns.-rr An^excellent stockon hnnd, fronL 4c per yd up to the finest qualities : * FoitrthftndMdrktistrut i. € GENTLEMEN—The Subscribers beg leave to inform vX‘yon that theyhavtfm store a full assortment of fine Bhiru, BospmsjCollarVj.CnrvatSjSiockSjPoCket'Hnnd berchief#, Gloves, Hosier)', fluspqnder*, Umhrellns, Un der Bhtfts. Drawers, Ac.; in fuel every tiling included in Gept,'s Wearing;Apparel, to. which ■ ttiey mvne -your at tention. They alsomanufacture toprder, nt their factors' PU?!> every vunety arid patthru.of.SHlßTS, in tjuunliiiCs and quality to suit purchasers. ’’ - • i:;;. v.- I Phrase give us a call, and examine our Good* nnd Prices, avoor Ware-room, Northaenst corndr of Fifth and Markeutreets. up stairs. . EDWARD TODD A Co. ! : lylt : Commercial Row Cabinet Warerooxu S u T B. YpUNG A Co #-TT* - TYAVE removed their CABINET -XjL* WAR&ROOMStoCommercini Row, Liherly , opposite the head of Smiihfiold;? where they will keepconsthntly.on hand an extensive assortment of Bo Bedsteads, Chairs and uvenr article lu their line of buxines#. . ;*•* Undertaking promptly attended to at reasonable pnepa ma>27 • ' • !(• w : , • ■i.-.-.i-- ‘J... v * I i >! * „ \ v. •s* - v •/.. •. ■> . ■ j'- - c v .‘■Vr.j x f -■ . Fall PoHUmia I ;• H. PAULSON. No. 73-Wood street, fid door from thecornerof-Fourth, ha* received,‘olid will this day introduce the FALL STYLE OF G ENTLEMEN'S /L4TS, eud would respecttully invite,hut customers and the public generally lo.coH and examine tbo same augfifi fall fashions 1 for| MATH AND CAPS! Wm THE *ubsenWV, hariug returned ■ New \ ork,. will .introduce, tins dat* . ; Aucunl 2Cili, IS4ri, Messrs. Bute Co. s FALI - LR OF' HATS, to which be would cult theattentiou of.his customers and the, public, 110. is daily Cxhccung the arrival of hi* lull assonmuntof Hats. Cats.auA Muffs, allot which willbe disposedofat imasually tow priccs -0 W GUAsSGOW, UK? Wood *t, ‘ 3,1 door below Davis' Auction Booms. Save Hat and utip Store. /a TAMKS Hat Manufactn>er,dteSa Am (formerly of the corner ot Diamond alley BEffgaL Woodetrcc*?) teg# leave reitpectfhUy to inform infold cuJlo.jjr-v, friends, and lite public; that he bn« opened a N l»\» OUK. omßimthficht st., where, a ehmcc- utAortiuviw if HAr*\ (44P5, and LADIES' FI7LS ( (ris jioo*t, nrut, taahiftnabto.and CDttt? n* any in die city,) may be-bad. J. .M* vcry: rordialty luvitothis friend* nnd the public, to rrmrml>eriii*ncw and. establishmenLand give ium.n ea!la*iicariy atbcuip.'iids to weieonie them; ;• • • . • • " • • raardr-ty - koshionsble ttsTaudbapilsßaihetoryi rt!A)RGF*< ASMtIT/ Afvm vJT mtonn* tut trirnd# iitid Rip nubtiegeneral*CaWft • iy. that he lm* commence*) the?uanutttctaTt*-oi. Hah and Cnp*. nt No. .-ft WuMlstrce.t, one door/rdra the comer ot Se cond, where he.hus<;it>reot, on sho kuun rrs mnnhle term*, for cash br lfut# mode «i ontrr at the siiortert nftftwS oplQ.:|ni UII AVi NG A N 1) H A HUHU :S>LVTS A O *o?i A FduxrATX, Ts«Mr>ai 'P/n/rsw», have Titled'Up' tbosalomf on the rmner of-Cherry .a;|ey and -Water «t>, near the Naftotml. Hotel, fnnurrly. occupied by Clement. Archer, and Arc prepiird to wait on geutlennni at once, with case,eomitHi.and polncncK#. -- v In coiicncuoii with thnr saloon, tbey hare. fitted upj*n eXc-eHeut shower bath, where p?l»Ou* can have shower baths si all hour# 01 The dny.: Tliey Mill, continue to servo also at their 01/t Stand, comer of ihe Di&moad and Union si. • frbl7 tf :.vw. .. A action Notice* ffHlEsiuh»rnher ba*]»aid into the rreasu vof the Com* X man wealth, the amount ot tieeme required Irp law. He has given the regularly approved security,and token out & coiumi»>um or the fire! o* an Auctioneer ol the city of Pitndiurgh* aud rametl that sponaut ware room belonging in Iranu*lxllhrup.Kwp s J M Wood street, three doors frotti Fifth, where he is prepared to att lend tn the saleof #m}' kinder Merchandise, Funuturcf Real I>ialc.htocks, Bhippiug,4iCweliher At the Auction Room* or outhc preutiscs. and vnliin till earesexert bim- to ihe oimoM ior the l«enefit of bis employers.an the ino*t reasonshie terms; ho wiUsell excltMveiy and only ou commission; •neither purchasing nor bavmg any in icrestwliatever.oii goods m the more, but metWythc caiD for scilioj?, thrrrUy givrac all owners a lairehauce without parimiriy of having therein propertf dvurtiitura r Ac.* and .every cveuing, Hardware. Cudery, A\utch«NGuns, Fistols, and.Faucy ’Articles. Books ou Saturday evemftX*. ' ;: J jspil* JAMES M'KKNNA_Aoeu '**” w ltemQV«i, I TT &. ti..TODD would respectfully inform the mer* XX* chantsof this city and nor ebstorticragiuekaily.. that we have removed our stock of Shirts aud Gems Fur* mshMrx Goods. to the corner of Fifth aud Market streets,. .fid story over W. a P. Hugus, cmranco on Fifth street, where wc inteml to keep on hnnd a largo #iotk of hhlrts, of our own cn&uufftcturc* with mi assorunent of Gentle* mens’. Goods,utaaily kepi hy Eastern Whole sale Furnishing Stores, - - >• Being very thankful* for thu Vmd patronage bestowed 1 on us lor the T 7»nsi year, we would be bappy -ur receive calls from our old customers mnl.merchnnt* genernrty, and inform : them that avo intend nothing 011 our part shall induce them .to look, further, as wo expect to add largely to our stock, tmd dimmish aurpncci.v : 1 Merchants and dealer# are Solicited to examine oar stock of Goods. ■ • ::v- .Kplfrlf • i " Mercyllaipusl. THIS INSTITUTION, under theehargo ofthe Alsters of Mercy, situate on Stevenson street, south of Penn* syivonm Avenue. 1* ijawoprn foMlm rocepuon of Fa* ueuttf. Tliemedical gentleman attached to the. Hospital art— . I>OCL J. P..GI22SM, :DoCt Auiusov, • WxnscuEßa, . . McMrsl, Bulge, EvYnxn Non-paying policuts will be received.an formerly. ,: :• l*ny paiiebts Will be received ti. the rates ndoptcd’fof. ihcfcmporory Hospital .: I.ower Wards,* -s3,o^per we?k„f .. Upper Wards, iinochavagner. TJUU'J'HA'LT AND I.ANIWUATR' l’A INU‘i FUL-yxilr.. X • Coffin, tenders Ira* thunks to bis pnirons, nnd wouldi linorm ttioqiim } ns ot FmslrargU and vicmiiy.tlmt he bu# 6ii hand- variety of Liindspnpnp, for,sain ntihe Odeon oil Fourth streeiybetWccn \Voud,uud 4 SimtUfie]d. Y nSW ** steamhftalitakrry; THE umlcrsigned beg leave respcetfully /to infonn stcaritboni men nnd th° public igeuerallyv-tlmt thfcy , will open ft iVi?lE.i?AAEfli .on ;,\Yaier Htroet,.belWsf;n- Fcrry nnd MnrkcJsvrcetA,ou Wednesday, SeDlemberJUtli, 1S4&; arid AVili iminpdMitely be prepared to'fUrmshnhe beat Bread: Ac , to order, /fhetroveihhns justbeen com pleted, and is: in allrcspecis supenor.to any nfiV£tinbe; t»ny tsepl3] 1 7 HUNT t«R A MAY. •T>OY• WANTED—A.brev rale: boy wanted; to run:- ri&rrnnds. .None but who COlt come well recomhietided need apply [5ep233 C. IL PAULSON <-* i- , v ' ' * •>& a ‘ „*’’•>' “'■' / \ < "+* , i w / * " c A*' A * \.**' S } t ’ u\ % \* *££ * * L ** ** fj +•*. %. t /“«»* V , li i'» '; . • ' > <■ , --s *r : ' - •’ *. t t V- THIS THUKK DIO DDORH AGAINST THE WESTERN WORLD! I GREAT;ATTRACTION ATSH& ORIGINAL, “TJfcree Dig Dooral” Lumber :l 51 + Liberty -situc Pittsburgh, Pennsyltama. VABmONAOLK PAXL'AXI) WIHTXa’ XEAfiV-M*DE > 7 . CLOTHING’ * rpHE Propnetor of tbU fur fumed establishment woah! X most respectiullycuH the aitenuopoinamerous cus tomers .and tno public nt general, to one of the largest,: icheapest; •nnd' most fashiounbie -stocks of Ready-msdo CLOTHING that ha*ever bcen cxhtlmed by any one concent mihts or aoy other cilyfLastorAYesti- 1 'i '•? /I will not uitderfoketo describe to the reader the vftnous nssorfmentsof uueles which ! now have ;tq offer Uiem; but wilj simply say-lo them, that if-Uicy only favor huq with « call, I WtU lhy;before' them - . Tvo jfundred and. Thousand in which they wiH Cnd from the richest mqasisiyandftyleto the very .lowest m price; out of which tucy-can iselectto suit the tnost fasttdidas taste, t>oth m price aud quality , .A priced catalogue oi tiie numerons garments in the vunou* departments, would occupy 100 much space, and. after all, give no correct idea of their real value. Thtr , urtirles in ray. stock will he marked, and you are invited to tqspcci and compare.lheia with trm prlce attnebed - - which will be the best fest of thru cheapness. Tlie true pnucipics of Jradir.nro to serve the public well, arid in or der to hold their confidence nnd patronage, to study their interest and convenience: these I um determined to act on, aud P look to an enlightened community for a liberal :SUppOft. • r ■ . A wonl.to.Country-Whntesale Purchasers in the trade,: those who purpose gpir?gi«as| 4 ns. they .wjll be: convinced they can savethe expenwrof time and tuonny itpcnt in going ns. olw> tlielr bilf* of-fivighu ou will also find Clothing more substantially inadc f aiid the style and cut much Iwiter adapted to tlm tsslo and convenience ot tlm.drdVrenrJueaHuen of Ibo- tVestern coontry .1 am constantly receiving acccssians to ray stock ot Goods, and am mcrays supplied with an extensive vans*, ty .of ail ftitinrsami arflcHu ln my iinc.-wbivli we make up to ordcr in the bt-^.rstyle, at short nonce-'v. J octlO JOHN MoCLOSKEV B" KAI»THr« *iU)om«.beaH tiiul bead of hair, when they can have one tor three vhiUmgs?'Twenty years’ loss o huir aud 'W'omlcrful restoration!; . •••../ ) ■■ . i. - - BsLttMOSte, JoW I7 t tSI7i : * l Dear firtv-Tbc womlbrful efleel* ofdouc* J Coral Hair -J&tatorativa bat been dccti{v#fy demonstrated iu the gar *ci o( several TeffpemUiecßttenAftfxkft wh accotratof your scltnrg three übiltmrf tnaJ botll<*s,try u witbotnfesr.. One tnsianef, which has attracted nartk*- uUr.oUcAiion, Uihe ctwof a geotfearan whohsa little omohnir tor twcnty years he had meft nomcronspre* parhuous iu rain; and ultimately hail lus headsJravcd and wore ft wig. - At my ter • Jj-O-H ftPMULLKN A DOWNING /iJAMPAIGN OPRNLU, —At the GrcntiJargaiH CnTneri- Ai/ T whca , e thoru hns just been received, n jsplendid new :Btpck,of 4KKslfc«.andiSHOLB. Of every vnrihtyi wbirh cbeapuriihwi overj as our-motto Is 1 quiet anjes and smairprofits , jm ofiTRUNKS, CARPET- BAGS, >VA- I48E1).’: All we need to convince tfie pubheot tho fact oft selling chdopiU'to! baVo them give as a'crifl nnd bring ihfe Cash along i 1 5 » fjjh Don:t /ergot thpolaae, corner of Smlthfield aftdstK' streets ue3o] J> BATES ,TUTGs{.ceni AluttaSj^.ofUi^alico.o^rany'swUrlrucs ■ip .but ptui always bo found a tnUnupply oftich fimey -gobds oTid useful dotncsiics; 'I he nssurtment comprise* cxyry Rtyle rich Drehs Siiks.Freuch Merinos.. French and .Eitgiub ; Ga*stinerea anfl'DeLnirics; Alpaccns, Ac-everv style of fii#!|ionttblc Show is 1 * - For' .. Shpotiug. Tickina nipukcif.Fluunels.DleachcdaiumrowuMuslins, Finifo bull ruble Cqycrß, Am All or which IwilLb* •ftold cheap R. D. THOMPSON. * rep3o t < - >f - No HOAlirrhet st -X] dnd.llny sts.; e.'ich.lol.hayiiig tM fi;ul,from r ftnd ex*’ K*i ilirig'.lwcloHO'fe^. 4 -Two of them are corner lota, and tin) posmGnofUi.e.-\v,bol l e!proi«;rty.is:oue onhe'moHt ad * vahtngdOus m the cuv. For further information apDlv to o M SWARTZWEI.DER, Fourth t , v:i betw'een Wood and Smithfieid " i , , I barest Excitement* CtINCE thojsfcrnval of oar gallant volunteers fropiMexi* O: co,'marfe?daitenuon basbeen paid lomany orthem respecting appearance, on then amval.ln our ,city>; NumbfeT# df them have - appeared m' the. streets : wearing cmrens dress of. the latest nfctfnibsf fashionable, culand approved styles. The inquiry . 4iccoraesrgen6rai. araongst the|r fellow-soldiera, where did you get that : handsome suitor Clothes? -.Answer:, ntP.iDEiJkXV's.4i> Liberty streef, where you can get a genteel suit from 3 tofl ilollurs, that would really astonish you.:.A ;.KUiiof.frne. catlike* cait.be bod-from.rftto.lSandfiOdoliars. The slock ou; haud i* large, consisting of cvery nrude for gefiUemeif s wear,and wTH lie feold extremely low puces for cash, :»* the. out the present stoclr.m order to mnke room- fat foil goods; great, bargains.moy be expected, and rio Call and. .judge for yourselves at P DEL AN VS, j>l3 m -40 Liberty 2 Farmer’s inn) " .»• Comtrif Ferry and FoUsih Streels. PiUshurgn; ' rpHEundeefcurned, proprietor of the above-wfl known- X Hotel, re>pccttuiiy informs the pablie that she.lmS :gone iu.fitting up thehouse for.tho re ception and-accommodation of berold custoraevq and all' who may lioqor her with their patronage.-r She. is.deter 'jnmed that the Hotel, as heretofore, eliall sastain the re-: putatiou of filing&qutet, orderly»and well conducted es labhshmem.r No patusorexpense- wiil bo spared on her : port,-to renderboarders nudtravelersal comftmableas they can possibly be aimiy other public botwe in jhQ city. Her table wu) be provided with every luxury the market affords* in ftMonv her:guests:raay rest assured thalshc: will ase evety exertion m her power to render them full -and euuTC sa-nsfaction. A share of public patronage is respci tfally vjbcili d : The subscriber is also provided with sufficient room for the accommodation of about sirty or eighty CyDon’tfarguulra place—corner of Ferry and nm3o-3ra _ J^J.ITTLC From Rev.Aifl Shinn , of the Proltstatst Methodist f|tl|Kßndtft-!fi{+ned. having been afflictedduriug ibe past I winter,,ttiib adiscase m thestotuiicbisomeumespro uucittg the stomuch for ten or twetve hpurs . wtlitout interfnission, and having tned vanna* reniedtVK wub little was funnelled with a bottle of Dr;'D;. Jaynes' Carfynfaitrt EaL/zm. used according to the directtoq-r,-and lonad invariably that this medicine caused the pnmto abate in three or Jour mmuies; ; nndm. fifteen or twenty m-nutes, every naeosy . sensation war i.cmirelyqoiete«i:Th«.,inedjciuc:tvas.nfteTwanfaUsvd whenever Judication* of the approach or pain were per ceived, and the paui was thereby prevented. He continu ed to use thCbmedicuic cverj' evening, and' somctiraes'in the moniiug!- aud lit; a few weeks health.was so.far.re stored sufferer was relieved irom a large amount of QnnreisiYff pam. From expenence. tberetore,hecan conh«ieutly ,v oa TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IRON HAKE M^NLTACTLt(ING Also, BLACKSMlTH 'branches* at lhe.ohl stand of.W.JB. Scwfe,' iftai XVood.’ Particular-attention given to ark ccii2d2« i&Uad complexion, coarse, dark, yeliow.or If you have, you will by using. a Cake of. Chemical Soap. a week or two, your skin .... jy while and smooth; If you have any di- MOie ortha'llepd. Face or. Beard—such as Huigworru,' Scald. Ueud/.&etiTTy.-Erysipelas.' Sait Rheum. Barber’* Itch—you cam be cured: for.l have seen persons'who had filthy akfrixtiacases-for-years, and after trying evetv jUrngiuyauiybavo been cured by trashing the partwitfi Jones* Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously ofler ufor aayof the.above complaints, which 1 would not do, unless. I kncw- it lo lieolLl siate-ilf-yoaharffc San Spots, F reckle", Morphew,Tnn,Sun Bum or diefig*- urements of au)'kind, li will dispel them ami uiake-the sklnbeftimful—mea sure antidote , aud cure for the bites of bUgßv&C ' • Beware of counterfeits. Particularly cheaponey —a»k for Jones’ Soap, and *ee thanhenanic ofT.Jones is on each cakci Persons from onnihe south and other, •warm climates, would find Una not only for themselves, but U is a remedy for. chaps and chafes in infants. And now, reuser, by giving ihlsone triah you 1 will find ft nllhr even more'than we have stated above. .'Sold at B*JChatham street, N; VI aud by Wiii. Jackson:. ngem.fiO Libqrty street,: Pittsburgh. •-> :-.,--.’i,scpa6 .;; v Euro ean"AKency, Til J.KEENAN. Europratf.AgfJif, has returned to this X ».Tity, from the South, and \vill.leave,in.a.ftfw-dny*. on the rieetiftf-Mfonrf tour of this Ageuey-for Europe. Pernod* .having debts,'legacies.or claims*la-collect7 *eorihcMon*N<.»\or remittances of money to their friends,’ or ether Uu>i.;r . .- to •musnot there, will require to cation him immefmafy, yxino ilcrchant&V Hotelj on SimthfieTd street Remittances'of money can al anytime bo made to all putts uf England;. Ireland, Scotland, AVate*/or the Conti- : . went of Europe, through his Agents 111 the vanuus'Ciues ofjhe United States _ : . Dunng hit nbfenceio Europe, business entrustedtaMr.' James May. Merchant, mthis.city, will be duly forward.'' ■ edandproipptiy attendedto** - . „ THOMAS J KEENAN. •'-'Pt^»bprgh,Sepieia!>erßlh:lß4B.-:.v.-.-.'v, : .; • .. Nb\V BOUV*,-* txmrxrHutorg .• being au account or - the first rxaminnuoa oniho; Ohio Valfey/ niul (he; early setUementof the Northwest Territory; chiefly from ongmalmoauscrmt; containing the papers -of Mr. Geo.- Morgan,thosq of Judge Butfc,lho diaries or Joseph Buell and John M&Uews; the records of Ohio Company, Ac., Ac., withuumerous plaits mid mrps.' By Sr. P. Hit* dreih ’ Orators o(4he American IWvaluttoni by ■EL.'Magoon. With portraits of Samuel Adams, James warren. Putndk Henry, AleX.Hinntton, Fisher Ames and John Randolph. Ivol,, cloth 11 ■ Retiring from Business \ or, the Rich Man's Error. .By - T S Arthur c A few copies oTeach oftheaboveworka received this . day and for sale by < JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers ’ ’ v ' comer. Market and Tb ird • ForQrecnwoodGftrdensaudUftnchestex. THE steamer Greeuwood stopped for tiie : sod, Caldwell!* Line ot dew-and commodious Omni busses, the Gan. Scott aud Gen. Taytqr, h& ye commenced runmng irom iFifth street, between Market and Wood, leavuig.avihubegmniiig of each-hour;: trora S at umfl 10 r it \ The proprietor of this Line, having a heavy bridge toll to pay, hoposihat a liberal public will sustain him in tbitf omerprise -the Bndge 7 Strict punctually will be observed in the time of Starting.. : i - • : [scplfi; .fpHE /FIRM## Acheson A Dagmia this day dissolved I by/mutual-consent, Mr. Joa.T. Dagg having declin ed business oil account of iU heatfh,' has y disposed ofhU lutercst to Jas. C. Achcson. • The busiuesthereafterwili be conducted in the name ofiW.A J.C-Achesou . : r . WM ACHESON, - Pittsburgh,. July, ls4ri. . JAS. Ti JJAGG. »■ ■'•?•*: -2 1 ■ • • 1 " 1 ■ i:.‘. • tt/” lit witljdrhwing iromthe firm of AchesonA Dogg-, I take pleainuv'm 'recommending my successsorto my meudsjiud llts-piihlio T.encrutiy: >■■■'•.• ’JAS. T DACG. ; Julj Jt> H4J- aug : CITY .LIVERY • STABLE.^-'J he: subscriber NeSHMrespectfully inlorms‘tlnHriciiu&rind/the>pubhc< *'»"■ »»getn»imny ihathe has removed to ouewhird ex-. (eUsire on Liberty street, in ihcFi Ah Ward, above the Canal Bridge,-where h» keeps Carriages Barouches, buggies, r llaarxe. Riding Horses, :dte; ;JfAvui& added: largely toh»s formor slodk,l»e solicits the patronage-of. the public* Z *« > ?. N.B. Horses kept by thedavvweck oryear. , -.; ; I>9l dly f CHARLES CQLEMAN XT VTKNSIvE CUAL I'IIUPKItTY 'TO LKT,OR FOR . Pi SALB.*nAbont.so.ncres icoul oi besl qunluy—vein five iceiihicks-'Siiuatt) iwoim|pj»n|iovnTare,mpra;oniUe. cannli'The-uialn entry* is opcueU-lW yards through-.the; solid cone* a fid tt lmsm for the flnurexcavtitedtiitheside ot (he canal; tit die mouth. of the.jut, andievery lhii)g-m complete oruttf far minting coal. / There isa 15 acres of laud, with,hiX-slnnll dwelling, houses for ih* vaccommo* dation of the diggers, and all will heremed orsold lower, than any otherieon! properly on ihe canal. - augll THOS MELLON IAriNES—-Ml m fc* FgiOViiu., » * W' ■*•• ' K Sweet Malaga Wine T 10 * Madi ira * for sale by «ep2s W A M MITCHELTREE. . .~._~ i. :,f:. 2;; f. -* ; I J -*-> ,\*‘Vf p* _ yy * ? . yy> * I ,-,-«■ r y V ryj - V- 41 L „ Vi f v ,J,, -- , ~>C % f _ 1 •*. C f «' s„, * i *-*" J t ‘, - "S’- " -r -- r f* -~* ___ 3 r ' t - - ’■“ »-'" tt ■; - 1 *i* \ ‘ r-^e^r*^ * v / - *3,.. if* *• 7 r?‘ =" . [ f - * ' , " " J*z? 1 r * „ TT-w r '*<- i, <" k *; £ ** * -c H T, y-fe i . "?W:Vi -rsTr.iv : v i>'. •s < ,^:'r;r:...-f’j>; , S?T-:*i'i' i *VI-tr, n'jj** [■•■ —?.•«•.•:•:■ •„• : .~^,-yj^*yt e -s •» * * o 1 ' _, ». y 11 J !_ } ’ - r ■■i'.:.” •• l. •..•r ,-;. '«-■:-£■.•-.v."! v*.'-v'r*ii. >’V 'A' •■.'. ""Ii *\** f‘tva* r- W , % V *■ -iT - - - ' > Jf r - * ; ■* - u i __ Vi;-^c^r'*i--'-i*''i;i''- : i- - '^> r -■> : ---';»i'iv'‘ :; '^-^\Mv'^o&‘«--i:-" ? -4-'-''rt : ’- , i;*-v^.' :^''- -s. 1 3 -*< A ** T »• . < V -H V « TA V. ? b f ► - J- V **■> " s «tv" - 1 o ' «- <* Hi 1 r 1 * ly , »* f *■ ; ' ) r , J ’> V 1 ' w' i * * * V ' : - ' 1 ,- r . V *v l*~ V X s 'iff '-l n r/' I - 41 4 ~ r i A l /) , 1 4 " ' r* r « yK K y yy " ‘•'Uj: „ f- „ e '* "*■«■.'.■: ti- ; •.•:>_•. 1 .•:,•?•;•. •.- ■.•.•••.' -if t-: : -:'.-_'««..•/:.-;o-S-.*:..■••is i V r >- ' /■ s. -T l • * 't ■ f I - s’ ■ y '* f H-v ’ * * t » i . - - - jl • . . ' -„ ipssi«asisi®*sii® , , J 'f- * V vv. '*- ' - ',/*. *' ; > i - . -1 -O ■ x> c - . 1 v» *v?’^ * a V r - —V « ’' ’ * '* ‘V ■ ’ «- * 4av -4&, ■° 1 , -v t! V t - <■ -v ' * i «. r J- ‘ii?,.! f M 1 ■« r * > -J** ' - - Vi* *_’. 'Vi 1 .. 'wiV.\,;..-.;:r^, t :.-v > r-^y;.y^;.T-v.-,^-r-:;'.v..'y',.-J‘^;:,'^’!r,s>;.-ili'.'."t / ; »■•._?(::;. ,••.•;•.■.■ ■• -r ' •'• < :'■ ..-i .■■.*■•: •:. • i..i-v.' tv :;-'. '■*£ .-i-..".-'i jifn.- fr.i «si* i ,-cs *.- s -»-;’-\ ?• tS-''-’ , t'^m-ft-' L ' i i '< a’ "- }-f?#ttyzPti f '*. “ ,, .|. .'■r l^ T i>;i. -„ iILiTORSi/.Ht Amrtirnn by E r.' |ti». '-' 1 *‘. ‘ : 5 * V- ' ~‘Z <-', rV, 1 ,ii/]go>>l!,Kill>p!3tesot!-nimiclAdwTiv.'Jawnh\v!;rilii- . ’-, t • '. ~j - . .'. i - Hati>ck.ji-iir>VA!fiiinJfr HartilWh, Fiff I CBr - > !■ ■ ' V - : P. -dolmßandolph bladefltTvTjoW'nol'---' '' r ’v ' ‘ -•-' > - T s'Anh S ur r ° m Bu '" , ’ es ' 1 ’ or > lhe Tt'chMan’s JW Bj'- • t •*''~\~,C!"'-- ' - v Th^Bhovejualreceived andloranleby' >; j ')- 1 * A ’ J .f'-if..'* J.‘ '.•t ,' "*"~ 3 I '« v ’’ r I f_sffwSfafiS'atoSTmUm.'.-‘7;f I"' .' . ' -‘CA i'- *' ' f-C C‘ r v‘ •'--' x .^,f>\f'. I chant#. Al*o. Importers ot Soda Aa>H and Blt*nci*JT » '4’ . ,* ~ /{> \ « i*'* ’>■ * j,'v ,< ’ f Potvder, i\0,160 Liberty tlrcct, Pmbtiurshj Pa. leejiS?' “■ .' ~ , f ..-. ' - V— 'f:,-' I '.!,, ‘••■y'-.. ’ ' ■* - "'' "i y j; Si&~-’ r > . a . 7 a» ’„ V- r- -.' ■ ■• i. '" •- « ■• r ~ 1 ' - 3 * ~ 1 <• t . “ , t „< -it*- .v f ->• o-- , ' 'i» - s -'• ~ r - J«-- • “ ' " r-V J r ' ‘-V ' ’ • . : '»» “ a a\-'- - :,- '■ ■ y. - V -r '-r •<": y+'rfM - C t t .A i A y : ,<3 '^= /'••-'’ r ~ i^v^V J ! &4' * **; vTr y v r «>\ hr?:% 4 -r - r~ % r ■‘i.i „ i-^/^itS-SfeLr^v 1 * ' i t .■* /-v -f '■*"-I' 1 f'“VC UlNßOlOtlOllr » nd f»per JSMnbKitbmnC, vAo.rM.iJiW, iWMt ■taKceni#titt&'mtdißUafimi. rrUJE.iqbsfl«|>etaJravejii«opened, auks abort-aiand. : JL. a large stock of.rdiffeient: qualmM;'Bn)M. a6'j:t>i ßu f; ; \Vhileandßlii»:WriungnudJ,elterPnper,Cunimerdnl ; ailiiiiEoeketiPßsif Rol.CapitDemy 1, and’MediaHi AVriling v! Paperforßlnnkßookj,-MedramandßoyatCo)oredPrint mg Papers, Surface 1 Cards, NOS. ,2, 3,4, small and double small, Medtoo, Demy nnd.Capßay Books and ledgers, superior paper, : and beateaelern bindingvSchColEooks.nll kinds: Quills.. GoldJads, Ink, Wafer!, War, Bill Files, Ll .Blank-Books, of .ail sizeiuTtiiedtopnitern, and bound ' iu tho moat substantial manner r • Country Mercbnnts>Mir | i>nei} , al ■ the lowest wholesale - prices for ca iijor RAGS at cash prices „ 40B.PIUNT1NG, Having n. Job Office in connexion wuh.our establish*- : mem T \vearepreparedto eiecuteall'ordrrsforplalu and &» nun s ? “°° kB i Circular*, Burinesar Ganisjliilla.oilfaduig-jite.fwilhdespnich.andat low. P*“\, w , ELUOTT & ENGLIBH No 78 Wood st,bet Fourth and Biomopdaile) « A 1 oor storeun Market BtreetfceftveenThjrd and'- toarthy may pt all.urnes be found alarge/stockofTheo logical audsMucellodeoas-lfooks.---Nfew Booksreceived as soon tu published; and sold nt the lOwCst price* The publications oftbe AroencanSjupdaj School Union and Maaiaeltusetifl Salb-ib-Scbool Society alwajson hand. : vCatalogne* : = ; ' - - . BWcih* & ENGLISH, Market Forth A SONS fiiSlwSgiJli FuatnsiiißQ U^D^BTA'&EH8 I fofngr flnt f .- ni •7tP r jt Cfa/r *rtr p flp/*»triTM Etc&angt V'V r . vlv JtotfL Entranet on Pmfi tu, * ‘ pfrufullj inform their friends and itne pnbltA thdt .ibey 'nro prepared to (liriuMh oHit aitend loeverything in lheltn* of Undertakers-. as they Late : flH 1 * hasiHeiw ot. C«l>iuei MaVhjff^-.auqjbcirauemion ! . wiU’hC'Uerotedrallogethcr toifieMiUDVe husmess.keeDa'-' large apartment 01 COFHNS made ondfiunihedrcover ed, aml lined in the neatest 'manner, with a - variety of" : - materials, iruri at all prides, *ehecp SHROUDS read V made, oi all tuxes, of Flannel, Cambric, nnff Muslin, at uUjmces. and made in the eastern alylo;; tmdalt other ' articles necessary lor funerals, of quality and price to boh SILVER FLATES or engrravmg the nnme and age-. ICE CASES J3r larnifr the body in ice, % iho*e who \\i h to keep their friends auy length of time, and have ZINC PANS to patltft m v for laying on Ihe body, LEADEN Coffins oltVAVroii hunct We have a splemluluev HEARSE and a pairoff *L n . e . «9*ses, oiid any numhcroEthe bcslearriOiTe&r*ic-V : prompt, punciuaL-and "" aaglP-y , # 3 . TT Take notice. Z "'A m»rl7LPirdtbu*d toAJjbUrs «Seh < Ju^o^^4^ 9^ .-;«i . dO"—'-*• {JOi"' • vr::,v -V; ' WXI prime green, ** _ *? 7j-hf che«jts assorted Teas, 1 .0 caAima * L JLa»aJ»g»M®,j _* sofabd Sawn ’ 40 bb!s Tea, To b s^ I S ISS Tr^ “ , S?‘ ilas, ■ SO do Tobapco 1 .p nMormTtmofairfcindaofGroceneaoft baud at the new warehouse of KDWXBD HA4LEXON k 8 1* 4 * North-east cornrt'oflhelhapipnd T\HE°PPSTO»aCAMDANTr.OSr SPBPTICPIU.g AJ llie general properties, of these ?M*firtfCanmna me, Pomim* qiju W 1,1 U.e wSsX-dSorSS. - nnMnp from jraprudencMn diet, &c > todrai cfckne s a,, d *AiinieM~of th e siamach, heartburn,ieadheheirMt. trheTc a, nedifctne is required, ibi« p reparation, is^Ver’ apphcabT6, for ita.. cann»ml«e or. Aooihing-affects rive almost immediate Telief,when nauneaor suknePß«ii&i» iu par gallje operation -upon the slomuch omf bowels is genile ncd ■eUeelmih-aiid'jts tonic properties j’nmnrt -' yiirengih.to entiWinir tap *?* *“ n rcducetJ frop* 60*19 1 85 ■whofesalfe-aai retail, by IT A^FjiVitOvql M°oS“ A rn^ LKR * far su t m ° r ' r ° ■» sn'?R ,ni4r -' C J rl is ■ ia * , F' T **woof SSniS^?« l3& 0 /!if w 0 l «*P*»wfrl4 of MoTgau'*Vronr b KiUer, foedfch them The loumreu passed 34 tnwrtf* tbe wnaljesi.could uotbavemeasuredless than? : niches. The eldest pnapedsojarge.a-mimberihai n p i to.count them. ; Lbave used aU thenona* lar remedies befort the public for wmbmkffSSir ; A elearcoqsciepce, Morgan VVVonmKiiUiriiriiir m 1 penor to anj now before the |ioW»e. !. *'.? W * -} •‘PwnnMii n , > a IKersiown t AJlcgben\ count) pn S% u r, 4 JOHN D MOBfiAJC - lBt * > ... v ■■Proggist»Wood..sgcet»PiifbHTgh " y (along Chanierst,) Flrst'lVaW, Allegheny piirnrnV Monche ler GEORGE DRAHER' bwfi^^uSbS- ctaebiuejreuUbOaLov e place, for tafmug oinairworkln hJs]me,aud is prepared £1 "*“* drf,W **»»,*» oStomeS Drfessed flooring boards Riding, *e,aliui) g 0& baud A large nnoitUn ofdnedfloonnelumbhron bahd, 71 rented ** fr °? Wcs ' e {° promptly e* f „ v IAOTOi ’ He mo) he caluulto J and employed , 4 iff matioe examinations iq machinery in iha Eammiji 1 J fice and elsewhere, in mnlishiug drotainga ai?d apSSfif. -.3 nonsof machines, anil all papers necessary to needle : 1 '■rWxfc®™ 11 -*or eiteiid ldtiers wnem ni the I ~ United Suites orEnrope. - He cm, also b"c™„rieS n » V nn!^ nl .otgue, qni’ruons heloreUie Palenl- ■ ' I Office pr an appeal therefrom, lor wind, hislomr exn?„ 1 djice tit the Patent Office and in his praffsijon Sayn He-' ' GuedhjTTi. nieptofesr ,Q„ill huiqiH’ssofliie late ' Br P J* Jones having hcenplactU win ‘hands, afl lei, paid" 1 telBll0 “ tilerel ° thpalJlid addressed 16. him posj DO* PittSlittrch Gatette, Piltshorsh Marmot Post end eldSff 11 , 1111 will cow s« months, elndpawm, nur»3om adveru “ er^ —^i ll Vmi J&ywa, ji So - 113 wood nr., . 11/ OUL.Dpnil ihe nllejniou of Ilie public fihe Inflift, > y especiall} )la hn well selected nssorfmenl ofbenn , oiilvS: and CHINA DINUfe AxxtttA - SETTS. Consifbiiff, in Ban\l i ,GoM;.ii(»i*. J w.-i', Foncry ondPlain wfltetW; Indmn o» having- beennuported this season, and are oftSem.; desirable at} les M lIODKINSOV ' aagSfl lIS 'good a.. 3 Foil. ' frtTlA aw »«*w granUnat uu^ OfJ wanted'bnuid^-smSox Victoria Pens, iaarreceived nn3 for «niAi«d ' trade ax New York iMcesJby q Ba,e *° 11,6 ggsasHfe PluMdph”d WSLe t ’ l: - en ; ,nln . KraJlllin j * * «epn TVBnmwfi' “*?*? s * ,oon *'Waoa«Ke«r" *■ P , SSS^£3SSSjSSSfSSSBKT^^ unturned,l9 promoteshe comfort, pleasure, or™ml! " of our visitors, ami lomake theofd Knole j ?~u? lK andkndbffnll sfaflure lab'lalTmem ,n,h P Cream, (mmral/«f,) Peaches'and C t "n£alS&. " soon u they anise,) yrith.aU other condiment* m«K out'preredeni 1 g7"BaUa Bgd frfrnn&ett i» n*ual fV rt^ ’ - t * -.•-„ ..• ,••• • i ~ ~ v /* , i r * - NEE z r* It* - *'•> c r ,->1 ~