The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 27, 1848, Image 2

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    :-c, T - * x IV‘i''-rr- v : • : ~f.- i '-t‘ v ';• V. .*■.“- 1 * .“v■\xvy"-. ..-. ■;■ ;y ; : ;. -,-. xyyc ;b: >x'w. ? >
?la?>?n' T ‘•, V'" ’ - s :, ' ( -‘Bxx'v jfir l X'* •’;-/ , VPS ”' "t' [•■ .'-<' -. <\ ' /,■"■' ' '•: ' > 4. C-.,•%-•_ 1• xX '.'.Xi
■ -, ’‘. /v '• 1 •■ t x'-x xx ; J -'X ---.. ;. ,o,\ , •-•-. ‘ •'*' X';X x- 1 r -'“ -■,-,„v‘„£-. / %'•
. , x- ~ ,--V-- ' ’-• ,-. > r, . _ ... '■ ' x r x~. -. x.•> . ?*x - , .-vx- - - ■ vx'xxxj?". iSa,
V’4- • Xx- ’ -. -' .■ •-; X-- Y'-X .-X” • x X - ■', X fVY-KXXtJI
1 « .x *-■„ , v <■ .'"<■'} ,\‘ *• *- - v vjs - » x x' x : * - * - If « **/ i -t I*? £&-} - VfX
" ,- v 1 • . ."i .•' *' *x',. -. _ ,-; t -y 1 ' X.'' - ‘ ..-v",.:- ' ■ y‘X
I^f^-'vr.'X? -i; v' ’ x L'
'- ~ x - .., - . ■. : - - I '.’ : ; ~,,,4
„ MM..: ix iMir' Ik iHorning lM(jffs by TeUgraph! -, 1 ■-- - lx
■*' ‘ 1 "’* ' r -*x:'-.r> I■~ '■ : «ro£ c FhoS‘mSSU»e^c|a/Ge n . Reported for the Morning Poßt. ; - -' ; --‘vT^sT
. for tidbit*- ..>V^
£&\\ vlljaioy .a *B- .*, i/V.:. , . -IV/V5
; eraliaro; and it is, Ifiorerore, Bqt to 4)e,wpadcK!d
f»j*s&&t>sj;\jJSv at, shguldjhuse all those* ifho Sse?.
w “>> *• government especially if not fully com
tmttcd to their odious.doctrines, which is a rare oc
: ihat we.
have seen, in to the effect that he rctod to let a l»iiliiiliili«
ffimereTTtjrJa iiageir ori the aame Beat with;
hinnelf, -TTfaja infamoqs Jie is circulated in the'Ga- 1 "
zettc; eSrfed hv onewhoy-Whre told, m*ke. pre
teoaions to,piety. This to a very likely atory* to be
told ofthemati.who »ae one of that band who Vol-,
Innteerei'to defend the. northwesterit frontier, in
tSl< and endured all the hardshipe oinhat cam
-paign, Where there were no roads, where the army
s'ib's.’''sitj!ihTtt was compelled for several succeeding nights to pile ;
};’Bs*x' , 'C>'! logs together, in order to keep the blanketson which
■ they of the water j'and ; who.for‘&veral :
stJ^ftr*Si , daye subsisted tm green com alone! This to a pro- '
'hab!e'Btory,’.to bfetold , Qf. , a:plon'cer,of:the'w;esl* , whO; :
travelled on. fool across the-Alleghenres, in order ;
»i*-^»2's i 4;|tV : .!l to make himself a home In the West. This is a very :
m probable story,-to be told of the man who did more
to impravfe the chancier of the popnlation ofMieh- i
igan, whom he found there, than any other man pp. J
■i ! ‘'iiX^.V’;- : v Jl;' bably could have done. Bat it to in perfect keeping 1
with the character of the man who knew all about, 1
the/nc/s connected with the publication of “ Pres- !
bytensn Tract, Jfo. l;»and who, whtot closely
jaidjn.rclatinnito.that.mauerj.'wsisi.lbkedJtcsidniit . “ '\
he had uttered that which r waa' tinU<i’d.V-itliai p»r-
feet keeping with the manner u> which the Federal :
f^ party spoke ofGcn. Taylor, before he became their . " •’
" v- .°iV
„ X - •* >
‘4-> -X,,
X‘ -i U
M>r .1 V <
'&*&&’<?/> r **4?*?"&&• * 4*i « ~* t'v
Itksrf'tt'V-' \ X*‘ y 'f OV.V f ; \ r
xl;. ' ■ c< i y
y‘i»‘’■ J;,
pr; : *‘ : -i-;itX-’ ■-x-••;-:
r s**-« *r / Bi- : T ’- 1 , . '- & v
Vitv ?■?-'- r -1, I X
* *‘£ « rr * , .
'"J ?* r "
.vr^p-’ x vu^ ; x : b
■M^4 : -iV'-Sv:X x.::
.'; v- i-r-’iifx
Vff ? r ■" '■■'! ’' ■' : ■
;Si.x'Ai;-:rB w - .v>
sfeX'llSiir-rif'.-.-p-v - ; r, ,
Jf-x - x l . % i 'x*, 0
sS2^4^v:v^ I*^yr*J’-/• 1 *^yr*J’-/• -
I 1 P ,;f r."'*'*;
iliiilllSil® i :
„ . : FurtWT'ift»inpt*,,Qt Fraud.(!*?**„
st -’; £;-'A«,jhet , «d#rsli»J»trta^enD^ljirth»Uonuppn i eleg^: : ■y&.-a-jji. twEt#
....... ipnnnpigww V~'■ iamang ifilMDentott-at*;theyiawslmiaingP« l '!>?■#s*' <ttte a
... t HARPER, gDITOH AMD JBOPRIBTOR Wfo & e Tfew,W»nd States, Ohio, Wisconsin, djWtctetK been, »*«?-—_ |
‘ PITTS B U RG44: V 100 a and Michigan, they intend to drop their 6i(n' 'and sentenced lf shine of them \vero s and paw THE VtOTOUX M _
ticket >and vole the Free Soil Ticket, iwth 4ll priion * few months, tve do not belters' injttlice V-
Van Boren at its head. This idea is held out, vtnh "jvouJd-be done *_ w^^^J^9^^o&J6dflitt Ji'jjas l _ _ h,?****®* ®5 mo '
a Tiow to encourage such “Dotnocrala .. have jemed Jim Bon.. wan ,n a short foond g.,„ty of ' £s!&B^f^JgS* m ZZ
that faction Jto adhere tothe'posijion Ihjpy Ip?-? leafing %pa|r orQhoea. The Jury came in .hortly W. WinterOoirf&4Mlu&4 variety ot ihfje of C vi f» f
.-- abolitionism, not a roan or their parly, whatever He was a picture of despair aqd desperation., His ~* do i i-rt-nL 1
IT may bo Ins*present professions, will tote against ( „d,eaUve J LUWcw'lefi&L upon the judge. . tfTtW
>o Taylor! The grtfcumg Democrat, »*» who « before, the #«£*s!& 'Vjohnifcar. ■ VR7 i£ta M «nWt,|H^of
’« c “> under jdeh circumstance., adhere to the norm- some emoltot.; and ivitsthaa-called you 4s ftM-lfemi on course; Wh TamUleS Vote la Schuylkill
jTJ 1 nation of Martin Jtgren, ib a traitor pr ine aDy thiDg to. say ?^-asked-the of ;JP «ireet iolld netitf; riv:■:■■
blackest dye: because, while profcßslng to desire «false world, and, as he offtSe witness- v-'l „« A A ,a » '
JJ? the triiimph of political truth/he ia directly:.aid»ng esi mada a chari|ctensticspeech*''-ThoUnflattge : -fivci chambcrs-and-gnrrtr t tiv,o ccUara and t 4^fjshgj. loom,
yo tn tho triumphof those'Mvho have been continually. ordmarfmenwemjghtquotefrommemwj^utia, If V - 1 Pm^Wat^^ 848 - , 1
to, . warring against'every fundaracntal pnnciple- by beg to be excused fornQtattexDptipg.eveDaiT««line; - >^ ; ■,. i; .. - A ,.. j
«ri .Mli hatt which h«,ps»flMse»-to:l(ej^ii»e4f:’.w--.v.- : ,'-.«'ii'V-::''i'v-'-- ofctberemarks of:tWdisunguished:.indi«idtfal; kv~ «|j(i^;:ft.-r^>iim-,Ki»isr-^s-^S4^Ssh(fci^SMfcftsr<
.en tritianithol “ w— , The sentence of the Court was one year In the T)DSITI vyl^SAl.K,6painctfs!i,« McEmrig's Aiutim rebeHtmtMujiJett?} grin led, wilWhfl on
ji Feaernl VtUntny. p. n) ,, , Jr Moomtj of Thm&rcmd-hantt clean- a continental war. 1 , 1
O etatemento tobedueetper- The PotUvllle Emporium contains a. number of F oumshment waa inflicted for the TieCßdefhhaabtoVe patltf Er.gT*Blf * < .
;.“ orl * ‘5 ey < t“ ®* ln * affidavit* of laborilig men in Schuylkill co*nly, who ; ■ 's' : '■--j ; -'-'' i: a-'.«' «>lii.'willioat reserve r ao the ifehcst andibelt bidder, nf
..ot only to Gen. Casa,but to the other officers purpose of whealmg” the convtet., Hojias.lwed in McKenna’s Auction, Hooma, Ho. U 4 Wood aufel, three / v,,S a ‘
D men composinglhedeUchment of troops refer- have heen ducharged frnm pn which they, !jjy/j,. Teari'-’Uh'iti'been liis onlv hotneia-hels doorsfrom-Fifthi-mrneconnjo£whomitmayconcern,^
K ..a order "Wj* °“ »«SW »u uo other pile., TP sentence h.Oi to thrf v '
% - Thiarsavery thebe., opportoul- '.tr guard? The toT-he «“b,y prwon wo'uldhe, bn, trifling w„h the intend ,i. fl«ar;TwS«iwW.
ltd j, the manwho did more : ty, of knoWmg all the ftets and;' of cnmnal law; and therefore,the mo>ese»ere putt- ind«-|daeleaUin6hitnseU<l)elnesonrlSil«j-:o;B,Alerafi
raa.nsfaTKWiJssrs.’S -.
-ar be found there, than any other man prfw tentton to the subject, and of reqnestlnginrormaUon upon their word or any or their pledges. The/«n hlln - ' ' " . under Ade-lett by
could hare done. Bnt it is in perfect keeping urtegdrd lothe situation of the detachment at the n „ of w .., c t l e 9 whom thev have already bought up Another lareehy case was taken up. A pair or oct37* ’JAMESMcKENKa, Anct eiee *t bales at
‘ with the character of the man who knew all about ''.“J j f .? ul I s ca P’ ,n^ ' v h«ther i, was not in- }* .. • A th t t, E f or e the end of 1848 shoes was stolen, and two neffocs, John Marshall 'TUSTRECEIVEB AND FpßliAl,B—aow lb Cornr- bhf t ,l 1
a - ... „ -„ n „ clnded therein, and, by the law of war, was not here vuti find this out nelore me enu oi joao. ’’ D ,’ „ . _ rfi try Bacon, ShonldeW ind-Sldes Tt will be wild low; ’ , ,
jrthaß’- -v- of “ Pres- f’ btmnd t 0 s i,f eß der with Ih'erest of who r'*' •■» and Wm.Gteenfleld wero charged wrlhthe offence. ,%iiafulMa foetun * CUMMINB SfbMITH Baslnesegeneraltydull. The t firttapiar|«t 1| de-
• ' -Kef wfla Gen.'Casa’B poCUon in. The Vote Tor Governor In Ohio* Mr.McGow&n who keeps a shoe iiora-on Frdnt ■■■l prevsed* , wuhJlra«ted^trtilsacUoii»i.''.s^ l^-^v^:.^v^.';-'V^%'::>> : i'
- " ( In the Ghip Statesman of the 23d, we find the was the prosecutingwiteessj ( £reenfie!d pleadguii*
- [ vote in all the counties excepting nine. Those re- ty; Marshall protested Ins innocence. The shoe*
1 turnS| (says that paper,) are taken from the footings ; were taken jlj'daylight jtnd while thepropfiefcr was
VT’ ; tip oar table when the whole returns are in. Bntwe hear the Tetaicl. , , J± s " '
‘ would apprise our feadere that even they are hot The celedrated Vtfgin aUey*“^eetmehl”' cc«c, Ift '
’Vg strictly to be relied Upon,os some of tjiem hayc been was next taken upland occupied jhe remainder of “br*^ale»'ofC}tf^ljs-«9ft3jjMbl.--'
sj, erroneoutiy-footed up. What effect it may pfoduco the session. . All; were negroeir, and - the; lawyers j his bwn'fiMrteo'lbsrt. taid r (
V we know not. Votes havo been thrown out that grew sery pethettcon the subject of the wrongs in- 1 *l* iwfffOteiZWti. __
may be Cnslly counted in, and rtet versa. The Aided on the contending parties. -■•'■’ ’ ; -.,-f3rain,--Salesf,p|;primftiWbitß t i, : „
Wl, rots not less close than it has boon tn our.own S'ate ..... b 1 >15.; sales of. Prime Hed at A iisibttshel. , .
'in.. “ Corn, sales of PnroeWhtte at62c.jads*’of 10,000 ' J— —-- ■- f „ Z~tfr -f>
kttahel* ef Prime, Vefiow ai B&d f / U ?7~ “ ,
-r Whiskey—Sales tptbhls st?4c. / , i , j ''*• i-)'
Tii, Brovtstont— l hewof hosafti . t*}* r ? k-^'i
T W tide,worthy df report M “]?££); , t - T »
’ l_ PHIKiBEEBfIIA ? i "~ A > ~
v WO > - PtttLADttKrr*; OetobnrSfl—-rl 11. - " r " ’ '.
aKow—The market. IsMitsgnsnV Ebur.lsfhefd,, v - > '■
iSr'nt irithftoteales,a, %J’ teTi , e , ' v t Jr '
' "S 5;. Gram—Ending tales of PtUhe ef - 'j . J '
“ouri *i;i®f > 19; of Prime #UY^t i ie'fforn: , _ ''
spafl saftsof Pnmef Velio*, d 67@6^, '-; A , 5
nerot PfarlsiopsTire unchanged, t, tTif, UO* * ,
Cotton and tlroceries-Sio qnlet.'' t■» *>• * ' c" ' » ,
/ --^hiskey^aioaet^^^r^,,
if • BtTTsßtfffaTh. jab'" fid»y "*»<■' l ’
Wm aa»aaig'JhA»Mr«Pßßatffcfjgp -
,r Ant miJiAtitah} Stub orpiMlrfrltbfiiftrTie f ' 1
/l P’arvuJsarni’MtthciniFt fa'
f -theFourths!) a, , v *
ff rpHB subscriber* rr«peetf»lt>-ffv<, noticetOthArcn? ■-
JL lomet omt the pnbhegeMrnllyvttiM dieirfeO&uiife j * V
x '~ \
t Si andJlQiy»SJ’lants, all are urabcullltF eon- * . -s
% dmon t i- c 17
? FRUIT TRPE3, Consisting-of PearrjPJunl,, * »* j
jf Peach,. Cherry, Ajrlc6r, _ '
8 TREES—Vir AildulnS, 1 | - „
? AfiUt Sndsr Maplff*3EngUshr Landf* f
■L -Lotabarar Pnpiar 7 Balm of '-GfteatffrflgoplA** 4
Willoivy Bfitkedj^dtsTuhJi
.-r auf,T^utawnt|>riwP e n^SjVW«eWns l AshHfSfifii4i Aih. >
ir EttglwhSycamore *7 "
Mr r Cedar Anmcui Ahoxvitea. X3»n«feo ArittwriteSf .
Box-Tree,-ilpngiit \«vyAtp«scsh4lcny,
£ ’Earopewx 1 lolly, Wbn«? Pine* fioffotr* sprS'eTSWsam ■* v
>: Fir, wlvef rir, sco}eh J l^4fe(mO(*C'Sp«^d| f /Bcp(ch t
•r 3roonuJkc*»Ae - v— -x~ ~~ . >L> * <- x
y GREEN tfOUSR FtdtiSTSfaft* * t r
i ‘ - - 4
« If —All orders mu t'Ecopebtnjwnietlryith the cash - t
€ Oreouslactory rrfcrenccsc' '-a i ? , Ssa -
t Flonis eorenillypacled, end seat nccordinsaosiirec , > t
U ■npnsv.tomin'-part.oi the United Rtate*., , , V «
J Perthns wsbuig ja pmafauyn their „ | „
a teottjd do teellio give nsacall.jis -tat v Uu4k,^w ih-yer- , . , } . :
gsecnscaauothcAarpassed West os-dte KTonmautß, bow ' f , r - .
4’ coveting soirte nerrtof pouM,oni3 hombifriagfroroW I . '■ >
- iosolhoU«iiiiO,agleatSiuinbttorwhTeb»r4ot«sSfcrsiie < 1 ' * >
fortranspinonby- ’ ( ; * ' - ,
Ttrdlia-daiidShrnMieiv Planln.gfjCrQmedl.oaicontracT, i , ~ .. .
nnreMonaJile.tsitffik. l v W,— « ~ .
t We wish sill letter tgFotm.eddie»Airmreit(iW»lk>ns, - « ,'
P O near Piu bargb, where the> will firuMmmedinte ■> „ t
nttenuon ' . j . , Tj, . 7
' Orders leu witb-Atr Jamer MoiHoofinJSroem andl j ,
leather Jfenler near the corner of SeTeiub u »§d Snrllb „ /
Said streets or atontwandon morfetdaygroOterkes * * _ , -/
street, promptly attended (o , , ' > 7
TBe public m freuecfll srti'nivitrnlo exambn, - ■’■
onr stock Simmfoiltovirifi-TVeivrnoaany day rxcrpr ->
Sabbaih {oedffJJwt} &,JAfl. I«URDOCK „
i TUST Bf CfIVRD W'f 'f,CI ’ = 1 - V + '
f -v~*Xhanap. or tho Son of-Uk Count and-ltejwhtf* of * , ■» , fc
if luugpcompleu* bv'ATmpttidrpDbniaß 1 " “ *
of the FTetorul Cn‘ih6&c il i?ew , re , ua / * ’
i . - T / *.'
:v < : the ediiom! up*rvl«on br thjAl Joha - w c ’ ;
• r , * Huffbes *■ . . ' p i
«nd Thftff Tb tune*,or RQse. Blanche s r
and \ tolet, br <* If L&vns* Esq * 9 „ .4
AU the fintfu-ft Magazines, f<v Nftwmbfft.
The Manner of lheATww,Of * 1 s *
temaT»il<'of f theMcx.iCtttf Wttrr'hyAjrrimf Armstrong , s
'• Pocket fitfctrfflpiiLvor oveiy ontjpvowu rbyix£iAnj by
?:■ WUHam Young.kf V i** ■» v
► Lutet)sLmng'Age,N<r S 3& i ** ni -* *
Askoo-lake Usa.Comedy;i7 1 j r * x
A 1 a, alUite numbers ofsibfr HeVisedJhtraay-on bond ■* %
and for sola. »- 1 y * j
4 BERFORP of.AUegherrr'totttf'ib* - , >
r, gs* Sofitii&br*rfccx v j&ci2o ■» f
I I * 1 aTS 1
[ % 1 **Nsg
? *
!■ y ■**-
J“ JUCKWHFAT PtQUR-A prime suttlcle an. 40 » 1 r „'
Jacket constantly on
“ 5 tulcsbax soire*. U <- 5 “
. ; mHESECOHO AHSVAI. SOIREE on*na AtusonssT «- , ' 1
_X Fan£atm3iY t tobegi«eniajhel>aFajrett«Assem ,
sbly Eooms, oit, 1 aisb.lB4B. - »
Si; ~TWahn,’ J Itope OaEOoiE«qJ l Alleg , -> S c j,. r
! kvauc BtMMBBr-r ’ f , ,• -
i •; . -■' s
% .W,MrtoretreEE,Kggle. _ SiwmtoV . t , 't ’
? f.OavBS, Bagueane. * “ i 1 i
i? Poarka, Nepmne {X.greritwcx, 7 “• j a
I- i - asp v= : .}>
K HonorableiheJodgea-ofabeCoartof tlowier . 7^“
ll X 3e» ofjtte Peaqerju efutfor the cotuity of Atte-
1 i. ■ -h,
! j. •
i; lagbouse-mlie-Ward -nEiTeniia, dod rtat your ». ' 1 <-
fi Shore a , ' i
t nnblie house oi enterfnliraent AAdrvoqr netlildiet, as :r !-
induty t)Oiind,\Yi!t pray, ‘ ' JOHH.FOXAtiIi. , r , i ;
;; We, the snbsetbera, enftehs of the atbreurd Ward, 4o vr*
;■ cerufy.: thal i!ie above petiuoncx is of goodrehule for , , . -
| honestyarul temperance, andKweltproV&eirwiHrtoiise J ? >* - ■ > ,
% ntflalAttAioineniencesßn theaccoromodationof trev. * * qr'
elera end other v»ud-Uiat taiA tsvern Is necessary < r ' #>.
p Roady Patteir)ioa,TJobn‘Cottwtight;JtEboaca;q.Bar. J , - * .
% nettjV Gncieir, OW. Etipest,Jdm Campbell,* Soh- ' m ~ 7 ' J 4
£* » -- 1 -r * «,' '-'V
Si p " 'l' 71 •■*■.' t < "Ig.
y gerieral that ~
onjtlarketetreeii«econddoor from Second meet, wheri , '
l-i he has, surd always keep* on- harid, o ftUl'ossMWttnr of I p * ~ , **'
ij Readj •'madeTaiihlonabfeCtotbing.wbwhbe wiltiell on r .
tj the mostTenponaWc terms; for OABH - - t ; -> i V4fs>
£ He. also wishes to call iho attention of lus *ienos and , , r'-j.
the hnbho m general to Si? vety exteninwSrselesUoti or , ! .. !
.-£. French. E/iglirh and Belgian Ciolhs nnd Cftiwhasies»re
i; eddßua vanelTlinigTesHnlts Z 'j-. ■* >
* ho hnsselcetedlnmsclf nribeEs«i'ind’JJ^s«lf rt nj," r <_
i»i made.To qrdej in n-supeiinr.oiancervOl “isrsr w: or ,u.
fi; HeadGoarterr, S3| Inpeoy W«t,ila|aJW^ m ™ &Co ( i 1 H S >-
* *!*»*“ ,SFia*rr“ l
•R T^tejlTSTtt^ J o?sSSg weafltt i« rf #| l it ! " »' k"+t
"4 A nrti"in *wieresft n dVpttu , g* T («ilie u - —, h/ * "
U towt ,M 0 which I ff9tf2J£uiYi(r 4 s <* v
S uon ofroy and other in want of cheap and * - - *
ft weilmnac.qi^ht^r— 1 s * t
i ocegj V 7 , * %
4 ■ftVPfcV FOR SJO-ki—Will bfc : »oW.ctearp J r ‘
ir 4 J for soon, i new Buggy mads end finished In fin I - ,
b« rate Style Appryfo r SAS bldOUlßELTmlor t .-*-.4
PCtgl Thlfd st.,n?«rWoop. v, - \
@ JWIiOItR-a< bbta FamilyFJoorjja.supenOt 7 , '4 ~ 1
I tys"***"**'
j>| A B&rtrsona pf Rebecea WiA. , * , < - 1 ”
ft -tA. er, d<dj} nte of NorCiFoyette t&Tnahlp, A'legbe- - s •*,
K uy!Comitr,arft:bereUj‘»iep»>-
ntsnua.iKii4<niisenbers'—and,all persons baying,Olaitns • . t.
% ~ - ir.
f \ * \
I ? '■;
fc - r ’“ r -
‘’• - - , r , -
* '*'►*.!- r, ; , r ’ll V T 'ifvJiee/ " *• A l » ' r \
-■< / - - Si >SA .-v A' 1 lA‘:
! . r% 7 '-v;, A f j :-* ' “ . sv: . * A'- H '
. i \i.,. .i: 1 ' t, 7 - if- - '. - - ‘ . ■' .. ' . -’1.7- ' - 1 . ■- ' -7 , - .fi i'.f-- 1
- “'i • 1J V " e ,' ~ , , v t . % 7 ' ; k y * s. 1 - r -r y- » „ Aa ij > AAcA, A ■
' 4', "u f ’ \ 1 s A f r - t " :<a»‘ ' ; ’ t i.' * !a.;< *y - V 'V,'
'03"« RaVingJuJl sonfidwiw-tAYour nluutie. »^I C J
7 *+, ms. cudearefl to every true Amencari ?
rf IIA 4e«iroy >live ««jpn»laftdepenaeace, not ;
~-, i
" tfn’Heatrta tfeiurai CM f _
- " J „ tost VICE PRESIDENT, *
-:'WM: o. butler,
jWt. 1?A VP KSNTVCKV'’ -1 ;* •>
‘ wssfisss
lathgva _ ~ '
' Brats®, of Clearfield
- Davjb D WitiEsss* of Nonh«mpwt>-; ■
t « .'A*; 1 s?-> T • •;;. ;>»•;■«v'r«;:--Tv .gttrttVrißlTA.V'lMMtoßCTflM-•• ,-■ v- ■
I. Heart V BEtn**, PMladelphU County
O Hassß-KiausV do City.
HI. toAAPSStranc, do„ County
IV A L. Honwont. do do
■ i’ - '■ v Jaco»3. Yosf, Montgomeiy no
m- ,•’ VKRoiterE.Wbioh*, lAfcigh do
. VH Wiiri.M W. DowoCto, Cheitor do
- ” VHL HaatrHAiaoun, Lnneutet do
> > ' IX. : P*nE*.Kutn£, Boris do
• X.' BuXA*oS.’B<!BooSo»*«,MonToe do
XI Wtt. SmmJutß, "Wyoming do
J f- XH JoitAß Binmr*, Tiofpi do
• > >' RHTJoust C-Ttoio,Clinton. do
. - -XIV. JoustWunutAtt,Hebunon do
f I3CT. Soditxt J Tun**, York do
>. TCVT ntaMiatSjnrtt,. Franklm do
„« . XVH Jons CEswun, Huntingdon * do
a XIX.:Oso»on W. Botnuit, Bedford do
.o » I «»JCX. Joat R. SHASCtoi, Bcnvor do
\ .XXI ’Oxanoz P Hammou. Alltghenydo
‘i. +XSM- W.H,DaVB, Crawford - do
*■ I'cs-tt' -XXlHiTtotcnaylm, Potux do
JOQY. J*M»<3 CA»iSU,Bwler do
' .r fflotwttg Itoat lob JjJrintina (Office.
' ' “RT* Having aides to ourEttabliEbment, a splendid
'-'-Staarn-FDwerFriuling Machine, we ure prepared To do
mll'kiiidJ-of NeWsphpernnd Boole wortin-astyle n > un
■ * benojyani neainfJK'andiiipouiiaewoet re*--
- aOitabttrterms. we jcapcClfully aolirit the patronage of
<> ' »he Jmolic in thiulme of our buaineas
■ ITTB Vf CARR, United Stoles Newspaper Agency
- . Tflaa BaUiinA. N, E.-comer of Third and Ifockatteets,
'*ad4oo North Fourth atreet—lsonronlyauthon«a Agent
’ AHvtrmtrt theirfavetl btfor*
-■ -■ F; 2f. This mutt be complied tti lA.rn order lain*
.•beeanwamtem. tfArnmirwJiAii, anfarhrTfcsurircuhi
hi frt/errtd - _
' THE OLDWIG-WAM’ •—Draocsaslc
-r.-;..vrig^lP^HaA6.opoMaat—The:.3t- Clair -Hotoe,
<’ 5- : the Waelungton CoffeeHeose,) open every evening,at S o’clock,
a w o tdmlalbirthe Presidential Election.' Democratic News
papers, Docmnebis,
- firfodsipon-the mhlear The "Deniocrais generally, ana
• ' ahW'Srorkulgmen.phmMlStly, ire tnvded to honor the
v OldWlgwop with their pretence oetl3
\TT4JriSjnffiilll eflhe Denwersey!
i* * v
_ -w.
v The Democrat* of the two Cities, and County of
- Alleghany,-wiU meat -on Satuuat rrmuro, Oct
3§,tt7 o'clock, F- H.,3t McANCLTY S WARE-
HoUBE,£a*t »IdepF-the Cab a}, pn Penn street.
Fcnruyltxmfa onut bi Redeemed/ Rally frost
„«reryWard and'lhttricH *
'' Tfckmeefingwill be addressed AyMcasts.Charles
ShslmyWtlsonMeCendleas, Col.SatnnelW.Rlaek,
G. P; HataUWo,'Ajtdre w-BnrkoandW. W-Irtvin.
Other Democratic Speaker*, from a distance, will
„ address the meeting.
" CotteoM/coia: all,'
'/ 'Be Particular about Tickets*
■> 4 ' ytp maid recommend to oar friend* tn the *e*er»
1 a *l ttftpti** of thl« Bute, tho ptopnety at paying
--partieultrattentionrotheirticket*. Wehareaeen
. lb* mom of of Philadelphia county,
rose -of tho Democratic Eleetora of
pnated-iluituttn L. Roamfort. It should be Aootra
ici t. Eocwoar. '
1 ' The friends of Clem Taylor. __
, £ lf is Tery evident thattbe aympathlef ofGen. Tay
lor an not with the Democratic party) but thlscir*
■■■:. . eumstanee cannot make any difference in the coarse
‘of that party towards bin. They base done by
«od for him as-they have done for every mao, who
baa aided Iff elevating the civil or military character
. -They -have been willing at ail times
' to do him justice, and to see that justice la done tq
him by others; and therefore were not will mg to bear
him traduced, to favor one who was once a greater
favorite; any more than they were willing to deny to
that especial favorite the merit of long and faith
‘ fal service—erea though they considered him lack
■> >. jog in thattroe magnanimity which ever marks the
character of the most distinguished chieftains. Bat,
- while the Democratic party hie not been disposed
to do, or to permit to be done, injustice to a faithful
v pnbllesersaot, these baa been no occasion, there
-payer can be one—when that party were under the
necessity of fkwnmg upon or courting any man.
He Who has gained itasopport, has first commanded
' its respect, by at least the apparent devotion with
- which be hit sustained the great measures of gov
ernment contended for by them; and fn proportion
’ to 'the zeal with which he has aostsioed their meas
> sires, and the confidence he has manifested in them,
')us been the ardor with which they have supported
hitt. So far as it respects the past .action of onr
_ fatty it, has been singularly uniform in this pariie
. >:.• olaf; and every feature of Democratic government
,mrist become obliterated, before a contrary state of
things «haH,prevail. The Democratic parly has long
v since proved, that it dares to be just, and even mag
' -nammous, to its most vile opponents, and the me
mfejn( cjiejy country; nndit can therefore bear to
, be charged, by those enemiet with abating those who
- rendered distinguished services to their coun
- try; and 'whom they have defended against theat
t tacks of thoie now claiming to be exclusiaefrirndi.
/It'may be abate of a man, known to be honest,
■ tun the: communityj scoaedrelswba have
b^false testimony or otherwise, to prove him
' - srogue: it may be abuse oC a ecrupoloutly moral man
taetottwup, fnlhclr the blackguards
whtihavo sought to defame btm,andbnng him down
their OWnvileleyel: it may be oitise ora distin
guished sad devpted public servant, while defend
rfogjijnyc i"° position under the government,,!*)
" '■sSbW'who-theyore, Who Eave held btmfujF ,w the
W4rldaaiu a worsejthan savage monster, a hired
” a*tt*3ltl,ana a mercenary cut-throat;end whohave,
inalmos to very -way, shown tiiat they hate him;be-.
MJwrfiewns serving his country. If the man, or
- he party, occupying either of these laudable posi
% joni, can he iruiy vald to be abasing those whom
in fact defending against their enemies,
the Democratic part/, bo jnstlf
charged with havingaboaed, and continuibgtoabdse
/Taylor. We have placed before the coun
“ Withe saying respecting him of the sympathisers
the ''apologists of Mexico;” we
have shown ihst all tb oss, from whom such sayings
' bjve been, tho oppose™ of their
I «tEfxKSl | AJiewlis‘'defending at, and. we think,
wo have elderly established tbepro
of applying to their eourte no other or mlid
"i#rB*prestion,lh»nlhat of political sconndrejism.
In 1840, one of more than 100 reasons why Gen.
flatrraon should be chosen President, was—
« Because, m lie operation of the Florida war, a
war waged by one of tbe . most powerful.ofcinlitod
.nation*, against a tnbooC ignorantanddefenceless.
savage*, ftom it* Brat act w its laai, that or employ
ing Blood Hound*, we have witnessed A SCENE
OF BRUTALITY and inefficiency, which STAMPS
every,featurem which on intelligent, people may
jnsily look ugaiuts ruler* WITH CONTEMPT,”
Gen. Taylor rteommenSei the use of bloodhound*
. Florida, war j. hc was also one of its eondne*
,4or*t and, consequently, when not a « Whig’* can.
itT*' ‘ ■ * —>» '
■ilufate> he teas a brute '
In "1847, the Federal legislature of Massachusetts
** TRi war it a crime, and all who hate partaken
well fought ficldt fytve aided in ite perpetra-
Gen. Taylor aided in conducting the war with
Menco, nnd-reconmeodcd that march which Mr.
Clay aid ted to the war. But he wall not then a
Federal candidate. Be wit a ruminal'
Webster raid “ that all laurel* won in this war,
were wiled and dishonored 1”
r Corwin wished " ihe Meiicanalo give Taylor and/
Chandler raid, that « Taylor, ought to have been
cashiered Tor the.capitulation oUJonlerey!”
Greeley ahonted—'* accuraed be this uihimoua
war''i- - -
Prentice called it a “ war agairsl <3od!”
The Portsmouth (Ohio) Clipper raid—-"Wo.cao
forany office, much less the office oT Chief Magis.
Irate or this great nation !'•
The f(ew Hampshire Independent, a whig paper,
said* i
"He (Taylor) raises alares-for the marker, and
make* tnerchandiieof hia fellow-men. Hohaaono
hundred mother* with or without babies, for sale in.
the shambles. He/urni she* creole Yirginsforthe
inxuofNew Orleans.”
. The .Trenton (N. J.j New*, a* rank whig paper,
* “ What other claims has Gen. Taylor npon his
countrymen, ware, those growing- ont oTthis, very
murderous,thieving wart**
The Lebanon Star, another Federal <r Whig ”
“He [Taylor] is empbaticaiiy a has or wood
—an eiocotioaer in mfsmoas wars—aw iohoxabus .
tn sTAir AWAiss, and fit only forthe station be oc
And (saya the Boston Whig,) he is— ? .
" Amsn whose trade hts been war—hunting run
away Oaves, amid the everglades of Florida, and
hutchenngthe poor.Senuuoles,becausetheyharbor
ed the fugitives tend waging the clove driver’! tear
vpmjfhe poor, starving Mexicans: doing Hall, we
adnut,in obedience teforders, doing it ably, but doing,
it VOLUNTARILY—and none the lets infernal be-
cause legal."
And the Xenia (Ohio) Torch Light salts—
-: « What is there about Gen. Taylor that shoold In-,
dnee the peaceable quiet and order-loving people of
the United States to prefer him to any other man in
the country! They know him to be a most adroit
or ratheri that under hit direction . and supervision,
theie things arc done aperient/Jlcally and according
to the book —bat beyond thia they know nothing of
turn whatever.”
Thia is the manner m wbich the Federal Cditon
and oraton, almost uniformly, spoke of Gen. Tay
lor, previous to his becoming the candidate of their,
party for the Presidency; and now, when we lay
before the people the exact language which they
have uaed, in order to show their hypocrisy, the ly
ing rascals try to nuke n appear, that we are ohus
ing him. Bot this is precisely.-similar to that course,
which they have uniformly punned, with
to every man who has aerved his country fititbfully;
and in relation to every important measure that has
been proposed, calculated to benefit the massbf the
People. ,
Something for Bragging Whigs.
r The Nashville Union contains the following prop
osition fora bet—sloo that Taylor will not carry
hls/iwn pansh;.9loo that he will not carry ius, own -
State; $2OO that Casa will Carry his own town;92oo
that be will carry his own Slate. A like amount on
Cass’ carrying Tenn, and a like amount on the
la another number of the .Union* *we find the fol
lowing chance for the. bragging whigs- to inveat a
little of their loose change: «
:.v. We are reqeested by a gentleman of tins l|iy to
state that ho.wishet to invest THBHB THOUSAND
DOLLARS, as follows*
will receive the electoral vote of Pennsylvania.
ONE THOUSAND DOLLARB that General dots
will receive the electoral, vole of Ohio.
: ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS that General Casa
will be elected President o! the United- States : at
the eosaing elcctiom tho whole tube Uken:togelh
er. , <
■ The name of the gentleman wishing to make this :
investment can be learnt by inquiring at this. office.
Bimilsr offers have been made through the col
umns of tho Ohio Statesman, but the Columbus
whigs were two- moral\?) to engage In such* a buai-.
We may here mention the fiict, that a gentleman
from a: neighboringcounty : was ralhis city . lately,
land remained soveaal days.for the brpreaapurpose -
of testing the sincerity or the whig brsggcral H*
had fill ooo .to risk fiipou the- election.for Casa antr
.'Hotter,-but the whigs .were to- conscientious to hax*.
ard any thing upon the Louisiana Slave-holder.
Sensible men 1
Foots flApe KeSßmßeftdi "
Gen. Cass was called to the head pf the Waf De
partment, by: GoDl Affonsw lACKspffiiund during
the timef he negotiated twekte ohe treaties with the
Indian tribes, and obtained from them, by honorable
purchase, upwards of ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS
OF ACRES OF LAND,—SaT* Every foot of which
js Frce Snil 1 . _ _
.- B3t" The Democratic Electoral Ticket Is' now
printed; auhe office of the Morning Post, and ready.
m packages for the different tow^hips.
ll* 1* nncr ihi apologlitof the cncmj'i
Iral if ttl«>n found:on the side of Iht
A gM|alitststeiatt, tqTAbravi
officer, an<£gml|}ij souftriSl
lowing corre«pW> ! si^ ; het|«!ei&the H6n.%fcmiB'
Suctu, of-JlliiiOiVjSildthe brave and magnanimous
Gen.-Jerop, (an officer whom the Federalist* Imre
mot yetTiaredtaroproacHji) fully iiplainffltaelf. : We
cop; from the Washington Union: • t
Wasimroioir, Gept. S 3, ts4B,' 1
vSint: A speech: recently delivered by- the-Hon.
Thoraaa Butler .King, ofGqorgia, at Patterson. New
Jmaey,contnins'th<i;follbwingi <‘.Genoral Cats is
[render. prderedaway. by
.GeperalTiulr/beford-tbe' &Uaefc upon Detroit by the
British, GeneralCsss;receivedno jntelligencejl the
disaster tiU be-waa summoned :by:a‘«njilo'British ,
officer (fourteen mites Dora Detroltjto: yield;: and he
did yie|d. With two or three regiments of men,
Gen. Cash sunendereil to a. single Bntish officer,
fourteeaimilea ftom any other enemy. •- If General
Hull committed treason is not Gen ;Csss. a traitor?
Ye*; he is an ass and a villain. He should hast
been fried and hmgihe should have been tried and that
at that very time.” ,
.Bejievingthe , above statements: tobe direct per
version* ot historic trothy-and that they do great-in;
justice nol orily to Gen;Cass,but to the other officers
and men composinglhedetachmentof troopi refer
ed to,and learning thatyon were tSeiadjutant gen-..
era! lOf the. army, under, tbe command-of. General
liull.which position gave you: the best opportuni
ty, of knotVing all the foots andcircumstancescou
neeted,with the. sending outof the detachment and
its surrender;: 1 take the liberty of oallmg your at
tention to thenubycctjand of requesting information
imregdrd to the situation of: the detienlnentat:the
time of Hull’s capitulations /Whether it wa«: not in
cluded therein; and,-by f the-law of war,:: was ‘not
bound to sarlender wlth ih'e'reit of the’lrqopi; who
commanded it; wtiat wna Gen, Casa’a petition in.
connexion :wub it, and;whether beiwas > m any way: l
guilty of anything: unbecoming .a:bravesndgallanr
officeM Thougb l nsrae these specific points,. !
should be" pleased. to receive information 'bn any
others you may consider it necessary to notice, u
older to give, a correct history of the-matter. I
make the request as a - sincere Inquirer after truth;
nndut i* proper yon, that it Is my Inten
tion, should yon favor me withan answe;, to have
it published.
Withrespectfulconuderatioiijjonr obedient ser
Major Gen. Taos, S. Jesop,
Washington city, D.C.
WasmtroTott Cm, Sept. 25, 1848. .
• Stal l have rcceived your /letter,-dated the 23d
instant; calling tty sottdntion to certain charges saidii
. to hnvebeen maaeby tho Ron.Thomaißuiler Kiog l
against General Cass,: in a.'speech-lately delivered ]
; by him- at Palerson. New Jeraey, In she following I
words, ms: “ Gen. Cats It the hero qf Ifuß’s turren- ]
der. ’’ Ordered btf General 'HUH before the et- !
fackitpon Detroit I be/ the British,’ General Out re- 1
ceicedno intelligence tf the disaster Dll he teat sum- i
maned bn ti singleßHUth 't&leer,fourteen pu let from]
Detroit, to yield t and he did yield.'With taa or
three regiments of men,-. Bern Cast surrendered too
ttnsleßrUi*hqsitcr,feurteenmiUetfromans fother!
enemy. 1 * : Audio compliance with your request that!
I should give «uch/information sal possets in re
gard to the . situation of the detachmentTefhrred to i
by Mr. the time ofHull’s capitulation, “and 1
the position of GeseralvCass in rcfstlon te iti and i
whether the General was in any way guilty of any- .
thmg unbecoming a brave and gallant officer,” 1•
have the honor to .state,- in reply, that lhe chatyas I
made by Mr. King relate to the eurrender of n de
tachment by order of 'General Holly on the T4th of
August; 1815, to mtel a convoy; bf prisoners, under
the comma nd of Captain Heuryßrttsh of Ohm, sup
posed theatobe on ibejroute: fromthe nver Sainn
to the army at Detroit.
. As the acting adjutant general of the army, Ide
taOed that detachment, and, by the eiderof General
Hall; placed Cob McArthur, (not Colt Cass) in com
mand oftt. The General directed that the detach
ment should coosist of ono hundred- ati fifty men
from Col. McArthur’s, and. the same nninber Doin'
Col; Cas» ! s.r*giment,and a few-mounted men were
directed to accompany it. . Befbre the detachment
marched,*number ofvolnnteetn joined it from both
'regiments, so that the aggregate force when itleft
the camp was abtrat. four hnndred . men;.; Cof, Cass
was not a part or the dclail— hejoined a*a Volun
teer.- When ! underatood lbat he desired to gO, I
-obiocted to two colonels going with so smalt a de
tachment ; but the Vmice was censidered by: ui all
as extremely penlons- Colonel :Cass claimed it at
a right to share the danger* with hut men, and he
■wan permitted-by the Genetali not-onteredyito. ac
company them.
On the IGth of Augntt, Genera! Hidl surrendered.
the fort and army,by capitnlition, tq iha jßnti*h
forces under the command of Mayor General Brock,
and lncludedCol.M’Arthur’s detachracntinlheca
pitulanon. The colonelhadbeen ordered by cc
press to return to Detroit, and be was wiihintbrec
or font mite* of the fort, when hn -rtceived iaulli
gcoce of the surrender. He (Ml back : about three
milealo tbe.nver Huron, wbere_be received the. nr
tlcles of capitulation, with an order from General
Hall to snrrender. .The colonel / was; ! bebeve,
bound in good faith to surrender; but whether he
was or. not, he was compelled to submit, Ibrhe hid
not a day’t subsistence, nor a dozen rounds of am
munition for bis command. He was as galltnt a
soldier, and as patriotic a citizen, as tbo conelry
could boast j undhe did all that was potsible ntider
thecirpumttsnces; but the surrender of the detach
ment whetber nght orWrbbg, he was responsible for
.fnow General) Cass had no more to do
with it, than: the honorable gentleman who makes
i the charges against him. ’
From the foregoing statement, you perceive that
there was not even single regiment to. surrender,
nor wst Col.Csss m command at the time and on
the oceasion referred to by Mr. Kiag- ..That gentle- ,
man has been so nnfortunate in the random state
ment of hi* ibete, as not to have stumbled : Upon a
tingle irnth; Hit charges I know to"be nttqrly un
founded from.beginning to-end. There is,nothing
inthe history of the conntry,written ?or unwritten,to
justify any one of tbemyn thc amsllest degree. As
to Gen, Cassy I served with hlm tn two campaigns, i
a part oftbe time Under his order*,and attached to:
hi* brigade, l have seen him in'iitnauous and un
der circumstances that would test the.courage of
Sny man,and hen ever faltered; but always acted in i
accordance, with thedictates of high courage and pa
triotism. Whatsoever m*y;beybu coune qf others,
he is never tbo tpplugtst of the enemy, hut l» always
found on the side of the country.
t am, sir; with greatrespectryonr obedient serv’t.
Ttf, 8. JRSUP.
- ■ .
Uon. Robot Skitii,
Washington City.
Free Boll.'*
The Federal whig) ere using deer; effort in their
power to induce Iho “ free Boilers ”■ to vote for Gen.
Taylor, e man whole entire earthly possessions are
composed of tlave soil and human btingt.
' Federal Consistency. t
The Protective Tariff whtgd of the North are sup
porting -a-man for thoi Preaideney, whose feelings,
interests, associations, sudeverything, are .with the
Ftee Trade policy. This they can’t deny. Beauti
ful consistency t
Speak Oat.
Will the suppertere of Gen. Taylor be good
enough to poltffWt a sinsd'.whig measure, in rcla
'tion to whicb the General haa expressed an opinion 7.
-i It t __ .. 1
,i the Natives,
In all parts -of the State, claim the election or
Wro.F, Johnttqa os a Native victory. Wepreaume
they will non endeavor to have their 21 years*pro.
hation bjll passed, and alto carry out their scheme:
. .»_ - __ . '
to ui niament he lands
upon pur «hor««.‘*
The OhioBta(esman, of'Monday, iaya:*rAt\thi»
{Monday*October 23d,).hour,ltianot-yet oertafn
tvno iq of Ohio. The whig« have
been trying to crow:oveiJtfuni! Ford, butit n faint,
doubtful, and .backed by no confidence, na a atrict
canvass of the official vote, may change the result,
and they know it and feel it.”
Keep it Before tine People,
That Gen. Taylor fas dot yet resigned his cmn
miDßioa m the ;anny.;';He “neter surrenders »».•*•
TTheu hlr chances for the presidency are so ex
tremely 1 Uncertain.
Blackwood's UsgstllUk'
The American reprintof thiasbleand very enter'
tainiirg worh j for October; Is;before us." It abounds,
in interest.- It may be bid of Morse, 85, Fourth st.
_ ami Congressional District. i
j Wilmor. Bievriler.' Tracy..i
4176 315 ’25801
3708 67 1192
1714 640 1033
8597 916 ' 4795
Wilmat reelected, and Democratic majority 4717;
XXIIX Congressional DUtrlct. (
■ ■ ThefollowiOglslEe tote for Congress, in thu/dis
tncl: f ’ 1 , »
Thompson. Campbell
Clsnon ........ ..2160 128 S
Ene 2045 3/170
..• Warren....’ -.1128 , -908
Jefferson... 90S .703
P011er.............. 619 253
M’Kean. a 414 357
Elk 226 149
7509 {
483 Thompson's maj.
nil Congnaalowl Slitilct.
Hi* following it the official result for Congreas in
tbit Dulrictr
.. , Hows, ,
> (Federal and Abo
lition,milled )
Cranford.... ?66»
Mercer... ..3831
Venango....... . ...1033
7601 7166
(|ft will hi* seen ihat Mf. Hon 'a majority rs 343
. Tharo werp at lent 1500 abolition votergifepin
thedlstnfl, every ono oF Winch store giscn in hi*
flttor. a r
"fly V* 8. District Court ■•■ The Crnied State*
-IhstrterCotm mii-njcft £verrday y elrciton.
fromiuiis l octock;: Persons pristmiff 10 l>e naturalized
badbMler'eetouiDhme septic
Bax* op PittwnGjr, i
" Oeiober 19, 1S48» S
. , fl3-.An election for thirte en pi reetor* ofUusß&nktfrr
jiheessuaK'year* toU £e hnld&tthe Banking-Hoase.oiv
Monday, Lbetwemiet}* tUy-OCNovembeTßext’ • . >••■:
. T ociSlaltd Son SsrocSrCasbierr
Bxcuakos- Ha?**, l
> ' Oclqfoex it l l, IS4& J
10*. Art ejection far thirteen Director*, to serve Tot ihe,
Lff RJBULgye&r. wilthe JwJtf Atlheßaal: ms tlouseouMoa*
tmiOrri. Thoujls M Jlaws*
• octSSkdte-.-v-*-'■■'•••■ -*••—■ 4 ■•••'/'-■■■•■Cashier.'--,':
M&KtUKt’S ASP HA'TOt*CXt;BE& fl Baxc, >
* October m 1349 J
■ tJj*vAn election far ihirtfeenDireetors of thL*Bant, for
ihecttffUinjry<ar,Ar]lU)eheldat ib* Banking-House, on
Monday,tferSOtfi dft> Of November n<*xt j
o<a93 id Vr It.ltem, CaitUtr.'
cftliens of ihe &xib Word ♦will
meet otihebonse of Henry Reason Friday
next, al 7 ocJoclr, to m»kd ot-
to aitena the Meeting, on Satnrday
evening- - ■ •■*■■ ■
• ©rt»£3l
By ohoe* or mik Committee.
fts*Rmrr.vm*s, or. St. AimtosvS; Fibr—WnghtV
< Inman Vegetable Pills are an *a*y, «fcfe. andcettaia
cure for Ety*jpela«, because they purge from -the body
thosr poisonous humors which are the «ause of SuAn*
ibony> Fire and everyother malady; From; four tp six
of «aid.lndian Vegetable PiUMakeuonce In twenty-fauM
night ongoing to bed* will in a shorturne moke
a perfect cureof the molt obstinate attack of Erysipelas;
nuhe same time the digestion will be improved, end the
blood ao completely purified-that ml/kmas of infiamoia-,
tion and pain wilt be driven* from the body,and T b4alih
and vlgorwiU be given tot he whole frame. r;
Bwareof Counterfeits and JmUammi.—Remembenbat
the Original and .Only Genuine Indian Vegetable Pills,
have Urn written signature of Willux Wuofii on the
ton label of each box
Remember.alto, that Messrs. Feuchtwanger A C0.,0f
New York; Jas. 8. Glascoe A Co.,at Cincinnati; and J,
B. Wilder A Co., of Louisville, are rmr agents for this
medicine, and we cannot guarantee , ihegenuineneaa of
that offered by them foraoie J
Thegenuinoia for sale atDr. Wright's Principal Office,.
|«9 Race street, Philadelphia^ana by lona Thompson,
ISO Liberty street, Pittsburgh, who Is sole agent for
thu city, by whoradealers supplied at the whole-:
tolerate oct2d
• ICr Consumption is a disease which is carrying its
.victims to the tomb by thousands, without being arrest--
edimts progress by the medicines in common use at the
present tune- But a brighter da/MS coming, and;has
come—as to succeßsfbUy arrest this disease, DR. RO
GER’S LIYERWORT AND TAIL not only gives imme
diate rehefm COUGHS aud.COLDS, but from the testi
monyof men of the highest standing here and.elsewhere,
it is making some very reroarkable-cures.of CONSUMP
TION. Improvements in the.tiualment of. diseases are
onward: and nothing can arrest its spirit in the present
age.- Those who are afflicted with ducated Lungs would
do well to cal! on KNEEL AND & HARDER, Grant at,
one door below Second at., the agents, and see the certi
ficates of Dr.Wm.J. Richards, judgeWra.BuTke, the
wife of the Rev. Geo. W. Malay, ana of Dr. Hiram Con
late Professor in the Eclectic Medical College of Cincix,
natt . sep23
A Clark, of Bellevue, Ohio; November
23d4 845, sent a letter to Dr. G. CX Vaughn, the proprietor
of the celebrated Luhontripuc Mixture,the GrehtAmer
: tcon Remedy,wUh a statement.that in the yicinity or
Ohio where they do business* the. article has unpre
cedented sales.- Nothing .like u has: ever appeared.
People resorfto it for allcoraplainls, and it* effect is Al
ways good. :01d cases, which have baffled the- skill
of medical men, have yielded to it, and the faculty
using 4 iif their practice*: A large, number of medical:
men are agents for its sale—a strong proof of the great;
virtues of thd. article.; Call on Ageuia; in ouripaper,
whose.namesi-areto he'.fotrnd under .Great American
Remedy, and get a Pamphlet
-. Agents in Pittsburgh, lUvaft BBocrkVAV, No.SLibcrty‘
st, neat Canal Basin. 4)14
JIT* Tus Prßvailino Couons and Cow*.—The speed
;Jeat,iuostpopalat, Bnd only, generally, admitted positive'
xurefor coughs, colds, influenza, difficultyofbreathing,
hoarseness, soreness of-the chest, tickling in thetbroar r
- Ac., ia, Clickeners. Sugar-coated-. Vegetable. Purgative.
Tills.- -They afford .almost.immediate relief* -.and -jhc ;
most eminent of the faculty recommend them exclusive?
.iy in these diseases - To enhance their value, being
coated with sugar; they have no taste .whateverof medi
•ine, so.fhoJ a child can take them.ns easy as peppermint
drops; and then agatn.they produce not the slightest sen-:
suiion of gnpo or nausea. In are. so much :
.•superior tp any other known medicine, that a Single.trial,
will make any person a patron of them for hie ]■ and so
assured is the propnetorof this; and ?o confident in their
never-failing virtuesrthat he will immediately retdrn tbe
money paid for them.-in all cases where theydo not give
the most unlmmed satisfaction
CTSoldb) WM JACKSON, Gen Agent,
oct27 ©Liberty street, Pittsburgh^
; iForlt tof Agents see ad\em errteut]
C S Power, * ,•« » -Manager and Lessee
Private boxes * ss*oo, l Single tickets ?Sc
DreesrCirple**• *soc..| Second . Tier*•* *35.;j Pit*... *ioc.
-Gailar) —•--» «. Em atcßoxea u si 00
Mr OWENS for a few nights more *'
: '|' v HfDAY, October 87, will he acted nnewComcdy, m
one Act, called
Poor Pillicoddy*Mr.Owens.{ Copt. O Scuttle, Mr Prior..
~ Sarah Blunt < ~ - • *«* Mm Cruise
. Scotch Pas de 'Miss Waiters*and,Mr. Go9dvvm
To conclude with, i , . . . *
A Glance at PhUidclphla.
Jakey.(oneof,the v—*.. ■ -MrrQwens
Petnken - * - - Mr J Dunn
Lize,-(oae of the G’Hals) » Mi sAnnaCrmsc.
: . By- Poors open at 7 ; Curtain will rise at 7ft oVlock.
'PkISSOLUTION-—The co-partnership heretotare ex?.
j j I; iiung under the !Brm of A. p. A/ft. Patterson, has
Dus day been dissolved, by mutual consent. *
r ■' The Dusmess will becarriedon at the. old
inond alley, by A D Ti IjnTTnTIJ .,
OctSfi* M8(0C137 Imd) A. D.-ScH, PATTERSON*
TurLjitaTT'StsaET Gsade.—Those Interested
in this ra»ilefh»?cat JengthlQn?he4,>>ottom. Bete
talbreallwaßuncer'iaintyeS'towhatwas lawnnd
equity in relation to the question..
Yesterday an injunction was granted by the Dia*
tnct Court-Judges Hepburn andiowne—against 1 :
James: Mackerel, .who hascommeneed::the Werh,
under eontractwuh the Street Committee.'* The To!- -
lowiagisja bird’seye view of jthe eater- The City
, Charter-.required thstanyOriin&Bce/noltecorded
withinthirtydaynafterit»passiige,Bhallbe'vWd. A
City Ordinance directstheir Clerk* to record all.Or
dinancea within thirty day*. In J >839 the grade of
liberty etreet wsa diied.- The Brewery of Mr.
Hngfaea nae bunf to. that,:grade! .Oaitbe SSth of
last August, an Ordinance waepa»sed,altenng: the
grade, eo as'to make it seven feet lower. A Joint
Resolution mu passed Sept, 4tb, directing the
Clerksnot tojecotd sjidOrdioance.ltwiUTecbrd.
«d an the-86th of same month,'ttotwtihsiaaaing.—
■ The decisionoftheConrtwaSjXhattheCoanciUhad-
I a right to pass aneb a Resolution, and the Clerk*
were bound by it; and the fact that an Ordinance is
recorded, contrary to anch instructions, does not
make it valid. j
. The Injunction was thereforelsanedj and the work
murtbeoiopped. C.tO. Toomia,'who. appeared for*
the-iCliy, : gave notice that at some futuntiday he-i
would make a: motion: to dissolve the injunction.—.:
Messrs. Darragb and Williams appeared for Edward
Hughes. ,
A Cni'n l —At about 3 o'clock, on Wednesday
afternoon last, theotack tvbichthe bricklayers, were
about finishing for the Allegheny Water Works,
ramo down, and Is now a heap of ruinsr" On Tues
day the workmen discovered that the stone-work at.
the foundation was giving way, and on Wedneady
morning certain evidences of a fall were perceived.
So the Workmen kepttheirdistance.andlpHutiately
awaited the events : At the time mentioned
the crash occurred, and thus destroyed the labor of
many days. We; believe no .one.was hart!. It is :
well that the imperfections of the foundation were,
discovered in good time, else would
now* numbered among the'dead.' Ticra is a
grieroUSfsult »oniewhßre,hnfwhp it to blame we ;
cannot tell, , - _ ' '
MttiMiatwj—On Wednesday evemng-the Mayor
and a number of officer* were seen in a great
« flusteratlon ” on Wood streetj they toad started
up, and entered a fhney store, kept by -very tespec- |
Üble'people. After come moment*’ conversation, ,
Bougher and V stranger started out,: leaving the i
others behind. They went op Wood, op liberty i
to the.caoal, stopped bo the ,and .-sookedi
over, as if In aearch’of a canal boats- or aome
son on board one | -then they to the
V. S. Hotel, and again stopped to the 1
boats, to a moment they turned down Wop, and
walked on until they came to Irvin street^' where
they turned up and went off. Now, ,we Jvaot to
know what all this afeaat. There » something out
or in. | 1 I
OS' A store in the Sixth Ward was entered bn
Mondey night, and robbed of a half keg.ofTojiac
co, some coppers, . &c>‘Ac. .No one t* aaljreetedj
end it la probable the thief wilt escape. f J
Hr We are informed by a whig, who knoWa, jthat
we did not give the editor of the American'jus full
.share ofoffictal hodora.Heis, IhaddiUOn to! Seal
erofWeighu andMeatnree,”
Scabs.” Mr. B. poaaesaea therequUiteqanlifica-:
ttons for the performance of-ibefnnctiohidnvolvmg
upon him ip this post, and we do not doubt he wi)l
render fall satisfaction. » /
1474 f
f Mayob’i Orrtes—7Rur6day\Bforn<ng-.—Threeor
roar cases of drnnkeneu, and nothing more. They
were disposed of in the mul way.
03* Mr. John Smith* a German, of Allegheny 4i«y»
was arrested and sent np on Wednesday, for whip
pmghia wife. ,
B2T There? w4s a row in Prospect street, on Wed
nesday night. A woman entered a disreputable
■ house in: that ior the purpoae pf aftatching
.out* her huabandywhen'tome of theinfflates fell.npon'
her, and beat hfer seriously.
. Died—On W«dne*day;aftemoon, 25th insfiint, »t 5
o’clock-, of disease of James
Crossan, aged 59 .years
Tbe fUneral wifl tnke place thls afternodn. (SJTilu) ai 0
o'clock, from her family House f
emrance on First street and proceed to-tb?'Allegheny
•Cemetery, Tbefrien k d*of--ihe family are respectfully in
vited to attend v %4 *
R a LLY.IN AUiEOHENVWrhece 'will
SHHp Allegheny City, at the* Mrrket'House, on
Monday evening; Oei.3S,at" o'clock.} >
. Ccm< Gnr.comealii andhcar tht.ftvfc
-The meeting will be nddressed byMetsn. McCanaleM. -
Eurke, Shaler, Magrasv, G.P; Hanukton, Mitchell. ami
Sawyer j v f w<oct27
fV ~day t i'ThimdQys Friday &aud 4
day* of November; intfront of- the Amtncan IfouK.fiit.
Penn street _ *
The above Circus' embraces, the iargestTfdUpe ever
organized, consisting of-the most distinguished 'irnditabu
ented Equestrians and Artists, both niale an&fem&le; ;in
* im ° a b^oSSM^ upeo ‘
-Whose perforrDanceß-have;beenthe wondernad delight
of dll thosc'who have witnessed Their sinapproacbaule'
acts: T&ajiuhUc may thatlhese tnefrarp no
of ibf deseri e r
The great team of Carae)B,dnvenbytwonauve Arabs-
The great Egyptian* Dragon Chariot, drawnLby. ien-
of which-are-s^ute-rtB«:
sacredAlbn)o.;Carae]s—the firstand r
potted a | -v
. Asplend:d representation of<hieenMah'sFdiryCha« t
not;, drawn by a atttd often-tUmioauve SHETLAND
PONlES.dnven inband by Major Sijcvtens, ihe4tcorf, : itr
conveyance of
cents, r:Children r underiuneyears, half
price. Afternoon Performance at:li, and: o'clock .ur
the evening - -
f rN* B.—Mrf 'Howa> would:,hereow,give notice that: be;
.■will: sell on Mdndhy; November fitm in froni-of the Aider
ican Hotel, a number of Horses, Ham e a son d-AYagdn
alt an good caudrtipnfbr business. > A good cb&nee tpx a .
bargain. oct37 Ivr
rXf rHEßEAS.inandby an actoC GenerafAsrimbiy:
: pßAMiihc MdayoT Juty r lB3SMiis pro'ndedthat
> ’wealth qualified to vote for roembereofthevGeoefalAs*-
r *embTy,shmitdhQld ,an eleclfpa.jat: ibevMiuer'placei.' at.
rwhiclme said members shallhave been voted for
preceding electio&iDn tbe I?AT op
Nowaf bsb; for. ihepurpow.of of a i
President and ViceAcsidentofitliß UmtccfSaWflltei •=' ,r
. Now therefort.!, JOflN/FDRSYTHEjHigh SWnJTof:
the Coentrof'Alleitenyjin-pQrsmmce of me dntf
joinedon. me by thesbove recited Act, do issuethis,vtoy?
ly,qualified 10 votefor mcmbersofibeGeneralAMem?:
to meet at the house of Mrs; Jane Lmre,qtib& c tuber oP
Ferry and Fourth saidwnrd. *
»vXhe electors oftheSd ward -oft the. ,
to meetaiß. Weavefa MercbAnt’a Hotel; cornered ana
S&lthfield streets, in uid- ward *-
electorsofUie Third'Wardofifie cuyoCPinsburgh
to meet at-the house of Andrew .M?Ma4ter, on Fifthst.-.:
v- TbeelectorsoftheFonnh Wnrdofihe cltyofPitta
of Penn and St. Clair streets. * ** i/ 1
*W-meet .alike house ofAlexffaderStewatt,Jnthesmd
word 54 1 *■e
electors, of.ilie flth.ward oflbfe-ciryofPitubnrgh,
tomeetat the FublicSchooniousCvin said- ward/ ' ■ ,
;.The OiectoraoftiheTib.ward ofthe cityof Pittsburgh*
to raeel'at ibepablic SchoolHouse,m said wuTd»v;.\:--.
■; - The electors ofthe Bth ward ofihesityofPittsburgh,
toineetarfhe Public SchoqJ;House,in sa\<f ,
rThe electors of fre Dih wardof thd city. OftFidsbutgV
(o meet ai the Public School Saldwaxd.;;
v. .The electors ofttbe Ftrst Ward or tSO ody-onAUeghe
ny;.to meet iu the house of J; Woodhou3e, on HdbinSoiv
street, ' » ,
' The elector of the SeconoTYarf.of .the .city ipfrAUo?.
ghenyyio rteetatthehouse of JobAOhver. (formerly oc--
cupierf by. John Gffibnn&l coraer ofthe Tnamoad and
Ohwstrect - * ** t f
-/XbaelectorsoftheTbiidWard ofiheci?yof.£dileghe-:
ny,tojnc«tatibePublicSsboolHoase*ln I saidUfaTd,.on
the East Commons ?
The electors ov-theFourthWard-orihe. ciiyvofAUes
gbeny,to mee t at the house of/Mrs,: W-yiie,>Kast Com|
toons “ i }
- The doctors of‘Pnt township .to, raeCtmihe MuseoC;
on :Famet’4s
Rmdiowxubip;exc*ptlhe qualified vo*>
tert rcsiiingm sections N05.4,7i nndllofihe citydis-,.
*Ward or ‘the city of Pittsburgh t *
‘ Tbs electors of.Peebled towtiship Jo meet house ■
■ Of John
The electorsot townsup'to «
of Francis Wilson; on /the • Franksto.vra/rqbd; ■!& said
township.- v~ i > | _
Tbe electors oftplom township to meei.atthe;libusc.or
Margaret Tuttle, (formerly John.
to White:
■House, formerly occupied by Thomas NeeT, on the Pitt*-
burgh and flraeusburgb turnpike,roadvm smd.tnwofchip,
ongh Of EUsabeUi4to meetatthehouse formerly ocSopied;
by John Walden, in said borough- '
The elecu»w:orijeffer»oji:townahfpjomcetaj<b«house=
of.SamntifVVil&onjfonneTiy occupledbjvJas;|gNeeh
an saul township
electors of-UppeiSt; CiairlownablpJo meetntlbft'
house of4ames Conner, msaidjovtrn lnp« ”
jhe^house of Joseph
of SarahM'Fniland,.({brracrly'Audl<:y::M.TSrl?imU) in?
smdiowasbip, -
• ie electors of Findlay township to meet at the house
jjf McClelland A.v Annor, formerly; occupied;by John
Charlesj-in the villageof Clmlou,mwud townsbip.
T The eiectofa of Moon towasbip to meeTnMhe house of
Peter eaid-townsbip 1 u
The electors of Ohio township to meet.auhe hottie of.
John Hay > ip said townships * -> r
;;/Theeleowrsof Franklin lowusiup toroeet ouhobouse
formerly occupied by John Sbrum, Ursmd township. - .
-.The electors ofthehoroagb of hTanehester;lo"meet at-:
the Public School House *
Theeieciorsofßeserre loiVTisliip tomeetat thehonse
ct Ootheb Fisher, utaaid township
The electors oft Ha3d win township to meet btibe house r
of John Cowun, msaid township* 1
- ' Theoleciors of Snowden township td meet at the:house
of Peler Boycr r »n said township >. 1 '
v -The electors of South Fayette township to tpectot the
house of'H. Hay sj on the farm of said:
'v?x£s electottrof North Payette township to ai the-;
boUßtf 'now ocfcupied by Francis Jamison at i
in said township ( "
Theeleetora of, RossTownshiptomeetattbe. bouse:
u .The electors of-Pine township ttt.meecia.the hqu&e oft
William Cochrane,-Esq pit smd township. ~ - .
The electors of tyesi'Deer, township to meet at the
house of Nathan Conley,- in said township «,
1 v:.The electonro f.EastTjeef township to.mee t at Jho Pub-,.
-'lfo SChbOX Tlonßei lDf or. Tareniam,.in auipv .
Ct"Tbe oSnsiots of IndiaiuTtownshipto meet-at thh house
formerly occupied hy Sam 1 ! Maclmyf xownshiD.*-
> The eleciorsof Shader township tnmeetat John Shaw’s
-Mill; andthat Aifred'Chidoyd shaU'be. the J<
MPElhenby andThoraas Stewart slpUlbeiholflsphctors*
J ujiUl others are duly elected a*
i:‘ -l%e'qaaUfied; votersof'thaijioniQn of IpdianaviQwn^ l
iship'rtsidinfi in thefoUowtngaescnbed boundarK-shajf
vOtO%t all in<the Boroughofrshaips* :
hurgh attheelecuonpoUmsaidborcmghvvizr.beginnraß-:
-et a pointon the Al(egheny:nvor:at the npnerlineof ibe..
<lhrm of Joa> Ross, aul’itmiunr.a-northerlycourse; be*.?
iween thOfannoof.saidJameslHosaandJonnaadFran-.
ciaßeattytotheN- EiOorner oftaaid
thence nuining a westerly, coarse to Rosstowpshipline,v
In such a manner as to • embrace; all qr Jotr.
situated in uelongmgto what -:
are called the rivcr. tracicr/m the abQve pesQnbedboup-:
lectors ofthcboroughof-Bmniiigiamioidcflf at,
the FnbUc School Honse } in said borough .
/ The electors of the bqrotfth. of
ht the Town House) maaid borough i - ff « -
v:.Theeleciorsaf-the.boroaghof6barp3bargh tbmietur
the house of JameaSbarp,-an said borough,. -* v
. -The elector*’ of the.boroaghofiPßecsporttomee v-oy
the Town H&lhin said borough, i * *
/ Tho.eleetoTS: of-the .borougbof South; Pitiabnrgh to;
meet at the houße fonnerly occupied-.byJ&i’M’Amncbjai
the Moitongnheiabridemjn snld.borouglw;;;;
Theelectors of the borough
at —■■ - ——tin said borough.
said wilt elect bybaflot— lJ ’ ** *#*
>fdr President and Vice '
Andby virtue qf the Idth seeboorofJ&& act«rthe ‘id
July, J 839» it was enacted-that evefy person except Jus
ticea of the PeacciWho shall
mentnf'profitor-trustunderJheiGovenuneni.-of iheVak*;
led States, or of this State, or of any ott? orincorpom
a subordinate officer.qr Agentf .whQf aa.qrshßß be
<4 under thcljegwlßtarenudieiaTT
mentof this. State qr ofanyrJudge:
or mcorporaled district, and also that every member of
Congre s, and of the State
or Common Councils of arty cIV>S or ComraiinOners of
any incorporated district, is by ihe law Incepableof hold*.
Tnent of Judge, any eleciicm of this
Commonwealth, and lhattuty fhspector, Judge- or other
nfficer,'ofnny suobelectron/shalfncrtboeHgiblb#oany-:
office to bn then voted for. " 1 i
'■■■ In and by 4th section of an aetobprOVed the;;
lfilh'of April,lB4o, it is enacted, vThat the f3th‘ section of
the net passed July<2ft 1839 eimtled on act reiatingto the;
elections of this Cornmonweai th ahall not be Construed.
as to prevent any miiiuft officer or borougb-officer front '
Judge, Inspector, qr Clerk
C' v
T -And the: returned Judges dtstnets;.
Aforeaaid L nre.requested tomect aMhe
the cit)ror Pittsburgh, on the Fmoav tub rmst
Tcssnav ov Novgsmsß.nsXT, ihsnaud thereto: prepare'
foe required by Hw.
Givenunder my-hand-and seal at/Piusbmghf:this-SBtb'
. .day of September, A and; of Jhejndcpendence. :
s- of the UmtedStotcftthe sevenev third
1 scpgftS " JOHN FOBSYTHE, Shtnff
Xj Salmon ihs 3M of 2»ov«nWrat to
iTclock r on Cfyamer’s CreekvOn* tmleibeloto&aluwin'a
cleared,: and thebjilance.
well limbered. ..Twclvoaerqaare the very best Bot
tom Land, with Bamr --'Giere is ait'
ezceUent*sUe : for A Gnat MUleft
known onth4 day of sale, . . JaMESifeCOfy »?.-*■“•
octll.6tw BofrmsonTp-
-C2THAY' tajthe sttbschber, livUrgni East;
O Deer»wnship< AlJfigheny coqntyy.Abwr we pfi
Septemberjaai, a Bed Coyry about rlstOfeanijjPMl, with n,
crop-our of owner/iar lo
come.forwnrdyprove,property, paycbargMiAOdlAkeAer,
awayjorshe-willbe disposed of accoTdiagx° jaw. ; . ..., ; .
ocibtftw JA3. CALLAOTEB. Hare s Farm.
SKSTRAY ,O ifartiifthrf Uw
•übscnber, m B*Wwtn iawnssSp: mrltie loilx
rnst.', a. young briwn «nsvW»lte cOWjJK>« giv*
IHK ana'is fHtowl taMegjrt torarf,
a, 1 ?? > -?>