' ' a t ' '£ *, \ t '"\ 1 ' - '<* r * %- . ~-"' ''*'' - r S' ~ ■-' ” " c *'- ’—‘* W, t .-' ' ,- K V ! f -V >■' *. ■“'><■* . v , ’.•*•./ , , v - *^pV 1 , - *' v- ~ * * - V ' .~b~ mskm?, h~ $r 1 -.ri; -s --:t,. 4&a*> ° ~v jf JfefE 4 - ;; / ?«©&*_ , r ■■ ■ _ ( T’ ’» * k ’ -^, & ws&awsswwfcetf- Av -E C ~. ' - - * * r te#E!\AE- k »*& §£V* * v ;r~Vi,4 's\ , i 'V- 4\- . V.p\ $ I^NEGBOE t?:., stw‘\ ', iT .’■ A' >- v is ’ IWWtaof y>,'.J,' . vl M«*fc)» #*„'tvsA>„-~^■ f -r. ? *’' f?, *. --V* 1 ■A^/,- 1 V r '•' E”“J -3 -sy« fc . v .: , *i.’i>,*i* Y'-„v“tv-.r*->‘***J »', * ■■. A “-fe-j s r l , ; -V--. I ' ‘ iMILV - 4 i/.'' *■•>' 1 -- - 1 & rv,-’-; 5 --' •M‘.’E ; >y s&%s&%? B?0£W K«? ■ >,^,v fp#®Kpr ‘ffPtf t I>‘V a •' '' r l ¥V- ‘ - *> f - # *■ r s 4^ >A C ? ; M ; -; >:> V' f £s ■,&¥ %:.«!,s v.i.-:;- :■*:.■■■::-■ - \ *-4". 'Y,>-. : v *-'V .1-',:]• - Vi~'»i-.(:«.-i,':i ; -f.. i 'rt-'-. V--- >* *, .' f« J ** * v '' - •■?'.*■.. r * , ’/* ' r a.’ . ►, i i j.‘j ' *-V **l j vxir-.«tv ■«: 3"J'.:..a-;...■ "f 1 . -j,-,.':-: "T y-T* -^Tf v >r «* •- ' i ■ yV.A.'.iv .1 •>■*'.;■■*? < -Ti-ifi;.•'?*• \.Y. *;■*'***}*> !;.'•» a m:smM 4„ y■ * ti -‘. “; pit--; * t - ; * -; mi' w* **' -tet-tE#,',: lr w, ,v -* m. •• k 01? , " ■'* ■■ -' ' rti ' : '■ - *'', ''' f : - ; - *" - ' J ~v r. "i -■ . • -hig)in La. ■. *f Trtrcn. Election. *»• x TUESDAY, t(ir *iSIt«^. n ?o DKPAB T(iO!NTWiII tie Hie object ofepc ' Itanc Hint istterw, yncr 4i^Ji nd be faithfully chronicled. The *SSS2ff*^U?^*EP C TO^aRAPH-hejogoow ■.-•:■. in-ih* irl- •Pjttsbufgb..to nearly every le6dmg chy rt f ll be r i. n S ed pwwfl? olirreadrra OF “br d’at EW, ° Sll ~ld STIRRt! ofthe paper elj 10 Tabi, jWn,, ’WW.'Moral Ssj«y:«i it::■ Trtsliort,tfe to the®«s^? > m ‘•‘t* respect fully equal 'ffil&iF* “Tff&S* 11 ™ ° r the Ft"-' W« hake now AND POETRY, to '• ; *^rtSs2S&«V ,^-§?lar^n T ;^°ninisri, osi.' v ' SKmirir ne -r,7? r^51&,5iS I,tn ITe "“d accurate fiimiSiSESfe Y V«VErasBCK!?/f MARKET, care -17,. JS ™ , *l\ re ? n csatia; together With the tnnr- J', ’ P ilf? “MEi '“=■ Batomm Xm Tori, Boston. Tm- Korn) 4-r, received by Tele to nrSi r 4u,“‘‘« n,l , up lß,e 1 moment before K . m the Money Market, .no'ie^o°e r a B ch , ?„- ! ubJf honS '’ te m " * 0 * «Aa'» T '„ PH3BJIUDMS. HHUBgr Western Talent we shall pa\ a liberal pt £° a ha mil furmsn u «,tl> worths*} “‘fVorEfiay , win'll -hull Le deemed *' ' Con,ta,,, « «'««»■> f»' linl rn?V S n , F T[IE SATURDAY VORNING POST *"?* vircnluion, m shall 1,,e PnWiron t«Toi* here ?'«'«ny paper inihcWcM. To doihi* lt= CASH S\ STEM mil be smelly odhcrcd to tot 1 copy dl| advance,- - ' . u \l C °fi lC, > ‘ 30 • :« - ' *5lOO. *• Saturday irornttigW S*"ta SdJ’ndS^? 11 v S*“®'« ce pr of Shnlc.ncare’s Pin*. Hil»ndidly bound, worth at least S 5 00 t>estdes a rn- SISiSUT 1 fo . r , on * r'”f To the perronwho S Jfil BC,n * '“r ”««<«rg*M number of t=ubicrtber«, we shallpresem a beautiful edition oPboid Byfon’s Tbem. : worth at len.rSl.oo. and o copy 01 the pape” 1 To tvl,nm AKB OTHERS, iH?, I ?'*? 01 "’ mas be »« rerpectfull) ES“J,! 1 ' d “ «r»« Ageulsut procuring subscribe r. 10 ibe vSS?Atomm.g p °f! To the perwu who will prorate ’ forernnl'one’copy of the nnper *&*•» mwon others be T&ndimelj re : {L-J^£*4ffert.tn(] s (be ndd nesscd to • Pr °j”'" tor a/At Saturday *'»' f a September IS, i~|m . ' POSTSCRIPT. A h>w!SA ,h ' ,o:m > ‘pi 01 "" of our fnetuK nr .inn^SeSJvL'” 01 °s>.*?B:n> tbeardnou.dutiesoftlieelee"- <*■ impossible foru* to t,.«e the tir.l number of the Saturday Morning Fust at ro e-trlv n I ' £j nniteipomd t dofrrthe i.tsue nFtd! 1 afl, ‘ r v ll ' r P«"tdeiinal ejection, when j P re *r‘l'tothe public thehandsomest and he*! I ~ p>yrfye> seutoutfrom-iliiccttY' ’ •••■•.•- 1 -rimcMßon, Oct. 5,1848 OURe-CAJfpA 16N PAPER: J " ®ljt Jeffersonian. crfeAtT DEDUCTION IN PRICE’ To oar. Democratic friends; Deeply desirous of Witnessing the triumph of Deni* oerattc Priflciplce-tiod at the op proacmng Slate and General Elections, wo shall contribple aJi m our.power to bring about that re therefor*,aendour Campaign Paper, J"*. Jw*r*pnian, fra m September 23d, untiiNorera . ber .7lhj.ip. individuals and Clubs, uparj theTollow iDg low cash terms: „ , - Snrow 12 , cen u Ten Copies,*.*. oo TwEHTT-ripr Copces,2 00 FiptfCopies ...... a 50 Ore HundbcdCofies,*.*"6 00 : M* be ol >"»oo« to every one that these term «--• • cover ’of.psper aad press-work. • op, any. of the neighboring counties wUI be pronjulynttendcd to. „ ~ . n L. HARPER. Pittsburgh, Sepl. 21, tB4B. •PLEHDIDSTOCK OF* VUI. GOODS, . . «4 Retail. TTAvi» JsLg?2 N| * C 9-> WrrSß«tt,ll, PA , H tiSlSt » l ß ,ore ,hlu ™= thousand Caws and £mtV>ro,»m£? otPamga andDomestic Goods,malms "»rtiwnie In the counts, em ■' • r: -SIl•* style* of »n enure paek- JfS’jsW l .'’ manufiicmrer* and large Auction tunes, by-one of. tUc Jinti.sresuJme Yorka who it l :; eonatonily. amidmg na ihd nti y t«.anil ; mon desirablr I ???*• *si' h *raatkeis. u-htcli will he batter, a* -vt)o».Wdfe«»nr, esialtliAhmenl m: Jim United.State*,' and w^, r . l - x(r co * Jtl he offered hy ajTvilmiseinihe tlJefollowmc arnefca .na*t—oil changeable, striped,plaid ..s*“. brocade Grodc. AiTrie,Grode BerUu.Gro de Swiss,' ' Sfn5 e pS g,e,? ' PJl w J' r > hlact Ore de Rhine,Tnlfata,iiS «&>DS viz cams tatra Kch satui IS*. do d ° do Pooled.do do; do small P ’ do t*Jaid«, striped Onen ; w» f *o. p Also, SO cases Alpaeeas; 20 eiues neli strioed ondjilutn Lyonesej .8-4 Tarum PJaid and Silk Twill* w .cafhmererjLQd Grandilla Plaid* l> mftS?^*?»vS*^Lr^ n:l^0 »T assortment of Mack. «to«? t m«’n&'’ tIU " Pnrpl '- Bndo,h " Se’???^ S * ,A 5 r,jS .^iCnntpnslngiheniosiextensiire assort ■ .:S!Jr a |S r 5 nndTartanjpfatd Shawls,Mnndeißrunswick :“n«S?.d*nnjrln“ , irt‘»niartine,andoihcrShawls-" - .EMBROIDERIES, IrACK goods: GLOVES, Ac «l l li a ra ctSlar s: collars, cbcmixetis. 4c - Afu » - ,J:FS KN A KDIIOVSF - KBFPIKG GOODS—Case ot • J rj *b*4uctf,4ieii manufacture. Linen Sheeting* and nil* ij£T fS feu * ll b i fe DamfMkimdDiap?r,Saiiftl>ama*r XfH\ e i^ o *S* a nd -Nepk/ns. Huckaback, Basils, and Bird.rt’.yfv-Duipf r. Flannels—ovcr IDOO pcs: of every SS n?‘ bed uml Brown, Muslin*—more than 10-, fe: weiJ known makes. :* ina H?i?fe¥ o^ha - n *W*carioni -entirely new fall : and wiate» very choice style*:' rii£?v2iS!? , J , « p ® B “bd Docakihs; in great .va ne.g/ Crawls and Hdkfs > V* t *^ e .*rdeMnpuon,ioge | he r 'W'ith ewry "m L e r^. U tf y fmu,d 1,1 ftd, 7 goods store * 8 ° oji J “ 1 « ” aiiwoo, ’ fori °2 10 do Calicoes, 03 yard* ior * ino J|{ do fast coTpred Prints, '% *? d ° a MuSllflS, '.Cv.'.\ -v 41 4 do JUouMe I*aine f . 1 j«f. •7. .do .real Scotch Gumbom, . t •;t. ... iff Al»0,50 bales 4-4 Map' M? '•l'-",4;' y v ... JrawnMoaljn, ••‘•-.•44 in connccuou wafa ihosc aboVa momion* ed, will be pncet lUau cun be Afibrdtui by any other esubUshioentiu this city. The OVP PRtrv system, which > w justice and fc,£e« £ £1 »in ;Auy«rtidepurchased nt tbi» cs : i«msbmrm,fouiid 10 be above the geiierol jaarket Price v n w»» most willingly he made. nt>: ou lUe.circmaainncM being rrfade known ltf the Pronrie* *?r®» M,being. tliejf desire ihsi all goods- shall be sold on (air and honorable. terms. All person*!irere*nec!fuNy invited to. exanuue our . assortment without feeling the least obligation 10 purchase... r. , .> I„ Oirptaan*’ Uonrl sale. N pursuance of an order of lhe Orphans' Court of AU county, dated the Sd day of Oclobcr. A. JD iowihesonderstgned, Guardian* of .Agues,' Aim Kluin. <*»•*»«. orJanfc* wd?*x„'™.° f ‘ h ? , o,h euyof Pittsliufgh, deceased ‘ <> f *'° b « »ext, at 10 o'clock, A.SI.: wari of rhI 0 j k Ot r l 5 p “!' Ml of E roUll ' l ill the Oth alwof p.° n^l^ P, "*, bu,Bh ' tom,jet Alleghens, and M loi No'4o Ur ?■ be S s mprk?d un,J “ nlnb f "•> 1 of ilio edatUorPnrifi i { m 1 ® I ? annexed to the partitionl Si SeUSbM ro *^ d 'S, ea " d ' a,,d £ou "‘ M on the srt«tf W »tde of?,*LV Banning at a point Franklin street, then nonh JUS!* , “ I f r£cc, “ ln IV feel more Oflesil- iia?!! J wd,} ' along Kim tureer nine* J?renkhn street'44 feet ai%rhre^ihL and r *^’ le i r '™ , J parellelwlth HtttsirteiUuww™ ■ nc V !oUlbct, l r nml streeti thence easl4flv Inches to the placer,} CSt ,?"«■ 44 frets* veyed to said James TmtnbTe ! decern 1 ' "“"trial < and wifnbydeedof Mrpetdtu ® odfn (t n ' nua!ground rent ofWfper'adnsro ■ fevuS 1 *“ an *. n J uJara enquire bfIVICIJAIU MVAiin* «■“ l *? r - pstl,e '- BAETOV. M Ottorney ARD > Qu “f3i“n. or J :Onl4*«l3wv S"A£-“ „„ IMjjhjragE- KlAO & MOORHEAD -» } $2.00 • 8(0 --15.00 >2s 00 • 5040 ‘PM**** «o «nd from England. Ireland. lr> P v “WI I AND AND WALES U 7 «J| tf.r SARAH SANDS, tniA tit TtfitW I’ai-U; Shtyt i c J~r\ f ?* JV* PV RM.S & CO,. to cm! Imm Rtrirularliiue oi* thp ; l*i 4 uib,itib t llUrntNeu- \ nrk, compose ibetoUowmrSliin.s; ««• J.IEEF* I lie NK\V k ORH 1 L^TESi' I ™* k QUKFN at, ms WEST ‘ RO>CHfS SHERIDAN, 4 ISAAC U'RK.lir, * OXFORD, 1 ‘ l A l s . } ! l J? r , Kmx *' HENRY CLaY. I * \vi <*r*• nkw»J Dc tober,and from New York on SlhWay, “0» July. Pill b(. r ani \ !7^November ** tu * * ,u,> * . the, Old Comwy Mind those wanting tfifirrelauveKoui cciranrdiuar)' quick, should sWecubi* the price of pajsagfun the Sarah Sand*be* h«»leraoreihan Pocket Ship Taieso Forn!is«ae apply \o P. W. UYiiNES & CO, Kl Southm, N, Y, * •: ■ ri - s . r-. . u,, d36 Waterloo Raad,L)verpoof- ; P. h<->> e have ai oil times for sale Drafts at sight, for anyitinount, on the. National Rank oflrelaml its Uranrh es,Ac.Aiv Applynx above, or to *" „ „ _ JOHN THOMPSON •■i.-pc«H.3ffl. l.^jlqbeny sireet, Pittsburgh- I MACKIvCLL— 40hMuJ Na e Mackerel.(brniufedf~4s> in store oud for sale;by :v. ■• ■ > —».P _ _ KING ■£ MOORHEAD BUCKVMII.Af rM)I!R-4!i nrin iiiofe «nB for«frl«tiy. (ortt?) KINO' -jfc MOOBHKAD CIUKN BfiOUMSrIUU duzeii iu fiore and LoMaU* hv ' °«U** KING * MOOBIIKAD SOAP AND CANDLER o t different Pittsburgh brauds tor nalent fnauQfariurer s price*. by•' sepiS W.&. M. MITeiIJE!,TiIEB HOOKS AM>"K'TF&—y caM*« Silvrred -’"- - - • A ,4 . Japtwmed,for.«ale low to close comugnmeni. by >: . j , : . ,v „ „ KDWABDTODD&CO, North Baal comer FaUt'imd Market km . <**?> - iro Stair* YTAR *'*---- ‘ STAK OANDI.KS—id boxer Cincinnati CSar Candle*, jam received and lorehte by. <”■» KINO * MOORHKAI> f'lAifsiA-TBM 164. Carrie tm handanil lor Jtair n v : V-_2. r, !l_ KINO AJIIOOHHEAD .'St fA f9 H ~ au h««Sirab'* Alleybeiiy Starch, in nbre (J and/orrate by; loeiia) KING & MOOHHKAII STRAW Side and French Worked; Willow Barken. fine article, jest received ami opening at PO Market amcel. [octal; -■■■■..■. lIOfiAN Jk CANTWKI.I, Roue 1 opih fame,* pleaiantdentihee :XJ tor the game and teeth, (prepared, by .-RotiMell in etnre and for wile hy (octal ' JOEL MOHLER OATS-Reeetred' and tor »alo by ! '"W. fc j.c. achekox y SILk GIMH* AND FRINGES.—2I dozen yard* hjack i''/“* SiIL-Fnngei, of various stylesand prices, nuiia uift for Mantillas, &c.; 18 dozen yards black Giron, of all widths end patterns, tor Capes,Mantillas, &C 444 nca ' Figured SU|c Coat Binding, just received at ZEBUIJQW KINZfSY'S, No. 67« Market street. ian23 ■; ! • Variety Good*. ■ TTOfl AN & CANTU’b.IJ., AaBO AfnrXrt sltttl. li.ve AX jn« received ttlkfollowlneSiople fi nod., which will t.c sold at a small advance on Kaslent price. for Cash ■ Jj i oz.gu.peitder., ansd. 200 pros. Hook, and F,ye.. » « Shaving Bole joo Agate Button., .f, 4 < So«P«,a..ortcd„ SO “ Pori •> ‘.m . go'kMßook., 0 “ Tooth Brush.., M Razor Strop , 100 * Whale Bone, io , „ *"ie»« « ‘ .Steel Pen., 8n1" h .., 30.009 N PercuMtonCap* • v . Gttn CoII t on r *'.i«>g.iher with a large assortment .of common Jewelry, Tnjie, Needle.,: Button., Accord, eon», Violins, Flntes, Fite. Ac ’ ’ „“,tT € lb BA fIIiBACCO.-05 bdki CDbT-robaCFO ten aml for sale by . • MAZIiRIK, . 01,117 No -a linnet At If ACKKKKI>—UU bb!s. No; 1. lUlmlf tihßWo I S Ijlili A Wo, 2, in store and for note by: r ' . - fIW IMH.I.KR k HICKKTiQV A 1 AI.AHA UL'NCH HAIHINS—IOO hole, ■' and oOluiir hoxejt ju*i rrrrUetl Quit for pfilp !iV , . poIITVi MIM-ER& RICKETSON • r l l< ’ f ,A w CT;m Owners of land in a eircuit of A about b.tmie.i of Pmnhurgh, who intend to »•]■ Iheir Airm*, are requested to leave proposal ni the olfire of the Morning Foil, Mining, thr numiirr of acre* they wont fo.idwpowi of; ihe locniion, and the terms of sale . The .Inters to lie, postpaid and market!—U. Su The prono sals reqnefledrnoi lb he delayed niter NoveraheHJlH r : ' Oi 116 ilSw 1?0H CLOAKS—Miuve 2 pieces .short nap’d hlark / which I will .sell cheap. •- - . JAMES ArGUIRE,TaiIor. Tfairdst. St Charles fimlding. (Chronicle copy.) -.. . A I!OI’«f,4M>LOT AT A BARGAIN -AnTiw mwumtifa comfortabledweUmg*hou«e- in'o coorf neighborhood, on Wyhefireetiashon disiaure from Hie Conn Hmifte con provide tlinm»e!vrB for #nuH sura of USOtM-nsh'.-—Apply to • 4 - ~ JOHN COYLE, . OPU / - - 4th street, near gmithfitdd « i nn ~u S . «KI.B AKSIIANNOCK I’OTATOES—JuM *”v received and for sale by ' ’ 0(1,11 Wjfc J C ACHESO.N’ i mencepn Weiliif.Huy,J{ovaml>,r I.IWB. It i, vary ;UeK«r.il)ir that nil. Pupils should beprasrmon the first dav oiihrr session. •; . . • .• *.■ ■...TtiPPffJiclt.l.flnguoge willbtt taujlil by. Mr. Bodolphe; Korwm Pioirowski. . • :. u . . . l . particulars;. sce-Cirralars at Vcf>r« Jaljii Irwin & Son’,, 11 Water ilfrtt. uml j’ I| Nevin A: Co.. t£d Liberty street , • „orHa.J2tt D E NEVIN, Prmupjl » Netr Goodtll • . A.T.M)< &) .MARKET, HEAR POtTSTH STREET EATON A CO. having taken the old stand lJ rrcenlly oneupicdbyF, H.Eaion A Co., are now ;i>pet»njr an entire new stockoC Trimmings. -Varirtv .Goods. Ac,, wmeh.lbcy .oBer to the public at wholesale auUtrelflil on. The most reasonable terms. Country Mer chants andPedlars will find it to tbeir interest lo examnie our Slop!>-. before purchasing elsewhere ocHfrd&w2w LUIv—A tew bblV instore and tor sale by U oct3 JOEL MOHLER. ■c. "?.< Kir'S*;; -s * r * *r , --.- A - CvPjyyJ' *, k V-Vr * >, /te ' .. ' > ■■:.:• 's., *■-■ ;;_•. * •: '.>-!“• ? ; ■; ■'■• , i, ''* * "A i7iir"~- J - r -"- ? * >: ' iWi*s*°* I°**% - TRADE - I ca®i' Ui,«£n B^n£ < i FJ i ARRANOMIENT9 FOR 1848 ! T-^ fc ' Brown * v “ ,e ' w Baltimore and ~Bniijadelphn, 8 a is ,andfl v it MfIUJ-oai't' lune, direrl to Fhiifldejjilns, 9 a. m., ami WVif. r» and Southern Mall Coach line, 8 a » ,1 ”’ , !: 1 .-'y';-ieTn.TiaCIeT»lahil, daily, lOi. m ,■■ 1 " cMem New York, dailt, 9 a m Philadelphia, dailj-j except Sundays, 4 ' ARRIVALS AND BEI. RTURE OF MAII.B “’'tern Wail yia Philadelphia, due 3.*.si.,c|ose»li m western Mail, Ctn.-and Loutsv.ydne.B p.ai.: closes sam vUiS \v B^‘l »ud Washington, due 8 » si .closesS* m, North-Weslera.via Cleveland, due.lO aim., close*** m' hnr and Western New York, due 8p at, closes 8 a si - flunk ofPnt.liurgh----'- ■?"& «030 °l2m KxrtanKf?«nk 8 lota Mm ®Eso Mefehnntß’»ndM B.nk . . ... SqS EjX 43m S'CCi!“ k nSSn.SE*.•“ w» «■“ g» “ >o ° 9 5 0-?s *>« . ™<“| Pally Review of muiurlttli. . OFFICE OF THE POST, V a*ns»*vMa*inm», OctaUr m isis ( WHISKEY—S»Io of 13 bbls. Recttped at 32c. 4 moo. Silo of Raw, to arrive, at 20c. LARD—SaIe or 6 keg. at Bjc.j no other sains, and we notice none jn market. ' BACON—SaIe or $ CMk» Hama .at ?{c. OATS—Two lota bought at 26c ; 200 bus. at 25c Silea from store at 28c. PLOUII-—There war butlittleof intycalinthe market yesterday. Sale of 160 bbla. on wharf at $l>6C; orte amaller Bale at name. Prom negon, eeveral lota were takes at 84,60. :Sale...of,No. 2 Lard Oil at 60c. ■ Sales Of tioaeed at62065c , according loquality . NUTS—A decline is. reported; qale of a * email number of sacke at sl*2s; large lota offered I at leaa. New crop coming in. I POTATOES—SaIe* oP Nesliadnocka at 65c.v which is an advance*-- - ORANGES—SaIe of single box at §6,00* : LEMONS—So sales. &xf~ Large lota of both Oranges and Lemons are expected on. RAtSlNS—Regular sales new crop at §3,60, an advance. Old crops are still sold at §2,00. - H CHEESE— Some important sale* have been made. An extra article of “ Cream ” sold as high as 7c. Common is worth SiSrCc. BRAN— Regular salea-frora store at 10313 c IJfcAt tlf hi'clkt-Cand TtiHH-*rd U D amt 20 dor Tuhs-: jurt received And for rule liy :- ,2£i2 KINO A MOOttlth Alt IN3KHD.OIL*—I2 Lb!*, in Ktore nnd for vale !iy ■ i . _ KINO t MOORIImO, '»*> cor. Diainond and Diamond alloy U*iv—2lioo pounds ffiovo 4*ipe for «nle hy : _ KINO 4 MOORHEAD, j ■ aor. Diamond nnd.Diamond alloy V ;' 1 »>•>>,•■ VAv ?,.f~' ’.'\- V. '- •! ... - > 1 *- -* « i f 4 , u ■ - - mi l Qgymt&inißcaPr , £ met % iMußs Watch 1-5 tiis aurora , a . , 'ARRIVED, ~ " V Parkmwn, Brownsville: i«mim M’Lane, BeauekßronjiftTilte, Arrow line, Gordon,. BrowimiUe i. Caroline, Dayj:Bftaver; - . Camden*HemphUL Beaver ..• . Dover, Reno, Cm }■ ■ ■•■ :••:• H*M s pn>Poe r ->V4ieeUng ,^v « a , DEPARTED, v jr r ; AtlanuoT Parkinson, Brownsville: ♦ •.^ Ul * V* « a P e »'®*nneij BrowiißviUer 1 -.. : Arrowlme, Gordoji,Bravnisrille; Caroline, Daj, Bens *r* i . Gasmen* Heranbilh-.Beav«\.^ « £? u Ph«He*.Caihoiin,Ciiu f f/ >r ?^lVMiUeiyCineinnatL ! • iluwon, Poe, Whfceliuff. I Rawer Sem. Thf clerk or lire steamer Mt, Vernon, has fur l J nilhed.uswilhlhefollawiogmotnoranda ofriver i news. The boat left Cairo Tuesday evening. The steamers Mohawk, Chalmetto and lowa, were at that port for New Orleans. The steamers Conway, Hena'haljPloijteri Kit Carson, Constitution, Joslah Lawrence anil Boreas No. 3, left Cairo Tor New Or leans the day previous. The steamers Phmnli, Wv- Mal ' y i. I we l e bel °* Paducah. P°l° Alto just above. The Caddo was aground UnH The Industry was at Smith land. The Diadem and Niagara Were below the laS* .t nr P* ««?!■ appi> « n board . ••:• •<•-.■■■, lPor Ciuciunoii. .• TT*" —*• »JCSl*Mpiii ff* *imwr FORT ' , { l *■**• Mawi>r -will J*are iiir Hu iflTTfc!! . V mt pon-J Tills ri\Y ai . For .L f -^^ ht ° f on board: - <*(«) ■ ■ ■. PoCI nc)no«t». . f Tllltnl> " ai “* h l hllll " l "’ > "•imow'rVJS \ taU-'imUlSi ITOR. Jacob. Mailer, wilt |eay» Tor ihr ■■■■■BHtlonmp find iniennt dime : non*, iM> pay: . Par freight or pi>«raj>* apply oa bonrd oeW For Cincinnati, 1 OW Ik Titr near Unlit Uraujhl f-i.l ronnidg >• (Piiilti.ti J ■»«T« n »rC | Mm; | t K r .i:A. -JiMflUliMl will )f sv® Ji»( tlif. filiorr aml inlpr- BIMHSHBBinriIiMr port. ihi» day loiltetitMortiM.agr.applv on bond. < «t| j ____ Cor Cincinnati, h: ; 'Cor 'Tif* Ufilu drought pamenger LJgLsA C.pi Jlarwtt. •JBQnpgSSv - leave lor the above ondmirrrae dime porl». «hi*day: • . • For freight or pa>«ajr apply mi froard. ' oh** ~ For nM\«ifttl Ht. Uonimi . ; mi kVr* br, ** 1| l dra °fihl tie hiuerSWAN, B. May, will leave tor (he abovA riii) jmrh . Jatiilmgs • ror freight or powagr apply on board, or to *P" MMKSMAY : For Cluelnnait* ■ '••■■ .. , ■■;Thf liehl draught steamer FRIEVDfIJHP . leave for the above and fßHßSßoßicrmfdiatp poriii. ibtji d»v> orpawaje apply on board. * frpCH _For Cincinnati «~ny • v« DMV » „ . . JOHN II MBLI*i nic, may : bc touud at JtS Wood street, opposite J-D Hevts Auction Rooms.. Observe Wn/croom* up stairs : !■t M HonkTNSON kTORGAN S U DBM KIM.ER brine* uwaythc worm* ■o»f r r.ii n »r Afieetarny ro„ Pa. •. r Js»l**s D ,‘ ■ -Dear Sir: This!. to certify that : {jurehoned of. Sir. Porter: one phial ot yoorgreat Worm Killer, and gave two teasjtoonful* of it to one of my chit i J** 1 ' J and in a short lime tt paused upwards .P\ w1)-t>»X worms. Andbkw M*Cri.rot‘oit ” 1 uiuiets.tbat the above .Mamnneiit m true- .■ „ • * . , , . “SaMUBI WBfrtHT.” I repami, nhnlcxale and reioil.by.thn proprietor*! • , • /OHN' D MOnOAN, Dnißgixt, Woftd strepf. Ptunburgh. ma3o • - ; • i ■ ■ • • :. RampT*l» ■ • ■ ■ *"— T ■* M’DEVITT hjive removed To No. 13 I.iher « . I> «. 10-dpow«iiiioMh»ir old stnmi; (rniinr nido) „n ? y •W o ** l * lh' lirml Of Smilliflrld nc(U:>un . • .. Nl Ti S 7 ,u ; , , 1 l >“'l , eta > for ml every low. io i-loi.v I. by . locIS) SMITH fc SINCt.AIB OST.—On Stimiaj the 15th mm. a pair of Hold Snep- Xilnclf a In. a red cow, onniewhere between the door of ~ ®hurcb .and ibe rorncror Brewery Aliev aiul Peim sirrri. The finder will be liberally rewarded I H. CALLAfiIIEB: ■ tk * invr ——• V long * miii.bb““ S “'V** *> f 8 » hn<* of Plnln Snd OmS Z!!"r on hand* ’ BUrn " ’ Clu “" 1 ' llers > 4t *<• - «■>- — mil 111 11 n. *- ,s ,o <■»» «< iirJl * j * i a * now- m itorr i> iaiye and demralile an .awomnent. or Chinn Glam u>.ualh'7„n! %'' wulable f?r coimtrj merrhani. m „ ujuall) fonnd in camera honws, and ‘at equally low P , ' < ; l e * M HODKINSOff. auirai , 5 Wood sircei* near Fifth LARD— RecM and for =ale by ocU9 ‘ CUMMLN'S & SMITH * » - ; .«8l |sss.;ia»s. < ' - , ■ ; ■--‘ '' - '%\- , . :5r }f':. U-rl".77: ; 'V/r,K : fln»r Jii^eUtgouf., \ ‘, , ► *• f-r f - ' > t J <■ 1 ' AJ -“ 3-^vl ' <,'>" . K rt-ts% K *? • ■» . t " t ~i.tr jfS _ ' 7 1 * V Z^ 7 . „ „ »'-•«■ -~, * -- 4^??f»- * * K * y r sj;-V •>*.T:\>Vi.;i J .,iv-r,K:#/;i-rl4Y^i^r ? rr,S> : :W*.yi'JV’.C;V.'rt'<;.rW , .w2:- : -7. , S!‘!sSSs- '■- //f ' W ..- joMsm> , ~ r „ V Jt® ■ f <- ~V < •,. ; ; ;; .••; ,•'•'•■■■’ ■ ; >,•:■ ■.,...•a a- '■;:■:•■.:.....; ;• >•,>••••.••:•.:..•.<,:. *•.•.•• i: L-. -'-f. f .;.-.V: .tv .'i.\. sr:>v?i-?.:v. ■••■•f..--.-V.-.,-:,;.iJ-s.-. ■> „ , f v “ *_ V ' - - , I , jhflfaafo; f/" -> ' • -aft 4 ’ i rJQfc jy : i tor’ » . wji. h. wilua an; fs •• .- mßBM£..,: _ ‘■'XCHAJfCFK AtVtV BANRIWG OFFltf*. fc-T • ' ' ; 'AH a\i> nrrsßUßGfi ' S roriTCT , '^'rf!lJ 3 ' l !t'’^ < 'k ,ill? f- J i7 Ma ‘.? d |j ' - , •ajipaokbtuse. iwilf»itab»i,tZ 11 L^"bwgh,^",d “^ ,# *J • , ; -J. ' rf b2SS3Ert2srsSl!Ss? | * - /'S »water* 6t ihe lVcnl Tlie ‘ , - . i elB f j -rviceit of the twt nrul uaepiij) mi.t. tv c cVbkx. i 'i /#■ . V •he.vfiver-ibuairtesfi.— „..,,, HIU. Sc CUUBy, ,>; > P v . vears; hanf.ainrd . , “bM EXCIIANOE BBOKEH9, r fi ' / . - ' ' lUengeaom *s'*% j*Pwußitni AWttfCMdan Sdrer.M 0$ Wood f . , , ) 5S®?« V J --- \ ■ . - . " „ ■ '- 7 ;- " Bo( it . T 7 ~ H “B h »Sfeini; : -!■■■•■ . ■ . v. "Sffissswa. I ' ;- :>-‘ : -, { -> ' '' -IS made onaU putts of the Union, «UiB 1 - i 1 | ; r r "- r » wWkMium. '. 4 ' " 4 Btaltn m' Forritn ani 1 ' J 3 ~ *• Cwti/ieaiM a Ban- > . r t)ie Bt. • , , m»ygB , > j J" - / T-i ," ■•A,jv«; T l' 'V’ $&&-M ~ .. , -»v *-’ if'-'• fj " > • • fe ? 'j? £t .■; •; T, r w .fj. s -• ' • ,-a - ii> ‘ii-. < • /v,:Vr; ;.,T^;,i ..... ~. t 1 ; t + t- - s - -* - *• f c 'r ** „ ’ States volution. ■*'- _ ___ : l Atrci’rauTsxiftar BY JAMBShPXXmiA, AITCTfONSKR ' No 114 Wood Street, three Mmfnf^ma TOURERS timingil.i. clij win u MOo i , a . . V Ixnilccolmnodated; wMIe thev iflnniS ir the use 01 u BoAin on moderate lerm s m*h« ?d Jnorv m Jo r ss;^r s,ote - No - m Al«o—for Bom lij ilie wee), monili or . “•«»«'«*? Ce'llar, st £H -TA.ME3 M’KENNa. Auc. JV>MKSTIC BLANKiyiBj at -private .ale M,g.. li no’* Auction Room No l&fwcod *ire?r irora s|h si, a large invdte* of Doirtefiiw i •“'SMI «iio and finest quality Of Meriiib \Vn ir : iS«.'v!.J fold*’withoui at and E?“nfi street*, n large stock or Groceries; 'Giinore?- 5S ! iPlntfortn 3cales;Desks; Store Fixture*. d£ : er nr deoltulng that buimes Amjg The afuclefSw SS5 P w' r ’ ,m P e V>“ l t*a», coffee,NewOrFeans ! ° af ; u »? r . allspice, pepper, cloves, ginger, e nna! moil, mustard, tobacco, soap and candlee . toveiher mfh a large assortment of Groceries or every descrmitnn Also, Ghina: ond Queensware.^glasswSfe 0 -oiSf.'VtSir l platform scale*, complete, counter scales, desks store fixtures, te Term* at sale uesas, siore -P cllB JAMES McKEttM* Auct BALE ; OF ‘BAMaugu l HAillltbA »it il Cutlery and -Fancy .Goods,-itt Auction u-Oif 'Oatd/ day next, dciober Jlst, at a o’clock lit theafterndou will be sold at McKenna’s Auction Booms, No -114 AViiod «t three doors from Fifth,'for cosh; parTunds on ireenSorlii underwrners.a large-assoruneuiofHanfwnre few Articles,slightly hurt on .sft ieWweeiis,* luce, among, which are,in parti k.iibei’nno forks, larva carving and butcherynives? table m,d re. .W"! 8 large lotoTpenknivcsond ra»re,sciio r » cLr“ tain bands, spectacles hooks and eyes, ieedle cn«S I watch ,keys,. shin, coat and vest buttons;* fttner so-in’' t corahs, locks and talches,files, snuftcrir, hms o?hMiichre : sewing-nwls, .shaving brushes; hnir nnd OlOthhrUshe? cutlery, lead pehcils,. cologne water; ail- -■ ink*; 5 ; ho i* ,hr l a f, a ‘^ ker p |at » «m brass cloak clasp! .pencils and penholdcip, inceun. courtDlrmter pa*ie memorandum b-T" 7 -? f , be t *°!“ on Sfltnnlay.evemDK, Ociober c . ° a«jhe Commercml Hales Room; corner of Wood and Fifth streets, h\ camloßue. AmL ,KS will lie iouudj BoUn* Phouographic jPronouneinß’ Ttin 4O pl» f 0 !*) # - j o S \^ a 1 e M I Q * • Winslow’s Hermans; Works ’ “” b ■ T '" cwr «nrh Rfvolulwiii valunWs works, Tavhir ni. Poisons, Oriflilhoiv JUsdiool JBouny; Calfa fteaiinrm on TrnS' n f J, r A f.' le> ‘ C °°?' r mi Sal wja srcft- T,,Uus IbfßSgSyiSaJl “ ,hr Au?l ™ S.orr, and - ncl9 v, J''«OLKBAI.EAND RCTAH.. • tlnmr''Sit Ma -l lrt t r ’’ and tit DiamonJ. VSmSSZ&JT " cmed from lbe Kas " rn AM} HUNTER DRY GOODS Wcnttipeat fall in prices, viir ; 4-4 Brown Muslin, only*cents; : : 44“ ‘ heavy.Ci “ ■ 4-4 BierirhrtlMas!tn. Gf‘ ■- s*" Flannel, all wool; only ISfc. ; ■ , - Furmlore CJnnli, from 4to BJc.; •:i -'. . Purple Cftlicoe fast eoJors, 61c ; ■ ' ; -v-!.FEa? h D^MOiaghasivisjc.; ’ . -4-TDouhlc Purple Ciinw. ial,- , ~ LADIES' DXHSS GOODS' ■ Fans Pnnu*d Cashmere**; ~ _ m ••;..•• *- ' Moae. deLmnei; V? R S 1M on Htcb near the corner of \v7i a 1" l * -»£& SSSK «» ?t „o n |,,U sbades, Al"o—SMtserdlotlif rl.ctr on the Hill in ihfirrrnt placet nS!r»Ph^ u ?‘ n f Pl ?‘ d ’ for wilc on dr iwrnwhnni.R.* *«!’ "•■■• £ a * , ° co * ot * J • ma> Mut purchaser* or jwjpeinnl lc«e»rt Coborg nndThißeiCloiba, . flugl3»tiU changed *-• urr rr»v ■ Flaid AlpocCas. a)! colorsy * F™n'h M Wen!iS « * kn fro ‘" 011 »«• - » Wlde sm „ rR ~ frp lo n*4 reel allej Term, liberal New fall« } Ir Bonnet Htbbon*, Cashmere Scarfs-Cra- 1 M «gS3 „“ n 4 pOHSAr.t.—A valuable farm of ill acres oi'wbieb i *•>*' Ftnch Collara from ISJe 1053,0 l , 'J aerc* nr*- ut a fine stair-of cultivation, well laid }' a/■ . • OEATiHfJIKJPS OOODS.*“ ■ op; lii mcadon- and grain brMvwiiU Rood «>n«M andl wnmfnlof:French and English Cloihs.Caa ;r and eaal.smiaie.fon a good road ' •J'W'f.CuderSbirt* and Drawers; Glotres.Haitdker. ' r'.u ron » f teepott, and on ihe .lirvev i 14 [ i'pem1i*Ts, am] Ho*)[-rj\ Pr « K "‘ lro:ia neartorhurehr* scoool. and mill* b,^r„?t^i's,^' nrejtt *\I ,h ? ,lh, y dre ' , P , ”rntedto Price,#l4 an acre. Trim* liberal- : . ! ,'< ami Will nrhlj- renay all who will call andeaamlae CUTIIBtRT. den Agent i muc> ' ld ' V( r >han they have ever l.reu Smithfiel] street ./nndT'” ,lu ’ c,,y * ar , ffSAIrOM MORRIS. — .:i aeplg-ltn- 'r- - , ■ No. OS Martel »t.. Pittsburgh P- dayis, AnfnoufH. So r Sale. ocU FQH.SALK— A desirable Frustettrof two Acre* vridi -v— —■ ■■■ ... rt u Co \v fo H ß Me Cotta#* UivfMuip. gpoii Sinlile, large '■ • L,r i e B "PPlF i «f pi 7 «ood*» " e l l » »»d *nrt voter, all ui good order tiiutited ' . : ;W. K.MURPHY,; s *j| TfeomfiMrayilfe-, oud well Iwatrd iora coumrr sfort*v j ? r rowrtii ako XAHuerumri*- ?'•!*> 8f «W AM, *.x Acre* o* 1 *P«nmff In* fi»u»ttpply of FaU improved Imiid, now m«u m n-Jieai; prirp. *&V) Ca/ib >-*"■- R«nr/rl>rji Goodr, amf ha* now to oner to hi« urapppovpd received. 'iYno* cutlomer*, alorgetmrt choice lot taxied from.' Many ftfitxh. ' S.CUTJJBERr>Ceneraldlffeni, r tt t?» ® l BJ calJ y redticed pricep. ; -c- Smubfieldxtreet,- svS?iL ,n l ** e * esee nou 01 theku jH>K s4l,b-a ivmalf two mryJxafUf di«iW bouTe“ £s«™-iTJP£!? LL?/r < ?T HH UOW * O genewlly u»ed for robvemetulj tlfoaicrf irout.n? ou ^? a Cotton Dnd»ntbirt«. super. Mack »cp2 /AVIKS MkY kAw? , “S'*? Cravats. Olore«.*e. f O , gentlemen ._ * n J? 1 '2i p I S l Morlmde Lames;; Plain-: tkr Bm-tr Ihadjounna miles /ram PUuburrh ’ 1 JflJ C *i , ' ratrr .*' F / t PS I ‘ Jfrrtnw, of u greatvn- ,«*» went . rs 4 vruj. a*, rixtiMj P/'> ® r fine , P" n, «* Moo *- <•* Lainei., a« lour as T"i** w i. S ' tl '‘ R “KWIOV will yomttte” eo i kkYdne* ~ya y>,,in bl »cl “n>l X’ day; Novcmlicr j, |S4P_. • .. ■-: i colored _Blnpcd and Band do.; besides a fnr rraus-Hoarding Ikution kVaahtnc Furl Li-ht«,l<- SnCi'L * 'll 10 <-«xir—«nch aa Flannels per Msston of five months. *7s_on, half nnvahlr iiinnl; 1 ; Bneetintiij Muslins at on eiceedinely Ibtv vanre; the halanrr at the close of the *f«?ibn - 10 d < ,n, !‘ Linens,4c. ; beautiful new: style of English Arrungeuients hare :>een nude for Mcuriur thr'arV ■ ' * , - uu ’ a *J'«C i ffoo l * styles fronl.4c.up to the first qnali; vtrr.ofitx Rodolphe I l >«£i“>'f'‘e'artd Caters are itmtetl to call ’ ibp.frrtnch lartguaffe.: .-..rbotft lafcujir French It««oo>t will » Mcrcbaiiu ill find, in lhe Wholesale Room*, cji Up charged «»10,.*r«w,on exua it-onawui sj«,oty.. choice Mock ofjiewesi *i } |e ai about liooU.andStiitionrryiuruMedaWben j— >>eri * p - t j ce^*, • (»cpB furnnih ilteir awn lowela. It i« very 4e««blc f Ihat all phoald he prewul on Uiß.firM day of lhe aeApian : l-of further parluMilor*. enquire of the Prhicipnlyattlie .iKM!F. > ti.°htSgh lM '-^^Johu Irwin A Son, No. II Water Refer toOeu J. K. Moprehcnd, Dr. B P. Oa«am.llou; .•• . .1- :■ :■■■■■•■ ■•■■: i»Pll33lte • „ KXIhNsTVK AKHIvAI. • A( Pi DtUsijr'ii lO tlbttiy und, • . ■ rirTXiaoii BKCKIVMV-A gantral auorlmfnt tit rtoih", tf lu'.inirre. and Winc«,of (be ilevrpM qvln and iro.t ra.liiniiable i f t number or warehouse men ami Bov*, tittle* men unit clerks. Also, tor several school teachers in town or coumn . also tor laborer*. Farmer* can be' supplied wuh on> hand* they want. Also, steam. coital anti keel boat*. (*ood cook*, chambermaid*. amt nurses con get employment, or: person* wanting: them supplied *oon \> anieu m borrow, several sums on good security AH kinds ot agencies attended lopromptlyformoderatechar* ge*. Please cull at ISAAC HARRIS, e : ■ * - Agency nnd Intelligence Office ocls cor. Penn oml s*l Clair *l* /flO |*KT~A comfortable small dwelling house/THeo*. X amly situated in the lower pan of Allegheny city on ; «agn|cy *lane. Im* three rooms on thefirst floor-two and u 101 l on the second, from and hark, porch good cellar nnd a large garden lot. coiUßintngsotne 10 or |y heu'-tn«' mm tree*, and 40 or 50 currant and gooseberry bushed Rent, ninety dollars a year; Pomesaum can be luid on •the find .of October. Applytn J. H. MFMuOR' - Kf ■ , - §1 Wood street . JONKS’ SPANISH laHTTWiirririVimrijest PrennV niton for imparting to tho Skin a natural, healthr clear, living whim: niihe same tune making it M>ft nnd smooth.- Dr. Jotne* Anderson. Practical Chemist of Aft ** r nna , l > 7,n F Spanish JiillyxYhite. I find » possesses the most beautiful and natural, amt at the same time innocent white l ever’snw I certainly can conscientiously recommend it* use to all whose »km teqnlre* beautifying. 1 ' -Price 25 cents a box. Sold only at PjJ Chatham >t N \. and by Win. Jackson, Ageut.bO I.ihcrtv street ' ■ seo23 ■ / ■■■.• ■VrFiW HOOKS—The Women ot the American Revo- Xx ; luiiott; by Elizabeth F. F’llct—m two volume* wi»h portrait*. * ! "■ Hohrri B.irns, n? a PoH, oml n, n Ainu: I,vSamuel * yleiynf.tlu! Maryland Bar. or the Policeman s Story; by Charles • •■: How to .Im a Mnitj a hook tor boys, containing useful hint* on the tormauou of character: by IJarvey Newcomb How to he a Lady; n hook for girl*, containing useful hint* on the formntionof character: by If Newcomb Anecdotes for Boys—hnteriauung narratives uml an ecdotes, illustrative Ot principle* and character * hv-liar vev Newcomb. - > : Anerdotes for Girls—Emertaimog narratives and ait' ccnolfts, lUustrntive of principle* and character ' • Just received and tor sade by > _octlH JOHNSTON Sl STOCK TON MUSIC’ MUSIC’ MUSIC’-J II WruoRTATHI Iraorf. aireti. )m* just receivrd by Kxpress a further Bnpply of the foHowtngpopnlsr Music: Toke me back to L-- d • The WWlier: He doth all thing* well * Kingof the Sea; Ren Bolt; Blue Juniata r Oh! Snsanud; Nepping X dreamed,- I.ovo; Mountain Maid’* Inviiaiion : no*a Lee 1 ve wandered m dreams; T.e« Uslove ouenti-' ?’• u r V,' ou 1 • Bl,n< * ®°) r ’ ( Dfmpster;) Lament hf the Emigrant; ,May Queen,, complete: Uncle Ned- Fthtopion Olee Book * ooilS PHINTLNO INK-Just received, u tresb sutmlv nf X Prom’sPrluimg Ink. ut the * *.* ■ PEKIN TEA STORE, No; 70 Fourth st. v:. ■: • ; * i 1 y .-j,. .V'i 'Vs'*; v,i V j i , v-f- ! -V-*>‘-4 -J-”. -.”• :’.Vrt ‘V.-.i' —ri t * < ? < v ■•••.': ■■■:?; •»■ i>: :.- r ',>■.'••• • . H >1 S Dally Arrival or Fall Good. for the Job " t»ln« Trade* 1? D>V ARD TODD 4- CO. begleave to call the %\ien • J lion of merchant* atid dealer* in Oenllrvitn'i Fur m Pambursh vicinity, to oar large »lock ofdurable FALL AHD mXTE&’aoODS, iiow daily receiving : home of our goods aretnauufeclaredby us and ilie remamingporuon bought underaucheircumstancesasta enable u* lo sell a* low a* eastern Jobbing House* v* from our factory in the east, a large Moekot SHIRTi?, which,- m qualltyofmaterial. titanic** .«fatyle.andm«nfiieiure,-are;fceeortd:Wit'wieinihe' , JAar-. ket; »e irtfl selrthein lower than they can be bouehY r m theea»te rnTnflrket«' Oar mock will consul.lupartiof M ootand Merino Undershirt* and Drawers; • potion do do. Blact and Fancy Cravau; *°v . d ®i- Adjnttmg Stock* and Tie*: p£Wu dcr .?i l&ntiel*!!—Just ree’ed ond now open* * p ? a Kll PP ! )' of white, yellow, and scarlet flannels, all wool, which will he sold hy the piece, or nmgle yard, lowerthomhc a&tue quality ot good*have ever been before offered. 1 PHILIPKO^S • *e!6 __ •. No. SO cor of 4th nnrt Market *ts-’ " FALL OIN(»IJAMS.*--Jum received a line asitorttnen ,ot very ImmUomedarkgingham* oi every quality tram common lo very fine. One. lot of very superior dark ginghams ut t2|cent* a yard, warranted rtm colors PHILIP BOSS, .. ..N0,69 cor of.4ik.and Market*!*, MUWfIATT if SONS' SOD* nubucri her* ora now receiving their Pall stock dfihe above article, three ve**eis, vir: the Juninm; Medallion and f,> dia-, imvmg arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore and two more, the Stephen Utildwin and Leila, shortly ex pected j they ore, therefore, prepared to rereive orders lliey will receive during the winter and *p ring regular KtipplicA via New.Orlcan*. . - ■ VT & M MITTrtFLTRFK Lii'HluriAN ; «!.KK-.BtJOK: No. a, coiiwnimfTh-!. J-i songs (imißliy the Christy Minstrels, and many oilier melodies, in lour pans— arranged for quartette classes Contents—Bank ol de Ohio. Carry me hark to ole' Vir ginny, Hnnnyorc we Darkies so gay. Jim Crnek Corn. Jim Crow Polka, Imuisiana Belle, Old Gray Goo«e, Hbsa I.ee,sto|vdotKiiocktng,.\Valfclnde Parlor,4c he ■ Just received and.for.eale by, w P» n J II MVI.I.OR fil Woodsi W«OIiKN i’QIJCASi AND COA h', h bn« article: It ;Hooa» and Caps} - *• Ho*e for children; -■ :■*•■ 1 Coratorts ;• u Boils | . :. . ‘ t ■ • Coslimere and Verlm Olov*ft,Jliwd with a fin* article oi. ImcULin, oud n general assortmem of fttore*. Mil*' v. * lIOfiAN ft CANWFI.!, » e P-3 No, eg Market si; heiwern sth st. ft Dinmonrt * drums, jiutjeeewed and for sale by _ SMITH ft M\CIr;, \■ 5 .>V l . '-•I' ©rjj’ ©bobs. , tee,,, -third and Poanli Jflhd Mrg«(, cheapest, and best assorted of IS3S Fall uni Winter DRY GOODS em k "ss<'“ "I 2 ! ,ch u * “““"O" atom mfmewn» d cMiom e » pualne-public generoUr, is re«Dec!fiilir ionii»li s . ' e i * Mibuynber i* confident that he cSii ofieriu?bbawaiuii m rtieVm “ ‘’“"““l hc sur P»' iwd b> any other&uo in j; 4»Jncse gopds:have been purchased at nrlbei far he. woBoa > ,hfs Atnoiijf.ihis I-AROK AND SPJ.RNDID STOCK will ioivpnce* lo * nd d*** raWe pxrtta.' if extremely ~ , JUDIES’ DRESS GOODS ’ < i “ l >>°>»ablelh'e«s Slltt r Plmd and Striped ?uf„,„ S « Un !, "£P cd P ,aid Silh > Pl“lie .'. n »r ! p ?!“ apk?nchl ' UUie > 1 nliffl r zc e V ailtl ll as ' an d Capes, at very Jow "awed designs and latest styes Cashmeres, S!eriiih« d »’ni Il i" ltlp 'S. t^, l““rebi;'eery rtriJSSf^fJSSi o !*’ plain, figured and satin ffoiSln’ 0a ■~ re dneUor. on formerpnees j Gain, Cal- PlS‘?n d e f«hmere ( Plants, JHobair and MonWej E„^]A?'. l l i“? l,u .' s i Afpaccar, nll qualities nndcolon, irom Jc per yard { * t> « shawls/ shawls': Te,kem and Bmehe Shawls, I La,nBiSißW, ‘- Fine black and colored Cloth Shawls, Fine Quality tong;Shawls, very-cheap, Plainhla 9 k and plaid Silk Shawls, very cheap, each iifi wSoL lU<^B “ Ck Shftwl9 > from 75 cents to 83,00 domestic °oo»s> r xvch delow for. \ ard wide purple tfo.. at 13*c ; i wde Bleached Muslin, font 4 to 6*c , spSesaasaEacri, issssaS*tSi ■snitur At 110 °® ®» rk «t at, J3SH war l hubsf.u,. V Thompaon, ,lr ? x^o-ty M V ™?? h " * n,ire "O'* of FaU and Winter consisting of every Kfvie of ruti Sn P . ,l^n > aU , W “ l £" hme W KrSeh Merinos all colors; Chargeable and Black ■silke for I M qH U iw*i a“'r sy children:'- hirif“flj?,«» pe ' MtL Colh ". f«m ihc lowest lo ,i, e , wMESTICS.-rTbis deportment is very fult ;m-. i fancy .Floor. Clothi always on band ' i _lhe anov* bare been purchased since the J de- 1 P~{n PPc- i.n^Jin^baa been in operation for. six years j haa carnrd the BHghtew iruury to ibeir persona The proprietor* chaUenlreiioni panwn with ouy passenger lioeljr the Union for tfaftty. [ e ff*«aritj, and speed.. > ; AH . that- money cau:prornre-lia<» been provided fpt? the aufety, comfon and convenience of PMtemern, :: The.boats leave forCincinnaii a* follow-- -X? y ? A r p JCKET‘--Tl‘*iloso!taAm:u, Capt Sum,; wni leave rnt.iluirgli every .Monday morning st lUooiock; Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 p m PACKET.—The HinsnVu- No.: 2, Coni: ?l u /’ leave Pittsburgh every-Tuemliiy at?op ,S M t 10to^toek i Wheeling every Tuesday evening 2 Th» New Ear. land No. nnrnHir^VinS"’i —i! l, f‘Jfie BEiLLiisr,Cafet. K. J, TrVheohng every Friday evening it 10 p it C l SATURDAY PACKET. —The .MKMsnoKp. Cnpt' fit Camp, will IpavePittebnrghetery Saturday'morninv nt 100 clockyWJieelipg.every Saturday evening atTOp a Newton, Oapt. a 7?SSfeX- vSt Te i vPl, “ h “ , ®si' e '? ry Sanda 5' “tondiigiut l9^' Whenling every Sunday evehingat'lO?■&'- 18*8. ; *’ 1848 ?®‘ , *? r * l ‘»»ilßrotniivtUeOanyPaek« FraE1 At^ 0 d , Pebhtjabt lf»! 1648 LEAVK DAILY AT-8 A M AND 4-P Af r Jeff The following- new boat complete the line ■MmUSfc* i re ?«nt fteasiott: ATLANTIC; : Cai>t ; nrwl t «ttto i?r^& Tl^ 50n U B * LTIC > Cant A -Pei 01718 ftI TiANII Copt R Bennett The boats at? entirely new.and are fitted tap without ragnrd to expebsc ; HlY r^riS OT, ?“ >rt -Vnionerennprocure ha* beennrovi- J*& T 1 * wIU the Moijonjrahela Wborfßoai aiihe foot of Rossst Pjisaengers wiir?b« •pufictbol iJ oii ooard t tu the bonis will renamly leave at theiidvended ___ 6 jatrtl IHHF .^i!SS^^«sfSfS “' ahnrges seminal wenirneHMinil ImporencL olio, miss, monthly stipprrosions, diseases ;of the joints; artnlaro ■? n ?i aerrous lioctahtt'lcSiisi'irti^^^ fationsoOlie ueeh.'.of ihe Madder nncf fcidneyv, fieorouiic :r;: eruptions, feljetv r | ' i sf w 'onn, inerrnrial d iseasrs. *e ;- TWELVE VEABS’ PRACTICE'' • . renl disortersi-aiid ihoseansing'jroiHt'oaihfiilWeeSsisi : gaiet), cliniaie, or irapuhlies of lhebledd; whereby the ®’■■ “as'aWopiaayliayffibeenedfeeliledvenablesDUKS.;^:' assoranees of Speedy relief tdni] who - liieniselres under his care-- ' " - ■ -,, - A _.. y Ur. Brotvuo offices Greconyeniantfr arraneefj in!o*rn arate apartments.., .Paueniscon vhiilDr- B svithtrotfear ‘ ' of exposure nitoliier visuora . - , liisof uaponanceiomiuiy persons in aeeddfmediciir sood ‘a*™' privately,nndprorapily.-. To ail • ,such>,r/rr-Brown’s.,ready, skill,‘iii,remoVidjre*aejVbfdfti.' : ‘ >: ’ : e««, m ihcirTanoua forma and Mages,otters inducements SteS < S"L t^lS l s'j ,6 Struigeta areherebyop :i•'■■■«<■ ~Pgr Wheeling. [gi A®fi%X t rS,et J S; f SSS 2. c ~ e * <° ** of those mWimpßfflFi, ISU' »>>oTa and intermediate o ® r . Bre J™ J “ *•»« only regularly educated aurgeoa- in IJu s d U}, atf oc loe t, r. jr. Polsburgh whogiyei, hi a v,bolc olienlioa to those caui _Eor freight or passage apply on board tan f pJornia uiu uiotocom . Por Cincinnati. I'guESeT 1 "’ EB,e ' peeJy cu,e * ** l1 * * n »« cases, be U\m- r n!i'i n? Itfhl draught steamer I Eecenl canes are relieved ma, ihoruune, wnioalmler ior "Jr EL i ßo,l S er8 ’ Master will leave ntpuonfrom bu me a. ‘ "uuooiioier; For freiehrn?™i m ermedmte porta rcgularlj , ID”Hernia or Btoun also tnvitea ne» —gjorpa snge appi; on ho a „| jeH n sons afflicted ffubllerniotoealliaslmha.“nJ ' i iar attention lo that disease tuuujiuruca c Letters-from , a distance, asking advice, most conliih- -’ " they will not be jiuendfcl io B3*Od.ve on Diamoiul Alley, a few doom from Wood sUeehlovv arils Hie market. Consnllaliona stndlycOnfi den < l “L ocC&dtrrty eUj fnr Rlinumausni o-a speedy aptlcenairi remedy ; tor that painful itoulile. :-lt never fmls 4 i 1 ; Offim and Private Consultation -Rooms. No SS IK*. • ' ii”lOl I ll; £ *l!vyi.Tnts!iurgb*:fFav'- : fl , i w s,::Jldeior‘ls alsvayaat ' ll0DU! - ' Ll . _ lantgSamf ' „„*‘OlJlSV , liliE I'ACKKTS. ' FOR,AVHEELING, CINCINNATI(c LOVISVILMI onro UIT tfW" IV Satcbpav Packet—The A _mims & 1 -fessair J T , fSMs r at l(f o cloek precisely: ;: A : or P a *\oge Qpnly.on board, or to PfStet T a!rtf™uh h “ ,ibcenbtu ”, «P«^lyfor'ifre^Tlor the western waters The Telegraph will roam Conner T°o,ns±,? CT F t ankl,n IVoO on ‘ l P‘ke NoMo SnrJ tiOuis—iunethrough,pive pact 1 np2l-jy . ipjftui fc, TH3Z new steamer, HIGHLAND MAe Ukw ?h\v? ra 5 1 ’ ? r^Rlcr i leave for il> B^^u^Wg_anoye j™ Im ™ ror freighter passage, apply on froird Cor Cincinnati. ' *?n* \re <^?i l i I f ht a^ 1 steaintr J °HN JhMWBKS- APAWSi -trill leave for tlib aW mlemedjat. For freight ornns«ye <-r r.I JeSU For Brownsville. J ~ jjfljßfa> - Th " ne S Mdsplendid passenger nml nxlll tmttESSttm sieamerßAL TIC, Capr. A. JacnaivwilMr’ive* l‘ °rl dUn “ E lif i lrPfiPUI "eeir, al 3„ „, For freight or pa sage appb on board frb3 New Orleans;- —. r . . -■ - . ia33sjfr *, T i !E *Pkndid. new *ieam*r: SA VANNA; : wiH'.leave.iegnlartr for the abma and inlerm(>diale lantlnie*, S * t-nr freight or pottage app) t onhontd. ma i\ tfor St. Loula. ~ 1 1 w' 1 ' wlfpinuma Steamer ORIENTAL:- ■JmMBBJ Van Jlpat, Master,' -will leave tor the above £""i'S. and ‘"wmediate ports tegnlarlt ror freight or passage annlv on hoard. lnulS ' - __ for S«. trniU. JJB^THF.epleod,,,ateamrr NORTHCAROI.T- : ;'A. oaviaxm,. Mailer, will ,lra*e. for : ihe ■ aaare ana utlrrmetliale porlx re on Hoard m3 [j ' B ** Goula, Galena, and DnWqneT JLatmW ;r HE J i°° a Meniuer ST. ANTHONY. Tjuw. Mailer, a,ll feuic ur ifc, ihoir For freighi or pn inge -lpplj on tward or in „„„ . JAMES MA\ or I mato GEO MII.TENBEROPH Ag'i for Brownirille. LsUsßftfr .TirKnPwHnilandPasMnfffr «IPnmfr AT-. ifiSrKvTP 1- u NTIP J *' ,ES PA “ctw« Uoxirr, will leave foriho above |>oit itnc day, ai 8 x: a.: (.bstjuvily : I'Or irtighi or pawagr apply on board frbj »«w Arrangement. . IES* fc„ T,,E *';amrr UALEB COPE will lenve ibr -Lea MW BYa 4 er Mreeumd KM Frontsi•; Blew Hllllnery, «bc. A NEW selection ofeleganl winter ribbon*-’ feather* 1, iXflower*. collars, chenmeiu. fringes,'gimpV- ie Al so,patterns of new and elegant design* or Cardinal* and Vmies, which will he made up to order in superior wort and material. Also, Bonnets. Hood*, nnd every article m the millinery und dress making: business- ai oct? MRS DUFF* No 10 «4f rimrsi ■ DOC TOR YOVKH K bir i - ' FOR 95 CENTS' BY .means of the .Pocket -d2*onianius, or. every one his own physician! Iwenliclh edition, with upwards I oi tt hundred engravinffs, s|lowin|> private diseases in i shape ami (arm, and malformation* oithetrenera i uve system. by \\\ YOUNG; M D •? ■'■•'•The lime has.now arrived, that person* suffering from secret disuses,need no mote become the.vicUiil ofnuark ery, oh by the prescription* contained in this book nuy one.may euro tumselt, without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate fnend, and with one truth the usual expense. In addition to the general rou tine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of man hood’s early decline, with observations on besides many other derangements which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public punls- ID**- Any person.sembng TWENTr-«VK cknis enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail; or five copies wiH.be sent for one 'dollar/OiAddresi: “Dr W, YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce street. Philadelphia,- po*r • U!7“ WANTRD—Proprietors of Drug or Book-Stores-' and pedlur*, m every town in the: United States, to act ns. agents for the above work..- •' c-' > oct?*3th : ! HTHAYKI) OR STOLKN—From i • lUlle* frnn> *»»--- O I KA\ hD 0R8101.1..%—1 rom l! . r • M; to their New More. No Cd Fouvih si heiu eea ond Mnrkn Mreeis, 1 ure- now'opening 'their Fa Stock oi Trimmings and: YnrieivGoods. umoiK whirlr are— Clonk and Dress Fringe, ofull kindj; ! ! v, v Embroider) Gimps nidVeheis Embroider) and Needle AX ork L •:. Zephyr and Tnpeslrv Wormed*: Ohernille Fibs- ■ - Sleet Baps.and Purses, Steel .Trimming?■ «/ - • • - I.adiejTlWennb mid Silk Vesjs and Hosiery * Childrens Coai« Gaiiers, Mika t,io\ es and How r\ Gent V Shirts l uder«liirt« Drawers DresmneUmiU Chtldreiu dresses oflaiestpnitersrwhifihiheyoflVr oi low pnres. limn wholesale amV retail ■’ • ■ 1 oois ‘ REG W J JFU'D XVHItfKhX oi superior quan»y!*wi?Tuii assorlmeniof Foreign nnd Domestic Lunior° nlwsv* on hand and torsale by \V. & 31. MrrCHFLTREF eep2s ■ ■■ ■ ■ \ J;;'i;?*£'vf... xV v ”: V'CvC* 4ji - ■‘ A __”. -V.;* •.*■■.'”■?' V -- t -v "V'.:?' '• '*• •’?■ .‘> V'.y'V , , ..." •*>. fc'. > »*> i? r '? *- t t* *•. r ?■~«JT bVv... . I'iT-)^' " i\ x *■ JStaiiiußoat M« 01 > «u ports of the Union, u Uto r npil-dlsrfairgnt' ii, Sank tot*, and ’ C "‘ t/it ‘ ,w ?*?»• 11 * w "* - > ’I&E iSfat—r» BallmniS? 1 * j f ‘ 1 flamraore i"| Sr Louia * f ' D . . ®-*\l tuns*. „ " g£;" w 1 • ‘j t &&££&£ g£ ‘ i ■ iST* l 5 t ? ,w 3 “ WorhM, * ; I Cain, Bonk Noies. Time Bill*. Fottiin J’VXCHANGF^nd^fii! I '' Cenificalrs o f Deposit, A?c ondFnroS? for CiU f» «f«Seßwon, CUBRPfPTnnjlf U1 , SB ?* IO ,ni< PHreJHIWI*. ■ ■ COM FcmnS.= rar ( Bnds recmed ondenojitel -; low° B t™?^ aNSm ? ae *>“■•»Je*rt*of tteTJnign.«tthe suelk COATED VE&ETA imv« obmined unenviablenotoriety iii'thrUtiiie&St&tes W - it a J u ? u 'S for Gl< JJ , , |icB » !>> a pepaia, Bout Stomach," Headache, >KtvfirA, Co*uvenesß, Cou»h*i'Hcart - -•" Sorc^ Throat, Inward AV eaWiip*ti« Palpitauojt of lioaTU:|ndigcßMoij. and-a \axieiy oiolhordiseoAealo which flesh uf heir to,’as o- • ' medicinfi.rar Ihft imllion.-- In nil feosaiisof Ih6'vear--i ; v .►pnng, summer, aummn, nnd winter.—and under ull*ir- w cqiiuianccA, rnn-he taken wiilftnerfeclßafeiv'and' ■-■ fiucceM A* n V iiefci/meihme for e hill* dn?D, iliey are unrii aW«f■ ■Beuif coaled wilh pure white- : *•■'' aagar t children wiUeuiiity.iake them; theyneither etine : -v norh'iu*pale, are gentle, but tljorongb uuheiropermion- •< ' - : h>-: me reading the do*e,ihey are equally ben epciaL A* &u Anti'Eiltoitx. Jtyfjheywillbc fomnt With ‘ Out a superior A*h an} one.-among the thousands who « C nJi^ in, ani a n huquahhed.approval w»Ube. tbecettaia'" ■ ChcVener is tleongiunf inventor' 61 Samr Coated Pill* and that nothing of the son wa» e\qr.heard oi imnlbe introduced thefn in-Jane,lB4h. '■*’•'■' sbnultl.thereforr, Diw«ysmstibrCliokener ? : Su»r.Coate.••.■; r.-:. , »UjrrPrjeCjriS ceiilfl per box 4s^S; c ,VTV >riu<:,p! ‘ ,<>fhc ' ,or ,he sa,i! ° f ftHs, u ' ; : 8a I.ibeny M illtad of Wood, Pim jinrgli, J a-(t *’,> ''A'X/A -' aanNNAN •-'/ ' i ' V :;C-V:>Vs' *brS - '' ‘..rAxAf „ r -; •' W'V+ 5 v ~ AANANN ~;.vy /;M‘V >VN 1 "AAV , - - V „:- - ■ --^.4h r 'V < ANN -ANNAi ; v ?*&v: - ■-'*■ N> W-- fi’-S ■■ !! £wY'‘V - ‘.-'V-'' ■> --r ' V - 'I,? * ‘ V I , - - * - V ~ - ’s. "* 5% <- * - s- < - T«A" ’ ‘ * ' *■«' r.'ANN’ Ah " . - NAA a- ~\N, f vi > - " k "' •‘••A'A JN< '*~Z , i< 4 (5 ’ 'J ' -, - V ’ / ■’■ ' '.’f'f \ I 'c V - > ;N f N - -\ - ‘ ' ; '*r-.;NpN : ,-, :• ! ‘ .'• y~<~;‘r - . > * ■• -. > - =•■ T .>/.•’ - ~J i* ,• ':- N ' >' • • r , ' - ' '* ‘ . ) - ; i ~j^vi.■•■ s'.-“SKiss'sSsNS' *.*• “ T - _ ’ *■ - 1 . * '* j * a **• -A, $ »s v vN 4 7 r T J ?V a. N-r r -r- :•■■'' > ; 1 t l ! ’ r \ v - •» f \ '‘•i 9 - 'i - , ' - ’ -'? . -.- . v ;;.; -.- \.'-' ■' ...v - '*;•,-,r.n hand jimiinannfaenire toorder 1 ' J* 14 " !f ad fo™ IloSßk to ihe square foot, m aheru nf A b> 20 feet, which they will furnlshlojhe trade tvholesaW orern to onlcrm mi} size lhai may be wanted V i I he) alto tnanufactnre and keep constantly tin leaden pipcs:from 2to * inch caiibter hnuedflei nine fee • * coiive>ing waterlront springs, furnished to the trade and nut up on reefs in lengths of front tWIToIMO fre t on each reel, with d.recuona as to the proper mtTmd of la> me Also, on hand a large supply of aETpo, : entsnehon Pomps,for well, or ewerns/snow* Ter)' supeiror cast iron euenon Pumps w ® 11 1 , ail l worh of ever)'description executed in the- : ' mo«i durable rammer, and on the most nocpmmodatmS' terms Orders from the country for leaden pine SSm lead or pumps will receive prompt auenuoti r “ 1 Jo. 1 * daw .^*. r ? en auti .BlacX do. Red: andUrown doamiahli»'fHr<'' ' “A'? n?ii U S IS c A 1 ?> bmuhome -Orr6! SJks, chan- SS&JSWE&, tmdo^a good quality* ' riL? «^EBSHirh?frtSorc'^i, s "u human X H rue,. He ate man & Co. was this day dissolved l)v muinoV,cgnSpm..;i r nie,basmeas.oi.tbo laie firm-will Be ' stHleil b> Rcmeman ACo JAS HALE, „ ~ , SANDS lc RELVKVAN S«pi S7th IM= JOHN VOEGTLT Tbc business will becohuunertby Saxbs & RmßifiV ' ' 1 »mJ Joif> ; Vokoti.y, unilcr ihe- style or-REI\KAIAN ic‘' ;v? •" ' ; S Commercial now Cabinet rWarerdoST T B YOUNG k Co TTAYE removed their CABINET&ii£n«nK® il WAUE-nOOM9 irfCommercial Hp"'",iljOrlj‘ sireci opposite the head or Srwthfield, where tlits will r CCl^v? ,m ?!l 7 °, n $. ond »» extensive ftwoitmenl of So fa Tables IV nrdrobes, Bureaus, Bedstead , Chatrsanfl [ evcrv;nnie.letn their line efbuailiesa ’• Undertaking promptly attended to at reasonable P r !££ ! mas-dr _ , nin J>. Stearns, Dentist. I V Heurb R.on Fourth sirreLafrwdoors -'' V/ anovp/\Voonaireei,uH»ililiepoiujilffUono(iheJioulocks, \YHb oMibcicit gums “ > (jhi r Hie mapi etnon um\rrgnlj\ preferred mihe ea« J mnnnfacJurrd tonal ench parlipulur-cage- Teeth* from r nmn down ton;»ing}e o»e,w*enpdon» impiii)tti)Ute"- ’ - thu.vu\oiilu!-,Miijury. to the natural teeth: FpeHmeu* of I'lopU and *ucliou plate mny In* esammeil ax the office' ' * Ml operation monlrw loibe profession pprjomifd with ntv mul feuib/UUteps. _ *_ (iep? “Always tteadr, " , Alwaya WUiing,*' i»4. w I)' lyomir l ! tmi on «oxi Aroiirtay t will bb oprii m„ n Iplondut unit woII «clmea iminrunelil or PI JYl“lja L tSM Ml RIS nmtVt STINGS, « ~ rlin-c'l m Miifoilr pl.u Mlhe lowm mntlctpnrf to «I»m hi would roll thnr anpntioti 4 w 4 JA*> MrGUIRB. Tailor ‘ •. - • •• »I’O HL SOLD Three laitru; lois m ihi> Ml VciToJi X Ccmeif\ elegant!) Mtuiird MmJt ro 1 Wv IHYIDSO& } 4n Wrtrd.-\>Uylu try f | ° *** I /"T i H ,O C e 15 * l*il«ri> «urm JateTv'o’r' .A UooHei, Possesion Piveji jjnmti' diHiely. if required.: Apply- toiv-:*- osilCw • J g BONNET "' " •; .V.-’-.v •'% : %i '' v;v> ■ ■■ 4,' * « ' / i..: . . r* v-'.y'i 4§|Sft|§ - V.; i "witM W ,^-y r ;i‘ ysys 5 y.’ V V ,V - "; “UA-V-i ,4 ctiijpzy.'^^ r" {<■ •V„r s . f y.fvt .y'-y.r-y ‘t-v ■ yyyy'.y *v& J ‘■•y-K s v , -v l -sS «--*; \-' .vij", ' *v- < :w _ ’ % v% - f c*- 1— \ „ r f v \_ ■ t '- ~-• *f~~ ''Ar''?l|*» ‘§j|fJ ; ‘ • v> "" " V V, - ». „ , 1 " ' *- >•, 7 y i* - ' V. „ / ‘ «r, r , -., -, -< i *y . r *y-,< r ~‘v r -« * /V>-r*•* * -T , '*- k * v* - ’■ *- - «v. i * > ■>:, * ~ ; r --r: jL-t ", % ■ .v - .-» <■ ’-■. -rr-Sithifej * S - y/jft’i'- "..C-sr v ** v '.r-fr '* 7 ' _ ✓ s' * -~Z'J s - !-''' r - , r _ iSii lilts*