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I < - V *■ * ~ , * i * 1 # • rT' x " *< . ? ' 7 ' i>- *. r > ,- , . , • V&.-.'f.« . » i * * . - . '.f IMS ~V- .7 .'/ * * - t'l ». *‘V • *&>g*SavZ!*'k : \.i\'X. * * ■» >'• ,■ ■ I <■ ".i. , s * r':"--.-.'-y-i ■t ■■'- '■■< ■' ■' '• Jf .5. ■ i-. . j M l' f O 1 . - * 't ‘ - ft; 1 ,;, . 'V* v' -A; •• Jt,n. ;*•. v *- -« . ’-v- ! y l> r„ *\ ; • , - -■> - r.> \y - ■■ • ,- % -. . n k w v ;« s^,^;*' % . <■ K , -i , ■‘-..r!v "r.’-or.V., *. :> *V:. ? V" l ' \! * f. 4 ; >•*<.» * *> K 7t vV, l ¥ ,£ - ’ ■ * V -A•;v.'4& > ‘i l **• •>* ir 5 : <> *‘ t *s k V^ , t . * t< . . , „ * a t rx 4 *jl ■* *v *SKife*3 *■* Mv t f?v* £■-.• r ' t - i’-'c -' '•**. >- >,*«. «X-■•*•'•!?•/.■? .w* - T** <■' ’ U ‘ f V s * '.A *■* A’~ , ‘ ♦ * t 4 ‘,\V * x 4 -'' J* 3 >j=v ~«r ’,fc r Js ,> -» i-y. c t '>A",\lr- r *\ ‘.y''', f -J* - ' -•' ?. J " ’'l n ~ . i * t j *5- v .'. A f , “ , , f! 11 ’’-?' A- * j , 5 ‘ /‘ - w r : » -i'p ',i, _? •• i‘’!:'" N V? 5- *, ' A' - i-'i-V'' t i,'} »■ * < sil c; j* wf - ■ - r -- 4:AA -',' *tr v ‘«u „ 4 . - ' -'■{ . ' ,C;’ v-' sv \ w ‘ "•■»*x y , Iv - a 7, ,•> *•■* ‘ >k f f,?- y ? r - ! \, 5.;>: ,. ii>afc4 *i 4 3'-ri*». , v'.■s••.■■ a; •.•s 1 i.v/r. «' - >.»•« *•-. %■ •■. %_ - a ■5 r," > * -"♦ >- r A ’v •' zmdM&fi&kts- i ftS’i V4rri' \ A V£- ‘ »?V.* « 'c*>S-V's};i.._r ‘ ' & - "y'?%^' ( .'" J S'% ^l ', h i x ; -tru S, c " -■ >%; '■' f .- , > z-''' ' ’'*-• * *J V: v*”^ : ' ' .'k' >1 • v §ri)E iHorninglJost. L. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.-? PITTSBURGH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1848. DBtodoRATICSOMISATIOMS. A**. FOR PBCSIPENT. r IS CASS, M ,? . ■ confidence «7“S*™bi“.r«>d 8 i ' .*; brought before yoo whilst j oapw flumke and will '- V ■ ™ “ ,we»,the n? bl ««!• which, by year • ~ « ttln ‘2 l ? n y fcSEv, rcepotUibilitr, defeated M* ' mlhht.,cn«gyandfearlc*»rc f deJ j, y Grolltßtii . --France--a'rce> hrtmwtreM * * ..ifiio, change oar lnKmauane dependence, not ’* iv> “of v--'■■* ' n lihlCTl. . » ■fW tm'vSnA«W*BoWKUfO l CheiaM do ' Vin.lUr?BT H^«MA w - I ‘ ancMtef rto •■ an. JoimC.itaw, Clinton J» w v -‘ ,mm ' w ? B «stSii*YSfc n ' So .><; V«r':i: i' fXV. EOSBST J. FlBirES, YOTK _ ••*,,' v :. < -'Vvi fpgft-rmct Smith, Fr«pklm ■■•:■.:. » * joar ‘Jmw csiswrn, Huntingdon. do : .. 0.-i :-.• '>■•■•''y A- Black, Grttw . » *- 'rvnc j Gxoux W. TkfitntjX, Bedford do v„, „ .. XIX. ]SSiB!BHACTo’»,B««t Jo J- - -i XXI. QEOBOEP.IUjm.WS. Allrghrny do -«il. VT.H.DiV».Cri»orfotii - r;: ; T SS& 1 - n.CAMrattU,Butler A° ■l™ " ■ 'rVT PrintingMochme.jreM i i ,he t ’ a,ronaß ' 01 tftejpuMlcln-tiw line of out buunej*. */ * - ‘ r iSSgS“SISSS3 •—~ T 'I’>n 1 ’>n .> v .---. . ■ - '■—■■ i_ ■ % . WKen,»few day* since, -we charged it upon the - '"Fede'raipsrty in this county, that they had resorted *■- to almost every^species of rascality, in order to de ' thenoirancesuf the Democratic party, we a»- __ti_ucrtcdiot only that which »e honestly believed to "v-' l ‘ ■fcttnie, but that which our opponent* w*U team to Ctieirta. -This has been more parltcnlarly demon ' ' "stinted, by the manner tn which the Federal paper* have quailed us, and the vociferation with . ’ .which their purchased pack hare been barking at ue. " * But-we csrc not for such assailants, while We hare - " truth on ourside, W ? feel no degree of alarm at - .having either "Cur, or boll terrier, or hound set upon ' ; "nt—-knowing that the calm but steady gate of an 1 honest tpan, is always suficient to intimidate any or tbeeanitnrnrc. We expect, therefore, to see them slinking back to their kennels, as they have cone ; heretofore, only to ran out and bark again, when ; - their Oyster* shall urge them on. .What .we stated ■ in a former article, as pur belief,, based upon what » had coma to our knowledge in this coonty,has been more than corroborated by tbe intelligence we have " aiuce received from abroad. Our worthy and able colaborer of the Pennsylvanian thus speaks of the „ -mate of affairs in the easier part of the State, and „ .'the tone" of. the Democratic Press, gennerally, indi , r-Tcalcsasimital stateof thing* elsewhere:— ; . . -«we cannot om.t catling the attention uf the - country to the humiliating degradation of the wings, Y-to purchasing then majorities tn this ' atsohlirh aprieei They marched up. to the polls, • delibererely.and votea for the Natives with a du gutting alacrity-whlcb displayed *«>' *■«?* "* ° f “ '•' , S ? nriociple and: of.all propriety, ond U.eir utter ‘ ;B '-, '!l_;,i,ntidii at" tira feet of the basest faction that ev* . - - Muted the baTir.t boxes Never In the h ““£; _. -h i nn r.irv hi* a more .shameless andmore- I,disgrucefpl «*hibttion.beon,wilnMsed by .thejP®“P>* Vtblr country. The day of-reckoning and ofretn " ii'-bution Will come at lasll ,r -- <. Degradation i* a wo'rd too mild, by which to ex ' .pressthe character which the Federal party have the late contest. We think that the word BJTAK*; and that only, c»n be truly need with ref * -- '«reuee to their conduct t and wc can only speak of '.-.''•themi as a-party ; rendered infhmous by their own r ' ■-premeditated acts. What is there in the history ol campaign, that hear* any analogy with the for 'mercourie of honest men, in any part oflhiscoun-. tty tf Wbrld % Tiftfa have heretofore "been so orgsnued—have has such marked pceull as to be recognised by the banners f nnder -. -which they willed. and csch f>“ t 0 be °P" " ~ posed to the leading doctrines contended for by the 1 Other;' In the late contest, however, we have seen - ' the mite Flag of no-party Federalism; the bloody th&.Btg of Abolitionism, snd , jdebcld free soilism, ail professing to aim at differ _eat reaultajund *ll their forces, notwithstanding, most *~ f teaUlifnliy blended »u * general efTort to accomplish 1 ' .the overthrew of those whom they could never hope •' prostrate, hut through the agency of so unholy a i '(combination: ‘ Bolthe nature of the romblnanon i* not all that -i" '. has given-character lo the contest, -rlhoughitia fair ' .'iVtd'presnmej thatithosmainly condueed «o,tU ; The old spirit of evil, that has.nourished and sus ' : : .-mlned «h» Federal patty; from itaiatancy, Juts been, 'it'woykjoperfect grealeracbems of iniquity, and to he*l than have been , altered ' foqypara;«od.these have all been used, with the * -most "unblushing impudence, to produce the result •.y»'4;S;nvcan seen. AndwhiLejPJttmiemles have SMSfiiSdxerdn'gthctnsrtvesJWe regret to see, that ' 'no many professed 'friends have been either secretly , v' animimngjh* federal nominees, or, have become -« '-cardie#* fromWconfidence.and Oius>broDghl their -l : pHoclplesj'nlo Such a positions to renderthem tern ,sppraiily uhpop.nljg^. ‘*. s'-. /wsi'V"*-" i;ic.*.-.- '“'Phe - <*Fr«fc-Sott , *.3r<*t** . . C ' ApmmlUcftUeaaer.of the i; Free Soil>‘‘pa'rty in *|. «t», < iaformed'U3 yesterday that at leaat 7QO vote. ■j'-'if-tbarpttftYwcYe gueaio'Wm.F. Jobnstpn, in this ■- : x''h i> oeavly the entire party - - Vtrtofftb.j' Under no circumataneca, states our in , 'jbrWTdtpriinHTrdie bVfejven to Gen. Taylor. . W* lo ""** R ‘ Ur “ a,, '„ , i’- TSToTilte retched fromia friend m Bteniienville, ;■ ftparaphiet entitled t “Letterto Thomas Bake well, "* Pwaident of the Piiuburgh.Board of Trade, ■/fa ofconnccmig Pittaburgh and Ph.la ••"•'iefpilia'With Cincinnati and the G'eat West. By a . Steubenville; Ohio -We have at present to acknowledge the offhia pambhlot. After the-Pre.,dent.a) ' ‘ eleetioiju'we shall treat our readers to, a portion at 1 least, of its contents. “ , J '.j-.,' - t. 'V~'_ . *.. , ~ r y EST Naturalisation papers are atilt being taken '•nrt £ by.'fgrsent'w be M'> th ?„^ u ° G&LJr *nd BO tiffiS, thelatcsCrtturns in our poisersion, from all parts of the £t*Je. The counties marked with.} Start*) are official. The re turns front'the remaining counties are derived gen erallv from whig sources, and are certainly non - together reliable. In almcst every instance the of ficial returns from each couhiy change the result in favor of the Democrats.' tint table, we must con. fess, presents a stole if affairs slightly favorable to the Federalists'; hut still, wedo not, despair of Lonosnuia’s election. - orthe electlbnftf Isnam Psnrren, to the office of Canal Commissioner there is no doubt whatever- His majority win be at least, we should think, 3000. This shows that Pennsylva nia is sbll Democratic. Although the FedetalisU succeeded in securing the, votes of i ,the. Church burners', Barnburners, andt Abolitionists,for Wm.F. Johnston, itjcems they were not quite so cuccess ful in perfecting !tho same hargam Com missioner* ;Bdt November Will bring .matters right, again for the Democracy. Pennsylvania can be and must bo redeemed. We hare the voles to doit, and it will bo done! Allegheny,* Adeime, Armstrong,* Berks,* Beaver,* ‘ ' Banks,*. . Bedford,* Blair, • Butler, Bradford, .■ Cambria,*. Carbon v ; Chester,* t Centre, ■ Cumberland/ Columbia, i Crawford,-: i Clarion,*. ... ! Clinton, : I Clearfield, i Dauphin,* ... |.Delaware,* ■ Kik,' Erie,*- ... Fayette,*.. Franklin,* Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Inniata, Jefferson, Lebanon, i Lancaster,* I Lehigh,: v i Lycoming, i Luierne, Monroe, Mercer,* Mifflin, i Montgomery* M’Kean, 1 Northampton, i Northumberland. Perry, Phtla. city and cp-> Pike Potter, Schuylkill,! Somerset,* Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, „ K*go r *. -'MM -«*- Westmoreland,* . 4955 2856 Washington* 3918 .4065. Warren, Wayne, 600 Wyoming, . 106 York* 4345 4162 . Popular Vote In 18*4. Ae the Preiidcntial election ia rapidly approaching,. it may be aalisfactory to poliuciana to hue the pop ular vote giren for Preaident.io 1844 to-consollj we, therefore, publiah the following table, which we find In an eichaoge paper. It wUI bnobaerred that, in Sooth Carolina, where the eleetora are ehnaen by the Legialature, the majority InAiror of Mr, Polk ieeatimated at 20,000. ... . ■. Maine, , 34,246 New Hampshire, ; 17,766-, , Vermont, . Messichnaetta, 1 67,009 Rhode Island 7,322 Connecticut, 37.832 New York, 232,482 NesrJertey, 38,318 Pennsylvania, .10t,318 Delaware, “>258 Maryland,,. . ■Virginia* ■- '-.2 .43,677 . North Carolina, *45,232 Georgia, 42,106 . Alabama, 24,961 Xoumana, - Mississippi, 19^06 Tennessee, .60,030 Kentucky, '■ 6 *J** Ohio, 166,067 Indiana, . Illinois, Michigan,. 34^237 Missouri, ■ Arkansas, ■ 5,600 Sooth Carolina, Polk’, majority orer Clay, 68,3571 a Mu SiE&XHl «»•,»» -t«™ ■»'«•** be a> follows : Maine, » Tennessee, New Hampshire, y“°> t Massachusetts, 12 tonsjana, Rhode Isiond, 4 .Mississippi,. Connecticut, •; 6 Indiana, Vermont, , 6 v Ol1 ’ Maryland, 8 AJahania, Virginia, H Missouri, Nortii'Caroline, , >V Arkansas,, New York, 36 Mlqhwan, New: Jersey, ■ ' v / .1 s*S**?: Pennsylvania! . ■ 26 Tessa, Delaware, 3 lowa, . , . . South Carolina, 9 Wisconsin, Georgia, Kentucky, ■ ** , One hundred and forty-si necessary to an election b' Unlob M Ftdt»Uim »nS N»tlvlim. HoßCoforlb, »he Federal whigs ,»ni cliurch-biirri.. ing natives will be known as one and the’fame par ty - -The onion between them is as perfect as that between man and wife. Ltwls C. Uvih, the head and front of Nativisra in the Pnited Slatea, dieted to Congteo from Philadelphia, BY- THE WHIG PARTY! The whigs, therefore, have gone over to I.c*iD and tbfl NiUwb. ■■■-> And what4s the greet-object of |he Native P ar^ v which the Whigs have thee embraced and hugged to their hearts t It i* to disfranchise evei? man who ■ hat fled from opprcsslon-tn Europe, to seek a hom.e in this «* land of the flree.” The Natives have de clared' repea"lcdly,that the twenty-one yeara’proba tion in their creed,'« is only the. stepping-stone to :(oial eaclusioii.” This is Mr. Leyin’s doctrine j and the Whig's have necessarily adopted it m making Xeviii their candidate, and placing him; upon the. | 'floor or Congresi by their vole?] : This U plain and | undeniable. And yot, notwithstanding ..these facts, a large number of honest hut deceived foreigners, voted with the Federal Natives at onr recent State Election..'But, between, now apd the Presidential, election, they will discover to their sorrow, that_ they have been cheated and betrayed i and we feel confident that they will rise up 'l'. * V 1 ' - £-r- } 1 i * * i L y t i x,/ * v * j: i nnvmMOß. CAHM- COM’B. 6130 8244 8856 ISO 2133, 2094 8411 4207 2384- ’-' 2760 2^v:;g 6t| 7 *6lO x‘ "i,.»908 / 5 J f r -270 5 322 270 765 890' 3060 - vnc 281 2238 1264 M 54 ' 502 3080 -2968 ~, , 972 495 197 ' ‘ 1413 3290 2736 3273 . 2985 5758 3004 1020 482 843 443 461 soo , . . 1230 - 540 . - 1103 160 890 ,900 'cLtu. . folk. UTmty. _____ '■ ' “t§ 45,719 Jf 4,53! , 27,161 ? 4,161 18,041 3,984 ' 52,939 "10,530 4,845 29,841 .. ' 237,688 37,495 167,536 6,972 ■32,676 49,670 29,287 44,155 36,168 13,467' 25,126 59,917 51,958 149417 70,181 57,920 27,703 , 41,369 9,646 20,000 e»t. maj. 1,335,434 42,194 1,297,079 Tot. elec. r voter, 29®. lix electoral >y the people. BSTThc street! were again crowded yesterday, w,th politician*, and all who were anxious snout the new!.- Both partica were at times sanguine and a_ times desponding. Vs never saw such uaitt. 69* A good deal has been said about Sixth street, in the papers. We saw It yesterday, and Wet think' it Wltl took well, and he passable .0 a very few days. Thd workmen are busy. The ««locals” of some of the papers should not be hasty in their remarks about dehcatc affairs. ‘S.-.'-l. •/* “ • ** ='<• J'f.+ ■■ V ■ ■ A “ -v'~» All Thewfcplef&nouttt « *? Gen. CasSg'hye'f- a'44*»b 1822, allowed by Mr. Calhoun, .Secretary -, . of Warymmaecdunt gfthe g« 1 attending his intercourse with Zhejn s 6 gmoo - aeSuperintendant of Indian affairs, For office yeny, cl?& t'j t - e ? D f ; l f l ’ S" nut’ tie., front October.9th, 1813, WJ“*J = » 1831. at ftlifiQft pen annum ii a lowed oy, , ■ Mr. CalhJuCsecretary ofWar. Novao,- ' ber 2d, 1821, and drawn afterwards, pu> ofl •#aant to that decision, ’a.-v-V. T . For services in superinteodmi the IndUn agencies of Ptqna, to Ohio; Fort Wayne, in Indiana; and Chicago, to Illinois, at 91,500 per anntjm,_ftront January .Ist, ; 1822, to July 31st, 1831 allowed by Gen. Peter B. Porter,Secretary of War, on an Son ortheHon. Wilitam Wtrt.Attor nev General of the United States, in fa vor of the allowance—the, said, agencies f . ... not being witltin Gen.Cass’s Jurisdiction ' •as Superintendent of Indian- Affaire, for . Michigan, and the service, being there fore,extra, and not requited ° r J lim , y l4 37S qO For services and expenses as cpmraissioney ; in tho negotiation of numerous Indian veaties. by whicKnearion® hundred sail- . . lions of acres of land wasacquired,worth at least threOshundredmdhons of . for expenses,in coming to, and whiloot Washington, in preparing a code lor mo reorganization of the Indian department, ■ and, on one occasion, to aid in the settle-; ment of his'large and complicatedae counts for disbursements as Superinten dent of Indian Affair»-lhe services hav ' ing been rendereil and the expenses in curred at various periods between 1814 and 1829, and the allowances thetefore having bdon' made by the Secretary of War for tho time being, - For pay und allowance aa a captain, m compensation for his esmcee, *“ charge or outstanding debta.in Miehl •gan Territory (under ,n '. a PP“ inh ?s"‘ of. the acting Secretary, of War, May I2th, 1817) from May 12th, |®*7> *” , June 28th. 1321, allowed by the m I Fo*r enmpehsatjon for scrvicea payingela'jaa of the'late warjibeing the pay, Stc., for ond rear, of an assistant deputy iiuarter-, : master general, allowed by the . ecrm ', Q 0( 60 ry of War. Total, ’ .863,990 46 Of this amount, we clearly showed, in » h « *««'*•*• unnß the subject published in our paper on llic '“’V undlSih in.int.that $46,954 50was rnraetnaU/ oenses' and Mpendiinres tncnrred by Gen *.^ aß VC. the performance of duties imposed upon him, Ad bv which he was not, therefore, benefited one jM, thus leaving only $17,034 96, as eatra romp/nsa non lor * large amount of f,lra *"^ CC .' ] , e " l X 08t ihronuh nearly nineteen years, end vaino oi whictf, both to the government andthe hia charef n could scarcely i>e computed.. .. We now turn in the other pictuie—the ©stra al r lowgncea tofien. Taj lor-lahcn from >epnrU “ad“ -bvihe brnner accounting officers, anodaia netoro the Rouse or Representatives during thelait session^ but which Gen. Taylor’s friends (the. Whigs),Whigs), would anret as pnblUhed in our paper on the l6ih lo.uul, with some* nddltiional Information in regard'or'ie ! present pay and eilra allowances of the Whig can bdidale for the Presidancy. ... Ist. Allowances ovtrand above pay, S>r*n frp* i arately in the reports. .■ . . Second Ai'DiToa'a lireaST. Brevet pay and emoloments, Double rations, . . Toian AfOtwa's Resoar. i Transportation of officers* baggage, «'<, Commutation of quarters and. foel, . . 013 02 Per diem allowance on court martial duty, SJJ 1022 932 4983 2059 3952 | 3906 Tout, 2d. Allowances mued up with hi* pay. under the held of‘‘Pay and Emolument*!” ■■■•/,■’■; 4 ration.pcrdayaellentenMt and Mpmln , fconi May 3d, ISOS, to September Sth, 6.W8 ration* at 20 cents. * ~ * . 1 ration for one eervant for aame time. VO Allowance a*pay for one •maol, aame time; at »7 p« month, - ; r „ Allowance* for clothing for tame at $-->0 - 4 ratinna per day a« major, from Septamher . 5, IS12; to April 20, 1619-2,407 dtra, aniSXCSration*at 20,cent*, ... * ‘,J33 0U 2 ration* for two .errant* for **m» time, 9CG 80 Allowance a* pay foraamc, name time, at ■ ■ :#t permduth each, - , * *,•* V 1 , Alldwancej ot.cloihtßg for aaitie, nt *2 jO ; ■ ■ r , " •. Allowance for forage for three hone*, aame ■ , time, at »S per month each, T. _ ' ,h 6 ration* per day a* .ttg^^edrodfrow, April 20, . ISI9, to April 20, tS29-3,6.d1 day?,' 000 18,250 ration. at 20 cenu, ..•I.O'-OOP 3 mUon* for two .amnia for *ame time ~400 00 Allowance .ha pay for two tervant*. name time at *7 per month each, .... -, . .1,680 W Allowance for clothing for *atne, 0t92-» per month each, , - * , " Allowance* for forage for three horse*. aame time, at 8 per month oaeb, - -■ bbow fi • ritlbfli per dtjr a» colonel• *«>m Apn* ♦»* 1829, to December 25,1837—3,169 day*, , n . >#a and 19,014 ration, at 20 cent*, _ - 2 ration, fori*vo actranu for eomptime, 1,40,00. Allowance aa pay for tame, aame time, at _ 7 per month eaeh, * - so Allowance for clothing for name, aame time, at 42 60 ; per month each, Allowance lor forage for four boraea, «amc_ time, at 98 per month each, , , ■ 12. rationaper day a*brigadier general, from December 25th, 1537, to June 29ih, 1846 -3,106 dayi, and 37,2*2. ration. »‘ 40 1 3 rations for three aersahta, (hr. aame.tlme, 1,863 60 i Allowance aa pay for name, for anme time,. - . at 97 per month each, ..tv* [ Allowance for' clothing for same, aame ■ 1 time, at $250 pernionth cacti, Allowance for forage for file horaef, name .time, at 98 per month each, . ' 4,OhJ 97 15 ration, per day aa major general, from iJ June SSti, 1846, to December 3UU 1847 —651 day., and. 8,265 ration, at 20 *t»., 1,603 00 4 rationa for fchr aertantafor aame time, 440 80 Allowance for pay lor aame, for.aame time, at $7 per.month .each, - ' rn . Allowance for clothing for same, at 92 oO , per'inontH. eachj Allowance for forage for aeten home*, for ' aame. tide, at. 98 per month each, IfflV 30 8,060 2,106 3.670 3,632 Totorofboth clas»c«, Thu. we aee, lhai 'wblinllle Whig oratois hue been << noging the cl, * 0 B e V “'l_°J. cr the country Gen.Ca*rha» feceu- enhrmbniium'or^63jfl9P expense* aitid etpf nature*, and did not,; therefore, benefit him a farthing—and ■ inaolgthg vtbelr «bnrt ts«te by calling him “plunderer,’’ “robber, “ thief,”' and other polite epithet* common in. their political ivneabblnry, their, own ha* ro 'fceired'ineitra nllowance*, oversold abp»e hi* pay. Utt« Iheverymoderate aam.dl $74,1©4 04, wnicn dw» not Include the value ; of; the and fuel-” furnished him during thi* lQngperiod Jofscr vice, 7 and which Would amounlto several thousand dollar* additional.-/. . iv, .; - '- ■■■ - ’The last account* from the .Whig military eandit , date for the Presidency •how htm to he now in re ceipt of the following sums per month a* pay and extra allowance* :,' ‘ m J>ty amKxltmtmctitoAfoj. 0<». fltytog . Allowance for quarter*, 8. room*, at 815 * on Allowance for fuel, 8 cnrda'of wopd-lpr seif, .. and two-third* or a cord for four servants,. • . 'at 88 por.cord, - ; - > ~‘ Allowance for- auhai»tcnce for self, thirty rations re* das, at 20 cl*. per ration , ‘Allowance forfiiur servant*, four rations L petda,,-at2oxta~_ -. :• ----- : 24 00 Allowance for clothing fpr tarrip, §4ji»u ./• ' ‘ CAch, . * , •l"-:-'. 1 ' Allowance as pay for same at §8 each, Allowance for forage for 7 horse*, at each, * . - . - -_66 00. ' Making) - * • 8691 33 KIK JIUWDBED AW> NIBEIY-ora DOtLARS AHDTIUR ty-TiiBEE eEnia.rEß.Koaiit»Mluchi« seven THOUS AND THREEUURDRED ARD.KIHETY-riVßßnxi.Atta AHD iniiErr-nx‘Olsis A’-YEAtt. whtch this military can dirfateforthePrCsidencyrcceives; and ib determined to P* P“‘™ iv'ailabirjty-t>Vparty-^» l B-JP“ rt y„nope, In electing.him solhat high offlee. The Democratic candidate on being nominated, immediately relin quished everything, dignity of station, and salary, I end placed himself in, the bands of the people; but - r - V- * V X •v'-'-vX'--- A V * l-'! . > I •« '--a '--*>•• i -j r v *« *. 1 ✓ *}>***£ 3 -V «* *** *• VK^* 7 '*** * |f j r nothing abort of, 825,d0» pCr,-.annum, on Pfcs'deot, wiU-ti.adce.tliC Whig cah&Jafe-to y' vc u l' h '" r ' h " ulied pay and allowances, a ffi >Hn,l ” B „ '°„f the^high blv-mi.ro that* the salary °£ sn * on „ e c&met officers of, the, government; '” r we opine, hifbas been tor sometime past rendering little other service than writing political letter,, one of which in some waycontradicta or is mconaia tent w ilh it. predecessor. Whether, on the $25,0«U being secured to him, he would ltlc l U Bh . un p Pnrm iwnrA aWd habits of command, is p .mn«^r ; whitVwc much more thin port unity of testing. His fonr‘‘dark’-semnu, ‘■Charles,’’ “Tom,” “ William,’’ ™*‘ 3 T*\ e as they are-described and named in hi* • ... * | would probably prefer to.leave behind n Lm.Uiana, lest some of Iff* ’(Tan 'Suren "Abol.tion.sts should be I disposed 10 fraterniie with and gi'O them an opp trinity or inking a journey farther As to the thirty rations a day, and *«"•« es, we do not: see.how hoeould give. .-j. depletion he would suffpr, and the', means of locomotion at the expense ortho govern ment, would be greater than he couldprohahlj stand. But we rotnrn to the figures, fin. has received as citra allowances, which e specified, over nod above his regular pay, up to tne Isstof January last, - - * ® 74 ’ To which add his citra allowances,uc-.... - _ cording to his accounts, np to the duth gg of June, via : ’ ...... - :*■ -’ _ ♦ $8,584 W 12,60 S 00 $49,155 74 ®74,8C4 0»: fi{ Making the very moderate sum of which is only 513,82155 more than the WhißS, wi h all their distinguished mathematical * a ' rnl '* a ?": nny way mako out that Gen. ,38 , .. r . pn m. I for extra allowances of all >“ nd9 «. W ™ We' have pensation* expenses, or expend,tu es We not only been reluctantly draw nin « the eo, <»" h alien of this subject'of the cttraaHawanceswhch Gen. Taylor has received, by the _ unfair and on scrupulous efforts ofthe 'tdecency pose noon' the people by wilfully “ei to misstating,tand misrepresenting | bo g af . Gen. Cass, but have been m . ea “|f‘^ e s throneh ed, goaded into it by unprincipled presses thro g out the country. Wo arc content»» !«»« »« tc ' suits we have developed, and which cannot be controverted, to the calm and dispassionate con iteration of an intelligent penpto. V * From this sum the amount ofbreyet should he deducted, as they are * B \ b " c f“ h ‘" b , r ”® next class, which arc made up nccorsling lo_hi» | vet rank when he was ll)Jt i « pay and emoluments” in accordance with tnat ”tThe value ortho “quarterstn fuel in kind” furnished to him, when'he did not draw commuta tion therefrom, we have been unable to aseer tain. It would, however, to a consider able tnai.—fVaahingloH Untutt, irfi.n; q. District Conrt.«* , i’hf limn'd .Sisir, Aailbetterse«tolunnme.^■; - !* N jrr* Attention Bines.—*A mfetmr ouW Jack- Jorninsune officers for .he e,,«uu. ? elrction. which will come off on *»iunl»y or sxcatTxsv / niTTBBCROH THBATOE. .•''s Pmtmt " ...Maimjitr uml te-i-e ; ■ -Of AP»|SiW>» * Pnvate i>oxo - «W*. 1 S-t'E e ucUlf • 'Jg gE? f £"T. .»:.&'?& A™ ■ 1 tp-BF.NRm , OrMfc aTOHMs. Turilil- lati ai.pi-ar “wrDXi-wv.O.-u.SerlVuilU.ri.^^""''-' HAaHi»*T» n. i, Hmalr.. - - Mr Add™- t >' Afteritepioj’, « cw.cl F« Jr D».x. Mi- »»•> Mr <;oodw»n. •• } ■■TO COUC-ludf-'TIHt S D.rcon. | Inivrnla. ...Mr» Prior I M® A W.I- J unpul.ii.tedmm.uw.ipi or H-<-!«' >■> 1,11)1 P «{r.aS'iS3io.rflte wum. ofao o Tnle of ihp '.***#, Uy *>• Corti»ji il , L - 7^ (imhnm’* MHaunOi {« I>.niorniUe lUv.eor, ftr Oflowr, •i-n mRIXof AHeßhfny CUV. has (U! th*vobf»vP.. .^rrci, .tin)door above Second. ocilS r¥V» THE pT)BIiIC.-srhw *o rl,i *y *^ al 1 JOU J II J T ?wf Maiital fain Kxtra'tar toprore a euro for * » wbfch I taw W«,.fcW with .nr iru K««>- 10 p. VHEFXAND. Afqutukanvtk. KV« AJ>rU €, WK • . ' \i» li Daiaky—Sit.-llmy* been uoubled with »«e PllJi fof : rjeht moaih*»' < ‘ S*' 1,IXO fSiructor having recomiaeuiletl to «nnli«l il bat iwie*, obia»o*d and ut ,v« l.a. m.r10.0, r«r«.«m.k, a ®gfe»«assr=ftt «n»foe in «*« of 111* Sf**™* 1 A wilt afford tjuianf T*U*f, atuJ "'’TO* l g]s > ma,tiWijrsi>i2 r .'<-C<>' l, '«’ rlel ' ExMaeior*. ’S^ssKpssiSiwit 1- - .gfMi*. on nppMc»nnn 10 w^,-..jjk^;-jWff»fcMi**. 1 Pr.AVm,Thorn, Agent, . T»llcv’c AttUnnl Galvanic; Cure-All, MBifeiw* ofieV««M« !' ,rl i'‘oH , N PP "orTie’dfcwy - , As^RmAu'^i — rQoofU?*."v •>’ 1 * AT SO. W MitRCT. "£fcA.fc TOUBtn . !,._i T nnrvyci FATON Jc CO. having laifftuhe old stand WiMßms&M | a^rS^gßSssgfer Huvcri of Woolen viocaa S U °noSm'4oNlpa« n cor>>« F.IU. «n.l Woe*, BIOJI lengtheped 11|»111« . , to nnh wrt Wood. ■ -OCt!H:I\V r tv HOOKS—TI>f Wotnmi of the. Auiencn.n Ilr \y Nil'ioiWbykl.AbHh r Ellet-.n two tolmnrs, w,.h P °rZ« Boro., 1 os a Poft, nod as a Man. b> '•nmuri \o 1,0 a Mon m'liook tor Mys. contaiijiiij iwfitl hints oollir ronosnooOfol'sm' -^' willing useful liSSSSs&aafe 'SSSaswsFi?® - "- Justreceivedland “oJlffsTON * STOCKTON^ t- aboe stock of fa>'oY buy Tt goOD^—On'-Thureduy. mornings Ocl.. lOilij fil 10 fishva genwol ossortmento u Mll( , c|li boo |- tng of tnahognnj he[lsifhds >, fraih> case* ftncj and common ehatrS B t. nao^,bl . nailj , ltl()Wllff cr beds, bedding, mart s el . k i, b | l( . bble n S |is l *c. s ’Wl’iiSuS;™ Variety coodi, gold and silver'-.watches, oct!8 ■»■-■ ■i *-rmrr»* MITRIP I .-U.-'Slitlilibrt; JiNo» Pt Old=Yinpiutt,/rheL'-n!fwf uihe Ku.frofthoSea ; B=n Bollj M#id’“tiwimlioii • 9leppingtijronmcd,Bovc . j,e (u ,[ ovl , oaen n- Kthiopmft Alee Book. - ; ; * - ' 10 00 38 00 T>AbAM.Ch V** A ifi,tfW N ±*fl~Thi* ; A«Miou Rj>J^>^ of ,p r y GMl \ % remninmj? door* SbawKmuJ HBndketchicfVa^g McKENNA, And OcUo *• . - • •».. I*- ' T?iJE Twiß*.*S-On >lon3oy night,’’the citizens in "the neighborhood-ofiahe MayoinfOffice..were dis-1 toibed the wicked'yclis of sSroe bodiaroitee, who were coefined in the Tombs. The animations at that lime were, that there would.be a full hoase be fore morning. And so there was; for yesterday morning eleven persons of the : various grades were brought before the. Mayor,. .With ..cases, spectators and officers, the office was crowded. The-first ’’’questiondiscussed” was one of.a.mat rimonial nalure,rthough somewhat, raised with the ' social. It will-be recollected that Jt holase near the Southfield Methodist Church was, afew.weeks ago, visited by the Police,'and same of the inmates were’ sent to jail. It appears they have ’’eyarraed” again,-and have 'been Tor some, time operating m th e Sixth Ward; On Monday night the, king of the hive was arrested for whipping his wlie; and. also, for raising-a row,and breakinghia neighbor’s windows. A ’widow lady appeared afhtnst Him before the Mayor, whose rjrjrpfcfairfMii wjrsufficient to induce his Honor to send the bruised and itatter|dfha*b»nd to the hill for five days. , Four bqya were next brought up,- This was the party tbat made the noise. They bad beca,arretted in the Diamond,—all thunk.. One of.lhcm cried a little, and intimated that he did not desire to, be sent to jail ’ “ for not doin' nothin’.” . Parents and friends interposed for those . yonng bloods, but their, pleadings made .no impression: upon the executive. A man without a name, was called up. He had been drunk,: but not very bad,so he was permitted l to -after paying a slight fine and costs, _ i . A black boy" “fironi the; Virginia House, in Virgin alley” was sent up for disorderly conduct.; - A- good looking-young man, who saidihit home Was on a coal boat. was. fined for some singular an tics in tiie street; 1 A friend ipaid down.'the money, ] and he slipped out. A wretched looking woman was brought infor drunkenness; the watchman found.her in firant sireet, after 11 o’clock. She said' she was ont in search of her' hiisband j bnt this excuserwould not do, so she was sent op. There were two other casts;. one a returned vol ; unteer, who was fined, theother a.pooT fellow from Kittanning, who was discharged. .1 Mused ahd Koukd. —A young girl,about (fifteen year* of age, who arrived in the city a few daya ago l from Ohio, in company with her parent!, on a visit ! sjo some friends, wandered away from their lodging p\acr, and wasnot found until Sunday afternoon.— 1 fiVat distress was caused in tliß.family, and thoughts,! of\n elopement occurred to them; but these-were notlscriously entertained., file proved simply that an elopement was attempted—the hearts of the two young ones proving too faint to push on to victory. ; All is right .again, for the present. The daughter relumed to her mamma and papa, and the iojr to his homem Jefferson, Aehtabula county,o. ; . Ftitroß’i! Bells.—H u needless to .aja'ny thing in praisr of-the Belt's made by A. Fulton Esq., jet we will venture to give the follow mg .from the Hudson, tOM°) Observer., "Cituani B£uv. ; -PitUbargh seem* destinedHi escelevery other city in the Union, hot only m the number arid variety of its manufacture*, but also in their quality.- In-the manufacture of gloss, iron, white-lead, and heavy machinery, of every kind, it i haaercelled foraome time, 41 seem* that now,this “Iron City ly is gaining the enviable distinction of j successful competition with an K;i;»iernjcit) in cast- 1 iug belts.. - . v .. -The citizens of the flnursbing village of Newton Fall*, haring recently purchased one of them, sends. u» the following corritminication for the M beofGt**: of those churches which are not provided with bells., Messrs. EntTOK.—Being faily satisfied that it w ill ] be a benefit to the chnrcheson the Reserve, we will do ourselves the pleasure of in viting the attention of all who may be interested, m the foundery of A« FfttoK, Pittsburgh, ,ar producing-bell* which well 'deserve precedence over those of equal,weight, east in Trdy,\N\ Y. The One: we received from J?uUon’s i last summer, of only 600 ibs. w eight, will .not suffer A in comparison with those, weighing several hundredr pounds more. .>■ Newum Falls, Sept. IC, IS4S, «sB" The Oysiecibnwnew la, very ; now. Politician* arepnyinglheir bel». Wewonliiiiketo 'Jinaw exactly tbo numberor can* required to saliafy iho clntina of ihe wtnnere.; Sucti atatialie*, might be. ise. uieful. ■ „ 1‘ ... J;• S-..V ? « Tut “ Ada* abd Eve House.” —The j tor of Ihipeataldtabment, hnada.ua: the following pa pur, with 69 namea attached, all to the same hand \ writing i and among the real, the “ Allegheny Po lice:” ' ' ’—- We, the underaigned •obscribbmf'certify ‘h J V Adam Warebain, who ; keepa a poblic.houae in the Fourth ward of Allegheny city, ia or a race prthe Aral acltlera or the State ofPennajlvanh; that he is a temperate, orderly ; and good citiaen; jlial he keepi an orderly, Mil* Walters dances .Haft* win. my There were two cases in the Allegheny. -Tombs yesterday' rooming. One', .was a German, who had been whipping hi* wife: What has,got in to the men t ■ . SS' There was a report of nmyslerinu, death in soroo paitoftho FifUa Ward yesterday, but woeonli trace it to no reliable source. The. practice of get ting up-hoases of this kind,is too common, 1 ■, - : ' 83T The bblU kept such,n clattering .on .Monday; night, that weconcluded allcast a hftlf.n doten. of children had .wandered, away. Why don't people keep ui iheir little cherubs t. . .. - fcxT A youth was pul out of the Theatre last eve ningfp. throwing an apple atone of .the actors. Ke misled stoutly, anil so-did his frlends i buloilt.-he went. Ho waa served right. ' " •' ,_• x boy at .work in thb Batting factory, Alie nheny, was seriously injured by-being caught in -the Revolver, last week,, So says Purvinnce’e News. BdT The members of the Allegheny Fire Compa ny are to havc a Ball on the evening of ihe 3J»t m t hum. * figr Howe '&Co>« Circus iaeipected in about two, week*. ■ , ear Last night was so cold, that wo feat the rain i has ceased for the present*- - , *j* in* {ioodsoir&'ClafkVorßeUevuevOhio^Noyetnher 213*1640 sent n’lette* to Dr.O.‘o-.Vjiughn,tht proprietor.; oftWcelebruvod tuthouttipticMixture T ihEGreatAmer-_ lean ‘Remedy, witfnu statement that-in : the Ohio where they dafcnslnesMhaamclehnßhafl trapjfrv cedeiited sales: Nothing; Uke\ it;has: ever ;.«ipewi«d,L -People fortdi *Xvs good. • OW case*, which have baffled .tta . skill of medical inejti bay* yielded io:UfanattelMulro*m ; Ste men nr* agents-for; Us saie-r-a .strong proof ol the Rte&t vlttuea bf-the a«ieh‘. on Agents,'in ;oor paper, Whose- names -wifrim Remedy,and get a Pumphkt , Agent* in Pittsburgh, 11a.ts ABrockway,. No.Sliiberty >t.i near Canal Basin." ■ • ITT* EavWioxs ov Vue Svin.—lt shbuld/be : reinemhej-. r-dwhen the eoutßer .particles of impunty.nT* diverted frmn their proper skin, that cutuneons eruption! m fte certain rpn«- ’“mbit's Indi/m i'ptaiu wri'wilVbr ’ fnl medicine ibrall. disorders of theskln i i V. iVpel from the body thbVe poironous are Ihecauße of all kindfi.of eruptive dißcafiCi-v.''yj , K_ pd *;s dion Vegetable wiUi*e found to aid ahdtmp ilicy will most OMureilly ‘ whole frame, which in turn will he sure ,0 f8? r f . and healthy complexion. . . . •-_ Remr mhiirtli«kt; t Bemtrof CounfnftUaana lmttauotu. * . . . rfrk,;Jtt*..fV L i j»VA-'«c*T ; *Oßenis'for;tlnß ‘ r * :WtlghPsl>tiil#fpal(»iiiee; y.Ttegmii«a>4^aSS£S»{?.>ssJ ? bv JoiurtWtesos, wsSßMmm tale rate - < " ' -\, ••- „ -'i ' ’*.; ■ --- ;". : ,ri ff flte|raplil Ifeparteq ftnr theßMorning Post. ARRIVAL OF THE BEITA N N I AT SEVEN DAYS LATER! Commerelal . . ■ Ail qalrt la Ireland. ‘ 'The Britannia from-. Lfverp6oT> “! Cotton—Fair and bftUer an Jd.i (nidling is unchanged: lari opjneit the week dnjltfbut recovered and closed at full prices.. Bacon is very dull. Bice, fine white, 13*f:per cwt. Tar basadvaficed 3s. per Hi- Turpentine is vety •firm.., .v. ' U'- V•. ‘. .5... - Flout—ThcsaLesire at 320335..6d. tplehlj" l7 ® 18s. - Wheal, Hed,B«Bsr4d., .White Corn 34@375.' , \ .Ur - ■The'ReptlblloanV,at-Baden, under-S], I]uve,have made a successful outbreak, and proclaimed, a Ger- man Republic, , - r /s _ ~~ *“i - The engageinent 'bdlween?: Cabrera’s; jtibmejou^ bend andQuccnts tiurtps, neartabuSaliioCpfilonia. . The insurgents were routed/and Cabrera fled Into France; The Provinces of.Cincad. Rea], njisTqledo. is proclaimed in a state ofaiege, e , The Daßfih'Governaienthaais'tued a'n"official cir, cular' contradicting Itrq,irepbjr( of,its, dijpositipu to. i accept the modification of armistice.- - Lonis Napoleon has taken hin eeaf and made a speech, giving h'ts-adh^on s to,the Re public. ’ Raspail 'was also admitted-, Eight social ists were arrested, charged with J the life of Cayaignac. .The excitement: has subsided after the Pariß elections, but great caution, is still -used.' The port*have - been-double?/a'nditft* g*rne sona' are always.ready for. any emergehry. The tranquility.will probably contiuuo until the question 1 of the election of a President comes, up then a crisis will ensue. The Government wilkpropose the I election of the first President liy ithe Assembly., PrQ'ftU* / B rlin is greatly. excited by. the appointment rpf. new ministers, They are supposed, WheVeactmnf, ary dr conservative:: Gen.Merangil issued a prpcla ‘nintion, alarmed at the jp_garent_dctermination v of; the’ulfraDemocratsto check them. ' Aseripns con-: flict between the troops ,and populace.,Was feared/ though stjll everything was tranquil. W < A An'insurrection in Cologne, caused by', the arrest* of persons charged with rcvoluhnnary imoyementt-. that look-place.- .The troops took, possession of; the ■: main oqdare, covered about thirty barricades, and , occupied the city gales. The city was declared in a state of siege; Upon requesting, the;,RanghW j Guard to reestablish order, the barricade*v?ere re, moved without, further conflict, and,- order-.-was, re, stored. Ireland. | / . ; - No further disliubsncea in Ireland, - :; ? London money market easy. Trai.e somewhat improved. - Console 25J.: - J .■ ■ , ' Soles of Cotton'of the week at 2s. Si.iflO Bis. 1 • Philadelphia, Oct. 17,'1848. ■ ’Wc hat# an arrivalfrom Pernambuco,* which, bring* news ti> Urn 10th ult. The Province Is in a very unsettled‘state. The Portugese fear ipnrrer non, as the cry Ihronghimt the city was kill the I foreigners.” ' J (Exclusive Cprte^popdfnCft.pfJb^Poat*! . Phil»oeuhia, Oct. 17j1848-r-4?4 Our foaling* are— J.ongstrelh, 54,340 .v Jphnsion, 24,351 —Johnatnn*hend,11.rote*~ ?ptHfru«report ed at 425 and oyer for Longstroth. , * „ ' “ PENNSYIVASIAN/.’ f. HA*iUBviujn,Oct,.|7 / 7iP’^ nc ! i ' ' Chances in favor of Johnston, ; r iCorTespon3fnc?.of;tbt:Monußjf>'Ro*t|’_. ... , Venwgo Conniy**OAeUl» ■■■■-•: Lnogstrcth...., “ I tS " . ...,■<•»• Wy • .... 1553 -9M —-S9l Mast Cmrcira. Painter.... •.... ■ • • • • Mtddleawnrth. Venango Judd* her own. II Cwpeedj a majon t, here you «a'n' draw on n» for 600: we’ll Konor the draft. ! In haste, your*, &c. W-, 11 - 1 " S3T Very well, friend t., we ahaJl.draw 4pon Ve uango for COO, with the full beher that the draft wtll bo fully honored. — Ed. Post. , lTj-To renSer a medicine wrf?c(,palaialit^«na* l^ - Iv'ocrent advance inwardethe eradication rft ' because there can he so doubt that one greetof nvAirA>ti*d itlnefs U'UtR natnral : TfluPtan|'e . Wr. swallow conformable ip - Jba . Phv«icL3ii To 2y Ac medical prac'moner in order to *«*>'«, 5hU prccripfion.’ Reroute » £ SM V o? The taflc raoulh^coriaider^le JcnJihoftimcvitliQUb inducing aa>**ymptowrjrijjusea orcfignii. TheircnTaUveproperuesnrejtaßflr^fi”; ‘pdla^CnraplulnHVWldfeh’originfcißjn i iKK hsV i Tens: 10 fi u -V! .’.-Jf’irAH*. tuvnod Cap^ 7 - IsSS^gSSliaaF eon*. Violin* /71i;HA .T(HJA^V^ y b: ‘ llU ' l iS~'' \^;'ccjviadTkn^ > fOiM»alc‘‘>. =- JNo-33jj(nnd s*.* .Fifth nr«i«. v ' Aucliputef. ’ .ocrt? ? fhi'*Sn>««the«ll6:d3wl 1 ?:,.>- ..,' ■ ' - TTOECI.OAKB-1 • haw 3 pieces short nnp'rtl black r " luch 1 ' T,l ‘ w “ Ch, JS'MES MTGVIhW,, TaiIor, , Thirds!. Si Charles Building. (Chronicle copy.) ~ v ?r I :^_ r . ia wurtfhoturs' nr..s tor PR for ft •’-VV-' nnmberjrf ® en ttai&eijfik wwn mfnvnnim si***' labar*H~ Taimeivcan tifiiprUnl SitvnnlhiiiißiJliey s*tont;J Also; swab,-rural swl keel rooks, eh»mlMrnud!j»yaiid.-nurees s «»n.get «nplHIsiTINf::JNK —Ju« received, ajrte’h ’RPP'y % r ‘ '„Snn P, rro ursP r *WJ^«spwasgfe2 feSJtw%”i3? »*■■«» I MSS. &CoUfcCorf&Co °eUl „ < ■•pstpno-if ’ smiU-som of &SQO rwh to 1 opi2 SinHhfie:Srt f * IfvfVWJSHtUiS -NKStUIMNOUk I'Oi IUU rt MW»««nar««i»Ky t^;c V A bHESpVrr vi t' prom ffurnamlme©*! * v 4 V- .A. -; ,'i *• rvrjYi; fi:'?.; • w i-.;..-vi. , ;' J ~'£. -0?^: > . i V- • i s .\'VXs .-'V, v . r Sales bg ■ , ACCTIOS SA.LBS, | , ! r Mo. 1M WOOB BtgBCT. T1I»«E DQOB3■WBf.fIM.v- i |tS - TODBERB vinitlng (his city with a mock of Goods for i: | •J -sale, can be srr.ommodated, while they remain, with t the 1 itseofw Room, wutwdenue terms,, in the aieiotyofi j £ Nl’Kenna’s Auelinn Mtore, Na.tH AV'ood ttieet. three j:■ ■ doors frooi Fifilj: .'ir £ "i i i * V j 1 0 Aiio—tbrSßeft, byJte wcet, jnogth fctjyear, /ortho , xtoi«Ee’’o? mefthßiiilhf ■oitry, au_c*r*«em:_ drjr Cellar, , Aact | HtSioiraartt?,,»f AKRBipr firttfaic/aalet at MTCerv ! 11 n a’» Auction Room*, Mo IJ4 Wood •treehfldpon , fromSthet.oJargelnvoice otDeatfWno BlitnWl* of the largeßlsizeSinUiitieit.qqahty direct fromrhValrinwactafieiVftDcf. wulbtf v • ? low prices; blrth : whal#»aJfe‘iiri4 TflAd' »li i& the oest op* ?»- re --^^‘ 1 TJUBLIO JSAI.K OF aOUSJi.ANO AflT—'Vm be , r offered hrl'iitdic Sale’.dnWednesday, the JSthday , of Opiobernext.pTS o'cleckin iKe ftiVrooiJn.byoraerof , Andrew 25 le>'t froitt on PiVe lOO fcetjdeep to , \, . ttfifcH is erected tt.fwAßtoir-Pwune .. i. :Holise. Termitn ‘ - ‘ JAMES McKfWiAr":. ■;■■■{: ocil3 * * \ » ' ‘ > Sbr-fifale. ■■ ... . JLotal lioml . ■ >■; Y i-EJOR.SJfE&TCP BoiUu*Xibt»in | , timllf almttted;culEl the'tnost* Ole [fahjlt place lot a \ n7iTalerr£jidrncr.iirtiiKvidmtyof'ninlimgh. ' ] ■ Alio—A tot in-Allegheny city, .nearFgdernlat, front- 1 ine SO feeton MUM' aniyi.awa e«eniini*t>ael:ailfcei.> s: Also—A home ahrtiqtonWateralley, Allegheny city \ All oranyof tbeae Iqti jnlljhegolillamel(*gti4oiteaaier vy I at the Office of F-dwajd#sMkCpi* comer FifUt A Mat- > keC atteeia; dr. blithe anbactiber. •• , . ' sep7-te . , THOMAS .MEM-OMi Attorney. - j will be soldon on per - „ p«aUlea%wirti4ho piivircge-pf buying ■tentai -? *■.■*■•.*• ' ’ ’ ■ *L •?._ ■ totaoa Bti lean Bccommodatiiig lenw, ka*ei*p ~. < : , . I’ by IIJO feel deep.T’nceblStXK' ; . * Al«cm-A large lot odjobin^the^pWi.iWfccg 3 ®- Also —2 lots, eseb SO feel front on Rofcinson latn, by BSfeettoonnller. Price . y Alio—Slots SSJ feet.front,oaBheffiela«!>]6«!*»»E So*»t -"uo—2 lots 23 feerfnnii brfSbiffleltliueet; i&V& fee* ■, deep to o!H ten alley ftieeB2»tarb.*Templberal. 8. CUtUBKRT, Sent Agent, ■ er.'SiaiUiEfTdaireets •■ • * f j a7 TJORSXX.E—A ™ln*lilerflwffli«if.Slt!«eW»ulu«|t}oni«*H W .. ontm meadow and gnnn,fi»Wj v JKWi 'gnftl*ftn6e»/Ona Vpiings of own . 'and juiWe. and wJitr,flat-hou»B»flarge.-gaiiloo-wa or* fihartipKmy of.iimher/'Bnd fcooli inuiatedoßlMSfiarpod. 7 milMfrom t3.fi*Hn;F«»jiiiTfc and !>!* tIA Burye>: I'of ilKr-JWe’Bniiread ineaolocluiirSevscoajla^'dHUU*.. : - ,:i Bl3 nit arn\- Tonns libcroV- * ■ ‘ £ r " S. CITHBBHT* iQ™. Agfnt. J ■' ' ~Simrji6nKl ijtrgßt ! ■' i> - TSORS AMP-Adesirable Property of-iwo<*e(e3,; : wnlj ‘ fnnuge-Dwel)ipg,dodj Sraye,targe: aaisoit.ffater, nJJ in ego4prdts.aimated • m ThompaoßWll*', and.welt iac««l lorn comity Slorr, j Imptortdliaud: umv sown in yirhrtji Cosh ■ , orapprmtd Jteol(Male’'fTi i * ’ , \ -« CVTUBEET, «<*n>ral dctau J ■ ■>ane . ! ,' small iwo rtary iTamcdweflli.V bouse, i r convememly situated, drooling on Tnofoiwl, one [ , , street beyond the nnenltaU The iox(ji«Jfeelaaftput.Uy [ 1® feel deep.ruts wUfbe-soldpi>’oc(mmH3dauiyft*iro». ■■ ■ THE TBBBE K 6 [ “ AGAINST THE WEST-KiUf WOJtX»I t -OIiZAT ATTRACTIOTt AT VHZ <)K7g]sAl i ■■ fbncßtsßiionl" ; ■Vumbtr 151, n&rrtH-Bitti. TittAutsh, fmujihtma t ' iAsmo’SAii.t CALC AVD -tn nm iusM>v •£« CLOT-ftlNCf' ' ■*■"* .. •PPHE Proprietor of Ud» far famed eslahlfsbnmnt Would 1 most re-n«nully tall (he nuenunn ofiumOßus cus itmc't and the. pubic. m. general,™ aj>i-Oi liefiergew, k rhrni)en,;end :jnoit.tejWonab!e.,sJ«-h»,oe Reo4Frt®®“ e l ■:. * -CLOTHING that lias ever one . concernm this or any other city, l«isinVlYeife. J \ - c\ wiirnotundctiabewdeecnbewyh.e.r^^jVieyM< o “» assortments ot.Hrticles.'WhtchT osw liatio td ofie/them, but will simply jay to.them, that if JheyptilFAypr hrm . ' with k call:-1 Will lay: belbreitherii ilfod Htinlnd arid - Fi/lyTliouiani/ll'.flSdtroa, die richest in quality and style la the very lowest inpncei . OUTof-which-tley,can selecUa,«Wl,tbr'CU>sidljiiidioM > taste, both Tn price and rmaliiy., »- • .* V ‘ A priced riunloKue or the num?to«s garments in the t - rs.TSSi«®r| r - articles™ my node will bemarted, and yoif lire invited to taspectiaad compnre.thma witb4it?Tpjse . , : whirl! wilt t*e the best lest of their:»opnfc-l JjThe tree , rinuetpleioftrade aretoßervethebiibitcyerltfahainor- - . ‘derto hold thcirconfidence and pairrmoiie, to study their i interest and roulenienre; dws?T,epiAetr.rimi!qd h> act | on,nnll 'ons * S ‘“Jhword to Co'nntry-Wholesale PunhaserainJlietrade, ‘ } especially those a bn pttnwsejphvg ' convinced ihry\ an save theeypeilj.' br tnw 9«Mnney 'pent in eoliie fist, as alsjthelr fteght, etc— ~ You wilt al-‘o:lnal.Clothing taore sut>Ma!th“'Jy: I ?d4"td ll s : i: die style and etiroiuhU-heUeT. odor,Ted-:ibdbr. fa«e. ona_ .... coiucmeru-.'- or the-dtjneiu loenlme” of lb* Western I’rTTnns'Oiisiahvlifteoe.yinS aceeVuoiß TnjngMmb at , ' Übbds,.andani aiway»auprtiedTCiib nueJietislMi-ynne:,, , tv Ofall taake ..} “ P “ li ‘ fl, “\ S,>^^itmNMfcisoW Sfwlclllrj' Aem«Utttfßfc >- i -t Vta-MnTili.t JSxßriins: V,«®Aiaj'.'fuiiwß-tt asblnH.Fdel.l > » ottfCSMon nr l.rfmnnAr.SEH-jnet.aUl'ayahlc m ad- « .- trance; the l.ahr.rf at ihr.elosr- of |Jj- itwon » _ Armntfeirlen'r have been ramie for securing ibe ser* r vicm of Hr. Kodolrhf Korwyi l*ir.i rowsln /eacher or t 4he.ftMwb-laitpu»j(f. Tbpie Vrenrti c “fi^SSSSSfSS!- 1 expraMrof tS«V.iprt.' i- f lfUTervae^rnMe •thwall rhbobf- hr imrjr.nt onthe IVr« £ .Wf?? 1 : ' ' . ~ EXIEMSIVRABBmfr "At P- Dtltmpi fW"< • * J . * IJ3 ; , * 55 The «wl ot FASCY VESTI V.S cannott* Hit- - ssaK:*cg , uoa—att'.of which w(»**-made 111051 ■ feubionablp manner. at rtdM*tf phe ejs * F * £ rA Br 5 fin' hnnd. ; a eeHCrat' aSSOtime»HW ,, ’»fWIWfIIAMA.--.... ,t> ■inßM'FrbetandSack'CoWSfOf 5* ;•.;'■■■ sjH3S3£sE®ssk£ s S i | SS«”fSSSAS'SSSS3SI#S • < . And J l%k P Kli , ‘ B l ' “w> y [ . iSo.idfoiivenurnres tor ihe necsuamodauojl of tret- » rWsu.nlMken, end that rtudlaveclts necessary, , r • SMiii Ande John M Williams Vahlon Bogart, A\ a uj-fflwfc ! SW Floji Jt, M InTm > u‘Anbu. s , 3 I T.s"mmsn Ispton, CTHfed, Henre header. f -nrilC i f (Chron. tony and cn. Post) j, T-fcfcJUO.v.tii—‘loe-MihsMilwt woaWjrespefwatjir in- r ftfoim his custom*** •"<> '*>• puhjw. geneialjythuth* t to.Ttmovodlo Soi W,* few-door, ah ora lu.qW stand, 5 bas-AiUiawi and will constantly keqp <1 large ? Sewell assorted slock o^‘ r “j\ F^}SU!S u ’ Wmesl»wi u * ,c< -•- J „ BfiTw * I . . ? nyUti *uh?cnhct iiaa.jhla day eoimociwed ejwning hi w * l whfch tie,wt!lui!tMt,to ortetfirbeto** Mtegjof anj , fonnarjanson. ! , Ml at iim ii,» n>irliraied taanamntoryofjChicher- ,1, -PjWfynglinß ficsUui; rolh. the nearimpjoyed eu- IT 8 Tjlmilat.aeale.jnstteeeiyfd and. u«W open Kn fil ,Woo.f MkV wiflfehhrjh, solely Int e t fiano’ , ».ro t Yfestek,reto . oejg ' .» jor Ptamoad anAJhcmpfig Alley t k ” r ' »< _ »\ v.Vci -L. SSS®?® •• ‘V \ •“s. -