The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 13, 1848, Image 3

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    c r ;%"f >-1 \ '•v- ’’' 4 -w* ?r. ; > ; s ywy., >,'7.v;'. V 1 ;>/-// .j;* r :' : Pp ?%' * yyy r> -,
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IjT^ l ’ V - , "a ' , ' * * ' r*. "
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-7-r- "" r] '— __•
-i • v, ‘ jmmmidlViib' imi “
*^JSf5->■ i^^rr'i'3^^<■■'■:' n „„ r PITTSBURGH' BOAKD OF -U
- i *; . • 1 D °U r JOSHUA HANNA, ) =
- WM. BARKER.. . ( Comsuttki!« ffl
V'.>;\V‘ , y -V ■ , BECP*’ .£ j. cabotheim, s • imrt,:Ert @
' 'V i-7'.,’ ' ' V- l/ ,’;V' '‘"•' .<ll BOLT' ~ and PASSRNGKB: ARnANcJKMnNTS I-.
v, : >: ■> ■', „ . r ;- - ■;•;, i» in'
ll< J -r'^"VV"’ 5 ■/.•u:-’ a . r rn
.;*-*'>2’- *^--i^ •.:: * p.m. 1 , .ben
.> tien, v/s*«-* , ‘ rtsmnh *™MailCoaeli Hine; ma
■>*. .. : ’rttnop _ j*vnrrWnrp ••. L J J '*® ClftTtland. doily, 10 <
N*tVl-cf—"* !.'('J?V‘.'r'. 7; ,‘: TOESP oCNOVEMBKK, w, ~r r„ Npw Y„ r k, dailv.O a »»«
'*?fik >' : r-:x*' l7 :‘;': < '‘.- i ~'\t’ 1 - '- '”“ _ _ Nonh-tasicni. 10 Philadelphia,daily:.ex sngf
. " 3 ■:■-•.:'r aIGN PAPER- - * * j ror *
J ■ ■ : :.-•' ■■■ JeSCTßOttiatt 1 - ARRIVAI,S AND DKIi-HTURE I Sato
■ J lu- > i Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, due.O a. ! folio
K !?,•'" J i -%■»» .'''*h-- , -V‘-» -hi. ■ „ T „ Western Mail,Cm,and Louisv.,due 8 p
4e* r . t '** J r J - AEDVCTIOh IN PRTCEI South via Bait andWadnngion.dueßp apt.
».E* ;*>-»/f . NortbAVeßtem via Cleveland, due 10 a ! UJoN
o one Democratic Friends. Erie and Western New Yorlr, due 8 f'
7* eplj desirous of Witnessing the triumph of Dem- _ * tanaiue It£
O!^Z%*A" : f v -ra«.cP«i*.pla. and Democratic Men, at the ap- Es?ha°n K eßan^ h ::.:::::': :"*ss >'«»
j j" 1 v proachj(S|Sute and General Elections, we ehall Merehalts' and M Bank 5o!oo
M-J-rt.'f' 1 V*<«- *-■».*. M.*vXr'V*<J,siJ . m our potver to brme about that re- farmers’ Depo nßanl, K'on j i
therefore, send our Campaign Paper, 50 ' 01 >
>tV‘. ThsJtffertonwn, from September 23d, until Norem- Old Alleghenj Bridge M.OO 1
be, 7th, to individuals and Club,, upon the fol.ow- i
£*SS '& (S t- ? -s ing very low cash terms: City Bonds «G •’cent,!..., ,
i ':T’-h :.’Vr > I nn I I !
i> £ i'! ; s'/;■•, V.V- w * e,jr B'vleWiOf the Mi !
18®*W^l^V*>h}^l^ , »Nr>'.^'J-*-r^': 3 j^»; , ''" f >-sl rtIDAV hloasrao.l Octo, I 1
*/» Business has not been brisk this we
0,1 election excitement. Merchants
,«. iW - . with the returns; and but few from tli I !
; r;>- •■ - >-r d
iSTi if t* y ' ;■ ' l ’-\'- f The receipts of Produce erlubil o :
-.-> compared with last week’s business. !
r J>s *’<? U- 4 ‘‘ ‘ *■ In prices there has been no change ; :
s"' ''-f ‘ ’ aDCC - All tint is, we nolo below. ]
| c r/' ‘ '•i’V;; 7j‘, .' l^''*' ii ,' v p >'' ‘ Ih money we hare only to say «‘m '
■Jj&.sjr■ tight. >■ , ;
••...:. ■ Freights arc plenty, and boats muc) I !
-■*^*-i'‘=v'tsi,r»t , ivc’r'Jtvi?'*.',■■-"■■ - APPiES. .Market well supplied « i
SSaw^l'.^ViSiie’PiiW-'.ll'totiii’.Vi'iß«»:*».• ety of fall and winter Apples; with | I
igSsSi^.V.|us««ii<'K»« ! ''l<'': i iW!V-n;»’».A-. former quotalionis $0,5031,00 per bi I i
&;>. VC,\ ' r, “' .-, 1 '• • ASHES. .We hare nothing to repo, !
ijt*.•?•■'.■«;dff Ash, which selU bnskJj at former
04}*. according to circumstances; V
‘‘ r kinds thus: ScDtclnngs, 3lff?3Je.; Pots
1“ aratus s|®Cc. hut these prices are i i
'' “> ■ ha\e heard of no reportable sales.
uy,'* *’ i , - - I BACON. iThere have beon no reccir !
' are eiperled from below, and deel,lie ' j
K«, K? ll. 'i l ’’ F-’r" r follow We can gitc no present price !
4 V\A t * 1 ’ V «*'x' S ,t V'-'c-.'-. wero at 7c, for city cured Hams, Sides ;
ys-.-'-V.’h';': cT/' j*'''-, - *,' 1 ' in proportion. Sale or ranvassed Ha 1 |
'.fl * '•* BUTTER.. There arc some receipt
* ; ’ ’ t 1 'i mand is pretty fair for shipment. We ,
v't&' - ’‘i •>. >• - several siles during the week ofkees ,
tsfeswft,’,’'* I’d'*-'■ * .' ” BEESWAX. .We have no sales to i
’j,.^-;, t ;. - ;■ .; f : “ 18320 c. from first hands. ' '
t- , t BUCKETS..We quote Benerßucl I
3 ' I {*; S> ’ 2,25; the Market IS well supplied.
- k 7'; > BLOOMS. .Sale of Tennessee at $ll J !
J 7,» s' l ., .v* BRAN. .Several transactions hate t
% v. * 1 ■ ■■'; : but no change in prices, ihalea at l.i ,
V ’ J '" e’ 10c. I’rnm sluio lor best quality: -
‘ '," V - - BROOM 1 ;.. >t!c3 nt $0,5731,75, nn I i
l MJiMp>a^ || rt | ilMfo-A | H i egiliiiiki.(iAUSiS || spii»»tuii'Sstij plied with nnliuary articles.
ij>,.-^T:: w,^.-■ (■;!.,■,:.■■ ■■-’.■■■a-tvvui'ui ■ BAGS. .Cotton are worth.s43-1225. ,
CORN MEAL..Sume receipts iitm. I ;
.‘'V*', , C but we can give no lair iiunntions. \ i
r '. il'X'-VG’r. 4fie. bn fnr cimunn!l w,|l Jo. -
?- Vy-i .;,M- ' ‘ COTTON bXRNS..MaiIrt udi i
’ , t s - ‘ '. f submit ullip wnhoiit altermoii • i
’ -Vf,' ■ 'l' -,**•■-' Short Rei, — r„H,
r ■-f 1 >’ "jr rS . Aosf.No 10. 11 i lIS,
ifeSra? 1 » >* JN’a. jfi’ 1 ’‘ll lot 1.. to > twiii I ,
yv, , ’ '-k ‘l4 H Cr„e T le,\a 1 1
SA'cr '. Vf’i ’ 1 1 Ilier.-a.uie I mil t> lh„, Cirpeirini
JfV l .>» h * y «. f .t ' | No 2U tVuolTuu
«4> tt + e- I' -.- ! < . > * . 1 l.oiigßrctP-ilo? I indie U „ 1
, , r > . - i ' No 50(i -I 1 f
V 'y' I .'-'. 7'- ?'.■■-.■ '.-I +-:■ '“L'.'.iy. - . CANOLEs. .We have no chance to I
-> -■/ City dipped.-...,.f1uji i Cim.innaiut , I
i^ibiT-rp.-'i-pSs^i'ie-.Jjii:«a.v, v .'-wV :>■■!'■; i's* - MouM-*.......... 1() lhj ] Sjutiii. in-,;i
fy£*r f , ► * \ » , l h, l < /*‘, , i **\ PillOiuruhSur Wtj.'J Jlj m
r;fv-i,7- . - -y .- 7'• . ■ >7'.', : SSy® S r the B4TURIUTAIORVI.NG POST COTTON.. We Ime heaid of ne ir
'i *‘ T ■“ T -d t- ’ > * * v tJ !»*$ ln order 10-seciirp n Inw? < ircalauon, •we shall week. ’
•?'.* Oiler oorilnmrruji]iWceS»]>’ lo ?ne public on Irmis lw*ro- • rnfUTP o,i n »v, ■.:. . . 1
JAiv.ii ('.ift-ij’cr ; .4,:?....( 7 :sa , ■ loiofe unTurpas?c(l by ony paperuiUmj. West. To «.\ > OHvr.r.. s-,aics h.ivo been jirfity b . .
» r *■ lh»» CASH SVSTKM will be stnetl> ntlliered to liul no change in pm e*. We iiupto .
fc * ig, A* i - J i x r -u > v t *jj*** y* Tor 1 copy, xit od\nucr » Prime Jljo.
U',‘7;v-.77c l/; i 7 ; -•- .;•» CORDAGE..There Ime come .
1 -’t ' .’’3 I. *D “ manufacturers, which are noticed bel ,
V.A * V' . -> v -’t ,’ * -SO ■■ - ’.”. ~ ‘ ” lap 6(i Manilla Rope, bj Ceil, j ,
* ■ - •*' ’ - .... . -060 So , do when rut,...
». ..eft, ,’. ’I ' . White Hope, bv C0i1,....,
‘V-I.'-./ sf - :% r ,f* 1 *7,° *, , , Do do • when rut,
< 11 ohlain the largest'inimher of X,has i,,. r. „| ’
• * u i-S'l. . , j, , ', % ' .-< a> Mornino Pus! (not les. limn 1 V fPd l, ' C, “ 1 ’
-:>*■*•. -L copy oi lMnvs. _ , a .-■. do v , \\hen cq{,. -
t v ‘ i ip *»* )< I Jt"i-t S5OO, Wide* a oo* Packing\ara,fine, t
ir*} *,*l f, 1 j *■ , / f ‘>- v 1 . - 1 war To the pmo \ who Do do coimnon r t f
'« { t '‘ -1...'* yj ' ■' » number of subscribers, we Manilla Bed (nnle, 5|,7 &2.C a
'v^ 1 4 a * . s . »> ’ . . nof I.ord Bjrou’ff Poem* r\ n A n i
.b.fuS - W “r f • , • ' : vof 11,epaper „ Do "" perroil, <•
7 - r |‘7 - ND OTHER:!, H*mp do l.iOxja.J d
■: ■?■■■;■•»«■ x:..■•".■:■ - feui* are.rcßpcrtfuUy ■■■•'•Dp -uo . por coil,*. n i\*;.. A
e-«i.''i ).'. ' •> anng subscribers loihr Manilla Plough I,me la
r'/iV, \ I . ■ rson who will procure H, m[> ,| () do ,»
,'NI .NV;-;’ ' . 1 ": COPPF.R..The rate.aie, Braxierv £ ')
«' J '-»/*•• • ’ ’ me 27; Old 13£v19. X;
t;-i>-h 1 1 7 paid) to CHEKSK. .The rpceipu liave been oi
••a7j\^P : *7W'.j7V.v : A:vi;.:c.v;: ’^ ; .s7v.:’F■ .*•:v’.'-7,fi.r x rf;■**:?--j-uw?x*' Y HARPER, brisk. No changr* in prices of l\c iii
X -'i 7 *> , . '■* •- Thc ? rf“l«?>!" Weqaole at j;3;Cc. No On,hen in d
vy-r;, .-.' V-vc-. j r * expected; probable prices ’
-•7''.- */, ’ , CHOUUOLaTE.. Sales at $3,733: f,j
g«r.'£.ir’!;ii‘£'-~Ki*:£s'Sj i’.'.i, fci t-'f:!/ frirnds, wr to brand. a,
. ■ !.'■ •'.. ' , r.SZr'iT CRACKERS,.Theregularsales io‘ m,
J\:.A : oZ,r h u tb-follow ing,a,es: Ic.
X’VA*- '> '- f '' -V’V-V ". • J ' Bu»rr rC do : rh
i‘»i«A’e ndl7e,i Pilot Bread U
Sugar ami Soda Crackers • ....
■ V/tr-.ft i 4.* J 1*“" i.-; 1 *■' ■■'■•■ FLOUR.,Prices have been nnsicai TL
,* • j 7' v • , ** ‘l> but there has been no decline. Buy f u
;£, yw.* ‘"'E - Wit-, - ! ' s > quite shy„ not venturing to do inori *!■
f 77 r .-4 i) ;,/ 7 1 ,•! r ‘' v s V 4 * : custom demanded. Many lots receii “J
. ’’>* »-.‘‘i f 1 mentlimited to certain nnccs ha vo ar
•S^as-,r 4’./ H l ' t / ' j which shows that holders expect an 1 aru
'J * '-'-A )'* Foreign Viewa indicate nothing eeri.ui sel
I *vVj."»- 4 ‘ j —‘’* s iyf, ya r’"' 1 .1-7 7,-, Yesterday saies were made from wi Ki
j/* aJj*: 1 - . om wba’f $4,6034,62. > w
„ - v - a* * t * v r . - "We quote nates of the week $4,6Gi s<
7 r 4^5 r -?f£*Vl< ’ 'sl 4 >f - 70 the higheatj firtt hands rate®;-: nm
T v 1 . x 'BH; .There is a downward tend* ?Tl >
vj- i no actual decline yet. We
* t7**i ~ r * 1 S.oTJic following arc the rate; lor
>v tcprljf .jA'x l *-- - ' L ’> No. l, 50 tf> 75 ~j. Rapcoou chit
v x°4 ® 3n- .Mink,,.. » n
* N * -' v ? A \» - •.*••': 00 : JIQ I'DeerSkii ud
fe*': • ‘ :<-»*•' f ; T .RS:.The receiptsbavo hi : !
- v\ 7 "Vx ‘ j v > ? . >s at the highest rates we 3*“^,
> 4 ‘- . 1 > -A ■ / .34036 c. . ..... -.. .. ■§}
L Oranges ,apdv Lemons (®:.
* *\2c 4 “ ’ no>niar>ily at 6,50(ff5,( .Cn
: -:ts * •* uUiUle advance; oa nuS i
arket; but.holders.! Wv* ‘
..'A 4 vVti>» v ales: $232,1?: ‘1 «m
‘f *il r ’--i v* '7 , • arc worth $ 1,50 fi "V, 1
-•AJAAVAI ‘ 'ill supplied. G
tried Poaches, ti “ ;
V'S?* r- >mons,Be, ® i
SB^SaL 1 .3fgcg•»,. Va.( ranees il G( .
.« Greenf »I :
■» 7 re,h; ..• I
ecn !
‘* i > f «
AMMSteie ’ j |
’s” av. t -, * j
v 1 • t
a*' l . ’ " •■' , ' X'Jtf-y-' • ; 'll'iaisS-
- ... ■'.. ... ’y , 7 ‘ * '-.••/EtT-A'I ‘) ■ ■ 1 ' ‘ ' :
~„t ; V7; ‘’l XXXXAXAX • ,-S.-V'. . IA-.::-.'.;
\hV; Vro£'-'* X -'V V T-- -,; ....
j, »\ ? <v >r ' .>
' r: ?-■ * } ’
i i.
&l)e Pailg ittotning
03" Gen. Taylor baa RECENTLY invested ONE
therefore eannot te in favor of the Wilmot Provi
so.—Speech of Balic Payton, { tchig)in La. r
Presidential Election.
' TUESDAY, the 7»h day ofAOYEMBER.
Cl)c jJtfiersoniau. 1
'J’o onrDcmocratlo Friends*
■ Deeply desirous of Witnessing the triumph of-Dem
ocratic Mofciplos and Democratic Men, at the ap
proachaS State and General Elections, we shall
conWl^^flH in onr power to bring about that re
sult. YYe 3na)i, therefore, send our Campaign Paper,
IbeJtfftrtoman, from September 33djuntil Novem
ber 7th, to individuals and Clubs, upon the fallow
ing very lowcash terms: -!■
SwoiE Copt,...
Tes Copies,'. gl 00
- Twricrt fivt Coma, 200
Copies 3 GO
<4 Hcbbbed.Cofieb,.......... 6.00
be dbvibna to overvr one that these term
■ *<l! barely cover the cost of paper and press-work.
. : Order* Irom this or any of the neighboring counties
; will he promptly attended to. v
Pittsburgh, Sept. 21, 1846.'
The lisrgiat jonrnul ln thc West.
• A ofOctobef, 1849. the first numherot aLARGEFAM
. v -ILY PAPER.*- containing more rradmg?nft/frr than any
- weekly, published West of-the Mountains. Every tie
- ‘partment WiH-be tQiibfully-Qitcuded to; nnd no pains or
dxpetise wtll.bAxparedto render the SaUirdayMornwg
•■...■ Emx- pne of the most instructive and acceptable newspa
• per ever issued in the Mississippi Volley.;
' ItTits POLITICAL DErART.MP.NT the! paper will
. mm the faithful and honest exponent of the Pruici-
CEKAT DotocnAXtc Paktv—the People’s Par
iJr-the rpatty.-oi Progress, Honesty and Trnih. lie
. - shall fearlessly expose the unrighteous doings of Fcder
alism* uixybatever;guise it may present itself.or.under
- whatever cognomen itmitv sail. -.
The NEWS DEPARTMENT will be the object ofspe
. ctal care and. nitenuon. .Every thing that is; new, niter
. csting. and exciting, will he faithfully chronicled. The.
various hue* of.MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH V*»ngnow
completed from Putshunrli to nearly ever)* leading citv
Jii the Union, we ahaltbc enabled to present our readers.
. untothelatcstmomcnt.afull.digesTornH the STIRRING
. Lithe LITERARY DEPARTMENT, we shall intro
duce an enure new feature into the columns of the Sat
urdny.MormngPost. .At least ftghteolumns of the paper
each week will be devoted exclusively to <Tnln.Pof.try.
■ rn History. Moral JEssnyu 4*r., 4' c * Inchon, wo
. : .shall aim to make the paper, in this respect. tully, equal
lothe bertlittbabt PATERS of the East.-' We have now
engaged Several distinguished.wnters, who will resrular
the columns of the Saturday Morning Post. --
COMAtERCIAL shall furnish
onr readers e&ch week with an extensive and accurate
. tuUymade.up Irom ACiCAt.SAi.rS; together with the mar
betsot Balirmore. Noe . W£. Das&m. fin
, . fiHiUitiy .Acip Orleanjy i>t. JLouis. sc., received bv Tele
:graphamjQthet;Sources,upt/> the latest moment hr fore
. ' press.-, The fluctuations m the .Money Market.
PnceS‘OiSlack, Exchange, &c. will also be caretullv
. noted in each number. -
, ,-To. en courage AVesiemTaleiti* we filial! pay a liberal
compensation toany penwn who will. furnish a* with
Cither Tales, Poetry or Esruvs, which shall be deemed
woTthy^ofpublication bv,.a Committee *e!rrted lorihat
••JET* In order to-seeiiiT n larga. <nreulaiion. we shall
, OoerourMftmmuihAYcekly io |ne public on trims here
tofore unsurpassed by any pnperuitfHj West. To doihr
. lh»T CASH bV:>TEM will be strictly mlhoTedto:
. yr I-,or 1 copyviii Ddvmict*.* - ♦ * -.£g.ofr
£*"»•; 5 copies. .....s ,'.O
(/*>■)' 1 , 15.(K1
‘ iO “ u,OO
1 ......SIKW
.Tft.*nj.pftr»on^Tbo-will obtain the -largest’numberof
subscribers to tho Saturday Monuti? Post. (not less than i
■ fiftr.J \re shall present n.;eopy ol >*hnk«ipeßrft's Pines,
splendidly bound, worth, at least SS.tMV Wide* a oo
paper .for one year. To thp person who
iv ill procote nut next largest number of subjtc.ribrrs- we
shall present a heantjful edition of I«ord Byrou’s Toeuis.
worth aliens! 54.00, amVa copy* of.the paper- !
ro whom this Prospectus may hr seut. are respectfully
requested Agents m procaring subscribers toihr
Salurdjy .Morning Post, To the person w ho will procure
10 Snbscnbefs. we will lonvanl one copy of the paper,
nnd their exemons will otherwise he handsomelv re
warded. » .
• fE7*l«etlerß uin;>t he addressed (post paid) to
battor and rropritier of the Saturday Morning Post, Pttts•
burgn. Pa. * September 18. IB4S.
.In un.>uer to hiu mail}- mqmne* of our friends, we.
hare lo Mate, .that owing 40 the urduousdotjesoi the elec
tion campaign; it will he.itupossibta tor n» to issue the
hr»t number ol the Saturday Morning Post at so early a
day s* we anticipated. We shall defertbe issue of tbe
ursf numberimul after the Presidential election, wbeu
w e hope to present to the-pUblic the handsomest and best
poper ever sent out from ihiscity.
• Pimwßgn.Ocu&lSjS. .
■ IVboleaaleani]R.liUl.
MA'iov a co, PirrsßLßf.ii i>a,
■ I rrjDir ib:m one thousand Cmflni]
-a JL‘’Package* of Foreign nud Domestic Goods, making
v. • one of.ilie most extensive assortment* In tlic country, cm*:
. bracing -.the Intent, richest ami most losltionabh* style* of i
- Imported and-American Goods, purchased in enure park* i
. .. lie importers. manufacturers and large Auction
; ■ sales, 'iy one of the finn residing in New York, who j*
- . • constantly'', sending .us the newest and most desirable
good? in-the Eastern markets, which will be offered □«
lowasat any establishment m the Xmited States, and
couid possibJy he offered by any Haase in the
• enumerate the following articles— ■ * .
: •**'B»“SILKS—6 cases rich changeable. sinned.plaid
.aadhrocade Gro cle AflhclGro de Bcrllni Grode Swiss.
. . Jfro.PC.Algiers,Glacier,blnpkGrodeßhine.Talfata,fme
SaUniHorfnee of nil coloray&c. Ac. Also. Silk.Veivet
of oil eolorn, n .ven-large stock.’
U PASES DRESS GuODsi viz t cases extrarich satin
• ■ dodo pranfd do do; do small figur
do Cleuence Plaids, striped Onen*
. k*lv*jA c .* Also, 50 case* AtjniceasjiOcasc* nc.liMrined
>d n ft P!h»o.i > yotiesc;(M Tartan Plaid hud Silk Twill; fl*
■ .•■•.■ cashmeres- and Grandilla Plnid* • •• -
; MERINOS—A full assortment of Mack.
• ®W c ?:*. c nnct* Moroon, Nazannc, blue, purple, uudother
; . colors, of,the best manufacture.
- ibe most extensive, assort*
otfered in this city, erabracinglong&ndfiqnare
• . Gashmere ana Tartan plaid hhawls. Maude, Brunswick,
Lamarune, and other Shawls.
icollars .cpfis, standing rollarychemizett*
cambric nndlewn Hdkis.Laces andEdgingfi,
kinds. Gloves do.- s • -
soruneutof tho.most fushionable styles. * > .
insn Linen, best manufacture, Linen Sheetings and pil
low case Linens,Table Damask andDiapcr.Satm Damask
.Table Cloths ami -Napkins, Huckaback, Russia, and
.Bird’f E)*e Diaper. .Flannels—over 10U0 pcs. of every
Bl c °ohed and Brown Muslins—more ■ (bail 15-.
; ®^ES?cJSCT well known makes.
. - 100 cartons entirely new fall
and winter Kmbonß} very choice- styles. .
. ’.lv ?e ncli, I ClolhB..CaAsmieres and Doeskins, m rrrent va*
netr. Vestings, Cnvoi* and Hdkis
V hue Goons ot every description, together with every
nmcipjifually.fpunri.ui adry goods «tnr»».. .
The fo)lpwingis.Bninvoice ofC7ciises goods'iuflt : re«
caved, wuh the prices annexed- .
white Flannels all wool for 10c *
7 cases blue and orangC'pnnt*. - 8
.. . 10 ~ do - Calicoes, 33 yards for “ \-r- TOO,-
18 do fast colored Prints,- o 1 ’
- 17 -do Bleached Mnsiuu, • 41'
• 4 v do - Mous icLoinc, .. .. jo?
••'r' real Scotch Gingham. ; ' ‘
Also, 98 bales 4*4 Brown Mtislin, ■ 41
. : : All of wiucb,;{n co»nection.with:those above mention*
: • rd; will bi lei* price* ihtin can be afforded bv
any other CBtabbshmenl-in this city. The ONE PRICE
. SYSTEM, which insores justice and falrhes* to all, wilt
; be strictly observed. Any. article purchoscd at this ev
labliahmenbTound above the general market price,
: a consequent reduction will most willingly be niride,np
■on the circumstances hcing'mnde known to ihe Proprie
tors, it bfringtheirdesire that allgoori* -Omit be m>Ul oii
.foirand Kottorablo icrm*. All persons are resiiectfally
*mrfted;to exnrnme our Assortment without feeling the
. .leastobligation to ‘ ; oet7‘ '
• NOVEL receivedm MM. MINER'S. Smith
- held su.Bd door above Second st.—* .
-.ibrlmolje of fits Father, or-One Boy is more Trouble
lAaDowsOirisi by the uuihorof vWbow to Afanv
fix mow to get Mnrned *» 3
>A€U pK i°r*he Possessed, a Revelation of Mesmerism •
by r S Arthur
Rastefn Life,“Present mid Past Miy Harriet Marlineau
- .W Rnage of his Father, a mle 01* YoungMoiikev ;
by.tlie Brothers Mayhow, iUastrated; pnblislied by ihc
~.Home lafiacnce, a tale ior mothers and . daughters- bv
* GraOe Aguilar ’ 3
Vanitv Fair by W M Shackcraj, fresh sunnK
»- LiitelrsLmngAgeiNo. 809. • ” v. ■ *
Chambers’Mi£cellaii>,No 23
fIT . Arabian Night*, part 7.. ' •
. All the Ladies Magazines for October : :
•Alttige and extensive assortment of Song Book® '
r.-.AU.<»us£ft4Tern paper* Tebeived, to which is addod a :
iicwpa®pubiisbedln Ncw \ork, cntiiled^ The.'Tarnal
' above >
i >.l !i&L.A. MINER, Smnhfield street.'s ;
pct 3 t 1 1 Thini door above Second st
:■ 4-£-COHOL— always oa hand and for sale By •
K /
:12i cents.
lOo2OdJun’tn-: . 0 3.50 ■A! : • <® COO
.J.; -: • 'BO Od ■ 0-4,00 Sp’ks iMb-A* • ©,.:«'-:.sL
-»C@ :.@:4.5Q. i'‘ 4 -.a 1
Weelj-Review,of the Markets. W ‘ • 0 4,75 BoUeißueh 7#
V-0 --r.;—...i,-.- •••-••• •Vv-^ : 'v --V : :
OFFICE OF THE TOST,. > NAVAIi ,STORES. .There.hatf been no chatige in
• ■ lJj.:iS43. y thev market, and we. quote old prices«
■ Business has not been brisk this week, on account Rosin bhl-*2.62 0 J fvN.Carolmafr 2504,00’ *
of election excitement. Merchants here are busy pa£ h Alle«h j% ® 3.«1| 75 % 225
with the returns;and bot-few from the comrtlr Have OlL.;Linseed is high; we| of Bingle
arrived. • -bblsw at bo.; we board ol no larger lots, being sold.
r n s • ~w. ... Lard is scarce, and.sales at 64056 c; .
The receipts of Produce exhibit a falling off as i,,u Pe *d 050 ‘ Unbleed «0I 20
compared’with last.wcek’s bnsincss. - - • .Lnni, ciiy-'-*..54 0: *57 . Rai1,••»....* o—.
. > been no change of any. import Sperm blench d-’“ 0 4,25■ ■ TmmeMi^bbll.lcfltfpiSGtY
ancc. -All that: is, we note below. OlLCAKE..WequotoatslO;sOolO,7s;buthave
. Ih money wc have only, to say <c no chance—still •- v ; ; ; ••;
tiirht >» ; POTATOES. .The article has .advanced a trifle j
. b sales ofgood Nc6bannocks yesterday at fific.; we sec
Freights are plenty, and boats much needed. . a sale reported at 62c.
APPLES..Market well supplied with every car 1 * PIG METAL...Nothing doing; Hanging Rock is
ety of fall and winter Apples; with brisk sales at hold at $25030.. ;
former quotations $0,5001,00 per bbl. RAGS. .In good demand at 3io3jc. for mixed
, ASHES. .We have nolhing to report except in So* RICE. *.Wo heard of some small sales at 5031 c.
df Ash, which sells briskly at former quotations * 4 time. Market firm tn theeast causcsfirroness here.
fi?4je. according to circomßtancesk- f We quote other RYE FLOUR. .Sale of 10 hbls; from store at $3,
kinds thuß: Scorclnngs, 3103|c.; Pots, 4;o4*c ; Sal. 37* Worth from first hands $3,12.
aratus sjo6c. but these prices aro nominal a*s we SUGAR. .The market has become quite firiOj and
have heard of no.rcporiablc sales. . salcsare now madcnfprimeN. O. atsos|c. Reg-
BACON. .There have been no receipts yet, bnt lots ular sales Loaf Sugar at: No. 4; 10c.; No. 9!c-?
are expected from belo\Y; and decline in prices will No. 6,9 c.; No. 7, Bjc.; No. 8, Sc.
follow, -We can give no-present prices; the l ist sales SOAP.. Regular sales of Pittsburgh No lat 4|c.
were at 7c. for city cured Hams, .Sides and Shoulders Cincinnati ut *Uc. i
in proportion. Sale of canvassed Hams at Sl*, SPICF.S. . \erv little variation in prices ; and sales
BUTTER* .There arc some receipt daily; the do*' at the rates annexed : . ; .
mand ib pretty fair for shipment. v We have reported' Cloves ft) 0 391 Nutmegs..**au>o ® J.CO
several silea during the week of kegs at
n ° ,n r^n '" - " or,h -S.". Of SL .torn l&Jl
Ho,.or Bucko,. $3,30® *° KC '-
1 “ r-i 1 ’ E " P, '' lul ', - P - ‘'HOT .Repular -ilr. n $1,3121,44
' 5^ MS c ,Silc .” r hART .Roeuhrsalc-uS! 3, nt; demand
. BRAN. .Several transactions have been reported.<j 2$ ~ ■ *■
~ p r 7 ■“ ll6t quolalionc, STARCH Regular .ales a, &S6*c.
lOc. rrom stmo lor best r nviw n.i. i..'_ rt . ir , ■
BROOM*,.. Mle, at S(l"s:S?i,7 , nnrl c, noil sun m,V ' lfg * C ° mm ° n ,10 -’'
P, B\fis ,, Vnunn in- 1 TO “ ACrO I! “' report (he fi.llnumß
rnnxM?M,T h% ,2, ‘ , ~ pores, at »l„eh the market i» .lead,
CORN MtAL l 'Mif rt ceipt'i rmce U„ week. I r ~r Jt |, - 1.‘.1 u „,p „,| ol i| Q JS
but WR can give no lair qunMiions. \Vc .think 40irt l MaimlVilUo. - 2 0 .*1- 12 0 17 1
4fic. bo for ciimmnu will do. . l l.aibe.i Twin, u ii’ U» IGa- “ 12 0 14
COTTON; YARNS. .Maiket well supplied s' we i' !’ iu S *■» * Sroich yiutr... it 0 ,111
submit table without alteration.* : « '• a ,f • l “’ ?-••••-.. .. u.. :
Ret, fthi V V VI V 4 *" «ui A drj » a 0 2.*
No ito “No 10 ;i!, { , - J in,L u< , 1“ f 1 * J *n 1
...... Cove'rlvi YnniV ' salcslider Vinegar; m hbh.
liieri'a-mcy l rent tbuk OrtrppU'liriiii.-..- . 200— |at 7;tl9c.
... . - 1 ouim Tv\tne.e....^>i/*.e r - . WOOL..We submit our (aide without nnv male- i
No *5Wi -0 s t 'inille U * r k. * nal alteration. Tlienc h>v« been stums receipts of
CAMJLKV .We hare , o ehnnee t„ re.,0,l f 1": «''»«• *hirli imd readr win it the ntes
Cit>‘d»ppf < J ......-.u *iHi - - .! account* Bum the cost would seem to
M0u1d...... ... f .. in jtflhj j sperm in n l.rimU’Sj i. indicate an upward tendency.but dealrr? here thmk
Piils!»urf;hSiar....22 623 - iiuVrior* *S : there will hr no change.
COI'TON.. W e have heard ol no lrane.icrions tins 1 Cnuno.iff ■ *. 4* it., r t . ‘
week. ; i | |-„!i
, . COFFEE. ,>ale«Vi to keen jireitr hrii.k tins week, 4t teiuii'-V •'* V' I 'V v'• ~ 1 '
hul no change tn prwe. We , Hole A 7}i7<e. (or , >l«inaud Kir UeHimil 1. rerr
Prime Rio ' ' .1. husk, turd the marker u alinort hare. We i]uore
CORDARF..There hate some altent on, hi K‘ > "Orh .’P. ma,kill,
manufacturers, which are noticed below r ’ i hecerpl and sale or >,{;alrela at
Manillaßope.lM C0i1,.................. 13c lb i
So , do " when cut........14c no !
While Rope, br C0d,.................. . lie do
Do do - when cut,.. ... ..i.. I’c do
Tarred rioi bv C0i1,;............ ... ip/*
Do do v. . when cut,..............Me do
Packing Yarn, fine, ~9c do
Do do common T ...v.....w.,...i.tic do
Manilla Bed C0rd5,...;... $ 1,7302,620 V‘< r t»
Do dn percoil,;,l3 Ih.
Hemp, do, . ..........00*>do2.
Dp do pprcc»i1,..k,;',*;......104>1b.
Manilla Plough Lute*,. *. a .;, 76057 p doz.
Hemp do n d 0...., do
. rAtesare, Braziers27o2H; SheaUi
ing 27; Old 16019,
.CHEESE*. The receipts have been fair and sales
brisk.- No. change in .prices of VVcstern Reserve-
Weqaole. at3i#?i6c. - No tinshcn in Market, some,
expected; probable prices 707{c- •
. . CHOUHOtATK. .Sales at $3,750-3,(lo,according
to brand. : ....
CRACKERS. .The regular jales to the trade are at
the following rates:
Water Crackers* •
Butter do. ■ .. 4 7',
Pdolßread*..3s|) ■ «
Sugar ami Soda Cracker* * 7c p ft:
FLOUR..Prices have been unsteady this week j
but there ban been no decline.. Buyers have, been
qoite shy,, not venturing to do more than the icily
custom demanded. Many lots rcc&scd on consign
ment limited _ certain prices-barn.been stored;
which shows that holders expect an advance. The
Foreign Slews indicate nothing certainly;
Yesterday sales were made trora w-aeon at Sl.iiC.
from wha>f $4,60<54,b2.
We quote sales of the week $4,5G the lowest, and
J 4.70 the highest, first hands rates; ■ :
y FISH; .There is a downward tendency in Mack-:
ercl,hqt no actual decline yet. We quote at 90.75
i®e,oo_ ’
: FURS...The following arc the rates at present
Red Fox, bo.l* SO I? .73 .{. Raccoon* -• a
. ... .N 0.2, • © 37jt { Rlmk't»*. *.... 4? i»
Muskrat**.***. ': 0 3 ;Jl(r | 'DeerSkiu;tt&>.l4 0 I
• • FEATHBRS. .The receipts bsvo hcea connderc*'
b!e, and sales nt the highest rates we have for some
time quoted: 34(3*36c. - '
FRUIT. .Of.Oranges> aod Lemons the market is
barer we quoteno nmslly at 6,50(ff(>,00.J Of Ra sins
there, has been but little advance; oa sccooot oi the
great supply in tnarfcct; but holders are not anxious
to sell at present rates: $202,1?. Figs am worth
16ci Cranberries are worth $1,50 from store • the
market is tolerably will supplied. Ground Nuts am
worth $1,3701,44. Dried reaches, to some extent,
have alreadyarrived r and sales at J>rjed
-Apples,"nosales;-'' i>-
Almonds shelled*2o .& ■ S 3
Soft 0 18
Hard*•*• •»0 I2F
Currants,Zniile.* 000 11*'
hilbsria***** *••** 8
Groundnuts*••*l.37 01.44
Figs,Turkey -•* & .
Main ••••'•l6 0
Raisins. Muscat* • <B>
I GLASS..Iu Window Glassthere.havebeen nit im
rportant sales. Dealers have been making sotn
small transactions at the quotations given bclnw ■
IJlack Bottles 8xl(i <@ r on
Qunn-£■ gross 0n oo toxta aam
Pint * 0 7,00 12x18 0 7 (Hi
Mud a wine, ft,o Patemdo.lOxl-t
to gal-, : 0.0,00, IoISxIM , - -'.-a ■
Claret, i>gron.s. M 0.00 : Country brands; ■■■■<>
Window Ginns 4* box. 8 VHI ~ . ■; 'Ji
City brands, lllxJ2---..v... t :uxi®3C2
, -GUNPOWDER.»SaIes are regular-at the follow
ing rates-
FFG*,.-• *4,75 0 5.G0. Eagle do. in na--’ ■ ’■
Eagle fit lbs-. \@ .l.lnl per,-.......... ' ■ j j,;
FFFQif ""'f powder-.. -1J.0.-, 00,02
GRAIN, • Xhß .Gram market is very dull; we hnvobut
few report this wepL .Wheat is worth
fiOc.j which re offered freely.: Corn, We quote at 36c
Oats is worth Sort, the"firm 'pure. 14 - -w..
GRAHAM FLOUR..Worth Sc.ptb
_ HONEY. .Market w ell supplied,and regular sales
from store at I4OICc,- . i
HAY..The market is now*well supplied With art I
e *wTnra quality of Hay; sales at $7‘<2SJ nt scales I
HIDES.. We give our table with quotationsaa last
ua'ut k, PP s^ l MSI,C2
£pamsli----...--14 (2/ Id iftreeit ......y. -. : 4 1
Do: Balled*- . I ; • • ■
HOPS..SaIe of one halo at 10ri : 1
INSURANCE. .The following tablegivealhc ratio
or inauraoce.on good htenmhoais: '
To Philn. ai\il Bfili. via To Wljpeliriir - I *-
v *3- . Brownsville • • ••... . |.
fvni JH*!! 1 1* ' * Loill*Vllli j 1
mS'IV 11 S' * Nashville rem,, ? u
Memphis Tenn J 1 New Orleans lit
Rurl nifnTi^ 0 * , l , Qumci, Illinois, llt
Burlington lowa l fialen i. j*.
Independence, Mo:* -1J ; V
: sales of Missouri Pig nUtc!; B "
&c. SbtiPt Lead $5 ? box; Cut G. The f.illotva
jnfirarp the Wea asked for Patent Lead Piper
. : l inoh acqueducl No 2 Lead Pipe 5o; & foV.i
t “ 1 No 2 1 “ i C &
•• No. 2. • -* c • 7f». 4*.
, . :• . *.V «: :No.l t^: .' tk . • i
f u 'V No. 1 > “ M •
4 ,s No.I~ “ it -
1- ‘‘ . “ . No.l “ lQic 19' “
All other size* C4c. ft. < .
(Sommcrdal Vtib £ mantial.
a,- n £^S?.B N< ? KR r FOR IS4*
SifJSSSS?- 1 ienvtesa«t'tlv »r *.-»*•
6?8»-F-e«el ? 8 »-F- e « el '' v,a - r^row^s ‘VJlJe; i to Baltimore nnd;
Philadelphia. 8 A ja_nntlOp m
M p‘m o'” ‘‘U'Miwct toil’ll,laitdrlHi,. n n. Mtl'.niiillS)'
\\ pplprn nml Snalnarn Mail Coal'll 6 a. m.
everth-w via Cleveland, daily, 10 a.'Mj :
J ttf mid \\. mcni New York daily* oam
to Philadelphia, daily: except Sundays, A
Rastern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3a. closes
Western MRil,Cm. and LouisV*,due 8 p. u.. closest aim.
South, via Balt, and Washington, due 5 ?. M.,close.ssA.M.
North-Western: Yin Cleveland.due. 10 a. 9 a.' ii.
Eneand Western iSew York, due 8 Kit., closes 8 a'
_ , , _ Par lalur Ashrrl Offtrrd,
Bank,of Puffhurghv-.-.‘.v--$50,00 550.00- 1550.00
Bank . SO,OO 44,00 4150
Merehanla’and M.8ank.50,00 4*,00 4500
Farmers’Deposit Bank . . None In market
Hand Street Badge 50,00 50.00 40 00
Ki 0 / t SS. m f ,lber H"> Bnd S* " ■ 50,00 3 Jon
Old Alleghenj Bridge . . . 5500 C 6 00 30,00
Connellsville R. R Stock,paid on
.. shares, soft' 1 4*l
Cityßonijn(o©'c?nt;l,?«j ; 00.00
Moijongahela Bridge *« . 25,00 iff 50
Gas Stool -.a gq’oo
Hnnch>*2.oo£? •
ni60m,0M..h...: fij>- '
Cranberries*** * L'Jff&LSO
LemonH.tJee.bx. Si
do ©• •
?Otf? 7»
r » ~ " i * * * * %~* t % C A *%- ’’’ ■■>
c 1 ' / "'V-*** ’ ! ’
*v - * 'L. -*
.. IKON—The tablo beta waives liiu. prices of Iron,
"hibh haa: nut changed.lor months •
BarlmmijT © Plotigh tUngs 4<© 4
Common. ;dt Sab* i 4$
?> > u €» S’® Ru&mm Sheet , OP 15
Boiler Plates 0 tj- /
! h (, lc.thilhmnrc : ..*Jl -ti : 2>,. UppcCfimsh:d2fi^)fl , iJ22? i
Ne\>.. \ orh; vr.v/ij kjpB..fmiflUd-24-bO ©2jd.oo • :
Burned 1.(8* 15 Callhkindo >JS 00 u?J4 fU
hlan,hicr l- w Jtl LateLeatherlSoo <7T
bkmuig...ji ; vN: England Seating.
Harness hi u k P» fi? “0 No 45 til) §
Bridles, h'ai t i» No 2 do/ 1) 00 (ft
. doz. sides-*30,00 ©30,00 No. doz* *25 00 © 1
Russendo;-*. 30,00 ©30,00 Sheep skins *-.*—l <B> 0
■■■• LAUD, ,Market; is: olinost entirely bare.-- 'Wo
quote nominally at , n tho absence of actual
sales n
LUMBER-.During Die season, dealers have been
doing a very.sausfdctory bostness. . yards are
still, tolerably well, supplied witb-lamberof nil kinds,
and sales arc briflh.- Wegive the table without any
alteration. . A: tibl* in the-Alleghenywill make the
market active. < - . •
.Clear ©22,Otf ;Fio'onng Jdo - 19,00©20,00
Common do . a-v f - ©ILOO Common! do -• <3>i~
Clear U do ©33,00 Oak ©24 00
Common 14 do •. > -.. ©15.00 Pmo Shingles ». • .
Clear s jdo m. .44.00 . > i
Common 2 do 22,00 Laths; 5aw’d2,000235
MOLASSES. .There Ims not been an actual ad
vance in prices since last weekv but tho market-is
evidently much firmer.-.- We have a number of sales
on record at 30, for Molasses m good bar*
( anai. .fot.t,v —.Amount nl toll# received on nil
the Nrw ststf (aoiU, iu each of Ibe fulloiv*
mg years dnntur tin* tuitrlb .week iu September, and
the totals up to the l*L October- is-a# billow* ; -
1841.. .
tB4l .
!M4 . ~
IM7 120,0-13,40 £,&>?,256,0b
IS4S. * !U2,0Ut,52 2,17fy67*i,52
-.r.h#,rrceipt» ofihe 4ib yverk io September tins
year* roroparH with butt* «hov an mcreato ef $35,*
9i> S 06, and a total Uecruavo thua far ior the vear of
S4OI,GSO 24;—M. Ktt. Journal. ’
A vfilunMi* forui m 211 uiueh
75 am** atr in a fm<» »mt* m riiluvniton. \rali taut
out in meadow and gram fields, ivtih good nmc-p* awl
spring* otwater. a goad dwelling house nmniew l.nru
and suhiivaurt oilier out house*, jtirgt; garden and at-
Wiard, plenty of umber and coa),situftiedo« a good road. > —=
7 mile* from Untfrr'J3from:Fr*«!pOTh and on the survey I f\OMLi?TIC IH«ANhiri> a! private sale raMkcn
ofthe l-*rw Jtrulrond; neartocburrhPMi'OooUamimilt*- i U »* * Auction Hoornk, No lit Wood street,ddoor*
l*ncp, St'2 an were. Term* liberal. r Kora stk st, ft Unreinvoice of Domestic Hlankeu or the
s. CU'IiIRKRT. Oen A*!Pnh ! largest sue and Sncslqualiiy of Merino Wool, received
*>mUbficld street- .? direct uom tbn Manufactorier, and will he soul at very
... -.. ..i, ■■..■■■. ;...j j low. price*, both wholesale ami retail. It is the best oj>«
To Country Merchants* { pnrluiuty offered to houirkeeperx for several year*.
MMlCifAVßvwtll fmiUtio 10 call at | oetd JAMhS M t KKi\NA* Au«m.
M. HODKINbO.VS, a* ho has now m more as ! -• . —■ —
•94.00 V IM
lurg<> nml (trtiraM? aft uftsnrlm*ni ot CAimr..'<Wau 1 ■■ WJLMA3I TATE t Ctl>* -
*«i!abl(r iprraumry mncliania.- ann (,cc[-k»sob» to fntmti k Ttir
u-nalljr inuiut in caurro honM4--«iu) at low Xo. Ift. Fourth itrnl. bnvun Fern and Libtmi -itrnr
l lr "' r “ M HODKINSOS AfAMTACTUREUS of .hctl Irad, Icidtn p, rr , M'
• _____ I.U Wood street, ueftr>nth. .JjJL drams,pumps, bath?. water closet*, leaden eorQn*
~ Ac.} keep constantly on hand and manufacture merrier,
sheet lead fronil to h tbs. to the square foot, in sheets of 0
by SOfeet, wluclnhey will furnishtotlie trade wholesale
or cut to order tit. any fljze that may he wanted
They also manufacture u»d keen constantly on hand,
leaden pipes Prom 0 .tof inch calibre; aqueduct pine, for
conveying waterfront springs, furnished to the country
trade, and pul up on tccJ* in lengths of from ICKt to 1000
feet oi* each reel.,with directions as to the proper method
of laying;. Atso, on hand, a large supply of Adams’ Patv
cm suction. Pumps, tor wells or cistern*; Snow A Co’s
very supeiror cost Iron suction Pumps.
. Hydrant work ofcevcrydescription executed in the
most durable manner; um! on the . most accommodating
terms. Orders from Uie country for leaden pines, sheet
lead. or. pumps, will receive prompt attention '
jc27*daw. _ __
C bickering** NeyrCircularMcnle Plano*.
• CfyfpypjW ;ttr ‘‘elflbraied manufactory of Chick*r«
TV 0 KP* in fT» Boston \ with lhAncw improved cir»
* • ®. 8. r’colarpealr.jastTCccived ruid novroneji-
For Mle ui ni Factory prices- by
. e 4„ , „ , , JOHN If MOXOR,
No,.Si >Y nod Pittsburgh, sole Agent for Chlcker*
Ingspraud a.m\ square PiatioMfor WememtVnnn oeitf
Q TOV h tt» 5, Gfci U mcbftc, on
Imnd and for sale by KING & MOORHEAD,
oc *3 J^ or - Dmmtnul and Diamond alley-■
tmvu d.piece* short HUp'd blacky
Xwhich 1 will sell cheap. 1 " :•••
„ JAMr* MOUIRF,Tutor
sepTO-u • Third*!, Si Charles BuiMing. :
. . . , {Chronicle copy.) .
-v . . UJS.SUta/noN.
fP«K Parincndnp of Messrs. Slhbet & Jone*, Hankers
JL and Brokers, having temumued hv.the retirements
l> a ™ ttwocioted.wllh me my brotberJuMl-
2oJ»ni> and J.OIIX B. JONFiSi and nhnll eon*
nnue-the firm under tho *tvh* ofS 1
JOM.S fir CO. ; » JONES
Pittsburgh, Ot loher 2,1«4*
. . ftortK*\mT eouNca A?tn robarn «tRFi-p»' f
■ Ip AU mmiftrsronnecird vntii ihe rai(j firm ol'Rihhct
A- Jones, will he earned on without interruption by R J
T>EI KHU!NC* to the above* we beg. leave 10 mil the
.I.v nttennoij qi our friends and the public to the follow
ing, which will embrace-flic scope ot ourbnpJne***
• will parchaseordiwoumTlMK HILLS. DRAFTS,
Onr own Checks nnd!hllvwill ho furnished at current
ratefi, at Right, nr on tmwvupou the principal dues onhe
United Smt«H. >Vn will also fiirnlsh BILLS 01' |SX
CHAMiL upon Loudon* and all tlm principal towns nnd
eitiesoffrcland, Scotland nnd Wales; mid also upon Pa
ris. Hamburg, Hroincu, and Fmiikfort-sur-Mami'.
ot money will be received payable on de
mand,upon thn-Check oi the Depositor: and upon De
poaites made for six womhi and - upwards, aud upon
which Certificates have been' isnued. Interest' will he
allow ed at the rate of mx per cent
Bills nnd Nob;* will be received for coMcrtinu from
Depositors and Correspondents, and Ki the biilcr prmnpi
rermilanneAWill he made according in instructions
Iny«*iiiQcuts will be, made in Stocks,-Bills, Boiidiy.or
other securities:. agreeably’ to order,' " - ;:
; Having been comnhsflioned to dcul in Stocks, Wcwill
tmy and sell, to order, nnv cl- the Stocks m the
Kastern markels. anA nspeemlly-those-connected vPiih
Pittsburgh.- aud the Banks, Bridgre. and other Institu
tions in nnd nbout the City. - :
; PilisbuTph Oer.*2 t tR4S-2u'. R.JONEn »V CO-
PROTEC'nrDOOi.I) hnve,HW
;.* received a supply of these : excellent Peiip;, Their
superiority consists hi the Protector. .an unporinm im
provement which gives them the following udvautugPK:
Ist” It imstains tha mb and prevents the crossing of the
.two parts 01 which U l6 composed, by maintaining a per
iod parnllelism between iheni.
ad.ltrcfuhis:iniuch larger quantity .of iiit that! oilier
gold pens..
. dd. It prevent* nil dropping or spattering oflhn iuk. -
Julius obviates every objection which can. he urged
against ordinary* gold peas. - In addition'm, this, ilic
.workmanship is snpeunr io that of any pensordomestip
manufacture. Theywill make as hue a hair mark as the
fiuest'stecl pen.AvhilC they have nil the elasticity of the
ijuiU.iCThey hayc giyen satisfaction in every instance, in
which they have been tried.
A.CLBaylev's. large;medium and small Pens; LcVi
Brown s Premium Pens;! he Comrress Pen: The Ladies*
Ten ;.Thn Richelieu Premium Pen ;.ior snle atummifnc
lurers prices, by , ~. JOHNS lON &•-STOCKTON;,v
. .oertL. , . ; Jcor.Markft and iht siß:
/I ARDEN FARM TO LET—2S acres well situato for
\JT gardening purposes, near, EgsvLibertv t on a term of
five or ten years, and at a :
pep3s. , . .. . . - Corner sth nnd-Wvhe sta.
G\H*.E —A fewbbls. iu store and for sale by 77--7
vs\-.' J+r.'j :a r * ’vl fV'
• ■ i „ *■
h 'i; ' c ;t ; r pf ■
&5,W» 2 *
*, T sW4/iS
. I>7*7y9^:i
T.ilnU U> i»| Oct.
1,7 i 7,572,32
Hutty Jutelttgciuf.
~ rrcrfijitciipi u atee ixtue chain-el—axo falilno
i • Stumer Attautic/Farkiiisou. Brownsville’
; • • Louis MLaue, Bennetj Brownsville-
I . " Atrowhue, Gofdnnj BrowuSvillK :
r . l - Caroline, Pay. Denver}:
I Calftb;C'opi*.3TuTi!oek. / >VeJlsvill(‘> l
■ Camilen,'Hemplull, liftaverv' 1 -'
’* Pacific, Campbell, Louisville
;v- i '.\ Dr. Franklin, MClure.Louisville'
“ Star, Strode*, Beaver
“ Atlantic, Parkinson, Brow n« ilh
, I Dili* M’Lane, Bennet, Brownsi [
i Arrowline Gordon, Brownsville
I u Caroline, Day, Beaver*
* Caleb Cope, Murdock, Welhv ille
1 Camden, Hemphill, Beaver
‘ Corner, Dawson, Cm
1 GeuevorDean Cin
“ Star, Strodcs, Beaver
aa- We regret to say that our rivers arc again
filling, and at present there is no prospect of rain.
n®~ Passengers from the steamer Mogul reached
this city yesterday. We loarn from • them that the
boat struck: a log, about 4 o’clock, Sunday morning,
a-fcwmites below Clovorport, on the Ohio,'and im
mediately sunk In 4 feet water. Her main deck is
above water, bnt her hull was so badly shattered by
the blow as to preclude thcpossibility of ever raising '
her. : Itwas was thought that her stem had broken
and.parted near midships. She hadjint little freight,
all of which was slorpdon the mam deck.
[St. Louis tins Era.
Fltubor|[h ud Whetling Pickei,
■ ITW* w THE «wift »ienmcr CONSUL, Dobsey P
Ljfeaag Km-iiT, Ma»br will leave regularly for
tMHnßß:lVh«ellti(r<on Monday, Wednesday, ana Fri
day, at 10 o clock.
Leave Wheehngevefy Tuesday, Thursday. andBatur
•any, at 7 o'clock, a, ai., poitfrvtlj/. . • -
The Consul will laud Mali intermediate, port* Every
accommodation that can be procured, forthe comfort and
safety-of passengers,. has been provided. The boat is
also provided Witha self-acting flafety-euardrtbnrerent
For freight or passage apply on board,or to - *
or® JOHN FLACK Aeent.
~ T '::vFor..Cinclnn«iti.'- •
im» ft. **fh»rinwahi steamer HIGHLAND
«PkR, Fobsk, Master; will leave tor'the
' above and mierwedmie porin r 10-day-
BhBBBSSSHB For ireigbt or passage apply on board
ocip r/
For Clnclnuail7
»U32A The new and hgbidrnuglu steamer VIS
wEtEftBEBt ITOB, Jacob, Master, will leave lor the.
QiggßgSflßßßabore and intermediate, ports; thi* pay
For freight or passage apply on board. ot i 9
tw -The net\, liffhi draught, fas! running
i ftfnmfrCINDKRLLJjX.CAinovx. Mu»-
Mffltffllrfgwa: ter. will leave for the above ami niter-
BBBSBSBQBSutcdinie port* this day.
For freighter pngMge, apply on board. oct4
"For Cincinnati.
*>■ ffVWSfrfa. The new, hffbi drought no**e»eer
r 14 ,J*T Rtemnrr. DOLPHIN; Capi. llaoikit,
leave for the above und tnlenu*'
®'^MnS«WStl.-/ i Uiate porlß, thin day. •.
For freight or parage npply on booid. . oct2-
For Cincinnati and St* lionls.
The light drought Mcnnier SWAN. H. May,
will fi»av« for the above and inter*
£&S&ob m * | J iall> ' tandim?*, Jo-morrow.
::For freight or pnsjofre apply on board, or to
oprt v JAMES MAY
For i'ltitittnalli
•• jjiri The hcht Meamer FRIENDSHIP
MftMer, will leave for the above one!
fira3£i!3g3.utt. > rme(tiate pon«, itnsdav.
jrriphi or ojjplv oil !*oari!- jepD3
• ■.-■• For CtuclnnAtl and liOaiivlllr.
i llfc *iaunc|i meamer PACIFIC. T< Camp*
Mf»*ifr t AT»H leave lor ihe above au;lii>*
iermediaie pon.*» today..
Kor.iirjs'M orpn<*3pe apply rm bwird. or to
p, MH,Tn\i»:nar.R.Ac« Ht.
~ - Kor Uuclonatl. ~
i I fcttvWt&Tlif nrw a:ul splendid i*ft«seni’rr Steamer
{ pSuffl i'INANutKKt t apuui W«. koi-vr*: will
leave for the auove And nit »menuedlat* pntu to day, al
! JftOYto(.’i,\ a. u. .
j For frrujht or passage. liuvnu; superior neeoimnodn*
‘non** apply onboard. nuns?'.
■ i ..■••..• For<rincinno?li
i •' • Titftiiew and light draught steamer,
j . fff“7z7jß .94 All 4 t;OH Mttl A ' liUtTN'. Master,
i Mffijgimaii- AviHleav*.* fiinhe abow. hiu) wterme'
■; tSBSBSHBin dial* porn to-day.,
i ■ tor frnejit or (viKinge apply »m board.
' Arrangetiiciu.
[. iJE2L£ THK Meam.*? «riAVFltCha*:r..f'tarko f
i Master* will teavV !*M.*burffh. for firav«*r.
1 and WrliiviHr. evrrv Monday, AVedneAdny, ——
t mid Fn*|av—n»il-- rrijirnlnfr on Tuesday. Thursday* Large Sopply of Drj* Uootlli
i amt Saturday, at !lo dock. a. i:. Having » boat nt the . . /VY. U. MV RPfl\,-
i !uudni£,\re are preparrdto receive. freight m ivnv tim*. : NoJnrtt rA.ST COS.NKB n» rot tint. am> mabketsjwxis.
: For freißhiorpmssire apply in " •. TJAS Jim coropleird opemMjrhtM firet pupply of -fall
! mnlT'tf 1 -M. AW HARTOX& CO;: A?em«. * AX'«."»* Itmftr 2fry and hn? notrto h't»
I ’ rir£r«itar Pnek«-t fAp K»rnn*li "~ ; cuMpmerji, a largr uuJ chou-e tot to select from. Many
I . m> l^uxl , „ «te tu P \iw at fMlu ni*o it ptratU reduced Vu cci
• t *IaKC» J> TllKiiiiA Myamer W IXI-SV 11. l ,K f Cnpt. ..Great care lui« been taken m the selection of'tliobesi
•I «S«SSo leave writ}* above and: .inter. ;.'mafc*«f FRKNCII CLOTHS. now so f’enerftUylwed for
i media te port* <m Mrrf«w.//»»xßjid ttoturdayt, >. ; dress coots; and gentlemen wauling £ood% of ihi4 kind
? ~ lor freitfbl oi pit'Mge anplj on ho.«rd. or to . < tr»U- find ins m*ortin«‘nt the very be>,| 16select (fAj it-*-'
■- ■ - • . M’.O. VI- MIf*IT.NnMU»Kn*.Aj:I- ; SupenorblaokfhmimercP.MUn. Velvetandl'nnoySifk
- - «“ Vetwiy- Merino ami f oium l udershiri* super Mack
C*nt*e vim I llr,han atul fancy Cravat*.Wove* Ac., tor gentlemen;
VulttT UU aIUIIiUII, » In the Indies department. also. wiUhc found the new
- e«t stjleCham.ralilt Silk* luuj je* Mile
■_ • AvCTIOIk BAl»K£r i auppr; hlacfctMlfcs.Yejry glossy* Mu-dmdeL2nur*; l*laui
. a\ JAME& AtCTI OA KER* > and Printed C-oOimeres; ttenth JUf Tinas- ofo Ktent va-
No. IM \\iX»o SrREEr. inacc o*>osr rno-’U l tmt. r»eiy of rotors: fine printed l»ame- ns Jow as
IG rent*.. New nyle Braeads Alpaaas: plain blnek and J
colored do.: Satin Smped and Hand hesldeH a fur-'
supply oi Staple liood? as Flannels 1
Shirting and JSheetmes; Muslins ni an exceedingly low i
price: fnsb f.inens.Ac.; heammil new siyio of Fnßlish i
Fruit** at troott styles ironi4c. up to the lirsujuaii- i
tie* inamiinctuTed. Uoyers are iQvned in call ■ . j
10”Mcrehanui.wilLfintti m the Wholesale. Room- on
2d story, u choice crock oi newest stvie good«. at about I
eastern prices. •••■••».;•: . • (crp3 . j
JOU)}ftßsT»!>ltinK.lhiir oty with a stock tioods For
wile, ran !>* accommodated, while thcyreiumm with
1 the um' oi a Uooirhon moderate tcruu. nt thetM start* oi
j .M KfJtnn «.Au<*uru> store; So, 1M Wooil.Mtrrt. tlirre
r door* irom I il'lti. . .
j Al*rv—lor ov the svcr*. month. : cr ypar. tor ih*
i ylorflße ai mrrchnmtue only. f«n rxcpHpm drv UvUnr.
! wtlh hoard.door
Orphans’ Court Sale.
IN pursuance ot.nn order of the Orphans' Court of Al
legheny couutyvdated -the 2d rtny of OetobeKA -D
JMB,ihe nmlcrsigned'GuanljauftOi Agnes, Ami Eliza,
Rebecca and James Lumbie. minor children of James
!.umbic,tate of the flthward, city of Pittsburgh; deceased ;
will expose, to public sale, upon the premises. on Satur
day,the 28th da? of October next, at 10 o'clock,A«M
all that cerfam lot or parcel of ground situate iivtbe Oth
word of the city of Pittsburgh, coiunvot Allegheny, and
Stale of Pennsylvania, belngset marked and mirahered
as lot No. 41), in the planoflou annexed to the partition
of itie estate of F.lizahcth Bfack, deceased. ami bounded
ntnl described a* follows, to wit: Keginning ut a noint
on the wtwterii sideofElm.tdrcet. at tin intersection with
Franklin street, then northwardly along Kim street nine
ty feet more or less, thence westerly nnd parallel with
Franklin street 44 leet 0J inches, (hence southerly nml
parellel with Kim streelOU teet morn or less to Franklin
street, thence easterly along Franklin street'44 feet fl l
inches, to the place ot begnmtng.beuig the Mime lot con*
veyed to: said Jameß Kurnbte. deceased, by J. Rodman
and wife by deed of perpetual lease, and subject to an an*
nual ground rent of Sno per annum. - For Amber partic
ular* empurn ol WIKUAM BOVARi), (Judrdion, or J
BARTON, his Attorney. . ocil-iHw
SAK.lti—All ilio.Hiortitnpnnd'inoFt oiMlip weekly
• I'uttdmrjth Newspaper*, feitibeirii. datum Counterfeit
Detectors,loo al liums’ latest Puinhurgli mid Allegheny
city Dirci'torir»nt 18-17 ami 18-lfc. CflOufilir /*renifire nt
Pittsburgh, Louisville inuei by die bbl. or roini). OfiO cuts
of cnrpei chain, n small supply of window »orU undgliM
to suit, a small Rtipnlv of writing and.letter paper, slate*
tmd pencils; school iKioksj 'red ami black' ink, olid 'S’i
ilr>7. i«-(] pencils; for sale m any quantity custo
mers; ISAAC HARRIS, Agoiil and Com. J\Terch r t,
• ' » or. Su Cltdr ami l’eim streets; ■
• ____: _ opposite rjcchnngft Hotel.
PHA frt:i'S—iihi ImslK.lß, for solo vrryTntv. m cToJt
• - to«S) ■ ••••<•., : fsMITH SINCLAIR.
IJVjA r.JiUAI —Cnnght lasi wniier. the Flat Boat Hip
A.~ uam*. fbe owner t* requested locomc forward
prove property, pay charges, or she will he dealt with
uceorduuMo law.; JAMKS (JRAM \AT
< UirmiuL'hfim.OiM. 4-Hi
in warehouse* or--store* fora
TT number of warehouse men mid Bovs-Rates men
nun clerks;.- Also* for several school leather* in town
or epumrv, also for laborers. Farmers can besupplied
with any hands they want. Also, sieam, cnunl mid keel
boats.. Good cooks, chambermaid*, nitd-nurses can pel
employment, or persons wanting. them supplied soon,
» anted to borrow, several sums on pood tccuriiy- All
kinds of ape ueies attended loprompily tor moderate ebar
pis Phase .call it ISAAC IIARRH,
_ Agency ntid Intelligence Office. ■
_ O<, V» . * . cor. Penn and jsi. Chur sts. ;
A NIAV'M r MARIUKIH OITPUS are anxious lo ob
.xlkjaiitlionrdiiVp.mapriyaittlaifuly.'/A.locniidu icitlie
Mcnmj of the.(?ouri House, mid on or nenr Wyliestreet,
x ' °M'{■ bo inpsi desirable.A hue. nddresned U I ;., office of
ihc MornmfrFost, - will meet with attention,. oci3 •
tfWKET . POTATOES-nobbls. Sweet.- Pom ioc s on
kJ consignment and for sale by v , :
To Western Merehantg,
• offered to the public, and at the lowest prices possi
ble, may be found ht 115 Wood street, opposin'- J- D-
DimeVAuctlon Rooms. Observe Wareroonls up spur*
• ~ v.-v. <:■ .■}*.*■'.'*
- -• w..,-y*' v
* * , « _
: R»D. TllOmpSOn»
; No. 110 STarket strrrtj three idoon from Liberty strut :
HAS just received his entire stock of Fall and IVinter
DRYGOODS, consisting of every stjle „f Rich
Dress Silks;,all woolCasbraeresandDeLainea: French
Merinos, all colors ; Changeable and Black Silks -for
fancy coloredDe Lames. for children '* •'
SHAWLS of every kind that is fashionable; some new
styles of Long Shawls. . v
worked. Capes and Collars, from the lowest to the
highest prices.
DOMESTICS.—-This department is very full.
.Gwn.and /hneu Floor Cloths always ou hnud.
iTie above Goods have been purchosedaiuce the •de
pression m prices, and will be sold m the lowest ratcV
seplO if
Ai Ao. 05 Market st., bettr/en Fourih and the Diamond.
rnilE subscriber Ims juat received from the Eastern
X cities a new slock oi
Purchased since the recent great fall in prices, vir:
4-4 Brown Muslin.only s cent*; ; : • :
4-4 heavy, <>* *• v
4?4 Bleached Mashn. G&- <s :
Red Flannel, all.wool; only Ifce. ;
Furniture. Chintz. trom4 to<Hc.; r
Double Purple Calico, last colors, Cic.;
... I-rench Dress Ginghams 121 c. ■ - -
, 4r4 Double Purple Ch»nl7.l2]c.;
Pans Printed Cashmeres: ■■■•'•
■ ■ Mott*, de hxunes.
SuuuStnpe Cashmeres; ;
“ ag" Mou.*.dc-Laifte*:
■ W iita-niarl, Rich Lustres •
Chntnelion Silks, all shades;
■■■■•■■ Satin. • u
French Lttrnnrnue Plaids ;
Galfn Plaids, high colors;
Coburg and Thibet Cloths: ' .
Plaid AlpaccQfivßll colors; •
Lyonese Cloths 1 * ‘ ;
' French Mennos. . - ; v.-. •,
Wide niork PianJSilk«
N’ew;Sty!e Prrns Pruned Tcrkerri Shawlr; ChnmeUon
Silk Shawl*; Lame Shawls: Embroidered bHc
und col d Cloth Shawls; new.siyle fine, all wool; Broche
Shawld} Plaid Long Shawls; Plain and Embroidered
black and mode colored Silk Frioee Thibet Shawls
; New iali etyle Bonnet Ribbon*, Cashmere Scarfs Cra*
vatv Gloves, Mill*, Hosiery, black Silk Fringe* pud
;ounp«» French W ork Cape« and Chimifeitei.* und new
stvie French Work Collar*, irmn I2jc. to -
A f.-esh nsrorunem of I rench and Eughsh C!oth<- Cas
fiirnereft and VcMmg«; nlarge vaneiyofnewsivle black:
and fancy Mlk andSatm Scam ana Cravats: Silk and
Merino l-nder Shin* nnd.Drawers; (•lovcs.-lfandker
chiei*, Suspenders fttulllc<icn*- ■ •
Hie above oood< ore jint whai they ayeiepresenicdto
be, and will ncbfr rrpRV oil who will call and examine
them. us. they are much Inwcnhaa they have ever been
seen beforcin this city; ABSALOM MORRlS
scpia>lm No. to Market «t.„ Pittsburgh
** * * ~ * T
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; «iaaa;isfc;> .xtxaiMagga
Daily Arrival of Fail Good* Tor the Job*
bine Trade*
ARD TODD A CO., beg leave to call me alien-
It turn of merchants and dealers m, Genilmen'j Fur
mtktng Go&b, m PiiKlmrgh mid vicinity, to our large
Mock of desirable FAIX AXfl IVIXTER GOODS, now
doily receiving.. v •'
Some 01 oar£&odfr;i/e rtlrubiraclated by us and -the
remaining portion bought umlersuch circumstances as to
enable, its to sell as lowa« eastern Jobbing Houses. ;
W e hare received from our factory in the east, a largo
Modem SHIRTS, winch.mquahty of material, neatness
of style and manufacture, are second to uoiic in the mar
ket. We will sell them lower than ther can be bought
in the eastern market*. Oue stock will consist, in part, nf
Woolami.MeunoLmlershirts and Drawers; : •
Cotton do. ■ do;:
Black and Fancy Ornvant; ; •
do, do. • Adjasiing Stocks and Tie*; '
Suspenders; Glores. Hosiery, Umbrellas, Carpctßocs.
Pocket Handkerchief Vestings,
Pat-chasers are respectfully solicited-to examine onr
stock ot Goods, and willbc accommodated trithpleasine
ID" Warehouse—North-eastcorner of FiAh andMar
ketsirerujup itaira.) .• •. v •; ■■■.>:.■ fsepl4
*VTEW CALICOES!—Now open at No. 59»corner of
ll Fourth and Market street*, a very large stock of
handsome now style Calicoes and Chintzes—which'have'
been selected with, with particular reference
to fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and benutv Amongthemmay befound:
Dark calicoes only 3 cents. British Chintzes, ISJ cents.
Fast color do., hi u Green ‘i’ 12| 1 M
British purple do., 121- Blue and orange.l2s
Merrupac <10,.t21 . u Turkey Red Chintzes. /
do blue do.. *124 Furniture Chintzes. ■
. These goods are now 1 lower than they have ever been
before, and are worthy the immediate attention ef pur
chaser*. PHILIP ROS 9,
scpll ter Fourth and Market sts.
Br Express.
a ENTS. -SUMMER* GOODS.—Super.- single milled
French Habit Cloths} neb styles Casfumere&jblMk
and.eolorcd CAslunerelts; Queen's.nud Summer Ciotns 1
figured and plain Drop D’Kies, Vesungs, "very choice-
Marseilles, Mlks onu Saturn, ami figured Linen Drills;
Cheaptrytt! ROBINSON'S Cloth Siorej
mny2s Post Bmldiugs, corner Fifth and Wood:
IMtANNMiS! Plftnneln!!-*Just reccd suduow open*
fit n Innjp enpply of whltr, yellowy amt scarlfl
flannels* all wool, wluch will bn sold by the piece* or
single-yard, lower than the same quality of goods have
ever been beiore offered. - ROSS;
sold N 0.39 cor oMih and Market-*tft. j :
ITVVLLGIM. HAMS.—-Just received a line ussortmen
. ol very handsome dark gingham* of every quality
from common to very fine. One Jot of very superior
dark gingham* at yard, warranted last color*.
. No, 50 cor of 4ih and Market sts. '
hers are now receiving their Fall slock of ihe above
urtirle. three teasels, viz: the Juniata; Medallion*aud
Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore, and
two more, the Stephen: Baldwin and Leila, shortly ex*
peeled; they are, therefore,- prepared to receive orders
I hcy will receive, daring the.winier and spring regular
supplies via New Orleans, •
*epi> _ W A M MITCIinLTnFE
IjUIIiUHAN (ihhh iiOOK, So, v. cuiKuiaiiig' the
Ji songs sung by the CimsiyMinstrels, and many other
tnelothf’s.jn tour parts—arranged 1 for quartette classes-
Contents—Hank ot de. Ohm, Carry m« one): to ole Vir
many, Happy are wo Parlies so rrov. Jtm Cruet Corn.
Jim Crow Polku, l.oustana Beile.Old Gruv<Joo<»» v , Ko*u
Ijoc, Stop dut knocking,'Wuik nvdc Parlor, ic lc-
Just received and Tor solo by
seplK > J; iI.MKUiOR. 81 Wood at.
TI7OQLKN hOLKAS AND COATS, n fiiie 'article; T
Y> Hoodsund Capf,
Hose for children; ...... ...» ■
... ......f*, - ;.’..Comforts;,.:. .* ''•
• ■ Boas; ■:
Cashmere,arid Verbn Gloves, lined wiih ■ a fine article
of. and a irencrnl assortment of Gloves. Mils.
f-.ep'W No. Bo Market st. between Sthtii. fc Diamond -
IjMCJS— «JU drums, justtvmv«?d mu! Jor.suln by
(iciS SMITH (c
boxen. lili bnlfboxcs. for prtl« l»y •
TTLKiAN &• PAM WbiiU No. Market strew* have
Xlmit rßccjved a splendid ast?or:ineiit of ime Jrwelrrv?
■nwt Watches. ■. . •■■» < •■ •- • • oets
Sflt.LL 00M1W—IMnnt and Carved Hack, new style
jusl received at Xo. ho Market «T- • J
ffW l\ l LTIOIM''si frVfjaSFtfS-La lttS e* ussoried
O hos.jwsi.recfti.vcd anil foe sale,al ThUadelnhia pri
ccsjiOidosocorisisnlroeiU.bV'; : : :
6014 ,v, ; 'EDAARD TODD & CO-"
•i.v s llf tf , ‘ r 1 t 1 *■ *
* * Jri '*■s ' n* - -v V f n T*
r * # /" V * t * *>t* * 1 » f i? 1 f
*'s , . .
’ -y - #■ * *,* %
*) ?*, „~ * • - , t ,'A* - <’ “ t - i '"" ' '"'
< i v -v * » ** * v * s £ >a •< x. _> 1
\ -h 7 ' * A- V ‘‘j. +yn. I* \ *
-" r.X < * -1 I v O.
_., ,j( } * 1 y
fft&Sim! 11l
Org 6ooSs. ,
TlSrwcivintranil mm opening aiihc am
fJ oflaa BTO W turs on/lark« str«C jflSt
. between Third nml rrmtih street*—otic 0 f thetSslHF
JargCrit. cheapest, am! befit nsAoneit -idtirkft'df
Fall and .Wittier. DKY GOODS. ,i‘ver ofl'erediirPittit-
ImiLdi, to. which the .attention oiournumerouß customers
and the public generally*** rcspecuiilly invited; ag the 1
subscriber ls.oonfiikntthni be can oficr finch Imrirninßiri'
jiDryGribtl* nfi rciiiiipl by aiiy. other h'nus* jif
ih tin
.Ar those ifood» have been purchased at prices'far be
low, those .of any*, former season, they will be sold at
: greatly reduced prices..
be found mony choice and desirable goods at extremely
. low prices.• v -x x-x
VeTy rich.and fashionable Dress Silks; Plaid and Striped
H]ack.3aun;.stnncd and plaidSilksjplam black: (very
flossy) Grode Rhine; plain black nfhLoslrc; LUstnng:
ilk, for,Yizejtcf, Montillflß nnd Capes, at very low
prices i newest designs and latest;
.plain,.and satin stnped Cashmeres,-, very cheap; French
Merinos, atj colors j De Lames. ploin, figured and satin
striped, at a great reduction on former pnees; Gala, Cal
norn. ,tt nn d , Caahmcre Plaids ; Mohair And Monterey*
Flujiis.aJl,qualitiesj Alpaccas, all qualities.and colon,
from 12* to 75c per yard
Fine Cashmere, *1 erkerri and Broche Shawls,
* £lqck>cmbroidered:Casbmere and BeLnin* Shawls;
FmeThtbbet and Be Lame Shawls; -■
Fine black nnd colored Cloth Shawls:'
Fine quality Long Shawls, very cheap ' ■■■»■
Plain black and plaid Silk Shawls, very cheap; ' •
; A large lot Plnid Black ShawiS, from7s cehis to 80,00
each all wool
Good dark Calico; from OtoOc: per Yard; ;
Best quality dark Calico, from O iol'Oc ;
Yard wide purple dm; all2ic.;' :
Good yard wide Bleadred Muslin, from 4 lo Gic Y
yubleaceU Mtslm, yard wido and heavy; 5 to Cic.;
Bed Tickings and Check , all pnees
Blankets, trom coarse to the best quality.' very cheap:
> £ fulUssonmcnt of-Red,' Whith and Tellow Flannels ‘
Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Jerseys,-Linseya. Ac., Ac.,
allof which will br sold nt reduced rates— -■ • , .
■ At. Ho. 69 Market «t*
•-.. A ;^~ ; / J , l *' | i | })y^>i^ l ry t . :^<ab~«F-^
; / ~ , 4Vi*/ v v "
'!«*" : -
' , *< ;r„ %^lg
r - r ‘ '^* v k ‘*,*£3B
, ; 1 £■ f^g
> ;'. .‘* f* V- .*,'
’v 1 ~ r ~ '!* ** , V_, C -C*''
l .- _* , %4 «* ? -,. ~ £ 7~T Jfe :
- ~^...7i- f £\ " * l> -H'fitf
__ Stoteg.i 7|j ... i.7'\ ’■?■-*,
EXC HANcf , B*AN» % BAN I KtNo!oyWCB,? -.I * - /
j-ivsin*; fn< o»rf f! j* - ? r:r
fi*£s, Tand wne ® jll * pf -Kzehsnge, Bank Ttfatet «&£ i . <*
2.{fc!s? n bi" lB ir" im Cniu bowrhi .1 „-’
M^sw e n ( mtei ilall,hepnnopric,w,or * e -r" f ** ' / ?-<
sham-'jßoftf -
-»»*». , - ,
:fT?i)l>. lunepeaUeiuof Atcoisers >rsow
; X or the Jflrge»t,«\nnpnL- |)fst finished
anilmostpoweriijriioajAoniho water*of the We*t*;.The.
arc paid far lie serraces of the ben and
mosrexpcnenced/ men engaged in nver business.—
;4 he ltao haR been-m operation for aixyeers i-baa earned:
neatl> -ttyo nullmnsof people,.without doing the slightest
’ injnrj .to their persons.: The • proprietors challenge cent*
panson 71th any passenger-lineta the Union forsafetyy
rcgulnnty, and speed. Air thatmoney can proettrehas
u/en provided for thesafety, comfort and convenience of
passengers. The bouts leave for Cincinnati os follows? ;
; MONfiA YPACJLET.—Tho Morcoxo ahsla, CapL Stone,
wm leave Pittsburgh every .Monday raommg at 10 o'clock;
Uheebngevery Monday evening at 10 P.M. -r
TUESDAY Hibersu No k Cap:
Jno. KUnetlitr. will leave Pirtsborghjevery.Tuesday
10 owoekj.ivheeling every Tuesday^evewng
V Nsw EsotASD No
s, CapL S.Xkan, -willleavePittsburgh every Wednesday
morning oUOoclorkWheehngevery Wednesday even*
ingallO p « ot *
ffrrtfr. u-illlfßve raormng at
10 o’clock * Wheeling every Thursday evening atlO ?- ai.
RRTVA r P^CXjr—TheCuPfCTNo 2,Cap!. Crooh,
Will JeavePitlsbargbever>-Friday morningtit 10 o’clock;
: Wheeling every Fnday eveningat 10 p:ia. . • v
SA TURD A V P-4 CRET. —The Messzxgev. Capt *ik
Campi vnll leave Pittsburgh every Saturday mowing at
10 o'clock; Reeling every Saturday evening at 10 -fm
SUTf DA Y PACKET.—The Isaac A*&.
Mason, will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at
1q O'cloekj.’lVheeling every Sunday evening atlOr. h. ;
noV 10
184 S. - ; ~ '..rrjXßjt*'
i Pittsburgh and Brownsville Daily Packet
„ 4 i Line,
Fsbbtast 1*L1643 PEBBtoH* 15t,1948
f Thefollowing: newboats complete the line;
AeSffigjggtfor,t}je present season; ATLANTIC. Cam,
Parkinson; BALTIC, Copt. AvJacous;
nud LOUIS RPLAN&Capi. E-Benneu.; Theboats we
entirely new,andare filled np without rsgard 10 expense:'
Every comfort that: money can procure has been provi
ded. .Theboatswflj leave the AJononyahelaWhan Boat,
at the fool o&Boss stv Passengers will be punctual on
board, as the boats will certainly leave at the advertised'
hoars jawflt
omo use
; jrW r,n,- Regtlas Sattxday . Pacxct.—The - A
tTL . ; .-» No iWnnd fontpassengersteamPae*l
- WmßtlHal ket TELEGRAPH, J. J Perm Com-.
HHjnEBBBB raander,will leave Pittsburg for Wheel- '
ing, Lincinnau and Louisville, and oil intense dmteForts, 1
Saturday arlOocloekprecweljr. .: • 1
For frejgliipr passage apnly.on board, or to
„ , . t FORSYTH A DUNCAN, Agents
_ Toe Telegraph has been built expressly for a regular
Packevand with a view enurely to the comfort ofpas
sengersi the accommodation!* ore inferior to no boat oh
the vteßtern waters. 'Hie. Telegraph will run in connex
ion with Jthe Ben Franklin No o and Pike No 9, to Sant-
Loaifv—mne through,vryg hats. • ap2t-iy
tfmmr- Tint new sleartier, HIGHLAND MAe
r LEwmIMMBP r^Bnakx, Master..wall leave for th;
™®SBStBBa For frnghi or pas#,age,oppl}*oa board
Cor Cincinnati.
I JERSatfo wa 1 * nl 1 fIht 1 ht dr ? u (f h ‘ steaiper, JOHN
■MaßßagfQ- ADAMS, will.leave for the above and ini
ports regularly. ■
eor freight or passage apply on board. jySQ
Poe Wbeeltng. ! —e
. (pto* h, . The Bpien dI d fa-5i running steamer
■: tlfcfafcdS AMERICA, Decamps, Master, will
—j&agQiUMß few e -for Ihn above and incemedime
—giii>y;niri|ilia pons, this day,anocloelr.glM: .
- portreightor passage apply on board. l 'jyM
. n , **o* Cincinnati.
vin iir~ —, light drought steamer,
Moslor. will legve
wr ihß nho'c and intermediate ports rejmlorlvv ; ''■
For freight or paannge apply on board t jajs it
k own. '.'Y-;'";
T*rß iron Yrater steamer,
forihe abcre and inirnriftiiatp
port.*, regularly.
For freight or poasagy apply on boon!:
"...3?or Brownsville. .
-Th* nevj and splendid- passenger and mail
dSaSSSi«xcam«rßAl,Tlcr»Capt. A. Jicoa?, will leave
! °rtne above p^nduring-the present week, at 8 *. a-t
positively. .1
: For irenrhi or
for New Orltnu.
I«MChi> .TWE splfndu! jiew slcamcr SAVANNA,
jSwjHSHI ll.nsjwios,. JTaftrr. trill If avp.Trgubrly
lor thn nbovr and nilcmipdinla iamlniri, * » '
ror freight or parage apply on hoard tnaK
I fCff' fc ThiMiPira'iiljp.endirtfteamprOßlENTAl.,
jAglSsKnr YAic ifaokj AfiuiejrvitviU.lftare fortha afiovft
■marriT ■ and inicrmrijiate ports, regotarU-.. ■■..:■
t-or Irrigat or paasaga apply onboard, b .-■ mats
Ul •►’op nr. lionlt.
I JKjgJ>. THE-splendid stedmrr NORTH CAROM
OBBSKb 'A, Dn-rrrer Maoer, mil Iran tor 1 the
anove.umi intermediate ports: regularlv ■ :s . ,
For or pl'sage ipplj ca board maid
SFoui«i;(lalcna,- udllnbnqatT'
JTHI: cnod sir amor fefc iKTHONT. T/itiw
Ma\, Master, avill-, leave lor the above,'
irl) ’
: For freight or pa«ogenpply on board, or to ; ? -
main nro MII.Tb WRt.F.R Ag'r.
■ ForßrowasTille.........
\ JEIJI THE new Mail and PnspenpeT strain rTAT
ifiSBPaEI LANTIfV James Parkinson, Master, will
leave for ihe above port this day, at .8 A; M 4 positively.
. -Parfreight or passage appir on hoard.' • i>h9 •
. fW. k THK “learner CALEB COPE "will leave for
. Lfcnpyw Beaver, Glasgow, nnil Wellsville. on Tae<-
■SBBSBai rfa>% Thursday, and Saturday, at 3 a: uj, re
turning on Monday, Wednesday, and Frtafciv She hasa
boat auhcliuirima, between Wood sireetand theßridge,
prepared to receive freight* atony time.
„ * & W IIARBAUGH, Agents,
niarg • . • • Ho: 33,Woodstreet.
• For DonUvlUe
[JE&Ljfc TJUvKenraccr River Packet, GREYEA-
Bsookb, wilt leave for the
above and intermediate ports regularly-
For freight or passage epply on board. ; . febB
por StriiouU*
t jJBSmA THE new and splendid Btearaer. ANDREW:
aGE&I&Si FULTON*:W. Hi 'Fv&ros,Master, will leave
(of the above and intermediate landings regularly- -
-. For freight or passage apply, on board,.or to; .
janl? , JAMES MAY.
Stcam Boat Stock Ibr Sale. * ; ■
[JSLki ONEH\LFof the. fine, steamer WYO
djßHßjj| MING for sale; also, one eighth of steamer
UNION. For particulars and terms enquire.of;.
ray 6 : : 53 Water streetand 104 Front st
Kcw AliUtucry, &c.
. A NEW selection of elegant winter ribbons, feathers,
J\. flowers, collars, chemisette fringes, gimps, Ac Al
so,pauems.of new and elegauidesignsotCardmalaand
Visiles, which will be made up to order raaoperior work
and material. Also, Bonnets. Hoods, and every article
in the millinery, and dress making business, at : .
oct? MKS. DUFFS, No 10 St Clnirnt.
BY means of the Pocket .£scnhipra*i- ory every One
his own physician: ttghtieth edition, with upwards
of a hundred engravings,Tfadwing private diseased in
every shape and tormi and malformations of the genera*
n\ e By stem, b> W. YOUNG, MB
.. The time has npw arnVed, lhat persons *Uffenng/rom
secret diseases,ueedbo more become the victim ofqtiaek
cry, as by the prescriptions contained-in thi*'book any
one may cure himseltywithont hindrance to
the knowledge of the most intimate fnend/and wiih oue
tenth the usual expense.: In addition to the general rou
tine ot private disease, it fully explains thecansd of man
hood's enrty decline,with observations on marriage—
besides many other dernhgementd which it would not ha
-proper toenumerate m the prints.'-'---.-'’;--’::
Any person sendingTwrjfTT-vn’E ciwrs .enclosed'
in a letter, wiil receive one copy-Of this*book, by mail*
or five eopies wtU he sent tor one dollar. ; Address. H Dr.‘.
W. YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphia,” post
ID** WANTED—-Proprietors of Drug or Book Stores,'
nmt Pedlars, in every town in the United States,-to act
ns agentsfor the abovework. ..r . ; oci7:3m v
STKAYKU OK STOLKN—From l4friUc»p’a Tavern, 4
miles from Allegheny, on the Frnrtfclui Road,op Wed
nesday evening last.Bepti 2?1b,1849,‘ nßayMare, abot#
14j bands high; has a small white-spot ori her forehead';
mid some whue ononeQf herhind feet; hadon ahalter
when she left: She Is about s“years old;- ■:
• Any- person who will return her. io. the subscriber; or 1
to John Agnew, SecomlWardHoase,;AUegheuy,orsemi
him information where she can lie obtained, will be suit-’
ably rewarded.' • >. JOIIN-FERGUSON; < ■
ortt) ' Pine Township
sc rul'd Sarsnpanlla ju9t receivcdhnd for sale tv
oclfl :... v ; . cotv Woodand sth attf.A
LL you suit be.-without -a? brauuu] mi -or white
1V P*Arl> .TEKTH t \Qu4 a eweet, irograi# Brcalb,
\vbn» you can Imve them‘both hy a OaiUoroJ
Ji>nes' J.Tnb<r Tooth Patl/? It whiten* the Teeth,harden!
the Gum*, sweetchs the Breath, ami m, without
non. the most beautiful and economical rientrifice-ever
For snle by • WM. JACKSONj Gen. Agent,
«ep!B . - . fi9 Liberty «1h Piitsbnrgh.
B,t raavalk
E H. EATON & Co. having-Kmoved from-Market
*"SI. to their. New Store, No. G 2 .Fourth aw. between
Wood .anil Market sireels, arcnow opening thncFff
Jitockol'Trmumug* and Variety (roods, amauiovvhich
Cloak ami Draw all kwdn^
-Enrtnwilcry Gimps and Velvets,i r.v; ■:•'■>,■'■
’ -Ernbroidcryaud Needle .Work !•-'•;•> «• >•.
Zftphvr ftmJrapftKiry.WorsleiJssChfrmllft.FloßK.;
Steel Boffs nml Purses, Sical Trimmine'sf ' .
. Indies’ Menuo nnd SilkVestvanrt Hosiery./-:.
: ChildrensConJs,Gaii*rs r Mitts. Gtaveaand Hosiery; .
G*p.nt.:fi Shirts, Undershirts. i
Childrens dresscsof latestpnttera;-which theyoifefrat'
low pnec.s both wholesaleand retail...- • • octSI—- 1 —-
~0 LC lit i KDWHI hKEY ofsnfienor (futility« yvjQiori
-.[V assortment ofFor«t?u nntf Domestic Ltquorfi, alwova
on hand 3ml for sale by &'M/
e*pBf u
I. -•■ ■«
paasaga. apply on l>oard: frUa
' u- .
‘ - r
Hankers anb J <£xt\
_ „(!■«£ or THX TOM or M’Cobs * Kao.) J
Omct—tmntrof Fourth stmt and toft Oftct alln. ’I
TWEAEER Jtt Coui, Bank Nona, 'Em* BilU, Banian
JL/and Domealcßrchange, Certificates ofDtpatfLgc
EXCHANGE on ali lbe principal CIIIPS of Iho-Umoiv
rorsaUs m snm.s to suit purchasers
CURRENT and par runds received on 3epofcjte-
COLLECTrONStaftdeonoJI parMof
loweattatta'- npll-dlffAwan^
. -KBilffiß* AAHnt.
_ i/, Bank boles, find Com
C Chariea ** n4WOOd ***** d,recil y opposllelhe^gu
, ff* fiOIiSIES A gOSy
“Tjctammii * wnw |««
Philadelphia *“ Louisville, 1 '
Baltimore *“|St.Loui». I
Buying tata Buying nut
1 dis. Cannnr fcCjtvord’s*
. Indiana i “ Relief Notes V
Kentucky # “ PenntrrJvania Co i
' * “ New York i
Wheeling .i “ Maryland ' /I «
3 u New Orleans ; t
. / aulS-y
JAS 8. HOOX. * mo(( &HGSST.
c«<* A*A * tre *& Atoftwfrf/r-Jp^: :
in Coin, Bank Notes; ‘Kma BiU»,'Sorfi*n:-■- <
Ft^rwseini? 1111 Certificates of Deposit, Sc;
or,rtisS^9 E °? 8)1 *■>* principal Cities of the Union,
“pmrnS&S’ l f c *» !uil purchasers.
rn??lpsmi& par received on deposits.
tn~;:n£? nONB mad ' on all partsof the Unlnn.’at the
lowest rates. Mpl|»ly
Ck» Diamond Alley* can: beconsuHedln al
cases of a, ynroti or delicate natur/Jncident* - * !: '■ vs.
to the human frame. ,
and its consequences, together with all «-
r,impunuesofihfrblood T w3tb all dl*ea«e*of
«n«raionfnn,fll£indireaseft, , RiihsmctnreB,preei l lirethral
discharges, eennnaf weakness and raqwtencYi aJso.pUeV - '
rheumatism, female weakness* diseases of the womb*
moathly.ffupprerMOn* 7 difeeßßes-o/ihßjofnta,fiflmlaiit'' : '-
ano, nervous afleetion*. pains itttbe;backandlams, im
tatious of lhe neck of the bladder andkidnfij'tjeeonunio :
ehipuong, ■ tetter, raercnnal diseases.-:*©^
- Exclusively devoted to the study and treatment -
rrealdisorders; and those arising trmn y<rat)ifttt exe*s«eß'
gaiety, climate, or imnunnesof.the biood»wbereby the ■ ■
constmuton may bare -been enfeebled, enabled Dr.Bnnm
tooffernssurances oi speed} relief lo alt who may place
themselves tinder his care?
. .Dr. Brown’s offices arc conveniently arrnngedJntnaep
arate aparunentsi - Pattenfs con vim Mrithoni/ear- ■
ofexposnre to other \ tutors -r , ?
It nr ofimportance to many persons in needofmedieal r
aid, to obtain good advicepnvately aX : -.r:
ready - nk)U inßemovingvetierrdldw- -v;: < :
i eases, in. their various forms and stages, ofleirs mdacemenu
i which can rarely be equalled.. Strangers are hereby api
pnsed that.Dr, Brown bis been :regdltfly?etitft!ated m' -
every-branch of medicine, and for the lastiwrfve yfears'
confined (himself exclusively la the treatment^of those'
:u Dr. Brown is-the. only regularly educated atugcon In •
BiUsbuigh ,who £ives his whole attentiob'to those com
plaint* r i
jnrCt*rtain,safe and speedy cures trill; br ail eaacs, be ; -
*■ JRecent cases are relieved in a short time, Withoutraier..
ruption front bonnes »
Io*Hernia or Bupture—Dr Brown also itmfei per- *
. sons afflicted with Henna to call, as Ipr haapaidparttctr
lar attention to that disease
- Letters. from .a distance* askmgud vice; must contain Y • • -
fee. or they will not be attended to
i. (o*Office on Diamond Alley* a few doors from'Wood
street, towardstbe market.' Consaluujonsarnetlycanfi
dentiaU 6ct35-d&wlr
KIItUMATItiM.— Dr.Br>wn'BMewlydiScoVCftttirein'' *
edy for BheumaUsm ir .a speedy xuidcertain~rbmedy ‘
for thaipomful trouble. It ncyer
[ Office aud Private Con ultauon Rooms, No fiiLDig*
mond alley, Pittsburgh. Fa- The Doctor la always at
i boPc , , - ianlB-davnf
The Grand PuraatlTe* j 1
BLEEXTRACTPJUtS,—TheseceIebrated:DiUfI :
anenvinhlepoloriCtym:thorL r nitedStates, > (
i as a curative for Girtilmem, jDvspcpjia, Sour Stomach, • ' ;
Headache, Fever** lw«. Cositvenew, Coughs, llerfrt
bnrn. Liver Complaiur, s*cnn ffore
i .Weakness. Palpitation of the. Ijfaart. jtodigrsUQif, ’iyiff T a
irvariety oi other di*ease*to which flesh is belt to\ as, u
> medicine for the nuUiOQ Tu all seasons of the-year ~~
; spring, fiuroraer, ouuunn, and winter.—and lmder allclr« ;:
i cumsumrpsviheycan.betaken wimjpenecisafetyand
[ success.' .-A* o\ennifuge andgenernlmedicme for chill
i dram they araiinnra/M.. Being coated, with pure jvbite -
tsttgar, children willeuiily take them fjheyneitfier'gripa
nor nauseate; are gentle,-hntihorougbmlljcjroperatJOn
i Forndalis, hy iiicreasiuff the dose, theyateeftuuliyben
eficjnl.-- As an Anii-BtUoug Pill they will be fraud. with '• - v •
out a superior.; ; Ask, among the thousands who
. use tbem t aud mi unqifahfr d approval wiHbeiht certain ■ ; •
(TCMuL i
Remember Dr. C. V.Clirkenerta tie hneiiial luventdr ' : " - '
of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the 'sortWas' •
ever heard; of until he introducedthera ih-Jane/lsyq'*' -■
.Purfihasers should, therefore, ahvayß : ask for CliekeserV
Surar Coated Vegetable Pill a, antfiakenoothers; '-'
ill be made (lie victims of a ftatyd
23 cent! per box
Dr. Chckener a pnuwpal office far the sale of Pil!«< is
; GC.V*sey st.,N. \ f
JACKSON, SO Liberty st , head of Woodi Puii
burgh, Pa General Agent for Pennsylvania, Northern j
Ohio, and the mer counties of Virginia ]
. The following are the duly appointed Agents for Alle- ' i-i
ghenycounn. Pa* i
* A. M. Marshal),)
Dr. Brown, ■’ } Allegheny city 3
J.B. Johnson, \
Jonathan Ghreibt, Manchester
AlexanderAsdale, Wylie street * i
J R. H Jacque , Birmingham >
U r m. J.^mitijjTemperaneevilJe
G. H. Starr, Sewicfciey , -v f
Edward Thompsons WiUnnsbQrgli *
Daniel Neeley, East Liberty * ,
H. Mitchell,’Wflkinsborgh
II Rowland fc Son, M’Keesport
C,F Diehl, Eltrabelh , ,
John Black, Turtle Creek , r t
——- M’Elaowtiey* B&kerstown
Samuel Springer, Clinton-* f
v James RTKec, Stewanstown
Riley M’Laughlin, Plum township
■ ; Jeremiah FlenungvLawrencevilte
Robert Williams, Arthurs ville„ *. s ■ ■
V'cornoMiluind Market st«. haslately rtceived*uia=.
aortracot of the above goods, of desirable ebades;faclud : *
in? Blue and Black, changeable, Orange ttnd Bluedb. r
Green and- Black, do.. Red,:and Bra\ : suitable Jbr -
vuutes and cardinals. Also, handsome PrcM Silkit chaii
geahle,elnpedand figurod.-SilkVelveiShawls,a iCw
of these scarce goods, large, and of a good quality. Al*
so received, Bong Shawls of ata ioW 7
price for quality gepgp
fTUUS. PARTMEBBHlB~hereiofore existing - between
X 1 Hale,: Bememan A Co. waa this day dissolved by
mutual consent The businessof the latcfirm wiUbe
settled by BememonTC. Co. ,JAS HALE,
Sep* 27tb, 1849 JOHN VOEGTLV '
The business will be continued by B akbs A AscrasAat • •••'•
and Jcnir VosoiLTi .under the. style oCREINEMANa
■ Co« sept93\..j
Comnercisi Bow Cabinet Warenom \
® T B. YQVNG A Co. is \
BL TJAVG removed their
cB XL WAB&BOOMS in Commercial How,'Libertit ;•.<I
street opposite thohead of Sniithfield« where theytrS
«ep constantly on hand an extensive assortment of£6
fas. Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bedsteads. Chair* and
every article in their line of business. <_ ;
V Undertaking promptly attended to at reasonable >
prices mnyff J
n _- <>• Bteßrni, D#mnt.
APFICRat MiKiKttich'ifin Fourth street,a fewdoors
\J; above Woodstreet,until thecoraplenonof the house'"
neatly oppo?Ue.Teetblnblocliß,wiib artificial gums •
(nfter.the manner now uhiTOrsaHy prefernsd -lit tbaeosL)
ntonufactured to suit each particular case Teeth, from
atoll set down to a single one, inserted oa a sucuonplftie,''---
thus avoiding injury to the natural teeth. '! Specimens of
blocVs ond suction- plate may be examined at the office.
i v All pperations incident to iheprofeasion nerformed griHi -
cnreand faithfulness fsep7«3m <
•‘Always Beady* 7 ' r
Always Willing,** ' '
cwtpm«r!.ani re public gjneralljr. ore respect-'
'uulf«splendid and well selected assortment of CLOTH?. »
| cysmtaa amryESTINGS, which Ihoie jun pw- ’
chased Jr MUade phia at the lowest market pnee, and to
n hlch t would Citt theihanention
JA9 McGUIHE. Tailor, *
•eptO St Charles Buildings.
comfortable smairdweliui* house; pleas* r
Aamljr aiiuotodm thelower part ofAlfeghenJrcuy.oa
. Bagutayu nto threeroonlson the firstfloor? tfro uitd
a loti on th&MCond,iront and- book' porcb^ood-cellar, 7 -
and a Urge gfttfteQ lot, containing some lO or 1* bearinit
fruit Ueea, or 50 currant and gooseberry bt»hc&
Bent, ninety doUftrs ayear' l Possession can he bad oii
'he first of Ohjober. J H MGLLOR,
»epS7 StWood-sireet
al’ltifctAJl persons indebted to the Jo'-
Uie jale finn of Ban--
ll>inigaafr«oipky are bereby TByupßtPdla makeim^ ;
mediate payment road ibose havinf theft - "
will present Utew for liquidation
COYLK \ ***'?»'”
.. . ' jsfQEmstioa
fpHE lVieiJds ofyienr? jrNmtrv'ThAleit^bißlow-i^fit-: -'
i dencein BlafrsVilin u few days nea, tor Pi»sbprg&4
wish to hear from him,.; l\is ihouphtibat he riaa)
>loyedm Fomßof.tftMrortesTablishmciits. He brought
itswife audchild'withJum., Heis five fe*t eight'ific/mA i----.r
high, red face and r*&Jvrittr ,
Any htm willhe ihankfaHrrc- ;' •
rmedby * M\RTi\>TVeUthurgir
; Somerset rontifv# Pa
(Cincinnati ptipgreftleno? copy ?
fftANJO* A\U '(‘AMttm.ilpkfcsf—A l»«c * l £
|| of musical anilmmcMTi and **Alr ioj jht ** 1
tamo, jus* tgccived Und fof-Aata b> ~ ' 3
rjau J H MTOH |
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