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'■ ' '• , ♦ ' S . 1 * ■ - >■ -J , ♦•> I,V 7 -.* 4 t , i 6-r * **t i -r (*-* * 4 *- 1 ?' -.tv A> rlf*‘. f - *’* ■■l ■» • as t: /" 5 ~7-T?3 « i *’ i '' Vf fc&h'h ry? s* V •' t ‘ 7, ' :^?- < ‘-c‘., l .* ‘ -i<, «.> ! « : < 7;: irSv -i „j. c. 1 j -,; f j s- t * j-' p 1 * j£,i?-*-3 i. V*' *'• y- y, jf ' '}* T- J -- t } ' ■• J> /--!• s%* *• v J » v *. "fr 4 ’f. 4 4 - c, J v ; :^r: 4‘ * -*s- %->4:.,. h, ... >► it t« ’f' „ n H - f V i „ ", u % - l > * 4 ", r .J O^.,VL» *•< '»»’ s Aj’ >* ’ J ‘ v r - S- •»* ' ‘ • ■♦f*’ 1 -*»,s,£. ’’t -*' V S»H. ~; , 1 ; . < - , •« c i r-fi » fl ►; * * K , j » < «r* * f /■« «/ * v. **v ‘ |l' S.Jj ,*■ ' I i * . ' # * A r i\ , * 1 t * J ‘ J t■> ' T T » ~;, Vi ,v, £’ > i-; i. <■ > •' t - “>""‘ J+ - !,.*/“>”■ ,7' \<* »; ' " i ..,,’~ v**f- 5 ,< ■ t - A%, 'VV K ' t ~, -• •■ ** v V HA\ f -f > .-- < , - >;■-.■ %■ . 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X c'« % ' * ’ '-s.f -■ t '-% i' /j,;. l ’. f _-* *i - * * " »'* •• j ' * > l L -‘ ~ .'v-I, l ' fji®' *JVV* ''WT- ' ’ ''“‘‘'a ", ' , sy- 4 *’'»--' B sv' r "* ", l j r *■- », ’’" 1 ■foi,-'*’-** 'VJV iv^t l -£r' * , v, <.V,^ >f - l" ; ‘ i '.V. 1 p'.rt^'- -~ r -''^' l v --' '-'i, •'•r- • •;.*■ . '■-••. - r -i. ~•‘ •- *>s-*r- '-*.••<•.' • .j,, •*'- -.-; i-- • i w,‘ t ;p j . , •■>• -„,c . i/'i , * r , 'Ji 4 ’ »*„ &**>*¥*■ V ” * ,-r " ’ .. ‘ 'C i ■ •> I*- S.' -SI ®lje Ittorningjpost. l. harper, editor and proprietor. PITTSBURGH: FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1843. OKMOOHATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT. ' 'XEWIS JO A S S, * OF MlCHHi&ti TP?* M Having full confidence in yonr abilities and re publican .pnnelples/I invited you: tinny cabinet, and I con wbnt discretion and la’cuts you menthoie_ i grf at, mid jftehe&tq. questions which were ,«brought hfifpr® yen whilst you presided over the Depart m*nt Df Wpr* which entitled yob to my thanks and will everbe recollected t\uh the mo fcchpgsorfrlcnq ehip-by zoo. “flat what has endeared you \o every true American, s woo the noble stand which you took, as onr minister at Pans, against the Quintuple Treaty, and which, by jour talents,-energy and fearless responsibility, defeated ns ratification by France—a treaty intended by Great Brit am to change oar international law <*, make her mistress of the seas, and destroy the national independence, not only ofour, country, tmtof au'Europe.aiutenameher ~*to become the tyrant on .every .ocetm.”—Ornmtf Jark son's letter to General Cass. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, WM. O.JUJLER, r v-.vifE/"* “BUTLEB nud hitfire mob”, was afavometoast Gfln. WILLrAM O. SUTtER is - . on® oflhtnu-The Bailers have fought on ever): field item . : :■. David D,'WAGX'»KS t of Northampton ; BIPMSSSTATTV? SLBCtOU . I. Itemr L. Brnntss, Philadelphia Comity. Q. HOKf It Kksass* do City. . 111. Isaac Ssrax, do County. ; • IV. A-L. HoutcroßT, do do : V, Jacob j& Yost, Montgomery no .. VI. Rosstt E. Weight, LehieU do vn. WtLLZAX Vf . Downing, Chester do • VUI. Hskbt Haldesa*, Lancaster do ■, CL Psxsa: fonts, Berks do „ ;..<■X BksnaKdS.Schckvtoveb, Monroe do o : XI, W>cSttrffn*i!fi>, Wyoming do jX||. JosaK Bastmes, Tioga do xm. Joint C. King, Clinton do XIV. Joint \YEnuuN, Lebanon do IXV. Robot J.Ftsicra,York do ' XVI. Fbsdsbick Surnr. Frmnklm do XVII, Joint Cbzswxll, Huntingdon do ■ XVIII. Cuius A. Buci, Greene do • XIX. Gkoxse YT. Boctmas, Bedford dfl . XX. Jobs R. Siusxox, Benvcr do r XXl.'Gkoxos P. Hakhtox. Alleghenyjtfo: XXII. W. H.DAVn>,Cra\vronl -do , XXIII TmortTlVKS, Poller do XXIV. Jilna G Campbxu, Butler do IHoming float lob JjJrintinq ©ffire, CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH SfItEKTS. ■ „TP“ Having- added to our KslaWj*broent v a splendid Steam-Power Printing Machine, we are- prepared to do ' All kinds of Newspaper and Bonbwnrkinnsrvie ofun •. KOTpassed beamy and neatness, and upon the rao:-i ren nonablo terms. We reßpectfullreohoh the pnironnge of • the public to this line of pur business. : l : fiTT*. Afrrrtraro /tTe.ns / ; ' Henna!—The Surkvhtal Cates have made tboir 'JppeaTance I i. + , f :v;:' *'JrV - 1 t * Tli© Iron Uasnfoctun. Mech’-fas* berar>paid by the, Federal*party, jn re lation tothe depressing influence exerted by,the TariffbfJS46'uponthevarinußmanufactUresofiron country: but facts would not seem tef justify, .I®, the extenv the statements that 'have betin made, by the opponents of that wise and salu tary moasuro. If any thing is proved, by the Tacts that wodtcre adduce,.it Is—not that tho law of 184 b. naa calculated to operate injuriously upon the great interests of the country, but—that the limited sup ply of iron produced in England, for a few years past—and the partially increased demand in our own country, have stimulated our manufacturers to an immense overproduction, that is necessarily suc ceeded by a temporary and partial suspension ; with which the Tariff of 184fi, or the Democratic party, had as little lb do, as the Imaum of Muscat. Those who are engaged in the manufacture of froo, are as well aware of the coat of the article, the quality in the market, and the probable demand, ns ore those engagecr m any other branch of busi ness j anil it in equally: their duty to guard against overproduction, as it is the duty of.any others, who. depend upon supplying the wants of the communi ty, m order to obtain for themselves the comforts of life, and- to omasa wealth. tThe merchant who .should import into hia town or city, a supply of any particalar;arliclc,-far beyond the amount that was usually hold by all others in the same place, and with no remarkable increase in the demand for that article, would- at once be accounted a very wild sjieeulator; whoso sanity might well bo ques tioned; and if mil tho merchants in hia. section of the. country/were to manifest a similar dispo sition for speculation, they would at onca be accounted .madmen; and all to whom they were in-' debted. would hasten to secure, if practicable;. the amounts teierally due to them. Here would be the commencement of a crisis, in theaffaireof all the: merchants, thus violating the ummutable laws of trade: and the effects of this crisis mutt necessarily be felt, to the full extent of tbeir transactions with the community, in which they hadbeen conducting tbeir business. No legislative' enactment eould avert such a crisis; and no Intel-' ligent man, profeating n particle of honesty, would be inclined to attribute to the operation of any law, such a stale of affairs as matt necessarily ensue. That-tuch a state of things pa wo have suggested, has taken place, among those engaged in the manu facture ofirop, would seem to admit of no quettion. From returns, derived Trorn the proper offices in Philadelphia, it appearstbat the. amount afmanufae tnredirnn, received in that city during Iheyrar 1547, exceeds the receipt nf the former year by nearly one : Ihoutandper cent. Noman, In fits senses, can be- 1 iieve, that soch an increase in the supply has been j m accordance with any demand existing in oor eoui- I try; and it is therefore demonstrated, that a reckless I disposition for speculation; and not the operalinns of! the -Tariff of 1546; has been the moving cause ofihe i stoppage of such iron establishments, as were mueh I involved in debt, and were depending upon the j amount of iron that might be sentto market, Tor the J means of ita liquidation.' i Gen. Toy lor and the DloodUonutla, t r nder date of July 2Stb, 1539, writing toihe Ad jutant fleneral from Fort Brooke, in Floiida, Gen. Tavioa wrote as follows: - Sin—l have the houor to enelare to you a rommn nication, this moment received, on ihe subject of i procuring BLOODHOUNDS front the Island ofCuba, to aid the army in Us operations against ibe hovtilrs «■£*»»&• 1 AM decidedly in FAVOR (ok themeasure, and nix, leave again Vo £RGE H^'* B TH E «NI»Y: MEANS OF Rl DDI N« THE COUNTRY OF THE INDIANS, who are now broken op into small parties that take sbelier in swamp* and hammocks at the army approaches, ma to follow or mpitakt ihcm witoost ssefa duxjlanej* Should the measure meet tho approbation of the Department, and use necessary autberitv be granted : a correspondence on the Subject,' with i Mr, gverttou, through Major Hunt, Assistant Quar- i teraister, at Savanah, and. will authorize him, it it : can be done on reasonable terms, TO EMPLOY-A ! A FEW DOGS WITH PERSONS WHO UNDER. STAND THEIR MANAGEMENT. I with it distinctly understood, that my object in employing dogs la only, to ascertain where the ladi- I ana can be foond, not to worry them. I have the j honor to be, yoor obedient servant- i „ Z. TAYLOR, Bt. Br. Gen. Us S. A,, Commanding. .Tho FJortda War had long been n source of great misery to the philanthropic Whigs; and therefore the administration approved ,of Gen. Taylor’s re commendation ; and knowing that he was * ( a Whig, though not an ultra Whig,” the bloodhounds were ordered. No sooner, howcter, thin this wasdone, Whig sympathy; ever active for the murderers of their countrymen, was again excited, sod the fallow, ing memorial was sent to Congrcxs: . “ To the Senate and House of Representatives of -i the United Stales of America in Congretsa«semhled- ! The Memorial and remonstrance of the uodersicned i citizens of the United Slates rapeclfuliv ahewetli, That your memorialists have learned with deep re. 1 gret and abhorrence, that <• number of hounds have 1 recently been imported from the Island of CuLa, for 1 th» purpose of employing them againitthe Seminole ! lodiaos, with whocn the Governsneot is nowr carrying « on a. war in tho territory of Florida. Dreadful as aro the erUsallondantoo a state of warfare, even in itamost mitigated form rlo aggravate them by the in troduction or so barbarous nod Inhumana measure, we view as in outrage upon cveryfeeling ofliuman' ity, against Which we are hound solemnly to protest. As a territory of the. United States, Florida is subject to tho .control of. tho General Government, and tre eamettly beteech Congrttt tointerpase its authority to arrat thit attempt, an it pro tree our ebuntry/ram the a‘tp ani tatting disgrace tohtch mutt be inflicted by to FOUL.ablot upon thenatlonalcharacter.** This paper was signed by Joseph R. Chandler, now a Federal member of Co ngress from Philadel pli“« b) Charles Gibbons, and Wm,B, Reed, also Federalists; and by Wmi J. A. Birkeg and E. W. Keyser, Native leaders of that city; all of whom are now the ardent admirers (I; and firm supporters (!) of the man who recommended “to FOUL a blot upon the National character.'’ Baltimore aud Bhlo Itallroad. The Baltimore flonof Tuesday, contains ihe twenty seventh annual Report of!the President sod Direc tors of the Baltimore ond Ohio Railroad Company, made at the meeting or the Stockholders on Mon day. From the Report we learn that tho gross re v enues of the Company daring the past year are shown to be 91,213,CC4 07, facing an increase of $111,727 99 over the gross receipts of the previous year, Bud.the net reveouehas exceeded ihat of the year ending on the 30tb September, 1847, by $40,. 450 47. The net revenue of the Company, for the year ending on the 40lh of September, 1848, is stated in the report to be $551,558 07, a sum equal to about eight per cent. pn the whole capital of the Compa ny- For tho reasons, however, which are stated in detail in the report, no dividend is declared in mon ey, but a dividend in'the stock of the Company is authorized to be made toeacb stockholder—tbna in creasing tho [capital: stock: of the Company to : tho amount'of the dividend. : The election for Directors, resulted ■ in the re-elec tion ofihe eld Board, with the exception of William H. Marriott, Esq , who was succeeded by Andrew Gregg, Esq. As hud: been previously announced, Mr-McLane on the sih lost, closed his labors as President of the Company, and, we presumo, the Board of Directors will, at an early day, select a competent successor. The following gentlemen comprise the Board of Directors as elected for the ensuing year: Thomas Swann, John Hopkins, Samuel Hoffman, William McKim, Jacob Albert, Edward Patterson, F. Lucas, Jr., James Swan, Richard Lemmon,Sami. WuSmith, John I. Donaldson, Andrew Gregg. . Cheap, Postaoe.-tTo those who think of tho im mense tnoraj bearing of cheap postage, the follow mg example to America will be encouraging: ■V. “Since Ihe.introduction of the British penny post age. iti.lB4o, the number of Ictleife passing monthly through the General Post-office, London, has in creased from 2,102,281 to 8^526,422,-uiul the week ly ngerage Tor. the whole kingdom has increased from 1,515,983 to 6,382,94],” v-? r:j.., - - i,.:~ ■ v£.; r; v : j';‘: r -.:^. ■'<* . t ■> • -.j- *■ nj * - 1 t % * : ♦ j ;^ :^;;;^:‘u’ ,® r* >• ■* H 't V - _ -Ay « •-•v.v-T' 4 ’.'W.-7-:; v.\ l , < ‘ 1 **! * S 1 \ - The Itcsail in pciioeylvaiila* . The Whigs were claiming the State for Johnston : yesterday by majorities avcr-JODO jand, of.course, >vero noisy as Bedlamites; The returns received wore generaJlyfrnmWhigsourceß,-and roust berc cpived with.* great deal 6f‘allowance; ns, lnmany .instances, they to bn erroneous. The result shows that the Natives .and Abolitionists,.il most without an exception, voted-for Johnston. In many counties, large numbers of Democrats cw-t dently voted for the Shmplaster candidate. Thieve know was the case in Allegheny county; for while our County ticket is beaten by about 1400, and Col. Black only by a little over 700, Johnston's majority is about 2700! We think thorc is not a doubt bu tbo Blote is safe for Cass anil Butlkb, by at-least 10,000. Every man who voted for Longstrelli will voto for Cass, and besides, he will obtain the votes of hundreds and-thousands of Democrats who did not support our candidate for Governor. The Abo!> juon vote, under no circumstances, will be given to Gen. Taylor; moreoyer, \vc know that in every part of tho. Stifle, there arc legions of Whigs, who ore governed by pvneipte, who will not support a South ern slaveholder, whoso opinions- upon the great questions of the day, to say tho/least, are very dubious. PENNSYLVANIA IS DEMOCRATIC STILL! Tho vote lor Canal Commissioner Will show this to die entire satisfaction of every reasonable mnm Judge Longstrelli, although as clever, amiable and holiest a man as ever lived, failed to create any en* thusiasm amongst the people. The Democracy must go to work with increased spirits for November. Let the old Jackson fire be enkiudlcd anew . Let us all put our shoulders to ibe wheel, and Pennsylvania will be redeemed, beyond all doubt, from the disgrace which now temporarily rests upon her fair character. : Ireland and Class. Can. 1 lie Whig parly having taken up the. presiden tial candidate ofthe Native Americans* are mak ing desperate, but nnavaillingefforlstoasperse the i character of the Democratic nominees, and preju dice the minds of our adopted fellow.ritizeii", b> [ the most grosunfoilifted statements. Oueofthese 11», that Gen, f ass voted against the Irish relief bill, while in the Senate: a matter so totally false that it shows not only the extreme mendacity of ifte Whigs, hut the desperation to which they are driven. ■ Gen. Cass voted for The.-frirh relief hill, and was also its Inust eloquent advocate in the Ihule.t Slates Senate, a* the following, which we ropy from the Congressional Globe,will show On the iftth of February, 1 s-17, the folio a mg hill was he. fore the Sena!#: ‘A hill to provide some'relief for the sul’enne'peo- ! . (>le of Ireland and Scotland I 'fir il marled, ,yr., That ihe J’rraidenl ol !i,r I-United Male* tie, and lie .heiebr, is aulhtnired lo t came tn.be purchased Mich ptoviuon* aj he niav j deem suitable and proper and tueanee Hie nmeto I be tranaporled and tendered, in ihe name of the j government of the t tilled Slate* in that or (ire.n ( Britain, far the relief of ihe people of Ireland and ! Scotland, anSering (tom the ,»ie»i calamity oi ( scarcity and famine. | Str .V. ./iid he u furitar f,iflrft-.7.That, Ihesturrnt i live hundred thoinand. dellais lie, ai«l she >ame n ( hereby-aptnojinatcil outal any ninttrv ir. the lies i sury not otherwise appropriate.!, to cairv min et. i feet tin* act. «”')» • e*hi { jlvp *l**l the aHtrd >n.. ?i, dml Ufj ftmhr/ crt/wcrA'lhat .the Pmi. !■ power* In that infamous lieaty but l»«j- Cat* A* 1 .lent ol it e t niled ' 4lr* W ur-l he .V h-tehy-a , a •lip.oijal.s- 1 i an \tn»r ran ivgj.t to rtl a jms , R*T \ enooiry man 04a Maud m ihe bar room or tboritfil M tiH durrctioii, 1(1 rroptor an* 0111# t PM*' 1 *«< bun. oialr*v#n- tnie-ln-arlcd Atwiu-andae*s » onMic hotueinHlw •>, -■, *'« lor .1 r < Jn «p,vr Hr «a- a rabri, t rt.wr » the errand. of ,ha, * P ,. „ * >» Ulrgbeny ciy. ■ 0 T«o*dar morn. Utiorsolllc j.fo*»on to be pun > a-e.l „< Mote stmt -nan f.ru fjcUai, uho'ftcier inadr iwn., 1 , , , M,tl1111 " frlends'supposed hr slid. > lake niliu »eft>ihji>in ar»d snr-e stool higher ml-ft j After; silminisfcrini; smnc reitorciivcr, ‘.Mr .‘a«*aid. as a member oi ilu4l«odv iiejrli 1 wuroatimi than Gen. 0a«». As 3 Senator in that * *‘* l »*»**»»«<*aiu|**» ableto attend in hi. tmsinwv aUigfti to lbeSttiular tinni.Keotucki lor lit* tfta- l l*«ji»rl.aiid nsi»tdigiiifj«J twdy—la bodyAvhiett faia; .M»» ttamsrwat JU>Wsiiii| and belongs 10 Hrjirrf lion hr bad stibtritHrd, *r.d torlbc appropriate. »» ; not ils t.jual for 0:1 the. tat of Hrt-taWt—l-i/ ■■■***.■ ■■"■ .V ~ f; *•’ ,V marts witb which lie trad inttt>s!t,e«} itlt# h*»l lb*language of fUnirt Webster' iii savin.*,if '-ZT' ■i h ■ ,n “ *:• W«e*’?..e*W»»l*A•.«#* {continued Mr. t'.} «xpit*«ed rov smiloictitr,-but t »h*t (*>n. Cass.for sound and varied iratbiiii; birfi *'■ ” te i>cr^LA,r » Snpper m the tsi. H«ib Bn fh*itmoo*.peculiarly Ins mus While | nftMiis equal tam. . -li. Hcnse, last i«t««iag. The.'proceedings were physicsl want 1* wnlntown m our royntiv, she Arp t t—--*— /, ■ If ..njttrscwl,We srtit publish thrut tomorrow, if One g»! 01 Beath 11 strhiog du»i> the ramisti.ng popu I J ’« M l„,-» ‘i Sfen>Hrte»ahit U hmdraoiisb tn furnUli iw vw.J, Ution of Europe fspecidUy the t " • ‘-Uw* juiiiktoMr AUiMs;-':. / IreJand, l*|jetccoaftl» Mbicb Tfarh us from fbas j 4 ild ««i non * »> Corinr.—From air extra-Rcpub iTiodcrn ttmes. Ii *«. » cavj* bevo.'-J tbf itavh of:■ J^loofc: 4t, t* .tlrt (ompimesoribe - 1 bari! u> nat» mao* minute*tiU thrir tarn A 5 lC '’ in^^a to>tbatm22;' I'* fn titan h are Omrg tji U j *n*l Nbrcn* fore th* maguitui.fe o» the c*jh hi« a national i iftu hn . * ntere Aflrttor* t« i . . ■ \ .* : Irbm, which cave S?hiiDk a majoriiv of 29b rtT^lr* calamnr. ami calf, lor »a'.o»|r«,(r,lwi„..|, JSri (a« ~ »} ran Tsttoß . tp) i WT AccorJiqp la tfir Tnit-iMitli, hosulutrs fmr - ~ , .„ J f go and b«> con* that tbr\ iru. Use onl tmi die « * rcM fat inlet oi thopa j Wq commenced ojmio Aid! Rua lUidcr In Beaver couniv, rbfeQvtoir Br f?°7^ i,War r e,tf! & * 17" ! 10,1 ’ \w**sr«tore.**h M iUtohe M ecie ( | tt# b«»e Inngstreth about 36i t estimanng » W ia*Sdup X"> •»;“ r 1 te i i7z ! iSr s ■-> - «» m .™t».«. ctlucns ivhtrhava rot fn»‘i blmd m than triu \ AAOtVNfmt 1 _ l" 31 * S»gra C *?*' i ’ -^lyT ~,v anl mnm , ,h ™ - cibc, Ynqt \*-already exniing thesdnuraiittnoftbe i European Cfi£»Sfe»Cßls. i f v •' . l: Old World, and will stimulate by it* trample tba r AMN® or UeiwHm ihft Fieach j SSjarThc Allegheny Police only had one case m f exertions of the w.v. Uur populauoit. oi Irish ! Napoleon aiwl the I'niMian* oader Blnchw, j mrdliy ffii;* i» an imnroreiuent fhern ! descent haie fmight (he Irattirs of out roo tiri i . nh ', ch *»* f, ... „ n , . p , with « much xeal ahit bravery as-mv clan Of cit t b “ !j “'d«, Aapolcfla, *)inwa. tho yictt.r, lost from .I ~0!w,,1 l f no ibaHs .in. ihn iiomiy ilm ii. E hi l.e- ] aens Andtrom ihehe.ghls orAbrahstn to It e wallt of Monlnry, tW | \t llurni t tits, Hltttc Tsjli.r muted the Mexirsqt , AJsm.-ipprared last oighl in Virg.mus hfti been poured out tun water m the cause j against deflded odd* ate! aHer bard fighting; the fiv-ofilis e.haracten Or coarse,: lhft house was 1 pi liperly* We can cow .peiid to Irrlaud, i»«r Ub .Amencait loss was a'faction over firteen out ol’evc- .: filled,--Adams isfAePmnbarchTracnliau.' deed whatshejia* sent to u», her cl ildrn tbo a *3 hundred. , *L we eannor part \wih-—bill food f<»r tltcir relative*, i At the bimoot ourlnend* upon whom the haut! of God i* hcatily | dependisi iho lurtoaq of and fur q days, thet there is no ehatceToe the oc- S Jur&s'S.csi.x:,';; i seffA'ffiWa of’Keui^L^ 1 | ly-lhf*« nut nr every’li wtdred .^Tlu's'“lTs^>’ nr Th\% * llutt " **"* °“« yc»terday-lheir first y the Senator of keu.uck\, and Which l should ( most mimlemua hittltsrm - parade since their rc.orgam«iion. Capt. Kay com '" j A.*w -M?lin* 1 i, " -f SU *-i ' t t r ■*'**i "■v > *V r ' ' i; ■'£:.<&&*;% fti'-y'.y £.s.•p-Jilli* fgji. has been Baufcandtvrmen Ifldiaostiy?ar Whoolingi I fl V |r ß*R! a »• &ut mlemerity, it? do&t nbt excel that ol.Captain Bradyj(& brother ofSthe general,) who ~ ' V?B | c e! .e p «, t ttrd in hie day, for hiajjallnntfeats upon: the hostiiejavagesj aionrthe frontjor of nia. ' Approaching ono of the Tone occupied by tlrfr Americans, one day, Captain Brady discovered whcV 100 iato : tn avoid it, that the savages had Inul tui am buscade for. him. - In front, ncarlho Jell, largeoum-r P^ r 4. °fbrined *h® , r P^ c >v As Brady approached, and got within the ambuscade, the Indians in thn rear closed in -be* hind hint.; they ail ‘then .rose'and gave a terribly yell, lie was surrounded on three sides,and on the fourth ran a? river* the baokof whicbwoa eighty fecr, of nenrly perpendicular descent. •»TbQ savages * c Y-?. l, rc of-their prey and rushed furiously on; \ Brady.savv at.once the extent of his danger,ibift being mounted on a high mettled horse, he rcsofvep not to ho taken alive,. iHc reined (ho horse toward the haul, gave him the whip and ; rein; the gallant charger HentafT hhc an nrruw, and approached'the bank with such tremendous speed that he could- not fl top on ihc raargio, but with a furious bound,sprang oft, riaer and all, into, the air. ; -Fortunately,. there grevv a large crab apple tree at the footof tne blui?, on the border of the river. The 'brushy top was thickly interlaced with a wild-grape vine; into the top ol the tree tell the horse ana its rider. Their fall was completely broken. The captain t * d into the filram, made for the opposite slioro oppfea shower of balls, and regained the shore in safnty; ■... • The Bear .Cave* .v. There,is a. caTern on, the western slope of the rhesnut Ridge, m Derrv Township, Westmoreland count) > about four mlloa and a half from this place, in a Southern direction, called the Bear well worthy of a more ample examination or explo ration, than it has yet becnsubjcctodto. A Towyears ago*, a number .ofyoung gentlemcb from tirecnsburg visited tins cave, and published a description of it. A week or two siuce, the young men of the Apa tachlan office, undertook to explore this cave, hnd proceeded under the mountain aomctbing over 220 yards. As its passages are intricate* andlsbyrinUi lau, they took the precaution to fasten one end of & twine string at the entrance, unwinding the bail as they proceeded. At a point near the extremity of the distance mentioned, they* very unexpectedly, stumbled upon the landlord, m the Inna of 3 targe .hear, whose unexpected presence produced some embarrassment “noise and “ • - rheiriivino warofgffatnse in threadiug the way 1 ontj as. was one candle that chanrod not to ho ex tin- j guished when the other one tras about the lime the 1 body and rye* of Die bear were distinctly visible. | He did not dispute ihcir passage, nor did lliey press j the subject. He.retired inward—ihrv outward, In i doable <|uick time. - * 1 .gAnnther exploration by persons from tirvenshurg j and this place is spoken 01, to he made euonj thev J shonld go aimed, :.'•••■ * j A lew months back, a pencil case wax t«njnd m s 1 ♦mall roniu of Dus cave, which had a-juneit leiemb* i ling rarnon; leading to the sußpicimi that it bad lain 1 111 the rotten re mama «f a human body* . Out it wa*: found impo*«ibtc to examine saiistartnuU f.ir the dketcloh.---l//tf/rrn//e dpa/urAitm. ■ ! lien. <’a»K. I (>n<- filiitWt. in n rpemi, pant ihe Mbming ! ini'll ami |ji! Inbulr to ibe rlutacler au.l .|ilalitir«- idigntoflbeManJaid bearer ,i| (f:« I ii'n.uc I -I it r jvsrl V‘ 1 (#cn. ( at> bat a >\ddier. anti a brave one •'*(•** .been a .fu'lniiutut, aciia Truei American America never, reverb*). HiS uisj.ardoiiabie tin Ift liie eve' “I tb* tt uigt ir, !lut Jared, Vvtnle Alirt. |«r«(inat. BnUiti srmiber iirj!> niiiev .nV'mni-ilie limutiijile |feai,_ I'i»t mroMj- «s)t be baa decked Itergrujnn; jwaer ami bumbled iter ambiiioiikjimie, I quote rbelanguage u! tbegresj m 3 !! naliont. wbenl «ay that bo otbrt Wan liit b: •> 'defeated ■ ■■■ - | WollsviHrt Patriot is trying m conrinci t . t . J i<fiar merchants that the wholesalers of Wolit •Tim tinnier .lAH6t>At>i>r!tt tbe scientific coo* { *.ll* ,*;« .*ll .t* «*.; » ' i ; -fentjoa;» Plnlailftpliia, IW. Andrew. ,«J a lugh-' ' 0 ,ell * tht:, P M 'ban PiU*l>nrgli mer )y treatise ou tbt* analogy between iho I *' J,an *** .. i oral Written language of the Chinese* This pa* 1 jinir WTu rlabofaU'ly lUtiMralcd by instance* upon lh6 black board, which eipbuntHMho eilrcmelir natural formatimi m the Chinese character*, their nierogly*. phical nature and 4bo admirable manner in. which they txpresa iheadea intended* ..fleaatd thstnnn of these diarncter*: could be written by a Chinese in ihfMAtoo lime which it would ocetipy us to wnic the corresponding *ord iG KnglUh. How A tnerlcntatt or* treAlertln Ireland by , (he ltrMlihUovtrumtnl. The following extract from ft letter from tin* very best source j'Wißahow our readers hotv ihw- ICrtii«H tinvcrnnirn; (ream American ctiizciix who vuiii Ire land * * 'I.CffOONDIEAItYi 1 ' -MiIIIMS. Ihur m n mark now put on ul! our countrymen (AmertpJtecyF»nr i i V, „*" < ’ , I’., '• > '*.l; ,/i ; . V'' ■) - A V y V 4‘ ‘S V ", ' , '..VrV ) /‘V-t * ' { *. V „ .-'‘jy- ?-*-• .-fM •< >iV,"’£V ,? ..rj "S'i -." _' iii;i i pj»i i '»i. , »ttii irmifi ,»i h 'i'.vh» i m.VT v _ Tile Judges of (he Election.inefet for Jmr|iose * unjust, bresuse th*»v Are not wib-rct to th<* bumne**: O (TfUVnt> ■- i ■ . Ho Mtcpo tlje UiilVrt-Drr4 brlivomi mer thaf,u and mttsportrrrlavebrPn nettlrd-bu! hrm-, Rf: late itPKCr JratacU- • a/ V-i * J A ** .-. —'—,..*A.- •••’.•■•■•.^•.*?'r« , -'a"'T-''S-v»-■•<-■; v.'.vt.,6*? . , **r , c ; v? ? a "JV« 7 '‘i 1 *■ 1' * " - ,-_ 4 - »•* > ws,i J- , • " . -V<‘ ,-: /*■' v'. - ' > ■* c T r*>;.4s: . '. J ‘ ~’v ;'• . ' - ~ V ;~" ..-f ** ‘ •■' ' -v— 1 , ,! , , / ~ ■■ f * » « “•*><■ ‘ > *•■»*> „ j: i *" *■-> v -s rs x I** - ~ ~J}~ "V ' > f *■ ' -v 'i, v. " v r - * " t Xti , 3 : »• v ■.«*,* \ > ’ -,r t * _■•' * , Vc:,^, A, o ,* ; ' * ’ f " \r ,f'/ -,l 1 -W,> ‘ r vkA l -' ’ ' - . s „ >" ~a / ~: ; . r „ *• i ’H „ * w * - f F S-£ 4<■ , *.#> aA- r » <;4s I 7 v V 1 v > » v „ -t i •*** 1. ■* »Jf '«,?» 5 w •■ rIA? «* - 1 | *• T - -i '*■<; 1 -r ■=» “‘"J ' fe S < Y " -> ► v *■ £ -x * ** % i*i& ' ! s> - 4 h.v s 2- ■ - .. - ' S“ x.»>ea * IoF the - - *■ , V. ‘W ‘ ->i —Applf W i < - ' * r f- >■ *. m *'***> ’' JPORSCOYLr ' u ? " ot*i9 • 4ilj tree!. nenr SmflhCeM >x ' - v > , .% *" *. B * ss ‘-'"'ra:w _ ',’ . '-x"- s' »' \t*y ’ C ' ' , V-l^: i. >- A L, 1 ' ' £ t? - ’ "r *■ v_-*=: -i ~ ■ f:> «’A M r ti < r:. '*£ y .V- Mr- vi, r ( 7 . - jt ' - ' , S v " A > . ’ - r T * %“* s , . ' Jr ' A'^ r,r A >■ l '“ i V,' ’ viv-- } t c *• 1 - <-J f " ■" « v ” 1 k ’vS.'' , vf'< J " ~S ’ f,-T ' ' A \ * i ' ' "^^- ; aa4i|E>;4k i , •'•• • ■*- ■ .. t.._ * *'» a: ■ : t .r .'.. '-i t-c '."••■• . . r .. ■ %v.'*, •* ; 'l '.‘^ ; ■■," : .- ? : -'' ; -'-'' : '/ : ' >V ' :^.': ; V',; -.: J 'V' L ' ;, /"'"‘ !' ;' : '; i v' , ' ,^'\: ■V i v , ry?X''', : / : <'- : - t .' 'r. ''' ,: /l 'l-|il!fispffeiifllil -> .-y‘ ,■ •' ‘- A"" - x"' ikS- ’Sv 1 r " -.V,' \l* V* - T • 1 ( t ' t r ’ - K * ‘v^ sl y - - , ‘ - ' A' - ' :r ' h m i 1 "r^.^v^fy'vr-: -4- s , T . : , , <' ' v ** - y >y-,\; ;:j-; y:\y:j.pu ".- v .S' ’v., *. 5 s ii PS-«o#«e Of Pifr T.rciuri-s ill ** V - .Ham Si bo*.'! Holin' will rr.iUMKM'.i’i' 0)1 lilM , - .. huliifer Oa/mimm—bj- Bev s Wiiijuus orin IaPT, I^ 8 * D, fi‘ r,c * PoartT.'.-rta- Vuiioil Siaie, fcaL n d ’'s'- O'" 11 't>o «lemon. . , k ‘ Pl ' r, ° ll " " ‘Sl'ius ho lnturahml lut.l bf tier M-c Irt »lin IIIIH'. • .«cjv^to „ o „ **ITTBOtfBGII TIIKATRK. I. S PonTtiy -•t ~ t • •........ •Manner anil Le mpc. . . ruicr? Of ADMISSION: ' Pmoie boxes *3«o,} v lM g|«, nrltK ?5r l»rr** Cirri**... .jOc. | Second Ttor.y. -35. j r> ..............tfje. j I’nvaieUnxes •• ■..;. .91 no Second night of Mr. AUDAMs « October 13, jivitl be presented Shakxnearc's jv'rciit Play 01 . .5 V „ OTHBIiLO. Zpc a ,J\rPZ 1 &; D0 „, & gjft Mr oil h ln" 5 ' rM "‘ t ' ot - K *' k > ind To conclude with > • •■ ■ : MISCHIEF MAKINC. M l”r l E. !J 11 L , . , nW > ~U,*. ,U ,*? Crni * < : I Mr Archer i«c?nerv Ct nlm ' e, P! UJ r">n i bo produced wnb new l?oor* open ot7; Cimnm will mo ut 7i.oV]oeV AUeglutujr Cuuttty in t ; j . \ <&&& °" p HAN 9 COURT ov **,o I s,Vo '*°•&« J - • ■’ *jSSSHjK* Aiiiliiowjjnwu, Hcpltmlirr sa,J«s:«], vjSBR v n ‘.‘i l, oii to the Court, me ordered thnlnnitcc **• ol ill* pi nilafir) ollbe,iemioniiP|.nc(i»,i nublit tiiion Jot four wcclH, eucceimvcl); m lira Puls. \\ ti.kh Mrrturj jml Manuiununr, lo James »^’r a i„ le V f T\ Col ; n ’ > ' Josrp'i Moans, of Oic Hiniivof llloiDi.,, John iVrmvroug null Nnnoy, hi» wifo. of Ui.-lilnsum count), P(t, tlm cluldn.ii oi Marcarol Mellnde dee d. VII: JoMRb Moßrideißohcrf Mcßride. Iliom is Mo Undo, l ugh MnHndi .KlraiMcßrtdo, Nnn") wife of Mcjiliitii. UorriHi: ;:md u,,. children of Fhmf.v ! U kW*, Jmu Johnston, Arcln boll Johnston, Mi.lnidii Johnston, niid Jiihies Jnlihsi,jn.' : of UtMwor county, l’en lift. >1 •By tln» (Vmn ' t ‘ cllJ ' ordir of Administrators, a Library of ClosKieal andiMisceUniicous Book*. ' >. ■ oc tl * JAMr* McKEVNA. Auri. MJBIiIO BUBMO MAhK ov li\ . offered nt Pubhe sale*' olOeloborncXl, ntSJoVlorl ihft KXflouloM of AnUrowi Ground. •S.'S feel from cm Pil Mulbprrj'ulloyi onAvlm*)i iH UouiKj. KTmna I •'octi.r, IPUSSK AND 11,0? be * ! on AVcdnpsdnynlieViflih dsiy •|k in tlie aft'ornbmu by order* of. ’j NVshilJ/deefciisifdivfrLot ;W \ke MractHiy UH);foet -deep,! jo • n nvo story Kmous. i/AMKS McTvK^rXA, '■ ;AnotionW«f^iV.. "PRINTING INK.-Juril XT Rrout’s Jqk, ai I ftceivci), a itfsji snwjjy ;of il thßc I PEKIN TEA STQRff: ! I . - ■ ■ No. TO Fourth si. •* - **. V - '-' T‘ ■> " ■ -7 ?~SfljJ ->- * _ -x r v „-' t ;r _ < .. c ' :'»r<: T’>.-'.K ■’Tiv. : -i'j V::;.. , V--_-^• i.r'v.iX'^XX^ > * 3,3 v 1 *. J i 3 >* X, ■' w*:." ■■<'■' '■• "YW.\. v':,vL* ■■-' V:?r^ , ';::;-fi-h .:*.v >&*; v »•’ i ■/■* A. j j ", /y «*■* i- j - 'i X ,V 11 7 ‘ 5 v' 3 TtC V" »■-* »'*& *r J , ~ u > j-Y" \'J?s‘> i. ? tii@SSirii|^pi»Sg Slipiiiliiftittiip ~ _ y v i '•-> “* <■ xy . - ” r 7rjiv^ \ T m - , *• J, p ’ \ S? * * V “• J. --:-L--i -’-Jrj^.'- 1 : '.?'■&■ '.■■ ■■- ■*, •'' TL* *■ j_ U- » ...... ■w * l i x S"?' i r r j ' A* » " f 'A\i V:v- : ''v^- :,S-.. ..., Reported for Post. Heportea Majorities for Bovernor. Longstrpl ft. Johnston Berli, „ 437 G Philadelphia city ami qo., Montgoinerv, 730 Chester,- -q- Lancaster, 4300 York, 300 Bucks, .160 .Union, l'-'.- T. JiLL L*,' 1211 Lycoming, 4C3 Clinton, - nff 1 • . ‘ /'■! Sullnan, "300 Cotumbu, 1300 *, Butler, , jqo Westmoreland, , 3250 Washington, Beaver, Mercer, * . ' Armstrong, Allegheny, Bedford,;'.! Schuylkill, . . Fayette, Northumberland,; -7- Erie,- :■ Cumberland, . - Dauphin, . . ■ , ■-••e-.-v.---..- Blair, Sinrjunhanna, ISS Pike, 47fl i LATEST. ' * 1 - Luzerne, (majority for Loagatrolh) - ■ 800 r “ « ShunL in M 4, 4212 * .'Xlifi Wanhmgton Union; sdja: that the Jaies! ac counts exhibit a Democratic majority oC (400;!? j. ; FLORIDA ELECTION. , /lb* Union says iho State-is:doubtful,as all llie countiOA imve not been jicard from.- ■ lEjnliijHVft Correspondenceoftlie:Poi*t.l'' ''■■?&■•■ OHIO EIECTIOir. Columbus, Oct; 11, II o’ctycK, P. M. ■ • Friesd HarperWe shall-have arjcry close election.- My. otvn opinion is, irom the returnsal resdy in,that Cot. -\V RLK.cn cs elected Governor#. > Columbus, October I2th, 1848—7 f; M. ; inctmlinjr'pll wo !iear, WEnerhas gainen 2,000 over have gamed' eight .Representatives, aml -loat two. We gain two Senators, including Lucas* District, as one. is elected; lYetlunfe Sweetzer Is,also.."lf.no; tvogain two Congres men. Yours,J*c. F, Washington -and BEAvcß.—The cont Pit in ihis Congressional district i* evidently very close. following is the-vote in.Beavercounty: v: *f--. ftr-The ofiicul returns may Tary the above afew votes, ami possibly- Ilecd (wbo is a very clever roan) mat .he permitted to slay at home.; . : BftADroan.—Whig Sheriff elected. -.■• I*i’7£E»c,*»Trt o. Whig Assemblymen-electeil f AAMfttßnxa Copstty.—AJ ar& beaten by a small majority'in ibat 1 comity. Cilraorn'e majority, for Congress wiltnot llm. over-300.' Between MTarinny, . j . /utESVMir, Oct I- - • -.Mr Dc*r Sir—A*, far as hoard from ■Col,- Weller has apamot ISOO oft-the voinof |S4G. winch, I.think, ictKlrr* his oicclion nlloqcthcr pro* halite ■ 1» : Yoara,&e., Ytn*NC*rcrw sr t Oriobe/Jl. Dear Mr : Jq ilus f Mahoning).county t me “ U n)nn ticket* 1 .ts elected by handsome majorities. Col. Weller leads Ford SOO. X B#* Ret. C. H. Parsons has been preaching*o - ' •,? 11M-TIMORK MARKET. I - I There i* no changa worthy of pole id aeyWicU [usually reported*.; Prices are -nominally as before. new York”market. * New York, Oct. 12, 6, P: M. Hour;.Moderate sales of Genesqo at $6. 37£ftv 40 bbl. .The market with moderate business Ts in favor of the buyer. / Grtin. .Hales of Prime White -Wheat ; atsf-37 v bus f with saleato the Mteol of'7jooo bus. Corn; there In- )es&'doing, in . Corn, and the matkct lias a. downward tendency. There is ;a good enquiry for gooil samples of Wheat, bufppor lots are dull.V: Provisions. - There ia lens maveracntmPorkmar-' ke£&cmg heavy.-'Tho-salei* are'only forthe/BjJdply of the regular4rseidcraanJs. ■ pf 300 gallon; a decline* , 1 The marhcUgeuernUy are dull. Philadelphia market/* s * Oct. 12--6 p. w. > '‘/four..Thu-salfca.to-day were small-; sellers do> not agree aa to The-former demand $5,37 tv. bbh> whilst, the :laller offer sf»i2u. : .HoUlera arc ..unwilling to give way.".’ »•*..?. • - Oram. .Sales of 2500 :hushelft Prime Red. Wheat at sl*lo \> bushel; saletrof Prime-White at I,IS There are large imporlv being made./ Corn . Sales of 500 bushels ol PrimcVl elto.w alhSe. Provisions. .Arc vulhoutchange. „ . ' Groceries.. The market• remains without change. . Whiskey. .Sales to. a mpdetate extent at-2Gc« - : 1 HFIOMAf S B» Kh».NNERY< Altoruty at J„aie—ifySce On X Fourth. between Wood,anil.Bimtbfield. ‘V;-. • .. .Ric?uaKN'cr«.—Gimi. J. K.Moorehcad. JohnOrafipin, Pres. Pittsburch ; lhxnk; Mr> J. AV; Jiurhridge;X*ogx!n, Wilsoik\VCo.,McCord &jCo, {Pjaftburgh.Vtt:: r i lismartlas Hon«e~ COItNKB OF FOI RTII A*D OBAXX STRKKTS r FITTSBrBCJI'^ rpHB. subscriber Te*pectful)y.>mi(iDUgceV{thftl : be lin« JL' now opened ihi<« ue\vondexcelleutHoieljQr4li>no-- eommodauon of jrqvclervboarders, and tiro-public gen erally. The house amVfurmture are entirely ne\v;nrid no puuisor fxpeuw, hsive.heen spared to render jLohe of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotejß ih Uie City ; Tlie subscriber iR-detennwcdto ilesorv*. and therefore solicits, n share, at public. pntronuge. t. \ ; •„i,octjl.l...JACOU liOV?Gll,Propneior- ■ SA.ND in lN fi F.S.—-ji4Nl'*ll UliY WHITE >lhc be-st Prcpar- U nuon for lupiniing 4o ih<<:S»lK ttinnfotp),>V6lthy, clean hvmg white; aUhCMime lime ngtkmgm so(j nnu , smooth.:. : Dr.: Juuiert ;Audcrffon.pVrncaicHl'Chemist* of mnßsarlmseitg. says ttuolyzinjV Jonev bpamdr Lilly WhU«YI fuirtu, possesses.; (be oiQvrkeQatiiul nml •natural* nmlnuhosnme.mne.itmoeeMAY'iiiio levenunw.; t certainly .can conscientiously recomraetndits.nsQ to all whose skin mjutres fcenntimng t i ' .Price Sacntu* aJror . Sofdcnly N - Y. ancihy Wm. Jackson. Agent. 89 Liberty utrect • ,se.o26vi •• .•:vV.-'r._- •; v,'.' c : .-' .. «*; '.* * wk <• ' V * * £• O >'-_j».H’: ‘h'-i’f »* : •# >»•..•<• ~'-,r„-’.'’-. .*?• .• '.•■•i' -’r'-■•-.,.•- f. ;;• '?•**.' -?'■ -Ji y—- *•:*..•. v.‘ V-' .->-•; vV'’ •- ?•--• "'i..->*. s ’• ? _' % y.'-- VJ. j. f •'■ ,eau -7 Ufully HiiußieU, ruid the most plenesant for n privnio residence; tntho vicinity of I'iiuhurgh - ■ ; Al*o~rA lotin Allegheny city, nenr rederol si'; frojit* insr!>o Jetton Middle nKoy, and extending hack SO feel Also—A house nmMot on Water nll<-v, Allegheny-citv lots will besoM lower, and onensief lr>nns, than any oilier similar properly now in the marker • For paruisfKRSByMOUR at the oflicc of tkhv.afll Totyl_.fc£o.j corner Fifth & Mar het nireels, or 6f }h< -Mibscriljer % "is r r sep7-tc « THOMAS Aitpntey tiwtrtiio comer of-Wy*' /-'liejai iJieitwv' tiormaaChurch;:.: TlnsLotj2obyBoii-y: 'vtU'lm iiaildain a(}rmnmatlm{nj3’rtenns: .or (leafiCtV dn r>er‘ - petual |eaf(*T\vjifi - •: rent at anytime " Also-rSev^mtojhrrlidtsnntholliJf,manTerentplaces ,l for sale onaocornmodMimf tennss lease, Hs irfdy Miitpurdinrert , r , u»«ed t TJlj[)\iAS MtXLQN *WWHb\V fliOPLtU'jr TOR S Ahir-A laiSe rf*r.A v i'TS&hoitsc »nd lotof-23 ieni.ironi on Maine st. ' b > HW feet acej» " Prtee SlSOli Aiso-A large Ir.i adjoining ihe.ahbvi' ifneo $6OO h AZSt?i*\nf on RnWnson street, by Mfei*lToartrflle>^nw€COOMeh deep > ~~'' ° l< * l/00 * KaPER TY 1N ALLEGHENY' FOR , ,? A tsT A . J rE ''’ wclLira P roicll p'oreny of S 3 feel tront hi fen deep, conitminy a eoinfona&lo coiiace bODs “TOOK SALEWA small wo mryframe dwelfing hoPTe;-• J?, conveniently situated,'fronting on l Pride*.sifeet,'one ' streetjieyond !hn ,Hosuual. 'Tbe loMjt !M feet in front,hy l&i seel deep, and witi be.aold on ntfoinraodating terms • For furilicrpnrnrulnrs apply nt:the’liotise'.ortOi v >t"V !r;; .: : ', James May, Watet street . I '■ 390 i /Sf^l SeodcUleyiCcademy, A Classteal arut Commt7tialßontdimj School fotEoyi on ■ '■'■■ rlhf. Beaver Roo,U ,fovrtet;n milts from ViUsUuighi' -> * - ' BEV JUifUI S TEA.TELX.Lr A. JC. m%ClP.it rtIRE WIN! Kll JsF.SSjIO\ will‘CamniP4iecon>\Yedno«- L ' v J> IVo-\i ribi r 1,1&4* fiaiJi—flonrdin™ Tmtiou,lVafhiriPY'Fu*f r per pesMOnoffive roomhaltiß very desirable that all. hliouM he present on tue firstday-ot-tliesensioii ’j . ;• • For further jmrw ulnrs enquire oi ihe Principal ninhe- Acodemy. or of Messrs; John Inviu lpAYrtter street, Pittsburgh , \ f t Refer mGui J K Mftoreln.atf J)r V V OuwmnHon C oclll.'Sw 1253* RdffeworthljUlujjgjl'V:i]l'Ccjtv*- X mrucr on IVViusuaj NV\nulr» r t, IST deetrnhie that-im Pupil*should .lit*- ptvseni on f/rsi’tJay oi flic jiesf-ioii wilKu? ir»u> lit I>v Mr: Roaofph* Korftin Fiotrou kr , For-jetms-amt-further: puniculariv «ee, Cirralar*/**! Me*pr«; John Irwin & Soh’h.H "WaUT-suect- aod ii H NevijiArCo 1. i i*>ert> trcet _octl3-jUv\ © i: NHMN P_rin BOOKSiWY t AIALOGL’K, A 1 AOCTiiK\—On-Sin rUrday ev; ; family ami pao.hr i,~tttfi!es.\illu?rraiwl work- in rtdeadiu •:■ v bindinj?* annuals blanir lrnor am! cap mg pappr. gold . r:v-‘ JOHN t) DvUS. THHR rHIUI) <\\.K of AVm N. C'Utyy bIgRTo . i._pTy,C6«id-\ —Ihicon vhjhoaldcr.H.tM»-baml and foT HQ^e h i /uuj Ki\a arooßjifelgD 41~1 TAH (JA\ IM «fcls?—-30 bo-xes'Cincinnati Siac'Cajuiiß c - v j? iustri?ceivctf,aml bv: ' - ociip \ Ktxrr V/wfoßqKjfc OAStalA —-JifU. Cut»ia:ua isiije ’ • octM - KING fc MQiAmEAD y TARCU—i!» *. |J and lot by [octia] kt\fi 4. VOOBUBAP For Kenr/~ A THRFP ''TORY IHUCK DttFLUNp BOCSR. xx. sunutcd mi, lC€beccn-atrert < Ao«4ffUf , j(>' Cio v * •session '!?ircii'i}iufni:diaii!lr>v'EjidH}r£'6r\) \'\TI’'S’WIL SON. on the pr»im«ps. or at-.. . -v. •.•••.'. ofiiMt c_y kaoers, Mnftftit j?a»*»ee to Hiia from Siuelaudi Ireland. SI OILAAD AM) IV\LES ICT But if S'« v *tp SiRAH Xl\&S oihl >Hr nhi’nr L Paekrt S(t>Vjt 3 <- * - *“* ! P \V f>\ ll fc CO.. C'twciifrer, fo£iini .. from Liverpool PneKVhi'fmthc : i.lsl; Clh;-llO»v..ltith;-Tjl'st: ajulSGih oi».v rr vino nth 1 ' [:.; r ilte Trj»niar.a«o,t>JiPa.cUßts}bipf?JAilWs r Jiftt>vetyijLH*' [crpool.nml lYeirV one., compose itioioHau.’-nitShips- 7 • TheFIDKm i he \ LAV VORK * " HOTTtNOt PR til. I FA or ti« WFbT. * ROSCIfN MlJUfflW - f s n vac vnnonT o\roiu> • ™ AS»m lIRMIY f L\Y ‘ POINT « NKWMIir. l y 2 * VOFIK*WP.F CMMBItmOE. h * Liverpool * roNsrrn i SIDDONS ► f« \HHrOfT COM MF>I V MOM IVPM A I’AlItU *W lir\R* ~ NM\ WGttLTI “ \UimtHi P JOHNTI ■ . And m firsi.ria iKAmrticoo DrAlerchnnt - from Livcrf.o<4 ia N>vr .York ami V . and bv ihe -' as follows-:. I ron? Liverpool June. ?tti August, ami •■ Kith October. amt irom Naw.fYorknit «*>tlt Muv.7th July; | >*lh StpieirlJ-r mil 17ih November <} , 4 y :{ ;. Persons vuninn.-r the Oii!:Comflrv.-:*iulihase waiting • «j j thrir.relrmcesYiui ejctrannlmnrytyuvAtehouMselcotthi* • * |-ccnveTaup»i. t.n*>pnce ot.pjisengif.i&ilto't'araUSandihe- - uig A-ery littleujoruThan PackfiiShiirriues. 'FoTmMfrwe- inppljio P V ... ■:••.•••.-.-■■ ami Gu Waterlooßoad, Liverpool' .••IL Svr—Wehnveai.all Times lorsnle-BmllvaVsiklit,'for : e*, Ac Ac Aj pl> is above. or to - JOHN THOMPSON, . - oetl LSm , * 'ISG Liberty street. Pittsburgh.- ItfORO ORMlKlLLßftbnutr-*tni> the&otm* ! lfA \ . - John Sitr Thiyls lhnl v I Purchased of Mr,Foxier; one : Killer, amlghvctwo teaKpooufuis'of tt lo opc-of'nrj*<*hil'' ■ •'■ dreti) two ve?.fA olih multn rt short timeftpA«*'-jr' 1 r ? ■; „ “SAYfLRL WRIGUT 1 Prepared; AvlinlcsftJepntfreTnil; by thewroprTelofa..: JOHN I) MORGAN. Bruggnlf • • \Y ofkl>ir^ptjPau«lniTjtti •Vis pomuU kino-a \mon\iKAp, »of--Pmmondu»i?l>-rA quimuty of fttl\er tvaic.sectpltfl Qtrfepos> «■ X;- ileilui :r|,t(jnher Ynrd,~nml Wen .... k-' •loten Th<*v »re auhtf Mayor • oiric? 4rittr9tfervriter can Imrimou provingpropejis*ftnd;p»y in* chart&t-i k sepSj* s ' *“ r « ■ bWS‘No.I Shad ©n Jmml.uml jov sale, tv- • Q ociO MNQ A. MOORHEAD AJ.L in «tone irml for- sale bj* * ' --1* - - . oci3 KtSOA MOQKH&A3) AVKiMWCIvBTS'ANITtOBS—3t» doT'jLiSckeTs iijmul Sfl do?. Tubs,jim.received amf fn'r sale-In-' CANDbESj-ofcdifrerent PittshurghbraiiU*. ■ O i3r sale m mmiufacturerV? prices. by. • :':■■■ gops3 -«- - }V. Ml. “ •ITOOKSs AMHi’iES— 2 raCeVSlJvcred, '1 f t Jl ' l J pjilflovr iq dov? oon B ißnment hv , •• miVARD TODD 4? CO - ' v Nr*f|li East come* Tilth and Market stf-, JKp t|\ jSttir* '•I rs>rsi ;i.u uili-rl-M/i>ls. immorfettml ior-ftatr Uy- •' ••■ ■ ±J „ MNG A. -MOORHEAD, oeu» _ oot> Diamond nntj PlampM^bhey* QTfX\W *uW. iu\d French AVotked AVillbw^HaskeiK; :G)-fine brUet<\ so Murker street * r ' , ffrHsy “i OANTWELL it < AUiAfliisa. b \ t j Tr hqvlp GAUACkEII, IiOKG & SIIhLERf SHH Fnn t bfluMi HW n«jr Smthfejd st~eti< WLI \PTI HFUS of Bells of Ml sizes double ami jrmm Torre Pumps Cotfmrr !?ailin£,M»» oral \> ni» r »'».m,ps, fittings of ill kinds larCaA Whter Stetun> Ac. t Btaßs tor Machmexyandaart-oun non metal feu: futtne. Particular hitfntion paid'to Gos * ?u*l u:'ven.nssorted stock of“Plnin 'ami Ornn inpisruJ Pendant?; Burners,- ChanJdierp.'AC'.V.AC-i con-: stuntl} on n n x £qc\s Y hßOhri.lvSl-. or itosc 'A ooth PU?te*npfHi>mlt , 30 Hft COYLr : * 4iltr.trcei,; ftcar SintlhCeW >t ff|n w -Hi i - a iSh a v»tK-£“etn' :.x* Jxf T«'.pciv>itf.auit lor.^ftleMiV -:l • • octu » & j r ACiirso 4, OHO BliwllW.»' O.V r:~ltpc.ciT<-ilfnn4 Jur sale l v OUU <«-! if U C ACiIBrON ' If \t |ill.sll|-.LftRT‘!vT-Io s ot '1 . ACUBSON ■ . -v ;NervTGQodfsT r r I T; r T ,lr “U> eriber na» ihn day ecinmeileed opcmna hi, X supply 01 1 \IJ. GOODS embraringanexienkire \ a net) of all Un-aniclt" belougins to Tin l me oriiuslucsi n Inch be mill mauo .o order nr belmi the nneesof am fo SJ a^n * >as. m <,vinh?v\ ar * >JSS?SL _ _ Si <’haric*«- Hinteui*' -m lS'ri-*£. Keinovttl* . r .. **' T V«u ~1 .v&'ki :-;j;- 3 t‘* -J,* ' X > ' ini' bale . .! n.imnH, ;tY* --t Jl* r't; r '". “-t \' 43',' r r 4-, * > >: ','‘*j‘'r'^c?”* 4? '4V. I ", .* ; ,O“V?4 4' >i■ y 1 % / f - ' ' - Sr’ - ' ,-r r ' ■. ' ■■■ ■.V '~ ‘ 'U *■• ‘ I > ' t - >. * , - '-•#■ M . ! , F ' * V * :.' J ■-- 'C* '’-v -., 1 V -tsit.' 1 "-i -<’ ’ * -v. , < _ . 1 ,’ *tr ‘ •- ,■' ’ ,' , > ; - .<■ ** w * " r -C.i .m rrs _ : i - i * ” * - ( 4’■ '. .; % , „ > •’,-££ * **' -. i “.i?? . > ; < - *■?. - ; -, ‘''v' '- J • il®; -* - 4 ‘- v V4\4y "’-4 .y’C >j y l y "4? - r T> . r s r * -, ’« * ~ v"' ~ r ‘ j 4 4“ V 4 „ J #• * V 4 <"t J ' a»v‘*- -■ <, % , U„ \ , - yf J ‘ „:' * >V», '*• * i-* ‘sy r * u A *-*»-* @i£lS . ‘ * .'<*7.l,'] r _ .*\* > * ’ ' f r *• *- , ‘ -jr • - ■*. \*_ i / s 7 ' _ L " ' 1 1 J' , - V,"^' “ - V- - f - V >;V> • .>, c . •> „' - .- r\t 2i , ;f ;- - . XtL. T 1 '~™ , ■> i-A. , - i ■ f r«7^: - J ftp® ' t*-