' s/ "T ' - 7 v* -* , '* <7 r * 1 ‘*‘ „ *’**'/■' '-- ’- *• k , , - >■ „ , , V * \ f 7 ' , ,r lS ? ti l i\ k.c V , „ \ > f -<">- ~ C t -. ,„„ v 15 * \ ~cv i ** / * * - r ? 7 -v- , B l ' } v/ Jp >*,n* 7 „, - b ~ - r:^«r :iYv^'^y-:7rA:^’ : .”v ! i^-'‘--PV^^^Ai : -' r ;i£' -sB V'r'..:-•. >'';.'A'7' ■' ..;,: i .-.-. •’• Vlr.-v;/''-.-‘•-xv• •>7'V‘'-.' ." v ';' > ■'■ : .■-7,;7;-:’ :; 'v*7‘‘v- : V^-i-jV;^'.''.'7.:. -: v k ;->-;''^.'v #r7\ bB ; ~ S:.. 1 - t - " ■;•■■: mmmili ym-yyyyy .. y-r-m > ~*> iljsvr'’ ■"'■•"•'•■ sW»:;V*::ssw.... .. ..lirff’SSK - .... ; -- ; -.,... v, s , Hrotr JntclHatitte. :.- -• C,FnnT.IQ inctihsavatkr is tiik cjunnki C\ p *' V. *1 *•':». r ‘ r .i-l •::*, •• ,',K -■••••:■..■ ■■:.;...••■■;■•: ■'/■■..•ryr.-:: ■:; .'•: ■ :. i> ". •*• t -% i\ t *v v r ' v Aßm'vni>. ' r j,.-,-. ~?'.vi_ Steamer Alin mici Parkin&on. Brou **■'■■'■?■.?...‘ ; •V:^.' , 7;vg.’-r-;'■,-;>.H.-;r;;-ij ; ; ■ . ■.■;.-;• ■■ :• ■ Lajie. Benjiet,'F i::-t *■',?■:»,■;* :.*mv■:"«:■ v?»-•:;*.:■.!■■' . >‘ . . Arrowhne4 Gordan } Bro ‘.v ;■• ■•■•■-:•■..:•.' '■ .Cnfnden t Heinj>inil,:Bef t ;.r''s‘K-;:'^.-:t^ ; -*I- .'j..*.-.'-' -"■-'» •. . Cnrolme, Pay. Beaver „V’ *•* -4 .{ v « ' Z l, «‘ 1 ■ , —— Lake Erie, Mum, Bcf •' J ' < ,- '•r/ v -.Y,^-..^*s,•vr;r. ; vV.'*.. ■ v... :■■;■■.•?:;•■.■;■■' ■ Umpire* Younff. Cm a i I VA', ',■‘V / ’Ji-. ,u - * ” Gorton, ,Cm w V* 'r * *]■--.» .- ■■' ■' . ’• Skipper, Stoons^r T t * k , * \ l*ih % *, i * i *.•.: \ i - ; .. (/aleb Cope, Murd &"?*'* * J- ** '■ .. Michigan 150.2, C V<> J '* ,->^ f , DP-PAU a. Jt ’ ’ * J <<>' '>' % l Ailnniie ParUr ■•■'•'•■;> •:• I-ouitM’tane. ■> ;• .:: Arrowllne. Gr » •.«.•;* *■■* £) "■ >:’'''J i: •*. Camden* Heir 1 ‘i iiTi,** Aw.-... Caroline, .pa* -t r ly 3> i % *Vt 1 ake Ene, • • s - Caleb Cope ■}%&&<'''&* - ®®sr S EBr It will be ob '& V A" t;** V;V/. hn | I ! ,here be 7 n '7¥>.r«'\l J 0 There is an Im ' c,t f > and a » 800 fst!&?,?iA\v ir s* 1 Jo hmv y bu,,nf ;YV f > VV • ■ Plttobur Vp'li■* J ’f-V 1 nSffr .HiK ■»VI - O * > * r v Lcn\e W ’ J “-J-(,eCoa FtOUR. market, was unseliled yesterday, accommo rg *> f *S A'.“ r •’ 1 >/ ; There “PP«f«‘ I w bo a a,l K ht dt,c ’ ,n< '' hl '« P f,rha P- lut'lro wsS^SSspfeii'jjys l ,; - ; «‘.*'t-. «. not;-1 There were but few sales,dealers not being ejmlosf iS-V>7r •" =r disposed to boj, at the prices asked. Some lots . ■;. :.. were stored in; expectation of an adsance. Sales ~- •'■ of three lots on wharf at;54,60(34,65,. From ivag. , 'Hs'.'Xsl’ '1 '■- one soles at 84,60(84,60 From storebj dray load j AA 7;n;‘'>.Vi'--' ’"• A. 1 -' • -- 5a1e5m54,7004,87. a ! i^P^’ s l^tf ,^^i^:, -' T »-A^»“J ?, '' : ?' , *'» > '' ' GRAIN.,Very little: to report 5 .sales ;ot. \\ heat ~ ••-• is worth 40(348c. a|ij!l^a^^^ v *N' i|s ' j i , l' {S«. a . 7® 7; c *■,’ r '/'t i,S' <>, - W HISKEY .No change fi.rV.nOf V s * ri . ' ' SODA ASH..Sales at 4®4-c. No ch V' '1 'V ?' ■’^.* r '-, kind or Ashes. +£ *■ i * '■ ‘ ‘ LARD .Sale of 19 kegs from store J**: 1 " ’‘’"t*-;*; .’l BACON .Nothing doing. s3*" Vt 7 £ ’ v. 7 *- 4 »■■ FFJkTHFRS.. Liberal sale at 33 iAV. [ ;’ : ' r -TV •'■ - !?F£CIE.T-Th« reamer Kurfkanf j s: frumihe llfmaisnver, uith jjso/ r *^ f^ rk-i '^•»7-.viitVviv-i'-'ir'f ..•:-... hoanl- Irwaa- shipped from llu’ ,§ihjL«.,-i;Syf S'tf'i 4 ‘ 1 , * ' p.ago, and comes here for lh« . ;-..:y Treasury.— St. louts J^ubiuo «■:•'#!»■■ -T-s-*, .;*■ v” * - - Tnc MoNr.v Makeut.—7 %Vi'[ v ; \ t, * says* there i**»ceru!tdrr!,c : ••>'•■•*■ .and loans on Trea>ury. .Noi short 1 cal! at C per cent. 1 S-^-Jari*:?-v.*.v«--V'4 & ''* s " r!:,; willing to make loar.fi, ■and -ji^'V^^ '*'-""dj'r->^■ -t^finding all that is wanted ££•*•!•>* •i: ■■.'’■ +■-. To Couuti .TViTERCHANT}*-tvHI fif 3?>C %- f , \y . Mm hodmwv Kp..- '-.r.-. ? * -z- ■■ 'j-v. '■. ••. . large: and dnAirstde a» V%'-* >• , ' '* , 1 usually fu id t„ ,u« ;••■: - • price*. ■:;■•■. --.v -,- ;-i., . • ttURiW •-. • OIOVKnYtiA'i ■a?r? . - t ' r-,a'A . 4 »* •-». * tS:hnnd and far *r 'i-fytiyf•&<■■?■:#* : ■ ■-• CU>AKS ’ , 'T.--\:-7i:;C,---.:-^'.i': : ,:• vVj-' -. JJ ay Inch I wil -‘K ; :VW-iw:s;.-v:.:^scr s-Vi-7-:->> I-: ■;■ ■:— ■{3lv:-ji ;^vi-;rd*r..'3.a, !*>,7--»;- ! ts , «4'.* T .'s:iif.-.e*-.i»i;'.!-..rv-i4«4it.-. rntiE.i.Af kjV 7-“ 7« ‘' V ' >, , * X offered -V, hlc. may : .»r ,7■*-.r *;.;' ' v*; 5 k D *T’a» 4 > ‘ ( , i . I‘ *■ ...7.7 m SrH «• ' t / : jfw/ 7??'. ;o,4.'!V.:'i: l iJ'< ,, :. - l •"* •' ••• ■•••' * • •■'■-■' -• ■•■ ■■■ For :.r f . -\f # J ” '* :,' • to yfrt: ■? ■'.•■•;• .-'L-'...'.-*:vl- ••*:' ■ 'iOTLsuera mu*i t.e fu3Ur«»»ca tposi naiuj to ___ ■-. ■ :/’?4.‘>Ji a-.-'v* *•;■**=-T-*' -A f.- V•••:,'■ ' n /. 7. • ' • " ■ • . • • I*. JIARPERI ■• 1 ■ C W ,'*., » , ~r, J?Ji:orand Pfonrirwr o/dia Saiarrfap2Vforwt«g Fait* F*<^ v, .■:-. .-.a-: ■■■.., ■ .;>. Pa. * •- September 18,181 - .-■'i-.i ,t,; : •.>-'4-;7. , :.vv:v;.^n.-.i;;-^v; v , a^.?.;r-;.*•■ -•.-.-/■ •: ■■: ■; •• / r-' . In uitKwer to ifte tnsuy Inquiries 01 our faends, i ; 4VyVr ; a.-->.'-‘-.-'f‘*-r ■■*- • . - hare to states that owing to the arduous natiesOMhe r --' * :\‘, i . r.''/ .7 ..noncnmpsitriMtwillhe impossible for.u* to issp r-.y'l,.u,'*,'->v..-;v',. i. .‘ 7 7. ? iM:-.■’■. vt.-.'.'.ir'f-'-w : ■■ ', first nainber or tlie Saturday blaming.Posi at 10 e »-.s..‘;«?'^‘i//:-jj.£,t«-■;:••^ij':'-'-■ --.“-i-:-:.i-' r -» . day as we imucipated. wc shall iiewr the taaur .fyi- - , first nnmberimtll after the Presidential electlor * , .>iwrc'ii!N*; , j-,-!?-2;^-.>:>.;--j...-^;v , v^.'ii, ;v .-. ■. paper erer Rentoat from this ciij\ • r.i s r..-*v-,?i -f-•v v : , iv:r;-;7'.A; . ~vPm«Pt?SQn. Oct, fl. 1848.; A : '''i"- v : -7>'; -; receii'ed-more-tlmn one thoasm ■■ ■;>::■:*■ *■!..• ?V.?::s.;tTS,-';-r.'.'■•.;,•.»,•-y/rv-i;: v;-.; .--v -.-* .i..‘.': -' i /.'-v ;••■••.•: ■■ bracing the latest*richest mid most lush' A.t*3': k ::- ; »-:4«-i.-.; , .'vV.ki77-- 1 ,‘ ‘,•.■ J . t l '.v>:••:, -. : ''.-i; •■ • :. .‘ -Importedand Amr.nemtGooils,pun:lias' j[.^ -; . ; " -.. tii;cs(rani theimponor3.mnmdhciurer? *■•'^*7^■'=t*.*-.?'• >Ts-7.*-*r,.*>i'f '4 “' : ' J ''7. r- ■ atUea. hv one of the firm resulmgm •? >-.•'>rir t ]■ ■ *■<. ■■;Vi.:-' - --.■ con'jumtly sending us die newest r ; . - ,-y goods in the Easternmarketß. wbiel \ ti ‘ > • w4B ut any estabilPhmeni «n the t.*» !, '‘‘u.7' < '‘-'*-A‘:,v".7 5 -jV4? : -'-N-.‘.-.-.-.r-r- .■-.'..•r-:-.'-- ":i :-yi‘,.'Y ••: - ■ ■■■. lowxr than could possibly.beoffeTC' i*-5»-w« w -:.v.v.—^r•'ii‘..*: -v--' .-- ... •' • •••.'. . ’■■■ West- AYc ennmerttte the- foliowr . • s- v +r\‘■ . •.::*•'• Ditd biocotlo Gro tie Aitnc, Grb d >: <-j'-'.'t: ii ;.r.?f ■ ... * Gro dc Algiers. Cilacier. hlaekG ■; l r.-' , ..:»' , • ••• . . Satin, Florence or nil color**? & \v:vy:v».>tr.r7siV , 4‘vi.'»v:.ifß'."::':-..i; ..-.s- v., .of oil caloriu a vrrv Inrye sloe > V Hi 14 , - * v » 4 J 5 CASES DRVft GOOD'? ■.:4j-V-:- U '.:.'.'^'..r;-.A. -,<>.:.»^- /v-. J: ». -v. ■ • .-'-Sinped'Cashmerc; do doilO p 1 ;• "Vv.- ;v;--'r i 2*T.'-r.. t ' -., '• .. .**.».•:■ - • od English de Lame ;.do Cle 1-a- v. * * * talSyAc; Also; 50cases A) -'kv* -vts-'-v■•;*•.■ •" • „• •; - and,plain liyotiese; 0-4 Tnr . ~.<.. ... . cashmeres and Grnndillft • >7 ’ , . ~ TRENCH MERINOS ,I .' , ~'*^' s ' ' ''ft'”* *• i .'4,«- y T - mode,-scnrlet, Moroon.J 1 -. ... >..;• . colors,ofthe best maun if ”rt . '-■ u S % 4.f'V Nr J" JSUOSIIAWIdS-rCnir & 7 *lv .- • '.: - ment eyer oflereil m.tb v.^iTi.v.s',;>;X.' 7i rL-'k^--t , u...v-.v*'".: . •-.... ,n j.:Casbmert andTartnt lii; . ■ -v Finland, jenny Lind \\ -4 \ * 4 c i ' > ttotfT» EMBROIDERIES :,:::• .v.:!:...Lace, caps,..coljnrs > ■:■'■■■ Also, linen cninbri ,i 4 ' Belt W,on. Ho, -.i.soTtment ofihe r •■:• :■ LINEN ANT kUSsW. 7> 7^-'bky - - In*Gincn, be v «,*< fS&jTi lowcascLiiie '4,l*.. V Table;Cibib, .C; Bird.Cyer s,?r?.'S«? hv*jA«4»vr-i. . ribbo? Sv i -'fl r a»^--' , : , u , riVV7.Sf'7 s 'i;' T '''£.■> - * Fvenci •,, •??:, J,i* -sv 1 whn v-H-i-yVoWele *- i' ceivc « , . ! . * V , 10 I v* <■’ iv. , ' v ' -. • ■■■■■-;:: : ' 1 ir;-'- - ■.: -7• • -'-7-;/ |:^Pf?S4’SsS : jSs®?l^PitSl'Sa| ! : : S ; 'f7if : '- :X ;V-?.'. 'Jy-M' vir-M 77" 777^7:- 7:777V ' : V v mmmm Misi&gmßSBB 4BBPpw«M^iSP4 £ V*- , 'X'r. Sv.; - -.'V'V ~'*’V » - ,•- •*;•..r.t< f* MONKS 4CO t _ 4 __...., 1 J /-t ; / - » ,*z - .- * /r- • c y * j * \ v • < •? i i - * ~ t I v.!'::'X •.:■>:■ . .•.•■..':',^»..':-r.-.\r « I;AJV.'* •*’.>•/•.••■•» ~ x *» *'• - ir-r/.is.~-a :; •.:'. V ; : j S-t: ) . 4 ? *- r %iw ; - * Vy* .V H- ■^ V “ / "/Av< h -- ««** * com \3 T ) * ■■' s ( t , ( *■ : \£ r " \Vh ,* u . ‘ i vl 1 > f ' -,, ”■ * , * 4 *' '■■- ■«’’ *-->* n ' h /, -_ -' 7 ;V> £ \ v 4 v' ,■* . -* .>. V-' >» k tv * ■* *» *&> & ~* * * * '*~ « £ - ~ pr ' ' - - I ‘ n r^ t j'sst, I- J ' *' Ufa ,1 .V^CJ e; ** i * v t 4 iO •■; -yVji.'- v.r— .'-.-•'r.-‘- ~.s*j>r9|»s If "* ~ i\ te 1 - ~ £ t vir s f» r ../ ‘ " i,;‘? in r X ' V V n fe^i ,ie <- „ J&iJ*- IP „ a y/ ' - •V * 5 % 1 1 ** 1 Y s w > ,f , " ilst , , «- 1 “ C »“ . V-'.' .' ; A « e - O' - * ’; i «>■ t o?'i w° , f: r ? ■ iYbI aT' « f . - . ' , w 1 7 ~ - ‘ t - „ 7 .r -4 ' f^-4. iit wJ » *■ , 4 «' 'p; Tr ' i - rec "j' T t tC) » v v -w r H - ’ A ; . •- - '". ..-. i. ■-,■• -■■•.'■; ;■. ?.-s: !r^‘' s' -i,: o’--’ r ’ i —l o , < - v "’’?■ k ' 1 * ! . > ' , '" i u' ‘ j ‘ ' ’ - - 1 " ' > •■■ '■* y >»< ’■ ••' f•“*>:-.-i-.;-...: ~ ' - - ' ■• , '* ,- . - , . - ' - *t-, ‘ . '£ V* "'•* c4t i v »‘*t t , , "* “1-7 ’ , , - , ‘7 7< , - 1 i r f\f X J K*->, "c. *-i > , « ~ -* „ % - * * r f % V - V ' ■* -*si - „ - *X j “V' - ; f * ;’- r t ’ * r , ;*v; - - U f , t - *- a r •«!»“ _1 , ■>■< v ’ -v - ~ ' v-1 '■'l T >s, ~ . \4r- - r F ,-v> :'~! i '‘r’ :» ’4 1 -'■ , * . '<„•'"■• 4 , '; . v % z ::■* V.v> ? , s i, f 4t'- - t „v , - ‘' r.j; , ’ • ’ . , . ~ i &W ,X li C * , '» t ' v X* ~ v n * ■ “•' , ~ -., '. : n n ’ ~ • 1 -, _ 1 •< J-''4v > ,’i i Jr: £l)c STailg iHomitg ffiogt * SOMETHING FOB WHIG DOUGHFACES! Cir Gen. Taylor has RECENTLY invested OHE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN NEOROES,'and therefore cannot be in favor of the IVilmot Provi so.—Speech of Balie Payton, ( whig)tn La . Presidential Election. TUESDAY, the 7th iey ofNOYEMBER OUR CAMPAIGN PAPER «:l)d Jtffersouiau. -GREAT REDUCTION TN PRICE!? ' -Deeply desirous of witnessing the tnomph of Dem ocratic Principles And pcmocralic Men, st the sp« -'“ broaching Bulo -und; General Elections, we shall ' - eontribote all in our power to bring about that re unit. We shall; therefore, send ourCnmpalgn Paper, . Ttii Jiffersaniiny from BeptemberS3d, until Novem ber 7th, to Individuals and Clubs, upon: tbs, follow-. mg-Wry low cash terms: ' 'Sinoie C0pt............ ... ... Ten Copies, 91 00 TwESMSfivE; C0pie5,.......... 2 00 FirtpWbriES ... 3 50 . . .-One - Huwdbed C0pier,.......... 600 - Tt must be obvious to every . one that-these term .... will barely- cover the cost of papor find press-worh, t Orders trom this or any of the neighboring counties will, be promptly attended to, Pittsburgh, Sept. The Largest Jonrudl In the We»ti NEW AND"'CHEAP WEEKLY FAMILY TAPER, THE PtTTSBURGH SATURDAY MORNING POST - DEVOTFC T*>— POLITICS.- ATS»'S. LITERATURE, flf., ld,the firamumber ofa LARGE * AM* ILY PAPER, containing mart reading tnatitr than, any weekly published Wcki- of ibe Mountains. KTery .de* paronym will be inulnujly ancmled 10. and uo pains or . expense. wiU be spared to render the Saturday Morning • .Post one of ihe- ninst instrucuve and acceptable newspa- V • - per ever issued nVibeiMisiiissippi Valiev.. Tn it, POMTICAI# the paper will -,;tiim to be Jhr laiiliful tmd honest. expouem of the Piuici viplesof thv gkeat Democratic Pautv—the People’s Par • ty—iheFariy of/Prbgressi Honesty njid Truth. Wc shall fearlessly, expose ihfr unrighteous doings of Feder aliStn,in'vhaiever'gutseiirntay present iiself. OT under whatever cognomen If mayisail The NEWS DEPARTMENT will be the object ofspe . cial enre and attention . Every tiling ihatisncw,inter /csting.and excititig. will be faithfully chronicled. Thp various lines of MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH being now ; completed from Pittsburgh, to nearly every leading city • * iirtha Unions we shall be enhbled to present our readers. uptQihc latest moment, n full digest or all the STIRRING EVENTS OF THE DAY , „ . Tu tho LITERARY DEPARTMENT,we shall intro dure un entire new feature into the columns of the Sol* unlay Morning Post. At least tichl fA?Kffi«.«.oi.the paper each week will he devoted exclusively ia..T** M 5 copies, “ . ♦ . 10 “ ** » *l5OO It 20 . ** ............; 43.00 ‘ .SO * „ «»b0 .•100 « « . . wum clubbing: , To any person whotvill obtain the largest number of : subscribers to the Saturday. Morning Post, (not less than fifty,} We shall present a copy, of hbakjnesre's Vlay<« eplepdtdly bound, worth at least $5,00, besides a co py of the paper tor one vent. To the person who will procure the next largest number of subscribers, we shall present a lieaaufol edition of Lord Byron’s Poem*,. • worth at least 64.0 U, and it copy of the puperi POST-MASTERS AND OTHERS, To whom thrs Prospectus may be, sent; are respectfully ;. requested to act as Agent* tn procuring subscribers to the Saturday Morning Post. To lUe person who will procure 10 subfcnbere. we will forward one copy of the paper, aiidtheir exertion* • will oinerwise be i4f«nd«ftmcj> fc* -■tvarded. mutt be addreaaed (postpaid) to ■ .■•■*.■■■ X*« (XARP£Ri 1 * Sdiuyrawl Propr war of On Saturday Naming Pan, PitU* ’ burst, Pa.* - September 18,181 - . Ia .u;»Kwer ro .Jhe wauy inquiries of par friends u* hare to &tate, that owiu# to the arduous natiesfci} the elec tion campsnrn. it will he impossible for.u* to issae the first number ot the Saturday Morning Post at fo early a day as we unucipated. • \Ye shall uewr the issue ol tbe first nnmber-imtil utter the Presidential election, when we hope to present to the public the handsomest and best paper erer sent oat from this city* •’-PmspPSQn, Oct.fi. • SPLETtmU STOCK OF PALV GOODS, Wholesale anil ReialJ* A \ MA<*ON Jc CO , PinSUCBOH, PA HA Vp received more than one thousand Cu*.e> and Packages of Foreign runl DoraesticXloods, making -.one of the moit extensive iiMtmmenis in the country, cm*, i * bracing the latest*, richest and most lustuonable style* of r.v imported and Ameiiean Goods, purchased »a enure pack* --agesfrwn the large Atmuon ■A.■ ■saJea- by one of the firm residing m -Ncw-\ork» who. is • consiaraly sendmfj us i)»e newest and toon desirable --y > goods in the Eastern.marketß. which will be offered as ; low as-nt any* establishment in the. United tfinjes, ond - • lowertlian could possibly bcofleTed by any House in the • - ’ Wen. Weemimerftte the following articles— • •;. DRESS SILKS—£ e-4 Tartan Plaid and Silt .Twill, 0-4 • •• cashmeres and Grandrilft Plaids, MERINOS—A full assortment of Mack, • mode,-scarlet, Moroon, Naznriue,Mue, purpltvomloiher * ..:• colors, of the best manufacture. ■ 22tK)&HAWJ«S—Comprising ibenioit extensive assort* - menl ever offered m this city* embracing long and square .. .v and Tartan plaid Shawls,Maude* Brunswick. - • : Finland. Jenny Lind, Lamartine, and other Shawls. \ . : '■•* ; EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS. GLOVES, &c:— Loco c-aps,: coHars cuffs, standing-collars, chemitetis Also, hoen cambric and lawn Hdkfu.ljtces and Edgings; Belt Ribbons, Hosiery of all kinds. Gloves do^ GIMPS, FRINGES, CORDS. BRAIDS, Ac.—A full as sortinentof the juoKt.fashioimble styles./- . .... LINEN AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS—Cose of / -Irish Linen; best manufacture, Luien Sheetings ond pil • low case-Linens,Table Damask nnd.Dioper,Satin Damask . Hucknback, RussmvBnd i • ’-v. '--i 'Bird**-Eye-Diaper,:.'; Flannels—over -• lOOtt pcs- of every i variety; • Bleoched and Brown Muslins—more than 15-, i . 000pca.ofnllthewen.kuownmakes.... RIBBONS—More than 100 cartons entirely new tal| and winter Ribbonsi very choice fllyles.,. .- V French Cloths. Cassimeres and Doeskins, in.great va -ixiety; Vestings, Scarfs, Cravats and Hdkfs. • White Goods of every desenpuon, together with every article usually found m a dry goods elorrv -The following is au invoice t>f C 7 cases goods jnM re --ceived; with tlu! prices annexed. - _ . 10 butes ot red and while Flannels, all wool, lor log. cases blue and orange Prints, .. .. . a 10 .do Calicoes, 33 yards for . . It® 12' do .fast colored Prints, Gi /.• 17 do BJeQChed Muslins, : / ‘ 44 - 4 do Mous de Luiuo, 12| 7 do Teal Scotch Gingham, . . 11l Also,sobnlea4-4 Brown Muslin, • '•: ... 44 " All of which, In connection with those above mention-' ed. will be offered at less prices than cun be afforded by - - -.ony oilier establishment in this city. The ONE PRICK ' SYSTEM, whichinsures justice nnd fairness'to oil, will - be juicily observed. Any article purchased.at this es tablishment, above the general tnarkrt price, a consequent reduction will most willingly he made* tip*, on Uie cifcutnMaiiccs being made known to the Propne tors. U beingllfelr desire that nil goods shall be sold -on fair and honorable terms,: All persons are respectfully - ''lnvited to examine our assortment without leehng the. least obligiition to purchase; t oct7. 4 NEW fcOVLL received at 4/ A MlfiEW £ A field »U ftlUoor above Second «l *ifae Image of hla Father, or On* Boy is more Trouble ihen a Down Girl* by the. author of ‘Whom to Marry and hovr to get Mamed '* . r .. Ague* or ibe Possessed a Revelation of Mesmerism byT S Arthur " „ ... Pastern Lite, Present end Post b) Harriet Marnneau The Image of hi* Father, a tele of a oune Monkev bv the Brotbert'Maybew, illustrated, jmhluhed by the i Harpers. . , , . a tole'for mothers and daughter* bj Gteeb Aguilar t , I ; • Vaaltj Fair lyW M Shackera> , fresh aupplj j> Xjjalfa Living Age, No. 229 i ■' • Miscellany, No. 23. ££ £:-Wan fJ&si- pan 7, /1 TttT . . ' ~. *1 - jf/"Berford, pf Allegheny, has all the above. J >- M A MINER, Southfield street, Tj ,oct3 , ThmldooT above Second st,--. .: :•. A/;LCOMUti-— ■Ql*vays*on hand andfor aaJe by . .[, «rW ’ ~ 7 '- *M, MITCHELTHES. , .-; /J-Tr^r' s . t :.^’'i’'-'''V.-'^.'..’;t,i’'.-“,-' ;; .'"^'-^- v :’- < - f ' : -- '’ ■’ cent*. L. HARPER, POSTSCRIPT. • (Sonnncroal ant) financial. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. JOSHUA HANNA, ) WM BARKER. > Committke tonSrpimacn. J CAROTHERS. $ PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1843 Steamboat Packet Line ? lebvesdaih for Cincinnati, 10 a as Passenger Packet, via Brownsville, to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 6 a.3L, tmdGp m Moil Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia. 0 a , and 12i Y V. Wpsl'-to an* Sortllem Mail Coach Line, 0 a m V rih tte-t ni, via Cleveland, daily, 10 a m Eric c dA\ c-iorn New York, dailj. 0 a n North-Eastern, to Philadelphia, daily, except Sunday ji,4 A 3* . ARRIVALS AND DEI. KTURE OF .MAILS Eastern Mail %ta Philadelphia, due T a m , elose« 12 m We tem Mail Cm andLouisv.due8 p a.co-e.SA v South via Balt andVVa.hipston dueBr M close i n Nouh-'Weslern via Cleveland, .due .tO.A, oi.,,cio,.eaD a, >i Erie ahd Western New'York due 8 ?■ y.yclotet 9 a. a STOCKS. Par value. diked. Offered. ■■ Bank of£iu*hurgit‘ •• ••** • * v * v.SgMO .•BJJWJJJ. SJMJ paqk««..»«*«*****• ••».30,00 44,00- 43,50 : AtAyphantulntid M.Bank ,50.00 . 47,00, , .45,00 Pnrmer*’ Deposit Bank- None inroarket Hand. Street Bridge*"*• ••'60,00 • ; 50,00 .. .48,00, Northern Liberties Bridge • • *.•.?♦• .. ; , ,3S^O OldJUlegbenyßridge- • »>•*♦.'••• 35,00 . 30,00 :35,00 : •ConnellsviUeß.'R. Stock, paid on .•hotel,s2,so—?• 5,00 ;; : 1,43 City Bonds cent;}-.90,00 .Moitfingahelamidge* ***••• •?.?•» 85,00 ■ 10,50 Gas Stock**."* •• - 50,00 Dolly Review off the Markets. OFFICE OF THEPOST, i Tueshjlv. MoExino/ October 10, ift4S. V Business was very dull yesterday, FLOUR. *The market was unsettled yesterday. There appeared to be a alight decline, hut perhaps not. ; There were but few sales, dealers not being disposed to boy, ti the prices asked. .Some lots were stored in; expectation of an: Sales of three lots on wharf at $4,6004,65,. From wag. ons sales fjFrom store by dray load sales at $4,75(24,87. : ; GftAlN.\Very Jittle: to report; sales ol Wheat from store at 85(v Oats worth 25c. on wharf.; Rye is worth 4&£J4Bc.. FBUlT.ißaiama hove been sold at $2,25: hut no advance here yet. Pea NutBaresoldaisl»37tf?l,44* Dried Peaches are worth $,44; Apples, f)U (560 c. Green Apples sell from store at 70(a\$ l ,00 p bbl. RICK..Sales of 4 tierces at Sc. cash; ■ • SEEDS. .Timothy is sold in asmallway from store at $2,45. Flax seed is worth 90<295e. : GROCERIES. .Molasses, no change. Sugar,sales at SffSic. Coffee, sales at 7(ff4jc. r WHISKEY..No change. ■ SODA ASH. . Sales at 40-Uc. Nu change in any kind of Ashes. LARD. .Sale of 18 kegs from store at "RrrSc. BACON. .Nothing doing. FEATHERS..LiberaI sales at 3i5.75c. Specie.—The reamer Kurula armed la&lPseruoj* fromthe Ilfioois river, with $50,000 m specie on hoard. Ii was shipped from the. land office &l Chi* •eagoj and comes-here for ihe doposiC in ihe Suti Treasury.— St. Cams Jityubhian id, •, Tnc Monev Makelt.—Tlu? N. V. Kus. Fua< saY*» thtre i# a decided rrhcl in the moni-) markfct« and loans on Triny Notes h.ivo been tnado at. short 1 call at 6 percent* llm banks an* much more willing to make tear.*, and there is no diflicnHy in finding all that ia wanted. on first Hass securities* To Couutrp M*rcUnul». MERCHANT}* viH find itiaikeirarfvtti'tnjft locnHai M HODKIXWX’S.'ai: h*- li'iw/.now. m wok »« large aml iWiraMe an of CA<»/», irta%», Quftm>vrore, t HUtahJe for ccmnlrv inerd«am*. a» is usual!? found tn rit*irru houses. n?»d at roiuiJjy lon prices. * M liO!lKiN-*nS ttUjrfW • Wooil •irret; nrwr rmo. STOVK .Wl'K—■*'>*> to 1 * SUV*" -vj- U *>n bond and tor l*y 'KING & MOOUlff'AT^ OPIJt cor-Diamond and piAmomi nil •** tmvc si t p\ve** ru>M M-* ' which I will **Mt chfbp. JaMI-S MCirillK^iUr, • •'FtuM»t. St Chill* 4 * Hmhtnur {Chromclr copr .l • i'o WMurn UrrfbAnu. The i.Anr.EST and best assortment wr oEfclrd to lbs pullin', anil m.ilie lu-.ri-.'t p.-trps («).».- hie: may I* found »<:IIS \Vood:«r«L opjtontc 1. D. D»»i»' Auction Roomv Olucrfc \Vnriroommjr • * M. MODKI.NMIN. tUeliermra SHsvs- Clwnfar Ke»le hu»m*, KICHT \FW mSO-FOlim*. from jC’f»*n|gg«g| it, 9 rvlrbratfi manofflrtorv of Clmirr- Bdsvut; vrithrti* »t*v n«pwcrjwu Tor *fl)rr at ftillr; Chickctmit * * { ‘’f oß \0 8!'Wooa s*r«n, PiUihurfb, »ple Aitpai »c Chick.*!.- ingV grand ami square far WVrirfutVnua . >**,i*j MiCCKEKKt*— 40 NoTS MaeLotVl. &i7r:»mMl I «•**»> m Biore amt jor sate Ly . ■ ■ ■ _ •■ • ■., ootj 4 MOOHUHaD. BUAVF.it SCCKErS AM> ’i ni'—ai lltin. and *JO dor Tulj;u« rrr.ivfd mul jor roir ny nets MXn ft Monminm SOAl* AND CANIH.ES. rrfdlllewitl I rawl?. ibr sole or mannfannrei s price* tiy ■ ■■ ■ fc.pSS W A SI. MU'CHr.t.THIX. HfJOKSANOiiVEiParowiftiTerfa. • ; ■ . j6pa:raci,!m iwo mile* from ihe c«r, con?air»l?)2 near *er eiiiyiocrcc.ou which i«a large stable und Irsrn, fmetpur," nn»i frpruip hoa«. dwelling hou**. A limvinxfscAro *nd upp\f orchard and *ard ft .''CUTHttttRT. Oi*ri. Asrnr. ‘/"I AUDEN FAfWI-TU LET—2A• orres-WelT«i»Tatr lor. \JT gardening purposes, nenrKav, Liberty, on a ifrmof .five, or ten yeur*, and at a tow rent. J TIIOS. MELLON. *en2s : CorncrStis nod WvJie v« ORGANS WOUMKILL KK fann» ouriTy the worm* i **YV«*t Deer fp.;AUei;heny co.. P*.; - »&TrsJahn D. Morgan— Dear Sift-Thin t*to certify that I purchased of Mr. Porter, one phlaiotyour great Worm • KiUrr* ond gave two leaspoonful* of it to one of my chil dren; two year*, old, and in a «hort time it passed upward* of forty-six Inrge worm*. ; Aspoew ATCirLtorGit,’*. *Ttrlthe** that the above stameraenti* true. •‘SaxrEi, WanurT ’* Fr*nared;whnb‘*aJe. and retail, byihe proprietor*. JOHN D MORGAN* rtnis.*fii*L mifiO ; AVood street, PmslMinrb., T”"! ■■,'• j o Flour Denier*/ . fpAKE NOTICE—That William Hemmlngrav. of the X city of Pittsburgh, having been'appointed. Inspector of Floor; by the Governor of the Commonwealth, under the Ael of Assembly of the 15th day ofApril, 1*». in and for the city of Pittsburgh, and .the count!** of .Altar -sheiiy, Westmoreland, Wo*hlnjtton; Fayeite, (ireem In diana, Jpfftrson. ArmMTpnff. Hutleiy itanver. Mercer. Crawford. Erie. AVarien aiuV Venango—inli tUi* day en ter upon the duties of hi* office under in* eommU*ion. Ife maybe found otMr. \Ve*!ey HrreFs More, corner of AVater and Smtlhfield slraeis. gT O V F.F IP E—>oo p o u rnta Slav e^Pi^ ♦ »cpQO eor. Diamond and Diamond atlcy.. Aijunniiiyof silver ware, secreted or depns- JC ited in tt Lumber A'nrd, and believed to have been stolen- They are at the Mayors office, where the t wner can have it on proving property and jinying charge*. .■■ ■ »ep2s •.. --..J..: ; -,j _• . • * ;■■ Ci LUE—A fewbbls. in store and for mile by . r ort3 JOEL MOHLEn^. T INBKEDOIL—■Uibbls. in storennd for sale hy ~"*V I i :••.•• KfNO A MOORHKaD. oct-'* 11 cor. Diamond hud Diamond alley. STRAW Side and French AA'drkcd. Willow .IJu«kris, fine article, just .received and bpniiiiß Market street. lon'S) IKKiAPTfr CANTWELL, Ip OVU-ARUt**. ' ‘ a. A. U»X«.' J.: ti, UiU.KR. GAbLAOHER, LONG &MILLEU, iYc-109 Front if.. bfUrtrn Wood and timitJifitbi streeti, MANLFACTUREIIS ot Bells of all sizes; doable ami single action Force Pump*, Counter Railing. Min eral Water Pumps, fittings of alt kinds forCaej Water, Steam; Ac , Brass Casting* for Maehlrieiy ami anti-atirj lion'metal for same. Pitrileular attention paid to Has Fixtures, and a well assorted stock of Plain and Orna mental Pendants. Burners, Chandeliers, Ac., Ac., con stantly on hand. - v ' octff. -rmENCH PROTECTED 001, D P have m i» -received a supply-of. these excellent Pens, Their superiority consists 111 the Protector, an . important ini* provement which given ihenv,the following lulvuntnge#; •I*l h sustain* the tub and prevent* the crojwjngnt the two parts of which U i* composed, by maintaining a per leetpaTalleltsm between them.:. , ydli retains omuch larger quantity of ink than other gold pens. .. ad. It prevents all dropping or spattering orihc ink. Jt thus obviates every objection which can he urged against ordinary, gold penß In. addition to .tins, the workmanship is superior to that of any pens of domestic manufacture. They will make us fine n hair mark asihe •Guest steel pen, while they have nil the elasticity of the qulll. *They have given satisfaction in ever)* instance in which they have been tried. • A-C.Baylcy’s large,medium and. small- Pens; I.cvl Brown’s Premium Pens jThe ConjrrM* Pe.n;The Ladies’ Pen; The Richelieu Premium Penribri-ale at mnnufnc turers’prices, by . ■ JOHNSTON d: STOCKTON. 0ci3■•.... .. . . . : cor. Market and ad mb. TONfcS'Sfl’AiTlSri I.It<. "% -* ~ •%* ;< t . ;->•: H i' : Ktocr intelligence. POUT OK PITTSBITBBB. - Frnr IQ ISiOIIAJi WVtfcß IN TIIR CHAN’SRI*-* DIALLING ARRIVED. Steamer AUnnur Parkinson, Brownswlle. I ouisM Lane. Benuet, Brow ill* “ Arrowlme, Gordan, Brovvn vllie, ' Camden, Hemphill, Beaver,' Caroline, Daw Beaver, “ Lake Erie, Murr>, Beaver Gedera,Dean T Cm Umpire, Young, Cm * Gordon,—*, Cm 4 Skipper, Stoops, Marietta, * Caleb Cope burdock, "tt ell villa, Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver DEPARTED. 1 Atlantic, Parkin on, Brownrvilli, 4 Louis M’Lane Benuet, Brownsville, .. Arro.rllne* Gordon, BfO>vnsv*Ue, v / .Camden, Hemplul!. Beaver ...•■■■■ ; Caroline, Daw Beaveri . v- Lake Erie, Mum% Beaver; V-:•■•-..Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville; ;■ :•’• .. Euphrates. Calhomij'Cin. M Michigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver, IST It will be observed that- the river :i still fa!* ling j .there being not three feet water in ihe channel. : There is an Immense quantity of’ Freight'in the city j and as soon as the river rises, the: boats will do heavy business. • Pittsburgh and Wheeling; Packet* • «*a-w. w THE swift steamer CONSUL, Dorsey P, Kw.vky, Master, mil leave regularly for ■bbSSSSb Whpplmir.onMonday.'Wedne»dny,cnd Fri da\%uilo o clock; premdy;,: : •. . Lcnve Wheehug every Tuesday, Thursday,, and Satur* dny. niTo’elocV. A. M;*pat»nwfy, • ■ j ,r. The Consul will land at oil intermediate pons.: Every accommodation that enu be. procured, for the comfort and safety of passengers, hasbeen provided. The-boaris also provuieiVwuh a seJf*nciing «afety*guard t to prevent explosion. For freight or passage apply on board.or to ... . .. oety - . JOHN FLACK,. Agent,, : For Cincinnati. w' The trphtdraughtsteamer !I!GHIv> BBBBSBBSaEfIB For freight or passage apply on board, orti) ‘ v r * r : For Cincinnati. The »«•«* imdlifthtUrnuglitutefimerVlS : icJSLftmajß .ITOiU Jnroh.Moaier, will leave for the oiul intermediate ports, thu pay. For freight or passage applyon board, ; . oglft Foir Cincinnati. Uhulqij- v.' a>tlp new. Itpht draught, fa*i running • | fcjTj.f ■ sieararrCJNDEnEU.A.CALitotN', Mnv - - ler. will for lbp obovr and inter flmffilllOiliKft mediate port* tbl» day, • For freighter pa*yftgrvopply on board. • , .: : . /"TfQV A The new. light draucM passenger . I * ; Xw-' _ .y* Monim’iyDOErUfN. Copt. llazlOTj will Icnveforthe ahove nml iuterni*- &«SiSa?Mwrr><]iaieport<,Jh^d3y.. For freight or passage apply on board,. .; •■-■■. ocfj For Cluelaßali and Sli lioalif; •v—. • •.■•• , Tbr lighvdraUßbV MearaerftWAN.B,May, t fT>g* Igttva for the nbove and 4rttrr lrtndinjt***lo-njotrtmv r'or freight ot passage njfjily on boon!, or lo > . . npr4 . JaMKSMAi. : Vor Cinclimait* . Ifl ., • • TJ»«* linlit tlrauchi jiteninrr FRIENDSHIP lffir** for Oh*- above and pon-t: »M* day. For freight or paAinm* apply on hoard. *"" ' For Cincinnati unfS JUotiliiivill** • f litrflriJft Tllllutattnrh "tfampr PACIFIC, T. CaV** *c3qgffJS& mlu Mnnirr. will Iravr fonhe abovr and in* irrmnltutr parls*tis-»Is»y-. : For''ftftshl or pititag? uniilv on board, or lo *. : • flow*.?? tiEO a Mll.TrN'flKßCiKltAfi^-- Kort’lncinttailt I . ATfri* n<*w ami =>ipUrn*tvd Pft*fc*ry*pr Steamer v*i,v ancjvsi. <--ii»nuu \v«, K,vp*r*, »»b ipnvff lor It!# Mn\ all to-Jay, ,n\ U»<>\*JiU s V. A.:?; ■: For or pa‘i«.«;p.iiAv»rt? *op*jior. arramnyoda* lions on • For CttKlnaiii •_,* Tijs.tir* mitt light drought «t<»»mrr. , & lUH. ct} l»r M i)IA .<»**> v* Mavfcr, ■ vwiU Iftavf iVt »h> almrr »»u1 ’ltirireiitffS rtf (,lt #'*c»s»r*l.; ■ ■ ;« u min#r~A r r * n g » u*« t»«* -f. ui:J itfAi** t«»*. !J»*«ter< Uh'*sivAv7ur-.(t Wiii-vji'/, f\ i-vv Aj<«ri»!ay* AVrnl}t*!>*uy. ' f;\ '.-t\n\c.fi 'iV^jwJiiyy.-vTfcwwdiky t *i\d «5 V« i- : 4-iv'i't.- *■. ui; ]!»r.ikg ft t«>»l aJ lawlifl?;mo pn-j-HT»Mo ftt any m»ir- For (ms'll! ni «•;«• apf-Sy *<» ' ■ w*iut\ - •••*;.. w; a,vjtm\ h c*v a a***u HtftttUr f*»c k*t for Stittfifth* i JEsfcj> tur ft \v?;u~*viu,r- c»*t JjSSrgSa t* -•«’.' u«-j forth* «l*o«e antinurr j«i?)> v,u *tVj.' • •*■"'■ rvrfreif&'i i/**.*&t“* apply ■ anew r.ivv n \i»!/rKxv.v-imr.ir. 'as» 14 iar Sale. ! l.oui i^otfti I^Oft &A!X"»&Q B«/iutiR*l*i*is ‘^*w * UuH) tin- :ao« {d«-B>i»dJ >i*r ft V pnv&is i» is** uiJMty of . r Ai**> ; ~A lot t<< Ali*rV-iy fWVV ttrnf rwtrrft? tfOUl 5 m• W iVrrM».l !> *.; r t i, at. J +Xl+fi>U6S hstt "© f* *l .*» A tat an Wr.HT ftHtjVAHerwn.y *■»»>.■■ { • ;Ui or antfttjtJv-*>«•« wiHbc»Oi\ Mftl.it [a? ihr otfcr**! IJAv*arA .TtwM &.Co., oofttft Vli*2i A Miif* ! ; or of o*f I ##p?.ic TUOMAI* %XV4 UyS Auonwf^ i ?««on iTictt *.t, ur*r !feV «» Wy. > ijrj at sh* fi«w ChuWn.v Tlsi* fcj M*?!., f v,«U !»*■ »r*U or *reou»nrfnUu*jg; icsm* o# o»* j**r [ w*& ifcc pntrirgf o! takfififf f,,n !fc*.rw >*'»« {-rciiiftt c»ytitc\ tit S 3 prn Jrwtrnn \ tiV l'fi^r 1 - t ■ laS tul.tot jV. aj>nv»*-- • \- aJ«v—D 2O irt* from on.|{n!.(»>on «rr-fUhy ' 05 a« fr-rtW* fftt-h. .••■. ■ '2 Wrt' t ’vj {} r J» ir*\ . aL*4—'i tor* "ft tV rt irCl?; oil Vfftft; l«V t-t** S*M it/ •x ’.'l tm Stirv • WWCArO;- 'iVft**' a. -cimiUHtTr. oi».Ac«'tu. rum,. \* r MrVA m.i; j ; Roi j i:Vn\ r iN' au.^hunv ecu SALE—A lai*pvwll improved property of C 9 fott fftmthy?, 1 } test deep, etmtaimnc a ettmftifttbl* oorias;* houM:.\vifli ball In venicr, nod four room* oti first floor, two large rlmrubp;*. pood .cellar aud out home** larje garden utul extensive” *T»prrv, .«I*o il. TjUtusncty of m»t* niiii flowers. and* Urge fcnchcngprdcnsoda pump of (soft water. Will I* told at a-barcam. Priec.lKOW ». cirrHUßirr, c«b. Atfrtju’ p*p£l . Smlibfirtr* 1* SALE—A noryfrnmre;.nqueduci pipe,Tbr conveying wiiterfrom springs) fueniihe-a to ihe.o.uuMiry iradc,omi niuup oh tcrf» in length* of from ItfHo lUib feel cm each reeKwUb directum* a* to the proper method of layiuy. Also. on huiJd. u large Mijtply of Aiinm*’ Pot* cm suction Pomps, tor " well* ©r ci«tetn*; Wnow A Co’* very liupirirorc&st iron suction Pumps. - Ilydram work, of every description executed in the most durable inuuncfVnful on .the -most accommodating term»> Order* from the country for ieadeu pipes, sheet lead, or pump*, wifi receive prompt attention. ■: jc27*daw -i WemarnPeniisjrlrßnUroUege oflleallh- DR'WnJ.AHrvfl ADVRUTISKMIbNTFOU l»48. . . These furmly jcmedin*, consisting or ■ DR,'■ WILL A R &8 VEIIMtF Uii E, « COUGH MIXTURES ' “ « UYT.KPIU.S. <* « FRYER AXD AGVE F.XTKRML XATQH, Have already become .so universally popular,'wherever introduced, that, the proprietor* ore induced to place them within th<» renchm* nil. .01 ihe virtues of these medicines) it. ii altogether imuec.c*»arj*'foru* to speak, aS they have hi way*, ithriettf ■intiadurtdx been able to rrcommriirfiArmsr/crr,’. Tlie numerous certificates, which from time'to time have been jmblished, beside* others .now in our possession; i&. sufficient evidence, not only of- their virtue, and power, to cure, JiUitlißt they are duly appreciated by on intelligent nubile. ; AVhea the country, is flooded with “ Panaceas,’.[‘•Kllxer*, 5 ’ *!Bnl* intd ,l -Pill*, M and many .of them of a doubtful character, persons are at aiossto kuowhovvfnrthey should • trust nuy ottheni. RrjtH MrwmW, and try those which httve beeaproh/d by the tzptrierici of ytan. Bucli ft the character of the medicine* compounded by :Dr. Willard) an eminent practitioner, and .sold by. men ; of cbnrocterwho have something more at stake than llieac*. cumulation of a few dollars; In order that the public may frnoirwliat these medicines «rr v the greater part of onr advertising will.be^ eenuintrmifitdtfi. Thus youmay be satisfied that‘‘their own works Will.pfaise thc171. ,, TJtew medicine*.prepared android by the proprietors, A. WVBroekway & Co., No. 2. Commercial Row, Liberty street, Piitsburcu, to whom^all letters for agencies orpther business tnufli Ti* addrefised. Sold at*o by J. Rclioofuna ker A Co., Ogdon L Snowden, Joel Mahler, R, R SeJler*, F. L. Snowden. John P. Scott. J. H.vCosscl, Jumes A. Jones. John Ilnys.SnnuldmgfcKi)celnm}.; ■ A so, by.Kltioii Ar llrcknm, nnd D. M. Curry, Alelgheny city. 1 ; Qpll dAwyl SALE—A valuable farm of 211 ueres.of. which. ; ?fi acres arc m a fine, state of cultivation, well Intd oiit in meadow and grain fields, with good fences and springs of water, a good dwelling house and new barn and stable, and other out houses, large garden and or* chard; plenty of timber nnd coal, situatcuon a good road/ 7 niilcß.from Butler. 13 from Freeport, and on the survey, of the'Erie Railroad j near to churches, seooois nnd mills. •Price; 912 ait:acre. ' Terms liberal. : S. CLTHBERT. Gen Agent, . 02i4 : Simthfieid street.- '. Vr?.- c- %v''V;-y ,, <' ■>«•;■•••&••?• ;• .-'-!.>r' “£• ■.-,-.v.-- >•-■ ,7'rv,:'‘ -.r:nV'v ,1 t,.v.:--..-'- : .--<-:f.' -T »"■£••'^•^-TV-;■' K -• ‘•K'-- y r [ r i A ** u ■». -' .... _ ■ v. i ',7' v*\ .* 1 ■ y-?2 inches and weigh eight pounds 300 pairs white Mackmae blankets, to measure 54 by 00 inches and Weigh 6 pounds 500 pairs&polnt white Mackinac blankets, to measure ■42 by/Winchesand weigh 6$ pounds : y. ■ | 500 pairs U-print while Mackinac blankets* to measure .! v by 50 inches and weigh 4f .pounds 460 pairs l-point white Mackinac blankets, to measure < 33by46inchesaudweigh 3£ pounds 2®) pairs 3-ppint scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure - 00 by 72inches and-weigh 8 pounds - 100 pairs SJ-poiut scarlet Mackinac.blankets, to mens ures4 by 00 inches and weigh 6 pounds . 50 pairs 3t-paint green. Mackinac blankets,tomeasure - CO by 84 inches and weigh 10 pounds ' 60 pairs 3-point greenJMocklnac blankets, to measure ”" r 6O by 72inchc8.anfl'Weigh6poiinds. 60 pairs 2hpoint green Mackinac blankets,to measure - . 54 by tio inches, and weigh 6 pounds .: *6O pairs Si-point Oentinella blue. Mackinac blankets, to • ; measure 60 by 84 lnehes r attd weigh lOpounds: . •850 pairs 3-point Oentinella blae Maeklnac blankets, to measure 60 by 78 inches, and weigh 8 pounds ■? 200 pairsSfr-point Gentlnella blue Mackina blankets, to ' measure Mby 60inehes t and >veigh O pounds ; x■ Vn Goods. 400 yards scarlet strouos ■ 300 do ;blue dp t goo do fancy list cloth, blue 350 do do do scarlet - 200 •do • -do ; do. green 350 da gra> do blue 2200 do saved do blue . \ 700. do do . :do scarlet 100 do do do gwn 400 pound* worsted yarn, J-foia / 00 down cotton flaghondkerchlets -: 130 do- do Madras da > 100 do black silk do 60 do S4coiton shawls 30 do 64 Ao do .. ■ ■4O do "44 . do/. do . ■ • 40 'do woolen do ; - $OOOO yard* domestic, calico • 1000 'do English and Freiieh.ffluro . . OOOU do Mernmao, blue and (oney • . ; 3000 do blue drilling ; 5000' do Georgia stripe* 2000 do bine denims . 1500 do cottonade . . - TtiOO do bleached domestic shirting 0000 do unbleached do . dp .. 8000 do domesuc checks, stripes, and plaul ; 0000 dQ r unbleached domestic sheeting - 200 dozentvollensocks . MOO yards plaid linscy* lotto do flannels assorted 1600 flannel shirts. ; 125 calico shirts y . - iso pounds linen thread 250 pounds cotton do . . 200 dozen spools cotton, No. Ijo 36 . 4i)poundit*evmig silk . , 450 piece* ribbon, assorted DM vanls lied-ttrVing ..v* 400 do Kentucky,leans - 400 do sattinett. assorted • 70 gros* worsted gartering : '5O pounds Cbiuese vernuUioiK . . - 10 uoreu silk handkerchiefs, tbark and bandana) ■ ■ " •• Hardware. : 45 at ST. ix>i;is. Missot-m. , ■ Jilankits. 025 painT point white Mackinac blankets, to mfiiure JOBBERS visiting thi* city with a srock of flood* for r 60by 72 hiche*. rtiid weigh b pound* tj sale. can be oecommndaied,.while jh«y remain, wnb 000 pairs ***-iK»nl white Mackiuar blsnkeK, to measure ihc u«r a( a Room, cji moderate the 2d story of * 54 I>Vo6inches and wctjjhß pounds McKenna’s Auction'Store, >o. 114 Wood wreeL three, •y* Dair» 2 point whits Mackinac blanket* to rorawre door* from Fit U 4.1 i>r 50 inrl»e<- and wrtgh.fi] pound*, . AtiO—for Rent, by the week, month, or- yenr t for the ’ 550 pair* U-poini wiM* MackmaP Waukets to measure storage 01 merchandise only, an exrelleni dry; Cellar,*; J 6 hi*so inches and we.gh Impound with board floor , 500 nail* i tKdnt.white Mackinac blonkeu, to .measure j sep!s JAMES MiKKNNA, Auct; j r 4« mebes 1. ' 7 «SIOM3IS" OF I ICHORS, 4TAU( T2o\~ 150 pair- J-5 *** “ fc ’ % \A On Thursday near, October Ifth, nt i 0 clock m the ftHernocn, wtllbesnW at McKenna * Auction Rooms, Ko, (W> w wood «r«i. lUff. ilnoH freoi .Rfth, for c-asli. far I j,Lj«,or>ir. «oJi»riJhCi»™nJ. , ulli , h) on) „ c! \,„e0K,.1 qMnrr cutPrllomlon I M pyi*. TomSJSI IlranJ) onr half c»A blue Mackinac to largest i»te and fines* quality .of Merino W 00J. received j - 1 r'VasrreWby s* inrhe*. and weigh 10pownds t direct fromibe Mnonlsctoner. «hd wuU»* wlltt very, I iso nairsAnointißetUincßa WoeMackmacManketv u, c lair pnccs.bath/.voou:^ieandfctau. In* the>r*i op < 1 nieViore 60 tsiche*. and weight pounds : • \ pomimty ofiTcfed 10 housekeeper* tor several I patft &l-TutiniOehtinetia blue Mackinac blankm. to 1 oci-1 i 3AMRS M KhNN.A.yVort. j «i»chc* tmlwcier bjH-uftd* - - ] . fT? UmJj. ; fllflfi Ponncrvltip of Mcsvis : Nbbet A Joiiftt. Bsjikrtv ; JM) ..\m.lvbme. - ?■ 1 aiul 13rokr.fi,bov-ma tcrminfttrd by ir«i rctirtmcrito UsX) iki *«:ur i etuo, . .. .: Mr-Sibt»ct I have aisccmtrd wuh me mv Uromrrs. MI -5 W*» do fimcf ii*tritffh t »>u4 • ■■ .1 CIIAKL JOVKS and JOHN B iCJMB eo^ ».*i .dn .do >to .. s u< , u . # bnvmcetPf the int.c firm the style oil* 4*l ,u tU da Kt artot - li>NFu 250 do gray <*o W iv i-ia * f fe, timber j »-i -- '2loo flu ' savid io< hkic .... v.---.'-.- i : iOit do- tio .•«:<>: ' . . ••: l*« ' ■ do : ■•" •■ 6a ■ - vcotlM /.;. > toil 1 arn «b*cnd ... 7’< Coren rtfnn fltß hAn tteid ri* ( !.> d<* Madras d» 7* -in nark sdk do i 4*i t«v °-l cotrttn * { *lO do * 4 d fi «4 dp 4*l d-J i*aaifdfariennr . jMcec’i »:ibt»nn?i- av*ottrd, { l.*> *ro«* (Abo und flay i PcusunT* chmrsie y j.: • :. m«fK*rr, ■ I ke»ic* \ . 4ft a nest) : r -iMi im ■..■••• awl* J 7iftb . ■-•. 25 4a». fiftihiies. y jy.re4iC» {^wusrdi ! If* -d*>r. combido ■\. . |n ■■.••». ncisfar*do - .■•■.■ f Iff pm**- gais-Mtmn* K . : 2u»» dor.bntchtr kmvc*. „ . I . As.u and Ha.abft*. [ 12 *Vn*. ojer, to wettrtrfromdj miJpotfiiiL t 5» • ha}fase**toAvrijrh3ipot?ms*. . 21 h»t*het*.*o weigh 1} pouftd To be delivered at the place where mamuacturrd, nr in Hie city uf New York or FhHadelphla, as.may be re quired, withoui additional expense, . fr. 'fberr will also be reqmred, ti> be detivcwd »u Ncw Vork.ot the *ame time, the tallowing agrlcuUiual itnplc . .meats. ■ ■■ •-■ , .• ... . 25fl are*, to weigh irem 4110 3J pound* S-iO half n»es, to weigh 31 pmtnds •JflO haJcheis.to'wrijth It pound »« Urowmg'kmves i'2 inches ut ietictb 200 anger*: m equal proportion? 01 1 I nod 1 meh 160 pdirebames - 150 rto tracC-chaln* 3tn fitnmd* brass kellies Aht 4.<0 axes, to weigh Cmra 4| 10 51 pound* 150 half-wtes.to weigh3l pound* $3 broadaxc* 171)0 weediug-hor* . 600 pair* tracewhalns US hnud-saw* < . , . 40 cross cut saw*,* irri 111 length .40 * -y-sfe \-/ .- : . vv ?tVr<}>&m t 1 ’ ' * ' * _’%-'ir/i -t:-^ K - :i-^y'--\:^/‘:'^< -i R 1 ' ' -'-, %“t>r<*s<» w«. 11. Wlktuaj) -„ ' ~ 5 - S 1 >/ EXCHANGE AND BAWXING atTXCE, g * .-x.-.t.'. ■::-N^-S.vearntr/tf\zThM\OnA;-WfiodK$trMf.^ r^-.//;,-*.v.v-..-'- ’*' * SIGHT and Time jßJns of KxehaSgefßanfc Note* cadi $ '&tw^:andi:dcrtnß*lift'iCwifcJHWgfcl:ilil»,w^U:^»^:.?. i ;;;r-. , v:? ; 3>frt ; ,';:::^--:':ir:-.-.:r,- , . , 1 . i^':-:.;-.:::«-;s-:-i ! !.v-.i.> , .«. t mosjfavombld lenhf - f . •- *1 *+7 % " r ' . v. £ * *• ~ ~ at the lowest rates fQ»* V t i r rorent n ijha. r „ V.'c CrttT. {f * -v % ■ HILL A CURRY. ' * ~ „ BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, s* r ::■■;■•: -'T• :■'■’■*. V * * nmrt4»ly 1 V? 1 v * * . Hugh srKinL *7 - *tn*rtßM o* M’Cqbo* r K - * BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKEN U , s ■ :• •. lfarrtf jfmjand.Pcul \ T\EALER In Coin, Bonk Notes, Tim* 6lli«, Foreign 3 <. *■ .. * * X/ andDqmesncExchange,C Charles Hotel mav£9 1 “ A SOS, TV “ 1 « ' ' Banters and Darien tn Exchange Com and Bank K*Ut> 4 »*“ iW 55 Afarirt strart, Pittsburgh "s * %. % KXCQASOS. atTTTfO Ufl 1 ipr | Cincinnati * 1 f | j, r Philadelphia } « 1 Louisville * | s <-/»'- Balumore * “ (gt, Louis iff - ? w ja« sons I •* Buying raus Bujhng rata s v Ohio I dis Comm ACityonl T si ■ B , *„ * * i- Indiana f « Belief Noiea l | - » , *■ '/ Kentackp 4 K Pennsylvania Co. I * ’ »■ p ' fe > , Virginia 4 » NerwYotk { k ' J -. * > % - 4 * l Maryland 4 ■, *■ , > <. COLLECTIONS made on all parts of the Union.ai the * , *> 4 t ' lowest rates. £_ seplMy J'' , r f'b. v PRIVATE DISEASES Dr'Jßmm, No -T H ? ' <~ V HSgj&P Diamond Alley, can Tie cons tilted la a! - ***' %i x 4 cases ofa meats or driirattnafuraineidenta / * i HgUW to the human frame ? 4 ( v \ 4 „ y i v £?~ *»>« r^- wKvßlr 6ndlt^ <,e ‘l ttcn c*Sj !6ge4her/with aIL ee- I v j *| , t withtUldiseasesof ' s 1 **»' ""■ ' *■ v venerra/orzgui,sUiidlseaftes.wjihsiTienires r gleet,nrethra> J 1( < " discharges, seminal weakness and irapoiencyjnlso, piles, -4 r . r u^ r t- SA . » c rheumoiism, female weakness, diseases of the womh L , x. <*~\ * ,* a. monthly suppressions,diseases-of the joints, fistpla in I x , 4 i P *■ , a '' ono, nervous afiection , pains m the Back and loins* irri* » ' ,\ k °\ tationS of the neck of the bladder and kidneys, scorbutic -S , r < v % i eruptions, letter nugwonitrinercttrial diseases, Ac 3 - ir * -' nVELVH YEARS’ PEACTICE . ' ' v , Exclusively devoid totiie study and treatment of vene] i \ \ ' , „ >.v v - ' ■ real disorders, and those arising trom youthful excesses' 5 ,_. p gaiety, climate, or unpurmes of the blood* whereby the | consuttnion may have been enfeebled,enaDlesDr.Brown i r toofferOastminces of speed) relief 10 all whomay place ? -** v-» - p * themselves under hi* care v. *1 s - t . /. Dr Brown’s offices are conveniently arranged into sep- 1 T *• arete apanments Tauenis couvlsQpr.B.wjthootfear 1 ± « r v of exposure to Othervisitor* . 1# , I , -** * 3 It is of unponauee to many persons in peedof medical -a _ 1 \ . - s 4, aid, to obtain good advice privately and promptly TtooH J * , , *'/)}. such, Dr Brown's ready skill m retooring-cmmoWtr* | < y r 1 * e taut, in theirvanonsfonnsand stagesjofiersinducemcnts - * *** t * % ' which can rarely be equalled. Strangers ore hereby apl » ? v % » pnsed that Dr Brown has heen regularly educated in < * * 7 V every branch of medicine, and for the. last twelve years • t . - confined himself exclusively to the treatment of those t * D A diseases r _ v , . -■ *' Dr Brown in the only regularly educated surgeon In , N 4 „ Piuabuzgh who gives nm whole nuentsod tothowrcoa- s ‘ plaints „ A 07*Certain,safe and speedy cures will, ra aU eases, be guaranteed. { * ->• Recent eases are relieved m a hort time, withoutiflter, /*-» 1.. mpiioß from bo ineu, 1 •***-*+ Rupture^—Dr Brown also invites per- ~ t f sons afßieted with Henna to call, as he baa paidponien ' L 7 lar attention fo that disease «. I * Letters from a distance, asking adviee,tnuvt contain ' ie«iOt they wdl not be attended ta. ‘ jryOfficft on Diamond Alley, a few dodrsfromWood ‘ street, towards the market..; Consultatfous.ftrlctly confl dentiah octSS-dAwly $ i 1 IShl —l>r Brrwn cqveraJTcem 4 * * XL cdy for Rheumatism ir a peedy and certain remedy r. -* - for that painful trouble- linever foils 7 - Office and Private Consultation Rooms, No 65, Dta* , o mond alley, Pitt burgh Pa. 'The Doctor i* always at , - - 4 home . ianlß»dawtf r, j » Ttae Brand Purgative* i Er cuckkner-s sugar coaxed VS&BTJL* -i BLF JSXTJtACT JPIf tS —These celebrated Pills j »obtained an enviable notonctyin the VhitedStaies, 5 a% acuTOttve for Giddiness,'-Dyspepsia*SourStomacbt -r-o^ 4 Headache* FeveT*,^ <; Pileaif Cotnveness* Coughs, -Heart: 1 •' rli •*:•-?: burn 2 Liver Complamt; ScUrvy.-Som Throat,v|awajd ; iv,.-; .. Weakness. Palpitation qi-.lhe,lleait,>lndigeslioft, ; .and.-,a-:/i-;s.v-h^j.>ti::. vaneiy oi other iU«aA®stavvhichvdesh is:heit;tOi os:v medicine for foe mjlUoa.; .In» all .*eosons,or:the : .'..S; !•;>■»•. 'spring, summer, nrnurnn, aud : .»inter^-ana-nndermll-ciiJi':.-:, , ;-:.':.;-«t.->r.’'- cumstauees. they .can betaken With perfect-safety and..;a success. -As a chtU*: - dren,they are unnvaUtd, : Beuig coated wiihpnre whiW - sugar, children will easily take them; they neither gnpa _• nor nauseate; ore gentle, but thorough m their ■ For aduhs. by increasing the dose, they are equally ban - > eficui. ■ As nni Ti/f they will be round with - emu superior.- Aak anyone, amougthe foonsajidawho r use ibem, andau-unqualtiied approval wiUbe the re ult - Remember Dr. C. V; Chckencr is tLe ongimu Inventor x&- of Sugar Coaled Pills, and that nothing of the sort anu . :;': ever heard ofuntil jie inlroduced-theni;ui Jane 4 1843. -". Purchasers should, therefore* always ask fpr GlickenePs. SuffurCoated Vegetable Pills, and lakeno others, or they ■:::; will be made foe victims of a fraud >. SS cents per box Dr. Clickejter's pmicipaF office for foe sale of Pills, is ; • Cft VeseysttN Y. AVAL JACKSON, €9 Liberty «tVheatf of Wnad, Pitts-; burgh, Agent ior Pcnnsylvama, Northern Ohio, and foe nver counties of Vir/pwa..: The following are the duly appointed Ageun forAUe- ; ghenv.county. Pa. A. M. Marshall,) Dr. Brown,. > Allegheny cny. J B Johnson, ) Jonathon Ghrel't* Manchester- Alexander Asdale. Wylie street J R.ll Jacques, Birmingham V\m J Smith, Temperanceville O H Starr, Scwiekley Edward Thompson, Wilkin burgh Darnel NegleV. East Liberty Jl* Z; MitcheU,AVilkinaburgh..' ; .. II: Rowland A Son, ATKcesport. C.-F. Diehl, Elixabefo. \ John Black, Turtle Creek. ; : M’Eldowuey. Bakerstown. Swauel Springer, Clinton v ; ■.= James M’Kee, StewarUtown. ■- Riley Al’Laugtliu, Plum township J. Jeremiah Fleming, Lawrencevilie ; Robert WilUoniSj Axtbursville.. <* aug32-d&w6m. »V, 1 *' ' '-V-A v" . > " 1 J- '/ 1 * * i l < -..... , '**V '•>* !-*% : ~ K \ ; t%zj £•#£ ’I mmmm and to charge any increase of price they may. be/com- pay : therefor to the: contractorywho ahull pay ihe sunldurereneo to.ihc l/nitedvgmicK:* ■..•■■■■■•..; . lloudywillbe required, m the amount of the bid#.*tvith. ; two good sureties, the.sufficiency oi-whom 10 he certi fied by a.United,Slate*Ridge or district attorney tor the • faiihtul-performniire of the coutmetfc Payment will be made .otter ;tUe contract isconiplctcd } nud ibcdeliverv of ihe goods nl New! ork nnd St. - I.oms respectively, to an ■ agent of-the department, upon n duplicate invoice certi fied-b> him • .- :Commumcmions Jo be marked; w*Proposals for Indian • The bids will be submitted with the tollowing heading and none; will be received that arc not made m the form and terms here drescribed, (or we) propose to furmsh.for the serviceof.t)>e Tndi*. nn department the tallowing goods; ot;thc : price afhxcd. 10 them respccu\el> Mr ■/(Hero insert the list, of goods.) .■:: ,-. ■ in the city of Nevv \ ork.orSuLonls, on or before the-*——day ot——-next; and inA'nse of the acceptance of his proposal, the qunutity being prescribe ed by the department, I (or we) will execute a contract accordingto tbis agreement, and give satisfactory, secu rity tothe department, within ten days nuer uje nccdp tnnee ot-teisbid; and in case ofiailure: toontcr into such conidSbls.and.give such secunt>v(or we)will pay i to the CnlgM 9tate*the difference betwecn.ihc sums bidden.?} me: (or us,) and the sum which tbe-Umten States may.be. .obliged to pay for tee same articles;” j .. . ■ j Face ran every bid must also .be -accompanied wttb-a guaradtee m the following form, ta be siguec one or more rerponsible persons, whose sufficiency must be certim’d by some Otto whots known to the. department, • either personally or by his official posiuoiu • •• • •.. : I (or we] hereby guaranty-that .the above bid der, will comply, with the terms of the advertisement for. “proposals for Indian goods,y dnicd September 30,. 184 S . it the contract should Be awarded to hint; and enter into bond for the execution of the same within tlve‘ time pre - scribed. ■ ■ . '-.T"' --C • • : ?=-lb: S.) jl« s] W MEDILL, • - . ’ /Commissioner oMndian Affairs. oet4 ItnxuNov. I Sales bn dilution. AUCTION BAiES, BY JOHN D DAVIS, AUCTIONEER. ~ South-East touur of. Wood and Fifth struts. I A RGB SALE OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY j GOODS,—On Monday morning. Oetobor the oth. at. 10 o clock, at the. Commercial Sales Room, comer Wood nnd Fifth sweet*, will be sold, without reserve,—an cx* tensive assortment ot Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, con#: MAtiug of splendid real xvoo) dyed Black Cloths. French and American Cassiniere*, Batmens, Keutucky Jenns, Beaver ami Pilot Cloths, Red, Aellow and Whit* Flan nels, UM super. Blankets; English. French and Amerienu Prints. Mous detains,Alpaecaisßombazine.Gnla Plaids; colored Cambrics, Damask Linen- Table Cloths, Bilk Serge, Blue, Black! nnd Plank Dress Silks: Bntiu-aud Fancy Vestings. Sewing Silk, Menno.Terken nnd Wool en Shawls, Bilk- amL Colton Hdkft.. Hosiery, Gloves- Woolen Comforts Ac At 2 o clock,-CrfBf*rto. Ouftntic(tu.Fumiwre y Aqaanuty of-groceries.china.-glass and queensware, hardware. cutlery, window blinds, stOves, kitchen uten sils, 12 boxes Cue quality, pound lump Va. inatmfactur-- ed tobacco, H small boxes. A Carbines. I ItSluinpJ) box*- et, One, IB io the pound. 4 half chests oang Hyson Ten. A general assortment of new and iecomlhand household furniture, among which arc mahogany dressing bureaus, huir spring seat sofas, chairs, settees, tables, bedsteads, book cases, feather beds; rocking chairs, loofamgglastes. work and wash stands, fire irons, fendersj mantel clocks. Ac. ■ . ■ /•.•- .Atnl oclock—-City made call skin, bootsj . superfine Pfeneh style shirts; coats, pantaloons, vests and other clothing, umbrellas, gold and silver watches, cailery, foucy nml staple goods id great variety;Ac. ' .. oeifl JOHN D DAVIS Auct " AUCTION SALKS, <*. ltr. JAMBS WKMNNA-.-AUVriONSER.- No. tU Wood Braicfit. xtisxr tiouss ynoM Firm. ft. JOSK* A CO. BANKER- 4 AND Dm'IIANO* & s((kK BROKS cf‘a\jFa or:W,M» anh i-nvnm srat*:Tv . Pttutmreh, l»*. IT?" All mftner« con»tm!> i-allthe of FREXCHCI.ofjfs. now « geiier»lT}'ii«d for ounit *«rtJ fin-- p'tuhe . *u«crlbr ii'aek C^sumcre*.Satm, YeiverandFancySillr | /? CoLD ww SIJAItfI.C.iNVaoOirM.IOV.. --Vrsmie:*. M«w»hq amt Ootvnvl nderrtiim; Miper.olack t ! Oat own Checka-and lh»l* *v»M turmvitw at.current ■• and Fancy Cravat*; Glove** itc*. wr gentlemen-, i axtifTftU v* hm*. ppna >V(m i ( >* i I*.h i ef of?h *?. j,, the I»n*!w-v department, oho, trill be foohd the nevr« vOntud -Maicv W -.vuS 715‘0 iurniAh UUJ.fvGi KV «*« stripChanei-able SilfcH.Ta»rv • . CHA\fil*.cpv« principal, unv it* ana j vjjjpf-j. Uar& Silk a,: very ulo»?>: kla*bnilel«aii)es; Plain* j tlnetc-rirciatiu’. U ale*,- and nj«J .m|k»»i n- ttn j Printed £a«Jimerr*; FT'»rA jVrrino.«, of a greatvn .«*.■ l!a«in>rg, Cteawa, and FranWfatVsar-M.'UuC; ■•• • - 0( caloric. fine prmted Monvrfp Timne*» an lowas j . be retried w !i/*ntaiies;ceedingls’low : 4su»wfslsite* roieufsi* permit . . > nrice: lri*h !ntKn*»kc.rb «^r*.«».; -imi» 1« jrd "iw'-t the Ci!** . :.JC< nonui’inercbamsand denlcrt m;;ffmß<*nra?* ; F«r* ) ' rvt *! i4icAi ; • " .«ieAi«x Goodr. td Pmsbanrb and vicimiT, to our lat^e. n,»Kurgj. w.t. M ...'•■ •••"* ■ ■v.u.r wo wixtergoods. >- —— < ytork ot desirable .FJ.. Orplianft’ t!ourl Male- - ; ,i a ify rccelvim* ■.■».='•■■.• ..... . IN p«r*«Afl« of ftfl wfrror m* Orphan*. (Court of AV l Home ofout ro«ls urc raaimfacwfffd fay tw aart the 1, if-ffaftMy caumi .d-v. J .hi* J*« day ot wtwher. A. “.;. remaining portion nought uudcrsuchcirtumrtanCeji.as.tO ; Ir4~, tat* ucdcrsijtued, ftoajdian* ot Ak*»** t Atm r.Uza, « u* to wl! a* low as eastern Jobbing Mouses. - Kchercnnnd JsmrvKambir, minor children 01 Jatne* ■ .We have teec-ved trotn our tactory inthe east, n large i.amloe.lotroftbewH orFu;*burfia, deceased, ? of SHIRT?*, which; lit iiualitvofmaterial;neatness will eipo*r topuW*r *atur» , of HlV j e r namn'iicutre. L ort! second to none urihe mar day, the :fWo day of October nexti at tU o clock, A.AI., ; jj P j ; Wc trttf seU them Jower than they can be bought *ll that certsm lot nr parcel oi ground situate in the Otn t ti, e M rtert market*. Ou*stock will consist. in phrMf .ward oi the c«y of Pitwfayreb, coaufyof Al.erheii>> ana ! Wool and Merino Undershirtsand Drawers; : y. State of Pennsylvania, being #*i marked and imnincred.; Cotton do : do- ;• aslotNo.49 in the p'tnonm* nnucxrd to the partition 1 uj ac k aud Panc\ Crmats, of the estate of khzsbeth Black, deceased, mid bounded; Jo ’ do: ' 'Adjnstint; Stocks ami Ties; and descrihed as follows, to wit; Uegmmng at a point , . Susptnder«- Gtoves;Ho«eryy Umbrellas, Carpet-Bags,.. On the tw««w *Kle,of Elm *lre«t,.atltsttiieraeciioti with pocket Handkerchiefs, Ve«lugs, &c ■ Franklin street, then north vatdly along blmMreetnmc- Purchaser*are respectfully solicited io ezamiue our t%* Jcei more or less, thence westerly and parallel with a iock orGootfff-a>id will be accommodated with pleasing Pmuklui rtrm 44 feel 0\ inches ihcuce «oi therly and WTm , parallel with tlm mrcetPO feet more or less to Frauhlm ... fry* Wa«bou«e--Nonh'C:irt comer of Fifth and Mar* sireeu ihenceeasterly along frronUin Mreet 44. feet O* keistreeiCtun smlrs.) (sepl4 inches, to the place ot Uesintmitf, being the «»ie lot c J. Rodman |V «_■•,. and Market street*.’a - very lanre sidck of and wnc l*y of ’*Vi 7 handsome new style Calicoes and Chintzes—which have nnnl ground rent <3fj r^yj*J! *{^ tt : niv V; J • been selected will* much care, with particular reference n2n*rntf , M«°jk»\s!. J l h—^ONARl, o. lu £ ia I r K,f > *v to fortne.™ of colormg, durability of fiibne,nud beamy tIARTO\ ht_Atiornej ? e . u :f™, of design Among them ma> be found Bark calicoes onlv 3 cents. British Chintzes, 12J cents.. Fast color do., r .Oi , .*V. • Green . .V. 184 .“ • ■British purple do., 12$ Blue and orange,l2s - **<■. ••-.• Mcrrimnc do } 12} J * Turkey Red Chintzes.. .. do blue do., 12t., " Furniture,Chluizea. r. v .These goods are now lower, than, they have ever been before, and are worthy, the immediate attention of pur chasers. • '• I; PHILIP SOSS, sepll • Fourth and Market : SALK*~AU the morning and amtt-of iha weekly Pittsburgh Newspaper bibbed * latest 'Detector*, 100 of Harris' lnie*i Pittsburgh aud Allegheny rlijr Directorir* of 1817 iutd-184& 500 01 the-great-fireju. Pittsburgh. Louisville luue by the bbl. or retail, 35Q cuts of carpet chain, a small supply of wiudow *ash and class to *uli. a small supply of writing atnMeuer paper, tlntcv and pencil. srhool red and Mack. mV. and 25 doi led pencil* : for sale iu any qnaimty toauit cusick iner*> ISAAC HAWNS. Agent and Com. Merrh-v cor. St. Clair and Penn streets*. . . ocil*4i . opposite Exchange Hotel. TIP.A ifoFVftltf vcrylow. to<-iose. \. iiy (pctS) SMITH & 6INCUMR. I J 'UGBr-HWdwrt*rjurt r*e««£nMd for Bale by < OTIS SMITH & MNCI.MH T> AISINS—IO bo**ft»CT Half box*** tor tale tty., Jt od3 SMITH fc SINCLAIR HOOaN & CANT'vTf.LU No. HJ Markoi Mrcet, have ju*i received a »plcmhi2 aitsoruncnt of fine Jrwrlcty and \Vniche«, • ■:■•.■ ■ ■■ «cts. SHEM*COMBS--lMam amlCamd Hack, new *iy!e, inti received at No. t*C.Mnrket *t. ocis HOGAN A CANTW El h a*»orietl No». juti received said for twin Phri&tUlptna -pn oei4 EDA ;aRD.TODP A CO. AT HOAT—Cunght last vriturr. the. Hal Kent Ijijl 1 Roiie The owner 1* requested to coine lotwurd. prove property* pay .charges, or she will be denlt-wlth anorumg to law JAMES GKAIIAM IhtminKbam*Oct,.4'4}t-. : SrXriTKD— P:uce* -m warehouse* or -.-store* nor u number ot warehouse men and Hoy*, sales men clerks- Alio, for several school teachers iu-tomi or country, also for laborers. Farmers con be supplied with any hand* they wont, : Also, steam, canal ami keel bouts. Good rook*, chambermaids, and nurse* can get employment, or pewon* vvanmig them supplied soon. 'Wanted to borrow; several sums-on good security# All tindf of apenctes attended to promptly mrmodcrotc chnr* res- Please cal) at • ISAAC . v . • . v ; AgUicy nnd Intelligence Oihce, . . ocls • • cor Penn and Si. Clair HU. O ILK- GIMPH AND FRINGES.-*!down’-yards black 3 cui SUk Fringes, of.various stylus and.pnccs,.suita bio far Mantillas. &o.; 18 doieit yards black Gimp, of all widths and patterns, for Cape*. Almiullas &c.;,44 pcs. Figured Silk Com Binding iust recclvcflat v ZEBULON KIVZEY 9, tinffl' ; ■ . No. fi7.-Market street... A HUUSK ANIIhUT at a UAUWAIN:-rAny per son mwani of a comfortable dwelling; hpnse.m a vow! neiffhborttootVon \\ yht? street, U; ,snort distance from the Conn House can provide themselves; .tor the Mii.llfum«S4KliJ 1.-M>l>!yio JOHN , rmiJ oci2 : . 4th Aired. iienrPmuhfu'M ?t . Hoarding Wi»ntcrt, * NKWXY.'M^RRIEBuOUPLK art? anxious to oh xVtninboardtngm a-private totally.- A locnuonintbe vicinity of the Conn House, ami on or near Wvlie street, would he most desirable. A hue addressed **E., office ot the Morning Post.v will meet with attention. . oetd SWEET- -POTATOES—'TO bbls. Sweet .Potatoes on .-.consignment and forsafaby : ■" oct3 KING A MOORHEAD _ /Xbd.S'h.Mu or Rotse looth Paste.aidensnntdeimlice V# fortbe-guins-and- teelh.- (prepared by ■ RousseO.in store and for sale by- v ; ioc\3j - JOEL MOHLER. , V « s ■ ■ - v Drg (Bwfau, , TUB NEW GOJtDKS BEK HIVE AGAIN. AFrfriLL AND ram DRY GOODS. : .TUST roeciyinff-oml Howropcnlnff. ot-the wcn—' V. ofthp on j motke4att%«ii , jflßE» 'between■.’l:hirdtmd’Fourth street*—one okiheragM Jnrnei?tf:clipapejii-.nud best'assorted stock*.ofHjßßPr -Fall midrWtnterDRYGOODS, ever.dffered-iirPms-: .burgh* to.which the Attention ofoumomerouacMloinpr*' nmi the. public generally; ia tespoctfiiUy fnTiwd; ns-the subscriberw confidentthaf he can ofietsucbbargainain Dry Gqods as cannot beaurpasscd-bybuyotherhouse m -the cnv. - *■ - .:. . As thesc goods have beenpurchased at prices far bp low those of any former season.' they will be sold at greatly Teduceri prices Among this LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK will be fountvmnnv choice and desirable iroods ot extreritelj* low prices LADIES' DRESS GOODS’ Verrnch andfashtonableDressSilksfPJmdnnd Striped Slack Saun; striped and plaid Silk»; plain black (very flossy) Gro de Rome ; plain black ncnLustre} Lustring:. Silk,.for Vizette*. Mantillas and Capes, nr-very low prices,*: newest designs and latest styles Cashmeres;' plain and saun striped Cashmeres, very cheap ; French : Merinos, all colors; 1 De. Lafnes,- plain, figured andsaun [ *tnped, at a great reduction on forfflerpnecs; Gala, Cal* ! ifomJa nnd Cashmere Plaids; Mohair and. Monterey. Plaids.all qualities;-.Aipaccas, all‘<)naliues.and colors, from 12J to 75c/peryard. : ' •< SHAWLS’ SHAWLS,’! Fine Cashmere, Terkem and Broche Shawls* . Black embroidered Cashmere and De Lame Slmwls j : Fine Tbibbet and De Lome Shawls; . 1 i .. Fine black and coloreddoth Shawls;. r iv Fma quality Long Shawls, verycheap; v Plain black and plaid Silk Shawls, very chedp;. . v: ■ A-large lot Plaidßlack Shawls,from?3 cents t 083,00 mch all wool DOMESTIC GOODS*:MUCH BELOW FOR-’ MER PRICES Good dark. Calico, from StoOc. per yard; Best quality dark Calico, from 6 tolOc.; " v . • * v- Yard wide purple do,, at 121 c , Good yard wide Bleached Mnshnyfrotn .4 to o£c.; Unbleaced Me ship yard widenna heavy, 5 to6£c.; . . Bed Tickings and Checks; all prices: . Blankets, iroro coarse io the best quality; very cheap; A full assortment of Red; Wlmhand Yellow Flannels ; Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Jerseys; Ltnseys, kc~, all of which will be sold at reduced ratefr-r At No. 03 MarJK«t at. seplO >1 W3I L RUSSELL. It* D. ThontplOß) No. 110 Market street, three doonfrom Liberty street, - - SAB just reemed hi* emirestocx-of Faifand Winter DRY GOODS. consisung'Of every.'stylejof. Rich, s Silks: all wool Cashmeres and DeLaine*; French'-. Meriuosy-atf color*: Changeable and Block Silks,- for Mantillas; fancy colored DeLatnesf for. children. - • BHAWLS of every kind ibatisfashionable ;aome new sn les of Long Shawls * •worked Cape*'nnd-.Collars;.from the.'lowest to.the highest prices DOMESTICS.—This department isyery full; : Green and fancyFloor-Cloths a\msy» on hand. , : ’The above Goods bare been purchased since the,de pression* in prices, and will basold atthe lowest rates. # BfplO-tf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL" At • Ao; 05 Fourth anelthtDiamond. rpHB. subscriber lm*-;ust received from*.the Eastern. A ciuen a new slock of FALL AND WINTER DR Y GOODS, Purchased sincetberecentgreai fall mpnees, Viz: V-. 4-4 Brow n Muslin only fi cents; /M' •-* t i “ ' heavy, Of, u . n 4-4 Bleached. Maslin.. 6£ 1 Bed Flannel; all wool, only . Furniture Cbmiz; from 4 toOie.;. . (••• • Doable Purple Calico, fast colors; Gfc., French DreflsGmgboms,l2k* • 4-4 Doable Purple Chmtr. 12lc;. . LADIES' DRESS GOODS’ Pans Printed Cashmeres, •• . Mous.de Lames; Satin Stripe Cashmere*. , 11 4 Mous de Lames, '; -... Widc Black Silks, Rich Lucres ~ : Chamelion Silks, all shades ;. w 1 Soils, 44 French Lamartine Plonk, • Galla Plaids, high colors; : .i. .v. v !. Coburg and Thibet Cloths; . PlaidAlpaccas.all colors; v - Lyonese Cloth*. . i -FrencbMennOs. *• •••••/•••'•* . Wide Black Plaid Silks SHAWLS' BHAWJJS" - New style Part* Printed Terkenri Shawls; Chamehon Suk. Shawls i. Mous. de Lame Shawls; Embroidered bl k and eol'd Cloth Shawls: new styleline. all wool. Brorbe Shawls r Plaid Long Shawl*; Plata-and fknhioidexed [ black and mode colored Silk- Fringe Thibet Shawls. . ; ; I VARIETY GOODS' New fall style Bonnet Biblmns, Cashmere Scarfs* Cra~. vats; <^loveit; : ‘Mut*, Hotifry, Fnngrs and Gimps; French Work Capes and Chuznsetles, and style French Work Collari. trora 121c.i0 S3.UC : \ v 4 --, GENTLEMENS GOODS' • A fresh assortmeutof Frencband En§lwbClod»*>Cas sitaeres and. Vesungs; a large, variety of jtewstyle black, and toncy bilk nnd Satm Scans ond Cravai*; Silk and Merino Under. Shirts and Drawers: Gloves, Hamlker el n* c spenders ard Hosiery The nbove'Good* ore just what they arc represented to be, and will richly repay all who will call and esanune. them, ss they nre ntnen lovrct than they have f reu before in tins cue,- • ABKALOM 3IOBIUB. *epls-im ' v No. f»sMarket su .v Xara« Supply Oir Uoddi* ' W. K MLUPIIf. MJBm~£*sT ri>uN*r.Ji OF-roraru avd wj»kkvtstreets* HAS jn*t cfthipHfiM opemujrb** £«t Ripply or. Fall and XFintn iirg flow*. now loaderlo Ida a.large and ehcneelotioselect dr*rripitou& of.#w>df, abQ,; ftT/gTM»tly reduced -pricfe*.? fire*! tit* heen laVea in jh*. cr.lectioiroi-me.taBt By £zprcia. /“I ENTS.SUMMF.RGOODS.—Super.siDjrI© • milled UP Ff*»ch Habit Cloths; rich styles CaMuneres; block, and colored CofttuncreHW Qaeeu's-and. Sommer Cloths 7 figured and plnm Drop D t.tes. Yesungs. k *very,choice % Marseilles, bilks. l and Satins, and figured .Lmen.DnlUj Cheap" y it * ROBINSON’S Cloth Store, raay-?5 ■ Post Bmldmgs, corner Fifth and Wood. ELANNELS! FlamieUlf—Just'rec’ed andunwopen* rd a large supply of and. scarlet ttaunels. all wool, which wiU -be sold by the piece,or single yard, lower than the same quality of goods, have ever, been before offered... .; v ■ PHILIPIIOSS, selti No-SDcor of 4tb and'Marketsta.; . TrtALT; GJN(»HAMS-—Jon fine ussortmen JP ot very handsome dark ginghams;of every quality ttonv common io ; very- bne. .One; lovot.very, superior, dark cinfflmms ut liicemsayardfWarrantedfastcolore. % PHILIP ROS 3, No. S) cor of4th and MatkeUts* MUSSPUATT ASONS’SODA subsciK hers oronow recTfivtngtheir Fall stock of theabove urtU'le, three ve*?elvvu: the . Juniata.. MedqUion- and Lydia- huviug arrived at Philadelphia andßaltimore,ond two more, the Stephen Haldwnraud Leila, shortly ex pectod; they ore,therefore,.prepared to receive orders.. They will receive during the winter and spring regular; suimlJes via New Orleans. '•■v- WJL M MTTCHELTREE miUt'lAN ULKtv UUOK,No. 2,oaidanunglbe Bung hy the Christy. Minstrels, and many oiher. me|odles>4u tour. pnriv~arrnuged for quartette classes.: Comeut?*—Hank ot do OlnoiCurry.me back to ole Vir. i»liiiiy. lluppy arc \ye- Darkies so goy. Jun. Crack Corn. Jim vrow Polka. Old Gray Gonse.Hora. Lee. Stop dat Knocking, WaVk m de Parlor,Ac..Ac. : Just received and lorsnle.by.-.. scplfl J 11. MFXLOR SI Wood t WrOOLKN POLKAS AND COAT#;«: fine article jT” If ••• Hoods and Caps; -v.it “ Hose for children, v ' Comiotls 1 Boas, . n , . Cashmere and-Verlin Gloves, Imcd wiih a nne.arbolc of buckskin, and a general assortment Mils. HOG \N * *ep°*l No 30 Matket ft between sth M A.l>mmond Itr uoodaon A Clark oi Ohio -Sowmher .*133,1840- sent a loner To Dr.O. C. VttUgbn, the proprietor of the celebrated Li thoniripuc Mixture, the.Gften* Amer ican Remedy,'with a statement that hkthe vicinity or ••Ohio' where they do business, the article has had. unpre cedented sales- r: Nothing like •? . J •V-<' J ', "r.-A' : -:.K - « ;-VA:' :;i.-i4‘'; y:;#--i^T-V.-yv/'.-;VirrLV'^-.'?v''-r. ; -'^;-: l >VV::^'Jvvf'i-'. feJ j . Janktra'tt»tlr„€«l]4ng« jowktt». .. GrtAMELION SUjRSTnD ltMaiphyj • corner 4th and Merkel su; has lately received an as* . Vorunentoitlie aboveroods, of desirable shades, Includ ing Blue aud Black changeable, Orauge - andßlua do. Green *udßlockdo. Red and Brown do* suitable for • visiles aud cardinals.- Also, handsome Dresa Silks,chan-.•=.-■ . geahlfij striped and. figured. Silk Velvet .Shawl* a, few of theso scarce goods, largCj and of;a. good qaBliiy--AU ;: so receivedj I*ong Shawls olnewest aiyles, and at a low : price for quality aep39_ ffiHE'PATtTNERSHIR. heretofore, existing vbetwean ' 1 Hale, 'Rememan &Co \vaalhw-da> dissolved by matdateonsent- The bnsinesS' Of ihelaie firm will be : „** **»».*«. EINEJIANf Sept 571M848 JOHN VOEGTfcY. The business will be continued by Ssots A HasmUM ■ aud JoHS Vo2fiTl.y, under the style ot' REiNEMAN 4 Co septa : fionmimlilßow Cabinet Ware roam ST, B. YOUNG * Co. *?' Ti 1 TTAVB removed their CABIN ETsSdtOT^*®I®* 1 ®* 11 WARE-ROOMS to Commercial How. Liberty street, opposite the head of Snutbfield, where they will keenconsiuiilly ou hand an extensive assortment of 80 fas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chain and every article inthelrllneef business, .'.•Undenuking promptly attended to At reasonable prices may** JDr. Oi O. Steftnit uemiiti ./rvTTtCB at MissHetlchVonFourth atreetjtftw doors l: > \/ above .Woodstreevuntil the- completion of the house nearly opposite. >Teeih' in blocks, with prtlfietal gams ;i (otteribemanaernoWuniveraaHjrpreferredliuheeMt,)..; • manufactured to ftklteachparticular-case.Teeth,.ftoo j afuUseido'wn io asmgle one } inserted on a suction platev. thus avoiding iiuury lo the natural teeth- 1 Specimens of -ji blocks and suction plate ■ may be exarainedavthe office-.. AU operauoosincident to the profession performed with-vl care andiaithfulitess 11 (scpT-am •‘Always Beadr» Alwer« Willing.' , -very cusiomers and the.public generally, are reipecl -IVI fully informedthat onneilMondaylwUlbe opau*-.... ills n*nlendid anil well selected assortment of CLOTH 9, CASSIMF.BKS end VF.3TINGS, which 1 hive just put- - chnwd in Philadelphia at thelowest market price, Slidto : whichl would call thcirsttemlon JAS McGUIBEtThUcr, sepld n Bt. Charles Buddings _ O IThT—A ccmioriable araaU dwelling'bouse; please--: • nntly situated in the lower pan of Allegheny city,on ; . Bngaley’s lane, has three rooms on thcfirstfloor, teroand ~, a |ait on the second, front and : back porchvgoodecollnri and a large garden lot, containing some 10 or tfibeering iruit trees, nud 40 or SO ' currant and gotiicbtrrybushes. ?-■ ■ Rent, ninety dollars a year. Possession, can behrad; on the first of October Applyto J B. HELLOS, sepST 81 Wood street. . k r AU person* indebted to ihe late i> mgatfic Muniby ate hereby teuteaied to fiitke u*- ; rapdiaiepaymeni-, and those hwoMfrcfaiias agefiitt the©;..- s*DgUwd&llw JOHN CQYLE. ~ X luforniallai) A* unlrf. iVhE friends orHeimyM’NoitKmxHdtthia late re«te; I dence in Blnlrsville » few.days ago, for HlubtugK)' r wiih loheaffroin Mm. :Jt is thought that be may beatn-- ployed in some of (he iron establishment*,-He bwngM his wife mid child wiih him.. He wfive feef ciabMncSfS ' hijch, ml face and red hur Any information concerning himwtllbe ihankfiulym'f celveu bv JOHN MARTIN, TVellsborglr scpM Somerset Conmy, Pa •epees please ropy-) ■ • (Cincinnati pai |>ANJOrtAJSDTAMaOUIiIN"tSi^-Abucai»orUnint. r> gf'these- musical mstrucneuta, and *c&les for- Ihe ,„a a Vva 'J *7 v,':' *C ftiiP r -- *■ ' i* l * I " '1 •1.-> Sgp jl. '? ' ! ? •-■‘-.■J'V: )f‘, : • *' r-rv ' ’ t*/? % , i , , - 'rtv V - u ' V -'5 ( £ ~ ** £* -f - ' , -fj V * * •7.4-1' v. * • \ ‘ w» • ’- r-.'. -_■ 'VjC'l V r\ ", .' l' f . C t— w 4