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'^-: 4 , -. r # . , * •_c-j b’_ f > ',. )*T‘ f :.': ’ * . *• > ' T ~ 1 ' *■' t ' i ■*> * * tf*+ H r * * f -9 SMp^lSiiiPSSS^i *rt£‘S‘?' Vi f.tV y*' ~ { 7'« !a - '’■ i r«» ?’I - ,r ‘A, •';. .k,- f ; , j Mornomm¥oWMmm WAmmmimmsmixy ■ v -^ : ’% f - • f * v ’'\ "'V ‘ vf ' *:- ,"* *--- *-'-* > i4 **'»■> 2»•;, j .V 4 ,' *■ e - f$ *y * h -£l r- • " v-i* J ' - VJ^ V P - fpppeapimj^ WSm^mmirnm % «>r»■ •* * jj , >j« **-& 1 . ipwip^ J *V: y. - - # y "f >l( v‘.- v>* t x i-" m*?- * 'i^~ ri r- 1 -\ T >~ , : « .v*, <■v- x _ , e _ «v’ - - l * - T r 1 *** <■ " 1 4* * -f"*V *s: * v - r ; r -V . v , j aV iV - ? * \ * s; *V*Tj > -r-. -/ / «? - - '* X " * » , #***#& f a\* ■ f ‘ ! , j_ V -v* * < 4 . , f * -, - ' “j , yt' ! -*- % 1 ' 1 f ' r iX -'-'A . volume vn. DAILY MORNING POST. Prmtti an d Publish'd ft'ry Mornmg, (Sundays tx'sptid ) • ■■ jj y ' -liv--; Ht"-A.R-XS BR* xnm WET COIOT* OF -WOOD A'TO FITTH ST BEETS iry-TSRafS-Fiw-- Dollars a year, payable strictly m advance Sir Dollar* wilt jn\arlably be required tf not rmid witlun the w ••■■■■ — ' cqpies two CEXTSr-for pale at the counter, of the Office, and hf the News Bo^s, Tlta Weekly yand Manufacturer | 1 ; r» Dabliahed . frera.tho same office,on a: double medium ' —sheeVat TWODOIrtiARS a year, m advance—single copies wv 2 CESTS, pnpcr.vrUlbe discontinued.(unlese at the di»- : cretion oftne pwpuetor,) unnlalliaTT!enrngepar *2O W * One Year,. 20 ttOl One Year • 00 i ■•::• Larger Advertisements m proportion. . . , ICrCa'IiofFOUR Lr\y‘S>FcirlhVo”iHN 'CRAWVOII l),~ officoou tfi.cinir *ire*t.- l " oppose ilie : lsxchang<». - - .: • . a»ylO-y v r- /rv* OIUiANDO LOOMIS, Attorney kllmw.— Office*4lli V/ # :bU above .Wood. ■■..• • . . juU4-y^ '.•? - rpi{OMASM:MAR^ifAUMvI//oniryorJ.rtsr.—Oriice,- ■■ : V 'J:.’.ln.v?ic K Dmldlnßa, Fourth \ ; Jftn7«lv - < .. . TAMW CAUiAN, At/omry nl Lair, corner ofU yhe ■ fl • nnrt lmb streets— u La\v Corner? : • .••.-■ fcblO-y / VBXiUtAGH. AUarnev inigic—Olhcem Unkewrll s -KiJt BmltUuffs. ou Gram e J reel, opposite .-the Court House __ J r-M 1 > .'lt ■ M. K K:\ MiCY, A ttornor of La rr,—Office nr ilir • -•: lf>-snme bmidm?\viih AldcrmnH MATusler, Filth *L, - * benveen-Wood ami Smtlhfield- - ■•; nu^li-tiinV. ni /.n*c.—Oincc, North side v {J - of Fifth street, uctween Wood and SmidilicM. in.the ... nine hmldimf.with Alderman Morrow. •. sep->si corner of Fmmli and fMaiMfiel) si? no\ 11_ > ■ •■■■ TT*: MOfUttMY, norilisiile ot Filth ■■-•■••■v-. bcttreni ‘Wood-nml Simthlidd,.'Pittsburgh. »cpi.tf-y • •■Tiyf’OANULKJW fc'ArOLUUISj .AUorarysanJ CauMel ■ JfJL /w on Fourth st. . opposite R.& 1L v ; v •• H. Patterson* .Livery Stable. v-seplQ-y A;, Office on F ourth street*: between Wood ami. fciuithr • * field.opposite Ibuteregn sLivcrv Stable.-,. ,■; np?-y '• a : >bOHOIS Fviin.LMOKKT Awar'iry atul.VounxtLorai ■■ •;■' >•. •- \T Lato-Office removed to the. iM door bctow<>raiil.sU , on Fourth, to the omcc landvoecniMcd by Alderman Mil* ser mar'lO i:, vT ‘ P?7SI CIX>WIIYjTI/wntrv *i»<7 Conus filar at Lair, — .7 - j-- ; '•• Office, mUukcwcli s Dmlilmgson C*raui street. • •.-.• n»2P J 7 U .? • C. MIAN NON, Atutr/teyanii. Caimselfor at Lntr.— ‘ r ■ ‘jL-.*. Omce on 4iU su- between .Wood and SmnUfieltl, •vr ~, ~ mid nearly opposite the Mayor* office. : v ;. . • lsovO»y c . ■:*;>•, nr M;OFi\ Dmtnt. pourthsi.. lire -doors west or Alar* - 3■:+: kef.- All work nml-ii jiot perfectly sal* factory no charge* mil he made teVlO -• .<•.• . >bMOV lloberi tfnvder. has' removed his . v.A/ office to Fourth streety.between Wood-aiuFSmith* ~1 gtTee * 9 marlS*i> :; -v. .IiiAIOVAL.—‘A. coutmis.ssion JLiand forwarding business tromtUe Cana! Bashtto hi* newvarohouse. on Third direct, nearlyopposite the Post. Offiov ? rtavTlMy • v-bJbVAU —JUIth J- Mli Auoiney at Law, v . Xv hvremov'icdio.Fourth ei , nert.door to the office of >.:••: .■■... •• • •.'.•ftp?'"- - A . .. .T; p*lsKT. Attorney at Law, Washington, l*,i. Cgl* .• t/.» lecgus Kindu m Washington,. Faycue.Greene ami • ;;•■■■■,• • adjouiulfeomiues: - , • • ■ • '.■ ■• .onftf.v . JOHN I\oi(jry ancl iionvtyiinci r.—umue m Building,. Fourth street. near Snmbfieldy .PlU&bttrgv- .Deeds.-Bonds, Mortgage*. ArticJenof Agree ■y ■; .•■■. tiientj-iuidji other uistraraenlß of writing dra»n.up with • ’ dispatch. Tides to:Real instate examined. api!diX\ ■ ' : r/ "11-fcOft. AttOT/ieit and CminsrHar at Lan\ ,:’ ,, Xj.FfoiiW» k .Venango■.court:v. : Ptt;v'\vj)l attendprompt • - .. »S to nil lohiccnrc.'. Collection* mpde -•- ;. iu\» .arrcn. Carton; ami Jefferson. eouutie*.. •;■ J A Sicfcit)’! &Co ?t»*> «- i Murphys jUon &Co $ ruuborgh lion Jair 0 Kinaear ( 11 „ k Hon A!cA\pcfihro»tl pnnklm - -Hon. J. Wyon.- feicnhenvnlc. 0.--'.- -.jv-gS-T -TPHjV .A, /; PAI\iNH>N; AidmnaiiC3i,NSHlX)Ka< L*iVT Office m JX Mellon »CuiliUne, cowfr of WylieanilFifih meet? eaaiiuieof the Court ififue *. ; ;. poUectmg-, Cpayt- ftnCinr>; e J ' n ni*nauoiis .of Re - Cordi«._Ac.. promptly and ecnrolcly attended to.- myl?< MfcNRY r \VV i\ ifcfAA fe. Aiionttv wul CoumtUar a* Xaie, (successor; to ioxfrte & WilHiuns,) Offlceal Hie old stand, I-ounh st-afeve SmnhGeiJ- - - ; , THK Partnership lieret»irre exUiinfr.between Henry • . « JY imams. Ksq.,.nnd iji<* practice of the Jnwy , ; svas dissolyed hy mutual r recommeud to all for ... >\\hom i .have ihe honor to «> bnßiucss—-as:a gontlemair .everyway worthv.ot their enudence-' dectS-l) IAI/M R 11. LCHVRIE. _ il *'sf ,dd i e, P 01 *v«jttncer. ,1 A.V How j Fiuuti'ect: above Smithfield . PiUsbnrgh. T Deeds,AlonTQaoes, Aotturarr'tg Boxes, KrtFASCs and :. otherinstrumems of wrmuy.drtcu vriUi neamessi leca! ; ; accuracy mid dispatch. - lie .will^| so a nemi to drawing -*. i ; u and filing JA»«m, pfT-ximtort. Admin .■»:■ -v: jKtraicrs, v. -;w ; TTAS resumed the practice of ibe l*av;athl< Officelti . •■r-.--<•;->•.ITl • Foartb AVood.and; Fancy and Dq me site China Store* -': : 115 wood stheet,' opposite a. da.vls‘- Atrcrros booms: •.vfT'HK suscnberrespecifully invitM all lorca cf bcau ‘ - •' • X v 'iifnt Chinn, call nnd examine of Fancy .China, Mantel nnchPicr Lamps, . : . : : Jnjinn Bruannm-Warc, Castors.v&c.-Jfco - . > liikewise, Qoe.eiisware ot everv. variety Ouanauemj at possible prices.. ' • > r- . . ~ * ; ..■> jes M HODKI^QX Another Volunteer* “ I,WOUl«Dbegtacallihc attention of thehUlhaK:, one and all, to ray establishment, No. 30 Fifth st. where they enn be Tigged out tn a new suit ofany slyle'quali* oly or dimensions? at the-lowest possible prices; -you wish tO'save : your dimes ami pet well, served, coae' to •: Currans. 'No. ; 30 Tifih aired. -opposite the iv MokUncr Post n , SSO CURRAN. b ;: MerohantTftHor,mie of Curran & Algeo, Liberty 3\ld ... • ~ account .of our. pent up market, a*d • X\/ ; n demand.for vegetable -stands, I havo been coiu pelletHorcmove my. Rread Stand to the oppositesidc tf "Market street, in front of Alexander A Day* Dry* Goods' ,i-: - .Store- wltere I shall bo glad to see mv - former customer*: 12 JOHN SHmiARD FOU i’ANis.-—l'earl Drabj pure „ j plmn and nbbeU, cloudcoumlplaul. just re-; mvedl>yexpressfromUaltnnonv Alwyalotof Janmi Croa* Bar* and fine Pinlda, suunbli* for prp?cm stvlebu ■ tines* coma ; ' For yrtleloiv* ftnil-.mtule.io order by : . (tIfMUN No 30 l mil st TWTEW BOOKS BV^KXl'ltfcas—’Aiie VlamSinry :iufd .•.• : -J?| : .-'SteHar ; WorW;apopQl»r.exj»osmonofthngfeßtd»i-- • coverte* unri'UieorieAof.fnpdorn ARtronoiny,.iw a senes 01 ten lectures JIS O U MuclielJ.A M Ditcctorof the Cincinnati Obsenaion , . , : IsJierifrom ltaly —A new and revised es J.-T* Ueadltj Tor file by KkUOrf K KNGMSII, > jyf>. 73AYooil and fiß -Market fits. . ‘WrfAvUi t'Ox l'Kltf At'Mtfar Mexican pro : . . Tf cureXamt Warrants and PcnsioilsJorwtdowß, at . ./hts Qtlice.ilakewcll a opposito ilie New Qourc. Rome, Pittsburgh, l*a .'5-: My son,, in thc tieneraVLnud Office/ at -Washington, - will attend lo.my.buMneßs tbcre, free af eharge io nppli,- ■cants feli23 ;• ..TTIJiNH SHIK rS.—The subscribers nave jusi received ; Jp . -froro their Factorr in iheKast, a full supply.of.Fme tShiils, ofvariCuß qualities andnrice»i*-\viclenuii.narrow* . Plait*: . Gentlemen-wishing a Fme Shu*, and one that i* •'“'•'•■wnrranted to every j«uticalar.and at a very : rlott price, will tip well to call um) examine oar stock- be 'lasting elsewhere. - - TODD & Co, Comer Fifth and Market streets. >■ f * * " w "\ ' V- • @Je . iat itet riiitg; fteif Business €ariis. TAB: McGUIRE. Fashionable Tailoh. Third »W near: V;_Wood—St: Charfosßaildingif ■.•:•• vtsrpl&y r TAMES McKEN NAi.Aucuonrtr andilJommastoh jiUr\ i Ueftant v y A UEXANUER JAYNES, Pekin Tea &6re } »•' Third J\.n tree! nenrWood *■ - jehl /"'t f McCLOSKb\%.iro»* City.’ Clothing sro»*,vNo.‘l32, V;»Libertystreet, opposite the mouth of Market, febl Agent for Murnden Ac Co.’s •fjLiveof'JPaeketSi Fifth BLvoncdoorbolow Wood; febl '’4 *7 : ILLIAJ\I JACKSON. 1 PatentM(dtctne.Depofj ;.Tf Ttt)\sttcct, head of Wood. fell! /7]l EOR(iE COCHRAN. •. Fortoarding and CommMtou AjrAfcwc/iaht, No Wood street. 1 :"'''"-';-'-- 1 febl - riT'NGUISH A ELLIOTT* .BooforMer* and Slauontrs v ho. J!i5C. Market 8(: between Third and Fourth. : febl ;T> JJELANY, fasfctonaMe Clothing Store. No. 4!>.Lib> X »fert> street * febl I TOON ASARGEN f, N»b comer of. \\ oodand Sixth XX-atreetw . fob! HOl= -•*. - jc!9 KIM* ic AlOUltlli'jAD, Wholemlt and hetatt ■ Grocer* and Produce Dealer?, corner ;of. the Diamond •- and Diamond allev. . .Se~ CO-* Gnulmitiif Fumtshtns Goods-Es < tablishmtnt, comer of Market ami Virth plreel«.< up smlry entrance •• TOUK CURRAN. Fnthitruabfc Tailor* Firth street-near •t* \VooiL oppose, tke. office of the Post. •••, mvttl •: TORN H. IH.NMvVV. Gold JUmcr. No. l*Jt> Wood *r vf*oTrt DcjiUsl.** t oiL See. coitMnnllv tnt hand anti MtdnufaclureiUo order, ~.r .;• , • .: my*£l McDmYMU.A JOHNSON. Mouse. S>*n ,amt Ontn njfMftr?Pa pit Afoiiihvv* nud,Tm»r.?»(nyß of Dry (•ooiUtiud V'awv Article*, at lUs*cloi'k- *. M. . • '. Oi firoreTie*- 'l*ilf.4«irah imiuiiruvtureri- nni<*h‘*» new ami scrumMiutid 1 umiture. Ac., at z-’ociock. r, .at.'v ■• Saicvcvcrv evening al earlv j*a«-ln»Iil. uujlSrr ' "i l I LTON. luil a>ul htnyx bo\uuftr. ha* rebuilt &tu! :-i\ '• coimneixed Imishh:#* t>ul N 0.70. Se cond. between Market and>e.r»v Mrerifc. where he wul br*pWa*ed to see M* old nmomet'* and mend.*. . ;■ ~ Chnren.'st‘>:md*o:n.*nuM»eil< oi evofy *r/»r» irom 10to -Tlie bon-* and comfciiion csn !w tail oi AfrreAmi/. Water strec?.i>eiivecit MnrUct and i | tin) 01 ,in,M r _ ■■•••• •.- ■■■'.•■ ■• ■./■" ■■ •■•• novl^) .rprry,...^.., . •■, ■ .>•■■;..■.:•;■ • -;• ;,.■;■■■■. •. tcbl I-.-' Leeehlng, Clipping and lileedlng* TTIU» & CUKRYV Banlersltitd Exchange £rol-rn. No. I \n. S.V l inn Street. XLW W'ood>troei.ti»ra door lu'low touriii- west sido-i- TZ”• R. (mh to M. H. Dt»ln*ij.)—Frc*h 'i-i.' - ' : r . : '.-• l \•: ‘ r . Vfcbl r j : JLV* i«<*rehr« rcrcivcil wonthU-; nuvmlahrcnjuU hour*. JCLcorner ofTlurd and Wood- streets, -opposite the St. I nmj V^• lul - M.irtli 10 : l»4?. Charles Hole!.- ■■•ijV" Hitl’Ml'M tfittiiif J’vrir MiViu/ariunf. ami dealer in X , * Mnwcnllimruincnif. No. WooJ sireei. near tifth notl!> TOJ*KI*H\VI>UDVVhLI*,iM/nmer«ii(i Vtnltr in Por- U etgn nud Dommie lfard\Mirtj comer oi isecomluml: Wood street*. . • • • o-’29 SAMUEL MrCtjUftKaX&CUi. A-jem* Kir Cnriifie* aml Rijipfix;! *• Regular Lm« oi Paekel- from. : Netr \ock to-Liverpool,No;-Hd Liberty *t- - ' iel»l .. TOIfVM CLOJ?KK\. Tailorond Clolhirr. Lmeriv Mreel if between Sixth nmlVirgm altey.souih *uh». £ septG ' f MAJOR, boat btarr. Shin Oltumliery- amt tl: Agency of the. .I'litKbiirghi Lard Oil Knetorv.-Niv-L Market street. Pittsburgh.- - ; • . jut* 'I’AAI-KR fcOAO-NAOH, l*ropnehir> i>| the X PorlableJhat Store .corner oi Penu amt tVuvne *w let 1 TOHNSON & STOCK Vi}\.Booktellerx,i>UttioiirrA>-Pri/i - corner of Market amt Tlunl su. tebl XT’lO I*o ft SCRIUA. Stauoncr and bn\dtr» . X Fifth street. between IVood anriMarket. , juu? T> -McSsl IvIJS. Btn*» Jrouatier mu! imt ■ l tv*r. X • heal street, between.lhamtind nllev an.:li’iftlr*t. :■•• :•.■■ : f ■ •-. ■•» ••• V., ...■•■ ■.-.1-." .(leclh* •T; it J.-MclJfcA 11*1. l\'hol+z ASHIONS.—S. Moore bn* m*t received trotn ; Ofk the Fall Style tit .HATS, which lie will imroricce this -day; Saturday.-Amtum thtth. Ail those m ___ i-Avant tit. a neat nurt Mipenor HAT. would do wei! to cull 17.OLLAASHKK & HAVWAIUI. ■ H’hdttxaUniul KetaH lat . • \O. Jo WOOHSTHHIHV ; Dsalm hi. boots anj SA*-*,No. f Liberty sireet.op. t _ _ 3d door above 1 onnh, J>o*neWootl fcbl | f|iO\WA.i. sn t < Mire.:* or*, to the old tmn B- A. FAHNESTOCK :& CO- WholnnU Drv: r ir aft- 1/1 «rc« Townicjid 4- C HOiKL, Licbaiigo. Place. Baltimore*. JCiD,DousEY. Proprietor. .Coaches will be inreurfiness aUall.lbe landings to convey uasscn , rcr>vfree ot charge, to the Hole! * * y deciff iT/MNG A FINNEY-,Agents foribe. Dcfotrare Mutual -iy Insurance Company. ofPlniadclphia.at the: YVare honse-of Kang Allolmes, Water&ireet. ue&rMaTket.' - - - JHI SELLERS A i\lCOh£i,rProdurcanri General Comtnts snmMerchants. No; 17 Liberty street. •Sperm, Liu* wed and Lord; Oils. -» ■ ■ ■ janVv /" IAKSUN & McKiMLdIT, WholfsaUtxroeene and . Com \J mission Merchants: Sixth street, between ‘Wood and IM crt>* f dec4 7\ITAI. GLENN, JBooJcbnideri corner oi Third and Wood „u streets, above C.H.Kay, where he m prepared to do,every descnpltonof rulingnndhmdjng. . : peeg. B. W. POIXD ** ••>-«* *•»'». .T- POICTF.XTKS ; T}OINDEX.TBR A.CQ,»‘Wholesale Grocers and Com* -XT mission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 41.. Water street, Pittsburgh np2l ■ "WT JL MURPHY, Wholesale and Rctatl JUeaJer iu . f f • DEYGOODs* North east comer of 'Market and Fourth st*. • • ■•. • ap2ofy. SAMUEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tut, Copper , and Sheet Ironware, No. 17. Fifth street, ,bi tween ood and .Market feblD ,Pin£Ge&inABßACGU..< wju.uk haihuuoh; AYWHAKKAUGH. Commission and Foncnnlmg MereAanrij aiiddeftlers inFlour. Wool and Prodace. No. 53 Water. oml IGI From street, between\\ood -nnd Stmthfic.ld street*^Fittsburgh. - r. ; •• 'i;< .y :..asgfl:y - he undersigned has aHsohiated \j with: himself John Nicole/ from Baltimore, .til* the 'Grocery nud General:Commission Business, underline •style of Seller* A Niepls. Bated Ist January, 1848. . ‘ -.-v; jnriSO FRAS SELLERS T)IUHAIU> T.LEECH, Jr.. Importer . and dealer in ■XSt -Forogn: anti Domestic .Sadlcry, Hardware, and Car nage TrimrrungiioC'aW descriptions, No. -.lda.-Wood si..- ■ Pittsburgh, seven doors above Fifth, and one.door above H; Child* A Co. T s Shoe Store. /> < ; •; », . fnnB4 : BLAIRA CO.i J3rttsh}ManuJacturn7, Ac. 1 dV.ltood Jt.» have constantly on hand a lull assortmeuUofevery, description of BRUSHES, to which they solicit the alien* ,nonof.dea!ets.>AUo ? alar£e,6toekofsHOßFJNDr JNGS. which is constantly renewing with ihe best im jroved KiUi . FISHING TACKLE and Sporinigl/pnp nents. in every vanety—allof which will be gold-whole* s|> and retail jj>7 aMllii-A SINCLAIR*(Iute MnrunA Miotaate. Grocers; Product and Commission Mtrthanis, &I Wood sure t, Pntshurglu- -ilie undersigned having entered into partiership under the above sty ley respectfully aßk the. patrsnugaof the iticnrift of the late firm, and of the par* ehastfs generally. They, feel warranted .iir proim&inG' thaV Uey .canj give.satisfaction to all;who may buy ot them, sr confidebusmcM to their care- ; WM H SMITH, mnrSC W M SINCLAIR 'ffDiar, S/i'7i .i5Md Ornamental Pam/er, • rind de&lhr in PAINTSy No.-44 Si. Clair st., Pitts* burgh, liafcconslnnUy on bund all kinds of Paiyts,- either Dry orMixed; Japan and Copal Vartush; Linseed Oil: Boiled-Oil; Spirits Tumenlme ; Window Glass, of all sizes; Putty, Paint Ac., all of the best quality, and for sale nl reasonable prices. . v sepHitr COCHRAN. C'affmirssicrrt and Fonvarding ■ \JT : Merchant No. 2G Wood street!Pittsburgh, continues transact a general Commission especmllv in' the purchase, and.said; of.Amencan'inannfactares and •, produce,and in recemrigand forwardingfioodseoiislgn -ed to hie care. . As ngeni for the mannfacHirers, he wifi bo constantly supplied with the pruicipalarticlcs of Pitts burgh jnanuwcture,i»“lhe lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consigameut» are respectfally solicited; v 1 ? v " - _ ’ 'C •*. 5 " Jr *- l/Fntn H GERIIbRBING Dealer m Imported Segars. bnuffi and.- ; Tobacca 'Wholcsalg nnd Retail. Liberty street,. 6 !*. . nhovc Sinithfie!d-,PiushnTghvPa.,.:,,. fromcoumry Merchants >y!llhcprnmp.. y nuendedto *) X\HUGS l DRUGS S!—Joel .MotarX. Druggistantf; f /- Apothecary, :iit>rjli-wesl:corner .of. Wood .tmd.FifUi •streets: PitlsburghfwiU keep constantly, OH hand: Drugs. .’Paints; Oils. Dye-Stni&, Ac. • : -• , _j- N- B.i-Phvsteinns'Prescripnons caTciully compound*, ed from tha best materials, at any hour of the quy or knight. Also. : . Exchange Hotel, ~ ~ Comer of Penn : andfSt. Clair streeK;y.Ptttsburglu Pa. ' ritHFj subscriber, haviiie assumed the. inanagenieiit'O!- • X this long epiabhslicd and popular Hotel, respecifullyv nnuouucfs to travelers and ihe-public generally, |bat lte : will be at nil times prcpnredto ftcconitnodnte them mall, lfunrrs d^sirnblp l m a well regulated Hotel.- - Tho Hbuse -is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, bud new furniiurc added; ornt no poms will be: spared to moke the Ejcchaugc on® of the. Vf ry liest Hpiels .livibe The uudersigued very respectfully. solicits a coniinuance of the liberal patronage which the House ha* heretofore received- : - ••••.. TIIOMAS^OM’STON,- feblOdow Proprietor • John fit. Toimieiutf AND APOTHECARY;' No- 45, Market | I street, ihree doors above Third, Pittsburgh; willhave • constantly op hand p well selPCiedassontneiii of.tlie best mid freshest Medicines, which he. will sell on the most reasonable terriis. Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended to;-mid suppplicd With nniclrs they may re.lv upon a* genuine. : . : Physician* preAcripnotts willbe accurately and neatly prepared trom the beft-innicnaL, at atiy nour of the day - Als’o: for sale: a large stock of freshand good PERFU* An'U\ decs9 jr'nf i.Kit.nKR. • .- . ..’x. xr, AXnfiasoXo.; Lnteof Pittsbunrh. Pa. Lateot Nashvine.Teim. ; T FAIOV A ANDERSON, Dealers m Canon, Fonvard* JLi ins mid Commission Merchants. No. 8, Front>i reel. above Broadway.OmeinnatvOliio. .'KnfRJS TO ' - '• ••' • Merchant* gciteraUv. Pmsburgli, Pa.. v i Mcrphanlsgeiteraliy. Nashvule.Tenn.- \> I' Gum A Co. I Kv 'V^lTrn 1 J finr-junali o>m> James JohiiAtou A i-0.. > • l!«*wiiL lleran A Co.. New Orlenn*. ; Mngwgor.V Morris. Ne>Ylork.| Duval. Deighler A t:o.. Haltimore.. - 1 : - Smith. D.l{?qU'V A-i. Co.. Plilindrlphia..:: . . ihmiel 'Da shun. Btwion. . sepSlily • . I most rlieirrijrllvreonnniend to Physician*. Families, ami allniv lurmer mend* nnd patrons. Mr. K. B. Nouni*. as being ihoriH»c|dvnequainicvl wuh The and worthvot patifmavte; • . M. Tt. DhLAN Y. - niarill.imi ■• - I PatterionVCarrlage Dlanufactoryv - j Opposite Ine STirtunnis Haul, btiuihfitid struu and in- Dm*- :Pipnd alley. Lfhcffii Wood and Snud>firMsrreels./ . ’ •• aapaqa> w■.. M tiuitfiniavalways bu foilmlan assort* Fatnjiv . Carriages. Barouches, Buggies, nml all kind it ot heavy work. •\JrmimmmSrmmftotn o MX horse Waeon down ton wheel* barrow-. Persons wi®hintc to purrhase or contract:foi | any thing iu ihe above Ime. ;irc rc>peCtmUv invited to i c«‘l. . ■;rnayC:tf TrbMllAN'illii.Nhc.—A. blilUULhflt Lit. 114 w ic* \ . movetl to the corner of Wood street- fmd Diamond alley, over S. M Clam s Leather Shore, where .they arc prepared to tarnish lemfmn Ffmd.i. Wholesale omijte laii. at prices much reduced; liaviugnveri' r^,,ff,f mode of patntms. oml other advantage* unknown lo olliers in the trade, llestdcs giving a.superior finish to blind*, they tnm tliem wiUi the beat 111 ttlenah, nmkins them rich and durable, v • : N. B.—YY'ide or Honow.slat»--poTtabl« or permanent fasteiung* furmslicd.: Old Eltqeh refined. . riec2l*y STEEL AND HLK MANUFACTORY .—Thu aubsen* ber». having enlarcrd theifes'mMiiihtnentfnr the man* ufiicmre of Fftxsi-oii the corner of.O Haro and Liberty street*; Puuburcli—are prepared (0 funnsh File* of every description, of the best quality; and being deienmnedio moke it themierest of cousumer* to pur chase File* from them. re»pcctfully.mvite the patronage of all who use the aniclc. . . ... marl C-y v■■•■•■ J. ANKRIM A_CO._ ‘bLociTspring TRUSS. , for-the immediate relief and permanent cure 01 Hernia and Pupturei -{Sotted to nil sire*.) The superior claun*-of this Trim* consist in the comparative ease with which it moy be worn.- The pad 01 wood be mp nently balanced on springs, vlelda to the presflure ot any pan of-it, ond thoroughly adapt* itself. 10 any* move ment made by the wearer. It ran be worn without any imcrmi*fiion. until a cure: 1* aflecied The subscribers have made arrangements for the -maiiuiaciure of tbe*e volcnble Truspes.in a *uperiorsfyle, m Philadelphia, and have them now lor sole at their olficor No.* ?7 Smith Held street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh, GEORGE ‘WATT. • jyl 1) W KAVITMAN XTEW-DRUG D. sale aiut Retail Dmecist No. Wood Mreel,Ray one door south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—l tie lIS subscriber has. just, received from the eastern cities, nud is now onciujig at the above stand, a full assortment of articles m hts tine,consisting of Drug* of nil Kind*;-D>s StutTs, Pniiiis and Garnishes, Chemicals, Ae., together, with all such articles are usually kepuor saleal a wholesulc nnd retail drug store. :llis*tohkl* entirely'new. aud ho* been selected with: cnrc r ! tlc is coufidem that hi* articles, both os to quality • aiul prlccjivHl-please such aomay favor him with avail. mrfly TV/TONONGAUELA PLANING MlLL.—James Moll i!tx J?V. tl. ML iU 1 11 \ - j -» selling od Viy his reinuming stock otvßDNN.Mfe* nl greiitly redu ced prices. Bonnets 01 lant wmieiV *>bsip.esuJ from .cents to $1,00.. •••. . * -'• • • : , 4 : Cheap; Latent.—• A lot of Pres* Lawn? r**duced toTJJ for supply just received, nnd' ofleretHerj lon Hark Ginghams.—Rich darkstylesof Ginghams. Also, Manchestermut Domestic paneruK. • Maiituti Rlbl/oiis.~Ai\ : assortment* Just received in the Wholesale Rooms; Oil story, and offered lowby the piece. Also. White and Colored. Satin do. ; . Prints and AfiMhas-—An excellent stockon hnttrt, from 4c;reT.yd.np.lot!ie futesiqualiiic*. j. ; T .- F.aUrth and Market strerts. ’■ TTi subscribers' beg leave to inform AjT ybuthaiihev have In store a full assortment of fine Shirts, BosotiJ*, Collars, Cravats, Slocks, Pocket Hnnd* kerchtefa; Glove*; HosieryvBu»peiiders, Umirrellas, Uiir dcrShirt*. DrawersfAc.; in fact even'thing included m Gciii ’s Wearing Apparel, 10 which ihcy invite your at temion They alsamanufacturc to order, at their,factory Eaßi, ; cVPry variety and pattern of SHIRPS>in . . > ’*r - r", ~ c f L’* - , --, 11 - > i _ f, . I •» “W r f-; 1 sr ”,'1 ; , I j i*V - t A * > V 4-** 5 ’ f s ■*! ‘l /'V I J*.' 'r S ‘ V„ - f . " /,*■ ; ‘" r - S'**'?."!:--* .‘ f V : ’'i,.r? ,• . ££p£j?ffi < h W |j> o^it^^ PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER ii, 1848. ?. business €ari»s. S, , v- i f " 1 t* t - "'•'" ' ■ • ;.-. ' ’ '*' ■>-'•;•: 'I 1 . ''• '''•'“ ' •■ "" ■ ' v * ’.alf ‘ * T -V jf V j£ i ’ r^ > ■, v > -i - 5 >■ j - v «*i -v% *• *l^ *. t ' J i *"** K % ,4^? .- ...-- lf * -*. ...,->■ V«W t f r ' “ Tf >* k'ijij J- , » *“j|L L ,- f *■*’■•' r |- r „ , 31 * * *■* — ■* ef *-J| ’ t l*? X:>J „ ’ ' ' ‘ (. fl.'f e -**£s- » , *,A; %?, V: rg? ► -?• V's r . “-"iU ’ ' /- < r > «"" 5* - “J--'. “ 'rfe -, i-~ " v^*£. ' : - \’£' ’ 4 * ->a^& ' *, ► * ' >5 r if. * •* 1. « „ y ' - t l*‘ „ * & ** ' r ’'. "•" ■+•" ■ - •V< 'iiT i '4 : ’ l > f { /'•S/ >•, > »• f *■ -, W* '**■ y * x J. » < x ' “■* ,I* 1 • ' ” Jl*; *»- S >- j, c* i r : - *' < »»^j ~ 'H-V 4T * 1| ■SiiiiiiiiiSlßiii^^ ' - < w’ . y&iis >'» - ; j Vf jv& /v -W- - . v ~ “^4; V -r- a *rsls, 1 * -v .7 v - sV. v ’k it •'••r- I v.-:‘i'/-^r'v;tC'»4 r'Ti'ii'Wir'Vtv.tSS}i%^SJf.?j -> <• -- ,i k t *VOA* i'4- i t "i^Ar 9 *V \* i r* x - } -, * j V <_,V r < r : ? v JA^.l _ A : 3: Sttstncss (£«rbs. - SALOOAh, AND BATHING E'irAßLlSinn.Nr, , .LIBERTY STREET. SEAR UIEIIKAD OV \V»IOU. - ffIMfESK eJegant ana comfortable Saloon* are now in' X thff bcar oTder, -and will bfl constantly supplied \vith.. 'allihe luxUncs of-theseason—havingfievcrnl I’arlors lo :aecDmraodale-pnvatapartiDß:ofLndiesiind,Gentlemen, ■or either sepaiaiely*wher« will be*enrod up, many time, in the \ ery best pt> 10, Ice Cream, StfaiobertiejiandPfachcs.Acith Crcnuiyin ihtir ' : ;r * w isittson'S ■': -The separate department; with Jitaths and Parlors lor :Ladics, is now open forlhe frummer seasoni to which the attention Of. Ladie* is rcqueateiLaud their patronage car* uestly solicited. 'Females are engaged, and always m at tendance * ■ The: Gentlemens' Bathing Department is also m com*: pleto order :The. establishment has been fitted upm astyle -unsur passed byany other m-UieL mted States; and J-adies and Gentlemen may rent assured that the . greatest attention will be pdtd to cleanliness aiid comfort of visiters, in cv>> erjr respect. - ; Invhhds, m particular,- may expect to ceicslhchiost careful attention; aiut can be accommodu*. : led with Baths 111 all Ihcir.vanciies of botv cold, shower, douse.snakeandhead.aswelLas.vapor.&c~&c..' A few* Boarders can "be accommodated with Boarding by iheArecki dayi or single meal; Apply to " ■ PECK THOMPSON A CO Proprietors fT7*Tickcts for Batlis for pare, single.or by the-doxen, at reduced pnci . * maJti CHEAP HAT AND CAP HOLBJS, m NO 103 WOOD STREET m AgS&K JM SPRING FASIUONB. BEAYEIi, AND A VTRA HITS' fpHE subscriber respectfully informs lua customer&nud. : X the. public,-that he baa returned: from New*. VoTk; bringing with him the most approved style of Hats, for spnnqaud summer wear, adopted by. William ILBcehe. Broad way, Hate Beebe A Costard:: He would also inform the public; that he is daily mauUfaciurimrHats and Cup*, of ail deficripuons, which be isdeienmnedto dispose of uvpricestopleasedhe purchaser; That is, cheaper than any.other Hot Establishments.the city..-. v. JCrTCountry Merchants.wishing to purchase Hat* and Caps, by wholesale, are requested to call and examine his assortment! as he feels confident of. being able .to - plelse m quality, quantity < andpnec. -i r - GIiASSGOAY, Manufacturer. ; - vi .No, 10? .Wood st., 3d door below John D. Davis’ . / • mar4*ti3m r / Commercial Auction Rooms. ‘ FALI* FASHION OF HATS FOR-1848- • ' Bl>COKOdpOO.i(laleßTontAKlng,! #» /WILL introduce, onSaturday,'Aug.20; the FALL :A&L STYLE OF HATH »just received; from New Those, m. want of a.neat and beautiful HAT are invited, to - call at their store, corner oi Fifth and Wood streets ang34 Fall Fashions I 1 1 H PAULSON, Jlo 73 Wood Street, Si door from ’ thecomer or Fonrth; ha* received; and will this day Introduce the; FALX, STYLE OF GENTLEMEN'S HATS. huA would respeximlly iimte hi* customer* and the public generally tO:call atuyexaimne the same, migth* £fSE*h FALL I'AMfIONS'" ggf HATE AND CAPM fßgi THE-.isuh-kprilier, having relumed T***??*® New York,. will introduce, this hat; August,tJwhj l£4r* t Mnsts. Bteb* FALL BT.YLK OF HATS, to which he would cnll the attention oidns customer* and tbcpiibhc, i lia isdnilyexpecting the arrival ofhi* tall assortment ol Wittr, Caps, aiut Mitffx. all o| which will be disposed of at unusually low prices; <» W 1«Wood it, • ntiffCd • ~ ?al door br low Drm* : Auction Room*. •. r AeV lUt nutl CAp Htore. - v7“v •. • /& • JAMES--W Hit ManufitrtutiU jgS&i\ ; ;. f&ilfmruierly of the corner nt Diamond alley wSta. Wood.Hireo:.’) begs leave rcßpeeituliy TC™**- lo inform lim old cukio ;i *r-. tm’iuls, nmt ihn public, llint he hn* opened a S TORK ouSimthiield *i.. Avlien 1 ' a c-hohrr nasorinleiu HA'l'iu f.l PS.. aml. J.ADIES F-ViiS. [as good.’ neat. mshionuMcand nmvi* :»*-anv m the tmy,) !iiny lie linth J; very corduiliy inv'iie* hm friemlfe and t>ie public. to remember hi* new iuention and ef-iablidtmf-ut.nml give Liiu n cull a* beany ti* he tntrmls to welcome them; •■. : -■■ martl-ly ? Fashionable Hatiand Cap Mamifaclory* ■fi S. Agent. AjT tnforma hi* fnemU and the public general**3®*% Iv. that he has commenced.the- mannmcUire or 4Sff*sa Hat* and Cap*, nt No. .KX Wood »trecl. one door from the corner or second, wherd ho hn» now on hand a hm* as* sOritueni oi Hut* and Cap*oi ius.mvuniaiinnio.iure.wnirh he.wtll. dispose ot, wholesale or reinih tm tbe mo?T -ten* sotiahle term?, tor or city nccejunnce. • Hols made to order at the shortest notice*. v ■ upli)-3ui r £gUA.VINlate. Stock*. Shipping, &r.. eilhurtu the Auction: Rooms or on the. premise*, and wilt in nil him self t* the ulmon-tlor the benefit ofJim eraployerv.ou the mcn-l reasonable aernis; lie will self eicHuivclv and only: on comimmuou: neLiher jpurchasmg itor having any in terest whatever on coodstn the store, but tocroiy tho com mission forselfiiiif. thereby givmg.ull owners a tmrehanee without partiality ot having therein property disposed ot to the best advantage. •Sales will be prumptly.*ettlert when made. .Advances, will he Riven at miv time, on the most accommodating term?. jWcrehunis-wirlnoibechorgedforaiivance.*. Regular sale davs r Motidav* and Thursdays. 01 Dry Goods, Groceries, FunUttire, Ac.; ond everv.evening, Hardware, Cutlery. Matches. Onus* Pistols, and 1-uncv .Articles. IkwVfi on Saturday, evenimrs. . ap.M Great Unrg&tn Corner l : J - J. DATE&. IVboUsalc and iMnitDeaUr. m .I>otvf, Shots fir Hf. JrjutL*. Star/eonnr . of -btflh ami hitu:hft(ir{ trrrtij. Ptttsbnri:fi.-~ 111? Aubsenbo.r rej»j>6d fullv. nmiounce* wins ofd curio tnerA ami Ihe pnblie peHeralty.umrJiO has removed his Ilool.Mioenml Trunk Store to the largene w:\vnrehoHsc Jatelverected -»t ihecdrmtr ofliuh und iStfmiiiicht opposite th*r util I'uUburgh roundrv. where he will keep onhnuria luruen^ortmenvol HOOTS.SHOI.S.TIAIK. , muf LKATItKR THUNKS: VAI.TCKS.CAKrinMSAIJS. : 'TieuiovftT~~ . . "’T } & «■« 1-reeM n> » uficmr -nnhtof(Uw>&*i »o u« eonwror Firth wul Maibn «!««, ---lUi! M SuX KL Lof of oar mvu ninmiweuuf.. wnb.an amortment 01 beinlc" I ‘t 55? .' ut i& i!• ini' "iiriun.Wm.^.OTcf Ul " hi F "' , "' tnl,c ' lc - yLi&cS "in 2 nrmemWr ll,r pb«,H,r<~, (W - catUiromcmr oMciwtwuers uud merchant* generally. n _ q ' ttsy „ t cvfr.»» ami would inform thciu. that we intend nothing on our ' vv. 1 ? 1 ? u Ajlyd f t r e tM«. port shall induce them lolook further, os we expect to odd largdv to our stock, ami dimmish our pricey. Merchant* and dealer* are solicited toextimmeour stock of Goods. aplO-tf • r M«rey llonpiml. rrms INSTITUTION, under the charge of the Sisters X of Mercy* snuate on fhcveitson tnreeu south of Penn svlvantu Avenue, ia now open for the reception of Pa tients. The medical gentleman attached Jo the Hospital are—'./- Doct. I- P. ftAZZAMf • DOCI.APOtSOX, .■\VEBNCatBO, . McMKAL, Bai-Cic; •: S.YVnEB. ■ ... , Non-paying paiianwwll be received a* formerly. ; Pay. patients, will be received ut the rule* adopted.for the temporary Hospital • . Lower \Vartuv *53,00 per week... L ; pper \Vards. {m which each pa tienthosajsepurnte apartment.) 85»00per week. Theec termsuuclu.de Medical attendance and Medicine/ Pay ..patients riw have ftnytregular) Physician lont icmiihcmthai they may make choice oi, at their own expense Clergymen ot*»ny denomination oto allowed to visit patient* when desired by them. The Mercy Hospital i* delightfully situated ut on open ot'd Ain* part'of ihe etiy, and within tenmlmiteA* walk of: the Court lloufc, . , v. ; . , Application for the admission oyunieuU can be. made either 10 Dr.'SscrppJi,-.or- --....JAMES.BIjAKEIA,. jfc3 . iClfn of Committee of Mercy. Hospital. . ypi 6 „did Kntatsiuiimeat. ■TAMPS Wv would rCßpe.ctfullyO |l inform the public that hr ha* removed to his ¥gk new location, No. KV Third street* (next door aboyocH' the 'Neither expense nor trouble- ha# been tipared, to make it the -most extensive and magnificent rtmtllur* warehouse to be. foumLany.where, cast or wcai 1. The AtOfkou band, tor. taste. amt ele ffnittie, l< j»uch QA has never been otTered to any public. From the most costly outfits at SI,OOO per set, down to. Chamber and kitchen fitrmmre, may ;be loimd »n style# and pattern*. to sun any and every taste. i.W , >Vuod*. well hdpes for a continuance of the very liberal patron age extended to; him heretoiore, niul pledgeßlmnself to cIW entire «atiAfuoti»n, lK>tlt as regards the solidity, du rability and *.iylc of hjs unlelePv tuid the liberal and ne* rommodatim; nriuciple* upon which bp doeit busme-M-'r, His' extensive new warehouse being; now filled irom the x*elhvr to the tbutth storw with every variety ot fiwuttiro andCitAißs, he would wohcii n calf irom all in want ol article*m luslnte: ■ -•- i m>J7 —\Veat point Woiks, 1 IUPSTON &AVAGNISR. Engine Builder*. have t'.om*- X- meiuTd badness on Venn st.v near the Point, nt the eiiabliAhnu nt formerlv earned on b> V \ 1 >(in: PCr^oits'wiUibiK J IhviK or ft»r will please lovor u:; with a ehll -I* we iPitlVr OUrselvos tobo ulile to fuiniNh Imnn on a* terms ovany'oiheresiabbsbmeuinMhtf city, / \Uo-tollingihill and costmg*oi every de,w«l'tum can ho had notice Robert Peer, Thomas Scott, ■>'* rbiireb Carothers- & Co.: 11. Dcnnv; Kstj., McAllen & Co. Uinrcn,t-arm c% p m Vn prj fl pja rNocii \VAO\rji ANI3 I.AM>fcM?AP*v I*AIMINU—jVr, • thut lu..bas on baud, t Urueurjei) of I uidscnpe?, «>r mIo allhe Oileon on loi rib *tr« 1 1, Hi n\ un W u.d t&i “ MfitmbOßt UaUrr>, Tlir, bra ln\e ni>pecttuU> to inform r ßteamhdaf'men-and.ihft-public.- thatrthey vt ill open a A Kir DihYjn i on « aur Mrcct between- Ferry and Marketstreets,on 'V^dnesday^bemcmhorliJUi, 1«S; and will Immediately be prepnred io Airnlsh the Bread,&e Mo order. Thetr oven bns-ju«t been conv plcudf and is bt u» ro 5 i» l^ joaiu imwrotbo [ t!> f fseplO] HUNTHt A MAT* BOV W.vNTiSU—.V hr*i rim* lioyia Avanirdionin errands JNone but who can come w ell recommended 1 need apply. - :■. i- lßCpB3j ' , "Pi.-H. PAULbOI'i, , *■ \ •~ v? 1 -> 7 / ~ " f y , r > ‘ ~ ‘ {.l ‘ ■■ib'/vl'rJ-'y.-ir; ClilcKcTlhg** Pianos. n _ JOHN H MVIjLOU,\o • -tjHßßSSliijMfla ■ offrrs for sale*at t!\e-lowesMrniuuuu'tu* rcr’*pnces, o\ .fl I. •* • fv■•!•.“i’iutio^forJesi;from ;ilie manufactory n. Jonas.Chu:kecjng: Boston; Mass.:.. r. No-1 A Rosewood Iron frame.a octavo Piano, .- . u 2 A ‘ < <» 6 “ JtX “ til ‘ “ „ C* 1 11 4 A t>i “5 A 4 1 caneil 0J ‘ J**- “0 A, 1 » i»i rt • 400 •'•• • •^ALSOTOCLftSK’.COXSIOXiTCTrS, :A Ro*ewo«lfa : made by A U GuIeACo t N \ *275 A Rssovood; carved mountmgi&ml.tnouldcd legs 6^- octavo, made hy the Manhattan Co .N. Y.; a very , powenul Andsubsiajuinlnmde'Fnmo.-nrtiieiow . price of tT'> A very superior semi-grand , Piano. made by.llerz, Pans, f 3 octavo, 110 euood aaav, A mahogany- second hand, & opiavo, mndy by F; , Blumo. 150 A mahogany second haiid PjanD. made byNunns k Chirk, ou Amahogauy-gccond hand piano, mnd&by Noid, 1 . ,100 . For gate by JOHN J 1 iMELIOR, 61-.\Vood>Bireet; sole agem for Chiekering » Piuno*,for.* Weitern j'■■- .;■•■■• • • • . ;?jylO ..~ Tftrfible UeToltotlon—Mar* Trlnmpbant: TtttGAN A CANT WELL, {sign oi the VO No *G /JjL:.-lWnrke.t street, would; respcctiully beg leave 1 to call, the attention of the pubnc to their new stock {; THlVsuhscnbe offer* to sell; ut private snle.-two very valuable.mnas, adjacent to the village ot Murrvs villc.m,Westmoreland county, eighteen miles trom Pms burgh, on the Northern Turnpike. . • ••’ ?• ■■- Number ottu contamvnbout One hundred and fitly acres -ronu lmndred ot.which is cleared.r. Abpui fitly acres is .first rate bottom—n part more in meadow\ The buildiugH nre.a large trarne dwelltmr houße and kitchen, a large ; bnuk bam. utid other out bilduißs mart, bus ahout fitly ■■ acre* of finely timbered'.lanil.:oud h ; thriving;, apple- or-- •; '.r y - / ’• V ; : about njto hundred c!enre»t—twemy oi it exccJteut botr tola meadow, and the linlDueo-thfckly covered with -fine timber/ Oajiis ercried a comtoptublc dwelling honse and burn, ntnf ».thriving peach orchard. There ore^a 5 uuml>er ot .never •ntiicli omlks above mrnis. : r As thi*rse.farms arecohyeTitehtto ihe T^TtsburghnvtT.kc.lj -and surrounded by rmU^ruiii'lin u«j-s, nijil \viilnn halt a mils nMhe lVimf-vivama Kail- Road, they afford nn opporiunEtiv torn proiitabbvinves!- meut m mil be met 'with •• lot* isi -iL* viHni'f' morehmd. county,- l'n.. on the >ouihmi Turnpike. on winch i? erected n-largejirirb tavern.honsc.n lar*iw:-:mtl cpmniodiou».Rinl»le.a 1/jheksmtth.frhpn, snddlcir *hdp,:qrid wagon -JVttfiphftl ho'iiteso.'lcU rite: lou acres 01 first rate meadow., This proper! vhn* lu-cii iomt kept.«« n tavern, and n*njnv« an oxcettem -niMoin.- It.will he. soldlojtciher.of.divided 10-KUirpurchafter*. -. A!u> t *1 hirtv*three acres land 14 lue eenlte 01 this vil •hijii* et TJouvnr, in osimoreiaml romtiv. ou the IVmi sylvamn cnufil. on which nreeiecictl three vmuU »Uvr-;l -uifrhaute*nnd.n born. : ' -y-fiVe aftrMnlr { »billiu>fs?.r Twentr Vi-ar>i' loss o' hair ami AYonderiul. rc.Mornifqhl- ' ■. :;••.?• ■' - V BaLTIMORC, Juk 17. I?-17. < *• Pear Sir—-Tlur wonderful ofliTU.uf Jomi* r -l*orAl Ilnir Restorative has hceu deri-nvelv demoustrna'tl in ihe ca kcs oh several ropeclnlde ciiuen* 01 the town, u lu>.. ou account ni vour sclhnp three slnlhna: trial bottles, trv. .it Without tear. - One instance.which has ntiraeied p:mu>- tilar attention. 1* the case 01 a ge»tlcni:m who li;»l little., or no lour tor twenty,years; he hud tried jinnutrous pnratton* m vnnnnml ulnryupiy lindlnsliendslmvcd nml wore aji.wij;.;- At .wy rfiKntnwidiiuon. he turd the I»c-. ttoruiivc. ami after uslii£ it, accordin'* to ibe direction, torn short uuie. the ynunjrhatr appenrechnnd hehiiTltnw a&.hbe a head 01 hair as anv person m.Baltimore: ' ‘'Sours \c JOHN JvUAIV* ION * It cauaea oycbro\vs to.«Tmv,prevents the. hms Irani i turiim? erev. and the first application eimse* it 10 curl } beiiutimny, treei'Ji fromshurtj and stops It iroth; mllthjr j off. . ’ ' ' 1 .•• ■- i- HOMUsPATHIC liUUtvS.—Jum received,nt the Book* sioreot the subscriber, m Firth fit r pear Market:> > . MaUrta sltrliea.purd; bv Samuel Halmemuji.tniu*laied und edited by Charles. Jufju* Hrmpel, M. I). 4 voU. , Hartman* j4cwiel)ura.ir*.iiv Dr.llemprel, vob i. .. . •• Homapathic Domestic Medicine; hy J.Lo writ?. otiinrg ed andimnroved-by A. J. IIaH.M D.. •Jalit»s Now Manuel, vol. I t Nos. 1 and X llcnnjrs Domestic PhyMCiun. .■<; A Manuel of Domcdic Cookerw for the use 01 persons who ore under Jlomtepuwc treatment. ..'■•> ; UoomnfihuuscitVl'ht'rnpcruc Pocket Book, for Homn>- pailnsis. by Dr. Okie, • Habcman t?Chrome Diseases, v 01.3. i;- : • Together with Modiciut Chest*, of different sizes mid price* (opto] VICTOR *Olll B\ George Armor, TJUSUIONAULE TAILoR* No; 43.: Market street,— X? Having removed hi* Tailoring Establishment tu the rooms on Market fit., lately occupied a* u Bookstore; bv Boaworth A Co.; the undersigned is prepared to fill ders m hi« into which may be entrusteatolns earthy Ids old-fnends nml customer#,and the pnblicgencraUjv Hi*, long experience jn the luisuuc** and the success with winch he hint prosecuted ilm IMtsburgh f emboldens him -to hope for o liberal share, oi patronage. -.He will make, nit dcrtcriptiona of Clothing tp the beftvnianner, andmiosl • fuslmrnaole sivlc, FOR’CAbH.-'■ - v i * ; \ <, FO_/HtM.°R _ JHerclianCTallOr 7 ■t IIHB subscriber rcepecllully- announces to hi* custom* i X- c.wv'ami to.ilieceudcmvit ofM'nisbun;!} nml vk'imiy.i feii«rolly, that bo ‘ms ructnvcd las usual nbsoruneid. ofr prlng 6oocls*j for >reillleineiiV\vear, loxvlueh he.mvilosv itwnrnUeiniou.- 1 His fctecfcicDtopnseA iTne.BrondCloihs oi all colors; Cnssnncrc.s ( rioh -Veslmgs; of plum uml fancy, patterns; nllorwhich hu{w prepared lo mmiutacturc'm the.best.amj ipoat Tat’~K s< „ 'JiiyVX.S: * * f » -' * r ** j r miscellaneous. Valuable Farmi iuia Town Property, , FOR SALE r Sold with iuU directions m ‘•'i.Ciiulhum si.ls A .uudby, W m. Jack»ou. Agent. Mi.Eibenv si. Pittsburgh- -i sr v ; „<'•;? • I‘, T - ■* . s» »;;;§>. . " jsa,. " ',■> sj.«s . ■ > " 6 „ ~ * > ,u--' , -v' - - J “Y 1 ' --r- * vXuiXX'S _ ct ■* -* ' " ** S'* 1 i 2 i , jv >. :?T - V , .. ' ' - "V i’'”’ - i K 1 '- ' - • h 1 *■ : '*,< a .v^ cl aJ™ S n Awnem™,, 4 - ~ r em mra „t llie rm ; l!m , 1 ;\ “•¥*? «HmiHrWossriisleC~ f ~2.’. pHOlDorilic cordialeicfimgofoi.rihoa«nifrlenil 1 ' , „"• X and llie uiujcaniplcd paironaee bestowed utiou ua C ' -■ since «orf4wsim>tdHie, “* Tj - ' t'*j„ >* T be* leave to assure our patrons lhai no atone«illhiYin ,5 » - “' _> ■• mimmert lopTomotctoeortron,pleasure, or,.Jbilan'i ' ' ' » } 1 01 o ,om3k^o{dia K taj “«rfJo«"cS '4 - C '- t”' unrtleail off all niniflure»w»ahmoii'siu tire Avit leo V$ „ C_ ■ ■ , t-feun, innnrotW,) PeacV- amMrcitu f\ s t e t s ini <., --fi. r«iu« thr} arrive )rvuh nil otlu r rtmdimViii mar hi / 4 - „W. obtained -II tin-plnee awl sen.,} U), n a unumiVvnl,. ’ _ „ ' 1- out precedent > i \\TirtFvrV • ,* b QJ* Balls and panica nmu-diedns u nab , j,. £; , ' "i*" /“aRATOR'W lA; dni«imu fti v iiTCT~iET- , ' “ .’. z-t ' y, Wpotin niiliiibiesnf-imiel jn-ipl, Warre i ' , ’ -Vi V, iF-'i IbiimLHuirj.AleSj'ulerHnniinon.jV'icf Anita nnd {' r ‘r '•; drones, rhri>tia«s uJio an uni t.i4,,ia no,((WthTni,,, ft - *■ - are not denrogoyues alio T B “ , M*»sP J w Iv # V_. , , Tfae above just recenod nod for sale ItV ‘ ■*,’ ’ “ ' c , e Kl.UOT’filbNt.uSll, XT) • - . s' . J* -. . .... s( i MjrVel altd ;u Wood strep, C SI ’ ... WJ &M C'th.TirißFfiiSi.Ji— p- t , “J. 111 ? Bmillcre, and \luue arid Jui.uor Hefe * ' - ' >hauy \l?o Jnyjprnrs oi Sodn Asli atuL Bleaclmt -ij£4-I " i ' * e - > e tSOiairjyoureA, t „ 4 ?t >*“ j r » * ... . - . a - - . , • •■xtAtv =. t' u VOx. * , .-VS triiS’.'tettJ-'rf!®. .. ,v\ X * > 1 • ' I V'-.r ' '•'-’■s ‘ * .', v ' ’ u*ra l , s U S." -1 - •v < e 1 a *■ t s ' , p - e P ‘ST S , e.v -r* 1 -,, , lb H * , l *- -p, "" .C —e»~ \ . ij > , z. v;*-. > f ,*('i r,., , “ ' , „ /.'• 3' 4 ' iT~% s_;i E 4 .‘‘ >A>' ”* f > ** t ] FaslOon&UlelHotlilngStorct No; 218 WBI2RTV ;STRtoIfIY : OPIR>fiHTftiSRVRNTI!* JlttlhSirtiNmbeM. rospevimUy ihJonn thi*jr:rrUMHls nml Jmvoau:i mprtr T ~Yotaijijis 6'f hlVMyleA Ctoilnnfr 01 jiockfi HaaOVcr* ! short, «'vrry nmole usmiUv kvpt in i Oft -''n ‘ Gtimlmctt wishou?: to.hnye-Clothes made to order, in n fuahiojinhln.stylv.Avtll ftmi it to theirruivmiw•>- 'v jjvMi M MVI I K\ DQM MNQ •/.IAWVAII,iN .OWi5 ISargntii t omrTj r\ J: whero:ilH!m :rctft’;|ye nm! : l|)|ii? 3 x-i <* v»:iy vun- - *!v-i, u Uiak •AviUb.OhVjhlc.Linnpox t.Uo.n; oyi'r^:tiWuG^tV:t)Ki!t6j:is.’’uhu , k:’ .*rtle.H aHU:RmoU;t>rost«; 'xl •Cs.-.v A\ o Jotof iRUNKS ( JUG&, \A :AU 'v'O uto c.OHTVH'K v-uUUo of-the: iaoi ftHeotot*oafi the !■ r iG?,‘l^u^Tot‘jttij^ft[tla'c^,co.ni«reo : fr.tsauiliffaltl aniiftn 1 | sirens l}e3oj J im f.b 'IWTO,i , l’*TUV‘A(uhll4. «)• P»*nt >»R-::.rrtV-s?«Wli:-(fUcU ; '- f ci*t*ry'*iyte li ciistA* J i i <*. ii" X( *1: H ivi?'?r>' I ’ f»*: i 11: i tfind St l WY ,V t.-Ivt*rv' ':^iyKiV^i'r«lUS;till»ty-‘h'?V\vl*• .■ J j : Viu'd;Hyi>\V'if A{hrlfjik piuho; amM Y sih!c-\\ lovD-lf Lct~*ee i Wood sr l^r-dhceld V {• p I t l 1 ** '■ *t * -5 , ?i. * t- I Si..'. '* miscellaneous. JSevr .Store X s ; China Hall. 'Ko. He* IVbodsireet, above Fifth.-.-; "ITfIfiLUM GlTt’fY' (liltelj ot the find oi Gill A •viJT-: G*?»y,)'has oponetla.new.CHlNA, GLASS and QUjSKNs>\VAHE STORK, on Wootl street, u tew doors. K'lfomfcinh. where cati :bos:.aLn.of Bri-.-} tanma Metal Ware: He invlter'customers"iron»Mhe.:| country, cuy-dcolere, and all his:o!4 fncnfff io.call anit examine Jus stock ; I*nce«f wiflfbe very moderate." The gooiVprmwple ov • sranilproSta and quick finles;’MY.Ulbo adhpfctlio. *■- : ;:jnr“,lleoicipl)cr:ilio place. CIIIXA if ALL j> IP (Uw&nlt T>ARE CHA>C.E toil AvHAKOAIiy OF COAL JLif, X 7‘HOS; ALGEO, ■. tmis-tf * ' « 3U Fifth street DUFCTS B&OfcJCEEPING nllllilHllllNillalANo WRITING rROOMS RK- ; stt * c °J -BVfiUMlUUUPv'rtel>ta»ion*--Per«on« desiring to fihish'tlfeir "Meremmle TMndation;iirthe most-thorough ■ and expedtuou* manner,wiil find Mr. D.* lijsttiuttou the most periee-t West of the-Mounlams Fftrtnerslup' svtllemems ftnd balance sheets made out. MiHivFnctQties.'Join,! Stock: Compai>ies, and alI kinds of business. can I>e .furnished .with a specification -of ac counts,'/tlrawh* tip m-sneft’amanner aa to dJthibit the •iOpemng, conductu)^ r c!osmg :and itiial .settlement of the aiTnirs: thus affording the.keeper of the books anun ornngguide; from the of the buames , e . Horns—■-> and 7-folO f>. m. ‘ mnlO. listeit Uzcitemeiitk i GINCEIhe arrival of oprgaJJantvpluuleerlfrpra Men- O co, marked attention has been paid to many of them respecting-personM appeflThitcdfOn iheif-ftfrivtU in our ciiy..:,JSumberBot..ihem. have-, appeared .malicsireets wearing citizens dress ot the latest and most fashionable 'Cut and approved styles: vTlie becomes general 7 amom;st;ilieir..fello\v-goliliersj where , did you get that handsome xct( oi Clothes?- ~ Answer i'atP-.D£LAYy > 9,'49 sirCdXrWhere.you-can.gciagenleelgmtbfciotlfdd from 3to 0 dollar!*, thiuwpuld really asiompli yotr. -? A suit ofhue clothes can he hadfrnmBto ldnnd2odoliar«.' • rbe:stoclv'Oii ; hond 29 target eoitfieling. of every article tor gentlemen s wear, and will he boid at extremety iow puces for ensh. tw the- proprietor intends selling ontihe : prcsem.siock Mi order tomalcc rdom tor faH goods; great bargain* may be expected and, no mistake. Call amt judge fur yourselves at. r. '• 4 . - p. DEI.ANY’S, : J)*ft dP Liberty «t Farmer’s inn, • . Cornerof Fent/imd-Towth SlTWi\ Pittfi&nrgfi. : TplIK undersigned* pcfjprwtorof.tho above well knowju. JL Untet, rcspeciiMiiy inionns the public that she hn.« gone to great expense, in fittingnp the house-inrthe re ceptmnuud accowinQdnttpitnfJieroldqustomors.aud oil who may honor her with tlpfir patronage.. sdie i« deter • inincd.ihnt theHole!.-ns herefoforey.shull sustain the rc .jnuanon ot being iv quid* orderly, and welleoiulucteil es tablishment. :No pains or expense will be spared on her •prtrb- to -Tender-bonrdiMP thtd itavcleriPitS eomforlalilc as ;ihov.ciuipos*ib)vbi*,ManyoiherpuMic house nubceiiy.' Her tnblewill be prondcu with cvftry luxury thu market 'iiflbnl*?,'in - shofU-hcr gnests.nmy Text assured that she will, ose-every exertion tn her power to render them- lull • uiuientiresatisladlidn. • A share.itf publfc-yVnironago i»- ' reapectinHy soheiti d I lie subscriber also provided with sufficient room . for the acctinnuodMion of about sixty or eighfy horses-! {o^BoutJor- 1 .eijhttjdiice.—eoriK'Coffwryund Fourth. unOtWra J I ITTI.K i- rom Hev.Afa Shvm, of the Protestant Metnoihst Vfoach. •TlMißuudersigneih having been biniou,Hldnnii‘Mhepa«! >i: Aviutor..\viili a dispose ip the stomach.someiitucs pro- - during great pain in the stnmnrhmrtcn ortwelvedtoUrH • nnd hnvmgtned x-anotur remedies - •wiTh lime effect.Avns furnished with a bottle 01 f>r. D: Tat/fus-1 armratinve Italsam. This he Used enused the pnm to obaic in tfnree or iouruumiies: -Und in litleen or twenty minutes* 1 qvery Übeasy sonsatinn-was ..entire!v. quiete^i... ..Tlie mcdicmc v aAertvnnl9. tt-.inrrc-. *mral ihutm sutfererwn' relieved iiotanlnrgeaino nt of opnrt -ivc pun I>om 1 -xpenenev ther tore he tan tonbiiTitlj Ttroninitn f Dr D Jn'j lit o C irmfuanvo Bal y3m ftHnsalunn mtdu me n*r diM v nbta 01 the siomnth • nuUu3vvcl> A SIIIVV A!lr+t eitij Citu Jnh W l^i*k iP Tor sale m the PLMN TL \ STORE, 70 Fourth yireet nearAVood aug7-dJfw CO I*CKM RMIIP TTfILLIAAi L. SUAtI'L cc CAl'f; JAS. aTKIN«Oi\ VV . have entered into pnrtner. j ScMd H?a4* J?P4jrvy, tirj-.iipolas.vyoU Kbcnni, Barber’s | :Ileh—you rmivlm cured:: turT persons; who Imd Clihy >.km (fUtniscs for yenrs. mftratlet trvitif every* thufg In vuiii.Mmve bech curettby Avashuig'the part wtilr ' Jotles’ ltaimii ChermcAl yohp. aud can conscientiously, oiler it tar. auyoijthoiubove'complaints,AvbijchX'wouii! not do. unless 1 Knew it to he alll state. Jf you have Sun FrccVies: Morphew.vTaTi^Sun Bum ordisfhjv sntcoirjittiol'miykind*il\vi(l dispel ihem.aud make the tikm beautiiul—this a sure antidote and euro tor .the bt\e&' of rmwQiutoc* Ac .- •_i]lr* licvv nrooi conmenffjis.. .Particularly cheap ones .—ask lor Joiwv r*oap, and see that the iiAmeotT. Jones. ■ m imdiieh oafctv Persofts from or in- the south and other :worm cumalce.would.Gnd tins.not only tor themselves, -but It i* u iieveMyilunj retdedy Tor chaps and chifesw- Imastts; > AmJ.ncjvr;.Teadori liy gmuglhisonetnalyou will liud it all or even more titan we nave stated above. bold m t:- Chatham street. N. Y. ami Jackson. Libertv gtnni v Ti»diurgh;-:. ■•; ■; sopgi. * < Bare cant Agency* Til J. KEENANr European-Agent, Imsreturned to tills X» city, irom.ihft fsouih, and vnU leave, in a fewdavs, on the ncmiysecond tour oi this .Agency tbr Europe. Persons-having debtsf legacies or claims to collect;• searcheMdnmke,or remittances ofraoiteytoiheirfrieuds, or other busineM.totnjusact requiretocallou him ivtnudtaulif, at lUeMcrchants'lfoteL.on Smuhfleltb street Remittances of moitey- can tit any time be made to all putts orEitgianri. Ireland* Scotlandi-AVatee, or tbeCamt»; went his Agenrs ni the various chics of the Limed fctates 2 .During Ins absencem.Eurapc,business entrusted toMr> James May,.Merchant, pi tins city, will be duly iorward «d .uid promptlj Micnded to « THOMAS J KEENAN* Pittsburgh. September 9th Id 4& NhW' .'. bcnm ati account of the lirsi exoimmmon-of. the Ohio valley, -and: the. curly .viUrjneni.onbe-Nojih west-Territory, cmeflyfrora ongiual manuscript; ccutUpmiig.the papers oLMrrGeo.' Morgan, those ot -Judgollurk, the diaries ofJosepk Buell: .mulJolujMnucUßi'thwv rccoriU oi tbc: Ohio Company, Ac.. Ac., with minteruus plates and mrps. By;& P; UiV drttli ' * 1 :.: Oraiprs of the American Revolution, by E.lr.Mngoon. .\\ ith portraits oibrnmiel Adams* James warren,Patnafr . Henry. Alex* Hamilton, Fisher Antes and John Randolph, kvoljilyth r v RetiringJrom Business; or, the Rich Man s Error* . By. T S Arthnr ' ' < -vA few copies of each-Of the above works received this iH> aud tor Sale b) «, 40HNbTp\ A.Si'OCJCTON, Booksellers, «cps ■ v and Tlnrdyts; • ? steamer Greenwood Jhavingi stopped: for.the sea* . X f-on, Caldwell’s X.ihe 6f new ana commodious Omni• busses, thd :Gcn.i&{ttt and Gni. 7by?ur.havccoinntenccd rmimtig fro rlt ■ Fii>lt • ;.i ry et. beiwceii Market and Wopd, .cucnhoariitroin b.o'clopk a. M U lift 10 1 n The propnesorot this Line, having a -heavy bridge, toll: to pajVkopctfthnL* liberal pphliovdl sustain lummUus enterprise ■ 10* Halt Dimes tV3Hiobhc taken ft>rn passage across die * « bwot punctually willlie observed m the limeiof startm”-* •» { [TeplS Utasolrmoii* •■fpHE..FIRM of Acheson & this dnv dissolved' . X l bv mutual consetii. 1 'Mr.'Jns.Ti Dnpghnvingdechn«- cdbutmcsAonaccountpftiKhedlth,. has disposedofhii intercM.to Jna, C. Achnson. jTlie.businessbercatlcrwilJ hc conductcd in themmrbfM' A J’C Acheron ' s WM \CUF*O\, Pitt lutrclt JuU, 1 JAs, p DAGO 10" In firntot Acheron A Dagcr> Itaktphn nrc in m i jnrnrndim; m\ «.nce» siorloniy frinuK *llxl tho rtihtic irmrnlU JAS'I DACG JuU gv t~\i\ hULIU -ijl ABM Ihe mt) iS^SK^rnwUvi,that hr hHS removed toone.w hml cx-. tmiMve stable, tpi.Liberty "treei, m ihftJ’irthWatdinbovc.' • ilrtr Cimunhulpci; wliCfcifckecpK Cavringeis llaronehe^, vUuggnis.u .ll(*nnr.c* RulniftJlnrac.K.r.iCr Ilavuif udihsl largely to his tofnicr f-lcwK. he sohcitA the paifonugc ot the public i " 1 s* y ~* N B Hor p \.j .bv the J.wV*week orycar nsi M\ cirtni.rs coleman > iMI O U l MUM Kit 10 Id i OR FOR -y MELLON »%' i\tnj envfcM i*ort>\ mu t y\ ' t£3 4 Swrei Mnl*i 4 for sale bi sera: ‘ V. & AI. AxirCHEMBIIB L r r V*; k-, r ♦.**. i y ' f t T *" <► w r ~ * •*' i -l ~ llv- !.••» 'V- •. T: •-. • : ur • »••• ;*■ i-- ' r ’• < • .■.•-.•1.-,' -i<: t! < * ' * i-Y'* ; r ;s? -V f * t“ -V uX. s i". 'v* r- e 1 I w ?t - t T/ t / ? < Ulisccilamohs. j-f 3; BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. K. W. corner of WotMland Fifth Bi»; prefer pored to execute * * j,i v - tmKtt Pnrss saKmo or tvtry wacaPTipN* « R 'Jhaiks, BtQ of Lading. Cvrutor*&& IPtttnpMetS) -: j - Billuuuts>> v/.4<.Y : Hondhtlhi >•■ “ ■<. ■ Bialiks.' ' ■:; v Linds of Blanks sw«, Steaim BoalßiUgtWUh appropriate cm*, printer nonce ana mostreftaouablc terras. ■•: •' . He jespcclfplly ihe patronage of t, thefpuhlic-generally, mtiiis branch otfus In t..W» * * • Hew Book itnd Paperßatak vltoi&S ‘.Wand ttnti r 'btt}Dtm-Finmh'n?Ht? trpHE.sub&cnber&havejUsbopenejl,satil rlafge iioclc of diflTcxewt ;Qualiiici R» .Wiuttr.an&B]aaWmiuguiidX»et(cr.J*Opei and Packcl Post Flai Cap* Deray* nnd\Ale< PnperYorßlankßoQks.Stediiuaundßoyal insPnper;?,Pri liters* India, Koamelledanr' CariU, : Nos. 2,3, :4,-«inaU and doublet s’ Deiny. and Cap DayDooka and liedgert, and beßteastenibindinSr&cliOolßoovjCi GoiaPenß^nk 7 >Vofers,Wax^Bi!lFile; ; . Blank Books, of aH suea.ru ledta pal »n tho moat substamialituuilierv-i'A ■ -. Country -Merchants: supplied ratjholo ■pncca fortbsitror RAGSatenshpnce*. „ JOB PEINmG,v ; > Having, a- JobOfficeidcounexioU-WitJ niem,weare prepared to executeftlliordt jjncy: PnntniEj jJookaf PamphleTtf, CJrci Cards, Bills > otLading,' Ac^with.cfcftpu linqcff 4 ELLtOOT* ' :«o, 7S uood el.vbcuFoarib afidDi At our store h'Cl Fourth* may ai-ali tiroes-bo Ycnuidutliurtft . logical and lroif da soon as pubhshedyand sold aiftr lokvt .• Thepublications oftheAmericao Biinda Ytaud;.Catalogues furmshed on appUcatL rt ELUOTT* Markets*, beCThii t7* r "pcemitfj i^toereryibingMnihe-linedf-Vndemikier^n' ; quit tbe-l)usiiioAs of Cabinet-^lukfutrc’amt i ‘Will be devoted alfotteihcyr to-thc nhovi*? -largujpporfmeiirmftOFHNSiruultvam edf and lined m iheneaicstmanner.;*?!* matenals t nud utallpnces} made.o! all meS;:of .Hoijiiel. Cambne. " : al! prices, amf made m ike- cnstern sty) • articles necessary tor drc«&in£-4U(vilend: , nine nils;of qwihivnmlpru.'e.io win ;ft It ■ or qn?Tavinqtlie.nnmeand oge;JUEC/ the body in n:»\ by ihosivu lio wKli to kt uny lengmof time, and.lmvo ZINCPAIs ou' the tody i LEADEN Ctfffih a splendid new lIT-lABSEnnu.-patron . line liori'Cp. nml nny nhmheroi theliesr carrnltseß,'cic-- : - 7 ->" ; etc., and will be prompt. pniicmali'and reDßonablo: ‘ augtO-j Tajto rsotieev B A 10 Arihnn, ; XX. JSioholsOn i; Co., (I*Ajrl(vFoundry,).are requested to^ 1,1 oallattlint oldWatehoupe on Liberty street * ; nccounti-will,bn placed in tliedianils of a ’ Peaccvon thclstju/y next Mnv 1C < ARTHURS; NfCIfOIiSQX. JL Co : 4 ID' A?:ntnrAlD«»oriniciu of *OWC.sI m.irlct rales. Liberie.Pt., bead.ofiWoodpl*-, niagd ARTHURSA MCUUI *m>V BOOTS, it Hay . 1 iron/, \\ fcolftsalo nml fletoil ! Libcriy siren } ncarly oj>ivosrtelbe bead : - * Q f KL . i * M IrtTP uv«!oro arid ore Tfceiv*n* thne I all ami \\ nner piocl w BOOTS and SHOES, consistim* *• ofjhn they hare nvef beeij’iible to bmig-lor' 11 :-:'I jliiiij ißorkci. alPDliavn conaiowlyotr band a splen- ' v - ”did *focK oiHaywards Meiahc (jiimwa&Uo Shoes.bpth, h nn bt /-i not mu.* &c— ~~ XX . • 400M)I« IS O Moll****? ' J -• ■ ft»,bljlfl,.Suliom.\ii- 11-Molassc*;: :> .12 bf. do, do do dp: • -i; • : > ,-. iKM bass Coffee, prime ffrcejTjv ' ■•?:?• ■••.?•«• *1 hf chests 'ipsorjrd 'i’eas - ; > ... ;110 Mx.pnund raddii»fl;-y i ;ll;'ftnttTffliHrrlal.T#ai-^>-'. 15% ♦ \t» do d» do* 50 hbds Sugar rt * - ~ 40 bbh Tea G -', • - 1110 btofyvPxlO "Window ' l 10 do JOilJ iU» 0 , 50 do Tobacco large asjWwmciii nr llte Jirvv warehouse EDWAIU* IIAZJUErON,. Jr __ lNogdi-e?isi.corner of llteDiamond:.. •-i yyusoFrs toxic and AXTr»DYsm*iri cvm/ (hexeTiUs ar&Carmui£ v vr rurgaiive Tome. :;li* Urj* cpfrjyuotUliitdrUy : - anafng from, imprudence J»“T“e?e a .medicine i* required. Hus prcpamiion is iceeflflfc'--.' applicable, for or abuo i immediate relief, vsben innspi-o* exUt i.jwpurgatire operauonppcniihc A «" -«• -vmle and eflecuul, and- its tome proJeHSU uopart S strength to the djtu»nve or-wif, ib*,*® $ organs ler perform thejr proper ipnctions with order aiiit- ; W •regularity.-; has-been reduced -irxxfa 50 to m v r • cents a box. - . . , ) For sale, wholesale and retail b> B A fAHNES- * TOCk fc Co n comer Tront and ATood am! Sixth sad I Wood l reels, Age ul toriMubm-qh jy i4 q JLtX othtrrttntdttifor ■ . f [ . .. . ,i- Ji'SEHib, lsld. < I, ~™maj-«emty thaiTgavetivoortnyAMldreii.iliiec \ 1 anil five } care old, in o tea poonsfuls of Morgan sW om J ! Mien; JO each of, them,. ,rhe;ypungest;passf!a SI fates i ; wornjs, the smallesicould nothace raeasnfed less lhin?7 -'l I ‘neljW. 'TJ'O eldest passed 1 so.largeUntiniWrthat'iye 5 i WS'dnot begin to qotmtthem;; Jhaveusednllihe popu* ! ’ lar remedies before the public for worms, but can sov 1 : Uitnacleareßnscience.MOTgah’s.TCtiHiiiHllfristarsu, . 1 - penor to any son betore the public. 7 14; SAMCEtJoitSSIOY, 1 -8 rrcparcil end sold, pro- 8 P" e je r „ dOIIV D m6sgaN, s ■ l e » ? ~ ; Druggist,Wood street,Pittsburgh. ? d.\Ull> Aiu-l^-firixreo slreriwnf lrairefausv ®sfl l • ' V (along Churtiersi 1 FtrslWard,Allerfienj ctlv,near ‘ s MancliesU-'r.—GEOItGK URAltEll having resunted.bu* - i rSines.ib oas - Si [ Place, for lunuiig out all.wortiii Ins '; - 1 ' -' to lake boards to bfs mill aml deJiver tfieni'K/customers ' L On reasonable mats , . , s 1 Pressed floonng boards, siding, Ac- alwaj son linml. -f s A large quadiii} of dried floor,irglumber Oa band * Omera from AVesteru Lumber -Merchants promptly ex k teuled maSO-tf 8 Sfficlofa.mehican’&forekjn'PATents ~' ■ s ■ JAiIES GiUߣPiOl,'Gtf,.of the fc&e firmer Heitor* -- ! Mreeuoagh, conunuea the busine» of Consultin" Enei 3 ’Ag«fW,-:»-hU inaetyaTihetitfot t W ASHING TON,-. He; may be donsultea and employed m rnalang: examtnauotts in. machinery in the PatentOt ’ ’ C... .fi' < '*«tdel»en;herd,mfurmshinganvtungaaii'dspedEee , ttons,of machines, and ; all.papers necessary- 10 seenri' .1 ■ orextend IcttSmem rte 4 ' United States or Enrope' LCeean also.lieSnsnl!ed pVo i t .AsStonally oa all queslions oriiligaliQHurtsni-nncierthe' - ' I*■ Ihtlenl Lau, ami \r,ll urpuc questions beforejhb Patetit ’ " 5 Odlce or an appeal iherLfrom, for whld&hmlongexnen- >'t ence m the Patent Office ami mins proftremn. r,"' I - n §iV^t l t*' ,Ld ,h I jdr .The professional business of the late J - i *■ . Dr Tel-Joneshn\u»gbeen plaeedmhiß hands,all lei* i h,m post J |- , PiUsbuiglr Homing Post, and "l ‘ fh*A o ‘?.®*I ,u hhaan\y i lleony,six“nioiiths,Sehdpanors, ' - ’ P^^llg^tcadiertiser— JvVip ybrbJsrptVM, Aug sp f- > _ Ko. li» . YKTOCLD call the attention of tbs'public (the lndleit ,T¥ especmllj) to htswell«electe4o«wiiinftnt of beau? .titul Irmthaod English CHM.t IIIXJA’GJtNn 1 ' BETTS. Consisimc/iripari,:of fi6ldßan£Goia Uaf , bancyandPlajiiW-fiitcf al»,lniltanfiilrtni> m t ll( .sl| I .'" morKi ' ' ~ anpSfi \ liaWood^l.-adonHj^a^FViib » IS' ' SQ- V V/ jji 1 * £ . •' .K■•■ t .;• 1.-' •:-; I v * V J.s* 1- f •>/ i -;:; t ’ i'^ i V." v tr:- ?_f V- % »jJ ’ a n J ‘ A / r_, r - 4 / 1 V*> \.. 1C K/ Ti4 4 j„ ~ v*i i i"'' ? *■£.* -il‘"''\ - v'»- , r , "':‘ V s V " ;■ -*. ■ -:. ■ - av-- - - '!;« .’ j i: ; - -1.. r X *s-v -t , v v -r - v . V .»:,... . I ISIS '-£? 'S, ‘jii \'r^' V * ! K ‘ ' l' ~ -An. - _ -" C - l- l " " "" ' ■■'■n'i'Tg.ii r i.-<-Z- _ - ' * < Ar 3 , - ; X-."'^^; v ■• • -' :7 -^ : '