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( -„‘. v ' , . , ! , * * jtV: * ; ri ' • :f *f; ‘ l ' v , *- v /C ij- --4 * f » -r ; ' . * *■ T > , J r .” f < s' v- : t - v** 1 ' i * A * S- *|» « 1 5 , . ’ * . ■ ' "i»jj t'x, «’V : ' y-v >' 'i ;-tef •; * ; ;'lt - > tf E , ‘'-•>* . iA *■> . ’■*.*? < .’* ’ r■. .rj ' f '.5 >l ' \"’- S» x * 4 - s,t i? *i i^v;% JS ' * ' ,r ’■-.' ” »3 J’l %>:■: At >' s. >sy^vv'-" x - V«.\ * <* V ' ■»' > l ' • - » &&■'%?&£&•;? j B"; i-r -' i^fdrA\nt . *"' V t, " s '' sTrS' v§ v^l*4 jt. ' r^, £* i " ' * x 1 : 4^ i.-- x i ~ * * --:■ ■ v ■ B&F-'i-’l't?'' V; n*-- 1 ‘7;«... ■. '■' ~ %r , cS ' - t *- V'f.V-; 'A -’■ •' iCi*lZi}4o~f?^: * , \ i - -'' * -f: :\ ~ -’>■ .v:, I', -<4 , * ';• 1 ; ' •i , - ,4, W3&site'*z>'"‘ r ’,«/*■- x - -' , / * > v V 4> *‘ y/* WvV v\ f “T-» * •>. 'j' >. I 1, v / , ■* , t,'' -* f x 4. v;t . ! ' 1 J 1 ’ -> ' - "r . f 1 -4 f ' 1 J , V ~t \£ ** K ‘ 3 * j ~ f *, (, 1 r m ' ' “ir^ 1 k ' r , - j 1 "It*; /' , - t v \ t 4* * M V A.- - / * ' n Itje iSlornirigJpost. T~~wTsprttrrDrroii and propmbtok PITTSBURGH: TUESDAY MORSIKte. OCT. 10, IS4S ' PKMIOCRATIC aomimatios s. FOR PRESIDENT. LEWIS CASS, I ■*“* •*“' OF MICmGAh rrr •* ilnviugTull confidence in tour ataUujj."**!?: met there plat a,id del.cne qoc.uonaK everbc rrcnUecledtuih the mo«l.vel> feclmg.ot menu SKggSS: son's Jttter-lo- Qenrral-’.Cosr. •. . ••.• •. • ■•; . for VICE president, WM. O. BUTLER, " iU> OF KENTUCKY C3*“BCTtER undhufiyeson, .'JHfSESJrR?* with Wa«hlnpon v null Gen. WILLMM O Bim r K one of them The Eutlers have fought on. ot eryhem iron Baker Hill to Mont -re} aud there ts a tovror ot airengu in the very name •. » DEMOCRATIC BIBCTOBM*' TICKET- . «ESATO*UL *t«CTOKSj- I UetoV*L Philadelphia Couuy ILHobhB K.ieae>‘ <|<> iffiL- Hl Isaac Sitoki, do IV. Al> Kochtobt a® V Jacob S. Your. MonlgoniMT "> : VI-: Robbrt E. Wrioiit, Lehigh . . do : VII IViilias W.Dow-trso, Chester do VIirHECTrrHAIBKMAS, Lancsslct do IX. Peieb Kj-we. Bolts.. ■■ _. ....••..J®.: - . v.' I3ea'SARdS-S."l'w.soveb, Monroe do . XI. Win SwraAtn, Wyoming do XU ' Jobah Bbkwbtbb, Tioga 5° Xin lolLt C Krro, Clinton do XIV iJmw'WiJDMAtfj Lebanon IXV. RoftEfcr i FisitEa, York aa jCVI- FaEOiaicK SHTTH.Frankun-; «° >XVIIi- Jou?» Cftß%vsx.t, nonungnptt. , 5 0 -. XVm CiutivxA. Bia«, Gwne do. • XlXi’CEflaos W. BotrsiAtr, Bedford : - XX. Jous R- SnAßSOJtfßeaver do -XXl>Gwn«i* P.Hawn-TO*. Allegheny do XXII W. II DAVJmCrawkrd do XXHKTimotut Ivs»y P«uer • : • •;•.:•. XXIV Ja>n» G. CxiiPßKtx, Bailer do , TOR GOVERNOR, ____ MORRIS LONGSTRETH, Of Montgomery County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, ISRAEL r AIN TER, Qf WestmareUni County. t TOR CONOBESS, SAMOKI, W. BLACK, ■•-.'/ ’•oV'.PrTrSBUSCiTI.-.-.- ■: y oiw 51.Y.4 JOIIN I MITCIIKL. PHtsliurgh. '"JOHN'S-’ HAMILTON. do. EDMUND fcSOMDFN, Alloglwny WILLIAM li: MILLER, Yer«iiln\,. BEOISTER, FUWART) M'CORKLE; Indiana. ffloniiua Post 3ob Punting ©flirt. CORNER OE WOOl) AND.FIFTH STREETS- • • ir?* Hacinc added 10 our Establishment, a .spienuKl Sl«am.-PowcT Prmtinjr Machine,; «te prepared to do nit kinds of N may possibly post up a batch 'of lying federal handbills to-day, when it. will be too Ute for the Democrats to contradict them* Pont believe any thing a: federalist may circulate io»day» _ We trust that every Democrat into whose handa this paper may fall, will consider himself a committee man, to remain nt the.rpplls to-day, and *e6 that ever/Democratic voter in hia ward, bor- townolnpj is brought to the place of voting* We must not lose n-single vote- Democrats, do your duly* __ X,oolc out for Praudnlsat Tickets. '4-f, ■ The leaders'or the federal party, in tunes pasr have printed nnd circulated false and fraudulent [-- tickets; if they are not closelyvvatched, they may , - - ao this again. Keep an- .eje..on .‘f idiller , and liis men.” - herit ifltbe early bird that catches the, worm. See r that the Ballot Boxes are perfectly empty before the jieopl* commence voting. There is no harm in this. • ■ • Sdnjeof Gleotworlhts men: may attempt to vote f they ate unmatched. It may therefpre be - •advirable'for tlio Democrats to remain at the Pollsall flay, and »oc lint there nte no illegal votea given 03r Jons A. Wills, Ksq., (for whom ne ha»o "alwayspersonally entertained a high regard;) thinks wo hayo done him Inj linnet; in a little paragraph: which' appeared in the Poet of-the Jth instant, head-, ed “the bargain consummated.” It was not our | intention -in that article to attribute to Mr. Wills conduct unbecoming a■. gentleman or .a wan of honor.| He has assured/us that".no bargain has. -bccn ehtered into botweenthimseU and the whigpar -• tyy nor does ho knoomef theeiistcnce of any such; bargain between other free soilers and the tvhfgs. - Wo have no desire to. injure Mr. Wilis personally, •I politically, priralely.er socially, and take pleasure m publishingiheabove statements ... . • Court of Quarter Scsßttms commence their October term on Monday. * . • , v ;;>v’ v 4-"" t' l • .*■ ■ . anuria, JOHN G'.BRIEN* liawrcnreeilje. cuaian-.sioNj:a JAMES .WALLACE. Baldwin, , Er.rosyra. DR JOnN -POLLOCK, Climon. ■•••■•»" f»V-PTlg JVP -THE COrUT. .• s> BENJAMIN' WHJSUN,’ ElitAbeih BoTongft. ttantl BlU*» Democrats* do your duty* Be at the Polls Karly. Democrats be.at the Polls early to-day, for. remem. Be nt tlic Polls all Bay* **• 4 * 1 i* ' ■ frivt otlr £x/ra r/ l ■' MALIGNANT AND INFAMOUS .. Federal Slanders! A New Issue in the Contest! THE LAST CARD ' ■ ■ ■■ • • 1.-"-. . O? ‘ i - • ■' -• HAMPTON AND MILLER. • Wo promised this morning to publish, m a extra, a paper circulated .secretly in different parta of Alle gheny county, intended to impeach Col. Black. The paper haa been carefully kept out or the City, where it could at once hare been contradicted, if atiy Bane man here could suppose that epniradic T tmn van necessary. But It in dropped down in remote parta of the county, where our citiicna arc, perhaps, not aa familiar with the facta ns thoae nearer the city, i It raises a new issue, and ope that must be met. Whether Col. Black, and all the gallant aolunteert who were with him, did, their duty T The paper has no other object than to gne out that <• I VM& dad fa stand fA» Mwes and ex posure” in Meiieo, while Col. Blsck and all other I Democrats skulked from danger. , ~ If snch ia the fact, wo hare abated a common dis "grace; fur the good name ofoHlhe Pittsburgh V ol unteera, « the property of the People, or all and crery party, atet or profcaaion. When THIRTY THOUSAND, of every ago. IHt and condition aaaembled on the Pittaburgh Wharf, to receite our returning aoldieta, but one heart beat in the breast of the mulUtude, towards each man of the FEW whom God had allowed to anrurc a thonsand -distressing danger*. Snppoae Jacob B. Miller had addressed. .the .immense gathering of grateful friends, with this citrtel from his paper, now circulating In secret, “ Fellow.ciUtens, THE LOCO FOCOS GOT THE FAT OFFICES, JOBS, 1 CONTRACTS, and staling*, the. Whigs had to aland the blows and and exposure.” " WHERE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE HONOR OF THE COUNTRY CONFIDED TO SUCH FELLOWS AS ■ ~. ~ , ) | uni ;S.' ...... ~I lion, Federal.orators an, -J Itors, - ■-■—, , *; - TV,, n n 5, nnda 1 moronic there were laut SAM, BLACK»” What answer would the people p A>Wuw w , piivst* soldier ,u the 2d Venn- j Ktrc , uv jeelaraltoot, ibu, »f « he- , . -both for drunkenness, havrmadet What answer would the womenbar j , ylTlm!l R rgin) cM, and w« ordered to reman wd'', f3tnr ),*,month* would not elapse before a* t roorn.na there «. one onty-a black made to CrhsepMiUxn, if he bad teutured within , hu Csptlin> 4 , p o eb!a—Capt. Qnatl being, at; w < a „ , h 6 nublitbmcou m Prnnsylv*-! clmaed w.tlHhsordeily conduct, reaching distance ol the feeblest nroong tie t, m e, dangerously ill. If he left hi* company, ol vt»d, would be •■neperded, fur want of a’lleirbLv tho Poltco dfd more business that But, here l.a par, of theamtab e ptoduCon d.u- WJpptbr blll i„ nf a.e.allef. hr ta a coward.and j |3facMfl sU busmen would!* " four ruwd.es. tr.buted amongst the people, for the benefit of Mo- (hp „ ror «,)(any one who remained a, ■Pucbls.t. t , Wj ,j rt . tfr l„j tt »,t 4Bl r*pteyaud ruid would «• ,‘j p * rau , S mat l of ,k„ eame .ml >ea Hampton. obnonoua to the «me charge. The Pennstliatn ihepamai;* or tl.iinet, the ceimtr£lja* , * \ 3 r . u u-njc™ House." Tho paper is called the “ Extra Alttnrantf. *’ J, Battalion left Shield*' Brigade and ‘‘j l¥t nl . ki» it prwperrty uuparall. ltd 10 a. conduct. W ha, kind of ,j a campaign paper, publuhcd id Lutontonro, Fay- PueW because they were ordered tu no it- Mr-i w , n ß d,trenatthi« moment, the md.. ttloeawi, , u> d „ 80l 01Bc i, a jmire -the ette county, and conducted by J«o, B.Mn.w. uft bcraui* he w» ordered they •«•!**“", 'of Kaq., brother or« our etteewed towoaman.-’Alet- Jo cootd 0 „t be!,, himself lo theawfutj* (fl ,* IS „„ 6tu . ««nr..U«r » nplaiiy of rt. rtptalM. i under H. Miller, Esq., and broiber-ip-Uw of the of Pu , Ul| „h*re.« be etcaped the lalllea.««| - (|if J. t - : ; CJB « B #tro**ifs-nnnSthatandiog |r Mammosui TBupci ttr-rOneof thosealTairt,«i Hon. Moses Hampton. .j ihc valley," be was wounded, and hi*.On s ?, brother,... •„*.»- stAVlfil,*«>£>* day* since, am i rnminoo in tbi* age of tho world, wa« anUjnJ .bj aa-Some yearn ago, a irateler crossing onror j mc(;lb ' r of , br i) Bl?o e,ne (.nil. «« bided, in .Iji jhe'fai.ir s* Ihtli Laa not hreu inrprn- ijlsror ,‘ampbeU and ortrer Ferguron, yesterday. A l^SdTiofblwrde^rd^^beV.nrdr.; the bloody battle of the IM. of fMoU r, when , t aWa J jSBSfW luo V,eg eierman woman made infiir horse! disemboweled him, nod crept into bin carcass j Sewell’ and LilcbnM and li?oe.*, with t|>eir k | *V.s..^ 4 j w . e ,p us tbectwhlry hTMorjaiopleioiadedi! ttralion agaiatt bee hurhand, far bea,io v ' her, lie to escape from the Mom. The fellow most hate.j fril together, twelre .oiilj .«f the gal W([H j •• • They sctoally swallow evert ivwak dniok, of course. The whole farndyr~wife, been a loco foco; or at rale, avc c»nn« e irs-, hl;l cumpln y f leap og unhurt. «>tf that such pol.ueul ssg ibonds as W) btewart bntbaod, ch,ht aud aerrant girls—were in the May. SSfHtaiS?. Vo.ontrera «-- dsCob Iw '.f j. | ... ofcVc, at the time of the bearleg-aod ad.r The loeolbcds embroiled the country in the war,! Miller can wreak hi» tciigraoee t : {Her do the ptse* of Holy Writ? ■ ..' 1 treated looking party t!i*J>ere,f jcepvUiclni*Vaud, ; The fighting waa principally doae by whigs. Tfce , , —.■/. - ( ’.. v ■ , ww»sAii>i-*«4..—' '1 who was l.iohmtal to be distressed about any thing. ”sf.rat r s:ihKr.r*=: try, and where tbe end of the war.u the conduct America,i, tw do ike wo-k up brown fin Him . ,te Tr.bure.oy*. be will Jr.ok.and when drunk be will fight. Apr,- of st had been confided to such mesas P. ik *«»»'* b.s paper of yesterday. Greasy tens the bw * Vovti- Gciruartca.—A poor fclluw; m P*W*i ; Ctloralt returned, roternf leillkfrifutay.anddespistd . a jnejodisg mm and boys, of wh.cn Mlm j j Mt ( j,ur jesra, keosneg that: I canoe, lie trmled^-f sireh, who baa long bees known as a confirmed in for hn trewhery ttd Ijraony. v *, 4 j »ri« a terr co&ndcniMi 1 ). tpiißklinC* * «orie (batv 1 Uf >U»fisn» \* ■Etery on® bts «c*n» that for jtar* puti& tmabcrui in ail sVont iWi il*rt of iht»f tattaiv* st ifjfi (J freitiifli wWMf ”' c ' l . . * flood ofcommon people haa been flowing into the rl | o f:,he neighboring townships." ; . ' . h their fhewls.*' . t ■ i iea-,ait} aisp’ays itseir,'buwerer, lenuite pMuhsr- Whig party; «« bow CI V * axllrt 11 " S *- V U * Ac! a pronimeet «• VI, g" of S'cuf lfaV#»,wr,G . tie ban gene frm««tl» w m’ent. e d D^ e B h ”rt lU3, - J °“‘ I - wh,gstbmue.se.,thstGrrasy lyieg- The ' to , w ed,or of the ». .0 that e.ty, «ys - O.r^tl^Trck’; Gen PAtter*on. who gained for himiolfbj con ftwtober in the - f< j |»i?e been lold* ty:*&***'***ij*}to \ Id* h* «a* at tjic door nf the .thntre» ear . t ?. b Tn tentL the name of « Father,” Ugbc on Wrdawd.y ««.rp !a«!. ct *• e»fc. #?rri*oo? ? rri*o 0? C»* - b»hf »* f- floating around « ! threo ware with his stoned received in the front w«:svilt oiicn ibi* and taken-,be counterpart and resemblance of ha 1 are hair a.hameu to conies, ,h« « m r “ul„ U.e aeeeaMs. Tbe matugert brOic wh-g par- , CI V- - ! uionimg an ihar eriment of !,nd,« irmchlin relative, our own lamented abd beloved Jsmesß.. madeon ttednewlay, and ga • ’* tr assigard all m principle, and sifccU to‘asadabil- h CntLO,—A lii'le g"! abwt eight jeaf, Si.r Bader, who led the P.tubnrgh Blue, through the.r paper, “ «b» Democrauc p ocemon r«rty «• ; «eTft Ztme mother, on twAV‘SLuSP* JolT'AUm" taS brilliantcarcer,lndiewrsr of »«.^—! g ß d'splra of ro'f^opponetti."''^.* 0 Tb*'gsklw ] pma!«°pcrpwwTror*ciy ”rS ' anernoeni amt was not heard of | «ou>'lot bac 'l'i' l ' i, S , l'F 1 ' dcst demeanor, manly deportment and clinsliairgen , and spirit ol oor opp «. ,i.„ Trlesraoh pticcinled political gsmbl,eg," ' B(n ,j testerdas ruermug bite was found in B.t- s Mr While wtllo'itisrro.tomcr* nnd i,suou-u i■ I' ' " ■■ i - 1 MTS : SoOßt thfi MIOB IBlOg* *• ~f k, * |.‘. c.,r. .. .■ * .* • , Ml ...... ..... •;.»■•• • r • ■ v•. ■ v •k j »* * JIV’U r ‘ ••■•*.. ■..•■•. v, •■ < ,>;c- d ttho ai v*d oo hichcr liooor than to be (whig) aiiortt, the Whig|»wer»i«>» t»tfml *t*A «®ra r fl«T*ltoniiig w*w ihw> B»*ry thing. mtngh»w» at lh+ * that l*T n companion of the « Grey, end B/ur,,- whenever! dOOO or 5000. accnrdmg to the (anoOer- Tt e Wa.b.ngtuu, Uelen thu. ™,c*.» . MM- i **** .he nver, no on. can , *ll of ibese, 1 Whig paper,) the Democratic procrasise "(IUF.AT-t pent that appeared in its columns; and,at the same i burcugb. ato 1 B . , u wood siren three doors' irom Huh, for <■»«!> W «°}s *J *M* Esq * 'wh'de LY OUTNUMBERED TUK WHMSh,” Now. what make. Ucded h.ta, one of the most to- *U Hr, account iMiutsatiifrctory. I «TW FIGHTING WAS PRINCIPALLY DONE become, of Oreay'a lie t [ i ngnlsbed Federal iraderci— J fcg- u u Mol that there arc tit hundred ihlrve* in fim _ toclt«l , A»U«.»ifKIvNN^Aon ; _ BYWHIGS." Being « LOCO FOCOS.THEY GOT KoVfcr Pewnsy W«wt». j “ £££'«• in <'ineiuo.tl.ana I'ren so §•» on Wd THE FAT OFFICES, JOBS, CONTRACTS, AND H on< ., t , rmbfiil and tree Demecrata, Jh r al ‘ ,°; a , I S««'» l"r,W il'V mV'nm Ji£V**?* j many m U»dtP. Tnere are reverahn „j.j4 evrmn, STEALINGSand “The WHIGS had to STAND Pennsylvania prove recreaet in the knur of. Iml 11 (ban on* IhussAml dollars., tustfad of #0,(00, tlcluity 1 a good proportion ol wham are io niKt iidioe wliite tux <,itc of her hind ieei; hnd.on.u hatter- THF BLOWS. EXPOSURE, AND TREACHERY ty* think we bear you respond in a vneeof ten i actusl awoont, tne.ndihg ra'tuns, n rail* of $7,000 .. , Ao espmienred Police officer think, that there nh«.i\e Ml Wiei« about 5 years old. OF THm ENEMIES." 'if ,he Whig, had ,u -l No J «»d fi-ar .» stand the blows, while the olliougol“ coalracisnnd stealings,” and did notsland blows, Pittsburgh hit been disgraced by Col. Black, and he should be dtiv en from our commodity.- • If the paper is josty and its icsinuslinns and charges true, Jacob B. Miller, Esq., doe* we|l lossk the question, and ntk it, too, as though it could not be answered—** where would have been the honor of the country, confided to such fellows as HAM. BLACK ?” Fo far however as <* the honor of :thc country ” i was confided tn Haro Black, we refer Mr. Miller : to the history lof the siege and surrender of Vera Crux, the battles of Cerro Gordo and La Ifoya. If that is not enough, we would refer him to the ofiicial re port of Cel. (now Breed Brig.Gen’l,l Childs, in re gard to the behaviour of Col, Black and the Penn* syltania Volunteers, at the siege of Peubla. Read these extracts: << on entering upon my duties as Civil and Mitita* ry Governor, I found myself in command of Capt. Ford’s company of cavalry, 46 strong; Capt. Kend rick’s and Miller’s company of artillery, numbering 100; together with, six companies of the Ist Penns, i Volunteers, commanded by Lt. Col. Black, Ins total 1 effective Strength being- 247 j and hospitals filled with 1,800 sick.” ... « With this command San Jose, the grand depot in the city^Loreto and Guadeloupe were to be gar risoned and held agalnat the combined efforts of the military and populace.” .. «'■' ■■ I » '■ ■ “ The various paints to be defended for the pres ervation of San Jose, on which the safety of the otn er posts depended, demanded the untiring exertion of every othcee and man. The enemy augmented in numbera daily, and the. firing was increased, and finally on the. 22d Sept. Gen. Santa Anna arrived with large rein rarsomenta from Mexico, much to the delight of the besiegers, on which occasion a general ringing of bells took place, and only stopped,at it had several: limes before, by a discharge of shells and. round shot from Loreto, into the heart of. the city. . On theiSoth Sept, Gen. Santa Anna demanded my surrender, a copy of hn demand, together with the reply, are herewith inclosed marked A. I here beg to pay a passing tribute to my gallant troopa. So soon ss I had despatched my answer, I supposed not a moment would be lost by the Gen eral, who was tn attack me at all points with his 8,000 troops, I rode to different posts snd announc ed to the troops (ho demand, the force wilh which it was packed, and my reply. Their response con vinced mo that all was safe, that a hard and bloody battle must be fought ere the great captain of Mexi co could overcomewiy. little band,. , The point of attack was San Jose, commanded by Col. Black, wilh Capt. Ford’s company of csvaliy, and Capt. Miller’s company of artillery, and four companicsof his ownregiment, and one hospital, the guard of which was in command of Capt. Rowe, of the 9th regsment of infantry. a The dnty.reqmred of this command, as I have be forimbserved, in consequence of the various points 10 be defended, commanded an antiring effort on the part of every ofiicerand soldier—a shower of bul lets were constantly- poured .from. the.streets,- the balconies, the house tops and churches on their des yoted heads. . - Never did troops endure more fstiguo by watching, night oftor-Eight, for more than thirty soccessive nights, nor exhibit more patience, spirit and gallan- ' **> -* v trj'—nol a post of danger. could present jdnlf buy the gallant fellows were ready to fill It—not a aen tthel could be shot but nnolhcMm anjiouejnd rea dy to" late his place—bfiters ugSfolaiyreSiJgH^ltff'l eaeb oiherto behonbredmdrtyhs3n^heir-faunttJ,e cause. This it the general'Clmtadictpf ilhad the honor to cojamabd. and’l ijpnpdeot theerown of victoryyco'nld-'piiiclr upftnXp,elr ore* i.Whcn lho Inst great effort.should be made. , . » » * ■‘Fhom Lt. Col Black, the immediate command er of ban Jose, and bis officers,Thaae receive _ most cordial support. Col . Bluet, for morolhii ty days was untiring in his efforts and. seal f .*b safety of that point—officers and mon wore a . posts night and day without regarding .thep 8 .•toin 5 ond l .cannot my.to?. j a,;-; gallant Colonel, his ofiicera and men, before and du ring the sene. ' If Mr. Miller is not jet satisfied w e refer him his brother, Capt. J. H. Miller, of the rcguhrArtny who on the reports of Cob-Childs and Black,>was made brevet Major, for hi. gallant services while under the command of.Col,.Black, V . Not only Mr. Hampton's friends, but his relative* have made this issue before the people and tho peo*. ole must decide; IVe cannot belivo that Mr. Harap ton hunself had any thing to do with this disgrace ihl and coyrardly business. - Bnt wo knoW and can prove that Alex. H.Miller, Esq., recently declared •■that they had something to spring ON COL. BLACK, JUST BEFORE THE ELECTION WHICH WOIILD FIX HIM.” I* this calumny all, Or docs worse remain behind? We shall see. In the meantime, we say to the people, be on your guard. In the same paper we find a shamful oltsck on an other volunteer, whose great sin appears to he that he is a soldier and Loceioco: ; : P. A. JOHNS AND TOAD EATISO. ' -Mr.P. A; Johns, of Connellsville, >a determined 16 write himself down a fool or knave, or both. I Of fellow who was competent to.lcave his company to wait on Capt. Qoail at Puebla, and to erespe ‘hn n® l ' tics of the villey of Meilco, isa fit tool to pander to Lit. Dawson’s ambition. There are some fellows who lire new : content uultM Ibcjf ; in«» r cakes under IOBiP-gffotlcroao’JCWt. WiJ* • Mr. Johns asvs <‘il firli to his lot to be a 1 olnnteef in the v.sr.” It frit his lot to take pay as al olon teer while be remained at Puebla.: He did the vo?. nnteering—eat the rations, took the ‘“j” 1 *! clotbingfand led other* to do the fighting. Casa,”sav*he, "whore eloquence nerved our arms strengtbend oor limbs a. we pointed tho deadly steel and pursued our flying foe." tt "ndoifol _ rl “ quence. H nerwd other arms.to point tie «eai.ly steel, while it nerved Mr. Johns' arm. to brush C>pl Quail’* booi> f wad nerted hit “limbi” Ukc the** wop, nil! they could’ot go at all* \i * . . .** A.(JVy-ui.': I '. •j .. vji'-aj-.;L ; 'j i. ij- '-.T^ r T,;* ’’ r i; '•%:'? .'Ajf *•■£ “« ’ 'V -.»/.•'.T'f' "■ •it*-..■ I ‘ V A ?" 0- A - :' : ; / - ■> ' r . v / } i * wt- *r' 1 ' ' ;V. * *■' < K-l&y' Xi y.' £ V* • - ~’ * '’' r J ■' p's s.'.J. : *iS V; 3 '■■'•' jour attachment to the limp honored prtncip'r. of fft»rnptj.iio inronaiderable friary,OOP, )t of the Democratic party, by ogam rallying m lour that Genera) Taylor ncrrr mean. In tvrrtii a-mnnrr PennaYltama Wa. tHjC 10 AHt'HIW Jult.fc* lift. ... , lupporf. / . ■. , :■; ■■ ty,] “May« noi bp permitted to parody,one: of (tin POM ; and ■urety *bn ! P ■ * remark. ofour friend, JohnM. Vlaytunpcrq., in bt*. Hero’* bniom friend, the palnoi Vftft. hoe. w»*memorable .■** bar-loom spereh » of the S3d ulbt woe lohone.t old Sunni:, »nd we feel confident »he Speaking of Gen. Caaa—of hi. great. wealth a. "a «.ll beenuallr true to Farmer loNorrareii. In miltioßaiiio'Wnd hi. hating “received a nuttier Will M.«t}uaiir !■ • r ■ . , , 0 f » million of tlallai* from the goteromein by way etery Democrat, then, rally to day fur ms l aity, o . „f ts i r » {4 moil rr/rarogant .tatemfnt, «ud hi. Principle.! and for hi. Country. Mitanurl baa f ar tieynnd anything that, ever Mr. Auslrcw btcwarl Willed on the ball ftvilh near 19,00 ft) majority for the hitatclfhsa ralculaicd)—Mr. Cl.)ton proceed, to _ ‘ j rnnrtrr«ii • tlltuow lrlve. on *‘)u» trim enough that he 1C1M) can .wallow Democratic candidate, for Congrem, «ny thing, for in the L.tw.rhe drew ten ration, a liiOOO; little lotva 1,300; .the .llooaicra otlndian gay f»r hi.own use—a. much a. ten men can cat, 1 gite 6 000; Arkanaa. 6,000; Maine 9,610) Mary. thUlonk. like .wallowlngany thing and overy thing.!* I.ml ia nl.o Democratic, and 10 in Delaware nod Aow.by the »amo rule hie friend cab tnoro than land la at. pfkvrVlYaNlA 1 .wallow, everything ; fur instead of eating ten ra- Georgia, AND IvOW FOB FENNSvI. lion, a day, he can »w»llo\v Iwfftty'Hirtn ratloti. n let it bo the aim of every Democrat to gag at lean SO,OOO majority thin day for nor elate ticket. We feel aa.ured (hit Allegheny county will do lie. duty. Business of Pittsburgh. ' The fall business has fairly commenced, ami the streets prcarcl a very animated spectacle. . A eater day morning wo counted from our office window no leva than twenty-five drays and wagons on Wood tttecl, between Ytflh and Diamond AtUyt about a diatanco of aovenly-five yard*' Our buaincaa men arc kept actively employed; and the complaint about the scarcity of money heard so much within the last few weeks, scarcely aalutea the ear at pret erit. There isono fact, which t» worthy of observa tion-. There haa beon no attempt on the part of the leading politicians Of the whig party to gel upUieir usual panic before the Presidential election. The reason ta plain. Tho great tnaea of the party, ca pecially business men; take no interest.in tho pres ent campaign. Theyenpect to gam nothing by ele vating a Southern Slaveholder to tho Presidential chair—a man whose opinions arc not known on thc subject of the Tariff and a United Stales Bunk, and other measures of interest to tho business communi ty. Hence, the whig merchants generally, this year, have abjured politics, and attend to their own affairs. Such men must prosper. ' : DANist- M. Ctmnv; Esn , has been appointed one of Gov. Johnston’s Aids, with ;tho rank of Colonel. But, Damol, you were a Colonel before, in the -Militia—and how wtll thia- new, rank ,suit youh . ..Gazette, ■■ . Ugf Hero is more evidence of Wtn. P* Johnston’s Nativeisra. Daniel M. Curry, who has thus been breveted by hie Shtnplaster Acctdcney, is a red mouthed Federal Nativei and.lm« been one of,.the main pillars of the Churchburntng faction in thi* re gtoD for years. ib wow.;A.- cabdioaxc the Assembly, ON THE NATIVE TICKET!I It is rather singular that Mr. Sbylock Johnston-over* .looked tho claims of Joe Barker, another star in tho Federal Native Parly of this city. Wo may. search the annals of luntory in vainto.find a party, as cor -rapt as tho Federal party oPthc.,present.day. May, Heaven save the country frora falling into the hands of such politic il pirates. 'v ; *»*•:£*£ jv'v//>V: ,m. *»-u . '• v r i,V’ v - tiro** AUempgtl Wc have seen it a rfcC[J* Row York, E*ptersB, Utat|rffr» ,mvc iHfen'l&lhtSfcei} *h lbo nfsiifeate> jo thteclTuri W tecl lhc,r Hickei (oiTGavfirtiijr i a.c. J >&B gornttiWlug” prcWtrtb i tin ay bWelicd-aip&d;, anti if so, it certainly places the “Whig” party Ift Pennsyl vania upon, ground which we ; have never assigned , to it. It ib' asserting,’ in bo many words, that, the 7 <‘Wbiga’J State tfe acorfujitaijd.ujipttnciplcd "set df'vagabondß; whoso only aim is Wrccure mdn oy ; and who-aTO therefore m the market, to he bought by the pattyC\vho^hair;oidi(h , S J *h | BheBt for them. As ono of:^p.fecht9rsof t lheJ'^p/ ( c f B 5? fa ?r“ r HQiije lirfte-'connected.wuh the Treta td’.Uii*cU)» ; k£ iught to know something about the true.chattiest the party m this Sum.' \Vc are, however, inc'ined to think, that the editors of that,.paper : with thogenus about the time of an important elec-, tion,) have “found o irare'a nest l? W.e.doubi.lhe Capacity of the New .York Democrats to raise such ; a sum to bo eipendcd ahroad f *nd suit more -doubt the truth of the statement/ on the score of the.im . plied reflection, it cast# upon the political character 'of this State. The. old Keystone is Democratic, and ilia therefore unnecessary that Federal vote.’# should bo bought up in Order merely to swell, a pol« itical triumph \ _ Fifth Word Meeting. ' A large and cnthuaiaatjc meeting- of .the Demo crat! hf the 6th ward, aaaembled ntlhcSchool home on thnOih lnatant. Wmi Wilson ‘Wal cSllcd to the Chair, and A. M’Cimmon, appointed Secretary. : ' “ The meeting wax. addresaed,, l>y .Col. .Black, A- Burkc, Wilson M’Candlos«,and(;.*W\ Layngjin an eloquent and truly loairucnvc manner.; v n ■ . The following gentlemon eompoao the Committee of Vigilance fur the Ward: , j A. M’llwame, John Hamilton,; William Wdaon,. | Morria Martin, A. Hoccler, Jaraea M’Lanc, John A. j Parkinson, George Donglicrly, Samuel M'Relry, A, I Depots, Joseph Meyer, William M’Cagpe, John R. Hague, Jamca Blakely, F, PeUx, Joirph Allntea, i W. J. Ankmn, Robert: Bmstej, flasid (ll.aax, John | Mink, Vcaati Michael tcckey, Dayid Straaber j gcr. E. Reis;JamtxlfamiHon,James H-Nicl, Janie* Eaton, ST. Callecgcr* John Cleland, Friebook, ! Henry VVallaeerJamea Otnstah. Th* TtlllTiirtHO. VVbco tUa raott hi«o act wa* m progftw of ailopr idoli all oiftr lhn Stotr, ... |£7*DnMu>iJjur< CouMim* ; nrUO-^i JCT-V, 8. District CourC»*»The Utiiltd States Pu»i<’t Court wjU meet every day, until the-tMerWon; from 10 to I o'clnefc. iVruon* \mlumpo be wttarfthred had better *reion m time., - ••/>;f*pss-tp. of the Xvsimni' Fire. Company. hr.ldftUhe KngimvHua»e,on iheisteitinfirom I’liraricYOii frnturtayvftArd* imummounty *■> • ? llnoh'Hi, That the thonkaof ihaCompaN&M t teHtl*ri»il to M***r*< McKem»n.&.Co-»loMhe loan ol thy iiorrnrrjins m victims to iho tomb by thousands, wdbaui. J>rlu£::«Tfv»i« «d in its progress by ihe medicine* m common use Mill© present tune. But u brighter day is coining, and -has com e.—as to successfully arrest this- disease. : DR. RO* ■ GKR’B IjyiillWOßT AN UTAH* not only gives Urnne* diato relict in COUtiHS ami COI.DS, but Inrni the Jchli* mony of men of the higheM Riandmg hero and. elsewhere, il l*making spine very remarkable cures of CQNBUMPO TION- Improvements m the treatment ofdmenees-are onward; andnoilungoan nrrest its spirit in the present age. Those who am afflicted with rfi.ircwrrf4i.MMSi would •do weilto call on. KNKI'XAND ft HARDRRvUrnntst.. one door helow Second, swibe ngeute, and »c« tlm ecru* ficutcH 01. Dr. AVin.. J. Richard*, Judge AynJ. the wile'of: the Rev, Geo. W. Mnley, nun of Dr. Ilunm Cox, • laic ProfeMOr Jit the r«cioctic Medical College of Ciucuv*, njtti i»«paa ..RT* fittcprloxs ok tub. Bmnv— lt should bfe remember ed, when the coarser- particlesofi imparity-ore,diverted, from their proper channel* and became .dej-psited, in. the. «kju,"that cutaneous eruptions arc...the certain conne-. qU fyWsAf.i Tnrfian 'Xt'aHahlt Pills will.bp found.n dclightr. ful medicido for all disorder* of the skin, bti-uusc they, expel from lbft body those :potsonou« humors winch are the cause of all ktmUxtfßrupLn.vaiiiseasuK.iAA rights iiw. ilinn Vcgeinble RilU Kill be found to aidniid improvo di-i ‘ce'stion, and-as they are,n ,; direct> partner of the. blood,, they will-most ussuredly give health /and vigor to = the, 'whole frames which indurn will be sure to give a smooth and beaitiiy * , of Countftfntoaiul the Original and Only tieuuitie.JladtaiV /Vegetable PiNs have the written signature of. WiUJAjtf A\ atoiiTon tho; top label of each box M , , - . Remember,''so, tlmt Messrs. Feucldwnnger,A: Co., of New York; i 8. filascoe & Co., nt Cni.ciopaUj nnd; J.. • B-Wilder & Co., of Louisville, nro sot ngfuU ; for,tlii* •medicine, and- we cannot gnarantce .tlie,ge(unncm; j »s.o ( f tlml offered b> tin m for sale Tliegemiiiie is for sale aiDr. WrighlsPrincinalOffice, J'> r V f '^"'i r V c ''" a , > '~rf.y S 'I*' 1 *' -j v ' .. . -‘fcoT A ..^'., r .:.:'. ", '7 v 7' * v T ' 7 * ’ ’{ i/ \f* f * r nKifR&M ' r,,B Wh ' B I . -.' Juv/X Xi without tiny difficulty occurrfflg. lh^ «pelate l act.-- family Ote Jo easy dircuai*uiice*, aiul sre re ported to be excellent people*.,The Coroner.held, an Inquest on Sunday evening* and the Jury brought id | verdict in accordance.with the above facts* r.-Y: , * l* _’ •* r r . ~«v. •r.yi’AV/- - -• '- -- - '.-■‘".l-.v.w-j - 4'’ ’Uw*' ' • r ? t ~' ■>' I E ■/.•■•'.W"ii..•.■"•» : i-.•;'•'-**!^v.-v./c : '* ~ /i-, - .:'.a i - , .i!/. - iff.. “* ' j ' WA *. *3 * * !t TJ ‘ > ~>U\l K ' i»r/ s v J r - - - *&*£■ * # "*s* V „ t i V y*J > „ ' i ‘i<* ' ' ,1 . 1 < **+ j£ - ‘•o* 1 * *- / ■*•* ; V f-/< V;/ I ~ "! - vj., / - ' r f ' u”^’ -’ - , •"' f •,.*?( £ „ “-s. k -* *>„ w * a . i a aV\ wa .. I -r , - - f. - ' " s J ! * . _ - , > -v .•; u. .*% a-^JS -:- .. s:.T-T,:* .Wti.•;!'.??,■ -iZ\' .-•• v‘r!_:S' •;V- ~rt:"I: . * > ' r " *. I F V? , -i . 4 „ * V - i^V * X" - _ ujs>r > l *> * , a v u W t 4, 4 W VrrU * S '• I V.:•'.-V.<-■ I - W '. V/-ry.-v-i-.•■•^.;-,‘ i i^-u*-'.-r > ,fu,-,- '.fv. a S r *^ *»«4 r t* -A i-s .',v: i ■«'Vr>-rr'. ML • - \. ‘'4,.; 4 v ‘ ‘ ' 1 - 1-J, ' ’ " ' ~ * S y. P r ‘v I 1 * V -a * *«> 4* V | - * > A J I * - r *e «“X Vt^T - % ? » a, .:V Z’J ..- 1 ■- • ( ' x*' f „ ' k * ' , > i v *> * _■s V » V X *\ l r T ? V 4 .,•>•'-■ - t X ■* ,*- ■* &~‘ 3 , f r >s - «, 'A- - s .? ■* to 4 " 3 5 x * i v 7 4n" ’ *t _4 > > ' * " -,.X T-V > VV*' -V" a 'XX" 1 ' v".a . . f VC *3 A" " V X- > «C ’ * '‘ait _ , 4 " i 1 \ >% ( 'l , 4 5 Jv ' x-- . ‘ Wr ; -V'.\ . v I*,* >/ 1 ',: 'J ■;•'. - '?'r y •'• ■■V.Y^y v -:rV>v#-. t ;A.-:u. , n iltc twotltice nto lire by tte 41 tnfU ot trj> no taton lij fleslioj,petty frawli. &e^ BST la Ireland the people ate breaking atonea . fur a pound of meal * dayl Melterfrom Tippera ry Ufa there will not be one potatoe left b> the firat of January! ■ ''The Pont Houae* am all foil, : ami God only know* how thia waiter will be pm in.” Thin newt inaite* etfnrta on the part of AtncrK : can* to rc-commcncc their work of m.erey in aand; tog fowl to tho famine atrieken Irith. lotPiUaburgh eoromeneo the work. BiP The gentleman who handed .in tho '* dupe* mem eaae” yealerday, it informed, that though ..it may afford pleaaure to him, there may,..be otbera equally aa good, who might feel pain in ronacquence of its publiuatiom : Kurtrscrapea, are amuimg aometmtea. B3Ma a brutal fight between tamo Goman Gar dinon, on Sunday night, near the new Atloghcny Water Workij ono follow, lost an oye,nml another a thumb j and several got broken heads.. # have noiaympatliy for thetn. •• j (yjr-Our friend Muhlor was busy-ytssle.rdaj tnak'i mg torchra tbr the wings. \Ve hope he 'Vaa paid a round profit for.lho job t for it will be bad if the fcnmpaigh should end, andno one gain by whig cam paigning. __ 1 «nsw li i« curious to .sco bow some folks try to walk straight unco l)r. Canoing'i. lectures. Wo thiblt, alsoy that n number, of speakers havoimproy led in tho.inatter of voice J Bt3'JoBep!i Snowden, formerlvcditorof iho PlUeburgh Mcrcuryi wha hax bee# a restdtntof New York, for the last ten years, is now hero njam ona tifiit In Ins friends Bar A gentlemen Inst a pocket, book, containing about S4B, during the affray On Kiflh street* on Sat urday night. ' Bar Van Amburgh passed up;Wood street yester r: day with bis caravan.i ,Crowds entered the..canvass on/ycaterdny ailernootfand evening. , ■ Bar A little apple girl was thrown fronv.a. steam-, ■boat yesterday; by accident,.. Had any One pitched, her overboard* wo..mtght have. pitched into them. ■■■ > oar They boast in J.omßtUte that they havo Caught a Pittsburgh thief. Give US'his name, ind wetll 'enquire whether he is actually a naliyp born. • SBT The weather was beautiful y cslctdty- To day will' no doubt ha fine - r so that no one mu have an crease for staying away from tho polls. ~, r-i'l'.'^y^v 1 ' yu'-aV 'BSTThu- Democratic' meeting last" night was .a. «(lraml Rally” indeed. The yard was*croud cdjand the wildest Bort of enthusiasm, prevailed,. , j S2B* Dempster gave his first’Conceit last evenmgj and will give another this evening, ; ■ ■ • ■'• r ..•.. ■■ ri .; .. v t ./;. ' > ‘' ;•: ..> . 1 ' v •• >■ :i: •-., '.: ■' • ■•■•.■ ,'■■’■ * *\; s "**" 4 -£v* *1 * "<■ >„ v \ H f. "s : siVi.-V ;/t ••»v-’; *•:-v'-‘"''•■■^ 1 ' - r H> . l^-.i.-.v. v-.~4 ** -* r—». j l /4* >u ' r ' ■*. .1 »r.&\vXM^#yXier. €- * j' - ~ 4*o 1 * t i i r ,w J J'«45-r' :• r■' v i.I \ • ~. -.:;•. -y. ■■ ■■■ •■. • v •_•..• ••»•••. •_• iMf.l'.V 5 ►.. a * t f ‘ < <■ > -*» ~ * «. *£ I _ ~ r y JSSgNSSM 't V / , -w-O 0.-i r v C^- - v * „ i „ 1, ■f i _ ~ r < ‘ " -4“ |-' 1 .; o^’ i>,. '/~‘i\~' i:z£{yc^Cf^p GLORIOUS SEWS jm - ' »■ ;K- -.ii*v 1 i ““' ‘ r s • r , t ’is» 1" A ' WAsnisoTon’, Oct. 9,4 p. in. “ J ’ , ~ ~ ' J “ , ' i Tltn. 1 -',. ; 'glvestho-Deniacratri frmniiYb'to eleven majority ■itt-d ’. -. > '* .'a-' , ttfo Legislature '_ 1 ' '•' ' J ' ,'-<>< 'f , ’• '. 1 t The Uemoerat* hncdolao elected Uieir'Gnvpfnof r _ .>, 7 r ,• ''4 }i j! , .-’'i-j' _by fotu/ljundrcll ct . _2 ’’ v ” " ill -v ‘-tjJz 1 • ~ 3 ]’i : /Therfc isycnaofttotldnbt about thflUobgrcaatnnnl" r- t 'i- • ~v; r £' ,’. ■ election. , J-D HOOVKn,. , -1 ■ . T; : "f_ 4 V'> /’• 4, ’ ..jK t. Chaiuitan'EieCuliv'odominiUce. : ! jj , r < 'l' j'fv *' «.*" ' 4 J7'. BA I-TTMORESI A'JHCETS. “l’,*' 1 J} 'Li Bactimobii, {)ct.'4—S. I", tit _ > y I i 1 * J S '*i’ ‘J* ' .Thejnartolis «eita/lnit notacltvtf, ttitb ” if ’> /,’J 1 ~j-~ '--,t pj. dies of Howttnl street at s6'25 I ; jja bbl.j City *, | ".V : ,\\ "\ t .' y'. ; >'i»held nt thb sa'me figured '■. . I | ‘. *. ■*_? -■ _ r_-» -/jjp l ' . Grain. .Silcs of 3,000bc9. of Prime IVhTIcMTh rat • 1 ?’ ‘V 1 ■ atB1 J 2opl>o9 Sale of 4,000 bus. of Prime Yel- % I | 'V ' f 'V " 4' toi\ at Sl,o^lol 11 bushel. Cofn S sates of Pritot' 1 1 *' ■ ' ■. L ' *- i-’.' 1 ?, at 55(S)Ca. bus, Sales'of 6,000 bns. oh j 1 » • f ,' J' , —V v “ 1 Prime Yellmv at 69070 c. V 1 bea. Oats, spies to 0* 1 | ■■- . . . V'l*l ' njpdcrate ealei tot 30c. * ; y, 1 ‘ J * ’ t ' ' -.-'/iS"' *> ■' '' ?t ? | >r J" "!„*>.*' •, •j;Promions..fho ~0-~ quotations ate i "~ | Lt —■ ** ~ /_ ! - KKW YORK St 4.KKBT, * , , ’ Jfßw'iouK, Octoberair- , " )Elous-;Salit j .j...:/.. . ; C 2 hh'. T.he marhcl wilti mpderaia imsaiesa .. . yl in fatot of the buyer. J Vi'/ "* S '* ‘ r ' ■■tßrain'l.'fSOie iso gond tiVheayiijt'tiU’./ si r /^AVhiitoy'.'sSate».lo:bb)».ißt.sri«r.v;'.ii'. , i>j'ri V 4 r/: - 'Protisionsrt-The sales of v - : the supply oftlie regular tradodrmand. ever is aety firm, and hold higher." - ' r { 1 ‘ Pl’fL VOELPHIA MARKET (' t PIni.ADEU'IIfA, Oct. B—6,P. M. j 11 . _ 7**, f “«• Flour. .Foil'S of-600 bills.at 95,50 4> libl. . i r . ;r i411.. ' Coro Meal.. Sales at S 3 p bbl., to the bstent f . • 1" [ aOObble. .■'gSitS.iS'tfio'aßliing ptictJy'V-!.- iss.v's i ‘ .Grain, SatisorPrittieJlcdWhea* at Sd p bushel; ’The supply of Gram .Prime White Corn at We ‘ saks i»r Prime /. ~, Cotton. .The market is bearv Puces * ly declined. ’ ’ . ' .j" , ; ProtisionF,.i hear of,no,Raies of an} .ah p 10 ’ *i _ day, 1. orthj »r report. _ - f Whiskey. Moderate sales at 27c. p-ga 11 - .’i / ' REATSAI.U OF f IJT Cta.-iiai-.de 'f«viH Oft. TIICOI die Conunimal.SaW K '«a>, of ,lir ' - and 5Ui st»-'»ill he rTosedmrt ll.i- reiiiaij,,^''«'> ,/ . exiensive as.oTment of frnludl-le r- o j a p rtl f. f i. >Vntin< Premium D.cttioml Pa M " u r •* C Pr2£'veljnMitsii.fr of thU ran^™'i‘J t he time lapm.kaw bools a yrdßliti>lA>—'Hlree'fiiirjiiTaloty'J® M'- Union. ISJL Ccmetr-.,.!epa»ni fiinnicd. Ai.vViligOX',." f. [ wl7 * ‘ '! ‘ 4,71,1. Mlcghhny. ' v Uritat'salo Hull, Fl*iwinjr 5:!?r iSSSfJ 1 ■ r«SSi*ns&sla jioiir of 11-a-e l rV'.hrj- hulih and rrool, In ' ' ■hrrril. 3 li. 1.1 ui'.iri'-iir l ;.,--.,....,. , pumtuv mein ot ibfta !«/'=> '7" ’? poun R jlraKii-00l r ,! .ntl'tierr.ul JK=SSr. OARRARD. . nri»-Vt»T.V.uh- - . ■ ;■ r ■■•< i—l- - ■-S./ - r'' T. OS' Wood had a crowded -house last night. A good bill is out for this night. ~ { ’• : Died—On Monday, the'flih *n*u*\f olrlocO, PTJ Cjias M Cor, aged Co year* X!m l; tSmedicsUiis objection ennrely The rteaiciueissocorrt- Alctely enshrouded by ihe coating of B^ar r iharthe PjH ; ixiftY be suffered in the tmounv-a consideruDiOji ileneih of time without or Ui*fru«L Thur cgratn t properties are coieuy^tpa ed to coroplaints whieh originate-‘m r ,imppi:uie»S‘Of the': blooih Hence they *tnke at tbe.root ofdiJ^ase^mpd.lhr (►relief iKpy afford cnnnotbeotherwisetTian permanent ini effectiiaL Tlicy. place naturoia Ihe oCauoicd at our birth: ;:Tbeycleansß the bporels? pttr, rify ihehlbod. promote the insensible.perspirauonv ana, restore a healthy action io the heart, the liver, And me Virmeanre sopositive.and ceruua io : r«-, storing healUi.thauhe:propnetor l bmd»himMlf\toTeiurti the money paidibrihem in all case* wheietheydo not 4 E ‘^S‘tr !Ii,CU WM.JAC KS O* < , Afc»V T ’ 69 Liberty ureei, Pmsbßrgh J {Tor list of Agent, see ad' \ > I PITTSBURGH 'THBATJEIE* / S Poam, • —• Mating*r -and Lesser* 1 pmcsa -op adshssiav 1 , . * Ppirntr* LoXCJ* >■ '• | Suigl* UCWt* > * • 7^- Ew- tfclWcLlW *rrw 5® •Oallery —■ *■ *iOc j PriTttießoxe* Ev£57M3, October U)ih<;Will ,1.e 4 ar(ctl the Comedy of JJOMBBV « SOS. ‘ Capt Cuttle -Mr J Dunn SolG‘ll ■ 'Alffe* Bunsln - ■ ■ Oxley Bng>l>- - Tkoou Mmorfiagrtoek * Porter Mtth • • } i«» Porter sis?... • Priir« n „s p^M^, c s. n W rV,. fct " UOn : ” V ' Mr .'Ma”t«vroon '■« ‘To ronfludr vritli a Drama of mucb-interefl, called-lhe ' ■' Rol)ljerB of tlic BlaeltJforeiti . - . . I To-morrow,*! r. Good win ami M|«- Walters,wil( oppeor. [' Ipr-PopM open at TiCurinin \vi|t w ftt ilp’clocS. AfiLDBWrsTMiS SECOND AND LAST _____ ORIGI3iAt* Ballad KfIi’TEttTAISMENTf •tiriu,hepren "01-PlmJp-H*Ut onVlrrtnestararCTfr, W imr Oct ) lib. ivhnt he will ring the foUovrtng *5,Jr. s-Sphe Tml»n t t Ctfmplntnt,Oh wK'doea the white romi follow wy.pntb; 'V.hea the John Ander*wi .Jo ly ’AuidAVile f - A Horne fii • ihe Heart; Laiaem-ot the hhnipranl.My BovT^ra-r nj\ , The Urimr Child and the Angel of Death' Death of \Yarreu, Blind Bo> Emerald Tele, Tourer suld eltud dliout ye; and hi* popular. Cauta to.‘rThe Ma). lineeil^xO' 50 cent*. To' commence nt half Qv&t 7.. oVlik 1 .„„ ° cnjL m TU K TIIIIEK IBiiG DOOBS r .n^ AC (ISST THE WESTERN WORRD! OhJUTATTnACTrOTf AT THE ORIOI7.AT , •i Three Biff Doors I" Vmtitr fii, Mr rfy *!««. Prisirurfh, Pmn yltanm , r*srti.v«*au’ I*ll. *\o mvtKß kudv-madf ?. C. IgOTILI 2k fs„* ± -.i *%-s. ■ J-'-. i fI'HK PrDi>rleU v r of iUi*far. fa;nedcjlablisnmeat woaui 1 vu>* rc made CI.OXIIISO tbat’ba* ever, be*n exfilbned_ by ® ,l l concern in tb>* or t»ay oiher <•»»>., Ea*ior « «»*-. ~* - ' l wilt ooi undertake lo deeeribw to the reader tbe yanosv MMmnmof a«»ctr**bicht t.owharo to offer ihenj> hat wtll wmr l !’ *’J 10 >l>f "I. l, ‘ a [ >» 11 !>■ on *J i 3: \ *)*“} wfili a Mil. I will lay betore them Tiro Ifyndridoad. Fifit, Timwad tiaminn, in whico lliry,wilt fittil from ; Till, rifhen inaudit) andmlr tnttn-rrry lowf«in price, 'out of whirh liit’S' eon mice! to rutritheniortfaMtiliau.. L laxt* Ini'll 111 price -tad qnaliljr " A iiriredeatolosiw ol Hie niHar.rmu garmcnteMi the vn-ioiu dcrnnuu-ni*. would occupy mo touch apace and alter oil girc no correrl idea of their teal sstue- "h* nr trie* in mi *toch will he marled, mid you are mined ID imperi nn.l compare them wi.li joe price uuMed. whirli wilt fie the be»l leu ol their chaapMu oTie true, fnnupVMif trade are to .erectile public nrl'.amtili or dcr to! old ilie’r rouhilence mid patro lage. to study their l uerc-rs amlroiiveriencc. Iheac l um driertmiied to act • In mid » look to an enlightened community fora liberal ‘ ™a “ Md *o Coarttn Wholesale Pnrtliawr* tit Ute trade, 1 rs-wcially Thou* whoporpoie going. Fhgy will "f: convinced the! ran ■utvetbcoxpeti.rpi UOJc and ittOTOJ •oeut In gome Flan »» also their lull* of freight etc Volt»ih aim find Clothing more suhslanuallj made,and th* *iv l* #»d rat tiwcli belief adaplfd la\tir- : rrinvfteuetKt of *br d iocntme* oftbe am cou.lajulv receiving beeertions lonvi stpek.ot Good*, and am’BlwaTssirpjdiedwdliauwlcntuve variety ol a’Uahrw aid article* m my In e, which «e ntakenii tnotd, r,«the he ,. 5 .r ' bun information wi ably rewarded.' :• i»lfl -. Ueinov«l« „ , tU W MDBVnThav«rema>eU»No ni.il»jT v * ly M-'IO doors cast of their old; jMtne' side) bmi immediately opposite the.headof Smuhnelaai.. «•'-* : oct^m AIWK SAt.h Ofc brAW-B AND ÜBV’ j HOODS—On Monday lOoYIocV. ntthe ConiflWriatSalrs Room, comer HVoo Yestimrs Sewing Stlk,Menm>,Terken and' V\ Hel en Shawl»i Silk and Cation lldkrs.,J|o*icry, Glove*,-, M oolen Conitotu* &.c „ .. t ' At Jio'cloek, Orwm« > (/w«i*sic , flrt, Fiir7i»rvrti d'e— A dumiiiiy of 'groofnexv «lq*s .and mt tnawa^e, hardware- eoileiy,AVjndoiv bllndSv'Stoves, kitchen nieii*,, Ail* taifcoxc* hu« quality, pound lump Vn- martulaclur-., eit lobttpro, U smnll boxes A Cnridne*vi ]>«-: r»- fiuru Id n> ibft pmwd, 4 half Voun}fTiy#onTYn. A irciif*rni a»»onment of now and afieoudhnnd nomieliold i'umiiurf, nmunp wlildi arft,inahnßuny.’diwu|»g , l>ni^aus, hnit spring '•eui sofas, chiur** ficuees* table*.-bcusicmU, li&ok case*. ttsmlu*c bed*, rocki»|f.cbair*vlopklnpTg;ltt*»c** work nudwnslr*wm!s,.fira iwnMemleWjfltftnielcluchf*, *A! Cl oclock*—City made catf *kin booia 4 superfine i French style shirty coat*, pamaloousv. vqsts. and ozhpr , rtoililng; ufnbrdla*.'Rold ond -stiver watches, entler** V* W ' 1 AciTJuUltterjr^c. A fiKW selection of olcjjaiil winter ribbons; feathers. i ■/Yflowers fringes -Al- . so- naueniH of now mul elegant utsignfcoi Canuniwß anil. xr\iu Ij will t>c mado up to order in supenor work* ami material.- < Also; Bonnets HoOds f Mu\iJ e,'eryttrljUff _ „,yton ***** r!oV"ci n ., CCJ.j .Miuiusacturers Oliver yae* l * ‘ .‘Tiptiou.oJ: Fanty 'Sktmty Jobbers mul :,: &insy?ry\aTi*iyQ\ (iiniltmrH xTunitehing Good*", •cast V • ' ,ioc mr FtfUisn . /ALtAfiUKav. : ; V •; r ‘'ir‘ Mtl Y ' &-'■ • GArXAGIIEU, J&OKG & BUtiERT DOCTOR YOUHSB^ p * 1 ICOJVui* sti bfiicnn 'TF&orJ and bmuhf.rtd »*/ FOR »G ChNTS’ « Ap RAOTI RURS o, nil sizOsTdouble mid ‘ 'nY means of flu jPochet -rEscul ipiu*> or *-\ e O °JL *miou Force Pomps «oumet Riuhuir Mm |3 hie own pliymcl’in 1 iWentittih va^Uan' V 1 1 *' r i 'onjpvfiitirtps of nU kinds tor Ons, Water, of a hundred ibotung PISSS-Af ,55J£ e,im M for Machinery arnVamratip overyshnpe atullorro, ana maifoniiuuonspl ine .metal for-same: Parueular aimiuioii raid lo Oiikv ' u\e system by W .YOUNG, M D .nffi.«n^I wdl ir& ttl . 4 nictimolith‘obsdfvauoiiß’Oii'mnr "".Rtf h.sustmira the mb MuVpreyc»tsthe pro*Rinffof;thh>-. r* i mam oitai r derangements which it wouf two part or wine It Hn composed, l»y maintaining a per DtopeVtoanumeraie in ih£puld»o prints*. _ J t ctweciUHun P II7*AmI person eenflMtfftirßiiY-nwacEmJ, . &} U txinm* a much largir qua mty ofmk than oJier or fi^ewp^'vuiu^peirt^sbr ope dollarf Addsf *Up«R« hisnU dropping or sputtering of iln* rok *. ** ftWu.NP *U Spruce slteel Philudef, SSSS»T ' ' p °rrr- WANTED—Proprietors of Drim or Bum vtoAnmin-liir i. '■upcuor toiliM ol dnj pens of dameeiic siidj’cdlars, ill-ever) tovmm-the; United hm raamifictitn The> uiUm-t-eii* fine n bninnarVoßihe > us nncntH Tor die nliovo work - Guest «teel p.n uhlletlirv haresll i>ie elnsncii) *. >, ■ •Peii'tTha hndjcheu Pre.imumilen » ; ot iuanufaß-' •. •'•turers' price*, by ■ JOHNS'I'OX sV STO.CJTrONf .>• • ocid cor< Market mul 3d stay r.s/ . . ' TONKV^PAMbIt^\V HU:K is ihe hoaPrcpar- .»v; f) ation' for impartinjr to fhe. Skin si natural, - ' cleaT r Uvimr.white;.ai: j ihe^auifiyUmcJnakiug^it*oft“ctnd'U smooth. 4 4-uiq.up; i jAiulßrson I ,.Pxadieai •Chemjsti'of ' Mas»aclmseii- ; rßay«.v.:Auer,anolyvjmf/.Jonc*:Fpauish' ; - Lilly.Wluie. l.ftiitl: At i)u> niost beautUur nnir - natural, und.r.ilhe umc mnofftni ayJuic.l. ever saw/ ' ' 4 ccrtainlv -c:in./:oURCicnppUßly rccommewt Us r ' 'Who?e*skiarrqiyncnbeautifs^jig.'’-7^%-^-wV-j J y’‘; : \.v ** Price at R , 2Chnth- J in' i it:“"‘N ' Y. and - tjLctiy &iutr- * • seu2s ;- ■ •. •: ••-■- - r =*.••'••••.■ iil KINK JKWKIjKU SILVKU rATiarSliii J 54 WATCHES, AT AUCTION —Tin lsoft ; unlay*'Ociol>eri?(h(f..&l;?:oclbcki prcciselydoors f ai M Kcnim'ft Auettqir Booms, No. 114 Wcfiches, from 3th. st. 1U ft»Memched;eilvertuUeuttt*feled. ‘ mode by M. I. -each IJJbepui with as ■ up, giYMifj.purchnwr* the imyilegaioCWi,: as all; they piro*e,.or Um loi. The bean i imutbc closed.YwihoiitteßmO iThopr. ; >•■ i uiuloml good timekeeper should atfdnti Aact. , oei7 . JAMBS M 1 New Gooftt* gening l bift mHF. KulißPTiher iinvibisdayctwntWiUSivepa 1 X RUpply. ot bu*Mc«*» riety-of alUhe amelesbeloa : '->r vViM' News 1 Reported for the Morning Post. -—rr l -' ' ' ~‘M «—»*n Toibitonhpr will * ?» “ 'ilnnWr lr»M 01 *. ‘,l ** n - *' * * Horn \\ iilnn- Court- ) lam! olnsml Pi ft* Mill on u. r »Mi Hum rto-Ota ‘owiifiup .Ulrql.elA r'* 11 '- 1 1 1 l jn n Putfihurpli If- 1' Irnr-l foulllt -lining Im U)ttlp| v ,Jrr^,rjpv pouiu»i#s< i»c n **• *;'*W n ~ood *u»r * «I» cou 01ti ,j kv( [j l non w«U A\aJp[>r ; -: ,p U orrlixini ornhotil ■■'■• apfueii f t.yamitr: stale.; otu* : ilitee hutitin 1 ixu t U |.i^, ri> raunijon Hit* o» i m«« unu-ow mv)uii * fa*n sln\<^ -i.^ ( ' !C- l^,T T nMiirr n.gomlrqnil in l ! 1 - ■ i -'! ,{, r # Trtvv aijii bemiivouvemeTit jo a P aM , II V »l %„»*Pbrol lhr 1 nildur.jseon- , gooiH>»rtr«»«‘t (vj i tf nfuf cotnloriutil} < f 1 * 1 °ft 2» l ' Y»» "iT l * ll ' l a *' /t ‘ '•■ld wll &' ' t fnrut*J»ed i.” * ,1 j.pnusai tin* door rtjn r ? * afro '*j l * n 'irdlbe Wnnoi* u\ lour anfcaal ft undone Invj ipiTmrp of Messrs J£} MjUpc,^»]bejiajoiio>rs: Voli il” *-i ■> l * i* on i ong inland, op ~ iractn or l ‘Vslttv*h* mneifii’e on ttwJ£*a>e* * r ot rp nenJO»\fc.«rl— —•— ——.— zy-.-- -! be Avuhoct nr iK-millur ntrt of wint*! -v : ■ Yhf *«*•• i7IH and it k\ itagrnni Brtnth» I'xV* lhcm ■’bot'h bv uiiinhoe. trt’pr'"- • tton the f „* \VM, JACKSON GmAgnm iJbtm si Pnwturfih -t YViTKr WltteKLY ot aupenor <{uaiu>. Svuh-an. v r,u MoiJ , orrJcn andßomesuc ljtmoM. always v.- -i ; -t\ a ixt sale b> W &M MiTCH.IH.TRFE . on hoiv , SCfl2|V ■«' ■ •-*> v\ r, T 4 Hernovai* / :7rON Co.' havjliff ,removed-from ?belr New Store, iSo; ourib st.. oetweeu; .' : : ■ -A ;' aud Vnnetj' Goods; 'otnoiig winch . ® r sid tfTMl kiml*,. * Mm Cimpsauil Velvels, , ? \lcr> mid iSectHe ork, C ■‘j'l nitd npestrj' '\VorBtedft l Chenjine. Floss i ‘ f--- ■~s Purses. Bteci3‘nmimnos v -. . ;• • i. irermoatvdSilkiVeMs and: Hosiery ;/* : ■ r. .• ;--*,- >} ? . - / / in-iuuircHsesoflntealpjmcTSiAvhich^boyQa^ui-!'’ 1 icee,H?4nh:wholesnleiai»d.r«ta>lk.>7::., r..i ..• i- - ' : • VAKii TOoir>" 1 :r " -■’!■'■■ 'i;- 2 ? ~.. *' t • aph! • •u'vvj' *'' i-.\- : r; * A-.* 7 r r, r \ vi-*• v- ► , w .• ■ ' *■* ‘‘-V - _• ■; r : - v,? |r n- - 2 r- :r*' -:p -Tj j'. 1 ~ ; ’•<■ „-v u , v~ '^ * in -i', j r * * j, - % >; ... 'lp® ■ If?■“*’ i i;~ ' ■;• i:,;„ .. * * i: 1*- • i v - J 1 '■ X ~ L'-- $' **■ V ■ i .\fv.c.: lifiiia,,-. ;, @ W '• /“.i l ' J l |r .'•••• 1 m *• :■■■'■--Km^'r . i- Y': 1 r - * .o - -r' ' ( «. . t '.T : . r i - ; s ; V *\V v r - v ‘} r ' ’Jh* -K- Jw-'T* 2-, : ■ r.v * j -~J '•'-»> *• *; ' YT~^C-''h,K^ r “ " *• «-"K r., --- k \ I __ If* *