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T 4jsr ‘ii-i:;.,.- ..i^'?--. •*\ % ISC V.atf ■/.-.■■}■ V-V '-a ‘- >^ • •‘^ ,r ( '.;:>-.-- r; ' PPSv Safer'**, .. jK-if./ > i"T ! * ‘ V\ \ , ‘ 1 ■ . , „ ‘ . ■JZ'h < ' , V T **;. " ,V ’ \. *■ .5 .i '. V-':v> -V ■■. '. ,- . ;?4ft’’A-; ••;'?*';;;*;«<■ 3- •.Vi.Xi-i'xi.S’fi ;;vfi; > 'Aa wi i.*<- :v:iL :*h • "C's & "’Vr? ’ ,a ; i%‘ £ »\ * ■ '•,'o‘i t T,-:<- & iS*- #fV-* * " *> ■>' ' v 1 mm£hvy L ' '*■?•sJ-iS-i’£<■£ *+ FX r '»X?} ’ • ’■*«> *.£’** e » i/' ■*• >r i ‘. , '’ n i % r»» i vv 11 * \ A "!■‘ C r"V rfl 11 * ..ti - f.*j>< * * ** > \V s J,«V % *» *■ * , V ■ tS,7 V ,y t* ’ 1 A• , .'■ -‘m ► !r ;’S? r k * * * ‘’’v< ~ * -iA 5 „•*• + .i *■ iL* i| ,' " * A’* 'i-* -. V.yrit/*/ <■ x ' '. ' ' ’ ' i * j* , ~. J •x- 1 ' ■« » , ' * >V‘,i , • - •“. hr 1 * - A " ■■ ’ > •*• ’ •, ‘ , !••,'< , nS- ‘ fJ ’- >‘ '** ‘ c * - <“» * > 4 ,' i, ,' ;. ‘ , _, - 'l F . . , a- -. * ' 1 - . V; . t ; ' - '' .' -- V ' ,: ■■ ■ .. . - . *' * 1 r . * *• » * ‘ *i<’** * * * « ~ - ' f' » . r - :■. if»., •%> v? ;,/.»• •■..>.■ ■,.••■ :, ••. .>> .< ;? *..■ Jv* 4 Ci ’ i ': «. f T n **"* X ’ /*».* \ ■.! ?'■. k. , -»^.;;r. t v»'.: -• ’•. '• , % J *- ‘ . . 1 ' , . t i < \ - *' •> > h 1 v - .Tv \x a . >-& -■> ~K •' ," -X 4 J. - , * r 1 » y ’ll , t_ « ''♦sj. %“. ', ’■-■ • V ; ' y , * f t ’ 1 ; • - , * • • 'X-- ' « ' ' / , V,. ■;•*■: J >,: ' .* 1 ' a*.-- . **;“ uf* vV. : "< N \ , xV '' ‘» ;;!';* W-: :<4 , /, j-v. *.,v; V * ’*M iPt* , ff *• «„*<«»* 4 \*«h *y . ‘* . r* *>' * '*: L? x 5 *Si f .V,’ i 'l'' . r A i * ■■; v•< t- FAi:-FitaL\V * a >• r- :< :y T ; 1 i fc^SC' r -;: V 1 a ► ;. >- n'.-‘ J »V - v.j . *a , *•*•%. ''.-X 1 * 1 -m"* s > t A *?;>: A -' ■ * -. - t < ’ >■ * *•* \ r v . „ v , , i ~r * v *. *?s. -i*c-,;: x/'j, ;^, i - * ,jXV A'" 'A>;>X ■'■* ,1 4"'. %??&&&$ l 1 1?55'S jS ®S^! lt i@»iiWiss^Ss-Wi’i-S.Si:ti.si»'lviss»tk--A ■-•>*t v «i a: ?' .•■ .• /• ■:;. Vf {. r-- •'; •’ ■ V: - ? ~ ■ v' v -: #£&*SB3s2»k?£» ' J „ .J? V ..•.•:-::c-'~... ■ | ■ . __ *1 . . - - ~ * '■■•• ;. bf Stw Good*. - Z WMVVLBS tc DOWMNG’3 ■••^'■'gAlHlfflTy™' JiO?r Hl'NO. STOKvKi AtCTO#MBBRTY STREET, *th -t. The. •■••'••■< y4 JPAM?OOODS,*wliich'inojr.*aflhri».U»ew. fhends - ■z -■. fctrediiccd price»,'for cash -- Said siockccrasiatsm ; 7 • patlof-Fyeuch. Belgium;EiigUshvund ATOerlctUvCtoihs, - > ,? j4rcolbr*ttna qualities; suited for dress-and'frock:coats, , : V : oy*tcdats\cuid cl6t^siplwn,plaid i - latest styles,-Tweeds, Sottmets, Jcans,_Ae. in grcot. von- v ary of style andquahiyipiainafiditaEJCy SUfc;Sotln, Caah-. mera, Va|eDcio f emd.Clo*h' white • and fancy, upper and under- Shirts,.silk,: cotton and;wop»- Drawpr*. Bl}k,\2l^e^i^nd■■cb^oa^J!aadkMehlet.s,.C^a- : ftli.qualnies.nna . cues. . Tho above stock ha 9 been selected wfthgrent.care r y r expressly for-Thii market* to ■ - order. m n;styje that uanaot toil to g»ve.sati*foc.uon to toe . we oaer tp tho publLe on *?^'^*. L iiujss john' n downing' liafcafArrtval of-New Goods, A T 40 ifAcr/y ifScniT. . .» J\ . ad. and haudaoaicstockof fashionable good*-. .. • for-geuilemena Summer “W oar, such a» FrenchjEqgUah. - '-uud Belgin Cloths. JJrop dos tea; CashmaTetts, Merino, Caisfaaeres'- •■;■■ or* and qualiud*. Als6, n'gTdat .vanely. of fancy Cassi* and .figured : tlufenSjtrifthy' of- them. entirely' »°' v . . which-'are'noVtb bb' city; .together.with alargoassortmentof new ptylo.fru:ty.:Y?st ■■:•■■ tugs, r-Il Of which will bo made io orderm'lhe.niQst.faßh* w-.ionaulc maunor^aishort nou?o - Geutlcmen favonngthu v ; establishtoeirt' withthetf^dc^/^y.Tfely. u P?^ l^eir S^f’ r -nleius being mnde as''\vcil a9‘theycart bejTfnn> outer . r? ; hoiwe in Uie '■#.*•?•' • ■* • * ON" HAND, n of oduHistihg-oravcrj* description‘of;press • • nnd-hrock Couiw.: colored-• • • ■ • BonJolm Oocakin Caistmercs; ■ '• ** ' Crepe Elasuqut* * Light amt dark Taney s ” s-: .‘ ..TiJiorGlotlnij tor Summer Com*; ' •' ■ - i , . % ; •* " • ‘v Coliurj* . „ ‘ „ “ . * . . •TtfeedsfcTinj'lisbAnd'AjaeTicnn ps >“ v •.■■•> *'rS»img.Crape Cacht&erei Jewelled .'*■ Brocades,"eiunnsvetTand ueedle wrought.Shapes,wane. •■■.•.■■■■ ,iMarsei}lcB,raiul:u>ifnshi t ttraetyof-.olherrYesung9* : . while. gtoyiplaiTtfPlSjd and nooed. of euttrefy jietsc styles imported w ill • be soijJL foe cash, .oudchyeiy»and cash oiil) ■ ..'.••vv .k'-v;*,■••■’%»•:...Ji CUUIIAN way IT Fifthstreet next'Etehajlga Haul j,!‘ w 1\ *fc. J. -It. M’OiJMJK,, . ■Vo 77 it 7p cdE.VERSIXTir aNECHBEICTV TTu\iiig enlarged uud newlyfitted- up thcir-e tabli-h ■ ITI-'mentjal the above well' Known .aland,Tespeclfiilly invite-llm uuenlioif of lli ci f friend* and Ibr. pub] ic to liici r choiLeseleeuouof .New Goods,comprising even iv for spring and- summer wear, selected e pecially for their customer department Those wtsldngtolaaYc their orders'will find at tills establishment ovem style of new ni|d desjrnhlcfcoodß Their stock of ready made Cloth ■ 1 inir is extotisivejrdt tip. iAthe besvtnapner,ofmurable ma teria!, aid w ell worthy the attention of those washing to pureha s.. All nro ulmied tp call, andmay Tdst assured UuiCtlWy vrtll bff pleased with pncs,sna!ilK-und variety Alamo assortment of shirtsTtept.fi,nstaiiiljonjia'id. nlsolTOdmo , ~_ __ *- rciothtnßlMSStliln* lit. , The Thra Bts 'JJSdfs-'rf.’Tht Western World!!! <1 nAn WEIIsELF.rTBD GARMEXMnow I'lDUiUtFU'made ana ren.lr i(l;}is oflcrciL<)nilie ■ most literal terms to my old ctutomers ana the jutilic in Rtnmrni: TUo l‘ropricinr/>{;lltls.fnr-faroed an d extensive. • -estm>Jißliiriciif Imsdiow, 7 tiller, returning, from tlte patent v cities,' at much trouble and expense; jttat cpntplried Ins fall nod winter arrangements to. supply this Ihouiantlsof "costumer's with one of the most desirable stocks of tlo : tiiinff ihnt htw.ever been offered in this or nny.dlher mar* * ket west of llio' mountains. ■■ For neatness in stylo, ami workmanship* cqrabmed with the\er> low price which ‘ ‘ ihev win lie Void for, must cenwnly render ihqpM unn*, ' vailed Three Ci? Doorsone of the *TfVle*l«ttraW»» of ' ihe v.cstem.cou itry Itis ffrahfjmff to me Id he aide to v■- .announce to my numerous friends ntjiome and .abroad*. that notwithstanding Jfic extraordinary efforts which I " have made to raccUho many.calls in my unq, it w .witn^ dlfficully l ean Jccep iimc(;WlU the; constant » '' made ou this e-tnbUßhraenb IV la ft we!l.*estftVnsM fact; tbat'rav cates arc cignt or ten time* larger thtuyany other bouse iii the trade, olid this being; the case on the: amount sold, 1 can nffrod to Sell at much less profit than other* could possibly.thtuVof. doing; if 4hey. wished to, • cover ripenscs.. T.. intend to make a clean, ' •' liiveiip of all utypreseaitstock before the bemnniuK o« «cxt vear | comm? to tins conclusions I tv ill make tl ihc .uiti r-. eat of every man, who wants a cheap .wmlcrsmt, local} and pure at me Three JJi.; Door* oat'il’iliv? -. > • • JOHN; »rCiKlii» ; K\VW«J M >l)3- NEW tiUUpS.—Kocrivffd m ihe Iron; CiH C , o>hlu"Sior>»A splendid aasortaSent Of.Clotlis. : r ' coii«i‘fitn*g’ of 'fihc ■. French, English nnd -.Plain,!. ' • " btacfr diiafaucryCossunercs, of the rnttsOTUffleni styles;: fine .Votings; Silk : V.elVßtj-if mm and Vancy Saims—nil of which we will mahdtm attbemosi ’ reasonable priccMn a diirnble and fa*h»ona£lc.€tvJe. : fc Reach made XJlolhing. of -all detcnpljoi.s) Xady'* • • Ctdftk* af the most fashionable and • 1 Pocket Hdkfc. cio*pcndcrs < ilosmos» ;bhijrt l Co?!ara. l nnd overt* anul« dually kept in aCloihiug Store Cotmiry : Wtrohaiitaj-lwfore purchastng-*lscw?he«t wU; td : their advaniafftMo call utthc Iron.Ciiy C|ptiiuig,<&lore, : ’ Nt> lfW'ttbeuV street, immediatelr>opposirn inouih of Market foctlB*lQ 0 AICLQSKKV fi !S KlihlNCt OFF f.OW> FOR CASH.”—WuUer Clo*, ■ 55* tbiu'- of every description, stick os cloak*,t over ' '• blriuket;^Beaver. Vitot and-heavy broad ■: • clotliit K superfihc.cloth:'dreBS, andirock «oais; as* J sohmrnlof t*Lcd,najik anfrfrork'eoat* ' * “ 'Cloth-'casKi'mete.'ond sanjiett pantaloons* olio, o iren eral n*«ormient of vests; plam and fancy-Vclvetr.eloth. ••' ; cdMir’icre and fancy woolen, and plant cossunewu with, ''“a'-’-rctii vnriuxy'ofsuperSno'lmh* imen.-tmnrped’Shtm. umler slock-cravats-comfort* and alloihcrnru • “ <■* line, which will be *oldlow;for Cash. •«. u > Vorchti' ;7 vrfn find Urnufth.totheirodvaidnee io call ' " v teforeU>era 175 000 different gannenis.to make a choice Dijl or, con ■"-Siffitig iu purl of Coals. frpm the richest intyujiuTy down 4q Hits lo\vc*i m price; VantaloonraiiU: Y€Sl«,.tolhe a*-. • •ipuUhraeijtpf the V»cholTMSDttCWfni!?O • r cSbhl be rbUccted iogeOieriinder ihe-conirolof > bno' indivWuar .But such things .will be, as long severance uw! Industry is the inoju-spnng of trade -r JViUiout any iiueution-of boosting?-on my part,-! yui «ny . . . bt fiie shmd )ime, it is of suchjfietsill «ni>rmcipallycom-. IlOtliingiM the *brniiofj4lfiicumq* r no t .'-mTnryr magmiiule>itwy-be, can deter ine-from “‘SgtOmtiliihHitr ary dbiecvin providing for ibeTfarmer.tl.c i? ntcchniiic. : and th&day laborer. My. whole ,mtf nUofl. is •i'takeivop wub ibegreatest cQrc-fortbeir,w©jQu , ,c,.in .gft” ■ c.vlrtR 1 up ilie.sanißtiniei*uyswnUipigar? ‘”'weMS, fo meet iheir denuimls; »ao4.n®.for^.otheTs,-vt«o fancy themselves moving inadiffotCDlsphcTc, SJid.rc '■ nainnjr an article of the tie plus, vhra.kmu,..they. hav e • • only tc give me an outline of .their wants,-ana .they are suited tq ivvojnL . ' y t . . -iNotv. let.vtne say a, word ortwoto.ray country, - ants in the ita.delf wish tp.say ft from AU?ast,24to ' -QO por cpnt, Mi : yQur-wholesale. pur?nases,;.caU:nt at toe • c Big-Boors,V ojjd if.l don’t,meet your..raopt-san hopeful • thp way of getting cheap bargains, ana •Tcesh.ocasonablogoods, J wilLnotin future attempt, toon* - «r any inducement® of n similar kmd.jo a.geuetftOs p.eo: : pi, of so noble, immure and , • I; febia»lv ■ ■ ■■ l . . •No.lßMjtberty.str6hL j I'V'-l/',' , fcr .. \vJioloiiMe; andUettLll. ; SADDLE HARNESS AND TIUJNK MAN UFACTORY .iT-srtliKßT'lLJtAllTLKYtbeita.leavo. to.'.ui-.ißto -S' ;lx foWn hi* friends and the-muillc geperallyi.KfflSM; that bn continues la occupy, tluu large andcom- M AH'* raodiom Stole Room, formerly occupied bySaniueJ i-nhi). • Eislocir it Co ,N o-&i, r on: er offhamoud alley.ami Wood street, where lie Veeps a large and general assortment of Sai)dles r Urtdles,JHnrness, Jlrunlts, Carpet Bags.Saddlij BogJ Valises, ButTala Robes, Whips, and all olbcr. am* ’ also keeps constantlyon . Wild, and is prepared jto jaratsh to order, RttetedHose.ptanuTaetpred of tUol)KstroatenAl,aadiaaBlyle of workmanship equal m. i? o the oastcrndnauufaciuredi article, and ut C(j percent, Merchants and T'armerj would, da.^rSlf,to cal) :■ and examine his.siock before purchasing elsewhere, as -s tie isdotormmed to cell, first, rate articles at very low. *' l |[s» Don't forget :thc place, No.. £O, corner pf AYood m : trcetruirt Diamond Alley. .. . .. .^apff BRANDIKS. GINS t Ac.—lo halt pipes <%- YV nnc Br ud\ l Jn* HnmcMy, * „ Hrnmly,l3s., 1 35. ••Otord,Dupuy-A. Co.’j f{ i; ~ >■?.,•. “FineuCflstilloir&.CQ.” V- ,~ <{ A. SLMgncue. ,> ,/ • \ ~ Hulhwd fun* ■■■■■> ■ >!..• ■■■■■.• Ti ■ : ,jv -r,Af cc«k^*np- : Falohcrry AVinc/.'DaffGordon &Co.' -a ..w .. ♦> . . l *UctgliedciY'. Js \ : 10 AT idem 30 « ‘v ■ “ J/. V. ieucnms v \ < 'Carpen|e^; ,, •- 1 •' iJO ll : •• M Lisbon :■ ■: ."- 1 ...■ >•. .*• • ; 'lo hhds aoinlfdo an T2obbN Him Snuieruc Wtric, . JtordtimixClnrcU'-.MoMfrrajiu, ’ i 13 " Mnr«nl'-, ■ I U. wusi, •. 1& b'oskct9 Cn»nm».T!rn« v TiVmu,.". HeidicicK.,. , • ■. j 5 :.u • ... , ■■■ ..‘‘ l\ A.Mimnn3c Co.” 10 *» - - ‘•JuxjuC'roii&Sniis;?. riarnt <>l > iriou4 watU * f imported in loWes u lo Bon* 'inx Olive Oil crop I*4* I nnpds •' ■{ „ 11 5 »< « • * n li * atoim ’ 1 : !»-■ '^‘jMstrceeivedami hr UrvA\ AHI I T** & KICKfer*ON C’ULBWEATHLK—W-K.MURPHY liivue.** uf- Eas\» . „ 1 \ery sup.nor, Homemade Flannels v ‘ Twilled " Bed ■Did "Wilin' NVoMi t( unshrinkable, Canton “ , i u j:J v-^r'Uijdffi -.Mid Merino. Alnnfrea’ and' ■ ' Fleecy Silkliose.Xfima do.*fa'Bupenor-articie.j at low .wz■ Nances: -nvlSfotth-EftsrcprnetFoiirJli-niiduVlarkfiijitreei*: I JTT* CSuntry merchant* Mill plea*** rcmcMber Jus ‘ -3 : Wholesale Rooini oM Sdetory. urfl sold oi j pnceftjiiatMillplpßfee £sej)2o —-r^trcmgpMtgtisn-^ingg- PBOPIE'S TRANSPORT ATIOiYUNK TO ERIC* . ••irft R&SHIPPINTWrfce Boatsbelonging to this Line ] been pur m fioc order, and-nre now running | rtfMilarlv between Pittsburghi np&'Enc; touching _atull , • intermediate PortF alongthe Canals. A Boat will always -be.at the wharf, undpr the Monongahela Bridge* and o.itv will stnri-regularly -evorjr-mjther day..' Ihp People .* •Transportation Line "has. every futility for earning Kreight ; and. B&sscngera.v.The boats will be towed to • Beaver by steamers, and will proceed to Enc with great •dispatch; by thocanals bonts.aro'commanded b> lexpCTienced.and caretul meu—allot-whom have an.m teroaun the Line.'- •••••... : Obodi’atht byiheLinetoEnc may bo forwarded to uny pointmjiibcLakcs. For froightor - Agents Water street. Pittsburgh. 5 AGLNIS i :.vCr*Anic &..Co„ Beaver.- :• • •/. '■ -h Newcastle. ?- ». TaOUTMAX &• MXICItBLTHBS. Folttskl. . Co., Middlesex; Milton Hcll, bhorron; -n .. ••■ '<- . • / • Josepu RrcCx.eEE»ibharpsburgh..: ..' 8. Bii& G. • i .. ; KtNO&-McFA&bami;J3igdiciid.: i • . . S.C. Plumer, WeaiGreenyillc. -j. . <•■. J.&T.ktUMTiucfir,Adam3vi]lGv ■:\\i HiHnJfKnTjHnrtstown. i . /. ■ -AYv YVadsWobth tc, Co., Shorman's Corners. Wm; Power, ConneautviHc- ' 1 ——, SpringCornor. YV. C.-Wabskr, Albion: ■'.* :•■***—..—t—; Cranesville.' ;.i Lockporu . fc: Fisu, Girard. >. -- .. A-TCutc, tuid IXTOmlinsos A Co., Enc. The followiugiAgenls in line will receive and tor word Freight to-’ any Fort on >the Xnkes,’. shipped by ■ this Line <■.■.; ■; W M. Gallagher, G; Wiliaversuck k C0.,- : Kelsoodc Loomis. . Pittßlmi'grtV' PoMable Boat .JLilne.. " 1848. • For t\e. TratumorJanon-of Ffttght to and from ■ ■.. PITTSCUftGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE,NEW YORK. BOSTON. AC BORBTDGE'Se CASilrPhtladctyhia.- TAAFFE 4- Pittsburgh 'ffMHS old Established Line being now m full operation, ! the propnetorsbave made extensive arrangcmentsto forward <3ootlk and Produce with-despatch, and on. the miJsiTaxoTttlde terms.--They confidently hopc,theirAvell. known promptness In delivering goods—peculiar safely ' iu rftode of carryirfg—capacious warehouses ntcucb port, affording accommodations to shippers, mid-owuprs .of prbdaedi—together with then*long experience and utiter. initting suieution to business, will secure ..to them a eon-.. timianceof.tUut liberaVpatronage'they hereby gratefully acknowledge. • , .. • « o - ' • AU Consignments bv andfor this hue received,charges paidj ttiid lorwanled in any-required. directions free ;of charge for commission, advancing or storage. ;; No inicresl.:ditectl\*or Indirectly-dit steamboats. AU communications promptly attended to on applica tion to the following agents:'. . .• v • * . BORBIDGE k CASH 273. Market street; Philadelphia, ■ TAAI FE k OCONNOR, Caunlßusin. Pittsburgh. . OCONNORS A CO . ‘ North street. Baltimore; • : . WILLIAM U WILSON, .* al • ■ ’ 80. Cedar street, New \ ork. Merchants Traufiportattou^lue VIA CANAI.S AND riAII-nOADSiFOKI 111.-ADfcL -I’IIIA AND BALTIMOItL. OODS consisrneil l< >ur care will he fornanii-d willa brctdclai an.laU "«« r ;”K' ail f Cano) Penn alrert. Pmslnmilt. MB SWLI,ES * REYNOLD*, - • 070 nnd3» : i Market Atrcei.'Plnatlt’Jplna., ■■■ ■■^••RASIS..-MERRIU.-&--CO., Smile s wharf; UnlUmoret. Slerehontß* •• Way" for lilt- Jransportoiiou of «-nj irugiil ll between'Pitu>lmr»li, Blnireville,;.Johnstown, Holu dayßburtrh; Water sUe«M»u«l FetcrsbUTßh. --This iWwaWfoirmed fa tlic specialaecoromodationAS ■IW-wc&.husinax. * The i ‘years, respectfully inform their-oM customers nmV inr public trehemllyithnlthey are now belter prepared to deliver gootlaat tury point oir ibe.Laoula or k.itiro.uU with promptness and despatch; -., . •• • pKoemuToas. . JA3. A. I*ORK,' ■ -OHOROKTRINW.N • - - JOIf.V MILTIKR & CO. - A-. M'Asmv -k Co* Pittsburgh; Jbir.vMiw.tai.‘irolhdny>ibur£; - PicKaroimr& Woops.Johuxtowm • References —Smuli»\ i-M l)ev«tM». A-. FT: Shoenliertfer;lt;Robisdii& Co.:Tt:Moore; Walev A. Smith: JohaPorker; Win. Li:ljmer»VCo.. (»• "• Sirn-.iibor ger» Pittsburgh.':' [l}'-* fitexobaait 1 Trxuiuportatlon l«lne» cfeSl TTIOR ttm {Frausnoriaiion.of : McwhamU?c.«i:tUatdyreliqved l andn>arbfol cws bv'rt tew days use ot this article. It ts.tnr beyond, •any other preparation for this disease, or .for any mhe; ' disease onginotlng from'impure -blopd. • (Sve painphJet.j Debility of the System. Weak Hack. ensues* of the Kidneys- Ac., ot Inflamauon of the same,is unmcdmttly rejiavedby aiew cl ay* use of ttys rae.ihcmcj amt a tureis alwaysthe result of.ua use. It stands as u certain reme dy for sueliepfoplaints, and.also for derangement* of Me female Traraferirregulhrities, painful tnen struntioatr-Noantolehas uver heon tins, which would louchihis kind of-deraugement*. liurnybe jcliedspnn as a sure and effective remedy» and, .did ivc Teel pennmedto do-eo. could £ivo ftAhousand names na. S roof of eures in this distressing class'of compiaints,—. ee pamphlet. All broken down, d«luhtntcd-.constitu tions, from the effect' of .mercury,, wil l find bracing power of this nrucle to act immediately, and the .poison ous muieraleradutated from Uio system. . -• Eruptive Diseases will find,the alterative properties of -this arUcle nratFTXUEßLooD.auddnvc such iliseapes from ; the system:; See pamphlet for testimony, of cutes m nil. -diseascAywhich the hmita nf ail advertisement will-not : permit io be named here f'Agents give thcin. away they • contain 22 pages of certificateiuof .high character, and ti ■ stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine. nevj er appeared. - It is one of the peculiar teaturcs of this ar . itclcythat it never foils to benefit in any cose, and Sf bone :«nd muscle, are left to build .noon, let the emaciated , ami .lingering invalid uoPßOx,;aml keep taking the medicine i as,long asthereis an improvement; ■ The proprie tor would caution the public ogiuust a number of articles which. . come, out under the heads of SASSAFARn.r.AS. fevauTS, Ac., -as curexfor Dropsy, Gravel. Ac.-- Tlieynregood fornoih mg, and concocieu to gull the unwary r. TOuen tuum not. Their inventors never thongbt of curing such dlaeascßtill this article had donef it. -.-A particular study of the pai7iph :le(sis ecumatly salteiud.y. Agents; and nil who sell the ar ticle, are glad to circulate gratuitously. Put up m2O oz. botlley,'iUs2?.l2oz.do- at &1 each—the larger holdings 02-mdre than the two small.bottles. Rook out and not fetimposed upon. Every’bottle.has,‘’.Vaughns Vegeta leLllhontripUc MTxturei” blown upon the. glass, .the written signature of "G. C. Vaughtif’ou the directions, and “G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,” stamped on the cork. None other are genkme. • ... •-. v. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold nt the Frinci pal Office; 207 Main street, Buffalo, wholesale and remit. ' : No attention given to letters unless post-pnid-rordrr exafltd. Post-paid lot ifr&,or verbal commuiucationß solicumg advice, prompt ly attended to gratis; ;. .. • Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of tins, article— ‘Tl&Nassau si/j IST- V.’ TSSS Essex st, Salcni, pnncipal-Druggists-throughout the United States and Canada, as Agents. HAYS fc BROCKWAY Aqcnl*. : :jan2l • ;, i v- ljiberty'BL, near Canal Basin. . y .ne«opened* ITtOLLANSBEE A HAYAVARD, AVhoi.esai.e Boot, ?■*» Shoe ond Trunk Meecuants. No.lsn.LibeTtv strcci. :PittAlurghf Pa;, have re-opened agrun-with nn enlire now stock of Boots, Shoes,-Ac., which will he sold ut the very loWest ratcsi Oar goods are ofa superior quality being inaunfactured mostly , to our order, forthc rctail trade.— .Country .Merchants and.others, who buy to sell again, .. will find it to their interest to call and examine our goods .before purchasing,, as .we feel confident they will please, , both tn regard to quality, and price. Wc also have on hmidn large supply ot Hayward’s sprlng.lempcrcdmetal ic gum elastic Over Shoes and Buskins, .winch..we aje eiiubled to sell as low as they can be bought of the mau ufiiclorffs. .-These.shoes are-manufactured by iin chiire now process, and warranted not to melt by exposure to heat rou.ANsm r a *m\\ \ud . Bcplo-3nv. i . . No-1 kb. Liberty si.. Pitislnirgli, Pa. ROCRRIkS. hhdfl. prime N. O. Sti-rnr :•' --.do hbls. Lroaf Suerir. Nos 2, C .nid ?■;? ‘ ’5!J' Primc.N. O. Mouhi-cs; - • Sugar-House lot) hugs primes Rio-Coffeu j „ . i. • 25 Jinlf cheslfi.-T, H.lea,. t - .. • GO tioxcs 0 anil U lh do and 0 P •.19...;»v.Vircinia : i , obnct , o,.l:8,;fis.niuH2B.- •20 hbls.'large No,.3;Mackercl (I^4r?). 200 of , Tor-ale by \\ A M MITCIII l TRlff , st p 25 KOI ib rt> st ST. CliAlil HOUSE, CORNTR OF PF\ T \ AND CLAIR tnSTIR thhcacy'oi / jy2’‘the market affdrd6; ; ’;scr-vhd; up nnhc VHhorfeAt'nhtieeiTiml iivilic vcry-.hi:si siyle-.:‘ The liojiKc is fittfiliiO uint'airrahged in the liekkordef, under die [scpJ7] JOHN T M l, ITSPRATT A SONSMHJiACIIINO dTli'HnP'rnofnrticlc uUva’ys'on h'hho'nnd for snle at nit UltUApaiiy’JpW price, by. \V. A M; MITCHKI.TREE • • v - -i -1 • -V- ■’ " j- A SMALL lotof BAULL\ rea d nud lor sifl*- hv Jx- zscplO. .; ,* : CUArhfINS A SMITH , \ N 1. ‘ * » ( -r . . ir •. - - t> I / J - emigration fours. ~ * mkv rassess kh /£u(\ A R R A N* O E M E N T S . :, |Tr* Hereafter* ail Steerage Passengers eommff from :Europe r eiictiged in America to come over, la cimeirof Ike ships oi mabnbkn & Co., will be furnished: with the following Provisions, or their equivalent,in other articles .crmnlly good.-r*Sfe/«q/“.ConertJS. May 17,16-15... rPHIS FI.ATV will prevent sickness on board. Ilerpto- JL : fore, \vhen Passengers found ihcniselwa in Provia lans, ;niany of them cume on board, entirely destitute,, which often caused much sickness and death. 35 Jibs. Bread, .» .. . . V All of good quail .lo “Bice, - ty. ana-one-tenth 10 '* Oatmeal, ot the provisions 10“ Flour, ' furmshed-wiU.be 10 . u Beads and Peas, - ~ } delivered, to each 35 : Potatoes, ; v Passongcr every 1 - gut .- i pint of Vinegar, . . I ' ve .Ck»'TMk.® *»-. , GO iralloiis or \Vater f ; Jficieni supply,, of 'lO ftis. Sailed Pbrk.freefrombouoJ/Faei lot .cooking, r Kacli Skip in'this will be propcrly.venulaied.and a good house over the passage-way leading to tbo Pasr eeiigers’ apariinent.. Tlie Caniboose and Cooknig-ranges, tot urn use ®f Passengers, arc kept.undercover. . Every,; attention will be paid toyworaOte their health tuidcomfon. “iun -t rut burgh, JOSHIi A ROBINSON, je7.„■ FifUisUnear^Vobd. • RHMITTANCESanUPassagctotmd-.r-jgc* ffV from Great Britan? and Ireland, by W, J. T. Tapscott, .75, South at., comer i . olMnidenLanc, N.V*und 9C Watcj- . , J oo Rood. Liverpool. . t . : . ■..•■••- lThe subscribers,- having accepted -the Agency of the .above; House, are-now prepared toranke arrangements on. tho/.mosi. liberal terms with thoso desirous.ofpaying the passage of their fnendsfrom the Old Country* and they flatter .themselves their character and long standing ui : 'business will give ample assurance that alViheir nr-, rangeinents will be carried out laithtully.. . . ■Messrs.. \V. AJ. T. fapscoti arc long andfavorah!). known Tortile superior class, accoramodation, and aoilmg. nuahties of their Packet Sl»p«. The QUEEN OF THE WEST,- SHERIDAN, GARRICKyI HOTTINGUER, RQSCIUSJ LIVERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of which leave cadi port monthly—from New York the 21st and 2tith, and irom Liverpool the Otlrand addition to which they have arrangements wnh'thc. Sr. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Pockets, to insure adcpaTture from Liverpool every five.days, being thus determined .that their facilities shall keep pace with their tncfcjwmg . patronage: while -Mr.- \Y. -Tapstotvs constantpersonal Btipcrmloiulnnce or the business m Liverpool is an addi uoual security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be particularly attended to. ( •i-Thc. subscribers being, .os usual, extensively engaged m the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh,and the Atlantic Ciues; are thereby enabled to tnke charge ot ■ and lorward passengers immediately on thcirlunding, . without-a-chance ot disappointment or delay* and are, therefore, .prepared to contract for passage troin any Ai-ft* - port in Great Britain or Ireland to tins city, the nature ot • the •business they are engaged in giving them facilities tor carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise at* tamable; 1 and-will, n necessary, lorward passengers tur-. . ther by the best mode ot conveyance, without any additional charges for their-trouble* -Where persons , scnV tor decline coming out, the amount paid tor pa-ssage will be reiumled m full. . . „• i. . REMITTANCES. . ■? • i’l'he subscribers nre ulso prepared to.give. drafts at | sight for any amount, payable at Inc principal cities and lowas in England, Ireland, bcoilnnd and W olcs. tlias af fording a safe and T expeditious mode of remitting fund*. • to those countries, which persons requiring such facili ties will find it to their interest to avail themselves of. Application (in>y letter, post-paid) will bo promptly nt -tendedto. . TAAFFh A O CONNOR, Forwnrdiug and Commission Merchants t ;mnp27-d&\v-ly • ' . • •• Philadelphia.^ JohnHeam, •. : Josiah Kellogg.-» • [ \V alker A. Cook, J533J«n5aJ? The extraordinary success of (ins medicine, in the cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the Amencnu Agent ih soliciting for irentmcnt Uie worst possible casus that cun bo found ju the community —cases Ibol seek relief in vmn from any of the common remedics-of thc .'day’, and • have bceu-given up by the most distinguiabed ; ns cofinned amt incurable. The Hungarian Balsam has cured; and will cure; the input desperate cases.lt'ia- iio quack nostrum, but astandard English medicine, of known and establißheilefficacy. ' ; • • Every iuthcUmied States should.he supplied , with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive of the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine. in nil- cases -of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pay Archibald Alliflpn, F. R. S.. nuthor oi the‘-History eC-Europe.'* ♦ •fteiinder* Life ot Christ—The life of Jesus Christ, m its- historical voimexiou'.inid historical, developmentsby Augustus Neaiiiler—transhited fromThc, foiirth German' edition,.by JohiiMcCJiittbek aiiil K. Blumciitiialj'ProfeS snrs in; Bickinsdn .College. -' 1 : : : Old Hicks the Guide j or Adventures in the Chmnhchc Country in search of n Gold Mine: by Cims.' W. Webber. The 'Bachelor of the-Albriuy: by iho author of ibe •rPnlcon Family. • ■ ■ Dr. Chalmer s Posthumous Works;—Daily Scriptural. 1 RemhngM. by tlie late Thomas D., L. L. D.— in three vols. -Volumes Ist and2d received. . > I he above valuublo works received-this day. and -for snlebv JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. 1 '••apl2" Booksellers, corner Market ami Third sts. Sl»NI)lUl-^.— lllttdo*. PlayingCardsj. _ 2(>d, whole and half boxe&Saril.iiiesj . Hl olive Oil;. . • - ... . V" .. V; 20 dpg..nKsort* , dCatsup's, Ac. ... v : :s;cnsks:Lqu(lqn Porter r; quntlß.niid ninw;. v';..y ; - •;PoP ) do7. Brandies. Wines, &c. Ycr)' old; -• . .;>c. . ;s,.hbU;-poivdered Sugar; ■ ; - V v / ~ C» hnskew Champnigne Wme.part to arrive; •Tbhds.Clarct )V y inej for sale'by,. mart) P C MARTIN. "-A s<_‘.■*. ' c 7i : ‘>?''■??* v- i i ?r ' ■ Ar.-n. jt; v. H£ ,T .>::!■ ■>■■ ./v '*!<:.£. '-i r- V ; - *: - •'.• ‘ yi ■• £ i ' »-i ' f* r ' KV f •v i- • ‘T’ i- ' ■•S'-'' i-*'I’-' 1 ’-' Xlarmlen & Co.’s ■ ’.££-3r • Hocbci Brothers, OCUR 'BROS. & CO.; sole Agent* for the BLACK Xv' BALI. LINE. oi Liverpool nml New \ ork Fueled*, tufcc the liberty of-announcing to their old; friend* and cu*tomcr.*.'thnt their amuigetnems for the year IMS being complete: they arc prepared to bring out passenger** hi the above-spfendnl Line, front Liverpool to Now York •nml Philadelphia; ' They: refer to their-former course of doing-business,' and-tiAsure. those who entrußt them with tiieir orders, that the «ume;sniiifaetion will he rendered us heretoiore. URMJtTAXCEJ TO ENGLAND, IRELAND. SCOTLAND AND WAUiS: : . for Rule, payable, on demand, nf any Bank m Ireland. ‘ ' ••'•'.’v." The underwiriied has made arrangement* to bring out •tvassetit'er'i to Pittsburgh, during the present year; ■ frV.S.arnduw* IjAto BLAKELY. Piiiisnge To aml From • mi tiHEAT BRITAIN'& IRELAND. : Czo ims Jltrt'AltD it Son. No. 13-4 AN ulcr'uo Road, Li* vi::»pool.' .. ... - . OAIU.TW.Kit.UIH'ARTn.No. Rt.. N. Y. . . . fItHK Subscriber*, having accepted the Agency at tin* X city ofthe above well known and Tt* =pvcinMr i(oasc< are prepared to make eugugcnteiiu-iur passenger* loeome Oul from any part.of CJrcnt Britain or Ireland, by the re gular Line of I Packet rdnyr*. sumac iromLtvrn-00l week ly.. , .l’crsoii'i engagingwith tiKtuay rest assured ibni their Liemls will meet with ..kind treatment and juouipt des patch at Liverpool. as well tu every attention necessary on their arrival in this country. Apply tpornddre** • * SAMUEL M'CLCJUCAK A CO.; 142 Liberty *t., Piitsbimth. N. U tmptircd aero lrunvLiverpool to Fills* burgh' direcu anil droll* for any amount forwarded, pay* able ntjsighb tbrougliomtln? .United Kingdom. jytKHy H AItliI)lillV“j£ CO.’S fASSf:SUE.It AND REMirTANCG Olllcc. . ■ BAKNDEN A CO.roir.inm* 10bringoutperson*froin any part of England. Ireland. Scotland or Wales, ; Upon tin* most liberal terms, .with their usimlfmnetuaUtyv and attention to the -wimtßOf emigrant*. AVe do not al low our passeugcrslohe robbed by tbc swimllhiy scamp* dial inn-ftt the sea-poris. a* vvu take eburee of them the moment thuv report theinsclycs, and sce.lothrir \velM>c* a.;af 'tiefpaich ibcin ysuliOut any detention by the ur.o ships. Wo.-sav this - fearlessly, ns Avr.do.fj au> ol our tmssengers to shout: that they were detained furtysiight hours by us tii Liverpool, whilst ibouß3ttd*of Gthers'werc detained, mouth* until they could he pent in some old crafty &\ tt cncnp rale.' too frequently provcd-Uieir cotlius. .•. Wc Intend to'perform our contracts houornlilyv cost Khalit may,and not net as wai Hie case with oTlier.olucev v.>ho either performed not at a11,.0r when it sifuedibeir convenience. •••.• •' UrnlU druvru at Pittsburgh for.nnv f-ara from to £l.(juu. payable ui anv of the Provincial.Paul* ui4re* l:nul, toiuJand. Scotland andAVale*. . : v josiuTAiiomN.sav.., l-uropcuu a ml General Apt-nl, Finh street- one door txrlow W nod wt FOussfoN Jsra*- Mh- uuiiimcis. MMIF-Subscribers arc prepared to torward money to all ± parts of I-'ngl3ml, lre|HntV, Scotlttml nnd AVuies, with despatch. and at the lowest rates, •••’ •• ' SAWIEI. M'CtUUKKN tc CO.’, 145 l.lbertr street. 25iiropeau tuul Aiueriouu riMIK undersigned European Agent bus just arrived m • X the UiuleiT fetiitc*, and will leave. Pittsburgh. Pa early in September, and will, trout. New York on Uic-Jhi da y of October ncxt.perlonmng the Twenty Second Tour; of this agency.througn England, I reland,iScotliuui,\Vale?,- etc. returning to America m. May, 1*540,. Money remit tances for lurge aud smaUsuma promptly maifo:to : alJ parlsof Great Unwin and Ireland {legacies,debts, rents. . real estate and claim# collected nnd recovered; copies ot wills, deeds aml.dqeument*: procured; ftcnr.efleß of.nll 'kindsmade. cic. Ho>*iicr.iH*dA bis relative. Ji. koenun. now p. 3. Consul atrHubliiu who sn many yeurA success* , fully conducted this Agency; mid ho will fie .assisted by him in all busine#? transactions in Europe. ;. Innumerable references given. Address- personally* or-address, post paid, - TIIOS. J. KEEN AN, European Agent, ... . nml Attorney apd Counsellor at Eaw,: Pittsburgh* Tn. Office at iho Merchant s Hotel, corner I bird and Smith field sts.. 1 t |Q?*Mr. K.-mny be seen on business at the following •times nnd places: In Cincinnati. nt Broadwny Hotel, on Ulst July* nnd Ist -August; m 1/Oui.iville, at. Louisville Hotel, on .Ird nutUth August ; in bt. Louis, on 10th; 11th and 12th August. . JamesAlay,l->q.will attend to nil European busmens in my absence.- JctJ ' Great Idngllsli Remedy I TjtOß Coughs, Colds, AKihmn. and Consumption!—The J? great and only Remedy for the above diseases is the Hungarian-balsam of-L\fc. discovered by the celebrated Dr. Huchan, of London, England; and iuiroducedxntollie United States under theimmediate superintendence .of the inventor. New IV orUfiu V ■■ ' .... { •; f 'iy ?> '* : -' t f"' r ' -i-' , V? vj,'- .' l lue InatiTonce* ■■■.- -s. . rTMlE.lnsurance Company of North America, of Flula -X- delpbta. through its duly authorized Agent, the sub-1 scnber, offers to make permunentand limited- Insurance i on property,™ this clty-and itsvicinny,nnd on shipments i hy the canal ami rivers.' / • DIRECTORS •. Arthur G. Coffmi PresV Samuel Brooks, Alox: Henry. ‘ i- Charles Taylor, •Samuel W-Jones,' • ' f i •' SomUcl W. Smith, • • Edward Smith, • r • •- '-Ambrose *\hite, JohuA. Brown, '-.t-Jacob M. Thomas,, ■ • John‘White. Johnß Neff ; TbomasP.Cope. > -** ' Richard D.Wood r - \\m Welsh. Hent> D Sherrard, Setf y • Tlub is the oldest Insurance Company’ in the United States, havingbeen*harter*d m 1794. lt* charter is per petual, and from its high standing*- long experience, am ple means, and avoiding alt risks of ah' extra hazardous character,-it may be considered os offering ample securi ty to the public. -WILLIAM P. JONES. •» At Cotinting Room of Atwood, Jones k Co<, v> pter.nnd Front sis., Pittsburgh , •• mu>4> •, The FrankUu Fire Insurance, Company O? PHILADELPHIA . _ /CHARTER PERPETUAL.—B4OO,OOO pmd in oilier. • v/ IC3J- Chestnut borthside, near FifUi. .Take. Insu rance, cither permanent or.limitcd, against loss or dam- | ago by fire, on. propertyand effects of every description, i in town or country; onthe.most reasonable, .terras. A Pv plication, made either personally pi by Ictters,wiU be promptly attended t 0... -- C. N. BANCKER, P/est. . C, G. JBjLStHEB, Secretary. . v DIRECTORS * .Charles Ni Bancker. Jacob R. Smith, ..... ■ Thomas Hart,... . •. George AV; Ricnarai, Thomas J. Wharton,.:■* .MoraecalD* Lcwta, . Tobias Wagner, . Adolpht E. Bone, .., Samnel Grant, t David S-BroWn.. • PITTSBURGH AGENCY. : ' ; Warrick. Martin, Agent, ot. the Exchange Office of Warrick Marlin & Co., eomet of 3d and Market sis. j • lire risks taken on buildings and their, Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country.. No. marine of inland navigation nsks taken. ; nug4-l> =. (JKNCV OFTHhiFKANKLIN MKh INfeUKANUK. COMPANY OEPHILADELPIA.—,Y.£. '°rr\trof Thtrd aixd Wood osjets .of the company on the first of Jquuary,' 184 G, as published in conionmty with an act of.the Pcnni>lvania.Logi*lature,. Bonds and Mortgages r ~ 93 Real Estate, at cost--*** •* •• •••-%•• •"'JfiSMSI-IJ Temporary Loans, Stocks aud Cash; •?.v;■ Making a total of* •• • » •• w.’**r W j Affording certain assurance .that all, losses .will be. j promptly met. and giving enure security to all .who ob- j lain policies from this Company* ; Risks;taken at as low j rales as ure consistent with security. ■. : . .-r OCtB WARRICK MARTIN, _Aggni>_ t ConneU'sKlagleal Pain Bstraetor. J IT is uovv conceded by medical; mett that Connell s. 1 Magical Pain Extractor, manufactured by. Comstock A Co., 3l Conrtland st..Ne\v York, is the greatest won der of the 19th century. Its effects ore truly miraculous. Alt pains are removed from bums, scalds, Ac., and all external sores, m a few minutes after' its application, i lienung the same on the most delicate skin,- leaving ncr ; »cnr. It is equally beneficial lit all kind# of infiammato* . ry diseases. such ns sore-Nipples-and Eyes, oprain-, | Rheumatism. White SwellingtimHJlccri,Bruises,Burns, | CluUhlimis, Erysipelas. Biles,Tic Doloreaax, Ac. *Ve might add as proof to all we say, the names of many em*, imeni physiciaußwho use it in their practice, and nun-, dreds of the clergy who praise it to their people. Kind parent k'ftjt 11 consrantfi/ on Aond.in case of accidents by ure life may be lost without, but by its use all burn-nre subject to its control, unless the vitals uro destroyed, Lau non—-remember and ask forCVnnrlTi Nagxcal-Pain Ex rrartor, manufactured by CoHUtotk 4* A. j., and take noother. „ ■ _ ' . . Piles. Sores. Ac. —The Genuine Hays' Lmarimt, an article more justly celebrated as a cure tor the above, than any or all others. Its cure# arc almost immediate, and ii n only necessary to let those who know the article and use it with such great success, that it is -to be had true and genuine of Comstock A-Co., 21 Courtland st.,. N. Y.. sole proprietor. _ Sold duly geuume in Pittsburgh, Pa*, by \> M. Jackson. b 0 Inlicrly st., head of Wood si.; a»h»ftgton, l .a., by A. Clark: in Brownsville by Bennett A Crocker, also by our agent in every town m Guio, Aid. oml Vitjiniia. novlO-ilfcwOin «H Is tUc b**t Cough Medicine l ever Saw." KtIAD UicioUovvuiq prpofoflhe superiority of Dr. iWt , lard's Oritftlal Cough Mixture, from a respectable c;‘ tzeu, who has tried u : Vmssutcir, DfCcswx\:—After laboring forsc\tral weeksuiulerlho disadvantages oi a harassing tough aud most distressing cold, wluchlind, thus Tar, resisted the ef fects of severafot the. ‘•infallible*.' I .was inautedto pur chase a botlleoi your Oriental Cough Mixiurc, ami gn<\ iia fair trial. To mv grettl» l *rp“sff, .uAer uxiHgonlyo.ie half of the bottle liouml raysclf entirety well. Jtiuht btstrncdicuie Icxxtsmc.' ,Ativ uivi\c True copv. -'JOHN .HIMIS. Sold by HAYS & BUOCKWAY, Druggists, Coratner ciajjlow. Libcmvstrcfb near Cflual. jau? \ A- MASON & CO., .Dry. Good* Wowif, -\>i Marltt. Am Third and Fourth struts, have ju« received a largo supply of rich Fall Good*, co.upnatng in part - 17 cases varum* styled Punts andChinuis of r*n /li'h French and American manufacture; ISo pea noli nud desirnblo patient* French Ginghams,warranted in ferior to noiie imported in style* quality xmd durability-of colors; 4 cases splendid. Fluid good* for- lauics,dresses, comprising rverv style for Pall and W tnter.wenr, Cash ineirs- M de l.ainrs, Satin stud Alpacca* of yonous colors: 1M and 4-4. Mack and blue Mack .Silks, for Mon iiil»4: Fancy dr«* tsdks; bluefc.ancl Mode colors ;; M. dr l4tin*. all wool; Shawl* ot every «tylc iutil quality; Cds xiin«rr*.Ca*»iiieliA. Broad Cloths and Vesting*; bleach ed and unbleached Muslins tv>mCj to.lejc- per yard, Green- Yellow, lied find -White Flannelsj fu-kmgs, Cheeks, strip’d Shirtings: bleached -widbrown Drillings, ««te.etc- All of which are .offered' at. wholesale and re* tail at the very lowest cosh puces.• ■ A. A. MASON & CO. XTK\V* l>A(Ti;KTHil^i^lMnioUAl6trii«ti-e.-s: 2»utA/- X\ i«g«- Fourth strut. —llocoil &. AtcrilONV; Daguerrco tvpisl* from the Kaatern.cidos; would call ihcattention of tht> inhabitant* ot Pittsburgh, and t&eneighhoriug towns, to their Dugucrrroivpo of miumiand olhCrj. otroom t m die third story ot Burke s building, *lth fit. Person* wishing pictures taken may rest assured that no pain* shall be spared to produce them In the highest perfection ofthe art. Ourlnstniments are of the most pow crfnl kind, enabling us to execute , picture* udsurpassed for high finish and truthfulness to nature. -The public arc. solicited to coll and examine. • • . Persona silting for picture* are neither required or ex pected to lake.tiiem unless perlcct«mtisfrte»oi i •rum. N- B- Operator# will find this a good depot tor stock nud chemicals. r- givetuit tho art, contamuig the more remit Improvements. ; mo female should, have n box of X Dr- Ralph'* Pill*. They arc perfectly adapted to the peculiarities of their constitution, acting wiih grnUe ifiiUl uesa'ilnil safety rn nWcimwwhitieM. AVhererer introduc ed. their chnractcr ha* LeenTaptrtly established among the ladies- with whom they are emphatically 3ft# Faeonfe. Very complete 'direction* for nan tn the vanoti*.ccm-- plaints will be toaud ui' the directions-.accompanying each box. •> For sale by 9. CUTHIJERT. . Al«o- by Win. Coif. Allegheny City; J O. Smith. Hir miiighnin: nmLJohn M Crocken, FiArt Ward, Pittsburgh. • j ni\'2S ’ _ Uollow«Wnre Castings . MERCHANTS visiting our. cilv* for. the purpose of obtaining their Spring, supplies of Hollow-ware ami other Casting*, will Gnu a very heavy stoek, m«t an extensive variety of pattern* and sizes msnmi by us.— Samples can be *ee» atmirwarehouse.Coinmercm! Row, Liberty street, next WV W. Wallace** Marble works. . • Terms and prices favorable.. . : ftiW-v; Y , t ' iDrngs fHtitir'wrs. T IVER COMPLAINT; jACXDrOK. DYSPEP&IA, XUNERVOUS DEBILITY, DJSEASE OF THE: KID JNfcAS*? ASTHMA; ,nud. all. affection* arising from derangement or disease m. the. Biliary. Digcs - .t: tire, Vascular. Respiroioiy,' and-. Nervous Systems, such as - coustipation, inward . piles,heartburn, los? of appcnte,coat ■ •ed longue,, acidity, of the stom- " - • ‘ /,-acb, swimming of thehend,.. ...:: fullness orweighunthe . stomach, slimness of . i •> .vision. palpHa-.r;- : t - J uon of the ' heart, Choking or. suffocating < Bensuung. ;depression of spirits, sudden flushes of: neat,painm the side or bock,; i weakness Qf the limbs, cold , feet, constant inu .1 ugmings of evil, fever nnd dullpmn m the head, pain and. difficulty, of breathing ..... wheii.lyiug upon,th& ssde,’frightful . dreams,sourcTUCtations,yellow ness oflheskmnndeyca. . deficiency.. of: perspira*- - lion, Ac, Aegean be effectually ..'cured' • by DOCTOR HOOFLANDS CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS. ;.; . Thcirpoweroverihcabove.discaeests not excelled — if- equalled—by- any. othar. preparation in :the -.United. States, as the cures in this city attest, in many oases af ter skilful physicians had. failed.' , Derangement in (he liver andslomach aro.sources of insanity—from disorder or obstruction a morbid action of] the sympathetic andothernerves follows,>&mUhefonc- [ turns, of-the brain are impaired and nerves. ] are tbe'conneciing medium between mind and mauer.it i follows from.the. reciprocal action that boih must be ; more or. less Implicated and deranged simultaneously -, i dcrangementthere wtllalsoproducediscaseofr the SKIN, i LUNG 9, UTERUS and KIDNEYS; as well ns the brain; 1 The thousands w/iodio withYELLOW FEVER,! CHOLERA or INFLUENZA, is owing to thesarae | cause;and the majority of cases of that most painful disease, CONSUMPTION from the same. . In fact the stomach is the important organ in. tbo. system of matter, as Upon It you depend for (he success and all the. advantages to be derived from the administration of in ternal medicines, ttsfunenons ore of the utmost ira portanceto every one m consliiutingthe source and fouu- | lain of life,which is nulnncrn. No organpossessessuch i remarkable sympathies, none such remarkable-power m i modifying every pan of the system; :.- i t ■: The tare success in treating disease of-tho liver and : stomach successfully haslet beeiuvwant of pathological •knowledge oi tbeirluncuohs, but the preparation of a i componud thaL would.net upon the disease ai.d all the i sympathetic afflictions; That point bos been goined in ! these Bitters, and iHey are EWTIRELY VEOErABLE, i-and will in every.cnsc permanently destroy cosuvencssy i aud give strength and vigor to the frame, at no time de i hilitatuig the patient. and they* are grateful'to the most I delicate stomach under any circumstances. ALL CAN BE CURED WHO WILL USETHEM A 9 DIRECTED,: , ;(fpAVITinX TUB-POWEa OV- MBDICINK.) . 'The few months dus preparation has been before the public, has. from its infallible efficacy, elicited the eulogy of the press through the land, their object being for the benefit of suffering humanity; its' succcsb has surpassed, all precedents, andjt is free from. stimulant, syrup. mercury.aloes t quinine,-acids,, and all mjunous nigTedients. and especially adapted to tbe diseases of the variable climateot ;the United States, and the West In dmlslands.;. . WEI2K AND. DELICATE CHILDREN, are made strong by.using it—-in faei it isafomily medi cute,aml can be administered with safety to a child one year old.the delicate fomale, ora manor mu6tv. Thai Philadelphia Democrat sayss—“Tin* medicine, has an extraordinary virtue and elucacy, and is in great demand. vWe can speak -from experience, that'll has produced mnny wonderful cores.” The Daily Sun says:- c *We-believe it Is one oflhe best medicines of the age—a friend having used it in his own family-with- great satisfaction in the Jaundice and. LiverComplnint.M r\ Titebpintoi the Times and Keystone-saysf—“Do our good ciuzens.whq arc invalids, know the many aston ishing cures that have been performed by Dr. Hoofiand’s celebrated Germuii Bitters? If they do not, we recom mend them to the German. Medicine Store, street; ntl who arc afflicted with Inver Complaiut, Jaun dice, Dyspepsia or Nctvous Debility; the Doctor has cured many of our citizens, a tier the bust physicians had failed; AVe have used themf and they have proved to be a medicine that every one should know of, and we cannot refrain giving ourtestiinony mlheir. favor, and that which gives them greater claim upon our humble et fort. they arts entirety vegetable. The Evening Buileimsnyg:—'Tho Celebrated German Hitlers arc an mvnluablej-omedy (or Juaudice, Dyspep situ and nervous ebiiydnints.” .V'.-.• K-...\v Neal's Gazette says:— l, lt is not often we notice the various excellent medicines advertised m our columns, because we are unwilling to speak except from personal experience, and a good constitution fortunately makes ros genefally itrangera to such, articles. A. word*, how-. | everjOfPr.Jlooflaud’fl German Bitters. This ivs xsow i to be «n excellent article fulfillimrin even* respect what ! font bv the advertiser.; •'!” i . The Daily News soys: “A Mkiucjjul—We speak knowingly of Dr. Hoof laml s celebrated German Hitlers when we say nis a blessing oi this age, aud in diseases 01 the biliary, diges tivc-atid nervous systems, it has not,-we think, tm fjjual —ttisA VEUETAM.u rarPAiuTioN- and supu wtinouT al cohol . ami to nl! invalids wc would recommend’ it us worthy their confidence-. What stronger testimony can a medicine have? Atthe Dcp«>t enn be seen • the evidences ol many oi onr most respectable citizens of Cures in - ull tnc i loregoing dis eases. ■ .•:>< ' ' ■' ' Principal Depot. German Medicine Store, ‘J73 RACE Street, and lor sale m Lancaster by John F; Logon; Har risburg. by D. W : Gross; and ruspeclanlo dealer* gen erally throughout the country.. • • SILENCE THAT DKHADFUL'CODGff!—The hung* ore m danger, the work of the destroyer has been begmitthc Cough of Consumption huth in u a sound of death. ■ Aue voc A' Motiikh? Your darling child. your idol and rnrtldy jov. is now perhaps confined to her chnmher by a dangerous cold—her pule cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the hold disease has already gumed upon her —the sound of her supulehrnl cough pierces your soul. ... Yorrso Man, when jastnl.mil to enter lur, disease sheds a heart crushing blight over the fmr rronneclsot the fu-: lure—your hectic cqtigh uud feeble limns tell of your loss of hope, but you need not despair. There is u halm which will heal tnc wounded lungs, it is ?..;Bherman , s AU-Healbig Balsam* ; Mrs. .ATTttEK,;.the wue of -Wra. 11. Attree. Esq. was given cp hy Dr.- bewail of Wnnhinffton. Drs. Roe ami MtClellon of Philadelphia. pr. Roe and Dr. Mott ot New York. Her friends nlMhought she must die. She had every appearance of beimr in cousuinpuoii. ami was so pronounced by her physicians—Sherman* Balsam. was given, and it cured her. ' Mrs. of Bull a Ferry, was also cured of consumption hythis Balsam when-nil other remedies tailed to give relief—she was reduced to a. skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle* Dentist. 2dl Broadway, hus -witnessed ita effects tn.scVernl cases where no other niedectne afford ed relief— bnt the Balsam operated tike n charm. Dr. C. also witnesrcdits wonderful effects m curing Asthma, which it never failsof doing. Spitting Blood. <;iarmmg as it may b:, is effectually cutcO by. this BalsanK. ft heals the ruptured or wounded Mood.vessel*, und makes the lungssodiulagain.- Rev. Henry Jones. 109 Eighth avenue, wns cured of cough and catarrhal affection of 50 years standing. The first dose gave bun more relief than all the other medi cine he had ever taken. Dr. I.: J< Beals. IQ Delaney street, gave h to a sister-in-law who .was labonug under consumption, and to another surely afflicted with-the Asthma. In both cases its effects were immediate, soon restoring ihem to comfortable health. . Mrs. LucuiniA Wells, 05 Chnsue-st.. suffered from Asthma 413 years. Sherman s Balsam relieved her at once, aud she is comparatively well, being enabled to sulwlue evory attack by a timely use-of this medicine. This indeed is the great remedy tor'Coughs..Colds, Spit ting JHood. Liver Complaints, nnd all the affections of the throat, and even Asthma and Consumption.: . i • Price 25 cents and SI per boiile.: • Principal Office 10(5 Nassau street. New York. • Likewise Dr. Shennnn'rt celebrated Cough; Worm and Camphor Lozenges. Premium Tooth Paste and Poor Mail's Plaster* ; > : r •>/ -‘ V - . , -» - 1 , t. v uyz * f ■ lk , , f I *.** < ♦ * :4-T-- 1.:~T V *-■ -"■>* -i: ' '■V ' r " Jl '’>->' *- C C -' T/, 1 i 7“' # -L-' X , *, -• ”t~ t* J^-S. : i f , "U \ ' IT , ’ «. *- } f < ,f ' « - v -* ■V *■ i * h - ‘ ./■ „ li" 1 - I'*' , I- J 'j V^' <"i * IS 1 ‘ Jj-. , '<\ A "* -r V ~ W. ■* r' V : 'A- L ■: ■' ■■:-*: , j"- V.'-V..- .1 ' ::; ' - .■( ' ". 11J ,( •• „ l - , ’: , .' "t A . *> \ V ' ■* *■ t -' 'V * ‘~ N <%; 5"- v/,S. t O c v SVV’ ' * ' “ ’r'W* .\ z - ** ' * Xt*--, V *«' >^ZA~?< -a, * i? ■» rfv r S' v,** ** *VV * - ; , **# *<■ : i ■*•***■ l i V* ** Vi * --f A t A ~ *1 fj l * ■*■» >" « I 1 , - ,v r i^ >■ *- . w' " -*V ~ 4 ; * ' v l, • MI M, l r - , ' ,' i- r "* J * V f| |t ! 5" • Sold wholesale .and retail by WM. JACKSON, , at bis Boot and Shoe Store and* Patent. Medicine -Warehouse. 83 Libefly streel Pittsburgh. head of Wood street, and by the following duly appointed Agents for Allegheny ■County: " ■ • • ■. .: .» * A. M. Marshall, Allegheny city; Jonathan Gbrlest, Manchester; J. U. H. Jacques. Birmingham; A. S. Getty, - Wylie street; J. G. Mnstm, cor. Webster st. nntY Elm; Dame) Negley, East Liberty; *1; L. 1 Mitchell; Wilkins burgh; Thos.-Aikon, Sharpsburgh; Snmt.* Springer, Clin ton; James hPKee. Stewarisiown; John Black. Turtle. Creek; C. F, Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland & Son. M’Kees port; McEldowney,- Bakerfctown; Riley McLaughlin, Plumb Township; Win. J. Smith, Tempcrancenlle; Jas. Fulton, Tnrentum; G.H. Starr, Sewickly. - . marfl-ly MORE TESTIMONY!—Dr. W; LANl>K~nr Fayette ville, NVY., says: “I am well.persundett, and havo been for sometime, that your Domestic Vegetable Pills: nre of great use . to all those who may have occasion to use them, and have administered teem to my patients.”. : Fever and. Ague, Dyspepsia and Bilious Fever, are wk mediatcly cured hy the use. of Dr. Ralph's Puls. Price,- 25 cents n box. Sold wholesale and.retail by . .. s l cutilbfrt, - Smithfield street, near Third.: Also, by Wm. Cole, Allegheny city; J. G. Smith, Biv minghittn: and John ATCrackcn. Fifth Ward. ' fet>l7 • Jaynes’ Faintly’ . DR. 8; S. COOK,.Pj(iu&, Ohio, writes,.March. 1S40: (, I have used your vermifuge, Cartmaative I>abam, and in my practice, .for thelast three years, and hnve been exceedingly well pleased with.them, and never, as yet, to iqy recollection, failed of realizing my fullest expectation In their curative properties. Your other medicines I cannot spoak of from experience; hut, judging from those 1 have used. J doubt not but that they claim, and are entnled.to qlllne confidence reposed nr them, by those who have used tncm. I was formerly very partial to Vermifuge,< until 1 hccnmcncquaiti ted with yours, which bus my decided preterene to any other no\v m use. - . Rcssecifully. yours, Ac.,. ........ S. 8. COOK, M. D.”. sale m Pittsburgh at tlie Pckm Tea Store. 72 Fourth si. __ .. • fehlfi BA. PAMNtiSTOCKtt CUUUH SVHUP.—TlilsJre" • partition has to be of very great effica cy in the cure ot obstinate Coughs; Colds, Asthma, Spit ting ot Blood, Whooping. Oougb,und other Pneumonic Affections; ami the proprietors.feel warranted in recom mending a - a« : a safe nnd useful mcdimne, and are pre pared to show certificates of indisputable authority, in tcßtupony of its value. Ip* pleasant to .the. taste, and is offered at sp Jqw a price as to place it within the reach of every person- There ontr:perhaps, but few Cough preparations thnt will pro duce such decided eQecis in such u.short time. Pre pared and sold by IL A. PAHNT.STOCK CO., . Cornorof First and Wood; also, corner of Sixth-on Wood streets. .. dec I*3 D .:U;'RALPH S CicLiniRATKD VsGfrrAßLiS' Pir.u are for ' sale, wholesale-and retail, nt Ihe k ■. ■ • - Rral Estate Officßj '..j No. 50. Smuhfield si. Also, by W m. Cole, Allegheny city: J. G. Mnuh. Bir mingham; John McCracken. I'cim street. Fifth .Ward, fen Jl "OOR SAkK-rA brick dwelling house and lol,iuq plea- J: sant location, situated on knoll street, Allegheny. 1 he bouse is wellurrantied. having a good cellar, ukiicii en and duinig room, hull and two parlors, three lied rooms and finished garret, kol is 20 feet, bv 120 deep, ton back street. . Pace, 81.200, Terms, 3300 ui. hand, balance in four equal yearly payments ‘V; 3-CUTHBERP,GeneraI Agent* 4 :-= street . J.' * - v .%. / ’ V Srv'f'V : : ••'’ t.y.*- *.*■ . i” AM—A matchlcftirarllclc.for gtuwih, bourn,. Bml ratomupn. of iht,iJoK_ Tbit Cream: when once known;AvlUWpdtcddß aU'pfflr aiii-' clea uf the kind now m. n»e. Wkire lhe hhiiledead harsh) thin,, unhealthy,.- uor turning fewaprihcu* lion* will make the. hair soft And dark; snu gird it a ocati* 1 titui. lively, appearance; and -will also make it maintain its hvehness and healthy color; twieeaHoufrW&Uthb ,preparations that areigeneraHyused:’ 'Wliere’thA hairis thin.or has fallen -0$ it * may be restored by Using this; : Cream.: Every Indy and gentleman who is in,ihehabitof • using oils ou their hair.shouldatohce purchase aboule of the: Chinese vllair Cream, as it is so composed that it will, not uqure the hair: Ukc-the other preparations, but will i beautify it, am) give ;perfect satisfaction in every.in stance • -For testimony to iw very.supenor qualities, see IheTol : lowing letter from the Rev. Mr. Caldwell .to-Mesrrk. Heudershotf & Stretch, Nashvillevgenejnl agents for the Southern. States J-- Letter of the Rn. R. CaliTtsell.Paslorbf the Prctbyi*nan Church , Pulaski , Mksdrs. Hmcxmßsnorr k. Stft&Tcit J ; take pleasure iu adding my testimony in fQVor oflhe elxcelieut preparation, called lJr- Paush's Chinese Hair Cream; t or, about two years ago myhnir was very dry, bristly,'and disposed to come out;-hut having procured a bottle of thc- Creaxn, ondused u according to tno prescription,.it elastic, soft, and .firm to the head. Many bolsaraß.afld . oils: were applied, each lenvingmybmr in a wo>sc. slate than before. Tins Cream, howeyer, hns.njpt .my espec ; taUdh*..v;-v.' : As an article for tho toilet, ray wifo gives it prefercnce over all others, being delicately perfumed nwlnotdie posed to rancidityv The ladies, especially, will find thq i Chinese Cream to be udesuleratum in theirpreparations j for the toilet Respectful!), &c , | R CALDWELL Pulaski, January ?, 1547.: . < ; i IpTSold: wholesale, and .retail,ui.Puuburgh, by John I M. Townscnd, 45 Market si., mid JoeLMoblfir, corner of j Wood and Fifth ate.*" > -iels-d&w«ly r :T -ADIES are cautioned agam&t using Common Frepa .l A red Chalk :Theyoro not awpre how frightiully inju rious it is to theskin i how coarse, how rough, bowsallow, - yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears niter ÜBing pre pared chalk! / -Beside*, u is injurious,containing & largo . quantity ef lead!. We have prepared a beautuul vege table article, which we cull- Jones r Spanish'■.•Lilly White. Il ls perfectly innocent, being purified of pllrdelelerious - qualities, and it imparts to the . skin a natural, healthy, alabaster,clear, lively white; at l the same’-time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and sraooth.-, . .Sr. James Anderson. Pracucai Chemist of Massachu setts,snys: '* Alter analysing Jone8 I 'SpauiBlrUUy While,- I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and ai the same umc innocent, white I.eversflvw.lcertainly.. i Oancenscicßtiously recommend its use to nil whosa-skm - i requires beautifying.'’ . FnceZS- cents a box;. Directions.; i. —the best way to apply Lilly White;.- is with salt leather i or wool —thetormer'is preferable* •; r. :.’ ••... | A fins sct. op. Tkktil fuu, 25 CKST9. — White .teeth, foul breath, heodihy gums.' Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice, cleaned *wiih.Jonc3* . Amber Tooth Fosto, have the appearance of the most beautiful tvory, and, at the same, time it . is so perfectly.-innocent 1 nud exquisitely fine, thawtjconsiaiUdailyuse;i« highly j advantageous, even to those teeth that are mgood.condi- I nan, giving them a beauuml-pohsh. and preventing a J. prerautuTe decay. • Those already decayed li.vprevents j from becoming worse—it also fastens such as is becoming I loose;andbyperseveranceitwillTenderthefoulestteeth | delicately white, andraake the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25 or37J cents a box.: Alt the above, are sold only J at S 2 Chatham st~, sign of the American Eagle,lVie w. York, j and by the appointed Agents whose names appear tu the next column Wilt, youharct, and gel a rich husband,' lady t VYour face is. your 'fortune.'’ isT beautiful,- clear, fair? la it I white? 'lf not,it can bo made.so even thought! be vel- I: low,disfigured, sunburnt,; tanned and freckled. Tlious l ands have been made thus ‘who have washed once or I twice with Jonos’ltahan Chemical Soap* -The efleetts 1 glorious and magnificent: . But be sure you gel. the gcniir | me Jones’ Soup, at the sign oT the American Eagle, 83 j Chatham street j King-worm. Salt-rheuro. Scurvey, Erysipelas; BnTber s. Itch, are often cured by Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, ) when every kind of remedy has tailed: Tluit, it cures pimples, freckles, and clears the skin, all know.; Sold at. the Amcricuu Eagle; 85 Clmihain street. Mind,, reader, 1 this seldom or never fails. . f ..ti T - I . C. INOLIS, Jr.. Patterson. - •Sold ut Jackson's S 3 Liberty st.; head of Wood, Sign of I of the Big Boot. . navtift. ON K DULDAIt TW lO.VK ANI) A HALE CENTS. — Mamage.—Confidential.—Any lady between twen ty and thirty, possessing a symmetrical form, good, fea tures. &C-, is asked confidentially, can she suppose any. man could admire her while she has such yellow teeth* such saUo'tY. roush. coarße afcinj mid.such dirty* bad, wiry bair* whert,l>yspcndm£ the above- sura, she might have delicate whilo teethya pure sweet -breath, ami a beautiful head of hair. Sue. can have beautiful white teeth and sweet brdath,by using a 2s. box of Jona y Am* her Tooth Paste; a skm pore and spotless as,snow, by usmga cakeot thugeuume Jonts' Italian,-Chemical ■&oap; and a beautiful hcadot hair.hy URingads.bottleof Jona' Coral Hair -RestoraUve. Do. not form anoptmou uenmst tins bclorc you trry-o* you will regreUtj but be sure to ask lor Jones* articles. Sold only itr New York at Chatham sir For sale by - : \VM. JACKSON, Affentr : - SO liberty. gt.. Tmsnnrgh. eIANCKIt." SCROFULA'-AND'GOITRE*—AmpIe |:ex r pcnenee has proved that no combination pf medicine, have ever been so efficacious in removing ibe above d«-. cases, as DR. JAYNE’S. ALTER ATTVE.. Jtha&cCTocted cures iruly astonishing, not only oiCancerand Other dis* eases of that cla&ft. bui has Tcmoved the. tnpst stuhbont diseases of the Skin, Swellings, Dyspepsid, .Jtc.. This medicine enters into the circulation, uud eratheniea,dis eases wherever located* -It purifies the ,olood and other fluids- of the body.'re-movM obstruction- in-the pores of: the skin, and reduces enlargement ot the giamls or bones. It increases the appetite,,removes headache mid drowsi ness, and nivigorniestliowholc syslfcio.nndimparis ani mation to the diseasedand debilitated constitution; Tbere is nothing superior to u m the whole materia meilica. It is perfectly sate nnd exttemely:pleusaiit,mid.h;is.noil»ng of the disgusting nausea accompanying-ilia idea ofswuj lowingmedieme. • : tnr’Forsale in Pmsburgh nv the PEKIN TEA.STORE,- “•2Fourthst.,nearWood;- - • •<:■■■. t A Reclne for iheßumanllnlrJ TO FORCE ITS GROWTH AND HEALTH, MAKE IT Son', SILKY, CLEAN AND in eonscipinico of the many-thing* sold, set down every article, (be it ever so good;! as u;hurabug. TL people could be made to try a 3s. bottle of JoneN Coral Ilmr lle sioranvc, and sed how it wakes dry, rustvvred, light Imirt ' moist, soil, auburn and dark, ami keeps it so* and by iu • use for sometime; causes it ur grow untnraHy : betmluul j if people could seo the mimber of po*r respectable; me chanics that use* it. (nye, nnd Ciut inhe cheapest thing they can use.) fordressing and beautifying the •ll'iir; for keeping it soft and in order three umcsaglbiig as any, other ariiclo made, and ’ forces it to" ctow, stops its fajhug,-- ■V’ Ami costs but 3 shillings to try. « h- - We formcrlv sold nothing less than 81 botllevhnnvo wish people totrV it. bold only at B’2 [mind 82} Chatham siren. New \ork; and by j . • - . ■ mirSl WM JACKSON \gt E9liho|lvPt lt/| OKU TESTIMONY tor Dr. Willurtis Family Medi- IvJL cuie*.—The undersicned.cmxcnßof Pittsburgh,hav mg personally used Dr. vV illard’s Oriental -Cougn ■Mix'- ture, anil expenenced lisheneficiaJ effects, do mostokeer - fully, recommend it ns safe and effectual, m ollcases. Speaking frourcxpencnce, we believe tliat it has no su perior: and would recommend its use to ull the afflicted. CHARLES LEWIS, WM JENKINS . ..Pittsburgh, March 15lh, 1549., y H7“8old by J. Schoonmaker & Coq John;Hays, James A. Jones. J. iL Casscl, John P. Scott, F. L.,Snowden. J. Mulder, Ogden & Snowden. - : .- ap«J2> •: SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, OLBSURESj ERYBIPE LAS,-.Barba's Iteh. Chaps,' Sore [Beards, BunjdtS.~r This 14 used .by many; physicians 111 this city mcunng the. above; nntl we wouldnot conscienctously.sel),unless we. knew utol>e all we state _ As a cosmetic: the tnie JONES'S SOAP is perhaps the only article ever known., that removed .impurities, and cleared and bcamified the afctn,’making ,u fiofUclear,-. smooth and white as an infants. Bat mind, it is said at 82 Chatham fit, N Y, and by WV JACKSON. Agent, 89 Liberty street, ritlsbargh. mor2s • • A MERICAN OF NA .■'jCX. TURE.—Procured from a\yell m Kentucky 185 feel below the earth’s surfhee. This QilwiU.be found vastly ; superior to Harlenu Bnush, or any other formerly popu lar. Oils. Its curative properties for. the following oh-, menis- are truly -wonderful :/< Inflaruatory rheumatism,: whoopmgTCOugb.-phtluJUc, coughs, colds, spasms,.- tetter,. erysipelas, scald head, croups inflammatory sore throat, liver coinplmnt,inflammation of the kidneys, pams m the breast. side and bock, diseases of the spine, piles, heart* burn, diseases of.lke hip joint, inflamed sore eyes, deaf • ness, and car -ache,-worms,' tooth- ache r .spr&ms. strains, • bums, scalds, btuisfes; cuts, Ulcers, cancer, fever, sores,. &c Ac ; 'Price SO eents per bottle; “Sold wholesale and retail by WM, JACKSON, at Ins bool and -shoe store, 89:Liberty street,'Pittsburgh. The bio boot stands in the door-way. Onlynlace m Pittsburgh where the OENtnjre can be ob tained. i •. Cautto:?.—ln order lo be sure of obtaining thegenuinC, purchase only of the general agentfor WesternsennayK vama,A\m. Jackson,BS Liberty:strcot, or- through aub-, Agents appointed by Jum for its sale, each of whom .will have a show bill and general directionsin pamplilevfonu* .containing the Jiumes laud address of tho Proprietor and general Agent of. Western Pennsylvama, asfollows; - Dr. Hal)AtCo., propnctorjKentiicky., Wmi Jackson, Geueral Agent for Western Pennsylva nia. 89 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, to whom all orders must be addressed. - • >• •; Observe.—Each bottle is enclosed in one of the above. named Pamphlets, and the uaraeof Wilhftm Jackson, Me general and only wholesale: agent for Western Pennsyl vania,) pruned on the outside of the label. - -.octiS., : *«T)EST COUGH MEDICINE IN THE. WORLD! 1 * ■ X> Another evidence ot* the. superiority of .Dr.- Wtl* larirs Cough Mixture, overall others. Read the following certificate from a respectable citizen of the Fifth "Ward j PITTSBI,hGH, Nov 3,1847 ~ Tliis certifies that ibr some weeks post! -was troubled • with e very serious Cough,-\vhtcb was evidejitly hecom liig seated^on the lungs to-such an extent as to resist the. eticctoLevery medicine which ! had been using.:’ I was finally persuaded to call at Hays A.-Brpckway’s Drug Store, and get a Dr. WiltanPs Ortental Cough Mixture; winch, to my great surprise, relieved me very much; after taking.only two-or three doses, and before:! had used one bottle. Twas.cdtirelyxured.'. i wassomuch pleased with its effects, that J have brought others to buy it. and shall continue to recommend it to my friends, as' J firmly bclttve it to be the best Cough Medtctftetn the votfd^ ■ H Andrew JVtCAMRy”; •- - - Try it—only jJS cents a Boltlei i Sold by-' < HA'VS & BUOCKWAY, - No. 2,.Liberty street, near. Cauol BaBm. ' Sold also by J FLEMING, ' • novlQ - .... -■■-.t;--;-..- -.'.'Lawrettcevillc-t 1 COUGH.' SPrrriNG“d'F BLOOD! BRONCHI riSj ASTHMA, Ac. —To Consumptives, Four-fifths of you are really suffering from neglected- Colds, or an obstruction and consequent inftanratron of the delicate Iming of those tubes thnmgh'whlch the air w-e lirenthe is Uismbuted to the lung«; ; Thts"bbptructibn prodaces pam and soreness, hoarseness, cough, difficulty °t.* breathingsheciic fever, and a spittuig of blood, mailer' or phlegm, wlnch finaUy exhausts tbo strength of the pa - -,!teiitrrauU. ; deailn«n»ue^->'J < AYNKSI EXPECTORANT utter, foils iq remove-tins obstruction, and produces the most pleasing,amllinppy results;. Ji ef- U cts, and cannot fail to relieve , ;: >or BAlft-iu Pmsburgb at the PckiaTeaStore,7£Founh h\ , near Wood janB I )AKLLY-—lbU baps Burley, just-tandinig and for-eale: 1) by [ap«J SAW IIARBAUGK. 1 \t l ' t V. ■* i- , ~ y ~>v i; j'lv •'■■ ' l |ieenjable. to (mi eltlier.oftbis feet to the grttund fortwelye yearjrtnt . . !■ consequence ol lameness, by ibe U5C.01 one bottle was ~ enabled to walk two miles to a townsmp election, 11 is. k-like’wtse a soeoretgn remedy-for 1 y •' COMPACTION* OP AND TEN if *Tho following u:conun indented by MA: Wm.:N#ah»jy..,. v Jackson 8 agem for b eubenyille . A lady residing in Steubenville, the ‘finger ofwhose :. i lmud.wassQ'ComTnclcd os.to deprrvo ber ot the;UBe of it, for tUiriy-fivo year*, wasentlrelyeareii byiheuse ofone bottle of the Oili'so that she now baa, tho 1 perfect of• •lierhand fully oquul to pie oihonwhichhadf neyerbeen ~ affected- -It naa alsobeen fouqdlabe a safe ana invm«r -•. .. -f ble agent in ihc speedy end certain cure of t :yr JjEAFNESSi'. j ;iv . ».: *“; inall oases not organically incurable. .:<■>: i : A : ladT teswbli« i« Allegheny city warcflectuallvourPd of obstinate deafness, of iby .the o*c ; - - of less than oiie bottle or tharOil,'so that she saidiihe - • heard better than she had over doue before A ffcntlemwi we'l hdowft In-Pittsburgh, was cured of deafness of hineryear« l ataMd»tiJs, , 'by--ilie,:tt»ftkOf;a-.aiiiaU..;--v--- ; V: quantity of the Oil. - Tlie names and residences of.the lady and gentleman will.be giVenitothose who desire u, at ti e office of the advertiser Its propQflies , 'Ofe highly developed in the certain and sarpnsingly'spcctly core,of oil H Vhoi ic, cramp, AND SPASMS Sevofal caaeAof Cnmip Cholic have ; been: effectually■: cured by out* doseiof the Oil,ia’lhe short spaceofhalt ah hour- when the pnrtie* have been ogopized with panu // : Its curative properties have been remarkably manifested - v in the radical cute of * „ f v OP THE SPINE. { A lody t ihe-wue:of a planter in Kcptuckyt waa cared efleetuaHy of Ouc of thoworat cases of diseased Spme,. . :. which had confined her to her bed tor a considerable time, in which she could not turn herself It is also tt sure remedy unrt perfect cure for pains m the small of the Imek, °]S FLAMMATIOK 0F THE KIDNEyg, Read the foUovymg, Pmsataoir, Dec 18,1846 M. Thisis io Ceriuy that l wCs afflicied witUmreatjiain m . the small of my bock and kulueys, which affected me so • muchthalTcould-noistand upright.*''By-rubbing- syttet nally, and using half u teaupooniul miurually, morning, I was entirely cured. ■ -JOHN RIDDLE, . > . > -• . near AVarreni Armstrong boA-Pa.- , - , •Argnpilcman of.Pntsburgh, afnictcd;.wnh:.a violent m ilammaliou of-the..kidney*—the piuit.ofwlueU caused •him to completely cured, m three doys, by,the use of the-American Oil The qualities at' this . N \1 URE S OWN REMFDT J is extremely pum’traung and-anu-mllpniinatory,jeopse quently is confidently recommended os a sovereign rem~ : • cdy wherevcriuflanimatioir eiisiss'etther cxienial orni- :. lernol. -Used iinmediaiely a cut r bruise it Will cure and prevent; •• •:. - • :, . - .v,. - - • - ffANCiUbNP AND MORTIFICATION 1 —'■•lt has, in axlthuou, tound a sttlutary,.plensm£.an URINARY COMPLAINTS fly Price G(rtuits per bottle. Ganflon-«Be onyonr.6aariJ«. : . T The surpriPiue cxeelleiite and grovnngpopulartlir . thc-Araericau Gib has induced somedishoneupersoMßiVv ;. palm upojiihe public, miserable imitations ot this, truly • valuable medicine, for the'mirpose of deceiYfiig.lhc un-- wfiri.anddclrjudingtlie X'ropneiot. r hi order to W sure of obtaining the genmno..otsm*e the following torn Times, Islj Sec that the.nameAVra. Jackson. SD.Liberty *l head of Wood st,"’ is printed.on the label , of each boulcvto inmate wlndli H felony;- " .v-Sd; That each liorile is uiclosed mft .pamphlet contain mg full directions tor use;, and also containing the name ■ and -address of:.\Vjm Jpckson. General Agent for the proprietors; likewise, the name.and address of-the pro- • pnetors, D. Uait A Co., 'Kentucky.:. :; • • 3d. 1 Purchase oxly 6f ‘■the • atfveriiscil . HaifSe Co„ •• - Proprietors. Kentucky; ..Wm; Jackt'uiu Pittsburgh,:- Pa.. General Agent lor AYeslern. Pennsylvania*, amd pon oi Ohio And Western Virginia; and the printers’ utunes— MWUIm A Shryoek.:d*msburgh““prmted.-ui. the,bottom; of sauL show btM , . 4th..Gbservc~-ihc genumc.Amencan Oil is .of a dark green color, without any sediment audits specific gran-. - ty lighter than water:. : J he coumerteits pr« mostly;Ot a black.colorwme tvbitc. like- Spirits ot TurfieMtmiv -. i said th be refined and SVfiecaOil—oiti i.ersa mixture o» other eommoliotl/nnndorteablAck filthy i looking inixture.pnrportingio come iromtbe vpiUabnrgli i. and Allegheny Dispensary- Co.” ;’..None oi these ,couu-: ilericita possess viihcrtUc yirtuc or.lhe rtfeverof the true. : AMLIUCAX OIL i . flyS'old-wholesale andretuilby WM. JACKSOX, : t General and troie Asrentfor.thC' Propnetor.tn Western > i Pennsylvania. 'Western •Virgmiiu-uml NbrtbetTi-Olno, , i and bribe loflowing duly appointed A“cn;siu.Allegheny . county, Pa.;. . . . - . - , A M Ma vhallj - ■ • : Dr. Ur own;-. vAllegheny ei?v. J R. Joh i>o i. ) i.- V,.- . Jouatliun Uhnest. Manchester. . i. Alcxuiui»‘r Asdalc.-W'ybe street:. . • ff. K. It. .luroncs, Hirmmghoni. v W nt: J. SimUi.Tcmperanccvillc.••••. : t».-H.siiirr T .bcw»cWeyr-:v.-.;.'.-,-.-.-.- : .:: . Pidwj«rd.;l nompsoit-Avilkiuftburgb. Daniel iWrrh*j\:Laai. Liberty .: !Tsomas Alim.Simrpsburgli.. • 11. Rowland & jsou,.Al:Kresporl,:. ". C. IVOinh.VhhzabfcihJ ~ -.-.a- 4 >—i-~A| |;rito;vjij"iUukewtaMni, .■ ' SamurVSpciupetvO^bton^ ’ .; Juiiie*'-M:iU'e. Sißwnristown. . :•• : . Ril**v AI Plum lawnship; ■ J luio t I trcuium ... ; -.-. Jerenuah .Fltuumg. Rawreh -'evilltV: RpljtrVf''^V^Ajbjb.S;.'ArilJUr»yill»*,."v i ' :, 'ry:;- 't-j.VaUglS^fyj^li&.py?;-^ TMtUM tlio p»rw \orfc (lazuli. Oct 0, IStJQ, a dad) Ji/ ptriTer -> Rlr. BnKtol i» n brox}iur y and \s?aeß a highlyinUitesupg- - uewspapcryevi'rv uow aud thcii, one drvwu uuxubers'of ulrcady notxced;: und thevmedicme itself * : has been eulogised ;by nearly all the press of the western : country? and. we doablnOSOurtlyeulogised/ llhas ih us -- /avor, moreover, very.; fluttering testiraairmls from - the:, most emincnt practitioners m every part of-tliecountry . where : it {has■. been -used; .Thereisbeoutyamlttiste; enough in the bottles, and in the engraved labels utwkich - they are to induce a 'purchaiie, eveu if'thß v ■ preparation itself wore \not- one of . •the world,*’ as every persOmraustbelieve is,.. every ,*me must believe: It/is-Mliat-is, every ‘ would not resist amass of documentary evidence conclu~r. -sive enough to convert a Turk to Christianity.. * Buy oner. ofthebottlcsv yentle reader, hnd see wheiher you do noir. - agree witli u* on this point tor sale by B A PAHVKSTOCK & Co ? : : feh34 cor, of Ist ravdlVood amlflih amt AVood st»; • • TiifKUMATWMr UOU'ri and TIC IKJIAJIiEUA :JLv;A:T«spccmblo gentleman called at our othee, as ho . soidjto inform us that beliad been afflicted for lS year* ' with Rheumatism or- Goat,asul occasianally witn Tic ' -Oolorcaxi that, he had been frequently-conuneiTlo bis ' room.for.months together, .upd oflw suffered lb* most in- '•• tense and excruciating pain; but that lately ho Ijad:. been . ’ - using Jayne's Alterative, from, which he found the most sig nal and unexpected relief. ; Ho- says he found theraeifi- • • clue very plensant nnd effective, and that he now con- - sidera himself perfectly Cured.—PAi/adc/jpAia A , DnAA»3fr~ . •van v A Fact 'Woivnr Kxowisc>~A gentleman of Scrofulous habit, from indiscretion in his younger days* became af fected with Lflcerauons m tbc-TAroot and Nosej and a . disagreeable.. eruption* ofthaSkin. Indeed, his whole - ; system bore the marks of being saturaied-with disease- : • One imnd aius wTisiweresomucbafTeeiedibatliG hod lost thc use of tho handj ever)' part: berng covered with - deep, painful.andi offensive ulcers, and were M hollow* and porous as nu honey-comb.- It was aUbi*R?age*>fhi« . . complaint, wheu death appeared inevitable from a loath - :some.di6ease. thai h& commenced the use of Jayne ! s At- f tcranve, and having taken sixteen bottles,is now perfect- ly cared : The Alterative operates ‘through the - cireulatidnf'&nd -purifies the blood ahd eradicatesdiscasefnMtrthe’systemj .wherever locuted, ond-ihe.numerous cures it-hus per- - formed - in diseases of the skin,: cancer,' sorefills,- gnat,■ ■ •.. liver complaint, dyspepsia ond outer chroma diseases, is .truly astonishing.— Spiritof the Times : • . o*'.For in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, ' 72 Fourth street JAYNE'S ALTEKATIVE veilUß gciio* ■ • ■ ■ :■: -I FUi* A* ..' •T\R*.H* JAYNIJr-pcnr: bur; It. was sometime before.: XJ the people here would try.your McdicliicS. but aner . -they found out their real sold odtyoiir Expcc- ; lorautand AltaaiiYodirectl>,und could have sold sev eral dozen more of each since they gave ouU 'YourSdu- ; ativo Pills are rising very high- uiihe esumtition of the people, ana I>hatl be out of them in a few. days.- : Sever ai persons licrt snpalf well of the Hur Tpnic There w ,a young tnau ut this neighborhood who hus been reduced /: *9h lB ,“ed uy bcrorula : ms physician told me. thaihcmuM : die r;I. told him that i thought that JayacA AlteraUve would help.limi.. He «aid, ( 'all'ihe'medlciiics in the world would not.9iive : l!iin. t - , .:-.i'tniiiki'smd''.l,".Dofc[o2 , i'j(f you are done with htm. l will try him. IJiSi.reply you . can cure medicine, is worth a fortuue. , ’ :I sent: ; the Bickman a bottlo. of yonr which Jie toOk, and m onc-montlr was nole to visit . Ins neighbors:*-The medicines-, however.gavc out before he was enfirely well:. I wish yott, therefore to semVme more as soon, ns possi ble. I also gave ihe Alterative ii|u case of Cancer, with great success. In short,'Olihough 7 thought very little .o f. your artioles at thins, hltc l an old Mo-. : thodist Preacher say the other day,- publicly, ihut-yours were the 1 be«imedicines inthe world ” Rt pectfullyoours^ JOHN iTAITIiLAN, P fit, At Marion C House S C • For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth street,' . Pitt«borgli sep27 TfIHEREi* a nqinefous classof ailmentswhich readily * . X way to the purifying and tonjcpowersofJbnes’ Itlaian ChtmualSoap. It is adapted to all idisease* ol : tho avTan, Freckles, Morphew. Blotches, . -Bcnrvy)Efy*>pelas, Salt Rheum,'Barber’s Itcty:4c., Ac' Those who dcsir£ a clear, healthy Complcxiori, would do - wel! tasive this admirable.preparation atrial/It costs f -ImHs: ford, farge cuke. Be sure to ask tor .Jones’ lurf u» ,Forsalcby + mi JACKSON, AgenWL seplS 6SJUberty:sWPinsball|i li Henry Boylea, t^oR warding and commission merchant, • J*-Steubenville,Qhu>< ft/* Warehouse onWaterslrsei. jionhof.W ashington.- \V hatf-BoatatWoshiogtoftStteei Whart, iaugSS *'' V<3'-¥K ,r ‘‘ ~-' ■'■si*i:l ]\c :,j-- Vi ,V«- - V jts it \ > ’ 'ff- V ' : 'c '.-x'.'-f_ \ f v*^;-T.4 r , * 1 v - « P "■ , * "1- i ~* «.'v >^* r> » j,-> ■« T “* aJ^ - % • • >v f *. ‘.'/ . c ?*«' ~ , j ■ "> A’ , r * -•“' - " h * ' - t 4 *\v, «, , - «•' . ~* ** * * f * " 't**' ivu- r ~' < ' \ - * ' 1 *> 1 ;. r ; J - - 1 ',w * r «, ‘ y ~- w r 1 ' „a * ' r 1 ’ ~ _v v |ii ■fa I-:,-: V,. 1 ■ * -H .... I'----,, rIBH >;• f'-Ay r -) : ■■■■-, I 'V I -»* - '