'.-' -• 'A',', -yC t -■ • ,-.' t ' '‘,,'' •' > ■ • ■•.' r .■' - ‘ S-. 1 /_ yjj t 9\99illl|^g /.' /, - - f > if $:• i ' " 4bs>s - i:,-: ; «s9L w i»iiiifc 9-'~9^v ;? ?ii ! ■ m^mSlF as W s W ' - '~'9 ■ft 99Agf§ ' '\ * *79-vr J^Cks '■■ ,i '*^ , •y>'"-. t " • -■-. , “ *~ # , * 9r’w/§ "■ ■"’^'a.:.,3;-;./^.-,.,.... ' ' h ' *" ;f* 2 >*i i Hankers anb (Kriliawflg Brokers. | r 5 Wffi’HTWlCtlAfl»> + s V,. ‘-i* ' 4 r -h V EXCHANGE AND BANKING OPFICE, ijh /•*„ * t ** ' ’JV. E comer of Third ar.&-Wc4& streets. ;& , - QIGHT and Time BUI* of Exchange, Bank Notes ond » * ( l y * / ' *~ foreign and domestic Com fiongbl tutd sold on the t J*~ „■* ' t j » *■> moat favorable term*. 4 G j ' Coilecifonamadeinailthepriiiclpalcitie»ofihe‘.wiuW*j f r?- - ~ ' J at the lowest rates 3«* i - * ' v ,% « >,* josßPim hill. \v. ci tiros?. - 4* „ * *; ' *»£ , HUiLACVBftTi , H ;> BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, #jl £ ** * , i And Dealers m Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cert « ' 1 . j cates of Deposit) Dank Notes, Grtfdcn Stiver. C ’ , r . } , „ j “ i <\ streetiSTdcfoor btloit? Fourth; Weslpttle,Pittsburgh, Pa. •?< t y \ * mflri4»ly 4 * ■» < x * HrKlagf, * "~ r f,«, 1 4 1 , S ‘ ~J ~ M (LaTTS OP THE FlffM irr M’CoBD & ’ h 4 1 r 1 ~ BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, A J » 3 " Omee-Htomercf Foura e feesand Dost Offlee alley f H » ” T\EALER in Coin, ifewV Notes, Time Bills, Foroifcn < - i«i ’ U andDt»raesticEj:change,Certlficatesofl>posit,*e '» - w * „ 1 -7 EXCHANGE on nil the principal cities of the Union ii , 7 * y « j* for sale in sams to snit purchasers •- *c ' ' f ’ r v*c^V CURRENT and par muds received on depOsite If , COLLECTIONSmadctmaU-paruof tie Union, at the - s ; J . lowestrates, . apU*dlw&w3tt . J „, < - .- » - r » | 1 ? V " l£~ r v ~ '■* X. U 31.5188 « BON, - - ; •• • „ " ’ ‘ Sanlcm tmd Btatai in Bxihangi Coin and Bank Notts! <■ ‘T, ■' il - 55 Market strict PiZsburgh. ~ > * , r , -r ’ - * /- emtrart sjjfE. exciumss. atnrreobats, ‘-j ' , New York ipr | Cmcinnaii ) - t - ' . . . : '. i': PhiladelpKs l “-1 Louisville 1 . * ■.•'■•. <"?+>•' r >■?,'■ 'v Baliimow i “ ISt.Loiis } ■ »■ , ti',.. C? ,V Bank sorss. ' j , J l -.;i;i„'- i-/ ' C'§a;i|SiM^ 9S:'S?s|s^iilß?3S‘ FRiVATE DISEASES. I>rysroicm, NV 9 "S^ Diamond Alley, can--:he..;Coußtiltetf j*S?ffee cases of a pntate or dehcanntunremci&tnia . •-•—-. v. jSyhilisandSyphilit)ceniptionb,gonofrtuerf * - *— ' K'~ -' pandits consequences, together with all • • ; .v.: |«; v.-> - f<; fimaSdtEaie*,impnrmeaofthe blood,'with Oil diseases,oC;. ■::,n.-.;::>4 »en« , A*forlgin,skmdwepses,writhstnctuTe.sgleer > urethTal 4 > f ** ‘ z 1 discharges, seminal weakness and.impotemr> r also, pilfiSj * ‘ , " Hy~, . i rhenmatlara/fcmale weaknessij UiseaAeß Oi ihe- womb, . . ': monthly' suppreswon*, diseases.'. ol ••the- Jcunts^fiBtnla\dn; ; v^A- , r>^::-gii^^^^!!;.^^:'^“-v~“ViKj^Sv^^.'riT»’'-^^: < i;i-i ano,■nervous affectionA,pajnain.tiie:back amUoinvUi>- :^ tations of the neck of the bladder nnd kidney scorptitic 1 ■• » 7' * v * erupUefna, tetter, ringworm.me^ennoldiseases,.Acw:.i::/,vt ;: -v,.-:..':" • TWELTO.VEARS!;P.IIACTICE ; fv;9? Eiclnslvely devoted tathe.stuayniidtreatroentofvepol:;V real disdrder»;:awdihose.arMingvlromyouihfia;«ce4Ma*:s^/r";V/H-^:‘^-;v»rvVs^*j;^A^w-^ ! ?^^rA:-i gaiety, clunauyor. imnumies or.ihe.hlood,.whereb^the.,•:;;-.-;- ; .i-'.' ; :£r..' ■.,■*?.■■;.^ :* m s conßUtailonmayimve'Oeeji.eHfeeUed } enal>tesprvßrown. v;,v:.;’;:-. ; ': : ; looflerassurances of «pced> relief to all whomai place t t „ p > themselves muter lus cate.- ;;. ■/.. -'.v- i ; ;,; * ■■ Dr- ore : ; ' A.■ , . orate Apartments. Patients, cpn virtuDr, B-:withoiUfear- -: ~ ; \ r. ■ of exposure toolher\nsilorn. ; v ./.'-.-j- i. \ i ::;-.t: ■;;' ..>v .:';o":-vT:> i . Itiaof importance to many persons in need of medical r ’ v aid, to oblam good advice privately aiiu promptly.;-.;To-ali ?v. .' , t -. .• flucb', Dr.'-Brown’s. ready'.skill .in removing:wiMrrariftf-:-'---.:., : .-:_ v ’• •'••:v^'tv.; eases, in theirynnous forms mid stages, - ■ ■„ whieb con rarely be equalled. : Strangers are hereby. ap.{. ..•.-.iiSv-.,: _..., .. \ prised'.'that'.Dr. Krowu has bcen- regnJaflyeducaleum. .:,. :: - every branch of medicine/ and for the-;!ast: iwetvo years •>h':-: k : -.t\: >■■. confined himself exclusively lo ihe treatment of thase diseases;.- -.':•••:■■•*■:j*• - ..■ 'v :'’y. ::;i...x-. '.O Dr.-Brawn is the-only Tegulatly edncaied aingeon. m , • -u Pittsburgh'who*, gives nts wholeatiemion to those eom*^vr..;, :? - .v-.. • > r plaints , , ✓ - "■* f fJJ*Certain,snfeandspeeaycureswilt,iaoUcaftes,he . : !..> guaranteed Heccntcneesnre relieveil in a short Lime,,wilhouunter. : . rupuofl from business. •■;’*■-. v--> >•■ ■■ ■"• or Rupture.—Dr. Brown /fllso inviiespet-. ■ : , sons afilicted helxas paidparneff -'-•'.•.lv; ;ri-; ' ..:'.''v;....-.--.v-^.':> '-' ; Lettew-ftom r a-di«aneejaslnngiidvlee < «niiiH-CDmniJta , :.iV:. , :-;;.;v; ■.-■'■:*.• a'..'.■•;<■ TKci^-i -fee, or they will not be nttended to.-. ••> .i ; -v> :: • • ■:•• ' >• :v,fv.9 ''••o»Office''-on:Diamond Alley, aiewdoors-rrma-Wood-;'.':-.-.;:. v-.** ' ; >^,' r ..'. : .r:.;.;,., . street, lowarde the market. Consultauohssirieilyconh : •' -vm,.'? '■’*■■■" denUal. • • ' -w Brawn's newly discovered rem.-.. Xb'edyfor Rheumatism le a speedy and certain remedy; : : '> r ; for that painful trouble., It uever.iailSr^v ? • " Office and Pnvate Consaltaiion- Rooms,Noi Cs v Dia- ;i .. iiwnd dHey, : PlitBbuigU, The Doctorrls .always at* . •-orae./' '•••• . •• r .: .1, tanlS-dawif | * iPltfPlßi! MimOaufto, - ‘ T ‘‘ ' 1' , - ’ I?' -sr *> - - , , »-¥ ' j ' jL fc s%¥ '7: -i f A’ AV,-, --1 t?~ A ' J -uF _ '..v:; ,'■% jr' & i C'.*'\4>'>V M *1 s§ I # B !• JC Is 1 i. 1 * * l '£ •‘m* ’ ~r « : s : 3? t 1 Pffi&'Vttd'; •■■-•' ch flee ;i an »* ei 3 41 J V*fc vt , 3«blnet n .want. V U £ V Ll{ v f V,Vj - ?iedmoi il • si' ■-, • ;,V S - , ilian so 1 AOF ’’ V s.poiim ? %;*<, V.4AX . f 4. en repo a! l K< h .*'.V';;v,l d the jtn a NiV'A t.Y’vi 4/ £>; *4A iy t* iX‘ tw-r« S VC t .othergre b t 4 V-* ‘ un >i a E o- ;vr: » '«*■ >■' ■ j, L v .I«ry .ymp « w'AmVj” . ' 1 a gjeamet Ji testf * - ‘ 1 kept und >) s' "C '•'' '•-* cted botwe ? itremclylie >3 rate supplic le W: i' ' •t t ; ' r. - The «e t>-u 7* "■ v T ' '■ 1 .ountrjr ther >i decay o t * -frO, / f V **’' L"> r. bo increa.in J£z&#r¥£ i y>i * • r > J - There i. < d .'“r, £;^ g Vr'grr .►% *: , v < 'dine of Id. « 1 V‘ 4 ! Pens and lit ‘ v *-‘"4,1 . t*.% ’ mpnees. 4J"• v ?* '— '* ’V-?. V J lod.an C« i\’*^ V *** - ~,’ H ’ t?**' '»' declined ta rr ' h Ts V* ‘ s . , - > lhcre "' a , s: t-f /;; '• ;Vx'i" -‘‘-'4 -- .-Jr. »' ■w.P'yr \ »J" -V »_ .. article full it -'v't^V " 4l # ‘ ' ‘ S ' * '~J r . ;rp Meal was '■ ->. 1 'l, «*<- >' ,4 :v .* % 1 * 4 r ■ The -6. tt - u -'"4 > * .* fi r *t which g'n r; (» y.*~ -4 "-i U ;%"■<. I Teoi .., a 1 ,;. .J . ~ I i " . ' 1 “liy I, w i < ~-*'7' r ,s> X *' ’;■ Lei ■•:■;,Kim •: 4--»' -' ‘ 1 ~. , 1 , mine 1 idacl * .. .4 -P- B,bb, ; 4,..*-. 4 >'* W Si ’ . . ” ■ < * a Par* Thi» ■** " v ' » . u We ■ 1,l? ' " ’ ' •. • I s - Feder- Pa., baa n ; C- Se> ‘ . % runaer ef the 1 ?' ’’’* -<■ rj. ' 1 * '•' r, inter- ..... (J ti >t»-/ n. Tk ' j' “ *, ”* d. The J ; *rr - ■ .a ' < fiS’SJ 4 ' ‘-"ji.,<4l f V , r . • reader!, d°S f H , f-- ' . , ( IRRING WM. » V "jV i 4*,C' /■ V- all intro-' ' ' _ J '4/4 -V 4>' - if' l he 1 paper *' t a 1 . - J a;¥*', 4 " abort, we, Philo * * t v illyrqual ITailO 11 ‘J ?. have.now f.v. V c-I7r. vV “ * » Tl *’'r‘« + ri». HI regular-, Wcitet i'‘4 ' .*'vr * , /- ' 41 ', , IETRV, to North- ;d *4. <■ , 1,1 ‘ .-T fL ' "e liiea. ■.-; !' -/ _.< ../ "'■ v ". .. ' - ’ 1 .hallfurnifh North- M i o rr, . . j v J. ad accurate :a. a*. _■ . ,- ■ ' J -''' ‘ f i ~ . itb lhe mar-i -. A ,', |'t' v 4, ’ , RBton, Cm-, gote. J Si*> S' *S redbyTelee ' v «'« J Wr'l 1 ;',. 1 - •■ -j| f - iraentbefore SJ“!l j ',, ‘ . _ ’ 1 ■* < .ney Market; g“« b W.--—, *, - - 1 ' - he cnrefully B”** I*' i 1 „ ‘ r f • 4 ' , ■ dr.'-ji.-.r'"" ," ' ; .- - , Hank ■- 44;-^p'-,'■'■?.=>:; -v-'i -!-':v 4 : -..i pay a liLfml Rich :. " ’ *l- <-* mton u with Mere JO't" *Tei ’ * .^ V ,.i - , » , ► ,» all be deemed Farm df. ’ ,A, 4 , * h -.r • Irctrd for that Hoad ■ -t"* J *»* ' “ 1 > " i i Nord j v" » : ' ■•■» t j ;* ! ,' t - old - iv k # *' 3 - ' * t * 4-' '; * e l <" NING POST. Conr fti -/• j* ,* , 4 ' * .. *■ J*' - . * ' • auon, vre Jihall ahi >; M ? , * r, ♦ , ■* > > onterrashere- City v ♦ 4 f * -a/» f _f ; \t>i Todoihio Mon ‘4* 1 - “ * v p » l r *** ** aejred 10. Ooa * - W 4 t >v a >} > **W fis = j/;" *k 'fc -»* t k , >«• 1 i //‘V,* cr ' t . isoo 't t H v' . *'* ‘ i ll *- *. 4 *«■ « 2500 fi ‘/C* “'i;’,i , ..-5000 M 1 -- ‘s'.t-’/W' *--'i..'r-3s 1 1 * , 8000 _ j 3*, ' * J I '.'-t, ■K;r-t>> h-KS J w t! l’ f . •« > * A >-4 BING! , *-• I*, -'t% s.Vr.JiA -- / *'. ■‘< erso- btnm the largeat uumber of " ‘ i,''.- , ■ - , T . 4>-'f J ra to Morumg Poet, (not lej. than 9d ' iVk •■ ■ • eshr opy or Shak.peare’! Pla}a, * - i i * jtdly least 55,00, beudea a co- 1 a *, * * v v _ * *4,**% r i ofihe To the person who .< -‘K: A w he 0 E ; 4t4 — v 4>4'T-“ • ’ '4,,' 4' ! |‘ Tc ybe sent, are respectfully Yi n ~t.;- s,\ ,j?vw J .' , ; , -'' ‘ , procuring■ubsertbenroihe nr I i / ' -4 ~'4 ' • . - lie person who veil! procure *, ,( -■ , H-r. 1 -V'ri;4 . '4- ‘ '>r ri one copy of the naper, * ){ J - 'f ,X« , fr^,r, "js - k ;i r '- -rinse be handsomely re- *J K. »*’ - 3 ,4 ■” :■ ’.it." 4 '' ” 5 -l’ >’ '■ ‘• 1 ( sed (post paid) 10 s a S''3-K-a''w t•- -1 ‘ b HARPER, '3 4 ~,i ,'s - * * turday MnnwtgPoit, Pitts- j , f S ' September 13, VHd a ' . -•it '4’'-, 1 ' ‘ ’ - . » i * IPT - c 3 •» -.t;’-,. uirieß of our friends, we 5 - 7* v * ‘L vi sr v&?* ’ c i* 4 * +j ■' i s , t arduou duties of ;.- t 7 2 \ - ‘ j-* ,x ,i ssible torus to issue the _ u.^v,/ 4 - A *> P«t at so early a _ e ri*?P *n J " r~> /frff.V s roll defer Uic issue of the J y - Jp f«- 7. -sidential election, when 8 >.-.*■■ ii'/o ■.•:-■> t;-:-* o theJmiulsontest andbesi l npf r v l irj v^v' 1 la Hanehsiter. oi f * " , ‘t J -» >»- •>. „ 4 in nimouiienih to tusold ri i.\ ' n s ' , ' , ‘ l cmlly, that AOSCUALU • . - * V..T— »' 1 p * . 7 * ? iccommodation and com- a\ * ‘ 4 *" ' ' i’h gs have been farmshed B7* »<- -’« ' , e; and the surrounding Ij $ "* lasluon that will nttract re a *1? ♦ ta b t cenery. , - r^’w 4 ' ti t 4 <; J to ale a most agreeable j, 'MfWUiM -tphed with an ,„; ? i-Inous- Beverages,, Ice. »“ ' V ' ‘ “• The table tvt" he g i?Sh'Wpt7 i?='' t'■4 A/f ’■ 1 Alii he conducted on [{ fV Vi '^4--I- S' , Ti ' } *,, , -I .pm Alleyt, have been -J ";:v n “ ,ed A,lgnrae,of ? iale nre numerous * a£&Ji*ir - V 5f Old Allegheny ° l r %V .-'i-l tve passengers at the > leave! the AUeghetn i a few hundred jafth . aBIROHFIELP > f S Lots, situated if -■■ f 75deeptoanalley .j at 10 > ears. a .. y*S3 feetfroni on ft lb "■ r »tm * Me«, i “i-i ; ’-t‘ "i' *i : - : ’A -* . ! b 4 4 *- % S^^k^io *s*'7 *•> cn&JhtT^»s’■*- - *4"’ «-■* _X, >* *■-’ ‘■’l , - »43 u V I?- ''V ' T ’ 'v ~ ? s J W -, V v %V-' 4 v - , ;i , 1 '/ - - ,vh-. 4 L.fr 'J/' , j < ,»' t ' \7Mk-' y ' \V' ‘ '; *' \:ow.l'-r' “ -44 'V,«4 4 ‘ -4” *■ s. ," - / " - ’ t- ” i .T/“ W V “ ■- s 4’ 4 . - 4.- 1,4 ‘,^4 ** -i I »v*^l _ % -T * ..;V> '*•'" \\£ : r*. .' 1 ' ■■ -- i-j.v'rr: £!je Daitg iftormng |)ost. DKMOCUA.TIOKrOBIINA’riOKS. FOR PRESIDENT. LEWIS CASS, OF MICBIGAN ’ FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ¥M. 0. BUTLER, OF KENTUCKY X» BHOCRATIO BIiECTORAIi TICKET SENATORIAL ELECTORS William BiGLKH,of Clearfield ' r -' David Northampton. ). •, i- • . 11 CPBTtSgirTATIVg - ELECTORS. . |>i HkNRT-L. BsNNSE, Philadelplua.County. H Horn R. Knbass‘ do Cu> HI Isaac Shuvx, do County IV A L Roumfor*, do do V Jacob 8- Yost, Montgomery no ' v- 1 VI: RobertE.\VßioHT,.lH>hich .do . ; ‘ VIL William Chester do i, - ' ; VHI ' Hsxrt Haldemak, Lancaster: .do ■■■■:. . : JX. Peter Kune, Berks do ;:O^Br§3aßdS.Schoonover Monroe do - " W\ oming do t XlllK* Brewster, Tioga do XIII JoiinC Kmo, Clinton do :XIV. John Weidman, Lebanon . • do . XV. Robert 1. Fisher, York. do. r. XV].. FBEDKUiCKSMxzn, Franklin do ; : XVIL John Criswell, Huntingdon -do • ’ XVIH. Charles A. Black, Greene . ■ - do • : XIX. GeobgrW, Bowman, Bedford do • XX, John R. Shannon, Beaver . / do . • XXI; Orobcb P. HAMiLTO»,*Allegheny do . XXII AV H Davis* Crawford do ; XXIII.-Ttmotht Ives,. Potter . . . ; do ; • iXXIV. James: G.CAMTBKLi,BaiIer: - dp rOR GOVERNOR, MORRIS LONGSTRETH, Of Montgomery County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, ISRAEL PAINTER, Qf Westmoreland County, FOR CONGRESS, - - S AJIUKL W * Bli ACK , ■ •■•'.OP PITTSaCSOH. TOR JISStMBLT, ; JOHN J.MITCHEU Pilißburgh. JOHN S. HAMILTON. do, ; > EDMUND SNOWDEN, Allegheny... 1 WILLIAM L* MILLER, Versailles. EDWARD M'CORRUVliidiana.' dLDITOR, JOHNOBRIEN, co&nttssioKsa, ' JAMES WALLACE, Baldwin. • ' ' BECOBDEn- ' DR. JOHN POLLOCK, Clinion. CLERK OK THK COLUT - BENJAMIN WILSON, Elizabeth Borough. OUR CAMPAIGN PAPER- Eljc CHEAT REDUCTION IS TRICE 1 :To our:Demoerailc Frltudii Deeply desirous oT witnessing the triumph of Dem ocratic Principles and Democratic Men, at-the ap - preaching Stale and .General Elections, tve shall contribute all inour povrerto bring about that re sult. Wo shall, therefore,aend our Campaign Papery The Jiffersomnn, from September 23d, until Noyera her 7th, to individuals and Clubs, upon the follow* mg eery low cash terras ? • 5nruixC0pr,..........12J cents. Teh Correa $1 OP Twehtt-mve Copies 2 00 ■ >'irry Copies,. . 3 60 Ohe HtitraaED Copies 6 00 i. ■ It jraust bo obvious to every one that these term will. barely cover the cost of paper and press-work. Orders train ibis or any of the neighboring counties will be promptly attended to. ■vPitlibnfgl),Bept.2l,mS. • v I TI)p Largest Journal tn tb« NEW AND CHEAP WEEKLY ..FAMILY PAPER. ' THE PITTSBURGH SATURDAY MORNING POST —'DKC’OT&n TO— ' rOLTTICS, NEVrSy LITERATURE, 4*f., 4*<- miJE UNDERSIGNED WttiV ISSUE, aboutthe first -X'Qf October* 1848* ihefirstnuinber of a LARGE. FAM r■■■JLV. PAPF.it, containin': more readingmailer than u«). , weekly 'published West of the Mountains. Every de •• pamnriu will be faithfully.attended to. and no pains or. • expense wilt tie spared to render the Saturday Mamins Past aw of tbe jnosvmslnieuve nud acceptable newspa per^overissued inihe Mmi3sinm Vnlley. • ■ In its FOMTICAT. DEPARTMENT. tbe paper wilt , turn to be ibeTaiihfQl nud honest, exponent of the Prmci ides of theo&EAT Dekocbatic Pasty—the People's Par ty—the Party of..Pro£rcftv Honesty, and Truth. We ; shall fearlessly expose tltft unnghleous doing# of Feder alism, ui whatever guise it tuny present itself* or under . ; ..wiintcvervoßnomen ifmaysnil;. . . - > I The NEWS DEPARTMENT**!! be the objeet ofspe- 1 cm! care ami attention. Every thing.that i» now, inter- 1 ' esting «nd exciting. will lie faithfully chronicled. The;, various lines of MAGNETIC. TEEEUftAPH being now: completed from Pittsbureh to nearly every in the Union, we shall be enabled to present our readers,; uptalhe JatcMmometiti a falldjgcstofaU Ihfl STIRRING F,VI-NTS OF THE DAY _ , . luihe LITER ARY' DEPARTMENT, we , shall intro duce «n enure new feature into.the columns of the Sob ; unlay Morning Post. At JeasWigAr columns of me paper; each week will be devoted exclusively to Tain,?oe try. ■. Biography, History, Moral Essays, 4*r., sc. In short, we., shall aim to make the paper, m this respect, fully equal] 'to the best literary papebs ofthoEast. We have novr i eugoged scrcral distinguished writers, who wlllregular-, 1 ly contribute ORIGIf?AI* TALKS AND POETR\ r , to i the columns of the Saturday Morning Post. • COMM ESC! AI4 INTELLIGENCE.—We shall furnish ■ our readers each week with .an extensive and accurate KEYIEW.OF THE PITTSBURGH MARKET, core fully made up Trom actual sales ; together with ihe.mar« kets of Philadelphia, Baltimore, lino■'iork, Boston, Cm-, - cinnati , Heto Orleans, Sh Louts, received by graph and other sources, up to the latest moment before - going to press. The fluctuations m the Money Market, Prices of.Stoek, Exchange, Ac. will also be carefully noted in each number. .=• r PHEMItJBIS. To encourage Western Talent, we shall pay a liberal compensation to any person who will furnish us with eilter Tales. Poetry or Essay** \Vhicli--..-5000 “JOQ • “ ....>.>80.00 CLVBBINOI niiv person who will obtain itie largest number of subscribers lo the Saturday Morning Post, (not less than gfty.) wo shall present a copy or Shaltspeere’e Plays, splendidly bound, worth at least 53,00, besides a co-. py of the paper for one year. To the person who will procure the next largest number of subscribers, we '• shall pwejjt a beautiful.edition of Lord Bjron’s Poems, worth W B r 9, To whom this Prospectus may be sem, arc wspcctfully. requested to oct as Agents in procuring subsenbersto the Saturday Morning Post: To the person who wilt procure tO subscribers, we wtfl forward one copy of the paper, and their exertions, will otherwise be- handsome!) •re warded/' /m-..-.- ••*"lDF‘l*liMa.mtMt bc addressed (posn>atd)lo - .•; • •• *• .. . Ij> HABrERf . •. ■ Editor and PropritOtr of the Saturday Pitts burgh, Pa > f . Septembpr 13, lS4t*. -POSTSCRIPT.- 'ln flimreMo'ibfc many-inquiries of our . friends, w e iiuro toßiatn, ibatowing to ihearduousduliesof theciec lion campaign,'ii will bo' impossible lor us to issue the first numberofthe Saturday Morning Post atso early a. day fl*' we anticipated;. ive shall flefeiuhc tssac.of lUe first number until after th© ; Presidential election, when w* hope to presenna the pubho theJmmlsoniest and best paper cYer.sent out.from tins cny. ' : r . Prmaußoir,-Qci.5,1948 . RondAle ln Blaneluiter. . fTthesubscjiberlakes pleasure inamiouncnife to his old ifrierids/mid (he eitucnsgeucrnUy, that KOSEDALE has been newly fitted up.for toe, accommodation and corn fori of the Public. The. buildings have been furnished, in a neiu and fashionable atyle.; and the surrounding. gurdetiß have been lanl out in a.iasluon that will attract, Ull who have.taste for beautiful scenery. ,-/i ‘ The location of Rosedale is well known.: ' Situowi in: Manchester,-within a mile and the. hank of-the Oluo,. the’ prospect in eyery direction is: • Chartniiur- -For health .and there is no place equal to jt In the iiefghborhood of Pittsburgh A limited humberof families who depire a summer res idence out of the city, will be received on easy, terras 'rriuwiem visiters will find Roskoxleu most agreeable - place in which to pass tt daytrr-aweek.- ,: t - 'k/h-RefreslrnmniSaloons Will be supplied.with ali Ute delicacies of the bedeoni ; I)ehcioui«' Beverages,..lce. Creams. Fruits, Confectioneries, &C. The üble will be supplied with the choicest viands. ; ; -. (jITrThe .whole l establishment will be conducted on .stnct temperance pnueiples. Ten-pin Alleys have been ... ;bu»lti but no, betting Avm be permltled. All gamesiOfi chance strictl* prohibited , /rho facihnes for reaching Rosedale nre numerous.-r An Oainibus.leavcs the North eud of the Old. Allegheny Bndgc.evory hairhour* and will leave passengers at the Onrueus.v The Steamer Ortenrcood leaves the AUegbeivy Wharfeveryhaur, and lands within a few bundred yards, of the Rosedale Cottage ma&tf LEVI BIRCUFIELT) .valuable:hmldn)g Lols, sitnaietl : FJrst^rteU.enchnOfeevfront by 75deeptoanalley Price, $1,40(1* §2OQ in hand, balance at 10 years. •••■•:<•■■ Alsor-A.dfcsirable Laun feetfront on canal. by-ns;deep Ur a* alley. Price. 5C50: 3150i18 band, balancfe at Syeors .^•.S.^jCUTHßEßTyGenorol.Agent, i-.aaglO-' - - : Smithfielastreej.3 * > V -' t r : News by Telegraph! Reported for the Morning Post. Arrival of the Hermann I ' PItrLADEU’HtA, Oct. 4, 1848. The Hermann sailed on the SOtli, andamved in New York this afternoon, . h FRANCE. . The-licfonner of Tuesday announces the return of Louis Napoleon aa a m-wber far Mosolle... The city elections are not yet fully known, but tho threo moderate candidates appear to have the best chance. Ids thought that in some the Social* ista have received a greatmany votes, as so has Louis Napoleon. . Marsha! Bagoaud has a great number also, but on the whole the moderates are likely to prevail. The Assembly NaUonat aeserfs that the English and French fleets had interfered sad saved Massona from bombardment* Unfortunately Albert arrived st/Tunn amlreques ted the Cabinet to resign and form ono in accordance with tbe .wants of the country. ■- The Piedmontese Gazette of the 14th September, states that the steamer Vesuvius has been ordered by cihe Sicilian government to land troops; at Mclaxza. The Neapolitan troops had advanced from .Massons and beeu'repbrted on tho Blh, .iind.the government ordered the immediate formation of seven new. com panies. TURKEY. in Turkey lie Cholera waa still: raging with great fatality. Another great fire had occurred in Constantinople, conauming near SOOJiouaea, . The accounts from Ireland represent the country (6 be in the tame disturbed condition as at the last advices. In tbo rural districts some new insurrec* ' tonary symptoms have disclosed themselves, -bon fires gleamed from the bills and the military were still kepi under arms* Collisions were hourly ex pected between them and the insurgents. Livtarooi. CoBJt Tbace. —Thcariivala have been eatremcly limited since Tuesday from Ireland, Mod erate supplies of Wheat, Barley and Indian Corn have came in since the departure of tho last.steam er The weather is tine. From the late districts of ■country there anvcomplainta of short yield nfAVheat end decay ofPotaloe crop, which is represented to be increasing. There is n inode rate demand for Wheat at a de cline of Id- to 2d. per 70 Ihs. . However, Barley, Pena and Beans, rue l with slow sale, without change in prices- ■■■■■. ■ ■ Indian Corn wa» in.lair request, but the price bid declined la, per quarter. Corn Meal was rather ne glected at Us. per bid. Transactions in Flour was 'tailed at previoue rates. - LivEBPOOL.'SepL this--day's Corn Mnrlci ] there wav a good nttendonco or dealers, and a mo- 1 derate show of most articles in the trade. i The demand for Wheat was .'limited at prices ofi Tuesday, which were Id. to-2d. per bus, of 70 lbs. lower than this day week. ; Oats weie Id. higher fn, 45 lbs. Indian Com was enquired for. There, be ing ’but few parcel* of second quality on sales the article fully recovered the decline o! Friday. Corn Meal was held for Is. per bbl. advance. 1. HARPER. ■ Georgia Election. The telurni arefrom (he city of .Augusta, which gives— • . i • Toomba .*•••• .L&wson ISS. Bibb sniinty gives a Democratic majority ol ,l»u. The Whig* or Iho Fifth Congreswonsl District, Pg., have nominated Alexander McKccrcr, Kdilor of the Upland Union,Tor Congree*. PITTSBURGH HOARD OF TRADE. JOSHUA HANNA, ) _ WM BAIUCER. ' }: Coaurora: bob SKrrEUnrß J.CA BOTHERS, > PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS TOR RteamboalPacket Line, leavesdaily forCi»cm»nu,l(Jaw. Pa«*afer Packet,'via Brovrtuville, to .Baltimore am) ■ Philadelphia, P a.am! or. a. . ■ . Mail Coach Line, direetio Philadelphia, 0 *. a-, and l.t Western and Southern Mail Coaeb Line. 0 a. *. Norlh-Western, via Cleveland; daily, IN a. m. foie and Western NVwYorkvdoily, 9 a.m. to Philadelphia, daily, except Sundoy*, 4 'A. X.. ' ABBIVAI.S AND DWi ;BTUKE OF MA11,9. Eauem Mail Via BUtadrlph>w , * S ' m \ Pamicra’Deposit Bank ■ "one in niarkcl. Hand Street Bridge- ■■■■■■•■■■ *O,OO 50,00 . ,• JjW® Northern Inbertiea Bridge sff, iWS Old Allegheny_Bndge*• •8 J i o ® P°i uu 35 > 00 ConneUsville R- B. Stock, paid on . City Bonda IOV Cent;)-- 9*f» ’Monongahelaßndge>-*--*-“r** 25,00 , , 16,j0 Oita Black-. 00,00 V. Dallylßevlew of thc Markets. " OFFICE OK THE POST, > Tui'S»oit Moe.hko, Oeiobtr 5, 1848,1 jgTOur Reporter (was away yesterday and wc have no market report. The Bate of Flour »ai a* 34,50. ■ Cattle Market* v-.,.., PiiiLiDKLPHiA, Ocr. 2. Tho ofToringa of Beef Cattle this week were 2,350 head; the salea range from 84,70 to 86,00 the 100 ftt.i asin quality.''l3oo head were driven to New York, and 250 . head-remain, unaold. There were | 270 Cowi add Calveß at market,, which Bold at from 870312f0r Dry; 314020 for Springers, and 8180. 30 for Kreth Cows. 1,000 Hogs were offered,-and. sold at lOO tts. , There were 2,200 Sheep and tamba at, Market, with nice at 81,2*>0 3,00 for Sheep, for Lamba, each, according to quality. In Hay supplies iwn large, and prices downj sale* of,Timothy ; .at 70®a»t>c* cwt>, and Straw hi 85086. tp 100 bundles,; ... 'Aitffttst 9f T> F-CRIVF«D. ATltf. A. ItfINKIVS- « J\> Graham 7 * -Magazine, for August.- Godey’* I*ady« Book, ; * \ u ~ ■• Alme art Old Friend’* Story r by tho authpr.of ‘‘Gam nnt! Harry Monk, by Mr*. G Tiii* Two Diana*: orth* Son ofa Count and the Daugh ter bf n King; by Dumaa. . ,- ' DivingNeli,or thrtDoom pf-theFrtendleM. 'France; its King, Court, and Government ( b> an Am-r er Tho Icl G Kulg-?o? the Tali' of the 1.0 tSlrnrm-r, lij Ned B Th"lTlu irate,lMonthl, C.aner,nMngarmeNew^a per devoted to Literature, Science and Art, VmK I, No. 1. Chamber * Mwcellan), No. 23, . ; Invnig Age; No.dl7i ; American Review, for Jim, - ; Horuculturalisln, • •*. . . t. i Cutmator, “ . ' Democratic Review, 4 * • Gen Taylof Almanac'for 1848 a For sale at M A jy23 ■■■;■SmlthHeld «t. : . 3 dodrs.frour Second, BOOKS.-Just received. Percy, Rulujuesj Reynolds (Sir,Joshua) 011 Fnmmigi, ' .Oil Bloft,'fine'.ed;> dlMtnited?; * Yotiait on Cattle, Ennlisked,* ; . Barton 1 * Anatomy or Melanchol>, rJohn Adamß* Letters to bis Wilej . / Mr& AdomsJ lienors* ; • Stephenson the KnghshConsUluuon, : Roed* and Rail Roaxlsi.'. . Machmve.lli’s History of Florence, - Beckman b History of.liiventioiia, for le. M ; US BOSWORTU it Co * iVlik' ?4tlmt.. near Market. jgrwOT- «UtU TOM) & CU i Manufacturer* oi every Ut*- Bcription o{ Linen and Fancy Shirts, Jom»er«.nnd dealers in every variety of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, hatth-east corner of Fifth and Market airceia, (up stairs, entrance on Fifth st. i v . ■ . ■.* :•■. -•• •■ > jaPr*-"): i iTS7 r ANI*EI>- 1 -A sinaauon 08 clerk or salesman m uny ; W inetcanOte oriolher cstablishmenubyttyoungman ofindluiTiauß and attentive babiu who has a knowledge of bUfaness con, giro satisfactory city re; fer'ence as to- character .and. capacity.; -..Plea**. apply -0* the office ofthe.Daily Monung Post. nu&l 'Vr-\--»i,':'? i> '' ;,l '■;;7-.- , i';? ! '-'-.j. *\t': r :. ‘ ".'’■ '• .■’•• '■ .•■ • • • /Y— . • _•' ’ FOREIGN NEWS. •> ' TOW I DAYS LATER IRELAND. Commercial* Philadelphia, Oct. 4,ISJS (Soiunurrial anfc £ tiiatmal. A?! , , < - *■ •f.VirvX;. Riucr jhttelltgnue. PORT OF PITTSBURGH* 3 PHET fi ISCHES .WA.TBft I.N TUK CHANNEL—-AXU HTSTSO. ARRIVED, Steamer Atlantic,'Parkiiisou, Brownsville; • Louis M ; Lunc,Bemiet, Brownsville* : Arrowhne, Gordon, Brownsville; : •* Camden, Hemplnll. Beaver; . : Caroline,Dav, Beaver, •• Dover,Reno,Dulcimmli; • Greenwood, —, Cincinnati; V . Star, ■■ Wellsville. ■ DEPARTED, •**. ; Atlantic,.Parkinson, Brownsville* . liouuM’Lnne. Beimet, Brovrnsvillej .. , Arrowhne.- Gordon, Brownsville* u Cantdun, Hemphill, Beaver . Caroline,Day, Beaveri •• . Skipper, Stoops, Beaver - *!■ Pilot, ho.l, KarnSjCmcmnotii Star, WellsYillcj Columbian, Dean, CiuemnnU. For Cincinnati* • • ti. ■" ■' Tub new, light draught, fast running r iEmTi Jfe steamer CINDERELLA, CaIhoun, Mqb* rijflStgflßga leifwill leave for the above and inter aSfl&BsSSSinediateportsUusday. •: ''i Forfreightorpawagc. apply on board; oct4 ForClnclnnatl. ■ w a ■ . The now, light draught passenger steamer,DOLPHIN, Capt. Hazlott, ■ ,w ill leave ft>r the above and : miertne» .wßwWW*' dmte ports, this day. Fur freight or passage npply on hoard, For Cincinnati and St* l»oaU.. "■ • The light draught steamer SWAM, B, May, i f JE2LsMa»ter,-wUM?avo for. the above and Inter- JsgsK&mediate landing*, to-morrow. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to • apr4 • JAMES MAi. ; • For Cincinnati* . ••• • . .The light draoghtmearaer FRIENDSHIP I Master: wllleave Car the above and jcSsßipliß.ntgnnetUiitc norm. this dav. or passage npply on boaru. For Cincinnati. •' rtf';-,- Thelnrht draught steamer HIGHLAN f frh i,ff DER, Fousk, Mastery will leave for the ifcsgHßSßg nbovo and intermediate porißt to-day.- ÜBniWmfiTpTfTl For freight or passage apply on board. For Cluolonatl and lioulavllle. I JE&£*2> THE staunch atenmer PACIFIC, T. Camp- Master, will leave for the above and »>• lerracdioie ports* to-day. • For freight or passage applv.on board* or to aiiß9ft OKO B MIIjTFNBFRCFR Agent ~ .yor Cincinnati* ■ I JEHljfcThrffcnesv and fplendid Passenger Steamer VIK aKCIRIL Contain Wm..Kou»m, will leavr (ortffS above and nil miermediaie parts to-day, m iDo'eloek. a. m. • For freighter passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply on board. . v au _ For Cincinnati. rrrmm* L. Taßnovcaml light draught uteamer, . HAIL CO I.U MB lA, tins**. Master, wjllieaw lorlhe obovo and mteime* SBbCBSSbSHBI dmte ports to«dny.. tnssage opply on board. : For trrtght o£p ttammer Arrangetneni, t'JEffjilfr THE steamer REA VER. Cha*;E. Clarkes J^ggggßßE-Master. will leave Pittsburgh forßeaver, Ula™£?™w, andVVeUsvillc. every* Monday, Wednesday* and Friday-nml returning oir Tuesday,-ThuMduy, and'Saturday, at 0 o'clock, m. Having a boat ut the landing, we ure prepared to receive, freight at any ttnte. For lrei(jhiorpn amr-fc GLO II MILT* NUFROfR, Agt VAN AMBUAQ & CO’S WTIUh hb.es Whited in PITTSBURGH,. Hearth*Aw ly enctm House, an Aiomfay and Ikirsdoji. (A* OIA nwf IOtA cf Or/i>l>rf, ■ For Two Days Only 1 Jfourt nf Kxft»tibo«—From 2to 1 o clock, p. amlOl to Piu the rrmuts. ; / Admission ».> cents. Children nndcr 9 years 6f age, half price. The procession otCniTiopes. Cngnu-iiC-, will enter the above citv. iroin llmtrr. at 11 ocloek on the übov«!Qont'.. mg. preceded by the colossal Tuba Übcda, or ffrectan Slate Carriage, painted and gilded in the most gorgeous siyl*. coniniiiiiig Post * Famous New kerb Bra** tfoniL .The Carriage* and Cage* me nil new, (built by the best uiec.hnuit'x'm New k ork.) highly fmi*bcd,. painted and decorated r are drawn by n troupe of lOOdapplegre) Horse*.-the finest Mud ever collected together. The Cnveleade will pat* through the principal street* of the city {advertised for exhibition.) to the.spacious Pavilion erected for the inhibition of thur coHectiou of animal*. where the public may have an opportunity- of bchofriiog the TtIRtLUSG rJSHFQRMASCXS Ml** E. Cathoan and Mr. Brook*, Who. together, will give, mi interesting illustration of the ascendancy of intellect over the wild tenant* of the ■forest. . . |i*ee large Hills nt the principal Hotels.) The some , will be exhibited at New Castle the sth,Cen« trcvillo the Cth.and Hutlci the 7th of October, (sepJl-if ANEW NOVEL received at M. A. MlNkli 5, Jjunth* held Rt., *&1 door above Second st*— Thu fntflge of bU Father.- or One Hoy i» more Trouble than u Poreu Girls: by the author of "\\ horn to Marry aml how to get .Married.” • • Agnes, or the Possessed, n Revelation of Meytnemni:-. by T. ?*..Arthur.- Eastern Life. Present ami Past: by Harriet Marimemi, . The ImngU of hi* bather, a tale ol a k mmg Monkey: by the Brothers Mavbe.w, illustrated; published by the Harpers. • • • Home Influence, a tale tor mothers and daughter*; by Grace Agailnr. . * Vanity Fair: by W. M. Shnckerny j ifesh supply, l.utrll * laving Ace. Nn.*J2t>.. • Ghamhefh’MiAcellnnyvNo.dd.- • Arabian Nights, port 7. * ' All the iArile*'Mngnr.inc* for October. . A large ami extensive, assortment of Song Books. All our eastern paper*, received, to which »fc added a new paper published in New York, entitled Ihe- Tarnal Critter. •*. iryUerford. of Allegheny, ha* all the obovr. M. A. MINER, Kmithfiehl streei, •orl3 • Third door above Second wt. lAKKN'CH PKUTEGTEOGIM.D PENS—\Vc have jus * received a supply of these excellent Pen*.•-Their', supenoruy eonvist* m the Protector, nu important mu* proveinent which given them tin* following advantage* ; Ist. It sastnjnu tin? mb and prevent* the crossing ot the two part* of winch n is composed, by maintaining a. per l ? feet parallelism betwren them. , •Jd. lt retains n much forger quantity ot ink than other gold pens. 3d. Il prevention dropping or spattering bf the ink. It limit ohviuica every objection which can be urged against ordmnrv gold-pen* In addition to tills, the . workmanship i* xupciior to that ot any pen* of domestic manufacture.- They will male us fine a hair mark a* the finest steel pen, while they hnvn nil the elasticity of the qaiU- They have given Mitismcuon tit every instance in which they have been tried, . A. G. Buytey r * large, medium and small Pens; Levi Brown’* Premium.Pen* ;Tlte Congress Pen,* The Ladies Pen ; The Ricbeben Premium Pen; lor sale at irtamifac tarnnt* price*, by ' JOIINS'I’ON Sc STOCKTON, . ■ oci3 : • cor. Mnrkrt and ;kl st*. J(SNISi r ßPA7'ilSrnill.V U r »UTK is the best Prrpnrr ation for imparting to iho Skin a nniural, healthy, ereur r livuig white;.at the same lime mnking it roA. and smooths ur. James Aitdersou. Practical ChrnuM, of Mnnaaclmsctip. says : “Aftor unalyxmg Jones? fctpam«h Lilly White. I find H possesses tha most beautiful ami natural, and at the namn lime Innooebl white 1 ever saw. ! certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin tequires lioouhtyiug,^ Prit'u *J.) cniils n box. Sold only ulfiJChnibnm at., N Y. und hy Wm. Juckson, Agent, b‘J Llhcrlv street. ~;„ep23’' "■ To Weitcrn Merchants* ITUIB LARGEST AND REST .-ASSORTMENT ever . X oiTenid to the .public,'"ami til the lowest prices possi* ble, inay be found at .115 Wood street, .opposite J. p. Davis’ Aucttou Room*. Observe Wiirerooms up stairs. V 5 . M.HODKINSON. STOVE PlPfc>—yU» ib* Stove Pipe, 5.5 L 0 inches, .on hand and for enle by KINO A; MOORHEAD, dpl3 - cor. Diamond and Dmmoud alley. I?OK OI«OAKS—1 liuve U:jm.'ce» »horl napdblaeW, ■ winch I will soli cheap.. ' ’ JAMES M’GtnnE,Tht!or» . ; . Third st. St Charles • (Chronicle copy.) _ I7IOUND— A quantity offulverwnre. secreted or ilepos ' tied in a Lumber Yard.: mid believed to have been stolen.; Tbey-.ftre.ni the Mayors office, whenuhe c\vner can hnve it on proving property and paying charges,; ■ , • ■■ ■ ■. 1.-'; . ■ .. ' : • ■, Hoarding Wanted* \ NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE are anxious to oh j\: tom boarding m a private taimljv A location in the vicinity of the Court House, and on or nhar "Wvhe street, would be most desirable. 1 A line addressed 11 !*'., office of tbe Morning Post,” will nice l with attention., • . ~ ~ octfl SWEET ' POTATOES—3O bbls. Sweet Potatoes on consignment und Tor sale by octl KING k MOORHEAD ODONTI N 1*« or Rose Toolb Paste. a pleasant deutibce for the gums and teeth, (prepared by • noussel) Jn store und for.naleby jocid] JOEL-MOHLER. A HOUSE AND LOT AT A UARGAIN.—Auy per son lirwant of n couuortable dwelling house, m a cood neighborhood, on W r yhe street, a short .dislunce from the Court-ITousc can provide themselves .for the smillsumof to ; JOHN COYLE, . • oct‘J 4th street, near Simthfleld st. /"Ti LUB—A fe w bbls. in store and. for sale by • Ijr oct3 JOEL MOHLFR KENNEDY; 'AhorntyatLav.'. Office on Pouril « ct:, nenr.(irant - nm!3-wy I.H ' -■-• •>! !■ . **\ W V*!’ r '4'j vj;V;■?.- )■’ y r- . < ■.v v:.-..-- . AUCTION BAIPKB, BY JOHN D DAVIS, AUCTIONEER, jSouA-Eau corner- of. -Wood; .and Fifth strc'U, SHERRIFP SALE— Extensive-. Retail Stock of MR Y GOODS. Fridaymorning, October Uth, at 10 o ciock. nt the Commercial bales Boom, comer of Wood .mid -Firth sis., without reserve, for cash par funds, by or derof John Forsyth, Esq. Sheriff;.-. .. . The entire stock of an extensive retail store, compris ing a general assortment of fancy and staple foreign unit domestic Dry GoodSj oraong which are about 000 pieces assorted inantua, silk, satpi and bonnet ..i At 2 o’clock, half chests YvH. Teo. cavendish tobacco, 9 bags pepper, 5 bbls. beans, .*1 bags, peaches, 1 l>bL loaf sugar. 1 box saleraiis, ; candlewick. - A largo (juaumy of hardware, cutlery, Ac., which may ho exam ined previous to.the sale.: „ ooth JOHN D DAVIS, Auct JTAk’LB AND FANCV~DRV GOODS, AT AUli- TION.—On Thursday morning, October the sth, at 1U o’clock, ntthe Commercial Sales Room, corner Wood and Fifth streets, wtN bo sold, without reserve,—on ex tensive assortment of.FunCy and Staple Dry Goods, con sisting of splendidleal wool dyed Black Cloths, French mid American Cossimeres, Salinetu, Kentucky Jeans, Beaver and Pilot Cloths, Red, Yellow and White Flan nels; 10-4 super.'Blankets, English, French aud American Prints, Mo us de Bombazine, Gala Plaids, colored Damask Linen Table Cloths, Silk Serge, Blue, Black and Plaid Dress Silks, Satin- and Fancy Vestings, Sewing Silk,Merino,Tcrkcn and Wool en Shawls, Silk and Cotton Hdkf*., Hosiery, Gloves, •Wooteu Comforts, Ac. .. At 9 o'clock, Groemts , Qucensioar* } Furniture, Sft A quantity of groceries, china, glass and queennwarc hardware, cutlery, boots and shoes, clolhing, 1 large plat form scale; 9 iron safes, 15 boxes, pound lump Va. man ufactured tobacco; 1 family carnage with falling top, suited for one or two horses, 1 double sel brass mounted harness, 1 franklin stove* . .. , Agencral assortment ofnew and secondhand household furniture, among which are mahogany dressing bureaus, hair spring scat sofas, chairs, settees, tables, bedsteads, book cases, feather beds* targe gilt frame French plute mirrors, matrasses; work and wash stands, fire irons, cooking stoves: kitchen utensils* ~ ~ . oct4 1 JOHN P. DAVIS. Auct. auction sales, : BY JAMBS H’KBNNA, AUCTIONEER, No- 114 Wood Stheet. TUBKBDQOm EBolfl Fimi, TOBBERS visiting this city with u stock of Goods for tl sale, can be accommodated, white they remain, with the use of a Room, ou moderate terms, in. the 2d story of M’Kehna’s Auction Store. No, 114 Wood street, three doors from: Fifth.;; Rent, by the week, month, or year, for the storage of merchandise only, on excellent dry Cellar, with board floor. •• - ceplS JAMES M'KKNNA, Atict. A BMINISTRATOR'S SALK of a Retail County Store, and 44 Cases and Bales qffresh Dry Good s, At Auc tion-—Commencing ouThursday,l-nday and Saturday, October sth-6th, and 7Ut, at.lo and 2 o’clock each day, will lm sold, at UPKenua’s Auction Rooms, No. 114 Wood street, -1 doOrs from Sth at., by order of Administrators, for cosh par funds, the stock of a retail county store, all of which has been selected in the eastern citif t*witbin n ytot- among which are—Bleached and Brown Muslin*. Ginghams, l.uwn*i_CaUeo*, Mans de Lames, Merinos Atpoceas* Silks, Ribbands,, Sewing. Silk, Irish Linen,’ Oregon Plaid*, Domestic Gingham*, Red, White and Yel low Plain awl Twilled Flanuels, fine Detain and.Tjcrkert Shawl*,Silk Hdkfs. Superfine English, American nnd. French Broad Clotlis onu Cassimeres, various .colors, Caisinetu. Also, Boots, nnd Shoer. and Cntlery, and at the same lime,44 cases and bales ofForetgn nnd Domes ; tic Dry* Goods of every description, now en route by the Pennsylvania Canal, of which bills of lading have been received, apd are expected to arrive this day-. It is the largest lot of Dry Goods offered at Auction for several years- and direct from the jobbers in the eastern ernes, Terms cash par funds, v JAMES M’KENXA, oci4 . • Auctioneer. DOMESTIC BLANKETES m private'•ale ar Man ila's Auction Rooms, No. 124 Wood street, 3 doors front Oth xt, a large invoice of Domestic Blanket* of the largest size and hues! quality of Menu© Wool, received direct from the Maiiufartoner, and wul bo sold at very low price*- both wiiolcsale and retail. It is the best op portunity offered to housekeepers for several years. H octa JAMK3 MKENNA. Aurl in ,V| wi>KKl' ANU I{6»JP. 1U Ul Jl 1 WOOD VfeN HERS, At bullion, M Cam-. lojfljf—Qn Thursday next-'October sth. at It) o’clock in the forenoon-will be sold at M Kenna * Auction Rooms. N0.'114 Wood street,» doors from fitli street: by Cata logue, a large invoice of Mabpgony, Crotch ona Mead and Rosewood Veneers, received direct from New.Vork. Ii U the largest and finest lot of V eneers ever offered at public rale in this city. Catalogue* wdl be ready an Saturday. . • *• i JAMES 'M'KKNNAf'Auet. • JLolat LOtll • ITtttß SALlv—so Building Lot* m “New Troy,nbeau * tifully situated, and the most pleasant plaeo tor a private r»'SMlener,m the Yinmiy of Pittsburgh. Also—A lot iu Allegheny city, near Federal front ing Ub feet on Middle alley, and extending hack W) fret. Also—A house and Ini on Water alley. Allegheny city. All or any of these lotswill be sold lower, and on tmsier term*, than any olhersimtlnrproperty now ittthe market. For particulars enquire of ?*V i A-KSTKESLYMOLR, at the office of Edward Todd A Co., corner Fifth A Mar ket streets: or of the subscriber. • ■; vpr-tc r- : THOMAS MF.LLON, Attorney^ I^ORSALIi— A lot on Mich si, near the corner ofWy- Mie, at the new German Church.' This !#ot,2ob)-j:oft., willhe «oh} on accommodating term*,, or. leased on per petiui! lease, with the pnvtlcgu ofbuymg out thegroun*. rrmatuny time. . ■■■. - Also—Several othrr l«ota on the Hill, m different places, for sale on accommodating.tenns.or perpetual lease, a* may suit purchasers, - ■ _ auglS'iiU changed •. . THQMAS.MEIJ Also—2 lots £.’} feet front on Sheffield street, by 05 feet deejL. ■■■• Also—2 lots 23 feet froniou Shefheld street, by. 139 feet deep io a2l lect alley. Pneesisocach. Term* liberal, i ' 'S. CUTUBKiny Gen. Agent, sep27 ■: Siuilhfield street. TrALUABLE PROPERTY IN ALLEGHENY FOR \ ! SALK.—A large, well improved property of 03 ted frout by 321 feet deep, containing a comfortabla cottage house, with hall in center, and four rooms on first .floor, iwo! large chambers, good cellar and out houses, large garden and.extensive grapery* also a vast variety of fruits and flowers, and a large fcitehengarden nnd spump of soft water- Will be solifnt.a bargain. ! . ' S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Ageut, . . ««p23 . ■ , frnnthfici-, atreeu EOR story framcdweihng house, conveniently situated, fronting on Pride street, one mrcet lieyond the Hospital. The lot is 24 feet m front, by 12:1 feet deep, and Will be sold on accommodating terms. For further particulars apply at the house,or to *i-p2 - JAMES.MAY, Water street. rfHIK Pormership of Messrs. Sibbei A /one*, Bankers X and Brokers, having terminated hy the reurememo Mr Sibbet- I hove associated with ine inybrolhers, MI CHAEL JONES and JOHN B. JONES, mul shall eon linne t the biminess of the hue: firm under the style otS, JONES & CO. .■ S. JONES. Pittsburgh, Octobers, 1848 V . S. JOMEB dk CO. i : UANKKRS. AND EXCHANGE & STOCK BROKERS, wet jr-WfcOT'CttXSVft oj* WOOD AST> tOWTH St HERTS. ■. j pm»trnr«to. P». inr All manera connected with the late firm ofSibbet icJoiics, will b* earned on'without- interruption by S. J. &Co.h:' • ■ ■ TIFEERKING to ibrabovc, w«* beg leave to call tb« it attention of our fnendsmullUe public to the follow ing, which will embrace flie arape-pi our biwnm: we'willpurclmseorilinCOUiiL fIMK BILLS. GOLD an* SILVER COIN, and BULLION. .? Our own Cheek* and BillvwiH he furnished a* current rate*; 01 sight, or bn lime, upon the principal/tiiwii ofithe United State*. We will uiso furnish BILLS’OF EX CHANGE upon London; «Ad all the principal town# nnd ciiie*bflrelandrBrotlnml ond Wale*; and also upon Pa ri*. Hamburg; Bremen* and Frankfort-»ur-Mamc. Djtfnsrrxs ofmoney will be received payable on de mand-upon the Chock of the Depositor* ond upon De posite&madc for aJr.months aud upwards, nud, upon which'Certificate*liava'baeiv iwued. Interest will be allowi d at the rote of six percent Bills and Notes will he received tar collection irom Depository and Correspondent*. aud to the latter prompt remittance* will bo luadftocctmlmg to instruction*.. Investments will he made m. Stock.*?, Bill*, Bonds, or other securities, agreeably to order. . ~ , ■ Having been commissioned to deal iu Stocks, .we will buy ond sell-io order.any ot ;the: Stock*; afloat -m the Eastern markets, and especially thoso connected with Pittsburgh. and:fhe.Bouki»,.Bridges, and other I«*titu non* in aud about the City. Pittsburgh Oci._fi, 1d49-2w. ALMANACS* 18401 ALMANAC^ THE nubscrlber return* hi* thank* for-the, patronage heretofore rereiveiMorthe annual publication, styled LOOMIS* ALMANAC. Wo have Uie pleasure to nnnounce our JiAcatoih annu al number, a* now ready for sale hy the gross, or singly Much care bn* been taken to hnve tbfl Calender page* correct, as well as the Chronological cvenls ndted. Wv have also- in the' selection of roadlng matter, been particularly careful nolto admit ouyilmtgordoubiinl mo* rulhy } on the contrary our endeavor ha* been to pre sent useful and interesting *ubjt-ct*,4hw vs ill bear nuu-., iiig dally: with prplit all the meinbera of a familyl we therefore bespeak the continuance of favor, and would, suggest jo customer)* to be particular, to ask for I,ooj!is:». Aiauvac Pittsburgh, or Magownc as desired. . Also, German, English, and Presbyterian Almaimcsj for IBM, for sole at the book aud papor^areliounjsor . LUKE LOOM]B,-Agcm. . . No. PO Wood street;.. ,»epS3-dsrn&w3t ~ To Country aiercUaut*.; .. MPRCIIANTS will fimfuio.llieirnd vantage lo.call at M HODKINSOVS, a» he -ha* -now- m store ua largo and desirable an. uafcorunetot.-,of CAoiUi. O/sm, Qttrtiuirart.&e i aiiitable fur . country merchant*, as i» «,»..> fouull ... wien. .ow - auff2o , -lIS Wood ureet. nant Fulh- . ISOH KHNT-r-n valuable improved property, situated; 1 : about two mile* from tlw cuy. containing near sev enty aorce, on which Is n large stable ami linrll, Sue spring aim spring house, 'dwelling house..- A thriving peach and apple:orchard and garden, tviih meadow, mid grain in fields', all under goon fences and; well 1 arranged foranex teiisive.diiiry fnnn. : The whole ism good ordertund will lie rented at 841X1 it veor. and a lease lor a.-reasonable time given 8 CUTHBKRT. Oehl Agent, ■ SrrmliQeiri street. • . ' New Goodt* ”7TT~. . ... mHE subscriber nns this day commenced; opening »«• 1 supply of FALL GOODS,embracing an *xten*tve. va« rimy of all tlie articles belonging to his llue;of bmuues*, which he will mate \o order lur below the prices of nay former season. - . JAS. MCiU|HTj,T(uIor, ~•, ‘sep23lf' * -St.Charlfesßuilding.. G-AIfDPN FAKhtTO-LKT—2s;acres well situate for gardening purposes, nenr EM. Liberty, on a term of hM>ortru\v:rr ; f~y.- 'yaiiii-?£■ sHr'-JX* ■ of-.--**> X-v• >? * '£,?*i \ 'i.- ,f ’* y-VZriJ ' Salts bn Auction. for Sale. DISSOLUTION. 8. JONES & CO. * I s ** > r •jvyy -.;• v ;? l iW.'n- ' :J.‘S ! ‘:firp£ ffirg (Scobs. TUB NEW GOJLDKN BEE HIVE AGAIN. NEW FALL AND WINTER DRI GOODS. TUST receiving andnow opening. at the sign • fj ot xht BIG LEE HJ\ E. on Market street. jSeS&jL between Third rftnd frouith streets—one of tho fiSSjgg largest., cheapest.: and hcst ; assorted stock? ot . Fall and>.Vßnter, DRX GOODS. ever oriered m PiUs* burgh, to which the attention ot our, numerous customers and the public generally, is respectfully; invited, as the. subsenben* confident llml lie can nfiernich bargomßiiK Dry Goods as cannot he surpassed by any oilier hointfm the cm r, As ilicse goods have been purchased nt prices far be low those of any former; season, they will be sold at greatly;reduced prices. Amour this LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK will be found many-choice and desirable goodsiat extremely low prices. : ; ; LADIES' DRESS GOODS* Very rich and fasluonoble Dress Silks* Plaid and Stnped. Black Snun; striped and plaid Silks* plain,black-. {\cry glossy) Gro de Rhine ; plain black richLustre, Lustring, Silk, ior Vizettes, Mantillas and .Copes, at-very low prices; newest:designs and .latest sty.es Cashmeres, plain and calm striped Cashmeres, very cheap * ; French Merinos, all colors; plain, figured and satin striped, at a great reduction on formerpnees* Gala, Cal ifornia mid: Cashmere Pluids; Mohair andMantercj, Plaids. a|l qualities; Alpaccas, all qualities and colors, from JSS4 to 75c. per yard. SHAWLS ’ SHAWLS " Fine Cashmere, Tcrkcrn and Broche Shawls i •. Black embroidered Cashmere and Dc Lame Shawls* Fmo Thibbet and De Lalne Shawls tv- . .. Fine black and colored Clotli Shawls |; : Fine quality Long Shawls, very cheopg ; Plum hiack and plaid Silk Shawls, vijry cheap; A largo lot Plain Black Shawls, from 75 cents to $3,00 each, all wool. . DOMESTIC . GOODS! MUCH BELO IF FOR MER PRICES Good dark Calico, from 3 to Cc. per yard; Best quality dark Calico, from oto lOc.; . . . \ard wide purple do., at 12|c.f : Good yurd wide Bleached Muslin, from 4 to G£c. y . : - Unblcaccd Mtslin. yard wide and heavy, 5 to Ojc.; . Bed Tickings and Checks, all pnees; , ' Blankets, from coarso to the best quality, very cheap; . A full assortment of Red, Wlmhand Yellow Fiaunels; SatinctiS Kentucky Jeans, Jerseys, Lmseys, Ac., Ac., all of which will be sold at reduced rates—> At 50. G 3 Morket it, seplO tf WM L. RUSSELL ; R, B. Thompson, Ao- 110 Market street, three doors frotn Liberty street, HAS just received Ids entire stock of Falland Winter -DRY GOODS, consisting ot every style,of Rich Dress Silks; all wool Cashmeres and De Lames; French Merinos, all colors: Changeable aud Black Silks, for Mannllas ; fancy colored De Lames, tor children. SHAWLS of every kind that is fashionable; some new styles of .Long Shawls. • -Worked Capos and Collars, from the lowest to the .highest prices. •’DOMESTICS.—This department is very full. . Green and/aney Floor Cloths always on hand.. - . . The above Goods have been purchased since-the‘de pression in pnee*, and will be sold at the, lowe.sl rales,-. : ■ i;: ■ ■. At iVo. GS Market it:, between Fourth and th* Diamond. fIIHB subscriber lm* juri received from -the Eastern JL cities a new stock of • FALL-ANlf WINTER DRY GOODS,'■ Purchased since the recent ureal full in prices. \ii. 4-4 Brown Muslin, only fi cents; ■ 4-4- **. ** heavy,Gi-". 4-4 Blenched Moulin, CJ * Red Flannel; all wool, only 18|c.; Furniture Chimz. from 4 to 6£c.*, Doable Purple Calico; fosl colors. Ojc-i • - . ; French Dfe*«Ginghiiius, U’lr. ■ 4-4 Double Purple Chintz, ; LADIES' DRESS GOODS! Fans Printed Cashmeres; . • u Kl . Mous. de Lmncs; Satin Stnpy Cashmeres j t? ■■■«*;..-. Mnus.dc Lames;. Wide Block Silks. Rich I.ustres Chamchnn Mlk«, Ml shade.*; ••< • butm, . u - • ■ • French Lamartine Plan!*; Gulla Plaid*. high color*; •; . ' Coburg and Thibet Cloths; - Plnul Alpacca*. nil colors; • Lyonese Cloths, . < • Prenr.h Merino*. “ Wide Black Plaid Silks. ■■■■•. SHAWLS! SITAWISH • New style. Pans Printed Terkern Sbatvls; Chamelmn Silk Shawl*; Mouft.de Lame Shawls; Embroidered Id k and col d Cloth Shawls; new style finr.Ml wool, Broclic Shawls;.Plaid I«ong Shawls; Plnm, ami Kmbroidered block ami mode colored Silk Fringe Thibet Shawls. . : VARIETY DODDS! New fall style Bonnet Ribbon*, Cnshmere Scarfs, Cru vnt*,; Gloves, Milts, Hosiery, black Silk - Fringe*. and. Gimp*. Freuch Work Cnpe» ami ClumwetU'.s and. new style French Work Collars, from lfc*c. toJ&kOOp/ . QEbTf FZtFXii GOODS 1 A fresh assorimcntof French'and Knghuh Cloths, Cos niraeret am) Vestings: a large variety of newstyle blnek timl nary Silk nml Satm Scarfs ami Cravat*; Silk and Merino Under Shirt* and Drawers? Gloves, Handker chiefs, Suspender*, nml llo*w*ty. •■■■"•■ • The above Goods are just whni they arc represented to he. and will richly repay all who will call and examine them- a* they are imicl* lower thmi they have ever been seen before in this eity. AUSALOM MORRIS, scptiMm • ' ■ No. 65Market at. Pittsburgh, A* A. MASON A CO*. | $ C. L. ANTHONV A CO., • mxMpKou. . ' 5 ';J **!£*££' WIIOIiESAIiR OUT GOODS. A. A. MASON A CO.. AV 00-Martel strett. brtiretn Third anti Fourth street*, , PITTSEVIWir. PA. INVITK the aticntion of all Merchant!* to their exten- i sire stock, (comprising more than >\< hundred pack ager) of Fxu,‘*!CU.WntTEftGooi». , will be otfrrert by the piece or package, at the lovre»tca»ter« wholesale prices.- .• . • • __ Receiving the greater portion of our Doarwm- Ooobs, onconsignment trom the manufacturer*. and being po*- ; scs*ed orevery mcitiiy and advantage through oar New j York House, vro feel assured that we shall be enabled to compete fully with any House in the countryv Our stock, m part, consists of—• . v 30 cases Cashmeres and De Laiacs; 75 u • Calicoes and Ginghams; •24 u Alpncoas and Lyoncse Cloths* bales Rfcd, White and Yellow Ilanuels; " ■ SO • “ Tickings; -150 ■ Brown Muslin* j • 173 cases Bleached Muslins \ 40 • tt Colored Cambric, • 23 u Aprou andbhirtingChecks} . 20 “ Colton Flannels j 50 11 Cloths. Cassuncresand baunells? 1 •; . 37 “ Tweedsnnd Jeans? ••• • Together with a general assortmeniof Dress nndClonk Goods: Sitka and shawls, Ribbons and Laces, Fancy Good*, Trimming*, &c-v Ac. 5 making in all, one of the most complete, at wet! ns extensive stocks to be tound in the country. 1 • We will be constantly m the receipt of the latest styles j of Goods, manv ol which we shall be able (by having them on commission.) to offer at belter advantage than could possibly be afforded by eastern jobbers. i |o* Merchants purchasing east are solicited to exam ine our aisorlmcni. and learn the low prices of our goods. ' ■ ■ j„.p7. , • A. A MASON A CO. ■ Large Supply of Dry Goods. \v;h MURPin, 'tOBTH'XAST CORKER OS* FOURTH AKD SUBSET STREETS, 1 I AS just completed opening his first supply of Fall Jti and’ Winter Dry Goods, anil has now to offer to his customers, a large uud choice lot to select from. Many descriptions of goods, also, at greatly reduced prices. Great care has been taken 111 the selection of the best make of FRKNCII CLOTHS, now so generally usedfor dress coats; and gentlemen wanting goods of this kind, will find his assortment the very best to selecl from.— Superior black Casslmercs, Satin, Velvet and Fanqy Silk Vestings- Merino and Cotton Undershirts, super, black Itnliau and Fancy Cravats, Gloves. Ac., for gentlemen. lit the Ladies' department, also, w ill be found the new est style Changeable Silkm Fancy Damask do., new *t> !e. Super, blackailks, very glossy; MuslinUe.Lamcs; .Plain-, and Priuted Cashmeres: Frtnth ilfrnriw. of a great va riety of colors: fine printed Mous.de Lalnes, us low a* 16 rents. New 1 style ßrocade Alpaeeas; plain black and colored do.: Satin Striped and Baud do.; besides a fur snpply ot Staple Domestic. Goods—auen . a* Manuels, Shtriing anil Sueeiiugs; Muslins at an exceedingly low price; Irish Linens, Ac.i beautiful new style of* LnghsU Prints, at 121 e.; paoil styles from 4c. un 10 the hret quali ties manufactured. ,RoTW-at*invitsd to Call. Merchants will find, m the Wholesftle Rooms, on 2d story", 'a choice stock 01 newest style. goods, at about eastern-price*. - ■ -- [sepa . Dally Arrival orTeal* Goods for the Job. -lilßETr.de. ISDWAKD TODD it CQ. beg leave to call the atten- L tien of merchants and dealer* in (finttminn Fur niSh'iiif Goods, in Pittsburgh ami vicinity, to our large " „rk of desirattle FALL AND WIXTF& OOODS, now daily receiving , , . . . Some of our goods are. manufactured hy ua, anil the. remaining portion bought undersuch oiroumslmveen n« to cnahlo us to sell us low as eastern Jobbing Houses; We have received from our factory in thooasl, n largo stock of SHIRTS, wlm-b, in quality ot material, neatness: of style mid manufacture, are second to none in the mar ket We red! sell them lower than they enn he bought lii the eastemninrkets. Our stock will consist, in part, nt Wool and Merino Undershirts and Drawers; Cotton do. do., Black nml Fancy Cravats, , _ , , do do. - Adjusting Stocks and Ties; Suspenders. Cloves, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Vestings, Ac Purchasers are respectfully solicited to cinmluc our stock of Goods; uiid will bo accommodated with pleasing 1F inf* Warehouse—North-east corner of Fifth and Mar : ker streets, (up stairs.) - [.i’pl-t_ 'XTKW CALICOES I—Now open nt No. OD» ooritor of Fourth nod Market: streets, a A'ery largoalnckor hand.omo now style Calicoes and Chintzes—which have - been selected with much care. With particulaerciereuce: to fastness of coloring, durululity of latino, Olid ..beauty-, of design Among them mat be found Dark calicoes only 3 cents. British Chintzes, 131 cents; Fnst odor do, Oi “ Green ‘ ul “ British nurplc do, 13i L nine and or nice US > Mcrrininc doylflj “ Ihirkey Red Chintzes. ■ do -blue do., ISiI-urnmire Clniite.es. ;' These goods are notV: lower tliun they have ever been before, mid are worthy, ihe immediate nmmtion or pur chnpcrfi ‘ • , I’HUill-iKUsp) Ecpll corner Fourth nml Market sl«. a ENTS- GO(Jds.—Super, single .nulled. French Hulili Cloths; rich styles Cassimercsi hluck and colored: Cushinereits; Queen-s and-Summer,Cloths: figured ttltd plnin Drnp D’ Etes. Vestings, “yery-choioe’r Marseilles Silks and Satin mid figured Linen Drills, ChtapnyH ' ROBINSON S Cloth Store, : mayffd : Post Bmldiugs, corner. Filth and vs ood,. ]ILANW> FlnunclsJ!—Just roc cd and now open*; T Cd a large supply of white, yellow, mid scutlet. tianitels, all wool.- which will he sold,hy lhe,piece; or ringle yard, lower limn .Hip i.ante .qwahn; or goods bave. ; ever been before offered..- - - / UILU KOSS r • selC • No- S 9 cor of 4tn unu Market wts. T7AI-L GINGHAMS.—Just received a.fijic.uPßOrtmen ol very handsome dark ginghams; of cvery ; quality irom common to very fine., One lot,of : very euperior iHrk ginghams m lajcenisa yanl. warmnled mst^lor?. • No: .TO cor of 4th and Market mb. iTOVF- PlPB—2oU»pounds Wovft Pipe for sale l»y I KING & MOORHI- \V ror. Uminoml and Diamond ullcy />• »*• L ‘u '• i.’ a'’* ; I '/’V.''* .r t'V '.^ir' >< '<1 1 >• ’* ' V’' ; 'r- • ■ t- .: » v ,*' a.. ... t w . y v ~ «-T &fc%: 3 v.- . ,^ ■■: <--..■ -,-oKv ... 1 \'Y • „„ f y**v V v :: V t. ■■ i. •< ..* ■ • f * v _ * V J y , - v " * * •a ; *■ Jstcam~soat €okmm. lSir. I«*Hr CINCINNATI ANI> PITTSBURGH _ Dili Y STEAM PACKET IIHE. TflHfS Independent I«iue of steamers is nowcomposfea X‘ of the largest-swiftest.- best finished and furnished, mMfffltJSTpowcrful bout* on the waters of the Weak The "mgliesrwages are paid for.: the services, of the. best and. • most experienced men engaged in therriver '.The line has been in operation for six years; has earned nearly two millions of people, wnhont doing the slightest injury to their persons; The proprietors* challenge com parison with any passenger, line fn the Union for safety, regularityj and speed. A» : thin* money can procare has been provided for the safety* comfort and convenience of : passbngcrs ■ The boats leave for Cincinnati, fcs follows: ; MONDAY PACKET.— rhe*lososOAitELAiCopt;Stow, will leave .Pittsburgh every Jtfbnday morning at 100 clock, ■Wheeling every Monday evcmnjptil IQP. M. TUESDAY PACKET.-* The HmiraXU No. Capl. JnQi KUnt'elter,- will leave Pittsburgh every-Tuesday momma nt 10 o’clock j Whcehng every Tuesday evening at 10 r m WSDNESDA Y PA CEET.—The New . Eksi.* m No 2, Capt. S. Dean, willleave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at lOo’cloc It ; Wheeling every Wednesday even ing at 10 pm * THURSDAY PACKET.—The BaiLLiAwr, Capt; Ri J Grace, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheeling every Thursday evening *t IP • FRIDAY PACKET*—The CupyeaNo. 2, Capr. Crocks, will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o’clock} Wheeling every Friday.evening at lO p.m. • SATURDAY Louts* Hmgso The new and spJendjilsietfrner ORIENTAL* VjljiHoox, Master, will leave Ibrthe above b«t«itrfrgftxadintermediate ports/regularly. • For freight or passage apply on board. • ■ For 8t« Z*onla« - JEgjb TUEppleudid steainer NORTrr CAROLI NA. Dbvisxey,. Master, will leave- for the aoove ana intermediate ports, regularly. or passage apply on board. ; ; . ; iPor Su Lonlit Galena, and Datongne. . -UnSrifr THE good steamer ST. ANTHONY^Tnos; Mat, •Master, will leave for the above, ports, reeuTaily For freight or passage apply on t>oan3, or to • b p JAMES MAY, or : GEO. : MIL*rENSKRGER. Ag T f. . For Brownsville. ;; , .-i .. ■ THEncwMtulandPassenger BieamerAT i LANTICt Ja&iks PAitKtxsoN r 'will •ave for the above port this day, at € just, positively. . For freight or passage apply on board. *;■ ,feb2 > Setr Arronsrcment* ink. _ ..* THE steamor CALEB COPE will leave for Beaver, Glasgow, nndWellsville,on Taes- day, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9 a. W., -re turning on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.. She has a. boat at the landing between Wood street.andlh&Bndge, prepared to receive freights at any time, •• • . SAW HARBAVGH, Agents, mart No 33, Wood meet. ~ For XioalivlUei ! JBBIA 'THEKeamcey River PacketyGREYEA • GLE* Brooks, Master, will leave for the attove and intermediate ports regularly-.. v. . i - • Far freight or passage eppj y onboard.: febo ■. ■ For St«.l»ottla* • ■ i ' THE new and splendid steamer, ANPREW FULTON, \V. 11. Fcltos^Master, will leave or the above and Intermediate ladings regularly.. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to ■ jiilil7 * • • JAMES. MAY.. ... lJSsfcj» ONE'HALF, of (he fine stfnmer WYO» JjWWBEM, MINO for sale; also, one;eighth Of strainer | * rTnr f** a,ul I - 53 WoUT «tte«l amt 1(H From »t -1 H if ORGAN'S WORM KII.GEH brinee awnyihe worrat IVI I We « Deer tp, Allegheny* co, Pa '‘>Afr Johti'D. Aforean—Dear Sir: This islo certify that • T purchased of Mr. Vortirtyone phial ofyourgreptWorm I Killcr, mill gave two tenspnonfulsof mo one ci tiny (‘tin- j dren.tuoy. Jrsold ondinu paswdupwardl or fom'-'tx large worms. Atfaaapf.ftrCoLt#ouoit.. ' I ' hP nboVe ~ame Waicßr" ma «jo Wood street, Pittsburgh lO STour Denier*. . rrtAKE NOTICE—That William: Hcmrmngjay, pf-llie I: Oily Or Pittsburgh, haying been appointed Inspector ] of Flour, by the Ooyemor of l lie Commonwealth, Under the Art Of Assembly of the 15lh (Inyot April, lftlo, nn nml for the city of-PiUslmrgbfaiid theoojtnties ojfAlle ; gheny, Wcsttnorelnud, W a Jiiiigpil,, Fyyeltjv Oreen, ?0r idiann, Jeiri-rnon, Ann-drony. tluUer, ileayer. hlercer, Craivlbril. F.rie, Worton nnd iVemuigo-iwill thia day en ier onon the duties of his office UnderhtschmmisMoni Ho may bo found at Mr Wesley Greef’s Btoro, comer of Water and Smithfield streets; sCpa-ltn KTrUSSPBATI’ & SONS'' sOIM ASH-The *ahecrt- Jyl'bors are now receiving ihcir Pall stOcVof theaboye: arlwle, three veMcls; viir the ;JumatarMedallioit und tvdia 'having arrived at Philadelptnannd Ballirnorejand two more, the Stephen; Baldwm and’Lnta, nbottly ex' nected i they ttreilhererore, prepared'to :receive orders. Tlifcy will receive during the winter andMirmg regular S Vifl NCW ° r ‘ ea J\v 4.W MITCHFJ.TREK E .vriHUriAN GWiIU Bopk7 N r d. 2 A coulniiiiiig,llie .£!j songs Ru»gd>y flic Christy Minstrels, nnd.many oilier melodic*,-m four, ports—rorrnngefl.tor quartette cJasseß. CometUs—Barik-ofde OlubvCarry nie diack jp,olfevVir iriunyv Happy are.we Darkies so gay,-Jim Crack Corn. Jnn Crow rolko,liOU’wana Bclle,Uld-Ors>Goo*e, Rosa Lee- Stop dal Knocking, Walk.mde Parlor,&c.;lcc.: v J\iM received.and for sale by-c-.. - . • • septU J H MFM/OIL 81 Wood si -I*rOOI.UNTOL.KAS AND CO A 1 .V, A,ln>e article, \Y ‘ Hood ondCap»i Hose lor childr?itj. . 11 Comiort , Cislnnere aifjYc’rltn GloreOmeit wlib a fine article or bucVrknt, and a of efl MarlieW. between sth «I.A Diamond tp23 \o "itntl/you MHI be wjihoui a benuitul ;set:pfwhite, W neatly TBETPH, aud a .tweet*,imgrant; Bccplh, «hen you can ha\e them both b> tiwnff a * boxfcf Jants 3 Amber Tooth Paste? It.wlutent tiie-Teelh>liardena the Gums' sweetens the Breath, and !■» vmb.oiit except; tioti the most beautiful and economical dentrifice ever; UP Forsalcb\ W.M JACKSON, Gen Agent, » «enlQ - ■ - 'vSfl-Libeny si.. Puialmryn. - TTrCTiFiED WHISKfcVof miprnor qualny. wnh a« lt aH*6rUntM«ofFoTCiifnnnrt I)ou»efthc l.iquor*,4ilwuys»- iim'-lmnd and lor sale by • W. Ml Sep2s .r „, ; r> «v.- r . ■V- e >i- i ,••% !"> “V'' .1.... ' %;.?■£' 'ivig-g' .. .*'x A <-■**•s i ? ‘r- s '^^iSSl&v Pop Cincinnati. Steam Uoat Stoclt for Salc.: 'v -T i •* ALLES SBAXER. EBW&BD 8A.83t« KUAUBR & RAH2I. Btonktriand ’ExeJtansc^Brokert.-lkaleTixnFoTtien'artd . ' JkunalicEiUSrßUlsof ExHiansey Certificates ir Jkpo**- • • ■ xtf Bank holes, and Coni. Corner of Third aod Wo&lflis:, directlyopposltelhe St. • Charles Hotel. * _ ma>23 Buying rafts Ohio Indiana Kentucky Virginia Wheeling, , Tennessee anl9»y >» JAB.B.HOQH. & „ HOOS 4 SARGENT* BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. B. Comer of- Woo4 : &ut' SuctA streets-,. JEtUsburgh, Pi?.* - •>; c T'VEAIJiiBS in A/ and Domestic Exchange,-Certificates ofDepobitj See. . EXCHANGE on all the pnncipaiCiUes oftbe.Union, and Enrope, for sale id sums to sou purchasers. CURRENT and parfiinds received on deposits v r:;, - COLLECTIONSTmode on aJtparts of lhe Umon, at tbe . lowest rates '' THe Grand Purgative, TYR CUCKENERS SUGAR COATED VEGETA- U bLE-EXTRACT P/X-LA’.—'Tbese-celehniied iMls,. haveoblalued an enviable notonetym the United Slates,. as a curative for Giddiness. Dyspepsm. SCur Siamr.cV - • Headache, Fevers.'. bufrr, Liver. Complaint,: Scdrvn Sore Throat, Inward i Weakness, Palpitation of lhe’Hoait« liidigesuonS. ana ::0 ; ' variety of other diseases to-wluch-iiesli is heir tcv as.R; i'medicine for the million. In.all seasons oFihe.ryear.—-. [ spring, summer, autumn, and winter;—mid under att cir* ;:. eumnanefes, they enn lie. laken wim perlecl safety and ... .v. su«ess-- As d*en> they are tm«roU«f.- Being coated-wuhpare.w lute sagar. children will easily lake themthey, neither gripe horatuiscate; are gemfe,but ihoroach. m their operation. - For axfult s-by increasing the doseythey are cqaallyben : . - eficiah Aran Pdf they will berfonnd with.?:, outa superior. :• Ask any one, ainong the ihoasauds.wbo •w -use theta, and amnnjuaufied approval wiU.be the certain.. result Remember Dr. C. V.Cliekcncris U.c original inventor : of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of th o sort,was ever heard of until he introduced thcm m Jano,-l?-i3.- ■ Purchasers should, therefore, atways.osk.for Clickener s Sugar Coated VegeiaUc Pilfs, and iaJ»onoolhers,OMhey.. will be madcihe vieums Of a fraud |Tjf*Fnce, 25 cents per box _ . ■•;v JOt. Clickeiier-s pnucipal oiUca for the sale of Fills, is » GO Vcser « N Y WM JACKSON, «> Liberty at, head of Wood, PiUfi liurgbVPa*, i General- Agent for Peansylvania, Northern - Ohio; and tho river counties of , ,; „. ; ? r > •The folio wing-arc: the duly appointed Agents for/Aue ghcnycouutv Ta* A M Marshall,) Dr. Brown, - ;>Alleghc»y.city; _ : J.lL'Johnson,-.).' - • Jonathan Ghralslj'ManchQSter-: , . V:: AlexanderAailale, Wylie street. . :J. R; : H. Jacques, Birmingham; ; - Wm. J. Snutn, Temperancerille.v G H Starr, Sewickley . ; ; Edward Wilkinshurgli.. • -‘Darnel Nenley, East Liberty; . • .'•.v.H.'Z* Mitchell, \Yilkinsbargb. H-Rowland Son, M’Keesport. , C F Diehl l lizabcih ■.':vj6hn.Blaek..-'rurile-Creekr-.-.T-;-i...-;.vr..-.:.; J :: M’Eldawney.Bakerslown;- ■ • v.; •• Samuel Springer, .€liuton< *: • • James atewamiowTi,, > Riley McLaughlin,Plum, township : .J. Fallon, Tnreutma; ■:% •- ,/ Jeremiah Fletmng.Lawrencevjlle .; RobenAVilhamcj Aithursville. - - -aug22»dfew6m. : ' : ma!s - ■' • "J > _w J?:*. :>:;^ ", . ,» ** \-** "V/ ■■ r r > U , *_ - >Uf : - ... ,-< -’-. .- * *- j - , , , „ • •= *- % :by& V* - ■« - - ■ .$:-'v -*v:-■'***■ , - •_ 'C-- •- -.\ - i • -C Jj * •' - -> ‘ L :■■ yiy Jfc- fv-'/ffiryf; * * - He l * r - '“j. 4l ' iA ' H '-u - *■ r *' ’ r i .. ' **„ . ~ " VV^r .>»;•.■• --J.-.-'i. .J.'> ' •‘.r.i * AU ; - *t l * ' * rt j ''i , ' ' information \V «mtea7 “ j ?l , -*'»«.- MUIR friend* of Henrjr M'NuUy,whQ lert in* Ifltt re«t» | - * " sT " “** J_ depcoiußlairsvilleafew-da>i ago, for e««l«TgbX 4 ' S wnhiQ)i«rf from him. It i thought mat h&auaj to-fcni- 7 " - t * ~ ployed in wine ofclbaiToii establishments H* brought 4 * r * * •us wife owd.cluldwtihhtm Hcisfivefeetfeighl tnche* ? ~ A *„ ?■ high j Ted face and red hair. ' . *i s J * ‘V*' ; i Aji\ mfonnautHHJOneexmns him wiUbfeihtfnVfuli? re- _ * >' * ceiveii by JOHN StAHTtN,IW-lltbutgb, 3 -S , r -; t - ser>3o Somer ei Conn!} »3n» > • f tCmcnmatl papers “ - ■* » —AN JOS AND 't’AMBOUKINfcS— Alliienuvniaem j . O ot the-'*' niu«ieul *nd sCn'e 1 * lor tn* 1 - j, - ’ v *■ t UrtruP roei»i\ed »nd for-ep3i» J H MVM 0» til|Wood ft* J . ~ *j 1 ‘a ; x v - »#* , ~i~ i ' I 'omM«nUI liotr CaTHnet Warerponi: ST B YOUNG *Co «>*Tt i TTAVF. removed ihcirCABINKi sSttteßO**®* 31 * f~l 'WAKE-ROOMS to Commercial How, Uilieity v ; } street,- -opposite thehead of SnHthficld»;.wbereiljey wul keep constantly on -hand tin exleonvfi assortmem of So -. I; fdg, l3urcanBj Bedsteads, Choirs- and- ■ I every article in their line of business.- • ,: . v -./ v-i - ; ? Undertaking promptly: attended io> at reasounble / I pnccs Dr* <*« O* Stearton, DeutUt* /OFFICE at : JTw«HeUclk’a x Oft Fourth street,nfevrdoars •' tl"abdvaWoodi«« , eompletion.of.ibe hturao v- .r uearly - Teeth In blocks, with oruficiai gams - {after the ttroniier nowomvetßally preferred in the east,) - mauufoctuml to suit each particular case. Teeth, from: ' : ;. a full sei do\vn to a slngle.one; inserted ona sucUonj>late,Yv::' ihos avoiding ininry to the natural teeth.. iSpedmens of btockaarid euclioii plate may bo examined at lhe-dffice.’ ' ;•• ah operations incident to the profession performed with care and taltkfiilnerfs [sepT-ftra * «*Always Ready, * ’ :Al\y»y«WlUlng.« <• qiyryedsiaroer* and the public.geueruU>v are Teßpect'- i .r IVI fully mfonßcxUbat onnexl Monday I will \*t open- . line a splendid andwell selected.aasorunem.of.CLOTHS/ CASSmERES aml YKSTIJSOSr-Which f have: jusxptfr-:. cbttficd iU ihe lowest market pnce,andto:: ■> whichl wouldeall their attention JAS IWTcGVtRfc, Tailor, - k sepif* Si Charles Balldmgs, SITTKh AJffiSAI'ISS-W.itMurphy, corner 4ih dud Mntket t soriment of theabove goods, iner Blue and Block changeable, Orange and Blue do Green and Black do Bed and Brown do suitable for visiles and cardmalar.-Also, handsomeßresa Silks, > geable. striped and figured Silk Velvet Shawls,* few of these scarce gQOds>-Jargx‘,aud;ofagopdquauii ».:.• Al--....;.^v so received, Long fchaw Is ol newest ?t) les, and at a low price for Qualify i«p29 PA-rTN^ gshiP• heretofore existing between i I Hale* Re»n«n«m &Co wnathi day tfitfohmd bj mutual 1 consent." The business of the. laiefinTt :wilbbe; \ Settled i bv Rciuemnn k C0....JA3-. HALE,- ... .-Tu-. seiuep uj a SANDS k RELNFMAN, f?ept 27th, JOHN VOEGTErV r ' ■ xiid business will be continued by Sasds k, HmsodAN jand John VokgiwV'under the styIeoi.UEINEM”AN &, Co. sept 23 mo LET—A comfortable small dwellinfchottsei ' ,~ ; amly Biluated m tlie lower.pnrt ot Allegheny c»jj\on ' Hai?aley*B has tbree roomß on lhe hyst floor r ivvoumtl i :a: lon on’ ibe secondf from mid bttckvporcb> good cellar, i and alarge gatdedloHCOntaming sonierlOor li? bearing frrnt tree#, and 40 or 60 currantuud gooseberry bu»he*. Rent, ninety dollarra y ear Pose; ion c-mbe had on :ihe first of October. .;Applyto fle p27 * fcl Wood street t(_yr|(’s•' All psn'ons indebted lo the late farin ol Uon l\ n | gaa & Murphy are hereby rcimertcd lo TOtthe im mediate payment, and those haviug elatms agautsnhefn , ** B present thhtu .ea&Mwd&nwJOHN COYLR, =l;'»' v- ’ ‘V-^' i‘’v ■-> 'l' : *■ * "V -j:« vj _ Sfiilllili.,- Surfing rates : : # dift* Connly & City onlV }v - I w Relief Note* $ 1 I “ : Pennsylvania Co; :-1 , 7 u T* - * | CV-- 51 * » ' r > r ’ ll -'» _,=3- s -Av-t"";' ,f, 1 T .f* ' 4 1 » *' -I 1 * 1 t A ►*> * -%, v 5 -"’ ’ "• «-, 3 l 1 I v ,v - 'V'*'"v > 4v , 4 i i ‘.'■l - rv■* ■> « '» % S* *■ ** A ll t £J •V O- A' . : V-r' ■;:•:=>• t * & ',%£&}*'.'■ '.'&sss V. - ' J * * * ) ■ •>:■ ' r. /- - - V v v^Vr'V.^-; ? '. •.•* •-i i ' . .•' '.•■■■ •.' ■ .':. • v.w r.'.'i.'/'S V \ <;-k* »■ „ J < "* v' mmm T l i - c 4 - ' ®r : " 1 ... t- ** * "V ,3 - •. -x' r ' * *- <