The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 04, 1848, Image 3

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■* V'-^:^'--, I l':’'' : '/ ' v -.''•• ! '.-^. , ‘.v 4 r v ; ‘ _ u i- Mr; Sibbeu I : !i3vo nf?f»DfinU‘d wilh n*^
?5 <\ e T*Jd : ..... onbe paper CHAKL JOHN H- ’
c:■»y.':l^.v: , ‘^^^:?^r/^^/•X^v■:•v.':^; i^■'^' , ; , ' : •*i•':>r■..'/.. -■■ -.uMVely to Trrfts, Poetry, tmU»S the-bu^meM of ih*>|n»'
." :^z:,:'':;^ -( v :'. n ”' - : ■ J r ?: >. ■ . ~*uml Essays, tift.,sr. ■ln shorty we JONES & CO. ■
■■':■£ f''■■■'?<-■■'.?' -V- •^•••;.i i^:,' ! .. v v- n -- iiinfce the paper, in Litis respect.-fuily equaf Or*'
r .r r:- :* ■■ r l ‘> .« me BEST UTsaAHY PAPKSS of the East.:. We-have now ."
•<?/^,'.t.Vv-'r^.^r*^v-:i'^-^i.:- , >:^^.;’v>;\4: eugugetlsereraidisthifruislicdwr»tftr*.wbowill.regular- ■■■-.■-
- 1 -*- .= *, : ' 1 »v comrdmie ORIGINAL TALKS AND POETRY, to p*
''•iv^' 1 ' : J. ‘ i-’s-i‘-"-ii ■:■ s---2- "vi -•■ •■'■ ■v. SaturdayAlominir Po»t; ;• --’j*.-
/ » ? ~ sbai ,r
.-..-J; >*-trr*A'£;- : 'f:.^'>:•.•">:;■*• :■*•> :■ -.■"■■..•our renderseach^week wah* an.exienstve **
*' - *» ‘ ?1> . -. KBVXEK&F THE PJTTBEU7IGH »'
.: 6 fuUV’nHUlftUp frtmi ACTC*I.SAr43- *
'f*\' ' s* v* 1 ' * 7*V t < - trfceujtf Philaddphfa^vßaitttP'
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! :A r '
Morning ijjJost •
"f democratic nodussations.
' levtis CASS,
- of memo an ’
1 DEMOCRATIC electoral ticket
William Biolkb,of Clearfield
of Northampton., •
• I.lletoy L. Benbsr, Philadelphia. County.
« if Hbss R Kneass 1 do City.
HI Isaac Supra, do Coumy
tv A, L ROUMFOBT, do do
n ) V Jacob f? Yost* Montgomery oo
_ i VI Robert E. Watoirr, Xieburn do
■ ; VJI. William W. Downirq, Chester, do : -
s». */Vin Here's: Haldkm an, Lancaster do
IX Peter Kune, Berks do
w t. •/; X. .'Bernard 9.Sciuxinoveb,Monroedo ■•••
XI. Wm.9wstßatcp»-Wyoming • . . do.* •
> XJl.Jo*<ab Brbwbtee, Tioga do
XIII JoiiflC Kura, Clinton do
r XIV JoiitfWKiDiUß, Lebanon. do
XV* Robert J Fisher, York do r
XVI, Fredbiuck Smith, Franklm , . do ; ~
i XVII k John Criswell, Honungdon do
• ' XVIII.CuarU3 A. BLACK,Greeuc. .. do ; *
■;. I .XIX: GeokseW-BowmaN, Bedford do
XX. JqußlL .-do
’ -smA W':!:-XXL.GkorqbP..Hamilton. AUeghejiyrdo
XXII. W. H.Bavib,Crawford do
XXUI TwotetJvbs, Potter do
. XXI Campbell Butler, do.
' Of Montgomery County.
Of Westmoreland County.' o'
. ~v. ...;; •; ; • • PiTTSßirnoir. • • • • -
, ... - 90 R iDBEUBLT. •
JOHN 3 MITCHEL, Puißburgb “*■
WILLIAM L. MILLER, Vor tilth?*
JOHN 0 1 BRICN H Ln\«rence\i)le
, « DU. >to!IN POLLOCK, Clinton
1 BENJAMIN WII.SONj Eluabeih Borough,
£I)e Jrffevsoniaiw '' ‘i,
-v mlXo our Frlenda*
. Deep]/desirous of \Vhnesßing the triumph of Dem-r
- ocratic Principlcs and Democratic ;jMqn, at,the ap
s/ preaching-State and General Elections* we-shall
cofatribute all Imour-poWerio .bring about that to
suit. Wo shall, therefore, send our Campaign Taper,
The Jiffeftdnf&ny frnfii'September 23dyiintil Novera
ber 7th, to individuals and Clubs, upon the follow
ing verj low cash terms*
Single CofT|^.;.:,;l2|. cents!
' Twenty* five Copies*. <2 00 •’•
'TiftyCopies*..,.3 50.
v One Hu9d&fj> Copies,.* >.». *... C OO . .
-* ' --Itmuat be obvioos to Cvory ooD that these term
wll barely tjovep the cost of paper apd .press-wortr.
v Or<ferp tfom tbfa.or any of the neighboring counties
will be promptly attended to.
■' < L. HARPER.
Pittsburgh, Sept ,
-{ . - Tbe Jotirnal in alte Wcst.
...AM'.'i'i -r.-.r-i-v i~DBVOTSI> TO* I —. UV{
*POI.i I T/g,S, NEWSy UTFRATVRE, sc , ffr
npHE;UNDERSIGNEp WlkLTS£UE;ubout;the first
■ . iaf^Odo"^2r ,i Xfe4B,-.lhe. Ilp»l number of uXARGE FAM-.
y ;pub]isbed;\Vcst of the Mountains. Every tie
. - f . parrnirfw.wni. be fiiilhfully attended: to, ami no pains or
• • *X|Vensd will be spftredjo.render Uic * Saturday Mortitrig
roit cuie oCthe most uißtniriive and mrceptnblenewspa
pereher issued m the Mississippi Valiev.- : >v *■
In its POLITICAL thrf-paper will
. . - aim to bo ibe laithfuland houdsl exponent oldie Pnnci*
piejofibeoaEATDEMdeiuticiPAWtr-ihe rcople s Par
iy—the Parly of Jlpueßty nml-.TVnth. We i
shall fearlessly expose.lbe unrighteous doiuge of Fedor-1
• alum,in-whniever guise it. may. pre?enntsrflf, or under i
whatever cognomen it may awl; ■•,.> : *•]
The NEWS DBPARTMENTwiII^e-liie'olijeet ofispe- j
cihlcare and.attention.'.EveryMluna that is new, inter
.. esunpr and cxciung, wiU be fmihfimyrchroniclcd; The
various lines of MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH being now
completed from Pittsburgh tojiearly.every lendiugdiy:
in the Union, we shall be enabled to present our Teadersi
. .. -uptothe latest moment, a full digest ofall ,the STIRRING.
InIheXITERAUV DEPARt»TENT, we shall intro
. duce n»ienure new feature into the columns of the Saf
wunloy Morning Post. At least.rig?ifeolwmnrofthe paper
each week wtll JiHriTevotertexclusively to 3fcfcj. Poetry,
Biography, ihhtoty, MoYal Essays, ■ In short, - we
- • shall aim to make the paper, in tins respect.-fully equal
to the BKsr tiTKEAUV PAPKas of the Eaat. We have now
eugaged several distinguished wrifer/i.-wbo will, rcgular
■ v. SaturdayMorning •Po»t;-:; < l ;
- , our renders each wcek with• att extensive .and accurate |
i vfullymadftup fnmt-AcruACtuixs; together with the rnar--
< - j-.uAktlB.p€iPhilatldjpkkL,-i Balnmorf, r Keus larky EoslohsCtn
. if* >graph!aiuhothor&oureeß| up to the latest incvtnem before:
to pretoiv The fluctuation* iiv the-Money-Market,"
i:;f.Pnces ofStoek* Exehusige,vAu;:will. nlsO‘be eareftiUy
noted in each number
/<: ' -j j?■ WK-l!!•'4 : ':t
Tifcncohroge Westctn Tdfent, we snail pay aliheml
v^^ompeniatirftitoonyperson.who.wiU furnish tiJ ivith
-; *r- eiihbr Tales, Poetry:or Essays,:, which shall :bn deedicd.
:• .-..wdrthy of publication by'- a Committee selected for.thut
express purpose 1 }
1 lnOrdrfrto securer*^;large circulation, we slntl! 1
-• ‘ofierour.MarnmmUAVefekly ib tboTnibhe on terms here-'
. - tofore unsurpassed hy anynapuruitfii* West: To4o this
. the CASH SVRTEM.wiIr.TC strictly ndliered toi f ’
Pot, l copy,iu > iil\aiicc l ’ . ..... 82.00
* xt *5 Copies, tv •*«» * . *-.
r M 10 i P .*•>-. , . , JfStKL
*K2O ik. , j 95 001
P- 50 “ -t » \ *• j 1 5000 1
**oo i *i v 60 00 j
* irTtf4iny pCXsoflAahorWtU obtain the: largest number of-
Mt;Bab*cnbWS*tO'thrfSaturday-MornmgPoat, (not.lcssihan:
•r.tit l fifiy J )mrtf sb*ll“pr»Beni- a copy of bhaksneare'a p|dy» r ;
jeftst SS,<XL besides 'dt' co
,py of tho-itrapey-for- ooe.ycar. To the. persoi> who
nexl largest number of subscriber*, .vre
: -- 'V ahalbprrfoadCa beautiful edition of Ijorl-Byroirs Poeras.
. WDrth ailefliii®4.otl.andircopy of the paper;*.
•xTowluHrtdlijßtProhpecturriia'f be : setil,*-flre\rt;Specirany
.. ’'irequesttdkonci’asAgOniS'niproeurnig subserihers thihe.
*!>. SautrdttyrMornnlgPostfTo'tlieTwoii wlio will proeure.
.-oio thepaper,
- will otherwise be itandgdnicfy Te
wanled j «- 1
1/ <ois?l*rfeT*iftdit‘ be mldressedTpost pmd)io' ,
/ » v 1/ HARPER 1
Editor and Proprietor of the Saturday
~ burXhr P*i September IS, IS4B -
'Tirit.LrAM &. capt, jas atkinson
TT have fehYercd.iittoj)&rfqerftbip;uMder the firtnof r 1
j i , SP>IJFB 2* ATKINSON* -i
j -and Will darty dn Tltt COPPER and SHpET-IRON
.. »<lNOin albwbwjificCatHhe old stand- orwVß>BeiiifV
. ; First si reelj near WooA"Furticalar attention given: to
steamboat work ofit2d2tv
: . v.!EVPtfM*TrAqdnny'iyof silver ware,secretedordepos
:,j J.. » i and behoved■ to. ha ve Ueeti
r . i . Tbey wat the Mayor’s office, wberatha twnea
v-. .:can haT Aiioaj»Mvmgpro,j>erty.ftndpaymg.chajgea: v*
1 wp2s . i f i
Ti/f DOWNING, Fashionable Cloihmz
■jjl:* Slotl,Hoi glßTn&erty street, opposite-Seventh l *!. >
sep3o-y , _ ,
TAS:,|ffcOUIRFv.FAsmoX*BLE-TAiw>B, Third* itTnaar
•!' u - Uadduigß:> ' 'lsepliy i:\
'' l AL*itANACi>*
THHE pabsenber retump laslhanksforthe patronage ■
v £>OOyBXIS4'AIjfiIA'NACa] i ii(: v.
' P *\fc:Apvq.th3'ßniioUHce ouriifteenthiaTraa*
ready far aaJe dozen,!or
-saigljr. i AUich care fciwbeen taken,to have tbeOaietwfer
1 ’ i correct, aßwellastbeChronologicarevemsnotcdl
, tVe tavij.alaoym lhe seleotion pf.reading matter;ibeert
- .•*. particularlyoarefiil ppltoad/nUnnylhuigof doabtfiil mo
ralityon the eoijtrA? your been<toirprct
-sent nseful and mtorefiUng/subjects, that wij}*
-ing {Laity,profitbyntltUlft members ora family; we
lhyrefom.Ueppea£the ( CQtiurumuceof favor, and would
'•*. . ■ suggest.pametilat to.aslt’rorrLodiits*
• - Pittsburgh, or Magazme-as- desired; - Aitoi
• German i :Enghsh > and.-Presbytenan
: • folktale at the boolrand’paper warehouse of 1 -‘'■ 5 *
" ii ?} V“^ eu °*° nto^o * W « ta "*
Qxitiniurc/l-t, gaitnble for country raerchauHyag-iS
ugunlly./ In eastern,Jiourcs, and nt equally low
*2B*' w&EStS&L
'■ Jtim 1 ' ‘' w'lM mitchsmcree’
v V ✓
‘VT- j' r/yy.'-.r.-
Commercial aui) JntaiuiaL
c .v.W’M» HARKEUtv. r' :>, ; Septemdfb. -
Steamboat Packet Line; leaves tlitilv for Cmcinn&uilO i m.
-Pasieaffer Packet,- via: BrowusvitlCj to Baltimore. and
Philadelphia, 8 a *a
Mail Ctacn Lmefdirect to Philadelphia, D a: m.. and 12}
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, GA. pt: 1 :.
Cleveland;daily,lo A.'K.y
; Rttf nml;M osti*rn New YOrkjdadjr. D Ai M.-
North-Eastern, loPhiladelphi&i daily 1 , except Sundays. 4
-Eastern-Mail .via L’hiladelpbm>:due-3 a. M.,closes 12 m.
Western Mm), Cm. and Loujbv.; due-8 closest a.jb.
.South, via BaJwmd Washington, due 8 pj M-.fclosesG a:m.
North-Westem~viaCleveland, due 10 a<.h.. closes 0 a.m.
tEne and:-Western,;New,York, -due 8 p. M.j closes 8 a. m.
_ , , , Per value Asked Offered
. Banicof Pitt«lmrgli.*> '*’.-•> »>..^,§50,g0 &5u,0& sso.ou
Exchange Bank----. -.50, 00 ,44,00 - 43,50
Merchauts’aua.M.Bank,-..-... 50.00 47,00 .. 45:00
Fareiers’JJenositßank- «v * ■ ft one m market, •••i
glrecl Undge............. saOO - .50,00 .• - 49,00:
ftortbernLiberiiesßrulge---.... -50,00 ’35-00
Old; Allegbeny.Bndge. 25,00 « 30,00- 35.00
Corniellaviilp R. R.sWk t nmrt on
•him!a,S4,so .... .. ..... 5,00 1,43
City - , 9000 ‘
.MonongabeJaßntlge*-...*. 25,00; ♦
Qa» Slock* 60,00
Daftly R*\tcw of tbe Uarlcela.
■■'-i-v::WENOKSDX? MOBKINO. Qttdbtr 4,1848:5*
, B&* Business was dull yesterday, < -
: I FLQUR..We .heard of - hut fcwtransnetions,—
.Sidesof 21.bbls.on wharf; of ezlra, at $4,62 father
sales at s4,so.'vSevbrnl *wagon loads were taken-at
$4,50, .From store, sales, the; dray
load at $4,62(94,75.
. CORN 1 . .Sale pf, smafl/lot from wagon at 36c. >
;OATS>,Nq ; we quote at 23(935 pis. from;
first hands.
■ r BLOOMS. .Sale of; time; ;
PIG METAL. r \\c -ihtnk there was.wsale of H.
R. yeßterday at $2B-> ■, t Thoaskmg prices are $23(930.
SUGAR..SaIe of 2 lihds. at*6{c.-Regular 1 sales
at sc._: Extra. Primt? has been sold at oic. fiy the
'bbl;:we , qnoteol's|c.‘3^ , ‘; ; i'’''
v:-. MOLASSES*, Wo have mo alteration'to make in
figures. Sales at 3&931r.
I BATHERS...Some; receipts-, which aro readily.
picked ijip at 32(933c. 1 *
GLASS..SaIe of SxIO-coantry hrandsat $3,25
no change, •« <■:■■■■
CRANBERRIES. .Sates by retail at $2 $> Im. - ’
PEA ftUTS..SaIe of 15 bu. at $1,37 pother sales
at $1,40.
. iCOFFKE.).SaIes rogularat7(97}. ;v-. j
..TJTTJLIi fxvexhi.bjted in PITTSBURGH, near the Am*
¥¥ encun House, oivMonday ond Tutsdaij. the UM
mndlO;A(y r .Of?j^rr,'l94R 1 • ■"■
For Two Days Only!
i • 'ffexrn p/! Efhrbinoji—Ytcm i£io4 o'clock, r. ai. } and CT
to 9 »n the evening
['•Admission S 5 cenlo-' Children under years of nee
half price/'
•“The proceision &!C;,AvillcnicMhp
: above «ny, from Bmlerjatfloelarfcomlie above morm
it#, preceded by tbe vojossal Tuba Hheda, or Grecian
Stnte Carnage, painted ntid gilded*m tbe most corcenup
Urns* Band.
• nit. Carnages ini d Cage* arc nil near, (built l»y tbe
■best mechanic* in New-Yirtki) highly finished. pfltnlod.
ami decorated; arc drawn by-a troupe onOOdnnplti grey i
the finest sttiri evcr collected together- " ' . •. i
■:.The.rCuvelende will pass through (he principal ftrteU i
of ilm-city. (advertised tor. exhibition.) to tlm spacious :
Pavilion-erected for the exhibition' or this collection of
animal*, whert.the public nmy have an opportunity of
; beholding ibt'THRILtIKG'PEJtFOn’tTAXCES of'
. MUi E. Calhoun and 1
• 'Who, together..will piTo ntt interesting iMustmnou of the i
:.aaO« luteWect over .the wild tenants of the i
forest* j > w H
,iV.>[Srfcr larg*;UiiUnltta pnitctiinHlAtfiK] *
-vThc sflmeiwiU be extubucd ai'Nins Camle ihe Ctb* Cctl-
aod Jih of October- {rtpai-if
" ~ DissptunoN
Porju£f*!iip: of2U*ssrs.. Sibbei Sc. Joue.-vßanktr?
X' and Brokers having, iirrrtinutcd by ibciv;m><ui*ma
Mr.Sibbeu I: liave nsjoelnicd with Mr-my brother*. MI
lmU<s/thrbu*intMof ihe law Grni umh*t iho. Rtyle of S.
iMrrMjpryln Octob«r2. IS49'. < •
8. JO>\ES & GO.
bankers; and exchange ■& stock, brokers;
PUUbarftli, Fa*
IpT: All waiters coimecied wuUiihe late. firm of SiLbet
.& Jones, wjlUieenrned..oti wiihour imcrnipiiaujiy S.’J.
• &Co.
'lOEFElfcßlNf*. Jo the above,.w»* beg' leave io call (lift
iV attention of our, JnuulsAmJ Jho public to thefolTotv
mg‘,:wb|<?b will embrace flio i'Copjvoi ourbimuc*#:. .
.. .Oarottn Chfccke autV.Billvwtll he-fnrmthcrf nt current
ratdn, aijjjgnt, or on time, upon the principal cme» of the.
United Stmt!*. !W* will also furnish DILLS OF; EX
CHANGE kipon Londou,nud.a)l-lhe principal towns and
ciues of Ireland, wnl also ujkjh Pa
ns, and • •
. . DKVifcnrtfcofmohey WilMie.teceivcd payuble on
tnand/upon the< Check of (he Depositor; and upon De
posnes raadefor sirmdnQis nnd-upwards, *ptid upon
-wiich Certificateshave beenilstued.- Intercut: -will be;
allowed at t&fe rate of biX percent - ?•' 4
'Bills and Nole* -will, be teemed-for collection’ from
l Depositors and Correspondents, and to the latter prompt
’remittance* will benrodeilcoording- toin*lrtiction«.
1 liivestmcills tvill he made in . Stocks/ IlillSj Bonds; oi
other to order; .: ;
/■ Having 4 been commissioned to ilea! m Storks/ we \vill
Tbuy and to ordpr.ony of the ’Stocks afloat.m the
Ka*rem especially those ronnected with
Pittsburgh;andthe Bonks. Bridges, and other fihniiu*
. tion« in and nbouMhiv City: ■ > ..ii
Pipiborgh Oct 2 1843-2 w S JONES k fO
STOVE tts r SloVe. ; l J ipc, 5.5 L d jncheg. -on
band imdfof.Mle by’ : •
. -ot-tfr:,... ... f . ..,,, Diamond out) Dmnioud alley./
EOR.CLOAKS~I: have sS pieces shortnapdhlack.
Vfhich.l will sell cheap.
_ , JAMES-M-GI/IRB, Tailor,
•; ;-acp3o*!f ( i. ;;Th»TdflUSt Charle» Building.: ...
-> (Chronicle copy)
TONI*'SPANISH I UA WnTEU the heal Prepnr
U atwn foi' the Skiu ft iinturnl;heaUby
.clear,iiy.ine \vluio anmpttme staking-it *ofi nnd ;
jttnoolli: • Pr,< Jmhe» v A«der*mK Practical Chenum. of
Ma^achuM»ii,,sayf^:. , * v[yzu)}c lories Snamsh
Lmy.Wh!te, rßmr irjio«se*Ri!« the ; Att6Rt:heaUtiJuf and
natural,'and at ihesunißUffle mtiocenf <vlmc 1 ever saw
I certainly can conwjentioualy recommend u&UfiCionU
whowakin.ieqUirea • ■
fn« 25 cfejitr tt hox: Sold only N
V. nnd fcy Win. Jpcksbjr, A?fent,.tiO,LUeirty street. /• ;
: TiANJQSi AXD.LAM.UQ no as«omnent
X> . jmd: scale*; for -the
Banjo, just . •■ < *
<ep3Qfi „ J 4* MBM,OR. 81 Wood *t
inr. ScprSOtb At 11 o'clook m. Trout of ihe Oommrrcla]
Sale* wotim, corner of Wood mid Tilth sts will i>o sold
hriud Bu£§y, ityfailing lop m,
ii n iiaammion named. ■*i *"
.fpHE fnemUof •, Henry.AftNultjvwboJofl,lns Jhte resi
••lL'-doncA:u»sßitUTBVille alewdaye affo, for Pittsburgh,).
/wi*b toheorfrOni btm-vlt l.iiihnuahi thm-ho maybaemv
nloyedinAPlnQAf'itbe tron establishment*. - He brought
hui;wifo jmd chiUl wjth linn. r He is five feet eight- mclieo
high! red fane and red hair
concerning hintwillbeihsuilcfully re
ceived by > JOHN MARTIN, Wellsbmgh
i,;;sep3o:-.->> r : A; ist.SomersetConuty, Pa;
s L (Cincinnati papers, plenfg copy)
mO^ceut 1 Mutiny,f'J ceni:Galico, or fihy such truck
’biit earrniwoysbe fband a fall supply ofnclr fancy
goods tend dsefal domestics. The n£*ottutCDt dOtnprtaes
Merinos; French tend
EngfishCagsimered and De Lalne«,Alpncba*,‘&<r..every
*iyie : offa9W6rmblftShawlsi • - ••< • -•:
'FoT‘,'HuUx(kt*ptrS—' Table.' Linen, Sheeting.. Ticking,
Blankets, flannels' Bleached aml-Browu -SluslMls, Piano
andTnbleC&Vdre, Floor Olotha, &c. ail of winch will be
solddhedp tes the chenpesii' I :'R. D.'THOMPSON,
. gep3frM>> No. 110 Market st.
IOKIiENT—a valuable- improved propertyy situated
xrulen fromlijeclty, conidirtrugntfar sev-%
entyacreei mi uiufilfiK n i&tce stable and fide ennng:
'tVrtdjsptlng-lionscytUvtflling'nottae.' • A thrivtag'pencp ana
•apttle''Orcnard ttnd ffiinlepj*'wilh meadowy. nnd'gralK to
•Jields, aH-andor good fences ahd well arranged for an dx*
•tensive dairy fimm : . The'wliole is in gdod order: and will
.be renjed:iu*£4ooayenr. and-a lease fty ir Te&sopabTe
time gtveu
, . ,9 CPTHBERT, Gen .Agcm,
* aepUO ’ / * Smith fieldstreet
'• • i'^Ne^Oood*.!.. •.f,...:, i fc-;.*:.:
rTtilH'jsubsrribcr /uts.tluA dny^cpiuntcpcetifopetyjogitis
the articles.belonging 1 to his line .Of business,
- wnieh-he-wH-iurtko-ifr order fnrbelow. therprice&of aqy
fcJtaetst&soH , r „ JAS M GUIRk, Touot $ i
WpZn? l ' '* Si Charles BuiWing 1
' Vr^\V f -;
.SteomerAtlnuuc..-Farkmson, Brownsville; ; :
■ ..*•■ I«ouisf M'Lane, Bennetvßrownsviilc;.
. • -,, L ,/ Arrovvlmc>Gordan,‘Brownsville;
. . ■ .... Arena, Goff, Bearer;
• .'• Caim!ep; Heniphill, Beaver; •
Carolmcj Daj-,Beaver;
•i Sktpper,Stoops.Beaver r
. u . Dolphin, Hazlett, Cut.■;
■ Atlantic,-Parkinson, Brownsville; ; .
j .LouivMLane, Bonnet, Brownsville,’
. : «,•;; Arrowline;Gordon,-Brownsville; t ,
‘ Arena, Goff, Beaver,
. .- Camdenj Hemphill,vßeaver .
. Caroline,;Day,.Beaveri'.!i
4 V:nuphrates,Cnlhotin.Cui.
. ; v, Swan, hlnjv St. Louis; ;
Skipper, Stoops, Beaver .
: ASP The Cinderellais advertised for Cincinnati.
For Cincinnati^
.• - inr^ 1 lc ! The new, light draugbuiast Tunning
•.. iJESZj-W - steamer CINDERELLA, CaIhoun. Mas*
• gßwnflffß ter, -will leave for the. above 1 and inter
■HflSfiaSßßmediate ports tills dny.r
apply onboard. .m , oet4- :
2 For Cincinnati*
1 •' ! Phe new, light draught passenger
steamer, DOLPHIN, Copt.' Hazlett,
• ■ ■ 'will leavo lbr the above amV mlenne
,afirfaßVEarWW..vdmte . ports, this day.
•For freight or passage apply on board;/ - 'Ocig
I f For Olnclnnatl and Bt«.Lonli*
' * 'The lighldmughl steamerß\VAN,B. May,-
leave for;the; above and i|iter>
I 4BQgs9|n)e<Uate- landings; 10-morrow.
h . ■ For freight or passage apply on. board, orlo\: ,
Fpr Cincinnati#
- ifaH*” 1 * •* T :TUer)ighL draught sIeamerFRJENDSUIP
; IjJE2!fc*£DA.VTS; will leave:, fop; theahove anil
•fiSfaßsSmtennedmJeportß, thiidoy,- v. : •<.
"For freight orpassage apply on board; ■■•••. :Bep23;
For Cincinnati.
’ .fisnpf' |L J ' 'The light draught'steamer HIGHJjAN*
- i lL DF.R, Foese, Mastery wiltleavefor the
. irtMßoflffiß >ahove;and intermediate ports, to-day
fIBBMttSBBnB ' For freight or passage apply on hoard.
. For Cincinnati and I#oniavlllc,
; T 1 IE stnuncbsteamcr PACIFIC, T. Camp
£QsßjSs£r.ii, MasterywtU leave forthe above and in
termediateports,to-day. .
■.•.? For freight or passage apply :
Ottgas . • / GEO. D. MILTKNBKRGKR; AgenL '
| new. and splendid . Passenger Steamer
JsSbQSBb FJMaNCIER, Captain Wm. Kountz, will
leave far the above and-aU intermediate ports 10-dny, ai
10 o clod, a m
. . For. freight.otpnssngpybavtng- superior accommoda
tions, apply, on board- . • , . . aug2s
For Cincinnati.
••'-mifnm’- c ir Tux tie wmid light draught steamer.
r ijE-Eift HAIL COI.U.MB lAjOßStw;Master#
will leave for the abhv«* and interme-
CBESfIUSaEBi dmte port* to-daj“. • .'. •
Par-freight or.passnge applvon board. . sepgl
f xjfifc jfr THE steamcr-BEAVER, Chaa. E; Clarke,
: ißgggggJ£ Master.' will leave-;Puisburgh tor tleaver,
Glassgew-am) WelUville. evciy Momlo>y Wednesday,
and Friday—and- returning on■ -Tuesday*
and Saturday, m 9 o clock, a. m. Having n 1 boat at the.
landing.we are prepared to receive . imghi at any tune;
For freight or passage apply to s v ;
mal7»tf-'- . • (*. AVViIARTON fc',CO., Agents. .
• -■ Regular Pocltct fd’p Bnnflthv
' I TJIE fine steamer AVELIAVH.I.E, Cup!.'
«555553 Barxss* will leave forthe above mid tnier
mediate ports on nm! Saturdays. . .
. For freight or passage apply on board, or to
Comaierolal Row Cahlaef Warcroom .
&T B YOUNG A Co -j
(TTAVK removed their
XI Commercial Hoirjubeily
street, opposite the head of-Southfield, where they wul
keep constantly on httiulnn extensive assortment of so
: (a*,:Tahirs, AVurdrobes,-Bureaus. Bedsteiulsj Chairs and
.every article in theirlincot husioess. • •
promptly- Attended to ut reasonable
prices xp*y27
OFFICE at MissHeueh mon Fourth street, a few doors
above Wood street until the coinpteuop Of the bouse *
nearly oppm-ite. Teeth m Tdoeks, withaMificial gams -
'{after the munner now universally preferred nr the east.} <
manufactured to smrcoch porticnlOr case. Teeth: front'
a full set down tna single one.inserted ona snetionplatc,
ihuft To ilin natural teeth.’ Specimens .of
blocks and suction plate maybe examined at the office.
. All operations incident to the professionpertormrd with
earn and faithfulness. . I*t»p7-3m ; -
Alt*ay* Willing.”
MV* customer# and tun public generally; ore rr.specl*.
■ fully informed that on next Juonoay 1 will l>e open*
(U£A ttpleudoimui well selected assortment of OLOTIIfck
\CASs*lMEßßiiand V USTlNOV,'which 1 hate just-pur*
chased in I’hilmleipltm fir the lowest market price. nmMo
*Ybicblwoubl rail llu‘irfi|ltr)ition.. . ! 1 , . , ;
JAS AKGVIIU’ rotlrt'r,
seplfl. . . . , : • • fru Charles ••
£'IHAMEUI>N SU,K& AND B. Murphy,
j. comer 4 th and Market sts.haslatrty received mi as*
uorlment ot:lhe. above j;oods,ofdeurnbleshade*, includ
ing Blue mid JUark changeable. Orange nml Blue do.
(treea and Black do. Bed nnd llrown do. Mutable for
mites mid cardinals. AUo,handpomr Dress Silks, rhau*
peuble, striped ami figured.-, silk ‘Velvet fthawls. a tew
of these scarry goods, large, and of a good rjnnhty. Al*
so received, Long Shawls ot newest styles, and at a low
.p«cejor_qualuy. U. /i: s*p{)9 ..
J*Altt NERhHIi* heTeiofi>nt existing' between
X-'Halev'Remfidfln & Co. was this day dissolved by
’tuufutil consent. Tlie. business ot the'late firm •will: he
lettled by.Reiueinnti A Co.. :JAH. HAI.H .
• Tlie li»* crtntmuciVljT'SAvos X: RtwraAir
-niul Jmix Voroti-y,. iht* *tyle of KKJNfcAfAN &
•<?«>♦■':'■• ■- . ' ■•'.•' •••. '■ .
J.U.-U.UU?-. WOOD VRNKKR& M -*«&»..*» '.Cdiai •
/*>£»* -—On 'lhurfulny nrxu Qrlober stlii: at I 0 orlorkm
llic forenoon, will he *oM nl M’keima’* .Aonion Room*,
No«1I4 /\Vckxl rlceei, from 6UI. mrrei.hy.Caia*
loffue. alarge mvoieo of Mahogany, Croteb nml Metlnl
and.ltoiewood Veneer*. received direrj noiirNew - .
;|t t* tht' and finrni. JntOh'S enter* ever■utfrreii at
public sale m linn my.
!, .-Catalogue*will he ready on Saturday.: .
*epfo iAMKSMkCNNA Aupi
■f MCI-A rojfitdrJnl»l6 wina!!d\vellin£ hou*e, pleas*
•:L- nnilv initiated in th<r|owcrpnTi of Allegheny
Uagaiey> lane* lms three roomsofifhefir*r floor, two rind
n 101 l on tint second. tVontund hhek porch. Rood.cellar. 1
-nod adurge-gardeti lot; containing some Itrortlf ftenriMif
trim trees. niul4oor SO currant and gooseberry bushes:*
: ftcnt.nlneiy dollars a year. > .-PosseMton .can be had OH
tiro Crrt of October. ’Apply to - J.H." MF.M.OR^
• iwp27 ••. • • • . 1 81 lVooil preri:
MOItGA-Nb WOKftt away tbfl worms
■•! '‘Went Ueertp,., Allegheny <*o.,Pa. ...
‘•JJ It, John n. MQrgaii'— Dear Sir: Thu » Tocernfr ihut :
f parohased or Mr. Porter, one plunl.of yourgreatworm
Killer, mid gave two teiupoonful* of a to one of.iny cbll**
dreiij two years ;dd; nud ma i
or foriy-Mix large worm*. : A'SimswArpuwouOH-”
“Iwitneju licit ifi6 above nlnmemenl u. .-
‘ SUwcw, \Vriqiit "
Prepared, wltolennle nmVretmUjylhe proprietor*.;
JOUtf D MUHCJAJi, Droggist,
nto3Q ... ... . 'WoodMreei.Ptiuhurgfr.' ‘
■ To Flonr Dealers*.
.rpAKf# NOTIOJv-r*Thot* Wiliam Hchjrmlißrftr, or the
.. JL- ctiv.of.Vm.i} bavins been appointed Inspector
ot Flour, Governor of'ibf 'Cotiutionwealihuiftder
-Uif. Act at Assembly; oithe 15ih dayofApnt. Iw-iSj in
nun ioM)to ciij' oi' FmiU>urKhja>Kl .ibo cnmiiie« of A!IC'
ghenyy Wcstotorclaud, Washington# FhyeHOifijvejvin-,
diann, JefiVfwnf.AnoMronff.Jßiiiler, Beaver. .Mercer,
Crnw.fpril, Fj’iejTVgrie tvaml‘Venango—iwlll thlsdap'Cn*
ler apfm tbo duiituvolTus ofiice Odder bmeomnuumn.
Ha way lie found at Mr, Wexley .Greet?* *tflre v cofi)er
of Water and HtmthCeld streets.: ;:• • . •. *eps>lin .
berxnrciiowreccmiiff the tr Fall stockotiheabovc
a?tu:l<,ubreo. vessels,,vtz: the Juniata. Medallion and
at Phiiarielphia-niulßahimoteiaiul
.two more, theStepJteifßaldurja and'iLcita, shortlyex
pppted ■, the.)' uru,HiMeforct prepared lo i receive orders.’
They will recetccdurmg the wiiiier'.aiulspnngregutnr
supplies vjb New. Orleans.
I.vrmotMAN; GLKK WUOK. No.'iJ, eoniurnuig tfio
2l wmgs snug by the Christy Minstrels, and many: other'
mbtotlicSjao Tour iparts-rarmiiged for quartette classes.
.Contents—Bank o/ da Oluov Carry, we >i>uekto 010
ciimy, Happy, are. weDarkiea sogay.-jitn -Crack Corn.'
JiM Crow Polka, T/sustana Uelle.Old Qra>vGoose,?Uma
Knocking* Walk indo ParlorjAc. JScbr v’ ■
... Jpst.recflved and for sale by. » -a
*eplfl J. H MHLLOR, 61 Wood at
i : I*OLKAS;AM) flue fmiclej
i. it •.,- r *,Vs Hooua au(J Cap«j. <•..
i< i Hpsc for.children; .
:SV - •... > Comforts;
. .Boas J. • .
• Caslnncr? ami Yerlin Gloves, lined \vilh a Rnc arjieic
o( jbueknlim, aml a.generat of.Gloves, Mil*.
,* ®cp23 No. 9G Mnrlret su between oth. si. (c Ihnruomi f
sttlhbe without) a beatiuul ;»et at white
J:V Poorly TRETIIj audio.sweet,; irngrant . Jlreqth,
.'' bntj ■ > on - hnie Jhem ’both/ by. u*m& a box of
fonts .Amber Tooth ra*tr?-. l\ whiteua'tljc.TeethjiiaTdcnfi
( lJicOurn<j-«\ve?H{?ns.lhe ts.iwilhoutexeep
..lfqu»tb^, r inp4t;b(:(iuMiu) und; economicaldentriilceerer
For sale by .. AVAL JACKSON* Geu- Agent, - ;
.sgpia, ;,\;j i. i.Mii . i •/
'Wf- MJTCHJ2LTREE, Wholesale Grocers, Rec- 1
-*f; '* l *?X*nEf JDisUHerß, ami AVme mid. Liqtior Mcr~
chantr* AUo Importers of Soda Ash and flleaUmur
Powder, Np.loo.Mcny MreeL Phtßburgb, Pa:~fsep23 l
;I °f^P e nor quality,with on
QRfonmenlofl qreign and Domestic Liquors- always
OJ, U l 9 by W. ic M- MITCHELTRER
fir**? LET—2S. acres .well situate for e »inH purposes, «ear;Ea»i-Liberty oua tehnof
fi\e or ten lepra, tuid,at a low rent, 7i 1
sen2s n Tf l° S MFLIX)\,
Corner sth and W>lte «W
; ljpV.,SyAl'f!l / hD r -A -first Tale boy is to ran
■P® ffpodß. Nona but whocan come well recommended
need apply. F»ep23j 0 H PAULSON
.. yo.WCltcra. fllernhautit ,
»*u public,^ami at ihq lowejaprjcesppnn>
W-ood jurcet, .opposite J, 1).
i Auction Rooms. Observe Woreroom* upstairs
*■■ ■ ~t /.'J^’ 1 “,:'■ y-i-'' - _* yj ■'. -,'. ' ’ - ,V.’. ‘■■ J‘ --. ’-; '-, «-". - ; -' ’■!' ,' J . ■ . i'l
IVnier jhiteUtgme.
For Cincinnati.
Summer Arraugemtuli
; .'I'.;V,.''.-v 1 '.;V,.''.-v ; .'X'.'j;.;7'v-’-
_ > t ,' t I£\ ( V ’’ t-f ) - , 5
•<?-;:*-'-- J -; : -v'f?-’ T--':.'L-:-’! ; -t-.’-: fC :
! gales bh ffittrtUin.
fr* ~-~-
South-East corner of Wood and Fifth streets
8 H Belatl Stoeh of DRY
M. GOODS, fe.—On Frldn) morning, Oclolier Ulli. at 10
o clork. at the Commercial,Sales Room; coriieFdf Wood
dcr ofJohn Fnrsylh, E?q. Sheriff 1
: The ciilireaioclc of nn exteiisivorOlßUsiofei conipfis
mg a general aasprlmeiii of fancraifdatapJe foreißii aliff
domestic Dry Goods, among which nro hhOuf 900 tiieces‘
assorted raantun; silk, satin and bbiiiict'Tibhaiids i‘e»u.
At 2 o’clock, P M-S half Chest Y H Tea cavendish
tobaccoi 2 bags pepper; 5 hbls.; beans; 3 Bags- peaches;’*
hhl.iloaf sugar.'l box saleratis;' Calidlewoek’- A laree
<inniint> of hardw are, eutlerj, Ac, which may he exam
ined previous toihe ealei
-octd - JPHK DJJAVIS, Auct ~
ST {AMZSM'XEWA, avctton£%iz,
No. 114 .\V.-ood Stbeet, tulusb doors from Fifth :
JOBBERS visiting ilm clly With a Slock of Oooduibi
.✓-Bale* can beaccommodatedv while’they remain, with'
ih& vse of .a Hoom, oiLinoderaic, term*, in jrtory of
U Kennas Auction ;Sioro, No. lMWood-street* three
doors from t iftb --m, '
~AUo—for Rent, by the week,\raonth, or year, for the
storage ormerchambsc on!y, ;an excellent dry Cellar
with board floor
»ep!s JAMES RrKENNA, Auu
JJ na % Auction Room , No 124 Wood street. 3 doors
from sth st/a large invoice of Domestic Blhiikeu of the
largest size nnd finest quality orMerin'o.Wb'dLTeceivril
direct from the Mamifactoner, and wjirho sold at Verv
low prices; both wholesale ir the br<loi£
portuntfy offered to housekeepers for several years -
ocl3 JAMES M’KRNNA, Auct
JoiTSaE ' ' ~
• - - ' ■— ' * ~ *v-
i iiOtBS XiOtSl
; tiiully-situated, andtho most pleasant nluca for a
private residence, in the. vicinity ot VitisbuTgin-'' :
mg2ofeoton Middle alley, and extending baclr Bo fret
- Also—A-house and lot on Water.aUey, AHegheny«ity
. All or any of these Jots will he sold lower, anil od eaalcr
terms, than ony.oihersunilarproperty now in the marker 1
For paruculars enquire of SYLVESTER SEYMOUR,
at the office of: Edward Todd Fifth & Afar*
;kcistreetsjorofjthesubscriber;!::.. ~ ,\
&ep?«tc THOMAS MELLON, Attorney
SALE.r-A lot on High at, near the corner of Wv-
J? lie, jaih* new German Church. This Lot, 2ohy 801 V,
will he sold bn accommodating terms, or leosed'oii per 2 '
.petnoi lease r witli-tUe privilege oflmyingourtho Krounr
rent atany time 9
•; Also-rSevcralotherLoißon the Hill, in different place- ;
tor sale on &ccommoiialtog.ierxns,-or perpetunl lease at
may suit purchasers.
•auKlg«Ull changed ■: > ■THOMAS 'MELLON : •
J%. dwelling hou.% and lot of S 3 feet front ori Miurie sr
by 100 feet deep;' Price 81200. • ■
Also—A large, lot adjoining.the above. Frice’SdOD *
• Al«»-s} lois. eachSO feerfront on Robinson street bv-
S 5 feet to tmallrvV- Price $OOO each- '• ■ .
Alho—2 lots && feet Trout .on ShefHold street- by 95 feet
.Also—Slow 23 feet fronton Sheffield street, by 133 feet
deep to a 24 teet alley. PriceB2so each.' Ternis liberal'
S CUTHBERT, Gen Agent,
• scp97. SmnhSeld -street.
¥ SALFj.—A large, well improved property of C 3 feel
front by 321 tect deep. containinga comfortable collage
house, with hall hi center, undtonr rooms on first door/
two large cellar and out hou*c*. large
garden-and extensive grapery. also a vast vnriely of
trmu and flowers, aiula latge kitchen garden and ti pump
of soft water. ftY illbe sold at a bargain; Price, 82000
: 9. CUTIIBERf 1 , Gen. Agent,
»ep23 ....> .-j ._ * Smlthfieivs licet.
ri}ORBAMS-:A smulilwo Mory frame dwelling house!
J:. conveniently situated, fronting On.Pridesireet, one
street bevottd the Hospital. The lot is 34 feet in front by
133 feet deep, and will be sold on accommodating term*
For further particulars apply oi the house or to --
sep2-.; *,i ■■■; .• - JAMBS MAY, Watersfreet-
Valuable;F*rro» ana Town Pronerlv.
Till-: syl>«nbc oflor* to aclhim private sale, two yen*
vnlnablc farms, axbacent to Uie village of Murryi
ville,m Westmoreland conmy.eigbteen miles from PittsV
burgh,:ou the Niortbero Turnpike.:
Number one contains about one hundred and fifty acres
7*>no hundred of winch is cleared. About filly acres in
first rale boitom—a part morem meadow..; The bnilrlingv
are a large tranie dwelling house .ami kitchen: a large
bank barif,nml!other out hidings; ntid fin* about fifty
acres of finely ftpibercdtoud, andaibnving apple or
chard. ■■ •"1.-' i;
. Number two contain* one hundred snd fifty acre*—
about One hundred cleared—iwemy of it excellent bot
toca.mendow, and ifiebalance thickly covemfwilh fine
timber. Oiui is eroded a comfortable dwelling house
and barn, aud r;, thriving peach orchard... There are a
numherof never fading springs, ot excellent water, on
encUofthe above farm*. . ’
. As these farms ate convenient to the Pittsburgh market,
uad surrounded by meetiug houses,' milts hud school hou
ses,, and Within half a mile of: the Pennsylvania Rail
Road, they afford mi opponumty for a profitable invest
ptont in. real estate, seldom to be met-with-
Alto,Btx lots in the villnge of Laushleustowiu'XYcst
moreland, count)',: Pa* on the Southern Turnpike,? oit
which, is erected a large brick tavem houie- a large and
cominodioifr *4able,a blacksmith shop, saddler shop, and
Ayagoiu»taker s.sbop, Attached to those fot* there ore
i.Jen acres# rate meadow. Thi# property baa been
; on S.**Pf n * »tavern, and enjoys an excellent custom.
Jt Mill fiv.sold together, or divided to sail purchasers .?■
•- Aw, Thirty-three jacre* of laiidni lbc centreoflbe vil
mg*Bolivar, inWestmoreland comity, oii tho’Pcpn-
F-ylvama canal,xmwhlcb ore erected three email dwell*
.mg houses and A Pam:-
A/*o, Thtee hundred and seventy-five acres of valuable
timber land* on the vert side I ATTub Mill Creek, nearlhe
viilogecfßoUvar, This land abound* ’tnfhsTOuecoal
unelmckclaynnd Iron ore‘- The whole or any part of
the above property M-fll be sold |6\V for cash
For funhccptmieulOT* call on the subscriber in Mur*
fscp3o tf] J\MES MURRY
TcrHble llevolntlou—Htara Tvlnmubnutl
TTf><iAN ACAVrWKIJ,. (*ign or the * # *J Xo. si
A.l.nlarkMvlreel.vrouM rerpectfully beg leave 10 cnll
ttic attention,of llie public to their ne.weiocktof-Goo<l«,
ju«l leccirrtl timl opening from maintlaetureni amliin
(lotterv. of which they freloonGdcul that price and qual
ity mil give entire Muniaeiion.'u our motto Quirk'
Sales and SmallProfiis:- r ■
- ;Our,ftlork.rondel*, purtlyiofilnvfollowing'anirlrii,viz: I
I adieu’ and t.cpth men v Urcatt Etui, late »ly]c». Guard
ainlVMt Clmltu; Bmccletv.Clatpenml I-oekc«;Kin-1
gcr OlidEar Ring*; fcitcil* am) Fena,-j3lideitiih<l Simla; I
Buckler, tot I-adieu' Head DreitsM, Madalon’s
p“ra V»/' , «i *lt«!.lr pearl.anil velvet; Coral llend*; Ala-!
hn»ter|!oxe«v fine. Romwooi) ami Ebony Shaving Ca»c», I
farm»W:o; SivcrSpeolaelca; Silver Sfioona. alf kind* ’ i
Herman .Stiver Bponn«, all kinda; Silk Steel Bead Biun-I
ami PurvearCotloo Hose anil Purws; Hair,Tooth’. Nail
>u»i Cloth ,-VjoUns Accordeou*, .t-}uip< tnnl i
Fife*, W P«fnkuu^nndSctw>rA t f,iobrt *uid Paper
Holder* ; fsl»e!K, Dre»fi-.aud Side Coml>«. latesl
CJutla ..Vase* l-»ui<-41a?kei.vAfiftie mid Glua* Vmu*a.
Muffs land-.Gorotfne TfllileH, ChMtman
UafJtgnmmonlkiataß: S»tlkTflpt‘i»!r>TßniwT* 4 aiid I»i-
Sraln : CarTiet Bag*; Wiltow*aJarkev olid Ship Bosket* :
hairt, AVogo»«, Cradles, &c., &c., with a large fusott*
ment of Toyt and Fannj Artiein, too numerous to men
K BAB Tills M?lTlvU.~tfjin will be without a bean*
Hlq| head of hair,: when they cuiLlmveonnfor three
.shl.lliiurst: Twenty yearn' lon ot hair and-wonderful
restoration > t
, _ „ _ “ DAtliMnan, July 17 1<47
‘-DcitrSir—'Tire wonderful cflVebt of Jones'Cdrnl Hair
Kcstoratieo ha* been decisively demonstrated in the ea
ses ot several reepootahlo'citirens ftf ihe towil>\Vho- an
nceouni*fyouri»r|hii|(: three shillintrtriariiflttlOs. try it
without fear; :;f)iio:iuuaurr> which haH aiirnrie.l pinit
ttlar attention, Iwlhe ease of a (tentlt'irmii who hail 1 little
orjto hair tor twenty yearn; he had tried’ numerousOre-'
parwiolis in vain, niwl ultimately hail hi* heailshhVed and
wore »; wig. -Ah qiy, rerominrudation. he tried the He
•loraliye; and nflcr. using It, according, to the, ilirßtlnn
for a slmri:tu»p.tliayo«nghairnppeared.unilhelm*iiow'
usjtne-it heps! of hair ns any person in Buliiinore- !
‘\our» ire John kii.vinc, ton ’
It cause* eyebrows to grow presents the hair froai
mriiingereyvapdi lhe first application causes it to curb
heautitulljtf tree* 11 from sour!, and stops it Iroor falling
• .'.gold With full dititfiops ulJSfChalhmit hN Y and lit
Wm. Joetson. A(ptnl(B9Xilierty si. piHsliiintln-fseptlO ;
aAVKyou# bad yellow; or
snllowf if ypa.harn.7ou will by tnliik a Cake of
Jones' fuilianChcmical Soap, a work or two: your skiil
becomes elehr, white bnU snMpth. IfyiUliUve'ani- tll
seasKOf the Hend l Faec or Dcartl—suctitia'RliiiKvotht
Scald Hoad, Scurvy,'Frysmrlas, Sail Rheum, Barbers
Itch—you cnnbe cured sir I have- seep persons who
bad filihy ikindisepscs for years, and'afler-tyviliit every
thing:in vain, hove been cured by wushiiiß ttitrport with
Jones' Italian Chemical 8011)1, ami can coniullckiiioUsly
offer it lor any of theabovecolnplninls, which 7 Would
not dorutllcssirkncw it td he all I slate: Jf'i'bubOve
Sun Spoi»i'Fr*eklea;Morphew,Tnn,'Suii'Bdrifdr disfig
urements pinny kind, u will dispel them ttild make' die
skuibeauiilul— a sure nntidoicand cure for tlio bites
of tnusniiitoes, bufTS, Ac
:Hj"Bewarcafeountorfeils. PnrilcWntly cheahoites
—rust iorjance =>Soap,and seethdl the liamVbfTJones
is on eooh cnke.J Persohafirmttorln the south ahd'dthcr
warm rUmmes; would fjml tins not only for Ihenrislvef?
ibul it,is,a never-failing: remddy for chaps dti|) chitibS'jn
liifimlsj. Anil now, reader, by gtyme this one trial' yoii
will find Jr allor,even more'llian yre |iavt> stated aliDVei
Sold otsa clmtbqm fLrret.'N ¥ aud byiVm Jackson,
ngchVßl, Liberty elreeb Pittsburgh, 1.... . .., Ccp&t ’
jJWKS.-rß'onwrWsiory ; beintfan dccountof.
IT .tbe first, entmtnatlou .of the .Ohio . Valley, ''hud the
early settlement dfalio Northwest Territory ( cHiCfly L lrbm
original rnanuseripti contanur.g the papers of Mr Geb'
Moreau,thoseoi Judge Burkvihe diaries op Joseph Buell
and John Mottews?,the records or the OhiO'Combuny.
dec.. 4-e., with numerous plates and turps: By S I P Hil
dreth. 1
/'Orator* of,the American Revolution* by K;lb Mngodhi
With portraits ofSnmiiel Adams, James Warren; l'airiek
|4,nry,Jtlni. Hamilton; Fisher Ames und Johnßamldlphi
i froirvßunnessyor, the Rich Man*s Error” By
> T.B. Arthur,,,i.i
l. A f?w copies ot each of; the abovd works received tlifv ■
da) and for sale hr By Expretfs.
JOUNSrON'* STOCRTON, BttoWllers fIENTS SUMMER GOODS—Super single milled
- scps». .. v -i:;: : :comer Murkerahd^Third*uv ; ' ’< VT FrenchJlnbu CJotlifii vlchslyles Castoineres; black;
. ... ri?r~*—>.■. i i u . i vaml coljoreU Queen’s and feuipmer Cloths 1 ::
•- •'i figured midploin'Di’an DKieS. Vesimgs,“very elioice’-!
.ril ! ,J ; i : KEEi\AN, l Eifro^aA f .-rni y j,a»rctamed to thi* Mur&flles,- Silks atru balms;Unci fiirured tnneu Drills:'
A* city, Southland wn leave, inia few duys- ! . Oteaptr. ye\.i ■ ROBINSON’S Cloth Store, !
on .the. Uirnty-utoml tour.-of >ilui, Agcncy.-for iPuropej • ititty&i • Fost Buildiug*. corner Fifth and/Wood.,
reisous haviug:;de!>ts b legacies or.Jcitilm&i td coirect- i" %•:;'"-ri \ ~i
searcliqstomake,orreiomancesofmoiieyioilißirrriPifd3! .17^A | NNWjS.., i iJwiikl«.|Jutt-xp(.td*;
or other tnwnr BT l° irmisneul.ere, wilLrfnu.r' lora 01 1 '£ e , J „ » '"** f“PP 1 ! «f w . l “' 8 t > c - Uld " cailct
liinf i mmtdmtthj, aube Werchomk 1 Hotel, onVmahfietd fl,l T U ' »“ t ' y « o >. wlneh -Aril lie »oM liy the pieeo, or
street ■ * *°! .loweritluuMhQ saute .quaJuv;of goods have i
Remittances of money can atmry tunc be made to all eve *£ eci * hewic offe « d P
• ' .No. SO cor bf-4i}i, and Market fits. i
itent of Europe, dhroagh fus Agenu m ejties' (iIMiHAMS.-rJust received p.fjue..apsortmen<j
of-the United Statpa.-: j >■\J? of very handsome darkgingharaa, or .every:qualiiy;i
■Duringhis abaencein.Europc,rbu*inessemhi*»ted!oMr l from common rLo yery; fmc. : One- lot ofvervsupenor
Jnmes May, Merchant,iitytliiscity I vviJl-bodulV‘for ( wnrd* ! dark warranted fast colors 1
ed andpromptly,attended 10, . :■ \ n ' • j*HIIriPHOSS.
. ... . ! . H".» v.v : i - ~vr-.* Market sis.
Pittsburgh. Sentembt»r.9lh..l»ld,. :v..r ...U ■ , i riTOVE SioVe Pine'ibr sale b\ r .
6ep2d • cor. Diamond and Diamond alley.
A: A-WJllUL.— Always on hand uud lor anlc bY* ' •
XX *op2s , W. & M. MITCHBLTREF.
>~>, 31 t *
. . ..
.. i, v ' ,
:it~W ~
' : " ■‘■ ! ' v '“ £*7; &*&'£}
•'V i ' •”>
;-'C • fZ-';'.''' 1 '
UI V l Cr‘' v -*
■T- . *"®,®£*y*ogr ami now opening, at the sjjjn - j«<;.
J of the. J5/£r BeFHIYe' on Markctatrec",
-between Third aaid Fnuuh street?—one'-of
IftrpresV cheapest, ond best assorted slocks of sAB&
Fallfmd Winter : pRY. : GOOVS, ever offered in Pitts* the altcnlioji of our iiumerous customers
ami the public generally., ia rcspcctiully invited-'as the
subscriber is confident that he cun ofier sueh bargain* in
-W Goods by any othcrhoiise iii
the cm,
AMh6se goods have been purcliased at prices far he*
low those.of any former season, they will; be sold aV
greatly reduced prices. •
he louml many choice and desirable goods at extremely
low prices
-VciY rich .and fashionable Dresß Silks; Plaid and Striped
BlapkSatin;islnned and plaid Silks; plain black (very
glotyy) Rhine; plain black nchLustre; Lilsirmg:
Silk, for luarmlias and -Copes, at- very low
priefcs, newest designs aud latest, Cashmeres:
Plnm andvsnim striped Cashmeres, very cheap; French
”*r.mps, all colors ;Dc Lames, plain, .figured and satin
•*l r, P e Mr at a. great reduction.on former prices; Gala. Cnl
.tfonua and,. Cashmere Plaids; Mobair and • Momcrey
Plaids, oltqualmes; Alpaccas, ail qualities and colors,
from 12$ to 75c per \ard
'■«! n ®, l a spmere;Terkerri and Broclie Shawls;
. Cashmere, mid De Lame Slinwls;
-'FmeTlubbetandDe Laine Shawls; • - - - .
• Finehlflck and colored Cloih Shnwls;
. fme quahty Long Shawls; very cheap; <•
Plain black and plaid Silk Shnwls. very cheap;
A large-lot PJauf Blnck Shawls, from 75'cenis io S3.IW
each, all wool.'■-■•'■•i 4 ' ‘ • ; ; -
Good dark Calico; from "3 to 6c. per yard; .
Best quality dark Cnlico, from 6 to Ido.;
Van! wide, at I2sc.': " - •
Good yard wide Bleached Musjin, from 4 loGtp.;:
. Jihhlpaced Mtshn, yard wide and heavy, sto die.;
. Bed Tickings and Checksfall prices; •
y ..Blankets, from coarse to the liest'qualiiy, very cheap;
A full assortment of Red, YVhitN iuid. Yellow Flannels:
Kmituck} Jean. Jcrseje, T.mstji, kc , tcc
all,of which will be sold at reduced rates—'
. At 2VQ. .03 Alarktet st« •
■ . .11*1), TllOmpßOlly - “
No. IIQ Mqrkctstrut, ihreedoan/rom Liberty *trcrt,'
TTAS jjut received hi* enure stock of Fall and Winter
JLX. DRY GOODS,, consisting ot every style.of Rich
DrcMSilkM,all wool Cashmeres amLDe Laines; French
; Merinos, all colors; Changeable and Black Silks, for
•alantilltiftj fancy colored Oc. Lames, for* children : >r
.kSHAYVLS ofevery.kjnd that is fashionable; some new
siv les of l«ong Shaw It
. W orked .Cupes ntid, Collars. from the lowest to the
highest prices
~ uOMkSTlCS.—Thmdepariment is ver>’ full. •
■ Green atid/anat-Floor Cloths always on hand- v.-
• The above Goods hove been purchased stuco: the’de
pression iu prices, and will he sold at the: lowest rates/
sepl9 if
; jTk W UUObSI
At No. 05 Market st-i between ■ Fourth and the Diamond.
7PHE flubsenber has just received from th# Eastern
X cities a new stock ot
: . Purchased since lhorecenl great fall in prices.-viz:
j 4*4lJrown Muslin. oniySccnts; ■
4-4 w * heat),G£ «
>; • .-4*4 Bleached Muslin: -0$ *•
• • Red Flannel; all’wooh only l&Je. ; .' -
Furniture C!tiul*, frotn 4 to 6sc.;
Double Purple Calico, fast color*. Gje.:
• Frenrh Drcs* Ginghams. 131 c. • 1
. 4*4 Double Purple Chml/-liic..;
Pnns Printed Cashmeres;-
* l . ' fc Lames;
-SntiuStripe Cashmeres; - -v
“ “ Mohs, de Laities; ; - - •
Wide Black Silks. Kieh Lustres
b . Chaineliou Silks.-all shades
* Salm. ...- • * •:• ••
- French Lamartine Plnulst-- ‘ :
. Gal la Plaids, high color.*; -
Coburg and Tlul»ei Cloths t -
- Plaid Alpaccas, all colors; ; '
Lyoncse Cloths, u
French Merinos, .*• • • :*>• i . - . ■ •-: < -r-
Wde Black Plaid &dk«
New si) le Paris Printed Terkern Shawls; Chmnehon
Silk Shawls, Latnc Shawls; Embroidered bl k
and«ol d Cloth Shawls; new style fine, all \vool, Broche
bhuwls; Plaid Shawls; Plain and Embroidered
black und modecolored Silk Fringe Thibet Shawls
variety goods'
• New fall style Bounei Ribbons, Cashmere Scarfs, Cra
vats, Gloves, Mills, Hosiery, black Silk Fringes and
Gimps, French Work Capes and Chumsettes. and new
style French AVork.Collars, from ISse, to §3,00: -
A fresh nssortmcht of >reuch-and EngbshClotliSjCas*
eimcresand Vestmgs; alarge variety of new style black
and funcyrSilk anti Satin Scurfs-and Ernvais; Silk and
Merino Glider ShirtA-and' DrawerspO|oveß, Hntulker*
chiefs, Suspenders, uud Hosterjr. t.\
The above Good* are jum what they are represented to
be,-Aud wilt richly repay all who will call nnd cxmnme
them, oalhey ore much lower than they-have ever been
seen before in this city; - " ABSALOM MORRIS,
v sepPMm •*• : • • No*-65Market st-, Pittsburgh--
rrrrsnraou. . y < . . skw yobk.
No. CO Market street. beUoetn. Third and Fourth streets:
TNVJTE the. attention of alt-Merchants to their exten*
X sive Riockcfroroprming more- than ax hundred pact
of Fall Aim Wixteu Goods, which wifi he otfered
by.the piece or package, at the lowest eastern wholesale
-prieesr <■ ■'
Receiving the greater portion of our Gooos.
on concignment from the manafactnrera. and being pos
sessed of every facility and advantage through our New
York House, we feet aiuiurcd that we shall be enabled to
compete fully with any House tn thecountr)'. . -
'Onr*tock,mpart.<*oafciMSof— :
30 cases Cashmere* and De Lmnes; .
• • 75 - u -;Calicoes and Ciiughams;--'- ■■*
24 . Alpaccas and Lyoncse Cloths
25 hales Redv White and Yellow Flannc!*; : ‘ >
SO * Tickings,
450 -Brown Muslins; -
175case* Bleached Muslins; * • ■
40 44 Colored Cambric,
■22 • u Apron amlSlurtingCheckß;
•2U •• Cotton Hanncls; - •
50 . Cloths. Cassunere* and Satinetts; -
27 *v Jeaiiß; : - > : ’: • ”
- Toartherw*itb.u general aseorimentof Dress uiidClnnk'
JOoous, Silks ami Shawls,; Ribbons.nud J.accs; Fancy
j liooiK l rnumii>g*, Ap., Ac.; making in all. one ot the'
I most well n*mcteiiMve stocks to l>e found in
the country. - ■, *.
:* YVe will be constantly in the receipt of the latest stylrs"
of Goods, many of vvldcli we shall lie ahhv(by hnving
them on commiMion.) ,to oher nt belter advantage than
could possibly Jh> utTordcd by eastern jobbers:
in* Merchant*purchasing east are solicited to exam*
• Jne our assortment, and learn the low prices or our goods.
litirgc Supnly of Dry <ioodi«
w, R MtßPiir,
X| -A8 just completed opcmng.hts first supply of Fall
'XI. and Winter Dry Goods, and has now to'Oder to his
customers, a large ttmlchoice Jot to select from. Many
‘deseriptlons of goods, also, at. greatly, reduced price*.
Great -care has been taken m ihe seicctloti ot the best
make of FRENCH CLfYrHS. now so generally used lor
dress coats; and gentlemen wanting goods of this kind.
r will find Ins assortment the very best to select from.—
Superior black CasstmcrCs, Satin, Velvct nnd Fancy Silk
r YeMings. . Merino niid Cntioiv Umfcrsbrns. super, black
Itnltan. and Foncy Cravats. Gloves. Ac-; for gentlemen
"> la the-Ladies department, also, wdlbc foand.ihe imw
esl style ChangcnbleSilkm Fancy Damask do.: tiewihyle..
Super, black Silks, very glossy; Afunhu de Lnmcs; Plain
and Printed Cashmeres: French Merinos, of a gretat vd*
Vicly of colors: fine printed.Alans, do Lame?, ms low us
10 cents. New* style Brocade Atpacea*; plain black uml
colored do.; satin Btripcd-aml Bund do.i besidcs n fur*
supply of frtnnhv Domestic Goods—such ns .Mannel*.-
Shinmg and Sheetings;'Mushttir-nl'aiT exccednmly low
price; Trish Linens, Ac.; bcauimil new style of l-lughsh
‘PrmTs, nt Ifiid.; good styles from 4c. up to lhc first quali
ties manufactured. Buyers are invited to call: ,
' lE7* Merchants wtlf find, in the AY holcsafo Koomsj .on.
2d sior>’va choke -slock of ftewhst style goods, at about
eastern prices. . . / • (sepß .
Dally Arrival of .Fall Goods for the Job*
. ■ blue Trade*
TODD Jc CO: beg TenVe lo dnll the niten-
J2i lion of mcrehanls and dealers Hi Gentlemen's Fur*
'mshtnji Pittsburgh, nnd vielniiyv to our largo
•rtock of desirable FALLAiYD WINTER GOODS wow
Rally receiving
Some of our good* are manufactured by us. and the
remonuug portion bought andersuch circumstances ns to
enable us to lovv hs eastern Jobbing Houses.' - :
; YVe have received from ourfactoyynt the Cast, h large
stock of BHIRTB, which, in quality of material neatness
ot stylc aiidmaoufuctUtC. arq second to none in the mar
ket. YVft~fr»W sell them lower Uinn ihoy can be bought
inilift eastern markcu. - Our stock will consist, m part, of
‘ YY*qol anil-Merino Lndersluriß and Drawer* ;• -•/
•• Cotton • • : .do.”. do.; - .
Black and Fancy Cravuls; - . ,
. do. do. Ailiusiiug flocks and Tics;
, ndwer}', Umbrellas, Carpet Bags.
Pocket Handkcrohi6fr, Vesniigft; &c *
Purchasers are respectfully solicited to examine our
stock of Goods; am) will be accommodated wdh pausing
. f£j? YY r corner of Fifth nnd Mare
ket streets, (up stairs.): v [geptY-■»
/\TEYY CALICOES 1-r Now open at No. SD, comer of
:ii Fourth and Market.sirebts,'. a very largo stock-of
hnndsoradiifiWstylCiCalmoc* aud Cbintze?—which have,
.boon selected with rauch.cnrc, with particular ’reference
to fastness of .coloring, durability.of.iubne, tmd -beauty
ot design. Among them may.he found: -
Dark caliCoefl;oaly 3’Ceuts, British.Cluntzcs. lQi
j.Cd: -Green v t : l * 12fr.
‘British purple d0.,12i 4 ’ : Blue' .
Merrimnc do. 42j* ■*> I’urkny
Li.\ ■; do , blue do>r 124- ’ Furniture Chintzes.!-« 1 >
i. ThcsdgoodsarCinowdowerthun thcy haveievor beon:
before, am! are- worthy’ the immediate atteniioivof nnr*
chasers - i - PHILIP ROSS,
•/-I septl-:i-;w/. y;: - eorner Fourth and Market atp.-
4' r ' ; V ;'V-V *
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Stcgim-Soot Column.
ltTSSr— fHIK —
'j lndependent Line ofsredmers is rtoWcomposed
X_of me largest, swuiesv best flushed and ihriuxhcd,
nuu most pow enut boats omhe waters of lho West The
highest w ages ate puid for the services of the hest and
experienced men engaged m the river
The line- has been in operation for six years ; has carried
nearly two millions of people, withoutdoing the slightest
injury to their persons/ : The proprietors challenge com
parison withrtmy passenger hue m ihe Union Tor safety,'
. regularity, and speed; • AH that .money caiiptocurc has
been provided for Uie safety, comfort and couvenience of
passengers. The boaißleave forCmctfinau oslbllows^
• -AfOiVDA YT’ACKBJT'.—The MososoAnELA,Capt. S/on>,
•will leave Pittsburgh every Monday morning at 10 o’clock;
Wheeling every Monday evening atlOp, at/
PACKET.-^Thc HnnmsU No. 2, Capi.
Jno. Eliju*elitr, wilt leave Pittsburgh even* Tuesday
morning at 10 oclock; Wheeling evcry-Tucsday evening
at 10 r m
WEDNESDAY PACKET.-The \Nkw England. No;
2, Capt. S. Dean, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday
morning at lOo’clock j Whcehngcvery Wednesday even
ing at 10 p m
■THURSDAY PACKET.*-' Tlie Brillt'an*, Copt. B. X
Grace, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning- at
10 o’clock; Wheehngcvery Thursday evening at 10,p; v.
FRTDA Y PACKET.—TIie CurpniNo. 2 r Copt.' Crooks..
wtlllcnve Pittsburgh every Friday mormng-at loo’dock;
Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 p, ar.:: > •
- SATUHDAYPACKET.~ r V\\fi Messksokb, Capt. De
Camp, will leave Pittsburgh every : Saturday morning 1 at
10 o’clock; ; Wheeling every Saturday 10 p:k/
SUNDAY PACKET-: The Isaac Ntrttmtt.'Capt A G
Mason-, will leave Pittsburgh every Sundayundnung at'
[ 1q o clock} Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 p.iM.
. nov 10. . •
TB4B. ~
Pittsburgh and Brownsville Dally Packet s
Line* ,
rsBEUARr Ist, 1549 Ffbbvart M 1849
I, fCff* la -The Ibllowuig.newhoats eomnletfithe line
present season :•ATLANTIC,- Capu
James Parkinson; BALTIC, Ciy>t. A. Jacoby
and I*OUIS Rri/ANR.Capt. E. Bennc». The:boats are
entire!}’new, and arc lifted up without expense.
. Every .comfort: that money can procure has beenprovi
■ded.i'.--.Thu boats wifUeave the Monongahela'Whari Beal,
nt the foot of Rosspt. . Passengers will be punctual on
hoard, o,S:the boats will certainly, leave at the advertised
hours * janll
,01110 MINE..
iniTur K: Rbgflab Satubhat _ Packet.—The A
* '»» «■ . No. I fine and iuat passengersteam Pae
: Jgjgogffißa ket, TELEGRAPH, J. J.,Fflrr>vCom-
ing, Cincinnati nmVLouisvillet and all uilermediniePorts.
4 very Saturday, at 10 o clock precisely
.'/For freight or passage apply on board, or to' '
, FORS\ 1H & DUNCAN, Agents
-• iUe leiegraph has beeu built expressly for a regular
Packet,aud with a view entirely to the comfort of pas*
sengersj thcaccommodanoiiß -are inferior to no boat on
.lire western vyaters.i -The Telegraph will run mconiiex
ipn wih tbo Beu Frnnklift No U and Pike NoJ>, to Saint'
Louis—time throngh.nvß pats. • ■
Pmslmrgh Had Wheellnff Packet*
V fP’EV tw .THE swift steamer CONSUL, DoasKr P:
Kin.nky, Master, vvill resuTarh’ for
.iiltlmii ii’rTfA Wheeling, on Monday, Wednesday ,atidFti
day, at Ift o clock; preeiselyi:
. Leave Wheeling cverj' Tuesdoy, Thursday, and Satur
unv,at 7.o , clock,Aim.,77(uitic?/y. .*■>•: •
'flic Consul will Jund at aIL intermediate ports: Every
accommodation that can be procured, for thecoiniortand
Mfety of .passcncersj has been provided. The boat is
alsb provMlod,with a self-acung safety-guard, io prevent
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
. rcart • JOHN fLACK, Agent.
1 " Foe Ctnelnnatl* ~
' Ik' steamer*:HIGHLAND MA
lltf, jj ifrjgt RV, Burke, Master, will leave for the
•jßstffpftnmc above andiniermedintcportsiegularly-
BrapHSafflO: For. freight or passage, apply oil board;
For Cincinnati.
•| ?i '!E® r -'&A ■f& u «y& nw * hfil l ? draught Bieaioer JOHN
J-figggfcgiQ- ADAMS, will Jeuvcfonlie above and in*
w»«Mierrpcu»atc pottftregularly. ,»•
* or freight prpassago apply on hoard. :. . \ i- .
.For Wbeellngi
:^aBt 'ruhinng-steamer
Decamps. nrcJl
- for ihr aboveanduftermediate
ports, this tray r at4 oclock, ?;«:. ■.: t:
t-or lreighi or.passagc aanlv on board: 1 ~ •>* jy*>4 . •
For Cincinnati* “
<*Mng hi steamer,
J/tKI 11II'-YANKEE, Rodgers, Easier. wi'Meave
W v ® “id intermediate ports Teeutarly- - •'•■>r
_j or freight orpassage apply on board. ■•••'•-• • ]c2B lr -
, For Cincinnati.
'A-.- •; . y nE excellent; low. water-steamer,
onJy seventeen inches water)
Jfeg l iLFAVIS WXTI Joutcsox, will
CU ' C r ° r lhC atoVe
,Forfreight orpasgnge apply On board: : -)^20 '■
For BnrmwvlUe.
f nlwfo-JSt The new and eplendid. posAemrer nnd-tnail'
ffi&SBM tte■unerßALTlC.Cipi A JacoS, will leave
posiuvetj ° VC I>ort “ Ul,n B *ha preAcnl weelr, al-8 a.
For freight or pwage,_npDlvnir .hoard feb2
For N« \r~ Orleans. 1 “
pnwySSm H. /Maeter. will leave regularly
Ujenijove and . uilerinediale: I:i!)iiiiirp >
tor freight or puragc qppl> on board m»3l
*«tr St. I<ouU.
1E5.: * Thencwani) S p!t„d„l steamer ORIENTAU*
■ V *f- Hook, Master, will leave for the afcove
.and intermediate parts, reealaflj-; *««•«
_>OT.fre»gM or passage iipnlv on board./ • •
... For st. Louis. 1
JUBi Jt TllK splendid giatnaer- NORTH. CABOtl
■fflnWHlnli NAy Master. will leave for the
lUioyo ami imrrniedmte ports; regularly ■ ;/ i
_For freigator passage applyon board mils
■ L For.St. Louis. Galena, and Dubuque*
THE good steamer ST; ArmiONr.
bSwuwbb Mb] Murder, will leave fpr Ihi! above,
ports resell InrH
For freight or passage apply on hoard* or lo
M?o r UraiTnrrllle*
| c
IcHßaial'ANliOf.JAUfis pAfexntsox,M:i<»trr,Tvil|
leav&iormonbovc port ilu*da>YM-'8 ‘
• For frftfght orpaKßaganpplyon;board:' ; •
Netr Arrangement* *
■ • THKstenmer C/VLKB COI*K wiluenve ft>r
: 0 ln.«gtmv and Wellsville: orLTare
firawdSSHl day, Thursday; dnd Saturday, at 9 k.
turning on Monday, Wednesday, antfl'Tidftiv She has tr:
boat at the latidintt. hetvrocn Wood.Rtrrtl andlhP Bridge;
prepared' to receive freiaLur at any time.”. •• ' ?
S fc w ifARffYUGir, Atfettw.
Ko 30, Wood street
For liOUiSYlUpr v r
rTlfKKemucey River EA-.
6IiK, HROOKB, ftTABIr > r> i: \v]]l-)cave r> fbr- ihe
above (uhl tntrrmeilintcporLs regularly: :
Fop treiirhl orpnssage opply-on hounl. • • v:fel>B' :
For St* liOulbT”
1 ntWfit-ifr TllK newmu! siilnndnl pjeamer ANDREW.
FULTON, ,W.:li- FOUTON', will leave
for the above aml’imerincdiateJamlmg* regularly.
::F<>Mreijjln or passage applyfOii.board,or to.
Steam rdr
LjJOBK*& ONR ItiVLF nr the fine stenmer, WYO
i«6asSnjfi'MlNG.for sole; alsA,'one eighth of. steamer
UNION. • For. DAriK ulars anil terms enquire of. . : •. ’ » ;
‘ H A RiIAX'GII, v
For GreemvootliQardenirftUcllllauetiepterv
fllHl'i steamer Gi'eoirtwood.htvvui# stopped for the,sen-
X son, Caldwell» kiuedf. new and comrnodions.Omni*
busses! they Gm. pilferJid\'£ <?dirtnteucfd
•running. from Fillip *irc<e(..lunWc^i-Markc:nmlWoodj
leaving nt the beginning of eitch hOlirf lVonl a.
>1 uimUtii n . .
. Thu proprietor t>C this-Lme, liavniga hcn.vybrid£yto!j
to pny, hopes ihnld liberal imhliQ will feasium Jilin m tins,
i incrprise v ’ , ,
. ipr'Huh'. Dimes will hoibc taken,(or>vpassn£6ncrc>ss
the Brul-n
-10" Strict punctually will bo observed in'the tpue-of
starting ]>ep!2
UUMOlvttont i.
• rpHB FIRM of Ai*l)ohuii tc Daggis ythi/i day-dissolved'
X . by. mvtonj. consent.;: Air- Jos.Ti Pngg havingifacljn
cil business on uceount of ill health, disposed of his
interest to Jus. C. Aphesou. The,businessherealterwili
be conducted mihd.mfcheiifW.# 4~ Ci^Aclieson.
Pittsburgh, Jpl> JTAS l v DAOG. ’
Ifcp'lnwiihdrawifig from thu-firm of Acheson&Bagg,
I tako pleasure . in- recommending my supcesssor to my
friends nhd thd public generally." v :. "JAS.TV.DACG-" •
3 uly3> 184S—aUg _
•fifew-:--. VUy:rl-iyfcK\.2»rAUjuk^mo, S ubscnber
jKßnre?pe.ctfnlly ; \n lorma lns>Jfricii<ls .and the public
rie.ns»ve|Mnble,oulat»eny FUeemn llip-Fiftli Ward, above;
the Cunnl DridgCy where iliekecpsCamngcs, Bqrouehes.
Buggies, aUcarso, Biding Horse?, cic. Having:-added
to Ins former stock, the patronage of
the :
, U. Ilorscs kept by the day. week orycnr.'v,A a t
Andrews' Kagle fealoony Woodlatrcet., ;!
“OllOt/D of the cordial-greeting of our thousand friends,-1
X and the unexampled bestowed upon ug i
since wo reusriumed llie conrrol-onlusesiuhlisknicntjwc i
beg leave to assure otir patron&'lhut no atone wtflbe left
unturned, to promote the comfort, nJensufe, aiub-hilanty
of out. visitors pond 10 make the old Eagle standjoremosl
and lead off all Fimflnr establishments in the .West. • Too
Cream, Peaches ami Cream. Oysters, (as. they arrive,) with ail oilier condiments, may he
obtained satin? plu£c, and served op m nMnatmcrwnhi
out.precedent..:.. ......... ANDREWS,
IC7* RulUund partic.i-furiushed-ps usual. -fsopg ;
/T\ILVTORS<>A.-fA*>lmer»<aM 7faro/Kf»ott. : -by ; l*;..'li; i Mai
vX'^oOn*^with platosof-Samuel A<lnme£ Jo seph Warxeni
Putnck-Henry; Alcxrtmleri.Hnrmlion.-FwhoT Ames and
, Jolmßnndolph; dedicated ‘‘To Studciits wbo ai'e nol
-drones: Christians who arc .not bigots,and Citizens whu
aro not demagogues 51
,‘Retiring or, thu < Rick Mali?* Error.- By
T S Arthur ,
Thttabovciustreceived andfor.saleby v-a: •. a,•;
- -CO.-Markot.-ond-.7S Wood street.- :•
SOAP. AND ordlitrcreiil Ffttsburgh brt>|iir« ■
‘ibrsnle at mnmifadiurer s prices.Uy *■ .*•
v i.' u>-~
1 C: ;> o--; } ; 'C''-'
'’V' I V?. ~
'2l' ' '" 1 I "Ui’V "J " l 4 , y V“I 1 '
JBanlftrg anti. <Sctl)ang& ffrofrirs/?
IXCnAIJfBC.ANB BAKKI^f/fIUFJ'OE j ,7 - . . 7
E J: ornfT T&ir# mitt* Wood *frttt*F f ** * * >* r - • ;'
CJIGHr anti Bjllji , j * ' * ~ a * -
ful l s;' ; ,h a io d I c <, r ™ et " ■ ; ‘ nit sold Ba H ' , < Vi„
ouhe tow e « wes i 'V‘" '“Vihcipal "V°f V%°S ■ - , " ' 7 \
JOSEPH II HILL “ «- e n'H HE. i r -
And ,
- -
, mrtllr* tefoK ’ Fw,a ‘i Wu'M', PiUsiutgn, ! Pa< ~ *
n' * ’
-ugh 0. King,'
banker and exchange brS’icer i
rner o f P'ouTthstrert'ttnd r PosfOfflftdiUv '-i ’
In Coin J ;Bant-Nb , es, -'fi , n» : ffiU(i I .p6i9iras -
J &8&88& ,e **•*“«»• ftwaraif««ntej»J, fte
I'iXCflAftGE on airihe prmcipnl ciiies of 7 • -/
sale in Rumn lo slm purchasers t > - M
rnr> r££^l par ' undB received on tfepn&nj,
T„^ nONS n,ai6 0n 0,1 p* l "* of “» B»rfrt, It tt»A. r ,
lowgaiTnleg < apU-dlw&vi'lm ' —’
KEAi ™ „ -EiwSrt Uim-'-T
Ba Somahcß h*™** Bmim, 'Fmftn anti
C c r hnriMHtatet tt,,iAVo0 ‘ 1 !a i opjxWie i!„> Si
*" M ~j *■ 1
■ A.: SON. -T*"- ... r-.-. ■•;■>>■
1 * V°™«B«n£N*' h
T£S - ■ ’RfwuA 1 tt>- ,
nSi ~ pl,la $ Louisville • ,*
Baltimore _ , I“|SiLoii»
nM!t twgraln , „ Sutfitswa 4
S'"/ 0 fdn Conuiy & Guv oriTe 1
Imbana. J . RoliefNoir. ' * I
v?il uckj ' f * r l*tniTO|v«iiaGfc i *
s£s™* i “ Newark I
TOcelmg - J 1 - r „.l «
TemiMee 3 “ NeWQrlcin, V‘
r-- s^:i;=c
• " ,^ s, ~
~~ * ~ r ~ r sH
vS"-v' ''^.•^^K''•^~':vV■-^'^'•:•;.'•.^•.-^'^4y^^! , -:>-^v'■•’i , s^•^ '~ ' •
.1 •-•> Y ; .'£
■•• J. •: r,<’
* BA B o Eff. “ M^r 1 >' * J "- 1
THALERS»>,Com, Bankltaef.’T™eß,lii> Foreign ' . ‘. ~ -’ i I-’-~
EXf-H?S/r- l is ' c K * c t;t‘"g= 1 Ce/Jitifatf»otDeptmi.ic"■ 1 ’» ‘j‘ *-‘j- \' , r \ ~ i
nnrtPnmn^ 01 i n *^ e Cities ihc I'mnn, "* ] ■ ’ . ’<••» 7. .-.l’.:'' ‘u-i-f- ■ .'JiJ'-'l
PTiitT?wv’'psf *.? * “Hum. io Min puri-hnsi-rn ,' ' -.- „, - J ; f. ‘i ,
riftl Par foods reepWed on idemvu.e - «. V , I -T . j-i’e * ■****> ,
on-nil parts nl t), \ _ * ■ ‘ _
6^^&w'M?«5 ia PJ Dnd can he consumed mnl,, \ - 1 „**- ,rf ‘' v u Wif *' * '*+* I t*
ySNf.ffSy f a *f 9 1 ftpnvufr ordrfifgartga«r*mi»rftinta 5 m ■^- , - »»v«J ‘}v O'
: . tothc human ,«. . j * •< \ e &
jMw I . '-l*'* r/ 0 > 'HW -< '
vSfSBr ana together \?iihart *y. * \ -; \ ' -i * ;•■Vv**
«eraftftteaiier,impariue*oflhe ‘ V - * v " .
’ ~ ,* v „ V«/.\
dischargcgf seminal weaknessaml imiM)teitrnftls&r 4 ;eA. a ' * J » r / v- 1 *
rheumausm, female ’weakness, diseases of- tbe -oraufb, • 5 ' ‘ ’"•" W j£ "M --< 1 *
monlh!y:puppresß}ons, diseases of the joiuk. fi«S»U in - 'O’, h - to? -V'-Ow
ano, uervousqireciionß.ppinpjiuhe i 4 ’ ‘
tauonsofihe netlcof the bloilder and kulnevs.fcflbrbtiiir' 1 * \ lv ■ \ - *,-% '
eruptions, tetter, nugworm* mercurialdisefmest ftr * v _! n— v -Q~~~T
- TWELVE YEARS’ PBASTTCB , ‘-' [J**— -■ --■ -L‘ '.*■ -a . - '■
Exclusivelydevoted i t 1
real disorders, and lhonn nming >. , *■ * , * t » « '» -
guety, climate, or imparities of the i “ »*'” »““■ J. ”* ", \»v/ ; '*■
conaumilpji may have been enfeehled t ' —— - r v .'. - r -J 1
tooffer-ascuranee^of speedy relief jo*»{) 1 * - - %i * ‘ , T ’ -
ihemselpvsuuder , r i » ' O'/. r s » v <,
Dr. Brown’s offices are conveniently arranged into s Pp k£ *1 , ■• ? \ J T \ ‘ ,';i: ~>'
arate npartments. Faticpie convisuDr- B-uitbout fear 1 2 - ' T , l " ’ ‘ v
of exposure to olherviai torn,'. ~ ' t t ’ ' »j’ 4 , * Jtr , n-
It is of importance to many ' ■ - V v c /„ *
aid, to obtain privately and promptly.-. To all*, r i x • v - • "
such,Dr. BrowirK ready Bkill'in < u \' ' 1 '^
cay«, ui their * f * ''r ' - 1 i
which catfrarely be equalled. Stranger* ir? hereby apt, j s * -^L t 1 j «* r -
pnsed that Dr. Brown ha been regulafly'edtii'aten If* J * . *■* « *«* , \' v ' ’ **■ n * *** 1 L
branch of medicine, and for the K«1 inetve 1 ) ears -•• i ' * • i r
confined himsplf exclusively to the treatment *f tliosc "j , s / ■ - *S , ,
diseases. r » * ~ - *• „ • , “ - _
Dr Brown is the only regularly educated surgeon mi* *• > ‘ s
Pittsburgh ,who gives ms whole attention fo Uioie com* v__ v ,*
plaints. ' )‘ r .-. h t / m >-r
speedy cures will; m fill cases, »*e f », J ' *-"**•*+*■*-. r..^.,,
guaralitced, * 1 ' / * . I \ . r * t v 11 , V ;■- *■
. Hecem cases arcxeh'eved in a'-ehortlime, wnhoutiotcr * * "* 4
mpuonfroirtbosiuess. v < - ’ *, - >■
or BbPtUre.—Dr. jfirbwn o’fo Invites per* I 1 v^’'*
sons atflic teduTtlrHemia to call, as he has paid panic u v ** 1 ' 1
lar auentiou toihat r - *>i • , nt, 1 x sr *’
. . /rom a'dwlniteejaskrngadvicej-musrCohtaiaa *' v 8 .•. r,..i.• ••..
fge.Qrlhey will noVbeaitenilcdio:''- '’ . j - : ;^3
• on Diamond Alfeyva feVp doorg frotrt Waod - •'*
street towards the htarkCL' '.Consultations strictly confi- ...a :.
deniiaU *■•• - » -1 *i
'T?HEUMATISfiI<-rDr.Brawn's new;y discovered n i tn 5
. JAi edy for Bheujnatismir aspeedy audc'eTtnlrt rgmedy ‘ : ,
for that paiofaltrouble..* liitever fail* ‘ -'-"’‘‘i- ' -7.
', .Office and Private Consultation Rooms; Nd/'CS 7 ‘ Tn£~‘ ‘ 5
mond;alley,Pillsborgb ? Pa.:.‘Thd Doctor at 1 ::V
h0me.,.••••:. , ’. ; .v:.-..":’./--,-'’':.-;.-ranlB-qawtf'; S’
* Tlie Orand Purgative* , ~ 1
JLJ,ELEEETIIAP.T, / PlLt'S y —Tl\es6 -•'vt.: ,
Uuve obtained an enviable uoloriety hr tlic :''n i j
a a curuthc for Giddiness Djsnepsu Sodr Stomach, r
Headaebcv i ? Pik?,. Costiveness,^CoiiffbF::Kearr-
burn, Liver Complain!; .Scurvy; SdrevTHroat^-Miitv-ard' v ’-i : ' I-
Weakness Palpitation of ihcJlcart Indigestion, and a {
variety of other
miuicme.rqtiba nulUoii, In aU.scasonsoftfi£-VcAir -■■ »-v ••••.,
sjiruiff, suinmer. nmumii T and \vimer T —niid underbill ctr* ~-i
ctuimanccs, thej cart buiaken-wuli perfeci'saiety and «
, success. As.a fhiJr' ' ;
.dren,thoyare.tmrttfltfKf. :Be»nff coated wtthnfcrfrftlm/- f
sugar, children .will easily Ititnihemr they■ ive&kl) e r |rr i Aefi/
nprinuscate; arc vrl •
For adults, by increasing the dope, they arp crpi&Jlyijfen f
■euctai.-.As uu AniuEifrons. p2Zf.they. wiUb&Joiindwiih: w> r,v: .
ruse them,dnd an iha,certnm ■;.'*>.4 .
r TeSlHt. > n ‘ > *i,y , t
.Remember Dr. CXV. ■
oi* Sugar Coated Ftllsy-audihalnothingof? thorton-wit*-- - 2
over heard ot until ho lairoduced’rhem tn /tmdc ■ ; -,“4 : :
Purchasersshould, therefore, nhruy* '
.Sugar Coated Vegetable-Dills, l audtakeifooiheßC-oriJie.y ?
ft lit be mqde-lhe victims of a traud *2 •*■ » }
nzy’Pnfre, 25 cenw-pfir box 4 * - a <
- Dr. Chckener** nrlucipaloffieo for the snitfJofi PiHs;-i< r*'.| - •
Cff Vevoy st Ni Y - , * i
■ , $$ Liberty «t , }ieailof^AV'«»o»lj'l k irt < - L ' : '- -'I :
.bnrghj'Pa;, General Agent Tor ; - I .
Ohio, and the nver counties of'Virginia''l
.. The; lollowmgare ifteduly appointed
gheny county. Par - - „3
A M Marshall,) j * ■'•’vhi f r
•«. • Dr. Brown, S Alleghcny-oity. •‘•whor-Tv-iro-s ••
J ItJolmson, ), * A , > j “ ~T
Jonathan Ghrei i r Manchester - t -
■ /•■ Alexander Asdale«Wylieslivei..- v-j- - : : j
w! r .AVim J; Smai^.T.emperanccivUie/
G. fli-'SiarryJSe'wickiepi:^;'.-^-- 0 -''
Edward Tbo7npso£TVilkm*hurgl» it n
DanielNegle) KaslLiben> < n 4 L
? H.Z. Miicliei!, AVUkin&htir/{lj.-
AftiEKIUAN^VtiKKICJNPa*|!KNT§ " .3 '
V^:'J[AMESGRERNOfC3ff v K?m& 1 *
GrernOuqh.oomjiinfalhe <’o'fißuHuif'"Eimj
neer aud Patent’ bw bf&t* irt tW- eitvn. * * *
VVASHINGTOTf;; >H«-‘in»y be' , consrtirifrd«nU ,l • ' “rf • •• f ;> •••'. •.
in making cxamntatibttain m ftt»f'aurrffO> 3* * * ■
•fic* and elsewhere, j. *’ r <r
1t0n.4 df ftiaeluTte?j-and aH. , pnpeT* , mK!es#urj'‘to~RiH 4 iici.s.•>•. • * -
transfer.'amend.’ rensae or-cxietHllenpra patent £ . „
’Bailed StatesorEinrope lie eairalsofcceoivtdlted pro j
ft s'ionnlly on ail question* onmg?iii6uAtwm£uii<!*rllir £
.Patent Law. mid wilt argue ciuesncmjf-bnlbr* ihftpnWut■ ••<T r
Office orm>npi>earihcn;irom'.ior\v)iicUtM.Hl6ii?«'ppr 1 - r‘{
euceitube Patent Office* find ttVhtsptofeeftiotfi iinvs tie- £
i; euHaTly-fitied hint ThcfprpftflßiouiiniO.line's* ot Ihe lam- 'V'/.:-:-'?- ;-.' / ';'.'- 7 -
:Dr.T. P/JoireslittviiigUnplaced in hi*v ' 'V v
lent in relation ljencrdTcsse.d- w - > i »- ~
pafd. •*' ’'‘"l ,r *t r»' *\V, ’* lit 4d- xi .yi - %J *
JD*Pitf*burgh G«elfe, Pittsburgh MoTmnpr*W*t» and h ‘3
Si.4«oms;RepuJUieT9i‘yfnt eopy ‘
and charge the oifreryder.—iVtm Yori Exj*rn<i. *>i r r y |
» C I* Diehl, Elizabeth •> M vi
' ' John Btat k. Turtle'Crecfc. /■> ~7, 7
—- f " ; r
Samuel Spruigfcr* CHotOtt*. . 14 ,
ii'iM. ::+■iw ■•
i PuhohyTaremum -i 0
Jeremiah Fleming IfiKvnencaliHh ,^g
Robert William , AxihuisrUUn * */ *
augg&d&wOm < r v n?u u »/
t'ALU«AtfnJON«OP>iI'A < V«L<:i | !Qi(/% a STBT we ' * r <'* -» - "
fiTCORD A CO H (late aVCAt&A KfcugM' I ,
STYLE OF HATS t just received f«oi Sfa * *
Those uu wan to( n neatmid beautiful HAT
a»!inyiied;.tOitaHj‘ai>Uieit- FiAJl.fand i 1 :-ii.
Wood .streets. {/ c i J
P ITr-'PATJLSdN.-.tfo.’Kl : WoM’-stflpetySM-dwt’ft-dro * r
ihe eoruer of Fourth. ImS'tectiivMt.'nnd- tU?J tin*. f
-day.introduce th&EAZLSTYLE.OF.GSNriiSMffN*'!, 4 s ' *. ‘
HATS r aiul.vrouW.reapectnillyauvitt?--Inn customer** nijd 4 »
theruiblic generally to rSafi and examine the sume. l- :**. .•■;_},. • ■. ,• - '-■ .• •■ . ?•:
tttigSO * * ,* j
M H, A-T a AJTD r CAPS-t Mt
s«{^|fc r vrjyU3'subscriber/having!
. • - ■; '•■ Aopust £Gth;
ssY£Ts. OF-HATSi \<fwhich irewould eaU -
ofhi*.customers awlihe puhUc,-<H<i-;»s.dailyVxi>eemig ..;•;
the amval of his fall uBsortmctaof./iiUi.CapjjaiiaAfi(ft,'
nil of whufli Will bo disposer] of at unusmllly fowntjfcpr.. ■. •
C \Y GLASGOW, 102 Wood* stj *
. 3d doOT.bfltow.pnvisf Auction Roqpis.;
' 2)teninl)oat Bakery. t
rjlHn undersigned beg lca\c jq inform 2
X steamboat men andtho public generally, that they 1
will open a NEW BAKERY on "Water street, between a
Ferry and Market streets, or*'Wcdncsdaj’ 1 *'
ls4slr ami .will- iminedmlclVi ba-preimred the .
best Bread. &o^toorder.. .'flietrpvcn hnsjujabeenqdm- ,v :
pleted, and is in n)t rewpegiti superior to.any,now.m.ihe -• v: -.-a ■•••:.
city tepia] liUVrERfc MA^
fll. Hodfelnion, No. riS -WoOd fltT**r» . S >
qrTroULD coll'the’attiution tiwhc public (the ladies - ■ v
:W' especially) to &is\vcH*elected.assoi:rinenlofbeau- '.-.‘v-..v,
ulul freuefftnid Eng'ish CHINA DINING-AftJ> TE4 " *
bITITS Conasunsr, lit part m Gold‘Band Gbltllnue.
PAney ami Platn.Wbiler also,J’ndia&Chmat)nflnjgSeits. if
nU havmg Been impound tlhife of tiie tnaßi ' l .- .-''r! '‘ .
desirable M ttOOKINSON. **
i- ; auqgS /?,■: » ■> Wdod aft,-. 3tToor(vbelp\Y'riUh >-■ «. >
.bariL& JJrotlier#! Pre«irum; tioia -Pen», $ u .
;ttl\BO^.assoti e d Bizfcs t \VarraMud hrnti<fc£‘v£Ordpz.'' :a> t ,
AAJ Victoria received and {brittle to 1 The
t trade at New York prices. l»y -n <•<: ~~
\ - CmVAHDTODp.4s.RO.. 'a .
1 « E cor rifthafid.s4m)»e ( |fi s {^^up R ta,tH)
the Inchest prcttmm*cver awarded pt> a »
laM t(t»r ofthe V
Chantablo®rc<bitt*tft Association at Boston *■ r j
1 i Also,, the,highest premium' til the
Philadelphia w- < stpjl Vi
‘VTOTICE—AII persons indebred n> the lato firm oflioji *
ll '-iugau-ai. Mnrphy aret hereby * * ’W’ .
j»ii*diale payment }&nd those-havitig olnnpn jhi-m -
wllfpreseutiliemforiibuidunon ~ t\ ,\ , ~r
* HE\R\ LAMBKRff-) . ,
sep2!J-lvrdac.Uw JOHN COYLE $ mjgtua ‘ j*
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