&i ' •<••:’■. '■? ■.. v * N > c<,t- '.« \ 'v jvv *- '' " I;. Mm\TiA - : , - XX - : - \\ i v xr l v t -s'> v - v V. v XX v X ‘‘ k XV, > ■;tf v. - i ’'->X v?h'j «i;.,V X •> XXXXX.X -■*•-> i> o'Tf rlX‘ *■ ’■ -*• *» rX< ■ -v>i ? X'XVXiv;; m^iWs&s s m4 ?■■:■■ >?:.i:K~ bS“H I W&OjCi-^- v» * *»\ v V***l • c ir: ;,John .Connor, John D. Miu— - i">V\v-' v ‘-- r f‘,l ' s-****-** ' X'rX Wsif}i‘M &£s& w&’ « *' r&H» w#." •*- 1 &4WC* XTiX”* f A-’:; * ' .* ■» ? . -> - XXXXXXv’U v:''“ ‘ > hf K % l^Xi\< C ’ : *>*> v' *r<' -: v - s‘.\ r '-*''- • -/ 3 ' v - *yN ; r * 3**<;'*:'-* : i. ■ -U\ - f r ’ i ,V" f '--‘.'i- ..-,? 1 *! vr,»•?:..i-- '•..i-. : ;.C: : '.':J; -■ iSf; ,'-V. i/o i''.i> :.v. --'. ” T -,J J ? 4 , 1- , - SA'."-;--" •■•=. :'-%■ '■■■'- '7 ? "4 '•’ '-i *.'' ’’“.''A; ! '* ''} S ''S “Si ’* r •,' *. > - ?, -'-' » *■ * *-* > u* ** / V*- *' <■ v ->1 « /' ‘ • * \ ' *'* < V *■ " ♦ w . * , l t * 1 S r * V+. . 1 ' 4 . •fi'h*-, ? ,>*T i. -S > *“i r ‘ 4 •■' * li^u 1 V'*- f ,T* % f / lJv • v - N_ 4v K * 1 , i '*^' -T'r t( r 1 >- «, 4 * r 7 <*Z * J i A * ~v£ - , -,?v-iti V i-!'.vc'~, ,-: %-(>• -•>;• 1 v. r* ,> -Hj t * * y'>~s i ,c r ; ; t.‘ * ; 1- - A'- r "■ „ it' . 7 ••‘.’S’% «; *■■ r , , ‘ v ’’(- l »' ‘ ? -.'3. ' * , i/.X.4;, -X.'.X. - v, j :»V ' 1 ,** < ,- v ■ * , '.l, 1 * t t .* ’ '-v^fX* f, -' V " '* -v >* , » S ■*C^ f v , ? t '■• -. V sj. xte'’- f. > ‘■••j iv .i'jjjr ajs X; ;& i?* -I//? . - v.T •* *U^«i’t/*- ST , I'-"- k ~t It > -%*• 3 11 * &rv; ““ A v > x - “■ 'S “ * K^Czi 'skr t IXS>A 4 Sf r ’r B ' i * v ,/ l> : 1 F f ’;■'*'''«* , 1 5 *'*-* s * 1 - ' t * « ■-"*“'«*** * ' \.-x, *~ _ t ! v . x' - \ \ T' « ,t, ‘’ -~ ' r _'- - f . A^^'•;^':^■■-<'k^^^-^i:‘‘^■^'v': '- ■;- s'cv .--sv-'Va < ; '--- *■ ’ • , , *. t „ , f 1 , , '-*-?■: "^'■"T y .^’^ : ~'^-, > ' £.-; :•.•■'V-*.WH >' -l'',-;.'. ■' ‘•'.Ti-’''-i' - '- j '.V-'-l'.:! .r^Vv':r-;^ r :.:;.'.VvV,'^- : ■.; , =.\j': tv.-;... .i-j/in,'-; -‘ ; vv\'''''.v'-'v- v '--- T '.'^.‘. , V'V>-1-■ 1;' ■'•■ " fe -- r -" ■• ■ ' "" r 3 Hr*’ • •>•' -■•*■,>’ , . /. ' . .PITTSBURGH: . WEDJfESDAV MORNING, OCTOBER, 4, 1 fUartfintj Moat Job JjJrintinq V l O(>D AN J? riFTH SHtrETS nff f n ‘ tlli S' Miiolmie. ue un* prepared to do work iu a Btyle ofun* •«poff-*hc most rea * re*pectrully solicit iba .patronage of: business.■...• .%. 03-Gen. Taylor has RECENTLY invested ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN NEGROES, and therefore tannol he in favor of the Wjlmot Provi , SO. Speech of Bahe Payton, {mhig)in La. In 1846, H«is re pnbl. bed m the Pittsburgh Dls patch of March 27, from which piper no copied It lhat paper, now an out and out Johnston sheet, in troduced it with the follmilng remarks ; Or,E or the OrpoHERTs —Below will he found an interesting correspondence, although some vears old likeni o none Ilia worse for it. J “ihaWm'S'ii ■' h °' T ° ur Harr ' sl )urghl friends v. w,,0 *vm.: h. Johnston is,” J»e in ft’ h>r that place, to kill the • ’ P.ght of Way P » ' The slot) of its revival i ,I„ 8 . Johnston was Jteic endeavoring to get a loan from the flanks. Not succeeding, he tlwtatenod logo to Harn burgh, and oppose the " Right of \\ ay » bill" ThcVriendt of that measure, to “ hear him » at Harr.sbnrgli, had it republished and sent copies, of the paper to Har risburgh, where they met Johnston. They were spread upon the desk, of the memb. rn of the tens, lature, and circulated about tho Hotels of the town? and had theefTect of making Mr. Johnston dis At that time tlio pnblu-ntion wa considered very proper hy some uhooow prelend to consider it si untrue and tnderent Then it »as published by the Bight of to head him off in his spite work at against a measure which the people of Pittsburgh then considered essentia! tothc prosperity of their city. We publish ,t now, a, an evidence or tho meanness or their Bank and shin plaster candidate for Governor. • - The “Ultm'i Candidate/ The ancients relied moch upon the G r (he ngcd-receivinßU as truth that age bring, w„dom; and, although every man’s own best proves to him that winch is truth or error,—yet we maystftly roly upon much ortho wisdom of remote age,, even though we are not prepared to disprove from our own experience, tbedoclrme, then tillered "*™‘ h / “° d " e rT' y mr °' y ToCt ' vc > w, ‘ h ofdoubt, some of the wise sayings of those who have lived days more nearly approaching to our times, or llio c whose career upon narth has closed in the country-ssemce in our on n day. The language or the pure and incorruptible patriots of e'very ngo, is even pon heard With astonishment, with wonder, I with admiration • and lhatol no bne ol the -number will ever be hoard, perhaps, with more or respect, or exercise a more powerful influence upon hn countrymen, than that of Andrew Jackson- In him -w a, combined the high commanding energies bfthe successful soldier, together with’the profoundly lo gical mind of the siatesmanj and all tho case, socia bility and moral excellence of the gentleman. We may he pardoned, therefore,an view orthe special regard manifested fur his memory; and the enthusi astic manner in which all his leading measures have been sustained by the American People, tocall upon all, and invite their attention for a few moWnls* to I the following, extracted frpm an address pf Gen. Andrew Jaokeoni - 1 * - \ : ofancicn't^flome^ 0 ? c, " zcns ’ remember the fate rf ? 'o™™*™ CimiDATE uho K 111 not tell you with the/ran hies, of an independent /reman, the principles upon uhieh if elected, he tctll camnisteryour government, ’ ‘ “Jr* 1 “""r™ 10 EE A SLAVE wbd would vote for a MUM CANDIDATE, where hichbertue a real stake.** 'W’Msrgery la 1838. , ‘‘ In 1532, when the patnot-hero, JAcKsotf, .was a candidate for the Presidency, ‘the following sent,- nient was embodied Jn . pamphlet Whigs” with a view to defeat hia election t-r ‘ We hold those troths to bo self evident .1 nneaar .» "> » Chfcf Mag L itKow, ™* m grt^CW ' a re »Pect for the laws. or TnE - CosaxtTOTioK, EXPERIUNCF liti£.l b nn/? al | S ’ “ d ?" DB< l un,n *snco with the nt iitical and diplomatic Instoryjof the country.” P The authora of this,, well knew, that Oen. J«ct sms had f„,cd h,gh,y import, pl station.! W « f of . 0 ? re ?' JUt,BC * honor to him- Nmv cre ° , oHos constituent. - m havoTT “‘I "* K ’ rafc V° lilKal &™>rofcss to have th utmost confidence ,o one who has netor held a evil Office of any kind, wllosc wMe , jfo h " try Urn 6 he" C ? P ’'T h ° I>ankl J«Ms theconn- P«aden. " MH»I jjy t l>lrolt-,ANO rnoI'KIKTOR — j. Adverti*ert are requested to hand xn thetr favors before £v , f* t •"£. • TAta must be complied in th. t rt order to\n~' ir?i*«iff,sj>oMf6k.aMejrfi«*7AourMou/d be preferred to JVVC.ARIU-United Slates Newspnper'AFencv - v v*ui. Bu«ldiiii?s v -.js ; .I*., Corner of Third nn aul[lrtri sed Agejil ,_v ; VoWc. It H. Kerr. M. J. Sievnm, 0. Bnnieii Jnl n tS : ■■•'■i*oii,HichariJ Louih. DnnieJ FVed'Vo!isl " ■■■ SOMETHING FOR WHIG DOUGHFACES ■ . Slate Electionsi ■ * v . ■ TUESDAY, Iho 10th day of OCTOBER. Presidential Electton. (- TUESDAY, day of NOVEMBER. Democratic Mass Meeting. The Democrats of South Pittsburgh and vicinity are requested to meet in front or James Blachmore's store, near the ond or the bridge, ou Saturday eve mug, Oct 7, it 6j o'clock. Col Black, Andrea Burke, Col. M'Candlcss, H. S. Mngraw, and other distinguished speakers will address the people John Connor, John D. Miller, J A. Blackmore, -John Mooney, W. Meredith, J. M'Garrigle, C. M’- gahigon, Hugh Fulton, D. Murdoch, Dennis Wha len, James M’Kain, Geo-S. Hamilton, A Cummins. James O'Donnell, H. Sellers. Oct^td Jffr* Shylocfc Joliu*ton. Thp reckless federal Editors of this place don’t nppoar to like the statement or Messrs. Gbay and Mat, io relation to an infamous sbcrvipg transaction of Mr. Shjlock Johnston, in 3837. They cannot, and darts not, deny the truth or the transaction. Thcj know that every word jnThe statement of Messrs. Gnsv and Mat is true—this is whaj gives them so much uneasiness One federal pajer— the_ Journal, stigmatises the statement as an electioneer-! , mg sfi'air "got up on the eve of the elcctioni”. Now hear the facts. , i /The statement was furnished by Messrs Gray and May to the people ol Armstrong county, in IS3B, ■when-hinphstcr Juhn-ton waarunnmg r Q r tlie Leg- I'lature, in that county, as a volunteer candidate, (profes ing to bo a democrat} against Charles Evans, the regular candidate ol the party. He never pre tended to deny it, and the people defeated his elec tion -i: V; v v-'-; r. A ;!' v * 5 't-’-//-i 'V* J ' !•-.->>'•• i~-‘ir\ '■T. i - J '' '.‘j ; -' ,> . • r--.- s^:-v^ ."^.•.•?vV:*?s%;*"-£*WM-.S A'::■' '’ - ; --■ -* v '" : ' - " "v ''S-?;-l: : *V iv'-. : v \>'- , .' , ;' i —- - ' '.: : ';- r t^%^-->: u };^.^ ctay-Aiecitirg' ,u Kcw.Yortc; ■ 1 -\. " c if w * lLo!V>,l ’?_ tj,b" t °^®|vV'Toriftr paper,) of ihc *.^ , r„jj«e,s4f a u tcpotf «r threat Clay me'ct ih the .previous evening,'winch «s i hnt %Uermg (o the prospects ofGcn. Taylor Jons M. Corns'; lt seems, alter ill Ins violent opposition to the “a\ai)ablc’> r 'catidiiJato i:-r; a . great .. ,»... i .The fwilo'Ving .is ihi* . conclusion of Mr. Bolts’ speech as repbrted in the Herald ■ Mr S Clav 'f" ,n *ny judgment, the fnenda of Rht to , conslder his name withdrawn from tho canvass. (No, no, no ) Well, you may do t“oT. a G C one n r°.V “™ < hrai> prS5 Buren G Mr G lhat y°° m! >y d<> “, J “5 b . a7 ° er,donll J >ery indcpend- But 7a t’ ver y ohatmate. (Laughter.) But aa l prefer the chances of.a good government to the certainty of a bad one, I shall give myTore rr, h K S ? *!‘ c J e ' ,0 Zachar y 7 hands nf W ho - \ h “,'? beEß7 ®nnehbd, fresh from the Joic, r into this assembly, it could not have g d r , C rt a '% ,;I h t3 "'?. n ’ lha " thc Hat -“ark of Mr.Botts did. Such a hooting and hissing, and wream.ng, we never heard before at any meeting inerc the reporter attempts to describe Die scene that ensued, Mr. Bolts ohdeavoring to be heard. ■ Fi nally, an appenl was made to the meeting not to treat a alranger in ibis manner, when Mr. Botta again proceeded, as follow a- ’ Gentlemen, I have boon invited here this evening \o eapress my opinion, and I told you when I com? menced, that I intended to make my own Lc™ whirlXmod to dcc u ra my °" n wn,cb 1 informed you might not bo acceptable to all present. I did not tell you that I would make a speech that would -plcaso overy eno i, , " Ta, Vom e e d^h T e7lu P .'t" *" h that’s it" TH d ‘ gIVC 11 *° (’I Good S“' la r 7 D, , d > nu « rcr Ece a child take physic worse than I took thisTaylorpillt * tJ mC %7l e y'" 1 "IK™ s,!eh,hcm “«pc»” >t tip, “ nd 1 ■**« »P~« «f al T«lo? t b n 7n V t Cl i’ ! Bl '. d 1 " ould vote lor gc.ut ■‘V *>V"; ““‘nptat the dictation of mv own iuil,, went, and foe the purpose °f i ccpi „ g * al a Mr. 801 l then look his scat, and Mr. fired, took the floor, speaking on the slavery qncslion, hut voiding all erpres lon of opinion as to the Pres, dencyv f Great Demsi™„ c Meeting In Allegheny mn A h , . ll ?/ b ‘T WaS b “‘ “ ne to* no1 '". =*">l tlie mght unfavorable, yet a vasnsscmblv ol the Incnds of Democratic pnntipUt, equal rights, and the •« /,„ Atmr convencd at the appointed tunc, at the old Market House, on Monday etching The meeting was organ,aed by calling Mr, Moffit [*"“. were the tree fr len d,of labor aTdT^oZg^r and ManCh ° St " G '«Club, cnter —.rnng Club .* hard to beau H M »" cl '«ter lheo ad J° ,,rncd » with three enlhu «.e £££?• BUt,C '’ Lon « e -' h > - T Whole Number of Vetoes. The veto power, says (bo Virginia Recorder has been exercised twenty fn c t.mcs since (he h m \ bm of the government. By George Washington, • “ James Madison, " “James Monroe, “.Andrew Jackson, “JotinTvlor, “ JamcsiJC; Polk; v I n ehlbcr ofactoes, pas,ed and °pw, «bicl. w,H raafce/soLmnrvctV" “ b °“‘ 7 ’°°° Evcrj orercee of the veto power by the Execu- p V P b4s »*« by m. People, m ftet t„D l, , hn , only dlrcct Repr P emi(ive "« tiiea ' P r >P *’ ancdcrai ca ° d ’ d^ Congress, Ja,t winter introduced a preamble and reu sSwitTS ico tothe states, long before the termination of the war Bo has ne.eryet attempted an explanation of that Alfred 18 “ rri,ld 10 d ° S °' hnuw, "e ‘bat ‘he Wings of CQuoty detest-bia conduct ,n that matter hom the bottom of their hearts. v “t«M Bomimlier, f Jin p T' ,IIUT,| * ,0,lh “ tOW Uvn < ilfr <«"' rto nT?°rbl * 1010 m "PP*«>‘>»n lo the thdr <.Th| om< " l m^ Dt ’ ln last winter. Nei of Alleßhe n nTc n oun,?- e^d 1t ' 6 f C ' or) ' "* ‘ ,! ° Wh «’ „ 1 J 1 ' lnd >«■» this man, has the l^~r me bCf ° re * hC P-P'efoMheir HiliH . e " .. )•' -J r* £ ■ : .^fe^- i-:f '- J '~‘ : r^^ H: -- r: - -.<• •;5 -,-, ■: Si. : k -., _ ■■< ••*•» .;*■■.■,.• '. ».' .- : 'u • .I.'r >"!"■•. .•; -.-J ••■••:■■ ■•-■. :;■ ••■■•'• :.:■>■• ,■■■ .’•': '>* ***'•'' • -i-*.- W V. '* : -- ..- . .-*• .i - . :*.« _■■ r-. U - < - AM» MVJGirm\, toxcft’DED JU& JO My *e UntM Slate xf America w . A PiIOCI,A»ATIO». Iwppn thrfrr t l ca I t^? r - po,pinerce AUt * na ' ‘gation be- V?l?o bL 0 „W Sfato “ ot ' a -»ht, Mnyes at lher,,\ i?t, m ‘ ,UTar "as-concluded and signed m 5 Uano( e r , °n,the tenth, day nr June, liundrcd and forty six* which )a iu,h r me)n '! >C Ensll " b and Gc ™“" Imguagos, 1 ’-e, d r ‘ ,r "‘‘rd, as lullima b b J V * , U „ tMl hlall ’ B oi America and hisMaiesty the *i„ ? ° ,}*•' "over; equally animated with a desire or Sr .ho® 1C -privileges of their navigation on Si basis CXlelldcd hberalny, and of affording ...other,vme every encouragement and facility for i n b: creasing tho commercial intercourse 'between their respective States, have resolved to settle itt a defini tivc manner the rules which shall he observed ho tvveen the one and the other, by means ol a treaty pL. H V ' E ? r n “ nd con,,ncri -c, for which purpose tlm President of the United Stales has conferred fV.IT powers on A Uudley Mann, their special agent to his M ijesty the King of Hanover, J a „d h,s Msjesn the King of Hanover has furnished with the like fun powers the Huron George Frederic do Kalcko of In. f n 7v°? n o I ’, Kn,ghl °™ d Stoss Ol dmKoval Guolphtck Order, who, after, cJehang.ng their ful powers, found in good and due form, ha®c conch dedand signed, abject to ratification the follow,„ g 1 T . hc . hl R , > contracting parlies ocrce i vcßsela oUh(j Jvingdom i>f Hanover,* and. Tio : birrher or other duties upon the tonnage or carco of vessel shall be levied or collected, whethertbe im portation be made in a vessel of the United 1 States orin .a Hanoverian vessel. And-dh like m , nn ., dize l °f Cf li "f d °^ Pr °^ aCC ’ manufilc or ‘herdhan’ dize of any foreign country, can bo, from' time- id ttpie, lawfully imported into the kingdom dtHano^ «ef ‘VS' °n" V 0 ? BC,S >' W »l«o be 'imported j n Ves sels or tho United Statcs: and nohigher or other dd-' . ,‘ CS upon the tonnage or cargo of the vessel shall be “olected, whether;the Importation bo made m vessels of the one party or the* other. Whatever may be lawfully exported or reexport cd by ono party in us ow n veisols to any- foreign country may, in like manner ho exported or re-ex ported in the v cssels oftho olher. And tho same dj in Vk'* 1 ? ,c1,,11,| 1 b0 collected and allowed, whether such exportation dr re-exportation be made in vessels of tho ono- party or tho niheV Apr shall higher or other charges of any kind bc im'-' Sthri 'ih * IP I>ortS °S n? ° nC P a,t y 00 vessels of the bj national "“sols' W "' , ' C “ lhe »“ P-‘“ .o.fst^bere\!ei^ 0 r Sr c C „ e ,!etd n^tK r ha°u r s Oll,Cr Stade, on therner Elbe, JX-o7lt“ L°,l?N VC . 6E, ; lanf Um,<:d Sl ' le *> Jovied sol, n? t T" ‘V £ ,nna Gc and cargoes or ves •fu I^'*H iW*™ 0 C .Han o i*e rj a ml: tb 0 vessels of the United Slates shall be subjected to no charges detention, or other inconvenience by the'Hanoverian' authorities, m passing the above; mentioned place Sr,;,it sss." | bli 1. lb. cm sling 1 t-ibf'.’r'b m’t'f iiirl, 1 '; contracting parties, wh.cl, are rc-per lively resened by each exclusively m its sulijcci, or citizens Article 3 -No priority or prc" » Article /. The high oontrachne riming * mutoally, not to grant any particular fmir lo OihOr nations in rcvpcct to navigation and dutle. „r ' toms, which shall notiramodiatoly bcebme , CUi to the Other part}, who shair enjoy the same Jkoelv" ifthe concession was freely made or W» kil ' y ’ a compensation, as near as possible if tor eo°o'' nff sion tvne conditional. ■ f *- * 1 . a c^. n ces* Article 8. In order to augment, bv 7?» Yi,„ ':Li ' s.?. k ar^^si , S ?! r s s Hanover hereby agrees to ulidlito tow A ,n ß d,| m of on raw c0..00/„„d B als„ 8 toaboth„,o e",Hr„e U * casksn ; harrcis ’« d other place w.th.n ,ts torrttory on too Wesir sn'l' itmorccnrer agrcca tint if tlm j C - r 1 ant^ Hanover will readilyabolish toe ton " f s!ld,Smres Q . r ‘' Clra dC -d phccTla" weiglul (oiuThmidrcd 1 " *tl n f drCt^ P ° United States weighty"" ■ "&® d -* M “! f "“ r Pounds oaito othcr^tlm hlier'tv^of Br “‘ '» asssss,v^Ss?r’' !^ «» tonic of 2!!XfffSr.lS,sa2sSrijS! to" V e a ame n praco.' 1 ' S ° f ,ho,r ,n “ on cnVcclcS'm sols belonging to toe natm,, w h „ " d c . rel ' ,8 ° f “'° ves muted to their chargelal, ,*? ' S ,^ nra com thedocal aulhoriliosj unless the conditoer"/"" 0 ® ° r or the captain, should desTrr y the ordcr o^^"'6 " 8 Uy of the coantry, or tho said r urtrln quil. commercial agems,^« r v ° r„ d v,co ooasuls, require their assistance to bmisd thfci’r.to 8 ""' earned , geet or supported Cla ' 0 " B 10 b ° i '-i however,,-uiiddrslooiJ that iLVo to- •' r z judgment or arhitntion shall .« a " c Pccice or tending parties ortho right they h ‘ C ° n ‘l .heu return, to the jud, B al ‘°f a h^l°ico^conlnicrmai J ngcnis SU l"Q C^L lerc,d ) a E cn ta ,B,ro " ,C " SWS '"" ce o' ‘"0 locllVutot^f, 1 " Z • 2 6 1 0 ■ 4 3 ii’’ ■>'; I'V y; '-y- ZZ y -r^y' i* 5S S-’&r f . s * , *Js_* y _ /r„L .' ? \’»' tfj ** ;>,* 1 1 ~ * <■ *■» * , * , t DUDLEY MANN [L ' B ! falcke KKEI>E,!lOK BAllnN DK On A b D ‘ l ” , !" CaB ' ,, 1 ° UM > ha b «" duly ratified rorty seten i» n" t ' l f ! 1,0 u,? n, B htl '»n > DC GranTi^ e tfolZlF ** f H ' shness t»eon ufe Unitpd'si <, \ ,,<,VI ?V ,on -Ind "“Bmorce, be the Kmc or ,0 “ ° fAm^ r r “"d !>• Majesty tile lOtlfday nr JirnV hot CoHa | u,ll!l J ( ‘t Hanover on of the contraction nart' , nnri w ' * > J ' cr "P l,tei ltiar l rs ly ratifiedloo tho ß^«o7irh g rnr“lX n,,^U ' lflrc lßb article the advantages and .0 !?? St ‘ “ i gr<:o lo c,,cnd nH lationa of the nrc«. P „ V» e . C 8 CCn( ’ ,n< ' ll ,n lho ntipu other States of Uio * «"'• "r more pfthr may wish to V™ amc . oonfoderalion, which exchange of * T 1 6?"? of 1n »flkml orStatcashall poor 1 P rov ‘ dob “ P h D ,^,^ d f :s Mr »* & f° wi'eS'tofrr ° f r siwfc dcaire to oerede w the .i t £ haB «S«ifiM| its Bhpulationsnnr^l-l^-roro'Vtr iIWiS N<>«, thrrefire the': Ch “ ,as "? Bcaullni. M.' 1,10 undersigned. Baron W P Koynl Highness,™™ a’, o '' l’ f ~,S s —• '~l =“„•,? F t rrtf." as* : : . >- f. t ' f. i »« ■*• -I'. , 1 c ' w I *i yt> * J - " r 1 1 • fc. cZuy dStfiS!?’ tnbin, 1 h “iSSSS'V H ey mI*'lA^,y 1 *' l A^ ,y lo lhe com PC Wnl £°fci C Sme°) a arl Bby o etei ‘ l lo ’ 0D *b wrwiuhS demand cOcoA* owj shall, m writing,: Buk#ofOJdenVn Q r»*l* , ' , V ,7l,l - I^g *' ne “ ,lle G,antl llnj'fpefStWi:; b y 'be cihibition-: of: feet ofwhirh mS' B Lr^ b ■'foajy lafufesaidj the of* cr£ws oI v f '?* m “'« roll, of the c Wto bf “P d bcJeby do indnfduiJs^finw < 5^ ie «° ,I p ! t doc umenis, that such high parties to ifn«' ? the »■>»• 'roaty between the claim be.no f" 0 ol ,h i cr< '" 3 ' aa d ""-this fcctly „In as fully end per -10. be refnid Bubetam ‘ a,G<} '> lhe B “"endor *.ll \,.,0£ JcnJ To Sr^' a Tr C c r a f n e o^Tlo'be 2pS£t&J££& SSai«T, ; r Shall be net at liberty; and shall not he again 4a? 1 S ] stall be r 6 *T° Cause - However, if ufo dcerlcr fnn,*« K ;fou — tp havc ' commated n ny L of ff’-s^Ktiss'assi.a is: era ssn:“ -* s *f I partoi Wia?r be' 1 ' 110 Clt, *T and “objects of the high a nd reside bp: 4oSfte'„'rt4ti ° ? ® v i r -" f l -° “t" 1 territories in order, |.4 i U 5^?'V! B !r i a ffa ,r s, nnd also to hire and bdenpe^ I'jJJ'JS?? and warehouses /bribe purpciaos of lheir 1 oenbr? 80 ’ P rov,Jc*»* >° "tee ?£" I; I ft'■ ™2- buBinc “’ in all the territories'sub. : »r£ l . lo , the L J ur,s d ,c| ion.of each party r ns wcllih tp I ;^ c ‘ to ,‘he consignment and sale of their hob/, b» vholesale or retail, as will. respect to theX’7 l: auoh*ai» , l& , | ? " ?“ tc,tll S!° s ?» understood that ithev bona T'” 80b J cct ,0 lhe sa ' d and regula lions; also, ,„ respect to sales by wholesale or 1 bavo: fr.ee access to. the tribunals nf! wh nbn , " ,he,rl,t JE ,ous aff ™ 'he same tenbs 1 . ‘fh W Br a !>ted by tho law and nsago ofthecoun io4ma a y V e m C,t . aCna "I 7^ Cla ‘ «h.ch purpose , tuqy mny employ in defence of their, rights such 4dßei4pc7 orneya ’ andolhoraKCnta '' aathe y^ a y p'llfbns or subjects ofcach party shall have s.ildl!b.. P br r fc na - . reprosl!,l,a,,,ee > being'bcitizehs or tote 4,d nef’ Cr c . onlracl ' n eP arl y> «>all succeed nf “' PropCrl *’ Whctl,ct b >““ a - lbay tahe possession thereof cither hv them and ?s W ’ b y ® t,iera actihg for them, at dheir Wijf, teter/ ° fJ,C country wherein the said pc'r like ia P scs P 7 ■ b 0: eub J«t : to /p,iy ib ' ' Y‘\y : ’ • .'w--.; ,>*B ‘;i\ZHSg&! • .' --r X't&'* '*&> * >- 7 > /" 7 ‘ •*■ ;; -, '' y,Cto>a nol ! ,m ® J ‘ ' "'* * . OrtEEft/ftf j Co, B - ' t sales of Prime YVJiuo at bushel. f " " £ard. f Salts it Bc. - ~ j freigW.To LucrpooJ, Colton, 7 16s. ’ ‘ ‘ j ' r mg Eicnango is current ct 8 per t. premium , *,' u r r ' r NEIV.yojUC M&Rhs? e „ <( / ' ' , ' F)oi.r t. New Yobk, 0«f.3-12i>.sr. rel ? ,hC^^dCm,,,,d i “ " been rainy aft day which h' Y. fW wea * l,cr bl >* - out door .operates. h " ,taa ««Wotechecked J-. .. ; nw“a“«'r'c^ a „S7‘-*“■>' -' ,’• it. . .■• --^ Provisions.. I hear of very little doing to-day. j , ', * s .:ftk ,‘V No change m other articles worthy of , Bn „; * - - ,T U. V - Y' '?V - Beltsboove- (iutmw*r< the „ / «k* ** - "Ye airr, “cte" C °" a ?*< '"■ , , t ,' *» V- ' Mr Hsnprn T, Pbr Ms flfuni l p„, ' -J :l -.»/’ .. ’>'•, ptr, a letter nddVcsscdhYm£^ t *?“#“[ P»- "' J * strong coilntj-, nt lS3g.wh“nV? f P iohn P ! e ° fA,m > ' -. ■ -s Ssss»wS \ ■',: v;>:;'-. {^?.-:;;? , paper contains, I will then i«Hii IH that . •-. i t s s » To the denials or these , t>; ? UnJ ,o \ ."/ V ’ / ' contempttlejr do jusUjdesdwe" i*’ 0 ' ' ' V / Rsts-^sSass-A^ • • ••- ~> - 3d e/ October, 1848. st. I-"- "> ». ‘s’' V” *T ; J “'■- ■' l -' :l ' , - : t-le-rAiiljjv.a-r-TO-ar.Wf We havfe ,t from the very best authority; that the i i 1 ’ lugi ars laisirg a subscription ibrtlie pdrnose of 1 '’a ' '. . 'u 1 pajmjgT Jf Bicitssttoslaypt lipmi.so^lpre- 1 ~ ' ’ - .nTtolr c m 01 ‘ \" K a ° 493 Pf h ' !ns ' ;l<; a i l,^P'' ' ‘ - ‘ mgto make apeeehes-s p r efi, Jsldp „ i;ll p I , " never, mended Tor by education or hy nauire »« ‘ - >n*mund that S3 «o are already snbscLdl' The! '* '■> i -t •■.>;•», '••.■■•- ’ - .-i; -•..'U..-V'>vr.- ;, .v. -T-*. • :Vri •*: 't* '*£-■*?* ! 'j C- *■ J Wa . - a CALCULATION. We have for some time past closelv watched the in "» PO'—l homoe, and Tve g.re it as our to r; s ;r' f °\ lhit ,hefoi| °"-»e delation a 8 Hon „l)tl ° r r " p P roachl ”E P™='dent,al elcc- Z’Z ‘, be r Prelty accurate ‘ Indeed, the tain. Por I" AS9 )"* consider positively ccr- . .Cass+ Maine, •N". Hampshire, .Fennsy] vaoitf/' Ohio,, ' Michigan. ; ■■ ■ ■ : Illinois, > .*■ Indiana/- Wisconsin/ f loWQ, Missouri, Louisiana,: Georgn, Mississippi,' Virginia, South -Carolina, Alabama, ••• Arkansas, Florida, . Texas, - Tennessee, *" ' hc S l ,a,cs P“* down in the doubtful run TaUol' 1 ' v- f° satber P™>«ble Cass will om Will nnt h "^° rlh C “ rolni ’ wc honestly believe, W. I cast her electoral vote for the « brave old vol 9 J h ,Z j- j i « fe * Ranees for Caw carrying Marv* and ami Connecticut, are equal, at least L those or n I “ thc Sla ‘“ net down for Taylor, we do not eo nccdfl Delaware to him s for that every inch of groond will be closely contested Cla >’ s mijonty was only2oo in that tate, and it is the genera! opm.on that Taylor w,l| not make as good a run as « H ar ,y of ,hc West » Suveying the whom erOUD(I> (lien> kc nent to ,tnke a single Stale from tho above hst set don „ for Cavs ; but oaf the other hand, wc have e e .l7bVa n drH bC, ' eVe ‘’ ,1 ‘ a ‘ IM9 ' tHO more States p .H be added to strengthen the mighty Democrat,c TI.P wi? deral Mce,,n s «•«•* Sight. l„, tlf J ) n,Cet " ,g laBt “zoning was p f otiy largo, at if an} of,he party suppose that nil these people • .T a,traclcd ‘hither because they felt interested »e "“* cand,dilt < ls . they f- Bece ' T3d - 1 There tv ere no Democratic attend” 83 our rnends w °re at leisure to attend .nxious to hear what the distinguished Bank bought politician had to say on the subject of the p". niarytransaction between him and Mr. May, H 37 But on tms eubjcctho Wi, mnm_he breathed a word in «plam„on afh.s manner on that oc- He commenced by making n display of his own nr”t C m r" f r ,nCd ,h ° P ° npl ° ‘hs‘‘here were a ® many Coal mines in Pennsylvania, as well as numerous beds os Ir on ore. Th.s was lutencd to “HowTlh'n 151 . 0 W<,ndo ™ ent . “"d many asked: 'Jv lrt " ‘ h:,, onl? '’ He " eDt 11 « his tory or iho operations of the TantTin tins country.- Adry return I offsets, perhaps, th.s „ of no impor tance It was curioue to hear him tall about the cgradal,o n ofEuropeaa laborers, just a, though ernor o f ° T P' ot>cl ' n S The Gov. pidity of h,- 1, tcuers m the point of bis speech- HC neat spoke of Tree Sod, but bore he said nothing that ha. not been .heard a thousand t.mes from aihlgutumps I of the aadicneo became vociferous in their the Ten Hour’- »y S ,em. Here the speaker was checked essentially. Ho acknowledged dicing the luthnrtif the ‘‘spccial'contract clause” ovbicli was satisfactory to the friends of the groat Atteriwo songsh-om the Clee Clubs, we loft t 7 T The PtopU ’“ Candidate. Jadge Wmeiu-s fr3nl dcc , dc[) d . Demote later on the Tc „ „ our s ; P. t Ll",’ A n ,| lrC f ofne " r " Cnds * '» ‘toed™ o ' « bure i. Allegheny, nod Manny. J t nti.Be. the Democratic laborer., hot .eem. to please S wV'l 0 T 5" b ' taJ by ,h 0 «r In. | brow. Wo have heard already of .core, of „hm laboring men oho.e vole, were heretofore calcula ted upon with certainty for John, ton, the Slnnpla. ter and monopoly candidate, tyho w.l, now g„ c lb ir .upper, to the hone., old farmer of Montgont d.date for G™™" th ° Pco P lc ’« *»- irihT^! nk | <,r,h, *J IjaborJ “S Men. ir the Slnnplastcr and Monopoly end.,lain for cr°:;, w 7 r - j ° hnsion >‘e c,c ;s £ fillhv Th ° fl M dC>l "' ,h Mol,lcr boU:l > °f illegal, filth}, abommable, deprecated Sb,.piasters, l 0 £ k ’ Gorn aC ° 1° botjC3 * Currci 'cy of the Conautullon^ r dly V“ S ' U ' rn , *“*“ «'»». .ball undoubt I cdl;, have a remal of the infamous plunder,ng SV a. r;or r ; a, r pro " men( - h --*- d^ hy Joseph Jlilner and Thaddeua S.cveoa, a f,. w J ra ago, and nhich reduced the State to the tery verge of bankruptcy, and at the same „mc .roposed ;~;:r up “ ni, ‘ e^pi »- *»««». *■<«* * ... Colonel*.. • '■ o warn tbc Democrats to bo on the looUut for z::‘T cUhot war ’ n -"* <•<*« JjJz ttan, the Acc.deotal Governor' Johnston ts pro panne for something awfully bloody, by the appoint ““ l r ‘“ h * bat, : h ofAtd aa never wa's heard in the annals of the Common* calm < Allegheny County ha. been benored w„h nearly a dozen of them It.. understood that these «buct shot Colonels” are to proceed to Harr,.burgh ,m -mediately after the election to«‘bum,—fire,—kill aay -nor let a Locofoco lire In the meantime, their duties are to press into the service as many re’ .eruits as possible, after the manner of ihe redoubta ble Sir Mn raliW, and when these have cast their voto Tor Johhstou, they ore to be formed into companies and inarched to head quarters. Tt will sure]} try the nertes of old Former Ungsireth, When ho secs Gtreralio t mo Johnston and U fire cat,ng, «Kerno|s” and Coventry reerutts, encom passing Harrisburg, and declaring Fonns,lvan,a on er manual law I “Breakers Ahead'« - , t ■> Catastrophe. '' A Vr': PrfnT lh r ?'°?' Mtl Ph,nd(!a, ' !r ’ «* learn that tho Prapnllor Goliath, on her way f, OBI Detroit to Saul* St Mine, ivilh a largo quantity 0 ( flour> corllj and mil. ,ovon kegs 0 f bHat.ng ponder, waa blown op, on ,hc 20* ultimo, ocean,omng lho loss of twenty lives, being every soul on hoard. The yawl wad tho only thing belonging to the res eel that ia supposed to Im.o boon preserved unin jure . It was talon up at Rincardmg; together with some portions of tho se.ael, which is believed to have been mado a cdtnplete wreck. ',bEfl!?* I '-®.*. ~0 ® r »> - »>--A'ou ure lierehjMiblified i CH»r*WAc °u- tins evening; (Tuesday). at thri Bp‘ ' o clock ’ COn,er of ‘“'l SI Clair % ° CiI ' ‘ r JOH.\ HKRRON, Capim,, * AVS. District Court...Ttre c.k., ■ S'rhlb io°rwTnei‘ m 'P r d ?>• th"’eleeS lind heueraceiCnn i™°" W,,hlns “ >, ’ e , -v . ~ w I>; ' "'' 7 * :f V- ;H:'■l ~ >• 4:jM „>■ " >4 ; :'r : { ... h '~ ; Taylor, New York, ' ■Rhode Island .Vermont* - Mamchusettß, .Delaware, •Kentucky, •• Doubtful. r ' Connecticut,' New Jer*eyy Maryland, ■ .North Carolina, ,V-,- ■■•■■ ■■■■■ -■•r-. ' ■ •■-. ;■ ■ ■;<; - - />■• j, t ' ) rTocitii’ttSMii;: . ,'fe song, written £i7&&s?r f l f ■»■■*■ cobipan/. * f qii<:Sl ’ / 9 r benefit of the A Sottfiffor the »aqne„ le Flre CompanJr . fW,,tTT " T„ t COMPa-V J Aia—‘ Dtarttilat” Afl brother* now lie’ll meet yen • As firemen of the west •' ■ ■ ■"■’■■■ W nL C n l>S . C,OU l pr,do wc,l1 Srec( you, And hail.each ono our ffucflt. - rWo’re hpjce«| iq a ooble catisfe, - - <' And Jomecl Tn-a holy lie-- t '••■■» i Hurrah.f hurrah 1 ye Otfqueanc boys/J when urged by an impulse high f ? CHORDS f 1 A welcome with heart and hand'/ ' 4 P“qu«Qe boys giveto .you.: A welcome by our noble bandy The “Hope” boys,oow to you, ’ T a .f r p tt;perty or our citizens. ..We always strive io save,' • ‘ ■ And wuh our brother firemen. Whin n ? lwa J® prompt and brave. When Duly stem cbmmsnds, • l.isour’s.to obby: * "•’ • *-* 1 To beep the fiery element * t brom taking onward sway. 1 ' W I„T.h hearts ameero, J And tho willing hands Mtend: F< w a TM rolhor firomen here, Whll a “ eet you “ uur friends. 4 5 When danger is on your side, Then quickly wcM appear, ' AT w V Ji*f h oUr brother firemen,."' ... We’lJ strive to do oiir share. Our Fron Cdyfiremen ■ * v^ A l e H lw P a r w,ft > y°« * .matterfor the blustering Winds, ■' ■•■.'»: \ „Or for the drifting anew * '• i;.’ ; ; fire is : We’re always at our peat: • ■■ .‘P.Okfor the wet norcold: * • *or humanity our boast. • Al i?« h P,»y City firemen* We’ll gire a verse to yon You afwaysgive a helping hand, „,"' len dinger is in view ihe Uncfe gam and Washington, S rhe President and Penn, - the.only cpgjQesi -t ; v> • That your ciiy recoramend - A welcome, &c. The Tombs-A poor old fcllb(Vj wbr , t „lkea Ihroßgh lus nose, vr„, n for bung drunk-but this »asnotl„nß„c w ,r of he has been a regular ,cnaut cenre f' / °" 8 1,0 P ro,e6te(l h « >»“- ccnce, and asked for mercy, jus, as ifs,e did not „„ W Borael^,n d of the immovability of the Mayor i Bring tip the man wiihout a namo,t> said the ijor. “Och, your Honor, sorb I have a name,” said a pretty looking Irishman, who made bis way op to the seat of justice, He was charged with drunkennes - What have you to say for you,, self,” « Well, to be candid, I>m from Clarion , I worked at a furnace, and the Judge told mp I could gel no money, on account of tho Tariff of >4o—for r. ;r’‘ hc , Judge ,a ■ T^'°r »»"■ s °> a™*’ that the Tariff was Pittsburgh, I just jbpughU-d ca down and see about it » .< Well, hWy^T a o ar and a quarter for fine and costs 7” V* Troth' have not, and sorry am Ito say it.” «< tvell, bi/ you must go to jail fur twenty-four hours.” -Hedid* go up. Then came a hard scene. TwV yonng- g„la drunkT rC 61StC ”~* ,cre Brought up, charged with i»e. . T; 1*" ‘BemduVoV tunes and thought nothing more of being sent-to Bio Hill, than most ladies would ofgo.ng a dropping For years they have lived there, at ,be expose 1} the county Ono was sent up for twrmy days, the other | or thirty. ” Why don>. you give by, thirty' . said! the latter, indignant that his Honor should show such partiality. And hero they begun to wrangle among themselves “ y on must nut both, come out together ” « Well, I vow, you won’t get * a . BJln ’” Mld ®"®i H*o other inade , similar decimal,on. This might be encoungmg.bu, tunes Lf rl l ‘ h:lt | ,hP b,s Bcerranjdle- fifty limes before, and as often broken. > * ’ When will the people of P.ttsburgh establish an institution suitable Tor such cdses i f„ less' Iba «' quarter of a century, we hope, , , Or ■■f»-fi. 7 •• < wa ' «™icnily'sbc design or some Uaeknivd. toereaieadis.nrbaocea. theftrlaacfat. ic meeting in Allegheny on Monday evening. _a) «one w. hurled fiom the nor.b-ca,. eucloLreto wards the mass P r people, but „ dld not , f orfunste y, reach tor enough to take erect. "We have since I con told that at the adjournment of Bicker a meet, •ng, some of his listeners rushed thiWh ij,e Dome, j crafu. meeting jelling attach a pitch' as to create a 1 greit disturbance. 7 r y Again, at the Democratic meeting m the Sixth ward, on Saturday cvenmg, spn> P rowsd.es (not Dc.n ocrats,) attempted tn amuse themselves- Jgrat.fy sne,if '" s ”,’, lhro "‘," 8 f on / cs it sAmo.of the a* !bcy,>verc returning home, -*/ ■ - i r s there arty man professing respectability who I arcs to ju tify such conduct as Ibis. It the whies wish to cctaiu any character fee respectability, ,h BV had better sec to it that the.r gulhoM behave better. SS' A stoho maaon was ycaterday at worlchitch lug up the new Court House. On Ibe south-mde a stone crumbled to pieces, which gave at Meat one gentleman pome cam* Tor alarm whth i(*,U first discovered. It is now, fixed andjjoqls well, thoß h wo are not aware that the huge edifice has*ga.«ed any thing in alrcngth. t 1 US' Since Saturday night there has been no less than fifteen cases of assault and batterjl brought be fore the Mayors and Aldermen of the two-cities What are our peoplo shoot ? It seems that the la dies are revolted in sumo or them—some as com -1 plainants. ai)d severaj .sa.dofendanta. i prosecutions are. reported.' *'‘ : j I B£r Some ntischievous boys attempted to rob a ' I V 7 '‘“P 1 ® b “' J or Innocent minstrels, yesterday, u Smttl,field Street The tml e raseale shohtd have been lashed The dcrmaQ 8 ,Sw lE »rputch,or whit ever they were, did no harm furtheiitban tojereato | a most discordant noise Me 1 public highway. - I »-Tl ,c Select op I- ndayeienmg.and transacted agrchrdeal orbnsi m b °, ° rB ' no “ l WonU£ ?he q£ j,'* “‘‘7 e ' emn B> for " le purpdsc, (astve arfi In fornted )or discuss.ng the Liberty *!rcet gwd e question, , v * - 1 *; b * ;• 1 * •-1 -7-?. yi - K r~ : t . Accident on rtptn STREETVA'odnatryman on orreback, fell over the bank, made by the Fifth at »raae worl,, on Monday night, This makes the i fourth acetdent that'wehive heard Ofhkving'occur ed in that place. A child of Mr. Blossom,:.ol;vthe "Fifth wratde I was so badly scalded by, (Sibling a, got offiot coffee) MP 0 n ttaclf )j that ,itB. life sWaa despaired ofi : By lhe ! l skill of a physician the, burns are-in a fair Way of 1 being hcalpd up. 1 1 , j ttsß On rnptinn nr J H./JCuhn, Esq,, Tjiokas B J KENNEot, Esq., of Chamborahnrgh,. was , admittcll J ‘“iko prpetice pfilhe .Tiaw; m i Conits-of Allegheny County \ N *V’ . -V*"- . ......V....'-. ,: \ 'V.t'*:., .-;■- /•••..' {;.>.:':r,.i: f r -,;*■•■ '■ ■C. ■'.X^vv-.^.'v^v.- Ai, A>. * r APv , '' : ''.^^Ar Oj, \ * * 'a, •••r ■•■. - , - '.• -V- -,*.. .VV/-.1-'..- 1 ' '■'&. lV * H :'J s% , f v ** & & te j.’.W-;,y $; i ;^3v:y:;,p^..jy ?;£;•■;' •' i J’ji' l'&& : " rT s- :*,,&. - ?e *- ' 1 C-V U> -VYY Y,; T Y ■’’ •** : 4teSSfe-‘ , v • , •'• > . Sp- rsWojT ,\isY ' s-,4-. - ~- -- ■,:; 4 - >■=.’„■ * < t »t, _ ’ ~ 1 i®Y ! ‘«aij-3v. ; "v;..'..v.v. ,i -■ • •• ‘ ’ n 7 ■’■•■. ■■■"" V’-y I''^yL 1 ''^yL- OS' The Medical Society of fhia ,Coiin»j isot in the new Court House yesterday. They concluded the organ nation, fay adopiihgty.jaVs' ai,J cstabl.sj iinga-tci*.lulls j - -SST The nice the flash fry a small party ,h thd?,i,mrdyis j return it immediately, or itSMloe. j, , . J A;fli . 5T okc fnMn ~s on the Allegheny yCBtcr a ayjnnd sI „ M “ ! is a greiige .«the , h£ *®-Th euier " rose ,i^^3|— )n tho ,hr - 9 rMtwitcri " ">« channel. Inp „ - morft r,,n : aid Jroa opjwir. . we 'vill.-ibraiie WiMMa hot yesterday. S' 61)1 ' , -No 1 fehad o» tnna *ud for lafe fcv OC I -3 king & MOORHEAD ■ - if-.' v.-;t - i,-S .P K- ,4. fe.-v V-’- 7; ■■ ■: v ■ - •.;.•• '•■ -.y ? _■■ .■".; y l.l !r. ,y, V - • * II - •' / _ 3 ► -. 5 Will be sold at MtK"„ ,a V » AMfln, n ,lch Z i «»el> rr. nit , Gingham*, „ * »’ Shawlv <9i»L»- fio*D*lmrttrfnfl,i*erkeri • 3 • •"> >• FreiSh ifroojcimb A n J’? r ?, , ‘'' Eo S ,18,, >' Amencaunmi *1 i 3\ - 1 , , Atfcuaneer g " Iter a3n tlj?W?p«*Mf csfilg of ~ | lla»^- r T e V: I ,h 1 0rt <<“« mm <4 a^a^AMy-io* /‘"’‘U* 1 * ' s '^ r ,he OctS * ,jf i JOHN PO>bt, ™ ~orc for oole U f -T; JOEL jioatEß ''-'V*--;.' iV VA’- •‘r‘. e ;' 7 '. V>l i : ' C.'S-1-on ” ' Tru BAThB7r Private bole , V i^ a , KW | te“~ "« . Tools , “Si! lp?„i" p, PJ , f7’l'J‘nCnil»e 1 _ #(fSU,.«, P«ot | Flore,,,* f «pJVnor } Dance - Air Mppuqn 1 Freuoiu lonlueti, ’ ” ' ,o « * * •'•■•.•<; r : ■:;*■'■:*.■ss&■’’&’' •ysTv-*5- ? l- ' ■'' yr-'; • 'A-* '.Vpv yrs'. • J . . "C !.* .•»• ' r ( r-L f : *'?zWs ‘ -:-Vt^-: ij:ii iv^'lr^:.^ ► » • -'- - , * t r.-ji--.- A.i*> r;Vi-..-.V‘AjV; s..' r£-: •,r )>.v ~ t V r 7 ' - -■# v u- vV-, - - - v . *» . / *r ?■ "... ~ ' *"» ■i-i'/'i- i'J'■ • ■ *’ : i *••'•’ 'T' : '.■si- ...... • j!£ £•;- v „■! .'-f' ,V- • -I: ■• v -ti"' .'n' : ‘- “»'■' -■ ■ >■ r ; --