The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 02, 1848, Image 3

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gfyc JPftUg iHormiig sost.
'; v ; : .Willum BiPtSßiof'Clearfißia. f . ..
1 Datid D Waooteb, of Northampton
-I- HffreT L.’BssKßßi Philadelphia County, u',
II Hohhß.'Kneuh 1 do City.
11l Isaac Smrai, do Coomy
IV. A. L. Boravom, do do
V Jacob 8 Yost, Montgomery no
VI- ROBKKT E. WltlGHTj irfhigh o do. c
■ VII. William W. Dowmno, Chester do :
. Vlll.Heiikt Haldeman,-Lancaster ■ do
IX Parts Klibil Berks do
X. Bkhhaed 3. Schoonover. Monroe do ■: <
XI Wm Bwetlaxd, Wyoming do
XII Jonah Brewster, Ttogs do
xin Join C. Kino, Clinton do
ijfa-iXIV. Jojct WKmsuK.Lebanon do
-■■ XV. UoflsaT J. Fi&hek, York ■ do
%•, SsuTH.Pranlilia ■ do
■ XVU. Jourr.CsiSdtaLL;Huntingdon - .do .
•, XVUI; CtusiEsA.BLkCl.Grcene . do
:!,‘&mJLtX,.J3umiQU W.Bowmjlh, Bedford .. .do
*. H; SiratttON, Beaver do
XXI. :<3iobo« P. fUKiLfoB. Allegheny do
" XXn W. It Divu, Crawford do
] XXIIt. Tmontr lons, Potter • do
! . - XXTV. JiHra G. CiUPOEU,Boiler do •
Qf Montgomery County.
' Qf Westmoreland County.
OF riTTSDCSaH. : ;
JOHN J MITOUEL, Pittsburgh
- ; EDMUND SNOWDEN,-Allegheny: ..
WILLIAM b, MILLER, Versailles
REOISTEB,* v: : r-v'-l-.'-
, ; JOHN O’BRlEN^LawrenceviHe.
• - >". •‘CLKEJC OF TniS eoUBT, •
BENJAMIN .WILSON, Elizabeth Borough.'
®lje Itffa-soniatt.
To onr Dcittocratto Friends*
Deeply desirous ofwitncesiQg the triumph of Denv
ocratic Principles andjJDomocratic Men, at the ap
proaching State and General Elections, tve shall
contribute all m our power to bring about that re
sult. We shall, therefore, aeml our Campaign Paper,
The Jeffertoman, from. September 23d, until Novem
ber i7tb, to individuals and Clubs, opon the follow
ing very low cash terms:
StnsLE Cost, 12( cent 9.
Txt Copies $1 00
TyvstmrnvE Cortes...... 2 00
- FuttCopics,. 3 fiO •:■■■■■
Ora HtrHDßEDCopies, G OO
n It mast :he obvious to every ono.thnt .lbcse torm
- mil barely coverlhc cost or paper and preßS-norl.
.Orders tram this or any of the neighboring coantics
will be promptly attended to.
Piltsbnrgb, Bept. 21,1348.
The Largest Jonrnal lullie West,
' TH t DITTCRIIftftU • ■
: , fpHB UNDERSIGNED WILL ISSUE, about the first
-. X ofOrtDber,X&iSyihefiwrnQmberoj a LARGE FAM
.: JLY- PAPERj s contnbung more.nadtng maun than any
weekly. published West of the Mountains. Every d&^
, panment mil be Ciiihfully atteuded to* and no paius or
expense will be spared to render the Saturday Morning
'Pair one of the most instructive and acceptable uewspa
. - per over issued mthe Mississinpt-Vnlley..
: .In its POLITICAL DEPARTMENT the p&per will
•: v amtto bo the faithful and honest exponent of the Pnnci
plesofthe-oßaATDaaocniTioPAirrT—-the People’s Par
ty—the Party of Progress, Honesty nnd Truth. We
.. shall fearlessly expose the unrighteous doings of Feder
alism, us whatever guise tt; may present itself, or under
./ Whatever cognomen it may. sail. ••
The NEWS DEPARTMENT will be iho object of spe
cial care and attention. -Every .thing that is new, inter
. eating and exciting, will be faithfully chronicled; The.
various lines of MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH .being now
completed, from Pittsburgh to nearly every leading cuy
• ■ in the Uujoh. we shall be enabled to present our readers,'
up to the latest moment, a full digestof all the STIRRING
In the LITERARY DEPARTMENT, we shall intro
/ dace an entire new feature into the columns of the Sat
: . urday Morning Post. At columns oftho paper
each week will be devoted exclusively to Talci, Foetry,
. Biography, History, Moral Essayist., se. In short, we
>■ shall aim to make the paper, in tins respect, fully . equal
to the aksr utsbakt papjcbs of the East. We have now
engaged several distinguished :writers.-who will regular
• tha columns oftbe Saturday Morning- Post.
v comm&rcut;
ottr. readers each week with an extensive and accurate
; fully made up from acxttal sales ; together with the mar
kets ofJPhdadeiphia, Baitunore, Ifrto York , Boston, Ctn
cinnati, New Orleans,- St. Louts, fre., recetved by Tele
graph pnd other sources, upto iliolaicsimoracntbefore
goinglo press. The fluctuations ur the Money Market,
'Prices ofSioeki jExchangej Ac. Will nlso be cttTpfolly
•"notedmcach number. >
-To encourage Western Talent, we shall pay a liberal
.: compensation to txoy person who will furnish as with
either Tales-,.Poetry or Essays, which nltn.ll be deemed
-...worthy-of publication by q Committee selected forlhat
. cypress purpose, i
:. JC7*“ 1“ order to secure n large circulation, we strail
'offer our Mammoth \Veckly toiue public on terms here*
■ tofore unsurpassed by any pnperin the West; -To do this
the CASH: SYSTEM VriU be strictly adhered lor .>
For 1 copy, m advance,.« ~.......>,.52.00
•: ‘‘ 5 copies; ; u ■ ........................ gjiO
10 a ‘ ..... ... . 15.00
«20 u “ 2500
“ 50 « “ ... . . .5000
‘<loo « « 8000
• - To any person whowill obtain the largest numberof
• subscribers to the; Saturday Moruiug Post, 1 (not less than
■ fifty,) we shall present a-cony-of Shakspoare’s Plays,
'. splendidly-.bound; worth, at.least 85;0Q, besides a co
py of the’ paper! for-:one year. To the person who
, will procure the next largest number of subscnbers, wo
; shall present a beautiful edition of Lord Byron’s Poems,
■worth ox least 84,ti0, and zTcopy of. the paper.
To whom this Prospectus may be sent; ore respectfully
. /requested to act is Agents m procuring subsenberstothe
- Saturday Morning Post To the.person who will procure
10 wo will lonvardone copy ofthe paper,
and their exertions will othprwiso be .handsomely re
• • tnust beaddreaeed (postpaid) to . ,
■ ■■■. *L.■ HARPER, ■.
• Editor and Proprietor of the Saturday JUbmwgPosti Pitts*
inmgh, Pa _ September 18,1048
_ . FCLA.
\J the people here would try your Medicines; but after
.. they found out thetr.real virtues, I sold out your Expec
torant aud Alterative directly, and could have sold ser
. "eral dozen more of each since they g&veouL Your San
ative*Pills ore rising very high m the estimation of the
people, and I shall be out of them in a fewdays;Scver
' al persons here speak well of the Qur Tonic: There is
- a-young mtui m ibiß neighborhood who has been reduced
to his bed byScrofula this physician told me that he must.
/ •did; I told him that ! thought that Jayne’* Alterative
.- would help him; He said, “ail the medicines in the world
would not a ave him.” 1 think, said 1, Doctor, if you are
done with him, I will try. hint.-; His reply was, “if you
■ ran Cure him, the medicine is worth a fortune.” ! sent
- the ack man a bottle of your alterative, which he took,
mid m one month : was able tovisit Ins neighbors. /The
-• medicines, ho we vcr-gnve out before he was entirely well.
/ I wish you; therefore to send mo more as soon an possi
' ■blp.'* I also gave the Alterative in a. caseof Cancer,with
■ ' great success. In short, although 1 thought vary little of
/ your articles at first, I now think, like I bchrd an old Me*
■: thodist Preacher say the oilier day,publicly, that yours
were the ‘‘bestmedicmesmiho world.” .
Respectfully, j ours,
At Mnnon C House S *C
' ■ For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth street,
Piusborgb sep'J?
fTMIE subscnber returns his thanks for-the- patronage
• * heretofore received (ortho annual publication, styled
:XS.. We.have the pleosoreto announce our fifteenth antiu
: p) number, as now.ready far sale by the gross, dozen,.or
■ singly. Much carehasbcen token to have the Calender
pages correct, as well as the Chronological events noie^.
. :\Vc have also> in the selection of reading matter, been*
particularly careful not to admit anyibuigaf doubtful mo
- rainy;v on :• the contrary our endeavor, has been to pre
sent useful and interesting subjects, that will bear read
■ daily; with profit by ell the members of a family; we
’ therefore bespeak Uio continuance of favor, and would
suggest to cusiomcrB:to be particular to ask for LoomiA 5
' AtMASAC;' Pitwburgh/or luogazine as desired;: Also,
..*■ German, English; and Presbyterian Almanacs,for 1849,
■ ftfr aale'at thobook and papcrwajrehouse of :
* ' LUKE LOOMIS, Agent ,
- sep<S-d2iq<fctvst ' No 89 Wood street
(ffonuntmal anb financial.*.
jIcAROTHEfe, j C ° M>lrmalaß Septmbka
, aleamboatP&ont Line,leavesdaily.forCincmnaU,lo a k.
rassenger Facket.via Brownsville; 1 toßalumorennd
Philadelphia, 8 a n
.MailQoacif Lme, directto'Philadelphia,9 a ; M.y and T2I
Western mu! Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 a m .
.Nonli*\V«Htem, viff Cleveland, - daily, 10 a. m;. _v ■
.Erie aud,Western New ToTk, doily,’ 9 a. sj;:
iNotui-Easlernfto Philadelphia,daily^except Sundays,4
'Eastern Mail yin Philadelphia, due 3 a. n., closes 12 u.
t WisiernMiul, Cjn.nnd LauißV n 'duoBp. cloaesfi a.w.
:South.via Balt.and Wttßhington.due’S v, u,,c!oscssa.m.
North-Westernvia Cleveland, due 10 a. m., closes 9
i * Par value Ashed Offend
Bank of Pittsburgh*, «—v> ■ --••850,00,850,00
jExchangoßank-*«-*:- J ».*\--r*-:50 J OO : 44,00 -43.50
Merchants’aud’M.Jßank **• -.-** • 50,00 :47,00 45,00
'Farmers’ Deposit Bank-*- --; • None inmniket-
Hand Street Bridge-- 50,00 50.00 49,00
Northern-Liberties Bridge—*»- , 60,00 - - 35,00
Old Allegheny Bridge*...2s, 00 '30.00 35,00
iConnellsviUeß; R.Stockfpaidon • ; -
shares,B3,6o 500 1,43
City Bonds (0 4PVcent/)*.-.» ...*v: . go, 00 •
Monongahela 8ridge............ 25,00 - 1050
Gas Stock**... .♦• 50,00 . - -
Dally: Review of the Market..
; Monday Mousing. o<to6er 2,1848-y
■ Since Friday, we have boon blessed with copious
■bowers of nun, and. there -were appearances : of ~a
: Tn. the markets we have.but little of interest to re
port. . Tho nows by the. steamer had some effect on
brendstuffs. ; In FLOUR wo noticed a decline* Sale
of throe, lota, from first handsat $4;60; 23 bbla : at
$4,56; and one salo early in thd morning at $4,60;
and one buyer reported sales of 300 bbls ; at $4,40. of eastern transactionswill be ofsotne tm
portancetlhis week. - .
WHEAT..No sales.
OATS. .Sales of-250 bin delivered and.2so bui to
arnve at 25c;> sale of!20 bu at 23c.
BRAN. .Regular gclcb nt 10c.Trom Btorc. -
CHEESE.*No change; good business- doing at
former quotations. .
FLAX SEED. ;Sale from store nl 95c*
1 COFFKE..Regular sales of. Rio at7£37ic. : .
1 WHISKEY*.SaIes is
is in brisk demand at 21(322.
GLASS--Salo of 5Q bis SxlOot $3,25.
FEATHERS* «Solo 10 sks at 33c.
; MOLASSES..SaIe.of 12 bbls at •We
.heard of sale of cypress bbls at29c. -
- SUGAR. .is quite firm - without any
advance;; aalcs of several lots on Friday and Satur
day at sc.
m T' r # -Pm
[See large Bill* ot the principal Hotels.] - '
The same will be exhibited at New Castle thoSili, Ceu*
tteviHe the 6th, and Build the?th of October. (*ep2l-tf
.Freab Arrival of New Goods. '
NO. 219 1 LIBERTY STREET, 'opposite ?th st. The
subscribers have just received their first stock of
FALL GOODS, which they oiler to their-fnemls and the
public at reduced prices, for cash -< Said stock coumhis in
part of .French. Belgium, English and American Clothe,
all colors and qualities, suited for dress and frock coals,
overcoats aud cloak*, plain, pluul,and fnncyCassimeres,
latest styles, Tweeds, satunels, Jeans. Ac; in great vari
ety of stylo mid quality, plain ami fancy Silk.hju tin, Cash
mere, Valencia, and Cloth Veiling-, together aviUi white
and fancy upper and under Shirts, silk, cotton am) wool
en-J>rawcrs,s|lk, luicn end cotton Handkerchiefs, Cra
vats, fecnrfo,Oloves'flJid Suspenders, of all qualities and
sizes. The above stock has been seiccted-xvnhg-reat care
expressly for this market, aud.will he manufactured to
order in a style that cannot fail to give satisfaction to tho
mostfastidious,- We have also on hand a large and com
pjete assortment of ready-made clothing, which ve otter
to the public on the cash principle, as low as thrf- lowest-
iDllii liCille’s New Novell ■
(I or a Young Lady's Yieusitudrs. By Miss
E. Leslie, ;
1 Condin's Kctv River Guide, or a Gazetteer of all the
Towns on the Western Waters; containing Sketches of
the Cities; Towns, and Counties bordering on the Ohio
and Mississippi rivers, and their tributaries, together with
their Population, Products, Commerce. Ac., Ac:, in I84H;
. pud many interesting events connected with them. Coni
piled from the latest and best authority. Only £3 coats,
with 44 maps:
A Whim; orita Consequences. By G. P.R, James, Esq.
(Fresh supply.) ■ . ; •
: Tbe Orphan Neice, a uew Novel, try Miss Ellen Pick
ering i
Graham’s Magazine, for October. .
Democratic Review, for September. ; .
-Lmell’s Living Age, No. 230. . .
• . Chambers’ Miscellany, No. 27. .. . -
. of Allegheny, has all the above.
• • M. A. MINER, SmilliOelil street,. ~
.»epl4 I • . . Third door above Second :st.
TTfriNES, BRANDIES. GINS, Ac.—lo half pipes Cog
f f .nac.Brandy, “Ja« Hcnnessy;” :^
• -:.2 hi. pipes Cognac Brandy,’’3s. “Otdrd,Dupuy& CO-u
-,-3?*. l V . “ Pmet.CttsUllon ACo.” •
. %U octave®.Rochelle . . 41 A. Seiguelte.” ..
. 4 pipes Holland Gin: :
, / 5 qr. casks Rnp. Pale Sherry A Co. n
5 lt 44 u “ “ 44 “Beigbedtr,”
10 44 li \ . ll : Madeira•
10 “ , Mi “ L. P.Tenenfle V. “Carpenter;”
40 44 ,“r 44 Oporto . “. variousgrades; ■
30 “ 44 “ Lisbon 1 « “
10 hhds.,£ohalfdo., nnd SObbls. Haul Sautcrne Wine;-
10 * “ :BordeanAC2aret, u Montleraud; n ;
J 5 . 4 V' Marseilles- “ “BereaM;*’
. 15 boskets Champagne Wme,‘vHeidsetck
15 “ “ 1 “PAMuminACo”
: 10- . “ 1;... . “ 1 rJaqueron A Sons;” -
50 cases Claret, of various grades, imported ui bottles;
10 ' “ • Bordeaux Olive Oil, crop 184tf, “Lurauds
-5 “ “ “ 4 “ “ “Lalours,”
29 44 . Marseilles “ “ “ “ just received and
:forsalabyivMsopttl) :v MILLE_R A RICKETSON; -
J? tendon lo his excellent supply of—
Homemade Blankets; 1 :
- Eastern ; very superior;
- Homemade Flannels! .
Eastern M
■ Twilled . - “ Red and White;
• • • “ unshrinkable;
--.Canton - - ' “ •* ■- "■ -
-Under-Shirts, Silky Colton,, mid Merino, Alpncmt and
Fleeoy Silk Hose, Lnma do- fa superior article.) at low
pnces, ai£forth*Ertst corner Fourth and Market streets.
- JO* Country merchants.will, please remember -his
Wholesale. l Room; on 2d story; where goods arc sold at
prices that will please _ [gepjQ
"HIRESII-;OY3TER9, GAME, and every, delicacy of
■JC. ibe season the. market attbrds, served mi-at the
shortest notice, and in the very-best style- The house is
fitted up and arranged in the best order, under the man
agement of- lscp27] JOHN M. CAMPBELL.
"TTCr A M. MITCHELTRKE,'WhoIesaIe Grocers- Hei>
yy. • tifylng. Distillers, end -Wiue Liquor Mer
chants. Also, Importers of Soda . Ash- and Bleaching
Powder,No. 100 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fsepgS
"\]|nNE&-30 casks Port Wine; . .
Tf 25 u Sweet Malaga Wine,
10 « Madeira « for sale bv
TjtTHIOPIAN GLEB BOOK.= No. 2," containing the
Jji soifgß sung by the Christy Minstrels, andmauy other
melodies; in four parts—arranged -for quartetto ciasses
Contents—Bank.of .de Ohio; Carry me bnck to ole Vir
gtnity, Happy are we Darkles so. gntvJim Crack Corn:
ltp Crow polka, Lou’aiona Belle, Old Gray Goose; Rosa
ee, Slop dat Knocking, Walk in da Parlor, Ao- Ac.
J Just received. salo by ; v ; v.- . <
LaeplO ... J. H- MELLGR, 81 Wood st.-
<J.--i • •/ •
,+‘ ‘ .
. ... -V - .
.Steamer Atlantic;: Parkinson,Brownsville;'.
... u . . XouisM’Lane] Benner, Brownsville;
.. ; u r ;BrownsviHe;-
Arena, Goff; Beaver; : .. t
. “ Caroline, Day, Beaver; ' .
• “ Skipper,' Stoops, Beaver,
.“ Dolphin., Hazlett, Cm.. : r■■..
• • • Atlantic, Parkinson,- Brownsville;: •
• ... Louis Rn.ane, Bennet, Brownsville;.
“ Arrawlme, Gordon; Brownsville] ,
“ .Arena, Goff, Beaver; - ...
“ .Camden, Hemphill, Beaver;
v Caroline,Day t Beaver! . •-.
• Euphrates, Culhoun.Cin. .
*• Swou,-May. St. Louis;
Skipper, Stoops, Beaver.*:■
. , .fiSTThoro was oortsoin the river last evening nt
dusk. We havojiad considerable rtiinv however.
The Dolphin goes down to-day. Passengers should
get on beard of her.
For Cincinnati.
**■v The now, light draught passenger
FT; Lctf, • Blf*ntm*r T T>OI,PHIN t Gup!. HazLSTT.
will leave for thonbove and intenao
'Wvs»iiiwcrv I '« . ( iiatQ ports, this day.- » .
' For freight or passage apply on board. : . \ oclT •
-• * For Cincinnati and Sti lsoulfl. :,
. • . ■> : Thelight draught steamer SWAN, B, May,
1 ViHiffi ii^ Mn * tnr * will leave fonho above and: Inter*
££jSjjjßEH&mediato landings, 10-raorrow. -r ....
' Forfreight or passage apply ou board, .■?
npr4 ■> v 1 • i-.'i - j JAMESMAY., .■
For Cincinnati.
- rni _:' - The. light dranght steamer FRIENDSHIP
rJjg&IJbiDAVTs, blaster,willleavo for the. above and
ports, this day,
TTForfrcight or passage apply on board.. . . - sop 23
For Cincinnati.
" j-ij ~n i t|_ The Halit-draught steamer: lIIGHLAN
f :DER, Fosse, Maslur, wilMeaVo for the
IgSCBSSiStt; above and intermediate ports, to*da>\:
.■BSshbS&BBB For freight or passage apply 011 board,
• • Far Cincinnati: And lioolsvlllo* :
, rjjfi&tfii ' THE staunch steamer PACIFIC, T* Camp*
tSSSsSEsi beix, Master, wilLleave for the above aud in*
rermedtate ports, to*day. ..
For freight or passage npply on board, or to
-! .JES&J&Tho new nnd splendid Passenger Steamer
dBSSEggS FINANCIER, Captain Wu.. Kotrirrz, will
leave for the above and all intermediate ports to*day, at
. .10 o'clock,- a. M.. .
For freight or passage, bavmg superior accainraoda*
lions, npply onboard. .... • : •..... ; .aug2s
. : w'- Tub new and light draught stoamer,
I HAIL COL U M BIA, Gukkn, Master,
ikSSBiR I will leave for the above and inicrme-
SBjßßnnßdmie ports to-day. •
For freiqlit or. passage apply on board, • sep2l
- • Summer Arrangement*.
''THE steamer BFiAVER, Chan. E.darke,
dE^eSßßk "Master, will leave Pittsburgh for Beaver,
lilasFjrow, ami WellnviiJe, every Monday,: Wednesday,
and: Friday—and returning on Tuesday, • Thursday,
and Saturday, nt 9 o'clock, a. m. -Havuign boat ut the
binding, wc nre prepared to receive freight at any time.
For freight or passage apply to •
raal7.if _ G.\V. HAIITON Sc CO., Agents.
v For Wheeling.
x Tmt-new. light draught, l fust running
• # tr*. : St steamer Cl NDEKELI«A.C ai.uook, Mas
tcr.wiH leave for the above and inter"
■BBaESSaaksmediatc pons every Monday, Wednes
day, and Friday, tit 10 a. m. ■ ••. ,
Forfreighlorpaßsttgc. apply on board. •, .. • jy29
Begnlttr Packet for BanfliU.
1 TIIK Due steirnier.Wfil.LSVll.riß. Ctint.
Bab* vs, will leave for the above and mier
mediate ports on XYrdneidays and £atim/ai/x. . .
For freighfor passage apply on board* otto
Terrible HevoliK lon—Bl ora TrtOmpheult
m Of JAN & CANTWELL. (sign of the*.*) No. 60
Murkct sircor, wonhl respectfully beg leave to call
the utlL'imbii of the public to their neiv.stock-of. Goods,
just leeeived and opening, from inmiutacturera und. im-
of which they feel confident that price and qual
ity will give entire satisfaction, n* onr tnottO is-r l *Qutek
italr.% and Small J y rttfits.‘ >
■ . Our monk consists*, partly* ot the following articles, viz:
Ladies' and Gentlemen s BreHst Pins, late styles; Guard
mid Vest Chains: Bracelets,-Clasp* nm).Lockets; Fin
gerand llnr Ruisfc;. Veneils'and Pens; Slides and ttlads;
Meel Buckles, tor Ladies IJeud Dressrs; Madnlou*
Card<Joßva.~shell, peur! and velvet; Coral Beads
baster Boies; fine Roscwoodnml Ebony idiavingCases,
luniiKhed: fciver Spectacles; Silver Spoons, nil kinds;
German Silver Spoons, nil kinds; Silk 'Steelßend Bags
ami Purses; Cotton lines mid Purses; Hu»r, Tooth. Null
nml Cloth Brushes; Violins. Aeconleous,' Flutes-ami
Files; fine. Penknives mid Scissors; Globe* nud Paper
Holders, Slid). l)re*s and Side Combs, latest slvics;
Chida Vase*. : Fruit Baskets, Agate amb Glass \ awp,
Mags. and Cologne Bottles;. Tables. .Chessman nud
Biickgamtnon Boards: SilkTnnpsirv: Brussels and In-,
grain Citrne.l Bags; N\ Blow. Market uud bate Baskets ;
-Chairs. Wagon*. Cradles, Ac., Ac , wuh a large assort
ment ot Totji and tanry Artieles f leo nmuerous to men
non. • . • • .. ■ ■ - .... fscoU) •.
“Al>*-Ay* liencly*
Alsrayt Willing.”
MV customer* and the public generally, ore respecl
• tully informed that ou next Monday 1 will be open
ing asplendid and well selected assortment of Cl.O’rflS,
CASSI mid VESTINGS, which I hove just pur
chased in Philadelphia at the lowest market price, and to
whichJwould call ilicnr aiieutiosn . ; :>■
JAS. McGCtRK. Tailor,
septfl-... : St.Chnries Budding*.'
BOV WANTED—A first rate boy lswantciMo run
errands. Noue but who can eomc well recommended
necdapply. I«cp:£l] - O.H. PAULSON.
A SMALL lot of BARLEY rcc d uud lonnlc by
Almanacs; almanacs.’ almanacsi—x)/?
. 1). JA VHR would hereby tuiorni the public that hn
publishes annually, tor gratuitous distribution by himseli
and all hi* Agents, an Almanac, called Jayne:* Medical
Almanae t and Guide to Health - .Thu calculations for this
Almanac arc made with great care and accuracy* and for
five different Latitudes and Ixmgiludcs. so a* to make
them equally useful, as a Calendar, in over}* pan of the
United States and British North America . They are
printed on good paper, and with handsome new type,
mitt are neatly bound; and besides bemg the neatest nttd
most accurate enlemlor printed in the Uaitcd States, they
contain a large nmomit of valuable information, suited
lo the wniit* ot nil, and of *hat kind, too, which cannot
he found m books.
His Catalogue of Diseases, with remarks and directions
for their removal, is really invaluable, and makes them
■welcome visiters in every house they enter. Ever}’ fam
ily should possess at least ono of ihrse Ahnuals - His
Almanuc for 1840 1* now. ready: for distribution, of
which he designs to publish at least Tiro and in
order that every family m the United States and British
America, may be furnished with a copy, he hereby in
vites Merchants and Store-keeper* to forward their
drrx to him ns early as possible, and they shall be sup
plied gratuitously with a* many copies a» they deem ne
cessary to supply ihcir-vanous customers.; They nre al
so invited, at the same ikne, to send a cony of their ‘‘Bu
siness Card,” which will be printed and placed on the
cover of the Almauacs sent them, also Without charge
- They nre olso requested to give -nil necessary direc
tions now the Almanacs should he forwnrded to them.'
Bylaw they cannot be sent by mail unless ihe postage is
first paid on thdin here. ' ; i
.Onlerafpost paid) directed to DR. D. JAYNE, Phila
delplna..will meet wuh prompt attention. r
Families can obtain these A Imknacs gratis, of
• , Pekin TeaMSlore, 70 Fourth sfi. Pittsburgh.
N. B.—The German Ahnauac -will-bc ready tordehv
tv in a few days. .. : .■■ - septs
Commercial How Cabltiei Wamoo' m
S T. B. .YOUNG A Co-: ,
TTA VE removed their CABINET%M«MOMtfft
XX WARE-ROOMS to Commercial Row, Liberty
street, opposite the bend of .SnMhiield, where they will
keepconatanily.on hand an extensive assortment of So
fas, Tables. Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairaniid
every article in their hue of business.
. .%• Undertaking'promptly attended lo olreasohable
prices. . • . . . - marJ7:
7” " Country Alercltantsi: “■
M F m ' C nnnSX.-S r A l v?S“ '■ u , l, ‘^‘■ »<> cull ai
M.. HODhINSON’S, ns lie has now .m- store as
large .and desirable nn assortment of China t Glaus,
Quteruware, d-ft, suitable, for country merchants, us is
usually found in eastern houses, nml a: equally low
nugSO . -. HS Wood street, near Fifth.
sltll-be without A beamtul set of white
Vi ptarly .TEETH,.and a sweet, fragrant Breath,
when you cun have them both by using n. ‘Jx. Ikix of
Jones\ Amber Tooth paste? l\ whitens the Teeth, harden*
the Gums, sweetens the Breath, and is, without excep-
Uoii.ihfl mo»Vhcautilul and economical dentrifice ever
■used. ■
For sale by
■ seplB •
M MULLEN A POWNIN(i, Faxhwnnl/U Clothing
Store, No. 219 Liberty street, opposite Seventh *t
■. sep2o-y ' . ■ .■ ■■
J AS. McGUIRE, FAsinoxAfiLK TatLoa, Third‘si.* neor
Wood—St. Charlesjlmhlings ' fseplS-y
Dp* G* O* Stearni, Oentlaf,
. /TVFFICE at Miss Heuch's.on Fourth street; a few doors
above Wood street, until .the completion of the house
nearjyoppnflite, VI ceth in blocks, with nriificiai gums
Initer the manitcr now the east I
. uianufaciurL-d to suit eunh particular case-' from
a full setdown to asinglo ono; inserted on a. suction lilate.
thus avoiding injury to the natural teeth, Specimens of
blocks aud suction plate may he examined lit the ofliee
All operations incident to the profession performed with
enre and faithfulness. : ' fsep7glm
fllO iET-A comforutble small dwelling house, pleas-
X. antly situated in the lowor pan of Allegheny ciiv.on
Bngaley’e lane, hns ihrce rooms on the first floor, two and
a lotion the second, front mid back porch, good collar
and a large garden lot. containing some 10 or 12
fruit-tree?, and 40 or 60 currant and gooseberry bushes.
ueut r iiniery doHars u ycur. Possession.can be had on
the first, of October. Apply to J H ‘MELLOR,
■ ge .81 Wood street.
ll^r USSPUAJ IV & bONKV SODA ASH—Tho subseri'.
XTXbers are now receiving their Fall stock of the above
urticle, thrco vessels, viz: the Juniata. Mednllion and
Lydia, having nmved nf Philadelphia and Bdltimore.and
two more, >lie Stephen Baldwin and Leiln,Shortly ex
pected;. they are, tlierefore, prepnred to receive orders,
rbey will receive during the winter and spring regular
supplies via New Orleans: : • *i ■ ■ : . -
'Uenry* Boyles, r",“'. .
X sf«*6«m‘ii/f t OA»o.vfC7 ar Warehouse on Watorsircet
: north of.WaHlunktou. \\ hnrf-Bont ut WashuislonStreei
Wlmrl. i • > [aui>Ss
v.liKs. ;
*r v '
* ■*
„ r \ i « '
• ■' V- - ■ I.
Riutr Jfnteliigemc.
2 feet water 13 tits cuaxsel
For Cincinnati*
For Cincinnati*
m JACKSON, Gen. Agent,
•; feP Liberty. at.» Ptlttiiurglu
- * * H
V f -s
r . m-
- *4 v ~
f .
1 _v
Sales bn Auction'.:
South-East corner: of , Wood and Fifth streets' "
JT TION.—On Monday-morning. October the 2d, nl
10 o'clock,at the Commercial Sales Room{ comer Wood
and Fifth streets,-.will be sold, withoutreserve —aiV ex
tensive assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, con
sisting of splendid real wool dyed Black Cloths, French
and American Casgimercs, Suimctts, Kentucky Jeans
Beaver and. Pilot Cloths, Ued, Yellow and While Flan
nels, ICM super. BjankeUi English, French and American
Prints, Moua de liams,Alpaccaß.Bomba7jnejGn)aPlaids,
colored Cambrics, Damask - Linen-.-Tablo Cloths, Silt
Serge, Blue,'Black and Plaid Dress Silks: Satin and
Panov Vestings. Sewing Silk, Merino; Terkeri and Wool
len. Shawls, Silk: and Colton Hdkfs., Hosiery, Gloves;
Woolen Comforts, Ac *
At 2. o’clock, JhocmtSy QHeenstoaTf.. Furniture.
5 .half chests Y. H. tea, 5 boxes pound lump Va-tobacco/
n quantityofrgrocenes,-china,glass\and;quecuHware-
A general assortment of new ana second-hand household
fttrnimre, ainongwhich arc mahogany dressing bureaus,
hair spring seal sofas, chairs, settees; tables, liodalends,
book cases, window blinds, feather beds, looking glass
es, m great variety, Ac
’ : . • AUCTioNHSALKS, ' ■■ ■■ '
No. 114 Wood Stbsst, thus doors from Fifth-
JOBBERS visiting this city with n etock of Goods for
sale, con bo accommodated, whilothey remain, wiiir
the use of a Room, oa moderate terms. inthe 2d story of
M’Konna’s Auction Store, No. 114 Wood street,' three
doors from Fifth.
: Also—for Rent, by the week, month, or year, for the
storage of .merchandise only,'an excellent dry Cellar,
With board floor. >
seplS . . x. JAMES M’KENNA, Auer.
Lots t liOtS !:"•
pOR SALE— BmldingLotajn « New Troy,” beau
_|? Ufully situated, and the most pleasant pluce for a
private residence, ralho vicinity of Pittsburgh.
Also—A lot ui Allegheny citv» near Federal st., front
ing 20 feeton Middle alley, ana extending back SO feet;
Also—A house and lot on Water alley, Aileghenycity.
- All or any of these lots will be sold lower, and on easier
torms, than any othersimilarproperty now in the market.
- For particulars enquire of SYLVESTER SEYMOUR,
at the office of Ed ward Todd A Co., comer Fifth A Mar
ket streets; or of the subscriber.:
: sep7-tc . • . . THOMAS MELLON, Attorney.
pORSALE.—A lot on Higbst, near the corner of Wy-
JP lie,at the ncwGermanChurch. This L0t,20 by 80ft.,
will be sold on accommodating terms, or leased on per
petua! lease, with the privilege of buying out the groum.
renbatuny time. . i
Also—Several other Lots on theHiH,m different places,
for sale on accommodating terms, or; perpetual lease, as
may suit purchasers.
- auglS-till changed : THOMAS MELLON
J\. dwelling house and lot of 23 feet from on Maine st
by 100 feet deep. ; Price Sl2OO. ■
Also— A large, tot adjoining tbo above. Pnce 8600-
. Also—3 loth, each 20 feet front on Robinson street, by
05 feet to an alloy.; Price S5OO eactu .
Also—2 lots 225 feel front on Sheflield street,by 05 feet
deep. • ■■:
Also—2 lots 23 feel fronton Sheflield street, by 133 feet
deep to a 24 Ibct alley. Price 3250 each. Terms liberal.
S. CUTHBKRT, Gen Agent,
sop 27 . , SnuthGeld street.
Y SALE.—A large, well improved property ot 63 led
trout by 321 feet deep> containing a comfortable cottage
house, with hall in center, and four rooms on first floor,'
two large chambers, good cellar and-out houses, large
garden and extenstvo. grapery, also.a vnst variety of
trims and flowers, rnidailargn kitchen garden and a pump
of soft water. - Will be iota ot n bargain. Prlce,S2ooU
S CUTHBERT, Gen Agent,
__sep23 v .= ■ , Smnhfieiv atrcc-i. .
ijIOIiSALE— A suioll two Mory frame dwelling house,
1 convenienUy'siiuated<froimngou .Pride street, one
street beyond the Hospital, The lot is 24 feel in front, by
123 feet deep, aud.wili bcsnldou accommodating terms.
For fartherpartjcalars.npply.nt the house.or to '
aep2 JAMES . Water street.
Shoe and TRCNK No; I.SG. Liberty street,
Pittsburgh,-Pn.. have re.-opcned again witb-uneniire new
stock of Bools, Sboeiv&c., Avlurh will bu sold nt the very
lowest rates.. Our goods are of n superior quality being
manufactured mostly to our.order, lor the retail trade
Country Merchants and others; who buy to sell again,'
will bnd theinmerest to cad and exumme our goods
bciorc purchasing, os we tec! confident they will please,
both in regard to quality and. price. We. also have on
hand a largesupply of Haywards spring tempered metal
ic gum elastic Over {Shoes and Buskins, which we ore
.enabled to sell ns low ns they can be bought ot lhtvinnu
ufactutvrs. These shot's are monutactured by nn entire
newprocp'S, andworranted not to melt by exposure to
seplG-Om . j No. IMJ; Liberty Pittsburgh. Pa.
PnbltcT~Aceoanta»t. r '
rjMIE undersigned tenders Ins services m the above en-
X pacity. to the mercantile, manufacturing mid tnech
unicul portions of the comnituuiy. He wilt devote his
tune and uttcution to the posting and . adjusting t-f Books
of Accounts, settling partnership accounts with all cou-
Gdeucc, opening new books.- ntid also in prepar
ing young*incn lor the Counting House. Residence—
north-oast corner ot the Diamond. Allegheny city.-
i l JOHN FLEMING, A. and M.,
- Author of National System of Book Keeping.
Refer to Messrs. Johnston A Stockton, M'Donald A
Beeson. W. Bell A Sou. Spang A Co., J. Kerr, Jr. A 00.,
John Finney, Jr n ; John. Arthurs, W. A-JliU A Co., W.
Jr. _ - Iscpi;j-d2w !
READ '] HIS LErrKR.-W iio will be without a beau- i
tiful head of hair, when they enn have one for three
shitliuga? Twenty years' loss of hair and wonderful
- • • • ..“BAtTJMORit, July I7,TS*7, :
•tDenr Sir—The trondcr/ul cflccu of Jones'Coral Hair
Restorative has been decisively demonstrated m thu en
set of sevenil respectable ciuzcns af tho lown. who, on
raceount of your ftelhug three shilling trial bottles,
without fear. Omrinilanee, which has aitracicd paruc
ulnr ouriuion. is the case of a gentleman who hud little
orno hair lor twemjr yean; he hod tried numerous pre
parations in vain, and ultimately bad his head slmvcd ami
wore a wig. At my recommendation, he tried the Re
storative, and after using it, according to the direction,
for a short iiuic.theyounghairappcarcd.ond hebus now
as fine a head of hair as any pertmwn Baltimore
It eausea eyebrows to grow, prevents the hair from
turning grey, and - the first - application causes it to curt
beaumtiliy, frees it from scurt, ami stopail from fajiimf
OIT. : :V
Sold with full directions nt 82 Chatham st.N.Y. and by
Wm. Jackson, Agent, MO inbprty st. Pittsburgh. I«cp2H
GROCERIES. Ac.—ss bhds. prime N. O. Sugar;
4U bids; I«oaf Sugor, Nos. 2, t] and 7;
51 •*» Prime N: O. Molasses;
1H w Sugar House ► u - ;
100 bags prime Rto Coffee;
23 bait chests. \’. 11. Tea;
60 boxcsO and 12 nud G. P
-19 *V Virginia Tobacco, I’s. 6’s and 12 s.
20 bbls. large. No. 3 Mackerel
200 “ of whiskey;
For sale by YV. A M. MITCHF.LTREF.,
sep2s inointM<nyst
NEW BOOKH.—Pienrcr Jfuforji; being an account of
the first examination of the Ohio Valley, nnd the
early settlement ot the Northwest.Temtorv, chiefly from
original manuscript; contnum.g the papers of Mr- Guo
. Morgan, those of Judge Burk, tbe^diaries of Joseph Buell
and John Mattews; Clier records of the Ohio-Coinpany;
Ac., Ac., with numerous plates and mips. ByS P- Ilil
Orators of the American Revolution, by K-L.Mngoon-
Witb portraits of Samuel Adams, James Wam'n. Patrick
Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Fisher Ames nud John Randolph
-1 voU cloth.-
Retiring from Business; or, lbu Rich Man’* tirror: By
T.B. Arthur. ;. ■
A few copies ofcocb of the above works-received llii*
day and for sate hy.r.
corner Market anil Tlim! i»ts.
MORGAN’S WORM KILLER brine* uwny the worms
MWest Deer tp., Allegheny co., Pu»
r. John D. Morgan— Dear Sir: This j<* to certify that
I purchased of Mr. Porter, one nlnai of yourgrcntlVorm
Killer, nnd gave two teaspoonfuls of it to one or my chi!*
dren, two years old; and in a short tunc u passed upwards
of forty-six lurgu worm*. . Axorkw Al*Cui.louoii.”
“I witness that the above slamcinent i* true.
‘•Samuel Weight.”
Prepared, wholesale and retail, hv the proprietors
JOHN D MORGAN, Druggist,
ma3Q Wood street. Pittsburgh
■" ■... 'j'o PJoar Ceaierii .
TAKE William lleimtiingray, of the
city of Pittsburgh, having'been appointed Inspector
oi Flour, by the Governor of. the Commonwealth, under
the Act of Assembly of the of April, 1810. in
nnd for tho city of Pittsburgh, and tho comities of Alle
gheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Fayeiie. Green, In
diana, Jefferson. Armstrong, Duller, Beaver, Mercer,
Crawford. Eric,- Warien ana Venango—will thiiday en
ter upon tho duties of his office under his commission.
: He inny be found at Me. Wesley Greer’s store, corner
of Water and bmUhhcld streets. sepß-lm
Haro esu Agency.
11 J. KEENAN,i European Agent, has returned to this
• city; from the South, and will leave, Lu u few days,
on the tour of this.. Agency for Europe-
Persons having debts, legacies or claims to collect;
senrchcsio make,or remittances of mohey to their friends;
or other business to, transact there, will require to call on
him unmedtately, at the Merchants 7 Hotel, on SmlthGcld
street. •
. Remittances of money can at any time be mado to all
pans of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or the Conti
nent of Europe, through his Agents, in the various cities
of the United States.
Duringhin absence in Europe, business entrusted to Mr.
James May,.Merchant, In this eity; will be duly forward
ed and promptly attended to. ~
Pittsburgh, September 811i,J848.-
FflllKKK iflua numerous class ofailment* winch readily
J_ give way to the purifying nnd tome powers af Jones'
Itlaian Chtmieul Soap. It is adapted to nil diseases of
the sk*m. such as Tan. Freckles, Morphew. Blotches;
Scurvy, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Bnrber’s Itch, &o.;.&e*
Those who desire ft clear, healthy Complexion, would do
well to give this admirable preparation atrml. It costs
but 4s. lor a Inrgo cake. :Be sure lo ask for Jones’ Ital
ian Chemical Soap. Forsule by ;■
scpJS SibLtherty *t;, Pittsburgh.
.. >1 supenot article uiways on liana and for sale at hn
unusually low price, by iW. & M. MITCHELTREE.
. scp'JO ■ ■ . ■
RECTIFIED WHISKER of superior quality, with an
assortment of Foreign and. Domestic Liquor*. always
on hand and for sale by. W. & M. MITCHELTREE:
• sep23 ■ . r . : :
TTrOOLEN POLKAS AND COATS, a liiie article; ;
YV Hoods und Cups; ■
11 Hose for children;
• Comforts;: ; • .
• • •*• •• • Bons; • • • -
Cashmere and Vcrlni Gloves. lined witli ft fine article
of buckskin, and a: general- assortment of Gloves; Mil*.
* scp23 No. W> Market r.t. between Oth si. & Diamond
- I
V-'T; ./-Vp -‘ P
* 1 y? 7 -» a -> <
' c , * 4 "* ‘
>;-.*; vo> • ■
"i r V \ ' M ' r
T-^-S‘Jv ! “v
„ i " *■
S v i
.for Sale.
'i- ’ .i ■: "•
; ".\- s ■
J > £*i l*;f
} -a
- ‘T *•
- - , " V s *
Drg ©cobs. ,
TUST recen mg and now opening, at tho si"ii
O of the BIG BEE HIVE , on Market street!
bettt oen Third and Foatlh streets—ono of the
largest* cb< ape t, mid best assorted stock of wy
Fml- uud- Winter - Bll\ GOOI/S, ever' ottered ; in ' Pitts
burgh, (a whtch.thc attention of-our numcrOuscustomerS'
ami (he public gcnenrilfr is respectfully ihvited, as the
subscriber is confident tnaMie can ofier such bargains hi
•:Dry Goods as cnuriot be surpassed by any otherhou«y hi
the city ,
As these goods have been purchased at prices far be
low thoso of any former season* they will bo sold at
greatly reduced prices. .■ - / •
; be found many choice,and desirable goods at extremely
low prices
: Veiy rich and fashionable Dress Silks; Plan! and Striped
Black Satin; striped and plaid Silksplain black (very
glossy) Gro de Rhine ; plain black rich Lustre; Lustring;
Silk, for Vizeties; Mantillas and Cupcs, at very low
■ prices; newest design* and'latest‘Cashmeres;
plain and satin striped Cashmeres, very cheap; French
Mennos,all colors ; De Lames, plain, figured andsautv
striped, at-a great reduction oil formerpnees; Gala, Cal
ifornia, and- Cashmere l Plaids; Mohair and Monterey
Piuuls, all qoalmes; Alpaccas, all. qualities und colors,
. from 12( to 75c. per yard
„ SHA iris' SHAWLS"
.FiticOashmere,Terkernand Broche;Shawls;. •
: "Jock cmbrmdered Casliracre ami De Lame Shawls;-.-
. .Fine.ThibhetandDe-Lamo Shawls; •
Fine black and colored Cloth Shawls;
. Fine quality Long Shawls,;• :
Plain black aud plaid Silk Shawls, .very.chenp; , .
A large lot Plaid Black Shawls, from 75 ccuis .to 53.00
each all woo!
Good dark Calico, from 3 to Oc. poT.yard :
Best quality dark Calico, from 6 to 10e j'
Yard wide purple do., al !21c.;
Good yprd wide Bleached Muslin, from 4 toGJc.j
Um>!eaced.Mc?Un, yard wide ami heavy, 5 to G£c:
.. Bed Tickings and. Checks, all prices';
from coarse to ; the hcsl quality, very cheap:
A full assortment of Red, Wbith and Yellow Flannels
.Saunels, Kentucky JeansrJeraeys.Linseys, &c n &x.,
all of which will be sold afreduced rates— ;
At So. OJB .lULorlcet st»-
seplO tf WM h RUSSELL
: • • R. D. Thompson, 'v,..
No. 110 Marlcet street; three doors from Liberty street, '
HAS just received hisentircstockof Fait and Winter
DRY GOOHS, consisting 1 of every style of Kich
Dress Silks; all wool Cashmeres and Detainer; French
Merinos, Alt colors; Changeable and-Black Silks, for
Mantilla*; ‘fancy colored De Lniues. r for children.
-rSHAWtS of everykind thatis fashionable; some new
styles Af tong- Shawb.
.. Worked Capes and Collars, from the lowest to the
highest prices.
DOMESTICS.—This department is very full;'
Green and fancy Floor Cloths always on hand. ••
. The above Good* huvo been purchased since ‘the ’de
pression in prices, and will be sold at the lowest rates. -
" geplQ-tf
At No. 05 Market st., beivccn Fourth and the Diamond.
THE subscriber .has just, received from the Eastern
cities a new stork of ••
Purchased .since the recent great fair in prices, viz
. 4-4 Brown Muslm.only.s centst-'
4-4 “ u heavy. Of u
4-4 Bleached Mashn. 0$
Bed Maunel; all wool, only 18jc ; •
Furniture Chintz, from 4 to flic.;
Double Put]>lc Calico, fast colors. Cjr.j ‘
French Dress Ginghams; 12Je. r
4-4 Double Purple Chintz. L»ie.;
Pans Printed Cashmeres; . •
‘‘ “ TAincs; •
. Sami Stripe Caslunercs ; '
14 *• Moua.deLaines;
Wide Black Silks, Rich Lustre*
Chainction Silks, all slimlt s;
.■ 4 "- .■■■ Sami; . <“
French Lamartine Pfatils;
GallnPlaids4ji»ghcolorss ’'-
Coburg nndshtbet Cloths;
Plnul Alpnccas; nil color*;
Lyoncae Cloths, li-
French Mennos, “
.Wide Block Phud Silks.:
New &15 le Pam Printed Terkerri Shawls; Chamclion
Silk Shawls ; Laine Shawls; Embroidered bl'k
and col d Cloih Shu\v Is; new style fine, all wool, Broclic
Shawls; Plnid.J*ong Shawls; Plain and Embroidered
black and mode colored Silk Prince Thibet Shawl*.
New/HH style Bonnet Ribbon*, Cashmere Scarf*, Cra
vats, Gloves, Mini*, Hosiery, black Silk Fringes rind
Gimps, French -Work Cupcs and Chnni&ttes, and new
style French Work Collars, from Ifcjc. to S.TOO. - .
A fresh assortment of French and English' Cloth*, Ca*-
siutcrrs and Vesting*; n large, variety or now style Muck
and fancy Silk and Satin Scarfs and Cravat*; Silk mid
Merino Under Shirts and Drawers; Gloves. Handker
chiefs, Suspenders, and Hosiery.
■. -The above Goods are just what they are represented to
be, and will richly repay all who will call and'examine
mem, as they are much lower than they have ever been
_ fcen before m tht* city. ABSALOM .MORRIS.
Kept'Mm , No. 03 Mnrket at.. Pittsburgh.'
... TimacnoiL. S f • xew vohk. •
A.£A. mason a Co.,
Ao. f*Q Market sirtf.W bmvten..Third nnd- Fourth stre<t*<
INVITE the attention of all Merchants to their exten
sive stock, (comprising more than sixhumhed )>ack
ogri,|of FALh axp Winter Goods, which willbe offered
by the piece or package, at the lowest eastern wholesale
Receiving the greater portion of our Domestic Goods,
on consignment l pom the mauutiicmrers, and being pos
sessed of every facility and advantage through our New
York House, we feel assured that w© shall be enabled to
compete fully with any House in the country.
Ourstocfc, in prirtj eonwstjiof—• '•
?W cases Cashmere* and-De Laities;
• 75 11 Calicoes and Ginghams;
.24 “ Alpaecaii and Lyonese Cloths;
2H bales Red,AVhtte and Yellow Flannels; •
. 50 •• Ticking,; ' ■ -
150 “ Brown Muslins; 1
I7scasos Bleached Muslins; '
40 w Colored Cambric,
23 “ Apron and Shirting Checks;
20. u Cotton Flannels; ' .
50 u ; Cloths. Cassimeree and Satineus; ..
27 “ Tweeds and Jeans;
Together with a generala«j?orlmoniof Dress and Clonk,
Goods; Silks otid Shawls;.ltibhon* and Laces. Funcy
Goods/rmnmiugv&c.> sc.; making in all, one. of the
most complete, us well as extensive stocks to be found in
the country. • 1
We will be constantly In tberecejntof the latest styles
of Goods, many of which .wo .ahnll W able (by hnving
them on commission,), to at better advantage than
could possibly lie afforded by eastern jobbers. ■ • • •.
- Merchant* purchasing east are solicited to exam
ine our assortment, mid learn the low prices of ourgoods.
gep? : A. A MASON ft CO.
Large Supply of Dry tioodi.
W. K.
MAS just completed opening hisfirst supply of Fall
ami Winter xTry (?oorf.s antnmsjtow tbofferio Ins
customers, alargeandcboicc lot toselectfrora. Many
descriptions of {roods, also, at greatly Teduced prices.
Great core has been taken in the selection of the best
make of FRENCH CLOTHS, now so generally used for
dress coats; mid gentlemen waminggoods of this kind,-
will find his assortramit ;the very best to select from.—
Sapcrior black Cassimercs, SatinjVelvct and Fancy Silk
Vestings. Merino and Cotton Undershirts, super. olaek
Italian and Fancy Cravats, Gloves, &c.,forg-entfemen.
In the Ladies’ department, also, found ihenew
est style ChangcableSilks. Fancy Dam&skdo.. new style.
Super, black Silks, very glossy; MuslindoLnincs; Plam
and Priutcd Cashmeres; French Merinos; o,f a great va
riety of colors; fine printed Mous. do Laines, : a» Jow as
1C cents. New style Brocade Alpaixas: plainblack and
colored do.; Satin . Striped l and Band ao.; besides a fur
supply of Staple Domestic us Flannels,
Slnrthig and Sheetings; Muslins at an exceedingly low
price; Irish Linens, &c.; beautiful new-stylo of English
Prints, at 124 c.; good styles from 4c.-un to the first quail*
ties roaiiufacturßd. Uuyers arc invited to cull.
fo*Mcrehants will hnd, iiuhe Wholesale Rooms, on.
2d story, a choice stock of newest stylo goods,- at about
eastern prices.- [sepS
Dally Arrival-of Fall Goods for the Job*
I.iDWARD TODD & CO. bog leave to call the atten
li lion of merchants and dealers in Genilontn y a Fur
m'fAtng Goifcfr,'in Pittsburgh and > vicinity, -to our large
stock of desirable FALL AND WINTER GOODS, now
daily receiving.
Some of our goods are manufactured by us„aud the
remaining portion bought umicrsuch circumstances as to
enable us to soli as low as eastern Jobbing Houses.
: :We have received from our factory in the east, a large
stock of SHIRTS, which, in quality of material, neatness
of style and manufacture, are second to hone in the mar
ket. Wc teiM sell them lower than they can be bought
in ihe.castern markets. - Our slock will consist, in part, of
Waotaiid Merino Undershirts and Drawers;:
Cotton:- ■ do. do.;
; Black and Fancy Cravnls;
do. - do. - Adjusting Stocks.and Tics;
Suspenders, Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Carpctßugs,
Handkerchiefs, Vestings, Ac
; Furchwers are respectfully, solicited to examine our
stock of Goods, hnd will be accommodated wiitipleasing
'terms. ;• ■
f£3* corner of Fifth and Mar
ket streets, (iip s stairs.) . . ’ [*ep!4
"VTEW GALICOESI—Now open nl No, 30, corncrof
11 Fourth ami,Market, streets, a very: larga stock of:
handsome new style Calicoes and obmi2c»—which have
been selected with much care,'with particular referenco;
to fastness of coloring, durability ot fabric, and beauty
of design. Among them may he found:
Dark calicoes only ft cents. British Chintzes,l2! cents.
Fast-color do.; 04. - Green • u 121 u
British purple do., 12J v l •> Blue and orange,l2f -. * c ■
Mcrriimic do.; 121. u Turkey Red Chintzes. -
.do . blue d 0.,. 121 u Furniture Chintzes.. . 1 .
These goods urennw lower than they have nverbecu
before, and arc worthy the immediate attention
chasers PHILIP ROSS,
sepll corner Fourth and Market sts.
Dy Rxprefls, •.
/I ENTS.. SUMMER GOOm—Super, single milled.
VX French Habit Cloths; rich styles CuKsimeres; black
and colored Cashmcre.tta; Queen’s tun! Summer Cloths’
, figured and plain Drop D’ Etes. Vestings; “very choice’’
Marseilles, Silks and Satins, and figured Linen. Drills;
Cheaper yti! ROBINSON’S Cloth Store,-
ma>*2s Post Buildiugs, corner Fifth and Wood.
in*LANNF.fiSI i Flannels!!—rJnsl roo'od and nnw open
;Jj. eda largoisupply ‘of. white, yellow, nml scarlet
flannclk, ; Ull ‘wool, which: >vill«be sold by:tKe piece, or.
single yard, lower thdh thosame qualityof {roodshave’
ever heen bcfore:oflered. . PHILIP. UOSS h : : *
«eIU _ ■._■.. No. 50 cor of 4iU and Market sts;
.iA»ib JusrreceiYedtv line assortmeu
JL 1 ol very haiu|sorae durk guiglmms ofcveryquuHty,
tronr common ioj very fine. Orielorof Yery superior
dark wnfmrtted fast colored
• ':>;•> =: PHILIP ROSS,.
. [ No; CT cor
R pounds Siovc Pipe for pale bv* -
' KlNtt & MOORHRAU, i
•.■* i- «or. Diamond uml Diamond alley. -
v*. *'■*.*: s'.j V V|-'
- , -i f 4 _ v r 1 t-jr * * *
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w««w- -rr--^ra« ^W t v e &*c ‘*" ftfpr t-fc S?
TpHIS Jjntupuudvuil.ino oi steamers- lsnow composeu.
Xr of the largest, nwifksL best finished and
nudraosl powerful .bopts oir the waters of the West. The
highest wages arc paid for- the services of the best 1 and:
most experienced: men engaged m the river business.—
The line has been in operation for six yearss has carried
nearly: two millionsof people; without doing the slightest
Jpinry. to iheirpcrsons./ The. proprietors challenge com
parison with ony.pnssengcr line m the Union: for safety,
regularity, and speed.. All that; money can procure has
heen.providcdfor the safety, comfort and convenience of
passengers. The boats leave lor Cincinnati as follows: .
MONDAY?ACKET.—rSht MoNOifaAnBLA; Cnpt«S6rt*;
.will leave Pittsburgh every Monday morning at 10 o-clock;
Wheeling every Monday evening at.lo p. m*
TUFSDAY PACKET— The Hibeema No 2, Cnpi
Jno> KUne'tlier,. will leave Pittsburgh a very. Tuesday
atTop l^ 1 o’clock; Wheeling every Tuesday evening
PACKET —Tho New Ekglakd No
Lnpt. &. Deany will leave Pittsburgh eVCryWednesdav
THURSDA, Y PACKET.—The Bhilliakt, Capt-R.X
Grace. wiU leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at
10 o’clock } >VheeUng every Thursday evening at 10 p. M.
FRIDAY PACKET.—Tho ClippbbNo. 2, Copt*. CraoJa,
willleave Pittsburghevery Friday morning at 10o’clock;
Wheeling every-Friday evening at 10 p. m; ** .-\
SATURDAYPACKET.—-* Tlie Messksoeb, Capt‘ JJs
Campy will leave Pittsburgh every: Saturday morning at
10 o clockj Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 p- m
SUNDAYPACKET.— TIie Isaac NBwros,Capf A- Q
Masony will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday mormngnt
lO o’clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening at iO p. m. ..
nov 19.
1848. - 1848.
PUtahargb an&BrownsvllleJDaily Packet
FbBBCART 15t,1848,. : ■■ February-Ist; 1848:
r r fISS* ifc The following new boats complete the line
the present season: ATLANTIC. Cant.
James Parkinson; BALTIC,;Capt. A. Jacobs;
and LOUIS M’LANIv Capt. E. BennelUv'rhe boats are :
c a tire ly n e w t a ud oraifiued up .without ragurd'td expense.
Evoty comfort; that money can hecn provi
ded. TheboatswiJl leave the MonongitlielaWharf Boat;
aitho foot of Ross st. will bepuhctunlon
board} as the boats will certainly leave at tho advertised
hours. . jan3l
■jtiSOf Ka Regular Satuhuay- Packet/—The A
I iL «. .--SI No 1 fine and fast passenger steam. Pac
, ket TELEGRAPH, J. J? Perry, Com
fiairfWmßßEßß. mander, will leave Pittsburg for Wheel
mg, Cincinnati and Louisville; and all intermediate Ports,
every Saturday, at 10 o’clock precisely. • ••• •'
For freight or passage apply on. board, or to ' 1
• Aolegraphhas been built expressly for a TegulaT
Packet,andwilhavicw entirely to the comfort of pas-
the accommodations are inferior to no boot on
the western waters. . The Telegraph will run iuconnex
iou with the Ben Franklin No u and Pike No 9, to Saint
Lome—time through, five pats. • rip2l-y •
PKtsbargh. and Wheeling Packet.
-i kV THE swift steamer CONSUL, Dobskt P,
. LixyEY, Master, will leave regularly for
«»3s£Bfc Wheeling, ou Monday, Wednesday, mid Fri-;
dnyvallftdeloek, precisely. - -
Lcav&Wfteelmgevcry Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur
day .af7o’cloek, a m., postitvehj.
The Consul will land at nil intermediate ports. ' Every
accommodation that can be procured, for the coin fori and
safely of passengers}.has •been provided. .-The boat is
also provided.wiUi a self-acting safety-guard, to prevent
For freighi.or passage apply on board, or to: 1
mart JOHN TLACK, Agent.
fox Cincinnati. “•
fv - The new, steamer, HIGHLAND ; MA-'
• f_/fy ijTfjrf.gSP' : -RYt Bubkk, leave for .the.
above nnd mlermediaie ports regularly.'
HamBSSaSSa For freight or puasage; applyou board.
, For Olnclnnau.
I fTr? 4,l,ll '"S h ‘ draught uoamcr JOHN
JySSSlffilQ. ADAMS, will ]esve fpr tlm al>ov* aiiil in
ccsfcsSHßMSiicrjncdiato ports regularly ■ • • • * v
-rordrcight or passage apply on. board. . > /. jy2o
’ * For Wheeling. “
jfU&Z** Thej Splend i d fast • running steamer
.liL-ft-wS AMERICA; Decamps, Mauler,will
D . .leave for the above and intermediate
ports,, tins day, nt 4 odock.p. M; v •.
t or freight or passage apply on board. jvl!4
y For Cinciniiftti.
ULj^^*-^_ft = TuEfnst rtnining,- lighidraughtstenmer,
ANKI.E, Rodgers,.Master, xvill leave
ior_ the above and lnlertncdmto ports regularly. :
, ror freight orpassaggnpply on board. . • ; Jp23 It .
«nnm *' or Clnc >nnati*
4 : r Tus .excellent rlow water, steamer,
' #1 {drawing only seveutceninehcswaterl 1
'LEWIS WErZEL,Capt. Joiinsov.wiH
leave for the above nnd imermedintc
ports, regularly. .' .
bor freight or passnge apply on hoard: • • j<*2o
•■ • -i B i For Brownsv I He.
IJjyßfißi. The nexv nnd splendid passenger nnd mail
BaWffip steamcrßA!/riC,Capt.A. Jacobs,.will leuve
lorthe above port during the present week, at A. M.,
positively;: ......
For freight or pnssage, npplyon 1/oard. fel>2
For New Orleans.; .
I .THE splendid new. steamer SAVANNA,
sSssaaiSlSb H.Des.visok. hlastcr, iwill leave regularly
tor me above and intermediate landings,
For freight or passogo apply on hoard.^ma3l '
■ Fop St* Loafs*" ! -
i fCr?» tei vf he now and splendid steamer ORIENTAL,
■ Vak Hook. Master, will lenvo for the above
“«■*»*■* and intermediate ports, regularly. ' '
For frelght or passage npplr on boanU malS
. For St* Louis.
TIIK splendid steamer NORTH CAROLI
wMBSIfc NA, Devinkev, Master, will leave for the
aoove and . intermediate ports, regularly. -
apply_on:bo£rd. ..: mats
»Fop Bt* Loulb» Galena, and DubuqtteV- •
LifPSjJt iT« R good steamer ST. ANTHONY, Tnosi
oSSffiSaai Mat, Master;, wall leave, for the above;
ports, regularly. • ' ' . .
Forfrcight or pnssage apply on boardvorto
■ ■•- a ov p .- - ■•; .For Bronmevllle.
•I te THE newMailand Passenger steamer AT
ASSeSGigy LANTICj Jastes Paukinsok, blaster, will
leavo fortho above port this day, at : Ba. positively.
• For freight or passage npply on board. • febg
flcwArrangemcnt. •
i W • THE steamer CALEB COPE will leave for
Le*fa&Mr Beaver,'Glasgow,, and Wellsville, ou Tucr
«*ac*J3Br day, Thursday, and Saturday, ut 9 x. bl, tc
turningon Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Sbohfts a
boat at the Jandina, wood street and tließridgc,
.prepared to receive freights at any time.
S. & W. HARBAUGH. Agents,
..•morC ; • : . No. 33, Wood street.
f THE Kcntucey lUverPacket, GUEYEA-
JsSSgySB OLE. Bbooks. Master, ■■'will leave.: for the
above and intermediate ports regularly.- > J !
. For freight or passage epplv on boonl. . • ' feb9-
.. . : ForSt.XouiS*:
t Jljfe-Jfc TltKne wand splendid steamerANDREW
JSSSbEB FULTON, W. H. Fulton,Musicf, will leave ,
for the above and intermediate landings regularly.
For freight or passage opplyon board, or to
jantt 1 JAMES MAY.
I ONE HAI.F of the. fine steamer WYO
|Egy£B&h MING for sale; also,.one eighth of steamer
UNION. For particulars and tcms cnqmre of . . •••• * r
- myfi'- • • • 53AVatcrstreet nnd.lo4 Front st
ForOrecnwood Gardens alitl.filanohoster.
rpliE steamer Greenwood having stopped for the sea-
X son, Coldwcll’s Line of new and commodious Omni
busses, the £?m. £>YoK and Grn; !niyfor, have commenced
running from Firth street, between Market and Wood,-
leaving at the beginning of each hour, from S.o r g!ock a. .
u. until 10t.Bt. . •
The proprietor of this Line, having n heavy bridge .toll
to pay, hopes that a liberal public will sustain him in this
enterprise.... ....
. {o' Half Dimes will not be taken for n passage across,
the Bridge.-
10- Strict punctually will be observed m the time of
.starting. • v [sepia
• JDUaolnttonv :
FIRAr of Achcfloit "Dags is this day dissolved
X by mutual consent. Mr. Dagg havitigdeclin
ed business on neeount of iU beullhy Ims disposed ofbis
iiiluresl to Jas. C. Aeliescm. The business hereaftejAviU
bo conducted in thcnnme of \V.&_J.p-'Aelieson:
. PittHburglt, July, 1518....
JP* In .withdrawing from thn firm ofAeheson& Dogcf,'
I tlike pleasure m recommending- my successor to my
friends and the puMic generally. ■ JA9. T. DACCL - -•
July29,lS4S-—aug . '
CITY-I-IVHUY SXABUH.—The subscriber
*^aaB| respecifnlly informs, his, friends anti the. public
he has removed to anew and ex
tensive Srablo. on Liberty iticFiftb'Ward,above
Iho Canal'Uriuge, where ho Keeps Carriages,Barouches,
Buggies, a Hearse, Hiding Horses, etc. Having added
largely to hla former stock, he solicits the patronage of
• IS. 1L Horses kepi by the dnv, week orvear. .
... Anilrewn’ Kacle.Snlooit«vW'oof| "street*.
pnOUD of the cormul greeting of our thousiiud.fncnds,r
X. and the unexampled patronage bestowed .upon' us.
since \ve;fcaisumcd the control of
beg leave to assure our patrons that no stone
umnrncd, to promote the comfort, pleasure, and ..hilarity
of our visitors; amlto make the old Hagle stand far a neat
and lead off h|l aim flat establishments tu the West. . Ice.
Cream, .{unrivalled.) Peaches nnd Ciqam, Oysters, (as
soon us they arrive.) with all other comHmciUfv
obinincd ai this place, and served up in a nmnaer with-,
•out precedent. ANDItKW’.S
• Balls iind parties furnished as usual. fsepS
the American Jier.olution x by K. h. J\ta
"ooiu with plates of Samuel Adams! Joseph Wuneni;
i'uinck Heiiry, Alernmler Ilamillotti FisJier Ames ami
John Randolph; dedicated * I T« Students who .are - not
drones, Christiuns who ure not bigots,'nud Citizens who
are not demagogues. ll ’ v.
Retirmjr’from.Business; or. the Rich JtlanVError. By
T.». Arthur. • • •
The above just received and for sale by
ecpS . - , 5G Market; and 7d Wood, street
SDA.P ANU ol diiieruu!PitisJnjri*U tuaiuia,
lor snJ« at runmjitu*Uir«r*s prices* by. • ff . -,t
sepM W & M MIJV,IIni.TRIT.
v *: : nr- r . I? ; 3.T. W. y u f. i f A »; 3-’^ .
' S „ X \
*f ' "
■;S? ;" S iA : i!T;'-.*’./.!;,'f.'i;
OfJ-i.'V-C - ?-''T-
, ' ~>\l-*.-, "-•-‘V.
’ ,{ I*l
Steam-goat dolamn.
For lioolavillc*
Steam Boat Stock for Sale*
* i -
Santos ait& (grange Brokers.
_VVAI.». WICCUiI B» J'V " •’ _
exchange and canning office*
S TJ -...,y corner of TAtrtf ontf IPoorf *?rwf “ r
aj»lT»n)e-.BiUi‘:ori , lxclimige y ßiiik. Notes and
• domestic. Com 'boualit;uml -sold oa the.'
most favorable terms
...CollecuonamndouiaHihe principal cities of the.lfniOn r * t
at tag lowest rates jpi^
JOSEPH IL mix. «■ c tuKRi
SJ 11, * CCBEI,
. , n bankers, exchange brokers,
- i ” d DeaJm in Fore,pi and Domestic Eta,amir, Certlfi
call!of Deposit, Bant Notes, Gold an Sjlier, No Ls Wood
door below ioutth, P<t
marM-ly ? ** 5
Hugh DTklng’J '
(Late op tjil mum op M'Cokd & Kino )
Fcurth street and PoHOffif^nllt>u' ■
“p|EAIiER in Coin,- Dank Notes, Tmu> Billsi Foroieii' l v
XJ and Domestic Exchange, Ceruficniesof Deposit:
■EXCHANGE on 01l the pnncipal ciuea oi the* Union
for sale in sums to smrpurcliascjs
: CURRENT and par funds received on depoene.- 1 :.--:-
. COLLECTIONS mndoon aH-parls oftficUmomat the
lowemrate upll dlu&w^m
- ? , KKAJIEII «fc UAHM.
bankets and Exchange Brokers* Vcalers-m iQTucp\ and ■'■■■•< '
Domutte StUs, 'Bills of Exchange, Certificates ?f Drafts
_ ti, Bank Notes, and Com
Cornerof -Third and Woodsts., directly-opposite the:feu
Charles Hotel " m »v23
». HOLMES * 508,7"
■EaKlm and Staler m Ezchangt Com ani BaniJNate ,
No 55 Market street, Ptusburgh
6E^ C7 °-.? A T K ' •' EXCHANGE.. \ BSJVIN(3 EATa.
Jjew y i pr | Cincinnati i
Philadelphia £ “ tanimUi- *
Baltimore " £ “ jSL Louis *
'' -SANK'VSOIES. r " ;r '-'- '-
•. JSuying rates
- anlP-y
. JSuitinz rate
I dis. County &, Cjty orda 4-
4 ** Relief Notes 4
f- tl Penns* lvnma Co i
i: « . New York 4
4 “ Alan - 4 u
il a New prleoiiß
- ,J4S. S.HOOV. i.,. . funs. SARGENT.
n „„ hook & SARGENT.
\sf JVood and StxLhxirct.ti., Pittsburgh; pa.'* r
~X|**AJ«*KRS in Com,.Rank Notes, Time Bills,; Fptcnm - *
■^vvintTTSr 1 ?.^ 10 Exchange Ctrufcnjes ofpeposit,&c.
on nil the principal Cities ofthe Union.
nn A^>r>°^xi , .^ or m aurns to suit purchaser*}
" nK?f°wds received oil deposit?..
—S niadeon all parts of the Union, at the
lowest Tates. - „ PC pIM)
• jso
-fjIISKL: M ,t> " wl^ otl “ Alley, ,can be consulted m nl- 1
■ ■ g* cttB p 8 o» a private or delicate nature • •
• tnAsuwcua to the litnnnn fr<un?
•j^SyM«»-.--Syh l UsaitjlSrplnljticeniniiona.pnDnrrtt?nn/.':::.
W@SHf amillscon ct l uoncep i toother with all re
nwraldwwuifjirnpuriliesoflhe Mood, with nil diM>a*ies of
tmerealarigin, skin diseascSjWitliMncinreK
discharges, semmul weakness nnd linpotniry, also, pilee>
rheumatism, lemalu weakness, disuse of the womb, ' "
monthly suppressions, diseases of the joints fistula m
ano, nervous affections, pains in the back ami loins. ira
tntionsoflhe neck of the bladder and kidue>h, srofbulic
eruptions, tetter, ringworm, mercurial diseases. 2U.
. Exclusively devoted to the study and treatment of ‘ ’
real disorders,.and, those arising.from youthful excestesb ‘ -
gaiety, climate, or impurities of the blood, whereby the't, :
constumion-may have been enfeebled; ennb!e.«.])r. Brown •
looflerassurancCK of speedy, relief to all whomay plafce't ‘
themselves under his care
• •Rr.'Brown’sofiicesnftteonveniemlynrrnmjcU tntosep- ' -
nrato; apartments; con yisit-Dr.: li.’wiihmitfcur - r • ‘
of to other visitors
- ; It is of importance to. many pergons in need of niedicAl'
aid, to obtaiu gootlnd vice privately and promptly. . To-all
such, Dr. Browii’s- readyskill n* .removing venereal it
MiWj in their various formsum! stages, ade.r« iuilaeeiuenis ’
winch,can rarely be equalled. 1 : Sirfuigers uro hereby ap j ' -
•prised -that 01". Brown 'lias been regularly ' •
• every branch of medicine, lutd for Ihe .last twelve'yLars
confined hiinseh exclusively >fO :Uio {rcotnn?m of.those’-
Dr. Brown is the only regularly educated suigeon-m.-
Fuubnrgh who gives, his -whole tljoiiucoin
plaints ■*
njf*Cerlain,jyife and speed/ cures will, in oil caM»«, be
.; Reccntcases are relieved in n short time; wuboumuisr : *
runhon from business. . C
;/ ijl7*lJernja or: inviteft per
sons atiJicied with Jlernmfo call, as Jm has paidpaTticu"
lar attention ta that disca-e *
Letters from n dislanre, nskimradvice, inosi contnm a 1 -■
fee, or they y\ til not be attended to.
iErTOffice on Rnnnoiid'Airoyi a ftm-doors froia : Wodd<- ;; ~
street, towards the. market. OonsiiltdUomt einrHy confi ;
dentlab • _ _octi>d&wly
RHEUMATISM.-— Ur.Bnwirs newtv discovered rent: *,
edy for Rheumatism 1 1?: .a speedy mid eerarim' rjnnefly : -
for that painful trouble. - It never /uila..-'
. Office amt Fnvatu : Gousultunou, lioom!«, No; ■
mond alley, Pittsburgh, I‘a. The-Doc:or:iA- utwayH’ af l
home. _____ miHdawjf ,
The Grand PurgAtiv c.~
U BLR FXTRACT PULS—TUt t tU-brat. d PjU«
have obtained an enviable notoricty in ihe bmiJUJ ' : v.;
os.a curative for Giddiness; T)yspepsin,- hour 1 fcioniaoij, - .' ' 1
Headache, Fevers. •. Piles. Cosliveness; Couirhs.'Heart
AVeakiiesSj^PaijnUitiqii^'oMhevlXenrii; a
'■> variety of other djscasesio which flesh i*
rmcdicino.lbrHhe/ndlli6 , nJ'jrln’;iUl\scn^iisVqf^lte^ : ;euil' ; fr > ' ;
spring, Bummer, niUutiin r hU:c>r,- L : - v^ ; v v';
cuinbiauces, they can Up taken with period *-aicly and
BQccess... ; chiflr^ :
drei»,.thcy areunrirnlh'd- BeiiigcoaU’d with pure while - '
• r sugar,- cbUdreVt.wUbeusily take them ;}ttieyiieitherjrißc't ’
inor ; patLBeate^are-genUc;.bdttbofouffbihiheirOpr , rniioij.''y.-
For adults, byjncreusing the dose; they are equrUly beu
elicial. - As an Anti-Eihous Pill they will be jouihl with- ' •
outa sapßrior.-Afibajiy
use lhem,;and an. unqualified.approval will be thecertain : •■•
r Remember Dr, C. V.Chckener is tie OTigmal mvenlor
of Sugar Coated Pills,, ami mat notbing oi the sorrwhs
ever heard of uuuMie introduced them m Juwe. ls4:H •
Purchasers should, therefoTeialways.askforClK’.kcnerhi'.
Sugar Coaled 'Vegetable, Pills, and. take ijoothers, or they
will be innde the victims of a • :•
25 cents per box. . J .•<<;•
~ l)r; Clickeuer's principal olhcc for the sale of **
CG Vesey st„ NY }
WM. JACKSON, £9 Liberty st . Pitts
burgh, Pa., General Agent, for Pejiusvtvaoiay Northern
Ohio, and the.river counties of.\irginm;-.. .
-The the.'daly-apivomted.A'gehiß.forAH^'
gheny county. Pa.:
A. M. Marshal!,)
: l)r.Browir. .. > Alleghenvcitjv ••
J IL Johnson, )
.. Jonathan Ghrcist, Manchester.' .v.
Alexander Asdiile.Wyljestrret. ;
J. IL H; Jacques, lsirmitiglmm..: •
Win. J.-Smith, Tcraperancuvillei ..
• G. H. Stair, Sewickloy.
Edward Tbompsoli, Wilkmshurgh. .
Daniel Negiey, East Liberty;-: .
H. A. Mitchell,Wilkmsburgb.’< "v .v
: If. Rowland & Son. MTCeesport.- v
C. F. Diehl,Elizabeth.
John Black,-furtle Creek; : .
M‘fc!do\vney\ Bakerstown. •
Samuel Springcr, Clinion ' .
■,.v. James hr)fee« Stewartstowit. • > •
. Riley M > Jjnughlm, Ploln'township :
J; Fulton, Tnrcntura;.-
Jeremiah Homing, Lawreuccville
• Robert‘Williams, Artlidrsville.
aug22-dJcwflra- >;
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J AMES-GUEENOUGH, of lh6 late fitra of :
! , ueer;rnia‘ Patchi'Auocfiey,;rii'}us.;pfficci'.ii'i;tfevc}n^ut :
WASHINGTON^.IIcinaybe > cbnfeulteaan3'erapTov't. : ti>;v
; in-tnakioty oxamuiatians in PAfantO \ *'' r -y:
*ficc and clsewhereiih famishing dnvaings and spceiGivi
: ttonsb£ nijacluaes,'and ali popera ; necessary; .
tiansferyanlend,reissue,orextcndlc tiers patent In tin? , •
United States or Europe lie can also be consulted pro v ; -
fesstonallv qjvali quesU6ns.,b.f-Hitgationaristng : amTer ihcv
Pnleni Lasyj'aiid will quesubhs befoie Patent -
Office or on’ appbal thcrcfrbrn,T6r-.wb4'cirhis loinj-expeVi- t •
-cttUarlyfiued birrr.-Thc prbfessiorialbusvnessoftlie-late.''''-
Dr.T.P.Jones paving been placed in, his - hands, all let- .■ /'
Ip / wlatton.lUereto ; .shoula'be liira.
•: XpPrTittsburgh Gazette, Putsbtirgh’Mnrumg Post, and::;: •*:!
jntd chargeitheadycru^er— Arw York .lay. fit.
>.-jnfCoKPr.»;;c.o^^atttrJtt^6rd.d?J^'*i^}^';: s .v':
: introduce* on-SamWajr y AUff,“ :
BTYLE OF H A TS » just >ecei*fcd^.frOni
v a»ibC;tt'«tatand.bebuUifui’ll* , K'^ : '?'-
are invited J lo; call
; Wpo3 streets;;- v y ; - :
i^t^H.;PA'ULSO? i »,‘No^73- ? \V r iM-dobr from:
xji, the cotjierof FouVthiUaa; received.’ aiid -tvin- iys'
day iwrpduce;thd FAr.X:SriXE OF G&XTZEXI&JpX;;.
ffATSy and‘t^uld ; respeclfully. »iivite his.'cusibiaers anti.
•the public generally lo cntl aud examine ihc.*ami\ ••• ..
y-aug-jo "
THE RubscrJ&ciyliavmi;. • >
■P VlV s»from• ■ New York,.will Tm9<T>*vv
: :-r. J3ffb^■
STYLE OF HATS.'Io wlueh licwQuld will the irttuntioa; :
or Ins customers fuuHln; .v • Ho -is (laity - •■ ■ ■
the arrival onustnllnasornneniof C Aidant! ilujfs-, f ■.
all of winch will hu disposed of •
>M dour below. Uavfs’ AurUou Heoniy-- v
. •••• ■” steamboat Uakery*
rpHK betr rrsp«rmill> 10 inirtrm
-X;va lean^lottUße^ l^e ; .
:wjll open a jMSty-JiAhEUI on 1\ lUr-Mrett Inrtuiu
Ferry ami Murkclsirei.‘iH t oi» "WciliMisdny. Seincinlj»*rl#ln ■■-- ■
IMSj aml w»U: jrumetliutely:,lHr prep:m*il to furimh • •';
best Bread, &.<«., - ineir own liitKjuM [rticirfoni
pletcd.-antl is iu nllTonpoels any:jio\v,iii tfie ;
city [svpli] HUN VKIVSg MAY;*- I *.?/.
, • 'vJJIi llodklnßOUi No. Jl5 -Wooil «!•* •*; '• r
.tfXTOVIiD call tlie aWemu>JKoi tlit\ pubuc (the;.laiWfv.
• Vy- especially) to oiJ>imiu->'
imil French and Eng'nh DTMNG nD YL J
SET ft*. - Consisting, iivpurt, U;uul. (iol&rl.uie.\ T
Fancy and Pimn White fialsoj Indiou Chum Dmuigisetu;.
oil having been urtpOTtcd
desirable M>Jes 3tv HODKINSONv •
.■ -migOC .•■■■:. -~115 Wood stir«?.donr^below.
Brotl*«rsT JPremtnm bom » 3 -
l)OZ nPsorTed MZf*, w-irrantf rf hr jHe &0 tlftr *
Z£i\J A iclona:-P«ns,v^Mstt-rr;ceiYeil'.and tor.->*«)£.'«*• ?{fe£<-,^^>--. :
lr ideal Nts\ \ otL price*, t»v {
Nl2 cor nm. ancl Marini si {1 k > 1 >»*<) 1
on ••
t»ivcntoUard'&.Brother^aulfc.iastinrr-ot- th^'Ma«s.'i«'••..•/-•.•f '- •
cbupotia Charitable MeCli'imc .twiLnimti nf«oM'« $
Also, .the ;lngUtijsl-.p)remiuui-nVvli»e : Fi'a«lcluv(
PhiHdclplna t-pli X
-VTOTiCL—AJlpersonaiudcl}ieiJj<Mjii^}.'nfci i n(^ , :D:tii--v^
i/| ujgm A Muipli) are 3 cn.b> *<» ii u»
i wit! nremiMhein forJimiutaiion *
11J2\tf\ DAUBEIU’ > . \
=pj)JMwdtlUvJOHS IDYLL. J -^ rr ->
■ 'VJ-r . ?_'. : -.’ j-^.Ttr-'-t-^-'' '' vA* - Y-? -:
j:\-J£'!y\ \ :
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"V;''vV;> -.y<y : '. , rr r '-:',^r‘4'- T ‘^ l: .'X , ' :;i; i r >-Jtt.?s?C.VvV'Vv*'-'' ■’•t‘-'■.'*a"<?v' ST I *!’ • '**•£?'**»“
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