The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 28, 1848, Image 2

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X. HABTEtt, El
SEBT’R. 88, 1848.
Sonina |)ast Job printing ©ffi«-
of wood and fifth si beets
if£n-j=- Unslug Establishment, a splendid
g£» P™3S| Machine, we are prepared^“ d “
•'■■b'nifihilaorNeweDttper and Book 'work in asl>le oi on.
; surpassed beautfanifiieotuest, and if
uwtble term* We respectfully eoUcit the patronage of
the public in this Uno-of.Aor.: business..., . ;
JET A4ttrUurlirt feqududto band «nMnfmB*rlohT
be preferred . ——
r*-p» p' tir r ARU United States Newspaper Agenc> -
SufSundin«, N E conier*-of Third bndlfotk streets,
- antMOO NofSTtoartb sueetr i i«o' I T onl y au^l ?? 1B€liA ?* nl .
m Philadelphia
> in*€omultiee on.Nalutall Station—John
Coife Rdl Kerr, M J Stewait, 0 Barnett. John Lay
ton, Ricfrart'LoQih. -Daniel FickiseOpFred. A ohst.
03” Gen. Taylor 6a* RECENTLY invested 081 I
therefore tnnnol Be in favor of the WUmotProvl
-80. —Speech of Balie Payton, jtohig) in La.
Grand Democratic Bally at FloreXsec.
- - Never havo we attendel a political gathering that
afforded ub greater gratification than the Democrat
ic Mata Meeting, at Florence, on Tuesday laat. It
was emphatically an outpouring of the People—a
mighty gathering of the honeat yeomanry of the
country. T(ie number of Democrat! in attendance
far exceeded the most aangoine expectations of eve.
ryooe; and ire were told that the meeting alto
*; gether : surpassed,in uumbera and enthusiasm, any
political assemblage ilhat ever met in, Florence.
About noon,immenceproccaaiona began to approach
- the- town lrom ; every direction, Like; Roderick
■ Dhu'a men, they:poured iu fromovery.hiU end every
glen,withmuaic, and banneraslreaming in tho wind!
It waa a gala day for the Democracy of Washington
and Beaver countiea! . . '
A pVoeesston was formed, beaded by the Fayette
Braas Rand, whicb.tnwehed'with'alreaming bannera
- tiftiieapol selected for apeaktng, a heau
' ~~ tiful grove,opposite the Presbyterian. Church. The
■ meeting was thenorgamxed, by the selection ofthe
: follbWidg gentlemen aa officerai
President— RlCHAßD; DONALDSON, Esq., of
Waahington county.
Free Presidents— CapL Abdbew Ehojc, of Beaver
county; Hay Tames MTiosket, of Waahington
ttecrelanet, —May. J. D. Lect, of Waahington;
IBaj. John Sterling, or Beaver.
" Col. WttUAH HopsiKS, the Democratic candidate
for Congresa in tho Washington and Beaver district, I
: having been introduced in the .meeting, proceeded j
to addresa hie fellow eiliiena,*at qpme length, on I
the great queationa: or tho day. Hia speech waa
confined, principally, to tho Mexican war, and waa
replete with Bound argument! and good sense . - j
Geoboe W.Layro, of this city, -followed -Col.
’ Hopkins,in one ol the beetepoechea we have ever I
' heard him deliver: He reviewed tho .position occu- I
pied by the Federal party in the present campaign,
in Supporting n Southern man end 'slaveholder for j
: the Presidency, whilo they profess to be the friends I
of the Wilmot Proviso. Mr. Layng epoke of the
celebrated ‘fßuekahot War” of Joseph Ritncr and
Thaddeua Slevona nod eloquently alluded the part
: taken by Col. Hopkins on that occasion. His re
marks on this subject were warm'y applauded.
L. Tatloe, Esq. the Democratic candidate for the
assembly in Beaver co , next addressed thf meet
ing. Hb made n.very excellent speech, full of phil
osophy and fun, and was repeatedly cheered.
Win. Mobtoomebv, Esq. the candidate for Sena
tor in Waßhingtoir county, made the eloaiog speech
- or the day. He ia “a fellow of infinite jest and
: moat excellent fancy,” and appears to .be a general
favontd With tho Waahington county Democracy.
Hia speech on Tuesday was decidedly good,—his
anecdotes were rich, and hia illustrations very hap-
- 1
• .<H i
Oa motion* the' meeting was organised by the ap
pointment opthe following officers:
■ President—Gen; Jho.M. Davis. . . e. ,
YicePi'eeidenta—William Joice. Dr. Robt. Wil
sony' H. ■ Hcmmilwnght, A. F. Gore, O. Newton,
Samuel Bryant,Jphn Ferree, Wm. Stewart, George,
Ferreej" Jesse Grounds, David Beeler, John Gray,
George James McGinnis, Lewis Frax,
James qlarke, John Ljtle, C. Walton, Jeremiah
Platt,#. Monoid.
Secretaries— Tliob. Newton, Geo, Wallace,jr., H.
McJSlhcnny r A. J. Davis, Samuel Hobocb. .
■ Coll Blarkf P. C; Shannon;#. S, Magraw, Jas. S.
- Craft,- Jan. Sawyeraiid A. B. McCalmont, and other
• distinguished-Democratic orators were in attendance.
The two. former,entertained the multitude until a
late hour with speeches replete with irrosistable or.
Wilkins TovniUp Democratic Meeting.
A meeting of the Democrat* of Wilkins met nt the
house of Joseph AUshouse, on Tues4sj evening, the
26th instant.
On,motion, Edwabd Thompson, Esq., was called
to the chair, -and Robert Donaldson, EBq., John
Sampson, David DoS', and Franciß Wilson, were ap
pointed Vice Presidents; and J. S. Tong and Moore
Thompson Secretaries. ,
The meeting was addressed by P...C* Shannon, J.
, J, Mitchell,‘ J.J-HamUton,andTE. Snowden,Eaqs.,
in their-usual. when Colonel. Bam.
W. Black was loudly called for, and entertained the
assemblage in an interesting argumentative speech,
of an boui’s length, .
-The-meeting adjourned at aq .early hour, with
three cheers -for.Cass,-Raller, .tongStreth, Black, and
victory. EDW. THOMPSON, Prea’t.
Ropx-Don AI.DSOK, ]
Ji?O.RaHPSOH,. -i p
David Dorr, ice Orest s,
j, s Lmgjkn&Moorc Thompson, Secretaries, .
' Mb.Vaußoben Tbeadiko m.lHE.foomiM or
HonrJomT Qomcr Abatis.—Tho Alban; Argos
as yglt waa once th e o pride and boast of Mr* Van
Buren to the footsteps pf bis illustrious pre
dessossor—Andrew Jackson. ;.But .whßro is he npwf
Rekd the following, which we find in the Alban;
Atlas, pf Saturday;
i• - Coffee and SpoAß.—Gen. Lewis Cass, while
' Secrßlaty of Abolished the practice, of dealing
out a certain quantity of Rum dally to Ihe soldiers,
and'jfyt fn )U stead’sugar anil, coffeei He-was the
firsuman to recommend tbie salutary chonge.
1 •*
■* \
•V ' , v . ' l- v .
thp meeting then adjourned, when the
Democracy quietly returned to their respective
homes, highly pleased with the proceeding* of the |
day.- Not a-single unpleasant incident occurred to ]
mar the harmony of the meeting. The Democrat*
in that portion of the state were never in better
spirits/ Victory seems to be written in every lin
eament of their face*, for they know that a great and
glorious triumph will soon bo achieved over Feder
alism, Nativism, and all their kindred, allies
DemocjattcDcinoiistsatloiiln Peebles Tpt
The Democracy of Peebles township assembled
on Monday evening last, at the Public School House,
m East Liberty, in full force. Squirrel Hill, Hat
field, indeed every, part of this district, was strongly
represented—the large room failing to accommodate
the masses that turned out’ fro tn the farm houses and
workshops, •
The meeting adjourned, with three deafening
cheers for the gallant Black.
l 1-
y* ,
“ Wlilg” SollbfacUontp d
It is truly nSjAsmg, ty bear the congratulatory re
marks of manyof “WttgfcMo eachoth-j
cr, whenever they this Tnovemeuts of the I
few traitors to Jr® W sustaining
Martin Van Bjiren 1 of theso men gives
us no degree of concern. \Ve knew—all history,,
teaches us—that hot Tew men in any ago or country
have proved traitors to any great cause; and theso
have been such characters as >vero unable to exert
any influence over those with whom they had former
ly acted,' owing to questionable .circumstances, of
some kind, that Eiirroundcil. lliem, prevmufi 1° the
■ commission of tho overt acts of treason. Thus it is
with the prime movers m’the “Barnburner'* move
'lueat'. The leaders of that 1 faction are, aclinlod by
no patriotic motive whatever. They arc stimulated
"by-revenge alone; and therefore; they cannot bo
espcctsd td 'go before the ■ country with any thing,
like a hope on their own parr, of accomplishing
aught but ihisChief.' .This is not the case with those
“Whigs” who havefroiuthe, outset protested
against the nomination of Golf,Taylor as the candi-,
dato oftheir party. . fThey are promptei by, a regard;
for those polilical doclrineb so long contended for,
under itheir distinguished chief, which they believe
to be true; and are therefore indignant . that those.
who profess to regard the same doctrines, should
either utterly repudiate them, at n time when the)
may have led to d triumph, or who are at least will-,
ing to jeopard, even their future csistcnce,. by bus.
tainisg one, who positively refuses to give the alight*,
est pledge that be Will sustain them. It is consider
ations liko this—not a spirit of revenge—that have
led Mri Clay to promise, merely, that he, will , ofley
no opposition to.the nomination orGen.Taylor; and
that have brought out Mr. Webster to supportihot
nomination in so equivocal a manner, that even Ins
open opposition would have been, mmnny quarters,
more desirable to its friends. It is considerations
of this kind that have prompted many ofthc staunch-,
esl “Whigs/ 7 ■‘all over the’ Union,, to • repudiate,
openly and unequivocally, the Philadelphia noroina
uon. Notice this, from the Western Stsr, one of
the most reliable “Whig” papers in Wisconsin:
“The whig cbnventiou that palin' nomination Gen-
Taylor for the Presidency,ihnve-eampromised the.
whig party to an abandonment of whig principles,
save the “one idea” of the peculiar itmituUon.and
- « No principles can bo secured or earned out ny
electing Gen. Taylor, and-we regard his nomination
as an abandonment of principles by tho Convention,
and that in their nets they have basely betrayed tho
whig party. . Jt may • be said that this. convention
-was the whig party in a representative capacity.- Vo
it so. Then llte parly haveahmdonei, those pri'ipr
pies upon which we united ourselves to Oust; part}/,
and our connexion xctlh it is at an end.
“ We know that a large portion of the whigs are
with us.”
A. few days since; at Westford, in .Vermont, the
Hon. George P. Marsh, late a representative front
that State, told the People, that “ lie did not feel
absolutely committed to vote for Gen. Taylor, but
ifhe were obliged to vote to-day between the candi
dates now in nomination, he. should be .'•reluctantly
compelled” to vote for Gen. Taj lor. He said a
number of times that be did not come thereto ask
them to vote for Gen. Taylor, and finally said,. “ I
bepeat, ron tnc Tts iiiovsAirerrn Tian, that 1
Geh. Taveob.” ■ - .■■■.■■
Mr. Webster, in Ins celebrated Marshfield speech
Said—“l have.stated, that I could not recommend
the nomination Of a military chi.efiain; but I have
stated also, that I shall not oppose hia election. 1
stand now upon the same declaration and shall not
oppose Gen. Taylor. Still no man m more firmly
of 'opinion' that such a nomination was not fit ta be
made.” And “this case of the nomination. orCcncral
Taylor standsby itself, without precedent and with
out justification- in tho history of this country.’.
John M. Bolts, aorolilhte and unquestionable a
“Whig” as any in the country,.declares^-**Aa
matters now stand, admitting Gen. a
Whig candidate, (which I utterly deny,) the parly is
defeat, and every man not wilfully blind MUST
SEE IT.” ,
And then, in view of his many letters, accepting
nominations from insignificant factions of any part),
and especially orf the Charleston nomination in con
nexion with Gen. Bntler.tho New Yotk-Courier,-
Unprincipled as Has editor has ever, been,—feels a
tense of shame, and says:—. ....
*< We are not at all insensible, to the objectionable
features of that'acccptance, and ahould greatly have
■preferred that Gen. Taylor had'allowed the nomina
tion to pass unnoticed. His acceptance seems .at
first, we admit, inconsiderate, it not clisrespcctlul,
towards Mr. Fillmore, and id very well calculated,
I under all the circumstances, to strengthen the preju
dices which have been sedulously sown throughout
I the north by the locofocos against Gen. Taylor ns a
sectional candidate-” •
And the Peekshitt (N. YJ Hepubh-an, a paper
which - supports Gen. Taylor, referring to Ins recent
Eippard and Charleston letter, says ;
| ; “Old Zack, ifhe continues writing letters, will fix
his cause sonicely, that in November next he won’t
rfind'Voters enough in all the Northern States to form
a Corporal’s Guard.” ....
The New Bedford, (Mass.): Mercury, tshich has
the name orGen. Taylor at the head, of its editorial
columns, says:
I. «We regret as much as any onecan, the nomina-,
f,on ol General Taylor. We have always maintain-,
1 ed that thepauade made about his fopulabitt
Attn AVAU.ABH.irv was delusive, and.noir we.can
see it too plainly to change our opinion.”
■ These, and hundreds of others of the samo cliar
. I acter, that we might present, are sufiicicnt to Bhow,.
I that the nomi nation of Gem Taylor has not cemented
Whiggeiy in the most enduring manner.
Democratic Heeling ot.Tarentnm.
The Democratic citizens of furentum held a large
and enthusiastic meeting at the public school,house
in that place on Monday, the 25th inst. at 2 olclock,
P. M. The meeting was organized by calling Col.
Neil to the chsir—Speeches were mado by Messrs.
■Snowden and McCalmont—after which the meeting
adjourned until seven o’clock P. Mi At tho hour
appointed the people again assembled, when the
speakers alluded to took the stand and answered n
number of objections raised by a few clay w higs who
were present—who were not willing to declare
themselves ready to cast their votes for Gen. Tay
The greatest good feeling was manifested by the
Democracy of that thriving little place—and we can
safely say that in that quarlor“all is well.”—Messrs.
Snowden and McCalmont speak in the highest terms
of the kindness and attention shown by tho citlzons
■of Tarentum; more particularly of that Sterling-
Democrat John Obuly—“may his. shadow, never be
less!” When the meeting adjourned three hearty
i. cheers were given for Cass,. Butler and Longßlrelh
—with three for Col. Black—andk —and three for the speak- -
MELAiccnonv ‘ Accident.—We learn lrora tho
I’ortsmouth (N-H.) Journal,that Miss-Nancy J.Un-.
.derhillj-s tedchdrat thd.isie' of Shoalß, .was washed
from the rocks aUbe head of that -island, on:Mon-.
■day evening* the 1 lih instant. - Shc'hsd been accus
lomedto sit near the place, from .where-she was
-launched into, eternity, und .study.the. sublime
works.of-God, as seen-in.the ever-rolling ocean.”. .■
■' Si:natoh Conwr.u on the- Stump,— Those . who
do not know the power of face which belongs to a
certain, class of whig politicians,.will pcrhapß ho sur
prised to learn that Mr; Senator Corwin hns just ta
ken ihe >stMnp.m:Dbio to miake- a President, if he
can, of'lhe very man whom, a few months ago, ho
exhorted the- Mexicans '.*./« . welcome Vnth llooiy
■ hands and a hospitable grave
■ PnrTTY .Good Aoe.—ol twentv funerals attended -
by a clergyman of-Newbury port .within. two years,
eleven have been.ol the following ages, viz:- 0fi,70,
-7(5, 79, '79, SO, Slj 81, SC, 90, 941 01 the rest,
sevetriverßiyoung.children, who died of dysentery;
and two in lhe middle ogo’ef lifci who were accirj
tienUy deprived of life.
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» 7
£:•!&- • Jlcrcautile Failures.
In the Tallowing article, which wo copy-, from .the
WiAork herald, t£era is presented «i strong
ilsonie just views oftliCsiale but too,
icrally ourrounding3<inß:scla4»;of£«l^r.
Ida. Wo could wa)».tbajf-.nnyiporuliJ oJSS r ‘^A n ;
(so far us wc arjs acquainted-with-it,) were en
jly exempt from th'e'fumhus circumstances, sur
indmg not merely the dry goods jobbers, but alt
r mercantile men. But; so Ipng as. w oshsl) .ba VL ‘,
nks ol circulation among upon the,
inciples that have so long distinguished; our bank*
5 system, it will be-vam to hopo fo( ,any material (
ango for the bettor. So long ob the. prices of
ode may be in any way affected by any oilier law, 1
circumstances, than that governing demand and
pply. -we may expect to find all mercantile opern
jns conducted upon a much Ipsacertain.basiMhan,|
at of legitimate trade. The article is worthy ofa |
sruaal: —. : ■ . .
“Within the past week or two lliore have been
iiracfous failures among .the dry goods houses of
ds city; principally among the jobbers, including
ime of the oldest concerns' in tho -city.- -Most, oi
io failures, however; are new-houßee, Which bare
otbeen in operation more than tv, o or throe years,
hd harO, upon o moderate capital, done a very largo,
tisiness. We have no doubt but that scores of tho
obbing hoosos of the city oro at present, and hare,
or some time past been, in an insolvent condition,
rho system of doing business, practiced among that
lass of merchants, is such as to rum .three out of
■scry five; aud it is not astonishing thateuch, cliang
>s taken place in every few years among them.. In
■asking through the section of the city , occupied, by ■
ho dry goods jobbing houses, it is almost J impossible
o recognize the name of a singlo concern-familiar,
o ss s few years previous. , A revolution scorns to
,o continually going on ; among these houses., and
'cw, very few, retire with' even moderate, fortunes.
“ The revulsion of 1837 made nearly, a clean
weep, and the changes made smeo have
io existence hundreds of bouses,' which flutter, on
Ibe suriico a short time, and then sink,and are nev
er more heard of in -the commercial world; a few
creditors, for a brief period, keep them in view, till
they finally disappear altogeUier, and give place to |
onothor lot. The first cause of this is, as we have
already stated, the system of credits adopted, the
small profits obtained, m consequence of the com
petition in trade, and the anxiety exhibited to eclipse,
each other in tho amount of business transacted.
More attention is paid to the amount of sales mode
each day, than to tho quality or paper received, m
payment, and it is only when looking over the con
tents of their pocket books, and classifying their,
bills receivable, during the dull season of the year,
that they havo any idea of their position, or iberal*
no of their assets. This reckless, desperate way, of]
doing business,Ts the first great- cause of so many i
failures among the dry goods jobbing houses of this ]
CI “ Thc second is, the extravagant mode pfliving i
practiced by nearly every membor of every firm do-,
: ing an active business. Some of these concerns arc ,
composed of three, and, in many instances, four .;
i' partners, all of w hom live at the rale of , from three j
to five thousand dollars per annum; which, with the,,
yearly-'expenses' of their business establishment,
make an annual aggregate of from twenty to tinny
thousand dollars. This large sum must ho derived
from tho. piolits of tho concern, drawn fiom what
capital they commenced with, or from their crcdi-
I tors; and; from what wc have seen, tho last named
i method la inn majorityofcascsadopted. As strange
| as it may appear, this rate of expenditure is kept up
| fur years, after the original capital has; all been
lost, and the profits-have dwindled down to the.
I smallest fraction;' until, finally an explosion takes
1 place, and the creditors do not get the first cent on
I the dollar. This criminal , extravagance among the
i commercial classes of,this city, will swell tho bat
i of bankrupts every year, and keep- up the cohtinual
' change 1 which we haver noticed for many years
1 among the mercantile community generally. .
1.. “ In some of the suspensions which look, placcm
1 Europe, within: llic past year, 4 was shun n Dial
I members of several of the insolvent houses had, foe
l a long time; been living at the rate or twenty-fife,
and lhirty thousand dollars per annum, and that
their assets would pay their creditors sixpence on
the pound. In -the case ol Cockerell A Co., of Lai,,
cutta, ttappeared that each partner had Die
rato of fiiriten thousand pounds sterling per annum,
and tlieir creditors,received bet sixpence on the
pound for their claims.. This, is about a, lair exam-.
nlo of the result of failures generally; and unless
some radical change takes place in the system pi
credits; in Dib system of doing business, in tl.c-slyle
of living, and in tho personal expenses ofmcrchams,
generally, there will be no permanency m mercap •
tile houses, and no stability in commercial matters.
Thedlseaso has become so general; that it will he
very difficult to find a healthy starling point to ap
ply the remedy; but, when fairly in operation, the
danger will soon be removed. .It is full time some?
thing was done to remove this curse upon the, coma
munily. ■■ 1 .
The Pittsburgh Gazette still continues to slander
mul villify Gen. Cass; and still continues to charge,
us with attacking and slandering Gen. Taylor. Ho
says of u»-~"
“ The editor’s last, aimed in flaming capitals, is,
that Ilailie Peyton, of Louisiana,, lately staled in a
speech, that “ General Taylor recently invested one
hundred thoutand dollars in negroes mid therefore
cannot he in favor of the Wilmot Proviso.”
«i Now we have nn tneaiiA ofTebutling this,state-,
mcht, as far as Mr. Pevlon is concerned, except, its
utter improhahtlity, and our own belief that it is-a
sheer fabrication, manufactured out nr whole cloth.
But as regards Gen. Taylor, we arc prepared to pro
nounce it a mutinous lie!"
IPecnrc not a fig about Hie belief ni tlic -editor or
the Gazette. He nat perfect liberty to Mi fie what
ever he pleaßOs, and we shall not -t|usrrc! with hint
about that; but his belief cannot tact.
That it is airACT, Gen. Taylor has recently erpend
cd one hundred thousand dollars in tho purchase of
negroes—human beings—has. been said by Bailie
Peyton, a Whig, and an intimate friend and support,,
er of Gen. Taylor: and this has beon said, as it
were, nt Gen . Taylor’s own.door! The editor .of the
Gazette may bo prepared to pronounce it “o malicious
lie” that there is any auch man as Bailie Peyton, if
he clioses to do so, and he may pronounce this with
out materially affecting Ins political standing: lint
we know that there Vas onco a man living who bore
this name. The New -Orleans Delta says Hint he still
lives: the same paper states that ho lately made a
speech at Baton Rouge ; and that ho then and thcro
declared, respecting Gen. Taylor, that which wo
have quoted in our paper.—“ Only this, and nothing
morel” All of which may be slandor and abuse;
bnt, if so; itcomea from a carious quarter. Is it not
more probable, that lhO'“]Doughlhco”..of:lhe Gssotte.
is willing to 1 certify to any thing, tn order to subserve
hts parly purposes 7
Parers or “Loose Dibt” at the Evst.—Tho
Providence Journal says tho Transcript of that city
was pud $6OO to hoist the s‘frec soil” flag. Wo
should lika to know further, what was their original
price, and whothor “down oast” thoy consent to
“come down” ns much as they do here—say from
slooolo 8100. The Journal ought further to slate
bow great a proportion of.the $6OO by Jolla
■Van Buren, as almoner of tho “firce” bounty : of hts
•ronegado father. —-V. V. 'True Sun , . , .- -
fyfr-asnn appears to bo tho prico paid in more quar.
tors than one, to secure the ■ support of bankrup
sheets for the renegade of New York. Tho “Don-t
key paper,” in this city, It is said, ceßt the “loose
dirt” faction just 8600; end a poor speculation thoy ;
madeoftt, at that. • - : , . ,
Dari el Weesteb —Mr. Webster has been in
Boston within a fow days, and vvo know that : ;fte has.
been denounced by leading Taylor, men a n strong
terms because he would not declara .himself in favor
of Gen. Taylor. —Boston Whig * c
They are denouncing him now in terms twice, as.
strong because he has declared, himself rn favor of
Gen Taylor. i
A Small Navy ron Sale.—By n government
advertisement, it appears that on the I Ith of October,:
the U. S. bomb brigs Vesuvius ahd Etna; the
eta Tampico, Bfinttoinnd Mahoncse, and the steam
er Spitfire; are all to be sold at auction. .
: REKARKABi.t.^—The Warrentown (Va.) Flag says
that on Sunday before-last, at Liberty mooting house,,
eight miles from ihat plncc, a colored .woman was
baptised who was one hundred .and four years old.
;uml walked iwclccmilcs,
: I.aroeCommercial Tbade;— -Onihe Bth instant,
there were in the poit ofChicago, on lake Minhi
gan,reighty sail capacity:for -about;
<bO,GQO bushels of .grain. Besides these, there are
3 number of propcllora and 3 few etoamboatß* that
take cargoes, constantly leaving port.
<'K ’ ‘ 1 p
f \ r
* 1 -r ’, t | t
1 t i *** • s -*■ s _ *- * e -
•Tf ;$? * ‘••j. : -'-j.'
Gen. Taylor’* Nrgroei.
/ i
' • 4
> T
' As'-.
from Hit t>cy tone
luaileqjjnf e W»ge*»fot-S'.n»|““k“' ,or ‘
* .Tie Allowing is tlmtele jtttteiKtiste’on the
passage-of tboTcn' Holir Factory "Bill- ,Wilga >n
itahe.* /; I
* Nays.
"Valentine Bd* v s ■» y
rchnrleVA.-’Blacki IVm. A. Crabb^J
HcnryL,.Benner, George Darsie,
EldndgeG. Lreacntt, James L. Gillia,
•J. Porter Brawley,: : v Benjamin Jordon,
.Thomas Ht Fprsylh* Ner MtddfefVJQrth 3 T l . vs . f
fjlfrii ,ttirhe,j[ r-- # \VWOs.cffitffd>t ;j \ ,i.
John H 7 Johnson,' Phthp Smyser, ,r .
Wm.F. Johnston Wrn. R-Sadlerj
SafcnuelHifl, . r,( Jtaipd'Jiafttelff;
.Alexander King, IVm. WV^omton.
Gordon F. Mason,-iuv< »•;.*■■ if-r.iH i
Benjamin Matlhias} U;, ». **. -5 - <■ ■■■■
John Poltieger,. • *■ • • •■•••
\ -Jostah Wchi. v r
George Rtrhaxds., • > ... •
.William F.Small,! ’ , vi ■ -
John-P* Sanderson, ! 'v-.-f
AsHerr Smith;
Ferris B. Streeter,
-Rqbort C. • ' i
John tens,
-Inaho voio in the l Houso-of; Representatives, I
should have - mentioned - that’ Abi’aham.: OlV\ine‘wiis
back in tune to record his vote for the.bill....
♦Added the special contract clause* which .has all but
killed ihelnll,: :The factory operatives jwould ;ba\e naa
n real bill but for Ibia very mnn,vwbi> M now ; seeMng. to
t»e (lovernoc -v. .
- tThe present candidate ot the V hig* tor.
mis-uoner • . .
tThis.sound; rndteni Democrat ;wOft-not. only, llui urra_
irteml of the. ten hour syatcin.'but-ike. stnuch opponent 01
corruption: ami peculation;;:: He,: wholly - sustained .inf
great Shunk in lus bunk'veioes. ainl voted in tut or oi se?
cunng-the the Amount ol.SSOGfromtna grasp
ot the landlord. |»et the gallant and.honorable Cnpttmi
rest assured that his tlctnorracij.will not .,
if - , v-i >! J *,*a i 't~- > ,v. +: ■' - 1 S'.' -
k SST Tho “ neutral 91 press,'almost without an eu
cep(iOD,'is.novv opposmg the Democratic parly aod
jU’ candidates..■■'A; vile sheet m this city, that has
becomo notorious of Late .far. its blackguard attacks
upon Democrats, is now openly advocating the elec
tion of AVm. F. Johnston, the.,federal .candidate for
Governor. How can Democrats support such a
Swiss concern f
• ACUuoirr.—An immcßao Shark,.? feet 2
inches 10 length, was taken at Turkey Pojntyin Ce
cil county,Md.,on the Bth instant. This is the lar.
gcat'shark which haa ever been "Captured in those
waters.- '
Fotm at a. flißTii.— Mrs. : Patrick Baruan,of
Hartford, Cl., gave birth to four children last Friday
night—three gtrla and. a hoy ! We regret to say
that she died the following rooming. , One. of the
children also died.
Death or Judge SAUSDER«.~-Atthe Red.Sulphur
a., on :tbo 25th ultimo. Judge Lafayette
Saunders, of Clinton, La.*, .breathed his lash The
deceased was n native of Tennessee, but many years
ago removed to 'Louisiana, fn*which £latdho was
much rcspectod, and filled in a manner highly hon
orable to himself-several offices of distinction. He
was a delegate to thewhig convention at - Philadel
phia, where he took a prominent pari as the organ
of <sen. Taylor’s political opinions. He has led a
widow and. several children, v-
O* ofO. F*—A*atHoxjLLodot, No. 239, of
ihcj. O. of O. Vm meet* at their Hall, corner of Founh
und-Matketatreew; every Wednesday fcvenmjfUt kf»tt«
7 oVlockiprecisely. • By order. - *r • v.
•: Visiting* Bruthara ore hereby cautioned against \i«i! J
ing' ony of the l«od?es tmieling at the comer of Wood *t.
amt Virgin nllcyva* the Augnrona Lodge, No. 259, is the,
only legal working Lod«« of Ono Fellows m this or Al
legheny city. I : • [aug26-tf
Democratic Meeting.-*
The hour <u meeting w changed, at the request of the <nt
ufhjiof lhai neighborhood, from wren in ibe evening ro
tw<> in the afternoon of Thursday next. I*ep2ti-3i
n?*'Gom)isoii-fc Clark, of Bellevue, Ohio, November.
SJd- IMO-Jienl a letter to Dr.ii. C. Vaughn; the proprietor
of the celebrated Liihmunpuc Mixture, the G/etUJUßcr
iettn Remedy, will* a emteinenl iharm the. vicinity or
Ohio where they do bariwss. the arucle lias hnd Uupror
eedented sales. Nothing • hkeit has ever appeared.
People resort to U foratl complaint*, and it* effect is al
ways pood Old caw!*, which huve. baffled the skill
of medical ithmi, hnye.yiehkd.lo »L and the faeulty are
using. it in lheir. practice.. A »uiuber s oi medical
men nr. 1 * tlgCin* for it* sale-:« strong proof of ihn grenl
viriui*4-of the article. Call on »» Uur paper,,
whose' 'ntiuies are. to be round under Oreat American
Reoiedy. nud get a Pamphlet.
Agent* in Pittsburgh. lUrsA BROcxWAV, No.^Liberty
«t 4 near Canal Hnshi. .. . JIH ...
Consompliou nsft dn*easo which is carrying its
victim* to the tomb; by thousands. without, being arrest
ed in itsprogfe?* by the medicines iwconuoon use at the
•prbseiu tiiuc, Bui o hnghier dayiscouuug. andbus
cotup—n* io KuiTeßsinlly arrest this- .disease. Dll..•.KG'
fiKirS MV KB WORT AND T A R. not only givcsumne.
diine ndiefinXMit’fiHS and COLDS, but l«>m tliotesti
nihny of men ot ihe highest siaudmg here u,u Vt«'
ii U making some very remarkable, cure* of €QNSL£H .-
TIO\- Improvement!* in the itreatmenl.of d»*vus** are
onward: mul nothing can arrest n* spirit intbe: present
nee TUom* who an* afflicted willi dutaita Licngx wouiu
iJO well 10 call on KNKKI.AND & HARDER. Grant *b,
one door below Second st. the. atrems. nud see ilm cerii
firuies of Dr- Win J RiehhW^ Burke, the.
wifi* of tlii' Rpv. <*i‘o. VV. Moley.nmiof Dr. Hiimn Cox,
lam lVoiessor in the Cde'ciir Medical College ofCincm
nan B T°J
inT , Pf«nni!A>-\V*igli«lnJliun. Vegetable Pills will
sbe found a radical cure. for. every kmd of. Bcrofultt, be-.
*cnu«e they olennHC nnd purify the body of all l»nd humors,.
hml i-Very tliiiig-thai is opposed tobenhh. and nnpait hucu
nil energy to -the cirrulanoti. that henllh aud vigor .lire
■*jvr«lo ? lhe whole frame. From two Id lour of said Jm/i*
un Yi'%ruib!f pifft. iakeh on bed, will soon muke
’ a perlect ciire of the moU ohftinafe case of Scrofula fnu
the *anu> lime the oonswuuoh wilt mplergo euc|i a radi :
ciit chnupe that Scrofula, ns well as.every other cpm*
plaini-will be banished from the body, mid new. lift.umi
vigor will be given to the whole frame.. . . ,
linoctrrof Counterfeits inul> Imitations.— Rememberthat
the Original and Only Genuine Indian, Vegetable Pills
huve ihe written signature of NY.ii.maJi. YVatoirT on the
top label of each box. , ■: •
Rehieinher. also; that Messrs. Fcuchnvangcr k Co., of
New York; Ja«-S. Gtaseoe & Co., at Cincinnati; mid J.
M Wilder k Co , of l,ouUville;are xi*r agent# for this
mcdidne,nml Avccamio( guarantee the genuineness of
that oflereii by them lor sale. . ; . ,■■■■•■
s The genuine is for sole at DfAWnght * Principal Office,
ICO Race street, Philadelphia; ami by Jotr< uomtsonJ
ISO Libert)' street; Pittsburgh, Pu., who is sole ogent tor
this city, by whom dealers can be supplied ui the wholer
salerato- *ep27
• yn* FlioM II ydfi*aiik.—Messrs- J. is T. fiilleudcr, at
Hvdepnrk- write u*. that a gentleman of their ncqumn
tuiiee haiV bent subject to spiltmgof blood, which recur
red bo frequently no to furuioh the most conclusive evi- r
deutn’of u tendency to consumption. Various remedies
had been tried without effect, and consultations were held
ivitli physicians of the highest eminence with no better
success. Circumstnnees brought him accidentally to a
knowledge of the Clickencr Sugar Coated PHIr, and ul r
though he had little with in iheir virtues, the persuasion,
of friends at length prevailed over hut determination, and
he consented to try them. The first box had nopercep-.
tilde effect. However a Second rea*qmrehascd, und the;
symptoms of hu» complaint began immediately to araeu
orate- : The spitting of blood recurred nunueh longer m-.
■ lervals, uniih finally, alter the tisoof a fow boxes more,
It ceased oltogether. Ilex now in Ihefall glow of health,
nml capable of enduring the greatest fatigue without the
hastincmnemcncn _
irp- --old hj WM JACK9ON, Gen Agent
Jjhiy SO Liberty street, Pittsburgh
[For list of Agents cc uilvertisomem ]
C S Pobtkk * 4 • •Manager and Lessee
55 00, \ Single iielctts, 75c
50c I Second Tier 35 |Pu 25c
20c | Fri\ateßoxeß • • 51,00
Pm me boxes
Dress Circle
Thuusdav Kvesikg; fccjto. fiBth, 'will,lm presented a
Drama of much-interest, called - • ..
The Wild Bby of Bohemia.
The Wild Hoy-*Mrl Wood:! Ciirl.*i‘-vvMr. Dantt.
Crntzluu • • • •Prior. | Countess- : •• • •Miss Porter,
To bo lollowed by
Golocliml _ Mr Dimiic
> Madam*Golocta?d«it4**JG***»*>rv-aiw-Anoa Cruise.
Sailors Hornpipe-> L « ••* •*• *ll.—**<*» ‘Master Wobd.-
v -Toconclude;with • ■ "■ •
: (irecory ♦ ; ••-Mr. ‘Porter. | ; Mariar*.‘ ■ •-vMrs. Madison.
nt7; Cnnam will risem7l o clock...
THF^ABI.KUROTHP.RS respcctGtlly inform ilia cuiv
zcii&pf Fuuburgh that ilicy.wJM of iWeuv
chnsto, vocal, and jiiMriuneplul.coucn-ris ON .lliursnay,
Friday ppd fcnuintyy .ovcnmgs, lUt? unu. GOm
mat ui the , ...
Apollo. Hull
Fourth street The entertainmentsi >\iliicowist ui, part
■ fTi" Tic he lx of bc.Uaii hi.the nili
ip «toren. and at t)ie doon
•s ftT’ Doors open. ot 7 o'clock. Concert iopom>nc»e«al
Ttocloch . - . . . , w|.r-3l
AIJiIANACi- 1 1840 i'.AI.M A,V ACb, ..
THE Bubpcnbe? reium* thunks for .tue }H4rpnng6
hcrctoForc> ec ci ve d far \ht minimi puhUcmmn T
We have the plenauta to announce out {wecmlr nunti*
ul number, ns now ready, for.ials.l»y il lhft i Kt t bs» t .do2ep., or
.iiitfly. Much ctire has been luken to Uaye.ibe.^aieiulßr
nnffLß correct. «s well aslhp ghronolocjpale\epls noted
\Vt» have it o, unite selection of rendiug mbtlur, been
particularly careful not to.tultpiinnytlnnflofdqubljpl.iiipr
tnlitv : on the contrary l9 pre-,
sent useiul und-interesting sufyt-Pb>, that wilt-hear read
ing daily.AVtih profit by oU.thimemhcra ol a iimnlj, a\P
iherctore bespeak tin contmuonLC ot in\or and would
suffge*t <0 tMiiionfers to be particular to ash<ibr Loomis
Atiu\Ac Vntsbutljh, or Magazine us desired Also,
Genoaii.T*lplish,;and Presbnennh' Almanacs, for 1849,.
for sale at the boot and paperwarehoUße of >•
; .XUKE I.OOMISi Agent. ‘
No. 69 Wood street. •
*»*+,*.*„*„ *-*-*- T *W£r -,Cv4^T^ 4 fT^Tvjrr
' ■ " ' '•"•■ -•'•■•-- - - ; \^.;;vy;^.:2.:- I v ! Wi^^^
'~ V ‘.T w-‘,V -.r?-
s *■* , * *~~
O- L v
t j >,...
. .... ....
"B3TTbecojttmul&cition"of' ,f Pontinc.”j willi^P l
peartn a tfay ortwolo '' » / I | ,■#
- Li t~ —is.—, X . l I f _
ODDyEstip^J—,VVd 'b&ra ftvoredT ynth-it
Report,'for thl year - ending June 30,1858, oT the;
Cdrreaporjhcg and Recording Secretaries of the
Grand Lodge of llie United States, (Biltunore,! in
which we hnd murli matter of interest.
' WJe learn firdpn “jlatgoi acfceasions to the
order” hate been made in Pennsylvania during the
past year. In all the Stales of the Union, prosper
itjT seems to pervade the order. Iri Ihe Stale of
Ndw York, however, a local difficulty exists which
it js thought may be righted befor a great while. A
prosperous lodge has been organized in Honoululo,
a town mono oTlhe Sandwich islands. A lodge
will be organized in Venezuela, as soon ob the ,po-
litlcal aifairsofthecountry become settled. A lodge
will soon be organized in Oregon city.
Krom a statistical table, we make the follow trig
statement, showing the condition of the Lodges of
_ , • i i
Pennsylvania: ; r i
/ -.*• * / 1 *«>>
.••/:• ‘c?- : •; -.'v •:■*.: 2<- . -.' 11 vvy=v^^.*?' ;:■>•:
- * V * .'■j l ? wt
, , * *a * « , * M K , 'h * / n
, O * , j ** Xv y ' * i , ' ~ J - ~’ _c
r ' I>IH - .v v
, . M ' , 4 *• *»**''•., ■', c ~ * f - - * a ‘‘‘T' 1 ’ W T . I . (S. % n
\L 'X .» u n' : f r. 1 .- ‘ '^'-V’>j.“'•• i
» v V V < ? <• V» \». •* $ L*' _ *
-i ■* •*' k " 1
'' ■■ "■'■■'■ j, ■>■ to' •• ->* • •••.•.■•.' . ... C: 1 'H : - w - -<■ *-?.■»••». -••■.!✓ •■»*■*. ’i V„ ;•
.. ■.•/•• '■ : \ v:?/;' , 'A-'. ' .j.'.-V: ?“• ’.J"
. * f
-K iff - J,. ?V
/T.'-T 4 . ” y * i. • . V".
1 , ' i * -zi: '
'’’ ,f t N ~ i v, / ' s> "’ f p*],. ■£>*
’~ ■l ■ : ■■■ "'? ■"■' v r " v " v~- ff ‘-
- i . £ -. " f , ; ''-?,o
' i <* , v f “-< J t> ""?l i -
r * . c J Jv, r ;, r^<l ~v£ ~£<•&}
, , '■„'-. 7 r ”'i Ztft l
f ’ 1 T ' it, -' k£ J
’"', 1 H, j.,‘3- «“
■ ;S:'®p3fS®§f3#i^i|c®si
" -' """ '■£<
■’it .t^'.V^yS-.iX-J:,?.';'jr.\^.-, •;:Wi’l.*- , .V-.nUiJ >
-;.w v ’.•'. : :’..\;'-^'T.!;:v:; :
'■:-:: ! r ..'*• >v.- A-~;~-
1 i * S
■1: :.\i l
. h' V
Number of Lodges, „ fJ v, „ * 308
Initiations,' 3 ’ ' 1 7647^
Suspensions,- IQ?4.
Expulsions* ■ r - r 72
■ Past Grands,: -■ r m. , . ; 2.688
P. G. Mailers, - M
~. flevenue of Subordinate Lodges,,. .173,371^
Contributing members, ■]•',■*.- -2^093
Number of brothers relieved, v , ' 4349,
Number of widows 9 families relieved, , • 968
Number of.brothers buried, 2QO
Amount paid for rehef:of brothers, ,51,170.
Amount paid of..widows!families, 5,946
i'■ Amount paid for the education of orphans, 263
" Amount paid for burying dead,, ,40>26l
- Total . amount for relief v • . ,67?642
1 New Hose, Hceu—A correspondent furnia
4hp following:—
• M*. Emroa: 'Whilstenj'oying a walk-around , the
city a day or two dace, I happened to ca»t my eyo
into a warft'roonvonSmithfield street, where my at
tention war attracted by the appearance or a new
Hotc Reel. -
On t I found that *it belonged to the,
Neptune Fire Compaby of thia city. , I was, Blruck
with it* fine appearance, and inquired where it W3S
piade, for i did not think- that each an article could
bo made in this city;- else oar firemen would not
send East for their apparatus, hut, contrary to my;
expectations, I waainlormed that it was or Pittsburgh,
manufacture, and that it was turned out at tho estab
lishment of those- enterprising young men Patchol,
Fagan & Co., on Third greet. It isindeed a Bplen
did article," and combines, to a groat extent, the
qualities of beauty and strength, and reflecte-great
credit upon the mechanics that got it, np, anil clear*,
ly proses that our mechanics ate ns.good as any, in
the country, which entirely supercedes the necessity
of fining East fur any thing of tho kind.
Let our people encourage our own mechanics,
and they will be able to get as .good , an .article,at
home asatany other place in the country.
: ■ *-: rrrrsßUßCii.
Looms* Almawac; for 1849;—1t isnecdlcßMaeay
•any thing iapraiseol this Mr. Looms* 1
has got it out, ready Tor his customers; The ealeu-1
la(or,SAwroßDC. Hiti., gives the following “iYofifffj
loc/Aeiteader.”— : - j|
f It may bo well lo 'remark, that in this, age of .th<|
world, iittlo or no importance is attached to the progj
nosticstions of the weather, and signs .m'they! are
said to influence . men and things.. Thit is r/gW |'
they should be Viewed os harmless
.rather than relied upon as matters of scriouaconae-.
or scientific truths. \Yc trust that tlie in
• lelligent pari of the community will hear'with us; if
for the sake of. weaker brethren, we trespass a liulp,
longer in this respect. Yet, we will warrant our
weather, and signs, to be equal in quality, if not p
littlo superior, to that which appears in .any other ah
mknac. \ •. fi. C. UILL.
■lo 1849 there will be two eclipses of the Snnaijid
-two of the Moon. :i •
:Pauotootc*L IwtrmrrE* —The regular meetings
of- the abovo named Association have been resumed.
.The question for discussion on' next Saturday even*
ing is of considerable Interest. It is as follows:
iJfcso/l'fd, That-llie nomination of military menus
candidates far the highest offices in llifi Government
isuoworthy of the Christian civilization of the ** noon.
of thO; pineteeuth century,**'and the election <>}
aiicH ivotiid be a relrogade. movement - towards bar
bsris&j* aud jproye highly prejudicial to the beat in*
tflrests and true glory of the American people. ;
ipbilo Hail is open to the public, as usual. ;■
IBS' Wo have often wondered that more accident?
td children did not occur m the market house, for
We have seen-much reckless■-playing-abnui_,iho,
butchers' stalls; Yesterday u little girPaboni eight
y£ars of age, having been induced to climb up one
of the-stalls in tho Allegheny market house, slipped
-and fell. Her hand struck upon a. hook, which tore ;
away n thumb; and she was oilierwise seriously in
jured. Dr, Dicksonovas called upon to dress the.
Wound. • • • v ■■•■■■■ •- ■ - .■■■ .
Amringo has a long; letter in the ‘‘.Young
America, ” in reply to Dr.,Snodgraes, in. winch lie
opposes stmngly the. Buffalo nominations, hecanßC
the Platform does not come up to the “ free Soil,’’:
standard.' He goes for Smith and Knot for President
ajul Vico President, This party will not have an
Electoral Ticket Jit.this Stale; Mr. V. A. left, on
list Monday, on a second mission lo Wisconsin. ;
* Accident.-—An old gentleman named Simmons,
while walking on the brow of Coal Hill, above Sli
go, on Monday afternoon, by some accident fell over
one of the rjuarrics— a distance ol twenty feel; and
■was almost fatally injured. A young hoy made tho
discovery Of the accident, and exerted himself to
have tho old man moved to his home, in Upper Su
' Saule BnornEus;—By reference to our.adverti
sing column, It will bo seen that this famous bandof
Serenaders- intend giving one of their inimitable
Concerts nt Apollo Hall, this evening;, It, being
their first Concert, aftersuccessful;tourthrough
Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio, we doubt
but they will draw a largo audience. >
• t pg- Eastern papers cal! this the .commencement
of theßurglary season. The operators have made
a sprightly beginning in tbie neighborhood.
a night has passed without a burglary of some extent;
having been committed- But the rnscals,in some,
woy, have escaped detection.*v
Strrawic profession wtllhe pleased
to learn ; that in the absence of the official Reporter;
during this term, his Unties will, at his request, be
assumed by James S; Craft, Esq;, whose valued ab
stracts of last year were originally published through
this paper. *
“Nectar.”— This is the name of a winter bever
age, which Johns’ of Handstreet, haa commenced .
making. ■ Moblora’ 'Fifth and Wood, is one: ot; tfio’
places, where it can be had; .. The.drink IS, said to,
<be pleaednt aad wholesome. • .
f female “Wandering minstrels” (i aye been
! about, the city forseme days;, but what seems strange
is the fact that, not a paper has noticed them..with
i denunciations fur blockrog up thopavements. . •
: S|C We heard of a green grocer in this city-who
haa bcen seliing toichildren peach atonements for
,shclled almonds; • Ho oughthaiie a litltcofthebark
taken olf him. i
■ SiT The Mercer county papers seem to ,gel their
local editorials from Pittsburgh.papers. The arrest
of Pratt, for instance. , i
Thc:toiii3.—Onlythrce casts, and a slnpidirio
they made.
! : BSTLnst night 'the .weather, was very!plcasanl..
i ID 5 " Wd S. District Conrt-cTlis,
District. Court will meet every da} : .19.9
from 111 to t o'clock Persons wishimi 10 he /niurnliuil
Had better pee to it in pme ft le
EJ-Democratic Mass MeCtlnß.-T.c Deni
Ocrac) of the ■Sieili, «evcmb and Jighlh nerds of ibr
oityfund of Pill Township, wilt men nt the; Hh AVard:
School House, onSnmtdnj eieninc next, JUIII nwt n| If
O’clock- Col. Snml. W- Blneki .A. Burke, Eaiu tJoI.M ;.
Candless. and H: 9. Magriw, fcsqvwdt'be presem and
address the meeting. Come one! Corneal!!. scp2B-w^
V VV ; ' •'
\ - < ’
- »
Reported fbr jSgoniifig f|gt.
J T Marlin, Charge died of appoplexy
on the 26th mat.
The stcamer'Kuropa sailed lo*lay for Liverpool,
vn Halifax, mih one hundred passengers and s4o,*
000 m specie. '/
> September 3T-Bf. v. '
Flour,.The market i heavier thau'yesterday,««
the business done is via small concession, SileSof
Genesee were made 10-day e*t $5
* Gram.. There in more doing in. Com, and the
market has on upward tendency, with sales of Prime
White at 67®6Sc ; sales of Prime 7oc. Ip
| bushel; nn advance- Wheat* $1,20c, i&afilied.fiiT.
| Prime White. ■ ■ r - **
■ ProvisionsilThhreis leas’tanvcmenVip'Pofhjtljb
market being steady. ,/ , ,
' Whiskey. .Has declined, with sale* At>S4 So :26c<
gallon. ‘ ' ,
V Thdre is no change, m other articles! usually spur
|cen of market. t \ »■ i i
September r.u.
f Flour.. There ia moreselierMhau buyers at far, 6Q
4P bbl. ' •’ ' 1
i Graini -SalesoP Prime Whitp Wheat;at $.1,16c. jp
>busbcl. .. Saleii.of. Prime; Yellow at
bußlrel, lo tlio Clientof BJSOO bushels. f '
j< Provisions.: Arc without change. ; ;
1 Grbrerieß. AVe have no change td'noKv,
* » September 27- 6p« >-
j Flour. .Moderate sales of Howard street's! $5*25
j*> bbl. Sl!e« q'r City Mills at ss;{ii‘,'to tbVoiWnt
lof 1,500 bbls.
\ Grain. .Salesof 1600 bushels of Primtfßed WhMt
lot lo $! ,19c. V bushel; an advance,. ;Corn :
} ia!ea of Prime White at Prime
Yellow at 61(362c. Oats are unchanged. 1 *
:, Whiskey. .Sales m bbls. at2Tc.
.i r Prov’iswns.vAre without change. ' . : '....
. Allegheny County* 88. v
tttJti. ■ 1« the maticr ot the administration. ac- ■
:v JSr«®SS*-''foiuil ftf J.*!; Executor* of.
George Wilhanis T dec!d,Ko..s,Maichierm ;
rAndaioW,.u.svite September
, *>Ssfe#e'Jv - the Court appoint lleade-Wasm-eton Au<
>■- ;diior. to audit the.account, and njawedistn?
button among diMrtbuurM
I By the Court. . •. JOHN. \ OLNG, Jri.Clerk,.,.
I The Auditor wilt proceed to discWr«tjie duties ofthc.
• foregoing appointment aUhe office Sc >\ nun-.
! in-Mon. o»t PourthHireetjitnhecjty co- f
i neßdartbe 25tUof Ociober. utaoVTorK. I*. M:. j!
, ua> “ RKADK WASHINGTONy Audilor. -
.. ■<■ r-.-tj.
I' mu pARTNKRBIHP i heretofore hciweert |
‘ Hole, Reinetnati ACo. was- tins day by, i
mutual consent... TU«. hu«tpes» ;hi7n..\\ tu «e i:
settled by Reiiiemnu 4- Co d^rEIN WIAN , ’
■ Sept 27th. 1549 VOEOTI.Y '
s. The business will be cotmnubd by Saota fcJßiciATjjA:.
tiud. Jons VoeuTl.v.. uliden llie etyle ol RFJNhMAIVfc
Co. .
-1U UUU WOOD VENKF.R9, At Aurtion. is Cam-
Thursday next. Oe.ioher Slit, ni 10 o clort. m
the forenoon; wilt lie sola m M'Konua's AocuoJi Booms,
iNo; 1.14 aireel.aiysCsla
lo?ue.a laree invoice • MaliOßanj.i Croich, and
and Bosewood Vem*en», reccivfii.diwcl.icom Nest.^ork
li U tKelat*>*Y*ivitfnei*t lot of Vetters,«v*rotrwd-Ri
nulilic sale in ihifc city. . i ' ’ , \
. Sf jvS ;. s'• FAMES’-M S KBNNAvAuf-t.
J' ARGESAIiKoV' OomesUf iilanlets* .RKt/irOvx. bhatcl*,.
A Frthtk'and lZnslixh'&o&t ChtW, \ and o’Jin DR\
VOVDS.n\ Au^lioir.—T<Mlajr. ,7 l'Unrsdtt> , j
ji» 10 6’clQck hrlhe forenoon, >vill be sold, at M Kcuuaa
■Auction Booms. No/114 Wood lrom'Grtjst.
a ven- laraeund^veli,selected stack of Foreign niiO itft*
meslic Fnuoy aiuV Staple ami other Dry Goods, received
direct fromrejtehsive importing Houses* P?
itfneiuri** Massachusetts turn Rhode:lslands, among
I the article* are in parUhc follow nip, vu :
[ Domestic BloitketSiabomHtOOyrfs.Frdnbb^
'lCncliMf and'American lJrond Cloths, a.large lot ©rune..
large assortment of Uonuets and. caps, lub-
FlanJtelsv AlpacaiU/MiiHliii*,
Calicoes, ike. with many other arneles. in tutt.Dry.tioods
line. Amt at the sometime the balance of Goods remain
iuc unsold from. Attached sale-orMotnlayiSoll]i,iiwlant..,
• f : sep23 • v. : JAMES OThKNNA*AncW
O TUAN L)ll) MA HttfiA NV W A
v!> lUjKEAIT- anJ-.vthtr AT AyCJ}Ob.~>
To-dny, Thursday. September 2sth. at VJ o'clock unlit ui
lernoou, will lie M Kmma * AuctJonKpom*. No:
114 Wood street r 3 doors-trout sih rstrecf, the toliovvitig
trekerrhl articles. the properiyot “ geutlemmi IraV.inffthc
citv- nil of which has been, viz f y
. L snl«»dM\ .Muhojrawy Wardrohe. L do.. Bu
reau together with n large :L=>onmcu» or gecomUiumt
* MJ;FNN - A Au ~ H
’ jo?
i. 1 x •
-v ? 3 c '
V ,
h x
New Yoke, Sept. 27—p. 11.
...... Anelior Founa. i t ' ’
lomul in the MonougnJiem n\ety
I ‘ nliuut n week qro. n stenmhpnt .nui'hoc, which l he
onu« r cnn li ive l*y ciUin^on \ouugot Ja«
a ,mpr.u„ s propt'rlj am. V,
■ ” ' ST. OUAIII lIOVSK. ;vV/■
lAHKSH OAAm, Odd 'cvery-dflifafy rtf
ihi' Ihf’iunrkft’dffrmlit, served nn at ll*.
*i,orlf»! nonee, and m lire \ fry heal <l5 If 'I hfluni'f >»
filted'Opand arranged m.llie lifrt order, undci■■ilia mil
n'.frnent or- [?epd7|. JOHN M- CAjllPllhld.
ONKS’ i*HANISSH lilhV \YHIJ‘K isihfebesii’rvimrv
niton lor imparuiijr 10-ibo "Skill rf-nalurabjiealiny.
cJeilr- UvinewUiio; ai ihe witne.uro«
smooth Dr Junes Anderson Praclifnl of
MaßsncltnseiiA. 'nay*: ‘.‘After analyzing. Joueft’Sl>ams&
Lilly Wldie.l Bud it post«e»peß .the;jnpnJ>enviifnV and
itttiumU and at ilie same lime innoceiii whiie I ever Raw.,
I : certainly eniv conscientiously -tedommenu hr use lo nil j
■whose skin lequires beautifying.** •■, ■•• L ',l;i,;.
• a Price 25 reins a box.' ;Soid only* at wChattniTn st*, jN.
Y and by Wm Juckson, Agent, R9Tiberi> street / ,
sep2s ) *
FUIiA. „ ,
-TaRcD. JAYNE-Dear Sir: Ii was' sometime lwtot*.
I J the people here would try > our Mwlieiiies. bur afler
thTTy found out their real virtues, 1
torant utitl Alterative directly, and could have sold sei
craUloreumore of each atnee they cuve out lourSan
*ime Pills ore rising very lush in the estimation 01 tlic
■people, and I shall he out of diem in a few doys.vS.ever
al persons here spent-ivell ;ot the Hair Pome Theta is
nyouuir mail in this neighborhood.\\ lio hns been rcduml
to Ills bed In Scrofula, his physician told me that he must
die; I 'told: him that I thought that Jaynes Alterative
would help him. He aid. “nil the medicines in thewOrtd
would not save, him ' I tliiul., soul I, Docuir, if you arc
done with him. I will try him; reply wa«. it you
rim cure him. the imedictne. is, worth adortuue * I sciif
the took maun bottle of:yourmltotative, whidi; lie loot,'
and in one month f Wng nblfcto vtsil hia .iieighhprs. Uhe. :
; ,ncdieiuCs;howcver.gavß.outherp,re.he,waeeiihre)>:i>vn|h
1 r wish you. il»eteforp iO Be.nil tne wore.os hoqtv ,j»i JWWv
i‘bk* ' I Kuveihe ff cp^ejOt.Can.ccr^ViUh
‘ eTeni «ucccs3. In short, ahhoußhllhouffht Vf-TJ
i 'vour articles at-first, J nowitbioVylikel hearoon o|U Mc»
Prfnchfrrfeay the oihei 1 dayj. pAbUCIy, tTiol^ou^,
• wcrMhe*'bcMmedicineBinthe w6na. , ‘ ...
■; i .AtfManon C; Hoasei.S. Cl
ror*iteauhc Pekin Tea Store, No 70 Fourth ntget
Pituborah-. -.. ... • • -
r I Hi jjist— A comlonable small dwelling-house, nlens-..
1 anil) eilunlMnn Urn I 0 "' 11 J P nrl “j
BagaloJ’«lane, h«» Oiroß-rpomoii theßrslJlqois m'o o>ul
aloft oit llic second iron! and
awl j£ large garden louconiwmng.sonwlOardSbenmig ,
fruit trees diiddfl at id .eurranunid,goo?oben> ; l«wlies |
Kelli, liincty dollars.a,year., i PpssoHWii aantediga on
the Grst of October Apply to S H®U^
■■ e flCpyZ.-i.M. J<: j.-i'i •>■•■' ■ ■■■ ■ ' '
Pook«tTßo9k:lipM; .»
i vN-Salurdtty ©veiung»b«iwccn
I 1 cirpM" a small t>ockel boolt, couianiii»g: about^p->
Tbe finder wnibcJiUerallr^cwarOedbylcavii^nanhis
officer - * . •-.•-• r * - ,
~ cpQo coil Piaino)i*»ntf Patted » lle V '
fli' .KjlUiJi; oherrueai isdupi ybtft skill s
becomes cioar, * or Beard—such n^ftlngwimn,'
SSfi«Van,:liaw licen, cured ffSSWmt Jhe.BMt ,wili. :
andyiiwiyoMciemtom T,
nfferli fo>:'iiny o£:tbe.qlHWn-.cpmßilijnts,
not do unless I knew Jt (o lie oIU (Unto ' V you have;
oSii ■?nots, Freckles, Morpliew.Tmi.gun Burnor disfig
urements of onu Iwdfit will dispel them mid male the
Hkiu lienutlful--ii is awe antidote and cure tor thaihite# i
ofmusquitoes hugs, die -T ,u .r./t,
..; irj» Bfirare
i-u*kfar' ste tFmrttffl ftntge? cfT; JcmS*
, s on raeh cake t Patton* from pr*in lbs M>uth and oilier
waWrf eliittn(ti«,'waiaW;vßit<tH»ls not
bui Uin n hei in foiling remedy fo* #iaps find chafe m
inland 4 AhdTiBi.\.Tl»a<kf, 7 fty ghfafftbisone tnat you
wilt'Bncfit"ull DreYciixnircc /.Than we ImVc atuyed above..
: Softl atB2 Ctteihom Yi mjdhy I
n«ent.a) labeny wtaffinishtH '&• } - < sgp£fl*
T^oTlND —A quaiiitt‘bf«drf r w arc. «yjcu.d wdepov
; In*nj j}v o Luinher Yard* o}ld beu«?Ved ip have, been.,
iioleb Thetfari ol the Major', where ll«*
cxnihn\eilpnproyutfpif>pKm nntfipaymgckrxa?*-/ »-
ic^ o « n ' i 0
P iSpio No 07 Market street
> > •
Corrected dadrf btf •■■. :■■■■•'■.
Pittsburgh Banks- -? par
Germantown *. •r; •vr *’ V ai
Chester, county r • •; *P« r
2k/aware ' county- • • ? • • r /J>«*
afo«reomfryco«M<yv*r - ?pa r
-AflrtAu?ftbrr/a*tf cu»m *
Co/Ban* .€to?:Fg:
Ifcarfm- * • •• i rJw
Xaricai/4Tv* *• .*-v : ***
. JJookjtotw*• .
: Batlcfl** H- r'r* •
i BurJsi coi/h/j/; ? ■ * i j * ’ •
l PalisinU*-* - - - "r *Po[
Washington' * "'■“•4
JZrotpnttUe.* . . S;--*par
fYorJb.* »•-*•■
iCAambwbKrgft •• • • *«• *• • -21
j({jrr/fi/iiwrg • ..■ s A A • *24
•• s> *>y* A • » *S4 i
\CarllsU • - * f 2J
/TflfTH&Jfgfc— :*•.»•>*'!-■’*■ -24 ,
- 1 • • •■•24 1
.Itftanou.t • .jjar
,Lnnjtom i 5 t vf V *■“
*•** • ■•’ u
- * *• ’ • “ .4!
‘s&uqtiehanna.'fDunty* • • *. • -a. |
Zehigh roroify--•**•»• "H
foto/ iVoto-.-. < "•**H
City and County Smpj." **i
\ State Banb\th£ Afanrft?
1 Ki kktlTUCK 1
i Alt- Ranh: :•••• •
£ nttrtwa' . „
; EasUniEanks ** t
Br ::v»
«£ra?/eVa/ i|brgaiJttU!A-«'r*4
:ißahutiorc city •'/.♦ • .• ‘V a \
{ Country Ranks- - • ntl
Country Banks-. \'}t
\All solvent hanks- -• • • -.• • • J
■ Kainjield- -.r •?-•• • • •.-•nosaL
breuiinn or tjic U nMed^aittie*^.^
N mir.anth'eof Jiro,l, Jumen K. Polk, P/Midmi of
thelUnited Slate* of Americas dohoreta.dcolare and-
Make ktitron, that public aales will beheld at the ondfr
meiiilqnetl Land Odtcep in the Slate of Michigan, at Jho t _
period* hereinafter designated, to wit:... . . ;\
*At the Jaml office at ihevSoult Ste. Marie, commencing ; r
on Monday the sixteenth day of Octobernext, for-tbe drti-.>. ■*; -
posal of the public lands situated wiihnv.-ilifr andermenr/. f,
' tioned townsMps-aud parts of townships. to.wit: •
“AVrfA cf tht bast lnif-, and icestcfthe pnnnpal mmaiun.-
» The nod South Fox •Islands,-* s«anted m frao*| j.
i liohal townships ihirty-fourfcndthmy-five, of range thir.Vfc.
I “Mamlou in fractional townshipSv I
thirty-one find thirty-two. of range fourteen, awl fraepon-,;. v
iiohmtowjisWpa'ilurtyithirty-one and .
s^ eC n. . ■. •. r ■ •■* - - * •
Township* forty one and forty-two. of range twqnlV. ,r, <
*«. Townships tori>-one and fonj -two, of range twepiy 1 - 3
one , . , • ' y.
, Township fort* -one, of range twenty-two. **
E Townnhipfortvone. of range twenl>-Uiree. '
i ' At the land office *r lotlirt; commencing ott -Momiay*. 5,
the iweiilj -Third day of October next* tor the disposal o|
Ml»* public lands within the uiidermeniioncd irnruouai-.
*tbwuBbips, sUuntcd in tlie;.former- Jffanbtee lnuinm.Ke-s„|
Worth qf'tht ban* line* and . -X
• Fractional townships twenty-one sad twentyitwoy ot ( *,
jange thirteen * 1* V
Fractioiial townships twenty’-dne and tueUt>-twp, oi .
range, fourteen - .
\ Fractional townships twenty-one nna, £
c JFrocUoiifll lowiwM..!-*. -
tango fifteen * r, e
Fractional townships twenty-one /ami- twenty-two, oi >
-anze seventeen. .. jf ,
■ 1 l<anils appropriated by law.fbr.tbe um oCschoaliVßhM* t.
tary or other purposes. wilhheexoluriedfronr the satt?^*<oj ■>•/.
v-The offering ottlic altovemenlionedland** WA».be coujt,..,*
inenced onilie days appoint eri.anU,pro<*eedni thermit- j
ill which thev are advernsed, with alt Conveoiem diL ~. ;:
uoich.'untit’the whole shaH have; beeu,offered,.and..lke
saleathus closed. 1 - Bui no sale'shall he lteptopdnlongcr *..?..
tliaiitwo xvqeWnud no pnvata.ejitTy of ony-of/tue jttnus- *.
-'will he admitted until after ilia expiration of. lhe tw^
Given under myhaml at the-City of '\Y ( .
I eight-day of July, anno Douitm one thoosnnd eight ikupv ..ft.
d«.l ami fort , A VES Jf P01.fc,.. ' |
( Bj the President, ‘ ‘
i-Rilhabb M Ym.NO
... Commissioner oi the Generali*aml Onir*.^£
u .j Evexj* person-entitled lo the -right of pre-erdPiiQU to.
f liny of the lands within the tmvDshipsaud lracuopni.loiytt-, a ;
shins aliove *,
to the sHii*fuciiflU of the Register aud Ufceiver{Qls.lhe. ; ;
proper Land Office, and make payment therefor, as soou; i*
ns pnieiicahre mieT seeingthis-notice, nJidbefoitr thedajT -j.
hppdiflteit for ihecoimnenceinenl mlbo pnbue snle.ol
lands einbmcimrthe lruct claimed, other Wise. such.clajiir
<wiil bc forfeiied. - .BICHARO M., iOENG^_- 7 -- 3
*■*. • .Commissioner ot the. General Ladd. Office- «-A*.
IHlawlJiv_ . 1 <_
irpOBACCO—2O boxes-Congresses lump, Rus>dl .A>.J;
"X Robinsons, , „ , 1 ~ * ,
i •JU boxesCongressss lump, Samuel Myers,«;•«■.> ■
i>U *• " tVs Mac A Mae, , , <
0 % extra 1 1b lump Samuel Myers» , «|
5 “ puptr 1 to *
' 1 :case dwarflixs. i fc u .- •• • * k ex *? a
10 * ‘ c i hJ ‘ ‘ super
.. *» i <!.:■•?■■ .-ti ■ j u: iffi ‘v Thomus'i for valr-hy ,* * j
-VI foul t \ <iM> COA'l’S « fine ariicje, ,
\\ Monti* ajid Cpp* I*
< 110-'Oior children;
-"v- -
1 Boas* f „ \
l Ca*Uninreimd Vcrlin wtjli-a flue jkrmjlc .
■of buckukin, mid nt'cnernl aworlmf?»l of Glorejli •,
sefv‘J3 No- ’Mnrkevtu S>h bl A Piamond r
*%IfDsT S. BKAMMLb GINN Ac pipe*.Cog* -
\\ nftc Brmidr ‘ Jos , J 1 . „
2hi pipe* Cognac Umn«l>, y ls » Oia«J,Dupii) &Coi £
«l «. 1 » » “Pinet Coitilhm ACa *
t‘2octa\e* Ro<.M>e " * \ le* ' '
r, ,»r cask-t «up PnMSherry Wine,tfDaffGordon &Co.” ;
f. .< i; r '. u r« ‘’ < {(S? •
■ jiy u--'v:'
(0 1 1 ‘I P TtMienlTo % ‘ Cafpentei*V T j f
40 ' « 1 Oporto “vrnrUm* grade-*,
HO* u ” fclnbnu ‘ \ ** « * 1
10 doi anti 20 bbls. HawiSfluienieiWine jV>
10 ‘ Bordeaux Cinrt i, Montt^raiul,’ 5
15 “ Marseilles K 1 Bereas*,
* 15 baskets Champagne Wiue, > Ifeidseick v*; :•.,•■• >.-• .■■..•<-« *■■♦,■
15 « ‘ “ PA MummA-Co’
v jo 1 * 1 1 Jat|HeroirA.‘*on*i M *’*
«- 50 cases Cluret, oi various imported ;in|(otilps
10 > ( Bordeaux OhveGil, crop ie43 J “I.ttfsUda i! , r . A .^
5 *i « . 4» i •*- “Ltildurs, ’ -*
SO “ MitrrfiHe* ‘ “ '■ '"jnMireMiwaotad"
'.for sale to (»pst, MCI.I.KR & RrCKCT^OSs'.
c|]ud £ Brotlier>> Frifmlprn^Gold Paps. »
I4>A TK)Z> : n3sbYted wzcsj warranted brands ; HO do** |
i i Vipiona-'Pens; 'just received and.
trade at New loft P-^ v^n TODD * co ,
N F. I*or Fifth dntl Market at*, (up stairs) * t
• The Highest prentfmrrevefawnrded fm Gold ,
giveii to Brjnl&Brolher*, utthfliasr foir.ot the Maasa- ;. ,
chuselKChardnble Mechanic Associatsmu nl Bos|ou._
1 Also, ihe highefctpremium.ut the Frauklin InsUmle,: .
Philaddphla , ,
"iriOßCOiip \VKATHKBrrWi K,MUiU*H\ inyueafui nv
J* leulioa lo Ins < xtclleui «*upplv oi— ,
Horoermule IMunlrts', > ‘ , ,
F,astern ‘ very superior r f ;
Homemade Flannel*; • . . ? .
Haifern u -* 1 ».
• TwilWQ ’ ‘ Red and While, v
Weldi* *■ unshmritaUe,
UntorttVirts,' Silb,'Conati^nndMftrino ; -Alpactji ■; fend
Flcee\ SxIW Hose tama do (a superior article,) at low
price* at Norili»En»i corner Fourth ami Market Mrew
in* Country meretmnl* * til pieoae remember bN
Wholesale >Roaipi r onfSti story* where good*.bre
•pncoiuthavwtH plyaw; ; , ••• [nepgu.
„1, you niilfbc wiiDout i) benojfnL set of «tn:o
i • pearl) TEETH, alia a tvsett, rrograut EJreaUi,
when -vdtt- cnn'have them boll* b> ;UiUvsf,a of 3
7on«’ Amber noth fastt* 1t •wiuienjrf ih? Teeth* bnrdjhi* '
the Gum< sweeten* the Breath, nncf i* mthoat tir?p- ,
nod. the mosMieMilitot and economical aenlriMe oyer
,, , frp Liberty PnUlmtgh.
M‘ Bellas :iy r :,
v . 18 “ «' black * \ail-j
ous widths? just Tfic’U at
scplg » 1 ZBBUI.ON KINSRVg
bhls.;ay£e.sJo,3 Mackerel; .
' -v *S*“ “ No. 2 *•' '
MasafccbukeUa iHSdccUon r ju« received nmtfor*aleb>-'-
»ep2o «' * *» -MTLLBR fe’-MCKKESOX f _ .
T)ATKNI* WHpyOllf'tSlMKl^—4l kepi Vat Wro 7
sizes; »n f store and forsafe b>-;vv.
tefit. B. . KING & MOOBHKAP
MACK<iHt;Ui-J6(( bbls.T>o 3 >
*r»olabi , , SMirH Sr SINCLAIR. .-« 1
tt lli j i. , ; , Nn SB Wood ftreel |
MAI groi*Jrtiaclie» towala l>)r ' " ‘
• aenlGw/ -.-o DiamondscorneroElXagtoftd tt wy»• 5
Bo»UT'Soa»(Swertf brand J-* v •*
Jft *« To/iagaiedBoapOVflkerj)ohjiadd
and (brittle hy.‘(&epl6)>i > .'KING t .MOORHfiAT). .
eCTenencctt book«keeper-M>ne vvfcQ:
VV UevoieTn^a^n.
tlon exclronvclv tp'buMriew.' -Address pox No. SP7-,| .
MMULLTSN ac DOWNINt'. 0 ? PtafaW*,
Korr fio 2lB7nberty street, opposite Sc\enth at ri , >
sep2o*y ” it' ? * > •
JAS Third at, nfkf T:
Wood—*»i--Charles „ *
ai Jkliß»'HelicT» r », «k Fdortb atree4a.fe w v
if aWp' Woodi»lreci,iiui»l iUP cqpip)ehoiiof iba bouw k<
nearly opposite. Teeftv in blocks, ,*yilbort»fir»al«oiß»,:i
(after die manuCEnoyyuiHvemUyprjrfer theeashl
mnnuiaclure4 to #ml each particular case,-Te9lh<from,u
a full i:ei. dpw»lo ojiCyinscried on a suction plaice.
r Avoidiug uyury to the nptoral:teeih.,-. Spcpimeos 44 *
bldcktf dud suction plate?: may be examined at I the offieo.y -
-: 'AIl i operauounrrtcxdentlo the profession performed
care nml faithfulness 1 f*cV>7-3m 1 1
.Xrfiive-iwiystaihe purify mg and tomc-powers of
ItlaidiiJPhemuut &Qap. -It ia ndapied lo aii disease*-'OfVf
ihe-pki«iipncb'rflar'l:an,-Freekles^MorpbO^' ,^^lc^e Vi
Storvyy Erysipelas,
well 10-giv# OiisodrtUTnhle blnal* ;i ty ww.t*, £ •;
• bpl^*»‘Wt"<i'lurg«eake:.;’Be xurfe-tp UfkJbr- i
lurr Chemical Soup 4 Fdrsale by ’**' . i T
* “ WM. JACKSON. Agent
sepia 69 Liberty st* Pittsburgh.
—?«• ••
* rU- ’ '
• -r v
Statißank andbraneha;* Ak
Cincinnati Bank*.- 1 '•*•••* It
Ctrclecißc \Lawentt)" • • -it'
Columbus i>anJk**.- v**»li
Sandt/ ky • ■» 5
6tau£<x ■ • • 1J
tforvajfcf/ *4 ft i* #.
iV< wUjttfijM.'' c/-»•&*’44 . •
IToo4/<t.* • • • • '•.* T • • •
Marietta » « »» * j »vH
CJfTdahdit 4*4 i U
Sctoto— - * w . J -
Lafjcwifrv.M- •• r «.
f£2M#<o/l.rj' • v* •■??.* * •*.'
Can/o/i *— ** •• '• *®
CTrSnua *■ £;*
Granville- U >S» f
State Bank and Branch**** _
jpa«fc tjf flhnois 7•*
i - MICJJIG4X , 4
\Ktteln '* *
{{suimmce »■* »> *
jtolr-Bdfli « 5
\QaklaudcQUTUy * •
I Farm mid Meek. f
Si. Cla.r-r, ~nas ale,, -
" * 'MISSOURI, :'' w \ '
iWt£?:Yori- • -i 1 i
RAito4elpA«a.*‘*'“ :r.-r.*T.v,‘'i:
Halfrtnort,-.*.* .*■*••!> v *‘Vri ,j> t -.
Amrr; Goldiprem.) ■ »*•; :.r*v«. ;.i;
OW* ■ -Vo— do* 5
Guineas. ■ »•'■■"»'’* J ' '
Soremffm. -4 *vi 5?
FrwfrnftfcJors* • •/.•.■»• v v >7 JQ,* ;■•■•
Ten Thalers-• • •:.: 's7T:fO.
Ten GiiHdm--* r -
£ouu<f©rs •. .♦.• ,• *4 25..--I
Ntxvoleons • ••D m> >
iX>u6ioon t Spa»i»li? • 0® J •
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