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A* »> v A ' * *4 J A -C f >I> U W ‘-iCC 1 - v- b-‘-- 'xTSif, 'S**^-*- -JSM b T 'fS b.. 4 r ,*4,* v,*« - V b-”, *m?-i °^ V v .* b 1 >4» 44 r-fc-t* V 4 >M- % i, *>;b% i -b v4'7- A ' ; : t&4 :k>s|lte : i'^/v;V'' v ; : :'5% ' : ' v ; ' ! :- : : ■■"'.'^l : :' ::mx. p\ - ••'• ■- :., * v , 8 7, - V-"%y '■ 1 }'S'"''**« * r ' ' * & .'<■ " - liiliaHliiWiiK FPIttSBURQ H t - ' j, iDAY MORNING, SEPTEM'R'ST, IS4B V ■ ’W 'tr&Xji A Z TfEW AND CHEAP WEEKLY FAMILY PAPER ■ *'.<* / THE PITTSBURGH SATURDAY MORNING POST “*• —TDtVOTKD TtH* POLITICS, NEWS, LITERATURE, 4*« 4■<“ _ ' PAPER, containing mm ®F/ weekly pnbh.lied West of *e Sromnain'> o de ‘ SiSSSS wm be epwd 10 tender to fWay framing .'•■> ■ i Poiir one of to most Instructive and acceptable newspa ' per everissued at the • • • .-. V In it* POLITICAL DEPARTMENT the poper \vtll ’aim to be the faithful and honest exponent of the Prinoi* pie* of the great Demoouttc Pasty—the People's Pm *• n—the Party of Progress, Honest) and Troth A\ e • Rb*Jlfeariesaly expose the unnghtdon?doings of.reder / » In whatever gmse it -may present itself, .or/uniter twin will be the object ofape .clal eareand auention. 'Every thine that i»ng;,nrtcr*. estlng 'and exciting. will be fmihroltyehromcled, the Various line* of MAGNETIC TEEMRAPH bang . completed from Pmsburgb ,to nearly every leading ci> :••■■■• v :-in the Union, we sbaU.be enabled to . : ; >.>■.: up to the latest momenta full digest ol.nll theSl iKKIi " ' I^tofaTERARY D BEPAHTJIENT, i« “g a °, sasafew ‘smriS each week will be devoted exclusive!) to ?W«» Pw!rv EiciraaAv, History, Moral Essays^e , fe in short, wc ■ S^^“t^^^?toF"'f C wiUc2ow lOTEffitGENcilwi shall furnish oar readers each week witb on extenaive andaccurote ' REVIEW OF THE PITTSBURGHiMARKET, c are: *■ Wlrmade up from actual saves ; together with the mar keiiof PArtade/pAia, Baltimore .Net* York, Boston,£m~ 'ciruiatu Hao Orleans, Si. louts. Ac., receivedUvTele graph and other sources, tip to.the latest moment before ' : going io press. The fluctuations in the Money, Market, Pnceaof Stock, Exchange, Ac- will also be careful!) ; • .. : noted tn each number. - PB£SUVHS. • Toencoarage-Western Talent, we shall pay u liberal bompensation to tny person-who wilt furnish its wiih either Wes. -Poetry or Essays which shall -bedeeraed - worthy of publication by a- Committee selected-to? that , . ufc*pre» purpose. • >. :<2> Y.-W TERMS OF THE SATURDAY MORNING POST. X. v • IP* In order to secure a lanre circulation, we®***** WfgVlv to the pablic ontcriu* here* . . ..tefore nnsutpaasedby anypaperinthft'V*Bt v Todotlus. ■ the CASH SYSTEM will be strictly adhered to: ■ r, v . ; - For,rcopy,madvance,-* .^•.sa.ou - id"#* " • ".IS «* 20 • ° • • *.• - -25.00 •; v a 50’ «• >60.00 f “100 ‘ OLVB&lNOt •To on? person 'whowill obtain the largest number of • subscribers to the Saturday MomingPost. (not lev* than we ahalLpresent copy of Sbakspeare a Plays, - ; mftndjdly bound, worth at least £5,00. besides .a co* .... py of the paper for one year* To the person who ■?■:willpiwure the next largest number of subscribers, we shall present * beautiful edition of .Lord Byron a Poems, ' worth at least 84.00, and a copy of the paper. : POSTMASTERS AND OTHERS, To whom this Prospectus may be seat, are respectfully ' requested to act a» Agents in procuring subscribers to the Saturday Morning Post. To the person who will procure • lOaabaenbetSiWe wtn forward one copy of the paper, • apdtheir exertions -will otherwise be..handsomely ter Warded. ; . .. . ■v. - fJT'Leuer* must be addressed (post paid) to ___• Ij. HARPER* •i Editor ant PnprtttorofiheSaitirday&bTmngPcit, Pi us-, burgh, Fa. • September Is, IS4H. SOMETHING- FOB WHIG DOUGHFACES t v C3*6en. Taflor bas RECEBTLY inve*t«i ONE -HUNDRED THOTJSASD - therefore eannot be in favor of the Wllmot Provi- K<-~Spetch of Balie Payton, {whig) in La. -' The Taylovites won’t Bet. . ' • A wrfter In the Richmond ihguirer, offers to. bet @I,WH) that Gen. Cass gets more elsetoral cotes be lort-the people, (including Sooth Caroline, which votes bp the people,) for President of the tT. S., id -November next, thin Gen. Taylor; also, 4500 that Virginia gives 3,000 majority for Cass; the bets to bo taken' separately or jointly at thought best. These offers have been standing since the sth inst., and no Tat/lertit has been boid enough to take them. Cheering from-Maryland* We leers from the Washington Union, teat e fine democratic barbecue come ofat Upper Marlboro', Md.,on Thursday last.. The day was remarkably fine, the number ra attendance very large, and the whols-proCeedings moat enthusiastic. Speeches were made by Gen* J. M* 1 McCalls, of Kentucky, B. ~ F;-BrOVfl, of Ohio, and Dr. Owen, ofAnne Arundel, the elector for that district. We can assure our . ''friends abroad, (says the Union) that the prospect is ■ * 7 "eery ftattenng in Maryland, and that.the eight elec*' total rotes Of that gallant Slate may be set down for Casa and bailer. ■ ■! Trtt) Tom»s.—There ware four or fire yesterday >■ :mording. A h°y was: Ibund asleep near the.caual ' basid. He said he ivaa emplojed on the boat ; sat : t down tn rest oa shore, and “the first thinghe knew j;- he khownothing”—he was.asleep; but not drunk; ■ . no, not drunk! Bui hisoonntenanee gave the lie to this d'eclaration; and we unhesitatingly say, that we can take the oath of the. watchman. He wished- to be discharged this time, oa the boat might leave be- fore the twenty-four hours were op. But he went ttnJiehdl-A German, a good looking,intelligent, endonce respectable man, was broughtin for sleep* ijng ln notable without first regiatenng hia name in ' the clerk’s office, yHe eicited the pity of all who ,'beheldhimfor #V was evidently a poor fellow, jast entered on the road to nun. He was never in the lock np before, but now that, he has began, he may become.a regular visitor so long as he lives.. • I A clse of supposed larceny was brought up for i inteatigqHftiti’k A returned volunteer was at a Liber* ty atreetlsbareon Monday afternoon j he said be went id sober,- bet got drank and fell asleep. While - : in this situation, a man was observed putting bis <<. .7 hahd into his pocket; but did not take anything. ’" Both went to the Mayor's, office, in company with an officer, and being in an unreasonable situation the - : pfoyotlocked both up -till yesterday morning. . It turned out that the accused was innocent, and that thr keeperof.the home had taken his money Tor safekeeping; and restored it to him. ■; Bean Bcatriso nr Romnsos Townsine. —Alder- man Morrow’s oflicewas well filled yesterdayafter. ■ noon, with citizens of Rohmaon, who had come to participate in, and.look on, the trial of two men, - ‘Clarke and Dick, who were charged vritb having jet fire to the bam ofWm. Adama,in eaid township. ■■■■ It appeared that Adama and Clarke are brolbera-m* law, end ha«e been engaged in a family quarel far ' yeart. About eigbteea montba ago, Clarke made ■ - threat! that be would “ make an illumination of the V buildings, l ' or used words to this effect. On. Sun* dayj (tho day after the fire,) Clarke called upon 'Adama, but aval not admitted, and Mrs* A. obinCßd ' ' him badly. This eiaiparated him, and he made fooliah throat about tyhat he.nronld do to them. vV.'-ituplciOD being , entertained, Adame made informa* ■V- tinn,and had Clarke arrented.: Before the Alderman he proved an alibi. As, to Dick, there waa noj.n. ' "particle of evidence against him. ■ The Alderman deemed the testimony in Clarke’s case: insufficient, •' "anddischarged him in thiscaae; but bound him OTer t > to keep the peace towards Adama. ■ - --"- f kr."Mellonfappoared for prosecution ; Messrs. ‘ MeCandleaa andHowattlfor defence. "?•. matt who waa seed, m liberty enaction :: ‘.Sunday* with s snafc* in hie Jut, Waetryingto eeU ■Ji Ts coon nesr'the new Court Honae on. Monday, and -haa aiuce been committed by on alderman ; for, vpg rancy. He ta a genini* _ 1 " ~p?r- John Dunn and Miss Cruise manage to.kfep ,1_ the audience in a rmr, without mnclr effort. Tie/ -<■ aje Can comedians, anil we speat sincerely wfcen "" ’ we say that (he-enure company; this la Very good. Mr* Madison isvery much liked. . , " sar The Chronicle say (bat Wm. Larimer, Jr , has been spoken of as (lie successor of Ljiuia , ■ M’Line. vl- • . . . .. K-:> . k * ( Aclswiid KeMlntlo)U,puied mt tbeFlrat naUroMtlx Congress., _ ['. •. tPcTßUt—Smbere, having the qualifications of voters as here- 1 idler prescribed, whose term of seme* shall con- 1 iiie three veara.' Immediately after they shall be , kembledj *in eonsequenco ofthe first.election, | ev shall be divided a* equally, aa may be Into three , stsos. The seats of the members of councils of] e first class shall he vacated at the expiration of, e first year; of the second class at. the expiration | the second year ; and of the third class at the ] Iplratioa of the third year, eo that one-third may | • chosen every year; if vacancies h’Ppen by | iaiunatioh or otherwise, the came shall be. filled at i la next ensoingelection. The.boose or represen- ( lives shall, at it* firstsession, eonsut of eighteen ember*, poeaeesing the eamc qualifications a* pre ribed for member* of the council,and whose term 'service shall continue one year. The number of preientatives may bomcreased by the legislative laembly from time to time, in proportion to the in -ease of qualified voters; Prodded, That the whole umber ahall never exceed thirty. An apportion-, lent shall be made as nearly eqoal a* practicable,; none the several counties or distneu, for the elec-, on of the council and.representatives, giving to acb section of the territory representation, in tnc Itio of its qualified voters, at nearly as may be. red the members or the council and house ol rep eaentslivtsshaU reside in and be inhabitants of the; istrict, or county, or counties, for which they may e elected respectively. Previoua to the fim.elec ion, the govemor.ahsll cause a census or eonmera ion of the inhabitant* and qualified voter* of the ever*! counties and district* of the Territory to be i sken by inch perron*,: and in *neh mode, a* the gov nor shall designate and, appoint; and the persons ; o appointed shall receive a reasonable compeoxa. lon therefor; and the Aral election shall be held at | och time shd places, and be conducted in such nanner, both as to the person* who shall soperm-, end auch election, and the returns thereo r , aa the Governor ahall appoint and direct; and he shall, at he same time, declare the number of members or he council and house of representatives to which >ach of the counties-or districts shall be entitled ander this act t and the governor shall, by hi*, pro-. tarnation, give at least .isty days previous notice of tuch aoportioomeDtp • tad of the time, placet, and inaoner of holding such election. Tho personshav ing the highest number of legal vote# jo each of bid council district* for member* of tho council, shall be declared by the governor to be duly, elected io the council J and tlic persona having the highest number of legal vqte* for the house ol representa lives, shall be declared by the governor to be duly elected member* of said houto: Protided, ftial m cate two or more persons voted for shall have an equal number of volet, and m case a vacancy shall otherwise occur,in either branch of the legislative assembly, thegovernor shall order a new election, and the persona thus elected to the .legislative as. aethbly shall meet at auch place and on such day, within ninety days after such elections, at the guv ernor shall appoint; but, thereafter, the linje, placo and munner of holding and conducting all election* bv the people, and apportioning the representation in the «cterai conotic#ordi«tncUlo the.council and house of repiesentaUscs, according to the number of qualified voter*, ahall be pretenbed by law, a# well aa the day of commencement or the regular Sessions or tho legislative assembly -. Protided, That ho session in any one year shall exceed.thojerm of sixty days, except the first session, which shall noy be prolonged beyond ono hnndred days. _ . 1 : Sec 6. And be it further enacted, That every] white male inhabitant above the age of twentyows , vearf, who shall have.been a reaident of aaul Tetrtt tore at the time ofthe paaaage of thm attend ahalj. possess the qualifications hereinafter .pre»cr,b*d, shall be enUtled to vole nt tho first elcction, and. ■ shall he eligible to any office within.the.said Tnrrl tore, hut the qualification* pf voter* and of bolding, office, nt all subsequent eloctions, shall bn shall be prescribed bv the legislative assembly^ 1 1 Provided, That the right of Buffrage.and of bolding' office shall be: exercised only by citizen* ofthe Uni ted States above the age of twenty one |e»r*jxnd those above that nge who ahall bay? deeforea; on ; oath, their intention to-become a achy nod shall have 1 taken an ostb ter support the constrtUlinnortheUni ted’Sia.tes and the provisions oflbia.aei: And pro. \ : Tided,further, t That no officer,, *oldier, »eaman, at mariner; or ntber perron in the army or nary of Uie United States,or attaehed to troops in the roryico of the United Stattt, shall bnAllowed to vote m said . Territory, by r«*ron ofbeiogiqn**f*ina •heroin, an lessuid Territory; ta end ha* been for the period of six monthshiapennaeentdnmicll -. Provided,furth er, That no perron belonging to the army or navy ofthe United iSlates shall ever be elected to, or hold any eivif.qffiM or appointment in, said Territory. I Sxc. B. Andbeitfurther enacted, Thatthe legis |.|ativn power.-ofthn I .Territory shall: extend, to nil I fightfolsobjeet* of legislation not inconsistent with the constilution nnd law* ofthe United States; but no Jaw shall be passed interfering with the primary J disposal of the soil; no tax shall bo. imposed upon j the propertv of the United States; nor shall: the lands or other property of non-resident* be taxed I higher than the land* or other property of residents. [ All the laws paued by the legislative assembly: ahall be submitted to tho Congre** of the United states, and, if disapproved, shall be null and;or no effect: | IProvidtd, That nothing m.thia act shall be consuu- 1 ed to giye- power to Incorporate. a bank, or any in-1 slitulinn with banking powers, or to borrow, mooev ! in tbename oi the Territory,‘nr to pledge the faith i of-the people'of theßameifor any loan, whatever, eitherdirertly or indirectly. ' No charter granting i any privilege of making, inning; or patting into cir- 1 I rulation 1 any'noiee 'or bills in the likeness of bank [notes, or any bond*, scrip, drafts, bills of exchange i or obligations,tor . granting any other banking pow-1 ere nr privileges,- shall be passed by the legislative assembly; nnrshall tho establishment ol any branch i nr ageney nf- any such corporation, derived from i other authority,- tnr-allnweil uf -said-Terntoty; nor: 1 shall said legislatiyeassembly aqtborizethe issue of i any other Obligation,'Scrip, or evidence af.deot by.i ' *• V t » '* ? jp-c i-j.vc /■ if j*-V 4i : v*Vus i ' l - , £ ; " - *. # .. .j-. ■v.\ .-£. - V ; v ; —1 -y-f 1 ; * " “ z * r * r, . I * said Territory, in any mode or manner whntoyer, except certificates for Services io «4id Terrtioryj and. all such laws,*or any law orjawisnconaisiepl \tilh the proviaionB;orthi*Tictrtfftall ; bkbuttheaise|ismcnts shall be actorditig'lo TboreoO - Teratoid* improper ingoencea which may result from intermix* ing inone aod the aame act such things as have no >roper relation to each other, every law shall em .bracQ but one object* and that-shall be expressed in the title. y * • Bec. 7. And be it further enad«f,:That fill law* ship, district, and county officers, not herein other*. wise provided for, shall be appointed or elected. In such manner aashaU be provided.by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon* • . . Sec. 8. Arid be it further en&cfetf, That no mem ber of the' legislative assembly shalUiold,or. be ap pointed to, any office which shall have been created, or the saliry or emoluments of which thaUyhate; been increased, while he .was a member, during the term for which he was elected* andfor one yeanaf ter the expiration of such term; but thtsrcstriction shall not be applicable to members of the first legis lative assembly} and no persou holding* a commis sion or appointment under the United States shall be a member of the legislative assembly, or shall hold any office under the government of said Terri- tory. Sec. S.Andbt it further enacted, That tbejudici* ary power of said Territory shall be vested m a su ireme court, district courts, probate courts,and;in , ustices ofthe peace. The supreme court shall con sist of a chicrjustice:and two associate justices, any two ofwhorn shall constitutes quorum,nudAvho shall hold a term at the seat of government of said Territory annually* and they shall hold their offices during the period of four years, and nntil their, suc cessors shall be appointed and qualified* The said Territory ehall he divided into three jadiciatdistncts, and a district court shall be held to each of said dis- tricui byopeoftliejasticesof tho supreme court, at tucKwtncs and places at may be prescribed by Jaw; and the said judges shall after their appointments, : respectively, reside in the districts which shall be assigned them. Tho jurisdiction of the several courts herein provided lor, both appelate and origi nal, and that ol tho probate courts and of justices of the peace, shall be at limited by . Iaw ; : Pr.ovl&td, That jusUcev of the peace shall noi have jurisdiction ofany in whiebthe title to lands shall in any wise como in question, or where the debt or damages claimed shall exceed One hundred dollars; and the ■aid supreme and district courts, respectively, shall, possess chancery,, as.well - os.common law,juris diction. Kach district court, or tbojadge thereof, shall appoint its clerk, who shall also be tho register m chancery, and shall keep his office at the-plaeo where the court may be held. Writs of error, hills ol exception, and appeals, shsll be allowed In ill cases from the final decisions of said district courts i to the supreme court, under such regulatiousasmay be prescribed by law; but in no;case removed to the supreme court shall trial byjmj be allowed in > said court. The supreme court,- or the justices { thereof, shall appoint its own clerk, and every clerk, j •hall hold hit office at the pleasure of tho court for j which he shall have been appointed. Writs ol error and appeals from the final decisions of said supreme j court ana!) be allowed, and rasv be taken ti the 5u- j preroe Court ot the United States;. in the same mao- ( nerand under the same regulation* as from the cir- 1 cult courts of the l/mled States, where the value of! the properly or the amount in controversy, to be ascertained by tho oalh oraffirmation ofetther party, or other competent witness, shall esceed two thou sand dollars; and mall cases where the constitution *o!lhe United States, or acts of Cdogress,or a treaty of tho United States, is brought in question, sod each of the said district courts shall have- sod exer cise the same jurisdiction Sa all cases arising under the constitution of the United States, and the laws i of said Territory, as is vested in the circuit and dis- j tnct courts of the United States; writs of error and i appeal mall such cases shall be mode to the supreme , court of said. Territory, the same as to other cast*. Writs of error and appeals from tho final decisions of the said supremo court shall be allowed, and may -be taken to the Supreme Court of the Uolted States, inthesamo manner as from the circuit courts oftbe United States, where the value oftbe propcrt*;or the amount in controversy, shall exceed two thousand dollars; and each of said district rnnrts shall have and exercise the same jurisdiction m alt cases aris ing under the rortfUtqbon and la *• of the United States, as u vested in the circuit and district courts oftbe United Slates, and also all cases arising under the law of tho wld Territory, and otherwise. The •aid clerk shall receive, in ail such cases, the same fees which the clerks of -the district courts of the late Wisconsin Territory received for similar ser vices. .... Sri-, 10. Andbettfurthrremrttd, That there ■hall he appointed an attorney fur said Territory, who ahall continue in cilice for four years, and un til bia aucceator shall be. appointed and qualified, nnleaa aooner removed l»j the Provident, and who abalt receive the. name feca and salary a* were pro- Tided by law for the attorney of the United State* for. the late territory of Wisronsm. There ahall also be a marshal for the Territory appointed, who ahall holtlhia office Tor four Tears, ami unlit hiaaue eeasor »ha|l be appointed and qualified, uolcca soon er remored by the President, and who ahall execute all proceaaea leaning from the and courts, when exerciaing their jurisdiction aa circuit and diatnct enurtaorthe United Statea; he ahall pcrfiiro the duties,>be subject to the same regulaunna and pen alties, and be entitled to the aame fees, as were pro vided by law for the marahal of the diatnct court of the United State* for tha preaent [late] Territory of, Wisconsin; and lhall, in addition, be paid two hundred dollar* annually a* a compenaaiiou “for extra service*. . Sec. 11. And be it farther enacted, That the gov ernor, secretary, chief justice, and aaaociatejuaucea, attorney, and marshal, shall be nominated, and, by : and with the advice end consent of the Senate, ap pointed by Ihe President ol the United Stains. The governor and secretary to be appointed as aforesaid, ■ball, before they act as such, respectively,take an ; oath or afhrmation,before the district Judge, or some justice or the peace in the limits of said 1 entlory, duty authorised to administer oaths ami affirmations by the laws now in force therein, or before the chief justice or some associate justice of the supremo i court of the United States, to support the constitu tion of the United States, and faithfully to discharge the duties of Itienlrcspective offices; which said oaths when so taken, shall be certified by the person by whuin the same shall have been taken, and, such certificates shall be received and recorded by the said secretary among the executive proceedings; and the chiefjnstiec and associate justices, and all other civil officer* m said Territory, before they act as such, shall take a like oath or affirmation, before lbe said governoror secretary, or aoinc judge or justioc : of the poacc ol the Territory, who may be duly cum- i missioned am! qualified; which said uaih or aifirma- Pod shall bo certified and transmuted, by the person taking the name, to the secretary, to be by him re, corded as aforesaid; and, afterwards, the like oath or affirmation shall be taken, certified, and record ed, In auch manner and format may be prescribed by jaw. The governor ahall receive an annual sal ary of fiftcenbundred dollars as governor, and fif* teen'hnndred dollars a* superintendent of Indian aSalra. The chief justice and associsle justices : stiall :ea'ch receive in annual aalary of two thousand dollar*. The aeeretary shall receive an annual sal lory!of fifteen hundred dollars.- The .said salaries rlthall be pald quarter-yearly, from the date* of the I rtrpective appointments; at the treasury ol the Uni jeqStatei; nut -no such payment shall be mndeuu .’Utoaid officer* shall have entered upon the.duties ofiheir respective appointments. Toe members nf •the legislative aaietnbly shall be entitled to receive three hundred dollars each per day during their at tendance auhetctslona thereof, andllbree dollar* each fur every twenty miles travel in going to and i rctnrnmg IVom sessiona, estimated according to the nearest usually travelled route.. And a chief clerk, one assistant clerk, a sergeant-at-arms, and door keeper, may be chosen for ouch house; and Ihe-chief i clerk ahall receive five dollars per day, and the said other officers ihreo dollar* per day, during; the aos-! sion of the legislative: aassmbly; but no other offi- i cere, shall bepaidby the United Staten Provided,! That there ahall he butone session nf the legislature i annually, Unless,-on an extraordinary occasion, the I governor shall think proper to icall the legislature:] together. There shall be appointed, annually,-the I sum of fifteen hundred dollars, to be expended by j the governor to defray the contingent-expenses of: the Territory, including the salary of u clerk of the exeoutlve department, and there shell also be appro. : priated, annually, a sufficient sum,-.to. be eipcnded by the secretary nf the Territory, and upon nn esti mate to be made by the Secretary • of the Treasury, of the United Stoles, to defray the expenses of the legislatie assembly, the printing, of the laws, and Other incidental expenses; and the governor and secretory pl the Territory ahall, in the disbursement ofoll money, aentrnsted to them; be governed solely, by the instructions of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and shall semi-annually ac count to the said Secretary for the manner in which the aforesaid (sum) moneys shall have beunnxpen ded; and no expenditure, to be paid out of money appropriated by Congress, shall be made by said leg. islative assembly for, objects not specially author, ized by the acts of Congress making the appropn tlOna, nor-beyond the sums thus appropriated far .such objects-. : -■ ■ ■ - Stxi.l2. And belt furl her enacted, That the fivers and slreams of water in said Territory of Oregon, in which salmon ore Giund,'or to which they resort,- shall not he obstructed by dams or otherwise, un less aucb damn nr obstructions are so constructed as to allow salmon in-para: freely up. and down such ■rivers and streams,; ■■ ■ ■:■■•■ - . .. ... Stc. 13. And be it further enacted, That the sum of ten thousand dollars be, and is hereby,appropria- •V\' H 's> F ' * . f -? T y,» » _%i\V ‘«-W; ’fj. * ’> ‘i- "/'. ..:y 5> v - V ->-!; .•'. : . jV V 'ii l ; - »ft.?' ’ • \ .yyy . v. '. ■ 4 ■ ~ ■.,. i .; *vt: •*•■ .vf-y ' '.jrtiy-'rf >. > X'i'V-tf' V'’* ;;‘.V \ tad, to be of, life Presi dent of-tfie UnT^eiB(*ies>in;; pay me fl tfo r the servi ces sopb' afr have beDQ erv-.i 'Tz&gedtytfre provtsf&Ml govemmwu of Oregotf,m lO £OO from the United "StaieSj-arid'lhe JjQrchasfrof lor.auch of. the .IndmV tnDeß aatho peicC and qgrelude of the coun try reqairj&s,' - 1 ' *- 1 1 Sec. 14. And be u further enacted, That the >n- A . habitants of said territory shall be entitled to eqjby all and singular the rights, privileges, and ndyauta i ges granted aod'secured.to tWpeopTe of the. Terri i tory/of the United States, northwest jof* the ■Ohio, by'the articles.dffcbropiicl .contained-ih tne< ordinance for the government of. said Territory, on the thirteenth day of July,seventeen, hundred end cjghty-sevtifrjand-sh&tUbe'Subject to all the condi tions,and restrictions, and prohibition* in said .ajti-. cles ofcompact/imposedupen-the-people of aid. Territory ;• and the'eiietinglßwsudw iit-lorce in|be Territory of Oregon, UQder thc authority of.iliopro visional governmeui established by. the people thqre of,shall continue to bcvolidand operative therein, so far as the same be not incompatible with the coor stitution of theUmtedStatei, and theprinciples wa provisions of this act; subject, neverthe.ess, to jbe altered, modihed, or repealed, by .the legislative as semblyof aud- Territory of? Oregon; .but |all laws heretofore passed-iniaidTerritory, malting grants driaotf,or otherwise affecting Ofr encbtnber ing the title (o lands, shall be, and are. hereby: de : . ■ clared null aod-void; -and" the lawa? of the United States are hereby extended over, and declared to bd in force,>iti 'said Territory, so far as the same,|or anyprovrsiori thereof may be. appHcihlo. ~ .. } Sec. 15. And be it further ,*natferf* ; Tbaitnclsg? islative assembly, of the Territory of Orcgon shaU hold its firat session al such time and place in; »IW. Territory atihe governor thereof shall appoint and direct; and at said first session, or at soon thereafter as they shall deem expedient, the legislative sf*em-v bly shajlprocecd to locate iand.,«*tabh»h4he scat of government for said Territory at such place a* they may deem eligible; which place, however, shall thereafter bo subject to bc- changcd by aid legislo-, live assembly. And the sum of fife .thousand dpi* Jars, out of any money in thc.troa*uryoot otherwise appropriated,« hereby appropriated and granted to aaid Territory of Oregon, to be there applied, ay the governor, «ia the erection of suitable’ buildings .at the scat of government. . 1 . 1 Sec IC, And be it further enacted, That a dele •gate to tho House of Representatives of. the United buttes, to serve for the term of two year*, who shill be a citizen of the United Stales,. may be elected by the voten qualified to elect members of the legisla tive assembly, who shall be entitled to the.same rights and privileges at have been heretofore exer cised and enjoyed by the delegates from the several | other v Territories of the United States to the said | House of Representatives; but -the delegate .first elected shall hold hit seat only donngthft term of Congress to which he shaU be elected. The first ciecUon-thall be held at such time and.places, and be conducted in such manner, aa tho governor shall appoint and direct; of which, and the time, place, and manner of holding such elections, he.shail. give at least sixty days nonce by proclamation; and at all subsequent elections, the times, places, nod manner of holding such elections shall be prescribed by law. The person ha ring the greatest number of vote* shall be declared by the governor toheduly elected, and a certificate tbcrcot-shall be given accordingly.—r The delegate from aaid territory shall not be entitled to receive,more.lbao twrnty*five hundred dollars, at any one session of toogretsyasa compensation for \ bit mileago j in going u», and returning fro® the seat of the government of the United States, any act pf Congress to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. !?. Ands« it further enacted, That all suits, process, and proceedings, rivil and criminal, at law and in chancery, and all indictments and informa tions, which shall be pending and. undetermined in the courts established bv authority of provision al government or Oregon, within ihp limits; of tiid Territory, when Ibis set shall take effect, shall, be transferred-to be beard, tried, prosecuted, sod de tertnined ift the disfnet courts hereby established, which may include the counties or districts whale,j any such proceeding-may be. pending. All bond*, < recognizances, and obligations of every kind what-j soever, valid under the existing laws withm the 1 aid Territory* shall be valid under this act; and all ] crimes and misdemeanor* against the aWa ,n fate* < within aild limits may Uevprotocoled, tried, ond punished in the courts established by ibis a«:t j and all penalties, forfeiture*, actions, aod causesirtfae lion, may bo recovered under* this act, in (ike fftx#< ner as they would have been under the Isws.itjfurce within the Ifmitt composing said Territory atthe ttoe tbiSact shall go into operation : JPrwridfrf, Tbit the laws, penalties, and fotfeiturea and punishment*, by this section required to be enforced by the ifourts provided for in this act, shall not bo tocwjwstept with the Constitution of the United Stairs* And \ provided further; That no right of action whatever shall accrue against any person .tor any act done in pursuance of any law heretofore passed by the tem porary government, and which maybe declared con* trary to the Constitution of the United State*., ; Sec* 18* Andbe if/ortho* snorted, That aft justice* of the peace, ctmsuWea, sbenffs, and all other judi- $ ciai aml ministerial offieer** who shall be In offitc i within the limits of said Territory when thia act •hall take effect* shalt be, they arc hereby, au- j ihnrixea and required to contmoe .io exercise aad | perform the duties of Iheir respective office* as oO ccrsof the Territory of Oregon until they brothers shall be duly elected or appointed, and qualified lo fill Uieir place* in the manner, herein, directed, or until tbelr office* that! be abolished* i s?ec. 19. And be H further tnetted, That the sura of five thousand dollar* be* and the aarae is hereby, appropriated out of any money* in ibe treaaury abi "othcrtvitc appropriftled, to be expended, by and un der the direction of the aaid Governor of the Terri tory of Oregon, in the purchase ot a library, lo be kept at the seat-of government for-the uao of tpe governor, legialahve asaembly, judges of the su preme court, secretary, marahal, and . attorney of aid Territory,and such other persons, and uider such regulations, as shall be prescribed by Uw. . stc- 20* Aad be it timber enacted, That when the lands in the said Territory shalt be surveyed un der the direcbuti or the government of the. United States, preparatory to bringinglbnaame intotsarkst, section numbered sixteen - and thirty-af* in each, township in asid Territory shall be, and the ssmeiie hereby reserved for the purpose of being applied to schools lo.ssid Territory, and in the. State* abd and Territone* hereafter to- be crncicu out of the tame. ■ ■ ■■ • ■ 1 ... Sec* St. And be it furtlior enacted, That until j otherwise provided for by law, the governor of said i Territory may define the jodica! uiftncU ol ; *lid Territory, and assign the judge*..who maybe, np- j pointed for aid Territory to tnn. aevcral district*, , and also appoint/ the times and places for bolding ] courts la the several counties orsabdtvUions ra each j of said judicial district* by proclamation to be issued, i i by him; but the legislative assembly, attheir first or i any aubsequent session, may organise, alter, or mod- 1 i tfy such judicial distncts, and assign tho judges, and. j i 1 after the lime and planes of holding; the ,aa j i to them shall seem proper and convenient. i ! Sec 22. And'be it further enacted, That all offi- ] i cera to be appointed. by the President,-by and with i ! the advice nnd consent of the Seuato, for the Terri* j I lory of Oregon, who, by virtue of the provision! «f j any law now existmgior which may^bo enacted 4u-.; ring the present Congress, are required.to give so- 1 curity for money* that rosy bo .‘intrusted, wuh.wem i for disbursement, shall give such security at such i time arid place, and in such manner a* the Secrcta.. j ry of the Trcasurv may prescribe., i Sec. 23, be it further enacted,^That all the i ports, harbor*,-shores and waters of. the main land i of the Territory aforesaid, ahall constitute a coUec- 1 tlon distnet, to be called the district of Oregon, and j a port of entry shall bo established at Asioris, oear ~ i the mouth of the Columbia river, and a collector,of] customs shall bo appointed by the President, by snd.i with the advice and consent of the Senate, to reside i I at such port of entry. • i I Sec-24. And be it ftirther enacted, That the Pie* i •ident oftbo United States be, and he » hereby, au-: t thorlted to establish such porta of delivery In the i district created by . till* act, not exceeding two in i |? number, (one of which shall be located, on Puget’s j i Sound*) as he may deeippxpodieni, and may appoint, | I by and with the ndvtcie and consent -of tho-benale, i I surveyora lo reside thereat.:, i: t - Sec. 25. And be it {briber onacted, Thai the.cot [ lector of Mid districts shall-he allowed a.compcma-, i tion of one thousand dollar* per annum, and tho | Tees allowed by law; (tpd-the compensation of.any,; l.surveypr appomU?d { in pursuance, of this act, shall i not exceed five.hundred dollar* por, annum, inclu-, | ding in said sum tho fees allowed by law,-am! the i amount collected by afiy of said surveyors, torfues i in any one year,, exceeding the sum of five hundred ; I dollars,shall be accounted for; anu paid into the i treasury of the UmtodSwies* v • i • Sec; 26. And be U fiirther enacted, That the rev enue law* of the United Btatos bo,’ and are hereby, extended over tho Territory ofOregon. < f - Sec 4 21^And be it further enacted* That jho sum of fifteen thousand dollars bo, and tho same is here by,appropriated out?ol ony moneys in the Treasury bot otherwise ■ appropriated, to be expended •, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, for the construction of Cape Disappoint ment and .New Duoginicss;, and. for the construction and anchoring of the requisite number of buoys, to indicate the channels at the mouth .of .the Colum bia river, and the approaches to. the harbor of Asto-. na, the said buoy* to bo placed Qnd anchored;under, the direction of such person as the..Secretary* of the Treasury shaft appoints ! APTftoirEp'August 14, 1848. [PIJBUb— No; 105.] ■ ■ .r. , . A N ACT ill relailon to-military land warrants, Bo it enacted by'iliaSenatd nnd House or Repre senlativcs of tho United States of America in Con- , . T'.-:s. ~ 1 '-iV'- 't ' L 1 -* ’N-U '+ *~< ‘ . .. - y i' \ ■ . ■ ■_ • ,:r * ' x‘i> * ■’ r I l —' l MSS® ' ...l, > ;•' r -.-V That any ndntCbn’iitttiSsttfAPd offi cer, musician, or private, or fcUwidow or.fteira, who shall receive«nd hold, inhiaown right Boland.war*, gotirrrtmentof the Utfitbi Jtates fdJSrm&tary «e|victymrt jocstet tfaesamfoib one le gs! sab&(viflipff, osiafty pQbliplrfnd subject lo private entry,tad.retjfconffigJh6;-wafr*nt.arrbn«;£6l)ar end; twenty»five 7 CBnuper acre* Tor tbe:nUmber of acres therein contained; and paying the in jgfiney; but no claim shall cust on the government to pay for any balance on eiid warrant for numey*- - " Awbovkd August 14,‘1848. [Pt/iiiic— No.lOO.] AN ACT.for the payment of tbe fourth regimenkin.. the second brigade of the third division of the Vermoufttiililia,for*ernce4atthe battleof Platta borg. . Be it enacted by tha Senateand Houseofßepre 'sentallvesoftbeUmled SuttesofAmerlfin'fri' Con gress assembled; That: the proper accpunlingbfficer. of the Treasury be; and they are hereby-authoritdi and directed m adjust and settle Iha claims for one . month’s.serviceaof the. officewand soldiers; of the fourthrogltnentinlheeeeondbrlgadeoftheithlrd ' division of thcmllitia Of the State of Vermontj .who served at the battle of Pfattaburg on the 11th.day of September one thouaand eight. hundred .and four* teen, for their. military, services on. that occasion, and that the Aoe-he paid out of any-money in: the treasury not otherwise appropriated.:: Apt'aOvUDj l August 14,'1848. - [Pontic—No. 101.) ‘ ~ ANACTforthe relief of the widows und.erpbans : ■ of the officers,: Seamen, and mariners oftheibrig ofwar Somers. ' . Whereas the United States brlg-of war .Somers was foond’ered at.set, in the offing off the of Vera Criiz, while engaged under.very hazard ous circumstancesin the prosecution of hostilities against an enemy ottbisrepublic;- Therefore, i Beit enacted byithe Senate and Houae of Repre sentatives of the United States of America tu Con gress assembled, .That the widows, If aoy.such there be, and in case there is no widow, the child or children,and iftherebe no child, then the parent .or parents, and if there are no parents,to the broth ers andsister* who were minors sndonderthe age of eighteen years at thetime of said. Jobs of the offi cers, seamen, and mariners who were In thesemee oftbe iUnited States and lost in the United States bng-oFwar .Bomers, shall be.entitled to,' and're : coive, ontofany money in the 'treasury nM Other wise appropriated, a sum equal to twelve months’ pay of their:respective deceased relations aforesaid, lit addition to the pay doe to the. said deceased nt the date of the loss of the aaid vessel. : Arraovcn Augnst. 14, 1848. ,t. 69" A company of Dragoons nrritcdin town on Monday, from LouJanlle, on their way to Cartule. ' An they paaaed up atreel, we noticed that one of: the youngcat membera had a litllegirl hangingto hia artn. She waa no doubt hit aweetheart. or. at leant. wd«,.not long aincc. . ; BSTThe proceedings of (he Select Council* which met on Monday evening last, were devoid of genera) interest. " j In the Common, an crdiasnce repealing the liberty street grade ordinance. Was laid on the table. B&“ A number of lawyers’sjgn* were taken from their proper placet; and pot in very unbecoming places, on Monday , night. The-gentleman of the Bar were quite indignant that the current of their practice should be to much changed; . B ST There .was a very - amusing Temperance Meeting in Dr. Herron’* Chnrcb, on Monday even* icg.AVe werenot present, hut some of .the partici. pants complained that It all ended in talk.. AST Workmen have commenced digging up Fed eral street for the purpose of putting down the water pipes _ > Circular sayt Port Irai adfAnced one. to three.ahit- KTThcreba.e bcenuimiawnli, lwgenumberof, B ; c0 „ at 3Ste 40,. Me,. Beef, 40 to pelt, lerceaie. during the put fej* week.. What i. I 45j . Pmu6 3 „ w 421 . ( h..,,, fißa M Ueil, 3310,36. i there in the moon 1 j Bhonldett 23 38j . M *ra Pork, 48 to 52«;£r,iie 30 to 40*. Lord : forfme, i fo / 42i« : tivkeg**nd..bbU. ISjffWl is gonerally thought that Flcesnn was boated or basting, when be apns theitcm about the $4,300 being found on Liberty etreet. : Biff* The Gazette: aajre that Ague and Fever has made its appearance in this-city. Not to any se riens eitent, however. Off* The Telegraph editor is attending to the mar tel people and the market home. A prolific,theme/ truly. ■ .-j - ; , BST John Van Boren it to be here in about ten 4laiy«I v ' . ■••. V- ' . figTSemal Talar alarms of fire have occurred lately. i , , • . ** The ScHOQLKAitck AwtOAO.*N--There is a: sign on SmubCeld street which reads "Goeldert Syrip, l ItiTTbe Synod adjourned sine dtreatipgn! of diseases are onward; and nothing can arrest its .splriUn the present age- Those who are afiLcted.wfth duttutd Lungs would do well to cation KNKELAND A HARDER, Grant St., one door below Second at.,the agents,.and see the ceru-' Urates of Dr.-Wm. J. Richards, Judge- Wip. Burke, the wile of the Rev. Geo. W. Malay; andof Dr. Jllinm Cox, late Professor in the Eclectic Medical College of.Cnvrm nali , sep-tt •;y.-:ij*-—., ~ .j Vvjan ,<. • ID'ScaorcLA.-VVnghif .Indian Vegetable. Pills will bo frond u radieni cure for -every kind of (Scrofula,: be* caw* they clcnn*e amt punfy lhebodyof aUbadhaaor*, and egeryihlng that is opposed to health, and impart such, an energy to the eiir.ulauon, that health rand; .'Vigor are -i given to the whole frame. Prom loro id foarof said latfi an Ytftetab!t Pilhi taken on going.to bed, Vrill Soon make a perfect cure of the moat oosilnute case of Scrofula ; . Qt the same time the constitution will undergo such a radi cal change that Scrofula, a* .well ns every mother com plaint, will be banished from the bodyvandnew lite and vigor will be given to the whole-frame. • ■ -.* ikwarttf Counttxfiitt and Imitations:— Rememberthit the Original and Duly Genuine Indian Vegetable, PUlr have the written signature of William Warn ur on the k>n label of each box,. .i... .. Remember, also, that Messrs. FenchtWonget A Co., of New York; Jus; 8. Glascoe & Co., at. Cincinnati; and d.. B. Wilder A.Go., of Louisville, are .sot ageoufot this medicine, and wo canndt guarantee the genuineness: of ihsioffered by them for sale ? : Tbcgenuintts forssleatDr. Wright's PrtncipalOffiee, 46® Race street. Philadelphia; ana hy JohsTtroursov, 160 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., who is sole agent for this city, by whom dealers can be supplied ntihe vrholc- Aftlerate i ••.■ l aep27. Cj’From lfvoEPAax.—Messnt. J. A T. Gillender. nV: llyitepark. wnic u«, thnl a gentleman nl tbeir acQuant-. lance had heeuisubjecl to spitting of bloodfWhteb recur red so frequently as to funtvsb the* most conoliuivu evt dencr of a tendency to consumption. Vanons remedies, hod been tried without effect, and consultations were held with physician* aLihe.highest Eminence, with no better, success. ' Circumstances brought him- accidentally, to a 1 knowledge of the Cltckener Sugar Coated Fill*, hud alt. though he had little tuith in their virtues, the peraunMon of fViend* nt length prevailed over his determination, &ud he consented to try them. : The first, box had nopercep tible effect. "llovrever.'a second'was purchased,and the symptoms of his complaint began immediately to ameli orate.' The spitting ofbloodreburredotmuchjougertn* iervol*; utml, finally,-finer the use oLa few boxes more!, it ceased altogether, lie U noW m the full glow ofheultU, and capable ofendilring the greatest fatigue vs'ilhout the least inconvenience. ; : • t v ICTSoId WM JACKSON, Gen 4 sep27 . -i •P 9 Liberty street, pit|*hwrgh. . •. . [For list of Agentssee advertisement;], TONES? SPANISH LtLY WHITE j* thehest Preim* V anon foriraparting to ihc Skin * natural,.nfaUhy.. dear, llring white: at the nametime making-Irsort oad : smooth. H r. James Anderson, Practical Chemist, ot Massachusetts; says: “After anolyiing Jones’ Sftdmsh Lilly Whileilfind it possesses the mo*t bepnliftil and natural, and atftie same time innocent whim I eyersaw 1 certainly caufonscieiitlously recammenn.ity to alt whose skmie(pjitesheautift , ing.7 ) *;rx:i Ji: ' • •. -Price 25 ce»Us a ht»* So‘« P n ‘rat«2 Chatham at- N. Y. and by WMrJhcksbn, Agent, Sfl'Liberty ; sep2s ! i ‘' p -^^^U"i- IRfSiP^ . 'X- •-.- „ ~ --; y i'r-.- i ->'-..’- i '^--i:-?v / , ? :.- -’v^.cl.si.;.^ •“'r S j- ? '••''-.•. v ''.' : ' 1 •-, '•*' v . ~_ •. .-% ••«! . v. - •••V?-•?.* A--v- S ‘r’- : - r-~' ••«•-■• Vi '•V'* 1 .)...'-?'"' ■*_■■ • -ri i“ \, £•. i~ .j.} v >v?: .*• r ,i -'i'c'- *>- 1 ; ';y >vc:-v vX vv• ? >> v\‘vy y * .:v' ; : -' vt -' V , y ,J» * a*t ;, + / c? t? *»vpw - •«! •*= .it *t { .n't V*-V%: •' ■ »- '■ -- : .y1 i ki?. v'wTV. ”1 •V ... ■s;?£*& .T / r / '~M # , - .:* fx f.• 1 1 -•T ; s. £^rss^:.sSfcis:^a-feii.sW:.ff^s iJOs^iSJvsySasSfefe fir iS'S^frK^S&pteiwi or » -.' \ i" ’2,A' iff - r ‘ <. .:M ■i si j. -" ■;!?, J • .■ •■•‘•.‘ v.f “ r* 1 ff ;PSfe#si|gp3pl§ • -'■ - 'i*,V’..CC. < k*« ‘ ■ A- A'— - f’'-f -V ; : : :' : v-i;f;; ; i; i ''-'^ r: ':o- ; -:- ; ;‘ : ';f v . T:^.;;r: 'v : Vf:;f^^i '* ■ * - l ,v «*# SflSllsiliilisiliW^^R^^ >! . ~ ■ L-if , *.■«*v ‘-; * vl iWyffP- ’Dff&rni&jg Post. -'trS.'S KSIT •IS^»aKUm_HB'WB. " • Kjiw Yfiau t September 26,1845. The Irish State trials had not commenced.;. --.Louis date for the Assembly from the department of the 'Seine.' ■• • ABonaparliat -plot, jvidely extendedjJiad beer, discovered. . f -\ ; , *n “CSiJJtVl''? The Germaimfnjitrydiad-reaigned ott.therefuaal oftheDiottoratif/the Schlesvfigdnd;.Holbein on nuance. r J , /, , c ’l '-tetters from Vienna elate- that Frenoh*and. English mediation is likely Vo prpie saccinwfpii by raeaneofcerUun”ieseurce*j*rliinb.'.m*j,!hotyever, altogether destroy iu efficiency. -' '"...Austria stipulates for detaining*theisovereigbty, or r Lombardy t asks no .cession ofterrUory,Jand promt 1 ises Vehlco'and Milan liberal eonsMbtionsaroderan' Austrian Vice Hoy. * A 1 ’ 1^ PHILADELPHIA'MARKET. . September26,4B4B— tr. "Flour. .Pmateleitera ire morefavor*blo,intl the market u firmer. Saleiwere.mode at f bb!, : Gram. .Prime Bed Wheat u.dali atsljl2(3ljls P buahel. Cora u aclire, with ulea of Pr)me'yellow It 63c. ’ . : ProruiOD«..Sa|e« of [f0..l iMea»rPork mt hb). Bicoo: Sitea or Bh6a(der* at 9ij 'idea of Hama at 7 to 10 nr lb. ' Lard.-Sales iabbl*,at-BMo 9*. Lead. .Sates of. 4,000 pigs at H &Vi. ~ _FJour..Tbere ia an active inquiryjjbntthefirm- A nets of holder* prevents; large. nperationvv.-The aalung rales for Howard street.and CityMilU was -s&\ buyer* do notJbel disposed-4o>gi7.£t; f Gram:.The market forWheathtfsahupwardlen dency, with sales of Prime White at $ 1,12^31,J& V buaheli . Sales of Prune Hod alsl, 12 pba* X&rft i Sale* of Prime White atslc.jaalea©f.PnmeYeJlow at6o(3®J-. ;Of Oats ■ «v .1. .-■■■■ - -Whiskey..Sales in bMa; at SdidSWc.: . / : r Provisions.,.The sales of Provisions are qnfy for rhe supply of the regular .trade demand, . >' * Groceries. < Sahara In*; fur- demand!’ Coffee >&d Molasses are without change NEW YORK MARKET. 1 .. September p. m. Flour. .The market with- moderate rales, 1b m l favor of the buyer, i The advance mentioned i)i the morning wm not mauitniucd. Sales of Genesee were made at SS,£OSJ I SG. , . - ■ £ / . ■ Grain'. ;The market for Corn ]• heavy, with salesof Prime White nt G4060c.• Sales of:P'rirae'Yello?r at 12073 c. *» bn. Whent ) 9l,27e..pbnshetis offered > Provisions.'. There- inles* movement in-Porkt; the j market being ateadj. t I Whiskey.. Sales in 26c. . ' • New Yobk,Sfpt.sG—A; M< • .Browne & Shipley’s Circular gives the following prices:—Qaecn’s Flour n qaoted at 40 shillings; Coro a133»/to36ait?-q[ra?ier.Coro Meal! 7*. p bbL; Wheat bounded 7 to 8« t 70 fito.; doty on Wheat-6, shillings, on Flour .McHenry’s PITTSBURGH TH BATHE* C S Yosts*.* • • ” ; ■ *~;«vManager and Lessee. . r«icß#-o» ‘aßibs»roar ■ *' s . v- . .-.-55.00, | Single tickets. i***.*7sc Stfc. I Second s Tierk>*>3& | P||*>*>3Se« •tJOcilPnvaießoxea Private boxes* .Dress Circle- ’ Gallery IVKDjnauArFlvasiso. Sepk.£7ih. wtllbe acted the ; OVEBILIA CHIEF, Matieo- . -Mr. Prior. | Lampiero--■ • --Mr.A\pod. To hr lollowed hr j ■.. FKTER WHITE. Mr-Peter White • • * -Mr, Dunn Mr* Peter White-•• •••' •-•••Mis* Anna Cruise. Toconrladewith ;-x 1 : »<• .■.-!■ a .? • » .■ Jack ftohloaon* Jack JLihinsmt - -Mr. Wood. ( Monkey*. • • -Master.Wood, v open at 7 jCurtam-snll rise at 71 o clock. JAYNE’S AtTKUATIVK renal SCUO- FCIjA* •- JAYNE—DearSirr li was sometime bciarb- ■ 1 J ihft people he te woald try your Medicines, b&t after tbev toond out ibeir real virtues, l sold oui your . toramund Alterative directly, and could bave solAsev- ; oral doxeiusareoCeach since they gaveoni. ■ Your Sanr ■ alive Pills are rising very high lit the estimation of the : people; and I shallbe ont oi litem in a few dfij's.' Sever- , ai i»noiis here speak well ot the Hair Tome. There m a voting man in this neighborhood who has hern reduced to his bed bv Scrofula; his physician told me that he must die; 1 told.him that:l thought that Jayne* Alterative■ would help him. He sat A ü bll the medicines m the world would not save Jura ” I think, said I, Doctor, if ytou- are done tvith hiro. I wilhtry?htm. : Hi*’ reply was, Vif you ran core him, the medicine is. worth a fortune. 1 -’' I sent the sick man a bottle of your alterative,-which he-tnok, and in one month was able to visit his The medlcliieS-bowever.piveombeforehe waseiltireiywell. f\vi*h von, therefore to send me more as soon,av.po*sir_ Me I also gave the Alterative In a case of Cancer, with - great success. In short,although.l thought very liule/Of' Yournrucles ai first, I oqw ihmkc, like: I-heard an old Me*- thodist Preacher say the other ;da>% publicly# that yours were the ’“best medicines in the.world- U i • . ■> R '‘’ r ' c ' f 'ioM°SrMiLLAN l P. M„ . At Marion C. House, S. C.. : " For salc afthe PekmTea Store, No, 7P Fourth-street, FUtshorgh. 1 .. ■■ sCp27- ■■. ST. G DAI It HOUSE. CORNER OF PENN AND ST CLAIR STREETS the reason- the ; market affords,•. •ervea , up hi the ♦hortesi notiee, and-m the verybestaiyle. Thehoiise is fitted nw and aTraaged m order, under themau agemept •* (wp>B7) •JOHN M. CAMPBELL. •.; A" IjLKGHfcINY i»Roi*Kin*V wk A dwelling hobse ami lot of 23 feel Irani on Jlaibe sfc by 100 feet deep Price 81200. ; Also—A Urge 1m adjoiiunjrtho above.- PnfceSfiOO.. - Also—3 lots, each SO feel front on Robinson street, by - 93 feet lo an oiler, Pnce 8600 each.-. •■> ‘: - : lots 22» feet front on Sheffield street, by Mfeel S lots 23 feet fronton Sheffield street,-by 133 ft el deep' to a 24 icet alley. PriceB2soeach. Tenns hberal. p T S CUTHBERT, Qen Agent, Swithfield.street* EXECUTORSSALEfir HOUSEHOLTCFIIRNITURB.; WOa Friday September 291 h, »(3oclock,P.M-. at; M, e Commercial Sale* Rftoffi, canwrof .‘Wood and Fifth its., will be sold breath currency,-*general assortment of household and kitchen furniture, among i*bich arama-. horany dressing bureaus, chairs,'tables,- ftatherbedsy matrasses, bedding, fenders,*finfc irons, -mantel, elfcess, looking glasses, stands, chats, glass aha oueensware. kitchen fuTntture. &c r-Also, drone horse sleigh JOHN"* DAVIS, Anct SCp27' •' -• rro bKl'-A comfortnble sma» dwel}mg house, pleas-i J. amly situated in ihotowerporl of Allegheny dty,on- JUagaley's lane, has three rooms onlheuwVflpor, tyro and; a loft on Use. senoud. front and -haok porehygood cellar, and a large garden lot. cotitaimng.some lO pr 1? bearing fruit wea, and 40 or SO currant and g«sebany miane*. Jtont, ninetydollar* n year. »PdsMs«on eon be ju*d pn tliefimtofOetoher.'Apply to .J -„Pp27 * 81 Wood street ' Book Iio«- j (aN Saturday evenmjr»between the xharoond and jiigß, ■ F nxtttii a small pocket book, ctmtainingabout 9io. TfiifiiidermU lie liberally rewarded by at this office - OfoVK l'.F^.W.nound^C 4^™^ ■ -■ tor Piamnnd and Ihartond alley.. --fAVK Voua tiodcomplMiOUjCDaraejdar^ydlQWjpr:. H Willow * If you have, you will by using a CikjoJ Jones 1 Italian Chemical; Soap, a week or two, J®]** **»? i h>conje»clcnr, tvhlm’ : ftndempptK;;lfy®« «aS«: a ?> *“* i Keane or the Head* Knee or D«td-»uch m Blmpronn, -ScaldJleaiKScarvy. Brysipelai;SaU Rheum, ; t»roer a llrh—you can be ’cured: Tor l.have wen Persons.who. had filthy skin diseases afte^\Tyinßeyery, ihiiiff in vain-have been «oredl)>* washing she paTt wiiU vJdnes’lmlian Chemical Soap, and pan ;con?pientiotisly. ! offer it for any of the above l would: not do, junless I knew n to be all I stale If y od hnve Sun Spots, rreckle *, .MoTpheW, Tau, Sou Burn ordiafie j ureinents of any bind, u will dispel the skin b?nutiful-4t-i9 a sure onudote< null cure for the'bites oi mosquitoes, bugs, Ao i -t 4 "> '-ny Bew&reof Particularly chcapones —asktfor Jones* £oQp,andseathawbb.wiineoM\ Jones iaoncachrake.' Persons from or in the south and other* •warm Wimntes, would find thisnot only fot\themselVes;'. hqt n is remedy fof chafes nr intaiils' And now, reuder t by giving tnaf you: will fiOditDU'or even Inore lban.weJmve alntetLabove; - Sold nr 83 Chatham street, Ni/V. und by-Wra. Jackson, agent,Bo Liberty strertf PiUshurgh....- x : r.. , v::r*ep2B . c /• ‘ - - f > • t . . » ■ V?.** L &.'* *V-' ■* '•-- U~? <=' '\'U^ r •• v '"' ' ■ rJ> ’ ~ v', ■. *■> •.? -V vV~ " V r,- tJ t f \ Jif > • ■■■ ■ •< .•'•■v-.-*- .• -n-. ..-i': :•.. BALTIMORE MARKET. September r-ttcp26- - " • :TCOUNDi~AqQsnuty ofsilverwartvsecVewd orxirpo*- Jj. -ued in n Lumber stolen:; They nrenUVMuyprtecfficetwbatedherkwner can bavf.uoftprovmgpTopertyrQudpayxug ch&rgfei., pep2s w. rpOBACp(P-20 Ctagftga lamp,« Jt Rohhiwm'K; 4 1 *’ >- a) .Koxea CottgrMs sVhunp,BamufrlMyeT*; ••■* • ■ •j-;<>2o. " "* . G> plupMaefcMne; v j 5 ; • extra 'lfi>Juransamnpl-Myer*» ~ ■ 1 case dwart,bxs. iHf w c i* l f a » 10 - - Ijfc ?uj>ei ■-- ■. *« Ak’lb: -V foMaie i»y . *scr2o " MILLER fcBICKIT^SON. * t u T J * K I » >. ■V f s t ~V' T*'-r • jc^jVC-";. By the Freitdent of (be Vnlisd.flUlM* IN pursuauce.of law, I r James. IfcPolkv President of the United Stales of America,do hereby declare and , make thai pubhc sales will be held at the undo mentioned Land Offices in State of Michigan, at the periods hereinafter desiguaied, to wit:•••• . Atthe land office at the: Bault Sle. Mane, commencing on Monday the sixteenth day of October next, for the dis posal ofthe public lands situated within the underaen* uoned townships and parts oftownships, to.wit; • Northofthe base line, and vest of the principal meridian-. ■ The “North and South Fox Islands, ’’ situated in frac tional townshipsthiriy-four and tbmy-five f of range thir teen ’ The IsUmd,” tiling4onil townships thirty-one and fraciwn uonal townships thirty, thirty-one and ibirty-two, of rango •fifteainr “ ~ tpi! ■'.Townships forty-one. and forty-two, of rpnge iwcnty. - 4 jltejTaahip* nndi ftrtjr*two,«f; twenty* • .one '■* * ' < Town slu p forty-op o frange twenty-two, . r _ Township ,f . .. At the Hand arlfthiHjCommtfnctnß on Monday,. Thepaollc ;|anda\w)ihuriher undermentioned ?fracuonal;r township vjutnaud.ln :the former Manistee -Indian: Re.- serve vit * * t, 1 JVferiA.’o/^rt*ba«itn< ; 'and mjtQf -ihe pnn&pa&ntridtan.. , • Fractional lowusmpi twenty-oneand-.twenty;*twi>, of . range thirteen ; w Fractional tortnshipr twenty-one’ dnd twenty*t*o f of range fourteen, - n township* twenty-one and-twenty.-two* of range fifteen r „ i JfracUonoVtownships .twenty-one.and Iwenty-two, of - , , T - , v t Xondiappropnftfedfiy law for ihe-use ofsehooS*, mili tary or other pmposes, will he excluded from iKtf sale*. 1 The offering or the above mentioned lands will fie com menced on ibe'days appomtediMind. proceed m the ordi- . in yrh|ch ther patch, until the whole shall havp.been offered, and. the ; sales thu* closed. .Bumo sale shall he kepi open.longer than twff week«, and no private entry of anyofthe thuds. will be admitted until iailer the oxpirauott ;of theMwo • Given uadesmyhand oVihe Gity or AVashuigtoh,Uu». eight day of July- unno JJomtm one thoussud eight bun dred and - JAMES K. POLK. By the President) Ricffjum M Yoove - > Commissioner of the General Land Oflite k NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS -• Every person eutuledv to the tight of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships afldfractional town ships above euumeratediis required to esialrii.shthe same i to ihe ; satisfaction of IheßegisteT and Rccerrerof the i proper Land Office, and make.payment therewT,os soon 'a* practicable after seeing this notice; and heyjrwmeday.- rapfcinied'ft>r''the commencement ofute ptibliesale.of tae landsembracing the tract filiuntedv other wise such claim . will be iorfeltet£.-- -. BJCIIARD MY^OCNC#,^.« ■y-i :: CommiMionerofuiaGeneraliLandOfijee. jyl3-lawlgw -• "ITT INKS, BRANDJESjGINS, pipe# Cog *¥V noe Brandy. “Jas Hermessyv* •v* 2 hi* pipe* Cornac Brandy, 5 35, ** Otardj Bdpuy A\Co. .. .3 i> ■•...«■■•■ ;.v® .“... • .: l >pinetrCMlillon&CD.” -12 octaves Rochelle’ u A. Seignefte, 4 pipes Holland Gin _ . * i . ; 5 qt: easks sop. PoTe Sherry Wirto, VDaffGotdon &Co.-* ‘i « * < “Befgbcder?”* \ tO ‘ i Madeira ‘ * 10 “ 4 ‘ *L P Tenenffe * “ Carpenter^ 40 a : “ ‘‘ Oporto > various grades;.{#■■ v 3O « “ J'Lihoii 1 - "** ■ tO hhds ,20halfdo- nndS&bbl*; Haui SaiuemoSVme tlOri, « Bordeaux Claret, f'MonUerand tfiv. i . 15 u Marseilles 4 ‘ ü ße«as*r 15 lt: 15 « * 41 P A.Mmnm*'Co M 10 »• « ll “ JaquerOn A Sons t n ? * sft Cfarelvof vnriouff grtidesj imported in ; : r lo ' “ Bordeaux Olive Oil, eroplBiy, ‘ l Lurana la*t cbosetUfCbarimble Mechanic Association, nt'Rostbm ;; Also, -Ihe highest ! premium nt the Philadelphia; ~ • V‘=^r JP' lemion to bisexcellent supply. o»— •*■.:?. Homemade Blanket*, ■■ * * Eastern ‘ vtfry superior, Vw »£ Homemade Flannels:. . v -• ... Fastern 4 / ‘ Twilled lied and'Wlme, Welsh , ‘ unshrinkable ~ 1 '■ ‘Canton r . .V. ... Under Sbirtsl Silk, Couon, and Me Wo-v Alparceh? and Fletry Silk How. Luma do * (a soperwr-articifiVaPjow prior*, di North-Easi cOfflM Foawh. andJffdiSfjrjtrerl*. : Uj* Country, nirrcijniii* will plea*ff irnirmber.hir WholMale.Room;onM.srory, wfiMfcgood,-ateioß at pncM that will pleajte jfiepS*' too —■ A-TIUU you still be* .without a benutful set.ef;Whitiv fV pearly TEETH; and a sweetf 4«granl Bteath, when-you con - bnva' jhetttj boU».»b>. JonefAmbtr Tooth Pajtte* .lt whitens ihe Teeth,-.h#Td*M» the Gnm*,nvreeien« tbe Bteoibrond, i»pwuhtrut *xtep* tioh-flie' most beamifulJbmfr economical -denlnucejever ° For sale by Gen BCpIS 69 liberty st.. Pmsbofeh boxes Western iu?«*rve Cheesa'just re cpived aud lor salehy- 3,-i AV, RASBAU&H- Wp4 ■ - r - boxes Russel * Robluson’i*>s.'; r. . J[, 10 * ReedsA* t 5 *- Cabana s S* e * ,, fiO “ L - * •v lu 1 Lattera.&plue;togfeiß«Wifh va* hon&'Other. qualities, just received ana for by‘r.;.-. - . aep2 - SMITH fcfliflCUAlß. /“X-RREK CONCORDANCE—TbefciigUslmioii’aGteefc - |JT Concordance of the New Testament ; :bfelng«n at tempt ai o verbul voniiectiau between ihe Greek ana the,. .English a coneordnucejo.ilhvKfioper, Names, \vtihludexe9,4»reek“Engliah,and,EngUsh*fl*eek. Jost receirert mrrHorsnle hy ; . _ „ ang3o JOHNSTON 3c-STOGr fcsoN T>LEACHED jtfushus-nnd Sbirings-rPhlblt Rom, ha». •la mjirec eived-a lullossottpieul ai*ll thisntf»stappro\- Jjl KING A MOORHEAD, setvl6--. i•« -- Diamond, corner of Diamond 1 allay. • S“OAP— 09 boxes Rosin Soap tSieePs brans) : . • • iIU ■ -Yariagated Soap (WslkcrtVon hand and for aqle hy^. - • (86p16) ~ .rKINQ fc-MOORHEAD. rTTT ANTiU)—AnerpenenaedbDok-keepeb-onewbo Vy- can came weHrecommended, and devote fcisinten lion exclusively to-business* Address box N T oonFouTthstreet,*fewdoors, vJ above Wood street, uniilthe completion of the bouse ucMli’opposite,’ Teeth’in. blocksj'Wtih amficiatgums . (after the manner now.nmvorsaUy .preferred in um casi,), manuftetared iowit each particular, case..-.Teetn*. from a full set toasingle one inserted on a suction plate, thus avoiding injury-to ihe : natural - tecih.s;-SpecKMns. of blocks and.'suction tilde* may .be examined atibaofficfc. " . AlldperaiionaiuciuenUafhepTofejwioixperfonued with care aud faithfulness.: m ; -,r .- *■ -. *:.t. Isep?rBm . IN thb-Cohrt of Comman Pleas ol AUeeheny County. lilhel for a ilivorft«. ! June Margaret■:Jane ’Nevnjg; liThcir liext.friend Edward Cuuningh«9»j«. Jra Neville- Subpoena nwnrdecl and issued returnable tQ the 4th Monday of October, 1847.. Returned 1847. by John ForsytliCvShenffiMay (k paina issued returnable, tin* 3d Monday ot 3utve:,.lßeium edbylhe Sheriff, N E I . Tolbi'Nxvills r.You aroherehy required toappear at the uext Court or Commoq. Fleas of the :4th Monday, pf October next, to answer the said com* -plaint ofyour said wife; and flhoweause, it anv you have, why your sTiltVwlfc jhtfuld notpe from thebonds of matrimony—necordmg to the oct ofapsemMy luaueh case made hrtd^^provided.^JOHN sepSA»w4<* - Iron itiuttri look ' VALVARL% FtmtfACS PROPERTY FOR SJ£B. fT*UEfsubscriber Offers for sale the■Ctoji/iinuirflcnown x, bathe “DRKGOiY Ft/RNACE,'’which two mUcHrWest of Mercer, Hie county seat oi Mun er co., -Fa..> Said tornanee-is m complete .order fot-tounediate operation*: and there is ervabundance of iron* ore; Of the ■‘best quahty.\Wnhin ; U\fee quarter* of a,rode .of alßOfaVftrabtr-locatea iortimber,ond is wiiwnihree ttrtda hnlf imles of the Enc Extension Cotinh 7*m cit rine and blast nreeqtml to'onyin the. conntyyjbe Mack •w snbstwmaUy nli of lht bmldinjjsa^new • and in good repair, .conipnsingdwaUirHr house* sumi-iem toaccoiQQtodgte aJltfre wortraen needed about.lh* -fur*, stoct enough on Waba abom two hundred ions bf Pig Iron . J For •» th<* *Blwrib«,^n * Amsn&tf $ I&on Mercer, July SK - •rpHKRK i* uriumeroo*«taM of eulmenta,which readily I give way tothe pimfyingand tonhr'pawerft ofJhneiV nU..,aUea«a of !hs yl BkinC*such'-a6'-Tan,: Frcck!es;-Morpnewi .Blotehes; Seurtt/Erysipilttsi SoU Rheum, .Bnrbert llchi &c.,&c* Tbow whodesire a, clennhealthyComplexioif.wnnlddo ‘ well to give Hits admirable prepnrtvtionmnoi! Jtcostn bui As- wraJargecake.. Be sure toask for JouesMial* jnn Chemical Soap Tor ale by * \VM JACKSON. Agent fteplS j; f*J libertyPitubargh TTOUSE ANI) LOT FOR SWer-A H two story FRAME DTOJXINOJ^O^SFaadZor eopinins Atulhitchen, dry cf Hot. aUwellarrangedfor comfort and convenience The LonetM). feet frpuvon Tine, street, FtfthAVoftiiby Cu, feet deep < ( S CUTHBERTv AgepS ■flgaS3 Southfield street. : -~x •: p.-h ; '.Y,‘; ■?x ;_-_•■ -, • ;.-• < v . i'i;: •;•.•,•• <•!•.,'■■ ,S.‘ , / ' * V' V,i ■*- -* 3j " „ -v *" * a, - X' - '4 T • V, * „** V ’.V ''■<* • t-A’i.l. ‘-- 9 -i.l t , sssf glSpi > . -- v , •vJ •* ** v * L xr* i "VxJV •£ fc 'ti'>$ rj r''t^ ••Ka j- r ',. fit, H' !> ?r * v «* r~ 4§&&££sZ&L v; iV-..';V~ ; ' ; *<• 5 ....... 1 4 •U-; u’.f V ; ! S'--.S : 'S '}'*■* *r ir ~ K ? -V' *5. 21 ' ■<: V-V.y' s :- , r • *, n-:.> ' *’* rnrnmmmmimmimmmmM •> V' ts-,9 ‘t/k?- ‘V-f^ - > \ t„ , >/" --v i 1 - * * - A = i *\ r 9 , ~» * 1 'j*-» „ '* r , " " « *- -t * - . i\ ', .r ~'' » / II! its P l - S'. r-.'-r- V Wii g.'.' .<-. ‘1“.:. lit® f ■" " fe J l * * 4- T r"; u ' ' A » s ■~V ! ■ -'•&:.ir- - ** ' \‘r ..' ; '7y ik. •:■* ]'*. ? V f; ?:,’. I ? s e A „ 1 r t• « - .w - . ,i -r-*;r ■ -• I \ $, t r '' r ' .i/ : m .'ArJ‘‘ V.. if r-'”'' '■■■■ -: ■ : ■'■'■•'''mv.t'. vV.W::• R" 1 *} '■ • -.4v -c-. - .... . iSgssiipf .... •; "a* . j-i i •/t ■ r'li*)-;.• v. v -.-,cr'•. , • 'l/ ■ 7 “ ’ "..V. ? ■< >■-. V/v-*. r,'>. V "’ ’• *%*.,*«■ T *;f ,-v J , - S.V. 7.. y-v.. ~ - • > r . . :' - '* «• ! - "• t i . 1 ' <> r s V ■) " , . * ' ■’■’•At' -“til ‘ ”“ ' ~i A ■» ■> _ _ \ V 1. . * ; 7 «•..' • L. ■Efei H\V MMS fiSiftilMili «ia^p ■ i * » ' ‘' ■*. t \ .1- *■ ; r , ** '' , ' '* f • V^O- !ii».