The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 15, 1848, Image 4

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Lnteal Arrival of New
' ■ A.t^iO'irtirri/i/rai.^TUeanliwnTierhlis
til nJacge audEmidwmestookoffii EwnulipSS!ah
:ior gcmlcmci\’««iunnw.rtJyf nr.
upd'DciuiiiCtoiUs; -Drap :de» ■ lea, -CashmarMtr, Jm
■ CasSiraMesiJUomlißimes, andSuraroerploiha, of.allxol
• oiBcudquaUticH* Also r a great, yqnety of. fancy -yqssi,
mcreaaSdEguTcd of them tmirely pew
Ml los, w Inch arc no" to Ee found el ewlie;e in tin city,
tofforiiar with ulanrc assortment of nKWjstyle fancy ..Yeat:
-•Aim-all ofwhich will be raAde lo the most fash-1
ionable raauner,utshorl nottec^-Gentlemen favonng.inis ,
-eßiabllßUtneut tppn meirffttr-.
mentt-being mndo oathey enn be in any outer
:i 'honso in the dodnity. ~v- .y ._ xt^nK
'Otf 'HAND, nMirge attsorWleftt of REAV I £MI>S
VLOTHItfG;} totting Of every description of ijress
• and Frock Coats, new‘fityiel)nsmesa:COa% Back cojuj,
blouses, &c. Also, a general assortment of
. ebtusj cravats;suspeodens^md-qll.othera?ucle»»n A
t • clottnu" lutcl :\rhich>.w’ill oeßoldlowforcasb-- AV
rale-pnrohitirs sviil find itnuichib4he»radvndm g ftto
c j"IS“ d ellualll<:faL '“ ,,e Primping dsewhero Tailor.,-
, Wrouete’ uo'odsj for
mHE eabscnber appeals to lili feh«lvra l f
I in - the assertion- that ho ; has the-largest lot- ou
Goods; adapted to men'Bweßt,to he fbpnjrSn ttay 1
"•'rdUbrlng Esialllislimam in the citj-- T -raoHV:arllifl«B and I
many styles melmled in the same, cannot be Brand Oise-1
where A fewnniie leading articleswtllbe enuroeratcd
here below .t’.r ‘ * \ ' •
■ ‘ > > BoojQhft * Fmoeißlaofc. Cloths ji-i. '
.i:.y.Johanne&'Al>hoo'rt?olaredv •. •
Boniohn & SimonVs DoeakuvCas&uncres,
_ « “ s Crap? Elswtiqttes “
. JiighianA rtaik PancyiKi: • - *>. -.- w
•>"r yaitatClotb^farSnnpner.CpalSi
Caphmardfts, “ *1 '■
Cbburps, ‘ 11 w r
. Tweed ,Fnglish and Atttencah, awriled
1 Satins, Crape Silk* TdJteton, Cachmere, Tinjllej
• BroCttdee.-einurtsfiea ahUmeedle wrought Sha^esi^pue,,
Marßeillee. and other yeflirts ■
Also— LinenUrtirs, w lute, srev,plain, plaid andnb wa
or entirely now styles, importedthi sen ."Si
be sold low to order, for,ou-b, on delivery, aridcashotily
rtay!7 ‘ Eirih. trcet'.neit Exchange Bank
' TTiiTinßenlarcca anfl tiewlY filt' 4 : «P-to*ir.,.entablwhj i
H ment. at thcabove wall known Btand, respectfully
■ "Imhiljto aiienlioa ofahcir fncud&ond the public to theif,
<£«» Mleetion gi.rvcwJSoocls,
v ■ v»v :wcarj especially, lor
SeSous?oraet deparuhent Those w lhe>T
ordcramlltoJ auh. «laWi»hmept evoyVyle of new
and desirable goods. Their stock of rcadj roade Clmh
injis exten«ivt got. nti m the beirt maimer, mo
: Venal ’ arid well 'worthy the attention of to
• —txirchaso. ;*• Allnro nnwied to and may vestroesyred
• that they -will be pleased -with,price, quahtyand variety.
AUrffoassortmont ofshirtaJfcept constantly on band. <<-.
■•. ■ r . • •.■•■■■:■■■■ ■ • '—■
-gagfe*. TO ARSIS' TO ARSlSThreatenedin
,SSBsS»vitwmof\Ve toiaTenna hy Col Swift, wuh
KBSt 10.000 .ifipn,'notwithstanding,which, &£>•
•' White will contWoso sell., dothuig icheaper thaft any
has heretofore been offered in the We'iern countiT hav,
* ihitthc Inrgest-estahlifhmentin,ihe citri frqntmgtijfljp.
•IrwaodS&tiißW He ,s now prepared to. nhoww' 1«»
-'numerous naif ojis--tli®»prettiest 'oncty.-.of? clptli_»..
SSf??Jsmcs and clotbmg of all aescimlions, smtabla
fo?ttaiSSSSSalSin^lhatha. «erIfcenodeied m
Obt;nj ? .he.«rM ? N ? j AaoBT Proprietor
' alamos ciothii'ff sSref*”'”’ 1 *
-JonsislinsofCoMJ, Ve«m-Pantii,Ho ? ej&c. 1 whichlh?y
St r-»ir nnrfts ? £‘.SO* ; irsopenor.lotof ClOlns,
'■CaB l «imeres,an<liVeßunpi'Whiclithoy..willmale ! np : io
order, in the neatest ana Ire t manner
’ 1; fTT*Gustom work done asxiauat.. -< .•••■ xsLaJ
• irfoigel'lhe placerontho.yreslsidFOf Pede
•satstreet, Sdoorsnorth of.the Auction
city .
Clothingl Clothlngi t ciottotn*J» J ■■
■Tint Thret hit O' Door.t: VS The WutiTn notld. - . ,
'IOO.UuU made and ready to Tfe offered on the
inbst liberal term to my old ca tomers and the public tu
: aeneral The Vropnetor of: this far-famed and eiteiyeiye
ftnbh hmeul has now, after tetarumg from the 1 astern
- cities, nwnuch trouble and e^c .h s e» J us tieompleteff his
" fall aid Winter arrangemfnt? to suppl) -his Thousands of
•‘'customers wjth one 01 the. most desirable stocks of Clo,
hi ever been offered tu this or nay other tnar
Let west of the mountains For neatness fa style and
workmanship, eombmed with the very low once which
:■■■ they will be sold Tor, most certainly, render the old uun
-t yhlied Three BicDoorsone of the greaiustattracUons of
mthciwesiern country, tit
announce to tay numerous friends nt home aiid . abroad,
-that notwnhslantUnmlhej.oprpordinaiiteffiirts which I
havemnde to meet the manycallaia.m) lme„il.t« with |
: sJifficulty J coa Vecp time w«h the constant rnsh lhafu
made on. this: .establishment,;. It: -well, estabh^hed
fact that my sales areeigntocien nincs larger lhali hny
other house in the trade W this being the c,m on toe
amount sold, 1 call uffrod to sell at much. lessproKt than
°/ te D a\ »e W f e?ean"
ever y map, who chcupwintcrsuitj loculi
‘ an jMM.afcw Jl lh<> ' ri ‘ ree BlgP j°orof wclost-
TiTEW'COODSTNEW. GUODS.—Received at iho Iron
IN I City Clothing Store, a splendid assortment ofCloths,
cnusitf ingoffine French, English ana. Amencan Plain,
-, ti a ek ana fancy Oassimeies, of the most modem.styles ,
« fam toomd Oadimere iVestingSi. Stilt. Velvet, :Plaut and
• -Bancy Satins—nil of winch we wdl make up at the most
ffiiwkt zi
evert article n ottllykcptm a Clothing Store Country
• 'Merchants, hefotc pur<lm<airelsetthere, Will find it to
• their advantage to •SSJS;.
ft CJF.tAING tS-’f LO\V I-OR CASH liner Llo
o thing of every description, such as cloaks, over
coals! soperGiieilnnkel, Bcpver, Pilol and heayy (.road
cloth** aupcrOnc cloih, dress, andfrpck coats, a large oft*
• eortment-of IsFced.rsaGkjiTmfrock.cpatA.,.,.,; . ~
Cloili cassnnere, anil aUm-n pantaloon?; also, a ten
eralnsKortmcqioi.vesls,-plain aud fancy _ftp?yeV P
- easrioiofe and fancy woolen, and -plaid ,caisiinwe, with
-leTOTnt-TarieiyoC-supei&ne Irish linen,-trimnicil-shms,
unoersmTie stock, emtatir, Comforts !£&!£££
irt thc’f’' “ihuig Imp,which wflMifr&oldlow-TdrCaMj.
• : *' ! SiWiaiiii"ir.-«t6iMl-' , tmncl | l<rtheur.«ajf«a!p««e«tt.-
soon, nt«l ibeny street * IjKUAN Y
- ■ N-JBt A conroletd nifArtmeni of goods, .fuitabTe -for,
Cnstomer work, dlwb> s on hand, such asßngllsh,French
'>ohd American cloths; and casslmeresinlso a choice as,
sortiocnt or seasonable Testings—all of which will be
■■■ nKm oideriii the dnfl on the. most no
comhiodanng term ‘ jan^daw
-~— Cloihinß! ciowing n ~
'"■'•'•-rpHB Sprint; nod Sumntcr Stock tbat ts now ready tppe
onebr this lorßCsi:aad.choicestmselectionUidtJja*ev
er been exhibited by any one concern in thta oir any olhr
' nrcity in <bb Union.-' I wilt bot undertake todeseobeto
the render the different assortments of articles winch I
now have to offer them, but-will simply tell thim that if
they only fay or me with a call, 1 will lay before them
' 175'000 different garments to moke tr choice outpr, cpn r
- : sisting in part of Coats, from the nehestm quality down
i to thelowest in and, Tctjai,*?
tomshmdntoClho beholder, ,wut«.hotll.raoiiu> : c»i.eyes
'duen.-wondering iajJ)o4»osi ( enttrayagant degree of surr
pnse, bow such.a.vnst collection of UExnj M A.Dncujriusa
' 4onji together unde? the,control of
on“ nSjwdual But-sueh things will he, ns long ns per
- sevezunce nnd industry is .the mam-sprtng or trade,
: “ Withoul'dny intention ofboasupg, on my part,-! will say
aube Sme ts ofhnch metal^ampnncmal > com
: posed, for nothings theahnpeorform of aifflchl|ie», jo
.'matter what their niuicunude maybe, con .deter 1 me from
" accomplishing myohwctftnproviding for the famier.the
mechanic, ana the day laborer My wholei Miention is
• taken up with the greatest caTe for thetf ' Te Jf^ T< ’ 1 . 1 5 l s
ting up fashionable,.and at the same time
mentis to meet: their/demandffiiand a* foroihers, who
• er fi
<inlrinfim article of the neplu ultra kind, they havd
only to give ifie on outhue ofuteir wants, aqdjhey
■anttedyto-a wprd^.. • ?.■■.■ - - ;; •
Row, me «y a wprd or twp to ray ccrantn nierch
<uusin 7 the ttaae: If. you wlsh to save;from at least 25 to
30 per- cent, .uv-yout,wholesale-purchases, call in at the ,
'Kuine hope** iurthe-way oTgmung Cheap bargains, mid j
- fresh seasonable goods, l wilinot In future nttempnoou* |
' er any inducements of it Simijar kind to n generous peof \
itldwio noble aanture and dose discernments 1
w fpblMy *' No 151 Liberty atreet.
'/SaN’T BK JjHSATi~/. M. JrAifeha*Jnst' received. at
• - VJ liis largo liberty and; filh
• i 'filreetir a-splerfdid tuirnrtm&nt of TWEEDS for summer;
' also, asu;>enorlovof-Ffouch-Saun- VESTINGS,'aII of
Vhieb he is ready to
Reasonable tehns; as nsnah ; -' Observe jthe
comer, No IG7 Überi} and Sxth street* »
Jtf.’ AVHlTE^Tailor,Proprietor/
■.. tt''; . Stole aal c • unit ■. fletaU* !...
ROBERT H. HARTLEV, begs leaye tp in r . ffr. :.>u
:Xt ronff hisi'ticndpiand the pubuc.generally,
. ihat he'tominncs to occuny>thttt large andeptH-iSuJEK
modiou* Store Room, fojpistb occupied by SamttWaEm
t r. J Cj , .TTii Tfl corner or-Dtampbd alley;and >yood
" ’ iccens a Ijirfee andKeneml assortment of
Tronkft. Carpet ;Bags, Saddle
and all olhe/arti-
‘ Bag^Vnhsiiii,
• h.«1 1 .1A. .. ~„,.,;,r,.[ - 7 - ^
He abo keep? on IIIIIIII7TIIIII n „
funiifh to oxdor, jiH kiuda^)£.Ri.vcW!<liXo».o,nii»nunrpTi»*>
• of the best mutermh nml ma style of workmanship. wjufM
Mb the eastern manufactured article, and ,al G 6 per cent,
.■<Co\iiUfiffrtfTrJifin!3’'and Farmers would do wellfo -Call
hft isdelenuhHMUo sefl- fim mvc rmtclos‘ at vor>*. lpw
Don’t forget tfie placty. No. 80, corner of "WoOd
. trent oml-Dtnmood Altoy.-, , ~r ....... .. ;np2fl_t
TVTISWBOUKri.—Life of CromWrU, by J.'i’.UendJy; :
1!>I Power-ot'lhc Pulpit, by O. Spring,D.D.;
Bethel Tiiff l>> G Spring, D D,
. Jacftlmfc’Notes oivthe Gospels,- ■; >•;;.■• r iov..-::: i
: •.. : 'LeoUtVcB oii N:Hudson T 2Tftl. ’
- PaiU'ofLife,orStotcbeßofiWaV'to Glory-Ace, «.
■v v-*-i by-Aufliorof School Girl in France; j
-•'< ‘Now-mid Theiv,by Warren; -
i^Skcicliesor^erinonsoniPnrable^and Miracles;. «
u;.,v ;Ir<Ua«dfl\Velco/n{Vto Stranger;. , -..v\
Hcaveft-upon Earlh, / *
. v /v’: Hawlrstonc/aifile'of and fi»r.l3nelhnd,2 vol.i .t- 1
For ■•ale b> ’ f^tiTOTT&'FNGLISH,
jetp Wood flhU sC_Mfirkf l l
", To Merchants.
' -i : A' ofl«ed ro the pnbUc, nnd.gUbe lowest prices possi*
l ble- may I>*» foanu at 115 Wood street, opposite;-!. 3).
-Davis' Aactiou.ltOQtns.. Observe .Wareroonm up stmrsj;
; < <* 11 » Hr HODKINSQN >
- XTK'V’ WORK BY nFADfcriY—Ttm I.iff* 6f <l]»tier
f r v’M\ ' Crom\ven, /iy J- IT. JieatHey;, author of *‘NflpolMp
- » u 2d Uu
-wa and lus o* ,d
-^■ , ifOTwlc!-by>'* A.STOCKTON,;. .;•
1 comor Market and ThtrO
(Itlothinn Stores.
- ■*. '
, TO ERIE' ,
j-TkTrt HEiSHlPniNCi.—The fioata belonging to tnwl-me,
> Jpi have been put in fine order* and are .now running
; recnatarly between' Pittsburgh, and Erie, touching m nM
i intermediate Ports nlongtbe Canals.;. ABoatwm.aiwa) *
she at the wharf, under UieMonongalie.^-Bridge, awl.onc
will start regularly, every other dayj- The 1 eopie s
Transportation Line has -.-every;-:facility for. -carrying
Freight and Passengers.: Thcbupts.. ..lowca to
Beaver by steamers,, and. will proceed to Lne witn. greaL
dispatch, by the cpnals. The boats are-commanded.t>y
expenonced and careful meHT-alf of ivhum. havp an in
lcreslin the lane. :• -v: ■“••-••y y
|p» Goods seal by the-Lme ,to Ene may be forwarded
to on> point on the Lakes r
For freight or pa*.ago nppl> ,o ( KIRKPATnicK]
ABetiU.AVntcr. slued, Pittsburgh
Clatu«L Co, Beaver
• R: W. Cunkinohasi, New Castie-v.
• TROircau* & MrrcnEWßEm Pulaski; ; .
o skvtErr Wabkes&Co,j.Middlesex.
, . Mii-ton* Hull, Sherrop. .:;!
Joseph McCLVHß,BharMOurgh., ; : . :
SB&G-Lowst, Clarksville;.
Ktso & McFablatto, Big Bend. > : < .. .
S. C. PwJMEB, .WestGrceav»Ue,‘! i . >•.! ; . i; v/
j. & T. Kilpatwce, Adamsville... :
> . W’-AVABSivoBTn ltjCo.j Shermap’s Corners.
. ./.•;-t— *-rr; Sjinng Conner,'
: !vV y C-Wabnbb, AjbiQn.;. -
yCranesYtUe. i v
Tsbkb, Xjockpprt^ r ;
E-Eisn, Qiranl
: v.A. Ktsoyandß. Tomlinson :&,Co.,Erie. • ;y m-..i .
. The following Agents m Erie /wiU..r<y:cive -.and: (or-;
i ward Freight Po/t on - the Lakes, shipped« by
this Line ? . _
i r .W .M. GaUagher, - John Hearn,.' .
kvO.-’W; HaversiicK& Co.,T .Jo6Uih Kellogg. . i
.-■Kelsoe&Lpomis, \Valhcr.& Coplc,
Plttilmreb portftljlo Bont iilne.
■■■■f-'ParHk* of
ii SOBBTUBE tfiCABH, Philadelphia, y
. - < TMEFB 6 < O COEh OR, Pittsburgh
aiHIS old established f.iuebeitig-iiow m full operation,
• lire proprietors have mode cxtenßiYearraugontents-iSh
forward Goods and Produce * »* i «°S? l? r \fn
nn»l favorable terms.-i / T}jey ; confidently hopo. their weU
known promptness in delivering goods—peculiar safety
in mode of eoro'ing—capacious WTirchouscs at each porr,
• affording accommodations ;tp Hhippersnndovvnera of
produce,—together with their long experience and unre
scflarc..,io them ft conr
Snaaiwo of that lilieral pntrouogerUifty hereby gratefully
a if consignments by and fpr tins Jute -rccei\ed,oharge*
paid, and forwarded in any ‘required directions free of
charge for commission; advancing or storage-,/
No interest, directly or indirectly, in steambpal*. . •
• All communications .promptly to on npptica
uo „ to the follotyipg agoat# jjqrbidgE i CASH,
•••*>••• 278. Merkel streetiOTulodelphio. .
Canal Ilium. Cillsbnrsh. :
.. V V , North »iroet, Baltimore...'..
80, Cedor street. Now iVora-/:
Merchants Transportation lilne.
VIA CANAI* AJJ aND bal , X j MO RB ,
eOODSvMMgned »- )ur cans wilt lie forwonied wMb
ou. *•»•*f au cJ ?.'T’wJKwLtT \ CO.
i. ; - . /-, i oyo : - Market sireevFhilnueipma*
1 “ _ RASE, MERBIM. * CO ,
| jeZj tTI SinitG n « hatf Unliimore
Jjferetutnt*’ ‘“ wST
davßbuTfcli* Wott'rstrei-i, aftd Pcitwbui'jyU. . _
Tbin l3ne vrnVi fbnftcdtor the »lwc>Al-aee«mnodAnonof
the tcaylrmn'xs The proprietory i innktiil for the verj
liberal jmtrotfacelluyyhavL* teceivcd during the l.osHno
iutiliP.fieneTaUy.thauhCj' urr no.vv tu?«t ) c lo
' point on the CaitaU ot Rtu|rond*
wuhpromptlieSKat>d«e?patchr ~T ...... . ....••• .
l ' ! - v -JOHN MILDER& CO. •
Aorm—C A A ro~ Pittsburgh;
PickwoOTw & Wootih, Jobn^oN\»
Rctehkncks—Srrmlr &Sinclair; 3 . A 3, >PDe%iil;u.&J«
I H. Shdenbcfgenß- Rob Won it Co.; R-Moore , I?agnley&
SmlthrJohnParberiWiniLehrnerACo.i O. P. Stroenher
ger, Pittsburgh JC^—
.aierohnim’ Tn'mpoiiWliw ■
<>T?ORitlm Triumportation ,of;Merchuud«« aud-Produce
JC to Pliilndelpliitt.tuidßalumore. Goodsconsignedto
■ our cure'will d,e forwarded,without delay. r.t the lowest
iht®e*.ißiU*.oflmdinir transmitted; niid.aU.timruftitms
i promptly attended to. free from any extra charge foralnr
' 'o'A.M’ANULTYi Co , Proprietor*, ■!. :
■ h ■CauOlßltsiil.Julietlyst.iPlllsliureh. ;
fOarcite.ottly,cni>ydn ,
Weate'rtt NeW York Collejfc or Health.
- 1 ‘- "• v-' SM7'MA»r stbect, Bcfvaw, N, Y.
MIS eCtefiraled term'd) U con lan y
*«X' fume by the making all ofccrthe world,
become the'Onlymedicinofor fiunily usC, and rs pdrucu
larly recommended for Dropsy-. all stage* .of this. fcon«
plaint immediately relieved; no mailer of novrlong stand
ing. (See pamphlet for testimony.) . . r
?' Grdvel,-and nil difteaies of the tmnary organsj .for
these distressing complaints It stands alone * no other hr*
■ dele eon'relievifyobrand the cures testified jo will con
vmeeihfe most'skeptical;—(see lnver Dom
plaint. Bilious Diseases. Fevey and Ague, To, the Vl?ut
1 >Vestespecially,'and wherfererthese.complaints prevail,
this medicine is offered. • Nomtneral agent, nodeleteriptw
- with certmntymnd celetity.'und does not leave the sys-
-painful character,;* irnpjcdzateJyrelieved,
laws by A few daynuse of this article.; It i»:far; bojonu
any other prepanuion for dua.dUousc, or ior any other
disease originating from impure bloods (See pamphlet.)
Debility or the‘♦system,-.weak .Duck, W eakness of the
Kidneys, &c. f orlnfiam&tion of:tlic satnc, is immediately
relievedby a few-dnysuse ot. Uns medicine, and a cure is
always thetresaU’of.usuxiv. It stands oancertain reme
dy for such complaints, and also for derangeuienU,Qf ; j(he
female frame, Irregularities, -Suppressions,: painful .*nen
jßtra&nons*- No article has ever been offered* except this,
ivhich would touch Uus kind of derangements.' Itrony be
relied upon aifa sure and effective remedy i. nnd, did wo
feel permitted to do so,'coa!d give. a thousand names os
proof of cnrcs in .thi* dmtruswng, complnmts.—•'
SfO'paxnphlc|4 Ail broken down, debilitated- conslita
uonsj from the effect of mercury, will find the bracing
power of this artieleWflcf immediately, and the #oisou
oiisVnineraleradicfrted from the system. i
Eruptive Diseases will find the alterative properties of.
this article ptnaFTTnEßtoon, and drive such discnsCsfrom.
'Mie-sysfem. 'Bee :pamph!et for testimony of cures in all
’diseases, which the■; limits -of an advertisement will not •
permit to be named here: Agents give them away j they
■ contain 32 pages of certtucatesofhigh character?;and a
•stronger array of proof of the'Virtues-of.a medicine,: jievj
: Cr appeared-/ It isone of llie peculiar fehture* of this ar
ticle, that it never fails to benefit in any ease, apd if bone
• andmusete arc left to build upon, let thcTmaciatedand
lingering invalid uopeos, ana keep taking the-'medicme
as longasthereisaiumprovement. Thoproprieiorwould
Icauuon thorpublic against a-riumber-of .articles iwmch
.come oQtunuerthe.heads.of.SAßSAPAUiXASi Stbups^Ac.,
: a&cmesforDropsyvGravel, Ac. iThey are good fornoth
. mg, and concocted to gull the unwary:- touch them not.
Their inventors never thought of curing such disensesnll
this article had done -tuxA particular studynf.the vamph
ktAt3eamtsilysoUctttd.s.As'tnis l aniul\ who self the ar
ticle,-are gratuitously. . Fui-.upm3U oz.
bottlevat S 3; 120z.40.-at ®lcacbr-ihe larger, holding 0
oz. more than the two.small bottles. l4>ak out ami not
get imposed upon. Everybottlc has “.Vaughn:* Vegeta-.
la Luhontriptic Mijrture, s Milown uportuhe. glass, the
:wrilten-fiifnaUire of^G.C.«yaugbnon; the.- directions;
Vaughn, Buffalo,” stamped on the cork; Noue
other arc genuine i .
Prepared byDr. G.ChVaaghUvUnd sold actlu? Fnnci*
pal Office; 207 Mam street, Buffalo, wholesale and retail.
No attention given-,to; letters unless-post-paid—order
from rtgulQTty authorize fxerp{tJ. Post-paid Telr
ters, or verbal cotamunieaticmsGoTicinng advice, prompt
ly attended <o gratis
•. Offices devoted exclusively (o the sale of this article —
132Nassau*V|NtY.; .2fis Essex si-; Salem, Mnss.; and
by the principal Druggists throughout the Untied States
and Canada, as Agent*.'" --.rTf „
• : ’. N0.'2,. liberty st., nenfr .CanaV Bpsin. ■■■.•
old and Well
... Y known-Veiutianßimrtmaker*jbrmeily- of- Second
and Fouxlb.sU.» takes thift ro&diiOj!; .. (o-. inform ■'his-many
friends of the.fact that bis Fnptbry is -now Tin fyJJopera?
,l!onoaSt-Olojrfl|.,nearthoolil AUcgbcny
acoustantsqpply ofßhnds.-.of various colors«nd quo,U
-itles,ißConstauuy kept on hand and a$ all -from suit customers. - . .
t Bhmls-wiHbe pul up so, Omlm-ease
they may .ho removed
- "tutiwiih the'same
of ala: .
without tho aitlof'iT
any otherpteeeoTTurfl
. and. without «ny eximexpenpe
XF^V^BQQKS.— letterings m Europe jorSketchcn of
•••lXuTjrayel.ip France, Belgium; Switzerland. Italy, Aus
tria, r/usPta, Great Brnam an<l Ireland, with an appen
dix, containing, observations on Kuroncau.charities and
medical msmutiortß. By John W". Carsori-’M: D
Angela, a novet.By tile author ot“EmiliaWYhilhnid.’i
Olu Men's Tales.* etr . ’ : i.
«elf-Comrolj a novel; By Mary Brunton, author of
“Discipline, *
, VoK Ul.Ttyily Scriptural Readings. By the Into Tltoi
Chalmers; D; IX; T/.:L:.D.; • > > :
: Part 4. The Thousajidand One_Nrgh/s:.' Harpers’ illus
trated edmoj). • .
v Ayilhain the Cottager, a boos for children. . By the au
lliorof vEllen Herbert,? Ac. ■: > r •
.. The above works. received , this day. and for sale.-hv
i- • Air a, Gray?* AfewiJioYel.' :Wt: :■
TUST received at M A MINER'S— <
• LtUn Catnrran ;-OT y TheFonrSwlers: 'By .“Mrs
Gray -
> The Life ofDr.RirlmrdJenmngtvtheGrflnl'VuHnmMnr.
withashorl occoumpf his last days; 'ByJns-'Knfgfon ’
r-The Cahm Boj.or Life on the Wing:.o Sioryof-For
. tuneV Frenkfaml J3y Lieut Murray: ‘" i -
Lndies'National Maganne.lqrSenteiaher
Union 4 i N r „
Byßerford of Atfftrlien> jho\*.
■:- • •••. M. A., MINER, Smithbeld si..--r ■-
“*WprV\ .r .•• ; t . ,3d dooraboyfl'Sccopt^- - ;
- % i v r v
‘' Vs V‘
J C ,ira|rfdeqf & Cd.*a 1
SSk ■ t ‘ ‘ " W*«Breoi/%
JO* Hereafter, all Steerage Pasaengers;ctm?mg-Irocr
Europe, engagedin America to COtnc over, in diner of
the shins ojHaendrn &Co., will be furnished with the
followingProvLßions.or their «qiuvalent,in other articles.
equally good.—S« Attyf-CanertiSj May 17, 1843. ;
rfiHIS PLAN will prevent sickness on board; Hereto
: X fere, wheti PassengersfoujuMheinselves in Provis
ions,'many of them came on boarcl-entirely, dpsutute,
which often caused muclr sickness and death. ,
35 lbs Bread, \ All of good quali-
I 0 ' a -Rich r • : • tyy ana one-tenth
10 “ Oaune&l, tb< l P /° v ‘n°L'?
10 *■ Flbun furnished will be
10“ Bean and Peas, , delivered lo oacll
I 35,“ Pointoes, Passenger every
1 pint of Vinegar,
60 gallons of Waier, , fieienf supply of
lO Bis Sailed Pork, free from bone. 'Fuel for cooking.
■f Each Ship in llusijine-wiUhe propertyvcnulated.and
la Goo d house over the passageway leading, tp,tne Pas-
ReiiMrs’ apartment: The Cambooso and Coplnng-rangpfc
fort£e u«c of Passengers, are kept under cover Evfery
auemion will bo paid to promole lhejrheadlhali|c6inrorL
Ageavar Pittsburgh,
HH£*£& J- T. Tapscptt, 75 South bi;, comeT?P*»G
•i -' * orMttidenLane,N.Y., and 90 Water-: -
J oo Rood, Liverpool » * .
The subscribers, having accepted the Agenay-ftrifie
above House, are now prepared to make arrangements
on the m&sv liberal terms with those paying
the- postage of their-friend* frorp<lje prd Country; nt)“
theyfiatlir themselves their characterand lontr standing ;
in business will give ample assurance that all their aiv,
rangements will be carried out faithfully*.;-; : >
Messrs-;AV- & T* Tapscott are long and favorably
known forthesupenorctoss,accommodation,
qualities oftheir Pdclrol Ships. The QUEKh OF THh
ROSCIUS. LIVERPOOL, and S!D»ONS, two of which
i leave cock port monthly—froraNew York tlio gLstnnd
20th, and from Liverpool, theßth andUtb; In addiuoftto
• which they have arrangements with the St. George ana
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure adeparture
from i ’.Liverpool. every five days, being; thus determined
that their facilities shall keep puce wim theif increasing
patronage: while Mr. W. Topscott s constant personal.
supermtendance of the business m Liverpool is an addi
ttonal security that the comfort and accommodation, ot
the passenger* will be particularly attended to. .
The subscribers, being,as usual, extensively .engaged;
in the : Transportation Business between Pittsburgh ami
die Atlantic Cities, are,thereby take charge ot
and forward passengers immediately on their landing,
without a chance: oi disappointment or delay, and are,
therefore, prepared to contract forpas»age/rom any sea* ;
port in Great Britain orJrelond to this city, the nature ol .
the business they ore engaged in giving them facilities j
for carrying passengers »p for inland not otherwise_at] ,
tamable; and will.irnecessnry, forwardpassengers fur- t
ther West by the best mode or conveyance, without any i
additional cnorges for their trouble. Where person* |
sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage
wdlbe refunded in full.. ..
The subscribers arc also prepared to give drafts at
sight for any amount, payable at the principal ernes aud
towns in England, Ireland. Scotland and Wales; thus of
fording a safe and expeditious mode of reuniting fund*
to those countries, winch persons requiring such facihrj
ties will find it lo their interest to avail themselves of. i
,as\o" on ( ' fi,y ni
• . • "Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
mapCT-d&w 1> Philadelphia
_■ .v. ■ -• ■ •v , :v
r--£ Vv ; ; :, V V I" 1 -'ir.^f-/ --, rV'-V-j’-i
.4' ~ -* * <•.-’• |
*■ t
" I ”■* „ * •*, -T' “ ». „’ " 4+ V
’> ~ * " 1 .
<£inhjratton £iius. _ ,
Koctre, Brother*, <fc Co.■. ;jrJSJ
JHHV FuLTOsrsr,,T»sw Yob* j Eora Qc*r, tgXg>
wjlmkr. Dublin; Scotuxd Road, Liviekwi. " ii—il 1
JAMES BLAKELY, :Agem,'Office on PeimW., Canal
Damn, Pnuburgb
. Anangmmtt for 1848. • , • ■■■
TIOCHE, BROS. 4.C0., sole, Agents .for:-.die.BLACK
XV BALL LINE, of Liverpool andNewYorlcPncket*.
sake the liberty of announcing? lOiiheir old friend* and
customers, that their arrangemem»for ihe year 1843 being
complete, they are prepared to hnug oul passenger*, by
ihcobove splendid Line, trom Uverpool to.-Now ' or *
and Philadelphia. They refer to their former course of
doiug business, and assure those "who entrust them vviili
their order*, ilia! the name satisfaction will be rendered
a* bereiofore. ■; . ■- ■■ .. :
■ ■■■■:■ nESHTTAirCKS TO 1
Draft's for sale, payable, on demand, ni any Bank in..
.Ireland.-- > .
Tiie umlernij;ned ho* made arrangement* to bring out
P, febSda«-i'‘" bUrgh ’ dUn " S 'd aIsIF^'bZaKF.LY
Paiiage To ond From
Gkoruk Ripfabd A Sox, No. 134 Waterloo .Road* Li
verpool. v r ■..•••
CarluisAßjpPAST>,No.sB9on:h at.; N.v . • .
rtIHR Subscriber*, baving.acccpted the. Agency attbis
X' cny of the above well Known ami respectable Houses,
areprepared to make engagements fofpnssenger* m Come
out from any part of Great Britain or Ireland. by the re
gular l«i ne of racket fehip»> sailing from luvrrpool week
ly-- Per Hons engaging with us may rest atAureo that their
friend* will meet witli kind treatment aud promm des
patch at Liverpool, as well a* every attention necessary
ouihcir arrival m this country. Apply tooroddress
. 142 Liberty sl, Pittsburgh. .
N. B.—Passages engaged here from Liverpool to Pitts- r
burgh direct, and drafts for any amount forwarded, pay
able eft sight, throughout the United Kingdom. - .lyUfrly
JffiL ha»h»m*co..s
BKhE - rAs?c»osa .U'tn>"j&E3cxmscß; - JbGbBC.
HARNDEN a CO. continue to bring out person* from
any part'Of England, Ireland,.Scatlandor .Wales,-
upon the most liberal terms, with their usual nunctuoiity,.
arid attennon to the want* of.emigrants. We do not al
low our passengers to be robbed by the swindling scamps,
that infest the •*efc-ports r - as wo take charge or them the
moment they report tnemselvp?, and see toihcir woft-be*
mg, and despatch (hem without any deteiiuoli by the farst
ships* • Wff'say this ■ fearlessly, ns we defruny of our
passengers to thow . that they were detained forty-flight
hours by us in Liverpool, wlufjtthousnads of others were
detained months until mey could, be sent,in somewo-
at"U cheap 1 rate, whieiij too frequently proved their
Wo intend to. perform. out contracts honorably, wrt
tcAor it may , and not net aswujthe case last season with
other offices, wboeithfcrperfonned-utfT-ajlill, or whenit -
suited their convenience „ _ _ t
Urafls drawii at Pittsburgh for,any sum. fromxl to
£i:000i ; payable 1 at any of the Provincial Banksin Iw
;, Eurppean'aud GeneraV Agent,
j&n23 ’• -Fifth street; one door below wood at?
rrtlUGSubscnberAoye prepared to fonvard money to all
X partsof Engiand.lreland, Scotland and 1\ ales, with
despatch.add atthe UrweStrate*. " • ■ mm - :■
| [feh!2 . f l42Liherty street. ;
j Koropean and;Ai4e?fow Agenpy,; - j .
THE undersigned European Agent has just arrived in
the United States, and will leave Pittsburgh. Pn.;
early in September, and.sail fromiKevv York on the Ist,
day of Octobormexuperforming the Twenty Second Tour.
of this agency through, England, freland. Scotland, Wale
etc.- reluruing to' America in May, 1840. ■ Money term
unices for large and small sums promptly made,tp.all
parts of Greni Umain and. Ireland; legacies, debts,,rems,
real estate and claims collected and recovered > cOpids of
wil!s,'deeds and documents procured j 'seamhes of pU
kinds made. etc. Ho.succeeds,his Keenan,’
now U. S. Consul at Dublin, who so many yearssneccss-.
folly conducted this Agency; and ho will;be assisted by*
him m all business transactionain Europe; Innumerable:
references given. Address personally, or address,post,
paid. TJIOS. J..KEENAN,. European Agent, , -
and Attorney ano Counsellor at Law* 1 :
v.riii , :PiUaliurg&, riLf
Office &l the Merchant's Hotehcotner Third andSmith*
Gelit StS. .
K- may he seen on business aV Uic t 'followirfg>
tnnes aiid places: In Cincinnati, at Broadway Hotel,.on;
3lstJuly, and Ist August; in Louisville, pt Louisville.
Hoichon.drd and4tfi August; in Si. Louis, on'JOrti, Zlih
and 12th August. '*•>• * .■‘’•v * ■ • * • ■ • * <
James May, Esq. will tfttpnd to nil European business,
mmy absence. r : .Jel3 t
A-:- -' fireat Kngllih Remedy
17QRCQUffhA > Cold», l A*thma, *nd Coniwupiwnir-'nfßJ
V great and-pnly. Jlemedy for the.above diseases isihe
i liuhgarum Bahani of 'Lt/i, discovered by lbe celebrated
i Dr iiuclian, of.l<ondon, England; and introduced mto the.
-United Statea-ander. the immediate aupennlfimlence.afAbe.-
i inventor*-:
v Thee*traofdmarysucceas of tlus medicine, in the cure
!■ of l?ulmonart T diseas&Sj'worranta the American Agent >t|
i soliciting foMreamtenl die worst possible cases that can
i bfe fomuiiiuhe community-senses that seek relief nvvam
from hnyofthe common remethes.ofthe day,.and have
hern given nn by the most distinguished physicians, a$
olid iucUrnble. The Hungarian Btdsiun - ha*
i cured, ond'will cure, the mpst desperate is no
1 quack uosmira, but a standard English medicine, of known
and established efficacy . ,
t -v. Every family in the United States should be supplied
i with Uuchau’a Hungarian .-Balsam-of,Life,-not only, to
i. counteract the consumptive of the climate, bat to be used
i .asaprevdniive medicine iil aU cases, .of colds, coughs*
i spitting of . bloodj pain in the side and bhest, irruatipn-and
i soreness of the lungs*bronchitis, difficulty of breathing,
i .hectic fever, nighteweats,’emaciation ana generaldebjuv
i iy, asthma, mfluenza, whoopingcough, hna croup. ~,
i Sold m large bqtdes at 81 per bottle, with full directions
for the restoration of health.. ; • -t
; iPanjphlpts, containing a mass of English and American
CfXUficateSiahd other evidence,’showhifelhe uifeqUallcd
_ments of tjiitf'great English Remfedy, may be obtained o{
r ~ l ' ■••ntuitously.-’ •' -.'v- ' t - •
_nud Wood and Oth sts :■
;.v'Y"V"".V- N«w • .'‘r~T i
A LUSON’S MARLBOnoUGFr—*The'niKitArv'limr-crr*
JX.. .John, Duke of Marlborough: by.Arehiliala VkUinon,
frV author of the “History of Europe.” ' :v
-•: 'NcandersLife of Christ—The life Of Jesus Christ, ill'
its historical coiine.xiQitand historical developments: by
; Augustus .Neamler—translated from, the fourth Gorman 1
cdiuo»,byJohn>McGUutoek*ind E. Bluraenthnl, Profes
<Bo;s ni: Dickinson College. •. ; • . :
- v-Old Hicke the Guide ; or Adventures in the Camanche*
Country in search of a Gold Mine: by Chos.W. Webber/
Tbenßachelor.of the Albany: by the author of tlie [
“FalconFnmtfy-/'.. • , ;
Dr, Chalmer’s Posthumous Works;—Daily Scriptural:
-.Readings, by the late Thomas Chalmers,D. D. }i lj-I*. D
in three vols. : Volumes Ist and 2d received. r - ,-.v 2. *
• The. < above valuable works received'this day. and for
sale by t JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, :
- apUJ Booksellers, corner Market and Thirdst*. '
QUNDRIES.—4 O&iloi.PloyWg Cards';'
Kj -200 whole and half bores Sarimesf:
l • 10 baskets olive Oil;' ' ■ . : •'
20 doz. assorted Catsupsj Ac.
, s,casks London Porter,qnaris ant) pints;
. ./ 30u doz. Brandies, Wines, Acr-vety old; :.
5 bids: powdered Sugar; •
, :CO, basket* Ghampaigne Wme.parrto arrive; • ;
* hhd Claret Wjne, for «ale by
marff F C MARTIN.
. fi'CsV/i' ’■i'ltlyi \iV.
\-..\v V'-i-
t v'^k> v; K^r.»•*/«'
w v;t, J
r.- % :'i *-:-> i ~ ~"i. ».••'■,; -t :tS-~ >' ; ''. -■ -J '*'
< » * > .
V :C ; v
■■:,.-.. r y . 4i-!».xi-»xs*-"-'<-«- •'*•> '• -- •* -•- <-*-j; v• „••:•.t; iV--.: • ■•’■.,7. :st.? -■ '•■*.’-v->.••■.
* » * * * > *- ' «"*
""■-' '"" v -'A'^;Z;V^'t ; >''' ;, V'-'^>7''^-^
■»• -i * * y t. r £~ " s f
> c ' V
Inanrante; (gompattug.
/ >’• - .'Fire &nd Slar|ne in»nranc«. r ...} ••
mHB NorthiAinefiCtt, oTrmla-j
_L delphnr,though* ns duly authorized Agent, the' bud- 1.
offers-Jo make perift&peni and- lirrtued-insurance, J
roupropertyvinphis city audits vicuuty>ami on shipment*
toy the caftal mid riVcrs
Arthur G. Coffin, Pres’t.' . Samuel Brooks, , I
■ ■ Alex, Henry, ; - Charles Taylor, _ j
• Samuel W. Jones, ■ '“'■'Samuel.W.. Smith,.. ,:. • 1
Edward Smith, • Ambrose White, *
John. A.:Brow»i*’ >*/hu /'rdacolrM. ThpniM,. , : .
JohnWTute, John R Neff, ,
Thomas P, Cope. , r ;•. RicharaD*/Y °°di _ I
Wm Wei 11 Henry D Shenaxd, Sec y
•This is the oldest, Insurance*Company:in the. United
States,.having beenchartetod mITD*.-Its charter to per T
petualj and from its high standing, long : experience, am 7.
pie means, and avoiding nil nskn-of an extra hazardous |
character, »t may be considered as offering amnio secun? j
ty to the public* < - "WILLIAM P JONF9 -j*
• >AI Counting Room of AtvvoodjJoncsA Co,* yVateranu
Frontata..Pittsburgh ..v."..- _• ••• • ■ ■ may*)
The FrunlcUn iFire' iDsman^ o Coinpsuy I
/Charter PERPEruAU—B4oo,ooa paur --iw, office
V,/ 163|ChcatmU sl.j north *lde,iiear Fifth. .. fake Insu 1
ranee, eilhfer permanent or limited, against Joss • or uam j
age by-fire, on property and effects of every description, |
in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Ap
plication, made eimerpersonnlly °rby.letters, w*i‘ be.
-promptly attended to; C; N.BANCKEKj Prest..,
G G Banker, Secretary
Charles-N. Bancker, - • Jacob R. Smith. , . , i
ThoroasrHart, George \V Richards,
- > Thomas J. Wharton, Moulecai l). Lewis,.
Tobias Wagnerii'vj. i ( AdoTphi E* Boric,
Samuel Gront. Davul S.Brow-u. s , .v.i ..
"Warrick Martin, Agent, at the Exchange Office of
WnrnekMarun.fc of 3d and Market si*.
■Fire risks' taken: on building*,jqiyl their contents m
Pittsburgh, Allegheny and ;the surroundingcountry'. »o
• 'marine of inland.navigation risks taketb ■ ang4 l> ,
josiaii Ktvo * nssn, an |
Agents at Pittsburgh, for tht Dtlaieare Mutual Safety in-.j
svranee.Lompanyof?Jfhthulelphta. ..
T?IRK RISKS upbiiTtuildings and Merchandize of eve-
JP ry description, and Mrinne Risks upon bullrfor car-.J
•goes of vessels, taken upon.the mostfavorobm terms... j
• Office at the wfcrehcfUseof .King Holmes, on Water,
st, near Market street Pmsburgb * . „
N B KirigJt rinney invite the confident and patron
age of their friends and community at large to the Ueia
ware M. S. Insurance Company, ns an institution among
the most Nourishing m Philadelphia—a* havnig a .large
paid in capital, which, by the operation of its charter,, is.
constantly Increasing—as.yielding to each person jnsu
• red, his due*share orthe profits of the Company,-With out
involving him in any responsibility whatever, be>oua the,
premium actually paid m by.himj and th.erefonv as. pos
sessing the-Mutual principle divcsteifof ever) obnoxious
feature, and in it# most attractive form* ;.. . novlu-
Third (\nd Wood 3/r«M, Pittsburgh.—Thz os*el*. of ;." ,e
company oinbe first of Jnnunryv 1645, as .pubhßUca tu
conformity with an act of the Pe.njlr.y.lvomn Legislature,
■were; ■ • ■
Bonds and Mortgages* ♦
Real Estate; nl cost**“»* •* ‘
Temporary Loatjs, Slocks and Cask-*"*’*:
■ Making a total of vw--?909,G53 4-
Affonling cortiun a*Mjraticc. liiai nil ,lo«.«cn .\\iu dc
promptly met. and giving enure security Bn wnooo
tam policies from tms Company. - Risks Taken at as low
rateg asTin; con«is\em-wiih Fi'cuniy. . • • ; ■ : • <>
' octB V WARRICK MARTIN; Agent. . r .
' Ininraoce Agnlnst Flre. _
TirK Ammran l'jre- Inmianc.* ,^o..
-72 WaliuilsiTeei, Ptuladelpl»»ai: ;^n c orpomte« A*
lblO-rCJmrter perpectual. :i .•■
v-v Insure# lJ»iiluh»g*,'Furniturc>Mwhahdlz6, ami proper-.
ly genentU>\ either m the city oreoimir>*agmnM lom or
damage by fare, peipetual or tor lumted periods, on lavor
ablfi lerfats- * ■■ ._ r
John Sergeant, framuelC.Morion, ..
William Lyntfb,: Adolphus Vpow,:
•Thomas AJlibone, . {.forge Abbott,: * - -
John \\ elsh r Jr * Patrick Brady, i
John T tawis , .< „
• &AMURL C JtfOKTON,■PtMiwnu -
Francis D. Janivrb. kecretury. . ; i
■ Orders for Inßurauce-by the above Company will .be.
received and i insurance* by. tlm uwh;
agent for Pittsburgh;; i : > , ♦ l -<i>A).jLOCHRATs, . r
...... t
Council** MafflciTl Jpain lfixlxaeior, .
IT is jiow conceded by.medical men-that jLonneii* (
Magical Pam Rxtrantor. manufactured by Comstock m
tc, Co ,21 Courtland si.. New York, is the.greatest won- ]
tier of the l.Oift century. -Its cffetMsarir truly tmracujoq*. ,
AH pains nro rcnujved-troupjmrnK,.scalds,. i
externa! sores*, jp a few mining-* after, its itiiphcansi/T, ;
healing thfisamc oh the molt deuedte skw,_ Ka>nf§ up.,
■scar It ift equally bencfic.ini m all kinds oi intiammuto- i
nr diseases, such ns sorn Nipples and Kjt s.-fcppms, ,
Rheumatism. White Swelling and Ulcers, Bruises, Burns, |
Chillblams. Erysipelas, Biles, Tic Doloreuux, Ac. u e :
might add as proof to all wc say, the names of innitj rnir.
tmem physician* who use it- tnthclc ;pract»ce,i>#d bun
dredsof ihe clergy who pniisa UJo their ptuaplc.. Kiuq ;
parent keep t( ranstftntly on hand, iu case ol neudents by :
fire life may be lost without, but by hr nse all hum* arc :
subject to its control, unless the vitals ore destroyed. CVw
ito*»Koicnilicr and a *k for Mopinl -Fuirj Ex-
manufactured by CeMWuJffc 4* l-. ana take .
U Sobks, Ac —TAf Gemnue Units’l.tnavi miU* an
article more justly celebrated as ft cum for the above,
than any Or all Others: • . Its cures are almost imuu diate,
and hi* only uecessary to iet thosc who know the,article
aud use it with auchereai success, that it is, .to or had
irue aud genuine of Comstock A Co., 21 Courtlamt si.,
N; Y., sole proprietor, s „ w t
/ gold only genuine in Pittsburgh, Pa-jb) Jackson, ~
£S> Libertyßt.,hcnd of Wood st.; alsom \vashington,ra , i
byA. Clark; in'Brownsville,by Bennett A Crorkcr,nlw,
by our agent in every town m tViir,«y ivnnia. Ohio, Mil.
and Virpula novlO-dAwOm
MU fitlieiMKGoaßb Medicine I ever Savr.*»
T> BAD the following proof of the superiority of Dr . TV rf-
XV lard'd Oriental Cough Mixture front a respectable cit
izen, who banned ju „ 1(f .
• . Pittsburgh, Dec- Ip, 1>47.
Messrs. Hats ABuocxwAY:--Arterlabonng for several
weeks under flic disadvantages of u hara*sing.cough and
roastdistretsing cold, which had, ihus.fqTfyssiKtcd.yie cf
feclsofsftveniFoftbe “infallible*,"l was mduced topur-'
chase a botUtfofyour Oriental Cough ARiture, add give
iUfair trio!. To my great surprise, after usmg only one.
half of the bottle J found myself entirely well. ; -‘./iu the,
ba g£££ lKnMK " JOHfJIHNDS
Sold by HAYS & BROCKWAY, Commer
cial Row, Liberty street, near Cana). ;;>, f v, ■> ,
' A A- Mason a C(J., Dry .(foodt Ilovu,, b- Market
7V # Strut, bttuten Third and Ftntrtk »treets; liWft. just;
received a large supply of neh-FiillfioodtotCOTnpnsing in
pnrt: 17 cases various styles Prints and .CJtuuzes of hn
gliah, French and American manufacture* 100 pcs rich
and aesiroble patterns French Girighams,-warranted niv
ferior to none imported in style, quality nnd durability or,
colore;4 cases splendid Plaid goods . for Ixulies dresses,
comprising every style for Fall and \\ inter .wear, Cash .
meres, M. de Lnines, Satin: stp d Aipacias orvarious.
colors; 34and 44, black and blue black L Silks,,-fotfMan
tillas: Fancy dress Silks { black and Mode colors; M. de
Lain*, all woo); Shawls ofevtry st Vle amltiualhy, Cas-,
tune res, Cossmcilfi, Broad Cloths and A eatings, blftaoltr
ed and unbleached Muslins from 0J- to.ltife. per yard.
Green, Yellow, Red nnd White Flannels i Tickings,.
Checks, strip'd Shirtings; bl«achtd;aud brown Drillings,
etc- etc**. All of which offered at- wholesale, and re
-llUU^.l.evWlo««.f p B"pnc eA "JASOV & CO
J\ ingi. Fourth street.— Hough A Antijost, Dagtirrreo
typists troro the Eastern cities, woaJt\.x;aH_theditßuttou of.
the inhabitants of Piiubnrnh, and the iicißliboring,town*,
to their Daguerreotype of clu/eas anu others, hi rooms in
the third story of Burke s building, 4tb *t.
1 Persons wishing pictures taken may. ycsU fissured, that.
ao pains shall be spared to produce, them in.the. (ugliest
perfection of the art. Our instruments are .of tho most pow
erful kind; enabling u* to = execute: pictures* udaurpassed
for high finish and truthfulness to nature, The public are
solicited to call and exahiine. .
• * Persons sitting for pictures are neUher rcquirred or ex
pected to take them imiess perfect satisfaction is given. ;
N- R. Operators will find this a good depot tor .stock
and chemicals i ‘ ' .
....H7*lustTnctiotisgtycn in the art, ;coi>taiumff t ISWj.wore
recent Improvements. v.,■ . J. an ' ■
/flO FEMALES.—Evoryiemate a box of
X Drißalph's Pills. 1 -They nrrt perfectly ada])tfcd fo the
peculiarities of their constitution; actum With geutf e tatld
ness and safety in all circumstpnecs. .WUoraver introduc
ed, thMr character .lifts (been rdpfdly-established among
'ihejadatorwith whom they ore emphatically Tie Favorite,
•'Very compete idirehtiOnß for-uwi :in the various com
each - txvfsxp* -, f _
Tor sale by GUTIUirRT,
- SmlUifietd street, nearTlnfiT
Also, by Wm Cote Allegheny CitJfJ f* Smith,sHir
miug)mm;and John M'Crackeii, Fifth Ward, P.mshargh.
jtm.2s _
1 HoHo\r>Warc Castings. "
Tk/rFiRCHANTS' viMtirig our city, for the of
IYL obtaining their Spring: supplies of ifolldW-wnre
and other Castings; will fiud a very heavy.stock; diul.nn;
extensive vnnety.of patterns, and sizes m stonvhy. us.—
Samples canbe seen atourwarehouse,.Commercial Row,
Liberty street; nexi W, WV Wallace’s Marble works. ■
try;Terms-and fcfietesi favorable. .
Sb a-dlm QUIN McBRIDF tc Co
"\TEW received, hy Express: Oerumny,
Xi England.: and Scotland, .or rcPoHectious of a Swnis
romister; by J. H. Merle D’Aubiguej D..D„ : mnlforof His-'
tory of the Refonnatloiiy Lifo ofCromwetl, Ac, -
• 'A Pracucat'Exhlbmop of the St. ,M|tttbcw:
and SLMark, in the form of Lectures, >nteipltd to assist.
the practice of domestic, instruction arid devotion; by John,
Biro Summer D. D.fibehop of:Chester. >
For sale by J KUiTO'IT, A ENGLISH . v
' febSH • .. -.50 Mgrkqistreet,boi. iUlmd -Üb.i
Table Cutlery.
fTTHK undersigned lots just received a select afisortmerit
TableJ.and oilierfine-Cutlcry,including Desert,
and CarVing kinves and forks; which, with a,large stock
of Brushes of every description,' and Shoemaker's -find
"Tt i r. ll l *■»!> will illi nnic of ns usual: on treasonable terms.'- •
•’ 1 ap2B v .yTT' street. ■
City tracker and
■\TrOULD respectfully inform his- friends- ond the pub
'Yf lie generally; that he - lifts addedto:his other busi
ness.the mmmfacturmg-of Crmikcrs of.evnry vnrietj-.
Having purchased one of Wj R. Nevin's Cracker, nnd
Pilot Bread moclmiesj he is prepared to fill all orders for
crackers or pilot breaffat the shortest ilcrtice and hopes
by a strict aiteitllan to business; to share a boruon,of the.
public patronage.. <The public is respectfullyjnyited to
callatidcxomme.forlhemßelves,.i > ; ; j .v
:BAKERY r Np.dp Convnereial Row, Liberty st. oppo
site Smttlifield
'N B. Superior family Bread, r>’Q.and dyspepsia-Bread,
large and small rolls, fresh-,oy^fy.mornjnijsauJiivbiid,at
the stdrC, or my wagon, or al my slant! >iu iliq - v
v Cakesand Confectionary on hand and made order.
np29-1 y • . - NolQ Comipgroinl Row. iSt.: ,
A.Mason A Co.iNo.<loftlar..
Xv ket street, arc now opening 20 cases and* packages
of New Fall Goods, comprisingmew Klylesoffinigimnl?,
French, English and- Antftncun:t'.Prints,i Hosiery, and.
Gloves. Collars, - Capes. Laces; Mull; Swtss.and ißook
Muslins, Ac , atl^n
r ■ •. V v i •.* --
*J\'; '*k‘j ’i y{ -v! 'i ;’’ "
.y ->V. •> •»'
s a.>i-r;.c
> -i \ i
* : ■'i'- :■<*
100.007 77
.207,409 72
I- J
;>-CV '''/V'ivi
* 1 **
• , ••••;* <n- 1..:,;,-
I EDraga anil JlltiiUints.
•NEYSf ASTHMA^.and'all affections, ansing-from
•- deraugeracutor disease m the- Btlmryv.Digest :
. • live,-Vascular*. Respiratory,. and Nervous .'.
Systems, such as con»iipQUon, mward '
■ (v . . . 'piles,heartburn.loBSQfappeute,coaiMin>'.'-t
!.-• od.lougucvacidity;of the -slom*; v v
ach, swimming, of the jiead, . - r .
•■■-•v ••• T . ,v . • fuHfiesP'or weight in the w -
stomach, dimness of
r>". Vision • pulpila*
non of vihp. .*.> - :
:choking or suffocating*4nsUinig.depression'Of- spirits,
• sudden flushes of neat,: pflrtn, m the-: side orbncfc, ;
wcakness of theihmbs, cold- feel, constant inV *'- v
.:agimngB-of evtl, : fever and dullpainintb©“M*\ : .
r: 'lieodf:pam.' and/difficulty-..0f breathing >*>».?
■j 1 • wheniyiiTg'Upou -the l
* ; v , .dreams,sopreTpctauons,yeUow- \
ness of i&e skin and ejqs, L
deficiency of perspita
-1 tJorr, Ac, Ac 1 cart be
Theirpoweroverthcabov* difteaseslsiiotexcelicdr
if equallcd-by any; other i preparationin the United
States, -as the cures* in this city attest, 1n many cases af?:
ter skilful pliy sicmus had failed*
f .Dermigemenl in tho liverandßlomach
disorder or amoibidscuou.of i
ihe. sympathetic and other nerveslollaws* and the func*
lions orthe brain are impauted and deranged; as perves ;
are the connecting medium betweenirisn<f aud matter U j
follows frotmlhA? reciprocal action that both must ie
raqreon leasnnplicpted’ ana.derangedsimultaneously,
derangement there vrillaJso producedlseaseof tbe.SKIN,
I.UNGS,'UTERUS nud KIDNEYS. as well ns.ihe brain.
The thousands wfiQ .diO i .wuU YELLOW FEYER*
i causpjand the majority oC<mses of that mosj .painful*
i .disease, CONSUMPTION, ongiDates fromthe, same-In_
[ fact jhc .stomach is the important organ in. the system of
r maUer,’astipoa it you depend for the success ana.ail .the
advantages tobe derived tromthe administration of in-,
i.tepiai medicines.;>Jts/unc!tons:are*oktbevinmoattira
: portance to every one laconsututingtho source and foffri
taut of'life, which is nutrition. - No organ possesses such
. remurkablesympathies, none such remarkable power in.
1 modifying every part of the system. r.
The rare success in.treating disease of,the Uvey and.
stomach successfully has not beena want ofpatljOlbgical
•knowjedgeot their functions, huf the preparation, of a
compound that woald act: upon the disease and.all.the;
sympathcuc ddlicnons.'That : point has been gamed in
these Bitters, and they ore ENTIRELY VEGETABLE,
'and will in eyenrease permanently ; des!roy<cosuvdness;
aud give strength, find, vigor to the frame*Ati no time de
biliiaiuig: thepauerit, and they ara grateful tathe.rnost
delicate stomach under any circumstances.. . -v .
■ ! '(IP’AVmitW TnK TPDWKR ok MBPICISR.) .
■;iThc fewLmomhs this preparation-has been befpte.ihe
public; has; from its infallible efljtfaoy,elicitedthe fculogy*
of the press through the land; their object being
bcnefii oi suffering hupmmty; us .success has ..surpassed
all precedents, ts free from: all alcoholic siimiilant..
syrup: mercury; aloeR { quinine,, acids* and all injdnous
ingredients; amlespeeially adapted to the diseases of the.
vAtiahle climutc of the United States* and the Westrjn-
(lin’TslmidS, i-, r.>.» : .•* . ....
are made strong -by using lt'-4n iaet.Urisafamily.raedi-, .
ciheyamV cdn be Tulmmisterfed With safetytoa child one
year old,the delicate famale, ora man of nmefyv : ;
VThe • Philadelphia medicine
.has an extraordinary virtue ond'emcacyf/ond.ia iivgreat
demand. Wc can speak-from. experience*
I produced many ' woitnerfbl cores.’* v .
: The Daily Sunsoys>— u We behove ifid. one or.the.
best roediciuijs o£ the age-r-a friend bis
own' familyyiih -great satisfaction in .the Jaundice and..
I LivfcrConiplauu.'' "
The Spirit of the Times and Keystone says:r-**Do our.
{ gaod ciuzeus; who ore- invalids, know the tnahy < astou* 1
f ishing .cures that hnve.been performed by Dr. Hoofland’s
1 celebraicd German: do, nott-we, ,recom*
{iriend them to the German Medicine Store., 27ft; Race
I dice, Dyspepsia *or Nervous Debility; the Doctor has
j cuTed: many, ofour-citizens?/after, the-best physicians
1 had failed. Wc lmve used them, and. they hava proyed.
1-tO.yc a medicine that every .one should know/ofy-and We,
{ cannot refrain giving our testimony in their fayor,.an d
that which gives them greater.claun upon oUr humble ef*
j fort; they urcemirely.vegetable A.,r: ■■■• >..■•■.
I The Evemug DuHcunsays:—The-.Celebrated- German
j BiUer# ore an iiiv.aluableretnedyjor Jaundice, Pyspep*
] mu, and nervous complaints,” ; y .-. v -r.- -’
). J Neol’itGafene shys:—f‘ft is not often we notice,, the
pvanous excellent medicines advertised mourcolutniis,
beyauso weare uuvrilltng-lospcakexceptfrom personal
{ experience., anffagood cortßtitutfcm; formnately.makes
us generally such articles. A word, bow*
| ever,ofPr HoofliindV GenhanDiricrs. Tin* WR-tfiow
[ to be an ! excellemartiele fulfilling iu every* rcsjtect what
| i* claimed font by the advertiser. - , r.
The.DailyNcwssays; I i s :
I J‘A Medicixe.-*-Wc. speak knowingly of Dr/,;Hoof
lAnd’s celebrated German Bitters, when we soyfus a
blessing of this age; and in diseases of Ibe.hHiarjydfgesT
tire and.nervous system**!! has hot, we think,an tquai.
. coitriLvand to 01l invalids we would recommend it,as
■worthy their confidence.
What stronger testimony can a. medicine have?., At the
1 ’Depot can be seen -the evidences of. many of our . roost
respectable citizens of Cures inwall the foregoing dis
eases. •; . * ", .
• PrfncipalrDcpoVGerman Medicine Store. 273, RACE
Street, mid for sale in Lancaster by John F-LoganiHar
; rfsburg, by.D. WitGTOsspand rtfspectaoltf'dealers gen
erally'throuffhout the country. . i -
are in danger, the work -of- the dcstroyer.vha^-been
begun, the Cough of Consumption hath, of
death/ -"': ' ■.•••■? rf 1 ‘
: Ask von a Marnmit Your, darling child,.yonjrfdol
and lohdrehamber
hyadunperous cold—hcrpale cbceks?:berlhin shrunken*
fingers, tell the hold-disease has.already.gained.t}pob;ber.
—me sound of her supulchral ; cough piercesyoursoul. ~.
Man 6 ,“when jast about to enter life, disease sheds
u heart crashing blight over the fair prospects of the fu- :
ture—vour hectic cough and, feeble limbs tell-of yotir:
loss or hope, bat you need not despair. There is abalro
which'will heal tue wounded lungs, it is . ; - ,v>j :• ; v
Sherman’s AU-Henilnc. Balsam.
- Mrs.. ArritXE, the - wife of Wm. H. was
given up by,Dr- SewnllofWashingtorvurf. Boe and
McClellan of Philadelphia,-Dr* JRoefindß&Mou of New
' ( York, Her friends all thought* she. ihust-dif- * Shot hod.
every'appearance of being in consumption, andtwat. so
. pronounced by her ’Was
givenanditcuredher. - ► * s ■* - 5 '
..Mrs. Bu]l ? s.Ferr>vwas also oared of
consumption. hy Ahw-Balnarawhenall other remedies
failcdta give relief—she was a skeleton;?. Dr.
iA; C.-Castle, - Dentist; 231 Broadway; 6 , hah its
effects in several coses where no other medecine afford-*
cd the Balsam operated iike-a*chans:
•a)so!.withesredits wbuderiul efforts;in curing Asthma,
which U nevet I faflsof'doing;*.SpUilng Blood; alarming
ds'Jt may bCj is effectually scorediby-. this* 'Balsams It.
heala the rupiored orwourided blood and makes
the luDgmouadagain.;-. , * ■
i i Jtev. HEJfBv JQJtESj 103 Eighth avenue, was Curvdof
cough and catarrfial affection of.fiO years standing; Tlie :
firsVdpso gave him. more relief than all therother- raeui
cine he had ever taken. - Dr.-:L; -J. BealivlO' Delaney
fltrcofgaveitto a sister-in-law whowaa laboring under
Consumption, aml ja another ..sorely.'afflicted with: the
Asthma. 'ln both cases its effects were immediate, soon
restoring them'to comfortahlehealth. ..
LtrcEETiA Weixs, QS Christie-jL, MriTcTed/ frora
Asthma 42years. ,: Balaamr relieveduher; at
once, aiid she is comparatively-:well. bdng enabled to
subdiiceveryauackhy oa of this;raediciile.
,This indeed isrthegxeaLrhmedy for Coughs, Colds, Spit*
itugßiood, Complaints, and nlLtho nfiectionsof the
i!iront, antl even Asthma and-Consumptfon. n - * -
.. > -Pricc2sceitt.<amlS! per bottle, - \ ' • . * ■ .>
- • Principal Nassau street, New-York. :- :
Likewise Dr. Shermnn's celebrated Cough; Worra : and
Camphor .Lozcnges<\: Premium- Tooth: Paste and Poor
Man’s Plaster.
Sold.wholesale' and retail by WM.; JACKSON;, ftl
Boot and Shoe Store and/ PAieut Medicine -Warehouse;
89 Liberty street Pittsburgh, head ;af-Wood .street, -.and
by the following duly appointed(Agents for. Allegheny
count)*: i. . ,ii, * ' '<
A. M.- Marshall, Allegheny city; Jonathan-Ghriest,
Manchester; J. Jt. 11.,-Jacques, Birmingham; A. Sv. Getty;
Wylie street; J. G; .Muslin, cor.. .Webster/.sti/iand:.Elm;
Darnel Negleyi East>Liberty; rMUchell;.Wilkins*
buTgh; Thos.-Aikc?n,Sharpshnrgh; Sami;/Springer; : Clin*
loii; James M’Kee; Stewartstown; John. Black*: Tunlo,
Creek; C. F»!l«obeth;: Rowland A,Son, APReesi
port; rMcEld6Vncy..iD?tkeTBtown;? v Riley/ RPlmughlin;
Smith* TemperanceyjllerJas:
Faitou, TarehtumpG.H. Starry Sewickly^-.:.'r‘marO*iy
MOJUS TEST!UON.YWJfe of Fayettcr
•ville,:N; Y;,.'Bayar“ l am wellpeTßo&ded, aud hove
been forsome time; thaiydurDoraesuc Vegetable PtlU{
aye of greatmse to-nll : thoBC»w.htfinay have oceasiomia
use them, and lmvo administered teem to my paiieiitt,*V ;
mediately cured, by'thq use of Dr. Ralph's
25 cents a box. -Sold wholesalepad r«aUi>y
• / .Smithfield.ptreeunearThird,
Also,by \Vm. Cole, Allegheny city j J.G.Sjnithr Bir
mingham; end John M-CrackciuPifth Waru. ,febl7 •;
Jaynes’ Family JHedkineSi -
Blt. S. S. COOK } Fiqnn, Ohio, witesi.March, i IS46:
• U T have used youTrcrmifuge, .Carminative BoZram,
and E«prr/ora;it, iainy'.practlce,r/or lhfe;lost‘threeyears.’
and have be£n exceedingly well pledsed'wtth them;.and
•never, as my.Tecollectipnj-failediof.’realtzinj'-iny
fullest- exn'ectajion' in 4hck-:curoUvq; properties. ; Your
other mediates l cannotßpeak-of from Dxperiencev btu,
judgmg'from those I haveused, Tdoubi-uat but that they
aps entitled Jo all the confidence reposed, in
them, by those who have used tnem<-. iTwa&forroerly
very parUalto***** Vermifuge, -until J ; becaraeacquqJn'
ted with yours, which has my decided any •
other now in uSe. , ’
’ Respectfully, yours, drc.» . S. S. COOK, ,
sale in Pittsburgh at UicF.ekm Yen Stored >
Fourth 81. . , ftMi
proved itself to be of very great effica
cy m the care ofobstmateCoughs,. Colds,'Asthma, Spir
ting of Blood.-.AVhooplng ,Cough; and otherPueumouic
Affections; ana the; proprietors feel w a rrajupdiry re Com
mending it as a safe and .usefpVmeu^clne^audare‘pre
pared to show • of .indisputa'hlp aufhoiytyjiin
testimony; of its. vglue, ..v i-'rA' -V :
•: It ia'plepsauuothc, taste, and is offered also low'a-prico
ns if‘witli|ht lie-rcach ofjaverypcrsour-There
*»**»4s#hhps» huifew Cough preparations- that- will pro
duce;. suelrmectdcd.reacois msuolra short time 1 . ’ Pte
pared and sold by.: "V- - ' 1 • » -
ComeroC First and. Wood? also, corner; ; of Sixth dad
Wood streets t decl3
■pVtl/RAIiPH’S CKt.feaRATEU Vegetable Piixsarefor
1/ sple,whol®Ml*tind retail, 5. •
Rxal l&rA-nf OrPtitjf r
: .j j .*.*•«•-.: \-V •»; -'No. 50, SnUlhfield Btf. ...
. Also, by \Vm-rCo|e;,Altegheny:cily:.J>G.s Smith, Blrs
- John McCracken,.Penn street,-'Fifth Wmrd. *
Teh 21 , >
EOU SALE-A brick dwelling house.ahd lot, imaplea
>‘saut T location, situated on. lCholl strcer, -Allegheny;
Tho house is vve II arranged; having a goodcellyry n kd^tf.
eii nml duiingrrooiftihulfaml two parlors, three-bedroom*
and finished gorrei, Lot is SO feet,-by 120 dcep«.toa back'
street., Pnc*i.%l,2oQ.t ?arra9is3Qoiwlmnd;;ba!anci fc
four equal \egriy payment , I# i 1
9. CUTflßEßT*GenexaLAgeni, .
•; : aug5.... :v, •;>> :>!. Smith field MTfceta
- 1 ,-i * >
, C i *
• j.. ■ J. ; > - s _ i^.-J<;•/.-• •V'V'r''fi -'-- •r'-,'-‘ r '- , '-‘ s' :^'-< ' , * f •'V ''^^"' i~
.-* l'.'-„.’ ’ t *. _ , > 3 , ■ •■• \
\ "V 1 ( < * s j - 1 ? >-
•\>~-t ~ : n ,>v
■s , , > ■'v < ~i' i X -*<si v >v’ - V 1 V
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-.,{' -.' ..- '-' v .r,' v"'V'-' 4 > -' 7. , .7 <’. 7 ;.--- T^\7y? --k -.>■.. y.'V,* *i'»-.- < --‘ s »f's> «•»>•'■» »* -•:-> ro'-y-. .-t. v ,- k v-:. w ■ ?; r y.V--Ay., A .
v * ‘ *.*. „* , V‘* rt t »v> >v */*’■’' ‘ , t - „ "
—* t'l.'. •(■'• TV ■«.. :S ’i : f , ' , *' , '^ ,: l-y■ t -i?- .'y.&Z iiV-‘' .ST ; -'‘ : .i’i v^ 4 : . W.- >4 I?--*" 3 ';:V 4 v ‘ y'Tj, ‘ S2r~ iv.v-^' r '
• 4 ' •/■ tf ••, 1 iiSjj. ;! lli',; Jr -r>Q&-st.—-t^T 4 -/i v -, lJ t' 4 -r • -•-»••■■■■'-• >yy «.*>.-ft 4 ,-; rj 4 . , «tflxj:g.-- 4 :.'», 4 >V-.yj *•;;»—’*-*--.-s?. 4 . 4 »s -, ' a'j v - l ' c 4
' y«Jf"^flpifcl
» -f aV fl > * ) f ' -y •*■'«, I
-r 't < r * * -g- - J '»- g-M
1 ' - * %A. * _ I
,s V , -s.* i*-~ , * ’ V T *" * r t 2%*
* * r i * *~ ~«$ ** sr J~ £*, S
" S t, " r ~,...* *W ~< ~,, \j I
* ’’^®S®ilii|fisil^®iSlSl|j
-'*7l A, | <jf ,
. * .—■■.. .-...„ ..........
V 4 '■-'i.-.X
■ ••-> ■ r --
' , ' * -*
- ,-- n A % „'•'-''' ' -*
„~~~Jb.«8S ag* !,/; * .
tbb aaiij'-jufWKn* oe, ka’SCbb I »,-' c ' r 1 '
*.iffißJO&N pilftrocorallrooia'frienißKwitaeky j ’ , t , ,
A. 135 fecit belßw the sun act; of the earth) a certain 1 *• * \
mid infallible enrg for Sprains, Strains, Cats, Bruises, i
Scalds, Bbnuf, •'Tefißt, -ErysipeU* r ßcliM Head, Croup, i t s *
Whooping-Cough, Infloramutor) Sore Throat, Sore and ' r->
Inflamed Eves,Tlatulence,Ulcers,Pever Sores, and - .
which fields tolls effects lUAtarpfisiiigffiapifbr .
It lias net er >et flailed whan used according to direc- •> -
none. Head ihclfollowing. . i " ' , ,
\j t 4
■flOs IS to certify, that my wife, Wargarel GhrieSt was '
caret! oT a SheuniaucComplnmt of severtytta standing, . ;
by which she wan so lame to be obhgea to oso cratch- . *
«msß»«Hggpggjp: , j
The followingi»-compiunicafedlyy r Mr, Wm-Nash",Mr i J:
j i 't
to put either of to tfyc growid/ortwMve years, in i y « , ?
conscouepce of .lameness, b> Uie use or 90c bottle wm \-t-n
enabled fo miles lo a towjishijf It Is 1 < ±
likewise a sovereign remedy for mr ,, r t v h
The fpllqwtng ts communicated b> Mr %Vip-Nash,W ? » v
1 Jacksoq’s agentfor SleubeuTilfew . \ j' j
A ipdy residing m the finger of wnc»e $ ”
hand >sas*o contracted os use of it • 4 a.
for thirty five cored by tbeuseof one 3 J
bottle o(theOH, so that she jiow has iho perfect use of | •* * r
her equal to the other which bad never been J , » '* n
affected. It dqb also been foond4obe a ftafe-ntulinvinci- i
ble agent in the ppeed^andee^m cilre of j ■ t *
in all cases not orgamcSlwSaLle / |{ ®
A-lodyrestdinein Allegheny oil> wnseffectoallycared l t ? c c~
of obstinate dealnessj of} ea» T contmuance, by the me ■» v
of less than one bottlo of «o that she said she | **. *» *
heard~be(tcr than she had ever done before X v 1 \f 1
A gentleman weHJcnownunßittsburgV was’cured of | -f*
deafness of nine years? standing, oy ihe-ose Of a smalt ** * », **> *
quantitj of the Oil The nam?a aud residence*, of the L f p .
lady 2nd genlleraan will be given to those who desire it, v »J V " S . *
atthe office of the , , . _ . 1
Ita properties ate highly cerUia and " * t *• t
.. „ * # V- t fj ! ■* r J-J ,
Several coses of Cramp Cholic-have been effeclaally * 4 S ' j'* - t
cured bygone dose of the 05), ip the sjiort space of half » t • > ' t t
an hour, when the partied h*lve been ngopiaed with pain , -k 1 !
Its curative remarkably mftn]repied « % r a ► k ~ \ t
•n the-radical cure df f 1 '"*■ t , i , 41 i > «,-«
PISEASESjOF THE SPINE a . O- v - - ZJiT *' - '
A lady, the wife of a planter in Kentucky, was cured 1 ' ~ \ t ***
effectually of one of the worst Cases of diseased Spine* < % t**-* *
which had oonfijMfd*her 10 herbed for a considerable ~ «■ • .**. Jp 3t *
time, in which she could not turn herself It is also a w -> % t, k/ ***iw4*^ y utJ 1* ■> ,
sure remedy and perfect cure for pains hi the small of the * ’ " T5l * j* ,x *»y >r / 4 1
’ ,ack ’“inflammation OF THE if, i( -► " - r t’ y ?» “
Read the following- 5 „ r JBIB I '**‘*Vsy,'^.
Tins is to certify that I was nffilcied wiihgrcatpnm in " _ ' a. * y? ;■
the small of my back pud kidneys* wbtoh affected me so • f r k
much that I could not stand uptight B) rubbing-exter- > > -* __ r ,
nali>, and using half a. teaspoonlul internally,iniglit and > > -i' #?&*■:■!?.? ■toftr.:
morning, l was entirely cured 7 JOHN RIDDLE, 1 , J „ r S ~ w
near Warren, Armstrong ca, Pn ... jm r Inr % ~^
Afcentlemahof Pitubutgb,afflicted with o violent m
flamroation of the kidneys->tft» pam of which- caused
h.m to faint—was hi three days, by tbe
is extremely peueira ting* twd
as aspvef?i2o;rem^ ; - 1;
edy wherever iiiflammanon exist*, either externalpr in- ? ,
tertkUlJseff immediately; aou^brui^efrwpppd,^-'
r, - U Hasi in- additiorf,^heen % pleasing and:: .--
vURHw\V:dQM®fcA : WTgi4-S..g-.
, . |]~F,Prtce.> GO ceuis per bottle* * >
Caatioxu«llo oix.Yonr O.uaTdl* ■
.;• The v
iheAmericonOuKwiieinducedsonifidishoitestperijoyMO —r- _
palmupon tbeipupUcyflUsernbie,jinutation&-of;th | *.,truly
valuable tW.purpose.of deceiving-ihe.^pit-. /., .. . * r .i
. wary i and defrauding the Proprietor. „ ’ L* 1 - j “* >
*:'lifvOTder ! tobe'sure)Ofobtainitigthe:geniuirefcWrrrr t» •:
.ibeibllowingiVOCß-iTUUiGs: • J » •i* p 1 •* ,
i LsL'Scethiu the namc- u si, 5 * ( ,
head of Wood is ptinted.on.the labeled ihftwrapper 5 ? *
of each bottle, to,imitate'which is t y " - 1 - fc ' 5
.SiL.Thdt'encliboiUe-Uiticloaed-.iuiapflPipWetconTam- ? 4
fullidirecUons for use; aadplsocoutainingithn name | >-> - ,
•'and • addrqsft.ofl« '■ r ‘ ‘
proprietors; likewise, tbejiai&c and-addreas of the pro
; nrietqnK'T^Hpi>&;fio i| .Rentac]wt'* 'frU:
3d, Purchase m*of Agents, all of- .
AvhdmAave a shovvrbill, on which is printed the uameB .ol : r | - \
the Proprietors and General DB Hnll A.Co T . :> I. v , .*-v ••.-
•Proprietors. Kentucky. * WnvJackson, Pittsburgh, ra„ { -.* , ' ‘
GeueralAgenr vpatiiOi/;
Ohio and Vvesiefn ATirpnia;-ond the nomestry .
M’Millin A Sluyockf Pijfsburgferrpwnted at the: bottom. ;
of said show bin; “ > ' . , ;
■ 4th. Observp—thofieiruinfrAmerican Oil.w; of a qork.y
ty lighter than wdter;. :-Tk'e counterfeits are mostly, or a .. : .
black colorsome; whiles like Spirita;of Turpentine,u::;.
i«iid;i<tbc,Tefintnl piMtCltfi‘ified;--rSomeficneea.QijT-oth
efs amiitare brother common oils; undone' a bla'ck filthy • •
Jookingmixture. purportinglo come frdni the '.VpJtlsbpTgu .;-
iahd AnegLfeny-DSpeits’nrv. ■ • ? None ; f of; thestf coun*;.
>WifeiU^m*es»«fth®r' or*;.
OjPSold wholesale, nnd WM.. JACKSON, .
and SoldrAgf ntfor .the:-EropnVior;ini r WesterB
; J?eifnj«yiVanla, Western, Virginia, •
ix’ndbyibe following Agents inAllegbeny
| county,Pa.i-'* ,V »
L a.M.Marshall,) » "•” \ /J r : 4 .
1 * ' Di’.'Brbwn,’ '' S Allegheny city. v
j . , JtR. Johnson, ) , ■ , . _ 1 ' 1 ’
! V Jonathan Gbnest, Mhucnester.'' /*' V,
AlexanderjAßdale 2 WyliestTeet: j ®^-, , -v 4 ;\.Y;'i.®''-
• ,; J.'R.!t. Jacques,'Birmingham ~ * f*' •
, : Wm; JvSnuih.Temperanoeville. :.v •' • ,
f ®i ;v - : > iv .
; EdwmtlTliqmuson,Wilkiilsburgh.-'. :
**>• * Daiiiel?ieglcy,East * l -
, ,11. 2. Mitcnell, wilkjusburcb* '‘ v , «
■ , ' ? THoma»AiSln,’'Sbarpsfrafgo. ‘ ' 4 ' ,
.: Ili Rawlaud A Son^M'Kaespprt^.;; r.- •: . ;> •
■• ‘ ' C/F. Diehl, Elizabeth »■ " s r,t .
:..... John Black,Turtle Creek., . /. ,; k ~v
' J ® -^4—.ApßMowny.’HakOrstorntr v , */ ,
, Samupl Springer, Clinton*' *' .
f * ! ‘ l, Jnines M-Kee, Stewartslown. • * **' \\ i
- . Riley. M’Lnughlm, Plum townshinv .. v y^Vv : T
f \‘‘ “ '''' , 'I \\ ji : .*
• Jeremiah Dawreli'scviffe^
p* ' - , ;
HAIR..CREAJU— for-. :.<
Kj grtowth, and nrstorinlaf orihe ttftfr Jfhirf
harsh, thin, unhealthy, nor
uoiiswill raalrethehalrsofl ita beau- •
uful, hvoly appeamnce: and .will fIW-nmkdiiTnAiiimin
ii liveliness and healmycdlorriwico tts lone ris all the
preparatitfo* nbtu Are generallyused; hair 14
thiu, or has this
Cream. -Every lady and gentleman who'U iniheh&bitoF
using oils on their hair shoulfrut orice purchasetfbottle of 1
the Chinese .Hair Cream, os it lssocomposedthaiitwiil
not injure- the • hair ;like the other preparations; but will -
beautify iij. satlsfacuon m every'ini
stance 1 n r 1 > j
For testimony to its very superior qualities, see the fol
' lowing letter from the ReV Miv Caldwell tol Mesrrs
JHendershott & Stretch, Nashville, general agents for the
Southern States* ::T,,v.r" .» , . , ~. '
.Leiiefoftki CkhfwtlL, Pastor ofihrPrtsiiyitTjan
'~ l r Vhuto/t. Pulaski J 1
■WttSa». HntDttsttOTtftStßKrcfiiGfi , take
- pleasure iri adding pry testimony ul favor of the excellent
r { Cream, for,
about two -years ago'myHair was very dry, bristly, ana
disposed to come
. Creqm, and .used. it>accor3ing to the prescription, it is now
elastic, feo]t,Vand Turn. to.tbe-heaa Many bplaams and
ollr werq applied, each leayuig ot) hair in a worse state
Tius Creanij howover r ]ias met my expec
tations. •: i; • >*•. . , « *..*l 1
As anflrticle fQrihMoilcL my wif* give* it preference
ptrer all/others, being delicately perfumed and not die*
posed to. The ladies,especially,wiU&nd the
Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in their preparations
.forthetpilcL . ‘ Respectfully. Ac,
11 * ‘ ft,CAX.DWBLL.
Pulaski, Ja»uary-7,154?V , , >
wholesale., and retail, in Pittsburgh, by John
Market.sUy.aml- Joel Mobler, corner of
Wood agd sis... ... £ ltl 1 ici^-4»yw*ly
TADIESare, cautioned against using Common Prepa
-11 .red ChblfcV.They flre'botaware Jiowfngblfully injo
nous it Lstofbe skin: t'hoW coarse, howrough, how sal low,
ye)lQW,nudunbeaJtby the skio appeaia afier usings pre
pared chalk! Besides, it ih containing a large
"qtihnlUjr’oPletfd! i “We-bave‘prepared l a beaUtlral \ege
..table article, call-. ;Joues?'Spanisfc LillyiWlute.
It is perfectly innocent) being punfietf of oll;deietenous
qualities I ,andil'itaparts ‘tbitbe'skin' a.tfrifurnl, healthy,
as a cosmetic on,making it so(! and Smooth [
\ *ry®rj Anderson; .Frociicttr-Cliemistof Mossachn.-
aettS(Says: J/jnps-’Spapish
lUnd it posseKsesjthe most Deautifal br<) natujal, ohd at
r ever saw; I certimly
-can conscientiously recommend its use to nil whose skirl
requiresbeantifying.” Price 2S ceuts a box. Directions
-^iiebeitTyny.tfrfOpplyliilly'Wlute r i*with s*ft leathefr
or wool—tbetormorwpreferuble; , .
A r»E srt? o?-Tssra' son 95‘ c*sts.—while teeth,
(opl.breath, hetdihy ;guiw:YeUow and unhealthy teeth,
•aHer being Qiice "or : twice cleaned wiih J <JoneR T Amber
Tooth Pna|ei ' have the appecrance of the most beautiful
ivory, ond, ot the same uinetn perfectly.-innocent
and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use .is highly
advantageous, even to'tb'ose teeth that are in good condi
tion, giving them a beautiful'polish, niutprevpriting a
premature decay; Those already .decayed it prevents
:-from becoming worse—it also fastens Bach as Isbecoming
. loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth
delicately white, and make the breath deliciously sweet.
•Pnce2sor37lceittBabttt ■AU theaboveaiesold only
at 82 Chatham st., sign of the American Eagle, JfewVorls,
and by 1 the appointed Ageilt*whose naThCs appear In the*
next column. • .-•< i ■ rih » / * j !
i Wii-P yqp and get a rich husb,an<l* lady ; ?, £ j Your
Taoeis your fortund.’?" Tft 'beautiful;'deary larrT‘ L ls it
awhile?- lf>hotj it can be ihade so even fbe ye!
dow, disfigured,.sunbarntyplanneihaud; freckled;
andshave been made thus yvbQ.havc .washed iOnce or
' twice wflh JonesMtaliau .ChenucatjSoap/ The effect ls
glorious and magnificent' sure you get. the ffcnu
sne-JoiTes* Sbap, allhe ‘sign'of IheAmerican’EafiTe, 82
■.Chtuhomslreet, .>i; •• ••: ■■ ■,<>..y
-■ ■■ Rihg'.worm, Salt-zhrumjScurveyvErysipelarfyßarber’s
Itch,are often eured by-JonesVlialrauj Chemical ,Boap,
.whenevery;kind of remedy has failed- • Thauft.cures
‘pimples, freckfes, arid. clears, the skin, nllhriow*, .Sold qt
the American Eagle,-SB Chatham street;:. Mind,' reader,
Utisseldom or never fqil*.* ’!;:L „ ‘
- - ; , C. INCUS, Jr., Pauersou
Sold at SO.Liberty st-, h«td of ivYood,Siftn of
Of the Big 8001, J •/ *
:'i>: •) ;r,'
ti.*i*■> '■••••
-* •* l
'.*vs-.rV -
y.f7tt*.yrs.j* »■*»-»
—Marriage,—Confidential.-T-Any lady.beuVeeD.twcn-'
ly and tlurtyj popa««sing
.lures; Ac..- is asked confidentially.
tnan coula admire hcrwfiile she nas.suteh yellow' Jccth,.
such sallow. rouuhy'eoarse skin? and- silcn-dirty t bad,
[ ■ wiry hair; when; oy spending iheahovfejsonv'sne might
i iecib. and a
beaaiifu! head of hair.,; She can ihave beapufui ,white
bft Tooth Paxte ; a skin TOiUe: pure and spotless at} shave;
byusiHg'ttcnkc.ofihegftouliia> •Jfa/ia)»£?Wwc<v
Soap; and &beautiful headathnirbyiwiugaQs;battleof
Jmui)Coral Hair:Mat&atiu.\+Jto
arniusi this before yputrryrotyoh vr*.U T?!»e
snre'to ask tnNeyr ork
at Bfi Chatham st; For sale? by r -'
89 Liberty y
V/peneuce has proved that nocombination ofmedicine
■ have ever been so efficacious in remavmg the above dis-,
caws, m DR. JAYNE’S AETEBAI'IVE UhiureSfcolcd
core* truly astoiushmg; cot only of Cancer.ana oiherdis- -
eases of that class» but hab-temoved-ibetnoal •stubborn'
diseases of. the. Skin, Swellings,: VrTlus.
raedidnaiemeife xnioiha circulation,*ruitfreradieores dis
eases wbcreverlocated.v li-purifiesihe blood and other
•duldk ofthe body* remoYesobsiruelJon inihepores of
• the skin, and roducescolar£e»Mnl:o£ihe glands or bones.
It increases the appetite,-remove bsppacbo unddrovisi
. new, and invigorates thb‘Whole,B>iUein A .and»upaTteanir.
• motion to the mseosedand debilitated constitution-; -
is nothingsUpenot to n in lhe rlt
i« petftp«y "afc itolhing
of the disgusting nabsea accompiuiyingtheidea.of.swai-
Pittsburgh,at£he FEKTNTEA
Hear Wood/.. •. •- ■ : • • rnar3o,.
A Reelpefor tiie ttumaA Hairl # .
in. consequence of the many .things downevery
article, (be it ever -so good.j ns.n. humbug. ; If people
could be made to irru 3s;t>oule of Jours Coral Hair Re
storative, ond sed how iProakeedry,(jfa*tyi fed, ligMlrair.
moist; soft, auhuov and dork, •ondt^'Sb,ond.aiyim :
use for:*onwtime, causa* tV*P. ' ll bui* a Mi! ib e UA“ 1
if people could see the uomber.otpoOT respectable, me?
cbaiucs 'tha^'use 7 iij (aye,' hhd oiiu it the cheapest thing
they edn use, )for dressing auffbeantifyiog the Hain for and inordeMbwe'Umes ns-loug as any
otbertarucle mode, And * i ' * i
. Forces ittogrow,»tops;ts filing, ,
' And eosta pqttjshimngstoiry,
•wish people to try it: • Sold-ontyitrt 62 [mind 62] Chathanf
.street, New .. 4
•'tnora) . WM JACKSON, Agt,6P Liberty st \
TfcjTflßP. ,
ing personally used Dr, !Willard|s Oriental .£pugli Mix| :
•turey find experienced Itß beneficial effects,'domosienter
fully recommend it as nafe-and £fifectabl,vin allcqsesj
SpeakingfrpmeMerience, we-behevelhjiiit : ha* np sur
' perior; and 1 Would recommend its use to AH thejiflHctcd,
1 * » k 'Jvi v ’ t CHARLES LEWIS,
, t . u i rf WAL JENKINS*
Pittsburgh! March 16lb, 1849. . . * '
} IJ^SoldbyJ: Sehoonmakcr. & CoviJphn Hays* James
• A. Jones f J. H. Cassel/JohnP. Scott, E.L. Bivowdcn, J;
Mohler, OgdcnA Snowden. ep22
X.AS, Bathe?* Itch, Chaps, Son ’RarSiy
! Tlii>, iß many nhysicmnsinltuscity: In curjrigihe
i above; aud we-wouldnotconsciencioualyisell unless wr
knew it to be all we state. . '* . *
i •: AsacoameUc, theirue SOAP,,is perhaps the
only’ample /ever known thatjetpoypd impurities, aud
i cleared and beautified' ihetskin|.making ,
i smoothafid"white aaanWanlL Butfliirtd,U,iBSpid at 82
ChathdfflstYN. * 1 ’ ‘‘l “' ~ ‘ *
t , - - WM. JACKSON; Agentf i ,
mai2s »„ k 89 Liberty \
A TURE.—Procured mKenmclcy,d6qfeet! ;
below the earths surface.' ThU Q*Fwil\tie found vasUtf
mparior to olherfortnerlypopu-l
; lar; Oils- It* curative propertied for the Tollowihgf* ali-5
menu arc truly wonderful i .Inflaina3orj'-Th. e nmatisin ?
whooping-cough, phthisic, coughs.,
erysipelas, shnld head, croup, .inflammatory sore throaty
liver complaint,inoamtoaUon of the kidneys, pains in the;
breaM, side Urtd bdckldisfeuses of tbe sppxe, .piles,l)eBrHi
bum, diseases of the.jnipjoiutjinflpuud. sore eyes, deaf-; |
ness,Biidear achev i i
: bumSi icalds, brdises,'cuts, ulcers, cancer; feyer, wires,j \
Ac. Ac. * „ 1 1
Pnce SO dents per gold'wholpsale and retail by*
WM. JACKSON,,at.bisboot and■: shoosjore,' 89. Lthcfty!
' street, “.Thebio bootislands in the door-way.?
Onlyjlace in tfiusburghwhere the.. UEUtitNU can, he ob-j
f ,< W l>e stire of-dbtainnigWie fcehilinej
i purchase only of the general agent farWesterniteausyt-:
. vaiiia^Wm,Japkea^B3. a ihrough K s}il>-.|
. Agents appointedby'hira for- its sale, ea £ hof• ,w hpm jwill .!
1 have if show blll'fina’gcrieral directions In pamphlet lonn-t i
containing*, thfe'nnme* oiufaddtessof thfr iPfoprietotami;
General Agent oLWestcgm,Pennsylvania,^ibllowaV;- ;
Dr. Hall A Co-propnetor, / T
Win. Jackson, General Agent farlYesterii Pennsylya-}
nio, 89 Liberty.street,. ; ?itulmrghi ta.whom .all orae?sj
must be addressed. ' , 5 *«t _< ‘ _ * ;
Obskuvb.—-Each bottle is enclosed manc.oftUftabpye;
named Pamphlets, and Oho |
gene ral and only, wholesale agent for Western Ppnnsyf- ■
. v&ma,}pruited<on‘.thp v outside of the label.. .. ; j 123 *
_ _ _ „ TIUJ‘WOM®! 0 !
> Anotherevidcnbe o«he'imperiprfiror.^;WH-[
ce rlificatcfrora a reipecUlble citizen of UieFifth ■ -Ward::
* , ■
“This certifies tbit for come weeks pnstlyms troubled-
With it very serious Cough, wliigii was cyulermy becom I
ins'sealed on the lungs 10 each an extent os to Tesisllhfi
cneetof every medicine which I had beeiiualng.
finally perduadcUltO Calk at flays & BrMktyay’g Arils'
Sure, and get a bottle'.of J>r. lttitonfs OrwntaFypgugJi-
Mixture; -which,' to tr.y greai surprise, relieyedrapwery ■
much;' after taking only, two or tbiee doses,, and,pefore I;
bad ased-oile bottle, I ■wns'edurelycurcd. twjiipd.much !
I ji,.andshall continue
I firmly ut lx. the bell CoughMetftjfinexti the. worltir
.. , . ... tij^mtMtrVPCtaHacXif
■ - Try it—oiih ! 2s cenls'a'lJotue. '' Soldby'. *
-t. -■ HATS' &'BHOOfcWAY, >■
- No. 2,Liberly at re ery mur Carnlt Busin.
Sold also by, v i, , \.,’J {.'FLEMING *V
novlO . .lawieitceville
NoNSUMtTIoS,. '’ ~ v pt7N6‘op ■" '
Four?fifths of you are really offering
Coldiy'.-or'tni’otistructtonanapcoaßeqaehtfaflnnuition of
lhose lubefthhTOUgEtiSfhi&totfte'.‘-air.:
we jth&Jpngfj.T obswifjtion
produces pain and soreness, hoarseness,-cough, difficulty 1
of breathing, hectic feverjJMtd-a sputuig of blood, maUer i
orpwegffl,whichfinttiry*eilmast3 the:strenirth olrtbe pa;;-
liem-mnd demlr enfmesi u JAYNES ,r EX?KCpX>RANT
never fails to remove .lhis obsiruqtioii, -the
most pldasing andhappy resnttsvWit iirttVef-
cannot fail 10 t y-i 1 >i~- t'J-u
For sale in Pittsburgh a* *bePcbmTea.Su>re,.7EFourth
«t. near Wood. y ? w |anBa
BAHJjK Vr-10O;bag» HnT!ey, juBi4u»tlintf'* ano for sale
by [apWp! * V-S & W HARBAUGH.^
1a * ~
v.* «* -y ~ t i
J v ip
,iien* ; wljicU yre nre cotislant{y receivrng r cai\«a -
uflGnvinceibe.skepUcol.Reaatbflfollowingfrotalklt; ••• •
• of ‘ l,,Bh ““ All^„ OTCmi Fib.7; «■&
i .: *Messn.,ffayt greaVplea* v.
I sure tol)e able to oddmy tesUraony lafavpfjoirUf. iVi!-.•*.
i ianl-s truly valuable coqghtnediclne.:Abouttbiee,months .• ••:
I. since I was aitaclEcd -Wtihfa violent cold;and .wusmuch
I distressed Lbexongh, from which Jicoyjd re
lief, uotill was since induced^ your
store and purqhasfesoine of the..Oriental, CeugfhjSjxture.....
I am happy, io iftqt the use of.> bottle has .
entirety having; gTehl confiflenceinil, J < - .
have, aiid recommend my frienas. '
, , . 'V_ “ GoACS 'FIEI4USO« n
Price, 25 cen}&&botile.v Sold by - .1 k: l; . ■
No. 2, Com. Row* Liberty st., near CtmaL
bY 7 [fehtPj ;/ .^t-FLEMlNGf.Lawrence vilby.;
aJlROftl tlie’. New;. York: r.
Vpapcrdoservetilyatthendad of the daily 'ptessin ,■
’thus country! t... ' 1 -* » 1 o»
©/-SarsapimCa^ltweretuVc^ftea y'
-to call thferoiteniioaof oor readers to thisinvaluaMMiwp'i
;axmion which.wULbeibuudadverused in Another cpfutqw
--.Mr.i Brisiol is o brother,! and (issues <a iugbiyiitrieresqtic
which*wc umve already coucdd?mndthe medicme^lself.
moat iu j:. part, of the. douijiry{ha?.b(}en,u£ea...<Thpre)i^i|>eaptj’,;jftnd)tasie (hcboulesjaad in;»gynvcdlabels lo wjUKh
theyaroenvclpped,.tbjUiducflvanuTohase 3
preparation of :
the world, 1 ? aa every. person must believe;it- .*
every ;^pe,,must believe. .ojiSi who
sive’enough'to convert a Turk to phnst(anityv. Buy one .
•oftl&l>d'tues^genUe.reader,.andee9 I whether.yop i da[not
‘agree With, us on this point. 1 - -‘t jj -t,*" :
/FOr solo by * ,\B. A. FAHNESTOCK A fte* .
:ftbsi r *cor.oftst and Wooutuid Gih
‘ A.rdspcciable gemleraan
saidj to iiUormus'tnarhebad beeuafincted for lS<-ye4rs
wUhißhdatnausm or.GbQV and occasionally- witty; Tic - :
iJoloreux; ]MI. hq-had-been'-frequemly [cunwbedilalu»~
. room.faripqmba together* ondqften suffcred>ih£:nttstlii-- •
,tense.ancl,excruciating pain,.but.lbavlaielyhe had'been
:arsinsVoyfie'^ r <C^rance,*lromwhich < hefouni] lthemasiaic
iiflTamtunexpcctrd.rclietr; He,-spys.he■;
tteme \ery,pleasqhtand .affective, nod that he mow cou*
; aiders himself j>erjqcit>:cured.-Trjp4ttofrfpAta-yertkid«»r- '
icon*. * , ,<■ / . »
* Worth; gentleman or Scrofnloiis :
habiL.frora Indiscretion tithis younger days; bccftmfr af -
fected with Ulcerations 10 the-Throat and Nose, and a
'system boro the matksjof being-hhturated &tb‘disease.
;One band-and wrist were’so much affected ilftiPhfc r Hi't
Jdstiheuse ,;
deepi painful,.ond'-Oflfeusivff-ulcfcrti/iindwerifas hollo tv
porous as an hojmy-comb. It voiafcftiis siage'df bU
-complaint,.wheitdeatHappeareditieyitable'frqru if loath .
that hd eommeneed Al«:.
.terattvciand having token sixteen botfTesffs Jiowperftci?
ly cored 1
i nThe Alterative: operates tiirougfrlhe'ctrtal&tiau,’.&ud
pames-the blood and erodieafesdiiciKse from-th^'systehi,
•wherever located, 'and ibn; ii r “
■ -formed, in dißenses orthe tWrofhlo, gtaity :..
liVereomphunt,‘dyspebsis. pml r othefdhromc.d»eas«fylß : ■
trnly Triton. ' ■. ':■? .n- t , :>X-,•.>
• It?* For bdtefa Pijtsbutfcb.ntthe PEKIN TKA.STOfeE,
72 FoorUr street - ' R ! .'/•) ,*
•X r *tJ5ED. ,, -- J This was : ejcprea»?u m .
terdayv,by%ao- lolenigentgenU«nan,who hnd unedtjur
abpdl one halfof a botllc of Drv JVUUtnP* Ortcntol Cough ■> ' :
AZueturcibeibru-he wafl.bntirely.cfifedv Come.aud-.gejn. ■■
bolitoof it, dftd if tbe,njqst obstinate coneb or tbld dpM '
not disappear by lie useJ youtTraoney will be refunded.*
Compbundedns ifcia, of-ihe moMedecUYCyibaugh-harm •. -r.
'leSa jßnrs lma, nor
deed coo it, fall to give ennre3atisfacUon;*/] r J ■{ i *f« -
'PdrsnlCjwholesalenn/l'Tem|lrby> ,* A /*, * v {
7 ' -.11 UAXStoBROCKWAV. ,\
*, *,» -mt . ,„Mnsrty*treeurteariCanallteginj* •<•"•"■■
; Bold a!*> by . \VJtfJAM TLEMINGi a *'
~ *i * f , « » * f.Lftwreacerille.’ >
■VfOTieK W SHIPPERS—We-have taken Woffice
i JX immediately opposite to OQr " baratwarchQ4& v:
; ihe^resentj-’Wbere r .we vill^ranKicl'bHsines«-aS : xisUs4' i
.until b;Ji»W',bonsooan'bd*erectec!/.tiTrarigebttiHS'liairihtf"' ;
already been made forthatpurpose* 1 " ~ , ~
v IX./TBoats-will always be in readiness atouc ttb&r/i to
re*eivfrl>eigbt. 3 a A -M’ANUI/CST A CO,, .
r ep4u»- T j , Canal Basin, Xahqyty ®t,
v v -\>£
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