'T -<■ W yW'\y%-,V •-VfV'CJ. r ;.,-, *> v - ' "* * -~~ .*■ % „•(.-■*; , >v’ h " t - 14 \ L , „ t "'■ ~“V ' - 1 ' i ” s _, ' 1 l\ v r~ - -f*V, * * ‘■- . •■ ■ "v. ;• /y V-J , ■■*■ ■■■"■ %i ■i ,’ v y\ i '"',Vv. <•** . - »• «*• ys, W^f'V ‘v^^yry.^-v.yy-y^v Sf-' ‘- V"". n>( “ v>iyy r r , Ayf> ; - t#v'\ , ~ X ' l IlkSy, f, -s^r,.*-. --v- i ,V j : ;y X“ ’ I *?.&'Sws\4!* xt *\j “&? 1 Ay? y ■y.; *-Aiv "* 11 * x v;: ■ v . % i i%i £.r.y I?,X. ?Ji **,■*%** V? '-.'A-*;'-.*-’ iv : y’’» v ,'lr ■,;"' : “y.‘ > -’>'T e 1 'i-X' 'SX'Xi/- yyrxrf-Xy r +ysx\ xxx* ;■.>;■ \: !|if£*S;t• aaBsaja@«i&ifa&^?awj if>] 'y££xzh2>i?&,>'v£Xf' t-V* ?• * v 4►* *5 t\'\ wM&s& li#s v>'v *’.,y: iy >* %* > *;y,j ;v. i»PI- P’ tiJi; -■-... ■yyXi' x 4 ■■?.<' - ktfyivyyyy ' -... %■> . f ‘ -i- - H*. «< * vx * x-zx- til X >whortB ■ • ‘' v* 1 »•’* >-t V y>> iy r*'; .' ’ * ■■j, s %';j fe r ?^i £ s * -A* 1 &?£, r«y^ fi:s .v-rf.ct w C*i . .. • ?'C i- a. -'■ , 11-t , . 'i * V*. <* :“,**'■ f V« ... uUItE. GEOR6F ."JSS . ,*,.,•»' ,V! !i' . •’ « " JOHN MILBF.R4-T * l , Kv ‘ "i ' v.» me AaENTS— C A M l Asct.tt tCo,pit* i-^.*r-;'^y^---^*; r :v»s<:^-»iv;i^^;'.^s..—-*»:>?•».—u »es»profit than . XohxMU4.ES.Holliday** !’tu^'yv Srf .'^''^.' I ''v-* i r f i';-’..--"f'/-£ tYYY-.}j’-rxx ui Com? if they, wished to . Pictwomn k. Wood? „ v ‘ . v &*♦ •* ’ A v * * * _„.,i expenses I intend to make a clean Rcre&rsCES—Smiti) i Smclr r~.*~ •• ‘ ♦ s -c« or erexymanj-who wants a cheap vrimersmt.tocftll ffC r, Pittsburgh, l‘*;7 T"-'; '*l* ' ' V- ", " ' '“i?o^4“ aUh '^' y«*«'>‘nu-' * Vns\V 6oolW. ftfciW OOOUb—Receded at the irou ;\y#,'’, y X • 1 r ' PIm, Tj»oa U« Tp f, id > '\t-'K >, - Hack anS fnney C«sun««, of »bc most modem ttrlcs, J? to Fhjl»^ ; ,-* y,,v. ,* - J - ' ‘‘ ' fine fijrarca Cashmere Vesunjs, Silk \c,cei, Plain and onrearew ,', T ,x’v ~ .».' ‘ Fancy Sauna—aU of which vre will make up anhemosi rates. B , " * i, , ' . . reasonable.prices, in a durable tmd fashionable ctyle._: -. prompp < v -. r PocketHdk&, Suspenders,Bosoms, Shirt Collars, and ,v' /,• 11 . ' ■ • every nnicle Usually kept lit a Clothing Store. Country -ryv r' .•' ■ S£S3SSi£^S!S!S^i^'^ , M4S a fi»“ rt• ‘ r / i a , *■ * J Ott LOW FUK CAbll ’—\\i> l 2 v , * r O thing of eTer> dcsctipt*ou, *nch as; c!o*- i*;a‘'>;:v.r-«it^:rLi;:y\.^rt-s.t:^?i:’-!-.i: f/:y •;* .•.' ,; .-t: v : ;y.Z’>-..-.j*. J.. •. . - ..coats, superfine blanket,.UcaTer,Pilot.and .b s r \.«i 4 «r * 1* "* - # k % cloths,superfine cloth, coat *■* 1, ' » V , > » *” y Z-% n d»r i sortmeat of tWLed. sack end frocV coats ?;#}!'CiotiKMS«raere, aud satiueu pantolo' '"<+***** -rf ► V*--v« „ t, eralassottmciiLor"7C'is,pb.nand fp u , i t'% - . " *l^, cassimercandfhnc? woo'cn { and p !fyT>.i-... ;'*'.’-:i'".-.-.-- ~>.* fc ';. i *'.y •. ,-'. ■••.'. .unreal variety of superfine .Ins« k * , * .- - y 1 - y s Booer sihiTtm siocl. cmvntc, com r-i'., s . ;f f . V.^'- s ?!''I'-..’'^%. 1 '-..’'^%. •»>-.., .. .-, clcs in the C tfting.line,wine*’ l? k* A » T t * t - v"» «■ -'liiihi.d uim k s i\ ' e ’ * - f 5 Boou,st49iubcny sirect w v / f , , N B A coinpie’e as ; r •s'rr -.j •'.',* v. *. ; ,■ ..y .■.•■■ ~• Customer'vrorfc, alwav -'^'± -r ? ::*■ st., ,-^r., ; Y, . ~. . • and American clothr x- •'•:> ' sonmeniof eeasoi’ 4-:;"ry,v. :; ; , •• k . »..•: - •.■■•*.■■■. .made to-order in „£,’ r 4 .fi, ► y < r > '<■■ commodatintr ' ‘ k ,► ‘ k,, , , * '„ * » ’ - W *i L ’ k» *. »* * • 1 i • mHP.Sp ,,/:: In*. L "'’' X'* ' % .y *s' ] , ’ (l '-‘*'‘ Isor, xJf i- *«r» \\ * ~ s’ - << ( r s. v * t er’ #f*> *» e " ‘ i- *• : «^ ; - t ,-> '; 4. • ’ % ;.-, ■<', i* - » * f ,i V.- : - - ; : ‘ r !'J V-. - v fp\V X l k:"t iFxV iV j y^Xhy Ti sXplX ' --y c Jr Vet v N f i ipfP ;4Pi^%XSYXV? r >\ f y -fe'lt XWM>f<\>iy At-, • ‘’lk’ V ’ !{■*■# S'" ■' ; t ' *W'St**" ■, »• r .' • - - i A « \ r •’i'- •jS j.v , «•- V v-v-. -;-: ‘ -.v^r al^r Vfc> f *••«. a i m ‘ £ _ -v J A‘ 1 ,W 'V **'" *; - — : " r ~“ ■ " '^-- J Jfely r;- ;•, \ -‘ ;'; v ; „ 4 >-- 3" ~' * 4''-k’ H S» -J ? -•*•> ' O *** , J '’ ' '" >, ' “.' -.l’‘*,t *■ f •* ' .* ’’ ; - r'!~/'-‘\ ** v„*f iJ-<- -{»*<• f, f ’'-V Or = A w . > V*-' fir - r -' l . •*>!»_ r *- -t I _ : :r.-rffv.'C.;-,. -v-v-'.;' ■■ -- r| *.'. •M.-y' ’ .' :.’ ' : '.';-'i».>v/- .;• ■ j ' s A *’'&&*'**&■•*_ * % r JL&ttßt-ArrlT&J of Nc.W.-.OOp«Ill». ... At 10 USirtx rjrtft—The snbsCTibcr has J u s l T££eiv\ alarge and of fajdnoiw&legoods. •: r for gentlemen's Summer: aB b.jenLb,Englivh>- . andd3elzia Clo Us, Dray ties lea, CBsbraarens, Merino, CwsiSeres and Summer Cloth*, of all col *•■•: .v ore and c Unimex... AUo, a great. Tfirien of fancy Ph B H" m*rcs and figured I uieas, man> of them entirely new ~ stylesi wliich are no* tohe foand.cH&>vhere;iu r UiiS- cltyj • toieifcerwith a large assortment of.new style fancy yest’-- ints, cl! of which wtli be made to order tti.lhc mpsi.fash ■; ibuaulc manner; nl short nonce favoring ibis • estabUshinem wuh their orders, may rely upon.theirgur . ‘ xnenta being-mode.aa well as they can bo m any.other h or?HACT,°n m .V«,or,m t n t of SKADY MUMS ::: VCLOTif/A’G, eonsisting Of C\*ery desCTjpUon of Dress • v and Frock Coats,4tew style business coats, Wck cojtt,. : . blousfcs, Set,-- Also, a geueral assortmentof-pants, tests -shifts',cravats; suspenders, and all .oilier articles in,the Nothing line, -which will he sold low for c«h Whole sale purchasers will find u much to their advantage to "%ff* ezaimnt ha °™ Tailor • ~ FrenclL rop Ocnti. Wear. 3nHE subscriber appeals to his shelves to bear, him pat L in the assertion that be has. the-largest lot of reach Goods, adapted to men’s weaiyio be fottnd in any. ' •-Tallorihff EstabltHluneni in the city—trmny uncles and many-style* included m the same, cannot be found else-, - • where- A few of the leading articleswill bceuumerated here bQiow 4 - r BonjoUnieFincst'Black Cloths > l -Johannes Abboehicoloreds* 1 - . .. • Boniohn&tjuhomVDocslnn Cassunctcsj, . -v'V ' c . : -Light and dark 1 Fancy’s . ... .. r“ ■ • ' Paltot Cloths, for Summer Coats; , Cachmarctts 44 “ 4 Coburgs, 1 “ ‘ Tweeds, English and American, . : : . Sauna, Crape/Sjlk. Tarltlon. Cuchjmirfv/riustlJed Brocades; emooitscd and needle wrought.Shapes,unite Marseilles, andajrreat variety of other-Yesungs- . - BrTu»,while, grey, plain, plwd ribbed, •of ■entirely new styles, imported thi» season—-which will be sold low to order, for cash,.ondcliver>■ Fifth street, next Exchange ,Bank. .■•V ——' "—'l'. s. jV'l'. AI’UaKVK, - -N0.77&79 CORNER SIXTIf ACT MBERTYSTEETS. TTaTinc enlarged and newh fitted up their establidi tl meni, altho above well known stand, respectfully inrita thciutcnlinn of theirfnendsimd the pnhbc to.(heir choice selection of New Goods, comprising every wane-: tv for snnnK and. summer. Wear, selected ; especially tor theft-customer department; ■; Those wuhinglo leave their orders wlll’fiiid alibis establishment every styld of new and desirablo' goods. Their stock Of ready.mado.Cloth inc is extensive got up in Ibebesimanaer, of durable taa ’ ■ terlal, and well worthy the attention, of. those wishing w -purchase-All arc ttnvited. to call, and may .rest ■. assured ■t that they will be plensed with price,:qualtty. end variety. A large assortment of shirts kept constantly on hand. . ■ . . ■ ■ TO ARMS * TO ARMS'rtireatenedln jcbKHgh; vajuon of Western Peimaiby ColS\viA,wiu> ■ ■ : ' W.OOQ men. nouvulmtimduiff which,, J. M.\ • AVhito will continue to seU clothmg eheaper thaiv any ha# horetofoTtj been oDfcrcd.itt the Vv estemconntry, hav ?.'• i/'inff the.iatßesic»iabhehmcnt in the city f fronting on Üb ony and Bush su He is now prepared to show to hi* nuratrotti! pairons the greatest variuy of cloths, cassi meres, Tesungs, nnd clothing of nil desenpuons, satiable Si for the approaching season, that has ever ,bee» oflered m ® this marieh to which nil can have .the; Way.— o 'Observe the corner, No. Liberty and atrthsts. _ , s j M WHITE, Ts.tr.oß. Propnetor . «K>EOE SWINOIJSB:---- - • , *IOSEPU ..*• BUIDLIt: -. . Twin CltjrClotlllngStore. ; v.. n GORGE SPANGLER A Co. announce to lieu friends ■(t and ihociuzens of Allegheny. ■ band a fine assortment of REARY JIADE CLOTHING, consisting of Coat*, Vest*. Pants, Hose. &c.,wluch they ■ wilt sell at teir' prices. A .so, n superior lot of Cloths, ■, Casaimeres, and Vesunra ,which they will maie up to ■ order, in the neatest and best manner.; ' 'oirpcusiom work done ns usunh ~ , ' NP B- Don't forget the place, on the west side of Fedc ral street, S door* north of the Auction Store, Allegheny city nplMm ciottiinß t'Clotmng t X Clotnina lit Tkt Thru JBte Doors vs The W#um 1 SELECTED GARMENTS now 10U.UUU made* ana ready, to be offered on the • most* libera) terms to my old customers and the public in ** general The Proprietor of This far-famed and extensive • establishment lias now, after returning: from.the Easiern i cities, at much trouble and expense, jnstcompleted -hm fall and winter arrangements to supply his thousands of v . castofaers with one of the most desirable stocks of Clor • thinx that hoi ever been offered lu.tlus or any ouierTnnr % ket west Of the mountains. For neatness in stj le and workmanship, combined with the>ery iow,price which *• they will be sold tor, must certainly render the old unn ' vailed Three BigDooTS'tme of the greatest attractions of . .• the western country. It i# sraufymg ; ]o me to be able to ■ v announce to my numerous friends at ihomcand . abroad. that notsvilU'taudmg the eitraordmftry efforts wtaci have made to mcetthe many call* inray line, at. is vnth difficulty I can keen uatcwith the. constant rash that i* made oil this establishment- U is- a ; west established fact, that my sales arc or ten tiroes larger than any other house in the trade* mid this bcusp the. case on the tyuodut sold, lean aflrod to sell at much less profit than , others could possibly think: of doing-, if they, wished .to coyct conunccnt expenses. I intend to make a clean - aween of &U my preseutstock'before the bemnmne of next • • year ; comm? to this conclusion* I will make it .the inier* ■ est of every man, -who wants a cheap wmterstm, tocall >andpnichase at jhe Tliree ; Htg-Doorfe. • . oaUI-d&w JOHN arCLOStvCh Cioihlng 1 cioihlnglf i rpHESpting ntid Summer stock that w. now ready to bo X offered at ihe old original . . . - THREKXra noons. ■■■■■■■: Is cue'oftbeJargest and-choicrsimselrciion thallmaev*. er been exhibited by anyone concern mi.ilum or any oth* •'*»f city in Uic'Umon. I will not umiertiiho to describe to the' reader (be different assnrtmcnis,of articles.wmch I row have to offer thet&vbut -willnimptyteUihem that if they only favor me with a call, l mil lay before them 175 0W) differcni garments to mnk«vu choum out of, con* : Tji*tinr in part-of Coats, fronflbo ric.beAt Inqimhly down *’ to ihe lowdal iu price; Pantaloon* and Vests, to the as touishmentof the beholder, with both mouth and eyes open- wondering in the most extravagant degree of sur prise how MmhavaslcolleciionofiuuPTiunncLOTniXG could’possibly be collected togeibenmd»*nhe control of •' one individual-. But such things.will lie. an Jong ns per-- ' sever-uifd and'industry is the tnum-Hprutg, of-tmde,~ ‘ - Without any intention of boasting, on my part. I w msny : • at the same lime, it is of such metal I nmprmcipally com* nosed for hotln'inr in ihe-shnpe or form of diflieuities; no irtoitefT l *haUhetrmajrmmde inay be, can deter me trom ' accomplishing my object, m providing lor the tanncrvihe mechanic, anti the day laborer. My .whole attention i* • “ taken up with iho greatest core for their welfare, m get ting unhisUiouable, and ttl tho same npiesubstiiiitml gur ' raelifs td-meet their demauds; nnq-as for others, who fancy tliemselvins moving in n duTereni nna re-., ■ .quinng. an article-of tne «f pit/.* ultra Lind, they nave , only ie give me au omtiue of their want?, and they are ,| snuedtoa.word. • ■. . ■ •- ■ i ' Now, let lae sav a word or two to my country raerch* iints in the lrade; If you wish to save.from tit Teaai 55 to 'OO per cent*'in your wholesale purchases, .call in.at the-. ifThree Big Doors, I’and 1 ’and if I-dou’t meet your most »mi.. inline hones, in the way of getung cheap bargains, aim. 'fresh seasonable goods, Twillnot miulure attempt loou ■ r er any inducements of a simitar kind to a generous peo*-. ' olri'or so noble a nature and close discernment .... . i H JOHN M’CIiOSKfcV, fcblS-lY ' 'No. 151'■:Liberty street, 6‘AN ;? i > UK I3KAT!—/lif. Whttr haajiwi received at hi? ]nrte e'tcbQfthracut, famim? ,. . • myti J RI WILI IF fa lor Proprietor ■ ... •/: ole*ale ami Keiutl* ~ .. . SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRLNK MANUFACTORY : ; T>OPEn.T. IL HARTLEY, begs leave 10 XV form hi* mends and the public general!*, s s*E3| i •; that he continue* to occupy that largo unit com- ” , ■ •-! raodious Su3>iißooin.'formerlyoccup»edbySamnelt-»hn ; csiock &Co ,N’o. ttl, corncr oT Dmmond.ftUey.ttnd AVood : : street, whore he keeps a large and general assortment of Saddles Bridle*, Harness, f l rnnks, Carpet Rags. Buddie Bags Volts? Buffalo Robes, Whips, imJ all other arti cle* fa his In <* . . . . He also keep* constantly on hand, and is prepared to : furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, raanttiacittrcd of tho be*iipaterial,and m a style of workmanship ©filial. ..'•-io ihe eastern manufactured nruele,nnd at 66 per. ..cent. lTrrchanis sind Farmers would do well 10 call • and examine hi# Block before- nurchasing elsewhere, as • ho isdetenniued to sell first rale nriicics at very low •• Don’t forget the; place, No. SO, comer of Wood ■'tri*et nml.Diamond Alley, , • . . < op2fl N •fcTEW' WORK BYeIIEADLEY—The Life of Oliver; i 1\ Crooi'.vHL' bv~Jv'T. Headley.' amhor of “Napoleon jrar>fcal*, , ’“The Sic red Mountain “\Yashmg fon and hie ete. Received inis day am) ■ fOTB-iloby JOHNS TON & STOCKTON, - UooVedllenifComer Market and Third it*. . r' •» rn r •Sv*,-- : '.r ii; :■•■..■<'■• v n.V. Stoics. ■Vn5\V OOOUS.—ktceived nt jhc Iron IV city Clothing Store.a splendid assortment of Cloths, consisting of fine-French, English and American Plain, black and fancy Cassimeres, of the most modem styles, fine figured Ceshmere .Vestings, Silk Veivet, Plain and Fancy Salin»i-oU of which vre will make up at the roost reasonable prices, in a durable and fashionable Mylei , Ready made Clouting, of, all desenpuons,, Lady’s the most :fashionable ; ,pptwrns,> Neck,, and Pocket Hdk&i, Suspenders, Bosoms, Shirt Collars, and every nrucle usually kept m a Clothing Snore. Country, Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere, will find it to their advoutage to ottli at the Iron City . Clothing Store, No 132 Liberty street; immediately opposite the month of Market-' [octlS-tl] C. hrcLOnKEY. OFF .LOW.'KOK CASII:*B—\VimerOlp. 8 —\VimerOlp- . ibiiM? of every description, such a?, cloaks, over cants, superfine blanket, Beaver, Pilot and heap- brond clolliSxfiupcrilnc coa|s; alatje as sortment of tweed, sack and frock coais. , • Clotlij -caMlmerc,- aud sannett pantaloons i also, a a«h cralsissonnicnt.or vests ;p!o;n and fancy velvet, ; cloio.- arid fancj.wooicn* anil: pltud cassjmerc, vmb a great variety of superfine |ri|tt tnmnted; trims., •under skirts, stock, cravats, comforts.ana-.nfl v ;-.pther.nrtf« ' cleiin the r tfaog lme.wkich-vnU he sold unr for Cash. •* vill find it much to the tr.advantage to call ' soon,at 49 l.iberty street; ... P. DIXANV NBA complete assortment of flood*, suitable lor ' Customer work, always citliand,such 05 French aud American cloths, auipassirocre* ro*«oa choice a** 'sdnatenlof seasonable trill he made to-order in the latest styles, and on the. most ao commodatmff te rms. - : , CromweU. tiy J. T; Power oftlte Palpit b> O Spring, D 1> "Bethel Plat? b> G Spring, D D, Jacobus' Notes on the Gospels _ lecture* bh'Slmkspcarc, by A '.N.- Uudfioni2 vpl.. ''PnthbriiilV, orSkeicbesof'Wny'taGjory ice.: Oonvchlfby AmhorofSchooVGirhn Frano«j. I TSlowanAThen, bj-Warren, , •,: of Sermons on Parable*. onu Miracles;, Iretaiul’a Welcome to Stranger, • Heaven.uj*on:Eorth, ■•:■• : y- •-• a ute •'»& jejn r^Wood-tnAWMatKer :-t—i ro Wentrru Jlcrclimiis. ' miiF UR(>isr a'-d r.rsr Assonrarvr ewi | lo the njMir and at the lowest prices pos=i b‘>c- be. roimS'atUlS-Wooil: sirfiet.-.opposile. J. : D. Basis’ tecuonUonim Obtrryi; atair? PKOPXE'S TttftNSPOftTATION lilNB S m : 'm.i , Bon ■■ ■yro Rl^smPPlNCr—The Boat* bejopglpff to.lhu I.mft * have bccu putiin fine, order; and are' now, running *. regularly between Piitsbargh..aiiu £rie< touching.• mtermpdmtePortsolongthc-Canals;* ABoalv-ill®lJ ft >® . he atlhe wharf.:onderthriManoiigaliela Bridge, .*• will start regularly .every other day- ■ The,, ieopuvrf - Transportation Line has every facility for carrying Freight and' Passeugers. Thai boats AvUl be tw*ed to. •Beaver by tfgarners, and will proceed to Ene great dispatch* bythe, canal*. • The boats are. commanded by. experienced and careful men—Qllttfwliom have au : m*r teiestm the tone , » • JET* Goods sent by.tbe Line to may be forwarded to any point on the Lakes; .. . For freight or passage appl> KIEKpATEICKj : r Agent, AVaier street, Pittsburgh- AOEJJTS Claes A Co, Beaver R. -W- CototctoHAai, New Castle. . ; Tbootmas &.MncnBLTHES,-Palaski; - . SEtrasrr .WabhehA Co.* Middlesex. • . Miltov Huil, Shcrron Joseph McCuraEjSbnrpsbnrgh. < •• :S. B. Lowbv, Clarksville; • ; - KisoAMc'FAELAltDfßigßend. v-- - ••.•'.■ •■" S. C. Pmtmeb, WestOreenvUle.- -v: . • J. A T. KttPATßicx, Adamsville. . W.H. Hexeby*Hartstown. . ‘ ‘ • W. Wamwomu A Co., Sherman’s Corners, >• w Powpn, Conneautville • ’■ Spring Corner. : : W. C; \VaR3KB, AlblOlh ' . • - _ Cranesville; ■ : Wy.Tn.En, Lockport. ~ - • B. Fish, Girard • A.Kero,and B.vTottLttttox A . - - : The following Agent** m Ene wUI receive and for* ward Freight* to any .Port on Uie Lakes., shipped by i this Line: I tAVM. Gallagher, John.Hearn, . . *G. W.-Havcrstick A C 0.,. Josmh Kellogg. : Kclsoc A Loomis,- : - Walker A .Cook, , jfS pttf burgh ronablc . Fop ef Fretghtte tin - • PrrTSCURGir^PIIILADEI < VHTA,UAI,TIMORE,NFAV - YORK, BOS TON AC SOfIBTDaE & CASH . P&ikuUlvfna , TAAFFE * O’COAWOB, PjUtburgk. rpHIS old established Line being nowmiull; operation, X-the proprietor*haveraadeexiensive.BTrailgeraetiuto» forward Good*-and Produce with despatch, audon the most favorable confidently, hope, tbeir well known pTompine** m delivering goods—peculiar safety in modeof carrjuug—dapacioufl warehouses at eaehport,- :■affording- accommodations to .snippers- and owner* of produce,together with their long experience and wire- TOluirig attenuon to business* wilfsecureto tliem a-cou* tinnance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. **' t All consignments by aiidfor .this line.-received, charges* paid, and forwarded ra any required directions free of chaTge for commission, advancing or-stonige.- No interest, directly amndireefty* in-steamboats;:' - . All commuiuctuions promptly-attendedto- onopphea* uon to the following agents ~ - «. BQRBIDGE A CASH, :27$,Marketstreet,PhiiftdeIphia. T TAAFFE A O’CONNOR, -Caualßasin,Pittsburgh..- OCONNORS A CO, ■ > . k * North street, Baltimore. WILLIAM B WILSON, al PO, Cedar street, New* York _ JHercliants Trimßpormtlon ljinß. , ■ /* j? * VIA CANALS AND RAII,npAD3 rOIU’HILADEL PIIIA AND BALTIMORE. OODS consincd u jar.care ; \v,iU beforwarded wiili ix om delai, and alt « cO . Canal ’lasin. Penn atreel. Pm*burgh.; ML SEILLES & STSAndSt- Merkel »ireet r Philadelphia. RASE,- MERRILL A cb , " Smiths * -Snlliinorer. Merchmu* »W»y r , 1848. EXCUJSI VKl>y foribe iransportatlonofwayfrol»hl. I>etnxeb Pituburghj: Bl.irevitle, JoJuUiowu, Hoili d&vshtirgb. Water Street, and Petersourgh. _ • • ■; tlusUne wn* formed for ike special aceonusoaauon of ihe troy bustnw- The proprietors, thaiikfal for tns. veo. liberal patronage they have received during the lanUwo years, respectmny imorm their old customer* and -tbe public generally, thatthey. are now-beuerprepnred to deliver goods at nnv point on - the Canals-or Railroads, with promptness anil despatch. - . : PEOPMETOB*. ' '• ' JAS A XORE. GEORC,ETR!M)LE, JOHN MI LEER ArCO Aoc-t4-O.A^M’Asul.«.ACo.,Pil!sllufsh;:. l 3 . XohxMU4.es* Hothdaysburs;. Picatvoarn & Woons, Xohtirtown.: : - RcrE&rsCES—Smith & Sinclair; J* t«F*M , l)eviu r G.&J. > Hi Shoenberger.R; Robison fie Co.; R. Moore i Bagoiey , Smith: JohaParker; AVm; Lebracrfie Co-, G..P- Stroenwer-. gcr, Pittsburgh. J - fitcrcbtiUß’ TransportaUonXlnef or XI'OR the Transportation of Morchandiw and Produce Jj to Philadelphia aud ttalumore, "GoodßTon»iffned to. our care wiU be-forwarded without delay. at the lowest ratefr. Bill* ofkadirt*r troufmjued, and all Insttucuoat promptly attended to, two icora ouyextra charge forfctor: aeeorcommisßion*- .■...■■■--!• ■ ■'•■■■ •7v -“v • C. A.. APANUX/TY & Co., Proprietor*' - marl • Canalßiwm, Liberty at., Pittsburgh. ■ ■ WeiternKftw Vorit College of HealU*. • , ••••••■• ■207 Maw stcErr. Dm\iu>, N- V. ■■ DR. G. C VAUGHN-’S VKORI'AUDEMTHONTTRIP TIC MIXTURE THIS celebrated Tempdj*, U constM I , y inercaMug.it* latncby tho making a!) over the wnrld.- Ii baa now become the only metucine for uumly use..and « pam.cn* larU- recommended for Dropsy: all swgcv of tru* com) piamt immediately relif'Y< v d ; nomailerof tiOWtougstand in?. (See.ppmpbTet fortesrmiohy-) ." ■- : 'Gravel.: nurt till disease's of the urinary.organs: ;wr these dittremnur complaint* it standsolone.-ho other ar ticle con relieve yoa t and the cures leMified to will con vince the most Rkepucnlv—l*ee pamphlet.) In' er.GQft* plaint* Bilious Discuses. Fr.v«r and Agut*- To the Great West especially, and wherever these complaints prevail, ihi? medicine is offered.- Nommfiral6gcttl,nudele!erioa* compound wa part of this mixture* i! cures thtt»cdi*ea»- on with crriatuiy and celerity*and does not leave the sy s tem tnrpuh. {So* pamphlet.) : Piles.nenmpluntt otn Uiort |miniulcharncter.tsimmcdiflteivreJieved v andn»tnrefol low* by a ft*>wduy*UM»of this article. Il ls £ufr beyond any other preparation for ibis disease, or for any other disease originating front imp ore blood.-t See pamphlet.) Debility ©; tkn System. Weaktßack. AVehknes* ul the Kidneys. &c...or]uflum.'U>ojiof .the same; urlmmedmiely relieved f»y annv days ttscof ihm niedieiwyanda curots alvvnys the remit of Its nse.’ It stands nit a certain feme dv forsttch complaints, nnd also for derangement* of the 1 femme - frame. Irregularities, Suppressions, painful men-. Mrnatipns. No nrtlchvhn* ever been off»*ed. except this, •whichwould toneb Uus kindot derangements.’ It may be -relied upon vie n sure nnd effective remedy ; and, did we feel permitted to do so. eonlri give, a thousand names u« proof of cure* m this distressing .class bf cpmplamts.- See pamphlet. All broken dawuydebihtatcd:,constitu tions, from, the effect of mercury. wIU fimi )ho[bracing power of.tins article to act immediately, aiul the poison ous luuieralernrtieamrt irorn the system. . iu-.- . Eruptive Diseases will find ifio nHcrohvefrroprrtiej of this article vcittrvTnU'nLoop. and drive such dlseasrsfrom the sysiom. See*pamphlet for testimony of'Cure* iiuill. diseases; winch the limits of an advertisement •will-not permit to lie nnnied here: Agents give them. Atvny; they contain 32 pages of certificates of high character; and a .stronger army: of proof, of the virtues of a medicine; :>ev| er appeared..; It is one of the pectiltur featarcs oftlus ar tide, that it never foils jo benefitin any OUse,. and if bone and muscle are left to bjuld upon, let TfilS" emaciated and lni>remi£ itvvah(litoi>Kciv. dna keep inking the medicine i aslongasihereisnuimprovement. Thcproprictorwonld i caution the public against n namber of articles which i . come out under the heads of SA.ESAPAiULr.AS. Svaurej&e., i a* cures for Dropsy, Gravel. Ac. They are good for noth- i ring, nnd concocted to guli the .unwary; touch tiiQl xot. i Their inventor* never thought of curing such disenscstiU i this article had done it. A jmrticttlar studypnmpfo i .Utsti earnestly solicited. Agents; and al! who self the nr : tide, ore glnu to circulate gratuitously. Put np in 30 oz; bottles, at $2; 12 02. do. atsl each—-the larcer holdingC 02. more than.tlie.tw6.amoHbottles. Look out and not get imposed upon.. Every bottle has k ; Vaughn 1 * Vegeta blc .Lnhoninpuc MUiurpv , blovrn-upontae'’gla«, the: xvrhieu signature of VO. C. Vaughn” on. the directions, and “G.C. VaagJm, Buffalo,”stampedoalbocork. ;Ntfne other are genuine. ■ .’. Prepared bv-Dr. Ud. Post-paid , let ters, or verbal comnuinicattons soliciting advice, prompt-, i iy attended to gratis. / Offices devoted exclusively to. the side of/this- article-- i 132 Nassau st.. N. Y.; 205: Essex.st.;-Salem. Mass.; atuV i by ilin principal Drcggrets throughout the United Slates i and Catmdiii v v. - i : UAY9 t BROCKWAY Agents. I No. g. Liberty st., near Canal Basin, i TTTiMTIAN BUNDS.— A. WtxUrvtU, and old and well V ' known Vcmunnßlnidinnker, formerly,of Second and Fourth st*., lakes thi* method to informhiß many: friends oi .iho Ynct thathia Factory Is now, in. fail opera- Hon on St. CJmr st.. uenrtheoldAHegkesiy Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of-yanobs colors auu quail ities,isconslanl)y kept on hand and at ail- prices, from \weniy-cents up to suit customers. ; N. B. If required, Blinds wilt be pulnp so» that in case, of.alarmby fire, or otherwise, they may .he removed without the aid of a screw-drivdr. and with the same /acihtiytlmt any other piece of furniture ciinbe removed, and without rtnyexiro expense. - jeSJmi&wy -BGQK3.—*Loitenuga m Europe; or sketches of •jIX; Travel hijrance, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy,:Aus* tnaj Prussm. Orefit Bntnm and Ireland, with Rnoppen-. dix, containing observations ouEuropenu charities and medical institutions. By. JohnAY< Carsom M. Angela, a novel. By the amhor.of A‘Emilia Wymtham, ,r “Two Old MetfsJTales v etc 1 9 ■ . Self-Control, a novel. By.-Mary Brunton* a&lhor of ‘Dit.ciphue - 11 •Vofc HI.-Baily SenprurdtHelpungs. ’By thejate Tbosf Clmlmers/1). D..L.L.-D. . . ... . Part. 4; The Tliousnnd amt One Nigh/s.i Hhtpers’iillu*- trnted edition. .<■ - William the Coifngcr, a hook for children: By 1 the'au thor of “Ellen Herbert, ’• Ac..- i The. above .work* received this duy nnd far «ale bv leQfi JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON : i -"i JH rSiGray’i'Newßovel, ■' .r JUST rpccivriVat MV A/MINER’S— Lena CnmiTon; or f Tho Four Sixers By Mr*. Gray. , . Thejotf>r,.Ki(!hord Jennings, iheGreat Vjcumi*er, with a shou account of.liis lost days. By.Jiu». Kmfcht;;: • i.; The.Cnbm Bdy* orLifcomlie Wing? &'-Story pf For inne 4 .* FfCAlrsmui Fanciß#; By L{eiit. : 2krurrayf / lindws'Xaiioual.Magazine, for September v ’ - 1 : Union J * “ * «- j ,i ttl t»*a Id nag Age* No. 223 ICTBerforf,. of. Allegheny- city, has «!Mhe' abtiVei ■• • •>•-- M." A.: MINER, SmithCeld st;. M<3oyr above SeconiT. ; ’ ‘ • }.'■■■ A sns24«c ( •' V •..' ■ ;„■ ■■.tf t; >" ■ 4 v <:« ’•*?4> &• i'vk 1 : -&Wi* ?--\ /- 7 * lsgP^ : " V.itirHAl / mhpL / ' e ) • jdn%\ AttaAkcKturKN t s . . JET 9 * Hewafiei', l’asscngert conunginMH Europe, entßgeJm Amenra lo come oVrtyincUhcrof the ship* 01. Co.ywill be furm#ihed>Vilhtbe -.'folJotivmff oihcf article* i q^-Cp«gTts»,-Afay.1^.1648;..: v.v-i PLAN will proven! slcknew orrboard. • Hereto- i - foamJ ibenwelvea In Provis ions, many of them cume on boird/enurclydestitnte. itvhithoften caused mueit sickness and death. . 35 lbs Bread. \ All of good quail -10 ‘ Rice. t>, and one tenth 10 “ Oauncal, or the Provisions 10 1 Floor, - furnished will lie . 10 “ Boons nnd Poos, v: ■ ■:■■• Idchvercdto each 05 “ Potatoes, Passenger every 1 pint of Vinegar, week, with a suf £o gallons of Water, ‘ Eetew supply of ■ 10 os' Salted Porkt fteo from; bone;J Fuel for cooking. Each Ship in this tine .will too properly YenUlated,and a good house over thepaSsege-rroy leading to the Pas-- aengers' apanmeot. The Cambooseand Cooking-ranges, for tite use of Passengers, arc kept mider cover. Every attention Veil! he paid to promote theirhealth and comfort 8 Agent at Pittsburgh, JOSHUA ROBINSON, , r 7 Fifth si, near 11 ood : xapscott’aC3eriera’ a ‘EmlJfi a &tiou Office* ' REMITTANCES andPassoge lo and x>B*r 1 Gmt Britain and Itelond, b^l\V. SGkk& JVT»Tapscott, 75 South ftt.,cQrnot*iiNßfc ■ of Maiden Lane,' N. V., and 00 Writer* ■; - *oo Rood. Liverpool- .-v ■■: • \. :t ; • The 'subscriber?, having- accepted" the Agency of the obovo House;nro now'prepared to mafce on< the*, most-libera! with those desirous otpayiitg. of their* friends from the Old Countrya and they flatter themselves their character and lone standing. < tn> business will give ample assuranecthat nil their, ar rangement* wdl be earned out faithfully. •; .; j; - , , -.JVjtessrs. W. T. Tap.'icoU arc long and favorably . known for the sonenor.closs, accommodation, and sailing qualities of.ihcirFncket Sh(p*.TheC|URK:N OF THE WEST, SHERIDAN, GARRICK, IIOTTINGUER, ROSCTUS.UYI'iRROOD, and SIDDONS; two of which leave each port monthly—from New, York the Slat and 30th, and from Liverpool.the Cthnnd llthj:ln addition.to which they have arrangements with the SuGeorge and Union Lines of Liverpool Pqckeii. to insureudeparturo from Liverpool every.five days, being that determlnec (hat their facilities shalhkeepjpace.withtheirmcreasinj patronage: jwhile Mr r W. Tapscou*? .eonsianiperaonal, : enpeniUenuance of.rite business tu Liverpool is on ndoi tlouai security Uiatiho comfort' and. accommodation.of. the passengers will be particularly * ; .\. Tiiosid>qcribembeuTg,as usual, extensively engaged in .the Transportation Business betweCn-Pittsburgh ana UieAtlnntic Cities, are thereby enabled uptake charge ot and forward passenger*. immediately on .theirlanding, withouta chance or disappointment or.delayj.and are, therefore, prepared tp pontnict forpassnge from any.sea port iu Great Britain or Ireland, icMhi* city,the nature ot the business they are engaged: m giving them faculties for carrying .passenger* -*c far. inland not otherwise atj mutable; and will, irnecessarY, forward passengers fur* : ibOr West by the best mode or conveyance, without any -additional pharges for thojjr trouble. Where,persous sent for decline coming out,.the amount paidfbrpassage will be refunded in full. ... * .:.. . , REMITTANCES , The subscribers’atfc-r also prepared lo give draftsat weight for any amount, payable at the. principal cities , ana towns tn England, Irelaud. Scotland and Waiesj thus af fording a safe fmd.eXneditious^raodeofremitungfUHds • to-those countries, which persons requiring such faciq* tie* will find it to their interest to avail themselves of. _ Application (if by letter. poßt-p&idlwillbe promptlyat* tenufrd to TAAFFH&O’CONNOR, 'Forwarding tuidCornmi.SftonMerchant*, *. aap27«dltw»ly • •• -* v v - •• - lloche, BroU»ri| * Oo«: rfiß* hlfK Fcwoa Yosjt; Edct Qcat, wHb Dubus; ScotLjl.no Roao, Liverpool. ' 4AMES BLAKELY* Agent,.Office onilVnn st.* Canal £aun, Pittsburgh ;-: i Anangtmtnti for l&i& \ T> OCJIE* JQRO&. A CO., sole Agents for the BLACK 1& BALL LINE, of Uverpool and New York Packet*, take the liberty or announcing to ; their old friends ana customer?, that their arranges tuts for the yearlB4Bbeing, ■completerthey are prepared to bring oat passengers^by the above splendid Line,:from Liverpool to New \ork and-Philadelphia. ' -They refer to their former coarse of doing business,, and assure those who entrast them with their orders, that the some sousf&ction wtll be rendered as heretofore. JIXSIITTAVCSS TO ENGLAND. IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WAIiES. Draft* for solej payable, on demand, atony Bank in Ireland;-:■■■ . Tbo undersigned his made arrangements to bring out ’passengers to Pittsburgh, daringiho presemyear. » fchs3mdaw» JAMES BLAKELY 'Miage To suit Prom >£ffv ..mEaC.;, .CHEAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. ■*■*** Osoiac Rtrtunn A 803, No. 131 Waterloo Road, LL verpool CABi4Si£&Rrmsn/N0.5390U*.h V. *• ! ./ Subscribers, having accepted the Agency *\ tmr J, city ofihe above weUfcnovra aud respectable House*, nrepre pored lonUkeeftgaguneniMbrpassengenMOCome out. from -anrptrtof Great Britain or Ireland, by the re gular Line or Packet Shin*. aaiUngfrom Liverpool week ly.' Persons engaging with us may rest assured that their ruirudßiiviU-mcet with kind treatment and prompt de»-. patch at l.iverpooUes well a* every miration neeeuar)* on lbelr arrival In this eoonmv Apply toor address SAMUEi; ArcLUUKAN a ca, -,*i r ; 14S liberty beotlfUido?Y>»ile*i upon lie most hb<*ml terms, w«h their usual punctuality, and attention to the wnmsof crmjrrotitsj Y'edo not al low oar pass*nrerstobe robbedliy the syruidhng scamps that infest the sea-pons, as we take.chwjrroi thempo, ; moment they report themselves, and see ;to the i r wrlj-be iu?, u;ul despatch them without any detention by the brst ships. T \Vr say this fearlessly.-»« we detyany oi.our ptmscnjeis to atom that they were detained forty-eight hours by ns in Liverpool. whdmhousnnd&ofothet* were .detained.months until ihev-could l*e sent lu sotptvoW trait, at a chwnp rate, which, too Yfeiiuently proved their • '-.YVo intend to perform, our contract* honorably,, t rhat tunny. and not act as was the caso:last reason with ’other office*, who either performed not at all, orwhcnit •mitediheirconvcmence. .. ■ Drafts drawn ai Pittsburgh f<»r onyistMU from xl to jCt,(WO.:puyftbie nt tuiy of the 'Provincial Dunks tmlre land. England. Scotland and Wole*. iOSnUA ROBINSON j v Europeau aiul General A^cni, > Jan£3 ; • :■■• Kulh street, one door below>Vood ftt. 9OttKtGS~ tgm kehiittasce. tao ■'■fTUIR Subscribers ore prepared to mrwnrd money to all JL/'-phru of Kutfand. Ireland. ftcottafnl amt Wales, with. destmtch. nnd at the lowest rates. i - SAMUEL MOLURKF.N’ A CO.. I(fclri2 . v -143 liberty street. European and American Agency. npHfc undersigned European Agent ha* just arrived in ' JL' the Limed Wales,'and* wiJI leave Pittsburgh, Pa., early in September, and sail'from New York on the Ist day of October next.penonuing the Twenty BecondTour of tbtsfljpmey through England. frelamf.ycotlancf, Wales, ete.'retufnmgio. America-in:3la>\'lß4i>. .Moncv* remit* tnncfft ror large and smnll sum* promptly inane to nil !■’.-pririKOt (ircnufritain and Irelund j legacies, debt*,rents, ! real estate andclaimi.collected and recovered: copies of I 'Villa, deeds-ftiKt document* procured; Marches of ail [ kindsmnde.ete. ife succeeds Jus relaitvcvlL Keenan, [•now U- S- Consul at Dublin who so many yetimsuccess* i .fully conducted thw Agency; ami he uulf be osrisled by. ' him iu nil bu&Jueflttransaction* in Ylurope. Innumerable '' references Riven. • Address personally,>or °ddre** post i paid, • THO9.'J. KEP*NAN. European Agent, '> • • ~ i - ' .tmd Attorney and Counsellor at I*ow,: Pittsburgh Pa •Ofihie fit the Mcrchnnr-s Smith* -Ctald ■■ ■> ■ -Mutes and placesitt Cincinnati, at Hroadway Hotel, on :31stJuly* and Ist * August j »« Louisville, nt Louisville '-Hotel.on ardand 4th August ;in W. on 10|h, Kith -jand I*Jih August. -. •'■w- • • Jatuee MnyfE«i witl tuiend to all European business an my absence. ■ > ■■.*■. )*P Great NnglUli Remedy t TTIOR Cough*, Colil**. A«tlimn, arid Conlimnpuon!—Tlio i-r-. great ujul'orily Remedy Tor the above diseases isthe Jfonjfanon ßabam n/'£t/f.dnicoYered by the celebrated Dr.Buehaii. of EcmdcM. Knglandf and introduced into the Suites under thclmmediate superintendence of the tnivenior. ■ •' • i • ' The extraordinary success of this medicine. In the cure * of’Pulmonary diseases* vnrrnni* tho American Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst'’possible cases that can the found tirtlie community-cases ihnrscck relief in vain from any of the common remedies ofiliedny, and have been given up by the most distinguished physicians, as coßrmed ami; incurable. Thu’Hanganun Balsam.has cured, and will cure, the. mpst desperate cases. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard English medicine, of known and established efficacy* ■■■•■••* Every family in the United Slates should be supplied will) Buchan’s Hungarian Balsam of Idle, not only to coaiiternct the consumptive of the climate, but to be used asuprevenuve medicine in all cases, ol colds, coughs, spitting of blood, paiu in the side and chept, irritation and , soreness of the lungs* bronchitis, difficulty of breathing, hectic fever, night sweats, emaciation and general debili ty, asthma* influenza, whooping cough, and croup. - ;. Sold-Hi' large bottlosaisl f perbottle, with full directions for the restoration afheaHh. •* ! - i : : 1 •*. Pamphlets, continuing a moss of English and American certificates, and other evidence, showing the unequalled merits of Uns great English Remedy, may be obtained of tlio Agents, gratuitously.' roreale by B A FAHNESTOCK A CO, -eblo ’ .cor. First and Woodland Wood andfiih sta ■■i sew Workii . A LLISON’S WARLBOROUGH-r-The military life of A! John, Duke of Marlborough: by Archibald Allison, *F- R.S.. author of the “History of Europe.”- ; . lnfo or Christ—The life or Jekns Chnst, in disStistoricaliCbhnegion'nud Instnrical developments: by. i Aagtunna Neander—iranslnied from the fourth German •edition, by Jofan McCHuloCk and E Blumeniholy Profe*-- aara in Dickinson College; ' - > v Old Hicks tbo Guide ; or Adventures in the Comanche Country in search of a Gold Mine: by Chas. \VWebber. Thei Bacbctor of the t Albany: by the author of the “Falcon Family" _ Dr-ChalmerV Posthumous Scriptural Readings: by the Inte'lliomasChalmerstP. D., E.L. D.—, Jii three vpls- Volumes lstnmVSdreneivwl. . Tim above valuable works received this, day-and for sale bj, JOHNSTON A S fOCKTON apia -Booksellers, corner Market and Tlnrdsts. ct UNDEUPS.—4OO dowPloyingCnnls, O 200 whole and half-boxes Sardine*, 10 -baskets olive Oil; , \ : 20 doz. assorted Catsups, &c. * r • ■ ifr casts London Porter, quarts anil pints; GOG doz. ttrandies, Wines; &c. very old; ■ $ bids. powdered Sugar; - CO.baskets Champwgne Wine,part \o arrive; ? ... 3 hMs Claret W ine, for sale by jpart) • ' ■> P. C. MARTIN. I 1 0 1 1 M-c:' i u f v \. * *• .. r* * z ' “i ' - vXi* : s! : f?f&.£}:'; t «* - * n 4-** * 1 < -v. « >• » -, •‘V '1 •' *-'.-vr .... ... ._.." 'f^V-I'^'v.^-.'■#• .:*/V. •: -".-~yi‘--.-~u v- ■r-[i: : «-.Y. : '.- " ‘ r-< * -~ > ','V *<• _ - *. -'3nsitrflHCf:4ompamf9r—' ffIHE .Insurance Companyor NorihAniencQ, of ruu&v .its duJ y a atbp risefl-Age ni i tfm sub •comber, offejs (a makepermiincni andiuniteu; Insurance on propfny;i« jhi» city an4»|AVAcinli>\wdon^htpmenu bythe canal andTiven.. - , DIRECTORS;. • # : Arthur. G. Coffin, Prcs’t. - Samuel Btpom,— -Alex. Henry,■»>:: .»■ Charles * Samuel W. Jopes,. Samuel W; Smith, \ Edward Smith, x t Ambrose White, John A. Brown, - •>.> * - Jacob M.Thomas, . John Whiles ; •/ '; <« ' Johmß. Kelt. - - •. Thomas P. Cope, Richard:D« Wood,. r Wm Welsh. . Henry D. ShCfrnid; Seo’y . This la the oldest- Insurance Company-Jh -the united States, having been chartered in 1794;*.1is charter is per* penial, and from It* high standing* J ong. ■ expcrienc e, am-; pll means, and avoiding all risks of an.extra bnxardous ybt ' 6nHd "l^®HoNEs"‘ ;• AtConnUng Boom. ofAt wood, Jones &Co.,Waierand Front sts., Pittsburgh . maysy » St Co.’« Ttoe Frauklla Fire inioranet Compmpf ' ’ 09 KtILADStPSU. “ ,/*IHARTEB paid ia office;, Vy 163| Chestnut at, north aide, near Fifth, ■, Taka Insu rance, either permanent or limited* against job# or dam ageby lire, on property and effects or,every„aescnpuon, in town or country, on the most reasonable jerna. Ap* plication, made either personally .orby wyr be promptly attended tov C.N. BAJSCKER, P.resiJv C. G BAXirxra, Secretary. ‘ DIRECTORS: CharlesN. Bancker, . Jacobß-Smitb. Thomas Han. Geotge W. Richards, •; Thomas - • Tobias Wagner; ■* ' AdolphiE-80ne,.... ;• Samuel Grant, David B. Brown. : PITTSBURGH AGENC*. ‘ Wariuck Makito, Agentt at, the Exchange Office or Warrick Martin k Co., corner of 3d and Market sts. , -Fire ; risks lakenonbuildings and .'tbeJr gPOieniii an, Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country.KOv marine of inland navigation risks taken. qug4->y >• JOSLAII JUSO. __ _ *• Flb , *CT» **•' Agents at Pittsburgh, for tit Delaware Mutual,, Safety In surancc Cotnvanu of P.htladetphta) . .• , IUBKB npoii Buildings and Merclianqtro ofere- J? .xy descripliouj and Marine,Rwka,opoi|,hulls or car goes of vessels, taken uponlhe;.mori favorable tenns. _ Office at the warehouse of King A'Holiuesj.onAyater sUnearMarketsfrefevPituhurcn..if--, ?.■ N. B. King & Finney invite theconfidence and patron-, age of their friends and community* at large..to the.«ltt» wara Mr : S,,insurahee.Cdinpany, a»|minsujuuoh oolong - the. most ffourishing ih a largo paid ia capita); winch, by the onerattpn,of its charter, ts coiistiotly increasing—a* yielding to .each person ;jnsu« fed;hi* due;share or the profits'b^lhtCompany, without mvolring him in any responsibility whaUsyer I beyon l d the premium actually paid in byTuraj a*: pos se aaingthe Mutual principle divef ted pf every obnoxious feature,andfottsmortanracriye.fpimu -v . r novi-tt 1 ' ' j V '• v v’-v* ' V‘ f - -* J. i i » ' ••*"• •:•»:>.■fl-.' J ' J. 1 .'A OFTHK FRANKLIN FIRE INBUUANCE A COMPANY OF PHI LA DELPI A>—N. S. tornertf. Thirdand Wood struts, PiUsbvrgfu-~'Th6 assets of the. company on the first of January, l lB4s, as pubusned im conformity wub an act of the Penniylvanial«egielature r Bonds and Mortgages* •• • • * * * *. Real-Estate, at cost* —* •» •**•••* *** ■ "J5r?S 2J Temporary Loons, Stocks and Cash«***’-*v*2o7,4W 73 Making a total of- •* <••*•* Affording certain assurance that all losses-will be. promptly met, and giving entire secanty to all who ob itin policies from this Company. Risks taken at as Ww rates asareconsislentwuhsecority. -• j ■ octS WARRICK MARTIN. AgPnU ■• Insurance Agfttnat . . : - •: THE American Fire Jmuranet Company— l Office,‘ No* 72 Walautsfreet, Philadelphia! Incorporated A. D. 1810—CharternerpectusJ. . ■■. - . Insures Buildings, and propet ty generally. either in the city orcountry, against toss or damage by fire, perpetual or for limited periods, on tavor sbie terms. . DIRECTORSt . - John Sergeant, • Samuel v. Morton, William Lynch, Adolphus Penes, - Thomas AUibone, .. .. Geonje Abbott, John Welsh, Jr., ' . Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis. M SAMUEL C. MORtON, President. Fhaxcb D, JAsrtnat, Secretary. ...■* 1 Orders for litsurance bjOhe.abqve Company will be recelved'and Insurances effected "by the undemgned,■ agent for Pittsburgh. j, : *. GEOjCOCHRAN, ]an4-3m. ' SO Wood street. ConnelFs Hsglcal psla Extractor* ' : IT- is now conceded by' medical -men k rhat Cottneu’s Magical Paid Extractor, maauCsctured by -ComstoCK ft Ca.. 91 Courttand New Volk,«» lUe won der •"O EAI> the following proof of the superiontj' ol I>r- lri£- XI/ larip.t Oriental Cougfc a respectai»icenr, iren. who ha? tried it: - v .;■ ■ *•■ T - PrmBt’iotf f Dec. 15, 1M7.: M»9Ba. lUtsA BbockwaT:—After laboring for several weeks under the dtrad vantages of h hanwHmg couru and - most distressing cold, which had. thus fiuvresisted the ef-• ftcu of sevendofthe I was iiiduced to pur chase '-«• bold* of yduf Oriental Cough Mixture, and give ita fair trini. TomygTebVsurpri«e v after using onlyone,, half of the bottle 1 fooad myself entirely well. I'liist/tt; hetfwdieifitlfrfrsair" . Truecbpy; . JOHN, HINDS. : Sold by HAYS A BROCKWAY, Druggn«« t ,Conmtcr rial Row, luheny street.near Canal. - _ v._- iTOX & House* t>‘J Mar hi ■J\ • Sturt* between Third and Fourth sfrwfr.: have just te.cnvikl a targe.supply of rich FqllGoods.cotnpnsipg in part: 17 caws various styles Prints ond Chintrea oi Kn glish. French nhd Amcricah manufacturefls® pcs rich, ami defirtthie' paUcrits Freuch xvarnUiled in ferior to none imported in>ty le, qnaiity auU duramluy of color*: 4 cases splendid Piam gpwl* -w .Jodie* dresses, comprising evety style farFolDuid AV inter wear; O.ish iuere>vM. de- Lame*, Satin «tp*d - Alpaecas. of yorious colors ; 3-4 and 4-4. black .and blue black Silk*, for Man liHas ; Fancy dress Bilks ; black and Mode colors; M. de -.Lainir, all wool } Shawl* of every aiyle Cos siincres.Cassiueus, Broad Cloth* and. Yesimg*; bleach ed and unbleached XfiuUiw. from : fif\to .per yard; Green, Yellow: Red andiWhite Flannel*,* ;Ticktng»i Check*, BtripM Bh»rting»tbleachcd and brown Drilling*, etc. etc* All of which are offered at wholesale and re? tail at the very lowest cash price*. »cp3 . \; : - • A. A.MASQN 3c CO. KW IMtiliUKttKU'i'YrU KUOMS, Burk ft i)mM inn, Fourth i/mt—Hoeon A: AxtunsY, Dagurrrf o -lypini* from the Kamern ciiie», would coll tlieaitenuoii of tfic inhabitant. of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring toivur, to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at rooms in ihe third story of Burke’s building; 4ih st. > .*■ • , - Person* wishing pictures taken may rest, assured. that no pain* shall be spared to produce; them in the highest perfection of the art. Our instruments are of the most pow«. erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures udsurpassed for high finish and truthfulness to nature. Thepubllc are solicited to call attd examine. ... . . : :. Persons sitting for pictures an* neither or .ox« . pected to take them unless perfect satisfaction is given. . N. B. Operators will find this a good depot forelock, and chemicals. . .- . . • ; ’ given in the art, containing' the more recentlmprovementß. , * jan? fpO~FRMAkES.—Every female'shonld have a h’ox of 1 Dr. Ralph’s Pills. They are perfectly adapted to the peculiarities oftheir eonsiimilotnacting with gentle mlhW uesa and safety in alt eim«wfaneer.' IvhereVet fntrodac* ed. their eharocter has beearepidly established among the ladies, with wham they Are emphatically TheFatcriti. Very complete directions Tor. use in the various com plaints wilt be found in the. directions accompanying each box. - ■. v For sale-by • ••••••&, L. CUTHBERT,' Smllhfleld street, 1 near Third. : Also, by Wm. Colei'AlleghenyCityrJ. 0.-Smith, Bir mingham; and John M’Crackeu, Fiflu-.Ward} Pittsburgh. o : janSJ ; ..v -y-.K > ... Hollotr»\V«re Casting!. , Merchants .viritiri* pur dtv: for the purpose or obtaining thelrSpnnff supplies of, Hollow-won? and other Casuwgsj wllfinda very.henyy * toc * c : and an extenslyevariety oCpatterns and sizes in store by us.— Samples can be seen Row, Liberty street, next YT. W. Wallace’s Marble works. Terms arid prices favorable, fcb S-atm : QUIN, McBRIPK A Co, XT fc\V BOOK!*— Justreceived*, by Express: Germany, . :England, and Bcotland r ;or recollections of a Swiss - minister: hyJ. Hi Merle D’Aabigne, D.D., author of His-" tory at faaßeforroation, J-ifeof Cromwell, Ac. i i - .A Practical Exhibition of the Gospels of Sl Matthew and SuMarir, in the/onn^lieetares;.intended to assist ibe practice of domestic iitsiruetionaua devotion; by John Bird Summer, D. D.< Bishop of Chester. * For sale by ELUOTT A ENGLISH, fe 1)124 ; 58 Market street, bet. Uri and 4th. ’■ I Table Cutlerr. ! milK undersigned has just-received a select assortment i J.' of Tahle, and other fine Cutlery, Including: Desert, i and Curving knives and forks; which,with'tf large stock of Brushes of every description, and Shoemaker's find* Ings, he will dispose of a* usunl, on reasonable terms, f JOHN W. BLAIR, Jop2ft ' ' • 120 Wood street. Ttrou CUy Cracfeer and tiread‘Bafiiryv X ' X SHfcPHAI?D . .' ‘ ' “ITrrOUI.D respectfully inform his friend* ana the pub*- r • W ' lie generally* that U* has added to his other . busi ! ne«B,the mhitufdctuTing of Cnickort of every variety Having purchased one of AV. B. NevinVCraCke? and ['Pilot Bread to filial onlfjW for [ crackers or pilot bread at ihe.shortcst notice. and hopes i by tf strict auentionto business, to share, a portion of the i public patronage. Tlio public is respectfully invited to i call and examine forthemftelve*. [ BAKKHY; No. lflCnmntercial Row,.Liberty jl oppo>p i site Sntithfield. [ N B.Saperior family Bread, ry« and dyspepsia Bread*' i large and small rolls,.fresh every roomingcap be. had at i the store, or my ’wngoti, or at my.Btnnd in the market. : .Cakes and Confectionary on hand and made to order. 1 J. SnKVHABD. NolO Commercial-Row. Liberty rl'- NEW FALL^OODS—A. A. Mnsimifc Co. No. OUAlar kc; are now opening 20 cases and packages of New Fail Goods, comprising nowslyles of Gingherax, French, English and American Prints, Hosiery and Gloves. Collars, Capes. Laces, Moll, .Swiss and Book Muslins, &c* aagli ** * y-:, :*,>* •** • ok *• > x, - '.' '•'l" 1 -- - , W-, « * 4 "'? * . 4 V\*, It Vf' , » » . r * 1 -i ‘ „ * ‘ r J > A ,- A-S Vw 'A'^'A^gS * i 4 * f K ~' E £?* L ff-i, X Z~ . ' % H — ’ r V - ‘ v S' fjggi *•,, ._,, : , w „ ;, ' „ - * * , *" * -* J / <-*** 4. w V*5 r » / w " -v r ~ r V* * .. - < -4 - ' Kf< - . r W'i- r £‘4* <" V -: tp-a-.-j.'-.r-tirjsi?*?!^ j^ju, r v H %' " * s 4 ~ '*~ *4 ? *. c ’*'•? X] ~. f | 4 /< ' VI v l^V •'*ilKyj'ii®*‘. i tt*cn». «r*St*OW N- • •’, " X' I A MBBroAN;-Ojfe)roture \ ~ ’ "“‘o ,_ and !oialli6fe;catfc3sr Sprainn, B(rtma,Cuta,BJul»ert i Scarfs, ■Bj»rofc t T«tusr I *Wfipcla», Scarf Head, Croup, i ~ ■» -Wboors/iK-CQUgKtiiadnwjory3oft.Thio»t,H<>i* aa® ) , ’ , - vA ft&kWtooldicgJUlccw. Fetter Sorca. and - s ' •• , !V'^! s ,J^ A jffMjrc>fr n ffi; VI 4 ATJBM 7 . ~ ? which yieW&irfiffccfcHni a mrprwlug manner. j ' • ' a ./ , u-; " ■ • ■ - j T :. t ;,; .„. - ,;'-? Thts iaidcertiiy, that my wito, Margaret Ghiidtt, wa» I, i ■ ~. o , £««««»»» • ; ' ; . 4>: Oil,aad ? .aia f alk.hearl - . . „ ,V,; V i by Mr. WaNiiSjMr.. [ ’ *X* -» ■■^‘c!?r n SSlu^hohadno,bc e i»h| 0 ’ la ptaciilwr rf hi» feet to jha*TWm4foMtvelT* y' u J»*a r - ' . < ’'' *- TOnsequence of JameßC*s i ‘fcyit*^^i t o f °&® wi» } * > ' r , s / ■«nal)lcdao walk #lecuon.'H i» * - , •> A n fefiitfd^fai]/ ■! 4 _,_ m __ t ‘ - * > ~X* 1 i .CONTHAGTiOjEoP AND TKN- - „ i *= * / 'i «r r»2. w „ ? w ; ' >, TheToUavnng , i&comttiani«rtrfbKitfr' %Ym. N*&h r Wa [ *- Jack&On’s agent:fdtSieufafegviiltfi /« JOaatt. % - r- <• h n- -> A«iaffy rtlidin^aßf^tejtomtk^he^w wl*«* f - i ~ '•^s^ • L - -boitleoi perfect umoT ] - r- **- «. han4faUf BilaaUo-ihtf*ih«>*v?hitli had nevar-beiin | - „ *■ ** ‘.affected. - Jt«i»Al»a!ledaibnndnot«sca saft andiatinci- { » - '4tt tble i ' 'j • m ' iftall cose»-oot»i«BhicjUljrjncattWi* t * Z ' I « »,“** 1 ' 'k A-ladyteeidraruiAUeghenycityWMeflecinaUywed * , Ir£ - . v ' . ‘ <4>f obsiiaate vdawlcominitance, hy ibe b»c f v * .-***_ * > ('oft tesMhaa'fliie bottle:tJfiiift Oili »yjbat sha said she * *„„,*■ |% * r s*\ "heardbetterthan*bCflmd®\«r ‘ “ - SileafneBabf*nii»yMitfsathndmg,tbjyihvase ofa «mall „ k „ » ' 1 , * Quantify of the OU;- The name* and resitecea of the ' * ' * ,r ij£* < lady* tothow whodewrc it, , < ' A m * ftfir* -- J wj < ' ;* i lia cflraUvcpropenhs havrtecit rfmarkohlr maniftaled r i ;<#»■/* "4 r. _> j '•te-«i»«ates?)i&»ar •* rvJ .. h /* is • *,2* r , PIBEASE3 op THR SPINE. * . i',‘’ - > i#n2.' -j ;f‘, Aladr.'lh's.hrlrf'hFiiplanlcrju Keamcky, waa cured u ' r , - S ’ ~r>K/•? ,-ij' J~ ,J -. Ifend the following 1 - 1 •/ 1 M» r „ ' U V■» H f 4 ,*. I '' PrmßtmoH,Dec.l B rlS4o { -J -c-* * R », .- Oertify-thlrtf waf'a&towwritb great palo-in * * ■* *\" the axnallof and kidney«» whichafleeteaittaso I .»*•. r- - t " muchih«TeouM - *■ —*’ 4 — Algentleman of Piiubargb; a violent »• i *** flaxnraation of the.kidneyfc-rtbe ,paiii r of which caused ; MP* him to faint—wo* completely cured, inihree tne v f: \- nurorm vTlft dunhueabfithw - * /* NATCfIJrS OWPf 'REMEDT* pcuetrailflg and^auti4ndatHitnttory f conae« i. ' Quentli* is confidently recommended, as ajioyertjign - seta* ; ; ;i.v . ifte?disuvMalWorwofwd, , V" .» Avmn ^ v **: v c > • AND'MOBTIFICATIOK. i ■ ' .-, r - effective remedy for thosevery uaplcaaant andincouve- i- \s: ; mertt'diseoseft -'■ • »_ u '•.w-.T,f-.< c ! ' GRAVED AND VBINifRY:<»*. •-, i : lst See that the name ubertyat., : heart printed Qirthelabel.ofth9 wrapper »■«■ ? Wtfle; tdr wffibh^.lelw?*.'. . •V 8d- i; That iiicloaecridk pamnbletcontain* in? full directionaTor name and address of Wot. . Jacksoif, General Agent for-‘the ; ,.., 'Wopnotbrs damfe^ndnddrftjSpor the pro- •, ? pnetors. DJ Hoif A;Gtf „ 1 3d. Purchase v oacr-.of the ;advertißed. Agents, ««t- Of , whom havea>Bhnw biU r on wbich.isprmtedthe naniciof ~ the PropriOtora apd Genera] Ageptsr>ihnsi D. Hart A Co.) ; Proprietory Kentucjtyirf*‘WmrJaekson, Pa-ij GencralAgeiftforWestern Ponnsylvania,vand parkoi Ohioahd ; dVe»tem>vitmnW“i?ind: the.rpnnteTß’.nainear-;! RPMUIin A-Shrj|r6^k^UilUburgh—pnmed: at the bottom r _ ‘ of:JUud*show.btiL" s „ J’. ' ~ 4tb; Oblerre—the genuine American Oil is ofa optk-: •' ' green color* witho*ut any sediment, and its specific grarr f“ r =,. jy lighter ih&h suiter. ■ The eonn^reiti : are-:me«tly af a - : wrteS^ofori-^feoihb-wSito, 13kh> SjWnw^M^Twpcntlne, : : said u* be refined and-'clarified j—somerSenecarpUr-oUi- i ot other Common oib} andftnaS3blaek-fil.thy ;. (.-looking ralxlarei - • Anegbeny Dlspenaary .«aui* ; - terteits possess either the virtue or the power,of the ny s - AMEBICAK OIL, > / r -; -i i2. .:.J. R. Johnson; ) ’ ..-H rfl >• vi --if■ ?i3 f.-i -;• , JonaUmn Manchester.j i. a. / : Atexander.ASdale, Wyho wt tw A. R.H.Jocnqe^^tnungbniOs’;ri,;.’ k :. ■•v:.-:;vAViti:Ji Smuw^ejnnpimtcevUlfe^odrtiu* - ll.Starr,,Sscw»cVloyvii ■■ - Edwnrd Thompson, Wilkiasbargh;« sr f ,. , ..Jhimel.Negley, Bor> l4bertyi£ ! ;vl:o;s.f a : aicv;.; H. Z. Mitchellv a-: .«i :•;•;■;/ : . It. Howland & Son. \-y "V. ~v '*■ ■> r t/..Kpichli£bzabe)h. -•.. drt t* ■•■« John Rlack, i -TunleijCivpkt-.‘;/\'rA'u- : 't.jji, : :i^b. : . : '^.:.'w.; ~.vi:• ---~--M , Kldo^ny^Dak?rstftwn;v.^'J‘‘ k • Samuel SpnngervChnioiw , ;•• r, r . J/. .*i VJliley^l’Loaghhnvrlumtowii^ipy^^Viyir-,-: .;.: /..b’ultoiij Tarentqnu-. r •. ••*< vv::i>v ; j/v .".:: Jeremiah Pleroiug, Lawrencev4!e;Tvi w/r»j, : ' •;»: :?-,Bqliert WiymmftATthursy4l«>*i*tji T L>v HuglSnlAwCm 1. ■* ■■ > f \ , • fill T DVSPEPSiSI JjNFJtVCTUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF-THE THD v SjrEYB»'ASTHMA r 'afcd> oil ‘4lTectiousariainkfrom'Mi decangemeuiordißeoßein ihe,BtlierY T l)lges' .j-.fv.v.uve^yaacularj;.Respiratory* and. Nervous , ' ' • r soen inward •: pups,hearttjnrn, loss of appetite,coot- r .-engtte,‘ttoiduyof iae.;6toin r - f - Qcbi SwUnmiEg of the head, . ■'!{■ . fulUiCBa ;orweigh! in the ;,s a stomach, dimafcMof vision palpila • v- -1* - - -u -j ii^ont.-of: ..Uio t heart, * Choking or jtraocatingitensaung. depression of spirits, »addcn, fln6hea : 'Of’Eeat,(paiii,jn Re side ot bock, tho iirab«,.COlil feet; constant lra?-rJ . aginingsof evilj fisver axrd daH piun in tho .- . -. yhenljing.npoajhe-Birir., frightful y ■-.*■ - dreatnMourernctaponi,yellow- v? 4 .* r-'.v-the‘fcfcm''arid.ey«& lV ” ' deficiency of pers&rnJ rion t &c,&*/oarii>o-« % < effiscmfrliy i 1 * , by/DOCTOB'HOOFLAND’S . . CELEBRATED GERMAN /BITTERS .. . Their power over thflabove dtaewmsis tiot excelled— iftequAlUd*«byAKay< other -preparation’ in : the .United Siate*jO»thcoutP|4trthUxuyaueBt,mman7cafe^pf terskilfulphyßiciansbad failed , v •r Pe/nqgemeptdiit{io liY«rand-*toraach-are source* of | insanityr7-froißidifor4er or obstrucuofiarnoibid action of: iho ompathetic ond otnprnerves follows and the fane-, lions of the brain are unpaired and ; iJeianged; oji :nerveß are the connectiqg jnedinm hetweenmirnfand matter.it follows from the-reciprocal,actjpiu-ihat both .TQaaUbe 1 tfiordor'lerfitnpUc&tbd -‘aniraernHpedv^wjnuluxneoO^Jy; dentneemetlf there.wiiiaisbbiodacedisetisdof-the SKIN, I.UNG9, The;- thousands- CHOLERA or U'waring* fo the eame cau*e;aad!ihe>majoriiy--df cosea oMhat most poinfuli , d ise a»e. tact, the, uoaacfi is the important ©tg*uii**W system of tnattef/ni updn'Jt itie*nc«sa>nd ail tae HdVnmß#eS fo be derived ofin* terna l .medicines. -»!tsfarictlohS'h're of‘thAttuapßl- im- r poTtancetoeverYone.incdhstitutihgtliewjttrceandfdun-' :tain ofjifcjtrvbifiiui* remarkable.* yinpatbie*,-toone such remarkable power jn !,modifying eyerTiPUrt.pt •'f.Jl V \ oi j’heir rfiincu6ns,- b i utt.tiie prf!pfrali6n of a i compduha that would Bet hpoh:lhe:>di'6eja#e.,ot.d i AM th&: i sympathetic afiliciions," Tbttl point hn» been gained in. these flittefs7tuidthey VEGETABLE, and will inVeYerfcasejjermauently'desiroy nud givd strength arid Tigbrlo ihe framej At no-time de-: bilitating - the J phlient ? ‘;and they aregTatefulio th£ most delicate ' WHO wXL : iJSB'THIM-'AB‘DIRHCTED»i ti 4s wntusitife Jfquria dp uratcufs.) t ~ - The has been before ihe public,hue, from iis mfatbbieefficaeyyelicitedtljeeulogy , of ! the pres* tbrodg&thtf tondy.tWirdbjecr.bejng-fof the l-behefitof eoSeiinfr Humanitjrjite *occeB*-bAi.surpEa#ed ’riUpreeedenujimaJtis freeiromjillaicohbllcstimatanb ayruptthercury.iUoes.Qvimwiet ingredients; ana cypncialhr adapted to tbedisejfcsejicfitne yamble cJuwuejpj i the United d ' a '"'“WEEK AND'DELICATE CHII,DRfeN ( . are madc strong' by lsaYuraily medi cmeVtinil 'can be ailmmisiered wiiU'safety toft child one •year old. the de]jcatofamaj«voralnanof Jtiinety.';.', - . hasan extraordinary yinae andcftcocyjand.JS m great deomnik speakfrom has prodiwedinany'wonderful cures r - , „ . The3?aiiy : Surtsays We believe it as -one of-tne best medfcinesof the age—a fnend havnig used it. in his. own family with great satisfaction in-tho Jaundice had LiverjpompJaint-” *, “ - • Tho Spmt of the Times and Keystone saysj—“Do. ouy 'good cilijeOSj who are invalids, snow the'mAny ttaton uhing cbrek&nt have been performed by Dr. Hooflond’S: celebrated German Bitters?' -If they.domotj We recoin-, mend them to the; German MedicumiSiore. j27S Race street; aU.whoar'e : 4ice, Dyspepsia or Nervous Doctor has cored many; of ©nr eiti2ena, : ofte*; best^hyeieiana : . to be a raedJcme that every one should jniqw and we; cannot refrain giriug bar testimony in -thfeirv favor,. ah d: - that which giVesiheragxeate r claim upon ourhumblo efr fori. lheyareehtirelyyegetable. .. -V • - - vThe’Ekenb&Balleunsays:—The Celebrated German' BiUers are an Invaluable remedy for’ Jaundice, Byspep-, ids. mid irervous complaints.” •v. NeaPtGaxelte say*>-> L lt is. not often r we notice the various excclfehtmediciaea advertised -mour columns, 1 because,we stccn willing to speak excepLCrom persona! experience; aud a good-constliution. fortanately -makes a* geperapYStrangersto such.articles.. A< word, how ofDr.’Hoofland's Germairßiuers... ThiswE-xxuwv ■ tob»ftnexeellenttmicle , fulfi!Ung inereryrespect what ' isclaimedforu by the advertiser* '! • v.The Daily News says: * - ■*. < *:A ''MJ6mci?£E;—We speak knowutgly: of Dr. Hoor tand’M celebrated German Bitters .when .w&'umy it is a . blessing of Visage, and in diseniiesof tbebilfnry, diges* live ana nerVon* system*, iihoft not, welhwk, an equal —it is a VXORABLS SXEPAttATIOX ASH* MAt>< Tcarwotrr At-.. coßot, and to alUnValids we would-tceoncncud: it as worthy their confidence. , , r - AVhii stronger testimony can a medicine have! Atthe Depet can be seen the evidences, of .many; of our most 1 ceepecrobb citizens ; of Cures in all llte'foregoing dis eases:' ■ • Principal Depot; German;Medicine Store.* 273 BACK . Street, and for sale in Lancaster by JobftF-bogan; Har rUburg,.by;D.vW.tGrostf and respectaole deolersgen < e.rullytliroogboutthe.country. . ■■' , OfLENCU THATDUKADFUL COUGH’—The Lung* areln danger, the work of the destroyer has been begun,-the Cough of Consumption hath inuawund of ■death. i ii.p.'i"* ASR todaMothkb? child: your idol and earthly joy, t* now perhaps confined toherehajnher bv adangerou^cold—her pale-checks.hcrthiMhnjuken 'Gheers, tell the bold disea.se hits'already gained upon her —:Uie.jound-OLf,bteli of your loss of you need .not despair. ' r rbere is.a halm which will lieattbe vrdimdcd Junzs, iris, •• v Sherman’*; AlMVcalftnff, Balkam. .; , .ATyBRB, -the wife of Wm. 11. Aliree.Tvnj. wa*; given.up byiDr.V-Sewall of AVashingtoiiv Drs. Roe 'ami MrCielfaii of PlulAdt*lphiQ« Dr. Roe and Dr; Jfott of New York. = tier frirhd# nitthought she 'die.-; Slws had every appearance of heine tn ronsumptioiu andwas so pronounced by her physicians—Sherman's Balsam . was, ' given itnd it’cored her* . ' ’ Mrs. OaaßAßßATiT.ofHull’*-Ferry, was.also cured of cnu*ureppou.;hy thts-Bateam when oil aiherrremcdies foiled to give relief—she was reduced to & sketatoif. ;On. .A. C. Castle; Deun*L‘gSV Uromlway, .b**-witnessed its excels in several coses where no other medeeine afford ed relief—but the Bnlsnmoperated Itkea cligmi. Dr.C: also witiiesred its wonderful effects uv curing Asthma.' which it never fail* of doing. Spitting Blood, alanumg as it may .hfc, iA.etTecttuilly' cured by tht* Bolsnm. : It .heals the ruptured or wounded blood: vessel*, and makes the. luitgs.souml ogam Rev. lljut&i Jonks, 103. Eighth Avenue, waa cured of rough and cnlarrhnl affection at 50 years standing. Tho firstdose.gnve binvmurc relief than ull-the. other .medi cine he had cyer tokens Dr.l».\. Delaney street, gave it to a sister-in-luw who was laboring under. Consumption, and to another sorely afflicted with the 7 Asthma..'.ln both cases it* effects were Ttumepmte, soon restortnethem tocomfortnhre health.. - . ■Mrs.XvcUKTtA Wells, 95 suffered from Asthma4aycurs. Sherman's. Balsam relieved her : ar once. utid she t* comparatively well, being Enabled tol subdue ever)’ attack a'timely use of this medicine. Thisjndeed iif the great remedy for Coughs; Colds, Spit* tmg wood/Liver Complaints, ant! alltheaffht'tionsoFihe throat,’ and*vdn‘ : Aßtlima and Consumption." 1 *' •rFrice2scenia and 81'Perbottle, • .Principal Office lOdN’assna Rtreet.-Ncw.Yorki . .• Likewise Dr. BRermauV celebrated Cough,: Worm and Camphor Lozenges; Premium Tooth: Paste; and "Poor Mnn *rinster . , s \ > Sold wholesale and retail by. WM. JACKSON; oi'Jiis Boot andShpe Store,and Patent Medicine -Warehouse,. 89 Liberty street Pittsburgh, head ofWood. street, and. by the failowiugdulyappointed Ageuts fori Allegheny, conoty: '< . t. ‘ •- >A, Sl* 'Marshall., Allegheny city; Jonathan Gbriest, Manchester; J-R. H. Jacques; BimtingharatrA.B. Gcuy, WyKe itreet; J.G.:Mustin,cor.. Webster strand Kim; DanterNegley.'East Lioertyj JL : |B.iMtfcheU t .Wilkiua*. burgh; Tho*. Aiksm.Shnrpsburgh; SamU Spriugcr, Cliu,- ton; James SPKee, Siewartsiownf John; Black,-Tunic Creek; C,,P. Diehl, EliaaheVh;:ft6wlttijd A Sou, STKees nortr picEldowiieyv Bokeratown; :Riley,. M’Lnughlin, ■Plum > b s Tftwnshipj WFtLJ:'Smiih,Teniperancevjlle; Job-. ** mar9-ly ' Jjj. <‘Jfcra mdhpefsti^ueu,snd'have beenfof«otaetiine,that ybu!r''Dbmestic 'Vegetable Pills: are of great use to all those who may have occasion to nee them, and have administeredteem to my'pa|ieutsJ 1; ; v -Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia aud Bilious fever, nreim-’ cured by the use of Dr. Ralph’s Pills: - Price, j£s cent* ft wholesale and retail by •• ' S L.CUTIJBERT, ", i - SmiLhficld sUoet,nettr Third. Also r by Wm. Cole,. Allegheny city ;, J.,G. Smith. Uir - mingham; and John M’Cracken, .Fifth,Wank- feb!7 Jaynea’FamllyAledtetneß. T\E. 8. S.COOK, Piqun, Ohio, writes; Marclri lS46i' J J “I hove used your Balsam] and iSrprciorant, in mv practice, for the last threefyearsfJ and hove been exceedingly well pleased vHth thoiu,~ana never, nsyet,-jo,rmr-recollection* failed'ef‘rtlrttemg l my' Tallest expecioifan ia,their. eucalive:ptope|iiwi.i Your other medicines fcaiinpt speak of frotp experience; but, Judging from those I hayeuscd,.lcoubinQt but that they' claim, aud arc entitled to alltlie confidence .reposed in. ffiem; by thpse 'who. have tnem. V. I was formerly very partial,to .****# Vermifuge, until I becnipoacquain ted with yours, wUichhds my decided preferene to any other now: in use, , ; V *. ' : Ressectfully; yours. Ac., . . . .• S. 9. DdVr-. |o*For,sale in Pittsburghatihe Pekin. TeaStore,73 Fourth st. J - ' feblS . ; t> : A. T 8 _ JDP. parouonhasproveditself to.be ofvery great effica cy in the cure of obstinate .Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Spit- Utiar of .Blood. .Whooping Cough} and oiherFnenmcmic Aflectignsj .end the proprietors leel warranted in recom mending tt as;E safe and useful medicine, and are pre-' pared.to, show cpttlficatcsof indisputable authority, in testimony of its value, . ;. ... It is pleasant iq the taste, and is offered atsb low a price" as to plate* it -within the reach of every person. There, arey perhaps, but few Cough-preparations that will pnK duceirsuch decided edects tn such a : shdn time.} Pre pared and sold by >' ■ . < t 1 ' - ' ■' b. a. Fahnestock: & cb, Corner of First pnd Wood; also, of Sixth :and '.Woodstreets.. Vi - , V ideelSv Txa. RALPH’S CKi.BQEATED Veqrtadlk Pells are for-. U sale, wholesale andTCtait. at the . .- « . . v r . Ural Estate Octicb. •; ‘ No.,so,Smtlhfield bl . . • Also, by Win,Cole, Allegheny cityrJ.G..Smith, Bir-, mingham: Johir McCrpcktftt, Penn street* Fifth:. Ward. 1 - feu 01 1 4 * t• - - , V♦ ! , 130 R SALE— A brick 'dwelling house, aud loMu aplea< v: i;ant:locuuou, Kituateu ou nnoll ■Thehouse welUrranged> having a good en and-riming:roomfbitf-aud-i\vo pnrlors.three rooms and finished £o feet, by 120 deep,Hora;back street . vPrice, 81,-200j>:'.Terms. 8300 in band,balnncem tour equal jcarlv payment" I s:.\ :>-wiv->8; GenerabAgoav •• 1 ■ - • - SnuthEelisireet-:'^ .'uc' I V(.'S V * * • r : ■ -i. •>- -, r;J ; * ' t- .Vi fr-U -'.v ■_&■ ';■■'■ \ - r r*. '' 'V-' -,v y >■ 'V .... \r~ •.jjC.fv*? ■ •' v-.. A .';•- •;.~Vjf.V'«i-'s;v r ,-»iViVT^'V.* 1 jttycnv- -m.vv.-j,. AlililCAlVßE CURED,_«; ... : v i v ?Vi : v«'iE-Vi y %•’ i ,l ft^m/WMn'oactftadW^WUunerccJp s» 4her btu* cles of the kind now jtf u« , *vyW Ahe krnfu dead bt»Ja!f t thin, rnihealto, uor;mt6Wgi«>.a fowjappHca | .Hons wilt make the.hmr soft dMdarlti dnamve ftabcau l:Ufut{ lively-appca»nceranrt:.wUbaip.miikeitknainialn it lts'-hvelfness- nnd :bWtmy colot; 'iwice'cSjouff as all the that ans generally the hair ia i:thmyS of has< fallen be. restored teasing thi« I Cream. Every gentleman who is iiuhft habit of \ using oils an theirhair should at | the. Chinese HairCrearajasit is so composed. that u will not InjnreU&e hoir like lhetjtherpreparatlohsL bui wul I beautify: iK-atid ‘give pdtfcet -saiisfacuonih every. in - I stance, %?•>* ’ , f , ** jsj{ v; For tesumonyio its very superior realities, seethefol lowing letter from the «ev. :Mr.- Caldwell .toMflearrs.: .HendeMholv&"Btretch, Nashville#-general agents forthe Southern SthteS* , t * '■iUtitt Stealthy,' : 'as a eosinette on'lhe’AKio. softaud tiraoolh.,j j i . Dr. James Anderson. Practical Lsettftsays: ‘ r After uialysingJotms’SpanUh 1411? While, ivpoWsses'the jnbataeautimrand naturtnyandat; i. thc jinme time hmoccuvwhitelever sawv-I certainly i can conscientiously recommend its nse tp. All whose akin.' Priee 25 cents aboi.Directuma —jiciest way tq«.ppJy I4HyAVhil,e r ir«ittL E»rt leather •or wool—the tormeriSpreferaDle. •A fixE sst or Teeth tob 25 cEStd^r-Wliite.ieeUi,. 1 fool breath; healthy gums.,; :Yellow add lb, i: Afterbeing.once‘bf-twice cleaned; with 1 JonesVAmber [•Tooth,Jp£flte,haveihe appearance of;4h6> mostpeantifal I ivory, 1 and,at the some timp It so perfectly innocent t-'Aud erquinrely finejthat'usedn&tanf daily use bthighly advaMtaseonp, e.reu to tUosetectb that tore in good condi tion. giving them a beautiful polisb, .nod.presenting a premature decoys Those already decayed, it prevents frorabeepmrag worse—Halaoitwleussnctidh is becoming .. loose, ana by perseverance it will render thp fonlesMeeth delicately wtuie^and make the hresth' deliciously sweet. Priced or 37J cepts a boor. fAll the above pre sold oni£ of 82 Chatham st, signof the American Eagle,'Near Ybrk, • audby the Appointed Agents appeArid the next column. x , -- ,< . * _ f „ *, eeta riclihasband > iadyjl ‘Tronr. face is your fortune. 5 ’ Is’t benntiful, clear,fair?lsji s white? If not.it can be made BQeve&’tjaotiEh nbetyelr iow, disfiguredysmiburtit, i&hfled and freckled.> Tbod&r; . onds have been made ihns .^Yhahave.washed [once or twicewith Jones’.ltalian ChemtcoliSoap.-Tlie efiect is 'Vlorioueand mAgmncefth vßtftbeanfeyoaget thegertA . ine JouesV.SoApj at the. *iguLo,f: jbe American ••Eagle, €2 Chatham street. *» „ , * ••' :&ihg*wormj Sait-rhemny Bcurvey, Erysipelas, Barber’s Imh,ore Often cored-by. JopesVltaliau! .Chemical Soap, when every kind of remedy: has. foiled./ That jt -cares .heaa, of. Woodj Sign of oftheßigrßOotr 1 nov23. t i T.WELV 15 AND A JJ ALEpJBNTSi’ lady between t wen- : i lynml thirty; pqsseoiuncAsyinmemcnl torxn, good. Tea-, lures, Ac.ris asked confidentially, can she; suppose any"; r mau/QOQla admire, her while sUC haA snch yellow, teetm ] rsneb sallow, jroocb, coarse skin; nud.saph iUrty, bad, i wiry hair; when, oy spending; the above sum, .she might : have delicate white ledth. A pore, sweep breath, and; a < beautiful head ofhair.iSue ;can have, beautiful while i ■teethand sweet-btieath'by'Using a2s. box- pr'JbrtwVAffl? bfrT&tk Pqste: wittief puxe.and spoilesg .as snow;, by using a cake pf the genuine Jona? . Clumual .&ep;-and a beantiful headAf hair;tiyus'inga3s.boUleof 'against Ihls before you trry, or yon: will regret.»l, but be sure to askfoiMone.V'artieres i ‘vSold’ottlyJilNew York at 82 Chatham .1 ■, -• •• > <- 89Lihetty smßiltsnurgb. periencehas proved ibatno combination qf medicine : JmVe ever been so efficacious m"removing the abovedia*- .eweis »». DR. JAY 111 STS ALTERATIVE* 'fchasMfected cures truly astonishing, not only of Ca,ncer nnaotherais-. -ease* of that class, blu has removed the diseases of * ' • JH'Tor sale m iPittaburglvatiUel'KKlNTElAOTOßE, 72 Fourth «t* near Wood mar3o A'Reeln© for tae'Human’flair I - rr\Q FORCE 4TS OUOWTtf AND «KALTH,MAKE i IT SOPJ'v SILKY. CLBAX AND FlNE.—Person* in consequence of the many things sold, set down every,. : axticio. ( ttif'-U , fiver so good.) ns n humbug. could lie made to try n Jts. bottle tit June & Corn) Hair. Re*- siorqtivr, nndsed bow u-mot’rK dry.Ttirijvred.hghihnir • tnmst.'M»fl/aubnr» and dark, nml keepbivro ; mid by. it* uiiejbrt»meilmtv*au«s itto jpaur uammlly heautiful; if-peojde could-*** tlijMUi tuber of po*r rusnocjtpljir. me*-. cbaiiic* that use.iL .iaye:, and nnd it the cheapesulung they for dressing am! beautifying lhtf;ir*ur; Cot; kerptrig-lt- soft :arttt iu order three times asloiigasany mother article made* and r * , . . 4 . .1 , ;■■■•■■•: nrartSt' WH J\CKSPS Agt ‘fr Liberty,*! MOHK T KSTIAIIhN V tor Dr. Wifmrd* tfurrillyMedi* (rbiesj—Thetutdcrsigned.citizcimofEiUsburgh.haT i mg per«»iftHy uscd.Dr. \v.illard sOrKpitab-.PQugh Wti ture,aud experienced hr beneficial effects, doroost cheer* i.fully' recommend.: it a«Safeand effcC'tntiJi.mallt-ases, rSpeokiiigftom cxnurienfcev \W behertthatrt Utwno su i nerior; and woatd rpcomrtiertd-Ms tnse-to all ihe afflicted. , * x EHAHLES LEWI* . WAL. JENKINS Pittsburgh, March tsib« 1&3. •. .•{ • .•••• ID 5 -Sold bT J. Schoonmaker & Co.r Johiv IlayscJamev •iA? Jones, J. H>'.Ctts*el. John.P. Scott., F. I*. Snowden. J„ Mohler, Ogden & Snowden , (0p29 QAt/rTi FThCSf/SFCb vvToi J> sores,’my sipe i CT f.AS, BttTbtr's Bf)i: Ctaps: Sot*,: BtatitfTtmplrs i Thisfsused uahbvc'. aiidwo.would »ot conscientiously jseiru.nlfs* \ve ,knew iiio be stole - -i j. % * ‘ Asti cosmetic. the into JONES S SOAP onJy article ever known that removed .impimiieju.aiui smooth and white ok anjofantP- But mmdj it jr sold.at 82 *« MY ’“ db * , TOI ? >- i, : Liberty atreetrritl&ntgh.:r ihar2s . . . , UelowiheearihVsurfaCe:!Tluf' OD : wiilbe/Qundjvast]y~| superior- to’Huleitttßifm'sli.br nnypiber/ormerly popu*i I lafcOUiC ItaVcmttve pjoperue* Joi[;.the/follptvmg ah*•.] Whoopmg-gouEKphihwie, coughs.: colds, spasm*«!tßltet, i erysipelas, scnld ueml.croup.inflainmalQty sore Ithroau liver complaint, luflnipumuon of the puns nube. breast, side aiul back; diseases or tlie spine, pllea{heariv: burp, diseasesofthe hlp ioml, inflamed vnttas^and ear.Bche,:\rorifip, tootk:ache, fcprtunft'sprains, bunts, scalds,-brnKes; cuts; ulcer?,: oaucervferer,* sores, &c &c u # ' ” m s < Pnce 50 cents per bottle. . Sold wholesale and relax! by .. -.AVALJACKSON, liberty street, Pittsburgh. The bio boot stands m thedCor-way; l : Piusbnrgh'where "the'o’.KS^ixif , caii:jbe.oD*H tnhted * 1 » { >Cjujtid:s*—lnorderto be surtf of Obtaining IhtfSomime, purchase only of the general ageitl fOr Westernrennsyl- i #atjta,Wm- Jackpion, Liberty through sub- ; , Agents, byhnn forvjts aale, ; eachof >?hora,will i i - oshoty bill pud general directions m pamphlet form-. 1 contaiqiug the names and addressof Uie. Propneipr anit, -Genera! Agent of Wesrern.PentreylTanjay os-toUop's;,,j Dr It&ll&Co,proprietor,Kentucky * , - < Win. Jackson,General Agent for.AVcsfem nfa; .89 .Ltbiny street, Pittsburgh,-10 whom -all pmat be addressed ? '1 ' * *'.r r ,s f . «.Ossebv£>—Each boule is euclosed m one of the above. , nainedPwnphletß.and tUe.uune of William Jackson, (the, i genera) andonly wholosalej&gentforWeetemreuusyl vania,) printed on the outside of the labeL ?•• ost29. ««DEST COUGU.'MEBICINEIN THE AVOBIiD!” ' JLJ Another eudence of the upononK of ifeilftf- Jarfo Cough afixWrr, over nll.oiher«,v,. B«4 Aefoltownig certificate from a respectable ciuwji-Of,.the,,Filia Warts "Pmsswiau, Nov. 3,18451,a certifies tbaifbr soiflfr weekspast I waairoubled with a very serious Oough>\'whtch was evidenm* become Ins ieated to.Bach an*iterfi;aswieaist the* effect of every raedicmCwMchT had beeiv'Qping;, I was 'finallypersuadedto s call at Haya/A; BrocKwayteJJrog Storey end get a bottle of- Mixture ;\vtuc b»: to. n*y great Very, nrnehj after taldngonly two orihrec doses,' and before f ihat,lhi>y lotmy 5 it;* arid shhll edntlnue to rfecpmmend'it.m irtjr.friends, a#X roily bflU re it to,be the btst Caugh Medicifuin Gte worid? l *'•' • *.; r “*'AsbßE\y;M , CXFjjtW*»i. • Try it-ronly 25 cents a-Borte. . - Sold hV t ‘ ' . , HAYS & BROCKWAY, ’ * 1 Ifa. 2, LiScny street, near Canal Basins ■ 15 Sold alsd by',v 7 * J.'FLEMINOW.r , novlO . - • L&WTeD-CcvjHe. COUOHrSPITfING GFBU&OR V ASTHMA, Ac-To Co?spw£W Four-fifths ofyounre. really Buffepjjg.from jiegfecteit rOolds, or an-onstnictioni AudvcpnßcqaeqtlnfiunatWAi : itie. dellcuteUnitlgbf those fube&.thtorfglivWlucji^the air we bte&the is distributed to produces jmin and*orene«8 f TroatBfeuess,cough;‘difijcuUJ'- of breathing*, neeuc fever* and a spitting of or phlegm, which finally exhansts ihe strenffth oMhe poi tieut—and deaih .ensneß. -;'JA^NES r .’EXPIiCTOHAriT rmirr /oils to remove fills obstruction: blid produces the. moStpleftalngand hapbytesuUS..'lt Is certain m i«r«f»’ fectß, ttprelieve ! . , . For sale uf FutSbutgh at lheFfikmT«aStore : 72 Fourth st, near Wogd, _ jtw9- . i>AßL : BYrr>luU'faaVs .funding oirtf.foi!*aie-. i> by ,£* W.HARIfAUQH^ • • ii- - - .*» '1 v/?’; v’ - . .• ': r .v.r'•-f ~.-3 . 3S3;r->'.^i'i‘t^ , ».-'*:tv trl> •' >; r ■i ' “ vr -Ji £♦?. ; •. ' 1 ... - V, -., ~ • ’> s 1 ' *•!Vr.'.-^'V « t' r «i " .-;w.^FWy»-nVTS A y«*T-y--i | -vr-.i:..~:.: v ; j.' C.ll '.‘.f r. " 'H, <• ' ' I - «< 'S ±- r r /N " ° - r t .rf'i. * s - i ' ♦a * ~y ,- - 3 r v 3 ' / - " * > - « ~ \ , l -H V 1 f* ' v*‘ - - 1 *■. y j«. ■ ft -< ’ *» j■ \ r . - *-* \ * - * „ ' * A ,_3' •' 5 A« , _ T n . 'n f t ' ** A, i* x » f* A *±- -fc V * f r '/> „■s» " >•■:.* •■-.»•.■■-< I‘. $A- I, 7 r.< 'i v - * . . f S «* 3 . ( , .'V ' ' - ' • , ,„ ; . ... .-: j •? , i■:.■•• »■ ■;*•.■vw‘»” t-'* ■>«•».•,• ■• ,_ -•w-. -V -•■'■■*<••>:-■ j-"V lr r , hV . »- ■ i-‘ ~ * .*-" ;‘A { f * „ ;- r s;st 4 A'- .' V; r-J'v * - AYAi4t - * t - , -*- >,• * 7 , r - l . z,ij s y - -a Av*& . t, r “. 7. ‘7-> si ’;A ' - ’ f %w- A# " - -i - /■> ‘ ’.. ' . ' . “ * .' . -i f K ~ i A - AV‘ ■H «* " /I - -A ’ L*- A -' ’ 4 ' ‘r «; .^: r - !• ,'. Ac ' 1 v - ' y-‘ f :v;.-.- ■•;.. ; •:%;••■??: s i K ’*“* j rt ' ' . \ ■ I ' r ' / 1 =%*’"y |- - ' ; A,, • JrA S' *, * ’ ’’ 3- 1 - 1 - -> -* 1 ' - i■- I * ' A *"’» {• .' - A V Jf . « •- ' *i •. - - . CFfA? . , *i •'* j‘. I . £ ' *» z. «***> l r j >V* t f -- , •; -f ;4i„.v I “ V-' w 3 • - b •"•-•- .: : - 'rv. (.vr,;v.V• ■■•_'•.'■&;• •->'■ ■■'.■ .■'_. i'.'.-.“^-:^:-:‘'.- /• . V ~*?J2L „> » * 4^4 >” 4A'' \y ’ ” ' ' '' v *. \ - C . '■,'•••. ■•-' ■).. , .:•.•'■■..■':»*• Vi'i. V-.> .'. \ a » i-» * s - ■*•“ ' / > Sl)Ss A y ■-> c- "i -^ ; v v 4 -} > 3 » -S ' Z S ■-rf A ‘ A , V,> 1' ,«•, \ ' 4 'l Lf 5. ' J -IfT *\ A’ . «>» s b" ’jfu A- ' * ■* . L w ?? 1 v > »• <■' V A L . «. * ■<• ,V W '-!*-<■><, t&o’ •S/’e' 4> •b. Wi «. * L . ~ v . , * t ” ,*■ A : L3BP4T*:,: \j< YroKitH PftJttsfi' aowad wiop-:;-i portumty of tiyirtjr ihiv-great rertMyforthe"permanent; i cure nf every cflecuon of the lungSieboald not fell it of HB«ffieione^vlrein''b^r i (lPr. cT-'- ■- ( izen*. whiffa we aweoirsWmlrfeetivlnfcveanTiO ; idonvij»ceJiheßkeptical."R«ia‘lhftfo!Totvlngfftriiiaalr: ; ':i of high-standing fn Allegheny. " i 1 * ** 1848? - plea* Rare tobeobletO add ray trsuraony irt fitraf of Pr. \Vii iarUsirulyvalUßhlecouphttedtelnev'wioutthTeeraoniM since IWDBnttaekedwith avtolentefeld’,Tttid’wftiinnfeh'' ih3tressPd \TTth~t‘Ue coogh> c I f cdpld get no re* lief,ujmM-vtnrafchortume smeMudbeedtbeallaiyotfr store bndputfhase some ofOieOrfenmlCtfcghMixwafe;, I to state’that the use ofjKfc see ana bottle ban•: tntirtly tundvwi undj Mpl . have, and lo reetnhnteddit'to my-fnen^s. * 'i *•*. . PricfySS eentßa-liotile. .Sold^byV l !V' ; . *v: IIAV9 ft feIHXSKWAY, . r i- 1 Nfc SrCora/Row, I.ibem 5I„ nrar Cana] - Ajao. b> [feblOj J FLEMnW, jEpWifrucavill.: TAROM the New YorkGaieiM, gctiSlKSy a duly J?; paperde*eXS'e3jratjiTie,lieiulqf.tt»"d*ilY,-pre»r!o thihcouiitry " t ij . id calUhe attention orou^reaaerßlOJltualpvolijablepfeS^' aration vrhich-Will be ibhadad vefUsedln aubther^eofanu^-: Mr. Bristol: is a brother*,'and issues fl:bJghiyin(ere*ui‘£~ newspaper; every now and then, one of-tWojitunbera of l-trtdOTiWlMi ifierae&cme itself eatpgineiUnr.nead^aiMlAinMCsSttabtt'weatect. : opdrTvnilpnqt not, lthas moreover,nvery-flauenug 1 resumdilfrlfalfrom the - used. taste. mtheengraved,label* jn which, they arc . enveloped,:toindutf9ja:puWh«rtf.aV*n if- the;-. the ■worid, ,, ,a» every one every.onetrho wopfd.noi resist ama^sofdocumemmyevidepierfconclu* ' sive enough to- convert* Turk tft one - ofthehonles.-gemle reader,and sceffbelhfft/yaadona}- Agree wnhw on this points it,. ' B, A tFAHXESTOdTA^Co. feb24 cor. of JatondWood and Woodsn..', .JriJJKLi MATJSbt/ UGU'iyANISIC DOAOHKUX— * ft J!\> Atersttoeyand haviitgUkeir smctftfWttlfisi74-fepw J perfeci* lycured, ,w* * *<«’.-.a , i & m 3\ *'' ' The Alterative<6pmt«"lbrol^ l and purifies the lyitein,- whewrer located/; ttihas diseased of the j !ivfcrcoffiplaiiit,*dbjpispBia i TsHd:other J ebromc'.diseasee, i« .tnllV tUft6nfohlng>£gpw*/tfe Jffmts. V . .•?£?* For «*l6 m^ttsbajrgh,£rfThe?EK^.‘t , B^;STOEE r 78 Fourth-street. - * - ” V-"- . “it is th# bestj; J. ; wa» expressed in oar hearing yt»* leWftfoYb&Wtr.mt’enigent gentleman, who had men but about onebaTf “of a bo\\\*o(X)T. WilumEiOrijenUdCputK «« » bottieroriti ttoatfruib moSfobsiinaie eougbiPTcbld does ua»fh^^«»^. 'CompouodM/MMViS;jof-«ipJOQ»t4flecuve, thotigb hum, : Less-anti ks.cmi ftuf.Jeari h fib nor in t:-. faiito^xvtenumaatesfaclioaj' > *X ' > For sale, wholeMlecAndjretoulr by > > . j* ~ , . »* >*- HAYS. A BEOCKWAY. ■ .^wss^siSt’ , ogll ■, ■ ■ v < ''>-!‘{4nmne»ille. TO,9HIPFERS -We have *‘C/'A“M’4tNVt»? f®, _ ; - £ v -i.itn V>j‘-. s n • 4^?r^ *" ,-TN ” i *" f : r: ' ' !r --\Z V' ' 1 ' w V- r ' ■- ■■■,€< ,’w. >■ * A. * r^4r :, *& •~ Y ** * A.V., _Xw + •e -j. *•% ■»A ' -, ,c v i Vr\si 1 «.-‘-a.-‘-*>wr:v.» >«•*<". a '■■* v «* r , r* -*'* 4ST t-S^S, •/’ . , r> * ,^’i.l-,'*r < \t/. f f- ~** t v* 1 * V 1 ,- ' * \ ”-• - i *• J O' - T , c"l * i l ' r*- \ - "■ "“* -rf- tTI £ & i * i, 4 O Ijo Tsu.-* ' ' , , '" : \4g. (.1 5 * ~V t -_ \ ■vc-,:** *rt. , t j, /&£ - ,hS\ . •••' =-j- ■'•jT;/. >. ►•.■•. , '.iw*im \ I i ▼ f ■ 8 & ■:] . i i-V's-V’: * i . •/ r.'