''' i';AS>" yK - , plltfeilp.? ■. v- > ’ . r ' ’ . . ‘V* 4 t - f , ’ , ]» ' V' ; ■- * '1 4 4 I _ t ,iv -i',•'■;*-4.-i pjPpPPp ,!'BA’Bm’ «VY‘ 8 "W ;‘ **p-> v ,! Cv-'^i’A-V-4 :V-: \-*; •*■ ?cl '.o'B-x> vvV ■;y ? < V«u Py Up v'pr, yp * •Ay!' s&* *V-;V-r- £ c <" N&feviSP * • >yy, *pc;P■•;?’ > yyp-yvy-'P Kfeiii^ssatesi ■■»*' vi, *•■'-,'*■ "‘ ■’»As; *‘ ■ i.; * i~- y |^*illS|liisi *' f ' 4 '’-’ ’A.;,' Slflftl pPP'PpfpV- ■ ‘ l V~S ■>« V.*o (!',,, ~ • i. 1 ' fejt'fsvVi; W&ti-.ft ,*."!«* pp' l|p.pggyPM^!«|:l#yiK^?i: ■•-. t. .-- ■ - * * • » it, f t Vf.«l Ma»*fisps»®afwi , .... ->* ■ ■« • * ‘. ’: • r ,•- x ■ ' ;-®; r " "■' 'Yi~ f 'V »-! V8 ti% ’ ' ■i':!V:i; ; - p*i j.-r ;-V;V‘-/ >' r- ' . . gi«, 'a\, 'V- 1 ’ »** . «. p. ' *»‘ T r • fAVAy'4 MpA :*pBp.'P--(> 1 :t 4: *‘.A 1 >? v' V - 7 -v \ -.‘ 4r>" * "'A v; y :; i ' 4 " |il#®|SSi|:lp y ?vv ' MiiiliM:? . r^§S^|PlpBi:ySps| f|gi. '* . l ‘J- -* * -I 4* «. % T *V P, «- ’ ,lfVl|4', « ', ,|' ill®W WKXomosm»m Mifts^Saaiiiaia ■>’-' ■ ■ ~ 4 T ss^®»r^^aj£ , S%"i?",'-^.^ 'j»>x t’..j if'*■'*,’£,**. ?- * , >. , , * slt&®kggS*^' : :V< r * ■■ >--, i S:^i,'^ : '4'-''-< ! L t'i" £i; ••>•::;.*.Vt* v. • >\ C * ? ■/[." ' 'f ' ; : ' . -‘Vi..’•.VV.'-.V-: -5 :’"v < VS V'>.v i '."'' ;^.J '.--4'-' I'" . ...mi/ ' ~r-easeh, except ai is hci'iip. otherwise provided, the j, fVUillUltiafX . ■■■-:■ ■?).. punlaKmentofctlrnaptovidcd.ror-by thianct *nali „■ ■■ r h—. ,a.- • ==: S be by flne or imprisonment, or bulb, attho discretion Acts ftdfL'Bctolutlbn* p4t*cd at tlic First o f,j bQ functionary who decides the ca«e, but subject i: ft SesHon of the TWrUetb pongresi. . tothe regulations hoteiocootained, and.auch.ss may ■■■'. "hereafter be made." It flhall,however,betho.duly , [Public—No* S4.],- ..... . ;- of each and every functionary to allot.punishment. AN ACT to carry-inlo effect eprtain proyttions.ln ; a ft.j, r ding to the magnitude and. aggravation;:of the . treaties between the. Untied States and ynma sup offence, and all who refine or neglect to comply Jho Ottoman Portef giving cerMinjpdicial ptjwera.. ; witll xba BC ntenco passed upon them, shall stand to ministers and- consuls of ttje .United .ntaios.in until they do complyi or are discharged ; those countries, r •• bvorder of the'-consnl, With the consent of the com 'T iff if enacted by the- Senate and House lleimee , Natives tf. the Untied Statesrof Americ^ in.WST** ■ SzCt i6rAndSHf further enacted, That murder i assembled, That, to.'.carry. Into full puect .lne pros an( j insurrection} Or rebellion-against the Chinese.! vistona of the -trealyj.of July lhiru, .eighteen..nuaj government, with: intenHoaubvert the same, shall | dred and forty;four,:.wiUt- tho,Chine_ac emp)ie, tn . offence's; punishable .with, death ft hut noj commissioner and consuls of. ‘h.® United .hWJJi.W: person shall be convicted.'of either .of Said: crimes | appointed to .reside tn Chlnor:shall, m addttton,to ,|j 6 ; C onsul and Kls associatea;in;t6e trial.*ll Iho other powersand duties Imposed upoo tnem oj., concur jn opinion, and. the commissinnor also op-. ;tho provisions pfsaidtrcatyj.be.yestcd-withtho jo 1 :pf#eesoftßoconvicUon};.bulltshallelwayabelaw ciol authority herein described, wwen snair ppp 1 to convict one put upon trial for either of these tain to the said iofßcoof commissioner and t^e , p fa | erter offence; Ufa similar characterj If and he a part of the duties bclongintthoreipj t th e evidence justifiesit j and when so convicted, to :S£C. 2. And be it puoishas (brother offences,by fioeor imprisonment, to crimes andmitdemeanors, l h .o«srd public runcUon- both _ rarics aro horeby fully- empowered tp arra g , Sec. 16, And be jf /mfhrr.enac/ed f That whenev try, in tho manner heroin providedr »» _ciuraos U, pey o no ehall bfe convietod^ofcither of the crimes 1 the.United:States charged punjshablo-with doatlrt as afaresaid| tt ahalf be the which shall be committed in the=>»■ duty bribe commissioner to lssue hlsVarrantfor the Including Macao,and, upon ctc^ution . of , uch conv j c ,, appointing: the time, auch offenders in the manner hercio autnorutmj ami a D d manner; but ir the said commissioner the asid functiensnesand eacli oMhq%sto .uerony ; Sh a i|-tteidatiafied thnl of public; justice de authorised to Issue all such proceracoaoorasiinoDio :p,' aa j i tj |ie:teiyj .r r om time to time, .postpone si)ch aud nccessary,to carry this esecutiOn| an/if ho findsmltigatorycircumstances Sic. 3. And be it further enacted, t m£ ,yiuttif»it, may submit theeise to the Pre to civil rights, whether orpropcnyoMhopcrauu, the ™ f "s? o Wtcd S t Jc. for paidop said .functionaries arO hereby yerted vjitti.BiLta J stci\7i And be .U Jbtrther it ekail dlcial authority necessary to eiecoth. bo the duty of the commitoioner to establish a tariff of said treaty,:; and. ; *h«l: jd br fe e, for jodiciaj services, Which shalfbe psid hy mattera of coofrart at the port where, oy neoresi •,^ h -^e^.d l a-tt«eh'peiswjUi- w iM.;«Md;iepmiU!»r. which thecontract was made, or at Whict , , lone {: rila | l direct s aß d.jfo, proceed, shall, anfaros or neartstto which,_it waa to be; eteoplpdfc, be applie d tojerrsy ,he espenses inci debt to the execution o fthis act 5 and regnler nc? .which, the cauae of controversy botb shall be - -r— . . . whore, ornearest to which,: nataes hi*no hept nid iaid before Congress by:the commissmner Public Meeting 1“ *»>• Fifth Ward. 0 f was sustained—any such port above namea nei g At o very large and respectable meeting held m always one of the five menuoned mtn « y Ssc . 18. And be it further enacted, That, in con- Streets, on Saturday evening, September ,i,wtiicii ,jded for by said treaty. ; . i.v treashryot the'Ubited States, annually tho. sum of was called together by previous public notice, to Sec. 4. Add be it further «“««■* ‘ 0 one thousand doltsrs, in addition to his salary} and take into cOnaidemtion the laic act of Councils, in diction m criminal judcml^timl. - thereshaU also bepaid, anpuajly, to eseb^of : «ud i and influence down the grade or liberty street, Wiiuau United States, which an ““ 1 ,w uoa wickedftcuonT .vNowuefer.t-McCutLt wat^-called the Chair, Atetwder far oi [■ ncc««ry.to‘ b v v gtc; 19. in it furtotr.tnactedi That* all i | ’Now irthe timefor IfieDemocracy to actumtrd. (.joghlin appointed Secretary. The following pro- ov j* "J! * , .L~ , ,? r ,1i 8 1 ,^ B r thS the terma of tho enminal cases Which are notofa hemopschwamer,, , ly nod energetically. Let there be onion and bar- amWe and relation, were offend ***££%£ ?«a« m rego.reO -o Oi■ »«' r«h law. are d shaU gj £SST.r “e"commiw.nne; .rtshurgt* 1 our ranksf tu dvery secUon of the country and after a long diseuiuon by Messra. Cole, solublo to carry said, treaty into .effect, bqMn all £ UonaaK toatliuit and setUe the same among them, ‘ *"* South. Let no new de- m an .Woodward, Crawford, Vfilton, and others, it cases where such laws arenolndapica t ji fof . tcll „ ) upon IMU!U nmry or other considerauons. ‘ -miopted,with hut few d.smntlogjoice.i , ha^d^^o^^^^onmio^h'e'co^ul'i WRUfiAii an Ordiaance ha»iDg pafiea the Cttjr | Cn j 1Q manner oterweh ciUfcpf find othew c*»tt!f>mf>nt of conlrovertietcf & J WCO Codd“. at 'their l.n meeting ntttag down the “ n c d h “^ aod , f dcfccu still remain to « “^r.greemXorTnbm.t CTP' grade or |ajbeTtv *treel, between nnd .nonhcr tb« common Uw nor them td thd decision of referee* agreed upon by the ” States furmsh appropriate and »«“«*£«©■ rl.onfv of whom .haU have power to de 13AV' I bdMeun dies, the commuuoner shaft,by P i J a^'^u^." y Aad j t ,i ia n bß u, e diItyofthecon^ 1 tyofthecon^ ed without any notice to the uooi whieh shall have the force of law, supply such a of , ab m,saion for such , without any petiUous being presented, without any , lfrwl4 and deficiencies .Lnidbriheparties and acknowledged ' reoort from the Slrect Commutee, apprising the . R _. r. And be il furlherenaeleJ,TbM,m order cases, to lie si^couvuiuki members of Councils of the injury «isi would there- or g >nill , an d carry into effect the system of juris- r f * r^®ha o ’^[;^ a? h af "e?suit»breno&eorth6 b y be sustained by the property hdid e r«; »ndvv her e- p nl£ j eoc6 driusodeil by sa!d t rc » , J>. ,l ’^f°i no |!“ , time and Ulace of meeting for the trial, preeeed ex as, tho said alteration was oovpropoiedforthe hen- „ jlblbc4 a,j C 6 o rthe several eoarals for the fix* bo« mei u *' J ot ne\Seeutbsp. til of liberty ,ucr.,or tho Pcno.jlvama Radroad . treaty, or so many of them « p»», « ««§e“,er thew Company, but was adopted solely for the purpose ®f. cuv be conveniently assembled, shall ptesenbe the P ™J| eonsnl .'who incoutt.shall open obtafn.ngan easy grade for a private «a,l road track of a „ Bllieb .hall g down Hamson auoct. . ~ r -v >r, n L oraaid the U®«. judambni shall be Tendered thereon, and Tber«tert. the ciuten* of the Fifth Wirddo , |hc mpe : the macncr. *n c m romDH&nce trith tho term*there* i rewectfully ptuuan the City Coowuli lo rtptni A j coodacied, and how 0 f: JVorWrJ, Aotwwrf Tbit the partiwaa? aJw*y« °jirtt?twf, That onr mrmbers ofCoancilsarehrre- merfe Si Mher wdneasei; lie se.Ue the ..me before return thereof is m.if. to tho bviutruciod to vote fotthe ?epeaJ ; which »ba!l he ellowed to the prevailing .* fir K* it furiktr fiaHlid. That the com-; That the mmote, of this meeting bo | a , be fett which .hall P ? td ; tis*» c2i. wl tfftct,wftr ” ,hey mg in of tho lodges mooting at ih.£imor oOkwe .p , 6f tbrt >cl , „ thaesigeecy ma V Uemandiand I aof the United Statea, ahull ox- CortSpomleJice tor the count} will latei at tbe S A Cls . . thefhySieian * U<»t ho 'atttt lay «tnr 05«»«riiee t who 5* 2* wJih/d walr- hr the minister of the United States, aad the T. y ion tt T ! Se^"ncr l ccn^UaUeted^^ mecwSy~ Let*vcrymifrl>emfijgntdo M* du f J lH According to the Boston papers, the reeling j ii'rthS^hSKdSt^» iae the Wme, the may, retenhrlt**, i aoove exurewed. . spm,-.- Ini m th. dd Bay th."-bl3..'’ -P— by warts, lh# UfbiM, °" lrr ; h “'il*ta, in ibJ ST&. B My.™,»'lbapHm!hß.l«oTcrai.. tn elitut ovet two month, from thui date, you ) ot Ae s **<«*. I *» ***r ad.irra, asTra«n 1 sbsllbe uodeweod to m«n any pormn vested hy the Will, fellow Democrats, be called “P 0B ‘° T °“ f “ eland that they ahootd at once entist in tho snpport l wSun the op b/thcasevcrafly, to the Pro.idem, mho la.d bo- ‘ ul '* of tb’c'fivopmu rand,dates for President god We President of ih* of Vaa BareDand AdMns.nnd le.Tsylon.m go to- , oibib hm, wit tsyossw rn-vdy oom our * ' fom roogrera for rev-siea. “Sv P m« •» Turkey. . „ ' ~ ' Lit ms nthCT ipeecholar, the hon-, ' JuUge Tnobcr otrVlTßtnta. tty l»t of Agontsyse eiUwmtcM , ed, shift be Uailtd Sutf , ao d to the laws thorrur.not only sa est°man; pnd, WntfAM, Ojßcweb, the patriot, 1 We learn from the Virginia papers that Hwr*» hr. , , Jlt/ canpU.s, 4 , gotrtralls acc«opa<»f>l w> h. \USgafld tesson to brlioinetru«,Vi 4 tr, 8«,., of New Ltnmgrj aim. «5!!Sm £rf J pr..“menVdoc. not r.«od wqr day,, ard there dnih E l-M. g oon ' . a new device cheat the people. 1 y District ’Attorney*irihe>Uoiied Biate»» j Co .of tw xhi* \ *b a U hv oft appeal thnefrom, nerpt a* pio»idcU. »n 5 . roitm t.fWmufl Atinini*. Jaiw*\VftTrru, They Vtahw that w,th J Henry Clay, Daniel Webmer, j for District of that Slat*, m the place ; lh cenll j pC |f on ned by the Execnbve, and will,,we j ,’bf, , b y whom dealers can br mp)iliM oubv «ho b- j OI tbe term of imprisonment , * e *^ I n, ' ,el > j« j uid nw hv VT „,. u ~ 5" of experiencing; Wat«too doab re «lve die spprobation of the Democra- ! raleral. " T I L defter they - , : i jDrGtwUon t eiark^jOf-BcU)«J», JJ 1 , I ?' y may* by complymif with tho #l^ am’sre mdjsary brave ~ ' SiKI sure-htt *’ «)# armf nearly nil Gsn.Taylordtd notthink the nommstion »rthe »*« “uOMrtVhVllravl" l!« lml‘m'prr dfmihtr'euael'd, That whenever declarations, who has been ,n the army nearly nu worth the "S?wA sale. SkotW"* »‘ke It ha. eve, «.p»red the enn.ul shall hr ol opinion that, by po«ago lciter-Srj ctirrsl But the nomma- SKi Wf.W'illSiS'ffi Vi. «^rth. ...... unmerited honor Tiez then to oc- R Agenw fn pStsharghfSMS A Brocuwst, No SLiherty shall he persons or good reptile, and cjmi'Ctcnt to : " ' . t;.i. in anlndenenaont such a«high and unmerited hmar.l beg then to ac lt A^"” c^na , J>H dß „'. lu^lw lili himin thttrml.and who, after peqple’smohics ahnnld be kept ma . p HEARTFELT THANKS.’* , _ .UL-L i!H" ' ""■■■■— WUn g upon the trial, ahsll each enter upon the Treasury, io4>t>' used by -the people when required, «? piTTSBUtUI THBiTBE. record hisiiidamrotand opinion anil sign tho same. ortflieed t«r the vaults of loaned ont cranberries and Cancers. c.S Pokes- ■ • - ■■ The consul shall, however, decide the ease! but tojrcaspiog speculatora;—he catmot tell whether he Wo lclrn r rom the Tuscaloosa (Als.) Observer, "gl ooj wJTkets, ?ffc If bis opinion U opposed by «m opinion of on® or . fcvorablti to ulaelnl the proceeds or the sales ol that a gentleman who lives in the vicinity of that circle 60c ISfcind ticrc M |Pii JSe mom of his asMCutes, the ense, a dhout Hrihcr the Lands in the Roblie Trcasdry, ovdls- dy, has recently effected a perfect euro of a cancor Oallery ■ ' FAMILY } refened to* the comroUaionor for his xrlhulol ttem amongst the different slates i-he on b „ nose> froni ,hn application io jt or poultice. jP*Th,ra mghi ihcAIERON FAMIL\ j f ,» ad udlcatloß either by entering up judgment •fit TCbe ,h e , the GcncralOo,eminent should made of u,,, f, o u. The cancer had been of e.ght «»»*' | or remitting the same. to. A® sqnttnder the people’s money ih constructing Inter- Tht. is vouched for by ,he'editor I no! improvements for the bencGtOfa few mdivido- or , hat p, lp er. Little Pickle, (with tonga ond dance,)' HliiUewn n|)d hji af , oclMc r , c „ ncnr opinion, tho decision - w „ „ *tf,?Si.U i «iw r?s «J ISS; -; 1 extending slavery Joto new territory, of, it "ear of it injefferion, OCsllachan Mil? He* n (Julia -A Ml«*Fi.n.iy w h l cb appointed” shall have jirisdiclion, as 1. 1 ft- we fear that It extend. ,0 everj county In the „., curlmn tlse M?l oclock SStSTi S ? ftm and if hn ARMV, and his professionl nmilier Slate. It is also said to be more serious than usual ” J2l AUCTIOS BAL.BB, sees lit to decide the samo wjthout aid, his decision of ihnse who interfere witk the nglits of BroUier Mate. «M*S M*«EJWAIaUCWOOTER, thereon will he final, but if m hi. judgment any •' ,; 'Jbii«Bhii|^ , 'W»?aU*‘to6.Vi I w^t.-|i^.w n I ■,•■:**. ei> i : • :No- Ui 'Wow BmßTi;tHw:6 doom Fim. : cascinvoives legal perplexitiM, apa «uiS l :f l .. ! i extensive! cotton end sugar Ptontabon*, ; «nd« ft> M , Dmomtlc meeting In tho city of Albany, on OU8&IIOLD rU n>TTOfiiTFEATIILR BIUJS, el.hofsueTcara ft^a^behi. owner of nearly three hundred HUMAN BEINGS, thc „ 6ll) „ lumoj , he following resolution w»a unan- H BEDDING, KITCHEN UTENSILS, 4c A 1 AUC "“"“1*“ dollars, in ei hor on th ' B tfto n|)r : who Are hough*, tad deral i NattJnarConvention - nommited (iVoVasdemocraUcfreemen.haverthe right.to.do,to Ertynte,lifflity..ifflrti^li^^ J ci^ a .j, im hear..itmy;»neh.«»se,..»^il‘»ft.«P!»?B?.! > .!^A l ;i •“sistts"“A”?-iSfssSSS ssft”JssiiiKSs d*w s ms, usma^ts rorelve not onli the imammous vote of infercsta and prosperity of tho country, it is our duty. wm licr sih, ml(to’cloek,lii ilie forenoon, will lie sold- his assent to, or dissent flora, tho consul, wun auen he Would receive not onij * m wbiiiuio ui . do l y c f ,h 0 ; 8 whom thstporty ha. placed M'Kenna’. Aucuon Rwras, No 114 \Vood si , J doors roMon , therefor no he thinks proper to assign, and , _ the <‘»h)g” party, hot also the voles orthd igno- a > r principles, end when trai- from sih at. on account of former purelmseis, a few lots , hor pjrly moy (hereupon appeal, under such reg rapt Mofocc* who would he earned awaycap- E,° nd in the «.»?» the treason -tat,on? J exist, f M t»v6 iftlheftlitter hf sword* anA plpmca,anA *^ e ;by the bamihment of the traitors. venißcment no appeal i* lawftiUy cUimeA, thcdecißion oithe l ’ : 1 cont«iu'he tboiavoilahle.loaaflr'tbafWlisl*xilccWd ? it IWJi tiorirns shallhe lhnde for that porpose,pnd. 01l oV : : : AT that GeriV'tailor is the; most.wppoptt; e we, lections to the competenuypr chpra J* e I •?!,, ; •SEoi'lSTjihdhe'Wfiii-ttsrsfiarfeilV.ThaUhecom ■ expectations of xMsißie/-w-«onveils fturir,the,lfaMi*~pf,the7arup hey hl» power to make regulations.and: (lfcrpes, a* is '»i; -ii". -; •" - -' ■' *di herein provided, be fully authomedto hear and do • an i cido all cases,-criminal ond .civil, which may Come “B i before him under the provisions of this act,, and,to -)g i IEBUO all processes necessary to execute-the power ih ! conferred 1 upon him, and he is hereby filly empOw hi eredio decide finally.any case,,upon the,evidence which edines up with it,.or to hear tho parties fur >h, r thcr, ifho; thinks justice will hp pmmot^d-therebv} ,-suo ms an d he may also prescribe the rules (upop which new trials may be granted, cither by tboiconsuls or byhimself.ifasliodforiiponjUßtifiablegrounds. "Sec.'l4. And'be it further enoefed,/That;in all W o st. * * \!ll)£ 2WUUU JJ IT io mijfe ‘ We are indebted'id r.urkueniite Mend., Messrs , the proposed mmOP.. 1 Elliott & Wood street and" fill* Wortet •r ‘toftbe'doiiotry, thaC the. Fedwai P» rt y ‘-“'W-A sueeti'TortHfc hdw-Volume, jaat iraned from the I Gen. Taylor, and unite with thu Aboliuonip jt press of Baker fc 6cribner, or New York. It con . “sore head*” in supporting Martin Van *»□ » u(n6 lhc fo) | owlBg y st 0 f plates: Samncl Adams, a more thorough-going and reliable Federa g Jo ' Beph Wa „ ellj pjmck Henry, Alexander Hamil than even Gen. Taylor himself I . 4< ton, Fisher Amca and John Randolph. Tho follow - Tho Tippecanoe Journal, an influential wg con|tnMf tll . The Battle Fields of car papet published in Indiana, er " gh . ly American Eloqucnee, JaroeaOt.s, author of in overnhelmingdiftat of«W pat*? ‘■>'h« »t«te. db- ! d „,. Sam uel Adams, last of the Pan dares that, Jito tin,,, J,slab orator of ,ef.ned enthusiasm, omtf .be ITvAS johi, Hancock dlnnlfied cavalier ofliberty s ; Joseph WBIGS, THIS is SOBER TRCTH!*’’ TbdKew e.oquenpu „ Job, Ad , York Globe,The leading Barnburner, or Abolitibn b)eoded eßlbu ,„, m od d aobnety! print, m New York, quotes the abore candid ack- ’ ooePiel {^g; Patrick Henry, the mearna nowledgmcnt, and adds the following significant re- of revofuiionaty zeal; Richard Henry lee, marker / ' t hp noliahed statesman; Alexander Hamilton, thb "The recent election in Indium hat giveni a r ' eagacity; Fisher Ames, orator of S&a m withthla msjomy It lanow gclU us and elaborate beauty; William Pmcknoy, the bolie»cd 'that.Hannegan wiU not be re elected to act j om pliahc«l councellor; William Wiit, the elegant ttheSenate.i.’-Thereiaremany of tbemembera ofthp „ te , Thomas Addis Emmet, the orator of deep pote"« h «**»«! John Randolph, Oto personaUun ofsar very rtrong in Indiana. The trnlnt there mU be ca , m . The contents oflhis volume will undoubted between Cost and Fait Burenj—THE TAUUH (. re commond it to every American emten. KeSWMrW» TO CASS, : AND U?IT APPEARS EVIDEOT THaT TAYLOR CANNOT CARRY THE RTATErTHfck WILL REJOICE IN GIVING IT TO THE FREE SOIL CANDIDATE.” rr ■ ' •It la scarcely necessary for u» to add any com mentary upon this extract. Its languago cannot be misunderstood by .Democrats. The game of the Federallata and their allies, the Van Buren and Ad* airia Abolitionists, ita now . plain,: In the Northern States where Taylorism is unpopular, Me “ wings” \ciU abandon the old hero, and apport thecandutate tfthe Abolitimbte ßy this unholy: alliance, ,the opposition hope to defeat the elecuon of our glori ous standard bearers, Casa ass Boraca. Will a aingle Detfoerat lend his countenance and influence to such and wiekedftetion r No—neser! i : Now lathe time for the Democracy to act united ly and energetically*. Let there be union and har mony In our ranksjlnbvery section of the country —East, West, North tod Booth. Let no new de vice or trick of the old enemy - mislead a . single Democrat. . The skies aretitow brighter than they ever were, and .-.the prospect* of an overwhelming triumph in November are ascertain at the sun gives, light. -t.iit'. ■ Cheer up, then, fellouvDomocrais; rFighte,little a few more eflectWAblowi, and Fed eralism, with all its.aids and allies, will ,be .routed, ■“ horse, foot and dragoon. 1 ? I. HARPER. proprietor. 1 “TT PITTBBU RQ H: MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1848 ,H s A'r ®OR PRESIDENT. • ' LE » BS ' - i , ntt T |ior.HA"Tiß KLKCTOUAI. .VlCKfe® * ' ' i! ’ U - ; ' U ttSCtOp! . Divio & Woossra. of Notllmnipum. > HEFESSSffTATtYS XWCTCBB- t , J. UraSrt»eora», , < HII HoSsß.K»b»»‘ at. ~ , ,'i--_lll. - °2? n, 7 , , IY, A.jb.Rotwott,, ■ do 00 V JiOMS. Y<*t. MonigOimn? i , in fl UoßOrt E, \VRiQtfT,X**hig4 a° ■ vn? Wii*u*lVi Dowonio,Cie*tef <[o .I,' t yUlrHiweT HiIDEMiS, Lancaster do ‘ 1 -TH WM,Sw*t£ASi>, Wyoming ■ % , Jgg%gg3&&* £ £ ■ i **«XX Jous It Btaver Jjj , •XXI <3it&»o»P „ «&. w. M Divß, Crawford do yyih Tixotutlvp,Votter_ ; , ( -d® h XXIV lAitrt G - JOHN O’BRIEN, Lawrencevillf . ■•.•-.(;OiJMtBSW>S?ERt' : .' .0. ••■ -vv'.- J A VIES WALLACE, Bttlilvi In t , X^CORO'SS • ' DR JOHN POLLOCK, Clinton 1 >- cttsns OF THE OOCHT, i.-. K'.fo: DESIAMIN WII.SON,' Eltraliolli Boroneh. *' ,ir ■*t»z/ro OF TflE ssgs;aga»s •■WSiSJBME ‘ ' imiUtoiure'WlikJto our Establishment, n splendid fit^TSSwPrinuoßMachine, we.™, “ d ® oil kinds of Netiipaptrand Book 'T “° f ■ ■ kiirnasßCd beauty and neatness, and- upon the.most rea, sdffiiems W rw*'W\ “««* > l "' P™ on! ’H I ‘ »f the public in lht line of our business - f ' ET AJrtrluft ore rfjucltd loftsnd vi 1 - 4 ovfjv-1- p!dr -iTfcism'tttberamplirfsriiEinorder/#*" , tmWiuupw;,■bison rari.erdo.ttwonM teprifeTTrt- • t t IPT-E IV, CARR, TTiuleQ Stole* Newspaper Agency Saaßtuldings/X E- comer or Third and IfoclEsjrertSj #»f4'4llO'Nbrai4‘ounUstreel—isouronll auihovi|od^ge|it ,itl Philadelphia - ... / , t It-j. couuduiee on flr»Uw»ll»«Uo»»v-J«!m rlyk. lUU Kerr.M. J.Siewtm, C Barnclt J cordially subscribe to, without compromising any. of. their, principle?,: The resolu tions eonWio MnUmenu thewry rererae ofthoie entertained and eiprewedby Mr, Van Boren m form er yearspbefore disappointed ambition induced him to thrtUraitor to the.Democratio party.. Having he-. ! come the candidate o r lbe FederalieU, Abolitionists, ! nod nil the tactions and clique? in the county, it is in>- [passible for any honest ami consistent. democrat to f supporvhitn, or countenance * tbe fanatica.who are ■ | endeavoring to array one section of the union against 1 another. , J ? * j- , r r, l ' tj 3 - » , , SK £ * * , ' ’ _ £ - •<*• i* >■ • U t „ ~ •« t f .* J3 - /* •, v <. '% * r ~ * e t >■ 3 *,*O * * ; «.-- , x -"' ->— - , \. v ' ' 7 r. ipofliftgfftUßXHtCClnbr - .. The DAmocrtto' faTorftblo: Iq the formation pro Casa and flutter Glee Club, met punuant to an ad journment at the Oregon Houm on Thursday esen log the 31st nltii atlt o’clock P.M. and were or gauized by culling Mr. P. H. Hunker to the chair, The committee on the Cpnatituuon and By-laws made a report.whtch we* , 'Qcfcepteo, r ,and the committee discWgcil. On motion Uto Club proceeded to» lot fuf officers.!o aervo.during. the campaign, .Winch '-nits foil ows: President, M. C. Mihgan: Vice >,«: Andoreon! Wearta: Marsha), J. Murry, i —finance Committee, J. Murray, W< io,' M, C. Milligan.: Com leraoo, T. 0.. Bryan, W, Bennet. • ,l-i On motion we adjourned <, ■ iii M. C. MILttOAN, Prea’t. . is Sec’/, * ‘ , ,oor wWan may find! bundle of cloth lyot’a office, 'which was found by one mlice. . ; rrw. r ~/> 1 A »*** fi\r " -* . * • i. Rrriaino r»o« PuaiHESB, or lbe Rich Man’* Hr ror, hj T. sr. Arthur. New kork. Baker Sc Scribner. Tbi» ■: i» one oF Arthur*’ licit stones j antf; no author in the United States, ha* earned for hlmeelF a more exalted reputation an n writer pf moral fiction. Elliott & English have the book for.aale. BAndreTrs’ Kaßle Saloon* Wood street. oßOUDoftbe coraial gTecilngofour thousand friends, Jr and the unexampled patronage bestowed upon us since -weteassufticd the control ofthis establishment, we beg leave torossure our patrons that no stone-, will be left unturned; to promote the comfort, pleasure, * anrthilaritj of our visitors; und to make.the oid Eagle shmd/ortmwt and lead off allsirotlar establishments litthe West. > Ice Cream, Peaches nud Cream, Oysters, (as soon osthey arrive,> With oil other condimcMSj may be Obtained at this place, pud served upjn a mnnncr wiu out precedent.-. ANDRM\:S. . 1 :;tty Balls and parties funnshod.as.umoh , [sopj One Uoltur Reward. CjTRAVED OR STOLEI J*- t S 1 >.*: k .p£ , ? t 4 "*T; t:;-j . • "VA.- * i'.'. ir ".',7' ■ ‘lT'.;:,'v- 1 >- *■. i'.- : >.^, r s! i i t , 's ' r.£L.l-. -''Pi':'-: > > * ./. ■ O'; ■ •/ ‘ ■ -,■ . •" <• - ■. r'V :ns i,*y :.' '-■■•■:■ "■ "•!.:•-:.■,.••■• 'V -••- . - •_........ . . • -M'J: •«••..• Mv’-'iv. '•‘•‘r .. ,’r i;av.' ;;.V - - • .' .'' • . -'-r . ■'' -? > w , 1< , * , *i ' * St’ \h' C JLt*'\ 1.- Cl*. J *• i ? A * C * I’ v CV r -r « \ ■'■ •-''-•s'*- H-. i • 4.;.-' ..... .. .■• .5. *.. . V '• : 7y. %.-- V'\ V- ■ fv.. ' ■ V --v-Vv' rV-'.-.j'.'.ir::,- 5Vt ’ £\'. '!;'J ‘■: .h'v-A;?.- e>->Av;A\:A j* 'r'-A-.v'.’-'- 3 ' VAUATO’fis'V Mi Amrtiian Jliwiiimm. by It 1.. M»-, V/ withnlate*of yj*s Ts*.-Arthur , . Ttm r.h r ,«.«•»s&“£.U KN - oUsir) ". „ivs • SO Mattel. md.79 .Wood Mitel * Young )L«ull*» .SomtiMiiry. ®UOP- THOMPSON ban re,turned from, the oust, nud huviifft seeureda competent assistant from the Urpolc- . Female Institutc/tvllfh'Mcndy to open hit school for voumr ladies, at ht* loom* iu lnei ll '* rnor, m Liberty *t... on Monday, the 11th tot He may he wen from the hour* of HA.TM in 1* M of the *rhOntrppm, olid at other; time*, uH perxnaMul prrsngcmcni*: nrc. Mta* KARR'S IVnu direct- , F" r, Sf’ rirU ' n ’ SINCLAIR. '■ c,n "gffg i^tQUVINK—IOdoz.GoM Jok. far. Writing, Ewniing. VT it ltd Gilding, ntSsc. and Skip, bottle. Itutiree’d,and- W A FAII&KSTOCK * CO., sejiS ' ■'.; , corner Firm and \\ ood sts. TA\NCY DRESS UOODSt-Recetved this morning at h A. A- Mason ACo.'s, dOMnrketatreMiaOpiecossit.; nerlor painted Cashmeres and MowvdeLnine.s.lO pieces; rich Mohair bustrc, and 1 dozen embroidered dresses of moat elegant styles. ; M P* T\UESS SILKS—A.AvMhsputA Co. hove iom wgetvf d, Ji/ 5 8 pieces Glacis Bilka of beautiful fall styles,; AUo, 20 pieces of fancy dress nnd plain Silks-__ , srpl • flsHlS morning Spelling oi’A- A. Waebn.A I kti street, sb VtseUs, also some fine mounting stand ing collars. «P* '1 A’ MASON'ACO: have pm received .another Jpvof A> colored Silk Fringes and Gintpa. ... . aepd ; /''tOFI'F.E—S9 bags St. Domingo Coffee; . 50 '<. l.aguyra • ■■ Just received onconstgumcnl and. tor safe by & w MAItBAt'GH. SCGAR-3U hhds.N.O. Sugar; - - . y : ao *' I 1 .Frimc , b: . in store nnd for sale hy „cp4 > S A W HARBAUGH. rPALLOIV—S bbls..Tallow just received and for solo by 1 pep! S. A W HARBAUGH. CUy ioti for Sale. - TjURSt/ANT to a resolution ofCouncilfl, will X . cd for'sale, by publicroutcry! on the.premises,.* on M'eduewJayV Uto iatli day of thU montb/ otatfclocKi •*;. M. ofiaid uoy- Tbose iwo.valuableCity Lotsroommon* ly knowu nMheOW WaterAVorksLou, boundedvaafoir :lO\v«, vii: parts of lotsNos<33 andMlntheplanorPUt* front ion l2O ; tu ana extending back niong AUey 230 P Q tt of lot No. aHnsoid plftn t haying aiiront of 50 ft. and extending back .-ti)qhff;-Ce-cU!ft-Alt«r 110 ft On which arc erected twd *nnstam»oV\vT I ®KJ ,u r9' lilgs. -lonneily used; by the dity llouSes. Terms •,■ One tnoireanrf nwirnce tn ihtfcoctplnl payments three, six and.mitS;years,, v-Hh lutefest. payable, semi-annunllyr at the office of tnc. Cily Treasurer, to he secured by bQrnl dm\ ;■<- ‘l>2*bl ‘ '* r Chairman Com on City Property * *tlT Y MB STREET PROPERTY FOR SAMi-A vah W unite property-of 18 feet front orfWylte 120 feOideiiv to Clhy- tritey. coninininjra brick bonse-on the nlley, well arranged and in good order, TcWednt SISO a year- This property is well located, and car. be hod at -a barcaln: SMOOU in hand.£3oo al l Y<*ar..s3oo at2years aiul a ground real of S3l a year Sv CUTHBERT, sej>4 > Gen. Agent, Smjihiteldpftfcei. ift nmiffaHiV itgrto ’y;,vs * * •*' ~ . ? : 'v,' * - ■*.-.. 1 V ' v** ■• ■ ■ -’' X:- ;-V'^^:h3?l^v: ’ _ *- ’ ? .r *.<„ ’■i- t *li,~ f» s ?* r~C , ;.' ' - V : -| * 1 *• „ / -r ?h* \ " f^' ;:>r. !■ • '-*,‘ ;SA v‘‘:,;-.'::■‘'• W,WAW. , > - * *s •■■•...»■••■. < ■•■ • '•.•!:,■V !'■-...• '/ tfi'- v «• $ * < * «* _ *J ft V * c '/>, S *s„ 'J - -> vr ‘ -: ;...'••* •>•• :•'. -‘.7. • o: 1 r-vv*.-,'*.. 3.; •'••►’•.•■’ ■• .-;•■■■ :j..-\.. • .•■ . ■.■ ..■'• :i»\v -i.'. ■-• ••■.•V ■• : »ri :■>< .•; *■ - ... Sr" ?"» , f *-£' si; J * ** j'JTV r - >U- ** -vr- T lO L -S" *t r; -v " jJ' I £ ~ w 3- ,f i r - . r*. r , ~ "f S'"’ l - 4. Jr r-i J 4 -». i v ~ »o ‘ /'w. *■ ■ * Tl 5 f-. - 5-’v. ..rtf »! ’ , l '/ I 1 " l^Xr^'r I r - i ■>. , v rV»vs r - - ■ r f vk^xp^- | t v C *SI J >V I,'c- tv J4*, V ' '.I* 1 ' vvV.^: i r ~ S ; *vf rT ' : {'fio CIV; -* V - r-’ r v-r*'! 6-c't -sr* ► ■ r -»g . " <* a The Toasa^—A reott vvimoqi a .tut, and without money Or drawn oponlbefloor, to an •wer the charge of sleeping in a back yard. He re presented himself to be a stranger in the city; and asserted that ho was a little sick, and about dark went into the yard to.rest, and accidently tell asleep, in which happy state he remained for about fifteon minutes and then awoke. “Well, but you were found thereabout U o’clock,” interposed the Mayor. “Well, the fifteen 'minutes may hare been long ones.” ' Hat and purso w ere both gone, and hie poor | brain was almost turned. In pity for bis forlorn con dition bis Honor famished rooms for him nt the ex- pease of the people* * The nett case was* very unhappy looking man mthla very ted face. He was found in the market house asleep. In answer to questions hesald he was from Washington city; was a tailor, and -had just came to the city, haring on Sunday walked fifty miles. He very natoraliy went to tho market house to rest, havlog neither money nor friends* Tho guardian thought tho wntchhouse would be a better place for him, and took him off. Tho Mayor con sidered bis case and then said : “You-are diecharg ed thia time, but don’f be caught in such a scrape again.” - The poor"fellow walked off at a pace, that , might carry him more than fifty miles from town in one day, including stoppages. The last one brought up was found by the gdar. dians on the bank of the river. He too waa money, less and friendless. He waa on his way to touisviller his sweet home. It appeared thathe was notdrunk* but was on his way out of the eity to find a, sleeping place in the woods. Ho had been ejected from a public house because of his poverty f This was too bad. Mayor Adama diacharged him. AhotuM Homs Slolek. —A valoable horse, be longing to Benj. F. Hancock, of thtscity, which has been in pasture in the country, wm stolen op Satur day. Ho trace of the thief Tim been discovered. —Jt is now very certain that there is n regularly organised gang of horse thieves in the conntry. The officer who pny make tbc discovery ot their head quarters and modes of operating will be well paid. They no -doubt haven Turn from here to the lakes, where horses can bo sold readily to '.fanners nt. high prices. Eorhaps, however, they jun in a different [ direction; bnt it is certain that the gdiig esists, and | is- now doing an active business. HoßTjcciTCßAt Exmnmoir.—We observe that the Allegheny County Horticultural Society is mu ting preparations fi>r t a Fair, to ho held on the 13tb, 14th and ISA of Ihiamonlh. Wc recollect the Fair oHost year was really successful—a more bcauti-j fill collection of Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables we never saw. Tho members of the Society then said that the oeit would by far escced that one. We trust it may; we believe it will. The Premiums have been announced. We call the attention ofFnut growers and others to this matter, in hopes that a stdl greater Interest may be stirred up in this noble project of diffusing valuable knowledge throughout Allegheny County. New grcAHcn —Wo were aboard a new steam boat yesterday, which has been budt for the Alle gheny trade. It«« certainly one of the neatest l’ght draught boats wo have ever seen. It is finished In etcellent style, ond intended for a fast rnoner A trial trip was made on Sunday, in which the expec* tationa of the owners were more than roalixed. The hull was built at bhouaetown j the cabin by Bunting tt Mason;engine by Harlepee & Co.; furniture by Noble. . . „ --Danng thelow water, the Allegheny Clipper wilt run in the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati trade* She will leave on her first trip on Wednesday* Wo call the attention of passengers to this. FjTTSetraait Gin Woatts.—At an election held yesterday,- the. follow.ng gentlemen were, chosen Trustees of the fits Company, to serve for three yeara: Thus Bikewell.Ceo. W. Jackson; for ono year; James .Johnson, -Wllsoni-MeCandios*.;./or *wo years: Chrisinh Anshulz, and George Ogden. The following are the Trustees on the part of the city, vir: A. Black, S. W. Caskey, Joshua Hanto, James II- Murray, Joseph Pennock, and Morgan Robertson. President, Thomas Bakcwell; Secre- I lary, W. Mecaskey; Treasurer, James M. Christy; I Engineer, W, R. Crisp. I ; The Report of ithe Trustees for 1848, represents ' the Compauy as being in u very flounsbingcondiuou. i The Engineer, Treasn rer, and,other offieeis uf. the 1 Company, have dischargeiMheir lespeelivoduties to ' the entire satisfaction of all concerned. ■i BOW Raer.—There tmc ticiung.limes pnSuß i day about the Point, on account of . a race between . two ferry bout*. The IFatttrand WMh undertook Atrial Of speed, which resnited in adeciaive .victory, lo unc of them—we don't know, which* ■ - ■ ; We do think the captains or owners of these boats shopld have consulted thesenso ofthc poblic hefore starting upon such flo cieitemeot. Our cilixenaof aHcltssCs are generalljr in faaOT.ofduly obsemng the Sabbath, and any such violation of law amlorder.as well as of JleligiOD, should be discountenanced'; , ; . sarFromsu advertisement in another column it will bo seen that Prof. Thompson has arrived and .-will at once enter upon the duties of tho Seminary. Asaoon as arrangements can he completed the rep* ular classes will be formed. - As a limited-number, is contemplated an early application ia desirable. , tt»r The pap«» of yesterday noticed that a Gcr man in the Fifth Ward had been severely injured on Saturday by a stroke with a shovel by a man named Hamilton. There waasaiily minor afloat yesterday, ■that he had died; Our course there was no founda tion lor it. The tvonnd waa not serious, ' BSPThere was »■'; great'eicitetoent among, the epicuicc yceterday, on account of the arrival ofyhe Oyalerii; There v\w a constanl/Tun on Hunkfi’s new and elegant Saloon. Altbe Eagle they will be Berved'-iip tiwlay r'aml alßn at . Bennettts, Diamond ollei AroTnER BuHOLARY.—The. dwelling- home, of Anthony Willmme. Eaat Common; Allegheny, ; yr*> entered on-Sandoy nigtit, and robbed oCa pair of. panta., in tho pocket* ot which waa-a drawer key i and a pocket hool containing a little money and some other paperi* &2T An election wiUbfheld In the Second Ward, on neit Friday; for tho purpose of choosing, on Al derman to serve in lhe room of A .Mnxm ®sq.» re eighed. 1 i .AnorHßßßußOLAßtr.*^ln.sijnday.night,.the Shoe, shop pr Mr. John Foy, Ninth Ward, was entered by & burglar, \Vho took boots and shoes to the mine or about $lOO. . ' ScfREMC Coiner.—This Cnntt Wet yesterday morning. Present: Chief Justice Gibaon, Justices! Coulter, Uodgemnnd Bell. .*.,; .r-fJ'/j , \ V’V : V-* «*'/-v '<:'< ‘ */"’V.>; *"* '\f' » *•"* V '*f 5; 1 -"r■• -•- - r’-' 11 \>-I 'v -V ■>-»-; i! u - -• > l * ft. ■* I r B - Mr. McConlogue.' I'ifth alreet|bas for aalo the » mt i n pursuance or a Resolution passed at the cotton lactory meeting on Friday evening, to Inter rogate the candidates tor Coventor, on,the Ten Hour System, the Chair appointed the following Committee: James Watson, Stephen Geyer, K«t., R.C. Fleeson. *' „ , u * • ■■■ 1 —Z News by Telegrapb! Reported for the Morning Pftsft- To PatUilun of Messrs. Carter & Co., of Philadelphia," now'iaw complete arrangements made;tndcoapetyntagents 'a located liLthe principal cities-for the'jfalgWsrnf.r;, furnUbingthePresawitbtheUtistmiportsntiotdl(* gcoce at home and from Earope. Mr.'Alexander. Hugbes. is located i n Pittrbu rgb nt prea?ut, wbo is -anthoritedM.contraet with nwertero .papers,;fq» 4*l-- egraphic diapatcbes..Tbe'followingCsrd.iioffisrtd os refereoce for capability:— ' ’ A CARD, ,' 1 - j pniWDKteari An#. S 6. Messrs. Carter fcCo. , Gntlmm.—Tbe undersigned, proprietors of therpapers.towhich ournsmesnrart-a: apecuvely attached, takethisraetbod ofmaking our acknowledgements forlheadmirable arrangement* made by- yon, for;- the transmission ofthenawsby.vs, the Britannia this afternoon. We havo frequently; on, other occasions, been ntte ;; :; derobiigattons to yourcrtensivetoregrapble.orßaU iaatiou throughouj lhe-EastjiiWest oed South} ;bqt . 'the'teceptioo oftlie Britannia's news deservesa spe cial notice. By your enterprise, the newt wis trausmittedby.a pigeon express- to-BoatotPSome hours before the steamer arrived at the wharfj.tbence it was telegraphed to thls city, andwaaactnntly published hero before lt vvas nr.nouncedinNew York, and perhaps an early ae itwajTln BdMfb. Wishing you cnniinued auccers in your endeavora to furnish early . ~ We remain yours very respectfully,!, . CmtMiKo3 & Peacock. Evening . Jester JJahoiso, Inquirer. ' , . { Thomas B. Rlorehce, Times and Kevs'one. . ConssTAtt & FtercnEß, of Daily Ban. * Paxsoit, BArdersor feTCuAtiroEß, Daily;N ew*,- PIUUADtXPntA, Sept. 4, IfrlSj Oiirnia&ails unsettled. llolders of Plilur hold the nrtWe above the views of buyers,s6 being the (gqres. Home sales .have been price, but to no extent. 'Sales epofd be made’frefdy qndaeyeral|otshavechatigea_hands« these, figures j bot evert thiri* not reliable. v GRAlN..Wbeathasadvancedatrllseaince;.l6e steamer's news, and sales cl several parcels been made at 110 tft.ll6, according to quality-e Corn is m good request, and sales at 60 to 63 for Yellow are freely made. Ryd i Sales n175t078c. bushel. r n -d "__ PROVISIONS.. Bacon: Hama Side*s^o s}, and Sbouldera 4} to sc. Ip lb. Lard r Salea Rt 7108} (hr tegs and barrels. . . WHISKEY. Salea U3H025, an Miffs. and tBlAi p gallon. _____ i_ ‘ l* - New York, September!,. lBt!|s: Our markets, since the arrival of lhe atesmVr bave been more firm', and prices of breadsttiflkfand provisions, generally, have remained, firm,' Jr, Flqpr considerable was done On Saturday at 65,62t0 gsss p bbh; the latter figures for. .CeneseevtiThis,mop ing,holders of the name kind of-Einurheld jtitfis, and this afternoon that price was obtained tea small ertent. Other kinds: range front Mi 45,75 f J v GRAIN, .wheat' Thor article, for gmid Wjdte and Reds, brought to day 123, Ohio Red ( l(S to HO, and Southern about [same figutes.' Eourt ftsloallo considerable extent ai60063 i for yellow. * < . -- » A WHISKEY. .Sales at 2402fic.'* gallon. ‘ PROVISIONS. ,Pork: Pn me Jdap*. bbt. Bacont Sal eat 6}, Side* B,'atid Shoulders 4}c.jp ft. . ' _ f ’ 1 ’ * j In Grocenes-we have nothing to note of import ance to the western trade. > ,’ i Baltimore, September!, tfiiS./ Our markets still retain the jlnitoatiqh produced by the mtoamef'S news,So far as the holjjersfpf are concerned. Salea have beeneiTeCtedaf6s,fi2 for City Mills, new:Wheat} .hot .96jfiO Sa tho irßiqje, and liberal sales bave been effected, tbit afternoon at these figures. '■' * J GRAIN. .Sales of Pome-While Whleat hate biin made at US to 120, and Reds a! 1100115. Coro: Sales to a liberal extent at 53055 for AVhite, *ii3-56 Sfs for Veil our. - iTj . Provisions and GrocencsrSraain oS-llstqiiAted, and not active at that. Our Commercial men are entirely absorbed in tho Floor and Indian Meal trade. Meal brlngaS!^?'to $4, and is brisk. L ; t i AUCTION BAI.ES, ' BY JOHN 1). DAVI& AUCTIONEER, , SowA-Ems writer of Wood ami fifth UTltU. r , j 1 5 e I i MSH EDITIONS. M Austin.—On S«lsrtl»y »nd 5 - Monday evemugSvBejx.4 £ nble work# iu neatly every-departmeoiof:Ui4fatoie,,el©*-. s ffttnily embellished with fine eugttmtar*. £ Catalogues * ;< v lo the nr donee r The book* wiltieedpdnfmp rtra# * poor to the sale. JOHN IX D&YISIX i - sepi - * Auamweft-i v 4 TRUNK FOUND-* hair traaVj A, and papers 'valuable to the owner, was left** <»r store- some mouths *mcv a r di#rhargert so!cUer;* Tlie owner,la Teqqe»iedsO pt4?o.- >sc ih l?£ pi "* anrt "** 11 ft RICKBKON 1 flH^UACOO—Juboxea Kassel &-KubmsQt\ > &5&. *xv *■ . t> JL 10 A< Heed ad's r 5 ‘» Coliane'a Os r * 5 - -* SO ' u - My*T T s 1 *ump * ' » <-* \ ' 10 « l*>uen» 6 p!u« together \ntlg\s- r rious other miohues, just received qep2 __ SMITH & SINCLAIR, r ra'lCAd OF UNDFORfUt Jk-~Tbeaobßonbet 4gUI i gell. om accommodQUiwaermßra lund «ttu&led on lho road jeortinK from William ran- * brs'a Milt, near the Ohio nvrr* to utniQ Dun's f< biff Sew mVl> Creek, in FrauUin tOOTisbip, ABegwuy ** counuv about twelve. raDes.Jrom.PU;t»b\lTgh,;.';Xb®JjM* - ■•’■v- .. - , COiVtinus one hundredtmd»lx aej*s,stt}CVme4*tWßlsUTy ~ - 1 acres of winch i Cleared amt in a ffood atatKOfearnyff* tjnn> yiuflfcAs :.w .• • well watered, and contain an excellent cbal mine, cpw £• ■onened-and easy of! acceßß. - ;'. Afiiornn-,ow}twd.pfi#wul' -. .‘ j-i i three hundred fruit in ar coOd beanngf sufre dws * halt of choice frail and die balance orpomifcoiv p v above u n desirable place tor an/person. £ *■ gave in the - ' j,s nnssinff through the projicny, aha fop £ epek) market, churches and schools* JCne buildings cob- 15- si t of a hewed log house ot larjre.#iM ■cnd'eamtonably K furnished, and or frame bam of a-g«xwirsiie aud 4 ** also an excellent spnng ** Tenns puyraedi&. For funher pomeuhiTSiTnQnire’. ; of-M*Stfrt. .4' John RUe>Yisn&B odjomnfe - tract* ;orofthe:»ub3criber,rt»ulinff | ( , ‘V TT IS hereby ordered that if the several person* ntpUd n „**■ , w I oir ihe .annexed Schedule* whoever* dnly elwf*4 t v “V tConetahlesi'Shallnol-appearand file their bond* wdwd* k v - *.v v ing-ioJnw* on t» befpre.ihaneXt fj “* * . > ~ r - r 1 ■•♦ posddbytbc 10thSec.oftheAclof ApnlJLd, IW4,"will £ , ißy;ihdCottTf * ~ * r * , *•"' H . . JOHN YOUNG. Jit.'Clerk * - ‘ * >* 6 ~ ConstoMe* wfte iaeenof ,« " j?vj, Seventh Ward. piuaburgh-4ohn rnvity ' ' _ * / w Ww , :. FiMi 'V'OTdi Aftegheny— t*» »„ ; 1-* - *• v . •' Manchester—Wm,Fletcher. » \ ' v * . 1 t . ! , t 4 j t - ' ->• •** r.* w »*. * SoninPittsburgh—-Petnc*Welch. 7 * *'*L I- NonhrFayette k v i/* " £. J - South Fa\ ette tb -‘-{Jugh Wat ex? * J ‘ > w Elisabeth tp—Tloberi Lytle. , u , } 1 "7%* . WestDeenp—John hTCormreW. / t ■»,. * [7 * L r- x ' ‘•^ Mifflin |p,—*A. tyfttn*. , p *■ «* r „ * * - i < V-2 -* . Ohio U> —James Hood- » r t fc -* ’ 1 L Versatile*tp—J.Boles , , r , i *? n l Pul tn —Wm. A Heiron or !t. A. Fahnestock. /» * * * - > n * aug«.dlt&vrgt _ v r_J - \ * '. HonleuUural Kxl*U>Uton*. " ".• 1 “ ' - - - * 1 .*«;•».> - ftWE TITTSBUGH HOBTICULOTIUU, "SOCIETY , \ , _ t U J.: ; wilt hold thew second Annual Exhibition i* ' v< * *« * ? ”j . rioweris andiVegetablesffttPhi!aHaU*oir3d *ttjset*.«*i 'V - s v t ( Wednesday,Thursday and Friday, ihelDih, l4ih,amljisjh v 3 ► *7, - C ’ " ' ■ f-V - AU persons* compeUng for vcill-pcyStflW ,< v -- - - s * l %_ eaebjunleaff members onhe,S*clety/ "* J „ % « -Thepremiams for B6uqUets, v enddeaignS of>CUtFlort* &-> a. ' .’’J "S' t ■ era, -will he.avrarded to todies only k J K J ,f 4 - j •» - CuhiVaior* and Amateurs are lnvited'to bnng'foHeard s * _ v % w ■' ? 1 nil-Tiroduchons of merit. Fruits. &iU **m fromadr*- ( v . r tan«vTnfty.be.ditccied.to.S^N.;\viCKEßSHAMjM r iiSl a.« . ♦» r .. ► ..j . -y $ , Men. , ‘ ■ t\ V ' - * * -r - „ „ ... ntuc'le -which they send Commence t\ - ~r.-\ *■ atthe:Bfi]Uunthdireet2otuitbriheirjlupos|ildfthiuu:«z* ■*• blhitiort.- 'By’otderof theEieeauveCommiUee. *u’ / > ’ »us2fl.dtw4wot - (, 2}*LlZ±{ ‘ r i . rv* > ' “A. " 1.. t " t '' 1 */ i \ j*\ *** ■* & _ v ? k" ' s •*> r ' 1 •■ v’i> , , i *- r \ i ' s . ••«■■; •'••■'0; v.'.v.u'."..v..:;!'■i.: l '.-:',;1..:••••..'.',1.-...,■ ’• - " v "v v-j. ■■■>,.' ~ ;v U 7- * * ■, < -J > * ” v t v « 'C J; ’"■ *" - T r r C?' i\ ~v -V V* ■* V . '' J S 5, ** %. * v* * ‘ ’ J-- 'V-' \ ti * * r H ‘ v *‘s X* «•_ U - 4 \7i« . ..' : " ~" f ’ - s '. t \ *J “ » ' ->x -V 0- » *“ k. ■, v . .. , . t ■'r v i .■’*«• , > ■ v* v .'.j, .-.-'-s'. - * -n. ”-,u^V yS ! 1 '• *L ' V, SALAD OIL—IO baskela Bordeaux Bal»,loinMbb»c , tollies, IS “ “ ■: v; Just received and for sale bv ■ _ _ ' ■ ■ ■ aug» MJI.LEK A MCKETSQN. >-.? -i,*- r.-t- 1 T.- i 'U. V'-v v J I, ?T-i.-« ' * S'*' . \ ‘* Coarto^ntEtecßtuloiiir PrmavHu n/ A«g i ' "t 4 V/ J *> tf* 's* r ’> , -^. k Ai t-f - i - l&t ‘ »* , 1 f " _ ■> '-Iv. 1 ' ’> '-'£ - b ' ■ * - ,; ■. ■:■: v’~ ’■■■ T ' I* * ..‘-I f ! *■ 5 I 6 IWllHtefe,,.. / 15.1 \ . ■ ■ V - w ’ "J* ' < - -s A " 1' ■:,•■:>. tjLW* "■ Y i « ■ . . 4»/ * - *s> ‘ .i A , - : ■** * f “• *V *■ ■~' > V.- «*• * * *- rift ’!• ~,-';fv, ■ 'if v '•>->*■ -V-t- :. vsf<- *' . . ' - ' -V S' l j ~ ,1 '/>- - 1 l , ,-;> ‘ . .'•*'. JT-AJ-;- 3 \ 5 >:/-• < ■•.- r ■Tcw^-■ t ., • ,-iK • , „ . *'V-* >, f ..i r> \F^s*V, -- -vy*^ ■ y.. - _ V ‘ T ■ /- - :'■•. .•• —jv.>••-. •'.-. ,*t ' '' •/- ' ■■ . v*:: •■.■•-■'•<»,-.;ifv;s v-.f.-,.-,-. s ••-■■jf : ’■ , :i«rt'!.i,'ii ;: .TCT„ ;j.v. »*_>'* v *. V.. 1 " .*. . fV. /■', ' " . ' N ~ * -'-3 ’ , . , . «' V j - - > J. . ,■> r 4 -■ - -,^y;: : - */ \ * r l t ) i t ‘ *- ‘ •r i ' r ■ i-v .» 1 «. ;v y; s , "»•*■ r r ~\ M *- v