The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 01, 1848, Image 3

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Cominerriat Smmal
*^f iRD - OF -
JOSJPBNNOCK, '■• > COTratTTEi FoE-Afeotrfr - >
'OjaOi.WffiffAN. S ,
•. , ■■;.■:■ Passenger. Fadeev-vt* -BrownSTVle,-; to.;Bo1umow atta
PMlfcdelbbifiJs 2 V,mo , , * * . 10 .
rvMaU.CoacniLiflajdirettw PUUadeljjhiaj 0 a. m.,
T.ij -*
«;;>vtVMtattfftnd ?p.uthcr!MnilCoachLine,OA,'Xr.. ! ,.
•, r . Cleveland, daily, 10 a. M.
Bnb and* W«lem New York, dai|y,oA.M
Nqjih*Ea«tern,to Philadelphia, dally, axeeptSumWya, 4
- -
via Philadelphia,due3a.*», cl»«ul2*
Wenem. , M&),Cm.ana ionuv- due pa, closes 6 *.».
Sottb 1 VMBalkansWashington, dueOp,s,clo,e*Sa M.
North-Western via Clbvelniid, djeJOa M-, closeaO M..M,
End tod Western New York, dae B>a .closes Burnt
stocks, ~
r > . r , ,P«r roJiM JLtbA Offtrti.
Bank of Pittsburgh -650,00 55(1,00 850,00
ExaUHSeßUiki-s“ •i—'Sl l t» > 44,00 43#>
, Merchants’and W Bank.. ..... 5000 47,00 45,00
Farmerat'DepOaihßtmk-.'• >...... .-None nimarket. ■
• Hand Street Bridge- ....... 50,00 50,00 40,00
_ ..NortherniLtbenie,Bridge—-..-. - 60,00 . 25,00
lOM"AUega«lwßnage,...t.,i..,,Ss,oo ,3G,Mh l >5,00
ComwllsviHaS. R. Stock, paidon ~ ,
nhares,s2,sQ-.„....,........... 5,00 4,43
Crtyßonda (OWcent;)..,., ", ,90,00
Monongßhela,Brillge-...1. 85,00 10,50
Oas Slock.-..,. ... 50.00 }
, Wnkly nr ilievlltrkith
y Fbtsjly Moftxita. September lar, 1948 $
-Wfi caQ th»B wfiek .apnpance i a. decided improve,
metitirrbusroess all ‘->The re* ;
ceipts by ,the river We been fe*gerlhan*nywp.ek :
dunngtbe Bumracr
peared to be soma stnong.
Flour Jealera. Weiflsc/how , dveJ'i\)uirowchangCB
6rn» tt lt will be: observed that
Floor has stiffened op.
price* ofifrelgbts-are in high, water.
Thfettf are so many boats mow asking business, that
Competition among them b a * kept priced-down.' Tlie
nghfdTabghtbbatshavebeeaunfortudaie thisoeasoß
.■■■■.: ob aceottktDfvihe bagh-wkierfribo men We been ;
p-isa; tlielock andiand ,
' nhuaiialsMho wharfboit,; Tbe trado on.tlus route
is imbtoving come.
■ seitleuienf of the difficulties ttmong the Fac- .
lory proprietors not be without
its effect on thebosinessprospects of ouMwo cibea;
- During the past week there.ha* been;, much H»ghtr
nemo-money. matten^wh'cYu-. generally the case, .
atthissoason ofithe year, previoui to the opening
of-rhe fall. : Tfferd, w but; htilo money :
r ooming ffomxhe country; -while a- latgo. amount is
neccuary tOiCarry rorward tho- buildings and lm?
prdsemenQNvhicb areigotng oa in this vicinity. / Wo
never saw so many litaildingV being erected -
; eicepl the thoiCreat Fire.-This is.
oneioeaf cause.'for a demand for money. Io the
i - streets gt&d*inf&infe& > itofttf are offered at one per
centa .mpotb>nmi ae- ; have:heard of ereo bigher
•ratei. the bank* nteuotcoPflidched illiberal in this :
* discQuots; : at least we. have heardl of no complaints
• itflhat quarter; Cnmntty is goifig.dowii. n shade
-ouc percent. Ex-.
-■ cbdftge’on the West, vanes fro ml one to three per
v' cenl. dlsboant'dn limebills. Drafts 5 on Atlan
ta a*
islooktng'iip iHHhd Eastermalrkets^and .should the
: present prices
wiU tomato IhcrWcst-for Its fprtjduce,: which will
-; brightea-lhe sspect-of macb.. ; - ;
. ' ASFL ! ES--Therc i 9 a tolerably > brisW business do*
ingtinApplesjissles pf which arcfcndeon the wharf
atf Q,£701,37,.- jFrora. sure bysLGgle.b?rrel sale*
■ pi / eat:sl,2&ol The supply' Sin hand is. large
andtherefareheayy •receipts..Thc
•- is ' that tho quality of -the kp«
piesbrdpght to market is mooh aopenor Co lhat of
is nochange in the marketsircp. .
bnt.Jiltterin'VtQre. ■■ There is less
dbinjf ih'jtahc* generally rims* thau*during‘lhe : same.
season of lasi year* There‘ has-been* .however, a
regular'demand- for Soda 'Ash, which nppehrs.lO’
bare taken place-- of mother matkot is
•well supplied; and large amounts arc expected from
England* During the pastifcw: weeks -wo noticed
sales at 4041 c. \ve.qoote
- nominally at ,6ic.; Pcarlrare worth Bcij-Pots and
Scorching*, 3104 c.
i ALE—ReguUrwlesby-brewers,' - of common, at
*6. The demand is no great.
BACON—Dealers report the market dull,.without
. any;prospcct of an immediate cbangev. . ,Pnccs are,;
-however, very firra- The mirket jr weli supplied.-
We have hesrd' Df one or two talcs; of; Canvassed
Hamsat 7c. Small sales of City cured Hams at 6 .
(Stile.? Shoulders at 404|c.; Country.cured -Bacon :
irworth • 31, 4l nnd-6i for Shoulders>.-Sjdes,,and «
Warns* , , 1 ‘ -
: tho wcek we noticed - that one of -the;
- nqpnstestentif e city dealer* had girenoot the opinionv
that there-woold be a dechoc in prices doring tho
fall; JfylhUjic is not sustained by otber*.whd { ,siody
< the market: The demand for hope consumptions it;
isgenerttllybeheved, twill, beoearly equal to the,j
an'ndvanco is predicted; * v n
and in some demand for ehmr
• retail market the prices are.unusually:
high for thri season* " But lew . lots oJ : keg Butter,
"■vJiafesbcen;reportedit 'ltis.worth So9jc. ; .
BEANS.!No thing * doing. We notice that the
warehouses aresvallriipphed wiLhlargc andam&ll;
Wtiitc.Pbans.’As,there hare been nd galea ~ xc can
■-.give no-gHolaliops.: Small "tv Idle are. held aVISISSOc.::
- BSEjJJB^AX...We/haiio-only-heard- of onesale
Ibia'nieekso goo’d quality was taken al 19c. •
IRJCKETS.,Tfie demand Tor Reaverißutifeti* ja
■a usual very good, and the supply is equal to the
demand. Thero has been no.phange in.priceß; and
weqaoic-as before $2,20(82,25p. From store We
bore not heard the mbnursetering prices...
• BLOOMS.;.There has beeo no biog 1 doing in
Blooms of any importance for some, time. A sale
of JTomata as reported ut-$7O, time.
■ BRAN. .Tbe market la now fully-supplied and
the tendency iaduwnwahi, owing lo lhe increased
quantities . of Oats* and kinds* of -Feed; which, havo
-- lately came. Into market! • The- demand .from, brat
■hands ia not great -and we- have not -heard of any
' 7 important- transaction; -- Sales from store at 12c
_ „ JBIUPKSS.,. Rego 1 ar aalca or Fire Brickbat'sls,oo
Pressed $4,60185,00.
BAGS.iThefWOaxerSiOf Cotton Baga have been
stopped -by the- Factory -affcke, butna there. Is but
. lijlle'deinand'/nochange hikhecn noticed trf.prices,.
We still quote at $4,00. 1
: BEO'COKDS. .Regularsalcs from eloro of Hemp,
COBN MEALi.Very little doing. a fow aalca of
common at 40c, Kdndriml ifl \vortb sl,tid.
■ '■ COTTONY-YARNS. iTho - Factoriesaro now all
Ja full blast again ‘fat ten boors with.a proportionate
reduction of wages,”- prices remain as.-befprOi
noebaeg” eyed be. {fooked ■ fpr,i :--We submit -our ta
bio of prices without alteration.
Short oeel “ 000 0-0 7
- No, S to No t 0 15 “ 700 ...0 0 7
,1 -‘U.tul3< 10 '* 600.900,1000 64®—
, “ k" 1 „ 17 CoverlettJnmV » *O
- l Wjut ft’.feto. ; Carpel,
• Np-20- : * . r. ’.-v : Collpn 'lVuieT.»;r-r* !SJo^rr
UmgSaAVin. , , lYiek.-
No. SOO i-6, » r . • ,
CANDX.EB..Tbo market i« not very well *uj>-
plied, : »DiJmc9nseqnencQprlcß».remam firm s.bpta
detJlne (» expecledjng sqonaathe etßninga become
•cool. YV-fi give oof Übjn aa before: ■ ■
CuyAnpefi.' /*.'•!( fflbo | Clßapnolldo- •••.—@22
MoaJd--‘‘-^ 1 • r 10 01011 Spaminseßrbfsn<bso:o32
T >inabi “ ■ — v^s:o_3O
Pittsburgh. Star-• ■ -.23. £23 ... Do. ‘ inferior..;:. .
•' COfIJOH. .Therb have been db .salWjdferejSand
vrehaveob Pittsburgh prieesto quote;.-The .Factor
. ■ nes *re well suppllpd nod thdre.ta'.po demand, . At •
thelatertdstosfrojn New Orleans there hadibeefr nO
matenalchsnge In -prices, and "the market.'seemed
■elittle depressed. -The late news'iby the'steamer,
will have no affect.. .Tho Kew Orleans Delta of the
19th haslhe following’:—tThereceipls of new crop
thnefarare4Sst?lesi<aE»inst 134 at same.Umeltut
year,) of which 27 bales hive, been sold, at 1 &i@9c.
■ for good middling to good ihtr; ‘ *The receipts at all
the U. S.ports Itbw "increase of 5537 k 4S9
: bales/ascntapared with lbst yehrls./lo 'sam'iidiftes
.The Wocfeorjband, ;tu,. . ig, ... j>* , ajJilStSv . . ,jegbe#jr,j«dr«li*;«ly
ittaine time la*t Aagnat. 'ofßooveelmve beta at 305 c, according to quality.
•v'v '
i good
’qualltjf oflftoi l ?^Wi > is more
qur figures. We quateregulalr sales ofpriraw Rio Mf
qrtip).e jlj tke 'oael.: jllliVi
:laßtauct<oosales' l in,iNeW,Yorka«W6‘liearfrom l Uie !
JoqrnalofCommerce;;: were; wolf.attended,? sndsn;
imprdvrnent'of fallyjciyvasTSported. t 1
./'COPPER, .'The;f»f«t nte; Bratier»47o2B; ! Bheath'*
ng27;OM igfflb:,'.. 1
’CIDER.vWe have heardornosalesYthere'haye
beon no .receipts. Thera ii a good demands ?v. •.
.The rnirket ia not sowellauppliedas
heretofore ;:andthereit nowiopeningiupagoodde*.
Band. - Reehrpta have boenTsir.The.taled, during
the week have been at 5i(351e. for CoinWoOWest
;ern Reserve jforCresm:BJo&Jc,' J.arge<;loU have
been purehaaed on the Reaerve, and it U expected,
that the.pmrkeifiere'wijl bafuHy atocked, ,afld
cea low. n t *• *■ ■ 1
CHOCOLATE..SaIea at#3,7sos,OO,accordiiig4o
CORDAGE., ifanufacturera haven ot changedthei;
we aa before: • .'[■ *•, *
MamllaßopejbyCoil yeYoVel***.'j«s e*e
Do . do • when otir/.. a ...... fi.'! iUe db ■
Whiteßopo, by C0i1,.;. v.He db 11 '
Do’ 1 do when cat,.rf. .-,
Tarred do byCail, do
Do do when cut,,,....1ie do
Packing Yarn, fine, w.. ~a ,9c do I
Do do common, ...So do
Manilla Bed Cords,; #1,1602,6203*9d0t.
Do do ‘ per coil ..-itlylb.,,
tfcmp do 1,6002,2503,00 grdox.
Do do _ per cod, >ll gr 0).
ManUlaFlongh*Linea,.i...... 1 .......,5H tpdoa.
Hem;/ 'do do 1............'.15 do^
: CRACKERS; .Theregalar. aaleatothe .trade:are i
at the following rateai,, 1 . % '
tVnter Crockers- -84,00 46 Hitt.. |
Butler do ........ ........... 4.75 * - ■> .
Pilot Bread - ASk*- “ 1
Sugar ■ 7c.J4k|b.
FLOUR. ,Thero? has been, considerable excite
ment-in Flonr this week.: Prices have gone up oo
account ofeatternandhome domaud. The reqetpti
by wagons andboatahaso been heavy j; ejid‘ ailes
hrlak. the reports from the. east announce:he<p
: vyarrivals there;: and 'prices were enlarged in/Cnt*
cinnati. It is the opinion ot dealers- that the ad
vance' willvnot .be.maintained many days, though
'no,sudden, decline is aqticipatod; heavy, lota have
been shipped; cast, and hundreds of barrels ate dai
ly ~ arriving *for :the. Baitimorei and Philadelphia
markeis. '
Wcdncsday-the ealea were at,54.37 generally;
but.yesaerday the bulk of (he. sales were at #4,44.
a few lots mere tsken ats4,3?,asd early in ' the
morniog a saje waa mndp at #4,25 by a man: who
waa not Up in the prices. '
FISH, .there have been regular, sales at prices
varying but little ffom lqst week; no latge transac
tionshave been reported,..' The supply re fully equal
to the demand/ We submit Uie.Uble yrith the . ne
cessary corrcetioni: * ■
Mackerel, Ifo t tLOO Hrmnr.No'l. 4,7533,00
No. I,*. . 0a . .. No.2*„ ' .0 ■
No 3- ... 8,0003,50 Snl’n,No t, old 0
Nd.2,hflils. New -18,00
No. 0 ,0,303845 Shad ~8-2339,00,
No.3,hf. •• ,0, Cod, dp tb S 3 < &
No.l, kills-. 3
FURS-.Tbe following'are the rates at present:—
I Bed Fok, No. 1,50 3 75 1 Raccoon 0 2
No 2, 0 37f Mink -• 0 S
Muskrat 6 0 I 0 [ Deer Skin, PSI 116,1
FEATHERS.-Therobas been- nothing-of any
importance -in -the mhrkpt } tb® sales; are only ins]
smallway.-We l qeotothenojmttalfrom3lo32c.
. FRUIt-.Onr remarks of last' wepk might suiij
very well fur lhis;'a«tbere has been nothing new in 1
the Fruit market. Dealers ara doing a fair business
considering the-dullness of the season. In prices !
we notice no material ehangp. Heavy , sales of
Bunch Raisini werc tnade in New .York this week. eVi
91,69; nod
at ' In Dried Apples and Peachea there is
nothing doing, of course, as the season iepast; yet
wO- SCe some in market. Our table will be-finind
correct: , ■■:::■■ •. '
Almrmds ahetted.2o 0 -25.
g o ft. , ~i;.;;o is;
HariG.--.i.-—~O I'-’t:
Currours. Zauie. > OU0:1! -.!
Filberl*— 8
Grouudnnis. - •■•147:01,44
FigSj Tutkey 0 'u,-
Mala 0 c
.Raisins;Muscat*- - 0c . .
FLAX.. Sales at 70,4 p doa, f *
:. ;GLASS; .rn:Wmdow.Glaasthere bssilmes no. im
portant sales. Dealers hive been : making‘ some
small, transactions at the qoolabons given below :
liWi Collies-. Bxlo 0 400
Quirt, F gross. 0 0,00 10x12 0 4,50
Pull, *• 0 7,00 19X18. .... 0 7,00
Madia wine, 5,0 . . : ' : Patentdo: 10x14 '
i 1ega1*..... 0 040 1018x24 0
!. Claret, 4P gross- ,:0 O,IXI :. Country brands, /
Window Glass fy box Bxin 34533,1!
City hnmds, 10x12 34033,02
i GRAIN.. There bsve.beensome.lransxcttons ibis
t week. Several smalt lots of Wheat have been taken
at7se. About-600 bo Corosold from first hands al
30031 c.; from store-it. is wor\h 34e. Barley, yr'e
quote at 43050 c ; Bye, 400F3e.; OaU, dowe jft
18020 c; from first hands; from store, 22025c.M >
GERMAN CLAY—Wo .till , quote st #4O * ton,
heard of any sites. - ;
GUNPOWDER, .Sales are.rcgular. at the follow
ng rates:! \ r , J
FFG.,.4,75 0 5.00 Bogle do. m na-
EugleOFOs--, & 3,00 pers.. 0 3,37
Do. da..l 4bcooho- ;,IXF tßock powder- *> >3,25.0:3.02
»—* 9' — *r
ir 88,134.
Bunch* *1,*37-0 2,00
Bloom, old 0 *. ! *
i osfiD
| Oranges ** ; 05,OO ;
\ PeacbeMry,lm \2tt\37
\ Apples,dry--*.* ?&
j ao-Green, bbl 1,0031^9
fffqJo ffl ifu
GRAHAM FLOUR—Tbisartielo tssodruteiused
lhat-we hsranerer heard of any olhet. prick than
$2 p 100 Qli.,' at which wo havebeard of occasional
small sales.
■:"HONBY.ivNew Honey is now coming into market
and we notice sales at 130. 0).; in retail market is
sold at 16c. > /
lIAY—The market U now:well supplied with an
excellent quality of llay.;:sales at 97(39, at scales.
>t HIDES. .No recelpUsndtio sales reported. We
have no:material alterations to make In the Egares.
■Tbe following are the correct quotations at pre
sent: i >i
Missouri o..:O ' Do.kippslPskni.l.tlOjMiM !
Spaiush*-.-.••*■14.0 .10-1 Green t
Do. salted***... • ■& - ■...‘■1..." .: *■.*.
BOPS.. We have heard of but one sale lately; a
lot of inferior Western at Gc.; we quote Prime Hew
York atSSlOc.
IRON—The table below gires tbe,pricesoClron,
which has not changed.for monthss. . , ; *
Bar; Juniata*-*— IS. 4t| Ploa*hwing».-.-.4|®. -6 ■
“ Common--3 0 I “Blahs I--.. 4 0 4J
Sheet-*-** ■**.*—sl® . 7# I Russia Sheet---*-' 0-*TS. \
Boiler Plates* • -O 0 OJ |
INSURA-NCE. -Tbo following tablegircsthe ratio
of insurance on good steamboats:
To Phiia: and Balt. via. To ••••* .. I
conoti } 8r0wn5vi11e........ J
Cincinnati • • *., t | l-oiuaville i I
. ..Evansville,la.-*-..* i I ' : .Nashville, Tenn.,.*, * 1 i
. Memphis,Tenu...• I t New Orleans ;t 11
. Saint Louts, Mo..*. { 1 Qnincy, lliinQia,...-vl If
.Burlington, lowa..llJ Galena, b j-s-.-tdlii
. JeffersonCily, Mo., 2 Independence, Mo.-*ll2l
LEATHER..Thera ■■has-been a.decline:, within:
: the past week in some descriptions of leather, 1
which we noto helow. The busmesi is ‘becomrt/g
: 'htisk; and dcalcrs aro receiving seasonable supplies
> Tttarketa abroad. Our table contalns tho
: correct quotations: . ,
Sole,Baltimore• >2l o '22' Upperfinl»li’d23,<)o 028,00
New York-.- -'-IS 0 16) Kips, fianK’d-04,00030,00
Damaged- <••-13 0 IS Calfikindo--15,1)0 024,00
Slaughter. - - - - • -13 0 - so Lace LeatherldjOO'© ~,
Skirting-- 21 (9-24 NiEnglandßttatfng.,.
Harness, black- 19 0 : 20 No. l Ip-tloz*-43,fXh0. ,‘
BridJei, black, No.2#• dpjr--35,00 0 1
doz aide*- -3(1,OB 030,00 No 3 V dok--25,00 0
ftuskettdo.-- 30,00 036,00 Sheep skins.-----4 0 ", 6)
LEABi.-Regular aalea of Hiaaoan Big at 4rj.jßar
ioad $5 boxr Cut $6. The follow*
ingare tfao rules asked fot Patent Lead Pipe:
• inch ccqueduct No 2 Lead Apo 3e; & f00t.,. .
*• JfoS « *f 6c *
. 1 « « N>» 2 “ “ 7c V
* v * » No 1 u « 6|C/V ** \
** «« fjo.t «♦ »* 7*cV “ 1 i
I « No.l <* fl fi|6P“ “
1 1 “ « No«r «» “ 12*cv “■
All other sties lb. <
,LARD—Wiihthe exception of the small, sales no
ticed this Week, of No. 1 in kegrattd bblt. at 6R97e..
iffe-ha?A heai'd:of no transactions. The market is
almost bare, afad therol* oo groat The
tendency is upward on account :of scarcity-intho
3v.7-* j •
.‘.‘•IS- TP.-S'•;■'
"j {, ’ '"-v-4r jj
.Hog* were; ;aqtd cat ;3i93ic.,'neU. Sheep *otd *t
1^1^1,60 perVeiS/' _
| /LOMS.EfLcr-Thero.'nijn, brisk demand jfor/idr«
i the > -|rS(dii''iija
•low. -water../Thai followngpricea arecorfect/
Clear**!-'*'.-'.!* 022(10 ploimM*ldo l 00
Common Ar e ■Oll,OO Conuhonl do' 1 '" '-■< &—■
Clearly do ’ ' 03200 Oak r ‘ 034 00
Common 11 dot '015,50 Pihe Shingle* '■■ : . -
Clears do 1 > “4400 '‘-*lOOO ' 26003,00
Commons■:do '22,00 EkifWisaw'd 2,0002,20.
■ MOLASSES. .'fhfljntrket itpoorl j supplied, and
,holden are firm at 271028 c. s‘dud an advance i* ex
pected. There ma (hinderoaud. , n - , <
■ SAILS,..The following ai*eth6 card 'pticea of
manufacturera: - i- :,
IOO2Od Jon'ld*'" ® 275 3d*' 1 0 6,25
80 Od «... 0 4,00 Sn’k«*» ..1 4*o 6J
60 7d '• • "0 4,50 tplMreJ ' ’ .6*o 1
5d “■*•■' ■< 0 4,73 Boilerl!ivets.-0 :7i
4d ■ ' 0 5,25 : •
*. <j«u T ■■■■
NAVAL STORES. .Thereharbeen no change in
theraarltevand we. quote pricea.^,: .
Rosin 9 bta < .2,02 <& r —l N. Curium 4.W 0
Titch.-,>r-‘v3.00 4ii,o^ol Tur'nmin,gaJ.-02ii? d 65
Earn AlleghY 3,00 ad},*;! Vaf’eih, Cop*) i ( 75 0 2.2 S
( •"OILS.’ .We - hire notWn|f|tS(“» 4o u re(jlj'rt , ify4hy
kinil of Oil.r -Wo hoar ofaomo lrlßaaclion»,.bulof
i *i^p..qp)lpfiU^;'rid;,«liert;Jljta ! beiiii chadfe©})!
’Ml?' i
Linseed •-t .r f >«,O .64 I “ Unblec’d>-...0 J,SO
Laid, .50 0 *52 I “ E*U<sv„.. O— J
Ollw ........,,1,40-0 4,60 I Whale.- . r .4‘i.700 27 a
Sperm bleach’d./ « TttUiCl*#! hbB&M 018i6Oi
, quote,*!
heard of bat one aale. 1 ‘ ' ll ,‘ j
i.PINE APPLES .'(Nol'mtny: in.mirket’jstlea it 93
/giss. l <• 1 < 'w*'
-•POTATOES.’.The market Istdthersrell supplied;
baton account.ofthe presaleoce.ofthe
be|t<tw)lity on wharf,. < V t '‘
|{PIG METAL; .Nothing hsUb'eeb" doing except»
fewnlei ofNo.l 4 A)legh{tnjr ati92So24<; Two tiles
Hanging Rock st 92?. 1 1 ( „ „ *.) m
tRAGS.-Ingoaddemend it^l(33le.formixed.
, RTCE..Wchhardpf tome small sites st’4tosc,
tune; Market firmmthe esst causes Hrmnets here.
SOGAR.-SalAacf'lbliililotsprimevNew Orleans
at 41®5ic.Nothmg strange in the market.
'SjOAIV. Regular fates olYPittsbnrgh. Nolat4;c.
Cincinnati at 4(e. > - ' < i
;,,’BPICES'.>.Vpry. tittle jariationinpricea ;apd spies
at the rates hnneted i
- y - :> ■ r i' ':- 1 1.,, ,
CloTeso- ••n-;i33.0 11 -381 NenU*gs--v«.i,so'‘dt'-t,OO.
Cassia in Mata. 23 0. 25|Pepner.—. —..-'P'-SS; -to
Ginger. Awua ;10. 0i i It-1 Alspioor-- —.-T3 0 id
SEEDB.. Therels bttt little doing in the mart e tat
present ; the season fbneceiptofClorer and .Timo
thy will soon commence, .One suptll, aalejofTipy>-
thy at 11,50. Closer Is held 5t.90,00.- li :
SHOT..RcguUr aal.sat A1,31f1M4.
:>• SALT; . Regular sales at 91,26 at canal ;'demand 1
91,28. ‘
STARCH..Regn(ir-salet at 606|c. • . •
iTINELATE. . Regular sates 1 common 910,25 ;
15912- * f
TOBACCO..Thedeiler* report the following
prices,at which'&a market is steady : .
CuarLeaf...- Id 7 -lgslump inbox HO. 15
Manafc’dito. •. „2 0 . "t 2a .0 .. *• 13 0 <,:IJ 1
Ladirs’ Twill 9 0 JO 18s or l 19 0 14
Plug inkeßfc... 6JO . ?• Bcotch annB;...H 0. via :
Pl«in boxes- 13 0. 15 . .Rappee-.14 0. <lB 1
OTvmO'i.v-v- 41@.;v7 Cut ft dry i 6 pu. 0 >25
Cavewjuh. 0 5 .
TALLOW.. Some amallaalexhatebeon reported;
ere qnole at 6|o7ic. < >
TOW TARN.. Held nominally St 22c. ’
. TtTßS.,Regul«r*xle« at99jsdot.
sate* Cider Vinegar, in bbls.
at 709 e. *
WOOL., There is eery tittle, demand, apd’oone
cominginof snyroassqnence./We gueouruble
ofquotations without cbitlgs : i-i-rj
Common-.. ..,J7otSe.B> Ib-lithoodr - —-2 Sr. pr.-lb -
* Blood .....20c. “ | PVUBlqod-r'.lSr “
I Blood—CEc; u t j Prime "SUC. 11
' WHITE LEAD. .Regolsr sales at 91,62. - u
WHISKEY. .Sale of 29 bbls ReetiSed at life.;
regnlarsales at 183181. ,
A fftw CocßTtirriT.—W» Itm dut thota b»
letenlW bten pnl in tiKulation in thi* oity. eoan.
ttrt'dt.#&‘»oflbe WatHiiglim emuM FMij Boat,
Jelled. No. 219.—J2aU. Sun.
' Rumr Jntellii
Steamer Atlantic,
w lrfUu»hTl«*nrv Sennet, CrownsviUf
:' w . . ItyiebigaaNo. 3, uiUoa, Beaver.- •-
M lake Erie JMqtray, Beam.
4 Eophrpiea* Calhoun,-Lquiavrile' ,
° Cumberland, WiUer, Cm
“ Hudson, Pp*v Wheeling; ,
** ray. Cm, , </ >
DEPARt>iIV, >- ,
u Atlantic, ParkinW2Q k Brownsville;
u I-ouaWLoec. Benn^BrowuivlUr.:*,
u , CafMql* Kurnev, Wheeling,
. Calf b Cope, Mnrdo<*k,W*Ujv)Ue.
a , Nominee, Smith, Cm, ,
-;"Wyoming,FowterySuKowjj .t-'
k , u Tuscarora, Foe. Louisville, i
" HudtOU,Poe,Whe*lißg-}.., . i »
-r . ..v i v:s v i •
1 SrcAUcu CoSiul aso WtujmL*»>-By rtfer
encalQ our idwu*iflgcqJamo»,4l wilitio!aee®ihaV
tbeie iwoftforti* pacb*t»*re sgam it tbtfttllfalgb
amt * WJ»«hng trttde. - Wjihhs a wfeehivbifci*
they fcareatidettond sotf
uaw at cdrorortable a* any b©4jaott,&e giver* Capt.
Baraet.ftO&.Kinaey* for gentlemanly: depriruneut and
strict ittenboD to the wclfareof pUiengert,*ttDd
unrivalled/ MUiriNg* Patriot, 1
For CUielimatl*
: • Tnc new and: lighidraorhi atearoer
• VISiTORj Capt, Jacob*,: Wud leave Tor
JjARnK-rita above and mienaedißtf vporu, tine
Forfreight-'orpaeiage.jippjyou board. augO! •
i For plaelJMiaU*«, ,
: • The light draught fttcame r FRIENDSHIP
l iJMSwliyii, Mtuier,mil leave <er the -above-aud
r: .rorfrejtghl.oryaMageapplyoaboarut. ; ;
For craelntKlatl and »U tooli.
'-i Tns steamer SHENANDOAH, Capt.
1 Bowses, .wilUeavo-Tae jbe above .and
J»2Har.tmermediQteportiiTefttlarJy. - ,
Fpr fteighi or passage, opplyoo hoard.
OUiS , !
i [ * ’
_j«9F*an < .'PHK nevyandllght draught steamboat*
.UfciMifliiflJrlifjHLANDKß, Fnna> Master, iwilY
. for ih&abQTaMid;n}l intermediate
3tat;iusi.' : .
Ppf freighter pAssiige.appjyou board. < :aus# .:
»•'•■ ; ,s,. «•
TOE ate&mer BEA VERv Chas: E. C!arV* {
Mamer.' WiU rieavfe'Pittsburgh for'Beaver,
ad Welweiller every Monday,
end; Friday—anil returimig’ ouTucsday, Thursday,
and Satardaypat 0 O’clocky *» ie. Having a boat at the
landing,itrfe are prepared to receive freight at any time.
For freighter postage apphrto
mal7>tf ) 6 W. HARTON’&CO, Agenta
| IBP. * "TrtE PAfcIFIC, T C*w
jßßHKvgLtlvUatthr;wiUlehVe fqrlhe-Ahove aidiu)-
termealate porta, regularly. 7 ** s *
‘For freight dr pheaaga apply on board, or to. *
For —
?t JESUFChe new and; epldndid Paartng^T Steamer
ifIMBB CupuiniWir. KotWTi, wil 1:
For freight or peaiage, having iiipferfoi l
•tionf,opp& on beard/ ••».■{»;■.»»»■ 1 - . - aoggJ
: Tns hew and. light dratlgfht. steamer*
2ACH TAVJLOR.CapI Litcab, will
Tillolr” r eaVe for the above and intermediate,
fIHHHHHI oorUu to-morrow - •• —.
forftngUt oypu.age sn bd«A ' - ‘ aagfe^
Per WbeeJliiß* i
. w-i Tinfnew.hzbtdrtmsht.fMl tanning
l aleamer CINDERELLA,CaIuouk,JUm-
MUmaHww. ttr. will leave for the.above and:iater
fMßKainHniedieta poruevcry Monday, Wednes
day, knd Friday, at 10 a.m -. .. v.,
; rorfre|ghtprßa«nre, apply.onboard*:; ! iyBB
’-v <&4g9lir Paeket for SnQflito; i'
» ML* 'THE flu* steamer AVeLISYILLE, <?apt
£***&& Urfll lcavbfor the above aua inter
mediate portfl.oolfiu/M/frfayruiidjJSamft/ay*.
FWflxigbldf 6tmaienpply onboard, orto .
1 '* CEO B Mir/n&NU&RGER^AgI.
v For Clnetnnott. '
•' Tb» rfcw. lieht draught paasidgyr-
F : trfflT -■itV' tteamer,DOLPHIN, Cipt; Hx2Lm,
EUgSCJtffraflT: wit Heave for the above and interrae
dlaie porta,regularly. •
apply onboard. . . uegi-t ;
-'fcfEW NOVELS—AWmm, mid tu consequences: bv
J\ O P B. Janies, Esq
' Vanity Fair, a novel without-a Hero: by William Make-
DtaceTUar)ieryrWi>iiil |utlrl,ioo '' ’
• Ed\y »rdVernon: .MyCousiiiVStory.:' by E; V. Clulds.
• - Sloryofihe PeomtatarWnr; byUonernlCharle* Wil
liam Vance, Manama of Londonderry,G; C.IL, G. C. 11.
Colonel of the Hi Beg* Lift Guards - 1
The above works reoeivcdlWdayianl&rralebv;,
ougOO,-. - Booksellers, cor. Marker and 3d sts,
* ,tt...,.i -r-r
r r
; -'. v V.,
*•*. v /»“. 'v/ ‘ C
Jn Hit nanmeis£iifttUiauifioritij : <# jit Comme/nwcaUh
, iVnnsybanta
sWiluau F,. Jpdstton.Goveraqr.oCfoff iajd Common-:
wealth, foJoidirdjisyibe, Ekq;,Bhhhffoftbe County.
of Allegheny. sfends gree tfog'*' {
•■Tl7rHEßEA3j'hyihe re«igitahoi> of iFrancialt.Bhtin^.
I If,. n vucanty'
ioccunmin foe affice of the Governor more than three
■calender moufosiuimeduielY.prceefbftgthe'next annual
'election of Representatives,andihe .Constitution pftbe
rtftid Commonwealth; in *ttcn aireveut,:require& that an
(election to iuppl)T;tne vacancy should be’held at such:
next annual election
: Now, therefore, in obedience to the requirement** of the
;fouTUenth sectioueffoe.eecoiid.arliclc of the Constitu
tion,-and in nCcoMelice vyilh the intent and mcaning-of
the Adof tlie General Assembly nfthe'Sfofe, passed ihe
titiJr of Jnijv Anno Domim.6ne thoundhdeigh*
hundred, and ihitty*nirte,'l,\Viu.umF. Jonaswr. being
invested; with'tilb 4pxecuuve authority of dm Btateof J
this writ, .commanding and <
; requiring JouNFoßsmiE, Sheriff of the
County. of Atlegheriy,;lQ}give t!ie upual noiice-, lhat nn
election, td suppiy.-fhe Vacancytn the,office of Governor, i
i xvi IJ.take plac&ort the second Tuesday rn;Octoberne*t-. .
■. Given under iny hand, and the Great Seal of the State.* <
tins,twelfth da yearuf
; our Lord one thousandeight hundred and forty-eight, and :
of-foe Commonwealth the Reveilly-foml.i -a-a t 'al Hi ■
f ißy the Governor J
- » i * i TOWNSEND HAINES. «
i Stctrtary of ikt ComnianwaUh
PaOChmTIQH, f atid'hy/the AetoffoeUeneralAssem-:
f y lily of Pennsylvania, entitled-. 6 . An. Actrelaung to ;
elections of this COmnWßWealibfJatis enjoined on me to :
give public nouceofisach election*to behelfotuldefau* i
: meraia*n.fuch'notifce what officersnra toibe4lecteriir;ln \
i pursuancethercOflyJOnNiFoßsmiKSheTiffofiheCoun- •
ily of Allegheny,'ad therefore make kitownaiid give ibis ;
i public nonce tathe Electors of.sald Countv.of Allegheny, ;
i font agenenfl.oteetioii Will* be heliUntbe said county, :
i on Tueid«y ; of>Ofitobcrmixfrat
i the severalclectioaiUsineuMhereiJi*.
i ./Theelectors of tbeFirst Wflidorthe.filiy.of Pittsburgh,
i to meet auhe house of Mrs.JaneLmle, at tbecorner of
i Ferry and Fourth streets, m said warda
i The elfctoraof the BecondAVardx>fihe city of P|tts*.
burgh, to meet at comer
iof Third and.Bmahaold,streets# insmd ward.f : ;
r . Tbh electors of lheThird,\yaydqflhif city of Pittsburgh
to the house of Fifth, gt.-* *;
- Toe. electors of foc.<city!W! Pittf
burgh, to meet at foeAFashington Coffee House, comet
of-reiuvandSt. Clair streets,. v;, v
. The electors of theTifthWardoffoeeityof Ptltabprgb.
to meet*!; fog Jioose of Alexander. file the said
.. Thcelectora of the sixlh AVprd;of the cii>v
burghjtomeet at,the.confeptionery.of John Barrel, at the
comexof PennsylvamaA-veiiue and Washington street,
iU the said ward * f
ij.-The oftlie die city of PiUs>
oqrgb, to me6i.aJ.foe house of Wilson, .im.safd
-The elec|orS:Qf foe Eigbth-Wflid .of: the •city; of l*it&-
burghito meei at thf haase .Oi.
Pennsylvania Avenue, m said wanl. -
r- The elector* of ihe Ninth-Avnrd bf the r cuy of r Pitw*
burghvto meet at the office or.Ftaisiey'slAiijnber'Ydrd, in ,
said wanl „ ' 1
The eleetors of the First War4nf foe oily of Allegbe
4Vy, to meet aMh/housrof J. WoKlhouseyou RobmSon
street. '•/ ■- ••■. •• • • .••< ’v^
• : The electors of the Second Ward ofiheCiryofAlie
gheny,lomeet at the house of Johuol«Tr.(tortierlyoq- :
-cupled by John corner*of the Diamond 1 and.
t>hio street
-''The electors of the-ThinHYardof the-oil? of. Alleghe- :
Tiy. to meet al the-Public School IfOnse, m stud ward, on. ■
tie East Common'. r
'• 'The electors of-the Fourth Ward of ihe city of Alle
gheny, to meet at the hoose of Wirt.- Wylie. 'East Com-:
•mons:. 1 v rf : • r ,v , •
The electors of PilLloxvnsTnb lq mectat ihe house of
Mrs. Nancy Murray,.on. rF^nncrs’'
[ iprqpike-road, in smd township, except the qnojibed vo
i iers residing in sections Nos. v?,.Ana.l4 of.the qity.ifis-:
I triclr who shall vote at all general,clcctiqns m the Ninth,
( Ward of foe city of Pittsburgh
i The electors of Peebles township to meet at. foe. house
i of John Beider, to the village of Kiut Liberty; : .
i The electors of Wdkins-township to meet at the house
( of Francis Wilsou, .on. the Fraifostown road, lu. said:
l township _
i ; The electors of Plnm township to meet m the house of
i Margaret Little, (tonnerly John Little s,) jn faid toxvn-;
ship'- • .’i
Tnie eleetorsof Veneillos township to meet at iheWhite
House, formerly occupied by Thomas Neel, on foe Pitts
burgh and-Grccnsburgh turnpike road, tn.said toxvosbip.
i« The electors of Rhzabesb township, including the bof
ougb of Ehrahvth, to meet at the house formerly occupied ■
by John Walden* in said borough. •-
The eleotonof Jederson township lomeet at foe house
of Johti Bttee.'tbntierly oecftpicdby J. imld town
ship 7 {
i The electors 6f Mifflin loxvßshfp to meet'at lhe house:
iof Samuel Wilson, formerly occupiedhy Jcj. H. Neel.
1 m asnl township } *
f‘‘ The electors of UpperSbCiairtownlliiploincetAt.ihe
i house of James Connery in snid (o'^n*hipi v ‘ i :
r ’ The electors of Jjower St I Clair, township topped at
Ihehouse of Joseph Ross. OowerfhTry.lhtsaid township.
The electors oi Robinson township to meet at the house
of Sarah M’Fariand, {formerly Audlry MTarlajid,Hu
said township
The electors of Findley township to meet at the bouse
of.-M*Clelland A; Armor, formerly occupied by John
Cbarlctin the village of Ciinion, in said township.
' The elector* of Moon township to meet at Uifi
PelerGnstotjfp said township.'- • ; • .
t . TTie deetorrof OhiatowiishiploraMt at tho house of
John Hay, Itiaaid township
/ The elcctdrsof FrankUo towushlp to meet at the house.'
i formerly occupied by John Shrum. in *aid township. :*
> a The eiectora of the<borotrg!i of Manchester to meet at .
! Ae Public Behool-House-^’:‘•''“A'"-v - 1 M -
: Tbaeledtora of Reserve township tomeetat the house
i.of Gofoeb Fisherj in said township. - - 1
| The electorsofißaldvriiilownshiptomeetaMhehouse.
! of John COwan, m said township 1 r -»
[ The electors of Bnnwdentowqshlplo meet nt the house
r toxvnihlp- ' ri
i Tlie eiectorsrof South Fayette township to meet •( the
i house of If. Hays, on farm of G. Y. Coulier, in *aU
I 'The electors of North Fayette township to mtVt ai the
houso now occupied by F/aufisJpjDctqu at. Rogf r*’
in said township _
l Theeleeton» of Ross Township to incei al; foe ihoujc
of George Cooper; ou foeFranliTiit fowl, inaaid loynuHnp.
The electors of’Fmrtownship to meet at the bouse of
AVUUSJJCochrane, Knqw m said township, :*>■ a,*■;
s.Tfet> electors of \\esulktt township to meet, at the
bouse of Nathan Conley, in said township, . ..
'•The vlectQfao*..East Deer towiishinio meet at the Pub
lic School .Host**, u» foe village- of Toremum, m. said
i The eleetors-of Kuduma township )o meet at tba.liouse
formertyoceupied by Sam'l Markay, in squl townshm.
TTrfcieCtorsofShateriownshmto uieei at John hbaw’s
Mill, Cud that Alfred XJ. IJoyd shall betbo Judges aiul J.
M’Efoemry and Thomas Bjewart ahall be for. fQJipeciors,
untilotheraarcdolyelected, ? :
The qualified voters of that portion of Indiana town
ship residiug m the:following described boundaryjfoall i
vote trt all general cleciious, in the-Borough of Vharps- :
burgh at foe elc,etiorv poll in said borough, vit; tiejpnmng
at a point ou foeAll« at ihe uppec.Unr of the ■
farm of Ja*. Boss, ana running n honheriy courer !«•- i
tween, foe farms of said James Bos* and John ancTFran
ci* Beatty to ibe;N. F», tforner of »aid James Rom t farm, i
fofncovutuuug a westerly coarse to Rom township Imef
in *uch a manaehas to embrace all «ueh fsrms or lots <
•iiluated iaCaomngh&m:s dulnci, and haloagmg to what
are called foe nveruachs,lu .foe. deßcribedboun
dary,< •• ■■ .<. ■
...Theelectoraof the borough of Birmingham to ine/t at
foe FqbUc School House,said borougu-
Tbe electors of ihebormwhot Lawreaccville to meet
auhe Tow n Uonsr, la sard,borough,
- The electorstif foe bpmughof Sharpshurgh to meet at
foe house of James Sharp, •in said borough.
The electors .of foe horougii of hrKvesport to meet at
foe Town Hall,in said borough.; : • ; v .
*fhe eJeclora offoeborotigli of South Pittsburgh to
‘mesvat the house formerly occupied by R M’
foe end of ibo Monongabelabridge, to «aid
The electors of |ho borough of west Elizabeth to tiuWT
•■at —-.waaidborouglu:
"At which time and placethe qualified electors ainflue
said will elect by ballbtrr ; : j
One person for Governor
One person for CoitgTfe**- ;
1 Otte'person for Canal Commissioner:
Four persons for members Of Assembly:
' Ope person for County CormdisfiODer/
Ona persop for Recorder,
One person for Register..
One person tor. Clerk of the Court.
.One person for Auditor.' * . "
‘And by virtue of the 19th aecuon of the act of foe fidof
Jaly, 11>39. itxvas enacted foat every j)erwu.except Jdi
licea of the Feace, wbo .shall-bald an office orappoint
4&#ntof profit ortrust under iheOovernmentof the Imi*
ted fttates. orof this State, or of any city or incorporated
district, whethera commissiohrd officer or otherwise, a
-subordinate officer-er agent; who >*or shall be employed
under the t«egislature,ludieiary;orexepuuve department
'Of this State or thA If. States, any Judge or lnoarpo*.
rated district, and also that every member of Cougms*,
and of the Stale 1 Legislature, and of the Select and Cora
inon Councils of any city, or Commissioners of any in
corporated district, is by the law incapable of holding or
4utarcissng at foe aama time the office or appointment of
Judge,'lnspector or Clerk of any election of this Com
monwealth, anifoat;any Judge; or other offi
cer of any such election shall uofbe cligfole to any office
to he then voted wr . f * *
Also. jn and by tlie4fo sccuon.of. an act Approved the
19tb of April, 1640» Jus enactcdrThat foe L3ih section of
foe aat pawed July £d»T&&bonutled an ac,vrelating to
the elociionaofjthis Comuwnwealih,shall not be constru
ed bb to nrevent any militia .officer, or borough officer,
from serving as Judge; Inspector or Clerk at any General:
■orßpcclal elections luthiaComptonwealth.-v;::
-"And the return Judges ofube respective districts afore
said,'are requested tomeeta> foe Court House in the city
of FitublWfm.'dh after thesuond Tuesday m
October next, tlieh and picre lo prepare for. those .dunes
duties required by Iqw. . : . . j' ..
Given under my hand and seal a( Pittsburgh, this 24th day
Of August, A. D 1849, and of the liulependenre of the
UnitiA Slates foe sex enlwhird
I . auc2S*6w . JOHN FQRSYTHB. Shor,ff.
JAMES GREBNOCOiI. df the )nte firm of Keller A : ;
i GreCnoiitih- horttinues the business of Conspltiug Engt-
I heer' hnd'Talent Attornfey, flt his office thte city of
WASHINGTON. iHo:may be consulted and employed
riii'niaking oxatninanonsln inachlnery m the Patent Of
i fice-pod elsewhere,'in furnishibgdrwainga and specifics
, ijons of machlnes/and all.papers necessary to secure,
I transfer amind,* Yetasue or extemUetters the
'United Btafos'orEbrapb Hc s canalso beconsuhed pro
i fessiou&lly On all qneslioti* of litigation arising under the
i Patent Law, dntl will urgue questioiis before the Putem
i Offiee ortm apiWraVthWiffrotn;*ftfr which hts long experi
ence fo the Patent Office aud in his profession,'have pc
culiarly fitted him: Theprofesnonal buslness ot the late
i >Dr-T-'F» Jones having been placed (» his hands; ftlHci
t tetsin relariori thereto should be addressed to him;post
Pittsburgh Goxeite. JpiUsbnrgh Morning Posti-and
Republlcon will coOT six months, send papera,
•and'charge tlie advertiser.— Ndto-yofb FrfjirMSj.Aug.*2l,
• • augiM-oCm■■ ... • -■■■■• •. •. t . • • v■ ■
■V ' r -
V l'■< A * SW* *
~ i -
vi"'..*- 'T "" ' " v “ - ’•* l
IjIORjBALE—A valUßtilo .nt lS4, jwrfif. cqii-
Xi taiuiupr uyo fine Coal Bonks, unil Fire. Clay of a su
ferior Quality. Situated cmite Ohio river. 34 nulen be
awPitUkutsh, «v«ry.facility n embraced fur nil cult'll-
Viye liguriaim iii. Coal, FwnPfayiniid Fiie Bricks.., Fifty!
acre* hmjiltivauoii—the balance,in limber.of on,eaccl
leiilljaali»y; a(|il in goad iltniand,Three good Dailhng<
Koustt, a Bam, and other otit-hourrs; Orchard, &u.
Tftiel6ndin^affordaa;*ufaJiarllSrfnrboala r siall«eg
»on». - Price and term* accoihmodaiinff-..
S. CCTHBKRT, Gen- Agent, .
>{• ■ v ’
... •.;■•■•.-.• .:-"»:r':-v: :i---.r-'y- ' - ' < , .•.'.,»•••••' • •’••■•'..••.!■ •.? -y-u • •..
~ ~ - --" - * - ' *
■ '.".-A* A* filasbn & Oo»i -
Li 60 V Mstbcct,BßxwsEwa’mr
■ zz&vrr-- . aeari’nnuMHD Fourth; y;
TsEINO desirous ofreducing thcjr Stock, previduat©
tlXtheeomraeiicement of .the Fall Trade,wiuofler their
fashionable assortment for a few weeks.'
redtxeed: prices. Amougti their assortment
limv be round excellent styles of—
i :Bereges, iTyisnpSi'<!!«aadiiie*i :|*tilijryftnes # - r:
S jlke* Lawij s unit. Mus!mn t 4c., >&c-; n)l of
,-which are reduced in ppqe fuHy oiic tlm'd- ' I'. 1 '.
; iTheir. stock of Shawls, is .very :exiensive, andpom
t -prunr every known siy)e.. -A few cartons yf •
i isilk&hq'vls, jasi received, wtll hfcßoltf extremely low/1
[ t : 4 cose*real Scotch G wchatnr will bo sold at uiqentSy
i 'usual price 'JS cents; food English Calicoes 10c.; Amert
i .can dq. aslowas 3 and 4c.; wrought CoUar&lSci; Masha
de Good Alpaca 18|c.; Bonnet Htbhoas l£c
i 7-beir Biock, Qf green; pure Satm Parasols nnd
Purapalcuesycomprising-upwards of 500 7 aCieverystyle
nn<lquflUty,>vilJ be offered at very low.rates*';:i
i and Vestings; also, all -kinds
ief •umm^rptuflsandCoitonades...
", ‘Housekeeping anil domestic Goods ofevery. description.
( Merchants will alwaysfind at our wbolesalu.rooms as
Urge and desirable an nssoiimenl of iGoods.asU usually
i > found in eastern houses.nnd at equity, . >
i • Only-ONE FBICBs from whtchiiodemhqn can . bo,
made j Je23
f Gent*. Wearing Apparel.
WE%ubacnhersl>egleave tocall* therattinttdH.of. met*.
,io summer
couMstniff ofsuperGne Bbiru*of ourowflncaim&ctare,
t Boaojns and,Collar*,
i ShyjaJDrowerßjUinbrellM, HosieryvGlpves,-Sasj>ende^)
14c, A largcpqrtionofoar goodsnre inaflafacturetFby
rUft niour factory cast,lhereraaijunffporijon
etfnnd boughjfroinfirsvhandfrundinnporters;'. 1 ; -.•rl .
; An exaimuaUQu of oargoiKl* i»4oiic4ed.; -We intend
; to Belllovy for cash qr approved credit. * "r»»\ c.?,
• i ; .Siluri« ra4de lQprucraipur faciory;eaj?t, m quantities
tagmtipurchasep}, otbestra&tenaU.and at-ahort nouce..
North-eajn corner of s(h and'Markcl Jdregtsi up ataira.
SSCEIVED THIS BAY t by Express, a small lot of
:Frcfl(sC&R»imerßS,t!ghitt>loi}9, for satnmer wsah~
fclifcA ■, ( su P en^.sis, le andquahty,. titid ‘will- teyotu
<rt- fine s&un
stripe* and barred.'; Tills lofts- of e^pertor I 'quality: find
cannoMiehaddsewhere isi ibtsciijv A!fto»a‘*niUiWtU
: r.a;n, wbite; niidembroideredMarseillesYesUnffS-
The patronage of: the public lssohcited,
m#y» C WERNEBUBG, S5l Liberty it
, (Journal copy)
MiuUni and Sheetings.
rpffßsubter.ber Ji&sln su>rf.ft fuH aasortmeotof nil the
-rX most popular makes of Brown amlßleached Muslins,
of every, width and quality, andat reduced prices.. Good
7*B and 4-4 Unbleached ftfusltn*;.(or Ci cent* --a.
Bleached Muslins nnusnallylow. -Also, onhand,Brown
and Blpoched Drilling*'Blue Md TnixedrprUlines ;.Pant
-Stuifit;".Boys 1 Weor;.-Welfih t jGaup«: and.other: Flannels;
Cotton, very . cheap Bed Tickings j.. Mariners
Sliming; Jeans and Satinctt*..:. P-JIILIPROSS,..:;
, jug. -...N0:59; cornerof4ln amlfllqrkct st9.
Dry Coodil Dry Goods!
rpRKMENDOUS RUSH nnd excitement at the
X sign of the new. Golden lice Htve,on Market street,
between Third and Fourth streets. Pittsburgh. Pa.',Vv]iere
Goods are selling cheaper than at aiiyotherhonscinthe
•city,or West or the Mountain** opd willcontinue to be
«oldnt suoh price# as shall satisfy oar customers that u
is (he Cheapest Store in Pittsburgh. Please remcraber
the-place: sign of the i big Be 6 lilve, on- Market street,
between Third and Koarth—Na G 2
To House« Keepers.
"TXriLIiBEFOUND. At '1 ¥&: IXO ‘MdrWfiirrW-lMi
f\ rJ !M. and IS-4 Barnsley Bleached Dam
nsk Table Llnehs, BrouTiuiulßreached Table
Cloth*,, all sizes;. Napkmiw Doilies, .DiAper#.Crash, See/,
10-4, 11-4, ia-4 Toilei Qoilis; l(M.'iM. I-j'4 Uleached
Cotton Sheetings; 4*4 amli>*B Buff'W iudow HpUand) Eqi*
broidered Drdperv, for Window#, in-pairs aiuLhjuhis
•ard; Turkey Red Chintz. plan: and figured,-wnbborder.
•’rench Embroidered Table and Piano Covers, worsted
nnd Unen. All of which will be sol'd at reduced prices.
By Bzpruii
j ENTS. SUMaiER. GOODS.—Super; single milled
.VX Ftench Habit Cloth*; , nch style* Cassrnieresf block
and colored Cnshmnretts; Queen’s.:and Summer Dio lbs’
figured and plain Drop D 3 .Ete*....VCgUßg*» “very choice.-'
iMarseilles, Silk* and Batins; and figured: LmenDrill*;
Ch«aptryet}> . ROBINSON S Cloth Store,v>::
nmyas . Post Bmtdiugs, comer Fifth and Wood. : -
SKtrta made to OrHer*
EDWARD TODD A CO. wtll manufacture, at their
Fi factory east, all size* of every description of LJNBiY
'AND FANC\ SHIRTS* innuamies losuit purchaser*.
Their shim will be made pf the best materials, and'w:
short notice i
Warthcrution thecornero/Fi/ih and ilfarict sWrtfj (up
stnir*} t m 027
. ort hanrt a full assortment ofAlpacca.mud Mohair’
lautre#, feseptece.-r
.vrarfiupraioE. . Also.—Black and colored Aipacca, fiat*;
red do.. Satin Striped do., purchased from the importer*,'
and. can consequently be' KOld at.the lowest posable
Ai.Ote. north-fast comer of Tautth and Marbttsis. ■
TIHKAJ* COLLARS.t-jA.-Ai Mason ACo-havereceiv-'
eddDdozen Ladies’Wrought Collar*,"Which they are>
-selling at theetiremelylow price of 12Jc. , ;jy3l
\ CO Market street, nrc closing out atargelot of- tem*
usntsol CaTicoeSj Ut fully one balfll«y**ualpnetv Good
test colored Print* At Cso nugS
j 71HEAP CALICOES;—A- A. Masox & Co., .bave rc- ;
Ai/Ceivf.d onoiherjargejot of. Calicoes, At 36.yardsfor
-oim dollar,. - Also, good yard wide bro at Sic.
Mote wrought Collar* at Ittje, nu|s *
A . A. MAS>o ; \jar-,CO. bavoput reed fl cases pf Prints;
J'Vs of beauutuTneat dark figure*. Al*o—lOops:.Ly
onese Clutb. Aipacca, &c.~ which ijiey will ouet oi grfal
inducement to • ouglT :
, TIA PUS AND COM»ARS— A. A. Masoß A CO; a»mv.<
\j opening 100 flue French \\ rouefit Capes.ot vaftoii*
OuaUlie*; and 500 Piro aml fine French Embroidered
Bleached musLinsT—a'" co
; MatktJ str/-rA .have iu*t opened 5 mote Vase* of:
iliose very cheap Bteached MusJms. yard. Also, :
4inori :ca«s or the 4|e. doj-Also; attothcr. large loivOt.
reinnamc of Calico, at (t>c. ... auls :
lffaaou'ACo;iire how:
opening It) rases of Bleached .rorqprm&g
tbe-best Jtum* or Pillow-case and Sheeting-*
AIMS tnore of ihoxacheap fli 4|c. P'Vrd. . " Jv3h
SU.K GIMIhS AND yard* Mark:
cut Mlk Fringes; oiva:riouft#rt'tatand pnoesv smtar
bl* lor MaMiNas, An.: .18 doren pint* black Gimp,' of
all width* and poUernH. for CnpaM f b|arttUlaii», 44 pea.
Figured Silk Coat Binding.justirceivcd at *•> < •.•
auTJ 67 Market street
1 FRINGES AND qiMPB.-~A A■ Masos Sc Co” GO Mar-:
;ketjur*et.baveju>t received AOfljJor, fine black and;
colored Silk FrtngejyiL-ail. widths. Also-*GifnprofVy*'
err variety ami color, f - ; Aygl7 .-••
- TCirr UECKIVKIMGobps/Metrimavlu IfaoStaiSod'
%| Cacheco Fruits, of vary desirable style*. ■-s
_uugi>s A A MASON &CO Cfl Market sE
A. MASON a CO. have just
xAe-asttmiwrarof ihn*e eheap.Blcachrd Muslins, at 4, .
6, and 7 cemifc vAlso—3 cates of those very superior
Bleached Muslins of 8 cents. • ■ • <• ■-■■■■ ■ faugSS. •
VI OiVUFENfNG—pit, cusorted vanous
IN quulmet' AlsOr-Wpi.richcolOfCdl.yooew Clofliv
at very low pacea.* . . ;.' v ,
aug& A A. MASON A CO „<?0 Market at
NTT! R‘ received this morning, by ex*.
?T •' press-Wide tilArk Lastred Silk*.-for Mantilla*;.
Fine Needle Wrought Collars; Maiereu blue Kul. Gloves;
green do.; white Bonnet Rihons: black dor, Crtp Ribon*;
[miiftuou Thread Lnce.i; Bobbin Edgings; Rrnh'MlkV;
Drab BaUus« for Bonnets • [aogtM
Iforth-Kiufnmtf of Fourth ami Marittttrtetx.
HTORO A CO,, (late Al’Cortf feKtngt)
A l WlLLtntrnducp,:on Saturday, Aug;*#, the FALL
J3B STYLE of H ATS) jusrrecetvcd from New
rH 1 * York. Those m want of n neat and benuuiulllAT.
are invited to*call at tbeir i More; corner of Fifth; And
Wood streets. ■■ ■ ■'.■ ■■ ■■ -■, nug24
• * .. Fait Fashion* *.;. .
H VAUI*SON, No. 73 Wood slreeh-d door from
\y* the corner of Fourths has received, and wi)i.iti}ft:
day introduce the-FALL BT\LE-0F f«EA’2 , Z,l?jlf£iN ,S
K4T&', nml would respeciiully invite bis cusiomcrs and
ibn public generally to call oud examine tbe satnr.. :
augCfi .
subscriber, having returned 7"
•B | from New ‘York, will Introduce; .tin* ~d av.
'' • August 23th,1848. flfwrj, Bub’ $ <?O?s:FAT&
STYLE OF a* ITS, to which hb would call the attention
of his customers and the public. He is daily expecting
the arrival of hi* toll assortment of Zfott, Caps, nnu
all of which ivlU.he'dnmosfcdof nt unusually low prices.
aug26 : 3d door below Davis’ Auction Rooms^
"Cl TV LIVKIIY STABLE—I he anbacnlier
v-informs. his~- friends aud theipobhe.
»*gi»nerallv. that heJmsTemovcdtoa new and ex
tensive stable, on Liberty streevm the Fifth
ille Cunal Bridge, where he keeps Catriages,Barouches,'
'Buggies,'a Hearse,'Riding Horses^etc. • Having added
largely to hie'former stock, he; sohulle the patronogo of
the public
i •• bL U. IForsCS'kepi by Uiedayi week orycar,' <--y
I]IQK SALEWA l»ot 43 by UO, on corner ef Second urnl
‘' GranrßtreetH—thebentDuslliess Stanil at the Scotch
i Hill Market. The Cellar lsdugand wolled, audilie Lot
Also, a Lot ou High street. neuT the corner of Wylie, at
the new German Church. This Lot, 100, w|l[ he
sold oil accommodating termk, or leased on perpetual:
lense; with privilege of buying*out the ground—relit nt
an) tunc
Also, several oilier rmift on thfeht!l, m diflerent places,
for sale on loug tune, or perpetual lease, ns may suit pur
chasers (augll) ij s * rHOSMELLON
eOAI. CARTS!~I3 new Coof FftPartt, ui good order,
for sale low for cash ot oh tmte.: Enquire ot FELIX
NEGLEY. Taremum—ar.of. • / . ■ ;
oug26-d2w • • ;H, .FATTERSONi Allegheny city.
XTK'V Maiior. -a BpLady
J3l Georgianu Fullerionraulhorof tl Ellen 'Mujuletonv s
What l saw m California: .being tbfe Journal itf.uTour
lit the years'l&lO-t'?.' -By Eilvvin'Brynili, lute-AlcaWrfol
ST Francisco * ¥
: ft Manual ofXSrecian aud. Roimm • Antiquities, by. ©r
E. F. Rojesen. Translated from the Gerniau.-amV.edited
by Rev Arnold 1 * J ' 'I
' Charms and Counler Chafms; Ry.Murla J. M'tntofth.
author of “To seem ami to be;”..'‘Conquest
Conquest,'” kd
Received antT forsateby ■■ j J. H.MEkLQR;*-
’MIK2S' / • v&tWood strict,.-
Henry Boyles* * r.
. £uufcni:i//e, Ohio. otiAValernireet,
north of WoshtngtoUi AVhnrf-BoataiAVttshmgloa Street
Whurt - « f*n«»23
ged Soldiers’ Boauiy Land Claims: ' •, J -
: y- c U .
1 : • v .
• V •(_»> .;»•
V-. •; J -j..
• _ ’ -~ : V
.;-s -7 :i &■ -r'y 3
■ - "i ■!'
'■T-./.r r> 'H t V?r»‘
* : 'J-'
i';v • -'••> •- jJ' V''^^V' V ’ £ L-‘‘ * •^■; i l, h : J :f'' j J. >
>, . —, * -
- '•i/.-.rt,'. {.„■••> k"C-.T >v. \s:'-,'r- vV-. • ■‘*s; -i
*'• -V>v
k n c d * _ , i ~ s *xs ? ’ ,-q
V '-v : *ir, J '^-'^-*''.,\ IH!
- ) < - \ , , , r ,**'*&-<* ,“J
w -“-^' aw -'-^-' ? - 'n Aiaisspifig^
v*a "■* ‘V , 7V> ’ ",
il ,^Si#iSiW^
11 , ; liiiiBliis&»Biw
’;-/* >., 7 «%
- * - f 5 •> -r **w
:■ :'',-:'r..' -.-.r"‘..• ; • l^'.fvfr,.,..*:^'*
, f '*. -.-< '"• •*■>' >
jl V.'. ;:'?. l r ! !'? * - "in? i"? r 'l^
i-va:-.'■•"•■ »>>:-i J fc^ ; ::^.vr--.::^^r;v.V';M'?:;U?rsis’
-■ ; -r ■ ::■. .• -:■, I ,rT*.-; ■.• r i r.‘-''v - : - ;■• - r v:. .V-.-J; •..;; •;-,-^,l-, :>'
- ijy*X '"'
f'H J t +
{ ( f. k r s \ k
Stesnulfogt (gglamn.
f&ffl *
-ffDHSTndependeiJt Lifce of steamers' leiiotf eompdseifr
; .sji'vof tbc'Jargesti'awiftest;: best fimshedand'farmshed r '
liigbesttaaWaat’e brst-nnd!
raojrexpcrjejicßdmßn engaged mihe'river business.—
TUMine haflbfccnjnderation for qixyettrsi baicarried
nearly Attonulllonsof people,without doJngthe slightest’
parlsotf with any passenger hue nv the Union * for safety*'
regnlnrhy;amispeed. vAll'that moneyeanprocQre has
been 'provided for the safety, comfort?und conrenlfence of
passengers. The boats leave forCmcuntaii as feHows: ;.’
-» l -*tef ri) t £
; Monda y PACKET*—' The MosOTdjttnsbijeciit Sunt^
wjUlcAvr. PiUHburgh every Moiulcy morninfcvitluo clock;
Wheeling evrryMornlay evening at 10 p. m.
I. TUESDAY PACKET.—Tbe Hnt&siK No. 2, Cnpt.
Jno. Klin&luri will leave TmebrnKh- eVefir’.Tuesday
:raormnif at 10 o’clock’; Wbeelini every Tuesday evening
at 10 p, m , 1
J r - * t
•2, Capt. 5. D*an y wiHleaveFitisburgh every Wednesday
tnomine'at lOoclock;.Wheeling eVeiry Wednesday even
ingat 10 p m < it *
: THURSDA VPA CSS r.-—The; Bftaxt AST, Cap t.” R. J-
Grow. witlle&ve Piltsburgh ever)' Thursday morning at
10 o’clock; Wheeltngevery Thursday evening aliOp. M.
■; FRIDA YPACRET—The Crjppo.No. 2, Copt.OooJfcr,
will leave Pittsburgh ever)’ Friday morning atlo o’clock?
Wheeltng;every. Friday evening at 10 •-
Comp, wilMen'&ft-PiitsbUrßh every Saturday . morning at
1G o’clock yWheelingeVery Satnrday evening at Ift*. at.
BUNDAY PACKET.—The Isaac Nswtoh, Capt. A.O;
Mown, will leave - Pittsburgh every Sunday mbrniug at
10 o’clock; Wbeelingevery Sunday eveningailop. w. .v
nov 19 * '
18*«. J,iSU " ; ' *“ 1 " ‘ ’*B4B.
Plttihnrgkand Brownaville DatlyPacltet
->.►* A_m£Lp~ + Zdlne*'’ s-
Febsuabt let, 1643 Frbhcarv Ist, 1616
V HV 1 ' k'' The fbllowing new"hoats complete the line
'j£gM£l2for the pre’shm jfeasoniATLANTIC,- Capt,:
Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs;
and LOCI& M'LANE, Cajli E.JKmpeiL J Tbe boats are
entirely new;and Ute fmedup without regard foerpensg.
Every tomfcrt' thaivrtdney ifln procutfe hae been provi
ded.''The boalswill leave ihe'MonongahelaWhaTfßoai,
at the foot of RpsHstV-'fttfseilgera will be punctual .on
board,asihe’boaik will 4?etiftlniy leave nt the ndvenisfed
hoars jan3l
. rgmg&i. w .RvartAß SaTimn*v A
No Ifineand fastpassenger.steampac-,
MM kei TELEGRAPH X J pf*rr>, Com
CBSSSBOSa rannder, will for-Wheel
ing, Cincinnati and Portß,
• e;veryBunm}ny ri ai 10 o’clociprecisely...., -
- Forfreigbl or passage apply on board.-or to.. > .. . r. ;
m i & DUNCAN, Agents
The Telegraph has been built-expressly for■■•»:• regular
a view, entirely to tlie comfort orpas
sengerFi-theaccanynodations are boat on
ihewestern-wai«l? ; ' *TUy Telegraph will run in connex
loiuwijb th? Ben. Froijk|m No.O and Ptke No 0, to'Saint
- •• •. •: ap2l-y...
, -THK r : w»a P,
Master, will leaveMregularly'for
ISs3l£iaa&Wheeling. on Monday,AYtalnesdayf&iHlFri
day at 10’Oelock.precf tly ~ J'
day, at» o’clock, a K * ,
llie Cotisal-inU land-hlAll iniennediate-ports: . Every
aceonmiodation that cum he procured, lor theeomfortAna
safety. of passengers;:.has been provided. .The hosi H
also provided, with a salf-acting satety-guard, to. prevent
explosion. t >
. For frutght or passage apply, on board, or to ' • '
mart i JOHN FLACK. Agent
' For Cincinnati*
- W Tua new nteajncr. HIGHIiANTJ AfA
intermediate nortftregnlflrlv.
wWBSBBB -For urTgw,o/jpa*?age, nppjy on board.
For freight or passage apph qn board jygO
For lVhfleltßgb
• jftffto** |^ : ' v -ThftM*nJendjd »fasc ranmng-.steamer
-vitJLrjv^K.v-AMERICA, ( < Decamps; •3luter,v:wiU
kajtWCTJUJBBfc leave, for.jthe. above. and infetmeAnte ’
WWBwBBBMI porta, thiaday«at 4oclock, p. m. ■ :
Fflt-fgeigbl or passage appl) on boanl.. frgj
CKnelnnatl. ,
.TjtKnew and light draught steamer;
H AIL COLjU Master,;
iiiave-iDr tlic above ; and imenne*:
For freight qy sboard! *] ~ aug2C
| ||a| For eineiniißU, <
kkl! Ughr draught steamer,
P>Lu»!9.above audjuienneaiaus •
freightorpift sngeapplyon lK>aTd.;;f'-jc’^-ti c
For Ctn«mnatl. . u 4 -
A Tjis escellejjt low water steamer,
AgHJI (qrawiMonly scveuteenmcbea water}
< KWIS-vVF7rZKIi,CapL JonxsoxwiH
l*ave for ibe above andmtejjnedmte,
For.jwgbtor parage* appl/on board.
For BrowttrrtileT"
I JB*A srJquQitl.pM?<‘iigeri«nd.mail
dSfiSSaßr oALTIC,Capi«A. Jacobs, will leave
for tb* ajhK»Ye partduniig week, at
poimvel} ,
.:, ForfreigM or passage, apply on boards. .. .
/ 1 For Sew Orleans. i
. rJSLJk THE splendldpew’.Gtedmer SAVANNA,
'4BeHS&:H*Dfcs!Ciwrfv Mailer, yrillJeavn..regularly
for the above-and intermediate'landingv
. For freight pt passage apply on board.- •-. .. js&Sl :
For Bt* JUoale.
•/i #**> >Thenew and splendid steamer ORIENTAL.
• VaxHoo*., Mastery will leave for the above
i wßßWßfifc and intermediate *
:For-freight orpassagenpplyonboard.■Jvitaald i
' For Bt< lioate*
f iffStfr ‘HtB splendid steamer NORTH CAROU
«SBjs9B3(NA t Hwronsr, will leave far the:
aoQre, ana. intermediate vporta, regularly. ,:
t For iceignt or passage, apply onboard. ma!s.<:■.>
r THE pood sIeamerST.ANTHONV, Tiros.
Mat.•• Master.: will leave-tershe above,
ports, regularly
> “For freight or passage apply on board, or to >•:
9 JAM!® MAY or ”
For Bro\jnMVlUe>
T JE3Sl4&THEaewMailemJPftfltcngfrsieainerAT*
LANT2C, P*«ixsoN/ Ma»ler, '■vpill.
feamuartoe at»ow»pott tUisday* atB :a; M^-pamuvely..
• FoiJVeurMot pamgff Apply on board..-u;.>-»• to feb2 ;
uid WaDMhßlv^E.
W... m:. ( Theligbidraught-steamerSWAN,B.May,.
MosteivvrtiMeave for the ol>or« and niter*,
mediate-landing** rfffalarJr • * 1
t or ptUMige-apply on hoarder to *
aprt- * JAMES MAY
flfctv Arrtngomenu
. TllKjoeiuncrCALKß COPE will leave for
rJaSs® Btfavcr,Graßgow,andAYell!ivUle,onTuPf*‘
«3BHflßS»dny,Thumlay\ nfld Saturdays at 9 re
4armijffon&roflda\vAV*tTnesday»andFnday.Sbe hasa
btmrat ft* latidms;between AYAo&xireet and ft* Bridge,,
prepared to remv* iretehta atanytime.
S tc W lIARBAUGH, Agents,
. • " No; 33,AV00a street. •.
I THF, Kentueey Rh er Packer, GRF.V fiA
'wßssaSk OI>B, Baonsa, Waller, twill leave for the
above ami intermediate: porta regolarly
or passage epply on board. •fch9; :
' For’Si. 1
■■'•TUB net®andsplendid steamerANDREW
45388 S FULTON;
forthe above•a!id muratnliate:landing*xegularly; ; ;«'»v.
or passage, apply onboard, or tov
• :■! • Jatil?- ■ ■ '’••JAMES: MAY*.. •
Steam Boat Stock Wt Sole.
i ICffT .fc ONE HAI.V o( the fine Mourner >VYCV
JfflHtnMt snle;»lso,»ne eigilhof steamer
tWISSTFor parutulnts end '^ v D^ R 0 B f AIIGH>
w Btfhei And Jewelry. ;
- No.fl7, MorkeJ itreei-?
*l.: 23 gold Ihiient li®ver Watches} . /:? • ; j
23 4 det&cheil u
'/■ • i 6--.- u -' LVpme ..■<*: :“ .. •'--••••:•• '.••••
12 silver Patent Ri “
32 “ detached ifc u
+ 6 “ L’cplne —“ li * f
18 gold Guard Cjiams, (best quality) ,
Aho—Agoo<3aaaor(uy:nt‘OfßreaBtpms ) Fjngejia4nsSi
Sot Rings, Gold Peua oud Pencils
-The above goods have been received, wujun the. last
five weeks, ami-will be. sold at reduced prices. .. / •
persons wishing to good.osdphean Watch,
or anything in the Jewelry, atrancy lute, wotiTa da well
toCßlijpteyioqstopurclMiwng . , . ,
J>l9 ZEfeULOtt KI^SW
HN roonung,tihe .#***
tl ijisumtyOD tho route along, Pennsylvania,- Avenue,
High street,. Wylie street, and Fifth street . It consisted
of seven or eight purely, transparent andvery- bnlhe»)t
Kftt*; ; offa*)uoimhle-ftiyfe; 'and Avosmuclv prized bf Ufa
o\*ner. ’■ Whoever inaV the Banl-.Breaatpln£
and idtalT leave u at tins Office,'Stl&U have the. thanksof
the owneruryla Rmtabte re-war - 'TaafriKMf
ife reward
' T BUrcbtnti*
liTlsßCHA?ilTBAviirfiua iUblheUadvaumwlqcaJi i.t
JXI W HODKINHQN’S, as he hw now in store as
large and desiraljle’arvuHsorlmeW of • Chiria 3 Qlat£ t
Queenawarty&c. y suiiablefor. country■ merchants, a«i la
found in * easttfriV houses*- and w. cbually 4ow:
prices /v . M HOPKINSON, f
ll5 Wood street, nearPUm v
rpct CONTRACTORS'—ScaIed Proposals -will be re
:L ceived amil rte 31st inst.i/Qr.ienlatgmff St: Paul*
Homan Catholic Orphan’s Asylum-. Plain anil specifica
tions canbo Bcrn at iha Asylum, Webster at.
By otderor the-Board of Managers
aaggl APPF3.BE. Sac’y
81. Hodklmonijn). lift Wood •*•» **
f jfroULDcall the atlentioa of the public . (thcJauie»
: •.Ifespecinjlyl to hw well.seleeted aa»ortmentoTbeaii
nful French and CHINAHTMNGJtND TEA
&ETTS*r Consoling*m Line,
Fancy and Ploin.Wiutei also, Indian Chin
all'havingbeemmppTied this ««Bon r and twofiueinpsi.
desirable styles." , ,Jl. HODKIhSON,. ,
augSG v US Wood &u 3dooT&below Fifth■ •.
SENfJA— Wholes
j. i,-••'''• r', : ; r . l /:V';.'y ;« »: ! y'
’V i V . r,~'. y.,- -,;
u;. ■'
)".•,y .i~'
* M- *
r 1
’ i
Juatr* ceivedaltdfai ?ale ty
. * '. Cv - r ••■ ::.•••
■»* ; ‘ •.•' ; '. C U •:
swas r x- v * •
mo c& ble^-.n t hr «mW ' « j v '
, ' -I X
JDSEPB.It. Utli., Wit Ctnun> y,t J ’ * T . *’
’< ' ■ aiu>.« CVURV,. • t ■ , 1 ’ " ' ' >t••
- bankers, exchange jjnoKEH9,, „ -- •{ < -<
AjuL Stolen tn Forkxgn am* Jtomatfe 2 «■ >
eatescf Drtwwf, Bonje-tfctn, Quid an Stlttr. JVa» off Wood £ <• - X
lV<itgidr,24Uburgh f s * ■**-.« " j / r * ..
x V 1« "wiSKSfef'KlH® W [7. .t i v 4- * > h-/ _ * *. p
~<lAt* or -rfijraftigf of IvrCOBB &r Kotfl,} >“ - i ' *» " <■ * ' 3
BLANKER BRt>KEH.‘ ~ , ‘ *
* , % j. ~ * ' „■
T\EdLERin Coin, Baltic Tlote .Time Bills,’Fortlgtf. t.
17 ariti Do7htfgi£*Et!ebnngg. OnifitfAlgg of Deposit! ae l -. 7 ■ -'V 1- r*
EXCHANGE-iftfdll tb£pnncipal cities oftho Bates’ <V * j‘i ■»
forsafomfiuin&'totiUit&urch&ser*. \ ■■ v *■ ?
CDRRENTnnd ptrrutncfaTecfireflon u?no*ite - ~ « w
' COLLECTION&rmuta onall union,,ntthe ,» « J* » * s \. \ t „ *
lowest rates. - .7 1 apll»dlw&*&rtV *j t ' - » * „
I AIXKX KIUJItEB. ' r r a -J "* 7 ** 4 , -* * \ *■ ,>
| . . KRAMER A- RAHMT, - - Kt- *f <:
I BankeriondJßzthange Enters, Stolen -in. Fdf&g* f&wf -.V - J , ' *
| Somaaz Bills,Stlhof Exchange j(Ttrridentes t?Vtpc* il --i . '*? j* % J
i t} y ßiwlrJVofe®, and Clnn. " x “2 i , », T , - » . » V
C<mier pf Third and Wood directly i" * * ' ' p 4-tl . •* , “ < »
Charles Hotel tnavSS »
' ' ® sonTZ —~ *1 ; c r . v " T
Banker* and Tkalnt «h XxthMg* VotnaHri Bohi Hopt* , * , - -* ~
1 , AU 65 PiUsburghV . iT v ’V .. ; ,
BSUIMO BATS, u EJCCtIANaC - >st -HWTpQ 9*X B v i ‘ e “ n ' p - -^V
NewVorJc . ipr | Cmetimrftf , '..W* '; * * 1 ’* “ « . " »• x
Philadelphia 1 u I JsonlsvjUft. < *\, f *J V *p - ~ ■ w *•
Baltimore i u ‘jBt,L<wfs- fc - , fc" **-' 4 ■* - J S Y ** v
. t , »>*«. BOTM. s , , J 1 4i' ‘ ' " i' r ,J ''
Buying’ *, 1 - * " - 41 >4 15. * ; . i V
Ohio , *■/ v f di». County ACUy onlit -1 . «<• > r '' . 's'
Indiana I J/i * ) ?' l¥ *-> *-
Kentucky I “ PennsyUanlA Co t V i *■ • > •> _ 1 " V *
-Virginia f “ Newark: 4 #'* c I 4 " . . , -
Wheeling i« Maryland A K * J } * ~ ,
Tennessee 3 u New Ojleana ■" r ' n , * v' *
-tatfr-y f \ g r’-r
jas. ii 1. .. ' • •", . - f*,'. Z** * '
. BANKERS -AND, EXCHANGE JIROKEE3, rf ; . ’ < *■ .V* t* ~
tell. Comer of Wjota and SLab sifted Ftt&buTghfFaZt- » - - ** ” ** k l* *
Banfcjyote»».T* , Bc i ' 1 4 - , . J
Domestic Kjehangej Coruficatea of Deposit, dto, \ < c'/ - .j
on/illtbe pimcipaj Cmea.ofJAe viisfft, ", ; - t*“ \' ft.-,* j?* <, ' - £
r " ' i ~i s * \
rf SF?PS^S*?j-. pl<r fond*-receivedohdepodte,v,* < , f " , r -“ C
Tti.COLIiECTIONd made on all parts of th&jjinoiuatthp ’ v «. 1 , ’ ?■■■- v * x
ioweM.fates: - . t t , t , v - ,
:^iMe saw/ \ i j« ’ 4 ’ v J* j'a ' -,r 'V-W
." C Ogden ASnoSfVn, t 7 '/ £ * -7 «/ •
'• ; r.:V-- « Wm Bell A Son, V Pittsbirgtr, 7 - ** r *f > - t - . -’ \
* ‘ 4l "' S M'Cttnkeirftr [ ■XL-JL- , l a r _ . , - f „ *4.*+* Si 7 J .
.i- « * English acTfcnnen* il i i-« . f ** -« er r v _ « ''t
s’ i« Fleralne &>Brother f 1 * T r h > * -i s. N v,
■ '■’■ .■ •: ; ♦ -Fales,t>athrob*,CofPhUadefpJili-. *• T \ « < V
< . v W r ßpThompson ft Co ) 4 ~
“ Hoadiy. Phelps ACo t»iW v~ v V ,
- 11 Tiffany, Ward A Co, ti \ f +,» 7 t \ *_ s */
; -' ■!:•■''’.■«• V Jno JVPCuHough & Co, 4 «. v * <■ .v T L Ty 7v" » vv
-• r h <Mr 11 JamesOeoiVe,- * * j «• i l e.*Tj3r .-■■'* “• “" " *! H ,-*,,, ■ r »
:•’•! 44 H’HonhttrCideirtQali, CK / 'T' , <“ r —* w i " ■** ,I§mn /'ft , s, .
r . ' Joseph WalUCaon, « 1w»..,w a . ■ % , *\ r>' „ i
' MeßSsTs.Feimer&M’Millaji, JAlaasilon,®., V ■* V £ , ,*\ s
RJREJirSj EwjvjCafihiflr Bank of f *'x.„ - Vf >- {
_gmißurgh,September 2d, lSI?-y _ r ?7 ' { r X y* 7
PRIVATE DISEASES/ . «r" 1 , * ’ ' -
' iy|»£/ »65 Diamond Alley r can ’ *- ' x * ~* * \ * x J
casesofa < |?rit’Oie of jdltott rtoftiretrtpldenia <- v ’ , t ~
a, --tob£M!HmT to the human frame. •• J - i , , j», » j* _ ’ , - r f v v-3
r S) hihstuwlSyphilwicerupnon*sgonortfitea j " " , - - . ' * 1 l r
and if* consequences, togeiher'unthr'a!! %■«- , » 7. p ~ ’
ntrtaldt /mrfi,fmpniluesofibe blood, wijh nil dnsfea&Xßf ■ *” * - v , *<- w- »"*X, ’
-s j r -> t T ‘
.discharges, serpinal weakness and unpoiencyj'algS, piles - * - 1 ' i
rheomausm, Temate wenkiiess, diseases or ihe -woinß, It , v , t “* f , ,/• ’r
monthly suppressions, diseases of. the. f vj r 7 . " it
ano,'ueTTonsmfl«nionflipain» in the’lta.ektand loins, irn- 1 S 1 * * «.
tations qtlhelneck pf the bladder nod j
eruption's, leiier.’rmKworm, marcufial diseases, i
*:•ExclusivelydeVotedtothestudyandtremmentofyeuej — *-.*.* > i»,
real disorder*, and those arising from youthful e*re»cs» * 4 k *" r >-V * / * Mr£
i gaiety, 4 elinmie or imparities of the-biood. whereby the X * T ’/ '- 1 ~ *-* t
I cODtmttuionmaj have been enfeebled, enablesDr Brown S’" 7 * - ** , **t
I looffet assurances of speedy relief to alhstiatnayplace f
i themselves uudet his care y K 4 ' 7: ‘,
, 'Dr. Brown 7 s offices are sep* J _ *- -;•■
arate apartmenU l Patients can visit Dr. E without fear ' v
of exposure to other visitors * i
-It is ofimpoTtanCe to'manypemmsm need of medical v < 01.O l . K
to obtain good advjceprivatelywul prompt!)* To.aU \ “ £
i ttuch. 4 Df.BrawnV!TeaAy skill:iiiremovmgeeaeKddj|ti* v ■} - —*• x * (■'
lheit'various forma and 5 „ >*-
i 'whieh can hirely ha equalled » ora hereby sp f < - *. ■x _ 7 * 1
i ptfSed that Dr Brown has been regulnrjyedacaied >n f ! -
i every tmmch *of medicine, and for-thff Un twelve yeaks ] ' '
i Tonfined himself toi the treaudent of those 1 v>
I disease . J
i' Dr.Btdwnis the onlyregnlarlyeducated'surgeon in \
I - Pittsburgh f who give* niswhoJeaUemiob'to those-com- 1 •. ;rr/;,
1 plaints r * > ‘ i \ l '
HTrCertairt) f(afe and
t'guaranteed. I s - » %
Recent cases stc relieved in & short time, wsthoutmiet) 7
tuption from business* * e - » » *■
or Rutfnge^-Dr.'BtPWtt
sons afflicted with Hernia to call, as he bospaidparucn [;' ■ ' - /r ;v:
Deuemrfrom-ttdistancai asking a :-
fee, Or they wilt not be attended to.
/ oiTrDiAintmd.AlUvyra few doorsfrom Wood ; :/. s
atzeetf towards the market. ftomuUalions.gjncilyronfi
dentialv'. - . > , ; » -
. -..ccutmoniaae'inßll
uthe lowest Hflfe
Xt u~a,speedy ajidcertam remedy- >• * i
(of that paihfal trouble It never fail*.
■■**'Office'anti Pavaie -Consultaiioh' Stomp,‘No* Gsj:lh&* -h
ramrf nUeyrPjjiitburgbj Pa- Tbt}- Poctormatwsyfc'at •■:
liome . *ianlS-dawif -
WjuUn TATE A C<>., ' . "
No. i&, FoJtTtk siTe{L, bttioM/i .Femf A
TVTA3VUFACTCRER9 of she* piper, fctf- , fc <>
I?JL dram?, pomps, baths, closets I lebdefr Coffins,
Ac,, keep cobstamlj on band imd manuracttiftrtb order, ? «■ 4
sheetlead frotal 10.8 lbs; to the sflanre fbot, m *hce IA of 8
hyflOfeet, whieh'ihey wilL Anm«sn lotboinjde'who!esaie, |*
orcol (o order n» any size that may be wauled |
The} also-manufacture and keep -coustabll} bn band, i
Ifadeu to f inefc tahW} agovdaet pipe, tor i
couveying waterifOm.sprrogs, iurmshe&toithe .country:: .
trade, andpuiuponreelstulengthsof tromlWffflOOO r
feeron each reel, witb.direeUOns as tblhepft>pennethod
dflojing Also, on baud, a large Adams’ Pm
enrsnctiorr Pumps,far. wells or eiMernsj-Siio-nrACo 1 *
veiy-supeirorrast jron suctioh Pmaps i
'Hydrtnl worlf of.every.descnpuon exeeutea in tbe
mosrdurablemounervanaoirthe'rooarEcecTOmDdanng:'' 1 -:
terms. - Orders from ihe coontry for leafden pipes;sheet■•■*•■
leadjorpumps,willrertivepromptflttertuon. 1 .' r '' ; '-;' ■
- je27-daw
...FifUa Bt*eet Tnrniag KstaDllslixnenU v
HH.ftYAN,No; BT.—Thesubsenberhas,at£T*al- \'*t - vt-; ’
• expense, completed his machinery" far Taming, £
; Sawing* Ap.;he has now 12,timing;Lathes, Circularv.v w- ,.rf ■••
Saws and Barelng. Machines, in.operatlon.nnd'rs pro - :* • . ■
pared to doaUkmdsofTurningina'stylethatcannoihe ' $ •
excelled. He hos also, m addmdtt to Tus farmer plans of l
Jfedste&dfestemngSjpurch&sedtiienghMofitupfttidseU s 3*’^
Bed Posts and. Baits, wiib.Gazzara’flPaleQtFxuienings. ..•i-- 1 . : -
in them, which, wi)h his o\fciv plans, and the hickory , £
.screw, furnish, a variety which mu§t please all. He has
a.largevstoclr qf.dry lumber;on bahdj and vnH.keep-aw
,faU_a*sorfmeut of (urned maieriaL such as Coltntmfe, .<■. -r-$: : •> -
Newel Post, Bolusites, andl Plans, /or Hand Belling, R ,
Bed-Posts and •- EmU: >cuh Irons m/jhcin», al«o* Table \ *
Legs,. Bench.ScrewSj lagnunir Kafta;■ - .-".•'.r.'•.
other articles m Ins line—-which he will sell a* low as j> *
cnnheoffordedatanyeaiaWiahttentinthccny. Alior- > %'
jlers promptly attended to s *
N D - t
toiners,notuirecily r wiih,htm, wilfhc-hurntded to as usual, ' ■■ ;- >
grans. ; Several very, desirable Booms, with the power .1
In them suitable/or 3hop»,.TaL£t—JnJty&n’rfßulaings,. • • ■.»■■■-' ; .
between Wood and Marketstreets jel3 v d&w3m 'T i
~ 1 WOOD TUPK. : 7 «
North Ammcun WoodTyjf* Factor*, JfiUsburgh.pq «
TTAVINQ flssociaied iheiaselves iogethcr, under the - i
n styleanduUeof 1
factare of Wood Type, and os'their type is made ulto- i
gether by machinery, the tuvenjioaor Jtaac M Singer, %
oncofihefinn, theyieelconfident-ihatthey offer fnoore {
perfect:orucle :of.iype T ;and at:much lower xatesjlhan••-.‘.•■/a
any heretofore offeredin th< United Sutter and are ndw
ready to fiU-orderfl for the some.' *
All orders addressed to Scholey/Ryan Jc Co., at their
office,inßmmQnd allcy.between AYood and Soplh field -
Rireets, will be punctually attended, to
of newspapers, on copying this advert* ' u
isemantvS months, and sending us then-paper* willbffen
idled to receive their pay In type, orrmwchasing three ? >
umea the amount of their bill fajMidveTtauQg? ;
jeSOmdaw „ ‘ \
"\rOTKJSTO-PIJ RCHasebs-op emmbtsvllle 'r - v
i.\ -BUILDING who have pureftaa K
ed f are requested tGcaU wiihoutfuriheriujt- J . - . -
ncc, and make their first payment(onldts’porebnscdhto.
ihe subscriber, atthc Auction RoonrNdrtb-MFsv.'i&rner \
of Federal street and the Diamond “ *
ft^dSJ'oW 1 b ° r ' Wre WiS TeaMS?" 1 -I
jy33 Anctloneervi .%]
inteUlgenceOfltoe* 4 S'. > J “ i,
A -will attend to show any apph«w4>Fll«re /
houses to let All landlords applying to get-jenants Tor i
homes they have to rent, he will attend to punctuaSy^
Llkemserall Lost Children bo will find, ifiaw where tn
either'ofihe ciues; and other
in the dfied of hunting lost children m both (jitfea/pr \
severaJyearsnmlhavealwaysbeensuceessfuVsafbrX \ .r
, .v
am provided wiibA.well known Bell, for;the purpose^
My chaws wiH be reasonable; . I live utipresent .r ;
A»« rt -,We en Am ieMl dCo^,r«u v J
yI J V
« » ,
' ’M '•
. .1 ■'■ •■'■•’. ■ -*■ •'■■r +:r ,m. ;'»•••
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. ' :■ ' -.v:’ ‘.' < 4 -'
- ” - x r < , ’Y. TWT ' s :
. i r ,- . v ~ ->', -a
Üb| how Hot !
'XXT E say, if you wish to keep cool and avoid the bear? ', J
VV ' youmosvdresscool. r WhileftUihepohlicittnemiu,:' ’‘. -' J :-
cnndidateN ftrftvlemgwith cocliatherto secure the volos- + r :-"to-f-w v?..-
of the TemmedsoldKrs.CHrrntihaspfoVided.nanrekof 1 .
choice, light and seasonable Gpods,which ne is prepared
10 sell at very low prices (ecash buyers. - The attention, $
of all such ho mvitoato.No, 30, Fifth street, ai .
i ■ f‘ CUBRAN’S, I
Of Curran k. A!(reo,'old established Head Quarters, f
, v l3 , 251 Liberty street. I
DlesolnUaiSt ~ ">
fftHE FIRM of Acheson 8c Bags, is this day dissolved ....... a
J. by mutual consent, Mr. Jos T, Dagg liayingdecfm- ,»
ed husiuesssiituccount of ill health, has disposed ofbia j
inie'rcsHOjfaiSC Acheson , The business hereafter wilt ’ S
becondutShfJntheiijmeotAV.fcJ.C.Aoheson." J j
> - - wm. acheson, r —t
Pittsburgh, July,lB4?. „ i L DAGO „
- r ■| ii t* » J * *
JU* In withdrawing front die tiro of Acbeson A, D“OT> * ■
I take pleasure in recomlttendiog my suecesssar toniy ,
friends and the public generally f AS- T. IMGG - c .
:;July39UB4B-aag ~
• TJtOR .Brick. DwellifigTHonses aud tails,,on
r Chestnut street, Alhtghfny,price S&WW Also., a
Brick House and Lot on Boyle street, Allegheny, price j
81300 A 150,3 Building Low on Wylie atreet, 3d Ward;
City. Terms skeomraodausg. - 3 CITHBHRT. 1
1 jy34 ( Gen',AgenU.SmjJißeld eiidst' y ,
- t
w t&Atfggg X»t />-• t ■*£ -<t>*r £-
•> S.: -.r •• .
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