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'40 4 5.'•r e5 •••• .5 '''" , A ..- • -'' :.,,,, , ..t - i. c r , . -.. ...- ;;V, '.,4 1 ''. 2.• iA,, "'„d ± '"- , ^,- , 1 ~‘ ' ~..., * - ? -4,.• ' ''• ' 1- •;;.•_. • • : ? ;*:.: ". i.;(, • ;,. • 44 . ?ti1Y0V'A: , ,:: • • • • • - ~:.~ `'' 7 ~-'i; =NM :* rnahlonable Clothing Store, ' •• No. 219 LII4ERTY STREET, OPPOSITE SEV_ENTII 9111ESub3cribers • respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they hivejust received . new simply of French and English Cloths. mid cus.d . meret:,--Vestings of all.styies and quality--Tfeudy-made Clothing of all descriptions, neck and pocket Ilandker s, chiefs; Shirts; in short, every article usually kept in • ClothingStorca. - etnistantly on hand. ." Gentlemen wishing to have Clothes made to order, in _ . - alashionabie style, will find it to their advantage to call • and examine our stock before going elsewhere. .rnay3-tf • & DOWNING - EMIN =EI • . , TO ARMS! TO AltMS!—Threntenedin -, wasion of - Western Penna.lty Col Swift., ,, itit 10.000 men. notwitledanding which. .1. NI. %Win emttitute to sell ciotitioZ cheaper than any 7 tailittetofor., been offered iii the %Veatch emintry, line - • hr; the larFest establishment - in the city. fronting on Lih - arty and Sixth sts. Ile 'te II OW prepared to show to hi. nutneious patrons the zreltiet variety of clotha, eassi -Cfrol'br: vesting , anti elothb , !: of rill ileacriptions. suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been otrered in Ras . market, to which all ran linve the `Right of Way.— Obaerve the minter:No.lo 7 . Liberty mid dizth ste. • • - .1. NT. WITITE. i'mt.on. Proprietor. t~, ` -~ ;:. ( - . =MI EMI -7,:.:.e..6.. , .; , A 4..,-.:i'.,;,i ..., . ... . A- ~. -,=',;, ~. , .;. , :::4 , ;'::0x;'.. , : . - ~..;.44,..,.. ". ." IMERIE =MG= • ••••• • . . ; fi r. _ ti" •I ... ~ e e. ~ i.i ••,•:f • • ••• ' • 4 ;44 .'-t•,T•;:f . : , : , ?. , ,:..17 , .'!; . .. , ,.1.-,• - :';Y.;if..... • ....':' ,. ."4-.. - -,,,: _ :-1 .1 -,- , '-:- ~- : ',i,. ~ • , 4/-:l,iii..:,i;P'-4,. ;' -i " -- - '•= , •.• , '' , .. , : 4 • - ::,ii_'.:4'ii:?.-: -. 1-V , i,,,,,i;17 . 1 i !,:i.-,, : 41 , ,,., ::': , . , •r , 1;W;Wiir( , ;.i.0,:&7 4 .75 , .:-..:.;_ - ,-,-' ;--1-..,:-...';'.:.,-.'::•.;,:W',.:,i' •":.i.i-.'il,-..f,7,-frf.'-4-.,-3-,..V.:.,-,-.i.:'-'...'-‘,.' ..,,.,'„-•-2-.: Z..4::::;T1:7.,;:f-,i,' .' ,-- :, ,:•.,', v,:-•:. -, .' ,. -,..'-:-- - ' - T. It J. T. PVC A NGE, No. &79 CORNER StYrit AND LIBERTY STEETS. Having enlarged and newly fitted up their establiA meat, at the above will known stand, respectfully Invite the attention of thetrfriends and the public to their 'hole* selection of Neiv Goods, comprising every varie ty fisfapring and summer wear, selected especially for their customer department. Those wishing to leave their orders will flatlet this establishment every. style of new anddesirable goals. Their stock of ready made Cloth . ing is extensive got up in the best manner. of durable mu aerial, and well worthy the attention of those wishing to purchase. All aro invited to Call, and tinny rest assured that they will be pleased with price, quality and variety. -A large assortment of shirts kept constantly on hand. will° Brno. - - - 'DELANYi Fe.4o. Liberty street, Piusittrgh, has nth 'opened; for the Spring trade, a large and general assornuM l t, _of well selected Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vesting!, consisting of superfine French and English and fancy colored CLOTHS. suitable for the yr, riots' styles of Spring and Summer Coats. ' Inailthind fancy French, English and American CAS ,' SIitIERES, in great variety and new patterns, adapted to tho Customer trade. Also, a greatsvariety of new and fancy VESTINGS - oftwhieh will be cut and made to order, in the most fashionable style: refsons favoring the establishment with a callosill be suited on moderate terms, at short notice. The subscriberlias also on hand a great assortment of READYAIADE,CLOTHEVG, made in the present Spring FitshiSau.teonsisting of every description of Dress and :Reel - Coats, of all fashionable colors; fancy and plain - Sick and Business Coats. Altif , , a general assortment of rents, Vests. Shirts, Cravats. and all other articles in the Clothing line, which minim icild low, for CASH. , 'Wholesale purchasers will find it much to their advan tage to pall and examine the stock. before purchasing elsewhere I'. DELANY, Tailor. Mar 18 11/CORGE ESA:Cut:ER. in,Lint K. ItIDOLE. •, Twin City Clothing Store. Ct. EORGE SPANGLER 5: Co. announce to their friends %Jr and the citizens of Allegheny. that they have on hand a Goo ansoitniblif of ItEADI MADE CLOTHING. etrioisting of Coals. Vests, Punta; Bose. Ste., which they *ill sell at fair prices. Also. n superior lot or Cloths. -cossimoros, and Vcsting,L, which they will make up to :order. in the nentest an beat manner. , ..illarCustont work done as usual. it 'Pi. B. Don't forget the place, on the west aide of Frac iii;,stteat, 5 doors north of the Auction Store, Allecheny npl94ttn • • . Clottsins : Clot {slug 'I S Clothing 3 3 1 Thu Three :Mgt Doors The Western World! ! firin WEL!, SPA .ECTED GARMENTS now lOU I hill 1) made ;and ready to he offered on the - 'mast -liberal terins to ink old customers and the public in geisexal....The Propriet& of this far-fumed and extensive eitalilitalsment has now, after returning front the Eastern •Viellt11; . alillitICII trouble and expense. lust completed his .rfalldstul winter arVoli!erneatts to supply his thou s ands of .titiStosners with one of the most dessrable. storks of Un lit:pia:llm lots ever been offered in this or any oilier mar -ketwest of the mountains. For neatness in style and workmanship,' eOtainell with the very low price which - they wilbbe sold for. mitsteertainly render the ohl Three Big Doors one of tic greatest attractions of ,the western cohntry. It is era tiling torte to .he able to -a.ittionnee to my numerous friends at Vane and abroa.i. Illat..llotWitliAlanding the extramdinary efforts which I hare made to meet the many rails in my line, it is with difficulty I can keep time with the constant rush that is 'mai% on tkis establishment. It is a well established feet, that my grattfpare eignt Or ten times larger (hall any -other house in the trade, and this being the case on the eniomdfikold.,.l can airrod to sell at much less profit than *ices - could possibly think of sluing if they wished to Coster contingent expenses. 1 intetSd to-nooks a elem. " . .awkoep Of all mypresent %tor k before the beginning of next :leart s .coming to this conclusion. I will make it die inter :oSL- of every - malt. who wants a cheep winter suit, total! siiiilparclinse at Ilse Three Big Doors. ".--I.4sat2bdh:w Jolts ISFCLOSKEY. •• NEW GITODS. E i NW Gf - Wl S.—nee - geed at the lion .City - Clothing Store.a splendid assortment of Cloths. co.paistmgof film French. Etigli..ll and American Plait.. • hlaCit - tind fancy Cassimeres, of the most modern styles: Isite figured CashnsCre Vestings. Silk Trivet. Plaits and Fancy. flatins--;•all of which we will make np at the most 4easonlile pricei.in n durable and fashionable style. ILeitdy ClfflllinT. of all descriptions Lady's •tt - Cloaks of thu most fissltionable patterns. Neek and Pocket Mikis., Suspenders. Bosoms. Shirt Collars, and usually Iceplisi to Clothing Store. Country befdre purchasing elSewhere, will find it to -,theirarWasdage to call nt pie Iron City Clothing Store. No, 133! Liberty street. Immediately opposite the mouth 'col' Market. (oetl.;;411 . C. 11FCLOSIII.W. ' QP.I:LING OFF LOW C..51(. - --‘‘ later ...us • 'thing of every description. such an cloaks. over :saats, superfine blanket. Beaver. Pilot and heavy broad sitperfine cloth, dress. and frock coats; a large as "; 3ortthent of tweed,sack nod frock coats. cassimere and-smitten pattuiltions: also. a cell '. gril.33soTllliellt of vests: plain and limey velvet. cloth. litmsslmcre nod fancy woolen, and plaid cassimere. with ogte.ai variety-of superfine Irish linen, trimmed shirts. `iiiidtr . dia. slink, cravats. comform and all other nrti- Ales Ili the 17,,,thing litte, which will Ito sold low for Cash .• .• find it much to their adv .stonge to call P. U 7;1 ..; 11 llooli.b.t"4otilterty street. t. • assorintent of goods. suitable for CaltOmcr wink, always on sngh as English. prone). • .',..40-larfcrican cloths, and eassimerrs; also a choice as of seasonable vestings—all of which will be fliade'tel order its the latest styles, and on the most ac •"'lltosittnesirtlitUt woos. IntlP2-daw ~C.lothlng I — Clothing :2 ,--r.par; Splill7, 2!1(1 Summer stock that is now ready to be tr. 2„. • •offered at the old original TIIREB BIG BOOBS, • "Ssnite of the largest add chnicest in selection that has ev :Orbeee exhibited by any one concern in this or any olio fer ehy-in the Union. I will not undertake to describe to - the reader the different nssortinents of articles which I have to otter them; but will simply tell them that it 'Ther wily favor me with a call. 1 will lay before them '75.000 different garments to make a choice out of. eon ,,. dsistingin part of Conn. - from the richest in quality down . - tethe !invest in price; Pantaloons and Vests ' to the as -IMinliment of the beholder, with both mouth and eye, 'item, wondering iit the most extrnvatrant degree of Cur . visa - how sash a vast collection of Itn.lOn t.l ADE CLOTHING could noisibly be collected together tinder the control or individtml But such thing, will he. ns long as per ' 'severance unit industry is the main-spring of - trade.— . .Withopt any intention of boasting. On my part. I will ens at the sense time, it is of such ins•tsil I am principally cum posed. for nothing in the shape or form of difficulties. no Matter what their magnitude may tie, can deter me from ^teeotnpiishinzmy object. in providing for the farmer. the 'Mechanic, and the day laborer. My whole attention is 'liken up with tile greatest care for their welfare. in get :ilhgnp thidtionnble. and at the seine time substantial gar , 'merits, to meet their ileinniuls: and as for others, who rhernses4 hie vi in; in different sphere, and I, -;:inttin“ . an ar ' t'icle of the ne plus 1.1.511 kind. they have 1 i rieFve me au outline of their wants, and they are 'salted to a word. Now, let me site a word or two to my eenntry merch ante irrthe' trade : yf you will to save iron nt least 25 to • .30 per cent, in your . wholesale purchases, call lu at the u:nirte•Bid Doom," and if I don't meet your most son ore hopes, in the way of getting elicap bargnins, and : seasonable goods. I will not tu tuture attempt to off ' ,er any inducements of similar kind to a generous pee. pie of - so-noble a HIHUTO and clo,e discernment. JOHN M'CLOSKEY, :,,febtft,ty No. 151 Liberty street. BE . hr \`f '-.f,iliTlVhite has just received at . /.:Itirt large establishment. fronting on Liberty nod oth eitreelsratiplendid assortment ni TWEEDS for slimmer :thick a superior lot of French Satin VESTINGS. MI Or which he is rently to make rip hi the latent fiollion and _.ott :he most reasonable terms as usual.... Observe the let:weer; No. 107 Liberty and Sixth streets. te'jfiyl4: W Tlsl, Tailor, Proprietor. .I.V - h - 6Zcg e and Het all IBADDI,E, II A RN Rriti AND Titu NKMA A: CvACTORY. 1301.3ERT H. HARTLEY. begs leave to in -Ilb form his friends and the public generally, - that he co albinos to occupy that large and com modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Sumac don *stock t Co, No. 96, corner oh Diamond alley - tind Wood ,street, where he keeps a large and rrerrerrd ri,ortmeitl or Saddler. Bridles. Harness, Trunks. Carpet Begs. Srol,lll. Bags, ViiliSCRI, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other arti-, des initirline, ILe a l s o Ica o pa constantly on havul.and is prepared to fitrniSh to order, all kinds of Riveted l lose. inalitifueturvd , of the.hcst material. and in a style of workmanship equal Jo Me eastern manufactured article, and at 66 per ccut. Cherifier. •:- t Conran/ 3frrehants rtnd Frpiners would do well to call -,itride.iamitie his stocb heroic Mrchasing elsewhere. as ate isipW grmincd . to sell first rate articles at very low *keg. 1 41;:r Debi forget Me place; No. 96, corner of Wood :serest nd Diamond Alley. np26 • iE CZAR. WS COUirr AND PEOPLE. including a I, 'four in Norway and Swcdcn, by Julia Maxwoll raccivcd this day, and fur sale by JOIINSTON & sTocicroN. ma 2 .114saluellers. corner sire , is, AIM 01L-40 bias. Cookling's \o.-1, in More and for 11V gT:T.Id:MS WV ruzur, wuplroruln...suliu ziat.lllo Push etrpital, ux a manufacturing buetnass now.tn successful operation; S. CUTHBERT. Gen. Avent. _a.24. .stnitlifield. above Fourth et. QANTRUM WINES--8 all Mids. now landing ; 3 'l5 hhils andlill half hlals will arrive this week. Th!se .. *hieft,are of aay owtt importation and will be sold low by P. C. MARTIN. WANTF. ).—A silent partner. with - from 3to moo • , • • Clan Cainlnt a - monuntettonnz business now in OtliCCEiSilli operation. S. CUTIII3EITP. gen. oat. ap23 . . Smithfield above 4th eztreef. A . NEW. - worm COAL—This work will be it soon, on - a Royal Syn.. nbont 750 pages. It will trent extensirdy of the Geological aml Geographical Distribution of Mineral ernalmstibles or Fossil Fuel, em bracing. from oflicial reports of conl-producitig countries, - the iespeetiee amounts 61 , 111tir production, consumption. -and commercial distribution: with the prices. tatliro. cur rency, anti hatereational iegnlntions. by R., C. Taylor. Fellow of the Geological Soctety of London, &e. 11:7•Snbscriptions taken atthe Bookstore of E. S. Doe .3 , eeerthle Co., Fourth street; neer Market, where amore extended ,account of the work can be been. ritte: $3,00. . ttpl.l ENKE ,} :;:'~': Stores Plilisburgh Portable Boat Moe. .4ft-t7, 'lB4B. aigto For the Transportation ofFreight to and from PITTSCURGIL PHILADELPHIA BAL'ITAIGRANEW YORK. BPSTON, BORLIDGE 4 , ,ceisH. Philadelphia. TAAFF.E 4 4 , O'CONNOR, Pittsburgh. I.MS old established Line being now in fall operation, the proprietors hale made extensive arrangements to forward Goods and Produce with despatch, and on the most fuvorable terms. They confidently hope. their well known prontptuess in delivering goods—peculiar safety in mode of 'fcarr yin—capacious warehouses at each port. affording accommodations to shippers and owners of produce,--together with their long experience and unrc nnuutg uttention to business, will secure to them a con tinuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignments by , and for this line received, charges paid. anti forwarded in any required directions fres of charge for commission, advancing; or storage. No interest. directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All communications promptly attended to 011 applica tion to the following agents 4 Y ' ' ...-''', ' ::',...':4,:;: •'; ', . !- .; ' . : :' .--.; ;' ,, '''. :- ._''.. :- - ''''' - : - :'?.-',:.t;p,.';._ .. , : .',1... .' ..- t - i.. , • , ;;f . :' . 3=i : !; - rk•';,..1i.: ,- ':': -, . '•:-;._.. ,s ~!.,„::.:_i,,',..,,:=,4,:.,:tA77,-.;.,;!:,.-..,.:::,:-.;•;-:•,,: itraitsportation tines. BORBIDGE & CASH, 27e. Market street, Philadelphia. TAAFFE S. O'CONNOR, Cttualßasin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNORS & CO, North street. Baltimore. WILLIAM B. WILSON, SG, Cedar street, New York Merchant s' •/1V ay Freight' , Line. ..(FORMERLY CALLED ricxwoara & (Ws LINE.) 18 Aggt 48 TIXCLUSIVELY fur the transportation of way freigh n between Pittsburgh. Blairsville. !Johnstown, Horn ilaysliurgli. Water street. and all intermediate places. One boat will leave the, warehouse of C. A. MAnully Co.. Canal Basin. Liberty street. Pittsburgh, every day. (Sundays excepted.) and shippers can always depend en having, their goodelbrwarded without delay, and at fair rates. This Line was formed for the special accommodation of Misr—way business. The proprietors, thankful for the very liberal paironag,e they have received during the last two years, respectfully inform their old customers and the public generally. that they have •ktendcd their facilities. Ac.. during the past winter. and are now better prepared to accommodate an increased business. racmurrou.s. R. 11. CAN AN & Co. WM. STITT. E.G. sTrrr. ‘Val. FULTZ. JAMES A. LORE. JOHN :MILLER. TRINT)LE& McDOWELL. Ao =yrs— C. A. M'Asrtre A Co.. Pittshurghi R. H. Cs:vsk. Johnstown; Jolts ltlit.t.r.a. Hollidaysburg; Ileum:Lt.& 11Ivrrkern-Water st. Huntingdon en RErrar;scas—Smith & Sinclair, .1. & J. Al:Devitt; G & J. Shoenbergert R.Rolsison & CO.: 11:. Moor , : liaguley Smith; John Parker, Wm. Lehner; .1. Jordan &, Sour mar I-.. (Gazette copy.) Merchants , Transportation .Line r a,tunnau - 12 OR the Trattspoithiiiih or lerchtuldlie and,Produce 12 to Philadelphia rand Baltimore. Goods dutagracii to our core will be forrariCrded without delay, sdlitio.,hasiest rates. Bills of Lading trmismitted,*nud MI instruction. promptly attended to . ,irce from uny extra charge for stor age or conunissitrauT o • • C. A. NPANULTY Pro,priators, marl Canal Basin, Übe at, Pittsburgh. 6 - a;eit.!..on Iv. rovy.) Great tie niecty I - Ligon . Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Consumption'-TL 1 great and only. Remedy for the above diseases is th. ifungarian Balsam of Life, diseovered by the celebrate, Dr. Buchan, of London, England; and introduced into th United States under the immediate superintendence of Us inventor. The extraordinary ; success of this medicine, in the cure of Pulmonary diseases. warrant, the American Agent to soliciting for treatment the worst possible cases that cant be found in thecounnunity—eases that seen relief in vain front any of the common remedies of the day. and have been given up by the most distiimui4hed physicians, as col:jutted and -incurable. Hungarian .Balsain has cured. and will cure, the mpst desperate cases It in iso Guar's nostrum. but a standard Engtish medicine, olknow it and estabbsbed efficacy. Every family to the United States, should be supplied with Buell:in.'s Hungarian Italsam of Life. not only to counteract the consumptive of the climate, but to be used asa preVelltiVe utedicune in all cases of colds. cough, spitting of blood. pail, in the Ode and chest, trniation and soreness of the lungs, bronchitis, difficulty of breathing, hectic fever. night sweats, emaciation rod general debili ty. asthma. intinctsza. whooping, couch, and croup. Sold tit large bottles at *1 per bottle, with full directions for thn restoration of health. . . . - Pamphlets. cottpining a mass or r.0. 4 1,,h and Atrierien certifica and other evidelice. ,bowing the merits of ,this great English Remedy, moy be obtaxtuni the Agents. gratuitously. For sale by R. A FAID:rSTOCK !It CO., eblo cur First and Wood. and Wood and 6th st EDICAL WORKS—Sir -Wiry Cooper On Hermit , .01 Sir Astley Cooper on the Breast. &e.; •• •` i Testis anti Thy mug Gland; Colle's Lectures on Surgery; AVatson's Practice; Mackintosh•t, Praeocei Duttglit.oit's Physiology: Hortier's Annlonts and Histology; Churchill's Midwitery; Velpeatt's Midwifery; Diseases of Infants—Billarrit Diseases of Fernales--Asinicilt for male by H. S. BOS.WDRTII &. Co., mar 3 • 43 Market street. 114 L TEW • PUBLICATIONS.—Mihen's Poems. illustrated 1.1 Harper's new edition of the Poetical works of John Milton. with a mesons. nod critical remarks on his gem.. and writings. by James Montgomery ; and OVIE hundred and twenty cogravtogs trout draworgs by NVin. .Harve y In two VOIUMO.S. SrWOI7IIE. BROS. & CO.. sole Agent, for , the BLACK JAL LINE. of Liverpool and New 't ork Packets. take the liberty of announcing to their old friends and 11 , 1011 W es. that their arrangements for the year I being complete- they are prepnred w bring out passengers. by the above splendid Line, (nip Liverpool In New York and Philadelphia. They refer to their former eonrse of Mang business. and Llbnife those who entrust them with their orders, that the samelratisfaction will be rendered as heretofore. MED=Eaff=a= Drafts for sale, payable, pn dentund, at nuy Bank i lr,land. The .undersitrned has made arrangements to.firing on passengers to Pal during the esent year. ietZ-Ltindtive• JA MES BLAKELY. gjE t, - Passage To and From er ). GREAT BRTTAEN & IRELAND. Gronaz 'Womb & Sot:, No. 131 Waterloo Road, Li- VerpOrd. CAUL'S= Ilroosnh. No. rgi South st., N. V. 'PILE Solutcritrers. having accepted the Agenev at this I city of tile above well known and respee bat le ilouses. are prepared to make e u iragernellla rot passengers to coin', out from any part of (treat Britain or Ireland, by the re rrular Line of Packet Ships, sailing from Liverpool week ly. Pe rents engaging with ua map rest assured dial their 1 1 w:tuts will meet with kind treatment and prompt des patch at Liverpool. as well as every attention necessary on their arrival iu this country. Apply to or SAMUEL, Al'CLUllli AN .1s ca. 112 Liberty !it, N ll—Passages engaged here from Liverpool to Pitt burgh direct. and draft< for any amount fortvortle4. pa . able at sight, thronghout the United Kingdom. p 20-ly IaIR ARNDEN & CO.'S i ra ssENG Ka AND REMITTANCE Office. Ir kruct)EN k CO. corn ions to lit tr, nut pers o ns from I arty part of England, Ireland!, Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms. with their usual ptinetuality. and attention to the wants of emigrants. I\ e do not al low our passencr re to be robbed by the twvind I i its se titaps :hot infest the sea-ports. an we take charge of theta the moment they report themselves. and tee to their ‘Nollilo'- iiic. and despatch then% without any detention by the first ships Wc so) tins fearlessly, at We defy onto of our pa.seiteers to throe that they were detained loily-eitrlit lionr, hp us in I aver/viol. whilst thousands of others Were detained months until they could Ire sent In tome e!.l trait. at a cheap rate, which, too frequently pruned their coffin, We intend to perform our contracts honorably. sett trholl it Maw, and not act assert. the frier Inl,l sensor, us 111 , oilier Oftire, who either performed not at all. 414 when 11 Anoted their convenience. Retitle drawn at Pittsborub for any trim front II to 115 Ski. payed , . nt any of the Provincial Haul, hi Ire land, I..t.iglant.l, Scotland aril Wale.. Jositt:.% ROBINSON. European and General Agent, jaii29 Fifth street, one door below %Vocal st. ---_ .___ POO __________ aft E MN REMITTANCE. :tak •riir. Subscribers are prepared to forward money to all I . parts of England, Ireland. Scotland and %Vales, with despatch, and at the Invest ra t e , SAMUEL AECIr R KEN et CO., - 10312 142 laheriv wrest. European Agency, and Item Ultimates to Ireland, England, ittte.. AllOl 7 . and small mink. ut Illeiney run at all muesli. , remitted by sight•drufts, at reduced rate, to all pant oil:t.:lend. Ireland, Wales., 3,*.. and Legneies. Dobts. Rent, and Properly lit Ettrope can he collectg-il and recovered through the subscriber. or during his atl anticr from this city from October until May, on his mon, al tours to Europe. by application to ..1.014.1 Mar. chant, Water street. Pittsburgh. 11. K EF,,NA N. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and European Arent, Pittsburgh. Pa. P S —As 11. Keenan has been fretinnittly troubled Its applications and letters on the busine, of -ilenlinan Reran)," nossetsger agents. of New York. lie steent, it necessary to say that he is not the Keenan of that ann. rind has never had any eOnnesion with either of duo , • persons. net! Western New York College of Health. 4 2n7 MAIN STIIKV:r. nUYTA 1.41. N. Y. 1)11. G. C. 'VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTIUP . _ TIC MIXTURE. TIRS celebrated remedy is C 0115111.. :t • inerensing'its fume by the making all over the world. It hos now become the only medicine Mr family use. and is particu larly recommended for Dropsy : all strlgCS Of this coin! plaint immediately relieved. no matter of how long stand: tog. (See pamphlet for testimony.) Gravel, and nil diseases of the urinary organs; for these distressing complaints it stands alone : un other ar ticle ran relieve von: and the cures testified to will con vinee the most sk ,--isce pamphlet.) I.iver Com plaint, Bilious Diseases. Fever and Agne. To the Great West especially, nod wherever these complaints prevail, this medicine is offered. No mineral agent, no deleterious compound is a part of this mixture: it cures these diseas es with certainty and celerity. and Open not leave the sys tem torpid. (See pamphlet.) riles. a complaint ofa most painful character. is immediately relieved. and rl CUM fol• lows by a few days use of this tinkle. It is far beyond any other preparation lot this disease. or for any other disease originating front impure blood. (See pamphlet. • Debility of the System. Weak Buck, 'Weakness of the Kidneys. Ike.. or luthunation of the same, is immediately relieved by a few days use of this medicine. and a cure is always the result of use. It stands as a certain reme dy for sorb complaints. mid also for derangements of the female frame. Irregularities, Suppressions:pi:debit men struntions. No article has ever been offered, except this. whieli would touch this kind of derangements. It maybe relied upon an a care Mulviffective remedy; and, did we feel permitted to do so, could glee n thousand names as proof of mires in this distressing, class of eomplaiitts.— .4pc pamphlet. All broken down. debilitated constini tines. from the effect of mercury. will find - the bracing .power of thin article to net immediately. and the • poison ous mineral erailieated from the system: • . . Eruptive Diseases will. find the nherntive properticrif this article veneer INF. num°, and drive such diseasesOftri the system. Hoe pamphlet for testimotty of cures in nil disenses; which the limits of au nilvertisernent will not permit to bin named here: Agents give them a wrif; they contain 32 pages of certilleutesef high churneter; and. n stronger nrrny of proof of the virtues of n medicine. nevi er npprared. It is one of the peculiar features Driblet Sr. tide. that it never fails to benefit in any ease, and if bone and muscle are left to build upon, let the emaciated and lingering invalid item ox, and keep taking the inediciate as long asthere is an improvement. The proprimorwould caution the public against a lumber of articles which come out under the heads of Shanzreinn.t.ss, Srntrru he., as Cures forDropsy,,Ornvel, &e. !Platy uregood iiirnoth ing, and concocted to gull the unwary: TOUCH. TIMM KoT. Their investors never thought of curing such diseases till this article had done it. A partieular study of the pamph- Ws is earnestly solicited. Agents, and all who sell the ar ticle, are glad to cil'eulate gratuitously. Put tip in 30 oz. bottles. at $.2; 12 oz. do. nt SI each—the larger holding 0 oz. more than the two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed upon. F.very bottle has " Vaughn's "%regent ble. Imliontriptie hlixture." blown upon the glass, the written signnture of "G. C. Vaughn" on the directions. and ••• G. C. Vaughn, Buffelo," stamped on the cork. None other arc genuine. Prepared by Pr. G. C. Vaughn.. and sold at the Princi pal Office, 207 Main street, Buffalo, wholesale and retail. No attention given to letters unless post-paid—order from regularly authorized Agents rxcered. Post-paid let ters, or verbal communications soliciting advice, prompt- Irattended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this article -132 Nassau st.. N. Y..: 295 Essex at., Salem. Mass.; and by the principal Druggists throughout the United States quid Canada, as Agents. HAYS & BROCKWAY Agents, No. 2, Liberty st.. near Canal Basin. ArENITTAN lrestervdt, and old and well kknown Venitian Blindmaker, formerly of Second and Fourth etc.. takes this method to Inform his many friends of the fact that hls Factory is• now in full opera tion on St. Clair et, near the old Allegheny Bridge. where a constant simply of Blinds of various colors and quali ities, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, front tVrenty-cents up to suit custoniers. N. B. If required, Blindkwill be put up so. that in case of alnrm by fire, or otheriviv, they may lie removed without the aid of a screw-tiriver. mid with the stone faciliiiy that any other piece of furniture can be removed, and without-any extra expense. jeill-dkwy CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC.—The subscriber, by written contract with the Pastm,TEA Co., has the ex- CillPiVC right to sell their Teas in Pittsburgh and Alleghe ny cities. Any peuson attentroing . to sell their Teas ex ceptprocured through res t is.praetteing a deception and a fraud upon thepubliend their statements are not, to retied on. [5e921 A. JAYNES, 79 9th it. MEM ~,, . .c',; .-^-...1,::`,,,!-., '• --,,;-., .. 1 . : . ~.: ~•.,,,:.'::,:,.., ••''''''"' - '''" J. ''-'4 ,., •.•.'l.=. t.: - ,. , ;•,: , .!;,;' ,. _ .::-:.• - ;,i - ,' 1 .::.,..'71','t i- '4 l ';` ,- ....' - t . i"..i:] - ..`:;•' . g . : , ..1t- ,'',: 3nsinance Compccuics LYCOMING CO. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. AGENC•If. • TIME Subscriber, having been appointed and duly com l. missioned Agent of the LyCollllllg County-Mutual In surance Company. is now prepared to receive 4pplica tionsjor insurance for said Company. This. Company is, perhaps,pne of the very best Insurance Componiesin the State or Union. having a capital of between onebiad two millions of dollars in premium boles, and by the :ra tions of the Company no risk exceeding $5,000 will e ta ken on any one block of buildings. or on any one r' , and no more than 52.500 will be taken on -a Rolling Mill, Foundry or Furnace. Buildings in which a stoi e-pipe possess through the side wall or roof, Cotton Factories or Powder Mills, Manufactories of Printing Ink, and Dia, tilleries. will not be insured 011 any consideration, what ever; and when the rote per gent. shall be 12 or 15 inclu sive. no risk will be taken over 51,000, (except Bridges and Grist Mills.) The operations of the Company have been such. that for the last six years only one cent upon the dollar has been eased upon the premium notes of the stock holders. Application can be made to the subscriber, at his office, in the new Court House. H. SPROUL; Agent. jasen-lm Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pa The Franklin Fire Insurance . 1 OF PIOLADELPHIA. , eIHARTER PERPETUAL—S.-IM MO paid in office kJ IC3I Chestnut st., north side. near Fifth. Take Insu rance, either permanent or limited. against loss or dam age by fire, on property and effects of every description, in town or country. on the must reasonable terms. Ap pliention, made either personally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N. DANCKER, Prest. C. G. 13.ANCAUR, Secretary. DIREC'fORS: Charles N. Bancker, Jacob It. Smith, Thomas H a rt, George W. Richards, Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, --- - Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Borie, Samuel Grant. David S. Brown. I'IIPSDIT LIG /I AGENCY. WAHRICE MkETI . N. Agent, at 'the I?,xcliatige Office of • Worriek Martin Sr. Co, corner of 3d and Market sts. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh. Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine of * inland navigation risks taken. - aug4-ly - Malan JUNG. 1. rireNET, SR. KING & FINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh,for the Delaware Mutual Safely In surance Company of Philadelphia, TIRE RISKS upon Buildings and MeechtiOdiee of eve ry description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or car goes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable terms. ()dice at the warehouse of King h. Holmes, on Water st.. near Market street, Pittsburgh. • . N. 11. King A., Pinney invite the confidenCc and patron owe of their friends and community ut 'lnrge to the Dela ware M. S. Insurance Company. as tot institution among the most nourishing in Philudelphin—ns having a larg . e paid in capital. which. by the operation of its charter, 'is ermstnntly increasing—us yielding to each person insu red. his due share of the psofila of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility'whatever.beyona the premium actually paid in by hint; and therefore as pos sessing the Alumni principle di vestesPof every obnoxious feature, and in its most altraelive form. • nost-tf nssion Merchants, Philndelphia. 4 CIF:NCY OF THE FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELPIA.—.N. E. carrier qt . Thin! and Wood streets, Pinsbitntth.—Tho assets of the t c . c' o n nlt a rntr with a fi t r t s a t c o t r o i fit m l'C ' „lt i s B4 y? , ;a a :it a l A u . l e ' gtltt ' t d ur i e " , were HOWL, and:dortsagea - Real Estate. at 'cost Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash 9tnkin};.a total of , trAtO,MI 42 Afford;lig certain assurance that all lotees Will he promptly met, and giving entire security ttf,ali who ob tain policies from this Cumpaiiy. Risks laltest low . rates Rs aro consistent with security. tict9 W A MUCK MARTIN. Alen. Insurance Against Fire. rung American Fire lirecerairee Company—Office, No. I 7'2 Wuhwt etreeL Philadelphia; Incorporated A. D. ).816—Chnrtcr•prrpectual. • Insures Buildings, Furniture, illorchanilize. and proper ly generally, ritlwr in the city or country, against lose or damage by fire. perpetual or tot limited PCIIOdO, on favor nSte terms. • • • • . DIRECIIMS: John . Sergerint. Samuel C. Murton, Wilharn 1. - ynch. 'Adolphus Tories, l'honirt Allitione, George Aladin, John Welsh, Jr., Potriek Brady, John T. Lewis. C. MORTON, President Ens:sets D. J.tylvEa. Secretary. Orders fur insurance by the rit,(lVe ' Company will be recelvcil and insurances effected by the undersigned. scout ion Pittsburgh. GEO. COCIIR.VN, ;tan I.3in. 'Xi Wood street. ConnelPs Magical Pain Extractor. I'r is nos rout,a,,i by rn , fliral menthat Connell's Mattiral Prim Extractor. innimfarturell by Comstock S. Ca.tri Courtlaud st.. New York. It the greatest won der of the 115th CCittstrl, Itt effect, are !nay mirfienions. All pains are rentovea from burns, scald, he.. and all external .01,A. in a few minute. after its application: betting the ,nnie on the , no.t delicate. thin. Icavin no scar. It is eitunll, boas ficial in all kinds of iittlammatcr r, fiptraSeß., noel, Ey , ..• Sprains. lil,enmatl.ll3. While Swelling and Ulcers,. lirniteitAiurns. (':r) sirtelat. Miles, Tim Iktlorenitx. &c. We might natal a• proof to all WI" say. the name, of trimly em orient pity titwhotine it in their practice, and huri 'treat of the clerlry who praise it to their people. Kind patent 4-rep it emoiantly on hand. in ruse of neeirlenta by fire lite rainy be lost without. I.lli by its unit all barns are sol.3ret to tis rinitritl. tiniest the vitals.are I:hoorayed. Can- Oen—remember mat it.k for Con.nell's Afro:if:al Pain Ex enmiufuttured by Comstock ¢ Cu., N. Y., anti take or, ogler • SWAM :N.c.—The (:.attire //aye L.WICtIMMISt. to OM article more pt•ily celebrated us a core far tine above. than any or all other•. Ira Curt, are almost immediate. and nuts nefeesariry to lot Owlsu who know the arnele tont u e It with such Brent success. that it is to be had Int, and ectmine of Comstock k Co., 21 C.Ottittalid et.. V. pr" r tieto, Sold only genuine in Pitt,burgh. Pa., by WM. ot. '9 Liberty at.. head of Wood at.: alao'ittWashington. Pa.. I.y A Clark : in 13rnwtotville by Bennett & Crocker, by our agent in ever) town in Pennsylvania. Ohio, Md. and Virginia. novl9-11kwnm 'II la the heat Cough Illedichse I ever Saw.' I) 1..•111 the following . primly! the supersonty of fir. WU ),. bop!, (herntai Cough Mixturr, from s respectable cit 141,11, who has fried it: M HAPS M littneltWAY:—Sllcr laboring for several week, under the k :.., ; ~.:~ ~ MEI . , • • . •••= • ' •-•- • . . • 111WiE ;a.: ...... ~ . ;~,, ~~;:. EWE INWiEII ,•• . ' . •:!,, , ;; , .‘;'.:'. : :..,.i . -ipi. 1 •:::,::,!.ft.! .Y' • < •;-: 4 46 4 - . Vir., • ?, • • A.l. ••••) -L a 14..; Q.,(.;;; - -T . 4 0 .4 ;flit . 1 Alt N'a ' ' 1 "•i• • )" ' IBM - • BRN ;, :~ .: BEI IMIIMI