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T.'llPC A NCE., : '..0. 77& 79 COR.NBit SIXTH AND LIBERTY STMTS. 1. .-.. . stilt tic enlarged and newly fitted op their establish ', inert; at the above well known stand. respectfully - Invite the atteadotrof their friends and the public to their ... aboicueleetion of New Goods, cotnprising every vatic , iy for sprmg and summer weer, selected especially for . Thew =lmam r departmenk Those wishing to leave their Ordetiaveill find at this establishment every style of new •-• and desirable goods. _ Their stock of ready made Cloth- Ines extensive got up in the best manner. of durable ma - lartaVhdd well worthy the attention of those wishing to purchase. All are invited to call, and may rest assured Iblittial*ill hi pleased with price, quality and variety. . , A large assortment of shirts kept collsllllMti yon hand. • . aprillo emo. - SEM Ell =NI • Thite Doors vs. .The Irentern Work/ • ' 150 . 000 WELL SI'.I...ECTED UARNIEN'IN now made and reedy to be offered on the mostlineral terms to my old customers nod the public in • . general. 'The Proprietor of this far-fumed nod extensive • establishment 11es ItOW, after reran-ohm from the Eit‘tero Cities, at much trouble and expense, just completed his Wlll4 winter arrattgyments to supply his throe/mods of customers with one of the most desiruble stocks of Clo- Shit* that - has . ever been offered in this or any other toor. • 'tot west of the mountains. For orritness in style nod • workmanship, combined with the very low price which .o=rill be sold far, mist certainly render tire old totri- Three Rig Doors nor of the greatest attractions of the iremern emmtry. It is grail!, Mg to me to be able to arattoatiee to my ntinterous friends ni home nod abroad, thee:notwithstanding the extraordinary mforts veldll e I hash made to meet 'the mane ',llls in my line. it is so oil diffieulty lean keep time with the Constant rush that is modern this establishment. It in a well established [set that my - sales are eigto nr ten times larger than any other.htruse in the trade. and this bring the rose on the r I mm:int Sold. I ran nirroil to sell at morli less profit than others timid possibly think of doing if they wished to • • orrAr . entintingesit esprales. I intend to maks n clean . • sweep of rny prt , ,,.”ststock before the beginning of next year; conning to this conclusion. I will make it the inter est ,Of every man; Who wants n cheap winter suit, local! andXittrehtmet at the Three Rig Doors. JOHN ArFLOSKEYe-- • ' VENVO - "(T6 in - the'r. lA % ci q .Clothing Share. a splendid assortment of Cloths, tonsisting of fine French. En.7,linh and American Plain, • black and fancy Cassimeres. of the most modern styles; fine figured Cashmere Vesting, Silk ielvet. Plain nail • Fahey Satins—all of %%Midi we will - Till -e op at time most reasonable prices. in a durable and fusDionable style. • ' Ready made Glothitm. of all drniPtptions; Cloths oldie most fashionable panknts . Seek and • POCIC t tr rr }UM Suspender... bosoms. Shirt Collar, and •• r every a r rrti el e usually kept in a Clothing Store. Country Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere. will find it to their.advantageAo Call at the Iron City Clothing Store. No. ItaLiberlyistreet. immediately opposite the Month of Marker: , roe' I i-trl C VI-Cl.res-tft;•V" ~. ,~;''€'tits:; ri'ti,.. r ._. _. ~: tk... J ..? =SIM =MB -.) :: ; 't' No 11. ' „ . . " AII'ORSES , S WEEKLY BUDGET Near Doom; FOR iS4p. O...ECDPITES AND INCIDENTri, comprising daring . /1..:.C.4p10aD, personal and amtuung adventures of the ~ °Enders and finvates of the army in Mexico, netions of the navy and thrilling incidents of the Mexican war. „ , Bunt's Merchant's Magazine for April. Wat Tyler. or the Bondman. an Ilisitirical novel. Lifitaud Public Services of Henry Clay, by Epos Sar gent r Maiden Aunt, an interesting tale. • A • .• ...• aseltelorof the Albany, a splendid thing. • Old Hicks 4 the Guide. or Adventures in the Camenche Cofirtny in :search of a Gala Mine. "row afidThem Accounts of the Rattles in Mexico, etc. Analytical System. illustrating the origin and develOpe meat of the English Language, illustrated with a beau tiful Map. . Graydon's Men and Times of American Revolution. Jack Tier. or the Florida Reel, a new novel, by Cooper. Ameriettn Review for April. Isabelle:or the Emigrant's Daughter. a new novel. American Phrenological Journal for April—full setts en hand.' ••-• - Comb's Popular Phrenology. with above 50 engravings. Subscriptions received for all the Eastern magazines attdoewspapersat rinblishees.priceit, and the magazines in nil cases free of-postage. ;.AGENTS WANTED, to travel thrOugh Allegheny mid the adjoining connties, and sell a work noticed at the head olthis advertisement. Tht) most liberal wages-will be offered. 'Zia Cultivator for this month: s monthly paper de voted, to agriculture and rural affairs, and only *1 per . Lift:-and Exploits of the Duke of Welling,ton, with a complete history of the PeuinSular War, ninficrous cn: grartags. =Litters Living Me. N 0.201. Tbei.Eclecuc Mrigizizte of Foreign Literature for this ,Life of Rev.Elisinli :queerly. containing various inter eu of various deceased ministers of the Pies- ' biter - Jan Church In Western Pn. Authentic Narrative of the murder a Mrs. Rademecker Lu Plailadelphie,illustrated. A. largo and compleie assortment of all the knoWn enologiCal Bunts, on Phrenology and Mesmerism. large large and small size, a most beau- Will article. AIM OIL-70 bbls. Cookling's No. 1. in store and for t ia•sale by SP.I.ItER.S & NICOI.S. WANTED—A silent partner, with from .I..;ition to &gni() cg t h capital, in a nnutufacturing business now in -imingag operation; S. CUTIIIiEIIT, Gen. Agent, ap24 , • Smithfield. above Fourth et. =MEM MEM _.i ~' tit'-fr ~,_ „ .•.',.. - ' 1113'DELANY, F 0.49. Liberty strati. Pittsburgh, has jus . opened, for the Spring trade a large end general cesortment of wrll selected Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestings,..consisting of isuperfine French and English black and fancy coIoretF , CLOTHS. suitable for the re sioue..styles of Spring and Summer Coats. Plain and fancy French, English and American CAS MIMES, in grentyariety and new patterns, adapted to die customer trade. .Ale n , a great variety of new end fancy , VESTINGS— aII of which will be'ent and made to order, in the most fashionable style. '. Persons favoring the establishment with a call, will be saltigtOrrmoderate termsi at, short notice. The subscriberhat also on hand a great assortment of READY/JADE CLOTHING,made in the present Spring Feshicimfeensisting of every description of Dress and Fronk Coats, of all fashitheible colors;.faney and plaits Seek andl3usiness Coats. _ . „ -•- - • . - • • • Also. a general 'assortment of Pants. Vesta, Shirts, Ctrairats, and all other articles in the Clothing line, which willbe sold low, for CASH. Ili7tolesalepurchasers will find it much to their advan tage ttresill and examine the stock. before purchasing elsewhere. P. DELANY, 'Pallor. • mger.l.l3 ' alb• TO ARMS! TO ARMS !—Threate ncilin attain ofWestern Prima. by Col Swill. with 10.000 melt, notwithstanding which. J. M. White will continue to sell clothing. cheaper :than any has heretofore been offered in the Western country. hav• trig the .. lnigest establishment in the city, fronting en Lib quay an Sixth sts. Ile is now prepared to allow to his hurneroua patrons . the greatest variety of cloths. cus s i. Uleret r vesting;, and clothing of all descriptions. Ftillal.le •for the approaching season, that has ever been infcred in this market, la - which all can have the Right of Way.— Obierre the corner. No. 16:, Liberty and tiixtli em. mar2s J. M. WHITE. Ta Tina. Proprietor. _ _ INEORMIE !WANGLER E. RIDDLE. Twin Gilts- ClotWog Store. GEORGriEOII:6ESPftiV,GI.IIit & Co. aluminum to :heir friends E the elfin'', of Allegheny. that they hove on . baud a flue assortment of REND Y MADE CLOTIIIN(t, eoniittiag of Coots, Vests. -Pants, llose. &c., which they will el) at fair prices. Also. D superior lot of Cloths. Casaimeres. and Vesting.. which the y will make up to -order, in UM/IC:6IESi and hest manner. • Illareustom work done 15.4 N:,_13.,•-liton't forget the piece, on the vvrAt side of Fetle sal street, 5 doors north of the Auction Store. Allegheny nit I 9-:lni `Olotpcing t Cloi.hing 11-Clothinff 4 .VELLINr; OF I.t)%r Fott CAS•II. --‘‘ 'tj thing of every deseriplinll, Each as ctorLS. Over touts, Superfine blanket. Beaver. l'ilot and heavy broad clottati r superfine sloth. dress. and frock coats; a large ns sortnteltit of I.Weed,Fnek and frock coats. Clot ; ensiimere. and satiliett also. a p.m ere-assortment of;xe-4t, : fancy velvet. cloth. CASllilliCie nod fancy plaid CasSitns,. With et' great' variety of superfine Irish linen, trimmed shirts, undershirts. stock. cravats. comforts and all oils, arti elm it) the ( ' thine line. which will be sold loam for Cash. kkurchr.-... find it touch to their advent:l;re to call soon, RI 49, 14,i:teriv street. DELANY Ai COmplete assortment of cools. suitable for Cnitsmier stark, always on hand. such a English. trench and-Arnetican cloth., and Ca,imaraa ; also a c h o i ce „ A _ sort:Mutat of season:Ode re...titres—all of whilth will he meittqlerorder in the latest styles, and on the loom ac eornmodatina tunas. lint ?Ma w If.iroThlas g 1 Clot Mug 11 ITE Sri - ring and Stuntner stock that is now ready to be T offered at the old original THItEE,BIG DOORS, Is one of the largest natal ehoicest in selection that loto•x -er)teen exhibited by any one concern in thio or nay cob er2,oly lit the Union. I will 1101 mulerialce to describe to tho .Yeader the different assortments of article, which I rtokilatte to offer them; hut will simply tell them that if thdy tnily favor - me with a OWL I will lay before them I:sO96'ilitTeYent garments to make a choice out of. row. slain in part of Coats, from the riellevt in quality down to the lowest in price: Pantaloono and Ves:s. to the as- Gonishnutut of-the beholder,:with both month and eyes upon; wondering in the most extravagant degree of Sur prise.ltoyr such a vast collection of wear MADE CLOrfliNG eoulclpossibly he collected together limier the rum rot of one individual But such things will be, an. lone no per severance and industry is the main-sprieg of Itmle.— Wiiho . ut any intention of boasting. on any part. I will say atilte.sarne time. it is of snub metal I ant orntdonlly coin- Mead; for nothing in the sitar'''. or form of didiealtics. no metterwhat then . magnitude may he, can deter me from imemaplishing nay object, in providing for the farmer, the mechamei and the day laborer. My Whole attention is •takea up-with the greatest care for their welfare. in get titigv fashionable, natal ut the saine time substantial gni-- yarns, to meet their demands; mad as for others. who fancy•themselves moving in at different There. and re qUiffing AR. UrtiCle of the or plus ot/ro howl . they have only,te give me an outline of their wants, and they are suned AO a word. Now, iet me say a word or two to my country morel:- ants in rho - trade: If you wkli to save erom ut lenst .25 to 20 - per vent, in your VCllol,ale paCCIMYCA. call iu m the "Thre,o Big Doors," and if I don't meet your most ran gninelopes,:in the- way of getting Chomp barguius, and resh - et - namable goods, I will not in future attempt to oil er any, inducements of a similar kind too generous peo ple of'so noble a nature and close discernment. • JOHN AI•CLOSKEW, leblS-ly N 0.151 Liberty street. •. . _ Cl' BE . BEAT'— . r. Irhi te has just received a 'his large estublishment ; fronting 011 Liberty end nth ~atrets, a splendid asnortment of TwEEDs for summer; - a superior lot of French Satin VESTINSS. nil of 'atuetihe IS ready to make up in the latent fashion and oft•thamost - reasonable tertii, as usual. Observe the corner; N 0.167 Liberty and Sixth streets. " J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor. Phrenological Chum by the 1000 or 100. y:" Just receLved cold for sale by apl7 P. MORSE. 05 Fourth st. S ---- ANTRUM WINNS--S hlf idls. now Innd in : 16 hbds and 62 half Wale will arrive this week. These wines, are of my own importation and will he sold lnw by . aplo . - P. C. N I TANTED.—A silent partner, with from 3 to 55060 - gash capital in a. manufaetiaring business now in successful , °paragon. S. CUTIIREI T. gen. zurV- - ' 1 9 22 Smithfield above 4th 7t;.; ...r.. .... :4:; . :‘,7) : - . '. .... ,i '' ' .: -. :T . ' ;;= . ;•: :: ,. .;:':...:::!; , _....:;` . •=i. • .... ,-. .. .n ~~. .:P .-•-;,: . .r.i :, .ir : .- ,l' ._.',z!.t;:,:i..z.', ~ s.`, . *"' • ssik rm . Iht TraliSpOrl PITTSCAMGII, - Pl-111... YORI TAAFFE pins old established the proprietor; liar forward Goods end Pr most favorable terms. known promptness ill in mode of carrying—c . affording accommodatia produce,—together will mining attention to bus titmanee of that liberal I acknowledge. All consignments by a paid. and fbrwartled in charge for commission, No interest, directly d All commonications 6 Lino to tho followiug I' 4 I .,XCLUtiIVELI for A between Pittsburg daysburgh. Witter stret One boat will leave Co.. Canal Basin, Libe (Sunday's excepted.) an having their goods fur% rates. This Line was fennel the Way business. The 4 liberal patronap they h years. resreettully into i public generally, that Sc.. during. the past will to accommodate an iner R. IL CAN AN 1, Co sirri. JAMES A. LORE. TRIVAI Aar-Irs— C. A. M'ANt. R. CA:NAN 1 loicat.t. 11. Sinn,nbrnzet: It.. lint. Smizti: .11.1bn Porter; Wt{ flint 1 431 4 ,4 1. , - 1 -1 011. the TranTortation of Mereliatolite and Produce to Philadelphia a. t Baltimore. (to ClltltAiplrtd to our care, will be roma .ilett without delay, of the lowest rates. Bills of Lading transnotteil. alt.! all instettelions promptly namolml to, Ins (torn ina charge for stor age or COlllllll. pOlOl, 4:resat I‹ , is lit Cold, ttrt:at rt,nl only net iferrtgariari Barran: of Dr. Ittirlnnt, United States under thr 'rite cxtraontinary au of rohnonary annr nun: for Ste:11111CM t.! folltift in the COMMallt from ally of the COlllll.lO been git'ea up try the ix eofirnnni nod incurable cur,l. and will tiler. quark nobartun.but it Si:, and r‘tahliplivd rtficarl Es.,ry family in 'ha,. 13..han's Ilnagar, o , lllterneLthe coastettr as la preventiire 111C11Irit spitting of firisoll. pain it • SOreIICAS of the lung, It heetie fever. night Asven IV. esthete. intittrilrrt. So!d In larT- bott!es (or the restoration of to l'untyltlets. eerttilent,. tool oqt , r e ontros of this great Etta• th., Agents. gratuitously For sale by ebla cor. First an A rr pancAi. "j Sir Aooley Cooper mar 3 1 1 / 4 -ruw pri3i.a7A-Rei1x.A . .....:_.5gir,,i;•, p.,,,.. iiiiTZlrlitoii 11l Iforrer's pew roliti4” of the l'o,iteal work, ni Jolos . Mil ton. with a ISlerrlnlf, it mortal prom rks on lei and writing._ I , y lota. 1;plil,111...) ; null nice billlaLVti and twenty engravings runt drawings by Vii, Harvey In two 4,11111,4. SPE:NI:F.IIS GI:ENE Tr., Acts of the Apostles. to cal, philosophical. crep er with the IThittles nod ill, New Testament—F. 'Theological Seminaries .... A NeIC iratril—Nl itlau By Mrn. S. C. Hull. Jamey's floury IV—Tlia Franre and Navutre. ll in four part•. paper For An!e hy .1,4 inn 8 411044k54:11 New Book OR ELL'S I li.torr .1. in 011 C volume. !ion ..Lecturer on the Law Tyng, D. D.: new and c the author; F. 1.50. AlNnoir of Rev. David Chinn,by his acplacW, R Ira Aleander's History o Church ; translated by Prl Ilawkstotte: a talc of volumes. from second Lo' ➢lctnoir of W. C. Croc Per,onal Recollection explanatory noten, aceon the period front the elosel death ; by 1.. 11. J. Toni; Recollections in Engin! Mark Milton, the Mere Taylor. M. A., author Lit, " Lady Mary. - •• The above just receive QUNDAY SCHOOL large Rupp! y of Hoc published by the Anwri, approved bx a commit!, member, of the followiti Congregational, EpiArop• Reformed Dutch. These of six hundred bound vol to 75 vents.) all written In addition TO the nL vie of hooks. in pap red. tbrrewards. &e. The Union also publishes tw•o Libraries, Nos. I and 2 of one hundred vomme r4nch. all numbered ready Mr I.ISII of hooks from 72 pages u to 2:10, in the lots Mice of let dollars, averaging only t n cents a volume. Also, "A Youth Cabinm Library." of fifty so rtes, a the low price of two doll trs and fifty cents. Also. Ilytno Books. tin stion Books, red and blue Tick eta on paste boards. Map . All the shove we eel prices. Catalogues of B ELLIOTT . fiewl A /JASON'S MARIA, 1 - 1 John, Duke of Marl F. R. S.. author of the Neander's Life of Chri its historical connexion ni Augustus Neunder—trap edition, by Joint Arc Clint sums in Dickinson College Oil Ilicka the. Guide: o l Country in search of a Of The linchcler of the “Falcon Dr. Olialtner's Pestilentq itetalings, by the late Thott In three vols. Vol.:11,i lii The above valuable. eve sole by JO oplt.! Booksellers, Trimmings. - VFW and splendid variety-of TRIMAITNCS. of the ./. 1 1 latest styles. just recci •etl,ltt ZEBULON KINSEY'S, No 67 MART:ET STREET. Indult whirl: are: 50 gross Daisy 13nttons. tssorted colors; 1110 " plain. covered %yid] net, assorted colors; 150 0 plain small, assrted colors; w SO " cotton. ne aril •le, wash- assorted colors; Also, a large variety of inges. ass'd widths and colors. GI.HVES. 1. very large stock of the above article. 6 doe. Ladies' Open N'llorked Silk GloVes; S " Gents' Heavy Silk (:loves; 7 Ladies' Net Dina - and White Cloves; 25 " Ladies' Fancy:llop Lisle Thread Gloves; 20 " Ladies' Gloves; 50 " Ladies' Raw Sil Gloves; 20 " Cents' 0 " 12 " Children's Cotto t Gloves; • - ' Stintlett Twist, Stool and . Tassels. Bend Bags, steel Accorsicons. 13 OAN'S LONDON BO' NVillinm of 11Talms1an•'s ileiless Ecclesiastical Ili; Mailers Northern Antiqt Ileroditts, by Carry. , Morhinvelli's History of Seiklegers Philosophy of !AnisVt , History of Pni Deektoon's History of It ROFCOC'S Leo the Penth. Roscoe's Lorengo De M Coke's House Auntri, Sehiller's Works. mar 22 It S. nom - ; . :: k i rtation Crransp F!“shurgh ortable Boat Line: S4S. lion of Freight ito nod front DELPHIA, BA L'FIMORE,NEW . BOSTON. &C. 4. CASH. Philadrlphin. creoxxoß, Piisburgh. r;onvniii ~ tne being now in full operation. • niacin exttthsive arrungernents 'MusD with duspolulc. and Oct the 'filet - confidently hope. their well elivering goods—pcettliar safety paeious warehouses at each port. Ins to shippers mid owners of their lit” esperionne and unre ness. Will secure to them a con atrosiagu they hereby gratefully nd for this line received. charges soy required directions free of dvanchig or storage. r indirectly. in steamboats. onnptly annulled to oh applica •nto: : BORBIDGE & CASII. ,S. Market street. Philitdelphia TAAPPE & O'CONNOR. Coital liacin. Pittsburgh O'CONNORS & North street, Raliitanre WILLIAM B. WILSON. NI, Cedar street. Nev \'Ork Vny Freight ). ileKwun - ru & en. 's Ltsr-) I 848 erchnnt (vottntaar CALL I the transportation of way freigh It. Blair, ille. Johnetowtt, 1101/1 it, and all intermediate places. warelioaKe of C. A. Al'Anulty & ty street. Pitishurgh. every Jay. 1 ahip 7 •nurs eon always depend on anted without delay, and at fair I for the gpecial necomtnadation of proprietors. ihnokhil for the very have received during the lam wk . ° 0111 their old Cll,lOlll, re and the Ie). have extcoded their facilities. ter. and an now helter prepared rcaNed hu iat. .s. .Eurin KT , tit, \V Ml . FuI.TZ. JOHN 1111.1.131 NlcUtiNVl:l.t. & Co.. Pocrlor,lii ZEE!! UMZEE - Tiro:Eß.ll'n tt•r at. It 11 Itttatto Sitmlnirr, J;l: & J. anti At Co.; R. 7tiatort• ; let y i. I...hrtter, J. Jordan 4. Son. tic ropy.) Die rc ait I rankportat C. A. M ANULTV Co Can II,crty it.. Pittsburgh A 'glislt Ursalcily 1411 mm. niva for .11, ahov , Ve. db,overetl by tb , cvl.l.ratt,l I.lllelrtmt mitt mm thr ,1111111,1111 it sopt,ll:,..ttrorc 0111, er, elf 11., frke.ll , lll, 111 The curt- thoi can I) Owl k rent , int vain 111 the du! and have ust thstiagutsited lilt %11,11{R. . The I lunar. tan iltn.ant ha, Inpq dekin.ratt , It ot uu .lord Eng Inch medicine, 01 known Clotted State, I,r supplied an 'Salaam of I.llr. not golly to ter, tot tile climate. Foal to be '1,4,1 0 in all cake. of r... 0•1.. rooted's, the sale nut ela,t, irritant. and /orieloitoo. olifliettliv of breathing. emaciation nod . ,eeuoral debit, otoopinc. cOllOl SI p.: r bait!.. with full direetior.l pith. n mas•o(lin_tt•n and Amerienn lelenee, shwa ism t7o ntkequolkd Remedy, may Lir tvi/laltled (// 11. A . rA !INF:STOCK A C 0.., I Wood. .and ‘Vt.0.,1 .111:1 nth.. Sir A•url Cooper Oil in liar Bronsil. S.r . and Tii)lllUS Gland; C.,lir'', Lector,. o ntstell . % hlacklnlo,ol•P Prnt. LIE/wlicon', 110 7. Bortser'g Anatriut Churrhia's nficase. oi iriian DlneaSCS of Fealla and histology; 'es--A•huel!: (or s ale by I. S. 1105W01211.1 Si Co.. 49 Mork strert AMrti at.., at ottzitt. thrtursthout the 1 :;11 , •! Iststr,itttrts ;I '-`tt- tt ./a . r ~.N., FA, _ • AT. LE V YTT • nit r y .% 12 "c DEN ft,,n I 1 I'l 1 , ,,,1awt, tivArtlnttel or Wa; , .. t+pwi Ih. 010. 1114..1,11 ,rm., icc.) no•m-t,inh"._ rabtl attv,ll,vii 10 thf• %% t o do $.14 tt!.. I •1 IfItri••• thal 1,1 , •1 the 1. - n -1 , 0, • 111.41,,{ tvpr., Itlt . 11.1t1 Ihvrt, vv.:"... th-tofitkln !, .111 r. 1111* Lyn oSolr ttoo It Artagli .. I lc," 1 ,, 141• 1 , 1 /•• LlVerps,ol ittf. • of' 0ti0.1.• .1. • 5t1,1.11.• ri . ow irelit,olly poor r./ ra.b pera.ann raatra,;.l4, I".n.aarab'' rat , a" , t , t aat! a, a., a. m 44 if, "all, .X6•11.1,/s Oil for titre.. XIII° .11 her pf.tformed glut at ail. at a ;.J. it Drums dra a, at Pot..',•al-zb far nay. •uta Freon 11 fl DOI., payable at fir, Of I'll rflOVllfriat Itaalir ut Ira ragiand, Scutiatha :tad ‘Vab-• ~ 41 11. A 13011.1SSON. Earalsrao and ii• 111,111 .Avant. rif!h .tract. nae d.aa. liclocr NVacal 4 1 %POU1:IC:NT RE MI T TA NCE. rl , llESMo , criber• no. poopyred m foromrd money to ntl Imo,. o(11,1mni rrn , tim'y S'eothout and W&:-r, ,vot. Ary3tch, am/ at ihr low-•4t SANIUI.:I. rn , 1121.11... my •tr,..t. Enrolment Agency, ond Remittances to Ireland. Enc.:loud, ete. T Alton and nntall inint•ot intoner rail stall time, he j remitted hy nt red ttp,tl rate, to nil rtirtn of Ent:lnuit. Ireland, Wale.. Ar, and heresies. heat.. 'Pistilli, nod Property to rorere ran I.e collected and reeovereil through the .iufisertlier. or ductile' hi. rite truce front tin. city from lember loud Mny, hi.mmtt nl tour. to Europe, ice ntiriteuttmt to Jatn:e MAT. Mcr ehnot, Wider street, riti,liorch II Kt:T . :NAN, Attorney tool Counsellor nt Law, UM! European Atrent. Pittnitutyth. l'n. P If Her, lin. tieen frequently trot - Ailed by nnldieutton• lent:, oi l thu hienite, Ile rlirlifl N• . 4 . 2.n on.irer neents. of Neve York, be deem. it' tteee..nry tn Kay that he i. not the Keenan . of that firm. nod hoc never hud tin) connexion vt tilt either of Pm, per•onii. oat! Western New 'York college of Health. 207 M 1.174 FTIt V.YT. iit'FFAVA N. V. DR. G. C, vAucams vr.r:ETATILETrio:mut , TIC MI XTI _-_...- . . . - • rill IS eelebrnteel remedy is consta. v Increasing its fame by the itinkiinp all over the wend. Ti has nose become the only medicine for family use. turd la particti : tarty recommended for Dropsy all s11:101 of this coin' rtnint i 1111 l tediatelv relieved, no matter of how long sluice mpg. (See pamphlet for te.timon) .1 Gravel, nod all diseases of the nr. nn ry organs; for tiers,' iti , tresning complaint , a Sttiled• 111‘0101: 110 other ar ticle ran relieve you ; and the cure,. te.difiedb to will con. vile., the Mo.' skepth-01,—inee pamphlet.) laver Com plaint. Mimic. Discaws, Fever noel Agile. To the Great IVe.t especially. road wherever tlieso complaints prevail, this iin•ilicene is offered. No mineral agent. iineleleterions compound to a part of thie 1111 X inre. it urea these illness es S. 011 re nainty 11101 celerity. and does not leave the sys. torpid. (Se, pmnpldel. ) a TOlOOO . OO of a most painful character. in immediately ed, awl Al core (01- 100.. I.l' 11 liov alt). of this article. It I. r beyond any "lit, preparation for this elp.easr, or roma ny other 11,11,0 oRtfllOlllllZ 00111 impure Mood. (See puniphlci.) Debilny of the System, %Vele k Bark, \Veal:nese of the liielneyo.&c • or Inflamation of the snore, is immediate!y relieved by a few clays use of tills medicine, and n cure is nlway, thu result of ito .1111.1 A as a certain mine ely Fier swell complaints. noel also for ileraligelnelllA of the f, male name. km:rid:trine, Slippre,.ions. painful limo. !OM:Ili ,on NO 1,0,1, 1en..0,r11/,• 11 offemil. except this, which woold touch 16is kind deratigetimots. It may he...lied upon A. II soreolol efi,eo,... remedy; ; 0 0, ,101 feel permitted In do an. mild 'Jive II 'lolll.lllld 110110, 0a 00.4 ~r TOT, in del, di,tres•ing pamphlet. All broken down, c1r.1.110n10,1 constitu tions. from the effect of mercury. will find the bracing pow 0T of Ibis article In nilinhennli:nciy.lll ll l the poison ous missend erailiented (rmn the gyAll•fn, Erriptive Diseases will find the a hernlive properties of this n rile le rr airy nut twoon, 11.1 drive such diseases from the system. See pampli!et for testimony of cures in nil diseases. which the lining of an advertisement will not 10'0101 In be 101111141100,: Agra.. give them awn),; they crattain :12 pages of vertificates of hick elin reefer; nod a stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine, nevi er appeared. It is 0111• of (lire peemliar featitres of this ar ticle, that it never fails 0,111.11..10 in at)- 111111 nail mmicle lire tell to build upon, let the ernarinted and lingering invalid mom we, 1111,1 keep taking the medicine as long as there is On improvement. The proprietor would caution the public ntrainst a number of articles which come out under the heads of SAIO.ATA mu, oq. STO ON. 113 cures for Dropsy, Gravel. &c. They are good for noth ing. and concocted to 0,11 the unwary: silent THEM NOT. Their inventors never thought of curing anvil diseasestill this erne le had done it. A particular. hifty of the pamph lets is earnestly solicited. AgelllA. cell who sell the ar ticle. are glad to rircrdate grataitonsly. Put up in no oz.. bottle, at 52; 12 oz. do. at Ftl rash—the. !timer hold* S oz. more than the two small bottles. Look nit nod not get impooeil upon, Etery bottle has Vaughn .s Veg,eln ' ble Lithontriptie Mixture." blown upon the glasii. the written algorithm of "G. C. Vntigho' on the direetions. and -G. C. Viiiighis, Buffaloistamped on the cork. None other are genuine. • Prepared by Dr. O. C. Vaughn. and sold nt the Princi pal Office. gaf Main street, 13utraln, wholesale turd retail. No attention given to letters unless post-paid—ore/tr from regularly authorized etzents excepted. Post-paid let ters, or verbal communications soliciting advice, prompt ly attended to gratis. Offices deyoted exclusively to the sale of this article -132 Nassau at., N. Y.; 295 Essex st., Salem. Mass.; and by- the principal Druggists throughout the United States and Canada, as Agents. HAYS & BROCKWAY Agents, jan3l No. 2, Liberty st... near Canal Basin. VENITIAN BLINDS.—A. Trexteereif, and old and well known Venitian Blindmaker, fArmerly of Second and Fourth sts., takes this method t inform his many friends of the fact that his Factory is now in full opera tion on St. Clnir st.. near the old Allegheny Bridge. where a constant supply of Blinds of various colors and quail ities, is constantly kept oil hand and at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers. N. EL If required, Blinds will put up eo. that in case of alarm by fire, or otherwise. they may be removed without the rid of a screw -driver. and with the same facilitiy that any other piece of furniture can he removed, and without any extra expense. je2.l-d.kwy CAUTION TO TilE PUBLIC.--The subscriber. by written contract with the PERIN TF.A Co.. has the ex clusive right Pi !Sell their Teas in Pittsburgh and Alleghe ny cities. person attempting to sell . their Teas ex. cent procured through me. is practicing a deception and a fraud upon the publi6—and their statements are not to relied on. Ise23] A. JAYNES, 79 41h at: ~tt . n _ MEM MUM , - ' . _i , 5 , ,,., ..„-_-;:,. ~ -.; . -.;4 4 ` ~:•,: ;-,,,..i.r.-!%'-'..:-„. (Eitii . gratioit I=l IT A IV-a Int:LAND. LAID li DEN & CO.'S .• A , , :tt , rloat,v. of U..- . „,„ k,,1':1'. , 3nsurance ,Tanipanice. 1.VCO?111NU CO.I A UTU I: IN 81711ANCE.001.11;PANY. • AG.ENC.T. runt.: sulwril:er. ha, ims been appointed and duly corn ," iiiis±ioned-Agent oflife. I.):outing County Mutual In surance Company, is now prepured to receive' implica tions Jar insurnnce for said Company:- This Company is, perhaps. one of the very best Insurance Col7lllllfliti,l in: the Stole or Union. having o vapitol - of between one rind•two millions of dollars in premium holes, • and by the regula tions of the Company no risk exceeding 85 1 000-will be to ken on any One Comp any of buildings. oron anyone risk. and no more than 52.5110 will be token on u Rolling Mill, Foundry or Maurice. Buildings in which a stose-pipe possess throngli the side wall orroof. COllOll Factories or Pons der Alills. Manutbetorics of • Priming Ink. and Dis til-Juries. Will 001 be insured 011 any consideration. what ever: and whcif.the rum per cent. shall be P 2 or lb inclu sive. no risk will be taken over $l,OOO, (except Bridges and Christ Mills.) • The opersoions.of the Company have been such. that for the last six years only one cent upon the dollar hos been eased upon the premium notes of the stock holders. Application can be made to the subscriber, ; at' his eines, iu the new Court Muse. _ . H. 51 . 13.01-1.. Pi nehurgh, Allegheny Co., l'a luu•4l•bn The Prank Ingurauce Company OF I'ItILA DELP/11A. OILS RTER Mitl'ETU AL.-4 - 10(0 100 paid in of fi ce V 10 31 Chestnut st., north ,tile. ticur Fifth. 'raki, Insu rance. either permanent or limited. against loss iir dam age by fire. on property mitt effects of every tlesciiption, iii town or country. on the 111151 rcusonalile terms. An plicnnott. made either personally or by lett.. N will lie promptly attvitdvil tit. C. N. 13.1.2fCliEli, rrest. C. G. BANCR ea. S., rrtnrr. ~,,,... _ I it RELIORS : Charles N...llancler, Jacob R. smith, Thomas Hon. Genre W. Richards, Thomas J ‘Vlttlitna, !tlortleeni D. Lewis, Tot 1e.., Wagner,Atlolphi V.. Born', . Samuel Orion.t David S. Brown. l' I '1"1' S Brno ii A ci E sc.. v. NVA merit 31.ttrrtN. Agent. at the Ezehnege Office of Werriek Mt rtio h Co,. eat., cd . 3.1 nod Murket Fire riAlte taken On 11411111131 g.. and their enueentx in Allegheny and the aurrounding country. No marine of inland navigation riAts taken. 1‘..1A It INQ KING & FINNEY, A;.-tor al ritnburzh. J..r eh. 1...0-I.ntrarr Illoapni=SqfFty In r. Cern-pasty Pk;ladelpboa. . . • 1; , 11W, RISKS ovum Iglu! lohetia oert Merelmodi, of t- ve- I r) toe! Nltirtee 164.0 tr;tots httlie or eor -4,..• Of 0 - 0,0 Op.!: 111.• wolottiotottottle term.. Other ni the wart-toe:en of litter:St tiolincs. on Watrr '4l et . NI., t Ihtt.her.lh 11. I.TI A Emory the i, confplr, m , , , and witron• .2 , of 01 , , r fr.:4.• and cnniniinnly al /a the ucr 11. S 11,wroalr , Company, alt an initon^, 11l l'/UlU..kiPiva- - ux hakialz a larg, v.,1 to rnintiii, a hurl, 11 thr opc•ratiolt of itr diatier ‘ ie !ori.ling to varb purvoll tvdOM, ni tts, pinto, of the mtofru,p r hull to any scitat,vvr.l,p;l.lllc , pr,omo, arfualla paid rn Ly 11111, am! Por•trfige as ray Mutual prior of Pt rrf Ohni,tiotta rwur,.. Aitti if I OA nlif at 11, f' 6/Yin t;EN Ikr Till: \ I-1 N t , ()M P \ 11,A 1 11:1.11'S N E. rura l , Th au./ 111.,f 0..r0 , Is of the •„,,, cau 013 111 , flr,t fa noull I,IL, a* rut.,l;.ta lu cumufluity ;:f; au art of IL,: l'eatts) onus Lacteraturr. sr• /;0,1:1, ......... • t, Sava- nll4 Ctisia 1.!!1 !,: t • tt tt.ta: gz.g.f,J 1 6,4 0.1 all ) t, awl t t - titit a at r lir all lila" til. 211_4. Mira at HA ta,, ,•4 Wall ni”. 14 .0, Cimat+l,ll rol Ittanr w tar r fire. ?I`lll-: F.n. petftv- , Offier., Yu \ I ntsivii .ir 119,E24.1,10.... A. P. hor,4 to -4-4 ItolOt- , 4• ts,r, Nlr4rltirobre rov4 prop,- ro-o r,th e fr, ro; ri•Ulltr, • n Iwo. t 0.... .4 ,Lokvore :•) roo, ior loan« -arrant., Oil favor tr rt., Jahn grr,r , int. t!':. iln 1.• t,13 S3gmiel r, Vorzral, - A , !.,1 , 71fm. CI,OICI, A l'ttlock firnd y, T 1..-•.,,., SA Nt t JILTON, PreA:dent .i . :Ao[oug , Julw J r , rtt,lrt-:m D J• sir I Ir.i. : n tart it•ti,,,cr i y the• Fl ' vrol ill Tlntl.r.lls" Wili 1, ,-,„ ~,1 ~.y ~ ~,,,. cn c ,,,..1 hy 0,• .kwierfig-ned. 144,:o4 4.W. /.tH . i MA N. y.u.i attl , I , Wood ecrel • Cotinetr• !Ilogien, Pratt% Extractor. ••• IwoNv wtow'rwiw•l rk) ktitg•.ki jriflt tbai 1 . 4”4”.e:r0. f•a”, rtirrcr.n.r. 10 , 0"V:40112,11 • •• •di • ••••••.•••1. . N °A. i• Cho •t• ni tho •• ,o;•‘ - o** Its o:f.o, err trui ) nonce it t. is %•! W:k illw 1a'41.1, •,j Inmet I•, , tr. at.ul_l., . 411e1 ail iltter ..00 , Ihr. WlCtal ft, itra te mkt', Tito •r t• to Ail kirolv.ot .;,•• kw , It Us. solo Sind I:yrs. It \\'b.. .n, I 'lct-ts. lirbews. litattes, tt Ent ttiti.rlrt, lholo-rcatii. hr. 11'.• p,••••• I•.• thr nwrorn or tubby em. art, ithy...611... ahn rt,tet II 01 tit", pnwur.,..4l tho rtrr, Wilft pr‘tit.ct It ti, itis it p,4 , rte- Kind pqr , o , I—p it , on-slqßsty on 4, 7.4 in fuss et actebitnits by ;i4t- fru.) b. witliocil. but IT it. ult.. nil burn,. .t' .'t II- 11*f-oil - trot. nztl.-•• !henh Hi , . rionLit.yed. ft wed n.k for Afavt,dl Est- Irtv-tr,by Ce,n2tettek Co.. .v. P. . end take, a. o•hrt s tfil Car.a.A. Satac/t. —Thaa ri.aaaa;or Haw,' Linararni. is an Arne it w/0,. t ruly crint,rannt rt• a corn for the above. than any or all o!hris. It. tor., are almost itotardtate, and it i• nnrc••nry Irt non, who {mow the article nal ii•n o iih Runt, dial it 111 to i.e tool araaa a-lai rename of I.'in•hn - k . Co., 11l Courthm.l ola. rarorrwtor. '`r .i;t! r 11111, itenuitir an ritt•!•itrA. Pa., by I Abe y mt.. bract of Won.l Pi A( . l - 10billgt011. Pa.. y A Clark : in Itrosvosvalle t.)y Ilenttett .k. Crocker. nitao by oar nat."' an every town to l'entagyleatah.. Ohio. M.l, and Varrinia olt I, the be•t Cough Medicine If ever Satv.” EADthe following, proof - Cif the •tipeno T ity a P. ;rib ianft Ort, itinf Congh .Ih-rture, from u rvspoetahle cit izen. who ham Hied It: PrrrAnuann. Dec. 15, 147. M rkkas II AY. it ItancxwArl—After laboring for eevcral looter the ihindvanragen of u harnsoine cough and roil, witch had, than fur. re!ciAtell the el feet• nI 11eVerai - 1111 . :11ilid,.' I van induced In pur eluote a bottle of your Oriental Cough Mixture, and Bice it a fair trial. To my great gurpri.c, Idler lonia only our half of the bottle Idiruud myself entirely wen. "it 13 Mc mohone ercr JtAir." True copy. MINDS. Sold Ity II AVS & BROCKWAY. Druggist, Commer cial Row, Liberty Street. near Canal. *: juad A. MASON & CO.. Dry Geod. lluttsr.:64 m ar k t .: s' 1 • Street. &town Third and Fosorth xtr,t3. have just received a large supply of twit Fall Goods. comprising in part 17 cases various styles Prints and Firinurcs of Eu. Frotiell nod American manninclaire; 1511 pen rich Hod desirable patterns French Gingham, warranted in ferior to none imported in style, 'quality and durability of colors: 4 rarer splendid Plaid goods for ladles dresses, comprising every style for Fall and Winter wear; Cash, merit., M. do Lailics. Satin sijOl Alpaccas 'of various colors: 3-4 and 4-4, black arid liltai libic.k.bilks, for Man- I io< ; r00, , y dregs Silks; black and Mode ; AI. de Laioa, all N•opl: Shawls Of every style rind qu a li t y; C a ,- sic•re, Cro.sinetrA. Broad Clotljr and Vestings; blench ed and unbleached Manlius from uj ',i e. per yar d ; Grey.. Berl and White Flannels; Ti e ki tige, ks, strip'd Shirting.; blenched and hrowa etc. etc. All of which are otliired at wholesale rind re tail nt the very lowest cashlrriees.• , -- wp3 A. A. MASON & CO. 1).1(0 7 1 , .12.111,10TYPE 1200AIS, Burke's Fourth arrest.—ITOVOII 4 . ANTIiO!VP. Drisucrreo tVpists from th e Eastern cities. wo uld cull the attention of Me inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns, 10 their Daguerreotype of citizelis and others, at roointin third sfory of Burke's building. lilt st. Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured that no puias shall be spared to pr o duce them in the highest perfection Mille art. tins instruments ore., of the. 'oust pow erful kind. enabling Its to exi•elite pictures misurpassecl for high fini.h and truthfulness to nature. The publiemre ,olieited to call mid cznininc. Persons sittinc for pictures are neither regairred or ex pected to take them unless perfect satisfaction is givetri N. 11. Operators will Bail this 11 good depot for stock and irchistructions given in the art, containing the more ter VIII Improvements, jan7 ri , () rynr.thus.—Every female should havoa hoiof Dr. Halph's rills. They are perfectly adapted to the peenliaritiz, id - their constitution, noting with gentle mild ness tool safety in all eicenozzdanos. IVberever introduc ed, their chi acter has been rapidly established among the holies, with whom they are emphatictilly The Favorite. Very complete directions for use in the vnrions com plaints will be found in the directions accompanying nob 100 X. For sale I,y S. L. CUTIII3ERT, Siniilifield street. near Third. Also. by WM. Cole. Allegheny ClIV: J. (1. Smith, rtir mingliton; and John M'Cranken, Fifth IVard, Pittsburgh jangs Hollow-Ware Castingx. TERcHANTsvision ; ,-our city fur the purpose of 111 obtaining their Spring supplies of Ilollow-ware . and other Castings. tind n very !wavy stock, and an exteasive variety of paierns and sizes in store . by ay— sautples eau lie such at our warehouse. Commercial Row. Liberty street. nrel W. W. Wallace's Marble works. it ,----- Terms and prices fuvornlile. 111 QUIN, MeBRIDE k Co. hl ti‘V 1100.E:---Just received. by Express: liermaily, 1111 England. and Scotland. or recollections of a Swrsi minister: by .1. IL Merle WA ultivne. D. D., author °fills tory of the - Reformation. Life of Cromwell, &e. A Practical Exhibition of the VospeLs of St. Matthew and St. Mark, in the forth of liettares, intended to assist the practice of domestic instruction and detmlion; by John Uird Summer, D. D., Bishop of Chester. For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 64,24 56 Market street, bet. 3d and 4th. . Table Cutlery. undersigned has just received a select assortment I of Table, and other fine Cutlery. including Desert, and Carving knives and forks; Which, with a large stork of Brushes of every description, and Shoemaker's find ings, he will dispose of us usual, on r•anottable terms. JOHN W. a p‘29, 130 Wood street.. 1 - 1, OR SAT.E.—A large lot, with Dwelling House in front, on Decatur street. running Itel: 100 feet. bounded by alO feet alley. Also a large lit, of 110 feet front on But ler street. Lawrenceville. by 2so feet deep, containing a well arranged Cottage tivvelling House, with 10 Rooms, large Hall and Parlor, front nod rear Garden, dm. - S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent. op f.m Smithfield. above 4th street. WAGO\S 70 Willow Wagons,- AN 'ALLOW Cradles; 24 do. 40 do. Basket Cltiiirsi 12 Nests Clothes Muskets:. 3 covers, assorted; reed and forsale Maiket Baskets; with; 04,11 ZEBUON KINSEY. ;,-: •z"iti) INJ - 4,K.1 Ltizr.c - rf)tt-z =BM Drugs (nib liirbitints. - - DR. HOFFLAND'S CELEIIRATED - GERMAN MEDICINES Are mahout a Rival fol. chi Cure of . . the following Diiicises! ,T F taken according to the directions they will cure any a cane, no matter who or what else has failed. - . • • .•. VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC PILLS, For the permanent cure of Itheunuitistri. Gout, Gan grene; Hysteria. and severe nervous affections. and are highly reeommentled for the mire of Dropsy, Immoral Asthinu and Neuralgia. Patients using them, in most eases, experience benefit snom after the firstdose. They quiet thepier.mis system. which enables them to rest well during On, idgitt. They never fail to effect a cure, when taken acceirling to directions. No outward application Mtn permanently remove rheu matic ',ain't from the system. Liniments sometimesuct as a palliative for a short period, but the're in always clanger in their Ilse. They may cause the pail) to leave one place for perhaps. a. vital part, or else where the pain will be More /cute. GERAIAN 'BITTERS - . For the permanent cure of Liver Complaints. Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Cliroide Debility. Chronic Asth ma. Nervous Debility. Pulmonary, Affections, (arising from the liver or stominai.)•Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases urinous.: from is disordered stomach, in both node fund Minale. *itch its female weakness. dizziness, (Winless of blood to the fiend. They sin-lighten the Rya- . tem. annul remove till aridity of the stomach. fund give it tonne until action and assist digestion. They can be taken by the most delicate stomach. and iu every case will en tirely destroy coinpvytiess and renovate the whole sys tem, removing tdi)impurities and reamants of previous tllid giving a healthy action to the whole fraine. 'rte symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the right nide, um! soreness upon toneli immediate- . ly tinder the inferior ribs: inability to lie on the left side, or if ui all able, a dragging sensation produced. which se rioualy affects respiration. causing: very• often it trouble sonic cough; together with these symptoms we perceive a coated tongue, acidity of the stomach. deficiency of imr spirntion. nod sometimes a sympathetic inin the right shoal* r, with it great disposition to :deep and depaPaston of ttptriin. nod nometantes sums in the mouth or throat, causing inoetia to rise in The nostrils. Jaundice frequent ly nreongwnirs it. and a dropsy in the face. These arm. lents, if ..kerinitied to continue. will eventually produce. that most Intorfill thlrattrt. Commutation. in fact, a init . - jority of such east, origin:lle front the irritating causes above mentioned. Cathartic inedicinits toast in every lIIPtUIf re. he avoided in the Ire:Lanett( for it. . . , tYntitfonot of Dynpeltvin ore very vorionft—thone af fecting the v•ottotteli alone. ore tinuttelOirari-burn, knot of flitreflte. it , ontotimen no eNretot of appetite. tense of foli o, A or weight on the enotiich. ,inking or flutteriv of ilia pa of toe -tottinvit.•ixttiff or tOttie nrit-oor from the Despeottia, Oft yolk! Of a clitteltllll nature, i. svitttont thttiger bur. if miffing from n discitose of the It•tototteft. 11 is ou rtettOtt, Nr1 . 1,111, bili!y gvneroily :11 , 011.1/41011,‘ Dyspepsia or 1.1‘ ,. t I:worts:l,E it wit; sloy vore. A fess drses m own- as the uoldrassof .•tlrrrt .0.-t as fioto•rjog at the Iwo rt. uel.oor 050o0a 111111 I,ol,llitrn. dots or ssclt• I.riocc doe kerr and a