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'l'..• NM ANCE, 1'0,41 ?k.79 CORNER SIXTH AND LIBERTY STEETS. riving enlarged and "newly fi tted up th eir establish :3E . . Ment, at the above well known stand, respectfully vita the attendee of their friends and the public to their she selection of NeW Goodk, comprising every varie sytheiniring and summer wear, selected especially for their custome r deptuitrietit. -Those wishingto leave their ordlthi Will'fitid at thie mitablishment every style of new suet desirable goods; Their stock of ready made Cloth. ing . is extensive. got up in the hest =inner. of durable ma terial, hiid well wor thy . the attention 'of those wishing to putehasC'' All ate invited to call, and may rest assured that they twill be pleased with price,quality and variety. A liFigo aanortment of s hi rts kept constantly on hand. . annito elmo. • MtIr'DELANY, Fo. 49. Liberty street, Pittsburgh, has Jus . 'opened, for 'the 'Spring trade, a largo and general atmortment of well selected Cloths, Cassimeres, and ' Yestings, consisting of puperfine French and English black and fancy coloreaCLOT.H.9. 'nimbi* for the va rious' Myles of Spring and Summer Coats. Plain and Taney Fronch, English and American CAS, SIMERES, in great variety and saw patterns, adapted to thalnuaornehtrade, 61st* a great variety - of new and fancy VESTINGS— bf which wilt be cut and made to order in the most Ambionable style. - . Persons favoring the establislunini with a call, will be witteUtoU moderate tenni, at short notice. Thbaubscriber has also on tondo great assortment of READ MADE CLOTHING, made in , the present Spring Faahion.leonsistiag of every deicription of Dress and Pock Coats, of all fashionable colors; fancy and' plait IllaCk and Businesi Coats. Also, a general assortment . of Pants, Vests, Shirts, Claims; and all other article* in the Clothing line, which will be sold low, for CASH. Wholesale purchasers will find It much to their advan tage- to call and - examine the stock. before purchasing elsewhere, P. DELANY,TaiIor. • mar IS glik TO ARMS' TO A RMS !—Thremenedin vasion of. Western Penna. by Col Swi ft. wi th In-000 men, notwithstansting vehicle, • S. M. White will continue to sell clothing cheaper than any has 'heretofore been offered in the Western country, hay big :thelargest establishment in the city, fronting on Lib erty and Sixth sts. lie is now prepamd to show to his numerous patrons the greatest variety of eloths, cassi mores, vestings, and Clothing of all dese riptions, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been offered in this market, to which all Can have the Right of Way.- Observe the corner, N0..167, Lihenv and - Sarth its. mar2.s J. M.tVHI.TF tA TLOR. Proprietor. estottoa 'aractsoLt - a tosses L Bluets. Twin City Clothing Store. geIEORGV, Si ANGLY:It & Co. a nnounce to their friends tjuzantl, the citizens of Allegheny, that they lmve on band it fine assortment or HEAD Y CLOTHING, consisting of. Coats. Vests. Pants, float. &e., which they *ll:iteil ut fair Prices. Also, a superior lot of Cloths, Cassimeres. and Vestings. which they will make up to order, in the neatest and best manner. F.Ctistom work done nstrsnal. , 'Don't forget the place, on the west side of Fede tal save; 5 doors north of the Auction Store, Allegheny eity apl9-3nt ;Clothing I C10'411114 : I Clothing t I t • -211. - l'hriv • 80. Doors The 111%Itent World !! ! 'WELL SELECTED (3ARMENTS now • _ made and ready to be offered on the tr) .- 0 000 isiaillibernl terms to my old customers and the public in general. The Proprietor of this far-famed and extensive establishment has now. after relenting from the Eastern "cities, at much trouble and expense, lust completed his fall - and winter arrangements to supply his thousands of . customers with one of the most desirable stocks of Clo thing that has ever been offered in this or any other mar ket west ofthe mountains. Fer neautess m style cud workmanship, combined with the very low price which they Will be sold for, must certainly render the old anti felled Threeßig Doors one of the greatest attractions of the western country. It is gratifying to me to he able to sumottitce to my'nemerons friends at home and abroad, that notwithstanding. the extraordinary efforts which I have inaile to meet the many culls line, it is with difficulty I can keep tune with the constant rush that in Made an this establislunent. It — is a well established factohat my sales hr.` eiznt or ien times larger than any - other house the trade. and this being the ease on the snout(sold:. I can ad - rod to sell at ettigh less profit than , others could possibly think of doing if they wished to cover contingent expenses. I intend to make a clean • syieeli of all my present stock before the beginning of next year; coming to this conclusion; I grill:make it the inter , eat:_of every man, who wants a cheap winter suit, to call andparelinse at Btu Three Big Doors. • ..:9.?121-41&W JOIIN ArcLosKr.v. y k yliVraobD.S. NEW GOODS.—Received at the Iron City. Clothing Store.rtspletolid assortment of Cloths. eonsisting of. fine French. English and American Plain. Mack-and fancy Cassimerrs. of the most modern styles; finefigured Cashmere Vesting.s, Silk Velvet, Plain and Fancy Satins—all of which we will make up nt the most ran - satiable prices. in a durable and fashionable style. Ready made Clothing, of all descriptions; Lady's Cloaks of the most fashionable patterns. Neck and Pocket Mkt's, Suspenders. Bosoms. Shirt Collars, sod every article usually kept in a Clothing Store. Country ; Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere, will find it to their advantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store, No. 132 Liberty street. immediately opposite the mouth or Market. foctlv..til C: Arr:LOSIM,I". . 44: 0 E1,14m; oFF 1.1)1V ' , Olt CASti.”— t,to thing:of every description. such as cloaks. Over coats; superfine blanket- Beaver. Pilot and heavy broad clothe. superfine cloth. dress, and frock coats; a large es sortintitt of tweed, sack and frock coats. • t.ffoth. casilmere, and smitten pantaloons; also, a gen assorttnent of vests; plain' nil fancy velvet, cloth. calitiimere and fancy woolen. and plaid eassimere, with a kit= variety of suporfitte...lrish linen, trimmed shirts. ander shirts- stock. cravats, comforts and all other arti clei in the r" thing line, which will be sold low for Cash. Porche.i.. .. rill find it touch to their advantage to call Soon, - at 49 Liberty street. P. DELANY -,. N. 13. A complete assortment of goods, suitable for Customer work, always on hand. such as English. French and Anterican cloths, and, cassimeres ; also a choice an twitatent of seasonable vestings—all of which will be inade to order in the latest styles, and on the most cc ematttodating terms. janl2-dew . . Joining: pitting I MEE Spring and Summer stock that is now ready to be offered at the old original THREE DIG DOORS, Ts one of the largest and choicest in selection that has es , • inr been exhibited by any one concern in-this or any oth er city in the-Union. I will not undertake to descnbe to the reader the different assortments of articles which I now have to offer them: but will simple tell them that if thay only favor Friesen!' a call. I will lay before them - 17(..,000 different garments to make a choice out of, con eiktim• in part of Coats. from the richest in quality down to thelctwest in price; Pantaloons and Vests, to the as ronishment of the beholder, with both mouth and eyes *Rem. wondering in the most extravagant degree of sur pnse. how such a vast collection of awn!' at ADZ ctornitto could possibly be collected together under the control of one individual But such things will be, as long as per . severance and industry is the main-spring of trade.-, . 4 Mfithout any intention of boasting. on my part. I will say aitheaame time,lt is of such metal I am principally cora yrosed,..for nothing in the shnpe or form of difficulties. no matter what their magnitude.may be, can deter me from Occoniplishing my object, in providing for the farmer, the mechanic, end the-day laborer. My whole attention is 'taken up with the greatest care for their welfare, in get -Ong up_ fashionable, and at the same time suinstantial gar -Meats, to meet their demands; and as for others, who fancy themselves miring in' a different sphere, and re quanag an article of the ne plrrr nitro kind, they have • only le give me an outline of their wants, and they are salted to a word. Now ' let me say a word or two to my country merch- Ants inthe trade: If you wish to save from at least 25 to AO per cent, in your wholesale purchases, call in at the "Three Big Doors." and if I don't meet your most san sniaehopes, its the way of getting cheap bargains, and Search seasonable goods. i will not in future attempt to of efeany inducements of a Pilllll3r kind to a generous peo ple of so noble a-nature and CiOPE discernment. JOIN ArcLosK.F.y, fehl6-1$ : No. 151 Liberty street. t3A7'T 1317: in ire' hie just received rat • - 1 11j.his large establishment, fronting on Liberty and 6th streets. a splendid assortment of TiVf:BDS for summer; 'rasa: a ' superior lot of French Satin VFISTINGS. all of whieh he is-ready to make up in the latest fashion and ort'the most reasorthble terms as usual. Observe the, =earner, No. 167 Liberty and Sixth streets. !WIC ' J. At. AVIIITE. Tailor, Proprietor. MOUE S'S WEEKLY BUDGET . ov.New.Docts roar 1E43. NECDOTES AND INCIDENTS, comprising dadiag A personal and amusing adventures of the °dicers and pnvates of the army in Mexico, actions of the navy and thrilling incidents of the Mexican war. -,- Ham's Merchant's Magazine- for'April. • - Nt'at Tyler, or the Bondman. an Historical novel. JAG:. and Public Services of Henry Clay, by Epos Sirnut . - . Maiden Aunt, an interesting tale. Ilaehelovof the Albany, a splendid thing. Old Hicks, the Guide, or Adventures in the Camanche Country in Search of a Gold Mine. Now and Then. Accounts of the Battles in Mexico, etc. Analytical System; illustrating the origin and de elope meat of the Briglish Language, illustnued with a bean ._ ... .. Graydon's Men and Times of Americanßevolution. Jack ller. or the Florida Reef, anew novel, by Cooper. American Review , for April. - Isabelle. or the nnigrant's Daughter, a new novel. ArneriCan Phrenological Journal for April—full emu on -, • Comb's Popular Phrenology, with above 50 engravings. Snliscriptions received for all the Enstent magazines ~.;induewspaperiat-putilisher's prices, and the magazines In oil cases tree -of postage. AGENTS - WANTED, to travel through Allegheny and athoining'eounties. and sell a work noticed at the Itimd thil advertisement: The must liberal 'wages will be ollexed. , . • Thel'CUltivator for this month: a monthly paper de- Yotoat and rural affairs, and only Bl per Life-and.taploita of the Duke of Wellington, with a *visinpletelistory of the Peninsular War, utunerona en; I.l=LivingAge,NO.2oll Tho V.e.laette Magazine of Foreign Literature for this 'moitth. Inhittlr. :Life- of Rev.Eligiall Macurdy, containing various inter 4stinttiotices of various deceased ministers of the Pres ;byttrtan Church M Western Pa. Atithentic Narrative of the unirdcr of Mrs. itademacker in Philadelphia ? illustrated.. • . A large and complete assortment of the known 2rispn flieuology 51esraerism. bilAalwallhasts, large and small slats, a most beau ntreltological Charts by the 1000 or 1 . 00. I finetTsterred and Col' . Ipl7 P. MORSE, 85 Fourth et. GM--70 bble, Cooklines No. 1, In stare and for 4•0461: 1 -• • &NICOLS. • WaVrED—A silent partnet,witb from ...Me/ to 50000 .neh ea itaLina malltifiteturing.linsitiess now,in enecessful operation;B, tt7TIII3EIC,F, Gen. Agent, apol , •Stnithfield, :Niue Ninth et., , , ANTRUM W 1141.1. hlf lihtts,•novv landing S; • 15 Mulls awl n 2 WI blids wiH 'orrive this Week. These: wines era of My own importation and will be sold low by; P.C.MARTIN. • . . , ANTED,--A !silent partner. with from 3to S5OOO . W• clink etipitsllifirgrierittfretnri n n business nowin .neeessrulooinitation.. S. CUTREIRErr ; gen. age • np 2ey . • • • • Smithfield abbve 4th street. . . . . . . i."- -, - - : .• .-'- - : ..-.: =-'...... - ~. -'.- .--,-.,-,..- •--, „ - ~.- :- • - --,;,- .--..... -;., '- .. ..,- - • ~. - ~,-•;.. . . •,- ,- -• ~ '...,-.0-..,-%. ..,:tkgrfrx...-'-'l. ,-1-I`4'.n-,,,M,1,,i' ~:,1,,,a-*,,,,..., --g r ,-, 4,7 , * , 4 , , ,,, 5 4: . : ::'''x ..i.:•-',,,,i,',,„.,_4'-'4l-..i.,K;,-Z-4-citte.-6,a.-.4.r ." , ,T,Zi4.. 1 4' 4. .N.:::te ; 141 - 4, - 1, .*....-:-Vr a r o 1, ---- .11,. 'Tht;:.).--------='-1-ki.-1tAee'2.2.4,,,..-?-•'• --:•'.. ar , 4_..0 - --A ..,,,,,,_,.- - --- ---::-- -.... „,-,,, , ,, -- , , , :y--. , -,4_, , ,,,,- „ ..,„.7-,-.;::,- ~,r,,:,.,i---,-q-..,:,,,z&.,.--,,-.._-,A:.-a-.4.,,-c-...4y,mv,-A.,.-.,:,.iq:-.,..-i.?..4,,,-,-f.zof.ift-g---;.*.4tms-:-.-,k04-z5.d,:4,v=.4.,„-0..p.r..- .--- ,,, ,-A.y...,.-;‘, , , -..,-- , f , - - t" , „=" - 4 ..-4 * ~„,4 , ..-i:i . ,- ~,y 11.,,i,i.......--.6.,-,-,,,,,,e,:,...k,,4.,?_,.,-„,44.-50,r,,,i1,,,,,„2,1,.,.--,.,-:-,..."4.-- -- --1,9.4..-...4.,,,,,;*-...;44,-;Atit4.lft,-.&,54.10-.1F,„.,,.;:*.,,.,%41-:4*-. •- s ' , . • : , ...r - - . .- '',3 - • IF' ' - 4)64,114t-->--"0:0.,,,k„1e..-•-• -t v -, -% . • , •-• , . , :**ts-,* , ,, •" : , ,-- -. -, lf , :. ~ , -,44. --1 - 44,, :1. ,„, :-..- - 4.9.- ,3 ::: , -:‘,.• 4 ;: 4, ,----; _., .. . --, - : ~• ';',. - - A.Nrf ,,4 . 4 ‘, - .:1 , -3 , 5.0.4 ,- ,-•• .-;•z - • ,, - • '-----,,,"- 2''''l,', ~~. =OS jl-••• L , - ~.. .„ . .. ENE .. - . . .. . ..,..- .. , , ; ^^s-n" ~.'RS A^+.. "'J. - wer-,~•,-=ti+u-` , n'ku~ Pittaburgh Fortoble Boat IS4$. For the Transportation of Freight to and frora • rrTSCIIRGII, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE,NEW, • . YORK, BOSTON, &C. 13011.BIDGE" 4- CASH, Philadelphia. TAAFPR .O'CONNOR, .Pittsteurgh. rpms old established Line being now in full operation, the Proprietors have made extensive arrangements to forward Goods and Produce with despatch, and on the Most favorable terms. They confidently hope, their well known promptness in delivering goods—peculiar safety in mode of carrying--capucious warehouses at each port, affording accommodations to shippers and owners - of produce,—togetber with their long experience and unre mitting attention to business, will secure to them a con tinuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All constguments by and for this lino received, charges paid, and fiirwarded in any required directions Cleo of charge for Commission, advancing or storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All communications promptly attended to on applica tion to the following agents: DORBIDGE & CASH. 278. Market street. Philadelphia. TAAPPE & O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNORB & CO., North street, Baltimore, WIT.LIAItI B. WILSON, 66, Cedar street, New York. Merchants , ." Way Freight PP tine. (eouvasatx csumsricxxvoisu & co.'s mess.) Ea= 1848. • EXCLUSIVELY for the transportation of way freigh between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, !Johnstown, Hulk daysbargh, Water street and all intermediate places. Ono boat will leave the warehouse of C. A. M'Anulty & Co., Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, every day, (Sundays excepted,) and shippers can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay, and at fair rates. 'Phis Line was formed for the.special accommodation of the waybusiness. The proprietors, thankful toe the very liberal patronage they have received during the lust two years, respecttully Inform their old customers and the public generally, that they have extended their facilities, &e., during the past winter, and are now better prepared to accommodate an increased business. . PROMIXTOIIII. IL H. CANAN &. Co. WM. STITT. E. STITr. WM. FULTZ. JAMES A. LORE. JOHN TRINDI.E& MeDOWELL. Armin's—C. A. AVANtatev & Co.. Pittsburgh; - IL H. CA NAZI, JOhlIMOW11; JOHN Illsm.rx. Hollidaysburg; Ilona:Lb& ittrrmarat,Water et. Huntingdon co. Remmrscss—Smith & Sinclair, J. & J. ItrDevitt: G. & J. IL Shoenherger. IL Robison & Co.; R. Moore: Regale,. Si Smith; John Parker; Win. Lehmer, J. Jordan & Son. marl (Gazette copy.) 'ftlerchnnts , Transportailon Line, • I.XMO M • FOR the Transportation of Merchandise and PrOduee to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded without delay, at thelowest rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for stor age or commission. C. it.:IWANITT:ry & Co., Proprietors, Canal Basin, Liberty at., Pittsburgh. (Gazette. only. eon-.) Great English Remedy I FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Consumption'—The •12 great and only Remedy for the above diseases is the ifungarian ,Baisant of Li e. discovered by the,celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, smt , d introduced4nto the United States under the immediate superintendence of the inventor. • The extraordinary success of this medicine, in the cure of Pulmonary diseases. warrants the American Agent in solicitin s ,e . fur treatment the worst possible eases that can be found in the community—eases that seek relief to vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished physicians, as cofimied and - incurable. The. Hungarian Balsam bus cured, and will cure, the mpst desperate Canes. It is no suack nostrum, but a standard Ehtgltsli medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in the United States should he supplied wide - Buchan', Hungarian Balsam of Life. not only to counteract the consumptive of the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine in all eases of colds. coughs. spitting of blood, pain in the side and chest, Irritation and soreness of the lungs, bronchitis, (facult of breathing,. hectic fever. night. sweats, emaciation ant general debili ty, asthma, influenza, whooping cough, and croup. Sold in large battles at St per bottle, with full directions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and American certificates, and other evidenee,,sho wing the unequalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. For sale by B. A. FAIINESTOCE dr. CO., eblo cor. First and IVood. and Wood and Bth sits C A A s A T V I 6IIII.I I C. , :i ; --4ir th A , sg r ez . stir die.; on He rola ; • " T est iss and Thymus Gland; Colte'stertures on Surgery; Watson's Practice; Mackintosh's Practice; Dunglison's Physiology; Homer's Anatomy and Histology; Churchill's Midwifery; Velpeatis Dlid wifery; Diseases of Infants--Billarel; Diseases of Females—A slinell ; for sale by S. 1305lVORTII & Co., mar 3 - 43 Market street. I\TEW PIitILICA - Msig.—.lfilron's Forms, illustrated I' l Harper's new edition of the Poetical works of John 31ilton. with a memoir, and critical remarks on his genius and writings, by James Montgomery ; and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawings by Wm. Harvey injaro volumes. 're. CE11.5 Gantr - iTraraaterrr.—The four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. in Greek. with English notes, crjti caL philosophical, exegetical; maps, indexes, etc. togeth er with the Epistles and Apocalypse; the whole forming the New Testament—For use of Schools. Colleges. and Theological Seminaries. By Rev. J. A. Spencer, A. Al New Norel--Alidsummer's Eve.—A fairy talc of love. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. James's Henry rF—The life of henry the Fourth, king France and Navarre, by G. P. R. James. Complete in four parts, paper; 2 vols. cloth. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. jan 8 Booksellers, eor. of Market and 3d sta. ew Hooks Just Iteeetred. p d l i iLeomplete in mro volume, from the last London Lectures on the Law and the Gospels, by Stephen H. Tyng, D. D.; new and enlarged edition, with portrait of the author; 81050. Memoir of Rev. David Abeel, D. D. t late Missionary to Ch ina, by his nephew, Rev. G. Williamson, with a por Meander's History of the Christian Religion, and Church ; translated by Prof. Torrey ; Vol 2. Hawkstone: a tale of and for England, in 161-, in two volumes, from second London edition; 81.00. Memoir of IV. C. Crocker, Missionary to Africa:62 eta. Personal Recollections, by Charlotte Elizabeth, with explanatory notes, accompanied by a memoir embracing the period tram the close of personal recollectiou to her death; by L. H. 7. Tona;62l cut. Recollections in England; by Rev. S. H. Tyng. D. D. Mark Milton, the Merchant a Clerk; by Rev. Charles B. Taylor, AI. A. author of "Records of a Good Man's Lite," “ Lady Mary," Mayan, or the Pearl," &c. The above just received and for sale by ELLICYIT it ENGLISH, fear 14 55 Market street, between ad and 4th. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS.—We have just receive a large supply of Books for Sunday School Libraries published by the American Sunday School Union, and approved by a committee of publication, consisting of members of the following denominations. viz.: Baptist. Congregational, Episcopal Methodist, Presbyterian, and Reformed Dutch. These publications comprise upwards of six hundred bound volumes, (of prices from 8 cents up to 75 cents,) all written expressly for Sunday Schools. In addition to the above, the Union publishes a large variety-of books, in paper covers, for quite young child ren. for rewards, &c. The. Union also publishes two Libraries, Nos. 1 and 2, of one hundred volumes each. all numbered ready for use, of books from 72 pages up to 250, at the low price of ten dollars, averaging only ten cents a volume. Ala.", "A Youth Cabinet Library " of filly volumes, at the low price of two dollars and fifty cents. Also, Hymn Books. Question Books, red and blue Tick eta 011 paste boards, Maps, &c. All the above we sell at the Union, at Philadelphia prices. Catalogugs of Books furnished on application. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. 56 Market st., ABS . between Third and Fourth. ALLISON'S MARLBOROUGH—The military life of John, Duke of Marlborough: by Archibald Allison, F. IL S. authorof the "History of Europe.. Neander's Life of Christ—The life of Jesus Christ, in its historical connexion and historical developments: by Augustus Neander—traludated from the fourth German edition; by.Tolut • McClintock; and E. Blumenthal, Profes sors in Dickinson College. Old Hicks the Guide; or Adventures in the Comanche Country in search of a Gold Mine: by Chas. %V. Webber. The Bachelor of the, Albany: by the author of the "Falcon Family. o - • Dr. Clialmee's Postbuirmus Work.;—Daily Scriptural Readings, by the late Thonnut Chalmers, D. D., L. D.— in three vols. Volumes Ist and 24 received. The above valuable works received this. day, and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, apl2 • Booksellers, corner Market and Third sta. Trimmings. 1 1ATEW - and splendid varietY or TRIMMINGS; of the -II latest styles, ust received at ZEDULON KINSEY'S, No 67 241waxar STREET. Among which are: 50 gross Daisy Buttons, assorted colors; 100 " plain, covered with net, assorted colors; 150 46 plain small, assorted colors; 50 " cotton, new article, will wash, assorted colors; Also, a large variety of Princes,'d widths and colors. GLOVES. A very large stork of the above article. 6 doz. Ladies' Open Worked Silk Gloves; " Gents' Heavy Silk Gloves; 7 " Ladies' Net Black and White Gloves; 25 " Ladies' Fancy Top Lisle Thread Gloves; 20 " Ladies' Gloves] 50 .‘ Ladies' Raw Silk Gloves; Gents'" "- 12 " Children's Cotton Gloves; Shaded Twist; Steel and Guilt Beads. Purse Rings and Tassels. Bead Bags, steel and velvet, fine Fans, Parasols, AceottlCons. he., C. [mar2o rOAN'S LONDON BOOKS—Six Old English Chroni I des. William of Malmsbury's Chronicles. ltede's Ecclesiastical History of Alglo Saroirearoni• Iles. Mallet's Northern Antiquities. • .• Heroditus. by Carey. Machiavelli's History of Florence. . Schlegel's . Philosophy of Life and Language. History. Langim'sliistory of- Fainting. ' Beckmon'is History - of inventiothi. Roseoe's Leo the Tahiti. . • ; ROISC.OO'S Lorenzo pi Coxe's House of Austria; - - Schiller's Works. • For sale,by • mar 22 H. S. BOSIVORTII*CO., 43 Market at. =ME 'Talmo ott'il Genera; ggssejon office. Afft:), REA' irrANcgs and Passage to anil , , j from Great Britain andlrelaud,,by W.. & J. T. Tapscolt,, 75 South st., corner of Maiden Lane, - N.1., and 96-Water loo Rood, Liverpool. The subscribers, having make Agency of the above Haase, are now prepared to arrangements on the most liberal:terns with those desirous of paying the passage of their friends from the Old Country; and they flatter themselves- their character and long standing in business will give ample assurance that an their ar rangements will be carried out faithfully. Alessrs. NW. & J. T. Tapscott are long and favorably known for the superior class, accommodation. mid suiting qualities of their Packet Ships. The _QUE.EN OP TIIE WEST, SIIERLDAN. GARRICK, 11(YITING VER. ROSCICS. LIVERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of Which leave each port monthly—from New York the dist and 26th, and (earn Liverpool the 6th and 11th; in addition to' which they have arrangements with the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure a departure' front Liverpool every five days. being thus determined that their facilities shall keep pace with theirincreasing patronage: while Mr. W. Tapscotes constant personal superintendence of the business in Liverpool is an addi tional security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be particularly attended to. The subscribers being, as usual, extensively engaged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge or and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or 'delay; and are, therefore, prepared to contract for passage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise all tainable; and will, intecessury, forward passengers fur ther West by the best mode of conveyance. without - any additional charges for their trouble. Where „persons lent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage . will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES. The subscribers are also prepared to . give 3rafts at sight for any amount, payable at the principal cities and towns in Englund, Ireland, Scotland mid Wales; thua af fording a safe and expeditious mode of remitting Muds to those countries, which persons requiring such facili ties will find it to their interest to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter. post-paid) will be promptly at tended to. TAAFFE ts O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. map27-d&w-ly Philadelphia., .r . altir Roche. Brotherar t i & Co. xis MILD - FULTON ET., NEW TOME ; RDEN QtAT. DUBLIN; SCOTLAND ROAD, LIVERPOOL. JAMES BLAKELY, Agent, Office on Penn at., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. Arrangemenrfer T 3 OCIIE BROS. & CO., sole Agents for the BLACK It BALL LE, f Liverpool and New York Packets. take the liberty IN of a n oncing to their old friends end customers. that their arrangements for the year 18.1 . being complete, they are prepared to bring our passengers. by the above splendid Line, front Liverpool to Neite,Vork and Philadelphia. They refer to their former course of doing business. and Elamite those who entrust them with their orders, that the same satisfaction will be rendered as heretofore. lIEWITT•IICT.S TO ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALEB. Drafts for sale, payable, on 'demand, ninny &ilk hi Ireland. The undersigned has made arrangements to bring on pa t. :saFerlal'ittsburgh, during ttrAmtmeArtLix. al> Paring." To and From tf it GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. GEORGE ILIPPARO & Sox, No. 134 Waterloo Road, Li verpool. CA RLZI.E dc RIPP4RD, No. 58 South at.. N. Y. ris II E Subscribe - re. having accepted the Ageney at this 1 city of the above well known and respectable flosses. arc prepared to Ina kc engagements for passengers to come out front any part of Great Britain or Ireland. by the re gular Line of Packet Ships, sailing from Liverpool week ly. Persons engaging with us may rest assured that their mends will meet with kind trentmeni and prompt des patch at Liverpool. as well as every attention necessary on their arrival in this country. A ppl vto or address SAMUEL. 1 1, r(71-1.:11.K AN & 142 Liberty st.. Pittsburgh. N. ll—Passages engaged here from ert Liverpool tu P burKh direct. and drafts fin ally amount forwertle4. pay able at sight. throughout the United Kingdom. Iy2G-ly 31ARNDEN 4. CO.'S t ilE TAPS=GER A rI) IMITTA NCB Office. TTARNDF.N & CO. continue to bring out persons from jj any part of England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their usual punctuality. and attention to the wants of emigrants. We do not al low our passengers to be robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the sea-ports, as we take charge of them the moment they report themselves, and see to their well-be ing. and despatch them without any detention by the first ships. We say this fearlessly, as we defy any of our passengers to Viotti that they were detained forty-eight hours by us in Liverpool. whilst thousands of others were detained mouths until they could be sent in some old craft, at a cheap rate, which, too frequently proved their coffins. AVe intend to perform our contracts honorably. eat what it may, and not net on wan the rune last season with other offices, who either performed not at all, or when it stilted their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any ruin from £1 to It.oon, payable at any of the Provincial Banks to Ire land, England, Scotland and IVales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and Be,neral Arent, Fifth street, one door below Wood st. FOREIGN - 1 REMITTANCE. 126 /rim Sobseribers are prepared In forward money to all parts of England, Ireland, lleotland and Wales, with despatch, and at the lowest rates. SAMUEL. 21'CLURKEN fehl2 112 Liberty . street. European Agency, and Remittances to Ireland, England, he. T A RGE and small sums of money east at all times be I_4 remitted by sight-drafts ru ruluerd rotes to all parts of England. Ireland, Wales, &e., and Legacies, Debts. Rents. Claims, end Property in Europe can be collected and recovered through the subscriber, or during his ab score from this city from Octohernntil May, on his annu al tours to Europe, by application to huts MAY, Mer chant, Water street, Pittsburgh. . Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and European Agent. Pittsburgh. Pa. P. s.—As H. Keenan has been frequently troubled by applications and letters on the business of “Ilerilman & Iteenan.” passenger agents of New York, he deems it necessary to say that he is not the Keenan of that firm. and has never had any eonnexion with either of those persons. oct4 Western New York College of IFilealth. 207 Mitre ISTURET, BleT*l.o. N. V. c s , VAUGHN'S VFXIMAHLF. LITHONTRIP rrl C MIXTRE. HIS celebrated remedy Tl Is coaster :y increasing its fame e making all over the woild. It hits now become the only medicine for family Use, and is partici!. larly recommended for Dropsy all stages of this coin: plaint immediately relieved, no mnttero( how long stand mg. (See pamphlet for testimony.) Gravel, and all diseases of the urinary organs; lbr these distressing complaints it stands alone • no other ar ticle can relieve you; and the cures testified to will con. vince the most skeptical.—{see pamphlet.) Liver Com plaint. Bilious Diseases. Fever and Ague. To the Great West especially, and wherever these complaints prevail, this medicine is offered. No mineral agent, no deleterious compound is a part of this mixture; it cures these diseas es with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the sys tem torpid. ;Sec pamphlet.) Piles, a complaint of a most painful character, is immediately relieved, and a cure fol lows by a few days use of this article. It is far beyond any other preparation for this disease, or for any other disease originating from impure blood. (See pamphlet.) Debility of the System, V. cak Back, Weakness of the Kidneys, &c., or Inflarnation of the same, Is immediately relieved by a few days use of thin medicine, and a cure is always the result of its use. It stands as a certain reme dy for such complaints., and also for derangements of the female frame, Irregularities, Suppressions, painful men struation'. No article lute ever been offered, except this. which would touch this kind of derangements. limey be relied upon as a sure and effective remedy; and, did we feel permitted to do so, could give a thousand names as proof of cores in this distressing class of complaints.— See pamphlet. All broken down, debilitated eonstitu dons, from the effect of ntereury, will find the bracing power of this article to act immediately, and the\poison ous mineral eradicated from the system. Eruptive DiSeaSeS will find the alterative itroperties of this article roam TRU noon, and drive such diseases from the system: See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all diseases, which the limits of an advertisement will not permit to be named here; Agents give them away; they contain 32 pages of certificates of high character; and a stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine , nevi i er appeared. It s one of the peculiar features of this ar ticle, that it never fails to benefit in any case, and if hone and muscle are left to build upon, let the emaciated and lingering invalid truisms, and keep taking the medicine as long as there is tin improvement. The pmprietor would caution thepublic against a number of articles which come out under the heads of SAUSAPAILILLA3, Slaws, ke., as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, A.c. They are good for noth ing, and concocted to gull the unwary: TOMt rush nor 'Their inventors never thought of cunng such diseasestill this article had done it. A part:in/or study of the partifilt lets is camera!, solicited: Agents, and all who sell the ar ticle, are glad to circulate gratuitously. Pitt up in 30 or. bottles, nt $2;12 or. do. at SI each—the larger holding 6 az. more than the two email bottles. Look out• mid not get imposed upon. Every bottle has " Vaughn's Vegeta Lithontriptie Mixture,n blown upon the- glass the written.signature of "G.C. 'Vaughn" on the directions, and 'LG. C. Vaughn, Buffalo? stamped on the cork. None other are genuine. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn. and aoldnk the Princi pal Office, 207 Main street, Buffiflo, wholesale and retail. No attention given to letters unless post-paid—order from regularly autherized . Afemu /seeped. Post-paid let ters, or verbal communications soliciting advice, prompt ly attended to grads. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this article -132 Nassau st., N. Y.; 205 Essex at., Salem, Mass.; and by the principal Druggists throughout tha United States and Canada, as Agents. - HAYS &DROCKWAY Agents, No. 2, Liberty st., near Canal Basle. • a e i r id iy ol o d r an s d ec w on el d l knownVNeßnitfaNgn Bli—ndtalrkt,fodriM and Fourth sts., takes this method to inform his - many friends of the fact that his Factory is now m full °ltem' tion on St. Clair st., near the old Allegheny Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of various colors and quali ides, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, front twenty -cents tip to suit customers. -. - .04 N. B. If required, Blinds will berptitfup to, that in ease of alarm by Lre, or otherwise.. tharmay . be removed without the-aid of a s crew-driver:Aid with reality that any other piece off tffiuttire. can it be removed; the .ennie and wtthout any extra expense; .Ir4t .; je24-d.kwy rl — A 1/TIQN TO Tim .PUBLICe-zrhe subscriber, hi , ii:) , svritten contract with the - Pasta !raw Co.. has the ex clusive fightio:eeWtheir Tettaitirlitsbuigh.and Alleghe ni,eities.,,Any.pernrosaUemptingT,to'sell their Teas ex cept procured -throeXit, is : practicing, a. deception and a.frond upoa ttsajailt , aid thetratoements are not to Seliitd en. r . A.:44.IrNES, 72 dth et. ',: . ::.. - 1.7-,r , : ,-- ,; ,, : - ._; l - , , , .:.;-; , '!. '...._::- - L.. , -.. - 4:: - , , - - ;.'-:::. , ..i ...:,..,:. .:::. , .. f .::}..;F.:..:. : :'7.'::: .-''-'.'"': '' MEE= .".:1:..1'.. , :,:',' ,. '4'... , ,.._..', .. . . . . . .. ... . . .1- -.. ~; Mil ...._. ;•.... ~.,....... =NM EWEN MEE ....'Pi . '• - .71.3 , 1.:', .i '.'::-• LYCOM.ING CO. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. 11 ME Subscriber, hiving been 'appointed And duly corn missioned Agent of the hycouung County Mutual In surance Company, is now prepared to receive epplica tionatur insnrunce for said Company. This Company is, perhaps. one of the vary best Insurance Coinpurnes in the state or Union. having a capital of between one and two millions of dollars in premium holes. and 'by the regula tions of the Company no risk exceeding 8.5,000 will be ta ken on any one block of buildings. mon any ens risk, and no more then $2,500 will be taken on a Rolling Mill, Foundry or Furnace. Buildings in which a stove-pipe passess through the side wall orroof, Cotton rectories or Powder Mills, Manufactories of Priming.lnk, and Dis tilleries, will not be insured on any consideration, what ever; and when the rate per cent. shall he Id or t 5 inclu sive no risk will'be taken over 1141,000, (except Bridge!' and 'Grist Mills.) The operations of the,Company have been each. that for 'the last six years only one cent upon the dollar has been semi upon the premien' notes of the stock holders. Application can be made to the subscriber, 'at his Pin In-the new Court House. Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pa The Franklin Fire insurance, Company OP PIOLASMPULA. inHARTER PERPETUAL .-$400.000 paid in of fi ce V 1031 Chestnut st., north side., neaiFifth.. 'rake Insu rance, either permanent or Bruited, against loss or dam age by fire, on property, and effects of every, description, in town or country. on the most reasonable-terms. Ap plication, made either personally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N . BANCKER:, Foist. C. G. BANCIXE, Secretary. DIRECTORS: ' • Charles N. Baucker, Jacob R. Smith Thomas Hart, George W. Richards,. Thomas J. 'Wharton. Mordecai D. Lewis, • Tobias 'Wagner, ' Adolphi E. Boric, Samuel Grant. David S. Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WARRICK MAIMN, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin h Co., corner of 3d and Market its. Fire_ risks taken on buildings and them contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny . and the surrounding country. No, marine of inland navigation risks taken. aug4-ly JOSLL7I TANG. J. 71.74/17, KING & FINNEY, Agents at Pittsburg/1./0r die Dela ware Mutual Safety In surance Company of Philadelphia. 'VIRE RISKS upon Buildings and literchandize of eve r ry description, and Marino Risks upon hulls or car goes of vessels; taken upon the moat favorable terms. Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on 'Water at.. near Market street, Pittsburgh, N. B. King & Finney invite tie confidence and patron. age of their friends and community at large to the Dela ware M. S. Insurance Company. as an institution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia—as having a large paid in capital. which, by the operation of its charter, is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insu red. his due share of the profits of the Company, without involving hint in any responsibility whatever.beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as pos sessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. novl-tf A CENCI' OF THE FftANKLENI FIRE INSURANCE _Li. COMPANY .OF PIIIIADELPIA.—N. E. corner of Third and Mood streets, Pittsburgh.—The assets of the company on the first of January. 1845, as published in conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislattire, were Bonds and Mortgages Real Estate. at cost Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash total or 5909643 42 Althriling certain asiturrince that all losses Will4ie promptly met. and giving entire security to all who ob tain policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent With sectiritv. octB W Rlek MARTIN. Agent. Insurance Alainst Fire. MHE Amerte.ii t RIC Company—Office. No. 1 79 Walnut at reel. Philadelphia; Incorporated A. D. lel o—Charter perpeet nal. lluildirga, Furniture, NTerehandize. and proper ty generally, either in the city or counitT, against 101.7 or by fire, perpetual or tor limited periods, on favor tibia terns. DIItf:C7fORS John Sergeant, ..... _ _ .... . William Leitch, Samuel C. Morton, Atlolrluts re ries, l'honitts illittone, John Welsh, Jr., George A bbo tt, l'atriek Brady, _ John I'. Letvis. SAAII.I.:I, C. MORTON, President.. rtuorm D. .1 ANIVEG Secretary. Orders for liwurotwe by the above Company will be received nod insurances effected by the undersigned, agent for Pittsburgh. GEO. COCHRAN, jatol-3ra. 20 Wood street. _ Connell's Magical Pain Extractor. TT is now conceded by medical men that Connell:is 1i Magical Pain Extroctor.manufactured by Comstock & Co.„ 21 Courtland at., New York., is the greatest won der of the 19th century. Its etrecte are truly miraculous. All pains are removed from burn., scalds, kc., and all external mires, in a few minutes after its application; lies:Ming the same on the moat delicate skin, leaving no rear. It is equally beneficial in all kinds of indammato. ry diseases, such as sore 'Nipples and Eyes. Sprains, Rbrunsatiwn, AVhite Swelling and titers, Bruises-Burns, Chi Obtains, Erysipclai, Hilts. Tic llolorenux, die. We might add as proof to all we say, the names of many em iment physicians who use it In their practire. and hun dreds of the clergy who praise it to their people. Kind patent keep it eunetandy on hand, in terse of OcCidellls by lire life may lee lost without, but by its uv all burns are subject to its control, unless the vitalism re destroyed. Can aan—remember mid ark for Conn.:ls Alergieal Pain Et. tractor. manufactured by Comm..* 4- Co., R. Y, and take no oilier, Pti.vm,'*oays, ice.—The Genuine Hays' Limonites:, is an article more justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than an} or all others. Ito cares are almost immediate, awl it in only necessary to let those who know the article and ,t,e it with such great aticcesa, that it is to be had true and genuine of Comatock &. Co., 21 Courtlaud st., N. V., sole proprietor. Sold only genuine in Pittsbnegh, Pa., by WS,. Jac•xsoX, 49 Liberty at, head of 'Wood at also in Washington, Pa., by A. Clark ' • in Brownsville by Bennett & Crocker; also by our agent in every town in Pennsylvania, Ohio,Md. and Virginia. novl9ed&vt3m, “It Is the beet CodSlt Medicine - Lever Saw.” RF.AD the following:l,l.o°ra the superiority of /h. W Mors °rime ColsgA Mizture, front a respextable cit izen, who has tried it: saion, ee. 15, 1847. MIMS& Ilsrl &Diancavrsv rtrr —Aller c labor Ding for several weeks under the disadvantages of a harassing cough and most distressing cold, which had, thus far. resisted the el' theta of several of the "infallibleat" 1 was indated to pnr. chase a bottle of your Oriental Cough Mixture, and give it a fair trial. To my great surprise. after using only one half of the bottle 1 found myself entirely well: nit is the bees medicine lever saw." . • True cop y. AMIN RINDS. Sold by I.IAYS & BROCKWAY, Druggists; Calmer dal Row, Liberty street, near Cana l. Pied AA. MASON & CO., Thy Goods House, 62 Market ? Stretkbetween Third and Fourth streets, have Mit received a large supply of rich Fall Goods.comprising in part: eases various styles Prints and Chintzes of En glish, French and American manufacture; 156. pea rich and desirable pitterns French Gingham 5,% warranted in ferior to none imported in style, quality and durability of colors; 4 cases splendid Plaid goods for ladies dresses, comprising every style for Full and IVinter wear; Cash meres, M. de [ . nines , Satin stied Alpacens of various colors; 3-4 and 4-4, black and blue black Silks, for Man tillas; Fancy dress Silks; black and Mode colors; M. de [.nine, all wool; Shawls of every style and quality' simeres, Cassinetts, Broad Cloths mid Vestmge; bleach ed and unbleached Mastitis from ni to 194 c. per, yard; Green, Te4low Red and While Flannels; Tickings, Checks, strip'd Shirtings; bleached and brown Drillings. etc. me. All of which are offered at wholesale and re tail at the very, lowest cash prices. sep3 .. A. A. MASON & CO. XTEIV DiGUERRFAITYPE ROOMS, Burke* Build ings, Fourth street—Holton & &mum, Daguerreo typists from the Eastern cities, would call the attention of the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring town., to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at rooms in the third story of Durke's building, 4th et. Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured that no pains shall be spared to produce them In the highest perfection of the art. Our instruments are of the most pow erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures udeurpassed for high finish and truthfulness to nature. The publie-are splinted to call and examine. Persons sitting for pictures are neither requirred or ex pected to take them unless perfect satisfaction is given. N. and che rmatle. B. Operators will find this a good depot for stock 117Inetructione given in the art, containing the more recent Improvements. jan7 Tr 10 FEMALES—Every rem* should have a box of 4_ Dr. Ralph's Pills. They are perfectly adapted to the peculiarities of their cOnstitution, acting with gentle mild. nee. and safety in all circumstances. Wherever introduc ed, their character has been rapidly established among the ladies, with whom they are emphatically The Farorf:e. Very- complete directions for use in 'the various coin. plaints will bo found in the directions_ accompanying each box. • For sale by S. L. CUTHBERT, Smithfield street, near Also, by Wm. Cole, Allegheny City; .1. O. Smith, Bir• minghtim; and John Mlerneken, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. Hollow-Ware Castings. . .Air.EnCHANTS visiting our city for the purpose of .11`1. obtaining their Spr ing supplies of Bollow;ware and other Castings, will find a very heatfy stock, and an extensive variety of patterns and sizes in store by us.— Samples can be aeen et our Warehouse", Commercial now, Liberty street, next W. W. Wallace's Marble works. ' M'r Terms and prices favorable. feb QUIN. MaftrallE n Nr:tti itouto3.-Just received f by Express: tnn0....), England, and Scotland, or recollectio author of minister, by J. H. Merle D'Aubigne, D.D„ of His tory of the Reformation, Life of Cromwell, &c. A Practical Exhibition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Merit, in the form of Lectures, intended to assist the practico of domestic instruction and devotion; byJohn Bird Summer, D. D., Bishop of Chester. . .. . For sale by ELLIOTT Zs: ENGLISH, fel - 124 Sit Market street, bet. 3d and 4th. Table Cutlery. TFIE undersigned has just received a select assortment . of Table, and other - fins Cutlery, inehidine Besert, and Carving knives and forks; which, witEralarge sleek of Brushes of every description, end Shoemaker , * find= ings, ha will dispose of as usual, on reasonable terms. JOHN W. MAIM 120 Wood street. ap2B FOR SALE..---A large lot, with Dwelling House in front, on Decatur „street, running buck 160 feet, bounded 'by alO feet alley.,. Also a large lot, of 110 feet front on But ler street, Lawrenceville, .by 2tV feet deepi containing, a well arranged. Cottage Dwelling lionise, wtth 10 Room 4 large Hall and Parlor, front and rear Garden, dre.• S. currumm% Gen. - Smithfield. nb'ovp 4th atreet, W ILLOW WAGONS-2 4 6 W , i l l o low , V ra rig l o e iz,... 40 'do.. Basket.Chalm, 12 Nitta Clothes Baskets: Ca doz. Malice!. ngiakaPs, ' , ' , it ii. covers, assorted ; reel and i aali lip• , spit zr,BuLoN itiNsEt lEEE =EN Mil r -w DR. HOFFLAND'S • CELEBRATED • GERMAN MEDICINES Are unMont a Rival for Me Cure of the !g Diseases! TP. taken according to the directions they will cure any . 1: case, no matter who or what else has foiled. VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC PILLS, • For the permanent cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Gan grene, Hysteria, and severe nervous affections. and are highly recommended for the cure of Dropsy, }femoral Asthma - and Neuralgia. Patients using them, in most eases, experience benefit soon after the first dose. They quiet the nervous system, which enables them to rem Weil during the night. They never fail to effect a cure, when taken according to directions. No outward application eau permanently remove rhea, matie pains from the system. .Liiiiments sometimes act as a palliative for a short period, butthere is always danger in their use. They may cause the pain to leave one place for perhaps a vital part, -or else where the pain will be more acute.' • GERMAN BITTERS, For the permanent cure of Liver Complaints: Jaundice; Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Chronic Debility, Chronic Astht ma, Nenmas Debility, Pulmonary Affections, (arising from the liver or stomach.) Diseases of the Kidney . s,•and all diseases arising from ardisordered • stonich, im both •male and female, such as female weakness, dizziness; fullness of blood. to the head. They strenghten the tem, and remove all acidity of the stomach, ann'give it tone anftsetiorl and assist digestion: They.can be taken by the molt delicate stomach, and in every case wiliew , tirely destroy costiveness and renovatt(4he whole eye. tern, removing ell impurities and remnants of previous diseases, and giving a healthy action to the whole flame. - The symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness rind pain in the right side, and Soreness upon touch immediate y under the inferior ribs; inability to Henn the len'side, or if at all able, a dragging sensation produced , which se . riouslY affects respiration ' causing very,often a trouble some cough; together with these symptoms we perceive a coated tongue, acidity Mlle stomach, deficiency of per spiration, end sometimes a sympathetic pain in the right shoulder. with a great dlspositton to sleep and depression of spirits, and sometimes sores in the mouth or-throat;- causing morns to rise in the nostrils. Jaundice frequent. ly accompanies it, and a dropsy in the face. These symp toint, if permitted to continue, will eventually produce that • most baneful disease. Consumption. In fitet,a ma jority of such cases origieate from the irritating causes above mentioned. Cathartic medicines must ,m every instance, be avoided in the treatment for it. The symptoms ofDyspepiiit arc very various—lhoSe af fecting the stomach alone, are nausen.,:heart-burn; loss of appetite, Sometimes an criess of appetite, sense of Mi nces or weight on the stomach, sinking or fluttering of the pit of the stomach fiend eructations. or sour arising from the stoninchAm.....Dyspepsia, devoid of a themes' pature t is without danger,but; if arising from a disease of th stomach. it is 'dangerous. Nervous Debility generally aceompanies .Dyspepsia- Liver Complaint; it will also cure. A few deses will - move an the unpleasant effects, such as fluttering at the heart, netting sensation when in a lying position:dots - or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain In the heed, constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of spir its. Outward signs are, a quick and .strong pulse, pale and distressed countenance, ke. Any case of the above disease cantle cured effectually by the use of the Bitters. as directed. U. SEE.OI.IL, Agent. jail: 04m . . SUDORIFIC, ' • • An infallible remedy for Coughs or. Colds, or the Chest, Spitting - of Blood, Influenza, Whooping Cough, -Bron chitis, }femoral Astluna, or any disease of the Laugs or Throat. This is an invaluable family medicine. It soon relic rel any Cough or Hoarseness. and prevents the Croup by fie-' lug early administered. No cough or cold is too light to, Pass neglected; for, neglected colds sink thousauds to the grave annually, and cause many to grow up with a deli cate frame, who would have been strong - and robust, if at first properly treated. " SPIKENARDOINNT For the e ff ectual mire of• the PiI TM es. f ett er, and Rimini, Scald Head, Ring-Worms, Inflame Eyes or - Eye-lids, Barber's Itch, Frosted Feet, Old antes araiing - froin fever or impure blood; and will extract the fire from burns, on application, or remove any eutaneons emptions from the skin. Persons troubled With tender faces should useit after shaving; it will, in a few moments. remove all sore ness and stop the bleeding: It can always be relied on, and is invaluable in any family. TAR OINTMENT. . For the cure of pains or weakness in the liver, back or chest: it will entirely remove any deep seated pains.— These remedies have caused many to enjoy the Ines tunable blessings• of invigorated health, and in n Vlltiel ty of desperate and abundoned cases, a perfect and rad: cal Cure. The innumerable impositions upon the public. and the statements of rennirkable cures never tonic, yeecertified to by feigned names. or by persons wholly unacquainted with what they have endorsed. renders it difficult to do justice to dm public in offering sufficient inducement to make a trial of these invaluable medicines. They are en tirely vegetable, and free from all injurious ingredients, and claim your patronage solely upon their merits. • Every family should have a pamphlet—they can be had of the a geix . t, gratis. Principal Depot at the German Medicine store. 278 Race street. one door above Eighth. Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh. 4y ljanl7-dlyl WM. THORN. 8900,61.5 93 • 100.967 77 • 4.1 r; 499 72 CIII.ENCE THAT DREADFUL COUGH !—The Lungs ore in danger, the work of the destroyer has been begun, the Cough of Consumption huth in it a sound of death. , . • Airs roc a Merman! Your darling child, your idol and earthly joy, is now mishaps confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold—her pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the hold disease has already gained, upon her —the soand of her supielchral . cough pierces's-oar sonl. Yorno Mitt, when jast about to enter life, disease thetass a heart crushing blight over the fair prospects of ,ture—your hectic cough and feeble limbs tell of your loss of hope, but you nerd not despair. There is a balm which will heal the-wounded lungs, it is Shormats's All-Healing. Balsam. Mrs. .Arrart , the wife of Win. H. Altree, Rsii. was given up by Dr. Sewall ofWeshington. Drs. Roe and McClellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr. Mott of New York. Her friends.all thought she must die. She had every appearance of being in consuinption ' and was so pronounced by her physicians--Shennan's Balsam was given and it cured her. ' • Mrs. Gsanszcsarz. of Bull's Ferry, was also cured of consumption by thls Balsam when all other remedies failed to give relief.—she was reduced to a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle.. Dentist, 251 Broadway, has' witnessed its effect* in several eases where no other medicine afford ed relief—hut the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. also witnesred its wonderful effects in curing Asthma. which it never fails of doing. Spitting Bleeati, alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by this balsam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes the lungs sound again. . 11 1Crar lovas, 10S Eighth avenue. was cured of cough and catarrhal affection of 50 years standing. The first dose gave him more relief than all the other medi cine he had ever taken. 'Dr. L. J. Beals, 19 Delaney tweet, gave It to a sister-in-law who was laboring under Consumption, and .to another sorely afflicted with the Asthma. In beak muted Mt effects were immediate, soon restoring them to comforta hie health. Mrs. Lecaarta OS Christie-st., suffered :from Asthme,42 years. Sliermait's Balsam relieved her at once, and she is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the great remedy rot Coughs, Colds, Spit ting Blood, Liver Complaints, and all the nffectionsof the throat, and even Asthma and Consumption. Price 25 cents and SI per bottle, Principal Office 106 Nassau street. New York. I.ikewise Dr. Sherman's celebrated Cough, Worm-e nd Camphor Lozenges. Premium Tooth Paste and Poor Mates Plaster Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSON, at his Rout and Shoe Stote and, Patent Medicine Warehouse. 59 Liberty street Pittsburgh. head of Wood street, and by the following duly appointed Agents for Allegheny county: A. 5L Marshall, Allegheny city; Jonathan Gluiest, Mtmehester,J. It. H. Jacques, Bimungham; A. S. Ceti}, Wylie street; J. G. Mnstin, cog. 'Webster st. and Elm; ,Daniel Negley, East Liberty; R. L. Itlitebell,Wilkins burgh; Thos.,Atkatt. Sharpsburgiu,Saml. SPringer, „Clin ton; .James , MaKee,'Stewartsfown; 'John • Black... Turtle Creek,• C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland & Son, M'Kees port; •MeEldowney, Bakerstown; ' Riley M'LaughliO, Plumb. Township; Wm. J. Sinith,Tempemneeville; Jas. Fulton. Tarentain; G.H.Starr, Sewickly. marlMy AlrOltE I. B:t.fONYI—Dr... W. Lantz, of Fayette -111. vine, N. Y., says; 9 am well persuaded, and have been for some time, that your Domestic Vegetable Pills ate of great use to all those who may have occasion to use them, and have adniinistered teem to my patients?' Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia and Ilitiotia Fever, ate im mediately cured by the use of Dr.-Ralph's Pills. Price, 25 cents &box. Bold wholesale".and retail by . , S L. CUTHBERT, Smithfield street, near Third., Also, by Wm. Cole. AlleghenY, city; 1. G. Smith .lttr mingham; end JoluiliPerackeu. Fifth Ward. ' fetal Jaynes? Family-Me dlelzies. TV1,13. S. - COOK, Piqua, Ohio, writer; March, 1846: "I have used year Yermifuge, Caratiatuire Bcastim, and .Expectorant, in my Practice, for the last three years, and have been exceedingly well pleased with them, and never, as yet, to my rectilleition, failed of realizing my fullest expectation in their curative properties., Your other medicines I cannot speak of from experience; but, judging from those have'used, I doubt not but that they claim, and are entitled to all the confidence reposed ,in them ' them. by those who have used em. I was formerly very partial to ** o **Vermifuge, until 1 becameacynain ted with yours, which hail my decided preferenc to any other now iti use... Ressectfully, yours, hc., - S. S. COOK, 117 , F0r sale in' Pittsburgh at the PeklitTea Shire, 72 Fourth st. T) A. FAHNESTOCK'S COUGH SYBVP.—This pre - - AI. partition has proved itself to be of verigreat;efficar cy in the cure of obstinate Coughs,. Colds, Asthina;.. Spit 'Mg, of Blood, Whooping Cough," and other Pneumonic Alfectiond; and the proprietors feel warranted in.recom mending it. as a safe And useful medicine, and are'pre. pared to oho* certificate, of indisputable authority, in testimony of its value. - It is pleasant to the taste, and is littered atso low a price as to place it Within the reach of every person.. There are, perhaps,' but feiv•Cough preparations that will pro duce such decided: effects in such a short tithe: Pre% pared and sold by - ' . . B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,' Corner of First and:Wood; also, corner of Sixth and Wood " dec.l3 D _ _ 11 •RALPH'S CXLEDIZATI3D VEGETABLE PILLS are for sale, wholesale and retail. at the R&►r. ESTATE OPI7ICT, • No. 50, Smithfield st. _Also, by Wm.-Cole, Allegheny city: J. G. Smith, Sir. Minghom; John McCracken, Penn street, Fifth. Ward.: feb 21 INES AND LIQUOR tors and.Eighthalli of t o following eolobnato namely: ' A Stguetto.Braey, pale,' Sazenne liennesay dittk, 'Pinot Castillon dark Imperial Eagle Gin, Blaek Horse - • "" Pine Apple • ••• .I;unelee St. Croix Retrei, _ . Togelher.'.With a lima et Liquors-ki Bottles; otso, I fay . Aalc asimponed t sio : pl !at 'and 14 - guar atide of fob?', mune =SE :~.. ...3_ YY,..~s; • 00 Whole, Halves,Quer- Braudy,-Wiues, &e.; We, gredesomd vintages: London Braritat Wino Honest Port u tt Trash Hunt It Burgundy -, ;I :S; S. Aludeirtt S. M. ;is Bymingtcut- ti Farni Palo 'iiherry tt Drctwii " • : rlx,i., qulden sf - Tenritfe 't -Lisbon • it 4 Cnafot' K. . SW66I & 'of the above 'Whietr4n4 oigne ekndi.gritelWineir; g tar P. C MARTI* ittlhelyit N, idgel: 'thttold aad 1. =EMI • lIHINESE HAIR • CRRAM—A matchless article for lJ gTowth, beauty, and restorationiof the Hair.. This Cream, when once known, will supersede all other arti cles of the kind now in use. Where the heir is dead harsh, thin, unhealthy, uor turning grey a few applica• lions will make the hair soft and dark, and give it a beau tiful. lively appearance; and will abio mike it maintain its liveliness and healthy color; twice as long as all the preparations that are genemlly . used, 'Where the hair is thin. or has fallen off, It may. be restored by using this Cream. Every - lady and gentleman who is in the habit of using oils on their hair should et once purchase n bottle of the Chinese Hair Cream ' as It is so composed that it will not injure the hair like the other preparations, but will beautify it, and give perfeet sausuiction in every in • For testimony to its very superior qualities, see the fol lowing letter from the Rev. Mr. Caldwell to Meirrs. fiendershott & Stretch, Nashville, general agents for the Southern States: Lance of the Rev. R. Caldwell. Pastro: of ge•Prsaborrian • Church • .. M Esau. Hiemmentop• /k. 'Brazreu Gatvisgs' Htxtr—.l take p.easure its adding my testimony in favor (tithe excellent preparation called Dr. Paris - A9. Chinese Hair Cream; for, about two years ago my hair was very dry, bristly, and disposed to come out bushaving procured a bottle of the Cream, and used it according to the prescription.* in now elastic, soft, and firm to the head.. Many balsams and oils were applied, each leavingsny hair in a worse state than before. This Cream, however, has met my eapee rations. . . As an article fo being- toilet. rny wife . gives it preference over all others.. delientetrperfnmed and not dis posed to rancidity.. The. Indies, espeeiMly, will find the Chinese CreaM to bees desideratum in Bete for the toilet. Respectfully, • • (Pulaski, January 7,1847. • • • ••• 0"'Sold wholesale, and retail, in l i itiat4lirligin M. Townsend. 45 Markat st.„ and Joel No bler, Wood sad Fifth sta. jal.s-daw-ly L . ADIES are cautioned against using Common Prepa red Chalk: They are not aware how frightfully inju rious it is to the skin !-how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow, nod unhealthy the skin appears after - using pre pared chalk-! Besides it is injurious, containing a- large quautity of lead! We have prepared a beautiful vege table article, whichwe call Jones' Spanish Lilly. White. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities, nod It impans to the skin a natural, healthy, alnbaster,'clear, lively white ;at the-same time :acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it son and smooth. Dr. James Anderson. Practical Cliinist of hlassaehti setts. says Ades analysingJoties'!_spiinish Lilly White. I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural. and at the same time innocent, white I' ever saw. 1 certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 25 cents a box. Directions —the best way to apply Lilly White, is with loft leather or wool—the tonnes is preferable. A me MR or Tr-rrn roe 25 copra White teeth. foul breath, healthy gurus. Yellow and unhealthyrectii, after being once ur twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste. have the appearance of 'the most beautiful ivory, and, at the same time it is SO perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in goott tion. giving them a beautiful polish. said preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as is becoming loose, and by perseverance it will reader the foulest teeth delicately white, and.make the breath delidously sweet. Price 23 or 37e cents a box: All the above are.sold only. at WI Chatham at., sign of the American Eagle, New York. and by the appointed Agents whose names appear in the next column. • • WILL lOC mAnzY, and get a rich husband, lady ?'"Your face is your fortune." Let beautiful, clear, fair? Is .it white ? If not, it can be made go even though it be yel low. disfigured, sunburnt, tanned and, freckled. Thous ands have been made thus who •huve washed once or twice with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. The effect. is glorious and magnificent. But he sure you get the genu ine Jones' Soap, at the sign of the American Eagle, by Chadian' street. • Ring-worm, Salt-rheum. Seurvey, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch, are often cured by Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. when every• kind of remedy haa 'failed. That it cures pimples. freckles, and clears the skin. all know. Sold at the American Eagle. S 5 Chatham street. Mind, render, this seldom or never fails. C. INGLIS, Jr- Patterson. Sold of lac:so:Vs 89 Liberty at., head; of Wood, Sign of of the 'fig Hoot. nor 23. hAss, sAJLAAIit TSVELAIIS AND A HALF CENTS. lJ — Nsagiage , —CenArkrstied.—Any lady between twen ty tuad.thirty, possessing a.sytnmetncal form, good fem. tures, /km, Ls asked confidentially, crutielle suppose any man could admire her while she bas such yellow teeth such sallow_ rough, coarse skin; and such dirty, bad, wiry hair, when. by spending the °Loge sum. she might have delicate white teeth. a pare sweet breath. and a beautiful head of hair. She can have beautiful white teeth nod sweet breath by using a 2s. box. of Janes' Am ber Tooth Pasts; a skin white s pure an4spetless as snow, by using a cake of the genutne Joneel s Italian Chemical Soap; and a beautiful head of hair by Using • 3a. bottle of Jena' Ceml heir Aurora:ire. Do not form an opinion against this before you trry, or you will regret it; Inn he,. sure to ask for Jones' articles. Sold only in New York at 82 Chatham at For sale b r I% N. JACKSON.: Agent. fig Liberty, at., Pittsburgh. CANCER. CROFUI.A AND GOITIR.F..—AmpIe ex perience has proVed that no combination of medicine have ever been so ellicncions in rensovlng the above dis eases, as DR. J AYNE'* A.LiTERATIVR. It has effected cures truly astonishing, not only of Calker and otberdis eases of that class, but has removed die most stubborn diseases of the Skin.. Swelling!, ',Dysfepsin, he. This medicine enters into the circulation, nu 4 eradicates.dis eases wherever located. It pnrifles the bldod and other fluids of the body, removes obstruction in the pores of the skin, and reduce nlarge Ment of tbggtdnddarbonea. It increases the appetite. removes headache 'Mid 'drowsi ness. and invigorates the whole system,!and imparts ani mation to the diseased and debilitated constitution. There is•nothing superior to it in the whole meters medics. It is perfectly safe and extremely pleasant and hits nothing of the disgusting amuse, accompanying the idea of swal lowing medicine. ID - For sale in Pittsburgh at the I'EKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth at.. near Wood. i:•.. .• • mar3o . • A Recipe fee the Haman Hate rpo FORCE ITS GIIOIVTII AND lIEALTH, MARE 1 IT SOFT, SILKY, CLEAN - AND FINE-Persons in crmsequence of the many things sold, set down every article, (be it good,) as a handing: If people could be made to try a 3s. bottle ofJone't Coral Hair Re storative, and sed how it Makes dry,' rusty, red, light hair moist, soft, auburn and dark, and keeps it so; - sod;by its use for sonietime, causes it to grow- naturally beautiful ; if people could see the utunber of - poor reipectable me chanics that use it, (aye, and find it the cheapest thing they can nse,) for dressing andbeatitifyitig the Hair; for keeping it soft and in order three times'as long as any other article made; and Forces it to grow, slope its falling , ' And costs but 3 shillings to try. We formerly. sold nothing less than SI bottles, but we wish people to try it: Sold only - at 82 (mind 821 Chatham street, New York, and by - - - • mar2o .TACKSON: Act . 89 Liberty st:. - - lk 011.1 E TI-TlhlOl , ,Y tor Dr. IVitlard'a Family hledi- AL eines.--The undersigned, citizens of Pittsburgh. has- Mg personally used Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough ldix lure, and experienced its beneficial effectsido,most cheer fully recommend it us safeand elTeetnil, in all eases. Speaking from, experience, we believe that it has no Su perior; and wauld.recoromead its nre. tarn the afflicted. CHARLES LEWIS. WM. JENKINS. Pittsburgh, hlarch - .15th:1945. _ Irr - Sold by J. Schoonmaker & Co., John Days, James A-Jancs, J. H. Cassel, Johu P. Scott, F. L. Snowden, J. Mohler, Ogden & Snowden. apft. SALT Ril ECU, SCURVY, OLD SOR,BRYSIPE. LAS, 'Barber's Itch, Chap, &re Beards, Pimples— This is used by many physicians in this city -in coring the above, and are wiuld not cottacienciously sell unless. we knew it lobe allwe state. • • AlAla cpsmetie, the tine JONES'S SOAP is perhaps the' only usable ever -known that removed impurities,: and cleared- and •baautified , the skin, making it _soil, Clear, smooth and white as an infanta. But mind, it is sold att2 -Chatlitun it., N. Y., and by. - - • WM. JACKSON. Agent, 59 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. mar2s A Mt:RICAN OIL—THE:GREAT REMEDY VP NA.. TURE.—Proeureti from a Well isiKentitekY; 185 feet below the earth's surface. This 'Oil will be found vastly' superior to Harlein, British, Or any' other formerly popu lar Oils. ,Its curative propertied' far the following. ali ments are 'truly wonderful': In fl amatory rheumatism.' whooping , cough, phthisic, coughdpeolds, spasms, letter, erysipelas;scald head, eroup; inflammatory sore throat, liver coin lain, inflammation of the kidneya, pains in the breast, side and back, diseases of the spine, piles, heart burn, diseases of the. hip joint,inflamed sore eyes, deaf, zees, and ear ache, worms,' tooth ache, sprains, strains, burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ulcers, cancer, fever, cotes, • . Price SO tents per bottle. Sold wholesale and retail by, WM. JACKSON, at his boot and shoe store, 'eV. LiberlY street, Pittsburgh.' The mo nocrr stands in the door-way. Only place in Pittsburgh - whens the ozmnan can be ob tained. • Cirria7. - -L-In order to be sure of Obtaining the genuine, purchase only of the . general agent for Western - Pennsyl- Tania. Wm. Jackson, :38 Liber ty ' c itreeor - through sub 'Agents appointed by him for Its sale, curb of whom will have a show bill and general directions in Pamphlet form containing the names and address of the Proprietor and General Agent Weetern Penniylvania, as follows: - 'Dr. & Co., proPrietor,lienmekt..., ' • WM: Jackson;General Agent for WaterriPerinsYlea. Ma, 89 Liberty street, - Pittsburgh, to2:Whoni all orders must beraddressed.- • • : , : r Onmrava.—Each bottle-is enclosed of the above -named Pamphlets, and the name of William Jackson. (the :general and only wholesale agent-fcir Welters Pennsyl yanini) printed-on the outside of ihe' 0et2:13. , . Iron CitylDraeker and Bread Baknry. .3..SHEPHARD 'WOULD respectfully inform his friends r and the pub= lie generally, that he has added to his other busi:. -ness l the manufantuang of Crackers of eyeryJraiiety. Haring purchasedono of W." 12. NeVin's Craoker, and Pilot BreatEmrichines, ho is prepared to fill ill;orders for crackers or pilot bread at. the shortest notice :and hopes by a strict attention to businosairo shine abortion of the public patronage. The public is reepectfulli invited to call and examine for themselves. • BAKERY 7\o:10 Conunereial Row, Liberty . ."#,; - site smithseid Df 8. - Saperior fainitY - Binaii, rye . and !Aysk Spilis Bread; rye and small rolls, fresh every morning - can belled at ke store ' 'or my wagon, or at my stand in the Market: , .Cakr.s and Confeationify on band and made. to order. 1, SIIEPAARD. No 10 Commercial Row, litbertr at, • UNDRIES.-400 due, Pistilli; Carilsj 13 200 whole and half boxes Sardinetu 15. baskets alive pill 00 'dot aasartetikOatsUPs, 40. 5 apaha Landon Porter, quarts end pintaf 4 XXI 00z. Brandies, Wines, 4-0. vary ald;, - 5 bbic powdered SugAtr- - 001eskets Chamfrahrrie Wine,.pert to arrive; , • 3 hhds Claret Wine, far sale by mail) ' . P.'"O; ArAlerrst: OTICE TO SHIFTCRB.—We have taken; an .office N inunedlately opposite to our 1 4 burnt warehouse," for the present, where we transacr , business na usual, 141 " 11,4 new J l ol4se cairbe. 'erecttulotrrailgeme 4 ts having siruadYbearrinade-Air thatporposo : • frrEoats will-always be in reacit4l at lust whaff, to .teeetro freight . C. A. At' TT. Or , COs ap4., Can al Agin, /Ahem' in. Itrux4y.—lott bags - Barley, Just landing Antllttr'satis . :41 by t 0 14 61 6.4 s W. 1144BAvGtr, .41 -:,~ : . U. CALDWELL .EST. .COUGH. bif.:DICINE IN .TH WORLD L. Another eyitlence of the .superiority of, Th.. ')Vii•L .lard's Cough Mixtutzi over all others... Read the following. certificate from, a respectable cit4erzsczlis . ,Fini k. w4, o .., -_-. ' - ' rersatraon. Nov. 3, 1847. "This certifies that for some: svee kips sti Was trodble& with isvery serious Cough, which was evidently beicim Ing seined on the lungs to such an extent as to resist the -effect of every medicine which I had been tieing, .I . isas finally persuaded to :call at Hayti & Brockway's Drag Store, and get a bottle of Dr. Willard , : Oriental- Cough Meows,- which . ; to: my greausurprile; relieved tnii. very. much t' after taking only two orthrec doses, and-befoie 3 had u s ed one bottle..l was edtirely, cured. I was somuch, pleased with its effecter, that I have btought others to buy it, and shall continue - to recommend" it witty friends;', 2 firmly Wins ii robe the best Coager-Afedfciee Itt'ae-Wield•-" . Aanet M.Ca.trillfr . - - '‘aw i a Try it- - -otily 23,sentia Bottle.- , - Sold by _.,.. ._ . BAYS & BROCKWAIf t •- • - ' Sold No. 2, Liberty street, near Canal Banc, 'also by , - - '• . J. FLEMING.'i Lawleneevillia." B ALM OF COLUMBIA.—Hair Tonic—To ail:Ml(l2mi . " Grey.—lf you %visite rich,. lu.xtutous head of kair,!,,free from dandruff - and scarf, do not tail to procure the gellable Balsam 'of, Colombia. In ceases of baldness, it Will mem ,' than. exceed year expeomtiona. Muir 'who liw° ' l 4t their hair fpr twenty years have had itreatp.peito ite p., ginal perfeetiOn by the pan qf this Balsam. Age, statit. os condition, aripeard to be no obritlietee A g e , It Sdett pauses the guia 1c) 49w:IvIth which the delicate Mtir•triba m filled, by whit racism Mcnitomis, eery as the Asiatic eagle, have, hod their h a lt' tesinred:ti, it i natural ' color,' by the use et ibis invaluable re medY. ?` An all.ettSeti of fever it will bi found one of the'most pleariani 4 fe -Vt appl4eatinna Mtly.ara n W e as4le vi s u th ip at; c e4h p at % h u tti se r d iom .. . fiaug i?uu lt.strehrilmni the ronti, it never fails to Italian a rich, glossy aptio& e ., eßeln- WA, atm - Perfume for the toilet, it is unognalled. It hold, three times as inneh etiethefuleetletl'nair sex It 'and Is more tail:mil.' The ,gentilne • . Imm-oh @ . tared only by Comstock Ec Son, 21 C ourtlemdtlitteet, Nb w Sold only genuine In 'Pittiburgli; by AVIS JiCiriMit; SO Liberty street, head of 1'90 . 0d; also, in WaShingLint, re.., by A. Sweemey lc 8 0R; in Cannonshurnh, by Dr.;Votielli' inßrov.roaville, by Bennett it Croker; Mao, In every' lieWft niPennsylvania k , Ohio,' l'illeryltuid and Yirginiai., ' . nov . l9,ll..kwittm. . : 1 T ~ 1; %:~ ~ «... ~`jt' ... 7-. . ,-- .'.'!. • • CLIC/LENZ/VS. •• . PILLS, RECOATED VEGETABLEPURGATIVE PILLS, ARE universally admitted to pperate,'not only as an effectual preyeratire, but as a nreerfatling remedy, itt all diseases which can affect the human trine,. Head ache Indigestion, Rheumatism, Piles. Scurry, Dropsy, Small Pox, Cholera Morbus, Worms, `Whooping COugh, Consumption, Jaundice, Quinsey, Scaslatina; Liver Com plaint. Apoplexy*, Cancers, Measles, Salt - Rheum,. Fits, Heartburn, Giddiness, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching& of the Skin, Colds. Gout, Grovel, Pains in the Back, Inwant AVenknemi, Palpitation of the Heart, Risings in the Throat, Asthma, Fevers•of all kinds. Female Complaints, Stitches in the Side, Spitting of BMW, Sore ' Eyes, Scrofalst, ' Anthony's Fue I.ownees of Spirits, Flooding; Float At hos or Whites ,Gripes. Eing's Evil, Lockjaw, Hysteria, Bile on the Stomach and all bilious affections,. Pledriey, Swelled Feet and Legs, Swine Pox, White Swellings, Tremors, Tumors, Ulcers, Vomiting—and a host of others have successfully and repeatedly been vanquished bs heir Riipavverful arm. • They bays been known to effect permanent cures when all other remedies had proved unavailing, and in the las. stages of disease. • They hare in many easel taper:EOM thepresers:prior skin elute masr eminent physieions, and received besides their unqualified commendation. • • . . . Thcy have been' frequently recommenced b men of tha most distinguished characters throughou th e land, and been sanctioned in Europa by Noblemen, and- Princes of ey have been tistroda ' moi into the Hospitals of UM burgh, l'aria. and Vienna and- through the disinterested exertions of our Foreign Ambassaders, they havaxecei ved the favorable commendation of the I.:amen:yr of Bua sin, and of his Celestial Majesty of the Chinese Empire-- ID - Scarcely a Packet vessel of any repute sails from the port of New York, without an abundant weir of the. SICK 'MAN'S NEVER FAILANG-FRITND. - • fly - Agencies have bees eitablishca in allih;principat Cities in the Union, and applications are constantly reads. in gus from almost numberless villages in every seetioa ofthe country. Testimonials . of their marvellous effect; are pouring in from all quanera--and in such numbers that we have not time to read one half of them. What stronger or more eonehtsive•evidence than these ,import • ant facts can the most sceptical desire? Is it possible, that • the many thousands, who . have tried CLICKENER'S PILLS, can be deceived in 'their results? If any impor ture or quackery existed, would it not long ago have bee* held up, as it should be, to the scorn and derision of St justly offended commnnity. ID- Remember, Dr. C. V. Clieltener is the original In. senior of Sugar Coated Pills; and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of. until he introduced them ni June,Pl43. l'itrelinsers should. therefore, always ask for Cliekener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take ne inherit's - they will be made the victims of a fraud. - PRICE. 25 CENTS PER BOX. Dr. Cliekener's principal office for the sale of pills' is'ati Vesey st., New York. • . WM. JACIiSON.I39 Liberty at.. head of Wood et... Pitts ? burgh..l'a.. General Agent-tor Western Peunsprzutia, Northern Ohio. and the River Counties of Virginia. Thafollotving are Dr.. Cliekeuet's duly appointed' A* genie for Allegheny - • WM. JACKSON, (principal) 89 I.iborty street, head of Wood. A. M. 151arshall, Allegheny City. Jonnthan Ohriest, Manchester. • C. Townsend s t Co.. " • Jno. R. H. Jacques. Birmingham. • • Jito. 11. Cassel, Penn at. • _ • - Andrei" S. GaityMVy lie st: • .• Robert Williams, Arthursville, R: If. /leziiingray. South Ward. . • Win. J. Smith, Temperanceville. Jeremiah Fleming, I.awrenneville. 1 / a nia/ !ley, East I.lberty. Edward ompson,.Wilkinsbutgh. ; Thomas*Aik in Sharpsiirgh- G. 11. Suirr,Sewiekley. ;," Samuel SpringeriClinton. • • :• James 311Cce. Steworutown. John Black, Turtle Creek. . C. F. Diehl, Elifabeth. • Riley /ll'Laughlin. Plumb Ttnrusltip. 3. Jones, Bakerstown. - Penny, 31 - Keesport ssJT IS mu,. •-• . •I T IS THE HEST COCCI! MIEDICIT: I _V,EIFt. CSED,'•--Tliis was aggressed in our heitirilityes terday, by an intelligent gentleman, who hatrufee but about one half of a bottle of Dr. Willorsfa OrientakCergA Mixture, before lie was entirely erred. Come and get g bottle or it, and if the most obstinate ough or cold does not disappear by its use,. sent money will .be retlaided. Compounded as it is,of the most elective. though harm, less and pleasant remediera its use for . yaars has,"nor in) deed con it, fail to give entire satisfricuon. For sale, wholesale and retail. try r." . • .1 HAYS A. BROCKWAY, • Liberty street, near Canal Bisitt.. WILIJAM , ••• Lawrenceville Sold also by ocll . • . AR. WILLARIYS Oriental Cough Alizture.—"lan: yrs 1,1 %voiles eastsz tr.' Those who hove noticed au op• portunity of trying this great remedy for the permanent cure of every uffection of the Naga, should not fail to give it a triad, Certificates of its efficiency t from oar own cit izens, Which we are constantly receiving. canuot 'fail to eonvineir the skeptical. Read the following frcirtf of high:standing HI Allegheny : Au.ranssr car,Te b ,74 fiat ".lifeurs. Reit 4. Brockway : It affords me great plea sure to be able to add my testimony in favorof Dr. R'ili lard's truly valuable cough medicine. About tines aseinha since I was attacked with a violent cold. and was much distressed with the cough. from which.' could get no re lief, notil I was a short time sines, induced to call seyour store and purchase some of the rhiental Cough Mixture. I am happy to state that the use of the second bunts has entirely cured me; and, having great COIIfiIiCIICO I,lrl have, cud shall continue to recommend it to thj'frlinids. • "Gases Ftxuansto.n . . , ' Pries, 2Seenta al:mule. sold by . • -RAYS h BROCKWAY; .No. 2, Corn. Row, Liberty st.,.nearganal. rfebl6l • J. 1 1 1.£3.11N0. Laerrenceellts: 17 Rt the New York Gazette, Oci. - 6, 1929 . a,dailY paper °l deservedly at the head of the daily yeast; iri the country. Brartots .fixtract of Serraparille.-11 were hnt coarsely to call the attention of our readers to this invaluable prep aration which will he found advertised in another Column. Mr. Bristol .is a brother, and isrues a highly illtOreStillt newspaper, every now and then, one or two numbers - of which we have already noticed; and the medicine • itself has been eulogised by nearly all the press of the western country, and, we doubt not. Justly eulogised. It has in its favor, moreover, very - flaitering testimonials from ..the most eminent practitioners in every : part of the country where it puss been used: There is beauty end - iaste enough - in the bottles. sad in the engraved labels in which they are enveloped, to induce • - purchase, even if the preparation itself were not one of the "sovereignest ho the world," as every person must believe' it is—that is every one must believe it is—that is, every ones. whe: would not resist amaze of documentary evidence conclu sive enough to convert a Turk to Chnstianity. :Buy one of the bottles, gentle reader, arid see whether you do out agree with us on this poiut. For sale by • IL A. FAIINFSTOCK & Co., feb24 coy. of Ist and Wood and 6th and Wood its. 1011HEUMATI8111, GOUT, AND TIO.DOLOILGUN--,,- .k respectable gentleman called at our otlice,)is.he said, to inform us that he lad been afflicted for:ls. years. with „Rheumatism or Gout, and occasionally. with Tier Doloreux; 'that 'he ' bed been frequently confined to Albs room for mouths together, and often suffered the most in tense and excruciating pain, but that lately. he,had ` bean using Jaynes Alterative, from which lie found theinost sig nal and unexpected relief. lie says he fotind the inedb eine : very pleasant and'cffeetive, and that re now con siders himself perfectly turiti.—PfsiledelphittlferoVAnstr ... . _ 'iron. ' A Rim' WORTir Klitiarnio.-:A. gentleman'of Serufulints. habit, from indiscretion in his younger days. became af fected with Ulcerations in the Throat a. , and Nose,.and. .disagreeable eruption oldie 'Skin. Indeed, his wi:do :system bore the marke of being saturated with disease- One hand said wrist were so much affected - that be Ina lost the Use of the hand,' every part being covered with deep, painful, and offensive ulcers., and were as hollow and porous as an honey-comb. It was at this stage °flits complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loath some dieeese, that he' ommenced the use of Jayne's Al terativej and'havingtaken sixteen bottles, is now perfect .ly care.. The**AlleritiVe 'Operetta through the eiretilation,' and purifies the blood end eradicates disease from the system,. 'wherever located, and the numerous cures it has, per ,formed dismites - of the' skin,' cancer, scrofale, liver complaint, dyspepblit - find other Chronic diseases; ui• m truly astoshing.—Spirit the Timer. ftr-Por ...ale an Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORk 72 Fourth street, - - ArfONSITAII'TION,- COUGH, SPITTING OP nLoopt • BRONCHITISi ASTHMA.; ikc.,—To Cccerustritiss, Four-fdths of you are really indexing from neglected Colds, or an obstructiiin and consequent inflematton of the delicate lining of those tubes through which Me air we breathe is distributed to the lungs, This . okstritetion. produces pain and soreness, hoarseness, coUgh,diffislOT of breathing, hectic fever, and, a spitting of blood, matter or phlegm; which finally exhausts thestrength of the tient , rand death ensues, JAYNFIS'; EXPECTORANT net-se - fans to remove this obstruction, and 'produces the most pleasing and happy results. It ut certain in . its sf.. feeM, and cannel fail to relieve." ''''' For sale in Pittsburgh at thoTekiaTea Stela - 72Foiltlls 'Linear - Wood. ' hand (1%; eonsgngtFati sind fox sale by 14414 41144 4 =ME . • , - • - . • ~ ;e' • -• - 1;'„ 7 , - - ts4Jir , ',. , • „ ri • '2;4- ,iee, =Si • - *eo., ^ft.• ' .. MEE -.- c. • r • • •'• ', - 1 4 3 . •:,.; ; 44C , r . itc..,....,8•11,4,f • + . • -' • - -- • .- • ...... • . mMIMM • . •• .. • ..,.......:.,-•......, -.: .' .;. ..' ,: . ' . ,: •.: , • 7 : -- .' - ;.'' .4 -•: : ' ,. :.":: .- : ; - 2 ."' •- • - ; -, .. - ; :,:- ..: , .:• , .•: ,, ..;v.•••:2:.;',".: i -•:•: - .. - ,,' . -,.. , .• - -..`•••..-!'•‘.., •.:••';'..Kl,-..:':.... I - -. . - .... ~.: ,t... ........:,.. :.... ~ • ~ ..........,- MEM ERNI MIME li . . I t -- 5: 1 03, Posgt ' ~; " 4 . s BEMS •• -;04e• "e'rr e .. • ;SR,- ~:.',,.. ..„.--.t.-.4.2.,,,,z-_- , . )- 4:.y.-:- r .4 ...?: ,- ---.. , ?., : s'•*,. 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