The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 05, 1848, Image 1

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Prin4d and Published every Montimr, (StoidaYs exerig447)
arr- -TERM - S.—Five .Dollare le year. payable strtetly
In advance. -Six. Dollars will.iuvariably be required if
mot paid within the year. .
47. ar.Single copies TWO ccrrs—for sale at the counter
of the Office, and by the News boys.
The W e ekly nierrymr3rd t ter
Is published from. the same office. on , e double medium
sheet, at .TWO DOLLARS IV year, in advance—single
copses. FIN,:e CENTS-
No paper will be discoutined (unless at the discre
tion of the proprietor.) until all arrearares arc paid.
irr No 'ideation will be paid to any order liniiSa eh
compaided by the money, or satisfactory reference in this
. .
Ft!. attCARC OF VW/MYR Kll:irt oc 'MSS.
One Insertion, 80 50 One Month,
Two- - -do. 0 75 Toro.'•do
Three. •do . 100 ^ Three do
One Week 1 50, ' do
TWO••do --- 2 SO Six. • •do
Three do • 3 00 One Year . . . -•••
. Ckangceag •
.• OVIS FgFA.RE. . TWO F(MAILF_ I / 4 ,
SIX Months . 3(500 I SIX Months S2O 00
One Year ' 2.0 00 One Year 30 00
lairger adrcrtisemeitis In proportion.
LE.7. — .Cards ECIVP. L,CVES. Deaarice Tear.
le cute OVO ' be IIItIOSS an iktru price
is paid. •
Adverdsemenfa upon which. the Ilninher of inser
tions is not marked, sill be inserted, and charged until or
ft:reii out.
13rof t
csgoticil . barbs{ •
Arun -no az Late.--Ottico, .FolOth
.21:. atreey u r R Pattenumea Livery Stable. •
An , GEORGE: W.l.rr.--OfficF, No.
ti mar Sitth m.. rittahur .•
It A. W. (.11.AVN12., Yh fsfeigot and
No. 8: 81. Cioir .
I;. 5. Attorney. Itns
- removed his office hi NO.4l:St. Clair st. : •
, opposite are Eich3.,ge
d I !)111.A,NDO' 1.00:VIS, Adorn., at taay.--:-011ice 4th
• st.: shave Wood. • ,
rtfititlAS M. MAILSILAI.L. Auortyy .
.1401,111 m - Fourth st. jatti-Ir.•
Auoraii .ur Late, turner 01 Wylla
J and Filth streete--•• Lave Curuer„" fat,l(ky
same building Allgru a t t au 111
l t
7i 4 sst i c li r e , e ri i gli.
(_,.....bekvrean.l,l79i,ilattal•Sm;thrtald sta. " am:ll.-f;ai•Y
natcru.N.. e ltturn,ey Lato.--00We.Aerill e
OPof Fiith stroet...hetworn WorA and 511141160 d, in 16c
ewe Wilding with Alderman, Morrow. -
J03E1.11 Altoraey at . Caro . ' Mice ip
, AV :Winces building.,on'dth st., between Wood and
Smithfield sti.
I witu V.NU,...titorncy wed Cowart/4n.. at tap
I.X . :and Notary Pubic.— Once at the cornet' of 4th acid
Wood sts:neer Siltbett & Jones' Exchange office. oe ti
W 4"" iL " : Y o s n d gur t trir L b l / 4 7
tweett'Stnitlltield and (Tram. snir)4-y
SNOtII)e.N. Attorney at Law.—Odice in
1A the building on the North East - corner of . Fourth upd
Smithfield -•
:iltl(tltOW..dtdrreldn.-4)Thee north side of. pit lsl tli
.street, between Arixid and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
IeANDIsIISS Ss . Attorneys rind Counsel , -
• In - htrz.ett ou Fourth *trout, oppo4iic
dr R. Patterson's Livery Stable, l'ittaborgh. sepin-y
W {nu & S WA It F t W Anorn-eys at Lam
• —Mice out Fourth street. tratureett %Vaud and Smith
field, p • Fassita:Patta rsou'a Livary Stalk"api j'
lt FAIRGE Attorney and Counsellor at
, kmat..--o:frce remayed fa Oro' hl door below (Iran' . 1 .,
emt•Foithh, tolite office lately occupied by Alderman qiN
JN. 11'../11.0Wit.Y....4.2torneyand Courueltur al La
. iu,Liakawatl's 14'11%1111gs an Cirant 61.
jc.:2t1 , 17,1,y, . ;
) . Si LiN.NON. Attorney and Coletuclior rst•La
Ofliet on 4th st... between Wad And - Smithfield
arid nearly opposite the Al:types attire.'
scurr•l.kuti44. Fourth st,,tive doors we s t at Marl
• kct. Alt work warranted, and if not perfuctlyrsatis
lketury no char;es will Leolade. fehin
11 ENTII 0 Robert Snydor.lan_. renturud pin
IV office to. Fourth street. betwecu Wood and rintithfield
itlrects : tit:Art.s-1y
AMEN.Fll:AtideTroon.--Uifice on Pcnu comet.
•apposite D. Loco', it: CAN...pactei tine office. Oflicc
hotiteffeefi'lectOck A. AT.: td 7'f7elock P. iT,
31.. lie etch lias " removed his Uoinnlisetuti
thawuriiinebutinessYrom the Canal 'Basin toitis
mlw Warehouse, on - Thistl street, nearly opposite the Post
Office. ruay:al-y
I~hAtuVAL.—.MtiN "...VIM/IEL. Attorney at Law,
has removed to Fourth street, next door to the Jffice
of Alde 'Man Aye!,
J.- D. 1.r.117. 1. W. P. WHITE..
lEEC& wurrE, Arsorncy - , at Law, Washington, Pa.
A Polleetions made in Washington, Fayette, Greene
and adjoining comities. anl2-y
-At :SG ICE—Jlathnk S. Calker. artar.ney ana t
miter at Law has removed to the odiee goer
'Wag of Rody:Pittarson's , Livery Stable. Fourth street
!burin; his absence upon public duty. for the coining
month . . any business for him may be left with A. H. Me-
Zalmoitt: bp- as above. • • b 17%
*MKS S. CII.' YE. Auorney. Counsellor. end /Votary,
'Pittsburgh:Pa.. haying res i gned the office of Secret--
try ofthe Pittsburgh 'Navigation and Fire ItiattranceCom
pany, attend 'specially ni collections, and business
•conneeted vrith"Nartgation. Insurance. Accounts.' and
Real Estate. Business hours, from 9 A. M., to 9P. M.
adice. firm door west of Alderman Miller'i, Fourth street.
neer Grant. vo7
JTOILN, eDYI.II No:ary and ecircesatnerr.--Othee in
Mateslt's Building . . Fourth street, near Smithfield.
'Pittsburgh. Deeds. Bonds. Mortgages, Articles Sf Agree
ment, and all other instruments of writing drawn up with
accuracy and dispatch. Tides to Rent Estate examined.
isrea-il&w t y
21 )WIN C. %I , II.SON, Attanncy and entstuelkir al Lute.
Franklin, Venanv county, Pa., will attend promptly
to all business entrusted to his care. Collections made in
'Warren, Clarion, and Jefferson counties.
nnrca TO
J. A. Stockton & Co., Pituburgh.
Murphy. Wilton & Co..
lion..Jarnes Kinnear. r .
lion. Alex'. SPCalmont, " 1 "'"'"'
Hon.!. Wilson, Steubenville, O. if2l-1
Iftt.) MY- CLIF:NI%.3.—My partner, mr:Liggett. and IVin.
1, E. Austin, F.sq, will attend to my , unfinished 'busi
ness. and I .reeommend them to the . Tatronage of my
friends. 1 am authorized to state that they will receive
the 'Catmint and assistance of the lion. It. Biddle. Odic°
2d story of Burke's' buildings, 4th strect„betureen Wood
and Mnrhet. iju6-Iyl SAMUEL IV. 111.-ACK.
(PO litiNTA, Alamos - amuse of Incorruptible Teeth
1 Smithfield street. two doors below Fifth street, Pitts
biirgh. Pa. Always on hand a full assortment of Plate,
and Pivot Teeth.. of a variety of shades, as ainiple Plate.
• Molars and fliscuspidators. Ginn teeth r ,Scresr . Pi+ot
Aceth, &.e. • Vieth and blanks made to 'otitis ;''Dentiats
ssapplied With all articles in the profession. All orders
Ikons abroad ninsv be accompanied by the cash. •
[ET"Pintinn always on hand. • novls-y
(AIN A. PA Ith:INSON, ALeterrnan,Fiala Ward.
st., between Walnut and O'Hara its, where he may
be found at all times. Those having houses or other pro
perty to soil or rent: can have the same punctually atten
ded to; debts collected, and-all the.dutiesofan Alderman
will receive prompt attention. . 0e27-y
TyKsity W. WILIA3I:4, Attarnry and Counsellor at
j_` Law. (succossor to Lowrie & W'illiems,) Office at.
(he old stand, Fourth st., above Smithfield.
THE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry
.W.Williatus. Esq., and myself, in the practice of the law,
'was dissolved by mutual consent. on the 211th ult.. and die
busitteis will hereafter be conthined-,by llenry W. Wil
liams, whom I most cheerfully recommend to all for whpm
have the honor to do bueiness.---as a gentlemen every
way worthy of .their confidence.
elect B..ty IVALTER ff. LOWRIE.
• • ..._
GeorgelL,Maillec, Conveyancer.
4FFICE in Avery Row, Fifth street, above Smithfield,
Pitsbingh. . • -
.lisans r ltioarni.ort, ArtlitXtletrlTX, Boson. RELEART.S, and
other instruments of writing, drawn with 'neatness. legal
accuracy and despatch. tie will also attend to drawing
and filling A/remotes Liens. Accost's/sof E.rreureri.Admiit
istrototi: 4-c.. Eramining Oita to Real Estate. Searching
Records for Liens, 4-e.. ke.
From his loft,: erpenenco and intimate acquaintance
.with the manner of.keeping the public records. lie expects
.uo give satisfaction to those who may entrust their busi
miens to his care. . dertil
LOB: AT LAW, Cleveland, Ohio, will attend to profes
sional business in the Courts of Cuyahoga and adjoining
comities. .
.He will also give careful attention to Colleetiorutin any
part of Northern Ohio.
arrartzsices : •
Chief instice Parker, Carnbridge Law SchooL
Hon. Richard Fletcher, 10 State at., Boston.
Hon. Samuel 11. Perkins . 141. Walnut at., Philadelphia.
Richard B, Kimball. EMI:, 53 Wall st., New York.
'Hampton tr:Smith. Pittsburgh. . •-•
For addit&mal . reference, refer to this Office. febo-1y
frO COUNTRY MERCIIANTS.--The sudaeriber will
1 Pay three dollars and seventy-five tents Aer 100 Ihx,
,essn, for pied mired enuntry rags, in quantities or
to three thousand pounds. delivered at my Book Store,
No. £lO Wood street, Pinshargh.
On hand, a general supply of school hooks, writing
-and wrappingpaper, blank hooks,, etc., wide!' will be
sold by the dozen otretall, at lowest cash prices for ren- ,
dY . Par• [jaii7l LURK liNtUfft Agerq.
TrOlkitßOPATllle 21.1}1D1(..1NFA AND HOOKfI.--40.t
receivedAta fresh supply otiforneropathic Alle<fieine
_Chests. liomccopathic Co&e, Sugar of. Milk. and
collection of the latest publications on ilonunopnthy, at
-TICI`OR SCRI.I3A. Fifth street;
Plork*4 sts
t .*,..--. ...•
~„,,,,.-5.*.h. . e...-7•••••• ,t'n. - - , - ••-,,..:-.., 441,,,,g1-01-L,
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AArM. J. BURNSIDt, luitionter and COMMI4.IIOII Mgr
chant, Federal atrect.Allegheny city. kb'
TAMES. M'KENNA AuctiGncer and C.kmuniscian Nor
O. chant, No. 1.14. W ood febl
1.:: over the Post Otliee. • • . ' - fabl
IIA,& SANE , Pittsburgh Cabinet and Chats
A, Warehouse, No: b 2, Thibd at: febl-y
.r/EBULON ..lUNSEY, Dealer in Fancy (;Dods Trios
ZA ming,. No. 67, Market street. feht-y
4 L'EXANDER JAYNES, Pskin Ston,72 Thircl
/1_ n6ar Wood.' • • feld-y
APIDLOSKEY, /rot. City Clothing' ,Stors, No. 'Lk!
kJ.. Liberty at., opposite the.mouth of Market. fell-y
T051W.A..11.01.11..N50N . , Agent for Harden & Co.'s Line
it, of Packets, Fifth st.. one doorbelow Wood. febl-y
AATILLIAm JACKSON. Palm+ Aledieins Depot, NO bib
, erty st.. head of Wood. teht-y
$4 00
• .6 00
• 7 00
• •fi 00
10 00
.15 00
ATAILI'IN LYTLE, Family Grocer. Sandi. eta street
1,11., next .four to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. jeG
EOROE COCHRAN, Forwardeng and Commession
kr 2i/ere/tont, No. 26. Wood st.. Pittsburgh. n0v.27-y
"I - INGLISH h ELLlOTl',Bookarthrt and Stationers. Nu
1:4 .4 56. Market 3t.. between Third and Fourth. fehl-y
TIOUN At SARGENT, Bankereand Exchange Brokers
jj N.ll corner of Wood nod Sixth sus. feta
HOLAtES & SON. Boraces and ilefiltiTila Exchange
Coin and Bank Notts. No. GE Market at. folly
TACOB WEAVER, Wino and Liquor dfcrshant. corner
eJ of Market and seco n d stiTet.. _ febl.-y
FULTON. nit..lirasa Founder, No. 70 Second
IV . between Market arid Peril' its. lebt
TH. Vl - 1 TE. Clothing Store, No. 107. corueroi Libor
ty and Sixth stn.
r TIONVNStiiVI). CAttlt &CO Coach and WiNgo/1.
kers,St. Clair ',tree t. near the Bridge. feb4-1
Ais o i l e itkV , LlZEMAßli DEPOT, Nu. 6.1, Fourth at.,
1 - )R .I . , 4IZ) , N i VN'S OFFICE., N 0.65, Diamond alitriA;liryar
el H. PAULSON, /tat and Cnp Mann faetarer, and
. dealer in Felts of all kinds, No. 73, ,Nl/ootl at., nazi
door. tothe corner of Fourth. frbl
vtlied .tin SL. atrgisi
f ILLER& RICKETSON. Wholoale Grum.% and Cam
mission Merchants, corner of Liburly and Irwin its
A. 3PANULTY & QO.. Fonenrd in ,r; and Commis
+ion Mcrchann, Canal Basin, Pinstiuh, Pa.
FlititiMF„ Piano Forte inanniacturar and dealer iu
. Musical Instruments, No. 112 WOCHI atrectontar
Fifth. novlo.y"
77 AY SC BROCKWAY. 'Druggists, and Agents fur
•1 - .ll_ Patent Aledicines, Liberty street, near Cann! Basin.
s .1 )1 mitotic>. an scaler in ac
t/ cign and Domestic Itardtourc, corner of Second and
Wood sis-Pinitbuialt. 0ce.29-1y
QA:11Blit. hlt)0111.1 Thu and Cap Slanqfacturrr, and
dealer in Ftats. NO. 75, Wood &trent, third door above
Fourth, fell-y
(„2r A NTI.TF.I. M'CLURICEN k COL. Accuts for Carlisle and
tilppitrtYs Rettuter tins of react Ships from New
York to T:iverpool-N0.142 Liberty st. fetal,
. Agent tbr Messrs. Rothe.
•Co.'S Ling of Packets:Penn ai r four doors below Co
nti Basin.
ToII.N NUCLOSKEY,'CaiIor and Clothier, Liberty st
01 between Sirth street and Virgin alley, south side.
TT USEPII AIAJOIL !,Baal Store. Ship Chandlery. and
...kgency of. Pittsburgh Lard Oil Factory, No. 4. Mar
itroct, Pittsburgh. jannldi
/kpot for Yrrn Put.ticatit T A. Pe-
Third sL opposite Inn
il oat 4ifice. , • P"P‘""tr.
11AAPFE &O'CONNOR. Proprietors of the Pittsburgh
Portable Twat Line. corner Penn And Wayne strode.
tetil-y •
TMAY, Whnitsalc, Grocer. Forwarding - arid Com
,et issian Illerehern t, Water streat. between Market and
rII.I.IAM A. lIIEiI. & 'Banivrs .and Exekone...
V Brokers, No. 61. Wood at., one door :ribose l'ourtls
•.osi !tide. ' febl.y
cUIt.RV, trmikers and trhougs Brokrrs. No
1:1 • G 5, Wood it., third door below Fourth, west side.
I7',II.A.NLEIL & .ILA /5/ant:Err mud kLechanze lirtrk,rs,
n.. corner of llird and %1'...4 st.s., olipusite St. rharlei
t OWN STUN & STOC KTON, 131104aiiier3. Statitorur
• Prin•drrsand , Publishrra t comer Maticel end rhird st•
. UKL: 1:00MIS. Ap•nt, Bookseller and Stationer. and
.„4 dcale.rin Printing Paper, ,S-e., Wood street. ltetween
)lionond alfeir nod I'nirtll. ' ' fehl-y
CA. NI AN t: I :I' Agettiior Pick wurtlt'• 'ray Fre ight
Line, and independent Pintabis Beal Line, Canal
rosgs AT%VOOI), Agent fer the/Yoe/A American. fn.
A n. 'arena Company. of Philadelphia. Water and Front
st.. at the Warehouse of Atuftwni and Jones. fehl-y
110DE$ Zt. ALL:URN, Alanutucturcs Pfusturd
Ground Spites. Carsups, 4-e., 4-c., No. tr, Fifth street
betvicen Wood and Market.
xrtirron, seatßA, Pookse!kr. Stqtioner, and Binder
ii Fifth at, Leto/con Wood andMarkctsta., Pimburgh,
C" L 0.1114. Arent. Publisher. Bookseller and Bookbind
er. No. An.'Wood at, Pittsburgh. marga-y
I I . filttiTEL.,N. Brass Founder and acts Fitter. Smith
field street, between Diamond Alley and Fifth st.
Pittsburgh. der:l94y
st/c J. 91'1.1EVI*1"1• 2 Inalauds Greco". dealers in Pro
: duce 'and Pittsburg manufactures generally. No.
214 Libirly, opposite ith street, Pittsburgh. •p24-p
Sirrit, near Liberty. JOHN FARREN, Proprietor,
Pittehurrh. n0v.2.1-y
rt GORGE ARMOR. Tailor, Fourth street, between
T Wood and Smithfield streets, nearly opposite the
Mayor's office. jan2J-y
TODN 1). MORGAN. Whakrak and Retail /*aggro,
ttl .No. 93i, Wood street, one door South of Diamond Al
ley. fehl
TPALLANSBEE & HAYWARD, Whoirrrar nitd Rani/
Ereakrr in Boots, Shoes. Trunk s. ke.. So. 16 Liberty
street. nearly opposite the head of Wood. (eh4-y
.13 A. FAH '11:3T01. h Cr ~ Wholesale Drug. Ware
. holm. corner of First amt Wood streets, and cur
ncr of. Wood and Sixth sts. feb4-y
13 EMOVAL.—Geo. W. Smith it Co. hove reinovod their
Offirm from Penn at., to then Nato Brewery on Pitt
at. and Duquesne Way. dee2s
n i thLt r u 1) .1 1 !tat , 8 ,, 0N e 0 15 ; „c c
rt " r:n ra n k Twi ' ; a t
Clair street's,. opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn
street. feh4-y
TORN . MELLOR, wholesale and retail dealer in
cl Music and Musical lanstruinens, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
I)IRAZIEIVS BELLOWS.- Jilat received an assort
ment. largo sizes, Brazier's hand Bellows; also, Par
for and Kitchen do., wholesale and retail.
'fleet° • JOHN W. BLAIR, 120 Wood st.
I.S. W M ..i
Merchant,TSßMAN, wholesale Grocer, Commission
I — O Forwarding eraiant, and Dealer In Produce
andPittsiturgh,Natiutaetures, N 05.31 Water, and 2Front
sts., Pitudturgh.:Pa.. WM-5,
Q tiI.LERS'Jc -NICOLE, Produce and General Commis
mien blerehants;•NoATLlberty , atreet, Pittsburgh.—
Sperrn, linpeed and lard oils. jan27.,
TAMES PATTERSON, "JR., corner of First and Ferry
sts.. Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of Locks, Hinges,
and' Bolts; ''''Macco. Fuller, Mill and Timber Screws,
Honsen Screws for Rolling Mills, &c. septfby
BRYAR, Rectifying Distiller, and wholesale dealer
41 in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors
114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, '
. Pa.
11..111A " 1, Lumber Merchant. Mice on Peon
L. street, between Irwin and Ilandstreets, Pittsburgh,
Po- All commissions will be promptly attended to.
JIL BISHOP, Yrierinory Surgeon, can be found at
. his Horse Shoeing; Establishment. near the St. Clair
street Bridge, lately occupied by Messrs. Carr & Rowland.
novs-Mint •
XCHANGE t MI:, Exchange Rorerßaltimore. D.
Donarr. Proprietor. Coaches will he in readiness at
all the - landings, to convey passengers, free of charge. to
the lintel• aeeti9-y
AVA/r.„lrCaKneeMrpraiNn'ir ig i f i o a r ac tte ,hi F a ra n n t ki t i li n e F F lcre
change office . of Warrick Martin k CO, corner of Market
and Third strertn. • febl-y
TrING & FINNEY, Agents for the Drialrare Ofutuf.l
Xik !Wily Insurance company of Philadelphia, at the
Warehouse of King and Holmes, Water street, near Mar
kel. • febl-y
ELLERS & NICOLS, Produce and General Commis
li:l sion hlerchants. No. 17 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.—
sperm. Linseed and Lard Oils. jan2o.
(PARSON do MICNTGIIT, IVhoicsale Grocrra and Corn
!,J mission Moe/tants, Sixth street, between Wood and
Liberty. Pittsburah. Pe. dee4-y
W s o t iGNItoB-otlLltkiib;idnsaters: has i,Li
o r y e e tnv to t . C. 11. ab).
7 , c w o re e re r
he is prepared to do every deseriition of ruling andliind.
ino.. der2y
PC. MARTTN, Who:sidle and Retail Gmccr and deal
. er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors;
Forciai and Domestic Fruits, ?guts, &e., No OD \Vatei st.
STEW JU)OK STORE.—H. S. Bomeorth 4- Co.. No. 43,
Market st.. next door to Third, are Just opening a
new and extensive assortment of Books and Stationery,
whiehthey will t ell,wholesale and retail, at the lowest
Ptic"- • • • • apt -y
'(EfffN - W 1131 - 4ACK Who/mile Gioeers. - PrOdiire
'owl Commloglnn Aferthantr.. and dealers in Pittsburgh
IVlnnufneturet, No. 16d, Liberty street;ropposite Sixth st.,
Pittabatlth; • " - ' mayl2
1177Liboral Mlilrbtl44l mail@ on"contionmei*
Business 6arbs.
ONN D.DAVLS.ductionett and Comotissianallerchant,
corner of Wood and Fifth ets. fetd-y
DELANY,. Farhionoble Clothing Store, No. 49, Lib
eny et. febt-y
__. ~r:,
33usiness fgarbs
. .
& W. HARBAIIGH, "Commisrion and Forteardirg
Merchants, and dealers in Flour. Wool and P.rodupe,
o. 53 Water, and 104 Front street, between Wood and
streets. Pittsburgh. -ntent-o
DOINDEXTER & CO, Wholesale Grocers And Corn
r mission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 41 Witter
street, Pittsburgh. ap2l.
r in
htenanße Detl e W? Go DS, ti-e nat cacr of
Fourth as.
S AMUEL MORROW, Manuthetureis of . Copper,
and sheet iron ware, No 17 Fink aired, between
Wood and Market.
JOIIN CARTWRIGHT. Importer and Manufacturer ot
all kinds of Cutlery, Surgical instruments, 4•. c., No. &3
Wood street, second door below Diamond alley. tell
" (natured and sold wholesale and retail, Smitlitield
between Sixth and Virgin alley. .oetl2•y
KTIVERSI LI P—The undersigned has nssociated
with hintselfJohn Saeols. from Baltimore. in the Gro
eery antl General Commission Business. miner the ttyle
of Sellers & Steals. Dated IstJ titulary tri. , 45.
MOO MIAS. $17.1.1.ER5.
RICHARD T. LE CH. JR.. Intrartrr. and dealer in
Forrign and Domestic. Saddlery, Hardware, and. Car
rings Trimmings, of all descriptions. No. Is 3 Hardware.,
Pittsburgh. seven doois nbOve Fifth, and One &tor - nip:we
VI. Childs M. Co.'s Shoe Store. np9l.
Be Market street, invite the nnention of Country
Merchants to their extensive assortment of Fojeisn nod
Domestic. Goods. which will be sold at eastern jobbing
priPcs.l . o" Wbolemife Rooms. 2d story.: ionn
91 1 110.1tAti PALMER. blanuructurtir and Importer of
j_ WALL PAPER, Eine Board Prints, Borders. /And-
Scope raper, Orstatneatal Bairns, Transparent Windt , lib
Shades, rind dealer in Writing and NS rapping Paper,
Bonnet nod Binder.' Boards. &co &e.. N 0.477. Market at,
between Third and Fourth. Pittsburgh. Pa. marts
M . -nMecaprW—kestl),.isli.pdi and
repnred E to ""‘
iiiak:l3.ran' ,fret
s ' a Castillgs",
and Brims Works generally, ott. the most reasonable
terms and shortest notice. He invites machin ists, nod all
those using brass works to give nim a call, as he is de
i.ennincd, to Jo all word in his line very low. inyln-ly
MITAI & ylNla 1111, (late Martin & Smith.)
1.71 Gnnyrs. Produce and Commission ..iferchants, 56 Wood
street, Pittsburgh. The undersigned having entered into
partnership under the above style. respectfully ask the
patronage of the friends of the late firm, and of purchas
ers generally. They feel warranted in.promising th at
they can give satisfaction to all who may tiny of
confide business to their care. WM. H. SMITH,
mar9t.t M. SINCLAI.R.
1,11.1 NT GLASS ESTAfiLlSlDWl.—Altilvany Led
": lie manufacture, mid keep constantly on hand, cut.
moulded and plain flint Glassware in ull its varickes, at
their warehouse , corner of Market and Water sts.7l.itts
burgh. chq works continue in full oprration, and we
are constantly adding to our stork, which enables its to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respectfully
solicited to call unit examine prices nod terms. sepin7y,
House. Sign, and Orwmuntal friinge;
1:1 s and dealer in PAINTS. No. 44. St. Clair st. Pitts
burgh. has constantly on hand all kinds of Pa r rrs, either
Dry or Mixed: Japan and Copal Narnih; Linseed Oil.
Boiled Oil; Spirits Turpentine; Whitlow Glass. of all
sires: Putty. Paint Brushes. &c. ; all of the best quality.
and for sale at reasonable prices. sepll-tf
rk A. CA3E:AW
4N, allnnujneitirer !!emirs Were end
t s I'llttform State,. and irminizs in general, respect
fully asks the patronage of Ms friends. Fie feels war
ranted that Ins Coll give .satisiaction to all who ploy pur
chase of him. ills establishment is en 3rKeley's plan of
Lots, sth Wont. m r3I v
P.OltrtE COCI4ICAN. entrireMilon
kir Alenlaw. No thi Wood street- Pittsburgh, continues
to transact'a general Commission business, especially in
the purchase and sate of American rucinufactures and
produce,. quit in receiving and fun-earth itg Goods consign
ed to his care. As agent for the mniimacturert be will
be constantly supplied with the principal arue le II of Pitts
burgh manufacture at the lowest wholesale priers
. . -
Orders and consignments urn resprethilly solicited.
l---Tk;il3tiaTie:rli)ruggist nod Apalic
cary. north-west corner or Wood'and Fifth streets.
Villthuegii. will keep constantly on hand Drugs, !'situ.
Oils: lye-?tuffs. tee.
N. IL—Physicians' prescriptions easefully compounded
inns the Must Muierials. al nay Mar of the day or night
Also. an nssUrimea of Perfumery; fine tooth. hair, 01111
clothes Brushes. Ac„ So.. &e.. which hu will sell lose for
cash. swelly
Av 11.1.1 A NI Undertaker. Filth street.
niediatele oppoeite the Theatre. respectfully in.
fortes his friends nod the petite in g.eitcral, that its has re•
sinned boldness es a Furnishing Undertaker. • lie is sup
plied with and always keeps on hand Coffins of all sizes
and kinds. Shrodils, end all other articles ileCeSmnry on
tacit OCCaziotts.
Silver plates. ice boxes, and leaden coffins will be sup.
plied on order. A fine hearse and carriages alworirreily
rerntr of Penn and St: Mar Stfit:T. ' Pittsburgh. Pa
r.llll-: subscriber. having It...evert' the management o
this long established and popular flute!. respertfury
announces to lraVellet, and the public generully. that hr
will-be at all times prepared to accommodate thcin in all
things desiruble in n well regnleted Hotel. The House is
now /icing thorolighly repaired throughout, nod new fur
niture added: and nn pains will he spared to tneke the
Excu•atter one of-the VAILT amt lim it. in the country.
The undersigned very respectfully solicits a continuance
of the liberal patronage which the Ilnuse has heretofore
" - •
John M. Townsend.
street. three doors above Third. Pittsburgh, will have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment of du best
and freshest Medicines, which ha will sell on the most
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will he
promptly attended to. and supplied with articles they may
rely upon as Tenn.,.
Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and neatly
prepared from the best materials, pet any hour of the day
or night.
Also, for sale, a largo ■took of fresh and good Perfn
mery. deeno
I. 0. 'LEM'S Llt. . C. W. A SfIWILSON, &
I.2te of Pittsburgh, Pa. Late of Nashville, Tenn.
T I'AiNTER & ANDEItSON.DE4L6II-1 tr. Cartinc.—Far-
Lc warding and Commission Merchants, No. 3, Front
Street, atoms Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Merchants generally, in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Merchants generally, Nashville, Tenn.
W. F. Lane & C 9., Louisville, Ky.
Springer & Whiteman,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
James Johnston & Co,.
Hewitt, Heran & Co., New Orleans.
Magre g or & Morris, New York.
Duval, Keighler & Co., Baltimore.
Smith, Llagaley & Co.. Philadelphia.
Daniel Deshen. Hoeton. sert2l-ly
A UCTIONDER end Commission Merchant, Corner of
Jt Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, is reedy to re
ceive merchandize of every description on consignment
for public or private sale, and from long.experience in the
above business. flutters himself that ho will be able to
give entire satisfaction to- all who may favor him with
their patronage.
Regular sales on. Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goode and Fancy articles, at le o'clock. A. M.
Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, now.
and second hand furniture, sze., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Salem every evening at early gas-light. angl2-y.
AFULTON. Bell and Brass Founder, hos rebuilt and
. commenced business nt his old stand, No. 70 Se
cond, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will
be pleased to see his old customers nod friends.
. .
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to
10,000 pounds, east from patterns of the most approved
models, and warranted to he of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, he. &c., to
gether with every variety of Brass Castings, if required,
turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt', Anti-Attraction Me
talrso justly celebrated for the reduction of friction in
rnitehincry.. The boxes and composition can be hod of
him at all times. novla-y
SHAWLS.—A. A. Afamm 4- Co., 62 Market street, have
received the most extensive assortment of Shawls to
be found in this city. In addition to the various styles of
Cashmere, Timken, Wool Plaid. Thibet. Net. tee.. he has
received a new style of French Long Shawls, a superior
article mind very lindninnmildw
J. S. L. am s• I',
-.llPrehane -Tailor; Sr. (Marin, Eniiding, Wood Street;
IJTAVIING associated with him, in the above business,
rl Mr. 1). Attorts, whose long experience—both in the
eastern and southern cities—as a cutter, cannot fail to.
give him advantages. in this branch of the trade, which
few possess, in giving satisfaction to every variety of
taste, no matter how fastidious or simple in their attire.
We shall also keep constantly on hand a well selected .
stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestiggs, together with
many other articles pertaining to a gentle`man's wardrobe.
J. S. Lowry, thankful for the very liberal patronage he
has received from the citizens of Pittsburgh, would re
spectflilly solicit a continuance of their favors, which
will be received with a determination to please.
iinport ant.
To the Merchants and Manufacturers of Pitmborgh.
. N um. A. KINSLOE, 3 doors cast of the Post Office, in
an authorized Agent for the Srcummen.t.r. ,llstr.r
s.:ln Wises by IlesisLn. The Herald has been established
nearly half a century. and has 1111 extensive and substan
tial ctrculation throughout the populous and rich counties
~ 4 af Eastern Ohio, Western Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Persons wishing to extend their business, will not fail to
embrace the above favorable opportunity to do so.
EcrTerms of advrtising moderato, with an editorial
notice gratis, if requested. marl°
Spring Fashions for 1248.
it /mom) & co.. (late 11P Coed ¢ King.) iii ;LAT
wins, will introduce the Spring Style of
H AT S this day. Saturday. March 4th, 1848.
Their friends and customers are requested to call and
examine their stock of Spring Hats. just received from
New York, at their store, corner of Fifth Rh dWood eta.
mar 4 y
Leeching, Cupp nir anal Weeding.
Trir B. NORRIS, (Successor to M. R. Delany.}—Fresh
JUN Leeches received monthly: attendance at all hours.
Reference : The Physicians of Pittsburgh. Allegheny and
March 13, 1848.
1 most cheerfully recommend-to the Physicians, Pam',
lies. and all my former friends and 'patrons, Mr. K. B.
NORRIS, es being thoroughly acquainted with the busi
ness, and worthy of patronage. M. 11 5 . DELANY.
Spring' Style. .
,2110pRE. Ids just reeetvetrfromNew York, the
S.'Spriligli(yle of Hats—lalliefi tie will introduce
uti Saturday, March 4: :Atli those in want of h neat
and snperiot Hat. wilt pleas call and examine; at No. 75,
Wood street, :Id Aoor rdnave Fourth street. ;m3
FASHIONS.:—S. Moore has lust received from
1: New Vint' the-Fail Style of HATS.' which he Will in
troduce this , dav:. Saturday. August 2th. All those ih
Want of n mat aittl .superior 'HAT: Would do well to call
at . NO. 7.5 WOOD STREET,
211. 0 .1 ,
- ,3d door above Peon]]
cant. a co, euecessors trrthi: - Olehrm
of 'C. Toixtisendmitt Carr & Rowland, ' beg
leave to announce to their ' friends and to the public gen
erally, that they are nowpreprtmd •to execute all kinds
of work in the Conch and Wagon making business, at
the shone& notice, and )varrtuiterl . to be of the best qual
ity. , The very large quantity of seasoned timber With
which they are prepared, and their facilities for business.
enables them to insure the public that they are prepared
to carry on an extensive and
. prompt in nt their
line, and they respectfully solicit a continuanhe of ,tho
liberal patronage bestowed Orton the late firms. sep4
. .
GRIDDLE Sr, Co, have removed to the corner of
. Wood street and Diamond alley, over S. 111'Clain's
leather store, where they are prepared to furnish renitiau,
Blinds, Wholesale and Retail, at prices much reduced;
having a very ureteric Inn& of painting, and. other °Alvan
tages unknown mothers in the trade. Besides giving a su
penes finish to Blinds.they triintheui with .t h e best mate
rials, making them rich ana Jar:tide., .
N. B. Wide or inarrh*slate—pertable or pertninentlfas•
teninge furnished: Okt'Sfindr refitted. dec2l-Y
kj bora, having enlarged their establishineitt for the man
niacin-re of Svistr. and Fax,. —on the ' , corner of 011 am
and-Liberty streets, Pittiburgh—are pupated to furnish:
Files of every deseription.,of the hest quality; and being
detertuiued to make it the Interest of consumers to pur
chase Files from them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who use the article.
marlll-y • I. Aliißlli & CO.
11 TRUSS. for the immediate relief tind"pertnaitent
core bf Hernia and Rtipture. (Suited to all sues.) The,
semen' traloirns of this Truss consist in the comparative
case with which it miry be worn.: The pad of wood be
ing-newly !Intellect' on springs, yields to the pressure.of
any part of it, nod therougly adapts itself to any
ment made by the wearer. It can he worn without inter
misidort, until a cure is effected, The subscribers have
mode arrangements for the manufacture of these 'valua
ble Trusses. in a superior style, in Philadelphia, st u d hove
them now for sale at their (Ace, No. i 7 Southfield street,
near :Rath, Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT,
ATO:sIONUAIIELA On the turner of Water
1.l and Smitlifishistescit, Pittaburgh, Pa.—The under
signed Proprietors of the Monongahela' 'louse announce
to the Public.. that the House is open for the reception of
Visitors. They are conscious of having spared no ex
panse in fitting out the Establishment in such a style as
to render every comfort to the Guests. They hope by
cOnstant care and attention to hosiness to merit the pa
tronage so liberally bestowed oit the late Monongahela
(louse. finarS) JAMES CROSSAN,It. SON.
XTEW Mier: STORE...dotty U. Mourimr, IVaidr- t e
sale and Remit ['Foggia. No. O 3 Wood street.
one door South of Diamond alley, l'iltsdurg.—Tlor
subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities. and
is,now opening at the above stand. .a full assortment of
articles in his line. consisting of Drugs of all kinds. Dye
Studs. Paints and Varnishes, Chetnicals. together
with ail such articles as are usually kept for , sahr at a
wholesale and retail drug store.
Ilia stock is entirely new, and has been selected with
care. lie is confident that his articles. hods as to quality
and price, will please such as may favor him with a call.
TIIENT.I7'M Ittire.artreitt and ilddriTiiSalessiss.
char.—The talinkful for the'char.—The
increased and still increasing patronage bestowed on
them...since the opening of their establishment. hog leave
to state that their baths are open at all times. and that
hot. cold and 611041.Ef baths can pro had at any moment.—
A few more boards r. van be sicenimininlated by' the weok .
and gentlemen can procure breakfast. dinner ' supper.
etc., at the usual hours, say breakfast 71 o'clock, a. to.;
dinner. 121: supper 5 p m.
Oysters. I:militia; drinks. mid other refreshments furnish
ed in n superior styli,. and chard. moderate.
ianls PECK. co.
13.A.NING 3111.1..— — TL'
11 I N, KR would euspuettidly inform his friends and the
pu:dir. that his tiew establishment is tot in full olio ration,
and That he is prepared to furnish Mut Cabins. and Unit
orders fur Planed Lumbar. with promptitude, - and'al the
lowest rates
Board and Plank, planed on One, of both sides, con
stantly on baud.
Sash. Doors and Mouldings, of every description, maids
to order.
Hvitdcrs and rarrenters would null it to their advan
tage to gi VC hint a roil. as he can now tarnish them with
planed stuff, suitable bravery description of wort.
tkc3-11 •
WART) I.IV Era I.4,LE.—The
haring brought out the well j t
keew e Livery Stable kept by C. 13. Doty. it* the
Filth Want mspectfully iniiisitts his friends and the pub
lic generally. that he will keep nt ull titers a siovk 01 the
hest description of riding linowilatggiet:eartiages of all
kiwis. and in short es - et - phi:lg required in ine line of
A considerable portion of his litock is new, and be. is
confident no stock in the city will he superior to his.
His terms will bo moderate. Ilis stable li ou 'Liberty
it., a thw doors above the Canal bridge, where respectful
ly solicits a share of pubtle'petronngc.
Fr. Ile I• also provided with an elegant Hearse, which
will be funiislied whoa required. riet23,
New Hat and Gap kora.
jitCHAS, H. PAULSON, (late of the firm
of Taulso9 4. Gill.) having opened his new
store. at No. 73 - Mripod street. next door to
the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing. end repair.-
log from the Eastern cities. a very large aspartame of
Hats and Caps of every description. warranted to be
rondo in the best manner and of the best materials.. Ot
ter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Scalene, HairiSeal.
Plush and (Hazed Caps. _
Al.Bo—A fine assortment of ladies Furs. such as 141,
Pitch, Genet, and Coney Muff's, Tippets and Far Tim,
mings, all of which he offers at Eastern prices for eash,
both wholesale and rattail.
Country merchants will picas° call and czatuins my
stock Le fore purchasing elscwpere.
Wholesale Shoe Store.
H. CHILDS & CO. arc now receiving
their Spring supplies, consisting of one Or
the largest, cheapest, and bust assortment of Boots
and Shots that they have ever been able to bring
to this market.
ALSO—Ladies' and Misses' Florence Braid and Straw
Bonnets, of the latest style: together with a splendid as
sortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Men's and Boys' Summer
ALSO—,A large lot of New York Tanned Sale Leath
er, •I I of which, having been purchased at the lowest
rates, and selected with -great care for the Western
trade, will be sold at a small advance ou the cost and
All merchants wishing to purchase will End it to-their
interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing
elsewhere. marl-tf
211,, Third street, Pitisintrask---The sub
scribers would kespeettitlly return their thanks to their
friends and the public, for the very liberal patronage be
stowed since the commencement of the new firm, and
would earnestly solicit it enntimiance of the same.
They would respectfully.iiivite those who want to pur
chase anything in the furniture - or chair line, to give
them a call and examine their extensive stock now on
consisting of some of the most splendid Eastern
and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Furni
ture. Flattered by the very extensive patronage receiv
ed in their business, they have. at considerable expense.
made arrangements in New York, by which they will
have the latest Eastern patterns forwarded monthly. thus
giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of pa
tronizing, home industry, and finding in their own city
what they formerly would-obtein only in the East. Hav
ing adopted the principle of small profits and quick sales,
they will be able to sell at as low rates as i any of the
establishments in the Eastern Cities. •
novlo-y ROBERTS & RANH.
AJ SON & Foe:l7.Am, Tonsorial Professors, have fitted up
the saloon on the corner of Cherry alley and Water at.,
near the National Hotel. formerly occupied by Clement
Archer, and are prepared to wait on gentlemen at once,
with case, comfort and politeness.
In connection with their saloon. they have fitted up an
excellent shower bath, where persona can have shower
baths al all hours of the day.
They still continue to nerve theircustomers also attheir
Old Stand, corner of the Diamond and Union street.
WILSON, /fat Manufacturer, (formerly of ;
the corner of Diamond alley and Wood sts.,)
begs leave respectfully to inform lois old customers,friends,
and thepublic, that he has opened a NEW STORE, on
Smithfield street, where a choice assortment of HATS,
CAPS, and LADIES' FURS, - (as good, neat, fashiona
ble and C.IIEAC, as any in the city,) may he had. J. W.
very cordially invites his friends and the public to remem
ber his new location and establishment, and give him a
call as hearty as he intends to welcome them.
'ow i oolt oe :tore
Ao. 117 Wood street, opposite Davis' Auction Store.
111'CAIMAION tesacettitlly informs his friends and
. the public generally, that he has opened, at the
above place, with an assortment of Ladies , and Gentle
men's Boots and Shoes, superior to anything ever brought
to this market: consisting in part of Ladies fancy color
ed Gaiters and Half Getters; Slippers, single-soled, - from
50 cents to $1,50; White Kid and Satin Slippers. 81.50 to
81,75; together with every variety of Childrene Fancy
substantial Boots, Shoes, and Sippers. Gentlemen's
Boots, from 82,50 to 85,00. In short, lam prepared with
every thing in my line; and flatter myself. front my long
experience in the business, that I will, be able to give
general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their
patronage. (aplBl A. 111'CA_11111.10N.
Whip, Cane, 'Umbrella. and rarmol• .
. . _
I. 140 Mod Street. between Sixth and Virgin Alley; Pitts
burgh, Pa.; opposite Dr. Herron's Church.
0....7011N W. Tru has always on handy of his own
manufacture, a large assortment of Whips,
Canes, Umbrellas, and Parasols, of every de
scription; which he will dispoee of, Wholesale
or Retail, at prices as low as they can - he par ?
chased for in the Cities of eitlicriNew , York, Philadelphia',
or Baltimore. Workmanship warranted main!. to:those
manufactured in either of the abcrvementkrned Cities,
Ea' Repairing' done wittlr. ~.a -." .I.'
Business Qiarbs.
kLT H t'T,
- • •
. .
- 1 um ; urns r,
rtIRCULAR.-=The - inuleriaigned having complied with
theresuirerq7nts of the Auction Law, and taken out
a Ceminission as Auctioneer, for the City of Allegheny,
is4toW ready to receive merchandize : in all, its variety.
privateon consignment for either publicor vatic ; and from
long experience in the nbove branches of business, flat
ters himself that he will be able togive entire satisfaction
to all who mayftwor him with-their patronage.
'Liberal advinces•mncle on consignments. I shall en
deavor to make speedy sales and quick tenants..
Tendering you and your friends my services. I remain
your obedient servant, WM. LICILNSIDE.
....Allegheny city, September, 1847. • -
James. May, JamesM y, Join...tin. Jr.. John B.
'.tin. Wm. A. Hill & Co., Jones R. M'Clintook, James
K. Logan. John D. Davis, Parke & Hannen. John B. Mc-
Fadden & Co., Alexander Stuart, Young & Stevenson.
IMPORTER and Manufacturer '•lf . Surgical and'
Dental Instruments, Saddlces and Tanner'sliandlools,
Taylor's Patent Shears, &c. Also, manufactures Truss
es, Supporters, kr., in great variety. -
John Cartwright, Lurmufacturer and importer of-Pen.
Pocket, and Table Cutlery; Razors, Scissors, Files. Saws
Tools. Sec., has removed to
83 ,Wooti Srancr, second door below. Diamond alloy,
- And has lately received a large assortment of
..Also, Rogers' tutd.Whotsenholnee FLNE.O
Itedgerss . ,lVade and Bro.'s tinier", Seitisort,
Razor Strops-4c. .Darnascas and WireTwisc , •
— Allen's, Colt's. sind*Blent's REVOLVERS ; - Powder
Flasks. Shot Belts,: Game - Bags; .Mfalkethe-aud -.Coxes
Extra Percussion Caps: Bowie, Disk, and Hunting Knives.
Tools. such as Callipers, Dividers: Plyertt . Nipper",
Hand Vices. Squares, Rulesi Bmces,Bits; SpokaShaves.
Steaks and Dies, Wire and. Iron Halmos, Mathematical
Instruments, A.c.,ln very great variety.
trYlobbing and rupturing neatly and pcmcluallydone.
Auction ribtrice.
,rylitr. subscriber has paid into thi'Frcaeurrofrthe Cora
-1 monweulth, the amount of license required -by law.
He has given the regularly approved,secuvity, awl taken
outs cousission of the first class, as an Auctionedof the
city of - Pittsburgh,. and rented that spacious warertioin
belonging to Sylvanus Lothrop. Esq., No. 114 IFood at..
three doors from Fit h, where he is-prepared to-attend to
the sale of every kind of Merchandise,- Furniture.. Real
Estate. Stocks, S:hipping, eiAher at te Auction Rooms
or on the premises, and will Intl' cases exert himself to
the utmost for the benefit of his ethployers..on fho most
reasonable tetrns; he will sell , exclusively - and - only on
commistion; neither purchasing nor. having any interest
whatever on goods, in tha store, but merely the Commis
sion for selling., thereby giving all owners. a fair chance.:
without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the best advantage.
Sales will be promptly settled when made; *Advances
will be given at any- time on Alia most necommoduting
teetni; merchants will not be : charged for advances. -
Regular sale days . , :Mondays and 'fliiirsdayi, of Dry Goods,
Groceries. Furniture. he.; and every evening, Hardware.
Cutlery. Witches, Guns. Pistols, and fancy. articles;
Books. on Saturday evening s.
andl "JAMES I'AFEENNA. Anat.
CAEGAP nArr- AND CAP 11D1R01E.,. - ,
N 0.102, Wood Street.
The subscriber respectfully informs his customers and
the public, that be hes returned from New York, bringing
with him the most approved style of. Hata. for aprroF and
summer wear, adopted by William B. Broadway.
(late Beebe k Costar.) He would also inform the public,
that he is daily inanufactaring Hats and Cups.'of all des
criptions, whit:hire is den:Minted to dispose of at prices
to please the purchaser: that is, cheaper than any other
Hat canablisluitent in the
itrCoantry Merchants, wishing to parches* Hats and
Caps. by wholesale. are requested ' to call and . CX3.1111110
his assortment: as he feels confident of being able to
please in quality, quantity. and price. •
w..GLASSGOW, Manufacturer.
No. I.o2,_Woodst., 3ildoor helow , John D.. Davis'
marl-Xlin Conuncreial Auction Hamm,
pi OW York Palms YeaCostxpauy.. . .
Lmcvs7l)l.lll JAYNEIkit the only authorized 'ageiit
. In Pittsburgh and. Allegheny Cities. for the tattered
. Pekin Tea Company's Teas of 75 and ;7 , Fulton sk.
New York. Any other personin Pittsburgh prekending 44
sell one Teas is an imposter, and deceives . all who may
patronize Lim. it it coin:x.lo'lly known, that time Pekin
Tea Company's Teas hare premed stiperior Wall other
.Teal sold, and fur this season ma:try:torsions have dishon
estly pretended to halo the sale of this Pekin Tea Com
pany's Tens, .whett they are _all the time ventlitig.trush.
and cheap stud, Which they have obtained elseivbere.—
Others again assume the name of the Pekin Tea Com
pany and imitate our packages, and - thereby deceive.
NV* are informed that thiteis a. person -in - Pittsburgh
selling Tens under the tianietif the New York . and Phila
delphia Pekin Tea Cottitiatit. .We have only . to say .tlistis
this assumed comptitlyArtive no connexion, whiners
with the New York. Pekin 'Pets Company. as - consumers
,often will readily discover by comparing the article
sell with the genuine tea, sold by tin:New York Pekin
Tea Company, at the store of Alexander Jaynes, No. 771
Fourth street.
N. 1.1.--Messrs. MtCALLMQNT &
phia, have no cOntanxion. whatever-with the , Nuw•York
Pekin Tea Company, not haveshey any privi
lege to sell teas nudes a name so nearly resembling ours
is to have a tendency to tuislead the public.
noy4 ' 75 and 77 Fhlton si.. Di: Y..
Great Sale of Nursery Stevellk
AtTit it extensive stock of old LANDRETH NUR ,
SERIES. Philadelphia. is.ahout to be disposed
of at PUBI.IC AUCTION,—the undersigned M.
fending to relinquish business. Such an opportunity for
obthinang Nerscer Products of Auction. has 'fever been
presented in America. and the attention of the trade, and
all who wish to dceornte their grounds in Town or Coun
try, or enlarge their Gran house colltetions, is respectfnily
invited. For improving the grounds of Cemeteries.
Churches. State and County Offices, etc., this sale will af
ford unequalled facilities. Catalogues in detail era In
preparation. The sale of the out-doer articles will com
mence on TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, mid the Plants se
Pats, on TUESDAY, NAY :M. Proper aid for safe pack
ing and shipment will be given, when required; uud as
there will be no postponement or reservation, persons
from distant points may attend the sale without fear of
s. Orders to he executed at PRIVATE SALE will he
received Wail the above periods. and the usual strict at
tentioli gives. D. LANDRETI! do FULTON.
It may be proper to state, to prevent misapprehension.
that it as the Nursery business onlu. the subscriber is
about to relinquish. Ills attention wall be hereafter whol
ly devoted to the culture of seeds, and to thitlr sale at his
warehouse, 65 Chestnut street.
11J — J' Any further information will be given by Mr. F. L.
SNOWDEN. Pittsburgh. mar LI
NEW 1300KS—MerufTAIethodism--rlntrodte-
' lion of Methodism into tho Eastern Cities, compris
ing hittgraphical sketches of its first churches, and remin
iscences of its early struggles and successes. By Rev.
A. Stevens, A. M.
Memoir of Rev. David Abed!, M. A., Missionary to
China, by his nephew. Rev. G. R. Williamson, • .
Mark Wilton, the Merchant's Clerk. By Rev. Charles
B. Tayler, M. A., author of •Mergaret, or the Pearl;'
"Lady Mary,. &c., &o.
The above, with a groat variety of new books. 011 hand
end jest receiving. ELLIOTT & ENGLISLI,
ap22 *Market street.
runt: READY KCKONra—For 'Ship /kidders, Boni
Thdlders, and Lumber Merchants; being a correct
measurement of scantlingl6oas, plank's; cubical con
tents of square and roundtimbets,' saW , l**„ wood. &e.
comprised in a number of tables. to.which are added ta
bles of wages by the month; board or rent, by the week
or day; and railroad distances also, interest tables—by
J. M. S.eriber. author of the "E ngineers and Mechanic's
Companion," &c.,Ate. 'Poi salt -
niurld Booksellers, cor. Market and Third
kJ card of TVCalmont &. Bond, of Philadelphia. the
pithlic would be led to believe that weltare been claim
tug a privilege we had no 'right to. That "they have
abandoned, sortie time since, the exclusive Rainey Iva•
tem," and that we have right to-claim "exclusive privil
.eges with their teas." I never pretended ,tu sell thateas
of this spurious concern. 1 have been selling the teas of
the New York Pekin Tea Company for the last two
years ' as the public are aware, and have • been to New
York four times in that time, and never heard of this new
concern until lately but ns wool dealers.
'[lie tea business or weallmout & 13.6 d is about eight
months old, and their assumption of the Pekin Ten Com
pany's name is because a name is open fort any man or
firm to assume; but the fact intended to imply , thereby,
that they have any connection with the ail: called and
,well known Pekin Tea Company of New York, is entire
ly false. they having been dented even an, agency- in
'Philadelphia, for the hew York'Compnny, that !Company
having refused even thus far to confide in them:
1 know not what kind of wool they keep, nor what kind
of teas; I am only certain- that they keep or obtain none
of the Pekin Tea Company's of New York.
Any person reading this card will see the gross decep•
tion they Wish to practice on the public, and:to the injury
of my business. APCallmont & Bond are wool:dealers
in Philadelphia, and have sent an agent, ortediere to pall
wool over the eyes of some of our good citizens. Look
out for the black sheep. inoil9l ALEX....TAYNES.
V proved Property on .Liberty, Stiect containing a
large Brick Dwelling'House wititgoodaellars, a hall . of
entrance two Padova, illoblr-rcann Kitchen and 'Wash
room onfirst stow a Hall and four ePlendid TOO= on 24
story. Three fine Twits on 3d story and three rooms on
the garret all flhiched in modem style and in comfortable
Also, two large Ballrling.tont do Petm arreet a bargain
earrbe bad in rho:above property: irapplied for soon,
terms aceomodating. S. CUTHBERT, Gen agent...
April 8.1848. Smithfield:abOve 4tb street
la& E. TODD would respectfully in4insi *we Frier:
, chants of this city and orir customers generallY,
that we have removed our stock of Shirts - Mid Genie Fur
nishing Goods, to the corner of Fifth-and Market streets,
2d story - over W. & P. - lingua,' entrance be Fifth street,
where we intend to keep owbandm large stock. Of Shirts,
of our own manufacture.with au assortment..of Gentle
meoe Furnishing Goods,iisiially keptby, Eastern Whele
saleTurnishing Stores: .. • , ..• -
~,,. 'Being very
. theinkful for the kind patronage bestowed
on us for the pest fear, *e. would be happy to receive
calls frouiMur- old customers and , merchants generally;
Ond:W.Ould inform them that, we, intend nothing on ,
pagalutll. - indnee them. look further,.as we expect_ to add
linely 10m stock, and. diminish' mines.
Alercliaats'Mutdealers iste solicited to egantine Cmg
Ni9ckof 14414 r
" 4 " i.":IA4V'AV-it-l-u,41•14,4k,.51.--1,14.42.4- 4.V
. •
. '
‘.., .
. , . • A
• .
i. W. Corner of Wood and. Inftli,Streota.
THE Proprietor' of the MORNING Purr and u pcmair
and the patrons of these. papers, that he has a large-as
sortment of JOB TYPE. AND ALI. OTHER It
necessary to a Job - Printing Office, and - that he it
prepared to execute
Books. If Lading, Circularly •
,Parns Meta, Bill Heads, ' Cards.
HandbilLs. Blanks, ' • Hat Tops:
IP' All kinds of Blanks, Stage, Steamboat and Cana/ Boat
Bills. with appropriate Carl: printed on the shOrteat notice
and most.reasonahle terms.
lie respeetfully asks the patronage of his friends, and
the public in general, in this brands of his business.
Kept] • L. HARPER.
Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. •
TT is now twenty years since . I first used . the Vegeta
hie Pulmonary Balsam in nty 'Sille• that nine
It has been my practice -to keep a bottle of the article by
me for the use of my family, which is large, and for the
benefit of my friends. fhtviiMiniftormly fotind it to beiL
very valuable. efficient medic ine4-and tht uk- shot by using .
it seasonably for the complaints for which it is reeom,
mentled.. , lthaa Often Pievettfcrt niediiense from ta k ing a•
more Rorioulform... In one .instance,, I recommended it:
to my brother. who resides in the State of New York. nllO.,
!Walt dlingerbilAY ill. with a. disentie of • the'itiikii — lte! ,
boa since written to,. me.fur more, ;harlot .found :up
which gave' him io tonal/ relief. OTIS PECK..
..Sold in:l'ittshargh htli* • ; •oc
B. A.. FAINSTESIc-ICK. C . 13;.,
`''Porner of First an„ . •'
d Wc;od; corner of 'Sixth Midi
Wood streets. Ele;c2s-
P[ME GREEN AND BI.LACK•TE.A.S.frenI• 1%. , v%
York Pekin Ten rompany.—.lllel ruenivud at the PO-1,
kin Ten Store. 721 2 ourth street.. tt - Yery henrie atipply - oc,
fresh Green and Black-Tens. of all. the dial:runt...grudge:l
and qualities imported into this country: pnekad ni '
•in 5 lb, horse, in 1 ib- end peek:ivy. 'Also.s
tin Funnistera of the ditfurmit COII7OIINIIt for;:
families and steamboats. rungine in prices from 371 cents'
p. lb., to 81.50. Fine Oolong Black. 'Fees, 'at 50;:11.11,76.i
ear.. and $l.OO t.l• lb.
We will refund the money In all eases where' our Tens
do not give , entireaatisfeetion, or exchange for a different.
For seta at the Pekin Ten - Stere, 72'Fourth et.. by
dectl. . ... A. JAYNE
- Doom% SHOES. TRUNKS. otCe--.FolLansbee Hag--
111 ward. wholesale and retail Boot. Shim and Trunk?.
Store. No: 186 Liberty street. nearly opposite tfie' hend'oit
Wood- F.& H. have in store and arc receiving thcittFall
and Winter stock of 'BOOTS. SHOES. c.. consisting of,'
the hirgest itock- they have ever been 'able to kiting to this,
inurket. Our stock of gooks have monly been roomette-1
Hired to our order. and expressly for the Pittsburgh maryi
k - et. We also have constantly on hand, a splendid stiielO' :
of Hayward's Metallic Gum Elastic Shoes. both (or ladies - ,'
and gentlemen's wear. the most beautiful article evert
manufactured. We would solicit an examination or our
stock of goods, by all who. wish to purchase either at ;
wholesale or retail. as we shall sell as 't small
abase east. Country merchants wil, find it in their inter,:
est to call and examine our stork before trniYlinsine'l - '
ang2l • • - No. k 96 Liberty,st.
P 1 A NOS—Chiekering.—One splendid rose wood 610c-:'
• tayo Piano Forte. made by Cliekering. %Stmt.
iltrz.—One semi-grand Piano Forte. from the manufacl
fore of Henry Herz- Paris. 6f Octaves . • - •
'dais f Ce.—One carved rose wood 6 Octave. made Itr.
Cate & Co., New York. One ditto mahogany Oc
Stoddart. New York.—One elegn it mulorank:Piano,
Octave. arbleh has been in use kr about a year. l'rteo
tyro hundred dollars. • .....
srfrfn• IiAND rTANo - $.--A. excellent second
hand Piano, latie by LO4 .::t er -
One accord-hand Piano. Priesno.For sale b 9 .
o : ji.:ru
j• - • •
_St ,Wood street.
- LlAN,rxccpris. at Z. Krxxxx's pew sicixis.,G73larketit.
_1: 450 cs china vases. vaxions ityksi . . , •
doi. pieces shaded L ana Nato - vefiet ",
2 " Celestial-and TeVresibileGlebesi— •
IVery,Mcmorsailsurt Tebiets: -
4 " Cal; velvet pricket books and card .
4 " Horse-shoe combs. ini4tioa IX shell;
German silver ten he'll,. •
. A large, lot of Gimp hcatritlakk- fringe. ,
A good actornueut of Drab -and caplet colored; ;
Chmp.lo ...•
- • a ` - o Wide black:
Gradhateil ITuttoni. '
With a great variety of tniscellangrous goods, among st which are
F.xtni large sill, Rmnng Eon;
• Coral Beads assorted- strands; '
Writing Thssks. all sizes; .
I.adies. work boxiii `a '•
Beckgtusunost Ik:dudes. •
. • •
Cold SPecter les. all , ops,
Black l / 1 611-CaMli. ". „ •
- All the above goods will be sold s-'
.' shire of the subscriber. in Fifth St.,diestr,llla
Mitteria-Bledira. pvra. by Setiiiiellialmesnun.traiislated
and edited by. Charles Julius-Hempel. 4-role: +l-'t
Ifai-trnatis irate Disrarcs. by Dr. Hempel, vol. I.
lloinceopathie Donteitie'ATolleinit. tor J.'Lcsisrrief, .
lOrged and improved by Ha11,...111- .11, • t" =
Manuel. vol.!. Nos. 1 and 3.
.Heriiii,s Domestic Physician. '
'A. Manuel of Domestic Cookery, for, the uso, of persoos
Wlstiare under Hoirirestitathie treatment. -
1 1 .coninghausen's Therapadie Pocket Book, for lliirace
padosti. by Dr. Okie. .
Nehmen"' Chronic DiSeesai. sot S. '
Together with Aledicine Chests; of.diSerollt - Arca and
prices. • [apt 61 VICTQR_SCRT BA,
BRAltY.—Machiavelli's History Of Florence' land
Prince ; Roscoe's Leo the Fourth . Roscoe's Rorenzo
Medici: Sehiller's Don Carlos - told 'other Dramas; Beck
man's History of Inventions;
,Memoirs of Count Gram
moot: Schleyell's Philosophy of History Schlevclrs
Dramatic Literature: Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson; kobt.
Hill's Miscellaneous Works: Life of Bomenato Cellitii
Cox's House of Austria: 13onterweek's Spanish Litera
ture. For sale by H. S. BOSWORTH & CO..
deed 43-Market street.
ir,E4S;OI.IiTION--The- psrtnaralsiti - exisliiig be tween
I_, the subscribers. under-the styic of Poindexter & Co..
was dissolved on the Ist inst., by mutual C 011.1011;. R. W.
Poindexter is authorized to settle-sill the husiiiess of the
concern. . R. W. POINDRXTER,
NOTlCE—timing purchased the entire interest ,of C.
H. Grant in the late concern' of Poindexter 'k Co:. end
associated my non, Theodore Poindexter. with me. the
business will be' continued as usual under the style of
Poindexter Co. loyal] R. W. POINDEXTIM • •
Great Bargain Corner : ' - '-'
i 3. BATES, Wholesale and Retail ,Ukaler 7
- 'BOW, Shoes and Trunks, Spec eornir (1(
, Fifth and Smirk/lila streets, Pittrburgh.—The'sub-,
scriber respectfully atutounces tohis old customers
and the public generally. that be halt removed his Boot.
Shoe and Trunk Store to the 'organist* warehonsff lately
erected at the Corner.of,Fifth and Smith fi eld streets. op
posite the oldPitishargla POtindry', where he Will keep on
hand a large assortment of BOOrkk. - SHOES.'fIAIIkA.ND
of all descriptions and sizes, Winch he Will Still for CASH
es cheap as can be bought in this market.-..N.•- • '
Tieing eonnetced with some of the largest mannfnetur
lug establishments in the eastern cities: and receiving
goods almost every week. during thou season; het , -offers
great Inducements to purchasers. either by wholesale or
retail, as he offers his goods at loWer prices Thad thOse'of
the same quality can be bought elsewhetse in the city. ;.
I manufacture and keep constantly on hind, 80y5... and
Youths' Calf and Rip Boots , a verrnitat'sfrtid leerytedlhble
„ .. . • . ,
1.13 Remember the'plaee,'” Great Gasgaiti Corner."
nntl-T Corner Fifth and Smithfield streets
-4100 bbla. N. Ci:llTolaxses;
50 bids. St. Louis S. U. Molasses;
12 hf. do do do do;
200 bags Coffee, prime green;
75 hf. chests assorted Tens;
110 six pound caddies Y. U. and Imperial Tea;
15 30 do Qo do des
50 bhda. Sugar;
40 bbls. Tea;
100 boxes Sal° Window Glass; • .
10 do 10x12 'do;
50 do Tobacco:
A large assortment of all kinds of Groceries on hand at
the new warehouse of EDWARD HAZLITCON,
np24 • North-east corner of the Diamond!
To Country Morehouse: '
4 LARGE stoek of School looks;Stationiry,
11 suitable Tor country sales, among which 'are:.
Writing Papers, of fine, medium, and common qualities.
Letter, do do do do do .
Note do do do do do
• Note and Letter Envelopes, Slates, Pencils. Wafers,
.Quills, steel Pens, Window Paper (yard wide.) Plain and
Printed Bonnet Boards, of different qualities, Blank
Books, in great variety, Family, School and Pocket Eli.
tiles, CroWn. Medium, and Double Crown Wrapping Pa
per, M'aufTy's Eclectic Spellers and Readers, Ray's P,c
lactic Arithmeties; Cobb's Prirnere,Spellera, and Readers,
Arithmethics—by Adams,Dairis,Colburn, Smith; Stock
ton, Emerson, and others.
Geosraphies—try Mitchell, Olney, Sniitk; Morse, Good.
rich; Parley, 'and others.
Grammans=try Smith, 'Kirkham; Bulletins, Weld, and
'Fez solo, as low priers. by PrarN H. MELLOR,
81 Wood at., 4 doors above Fourth.
IrrThe highest market 'price paid cash for good
mixed rags. ' - " " ' arqS
D RITOS.-Gum Myirh Turkey;
" Geunboge• ".
crop ;
" Galbanum, stramed;
-- Belladonna;
Just received, and for sale by .1
dect4 " • Cm. First and Weed Sta•
fine assortmettt of P y and.Vari t .Goods;
ouch steFatis,'AecordeolnilvelryZGlot,i Mitts,
Steel Good* or evert detit i rititittill.: , ..Alf.b. girt Fringe, Etats apdTassehtztama ti . At
48 r ITER
Nt3l ,
. sjlli~ cUan ouL
kit A t...." l sA l ze l uitte. A .,n 7 opt D xffpasp li v .l . R witFewo /t th,2: S sise, o ,i i sz S do. ;
change Hatil,:Entranearn Penn dt. f
respectfully inform, their friends
and the Public , that' they are.prepared to furnish and at.
'tended every thingln the line - of Undertakers, as they
have atnit the business of . Cabiner Making, and their tits
tendon will be deVolcd altogether to the ahovolinsinossi
keep a large dasortment of COFFINS madatimbfinishedo
covered, and lined in die neateiit'inatiner, - 'with a variety
of materials,. and at all'prices; . we keep SHROUDS. reek
dy made, of all slies,rof Flannel, Cambria, aMi Muslim
at all &lees, and made in the easternstyle, antrallpthet
articled necessary for dressing LIM dead, .and :fernielti2tg
funcrali of quality and prices to SILVER ELATES
for engraving the liable and ago: ICE .CASES-tor laYing
the body in tee. bythos6 who *Sat to keepfhp friend*
any 1401 of time, and have - ZINC PANS to -
for laying m ' boiIY; . LEADEN - -Coffins Wirt ort.
hand. We have a splendid new umknsg aritta pitir - or
fine hcirses. and any.nuMber of the .bast -earsidgos, arm
eta., and will be prompt, p'inienial, and, reasoitifibla, •
Timbrelbusf P Itt, Parasoliritalli
A ND WAI.K.ING CANE U-111-1111.E.E1.A19 ,
TatttoßT, (the only.
Irlue " Ll e et Eft N a ' e.?,lt. ' ,llll, Market Erea4
"" I Pll4il )' 1 .1
11' VeirtltlifutS
Mer leant' . are respectfully In grind& tat
" 1, “41 . 11g1,11.11,,„A.pie or swoo4
notsvidistandlug pis peat opptistuotrpartte9P,,Ortfto '
the iiitidd action er extelisi'est sitrOaridneimr. ? y;apacar ,
Ace; tts;-to pve-enViir:ltuto
IL - Tiks thorn is tut XinthEillla Eton:fa:Xi door, of nom
Ileirtykt nildhfj iii - glioeltustiodAltrobt.l raWspll,oltl •
11. 111011 A ROSON. Steam Favotif. Pimienita •
Ireatideeans UthCrithdtsign add Xiata, NO.
tot. 3,ra rket .
(j '.creation a retieusts4 to the celebrated irafkbit
:Can Ifinbr4lo.6. neat sod beautiful
the adiantague of fe Cane and Lbtibrellu. • • '
.Young Ladies' Seminary, AlleglilerryCAVyi
1, X.
sots of AlleOlepyanti' the intetalintreatco
eui - Of ;his fichool ,rein the toraetofiivat{esksapd Stmwi
berry ',creels, where he has beenAtiichitirforlheldlll
twelve moults. On end utter April Isti-lou. dr-Cleat:loy
llop,lne on Federal street: fa ' •• Colonatle 111,0L4614
'frtitti• die biidge. ortivo -
of five mouths emit' : conimuilif4'cii tlifs'fit*
lit February
,und. '
or rrtrics; mat stsstos.
un g iish lxvuriniont—lttellittim z RC:Mins. OrditigriiiiSt
'end Writiag, Ent lisle tireintnar.- Ritetertt, , 4,lol.
gic, .I,:i,Assh,Cosaikkausets andriticisers,bluogrupity,:flii-; ---
tory. Arithine.Vand the high r branches of jlathetaatica, ,
Natural I'hilOsopl4 - . Chinn y..
Utiology,lntellectind untlitlors I , Seicucto, , tattl.,l4l
other (,ranches requisito 10 a thorough Eitslish &rasa:
F,11:111.1131:1p11"Ci. C4Cil a u addition:it charg eoo- The' service: of•crniiptiiitt Tetiebtii 64SR it'eed:Tor
.stiell.ris .lesire torioseivii.idstrustionstiti',Pras
Paintihg. and Music. ising'
i.loTbso°t° deslguin~ to enter - 6
ili4dbiest Is°;ollin2DtrAln,,lltotra.4.ll4-
yet pupil* will be received at any time iltkingille SCCILOU,
and will lie charged ut rates 'ontyr'lliatttilloo
,tinte Of entrance. ,Ne deductions, w i 1 44 1- nr- I .4lilltli
ees, eXcept easel of protracied
Any! , information' which may be Alesired, wilt tie checal ,
fax cot mulicatc4 to those who.oull,up,on
at his _ '
iletiirenee may also be made -to the follow •
men:— • •
shale.. P"tbiih.
Dr:T. F. Dale, Allegheny. ' an. er. s .
nor': D. Elliott. " _llea: D.
Schwartz Rev. 11..11yer
J 4. MORRIS & CO'S 111.,V . Ck. urriNtr mic ./tai
, s•utt-wrclurit Peris,ond Mt Volistbir - Preti. 2 -tTPIo3 Int
,i• triclresolt of tlia experiments, °Awning yea rs_slArmyrt
to the manufeeturn. on an estensit:e • siole, coranprier&
suited to ell tbe s purposes of tbe, sclusuiesr. ,, flit gj
tiou of this Wtiung Ink consists ilube
ties:, pommy it Wlll"Ls9FniturtO
.sarpass- all previous preparations.. It will Ooreoiritit'peri.
feet freedom, either front quill of sic.' polls and is mites
Ij'frie frbirrany corrosive
Of. ibis article lea rich, beautiful blue
good, black 133 k. from neeesstta shr i typt
emislifution, requi res'elpOilrire hi the iffr El tidy ,
eol,ctr. it must not, thurefocu,elo,espeetedoluswh omp ,
teens the bottle is oiled, the Ink will be round to, Le a • Wi
black. Thu Stilt appearance willbirpalbf brit'lfni 'ern
,posaryto the , abetment action ,of the..anclosplaursirnsiibsr
on paper or is the iukstincl, it wit:assume a brilliaut black
~ PitamsmixeY—The coloris nnalternble by.? IllflY 4 o9f
time. It will haver fade. this account , al important
records ihouhl barnacle in •this• - astiele, as' yesiiii Only
steepen mid strengthen its lint., , „,
N, It. This 'lnk is suitable *toi'ilr'kiteds'eielltielllie
Pens. end for-Mess mods of Quills: and aryao-is fir.
tent and rery
Piiss:' t the Crifi desirable
yin with many, will g
yy• ' -
„,..r,)Ve -etc -io. theJutelititione wee •
compecied. Morns. Blue Mark IrritiN.r, f lnk;
to Ouidity.hrilllaricY'.ntid-'ticilfiatinc,6elleVe'lt rap tddr
to t upy luk tre,ppave heqmofore usted,ll
A. Thurston:Cushier Hank
rnrdsern; CashibENorthrtu Ran k' orßi , iitlit kir l'Oeoir;oi
Griteruhunty, Cusrnar, Rank of.kis,atuokyLl,.
'President o f the Glis Rank, Thomas L. ilelm. Clerk of
Barton 'County Corn ;"efirreit Portiq‘Clerir of rellietiern
County Court; P. R. , Atwoml.4 ry
raile Company: 'John Muir. Agent' Lexington Insurance
Company; S. S. Goodwin,. Secretary j'ortland Dry Mel
and Ininnince Compuily; Chambers,. Seareniry
Franklin 'Fire 'atta insurance - Compatik; J. R.
Abomer, Treasurer Louisville,Suvittgluetitittlorn'!••
A supply of the above Ink, just ree'll•mill for saly hy
• AO' '•' " • • • JOHNSTON & sTotrwrs)m.
; Labor , S 11.3. fug Vosinfeir ' 3- !'
•5101;NT,.E.0.“1.}:,,Ti11p()t.1. ISIANIT.EACTUR=e-2.Nr
Ir, OR thV' serfaitti ''oV . ll7tiiroies,
1 „Glass Ware, and restoring it.lto its- orisistal-trauspi
rcitCy, this article is decidedly Wjiliont coual.
lime and labor ate saved by - its tisitr."lA thousand "referi
tames could be adduced, it necessary,, to certitr , ,so this
remove the oiitla from the curate° oraohlP,lilit.
v ‘ r, J. C° PP`. r=rali ti;r 44 "l 4, Ti'?i-f 4 it -W414 JilltoSlAiref
'facility, glib's' it au titirivalled polish. • _
.kfair trial is all that the proprietors
vinee the most skeptical of its, utility,
.I)inctions for Use. the Po w der be
urlitifiet upon a
damp, soil woollen cloth. Willi a very. axe:1100i
every particle of oxide may, be , removed.: . 1 t
feb4 JOSEPH it. CARR. GeSietal'Agini,
For sale by - JOHN D. BlORuAN;artiggisti'g 3
111. MAKING BIWA illasitmENT, AV.IO
Alietween Yuan and the Bridge.}l—Bresses, Cloaks; Capes,
lke., made 'fo 'the tritest' Fre»th and Erigllih
Fatilaions. , Also, Bonnets, hood*, Capes. lien& tites4ElN
'&c. A choice vele tion of new styles Satlits„SOc VelTats,
'French Floiceri:Gimpi. rich - cup and bOtinerfßibbilits,
'LLaces..Fringes, Cords... Buttons, Craires,.l l dodes, atindoss,
,Ceinbrtes. 'handkerchiefs, Ike.. for sale. wholesale an
'retail at' the lowest' price': COlllithi'Mitlineis - int/plied
with the late/11.French and L'neliskl i ntternit of,aaarysteti
l artiele in the Millinery and Dress-niaking - line, at Ken!
Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered to tlti.prosayt **lt.;
```'""ZNEL & `cunF: ' r. =- "- '
11, of -Spring , raid ~gthtikr gteyr
11.1. Plough Steel. Steel Plough Wings, Roach ontl Rap-
Ili ?Springs; tlnuunered Iron Ailey ; nrAileittrti
able, Casungs,,Firo,klngins Lain es; rind Gouph Trimmings
generally,, earner of Ross and . I. ronlst,.riktskifrill s
cEst§ 1
. 4 ." Lt 5
receired,' by' ' ZEi
Market street—, •, • • •.:
1 dezeti fine 'll"az Masks;
3, Metallic Comb Cleaners;
I.dozen Egg Boilers; ~ • ,
Salt Spoons; .
2 "'Bone Mustard tiPbonst'
6 gross German: User-labia Spopsi
8 " Butter 'Knives. • '''•" •
.1 I.::!' Picture. Tor Books; . • ~••
'20,000 China Marbles;
6 dozen' fine • Woolen • Comfort*. •
r. A great satiety of Coats and Caps..:
6 dozen fine•French•rrillow Basketsi‘
i " -
willow Market
6 ft Straw Travelling a
1 " Clothes ,
.51ctal, Toy
" Willow Cradles; -
a'6 Glass Motto Seals; .`• •
3 a Done " Slanms; ; .
S Allen's Patent Revolving Flits*
5 pair common liras*
1 dozen setts Chessmen; ,
2 " " Dominoes;
6 a Tailors' Tape Measures; ..
6 " Steel Key-ltings assorted;
3 a Chinn Do andDogSheept • ' '
1 " Strings Anther Ileads;. ,
12 Nests Bruits.
;1 - ANDRETWS GARDEN . SiQtbS.--The inheariher
LI has just received hii annunt supply cif Lars:frees
Garden Seeds, warranted fresh and. genuine, *entbraelmg.
every variety worth cultivating. The attention of farm.
era, gardeners, awl Whet* is re l ee tfidatalled' , to 4 liis atoek. ,
sfehf.t '
No. 2D Waters
DOOES.—Lyell's Elements of Oeolt gy;
.113 ChetnistrW
;. Shophard's Mineralogy;_ Olmstcad's Philosophy;
LardnisfeLeettired Scitstite:- -'
Brougham's ran pflLect.ex_s-amilkientat,,
Beekman's' History of I n ventions, -
Gray's Botanical TrixtacioliF t
The Art of Painting 'For sale hy.,,
:I:Mit; ,SALEi,.rour - L OOO -Boyattlid - Ery.„ rentf;'l,
~0 • othillaysts.. eaehlett. helaug,94-fees slitnt,'wn 4
I t -
tending : back lto feet, Two „of - them are corn 4 7
theltatatio4 of the Whole property it! one of ti , skitd. '
vaattopotte in. the atty. Fot farther inforigat, k ir 147'4
~ .",•. - - ~ ' 7- M:§.l.VARTZWELThalf4irmittit
I,tova•if , , -,., - ..,--- z • ' ,, bevereett Wood and - Srititliftibii
p i• EN 2s mounces Jual „,
ai vetet”
.by . , , 11../6,FARKESTWICIfettIV„,..:-,
04 . corner : of TIM VIIINI, 'ilk-
• <
'y:~-; .