The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 04, 1848, Image 4

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vasion A o l f t re; l ' eni Pe ll n '‘ it i tt s .;;; : c,, ' Tztr:s l • l i ', V ,
10.000 nice, notwithstunding which, J. M.
White will continue to sell clothing cheaper then any
: - has heretofore been offered in the Western country. hav
'.Leg the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Lib
arty end Sixth sts. lle is now prepared to show to hi.
- ' Munerons patrons the greatest variety of chubs. cassi
mares; ye-swigs:and clothing of nll descriptions. suitabb
..' • for the swore:letting Sea:oM, that hits ever been aered in
• : ' AbilYrltarkei, to which all can have the night of Way.
:•:.• . . Observe the corner. No. 167. Liberty and Si/th sts.
•• .... , otar2s . J. M. WI inm. TA i ma. Proprietor.
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C Otiiiitg Morro."
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Raving enlarged and newly fitted up their. establish . -
- Mink at The above well known stand, respectfully
Invite the attention of their friends and the piddle. to their
choice selection of New Goods, comprising every vatic
*forsprieg And summer wear, selected especially for
their customer department. Those wishing to leave their
Orderawill Awl at this establishment every style of new
end .desirable, goods: Their stock of ready made Cloth
idgisektonaive got up in the hest Manner. of durable nal
tartal, and well worthy . the attention of those wishing to
Purchase. All are invned to call, and may rest assured will be pleased with price, quality and variety.
A erg' assortment of shirts kept•constautly on hand.
II DELANY; Po. 49. Liberty aired, Pittsburgh. has ins
opened, for the Spring trade, a large and general
assortment of well selected Cloths. Casailiteres, and
• • Vesting', consisting of superfine French sad English
black and fancy colored CLOTHS. suitable for the va
, 1 . 101111 .lyles of Spring and Summer Coats.
Plain and fancy French, English and American CAS
' 1111111ERES, in great variety and new patterns, adapted to
the customer trade.
Also, n great variety of now mid limey VESTINGS—
aII of which will be cut and made to order, in the most
fashionable style..
Person, favoring the establishment with a call, will be
suited on moderate terms, at short notice.
The subscriber has also on hand a grunt assortment of
READY MADE CLOTHING,made in the present Spring
. . - Fashiom !consisting of every description of Dress and
Frirek Coats; of all fashionable colors; fancy mid plain
Back and Rumness Coats.
Also, a:general assortment of Pants, Vests, Shirts,
Cravats,: and all other articles in the Clothing tine, which
• will be sold low, for VASIL
Wholesale purchasers will find it much to their
time tb call and az:tieing the stock. before pnrchnsing
elsewhere. , P. DELANY, Tailor.
mar 18
• .Tsvist City Clotbittg Store.
riF.ORGI'4I. 4 PANGLIiii , k Co. antionnee to their frieml
,ur awl the citizens of Alle:Mem'. that they hare of
hattd - a• fine assortment of 12 P.A DYMA DE CLOT I INO
consisting of Coats, Vests. Pants,, Nellieh the
iviltsell at fair prices. Also. a "nor rMr lot of Cloth
Cnisimeres,"atul Vesting", which they will make up t
order. in the neatest and hest manner. •
N"Custom work ilouts Otiose:11.
Don't forgot the place. on the west side of Feile
ilti-titreet, doors north of the Auction Store, Allegheny
City. • • npl9-3m
Clothing I Clothing i 3 3- .othlng i t .
_216 Three Big 313
Doers . The Itrrstern World!!!
- 150 000 WELL Still.fleTED CI A RN! ENTS now
made and ready to hr, offered on the
most liberal tertns In my 01 , 1 C 113100 1 ,7 1 .0 and the public in
general. The Proprietor of this far-famed and extensive
establis'iment has now. after returning front the Plastern
'Wen, at ranch trouble and expense. Just completed his
Atli and winter arratinentettis to supply his thousands of
customers with one of 1110 1110A1 desirable stocks of Clo-
Ahirtit that hits ever hero offered in this or ally other mar
ket west of the mountains. Fur 111,3111 0, 0 in style and
Workmanship. combined with the very 11/0• pried, whielt
',al' will be sold 011% 010%1 certainly render the old totri
ed Three Ilia Doors one of the zrestoist ottractionS of
the-vrestern country. It is eratil), in n . , to me to lie able to
'announce to my numerous friends at home tool abroad,
tlmt notwithstanding the et xtraontioary efforts which I
_have made to meet the many rail's in my line. it is with
.ditEculty. I can keep time with the constant rush that is
made on this estiddiel nit. it in established
.fact, that my sales are ektio or ten times lart;er than :any
other house in the trade. awl this Lein! the case on the
'amount told, 1 can nirmi to aril n 1 tintelt Ices profit than
Slithers could possibly think of dote- it they wished 10
- Covet contingent expenses. I intend to make a Iran
sweep of all ;fly present <lock Lenten the bet:11111111g 0( ...II
:Tear; coining to this concitt.ioo. I will 1001, it the inter
est of every men. who wants II Horny en inter suit. to cull
and purchase nt ills Three Itig, Dow..
oath-1&w Jiitt' M'CLD:4I(I.:V.
CtOt IliS.—Lfteretved at the Iron
City ci r obi o c st o w. n 41111.11tliti Zl,OllllOlll Of 410111..
00111'11 , 14W of low French. Ettgli , h and mericnn
lilnek and frofiry Ca.t.itro•res, of the most modern stylra;
fi ne fi tzti rm Cashmere. Ve..ting, Silk Velvet. Plain and
.IF)lptey Snlittn—rill of which we will make up nt the most
treasonable prices. in n dttrahle and fashionable style.
• Ready made Clothing. of nit ilcseritni ~,, I.ndy't.
Clanks . of the mom frodtionable patteruk Neck and
- Trie.kat Suspendors, ~,,, Shirt Collnnt. mud
every nrtiele usually kept in n Clothing Store. Country
idereltantY, before purchasing elsewhere. will r im ) i t to
their advantagv to call at the Iron City Clothing Store.
• N 0.132 Liberty street. immediately 0tp , ..11.• tier molvill
:oC.itlhrket. f0,11 , -Itt r NV,l.rtsu.vv.
tifi QHI.I..ING OFF I.tlW Vint tt foi,
thing of every denerintion. 'nett ac elonlin. over
coats,. superfine Mol:0. Heaver. Pilot and henry lirosil
- cloths s superfine cloth. &en, nod frork coats; a large as
sortment of lvveett. sack and Work roots..
v Cloth, pitssitoorr. and satinet? totionloons: also.
- end assortment of vests: plain and honey volrrt. cloth.
taisimere and fancy woolen. nod plaid eannimere. with
ttgreat variety of sot...ollir Iri.h linen. trimmed shirts.
onder shirtn, "ark. era vain. forts and all other art,
clesin the t - tithes hoe. tr l.iclt will lie sold low for Cash
' 171111 TIM . foul it "melt to their ail vtottat_t to all
110.11. at 19 I.therty P. TA:LAN V
N. IL A complete ttscortliwrit of •!'nr.,ln. soitnlile for
Ctistomer witch, alwnys on tim) c,11•11 an I{Oltrii.ll. French,
0114 01111arirrIll r 14,111-. nll,l t.„ a choir,,
sortntcal of Sen.otinbie which trill Ite
matte to totter iu the In u:=l styles, and 0,, the most use.
iromModat inv. trans.
Chu fit ng 1
IS Spring null Simoner stock that Pi now ready to be
• at the old original
o f the lareest and choicest in selection that haler
- et been e_slailtited by any one concerti in this or mar nth.
Creity in lit. , Union. I will Mil nndcraake To fir...crib.. Ii
--tlie trailer the different assortments of w which I
'[DOS" have in Mier them: lint twill simple till loan duo if
theronly favor ne with a roll. I trill lay before the,,,
differeso garments to a donee oat of. eon
..::.Saistims, in part of Coat, riehe..l ni totality down
• to the lowest in prime: Pantaloons aid Vets, as
.ilintishanetat of the beholder. with both monthmail eyes
open, woltileritnt in th , enlist i.viravagaut decree of sus
:True. how sorb Iti READY v stir.
: . .. , could possibly he eolleele,l together nailer ths.rualarril of
- individual ton sue it 111111,i, Will be. as lone on tier
-..-.severance and industry is the main-sprang of trade.—
'ilVitliotat any inteitinut ail litetidint:. ant to:. part. I will say ,
'•..nt the same time, ii i, of such metal lam tototrapally e -
•:. , :posed, for nothing in the .hair or form ait disittudinis.
.matter whet their tunionaile may be. can gamer tale from
• tirrotnplishing any tilneet. in provalitte fair the farmer. the
•,.. - -triechattir, and the tiny laborer. illy whole attention is
:•,.tial ! cen up with the greatest care Mr their welfare. in get
ting np•fashiottable. and at the same time substantial gar
. meats, to meet their l
• •d emands: and as for Other, Wilo
fancy ilicingclvex moving in a did - Preto sphere. and re
_.',.quiring tut article of the tie pbe.. ultra kind, they have
only se .rive nu: an outline of their wants, and they are
'stated to a word.
• Now, let ine say a word or two to my rotatory mere',
antkin the-trade: If you wish to save at least 25 to
—Bocei cent. in your whole.atte purchases. call in at the
• "'firer Big Doors.' and if I limit meet your most son
hopes. ill the wav of crating cheap bargains. and
-histli - searostable goods. - I will and in failure attempt to off
er rimy inducements of a similar Lied to n
plc ofso noble u nature Unit fici‘vi dicer raiment.
NO. 151 lid/ea-1y siti•et.
• . CIAN'T itt:AT'.—J. AI Irk it, lin, tost rem v. - A at
large establislortmo. trootoe: on Liberty and
::itrcets.:n splendid ussortmetit •nvEl.;us for sot 1111 l •
superior lot of Frolic's Satin VESTINt:S. all of
lie Is reedy to make op to the latest oa4i o n ~,,t
qin:tba . taost reasonable 1..1111. as Irsual. (ose I' VC do.
.:corner No. 1.67 Liberty not Sixth ...treets.
myt4. J. M. ‘VIIITE. Tailor. Proprietor.
No 11.
OF Ncw 130 ll.c FOll ',1.,. . .
• • A .NI•Xl DOTES AND INCI nhAtrs, 4... uprising glaring
,0511161. esploas. ptin
rinal and 1111 l adventures of tint
'Ziti o ilt End privates of the army aelionitof
t• tistity and thrilling incident. of the Alextean war.
Magazine for April.
`;' Vtti Tiler. or the Itonilmam no Ristorieal novel.
Vaiiffi ; and Public Services of Henry Clay, by Epes Sar
.Aunt, an interesting tale.
';'l3aclielor of the Albany, a splendid thing.
Old Ricks. the Coble, or Adventures in the Comanche
'Crinutry in Search of a Geld Mille.
- Neer and Then.
- Aceounts of die Brinks in Mexico, etc.
.. Analytical System illustrating the origin and develope
ment of die English Language, illastratetl with a beau
tiful map.
•• (haploti's Men and Times of American Revolution.
• leek Tier. or the Florida Reef, a new novel, by Cooper.
Ainerican Review for April.
Isabelle. or ilia Emigrant's Daughter, a new novel.
American Phrenological Journal for April—till setts on
- Critith'sPopulnr Phrenology. with IllillVe 311 engravings.
. . finbicriptions received for all the Eastern magazines
stud newspapers et publisher's prices. and the magazines
Ili offenses free of postage.
;AGENTS WANTED. to travel through Allegheny and
• •
the adjoining comities, end sell la work not iced at ills bend
of this advertisement. Thu most liberal wages will Ito
Offered. -
"'" ,:".The'Cultivntor for this month: a tnenithly paper de
voted to agriculture and rural miens. and only $1 par
~ • :year. '
VißtOnd;Exploits of the Duke of Wellington, with a
cemplete history of the Pe ll ill seam War, numerous ell.:
Litters Living Age. No. Nll.
7 The Eclectic Megazine of Foreign Literature for this
mouth. ;
Life of Rev.Elisialt Jiucurdy, contai ll ill g various
''eatingpotices of various deceased ministers of the Pres
141enan Church in Western I'S.
Authentic Nerrntive of the murder of Mrs. Rademacker
}u Philmlelplria,illastrtdcd.
large and complete assortment . of all the known
"WorkionTlirenology awl Mesmerism.
Phrenological Bpsts, large mid small size, a most beau-
Will article.
Phrenological Charts by the 1000 or lOU.
Just received and for sale by
. - AI, C. MORSE. " S Fourth st.
TARD OIL-70 bbls. Cooklimes No. I. in more and for
wile by • • • SELLERS & NICOLS.
WA.. rig. A itrutpartmr.withlrow2t3tNNltoS.lOhli
cash capital, iu a mrtuufacturitig Inixinexs now in
successful operation; 8. CIITIII3F:RT. Gen. Agent,
l ip2ll Suintifield, above Fourth st.
1.50... halt - I'las will arrive ee_
;-wines - are nF
.wp iiiiporiationulid will be low be
apIP • •-• P. 1.1.1. AR rIN.
.4.W,ANTFIT).-.A„ "Hem partner. }Pith frero 3to S.sproa
ea. h,earatal Ina mannfnettning bummers now in
inecerefal operation.' C11711.131 , 117', gin. agt o
V 25 fie!d above- 4th strer..4.:
.. .
i'.;:••••:,,,j.::,.;',:-7i:...-:;:;-t.,4'gr:-.1A.-,,.. - -
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g' - '4.=TX:rds 1848;
Foe the- Transportation of and frmn
Prrr*eu RC: 11, P I I 11.ADF.1.11'111 A, HA LTIMOILE,NEW
BORE/DGR 4 cAsi.*Phitailtlphid.
TAA EE 4. O'CONNOR, Pittsburgh.
IS old established Line_ being now is full operation,
the proprietors have made extensive arraugements to
eirwaril (foods and Produce with despatch. arid on the
most favorable terms. They confidently hope. their well
k °own promptness in delivering goods—peculiar safety
in mode of currying—capacious warehouses at each pon,
affording accianinothitiutis to shippers arid owners of
produce,—together with their hose experience and unre
mitting attention to business. will secure to theft O. COll
- of that liberal patronage they hereby g rate fully
All consignments by and for this line received, charges
paid. and forwarded in any required directions free of
charge for en ', II"), ilaVanCi. , g or storage.
Nu interest. directly or indirectly. in steamboats.
All imams promptly attended to on aptilica
sun to We agents:
2.713. Alan knit street. Philadelphia.
Cenral Basin, Pittsburgh.
North street, It:thin - lore.
Cedar street. New York.
Ille re h an* .1 9 Way Freiht. rt L ine.
alkl= 1848.
LX17,1.1.":41 V El. for the transportio ion of way freigh
between Pittsburgh, Blairsville. Polnistow I
daysburgh, Witter street. mid all intermediate places.
(Me boat will - leave the warehouse of C. A. M'Antilty &
Co., Carta) Basin, Liberty street. Pittsburgh. every day.
(Sundays ~I cePletl , ); al shippers run always depend on
having their goods forwarded without delay, and at fair
This Line was formed for the special accommodation of
the way business. The proprietors. thankful for the very
liberal patronage they have received during the last two
years. respectfully inform their old customers and the
public generally. that they have extended their facilities,
ZStc., during tine tarsi winter. and are now better prepared
to accommodate all increased Inlnilltes.
R. 11. CAN AN Sc. Co
(;.. STrrr.
14.111. , ..ti A. 1:0 ft. F.. JIM IN MILLER.
Ac EN - CS— C. A. M'Axt . yry & Cu.. Pittsburgh;
Itr.rrour.m.EN—Sonah & Sinclair, J. & J. Nl'L.h•via:(;. &J.
H. skra.ala•rg..r: R. Itolason h ('o.: Slnore: llagaley
Smith: John Parker; Wm !whaler: J. Jordan & Son.
mar I ((;azette copy.)
➢lerchantn' Transportat ion Line,
111 the 'Transportation of Marchandize and Produce
to Philadelphia and Baltimore. (kinds consigned to
our care will lie forwarded without delay, at the lowest
rates. Bills of Lading transmitted. and all instrOctioto
promptly attended to, free front any extra charge for Slur
age or C 011111140400.
C. A. M'A NULTY & Co.. Proprietors,
Canal Basin. Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
(I:a7ette. nn l y. cony.)
Great least's ttemerly
FOIL Coughs, Colds. Asthma, :end Consumption'—The
1, great and only Re for the above diseases is the
Hoogorion EI LT17711 of Life, discovered by the celebrated
Dr. Buchan, of 1•01111011. England: and introduced into the
United States under the immediate superintendence of the
The extraordinary success of this medicine. in the rare
of Pulmonary diseases. warrants the American Agent ltt
solieititic Mr treatment the worst possible cases that can
1w Mutest in the coin, 11111 l ay—eases that seek relief iu vain
from any of the CORI 1111 l ti retnedie, of the, day. and have
hemn given up by the most distinguished physicians. us
...Arnica nod incurable. The Hungarian Balsam has
eared. and will core. tire rapist desperate eases. It is no
nom . k noclrtalt. but a standard Ivngl ish medicine. of known
eAtabliMl-11 chicory.
F.very ininily in Iln: United States should he suppli
with Itarlinn'.~ Ilitolearian Bakain 01 1.115', not
inte•rvt dig consumptive of the climate. too to be lewd
• a preventive inciliente in all r a•es ut colds. conglic..
vilifier of 1.11.11. pain in Ile• si.le nod thrst, irritation and
nrrnres of the Iou:•s. difficulty of tiriindiinei
tett.. fever. night swrnt., c•nlnrionon 111111 pificral dcbilr
y. asthma. influenza. whisifiiing rotigli. and croup.
Sold in large honks al Si per bottle, will; lull direetions
or flit restoration of lieulth.
Pamphlet, containing II MU, of rogii,b and American
certificate,. and oilier evidenee, showing the unequalled
,',"tits of thi. great Eng - loth Iteinia may he obtained 01
the Agent, gratuitously.
For sale by 11. A. FA lINF.STOCK 14 CO.,
cloth cur. First and \Vood. and IVontl nod (Mt i.
il "' " ;
•• •• and Thyinus Gland;
Cities Lectern, on Surgery;
Wai son's Pretence;
Alackieno.lir Practice:
.IteeneilAoll"P Ph y siolog y:
lloreter's Xsotioney nod Histology;
Churchill's to
Vnlyenee'r Midwifery:
Dkeas., of halloos —Dillard:
Diseases of Females -. A. 100.11. fur eel ,
11 S. lit tSWlt11'1•l1 A Co.,
11ark.•t rnove.
the New reqoutent—For u•r oi Seine,!.. College, un;i
Tlseologieni Setuistorie, Ity fit, J. A. Spencer, A. AI
A 1111 l ter•s Etc.—A lacy talc of lute.
By Mr, S. C. !fall.
James's Ifoltry I v—The fife of Ilenry - the Fourth. king
Fronee and Navarre, hi. P. IL. James. Complete
Lreino ,, on ;hr. Law vont ihr 1;".0 , 1,.., by Stephen
Tyng, D. U: n^w nod entorgvd edanno, with portruat of
the ;author; e 1.50.
Heroßeetions in England; by Rev. .S. H. Tyag.l). D.
Mark 31ilion, Ik, Mereliaiii'l.Cierk; by Rev. Charles R
Taylor. M. A.. author of •• Records of a I.;od Man's
" Lady Ma r). *. Mayan. or the, &c.
The above Just received and for snit• by
Ll,Lim - r 4 1 / 4 Exousrt.
55 Markel .11,et. between 3d rind lilt.
e 5 44.47
''.,:::...,",-,' - .
Ciiransportatioli glues
Pit taburill Portable Boat LAW):
i'11011:1 rons.
Jnnv MILLER. Hollidayr.burg;
St. Huntingdon c
v •,w I' I r ATV);N::: - .Porms, it;l
11 II nip, - . new edition of tln 1N...0ral works of Jul.,,
:1111.'111W, Om! Clow:11 rein:irks groins
owl wriittit:•. I y .1.3 m. • Mottglinwry nod one h irctl
nod twr toy enzrav logs mini drawing, icy Win Harvey
it Iwo vcii
firEsiceit'S Tit.erstoinvi..—The heir Covell and
lets of the .Itemtle, m (Week. with English notes. trill
a{. philo-npinral, exer.eltral. slaps. iudi•tes. uric. tor,,,th
r with the EtointleA and AT...411i ;we ; the %slink funning
fear rat Is. paper; Y col. rind.
Far %ale by it 11l N STOC k-ToN.
~" 14"ek,eller, Market awl 'net cot
FORELL'Story of Alooorn comp).-v
lII_ 111 one vol ~ 11.111 11, I:1 , 1 London rolloon-I,loin
Menthe, - of Itcv. David Abed. P. 1). lath Mi,ionary to
- Mina, by his nephew. Etc, G. K. with n pop.
:%lenode es I lintory of I lie Cbri•uno It. lig ton ; and
Church; Trar,latcd by Prol. Torr,v V"! 02,
Ilawksion, a tale of and for l'ai;;latal. in in two
v01an0.... front seroi . vl loaoton .ott.
Aleanoir of W. C. Croc ry to Africa: Cif!
1 . 1 . 1,011111 Reetilleutioa 5. by Charlotte Elrfolarth, with
•xplanatory notes. accoinpailioll by a memoir tentuncon:
Oa: period troin the r lose of personal rcrollcction to ber
tenth:l,v 1.. 11. J. Tomt. rt.i.
Qi D.% SC IWI IC fit HiNS.—%Ve have• just roootve
i - `1 a largo supply' vi or SI111,1:1) S 1,00 l 1.111111r1.,
v 11111,11,1 by the Al,,vricnn Sunday School Union. and
approved by a committee of publication. couoisting of
1114•11i1,1rN 01' the following denominations. viz.: Baptist.
Congregational. Epit.copril Mrthu,list. Prenitylerian. and
It..forwrrl pubitctuicuts ecompti,c upwards
.1 six hundred bound s tot prices Rom aruaktA up
to 7." , rout...) all %villa, c tor Sunday Schools.
In :111.1111011 10 lite above. 1114` JJJJJ ti, a largo
variety of book,. in paper covers, fur quite young Child
yet, tor rowan's. &e.
Eke Union also publishes two Libraries. Nos. I and 2.
of one hundred volumes each. nil numbered ready fire 1111 , 1!.
of books from 72 115:4., Ur to 250, at the low price or t en
dollars. averaging only ten cents n voltino•.
Also, •• A Youth Cabinet Library." of fifty volumes, at
Mu low price of two 11011:11, and fitly cent=.
Also. Hymn Books. question Books, rod and blue Tick
ets on paste boards. Alaps. &c.
All the nlouve we sell at the 1 , 111011. nt Philadelphia
prices. Catalogues of Hooks furnished on application.
feloS between Third and Fourth.
A LLISON'S MARLBOROUGH—The military life of
tl John, Duke of Itlarlborough: by Archibald Allison,
F. R. S., author of the "History of hureepc."
Naander's Life of Christ—The life of Jesus Christ, in
its historical connexion and historical developments: by
Angustus Ncander—translated from the fourth German
edition, by John McClintock and E. Blumenthal, Profes
sors in Dickinson College.
Old Ilicks the, G ride.: or Adventures in the Ceeleedie
Country in search of a Gold Attlee: by Chas. W. Webber.
The Bachelor of the Albany: by the author of the
-rnicon Family."
Dr. Chalmers Poe:Ominous Works ;—Dailv Scriptural
Headings. by the late Thomas Chalmers. D. D., L. L. D.—
in vols. Volumes tat midget received.
Tile above valuable works received this day. and for
ale! by JOHNSTON & Kroctcrwsi.
:101 Booksellers, corner Market and Third sts.
DTI W and splendid variety - of TRIMMINGS. of the
II latest styles. just received at %ETV ;LON KINSEY'S,
Non 7 MARKET STREET. Among whirl] are:
541 gross Daisy Buttons, assorted colors;
100 " plain, covered with net. assorted' colors;
1511 " plain small, assorted colors;
" cotton,new article. will wash. assorted colors;
Also, a large variety of Fringes. ass'd widths and colors.
A very large Mock of the above article.
6 dos. Ladies' Open Worked Silk Gl°, es;
S " Gents' Heavy Silk Gloves;
7 " Lattice' Net Nark and Whits. Glares;
2.5 " Lattice' Fancy Top Lisle 'fluent'. Gloves;
20 " Ladies' Gloves;
30 " Ladies' Raw Silk Gloves;
20 " Gents' "
" Children's Cotton Gloves;
Shaded Twist. Steel and Guilt Beads. Purse Mugs and
Tassels, Read Rags, steel uud velvet, fine Puns, Parasols,
Arco - n - (111ns, e. —
'DOAN'S LONDON BOOKS—Six Old English Chroni
1.1 cles.
William of Malmsbury's Chronicles.
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of Alglo Saxon Chroni
Mallet's Northern Antiquities.,
llcroditulm.hy Carey.
Machiavelli's Ilistory.of Florence.
Schleoel's Philosophy of Limb and Language.
" , ,Lancre's History of Pitintam
'Beektuon's Ilim.tory of Inve
_ ROKOC'F Leo - the Tenth.
Roscoe's Lorenlo De Ale ci.
-Co.ra'a House. of Austria. •
Schiller's Works. :For sale by
raar22 H. S. i3O.S.WOR'rFt Se. Co., 4 Market si
.T ; - ,
Tapscott's Genera 0-41 sis ig•rist lent Office. -
01 RE3ll'rl'A NCES and Passage to and a z ia t
front (treat Britain and Ireland. by W.
& .1. 'l'. Tupscott, 75 Smith at.. curlier
of Maiden La lIC. N. Y.,•tuid . ..06 Waters •
100 Rood, Liverpool. •
r The subscribers, having accepted • the Agency of
above House, are now prepared to make iirrateT•ntetds
on the most liberal terms with those desirons ot paying
the passage of their friends from the Old Conine y; entil
they flatter Themselves their character until lung standing
in business will give ample 118611Tallee that all their :sr
rangements will be carried out faitlifieliy.
Messrs. 'W. & J. T. Tapseott arc long and favorably
known fur the superior (.lass. accommodation. and eeiline
qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN Clll'
ROSCI US. LIVERPOOL, and SIBDONS, two of which
leave each port monthly—from New York the gist and
gtitle, and front Liverpool the 6th and I nth: in addition to
which they have. arrangements with the St. Cuing. and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets. to insure nib:venture
front Liverpool every five days. being thus determined
that their facilities shall keep puce with their increasing
patronage: while Mr. W. Tapseon's constant personal
- superintendence of the business in Liverpool is an addi
tional security that the comfort mid accommodation of
the passengers will be particularly Ittlelltieti tO.
The subscribers being, as usual, extensively etc - tinged
he the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh and
the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge 01
and forward passengers iimetentiately'un their landing,
without n chance of distippointinciet or delay; and are,
therefince. prepared to contract for passage from any sett.
Grunt Britain or Ire:lnuit to this city, the nature of
the business they are etegugi:il in giving them facilities
fur carrying passengers so On r inland not otherwise all
tuneable; and will, if necessary. forward paseneotrs fur
ther %Vest by the best mode of 'conveyamer. vs - Brunet any
additional charges fur their trouble. Where pertiolls
IMO for decline routing out, the manumit paid for passage
will be refunded inn full.
The suscribers arc also prepared to give drafts at
sight for ally amount, payable nt the principal cities nail
towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and IVales: than af
fording a safe and expeditions mode of remitting funds
to those countries, which persons requiring such facili
ties will find it to their interest to avail themselves of
Application (if by letter. post-paid) will be promptly at
tended to. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR,
Forwarding and Commission Mr relining,
map27-d& w-1 y Philadelphia.
,r i z tb ., Roche, Brothers. & Co. 41
JANITZS 61.AKKLY, dc••nt, Oilico on Penn at., Canal
& Ctr.. sole Agents for the T:LACK
J. BALL LINE. of Liverpool and New Y., Parket&
Ult!e the liberty of announcing to their old frienitin and
customer, that their arrangements for the year 1,-tr , being
complete, they are prepared to bring out pas...engem liy
the above %pie:mini Line. trout Livermail to New York
and Philadelphia. Tinny refer to their former coarse of
doing'lmoness. rind assure lliol.o wino entrust them with
their orders. that the same satisfaction will be rendered
as heretofore.
Mans for sale, payable, on demand, at any Bank ii
The undersigned has mulle nrranuernunts to bring ou
pas...neer% To Pittsburgls, during the preseut year.
ietis-2unitter• JAAIEti 111.AKEIX.
ti a . Passage To and Prom
t ab b
GEottriz Rternrin & Sox, No. 134 Waterloo Ilona, Li
CA TILIMI.F. & RITTARI., No. re; Smoth nt ,. N. Y. Y.
THE ir
having accepted dot Arawy at this
city allre alcove well koown nod ritspeetalile !Moses_
are prepared to make engagements for passengers !ornate
nut Irian any part of (treat Wiwi. or Ireland, by the re-
Fakir Line or Parker Ships. sailing Iron Liverpi.4 week-
Iv. WWI un May rest annumii that their
iniendn will inert with kind treatment and prottipt des
patch at Liverpool. as well an every attention neeessary
011 their arrival in thin country. Apply to or address
1 , t2 Liberty st..
N. 11.—Pastagen engage!l here train LlVerpool to Pillmm
harzle direel. and drubs I - or ally mro.uut 11)rwattlu d. pay
rthla ki; sozlll. throng/mat the railed Khalthan. W. 414 y
• I'AME:M; A‘n REM trrANCE
lld DI:V h Crl , continue to bring mu person. her
j. nlnt.yN
upon the 1111,31 liberal terns. with thew motel punctuality
nod attention to tho wants of emigrant*. R e to not al
low oar iineectierra to be robbed ity the swinillitic *camP
that intent the sen.porte, ne ere take charge of them th e
moment they report themselves, and ere to their well-bt.
3111!.. and (11,1.1C1{ them williont any .11H , 1111011 1 , 1 OW fink
*hip, We say this I,Nof defy nor of los
pa. ..tigers to shine that tin-v were detained rorty-eigh
boors by qe In laverineit. VV11111 , 4 tlionenntleofmhere
di:muted months until they could hut. AVM in some a
croft, at a cheap rate, which. too frequently preyed than,
r White.
\Ve iniend to perform our contractn honorable. en
What it may, and not net RS Wl's the ruse IRAI Won... WI
other office, who either performed not at ad. or when
their ronvenwore.
DratlA drawn at l'sit,burph for nny %Inn from
.C 1.001). pn yntsle at troy of the Provancsal IfmtkN to Ir
land, Eng Jana, ticoLland and Wales.
, UTIE Ruhr ri6r rm nom prep:tr. - 1 to forvennt ton•tey to
isrtri. nt Sentlltod LI
11,:spatclt, and m the lowegi
European Agency,
Ireland, Englund, &e.
T A um , : and stool! •urnaul money run at all riutr•ht
IJ remitted by right-dmlt•. at redur•d rams. In nil part
of Fmalantt. Ireland. Wales. tr., am! Leander,
Rent", Claim•. and Pmpeny in Enrntre ran he eolieelre
and recovered likrOOCh the ttolpseribur. nr damn! In• all
snare from Otis city front, Oelodler MOO ?atty. Oil 1114 MM.
nl Irmo• to Europa, er OpplielOorl to JAMES MAT. Mer
eltant, Water street. Pittslnkrglt.
It KEENAN. Attorney .
and Counsellor at Law, and European Agent•
I'itrvhurt 1,. l'n
I' S Kremlin hoes lieen creipointly trrwihl it by
. Allll lett..rg nit dm business of -lief - Jinn. At.
6ernnii, - 112cArrIgirr nizents. York. he 4tet•fill. rt
neresAnry Io any that lie k not the Heenan of that firm.
nail has never had any eonnelion with either of those
Wentern New York College of Health
2117 NI /ON ',REF,. 1t1,M.41,0. N. V.
DR. G. C, VAUWIN'S VEr:I•76IcLE ismoNTilig.
nits celebrated remedy in cousin, - :y increasing its
fame by the making all over Mr world. It has nose
become the only medicine for family use, and is particu
larly recommended far Dropsy ; all stages of this enrol
plaint immetlituely relieved. no nuuter of how long stand
ing. (Sea pamphlet for testimony.)
Gravel, and all diseases inf the urinary Organs: for
these distressing complaints it stands alone: no other ar
ticle can relieve you: and the cures testified to will e• n.
shire the most skeptical:—(sec pamphlet.) Liver Coin-
Ilittous Diseases. Fever and Agile. Ti, the cheat
West especially. and wherever 1111,11 enmplaints prevail,
this tnr.hriuc is offered. Nomineral agent. imileleterionsi
compound in a part of this IlliX111fe; it tires these diseas
es with certainty and celerity. and does not leave the sys
tem torpid. (See pamphlet.) Piles. a complaint of a most
painful character, is immediately relieved. flllll ft Cliff (Ol
io., 19' n few days use of this article. It iv far beyond
any other preparation for this disease. or for any other
disease orminming from impure blood. (Sire pamphlet.)
Debility of the System, NN , ettk flack, Weakness of the
Kidneys. he.. or Itiffuniation of the stone. is immediately
relieved by a few days use of this medicine. and a cure is
always thy result of its use. It stands us n certain reme
dy for such complaints. and also for derangements of the
female frame. Irregularities, Suppressions. painful men
strantions. No article has ever been offered, except this.
which would touch this kind of derangements. It 11111 y lie
ashen! upon AS a Fll, :111,1 effective remedy; and, did we
feel permitted to do so. I`olll4l give a thousand names as
proof of cures in this distressing class of complaints.—
See pamphlet. All broken down, debilitated constitu
tions. front the effect of mercury. will find the braring
power of this article to act inunedinuily, and the poison
ous mineral eradicated front the SYclelfl.
Eruptive Diseases will find the alterative properties of
thin article VITRIFY rte E BLOOD, and drive such diseases from
the system. See pampleet for testimony of cures in all
diseases. which the limits of an advertisement will not
permit to be named lucre; Agents give them away; they
C011110113'2 pages of certificates of high character; and a
stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine, Del
er appeared. It is one of the peculiar features of this ar
ticle. that it never fails to benefit in any case, and if bone
and muscle are left to build upon, let the emaciated and
lingering invalid tinier on, and keep taking the medicine
as long as there in mithiproventent The proprietor won Id
caution the public against a number of articles Whiell
COMC muter the heads of SAIISAPARIMAS,
as cures for Dropsy, Gravel. &c. They art:good for noth
ing. and concocted to gull the unwary: torn, THEM NOT.
Their inventors never thought of curing such diseases till
this article had done it. A particular study of the pamph
lets is earnestly solicited. Agents,. and all who sell the ar
ticle. are glad to circulate gratuitously. Put up in 30 oz.
bottles, at 82; 12 or. do. at St each—the larger holding 6
or. more than the two small bottles. hook out and not
get imposed upon. Every 'thttle has " Vatifthn's Vegeta
ble Lithontriptie Mixtnre," blown upon the glass. the
written signature of .• O. C. Vaughn" on the directions.
and “(.1. C. Vaughn, Buffalo," stumped on the cork. None
other turn genuine.
Prepared by Dr. O. C. Vaughn. and sold at the Princi
pal Office. LaJ7 Main street. Buffalo. wholesale and.retail.
No attention given to letters unless post-paid--order
from regularly authorized Agents excepted. Post-paid let
ters, or verbal cone:lnuit:aliens soliciting advice, prompt
ly attended to gratis.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this articlo
-132 Nassau st., N. Y.; 2115 Eases st., Salem. Mass.: and
by the principal Druggists throughout the United States
and Canada, as Agents. .
No. 2, Liberty st., near Canal Basin.
VENITIAN lII.INDS.—A. IlVisteresfr. and old rind wit
k nown Venitian Blitalmaker, formerly of Seenial
and Fourth sp.,. takes this method to inform his many
friends of the fact that his Factory is now In full opera
tion on tit. Clair st., near the old Allegheny Bridge. where
emiatiod supply of Blinds of various' colors and genii
ities, is constantly kept on hand and aqt all prices, from
twenty -cents up to suit customers.
N. B. If required. Blinds will be put tip 00. that in ease
of alarm by fire, or otherwise, they may be removed
without the pid of a screw-driver. and with the same
fac that nay other piece of furniture can hr rentoved.
and without any extra expeti.e. je2.l.4lkwy
stiliceribqr, by
written contract with the PutriN TEA Co.. has the ex
eltuntrerighl to sell their pens in Pittsburgh 1111 d Alleghtt-
Hy cities. ii.ny person ntwripting . to sell their Tens eg
• cept procured through me, is prorogue; a deception and
am rand upon the putilicz—and their sintentents ere not to
relied on. (sdrJ) JAYNES, 70 •Ith st
i rry
r •o,: zr=4-
(Emigration tints
A rranzenierte, for I,lq.
nornpenn and I ii.n,rll tz..111.
Fifth street, our iltvor Wood •i
SA311:1i1. &
142 Liberty
..i.• , .0. , ,,•:;:2
,-.1-,..2:;',:f,...J.,?'.:,f-..1.,,.'1',-• ..
.3nsurancc gompattics.
A G-E . .11i T
Subieriber. having been appointed and duly com
l.. afissioncil Agent of the hyconung County Alutual In
surance Company. is now prepared to receive applicu
tionatoriitintrance for said Company. This Company is,
perhaps. one of the very best Insurance Companies in the
Suite or Union. tinning a capital of between one and two
millions of dollars in premium holes. end .by the regula
tions of the Company no risk exceeding *15.000 will be ta
ken on any Otte block of buildings. or on any 01It risk, and
no more then 52.500 will be taken out a Rolling
Foundry or Fsiltana, which' atose-pipe
patterns through the side wall or roof. Conan Factories or
Powder Mills, Slanitfaciories of ,Prititing litk, and Ms
fineries. will not be insured on 'any consideration, what
ever; end when the rate per cant. shall be 12 or DS inclu
sive, no risk will be taken over $l,OOO, (except Bridges
unit Grist Stills.)
The operations of the Company have been dwelt, that
for the last six years only one cant upon the dollar
bee been assed upon the premiusn note. of the stock
Application can be' made to the subscriber, at his
afire, iu the new Court House.
L. SPROUL. Agent.
Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pa
Fire and Marine Insurance. ,
rp I HE Insurance Company of North Antet•ica, of Philn
delphin., through its duly authorized Agent, the_ sub
scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance
on property. in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments
by the ennui and rivers.
Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Monks,
A lox. Henry. Charles Taylor,
ittimuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith,
Edward Smith. Ambrose White, ,
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,
Joint White. Julia IL Neff,
Thomas P. Cope, . Ritiburd 1). Wood.
AVni. Welsh.. • Henry D. Sherraril,See'y.
This is the oldest Inntirtmee Company in the United
Stntes, having beet, clinrtered in 1791# Its charter is per
petual, and from its high standing, long experience, am
ple men'', and avoiding all - risks of an extra hazardous
character. it may be considered us offering nmple securi
ty to the public. r. MUSES ARWOOD.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Water and
Front sts., Pittsburgh or t2fl-y
They Franklin Fire Insurance Company
lIARTF.R PER.PIiT UAl..—.sloo,(Xlo paid in office
16:11 Chestnut at., north side. near Fifth. Take lase
ranee. either permanent or limited. against loss or dam
age by fire, on property mill effects of every description.
in town or country. on the most reasonable terms. Ap
plication, made either personally or by lettere. will he
promptly attended to. C. N. 13ANCKER,
C. G. Ilssagrat. Seermary.
DllifiCTl IRS :
Charles Bancker, Jacob IL Smith,
Thomas Ilart. George W. Itiehards,
Thonnan .1. Wharton,
'robins Magnet,
Swann,' Urn tit.
6 1 =I
Msicrix. Agent. at the Exchange Office of
Warrick Martin Co.. corder of 3d and Market sts.
Fire risks taken rni buildings and their contents in
I littsburgh. Allegheny and thexurrounding country. No
~urine of inland navigation risks taken. ung4-1 y
Agrots at Piterhargh.fiw the Delaware Matual Safety In
suranee rampany of Philadelphia.
hill. RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandlze of eve
ry description. and Marine Risks upon hulls or car
goes of vessels. taken upon the most favorable tering.
Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes,; on Water
st., near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. If King & Finney invite the confulmiec rind patron
age of their friends and community at large to the Dela
ware M. S. Insurance Company. as an institution among
the most flourishing in Philadelphia—as having a large
paid in capital. winch, by the operation of its charter. is
constantly Men:using—as yieldnig to each person insu
red. his due share of the profits of the Company, without
involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the
premium actually paid in by him; and therefore an pos
sensing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious
feature. and in its most attractive form. novl-if
Third and Mond sdrrts. Pitbhurgh.—nie nOtets of the
rtottintny on the firnt of Polio:try. IW,. an Intlattated in
enitforlillty ‘vitli an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature,
Itomix and NlortvtgrA
Rell I.:41.1 le. at conit 100.N7 77
Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash 417.490
Making n total of $909.6..3 49
Aironling cerntio assurance that all losses will be
promptly m•t. and giving entire smartly to all who ob.
tat., policies from this Company. Risky taken at as low
rates as are Consist , .. 11l N9llt security.
liinarance A galunt Fire.
Arneriran Firr Innis weer Compaity—Office, No.
I. 72 %Val Taut strert. Philadelphia; Incorporated A. D.
L- , l4.—Charler perpectuttl.
In.res Nlercliantlire. and proper
ly generally. ;tither in the city or Colllllly. 114Z11111.110,5 01
,foinagr Lg fc, perpetual or for limited periudA, un favor
able tennis.
Samuel C. Morton,
Adolphus Perks,
Grorgu Al,bon,
Patrick Brady,
John T. 11.vasis.
John Semeaul.
William I,viirlt.
Juith Welsh, Jr
FitANcui D. Jwtcea. Secretary
Ordery , for In•urautc by ill., above Company will he
Mel:teed and lustiniticus clittcl.rd by the imilergigiwil,
ogrnt for Pitignirgh. GEO. COTHRAN.
put I-31n. 26 WyNI street.,
Connell's Magical Pain Extractor.
iri . is now roneeded by medical linen Oust Connell's
I Magient Pain Ex irneitir.mainifuetioreil by Comstock
& Co.. 21 Comiland at.. Neer York. in the greatest SVOII
- of the 10th centime Its efforts are frilly IllitTlClllolls.
All pains are removed from burns, scalds. &c.. and all
external sores, in a few minutes after its application;
hcaiing Out same on the most- delieute skin. having no
scar., It is equally beneficial in all kinds of iliflainumio
ry diseases. suck as sore Nipples and Eyes, Sprains,
Rbrinnalism. %Mite Swelling and Ulcers. Brilises.Burns.
Erysipelas, Men. Tic Doloreanx, &c. We
might add us proof to all we say. the names of many cm
orient physicians who use it in flour practice. and hun
dreds of due clergy who praise it to their people. Kind
pa rein kiep it constantly on hand. it; case of accidents by
bre hie may Ile lost V 41110116 but by its nee all bllllls are
cobjeCl in its C 01,1 1 .01. unlese the vitals rue riesirnyed. Cat,
tom--reinember and ask for Conners Alag•tral Pain Ha
rmon., manufactured by C'fanstotk 4- co., V., and take
&c.—Thr Gfnnine tinrtment, is an
article more justly celebrated an a corn fir the above.
than any or all oiliers. Its cures are almost immediate,
and it is only necessary to let those who know the article
and use it with such great success, that it is to be had
true and of Comstock & Cu., 21 Courtland et..
N. V.. sole rn.prielor.
Sold only genuine in Pittsburgh. Pn.. by Wm..lsckisom.
Ist.. bead of Wood in.; also in Washington, Pa..
by A. Clark; in Brownsville by Bennett Crocker, also
by our agent in every town in Pennsylvania, Ohio? Md.
and Virginia, novil)-d&wGin
"It le tike test Cough Illedielnc I ever Saw."
I 4 EA the following proofol the superiority of /h. Mi
t Nn ti OrienMl Cough Mixture, from a respectable cit
izen, who has tiled it
Mrssret. Mrs &. IluocKwsv:—After laboring for several
weeks under the disadvantages of a harassing cough and
most ilistressiag cold, which had, rhos far, resisted the el-
Wets of se veral of the "iiifallibles," I was induced to pur
chase a bottle of your I triental Cough Mixture, amt give
it rt lair trial. To my great surprise, after using only Of IC
half of the bottle I found myself entirely welt. "it is the
best rneifici”e I I nter saw."
'Prue copy. JOHN BINDS.
Sold by RAYS & BROCKWAY, Druggists, Commer
Mal how, Liberty street, near Canal. janS
A. MASON & CO., Dry Goods. llorutr, 62 Market
Stern, haulm. Third and Fourth streets, have just
reeeived a large supply of rich Full Goods. comprising in
part : 17 cases various styles Prints and Chintzes of 'En
glish. French and American manufacture; 1541 pee rich
and desirable patterns French Ginghams, warranted in-
Wrior to none imported in style, quality and durability of
colors:4 cases splendid Plaid goods for ladies dresses,
comprising every style for Full nail Winter wear; Cash
ster n. de Lames, Satin sui'd Alpacerts of various
colors: 3-1 and 4-4, black and blue black Silks, for Man
tillas; Fancy dress Silks; Hack and Mode colors; AL de
Lams, all wool; Shawls of every style mid quality: Can
situcres, Cassinetts. Broad Cloths and Vesting.; blench
ed and unbleached Mullins from lit to is c. per yard;
Green, Yellow, Red and White Flannels; 'Pickings,
Cheeks, strip'd Shirtings; bleached and brown Drillings,
etc. etc. All of 'which are offered at wholesale and re
tail at the very lowest cash prices.
sep3 A. A. MASON & CO.
Fourth street.—lfounti & ANTHONY, Lhiguerreo
typist.s Runt the Eastern cities, would call the attention of
the inhabitants of Pittsburgh. and the neighboring towns,
to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at rooms in
the third story of 13urke's building, 4th et.
Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured that
no pains shall be spared to produce them in the highest
perfection of the art. Our instruments are of the most pow
erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures talsurpossed
for high finish and truthfulness to nature. The public are
solicited to call and examine.
Persons sitting for pictures are neither remarred or ex
peeled to take them unless perfect satistitelion is given.
N. p—Ope rators will find this a good depot for stock
and chemicals.
Irrinstructions given in the art, containing the more
recent Improvements. jani
pc) FEMALES —Every female should have a box of
1. Dr. Ralph's Pills. They are perfectly adapted to the
p u g ulintities of their constitution, acting with gentle mild
ness and safety in all eircuaaautees. Wherever introduc
ed, their character has been rapidly established among
the ladiCs. with whom they are emphatically The Favorite.-
Very complete directions for use in the various com
plaints will be found in the directions- accompanying
each bor.
For sale by
Also, by IVin. role. Allegheny City; J. (1. Smith, Bir
mingham; and Joint WCrucktni, Finit Ward, Pittsburgh.
HollowVare 'Castings.
MVACUA NTS visitisthr our city fur theNturpose of
obtaining their Sitting supplies of Hollow-ware
nod other Castings: will fool a very heavy sleek, and an
extensive variety of patterns and sizes in store by Am.—
Sampb.,3 can be seen at our warehouse, Commercial new,
Liberty street. next W. W. Wallace's Marble works.
.117 - Terms and prices favorable.
(WIN, McHRIT)E & Co.
BOOKS— ust received, by Exl , rem: Germany,
1111 Enirland. and Scotland, or recollections of a Swiss
miniMeti by J. H. Merle D'Aubipte. D. D., author of His
tory of the Reforination. Life of Cromwell. &e.
PraCtical Exhibition of the Gospels of St. Matthew
and St. Mark,-in the form of hectares, intended to assist
the practice of domestic instruction and devotion; by John
Dint Summer, D. D., Bishop of Chester.
For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,. •
feb2-I /JG Market street, bet. 3d and 4th.
. ~+.:`1"
.. ..
Dlord.•*•ai I). I.eNs
Adolph' E. !Writ,
bavid S. Brown.
$499.915 93
DI uncrons
Smithfield street. near Third
Drugs affil
dre teirhour a Rival fur iler Cure qlthe Allowing Diseases!
1F taken aciitirditur to the directions they will cure any
case, mots - latter who or what else has failed.
For the permanent cure of Rheumatism. Gout, Gan
grene., Hysteria, anti severe nervous affections. and are
highly recommended for the sure of Dropsy, Hemoral
Asthma and Neuralgia. Patients using them, in most
cases. experience benefit soon after the first dosT. They
quiet the nervous system. which enables them to rest well
during the night. They never fail med.:et a cure, when
taken according to directions.
No outward application can permanently remove rheu
matic pains from the system. Liniments sometimes act us
a palliative fur n short period, but there is always danger
in their use. They may ea ate the pain to leave one plai:
for perhaps a vital part, or else where the pain will be'
more acute.
For the permanent cure of Liver Complaints Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Chronic ;Debili, Chronic Asth
ma, Nervous Debility, Pulmonary Affections. (arising
from the liver or stonu(tli.) Diseases of. the Kidneys, and
all discuses arising . from a disordered stomach. in both
mle and female.- such as female weakness. dizziness,
ulloess of blood to the head. They tart:tighten the sys
tem, and ret the nove all acidity of stomach, and give it
tone mid me and assist digestion'. They eau be taken
by the most delicate stomach. and in every case will en
tirely destroy costiveness and renovate the whole sys
tem, removing all impurities and rdannants of prlvrions
diseases, mid - giving a healthy action to the whole
The symptoms of Liver Cotnplaint are uneasiness and
pain in the right side, and soreness upon touch immediate
ly under the inferior ribs; inability to lie on the left sink,
or if at all able, a dragging sensation prOduced; which se
riodsly.aflrecti respiration, causing very often a trouble
some cough; together with these symptoms we perceive a
coated .tongue, acidity attic stomach. deficiency of per
spiration,. and sometimes a sylllpiilletiC pain in the right
shoulder, with n great disposition to sleep and depression
of spirits, and sometimes sores in the mouth or throat,
causing moons to rise in the nostrils. Jaundice frequent
ly accompaniesir, and a dropsy in the face, These symp
toms, if permitted to continue, will eventually produce
that most baneful disease. C,onsiimption. In fact, a ma
jority of such eases originate. front the irritating causes
above, mentioned. Cathartic medicines must, in every
instance. he avoided in tine treatment for it.
'The symptoms ofDyspepsia are very various—those af
fecting the stomach alone, are imusen,:beart-burn, loss of
appetite, sometimes an excess of appetite. sense of full
ness or weight oil Cite stomach. sinking or fluttering, of the
pit of the stomach. fetid eructations. or sour arising from
the storesch, he. Dyspepsia. devoid of a function! nature,
is without danger; but, if arising from a disease of the
1.11,111.11, it is dangerous.
. .
Nervous Debility generally aceolnpatties Dyspepsia or
Liver Complaint; it will also cure. A few Jests will re
move all the unpleasant effects. each as fluttering nt the
heart. aching sensation when in a lying position, dots or
webs befine the sight, fever and dull pain .in the head.
constant iinag 4.s of evil. and great depression of spir
its. Outward signs are, u quick and strong pulse, pale
awl distressed countenance, tee.
Any case of the :Move disease can be cured effectually
by the use of the Bitters. no directed.
An infallible remedy for Coughs or Colds, or the Chest.
Spilling of Blood, Infinenza, Whooping Cough, Bron
chitis, Remora! Asthma, or any disease of the Lungs or
This is an invaluable family medicine. Barton relieves
any Cough or hoarseness, and prevents the Croup by be
ing early- administered. No rough or cold is too light to
pass 'neglected; for, neglected colds sink thousands to the
grave annually, and rouse ninny to grow op with a deli
cate frame, who would have been strong and robust, if at
first properly treated.
For the effectual cure of The Fires. Triter. and Rheum.
Scald ❑end. Ring-worms, Inflamed Eyes or Eye-lids,
Barber's Itch, Frosted Feet. Old Sores arising from fever
or impure blood: mid will extract the lire from burns, on
appliculion, or remove any cutaneous eruptions front the
skin. Persona troubled with tender faces should use it
niter shaving; it will, in a few moments. remove all sore
ness and ,1101, the bleeding: It can always lie relied on,
and is invaluable in any family.
For the cure of pains or weakness in the liver. bark or
chest: it will entirely remove any deep seated pains.—
These remedies have caused many to enjoy the hies
tintable blessings of invigorated health, and in a varie
ty of desperate and abandoned cases, a perfect and radi
cal cure.
The innumerable imposition...upon the public. and the
statements of remarkable cures never made. yet certified
to by feigned names. or by persons wholly unacquainted
with what they have endorsed. renders a difficult to tin
justice to the public in otTering •ulficient inducement to
make a trial allies , . invaluable medicines. They are en
tirely vegetable, autl free from all illjtlTiOlL9 ingredients,
and claim your patronage solely upon their merits. Every
family should have a pamphlet—they can be had of the
agent, gratis.
Principal Depot at titer:email Medicine store, 27S Rare
street. one door aims!, Eighth. Philadelphia. 'For rah: it
Pittsburgh. by ijauli-dlyj Wit! .'THORN.
ore in danger. the work of the destroyer has been
begun, the Cough of Consumption bath in it a sound of
ARE TOr • Mirrtign? Your darling child. your idol
and earthly joy. is MOT perhaps confined to her chamber
by a dangerous cold—her pale cheeks. her thin shrunken
fingers, tell the hold disease bus already gained upon her
—the sound of her supulehral rough pierces )'our soul.
Voriva Ma,. when jam about 10 elder lite, disease sheds
. _
a heart creshieF blight over the leir prospects of the fu
ture—your hectic cough nod feeble limbs tell of your
loss of hope, but yon need not denyair. There is a balm
which will heal the wounded Imam it is
Shermwit's All-Healing Balsam.
!Uri. Amur, tlw sviM of Will. H. Attrce. Esq.
given lip by Dr. Sewall of WaNhingion. Drs. Roe and
McClellan of Philadelphia. Dr. Hoc and Dr. Mott of Nev
York. Iler friends all thought she most die. She had
every appearance of being in consumption. nod was so
pronounced by her physicians—Sherman** Balsam was
given and it cored her.
M (Si asp MR UriZ. of Bull's Ferry. wa.• also cured of
consuneptiroi by this Balsam when all other remedies
failed to give relief—she was reduced to ton skeleton. Dr.
A. C. Castle, Dentist, VI Broadway, has witnessed its I
effects in several eases where no other nicriecine afford
ed relief—but the Bolcon operated litre a charm. Dr. C.
also wiutcsred its xx mob-riot effects in curing Asthma,
which it never fails of doing. Spirting Blood, alarming
as it may be, is effectually cured by this Balsam. It
Ileitis the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes
the lungs sound again.
Rev. Ifixonv Josef: 1043 Eighth avenue. was cured of
rough and catarrhal affection of 541 years situating. The
first dose gave hen more relief than all the other medi
cine lie hod ever taken. Dr. 1.. J. Beals. 19 Delaney
Street, gave it to n sister-in-law who was laboring under
Consumption, and to another sorely afflicted with the
Asthma. In both eases its effects were immediate, soon
restoring them to comfortahle health.
Mrs. Li:earns Welts. 95 .Christic-st., suffered from
Asthma 42 years. Sitio:orates Italsatn relieved her at
once. end she is parativelv well, being enabled to
subdue every snack by a timely use of 0113 medicine.
This hatred is the great remedy for Coughs. Colds, Spit
ting Blood, Liver Complaints. nod all theaffeetions of the
throat, and event Asthma and Consumption.
Price 2,5 cents and Si per bottle.
Principal Office Nassau street. New York.
Likewise:Dr. Sherinan's celebrated Cough, Worm and
Camphor 1.07.C11gt, Premium Tooth Paste and Poor
Man's Plaster
Sold wholesale end retail by WM. JACKSON, at his
Boot nod Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse.
a!I Liberty street Pittsburgh. head of Wood street, and
by the following duly appointed Agents for Allegheny
county :
A. 31. Marshall,city; Jonathan
Manchester; J. R. H. Jae'nues, Birminghatn; A. S. Getty,
Wylie street; J. Cl. 51ustiti, cor. 'Webster st. unit Elm;
Daniel Negley, East Liberty; H. 1.. Mitchell, Wilkins
burgh; Thos. Aikau, Sharpstarrgh; Saint Springer. Chit
tontJames Stewartstown; John Mack. Turtle
Creek; C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland & Son, M'Kees
port; MeEtilowney, Bakerstown; Riley APLanghlin,
Plumb Township; Win. .1. Smith, Temperanccville; Jas.
Fulton, Tarentinn; G. H. Stnrr, SltWie k I y. mar9-1y
A . 195 - IWTESTLNIONV!—Dr. W. LANDE, ofVaTeW.:
vine, N. Y., says: "1 ant well persuaded, and have
been for some time, that your Domestic Vegetable Pills
are of great use to all those wino may have occasions to
use them, and have administered teem to my patients."
Fe vcr and Ague. Dyspepsia and Bilious Fever, are itn
mestintely cured by she use of 1)r. Ralph's Pills. retie ;
25 cents a box. Sold wholesale and retail by
5. 1.. cuTi [twat,
Smithfield street, near l'hird. •
Also, by Wan. Cole. Allegheny city; J. G. Smith, Ilir
!isinglass's; and John M'Craeken. Filth Ward. febl7
Jaynes , Family Medicines.
DR. S. S. COOK, Piqua, Ohio. writes, March. 1545;
have used your Vermitage. Carmiaatire Balsam,
and Expectorant. in my practice, for the last three years,
and have been exceedingly well pleased with theta, and
never, as yet. to my recollection, failed of realizing toy
littlest expectation in their curative properties. - Your
other medicine/ I cannot speak of front experience; bu.
judging from those I have used. I doubt nut lint that the .
Claim, and are entitled to all the confidence reposed i
theta, by those who have used tnem. I .was former?
very partial to ',ow*. Vertnifuge, until I bccaznestequaii
ted with yours, which has nay decided preferene to aT
other now in use.
Ressectfulfy, yours. &a., S. S. COOK. M. D..
117' For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Stare,
Fourth st. febls
A. FAIINESTOCK'S COC6II symup.—Thispre-
purationon has proved itself to be of very great effica
cy in the cure of obstinate Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Spit
ting of Blood. Whooping Cough, and other Pneumonic
Affections; and the proprietors feel warranted in recom
mending it as a safe and useful medicine, and are pre
pared to show certificates of indisputable authority, in
testimony of its value.
It it pleasant to the taste, and is offered also low a price
as to place it within the reach of every person. There
are, perhaps, but few Cough preparations that will pro
duce such decided effects in Such a short time. Pre
pared and sold by
Corner of First and Wood; also, corner of Sixth and
Wood streets. deell
sale, wholesale and retail, nt the
No. SO. Smithfield st..
Also. by Wirt. Cole, Allegheny city: J. (f. Smith, Bir
mingham; John McCracken, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
INES AND LIQUORS-300 Whole, linlves, Quer.
VI tent and Eighths Pipes, Brandy, Wines, Gins. kr.
of the following celebrated brands, grades, and vintat
A Seignette Brandy. pale.
Hennessy " dark.
" pale,
Pinet Casti Pon &Co "
Imperial Eagle Gin,
Black Horse
Pine Apple "
Irish Whi.kev
Jamaica Spirits,
SL Croix Rem.
Together with a large stock
Liquors in Bottles; also, Chn
for sale as imported, on ploasi
lar and Liquor Store of
feb7 corner of
CREAM—A. matalgee article for
C growth, .beauty, and restorations 0;11)0'11Kit . : This
Crc . when once known, will ittipcirede all other arti
cles of the kind now . in use. Mitere . the hair is dead
limas. thin. tuthenltlty, nor turning grat.!tt feVi ,
tinil4 will make the hair soil and dark. adibgive it a beau
tiful. li vrly appearance; and will 8140 Initke irmaintain
its liveliness DWI healthy color, twice int'long'as all the
preparations that Hen generally used. Where the hair is
111111. or tins fulled air. it may be restored by using this
Crentst. Every lady and gentleman wbo:is in the habit of
using oils ate their hair should at nice roach:lse a bottle of
the Chinese I Cream, unit is socompesed that it will
nut injure the hair like the other preparations, but will
beautify it, and give perfect satisfaction in every in
1115111 CC. 1
For testimony to its very superior qinilities. see the fol
lowing letter from the Rev.• Mr. Caliivrell to itlesrrs.
ilemlershott & sitreteli, Nashville, gener4l ugents (or the
Southern States:
_ .
Litter ejtha Rev. R. Caldwell. Paster of WV, Frahm? ion
Church, Piiiierki.
blesses. Ille.commerrr & Sraeren: Grpettatert-1 take
p.casure iu adding my testimony iu ravels' or the excellent.
preparation called Dr. Parish's Chinos !Hair Ceram/ for,
about two years ago my hair was very dry, bristly, and
disposed to come out: bin baying procuiett a bottle of the
Cream. and used it according to the preskriplion, it is now
elastic, son, and firm to the head. Malty balsams and
oils were applied, each leaving my haii in a worse state
Mutt before. This Cream, however, lor met my expec
As on article for the toilet. my wife 4ves it preference
over ell others. being delicately per mml and not dis
posed to rancidity.. The ladies, especially, will find the
Chinese Cream to be a desidcmtutn preparations
for the toilet. • Reipectfully,
"'Pulaski. January 7, 1547. •
IU - Ssilil wholesale Mid retail. in •P nidturgh, by John
M. 'Townsend. 45 Market st., and Joel:Mohler,corner of
Wood and Fifth sts. ' .l; '
t *s : Common Prepa-
L A r D et i l j tTha a lt7:
l u t e i ) o-n a e re d a not i a n w s •a u r i e l l i mav; frightfully inju
rious it is to the skin ! how coarse. how tough, bow sallow.
yellow, mid unhealthy the skin oppose(( Wier using pre
pared chalk ! !testifies it is hilarious. Cfristaitliag a large
quantity of lead! We have preparedgi beautiful vege
table article, which we cull Jones! Sistinish Lilly White.
It is perfectly innocent, being purified;pr all deleterious
qUalltlC3, nod it imparts to the skin ffirsiaturnl, healthy,
alabaster. clear, lively white; at theirlaine acting
as n cosmetic on the skin. making it Flirt and smooth.
Dr. James Anderson. Practical Clalitist of Massachu
setts, says Aflrr analysing Jones' Deists I White.
I find it possesses the most beautiful h all natural. a all at
the same Mau innocent, white I ever ; l4w. I certainly
can conscientiously recommend its use. to all whose skin
requires beatitifying.” Price 2.5 ceittsji Directi .... s
-11 w best way to imply Lilly White, is with son leather
or wool—the former Is preferable. ; •
A VMS sty nr TEETH von 25 ex : rt.—White teeth.
foul breeds. healthy gums. ataruitheulthy teeth,
after bring once or twice cleaned whit Jones* Amber
'ods Paste, have the appearance of the most Immati !
ivory. and. at the same tune it is so pOrfcctly innocent
d ex
miottkitely fine, dint its constant staily use is highly
advntlinquous, even to those teeth that are in good condi
null. giving them a beantital;end preventing a,
premature decay Those already dile4yed it prevents
from becoming s. arse—it also fastens 'Melt to isilicebmin
loose. and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth
delicately white, and make the breath; deliciously sweet.
Price 25 or 37.1 cents a box. All the abe l ve are 110111 only
at o 2 Chatham st., sign of the AtOt-ricalfiLagle. New York.
sad by the appointed Agents whose Ones appear in the
nett column. .
Wits. von xOOO7. and get n rich Itusbaad, lady? “Your
face is your fortune." hit beantiful,l!tdear. fair? Is it
white ! If nut, it can be made on even though it be yel
low. digispored.lllllll/111111, tainted mot freckled. Thrsta
ands have been made thus Who havi ! washed once or
twice with Jones' Italian Cbeinical SDap. effect is
glorious and magnificent. But lie sure you get the genu
ine Jones' Seals, at the sign of the Arukrican Eagle, b 2
Chatham stxcet.
Bing-wont, !Solt-rheum. Seurvey.Ary;sipelas. Barber's
Itch, me otleit cured by Jones' Wardle, Chemical Soap.
when every kind of remedy has radii& That it cures
pimples., freckles, mid clears the skidr.afil know. Sold at
the American Eagle, Kr Chatham strict. Mind, reader,
this seldom or never fails.
C. INGLI .1 ;
.14.. Patterson.
Sold nt intitstts's !9 Liberty rt., beta p 1 Wool, Sign of
of the Big Boot. nov22.
l)u•. ixriau.ut
s r. AND . HAI& CENTS.
—Alarriage.—Con . ) . sd t /.—Anylaily between twen
ty and thirty. pour...mug a symmet4al form. good fea
tures. &e.. is asked conhdentially, cult slit suppose 114
mail could admire her while she husisuch yellow teeth;
such sallow. rough, course skiu; mid such dirty, had.
wiry hair; when. by spending the übp4c sum. she mighl
have delicate white teeth. n pure sweet breath. and •
beautiful head of hair. She eon have beautiful while
teeth and meet breath by using a 2.. box of Jones' Am
ber Tooth Pans; a skin white, pure afid;spotlcss cie snow.
by using a cake of the genuine Jenks' ltplinn Chemical
.Fonp; and a beautiful brad of hair by dicing a as. bottle of
Jane' Coral Hair Ruboratiro. Do !nil form au
against this before you trot. or you Will regret It; but lies
pore to oak fur Jones' articles. Sold.olaly ui New York .
at S 2 Chatham at. For sale by • t
11. M. JA'fesSON. Agent.
ED Pittsburgh.
perience has proved that no conihithition of medicine
halm ever Itirett so efficecions in reinkiving the above dis
eases. as DR..LAYN AI.TERATIV. It has effected
cures truly astonishing, not only of f . ,-rsiteer and other it is
eases of that class, but has removed.' the most stubborn
diseases of the Skin. Swelling!, Distiepsia, Ike. This
medicine enters into the circulation, mid eradicates dis
eases wherever located. It .purifiegilte blond and other
fluids of the body. removes obstruktiOn in the Wes of
the skin, and reduces enlargement of glands or bones.
It increases the appetite, removes headache and drowsi
ness. and invigorates the whole n) - stsus. and imparts nati
o_ i.e.i...inte—llM.llll.oll. There
minion toilte diseased a Ali ;,; e;i•
is nothinesuperior to it in the whole' nlatcria medico. It
is perfectly safe and extremely pletfahlti. amnia, nothing
of the disgusting nausea accompanying the idea of swat
lowin. medicine.
trir'For sale in Pittsburgh•at the PZKI N TEA STORE,
'2 Foltrth at.. near Wend. • I inar3o
A Recipe for She Illesthstal Hide/
in consequence of the many •tliings9NSM, set down every
article, (he it ever so ° it oodl 'as a,tnitabitg.. If people
could be madi to try a 3s. bottle of losic's Coral I lair Re
storative. and sed how it makes dry: racily. red. litzlitbuir
moist. son, sultan, and thick. and keeps it no; nod by its
nit for sometime. causes it to grrost naturally beautiful;
if people tumid see the camber of pistir respectable me
chanics that use it. (aye. and rind it .the cheapest thing
they con use.) for dressing said beanti4 tag .the Hair; for
keeping it soft and in order titres lirries as long as any
other article inadc; and „.
Forces it to grow, stops its! frilling„
And costs but 3 shillitinlyto try.
We formerly sold ambit n o. less titgn $1 bottles. but we
wish ogle to try it. told only at O. ',mini:LA.l Chatham
street, New Yeti:, and by •
mer2o • %VAT. JACKSON
f ODE TEsTistry fur Dr. Willent'synitilly Medi
131. cities. - The undersigned, eitizetto of Pittsburgh,hav
ing personally used Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough Mix
tore. and experienced its beneficial effects do most cheer
fully recommend it no safe and effeiettml. in all
Speaking t . 1.0111 experience. Ave helible that it has Ito ao
pertor; and would recommend its use: to nil the afflicted
Piudrurgh, March 15th. ISIS.
jp - Sold by .1. Selmomnaker & 17b; : ;Jobn Hay& JameA
A. Jones. J. 11. Tana•(. Joint P. Scell,:r. 1.. Snowden. J.
Alai,ler, Ogden do Snuwden
SA(* ttOr, "scuRV agS OR ES. ERVSI PE
LAS, Barber's IPA, Chapa, Sroe Beards. Pimpka.—
This biased by many physics:main ibis city iu curing the
above. and we would not consmenetously sell unless Ws
knew it all we state.
Ass cosmetic, the true JONES'S * AP is perhaps the
only snide ever known that removed impurities. and
cleared and beautified the skin, slinking it soft, clear.
smooth and white as an infants. hop mind, it is sold at 141
Chatham st.,. N. Y and by 11.
Witf. JACKSON. Agent,
69 Libert)l'Street. l'ittsburch.
/A. TvßF..—Procured from a welliin Kentucky. 185 feet
below the earth's surface. This Oil will be (mind vastly
superior to Harlem. Itritish;or anyiolber formerly popu
lar Oils. Its curative properties ibe the following ali
ments are truly 'wonderful: In flanintory . rheum:nista,
whooping-congh, phthisic, coughs, ecilds, spasms, 'letter,
erysipelas. scald head, croup, inflammatory sore throat,
liver complaint. inflammation of the kidneys, pains in the
bream. side and back, diseases of the, spine, piles, heart
burn, diseases of the hip joint. inflamed sore eyes; deaf
ness. anti ear ache, worms, tooth ache, sprains; strains,
burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, uleers, i lcancer, fever,.sores,
de. &e.
l'riee 50 cents per bottle. Sold WhOlesale and retnil by
WA]. JACKSON, at his boot and Ai*: store. e 9 Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. The BIG soar stands in the door-way.
Only place In Pittsburgh where th& • Ormanic can be ob
Cstrrtost.—ln order to be sure of lilt . .ining the genuine,
purchase only of the general agentlar Western Pennsyl
vania, Wm. Jackson, 88:Liberty street, or through :oh-
Agents appointed by him for its sale, each of whom will
have a show bill and general directions in pamphlet form
containing the names and address of the Proprietor and
General Agent of Western l'eunsyDreutia, as follows:
Dr. Hall & Co., proprietor, KentitoY.
Wm. Jackson, Getters! Agent for,Western Pennsylva
nia, tilt Liberty street, Pittsburgliao whom all orders
must be addressed. • 1 7 1
Osszsva.—Each bottle is enclosejl-In one of the above
limited Pamphlets. and the name of William Jackson, (the
general and only wholesale agent 'for Wetter,, Pennsyl
vania.) printed on the outside of •thalabel. oceM.
Iron City Cracker and Bread Bakery.
WOULD respectfully inform ItiS . Triends and the pub
lic generally, that he has added to his other busi
nein the manufacturing of Crackers :of every variety.—
Having purchased one of W.• R. Nevin's Cracker and
Pilot Bread machines. he is prepaiiidto fin all orders for
crackers or pilot bread nt the shortest notice and hopes
by u strict attention to business. tokiliare portion of the
public p atniiing e. The public is Artfully invited to
call and examine for themselves.
BAKERY. No.lo Connnerciul Bow, Liberty st. oppo.
site Smithfield.
N B. Superior family Dread, rye.prid dyspepsia Bread,
largo and small rolls, trash every rinixiiingeuit be had at
the store,:or my wagon, or at my stunt' iti the market.
Cake. and Confectiouary on Itend knit made to order.
!: 3 . SUEPHARD.
. pro locomm,e, I Row: Libert
QUNDIt I ES.-1110ttoz. Playing Ciirils;
1. 21111 whole and half boxes Sardine's;
in to baskets olive Oil;
20 doz. assorted Catsups, &0.4 •
5 casks London Porter , qua and plots;
300 dope. Brandies, Wines, &c. +try old;
5 Ws. powdered Sugar,
GO baskets Champagne Wine Part to arrive; '
3 hbds Claret Wine, for sates
marl) ' • P. C. MARTIN
London Market Wine
Rouen Port
"fritsli L.
Ilu trimly
S. S. Madeira
S. M. "
Symington It
' Fayal ti
Pak Sherry
Mown " at
.C:olden "
'Penriffe " ti
Lisbon " ."
Clnret " Li
Sweet & Dry Mitlaga "
of the above Wines and
pagno and-Claret Wines,
ag le9lllll, at the Wino Cel-
SmiOtflatd and Front sts.
XTOTICE TO SIIIIPPERS..—WiIhave takett an of f ice
isnutodintely opposite to our "}thrat warehouse,' for
thc mescal, where. we vill transact businsas as usual,
until a new house can be crected,'brrangeruents having
already beau made for that purpose.;
117 - Boats will alwaysho in readiness at our wharf, to
raceive. freight. . C. A. 31 • 41CULTV A. CO.,
• apt.Cana4Basin;Liberiy st.
BARttY-100 bags Barley, just
by [ape]. B. &
~.~ ; n..~--~.
Dinis anb fitcbidilts
prugo,trnb 111Cbldtteq.
... . . .
.11:1 LICHEN ER'S •
A ID: universally . admitted to operate not only as nil
2),_ efficient yrertntier, but no n mew failing remedy . , in
all diseuses winch can' infect the human frame. Head
aclie.• Indigestion, Rheumatism, Piles, Scurvy; D ropsy ,
Small Pox. - Cholera Morino, Worms, Whoopiug Coug,•
Consumption. Jaundice. (billowy. Scarlatina. Liver Cour
plaint. Apoplexy, Cancers, Measles, Salt. Rheum, Fits.
Heartburn, Giddiness, Ensipelos, ItchingX of
the Skin. Colifiu , Gout, Gravel. Pains in the Back, Inward
Weakness. Palpitation of the Heart, Risings in the Throat,
Asthinn. Fevers of all kinds. Fem me Complaints, Stitches
in the Side. Spitting of Illoal, Sure Eyes, Strofnla, St.
Anthony's Fire. Lowness of Spirits, Flooding, Fluor Al
bus or Whites, Gripes, King's Evil, Lockiiiw, Hysteria,
11 . dit on the Stomach, and all bilious affections, Pleurisy,
Swelled Feet and Legs. Swint. Pox, White Swellings,
Tnanors, Tumors, Ulcers, Vomiting—and a host °Colliers
hone succeashilly. anti repeatedly Intuit vanquished try
heir all-powerul inn.
They have been known to eifect permanent cures when
all other remedies had proVad unavailing,
_and in the his
stages of disease. • • . •
. .
They have in many eases superudeft the preseriptirt skin
of Ms most rnalsent paysiciartr,•and received beside, their
unqualified commendation.
. •
Tlocy lava been frequently secommeneed by men'ofthe
most distinguished etuiracters throughout the land, and
bean sanctioned in Europe by Noblemen, and Princes of
royal blond.
They hove bean introduced into the Hospitals of Eithr.
burgh, Paris, and Vienna, and throngb the disinterested
exerdons•of our Foreign Andoassatlers, they have recei
ved the favorable commendation of the Emperor of Reis
.. in. and of his Celestial Majesty of the Chinese Empire.
IE Scarcely a Packet vessel of any.repute sails from
, he port.of NesorNorkewithout on abundant supply. of don .0
trrAgettries have beeu'establisheil In all the principal
Cities in the Union, and ripplications are CnillnilUy renal
hog its from ohnost numberless villages in every. section
of thecountry. Testimonials of their marvellous streets
are pouring in from all quarters—and in • such 'numbers
Mot we have not finis to read one half of them. What
stronger or more conclusive evidence than these import
:nit facts con the mostseeptinal desire? Is it powdble.that
the litany thlnillatid% Who bare tried CLICEENER'S
P 11.1.5, ran be deceived in their results? If any impos
ture or (puckery existed, would it 1101 lung ago lave been
held up. as it Should tie. to the scorn and derision of a
justly offended community.
irr Remember. Dr. C. V:Clicheimr is the °original in
•mitor of Seger Cinsiml Pills; acid that nothiCg of dowsed
Wint ever Mount of. until lie inifolll.lCCti them nu June, lut:t.
Purchasers shoothl:therefore. always nook for Cliehmicr's
Siogar Coated Vegeteyk b Villa. and take no other, um they
will ninth, the are of a frond.
P1(11 7 E. 23 CENTS PER 110 X. •• : • ••.• •
Dr. Clichences principal allies fur sale of laille4la 66
Vesey at.. New York. • .
WO..fACESON.t9 Liberty mt.. brad of Wood
burgh. Pn.. General Agent for Western Petimsylvadils
Northern Ohio, and the River Connties of Virginia. • •-• • •
The following are Dr. Cljekriter's duly , opera:toted A
gent, for Allegheny
Val. JACKSON, (principal) tit l.iberty street, bead cd
Wood. •
A. 1%1. Alarshull.•Allegiteny City.
'min ilia it Glides'. Manchesta r.
C. Townseml h. Co..
Jno. H. 11. Jaciies. Ri sham.
Jai°. 14. Cassel. Penn at.
Andrew S. Getty. Wylie st. • •
Hobert Wailful's. Arthursville.
H: H. Hemitteray. South Ward. •
Wm. J. Smith. yemPeraneurillo.
Jeremiah Reining, hawreioneville.
JJu I Kegley. East Liberty.. •
Edwerd Thompson. Wilkinsbureb. •
Thomas Aikin Sharpsburg,h.
G. 11. Starr. Sewickley.
Samuel Springer. Citation
Jaime, :titer. .
John Murk. Turtle Creek. ..'.l .
C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth,
Riley 511.oughliii. Plumb ToWnship:
J. Jones, Itakuraown.
- Penny. AFlCecitporl. •
. _ _
" Tl 3 'nil; !war corm! AIEDICIA: . I EWER
J. Ws. expressed in our hearin; yes
terday. by oil gentleman. who had used but
about one hull - of a bottle of Dr.' Irillatcre Oriental Cough
Mixture: before lie was entirely cored. Comer and eel
.bottle of it. ond if the most obstinate couch or cold does
not disappear by its use. year nitmey will be refunded.
Compounded as it is. of the most eflectiire, tl gh harm
'ess seal p leasant remedies. its use fur years has, nor in
Iced can it. foil to give entire Satisfaction. • -
For sole, wholesale mid retail. by
•11A114 13R(V.KWAr.'
Liberty street. near Cauol
W11.1.1A:11. FLEMINfi.
Sold alsciby
1)R. WILLARD'S Oriental rough .11ixture.--"LET ITS
WORKS MUSE IT." . 1114 SC Wht.01:11IS nothad •11 op
portunity of trying this great remedy for Me permanent
mire of every atfemion of lIIC not fail In give
it a trial. Cartific . ates of its efficiency. from our own Cit
izens. which we arc constantly rocriring. cannot fail to
convince the skeptical. Maul the following from a lady
of &Ugh standing to Allegheny . : • • -
‘• ALLEGUENT . Cm. F ch. 7. 1.444.
'Nam. Ilaya ¢ Brockway . : It oiler!. me great plea.
sure to be able to add my testimony in !laver of Dr. AV if
lard's truly valuable congloncilimise. About three niunths
since I was umlaud with a violent cold, and :was touch
disi . resraill with the cough. from which tchiold yet no re
lief. until I was a short time since induced to call at - your
store and purchase some of the Oriental Culiplarilizture.
I ern happy to suite diet the true of the second bottle hhs
entirely cured ; and. having great confidence in it. I
have, and shall continue to recommend it to toy friends.
l'rice 3 25 cents a bottle. Sold by . .
11A VS k UROCK*A It;
No. 2. Coin. Row. Liberty ri. near Canal.
((elan' J.- FLEMINIIL. lawrenee rillw
1 1 10)31 the New York threkte.-Osit. Q lift!), a daily
paper deservedly at the head.uf.the daily press in
this country.
Bristora Extract of Sarsoparian.--it were but courtesy
to cull the munition of our readers to this in•alitalde prep
aration which trill be found advertised M moodier eolutrin.
Mr. Bristol is a brother, and issues a highly interesting
newspaper. every now and then. orna or two numbers of
which we tiara already noticed; aml the medicine itself .
1133 been eulogist,' by swarly all the press of the wesiern
en ry, and, we doubi not. justly,enfogised. Ii 'maid its
favor, moreover, very nattering testimonials front - the
most eminent practitioners every . •part of die:eoutitry
where it : has been used. There LS 4C3111y • and male
enough in the buttles,.aad in dier engraved labels in which
they are enveloped. to induce a purchase, even - if tho
preparation itself were nut ohc of the “sovereiticesi• to
the world," as every person mug. believe it is-that it,
every one must believe it is—that is, every one who
would nut resist ri muss of documentary evidence conchs
sive•cuough to •conirt a Turk to Clinstimitiy. Boy ono
.bottles, gentle' reader, atittsco whether 'oh do not
agree with us on- this point. • • • • •• •
For sale by . • It A. FAIINKSTOCK dr, Co..
fehtll eor. °fist. and Writ...0%461b PIO Wood.sts.•
IL2 o ,ll l.A. eniMi A c N agell a t our n A fre k. f N. ht
said, to inf l orin us that he had been year*
with Ithentnatisin or Gout, and occasionally with Tm
Dolorous; that he bad been frentomtly confined to his
room for monthis'aigether. and often sitifered the most in
tense neid excruciating pain. but that lately he had boon
using Jayme's Atteratire. trout - which he Mtind Ale most sig
.ital and unexpected relief. lle says he found Ms medi
cine very pleasant and effective. and that he now son,
eiders himself perfectly cured.—Philiulelphia North
at .9 I.iltrrir .t
A Psexli r nsrit K-stswyto.—A gentleman of Seroftdone
habit. from indiscretion in his younger days,. became af
fected with Ulceration's in. the Throat eltd.N0110; and s
disagreeable eruption of the Skin. Indeed, his whole
system bore the marks of being, unmated with disease_
Otte Land and wrist were so munch of that Its. had
lost the nsr of the Muni, every part being eetveierrwitht
deep. painful, and offensive ulcers, and were as hollow
and porous es an honey-comb. If was at this stage of his
complaint. wben death eppenred inevitable front a loath
some disease, that he commenced the of Jaytte's Al
terative. and having taken sixteen bottlei, Is noveperfeet
The. Alterative operatew^through tho. circulation, end
purifies the blood and uradicatel disease from the system,
whorever !aerated, and the numerous corps it has per
formed is diseases of the skin, cancer, icrorula,•gont,
liver complaint, dyspepsiapod other chronic diseases,
truly nstottishing.-=Sparit ef Me Times. • '• •
i r r .For. vale an Pittsburgh, at the I'EICIN TEA STOUP:,
72 Fourth street... , .
- BRONCHITIS, ASTIMIA, &e.—To, Comititrertvr
I:our-fifths of you are Teeny suffering front neglected
Colds, or an obstruction aunt consegnent hillamatimsuf
tha delicate 'lining of those tubes' throtigh "which the air
wev breathe is distributed to the lungs.. This olistmction,
produces pain Fuld soreness. hoarseness, imagh,diffierdty
of breathing, hectic fever, and a spitting of.hloodi matter
or phlegm,. which finally exhausts the strength of the pa •
'dent—and death ensiles. J.AY:siE.S' EXPECTORANT,
never fails to remove this obstruction, and produce, the
most pleasing and happy results. It is certain in its ef—
fects, and cannot fail to relieve. .
For sale in Pittsburgh at tit° Pekin Tea Stans,72Fourtb ,
at.. near Wood. jand
J 3
Anidher evidence of the superiority of Dr. WiP
kinf's Cough . Mixture, - over all Others. • Read the•fullowility
certificate from a respectable 'citizen or the Milli Ward.::
I'rrrsaeartit. Nov. 3. 1847.
"This certifies that for some weeks past I was troubled
with a very setious Cough, which was evidently becom
ing seated on the lungs to such an extent as to resist the
effect of every medicine which I had been using. I wait
finally persuaded to call at Hays & Brockway's Driq
Store, and get a bottle of Dr. Willard's Oriente! Cough
Mixture; which. to my great surprise, relieved me very
much; atter taking only two or three doses, and before I
had used one bottle. I was eiliirely eared. I was 'mantels
pleased with its effects; that I have brought others to boy
it. and shall continue to recommend it to my . filends. as I
firmly believe it to be the best Cough Medicine.. the world."
•• AZiossw AVCArrar.".
Try it—only 25 rents a Bottle. Sold by.
No. 2, Liberty street, near Canal Ilasim.
Sold also by . • .1.. PLEA' ING.
• novlo . . tawreneeville,.
BAI.III OF COLUMBIA.7- Nair Tonic—Ts th e Bald and/
Grey.— wisha rich, luxurious head of hair, free
from dandruff and court'. tle not tail to procure the genuine
Balsam of Columbia. In cases of baldness, it will More
than exceed Icor expectations.. Many who have lost
their hair foe twenty yeare have had it resthrcd to itaori
ginal perfection bribe use of this Balsam. Age, state, or
condition, appearsto be no obstacle. whatever. It also
eau es Olt Uid to flute with which the-delicate hair tube
is filled, by which means thousands, whose hair Was gray
as the Asiatic eagle, haie bad theie bail restored to it,
natural color, by the use of thiaintraduable seneedy.
all cases of fever it will be (mind One of the most pleasant
washes that can be used. A few applications only era
necessary to keep the hair from falling out. It strengthens
the roots, it never fails to unpart a rich, glossy appear.,
cure; arid, es a perfume for the toilet, it is.utionualled. It
holds three times as-much as other miscalled Hair Rester,
atives, and is more effectual. Tbe .genuine manufac
tared only by Comstock &Son, 21 Courtlandt-street, New
in fri l l ja 'm shin jA g c to gic- in Sold only genuine in 'PittsbUrgh,
Liberty street, head of Wood; also,
by A. Sweeney & Son; in Ciumonaburgh, by D.:Vowcili
inßrOwnsville, by Bennett &Croker; also, in every town
niPeensylvania, Ohio, Maryland and Virginia.
• novtlt-d&welus • . : . •
7 3 .4 .. bb keg . 5 . Laid; •- • • •
- •
Oa eonsogrunenti and for sale by • $
Skald MILL= & Richtzsom
nding and for sale
Y . 1
J. 5 ' n
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