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CAROTHERS. • J.McIzADEN COMMITINS VOA MET. W.W.WALI.ACE. PASSENGER. ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1.49. Steamboat Packet Line. leaves dells Tor Cin c inn s i.lO Passenger Parket, . via Brownsville, to Baltimore and • Pliiludelnhia. S A. M.. and rl r. Y. Biel! Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia, 9 A , . N., andlitli Wextein 'and Southern Mail Conch Line, 6 A. N. Norili-Western. via Cleveland, daily.l.o a, at. Erie and NVestern New York. daily. 9 A. N. Plorth•Eastern, to Philadelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4 ARRIVALS AND PEI. RTUILE OF DIAILS.! E.astera Mail via l'hilsidelpkw, due 3 a. 8., closes 12 B. Westenvidail. Chi. and Lomita . . due 8 r. x..closes3 A. at South. via Halt. an dWashingion. due 8 r. Y., e losess Nari-Western via Cleveland, due 10 a. at...cloaca 9 i•. Eric and %Velum New York, due 8 P. M., closes 8 a. . . -1. Par value. Asked. Of Bank of Pittsburgh $50.00 $50.75 $50.00 Exchange Bank •• • .50.00 44.00 43.50 )Merchants and M. Bank ••• -- • 50,00 47,00 45.00 • Farmers' Deposit Bank None in market. Hand Street Bridge 50.00 50.00 45.00 Northern Liberties Bridge 50.00. 35.0 0 Old Alleglienv Bridge 25,00 36,00 35,0 0 Connellsvillell. 1L Stock; riniil on. shares„32.so 5.00 :1,43 City Bonds 4017' cent;) 4•• • - 95,00 Monongahela Bridge 25,00 10.50 Gam Stock' 50.00 45,00 77 , : • : •:= The weather yesterday was generally disagreeable. We had several refreshing shower's, and at times a hot sun. Business scented dull iu all parts of the city. The tiVeri ate still low, but hopes are entertained that a rise away come before the clouds peas away. This is much to be , ueeded, by nil. except the owners of small boats, who are now reaping a rich harvest. Flour —The reveipis yesterday were very ht; we heard of hut Cew sales. Prices seamed to stiffen a;little, owing proleehly tolls- news from Europe und the home attnettd. moue Inc. were ..lamed. Fifty blue. were bought Rola SCCOMi hands at it4 ; 63; 25 at virtual' at $4,62; a sale on wharf at 34,70; we heard °Collier sales itnstes w' the alaavZ range. From store the sales are dull at 54,7.144,5 t ; and anise dealers asked $1,7 j agar and Id ola.rea ere without change. Sales of Sugar in blots. at 4Fil. - eitt.. according to quality ;,; Mo lasses, in} vl29c. ; Gulden Syrup, We.; Sugar House Mo lasses, 45c. Cheese—Several receipts and sales of Western Re serve at 603:1-c. ° 4. • =MI A.hem—The market is well suickcd with all !rind and receipts continue hearT. Sales of POLs at le.; Pearls at ti c Salairatue, 7c.; Scorellitige,4444-e. The is demand. and not Much doing. We understand that there is a demand in the east ; anti that the attic le %rill bear shipment at present rates. , . "Inca ii—We found regular sales at former quotations City'eured Hog Round ar Ils at 4c.i Sugar Curcd!llums arc worth 64..1ec5, according to quality and quantity. ET . The best 'lot of Sugar Cured Hauls we hove ever acen was yesterday received by B. A. Sampson Dried Peneper—Sales from mire at fiat I cr—Strictly Prime Roll in bbls. sold yesterday =ME in t 4 4in keg.: Pc. Fa rh—New 1/erring. - 10. I are now sold at 0,75a6, in 011 s. Shad 31) it LW, 4P half hid. Bran—Some reeripts: sale on wharf at lie. Pat nines—Still arriving; sales at 5101,50, in blur. aeturiling to tinality. ly~:~a * ~~~ ~. -_~x, Beef Cattle— lsett head offered, (chiefly from the West,) and 156i16(:0 sold at frotnAZ to s7if 100 Am, as in quality. Coves and Calves—Sales of MO head at prices ranging from $l5 to $,35 each, according to quality. Swine-500 sold at from $4 to sa t 100 111 A. ttl i eep.l2oo offored, and sales made at from $l,- 50 to $4 e ich, as in quality. iron Clay Cracker and HEPHARD Bread linker', _\\.UUIJ) respectfully ' iutorm his friends and the pub- J. S lie generally, ti nthe hasadded to his other husi tiesw the manufacturing of Crackers of every variety.— }laving purchased one of W. U. Nevin's Cracker awl Pilot Bread machines, he is prepared to faU all orders fin erraekeni or pilot bread at the shortest notice and hop., 11 a strict attention lit Luwtcs, to share a portion oleo , ymblie patron:lse. The public is respectfully invited to ca it and tlamtrn for themselves. ItAKEBY. No. 10 Commercial /low, Liberty st. oppo site Smithfield. It. S.iperior family Bread. rye and dyspepsia Bread. Jar;e and small rolls, iresh every morning can be had at the store, or my wagon. or at my stand in . the market. Cakes and Confectionary on Land and mo E de to order. J. SIIPIIAILD. No 10 Commercial Row. Liberty st. Table Cutlery . . TUBB undersigned has just received a select assortment j . of Tal.le, and other tine Cutlery, including Desert, sod Carviof knives and fort:Y: which, with a large stock of Brodie- of every description. and Shatunker's find ings. he will dispose of as 115112.4 J 0 SO OHN 1. 11 jell l' .laille tetlll ILI. . t o I ap2.l 120 Wood street ig H tfr.43 ; t e r i e . tei ll ed SPIKKS--d complete assortment of ull vices, constantly ou hand by apIS SMITH 5/NCLAIIt. lAItD--20 kegs No. 1, for sale by i Hir.ll smrria & SINCI.AIII. 1 1 011 SA 1.1. t.—A large lot, with Dwelling House in Irmo, on Decatur street. running back46o wet, bounded by a 11l feet alley. Also a lac= lot. of 110 feet front on But ler street. 1 awrenceville. do 2,0 Sect sleep : containing • well arranged Cottage 11welling House, with 10 Booms,. '.lsrge Ball and Parlor, front and rear Garden, die. S. curitwar. Gem Agent. Smithfield. above nth street ENNEI • • - !'-= i!-:‘,:,••••••'.•;,;:!•---7;,- EMI r ~i ,- .. _. ~. ~ v i ~. .. to - • ri;S:4 ' - #.1.141:-•74"4•.A •. - 151,4,1V 5 •Vtt5 1 - , 4 4- 11+ • 4.• •=='V•- lit.k•AkeN,„ 'Ov'ef 6 r- ' , • • _ • ;14, ^ : 1 • .1 ZEE Toutitiitifit :attb STOC4S. Daily nevittw of the Markots. OFFICE OF TfiF. POST. TcnUAY Itliscwsci. May, 2, 113. S • PIITLADELP awk, April; 28 Cattle Marker. r Hen/ partner, with limn 3 to d5OOO Y Cite), capital in a manufacturing business now in rmecetaful operation. S. CIiTIiWEBT. gen. art. • 141,2-, .t..'enithficir.l above 4th wee. - • • .7TICKA SE. I,Alt bbla. Grease Ard.lum recerr Ajf and for pale by jn•L:j SELLERS Dr. NICOLS 11 , FE1"..-90 bugs Prime itio..taot received nod for NJ .Ir , 111 I ae7l I.I)MOND GREER. A 1..-111. N. ISuswintrit & Co. have rcitioved their aniek of Books and Stationery to Fourth meat. ,Nlarket. (the room funacrly occupied as ate rtletho ididt Book Store.) att3 ' i fOItSi4FOR FOR pair large eize 3,1 Iron Hors - s, ivy years old and very gentle,— ..4Pq coverer of JOHN D. DAVIS, Wood and Fifih eta 11.7111.1;:i11.1,1:q1.--42 MA*. Nu 1, llerriu;;; 10 blpls. No 1. Shed; 15 111.11 K.. N 0.3, :11nekarel ; jinn received and for fade by KING & MOORIIHAD, a24..tf Dinmond.cornei Diamond alley. . . . . a t o r ; tale. iii,-;tl ; ban a l7 c a e nil o re- \, eonatmttly o?i hand, and tail. by SEIAX.RS & N iCOLS. I/ i BBLR. :Monongahela Rectified Whiskey. in store 1..)1.1 and for sale by In27] EDMOND (MEER. ...._ . - f111.1.5.--10casks Tone Sperm Oil, bleacbedt .. .l d Win ter'kJ Whale do do;•12, do common do dm 5 bbls spring do do. blenched; 12 do - Lard Oil: 20 do ICI do; in store and for sale by [nral SEI.LURSkiNOLS. 1 NMI SAI.E--A Valuable Property either kir Mainline ...l_ Luring or Mercantile Purposes, having aau feet front Loth on Water and From stvects and is 160 feet deep.— This-is believed to be the only ov - seyty of, the kind in the Market price. Terms aCUT crommodming. S. IIUERT, gen. agent. . • Smithfield above 4th street. Ara MASK LARD-20 bbla Grease' Lead, e• eonsigu ‘..1 mem tuul fur sale by a re2Sl SELLERS & NICOI S. A".) A. HIILtS. Nl%' ORLEANS SCGAR, port strtctiy primeLke by ; in store and file sole a 2.7 EDMONTI GRF.ER. ~42i.k KEGS LEAF LAIC 1. aud U 61,1%.. just received and for Kale by (a 27 EDMOND GREER. _..........-- 3ORTR.AIT AND LANI)SCA PE PAINTING.—Mr. 'I Coffin. tenders his thanks to his Patrons. dial would i n form the eitirens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has ton.hand. a large variety of Landscaper, for sale at the V.bleon, on. Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield. n 24 ' ir AN•i• ED--A silent partner, with from 'JINN to 5.'5000 cash capital. in a maniffactitring business now in successful operation; S. CUTHBERT. Gen. Agent, ap24 Smithfield, above Fourth st. 'IIR. RALPH'S UNIVERSAL VEGETABLE PILLS JI_J consist of two kinds in one box. Price, 25e. a box. The No. I is a Purifying Purgative, which effectually cleanses the body of every vitiated and offensive humor. The No.-2 is a gentle laxative and strengthener. and is the mast comfortable, safe and effectual medicine that can km taken to obviate a tostitre state of die bowels. without any hurtful purgative effect. It also strengthens the or gans of digestion. and purifies the blood. [Sold wholesale and retail at S. CUTHI3EILT'S Real Estate Office, rnar24 i 0 Smithfield at. 140 , 11.1 TESTIMONY The un ers.r f n o e r d. citrze l l i s h o r 3l l. l; ni t; l i l ui Y gh Nt en i ing-personally, used Dr. Willnrd's Oriental Cough 'Mi r a - - titre, and experienced its beneficial erects. do most cheer fully recommend it as safe and effectual, in all cases. 'Speaking front experience, we believe that it has no su perior; and woold recommend its tine to 'all teafflicted CHARLES LEWIS. • " WM. JENKINS. Pittsburgh. Witch 15th. 1.3411 ErSold by J. Schoemmaker & Co., John Hays. James Jones. I. H. CaOct. John P. Scott, F. L. I. l .nowden. J. Mohler, Ogden & Snowden. oPM RY PEACHES .- 100 hags Dry Peaches. in store an Xfor sale by tapTil 8. &W. HARBAUGH. .AiimmemE Crystal Plate Window Glass. MIE ONLY CRYSTAL PLATEGLASS that has never J_ been known to rose its polish, after :being put in the window!t. It in equal in quality to the French and Eng lish Plate Glass, and is much lower in price. LOOKING.GLASS PLATES, OF All. SIZES Alno, Hardware of all descrirnions. German. English and American, . ROOSEVELT & SON New York. April I. I 44-lara-enlel 1,-1LOUR:—.100 bble. Ohio Flour reeeitted rnd Alt sale j:‘ by • F.DAIONO onte,R, • ail Id b er t yst, opposite Fratthfield et. ,- - f ..."ii 4 4 '.7 . r. '' • :,J . 4 :::;:;• '.* r':•;.1 t -'_ ' .p ''' ' -." -31. , ~.:,,,,;L: ' ~,-,-. ..!.. ~. ~•:**: ..- i !....,.,.. i ~,4,,,,,5t 1 -.,, '''...i,,i';':,- ,•„ic•r üb• PILI"PSLITJAWII . ARRIVED.' Steamer Beaver, Cla it. Wellsville; Brownsville. " Atlantic. Parkinson, do; CUleb Cope. Moore, Beaver and Wellsville; " Michigan No. 2- Gilson. Beaver, " Lake Erie, Ilemphill 2 Beaver; ‘! Pacific, Campbell. Cincinnati; • Isaac Newton. Moron, do.; Monongahela. Stone, do.; " Skipper, Stoop, Parkersburgh; " Eureka, -. " Comet, Boyd. Zanesville; Telegraph, Perry, Louisville; • Mount Vernon, homitz. do.; . " • Consul, Kinney. Weeding; DEPARTED, Steamer Beaver. Clark, Wellsville; " Baltic. Jacobs ' Brownsville. • Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville; Caleb Cope. Moore, Beaver and Wellsville " Michigan No. 2. Gilson. Beaver; • Palo Alto. McDonald, Louisville; • Messenger. Reno. Cincinnati; " American Star, fauna, do.; " Mary Stephens. Norton. St. Louis; SD" See card of Brownsville packets. pr- See cards of Wellsville packets LOUISVILLE PACKETS. FOR WHEELING, CINCINNATI Ic LOUISVILLE. . . . , AinANREGULAR SATURDAY Pscxgr.-The A . . a'. 114 ken lo I 'PIT;. ;` , 'l; d itakl , , passenger. :',"ray ' " Par Co mmander- will leave Pittsburg thr Wheel ing. Cincinnati and Louisville, and all intermediate Ports, every Saturday, at 10 o'clock precisely. For freight or passage apply on board. or to 1 , 61151, '1 11 & DUNCAN. Agents. The Telegraph has been built expressly for a regular Packet, and with it.. view entirely to the comfort ot pas sengers; the accommodations ore inferior to no bout on the western waters. The Telegraph will run in connex ion with thus Ben Franklin No G and I'ikc No 9, to Saint Louis—time through. FIVE lista. tip2l-y A Rectp,ls for the. Homan !lair t fro FORCE (Ts (mown! AND HEALTH. MAKE 1, IT SOFT, SILKY, CLEAN- AND FlNK—Persons in consequence of the many things sold. set down every article, (be it ever so good,) as a humbug. If people could be toads to try a 31 bottle of Jone's Coral (lair Re storative, and sed bow it makes dry, rusty, red, light hair moist, soft, auburn and dark, and keeps it so ; and by its use for sometime, causes it to grow naturally benumb' ; if people could see the uumber ofpoor respecuable me chanics that use it, (aye, and find it the cheapest thing they eau use.) for stressing and beautifying, the Hair; for keeping it soil and murder three times as long as any other article made; and Forces it to grow, stops its falling, And costs but 3 shillings to try. We formerly sold nothing less than 81 bottles. but we wish people to try it. Sold only at bg (mind K)( Chatham street. NerSvNork,minkby mardt) W3I7FACKSON. Act gl Liberty st. PRESTON & WAGNER, Engiue Builders. have tuenced business on Petin st., near the Point. at the establishment formerly curried on by Stack house & Nel son. Persona wishing to purchase Steam Engines for Boats, or fur other purposes. will please favor us with call, as we flatter ourselves to be able to furnish them on as favorable terms as any other establishment in the city. Also. rolling mill and castings of every description eau be bad at the shortest notice. Rut - guniscrs.—Capt. Robert Beer. Thomas Scott. Esq.. Church, Carothers & Co„, 11. Benne. y.. M. RI AN PRF.S Allen ,f Co. CY P TON, ENOCH WAGNER wiLLOW WAGONS—. 2 di Will do. C — rti " re ' s 40 do. 13a.liet Choirs; 1. Ne...in Clothe,: line:etc 3 doz. Nlurlret Baskets, with covers, assorted; reed and for side by apt I ZEISCLON KINSEY. 50 Ikars Sicily Lemmas; 401.11.1 s prime N. C Tar in good order ; received and for sale by. tonvt-lw. TAAFFE l O'CONNER. IA %V 14,—A. A. Mason 3: Co. 60 Market id. have re -1 7 per Express 4 cartons of rich crape shawls. Also 4 do of lipired and plain. Thibm embroidered. French cashmere and ninny oilier shawls. mayl. To Printers. von SAI:E—A good ACC d hand SINGLE CYLIN- I DER PRESS. mode by f loe & Co., in complete or der for either Book or Newlipaper work: Plaiin 44 by 32 inche,A. 1.. JOHNSON & CO.. 0r29 No. 6 George et., Philadelphia. `,U GAR CURED DRIED BEEF ROC N Ilis sugar cured Dried Beet: in prime order; put up for futility use; just received per American Star. mid for snit sEt.i.Ens (111A111PAGN . E . ij and 25 ilankets Crown Chninpnigne IVitie now hind ingand Lay sale by (aphid P. C. MARTIN. CALENA E.'kIIANNOCKS-2 0 n Sachs more of those - GOOD POTATOES, itist received nod orssale by ap 21 ElNil it MOORHEAD. frr 1 have used some of the -Galena Nesliammeks" sold by King & Moorhead. Diamond. Diamond Alley, and Call honestly say. that thy are far superior to ally pota toes 1 have ever seen in this market. ap 21 WM. C. murtir.Drrit. esT.—A friend of oar's last a lame BRASS KEY I yesterday. The hinder will confer ii tartar by lea• lag it at this office. ap4 ItF.SII FISIL-30 Ws more of those fine fresh No, U Herring: t.. 0 Lobla Mackerel just received and for Sale hY Pip2.4l . KING er. M0011111 , ..AD. • - " • . ca. . 1 . .01:11—I60 barrels Family Floor. lm .tore, and j: for sole by g. k W. HALM-al: WI. aai No. Ira Water aml.Froof st•. TWTATtiE..S---MI barrel,. NebillllllloCik l'ousto , ,s. just I. Wading and for sale by S. &W. 11A1113A UGH. ARLEY—WO bags Burley, just landiutr slut ter slate by [up26] - S. & W. lIARRAUGH. GSRN APPLES—WP barrels Green Apple. in slim and for sale by S. lc W. HARD AUGII. updO QC's - 111E SNATIIS.-10 dozen, just received cool for I:3 sale by (.1°261 KIM; & 14001111EAD. I A V ItAKES.-25 dozen. on hnnd and for male by np2l:l KING h MOORIIFIA IMlfflmasvivkwir UNDRIES,—Hoes; Livenshin Shovel.; Canal do 1, - 3 Coal do.; Spade. and Rakes. for sale by aal KHslf & MOORHEAD. Fashionable Hat •ssil Cap man lora° tory. FORGE S. ANSHUTZ. Ag, respectfully yO 6 G informs his friends and tltc-public general ly, that he has commenced the manufacture of It cad Caps at No 13 Woad street. one door above the corner of second, wlfcrc he has now on hand a fine as sortment of tints and Caps of his own manufacture which he will dispose of Wholesale and Retail on the most reasonable terms for cash or city acceptance. Hats made to order at the shortest notice. apl9-3ino. CARPET CHAIN &C.—Just received, clout 200 cuts of good five double purple and yellow Carpet Chain, and when wanted, green and purple can be added. Bell cords, fishing and chalk lines, small fish honks, 25 gross suspender buttons, 50 dozen assorted pen cils. matches, iron coffee mills,ikc.. for sate cheap, for cash. ISAAC RRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, Peas, near St. Clair street, and Exchange Hotel. ap2.7=3t PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY.—NO TICE TO CONTRACTORS —Proposals will be re ceived until Wednesday. the 17th day of May, at lOo'clok. A. W. at the Borough of Huntingdon, Mr the GRADING nod MASONRY, upon almut 30 miles of the Pennsyl Ilia Railroad between Lewistown end Huntingdon, and Big° for the heavy work along the Little Juniata. . Plants and specifications of the work can be seen at the above named place. for five days previous to the time ap pointed for receiving the bids. Any further information can be bad upon application to W. 11. FOSTER, Jr., Esq., Associate Engineer, at LEW ISTOWN. S. V. MERRIER, President. ap2s-thinrls George Armor, 1721ASHION'ABLE TAILOR, No. 48, Market street -laving removed his Tailoring E•tablishment to the rooms on Market st, lately occupied as a Bookstore, by Bosworth & Co., the undersigned is prepared to fill all or ders in his line which may be entrusted to hiscare by his old friends and customers, and the public generally. His long experience in the business and the sneers, with which he has rrroseented it in Pittsburgh, emboldens him to hope for a liberal share of patronage. He will make all descriptions of • lothing in the best manner, and most fashionable style, FOR CASH. iml.s-1y GEO. ARMOR. A LI. the Morning and most of the Pittsburgh Weekly .11Ne, , orspapers, Sibbett's Counterfeit Detector and liar ris's Pittsburgh and Allegheny City Directories. kept for sale by ISAAC HARRIS, ap7 Penn st. near St. Clair. t/ 1313 A TOBACCO -7G bales, Wrappers and 1 Fillers, just recd on consignment and for sale by np7 MIMED. & KICKETSON. 1)00KS *rill be opened at the Office of the Treasurer ) of the Monongahela Navigation Company, at the Exchange Bask, in the city of Pittsburgh, on the Zid day of May next, to receive subscriptions of Stock sufficient to pay the debt incurred in the construction of said im provement. By order of thc Board. epic/4MM WM. BAKEWELL, See'y. Notice.. T_TAVING disposed of all my right, title and interest, In 1.1. the Gold Beating business. to Mr. John B. Dunlevy, I beg leave to recommend him to the patronage of my for• mer customers. A. UFFINGTON. April 111. irr It will he seen by the above notice that the sub scriber has purchased Mrs. Utfington's interest in the above business. which will be continued at the Old Stand, No. 120, Wood street, where be will be pleased to serve all who may want Gold Leaf, Dentist's Foil. &e., and he hopes, by attention to his business and fair dealing, to give satisfaction to those who mac favor him with their patronage. (ap43-1m) JOHN B. DUNLEVY. BEEF.-6,000 BM augur :eured Dried Beef, a D prime article for (multi oar, must received and for ' , ale by SELLERS & NICOLS. tiGMOND GREER, Flour, Produce and General Com- Ea mission dlerehone, and Wholesale Grocer, Liberty street, read of Smithfield street. Pitts h. np27 STRAM ENGINE FOR SALE.—An Upright Engine, 20 inch cylinder. and 6 feet stroke—four boilers. 30 inehes'and 10 feet in length; which has been in use in the Pittsburgh Water Works; will be sold low. on applied tiMl to .1. H. M'Clelland, Superintendent of the Water Works, u27-tinwlm TOUACC(I-10 cases J. Myers, sups I lb Lump: 3 do. J. Thomas, supr Neetnr, fßs 12p; Just .recld eat) for sale by apt rittLtaut it RICKETSON. 13RANDIES- , - 2 hlf pipes superior Hennessy Ittrindy of 113 the stone Importatton as the last 14 qt Cask supenot Otani nritudy- now' landing and fot sate Wt. apt) r. C. manN. ' . rt `3 ` ~~~..>n :11.11:),Op : 3ottitictor_p, wrim TlUdllAcEL EZME= .. - `•- MIMM== PITTSUULIQII ATRE. C. S. Pour-ER - Ahmuaer anti Lnwer MR. ANDERSON FOR• TWO NIUHTS MORE. TUESDAY E ENINE. May 2,154 a. to conunauce with le tragedy of /1 An E T •• • •Mr. Anderson. Ghost • • To conclude with the force of A DAY AFTER THE WEDDINO. Col. Freelo re ••• Wu rant. Lady Elizahath• • Misr!. Patric. To-morrow. Mr. A oderimo's lam appearance. _ _mmense AttraTaiion ' at. the A theneettat Al ° tZe Sr e E el lj etrat E t t .,n tt it "' itn ot IIIIIIOIIIICAS to o ' f Pittsburgh, that he will give another of his Itlysleriona and Amusing Entertuin ments on 'TUESDAY EVENING. of this week. The pefonliance will consist of new and splendid feats of Memo, never exhibited by any other person in the United :Rates. Admission M Parqueite 50 cents. Second Tier and Balcony 25 cents. Children to Purimette—hali price. Doors open at 7, and commence ut 8 o'clock. N. B._Entire change of Prosrainme may') Wondere oof ice - Spirit World T PHILO HALL.—L• Roy SgtingttiaiND. every even ing (except Saturday) the present week. By the unanimous reqtrsi of the large audience. repeated at the close of his lasteonrse. he will give another series of his INTELLECTUAL ENTERTAINMENTS. During which he will perform a combination of Original and Brilliant Experiments. in Fascination, Mystenous, MUSICAL AND MIRTHFUL, Unlike, anything ever developed by any other person inee the world began, and exceeding in interest the visions of the Fairies or the Tales of the Arabian Nights. 117 - Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence at 8 o'clock P. M. E rr Single Tickets 25 cents. Six for SI,OO. 1110 - Gratuitous Lectures to Ladies, ou llsetrn, ot Tuesday and Thursday at 3 r M. mayl General Tom Thumb. PHIS distinguished MAN IN MINIATURE, weighing only 15 pounds, 16 years of age and but 2i inches high, who has been received with the highest marks of Royal favor by Queen Victoria, and all the Principal Crownedileads of Europe, and who has performed be. fore 5.000,000 of persons during the last four years, will hold THREE LEVEES EACH DAY, At Apollo Hall, fur a few Days Only I E rr Commencing MONDAY, May Ist. 1D Hours of exhibition Morning irom 11l to 1 o'clock; Afternoon from 3* to 5; Evening from 7e to O. EU Doors open half an hour in advance. The Little General will appear in all his performances. including Songs, Dances. Grecian Statues. &c. He will also represent Napoleon Bonaparte, Frederick the Great, &o. Ile will also appear in his Scotch Costume, and his elegnitt Court Dress, worn before her =Testy, Queen Victoria; the King and Queen of the French: Nicholas, the Emperor of Russia, and all the principal Crowned Heads of Europe. He is perfectly symmetrical in all his propor tions, intelligent 'and graceful, beyond belief, and smaller than any Infant that ever wedged alone. The magnificent Presents, Juwells, &c., received from the Kin g s. Queens, and Nobility of Europe. will be exhi bited. beautiful MINIATURE EQL I PAGE. presen ted by Queen Victoria, consisting of the Smallest horses in the Worid. and Chariot. attended by Elfin Coachman and Footman in Livery. will promenade the streets daily. and be seen in trout of the Ilaii at the close of each day . . Ladies. Families and Children, are 'TM:Met:ldly advised to attend the Day Levees, as they are usually less crowd ed (bait those of the evening. r Admission .25 cents; Children under 1G years. 15 Cents. op 27-th w ROCKWELL & CO'S. CIRCU ruin: Proprietors of this immense and talented Erjues j_ Stints Estublishmem. take great pleasure itt announ cing to the citizens of Pittsburgh and the adjacent vicinity, the approaching pertormance of the unrivalled Troupe. At order to be able to visit all the important river towns, they have purchased a steamboat, of exceeding light draught, wine . h will enable them to run in any stage of water. on any'of the Western rivers, without incurring the risk of any disappointment whatever. The Proprietors feel a peculiar satisfaction in referring to the strength a. well as to the brilliant talent and unap proachable skill and grace, which they have been ena bled, in the course a 1 time. and by extra labor and ex peti.e, to concentrate in one establishment. They feel groat pride in calling particular attention to the name of MR. lIIRAM W. FRANKLIN, whose representation you sec in the large pictorial hill in his wonderful act of throwing 76 somerscut. A nom tier never before equalled by any other performer in tl world. Together with his terrific double somerset, th . . ',WOODS, over banners. hornet, Also, his dart one, two nod four horse riding. with his astonishing con. volant performances; which truly make him the wonder of the age. Artists without number. and certainly without regard to expense, have been employed during the past winter, in matautacturing new costumes, housings. trappings, de cOrntlAns., nod other paraphernalia to correspond with their magnificent pugs:wane t, tournaments, cavalcades, and processions. which this company give on every rep resentauon. and which have created such a toque:lido out sensation eve rywhere upon their route, and always attended with so great eclat, that hundreds who never visited a Circus before. are now found among the patrons of the greatest of Circuses. There is also attached to this Company, the Queen City Brass Band, who mill entertain the audience, by `dis coursing(( most eloquent music." Henry Rockwell 4- Co., Proprietors. S. Q. Stokes, Alanop,o. John Shay, Equestrian Direclor. A. W. Pea, , . Treasurer. A. Rockwell and W Lake, Clowns. Will exhibit in Pittsburgh, on Fmoar end SkTrIIDAT, the sth and Gth of May. for Two Days on/y, on the lot in front of the Ainericuul Hotel, Penn street. Afternoon performances to commence at 9 o'clock. Evening per formances to commence at 71. Admittauce, 25 cis., posi tively no half price. The performance will commence with the Magnificent Equestrian spectacle, entitled tint Hull of die Bedouins, or, the Arab's Bivouac., Comic Song by Rockwell and Lake. Grand Trampoline leaps and double leaps, over ban ners and horses, and through hoops and baloons. conclu ding by turning a double liOnleTget, by the -Champion Trarupolist" Mr. Hiram W. Franklin. Vaulting by the Company, led by H. W. Franklin, who has performed the almost incredible feat of throwing 76 consecutive iwme mos. After which, the pride and pet of the arena. Master W. Grady, will perform his beautiful act on two Ponies. Fakir of Ava, or Cranes° Juggling, by Mr. Jiihit Shay. After which, will be enacted an astonishingnc of horse matiship and Gymnastic evolutions. on two horses, enti tled, the Rival Romans. or, Olympian Rounders, by Mes srs. B. Runnels and 11. W. Franklin. This scene is re markably for the display of muscular : power mid corpo real pliancy, as well as sublimity of figures and fury of speed. Massaniello, or the Fisherman of Naples, by Mr. P. Runnels. Those who are familiar with ancient history, and especially with the history of Naples s vill be both surprised and delighted at the correct and historical man ner in which Mr. Rutinels portrays the character of M an sanie/ki. His actieg is perfect; and it is a pleasure to witness and watch tile progress of the performer, from the °blare fisherman to the crowned King of Naples,.alid thence to the finale 64 - his history. Mr. 11. W. Franklin. the greatest Slack Rope perform er in 4hc world. will perform some of those inimitable feats on the rope. which have obtained for him the appel lation of the Sprite of the air. Two horse Allemande, by Mrs. H. W. Steward and Mr. R. Ramie!. Mr. 11. W. Franklin, and his pupil, the beautiful and tal ented Master, IVitlmm Grady, will neat appear in their celebrated antipodean gymnastics and classical and mus cular evolutions. The matchless symmetry of their Apollo like and classical forms, (which a painter or sculptor might envy,) the apparent recklessness of their different performances, and the ease, skill and grace, and celerity, With which they are executed, thrill the spectator with astonishment, while at the same time, he is filled with awe and delight. Indian Warrior, by Mr. Mitotic. Mr. Shindle far sur passes any rider of the present age, in his life-like deline ations of the passions and habits of the wild man of the forest. Pantomorphic exercises or feats of posturing, by Mr. Wm. H. Steward. ' Master Wm. Grady. will next be introduced, and ride his brilliant single horse act, the precocious and juvenile equestrian has already, by his beauty, talent, grace and skill, obtained the flattering sobriquet of the young Da crow of America. Among the stud of highly trained horses, will be par icularly noticed, the feats of the celebrated fighting Po- ea. The whole to conclude with a laughable alicrpicee. n'2.9 • WM. C. PRESTON, Agent JAMESW. WOODWELL, would respectfully tip temp ld li:stabltshmetat. inform the public that he has removed to his new location, No. 83, Third street. (next door above the old stand.) Neither expense nor trouble has been spared, to make it the most extensive and magnificent Furniture warehouse to be found any where, eaSt or west! The stock on hand, for variety. taste and ele gance, is such as has never been offered to any public. Front the most costly outfits at $l,OOO per set, down to chamber and kitchen furniture may be found in styles and patterns to suit any and every taste. .1. W. Woodwell hopes for a continuance of the very liberal patronage ex tended to him heretofore, and pledges himself to give en tire satisfaction, both as regards the solidity, durability and style of his articles, and the liberal and accommoda ting principles upon which he does business. His exten sive new warehonse being now filled from the cellar to the fourth story with every variety of furniture and Cosine he would solicit a call front all in want of arti cles in his line. ap27 FLAX SEED.-10 bbls. in store and for sale by ap27 S. It \V. HARBAUG Wholesale and Retail. SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. I TIOBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in form his friends and the public. generally, that be continues to occupy that large and com modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Samuel • a n estock & Co., No. 88, corner of Diamond alley and Wood street, where be keeps a large and general assortment of Saddles, Bridles Harness, Trunks , Carpet Baga . Saddle Bags, Valises, B uffalo Robes, Whips, and all other arti cles in his line. He also keeps constantly on hand. and is prepared to furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, manufactured of the best material, and inn style of workmanship equal to the eastern manufactured article, and at 68 per cent. cheaper. Country Merchants and Ferran.: would do well to call and examine his stock before turehosing elsewhere. as he is determined to sell Brr 4 rate articles at veryl low prices. Don't forget the place, No. 86, corner of Wood street and Dianiontl Alley. ap2o r, CASKS BACON, Barns and Sbou!data J O 5 e asks Cleat Sides ; jam redelied 027 bDIIIOND MIME `A L ~. 1 `~ liEffil /LUC TION SALE& BY intiN D. DA . WI and Swath...Eau cortscr W 2- !P" " • LARGE.grds of Ground 'Reno . and Real Patate,by(mder of Mt E. , ,cutor . of the lane Rohl. Pesbki-On Tuesday, May MIL ut 10 O'claelc. A. M. will he sold withoUt reserve, the following valuable ground rents, which are all well secured by unproved property, viz: The following ground rents issuing out of Lot No. 471, in the-City of Pitts burgh. running the whole length of the square on the west side of Smithfield street. front Seventh to Strawberry alley, being 240 feet long, by . GO feet deep, viz: No. I. Being 870 annually forever, payable quarterly, on the undivided half of the first GO feet theroof , tout mencing at the corner of Seventh street. No. 2. Being $6O annually forever, payable quarterly, on the undivided half of the next GO feet thereof, adjoining Mr. Or.le) No. l. No. 3. Being . $OO annually forever, payable half yearly, on the undivided half of the next 120 feet thereof, ad joining N 0.2, and cornering on Strnvilierry alley. Also, the following ground rents. issuing out of lot No. 4,i4. in the City of Pittsburgh, runningthe whole length of the square on the WCdt aide of Snuthfield street, from Strawberry alley to Sixth street, being 240 feet long, by 60 feet deep, viz: No. 4. Being 8120 annually forever, payable quarterly, on the first Ell feet thereof, next towards Stawberry al- . _ le y. and cornering there. No. 5. Being $4O annually forevev . payable half yearly, on the next 40 feet thereof, adjoining No. 4. No. 6. Being $4O annually forever, payable half yearly. on the next 40 feet thereof, adjoining No. 5. N 0.7. Being $27 annually forever, payable quarterly, on the next Pt feet thereof. adjoining N 0.6. No. 8. Being $57 annually forever. payable quarterly, on the next 18 feet thereof, adjoining No, 7. No. 9. Being $2850 annually forever, payable half year ly' on the next 10 feet thereof, adjoining No; 8. No. 10. Being $5O annually forever, payable quarterly, on the next 25 feet thereof, adjuintng N 0.9; and corner ing on Sixth street. Also, the following ground rents, issuing out of lotNo 359, in the City of Pittsburgh, fronting 60 feet on Fifth st., extending through to Diamond _alley, 240 feet, and the same on which is erected the Exchange" Bank. No. 11. Being $4O annually forever, payable quarterly. on the first 20by 80 fect thereof, next towards Wood street, on Fifth street. No PI Being $l4O annually forever, payable half yearly, on the next 40 by 120 feet thereof. on Fifth street. ad joining No. It. and on the 'addition thereto of the 20 by 40 feet in the rear of No. 11. No. 13. Being $4O annually forever, payable quarterly, on the first 20 by 80 feet thereof. next towards Market street. on Diamond alley. No. 14. 'Being $lOO annually forever. payable half year ly. ots the next 40 by 120 feet thereof on Diamond alley. adjoining No. 13, and on the addition thereto of the 20 by 40 feet ht the rear of No. 13. Also. that valuable lot of ground, situate at south west corner of Market and Front streets, having a front of 40 feet on Market street, and extending along Front street 35 fret, on which is erected a substantial four story Brick Building. occupied at present by Dr. E. Merrit as a :oub lie house. Also. that valuable lot of ground, situate on the north side of PrIIII street, at the corner of Cecil's alley, tidying a Wont of 25 feet, and extending back 120 fact to a ten feet a C)'. Also, Three other lots of ground adjoining the above, having each a front on Penn st. of trifeet 8 inches, and extending buck 120 feet to the alley aforesaid. For further information apply to ap23 JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct. T)EAI. ESTATE AT.AUCTION.—Twenty-five Build ing Lots, at the New Court House,,on Saturday, the oth day of May, at 3 r. M., situate— On Grant watt: 10 Lots. each 24 feet front, averaging, about 100 feet deep, opposite the Cathedral. Also, 2 Lots together, 48 feet trout on Grant street, 98 feet Ok inches ou Filth street. and 44 feet Of inches out NVylie, street. On Wylie street: 4 Lots. of which 3 are each 20 feet front by 100 feet deep, and one IN feet I; inch front. by about tO deep. These lots arc nearly opposite the Law Corner. On Ross street: 7 T.otn, each 24 feet front, by 100 feet., to aat feet alley. These lots are opposite the Jail; one is On the corner 0: Ross street and the Fourth street road. On Fourth street road: 1 Lot, 21 feet front, by about 130 fcel deep. 1 Lot. 38 feet 8 inches, by about 150 feet deep. Terms One-sixth in hand, and the residue in Gee equal annuli' payments, from the lit day of April last, with in terest. payable semi-annually, on the Ist days of Octo ber and April, in each year. to be secured by bond and mortgage. Title indisputable, and possession given im mediatlely. A plan of the lots can be seen at the office of Itobb t Connell, Third street, next to the Post Office. SA RAII B. Firma:AL JOHN P. DAVIS, Auctioneer. I;nsT TRW - PING ItORSE.S at Allalolll.—Ott Friday afternoon. May sth. at 3 o'clock, at the Livery Stable of R. 11. Patterson, on Front street, opposite the Monon gahela House. will be sold, without reserve, for account whom it muy concern: 2 handsome young Brown Horses. with bob tails; 1 Ray Mare, 0 years old, and well btoke for single har ness. All of which are fast trotters. 1011 N D. DAVIS, Auct. AUCTION SALES ' L'IrJAMES M'KENNA, AUCTIONEER. No. 114 ‘VOOD STREET. TIM= boons /ACM FUME y AIIGE AND POSITIVE SALE of splendid MID I FURNITURE, at Alltlialt.oll Thursday next, May 411 i, nt o'clock, r. st., will be sold, without reserve, to the highest and best bidder. at Mionnn's Auction Room, No. 114 Wood street, threi doors trim Fifth—the entire stock of nn extensive Cabineunaking Establishment. of the city of Pittsburgh. as the owner is declining that 'bu siness. The various articles ore all got up with the most refined taste and judgment, under the immediate direction of the proprietor, made in the latest modern styles,•of the best materials, and by the most celebrated and best work men in the United States. It is the largest and best stock of new Furniture offered at Auction, in this city, for many years; those wishing to purchase, will fi nd it to their advantage to attend the sale. Among the articles may be mentioned the following. in part, viz Splendid new style Spring Sent Sofas; " Fancy Pluah Sofas; Ottomans, Dirsos. Lounges; u Mahogany Chairs, with Rocking and Nurse do; Arm Chairs, fancy Windsor do.; Boston Rocking do.; and Common do.; fancy and common Settees, Bedsteads. Mahogany Dressing Roreaus, do. Plain do., Mahogany Card Tables, do. Centre do., Dining and Breakfast do.; Mahogany and Cherry Enclosed and Plain Wash Stands, fancy Toilet Cases, Sc. And immediately eller, the Furniture of a private fam ily declining house-keeping. Terms cash, current funds. I[l7The above Furniture can he seen one day previous to sale. [mat) JAMES M`KENNA, Auet. LTRA SALE of Dry Goods. Fanry Articles, Watches and Cuzkry.—Will be sold, at :Silicone's Auction Room, No. 114 Wood street, three doors from Fifth, day and night, (Sundays excepted,) until the large stock on hand is disposed of, as peremptory orders have been re ceived from the owners, to close without reserve or the least possible delay, the various consignments remaining unsold from the present spring trade. Terms: All stuns under 850,00, cash, par funds; from $1541.00 to 8100 00, sixty days; and all sums over 5100,00, three mouths, good approved endorsed notes. np29 JAMES M'KENNA, Auct. lARGIL.: and splendid furor/mew of FANCY CHAIRS, at private rate, by Jomm 21P6enna.—The subscriber has entered into an arrangement with one of the most ex tensive Chair Manufacturers in the West, and will con . - - stantly have on hand a large assortment of Fancy Chairs of every description, comprising Windsor and Cane Sent, Rocking, Arm. nod Children's Chairs, all of which arc made in the latest modern styles, of the best materials. and ny the beat workmen in the country; and will be sold al very low prices, for cash. a pt? JAMES MIEF:NNA. Aunt. AUCTION NA L. ECM In AI.LILOU SIN Y CITY Illr WM. J. BURNSIDE, AUCTIONEER, S. w. CORNER OW FEDERAL STREET AND THE DIAMOND. Em melt svllle Properly tat Auction.. OO F. HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN BUILDING LOTS. Thursday afternoon, 4th of May, at 3 o'clock, at the Auction Room, North street , corner or Federal street, without reserve, the property formerly known as Mount Emmett, in building lots. (for number, size, &c., see dia gram. The lota are all staked and numbered. Persons wishing to examine, can easily find any lot marked on the diagram. The new road now making, will render the ropert p osit iv e . 'The sale of access . and much nearer the city p . Sale s will be continued the same evening, at the store, until all are sold. A full plan may he seen at the Auction Room. Persons desirous of fur ther information, will please call on Mr. Hugh Sweeny, at the Emmett House, corner of Federal and. Isabella streets. Title indisputable. Terms:—One-fifth rash. Balance in six equal annual payments; with interest secured by bond and mortgage on the property ap'2o TAISSOLUTION—The firm of Hays & Hrockwey has II this day been dissolved, by mutual consent. All ac counts will be settled by John Hays, who will continue the business at the old stand. JOHN HAYS. m 3 A. W. BROCKWAY. Allegheny Property. IDR SALE--A large and convenient Brick Dwelling House and Lot, pleasantly . situated on Liberty st. Also, a new and well built Brick Dwelling House and Lot, near the canal, on Robinson street. Also, a neatly finished Brick House and Lot, pleasantly situated on Knoll street. Also, a large Frame Dwelling and large Lot, in a fine location on Main street. The - above property will be sold at bargains. Terms liberal. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, apl3 Smithfield, above Fourth street. Star trakerf and lee Cream Saloon. C. S. BICKLEY, No. 42 Diamond alley, respectfully announces to his old friends ane customers, that he has fitted up his establishment in a neat and beautiful style, and has increased his facilities for accommodating those who may favor him with their custom. Parties or families will be supplied on the shortest notice with Cakes, Ice Creams, Fruits, Nuts, or any thing in his line of business. He solicits a shnre of public patronage. ap 25.1 m WM. B. FOSTER, dgettkfor Mexican Soldiers, to pro cure Land Warrants and Pensions for widows at his office j Bakewell's Building, opposite the New Courti House, Pittsburgh. PR. My son, in the General Land Office, at Washington, will attend to my business there, free of charge to appli- Cant.. feb2s rpOE MOST IGNORANT feel a disgust for a young or I old person. male or female, with a putrid, bad breath, or bad teeth. Persons who have either, are honorably assured that a 2s. box of JONES' AMBER TOOTH PASTE will, on trial, without fail, Make the breath pure and sweet, The teeth white, and the gums hard. Reader, just try this onee. It is sold in New York at 83 Chatham st., and by WM. JACKSON, AO, mar2o SO Liberty st. PRINTER'S INK.-20 Kegs Printer's Ink, Spring and Summer, just ree'd and for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & a 3 corner Wood and First streets. SPRING AS HO.' FO A .'s •eauti- 4 ful style of H A TS are wait , ready at mar 4 PALMSON'S. IVftNTTD. A young desirous of obtaining a t..on;;Cerr ceer in an e,eiutor other establishment. Advertiser is acquainted with,husii ncas generally and Is a good.accountant: can give satin factory City reference. and has credentials from one of the first houses in the United States. Please apply at the m ike Of the Daily Morning Post. . OMAR OFFEE--180 bags Oa Crlate,fiet salei , , ttitON Matt jiatat ille C2=== SPRING AND sUBIAIDIR GOODS{ A. A. MASON A. CO., I - C. L. ANTHorii..ir ! rirranunon. • . .taw Tots. A. A. & No. MI At cirltat Street, brut: ern Third and Fourth- Struts, PITTSBURGH, PA., tr Av E recently opened their new and elegant Store, TI with an extensive stock of deb Spring and Summer Goods. comprising upwards of three hundred peelaps of the llltCdt , and most fashionable styles. Merchants throughout the country . are particularly invited to call and examine our stock, as it is our intention to offer our goods at the lowestoastern wholesale prices. One of the firm, residing in New York, will be constantly sending us on fresh supplies of the most desirablegoods, thereby giving us every facility in the transaction of our business that could be possessed bo eastern houses. Prices arc there fore guaranteed to be as -low as the lowest - New York and Philadelphia. multi. ap7 • New Dry 'G00d5...Mr . ..11 'Arrival, AT 7(0. 65 MARE= BT.; BETWEEN4rit Sr. AND TUT DIAMOND. 'UWE undersigned .has just received a large and splen didl assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. purchased from the Im porters and Manufacturers, since the recent greet fall in prices, viz: 44 Brown Muslims, 61. cis. 7-2 Bleached " " 4.4 CIL 8 Dress Ginghamsm to 25" NEW STYLE Satin stripe Granite Burage, Plaid Crape VOrleans t Satin at. and pr. Silk Tissue, New style French Lawns, Camlet Lustres, Tlic LADLES are requested did assorttnent of new sty Shawls, white and colored _ . . . . Shawls, Silk Tissue 'Shawls, white Brosha Bala>re Shawls, Brocade and Chameleon Silk Shawls, Black Silk and Black Barred flange Shawls, Black and Colored Silk Fringe Thibet and Mous D' Lathe Shawls: I have also received a beautiful assortment of new style Bonnet Ribbons, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Cravats and Scarfs, black and colored Kid Gloves, lisle thread mohair and twisted silk Gloves and Mitts; a va riety of new style Parasols. Pares°letts and Sun Shades. The GENntaragst are particularly requested to call and examine a beautiful assortment of black, blue, olive brown and invisible green French and English Cloths, and a variety of new style fancy Vesting:, Cussimeres, Cravats, Ike. I have also a large stock of Staple Goods, viz: Brown and bleached linen Table Cloths, Russia Diaper. Irish Linen. Cottonade,Linen Drilling, Checks, Blue Drills, Manchester and cotch Ginghems,Chautbrey Gingharns, brown and bleached Muslims of all descriptions, which will be sold at least 25 per cent. below last year'splees. ABSALOM MORRIS, • a $ No. 65 Mallet street, Pittsburgh. • _ GENTLENIF:NB' FURNISHING GOODS.—Wnotz SAUL—Edward Todd 4 Co.. have just received our largo stock of Now and Fresh Spring Goods, to which we invite the attention of country merchants and deal ers generally. We have received from our factory east. n. large stock of Shirts, of the best manufacture ; consisting of 10 don- A No 1, Wide Plait Shirts, standing collars; 20 " " Narrow " and Byron; 40 " medium quality " 60 " very low priced " 12 " fins linen bosoms. with collars; 25 " " and common bosoms ; 50 " Byron standing collars. all qualities; 40 " black and fancy adjusting Stocks; Also, from the eastern cities: 6 cases fma Gingham Umbrellas; 3 " " and common Suspenders; 2 " " under Shirts and Drawers; 20 dozen gent's' Lisle Th'd. Gloves; 40 " . 6 cotton. elastic tops; 220 " brown and mixed and cotton half Hose, all qualities; Fancy silk and satin Cravats and Scarfs, bombazine Stocks. and Ties Carpet Bags. he. We invite the attention of merchants and dealers to an examination of our Goods and prices ; knowing. that un der the circumstances our Goods have been manufactu red and purchased. we are able to offer some inducements rarely found west of the mountains, or. to fact, the east ern cities. One of orrr firm is constantly in the Eastern market, by means of which we am daily` upplied with New Gocas, ED TODD & CO., corner of DAR Firth and Market streets, 2d story over W. & F. Hug,us. entrance on Flith-street. APRIL 10, IS4S. .. T;r It. MCRPIIY is now opening his SECOND SEP- I V n PLY of Spring and Summer Goods, and has this morning open an assortment of Linen Ginghams, super Earlstou do.; Prints and Chintzes; Ladies' fine Dress Goods, in great variety; Manchester Ginghams, new put; terns. In his assortment now opening, are a great many articles at lower prices than usual, such as fine purple prints, yard wide, at lac.; fine British Prints at 121 e.; Dress Ginghams, usual width, at lac.; Dress Lawns, yard wide, at 21 at Muslin', very low; Irish Li nen. &e. 'Will also open this morning, an assortment of beautiful style light Chintzes. small figures, for children; Lawns for do. Also, Chamelion Silks; India Wash do.; Crape Shawls. he. Persons wanting any thing in the Dry Goods way, will i do well to call and sea the goods, and hear the prices. Merchants will find, in the Wholesale Rooms on the 2,1 story, an inviting stock of fresh Goods, at about East ern prices. npl3 A. MASON & CO., GO, Maim= Sumer. ure open /I. lug an extensive assortment of DRESS GOODS. just received per express• comprising the largest and most fashionable stock of Dress Goods to be found in this city. Amongst which, we mention, 40 pieces extra rich, embroidered Poll de Charm, a new article, and the most desirable goods in the market. Also, satin stripe Malik., Perages, Fissue, Mohair stripe French Jackonats, &c.. Fresh Spring Goods. SRACKLETT & WHITE. Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 119 Wood street. Pittsburgh. invites the attention of Western Merchants to their stork of Ameri can and Foreign Dry Goods now receiving direct from the Eastern Importers and manufacturers. Receiving regular supplies of Fresh Goods during the season, and devoting a large share of their attention to Eastern Auction Sales, they confidently assure buyers they will find such inducement offered for cash. as will give the most ample satisfaction. Determining to meet the views of buyers in full, they now offer goods at F.astern prices. and to invite all to call and examine for themselves. np24-3w. • Dress U • . • s. AA. MASON & Co.. No. 60 Market street, have just Li, received a eplendid assortment of Dress Goods, amongst which may be found figured, plain and striped Berage. of all tualities• Silk 'fissue, Mohair Stripes Grenedire, Satin Stripe Lain, plain do.; Satin St. Chal lis, Fancy Silk French laconeta, &c., &e. api9 RENCH CLOTHS7-I'9. R. 111catuiv has just meet.- _U ed a fresh supply of French Cloths and Cassimeres, of the best manufacture, color. and finish. Gentlemen wishing to purchase am invited to look at his stuck and ear the prices _apl9 rESTINGS !—Sttp French Figured Satins. Cash- V Vmeres, and White Marseilles. Cloths! Super French "Fresh Imported," all colors, qualities, and prices. Cali simeres! in every style and quality. Cashmerettft! Sup. Silk Warp, Queen's Cloth, Summer Cloth, and other de sirable coatings for genie' wear, at pricer below any in the city. ROBINSON'S CLOTH STORE, spin Post Buildings, roe Fifth and Wood sts. IIIItTING AI USLINS AND IRISET.TSMNS.—W. R. Mracnv invites the attention of buyers to his very superior supply of Shining Mustins, of the best make— and undressed Irish Linens, Warranted from flax. For sale, at very low prices, at the north-east corner of Fourth and Market streets. spin WTI. I. BURNSIDE. Anct =WM Furniture Prints of to 121 e. 4-4 Purple " 121" Blue and orange prints 12}" English Janus 121" RE'S GOODS. Fancy Dress Silks, Chameleon" " Black Satin barred Black Gm. D' Armour Nan style Brocade. to call and extmtine a spicu le Paris printed Cashmere embroidered Canton Crape - 101011LOFV CASE MUSLINS.—W. n MURPHY has just received a supply of the above goods, of suitable width, including a few pieces of very tine quality; for stile at the corner of Fourth and Market PIS. aplO Ct HEETING MUSLINS.:—A supply, of different widths, k. 7) (from one to three yards.vritie.) bleached and un bleacheil, just received and for sale low at the Dry Goods House of W. R. MURPHY, corner 'Fourth and Market sts. CANTON CRAPE SHAWI.S.--N, A. Nlxsos & Co., • i Market street, have just recciva. per express, anoth er large lot of splendid Crape Shaykls. ap22 k)APES AND COLLARS—A. A. 1%1 LSON AL Co., 60 Mur het street, have just received. per, express, a choice assortment of Wrought Capes and Collars. DLACK BERAGE— . A Moors & Co., will open this JD morning 20 pieces of Plain, Plaid, and Satin Stripa Berages. Also, colored Berages. of every style. rtn22 SILK TISSUES AND BER.AGES.—W. R. Murphy bus now open an assortment of the above goods, includ ing plain black; satin do; fancy figured do. Also, Dalzarines, from l 2 ets. up to finest qualities; also, Or gandie Lawns in great variety, at northeast corner of 4th and market sta. apt 7 TR Mraenv has now open al — tiie sup I ply of Pickings, including the Hamilton, Schuylkill A. C. A.. Pearl River, and other approved styles, of th. usual width. Also, 4-4 Ticking, of a very fine and sure rior quality, at a very low price. apt §HAWLS!—A. A. Msson & Co., Market street, have just received, per Express. 2 carton French Cashmere awls; 2 do Embroidered Thibet; I do. Silk Plain Thib et Berage de Leine, and other Shawls. ttp2o LADIES' DRESS GOODS.—A full supply of all the various styles of Summer Goods,"such as Silk Tis sues, Barnes, Grenadines, Lawns, &c.. now open at the Dry Goods House of W. R. MURPHY, apl9 North-east eor. Fourth and Market sts ----... BONNET RIBBONS!—A. A. MASON & Co., No. 60 Market street. are now opening an extensive.assort men% of Bonnet Ribbons, of the newest and Most fashion able style. ap2o JUST received, by Express, I pa Super French Black Cloth; and 6 pa Super Fancy Cassimeres, which will be sold low by C. WERNEBURG, 251 Liberty at. ap'2s (Journal for Tale nub .ct FIFTH STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—A value ble property, thirty feet front on Fifth street by 120 ft. deep. This desirable property will be sold at a bargain. Also, four large building Lots: each 24 feet front on Cook street by 156 feet de to Cliff street. Pride 8250 each. S. Cep UTHBERT. Gen. Agent, aps Smithfield above 4th st. BUILDING I.OTS.—For Sale—a desirable property in the improving village of Shenpsbnrgh t having a a front of 116 feet on the canal, by 109 feet to Middle street. This property could be divtded into 5 large build ing lots. Improved property in Allegheny, would be ta ken for the above. Also, 2 large building lots in Alle gheny, each 23 4-12 feet front on Sheffield street by 138 to a 24 foot alley. S. CUTHBERT, Gann Smithfield, above 'Fourth et. sprig A NEW two story Briek Dwelling Haute, situ ated on the East Common, Allegheny city. (near e residence of Judge Irwin,) and finished in the best modern style. with handsome portieo in front, double par lors, fund shed with marble mantels and improved sliding doors; dining room and kitchen on the first floor, and four good bed . rooms on the second story ; with finished garret. Enquire of RICHARD GRAY. on the premises; or of febtl-tf JAMES PARIL:Jr. & CO.- Second st. 1 O LET—A Brick House, corner of Webster and Ful ton streets, formerly occupied by J. B. Butler. Pos session given immediately." , 'Apply to febl9-tf - CTIMATINS. iTABLEVO RENT.—A. brick glohle, with Catitage 3 house, _to refit frees the let of Aefil leer. Retains of itatt-it swwom“, Weld _ - 1844. CINCINNATI AND PITTSItIII3,CIif DAILY STEAM PACKS T LIN 'rVHIS Independent Line of strainers is now composed 1. of the largest, Swiftest, best finished and fainushdd. and most powerful boats on the waters of the West. The highest wages are paid for the services, of the hest and most experienced men engaged in the river busincenei--- The line hair been in operation for six years; has carrld nearly two millions or people. without doing the slightitt injury to their persons. The proprietors challenge coin- Parison with any , passenger. hue in the Union for safe.V.; regularity, and speed. All hat Money calmprocure has becu provided for the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. The boitileave for Cincinnati as followSi , ' MONDAY PA CICET.—The MoNosos !ALS, Capt. Mottle. will leave Pittsburgh every Mrindity morning ruin o'cloF ki Wheeling every Monday evening et 10P. n. • TUESDAY PACKET-41e Htnzam No. 2, Capt. .Mo. Miner:ter, •will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesqay morking at 10 o'clock ; 'Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 P. WEDNESDAY PACKET.—.The NEW F:XCILAZED NO. 2. Capt. S. Dean will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at lOo'clock Wheeling every Wednesday even ing at 10 F. X. THURSDAY PACKET.—The BRILLIAXT, Capt. R. J. Grace. will lenve Pittsburgh every Thursday morning': at 10 o'clock ; NV - heeling eyery Thursday evening at It) FRIDAY PACKET.—The Curvaa No. 2, Copt, Croak:, will leave rittebnigh every Friday morning at 10 o'eloelti Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 r at. SATURDAY PACKET.—Thelmssesoss, Capt. ,;.1:k Camp, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at id o'elock ; Wheeling every Sattirday evecaug of 10 et SUNDA Y PACKET—The ISAAC Nrirrou, Capt. Mason. will leavc Pittsburgh every Sunday morning ; a o'clout ; Wheeling every Sunday evening at - 10 r. nuir , lo. . 1848. 184 S. Pittsburgh and Brownsville Daily Packet • Line. FEBIWATIT 10.1549. • FECRILIET fSI., 1949. LEAVE DAILY AT 9 A. M. AND 4 P. AL The following new boats complete the line for the present season: ATLANTIC. Capt. Janws Parkinson: BA LTIC. 'Cupt-A.jaenbs; and LOUIS APLANE. Capt. Beime.u. The tiout urn entirely new, and are fitted upwithout ragard to expMiSe. Every comfort that • money can•procatre has been provi ded. The boats will leave the Monongahela Whirl Boat. at the foot of Ross it. Passengers will be punctual on board, as the boats will certainly Nave at the advertised hours. janal For • Brownville. ‘: 16* The new and splendid passenger and mail strainer BALTIC,Capt. A.Jscons. will leave fort le a ove port during the present week, at' 8 .6:. et., positively. ' " ' For freight or passage. iv For New Orlean*. • TIIE fine new steamer AMERICAN , EA.- GLE, .1A31.13 ATIMSOS Master, will Weave for t e 'ova and all intermediate landings. 4 For freight or passage apply on board. or to np2o G. 11. MILTENBERGEII For Brownsville. • INATIM new Mail and Passenger steamer AT I.AN'PIC, Issues Prouttssos - . Muster,: wit leave forthe above port this day, at 8 A. X., paid vely. For freight or:pas:sage apply on board. thb2 AEATHE tint running passenger emir PENN SYLVANIA, R. C. GNAT, Master,will leave regularly . for the above and intermediate ports: For fretOt or passage apply on board. For Lafayette and Wabash , R.lver , , The light drought steamer SWAN,I.I.rMay Master, will. leave for the above and later mediate landings, regularly.l . or irelght or passage apply on board, or to l 11.1-4 0 JAMES MAY. . For Cincinnati. The light draught steamer FRIFX1:0111P. DAYIS, Mister, trill leave for the alms* and intermediate ports. regularly, or fr eight or passage apply on board. For St. Loots. ;!' The new and ap:endid steamer ORIENTAL, JEMAtVaN Moog, Master, will leave for the abovo and Intermediate ports, regularly. For frei7ltt or passage apply on board. Marl° ' Beaver and Wellsville Packet. ArgilTHE steamboat REAVEI, Cussing E. CLARE; blaster, will, during the awning. winter season, make daily trips to Beaver and Wellsville, leaving Pittsburgh every morning st 9 o'clock, and Wells ville at 3 o'clock, r. x. iiccl3 iiAnTON & CO.. A rimts. . • For St. Louis. iforgkit THE splendid steamer NORTH CAROLI NA, Davi:cm:l', Master will leave fur tiro auove aria intermediate ports, regigarly. For freignt or passage apply on board , New Arrangement. j. TUE steamer CALEB COPE will leave for Beaver, Glasgow, and Wellsville, oil Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday', at 9 67,111.. re turning on Monday, Wednesday, and Fnday. She has a boat at the landau, between V. ood street and thettOdge; prepared to receive freights at any time. S. Zs W. LIARBAUGH, Agerdt, No. El, Wood Street. For New Orleans. TIM splendid new steamer SAVANNA, ll.Dzssisos. Master, will leave re4ularly fort e above and all inte rmetliate landings. For freight or passage apply on !inure. For St. Lords. Galena, and Dubuque. 4fiair, THE good steamer ST. ANTHONY:, TIIOS. M MAY, Matter, will leave for the: :above, re or passage apply on bond. or 10 il' JAMES MAT. tir GEO. MILTENUERGEE AO. Pitniburgh and WheelMl P8140144;4. THE swift steamer CONSUL, MIME! P. KINNEY, Master. will leave regularly for Wheeling. on Monday, Wednesday,land Fri day, at 10 o c Praise/F. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday, ali t ' Satur day. at 7 o'clock. A. M., positively. The Consurwill land at all intermediate portal Every accommmlation that can be procured, for the conifort and safety of passengera, has been provided. The boat is also provided with a self-acting safety-guard, to, prevent explosion. For freight or passage apply on board. or to „! ' marlit JOON FLACK Anent. - - For Cincinnati. lartaThe new and splendid PassenveSleamer 111011LANDEp.„ Captain H. A.• Foiss. will cave tor Inc above and all intermediate ports o& Thurs day, April 27. For freight or passage, having superior acchininoda Minn, apply on board. For Louisville. I : THE Kentucey River Packet. GREY EA GLE, DROOLS. iklaster, will leave. for the a ore all intermediate ports regularly. For freight or passnge epply on board. For St. Louts. TIM new and splendid steamer ANDREW FULTON, W.ll. Fetami,ltlaster,ivill kayo for the a ove and intermediate landings regulaiy. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to janl7 . J./o.‘ll , MAY. For St. Louis. . _ THE fine steamer WYOMING; TUOSIAS litaa°animals, Master, will leava reghlarly for the above port and all intermediate landings. on Thursday, April 27th. For freight or passage, having superior actommoda dons, apply ou board, or to ape.: GEO. B. MILTENBERGEH. Arent. HORSES FOR SALE.—The tier has just received from the west la number of excellent draught, ham* an saddle horses which he will sell .on 'verj moderate terms. Persons wishing to procure good horses are re quested to call at his stables and examine his Africk. R.. IL-PATTERSON, Monongahela Livery Stable, First street, and door from Smithfield. • apl7 ririliE SOLUTION OF JET.—A liquid HUMAN HAM • _IL DYE, that gives the hair a perfect norm:blackness, and improves and in:diens it. PriCe, 50 cents) or 51,00. Sold at 82 Chatham at., N. Y., and by WM. JACKSON, Agent, nkr2s 89 Liberty wrest, Piltiburgh. SIGN OF THE BIGPITOIIER. 7 , New China, Glass and 41/I,neenswatie Store, No. 111 Wood street. T l, • HE subscribers wish to inform the publieigenerally, that they are now opening . a new and huge stock of China, Glass, Queenaware, Britannia and Fratcy Goods, comprising the latest and most fashionable paiterns of French China plain and gold-band Dinner Sets; do do do do Tea do Snperior Iron-Stone Dinner do Flowing Blue (two new patterns,) do do Liverpool Blue, - do do A great variety of Tea Sets, different qualities; Bntaunia Breakfast and Tea Sets; Waiters—a beautiful article "Queen's Gothitio Parlor Lamps, (Cornelius, maker;) Glassware, a general assortment. Steamboat owners and Hotel proprietors are invited to examine our assortment of Ware imitable for their use. Country merchants can find a large stockier articles suitable for ebuntrrsales, which we will sellat reasona , hie P riee , s ek being entirely new,we feelsatielied of being Our stock able to please all who may favor us with their custom. apl9-2va GILL k,G17:17Y. NEW WORK ON COAL.—This workl will be is sued soon, on , - a Royal Etvo.. about 754 pages. It will treat extensively of the Geological and Geographical Distribution of Mineral Combustibles or Fossil Fuel, em bracing, from official reports of ceml-Piodocing countries, the respective amounts of their production, consumption, and commercial distribution; with the prieesitaridS, cur rency, and international regulations, by R.C.i!! Taylor, Fellow of the Geological Society of London; &e. 0 -Subscriptions taken at the Bookstore of,FT. S. Bos worth & Co., Fourth street, near Market, where amore extended account of the work can be seen. Price: esp. apl7 SARABIAN NlGHTS—Expressly desi„„vnad for reeding in course of publication by Ilarferqe. Brothers, Nem lort. To be completed in 12 parts. l'art Ist just received and for sale by . JOHNSTON it STOCKTON, eor. 11terlimX&121,1 sta. (1A . living just received a large Napo:ninon of kj Wines, fce., together with my large stelaA intore and Cellar dealers are requested to call add' examinefor themselves as good bargains canbe bad at the corner of Smithfield and Front. ' P. COI.II.ftTIN. WO-WWIDTE---30 tii:traki rs t3iighudy,' Port Wini - of r direct importation no* landing and ibietila by. . apr.lo • P. C•II'brARTIN, rtAlO to' A Ws . nittnt iira liANNEas, EXCHANGE BROXEES,. - And Douro in Fon** and. Xkotudido - arafinge t ifetwv, -, „ - , . add Vep-r,..) , Uni• Nous, Gordan Miter, No. - Wel anus,door beloiii WestSidt, fisisidOgkofg" , marl4-ly - r - , - ALLEN iIiCANETL.. EDWAIAIX EA :.-• -.. Banker and Exchange Brakeec, peaPr' in Fai‘liCli•-- 44 ‘;:' , y i Domestic Bills. Bills.o grikatagy ecttifiitats .',.d..i*0 . t.. , t it. Bank Rotel-411d .oin. . : .. .,*,-. - - ''. ~ ,'"".1 Cotner of 1111, fd On old sta., dixeCtiy oppoiltolho. Si.o:, ~_ Chnilimilotel. - _. „ - . .....ton V - ....:,-...y. - . EICII.MEB SONS -• Batakeis did Dealers in lizehaw;e and Bank : 4l'o7i: . -Na. 55 Marko strecq PiWl,tu h. New York . - prl Cincinnati : Philadelphia ' " Louisville.. • Baltimore* St. Louis neac sired . . . . _. . .. Buyirig Mid - . ._ - Sviiting tOtAttr.-4t..4, Ohic; f dia. Ctinnty fc City ottl'a4' Indiana - - - f " Relief Notes= : -.. , L. , ! - -1 - - KeutnekY f " PenneylvaitinCm,. 1,. - 4:, .3. vi ,,i n i a .. - *e . .NOW York • , ... -.. --.2-- , wir e ai ng . • * " Maryland . ; -, .-: N ;.,.“. Tenness.ee a 4. New Orleans JAS. S. iloo.l. TR °B - SkitaititT:4. --' "' 111 00 N &. II rilt GENT 4 BANKERS. AND EXCHANGE BROXEits:"_,' ' :"-- - .7. ~gy N. E. Corner al. Weed and Sixth streete,i. PiterMitglii'llit4 4 '' TIAEALERS in Citini Bank Notes; Time Billet retests (-- .... , JJ and Domestic Exchange. Calliflemes Of Dc„Pitit4ltcrt" • . . . EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities df ther'lltTiM i - :-; ... 3 and Europe. for sale Hi sums to suit purchasiers... - CURRENT and par funds received on deppsite",r"7,.,"" COLLECTIONS etude on all parts of the Untdailii IMF'. lowest tales: - • _, r .l"--' ,4- `,' . ..- ...:. : "agssincYczs i - - , ...,+-yff , ° , -* . ---irgg. Messrs. M. Meet! & Son, It O'den & Snowden, . ,-.•.„., cr. •,, -. ....,,... " 'Win. Bell &'Son. Pittsburgh. --„.„.---..,,P'", 7„,....;:-..7...A, " S. ht`Clutken &Vo., . . ; 4 1: , 5.':, -r -::::.:• ',,.„" • " English & Bennett. ' :;-... , -t'!.- , s , " Fleming &Brother. I _ ;., * " Pules. I.llthror& Co,. PhiladelPkiii:, " W. R.Thoinpson & Co. " (loudly, Phelps & Co. i m iiso. .n.. --- ., .....2s , " Babcock & Co. ""r'' '-- , :st , Ward& Co' rim. hiTuilatgli & Co. e Milani:sic." - Mr. Jaincs Cris. tie• j • .-••• '.. 0 ••••=•-e •T. 1 " H. Hanna. tinEinnati D. ' ~ Joseph %Caisson L ., „,,,,, i.,, htesssrs. Fenner & APIIII6II, ' 1•""''''" , " , . 1,, , ,, .... , ...t.. . _ R. F. Ellis, Esq., Cashier. flank of ectistoWn, Pa. • Piiishn rel.. F,oicini er I.d. P-47-v' 1 ..'......„ t. . . -.........—.....,,, f, Al ugh L. /s 3 ug,• " - (LATE OF THE Flll-31 OiDPCoaD Xixal BA 'SKIM AND EXCIIANO,E• (pre--earner of Fourth street tind l'osr Office TAEACER in Coin. Rank Notes. 'Lima Illils Yortitit 1./ and Doniestic Eichangf . , Certificates of Vapoiiti , lte; .. l' EXCIIANUE on all the priucipil citio ihu Union; for Silk in mutts to snit purchasers- CURRENT atid par funds teeeived on de nerta: COLLECTIONS made on all , parts of the Union. Mg.? lowest rates- ' • ; Lyon board - W all Paper Warebe'use i NO. 47, MARKET STREET, between - Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.—THOMAS PA I.MEIti Manufacturer and Isupolterof :WALL PAPE R, Board Prints, Borders, Landseepe l'apets, Olortmerdel v ..' Designs . , Transparent Window Shades, ere., and dealeF- - in Vi riung and Wrapping Paper, 13tomet and . - Boanls, &c., &c.—ltas at present on Laud a very and well assorted stock of every article in Ids line bf sistess. To persons w•lto,buy to sell again. We Will ofitlre : : . ea :tiara: a dr:count us , can hardly fail to se.tate th eir dlta. - torn and the great variety trout Whiefi ltbasekeePeriAia ' have it in their power to select. and the tell, Mir prieernt - which he is detentrined to sell ikon. will, he flatters ItiatS self, present sash inducements as cannot be offered, lit Ilia location, by any other House in the trade. Ire - Rags aid, anner's Scraps will be taken change, nt-the highest prices. , n 0013402 , lAND FOR SALL:—The subscriber offers for sale`.loo- ..4 acres of Land, in Middlesex township, flatlet' ty. liClWrell Butler and Pittsbur4h, and SCVell'iiles frbirr • Bader, 350 ncris cleared. the briluh'ee well timbtied; three fartaliouses, a large burn, and a good mill site. with suffelcut water for a grist and saw mill. thercon. 00 Ike same stream, four and six runes aboie, there are art'i t nalls , und• several saw miller There is no bens{ mid in the country. It will be sold all togelher;••be!ti one, two. or three hundred acres. Persons Wishing br, . • have good level laud. easily farmed, would dri welf.cte avail their sa:ves of this opportunity, and extternaler" land. Imar2:ll WM. 110Yrt.:',' "' OUT TNCLAIII, . _ Azt,l 4s * =,. - _ „:", z z • - IMO iiki "rxclltiri. ft? • . IWOULD like to call the attention of tointiy Tft chants. Hotel and Steamboat Bar-keepers.. p t ivatti" Families. &e. to examine my stock of Wines.l.uniarsi,.. Cigars, &c.. now in store and. cellar, consuniitir of Vta_ most celebiejed Brands, &c. Ecc. Feeling eintfitlent Aft.' having the Wrgest and Lest assorted stock in any hat:mi l:Vest of the mountains, and being engaged in; tie union of Rises and I.iquors. &c., dtreCt to thr,4Coaittfki persons can rely on being accommodated. Loth in .ptes and quality. P. C. hIARTIN: morn corner of Smithfield and Front strriue.k.-- A..yard. rill - 1E attention, of gentlemen purchasing, gnriiiecifijki I. dress wear, or ordinary bustnes.s parpos"Oi, ridiriOtit' ed to the stock of goods .at present ou Out &Minters. k sistiug of every grade and shade of }lnglitS:itil Belgian Cloths and Cossitneres, ift endless yarsetY; - Vesungs for every one's use, whicli be znadit to Wet in a superiorjnanner. at Prices that will not be tineittinlid - by the best of bargain makers. C. marls . (late Itl'Ouirc. & CO.) d5l Libeitl; UNDBIES.-400 doz. Playing Cards; . 1. 200 whole and half boxes SardineiT • IU baskets olive Oil; 20 doz. assorted Catsups, . • ;st 5 casks London l'orter, and pint ; • 200 doz. Brandies, Wines, &a. vary old; 5 bbls. powdered Sugar; CU baskets Chatnpaigue Wine. past to 3 bbds Claret Wine, for sale, by ' r 9 . . nrxn.Tix.' IIOl'ICE: TO SHIPPER-S.—We Lave taken anry &tic& immediately opposite to (WM " burnt Wilichousie,",foi the present, where we via transact basilica !soak untiVa new house can he erected, afrangetnitut already been made for that purpose:- • - EU - Boats will always be in readiness ilikrt Vibratile , receive freight. C. A. M'ANULTY - • • tip 4 Canal• Basin. Libeitt - ALT RHEUM, SCURVY, 01,1) E.! , : SORES, ERYSIP 0 LAS. Barber's Itch, Chaps, Sble This is used by many physicians in this city rfi'eunin; 'kw above. and we would not couecitnaiuusly spll unless ,V knew it to be all we state. As a cosmetic, the'lttie JONES'S SOAP is yiithalit Ms, only article ever known that reiniived iMpurities • add! cleared and beautified the skin t makilig it soil, Clear,: smooth and white as all hauls: thit Mind, it is bld.ao SI s Cit,§o - 4' JA CASON , gent, 89 Liberty street: . rittallutelt.,,,, rIONSUMPTION, cutiun. Lite.ttrAiosr, lIRONCRFPIS, &c.—To Constimptictr.--Vour-fiftha of you are really suffering front negleeted Cb7111.64,P1it struction and consequent titihunreatit4 or fife delicate. he fting of those tribes. through which .the air breatheit distributed to the lungs. This obstruction produces paht and soreness, cough. difficulty of breadting..hectie and a spilling of blood. ir.atter, of phlegbl, whiCh Ninny. exhausts the strength of. the patient. and death &trim. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT NEVER FAILS pa tetaintS this obstruction. and produces the. Most Plegeing Land ' happy results, It is certain in its effettri, ind cannot sin to relieve. 117 - For sale in Pittsburgh at the PERU TEA STdißi .2 Fourth at., near %Wed; . . F Le astonished AlpEßtl e t Y°gt have e e ltc 44 11t IfAIR , you wool pd CORAL. HAIR RESTORATIVE. It needs hitttine Itillat Sold at ell Chatruun st:, N. Y., and by • WAY. JACKSON. Agent, Liberty 'street: Pittilnitrai..=.4 1.00 1313L5. 'FAR, of prime oualny and gaod criadiadni on conagninent and. for sala np.s TAAFF.F.a..O:cCri,*OR.',„ 1F DAVID ADAMS, of Bucks cminty." In , yu unteei Ini.ly from Mexico.) will cell npon the Post Master/ Allegheny city, or on Dr. Watt, he l!tllthenr of twofold-as MR - R0Mr:11m100N4.1§ .. ,71,V:.. ASP Ader Wr k t Buildings, Nortk tide of Diem&Cd.—Persont desiri ng.. tb finish their Mercantile F,ducation, in the most thoicn , and expeditious rnanner,ivill find Mr: , D.'s [nttlllfiiiob most perfect West of the Mormtnins: , Partnership settlements bud balance sheEtf irtade Mills, Factories, Joint Stock Companies, and kin/lira; business. can be furnishEd With a specifiiiition•of counts.. drawn up in such , a - manner as to exhitt , thiv, - opening, conducting, closing and final settleinent. f tbd affairs; thus affording 'the keeper of the books , bit ilna"; erring guide, from the commencement to the tettnialtion •-• of the business. floras-2 to 4, and'? to 10 r. m. Monongahela avigatlon olnp 114;;T: - - BOOM will he opened for the subscription of St ter. extend this =prevenient frdni BroWnsißle to th State line, at the iblleiving times and places, ids:. Waynesbargh. Green co., on the 30th Mid 31st New Geneva, Peyote co.. on the let June; ' West Brownsville, Washington co. on the Winner Pittsburgh. (at the Exchange Ban k) on the 4th Jimei and to remain open at the last mentioned plaie until othit erwise directed. By order of tile Board of Managenti, apl9 • -Whl. RAKEWELL,- Er Gazette and Journal, Pittsburgh; Tt r atniishorgif Messenger; Genius of Liberty. Uniontown,-- Examnerl Washington; insert until June 4th, and send:Copy of tot: AMERICAN ROTEL. Tin". undersigned begs leave inforni his friends. atd the traveling public that he has taken the above Hote4 located immediately OPPOSITE THE RAILROAD DEa - POT, Pratt street, Baltimore. - - . Having enlarged and improved the - Route in aIT Its o de+- payments, about .10 ROOMS are added to the establlahi - ' ment; also, Ladies , Ordinary and - Cientlemen's Dining . Room on the first floor, Chambers and Parlors newly'fritts: niched throughout. The house is of suffiCient Capacity' accommodate 120 persons. BATHS ha also b,cen ere'et! ; ed for the inmates, travellers,.and - the public. From my , long experience in' the manageinent class Hotels, I reel confident of making the American a desirable stopping place both to the votaries of pleat - mt . and men of bunness. Its location being- In thoeenttis the business part of the city. convenient to the Derek - Steamboat landings, &c. The public may rely upon every 1 effort being made to render the Sojourn -tir the pritithlta. I the American pleasant and agreeable; , All the delimi of the season-which bar market KO fibundantly- Tama' will be. foa nd on the table. TIE,ICKE ltte Late of the Exchange and St. Charles Hotelai ap2l4m .Pittstiarg i h , Pm - • I LILO HALL. - - -- -,--.:- „ - rouna srathr, BETWEEN WOOD le lktAliftr,': - T a gg i s e t n l i gr al or l 're s tTo n l=i l ik e tit . A an O d i I ti lr 1 1' 4 1 ; li i ali: ' It elan now be rented for Coneerts,-Lattutes: Public riteek - ,. ings, Erhibitions of Paintings, &b: die. by "be Atm.; or week. Fortorms. apply to CI MBA 71, -.. or to BENJA.IIDN TEVIS, -; • .'- , ' . •,•'.•-• l ,- . -,- - ~ • . ~ , . i l lara dIIBT - OLOCIESI-4iplreetlyed, biy . o x 04 ~.........k and superior assOrlluentof 30 hour ::47101,-• io n --; 1 :elects of newest pa4r.trivani Ille . 11/, . ~ . _ !lit*lti goal 4 and Ill. , rerl• .... ~ 5 1 tr . 1 t, BEE2I .:•:. 1 :' .i'...-,,,--:'.,':.L,if.5...'-'7-: MEE ;:: , ,,-:,.'_ - - - ,• -. i,i:C:'_ - : ,- _:-'' -':':''',;•'..':'