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In vo •" '7%.• Vrn lr ar' .. TVl.W.k - 1, 13 / 4 •W rt 1. 411 N ,0 r*- 4 4, , v; It . • - • • • • • ' . • • - , • ' iv 1 '.4 • . - - - f' `-v P • ' p .2 - ..-.m'rp.7%, - 4. -0. • • •••••` • •- • - ' - • •• • • • - • •- • ; „ y f. rth;w1.1.4.1 , 1 - 4busWeTiT.e - 5 /Orilii*O Blol 4ol ao%Theld • L s, :coins:war coraint os- yam .ANIT MTH ETILSIMI: `. 137* TERAIS.—Yire Dollars' a year.. payable strictly In advance:. Six Dollari - will , iavariably be required if not paid within the-year. irr.Singte copies TWO CENTS—fOr Bide CO the Collar of the Mee, and by the News Boys. Tile ; Weekly Mercury and Blanufaettirei Is publ i shed front the same office, on a double inediwn sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance---singla copes rtes gene. (U -i- Die paper will be discontined (unless at the discre tion of the proprietor,) . until all aricanages are paid. Err No attention will bo paid to any order . puless ac companied by the money, or satisfactory reference iu tins city. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. rz s i StiCARR OF rier.t.re RINE'S OR LISSIS , One Insertion, 80 50 One Month, -• • Two• • •do 0 75 Two••do ..... •- Thrie•-do 1 00 l'hrec du One Week 1 CA/ Four do- •••• - • Two••do 2 50 ktix• • •do• • ..... Three do• ' 300 - One Year YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS - Changeable at Pkasure. . owe agrAng. TWO SQTARRS. 9 1 4 X Mouths 815 00• I Six Montha•-• •• •$ 20 0 0 One Year 20 U0 One Year 30 00 I•ar-c,, r advertisements in proportion. MY" Cards of . FO UR LINES. Five Liollorr a Year. Large cuts will not-he incerted, unless an extra price is pnid._ . . .. . . Adrertblemotals- upon which the number of inser tions is not marled, will be inoerted and ehurged until or de rp,l . . A I.IAFCALMONT. Attornrynt La tr.--Oifice, Fourth 11.• street, flour K. Putturrou s Livery Stable. fob'? i) R „.. 4 :l E9 i i x t t r i 4 . 2 st "i;l:tat-43„-zhih°°. No. 77 Sjilital'ull.,°,ll°-‘'' IR- A.. W. OLIVER, Ph ysician-rtad Stircrott.—thhce H, St. Clttir atreet. iYett) s A t tturney, ha. C 4 .• I -11 • Harney at ma.— ce 41, . above Wood. :-r .'-i'.'.'....-.,',.•.',..,'.,:',, f tRIALkti V. AIA Attornry laatrrin's Fourth at. jan7.ly. jAalhiS CALLAN, _Pawner at Law, corner of 'Wylie and Pink streets—" Law Corner."feblo-y YrNL . ICELSiNP.Dt.Aiiorleyiii — ,L7.o7 - 15ifice in the _le . same bailolinq with Alderman Alliaster. Filth at., between Woad and Smithfield ata JOLIN IiARTON, Aaarnty at Lam—Other. North aide of Fifth street. between Wood and Sudittfield, in the same buiklittg with Alderman Morrow. met3.3o-Iy. T05...:;141 C. 31. 7 KILMIN, Attorney at Late .--thlica iu itWallaten bnikling, on ith st., between Witod and Smithfield sts. novlB-y. PA)liti g W. I.A Y NG, Anorney and Coil stseUgyr at Law lff.amit Notary PuSiie.—Othee at the corner of 4th end Wood *lc over Sildndt. & Jones' Exchnnce ollice. oet4 x~ ~,: ..., >•' 11rILLS a, Du.NNELLI:, Auorneys and Cuantatont at Late. Pivsburgh, Pa.—thrice on Fourth et- be tween Smithfield and Grant. tnarld-y - - , I FAI.UND SNOWDEN. Attorney at Luts.--Othce in s the building ou the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. • .1011.110%V. Abffroisit.--Odies . north side of Fifth 11. street, between Wood and Southfield, Pittsburgh. senlo-y Ar9CANDI.Ess s .Wt L •R. Auorneya and Coyare/.. I, /ors at Law:Office on Fourth street, opposite IL Zs IL. 11. Patterson's Livery Stable. Pittsburgh. septh-y FOR.W.Uti) ar. S tvAtrrz %Vkil.BER, Attorney; at Law. ....-01TICe oa Fourth street, between Wood and Smith field. opposite Patterson's Livery Stable. ap7-y ("I GOILG ' 1 G11.1.A1011.E. Attorney and Counsellor at Late.--01Ece removed to the 2d door below Grant at., on Fourth, to the office lately occupied by Alderman Mil ler. mar3o JT N. AD.:1.011,11Y. iitartsry and Counsellor at Law . Office in LiaketreLl's Buildings ea Grua* st. i5:19174y. ') C. 5t1.1..N.N.J.N, Attorney and Contueitoe at Law. Odiee on Jth st., between W.od and Smithfield and nearly opposite the Mayor's office. nord-y SCUrr. ihnlist, Fourth at, tire doors west of Mar, ; 1./ . ket: All work warranted, and if not perfectly . sans fartoryiio eharges will be made. 'Oda t F oire: l l -V o a pr. t st ito ree b t, er t t iette y e d i e t Vo h ri and Sm ed ithfield h streets ruarls..ly I.IIAIiELY. Atelermon.--tatiice ou Penn street, 0 opposite D. Leech lc Co'e, packet line office. Office hours from 7 o'eloc A. M.. to 7 o'clock P. M. =EN d. LI t t‘ ti rv A t i. d — rd t it ' e ' s h s from Basi n as rc e 1: ti n andj s new warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite Use Post Wire. • otay:3o-y 1) KALOV 'MN J. 3117CHEL. Attorney at Law, _Do has removed to Fourth street, next door to the office of Alderman Steel. ap7 J. D. veer. • 3. W. T. WITITZ. LHET 8 wrirrE, Attorneys at Law, 'Washington, Pa. Collections made iu Washington, Fayette, Greene and adjoining conmies. apl2-y LA"'NU PICK —J•MES dittaiicy uaa v. seller at Law. has removed to the office next door Rest of Rody :Patterson's Livery Stable, Fourth street. Daring his 'essence upon public duty, for the coining militia, any business for him may be left with A. B. Me- Zaliziont. Esq., as above. felil7 - CAMAS $. Cit r, Auorneg. Counsellor, and Notary. /) Pittsburgh. Pn., having resigned the o ffice of Secreta ry of the Pittsburgh Navigation and Fire InsuratictsCoin patty, will attend specially to colleetinne. and business connected with -Navigation, Insurance, Accounts, and Real' Estate. Business hours. from 9 A. M., to 9P. M. tl,fice, first door west of Alderman Miller's. Fourth street, near Grunt an 7 TWIN COYLE. Notary and Conreyancrr.--Orliee in 0 Metcalf's Building. Fourth street, near Smithfield. Pittsburgh. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Articles of Agree- Mem, and all other instruments - of writing drawn up with accuracy and dispatch. Titles to Real Rstate examined. a p22-olk w y , 1 4 M) WLNI C. W t IoSON, Attorney arid Counsellor at Low, _I Franklin, Venanco county, Pa., will attend promptly all business entrusted to his care. Collections made in Warren, Clarion, and Jefferson counties. FLEFIIit TO J. A. Stockton k Co., Pittsburgh. 4 Murphy. Wits & Co., Hon. James Kinnear, lion. Alex. M`Calmont, Franklin." I. 'Wilson. Steubenville, O. rilu CLIENTS.-3ly partner, Mr. and Win. E. Anglin, Esq.. will attend to my unfinished busi tics,. and I recommend them- to the patronage of my (cicada.- am authorized to state that they -will receive the counsel and assistance of the Hon. R. Biddle. Oilice 2d story of Burke's buildings, 4th street, between Wixxl and Market. )'jaG-tyl SAMUEL. W. BLACK. ), - I'o K . • Z, A anufacture of neorruptlide Trail I,J , Smithfield Street, two doors below Fifth street, Pitts burgh. Pa. Alvvnys on hand a -full assoruneur of Plate, and Pivot Teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and Eiscuanidatoes. Gum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth. &c. Teeth and blocks made to ord. c; Dentist s supplied - with all articles in the profession. All orders &out abroad must be accompanied by the cash. [IJ Mauna always on hand. JOHNA. PARKIN:R.)IV, Alderman, Filth Ward, Yenta st.., between Walnut and Olfma sts., .where he may Le found at all times. Those having betties or other pro perty to sell or rent, ran have the !ame,prtnetually atten ded to; debts collected, and all thodutiesof an Alderman will reeeive prompt attention. ;" 0c27-y • the old stand, Fourth at., above Sufklifield. THF. Partner hip heretofore exi'sting between Henry W. Williams. Esq.. and myself, in thr practice of the law, dissolve.l by manta( consent. on the 26th ult.. and the business will hereatler be continued by Henry W. Wil liams, whom I most cheerfully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do business—as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. WALTER IL LOWRIE. Geo:organ. Riddle, Conveyancer. OFFICE in Avery now, Fifth street, aboVe Smithfield a 'PitAiirgh. Demos, Normans, Asmara/ens, Boxes, ritrutsszs.and other instruments of writing, drawn with neatness, legal accuracy and despatch. He will also attend to drawing, and filling Mechanics' Liens. Accou nit of Executors. Ain't n istrators. 4.e., Examining Mks to Real Estate, Searching Re cords:fm• Lieu, ff.. if e. From his long experience and intimate acquaintance with the manner of keeping the public records. lie expects to give satisfaction to those who may entrust their lbusi ness to his care. decld DENJAMIN F. DENISON, AtTostn-r AND CoDNISZIe Al loos AT LAW, Cleveland, Ohio, will attend to profes ional bi,utientaa in tho Couita of Cuyahoga and adjoining (townie,. lie will also gips careful attention to Collections in any part or Northern Ohio, - ZYCYSILENCI:O : Chief Suatice Parker, Cambridge Law School. flop. Richard Fletcher, 10 State st,, *Mom Hon: Sitetmel 11. Perkins, 141 I.Valnut st., Phibulelphia. Richard D. Kimball. Esq., 53 NVall st., New. York. Hampton & Smith, Pittsburgh: For additional reference, refer to this Mei, &139-ly Cr :_-_ -- -- .--. ... COUNTRY MERCHANTS.—The sudsariber will _,,_ pay three dollars and seventy-five cents per 100 lbs. cunt, for good mixed country rags, in quantities of filly to three thonsnad pounds, delivered at my Book Store, No. P 9 Wood street, Pittsburgh. On hand, a general suppl of school books. writing end wrapping. paper, blank hooks, etc.. which will be sold by the dozen or retail, at lowest each prices for rea dy pay. . liano7l LUKE LOOMIS Agent. -I(TOMCEOPATHIC :tIEDICINES AND BOOKS.—Just ll..received. a fresh supply of Hontooputhie Medicine Chests. Momosopathle Coffee. Same of Milk, and &Jorge collection 'of the latest publications on Liontceopathy, 'at the Book IsltOre of • '• ME VI. DIULY MOTtNIND POST. Professional Qiarbs kL JULIN•CILAVSFULLI.koIiice ou St. hair street opposite the Exchange. - attglo-y VICTOR SCRUM, Fifthsstreet,e e et, PCINT O 44 Wend iul4 ;4•tkot ' .."". . - -,..4..A.m.kn.=.V......WN•V'Tantti.•••., •••T '''''''''' ''"r''T'r'''''' . '''•"7c-" - r ---.- •'''' 74 -17 4 ' t- -- -- ;:--...,;•+•••-- •. ; " ,-.-":-: 1 ` ": --;:" ,',' 7 ' ~ ~ .."' n . ,— , . 77 ' 77 7.44 .' 70 . 1 ."' : ' :: " ''''..-- ~':',•'''-'-''''''''''''''l .."''' ' '". '' -,..--. , 7.'" ,- V'T , ''' ', - 71 - - , . ..' ,}' ... 4 7 ,7,1'4',,,, ` , ,7rzte'r:4 l- _ , :::; , 21-LP, ,, i . ,. ~,,,,,,, , ,v,r_t ~,,,,.., „.....„- , ~ i,.„..--, - ..•.1 , •5 ).. .,..y,,N , •: , ; - ..„_,-,-, - - - • - .'''' 24 .:•r'''' '' - - - - ••• • -.-`,• .. • ;:w••• • V -'''''- - .3- - -1 - - ' ;;; r. ' ,*•• -•-- , - -- - -_: --_-`;,-;. • 1- , ,, ••_; -• • ••• - ' , • 5 -•: . -2- -- 6:1--=‘ , :'•• ‘i••'' , , -,. '-::',-~•-• •••= t •-2 . 11:, ,, e.t. l?' , 'A•.*!o•/!•• s ' • '''-'' - ' '',.', '' ' -4, - --• 7.-• 1 - '• '''., '' ,-"„ 1 ~ , ~ --,,, ;%, . .7. , ni- • ' ' - N. , , ' . - - -- !:'," • . ',- • . . i . _ . - . • - - 4 .4 , -0---• ' .4-.- " . .4l...Aliggai : .. : ', „l4 ' ' . ' - ' i • ' }-, :. .. - 5 ' r ~ ..7 ;•.% ; : 14 -,- -1 . -ti" i' - 4 , . _,. t Z i at ig . t. 1 , r . , . 4. __...„ . ... ' . - . 4 ••• 13tt9incss giarbs M. J. DURNSIDIi, ductionerr and Conmassion dlrr V chant. Federal ntrest. Allegheny city. fell J 31114...NNA, Aut . :lo/4w and Commission Ater chant, NO. 114. Wood el. fell 'IGHTER'S DAGUERRIAN GALLERY, !lido Hall, over the Post (Mae. ' febl . . - 01 N :DAVIS, Auctioneer and Conunission.dierchant, corner of Wood and Fifth rt. fobl-y 13 °BEETS at. KANE. Pittsburgh Cabinet and Chat,. 11 Witerhouse; No. b". 2., Third at. feW-y r4rEBULON KLNSEY, Den!er in Fanry Ciooda AEI mini's. N 0.67. Market atreet. ALIOLANDEKJA 'NES, Pain Tra Store, 72 'rated at., . near Wood. feht..), 31'CLOSKEY. Iron City Clothing Nture, No. Lr. 2. Vi s Liberty at.. opposite:the ntouth el Market. febt-y OSHUA ROBINSON, Agent int Henlen & Co.'s Line el of Packets. Filth at.. one door below Wood. tel3l-y JACKSON. Patent Medicine Drpot, Kt Lib y l erty at.. brad of Wood. teal -y TARTIN LYTI.I3, Family Greer. Smithfield atrect lrj nazi door to the Fifth rrcabylerion Church. jell Ar 1 Et/RUE COCIIILAN, Forsttardtow and Commissime' 1 1.1 - Merchant. No. 26. Wood st.. Pittsburgh. n0v.27-y ELI.IOIT, Broksrllers and Siationcrs. No 1/ 56. Market at.. between Third and Fourth. iebt-y DELANY , Fashionable Clothing St city m. • lOOiN A: SARGENT. Ertni-crs and' Exchan gc Braker.t. N. E. cor.on. of IVooll and Sixth its. febl-y 1101.51 ES & SON. Bankera and dealers in Exeltunp,e. . Coin and Bank Naos, No. 65. :%Inrket at. febt-y COil wEavEn, Brine and Liquor Merchant. corner of Market tool Second streets. fehl-y FULTON. 1:ril and Brius Foullehr, No. V/ Scrollet between Market and Ferry nts. fat T Ylt TL. Sturc,,No. 167, corner of Libcr , ty and Sixth ata. 'r iowNsEN . CARR ac. CO.. Conch ktrs. St. Clai st .at. n •ar the tr'd 11 OIiSE'S LITERARY DEPOT, Nu. h 5, Fourth vi at. acar Wood. fr bi - BROWN'S OFFICE., N 0.65, Diamond alley. near II Wood 01. fell-y • CH. PAULSON, Hat and Cap Man etfacturer, and • dealer in Funs of 811 kinds, No. TA Wood at. nest door to the corner of Ponrth. (chi. tLLEIt& RICK.F.7I'SON. Wholesale Grocers and Corn 111 mission a/err:tan:l, corner of Liberty anti Irwin sts febt.v ( 1 A. AI•ANCI.TV & Ponontding and CWIIIIIII- +ion Merchants, Cana! Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. ntar3-tly - 1 BLUM& Pinno Forte ninottfaciuror and dealer in U+• Mohictil Instruments, No. 112 Wood strect, near Fifth, • rgvs t Blify-KWA y. lirttggivs, and Agent s cur Latent Mettarines, Liberty street. near Canal Lam. JosEl'it WCIODWEI.L. Impar!er. and denier in Par rign and Domestic Hardware, corner of :Second and Wood stii—Pittsburali. 0c29-I}. Q . A MUM. .5100itE, Jlaf and Cup Manieraerorrr. and 1:7 dealer in Funs, N0..5, Wood street. third door above Fourth. 1.. Rippnrd'a lit~uhr Lin. t. t i Tt i. dtz t a t c s ., : . ‘ .; (;!; o lis m 1 e .,,, rtn ,, d . York to Li strpool. N 0.142 I,itrertg at. fel, -y 11E._ BLAKELY. Arent for licssrs. Hochn. Bro. s a Co.'s Lint of Parlats,Yesin .t., four doors below Cu nal Basin. TOIIN Al'el.OSKßY,'l'attur and Clothier. Liberty at J betvreen Sixth street and Virgin alley, south side. sepin-y TOSEPII MAJOR. Roat Store. Slop Chaudirry. and • Age)ley of Pittsburgh Lard Oil Factory, No. 4, Mar ket atrect. Pittsburgh. j0n1.2.-tf s. Drpot for Nt:vo Pubiretvro7A, Pr c. Third IL, opposite the Plat Atiiem de opposite frbl-v FIAAFFE.k. OWONSOIL Proprietors - of the Pitabargb Portable Soot Line, corner Penn and \Vaync streets. 11.411-y 1.1. ti MAY, WholrJale Grocer. Forwardine nod Com e) mistion Merchant, %Vetter street, between Martel and Ferry. fob! -y -vriLia.tm A. 11111.1. Sc CO.. Beeirrs •nct • Kreharige Brokers, No. 64. Wood id., one door above Fourth. east side. 4 feLl-y IT[ld. Sr. CURRY. and Ere/Icm,, Broke r, No. 6.5. Wood st., third door below Fourth, west side. febl-y Tr RAMER. & KAUAI. Bank., and Exehan;:r Bruktrs, IV corner of Third and Wood its., opposite St. Char'' Hotel.fehl -1, TOIINSTO:N & STOCKTON, Booksellers. S:serete.sees • Priourr and PubliArrs, corner Market and Third ■tc kb, -y y UKE 1,00M(8. Agent. Bookseller and Stationer, and 1 A dealer in Printing Paper, ke., \VOOd .treat. between Diamond alley and Fourth•: A. ; _kr:mitt; Pickveorth's troy Freight Line, and Indrpendrnt Portable Boar Line. Caned • TOSES ATWOOD, Agent far the North Aln,iran !It 'll tura nee Company. or Philadelphia, Water and Front at.. at tba Warchouaa of Atworal and JOTICR. (ht-y R.. 0 F.S & AI.rORN, Mnutoisetures of Mustard Ground 'Spites. Catnips, No. 27. Fink street. between Wood slid Market. febt-y lA. lota:teller. :Nralinnet, and Ilindrr. Filth st,, between and Market sta., Pittsburgh, n7-y CIIOOL 130()K. AND PAPER. WA REHOUSI-I.—/.1,1.. 11 Loomis, Agent. 1 . /2141,2er, Bookseller and Fkrokhintl cr. No. MI. Wood at., Pittsburrh. e25-v snum LEN. Bras, Fats titter and rfas Fab,. Snalth . field street, between 'Diamond Alley lnil nigh ~ l'ittaburfih• deelB-1y yea J. .51'1/EVIT9% Irhotesule Gruen. dealers in Pro. • (face and Piasbtieg manufactures generally. Nu. 211 Leberiy.oayosite street. Pittsburgh. Lun.? 0, EVEN MG DOORS CLOTHING STORE. Na. S tith 1.1 Sara. near Liberty. JOHN EAItRF:N, Proprietor. Pittsburgh.nor2l-y GORGF. ARMOR. Tailor, Fourh street. between Wood and Smithfield streets, n arly opposite the Ninvor's office. II Jan.Wl-y OHN D. MORGAN. Whoitsofe and Retail Deo rust, el No. 93i, Wood Airect, one door South of Diamond At ley. fehl 1 - 1 LL ANSIME 3t. )IAYWARD, tritoksale and Retail 1 Dealers in Mutts, Shoes. Trunks. Sce.. So. 186 rdbeity street. nearly opposite the head of Wood. fehl-y I) A. FAIL F-s — O c & CO.. hoksale ag 11 43i, 3. house, corner of First- and Wood street', and co, tier of Wo od and Sixth sta. R l 4 o , v cto ,, mi:n o n . w st .. , s ro i tt r si o e . w ha n v r e c r w e e m r o y ve o d gxir Pitt at-and Daqueslic , 'War. • • dec,2s'; WAL ALEXANDER & SONS, Coffin Maktrs and. Furnishing Undertakers. corner of Penn and St. Clntr streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn: street. felt4-y JOHN H. zugLunt. wholesale and retail dealer in Music and Mu-sisal Instrument', Piano Fortes, School Books and Stationery, No. L2'2 Wood street, Pittsburgh. itent.y 11RAZIER'S BELLOW 1 received an assort j ) meat. large sizes, Brazier's hand Bellows ; also, Par 'Mr and Kitchen do., wholesale and retail. deelB JOHN \V. BLAIR, 120 Wood st. S. WATEMIAN, wholesale Grecer, Commission atul Forwarding Merchant, and Dealer in Produce and - Pittsburgh 31anufmatures, Nos. 31 Water, aad 2•Pront sts.. Pittsburgh. Pa. D,23-y V. SELLERS. SELLERS & NICOLE, Produce and General COMMis- Mon illerebants, N 0.17 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.— Sperm, linseed and lard oils. jan27 • • - TAMES .PA'PPERSON.4 du.. corner of First and Ferry sts.. Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of Locks, Hinges, and Bolts; Tobacco. Fuller, Mill and Timber Screws, Aoosen Screws for Rolling Mills, ke. • T liectilving Distiller, and vrholesala dealer r., in Foreign and Domeatie %Vines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty. street, and 53 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. /3,21.-y ILMA , Lumber Merchant. 0 ce on eon J. street, between Irwin and Hand streets,Pituiburgh, Pa. All commissidits will be promptly attended to. mats-y H 1 . HOP, Velermary Surr,ton, can be found at his Hone Shoeing. Ratilflishment, neaithe St. Clair street Bridge, lately occupied by Messrs. Carr dc Rowland. novs-dGm tiE e 'F.L, rehange Place. Baltimore. tkiltSEY, Proprietor. Coaches will be in readiness at all the landings, to convey passeugera, free of charge, to the Hotel. deet9,y c r ARRICK. MARTIN, any Agent for the Franklin Fire insurance Comp of hia, at Ex change office of Warrick Martin &Co.Philadel , p corner of the Market and Third streets. febl-y TYING & PINNHY, Ap;ents for the Delaware Mutual trafety iruniranee Company of Philadelphia, at the Warehouse of King and Holmes, Water street, near Mar ket. febl-y 7. SELLICRS. JNO. NICOL& S ELI & NICOLS, Produce and General Commie lion Ilterchants. No. IV Liberty street, Pittsburgh.— Sperm. Linseed and Lard Oils. Ina°. tear CAll3O:f. I. CARSON k W7wletak Grocers and Com minion Merchant:, Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty, Pittsbnrch. Pt. dec4-7. 1117 - M. GLENN. Bookbindir, has removed to the corner VV of Wood and Third sts., above C. H. Hay, where he is prepared to do eveii description of ruling and bind ing.dee2-y PC. MARTIN, Whokrak and Recta Grocer and deal r er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, &e., No 60 'Water st. seps..y - krENV BMW STORE—IL S. Bosworth 4- co.. No. 43, lr Illarket st., next door to Third. are lint opening a new and extensive assortment of Rooks and Stationery, which they will sell, wholesale and retail, at the lowest priers. ap2.5..y TOHN W. BLACK it Co. Who lesak Onxers. Produce • and Comm:Won MereJnits, and dealers in Pittsburgh hlanufnetures,.No.lBB, Liberty street, apposite Sixth at., Pittsburgh, =yl2 07' 1 4 1 0191491 41949 On constrreq{4l y ~ ~'"~ No. 49 Lib d Inagvn Ma 10,44 I Silver plates. ice bores. and leaden collins will be sup , plied on order. A fine hearse and carriages always ready to attend funerals seps9.ly F:XCIIAINGE HOTEL, reran of Penn and St. Ch." , ,err,,, Pittsburgh, Pa mill{ subscriber. having assumed the tnamagenntnt a thia long eAnbltshed and popular lintel. respectfully a**** unties to travellers and the public generally, that he w.:l be 111 nil times prepnred to accommodate thorn in all things desirable in n well regulated hotel. The House is low being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new fur niture added: tool no point will be spared to make the KICII.INOg one of the TAUT PINT lintel, In the country. The unilers.rued very respectfully solicits a continuance ni the liberal patronage which the lloitse has heretofore received. Titomns OW STON, febillt-da NW l'/Oprietof. John M. Townsend, DRuccts-r AND APOTIIECAIIY. No. 15, Market street, three doors above Third, Pittsburgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the beat and freshest Medicies, which he milli sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. Physicians' prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or nicht. Also, fur sale. • large stock of fresh and g o Perfu aler. 1.1.- Kin J. D. LEUM KR. C. W . A NI.rellSON, hate of Pittsburgh. Po. Late of Noshville. Tenn. IEli:11E11 k ANDEILSON, DEA Limn to eaTTU.N.— Por / trardin and Cornmixsion ...tlerchants, No. 8, Front Street, abort Broadway. Cincinnati, CAto. ohn I . nvi• ' • I.7CTIO:sIEF.R and Commission Merchant, Corner of ,11, Wood and Firth streets, Pittsburgh, is ready to re ceive tnerchmidixe of every description on consignment for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that ho will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dry Goods and Fancy articles. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. Sales every evening at early gas-light. augl2-y. 4 FULTON, Bali and Brass Founder, has rebuilt and 111. commenced business at bin old stand, No. 70 Se cond. between Market and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the hest materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, &c. &c., to gether with every variety of Brass Castings, if required, turned and finisluisl in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Me tal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of friction in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3-y SHAWLS,—A- A. Mason 4. Co., 02 Market street, have received the most extensive assortment of Shawls to he found in this city. In addition to the various styles of Cashmere; Turkeri, Wool Plaid; Thibet, Net, &c., ho has received a new style of French Long Shawls, a superior article and VIM' fashionably aavt I • S. LdOtrry, Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Building, Wood Street, .A.VING associated with hint, in the above business, Mr. D. Ructosts, whose tong experience—both in the eastern and southern cities—as a cutter, cannot fail to give.him advantages, in this branch of the trade, which few possess, in giving satisfaction to every variety of taste, no matter how fastidious or simple in their attire. We shall also keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of Clothe, Cassimerea, and Veitings, together with many other articles pertaining to a gentleman's wardrobe. .1. S. Lowry, thankful for the very liberal patronage he. has received front the citizens of Pittsburgh, would re spectfully solicit a continuance of their favors, which will be received with a determination to please. ap 1 / 3 -d tf m To the Igtrehanu andportant Manufacturers of Pittsburh. WM. A. KINSLOE, 3 doors east of the Post Me g e, is an authorized Agent for the Sramsaurvmmt Dirty A?fD WEEKLY HERALD. The Herald has been established nearly half a century and has an extensive and substan tial circulatiop throu ghout v the populous and rich counties of Eastern Ohio, estern Pennsylvania and Virginia. Persons wishing to extend their business, will not fail to embrace the above favorable opportunity to do so. IrrTerms of advertising moderate, with an editorial notice gratis if requested. mend Apring Fashions for 1, 1 413. m'CORD ac CO., (leas M'Coni Ring.) HAT. 4 TER% will Introduce the Spring Style of H S this day, Saturday, March 4th. 1844. Their friends and customers are requested to call and ezemine their stock of Spring Hats. just received from New York, at their store, corner of Fifth m. d Wood eta. Inar4 y Leeching, Capp ng and Bleeding. • Ito. 55 , zirta STREET. KR Delany .}— FreshNeßßlS. (Buceennor to M. R. Delany .}— Fresh Leeches reeeivedmontblv: nttencinnee at nil hours. Reference: The Physicians of Pittsburgh. Allrglient and Birmingham. March 13, te4B. I most cheerfully recommend to the Physicians, Fami lies, and all my termer friends and paftenr, Mt. K. B. NORRIS, as being thoroughly acquainted with the busi ness, and worthy of patronage. M. R. DELANY. PJWI-Cst Business 'garbs ' SPRINGER HA IMAUG II WILLIAM HARD/MOP. ser, W. lIARBAUGH, Commasien and Forwardirg . Merchants, and deniers in Flour. Wool runt Product 1 No. 5a Water, and 104 Front street, between Wood aim Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh. n mt,n-v R. W. POINDEXTEIL f. POINDLA l k..t . PO/NDEXIER & CO. ‘Vholesale Grocers and Com mission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 41 Water street. Pittsburgh. a p2l 1 1)IN L , 7 tra, \ , . 9 ...ole_rui:,caonndießreot7ilineur:eiterni:d Fourth sts O U AMEL MORROW. Mnnufacturer of Tin, Copper, 1:1 and sheet iron ware, No 17 Fifth street, between Wood and Market. feblo J OHN CARTWRIC;IIT. Importer and Manniociiirer of all kinds of Cutlery, Surgical Instruments. 4.c., No. S 3 Wood street- second door below Diamond alley. fehl 1 JILEINTDN'S UNRIVALLED BLACKING, .inanu- JL Metered and sold wholesale and retail, Smithlieldst., between Sixth and Virgin alley. octlg-y C o .PARTNERz , lllP—Theunnersigned has associated with himself John Nicole. from Baltimore, in the Gra ccry mid Gencrul Commission Business, :tinier the style of Sellers & Nicols. Dated I stianuarylB49. MOO FBAS. SELLERS. ji Al •'. . u.. it/porter. and dealer in •Foreign and Domestic Saddlery, Hardware. and Cur live Trimmings. of all descriptions, No. 133 Wood at., Pittsburgh, seven doors above Filth, and one dbor above 11. Childs x Co'. Shoe Store. • ap24 r 110 COUNTRY MERCDAN'N.—A. A. M..usos & Co. 02 Market street—incite the attention of Country• Merchants to their extrusive assortment of Foreign and Domestic Goods. which will be sold at eastern jobbing prices. jr - r - Vi'lmlesztle Rooms. :hi story.; se:ei 'IMIOM AS PALMER. /111.111111111, hirer and Importer or ii - ALL PAPER, Fine Voard Prints. Borders. Land scape Paper. Ornanumml-Designs. Transparent Window Shades, Paper. and dealer in %tithing and %%rapping Paper, Bonnet and Binders' Boards. kc., /ke.. N 0.47, Market et., between Third and Fourth, PlttribllTO. Pee. marl 4 mcDoNALD,Eilid;la Erns I'mntder. First at., near Market. is prepared to make Brass Casting:, and Brass Works generally, 011 the most reasonable terms need shortest notice. lie invites maeleiniits. and all those using brass works togthe Men a call, as he is tennititcl to do all word ht his line very low. my':-ty Li Mtl ii & SINel .AI It, (late Martin & Smith.l IV eicsok I) Grocers. Produce and Conuntstron Merrhonts.s6 Wood street. Pittsburgh. The urrdergigned having entered into partnership antler th. above stole. respectfully ask the patronage of the friends of the tare firm, and ot purchas ers general!) They feel warranted in promising that they can give satiruhetion to all whu may buy of Mem, or confide business to their care. \C \I. mrrif. mairthl W. M. NCLAIR. F 1 I.ll'l' V.SI.7I,REITMNIT.I - .—Nt Peony& Led lie nuuntfactorr, and keep constantly on bund, cat, moulded and plain Flurt Glassware in alt its varieties, at their warehouse...corner of Musket and WDICV art, Pitts burgh. Our works continue in bill operation, arid we areterinstantly adding to our stock. which enables us to till orders torah promptness. Purchasers are respectfully softened In call anti examine prices and terms. sepld-y. .11 . 11 . 1NLEN". Ilause. Sign, arul Oenarneandl'ain , ,, and dealer in PAINTS. N0..14. St. Clair At., Pitts. burgh, has eoustainly on band all kinds of Pswrs, culler Dry u ad; Japan and Cupal Varnish; Linseed Oil: Ho Oil; ' arias 'Curpentine; Window Glass, of all siicc Puny, I a n ti Brushes. he., all of the best quality, and for sale at reasonable prices. sepll-tf I) A. CAMERON. Illanafirriarereit Hai lore Ware am/ l'lntfimwr Srdtle, and Castmcs i t gene-mi. respect fully asks the tintronnge of his friends. tic feels war rowed that he earl give salts:amain to all who may pur chase of him. Ilia rsulldisitiassat is ou i'irlialry's plait or Lots. Stli Ward. I - I FAMWE Canon u, ion and Par LIS/dlrig J Merrhont, No. '2O Wood street. Pittsburgh, continues to transact a general Commission business. especially in the purchase and sale of American manufactures and produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consign ed to his care. As agent for the manufacturers he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pius hutch manufacture at the litwest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments a re respectfully solicited. Drucgist and Alaalie- J. CarF, north-west corner of Winn! and Fifth streets. Pittsburgh. will keep constantly on band Drugs, Paints, Oils. 1L).....5 4 tuf1i. &c. N U.—Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded from the best materials. at any hour of the day or night. Also. on nssortnn•nt of ,Perfumer': fine tooth. hair. and clothe• Brushes. &c, &a., dr.c„ which he will sell low for cash. apt.V.ly 'ILI LAM '111.0V11.1..4.1. Uttilcrl . Firth street. itn- Il' innlintely opposite the Theatre. respect:ally in forms Ins ricotta and the plithe in general. that he has re sinned Linsiness as a Furnishing Undertaker. lie is sup plied with and always keeps on hand Coffins of all sizes and kinds. Shrouds. amid all other articles necessary Oil such occasions. XEFLII TO Merchants generally. in Putsltureh. Pe. Merchants generally. Nashville, Tenn. W. F. Lane & Co., Louisville, Sy. Springer & Whiteman, Cincinnati, Ohio. James Johnston & Co.. Hewitt, Heran & Co., New Orleans. Alagregor Sc Morris, New York. Duval, Keighlar & Co. , Baltimore, Smith. Bagulcy & Co.. Philadelphia. Daniel Oeslism. Boston PITTSIBUI Spring Style. 14100 RE, has recelynd from New York. the Os Spring Style of Hats—which he will introduce Gil on Samitley, March 4. All those in want of a neat and superior Hat. will pleas call and examine, at No, ;5, Wood street. 3d emir above Fourth street. In 3 FASHIONS.—S. Moore has iustreceived limn New` Year the Fall Style of HATS, Which he will in troduce this day. Saturday. August 28th. All those in want of a neat and superior HAT would do well to call itt NO. 75 WOOD STREET. ang2B 3d door above Fourth. r rOW E (-a ircEr6.7.liiiiiiicTri - iiiihe — old hrm Of C. Townsend & Co.. and Carr & Rowland, beg leave to announce to their friends and to the public gen erally. that they are noir inepared to execute all kinds of work in the Coach and Wagon-making business, at tha shortest notice. unit warranted to be of the best qual ity. The very large quantity of seasoned timber with which they arc prepared. and their facilities for business. enables them to insure the public that they arc prepared to carry on an extensive an& prompt business i n- their line, and they respectfully solicit a continuance of . the liberal patronage beietnit ed upon the late firms. aep4 A(RUBBLE Co. have removed to the corner. of NVood street end Diamond alley, over B. M'Cruin's leather store. where they are prepared to furnish Windrow Blinds, Wholesale and Retail, at prices much reduced; having a very eccentric rnnderf paintinz, and other advent tages unknown mothers in the trade. Besides giving a su po raw finish to Blinds, they trintthent with the best mate rials. making them rich and dnrable. Ist. B. Wide or narrow el ats--portable or permanent`fisr tellio7s famished. Old Minds refined. dec.2l.y I,2IIELL A\U FHA; :11A:\ L ACToll.l%—ffiesr 1.71 hers, having enlnrged their establishmentfortheeian ufaeutrc of STEEL and Fitts—on the corner of Crfiara and Liberty streets. Piitsbutels—are prepared to fufnish Files of every description, of the. best quality; end being determined to ache it the interest of consumers to pur chase Files from them. respectfully invite the patronagi, of all who IL.e the article. marl 0-y E w I.V INVENTED PATENT Hi,or.l( SPRING 11 THUS:4, for the Immediate relief and permanent cure of lirroin and J . :opal:is. (Suited to all sizes.) The superior claims of this Pruss consul in the comparative Cone IVlth W/1101 it may he worn. The pad of wood be mg neatly balanced on springs, yields to the pressure of any part of it. and therougly adapts itself to any move went made by the wearer. It can be wont without inter mission. multi a cure is ettentcd. The subscribers have made arrangements for the manufacture of these raisin hie Trusses. its a superior style. in Philadelphia. mtd have them now for sate as their office. No. 77 Snuthfteld street. near Sixth, Pittsburgh. QUOTLGE WATT. /YI D. W. KAUFFMAN. "Cf ONONIIAIIELA 110VSE. OPT the comes of Iratey .! and Sm/k/i41,1 strews, Pittsburgh, En.—Tha midor signed Proprietors of the Monongahela House announce to tho Public. thnt the Hange is open for the reception of Vt9l}oo.. They are conscious of having spared no ex penso in fitting out the Establishment in such a style as to render every comfort tit the Guests. They hope by constant care and attention to business to merit the pa tronage so liberally bestowed on the late Monongahela House. imarSi JAMES CEOSSAN & SON. - --•-• ... ,TEW .Vr01t.E....----jons D. Mgt ono•. li - hate - I f 1 1 salt and Read I:W.:gist, No. 3:11 Wood street. one door South of Diamond alley. Pittsdurg.—The subscriber has Just received from the Eastern cities. and is ini‘v opening at the above stand. a full assortment of articles in his hue, consisting of Drugs of all kinds. Dye Stuffs. Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, kc. , together with all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store_ His stock is entirely new. and has been selected with care. Ile is ronhdent that his articles. both as to quality and price, will please such as may favor hint with a call. inyt , y _ . 4 THENEC:II RrfreArnerir and Bathisiz Saloons, Liber -11 1? &rect.—The subscritiers4leeply tenni:Ml for the increased and still increasing patronage bestowed on them_ since the opening of their establishment, beg leave to state that their baths are open of all times, and that hot, cold and shouter baths can he had at any moment A few more boarders can be accommodated by the week. and gentlemen can procure breakfast, dinner, supper. etc., at the usual hours, say breakfast 71 o'clock, a. tit.; dinner. El slipper p. tn. Oysters, cooling drinks. and other refreshments runtish. ed in a superior style. and charges moderate. jnnls PECIi , THONIrsoN k co. V CINONGA liEl. A PLAYING Iyo CR would respectfully inform his friend. arid the ptil , lic, that his new equiblialtment la now in full opetati , ./11. and that he is prepared to furnish Boat and fill nit order. fur Planed Lumber, with promptitude, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on ono or both slate, eon stands on hood. ' Sasil. Doors and Mouldinga, of every description. made to osier. Builders and Carpenters Would find it to their advan tage to give hint a coll. as he can now furnish then, with planed sniff. suitable for every description of work. dee3-tf IFirrit 'CAup LivErt V STA LILE.—The ~.).. subscriber. having brought out the well TIOVe II Livery Stable kept by C. !:. Doty. in the rub Ward. respectfully informs lux friends and the pub lic generally, that he o ill keep at all tinie• a stock of the best description of riding horses, buggies, carriages of all kinds, mind in short everything required in liii tura of t...i.e.., A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he is cordidein no stock in the city will be superior to his. Ws terms will be lIIIAICIAte. Ili. stuble is ou Liberty sr, a few doors above the canal bridge, where respectful ly solicits a share of public patronage. C IA EL ES COLEMAN. ![jfe is also provided with nn elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. oct93. New Hat and Cap Store. itCHAS. H. PAL'LSON, (late of the firmest of Paulson & Gilt.l having opened his new store, at No. 7J Wood street, next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing, and receiv ing fr om the Easter n cotes, a very large assortment of Hats and Caps of every description, warranted to be made in the best manner and of the best materials. Ot ter, Seal, fine and coanneu Muskrat, Scalene, Hair Seal, l'lush and Glazed Caps. tand fine assortinent of ladies Furs, such as Lynx, Poh. et,.and Coney Muffs. Tippets and Fur Trim. mines, all ot which he wren) at Eastern prices for cash, hot), wholesale and retail. Country merchants will please) call and stzamine my stock before purchasing., elsewhere. Wholesale HheStore. jH. CHILDS & CO. are v receiving their Spring supplies, consisting of one of claßia the largest, cheapest. and best assortment of hoots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. ALSO-I.adies' and Misses' Florence Braid and Russ Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid as sortment of Palm Leut Bats, Men's and Boys' Summer Caps. ALSO—A large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leath er, al i of which, having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the Western trade, will be sold at a small advance on the coat and charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. mar27-tf - - DirrstnAlGH cirAIR AND CABINET WARE HOUSE,--No. 6.2, Third semi, Pittaburgh.—The sub scribers would respectfully return their thanks to their friends and the public, for the very liberal patronage be stowed since the commencement of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. They would respectfully invite those who want to pur chase anything in the furniture or chair line to . give them a call and examine their extensive stock ' now on hand, consisting of some of the most splendid Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Furni ture. Flattered by the very extensive patronage receiv ed in their business, they have, at considerable expense.' made arrangements in New York, by which they will have the latest Eastern patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the citizens of Pittsburgh . an opportunity of pa tronizing home industry, and finding in their own city what they formerly would obtain only'in the - East. Hav ing adopted the principle of small profits and quick sales, they will be able to sell-at as low rates as any of the establishments in the Eastern Cities. novlo-y 11.013E1tTS' & BANE. STIAVING AND HAIR DRESSNO SALOON-13cs cit soN k roux -4m, Tonsorial Projessors, - haircifitted up the saloon on the corner of Cherry alley and Water at., near the National Hotel, formerly occupied by Clement Archer, and are prepared to wait on gentlemen at once, with ease, comfort and politeness. In connection with their saloon, they have fitted up an excellent shower bath, where persons can have 'homier baths at all hours of the day. They still continue to serve their customers sago at their Old Stand, corner of the Diamond and Union street. febl7-tf 110EIV HAT AN STORE.- ,IAN 1 Ammi. -1.. 1 1 WILSON, Mat Manufacturer, formerly of the corner of Diamond alley and Manufacturer, sts.,) , 11 1. 11 11111 begs leave respectfully to inform hisANEW,fren, and the public, that he has opened STORE, on Smithfield street, where a choice assortruent of HATS, CAPS, and LADIES' FURS, (as good, neat, fashiona ble and cinsar,as any in the city,) may he had. J. W. very cordially invites his friends and the public to remem ber his new location and establishment, and give hint a call as hearty as he intends to welcome them. mar3l-1y 00 an. 00 : to re No• 117 Wood street, Opposite Drone Indian Store. A2I , CAIIIhION resaectfully informs his friends and • the public generally, that be has opened, at the above place, with en assortment of Ladles' and Gentle men's Boots and Shoes, superior to anything ever brought to this market consisting in part of Ladles' fancy color ed Gaiters and Half Gaiters; Slippers, single-soled,Yrom 50 cents to 81,50; White Rid and Satin Slippers, 81,50 to 81.75; together with every variety of Cluldrens , Farm , ti substanal Boots, Shoes, and S.ippers. Gentlemen ' s Boots, front 82,50 to 85,00, In short, lam prepared with every thing in my lino; and flatter myself. front my long experience in the business, that I will ho able to gave general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their atron age. raplB) A. M'CAMMON. . p, ane, in re la an. • MANUFACTORY, No. 140 Wood Street, between Sixth and Virgin Ailey, Pius burgh, Pa., opposite Dr../Irrron's Church. oionn 'W. Tn. has always on band, of his own manufacture, a large assortment or Blips, Canes, Umbrellas, and Parasols, of every -de scription; which he will dispose of, 'Wholesale r Retail, at prices as low as they eau bo pm- Chased for in the Cities ofeitherillew Yolk, PhiltulaipMa, or Baltimore. Workmanship warianted:equal 10 those manufactured in either Of the above mentioned Cities. so-3nscr Mr 'Repairing done neatly.'Xa . . I .mw% SATURDAY, AP Ihmincss Tarbg L 29, 1848 iiii9CdtanCOU.S. ar: bariteMe i AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCILA.NT, Auzattaxt Crrr, Pi. rtITICtILAIL - -The underiigned having complied with the requirements of 11th Andiron Law, and taken out a Commission as Auctioneer. fbr the City of Allegheny. Is now toady to receive aserchtindize• in all its varielY t on consignment for either public or private salei and from long exporienre in the above branches of business, tern himself that he will benblo to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor hiai with them patronage. Liberal advances made on consigninents. I shall en deavor to make speedy sales titul gala returns. 'rendering you and ybur friends my services, I remain your obedient servant, WM. J. BURNSIDE.. Allegheny city, September, 180. J ames I %rn,ltunes 3l'Cullv, John Jr., John B. Guthrie, 'Wm. A. Bill & CO..'Jones 211'Clintock, James K. Logan. John D. Davis, Berke r flaunen. John B. ,Alc- Fadden to Co, Alexander Stuart, Young & Stevenson. - novl4-y • o n ,Cortorr gltt , - - MPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Surgical and T Dental Instruments, Saddler'aand Tanner's hand tools, Taylor's Patent Shears, &c. Also. annalist:hires Truss es. Supporters, &0., invent variety. John Cartwright. nianufactarer and - importer of Pen, Pocket, and Table Cutlery.; Razors, Scissors, Files, Saws, has removed to 83 goon Sre.xur. second door belOw Diamond alley, And 111 IS lately received a large assortment of PEN AND POCKOP KNIVES. KNIVES AND FORKS. Also. liners' and Whotsenhotms' FINE CUTLEIty. Elliines, Rodgers`. Wade and Bro:s Razors, Balsams.. Raior Strops. &c. Damascus and Wire Twist.. GUS AND PIS - MLR. Allen's.- Colt' N s. , and Blu RIFLES nt's REVOLVERS; Powder Flasks. Shot Belts, Onto nags: Walker's and Coxe's Extra Percussion Caps: Bowie.. Dirk, and Hunting 'Calve s. Tools. such is Callipers, Dividers. flyers. ,NiPPers: Hasid Vices. Squares, Rules, Braces, Bits, Spoke Shaves, Stocks rind Dies. Wire and loon Gouges, Mathematical Instruments, &d., In very great variety.' ID — Jobbing and reparring neatly and punctually done. unt9-1y J. APOCIMT lc CO. A eta tion Notice. 1 111:: subscriber has paid into the Treasury of the Coin , mot:wealth, the amount of license required by law. le has given the regularly approVed security, and taken out a emission of the first class. at an Auctioneer of the city of' Pittsburgh. and rented' that spacious Wareroom belonging to Sylvanua Lothrop, 1..?.q., No. 114 Wood st., three doors from Fifth., where he is prepared to attend to the sale of every kind of ilerehandise, Furniture. Real Estate. Stocks, Shipping,. &c.. either at the Auc tioll Rooms or on the premises. and will in all eases exert himself to the utmost for the benefit of his employers, on fhe most reasonable terms; he will sell exclusively and only on commission; neither purchasing nor having any interest whatever on goods in the store, but merely the Commis sion for selling. thereby giving all 01ritre a fair chance, without partiality of having therein property disposed of to the best advantage. Sales will be promptly settled when made: advanc es will be given at any tune 011 the most accommodating terms; merchants will slot be charged foi advances. Regular sale days, Nit Ind Gym rind Thu rvl nys, ofDry Good!, G roe e ric a. Furniture. &e.; and every evening,. Hard ware. Cutlery, Watches. Chum Pistols, and fancy articles; Books. on Saturday evcitiu.s. are 2 4 ' JAM'S 2 1 rKEN:sa. Auct. CAEAP itAT AND•VAP 1111.1U5.P., 4 N0.102,.W00d Street. SPRING F.ISMONS SILK . fot , BEAVER. AD Nu"- NIiTiLA HATS. The subscriber rcapectfully informs his customers and the public, that he has returned front New York. bringing with him the moat approved style of Hats. for spring and summer wear. adopted by William 11. Beebe. Uroad - way, (late Beebe & Costar.) He would also inform the public, that ho is daily manufacturing Hats and Caps, of all des criptions, which he is determined to dispose of at prices to please the purchaser: that ia, cheaper than any other Hat establishment in the city. ID - Country Merchants. wishing to purchase Hats and Cups. by wholesale, are requested to call and examine his assortment: as he feels confident of being able tr please iu quality, quantity, and price. ti. W. CLASSCOW. Manufacturer, No. ill!, Wood at., 3d door below John 1). Davi marr-dllni Commercial Aar' - Ater York Pekin TegiVonipanr, CAUTION TO TM' PUBLIC. A LEXANDER JAYNES is the only authorized fluent in Plitsburgh and Allef bony cities, for the sale of the Pekin Ten Company's leas of 75 and 77 Fulton at., New York. Any other person in Pittsburgh pretending to sell our Teas is en imposter, and deceives all who may patronize him. It is commonly known that the Pekin Pea Company's Teas have proved superior to all other Ten, sold, and for this reason many persons have dishon estly pretended to have the sale of the Pekin Tea Corn puny's Teas. when they arc all the time rending trust, and cheap stuff which they hare obtained elsewhere.— Others again assume the name of the Pekin 'lea Com pany and imitate our packages, and thereby deceive man v. NVe are informed that there re a person in Pittsburgh selling Teas under the name of the New York mid Phila delphia Pekin Tea Company. We have only to say that this assumed company have uo connexion, whatever, with the New York Pekin Tea Company. as consumers of tea will readily dincoyer by comparing the snide they sell with the genuine tea, sold by the New York Pekin "ren Company, at the store of Alexander Jaynes, No. 72 Fourth street. N. U.—Messrs. MeCALLMONT & BOND, of Philade!. plum, have no connexion, whatever, with the New York Pekin Ten Company, nor have they any right or priri.. I age to sell teas under a name so nearly resembling ours as to hues a tendency to mislead the public. LIOUGLASS & 75 and 77 Fulton st.. N. Y. . Great Smile of Nursery Stock I is Tot extensive stock of old LANDRETii NUR • g pt. SERIES, Philadelphia, is about to be disposed of at PUBLIC AUCTION—the undersigned in tending to relinquish business. Such an opportunity for obtaining Nursery Products at Auction. has never been presented in America, and the attention of the trade. and all who with to decorate their grounds in Town or Coon try. or enlarge their Orson house eolteetionh, is respectfully invited. For improving the grounds of Cemeteries, Churches, State and County Offices, etc., this sale will af. ford unequalled facilities. Catalogues in detail are in preparation. The sale orthe out-door artiefes will com mence on TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, and 'the Dents in Pau, on TUESDAYMAY 2d. Proer aid for sae pak ing a n d shipment will be given, wh e n required ;. f and c as there will be no postponesuent or reservation, persons from distant points muy attend the sale without fear of disappointment. *.• Orders to be executed at PRIVATE SALE will be received until the above periods, and the usual strict at tention given. D. LANDRETH & It may be proper, to state. to prevent misapprehension, thin it is the Nursery business only, the subscriber is about to relinquish. Ills attention will be hereafter ifevotedio'the cilium of seeds, - and to their sale at his warehouse, GS Chenutut street. •- lErAnv (unbar information. will be givewby SNOWDEN. Pittsburgh.. mar 14 . lkj.E‘V BOOKS-3leatorials of Methodism—lntrodu7- Lion of Methodisiri Into the Eastern Cities, compris ing biographical sketehes Of its first churches, and remin iscences-of its early struggles and successes. By Rev. A. Stevens, A. M. . Memoir of Rev. David Alicel, M. A., Missionary to China, by. his nephew, Rev. G. IL Williatimon. . Mark Wilton, the Merchanta Clerk.' By Rev. Cherie* B. Tayler, M. A.; author of "Margaret, or the 'Pearl," "Lady Mary," &c., &c. The above,. with a great variety of new books, on hand and just receiving. ELLIOTP & ENGLISH, 1:m22 po Market street. r THE READY RECKONER—For Ship Builders, Boat I Builders, and Lumber Merchants; being a correct measurement of scantling, ,boards, planks, cubical Con tents- of square- arid round timbers, saw logs, wood, &c., -comprised in a - number of tables, to which are added-ta bles of wages by the month; board or rent, by the week or day; and railroad distances; also, interest tables--by J. M. Scriber, author of the "Engineer's and Mechanic's Companion," &C., &c. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Booksellera. cor. Market and Third sts. UNBLUSHING IMPUDENCE.—From a published card of M'Cahnont & Bond, of Philadelphia, the public would be led to believe that we have been claim trign privilege we had no right to. That "they have abandoned. some time,since, the exelunive agency !ye. tem," and that we have right to claim "exclusive pnvil egos with their tette." I never pretended to sell the teas or this spurious concern. I have been selling the teas of the New York Pekin Tea Company for the last two years, as the publiC are aware, and have been to New York four times in that time, and never heard of - this nets concern until lately but as woof'dealers. • The tea business of M'Callmont &Bond is about eight months old, and their assumption - of the. Pekin Tea,Com. pany's name is beemise - a hame is open for any man or firm to assume; but the fact Intended to imply thereby, that. they have any connection with the so called and well known Pekin Tea Company of New York, is entire ly false, they having been denied even an agency in Philadelphia, for the New York Company, that Company having refused even thus far to confide in them. I know not what kind of wool they keep, nor what kind of. teas; I am only certain that they keep of obtain none of the Pekin Tea Company's of New York.. Any person reading this card - will see the gross decep. don they wish to practice on the nubile, and to the Injury of my business. M'Callmont & Bond are wool dealers in Philadelphia, and have sent an agent out here to pull wool aver the eyes of some of our good citizens. Look out for the black sheen. fnort9r ' ALEX.JAYNEN. U.A.SLE Y PROPLIITY—For bale an mt. proved Property on Liberty Street containing a large Brick Dwelling ;Tepee with good 4ollars,a Hall of entrance two Parlors, Dming-room Kitchen and Wash room on first story a Hall and four splendid morns tin 2d story. Three fine rooms on 3d story and three rooms on the garret all finished in modern style and in comfortable. A — le . o, two lama Balding Lois on #ertrl ktreet a bargain can be had in the above properly_ if appiied.. fox soon, terms neeomodating. 8. CUTHBERT, Gen agent. A • ril 8.1848. Smithfield above 4th-street & E. TODD would reppectfully Inform the suer -11. chants of this city and our: customers generally, that we have removed our stock of Shirts and Gents Fur nishing Goode, to the corner of Fifth and Market streets, 2d story over W..& P, , lbagns, entrance on Fifth street, l where we intend to keep unhand a large stock of Shirts, - of our own mannfac..ture with an assortment of Gentle mens' Furnishing Goods, usually kept by Decent Whole sale Famishing Stores. Being very thankful forthe kind patronage bestowed on us for the past =year, Wit would be 'happy to receive calls foene. Mir old customers. and Merchants generally, and *rad infofin theM that we intend twilling on our nrt'shall Induce them look further,. as we expect be add largely toonr stock, and ditiftrdsh our prices. Merchants and dealers are abetted 10 exiurnne out stock of 90°4 a , ul.o-tf - If • 4.-- • BOOR AND 108 PRINTING °FEIGN, N. W. terrier of Wood and Fifth Streets. T HE Proprietor of the Momstso Posx and MERCURY AND MAlTtrrActritate, respectfully informs his friends and the patrons of these miners, that ha has 4WO as sortment of JOB TYPE, ASO ALI OTHER MATE RIALS necessary toe Job Printing &ea, and that hp is prepared to execute irrnat. PI rummy° OP inuct liVtczurriox: Books, Dins of Lieling, Circulars, , Pamphlets, .13ill Heads, Cards • Handbills. Blanks, Hat Two. & All kinds of Blanks, Stage, Stesimboat and Caned Boat Bills. with appropriate Cuts, piiiiied on the shortest notice and most reasonable tends. He respectfully asks the patronage of his friends, and the public in ge%eral, in this branch of his business. leP22 L. HARPER. - • Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. rt is now twenty years since I first used Thee Vegeta -1 ble Pulmonary Balsam in my family. Since that time it has been my practice to keep a bottle of the article by me for the use of my family, which is large, and for the benefit of my friends. I have uniformly found it to be a very valuable, efficient medicine; and think, that by using it seasonably for the complaint(' for which it is recom mended, it has often prevented the disease from taking' a more serious form. In one instance, I recommended it to my brother, who resides in the Sane of New York, who was dangerously ill with a disease of the lunge. He has since written to me for more, having found no which cave him so Much relief.' OTIS PECK. Sold in Pittsburgh by • FAHNEOCK-le Cornet' of First and Wood; also, corner ST of Sixth CO.. and Wood streets. dec2s PUKE GREEN A.'ID BLACK TEAS, from at New York Pekin Tin Company.—Just received at the Pe kin 'Ten Store. 72 Fourth StreeL a very lame supply of fresh Green and Bieck Tees. of all the 'different grades and qualities imported into this country: packed In lead. in 5 lb- boxes, in 1 itt. . f m.. and +tb, packages. A 150.5 111. tin Cannisters. of The different qualities, convenient for families and steamboats, ranging in prices from 27i co , " jik tb., to $1.50. Fine Oolong Black Tena,'itt 50, 02f, 75, 571 c.,. and $l.OO ip lb. We will refund The money in all cases where our Teas do not give entire satisfaction, or exchange for a different article. For sale at the Pekin Ten iitol.9, 72 Fourth st.. by decll A. JAYNES. 'Dorms. SHOES. TRUNKS. &C.—Follansbre ¢ Hau l-) Ward, wholesale and retail Boot. Shoe and Trunk Store. No. lial.iberty street, nearly opposite the head of w o od . FAL ft have in store and are receiving their Fail and Winter stock of BOOTS. SHOES. &c.. consisting of the largest stock they have ever been able to bring to this market. Our stock of gooks have mostly been manufac tured to our order. and expressly for the Pittsburgh mar ket. We also have constantly on hand a splendid stock of Ilayward's Metallic Gum Elastic Shoes. both for ladies' and gentlemen's wear, the most beautiful article ever manufactured. Atie would solicit an examination of. our stock of goods, by all who wish to purchase either at wholesale or retail, as we shall sell at a small adrancs above oast. Country merchants will find it to their inter est to tall and examine our sleek before purchasing. FOLLANSBEE & HAY - WA RD, engin No. 196 Liberty st. PlANOS—Chiekering.—One splendid rose wood 61, Oc tave Piano Forte, made by Chickering. Hinton. Herz.—One semi-grand Piano Forte, from the manufac tory of Henry Herz, Paris. 6. Octaves. Gate 4- Co.—One carved rose wood 6 Octave. made by Gale & Co., New York. One ditto mahogany 61. Oc tave. Stoddart. Near York.—One elegant mahogany Piano, 6 Octave. which has been in use tor about a year. Price two hundred dollars. SECOND 11A-ND PIANOB.—An excellent second hand Piano, made by Loud it Brothers, in good order. Price 8100. One second-hand Piano. Price SGO. For sale by .JOILY H. MELLOR, novB 81 Wood street. FANETZ'OODS — T r ICZT KAMM'S new store GT Market st. 45 pcs china vases, various styles: 4 doz. pieces shaded and plain veliet ribbon; 2 " black o 2 " Celestial and Terrestinl Globes; " Ivory Memorandum Tablets; 4 " Cut velvet pocket books and card cases. 4 " }gorse-sboe combs, imitation of shell; o " German silver ten bells. TRIMMINGS. A large lot of Gimp head black fringe. A good assortment of Drab and mole colored; Gimp to match; u Mlde black; Graduated Buttons. With a great variety of miscellaneous goads; tutiongst which are Extra large size - Emong Rage; Coral Beads. assorted strands; Writing Desks, all sixes; Ladies work boxes " Backgammon Boards; Gold Spectacles. all ages; Black Union Galloon. All the above goods will be sold low. uov2s 1.10:41(BP ' ction Ronms. ATHIC BOOKS.—Just received,at the Book- AL store of the subscriber. in Fifth at., near Market: Mr:feria Medina. pure. by Samuel Hahneman. translated and edited by Charles Julius lierlapel. M. D., 4 vols. Harman's Acute Diseasa. by Dr. Hempel, vol. I. Ilommopathie Domestic Medicine, by I. Lowrie, en larged and improved by A. J. Hall, M. D. Tahr's New Manuel. vol. 1, Nos. 1 and'3. Herings Domestic Physician. A Manuel of Domestic Cookery, for the use of persons who ea: under Homeopathic treatment. Boonin,ghausen's Therap.mtic Pocket . Book, for Homo pathists, by Dr. Okie., Habeman's Chronic Diseases. vol. 5. Together with Medicine Chests, of different sires and prices. tai , vw VICTOR SCRIBA. 'VALUABLE BOOKS=BOHN'S STANDARD Ll— BRARY.—Machiavelli's History of Florence and Prince ; Reverie's Leo the Fourth . OMOC'S Lorenzo de Medici; Schiller's Don Carlos and otherpramaa; Beek_ man's History of Inventions; Memoirs of Count Gram mont ; Schleyell's Philosophy of History Schlevell's Thematic Literature; Memoirs of CoL Hutchinson; Itobt. Hill's Miscellaneous Works; Life of Bomenuto Cellini; Cox's House of Austria; Bonterweekte Spanish Litera ture. For sale by H. S. BOSWORTH & CO., deal 43 Market street. existing between the Subscribers, under the style of Poindexter& Co.. was dissolved on the Ist inst., by znutual consent. IL W. Poindexter is authorized to settle all the business of the concern. IL W. POINDEXTER, C. II GRANT. NOTlCE—flaying purchased the entire interest or C. U. Grant. in the late concern of Poindexter. & Co., and associated my son, Theodore Poindexter, with me. the business will be continued 63 usual under the style of Poindexter & Co. rap2l3 'IL W. POINDEXTPIL • Great Bargain Corner I J. BATES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shea and Dunks, Store earner of® Fifth. and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh—The sub - scriber respectfidly announces to his old customers and the public generally, That he has removed his 800 Shoe and Trunk Store to the large new warehouse lately erected at the corner of Fifth and Smithfield streets, op posite the oldrittsburgh Foundry, where he will keep on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HAIR AND LEATHER TRUNKS, YALICES, CARPET BAGS, &c., of all descriptions and dies, - which he will sell Torus= as cheap as can be bought in this Market. • Being connetced with - some of the largest' manufactur lug establishments in the eastern cities, and receiving goods almost every week during the season, ho °Ken great inducements to purchasers, either by wholesale or retail, as he offers his goods at lot et prices than those of the same quality can be bought else Where in the city. I manufacture and keep constantly on hand, 13oys , and Youths' Calf and Kip Boots, a very neat and serviceable article. Mr" Remember the place, "Great Eiargain'Corner." J.' BATES, Corner ftifth and Smithfield streets. apß-y Gnoctrtif.s; — .Gz: - 400 bbla. N. 0. Molasses; 50 bbls. St. Louis S. H. Molasses; 12 ht do do do do; 200 bags Coffee, prime green; 75 hf. chests assorted Teas; 110 six pound caddies Y. H. and irdperial Tea; 1500 do do do do; 50 hhds. Sugar; 40 bbls. Tea; 100 boxes Bxl.o Window Glass; 10 do 10x12 do; 50 do Tobacco. A large assortment of all , kinds of Groceries on hand &t the new warehouse of EDWARD FLAZLETON, ap24 ' North-east corner of the. Diamond: To country Merchants. A LARGE stock of School Docks, Paper, Staiionety, r., suitable for country gales among wich are: Writing Papers,do do do of fine, medthm, and nnum qualities. Letter co do Note do do do ddo o . do Note and Letter Envelopes, Slates, Pencils, Wafers, Quills, Steel Pens, Window Paper (yard wide 4 Plain and Printed Bonnet Boards, of different qualifies, Blank Books, in great variety, Family, School and Pocket Bi bles, Crown, Medium, dnd Double Crown Wrapping PO, per, hl'autTy's Eclectic Spelleri and Readers, Ray's-Ec lectic. Arithmotles , Cobb's Prime rs, Spellers, and Readers, Sanders' do- - do. do. • • Arithmethies—by Adams, Dayis, Collinnt, Smith, Stock ton, Emerson, and others. Geographies—try fifitehell, Olney, Smith. Morse, Good- rich, Parley, and other*. o ~ e • Ginnemaro.-by Smith, Kirkham, &Alcoa!, Weld; and For sale, co kw pnees. by .TORN H. mmrt o. • • 81 Wood 11?.., 4 doors above Fourth. .RThe highest market pri c e paid in sash for good - aplB - - RUGS.—Gam Alm* Milan,- " Gamboge; " Kino True; " Opium, new crop; "lbaroans t strained; Fatet-Jalap; " Dandelion; " Belladonna;' Just received, and for sale by . B. A. FAHNEBTOCK & CO., Cor. first and Wood eta, A VERY fine easonment of Fancy, and Variety Goods; such aa Fans, .fiecordeons;Jeavelry, Gloves ; Mitts. - Steel floods of every deacriplion. 'Mao. gilt and silver Fringe; Stain and Titillate forßegalii. ZEBULON: IIIYZEV'S; 117 Market street. ~„,,. filiscellantous. .." NUMBER 243; itiistellancon#, - WM, ALEXANDER /k SONS/ kitl=rd . • - Coreta Messes arm Futtettante - UMDZILTAIigIis, come of Pings add St. Mir streets, oPpitits Ed,' TigallillWnS change haul, Entrants-ye Pena Ai: respectfully inform, their (grade; and the public, that they are prepared to furnish and tend to every thing in the line of Undertakdri,- es thelf '- have quit the , business of Cabinet Making, and their atm: tendon will be devoted altogether to the abate bashutury.. keep a large assortment of COFFINS mule and finish/de covered, and lined in the neatest manner. with a Tree:W. of mate rial,, and prices; we keep SHROUDS tea s dy made, of all sites, of Flannel, Cambrid, and' Muatint at all prises, and made in the eastern sqle, and all othef.', articles necessary for dressing the dead, .and faraishiner funerals, of quality and prices to cut ; SILVER PLATEL, for engraving the name and age; ICE CASES lb*" laykt, the body in tea t by those who wish to keep their .friandi any length of time arid have ZINC PANS to pat Sea in for laying on the • body; LEADEN Coffins*bray* ad . hand. We have a splendid new REMISE and e„Pair Site horses, and any number of the beat- carriage; ettr. etc., and will be prompt, punctua l , and ssasonabld.;., augle-y- - Umbrellas, Parasols, Parassoletbees:. AND WALKING CANE UNDHELLAB, M. l. l CnAßDS g N r Y i t t: one biieUniteda Avtrl ttq Phi adelphie. Merchants are respectfully informed that I continuo to manufacture all the above goods, by the aid of *test!" notwitlisiandinChe peat 9ppositan Of parties opplittod Ur' the introduction of expensive iniprovements. Myessers, , ment is complete, and prices so low as to 1071, satire s isfaction, • - • . 127 - As there : is an UmlirellaStore next door of narli the same , name, it is imp - glom you should remembero HICIIARDSQN, Sawa Fattary, and Pardentri Ira/king - Cane Umbrella, sign of ttte Linr tuidEataxx i Na. 104, Market sr, Philadelphia. fp - Attention is requested to the celebrated firalkirge' - Cane Umbrella, a neat and beautiful article, ta combiniAgral the advantages of a Cone and umbrella. iklitYoung - La , dles .. r r S ern:pa:tory, Alleglielay th. t 3r,,,„ . ~ ;enNll.o;4l%lerliheCtiAy.ta'advilcuills fY d ni tCgt e eiled rea l : vul of his School. from th e comer of Sandusky anal:brawn -.. berry streets, where he has been teaching for the lei{.i , ~ twelve Menthe. On and after April Ist, he will oaistipi Rooms oil 'Federal street, iu "Colo:lade Rove," &ado*. from the bridge. The Academic Year will consist Of Deo, Sessions, of five months . each, commenting on the #szt , --, Monday in February and &Member. - - • -,, :`.: &Ares OP TYMOY, PIE SESSION OP Pm: ilicninaii.- ' - . English Department—lncluding Reading.'Orthogratalif, and En Writi gn, English Grammar. Ehnen; Lai , ' :: • -.' gic, nglish Composition and Criticism, Geography, il"' • tory, And:inlet and:the higher branches of Mathernittilie as l / 2 , Natural Philosophy, Chemistry . , Astronomy , Botany, Phys sith er ology, Geology, Intellectual and blond Science, stt aell • o branches requisite to is thoroug h EnglisitEslueln . Lion • Classical Department—lncluding tlic I . ' lkibli‘ Greek and French languages, each en sulditional Charge coP: , ' , SG CO -•' - . The services of competent Teachers are itterini . sltot such as may desire to receive idstructions In Drawnigi • . Painting, had Icitie. - ~.. -•-. ~, - - Those designing to enter. will find It to their *toren t do so as near to the opening of the Session as Tensible; • yet pupils will be received at any time during the Seine% and will be charged at the, above rates only, Rhin the . _ time of entrance. Ne ded uc done will be made threbesa: eels exceptin ens of protracted Innen. . • ' ' -. * Any information which nu* bit desired, will be cheers fully cothiminiditted to those who 011 upon the inatittette. at his rooms. . .- Reference may also be made to the RdlObringarldilif MOO: tt Re D . . . Dr. T. F. DOLS, Allegheny, lior4C.Sha/er.PittsboW,T Y. . Elliott, " Rev. D.:l-1. Riddle - u . 4_-' ,-,;: " .;:: Mr. H. P. Sehnert; a ' . Ref. R. Die; ' •at jan3l-dttm S. MORRIS & CO'S BLACK WRITING IN FoO i . Suet or Quill Pens, widths Copying Pren.—Tlils la . ts the result or the experiments of several years, dernfed to the manufacture, on an extensive stale, Of an *midis .' suited to, alltha purposes 6f the consumer. The pathos.. tire of this iVriung Ink couaists in the following .p ' - ties: Fi.ctorrv--su which property it will be .W - • surpass all previous preparations. It will flow erig ~i atag,, fect freedom, either tram quill or steel pens, ly free from any corrosive qualities.l; • , of this article is a rich. beautiful Lino bli . ~.• -:........, ...., . .. All good plea la, Croft' its rte. L:",.,.." ---- .. constitution, requires exposure to the lik: . ' f - c --- 7 rd , • ,' .:..*. color. It must not, therefore, heal•Pe: - '4;• - "• - ,7,-"" ... . - -'-. meat the bottle is oped, the Ink rill be •" • - loc .7.. Week. The first Appearinim dist be .._ ~...• , ''' , 15141.14111f!wg5.1.. • posure to the cherumal- action of the auminitokek snag 1 on paper or in the inkstomi, it will assume g Irdill teliglablialg 4 .. .',`.': hue. Plastanexcv—The color is unalterable by the lid ut. time. It will never fade. (ht this aecbunt, eill Important ..:•, record' ...- shotdd be made In this article, as years oar . , -'- deepen and strengthen its tint. • Pt. B. This Ink is suitable• for all kinds of Alataillit L'. ' •' .r. Peas, and for Peni made of Quills; and what is =Nue . tam and very - desirable wit* many, will titre* pert et r impression by the Copying:Press. -We are tarit2g, in the institutions whit *bleb we ars ... .j. conaeeted,Monu•Eivo Mai* Writing Is B / onAin roiliwoV-'- ' ;'.. - 4 to fluidity . , brilliancy. indpermanencf,helievl '' •;;-'..4 to any Inc we have berets:4o' re used." - __ :.• : re "A. Thurston, CIIIIIIiii ' Blink - pi '' sq VlTra.illilt.. -' - 7 . anlson,Cashier Northern Bonk , of Kertmeky; Georgni.o ( ~ : .. awathmey. Cashier Bank of Ka- ;L. 14 Sheave, . ......: ' President of use Gas Bank.;'Thinnae ;L. Heira, - Cleeleid Barren County Court; Currett_pope, thick elf Jaffirrsoui '-:. . • County Courti P. B. Atwood .- Secliettety Pinrreanht roma. . . ram * Ccamany ; John Muir, Agtilt Lexington In - ' , . Company; S. S. Goodwin, SeeretrayTordeual Dt7 Doe* and Insurance Company; IL D. CWtmi,crs, Scerefary. Franklin Fire and Menne Insurance Company; J. IL . 4 e -it' Ithomer. Treasurer Louisville Saving Institution." A supply of the alone Ink, iust_reed bad Or Gale by ''. ' ',I/ feb7 JOHNSTON &STOCKTON. Latißm Bas/n .p iowder:Ar .... .: ..:T..., MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI: - AIANUFACTURED sfr.T .• ...3 FTEE BOSTON MOUNT BROLS WOEES. • ' • , ..'4, OR cleaning the surface of IVlndows, Afirrent, sad ~ .. 4 Oka: Mrs, and restoring it to its ati,, , inal transpai - .' . :-, fancy, this article is decidedly without au equal. Doti • :.'.. time and labor are saved by its use. A thousand . vast. ....?-: .......- • sluices could be adduced, if accessary, to certify tie Ode. -1- i...,... , .i: ....-- ~ tact. it will remove the crx kie Cited the suiface..of a . .. 7 , ~ ow. Copper. Brest, .Britannin,.7fn, 4.e., with` ' .. 3 :". . :''' .....- facility, giving it au unrivalled polish.. .' ... ... -,_,....-_ f,..., , ~.. ' '," • A fair trial is all that the proprietors uk, uttitztraka. 7 • "'. vines' the most skeptical of its utility.••••••:: - ,-;• Directions/or Ose.— Let the Powder bit 4 _puirt i ft c ,„ damp,. soft woollen cloth. With a very linhe .. e ' . • ..*, .„: • • every p_artiele of oxi:e may la removed. , T.- • ...': --, ''''t ' "9 feb4 1, JOSF.PH R. CARR:Gantl4 4 trea' , - , N . . A For sale by JOHN D. AIORG.AN, st.: • ~. - .1: 31.RAliclisFors N T,Tulghz"9 , ',N:o. fe'sl.) 2 1 1214 , (between Penn and the Bridge4—Dresses, CloahaAan Mantillas, &c. made to the latest French and t Fashions. Alio, Bonnets, Hoods, Capes, Head . site% • &c. A choice se - tenon of new styles Satins, Silk Velvety French Flowers, GirciPs, rich cap and bonnet gibbon:a t Laces; Fring es , Cords. Buttons ; Crapes, Modes, amebas' Centimes, andkerchiefs, dtt., for sale, wholesale and retail at th e lowest price. Country Milliners supplied . ... , with the latest French and English Patterns of every near article in the Millinery and Dress-making line, is Arimr . ... York' prints: . ' . Straw Bonnets cleaned Ind altered to the present flab.. • c, ion. Jane ..-. • •. .• _ _ prrrsßuitcal STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND • AXLE FACTORY' c :unix s. itimkg quistG, 3 1 1 -A MPTZ, D lie l le i ,3 i r ou s g rVi ng "., d c o tt I V EL „..tbik'• tic Sprints, Hammered Iron Axles; and dealers in Mae& " 1 able Castings, Fire Engine Lamps, and Coach ge feb4-3mnerally, corner of ROM and Front am, Pitt v., sbeigh lt/fASKS.—Just received, by ZEB 1.2J1. Market street— • 1 dozen fine Wax nail 6 a a Paper 5 " Common ,• . . . 3 gross Metallic Comb C16=12% 1 dozen Beira:diem' • • 1 " Salt Spoong . • ••• 9 " Bone lilustard. iroonsL 4 gross German Silver '1 able Spoke* 6 " Tea 2 " Boner Knives' I " Picture Toy Boole"; • • - 20,000 China Marbles; . • • .., 6 dozen fine Woolen COmforte. A great variety of Coats and Caps. BASKETS. . 5 dozen line French willow Basket* . 2 willow Market 6 6 Straw Travelling 1 " Clothes 12 ^ Metal Toy 1 " Willow Cradles; 6 " Glass Motto Seelig 3 0 Bone ••• Stamps; • .• • 3 Allen's Patent Revolving Pierer. pair common Brass 1 dozen setts Chessmen; 2 " Dominoes; 6 " Tailors' Tape Mesumreer 6 ^ Steel-Key-Rings, assorted; 3 " China Dogs and Sheep; 1 " Strings Amber Beadin 12 Nests , T ANDRETWS' GAS.DEN SEEDSL - -- - dhipo l i n t . " .;,•„ .1.4 has just received his annual supply Of Landitattei/ Garden Seeds, warranted fresh and genuine, etrantaftir ',. every variety worth eulth•ating. The attentlen of Arts, ' • ers,gardeners, and others, is restteetfully ea/led tti Ida -•:' stoc, F. L. SNOWDFA fabi • . No. 291 Voksvo. . . • yell's Elements of Goo Orr . Stillman's Chemistry; . .. Shepherd's Mineralogy; Olmstead's Philosophy; Laniner's Lectures on Sbienee: Brougham's Men of Letters and Sctenet(' Beekman's History of litientiorug ~.. OnWit Bouutical Text Book; Information for the People; The Art of Painting. For ale g 4 /' - ".. H. S. BOISWORTH & CO,#. .. Fourth street. era: Market . VOA BALE, Four Low—Bounded by - , Penn, Libeny X and Hay sta., eaeh lot having 'ili feet front, and ax.. ~ tending beck 110 feet. ' Two.of theta ataccnner ion, and _, the position of the wholkpropertt Is one of the moat ad.: ' rantageoue In the eltb_ For father information 0ppt4.4 1 . ' M. dwARTZWFLDER,Tooraud. _ TlO*34f berth:en Wood and... ..ti,. I rZOIG A.Clo,44,nineeantst reee.tved nada* •a B. A. FAHNESTOCK.th 01:14•: - . - • daelby .a9nler Of riot ass Wink sts - ' .: . .. - . . . . • . . . . :=iN Mid= . ,ez,.r =in ENE =WM ~ .'~'. ~ ; 4~ .: "'" • - -A' . - - ; - EBBE ;;~:~ _;: ~``~; •.;:' - ESIZEI MEM =EV • . I BEM ( : MEE lEEE ~..;:.:, ','.-.:',...,..,:., lEEE 4~ 4 ~~._ <:~ IMES =BM . ~.._,