~ ' r ~..~ ..: ~.'.. lin 'u .7 • . ••• 7, ti ~, ;.0 • ;•4 40 4- " 4 ;4 4 .4 - i t s ; • •,,'`;•.;- MEE MEII =BM 't t* , • 1 1...!, ' • :f , 4 •! • 4 1.• . • I. • .1 • P MEE " 1 . f • • •, 4 • ":$ r' • 'l,'• btrerk••••••A&N,44ls,Frs ,, - 0 , .••••••,, , r$1 $ ••• ;$ 444 ' • • ' ••• :• • , :•• . • •••.! .:. ..! ~ a • . 1 t I .... ~ J i 'y ~' s • „t , • 4 ., . •• • •-, 41,. 4 ; • 1 ir•a;4l .• :J " '',l••t4,j•l• * , • *• • I.\ r. '' .• • 1 •1 , • - JS J i• _ . , i ,. > --}-. :>y~a . - =,a'.ar -. :-::•-: , : . : , : ,. : , ;.1'‘. :-. -, ., , ... , . - -; , :i! - . , .:. •.:,, 4, ,-..--,r_.....,-!:.;::: ..~y f, ~ :._ ' . • 1-- -• , - s ' ' ,l 11 I -1 „.4 t. C ri,A. 3, , • - • = ..t ' -,* ` :,I , _.••• •L zq 4:!..3.'fitt,iftl,i,/te4oh,f,',i,3',i • -; s.'.;kl...t.thTi-..:.'"7.1£'; k, 41, ;; , 1. tz‘ • I li •t• ' ••••' :11 • -- t` , - •cre.f r _ - ,'"?;‘.: ••f • :!-•.4 Caa tis cial cia War dal •-. . . 41TTSBuM.Git' DO/11..P OF TRADE. . - - 1 0 1 F4 MAY: ColimirrEz rou JOHN SHIPTON: ' . • . - PASSENGER 'ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1848. litetunboat Packet Line, leaves daily lot Cincinnati. 10 ass. P.asseniter :Packet., via Brownsville, to . I.lalticuoie and Philadelphia, 8 A. 11A, and G r• M. Msil C 011.02 Lime direct. to Philadelphia, 0 A. IL, and 124 Mrestern and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 K. „ North-Western, via Cleveland. daily.l6 A. U.. Erie and Western New York. daily.-9 ss. . , .North-.F.astern, to Philadelphia, daily, except Sundays 4 AERIVALS MCD DEPARTURE OF. MAII.S. Eastern Nail via. Philadelphia, ' due 3'1.. ta., elbSeS 12 is Western Nail, Citi. and Lowey., due 8 r. )t... closes 5 A.lll .Bouth. via Balt. and Washington. due 8 closes 5 A.ll North:Westent via Cleveland, due 10 A. closes 9A. II Erie and Western ;inn,. York, due 8 P. at., closes 8 A. AC areatue. Asked. 'Offered. Bank.of Pittsburghsso.oo 550,75 sso.ou Fachange Bank 500 44.00 43,50 liderehante and M. ntillkso.oo . 4 - 00 ~ 45,00 Farmers' Deposit BMA None in market'. Hand Street Bridge 50.00. '50,00 . 45.00 Northerll.l.4herties Bridge . 50,00 35,00 Old Allegheny Bridge 25,00 30,00 35,00 .Connellsville Lt. R.Stock, paid on _shOrenrs2.s9 5.00 . 1,43 1.71ty. Bonds (6 4, cent;) '05,00 Monongahela Bridge 25.b0 , . s . 10.50 Gee Stock . r. • ...... -• • 50.00 .._ 45.00 Daily nevi** of the Markets • • OFFICE OF THE POST. Moatosr MORNING. April We roma the market rusher interesting ou Saturday, though thetransactions vssere not very extensive. There ttrasConsiderable excitement on the subject of money; eaused by the suspicion resting upon some of the Ohio .Banks, and the reCeut suspension of the house of Ws:- rick Martin, of this city. This suspension-turns out to be Tauter. serious—as many poor sten, mostly Germans and :river people, hail their little means deposited there. It is 'hoped that the anticipations of the street talkers may not Le realized in this matter. --Since the above ....Asia type, we received the follow fag from Siliben h Jane& which Will allay some of_the excitement that now prevails: -.kin. Entrust r—AVe have to-day received adviees Cron •Cineinitati, that the stir and noise about the Norwalk Bank had all blown over, and thC notes were as current as ever. Sißuurr & JONES. Aptil 8, 1.3.39. The receipts of Produce were fair on Saturday, and much activity Was the cutisecucnce. Flour—On some account (perhaps the news from Europe) there was a slight improvement in the market on Saturday. Very few !ots arrived. But few bales were made on wharf; 123 bbls. were taken at 54p, and re sold at $4,02; 100 bbls. at 54,56, and 25 (not strictly prime) at $4,50. 'Vs heard of one or two miter sales; but we have given enough to indicate the downward tenden cy of the market. Cott on.—There were some receipts on Saturday ; and holders became more firm on the receipt of the news by the Washington. We heard of no sales; but there is no doubt that buyers will meet sellers at the rates de- , mended by the latter ' Oats--There were some lots put iuteimarket, which Man advance upon former quotations. A lot of 60 has. was taken at 2Se., and re-sold from store at 31c. We think this abov e the market ; we heard of other sales at -56226 c. \ Cheese--llee'Cipts of several lots occurred on Satur .day. from the Reserve. They might have been snatched . up quickly by the retailers, had not holders asked exhor bitaut prices. We have reports of sales of about 150 box es at Mtn; some few dealers asked Naga. During this . week, the market will he well supplied. Bacon—Regular transactions at the former quota tions-3.. 4, and Sc.; some sales at rates varying front these figures. One of 10 hhds. prime hams at 41c.! Wheal—There is some demand. The only transac tion reported on Saturday was S 9 bushels at 95e., which we think, above the market. Pols/at:ma—Meaty arriving. and prices tending down ward. Sales from first hand at $1.50®1 , 62 for good va rieties in large bids. Cad Fish—Sales at 5e in casks. .141olasses—Regular sales N. 0. at 27102'e. Sugar Hattie 45e. Wags r —Regidar sales at Conner quotations. Lard--Salmin Irina lots at 642 , 0ic. 'Coffee—Sales brisis at 6474.4 c., - according to quality. Oranges—Sales of about 40 boxes at 85. Lemons—Sales at 54,5025. Butter—A few . bbls. arrived on Saturday; prime Roll sold at 15c.: for ordinary 14c. was asked, no sales. --- SPICING AND SVIIIIII'ER GOODS I ATASON de. CO., I C. L. ANTHONY at CO, Pi - mammon. .Qnv Inas. • • , A. Mason &. GO Market Street. between Third and Fourth Streets, rri-rsuunct I, PA., AVE recently - opened their new and elegant Sore. llwith an extensive stock of rich Spring and Summer . Goods, comprising upwards of three hundred pactinges of the latest and most thshionnble styles. Alerchatits throughout the country are particularly invited to cull and CISIIIIIIiC•ogr stock. as it is our intentio.t to oiler our goods at the lowest eastern wholesale prices. One of the firm, residing in .New York, will be constantly sending us on „fresh supplies of the most desirable goods. thereby giving .us every facility in the transaction of our business that vottlG-Ire ;re messed Ito eastern houses. Prices are there fore guaranteed to be as tow as the lowest New York ,and .Ploi lide/phia rates. sp; !Donn avows Great Panorama of Pletrico. 7 . TT is respectfully announced to the people of Pittsburgh, j_ Allegheny. and vicinity. that this stupendous painting of Mexican Scenery% occupying nearly TWO MILES -OF CA ti VA-SS, will be open for exhibition at the APOL, I.CI lIALI.. Atb street. on Friday and Saturday evenings, April ith and Sib. The gigantic work of art, on its first presentation to the public, was exhibited in Cincihnati for - .37, consecutive nights, to immense and highly fashionnale audiences. It displays the entire lines of ape:talon by the two great divisions of the American army in Mex ico, under Oens. Taylor and Scott, including all the . towns. cities, banle fields, &r. C. Dontnivan author of "Adventures in Mexico.' and for several: Months a prisoner in that country during the present war, will deliver an explanatory discourse, . ' the picture passes 'before the audience. kor particu • lars .see bills of the lin y. Admittance 2.i cents. Doors open at 7 . o'clock. api-.t • • Fashionable Clothing Store, 7 No. its LututrrY tattr.ur, OPPOSITE SEVENTH rsHE mbperibers respectfully inform their friends and 1. the public generally. that they have opened a NEW ..CLOTING. STORE, where they will sell as cheap: if not 'cheaper than any other establishment in the city—Ready made Clothing.oi all descriptions, neck and pocket Hand. 'item:tiers. Shirts; in short, every article usually kept in Clothing Stores : constantly on hand. ,Gentlemen wishing to have Clothes made to order, in a fashionahle style, will find into their advantage io cell .-.and examine our stock - before going elsewhere. ap7.4f 3P1113.3.1.EN & DOWNING. ... - 7 7 7 77. :` 77-7 APC11.1.0 ..FOUltili STREET. , BETWEEN WOOD & MARKET. - frruits Splendid-Hall has been 'finished, and fitted up 113 • the best stylefor the accommodation of the public. cannow he rented for-Concerts. Lectures. Public Meet. legs, Exhibitions of Paintings. ece:. &e., by-the nMht, day, • .lorliveiik. For terms. apply to CHARLES H. PAVLSON, or to BENJAMIN TEN•IS op? OUNDRIES—Ii bu. While Beans; . 10 -.. ho. Shelled Corn; bd. Oats; . . -. 40 dor.. Tow Yarn: . I bag Sunflower Seed; for sale by ap7 J. D. WthhIA'AIS. 110 Wood st WHITE LEAD-IMI kegs _ . SO do. No. 1: for sale by J. D. WILLIAMS. 110. Wood et 401.;ti.A.1L —l5 hied& Prune New Orictuts; 5 boxes Drown Iluvaoro 1 case D. U. I.overines Loaf; -' .- .30 .bbla.assorted 10 Crushed and Pulverised; for sale-by 4411 . .1.11.1 . 11f.LTA?dlit.11011ood st TSAVlNGsLßposed . ofall ail-right. title and interest, in aka Gold Beating Waffles'. so Ur.. John B. Dunleey, I.lseg leave So aeootonsentl biro to the patrol loge of my for neee.casissars- A. UFFINGTON. April ad. IE4B • . AV'. It veil! be. eroe . 2 , the above noctee lam the sub L imber has purels Mts. 4;th:eaten's interest in the • above busineincwhich will be orraiirseed at the Old Stand, ',14 0 . HO, Wood street, where be will be pleased to serve all who may want Gold Leaf, Dentist's Lou.l &c.. and he hopes, by attention business and fair dealing, to give afiliefaction to those who may favor him with their • patronage.. (ep6-lm) ' JOHN B. DUNLEVY. It IiIMOVAL.—H. el: BOSWORTH & Co. have removed '_ their mock of Books arid Stationery to Fourth street. pear Market, (the room formerly oceupied as the Metho dist lidok Store.) *Pa I C 8: LOCKS !—J ust received, by canal, a large ' abd superior assortment of 30 hour and 8 day mantel clocks, of newest patterns and styles, warranted to keep good time, and at very reduced prices. T. A. 11TLLIER, op 3 • 104 Wood street, near Fifth. • -.0 ILI i ATCH HORSES FOIiSALE—One pair large size Iron grey Horses, five years old end vei•ygentle.— AMU 10 JOHN D. DAVIS. corner of Wood and FMh its. FIFTH STREET PRPIIPLKT Y . FOR SALE.—A value ble property, thirty•fect fronton Fifth street by 120 ft. .deep. This desimble properly will be sold at a bargain. • Also, four large building Lots, each 24 feet front on Cook Street by 156 feet deep to Cliff street. Price $250 each.S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, • • 'aps Smithfield, above 4th at. REMOVAL. .JOHN mlrcirs.r., Attorney at Law, has removed to Fourth street, next door to the office .lAlderman Steel. a .7 S A —2O boxes Exlra Pure. J r . ° l). g V 7 l LLIAMS, 110 Wood at MOLASSES -50 bbl.. New Orleans; ' 10 do. Sugar House. • Golden Syrup, in bbis, and kepi for sale by ,ap7 • ••. J. D. WILLIA TS, 110 Wood at fr AR--20 pi. C. Tar, for sale.bi a y" ) SMITH & SINCLAIR. L t reitati M . ntOMiltrP 3 '-‘t • ••, s'l, ' 7 * • ' 2 - *•„'•-4 t.'.'''.'j-.-',•.,:'..1--•::::...,7'.A..2.4--,,i;....,`,i'.•.,,--,,::::. ;',; , . 7 . ....:i. , ;. , - ,, i .: V:','• ..,.. , :,..:7,'fti..7:• : ?:1 , ,.1.f . .i.' , ,,''.'t,'.!-liiii• - `,;a.'g'-' 4.-,1... ...- -1 ;1f 7, j:i' ..- i . ':.*:' ,. `'. TP7:• - -•;.g4e. 4,, t' - i' 4, 4P:: e ;k:: ; i . ;,.....t r ';*: liati,4,.l.g. , :.*'•*.iofi •- : , • -. . , ;: .- " ,,,,, .p. ±-7-'7-_,•,41;7''V ,4 :. - I=i - .;;t• - •:7:::' . . - Ll' -...., .•:-,::: .;- , .~~ sTocks. Ml= E;Mai t mer itfelltge~tlt p(M.T- PIT TS BIM 61 it. 7 ,, vizsr. Wil.tthit IN SIIE-CII.I.NIZZL ARRIVED. Benver ' Clerk. Wellsville; Baltic, Jacobs. BrOwnsville. Atlantic. Parkinson, do: Dispatch, Nelson. do.; Monterey, Morrison, do.; -Caleb Cope. Moore, Beater and Wellsville; Michigan No. 2. Gilson, Beaver; Palo Alto, McDonald. Beaver; Caleb &ope, Moore, Wellsville; Isaac Newton, Mason. Cin Monongahela. Stone. Cin. Mingo Chief. --+. Zanesville. St. Cloud. Mason, N. 0, Financier. Komar. Cin. -American Eagle, Atkinson. Louisville. Newark. Bishop, Zanesville. Consul, Kinney, •• heeling. - Skipper. Stoops. Hanging Rock. DEPARTED, Starner Beaver, Clark - , Wellstfile; Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. " Monterey. Morrison,f3townsville. " -Baltic. Jaeohs, Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville; - Caleb Cope. Moore. Beaver and.Wellstille. Michigan No. 2. Gilson, Beaver; • " America, Decainp. Nashville. . Wellsville. Barns, Sunfish. Messenger, Heno, Cin. Isaac INewion, Mason. Cht, Toltiac, Fowler, Nashville. " Cambria., Forsythe, St. Louis. f" J. J. Crittenden. Israel, St. Louis. '" Mary Stevens. Norton. St. Louis. o' Milwankie, Farnsworth Nashville. lfdP ;Irre were 7 feet water in the channel yes terday sleinoon. enough for the largest boats. litol`the American Eagle arrived yesterday frotn Louisvile, with 72 full load—particularly of cot ton. Sbi will leave again in a few days. SW Orzental has made bar first St.- Louis trip-•ani been most successful. Sh• will again start fur 3t. Louis on Wednesday. !Pd' Tlc Consul, Capt. Kinney, leave. for Wheel ing this ninning at 10 o'clock. lir Th. Beaver, Capt. Clarke, will leave fur Wellevil4 this morning at.lo o'clock. oar Se(card of Brownsville Packets War TM steamer Highlander, Capt. Force, just arrived Fria' the Wabash . , when about 75 miles above Cincinnati, the night being very dark, struck a snag, wtSh tore off part of the starboard guards, with the ok-house, and passed up through the hurricane 4a. .Considerable damage was done, but her hull wif unscathed. She came directly on to this port, aid . will detain a few days for repairs.— Gatale. ' , 31111.914TS BY itivEß. Beaver--=;er Lake Erie : 7 kigs lard, 1 bbl butter, 2 j ire do, .10 . 1 es & Quigg; 17 bgs coi ton yarn. *Friend [they & Co; 3 / 4 ea4 - seorehings, Bidwell; 3 eke wool, Barker; I tiles bacon Church & Carothers; 2 bags yarn, Wick k 111 , Cantliess ; 13 ski, rags, Cunning ham; 33 bxstheese, M , Cuteheon ; 19 casks potash', 4 lib's butte, 8 has cheese, Wick & M'Cundlese; 1000 tar can, Coleman, 9 bag chess, W Grier. Per- Canailioat Bost on-'4 bbls potash, 64 boxes ebeese,2 cats do; 1 bbl potash, Carson & 91 , Knight; 18-bbls seottings, Wick & 111 , Camiless; 3 bbls pot ash, Chore* Carothers; 8 bbls scorchings, Dal- Per CalutiDeaf .Alice.—Lot of bacon, A. Mizell; 01 bbls scoAhines, biaooo lbs pig metal, Friend, Rho) , and ; 00 bags barley, 10 bbls peaches, 4 sks do, J A taughe.,l 10. casks potash, W liebley. Brotensefle--Pei Atlantic: 26 kegs nails, Bur bridge, Wilan & co; 18 sheets boiler iron, Robin son & Minisis bundles iron, Severence,• 36 boxes mdse ' G M Urton; 1 box do, C'ark and Thaw; 2 bales do, Pusdexter & co; 12 boxes, I trunk do, Forsyth & CO. 2. bundles do, Moorhead, Copeland & Co; ..1 box'', _do, J C Bidwell; 126 bbls flour, C Minar, on bArd; 1 lot potatoes, B paris; 3 Mall rags, Johnstoi¢ Stockton; 13 wheel barrows. S B di ary lephens-1 box mde, 46 bbls whiskey, Philips, owner 66 bxs glass, R Smith; 10 bbli flour, Applegate; 40.lboxes, 15 trunks, 5-rolls, 1 bundles H Graff & cu.' Cincinnati—Per Isaac Newton-1 boa specie, D Leech & co; 0 bbls linseed oil, Bagsley & Smith; 31 bags coffee,lthodes &. Alcorn; 25 bxs candles, 15 do song, John !arker,•' 4 has Forsythe Br. co; 10 bbls alcohol R K Sdlers; 38 bales cotton, King & Pen nock; 30 Mule lalk pork, Clarkle Thaw; 4 do bacon, Gormly; 56 bbliwhitkey, 2 do alcohol, Knnx & Dun can; 34 bbl. potence, M'Brier; 3 horses, Passenger. Per float F.,shon-22 tons metal, Wick AL I'd!Can dless; 10 cks scechings, 3 bbls lard,2 scks feathers, 6 scks rags; 1 sic clover seed, 15 scks barley, 12 doz brooms, S BDilworth. Wheeling—Po ; Consil-21 tibia flour, Clarke & Shaw; 25 bbls aOlea Captain; 200 tibia fl Mc- Clurkan; 30 do, Oarn ' & McGrew; 27 do, Union Line; 220 bas glasswart„ Bingham; 7 bids copperas, 1 bx J. D. Wlllmenn 3 reams paper, Hall; 19 bbls ap ples, 5 tibia eggs s .4 butter, I lard, 13 aka, Passen ger; 50 bbls rims, Passenger; 2 crates, 1 lihd queensware, HinLinton; sundries, Levan. St.-Louis-•-Per iriental-.-9 hhds bacon, Clarke & Thaw; 500 bbls lad, Poindexter; b 5 casks bacon, 55 bbls lard, 45 tieres lard, Jordan; 300 dry hides, 20 bills green do, Pasenger; IS casks bacon,Sampson; I 33 casks bacon, Hralf; 30 Casks bacon, 9 bbls pork, Sellers & Nichols; 99 pea hams, 998 shoulderio ' 99a sides, Oram & ArGew; 95 bales cotton, King,Pen nock, & co; 6 balescotton, Haxelton; 3 do Atwood; 27 do, Park. ~ Nem Orleans,—Pr American Eagle-50 tone Pig 1 Metal, 11. Spang Edo ; 71 bales Cotton,2 bales Deer Skins, 4 sks Fathers, Pcindextcr ; 21111. barns, Bingham ; llbbls Situps, Graff, Lindsay & Co ; 7 ben Feathers, 10 tons P 4: Metal, M. Allen; 11 hhds To bacco, Weyman ; 24bales_Cotton, Grier; 125 do, King & Pennock; 37 bales do M'Colly ; 100 do Friend:, libel ar. Co ;,Sundries, Lippencott ; 97 bids Tobacco Passengeri Cincinnati.—Pert. Cloud-50 bids Whiskey, Ticks) , ; 25. kegs T v tacco, Jas. Dalsell ; 40 hhds & Bacon, Clark Th't 1453 pea Meat, Jordan ; 200 bbd, Lard, S. MyerC 88 bbls Whiskey; Watson ; 100 bbls Lard, Seller* Nichols; 24 bxs Leaf To bacco, Bingham ;. 19 ibls O'Leary; 2 coils Rope, I Blackburn & Jones; 2. bbls Wine, Passenger; 1 bbl Clay, Bakewell & Pe;'!, ; 120 hhds Sugar, 200 bee Coffee, 104 Ins, 3 haf, do Raisins, Bnrbridge, Wil son& Co • 10 bbls Ler Sugar, 21 bbls Molasses, 250 but Raisins, Bagalir & Smith ; 50 kegs Salt Pe tra, 11 cite Brimstone, rwin ;50 hhds and I half hhd Sugar, May; 24 b s Moieties, Friend, ahoy + Co. ' Wellsrille—Per Cop 23 bbl! pork, 7 licks dried peaches, 2 do apples, Sic W Harbaugh; 11 kgs lard, 2 Ws butter, Bagaley tlitith;.l4 bbls potash, Tao sey fa Best; 2 bbls lard, kgs do, 1 bbl apples, 11 tllaughs; 10 Lulls me, Christian Advocate; 15 bills paper,..lohn H •Melor; 25 bills paper, Luke Loomis; 3 - bgs shorts, lila corn, W MlGoe; 36 scs oats, 9 dp,rneal. _ IXTILL be Exhibited on TriamlY• Wednesday and V Thursday, April 11th.12thl:d 13th—for three drlys only, under their Mammoth- Patllion: to be erected in front of the American Hotel, I.nn alrCet and also in Allegheny city on Friday, Aprillfh. : Raymond & Waring would relpectfully announce to the public that on thin occasion, thy will have anc , ppor• tunity of witnessing the novel and 'tiring performanCes of 11I'LLE. cvnr.i.E, Who, for her eounsge and intreldil has gained the name of the Lusa Otcxxx. and wit lap ear with the re nowned .1 ERR DRIFSH.O I In hit unparalleled performances, sith his Lions, Tigers, Leopard.. Cougars. &r., and willsignalize herself by driving an AFRICAN LION, harnesscao a triumphal ear— then showing that even a woman mg learn to control the MONARCHS Mt THE FOEFST. _ . 11:7' Door. open each day from lfto 4i, and from 7 to 10 o'clock. F. M. M. firT - Arltinesion, 25centa—childreninder ten years of a • e. 15 cents. ap4 XTOTICE l'O SIIIPP W E 4.—e ye taken an oilice ill immediately opposite to our "bant warehouse," for the present. where we cull transactbusiness as usual. until a new house can be erected. almgements having already been made for that purpose. ~ fp - Boats will always be in readings at our Wharf, to receive freight. C. A. WA TT & CO.. art4l. Canal sin. Liberty st. • INBS, &c.-20birds. Marseilles area; 15 cases Bordeaux Claret, St. he, 1 i -15su -15 do. do: do. Jim. nd, • perfor. 15 - do. do. do. C. La r • 4 ti 10 pipes Catalogue Wine; . • . - . ' 5 eases Ssrisi Absinthe: Nit re .and for Sale by ail • - - - ' MILLER CKETSON. 'i- ' , ' -"t ,:,.. , • t!"==i iltisccUtuitous ARD bbis: Cooklingrallo. I. in score and for 1 .- 1 sal,' by • 'BI LT.RRS k NICOL.S.. T OAV Stip —A lt-10 taas :Nos. b. 7 Zt. swrc. , Etna for I a gale by finarlsl . • SELLERS ..ic NfeOLS. .1N- bads prime. for stile tyl• • mnrlC, SItL.LEFIS h sient.s I ;LOUR.—NSO Barrels • Sillily Flour. superior lirand. for sale liy lonia small & siNcLAIR. arte 8, far sale by rial 6 SMITH & SINCLAIR. lARD.-60 kegs No. 1 Lard, just received and for sale / by =ride. SMITH & SINCLAIR. BACON. -6 Wigs. Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Cur sale by (nutr 15) SMITH & SINCLAIR. LAND -43 kegs No. ILt rd. tor sale by marl MILLER & RICKETSON bps. just recd and for sale by JOHN D. mortoAN A Lcolicn-61 m r LOES—i ease for sale by ntar3 soirN D. MORGAIs; Q. AMONIA-12 tbs. concentrated in I. lb. bottles. fur sale by [inar2] JOHN D. MORGAN. CastiLE - 46AP-=3 - aiieirror sale Ly mnr3 JOHN D. MORGAN .1 SHELLAC—(Orauge ; ) for sale by man - JOHN D. MORGAN INGEW-5 Cain postdered white Jamaica. wurnsttital ‘_T pure, for sale by rmarM J. D. MORGAN. TAILS-2W Kegs, 'maimed sizes. for sale by .111 tuna) . SMITH & SINCLAIR s. fresh, for sale by & SINCLAIR I, I.OUit-138 bb mar3o COVER. SEED-50 bushels. n first rate article. fbr sale Ity. [main SMITH & SINCLAIR. pIED APPLES- 60 bushels for sule by mar 7 SMITH & SINCLAIR. MOL . AS nri SESZ:ISO banl e i prune tor sale by SMITH & SINCLAIR. QOAP.--65 bine' Ifo.l Palm Soap. for sale by— 1:1 mar 15 SMITH & SINCLAIR. 'LOUR-1:A barrels fresh dour. for Stile by JL: marl SMITH hr. SINCLAIR COFFF.E-leo bags Rio Coffee. for sale by tune/ MILLER k ItICKETSON. 1 - 30TAS11-9 coals superior ounTFPbt Ash, ibr sale E. by [mail MILLER & iticitursols. Cm FISH—S casks prints just received and for sale by [apr el SMITH & SINCLAIR. AvniTE LEAD—SO kegs pure; 1r 30 " No: I : for sole by J. D. WILLIAMS, 110. WooA et. • ,otus..aelSES.-25 Ws. N. 0, :Molasses, just rec., ill and for sale, by jaul4 mn.l.Ert & niCKETSON. A f rOSEI. MUSCATEL HOCK 'WIN E—Henkell & Co.'. lII_ importation, for sale by the elm , or bottle. at the wine store of Nee29) JACOB WEAVER.' I RON SAFE.—One large Iron Safe, for solely B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., j an, Corner First and Wtiod etc 11LOUIL.—U9 bids. fresh superfine Flour, of a go , brood; just received and for sale, by janl6 SNtrru & SINCLAIR. 111)I R VINEGAR-4/3 'ibis. pure Vinegar, iron' thaer tl of 19•13, iu store and for stile, wholesale and retail, by dee9 J ACOB WTIA VEIL riTTANIFFV.ViSticfAIt 7 -TEITEN. I- 7 — L ,-- II For sale by [jan9.sl 14 s . u N g j . . 2 .1 . 1 1 ( t i t I t :n d fn ki r Id u s i s t b r l y e t I janll MILLF:II. & RICKETSON y INSEED OIL--CA 3 Ras. Liiiiieed Oil. in store end for IA sole by SELLEILS h NICOLS, felrin No. 14 Melly et. 1 - 301t.K.-1110 btds. Mess Pork; I. do. Rump do. store and for sale, by jan27. ke ,, s Nails and Spikes, as 111 sorted, in store and for sale.. by Jantri 1.. 8. WATERMAN. C PEEL _ —A general assortment of Cast. Shen!. E. Ells 1,7.. ttr.Gertnau, American a n d Spring Steel. in store and for sale by - Lianr] 1.. S. IVATEILNIAN. 13 AISINS--al Las. and qi.bis. M. it:. Mr sale. by J. U. WILLIAMS, -- No.llo Wood pl. IC AND MO(.ASSES,--dt) Idols. Prone N. O. Sug L arl 40 labia N. O. Molasses. just received and for sale by ljant27l SELLERS A NICOLS. Ileisol.l/TlON.— * l'he tirm of Bays & Brockway' has Si this day been dissolved. by mutual consent•- MI an counts will be settled by John Bays. w•ho will continue the lousiness at the old stand. JOHN BAYS. ma A. W. BROCKWAY. rUE MOST IGNORANT fee a disgust tornyoung or 1 old person. male or female, with a putrid, bad breath, or bad teeth. Persons who have either. are honorably as=ured that a 2a. boi of JONES' AMBER TOOTH PASTE will. do trial, without fail, Make the breath pare and sweet. The teeth white, awl the gout. hard. Reader, just try this once. It is sold in New York at El Challiall at., and by WM. JACKSON, At., marlil HD labe,ly d vt iff h e Li re k n ' t I \Vl ' Oerio r Vin n u 'd se e .7,l ' : . , h it tP la e r ' of ell the nee, of various grades, brands and mows, some very old. For sale as imported by P. C. MARTIN. marl) F Fat: drums Smyrna rifts. 2 bbls. Zante ettrnmts; 2 boxes Genott ('itnm NI. It. Itstiuns: for sale by J. 1). AVILLIA NIS, 110 Wood at. A s S ch i l l bina l is 'i t a e 4 rs '' 3 1 .1 " 1 r r s ' m us e e n i t i n h d ole b s o a ' L ' e k .k or e ' r P e fr ja!i stores or warehouses, men cooks in steam or direst boats. or hotels. several boys. laboring into, boys to trade. and colored men and boys. Wanted. several gam white cooks, chambermaids, and girls fur all work. Wanted to borrow, several small sums al' Money. All kinds of agencies promptly attended to, for moderate charges. Please call at ISAAC HARMS' mor2s Intellicenee Fittli 7ANT E'D. —A young moo is desirous of obtaining a I situation as Clerk or Bookkeeper in a mercantile or other establishment. Advertiser is acquainted with busi ncss generally and is a good OW:Wiliam; can give Mai. factory City reference. and hart credentials from one attic first houses in the United States. Please apply at the or. fire of the Dully Moriting Post. martil. F t flif OR 8. - 7 - 2,oo67—Wrinin7l. an active business I UV man. with a capital of 5t.500 or SVIIIO, to engage in a profitable manufacturing bulginess, new in operminn. S. CUH TBERT. Gen. Agent. toarlS Smithfield street. LAN I) FOR SA LE--The snitscriber offers for vale 500 acres of Land. in Middlesex township, Butler coun ty, between Butler and Pittsburgh, and seven miles from /hiller. 350 acres cleared, the. balance *ell tinThered, with three farm houses, it large barn, and a good Mill site...with sutfigient water for a glint and saiv Mill. thereon. On the same Wean:, four and six miles above, there are two grist mills. and several saw mills: There is no better land in the country. • It will Ire sold all together: or in one, two, or three hundred acres. Persons %fishing to have good level land. easily farmed, .torrid do well to avail themselves of this opportunity, and examine the land. iniertal WM. ROYD. XTEW HAT AND CAP STORE.—JAMIES ft I i.ll WILSON. Hat Idanufactu re, (formerly of the corner of .Diamond alley and Wood stard begs leave respectfully to inform his old enstomerajriends. and The public, that be has opened a NEW STORE. on Smithfield street, where a choice assortment of HATS, CAPS. and LADIES' FURS. '(as good, neat, fashiona ble and citEAr, as any in the city.) may he bad. J. W. very cordially invites his friends and the public to remem ber his new location and establishment, and give him a call as hearty as be intends to welcome them. mar:3l4y DR. RALI I. ITS — U.ATFKRSAL VEGETABLE PILLS consist of two kinds in one box. Price, 25e. a box. The No. 1 is a Purifying Purgative, which effectually eleannes the body of every vitiated and offensive humor. The No. 2 is a gentle laxatlye and strengthener, and is the most comfortable, sefe,and cffeetual medicine that can be taken to obviate a mauve spite of the bowels, without any hurtful purgative effect. It also strengthens the or gans of digestion, and purifies the blood, freSald Wholesale arid retail nt S. CUTHBERT'S deal Etitate Office, mar 24 : t o Smithfield et. nononga e a •av gat on ompany, Norms TO STOCKHOLDER:S. N pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Mans gers, ,the Stockholders of the Monongahela Naviga tion CoMpany nre hereby . notified to meet at the office of said Company, in Breed's Building, Fourth street, in the city of Pittsburgh, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Mon day, the 17th day of April next, to take into considera tion certain acts of the Legislature of this State, supple mentary to the Charter of this COMpany. By order of the Board. • IVM, BAREWBI.I.., Seey. Pittsburgh, March 7th. IS4ft. marlo-tal7 M R DUFFSVAIf; G AND D to Mosses. j er NvaaMSE.D a y's Buildings, North side of Diamond.-Persons desiring to finish their Mercantile Education ' in the most thorough and expeditious manner, will find Mr. D.'s Institution the most perfect West of the Mountains. Partnership settlements and balance sheets made out. Mills, Factories, Joint Stock Companies, and all kinds of business. can be futnished with a specification of ac counts, drawn up in such a manner an to exhibit the opening, conducting, closing and final settlement of the WWl's; thus affording the keeper of the books an un erring guide, from the commencement to the termination of the business. Iloras-2 to 4, and 7 to 10 e. X. aPS A Recipe ftsr the linenati Hate I rpo FORCE ICS GROWTH AND.HEALTH, MAKE I IT SOFT, SILKY, CLEAN AND FlNE.—Persons in consequence of the many things sold, set down every' article, (be it ever so good,) as a humbug. If people could be made to try a 2s. bottle of Jones Coral Hair Re storative, and sed how it makes dry, rusty, red, lighthair moist, soft. auburn and dark, and keep. it so ; and by its use for sometime, causes it to grow naturally bertnuful ; if people could sec the number of poor respectable me chanics that use it, (aye, and find it the cheapest thing they can use,) for dresstng and beautifying the Hair; for keeping it soft and in order three times as 'Ong as any other article made; and . Forces it to grow, steps its falling; And costs but 3 shillings to try. We formerly sold nothing less than $1 bottles, bnt we wish people to try it. Sold only at 82 [mind 821 Cbatham street. New York, and by mer2o IY3I. JACKSON, Agt , Liberty it. UNDRIES-100 doz. Playing Cards; 200 whole and half cans Sardines; 10 baskets Olive Oil; 10 bxs. ased Catsup& and Brandy Fruits 5, hhls. Crushed Sugar; 4 " Loaf 5 eases Lemon Syrup: 10 bxs. Lemons. For sale by feb7 P. C. MARTIN. SONDILIEIII.--3 FIJIS. Lard; 25 bushels Dried Peaches; 10 " " Apples; . : 4 dozen Wooten Socks; 60 lbs. Beeswax; On consignment, and for. sale by janlB . I. D. wu..t.TAms. ~- . bbls.,fiii. stab by . - LAIi marl 1 •& StSCLAIR.. - " SAV- , -1-50 boxes Chillicothe soap l ull received and for sale by tinarM MILLER ac IDOWETSON: T Alt D.-2 bbl: Lard, dn eonslorient, andAn' sale by .rtiartl 11111,L) R & DICKgISON. poi UGALL-40 (Md.. O. Sugar just teeducti Mut 0 _sale by. • (mar 23) sairrir& SINCLAIR: 11Curtt ' r 2 3 ..10 tierces, just receive:4lAtorksabcyLiat. RAI SINS.-4O for salohY frna"'" 4 '"ICK-10 bogs now lanaing.and Yoh 3altr b v joadt MILLEft & RICK.F.T.StEN. _ . Lbbls. Louisville White. for sale bT icier./ J. D. wil.l.lAms.itn.wooo st lOAF SUGAIL- 6 bbls. No. f; Louf Suguil•for sale J low to close. consigunteut, by S • PARKIANG MOSELLE HOCK WINE—For sale by the ease or bottle, at the wine Alarm of _:. deelS JACOB WEAVER. __ __ Q HAD AND MACKERELL-- 7 hf. bbls. Trimmed Shad 1.1 24 bbls. N 0.3 Mackerel, for isle by JA jeall - MES MAY. ifENNESSEY BRANDY - Ihalf pipes, London colo Vintage of '42, to arrive and tbr sale by dee22 P. C. MARTIN. • L . • ONDON PORTER..-5 caska London Porter, in quart and Oil bottler, for sale by . decfn DIJCIENVIIEAT FL01111..-40 sacks prime Flour of .13 "hulled" Buckwheat, tbr stde inn 7 SMbl'l`y 11 & SINCLAIR l itt.\—ti ions oar iron, HasOrtell. In store and 101 . sae by . 1... S. WATEItEAN, jan27 No. 51 Water, and 62 Front sts. WIEt. 'T/ PEIA.24F` , IJ sale by jan24 IILOUR- 4 0 bbl.. Crash. of print; brands, raccived by ateambvat Ringgold, and for sale by • feb3 SMITH -& SINCLAIR. R1E.A...N5. , --1001mabels Small White. fur'alc by .1. R. WILLIAMS. " 110 Wood weal. S CORC bbls. on e mai gnment mid for saie by J. a WILLIAMS, marl 3 110 Wood street. - SALT- 180 bbli: No. 1 Salt; for sale by mar2l MILLER & RICKETSON. - - . cltra J. D. WILLIAMS I=l O ~.4X/j.,./4.04F5.-2`01•1115:. ill more and for tab by - .lzaar:22] . . &lU.CKETSON. , juavreceived a SMITH & SINCLAIR 664.4afeesers.. 15U bu. prim: *kw. ciches, fo SMITH & SINCLAIR, No. 443, Wood st. F l FORGE F. GILLSIOI4.I . I. Aliments; and Counarltor • 1,3 Law.—Office remoYed to the h 1 door below Grant st. on Fourth, to the office lately occupied by Alderman Mil ler. • oral) 0 LASSES.-25 bbls. N. 0.: l'u kegs Gol. Syrup ; for sale by raarls J. D. WILLIAAIS. 110 Wood at Prime Hants. tot sale bY T EINISUN " -15°4 Puund6 J. D. WILLIAMS, ILO Woixt street. R A ISINS. -40 boxes M. B. Raisins. just received and for sale by MILLER. te RICKETSON. mar9M L es OAF SUGAR.-200 blvGi. "St. Jam Refinery," Nos. 4. 5,6, and 7, just received on emisignment, and fur salt by (mar=MILLER 2c. RICKETSON. vuirAN'Tlirs;;A yciting - Man in a Dry Comb , Store. The 1 best of reference required. Apply at 62 Market st. mnr6% IHISH WHISKEY. ite.—lf puncheons Imo W - cy; 2.puncheons Joni:lien Spirits. ris imp P ort C. ed. for lode by muff v . NIARTIN. BACON.--cono lbs. Shoulders; Mho .` Sides; on consignment and for little I.v tionr2.ll MILLER 8 RICKOMON. I. oe In Crosi...„ GA.IO super. Regalia'. just received and for sale b mar?? MILLER er. RICKETS° JWINSTON' Sc. STOCKTON Laac just received a sup ply of Withlantru & Robinson's QUILL PEZ.; and Quill Holden, mnr2ll cplendsil upeortment or comic and sentitneuialValentines , f J r sale hy OIES: 14. MELLOR. fl NVand street. fillElMriniiirk—WlNMThettkell es Lo.. kz jl porters to the United States; fur sale by the ease or bottle, at the Wiate Store of l'AlGlGS.—Elesin Jalapa. Ergot. Cochineal. novel' POWder. SCUI. Calelna. Sent. Coriander, Wood lap Ma t Balsam Tolu, Cantharidest just reed I.llli for sale It D. A. FAA - MRS:NOCK A Co.. ,1,-c 10 eonter First and Wood ttts INC GOO .I.Ptt.-.. :11saJN Is Cu., Nor 62, Itlarrefil 1.1 have just received an extensive assortment of Bay ley and Faux.° Dress Buttons. also. Gimps and Fringe of every variety; Cashmere Cravats, Silk Scarfs. ha, decln I)RANDIES.-4 0 whole. halt. quarter and eighth pipes ,1 of Brandy: Dark and rule ut different grades, brands and vintages, for sale as imported by P C. MARTIN. TEA. -1 1 ) hail 01VISTS 1 wow 111, 6011 Tene 5 • lmprrial G. V.; 10 l" . Cimino lloyschongl 30 catty boxes. various stylcc For ante by ijan2.ll J. D. WILLIAMS. 01.1) WHISKEY. kc.—.so whole Klltt bull 1.,b15. Old Rye Whiskey. IJ7: 15 do. do. Old Pouch ltrs o dy, 11,10. For sale by 1i..1.71 I'. C. MARTIN bose• Uulitrituiblus,just received alai lot 9¢le Dy w AT.F.Int .% N. thipin No al NVni,r. and Gt! Frout st SO k(1 1171. bncon. tontorted i r No.. 31 Water. ttntl 62 Front st. y ATT v Elf NE AND :ilk , ligr MALAWI 11. WINE-15 qr. cas►s Haut San Verne Wier; .t. 40 " S. M. Wine: just recrivod and or Rate by Pcbl.2l MILLER h RICKETSON. OOY.1::a Rire's Improved Patent ZINC II'ASD : BOARDS, wlwlesale and retail, at manufacturers priers. by D. WI LLIAMS, 0+23 110 Wood street. Fa. 15 Tow Yarn: 100 Hickory Brooms. on eonsbmnient. for sale by (fel,lnj ). D. \WILLIAMS. 110‘Vo011 ITIAIII.OF'ORM. in lb:bottles; CT l'utc Nitric Acid :just received and for sale by D. A. FAH:NI:STOCK h. Co., mar 1 corner Ist and 'iVood sts. 1 - 11,1) RYI AVHISKF:Y. wh e ttlo and half bbls 1...1 (1. 11. Whiskey; 1.5 obis of oid Tennessee Tench Brandy. for sale by (mart)) T. C. MARTIN. I;TEAS--.41 ht. chum. and caddies Young I r son, Ounpovrder. Ithperial. and Black Teas. just r erriccl tind for sale Its L. S. WATER-MAN. (MAO No. 31 Water. and Front sts. AILD-140 kegs Leaf Lard, received per steamer ..a.• tncricnn, anti tut sale by L. S. AVATF.RMAN, Inn 4 al Market. and 62 Front NIX; N DON Old English Cbroni. j)OhN : 8 I.4.)7,; u%Villintil of 11 sbury 7 s Chronicle'. Ceclesiasticul History of Aisle Salon Mom cles. Mullet's Northern Antiquities. lleroditus, by Carey. Machiuvellis History of Florence. Schlegel's Philosophy of hits and Language. History. Langte's History of Painting, Beckmon's History of Inventions. Roscoe's heo the tenth. Roscoe's Loreugo Be Medici. Ooze's House of Austria. Schiller's Works. For sale by mar 2.2 u. s. noswoßTH & co.. CI Market st. r vtiE READY RECKON Ell.--For Ship Builders, Boat Builders, and Lumber Merchants; being a correct measurement Of .i.nnilitig. boards, 'planks, cubical con tents of squate and round timbers. ea* &c., Ottittnrised Ina number of tables..lo %i.hidh are added ta bles of Wages by the mouth; board or tent, LP tbc. week or dat ; and railroad distances; alsb, juiciest tabtes—by hi..Stribcr. author of-the ‘• Engineer . * and idehlianie's Companion," &e., &e. For sale by RiIiNSTON Boasellers, cor. Market and Third sts. Tr&MUM ngs• Ii k TEW and splendid variety of TRIMMINGS. of the IA latest styles, just received fteZEBULON KINSEY'S, No 67 Maas= Sneezy. Attiong Which are: 50 gross Daisy Buttons, unrifled cblbts; 100 " plain, coveted With net, assorted colors; 150 " plain small, assorted colors; 50" cotton, new article, will wash, assorted colors; Also, a large variety of Fringes, ass'd widths and colors. GLOVES. A very large stork of the above article. doz. Lathes' Open Worked Silk Gloves; 3 " Gents' Heavy Silk Gloves; 7 " Ladles' Net Black and White Gloves; 25 Ladies' Fancy Top Lisle Thfead Gloves;,, 20 " Ladies' Gloves;• 50 " Ladies' Raw Silk Gloves; 20 " Gents' " " 12 " Children's Cotton Gloves; Shaded Twist. Steel and Guilt Beads, Parse Maga and Tassels, Bead Bags, steel and velvet, fine Pans, Parasols, Aecordeons, &c., &e, [nter.9.9 • Jewelry. NEW and splendid variety at ZEDULON KINSEY'S, 67. Mout= STREET. 50 Gold Lever Watches; 48 Siltet Lever Watches, (Knelling 28 Silver Detached Lever Hatches; 20 Silver VE_pine, Watches; 25 Quarter WitChel; 12 Fine Gold Chains; .. 1 doz. new style Ear Ringl; 5." plain Gold Hoop Rings; 6 assorted Rings; 2 Musical Boxes, playing . a variety of popular aim 12 gross Steel Slides, nll sizes. . FANCY GOODS, 5 doz. fine Fans, silk.and paper; 50 Common Fansi , fi i• Fine Velvet Bead flags, new styles; 10 " Fine Crotchet Bead Bags, new Styles; " Fine Crotchet Purses, new styles; 25 " Fine Parasols, assorted; 10 " Fine. Flower Vases, assorted; . 1 " Fine Steel Screw Pincushions; " Fine Ivory Screw Pincushions; '1 " Fine %%'ood Screw Pincushions; Stars, Teasels, Fringes, gilt and silver, for Replies; A fine assortment of new TOYS, &c., (mar 29 ADESIDERATUM TO ALL WHO WRITE.--Marks , India Rubber Fluid, for preventing Pens.corroding in Ink; alto, for adapting them to write on Parchment, without the aid of pumice. and to facilitate the ink flow ing free. TO Students, Conveyancers, - and MerCantile men, it invaluable,. By merely adding a fegi droPe of this Fluid to the Ink in'use. it will instantly- be (blind to be the best auxiliary ever offered, ash neutralizes the ac d, precipsitea the sedinitent, causes a free fftivirof the , ink, and dispentata with Born tunable Of *aping kicent Just received and by. 1 ST6CETON, Stationers,: apk - . • abr. Market and Third sts: - -,,'"- - in Olt - SALE-C II EAI'—A: nice . small Lot of Ground r Weil Deer township .15 miles from. Pittsburgh. and 5 miles froin the canal ht Threntunl. There are 5 acres of well cleared land, Well fenced. A good two story Log House, 28 by 18, with two robins to a floor, a brick Chim ney, and a log stable and shed are on the Mt. The house is atprearntoe c upied as b Ammll store. and will Make a good stand lei country business. Thete is a fine large garden, cor raising marketing for the I'ittsburgh Market. The road from Pittsburgh. to.Sackeasburgh and Fieephtrt. passes the door. The above property will be sold low for cash, or bib - cash 'and six ttrOnth..t credit, and a good little given on paying for it. .Possessibn given on the Ist of April. Fdt terms and particulars nhply nt ISAAC' lIARIIIS' Agency and Intelligence Odice. htitlh at. FOli two story Brick ." 1) • diningF .11 it well arranged with hall of entrance. parlor. room and kitchen, (ban bed rooms. finished garret. gtoia cellar, and pleasantly , located on lAberty street. Alleghe ny. Pride and tends nceontmcniatine: 'F. General ,c2t , Smithfield street. WARD PROPERTY FOR - SALE.—A two story DrlCk Dwelling Se, situated in the 6th ward; contains tour rooms. hall, kitelteu and coal house.. Price SE4:IO, and" 'terms easy. Alto. tWo Frame Houses, each containing five rooms; price $650 each: terms accommo ring. Apply. at S. CUTHBERT'S, Real - Estate Office Smithfield st., near Fourth mar 23 JAMES MAY DEAL ESTATE—Persons wtsfung to purennse Lua Houses. BUILDING LOTS. or FARMS. can - id a great variety. for sale on accommodating terms, at S CUTHBERT'S Real Estate Office, • 50 Smithfield st. VALUA RIX PARAI FOR SALK—Situated on the Ohio River. twelve miles beloiv Pittsburgh, on the road to Beaver, and adjoining land of John Bays. Esq., containing 100 acres. Well improved. with a good House. Barn. and Orchard of choice Frpit Trees, comprising Apples. Poaches. ChertieS, &c. This properly Is of the most desirable how curried for sale. For further phrtic u luta ripply at S. CUTRBEIFFS Reel Estate Offieg, inar2o 50 Smithfield it. QTABLE TO RENT.-1 brick Stable. wtth Carirnge I house, to relit from the Ist uf April next. • In2Juire of nuir7-tf F. L. tiNOWIW.N. 29 Water et. t I.l:P—That large tual coinmodious warehouse. cit. 1 ntded on Second street. near Wood. j ust below Parks & Co.; and at present occupied by John Little, En. S. CUTHBERT. Gen. Agent, SO Smithfield street. ntarst - CIEORGE A NEW two stor?Brick Dwelling those, Situ wed on the East Common, Allegheny city. (near t e residence of Judge Irwin,) and finished in the best modern style. with handsome portico in front. double Par lors. furnished with marble mantels and improved sliding doors; dining room and kitchen on the first floor-and four good bed rooms on the second story; with finirdsed rret. Enquire of RICHARD GRAY. on the premises; of of. febll-tf JAMES PARK." Jr. st CO.. Second st e sa corner of i.ET—A Brick Iloese, co Webster and FLlT lton streets, formerly occupied by J. B. Buller. Pns session given immediately. Apply to felstibbf J. C. CUMMINS. LET.—A Room on the first story, and the seers's4l and third stories of a brick house, corner of Fifth and Union streets. NI.SO—A very sleet and Convenient". Crarne . Cotar . ge, in Allegheny city. Apply to JAMES MAN. IRENT.—A Beton with two rooms, guitablelar it physician or elitist. on Penn limo- between Hand nil Irwin stream Ijint22l • WILMARTII. Fro new three sturyikvellingilourse, with j bath house attached. situate near the corner of Wylie and Washington streets. Possessions given on the first of April next. riattl7l JOHN F. PERRY. _ To LET.—Three dwelling situate on Fourth . street, near the ettnaplrid., -in the city of Pitts , bUrgh • Also, n ttooin,ls by 211 Rietovith. n convenient entrance on sth. near Wood street. Also. a frame dwclling.lwo stories. with an acre; • of ground under cultivation, situate on Ohio Lana, in the city of Allegheny. Enquire of janq J. D W11.1.111i.5. 110 Wood st. ,e; - PRIVATE DISEASES. De. Bonen. of , , ,',f 65 Piarriond Alley, can be consulted in all y cases of a private or delleatinature incidental f ~ the bunn frame. I e . .to Syhilis an Syphilitic eruptian!,gonorrlicca k. and its consequences, together with all re sweat oisr aircimpurities of the blood. with till diseases of ern mar origin. skin ditieaees.vtith strictures, glee t. urethral discharges. seminal weakness and impotency; also. Mies, rheumatism. female weakness, diseases of the Wollia. monthly suppressions, diseases of the joints. fistula in alto. nervous affections. pains in the back and loins. irri tations of the neck of the bladder mid kidneys. scorbutic eruptions, terser. ringsvoria. mercurial diseases, due. TwEINE NEARS' PRACTICRI Exclusively devoted to the study and treatment o(venci real disonlers, and those arising . trout youthful excesses, gaiety. climate. or impurities of the blood. whereby the consutuiton may have been enfeebled. enables Dr. Brown to otter assurances of speedy relief to all who may place themselves under his cure. Dr. Brown's °dices are conveniently arranged into sep arate apartments. Patients can visit Dr. B. without fear of exposure to other visitors. It is of importance to many persons in need of medical aid. to obtain good advice privately and promptly. To till Saab. Dr. Browns ready skill in runitivifigyenteral dis eases. in their various tiaras and stages, offers inducements which can rarely be equalled. Strangers are hereby ap prised that Dr. Brown has been regularly educated in I every brunch of medicine, and for the last twelve years confined himself - exclusively to die treatment of those diseases. Dr. Brown is the only regularly eflifcated iiaigcOn in Pittsburgh who gives his whole attentibu to those com plaints. Irj - Certaiti, side and speedy Cures will, itt all Cases, be guaranteed. -- Recent cases are relieved in a short time, without inter; caption from business. ' M'lleritin:pr Rupttire.-- , Dr. Brown also invites per sons aftlietetrwith Hernia to call. as he has paid particu Mr attention to that disease. Letters from a distance, asking advice, must contain a fee, or they will not be attended to. IrrOffies on Dismond Alley. a few !lOM's front Wood street, towards the market. Consultations strictly ernifi &mini.oct2,s-illtw_ I y . . ._. . -_-- _ . 7J II E CNIATISM .—Dr. Brown's .newly discovered remi It city for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy for that painfid trouble. It never fails. 011iee and Private Consultation Rooms. No. 65. Dia nirind alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Dbctbr is always a Milne.pinld-ilawtf JACOB WIIAVF.II. fvm. FOSTEH, Agent for Mexican So/dim:to pro * cure Land Warrants and Pensions for widows, at his office; Bakewell's Building, opposite the Seer Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. My son, in the General Lund Office. at Washington will attend.t.o illy business there. free of charge to appli - cants:lo.2s ' 11,0101: A 1,--C. .71.7.713 cANU/. Y - 4 7- " Co. have reinOvcil to the warehouses on "Sloan's whart;n upper Canal Maui. Liberty street. ',where they arc now fully prepared to receive a large amount of Produce, tce., Is - ship, on the opening . of Canal navigation, to Philadelphia, Baltimore., and all Intermediate praccs. felmat • C . 9l_ B lr r :lf4.. i t i e h A l fT' l' ar 's ti f k ot iir 4.).Bl.lAT rwill in i trochtce the-springstyle of cat HATS this day, Saturday, March 4th, 1844. Their friends and customers are requested to call and examine their stock or Spring Ileits,Just received from New York, nt their store, corner of Fifth and Wool - 1 sts. mar 4-7 QPRING FASHION FOR lIATS.—TIts beatui... ful style of II A TS are now teady at marl PAULSON'S. Spring Style. W MOORE, has just received from NC York, the 0. Spring Style of Rota—which he will introduce on Saturday, March 4. All those in watt of a nen( and superior Hat, will pleas tall and examine, at No. 75, Wood street, ad door above Fourth street. ma \TRW BOOKS.—VoI. 2 History . of the Cirardists. or lr refsonal Memoirs of the Patriots of the Revolution from unpublished sources; by.. AlphOnsb do Laniartine in thfcecdbT. 2djust received. The Life Of Clte:taller Bayard, "(he Cried Knight by W. Oilractie Scenes at NVashingilin-4 stery Of the last seneintien by a Citizen of Baltimore. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Miitiniiiria; Geo. P. [(titlark, Esq., rrieinhet of the Royal Geographieu Society, Ai.. & c. Now and Then—A Novel, by Snainsl Wnfren, T. R. S. Author of "Ten Thousand a Year,"."The Diary of a ate PhYsician," &c. The above works teeeived this. da& STOCKTON t'and sale lry JOIINSTON ; Booksellers. Market st. CLARET --8 Mad/ Table Claret; • 5 " Bordeaux " la store, for Kale by " ' MILLER h RICKETSON. H - OW MEAN /.ND STINGY ;my one musi be who will here any kind of bad, dirty, harsh, gray, or red Bair, when We have so oßen shown Ahem the names of persons who being thus, have, by the use of a 3s. bbttle of 'JONES'S CORAL HAIR RESTORATIVE, had fine long silky heir. Sold at 82 Chatham at.. N. Y., end by WM. JACKSON, Agent, mar2s 89 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 97 CASES-1 doz. each, of my "Superior Aromatic Wine Bitters," for sale to the trade with per emit. otT. Also, for sale by the gallon orsingle bottle. at the wine store of Idea] JACOB IV VEIL fl'o Ltt, Leeching, Cnpping and Bleeding: K. 11 naßßlFf,Tesucce.or to AL Leeches reeerred Monthly; attendance at all hours. Rethrence : The Physicians of Pittsburg i ll Allegheny and Birmingham. 11arch 13,1&19. Most cheerfully recommend to the Physicians, Pami lies, and all my, former friends and patrons. Mr. NORRIS, as being thoroughly acquainted with Me bust nets, and worthy of patronage: M. R. DELANY. Inar2l.-Gm INI ACIttREL.--40bbls. No: 3, large 3Taekerei; 5 " No. 1; 5 " No. 2; n more ant for sale, by J anl4 MILLER & Fi.IKETSOII spitulnieE-40 bushels lover Seed; 2 bhls. White Besot; A " Flaxseed; 29. kegs 1`0:1 Lard; bhie. " 12 casks Cheese' SA has Just feCeived and for sale by j en2h . re iiicKursoN tait tient S 66.. de. s prime do; db.; * 30 butes, neyeerop-, Widte liavana Sugar, just reed and rot . sale bt • MILLER do RICKETSON. 011,170.q115. fall ble!ehed and uttblvtehed; caning:int: etipplr of NO. i Leird di!, in slots And for sale by • • linar23l MILLER &MICKEVSO24. ISIAOLAEIS.=2 eases Just ret'd and for salt, by B. A. FAIIITOCK & CO4. .1!"r: COi. First and Wood Its Steam-Boat giolinnu. _ 1848. 1848. CLNCINNATIL ANTI PITTSBURGH D T /1.111 P T LUTE:: rruts Independent Line of steamers is nosy composed _L of the largest. ssvilrest.• best finished' and furnished. and most powerful boats on. the wstertCof the. West. The highest wages are paid for the services of the hest - and mostexperieneed men engage Min ricer business.-- The liticy j lias been in operation for six years; has carried nearly two millions of people. without doing the slightest injury to their persona The proprietors challenge cont. pansou with any passenger. line to the. Union • for surety. regularity. .and speed. All that money can procure, has been provided for the safety. comfort and.convenience of passengers. The boats leave for Cincinnati as Collor : MONDAY PACKET.--The Mo.voNcoommt, Capt. Same will leave Pittsburgh every Monday morning at o'clock 'Wheeling every Monday evening at lit as. TUESDAY PACKET.—The Mownl.l. No. 2. Capt. Jno. Kiineirter, will leave Pittsburgh . every Tuesday rhoming at 10 o'clock.; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10. r. rt. TrED.IVESDA Y PA CKET.—The Flstoldt lab O. 2. Capt. S. Dram, will leave l'iltsburgh every Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock{ Wheeling every AVednitsday even t . at 10 P. re. ' TIITAISDAX PA C.KET.;--The Bnumstrr, Capt. IL .7. Grace, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at I.lPo'clock ; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 r. M. FRIDAY PACKET.—The CmrPsuNa. 2, Cnpt. Crooks, will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning nt 10 tielock ; Wheeling - every Friday evening at 10 r. rd. - SATURDAY PACKET.—The Mess rsGr - ...,. Capt. be Camp, will (cave l'ittsburgh every. Saturday inorniiig at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Saturday evening' 2110 r. SUNDAY PA CKET:—'l'lle Isaac New - rox, rapt. AG. ,ifasan, will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday rooming at 1 o'clock; ‘Vhceling every Sunday, evisaiug at 10 I'. ' . . - - For St. Louts. THE fine - litentner WYOMING. TROMAS Grinrst..ne. 'Master, will !env° ice - ulurly for lite4thove port Milli all iota:median: latiihugs. For freight or passage. having superior aceoutiouda lions. apply on board. or to npr27 GEO. H. MILTENBEROEE. Avent. For Lafayeite and lAlabaOli River. The light draught strainer SWAN. fl 3lay, Masten will leave for the above and ink,- mediate landings, on Tut:slay, .11th instant, at 3 o'clock, P. M. _ For freight or passage apply on - hoartl„ or to apri • J ANIES. MAY. For St. Loots. • S *WaitTHE fag' running pasAcitgAr mar PENN YLVANIA, It. C. GRAY. AlRAtur.will leave rap o i r agLZt o ti r e pn alx a v a e , n a nd l in o tc ,i rml r itAic pure . ` m 27 For Nev (Orientals. - AlaiTIM splendid new steamer SAVANNA; 11. DEN !MON. Master, will - leave regularly for the abote and tell intermediate landings. For freight or passage apply nil board. fabl .For St. Louts. Galena, and' Dubin/ate.. , 1 6 ANTHONY ,- Taos. THE good steamer ST. ANTONY,Toos. 10 MET, Muster, will leave for the allure, " ror a Tr 3 c r ight or Oassage apply an bbard, or ' to ''' JAMBS MAY. or GEO. NIII.I'ENBERGER.A.,g`t. For St. Louis. THE splendid strainer NORTH CAROM ' NA. DFNINNEY. Master. gill leave fur dna aeuvr unu intermediate ports, regularly.: For ffeignt or passage apply on Lazard. fetal For Di am hville. VIE steadier A.:IIE.ItICAN EAGLE will i?avc for the above and nil intermediate ports on 1A nesday 12th iwitant For freight or passage apply, bn or to tad , G. B. 11111,TENBLIBBER.,-Agent. =M== The light draught steamer FRIENDSHIP. DAVIS, Muter, will leave 6/T thn aiJOVe and intermediate ports regullarly, or freight or passage apply ou hoard. For St. Louis. The new and splendid steamer ORIENTAL, VAN HOOK, Master, will leave for the above • and intermediate ports on Wednesday the • th instant. For treltitt or passage apply ad Ldrirtl A TILE steamer CALEB C . Oll-.1 will leave fur Deaver, Glasgow, and Wellsville, on Tees ,. day, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9 A N.. re turning on Monday. \Vedncadny, and Friday. She has a boat at the lunditt9. between Wood street nod the 13rtdge,, prepared to reeciie freights et any Sine:. B: Sc. W. HAIIBAttii. Agents, . , No. :a Wood street. Pittsburglt and Wheeling' Packet. THE swift steamer CO:NSUL, DORSET P. KINNET, Master, will leave regularly for Wheeling. do Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at lb ocloik, precisely: . • Leave Wheeling ev' cryVtie - saii, Thursday, and Saint dav, at 7 o'clock. A. lit., ?Maitre/Y. The Conseil will land at altiltntenuedinto pone. Every accoMmodation that e'en be procured, Mr the centfort and safety of passengers, has been provided. The boat is also provided with a self-acting safety-guard, to prevent explosion. „ For freight or passag e - a ppl y on board. or to mar° JUAN FLACK, Agent. nosTer and Wellsville n i m a i = itcamboat BEAVER.CiIIAILLES E. t i I t, '"Master, will, during the coming reinter sretsok*Mke daily trips to Ehmve r and Wellsville, leading Pattipurgh every morning atO o'clock, and Wells ville ut 3-ffiej6ek derls • ;•••• D. NT. lIARTON The new and splendid Passenger Steamer HIGHLANDER, Captain H. A. Foam . will 1,1 e., tor tam:chore and all intermediate pons regntrirly. For freight or parisage, having superior accommoda tion's. tions. , imply onboard. febll.l 1848. Pittsburgh and Broursirrille Ditilrracket Line. - VEna6Mit Ist, 1846. ist,rlfi.l9. • hItIAYI: DAILY AT B' A. X. AND 4 . The following new boats complele.thgline for the present season r ATLANTIC, Capt, James Parkinson: BALTIC, Capt. A: Jacobs; and LOUIS AI'I.ANE, Capt. E. Bennett. The boats are entirely new, and are fitted up without ragnal to expense. Every comfort that money can Procure has been provi ded. The boats will leave the Monongahela 'Mart Boat. at the foot of 1105.5 it. Passengers will be punctual on board. as the boats will certainly leave at the advertised hours. For Louisie illei AM I E THE Kentneer River Packet. G oo GREY EA GLE, linss, 'Master. will leave for the above and intermediate ports regularly. For freight or passage eppty on board. febB For Brownsville liatit. . The new and splendid passenger and mail steam r BALTIC. Capt. A. J ACOIIB, will lease for the a eve port during the . preseut week, at a S. n., positively. ~., For freight or passage, inWoit board. feta For Browrisville. T,lFFnew Mail and Passenger steamer AT.. L.ANTIC, long' Ps.ausscrx, Master. will leave forthe above port this day. at 8 A. M., positively. For freight or passage apply on hoard. (eh:2 Far St: Loutat THE new and splendid smaller ANDREW FuLTax. W. li. Fuvros, Master, will leave for the a ,ove and intermediate landings regularly. For freight•cit par:Sage appljr on board. or to JAMES MAY. NO. 9. !MORSE'S WEEKLY BUDGET . da :or* Bans me 1849. . • - lIPR i\ i'MUS; of the Adienturet Alfred de Ito. .4 sann in the Front!' Metropolis, by the author of Life in London. -',• Mysteries find Miseries of •Nevir York, part 3. Public and Private Histories of the Popes of Rome, part 2. Traveller's Guide to the Ohio River. Martin. the Foundling; RCN* supply. The Victim's Revenge, a sequel to the Matricide's Daughter, and the Star of the Fallen. Thompson's Money Reporter. Taylor's do do • Gedey's Lady's Book; for March. Knickerbocker, do. The Female Land Pirate ; or Aerfdl, Mriterlems, and Horrible Disclosures of Amanda Bannoris. • Antonia, the Female Contrabaadista. Fittt False Step, or the Path of Crime; new The Light Dragotin, a the Ranchero of the PeisatteCi Lanes: . . Middy of the Maccdoman. Barr's Pennsylvania Reports, vol. 3. _ _ NEW PLAYS. The Duenna, a Comic Opera. The Apostate, a tra,gedy. Much Ado About Nothing: . Bride of the Market, a comic drania. Robert Macaite, or the Two Murderers. Box and Cox, a farce. Bartittottzling, do. Also, a largo assortment of Old and rare plays. Grahntres-Magazine, for Bragellinne, the Son Of Athos, or Ten - rears Later, be ing- the conelusicht of Three Guardarten and Twenty Years After. The Old Men's Tales. The ifertnit of the Hudson,_ dt the Farmer's . Daughtcr. Just received and fur aste by triat7.2 M. P. MORSE. SS Fourth st. ("LANCER,. SCROFULA AND GOITHE.—AmpIe cx- Vv that no combination of medicine, have eVc.: been so efficacious in-removing the ethos, dis. , eases. as DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. 11has.enected curse . truly astonishing, not only of Cancer and other dis exiles of that class, but has removed the most stubborn diseases of the Skin, Swellings, Dyspepsia. &c. This medicine enters into the circulation, mad eradicates dis eases wherever located. It purifies the blood and other fluids .of the body. removes obstruction in the pores of the skin, and reduces enlaigement Of the glands of bones. It increnses the appetite, removes headache and dros si ness. and invigorates the whole system, and imparts ani mation to the diseased and debilitnted.coustitution. There is nothing superior to It in the wliolp materia mcdica. It is perfectly safe and extremely pleasant, and has nothing of the disgusting nausea abccaripanyitigithe idea of awni ng-For sale in PittabUrgh at the MON..Tr- 5 , STtlitE, !M - Fourth it., near Wood. . .f 5 ma ejo brtio, sr - Plate -W indow vaiteu.' . THP YCRYSTALPIATEGLAOSIIiatheinever • . been known to lone he paliali;ailerAbeing . put in , the . wiqdows.. It is equal niquality tciAte-P:yetleltltad Eng lish Plate Glass, antitsmuclklowes.....''.....:.. ' _ LOOVINU-DLASSPLAMT.,_ORb. SIZES: - • Also; Hardware Of discritiflettlic English and Anteiread. - - - ' ' r EOPSEYELT &BON. New. York, April 1, 11484 ape-UM M?M 5'?? m.+ Saar' ' • • - 4.• - : .oVarrri •• r, ; • RAPHERS, I,,XCHANItif , nilDealtis to rffitelpi..nwi. Jkmtrstee -Egc eetletof Dip.osst, :Brink lOUs, Gnid(ut qartr- 1‘90) 07 ;r 6 w street, Ord docrrpriciiiiOfirth, Zeit ide, ATJ-Sli T.ILA.ISY.Ii.: :_, ._•.. • I:iv:CA.l[D It:KU* l 4',, • :3 : • -- . XitAIIIER '05t,...11.:11-1111. Bankers and E'xitia)tga?lirotbrs, Peifer* {lt roriiiii"Vrat - ~ :k Domrsf ii Bias... Bills ett r grilmalige, Chlifteittri".. - . ''l:rliC* ..P it, BartA.-"Katii: iiiiii Coiii: ' ' T earner of ?rbilll tiltd:Troiti sta.; tliibell oppOlif4'.ille,"al: ,-, - Qhftrles Hotel -.- ' ''' . 'Yil.ili -131 ' N. HOLMES 0k... SONG - - ...._ ~i.;.. Banker, and. Dintirs in Exch ari gt coil. ci r lid pi 1 1..... .X. , , tri Ni'. 55 Marikefstrifi, Pittsburgh. „., . . . ....,...,,.,_; .: 1 - , ~...., SELLING HITE. . T.X.CIIA :SCE: - n 71 . ` r ,. 1 . "!" . 1 1. New Yor k '. A. pr. Cincinnati: ' .. I '`- Philadelabiti ' 1." I.tittisville . . . - . I Italtitilotei - I." Si% La , 4 l - :r.: -,--• Buying rata l'itying_iiVd4 Ohio .' _ 3 die. 1 CanntvA city 9ttri k ~ , # c, Indiana '; • I " I{.oi et` Nola* ...,,„.; ‘ t - .. , i :1 Kentucky . .I. " 'Pettnstivattilt Co. . I- u ' • - 11 _ _ . .... Virginia : - I 1 XnYtrVark . , 4 1. - , ....; • Wheeling _ ' 1 '.. 3 ,! 4 riliind -- . - - ..1 Tenuessai 3 4 .1\ ste Orleans . . H 0 Olof • Ar...S A It BANKERS AND.:EXCIFANGE liTIO10ERS;:.1 N. E. Corner nf Wood • and S ixthVreers.,.lsu3lntigh, , P44 11 - 117.ALERS in Coin:. Bank Notes .- Time Rills, - ,Fpreitet and DOlnestic Exchange, Cortifienteepf Deposit,Aei EXCHANGE. on all the priaeipal Citiejs .or,.thaUxuact, and Europe. for sale in stuns , io suit pareluutera: CURRENT and par fonds:received on deposite,-,-t; COLLECTIONS made on allpaits of tha - UniOnt II . . • • '' . lizirittrirtEit Messrs. M. Leech & tilon;: Gillen & tillost o %. , Try. . . i51 . 1 .... buith Englith &_lieztuert. ~.,• . . . . - '• i. - Fleming. & Brothel, .- •1 • • ...-• - 1. I , ales, - I.uthrot‘...4. Co:. -.t.Phinolci"Jatt•H NV. R'llonin)aort Jr. Cm• 1 ...- • ••: ...•.,--..; .. " • -. -Homily, Phelps & Co. - ... t Ne ....-. vai. ) ,.. r ...-t v , r .• rittltny. Wird & Co.. •1. • . ••,--•:. . ... ' Mom M'Cullriegli &C.q...• ' t lialtinore. Mr .•,', James ClVory, -,• • ~..,...- 3 M. 'tam., etheinati c o: • . - ....• . . • ' ~ - 1 Joseph 1L • .. 1 ~..._,,...,..„,, ....,.,, Nre4t.rty ' , collet &..N.C.Millon, , - --` i ":`,‘ , '"`'.'.'r `f.. , •,....... It- 1... Ellis, Emi...Cnillicr. liMsk ht iAren.lnwtri , "'ll.. : •..r, Pittsburgh. September tl,l, 1i4.17-'• . _.. ....-•. - ~. T WOLT,D like to call the attention - of ConniTy.- 4 •Afer. , • I chants. Hotel .t td Steornl.oit• Farni &r. to examine me •stock Cigars, &c.. now in store - arid cellitn. - ionsittriiglOtlthe most celebrated 'Brands, ih.c. - die. Feeling- confident of haring the lorgest mtd Kistiassortril stuck in• •Ony , .hOrile • 1 West of the mountains. and Leilig_e•nangcrl•Mll.-e- • - • _ tation of Wines and I.iipiors. 16 thin Ountty, persons can rely on being uccoinnitnloted. both tri pried and quality, • P. F.'37.ART115,"' • : mar 9 corner of Smithfield and Frortiatiects.- . ---- .71,,,..ri..is sale of 'Nursery SI oak.; At • TIIE extensive stack ofOld I...k.NDILETIf,NDX . ' SERIES. l'hilatielphia.. is About to he ~11 , p0e4,d of et PU RUG Al.:(7llLlNthir undetaigneiDiti-, tending to relinquish business... Sit Ch.-431 UPpolllll.lity :foe Obtlailllng '.lViascry Precincts in Attain:oms . nays - X.:Pain presented llt - America: andthr ottention of the trade; and all who wish to decorate their grown - lain:l'omi or.Conn irY. ox enlarge their Green hpure collection:, .is.respeetfully invited. For improving -•the - groundi" of. Chinaleties. Churches. Stale and CatintY43flices, etc., this.salemill.sf.. ford unequalled facilities. Catalogues in .datail: aseln 'preparation. The salerif the out-elear arnilii'vrilL:c,ozn , menee.on TUESDAY, MARCLI Slat, auth the ..P/turta, 'in.:, Pots, on Tr ESDAY,.MAY 211. Proper aid Liir'etife.prielt. ing and shipment will ho given, when required Ctuid :as there will be Ito postponement or' reservation. ppUinut from distant poiiits may attend. the 'sale Without tear :a disappointment. 1, ... Orders to be executed ht PRIVATE SALE wIU he received until the above periods. axill the. usuatatrreCide tendon given. D. LANDITILTH A FUL'IPN: ...... . . . .. ..-, It may be proper to state. to prerhitt misapprehension, that it is, the Nurser , : business Mily. the . ardiscritier,ts about to relinquish. Ills attention will be liereallerwhpl. • ly devoted to the culture of seeds, 'and tO dick sale. at.his w a rehouse, 65 Chestnut street. '. ~, ...., ...„_. 10—Any further information will he giveub . f.gi.x4- SNOWDI-IN. Pittsburgh. . ~„riinil4 MIMED . _ attention of gentlemen purrhrising,garmentai-for , j_ dress treat". or ordinary burl ess piarposes, dlreet ed to the stock of goods at present on oar cottaters,,eort: !hang of every grade and shade of Preuellt Belgian , Cloths and. Calsimeres: ;iu endless .vairraryi,and Vestings Tor eimry mesa ose..whielLwill bet - nada:nov:llsler jn n superior manner, atprices that will not beqoastioued bk the best of bargain makers. C. NYE.B.,NEKEP43,-a marls pate ArGuire &C0.)251 Liberltst. UNDRIES.--100 doz. PlayingardS C; S2ooy/hole !fad half boxes Sardiims; 10 baskets olive - ' • 20 doz. assorted Catsups,. , 5 easki London Porter,' naafis and pniti; 300 doz. Brandies, Wines ; .ke: ettj'obli . 5 blils.poWdered Saggr; - • , 60 baskets Cliamptdgue Wine. part fo arrive; 3 hhds Claiet ine, for.srde 4y. mae9 - P. C. :51,5R.T1K. . eve Sprl lug Dry A- A:MASO.N & C0.,02 Market street. Matt inartetteiv. Ed a large simply of Nen/ - Spring and Sommeellry . Goods, which will be offered wholesale and retaiPsit very low cash priccs..-- - KOZOTIFSt ant assortment may be tbund 1U cases fancy English null Mtirrican prints.' . and chintzes, comprising evefy lien , style. now' In the market, and were purchased' ate atthe - present. low:zzatesi which will enable us to sell tit least 23 per cent.. less them former prices, Also 10 cases sisall patterns fast milskred ruerimack and calico prints; very . neat and desirable; S • cases new style plaid stripe r and, plain Mien 4Linghatits. of every . shade and quality ;. 3 cases Spring. minilin.do Mines. rich and cheap; mode colored. qa'slittiere.iv meas. de !shies; 27 peg . Pails Mitres, a viewand splendid article t'br Indies' rtresscs;priuted.organdees; satin striped and plaid lineages; 1 case chaimeable lustree, vezy,zieh. a large lot Of 4.4 and o.'l French printed cainbrica'and lawns; 100 best Mislay ladies', und gent's kitt e glovcsi white goods of every description. together with:iv:norm assortment of housekeeping goods. etc: eto....•Coantzy merchants, and the inhabitants of Pittsburg it and: tire respectfully invited to call and cztrtritrfe ourstocls.and. prices. which we will warrant to compare • faxorablY • with the ensteminart.cts. A. Av 31....0.50.111-St roars 02 Nlnrket street. between 3tland dthatir: To the Merchants and Marrtilarttircii i it'u l til s ri s ze r fkl d , ° zi s -'r acv WEEJItY iltliALD. The !tetrad Bei been este3rralied twenty half a century. and'hes naiszteirkive indsitVgaatt tial circulation throuThout the riorinlorts ainlsiehiortntios of Eastern Ohio. %% ester 'Persons wishing to extend their bitsincei, tl ifl rititstiPPlrrs embrace the above favor a ble opportunity to VrTerrns of advertising' inoilerate,With 'art:editorial . notice gratis , if reque'sted: ' - hinfle IlirINL'S-20 qr. tasks Ron au _ 1 V 10 '` I.ondcru Market .Part 10 4 . Trash. . 20 "' S. S. Madeira; 15 Lou. 'Alai:lint - . 10 Syntingtda " b'ayal 10 " Teactitte 10 S Pale She trY 5 Dobler' . 5 ' 1 13rowst 10 '` Lisboa :•`• 15 - Dry .Mulagest 10 Sweet For sale su quantities to suit, by dee.2o - --------' all Paper • -'• I\7o. 42. MARKET STREET, liiiirreen and Fourt street. Pittsburgh, Pi{:-Alio3l - AS'PALITEIt.,•. Alantinictittor. and Importer of ITAL L .1' APV Fire Board Pri-ats, Hinders.. Lantl4Edfit. Pnpers,, Oritatrintal Desiga , , 'frun , quirent WitulUst Shades . , &c.:.atittjticaler in Writing and Wrapping Pziper, Honnet end Hinders. BODrds, S.c.—litts at yres'eni on hand a'very.ettdirve• nod well assented Smelt. of every article in hik MP , sieess. :re persons With bity to sell tignin,'lte - vialfirisektr JD literal a discount as can hardly fun to seetirefiteis;eus. thegreat rerterY from which ItousekeepOTilfiwill haveithi their pourer to select, and the terri'lossamiesent; which he is thiterniieed to.select, sell them. he•flititefslhita self, present3tiiii inducements no cannot be otTer:4l4.this location, by any tither House in the trade. - - irk -Hags mid -'l'anner's Scraps will he ts.ketkib et • change. at the highest prices. . • - . -m-arx3.o 3 o:2iLf oLn 50R.E5; , F,R 3 15.11 , F, LAS, Biirber's lick- Chaps, Soie Pintyies.— This is used by - many , pl,ysictuns in.tbiseitYjh eurtngthe, shelve. and we Would not ecinscieneimisrfilelf unless we knew it to be till we state. - As a ,casutezie,thy true JONES'S SOAPIs perhaps the' only. article ever known that "removed intpuritfes,',. and cleared. 3.nd beautified the akin; making il'aoft; elear, • irriuoth and white as an infents..lirot mind,if is toast 62 - Ctiiit:dam at., N. Y., and by - • ' • " • AtiNT.:JACKSCiN,Ageritc, , 8D liberty street . . Pittsburgh. 1.) I ELAN , 0. 49, Wett &reel, • ittsburok,,l!i ju. - . opened. for the Spiting trade, a large ;Mir general assortment of wall' selected .Cloths t Caisinteres -.and ' Vestings, consistmg fir toperfine French and •Elili3k black and fancy alored CLOTHS:Suitable for, the _va riot's styles of Spring and Summer . Coats. .1 ' • Plain and fancy French, English and Amotibaa;.CAS SIMERES,ip great variety anti new patients, itittplod lh the customer - trade. , iyy Also, a greet variety Of •new and . fancy VIM3X4COS— , all of which will be tat and made M'order r the jitstst fushitinahle style. • • . Persona favoring the establisEritant suited on modersta terms, at short nonce, ..„ The subscribel has also on hand st'great itissajdrototi . of , BE A DY CLPTlMG,rttatle in the present S . P ri ng Fashion. teensisdng Of every, description :a.. - Dresa.and Frock Coats, bf mil fashionable Colors; tenet and;plain Seek and Business Coate: .• . Also, a. getteral„ t asSettirni of Pantsq• Veits;lStitts, Cravats, and all othertsrticles hi the.Clothing , lttre which will be mild lest', for CAM", - Wholesale pnrchitscriviillfind-it mach to Melia:lvan, tam: to call and isianiirieatoek;hefore past:basin g elsewheret- - ' ' P. DELANY; Tajw, CONSIMPTIO'N, COUGH,. SriWING ijs.24,poix, ISRONCIIIII.S, - -dce.—rre Con.inorptires.—Fonr-ftrilly of you ate tealttiaareridg fromnegl.ectea4o - ids, orjateb-' structien and - consequent triffainusanon Ihe delicate fi clog of those tribes through which the air seje-breatbo s distributed.l6 die lull rs.• 'This ohm:1,611On pumtugos pain acid eoreneei, cough, difficulty of breathing:lite - lie taxer, and. epittitig of blood, matter, of sryhilis eniilly exhausts the strength of tholtetient. and deatti.Asnities.. JAISE'S F....XPLCTORANT NEVER PAILS fry remove this obitinetion, and -produces the -- esost. pleasing and happy results. It is certain in its effects, and cannot fail fErp o y vale ea Pittsburgh at tiro PEKIN, , PEA;STORP, 72 Fourth st.,.xtettr.Wood.' . kist 13TSITERILf.lhalg3401 . , be estoutshetl It ate effect or D. 2s, book' of_lpbtript cpatit. HAIR-REECTOReirk.M: 11 . 1ret1,19:tplAmlai, I"l44l2C""*4l" iiF i hf ail l t tek. - 110 Liblity ens; PittA EMI ~.1 ..t . :..4 : : :%•:::i. 3-I',IX r:t. Fiat_ -