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In aditinee: - .Sii- Dollars will invariably be required notpaid within , the year. . irr.Single copies Two cmirs—foisale. at the counter of the Office, and by the News Boys. - - - - %nit 'Weekly - Mercury and Manufacturer ISPhhished from the same office, on a. doublmedium slteift,..at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance--siugle ccipies tams eras. - Wr No paper will be discontined (unless at the discre tion of the proprietor,) until all arrearages are paid. `.IT --Nia attention will be paid to any order unless ae commuildd by the money, or satisfactory reference in this tity. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. PER FROLLItr. OF TWELVE EINES OR I.ECS. ORElRsettion, $O 50 One Month, $ 4 00 Two. ..do 0 75 Two• •do 6 00 Three—do 100 Three do 700 One Week 1 50 Four do 8 00 Two• +do 2 50, Six• • •do 10 00 Three do•—••• 300 .1 One Year 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: . - Changeable at Pleasure. - :ONE EQULIZE. TWO SQVARVL Six _Months • $l5 00 1 Six Months 520 00 One Year, 21t 00 I One Yess•-• 30 00 - Larger advertisements in proportion. IU -- .Cards of FOUR LINES. Firs Dollars a Year. Large Cuts will not be inserted, unless ail cstrn price itspaia. . .11. - Y . : Advertisements upon which die nitinlicr Of I,ll.CT tions is nut marked. will be iliscrleol and charged until or dered out. aAI373I`CALIONT, -itttern:n at Late.—thecit, fourth • street, neur Patterson: Livery Stable. lea? TAR. GEOILUF. w r Ac.-0.54:e. No. Smithfield st. TAR near Sixth st.. Pitistatrgle tiedl.-y \IL A. W. 01.1 VEIL. Pkysitian and Sttrgeon.-0.8.88 J_J No. 8. St. Clair street. jyt2o MEM ITAL. 4YIIA ILA E;IN SON . to C. S. y. has I removed hi., office, in No. Si. Chair ',T. It. .1 OIL\ C/L-t FOl• opposite til•• F'ac huuec I. OttI.ANDU L00,N113. Attor - ney al Ltur.-Ottice 4th st_ übove IVova. fIN 110 AIAS M. M.A.R.SIiAI.L. Arturnry at lArtvrie's Buildings. Fourth at. Jan7-1)*. I A.M.F.."i CALLAN, _Wormy at Lute. corner of 'Wylie i ill .ad Fifth streets--“ Law Corner." febln-y ... .. _._ 1• M. KENNF.OI - . Attoraza at Law. Olice in the .1. ' s saute building with Alderman 'O.F.Nlaster, Fifth st.. batty...lt %Vocal nit& SinithfnAil sts. aug.l7-thn° JOa N ti.kftTON. Attorney ni L.111,--01lice. North bidu of nalli street. betweuft Wood nod Sruithbuld, iu the same with Altiunaan .Morrow. 1 061:11' li C. A'KliiinN. Alio, oar g at Law.--ortice in AV:llilliCe'S building, na. 4th st., between Wontl and Smithfield sta. t Wittig %1 I.A N ti, ..Iticsary and Cauweiter a: La.ita 3 - land Notary Poblie.—Othee at the coruer of 4th anti lVturi sts, over Sibbett & Jones' Exchanze odicc. oct4 AV " L i t t. -4 ."L":",:n*F"au.rtti .. l";7"te's. twr ficaithirela and Grant marl - • _ ,; . j :+.~:; LMUND SNMYUEN. An ornry et Leam--Olitee in the building on the North Enst corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. nor 1 t-y MORROW, Aldermon.—Orhee north side of Fifth IX. street. betwceu Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. , CA-ti )I.ESS & M',' Attorneys and Cou.cl ill ton at Luto.--o:lien on Fourth street. opposite. H & R 11. Patterson's Livery Stable. Pittsburgh. septa.), I,IORWARD 8. SWARTZ WELDER, Attorneys at Late. —Office on Fourth street, between Wood and :Smith field. opposite Patterson's Livery Stable. ap. - -y 1 BURGE F. GI Attiorney at Lam.—tiitice in x Breed's buildings, boy° Wood Pinsburg,h. a. serl-/y J N. WI 1, Attorney and COll naellin Office in Bake:well's Buildings on Grant st 113 C. stIANNON. Attorney wa Coonst quality, nod ~,t sal, at r,asoliabl , prices. sepl I -If `tlik SPEAR (;.-I.RDF:.\ herioittul place IJI" 17 resort having been greatly repaired. the proprietor is now ready to receive 140,1111F1‘, by the day, weeL, or 111gul 111. ILLS 11,,11111101.13111MS are yowl. and his )111GUS are low. inn) j S. NI eCI ELI. i.NI). . T - \ A. CA MElit Munniorn.,.... f Hoihon War< and if P/ou'orol Stolta, and ertool; 7 , 3tit genera/. respect fall) ItAt.s the patronage of his fnends. Ile feels wear. ranted that he can Five sanAttenon to all who may pur chase of him. His catabltahrutut is on S'Kelvy't , plan of 1-ot..sth Ward. I OLIN F. PERRY. Lau of the firm of Molrohn. Leech ej ( - 0..1 Wholesale Grocer. Commission and Photo Alercliatik dealer ui all kinds of Country Produce, cop p.•r. tin plate, unit, rs' tools zinc. lead. litassta sheet iron. trop and natl.. white lead, dye stuffs. cotton rants, salt. Sr_ and Pittsburclt Manfactures generally. corner of Liberty and Irwin streets. Pittshurrlt. Pa Lthera I ail- Vallee, to Cash yr tioods, made on consignments of Pro duce. Se. may I t-t-tf OYSTERS'' OYSTERS!! . —Ciro ...Za neck I, mspvcifolly intornis los friends nod the public, thut he iz dulls in the receipt of fine Fr , sb 0,u,,m , 5. which will Lew rred ap in every en - le. tit short notice, to suit his tl,t•eiroand Ns/ Candy. and every ricer!iptinns of ronictlionos+l , 3. on hand and tor sale ut the corner at 501 and Suntlitteld stn. sep2,-d riEl)ltti ii ILAN. Conn:4l..lot; and Pen/wird. g Ihrrhant. No. 26 Wood street, Pittsburgh. continues to transact n general Commission business, iu the purchase and sale of American nitamitacitnes and produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goads consign ed to Itn, care. As agent for the manufacturers he wtli be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pitts burgh manuaaenire 51 the lowest wholesale prices. Older* and arc reepectiiilly solicited. XIIL DC S ICrepiag and Wri:l.;.; Claw, nor 1t ot Fifth and Market streets. re-opens on Monday rnt Mercruniie and Steamboat !Souk Keeping taught the moat ftreenVn and expeditious manner:. In add,- uon to the 11,1ni course of Instruction and practice. Mr. will. Oa Monday next- commence a Conine of Practical 10,111,3. in which the appliestion of the noiettee of ac count, to all the del:lila of bustiteas will Letninutely ex plained. No extra charge made for theme hecturcs.— limas of husineat, 10 to 12, A. at.; 2 to I, and 7 to 10. r. at. hint t .lluhkr. Druggist and Apoti4e cam north-west COTIlt• I' of Wood and Fifth streets. Pittsburgh. wiltcon.trlctl) on hand Drugs. Paints, Dy.e-fitiTs. N. B.—Phystriuns' prescriptions carefully eotnpontided from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. MA, an a,sortntent of Perfumery: fine tooth, hair, and clothes Brushes, &c.. !Le., which he will sell low for lush. upllt•ly Undertaker, Milli s,rect, Ito ! tnediutelv opposite the Theatre, respeethilly iu• forms his friends and the public in general, !bat tie has re snmed business as a Furnishing Undertaker. lie is sup plied with 11.11,1 always keeps on hand Cuffing of all sites and kinds. Shrouds, and ail other articles necessary on such occasions. - • Silver plates. ire boxes. and leaden roffitlP will be cup plied un order. A fine hearse and ea mages always ready to attend itmerals. sep2l.l. I y I.IA 11.Dw A RE. cu•ri.Eliv.'smmi.F.lty, tic.—JoHN 't% ALE CIL Importer and Denier in Foreign and Do rm-Pic Hardware, would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally. that he is now receiving hi■ Spring stipple of Hardware at the old stand of Walker & Woodwell, e. 5 Wood street, which be will dispose of on the must reasonable terms. lie will he continually receiving fresh supplies direct from the manufacturers in Europe and this Country. which will enable him to com pete with any establishment either East or Welt. Wes ter. Nlerellants are invited to cull and examine his stock before por,hasine elsewhere. inars Corner of Pen.7l and St. Clair Sore:,, Pittsburgh, Pa I , IIE subscriber, having assumed the management u this long established and popular Hotel. respectfully announces to travellers and the public generally, that he will be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in u well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new fur niture added: and no pains will be spared to make the EXCUANnE one of the VERY BEST Ifotels in the country. The undersigned very respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage which the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, feblo-daw Proprietor. DItI. I (3OIST AND APO - MP:CARY. No. 45, Market street, three doors above Third, Pi ash argil, ',rill have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended to. and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. Physicians prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. Also, for sale, a largo stock of fresh and good Perfu mery. dec3o J. D. LEUMER, C. W... ND1:1t5074, Late of Pittsburgh. Pa. Late of Nashville, Tenn. lEIIMER & ANDERSON. DEshEas let Corron.—Far.. A warding and Comntiesion Merchants, No. 8, Front Street, above Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. REFER TO Merchants generally. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Merchants generally. Nashville, Tenn. W. F. Lain & Co, Louisville. Ky. Springer & W h iteman,2 Cincinnati, Ohio. James Johnston & Co, Hewitt, Heran & Co„ New Orleans. Magregor & Morris. New York. Duval, Neighler & Co., Baltimore. Smith, Bageley & Co., Philadelphia, Daniel Deshon. Boston John D. Davis, 4 UCTIONEER and Commission Merchant. Corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, is ready to're ceive merchandise of every description on consignment for public or private sale. and front long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with ,their patronage. Regular sales on Mondays and Thursdays; of Dry Goods and Fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening at early gas-light. augl2-y. AFULTON, lir/land Brass Founder, has rebuilt and . commenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Se cond, between Market and Perry streets, where he will be pleased to sceEis old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10.000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, &c. &c.. to gether with every variety of Brass Castings, if required, turned and finished in the neatest manner. - • A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction•Pre tni, so justly celebrated for the reduction of friction in machinery•. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3-y Q IIAWLS.—A. A. Masan Q co., 62 Market street. have 0 received the most extensive assortment of Shawls to he found in this city. In addition to the various styles of Cashmere. Turkeri, Wool Plaid, Thibet. Net, &c., he has received a new style. of F,tench Long Shawls, a superior t?orticle and very fashionable. Agvll =NEE ~ , . ll=MMl2==== PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1848, Business Tarbs. M!ME=l=l2! John M. Townsend. =DM _ ~• , - ~}. Businc (garbs ALLloere has just received from i f hew lark the Fall Style 01 lIATS, which he will in troduce this day. Saturday...Om/act !Silt. All those in want of a neat and superior !VAT would do well to call at NO. 75 WOOD STREET. anp2 :id door above Fourth. riFt3Wicgrtig - TATtir. ilia - old anti of C. To tc totand k Co., and Carr & Rowland, beg leave to 11111101111 CC to their friends and to the public gen erally, that they are now prepared to execute' all kinds of work in the Coach and Viagott-making business, at the shortest notice, and warranted to be of the best qual ity. The very large quantity of seasoned timber with which they are prepared, and their facilities for business. enables them to insure the public that they, are prepared to carry on an extensive and prompt talalllCSl in their line, and they respectfully solicit a emitinuanee of the liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firms. sep4 VeinUlan >k Inds. GRIBBLE Jc Co. have removed to the corner of • Wood street and Diamond alley, over S. leather store, wheFetiley are prepareil o furnish Volition Blinds. Wholesale and Retail, at prices much reduced; having a very acentric mode rf painting. and other attvan !ages unknown to others in the trade. Besides giving' a sit -Rerun finish to Blinds, they trinithem with the best mate riak, making them rich and durable. N. B. Wide or narrow slats—portable or permanent'fas. twangs furnished. Old Blinds Mitred. decl.B-y Hardware, Cutlery, and Saddlery. TOliti WALKER, Dealer us Foreign and Domestic ,Hardware. No. es' Wood street, would respectfully inform his friends and the public ertierally. that he has received n lame stork ca Forrirn Dm - tin - are per ships i•Wyoinine.” and `iMontiogaltent:' which, to gether s w ill, a lame simply of Amerwn., Goods be is now receiving direct from silt mtmcitcturrrs. vyiil mnitehis assortment very eihmst v e and C 01119 1 ,111. WeblC7ll mer chants will please call mad evnniitir his smelt. eim4 E M NI'I'ArTORY.L-Ths. it Oise rl -1.:1 hers, having etilamed uncle Csla!ainiactit or the man ufacture of Srs:st. and the eerier of O'Hara and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh—are pr.:pared to furnish Files of every description. of tine hest quality; and being determined to make it the intrrrst of consumers to par eltuse Files from them. respectfully invite the patronage of all who use the WIWI, • notrli-y T. ANKnim & co. EW LY IN VENTY7I) PATUNT BLOCK SCION I: TlU:ss, for the inirneitiele relief and permanent cure of N. /IP fa and Ramo:, (Sailed to all sires.) The superior claims of Ili:. Truss conskt lit the 'comparative case es jib which it may be M orn. The pad of wood be ing neatly balanced on springs.. ) tobls to the pressure of any part of it. amid therougly adapts itself to any rritiVe.. liienl Made by the wearer. to eau be warn without inter• mission. until a cure is elTheled. The subscribers bare made arrant:eine:no tor the minutes titre of these valua ble Trusses. in a superior ro) to. in Philadelphia. and hues them now for sale at their office. Nn 77 Smithfield street. near Sixth, Pittsburgh. A'rr, W KAUFFMAN. ONONILMIELA HOUSE. as the roroer of [Vice and Stot:,kfield worts. Pivsba.rzh, Pa.—The under go:net] Pinprietotu of the NTotionguhcla House announce to the l'uOtie, that the 1{011 , 4 is open for the reception of Vi:oors. They are eolowimm of having A/ared no ex pence in Mom: out the rkitablii.hment iu coch a sq le as to render every comfort to the One•ts. They hope by con:lant care and attention to lot:inea: to merit the pa tronage so liberally, bbitoweil on the late Monongahela House. lino r5l JAMtt CHOSSAN & SON. NI.: WDR STORI:.—June D. l'iltirtuAN. sale and Rani! Druzei“, No. IlCoud street. one door South of Diamond aU r. l'ittsdnrg.—The suhscriher has just raccived from the lantern cities. and is now opening' at the above stand. a 101 l assortinnat of articles in Ida line. consisting of Druz* or all kinds. Dye Stiffs. Paints and Vern:sites, Chemicals. &e, together with all such articles as are nskitilly kept for sale at it wholesale and re sod drip; store. ills stock is eatirel!, new. arid ha• Geed selected wills care. Ile is confident that hi, both as to ti 55 lilo told price, will please cuct as may Mein hum witla.a. call. 11, y:1-y TitENEuNt ikfresiiment and Bushing 5a1..., Libtr -11. ty Street—The subserthers,jdeepl) taistikful for the iwreaeed and still incrersiii patronage bestowed on SITICC the opening of thew estaLlishment. bap leave to state that their bath* ore open at all times. and chat hot, cold and shower baths can be hail at any moment.— A few more buarderseau be accommodated by the week, and gentlemen can procure breakfast, dinner, supper, etc., at the usual hours, 421) : breakfast 7 o'clock, a. us.; dinner. lei; supper 5i p nt. Oysters, cooling drinks. and other IT fte,hilLelltt farms!, ed in a superior style. and char ac. moderate. jatils PECK. THOMPSON & CO. rtINONGAITELA PLANING 5111.1..--JAairs Met.:: ICIER Wutlld ra,pecifully inform his friends mill the Mat his ilesvcsiabhshment is nosy in tug opiration. and that he is prspuh•d to furiiikh Bout Cabins, anti fill all orders for Planed Lumber. with promptitude, and at tilt' lowest rates. Board and Plank. planed on oie Of both sides. con stantly on hand. Sash. Door, and Mott:dings, of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advrtn %age to give him a call. 111. lie C21(1110 ,, flif/lINh them ‘vttli planed stuff. suitable for every description of work. dee3-tf • FIFTH WARD LIVERY sT.‘l2l.c.—Thc subscriber. husilur bi, a I ,t tun the well ✓ known ery stable kcpt by C. tl. Dory, in the L . C I Fifth IVard. respectfully informs his friends and the pubs he generally, that he will keep at all times a stock ut the 61,1 description of ruling horses, buggies, carriages of all kinds. and in short everything required in hi; bite of bli.lar ss. A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he is confident no stock in the city will be superior to Ins. fits terms will be moderate. Ilia stable is on Liberty st., a few duos above 11, canal bridge, where respectful ly solicits a share of public patroutiffe. _ _ CIIARLES ( 4 01,EMAN. rrile is &lao provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be iurnixhed when required. 0e125. Jani - eintroward A Co., l Av p l ea sure l"he to'n°7r to their fr"-ldthatlethe7a'mitoc4 ) their old stand at\oß;oci stret where they htiei,ened an.estensive VALL-PA. PER WAREHOUSE. and will have t onstninli on hand mt raiensive assortment of Kann (.10/eil and Plain PA PER V elvet and Imitation Borders of the latest stilts and most hamisomi patterns, for papering halls, parlors and cl ambers. They manufacture. and have on hand at all dines • Printing. Writing. Letter, N% rapping and Tea Paper, Bon net and Fullers' Boards—all of which they offer for sale on the most aerommmlanne terms. and to which the) invite the attention of merchants and others. ALNO--Blank Book> of all kinds and the best quali ty: School Books, &c.. always on hand. end for sale as above. New Hat an Cap Store CUAS. H. PAULSON. (lam of the firma of Paulson &ILI having opened his new store. at No. 73 Woodstore, street, next door to the canter of Fourth, is now manufacturing, and receiv ing from the Eastern cities. a very large assortment of flats and Caps of every description. warranted to he made in the best manner and of the best materials. Ot ter. Seal, fine and COIIUIIOII Muskrat, Scalene, Hair Seal, Pins!, and Glazed Caps. A I.Sa—A fine assorunent of ladies Furs. such its Lynx Fitch, Genet, and COM . ), Mulls, Tippets and Fur Trim minas. all of which he oilers at Eastern prices for cash both wholesale and retail. 'Country merchants will please call and examine my stock before pnrchasina. elsewhere. Wholesale Shoe Store. jII. CIIILDS tr. CO. are now receiking their Spring supplies, consisting of one of the largest, cheapest. and best tiasortment of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to thin market ALSol—Ladies' and Misses' Florence Braid and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style: together with a splendid as sortment of Palm Leal Hats, Men's and Boys' Sumner Caps. ALSO—A large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leath er, all of which, having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the Western trade, gill be sold at a small advance on the cost and charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will finro their interest to call uud examiue their stock before purchasing elsewhere. inar27-tf oirrEays City Daorerrrein Gallery, Philo Hall, Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Franklin Buildings, Balti more, Md. Mr. Porter rePpectfully announces that he has, at con siderable expense, fitted up apartments and arranged light for Dauerrcetyptne purposes. His long experience in tint art g as enabled him to overcome many of the objections too common to pictures taken by this me thod. Mr. Porter is aware that the impression has - gone abroad (owing to,the many failures toproduce good pictures) that clear and distinct Daguerreotypes cannot 'be made in Pittsburgh. His experiments, however, since ho has opened his Gallery, fully warrant him in saying that as good pictures can be made here as elsewhere. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine specimens. Instructions given, and instruments and autterials fur nisbed on reasonable terms. All orders from country operators promptly attended to.novi',s-tf PTTSBURGII CIIAIR AND CABINET WARE HOUSE—No. 62, Third street, Pittsburgh.—The sub scribers would respectfully return their thanks to their friends and the public, for the very liberal patronage be stowed since the commencement of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. They would respectfully invite those who want to pur chase anything in the funtiture or chair line, to give them a call and examine their extensive stock now on hand, consisting of some of the most splendid Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Furni ture. Flattered by the very extensive patronage receiv ed in their business. they have, at considerable expense. made arrangements in New York, by which they will have the latest Easternpatterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of pa tronizing home industry. and finding in their own city what they formerly would obtain only in the East. Hav ing adopted the principle of small profits and quick sales, they will be able to sell at as low rates as any of the establishments ill the Eastern Cities. novlo-y ROBERTS & K.kNF. 0 - y 9 RAVING AND HAIR DRESSNG SALOON—BLACK 'box & Focvrerx, Tonsorial Professors, have fitted up the saloon on the corner of Cherry alley and Water et., near the National hotel, formerly occupied by Clement Archer, and are prepared to wait on gentlemen at once, with ease, comfort and politeness. In connection with their saloon, they have fitted up an excellent shower bath. where persons can have shower baths at all hours of the day. They still continue to serve their customers also at their Old Stand, corner of the Diamond and Union street. febl74 =EN e It' EEIM illisrcliantons William J. Burn*.lc, ' -", AL7CTIGNEER AND COMMISSI MERCHAN - * LEGHNY CERY, PA...* BOOK AND JOB PRINT NO.OFF!DB, AL . 11L. Wiii, 6Oriier . of Wood and. Fifth etreeto. fiIIICULAIL—The undersigned having complied with THoro dew. of the iifoottrot PONT anti nriemii ‘,„/ the requirements of the Auction Law, and taken out and the ?Patrons a Commission as Auctioneer, for the City ,of Allegheny, that hehas a large ea ts now ready to receive tnerchanilize, In all its variety, on emisignment for either public orprivate sale ; and from Prepared to execute . to • • . sortment;M: Ids E. AND . ALL..OTHER MATE• eAOCI*OREte pavers, illy informs his'friends long experience in the above branches of business , flat- ary to RIALS neeess a Job Pm' ting Office, and that he is, • lets himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Lemma rams mtm - rmo. ov EVERY DMELPTION: Liberal advances made on consignments. I shall en- B„,u s, Bills of Jading, Circa/ars, deavorlo make speedy sales and quick returns. Pamrhiers, -.- Bill Heads, , Cards: Tendering you and your friends my services, I remain H an dbah, I Bl an k,. Eat v i . your obedient servant, WA J. BURNSIDE. 'All kinds of Blank, Stage, Sreaniheat arid Canal Boat _ Allegheny city, September, 1547. Bills, rate appropriate Cuts, printed on the shortest notice' REFEBEACI.S. and most reasonable terms. Junes May, James ?Weeny, John Little, Jr., John B. lie respectfully asks the patronage of his friends, and Guthrie, Win , A. ilia & Co., Jones IL M'Clintock, James the public in general, in this branch of his business. K. Logan, John 0. Davis, Parke & Hansen, John . S. Mc- "Ton_ L. HARPER, - Fadden & Co., Alexander Stuart, Young & Stevenson. - nuvl4-y John Cartwright, LMPORTER and Manufacturer of Cutlery, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Saddler's and Tanner's hand tools. Taylor's Patent Shears, he. Also. manufactures Truss es, Supporters. he., in great variety. John Cartwright, manufacturer and importer of Pen, Pocket. and Table Cutlery, Razors, Sensors, Files, Saws, Tools, he. has removed to 83 Wont, STacrr: second door below DinsnOnd nllcy, And has hate rec,ivrd n large assortment or PEN ANL) Pomo: r IiNIVI;S, KNIVES AND FORKS. Ahio. Rosters' and t Vhotsanhohns' Fl NE CUTLERY, Elliott's. Ito:lnsane. Wade and 13ro. e Ilszors, Scissors ; (tarot Sta).s. ua. Itatm,scus and Wire Tas ist . . turi.,:s AND PISTOLN Allen's. Colt's. and Blunt's 'REVOLVERS; Powder Flasks. Shot Belts, Came Bugs: %%*alker's and Cusm's Percussion yaps: litc.vic. Dirk. and limiting Knives. Tools. such us Callipers, Dividers. Pl:crs. Nippers, Band Viva*, Squares. Rules. Bruces. hits, Spoke Shaves. Stocks and Dies. \Virc and Iron (Males, Mathematical lnstrutnents. &t.. in very groat variety. 1 - .lottbing and repairing orally cod punctually done. nuth-ly FrilE subscriber has paid into the Treasury of the Corn monwealth, the auloWil of license required - by law. lit. has given the regularly nt.l•rovoil seeltrity. and take, out_et,toinissioo of the tirst class. ns an A netioneer of tie FirtsborelL and rented that spacious warenson belonging to Sylvanne Lothrop, list'.. \o. 1.14 Wood at three doors frein Fifth. where he is prepared to attend the sale of even kind of Nfere:tuntliac. Furniture. Flea EStaie. Stocks, s.i:hipping, &e_ either at the .Inenon Room.- or on the premises, a n d will in all enema exert- himself t the unnostfor the benefit of his employers. on the mos reasonable terms; he will sell exclasively and only of commo:ion; neither purchasing nor hasint.7 ally interes whatever on goods in the store, but merely the Commis sion for scllimt. thereby all owners a i,ur chance without partiality tit' having therein property disposed o to the best advantage. Sales will be pruinpilv settled when made; advances will be given at any time on the most accountiodatieg terms; merchants will nut lie :hr ad Regular sale days, .ltdontlays and Thunidrys. oildry Goods, roee ne s. Furniture. &c.: and even evening, {lard wa re. Cutlery. Watches, Clans. l'atols, and fancy articles; Books. on Saturday evealuv. n - - .IA mr.54 }rI•CF.NNA. Anvt. CA EA P FIAT AND CAP HOUSE, N 0.102, Wood Slreel. SPRING FASHIONS. SILIC. DEAVER, AND NUTRA DATS.a. The skllowriber respectfully informs his customers and the public, that he has returned from NC.V. , York, brimplig with him the most approved style of Hats. far spring and smirmer wear. adopted by William H. Beebe. Broadway, (late Beebe :4._ostar.) Ile would also inform the pnlilie, that he is daily manumentring Hats and Caps, of all des criptions. which be is determined to dispose of at prices to plAe purchaser: that is, cheaper than any other Hatsilitnetii in the el , y. IrrColintry Merchants. wishing to purchase Hats and Cops. by wholesale, are requested to call and e3.litrillte lilt assortment as he feels confident of being able to please in quality, quantify. nail price. W. GLAtisclow. Manufacturer.. No. 1.01., Wood 61, 3d door below John 1). Davis' run ri-dan Commercial Auction Rooms New York Pekin Tea Company. CAUTION TO THE ru.aue. A LE' ANDER JAYNES in the only . authorized agent in Pitt*hurgh and Allegheny CiUM for the sal* of the Pekin Tea Company's '1 of 75 and 77 Fulton at., New York. Any other person in Pittsburgh pretending to nett our Teas is an imposter, and deceives all who may patronize him. It is cohunonly known that lea Company's Taws have proved superior to all other Teas sold, and for this reason many parsons have dishon estly pretended to have the sale of the Pekin Tea Com pany's Teas, when they are all the time vending trash anti cheap stuf nlsich they have obtained elsewhere.— Otitern acain anautue the name of the Pekin Tea Com pany tuna Mutate our packages, and thereby deceive many. We are informed that there is a person in Pittsburgh Tens under the name of the New York and Phila delphia Pekin Tea Company. We have only to say that this assumed company have no connexion, whatever, with the New York Pekin. Tea Company, as consumers of tea will readily discover by compannn the article they sell with the genuine tea. sold by the New York Pekin Ten Company, at the stare of Alexander Jaynes, No. 72 Fourth street. N. B.—Nies-nu. :11cC.II.LNIONT & BOND, of Philadel phia, have no connetion, whatever, with the New York Pekin Tee Company, nor have they any right or privi lege to sell teas under a name so nearly resembling ours us to have a tendency to mislead the public. 1)OBGLAS8 & CO., noel 7.S and 77 Fulton st.. N. Y. Godey's Lady's Book and Family idagazine 'UBE oldest Ntacazine M We United States, contains 1• monthly sixty pages of reading matter. by the first writers in the country, to - eke more than the New York Magazines. Two splendid steel Engravings; an undeni ably authentic colored monthly Fashion Plate; Model Cottages and Churches, Crochet Work, and other matters for tIM Ladies, all illustrated and well explained, &c. Price for One Year, (which includes the Lady's Dol lar Newspaper. making three publications to one tnontht S 3 00 Two cbpie 11, without the Lady's Dollar Nc wspape r• • 5 00 Five copies, with one to the person stooling ille club • • 10 00 Eight copies 15 00 Twelve copies2o 00 • . . A specimen of eider the Lady's Book, or the Lady's Dollar Newspaper, will he sent to any person paying post age on the request. Address, L. A. GODEY. jatial-tt No. 113, Chesnut st.. Philadelphia. Fifth Street Turning Establishment. ruin; Subscriber, having completed his late improre ments. is now prepared to do all kinds of Turniug and Sawing in a style tar superior to any other shop in the West, as he has now twelve turning lathes, boring ma chines, and circular saws fitted up on the latest and most improved plans. lie would most respectfully inform his friends, and the public generally. that he intends to give his full attention to their orders. Ile will keep a constant supply for the accommodation of his country customers, (carpenters and cabinet-makers.) of newel-post and bat lusters. materials for columns and hand railing. bed posts and table legs. Also, bed posts and rails fitted up on his most approved plan of iron fasteners and hickory screws. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. H. H. RYAN. _ _ . . N. 3.—Onr German friends will always find some at : tentive German in the estoblishment to attend to their orders. N. U.—The subscriber would further inform tho public, that he has a very powerful engine—about 70 horse pow er—and a few small rooms to let. ivith steam power in them, suitable for small brunches of inattufac taro. Fifth street. No. between Wood and Market sts. Janos-rilm A. A. Matson & Co., 62 nuts= MEM% 7:r.rwicry TIIIRD AND FORRIII STREETS. N FORA! their friends and the public generally, thatlie- J_ lug about to remove to the spacious and elegant Suiro7 . recently erected on the adjoining lot, they will close alit , their large and wall selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, Ar cone, and iu many cases less than cost, to ena ble them to open their new store with an entire stock of new Goods. Tho sale will commence this day, and continue until the first of March, or until thuir removal. Their extensive assortment of DRESS GOODS will be sold full 30 per cent. less than the usual prices. They consist, of the moat fashionable Cashmeres end De Lames, Gala. Mohair, Silk and Orange Plaids. Also, Bombazines, Alpacas, &c., &c. Cco,sa Goons—French and German Merinos, Queen's Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, Broad Cloths of all the most fashionable colors. Black and Fancy Dress Silks, of every variety. SltswLs—Cashmere, Terken, Tartan, Plaid, and other Shawls; a very large assortment, fully reduced one half in price. Ftaxxxxs—Welsh, English, and American Flannels, of all colors and qualities. . Bonnet and Cap Ribbons. Gloves, Hosiery, Gimps Ribbons.. Frindes, Wrought Collars and Capes, Laces, 'Artificial Flowers. Plumes and Feath ers, Scarfs, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, &e. LINEN Goons of every description. Woolen Gnods. , t , Cassimeres, Cussinetts, VestilS'gs, Beavers, Pilots, Tweeds, Jaynes. Whitney and Bate Blankets. Also, an extensive assortment, Calicoes, Chintzes, Do mestic Gingliaras, Checks, Stripes, Tickings, Brown and Bleached Muslins,&c. The following will be some of the Prices: Caaluneres *le. Usual price tt 4.4 371 c. Mous. de Laiqes 121 e. 2fillalc. Gala Plaidssoe. ‘. n si, oo. Mohair Se Oregon`do • • Ole. ‘, ‘.Mc. Alpaccas ISic. ‘• " -271 c• Flannels 20c. tt it 37,/e. Wrought Collars.- • - .101 c. " " 371 c. Calicoes• • • 9010e.it 44 • .1.21 e. Cassinetts • 2SOM.c. ' " " 50c. Together with every article in the store, which will be offered equally cheap.. Visitors may be assured, that they will not be disappointed in the quality or prices of our goods. [jant 2] A. A. MASON & CO. MO COUNTRY MERCHANTS.—The sudscriber will _fi pay three dollars and seventy-five cents per 100 lbs. cAsn, for rtood mixed country rugs,. in quantities of fifty to three thousnad pounds, delivered at .my. Book Store, No. SO Wood street, Pittsburgh. On hand, a general supply of school bbaks, writing and wrapping.paper, blank books, etc., which will be sold by the dozen or retail, at lowest cash prices for rea dy pay. LinEsl 7 LUKE LOOM'S Agent. .11kTOTICE.—All persons indebted tothe subscribers, are 1. 1 1 requested to, make payntent, on or before the 25th inst., if not, their account will be given to a Magistrate for colleen:in; all persons having claims against the firm will please present their accounts for payment. doNCKER & MAY ES - a :act.~..,..>.~:.~~-~°.`'£'~:~..ic..~'.:;?-~;': M== ME= Auction Notice ittiscellczneons. Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. IT is now twenty fears since I first used the Vegeta ble Pulmonary Baliam In my family. Since that time it has been my practice to keep a bottle of the article by me for the use of my family, which Is large, and for the benefit of my friends. I have uniformly found it to be a very valuable. efficient medicine; and think, that by using it seasonably for the complaints- for which it is recom mended, it has often prevented the disease fienn taking a more serious form. In one instance, I recommended it to my brother, who resides in the State of New York, who was dangerously ill with a disease of the lungs. H., has sluce written to me for MGM having found no-' which gave him so much relief. OTIS PECK. Sold in Pittsburgh by 8.. A. UNESTOCK & CO.. Corner of First and . Wood; also, corner of Sixth sold Wood streets. &ea:s PFRiI ORREN AND BLACK TEAS...froiri' the .Yr 1 York Pekin Ton Company.—Just received al the Pe 'bin Tea Store, 72 Fourth street. a very 'large supply of fresh Green and Black 'Nast. of all the different grades and crudities imported into this country; peaked in k'n'ti. in 5Th. boxes. in 1 lb.. k lb.. and lb, packages. A 150.5 Th. • tin Canni•ters. of the different finalities. convenient for ramifies and steamboats. ranging in prices from 374 renta I.> lb., to 51.50. Flue Oolong Black Teas, at 50,132 i. 75, Mr.. and SEM Q• lb. u Wc will retinal the Ertl - Im.y in all cases where our Tena do not give entire satisfiction' •or eichange for a different article. For sale at the Pekin Tca Store. 7'2 Fourth at.. 1, A. JAVNt.S. TOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS. &C.—Follansbee 1) ward. wholesale and retail Boot, Shoe and Trunk. Store. No. MI Liberty street. nearly opposite the head of Wood. F.& H. have in more and ore receiving their Fall and Winter stock of BOOTS. SHOES. kc.. consisting of the largest stock they have ever been able to bring to this market. Our stock of gooks have ornstly been maiming; Lured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh Mars. bet: We also have constantly on hand a splendid stock of Ha !ward's illeallir Gum Massie Shoes. both for ladies' and gentlemen's wear. the most bcautifill article ever nisnufactured. We would solicit art examination of our stock of goods. by all who wish fa purchase either at wholesale or remit. -as we shall sell ma a small advance shore tag. Country merchant's will find it to their inters est to call and examine our stock before pareltasing. FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, otosnl No. IVS Liberty st. PlANOS—Chiekerin,z.—One splendid rose wood Gi Oc tave Piano Porte, made by Chickering. Roston. /Ter.—One semi-grand Piano Forte. from the manufac fory of Henry Herz, Paris. (33 Octaves. Gale Q Co.—One carved rose wood d Octave. made by Gale & Co., New York. One ditto mahogany Cl Oc tave. Stoddart. New York.—One elea'ant mahorany Piano. d Octave, which has Leen in use for about a year. Price two hundred dollars. SECOND HAND PIANOS.—An excellent second hand Piano, made by Load Brothers, in good order. Price 8.100. One second-hand Piano. Price ..410. For sale by JOHN H. MELLOR. nova 81 Wood street. FANCY GOODS at Z. Kuvsay's new store 67 Market at. 45 pea china vases. various styles: 4 doz. pieces shaded and plain velvet ribbon; 2 " black 2 " Celestial and Terrestial Globes; 13 " Ivory Memorandum Tablets: 4 " Cut velvet pocket books and card cases. 4 " Horse-shoe combo imitation of shell; 6 " German ail vor tea bells. TRIMMINGS. • it A large lot of Gimp bead black fringe. A good assortment of Drab and mole colored;. Gimp to match; Wide black: Graduated Btlllol.ll. With a great variety of miscellaneous goods, amongst which are Extra large sire Emong Bugs: Coral Beads. assorted strands; Writing Deeks, all sites; Ladies work boxes " Bacegammon Boanla; Cold Spectacles, all ages; Black Union Galloon. All the above goods will be sold low. nov2s TT 0M CE PATH IC 800K5.,-Jest received, at the Sook: store of the subscriber, in Fifth at., near Market Materio Modica, puns. by Samuel Ilahnemun, translated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M. D.. 4 roll. Itorunan's Brute Disen.u.s. by Dr. Hempel, vol. 1.. licanceopathic Domestic Medicine. by J. Lowrie, en; lured and improved by A. J. Thal. M. b. lobe's New Mannel, vol. 1. Nos. 1 and 3. Ilerings Domestic Physician. A Manuel of Domestic Cookery, for the use of persons who are under Hommopathic treatment. Booningliausen's Therapmtic Pocket Book, for Fromm pathists, by Dr. Okie. Ilabeinatia Chronie.Diseases. vol. 5. • . • Toziether with Medicine Clicete, of dliTerent sires and prices. Intsl6l VICTOR SCRIIIA.. XTEW BOOKS JUST RECMVED.—Beaven. upon 1 1 ( Fmrth, bfJaneway. one volume. - SO Be. Chartiock's Choice Works. by Lymington. I v01..' 0 88 Coincidences of the Old aud - New Testaments, by 8ev..T..1. Blunt, D. D.. I - - Chalmers' Miscellanies. Poems, Essays, &c, 1 50 Select Works of James. Venn. %Nilson. Aillips and Jay. in one large vol., for the low price of 150 The Free Church Pulpit, 3 volumes, - - - 500 Modern Infidelity, by Schtnucker; Liti: of David, - 075 anis Welk with God. by Mathew Strong, - 0 3d Circle of Human Life. by Tholuck, - - 0 :19 Memdir of Charlotte Elizabeth. - - - 031 The Works of Francis Trirretinc, - in the original Latin. to be complete in four volumes,—three volumes now ready:- Willis' Poetical Works, in splendid Turkey Morocco. The above, With a great vnrietv of new books. just in ceived by ELLIOTT & F-NGLISII. 50 Market st-, between Third and Fonrih. NTRIV AND VALUABLE DOOKS.—Undcsigned Coin cidenecs in the writings both of the Old end New Testaments, an argument of their veracity; with an ap pendix. containing undesigned coincidences between the Gospels and Acts and Josephus; By Rev. J. J. Blunt. D. D. First American, from the Second Loudon Edition. The Errors of Modern Infidelity illustrated and refuted. by S. M. Schmueker, A. M., pastor Of the First Lutheran Church, Germantown, Pa. Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons: illustrating the per fection of God in the phenomena of the year: in four vol umes—one volume devoted to each season. By the Rev. lien ry Duncan. D. D. Chahners'lVEiseellanies. embracing Reviews, rasaVs, and Addresses. By the late Thos. Chalmers, D. D. The above, with a large variety of uew and Standard NVorlis, for sale low, by ELLIOTT.S: ENGLISH \TEM,' WORK S — Good Wives, by Mrs. Mild; History of Women, by Mrs. Childs; Prose and Poetry of Europe and Anlerics, by Morris and Willis; Machievelli's History of Florence; I.ifc of Banvenuto Collini; Letters of John Adonis to his Wifs; Book of the Court; ' Latrobe's Solace of Song; Dictionary of Quotations. H. S. BOSWORTH 4. CO., nov2s No. 43 Market st. Braradles. 40 IF; bliraaLsQaunadrlveinr an e d s, Eighth Pipes of the Samerae. lE3'7; Seignette— Otani, 1837 and 1844; Pinet, Castillion & Co., '44; Hennessy, 1814; _ Dopey, P. E. 0. The above brands arc warranted pure, or no sale; good judges are all invited to examine for themselves, at the corner of Smithfield and Front streets. novlB P. C. MARTEN:. V ALUABLE BOOR.S-130111!:'S STANDARD Ll- VDRA.RY.—Machiavellt's History of Florence and Prince ;Hoscoe's Leo the Fourth . Roscoe's Lorenzo de Medici; Schiller's Don Carlon and other Dramas; Beck man's History of Inventions; Memoirs of Count Gram. m mo; Sohloyell's Philosophy of History; Schlevifli Dramatic Literature; Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson; Robt. Hill's Miscellaneous Works; Life of Bonacr.uto Cellini; Cox's House of Austria; - Hontereveck's - Spanish Litera ture. For sale by H. 5. BOSWORTIFI k CO. dee4 43 Market email*. DRUGS 4 .—Qum Ig am yrr bo h Tur ge; key; 44 Kino True; Opi um , new crop; 44 Galbanuni, strained, Eater. JalaP; 14 - Dandelion; 44 Belladonna; Just received, and for sale by B. A. 'FA • srocr & Co., deeld Cot. First curd Wood sts I TEA 00 S.-425 bbla. chipped Log - woad; ' 75 " ground do; 100 " chipped Fustic. 100 " ground Camwood; Just received, and for ante 'by B. A. FAHNESTOCK le CO., jans Cor. Flog and Wood sni. FOft SALE, Four Lots—Bounded by Penn, Liberty and Ilay am, each tot having 24 feet front, and ex tending. back 110 feet. Two of them axe 'corner lota, and the position of the whole property is one of. the moat ed. vantugeous in the city. )or slather information apply : , to M. SWARTZWELDER„ Fourth st.., between Wood and Smithfield. fZOIC ACLD-- 75 ounces just receive and tor eale B. A. FAUNESTOCK & CO., corny of First owl Wood sto. , . , • i ••••• 4 1: :4" 1 . • - t , 44; 1 • • - 221.' fitiscellanetnts • WM. • ALEXAND ..o Eit p - t Eo r ri .a r g n . iic S ih t rigA CM/7C - MAXI= A.. fr:'Egnimirrisaas, corner of Tenn and . St. Clair - street', opposite the Ex- . Velaillem&F .. ehange Hotel,Eruranreorr Perin tr.i respeotfully inform their friends and the public, that they are' prepared to furnish tuul at tend to every thing in the line otlindedakers, is dies have quit the business of. Cabinet Making, and their RP tention will be devoted altogether to the above businese, keep a large assortment of COFFINS made and finished, • covered, and lined in the neatest manner, with a variety . of materials, end at all prices;- we keep SHROUDS rea dy made, of all sizes, of . Flan n el, Cetnibrie, and Muslin, at all prices, and made the eastern style, auti all other articles necessary for dressing the dead, and terulshbar fatter•lr, of quality and prices to set; SIL7BIL PLATES for efigitivu!g the name end age; ICE CASES for laying the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends any length of timeand have-ZINC PANS to, pat ice iA for laying on the body; LEADEN Coffins always Ott hand. We. have a splendid new.HEARSE and.a pair of • fine horses, and any number of the best carriages, eta. etc., and willbe prompt, punctual, and reasonable. aug,l9-y umbrellas, Parasols, Paritsolettaisr . A ND WALKING I'V 7 - 3 a. H. RICIIARDSON, &tau FACTORY, (Old ouly " ' one in the United Stated,) N 0.104, 'gasket . street'. Philadelphia. Illereltatits are _renstietfully informed that I continua to manufacture all the above gooas, br the aid" °remain, notwithim ndin g the great opposition of pastier* opp plod to the introduction of expensive improvements.' Sly assort ment is complete, taid prices w low as to give entire Sig-. Erjr'"A_ there is an : bar:elle Score nesttado - if the saute name..ttt important ,yon should re °lCl : Abel' 11. PiIeIIARD6ON. Sicam Facial-a, and Pantentet of Mr It - taking Cane Cnitirella, sign 'al tire I,tt,r ant Dacus:No. 104. Marl, et at., l'hiladelpitta. it - TA itenzion is requested to the celebrated Walking Cant EbnOsella. a neat - end beentitlif article, cortibiltingiiii the advantages of p. Cane-mid-Umbrella. . ftlb4 Young Ladles'. Seminary, Allegheny Cliy. M ltA.Y l irC4ll'V' l id a)migu to l he tiens otAlettca:a;dAilnil3tZnttnad rem' eel of Ili, School, front the corlier of Seadnatcy anti SUM?. berry streets, where he btu been loathing for the itiat tweive months. Oa anti after April latAc - oeitik Roma on Federal street, iu -Colonials Sane," :tad doer from the bridge. The Academic Year wall consist of two iiessiort%. Of live months each, coututenciag the-Sun Nloaday in February arid September. lILTCS OF TtaTION; P. 7.1 SUISIO:f OF . VINI? 31ION111.4, , : Ernfish Department—lnchaling,Reading, Orthogrithll and Defining. Writing .; English (hammer. Rhetorki., gm, English Ctattposmon and Criticism : Chtf_vrapity; his tory, Anatole% and Ynie higher bier:elmsof:MiliZelirliltirs--- N laurel Philosophy, Chemistry, .6.strotiotny; aiotogv,Geology,lntelleetual and Moral Seience.itna7hli other ranclies requisite to a thorough English F.4nca- don Classical Department—lnelnding the Latin.. GrackMad French languages, earl, an additional chem.(' 0f... , .$6 tar The services of competent -'l'eueliers are seettreitlor such as may desire to receive id.strectiteis Painting, and Music. Those designing to enter, will find it to filch-interest U. do so as neer to the opening of tile Setricin as pfuntiblo; yet pupils will be received at any time during the 5C451 . 011. and will be charged nt the above rates, only from tbr time of entrance. Mc deductions will be Made filsru era, except in cafes of protracted illness.. A ny information which may be desired, - willbrltefatts fully communicattul to those who call upoif.tile.ifirtrtiCtiir at his rooms. ...^ • Reference may also be made to the following/omill, *ft:r. 'Dr. T. F. Dale, Allegheny, Ron. C. Shider. Rue. D. Elliott, .• Rev. D. 11. Riddle, " Mr. IL P. Sthwartz, " Rev. 11. Dyer, jan:ll-daze T S. martins BLAC.i: WRITING INlc t 4 . 0 f 111 Suet or Quill Pens, and thir.Caping Pirii-=-This Ink isthe result of the experiments of several years, devottd to the manufacture, on an extensive scale, of an article suited to all the purposes of the consumer. .The:parfec non of this Writing Ink consists in the follewmg proper ties: Fltintrx--in which primerty it will Ise Sound' to surpass all previous preparttrins.. It will flow with per= feet freedom, either hum quill. Dr steel pets; and is entire ly free from any corrosive qualities. CoLort—'l'he color of this article Is a rich, beautiful bly,e.bfack. 11:17All good black •Ink, froni iurnetessary eonsututiou, requires exposure to the at: to im color. It must not, therefore, be expectsdolmatiie i4o;:f;.- , . snent the bottle is oped, the Ink Will bc . fouudjo bera.jet black. ;lite first appearance will be pale; but- after -ex posure to the chemical action of the atinostibera; on paper or in the inkstand, it will assume a brilliantblack hue. Pzawarcxrr—The color is unalterable by the lapse of time. It will never fade. On this account, all important records should Lc made - in - this article, as years only _ • deepen and strengthen its tint. ' Is. B. This Ink is suitable for all kinds of Metallic. Pens, aud for Pens made of Quills; and what tent and very desirable with many, will give a perfect- ~ Unpression by the Copying Press. . •We are using. in , the institutions with which we ore. connected, .3fun-tr' Blur Mark Irrhing ; and,io respect to fluidity. brilliance, and permanency; believe it superior to any Ink we have :heretofore-used." , e= [Signed,yr v A. 'Thurston, Cashier Bank of Louisville ; , ardson- Cashier Northern Bank of Kentucky; Gawatluney. Cushier Bank of Kentucky: 1.. L. Shrove, President of the Gas Bank. ThommiNL. Clark 04" Barren County Court; t'ariert Pope, Clerk of ieftersen - County Court; I'. B. Atwood, Secretary Fireman's Intra rune Company: John Abair, Agent Lexington. Insurance Company; S. S. Goodwin. Secretary'Portland Dry:Dock and Insurance Company; S.. Chambers, Secretary Franklin Fire and Marine Insurance. Company: J. H. TreasUrer Louisville Saving Inirtitutfon."_ „•• A supply of the above Ink. just me d. end, for said by : fel.; JOHNSTON STOCKTO. Labor Siiving Poivder " MOUNT EAt.',LE • TRIPOLI. ALANUFACITVER-AT 211 E BOSTON mou_vr EAGLE WORKS., . . FOR cleaning the surface of ll'indoirs,"llliiitud Glass lra.-e. and restoring. it to" its- original-tranarta reney. thii article is decidedly without an equal. ,:Both time andlabor are saved by its tke. 'Ai:mean& tiger ences could be adduced, if neece.vary, to- certify to *is tact. It •aill remove the oxide'from the surface of rtr; Barrer. Brass, io, - trzetton giving it an . A fair trial Is all that the propnetora _ irateoa vinee the Most skeptical of us utility.' ; Birrelions for U.se.—Let the Powder be applied . upon s - damp. soil :voollen With a 'very hall Uremia; every particle efolide may be removed. • .- ; fehi JOS.F.PIi R. cARR. OittenkrAgesti. For sale by JOILN - I). MORG.ilN;llntatost'' • it ins. DUFFS MII.I.INFAY AND ,DE S . • In MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, No.lo St. C'idkirar . .„ (between Penn and the Bridge.)--i-Dro-ses,CloakszCaptsi Mantillas, &c.. made to the latest Frenett and4.74,Ush Fashions. Also. Bonnets, Hoods. Capes. Head - Dreasea, • &c. A choice seletioa of 11CW steles Sttizi3 7 Sat Vql .. Ve r t; French FIONCrs, Gimps. rich cap and bonnet Ribbons, • Laces, Fringes. Cords. Buttons:Cralics,.liodes„.:NhasTins. eturibries.llltutdkerchiep, &c.. for sale. wholes* it'd mtuit at tire lowest price. -- Coitintr:* Milliners Jcops*l with the latest French and FAlGll4lPanernsofeterystew article in the Millinery and Dress-maina . s Inin at Nos York prices. Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered to the present Rode.; • • PITTI-:.utmat STEEL'. WORKS A.NiD SFRLS3I A.V.$ AXLE FACTORY- - ' EM!MIIM JONES & QPlGa i r rANVFACTVRERS of Spnri& and Bliiier , 80144; IVI Piough Steel, Steel Plow Vi lam Coital and alp= tic Springs, Hammered Iron Ailes; and dealers in Milk, ab!c Castings, Fire Engine Lamps, and Cassell Triiti:trs generally, corner of Ross and Front fits., Pittabmgly.Ft. febtl-,%u TASKS. —Just received, by ZEBULD:g ragewqr jet Market -street -1 dozen fine War Masks; 6 " " Paper " . 5 u Common; . 3 gross Metallic Comb Cleaners; 1 dozen Egg Beliefs; ' 1 " Salt Spoons; 2 Bone . Alustard Spoons; 4 gross German Silver Table Spoon"; 6 " ' " T 66 2 " Butter Knives; 1 " Picture Toy Books; 20,000 China Marbles; 6 dozen fine Woolen C0m,,,* . e.M.• A great variety of Coma add eve. 5 dozen flue French willow Xdsadebg : 2 " willow Nlattet 6 " Strew Tramll/04 1 " Clothes 12 " Metal Top 4 1 " Willow Cradles; 6 " Glass Moths Gala; 3 " ,bars Stamp* 3 Alleles Patent Revialeuts nod* 5 pair mmutton eras*. 1 dozen setts Cheaamext; 2 " " Dominoes; • 6 Tailors' TRIM: Measures; d • Steel Key-Rings, assorted:. 3 " ' China Doge and abeam 1 " Strings Amber &ado; 12 Nests Drums. 4gy CANNOT SAY TOO MICR FOR ITP‘e.Votia 1. proof of the efficacy of Dr. WillanfiChisurstausildi f- tire. Read the follornngt , • .., " Prrtaaritas, Feb. top tem " Messrs. Hays 4- Brockway : A sense of dart: ecmgaile me to make a statement, in regard to din 'Whet el reit Dr, Willard's Cough Mixture upon My system'. Par mil* twelve weeks,.dunng the winter, I wall so nmetivrectedsd with a harrassing cough, as to render rue amiteiy:catiedis to attend to my work ; and, front the nature Of my atom" I had even - reason to heave., was rapidly Ilittukhlt. tat , consumption. , After trying variolse remedies : 'Vat . i effect, 1 was led to , try a bottle of the *net 'dixture_, and must say that I tensider it the best vii United S tate,—in fact, I emurot say Res Betrelmt VS Sri was entirely cured by` the list bithe. Stet WINK If% Ylgy afflicted, I would say, lox *bottle iht" it.,lsild.he."Reeell,"' US*lgi; OttetilifiLti Price 23 cents. Pox vat*. ter ae t - 1iA:31,1 No. 2. Corn: Ito*, Lite " .. . Mise ef r tatiel Be*b. Sold also by ffelffil I. rt. m. # , ,-tmwhatvie*. _____ _ ANDFtETWS GAIVOLN MAteS ,7 00 '• - r 1.1 has Sao received las weirald sepply. ;in Mt, Garden Seeds, WarraiMti fresh teed gets:dr* eihtiatritia.' ctery vatiety Worth VelliVatiat , The ikteritidit 0 f l it erz, ordetarts and tOtem rersf+ll4 to bilk KNO MA 4?4,- 46K -, :" . •a,- .. . • . ~zvif.,''7-Ik i to:,- ..T. --Wft",,.., ":„ 447 7 1 '?"''', --",=:-; 1. vi,r7i-5r,....1., .g.3,,,,,p• -,...._,4*-- .14Y:%.1:J44M5Pvl'iTici•v.;,;:-.4-'5l. , - c ~ ; .. ~ f. ~.'..~'_.... , i..fr' 1,7 '3, ~. .;: zone F. . Qt76ii 1 a EIMIIII